#listened to this and pigs today after seeing this post and felt like i was dying
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To Those Who Time Forgot
Pairing: TFATWS!Bucky Barnes x Vampire!Female Reader, Sam Wilson
Words: 2137
Warning(s): Violence, Swearing, Medical Abuse
A/N: All characters are property of Marvel I’m just borrowing them. Please do not use or repost my work elsewhere. Much love and I hope you enjoy!!!! Reblogs are immensely appreciated ❤️
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Chapter Thirteen
The van came to a screeching halt. The soldier wasted no time exiting the van, nearly taking the door off its hinges. Sam trailed closely behind, neither men missing a beat. "Torres, stay here as lookout and keep your eyes and ears open" commanded Sam through the comms. Sam took to the sky and took out the henchmen posted on the roof with ease, promptly joining the soldier back on the ground. The two men shared a quick look of apprehension before breeching the doors to building. The soldier was force to behold and held nothing back. He had no remorse, no sympathy and made sure anyone at his hands met a brutal and bloody end. "Penance for their crimes" he thought. One by one he took his merciless revenge, sweet vengeance befitting of you. The room alive with a cacophony of gunshots, breaking bones, and shouting. His blows were precise and true. Indestructible vibranium fluidly crushing and obliterating anyone or anything in its path. No one left behind. No benevolence for the harbingers of pure evil and death. It ends here and now.
All the years of depravity, torture and mind control torrented through his thoughts, like a raging hurricane. He was the ultimate perfect storm. Sam fought along side the soldier. Although he should have been shocked, maybe even disappointed or disgusted he couldn't bring himself to be, he couldn't deny his friend his recourse. He would never be able to fathom the depths to which it felt to be stripped of your mind, your will and autonomy. To be wielded as nothing more than a weapon of mass destruction. A small part of him hoped that after this was all over, today would provide some much needed closure and end a chapter of his life that the soldier no longer needed to be trapped and suffer in. He prayed the soldier would finally walk the path of forgiving himself, since he had long proven his redemption.
With the main room cleared the soldier and Sam made their way below. Dim fluorescents buzzed over head. The soldier crouched and motioned for Sam to halt. He focused his senses and listened intently. A few rooms away he could hear mindless bickering. Then he heard a familiar voice, one that caused bitterness and bile to collect in his throat and his rage to boil. He could smell the potent stench of iron and it hit him in his face like a ton of bricks. "Six people, about 5 doors down. They may be soldiers as I am. One is a doctor. Do NOT touch him, he is mine!" the soldier growled lowly. Sam nodded and the two men made their way further down the hall. The soldier wasted no time kicking in the steel door at such velocity it took down one of the henchmen inside. The others looked on with a marked look of shock upon their faces before the fighting ensued. The soldier bolted straight to the doctor, picking him up by his throat. "Помнишь меня свинья? Я бы внимательно посмотрел, потому что я буду последним лицом, которое ты увидишь, прежде чем я отправлю тебя обратно домой, в ад, где тебе самое место! (Remember me pig? I would take a hard look for I will be the last face you see before I send you back home to hell where you belong!)" he snarled. The doctors face began to turn a lovely shade of purple. The soldier released him and handcuffed him to a nearby beam. He still had other things to deal with. He would make the doctor bear witness before ending him.
While Sam managed to hold his own taking down two men, the soldier was left with the remaining three. He adeptly took out the first two men. The third however was a super soldier, enhanced the new serum. The only flaw was that as enhanced as the man was, he lacked the training and skills the soldier possessed. Looking to Sam the soldier shouted "Find Y/N now!". Sam wandered further into the room spotting a table, a body splayed out on top. He held his breath unknowingly as he crept slowly in the direction of the table, afraid of what he would find. It was then the scent of blood permeated his nose.
As his eyes landed upon your form he was horrified. Your disheveled body, the burn marks from the acid that marred your torso, the slur burned across your sternum. The sounds of blows and grunts lingered in the air. Sam was at a loss to what to do. He noticed the machine hooked up to your body, how pallid and almost translucent your skin had become. In normal circumstances it was simpler, his army medic training was clear. Check the patients breathing, pack any open wounds, administer CPR, if that didn't work, a shot of adrenaline to the heart and then attempt defibrillation. Sam turned grabbed a scalpel from the neighbouring counter. In a last ditch effort he reached over, removing the mask from your face and gently opened your mouth. He cut sliced open his wrist, holding it over you open jaw, guiding the blood flow into your mouth. He used his free hand to massage your throat hoping to mimic a swallowing motion. After a few minutes he stopped, tearing a piece of his undershirt and tightly wrapping his wound. He waited for you to stir, to show any sign of life. Nothing happened. So caught in his motions he didn't notice the soldier come up from behind him and roughly push him aside.
The soldier stared in disbelief and shock. He has seen many atrocities in his time but never one that was this planned, this personal. "Buck" Sam said solemnly. "No, NO!" shouted the enraged soldier. He strode across the room picking up the now cowering doctor his feet. "WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER! FIX IT NOW! WHATEVER YOU'VE DONE FUCKING REVERSE IT!" he screamed angrily. The doctor errupted in mirthless laughter, almost unphased by the soldiers hostily. "Nothing can be done, Krovopiytsa is no more, and good riddance to whore rubbish!" he spat back, laughing once more. Sam attempted to remove the doctor from the soldiers ironclad grasp, met by his enraged cerulean stare. "Go to her, be with her, we done have much longer before the DOJ catches wind of us being here" Sam reasoned.
The soldier dropped the doctor to the floor and returned to your side. A scream of pure agony escaping his lungs. He couldn't begin to comprehend a future without you in it. Not when he just found you. Not when he briefly learned what life could be like with you in it. Not when he was connected so intimately and intrinsically with your very soul. He had nothing to left lose now. With rigor and chagrin he removed all the tubing from your body. Grabbing a fresh tube and 2 cannula needles he jabbed it into his carotid artery, repeating the action with more care on you. He watched as the blood siphoned through the tubing and began to enter your body. Like a hawk the soldier studied your form. After what felt like an eternity he saw your eyelids minutely flutter. He was beginning to question his own sanity, was it in his imagination? Then as almost imperceptibly as before it happened again.
He gingerly removed you body from the table, sitting on the ground and pulled your body against his own. Relief ever so slowly began to make its way throughout his body. "At least the serum is useful for something" he thought hesitantly. He continued to whisper honeyed sentiments into your ear, hoping to guide you back, to come back to him, for him. Your burns gradually began to knit back together. Your head nuzzled into the crook of his neck, enveloped in his rich scent. On their own accord your fangs descended, the distinct click not missed by the soldier. "Возьми, что тебе нужно, котенок. Все, что я есть, твое. Только твой, навсегда твой. Вернись ко мне, моя любовь. (Take what you need, kitten. All that I am is yours. Only yours, forever yours. Come back to me my love.)" he breathed into your shoulder quietly. Carefully with his flesh hand he guided your head and mouth flush to his neck, inviting the stinging pressure that followed. He closed his eyes welcoming of the pain and slight pleasure that followed. He sighed contentedly.
Instinctively your body began to feed. The predators need for survival taking over. You drank deeply in long, languid sips. It was unlike any blood you'd ever tasted in your long life. Your arms wrapped around and tightened their grip upon your prey. The taste so sweet and so intoxicating you wanted to savour it for as long as possible. Whispered thoughts started to float on the periphery of your awareness, barely there and hard to make out. The inflection and tone of the words however sparking subtle recognition. You willed yourself to listen more intently as you continued to drink lazily. With renewed clarity your eyes shot open. "Bucky!" you thought, "my soldier!"
Your fangs retracted instantly. Worry consuming you as you pulled back and took his face in your hands. You couldn't bear the idea that you so greedily took from, especially if it was unwillingly. Yes you were a vampire, a monster, but you still had morals. You inspected the soldiers face, running your thumb across his cheek. His hazy eyes and lopsided grin not escaping your gaze. He reached up and removed the cannula from you and then himself. He pressed his lips to your own, tentatively at first, then with searing demand. The need to feel you pressed again him, the promise that you were here with him, you were not lost forever. Multitudes of emotions swam within the kiss. Both of you clinging to one another with a vice grip.
A throat clearing drew you both out of your reverie. Reluctantly you pulled back from one another, the soldier glaring up at a relieved looking Sam. The soldier stood pulling you up with him. "Sam we're going to have company very soon so whatever your doing you need to wrap it. The DOJ is about 10 mins out" Torres warned in the comms drawing the soldiers attention as well as your own. You began making your way out of the room, the soldiers arm wrapped around your waist for support. You noticed a white hunched figure on the ground handcuffed to a beam. You halted your movement causing the two men to look at you questioningly. You begrudgingly made your way over to the doctor who was making his way to his feet to meet you eye to eye.
"Looks like this is your ending, doc. Is it all you imagined? All you had hoped it to be?" you mewled sarcastically. " The doctor kept his mouth shut this time, opting to grin at your sardonically. You drew back your fist and punched him in the mouth, effectively shattering his some of his teeth. Still he grinned, blood dripping from his mouth. Mirroring his expression back to him, you plunged your hand into his chest and grabbed his heart, a look of disbelief flashing before his eyes as you ripped if from his body. His body crumpled weightlessly to the floor like a ball of paper as you threw his now lifeless heart into the nearby garbage can.
Strong arms wrapped around you from behind and began to guide you back to the door. "We have to go now, котенок." Without warning the soldier picked you up bridal style as you all ran towards the van. Torres was leaning against the hood, keys in his hand. He nodded at you before looking to the soldier and handed him the keys. "You two go, get out here as fast as you can" he said. Sam placed his hand on the soldiers shoulder and spoke. " Do you remember my cabin on the outskirts of the city. Head there and don't stop for any reason. There are go bags hidden under the floorboards underneath the chest in the closet if you are found. In them there are passports, money, and a small cache of weapons. I'm going to try and meet you there in 2 days time, hopefully with transport to get you two safely out of the country while I clean up my mess."
The soldier gave him a curt nod before putting you in the passenger seat and then getting in the driver's seat himself. He sped away with you in tow, hoping to put as much distance, as fast as possible between the two of you and the next threat on the horizon.
Tags: @mochie85 @theaudacitytowrite
<Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen>
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lovemehatemex0 · 2 years
this is going to be a long one. but it's about my life, my thoughts & my feelings. I purposely had to put the keep reading button on because of how long this post is.
From leaving high school 10 years ago, I never imagined I would be where I am today. I planned on getting my CPA & being an auditor. I assumed I would already be married by now because 18 year old Christine was obsessed with her shit head boyfriend. I thought I would've been out of my parents house by now. & i never knew guys could be such disgusting pigs in this so called dating world that I fucking hate it. I've also never been so bored in my entire life. I for the first time ever, feel boring. & I now know why I constantly stayed busy all the time going to college, getting my masters done & even just keeping up with it for another 4 years.
I'm honestly kind of disappointed in myself that I never tried to become a CPA. My downfall was I was never a good test taker. & I was too busy working/seeing my friends/ seeing my boyfriend to even care about it. At times, I even wish I didn't go into accounting. I never wanted to go to college. Was never good at understanding concepts & applying them to everyday life. I hated school. & everyone knew it. my first ever exam I took, I failed it. Got a 53 or something & that stayed with me ever since I was 10. if there were any other ways I could've earned money I would've rather done that. Because I still don't think this shit is it for me. I only passed college one way, & I'm not proud of it. But I wasn't spending all that money to fail.
This one is going to have a lot of feelings, & I already just cried over thinking of it. I thought for the longest time I was going to be stuck with my ex because of what he gave me. For at least 4 years I felt stuck. & I should've listened to my dad & got out sooner. Especially when he forced me into having sex with him when I was 16. That should've been the first time. Another time should've been when he left me for another girl. & then life throws you a crazy fucking curve ball & you're stuck with something for the rest of your life. But, I was honestly expecting to marry him. Until he started telling me he was going to propose to my at my college graduation & i literally freaked out & was like omg ive never even been with another dude & i cheated on him. I think all of the trauma experiences literally keep me from liking someone. & I think I'm so used to being on my own after feeling like i was stuck for so long, I don't want to give up that freedom either. & I will find the slightest thing wrong with someone just to not like them. I just stopped giving out chances already because I'm stick of the bullshit.
Aside from not wanting to give that up, my hearts in a place where i know it shouldn't be. & I'm so hopeful for the impossible & I know I shouldn't be at all. & I think that's another aspect that stops me from liking anyone else. I try not to but it does. I freak out in my head whenever I kiss another guy. I never expected to go down this path & I told myself I would never go for anyone that was. & I know I'm replaceable. & that's what scares me the absolute most about all of this.
I honestly was expecting to be married by 25. I was also expecting to weigh less than what I do now & to be moved into a house in either Fairfield, Shelton, or Milford. But like a cute little boxy house with the two windows that pop out of the roof on the second floor with a porch on the front of the house. I just think they're so cute. Or, it's not the worst scenario but I would love to be living in NYC. That was always my dream. I was also expecting myself to have at least one child by now. Do I think buying the Audi was a good financial investment? Honestly, no. It was more or something I wanted than a need. I should've been looking for a house or an apartment, but as much as I want to live alone, I don't want to be alone and have that financial responsibility on me either. Whenever I think of being on my own, I just think about how whenever I'm sad I can cry whenever I want & no one would be around to hear me. & no one would know how sad I am over certain things in my life & what I really want.
If there's anything in this life i hate more than anything, I hate this dating world. I hate how you have to hook up with someone to get to know someone, to get to see if you even like them, & then maybe, just maybe something could come from it. But I've had no luck. My last date I think was in December & I didnt hear anything from him since because I wouldn't fly down to Miami when he was going to sleep with him. & I swear to god if one more guy asks me for a threesome or to find a guy for me & him to have a threesome with so he can get action from the guy I will just stay single for the rest of my life & be all my friend's children's cool aunt. I purposely stopped saving people's number in my phone because I just know they're not going to be around for long. It's not worth it.
I literally told anna yesterday i've never been so bored in my life. Literally nothing is going on. I have no drama in my life. I don't talk crap (as much) like i used to. I'm not seeing anyone. Let's face it I'm not even talking to anyone. I literally want to be up in bed by 8 pm & do nothing but scroll on tik tok or cry my eyes out. I don't even want to shop because I don't need anything. I don't need more clothes or jewelry or shoes. & material objects are starting to become pointless to me. They don't make me happy like they used to anymore. I also wonder if I'm just starting to lose interest in things. & I wonder if I'm starting to become depressed again. It trickles on & off from time to time, like a roller coaster.
I don't mean to overthink so much. I just think of all the what if's that could happen & it makes me want to ask question and wonder well what the hell is going to happen. I expect the worse out of everything, even in a good scenario. Mainly because I am so used to getting hurt & being sad. So I try to prep both my mind & my heart to be hurt to help it when something actually does happen. I don't want to be like this. All I want is to just be happy. & get what I want. & go through life knowing I was happy with what I got & where I got in my life. When is it my turn to finally be happy & get what I deserve?
I guess all of these thoughts started coming up because my 10 year high school reunion is coming up & people I was friends with in high school who I didn't expect to be going are going because they want to show off what they achieved in their life. One wants to show "how pretty they got" another wants to "show all their successes" after getting bullied. I was literally an emo girl in high school who wanted to hide & stay away from everyone because I got told I was too fat & I was so big growing up I probably ate humans & people would tease me because I didn't run to they would purposely steal my shit & run away with it because I would huff and puff while trying to run. I also never joined the dance team when I got told numerous times I would make it because the girls who would bully me were on the team & i didnt want to get picked on even more. Since 2013, I got a little less scary looking from high school & I am in the position where I'm not proud of my life but I'm surviving.
I guess that's why I say I wish I was dead. So I didn't have to deal with this life and my actions & where I am today. I know people would be better off without me in their lives & I wouldn't be such a fuck up all the time. Secrets could die with me, desires would die with me, & all of my feelings would finally go away & I wouldn't be so god damn emotional all the time. I'm sick of wondering why certain things happened to me & why I'm put into certain positions I'm in.
Wow this felt amazing to write out & just get off my mind. & now I remember the true reason why I got tumblr when I was 14.
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headspace-hotel · 2 years
Your posts about literary poetry are so strange to me, haha, because I also read a lot a lot of "literary" poetry and... it DOES save my life? A lot? Like that "Pigs" poem, I actually shared it with my bookish friends, because yes, the fleshy meat metaphors are overdone imo, but it was also a really vivid portrait of the way that growing up in a low-income rural area ties into these intrusive, distorted thoughts about self-worth that keep re-occuring throughout the poem. Carter isn't a (1)
favorite poet of mine by any means but also I think it's kind of unfair to reduce him to just disconnected images and cynicism. Some of the most popular poets in literary magazines today, Rupi Kaur aside, which I DO think is objectively bad poetry, are slam poets, and there's an urgency and joy and spokenness to their work that is just completely unseen in English poetry before rap re-infused the poetry scene. Personally I'm so so glad we've moved from the discrete single beautiful (2)
images of 19th century poetry that really do say nothing about social or interpersonal relation, and if you want to hear actual crushing nihilism, that's what the modernists are for. And I promise you both of those genres still exist and get published even on big poetry aggregators like Poetry Daily. It's okay not to like it and I know you've said before that you wish more poetry was rhymed and metered, but that doesn't mean poetry that isn't to your taste is bad? (3/4)
(PS sorry for being on anon I'm on a friend's phone but I don't want you to think this is anon hate where I don't want to own up to my identity, I'm wherewords) (4/4)
We are probably just going to have to agree to disagree on this one but also, I don't dislike individual poems quite as much as I dislike the broad trends
I believe I have read way more literary poems than is recommended, good, normal, or healthy, and there's a post in my poetry tag somewhere that breaks down what I hate most about literary poems in better depth (which I will probably reblog again), but I went through this evolution of my thoughts on it:
When I was taking my "intermediate" poetry class, I was genuinely intrigued and delighted by the range of things you could do with words that I was seeing in all the poems we were reading, and a lot of poems truly felt neat and impactful, and I liked interpreting them and learning to "see" meaning in them.
And then when I was taking my "advanced" poetry class, I started getting more and more critical, and I started to hate what reading these poems was doing to my own writing style.
And then a year later I read like every literary magazine my college library had because...okay long story but I was spending hours every day holed up in the library and that experience turned my existing skepticism into outright disdain
Because listen...there is an initial shimmer to the way unexpected combinations of words and images, like "lemon-lime grieving" or "cumulonimbus cancer" or "ontological algae" plink around in your brain, but after seeing Unexpected Combinations of words thrown together a million times, I started to think most of the meaning I read in literary poems was a kind of pareidolia.
So many poems have no intelligible complete thoughts in them, no consistent entities that are referred to more than once, no narrative, no images that persist longer than the phrases they are in
And it's not bad for art to be open to interpretation, but I had to write detailed journal entries about poems from Poetry Daily for my last class and a lot of this poetry just falls apart like a sandcastle the more you try to analyze it, because there is ultimately nothing there.
Like I said, I've said it all before more articulately. There is a lot more to my dislike of literary poetry. But one thing that really, really put the nail in the coffin for me was finding out that InferKit (a neural network you can feed text for it to complete) could consistently generate "poems" that were indistinguishable from published works by people with PhDs, that could be interpreted and analyzed the same way.
And to an extent I love the role of randomness in art! I think it's cool that humans see patterns in things and assemble narratives! I think it's an unavoidable part of art, and a lot of the "aliveness" of art lies in that indeterminacy!
But it feels like some sort of scam that so many artists with PhDs and MFAs are getting paid to write stuff that barely requires a human writer because the reader is doing so much of the work of interpretation. I'm sick and tired of seeing shapes! I'm not reading tea leaves! Communicate something dammit!
There is also the voyeuristic obsession with the trauma of minorities, the cruelty this is to so many poets that they're expected to constantly write about things that hurt them, the indistinguishable nature of so many writing styles, and the large number of poems that are mostly riding on getting a gross-out reaction from the reader, but I've explained all that in other posts
I don't know what to say. Like, all these poets are being read and circulated in environments where there's a pre-loaded expectation of interpretation and of taking the poet seriously. I'm going to call it crowd-sourced pareidolia because...yeah, I believe that's what it is sometimes. And if a poem has nothing to say to the version of me with no college education, the version of me that is skeptical, or the version of me that wants to hear a real voice that has something compelling them, I don't like it.
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laketaj24 · 3 years
Serotonin II
Author’s Note: Here it is! I am taking requests, and the taglist is open, drop your name under this fic or on this list if you are interested! This does have a prior part but can be read as a standalone.
Pairing: Colson Baker x Reader
Warning: Smut, breeding kink
Inspo Song: Bad Things
Part I
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Colson: Busy?
Y/N: Why would I be busy?
Colson: For sure ain’t been answering my texts 🥱
Y/N: You need something, Col?
Colson: You know you only call me Col when you’re half asleep or whimpering my name when you about to cum. Let me come over.
Tongue-tied, his messages left you baffled. They were a smooth variation of sexting mixed with pleading. Every message included a very Colson apology but a rebuttal that followed and reminded you why you couldn’t fall back in the same routine with him. It was easy to picture yourself back with him, nestled against his lean frame - listening to his voice as it rumbled against his chest as he rambled on. You saw it clear as day, but the truth of the matter was he didn’t do what you required to have you back in his life. Fucking you in the bathroom of some club like a whore, giving your body a fix, but your heart and mind still felt that hesitation when it came to Mr. Baker.
“Are you listening?” Dana asked, holding up the soy powder milk for your nephew.
“I heard you clear as day.”
“You sure you didn’t just daydream the entire I talked about not feeding Jaylen after seven?” Dana placed the soy milk on the table and glanced down at her newborn. “If you’re not up to it, I can stay. I hate going out of town so soon after having him.” She tapped her soon on the back a few times and exhaled.
“We will be fine.”
“You say this, but I don’t believe you.”
“You’re head has been shot ever since you broke up with the delinquent.” She rolled her eyes. “And what pisses me off is Tyla loves him!” She whispered and turned her attention to the seven-year-old parked in front of the tv. “I mean worships him.”
“I know. Colson is good with kids.”
“Because he’s childish.” She added. “He’s basically a six variant of one.”
“You can’t say one thing nice?”
“His music isn’t shitty,” Dana added. “I will be back at eight for the both of them, and I swear not to do this again, just my boss needs me, and their dad is busy.” She lied. “So- I love you, sis. Call Eric!” Dana kissed your cheek and sprinted out the door without another word.
Eric, you hadn’t seen him since you left the club a week ago, and you barely responded to his texts. The ride home was awkward; the entire time, he talked about how much he enjoyed the night. And the only thing you could think about was getting bent over in the bathroom by your ex. Good date.
Auntie duty had started. Diapers, Tiktok, YouTube, and some weird pig cartoon lay ahead of you for the next nine hours. Jaylen slept peacefully in his playpen, unbothered by his mother's lack while Tyla consumed her tv.
Colson: I got food open the door.
Y/N: What door?
Colson: Your apartment door. It’s Chipotle.
Fuck, you were hungry.
Y/N: Leave the food on the porch.
Colson: I’m not a god damn door dash.
The abrupt knocking startled Jaylen, soo you took him in your arms and walked to the door, “Stay in the living room Tyla.”
“K,” She answered, not even looking up from her phone.
You opened the door revealing Colson in his pink hoodie and gray joggers. He held bags of food in his hand and garnished a big smile on his face, “You look good with a baby.”
“Why are you here?”
“You wouldn’t come to see me or invite me over, so invited myself over. Can I come in?”
“No.” Jaylen stirred in your arms, his plump little legs kicked, and you sighed. “I am busy today. That’s why I didn’t invite you over. I have to keep my nieces and nephews, and every time you are over here, you either curse too much or we end up fucking.”
“Watch your mouth.” He teased.
“How were you texting with all that in your hands?” You stared at him.
“You know I got talented hands.”
Why? You grimaced inwardly before looking at your overly excited niece, she loved Colson, and you hated to admit, he might be an asshole sometimes, but he loved kids. He was a wonder with them. You slapped your face, disappointed there was not a way to hide the massive man at your door. “He can’t stay.” You answered before the question left your lips.
“Why? Please!” Tyla pouted her pink lips and threw her arms up in defeat. “We never see him anymore.”
“That’s your aunt’s fault,” Colson added fuel to the fire. “I won’t stay long.” He pushed through, entering your apartment to greet Tyla with a hug at her level and a sly wink to you. Kids were the way to your heart – and his, but he would not win you over with this bullshit today. Not at all. “You hungry, Tyla?”
“Yeah, ten minutes, and you’re out.”
“Tiktok?’ she held up her phone and the ring light from her purple book bag. “Please.”
“Word, what are we learning?” He raised his brows to you and proceeded to make himself comfortable on the couch; she was ecstatic, immediately standing to do a dance and drag you over to learn it too. Tiktok had become the bane of your existence, but for Tyla and her half a million followers, she was golden.
One hour later and you were tired, you’d perfected the dance, and Colson had convinced her to let him skip the dancing and just be—it was all he had to do though, she’d get one million views just because of who he was, and now everyone would know you were with him. Your heart dropped a little thinking about the exposure while she edited the video next to both of you.
“Why is Uncle Colson never around?” Tyla never looked up from her phone; she just continued her mission of posting that sixty-second video and ruining your life.
“He’s not your uncle.” You corrected.
“That’s your aunt’s fault too.” He added.
“Don’t start with me.” The harsh whisper came out as a warning, waking baby Jaylen from his nap and making Colson chuckle in amusement.
“I like him; I want him in the family.”
“I want a million dollars.”
“I can give you that.” He said.
“And a loyal boyfriend who doesn’t text insta-sluts in his spare time.”
“Don’t use sluts in front of her damn; your mouth is outrageous Y/N.”
The narrowing of your eyes made him burst into laughter again. He was damn good at annoying you like he had it mastered.
The day passed quickly with him making eyes at you, caring for Jaylen while she styled Colson’s hair in four ponytails atop his head, garnished with bows, and she even attempted to give him edges. He didn’t care; as long as she was happy, he was good.
“You look a mess.”
“It’s cool.” Colson snapped a picture. “Been waiting forever to see if ponytail was for me or not; it’s a no.” He sat back on the couch while Tyla disappeared to your room for god knows what else. “You look good with babies, you know?”
“You’ve said that.”
“I meant it; you’re good with them too.” He sighed. “I thought about kids with us, like every damn day.”
“Funny.” You shrugged, and she appeared with your bright pink polish. “What’re you doing, Tyla?”
“Painting his nails.” She plopped down in front of him, and without hesitation, he held his hand out for her. “We did blue last time.”
“Yep.” He exhaled. “Don’t you want this?”
He didn’t have to elaborate; you knew what he was talking about, but a family was the last thing from your mind, no matter how perfect the scenario looked right now. “Do you?”
Colson smacked his lips. “We can talk later.”
“You leaving when they do.” You reiterated.
The door opened thirty minutes later without a knock or doorbell; Dana never announced herself. “I see he found his way back in.” Her mouth dropped as soon as her eyes met him. “Tyla just had her way today, didn’t she.” She laughed. “Oh god, she gave this man braids.”
“Your daughter is talented.” He laughed. “Might be a new look.”
