#literally canadian bacon
biglisbonnews · 2 years
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More than 30-50 Feral Canadian Hybrid "Super Pigs" reportedly headed towards USA Popular Mechanics reports that a flock of feral "super pigs" bred from wild hogs and genetically-modified factory farm pigs have begun to spread across the Canadian wilderness, and their wake of havoc may soon spread into the United States. Originally crossbred to help farmed pigs grow larger and tolerate the cold temperatures of Canada, a drop in the market about two decades ago led some farmers to let their hybrid pigs run free. — Read the rest https://boingboing.net/2023/02/27/more-than-30-50-feral-canadian-hybrid-super-pigs-reportedly-headed-towards-usa.html
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pine-needle-scuffle · 1 month
i will get up early tomorrow. and make the best egg sandwich this town has ever seen
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so apparently people in the rest of the world don't use honey and maple syrup interchangeably you guys are missing out
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trashmouth-richie · 2 years
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A/N: I know, it’s been literally 19 days and I’m so sorry, this chapter hurt to write but it’s HERE!
Warning: NO MINORS, angsttttyyyy
Pairing: Eddie x Fem! reader
W.C 3.1k
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Three days have gone by and you haven’t heard a single word from Eddie. You tried calling his house but it just kept ringing. It was a stupid fight. Ridiculous even. You had no idea your dad was going to tell you those things that night. How would you have known? Sitting on your tower at the pool you sulked as the sun beat down on the umbrella. You had barely slept at all the past few nights. Nightmares racking your brain with the painful memories of Eddie leaving your house that night. You were angry with him, so hurt by what happened. The way he just left you standing there, alone. Your eyes were swollen from crying, your parents were terrified when you screamed out at night after having fallen asleep for a few minutes. Waking up to remember that Eddie wanted nothing to do with you only for the crying to continue again. It had been your idea to go back to work but everywhere you went Eddie was there.
Behind the counter sat the ghost of Eddie, bringing pizza to your work the Saturday after the party.
“I didn’t know if you liked Canadian bacon and pineapple so I got a cheese too, and if you like neither of those options I’ll take you wherever you want to go.” Eddie announces proudly.
He looked so good that night, the memory of him bringing two pizzas, cut deep. You weren’t complete without him. A part of your soul was missing and you couldn’t take it anymore. You needed answers. And you would get them. Hopping down from the white tower of your lifeguard station, stomping your feet into the hot smooth concrete as you walked.
“Hey your break isn’t for another hour,” Anthony announced sleepily behind the counter, “hey! Where are you going?”
You pushed past the chain link fence grabbing your purse, you toss your whistle and keys over the counter as you went, watching as they bounced to the floor, “I quit”.
You crane your steering wheel to turn into the trailer park forest hills. Eddie’s van was nowhere to be seen but Wayne’s truck was parked along the grass. Parking and getting out of your car you crane your ears for any sort of sound, but it was desolate. No metal music blaring, not Wayne and Eddie talking— just nothing. Yet you were determined to figure out what the hell was going on. Your feet were on the steps before your mind could talk yourself out of it. Knocking lightly on the door you waited to hear Eddie’s feet bounding from his room, but the Munson face who met you wasn’t the one you so desperately craved to see.
Wayne looks rough, he always kind of did but right now he looked as if he too hadn’t slept in days.
“Oh I’m sorry Wayne I didn’t mean to wake you up,” you nudge the toe of your shoe against the rotting wood of the rickety steps, you never even thought about Eddie telling Wayne what had happened, would he agree with him? Suddenly you were very nervous to be standing at Eddie’s trailer door. “Um— is, is Eddie here?”
Wayne’s icy eyes peer into yours, “Darlin’ what do you mean?”
Heat rises in your throat and sweat forms on the back of your neck, “I-is Eddie here, I haven’t seen him in a few days and I just w-wanted to talk to him.”
“You haven’t seen him either?” Wayne raises his voice. “Goddamn I thought you were with him!”
