#listening to 'sign of friendship' will always make me cry when i think about the straw hats
gorejo · 1 year
sigh i wasn't supposed to cry over some silly little pirates over their silly little dreams )) :
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ominous-corridors · 1 year
Reunion // Ominis Gaunt
Warnings: NSFW. Dominis. Unprotected sex.
Ominis Gaunt x Reader
One shot
Word count: 4,744
Keep in mind I'm Dyslexic so there may be spelling/grammar/punctuation errors.
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Summery: Ominis has been gone on Auror work and has been out of the country for years. He is finally home and comes around for a little reunion.
A/N: I'm so sorry you are all subjected to such a long rambling. My fingers ran and I followed. Hope you enjoy. Part of this was inspired by this image.
Ominis Gaunt. How to explain Ominis Gaunt?
He was kind. He was caring. He understood your problems. It was very interesting when she learned he was blind. It was many years ago, she had failed a Charms exam. Looking back on it now, that exam wasn't even that important. It was a silly thing to think about how hard she was crying as she walked through the Defense Against the Dark Arts tower. The echoing of shoes and sobs following her as she wandered aimlessly around the castle. All of her other friends had already gone to their other classes, leaving her alone with her emotions and thoughts. 
"Excuse me?" A gentle voice said behind her.
Turning, she saw a boy. She had seen him before, with his blonde hair slicked back and his piercing blue eyes that never seemed to see her. He was in one of Her other classes, Herbology maybe? 
She wiped her face on her robe sleeve, trying to rid the signs of her salty tears before he could get a good look and ask questions.
"Yes?" She said, maybe a little more cutting than she intended. 
He didn't seem to notice, "I couldn't help but hear you crying. Are you alright?"
He knew.
"O-Oh. Yes.....I'm fine," She gave a weak smile in hopes of reassuring him.
"You don't sound fine," He took a few steps closer to her, his wand firmly held out in front of him.
Why did he have his wand out like he was ready for a fight?
She sniffled again, "I am. Promise."
A small chuckle escaped his lips, "Very interesting. Already making promises and braking them. And we haven't known each other more than five minutes."
What did he know? 
He made his way across the marble floor to stand in front of her. It was interesting, the way he had come from only lead to a dead end, but she could have sworn he wasn't there when she originally passed that part of the corridor.
"Please, I know you don't know me very well, but I can be a very good listener. If you need to talk with someone." 
And that that was the beginning of a wonderful friendship. Not only did he help her feel better that day, but he was always the constant comfort for her during the rest of her schooling days. It wasn't exactly either of their faults when things started to get in the way after graduation and neither of them had really seen each other in person for a few years. Always owls back and forth about where their career paths took them. 
Ominis was actually a very good Auror, despite his lack of vision. He and Sebastian worked together, which made her happy that they could stay close with one another. It was a nasty thing that happened with them during their fifth year. It took a while for them to rekindle their friendship. That was really when Ominis and her got close. They were good friends before, but in those months after the incident, Ominis was the one who needed comfort. And that's where she came in. He had alway been there for her, and it was her turn to be there for him. And that's how she found out more about his family. What they did to people. To Him. And there was no way she were going to make him go back to them over the summer. 
So she offered to let him stay with her. An offer he tried his hardest to refuse, but she wouldn't let him. The summer months spent with her family were an integral part of what made their bond so strong. The days spent out behind her home sitting in the grass under the old oak tree. The sound of her voice as she read him all of those stories she always talked about. He would often slip into a cat nap as she read to him. When she noticed she couldn't help but smile and continue on reading, lest he wake up again. 
And now here she was, sitting at the table in her flat as an owl swooped in, dropping a letter in front of her. She had been expecting the small envelope for a few days. Details of when Ominis would be coming into the city again. He had been away somewhere in Eastern Europe on a case for a while. He had told her that she would not be able to refuse to see him, it had been far too long. She had offered him to come to her flat. She knew he wasn't one for crowded pubs, much preferring a quiet setting. 
I'll be there on Friday. 
It was an oddly short note, but he surely was getting things wrapped up and didn't have a lot of time to be sending out his normal pages of writing she had grown accustomed to. 
She fiddled with her dress, smoothing the silk under her fingers. The motion was almost unconscious, a way for her to let out the small bit of anxiety that was bubbling up in the pit of her stomach. She poured herself a glass of wine and took a few sips, hoping to calm her nerves. She knew that Ominis couldn't see her, but she still felt the need to check her appearance in the mirror one more time, just to be sure she looked okay. She had always had a soft spot for the man--She even had a crush on him during their school years. She could feel the old emotions of that school girl crush coming back up to the surface as the clock inched closer to seven. She shook her head, trying to get rid of those thoughts. It had been years since she'd seen him, she was acting silly. 
There was a knock at the door.
She set her glass down on the table before making her way down the hall and opening the door. 
And there he was, in all of his glory. Time had been very kind to him. He still sported his hair style from school, slicked back and still just as blonde as it had always been. He still had the same smile on his face. She felt a shiver run down her spine as she took him in. He had a wonderful blue three piece suit that fit his chest and arms snuggly. 
She took a deep breath, collecting herself, "Ominis!"
"Hello, dear," He held his arms out, inviting her in for a hug.
She didn't hesitate to walk right into them as she snaked her arms around his torso, burying her face into his chest. She felt his arms close around her in a tight hug. The feeling of being in his arms was just something so right. She could feel the butterflies of her old crush fluttering in her chest. She almost welcomed them as she took in his cologne. He smelled of mint and something she couldn't quite pinpoint. Perhaps a new aftershave? It had been a long time, he was bound to have something different about him. She wasn't complaining though, she welcomed the delicious aroma he put off. 
"Miss me that much?" He chuckled, still holding onto her tightly.
She felt the rumble in his chest as he laughed, and she realized she could hear his heart beating as well, thrumming against his ribs. She looked up at him from her place in his arms and giggled lightly as his jest.
"Is that such a bad thing?" She questioned with a teasing tone to her voice.
She saw the small smile he had been wearing grow wider at her question and he shook his head, "I suppose not." 
She smiled up at him and slowly pulled away from his arms, taking his hand and leading him into her home, "Tell me about Eastern Europe. You know I don't get to travel. I would love to hear about it."
They found seats at her small table in her kitchen and she poured him a glass of wine before sitting back where she had her own sitting from before. 
"Well, I'm not sure how much I can tell you. Sebastian did do a wonderful job at painting me a picture of what it looked like, but I'm not sure I could really do it justice," He admitted as he took a sip of his wine.
"Well, tell me how you saw it. What opinions do you have in that brilliant head of yours."
He smiled again, "Well, how to describe it...."
He thought for a moment, swirling his wine in his hand as he sank back in his chair. He was starting to relax, lose all those silly 'proper' mannerisms. He knew he could really relax with her, not have to worry about the judgment he was so used to. 
After a moment he spoke up, "Well, it could be loud. Walking the streets with Sebastian. He told me how beautiful the architecture was, how different it was from home. There were always carriages being driven around, and people. But, there was a little shop down one of the quieter side streets. They had the most wonderful coffee there, and good pastries. The smell of them was so delicious," He was smiling widely as he recounted the memory, "And at night, when all of the people were finally gone.....It was so peaceful. The only sounds were my footsteps and a few owls that had a nest near where we were staying. That was when I really enjoyed the city."
She smiled at him, "That does sound lovely. Maybe on day you can show me that little pastry shop."
"I would love to. I thought about you every time I went there, you know. I know how much you adore sweets and sugary things."
He thought of her? Well, of course she thought of him, but she hadn't thought that he gave her much more thought than when he got a letter from her that he had to write a reply to. It almost caught her off guard.
Ominis noticed her silence and spoke again, "Darling, I must admit--I thought about you more than when I went to that shop. More than when I got your letters," He sighed, running a hand through his hair before he sat up straight again, "I don't know how I've managed these years apart from you, being back here now. When you opened the door I felt like I dove head first into the Black Lake. I can't keep my feelings a secret any longer."
His feelings? What was he talking about? Surely his didn't mean what she thought he did.
He stood from his place at the table and came to stand in front of her before swiftly getting to his knees. He held his hands out to her, an invitation that she couldn't decline. She placed her hands in his and he squeezed them lightly. She looked down at him as he stayed like that for a moment before he continued.
"I'v had feelings for you since we were at school. I thought that maybe it was just a school boy's crush and I would get over it. I didn't want to jeopardize our friendship on something that I would forget about in a few weeks," He chuckled, "But I was very wrong."
She sat there, him still holding onto her hands. She watched him carefully, taking in every detail she could. How his pale skin seemed to almost glow under the light filling the room. Every last little beauty mark on his face--They almost looked like constellations. She had realized she was holding her breath at that point and took a sharp inhale. 
She felt Ominis's hands tighten around hers as she did so, almost as if he was afraid of her answer. Like if he didn't hold her tight enough, she would float away like a balloon in the wind. 
She still harbored feelings for him, but it had been years. He was bound to be a different person, as was she. Would they be able to have a relationship after being away from each other for so long?
"Ominis-" She began before being cut off by his deep sigh.
"Please, just give this a chance. Give us a chance. I have lived without you for too long. You are every thought on my mind. Your voice is like sweet nectar to my ears. Your scent is intoxicating. I understand why men do such rash things for the women they love. I would do anything for you. Anything to be the one who gets to know who you really are behind closed doors. To be the one who gets to feel your soft caress," He suddenly let go of her hands and moved them to rest one on  the arm of her chair, and the other to rest on her thigh. 
The feeling of his hand on her sent a shiver up her spine. She felt the goosebumps rising under his touch. His words were already making her feel dazed. How could he hide such strong feelings from her for so long? Why did he pick now to tell all of it to her? 
She felt his hand squeeze her thigh lightly, another sigh leaving his lips.
"I don't think you understand what you do to me, darling," He chuckled and shook his head almost in a teasing way.
"What?" She could feel her underwear staring to get damp.
He leaned in closer, his chest now hovering over her body and his head tilted up to hers as she looked down at him, "You don't understand what you do to me." His voice was husky now, and barely above a whisper.
She felt her breath hitch and her skin ignite under the warmth of his proximity. Her heart was practically beating out of her chest and the butterflies in her stomach threatened to fly away with her. In that moment, she could swear that Ominis was staring right at her. Pouring his soul into hers. 
He leaned in even more, noses touching and lips ghosting over each other, "I'm going to kiss you now, if you'll allow it."
She barely heard him over the sound of blood pumping in her ears. She couldn't manage to speak, not the she didn't try. So, she opted to just nod ever so lightly, not wanting to move her lips too far away from his.
He pressed his lips to hers, gentle and sweet. It was in his nature to be gentle with her. He had always been that way with her. His hand on the chair swiftly moved to the crook of her neck, finally giving her the skin on skin contact she hadn't realized she was craving. His thumb rested gingerly on her jaw as their lips moved in sync. 
After Ominis had done his testing of the waters, she felt his kiss get more aggressive, more rough. More like he was drinking in the sweet waters he had been yearning for, for years. The fire in him only growing as her lips moved to match his rhythm, surprisingly enough for her. She didn't realize she had wanted this so badly, to feel his lips on hers, to feel his hands on her. It was enough to drive her mad, and she craved more. 
Ominis moved his lips from hers, earning a soft whimper in disagreement. He chuckled again as his lips adeptly found their way to her neck, laying a path of soft kisses. 
She bit her lip, feeling the trail of heat and the tingling sensation he left in his wake. His hand on her thigh moved suddenly, slipping higher, his thumb grazing as he went. He was getting dangerously close to her now. She let out a soft moan as he began sucking on her neck.
She felt him smirk into her skin, "I want to see you. All of you."
What did that mean? See her?
His mouth moved to her ear, his hot breath washing over her. And almost as if he read her mind he spoke in a hushed whisper, "You know I see with my hands."
Her body moved before her mind could process. She quickly stood, causing Ominis to almost fall over. He was thankfully quick on his feet, standing not a moment later. She grabbed his hand and pulled him along behind her as she made her way to her room. 
As soon as she crossed the threshold, his hands were all over her. She would never know how he seemed to just know. Right now, though, all she could think about was he feeling of him running his hands down her sides as he pressed his body against hers from behind. He went straight back to kissing her neck again as his hands moved to the back of her dress.
She could feel as he delicately undid each button, running his fingers behind on the newly exposed skin of her back.
"Your skin is so much softer than I imagined," He said as he laid a few kisses across her shoulders, pulling the dress down off of them.
As soon as it he got it past her shoulders he let go, letting it fall to the floor, all but forgotten as he slid his hands down her back slowly. Savoring every inch of her now exposed body. 
Her breathing was shallow. She took quick breaths to try and fill her lungs, but nothing she did could stop them from screaming at her as she felt his hands leaving goosebumps behind them.
"W-Would you like me to show you?" She managed out. 
He hummed an agreement, his fingers still tracing out the shape of her shoulder blades under her skin.
She turned to face him, almost as if he was commanding her and she was to obey. He held his hands out to her, his eyes half closed in what only could be disturbed as a sultry glance. She bit her lip, taking his hands by his wrists. She could feel his pulse. She was glad that his body had to be screaming at him as much as hers was. 
Gently, she brought his hands to her chest, letting him cup her breasts in his hands. She watched him as he did so, his mouth falling open ever so slightly. He moved his thumbs over her hardened nipples which elicited a muffled moan from her as she clamped down harder on her bottom lip. She watched him smirk and blink a few times before she moved his hands, sliding them along her abdomen to rest on her hips. He squeezed lightly at first before digging his fingers into her flesh, his nails almost leaving marks.