“Ridiculous.” She held her laughter. “Ty, get up and come on, love; we have a long drive.” She took Jaylen from your chest and gave you a look. “How long is he staying?”
“Not long, sis, drive safe.”
“I will. Colson, you leave in ten minutes, or I’m sending our brother over.” She pointed to him.
“I’m not scared of Michael; send him.” Why did his arrogance only make you want him more? He looked to Dana, who, like him, was not bothered.
“I hate him.” She mumbled as she left. “I just fucking hate him.”
“It’s mutual!” Colson laughed as the door shut. “You’re gonna stay over there the whole time?”
“Aint no reason for me to be over there for real.” You thought of three reasons to stay where you were, the drop in his voice, the tension in this room that could be cut with a knife, and when he was alone with you, your willpower was nonexistent. “You have five minutes.”
“We aren’t going to talk about this, are we? You like being evasive and shit? That you’re new persona?”
“I have no new persona. This is me not playing into all the bullshit you bring when you’re with me. This is a wall.”
“I’m about to knock that wall over.” He smirked.
“Stay on your couch.” You warned.
Colson held his hands up, acting defenseless, “I wasn’t moving from this spot.”
“My sister hates you, you know that? She literally said that I would be better off leaving Cali before staying here with your toxic ass.” You found yourself pointing at him and wanting to knock that smile from his face. Colson liked to see you get feisty with him; he called that foreplay, and here you were dancing to the beat of his drum, pissed.
“How am I toxic? I stopped all that shit for you, every ounce of it.”
“Stop lying.”
Colson grinned at you, unwavering in his position and impressed that you were persistent in yours; your usual fights lasted about one day. You’d take him back, and everything went back to how it was before, but that changed nothing; you wanted him to change. “I am not lying to you. Come here.”
You walked over to him, taking his hand and allowing him to pull you down in his lap. Facing him, you admired all the little cuts he’d earned over the years in senseless fights or accidents. Your fingers traced over them before you cupped his face. What the fuck were you doing? Why were the two of you akin to magnets? Drawing one another in half of the time and then at the flip of a side hating one another? You placed your lips on him, parting his lips with your tongue and then flicking playfully over his teeth before he caught your bottom lip with his teeth and tugged. The slight pressure made you moan against him. He cradled your neck with one hand, not allowing you to escape him. Colson deepened the kiss, adding pressure and taking what little breath you had away. “I fucking miss you, Y/N.” He rasped.
"Don't talk.”You murmured back.
Colson didn’t listen; he never listened.  “You were good with them today.”
You growled, grinding your hips on him. “Shut up, Colson.”
“I want to talk to you, I want you back Y/N, shit. Like I am trying, I canceled recording sessions, appearances, and other shit all this month so we can figure this out. I don’t want to-,”
You stopped him from talking, gripping his cock through the sweats with one hand and kissing him to shut up.
“Stop.” In one fluid motion, your hands were by your side, and your eyes were on his, “We’re talking; I was not fucking other women. But I was entertaining them, and it’s no excuse. I know you’re hurt; I’m sorry. Like real talk, no joke – I apologize.”
“How do I know it won’t happen again?’
“I'll delete all this shit for you,” He admitted. “Fuck a platform.”
“You’re so dramatic.”
“I’m dead ass right now. Fuck it all. I just want you.”
“If it happens again, I am never taking you back, ever.”
“It won’t.” He whispered, loosening the grip on your hands.
You took advantage of the notion, moving your hand down to his cock, rubbing the hilt through his sweats again.
“Nah,” He gripped your hair, pulling you back, so your eyes met him. “It’s my turn now.” He pushed aside your shorts in seconds, and his fingers plunged into your pussy, curling for a moment and then spinning out of you. He placed his fingers on your lips, “Open up.” You didn’t hesitate to take his fingers, licking your own juices from them, and he tapped your face sending a slight pleasurable sting. “How you taste?”
“Ready.” You pulled him from the sweats feeling him jump at your cool hands, and stood up, wriggling out of the shorts before hovering back over him again.
Colson playfully tosses you on your couch, draping one leg to the ground. “Let me taste.” He whispered as he descended between your legs. Colson’s fingers brushed your swollen clit, before his lips latched on, sucking. You bowed from the couch, the moans and scratched to his shoulders done nothing but encourage. He lapped up your juices before diving his tongue into you and swirling around. You gasped, surprised and pleased as he worked.
“Col-“ You gripped his shoulders, lifting yourself from laying down, and he took full advantage, pulling you onto his face and fucking you with his tongue. Your body coiled, the jolts of pleasure popped around your body, and then you came. The white-hot energy surged through your body, and you panted, shaking, almost collapsing back on the couch. He caught you peppering the wet kisses from your pussy to your mouth.
“You good?”
“Better than.” You whispered, breathing heavily. “ Shit.”
“We’re not done.” Of course, you weren’t; his cock throbbed against his leg, waiting to ruin your life, and here you were still out of breath. Colson gently pulled you from the couch, sitting you in his lap, and he started once again with the kisses. You could taste yourself on his lips, and for some reason, that just made you wetter for him. He took advantage of stroking himself before he lowered you down on him. You took every inch, mouth slightly open and hair swinging the entire time. You pressed your breast against his chest, savoring the warm feeling of his cock inside of you, and then you started moving on him. Your muscles clenched around, gripping him with each stroke. Your clit rubbed against his pelvic bone; you took that added pleasure in stride biting your lip as it intensified every time your skin met.
Colson’s eyes were hooked on you, his fingers dug in your ass, guiding you up and down on his cock, urging you to keep going, and there was no way in hell you were going to stop. You could feel it building once again, this time bigger. “Hold it.” He whispered, knowing you were about once more. “Not yet.”
“Ah,” Impatience grew over you; you slowed your ride, winding your hips slowly, your eyes closed as you took over, fucking up into you, guiding your body to take more. “I can’t.” You whined as you fought to hold the orgasm back.
“Yeah, you can.” He slammed into you harder, knocking the breath from you, your toes curled, and you screamed as you shook against him. “I wanna feel that pussy shake around me when I cum; hold it.” He slapped your clit with three fingers, and your breath hitched. “Hold it.” His hand travels up your shirt to your bare stomach, and he kisses you once more. “Y/N.”  His hips rocked slowly, but then he started to fuck you quicker, the tip of his dick hitting your g-spot each time. You were a screaming mess, biting down on his shoulder. That done the trick he spasms against you growling. His warm cum triggered you. You came, sinking down and taking all of it. “Shit, you cheated.”
“You would’ve lasted forever.” You smiled lazily.
“Is that a complaint or a compliment?”
You wince, sliding off him, “right.” He rolled his eyes. “Now we gotta eat reheated Chipotle.” he stood up, fixing his pants. “Can I stay?”
“I guess.” You pulled the blanket over you, snuggling into your favorite place on the couch. He heads into the kitchen, and you reach for your phone, wondering what threat your sister had for you.
Meg: Are you still coming tonight?
This was not your phone; of course, it wasn’t. You unlocked the phone, clicking her name to look at the messages. But there is only red as Colson makes his way back into the living room. You throw the phone across the room, hitting the wall, and he stares at you. “What the fuck?”
“Take you and that Chipotle and get out.”
“Damn, what the Chipotle do?”
  A/N: One more part coming. I’ll drop it next week, I think! Thank yall for reading! Let me know what you think!!
Taglist: @taytayize123​ @ctrlszn @supernaturalvikingwhore @jae-writes-fanfiction @bigsisbria @placeoffreedom @kyla-queen @missdforever @gottatoxicattitude @bang-kim-bap @msreshel @blowmymbackout @titty-teetee @strawberry-skyes @mauvecherie @savageiz @bang-kim-bap @luci-her @littlelovebug98 @babyboy-cody @hellshedevil @daddyavesxx @crystalbaby12 @jeonsblackgf
commenters from serotnin who might be interested: @mgkmerchstyles @mayaslifeinabox
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bakugou-tm · 4 years
Master Knows Best (18+)
Bakugou x Maid Cafe Reader
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plot: You’ve gone almost a full year working at a maid cafe with none of your friends finding out, which is exactly how you liked it; but thanks to a certain friend your beloved hot headed boyfriend found out your secret and planned on teasing you the whole time. In a stubborn attempt to get back at him, you realized exactly what would happen if you disobeyed your master
warnings: suggestive NSFW, swearing, a shit ton of teasing
wc: 5200+
mood song: worst behavior
a/n: I was supposed to post this on valentine’s day but it’s better late than never right? I perhaps may make a part two depending on how this does but I’m also a s s at NSFW so we’ll see. For now just enjoy (especially my fellow brats out there)
You liked things to be simple. You were a simple girl, with a simple life.
Sure you had your secrets, but thanks to your overall simplicity, nobody even bothered to uncover them.
That’s just the way you liked it too. Each different part of your life was separated as they should, for if they intertwined your life would becoming a living nightmare.
You never dreamed that living nightmare would become a reality. Who knew all it would take to crumble the reputation you built up for so long...
was a simple text.
Sweat trickled down the ash blond’s toned arms, his ragged breath becoming more steady as he slumped down against the wall while his friend took a few rounds at the punching bag.
The sound of his phone buzzing beside him didn’t drag him out of his exhausted mindset quite yet, but when his crimson eyes glanced across the words on the screen he felt everything come to a halt.
electric dunce: remember that day time job (l/n) said she had during the weekends? i think i found it bro..
electric dunce: 1 attachment
Bakugou’s red haired training buddy noticed the change in spirit with his blond friend, noticing how his heavy breathing suddenly stopped.
Wiping his gloved hand across his forehead, Kirishima glanced down to his friend only to see Bakugou’s eyebrows knit in a deep focus.
“You uh... You okay bro?” Kirishima questioned with a raised brow, trying to control his own ragged breaths after he attacked the swaying back before him.
Before he could question his friend once more, Bakugou let out a breathy chuckle, one filled with mischief and even excitement if Kirishima listened well enough.
“Training is cut short today shitty hair.”
“Come onnnn (L/n), how could you tell us you have a job then not tell us what it is?” The pink haired girl whined as she slid her upper half onto your lap and sighed dramatically.
Giggling slightly your eyes flicked to Kaminari across from you as his lips doubled over into a pout, “The whole point of having a job is so your friends can come crash it!”
“And to make some money dumbo.” You sneered, flicking his forehead gently while glancing down to Mina’s attempt at puppy dog eyes, “Besides, I didn’t want to tell you guys. You forced me to tell you where I went after school or you said you would doxx me.”
Your friends let out a sigh of defeat as Kirishima glanced to your boyfriend beside you, “C’mon Baku-bro not even you know where she works?”
Smirking slightly you placed a gentle palm on your boyfriends cheek and winked to him tauntingly,
“Not even Katsuki~”
Bakugou simply clicked his tongue and smacked your hand away, “I don’t know because I don’t fucking care.”
Oh but he did care. It ate away at him everyday that you refused to reveal where you worked. You claimed it would be “embarrassing” for him to see you working and wearing a uniform but he failed to understand why it would be. He brutally antagonized you all the time and you never bat an eye, why would he care if he saw you wearing a ‘Mini-Mart’ uniform?
You simply hummed at your boyfriend’s denial and leaned against his side.
“Say whatever you need to make you feel better love,” You purred, grinning at his scowl before you looked to your group of friends,
“Because you will never find out where I work, ever.”
Bakugou felt like he was in a state of euphoria as he stood before the quaint wooden doors, decorated with all sorts of pastel ribbons and paint.
It was almost as if he was entering the doors of heaven, the ultimate satisfaction of knowing he was about to beat you and your stupid threat.
And better yet, of all the places to find out you worked, it was here?
Oh he was going to enjoy this, even beyond getting revenge.
“Never find out my ass.” Bakugou sneered with a smirk, letting the soft breeze flow through his spiky locks as he tugged open the door into the unknown.
Meanwhile you were attempting to gracefully, yet quickly, get your uniform back on since your break ended in about thirty seconds. You hated how good you had gotten at putting on this stupid uniform, soon enough it would be second nature to you.
Working at a Maid Cafe wasn’t exactly where you planned to end up. When you stumbled onto the small podium in kindergarten to announce your future career, you surely didn’t say “I want to be a server at a Maid Cafe!”
And yet here you were pulling up the thigh high socks to your frilly, bow covered maid dress.
Admittedly when you were searching for jobs, you were surprised to find no luck. Any job that paid well required university years, and any left over job wouldn’t pay enough for your time to walk there.
It wasn’t until your aunt came to you in your troubles and recommended the job of your nightmares.
“My sweetheart why don’t you just work at my niece’s Maid Cafe? You’ll get to work with very sweet young girls about your age, and they pay very well since they have a very diverse clientele!”
Immediately you threw away the idea before you could even process it, the thought of having to serve gross old men and pretend to be excited while doing it didn’t sound appealing, let alone possible.
With that said, that didn’t mean your aunt was going to give up just yet. Without telling you she scheduled an interview for you, telling you if you didn’t show up it would make your family look bad.
Feeling the inevitable guilt throughout the day, you submitted into your aunt’s wishes and at least showed up to the interview.
Who knew? Maybe they would just let you be a janitor or something.
Sure enough they wanted you as a maid, but before you could even deny they offered double what any job had offered you, even the high paying ones.
“We know the job isn’t ideal, which is why we pay so much. A young girl like you would be just perfect here!”
Push came to shove, and somehow you ended up working at the cafe for a year and a half now.
You couldn’t lie, dressing up all cute and getting to hang out with a bunch of sweet girls was pretty fun. It beats mopping an empty grocery store with creepy co-workers.
With that said, the dread of having to deal with pervy customers and the existential fear of one of your friends walking through the door almost outweighed the pros of the job.
Luckily you had been able to escape doom for this long, so what are the odds that would change anytime soon?
The sound of the bell charming brought you back to your senses, quickly tying the silk bow behind your back you stumbled out into the break room to see your boss awaiting.
“Phew I thought you almost ditched us (L/n).” Your boss said with a wink.
Rolling your eyes you began walking backwards towards the swinging doors that led to the dining room.
“Have I ever failed you Miss Manager?” You purred with a grin.
Satisfied with her laugh you danced through the double doors, putting on your cute act once again. Only two hours left and you could go home and pig out on what was left in your pantry.
If that’s truly all it took, you didn’t mind turning on your “anime girl” side for a few hours.
Smiling at all the guests you made sure to check on everyone’s table before making your way towards the greeting podium. The doorbell went off so that meant some sort of customer was waiting to be sat.
Giving one last wink to a customer you whipped your head towards the front doors and gave a small bow before looking up.
“Welcome back to Maid Cafe master, would you like me to show you to your se..AHHHH!”
The moment your eyes met the sturdy figure before you, all senses jumped out the window as you screeched and jumped backwards defensively.
How.. How could this happen? This couldn’t be happening. All your intricate planning and anxious working to make sure no one you knew would ever catch you on the job.
And out of all the people in the world... it had to be Katsuki Bakugou.
Your ever so taunting boyfriend.
Sure enough Bakugou had a shit eating grin on his face, his eyes glowing with excitement for probably more reasons than you could count.
“Well well well, don’t you look familiar.”
At this point words weren’t even an option in your mind, you couldn’t tell if the cold spike of fear shooting up your spine was worse or the overwhelming heat that flared along your face.
Your little outburst didn’t go unnoticed by the guests and maids, all eyes moved to the two of you as you stumbled over your own words.
“Y..You- I.. but I.. and you! I can’t...”
“(L/n) is something the matter?”
The sound of your boss’ sweet voice from behind you caused you to shriek again as you now jumped to face her.
Feeling your face grow even warmer you avoided eye-contact with her, trying to use what was left of your slowly deflating brain to come up with an excuse to fix this entire mess.
“Yeah princess, is something the matter?”
Between the chilling tone and the pet name you physically shuddered, your head slowly peaking back to the problem at hand.
Bakugou couldn’t help but notice your reaction, sneering cockily as he looked down on you with pride.
“Zip it Bakugou-” 
“Ah ah..” Bakugou started before you could even finish your threat, “I believe you are supposed to refer to me as master.”
If your brain wasn’t broken before, it sure was now. Your internal mix of equally enjoying this and hating this had officially clashed and broken any sense at this point. All you could feel beyond anger at this point was complete and utter embarrassment.
“(L/n) you’re not having any trouble greeting our guest, are you?” Your boss questioned sternly.
You’ve honestly never heard her get so serious with you, given this was far from her angry side, but you hated disappointing your superiors.
Glancing around you still noticed some eyes on you along with your suspicious boss’. At this point there was no escaping the situation, and like hell were you going to give this bastard the satisfaction of your embarrassment.
“N..No ma’am, no trouble at all!” You said back in your sweet work voice, offering the best smile you could muster before twitching back to your smug boyfriend.
“Let me uh... let me show you to your table...” You stuttered out, grabbing a single menu before looking up at your expectant boyfriend’s expression. You knew exactly what the little shit was waiting for, and if you didn’t say it your boss would surely drag you to the back.
Bakugou sighed in dramatic satisfaction, clasping his hands together sarcastically and bending down to your level, “Fucking splendid.”
Gritting your teeth you glared into his crimson orbs before spinning on your heel, plastering the cute smile on your face so your boss could get off your back.
Once she seemed to notice you returned to your old state, she let out a gentle sigh and walked away to serve her tables.
At the very least you felt a bit less tense knowing she wasn’t following you like a hawk, but she was far from the problem at hand.
Quickly b-lining towards a table in the corner, you slammed the menu down and pulled out the chair, offering the most sarcastically pleasant smile you could.
Bakugou gladly took his seat, making sure to drag his hand along the small of your back on the way down. He throughly enjoyed each time you shivered from his touch, or even words.
First you decided to take his order, making sure all eyes were officially off the two of you. Once you decided the coast was clear, you quickly grabbed the collar of his tank top, as you bent down to be eye level with him.
“How did you find out about my job Katsuki.”
Bakugou grunted in surprise, catching himself quickly before he smirked back to your fuming expression. Oh how adorable you were when you were mad.
Your thick eyebrows would knit together in a deep focus and your plush lips would pinch into a perfect pout that drove him crazy.
As the blond smugly glanced over your features, his eyes flicked up only to notice other eyes were facing the two of you once again, only this time they only seemed to be on you. On your backside.
The way you were bending down seemed to perfectly expose your backside to the world, and your dumbass was too oblivious with him to even realize it.
Clicking his tongue, Bakugou placed a firm palm on the edge of your spine before shoving you down to your knees so the back of your dress would cover your backside once again.
The action caused a small yelp to escape your lips, you assumed he had done it to embarrass you which made you that much more mad.
“Answer. My. Question.”
Once the ash blond was satisfied with your state and he glared at any that dared to still look at you, he glanced back down to your fiery orbs with an unimpressed look.
Rolling his eyes he slapped your hand away causing you to huff before he shoved the photo Kaminari sent to him.
Glancing over the photo you eyes widened to see a photo of you through the window of the Maid Cafe assisting a customer.
Your cheeks began to glow red again as you worriedly looked up to Bakugou, “You guys actually doxxed me?!”
Bakugou raised a brow and snatched his phone back with a sigh.
“I didn’t, I can’t speak for that stupid dunce but I’ll deal with his reasoning later,” He explained before his dreadful smirk returned as he cupped the edge of your chin, “Back to the elephant in the room, how come you hid such a delicious fucking secret from your master.” 
As much as you would’ve loved this behind closed doors, to be openly embarrassed in public made your head feel like it was going to explode.
“S..Stop acting all smug you idiot!” You snapped, smacking his hand from your chin and standing up straight, “I hid this from you so you wouldn’t act like an egotistical dick.”
At this Bakugou barked out a laugh, the booming sound causing you to jump a bit as he slouched back in his chair, folding his arms with that smug grin.
“I think we’ve already come to the conclusion that my fucking ego is backed up, or have you forgotten doll?”
His piercing red eyes narrowed to your own, the sight making you blush as you jerked your head to the side and huffed.
“Can you order already idiot? I’ve got plenty of other orders to take.”
Bakugou simply smirked and picked up the menu, glancing down the options before shoving it in your arms.
“I’ll get two of the shitty rice bears,” He explained, grinning when he saw you look up with a raised brow, “I’ve got a hungry maid coming home soon waiting to please her master.”
Your confused expression turned into a flushed angry one as you snatched the menu from him and turned on your heel. You didn’t even remember what he asked for but at this point you didn’t care. You just wanted to hide from the customers so you could collect what dignity you had left.
The moment you brushed by the double doors you let out a sigh of relief as you rested your head against the back wall. Maybe if you closed your eyes and pinched yourself hard enough you would wake up from this horrible nightmare?
You could only imagine the things Bakugou was thinking. Does he think you’re some ditzy pushover maid girl now? Is he texting your friends telling them that you work here? Honestly Kaminari has probably already done that.
It was so nice having the upper hand on him for once, but now that he took every last bit of dignity and laughed in your face, you were doomed.
“Rough shift huh?”
Raising your brows you peaked an eye open to see one of your coworkers with a concerned expression. Standing up straight you fixed a piece of your hair and nodded.
“Yeah I guess you could say that..”
“How come you were acting so weird with that customer (L/n)-chan?” Your manager called from behind, carrying a bunch of plates as she walked beside your coworker, “Is it because he’s crazy hot?”
Folding your arms you let out a huff as you pouted your lips out,
“Try boyfriend.”
Both girls gasped in shock, your boss nearly dropping the plates in her hand as they looked two you in disbelief.
“Wow sorry for calling him hot, I never knew you had a boyfriend (L/n)! And a hunk at that~”
Letting out a slight chuckle, both your eyes fell on your coworker when she spoke up.
“You know this same thing happened to me with my boyfriend,” She spoke while tapping her finger against her cheek in thought, “I didn’t want him finding out about my job because I knew he would make fun of me, then one day he showed up and sure enough started making fun of me.”
Frowning you let out a sigh as you rubbed the side of your face exasperatedly, “My dumb boyfriend is doing that too! What did you end up doing with yours?”
Your coworker grinned as she shrugged.
“I simply fought fire with fire. Since he was making fun of me, I made him eat his words and watch me serve the other customers. He ended up getting so jealous he left!”
The advice she had given you finally brought warmth back to your numb body, you felt a grin rise to your face as you quickly wrapped your arms around your coworker.
“You are a lifesaver woman! I owe you so much for that advice.”
Your coworker simply laughed and hugged you back, happy to see you back in your normal cheerful state.
“Yeah have some fun but don’t ruin the experience for our other guests!” Your boss called out before walking out the door with the plates.
“I should probably get out there too, let me know if you need any help (L/n)-chan.” Your coworker said with a mischievous grin before dancing out the double doors.
Your mind was rushing with ideas, how could you of not thought of this before? Your explosive boyfriend could get jealous from a rock on the street, this would be the perfect pay back for you!
If he was going to come into your workplace and wreak havoc, you would do the same for his inflated ego.
Fixing up your dress you grabbed the two plates and narrowed your eyes towards the dining room.
“Bring it on Bakugou Katsuki.”
Oh did Bakugou feel pleased with himself.
Normally he hated skipping out on a workout, but this was worth it.
He couldn’t let the image of your adorable flushed expression and tense body escape his mind. Let alone that maid costume on you was divine on your plush skin.
The fact that you refused to wear a maid costume in the bedroom made it that much better, no wonder you were trying to hide this job from him.
The way the black silk hugged every curve, just tight enough to where your skin was overflowing from the material. And those thighs squeezing out of those adorable thigh highs drove him wild.
If he hadn’t made the best discovery of his life today, he would almost be mad you were strutting around in such a costume for anyone other than himself.
Deciding to wait another day to deal with that, Bakugou simply enjoyed the scenery and awaited for his girlfriend.
Just like clockwork he saw your form dance out of the backroom a bit too peppy. The thought of you “collecting” yourself in the back only made him sneer with a sadistic grin, he would simply break you all over again when you served him the food.
Just as you sauntered over to his table, the ash blond looked you up and down with a smirk, opening his mouth to say something truly condescending until your body turn away from him and towards another table.
“Here’s your panda shaped muffin and honeydew boba masters!” You spoke to the two customers at the table in front of him, “Is there anything else I can get for you my handsome masters?”
Bakugou felt his heart drop at the sound of you calling another living organism your master. Were you doing this on purpose? Is this usually how you talked to the shitty customers here?
His answer was confirmed when a small squeak escaped your lips and you bent down towards the table, your chest surely giving the two guests a show given their cherry lit cheeks as your thumb grazed across one of the customer’s cheeks.
“Silly master, you have some icing on your cheek.” You said with the most divine giggle he had ever heard. Gritting his teeth his entire world froze when you stuck the finger in your mouth and licked the white cream off clean, “No worries, I got it for you~”
The man before you looked like he was going to bust on the spot, his friend watching with his jaw dropped and eyes filled with jealousy.
Smiling sweetly you gave them one last bow, “Let me know if you need anything else masters!”
Just before you danced away from their table you glanced to Bakugou, giving him a small smirk as you looked him up and down with unimpressed eyes before sauntering away, leaving your explosive boyfriend on the verge of a breakdown.
You truly had a death wish. It was the only explanation for your actions. For almost a full hour you kept that act up, leaving the many guests within the cafe speechless and ogling over you. You knew exactly how jealous Bakugou could get, and you knew he hated admitting it.
Of course Bakugou also knew what a little tease you were. He didn’t miss the delight in your glistening eyes each time you taunted him, waiting for the repercussions of his wrath. But this...
This crossed the line of his sanity.
The ash blond tried to wait til your shift was over, he really did. As furious as he was with you, he wasn’t irresponsible enough to make you lose your job. But the moment your finger tips danced along the shoulder of a guest, any bit of restraint the male had left in his body had snapped like a twig.
The sound of him storming up from his table caused the immediate guests around him to look up, his silverware clanking against the pink trimmed plate as he made a direct line towards you.
Unfortunately for you, the scene your boyfriend caused went over your head as you continued to jot down the order from the customers before you. Focusing on your blossom shaped ordering pad you didn’t notice the horrified expressions on the customers before you as the saw an angry Bakugou storming up behind you.
“I’ll get those orders right up for you masters~” You exclaimed with a cute wink as you began to walk off until a firm hand wrapped around your wrist in a vice grip.
Bakugou could have loosened his bit a grip he realized when you let out a small yelp but he had already committed and like hell was he going to let you flirt with another damn customer right before his very eyes.
Your sweet words, gentle touches, suggestive actions... they weren’t meant for him and him only.
Immiedetly you recognized your boyfriend’s sharp hold and tried to tug your hand away so not to make a scene, but the ash blond simple spun your wrist around and pinned it to your back, giving him full control of wherever you walk.
With a squeak he shoved you forward, causing you to stumble over your own feet as he quickly pushed you towards the backroom.
You briefly met gaze with your boss as he shoved you by, your eyes pleading for help as they were filled with regret. Your boss opened her mouth, not sure what to even do.
“E..Excuse me sir? You can’t touch the-”
Before she could even finish her sentence Bakugou flashed a sharp glare to the woman, his crimson orbs thin from lack of patience and absolute fury.
Your boss was smart enough to know your boyfriend was truly about to go feral, for her life and your own she decided it was best to turn away and pretend she saw nothing.
You let out a small pout when you saw her attempt to serve the shocked guests, leaving you to be shoved into the backroom by a surely pent up Bakugou.