Nothing is making sense, “With him? Wayne what happened? Where is he?!”
Wiping the traitorous tears from his eyes as he pushes the limits on how fast the old van can take him back to Forest Hills trailer park, Eddie is furious.
He couldn’t believe this.
Couldn’t believe that the girl who made him feel like there was no one else in the world but him, could also make him feel the same way that he felt the day his dad betrayed him.
But that was his business.
His dad, the Munson name, his entire reputation in Hawkins. That was his, and you made it feel like none of that mattered. You made him feel like he was important. Honestly, it would’ve been better if your dad would’ve never told him. Never told him that he was the one who got Eddie out of juvy with the help of Steve’s dad. Never told him that he had known Ray when they were growing up, never told him that he basically knew every single part of his life before Eddie even had a chance to tell you himself—- he already knew everything about him, and that was the worst part.
Speeding into the Forest Hills trailer park kicking up rocks and bits of broken glass from the neighbors fight they had last week over a baseball game bet gone bad, he throws the van in park and runs inside. He grabs a duffel bag and shovels it full of dirty jeans strewn across the floor, his Hellfire shirt, various band tees, D&D dice, a very worn copy of Lord of the Rings, and a pillow. He goes into the bottom drawer of the messy dresser and pulls out a small, black tin full of rolled up bills. He had been saving this for a rainy day maybe to get a new guitar or one of those fancy new amps he saw in the record store last week, but when it rains it pours and boy was it pouring tonight.
He had no plan, only to get away. away from here away from this town, and all their judging looks and away from you. He couldn’t bear to look at you. He couldn’t bear to think that you only thought of him as a charity case. You were the first person in his life to look at him in a way that wasn’t out of pity that wasn’t, a look of disgust or even a cheap way to score some good weed. You saw him for who he was not his past— and that’s what’s killing him.
That you will no longer be seeing him that way you’ll no longer be seeing him as the guy you met at a random barn party on the hottest fucking day of the year. No, no no— now you will see him as a shadow of the man who put his own son in juvy. A delinquent, a fraud.
Sure, Eddie missed growing up without his dad around— who wouldn’t but that’s not why he left your house tonight. That’s not why he’s leaving, that’s not why he’s running away. No, he’s running away to get far away from you and those sad eyes that stared at him after your dad unleashed Eddie’s truth.
He didn’t need a handout—didn’t want one. He had been doing fine on his own, and he would continue to do so. Thinking twice about writing Wayne a note, Eddie scribbles a short message on the back of the electric bill envelope.
Going away for awhile- Eddie
Slinging the bag over his shoulder feeling the bite from the weight dip into his shirt, Eddie pushes through the door. Leaving the house he has known for the past twelve years for the last time.
“He— he left a note,” Wayne says fumbling over discarded papers, “ah here!” He slides the paper over to you and you read what it says. “Any idea where he would be?”
Tears fall from your eyes spilling on the note Eddie left for Wayne, tears smearing the ink from the pen. “I- I have no idea, we h-had a fight and he told me he never wanted to see me again.”
“Darlin’ that boy is crazy about you, there ain’t no way he would say those things.” Wayne gives you a smile. Clearly Eddie hadn’t told Wayne about the fight you two had had. After ten minutes of explaining what happened that night, Wayne sits down heavily in his recliner. “My God, you’re Dan’s daughter? How the hell did I miss that? I guess I hadn’t seen him since he helped Eddie.”
“You should have seen him Wayne he was so upset, screaming and yelling,” you begin to cry remembering how upset he was, “I had never seen him like that before.” You bury the heels of your hands into your eyes as you start sobbing.
Wayne runs a thick hand through his scruffy beard. “I’m calling his work. We need to narrow down a timeline of when he left… I don’t get home from the plant until after seven o’clock. I figured he had either gone to work or was on a trip with you. I didn’t even question it.” He shakes his head. “Damn that boy.”
