#but I likely will continue to do so until I’m proven wrong definitively.
hazelcephalopod · 6 months
Listen. So 911. Imma be honest Buddie ship is great, I’m here for it, I think they should do it. In the canon of the show -bonus if the relationship is 99% the same except they kiss now. Do I really believe that has always been the endgame for them? No. Absolutely not -and maybe I’m wrong idk the deep lore I’m just a slightly more than casual viewer whose recently noticed the fandom. That said… to be clear this isn’t me trying to call the show out but just analyze the text in a colloquial way. This is normal mainstream tv and my expectations are real low*.
The show has that old school “look how close these two guys are. Like sooo close. Mm if they were different genders this would 100% be a will they won’t they dynamic” thing, the “this probably started as, a little bit of a joke about how close these two guys -or sometime girls!- are” while being a genuine friendship but there’s a vibe. (Or the oopsie option, also possible here tbh. S/x actors just do a thkng but imho it’s the other creatures responsibility to work with that?) Which, later the show starts to play into that more and more, usually creating a queerbait. Now, to be clear I’m using that descriptively. No judgment here, just that’s what I’m seeing. As I said could be an accident, coulda dig themselves into the old QB hole.
Because. Let’s go over it. You’ve got these two guys, they meet. They click instantly. They become the most important people in each other’s lives. They do all the other things the romantic couples do in the show. Meta the creators clearly know people are shipping them and play into that a bit while backing off by pairing each with random woman. In canon there’s jokes and comments about their really close relationship. One of them adopts the others child basically. Sometimes when one is hurt the other looks like they might weep or cry in agony. Sometimes you swear the looks they give each other have no straight explanation possible. Canonicly they are still just really close bros*. These. Are all hallmarks of a queerbait.
Now, maybe they have shifted to making it end game, at some point, during all this. But tbh, bc of all the history of queerbait in mainstream tv for the past idk, minimum 20-30 years? Really hard to tell the difference. Without some obvious signs it isn’t just queerbait, it’s just looks the same! Until one of them… has… queer experiences, and clearly is like “hmm. Maybe I. Am not straight.” Some obvious “this relationship is indeed being teased. As a real possibility and not just a joke” then I remain skeptical. It’s ok, I’ve been on the great queerbait train many times, and I will take those ships to my -and the characters- grave! But it means I am on the look out for them. *theres several points im going to cover under the cut
Yes this show has. A lesbian couple, maybe a gay side character. And some queer characters on the spin off show, which is run by different people -at least enough it’s different, and now it’s on a different network, also there’s 1 same sex couple last time I checked. Tbh. While there’s some wonderful exceptions. It I commons for a mainstream show like this to have a max of one same sex couple per show. It’s a bad thing, I don’t like it, there should be room one these shows for multiple main queer couples. But it’s pretty standard for 1 max.
Yes men can be friends. Bros. Very close platonic bros. Absolutely.
You know who are also very close friends? Hen and Chim, I’ve never ever thought they were anything but close friends. Or even Athena and Hen -tbf I imagine there’s some shippable stuff there and go for it have fun- they seem really close, but not really like they’re gonna become a couple tbh.
you know who seems way closer than that? Bobby and Athena, or Chim and Maddie, or Hen and Karen, and Buck and Eddie often seem closer than them tbh.
Also. Let’s be honest. I also like QPR Buddie, but this is mainstream TV. I repeat. They can barely have more than one lesbian couple and a gay side character so, I have little faith they are going to grapple with, asexuality or aromanticism and QPR’s, especially with long standing cis so far het man main characters. But maybe I’m wrong and they might go there, and I’d be delightfully surprised. I’ll settle for just make them kiss already plz. (Tbh I admit the vibes of premier of season 7, increase my belief a little.)
I admit. Shippers are gonna ship. People like doing it it’s fun. S/x on almost nothing at all. Here I really do think, there’s some good reasons people are shipping these two characters. People can bring receipts. Anyway. I can only advise, not being an asshole. Either to shippers or shippers, shippers don’t be an asshole.
Personally I just needed to hash all this out. Get ready to be kinda disappointed and know… it’s just how it goes. Idk.
Also. Tbh. If they don’t do some of the “this isn’t a queerbait” signs soon -and this part is a criticism- than they are either ignorant, incompetent, or if not irresponsible, rude. Imho. Or at least like fully… explore that idea of them being in a romantic relationship and then reject it. I won’t like it but I’ll respect it.
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juqtier · 9 months
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SUMMARY: when you moved in to your new apartment, you never imagined your neighbor, spencer reid, would be such a nightmare. he wasn’t your favorite guy. in fact, you hated him. unfortunately for you, you can never seem to escape him. the universe clearly has other plans for you two.
WARNINGS: mentions of alcohol and alcohol consumption in some chapters, angsty, arguing, spencer is kind of (definitely) an asshole, kissing, cursing, somewhat darker plot points as story progresses (this is my first ever full story fanfic! so it might be bad…) this will also be 10 parts so yayyy
GENRE: enemies to lovers, fluff, angst
⋆·˚ ༘ *
chapter 1 : a nightmare..
✎Was it even possible to hate someone so much that even the thought of them made your blood boil?
You never thought that was even possible. You were always trying to see the best in people, even if they were rude to you. That all changed when you moved next door to Spencer Reid.
Spencer Reid
The bane of your existence.
You had moved into your first apartment alone, with the help of your parents loaning some money and your waitressing job, when you had the unpleasant experience of meeting him.
God, he was so stuck up and pretentious. Getting to know him might have been your biggest regret.
The first day you met him, he immediately gave you an attitude.
You weren’t all that familiar with this area, so you took it upon yourself to try and make friends with the neighbors.
As you walk up to the door and knock, you become excited at the potential of a new friendship.
Behind the door, you can hear a quiet, muffled voice and some shuffling before it’s opened to reveal a rather tall man looking down at you.
“Yes?” He sounded a bit annoyed, yet you continued your introduction.
“Hi, I’m your new neighbor! My name is-“
“Cool, I’m really busy, and if it isn’t important, don’t bother me.” The man quickly shuts the door.
You were so puzzled and quite upset.
Who just shuts the door on someone’s face like that?
However, after some time, you forgave it. Everyone has bad days; everyone is very busy at some point. Maybe he was just overwhelmed, right?
That was until you saw him again, in the parking lot of the apartments.
You found out his name was Spencer Reid from some other neighbors. This only made you more interested in getting to know him, or at least being civil with each other.
You were getting out of your car after returning home from work when you saw him coming down the stairs to the parking lot. Trying to be friendly, you waved and smiled.
“Hello!” Your expression was bright and kind, as always. Something Spencer never seemed to return. He visibly rolled his eyes at you, rushing to his car.
Did I do something wrong? Did I say something to offend him? Do I have something stuck in my teeth
Your thoughts ran wild, doubting every interaction you have had with anyone before. Were you just annoying? You barely had a conversation with the man; how could he find you annoying?
Maybe he just sucked?
For months, your interactions were the same. You’d attempt to be friendly, and he’d quickly (and quite rudely) shut you down. You had convinced yourself he was just a busy man until you were proven right. He just sucked.
Friday, 10:49 pm
Music played throughout your living room as you unwinded on your couch. The weekend had just begun, so you decided to finally relax. Work had been extra shitty today, and you felt you deserved a break. You sat on your couch, reading a book, as your favorite songs played when you heard a knock at the door.
Who could be knocking so late?
Placing your book down and quickly turning the music off, you rush to answer the door.
As it opened, you'd never been more confused to see Spencer Reid standing in front of you.
“Uh, hi? Is something wro-”
“Can you turn the music down?” He seemingly snaps, not even letting you finish your sentence.
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to have it so lo-”
“If you’re going to blare your music, you shouldn’t have such terrible taste.”
You were taken aback. You were used to the interruptions, the eye rolling, even being completely ignored. But now, he was just being plain rude.
“What? I said I’m sorry.. What’s your problem?”
You were almost about to snap at him. It took all of your power to not rip into him, calling him every name you could think of.
“My problem? My problem is that ever since you moved here, I can’t get even a moment of peace. Some people have jobs and commitments.”
What the actual fuck?
“Holy shit, Spencer. I’ve done nothing to you, but all you’ve done is be an asshole to me!”
Your anger and frustration seemed to boil over in that exact moment, not caring if you hurt his feelings anymore.
“No, let me talk for once. I don’t know where you work or what you do to make you think you are so morally superior to me, but fuck. You are so fucking mean.“
He seemed shocked at the sudden outburst, as you only ever showed him your bright and bubbly side. His eyes widened slightly, not expecting the blow-up.
“You don’t get to talk down to me because you’re in a pissy mood. So leave me the fuck alone.”
With that, you slam your door in his face and quickly turn around. Your fists clench as you storm to your room and flop onto your bed, letting out a groan of frustration.
God, he was a nightmare.
PT 2
a.n : sorry if this sucks or is boring! i’ve never wrote a story like this before but i hope it’s okay!