"You are exquisite," He breathed.
He squeezed one more time and she felt her legs getting more slick by the second. She then moved his hands behind her, letting him rest them on her bum. He gave it a good squeeze before leaning in and kissing her again. His lips hungry for her, passion and desire leaking out of them. 
She realized that she was the only one naked in the moment, and she wasn't about to let him get away with that. She quickly started unbuttoning his vest as their tongues melded together. The only sounds in the room were wet lips and heavy breathing with a few moans here and there. 
Ominis's hands moved again, this time on their own to grab her hips again, digging his nails into her skin. She let out a small moan, prompting him to do it again. After a few more moments of unbuttoning his clothing and wet kissing, he stood before her in just his trousers.
She took in the sight of him, soaking in every detail of his form. He was still lean as he had been in school, but there were ever so slight layers of muscle that tugged at his skin in just the right way. He looked absolutely divine. Her lip found it's way between her teeth again as she tried to count every little round mark on his skin. She could spend hours just trying to commit each one's location to memory. 
"Enjoying the view?" He raised an eyebrow at her as he kicked out of his shoes.
"Oh, more than you know." 
He let out a deep chuckle as he stepped toward her.
"Lay down," His voice was rough and commanding. 
She didn't hesitate to obey, quickly making her way to the bed and laying down. He made his way to her, grabbing her thighs and pulling her to the edge of the bed. She let out a small yelp to which he only smirked. He guided her underwear off slowly, letting his fingers graze her skin. He spread her legs wide, holding on to her knees as he he knelt down in front of her. His hands moved from her knees and slid slowly up her inner thighs, his calloused fingertips grazing her in a way that made her feel like she was on fire. He slipped on of his hands under her leg, lifting it onto his shoulder and firmly holding it in place by her thigh. He squeezed again, pressing his cheek into her soft skin.
"You are a divine gift from the Gods, my sweet."
Every time he spoke words like that to her, she could feel her whole core tremble. If he could make her feel like this with just words, what could he do-?
Her thoughts were cut off by the sudden feeling of his finger sliding over her clit. She gasped and almost pulled away from the sensation, only to be stopped by his firm hand on her leg.
"Ah, there you are," He said.
He quickly backtracked his movements, pressing light circles against her. She let out another string of moans as he worked her sensitive area. She looked down at him, watching him. His mouth was parted and she could see the desire written on his face.
"You are music to my ears, dove."
He continued like that for a few moments before dipping his fingers to her entrance, feeling the pool she had left for him. Because of him.
"Oh, you are so deliciously wet for me, love," He smirked again, sliding two fingers into her slowly, relishing in the feeling surrounding them. She threw her head back against the bed. He let out a small groan that mixed with the moan she let out at feeling him inside of her. 
He began pumping his fingers slowly, the sweet sound of her drawn out moans and the wet slapping of her pussy hitting his ears. He picked up the pace, shoving his fingers as far as they would go.
"O-Oh, f-fuck!" She arched her back. His fingers were like magic as he worked her.
He stopped suddenly, removing his fingers quickly. She whined at the loss of him, looking back to see him slowly put his fingers into his mouth, sucking her off of them.
"Merlin, you taste phenomenal."
He quickly stood, unbuttoning his pants and pulling out his member, pumping it a few times with gritted teeth.
"On your knees." He commanded.
She quickly got off the bed, kneeling in front of him. He still held himself in his hand. He used his other hand to grip onto her hair.
"Open," He growled.
This was a new side to him that she hadn't seen before, and she wasn't ashamed to say that she liked it. She liked being commanded by him, she liked how he gripped her, how he pleased her. So, she did as she was told. She opened her mouth wide, sticking her tongue out, ready to accept him.
He slowly guided himself into her mouth, a muffled groan escaping his lips. He moved her head by the hair firmly in his fist, stroking himself ever so slowly. 
"Your mouth is so fucking good." Ominis was not one for swearing. He hardly ever said anything one would consider crass, and that made this all the more attractive to her.
After he gave her a moment to acquaint herself with his size, he began thrusting his length into her quicker. Soft groans coming from him as he did. He began picking up speed, thrusting harder, shoving his whole length down her throat. She tried to keep her throat relaxed, not choke on him, but she couldn't keep it up. She gagged loudly, which caused him to pull out entirely, a wide smirk on his face.
"Good girl," He said, "Now, get back on the bed. Ass up."
She moved and got back on the bed on her hands and knees, putting her bum in the air. She felt him get on the bed behind her, his hands gripping onto her hips. He slid one of his hands down her bum and felt for her entrance before taking his length and pressing his tip against her.
"Ready, love?"
"Y-Yes," She breathed. She had never imagined that their reunion would turn into this, but she was happy it had.
Without another word, he roughly pushed into her, feeling her walls around him with a drawn out groan. 
"Fuck," He muttered, rolling his hips.
She moaned out as he did so, feeling him fill her. 
He reached out and gripped her hair again, pulling her to support her top half with her hands. He began bucking into her wildly, moans and groans filling the room as they both felt the pleasure rocketing through their bodies with each connection of hips. 
"That's right. Take it, darling, " He groaned, "You take my cock so well."
She could feel him hitting deep within her, right on that magic little spot. Each thrust of his length hitting perfectly. The knot in her stomach was tight, almost painfully so a he continued his pace, her moaning loud and unbridled. He moved his hand from her hair and slipped it around her mouth, leaning forward to press his chest against her back.
"Quite, darling. I want to hear my cock fuck that pretty pussy of yours," He almost purred into her ear. 
He continued to buck his hips as he stayed over her like that with his hand over her mouth. Her moans muffled by his firm grip on her face. He grunted into her ear as he listened to the wet sound of skin on skin echo off the walls surrounding them. 
"Mmmm," He said something after that. Something that she could only describe as air slithering past his tongue. 
He let the sweet sounds of it pass his lips as he fucked her. Listening to him speak to her like that was only serving to drive her more mad. She could feel herself getting closer as the friction became almost unbearable. 
Her walls began to tighten around him, causing him to let out another groan.
"Let it out, dove. Come for me," He whispered into her ear, sitting up in his knees again and gripping her waist tightly. 
The then began pounding into her, pulling her hips to meet his as he groaned and grunted at the feeling of her tight pussy around him.
It didn't take long for her to get to her climax after that as he continued to hit her sweet spot. Her legs shook under her as the knot in her stomach came undone. 
"O-Oh, Ominis!" She moaned loudly as she came. Her breath heavy.
He chuckled, continuing to hit her hard as his own climax came over him. He groaned loudly, pushing as far into her as he could, filling her to the brim. 
They stayed in that position for a moment, both panting hard as they came down from the high of their escapade. After a moment, Ominis pulled out, falling onto the bed next to her. She quickly followed his lead and laid next to him.
He opened his arms for her to come closer to him and she happily obliged, cuddling herself into his chest as his arms wrapped around her. He kissed her forehead and then rested his chin on top of her head.
"How was that?" He asked.
She giggled, "That was....It was wonderful."
He chuckled and squeezed her tightly to him, "Good."
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plutoccult · 8 months
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pairing: hajime iwaizumi x female reader
description: iwaizumi’s wedding day was a day you dreaded for many years. now that the day had finally come, you regret never telling him how you feel.
word count: 1.6k
also available to read on my ao3 here
author’s note: finally, a new theme! i’m on an angst GRIND, you guys. been feeling really unhinged lately thanks to my girl @intorder for giving me fuel for angst, who also beta read this hurt piece. oddly enough, my life has been pretty good lately, so idk why i thought to write this. i’ve never written for iwaizumi before, but he came to mind first when i thought of this idea. this was definitely inspired by that one scene in 13 going on 30, but i made it hurt even more. i hope i did iwaizumi justice, and i hope you all enjoy without crying?
tags: @toorubobatea @intorder @dragon-slayer5 @jeanboyjean @femme-lune @darthferbert @kob3nie @thelazyhuevito @multi-fandom-fanfic @sterieshinso @kiiyomei @chrybdcsm @alienlatteinspace @abonbonblr @luverofutoshi @p3ritwinkle @juuzou13
taglist form here
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“well? how do i look?”
iwaizumi turned around to face you as he showed off his suit. you couldn’t believe he was actually getting married today, and that the person he was marrying wasn’t you. it was hellish to shove your feelings down your throat for decades, especially when your friendship suffered god knows how many miles apart.
a part of you died the day he returned from california. you were so thrilled to see him, missing him so, but your heart shattered the second you saw he brought a girl with him. it was even worse when iwaizumi spoke to you about her, saying he felt like he knew she was the girl he would marry the second he saw her. you wanted to be that girl, and maybe you could’ve if you simply spoke up. after all, everyone always teased you two about ending up together growing up.
“you look great, iwa.” you force a smile. it wasn’t a lie, he was the most handsome man you’d ever seen, standing so proud and tall in his suit. not a single scratch or crease on his shoes nor any signs of wear in his jacket. as much as it pained you to see it, iwaizumi had grown up.
“you think so?” he asked, checking himself out in the mirror, scanning for any flaws in his outfit. “i could’ve sworn i saw lint on the back of my jacket.”
“oh, i can get it.” you offer. iwaizumi immediately said “yes, please” and “thank you” before you stood up to help him. his back faced you, shoulders as strong as ever, making this all the more difficult for you. if you were his bride, you probably wouldn’t be seeing him like this right now. it was bad luck to see the bride before the wedding, after all.
“how come your groomsmen aren’t up here helping you?” you ask, cursing yourself in your head for being so nosy.
“i’m sure you can understand i didn’t want oikawa up my ass before i go down there.” iwaizumi chuckled. you force yourself to copy his laughter, pretending as if you found this so hilarious. if oikawa were here, you wouldn’t be ridden with temptation right now. only he could stop you from saying things you knew you’d regret.
“i guess i should feel special then, huh?” you question. “be the first to see you like this…”
“mhm.” he replied, you see him nod in the mirror. “special privileges for my best friend.”
you felt your stomach tie up in knots as he said that. best friend. that’s all you were, that’s all you ever allowed yourself to be. it could’ve been you waiting for him at the altar, but instead you’re helping him get prepared to marry another woman, ready to beg him to run away with you.
you pretend to inspect the back of his jacket, knowing there wasn’t any lint anyway. it was absolutely flawless, just like him. this was torture for you, and you couldn’t stand another second longer.
“listen, iwa…” you begin to say. “i should tell you something before you go down there.”
“oh?” iwaizumi turned around to face you. you felt as if his eyes were piercing through your soul, making your heart race faster than it was before. “what is it?”
“i, um…” you hesitate. was it too late to go back? yes, yes it was. “i think you’re marrying the wrong girl today.”
“huh?” he furrowed his eyebrows.
“i mean, i think you should be marrying me instead.” you blurt out.
“y/n, what are you talking about?” iwaizumi questioned. this couldn’t be real, this couldn’t be happening right as he was about to get married.
“i’m in love with you, iwa. i love you.” you admit, your heart racing upon your confession. you should feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders, but something heavy still lingered on top of you.
“no…” he shook his head. iwaizumi had rejected the possibility a long time ago. even if he loved you just as long as you loved him, you were just too late.
“yes. i am.” you say.
“you’re saying this now?” he asked you. it almost made him want to laugh. life was just so funny, he thought to himself. why couldn’t you have said this before? why did you wait until he was about to get married? if things were different, iwaizumi would be reacting to this much differently right now.
“i know i should’ve told you before you went to california—“
“should’ve? i wanted you to!” iwaizumi interrupted you, much to your shock. “everyone said you were going to before i left! i just figured they were just messing with me afterwards…”
you remember telling oikawa how you felt about iwaizumi, it was his idea to tell him before iwaizumi left for california. you had it all planned out in your head, but as you stood there at the airport, you couldn’t find the words anymore. you chickened out, cursing yourself on the way home and the days that would come. it only made you feel worse when iwaizumi found someone.
what you didn’t know was that he expected your confession that day. you should’ve known oikawa would run his mouth. he always meant well, always hoping you’d end up with iwaizumi, but look at you now, a delusional fool.
“i was going to, iwa. i just got scared…” you confess to him. “if i could go back to that day, i’d do it differently.”
“well, you can’t turn back time, y/n. it’s too late.” he said coldly, almost like a stab to the heart.
“why not?” you ask, desperately clinging onto your delusions.
“i moved on.” iwaizumi replied. he might as well be twisting a knife, even if he was merely speaking the truth. “we've both gone down different paths, we both made choices, and this is what i’m choosing.”
“i just thought…” you began to say, but fall silent.
“just thought what?” he asked, raising his voice. “that i’d give up everything i’ve built for a last minute confession? one that i gave up on waiting for years ago?”
you don’t say anything. what was there to say? it was exactly what that sick part of you deep down expected. how stupid of you to think he would drop everything just because you finally had the courage to confess your feelings. if there wasn’t a whole wedding waiting to happen, maybe iwaizumi would change his mind.
you look away in shame. even if you didn’t speak your thoughts aloud, you still felt disgusted now that the reality of your confession hit you. you were terrible to think this way. not just a terrible person, but a terrible friend too. it was unfair to expect such a tall order out of him, especially now.
“my family’s down there, my soon-to-be in-law’s are down there.” iwaizumi said. “we care about each other, you know?”
“i know.” you say quietly as you bite your lip.