You and Wayne spend the better half of an hour calling Eddie’s work and his friends, no one has seen him, or heard from him. You wouldn’t even know where to begin to look for him. Wayne hangs up the phone and slumps down into the worn kitchen chair, head in his hands as he mumbles, “No luck, I’m sorry Y/N, nobody knows where Eddie could be.”
The lights on the faded sign for the motel right off of I-70 in Indianapolis flickered an angry red reading “v - - ancy”. It had been a month since Eddie ran away and the freedom was beautiful. Eddie could do whatever he wanted without having to answer to a single soul but himself. He woke up when he wanted, he wrote songs at every hour of the day, and most importantly he was free. Not chained to the reputation of his jailbird dad or his neglectful mother, not judged by you or your precious family. He was free to be himself, here in this rundown shit heap of an excuse for a place to lay his head. Yeah? Well so what if the van was broken into and everything was stolen? He could buy new tapes. No big deal. And yeah, the cockroach roommates weren’t exactly the best but the bed was bigger than the twin mattress he had at home. The money he had been saving was almost gone but he was managing. He’d just have to start selling again.
Stretching his legs out on the broken concrete, he strains his back against the teetering plastic of the lawn chair outside of room 38. An opened can of spaghetti o’s in one hand and a plastic spoon in the other, Eddie was living the life. The city was much different from the deep pits of hell Hawkins resembled. Life here was boisterous, loud and always on the go. The city smelled of opportunity, piss and rotting food, but opportunity nonetheless. Stores stayed open all night, he could get a hotdog off a cart at 2 am if he wanted. The record stores had all the new releases, and more importantly they were huge. Yeah life for Eddie ‘The Freak’ Munson was pretty great. The Strip clubs didn’t card and on most nights Eddie found himself too drunk, leaned back on a fuzzy chair, receiving a sad lap dance while he tried to drown your memory out of his head.
That was the only thing that bothered him. The nightmares. Visions of your face haunted him, had him tossing and turning in a deep sweat every single night. He’d wake up with hair stuck to the back of his neck, tangled in the scratchy sheets. He didn’t know peace. Nightmares of you never taking him back— not that he wanted you too, he was still licking his wounds, but the thought of you moving on was slowly driving him insane. He couldn’t escape it. You were everywhere. Every girl he saw, every song he wrote, was all you. Always you. He even tried to call you a few times but would hang up as soon as your beautiful sleepy voice rang through the other end. It was too painful. How could he go back now? He couldn’t just apologize and pretend he didn’t fuck it up. A small part of him still believed you would figure out he was here and walk through the door one of these nights. But it never happened. The ghost of you still lingering. His twin flame, his girl, nothing would be the same, he couldn’t just go home. He has changed and he’s assumed so have you.
August was revealing itself to be hotter than July, if that were even possible. Temperatures were climbing into the triple digits almost every day. The usual green and perky lawns around Bridgeport and Hawkins were scorched from the blazing hell of the sun. Wayne said the plant had even closed a few days because of how hot it was. The heat was relentless and miserable. As were you.
The first two weeks without Eddie, your parents didn’t know what to do with you, most days you holed yourself in your room refusing to do anything but sleep. Sleep was the only time you got to see Eddie, getting to remember the way he loved you, the way his eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas morning when he saw you. The unruly way his curls fell against his face when he was head banging on stage, and the sweet taste of his lips on yours when you were tangled up in eachothers arms. Being awake was the nightmare. It felt unreal that he was gone. You waited for him to come home and jump on your bed and pepper your face with kisses, watching his eyes dance for the love he had for you. But it never happened. You were starting to understand why Steve went off the deep end when you had dumped him.
Your appearance was alarming, your hair was thrown atop your head, rarely getting out of pajamas. The puffiness from the crying had become a standard part of your face. A former shell of who you used to be. It wasn’t the fact that you were dumped, it was the fact that Eddie completely vanished and nobody had heard a single word from him. Late at night you would hallucinate that your phone was ringing, you answered it many times just for the line to be dead. An evil trick played by your mind. How could this have happened? How could he just leave you like this and not even say if he was alright?