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dimplyowl · 2 months
😩 one of the main things I see about Izzy and why he’s an innocent little lamb who has done nothing wrong is that he’s got a lot of internalized homophobia going on, as well as issues with toxic masculinity. And yeah, OFMD is all about taking those toxic societal expectations and telling them to shove themselves up their asses. And I think having a character who has those internalized feelings and who holds onto them until being proven that they’re wrong is an interesting character arc. Growth is a great thing! We love to see it!
The problem comes when people use those characteristics as excuses for any of izzys bad behaviors, as if they give him a free pass to do whatever he wants to do. But that’s not how these things work. The problem I have with Izzy’s character arc in s2 is that he doesn’t do anything to make reparations until his deathbed apology to Ed. He just kind of…continues to be there, ignoring Ed, letting the crew extend kindness to him and still not really engaging until Calypso’s Birthday.
You know who has done some really shitty things and does actually work toward making reparations? Ed. And that’s another thing I see a lot of Izzy fans say: that gb people give Ed a free pass for everything he did because of his childhood and his trauma and his self hatred and broken heart. But babes, when we talk about these issues, you’re misunderstanding why we’re talking about them. I obviously can’t speak for all Ed fans, but the majority of us aren’t listing these issues as excuses, we’re naming them as reasons for his behavior. So we can understand why he feels the way he feels and did the things he did.
I am fully aware that he did some really shitty things to people who care about him and who he cares about. I acknowledge that. I also know why he did them. And knowing why doesn’t make it okay. It helps me understand him more, and to know that he wasn’t doing them because he enjoyed them and, most importantly, that they’re things he regrets doing. That’s obvious throughout the entirety of eps4-6, in his hesitance to return to the ship, in agreeing to wear a burlap sack and allowing Lucius to push him over the ship, in taking time to actually listen to fang about his own experiences during the kraken era. It’s part of the entire reason they have a party, it’s part of turning poison into positivity. Ed doesn’t have great apology skills. His “apology” speech was definitely lacking as far as our modern standards are concerned. That’s fine. Those aren’t natural skills to have, they’re learned, and he never really had the opportunity to learn them. But you can see that he wants to, and he’s trying and he’s learning, and that’s the most important thing.
Izzy doesn’t do that shit. In season 1 he uses his position of power to bully the crew, to go against Ed’s orders (his captains orders; that’s essentially mutiny right there); he loses and turns his captain and a ship full of queer and poc to the cops; he then becomes captain and it takes less than a day for the crew to mutiny on him because he’s a fucking asshole and no one wants to work for him; and to top it all off, he tells his boss—his friend, supposedly, his depressed and already established to be suicidal friend—that he would be better off dead than be like he is.
Where are his attempts at reparation? Where does he turn around and say “yeah calling the cops on you was fucking horrible and I shouldn’t have done it” or “I shouldn’t have said those things when you were already struggling” or “I’m sorry for taking advantage of my power and using it to bully and abuse my employees and another captain’s crew.”? He doesn’t do any of that. He doesn’t even try.
Internalized homophobia doesn’t make intimidating your gay subordinate or calling your friend a “namby pamby in a silk dressing gown” okay. Toxic masculinity doesn’t make repeatedly insulting someone for having traditionally feminine traits and interests okay. Doing those kinds of things can never be okay. But recognizing these as faults and actively working to improve yourself and grow and apologize to the people you’ve hurt and try to make things better does make it more likely for the people who care about you to forgive you.
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abbyromanoff · 6 months
MILF!Reader slowly realizing that her son's BFF/GF, MJ, has been flirting with her for a while now.
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PAIRINGS: MJ x reader
WARNINGS: flirting, age gaps, small angst, sexual themes but no sex, MJ being a huge flirt and tease and hot as SHITTT, milf!R, R is married but it’s not cheating…yall will get it, MJ is 19!!, think that’s it :)
You turned as you heard the door creak open and your son yelling out to you, and only seconds later he was in the kitchen with two friends you assumed were from school.
“Hey, mom! I hope it’s okay I brought some friends over, this is Ned as you already know and this is MJ, she’s new to the school.” Peter spoke, and you waved to the other boy when his name was addressed as you had already met him years earlier. He was a regular at your house as Peter was at his, but the girl was fresh. She had long curls that were slightly messy, and her outfit was more laid back like the other two.
“Hello, Ned, it’s great to see you again. And hello, MJ, it’s lovely to meet you, dear.” You felt her eyes follow up and down your body twice before a small grin fell on her face and she nodded to your greeting.
“We have a science project so we were going to go and, well, do that. I’ll be in my room if you need me.” The three began walking towards the room until you called for your son. He stopped in his tracks and told Ned to bring MJ to his room to get started before turning to your direction again.
“Just…have fun and,” You looked to where the two were, hoping they were out of ear shot before finishing your sentence. “Keep the door cracked.”
“What! I’m just saying, you’re in college now and I know kids your age like to, you know, experiment-”
“Please stop talking about sex, I promise MJ is just a friend, I don’t see her in any weird way.”
“Just keep it open a little, it’s not like I’m going to be standing there stalking you three.” He agreed before rushing off. That was the first time you had met the girl, but it would definitely not be the last. She was there for the next three days until they finished the assignment, and each day you felt her watching you like a hawk. Whenever you called them for dinner or she had to go to the bathroom, her eyes would be stuck to you as if she was glue.
You hoped it was only curious glances seeing as she refused to speak to you, but that came to be proven wrong two weeks later when she arrived again. The two boys were out and you received a knock at the door. Confused, you checked the windows before opening it and spotting the college student standing there with a bag over her shoulder. Her eyes fell to your body and that’s when you remembered the messy apron covering you that you forgot to take off.
“Oh, hey, MJ! Uh, Peter isn’t home right now, if you want I could leave a message or…” You led off, not sure what to offer as she continued to stare at you.
“I’m not here for him, I think I left my jacket here the other day and I wanted to grab it.”
“Oh, of course, yeah. Uh, come in.” You awkwardly suggested, opening the door further as she stepped in, and this marked the first time you’d ever be alone with her.
“You can look for it, I’ll just be in the kitchen.” She nodded and began slowly walking around, and it seemed as though she was examining each space the building had to offer. You continued to mix the dough in the bowl without turning, your mind so set on perfecting the consistency that you jumped when you heard her voice.
“You’re married?” She asked while holding a portrait of you smiling with a man in a wedding dress, him in a suit. You were pregnant at the time, and your bump was visibly noticeable to her and anyone who saw it.
“Uhm, yes. Yes, I am.”
“But you don’t wear a ring?” You glanced at your empty hand with tight lips, refusing to look her way and pouring the unprepped bread into a greased pan.
“No, I do not. Me and Peter’s father aren’t entirely, uh, together if you could say so.” You didn’t understand why you shared the piece of information with the young girl who you barely knew, who your son barely even knew, but you found yourself being able to share the words easily.
“But he lives here, does he not? And Peter tells me you two are together?”
“Why are you asking my son if I’m married?” You avoided the question with one, hoping to remove the pressure from your end.
“That doesn’t matter right now, I asked you first.”
“It does matter.”
“It’ll matter once you answer me.” You sighed, giving up as you set the timer on the stove and began walking towards the sink to clean your doughy hands.
“I got pregnant by a one night stand, he was that one night stand. We tried to make it work knowing we had a son on the way and even when Peter was born we were still trying, but we could never find ourselves being in love with one another. We still love each other, we’re just not in love. So instead of having a divorce, we thought it would be easier to stay together and see other people. He has a girlfriend who is okay with the situation, he often stays there or she’ll stay here, we’re actually pretty close. That way I can stay at home to care for the house and for Peter, Peter won’t need to be too affected by a divorce, and his dad can focus on his career.” MJ nodded in understanding with a hum, and unbeknownst to you, instinctively moved closer while you were still in front of the sink. You had not realized how long you had been washing your hands, being too focused on telling the story she asked for. It was only when you remembered the question you had asked her that you dried your hands and turned, only to have the girl standing only inches from you now.
“Uhm, and why- why were you asking Peter if I was married?” She smirked lowly at the thought, her free hand coming to the counter behind you while the other brushed against your hand. Her bag was gone now, and her jacket was still nowhere to be seen.
“Well, I’m interested in you. I’ve always liked, how do I put it,” She stared at your lips as your breath became uneven. You gulped, following her actions and licking your lips as you glanced upon hers.
“Older women?”
“Yeah, I guess you could say that. Or you could say I’ve always liked more beautiful, mature women who know what the fuck they’re doing.” A small hint of red came to your cheeks and you cracked a small smile, causing the younger woman to chuckle softly.
“What about you? Have you ever thought about being with a girl?” Her thumb came to tease your lower lip, dragging it down slowly before she grasped your chin in her hold, not allowing you to look down in fear.
“I- I don’t…I don’t know.”
“That’s okay, I’d love to be your first. Do you want that? Do you want me, baby?” You nodded without a thought, fluttering your eyes shut as she leaned in to brush herself against you. You waited for the kiss you were anticipating, but it didn’t come. She was teasing you.
“MJ, please kiss me already.”