“y/n, you…” he let out a sigh. “you don't always get the dream house… but you get awfully close.”
you look up to meet his eyes, tears streaming down your face. to him, you were always the dream house. if only you had known that before, you thought. iwaizumi felt ridden with guilt rejecting you like this, and it didn’t help that you were crying your eyes out.
“please don't cry, y/n.” he begged you.
“what? no, i'll be fine, i promise.” you force out a laugh, no matter how much it killed you. you saw the look in iwaizumi’s eyes. he knew you weren’t truly okay, but he also knew that you were letting him go. it was the right thing to do.
“it’s okay. i'm fine.” you wipe away your tears, trying your best to be strong. “i'm just crying because i'm happy. i want you to be so, so happy.”
you did, you wanted him to be happy. even if it wasn’t with you, you owed him the ability to be happy. it was the least you could do while you still had some of your dignity left.
“i love you, iwa.” you barely get the words out. “you… you're my best friend.”
you see iwaizumi’s eyes well up with tears, a rare sight to see. only you could produce such a reaction out of him. only you would truly have his heart forever, but life doesn’t always work out the way you want it to. it was just the way things go.
“i should go. everybody’s waiting for you.” you say, on your way out the door.
“y/n, i...” you stop in your tracks, waiting for what he’d say next, and it only crushed you even more. “i've always loved you.”
overwhelmed, you walk out of the room in tears, ready to bolt out of the venue without another thought. oikawa found you on your way out, asking what was wrong and where you were going, but when he saw mascara running down your face, he knew exactly what happened, and he knew he should’ve been there to stop it.
you insist to oikawa that he tell iwaizumi you were sorry before you finally left the venue. you couldn’t stand to be there a second longer, you just had to get out of here. as you head to your car, you hear the beginning of the wedding march play. the sound brought you to your knees as you violently sobbed. if this was rock bottom, then you finally reached it.
as much as you wanted to cry there forever, you force yourself to get up, finally finding the strength to get into your car. you didn’t know where you were headed, but you knew you had to drive off somewhere far away from here. if only you could just turn back time.
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© plutoccult / 310802. please do not copy, repost, modify, or translate any of my content in or outside of tumblr. reblogs are appreciated <3
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unclewaynemunson · 1 year
Belated happy birthday to @steviesbicrisis! Your bday post made me think about a steddie pride and prejudice au with a twist so this one's for you :D
(obviously this takes place in a world where gay marriage has always been completely normal. Fuck historic accuracy)
Steve feels his face light up when an all-too-familiar knock sounds through the house; there's only one person in his life who tirelessly drums out the most elaborately ridiculous rhythms on the wood of the door. 
Unsurprisingly, Eddie stumbles inside a moment later. Something is different, though, Steve notices that much right away. His friend doesn't barge into the room to drape himself over the couch like he usually does. Instead, he closes the door behind him and keeps standing still right in front of it.
'I have some news for you,' he says, in a strangely solemn voice.
'Is something wrong?' Steve asks, immediately worried.
'No.' Eddie shakes his head. He smiles, but it's only a weak version of his usual bright grin and it doesn’t quite reach his eyes. 'No, it's um... It's good news.' He nods, almost as if he's saying that to convince himself, and Steve feels a frown creep onto his own face.
'I'm engaged. To Keith.'
For a few seconds, Steve can do nothing but stare at him.
'Engaged?' he then stupidly repeats.
'Yes.' Eddie nods again.
'To be married?!' Steve asks urgently.
Now, Eddie rolls his eyes. 'Yes of course, Steve, what other kind of engaged is there?'
Steve feels his jaw drop. 'How– Why–'
'Oh for heavens sake, Steve,' Eddie impatiently interrupts his stuttered, unfinished questions. 'There's no earthly reason why I shouldn't accept his hand.'
'But he's – ridiculous!' Steve finally manages to spit out.
And something shifts in Eddie's posture. 'Well, not all of us can afford to be romantic,' he says with a chilly edge to his voice. ‘He's rich, he can give me a comfortable home and a reasonable position in society – I wouldn't dare ask for more.'
'Eddie,' Steve says. He doesn't even know where to start. He wants to tell Eddie exactly how much more he deserves than some gross creep, how he's betraying everything he stands for by marrying Keith, how he's signing for a life devoid of any happiness – but before he can even begin to properly phrase any of those thoughts, Eddie already narrows his eyes at him. He looks at him like a cornered animal, and Steve understands that Eddie interprets his silence not as caring, but as judging, or maybe even pity.
'I am twenty-seven years old,' Eddie says, his voice colored with a kind of forced calmness. 'I have no money and no prospects. I'm already a burden to my uncle. And I'm frightened. So don't judge me, Steve, don't you dare judge me.' Then, he resolutely turns around and opens the door.
'Eddie, wait,' Steve quickly says.
For a second, it looks like he won't listen, like he will walk away without looking back – but then, he turns his head around, and Steve sees tears glistening in his eyes.
'I – I'm not judging you. I'll respect your choice, even if I don't understand it. Don't cry, please.' He knows it's a useless thing to do, telling people not to cry, but he hates seeing this look on Eddie's face. It makes his hands itch with the desire to hold him.
'I’m just... You caught me off-guard. I didn't know you were interested in marriage all of a sudden.'
'Why does it matter?' Eddie asks with an arched eyebrow. 'Were you planning on asking me if I was?'
And that question, phrased in such a sarcastic way, paired with the defensive look in Eddie's eyes... The insinuation of how truly preposterous that would be feels exactly how Steve would imagine getting stabbed in the heart would feel like.
It makes him realize that he has nothing left to lose. Eddie will walk out of that door – maybe they'll make up, maybe they won't, but their friendship will never be the same as before Eddie got engaged to Keith.
'What would you say if I was?'
Eddie stares at him. He opens his mouth, then closes it again.
Steve just stands there, waiting, until the surprise on Eddie's face makes place for something more unreadable.
'Don't be ridiculous now, Steve.'
'Is it truly that much more ridiculous than you marrying Keith?'
'Are you seriously asking me to marry you only to keep me away from Keith?'
'No, I –' Steve pauses; he wishes he would have had time to think about what to say. It feels like his words won't ever be able to do his feelings justice.
'I have loved you for years, Eddie,' he finally admits. 'And if you truly want to marry Keith, I won't try to change your mind. But I can't let you go without telling you the truth.'
Eddie's eyes widen as he lets the words sink in with a shocked look on his face.
'You love me?' he repeats in a slightly raspy voice.
Steve nods, only to be met with more silence, as the clock on the wall ticks away the seconds.
'You don't have to say anything. I just needed you to know.'
'Steve... Is this a goddamn proposal or not?'
'I don't know.'
'You don't know?!'
'I mean, it isn't – I don't think it is.’ Steve stumbles through the words. ‘I don't want you to choose me because I'm richer, or – or better-looking than Keith... I only want to marry for love, and I'm not as arrogant to expect you to feel the same way about me.'
'Oh, Steve...' The shock on Eddie's face melts away, softening his features and making the look in his eyes gentler.
'You don't need to pity me.’
'No, no way, I'm not pitying you,' Eddie answers. He takes two big steps towards Steve, wraps his hands around Steve's. They're warm and familiar and making him miss what he can't have even stronger.
'If I had known... Stevie, I would've never said yes to Keith, it's not even close to a competition. If I had known I could have you, all this time... I never even thought I'd stand a chance. You're probably the most perfect person I know, and I'm, well, just Eddie.'
'Oh, we need to work on your self-esteem, baby.' The pet name slips out of Steve's mouth before he can help it, and it brings that beaming bright smile to Eddie's face; the smile that Steve loves so much.
He feels Eddie’s hands slide around his waist and they rest their foreheads together, both breathing shakily, trying desperately not to let their emotions overpower them.
'Does this mean that we're engaged now?' Steve finally manages to ask; his voice is shaking but he needs to hear it. He needs to be sure that he indeed gets to hold the man in front of him for the rest of their lives.
Eddie utters a tearful chuckle. 'I suppose I have another wedding to cancel first.'
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clownprincehoeshi · 8 months
Parallel Hearts - Chapter 4
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Synopsis: Never in your wildest dreams you imagined that you’ll meet your ult bias. Maybe you finally have your shot at love and happiness. Or not.
Genre: for all chapters- Fluff, Smut, Angst
Pairing: fem reader x idol Jungkook fem reader x idol Mingyu fem reader x idol Hoshi
Warnings: Kissing-Nudity-Sex 18+-Harrassment-Stalking-Death mentions-Cheating
Word count: 6401
Don't know how this chapter got so long. By my calculations, all chapters combined will go somehwere between 40k and 50k. Depends how much the plot thickens. Happy reading!
Previous chapter - Next chapter
This is a feeling you know too well. You’ve been here before and you hate it. You hate how all you think about it’s him, how you can barely sleep or eat, how you cry so much. You hate you’re so far from home and you can’t have your besties to keep you company and give you warm hugs. They know you the best.
Of course Hana has become your good friend, but can’t compare a friendship of 15 years with one of 1 year. Though, you feel you can trust her, you were always lucky with picking your friend. Apparently, you’re not as good at picking men.
Hana has been sleeping at your place since the breakup, 3 weeks ago. She’s going to be visiting her parents in Busan this weekend though, and you’re afraid you might have nightmares again. It’s something that happens whenever you’re really sad.
But you’re making progress. You can finally eat almost normally, you went back to the gym, but you can’t yet listen to music. You feel like music reminds you of him and you are not ready yet for it. Sleep is still a problem for you, as you need to know that someone is there for you, in your house. Breakups have always left a hole in your heart, a loneliness you can’t express. So you need company. You feel like a lost puppy.
You told Hana that you’ll feel extra lonely this weekend since she’s not going to be there and she said not to worry, because she’ll send one of your friends to keep you company. She didn’t say who, she said she wasn’t sure which one will be in town and have some free time.
So you waited all day on Saturday for your mystery friend to arrive. You even baked and bought some of that good meat to grill later, as a sign of gratitude. You hear knocking on the door and you go to open it.
Y/N: Mingyyyuuu!
You are so happy to see him, that you jump right at him for a tight hug.
Mingyu: I had no idea you missed me so much.
You invite him in and you feel relieved that it’s him and not someone else. The only downside is that he reminds you of him, as they are such close friends. He’s hoping to find out more from you, and maybe get you to open up. He wants to be there for you and help you get over this dark period you’re having.
Y/N: Tell me what you need. I even got meat and we can cook. You’re thirsty, hungry?
Mingyu: I feel like we could use some drinks before anything.
Y/N: Yesss, please!
You get some soju out and you try to not abuse alcohol right now, you tend to speak too much when you’re drunk. And you get to become too direct and honest. You both sit on the couch that’s facing your big living room windows, revealing the city.
Y/N: Maaan, I love to sit here for hours and look out the window. But I hate that winters here are cold as fuck. And I’m not sure yet if I like snow or if I hate it.
After some time of silence from Mingyu, and a couple of glasses, he finally got the courage to say something.
Mingyu: Y/N?
Y/N: Hmm?
Mingyu: I want you to know that I had no idea he didn’t tell you he will leave now. Even if I knew, I don’t think it was my place to let you know. And I hate that he acted like this and that he hurt you. I tried to talk to him about it and he just blew off, saying some stupid shit.
Y/N: What he did say? Because all he said to me was that he was sorry, on the day he enlisted. That was some lousy text. I blocked him after that.
Mingyu: He said “Why aren’t you happy now? You can finally have her”.
Y/N: What a stupid thing to say to his best friend. Where did that come from, why is he acting jealous since he never gave a shit about me?
Mingyu: Well I think he was always jealous, just not letting it show. Thing is this kind of affected our friendship. I mean, I was the first person to tell him to go for you, to confess. And for him to act like I was trying to make a move on you was pretty shitty.
Y/N: So let him believe that. Hope he can’t sleep well at night, thinking his ex and his bestie are fucking.
Mingyu: Whoaah, language!
He looks at you and asks how many glasses you had. You lift 4 fingers but you say two.
Mingyu: That’s it, no more soju for you, princess!
Y/N: I’m not a princess, look how I dress. Like a homeless dude.
He comes to hug you, patting your head.
Mingyu: You’re my homeless dude, then. Now let me be your chef for today, I’ll make you something really delicious.
And you let him cook. Not that you’re lazy, but you’re a little drunk and you don’t want to mess up. You’re feeling too good now, and you put some music on. You think some D’Angelo fits with today. You even forget you we’re not able to listen any music since the breakup.
Alcohol takes away your shyness and it’s like you’re another person, but you just think it brings the real you, fun, funny, silly, bright, friendly and chatty. Mingyu just giggles every time you’re like this, because he says it makes him happy when you’re happy.
He wonders if it’s a mistake that he came to keep you company today. And while he was having that thought and also moving around your kitchen, he felt you body brushing his. He froze and looked at you. You were just minding your business, looking for plates to set the table. The space between your counters and the kitchen island was not very generous, bot in your drunken state, you didn’t realize that.
He kept looking at you and felt his cheeks heating up. As your body brushed his, your hand also brushed his abs. It sent electric shocks through his body. He always had a thing for you, we can call it a crush. He gave up on you, as you were into his friend, so he kept these feelings closed. But what just happened now, woke a tiny little thought in his mind. What if…?
A voice brought him back to reality and a pair of big bright eyes looking up at him. Damn, you looked adorable.
Y/N: Gyyyyuuu! How many times do I have to call for you? You’re ghosting me right in my face.
Mingyu: Sorry, what does my princess want?
You look at him angrily and mumble something only for you to hear. Sheesh, such a tall and handsome dummy.
Y/N: Nevermind!