Watching Wayne tear up when you had visited him on his days off was heartbreaking. “I just want my son to come home,” he choked through tears, a rugged calloused hand wipes away the tears with a tattered handkerchief, “then I’ll kick his ass for leaving.” You always tried your best not to cry in front of him, leaving that for the car rides home. The little time you got to spend with Wayne warmed your heart, and made you feel like there was hope for Eddie walking his stubborn ass through that door any day now. Even if he did come back, would it be the same? You doubted he would come waltzing into your house and apologize with a dozen roses, or admit that he was wrong, you didn’t even care if any of that happened, you just wanted him back. You were pissed at him for leaving you the way he did, no explanation no nothing just ‘fuck you’ and dust in the wind. It was killing you not knowing where he was. Not knowing if he was safe.
School was starting in less than a week and your mother insisted on going back to school shopping in Indianapolis. The drive was a blur, your mother was going on and on about paint samples for the new guest house she had talked your dad into building. Your head was leaned against the window and your knees tucked up in front of you. you “mhmmed” more times than you could count, waiting for the drive to be over. You had told your parents about Eddie’s disappearance and they were truly worried sick for Wayne and yourself. They tried their best to make you feel better but it wasn’t their fault, they couldn’t make Eddie come back anymore than you could. Your father had tried using any connection he could think of to find him, but so far it was useless. Any good lead would always come up dry. Not only was Eddie gone and wanting nothing to do with you, but he was 19 and legally able to leave home. He couldn’t be considered a missing person, just a runaway.
The Glendale mall had just opened the new smell of the plaster walls and black and white tiling scattered along every floor. It was packed full of anxious moms trying to find the very best for their children, angsty teenagers swooning over the ice cream slinging hotties. Your mother had maintained that she could buy you happiness with a girls day. After countless hours of shopping and a fresh mani and pedi, you were starting to feel a little better. A smile spread across your face as your mom made small jokes about the cute guys working at the burger joint in the food court. Maybe it was time to move on from Eddie. He clearly didn’t want anything to do with you so why continue being miserable? The hole in your chest where Eddie used to be was begging for closure, straining for any little piece of reassurance. But getting that would never happen.
Leaving the mall struggling beneath the arm loads of shopping bags your mother points to a homeless man, curled up against the edge of the building attempting to get the last bit of shade. “Such a sad sight, you never know how their lives were before they became like that.” But that’s not what startled you. Her words no matter how ridiculous they were was not what held your mouth agape. The man, wearing grime covered shorts and sandals, had a vest covering his head, a vest you had seen many times before. It was denim, with a homemade “DIO” patch on the back, a WASP button, various other patches adorning the sides. You would have recognized that handmade vest anywhere, because it was Eddie’s.
Taglist: @munson-blurbs @gathered-moss @boomhauer @b-irock @sidthedollface2 @big-ope-vibes @syrennna @idkidknemore @creoleguurl @manda-panda-monium @tlclick73 @munsonficdump @brittney69 @strngrlytn @chloe-6123 @sweetsouthernbitchery @basketcaseeeeee @x-lunagirl-x @eddiemunsonshellfirebitch @trixyvixx @chelebelletx @lacrymosa-24 @nevermore66 @aysheashea
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brewed-pangolin · 2 years
Random Soap Headcanons
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Happy Super Soap Sunday! Have a healthy serving of random and domestic Soap headcanons. 🧼
Warnings: None, unless you get offended by ridiculous fluff
Johnny is definitely the kind of man who wants to make you breakfast in bed. He's a decent cook, but breakfast is his absolute forte.
And you'll get all the fixins: eggs cooked just the way you like, bacon so perfect it literally melts in your mouth.  And if you're feeling fancy, he'll gladly spice it up: hollandaise sauce, got it. Canadian bacon, you betcha.  Home fries or hashbrowns, the choice is all yours.