Once you reached the back you saw your coworker, the one that had given you such brilliant advice before, shoving a pastry in her mouth as she was on her break. Her eyes first fell on the dark lidded ones of your boyfriend before falling on your pleading fearful eyes.
Her mouth opened, unsure of what to say before closing.
“I’m uh.. gonna take my break outside.” She muttered softly, politely pushing the chair in and offering the best smile she could before she quickly shuffled out the back doors.
Once the room was clear Bakugou let go of your wrist, giving you a chance to stretch your arm back in it’s proper position before the sound of the back door slamming to a close caused you to shriek in surprise.
Bakugou couldn’t help but smirk as you jumped, as angry as he was he loved seeing you so on edge thanks to him. Returning to a serious expression he watched as you turned around, attempting to put on a serious face of your own.
“Bakugou you know I still have thirty minutes left of my shift-”
Trying to speak was hard enough as is with the thick tension in the room, but when the ash blond slammed his hands on either side of you against the wooden break table you let out a shriek and quickly sat back against the ledge attempting to gain some more space between you two.
The action made him chuckle dryly as he looked you up and down.
“You’re still going to act like a fucking brat huh? After the show you just put on?” Bakugou spoke lowly, his eyes drinking in the sight of your costume only swirling more pent up feelings within him, “Someone’s feeling spunky today?”
You bit at the corner of your lip, swallowing what left of saliva was in your dry mouth as you tried terribly to avoid eye contact.
“Hiding such a naughty job from me, and then when I catch you red handed this is the treatment I get?” Bakugou hisses with clenched fists, “You should’ve been at my fucking heel all day for keeping such a delicious lie from me and yet you taunt me like you’re the one in charge?”
His harsh words made heat rise to your cheeks as you looked down at your frilly dress, trying to find anything to look at besides his face. Surely you knew that wasn’t going to pass with him.
“Look at me when I fucking speak to you brat.” Bakugou growled, his eyes narrowing when he saw your lips pinch together stubbornly.
Letting out an annoyed sigh he grabbed your wrist roughly before shoving you back against the thin wall and grabbing your jaw harshly shoving it against the wall with a hard knock, forcing your eyes to meet.
The sight of your cheeks being squished together by his large palms and your wide glassy eyes forced to look into his own, he couldn’t hide his smug smirk as he felt you lightly tremor beneath him.
“Much better doll.” Bakugou cooed, voice laced with sarcasm as you both knew the next chain of events were about to get quite violent.
“Now, I was planning on patiently waiting for you to get off so we could take this conversation in private...” Bakugou spoke, eyes narrowing down to yours as he let out a sinister laugh, “Hell I even bought you a treat, I’m such a generous fucking boyfriend aren’t I?”
Your breathing was ragged as you stared up into his crimson eyes, your brain was so fogged by the situation that you hadn’t even realized what he asked until his grip on your jaw tightened.
“I asked you a fucking question.”
Blinking back to reality you nodded deserpatly, not daring to look away from his gaze as you let out a slight whimper that shot directly to his pants.
“Good.” Bakugou said with a dark smile before continuing on, “But now I cannot go along with that generous plan because you can’t go two seconds without acting like a fucking slut.”
The filthy words spewing from his lips caused your face to grow warm, the entire situation already had your silk underwear drenched, but his words alone caused you to brush your plump thighs together desperately.
Your actions didn’t go unnoticed by the ash blond as he roughly shoved a knee between your legs causing a whine to escape your lips when he refused to put any friction on your aching core.
“Even now you can’t help but act like a brainless bitch in heat.” Bakugou sneered with a grin, his hand on your jaw lowering to now grip on your neck gently so not to cut off any air.
“Because you’ve disobeyed me multiple times today, I’m going to have to set you straight right here in public so you know who truly has the power here.”
Your mouth opened to rebuttal as your eyes widened at his idea, but his hand only gripped tighter around your throat causing the words shove back down your throat.
“And then,” Bakugou hissed, “If you perform like a good little maid, I may give you what you want when we get home. Maybe.”
You let out a shaky breath as he narrowed his eyes down to you, trying to read what you were feeling right now.
“Now you’re going to be my good little slutty maid and serve me until I’m satisfied, you fucking got that?”
As Bakugou’s grip on your neck loosened, your posture relaxed a bit as you nodded to his question, only for the grip to return as he growled down to you.
“Try again.”
Biting your lip your thighs attempted to squeeze against his knee for any sort of friction at all as any conscious thought was clouded with ashamed lust for the man before you.
“Y..Yes master.”
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cupidmybeloved · 3 years
valentine's day│georgenotfound
summary: if there's one thing george hates, it's valentines day. this year, y/n decided against being alone and set up a surprise movie night for her and her dateless neighbour. when the day ends george comes to the conclusion that maybe valentines day isn't so bad after all.
warnings: none
a/n: ngl i kinda really hate this post but oh well i'm posting it anyways. also oops valentine’s day post in april
wc: 1k
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george let out a sigh as he read the date in the bottom right corner of his laptop. february 14th. the day known best for stuffed animals, hard heart-shaped candies and, most importantly, love. the majority of people looked forward to the 14th, wondering if they had received any chocolates from secret admirers. george however, despised it. every year red hearts were plastered wherever he looked. unfortunately for george, instead of the bright red and pretty pink, all he saw was an ugly and unpleasant shade of brown. not to mention, he was lonely every year as well.
a buzz from his phone caught his attention. a text message from you. come over was all it read. george cocked an eyebrow in confusion but nonetheless, he complied. after all, anything would’ve been better than moping all day in his dim-lit room. as george made his way to your door he pondered about why you, his next-door neighbour whom he may have a teensy tiny crush on, wanted him to pay a visit.
just as george’s knuckles were about to knock onto the wooden door that stood before him, it abruptly opened, slightly startling him. george was instantly met with your charismatic smile (one of the reasons you were his favourite neighbor, unbeknownst to you).
“hey! you’re finally here” you greeted, excitement lighting up your eyes.
“calm down, it was only what? five minutes? what did you need me here for? i could’ve been on a date for all you know.” joked george.
“oh don’t be silly, you and i both know that the day one of us gets a date is the day pigs fly. which is why i invited you over. together we’re going to celebrate loneliness!” you exclaimed.
“celebrating loneliness without being lonely? sounds legit to me” he replied, a witty smirk etched into his face.
“oh shut up, you know what i meant. now close your eyes and follow my lead so i can show you the surprise. don’t peak or i’ll make sure both sides of your pillow are warm.” you giggled as you grabbed onto his pale, slender hands and cautiously dragged him inside.
your short journey didn’t end up being so cautious after all, as george had managed to bump his head into almost every piece of tall furniture and decor you owned. in your opinion, it was just his fault for being so lanky.
“you can open your eyes now” you said.
george didn’t waste any time opening his eyes, head filled with anticipation. george’s eyes finally adjusting to the brightness of your living room, noticed different shades of blue littering the space. there were heart shaped balloons, bunting banners, streamer garlands and even blue flower petals laid across the floor. this was completely different to the disgusting colour he had grown accustomed to seeing annually on valentine’s day.
“do you like it?” you squeaked out, eyes trailing down towards the ground.
without warning, you were swiftly encased in a suffocating hug, large hands wrapped around you. looking up you noticed how big george was smiling, in the three years of being his next-door neighbour, you’ve never seen him this joyous before and it filled you with triumph knowing that you could make him so happy.
“how did you find all these valentine’s day decorations in blue? did you get them custom-made? that would’ve cost you a fortune. oh please tell me you didn’t get the custom made for me-“ his worrisome rambling was cut short with your giggles.
“no no don’t worry i got them for almost nothing, party city got shipped a misprint and had them in the clearance section, i saw them and instantly thought of you. oh and some of the decorations are for gender reveals” you answered sheepishly as you pointed towards the tablecloth with it’s a boy! written all over it in fancy gold lettering.
he bursted out into laughter, you joined in chuckling. george’s knees felt weak from all the laughter and he almost fell to the floor thinking about how only you would even think about using gender reveal decorations for valentine’s day.
as georges dark brown eyes trailed across the tablecloth they stopped at the giant load of treats and chocolates carefully arranged on the table.
“come on, let’s grab some snacks and watch a movie together” he suggested, still in hysterics from the gender reveal decor.
and so the two of you spent the night cuddling against one another whilst discussing theories and watching films. your favourite theory to talk about was that giants had once existed. you enjoyed rambling on about it as much as george enjoyed listening to you go on and on about it.
the netflix show was playing quietly as your eyelids fought to stay open, not so you could keep watching the show but so you could continue admiring george and little details that you adored oh so much, like how his mouth would twitch on the left every time a character would say something snarky or how he would clench his fists in anticipation for a jump-scare.
“george?” you whispered.
“yea?” he mumbled.
“thanks for keeping me company today, i appreciate it” you drowsily muttered as you let sleep win you over and fell asleep on top of him, head huddled into his neck and arms sprawled across his chest.
george glanced down and smiled at your sleeping figure.
“those pigs must’ve touched the moon by now” george hummed to no one in particular.
aha get it? bc earlier on she said the day they would get date is when pigs fly? no? mkay i’ll leave
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eeveedel · 3 years
WIP Sunday
Hello all, I was tagged by to post a bit of my current WIP alongside some “art” -- I don’t have a current moodboard but I thought I would provide some general ~~aesthetic pics and another preview of the rancher harry fic -- this time an HL meet cute! I hope you all enjoy, and happy Sunday
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Harry heard a rapping at the screen door, and he grunted, shifting his weight forward so he could sit up and hoist himself out of his armchair.
He took a step forward on his good leg while his bad one dragged behind him. After a bit of walking around, it usually woke up enough for him to put more weight on it, but for now, after his rest, it was a dead weight of pins and needles behind him. It took a bit of effort to get to the front door, but he got there eventually. He grabbed his cane that was leaning by the door, and then opened the wood door, revealing just the screen and what lay beyond it.
There was a man in mint green scrubs and a thick corduroy jacket on his porch, perfectly centered between the big American flag hanging beside Harry’s door and the pots of tulips lining the front gate. The man at the front door was young. He had some creases around his eyes and mouth but his freshly shaved face looked so youthful, along with his bright eyes behind his big, wire frame glasses.
“Howdy,” Harry drawled, lifting his thermos to his mouth, “You must be — “ His tongue worked in his mouth, trying to come up with the name Margaret had given him last week. It wasn’t something common around here, and yet it still evaded him.
“Shoot, I’m sorry,” he sighed, pushing up the brim of his hat with his thumb, “Help me out, what’s your name, son?”
“Oh, I’m Dr. Tomlinson, but you can call me Louis,” he said. “Dr. Baldwin caught me up on some of the animals you have here and their needs, sir,” he said. “I know you have a pregnant cow nearing the end of term and a newly pregnant mare that just needs a bit of a checkup as your main concerns. She also told me you had a few roosters and a chicken coop, is that correct?”
Harry cracked a smile and nodded.
“Well, that’s correct. Seems like you did your homework,” he said. “Cherry’s gonna have a baby now damn day now and I just found out about Goldie last month.”
He took a sip of his coffee, shuffling his feet and readjusting his cane as he did.
“You don’t need to worry too much about the chickens, they nearly take care of themselves. Got a few pigs but those are going to market in a couple months, but you can take a look at ‘em if you want to.”
He pushed at the screen door, moving out onto the porch to meet Louis directly. When he was in front of the man, he could see Louis looked even younger up close, and he was nearly a full head shorter than Harry.
“Can I get you something to drink or anything before we go out?” Harry asked, taking the briefest moment to look the young vet over.
“Um, maybe a glass of water after we finish up? It is a bit hot out today, even though it’s January,” Louis rambled. “I mean, I came from San Francisco, so it’s still hot there— anyways, sorry.”
He exhaled, his cheeks already pink.
“Could you show me to Cherry first, please?” Louis asked. “I want to make sure she and her calf are in tip top shape.”
Harry smiled gently. The young vet was eager, and looked a bit flustered. He tried not to let his gaze linger too much longer, although he already liked him.
“Sure thing. I’ll show you out the pasture. Cherry’s probably out gossiping with her friends.”
He walked to the edge of the porch, taking the small ramp that was easier to navigate with his cane.
“Tell me, they have a lot of cows out in California, Louis?” he asked as they trudged along the path, “Because if this is your first one, I’ll give you a fair warning. Cherry’s a sweet girl but a little sassy.”
“Well, I grew up in San Francisco, so no, we don’t have a lot of farms there,” Louis said. “But I studied with a bit of everything in veterinary school, and went to a lot of farms up north. So yeah, I’ve worked with cows.”
“Good, good,” Harry nodded.
He walked through along the dirt path that led from the house to the rest of the ranch. He led Louis past the chicken coop and the large horse barn, moving out to the back part of the property with the cattle barn and the large pasture. His leg was starting to wake up, making his gait a bit less strained.
“Where did you study?” he asked.
“UC Santa Barbara for undergrad and then vet school at UC Berkeley,” Louis said. “I just graduated last spring, actually.”
“Congratulations,” Harry said. “Before you look at my girls, you wanna tell me know if you were bottom of your class?”
Louis laughed a little, scratching the back of his neck.
“I was actually valedictorian.”
“Damn. Undergrad or vet school?”
“Uh,” Louis said, smiling sheepishly. “Both? And high school.”
“Jeez,” Harry chuckled. “Well. I didn’t even go to college, so you’ve already impressed me many times over.”
They arrived in front of the enormous cattle barn and the wide pasture beyond it. Harry smiled to himself, lifting the hand that wasn’t gripping his cane.
“Yep,” he smiled to himself, “There she is.”
He gestured to the pasture, and specifically pointed to one of the cows, a rich red brown and swollen at the belly, who was smack in the middle of a group of five other black and white cows.
“Gossiping, just like I thought,” Harry said. He reached for the gate, going to unlock it, “Well, come on, you can give me your expert opinion.”
“Wow, she’s beautiful,” Louis marveled.
“Don’t let her hear that, it’ll go straight to her head,” Harry said. He opened the gate fully, then opened the pasture and turned around, holding it open for Louis.
Once they were both inside, Harry approached Cherry, cooing and clicking his tongue as he walked. She looked up and stared at him, chewing slowly on a thick clump of grass, but when she was done, she let out a low moo and slowly but surely waddled towards him.
“Here she comes,” Harry smiled.
They both stood and watched her as she slowly came over, and when she did, she immediately gravitated to Harry.
“Hey, princess,” Harry said. He set his hand on her head and gently stroked her with his thumb, smiling to himself as she blinked at him with her big, milk chocolate eyes.
“Louis’s gonna take a look at you, pretty girl,” Harry said. “You be nice to him.”
Harry kept petting Cherry’s head and then looked over to Louis. The vet was kneeling on the ground, unlocking the briefcase he had brought. It was funny, seeing him with a shiny, clearly barely used case. Margaret had always just shoved her tools into her ancient Jansport backpack, which was covered in twenty years’ worth of coffee stains and held together with duct tape and spite.
Louis took out a pair of latex gloves and a stethoscope, then moved closer to the animal. He gave her a settle pat on her swollen side, then put the stethoscope’s earpieces in. He set the metal diaphragm on her side, and Cherry jolted a bit, but Louis cooed at her and kept petting her side as he listened. He closed his eyes and nodded a bit as he moved the cold metal over her stomach, humming softly to himself.
Harry watched Louis carefully touch and examine Cherry, the young man’s hands gentle but sure as he did his job. Harry had had his hesitations before Louis arrived. But he seemed at home, and like he really cared about doing a good job. Harry could appreciate that. He had spent years building up trust with Margaret to work with his animals, but, maybe he was just getting sentimental at his age, or Louis really did have a special touch, but he immediately felt just fine with the younger man taking care of his herd.
After a few minutes Louis opened his eyes and ducked his head down, examining Cherry’s udders and nether regions. Finally, he lifted his head and pulled himself up, taking the stethoscope out of his ears and draping it around his neck.
“Well, she looks great,” Louis said as he peeled off his gloves and shoved them into his jacket pocket. “The calf’s got a nice, strong heartbeat. She seems about a couple weeks away, but just keep an eye on her – “
“Early labor, yeah,” Harry said. “I always start preparing at least a couple weeks in advance of the due date, anyways. My girl Caroline went into labor a couple years ago, fuckin’ 16 days before she was due, and I was in Austin for the weekend. Only time I left the house in months, and she picked that weekend.”
One of the white cows in the pasture mooed loudly, and Harry looked over his shoulder and glared.
“Yeah, I’m talkin’ about you, fuckin’ drama queen,” he scoffed. “She’s a good girl. And a tough one. Had a delivery all by herself and nearly gave me a heart attack when I got home and there was a new baby toddling around.”
He turned back to Louis, offering an apologetic smile.
“Sorry, don’t mean to bore you with farm stories right off the bat.”
“It’s okay,” Louis said. “I love to hear animal stories.”
“Well, let me know in a few months if you’re sick of cow stories. That’s nearly the only kind of stories we have in this town.”
Louis just laughed and lifted his hand, shifting his glasses up his nose.
“Would you show me to Goldie, please? Just to see how her early stages are going.”
“Oh, yeah, of course,” Harry said. “Goldie’s in the small barn, come on.”
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ouyangzizhensdad · 3 years
I just saw a post saying nhs has an inferiority complex and I'm?? Confused?? I always thought he was fine with being weaker in terms of cultivation, maybe I missed something
Hi anon,
I have to say, I struggle as well to figure out where people are getting this from the text. I think, oftentimes, people don't actually pay attention to what the text provides us in terms of characterisation as a whole, but take elements of what makes the character or which happens to them and simply extrapolate how they themselves would feel in that situation as a means of understanding the character. I can easily imagine how a reader would think: wow, if I had low cultivation in a world that values it (and within a clan that values strength even more so!) and a brother who was not only super strong and admired but who wanted me to fit into that role, and then found myself having to fill his shoes after his sudden death, I'd feel some sort of inferiority complex. I think that's the same reason you see so much people insisting WWX has self-esteem issues.
The thing about NHS is that, as a youth, we never saw him value high cultivation or "academic" achievements (not sure how to otherwise call his time at CR but there is probably a better word for it) or brute strength. He's afraid of consequences from his brother for failing at the CR, as we see here:
Although the brothers were not born from the same mother, their relationship was quite solid. Nie Mingjue had always taught his younger brother with extreme harshness, particularly caring for his studies. This was why, even though Nie Huaisang respected his older brother, he was the most scared of Nie Mingjue mentioning his schoolwork.
and here:
Although he didn’t understand a single bit as he listened in class, Nie Huaisang worked as hard as a slave when the date of the test approached. He copied Virtue two times for Wei Wuxian, and begged before the test, “Please, Wei-xiong, if my grade is lower than yi, my brother would really break my legs! Stuff like telling apart direct lineage, collateral lineage, main clan, clan branches… For us disciples from big clans, we can’t even distinguish our relationships with our own relatives, randomly calling everyone who are more than two tiers away from us aunts and uncles. Does anyone have enough capacity in their brain to remember those of other clans?!”
After thinking for a few moments, an expression of envy and yearning appeared on Nie Huaisang’s face, “To be honest, Wei-xiong’s words were quite interesting. Spiritual energy can only be obtained through cultivation and taking great pains to form a golden core (金丹). It would take I-don’t-know-how-many years to do, especially for someone like me, whose talent seems as if it was gnawed by a dog when I was in my mother’s womb. But, resentful energy are from the fierce ghosts. If they can easily be taken and used, it would be beyond wonderful.”
[...] . If disciple from a prominent clan forms the core at a later age, it would be a disgrace to tell other people of it, yet Nie Huaisang didn’t feel ashamed at all. Wei Wuxian also laughed, “I know, right? No harm comes from using it.”
The only moment that I can find that could tangentially be used to suggest that NHS has an inferiority complex could be this one, where NHS wants to avoid LXC's questioning about how his studies are going (and WWX picking up on his cues like a good friend to redirect the conversation). However, when you consider the whole context of the scene, it’s not because NHS feels self-conscious but because he’s afraid LXC is going to report to his brother that he’s not working hard at his studies:
Lan Xichen turned to him, “Huaisang, a while ago, as I returned from Qinghe, your brother asked of your studies. How is it? This year, will you be able to pass?”
Nie Huaisang replied, “Generally speaking, yes…” He seemed like a wilted cucumber, looking at Wei Wuxian in a helpless way. Wei Wuxian grinned, “Zewu-Jun, what are you two going out for?”
[...] Nie Huaisang also wanted to join in, but he had been reminded of his older brother as he met Lan Xichen. Cringing silently, he didn’t dare to have fun, “I’ll pass and go back so that I can review…” With this act, he hoped that Lan Xichen would put in some good words for him to his brother.
NHS seems very industrious at finding ways not to have to do anything that relates to cultivation or to leading a sect, and that is linked once more to the fact that he does not want to do these things (so not a case where we could say he’s self-sabotaging because he fears failure):
Lan Xichen took Nie Huaisang’s saber into his qiankun sleeve, “Huaisang has been using the excuse that he left his saber at home. Now he will have no excuses for lazing around.”
or here
“Nie Huaisang!”
Nie Huaisang fell at once.
He really did fall to his knees from the terror. He only staggered up after he finished kneeling, “D-d-d-da-ge.”
Nie Mingjue, “Where is your saber?”
Nie Huaisang cowered, “In… in my room. No, in the school grounds. No, let me… think…”
Wei Wuxian could feel that Nie Mingjue almost wanted to hack him dead right there, “You bring a dozen fans with you wherever you go, yet you don’t even know where your own saber is?!”
Nie Huaisang hurried, “I’ll go find it right now!”
In a hurry, Nie Huaisang dropped a few fans on the ground. Jin Guangyao picked them up for him and put them into his arms, “Huaisang’s hobbies are quite elegant. He’s dedicated to art and calligraphy, and has no propensity for mischief. How can you say that they’re useless?”
Nie Huaisang nodded as fast as he could, “Yes, Brother is right!”
Nie Mingjue, “But sect leaders have no need for such things.”
Nie Huaisang, “I’m not going to be a sect leader, though. You can be it, Da-ge. I’m not doing it!”
or here
Nie Mingjue was on the school ground, teaching and supervising Nie Huaisang’s saberwork in person. He did not acknowledge Jin Guangyao, so he stood at the edge of the field, waiting with respect. Since Nie Huaisang was quite uninterested and the sun was bright, he was rather half-hearted, complaining that he was tired after just a few moves. He beamed as he got ready to go to Jin Guangyao and see what presents he brought this time. In the past, Nie Mingjue would only frown at such things, but today he was angered, “Nie Huaisang, do you want this strike to land on your head?! Get back here!”
If only Nie Huaisang were like Wei Wuxian and could feel how great Nie Mingjue’s rage was, he wouldn’t grin in such a bold way. He protested, “Da-ge, the time is up. It’s time to rest!”
Nie Mingjue, “You rested just thirty minutes ago. Keep on going, until you learn it.”
Nie Huaisang was still giddy, “I won’t be able to learn it anyways. I’m done for the day!”
He often said this, but today Nie Mingjue’s reaction was entirely different from his past reaction. He shouted, “A pig would’ve learnt this by now, so why haven’t you?!”
Never expecting Nie Mingjue to burst out so suddenly, Nie Huaisang’s face was blank with shock as he shrunk toward Jin Guangyao. Seeing the two together, Nie Mingjue was even more provoked, “It’s been one year already and you still haven’t learnt this one set of saber techniques. You stand on the field for just thirty minutes and you’re complaining that you’re tired. You don’t have to excel, but you can’t even protect yourself! How did the QingheNie Sect produce such a good-for-nothing! The both of you should be tied up and beaten once every day. Carry out all those things in his room!”
The last sentence was spoken to the disciples standing by the side of the field. Seeing that they had gone, Nie Huaisang felt as though he was on pins and needles. A moment later, the row of disciples really did bring out all the fans, paintings, porcelain from his room. Nie Mingjue had always threatened to burn his room, but he had never actually burned them. This time, though, he was serious. Nie Huaisang panicked. He threw himself over, “Da-ge! You can’t burn them!”
Noticing that the situation wasn’t good, Jin Guangyao also spoke, “Da-ge, don’t act on impulse.”
Yet, Nie Mingjue’s saber had already striked. All of the delicate objects piled at the center of the field erupted in roaring flames. Nie Huaisang wailed and plunged into the fire to save them. Jin Guangyao hurried to pull him back, “Huaisang, be careful!”
With a sweep of Nie Mingjue’s hand, the two blanc de chine antiques shattered into pieces in his palms. The scrolls and paintings had already turned into dust in a split second. Nie Huaisang could only watch blankly as the much loved items that he had gathered throughout the years vanish into ashes. Jin Guangyao grabbed his hands to examine them, “Are they burnt?”
He turned to a few disciples, “Please prepare some medicine first.”
The disciples answered and left. Nie Huaisang stood at the same place, his entire body trembling as he looked over at Nie Mingjue, pupil encircled by veins. Seeing that his expression wasn’t right, Jin Guangyao put his arm around his shoulders and whispered, “Huaisang, how are you feeling? Stop watching. Go back to your room and have some rest.”
Nie Huaisang’s eyes brimmed red. He didn’t even make a sound. Jin Guangyao added, “It’s alright even if the things are gone. Next time I can find you more…”
Nie Mingjue interrupted, his words like ice, “I’ll burn them each time he brings them back into this sect.”
Anger and hatred suddenly flashed across Nie Huaisang’s face. He threw his saber onto the ground and yelled, “Then burn them!!!”
Jin Guangyao quickly stopped him, “Huaisang! Your brother is still angry. Don’t…”
Nie Huaisang roared at Nie Mingjue, “Saber, saber, saber! Who the fuck wants to practice the damn thing?! So what if I want to be a good-for-nothing?! Whoever that wants to can be the sect leader! I can’t learn it means I can’t learn it and I don’t like it means I don’t like it! What’s the use of forcing me?!”
I'm not saying he didn't have a hard time during the first moment of him taking over a leadership role in the sect after the sudden death of his brother (ultimately we can wonder whether the yiwensanbuzhi persona originated then, as he could have felt overwhelmed and actually didn't have the answers needed for the position he didn't prepare for--or whether it was always a pure fabrication to serve his goals), but I don't think we can chalk it up to an inferiority complex.
In the past, Wei Wuxian and Nie Huaisang studied together, so there were a few things he could comment about this person. Nie Huaisang wasn’t an unkind person. It wasn’t that he was not clever, but that his heart was set somewhere else and used his smarts on other areas, such as painting on fans, searching for birds, skipping classes, and catching fish. Because his talent in terms of cultivation really was poor, he formed his core around eight or nine years later than the other disciples of the same generation as him. When he lived, Nie Mingjue was often exasperated by the fact that his brother didn’t meet his expectations, so he disciplined him strictly. Despite this, he still didn’t improve much. Now, without his older brother protecting and supervising him, under his lead, the QingheNie Sect declined day by day. After he grew up, especially after he became the sect leader, he was often troubled by all kinds of affairs unfamiliar to him and looked for helpers everywhere, mainly his brother’s two sworn brothers. One day he’d go to Jinling Tower to complain to Jin Guangyao, and the next day he’d go to the Cloud Recesses to whine to Lan Xichen. With the two leaders of the Jin and Lan Sects supporting him, he still barely managed to settle on the sect leader position. Nowadays, whenever people mentioned Nie Huaisang, although they didn’t say anything on the surface, the same phrase was written on their faces—good-for-nothing.