Food is ready, he made the grill and rice and you made salad. He knew that if you eat and drink lots of water, the alcohol will not have such a strong effect on you, and he was right. But he kept on drinking, he has a big tolerance. After dinner, you both took a shower. Separately. You went to you bedroom and he took the couch. Was a pretty big couch, he felt comfortable.
It was easy for you to drift to sleep after all that alcohol and food. And after that hot shower. But in the middle of the night you woke up scared and sweaty after a bad dream. Someone or something was chasing you in your dream.
You remembered Mingyu was there and you got out of bed to go check if he was maybe awake, to…talk to you, make you forget about the nightmare and the stupid mood it put you in. But he was sleeping. You got down on your knees, close to him and waited a little. In your sleepy state you thought that maybe if you stare enough, he’ll wake up and just guess what was going on in your head.
You whispered his name slowly but nothing. You pouted and got up to go back to bed. As you were getting up, you felt a grip on your wrist. He was awake. Why didn’t he say something? He pulled you down and you lost your balance and fell right on top of him.
Mingyu: What’s wrong, princess? Came  for cuddles?
Y/N: Uuummm I had a bad dream.
Mingyu: That’s why you’re on top of me in the middle of the night?
Y/N: You pulled me.
Mingyu: Not that hard.
Y/N: I tripped.
Mingyu: On purpose?
You whined, trying to get up, but he didn’t let you.
Mingyu: Stay here now, you said you had a bad dream. I’ll protect you, that’s why I’m here.
Y/N: Gyu..we shouldn’t. This isn’t..
Mingyu: Right? Why isn’t it right? You’re a free woman now, nothing wrong with us sleeping in the same bed, or couch. You’re still thinking about that jerk?
You drop your face into his chest, feeling stupid.
Mingyu: Darling, don’t feel bad, ok? He was stupid and now he’s gone. There are so many other guys that would be sooo happy to be with you.
You tried to speak into his chest but he didn’t understand any word. He just stroked your head and told you that you can use him as a pillow, or as anything you wanted. You were quiet and you stayed there. It felt nice. Warm and fuzzy. So you fell asleep in his arms and he was a happy man that night.
You only had Mingyu sleeping at your place one more time, but Hana was there too. It was after a little get together of the 97 crew. It’s been 2 months after the breakup and you felt good now. Crying had stopped, nightmares had stopped, and you didn’t feel lonely anymore.
Also, since you and Mingyu were closer now, you started to get into his group. It was like a ray of sunshine watching them do silly stuff on their shows and interviews. Reminded you of when you first got into kpop. Mingyu was very busy lately with Seventeen, preparing for a comeback, but he never forgot to check up on you and call you every other day.
You knew Mingyu was a ladies man and that he always had flings and affairs, mostly with female idols, actresses, models or just women that were famous. He would tell you about them sometimes and ask for advice. It seemed that he would never settle thought, like he was bored right away and was looking for something, but even he didn’t know what that something was.
You were at work one day and you had a meeting with your boss and teams about a new project you will work on. You were the team’s artist, you were skilled with your hands and very talented. You used to paint with Jungkook when you were together and you hated that every time you were drawing for work it reminded you of him. At least you’re not crying now, tight? Those days are over.
So this new project was for Hybe. Ugh! Will this man hunt you forever? You had to work with Seventeen’s team for their new promotion and when you heard you were a bit excited. Ok, maybe a lot excited, because you pretty much became a fan of them. This meant that you might be ending up meeting them, or at least some of them.
For the next few weeks, each member would come to your agency and have individual or group  shootings, and you had to be there for everything. Who was your bias? You thought it was Mingyu, obviously, but other than him, don’t ask. It’s impossible when there are so many of them and all so interesting in their own way.
Today’s shooting was for Hoshi, he was he 7th member you’ll be meeting. You got a little late at the office that day, so you were running in your heels like a crazy dude, carrying all these papers and drawings. Then, the next second you were on the floor, all your shit flying every where. You look at your skirt. Kimchy all over it. Your head hurt.
Guy: Omg, I’m so sorry, I was not looking, I had my face into my bowl.
He got up to help you. You were about to unleash the fire of hell on this guy, until you saw his face.
Y/N: Oh! It’s fine, it happens. It’s my fault too, for being late and running. I’m here for your shooting, anyway, I’m in charge of the set.
Hoshi: I’m Hoshi, it’s nice meeting you and again, I am sorry. Let me gather your stuff and help you clean your skirt.
Y/N: No no no no, it’s ok, really. I always keep extra clothes in my office just in case, I’ll change.
Hoshi: I feel so bad, not sure that spot will come off, I should know.
He pouts and you think it’s the most adorable thing ever.
Y/N: Btw, I am Y/N and a friend of Mingyu.
He looked a little stunned at your words and he became very defensive.
Hoshi: Oh, you’re that Y/N. Ok, then I should go back to the shooting, they expecting me.
And like that, he just ran away, he let you stand there with your extended hand, waiting for him to shake it. What a weird guy. But why did he say it like that? “that Y/N”. You decide to ask Mingyu about this tonight.
The shoot went smoothly, Hoshi was a natural and he is very photogenic. Though he kept giving you weird looks, almost mean and you felt like you did something but had no idea what it was.
Back home that night, you text Mingyu and tell him to call you when he’s free. He calls you in 2 hours after he gets home.
Mingyu: Y/N, hey! What are you up to? Missed me?
Y/N: Of course, why not.
And you start laughing by yourself, very proud of your joke. But he doesn’t flinch.
Mingyu: Ugh, please. Since you started watching Going Seventeen you’ve gotten insane.
Y/N: Come on, it’s cute when you say it.
Mingyu: Ok, going to hang up.
Y/N: Nooo, pleaseee Gyu! I’m sorry, I’m sorryyyy!
Mingyu: I like when you beg. Go on..
Y/N: Shut up, perv! I have a curiosity. Today I met your buddy, Hoshi and he was very awkward around me after he found out who I was. He said “oh, you’re THAT Y/N”. Spill!
Mingyu: Hmm, I have no idea. I mean, some of the guys know about you, that we’re friends, but that’s it.
Y/N: Hmm, I think it’s weird and there’s something more there. Maybe you don’t know either or you don’t want to tell me. Which is fine, I will find out on my own, I’m a good detective.
Mingyu bursts laughing. You end the call 30 minutes later and you keep thinking about that encounter with Hoshi all night.
It’s time for vacation, you and Hana got a week off work because you want to attend some concert Mingyu invited you both to. Seventeen is going to perform in Thailand and you always wanted to go there, so it’s the perfect opportunity. They will have 3 concerts there and you decided to go to one only, because you needed time to do tourist shit with Hana.
You tried to bring only your best clothes and accessories, because you knew you’ll see the guys again and you wanted to make a good impression. Plus, Hana didn’t let you bring any of your homeless stuff. You were a little pouty about that, but you’ll listen to her THIS time, because it was vacay time.
You did a lot of shopping there, spent a lot of time at the beach and trying out local food. Took tons of pictures, you wanted to post on your socials so that Jungkook will see you’re happy without him too. You didn’t know how he would see, you just liked to think he will.
You always get a nice golden tan in the summer and it somehow makes you look prettier, everyone tells you that it suits you. Hana insisted that you attend soudcheck too, not just the actual concert, claiming that’s where to fun is. Oh well, you went anyway and made sure to look your best. So you got the “girls” out, wearing a deep cut top, let your long hair flow over your back.
Y/N: Wifeu, quick answer. Should I wear something to show off my legs or my ass?
Hana: Uff, hard one. How about both?
Y/N: Nahh, too slutty for a concert.
Hana: Girl, you need to get laid again in this life.
Y/N: Legs or ass?
Hana: Damn, let’s have a little meeting about this. It’s important. So we’re going to dinner with some of the guys after the concert. What’s the first thing they will notice when they see you?
Y/N: Boos, of course.
Hana: Yes. But after that? I think they will notice the legs, since you’ll be facing them.
Y/N: Ok, so legs it is.
Hana: Unless……there will be times when we will be walking, turning, moving and stuff. And there will be people behind you, and if you wear tights pants, they’ll die.
Y/N: Come ooon, make up your mind woman!
Hana: Oh, ok. Legs. I think.
So you wore a short skirt that matched you top. Your top had a tiger print, it was just a coincidence, but Hana thought you were wearing it for a certain someone.
You were in the crowd, front seats, excited to see Mingyu and give him funny looks. When the guys came up the stage, the crowd went crazy. You could understand, these boys were breathtakingly handsome and pretty. What’s the deal with this Jeonghan guy, you think. Where does he have this audacity to look so beautiful?
Well your friend Mingyu was beautiful too, you knew that, you were not blind. Everyone knew that. And he had this stupid look on his face the entire soundcheck. He kept looking at where you two were standing. He looked…pretty hot, you have to admit. Even Hana said so.
And when the wind blew over his t shirt and shorts, it kind of…made you feel something. Were you too vacation drunk? You know you get hornier when you travel, so you blamed it on that.
The concert was so fun, you danced, singed, waved at them. Some of them recognized you from the shoots they had at your agency and they waved back. You found it funny to catch Hoshi throw some looks your way, but he was not smiling or anything, just serious looks. What’s wrong with this guy?
You knew it’s going to be a process to get out of the stadium when the concert is over, it was really crowded and you were right next to the stage, so you had to wait a lot for the people in the back to get out. Because of this, you and Hana arrived at the dinner place after the guys got there.
You went to the rooftop to find Mingyu, DK, Wonwoo, Hoshi, Jeonghan, Joshua, Jun and Minghao. You needed a drink, you were too nervous. Your hands were shaking as the guys stood up to shake your hands and introduce themselves once again. They all remembered you, except DK. And of course you knew Wonwoo pretty well.
The whole night you felt eyes on you. You still didn’t shy away to eat like you like to eat and Mingyu always praises you for this, telling you that you eat well. Whatever that means. Some of the guys asked you a bunch of questions, Hoshi was the only one to not engage with you.
Jeonghan even asked if you wore that tiger print top because Hoshi was your bias. Made you blush at the remark but you said you have no bias and that you don’t want to betray your friend Mingyu by having one.
DK: I can be your bias, I’ll deal with Mingoo, don’t worry.
Jeonghan: Yeah, he’s big but he’s not dangerous.
Y/N: Hey guys, don’t be mean with my Mingoo. I know you bully him a lot.
And you pout and put your hand over Mingyu’s hand. He blushes at the touch and he pulls his hand right away, slapping yours in a playful way.
The food was delicious there and you even put a little alcohol in you, some champagne. The guys went a little crazy because it was their last concert there and the net day they would return to Seoul. You saw Hoshi had red cheeks, sign that he was drunk. After ONE glass, guys. ONE glass. But this made him a little friendlier.
It also made him clingy with his members as he kept on kissing their faces. You thought it was cute. You love men that are not afraid of showing affection to their friends. Since you also had a couple of drinks, you felt courageous enough to engage with Hoshi and maybe find out if you did something wrong, so you could fix it.
So you saw him taking some photos of the view and you walked towards him.
Y/N: Hi!
Hoshi: Hi.
Y/N: Can I ask you something?
Hoshi: I guess.
Y/N: Did I do something to you? Because I feel like you hate me or something. And maybe there is a misunderstanding. I don’t know. If I did something, I’m sorry and please let me know so I can fix it.
Hoshi: Why do you treat Mingyu like that?
Y/N: Like what?
Hoshi: Like he’s some fool that you can walk over.
Y/N: What?
He looks right into your eyes, rage inside them. You have no idea where this is coming from and you don’t know where to go from here. You just know there is a misunderstanding between you. You would be fuming right now if it were some guy and you would just walk away, but it’s Mingyu’s friend and you don’t want to start some drama.
Y/N: I assure you, I don’t treat him like that. And I can have this conversation in front of him, right now, if you’d like, so you can see that’s you’re having the wrong idea about me.
Hoshi: Hmm, yeah, I see it. The gaslighting. That’s how you do it.
And he just hisses and leaves you there. You’re dumbfounded, what was that. You’ll need to talk to Mingyu again, he will have to tell you this time. You’ll do that after you all get back to Seoul and he gets some free time in his hectic schedule.
It’s not like you care what people think of you, it doesn’t affect you. But why did Hoshi having a bad opinion about you affected you so much? He wasn’t someone close to you. Tonight, Mingyu, Eunwoo and Hana are coming to your place for dinner. You’ll be cooking for them this time.
You ate, had some shots, played some cards and when it was time for them to leave, you asked Mingyu to stay a little bit longer because you wanted to talk about something.
Mingyu: Ok, what is it?
Y/N: So your friend Hoshi hates me and I think someone told him something about me that was not true. I know you know something that you’re not telling me.
Mingyu: Y/N, there are some things that I can’t just tell you, but why he’s like that to you, I don’t know. All I can say is that me and him had some conversations about you, maybe he misunderstood something I’ve said? It’s possible.
Y/N: You ever told him anything about me and Jungkook?
Mingyu: No, nothing about him. But why do you care so much? Just let him be, not like you’re close.
Y/N: But I want your friends to like me.
Mingyu: Why?
Y/N: Just cuz. What’s it to you?
And you slap his arm hard, making him whine and calling you mean. You invited him to spend the night on your couch, since he had to drink, but he said he has a hot date and how he’s been seeing this new girl for a month. So he left, leaving you wondering even more about the things that he doesn’t tell you.
Spring has come. Your second favorite season. Your favorite is summer, because you’re a lizard that loves the heat. And you like spring because it’s finally getting warmer, the plants are coming back to life, and it’s your birthday season. It’s also Mingyu’s birthday season and he’s planning a party.