You ask for white pudding, this man's Scottish heart will melt in your hands. Want Lorne sausage, there will be a devilish little twinkle in his eyes (you'll get his sausage later on)
Johnny always has the fridge and pantry full of everything and anything when he's home. The culinary world is at your disposal, all you have to do is ask. And he always keeps your favorite foods stocked when he's on missions. Can't have his girl getting a craving with no way to curb it.
Domestic Soap is an absolute thing of beauty. This man almost always has at least four different projects that he bounces back and forth with. His hands have to be busy doing something, or they'll be all over you. Then you won't get anything done, and you'll procrastinate and on and on and on....
You can sit in one room all day doing your chores and Johnny will be criss crossing the entire square footage of your shared house like he's mapping it for Google. You may find him standing in one room periodically from time to time. He's not lost, he's thinking. Rebooting as some might say. Sometimes there's so much going on in that crested brain of his he needs a moment of stillness to get back on track. Then it's back to next the project.
If there's ever a moment where you can't find him, or he's been quiet for too long just be patient. That's a telltale sign that he's getting frustrated and a slew of Scottish curse words are going to barrel out of his mouth. Take a moment and enjoy it, you may not understand a word he's saying but the sound they carry will never not make you giggle. And if you know what's good for you, don't be too loud.
"Ya think s'funny lass? Wannae fix th'shite yerself, yeah?”
It’s a warning or a challenge, you decide the outcome.
Soap is the absolute King of naps. Not only does he love them, he can take a power nap literally anywhere. Couch, yup. La-Z-Boy, absolutely. Underneath the sink that he’s been working on for an hour, why not. It’ll be so tempting to rouse him, but just let him be. He doesn’t get enough sleep while on missions so he makes up for it during his time on leave.
But if he’s craving a long relaxing nap, he’s not going it alone. Soap doesn’t care what you’re doing, you're joining him in a midday slumber.
Arms outstretched with a cocky grin. Overconfident bastard knows you can’t deny him like that. And honestly, it’s true. Bodies wrapped together in blissful tranquility, even if you don’t sleep you embrace the stillness of him. 
“Johnny, I’ve got to finish this…”
“Nuh-uh. Ya need a break, bonnie. Y’lookin o’erworked already. Besides, how can'ya say no to sleepin wit this?”
Okay, hear me out here. Johnny definitely owns a bike. Something sleek and classic, a Harley Davidson Fat Boy. He loves nothing more than being lost out on the open road with no destination in sight. And you never have to ask, you are always a welcome accompaniment. Johnny revels in the way your arms wrap around his waist. He’ll take those turns just a little too fast to feel you tighten your grip around him. 
And if you really want to drive him wild, buck your hips into this back. Now he’s desperately on the lookout for a secluded roadside hideaway. He may not fuck you out here, but he’s jonesin for a helluva make-out session. (Top Gun, anyone)
Johnny is incredibly sensitive to touch, and reacts to yours almost instantly. When he looks troubled or is just not being his usual energetic self, have him come join you on the couch. Lay him down with his head in your lap and begin with slowly caressing his mohawk in a front to backward motion, you’ll see his features soften within the first few seconds. Johnny’s scalp, neck and shoulders are where he holds his tension, and are the most sensitive to your softest of touch. (Besides the other head, but that's for another time). 
You don’t have to be forceful with your hands, just the slightest touch of your fingers running across his skin is enough to make him like putty in your hands. And you know he can’t help but give you praise when you treat him with such tenderness.
“Feels good, bonnie. Y’always s’good t’me.”
His words will be a muffled whisper, but they’re like ringing church bells to your ears. Your satisfaction is met when his soft breaths turn into deep inhalations, a telltale sign that he’s letting sleep take him over. Whether it be 20 minutes or 2 hours, you won’t dare wake him. He needs it, his body craves it. And you’re more than happy to oblige in whatever your loving Scot desires. 