And after NHS pieced together what happened to his brother and set out on a path to revenge, I don't see how someone who is so sharp and deceptive and able to reach his goals while hiding behind a facade the entire time would feel "inferior".
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silverthetheorist · 4 years
The end of L’manburg was disappointing (and why rollercoasters and fun)
I really wanted to like this war. I really did. And I did like many things (Which I will go through don't worry) but... Look, the event was not bad by any means. But this is the first big event that I can say was mediocre at worst and good at best. A solid 6/10 maybe (All other story arcs and events are from a 8/10 to 10/10), specially after the marvelous festival from yesterday. So let’s see first the things that worked: 
- FUNDY AND NICKY POPPED OFF. Them destroying the provisions before the start was great because it did not only made sense for their (Very tired of being sidelined and very tired of L’manberg’s bullshit) but it also had plot repercussion. In a story, for an action to be significant it has to have two things going for it: An emotional repercussion and a plot repercussion. This had both: Two og L’manburgian giving up on their nation and causing the L’maburg forces to be under-and I can’t stress this enough- very under prepared. In Eret’s case it is a lot harder to justify because her arc was never very consistent as I have said before. 
-The villains were very smart and intimidating. First the chose to attack L’manberg the day after the festival giving them little to no time to prepare. Second, they attacked earlier and devised a plan to cause the most destruction possible. Dream and Techno are many times smarter than many movie villains. 
-Tommy exposed Techno for the hypocrite and selfish pig he is. Good for him.
-Anything Ranboo does is gold of course. But, I think joining Phil is a bit of an iffy decision. For someone who doesn’t choose sides he surely chose the one that caused the most destruction and pain for all of his other friends. He is probably one of the most exciting people to watch in the future
-Tubbo jumping in front of Techno’s blast to protect Tommy (I do not want Tubbo to die because he is probs my favorite but that would have been a cool canon death). Tommy asking about Tubbo every 5 seconds. Both apologizing to each other and reuniting finally. Tubbo looking at everything he had built being destroyed, completely speechless. Tommy and Tubbo meeting Dream in the obsidian thing over L’manber. It had a weird final boss feel to it. I wish something had happened between the three there. Maybe a short fight or something. It was still cool.
So, yeah. There is a lot to like about the event. Now I have three main problems with this event: 
My first problem is that it all felt a bit... pointless. This reminded me a lot of the movie Captain America: Civil War. It was a great movie, but it did not have almost any consequences. In today’s event L’MANBURG WAS DESTROYED FOR GOOD THIS TIME and... it doesn’t feel like anything has changed at all. Tommy is still on about the disks even after everything he’s been through. Quackity is still... honestly I never know what is going on with him. Techno and Phil are still assholes and have all the power along with Dream. The badlands still haven’t done a thing (A shame). You can say that Wilbur is going to be revived, and yes that is pretty big, but he has been alive before (I actually love that he is being resurrected surprisingly, I’ll talk about it later). You can also say that L’manburg is gone now but... was it really there ever since Tommy was exiled considering everyone basically left?
It feels like we could have skipped everything after Wilbur blew L’manberg and everything would be the same. Like everything in between did not matter. Think of it, is there any major differences (Besides minor character changes) between the end of the Manberg vs Pogtopia war and now? Probably not many. This goes back to what I said in my first post: History is repeating itself a little to much. Another exile, another festival, another execution, another time L’manburg is destroyed. At least there is not going to be another election anytime soon. 
I think Tommy’s line to Techno that “You are repeating history but worse” is very ironic. The idea that history repeat itself is tempting and, when done efficiently can be amazing, but this was not the case. I cannot blame theme though, a “history repeats itself” story is very hard to write without feeling like you are repeating yourself. But they were so close. The Schlatt/Wilbur and Tommy/Tubbo parallels are a great example of it because it had the two things that a “History Repeats itself” plot needs: A new emotional background (The Tubbo/Tommy friendship breaking) and a final change (When both decide not to become like their predecessor). That’s right. You can argue that this war had a different emotional background but the end result was the seem. This type of stories are only satisfying if we see the change at the end, imagine how great it would have been if they managed to resolve their differences and truly unite against Dream and stop L’manburg from blowing up. 
That is my second problem. I am not against the idea of L’manburg ending for good. But it happened at a very random part of the story. L’manburg, the place that started it all perished because a pig felt betrayed by a friend and Dream was being his usual self. Compare this to the last time it blew up: A fallen hero destroying what he built because he wouldn’t let anyone else have it. It just doesn’t compare. And honestly, we are mostly sad that it is gone because of the first war, the election and the manberg vs pogtopia arcs. If the end goal of three months of storytelling is to destroy L’manburg, why did they spend three months showing how shitty it has become and how everyone left? This last point sections nicely to my last problem
My third and final problem is that it all seems a little samey. Now listen to me on this one. Do you know why the Deadpool movies are so effective at making you laugh? Because it mixes dramatic moments with comedy very well, each dramatic moment elevates the next joke and vice versa. It is also why Tommy’s lore streams are so good, when you juxtapose both drama and comedy it works very well. Like a rollercoaster, the fun comes from all the ups and downs. But can you truly say there were any up moments since the manberg vs pogtopia war. Not really, maybe some but nowhere new as good as the up moments in previous arcs and nowhere near as present. That is why this past three months feel very samey. It has been just constant dread and sadness with very few good moments storywise. Compare this to before when Wilbur was the main writer: Eret betrayed everyone and Dream blew up some of L’manberg, but they won the war and got their independence. Pog 2020 lost the election but Techno joined them and most people were secretly helping from the shadows. They got back L’manburg from Schlatt but Wilbur and Techno betrayed them. See how it has a great mixtures of ups and downs? Today’s event would have benefited from at least one ray of sunshine at the end, maybe a new piece of information returns, or Tommy and Tubbo have a final talk and resolver everything, or something nice for a change. (Wilbur being resurrected does not count, he traumatised everyone, I would not say that is a very happy thing, more of a mixed bag) 
But I don’t want come off as too negative. But now I am being cautious of the storyline. I think the next couple of stream are going to be key. There is still hope that some of these problems will be addressed. Even if they are not, the story will have suffered it’s first big dud (Which is a testament to how good and capable everyone is of telling a great story). 
PS: English not my first language. You know the drill. I am once again not sending hate to anyone ever. There is nothing wrong with criticizing what you love, I think it is kind of necessary in a weird way.
PS2: I also have hope because I believe that Wilbur is coming back as a writer. On a stream (When he saw Matpat’s theory) he said the was “not currently writing the story” which I found as very suspicious wording. That and Alivebur returning I think makes a pretty compelling case for his return as a writer, I don’t see him as the type of guy that would just return so that someone else would write his character. On another note I hope the current writer don’t feel pressured to follow Matpat’s theory just because he is a big youtuber. While not a bad theory by all means (As soon as Ghostbur said he wanted to be alive my first thought was Quackity and Schlatt) but I would prefer it if they were not manipulated by outside sources to make the story a certain way. 
PS3: I have other things I would like to cover. Mainly, I have three ideas for future essays: an analysis of the medium the smp storyline is being made and why it is harmful to it’s story (Specifically it’s eventual ending), a study of how Ranboo’s philosophy causes more harm than good and a “What if” essay of how many road the smp could have taken with it’s story after the manberg vs pogtopia war. I will probably do all three of them eventually but if anyone wants a specific one I can do it no problem. Also, if anyone wants to interact or give their opinions or criticize my ideas you are more than welcome to. I have no friends who are into mcyt and I love the back and forward of different opinions and ideas.   
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darkverrmin · 4 years
Do You Like It?
a/n: this was inspired by a male friend who likes to wear makeup. he occasionally gets shit from people because of that, who are probably just jealous of him looking gorgeous. seriously, mind your own business. and wear whatever makes you feel good ♥️
tags: jaskier experimenting with makeup, fluff, geralt is a himbo with feelings. enjoy!
(this is part one, if you'll be interested in reading the rest, i'll post the second part)
Calling the party boring would be an understatement. It was terrible. Geralt sat alone at a table, drinking his ale. He regretted listening to Yennefer and Jaskier, who convinced him that he could use a night of rest, after weeks of traveling and training with Ciri. This wasn't Geralt's idea of resting.
Ciri and Dara were back at the inn with Eskel. Lambert fell asleep as soon as they arrived here, earlier in the afternoon. Yennefer and Jaskier, both dragged Geralt to this harvest festival and left him sitting alone at a table.
Geralt found Yennefer sitting at the bar, flirting with another woman. At least someone here is having fun, he thought to himself.
But his mind was actually focused on the bard, whom he hadn't seen since the beginning of the evening. He could only guess that Jaskier went off earlier in the night, with some pretty girl in his arms. The thought only worsened Geralt's mood. Having feelings he couldn't quite understand towards Jaskier didn't make his life any easier. Knowing for sure that Jaskier didn't return those feelings made it almost unbearable.
Geralt frowned, taking another gulp of his ale. A familiar voice startled him out of his thoughts. A warm body pressed itself against Geralt's side.
"Hi! Sorry for disappearing earlier, I saw an old friend of mine here. You look like you're definitely enjoying yourself".
"I'm going back to the inn now" Geralt muttered into his cup, avoiding looking directly at Jaskier. He found himself doing that more than often during their recent conversations.
Jaskier hummed in thought, still staring at him. "Yeah, I get it. Usually I'd make a joke about you being dressed and looking like we're attending a funeral, but this party is indeed horrible. I'll come with you".
Geralt raised an eyebrow. "Thought you wanted to come here. You even managed to drag me with you".
"And no regrets about that, my friend. You could use a night out. Unfortunately, this isn't a very successful one". Jaskier searched for Yennefer with his eyes, gasping when he found her. "Oh. Woah. At least someone here is having fun". Geralt lifted his head just in time to see Yennefer pulling away from a kiss with the girl by the bar. The Witcher felt satisfied with himself that it didn't make him feel a thing.
Yennefer turned her head to look at them. Jaskier waved at her, smiling and pointing at the door. Yennefer smiled back, nodding and resumed kissing the girl.
"I think Yen's gonna be alright. So, shall we?" Jaskier took away Geralt's empty cup from his hand, fingers accidentally brushing against Geralt's. Geralt felt his heart stirring in his chest. "Drinking like a pig ain't gonna solve your problems, Witcher. You okay? Wanna talk?". Jaskier sitting so close and talking to him like that didn't make Geralt feel any better about himself. He turned to glare at Jaskier.
"I would be okay if I wasn't dragged to this stup-" Geralt paused, blinking. "Are you… Is that makeup on your face?"
Jaskier knitted his eyebrows, before raising them and chuckling. "Oh, yeah. Forgot about this. Yennefer did this a couple of hours ago. Y'know, for the party. I'm actually pretty fond of it". Jaskier titled his head to the side, batting his eyelashes and smiling brightly. "Do you like it?"
Geralt couldn't stop staring at him. Jaskier looked ridiculously hot like this. The black eyeliner brought out the blue color of his eyes. The green, sparkling eyeshadow was a nice touch, too. Geralt never thought of Jaskier wearing eyeliner, but now he definitely knew that he loved it. It looked so good on him, it was almost unfair.
Geralt hesitated with his answer. Jaskier's unbuttoned shirt, revealing a lot of pale skin and chest hair, didn't contribute to his thoughts. "It looks…" Good. Gorgeous. Hot. Irresistible. You're irresistible. You're beauti- "new on you".
Jaskier stared at him for a moment before snorting and shaking his head. "I'll take that as a compliment".
You should Geralt thought, but remained silent. "So you like it?"
"Yeah. Actually, I do. Oh, I also had red lipstick on earlier, but it wore off quickly. You should have seen how it looked". Geralt really wished he could. Jaskier continued speaking. "Got a lot of stares during the evening, but most of them were accompanied by flirting and compliments". Jaskier paused, snorting again. "From both men and women".
Geralt tried to decipher his tone at the last sentence, but with no success. "So why aren't you out there fucking some farmer's wife? Or maybe the farmer himself". Fuck, he really didn't mean to say that.
Jaskier pouted at him and Geralt couldn't stop staring at his mouth, imagining kissing off red lipstick from it. "Funny today, aren't we? For your information, I'm just not in the mood. But maybe you could use someone to warm you up and kiss that frown off your stupid face".
Geralt tried to suppress a smile. "I'll pass".
Jaskier gazed at him for another moment before speaking. "Well, too bad". He got up from the table and went towards the door. Geralt was left sitting at the table with wide eyes.
"Geralt! You're coming or what?"
Geralt got up and followed the bard silently out of the tavern. Jaskier yawned. "Ugh, I could so use a warm bed now and an eight hour nap".
"Eight hours isn't a nap".
"If that's really your opinion, then I pity you". Geralt's shoulders shook with silent laughter and he noticed Jaskier glancing at him with a smile.
(to be continued!)
Update: Link to part 2-
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jamestrmtx · 3 years
Fairytale Complex - [Undertale | Sans x Reader]
[Gender Neutral, Frisk's Parent Reader | Slow Burn]
Chapter Thirteen | Waterfall (Part 3 of 4 | His POV)
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"This is actually our first date, but we're getting there."
His soul almost stops at that sentence, yet he tries not to let it show. Based on how charmed (Y/N) was around monsters who weren't heavily involved with the intentions of the Royal Guard, Sans assumes they're lying for the sake of not letting Roger down. He observes and listens to their exchange by the side, only intervening when he's escorted with them into the shop.
Before arriving at the counter, he brings up that sentence and the meaning behind it. He has some confidence as to what their reply will be, but when they actually speak up, it only complicates his thoughts and the pace of his soul more. "I'm not sure what to think of this myself, but… In the end, I only did it 'cause I couldn't bring myself to get his hopes down."
He'd hit the nail in the head.
But what was the reason behind their doubts?
Did they feel forced to go out with him, simply for having gotten to know Frisk during their journey?
It didn't feel that way, yet he didn't exactly know them well enough to be one-hundred percent sure of those assumptions. For all he knew, they could be pretending and trying to get along with him just for the sake of Frisk's happiness and the rest of their monster friends. It wasn't safe to cross out that possibility yet.
A bunnywoman greets him and he words out his orders, saying (Y/N)'s, then his, and finally Frisk's to-go. He can see the human's wallet already in hand, though they hold it back when he's directed with them to a table, no upfront payment needed. "But even if this was a date, I still don't think I'd be able to accept having another one after today's," they add, sitting down and facing their lap.
At that, his curiosity rises, and he can't help asking them for a little more detail. "What do you mean?"
They fidget before answering. "I need to focus more on raising Frisk before going anywhere with my love life."
"Why?" The monster wants to disappear with how abrupt, rude, and plain nosy that question comes out. Knowing he's already screwed up and not wanting to ruin things further by making them angry, he hurries to elaborate his question better, saying, "So you haven't dated anyone ever since that day?" He breathes out as subtly as possible, relieved to see them nod. 
A brown bear appears, referring to himself as the waiter in charge of the table for today. He's in formal wear, something the human seems to be charmed by; it's an undoubtedly similar look to when they didn't want to disappoint the rabbit. They continue when the bear leaves, words once more catching the skeleton off guard. "I haven't, and to be honest I'd…" They keep quiet for a while, making his doubts return. He's worried he's asking questions far too personal for them to be in any way comfortable with him, but they don't stop with their answers. "I'd like to keep it that way for as long as it's needed. I need to be there for Frisk, and I need to be more careful of who I date from now on." They sound more at ease the further they talk, helping calm some of his own tension down. "You see, I… I really don't want Frisk to grow up in an environment full of constant fights and disagreements." 
That seems to be the final drop in the bucket for them to expose their heart out to him. Words practically flow out of their mouth as they continue to explain the reasons behind their self-imposed limitations. They tell him of Jerry and their relationship with him post-divorce, of those six years without dating anyone, and over the responsibility they felt was on their shoulders ever since Jerry stopped acting as a father for Frisk. He's irked with everything they say -- especially the last part -- but again, he tries not to let his emotions show too much, wanting to listen to them instead. 
As they speak, Sans wonders whether it's okay to continue being all chill and buddy-buddy with Jerry, now knowing him in a different light. The guy was fun to be around with, and he was truthfully the one who'd given him a push to make a move on (Y/N), but he couldn't bring himself to meet up with him again without wanting to use the same sense of judgment he specialized in at the Underground. He was strict and stern when it came to the consequences of others' actions just as he was when it came to judging himself for his own choices in both past and present times.
If Jerry was well-aware he wasn't ready to be a father, then why did he still agree on (having/adopting) a child?
Had it been an unforeseen result, or was there more to it?
A piece of information slips by, though (Y/N) doesn't seem to catch onto it. After the words 'I let him go', follow: "I, well… I was over the moon when he said we could be parents, and I didn't really think about his real feelings about the situation the second he said we could give it a try, so it's… It's primarily my fault all of this happened, either way. I- I should've paid more attention and discussed the situation with him more properly." A bitter smile shows on their face. "Children aren't pets, and even pets aren't that easy of a responsibility, either. I… I should've stopped to think about that choice some more before immediately assuming we were both ready, once he... once he brought up the possibility of us being parents."
Based on how little they react after that confession, it's plain evident they haven't noticed they've let that information slip past, so he chooses not to bring it up. To make up for it, Sans intervenes when he notices they're too caught up in wanting to make things right all in one day. He steps in with his own view on the subject so far, saying, "Don't wanna assume things right off the bat, but…" He pauses, picking up a fork and piercing it through his dish. Then, he faces (Y/N), continuing with, "You kinda feel like you've gotta make up for that? Limiting yourself that much ain't really the best option, though."
They face away and pick up a portion of their dessert along the way. With how calm they look right now, he wonders how they would react had he chosen to bring up the fact they'd just confessed something far too personal in the midst of them being honest with him. "I just don't trust myself enough to make the right decision again." They take a bite.
Sans tries to look away from their lips, not wanting to make himself come off as an indecent person by staring there for too long. While they were dressed far more strikingly and looked far more cheerful compared to previous times, that's no excuse for him to stare, and even less at their face. They were here wearing their heart out on their sleeve for him. Taking advantage of that with any sort of flirting or advancements simply didn't feel right presently.
He offers his point-of-view, only to be interrupted by what he fears is trouble lurking right behind (Y/N)'s back. There's two human men standing close by, pointing at their waist and muttering comments about how 'chunky' they are and how small the off-brand 'Grim Reaper on vacation prop' sitting with them is. He waits and keeps an eye socket out for the two as he continues, only to be interrupted by a loud comment from one of the pair not long after.
"Hey, Kevin," the burliest one of the two says, voice irritatingly loud. "What did the skeleton say to the hog?" 
Laughter follows and the lankier one replies with, "I don't know, Brayan. What?"
Brayan fakes a swoon and attempts to mimic what Sans can only interpret as his own voice with how exaggeratedly rough and Batman-with-a-cold deep it sounds, saying, "Oh, you're the exact opposite of me -- all fat and no bones. What a catch!"
More laughter.
"Wait, wait," Kevin says, voice now heard from closer by. "I've- I've gotta good follow-up to that one." Brayan snorts at that -- obnoxiously rather than cutely. "I might be fat, but you're the real pig here -- liking me only because of those weird tastes of yours!"
"What's bothering you, mi chicharrón? You're my type. I'm only saying the truth!
"And I'm done with you, you bonehead!"
Just as the skeleton expects to be pushed off his chair, his company intervenes by standing up and approaching the man about to send him to the ground. Their stance is firm and their gaze is pissed, the light in their eyes far different from when they snapped at his own flirting. They grab the man by the arm, but it doesn't take much for him to retaliate and seek out help from his partner-in-crime. Far-too soon, a splash is heard and the skeleton sees (Y/N)'s shirt drenched, an empty glass being held by one of the two men still standing nearby. 
Now his turn to act, Sans takes advantage of free Karma and tosses both his drink and theirs at the man responsible for throwing one at (Y/N). The rest is a blur as he pays more attention to them and their condition. Only the comments Kevin and Brayan made about them and the drink thrown at them stay in his mind, occupying the rest of his thoughts. He takes a towel and wraps it around their torso, being extra cautious not to brush his hands anywhere improper, something better said than done with his current situation. They're soaked from neck to waist, the subtle warmth emerging from their body making him further concerned by assuming the drink was still fresh. 
"Was it hot?"
With that question, he receives yet another surprise, both in words and the bold look they give him along with it. "No," he hears (Y/N) say, grinning bright and wide as a subtle, flirty curve shows on their smile. "But you worrying about me kinda is."
His soul lurches at the feeling of their lips on his cheekbone. It's a sensation far too soft for him to have ever been prepared for it, and it's made a lot more intense when they drag the kiss all the way to his ear cavity, lips brushing against his face as they whisper him a 'thank you'. His hands are firm on their waist as the crowd cheers on. It's only when he backs away and lets go of the towel that he can escape from the situation, plopping back down on his chair to recover from it. 
• • •
With the remnants of the earlier incident, it’s a different experience giving the human a ride to his home. The skeleton's now overly alert of everything around him, from their hands around his waist to the rumbling of other engines near him. Thankfully, a cloudy sky, strong winds, and a light drizzle aid as a distraction. He dodges busy streets by taking detours wherever possible, and he focuses on one thing only: getting there before the rain pours any harder. While the helmet shields most of it away, the roar of the clouds above alerts him and seemingly the one holding onto him, based on how they press closer and ask if he’s okay.
“Wouldn’t it be better to stop?” they suggest, voice muffled from too many things at once. There’s the rain picking up, other vehicles zooming past, and the warning of future thunder from the clouds. Add in the helmets, and it’s a necessity for him to take a turn and park by the emergency lane.
The stillness of his surroundings helps provide a better look at the options nearby. Four were available, the last of them the most risky. It was either turn left and stop at a gas station, turn right and stop at an inn, go back and stop at the nearest shopping district available, or continue forward without any proper sense of direction. 
Just as he’s imagining there’s no way (Y/N) could be any bolder than they had been with their kiss, they say, “Let’s stop by the inn.” Their smile quells any hidden meanings. Their tone, on the other hand, has plenty left to be said. “It’s the closest option there is, and judging by the situation up there, it’s the best one, too.”
He scolds himself mentally for letting his imagination run too far.
Of course, it was his fear of thunder they were referring to!
What else could it have been?
“Alright,” he says, giving in with a huff. “You sure you’re okay with that?”
“Yeah,” they reply, shrugging. “It's getting darker, and the weather’s not too good. I’ll just call Undyne and let her know we'll be returning a little later than expected."
The monster finally grins at that and props the motorcycle back into shape. “You’re being awfully chill about this whole thing, pal.” He jolts when their hands find their place around him once more, settled down when he hears them laugh, airiness present in their tone. They rest their head closer to his shoulder, helmet bumping with his. “Gettin’ real comfy around me, too.”
They pull back, a frown heard in their question, “Would you like me to stop?”
He shakes his head, bringing them closer at a red light. “Not at all.”
Their laughter sounds again, more cheerful and light. Had he no context of where they'd been before the ride, he would’ve assumed they'd taken a drink too many. To see them relax and play along was about as rare as a day not passing by without the sudden awfulness of the weather. It’s been worsening, yet he can’t quite determine why exactly. There were plenty of factors contributing to it, one of the most common being the current season, and the most uncommon somehow related to the accusations monsters received about the bad weather being all their fault.
Flashing, neon lights greet the skeleton when he parks close to the inn, right below a tent made specifically for keeping customers' vehicles out of the bad weather. ‘Open 24/7. Vacant. Family Friendly. Monster Friendly. Absolutely NO pest problem. Suspicious wall stains are actually retro wallpaper patterns, not blood,' and a bunch more other things blare at him in bright lettering. There’s tiny wording at the bottom of the word ‘Inn’, reading: ‘formerly a criminal hideout’, in parentheses.
Sans expects all but more stifled laughter from (Y/N)’s mouth. When he looks towards them, he sees they've already taken their helmet off, revealing teary eyes and a smile. “What's next?” they ask, giggling. “Bet now the hotel guy'll say: ‘Sorry, we’ve only got one room left’.” They take him by the arm and lead him in as soon as the rain pours completely, their laughter drowning out as thunder clashes from nearby. “C’mon,” they call out, tugging him in. “You’ll get sick!” The door jingles as he passes through with them by his side, revealing a lobby far more decent than the outside suggests. “See that? It’s gonna be fine!"
He doesn't say anything and instead lets himself be tugged along. If he'd annoyed them too much with his flirting and this was the world's way of punishing him for it, he accepted it despite what that was doing to his soul. He accompanies them to the registration counter, where an even worse problem waits.
"Welcome!" Mettaton calls out, greeting both him and the human next to him with a smile. Funky music plays on the radio, matching almost eerily with his gaze and the purpose behind his smile. "Room for two, I assume?" He takes out a log book, and a calculative frown shows on his face as he taps his chin with the pen, a smile returning when he looks up. "...Either way, I'm afraid that's all we have right now."
His companion snorts (cutely, in comparison to Brayan), though they cover it up when he tries to get a better look at them, seeing a smile still on. "Told you so," they say, jabbing his waist. They then turn over to the robot, seriousness falling on their face. "We'd like to book it for a night, please."
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This chapter was originally meant to be only 2 parts long, but the request seen here (an older one, as it was suggested in the first version of this fanfic) ended up enriching the story's plot wayyy more than I thought, lol.
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dis-easedfairy · 4 years
Impulsive Decision Pt.8
Female Path | Male Path
Chapter 8: My Ally
Warnings!: Kidnapping | Swearing | Tae Was A lil More Than Suggestive |
Genre: Poly!au, angst, fluff, eventual smut, yandere!au
Pairings: BTS x Reader / Kim Taehyung x Reader / Kim Seokjin x Reader / Jung Hoseok x Reader / OC x Reader / Park Jimin x Reader / Min Yoongi x Reader 
Summary: Y/n is the owner of a very wealthy and successful company, Barnanby Inc. Y/n attends a BTS show, since they happen to be a fan. They make a very impulsive decision to show a loophole in BTS’s security and end up kidnapping BTS and 2 girls. In a fit of panic Y/n stashes BTS and the girls in a very luxurious bunker for the time being, but Y/n’s world slowly starts to crumble the longer the boys are out of the public’s eye,
Word Count: 10,042 (about 30mins of reading at an average pace)
A/N: I’m not even going to say sorry for taking so long because it’s a reoccurring offense so. My bad. HOWEVER, I do want it to be known that I’m starting a tag list for Impulsive Decision and Noxious! Also for any works I do. Like if you only want male reader stuff, or only the female path of impulsive or you want to be tagged for both paths. I’m not gonna say it’s because I'm so damn consistent that yall cant keep up. It’s because I ghost yall and post half a year later (ouch) like ‘waddup here bye’. I’m cool with you commenting or sending me an ask! SOJUSTLETMEKNOWLOVEYOUBYE.
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I happily munched on my toast with jelly as Jin was at the stove cooking eggs and bacon. Jimin was next to me, focused on his drawing. Taehyung was across from me on his phone, his legs intertwined with mine under the table, Tae was still mad that Jimin was between us when we woke up. Hobi was with Suga and I was unsure where the others were.