“Mm, I like the sound of that.” Before she could complete your request, you both heard the door open and close and jumped from one another. Your husband entered the kitchen with Peter and Ned trailing behind him, the two too engrossed in their conversation to notice the obvious elephant in the room. Your husband wasn’t however, and he hid a chuckle as he placed his suitcase on the counter.
“Hello, MJ, it’s good to see you again.”
“Hey, Mr. Parker.” He rolled his sleeves up and entered the fridge, grabbing the closest beer and taking a swig while Peter looked up at the noise.
“MJ, what are you doing here?” She shot you a glance before clearing her throat quickly, crossing her arms over her chest as she met his gaze as if nothing had ever happened.
“I left my jacket, I was just looking for it.”
“Oh, did you need any help?”
“No, I found it. We’re all good, thanks though.” He didn’t question her lack of holding the said clothing, and you sighed in relief before leading the attention away from her.
“Dinner will be done soon if you boys want to head upstairs and I’ll call you down soon.” MJ was ready to leave before Peter interrupted, a hopeful grin on his face as he held the new Lego set he just purchased.
“Do you want to stay for dinner? Me and Ned were going to work on this together, but with your help it could go by a lot quicker.” You secretly wished she’d say yes seeing as the interaction you two just held was not one to be left in the dirt.
“You two are such nerds, but fine.” The three went upstairs, MJ sharing one last glance with you before turning the corner and leaving you with your husband who had a large, teasing smirk on his face.
“Really? Peter’s friend?”
“How did you know her already?”
“He introduced me to her a few weeks ago when he stopped by Claire’s to grab his binder and I was there, I just never thought she’d try to fuck my wife.” He shrugged, laughing when you groaned in annoyance and rubbed your forehead.
“I don’t know how it happened, it just did.”
“Hey, I’m not judging, I just think you need to be careful.” You bit your lip in thought at his words.
“You don’t think Peter will be mad if he finds out? And the age gap-”
“Hey, stop that. This was your exact problem when we were dating, you worry and think too much, just let it go with the flow and be mindful of him too. If he finds out and doesn’t like it, that’s when things need to end. But if you’re happy and so is she, who cares what people think.” You knew he was right, but you also knew you had always been much too scared to date while having a son. MJ was his age, how would she handle that? And what if he was mad, upset, or worse, hated you for it? You didn’t know, but you also knew you spent that whole night wishing to relive the moment when her lips brushed against yours and imagining the feeling of them touching. You knew it would be so relieving, so why couldn’t you let yourself give in?
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Mmmh I also don't agree much with the "Crowley is Malleus's dad" theory because it doesn't have solid proof or makes sense (yet) plot wise and because I believe Lilia would have recognized him. I think Crowley is somehow related perhaps? Given how his card dropped in the middle of chapter 7, maybe he has some sorta involvement without being Malleus's dad? Do you have any theories/thoughts yourself Miss Raven?
[Referencing this post!]
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I like “Crowley is Malleus’s dad” as a crack theory, just because the idea feels so ridiculous and feeds into “Crowley is a deadbeat dad” jokes that have been circulating in the fandom since the very beginning.
In terms of canon though?? I feel like the theory makes a lot of sense if you don’t squint too hard and just assume vague details are solid evidence. Once you do start squinting, then a bunch of plot holes arise that would take several parts to explain 💦 Questions like, “why wouldn’t Lilia automatically recognize him?”, and, “why did he run so far away and/or never go home?”, “why doesn’t his voice sound similar to Malleus’s?” (something Lilia comments on), “why is he now the headmaster of NRC?”, “why does he continue to neglect his son?”, etc.
If we have to start making up convenient explanations (that don’t even have a solid basis most of the time) like convenient amnesia, the mask is enchanted to hide his identity, Crowley is purposefully putting on a fake voice, or, "it's magic", I think it can detract from the overall credibility since it only leads to more questions rather than concrete answers. I’m open to the idea if it does become canon (my beliefs have definitely been proven wrong before), but then TWST sure does have a TON to explain about Crowley’s history and intent 💀
(Sorry if you were hoping for an alternate theory from me, but right now the main story is way too vague with details about Malleus’s dad for me to draw a strong opposing theory. I’ve heard some suggest maybe Crowley is someone who knows of/is in contact with Levan, or maybe is even his familiar?? But that doesn’t seem entirely right either, particularly the latter since we don’t yet have a set of rules for how familiars work in TWST. Are they even able to assume human form like how Crowley presents???? Can they even legally hold jobs like headmaster???? So yeah, unfortunately I got nothing until the main story gives me something substantial and super relevant to chew on 🍖)
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samyanggs · 2 years
Heyyyyy! Can you please write hcs about Thor, Loki and Poseidon with a human s/o who is wise beyond her years and is perfectly fine with her own mortality and human nature, she is easy-going and gets along with literally anyone, doesn't expect anything in return from her boyfriend despite them being powerful deities and doesn't ask them for stuff, being completely fine with just spending time with them. Bonus points if you include something along the lines of "Don't you want to become a deity?" "Why would I? I like being me and that includes all my faults and virtues". Thanks!!! Sending you lots of love and hugs!!!
Hihii! Yea I can do those and thanks for the love and hugs! I’m currently having nausea, migraine, slight dizziness and a stomachache so I’m sorry if this is bad or isn’t what you’re looking for I’ve also never wrote Poseidon before so sorry for ooc
Warnings: none
Don’t be afraid to reach out to me for any reason, you can ask me questions about me and request smth for me to write or you can js ask me a question you’d like for me to answer!
“My mind is well beyond my years..”
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You were.. odd.. you were a human yet wise and smart beyond your mortal years. That must’ve been why Thor had been attracted to you, the moment you showed your intelligence. A few weeks into your relationship he started noticing how you were definitely much more smarter than the average mortal of your age. People also flocked to you because you got along with everyone with no problems. He questioned you, curious. You were both relaxing, eating dinner together like he has asked you too and you complied. It was silent, just how you both liked it- that was until he spoke.
“Don’t you want to become a deity?” He asked, out of the blue. He bit into his food and chewed it, looking at you expectantly for your answer.
You chuckled before shaking your head. “Why would I? I like being me and that includes all my faults and virtues. I can’t control what I am so there’s no point in wishing that I could be one when I’m not one.” You replied simply, going back to eating your food silently. He blinked, nodding slowly.
He looked back down to his food and continued eating, smiling softly. You really were wise beyond your mortal years.
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He, as a god, always thought that the ones who could be wiser than any other human would be the gods. Oh, how he was proven wrong the moment you came and showed your fantastic and amazing intelligence. You were wiser than anybody that was the same human age as you. And he dare say that you were wiser than some of the gods. He was immediately attracted to you the moment you showed your intelligence. Many people, and he means many, could get along with you easily. You were smart and you could interact with people even better. You were definitely if not, his type. But he always found himself wondering why you never wished to become a deity. So he decided to ask you while you both were in his room. You were reading a book while he was playing a game.
“Don’t you wanna be a deity?” He asked eyes fixated on the screen, moving quickly between you and the screen.
You looked up from your book and looked at him “Why would I? I like being me and that includes all my faults and virtues.” You said, smiling softly at him. “I can’t control what I am so there’s no point in wishing that I could be a deity when I’m not one.” You said going back to reading your book.
Loki paused his game and turned to look at you. He blinked slowly before going back to his game, unpausing it. He chuckled softly. You really were wiser than your mortal years and more selfless than many gods and humans.
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If you told Poseidon that he was going to court with a human in the future, he would’ve ignored you with a hint of distaste on his faces . He supposes that he couldn’t do that now, after courting a human.. who was much wiser than humans and (some) gods alike— the reason why he thought that you were worthy enough for him to look at you. While he was reserved, quiet and disliked other people, you were the opposite. You were extroverted, polite and liked people. You got along with everyone while he didn’t. he supposed that, that’s what they mean by opposites attract. He does question why you don’t want to become a deity despite your own strengths and personality. So he decided to question you one day while you both were together.
“Why don’t you want to become a deity?” He asked, looking at you. He rested his cheek on his fist waiting for your answer with that same cold expression on his face.
You looked at him, unfazed by his coldness. “Why would I? I like being me and that includes all my faults and virtues. I also am not able control who and what I am, therefore there is no reason for me to wish to become a deity when I’m not one.” You answered calmly.
He blinked at you slowly and nodded, his cold expression turning into one of confusion and acceptance. He smirked to himself quietly. He really did choose a wise partner to court.
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sprite-writes-fanfic · 6 months
Hi!! Could I get some hcs of The 03 turtle boys with a gender neutral friend reader who’s a news reporter like older versions of April is, where the reader vaguely hints at oh I think Casey’s kinda cute so the turtles decide they gotta play wingman to their friends….!!
Thank you so dearly if you do end up writing some hcs for this scenario 💜
Okay I’m just gonna say, I love this and also I love that there are other people who like Casey LMAO (I love that giant ass himbo.)
Your Faithful Wingmen!