The venue is huge and it feels like the invited the whole kpop industry. He’s so popular, you think. Why didn’t you go for him, in stead of Jungkook? Really? Why? Oh, maybe because he’s kind of a…fuckboy?
You try to look like your sexiest self, but not too over the top. You remember what happened  the last time when you looked too sexy. Some guy confessed and you ended up with your heart broken. So no, this time, going easier on the sexiness, thank you.
All night, you tried to stay close to Hana, holding her hand or her dress. You didn’t know who most of those people were. Hana kept dragging you from corner to corner, because she was into a guy from a band, you can’t remember the name. You have trouble remembering names. You bumped into the other Seventeen members and greeted each other. Hoshi didn’t even look at you. Huh, what a douche.
Trying to stay sober tonight, you want to remember it, because so many celebrities were here. You saw some members of TXT, Enhypen, Le Seraffim, The Boyz, Ateez. Mingi was not there and Hana was hearbroken. You felt good close to your 97 gang, still holding Hana’s hand.
Mingyu comes to you guys and hugs all of you, thanking you that you came. He hugs you a little too long. He has a sad look on his face and you ask if something is wrong. He shaked his head, but with a pout and a sad look. You knew it was something. Then DK and Minghao come over to chat.
DK: Hey guy, what’s up? Shall we do some shots?
Mingyu: Yes, and nobody can say no.
You all do 2 rounds of shots. Then you see Minghao coming closer to you.
Minghao: How’s tonight treating you, you having fun at the party?
Y/N: Hmm, so and so. I’m not a social butterfly like Mingyu here, but at least I have my friends.
Minghao: You look gorgeous, I have to say. You have great taste.
DK: Hao, did you just tell her she tastes good? Wtf?
You and Minghao start laughing. DK could be such a clown sometimes. While you were laughing, Minghao was leaning a little towards you, touching your shoulder and Mingyu noticed that and slapped his hand off you. He made it look like it was in a funny way, but you felt that he was protective. But come on, Minghao? He’s the sweetest guy, don’t need protection from him.
The night was a success, even though Mingyu seemed to be really stressed out. But probably because he wanted all to turn out ok.
You were back at home, 3 AM, when your phones rings. It was Mingyu.
Y/N: Mingoo, birthday boy, what’s up?
Mingyu: Can I come up?
Y/N: You’re here?
Mingyu: Yeah.
Y/N: Come up.
Now you were worried. His voice seemed a bit off, different. When he enters your apartment, the first thing he does is to hug you tight and you hear him sobbing.
Y/N: Gyu, what happened?
Mingyu: She was supposed to come tonight but she just ghosted me.
Y/N: Who?
Mingyu: I was seeing a girl, Y/N. She broke up with me one my birthday, with a lousy text.
Y/N: Aww, come here.
You hugged him some more, kissing his head.
Y/N: Come on, let’s sit. You want water, food?
Mingyu: Water, please.
He gulps a whole glass of water and calms down. You had no idea he had a serious gf or that he had feeling for someone. He was always a mystery.
Y/N: Wanna talk about it?
Mingyu: Not right now. Can you cuddle me tonight, please?
He was looking so sweetly into your eyes that you couldn’t say no, it was your time to be there for him and you will do whatever he needs you to do.
You let him take a shower, made him a sandwich. You know he’s a big boy and needs to eat. Made him hot tea to help him sleep and put him into bed. You put a warm blanket over both of you and hold him close to you. Felt his breath on your neck and from time he would make out little cute noises. You could tell he was hurting.
You started stroking his hair slowly, telling him it will be ok and that you’re there for him.
Mingyu: Y/N?
Y/N: Yes, Gyu.
Mingyu: What if we…
Y/N: What
Mingyu: No, nevermind.
Y/N: I hate it when you do that. 
Mingyu: There is something I need to do.
Y/N: Ok, what is it?
Mingyu: Will you say yes?
Y/N: But I don’t know what it is.
Mingyu: Can’t you just…trust me?
Y/N: I do trust you.
Then he lifts his face from your shoulder and he is laying now on his side, facing you. He cups your face with one hand and brings his face close to yours, almost touching. Is he trying to kiss you? If he does, will you let him? He might be just drunk and will regret it tomorrow. And what about you? Do you want this? Thousand thoughts flooding your mind right now. If you’re being honest with yourself, you have thought about him that way.
You have looked at his lips one to many times and wondered how they feel like. Wondered how you’d feel under him, in his strong hands. You blamed it on the horniness and nothing else.
Your heart starts racing and when he puts his lips on your, you let him. You let him kiss you. And you like it, it feel right. But also wrong. But you know what? Get fucked, Jungkook, you deserve this. You deserve I make out with your friend.
He’s being so soft with you, so careful not to break you. Your lips open for his tongue to lick the inside of your mouth. You can feel heat raising inside you and you moan his name into his mouth. That was like a wakeupcall for him, because he stops and pulls away.
Mingyu: I’m sorry, shouldn’t have done that. I’ll go sleep on the couch.
And he leaves you in bed, alone and turned on. You were so turned on that you didn’t try to go after him, because you needed release right then and there. So you took matters into your hands, while thinking about Mingyu and what would he do to you. While you rubbed your clit slow, you imagined he was eating you out, pushing his fat fingers inside your soaked pussy. You could feel wetting the bed, you were that wet. You tried to fuck yourself with your fingers, but after a few minutes, you felt it was not enough. Damn you, Kim Mingyu! You needed him. Wanted him. You needed him to be inside you, fucking into you hard.
You got out of bed, took your clothes off and decided to go to him and just hope he won’t push you away again. If he kissed you, then he wanted this too, but he needed to know now that you wanted it also. So you went into the living room and you laid your naked self under his blanket, next to him.
He didn’t wait, he didn’t say anything, didn’t hesitate. He just took you right then. He felt like fire all over your body. His kisses so passionate, his lips all over your body. Licking your ear, your neck, whispering filthy things into your ears. His hands roaming all over you, squeezing your breasts, licking them with hunger and sucking on them. You started to pull him into you, wrapping your legs over his waist.
His cock felt so hard and big under his pants, rubbing on your naked pussy. You needed him so bad.
Mingyu: God, I’ve been wanting to have you like this since forever.
Y/N: Touch me, Gyu. Please!
Mingyu: I want to taste you so bad, baby. Want to taste your pussy and feel it cumming around my tongue.
Y/N: Fuck! Do whatever you want to me
His mouth traced lower, to your tummy, leaving open mouth kisses, to your hips and finally to your pussy. Licking your folds and feeling how wet you were for him. Teasing your poor clit that needed attention and release so bad.
Mingyu: You’re so wet for me, fuck! You’ll feel so good around my cock, princess
He started to lap at your clit fast, pushing a finger inside you. He felt you were so tight around one finger, he needed to prep you more for his cock. A second finger goes inside and you clench so hard around them.
Mingyu: Right there, baby? Gong to cum on my fingers like this?
Y/N: Yess, don’t stop. Please, Gyu!
And you came so hard that you were seeing stars. You pulled him by the shirt up to your face and tried to get him naked. You wanted to see him naked so bad, to run your hands all over his sculpted body.
Y/N: You feel so good naked, rubbing on me! I need you, Gyu
Mingyu: Tell me how you want me, baby
Y/N: I want you to fuck me hard, want you inside me. Ruin me!
Mingyu puts one hand around your throat, squeezing slow and getting tighter by the minute. Starts to kiss you hungrily. The other hand he used to hold your waist down. Then he begins to push into you and you can’t control your moans.
He thinks you sound so filthy right now and he loves it, wants to make you moan louder. Wants to know he’s making you feel that good.
Y/N: Oh god, Gyu! You feel so good, fuck! You feel so fucking big
Mingyu: You’re taking my cock so good, baby. So tight and wet for me. Wanna make you cum all night
You loved that he was so vocal and so rough but at the same time gentle.
Y/N: I feel so full. Please
Mingyu: You looks so beautiful right now. On my cock, while I split you open
Mingyu: Want me to fuck you dumb, princess? Need me to make you forget about all the other cocks you had?
Y/N: Yesss, fuck!!! I’m coming
He feels you clench around his cock so tight that he can’t stop his own orgasm,  releasing inside you deep and hard
Y/N: Shit! Fill me up, Gyu? Fill this pussy deep
You couldn’t believe what was coming out of your mouth. You felt like such a slut and you loved it. And he didn’t stop, he kept going with the thrusting. And you felt like the orgasms kept of coming. You were lucky that you could have multiple orgasms, sometimes they would not stop for minutes, and you had to take a break.
You kept on fucking for the next hour. You came multiple times and he came two more times inside you. He loved fucking his cum back into you. After this you two stopped and laid next to each other, sweaty and out of breath.
Y/N: Gyu?
Mingyu: You wanna go again?
Y/N: I want to suck you off
Mingyu: Shit, do whatever you want, baby
You went down, tracing wet spots with your tongue all over his body. He was putty under you and moaned so loud when you put his still hard cock in your mouth. You couldn’t take it all, it was too big, long and fat. You’re sure you’ll be sore for days after tonight.
Y/N: Want to cum in my mouth too, baby?
Mingyu: Fuck I want it so bad!
You keep on pumping his cock into your mouth, moving your mouth fast over his length. Moaning into his cock, sending vibrations throughout his whole body.
Mingyu: I’m going crazy here. You’re going to make me cum so hard
And he spills his seed down your throat, pulling your hair, arching his back off the bed and moaning so pretty. He looked fucking gorgeous when he came.
After you both settle down, breathing back to normal, you decide it’s time to clean up and you take a long hot shower. The sheets on the couch are ruined, so you sleep on your bed.
Y/N: Gyu?
Mingyu: Yes, princess
Y/N: What does this mean for us now? Will this ruin our friendship?
Mingyu: I have a confession. I’ve been in love with you since we met and I’ll be damned if I let you get away again. You’re finally mine now, if you want to be mine
Y/N: I do, Gyu, I do want that
You were not sure what you felt for him, but you knew he made you feel safe, he treated you good and made you cum 1000 times. Are you in love? What if his e comes back? He just cried for her a few hours ago, there must be some feelings there. You had so many questions and it was making it hard for you to know how you felt for him. Because he felt like he was surrounded by fog and you needed to fight it and make it go away with great effort. You knew he was a complicated man and you only hoped this will not break you again.
He didn’t let go of you the whole night and you thought you’ll never meet a more clingier man. In return, you showered him with kisses because he was just sweet like that.
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ooooo I love all your self aware things! Such a cool concept! would you possibly be willing to do it with Poe as well? If not, I understand 🫶
Thanks. I am glad you are enjoying my ideas.🥰
I am planning to write a "general entry" about Poe and other Guild members, but, only after I finish with Port Mafia members.
Until then, you can enjoy this oneshot. I hope you like it.
Party crashed
Self-Aware! Edgar Allan Poe x GN! Reader
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Description: Set after BSD characters got into your world. You valued your friendship, really. But you wished your friend stop dragging you to the parties you didn't want to go and then ditch you. But, maybe, this time, things will be different.
Warning: OOC. Toxic friend. English is my second language.
"[F/N], I don't know... I really don't want to go."
"[Y/N], don't be silly, you need to spend time with others! Stop reading your boring books and live a little. The party starts at 9 p.m, don't be late. Or, you know what would happen. Bye!"
Before you can protest, your friend hang up.
You sign. You valued your friendship, really. But you wished your friend stop dragging you to the parties you didn't want to go. It's not like you hate or dislike parties, you liked to spend time with others.
The problem is that your friend not only always bring you to the parties where you don't know anyone, but they always ditch you. The Fun Party isn't fun for you. The parties are loud. The attendants, most of the time, are behaving like drunk animals.
You always felt nervous. Moreover, last time your friend got drunk, and you have to return home by your own. It was almost midnight, you were nervous. Thanks, God, that nothing happened to you, and you got home safely.
You think about what you can do. Your friend are social butterfly. And they can hold the grudge. One time, you dodge the party they invited you. The next day, there were rumors about you ruining the party, because you were the guest of honor that didn't appear. The fact, that you and the person, who arranged the party didn't know each other, was forgotten. As you discover, your friend was the one who started the rumors.
"[Y/N], you brought this upon yourself! I was lonely on the party. Because you didn't go."
You huff. You try to cut your ties with your 'friend'. But it was hard. They start crying every time you try to tell them off. They were playing the victim. You are pretty sure, your chances to make friends with others, currently, are pretty low.
The sound of chittering interrupt your thoughts. You feel something warm and fluffy rubbing on your legs. Looking down, you see Karl, looking at you with big round eyes. You carefully pick up the raccoon, gently scratching him behind the ears. Karl purred.
"It was them, right?" ask Poe, who was standing at the doorway, looking at you. You nod.
"Mhm. They will drag me to the party again. And will ditch me again."
Poe carefully approaches you and place his hand on your shoulder. He is silent. He understands, how scary it is when your only acquaintance abandons you at the party. He decides to stay quiet, but he is ready to listen to your problems.
You continue petting Karl. "I try to say 'no' to them, but they make everyone think that I am in the wrong. When I am not. If only I can be more self-confident, if only I can tell them 'no' once and for all.
Both of you are silent again. Then Poe brightens up: "Say, [Y/N], your friend love the 'Wild Party Spirit'?"
You nod. "Yes, they are. Why?"
Poe leans closer to you and whispers. "I have a plan, how to help you"
After hearing his plan, you grin. It will be fun.