“Don’t get too full off of toast, okay, Y/n?” Jimin told me softly.
I nodded, looking over at his work. He smiled and proudly moved the drawing closer. It was a Barnaby design, only the character was wearing a hoodie, ripped jeans and boots.
“That’s actually really adorable.” I smiled.
“Really?” I nodded.
“Maybe I’ll draw more for you.”
“Really? I’d like that!” Jimin’s smile got bigger as he turned back to his drawing.
I rested my head on his shoulder as I watched him work.
“What time do you need to pick up your nephew?” Jin asked.
“Not until later. 12pm. I should leave by 11 so I don’t get caught in traffic.” Jin put the fluffy eggs in a large bowl and walked over to the table.
“That would be best. Do you know what you two are doing today?” I frowned.
“Not really, I usually bring him here for most of the day then take him to the park and my sister meets us there. I’m a little afraid to bring him here. ” I admitted, setting down my toast.
“Don’t be, we won’t let anything happen,” Tae reassured me.
“I mean, no one is exactly happy to be here, I don’t want the anger to be directed towards him.”
“It won’t be. Take him to the park, maybe a small trip around the city, bring him here for dinner, we’ll watch a movie in the front room and then you can take him to get picked up.” Jin suggested, forgetting about breakfast as he sat in the empty seat beside me.
“I don’t know… It’s really risky. I’ll think about it.” I really wasn’t going to think about it.
I didn’t want my nephew there. Not with the hostility and anger Linza carried.
“There’s not much to think about. It’s not like we’ll let anyone say anything to him.” Jimin reasoned.
It was useless. I made up my mind and had no intentions to change it.
“We’ll see. I think I might need to stop at my apartment, if my sister sees me without makeup she’ll lecture me.” I dismissed, picking up my toast and ignoring the looks they gave me.
Jin only let out an exaggerated sigh as he stood up to tend to the food on the stove. Taehyung frowned, going to look at a game on his phone. I could hear adorable sound effects strung into a song coming from down the hall signaling that Hoseok was coming. I just knew Jimin or Taehyung were going to say something or bring Hobi into it so I stood up.
“I think I should head out to my apartment, put on makeup and talk to Jason before I pick up my nephew,” I started picking my jacket up from the back of the chair.
I leaned over giving Jimin a small and quick kiss on the cheek. I ran around the table to do the same to Tae.
“Jin have you seen my phone?” I asked, stopping to look around the table.
“You aren’t going to eat breakfast first?” Jin asked, his voice saddened.
“If I sit down I might be late, Jinnie. I have to put on makeup or my sister will freak.” I frowned.
“You should eat.” Hobi chimed in, entering the dining room with a broken gaming console.
Taehyung turned around to glance at Hoseok but saw the broken device.
“What happened!?” Tae demanded, his face contorting to give his signature fake cry.
“Jungkook happened.” Hoseok rolled his eyes and placed it on the table.
“No results of temper tantrums on the table!” Seokjin scolded while putting rice in bowls.
“Temper tantrum?” I asked, confused more than ever.
I felt bad for the console but it could easily be fixed if I brought it to work with me. I knew a few of my employees were real tech wizards and loved the challenge.
“He sees it as ‘It’s not mine so who cares’.” Jin informed bitterly.
“He’s still a little mad, but he’ll get over it in a few more days!” Jimin quickly defended.
“He’s not calming down. Not with Linza around him.” Taehyung commented, not taking his eyes off his phone screen.
“Linza. Why do I want to scream every time I hear that name.” I sighed.
“Because she triggers everyone’s killing instinct.” A voice came from the other hall.
The owner of the voice happily skipping into the dining room.
“Good morning, Seongmi.” I giggled.
“Morning! What’s for breakfast?” She asked happily, going to plop herself on one of the stools at the kitchen island.
“Eggs, sausage, tofu, rice, and red beans…” I trailed off looking at what Jin was cooking.
Hoseok took the time to sit at the table while Jin plugged in the electric griddle.
“If you’re not going to sit down and eat, at least let me make you a sandwich.” Jin pressed, turning to the fridge.
“You’re leaving?” Seongmi asked, her eyes widened in surprise.
“You’re not accepting ‘no’ for an answer, are you?” I smiled.
“No. You’re eating.” Jin asserted.
I groaned, walking over to the table to sit next to Jimin again. Seongmi quickly came over to sit next to me.
“Are you going to work today?” She questioned, resting her elbows on the table, her hands cutely cupping her face.
“Uhmm, I don’t think so.” I begin to think if I had anything to take care of to buy time.
“Jin Oppa! Do you need anything from the store?” I asked.
Jin looked up and at me then begin to scan the kitchen, “I was making a list… Jimin, can you come to finish it? I’m trying not to burn her bread.”
Jimin only nodded, getting up and jogging over to the kitchen to search for the misplaced note pad.
“Just so you know, there are no limits. If you want me to buy a whole cow I will.” I informed, picking up my half eaten toast.
“I prefer pig.” Seongmi teased.
I felt a hand grab mine. I looked across the table. Hoseok was leaning on the table, his fingers beginning to play with mine, “I haven’t seen you with makeup, I bet you look just as beautiful.” His voice was deeper and his eyes locked on my hand.
My breath caught in my throat. His hands were so warm and somehow soft. Warmth spread throughout my chest as my heart sped up. 
I’ve never had someone look at my hand so fondly before. Just like that Jung Hoseok stole my attention. I turned to him more with a small smile, “Aren’t you the charmer today?” I teased.
A smile spread on his face, even though he had a smile on his face, his eyes lifted to meet mine, full of seriousness, “Just make sure to eat and don’t tire yourself out.”
“I will! I will try not to tire myself out!” I assured.
“…Your sandwich is ready.” Taehyung cut in, popping the bubble around Hoseok and I.
“Go get your sandwich and don’t be late for dinner.” Hoseok instructed before lifting my hand to kiss the back of it.
I only nodded, hoping he didn’t feel the heat from my face from across the table. I stood up to retrieve my sandwich. Seokjin was placing it in a paper bag with a satisfied smile while Jimin finished up the list and slipped it in the bag.
“Have a good day!” Jin grinned, handing me the sandwich and placing a kiss on my cheek.
Jimin quickly moved between us to put his hands on my sides and kiss the same place Jin did, “Be safe, Jagi!” He radiated, getting a glare from Jin.
I giggled at his action, “I will, Chim.”
I felt arms wrap around my middle and a chest press to my back.
“Have a safe drive, don’t stress on Jason.” Taehyung’s soothing voice guided.
I felt him place a kiss to the crown of my head.
I was pretty sure this was their plan to murder me.
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“What do you mean all the computers went out!?” I demanded, my phone between my cheek and shoulder as I fixed the bottom of my dress, “Then get them up and running! I don’t care how much it costs or who you have to call, we have a deadline to show what we got and I’m not letting a convenient power outage on one floor alone make it crumble.” I threw more clothes, makeup, skin products, and hair products in a suitcase to take to the bunker.
“Make sure the designers, programmer, and artist are well rested and fed, I don’t want our team to be running on coffee and sugar as their main nutrients. Call in an order and get plenty of water, I’ll make a stop there after I pick up my nephew.” I zipped up my bag and ran my hands through my hair.
“No! My brother will not step in. This is my department and my call. I don’t care who he tells you who he is, you are to listen to me and me only! Fix those computers, feed and rest the staff, and investigate how the power was cut off, why and who. I’ll be there in an hour and things better be productive or I’m kicking you all into shape.” I hung up.
I let out a huff. Great. Now another problem to solve. I frowned at my outfit. It was simple enough. A black dress made of a material that clung to my body but was stretchy enough to be comfortable. It had lace sleeves and round lace neckline, thankfully the lace wasn’t itchy so I was happy. I walked to my bed to the dreaded Christian Louboutin box. My older sister got them for me and I haven’t opened them. I slowly opened the box as if I was diffusing a bomb.
I let out a big relieved breath. They weren't platformed heels. They were regular black heels made of suede with the signature glossy red bottoms. After I slipped those on I rummaged through my drawers to find a belt for my waist. I settled for a black Gucci belt with small gold bees and stars on it, wanting the design to be simple. I quickly put on pearl stud earrings and searched for the necklace my father gave me.
The longer it took me to find it the madder I got. It was a Japanese Akoya black pearl necklace. It was very simple, just the black pearl with a white gold chain through it. My father gave it to me when we went to the beach in Japan one summer. We met a pearl farmer there and my father, being the proud business owner he was, asked for a tour. My father was really happy with the eco-friendly and sustainable pearls and offered them a deal. Now they have their own departments to make jewelry and give us some for our gift shops. The owner of the place gave me a black pear he found that morning, about a year or two later my father sent it back to him, then the owner sent it back with the chain in it, my father then gave it back to me, reminding me to always remember that small businesses are sometimes more reliable, loyal, and considerate partners. So now I treasure it.
I could hear my phone ring as I got on my hands and knees to look for the necklace. I groaned at the disruption, I answered it and put it on speaker.
“Yes?” I called from the floor.
“F/n. I’m just calling to remind you! You’re picking up my son today.” My sister drew out the last part nervously.
“I’m aware! You called while I was getting ready.” I grumbled, still searching.
“Wait, where are you? It sounds like you’re talking from far away?”
“I’m on the floor. Have you seen my black pearl necklace!? I can’t fin-” I spotted a round ball beside my nightstands leg, “NEVERMIND I FOUND IT!” I beamed, quickly snatching the necklace and examining it for anything out of the ordinary.
I could hear my sister sigh. “ You need to take better care of your things… Especially if it’s from our father…” I frowned.
My brother thinks the same. I felt a tug at my heart as I looked down at the necklace in my hands.
“…I knew it was here. I just wasn’t sure where. Just because I lost it briefly doesn’t mean I care less about it.” I explained, my voice small.
My sister muttered something under her breath that was too low to hear.
“Anyway. I heard Daisuke was in town. Why?” Her voice was straightforward and sent a shiver down my spine.
“I-I’m not sure. I just found out as well. I don’t plan on meeting up with him. I haven’t spoken to him in years.”
“Let’s keep it that way. Make sure to leave your apartment in the next 3 minutes or you’ll be late. Goodbye.” The line went dead.
Since when has my sister been this irritated with me? I pulled myself up to my feet. I walked over to my window, looking out for a moment. There were large clouds that did a good job of blocking out the sun for a few minutes at a time. It had been raining on and off all morning.
I looked back down at my necklace, sadness filling my heart, “…She wasn’t just talking about my necklace, was she, Dad?”
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I arrived at the school a few minutes early. I got out of the car and grumbled to myself on how I would have to wear the heels all day and it was going to sting. I felt a little subconscious as my heels clicked on the sidewalk and now in the entrance of the school.
The woman behind the desk smiled, “Ms. L/n! You look beautiful! I’ll let Gyeong know you’re here!” She said quickly, moving to get the phone to intercom the classroom.
I held my hands up, “Actually, I know I’m early so I’ll just let them finish up. I don’t want to interrupt my nephew’s studies and social life.”
The woman nodded, “Yes, I understand. Feel free to walk around, Ms.L/n!”
I gave her a small bow and began to wander a bit. I hated that. How people seemed way too formal and polite. Almost afraid.
I looked over the walls of the school hall. They were covered in artwork, letters, notes, photos and accomplishments from the children that made the whole place feel happy. I found myself smiling. This school always seemed so nice, comforting and patient. My nephew had nothing but good things to say about his teachers and the whole place in general. I found myself thinking about wanting my children to go to the same school in the future.
“How many kids do you want?”
I felt myself freeze again at the question Hoseok asked me this morning. I felt my lips stretch into a smile.
“Four kids sound nice, two boys, two girls...” I whispered to myself, reaching out to trace a picture of a tree a child drew.
I quickly withdrew my hand as if the picture had burned me. What was I even thinking!? Why was I thinking like that when I kidnapped Hoseok. When I forced them into a bunker against their will. They hadn’t seen the sunlight in days and here I was fantasizing and being an overall delusional woman.
Even if Hoseok did want children, that didn’t mean with me. I would probably be the last person who he’d want to have his children. I was also way too young right now. I had a company to look after. A prison to stay out of. Nine people in my bunker that I needed to hide!
It was also way too soon to think about kids even if Hoseok did want me in that way. A small amount of time shouldn’t give me baby fever.
In the bigger picture, I barely knew these men, yet here I was, willingly daydreaming about them.
I scoffed at my mistake and took out my phone, sending Jason a quick text about work and us talking, later on, to sort out somethings. Just as I sent the text I could hear loud footsteps coming down the hall. I looked up out of curiosity and saw my nephew’s teacher, Hui Gyeong. Once he reached me he doubled over, like he had just run a mile.
“Mr.Hui? Is something wrong?” I questioned, slightly concerned at the out of ordinary acts my nephew’s teacher.
“I was just on my way to call Jeonghun’s mother.” He stated breathlessly as he stood upright.
“Why? Has Jeonghun done something wrong?” I asked, feeling slightly worried as to where the conversation was going.
He waved his hands almost in a rush, “No! Nothing like that. I just couldn’t help but be a little worried about your lives, I know your sister likes to attend clubs and there have been a lot of recent criminal acts in them! I just wanted to tell you both to be safe.”
I felt my heart sink, “Ah, I was afraid my nephew did something…” I trailed off, trying to figure out how to change the subject that made my chest tighten up.
“No, no, aside from the usual talking he’s been well behaved,” Mr.Hui said, the air beginning to grow awkward.
“I will take your words into consideration. Thank you for caring enough to warn me.” I spoke up softly.
Mr.Hui smiled, “I’m glad. Your family does a lot for children and adults, it would be horrible if anything happened to any of you.”
You will be in for a ride when everything is said and done.
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“The power is back on? Thank God.” I let out a breath of relief as I sank into the driver’s seat of my car.
“Yeah, we are still waiting on security to look over the footage to see if they catch anyone being suspicious but so far we are clear. That maintenance man said it might have been a bad wire or something but I don’t believe that.” Jason spoke into the phone through the sounds of our busy office.
“I don’t either. Only one floor in the entire building went out. And it so happened to be the department we are relying on to get us a new partnership. It’s too coincidental. ” I chewed on my bottom lip in thought.
“That’s what I was thinking. We’ll go over it more at lunch.”
“We will. I have to grab a few things from the store and I’ll head over to whatever place you want. I’m paying because you seriously helped.” I pipped up, sitting up as I waited for the traffic light.
“How about in a few minutes? We’ll meet at the restaurant we take our business partners to. ”
“…Why there? It’s so high-end and we aren’t talking business, just having lunch. It’s Wednesday so I have my nephew. Maybe a more family-owned place?” I reasoned.
“Okay, just pick somewhere quiet, I’m getting a headache from all the talking and yelling in this office.”
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When I arrived to the restaurant I‌ began to settle Jeonghun in. I served him water and began to read off the menu for him.
“How about japchae?”‌ I‌ asked him as he sipped on his water.
He only shook his head, looking out the window.
“Hmm. Jjajangmyeon?”‌ I questioned.
He seemed to consider it for a moment before shaking his head.
“Fried chicken?”‌
He nodded his head frantically causing me to giggle.
“Same. We’ll just order a huge serving, okay?”‌
I handed the menu over to my nephew so he could look at the pictures and drinks, just in case he changed his mind. I looked around the place and it was warm and cozy. As I was looking over the wooden beams, I could hear a bell chime.
I‌ looked over to the door to see Jason. I beamed and began to wave my arms like an idiot.  
I came to an abrupt stop as I saw movement behind Jason. I strained my eyes to see who it was. As soon as I made out a familiar feature, my blood boiled.
I could see Jason’s eyes dart to the door for a split second, almost as if he was considering just leaving. Which would’ve been a good call, because I would give him hell on earth if he came to the damn table. However, he seemed to puff up his chest and march towards the table.
I let out a scoff, “So, you’ve chosen death.”‌ I‌ muttered under my breath.
I watched him and the man of my cause for irritation strut up to the table.
I had half the mind to yell ‘stalkers’ so everyone would throw them out.
“F/n…” Jason’s voice leaked false-confidence. I‌ would’ve been fooled if his voice didn't crack at the end.
Once they sat down and Jason greeted my nephew, I began to speak.
I let out a sigh, “Did the security find out what caused the outage?”‌ I questioned, pouring water into the extra glasses.
“No, bu-”‌
“What’s taking them so long?‌ It’s security footage not the bible.”‌ I took in a deep breath to calm the building anger.
It wasn’t security’s fault. They had to comb through hours of footage. Maybe even days to see who tampered with the electrical. It’s only been 30 minutes tops. I needed to calm down.
It’s just the presence of this man,
of Daisuke, who was weighing on the part of my brain that only showed anger and hostility.
“I’m sorry, I understand it could take hours to go through everything. It’s just,”‌ I chewed on my bottom lip, “This meant to much to my father. He did everything for my mother, I want to do something for him.”‌
“Are we just going to keep ignoring me?”‌‌ I‌ heard the voice of and actual demon.
“Daisu-”‌ I‌ cut off Jason’s sigh.
“This isn’t about you and your pathetic motives.”‌ I‌ began to wave over a waitress.
“Daisuke, didn’t I say don’t speak until spoken to?”‌ Jason shook his head as he grabbed his menu.
“She’s just ignoring me.”‌ He seriously sounded like a child.
“Did you already figure out what you wanted, Jeonghun?”‌ Jason asked as he looked over the menu.
“We’re getting chicken!”‌ My nephew perked up, happy to be included.
“What will we be having?”‌ A waitress pranced over with a warm grin.
“Four orders of chicken and beer please.”‌ Jason smiled back at her.
“Hey! We have a child here.”‌ I sang in a teasing voice.
“Chicken, beer and apple juice so it just LOOKS like beer!”‌ I only shook my head.
Surprisingly lunch was mostly quiet. Jason’s attention was on my nephew and my attention was on the power outage culprit. I think Jason wasn’t bringing Daisuke into the conversation because of my nephew. But I knew as soon as tonight he would be texting me to ask when we could all meet up and talk. And I hated that I knew that.
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I made sure to ask the butcher to give me top-quality beef steaks for Seokjin. All the beef I could get, I did. I wasn’t aware that meat would be a priority in the house but I should’ve known.
All the meats I got were FAR from on the list, but I got them anyway.
Seokjin and Jimin mostly wrote down everyday things and a few produce items. I‌ saw all the berries and fruits looking big and ripe so I got a lot of those as well.
Surprisingly I‌ was able to keep my nephew in line but getting him various things from around the store.
Unsurprisingly, Jeonghun ran out of the car as soon as I parked at the bunker before I could explain. I quickly got out the car and ran after him. He was about to open the first door as I grabbed him and yanked him away from it.
I set him down on the ground and held onto his shoulders as I began to explain, “Listen to me, Jeonghun. We have guests in the bunker. You are NOT going to tell anyone about them. Including your mother.”‌ My voice was stern, hoping it would show him that I meant business.
“You want me to LIE to mom?”‌
“No. . . I just want you to bend the truth a little. It’s different.”‌
“No, it isn’t.”‌
“…What do you know, you’re, like, five.”‌ He gave me the most offended look I’ve ever seen a child make.
“One year off. When’s your birthday again?”‌ I teased, watching him getting angrier.
He tried to wiggle out of my grasp while I get out an evil giggle, “I’m joking, I’m joking!‌ I know your birthday! It’s on the 13th of March.”‌
He stopped struggling to pout, not at all liking my playful nature.
“I’m sorry but you’re not going to be a prude like my sister. Lighten up will ya? Now, no telling mom, your dad, your aunt or uncle, your friends, NOBODY, that you met these friends. Got it?”‌
He let out an annoyed ‘okay’.
“Good. Now lead the way, I bet some are excited to see you.”‌ A giant grin formed on his face as he rushed the door.
He knew the codes just in case he was ever in trouble, so I had no worry about him getting stuck.
I watched him bounce down the stairs for a moment before turning back to the car. I gathered the several bags that I had and began to place them at the entrance so it would be easier to close the door behind me. As I was grabbing the last of the bags, my nephew's backpack, and closing the car doors, I looked over to see most of the bags were gone.
I froze into place. Trying to remember exactly how many bags I had. As I was lost in thought, staring at the bags, I saw Seokjin making his way up the stairs. My eyes widened.
No. No, no, No, NO!
I dropped the bags I was holding and ran towards the door. In a fit of panic, I ‌just grabbed the outside door and tried to slam it close.
I‌ heard a small thud and, “YAH! WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?”‌
“JIN! YOU CANT LEAVE YET! I HAVE SO MUCH MORE TO FIX BEFORE YOU CAN ALL GO!”‌ I cried, pressing my shoulder against the door to hold it closed against Seokjin trying to force it open.
He was what now?
I quickly moved out the way, causing him to fall forward onto the bags.
“Oh shit! Jinnie, I’m so sorry!”‌ I quickly apologized, kneeling down to help him.
He looked up like he was going to start cussing me out, but stopped once he caught sight of what outside was.
His eyes widened as he looked around. Large trees covering the small clearing. The only reason anyone would be able to tell a bunker was here was because of the small block of walls with a door in front of it. Looking like a small room in the middle of nothing.
The pathway to get here was slim and the tire tracks sometimes got covered by plants that grew faster during the spring and summer months. And in the fall, fallen leaves did the job. The snow in winter. The path twisted and turned, so it wasn’t just a straight line to the bunker, it was obscured by trees and large bushes.
“WHERE ARE WE!?”‌He almost demanded, making me flinch.
They all had their eyes covered when they arrived. There were no windows in the bunker. I wonder where they thought they were.
“The forest. A few miles from Seoul.”‌ ‘A few’ was generous.
“How did you even…? Does ANYONE know this exists!?”‌ Oh no. He was panicking.
“Jinnie, calm down,‌”‌ I began in a soft voice, “I told you I’m not going to hurt anyone, plus this is only temporary. Jason, my nephew, and a few others know this place exists. Relax.”‌
He shook his head, “I’m not afraid that you’ll hurt us, what if one of us gets hurt and the ambulance can’t get to us in time??”‌
Oh, that's what he was afraid of.
I couldn’t help the smile that began to form on my face.
He gave me a ‘really bitch’ look in return, “Why are you smiling? Do you know how dangerous it is to live so far away from civilization!?‌ What if you run out of gas and you have to walk to town!? What if a serial killer comes in and you’re left for dead because no one knows this is here!?”‌
My smile suddenly disappears.
“Here I was, happy that you weren’t going to leave me, and you have to point out every single feAR I COULD EVER HAVE LIVING HERE! WHY ARE YOU LIKE THIS!?”‌
“Can you both stop yelling at each other before the others come!”‌ I heard someone hiss.
That, someone, was Hoseok, who began to quickly pick up as many bags as he could, ignoring Jin on the ground and running back down the stairs to drop off the bags before coming back.
I quickly stood up and ran back to where I dropped the bags and picked up the scattered contents. I could hear the shuffling of bags and Seokjin got up to help Hoseok. As soon as I had everything picked up I ran inside and down the stairs. Hoseok quickly shut the main and vault door. He ran past Jin just in time for Jin to shut it. We all listened for a moment before letting out a breath of relief.
No one else seemed to notice that we had all three doors open. Just waiting for someone to run out.
Let’s hope that doesn’t happen again…
All three of us slid open the door to load the bags into the kitchen.
Taehyung and my nephew were sitting on the floor as Jimin had half of his body behind the tv with cords. Seeming to be setting up a game system.
Suga was sitting in a recliner, only watching them.
As soon as Taehyung saw us he spoke, “Jin-Hyung! Can you come set this up? Jeonghun wants to play Mario Cart but Jimin and I were lost!”‌
“What’s the magic word?”‌ Seokjin taunted as he began to put away groceries.
“Now?”‌ Jimin challenged, causing Seokjin to stop and turn around.
Hoseok let out and adorable laugh with Taehyung while I pressed my lips together. I wasn’t about to face Jin’s wrath more than I already have today.
“Please!”‌ My nephew gave a big smile, successfully breaking the tension.
Seokjin seemed to soften, “At least someone has manners here.”‌ Seokjin huffed and went to set up the console.
Seokjin setting up the console turned into Seokjin doing a tournament with the boys to see who could defeat him. It was around 7pm and he hadn’t even started dinner.
“Aish, he isn’t going to start it.”‌ Hoseok complained as he rolled up the sleeves of his shirt and got up from his seat at the dining room table.
“I’ll help!”‌ I‌ pipped up, bouncing up from my chair in excitement.
We started just making meat and ramen. Hoseok found the grill pan and set it up and I set up the pot of water. We both agreed on kimchi ramen.
I had got the ramen packs out the cupboard and was turning to go to the stove. I slightly bumped into Hoseok.
“Sorry, Hobi.” I muttered, only to see him smirking when I looked up.
His hands moved to my hips to rest there lightly, “Do you think eight packs is enough?”‌ His voice sent a shiver down my spine.
“I think so. I never made ramen in bulk before… Should we add veggies to it to fill everyone up?”‌ I suggested, almost excited at the thought of adding stir-fried veggies.
Hoseok’s smirk only grew, “Would you like ‘veggies’ in your ramen, Sunshine?”‌ I can tell he liked my choice of the word ‘veggie’ over vegetables, but I couldn’t bring myself to care as I began to get hungrier by the thought of more things in my ramen.
I nodded, “I think I got a good amount at the store!”
“We can add veggies. Anything else you want, Sunshine?”‌ He asked, his voice lowering an active or so.
I couldn’t help but gulp.
Why was he so close?
His eyes were locked on mine, the smirk he had only made me look at his lips more. His skin was glowing, despite the lighting in the kitchen that didn’t do him justice. His lips were pink, they looked soft and tempting. His eyes twinkled in mischief that I couldn’t help but find adorable.
“Well…I…uh.”‌ I had no idea what to say in a moment like this.
Did I tell him I wanted to kiss him?
My nephew was in the living room with the others not too far from us.
Speaking of the others, Hoseok was ‘playfully’ nudged to the side by Jimin, who came into the kitchen with Suga.
“I’ll help you with the meat Hoseokie,”‌ Suga muttered as he turned on the stove.
“Maybe I can help with prepping the vegetables?”‌ Jimin suggested, tilting his head slightly and batting his eyes.
Oh, he was good.
I only nodded at his suggestion, causing him to grab my hand and lead me to the fridge, away from Hoseok.
Hobi let out a sigh, “We were okay with making dinner.”‌
“You didn’t even preheat the skillet. You were going to make gray meat.”‌ Suga nagged.
Jimin took out carrots, mushrooms, bell pepper, onions, garlic, and cabbage before closing the fridge, “Hyung, you didn’t even start the water for the ramen.”‌ Jimin shook his head.
“I was in charge of the ramen.”‌ I tried to defend him.
“Well, he stopped you from doing your job, Princess.”‌ Jimin moved to cup my face.
“But I–” Suga interrupted with a simple, “Get the seasonings, Hope.”
Hobi let out an irritated sigh and moved to the cabinets. Jimin quickly picked out our knives and cutting boards so I wouldn’t go to Hoseok’s side of the kitchen.
I let out a sigh.
That was a little excessive.
There was silence besides Suga and Hoseok asking about the meat and Jimin asking a question or two about the veggies.