🖤🏒2003 Casey x Reader🥅💀
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Word Count: 895
CW: gender-neutral reader, platonic relationship w/ the turtles, more fluffy and silly. Also BOOM, instead of headcanons, I figured why not do a whole fanfic of it, maybe sometime in the future I could make a part 2 to this, but I’ll save that for when proper motivation returns to me 😭
Being a News Reporter with big dreams, you were always looking for something new, something BIG that could rocket you into public recognition; and it was hard. You were just a local News Reporter doing smaller jobs, and it frustrated the hell out of you, understandably enough. Though it was a terrible idea to start looking into some serious stuff that not many covered, such as these break-ins and fights going on with mutants and these weird ninjas…
Going to investigate one night led you to being captured by the Foot Clan, and you certainly thought you weren’t gonna make it out. Luckily, you were proven wrong when four mutant turtles and a guy in a hockey mask saved you. Once everything cleared, your life changed forever, for the better of course.
Meeting the turtles, Casey, April and Splinter was probably the best thing that ever happened to you, not only that, doing a small News Report on ‘Mysterious Heroes’ definitely got you recognized, though some people thought you were crazy, most were definitely intrigued. 5 mysterious men in the night fighting ninjas? In New York? Things had gotten interesting.
After finally being skyrocketed, your private life has gotten more entertaining. Four mutant turtles as your friends? That’s sick! They were all fun to hang out with and they all had their own thing going for them, like Leo, the leader in blue trying to keep his brothers out of trouble, Raph, a turtle with major anger issues but has a soft heart, Donnie being a literal tech genius and a mechanic, and then there’s Mikey who was just the definition of chaotic good, the dude was crazy! April, she was a smart woman, and she was also easy to talk to, and you always felt comfortable with her. Splinter was like a father to you, and he had definitely helped you when you had some mental struggles… And then there was Casey. Oh, Casey was stupid and stubborn, but he had a good heart, and for some reason, this HIMBO, he ended up making your heart flutter and your face red. Somehow, this man, the man you sometimes bumped heads with and drove you up the wall, was the one that made you feel this way.
To say that nobody noticed was a lie, and guess who the first one was to notice? Yup, Raph. He was the one to notice that you were crushing on his good ole pal, Casey Jones, and was he gonna keep it to himself? Well, actually yeah, he was planning on it, until Mikey himself realized and went and told just about everyone, he’s a bit of a blabber mouth. Luckily, the turtles stopped him before he could go and tell Casey, and instead, Donnie suggested an idea…
Why not set up a blind date? Leo at first wanted to stay out of it, but with the continuous pestering, he finally gave in. Donnie was the one to devise the plan, Mikey and Raph would be the ones to bring you and Casey on this blind date, while Donnie and Leo worked on getting some hockey game tickets… Was a hockey game really the most romantic date? No. But would it bring Casey in? Absolutely.
And so they got to work, Leo and Donnie got the tickets, and Mikey got you, informing you that you were going on a blind date, and Raph dragging Casey, telling him he had a hot date at the hockey game. When you finally met up with your blind date, you were certainly shell-shocked when you realized it was Casey, and Casey, surprised you were his date.
Being given the tickets, the turtles wished you off as you and Casey would head off together to this game, albeit, you were an awkward and nervous mess while Casey was cheering for this game…
The turtles were certainly hoping for the best, and they were excited when Casey slung an arm around your shoulders and led you into the place to watch the game.
Internally, you were flustered, but happy, and Casey was the one to start up the conversation. “So… The turtles set us up on a date.” He starts, “Do you think they were just matchmaking or?” He glanced down at you, curiously, and you thought to yourself, ‘Well, I never told them that I liked Casey, but maybe they noticed? Or maybe Casey’s right…’ you looked back up at him, “Maybe? Either way, I’m not complaining.” Casey looked a little surprised, but smirked soon after, “You saying you like me, sweetheart?” Your face went red, but you took a deep breath and hit him back with the, “Well… Maybe I do? That a problem?”
Casey’s face softened as his cheeks reddened, his smirk turning into a smile as he stared down at you, “Not at all, maybe I do too.” As he led you to your seats and sat down with you. You were both quiet for a moment, but the silence wasn’t uncomfortable at all, you were just both kind of thinking, ‘Wow he/they like me!’ And to say that you were both cuddling before the game started would be the truth. That didn’t last long though, since well, once the game started, Casey was getting excited and jumpy, and all you could do was laugh and cheer with him.
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clarkonomics · 25 days
I wish Caitlin would just fucking address the racist fans. I love her so much but if she doesn’t stop all of this it’s gonna make her look bad, and it’s going to feel as though she’s enabling them. It’s hard being a black cc fan because people are always being racist, and she seems to always be silent about it. It’s not that hard to address, just like Nai told someone to not make an account with her name hating on Caitlin.
And feeling that way is not unreasonable at all. I’ve said on my page that I agree with that. To an extent though.
I agree she should, and let’s note that she already has, but it’s obvious these people don’t care. I’m not saying she shouldn’t, given the slim chance addressing again would help, but at this rate I’m not sure if addressing is going to do much to stop those insane people. So it’s a valid argument and way to feel, but at the same time it’s like… I don’t know, more complex and confusing than that? All I know is what Caitlin says doesn’t mean shit to them, because they don’t care about Caitlin, they just care to spread their nasty shit. She could definitely speak up and help herself a little more though, I’ll say that. Just don’t think it matters much because since she already has and nothing has changed. She’s never done or said anything to make me feel she’s any of the things people are accusing her to be, and until I’m proven wrong, I’ll continue to feel the way I do. Hope that all makes sense, I feel as if I’ve been struggling with explanations a little recently.
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localplaguenurse · 6 months
Hey so I was thinking about Zhongli and the kind of shenanigans and mischief he would do now that he’s free from his duties and it got me thinking
Morax’s words would be written off as a uneducated ramblings because Zhongli doesn’t have any form of paperwork that would prove he is highly educated in any form of specialty he’s in
Like we know he’s right cause we know he literally shaped Liyue from nothing like a potter who makes vases from lumps of clay, but can you imagine historians hundreds of years in the future reading about how Mr Zhongli would just go “Nuh uh that’s not what happened” to the most respected people of the time with literally nothing but source: trust me bro
Anyways all I’m saying is the museum would totally have an exhibition about “Ramblings of the illustrious Mr Zhong Li, from the Wang Sheng Funeral Parlour” and it’s just transcripts of his writings with future historians talking about how none of his words can be proven so they can’t be taken seriously as historical fact 😭
I'm gonna be honest I almost forgot the museum AU was a thing-
I love him. He's so knowledgeable about literally anything else so it's hard to definitively say he's wrong, but he can also be a bastard and just say shit and again, you can't prove he's wrong either. We love a king who has no sources to back up his claims, yet has no sources that disprove them, either.
His favourite though? When he starts sharing embarrassing stories about the ginkgo kids growing up and the children just glare at him like "if it wouldn't prove the story was true I would Slaughter You." Fortunately, no sources exist stating the stories are true, so no one really believes that Yaling continued to bite people way past the childhood years up until her teen years. Still, Zhongli shares that story with an odd amount of... reminiscence? That's probably just dramatic flair to make the story funnier, though.
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stars-in-our-oceans · 9 months
I hope I’m sending in my ask before Bucky does 🫡, Up up and away, + jealousy has a name 👀, spill the beans
Up, up, and away (promise me you’ll stay)
At first, she was probably one of the most standoffish girls in St. Michaels, but there was something that Ava found beyond intriguing about her anytime she passed by Ava’s room.
It wasn’t until one night after dinner, a tall, slender girl with long black hair waltzed into Ava’s room, and asked the girl if she wanted some of the extra flan dessert she took from the cafeteria.
Before Ava could give an answer, the girl went on talking about how she was surprised that the nun’s were actually able to get their hands on said flan considering it tasted as good as it did.
Choosing not to answer the girl at all, Ava decided to respond to her with a question of her own.
“What are you even doing in here?” Ava had asked quizzically, cutting off the girl’s ramble.
“Well, for starters, you look quite bored out of your mind anytime I pass by your room. And also, I saw that the nun’s didn’t bother to bring you any dessert, so I felt like changing that.” The girl says nonchalantly, though there was an underlying sincerity in her tone masked by her cold gaze.
Ava had only ever heard this type of sincerity from her mother and more recently Diego, so it felt comforting in a way.
“Yeah, I guess I am, but I make due. You’d be surprised at how many ways there are to entertain yourself when you can’t move.” Ava expressed, and followed up with. “Although, I gotta say, you of all people showing up in my room to offer me dessert has to be a joke, my roommate said that you hate everyone.” Ava couldn’t help but laugh.
The girl scoffed, but pulled a chair up to Ava’s bed anyways, sitting down moments after. “Yeah, maybe I do, but apparently everyone hates you too, so I suppose you should feel lucky that I’m taking the time to chat with you.” It was the girls turn to laugh, whilst sporting a cocky smirk on her face.
“What you meant to say is the nun’s hate me, the kids are just afraid of me, and become bored once they realize I can’t play with them.” Ava sighs.