You arrived at the house, where the party will be held. Mushitarou stays in the car.
"[Y/N], there you are! I thought you will never... Who are these?" your friend stop talking and look at your 'escort'.
Apparently, every time you pulled a limited card from Mayoi game with the character, they were getting a new set of clothes. You were glad. It would be really awkward, if you had multiple versions of characters running around.
Some of the characters, who were featured in "Band Scout" decide to accompany you to the party.
Edgar Allan Poe, Tanizaki Junichirou, Nakahara Chuuya, Akutagawa Ryunosuke, Akutagawa Gin and Tachihara Michozu is standing behind you, wearing a band clothes. You smile to your friend.
"Just some acquaintances of mine. They heard about the party. And, after learning that you will be there, they wanted to come too."
[F/N] blinked. "Because of me? Why?"
Chuuya walks forward and grins. "Because you never attend boring parties. [Y/N] description of them makes them look like our kind of party."
Chuuya winks and your friend blush.
"W-well, then you can pass as my guests. Here, follow me. The Party will be wild"
All of you walked after [F/N]. Poe and you glance at each other.
Yes, it will be wild.
BSD gang, your real friends, and you, hidden with Junchirou ability, are standing in the middle of the destroyed party room. The guests were hiding. They were shouting something about...
...crazy raccoons...
/You were nervous, that Karl will be in danger, but Poe assure you that raccoon will be fine./
...army of clones...
/Junchirou doesn't need to recreate some monsters, seeing your exact double is terrifying enough./
...not been able to stand up...
/Chuuya has an exceptional control over his ability. But, you thought, that playing "Everybody do the flop" and "I have fallen, and I can't get up" through speakers were a little bit too much./
...black hungry wolves...
/You assured Ryunosuke, that Rasenmon are a dragon, not a canine./
...ghost stabbing them...
/Gin, hidden with Junchiro's ability, was pocking people with tip of her knife./
...and flying metal.
/Tachihara was manipulating all metal he can find. You are glad, that no one has metal teeth./
Your friend were covering under the table. They were trembling. You looked at them, then at the BSD gang.
"Let's go home. Police will be there soon. We made so much noise, I am pretty sure, all of the neighbours already have called the police"
All of you left the house. Mushitarou is already waiting you in the car. He already used his ability and hid all evidence of your involvement in the madness in the party. So, police will find a bunch of people, who are screeching as banshees and talking about raccoons, ghosts and flying metal. Had fun explaining this to the police.
On your way home, you lean against Poe. Karl curled on your lap. All of you were talking with each other.
Poe put his hand on your head and riffle it.
"Well, don't think, they will bother you for some time."
You chuckle.
"Yea. Thanks again, guys. And thanks for you, Poe. For your plan."
You move and plant a kiss on Poe's cheek.
Edgar was redder than a tomato for the rest of the road.
A/N: Yes, raccoons can purr.
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ateezscupid · 1 year
If u cam do issa Weired request ... blurb
Hongjoong leaving his gf, yet haven't moved on.
Now he is a successful producer whilst he found out that ex is now struggling with depression!!
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﹟𝗠𝗜𝗦𝗦𝗜𝗡𝗚 𝗬𝗢𝗨 ⋆ 𝗄.𝗁𝗃 𝗑 𝖿!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋
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plot - you and hongjoong brokeup a while back so he could focus on his career. the both of you didn’t know how badly that breakup would affect you.
warn - slight angst and some fluff, idol!au, mentions of depression, mention of s/h and s/i (more like implications), happy ending, kind of based in present time (guerrilla era)
w/c - n/a
𝗧𝗔𝗚S - @felixs-voice-makes-me-wanna @starillusion13 @mingitheskzstan
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“who’s that girl?” you mumble to yourself as you stare at the picture hongjoong posted recently. it was a picture of him and another girl holding hands and looking in love. you narrowed your eyes and threw your phone across the room, falling back onto your bed and sighing.
it’s been years since you and hongjoong broke up. you two were young, and had your whole lives ahead of you! of course, that meant you two had to part ways. it was impossible to do a long distance relationship if you planned on going all the way across the globe for college. hongjoong wanted to stay in his home town to work on his music and focus on his group, ateez.
when you heard the words “we need to take a break,” leave his lips, the only thing you could think of were the things you did for him. you were always there for fan signing events, concerts, promotion events, etc etc. you were their biggest supporter and ateez thank you for it. you were there even before they debuted.
it was after ‘say my name’ was released, he decided to end things. it took everything in you not to cry, but you couldn’t help the torrent of tears flooding down your cheeks like niagara falls.
you were able to handle the breakup for the next few days until you saw that one interview. you could’ve sworn hongjoong felt your eyes burning holes into his head. the interviewer asked ateez what their ideal type was, and if they were looking for relationships. you cringed on the inside from the question, but listened intensely when hongjoong was asked.
“i don’t mind what my future girlfriend looks like, it doesn’t matter to me. but, as of now, i’m still looking for my perfect lady.”
he was still looking. those words were now engraved in your memory. that wasn’t like hongjoong. he wouldn’t just ignore everything you two had because ateez was gaining popularity, but judging from his expression, he was dead serious.
you clawed are your chest. if it were even possible, you felt your heart drop inside of you. the tears that fell from the day he brokeup with you started up again. nothing could’ve prepared you for what he said. nothing. you thought you two had something but clearly you were wrong. were you not perfect to him? did he not find you pretty? did you mess up? did he lie about his reason of breaking up? everything ran through your mind all at once.
his one answer sent you into a spiral. you spent hours everyday checking to see if hongjoong’s ideal type changed so you could make yourself look like the person he described, but you got nothing. you spent hours looking at tips tom how to become prettier, how to keep a long relationship.
all of the internet you consumed in those days sent you into a deep depression, one you thought you couldn’t get out of. you kept in contact with the ateez members, but hongjoong was the only one who didn’t talk to you. mingi said he was busy in the studio whenever you asked to speak to him, and you couldn’t help but breakdown when you heard those words. excuse after excuse. he really got over you that quick..?
everything hit you like a truck so fast. hongjoong broke up with you and refused to speak to you, and the friendship you thought you had with ateez disappeared when their schedules became booked and they didn’t have the time to talk to you. they used to respond to your messages hours later, then it turned into no responses at all. you weren’t close with anybody else as much as you were with ateez, you felt alone. nobody was there to talk to, and you definitely didn’t want to tell your parents. chances are they’d say you were overreacting.
your depression worsened when you saw hongjoong having fun with other idols who were girls. he seemed so comfortable around them, as for you, he’d refuse to talk to you. you felt like a burden. you weren’t important. you were useless.
harming yourself felt like your last option since the job you were working at didn’t help you afford getting actual help, so you felt it was your best bet. though it wasn’t. your job, being ignorant, said you needed to “take a break” since your scars were scaring customers. you didn’t bother arguing back and just took the punishment.
and here you were now, scrolling through his personal instagram account and seeing him post about this one girl frequently. he had found someone new. he forgot about you. you weren’t important to him. in fact, tou weren’t important to anybody. there were a few times where you’ve thought of leaving the face of the earth and never coming back, but what about your family? they were still assholes but they cared about you? how would it affect ateez’s mental health? you didn’t want to make them feel what you felt.
not paying attention to what you were doing, you liked one of his posts. it wouldn’t have been a problem if you were on your secret account, but it was your main. it was the entire reason you threw your phone, and you were so scared to pick it up thinking he’d see it. but the post had 100k likes? how would he see yours?-
well, you were proven wrong. carefully you crawl off your bed and snatch your phone up, staring at your screen blankly when you saw a message from him. his account. the account that was verified. it couldn’t have been true, you had to have been dreaming.
hj: is this who i think it is?
yn: yes?
hj: oh, hey y/n :) how’ve you been?
yn: i’ve been okay.
hj: that’s good
hj: soo what have you been doing since the last time we spoke to each other?
yn: nothing
hj: really? nothing? i thought you wanted to focus on dancing or something like that.
yn: i didn’t get into the college i applied for
hj: oh i’m sorry to hear that. have you been doing anything else?
yn: no
hj: oh ok
hj: is it awkward speaking to me again? i’m sorry if i made things weird or i made it seem like i forgot about you. i haven’t forgotten about you.
yn: its not awkward, i’m just embarrassed
hj: embarrassed?
yn: people knew we were dating before and after your group debuted, but you went on national television and told everybody that you were still looking for your soulmate or whatever? that was embarrassing.
hj: we talked about the questions they’d ask us if we were on the show? i thought you knew i wasn’t being serious?
yn: i would’ve thought that, but i didn’t. even after that you refused to talk to me, no matter how many times i tried talking to you. mingi told me you were always busy. i thought you had forgotten about me.
hj: i didn’t forget about you? but i’m sorry if i made it seem that way… i was always busy though?
yn: you could’ve told me that yourself, hongjoong.
hj: i realize that now
yn: i know you don’t know how much you hurt me, but it hurt me a lot. not only you, but everyone else. i hate being alone. i didn’t have anyone to talk to.
hj: i’m sorry. are you still in the states? we’re here to promote some music but i have a bit of time, i can visit you? what’s your address
yn: [___] my roommates aren’t home, so we can talk alone
hj: cool. be there in thirty.
and he kept his word. he arrived at your apartment in 30 minutes, maybe even under thirty. you thought he’d come empty handed since the plan was to talk about your feelings and settle the rocky relationship, but he came with flowers and chocolate. it was pretty cliché but you didn’t care. at least he cared about you enough to get you something.
"hey," the smile on his face let you know he was happy to see you for the first time in what felt like forever. he's been missing you like crazy since the breakup but didn't have the guts to reach out to you.
"hi." on the other hand, you were still mad at him and didn't want to make it seem like you've been stalking him since you two parted ways, which you have.
"can i come in?" his eyebrow raises and you nod, moving out the way of the doorway and allowing him to walk inside. you handed him a vase to put the flowers in as you walked over to the couch. he closed the door behind him then moved to a nearby counter, taking the flowers out of the plastic and throwing them into the trashcan.
“so… i haven’t kept up with what you guys have been doing.” which was a lie. you always spent your free time going through the official instagram as well as the members to see what they were doing. “what songs did you guys release?”
“we just released guerrilla, that’s why we’re in the states.” when he was done with the base, he walked over to where you were and sat on the couch. he wasn’t sure if you were comfortable with him being close or not so he kept his distance.
“oh, that’s cool.” you nod slowly. “have you been seeing anyone since we… parted ways?—”
“nope.” joong answered quickly. “you may not believe me, but i never got over you. i’ve missed you like hell, it felt like i had a hole in my heart. y’know? everything i did felt weird because you weren’t with me. when i didn’t see you at our concerts and at promotions, it felt wrong.”
“…it did?” you started feeling guilty now. “i didn’t know you felt like that.”
“it’s not your fault! okay? it’s not your fault, it’s mine.” he sighed. “i kept reading over your texts while i was driving and i felt bad. really bad. i feel bad knowing i was the reason you went through all of that. i didn’t want to point it out when i first walked in but i noticed your…”
you furrow your eyebrows and looked down. you hadn’t worn a long sleeved shirt like you planned on, which meant your arms were fully exposed to him. some of your scars were healing pretty good, but there were still many that weren’t healing as fast as the others. they were more visible. you didn’t know what to say to him. hongjoong scoots closer and pulled you into a hug without saying a word. before you knew it, tears were streaming down your cheeks again.
“shh, it’s okay, i’m here.” he held your face against his chest, patting you on the head and holding you tightly. you weren’t aware of how badly you needed a hug until now; the same arms that held you years ago were holding you now and it made you feel so much better.
“j-joong,” you sniffled. “are you mad at me…?”
“what? no, no i could never be mad at you.” he sighed, feeling the urge to cry as well. “im just glad you’re still here. im glad we’re together right now.”
“i… am too,” you smile weakly and wrap your arms around his body. “can you stay the night?”
“sure, i think i can. i think this is the one week where we don’t really have anything to do as a group. i can ask to spend the entire week with you, would you like that?”
“yes please, do that. i wanna spend as much time as i can with you before you go back.”
hongjoong chuckles and pushed your hair behind your ear, staring into the eyes he fell in love with all those years ago. “do you want to try again?”
you were waiting for that question since the moment he walked inside. “i do, joong.”
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ho3smadd · 7 months
One day
She'd been friends with him for years now, you'd think eventually the silly infatuation with him would have gone away by now....but no he was still the only person that always made her feel like her 13 year old self, like sometimes her brain couldn't form thoughts when he was around because all she would do was blush.
She'd just gotten a phone and it seemed like finally everything was going right for her
One day after school she saw that he added her as a friend and her heart filled with childish hope and thus began their friendship
As a 13 year old girl who was friends with the boy she liked, she tended to see signs where they weren't any and eventually she convinced herself that maybe he liked her too ....
That wasn't the case but she didn't feel all to bad , I mean he hadn't made fun of her or treated her differently and weirdly that's what grew them closer as friends
She was entering high school and she had a new crush on another family friend and she didn't think of him all that often
He messaged her about his sister's wedding in a month "if they tell me to go sit next to my girlfriend, I'll come sit next to you" she rolled her eyes knowing that if it came down to it he'd do it just to piss her off. He took so much joy in irritating her
On the same day the other guy asked her out and she said yes
When he asked her what's new in her life she told him and he didn't speak to her til November except for the happy birthday message she got in June
Sometimes she thought maybe he's jealous or maybe he just doesn't want to talk to me
As soon as he knew they broke up he started speaking to her again
As the years went on their friendship grew and grew but for some reason it didn't feel like a normal friendship
She was friends with other boys but things just felt different with him. All her friends would tell her "he likes you and you are just blind" she considered it but she was scared to get her hopes up again
They would speak from when the woke up til they went to bed. He knew things about her that nobody else ever did.