When it comes to actual sleep, Johnny is like a hibernating grizzly bear. Good luck trying to rouse him from his REM sleep, you could try to push him off the bed and he’d just keep on snoring. And like a heavy weighted blanket he’s going to want an arm, a leg, or all of him over you. Best to get into a comfortable position, because you’re gonna be stuck there all night. 
And when Johnny sleeps he’s like a furnace. It’s fantastic during the winter months, you barely have to turn the heat on when you’re sleeping with an actual industrial heater. But the summer months can be unbearable. Cue you having a fan on, constantly. However you still cherish those hot summer nights with him, because you know they can be few and far between. 
You treasure every day, hour, minute and second with him. You know soon the world will come and take him away from you, and all you’ll have is the memories of him keeping you satisfied until he comes through your door once more. That and the Lorne sausage, best to always keep that in stock.
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bossymarmalade · 8 months
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I bought a bag of discount Canadian candy bc I have a candy dish at work and people eat it NONSTOP and I was curious about these flavours so this is the best way to try them and not be responsible for 100 pieces of candy (the one I snipped is "nanaimo bar"
Ginger ale tastes like lemony ginger ale, double double tastes like very sweet convenience store coffee, maple bacon tastes like pancake syrup with momentary hits of salt, but ketchup ... ketchup is like cherry but then it starts to LITERALLY TASTE LIKE KETCHUP CHIPS
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graciellasamma · 9 days
KR Den-0 x BNHA x KR Gotchard
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Name: William Hoshino
Nickname: Will, Will-kun, Will-chan
Name Meaning: - William: means strong-willed warrior - Hoshino: 星野(Hoshino) literally means “star field”
Gender: Male
Age: 17 (Birth of new Riders - Joint Training Arc), 18 (Happy (Merry X-Mas) Birthday Eve Arc - Final War Arc), 20 (The Last), 36 (The Next Generation)
Species: Human/Mauve Hybrid
Sexuality: Asexual
Birthday: December 27th
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Blood Type: O
Nationality: Japan
Language(s) Spoken: Japanese, English, Russian, French, Italian, and German
Occupation: Team Den-Gotcha, Zoologist, Veterinarian, Medic, Actor, Singer, Songwriter, Composer, Arranger, Vigilante
Home Residence: Grace Field Orphanage (formerly), DenLiner (formerly), Musutafu Apartment (currently)
Height: 166.1 cm(5'5'') - 172.5 cm (5'8" (The Last-Next))
Weight: 50.9 kg(112lb) - 53.4 kg (117.7 lbs (The Last-Next))
Hair Color: Black with blue highlight
Eyes Color: Blue with red that outlines his darker blue-slitted pupils
Handedness: Ambidextrous
Body Type: Atheltic
Scars//Tattoes: He has scars from the war
Outfit: Regular clothes, Pre-regular & kid clothes
Others: His pupils become slit, his ears become pointy like an elf, and his prominent canine teeth become demonic fangs from the Mauve genes. He also was never seen without his goggles.
Favorite(s)//Like(s): His friends, His family, Listening to music, Dancing, Spending his time with his family and friends, Sparring, Helping people, Adventuring, Tasty food, Bacon (especially Bolivian bacon), Big Forks, Animals, Canadian fat cakes, Fried Chicken, Coconut Cream Pie, Ham, Hobos, Hot Dogs, Meat, Meatballs, Muffins, Lasagna, Pork Chops, Rapping, Reading, Ribs, Root Beer, Selling stuff, Singing, Sittin' and starin', Steak, Tape, Tater tots, Tetrazzini, Butter Sock, Hatching chicks, Spaghetti Tacos, Norwegian air conditioners, Neck rub
Least Favorite(s)//Dislike(s): People who bully his friends, Vegetables, Being alone, Leauge of Villain (formerly), All For One, Corrupt Heroes, HPSC, Discrimination, People insulting his family or his friends, People who are disloyalty or betray to their suppose to be comrade, People comparing others as villains, Sacrificing People, Diet root beer/soda, Effort, Fighting with Midori and Tenko, Homework, Letter "Q" (because of its pointless tail), Aldrea staff, Mornings, Niceness, People, School (except for lunch and field trips), Striped shirts on boys, Teachers, The word "panties", Uncool Adults, Copycats, Nerds (except for Midori), Detention
Hobbies//Habit(s): Singing, Dancing, Cooking, Drawing/Painting, Playing any instrument, Sparring, Likes to eat food
Talent(s): Dancing, Making Music, Acting, Drawing/Painting, & Fighting
Will is a feral child with an easygoing, strong, excitable, optimistic, compassionate, friendly, playful, supportive personality, and kind heart, he is carefree and reckless, despite his consistent brawls with the other Heroes, and that, he can be also cold, cunning, calculated, and discreet if someone mad him pissed or willing to do whatever means necessary to see his goal of finding the culprit who started the war back at Europe through but with this flaws, he is a kind person who a fiercely loyal and protective, and cares deeply for his friends. He is witty, caring, and ingenious.