The girl leaned forward in her chair, eyes on Ava as if she were studying her.
“I guess that tracks, but if I’m being honest, you’re the only person in here who’s even close to my age and currently I have no reason to hate you, yet, or fear you, obviously.” She looked Ava up and down to which Ava only scowled in return.
So, I figured why the hell not?” The girl continued, disguising her genuine thoughtfulness with snide comments and faux sarcasm.
“That’s fair, but now that you gave me the real reason you decided to talk to me, can I get a name? And some flan?”
The girl sat back in the chair considering this, like she was second guessing her decision to be in Ava’s company in the first place.
This was a constant reminder for Ava, that no one besides Diego, would ever get too comfortable around Ava. There always had to be a catch.
However, Ava was instantly proven wrong when the girl shifted in the chair clearing her throat. When the girl spoke up.
“My name is Lilith, and as far as the flan goes,
I think I’d rather just sit here and eat it in front of you.”
“Oh fuck off, don’t you have anywhere else you can go to be a fucking buzkill?” Ava groaned loudly, rolling her eyes in the process.
Lilith immediately threw her head back in a devilish laugh.
Jealousy has a name
As Beatrice opens the door expecting their usual delivery boy, she is met with the unfamiliar face of a delivery girl with jet black hair cut to her ears with a slight fade, olive tone skin, and very wide green eyes. Those eyes in specific are looking head to toe at Beatrice, clearly checking her out.
And upon closer inspection Beatrice can see the blush creeping on her cheeks… and so can Ava.
Beatrice can definitely use this and play it in her favor. Beatrice will never turn down the opportunity to get under Ava’s skin.
So while the girl stands at their doorway with their Mediterranean takeout in one hand, and an electronic card swiper in the other, Beatrice decides on a whim to reach her hand and gently grab the girl's shoulder.
Which only makes her flinch in return when she comes to, flustering even more so by the second. Her head bolts upright making (still comically wide) eye contact with Beatrice.
Beatrice only grins knowingly in return.
“Are you alright darling?” She allows her tone to slip into something more sultry and inviting.
“Y-yeah! Um- Yeah. No I-I’m so okay!” The girl, a stuttering mess, gets out.
Oh how Beatrice can feel the full tension that is Ava Silva in the air, not intervening, but clearly glaring daggers at both the girl and her.
Beatrice can feel that much, and that alone is exhilarating.
“That’s nice to hear.” Beatrice gives her sweetest smile in response, full and toothy, gently caressing the pad of her thumb on the piece of exposed flesh connecting the girl's shoulder to her neck.
“Yeah, ha ha.” Brings her hand up scratching the back of her neck.
So Beatrice is not at all surprised when she sees a delicious blush spreading from the girl's neck, to her cheeks, to her ears, and so on.
Beatrice honestly feels a sense of pride in the fact that she was able to make a girl, let alone a stranger, so giddy.
However, all good things must to come to an end, because while this girl is pretty, Beatrice would much rather flirt Ava into the bed.
So, telling the delivery girl Thank you for the meal, and giving her a tip. She bids her a farewell, which she knows the girl probably hated but Beatrice didn’t have it in her heart to go any further with flirting.
After closing the door with their food in hand, she turns to look at Ava, only to find an expression that has Beatrice doing a double take.
Because how angry Ava looked, was not at all what Beatrice had anticipated from her earlier exchange.
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melishade · 2 years
OKAY! Now that I’ve gotten all my fangirling out the way, let’s begin with my thoughts on Wakanda Forever. Definitely not going to fit everything on this post. There will be separate posts, and there will be spoilers.
So, first things first: I adore how the movie starts and ends with silence.
So this movie, mainly focuses on Shuri’s ascension to becoming Black Panther. To become worthy of such a title. It also focuses on her grieving process after losing her brother.
In the beginning of the movie, it’s quiet. The credits don’t role just yet, and you just her Shuri praying to Bast: the goddess of Wakanda to give her the strength to save her brother. If she could do that, then she would never question her wisdom again. And then it opens to the pandemonium of her desperately trying to save T’Challa, only to not be there during his final breath. She had failed to save him, and she wasn’t there by his side.
In Civil War, T’Challa had told Natasha that he had doubted the existence of the ancestral plane. He doubted the existence of their goddess Bast. To be proven wrong, must’ve been a relief to him. But Shuri must’ve had further doubt since she’s a woman of science, creating all of these advancements for Wakanda. So for her to pray to a goddess that might not exist...damn.
And I felt that. It...it hurt. Because I knew what that grief was. Back in 2020, I lost my cousin. 17 years old. Didn’t graduate high school. He died from a rare heart illness no one knew he had until they did the autopsy. I prayed that it was a joke. That it was a lie. I prayed to any god really to bring him back, or that this was all a dream. That my last goodbye to him wasn’t at Thanksgiving thinking I would see him again on Christmas Eve for White Elephant. But...there was nothing I could do. The world stopped spinning for a month. We buried him, we continued on.
But the powerlessness Shuri felt, causing her to drown herself in her work. To control everything that she possibly could to keep everyone safe, to hull herself in her lab and begin to ignore everyone. Her grief became her drive. Ramonda advises her to burn T’Challa’s clothing to help with the grieving process, and tells Shuri that she feels T’Challa’s presence there. But Shuri denies it and says it’s just a construct of the mind. And before she can begin to start the grieving process again with her mother, Namor shows up, they have to save Riri who unfortunately got roped into this, Nakia kills to help both her and Riri, Namor attacks Wakanda, and she loses her mother.
And her grief has become anger, and even as she perfects the synthetic heart-shaped herb and goes to the ancestral plane and gets her powers and makes herself a new suite, the anger is there. She’s the only family member left. The only one left of her bloodline. She is alone. She is in pain, and she wants Namor dead.
And yet, after all the chaos, the battle, the pain, she chooses mercy. Not because she has forgiven Namor. Forgiving Namor would requite a lot more for her to do, even if she wanted to. No, she shows mercy because of all the people: both from Wakanda and Talokan, would be negatively affected by her decision. Peace would never come, war would be eternal, and innocent lives who have never known what war was like, would most likely die. Reflecting the words of T’Challa in Civil War, she ends up making Namor yield, and both nations end up forming an alliance.
And by the end of the movie, she sits in silence by the ocean. She burns the clothes of her family. She remembers T’Challa: the person she grew up with, the one she was never going to get back, and she finally releases. Maybe she got over the construct of the mind and felt T’Challa’s presence as she remembered him. But she finally cries, and she finally starts to move on. 
(Tomorrow, I’m going to talk about Namor and how it was very clever of Ryan Coogler to make Namor’s decisions in the film more of a reaction.)
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daughter-of-melpomene · 10 months
For the if they were canon ask game: 🎬 + Rosaline Craven, please??
@dancingsunflowers-ocs ✨💖✨
Anything for my Ro baby, and for you, Alexandra!! (Also gonna tag @luucypevensie since she’s Rosaline’s godmama. <3)
So I don’t think Rosaline would really be properly introduced with a name and everything until Order of the Phoenix, but I can see her continually popping up in the background of various shots, walking around with Pansy or sitting at the Slytherin table in the Great Hall or glaring at Ginny’s back if she’s part of a conversation. There would probably also be a scene where the focus is on Harry and a conversation he’s having while he’s with the Weasleys, but you can sort of hear Ginny in the background complaining about a Slytherin girl who seems to think they’re in some kind of competition, and you know who that is…
Definitely mainly Ginny, but I can see people also shipping her with Pansy, since we all love a good friends to lovers arc, or even Luna, since they develop something of an unlikely friendship once Rosaline starts getting closer to the people around Ginny.
I think for a lot of the same reasons the fandom loves Draco - child of a rich pureblood family of Death Eaters who doesn’t actually want to be a part of what their parents are making them do and who’s secretly in love with the rival they made for themselves - but since Rosaline actually gets her redemption arc in canon, they might even like her better (😅). I also think a lot of people would love her sense of style and her impeccable comebacks.
You just know there would be people who hate her for “breaking up” Harry and Ginny and “turning Ginny gay,” even though that’s obviously total bullshit. I also think a lot of people would call her redemption arc unrealistic or hate her because she’s kind of naturally snarky and bitchy, because you know how people get when female characters are like that.
Camila Mendes seems to be super sweet and funny, so I think she’d get along great with the cast! I definitely think she’d be good friends with Rupert Grint and Emma Watson, and obviously she and Bonnie Wright would do a bunch of cute interviews together.
Likely the scene where Rosaline approaches Ginny and Neville about joining Dumbledore’s Army during sixth year, where she gives a little speech about wanting to right her wrongs and not wanting to be on the wrong side of the war anymore. It’s an emotional moment that touches on a lot of her motivations and who she is as a character, so I think it would be an important scene to have for auditions and see which actress can nail it.
Likely either the actors for the Silver Trio - Bonnie Wright, Matthew Lewis, and Evanna Lynch - or even Tom Felton, since they do play the two prominent Slytherins in the story.
I’m sure Camila would never!