I couldn’t help my eyes from wandering to my nephew. He was obviously really into the game he was playing with Seokjin and Taehyung seemed invested in watching their match. The thing that really stuck out was one thing.
“Hey, Chim?”
“…Where are the others?”
A big smile formed on his face.
“I told Jungkook that he was losing his touch in one of the games in the arcade, so that’s where he’s at. Seongmi and Linza are in their room. I was talking about how good a drawing of Seongmi’s was and Linza wanted to learn. Namjoon is in the library. ” He seemed proud of himself.
“So you basically manipulated everyone into staying away?” Jimin frowned.
He scooped up his cabbage to put into a bowl, “Well… It sounds wrong when you say it like that.”
It did sound a little wrong.
“Sorry! It did sound a little wrong now that I think about it. Thank you. I was worried that someone would try something while my nephew was here. You really helped.” I assured.
Jimin lit up once more, “We’re happy to help. Jin Hyung helped me talk to Jeongguk and Linza.”
We all fell into comfortable silence besides Seokjin battling it out in the living room with Taehyung and my nephew.
I couldn’t help but wonder how the next few weeks would progress. If I would be able to handle everything. All of my worries seemed to evaporate as soon as Taehyung scooped up my nephew to victory taunt Seokjin. Maybe I was reading too far into everything and these were small problems. Or perhaps I was starting to downplay them to feel better.  
I needed to figure out how I was going to focus on work for the next upcoming days. The boys would, of course, be under Jason’s care. There was the situation of the power going out that I needed to follow up on with security in less than an hour.
I let out a sigh, they weren’t going to let me go peacefully until after dinner.
“Is something wrong, Princess?” Jimin asked softly, causing me to snap my head over to look at him.
Man, I was still not used to that.
Jimin’s concern caught the attention of Hobi, who stopped grilling to pay attention. Yoongi took the tongs from Hobi to continue the work. He seemed as disinterested as always.
“The, uh…” Should I explain or should I just tell them I couldn’t stay for dinner?
“If something is wrong maybe we can help.” Tae’s voice added, catching my attention.
He was leaning over the back of the couch, the concern and softness made me feel more inclined to tell the truth. Even Seokjin had paused the game, his body twisted around to look over towards me.
Now I had to.
“There was a problem at the company today.” I have in with a sigh.
“What kind of problem?” Jimin asked, putting down the knife.
“How serious is it??” Taehyung asked, his posture more alert to get up.
I quickly held my hands out, “The power went out in only the room with game developers. I’m having the right people look into it!”
“But?” Hoseok pressed.
“You’re worried?” Seokjin asked.
I nodded, “I am. It was ONLY the game department, ONLY the game developer room. I would’ve felt better if it were the whole floor or even the whole building. Someone targeted that department I just know it. I told them I would be there in an hour.”
Seokjin sighed and stood up, “I’m sure everyone will have it under control, your leader instinct is kicking in.” He smiled as he approached.
“But what if it’s some asshole trying to sabotage the game so we don’t have partners or investors and the whole game department is thrown out? People will lose their jobs! The company will take a financial hit!” I argued.
“Hyung, we should let her go, she does have a point.” Hoseok reasoned.
“We can pack her dinner to take with her. It’s her company, Hyung.” Taehyung jumped in.
Seokjin let out a groan and wrapped his arms around me, pressing the side of his face to my shoulder.
“Now you’re just being a big baby.” Jimin teased as he added the veggies into a wok.
“I’m older than you!”
“You don’t act like it.”
“Taehyung I’m your Hyung!”
“Not when we’re in the bunker.”
“How do honorifics not apply here?” I asked softly.
“Would you like for us to call you L/N-nim then?” Jimin smirked, continuing to cook like he wasn’t just calling me out.
I felt a small amount of heat go to my cheeks at the formality.
“Then no honorifics.”
“…To Seokjin at least.” Taehyung jumped in.
Seokjin stood up straight, I could feel the roast of the century radiating from inside of him.
“We’ll make sure to send her off with dinner. ” Hobi intervened.
“Send who off with dinner?” A melodic voice asked.
Seongmi had happily skipped into the room, upon entering she let out a small squeal. She put her hands over her mouth to try to muffle the sound. At first, I was confused but I followed her line of sight to see my nephew, slumped against pillows at Taehyung’s side. He seemed to be slowly slipping in and out of sleep.
Taehyung looked over to his side and a wide smile stretched on his face. Tae made a soft cooing noise before grabbing the throw blanket off the armrest and draping it over my nephew.
I tried to push away the thoughts of Taehyung being an amazing father and my growing heart to sigh.
“He didn’t even wait until dinner. He must've been so tired.” I frowned.
Seokjin let out his own sigh, “Okay, you can go after we pack you up dinner. I just don’t want you to overwork yourself.” His hand reached over to pet my head.
“Overwork? She’s barely been to work these past couple of days what do you mean?” Seongmi muttered.
“But she’s worked while she’s here,” Jimin stated, his voice having a small bit of irritation in it.
“Hardly. What do you think the owner of a company does? Just make decisions? She has papers to sign, branches to inspect. Meetings with not only staff but with partners, shareholders, even press meetings! She was far more involved before all of this!” Seongmi was clearly agitated.
“Seongmi? Is everything oka-” Jimin cut off my concerned question.
“Then she deserves a break don’t you think? She has other siblings who seem capable.”
“They have their own branches to manage! They have so much on their plate as it is, especially with their new push for games! She has to go. With or without your permission. She’s a grown woman, not a doll for you to play with.”
A heavy silence fell into the room. The weight was insane and it seemed like no one wanted to speak in fear of either Seongmi or Jimin popping off.
Okay, maybe I should deescalate this as much as possible right now.
As if reading my mind Suga let out a loud sigh, “You’re both burning dinner.” He grumbled as he went between Hobi and Jimin to push Jimin aside to lower the heat down on the wok and mix the veggies.
I made a mental note to thank Suga later before I spoke, “Seongmi, thank you for thinking about my feelings right now, but it’s okay. I’ll be sure to eat dinner and come back here before 3am. I hope to get as much work done as possible while I wait for the answer of the security cameras.” I could almost feel the air being thick with tension.
The way Seongmi deflated caused my heart to break. I bit my bottom lip to think of a compromise to make sure everyone was happy.
“Hey, Seongmi? Would you like any supplies? I feel like it’s unfair to bring you anything after all I’ve put you though. Maybe I could sneak into the animation room?” I suggested.
Seongmi’s eyes locked with mine in surprise. She quickly shook her head.
“I wouldn’t want you to get into trouble!” She stated quickly.
I unintentionally let out a giggle, “Get into trouble? With my own company? By the people I employ? I’ll get you a few thinks!” I smiled.
A light blush dusted Seongmi’s cheeks as she averted her eyes and nodded.
“While we’re all here and paying attention, I need someone to help me load the little gremlin on the couch into my car.”
“He’s not a gremlin!” Tae quickly defended.
“He’s not an angel.” Seokjin sighed.
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I had ended up trusting Tae to help me load up Jeonghun. I pretty much held my breath as we walked up the stairs. Taehyung looked like he was in peak father mode. He held Jeonghun with one arm under him and one hand behind his head to keep him close as Jeonghun peacefully had his head on Taehyung’s shoulder. Taehyung’s face held the look of concentration as we tried to keep our pace swift, yet careful.
I quickly moved in front of them to open the door to the back seat. Once the door was open I opened up the passenger door to put the cooler bags of food on the seat and tried my best to close it softly.  
Taehyung went the extra mile of getting to the car to position Jeonghun comfortably in the backseat. Once he climbed back out I closed the door as quietly as I could.
We both held our breath to see if he would spur. Once there was no movement we gave each other a quick high-five.
“I was afraid he’d wake up!” I let out the breath I was holding.
“Imagine how I felt! I was the one carrying him!” Tae chortled.
“Why do you think I didn’t WANT to carry him?” I giggled.
“Just use me and leave me, I see how it is.” He almost scolded.
“Aww, Tae! I love you though!” I teased and I leaned forward to hug him close.
“You love me, huh?” I could hear the smirk in his voice.
I jumped when his hands slid up my sides then to my back. He let out a sigh as he put pressure on my lower back to keep me flush against him.
The warmth that flooded my cheeks also flowed into my chest. I didn’t fight his touch and put my head on his shoulder.
As an unspoken language, Tae lightly nudged me and I automatically stepped back so my back was pressed to the cool car. He moved his hands to cup my face. Once I looked into his eyes it was game over. An endless pool of comfort welcomed me.
“Make sure to not overwork yourself, okay? Don’t let anyone rush you.” I only nodded.
“When you get home, I’ll be asleep in my room, don’t be afraid to come in, okay? I want to spend as much time with you as possible before Jimin tries to hog you.” I let out a small laugh.
“I doubt Jimin will steal me away.”
“Jimin would. He’s a little… Possessive when it comes to things he really likes.”
“Do you really like me too, Taehyung?” A small smile graced his lips.
“I told you. I like the crazy ones.” I get out an offended scoff and lightly pushed him away.
“I’m not crazy. I’m an intellectual.” I grumbled, turning to open the driver door.
Tae wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me close so my back was flush against his chest.
“Seriously though, I want you to myself when you get home.”
“Okay, just don’t tell anyone else I promised you this or I’ll never hear the end of it.”
Taehyung placed a few small kisses on the back of my shoulder that left tingles blooming on my skin.
“We’ll even sleep in. Lunch is better than breakfast.”
“Are you kidding? Seokjin would have my head!”
“…I want your head.”
“…Are you trying to make a dirty joke right now?”
“Only if it’s working.”
“…It might be.”
Tae let out a hum and slightly began to rock us side to side, “How about this? When you get home…” He began as he placed another small kiss on my shoulder, “I’ll let you climb on top of me…” He continued as he placed a kiss on the side of my neck, “And I’ll let you do whatever you please. It can be to sleep,” He kissed my jaw, “Or, I’ll let you use me.”
I whipped around, my face radiating dangerous amounts of heat, “YOU WHAT?” I demanded.
Tae quickly rushed forward to cover my mouth, “You’ll wake up Jeonggie!”
I began to smack at his hand repeatedly, wanting nothing but answers. However, as soon as Taehyung moved his hand, his lips took its place. It was quick and not at all boring though. Like he didn’t just introduce a completely crazy idea into our already weird relationship.
“Calm down. I’m only letting you know it’s an option!” He hissed.
“How are you so casual about this!? You’re an idol!” I hissed back.
“Not a nun!”
“Even hoes have a more subtle way with vocabulary and flirting!”
“I didn’t say I wasn’t still new to this!”
“Even rookies know you don’t just lay the ‘you can use me’ card on the table right off the bat!”
“Well, I’m straightforward!” I let out a groan.
“Now my face is hot!” I whined.
“So that means you WANT to use me.”
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Arriving to the company was just as chaotic as I thought it would be. People were scattered around and rushing in a quick pace. Before I knew it my sister’s personal assistant took my nephew out my arms and my assistant was pushing me to my office.
The power outage had put us a few hours behind schedule and instead of managers just letting employees go after regular hours, they requested everyone work overtime. Which caused more chaos that you would think.
I quickly put up my hair and started getting to work. I was chewed out once or twice by a few older directors for not being in my office 24/7 but all in all people were just relieved I was fixing as much as I could as fast as I could.
About several stacks of documents and a few dozen calls into the night, my sister decided to show up.
“I understand that we’re behind schedule, but I can’t have you overworking employees saying that they HAVE to stay.” I scolded a manager from one of the broadcasting branches.
I quickly mouthed a quick ‘I’m almost done’ to my sister out of respect. She only waved me off as she took a seat on the loveseat and began to pour herself a glass of water.
“The Video Game Department does NOT affect the Broadcasting Department. If I see this kind of slip up again I WILL give you leave without pay. Do you understand? Goodbye.” I hung up and let out a deep groan.
“What was that about?” Jiann asked.
I sighed as I plopped myself on the opposite loveseat. I threw my folder on the coffee table, very done with the list of people to call and meet with.
“I got word that one of the managers in the Broadcasting Department was trying to use the overtime excuse to get extra work out of the employees.” I grumbled crossing her name off the list.
“Hmmm, maybe I should speak with them as well?” Jiann suggested.
I shook my head, “I handled it. You’ll only make them fear you.”
Jiann let out only a scoff in response. I leaned back in the loveseat and tried to relax.
“How was my nephew? Your secretary just whisked him away.” I asked, my head lulled back so I was looking up at the ceiling.
“Still asleep. His dad will be here to pick him up in half an hour. There is something else I wanted to talk about though.”
“And that is?”
“I know.”
I let out another sigh with a roll of my eyes, “Know what?”
“About the bunker.”
“Cool. So does Jae. And mom. And your son. And Jason.” My indifference was clear.
She made it seem like it was such a dark secret that I paid to get a bunker in the middle of nowhere.  
“I also know about the nine people in there. The one’s the whole world are looking for.” My head snapped up to look at her.
I could feel cold spike at the back of my neck that was quickly changed into a slow burning fire in my chest. Like I had something to be defensive about, and the superior look on her face made it valid.
“This is what I think,” She began as she placed her glass on the table and picked up and empty one to pour me water.
“I think you should give up your place. Mom threw everything on us as soon as dad passed. You didn’t have time to be young and free. You let everyone go and I’ll gave our best legal team handle everything. You get away with this, you are cut free of the burden of owning the company and everyone is happy. I’ll keep you in charge of games so you’ll still be doing what dad asked of you.” She seemed to have a sparkle in her eyes as she spoke.
It was almost like she was thinking and fantazing this for longer that necessary. It only made the fire in my chest burn hotter.
“Jae and I will handle everything! What do you say?” She finished, holding out the glass of water.
I looked at her like she just told me the worst idea I’ve ever heard. Because she just did.
“I think you giving birth obviously fucked with your brain somehow. What possibly made you come up with that?” I let out a bitter giggle.
I could see the sparkle in her eyes vanished as the coldness arrose.
“What is wrong with you? I just gave you a way out! You committed several crimes and you’re looking at me like I’M the one in the wrong.” She slammed the glass down like that was about to intimidate me.
“You didn’t give me a way out, you gave yourself a way in. I’m not fucking stupid, Jiann.”
“This isn’t about me being power hungry or trying to fight for the top!”
“No. It isn’t. But it IS about your control. Your fucking pride. Ever since I was little you cared about other's opinions and I NEVER thought you would stoop this low.”
“You’re one to talk! You just kidnapped IDOLS.”
“I didn’t do it out of pride or control. I did it out of fucking impulse and recklessness. Something all CEOs have. Something you and Jae will never have.”
“Think with your head for once! If you get caught our company will be canceled! Our entire family business with crumble because of your stupid actions!” She was now yelling.
I could tell by the roughness in her voice that she was close to exploding, but I still wasn’t going to back down from this. It was my mistake and it was my company. It was mine to control and fix.
“I think it would be best if you just listened to your older sister and just stepped down with the offer I gave you!”
“And I personally couldn’t give a single fuck about what you think I should do. This is MY company. This is MY mistake. If you want to turn me in, then fine. Do it. In the end everyone will look at the company with distaste because family just destroyed family. It doesn’t matter if I was the CEO or not when it happened, you just threw your little sister to the wolves and told her to deal with it all because I ruined your image. Dad left this to me and ONLY me! You should be happy that I even LET you control what you do here! I'm not as weak as you make me seem and I'm not letting you take it from me. You make comments about Jae, but you're doing exactly what he would. If you're going to help do it out of the kindness of your heart and not because you want my spot. I would appreciate you leaving my office. Call me when you stop being a fucking child and start being a sister." I snapped and stood up to go to my desk.
“Are you serious!?”
“Deathly. Get out of my office.” I picked up the phone to make another call, dismissing her with the flick of my wrist like an asshole.
“We aren’t done talking!” She argued, now standing.
“Mrs.Han, yes, this is L/n F/n. I was calling about your manager.” I began as I walked over to my computer to pull up her file.
I knew Jiann wasn’t going to let it go as easy as I hoped. Maybe I could’ve been nicer or compromised, but something in my gut told me that it wasn’t what my father wanted and that I was meant for this role. One way or another I was going to prove it.
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By time I got through at least eighty percent of the reply list, it was close to four in the morning. It seemed far quieter than it did when I came for my sister’s throat. People had mostly left, lights in the building were either off or dimmed. My fingers ached from the constant typing of emails and documents. I even had to make an announcement to have sent out and displayed to employees. I had my assistant, Hajun, begin to work on getting more security and look into better security companies.
With the ache in my fingers, neck and back I decided to call it night. I turned off my computer and lamp as I began to gather my things. As soon as I bit those who I saw I went straight to my car to go home. Only then did I see the bag of dinner that had been forgotten in the car.
I let out a groan and let my head rest on the steering wheel.
I felt bad for forgetting it, but I was too tired and stressed to be hungry.
But they made it themselves.
I frowned.
Maybe I could eat it quickly. Or at least half. Or I can lie and say I got busy and left it in my office.
I reluctantly opened the bag to find chopsticks and open the container.
The pleasant smell wafted into the car as soon as the container was open, but the first mouthful of food was a unsatisfying one. The flavor was good, but it had gotten cold. The noodles had gotten far too soggy to even pick up with chopsticks.
I knew that was mostly my fault so I made myself eat a good amount of it before closing it up and shoving it back into the bag.
Once I started up the car and turned on the radio I couldn’t help my mind from wandering.
Would my sister sell me out? Would she let any of this go? Did she hate me now?
By time I had parked at the bunker entrance I had fully convinced myself that my sister was going to turn me in and disown me.
I lifelessly unlocked the doors and locked them behind me. I tried to think positively and like I was the baddest bitch to run the company but I was now lost and felt betrayed.
I had to prove myself, but did I already ruin my chance? Did I already fuck everything up sp badly that my father would be disappointed.
Maybe it wasn’t a gut feeling that made me pop off on my sister but fear. Or entitlement.
I snuck into the bunker and down the hall. As soon as I found the right door I crept in and lifted the blanket to Taehyung’s bed and immediately slipped in. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face between his shoulderblades.
Maybe even this was completely wrong. I had just kidnapped him and his friends. I should be in jail. He should be disgusted. He should be angry.
“F/n? Did everything go okay?” Tae’s voice rough from sleep questioned quietly.
I only shook my head, holding him tighter like he would leave if I showed any weakness.
I felt his larger, warm hand place itself over mine as he let out a huff.
“Everything will be okay. Whatever happened, I’m sure you did the best you could. Just get some sleep, I promise to make it all better in the morning. ”
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( Previous Chapter ) - ( Next Chapter : COMING SOON )
TAGLIST: @butterfliespoison​ @armycandy10​ @krystle1990 @min-mingii @toddsgirl27 
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nekomasmngr · 4 years
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➳ synopsis: You wanted to be warm more than anything. After a rough day at work and the bitter weather that seemed to cloud your mood, you couldn’t wait to get home and shut yourself away from the world. But, as much as you yearned for warmth, that wasn’t the only thing you needed today.
➳ genre: slice of life, comfort to fluff, established relationship between you and Suga!
➳ warning: just in case, there are mentions of being overworked and exhaustion, fidgeting behavior, self-deprecating thoughts, signs of an upcoming breakdown, post timeskip!suga, patient and loving suga <3
➳ word count: 3.861k
➳ a/n: here’s my sfw secret santa gift for @bugmomwrites !! this was a joy to write and i think i have a thing for writing long one shots for suga and i’m really glad you enjoyed reading this! posting this on record cause im quite proud of it hehe (っ◔◡◔)っ
That was all you had in mind. It was all you needed. 
Feet were being dragged as you trudged along the side of the road. Adjusting your form that was bundled up in layers to trap your own body heat. Yet, every step you took, every breath you released; warmth just kept escaping you. 
Your mind felt so muddy. You fidget and flex your fingers to try to keep them from freezing stiff from the brisk blow of the cold air, yet you had your attention recalling the events that occurred earlier in the day: the mistakes, the slip ups, and the lectures you got from your ever so judgemental inner critic. You’ve probably spent most of your energy making sure to get through the day as best as you can even if it meant feeling more overworked and exhausted than usual. 
Today wasn’t kind to you at all. You just wanted to warm yourself up with a nice bath, maybe order in some pizza and pig out on some ice cream, close the blinds on your windows and turn up a good sob story, maybe even cuddle up with your fluffy blankets and pillows—
A sharp buzz from your pocket pulled you out of your thoughts of relaxation, with a text from Sugawara that read: ‘Hey bubba! how was work? I’m almost at your place! can’t wait to see you!’
Oh no. 
It was date night with Suga. 
How could you forget?! 
Suga’s job at the elementary school demanded a lot of his time and attention. You, being the supporting girlfriend, didn’t want to be a distraction or an added burden to his job. So, you both agreed to focus on yourselves for the meantime. But, you both also decided to dedicate a night, once a week to see each other again— hence, date night.
Knowing the holidays were coming up, both of you had been assigned more tasks that usual, as the year comes to an end. Days were long and nights were lonely, weekends would be filled with other demands and unfinished deadlines. The time spent apart couldn’t be more evident that it was now and this night would be the first date you would have in weeks. You wouldn’t deny it— you missed Sugawara desperately. 
You started to think of what you both could do for date night. ‘Would he want to go out for dinner? Maybe see that new movie that was just released last week? Hm, or maybe we could catch up with some of his old friends, it is the holidays after all. Oh no, I have to change my clothes. Maybe put on a nice dress? But, it is colder at night, maybe some dress pants? Ew, that’s like going out with work friends.’ 
Your thoughts were running through every activity you could do and all the other things you needed to do to prepare for the date. An overwhelming burn rose inside of your chest, bubbling up with a mixture of excitement, panic, and nervousness. 
Another gust of wind blew through your face, biting your cheeks and nipping your nose. You were instantly reminded of the earlier weight you just had on your shoulders. The exhaustion you still felt made you think of how much energy you had already lost and how much you would have to use to get through tonight. It would take too much energy to entertain someone today, even if it was your boyfriend. 
You frowned for even thinking of cancelling date night. What kind of girlfriend would you be if you did? He might think you’d rather not spend time with him at all or worse, he might think you believe that both of you started to drift apart. 
You were slowly feeling more irritable at the different thoughts and little noises that just irked you more than they should. If you had to see Suga today, you definitely didn’t want to accidentally snap at him. Your head started to get dizzy as you kept thinking whilst fighting off your fatigue. 
Inside, you knew you missed Koushi so much. Just seeing him would probably make you feel better, with that smile of his that always brightened your day. However, you couldn’t ignore your aching muscles, the crick in your neck and the stress on your back. Your nerves were on fire and all you really wanted was for it to stop.
It seems as though your thoughts held your attention ever so fervently, because next thing you knew, you were standing right outside the door to your apartment. 
With a sigh, you squeezed your eyes shut and took a deep breath before jamming your key into the door. Stepping inside, you were greeted by a deafening silence. 
You had some coats and jackets strewn across your common area. The weather had been getting chillier lately and you had different articles of clothing available to you if ever you needed the extra warmth. A few knick knacks, memorabilia, and picture frames decorated the walls and shelves. The slight mess was homey to you. It made the place look alive and lived in, but right now it was an unearthly empty apartment. Something didn’t feel right. You didn’t know what it was, but the walls didn’t hold the warmth you yearned for. 
Frustrated at your dissatisfaction, you took a straight path to grab a glass of water that would hopefully clear your head. 
In the middle of your third glass of water, a knock at the door sounded. 
You flinched at the sound. Suga.
You mentally kicked yourself for getting distracted. You were so preoccupied with your own thoughts and feelings, you completely ghosted your own boyfriend. If only you had better focused and weren’t so bothered by every little thing that did bothered you; you would actually be a better employee or a better significant other— just someone better that deserves love. 
Dejectedly, you put down your glass and timidly inched towards the door. Opening it to meet soft doe eyes that looked at you in anticipation. Suga started out with a simple greeting and a bright smile that slightly put your aching heart at ease.
“Hey,” you replied, giving him a small smile in return. 
Entering your apartment, he started to get comfortable as you always allowed him to do so. Taking off his coat and putting down his bags, he turned to you to start the night’s activities. But you cut him off as soon as he opened his mouth. 
“I’m sorry,” your eyes casted down on the ground, both of your hands coming together to fidget with your fingers. 
“Oh, for what?” 
“I didn’t reply. I—,” with hesitation, you bit the inside of your cheek at how ridiculous you must have looked with your weak excuses, “I had a rough day and I’m just really…” Everything suddenly came rushing back to you: your thoughts of self-criticism, your slip ups at work, the cold that prickled your skin, the wasted time you spent on being preoccupied with your own thoughts, your tiredness and headaches—  all the things that seemed to drive you to your limit. 
You sounded silly with your struggle to form words without getting choked up by your exhaustion. You shut your eyes tightly to try to reset your mind and say what you wanted to say straight. 
Suddenly, gentle arms wrapped around you as you were pulled into a warm embrace. 
“Hey, hey. It’s alright.” A familiar hand rested on the back of your head and soon you rested your forehead onto your boyfriend. “It’s okay, there’s no rush, love.” 
Time seemed to stand still as you took in every bit of reassurance that spilled with his every word. Suga immediately saw your inner battle as he was attuned to most of your quirks and habits. He knew you just needed someone to hold you close. 
Unlike the present, most days, you would be filled with so much energy, just bouncing around, talking about the most random things. Bright smiles, heart-filled laughter, and matched chaotic energy exchanged between the two of you. 
You could easily ease up the most stressful days of work, where he’d come home tired from teaching the kids and administrative work for the school. But as soon as he saw you, all his exhaustion seemed to turn into more energy. You’d be so eager to listen to every word he would say about his day and he’d be just as happy to tell you all the cute little things the kids did— any sign of his own exhaustion had disspelled.
But of course, there are the days when you would be just as exhausted as he would be on those days, if not more with all the extra energy you spent trying to keep yourself together. Perhaps, today was one of those days. 
Tender lips pressed on the crown of your head. You felt soft movement against your skin as you heard your boyfriend’s kind words, “Is something wrong?”
You deeply sighed into his chest, your breath expelling heat that warmed the both of you. Shoulders and back muscles instantly relax into his strong arms. Your head slowly motions into a nod, but you don’t quite want to face him just yet. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” 
You bit your lip and buried your face further into Suga’s chest, shaking your head. 
He smiled at how adorable you had become and piped out a suggestion, “Hmm, how bout a nap first?”
You turned your head to look up at him, but your eyes shifted away as you saw his soft gaze. “But, date night…” you trailed off, not knowing how to say that you didn’t want to cancel on him. 
“It’s okay. You need to rest first, okay? We can talk later, but right now, take as much time as you need.”
Keeping an arm around you, he led you to your room and stopped at the side of your bed. Your own arms instinctively wrapped around your form to trap the leftover weight that lingered from the absent arms. 
“Do you need anything else?” Sugawara asked, fluffing up your pillows and opening the bedsheets up for you to slide right in. 
You took his hand and tugged him beside you; a signal for him to take a nap with you. 
As comfortable as you may have looked, with your head on his chest and your arms wrapped around his middle; your body didn’t fully relax just yet. You didn’t usually feel this shy when cuddling with Koushi. In fact, being vulnerable with each other was something you loved most about your relationship. But, there are still days when you would retreat into your own shell, when your mind kept up with your racing thoughts that only ever burned at your tired heart. 