She was the hopeless romantic type with her head always stuck in books and he hated books with a passion but whenever she'd read a new book he'd want to know all about it and eventually he started forcing her to read the books to him before bed
Before her birthday people would ask her to send pictures of herself so they could post her and she was complaining because 1 girl made her send 51 pictures of herself and for some reason he was upset because she only sent him 1 picture , so she sent all 51 pictures to him as well. He created an album in his gallery for her
Eventually he ditched the excuse and of it only being for her birthday and would just tell her the folder needed to be updated.... he continued to update the folder for 2 years
In the beginning of the year she lost some of her closest friends because they were being horrible and she broke up with the guy she was dating and she felt alone
He was there for her , he listened to her cry and overthink and feel bad about herself and he would always try and make her feel better even though according to him he hated seeing her like this and he hated that she'd pick people who would treat her horribly
And so they became closer than they ever had been before
He started telling her when he was upset and when he was feeling down which he never did before
She'd let him help her pick her outfits and her hair and get excited to tell him about her day and all her stories
And after November exams it changed even more he had been subtly flirting with her for years and then all of a sudden it wasn't so subtle
He'd confuse her and contradict himself
One day he'd tell her to give another guy a chance and the next he'd tell her to stop talking to the other guy because he could give her more butterflies then that guy ever could
And then at a get together the two of them stayed up while everyone else went to bed and spent the night talking and that's when he knew that he'd been blind for so many years and she's was always there
And the friendship officially became more after all the pining and waiting but it still felt like their friendship which forced them to realize that maybe they were never just friends maybe they were always more
And the two of them were so happy together so blissful but when you are that happy things always go wrong
First her grandmother was admitted into hospital and then he broke up with her out of nowhere for no reason
And then he on Valentines day he called her
He said he really needed to speak to her and they did but she didn't know that would be the last time she spoke to him ever again...
That Saturday her world came crashing down and she would never be able to see him again or speak to him
Who would argue with her for hours over nothing and make fun of her and be there for her
Who would listen to her stories about nothing and be interested in them
Who would she have left
She didn't realize how much he meant to her and how much he was in her life til she was sitting and crying while doing bio homework because he used to tease her for finding it hard
She didn't realize how many stories she had to tell and she couldn't tell them to him anymore
She felt empty and broken and alone and everyone was telling her at least you weren't together for years and at least it wasn't serious but she still felt it all the same
He meant the world to her, she didn't Just lose the guy she loved , she lost her best friend and she was never gonna get the happy ending she'd been dreaming about forever because if it wasn't with him she didn't want it to be with anyone else
She was used to being the younger one but as soon as she turned 17 she'd always be older
Ik my writing isn't the best and I suck at it but I just wanted to get my life off my chest
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cdyssey · 2 years
Abbott 2.14 Thoughts:
Finally have time to watch the new ep!! The conference has been great so far, but I’m glad I can just decompress for the rest of the evening.
“Don’t listen to what the eighth graders say about the way you dress. You are making a fashion statement.” AKDNSNS, I love the way that Jacob is always there for Janine. Their friendship has subtly but so genuinely evolved from from S1 to now.
JANINE’S SISTER!!!!!! AW, Ayesha is so cute. Oh, my God, Janine’s very erroneous and self-revealing side-comments about her. (Girl, I want to study you under a microscope.)
Jacob explaining his and Zach’s happiness and LISA clearly breaking.
The idea of Mel taking herself out to a steakhouse all alone. Oh, my God.
Barb and Ger!!!! I think it’s very charming that they’ve both been too preoccupied to really plan anything? That’s the sort of detail that feels true to some long-established couples?? My parents, who are in their seventies, don’t really plan anything either. They just sort of remember it’s Valentine’s Day and then go grab a steak, lol.
QKQJSNSSN, BARBARA ASKING ABOUT AMBER LIKE THAT. I love when the work wives are work moms.
Melissa having her glasses in her mouth for the rest of that scene.
“He looks like men do before they have kids.” OOQJWNWJDDJAJISDJS.
“… because if you think about it, underpaying a white teacher to teach Black history is almost reparation.” GHEEJDID. They give Ava the goddamn best one-liners.
Donnie: “I need a woman.” THAT KID’S LOOK AT THE CAMERA WIWNDNE.
Ava looking invested/putting down her phone as she listens to Jacob… 🥺
Barb being so excited about the airplane date is very cute. Also, Cibo Bistro is an Italian place, so that’s a tiny Work Wives win if you really think about it and put ur clown nose on.
Mel’s mind jumping straight to cheating. God. That’s the suspicion of someone who has been cheated on before and utterly hurt by it.
Janine going to Mel for advice. 😭 I love work mom moments.
“That’s puppy love, Dolittle. It’ll pass.” This is a very cute line, but if I really wanted to, I could write the angstiest gd fic about “It’ll pass.” <3 *Twirls hair. owo*
JACOB SPILLING THE SECRET EEJFNEN. Janine’s expression as she digests this information—dear god, the utter vulnerability and confusion of it.
“Only a handful of them do. Say, like, 30% to 60%.” ajwjweAhqsjs.
Ava still observing Jacob. LISTEN, pls tell me the plot line is that she’s actually enjoying learning. I will start sobbing.
“Like an anti-racist Icarus.” QIQJWNSENS.
“Although I think that workplace romances are a terrible idea” and Melissa nodding in agreement. I could also write terribly angsty fanfic abou—
Barb: “But you do like him, right?” Everyone being a Teddie shipper is so good and so right.
“Sweetheart, it is possible to like two people at the same time.” ON GOD, DID THAT JUST COME OUT OF BARBARA HOWARD’S MOUTH?!!
Janine tenderly and sadly imagining domestic intimacy with Gregory. I want to cry.
ZACH!! I love his fit. I love a good bomber jacket.
“Sounds like you’re actually enjoying learning.” YESSSSSSSSSSSS.
“I will kick your Jacob-loving Saint Valentine ass right out of this school.” AAkqjwwidj
“I never liked school. It got in the way of college.” QOQKQNS.
“No offense.” / “None taken.” Goddamn, this show is so funny.
I love that Ava is sharing this vulnerable moment with Zach, tho, and I love the fact that he immediately is able to intuit what the difference is. Ava has grown and matured since her younger days, and she’s continuing this journey every day. The same principal who misappropriated school funds to buy a sign of herself isn’t the one who’s sitting across Zach admitting to being invested in learning about Black history.
Janine thinking Gregory is talking about them. 😭😭😭 GOD.
LEGO flowers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Right pairing, wrong timing ships always get to me. Jesus.
“Well, people can like more than one person.” I love that this is the second time this has been said in the episode. The Abbott writers know relationships and people are messy and complicated. It’s never about neatly partitioned feelings when you really love someone.
Ava standing up for Jacob!!!!!!!! I fucking love that!!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m very not fashion-aware because I had to go look up the value of a Telfar bag ANSDNS.
JANINE NOT KNOWING EITHER WIWNDSNNW. Solidarity. I love you, ma’am.
LMAO, Mo and Amber are gonna end up together.
Not Gregory looking baaaaack.
Barbara so tenderly worrying about Melissa, and Melissa gently shrugging the effort off because she wants Barbara to have a nice night. I love this ship that we have all collectively made up in our heads. <33
And then the episode ended. <3 The end.
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tickle-bugs · 2 years
This is probably going to be long lol so sorry You outdid yourself with the beetlejuice story! I am the anon who requested it and I am absolutely blown away. Everything about it was just pure perfection (including the way you described the musical compared to the movie and your disclaimer for beetlejuice and Lydia shippers) and I laughed out loud so many times. The vibe was exactly like the musical and it was just perfect. The characters were written so perfectly and so much like how they are in the musical. I loved the little Easter eggs like the spin your own yarn kit and the kombucha. Also, a coin collection is such an Adam thing to have. I love how you wrote Adam and Barbara’s relationship and how you wrote them as characters. The way you wrote Barbara was so flustering and wonderful and I am here for it. It was so cute and so accurate. Also beetlejuice eating the game pieces made cry from laughter it’s such a BJ thing to do. The back and forth between BJ and Lydia was just perfection especially how lydia described the maitlands 😭 and her saying she will bring bj back to life just to kill him. This is my new favorite fanfic I have ever read. Thank you so much for agreeing to write for beetlejuice! It was amazing
*cradles this in my hands* this ask can fit so much serotonin in it
First of all, thank you for swinging by to share this with me!! It always warms my heart when the original prompter comes back ;w; I'm so so so glad you enjoyed the fic. Thank you for requesting it!
This is like BEYOND sweet I'm blown away. This musical has a special little place in my heart and brain so it was a blast actually getting to bring parts of it to life!! I really love the way everyone's personalities shine through in the show ahhh!!
Listen. I wanted them to list more attic things in 'Barbara 2.0'. I know Adam and Barbara have the most USELESS stuff in their attic that they constantly just shuffled around until they died. If you made the kombucha and it tasted like armpit why did you keep it, please--
Also I just really love Barbara and Adam as characters?? They're really endearing to me. My favorite pottery barn and dry white wine duo. Had they lived any longer they would've hung a 'bless this mess' or 'live laugh love' sign above the door. Just a wifeguy and his beautiful wife. They both think mustard is too spicy but they'd go full poltergeist if a teenager called them dude. they're so!! yeah <3
AND YES BEETLEJUICE!! I'm so grateful to have seen the show live a few times because like. alex brightman (who played beetlejuice) always did and improvised the smallest but most random things and his mannerisms really stuck with me. There was a night where both he and Adam's actor (i believe he was a swing? or the adam after the original) kept messing with each other and they both broke character during 'fright of their lives' giggling like children and i was like yes. this is the vibe i need. BJ's the living embodiment of 'never let em know your next move'. He's super super fun to write. my beloved wretched little goblin <3
BJ and Lydia's friendship is truly so special to me they're just both so weird. It's one of the main reasons that I love the musical so much--you know where the show is going if you've seen the movie but you really feel like BJ and Lydia could be friends. It's sweet. She's got ghosts in her attic and they care about her, what more could she need?
Also LMAO I'm glad you thought the disclaimer was funny. I made myself laugh writing it. I've unfortunately always gotta put disclaimers on certain things I write but I figured lets at least have some fun with it hehe
ALSO ANON LOOK AT ME. LOOK. NEVER APOLOGIZE FOR LONG ASKS IT MAKES MY DAY!! seriously like!! the fact that you were moved enough to write this much about my silly little fic means the actual world for me. never ever apologize, there's nothing to apologize for <3
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faceglitchsworld · 1 year
It's the 29th of March, which means that today is the day where one of my favourite drummers was born.
Happy birthday Harin! 🥳
Here's the collage I made for him ☺️
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I really had fun with this. I wanted to make a REALLY special collage for him, since he's born the day after me (we're almost birthday twins 😭) and we're both under the aries sign.
Did I exaggerate a bit with the pictures? 🤣
Well, now you can admire every shape of him 🥴😌
Ok, enough with the funny talking, it's time for the letter.
Talking about Harin means, again, talking about why I love bands in general. Before discovering K-pop and k-bands in general, I was very into tech-death metal. Now, this metal genre is very heavy and hard to listen but, if you pay enough attention, you immediately notice how the drums are one if not the most important instruments. You can't do that genre if your drummer doesn't have a good technique.
And when I recognized Harin's technique? When listening to Montage_ obviously. I love that song especially for two reasons, and the first is Harin's drums. His aggressive rythm is probably one of the first thing that I heard immediately besides Kanghyun's riffs. I was thrilled by it. For this reason, he became my second bias after CyA (and let's say that I should also thank some pictures of him 🤣 Working out helps a lot).
Little story time now. While I was watching Onewe's pics I always thought Harin was one if not the most introverted member of the group. You wonder why? Must admit it was his way of smiling. Since his smile is always very timid I thought he was introvert, so imagine my shook when I discovered his MBTI and he had the E of extrovert in it. I was literally like "What? An extrovert? Him? Seriously?". I was naive at the time, I must admit. In the exact moment I started to watch some extra Onewe content I understood why he was labelled like that. He's the one who brings chaos most of the time while being a goofball. If you watched some clips from the recent fansign you know what I'm talking about. He can't dance and despite that he decides to dance anyway because he's having fun with the members. I love him for this. And how I can talk about Harin without mentioning the beautiful friendship he has with Kanghyun? He's the extroverted friend I always wanted to have: someone who respects your boundaries and your spaces, who makes sure you feel better first, someone who can rely on.
And how can I not talk about how he sees Onewe as a whole? I don't know you but Harin is for me the member who sees the band as a second family more than the others. I will never forget how, during the last concert the members made all together, he tried to not cry until he bursted into tears after everyone read their letters to both Yonghoon and Kanghyun. I felt that. Kanghyun and Yonghoon aren't just two members for him but two good friends (Kanghyun especially), two brothers who made his days more brighter and precious. Even if he knew it, he couldn't be stoic like he always does when he's on the stage. He needed to express his sadness and how much he would have missed them during these months. And I think every Weve felt his emotions at the time.