Definitely! By the end of the story, Rosaline has escaped from under her parents’ thumbs, proven herself to be a better person than she ever thought she was, and finally in a relationship with the girl she’s been pining for. A pretty good ending, if you ask me.
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send me 🎬 + an oc!!
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hyunjining · 2 years
Hello, I dont usually speak on much but as someone whos also been here for an absurdly long time I too understand how you feel haha and just wanted to give a friendly metaphorical pat on the back because it really does fuck me up too sometimes. I guess ive been wanting to talk to Someone about any part of larry for a long time but for me I guess I dont feel much most of the time because im just waiting :/ I really do believe at some point we will get answers and see whether louis and harry do get to be publicly together (or broken up) but either way its knowing that at some point I will be proven Right that keeps me mainly unbothered by the crap we see day to day. Not to say that I dont get the initial "what the actual fuck are his team doing/ who decided this/ why is this happening for the 100th time" when a new stunt or absurdity comes along - this probably applies to the documentary aswell like I know ill groan and feel terrible for half a minute if Babygate is included but I guess I managed to at some point not let it get to me as like a personal problem? I guess and not feel emotionally attached, and I hope that you too could not have it plague you so much, I wish you the best haha and hope that at some point you would be able to continue to enjoy larry even during absurd times.
Sorry if this is like a rant you dont have to post this I guess I just felt bad seeing your post and would throw in some tiny speck of hope haha but yeah its funny cause I dont think ive ever really doubted the idea that I know they were together - obviously we dont know whether its the same now but since I havent really been proven otherwise whos to say im wrong if I were to believe they managed to have a beautiful long term relationship up until now lol but yeah thats all I got for now since I dont want to make it any longer but yeah im sorry you feel that way and I hope you manage to feel even the slightest bit better about this whole ridiculous circus we all managed to be drafted into hahaha
hey, thanks for your message 💕
i’ve definitely learned to detach myself from a lot of things over the years but idk lately it feels like something has changed and i don’t fully understand it? and i’m ok with acknowledging that there are things i’ll never know and that it’s not my life. i’ve always preached that on here. but some of the more recent stunt stuff/public image decisions really don’t make any sense to me in terms of pleasing fans or marketing to a wider audience or protecting their closets. like it all just seems completely nonsensical and unnecessary and it’s not fun to sit by and watch. i’m not gonna act like i’m being forced to be here, that’s totally on me. but idk i’m just sad that this is where we are now.
there is absolutely nothing in this world that could ever convince me that h&l aren’t gay or that they’ve never been together or that louis is a dad but i hate watching their images rapidly devolve for a reason i can’t begin to fathom. i’ve always been able to be dramatic for a minute and then laugh and move on but the feeling of dread has been more and more frequent and i feel like i’m doing myself a disservice by continuing to act like stuff isn’t affecting me. i don’t really know what to do right now, because i’m not happy but i love h&l so much and they’ve been a huge part of my life for so many years and i don’t know how to let that go. i feel like the doc is going to be a decider for me, but then again i have a louis concert in june lmao so who knows man.
anyway that was massively dramatic fkfjfk but thank you for the metaphorical pat on the back and for giving me a reason to vent some more lol
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jaehyunssi · 2 years
I saw the previous post and not to be rude but did sm press charges against taeyong’s false accusers? No. Taeyong apologised for something he didn’t do on camera and in person which is way more than what Lucas had to do. SM let’s these stalker fans around the idols without pressing charges either. When so many other companies have blacklisted fan sites and publicly release those lists every year. I am sorry but I see no point in trying to clear up rumours made up by accounts which get deleted. They could’ve filed a case instead if they were really wronged. I also agree that accusations should be proven real first. And why hiatus? Because chinese fans are performing witch hunting rituals against him from the very moment this news came out. That, is more horrendous than gaslighting. P.S: if you’re a law student then maybe please show us proof about all the S.A people are talking about? As someone who really wants to see it from a professional who sounds like they know what they’re talking about. :)
Oh wow… I thought the previous one was the last #ops I’m going to answer but… I think I have to. Anon, you have my last answer regarding to what I think about this case ok?💪🏻
First of all, SM did release a statement regarding to Taeyong’s false accusation and told that SM will be pursuing legal actions if the false accusations continue. (Not that I say that it’s fast enough for them to act, but they did act). As what I remembered, SM is not alone in clearing up the false accusation.
Second of all, clearing up rumors is definitely needed especially because Lucas is an idol working in both kpop and cpop industry (which is now having hard time from the kfans and cfans to side with him), with that being said, it’s enough for it’s own reason for the company to release a statementㅡ it’s their main market after allㅡyou can see in realtime how cfans and kfans react to his new photos.
Third of all, I believe you can understand that every single thing including SA are alleged/rumored. To sum up on my next paragraph, I’ll give you a moment to read this description:
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So, to ask my credibility as a law student for proofs of any Lucas’s allegation or rumor is… amazingly absurd.
To summary: you can’t really force anyone to really believe in Lucas until an official statement comes up, just because you believe in him doesnt mean everyone does, and one thing to make it easier to prove his innocence is by an official statement and it’s not that hard to make. And please, please don’t act like I threw some disgusting hate on him🙏🏻 I appreciate Lucas as a celebrity and it’s normal for a fan to seek out for truth over some allegations/rumors, no?
I appreciate your time on reaching me out and I appreciate if you try to understand what other people think about the situation.
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silversatoru · 3 years
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i made this instead of doing my stacks of homework ^
step bro!itadori yuuji x f!reader
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synopsis: i don’t think i even have to say this but you get stuck in a dryer and your step-brother yuuji fucks the shit out of you
t/w: 18+!!!, aged-up yuuji, stepcest, noncon/dubcon, manipulation, filming without consent, mild impact play, creampie, mild overstimulation, mild dumbification (but also reader is just dumb), mention of masturbation
w/c: 2.3k
a/n: hey!!! i joined this super fun collab hosted by my new gf @suna-reversed​ (thank u for letting me be a part of it!!) so if you enjoy this i highly recommend checking out the rest of the talented writers in this collab :) the jujutsuhub masterlist is here !! also,, biggest thank u my lovely friend @brandmeyelena for helping me to plan and perfect this fic throughout the entire process <333
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you were a good daughter, certainty not the sharpest or the most intelligent, but you were helpful and compliant and you always did your chores. and you truly didn’t mind helping out around the house either; sweeping the floors and doing the dishes was easy enough, but there was one task that plagued you a bit more than the rest — doing the laundry. the buttons were just so confusing, and there were so many of them! and on top of that, your short stature made it nearly impossible to empty the fresh clothing out of your top-loaded dryer. 
you were struggling with that exact issue right now, pushing onto your tip-toes as you tried to reach that last pesky sock stuck at the bottom of the dryer. your finger tips brushed over the warm fabric, just an inch short of being able to snatch it into your hand.
you wiggled your hips a little further, your feet lifting off the floor and your weight shifting so you fell deeper into the dryer. you were finally able to grasp the sock, but you were unable to push yourself back out, feet swinging wildly as you tried to squirm your way out of the machine.
“hey, what are you doing?”
your face flushed at the sound of your step-brother’s voice coming from behind you, your senses becoming suddenly aware of how far your dress was riding up your thighs. a pitiful whimper of embarrassment slid past your lips as you realized you couldn’t even pull your dress down — you needed both hands to hold you up and prevent you from falling into the dryer. 
“ah! yuuji! ...i got stuck,” you pouted shamefully, thankful that you couldn’t see his face right now.
“again? isn’t this like... the third time?” he asked it like a genuine question, but you still felt stupid for getting stuck in the same predicament multiple times.
“mhm, can you help? please?” you whined at him, still wiggling your hips in a poor attempt to free yourself.
this only made your dress slide higher, the underside of your ass cheeks becoming prominently visible against the edge of the fabric. yuuji couldn’t help himself, gabbing his phone and snapping a few secret pictures of your exposed back-side. he planned to save those for later, maybe jack off to them if he was bored, but then a different idea flooded his head — you were no position to stop him from doing whatever he wanted right now.
he propped his phone up on top of one of the various laundry baskets, starting a video recording without your knowledge. then he waltzed back over, sliding a single finger under the fabric of your dress and tracing his finger around your round ass cheek. the sensation of touch made you flinch, your mouth gaping open as you fumbled over your next word.
“y-yuuji?” you stammered, trying to move away which only caused your ass to jiggle and shake more than it already was.
“shh, i’m helping,” he murmured, stroking his finger all the way down to your thigh.
he moved his other hand over your pretty cunt, the fabric of your panties hugging perfectly against your folds. he brushed two of his fingers up your clothed slit, causing you to yelp and continue to wriggle around.
“step-brother? what are you doing?” you continued to question him, your voice light and laced with confusion.
“i’ll help you get unstuck, but you have to repay me somehow, little sister,” he clicked his tongue at you, an evil grin that you couldn’t see stretching his lips.
he continued to poke and prod at your soft, clothed pussy, his mouth salivating as he imagined the things he could do to you in this position. every brush of his fingers coaxed gasps and whimpers from your lips, your worries and protests falling on deaf ears.