Smooth thumbs ever so gently rubbed on your shoulder, pulling you out of the tension you were holding yourself hostage. Like a silent knock of permission, you were reminded of his overwhelming presence; the absolute love and lack of judgement that you would always be reassured of. No amount of shame, guilt, or sadness that you might feel would ever be hidden from Koushi. Just as he could never hide something from you. 
Trying to steady your beating heart from the rush of emotions that just went by you in such a short time. You slowly focused your mind on what's happening now, at that moment. 
With plush covers enveloping you, head resting on your loyal pillow and your favorite part— warm arms that led to careful hands. Suga dragged his palms slowly from your shoulder to your head. 
You felt gentle fingertips push against the middle of your brows, unaware that you had furrowed them in an attempt to make sense of your thoughts. 
“You can go to sleep, love.” Sugawara whispered, with a voice so soft and deep it was like a lullaby to your heart. With a last hum, you acknowledged his words and focused on the steady beat of Suga’s heart that hushed you to sleep.
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That was what you awoke to. 
Sitting up from your nest of blankets, you pouted at the absence of your boyfriend from your side. Stretching out your limbs from your position, you heard satisfying cracks from aching joints that have been stiffened for what felt like hours. Taking a glance at the clock on your nightstand, it had been a little over an hour since you were sent off to sleep in the sweet arms of home. 
Raising your nose into the air, you gave a whiff of something utterly delectable. Muffled sounds of padding feet and subtle rustling of metal, you suspected someone was in the kitchen area. With the thought of the mystery that was happening outside of your room, your stomach grumbled loudly as to add to the equation. 
As you entered your small common area, you were fixed on a familiar head of fluffy grey hair that seemed to float across the living space. Your boyfriend was carrying a couple of plates and glasses and arranged them on top of the placemats and utensils that rested on the low coffee table. All that was missing was the food.
Wondering if you had just imagined the earlier scent of delight, a couple of paper bags that were placed near the floor of the couch caught your eye. You perked up at the size of the bags and the likelihood of the great amounts of foods and snacks that could be inside. 
As if on cue, Sugawara greeted you with a shining smile that struck a good light into your soul. “Good morning, sleepy Bugs!” He walked towards you and gave you a sweet peck on the cheek. “How was your nap?”
“Um, it was good,” slightly suprised from the amount of affection you had just been given and from the sight before you, you remember feeling rejuvinated after that nap he suggested you take. “It was really good.” 
After having rested, you definitely felt better than you did the whole day. Suga definitely grounded you when you needed it the most and gestures like that never ceased to warm your heart at how he knew you so well. 
Fixiating your gaze on your boyfriend, you observed him unpacking your favorite foods from their packaging, placing them neatly on your dishware. 
“What’s all this?” You gestured to the set-up he had laid out on your coffee table. He gave a little shrug and looked up at you with a small smile, “I figured you would be hungry once you woke up, so I got us dinner.”
He was right once again. Your stomach cried at the sight of your favorite foods spread out infront of you.
“And since, it’s still date night. I thought we could just have a little self-care date just here.” he said as he motions to his little dinner party layout; both of you would be seated on the ground, with backs against the couch facing the television, fresh food on both your plates, a couple of bags of chips and soda on the side. It was comfy and casual, but seemed just perfect for the two of you. 
With a blanket on his lap, Suga looked up at you, head held high in anticipation of praise and a smile that lured you to sit by his side. 
“You sure you don’t want to go out?” you asked just to be sure. Your eyes locking on his, analyzing any hesitation or disappointment he might have over having to have to stay in on date night.
“Any moment spent with you is a date to me already.” He admitted with a grin. Your face scrunched at the sound of his affectionate line. You snorted until you both let out a laugh at how cheesy that sounded. “That was too cheesy, even for you.” You smiled at him. 
He whined at your tease, but quickly pushed your plates to yourselves eager to dig into your meals. 
As you ate, you conversed about what he had planned for the night, thinking of the time he must have spent devising this lovely impromptu evening. 
“We could watch a movie together,” he offered, “maybe do some skin care, what do you think of that?” 
“Skin care? You want to do that?” 
“Yeah! I want the full experience! I wanna get a fluffy headband to pull back my hair.” As if to show proof, he excitedly shook his head, making his fluffy grey hair bounce around. 
“I want to know about those uh, face washers?” he thought for a moment, turning away to take a peak at another paper bag that you didn’t notice before. “Or was it face masks? You know, to bring a little glow to the skin.” Suga said as he brought out some sheets of face masks that he must have bought when you were sleeping.
You almost awed at the sight of how enthusiastic and prepared he was. But, it was nothing unexpected of your boyfriend. Any spontaneous antics you would come up with, he’d support it either way, whether it was a surprise visit at each other’s work areas or a 2am drive to the nearest 24 hour fast food restaurant for a ridiculous craving; it was always something exciting with Koushi.
After a second to think, you answered honestly. “Yeah, we could do that. My skin’s feeling a little dry lately.” 
Immediately thinking of the other products you had that the two of you could use, but curious eyes pulled you from your thoughts as Sugawara studied your face, “Oh yeah, it does.” He leaned back and nodded, “You might need the whole treatment more than me, Bugs.” Taking a bite of food, he put on a classic innocent smile, but that could never fool you. 
How cheeky he had become all of a sudden. You groaned at his little act of mockery and gave him a sharp shove on the shoulder. 
The little joker lurched forward, spilling his food back on his plate, “Oi! I could’ve choked on my food!” he exclaimed.
“Oh, do you need some prune juice to water it down, old man? ” you retorted back at him. 
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The night continued on with your customary jokes and teasing. As Sugawara planned, after your dinner, you were both seated on the couch, swaddled in your comfiest clothes and blankets. Headbands clearing any stray hair away from each other’s line of sight, as fresh face masks adorned your gleeful faces. 
It was refreshing to not have to worry about what happens next and how much energy you had to spend to act as though you were enjoying. It all just came so natural with Suga. You didn’t have to keep up a facade, like a professional one at work, thinking over each task and mistake you inevitably made and repenting for it. 
Tonight was just about the two of you. Addressing each other’s needs and soaking in each other’s genuine presence. It was a slow day, nothing extraordinary, but it satisfied you both to know the security you felt in each other. Feeling as though you were both constant in each other’s lives, especially in this age of uncertainty. 
As the night came to a close, you both retreated to your earlier position. Limbs entangled with one another, the comforting beating of each other’s hearts slowly tuning in sync. You both haven’t quite fallen asleep yet, having felt the air fill up with unsaid thoughts and yet, none were uttered as a blanket of silence covered the entire room. 
You didn’t know how long you both just laid there, but you remembered feeling the dancing fingers that were playing with your hair, halting its movements. Followed by a light poke on your cheek which brought you out of your own trance.
“Hey,” Koushi chimed in, “we forgot to do one last thing.” You hummed as you turned your head expectantly at him. 
“But we don’t have to do it, if you don’t wanna talk about it okay?” You nodded in agreement, paitently waiting for his next words.
“We haven’t talked about your day yet. How was it?”
Ah, you knew this was coming. Sugawara would never let you go to sleep without acknowledging both the good and the bad things of the day. Having spent a good 4 hours on your date night, ignoring the bad and recharging your emotional battery, it seemed like a good time to bring up what bothered you. 
In a way, this was something you were grateful for. Recounting the events of the day felt easier to talk about  now rather than how you would have expressed them earlier that evening. Allowing yourself to understand the bad things in life validated those rush of emotions you felt which didn’t seem as muddy as it was before. Which is why you would always be grateful for Sugawara for being who he was. Knowing that he knows how you work made you feel special, made you feel seen by someone who was a witness to all of the different parts of you. 
As you end your cathartic narrative, you gave your boyfriend the softest of smiles that hopefully showed how thankful you were for being able to have a safe space for your emotions.
He mimicked your look and added, “I know it’s sometimes hard to admit these kinds of things.” His smooth palms took your hand that was on his chest in the softest of grips, bringing them to his lips for a kiss. 
“But, you can always talk to me about them, alright?” 
It was in the way his eyes glowed along with the moonlight that spilled in from the window, hinted at something deeper than just ‘these kinds of things’. Trust seeped out from his gaze and into yours as you understood his real message that Sugawara meant. That he was here for anything; anything you wanted to say, anything you wanted to do, and anything you felt like—
He was here for you. 
Sugawara wrapped both of his arms around your frame for a firm embrace and poured every reassuring emotion into his hug. Making it known to you that you can always count on him to be there for you. 
Basking in each other’s arms, you savored in the overwhelming soothing warmth that you both shared. A knowing inkling chimed at the back of your head bringing to light the earlier encounter with the unknown missing presence after having entered your empty apartment.
Warmth was missing.
More importantly, Suga’s warmth. 
This was all you needed to unwind from the worldly chaos that you go through everyday. It is in his arms where you feel the safest and it’s a place you wouldn’t want to leave anytime soon. 
His actions today showed you how attentive and dedicated he was to you. Pure love and care was all that you felt while being with him today and you believed in him to be there, with just as much love and care (if not more), in the days to come.
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Who’s in Charge Pt2 || Maze Runner X Reader
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Summary: Y/N does her best to make Teresa feel welcome in a glade full of boys, but one particular greenie ruins her plans and makes her question her insanity. 
Word Count: 2.4k
Author’s note: This is somewhat a continuation off of Who’s in charge and If i continue this mini series, I really want to explore the idea of being a girl in a leadership role. Not only that but the somewhat glamorization of how awesome it would be to be the only girl in a glade cause unless they all look like Minho, that would be TERRIFYING. I love attention but goddamn Y/N in any fanfic fandom is an attention WHORE! 
Warning: LOTS OF CUSSING, incel type shit ew, blood and wounds  
Part one || Part two 
A lot has changed in the glade in the past couple of months and as the first in command, it didn’t make your job any easier. After the greenie that disrespected you, the glade got two more people, a boy named Thomas and to your surprise, another girl. Her name was Teresa and although the two of you weren’t close, it was nice to have someone you felt like you could automatically trust.
The greenie you didn’t like very much was named Theodore and while everyone else called him Teddy, you always just called him greenie because he still acted like an immature shank. You haven’t had any interactions with him since but word from the other guys was that he would not stop gawking at Teresa.
“ Has anyone seen Teddy? Fry said he hasn’t been back since lunch,” Newt asked as you continued to write down the medical inventory to help out Jeff.
“ Yeah I saw him go down to the huts about 10 minutes ago. He looked like he was in a hurry,” Jeff said as he pointed over towards the window with his pencil.
This wasn’t the first time Teddy had flaked on his duties but after your altercation with him, Newt was usually the one to reprimand him.
You rolled your eyes as you looked down at your clipboard,” I’ll go find him. I have to stop by Teresa’s room anyway since she’s gonna help me rebuild the fence with John and Gavin.”
Newt leaned against the doorway and picked up a small bandage to wrap his finger with,” How’s she liking the glade so far?”
“ I mean, as much as she can like it. I think she’s after Thomas yeah?” You said, raising your eyebrows at him, as you walked out the door with Newt following close behind,” I swear those lovebirds are hiding something. Something tells me that it isn’t all just love at first sight.”
“ Well you’re never wrong so I’ll keep an eye out,” Newt laughed softly as the two of you parted ways.
You continued to walk across the Glade at a normal pace, not so much enjoying the glade itself but the quietness of today. You knew Minho and Thomas were gonna be back any minute and those two were always responsible for the rambunctious crowd of boys every night so you savored the trip.
Given that Teresa was a bit nervous with all of the boys around, you gave up your hut so that way she would have some privacy. Although Teresa seemed to be really familiar with Thomas, you knew that sleeping outside surrounded by boys wasn’t the safest feeling. You did miss how your hut was tucked a bit away from everyone else and that the big tree near your window gave you cool shade during the harsh sun. But it was just for the time being, whenever that was.
You knocked on the door and heard Teresa’s voice on the other side,” One second! I’m changing!”
You gave a quick response and waited outside her door, tapping your fingers against your clipboard in an unknown beat. Once you stopped tapping, you heard something rustle in the leaves on the other side of the hut that was covered by a small part of the forest. You scrunched your eyebrows together as you walked over, thinking that maybe it was just another rabbit.
When you turned the corner, you saw Teddy watching through the corner of Teresa’s window. You looked through the window to find Teresa already stripping off her top which made Teddy hold his breath.
Without thinking, you stomped over and grabbed the back of Teddy’s shirt before dragging him away from the window. I knew I should’ve listened to Alby to make those stupid ugly curtains. Teddy let out a loud yelp as you dragged him farther away and closer to the center of the glade where some of the boys were building another shelter.
“ You stupid fucking pervert!” You shouted as you practically launched him onto the dirt,” you’re disgusting! After everything, this place has done for you and you think you can spy on women like some kind of ...stalker!”
You were well past mad, you had never felt anything like this before. Your whole body felt like it was building up with pure steam, almost ready to explode like hot dynamite. You were nothing short but disgusted, out of your whole time living in the glade, none of the boys had ever done something so terrible.
“ R-Relax! I wasn’t even doing anything wrong-”
You didn’t know what came over you, maybe it was because you hadn’t slept all day or because you hadn’t gotten mad in so long so you were practically itching to get into a fight.  You felt your legs pump more blood than ever and in an instant, you pounced on him and started slamming your fists into his face without mercy.
You felt like a well-oiled machine, every time you smashed your fist against his body, you felt your other arm recoil and do the same thing over and over again. You couldn’t even pay attention to anything that was happening around you, all you could do was throw punches. With every punch, you still managed to yell through your gritted teeth,” Ungrateful! Little! Pig!”
Even with his limp, Newt was the fastest to make it over to where you were and tried to rip you away from Teddy, yelling at you to stop. Gally, who was nearby building the shelter, practically picked you up off of Teddy but you still struggled against him.
“ Y/N! You need to calm down-”
“ I am tired of people telling me that to calm down! I am calm!” You shouted as you breathed heavy against Gally, who was using all of his strength to hold you back,” he’s a disgusting pig!”
“ What the hell is going on?” you craned your neck to see Thomas and Minho jogging over to where everyone seemed to circle. You laughed out loud, knowing that once Minho found out what Teddy had done, he would be toast.
Gally let you go and dropped you to the floor not so gently,” There’s been a slight problem. Y/N and Teddy-”
“ Slight problem?” You exclaimed as Minho came to your side, helping you up all while looking at your bloody and bruised knuckles,” Teddy was watching Teresa through her window while she was changing. That isn’t a slight problem Gally! How would you like it if he peeked through your window!”
While some boys laughed at your comment, Minho and Thomas’s head snapped towards Teddy, who was still lying on the ground but sat up on his elbows. His nose was bleeding and by the looks of it, you were sure you gave him two black eyes.
“ She’s lying! She just started attacking me out of nowhere cause she’s fucking crazy!” Teddy spat out blood as you tried to lunge at him again but Thomas pulled you back.
“ What did you just say?” Minho said through gritted teeth as he started walking towards Teddy but Newt and Gally both stepped in between Minho,” say that again, I dare you.”
“ Everyone just stop!” Newt snapped as he turned to look up at Minho,” take Y/N somewhere to cool off while Thomas and I will take Teddy to Clint. Don’t do anything stupid.”
Minho nodded all while keeping his eyes locked on Teddy’s bloody face. Minho was stubborn and as much as he wanted to bash Teddy’s head in, he knew when it was right to follow the chain of command. You shook Thomas’s grip off of your shoulders as your eyes caught Teresa’s, her face flushed in embarrassment.
Before you could muster out a word, Teresa took off back towards your hut, pushing past a group of gladers who were crowding around. You took one sweeping glare towards all the loitering glader’s which made them all spread out back to their posts.
“ Let me patch you up back real quick. You look badass but your knuckles look gross,” Minho hesitated as he attempted to ease the tension in the air and his own blood pressure.
You looked between Minho and where you last saw Teresa, wondering where she could be. You couldn’t imagine how terrified she must have been, especially since she probably saw you beat the hell out of Teddy like there was no tomorrow.
“ Just give me a few minutes, I’m going to go find Teresa,” You said as you rubbed your fingers over your battered fists,” I think she just needs someone to talk to after all of that.”
You and Minho said your goodbyes and before you knew it, you found Teresa on the edge of the deadheads picking at the grass laid before her. You awkwardly sat down next to her and from the looks of it, she had just finished crying.
“ I want to say sorry for what you might have seen. The last thing I wanted to do was scare you or to make you think I’m such a violent person,” You apologized as you watched her expression carefully,” but I’m even more sorry that your privacy was invaded on. I promise you, I will do everything in my power to fix this.”
Instead of giving a sad look, Teresa smiled and let out a dry laugh,” No offense, but there isn’t anything you can do to fix this. It’s literally in their DNA to be so stupid.”
You were completely taken aback. Yes, nothing could ever take back what happened to Teresa but she couldn’t be talking about all of the guys in the glade, could she?
“ I don’t think that’s true and neither do you. Teddy is a sexist pervert for sure but plenty of the glader’s are nice guys. One bad seed doesn’t make the whole tree go rotten,” You said thoughtfully, not wanting to undermine Teresa’s experience.
Teresa turned to you and thought for a moment,” So when you first came up in the box, you weren’t terrified of being the only girl?”  
“ Well, I was just terrified because I was alone for the longest time until Newt came up,” You admitted but then you really tried to give your honest opinion,” but yeah, I guess I felt different when more boys would get sent up. It’s not that I was scared at first but I just didn’t know what to expect with all those...hormones.”
You realized that you had never said that out loud before; revealing your feelings for being the only girl in the glade before Teresa and once you actually said it, you felt something wash over you. You weren’t sure if it was sadness or guilt or shame, but you didn’t feel good about your emotions right then and there.
Teresa noticed this too and didn’t say anything else, allowing you to speak more.
You cleared your throat, not even thinking of the right words to say because all you wanted to do was spill everything you had bottled up for years,” The more boys the box sent up, the more stares I would get, even if I was just bending over to pick something up. It felt gross knowing that they were eyeing me up and down like I was just some piece of meat but all of a sudden when it came to me being in a leadership position, they all acted as if I suddenly didn’t matter.”
“I completely understand how you feel. It’s like a cruel joke; they want you around to help engage their sexual fantasies but once you make an executive decision, you’re not fun to be around,” Teresa said, thinking about her past memories of being one of the few female researchers at WCKD,” are they still like that with you now?”
“ I hardly catch any eyes thanks to Minho being as protective as he is but I wonder if he’s just doing that out of the kindness of his heart or because he is trying to get in my pants,” you laughed honestly, knowing that in your heart he was genuinely a sweet guy,” but I don’t know. I can tell sometimes they don’t take me seriously. Remember that last meeting we had and when I gave my proposal, no one really cared but when Newt said it two minutes later, everyone thought he was a genius. I don’t think they mean to do it but it still hurts.”
That was something you were always insecure about; not being taken seriously. You were reminded of that every month when a new glader would show up and they assumed you weren’t the first in command. How was it that you all had no past memories yet in the glade, they already had some form of prejudice against you? You didn’t understand that in a world filled with hardly any societal norms that you were still treated unfairly.
“ But I love everyone here with the exception of a few. At the end of the day, we’re pretty much family. As much as Minho annoys me or how much Newt pesters me, they’re the greatest friends in the world,” You said as you thought back to all of the times they had your back,” but shuck I wish I had a day of peace without the boys tearing down the glade. I just want to get out of this goddamn place already.”
Teresa nodded sympathetically, but knowing that she was one of the reasons you were here trapped, she said nothing.
After a moment of silence, Teresa wanted to clear her head of WCKD’s old thoughts,” What are you going to do about Teddy?”
After this whole discussion, you had completely forgotten why you had come over in the first place.
“ Honestly, I don’t know yet. We’ll keep him in the slammer until we figure something out. Whatever it is though, I know it won’t be enough for how you were violated. I really am sorry that happened to you Teresa, is there anything I can do to make you feel better?” You asked as Teresa smiled and gave your hand a small squeeze.
“ I’m just glad I have someone to talk to.”
You nodded as you sat there, not being able to hold in your smile.
Me too.
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jebazzled · 4 years
Level Up! Beginner/Intermediate/Advanced RP and You
Hello there! Coming to you again with tips & tricks for a top-notch roleplay experience! Today we're going to talk about writing levels and what they mean for your roleplay experience. We'll cover what these levels mean, how to gauge where you're at, and how you can improve your roleplay writing specifically!
"Writing levels" are often a descriptor sites will use in their advertising and site buzzes. They might be "semi-literate," "intermediate," "literate," "advanced," or any other sort of buzzword. The key here is that these descriptors are used by site staff both to advertise what type of writing is most common on their site and what type of writing they want to see on their site.
What writing levels are not is a value indicator. There's nothing wrong with being an intermediate writer or a beginner writer; advanced sites are not inherently better than intermediate ones, beginner sites are nothing to be ashamed of! Think of writing levels as an umbrella within the rp community. The same way a forum rp-er might narrow their search to jcink sites, a writer might narrow their search to sites which cater to their style of writing.
That said, it is good to define what each of these levels look like so you can figure out where your writing might fit.
BEGINNER Beginner writing is often very short and direct, without much in the way of literary flourish. Characters might be fairly undeveloped (or developed around one trait, for example, "goth" or "prep") and there's usually more discussion of their appearance than you see in advanced writing.
Susie was short and very skinny, with big eyes and long mermaid-wavy hair dyed blue at the ends. She was sitting outside Firefly High in blue skinny jeans, silver Converse, and a black t-shirt. "I hope someone can give me a ride home," she said.
Raven sneered at Susie. She didn't like blue because she liked black, because she was a goth. "Are you listening to popular music? What a phony."
Bramblepaw sat down in the clearing. "Hello" he meowed.
Some guides will also give an example like 
patty threw a pom pom at susie! "take that u nerd!"
But I am choosing to believe that you're past that if you're deep enough in this hobby to be seeking out resources - I certainly never had that self-awareness until I was more in intermediate territory!
Beginner-level writing gets the job done, and can certainly move a story along. But if you've been writing a while, you might be ready to build more multifaceted characters, and to invest more effort in your writing.
INTERMEDIATE/SEMI-LITERATE WRITING Intermediate writing tends to be longer than beginner writing, with more variety in sentence structure and with more advanced word choices. There are likely more "beats" per post, by which I mean that instead of just answering a question or getting on the bus or etc, a character will likely do more actions in each turn writing. Characters are less likely to be a stereotype (see: Raven the goth who only wears black, Patty the popular cheerleader who is blonde and brainless, etc) but applications likely reveal one-dimensional characters. Common application styles I see from intermediate writers are "interviews" and "journals," as well as listicles (10 Things Raven Likes, 9 People Raven Hates, etc); this likely means a character is told rather than shown.
(Wondering what's so intermediate about interviews and journals? See my guides to interviews and journals!)
Susie was born on March 20, 2003 in Farmville, Iowa. She didn't like how similar her classmates all were - they all listened to the same music, read the same books (none!) and had the most fun when drinking on a tractor. Susie was more deep, and liked to write poetry and sketch the animals that lived on her family's farm. Today she was sitting outside Firefly High, twirling the ends of her blue-dyed hair and waiting for a ride home. 
Raven wasn't like most girls. She didn't like horses or rabbits, but only liked goats, because they represented the devil. Raven also wasn't like most girls, at least in Farmville, because she worshipped the devil. She wore a lot of black to represent this, and when she saw Susie, she sneered. Blue! Susie must be a normie. "Are you listening to popular music?" She asked. "What a phony."
Bramblepaw had spent all morning hunting and was feeling lonely. All he wanted was to share a squirrel with a friend, and maybe have someone groom the tricky spot behind his ears. He padded from the apprentice den to the warriors', to the elders and no one was home. He sat forlorn in the middle of the clearing. "Hello?" He meowed.
Another common trait of both beginner and intermediate writing is that posts might not leave much for a partner to reply to. The whole point of this weird hobby is to collaborate with a partner - if you're finding that it is hard to keep writing partners, you might take a look at my guide for writing posts that beg a response.
Intermediate writing is stronger than beginner writing, but still sometimes falls flat when it comes to collaboration with a partner, and is almost never beautiful to read. Intermediate writing is when advanced writing is just over the next hill - and that hill comes with a fair amount of work.
ADVANCED/LITERATE WRITING Advanced writing can be long or short, but the writing in either case packs a punch. Advanced writers use a variety of sentence structures, words, and literary devices. They might have specific imagery they use for specific characters, specific literary constructions for different characters, and there is a strong character voice in each post. Advanced writers write multifaceted characters with genuine flaws and fears, and advanced writers produce writing that is enjoyable to read, elegant and emotive. Applications will usually be anecdotal - will demonstrate key moments in a character's life, allowing the writer to show them in action rather than tell the reader what they are like. (A guide to anecdotal freestyle applications is available here.
Everything felt the same in Farmville: identical rows of corn stretching endlessly over the horizon, pockmarked by the occasional farmhouse, white clapboard and falling shutters. Every person felt the same - Susie and Mary and Sarah and Joseph, strong peasant names living strong peasant lives, and never straying more than twenty miles from the town in which they were born.
Even Susie knew she had her place in the sameness: the once-every-generation girl who fancies herself to be more, as though her sketches of the sheep and pigs are any better than her grandmother's before her. As though dying her hair blue were enough to make her different when she knew she belonged here as sure as the hogs in the barn.
The only difference between Susie and her classmates was that she didn't have a car to get her to her evening job at the Road Ranger gas station, and her bike had disassembled itself after she'd pedaled it into a gopher hole, so here she was, sitting pathetically outside Firefly High, waiting for a ride. She'd almost rather be fired than beg for one. 
It’s the principle of the thing, Raven had told her mother that morning. Yes, it was 90 degrees and 90 percent humidity; yes, there was not a cloud in the sky and the fields absorbed heat like a winter sweater; yes, she was aware that her white makeup and Wet n' Wild eyeliner was falling off her face like The Scream. But it was the principle of the thing, wearing the long-sleeved black shirt with the hand-cut thumbholes, a long dark skirt; her only concession to the heat, a pair of thin gray flip-flops instead of her beloved Docs. She listens to Death Wish; she doesn't have one.
But nothing makes a Satantic rebel feel more a phony than feeling it drip off of them in the rural Iowa heat, and Raven wanted to take it out on someone. Fair? No, but life isn't fair; she's got that on a sticker on the electric guitar she saved up her Hy-Vee salary for and never learned to play. Maybe pretending to be an asshole has turned Raven into one.
She has no real problem with Susie - Susie Q., from math, or Susie C., from human geo; who knows, they're all the same - but she scoffs at her anyway, loud enough to catch Susie's attention. "What top-40 garbage are you listening to?"
Hunting is something they do together, or they're supposed to. But in the whole time he'd been out in the woods, Bramblepaw hadn't seen a single other cat - not playing at the stream, not waiting in a tree for the finches to return, not sitting along the RiverClan border to taunt their neighbors. If he'd been a Loner, just passing through, he would have thought the entire territory abandoned.
It was unsettling, and when he returned to the Camp, it was more of the same: everyone gone, without a trace; had he imagined them being here at all? Was it all in his head?
His mew sounded small and pitiful to even him, the mewl of a lost kitten. "Hello?"