My dear Harin, thank you so much for taking care of our maknaes while the Leader Line is doing their duty for the country. I know it wasn't easy for you at the beginning but I assure you that you made a wonderful job. If I saw both Dongmyeong and Giuk being this happy last year is thanks to you. I think both Yonghoon and Kanghyun know that too. Thank you for being a big, comfy safe space for us during this year. Thank you for protecting us. Thank you for being one the kindest person I ever met during my k-pop journey.
Hope you'll celebrate this day with the members and your family too. Take this day to take a rest and to enjoy the little and happy things in life. You deserve it.
Happy birthday, my sweet giant 💚
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nothingtobefixed · 2 months
apologies have always been a little late or useless.
Discovering things about yourself later in life is something that can make you feel very fragile and truthfully, it is a scary process. I'll be honest. I often put on a brave face. I give off this vibe that I am this fearless leader ready to take on the world. People define me as: sassy, spitfire, opinionated, bubbly and confident. Those are mostly true, sure, but I have been masking for roughly the last six months or maybe even a little more. I had therapy today. I went in there ready to spill my guts and then feel better. Only... I didn't feel better afterwards. I felt much worse. Unfortunately, that is a sign that therapy IS working. You see, I am going to explain what having C-PTSD is like for me (some people it is different, but over all we mostly have similar symptoms). I often go through bouts of feeling worthless, hopeless, guilty and often even ashamed. That comes with being unable to really control my emotions. I was not taught emotional regulation as a kid. So someone can not validate my emotions and I immediately, in my head, jump to *I must have done something wrong* almost by default. Friendships & relationships in general are hard. Why? Because I do not want to disappoint anyone. So I will cycle in and out of keeping people at a distance. Also, most people that I have loved have hurt me. I am hypervigilant about letting people in for the fear of them hurting me. I can't help this - it is a trauma response. But when I do consider you a safe person? And I feel like you don't listen to me or take me serious? That is one of the biggest let downs to me. Once people with C-PTSD start working on healing, the intense emotions get so much harder because you start having flash backs and you feel like you are re-living the trauma all over again. This is where I currently am at. I feel like my mind is at war with my body. I have been experiencing such dissociation that I feel like I am struggling to live life NOT dissociated currently. My therapist even pointed out to me today that I have no emotion when telling horrific things that happened to me, like I am telling a story about someone else yet it is my own life. The only response I could give her was, "If I feel the emotions tied to these experiences, I am afraid I won't make it out. If I cry, I don't think I will stop. Emotionally I am hurting so bad right now." So, today, I was given a task. To simply focus on myself because that is primarily what I can handle right now. As of lately, I have not been able to sleep. There are nights I do not remember going to sleep and moving to my bed. Or I do not remember events from the day. My therapist is concerned about my dissociative symptoms and is having me write down when I feel this way. I don't know who really reads this except who I send it to, I guess. But friends & family - know that one day I will make it through all of this. I need grace right now. That is why I am putting such hard work in to this. If I cannot be fully present right now for you, it is because I am utterly broken right now and I am having to repair myself. Truthfully my life depends on it. I have a daughter that needs her mother. I want to be able to look at my girl one day and be able to say to her, "I did it. I am whole again." Because I never had someone that was willing to do that for me. It ends with me. I am the cycle breaker.
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slytherinshua · 3 months
Sorry I meant to reply to your last message (I have a terrible habit of being social and then go radio silent for like a week after ahaha). I listened to a few of Hyunsang's songs and oh my goodness, genuinely is he ok?? They were really good and I loved them, but all the ones I heard were so sad?? Does he need a hug?? Who do I have to beat up?
Your post about people is so true though, it's honestly so hard to make friendships (or even just be nice to some people tbh). Sometimes you just don't vibe with a person, but I don't think there's anything wrong with that. I mean irl, there is someone in my friend group who I just don't vibe with at all, but all of my friends really like him and enjoy hanging out w him. It is quite hard sometimes to be friendly ahaha (it does make me feel like a horrible person tbh, but what can you do? But I think the whole thing of how he got into our friend group is a bit strange. Without context it sounds bad, but I promise it is genuinely kinda weird lol). But definitely if you ever find that our convo is too dry or weird, don't hesitate to tell me!! I think sometimes you have to prioritise your comfort and if the other person is willing to change, then that's probably a good sign!
I hope you are doing well! (I watched another clip from a Lucy concert and got jealous of you again 😡)
lol don’t worry at all!! LMAO STOP IJBOL 😭😭😭 it’s so true whenever i listen to hyunsang im like WHAT HAPPENED TO THIS BOY?? imagine debuting with an ep titled “my poor lonely heart” AND EXPECTING PPL TO THINK UR FINE DIDJKS 😭😭 and if you watch any live performances or his covers HIS EYES LOOK SO SAD WHILE HE SINGS LIKE HE COULD CRY AT ANY MOMENT ☹️☹️☹️ so literally when he smiles I melt so much cause I’m not used to it anyway he’s so cute and I love him and his emo music and pretty voice 🥹🥹
yeah I feel it a lot lately cause I always want to be nice to everyone especially if they talk to me on my blog but if we don’t click after a bit of talking I feel awkward 😭😭😭 and they’ll keep messaging me and then idk what to do cause the conversations are literally like “hi hru” “I’m good wbu” AND THATS IT 💀💀💀 damn that must suck I’m sorry that’s a thing 😭😭 it’s even harder when it’s a friend group situation cause you can’t just stop talking to one person if they still have connections to all your other friends and you also can’t bring it up with your other friends cause they won’t see the problem :( but don’t worry our convos have been anything but dry since you first sent me an ask 🥹🥹 I love talking abt lucy or anything else with you I could do it all day lmao
I’m doing pretty good!! I have my first piano lesson in like 2 days.. I’m really nervous for it because it’s my first one in over a year since I took a break and it’s with a new teacher. I had lessons with her for a bit in 2020 but they were mostly over zoom because of covid. these ones are in person and I haven’t had in person lessons since 2019 🧍‍♀️ I also haven’t practiced piano since last year when I was taking lessons and even then I feel like I didn’t practice at all between lessons cause I was losing motivation.. so realistically I probably haven’t practiced properly and consistently for 2 years fml 😭😭 but hopefully everything will go well. I’m hoping I’ll like this teacher again I don’t really remember having an opinion on her when I had her 4 years ago, but I remember switching back to my old piano teacher who had moved to England since I was doing online lessons anyway. I’ve had her for around 6 years total so I’m very comfortable with her she’s basically made me the pianist I am today lol. but I think in person lessons would be beneficial which is why I’m trying this out instead.
I have nothing to help you about the jealousy but I did get the group photo back recently (kinda sad they didn’t give us 2 cause we did take 2 and I was so nervous when the first pic was taken that I didn’t have a pose and sangyeop was telling me that he was gonna do a flower pose and I didn’t know wtf a flower pose was until a day later when it clicked in my head LKSJSKS) but I am the one w the pink heart and yes I was RIGHT next to sangyeop and wonsang aka my bias and wrecker skdjsksk how did I survive
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hazelcephalopod · 6 months
Listen. So 911. Imma be honest Buddie ship is great, I’m here for it, I think they should do it. In the canon of the show -bonus if the relationship is 99% the same except they kiss now. Do I really believe that has always been the endgame for them? No. Absolutely not -and maybe I’m wrong idk the deep lore I’m just a slightly more than casual viewer whose recently noticed the fandom. That said… to be clear this isn’t me trying to call the show out but just analyze the text in a colloquial way. This is normal mainstream tv and my expectations are real low*.
The show has that old school “look how close these two guys are. Like sooo close. Mm if they were different genders this would 100% be a will they won’t they dynamic” thing, the “this probably started as, a little bit of a joke about how close these two guys -or sometime girls!- are” while being a genuine friendship but there’s a vibe. (Or the oopsie option, also possible here tbh. S/x actors just do a thkng but imho it’s the other creatures responsibility to work with that?) Which, later the show starts to play into that more and more, usually creating a queerbait. Now, to be clear I’m using that descriptively. No judgment here, just that’s what I’m seeing. As I said could be an accident, coulda dig themselves into the old QB hole.
Because. Let’s go over it. You’ve got these two guys, they meet. They click instantly. They become the most important people in each other’s lives. They do all the other things the romantic couples do in the show. Meta the creators clearly know people are shipping them and play into that a bit while backing off by pairing each with random woman. In canon there’s jokes and comments about their really close relationship. One of them adopts the others child basically. Sometimes when one is hurt the other looks like they might weep or cry in agony. Sometimes you swear the looks they give each other have no straight explanation possible. Canonicly they are still just really close bros*. These. Are all hallmarks of a queerbait.
Now, maybe they have shifted to making it end game, at some point, during all this. But tbh, bc of all the history of queerbait in mainstream tv for the past idk, minimum 20-30 years? Really hard to tell the difference. Without some obvious signs it isn’t just queerbait, it’s just looks the same! Until one of them… has… queer experiences, and clearly is like “hmm. Maybe I. Am not straight.” Some obvious “this relationship is indeed being teased. As a real possibility and not just a joke” then I remain skeptical. It’s ok, I’ve been on the great queerbait train many times, and I will take those ships to my -and the characters- grave! But it means I am on the look out for them. *theres several points im going to cover under the cut
Yes this show has. A lesbian couple, maybe a gay side character. And some queer characters on the spin off show, which is run by different people -at least enough it’s different, and now it’s on a different network, also there’s 1 same sex couple last time I checked. Tbh. While there’s some wonderful exceptions. It I commons for a mainstream show like this to have a max of one same sex couple per show. It’s a bad thing, I don’t like it, there should be room one these shows for multiple main queer couples. But it’s pretty standard for 1 max.
Yes men can be friends. Bros. Very close platonic bros. Absolutely.
You know who are also very close friends? Hen and Chim, I’ve never ever thought they were anything but close friends. Or even Athena and Hen -tbf I imagine there’s some shippable stuff there and go for it have fun- they seem really close, but not really like they’re gonna become a couple tbh.
you know who seems way closer than that? Bobby and Athena, or Chim and Maddie, or Hen and Karen, and Buck and Eddie often seem closer than them tbh.
Also. Let’s be honest. I also like QPR Buddie, but this is mainstream TV. I repeat. They can barely have more than one lesbian couple and a gay side character so, I have little faith they are going to grapple with, asexuality or aromanticism and QPR’s, especially with long standing cis so far het man main characters. But maybe I’m wrong and they might go there, and I’d be delightfully surprised. I’ll settle for just make them kiss already plz. (Tbh I admit the vibes of premier of season 7, increase my belief a little.)
I admit. Shippers are gonna ship. People like doing it it’s fun. S/x on almost nothing at all. Here I really do think, there’s some good reasons people are shipping these two characters. People can bring receipts. Anyway. I can only advise, not being an asshole. Either to shippers or shippers, shippers don’t be an asshole.
Personally I just needed to hash all this out. Get ready to be kinda disappointed and know… it’s just how it goes. Idk.
Also. Tbh. If they don’t do some of the “this isn’t a queerbait” signs soon -and this part is a criticism- than they are either ignorant, incompetent, or if not irresponsible, rude. Imho. Or at least like fully… explore that idea of them being in a romantic relationship and then reject it. I won’t like it but I’ll respect it.
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Twice headcanon: Poly! Relationship with Dahyun and Chaeyoung
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Twice Dahyun X Chaeyoung X Reader
SFW Content
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The start of your relationship:
The beginning of this story was your friendship
You first met Chae in an art exhibition
You two immediately clicked for your way of thinking
She introduce you to Dahyun, one of her best friend, to have help in winning your heart
But unexpected event: also Dubu fell in love with you
You have her same sense of humor
Initially the two girls fought a lot for this
You tried your best to not make the situation degenerate
For some months you've been stalling the situation
But one night Chae drank too much and snapped
She ranted for like half an hour about being tired to be in this limbo and not wanting lose both her bestfriend and her crush
To stop her drunk crisis, Dahyun just did the most unexpected thing: she kissed her
And then she kissed you
"Now listen to me: I like you both. I'm gonna be selfish, but I don't want to renounce to none of you. Let just be happy: the three of us. Ok?"
One week later you were officially in this poly relationship and all of you now are so happy
It took the other member a while to accept the situation, especially the older members
But after few meetings they have accepted you and now they adore you
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The dynamic of your relationship:
The kisses are a must: to say goodmorning, to say goodnight, to say hi, to say bye
Your favorite body part to kiss is the forehead, Dubu's the neck and and Chae's the shoulder
Sometimes Chae bites lol
They are "signs of love" as she says
When you are out you hold both their hands
You can't leave them, if you need to scratch your face, just ask them
In the cozy moments Chae draw portraits of you two
She keeps all of them in a folder called "My loves <3"
Dubu instead often write songs about you and then plays them at the piano
On your end, you always cook for them
Seeing their faces switch from tired to happy is the biggest joy of your life
They miss you so much when they are in tour
Messagges every minute
When you end a call with one, the other girl call
In some way you sleep less than them lol
One time they missed you so much, then when they returned, they obliged you to do a matching tatoo: three interwined hearts.
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NSFW Content
They are very sweet in normal life
But they are very bratty too
Like when you're not with them you always receive some hot selfie
Dubu's ass, then Chae's pussy, and to conclude a video of them while they are scissoring
You are horny all the day
And when you return home, you can't stand them watching you like they didn't send you that fap material
With an inhuman force, you drag them into the bedroom
And there you dominate them like is your life mission
They adore when you called them with dirty names like sluts or whores
You punish them all night
You slap Dahyun ass so hard that from pale, it became red jalapeno
And you overstimulate Chae so much that her cry is louder enough to wake up the neighbors
Both of them the day after can't walk good
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