“y-you’re my brother, yuuji! w-we can’t do this!” you continued to argue, but his gentle fingers were starting to feel really good — small streams of fluid flowing out of your cunt and seeping into your panties.
“it seems like you want me to,” he observed, poking his finger at the small wet spot that was forming now, “and mom and dad won’t be home until later. no one will find out”.
you felt his strong hands weave their way underneath the straps of your undergarments, swiftly pulling them down your thighs and letting them dangle from your ankles. you sucked in a sharp breath at the feeling of your wet cunt being exposed to the cool air, shifting your hips and filling yuuji’s head with more sinful ideas.
you couldn’t see anything (with your head still being stuck in the dryer) but you heard your brother’s own pants fall to the floor, a loud clank of his belt buckle against the tiles confirming your suspicions. everything about this felt so wrong, but at the same time, you’d always been shamefully attracted to yuuji — eyes lingering on his chiseled chest for a little too long when he walked around the house shirtless.
your head was swirling with thoughts like: would it really be that wrong if the two of you indulged in each other while no one was around? it’s not like you were actually blood related or anything.
on the other hand, yuuji had a one-track mind, and he wasn’t having any of the doubts that you were — he had a tendency to listen to his dick instead of his brain. and right now your round, plump ass was staring him in the face and begging to get fucked. how could he not take advantage of this opportunity?
he lifted his hand and gave a firm slap to your right ass check, earning a gasped yelp from you which made his dick twitch and strain. he mumbled under his breath, something along the lines of ‘i’ve always wanted to do that’ but it was kind of hard to hear from the depths of the dryer.
he’d used a reasonable amount of force, a puffy handprint forming on the surface on your skin. he decided that the other cheek should match, delivering another firm strike to the other side and watching you squirm and whimper at the impact.
he grabbed his phone and pulled it over for a few close ups, showing off the swollen skin to the camera. he then placed a finger at the front of your entrance, the puffy, slick walls sucking it in as he delivered a few warm-up strokes with his hand. the camera picked up on all the grotesque squelching noises made by his finger in your cunt, as well as the embarrassed yelps and moans leaving your lips.
now that you had two matching, swollen hand prints, and your pussy had been properly prepped, he decided he was ready for the main course. yuuji returned his phone to its spot on the laundry basket before grabbing a low stool from the corner of the room and setting it in front of the dryer so he could stand on it for easier access. his cock was red and veiny, begging for entrance into your tight cunt as he wrapped one hand around it to position himself.
you’d always imagined your step-brother’s dick to be lengthy, and your assumptions were proven correct when your felt a tight pressure in your core. his girthy size pushed and stretched at your walls, pained mewls leaking from between your teeth as you clawed at the bottom of the dryer.
yuuji let out a groan that was almost animalistic, throwing his head back and placing a firm grip on either side of your hips. the way your pitiful form was positioned on the dryer gave him excellent access, the curve of his dick allowing him to stretch you deep, reaching all the way to the spongy patch of tissue that made you feel so good.
a jumble of grotesque noises filled the room, a chorus your sloppy moans, yuuji’s pleasured grunts, and the steady slap of his hips on your ass. he’d imagined what this would be like more times than he could count — fucking himself into his fleshlight and mumbling your name while he did so. but no matter how many times he’d dreamed of this moment, he never expected your walls to be so tight — so perfectly snug around his cock.
“yuuji!” you repeated his name a few times, head so dazed from the overwhelming bliss that you’d forgotten all about the initial guilt you’d felt.
“see, i knew you’d like this, little sister. your big brother would never steer you wrong, would he?” he knew his words were manipulative, but god, you were much too dumb to understand or grasp the concept of manipulation — you’d just agree with him like you always do.
“no! he would never!” you whined, letting your head dip lower into the dryer so he could fuck you at an even better angle.
your messy cunt squelched and squeezed a small stream of juices down your thigh as he picked up a deeper, faster pace, your moans becoming higher and more unsteady in response. he could feel your sloppy walls fluttering and constricting against him, his fingertips digging deeper into your hips as he let out a few breathy moans.
the tip of his cock slammed into your pleasure spot with every stroke, voiding your brain of any cohesive thoughts you might have had hiding in there. you moaned and whimpered over and over, whining yuuji’s name like a mantra as drool spilled from your lips.
yuuji could almost imagine your perfectly fucked-out face — your eyes rolling into your head and your mouth hanging open lazily. he grunted at the thought, deciding that the next time he fucked you it was gonna be somewhere that he could watch your face and really enjoy the show — because there was definitely going to be a next time.
there was a tight coil forming in your stomach, building up more and more the longer that your step-brother railed himself into you from behind. you hardly even noticed how sore your hips were getting or how numb and tingly your legs were from being bent over the dryer, yuuji’s dick filling you up so well that those things became an afterthought.
after a few more pounds to your oozing cunt that hit deep enough to graze your cervix, you felt a heightened wave of pleasure begin to crash over your body. surges of the most blissful sensation you’d ever felt racked through your systems, your whines becoming borderline screams as yuuji fucked you through your orgasm.
the way your warm, messy walls fluctuated and gripped around his cock pushed him close to his own climax, but he wasn’t quite ready to be done with you yet. he continued to provide heavy, forceful thrusts, abusing your now sensitive cunt and moaning loudly as your juices squelched out around the edges of your entrance. the disgusting sounds of your fluids squeezing out around his cock nearly sent him over the edge again, but he was determined to ride this out for as long as he could.
“it’s too much!” you wailed between heavy breaths, every stroke sending jolts of overstimulation through your clit.
you wiggled and whined, legs clenching together in defense and causing your pussy to wrap even tighter around yuuji’s dick. the added pressure and increased pleasure was something he could no longer surpass, succumbing to his own orgasm just moments later.
“fuck, feels- too- fucking- good- shit,” he grunted a long string of mostly profanity, emptying his hot release into your caverns as you continued to cry out and whimper underneath him.
yuuji had fucked you even stupider than you already were, your head way too dazed for you to even realize he was filling your insides with warm, sticky semen. he milked his orgasm all the way through and then some, his cock aching and twitching by the time he finally pulled it out of your white-stuffed cunt.
he wrapped his toned arms around your waist, finally pulling you out of the dryer and attempting to stand you up. but between the lack of blood flow to your legs from being stuck, and the good fuck yuuji had just given you, your lower extremities were in no shape to hold you up. you sunk right to the floor, your messy pussy spilling everywhere and leaving puddles of fluid and semen.
“thanks for helping me get un-stuck, big brother,” you looked up at him with admiration, blissfully unaware of how he was using your utter stupidity to his advantage.
“of course, you want me to carry you to bed?” he gave you a sympathetic look, squatting down with his back to you.
you hummed happily, wrapping your arms around his neck and climbing onto his muscular back. he carried you down the hall and into your room, laying you down and handing you an old towel for you to clean yourself up with. you were a pitiful site, hazy eyes and an ignorant smile resting on your face as yuuji admired your damaged little cunt for a few more moments before returning to the laundry room.
he grabbed his phone and ended the video, thankful that you were much to oblivious to notice that it was recording the entire time. he was definitely going to hold onto the recording for safe keeping and later use — and shit, maybe he’d even upload it to pornhub and make a quick buck too.
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Resolution - BTS CEO DRABBLE PT 3
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So I started this tumblr thinking I would post nothing and now I’ve posted three things in the last 24 hours, what was meant to be a one shot now has three parts lol. I didn’t think the second part was good enough so I’m hoping this part is x
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The doorbell rings an hour too early, but no one stands at the door when you open it... weird. Until you glance down to see the white box wrapped in purple ribbon. Taking it into your apartment you unwrap the bow and open the box, gasping at the beautiful black dress inside with a little note attached “wear me tonight?”
The butterflies in your stomach caused you to giggle, you try to settle your nerves as you get ready for your first date with the seven men that ruled your heart.
You’re finished getting ready far too early and now you pace the apartment in anticipation, what if it all goes wrong? What if they decide this was all a mistake? What would you do then, to dangle this hope in front of you and take it away would crush you.
Your nerves get the better of you, and the little butterflies turn into stinging bees, causing you to clutch your stomach in pain. Maybe you should call it off before you ruin it all.
In your negative headspace you don’t hear the light knocks on the door, 15 minutes too early to be the boys, but your ears catch the soft murmur of Tae’s voice on the other side of the door.
“Flower?” He calls for you. You hear more voices in the background, as Jimin and Jungkook start to speak.
“Maybe she’s still getting ready?” Jungkook mumbled, his own nerves getting to him as he nibbles on his bottom lip in habit.
“Angel?” Jimin says louder than the other two, knocking on the door loudly, but you’re frozen in place. You want to do this, the universe knows you do but the doubt that clouds over you is suffocating you as you breathe. Why would they possibly want this?
“Angel, Jungkook’s going to knock down the door if you don’t open up!” Jimin calls in loudly, voice clear as bells ringing through your apartment, and you wince hoping your neighbours are out.