Advanced writing makes more time for descriptions, scene-setting, and other narration. It doesn't feel "cringey," by which I mean if you read it 10 years from now you're probably not going to want to drown yourself. Please do not ask me about the 2005 Proboards forum I adminned and referenced for this tutorial.
So now that we can recognize what writing our level might be at - how do we shop for a site?
Now that you have a sense of where your writing sits, it's time to use that data point in searching for a new site to call home. Some sites make it easy for you by self-identifying as beginner, intermediate, or advanced; some sites may use "semi-literate" and "literate," but I know I stray from those labels because it feels like a value judgment, and as I said before:
there is nothing wrong with being part of a beginner or intermediate community, if that is what makes the most sense for your writing and for what you aim to get out of your roleplay experience!
Before applying to a new site, you should do a little bit of digging around to see if it's a good fit for you: 
Look at accepted character applications. How do these compare to your own writing?
Skim some threads from top posters. How does this community write and structure their threads? Could you see yourself regularly keeping up with their speed, length, literary quality?
To the above point - does it seem like the community has a tendency towards your personal writing pet peeves? (For example, I personally cannot stand purple prose, and if the site community is prone to it, I am OUT.)
This is in addition to all standard due-diligence site-hunting routines, e.g. not diving into the world of Southern Gothic supernatural if you're looking for, say, urban fantasy.
It's also worth thinking about how the community behaves on the server, if you join it:
Is there a thread shoutout/compliments/etc channel? What passages are members calling out in there as exceptional writing?
Do the members strike you as open-minded and friendly or as more of a closed group? If you choose to shoot for a level above your standard writing as a growth exercise, this will be easier to achieve with an open-minded and friendly group than with a group of snobs.
Do you enjoy the vibe? Something frequently overlooked, I think. If you don't like the energy of the community, just don't join the site - that is going to be much more productive for everyone than you joining and then trying to get the staff to fully re-engineer their community.
Be honest with yourself! Regardless of how much you like a site's plot, lore, and community, joining a site that sits above your writing proficiency is challenging. You might find your characters routinely pended for lacking the development of other characters onsite. Other members may not be enthusiastic to write with you - not necessarily out of snobbishness or elitism, but because it's not fun to feel like you're not getting equal effort or quality from a writing partner. And you might find yourself feeling insecure about how your writing stacks up to others (I've been writing on advanced sites for 10 years and I feel insecure about my own writing sometimes!) which might sap your muse.
If you are looking for a minimal-effort, minimal-stress rp experience, stick to sites that are at or below your writing level. Writing with people of similar skillset will help take the edge off any insecurity, and because writing will be lower-pressure and lower-effort, you will be better positioned to juggle multiple characters and more big plots. "Lower effort" doesn't mean "lazy" - it just means that you free up headspace that otherwise you might spend on the mechanics of writing versus the excitement of plotting.
If you are an intermediate writer seeking to write on an advanced site, you need to take a much more deliberate approach.
One thing I see often is intermediate writers applying multiple characters to an advanced site at once. This is a losing proposition. While staff might be willing to pend an app and work with you on revisions, if they see you submitting multiple applications that require major revisions and overhauls, they see a pattern. While staff might be willing to help you develop one character to their site's standard, if they anticipate you needing that level of coaching on every character, they will question your ability to keep up with their members in threads. Staff cannot be expected to assist members on writing each thread post - at that point, it becomes easier to decline all of the intermediate writer's applications.
If you are an intermediate writer seeking to write on an advanced site, you need to treat this as a "quality, not quantity" project.
When I was 13 I was writing very much at a beginner and intermediate level, just little Neopets rps with my friends. Then I joined a horse rp - an advanced rp - with a 1000 word minimum per post. While I am beyond thankful ridiculous word count minimums aren't common anymore, I can credit this rp with much of my growth as a writer.
I wrote one (1) character. And I only plotted her with a couple of others. I was very active in the OOC community, and was eventually made a mod - but when it came to IC activity, I focused all my energy on one character and just a couple of plots, because I spent hours on each post, making sure that I was matching my writing partners as best I could. It was much more work than the beginner & intermediate forums I was on with my friends, and much more work for much less action. But stretching like that is what made advanced writing get easier and easier - until I could balance two characters on an advanced site, then four, until now, when I write 12 characters on multiple advanced sites with relative ease. The real challenge is in keeping up with threads - not in matching quality anymore.
If you are an intermediate writer seeking to improve your writing, joining an advanced site is a great option for growth, but you need to adjust your expectations.
Here are my best tips for intermediate writers looking to make the jump to advanced - or, for that matter, for beginners to make the jump to intermediate: 
Focus, focus, focus. Choose one (1) character to write - no matter how tempted you are by want ads, no matter how many other ideas you get, no matter what your muse is throwing at you. Use all those on sites at your current level. For your reach site, pick one character.
Be receptive. Your one (1) character might take a revision or two to get out of a pend. Remember that staff don't pend apps to be assholes - they do it because they believe in you and think you have it in you to do the necessary revisions! If they thought you were a lost cause they wouldn't have wasted their own time with a pend. Be open to the idea that they know what works and is expected in their community. After all, if your character and your writing aren't appealing to the site community... you're not going to have anyone to write with!
Focus, focus, focus, part 2. You should not choose this character based on the volume of plots they can attract. Choose a character who has one or two very close plots for you to focus on. You might consider identifying a particularly kind member of the community and filling one of their want ads, so that this close plot is ready-made for you, and so this person can be a friendly face on your writing journey.
Be realistic. You might think: well, if I focus on one character for a few weeks, then I'll be ready to take on another, right? You might be or you might not. Don't rush it. This entire journey is about deliberation and intentionality. Don't take on a second character on an advanced site until writing the first to the same standard is noticeably easier.
Be kind to yourself. This is a lot of work! If you have the time for it, you might consider also staying active on a site that is at your writing level, so you have a place for easy writing, indulging your plot bunnies, etc.
I hope this tutorial has been a helpful resource to you, both in identifying how to find the right rp for you and in figuring out how to improve your writing, if you so choose. Happy writing!
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liliesoftherain · 5 years
Bittersweet Findings, in that Order
A/N: WOW I’m sorry this took forever, school started back up and I’m already so swamped on the first day??? Like pls, stop. I don’t want to . At least I got to finish this! I’m so happy ughjfoivfihviowuh, I didn’t get to edit this so I’m sorry for any mistakes(All my writing has mistakes in it cause I don’t edit hard enough just post, whoops) But enjoy!! I hope you guys like the fluffy part two(: (AND THE CRAPPY BATTLE SCENE AIFAPIHVPI)
Pairing: Izuku Midoriya x Reader
20. “Wait a minute... Are you jealous?”
Part One
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Izuku Midoriya!: Part 2
As soon as Jiro had slammed the door you felt nauseous. If it wasn’t bad enough everyone would believe you were crushing on the blonde, your actual crush had heard everything. Izuku had heard everything, and well you were honestly scared. As far as you were able to tell, there didn’t seem to be much of a reaction on his end. The thought of him not caring had your heart squeezing painfully in your chest. You already knew deep down that you probably wouldn’t have much of a shot with one of the top three students of U.A. You were always hopeful, of course, but you never really thought it would go anywhere.
But that didn’t mean it hurt any less when you found out it wasn’t ever going to go anywhere.
Besides being in pain, you now also had to deal with the stresses of Bakugou. His emotions were always out on display, yet everyone who disagrees just doesn’t know where to look. His eyes may be intimidating at first glance, and that’s why everyone chose to look away. But if you stayed to look longer, you could clearly see everything he couldn’t convey into words out on the table. His emotions tonight however, when you locked eyes, caused such confusion in your mind. His eyes almost looked, dare you say, disappointed. 
You wanted to believe it was due to the fact he didn’t like you, but that didn’t seem to be it. His disappointment was stemmed for another reason entirely and you couldn’t quite understand why. You knew the only way to solve it would be to just face him, and talk to him straight up. Even if it will be awkward, it’d be better to get the truth out to him now versus losing him in the sense of friendship and family. You were sure it would all blow over and no one would think twice about it once the school week began.
It was only Friday, and unfortunately you doubted you’d see much of Bakugou until then, just because he is awkward himself and most likely doesn’t know how to confront you about the ‘feelings’ you have. Which, you don’t.
Towards him anyways.
You thoughts were drifting off towards Izuku once more until Mina cleared her throat, desperate to break the tension that flooded the room.
“I swear, boys are such pigs. Listening in on a girls sleepover, don’t they have anything better to do.”
“Guess not,” Settling back on the floor, Jiro then wrapped herself in a blanket with her cheeks blazing, “I’m going to kill him when I see him next..”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine-” Momo glanced at you, “For the both of you. I’m sorry, we wouldn’t have said anything if we knew Bakugou was outside.”
“Yeah, at least dumbass probably didn’t realize who I was talking about, if he heard me that is.” Jiro sighed.
“Well it’s not that big of a deal because I don’t like Bakugou.” You shrugged.
“You don’t? I was so sure.” Mina grumbled, a hand on her chin as she began to think out loud-reminding you of the boy you truly liked.
Your chest tightened and you felt your face fall, the worried looks of the two on the ground confirmed it as they asked what was wrong.
“It’s just.. He was out there. He didn’t seem to care-I mean..” You huffed, annoyed at the pressure that began to build behind your eyes.
You didn’t want to cry, there was no reason to. He was just some silly crush, just another classmate, just Izuku.
But that was the thing, he was Izuku.
Izuku was everything you hoped to be and more. Strong, caring, enthusiastic, brave. He was an amazing hero, and you had no doubts that one day he will become the number one. He may not be a pro yet but he sure as hell had the guts to be. 
“Wait if you don’t like Bakugou who’s he?” 
The girls jaws dropped and the sight drew a tiny laugh from you.
“Babes you like Midoriya?” Mina slapped her hands over her cheeks, reminding you of that famous painting.
“Yea, I do.”
“It’s just, we didn’t expect that honestly.” 
“You just don’t seem the type to like someone like him.” Kyoka rubbed her neck.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You frowned.
“Nothing bad, I just meant that you two don’t really hang out too much. I’ve always seen you around Bakugou and Kirishima, I just never pictured you ‘d like Midoriya cause well-”
“He doesn’t seem like your type.” Mina cut her off, hoping she wouldn’t upset you.
You couldn’t be upset because you understood their questions, you really didn’t hang out with Izuku much. But that didn’t mean you didn’t like to hang out with him. You just got too nervous to ask to hang out more, when he didn’t seem to want to.
“I get it. It’s hard to talk to someone when they don’t want to talk to you back.” You sniffed, and didn’t even realize you were beginning to cry.
“Oh hun,” Mina wrapped her arms around you, “Midoriya looks up to you a lot!”
“Really? Why would he look up to me?”
“It’s true! Midoriya-kun is always talking about you and how he admires your strength, your battle tactics, and how smart you are!” Momo smiled, hoping to help sooth your worries.
Your tears were slow, maybe a tear here and there, but it was still more than anyone has ever seen you cry. You tried not to, you were too afraid to show such a raw emotion. Unlike Izuku, how was he so brave?
“Just because he ‘admires’ me, doesn’t mean he likes me. I’m sure he has no romantic feelings towards me whatsoever.”
“If he doesn’t like you then he’s tripping, who wouldn’t like you?”
“Exactly, Midoriya may not love anything as much as he loves AllMight-” That made the group laugh, “But that doesn’t mean he can’t like anyone else, meaning you.”
The hums of agreement were enough to stop your tears, and agree with them in hopes they would stop talking about it.
While you were thankful they were trying to reassure you, you really didn’t want to keep thinking about it.
You all agreed shortly after that going to bed would seem like the best option now, after the whole thing you guys felt pretty worn out. Making yourself comfortable on the bed next to Mina, you wished the two on the makeshift bed next to you a goodnight before everyone quickly nodded off. 
Except you, you were finding it hard to fall asleep as you recall the events that happened over and over again in your head. It was hard, trying to convince yourself that Izuku could actually care about you in that sense. But you couldn’t, there was no way someone as talented as him could look up to you like they said, let alone like you in any other way than a classmate. No way someone as talented as him could feel that way, someone so positive, well-collected, and just outright outstanding. 
You couldn’t hold a candle to someone like him.
These thoughts continued to plague your mind until you were too exhausted to think, finally falling into a sleepless slumber as your body felt cold and numb, even under all the blankets.
The entire weekend went by without seeing either boy, and it only caused your anxiety to grow. Was Bakugou ignoring you now? He really must have thought you had a crush on him, and you wished he would just talk to you so any awkwardness between the both of you would be over and done with. You just wanted things to go back to normal, which you hope would be easy enough if Bakugou would quit running away from you and let you talk.
When Monday rolled around you knew it was your chance to finally talk to the kid and tell him it was all a big misunderstanding. You headed to class early, hoping to catch him there since he was always the first in class. Thankfully you were right as always, walking into the classroom the only other person inside was Bakugou.
“Hey Bakugou, morning.” You greeted, walking over to his desk. 
His eyes immediately snapped up to stare at you, his body going rigid the closer you got. He was silent, and the longer it stretched the more irritated you got.
“Don’t you know it’s rude to not greet someone back?”
“Look, (l/n)-”
“I don’t like you, stop being weird already!” You huffed at how uncharacteristic he was being. 
You were taken aback by the look of surprise on his face, his eyes opening wide and mouth parted. It was funny to see such a look on his face so you snorted in amusement as your irritation wore off, effectively snapping him out of his daze. His face took on one you were used to seeing, narrowed eyes burning in annoyance and mouth set in a scowl.
“The girls were teasing, and they just assumed it was you. So I’m sorry to say I don’t have those kinds of feelings for you, I hope your heart isn’t crushed too badly.” You joked.
“Shitty girl,” Bakugou ran a hand down his face and let out a deep sigh, “Don’t be such a pushover and tell them to shut the fuck up then.”
“You’re telling me not to be a pushover? What about you, quit being such a pervert. What were you doing out there anyways, peeping tom.”
“Oi watch it,” He clicked his tongue, shoulders relaxing as he leaned back in his chair, “no one was peeping at nothin’, and I sure as hell wouldn’t do some dumb shit like that. I was there to watch someone get their ass beat. Which was disappointing by the way, you losers didn’t do shit.”
“Well wait for sparring later today, I’ll make sure some ass gets kicked for your sake.”
A smile fell onto you face as a lazy smirk rose on his, and you felt peace fall over you. This was how it was supposed to be, friendly and natural. No one was avoiding anyone, no awkward atmosphere. Friends and nothing more.
The door opening caused you to look back, only for your peaceful air to disappear as you caught sight of curly locks. You watched his eyes dart away as he took his seat, and you felt your body grow cold like how it every time you thought about him. 
Izuku swore he didn’t know how many times his heart could break, it must have been hitting double digits by now. As soon as he opened the door, he saw you looking at Bakugou who had some stupid smirk on his face. You two looked awfully chummy, you must have gotten together or something. The thought of you two together felt like a knife piercing his heart. 
Along with the pain, some unknown feeling sparked up and it had him confused as well as angry. His eyes narrowed and he quickly turned his head away, heading to his seat. He ignored the sensation of your eyes on his back as he sat down, the rest of the students trickling in which acted as a great distraction. He was exhausted, not finding it easy to sleep lately. While he hadn’t cried again since that night, it didn’t mean the pain he felt was any less. The earlier feeling was now gone as he struggled to pay attention in class, listening to the normal general ed lectures until it was time for the hero training. 
You were dismissed to put on your training uniforms then head out to the training grounds. Aizawa-sensei had met you there, giving the instructions of today’s session.
“It’s just regular one-on-one combat. Quirks allowed this time, but keep it in check. I don’t want to deal with it if you go overboard, so don’t force my hand to stop you. Got it? Good. Use this to immobilize your opponent. Here are the partners..”
You were handed white tape and made to select a piece of paper that had a match number your partner would share. You were paired with Ochaco, and she smiled brightly as you were the first team to spar. 
You didn’t mind her, she was a lovely girl, but it was the fact she was so close to Izuku that had you a little wary of her. She admitted to you girls once that she used to have a big crush on Izuku throughout the first year of school, so how could you not be? It was a bit daunting overall, she was in the position you wanted to be in when it came to the boy. You wanted to be able to hang out with him more often and not have it be a weird occurrence to do so.
You both took your place across from each other and waited for the signal, jumping into action once it was given. As long as you didn’t let Uraraka touch you with her hands, you would be okay. So as soon as she lunged, you willed your body to jump away from her as you landed off towards the side. You played this cat and mouse for a bit, making sure to not get hit by any rocks she had happened to find and use as ammunition. 
You managed to snag an opening and quickly knocked her off of her balance, pinning her to the ground on her front and quickly securing the tape around her wrists. Aizawa-sensei called it you win, and as the good sportsman you are, helped Uraraka up apologized for the rough landing. She laughed it off, saying it was an incentive to work harder to hope to catch you off guard and win next time.
Your eyes automatically searched for Izuku, as they always did, and much to your disappointment he wasn’t looking at you. He would normally give you a giant grin and a thumbs up, telling you his thoughts on the match once he had the chance to talk to you.
But now his gaze wasn’t nearly as happy as you remembered it to be, his brows were pinched and his normal smile was now pulled tight. His gaze was focused, heated one would say, staring straight at his own opponent. You missed his smile, you hadn’t seen it in a while. You were also curious as to why he ignored you all weekend and today, was he perhaps embarrassed about getting caught?
That had to be it, Izuku did get easily flustered or embarrassed, it might take him a bit before he could talk to you again. Which you didn’t like, but if that’s what he needed than you would be more than willing to give him that. Besides, he didn’t owe you anything. 
It’s not as if you were dating, he didn’t even like you for goodness sake.
You turned away from the boy, hoping no one saw the hurt that flashed across your face. You turned your attention to focus on the remaining matches, getting a weird feeling when Izuku and Bakugou walked up to take their own places after a couple of battles.
Izuku felt his body heat up when Aizawa called him to his own spar, his partner already waiting. Green meeting red in a heated gaze, Izuku felt that unfamiliar emotions from early come back tenfold. What was just a spark is now a flame, burning hot. Once the signal to begin was announced, the rational thoughts left. All Izuku could focus on was the way his heart hurt, the way his chest burned, and the discontented eyes that stared right at him.
What did Bakugou have to be dissatisfied about? He had you didn’t he? He’s always been one step ahead of him, Izuku knew this. Since they were kids, it was always Bakugou. Bakugou in the lead, Bakugou with the quirk, the friends, the power, the strength. Why now, after so much work, why is Bakugou still so far ahead of him? 
Midoriya and Bakugou dodged each other's blows swing after swing, the quirks not even being used at the moment. It was an even match for the most part, until Izuku saw Katsuki’s eyes flicker over towards the crowd, then back towards Izuku with a smirk and whispered;
“Wait a minute… Are you jealous? You should be.”
That’s when the last bit of self restraint snapped. 
The fire now a blazing inferno as his teeth ground together harshly, allowing more than a bit of his quirk to seep into his hand as his fist made contact with Katsuki’s cheek. His head snapped to the side as he was unable to block or move, even countering seemed out of reach as the boy staggered back, clearly not expecting such a hard punch. Bakugou’s eyes hardened in anger as he finally began to use his own quirk, explosions going off to propel him forward with more speed and more strength. 
Shouting and grunting was all that was heard from the two, besides the harsh sound of skin on skin. The two were going all out, and what surprised you the most wasn’t the look on Bakugou’s face, but how Izuku held the exact same look on his own. It was different to see him with such a smoldering look, as if he were upset at Bakugou for some reason. Which didn’t make sense to you, because while they weren’t the best of friends, Izuku was hardly-if ever-truly angry at Katsuki. You wondered if there was something that happened between the two of them to cause this type of behavior.
You gasped as you felt the intensity of their powers radiating off of them, it has been a while since you’ve seen Izuku battle with such a ferocity up close. You didn’t have the same work studies, so you hardly ever battled together on the field unless you were teamed up for one reason or another. So when you heard his loud cry, and saw energy coming off of his arm in large waves, you couldn’t help but worry. What was he doing battling so hard? 
What was he trying to prove?
Izuku had everything to prove, he knew it. Even if he wasn’t sure why he did, he knew he had to. It was some instinct, some deep down feeling that once lay dormant had sprung to life and was gnawing at him till he listened. Well, he knew what that feeling was now he supposed, it was what Katsuki said-
He was jealous.
But he had to listen to it, to show that he was the better man, to show that he was worthy, that he wasn’t just some crybaby. That he too was a man, worthy of-
Well, worthy of you.
As quickly as he let his power spike did it drop, the power coursing through him ceasing as his closed fist still struck against his opponents jaw, just with less vigor. He felt Katsuki’s clenched hand strike his cheek harshly, yet no stinging explosion followed. 
Both boys fell over from the force, and knew that they weren’t the ones to deactivate their quirks. 
You looked over to the left and saw your teacher with glowing eyes, a hard stare on his tired face. He must’ve known things wouldn’t have ended well if he allowed the fight to continue.
“Were you two even trying to trap the other, what’s gotten into you. I thought you both overcame this age old spat and were getting along better. I’m disappointed. Get out of here and get cleaned up, now.”
Aizawa didn’t let his quirk drop until the two were walking away, in the opposite directions. One towards the locker room, and the other towards the bathrooms. He just sighed at the sight, clearly annoyed at having to stop the match. 
“Next group, let’s go.”
Izuku’s hand banged against the locker door as he slammed it shut. Breathing heavy as he tried to still his racing heart, the pain in his body not registering as his adrenaline was way too high to allow it. It was an odd feeling, knowing you were in pain but unable to feel anything more than anger coursing through your veins. Was this how Katsuki always felt.
The thought of the boy alone sent another spike of jealousy through him, causing him to bite his lip as he glared at the ground.
“That was intense, are you okay?”
His head snapped up to meet your eyes, and his heart skipped a beat.
“(l-l/n)? What are you-”
“I asked Aizawa-sensei if I could check up on you, you guys were going at it pretty rough.” You said softly, not caring you were in the boys locker room.
While Izuku wanted to be thrilled at the idea you were worried about him, he couldn’t bring his body to cooperate. 
“Why do you care?”
You were stunned, the annoyance on his face and in his voice catching you off guard. You were unsure of what you did to him, was he mad at you? 
Izuku? Mad?
“Midoriya why wouldn’t I care about you? You’re my friend.” You swallowed your hurt at the word.
Little did you know Izuku did too.
“Friend, right.” He scoffed. 
Izuku wanted to kick himself for speaking so rudely to you, but at the same time wanted nothing more than for you to go away.
You were a constant reminder after all, a reminder that he’d never be good enough. 
Never be enough.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You crossed your arms over your chest defensively, growing aggravated.
“Listen, shouldn’t you be with Bakugou.” He copied your stance, also turning his head away from you.
His eyes were narrowed, and eyebrows drawn together with a pout on his face. You thought he almost looked cute, if it weren’t for the snarky tone he was using. Plus, when did he start calling him Bakugou? Even after all this time, he never failed to call him Kaachan.
“Bakugou? Why would I be with Bakugou-”
“Oh cut the crap,” He let out a frustrated cry, hands weaving through his hair, “Look I get it, he’s better than me. That’s what you think-that’s what everyone thinks! I was probably overthinking it, I know I was. Why would you ever like me in the first place. God, I’m such an idiot! To think I’d ever have a chance with you! I want to be mad at you, but I can’t! It wasn’t your fault I got so attached, so into you, but you keep coming into my life and I can’t just forget you! Whether it’s a study session, a spar, a friendly mall trip! I hate it all, because all I do is feel these good-for-nothing butterflies and-and these stupid feelings!.. Just please, leave me alone…” He cried.
The tears in his eyes made him feel even more angry, as he desperately tried to wipe them away.
“I-I know I’ll never be what you want. It’s not me and I’ll be okay with it but I can’t, h-have you here constantly reminding me! I, I just can’t-” A sob escaped his mouth, “It hurts, because I’m just proving to you how inadequate I am.. How worthless, how stupid, hopeless, lousy I am and I-”
Your body froze at his confession, and you weren’t sure what to do. Sure, this is what you’ve wanted for a while now, but at what cost? The boy you were in love with was standing in front of your, crying his heart out, pouring out his insecurities. You reached a hand towards him only to have him back away from it.
“I’m never going to be as good as him. I’ll never be as strong, I’ll never have what it takes. I’m not that outgoing, I know I’m shy, and I’m okay with myself.. I don’t want to change who I am, but hearing you don’t like the type of person I am hurts (y/n), can’t you see what you’re doing to me?” Watery green eyes bore into your own.
“Izuku I don’t like Bakugou.”
“Don’t lie to me, why-why would you-”
“Izuku,” You grabbed his face, being wary of the bruise that was forming on his right cheekbone, “I like you. I always have. You are stronger and braver than anyone I know. I don’t know why you’d think I’d believe otherwise.. You’re so headstrong in battle, you are exactly how I want to be as a hero, and you don’t even need to try! You’re caring, compassionate, forgiving, loving, sweet, yet so brave, tough, unyielding, strong-willed, Izuku. You’re the most assertive person I have ever met… And, well you know how I feel about assertive people.” 
You were whispering, tears in your own eyes but a smile on your lips nonetheless. It was beautiful to see his eyes widen with tears other than sadness, his frown softened into an unbelieving grin, to see such a lovestruck expression on his face.
A blush quickly formed underneath your hands, stutters spilling from his lips to form sentences.
“I-I, uh, you re-really mean that? You-er-you’re not lying t-to me?”
“When have I ever lied to you?”
“U-uh well.. Never.. But Kaachan was being-”
“Never. That’s right, plus when is Bakugou ever nice? He probably said whatever to make you angry, you know how he likes to egg you on. Don’t worry, I’ll kick his ass later,” You took a deep breath as you blurted out your next words, “I’m in love with you, Izuku Midoriya. Full on, unconditional love. And I don’t care if it’s too early because that’s how I feel. And while this may be crossing a line, I know that I will follow you anywhere, because I have the utmost faith in your abilities, in you. I love you, and I want to be with you. If you’ll have me.”
Your own blush spread across your face, growing more nervous the longer he took to answer. You began to retract your hands away from his face when his own slapped over yours, causing you to yelp in surprise.
“I-I-I LOVE YOU TOO AND W-WANT YOU TO BE MY G-G-G-GIRLFRIEND!” His eyes were squeezed shut, his entire body now red from embarrassment. 
Your laugh made him crack one eye open, and he felt all his worries and fears fade. Gosh, how were you so beautiful? 
“I would love to be your girlfriend Izuku, even if you are a big baby.” 
He looked offended at your words, playfully clicking his tongue.
“Great cause uh, you don’t have the choice of saying no!” His chest puffed out, eyes set firm as he stared at you with an intense look.
“Oh?” You rose an eyebrow, watching as his strong-guy demeanor fell in an instant.
“N-no of course you can say no, um, i-if you really wanted to..”
“I don’t. You know, everything I said was true. I like you for who you are, not who you think I like. I need you to be you, and no one else. Baby and all.”
He bit his lip nervously, looking into your eyes as he squeezed your hands in his, bringing them down from his face to rest in between you both.
“I can do that.”
“I wouldn’t want you any other way.”
Hearing those words Izuku knew;
He was a crybaby.
But he was your crybaby, and that’s all that mattered to him.
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