“You’re worrying us pretty flower,” Tae chimes in after him.
Would it be the worst thing if they broke down the door? You could always bill them for it and hide underneath the bed...
“Bunny?” It’s Jungkook’s voice that makes you move, you always had a soft spot for the maknae, he was younger than you and you felt very protective over him. “Noona, are you there?” He only ever called you formally when he felt vulnerable or insecure and your heart breaks a little for being the cause of it.
You open the door with downcast eyes, the excitement gone as the cloud that looms over you swallows you whole.
The boys share a look, Jungkook stepping forward to bring your face into his soft hands. You look up at his doe eyes, swimming with stars inside, and he offers you a reassuring smile. Jimin wolf whistles next to him and you cover your burning cheeks with your own palms.
“Hyung!” Jungkook tells him off for teasing you.
“Couldn’t help it,” Jimin laughs before taking your hands and tearing them away from your face. “What’s got my sinful angel looking so sad?”
He bends down until his eyes are level with yours, and you look away hesitantly, hoping he doesn’t see through you.
“You look beautiful flower,” Taehyung smiles as he brings out the bouquet he hid behind him.
“Thank you,” you say quietly, feeling awkward at the compliment. Jimin tuts in front of you.
“I asked you a question Y/n, what’s wrong?”
It’s your turn to nibble your lips self consciously, before Tae presses his thumb against them to stop you. You try not to look at him, you know how well he can read you, and you’re not proven wrong when he hums in thought.
“I think my good girl is having some bad thoughts,” he says in his signature timbre. Eyes narrowing as you shuffle uncomfortably.
“Naughty thoughts?” Jimin smirks teasingly.
“Hyung,” Jungkook sighs at his older friend’s antics, but even Tae laughs a little, boxy grin on show.
“Let’s talk business Y/n,” Jimin continues, as you frown at him in confusion. What did he mean by that? “We are business men after all,” he says as if it’s the most obvious fact on earth.
“We know how to strike a deal that benefits both parties, so let’s make a deal.” His hands are still clutching yours as he steps closer to you, not letting you step back from his new intimidating stare.
“Come to dinner with an open heart, and let us show you how much we want you,” he whispers against your lips and you stop breathing. “We’ve been waiting for this for a very long time angel, and my patience is running out.”
You’re forced to swallow nothing as his eyes penetrate through yours, trying to lean back to get some room to breathe, but that’s not what Jimin wants. He wants you to drown in them until you give in.
You nod meekly, as Tae smirks beside you both.
“Good girl.”
The car ride did nothing to calm your nerves, you leg bounced so much that Tae put a big palm over it to steady you but it had the complete opposite effect as you felt the heat from his hand travel through your skin.
When you arrived, Jimin opened the door like a gentleman before grabbing a hand and pulling you out a little impatiently, a cheeky apology leaving his lips as he didn’t let you break eye contact with him. He literally would not let you live tonight it seemed.
You’d visited the mansion before, for official business of course, but tonight it looked a little more intimidating than usual. You felt a palm on your back as Jungkook walked beside you, smiling softly at you, crinkling his nose in excitement. That eased you a little and you reflected his smile back at him.
Namjoon and Hobi stood at the enterance waiting to greet you, you offer them a small smile and they grin in return.
“Wow sunshine,” Hobi looks you up and down, the dress hugged you in all the right places and he reminded himself to thank Tae later for picking it out.
He takes you from Jungkook with an arm around your waist, and leaves a small peck on your lips unexpectedly. Your heart rate skyrockets to the moon, you feel his warmth breath as he sighs, rubbing his nose softly against yours, eyes closed in content.
“Sorry sunshine, couldn’t resist,” he chuckles softy. Namjoon clearing his throat breaks you out of the spell Hobi cast you under and you step away a little embarrassed, you can hear Jimin coo and you hope your ears haven’t turned red.
Ever the gentleman, Namjoon takes your hand in his before bowing down to kiss it. He turns it over so your palm faces the sky before pacing another kiss on your wrist. He hums as if contemplating a difficult equation, before pulling you closer and kissing your arm before the juncture of your elbow. When he looks up at you, you feel your breath hitch in your throat. You definitely weren’t going to survive tonight going by the predatory look in your gentle boss’ eyes. He moves closer still, before placing his lips on the exposed skin of your collar bone, lingering there longer than he had before, humming contently. The next kiss is on your throat and you find the hand he’s not holding grab onto him to ground your self. You can feel the smirk against your skin, and it makes you shudder in anticipation through the warmth that envelops you.
He still hasn’t kissed your lips yet, you think. So when he pulls away slightly you act before you realise what you’ve done. It’s Namjoon’s turn to freeze as your lips move against his, the pillows of your lips so soft he thought he was imagining it, until you pull away with a soft moan and he nearly growls.
“When you’re done, there’s dinner on the table getting cold,” Yoongi scoffs from the door. You’re pretty sure you could contest hell for how hot your cheeks are burning, and the cool night air does nothing to cool them, not with Yoongi looking at you with his feline eyes.
“Is kitten done playing with her new toys?” He teases and you choke on air, causing Jimin to laugh into the air and Jungkook to rub your back soothingly. Yoongi’s gummy grin shows itself at your reaction, he could hardly talk with the way he always played with you.
“Ya Yoongi, if you kill my beautiful girl before she even tastes my food I won’t be happy,” Jin yells from inside.
Yoongi rolls his eyes but holds out his hand for you, an unfamiliar softness in his eyes, one that was always there when he looked at you, but made sure you never saw until now. You couldn’t help the smile as you walked up to him, never annoyed for too long, not when he made this warmth spread across your chest. When you take his hand he looks at you like every star is held inside your eyes, soft smile gracing his features. He was never a fan of stargazing until now, he hated any form of eye contact but with you he could hold your gaze forever.
He places a kiss on your cheek first, looking at you to make sure you were okay. He might tease you until you felt your soul burn but he always made sure you were okay. He tucks in a loose stand of hair the wind decided to blow out of place, before looking at your lips, leaning in to rid the space between you both. You felt a fire ignite as his lips met yours, Yoongi was a closed book most of the time but he always silently told you what he was thinking. You could feel everything he wanted to say in the way his mouth moved slowly against yours, and it took your breath away.
“Yoongi stop hogging her!” Jin came through the door, wiping his hands on a kitchen towel, no real anger behind his words. Yoongi groans as he pulls away, looking at you with a peaceful smile.
Softly he pushes you towards Jin, who wraps his arms around you expectedly.
“Hi princess,” he said unexpectedly, making you giggle. That one was new, and he loved the reaction it got out of you, biting swollen lips to stop yourself grinning.
“Hi handsome,” you blush as you try to flirt back, if they made you feel all fuzzy inside you could try to do it back right? You hear laughter behind you as Jin’s ears burn bright red and he stutters a little. You take the chance to kiss his perfect pillow lips and he swears he can feel steam leave his ears with how hot he’s feeling. Maybe he should call you dangerous girl instead.
“Dinners ready,” he says in a small voice, letting you go in a daze and walking through the house. It’s your turn to chuckle now.
“Told you she was having naughty thoughts,” you hear Jimin say to Tae, rolling your eyes at him as they walk past. As you move to follow them a hand on yours holds you back.
You look at Jungkook with confusion, his eyes are on the ground as he shuffles from foot to foot, waiting for his Hyungs to move into the next room.
He clears his throat before pouting, “Noona you’re really mean,” he whispers, and your heart beats with worry.
“Kookie?” You question, running a thumb across his cheek, as your palm held his face to look at yours. His cute pout contrasts the darkness in his narrowing eyes.
“I didn’t get a kiss Bunny,” he grumbles. You have to bite the inside of your cheeks to stop grinning at his behaviour but he can see what you’re trying to do, pout turning stern as his arms wrap around you, lifting you into the air.
“Kookie,” you squeal in surprise, but it’s his turn to grin. “Jungkook put me down!”
He shakes his head, “need a kiss first Noona.”
You sigh in faux annoyance, this demanding boy really was something else. You take his face in your palms, leaning down to kiss him. He drinks you in fervently, feeling your heat against his mouth. Your last doubts dissipate as the maknae grips your skin tighter, fighting with himself to pull away. He looks at you with hunger in his eyes, but as you smile at him, eyes full of love, he decides to smile back. He could wait a little longer to devour you, his eyebrows wiggle at the thought, making you giggle again, the sound music to his ears, calming his own heart down.
He starts walking towards where the others are waiting, still holding you in his grasp as if you weighed nothing.
“Kookie, I can walk,” you don’t know why you’re a giggling mess but it definitely has something to do with the man holding you. He hums dissaprovingly against your skin, nipping at your collar bone causing you to gasp. He was starving for you, a little taste wouldn’t hurt.
“Why do you need to walk Bunny?” He murmured against you, nuzzling his face into the crook of your neck, enjoying how warm your skin was getting at his actions.
You both enter the dining room, where six other men lovingly await. Their eyes and smiles on you, and you wondered why you ever doubted anything in the first place.
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