He can also be an aggressive boy, who has no respect for authority or other people (except Midori, Tenko, Ochako, and Ryutaros, sometimes) his behavior may be a way to prevent people from getting close and hurting him. He is willing to fight for his friends, regardless of how futile it might seem. Will has a straightforward mind and often tackles issues with a "hands-on" approach. His solution to problems often involves violence. Even when disrespected or faced with obvious hostility, Will rarely ever reciprocates the feelings and often forgoes grudge-holding. He occasionally shows compassion for his enemies, such as when the Sisters were betrayed by All For One. As a result of her behavior, she frequently gets into trouble. He has a butter sock, which is swung around as a weapon, it if weren't for his friends he would've been arrested many times. Despite his flaws, he is a kind person who cares deeply for his friends. He is witty, caring, and ingenious.
Will continuously tries to prove his strength to others. At various points in time, he has challenged Mount Lady, Kamui Wood, Death Arms, and even All Might, to fight him. Due to his reckless nature, Will's fights usually end with widespread destruction. Will's love of fighting has allowed him to develop a rather strategic mind, helping him to, on various occasions, find weaknesses in his opponent's techniques, or simply weaknesses his opponents themselves possess. Will has also defeated his opponents with pure wit, rather than brute strength. Will, befitting his recklessness and love of fighting, never backs out of a fight. Will’s love for combat is purely for pitting all his strength against others and seeing who comes out on top and doesn’t like the idea of murdering people. That being said, he’ll do whatever it takes to win in a serious all-out war if it means securing everyone’s safety.
Although Will usually makes fun of “nerds” and people who love technology, Will himself is quite tech-savvy. This is first shown when he gives the correct definition of "MPEG" while Iida has it wrong. Another time, he built an entertainment center and even programmed some music into his locker.
For a boy of his size and age, he is shown to have amazing physical strength. Tenko mentioned that he ripped off Midori's door chain with his bare hands (though this was fueled by anger), and he occasionally flips or wrestles people who are much bigger than himself, such as Death Arms, a bunch of security guards, Endeavor, and also had Eraserhead over his shoulder. If he wants to make someone go somewhere they don't want to, he usually just lifts them over his shoulder. This feat even caused them to ask, "How do you do this?!". it also mentions that he and Midori pushed a car in the garage, and he pulled up Ochako from falling off a scaffold. He also demonstrated that he knows the Vulcan nerve pinch from "Star Trek", and he made one of the Train Club members pass out by squeezing his wrist.
Perhaps his most prominent trait is his immense appetite and love for food (especially meat or anything meat-flavored). In an eating competition, he finished a gigantic bowl of salad in no time, while everyone else had trouble with their food. If he's hungry, he wouldn't care if someone else has already eaten a food item. At different times, he kept a microwave, a grill, or a crockpot in his locker and occasionally ate breakfast in class. He also carries fried chicken and ribs with him in his bag. Tenko said in his birthday speech that Will can eat an entire ham in less than 15 minutes, although, he had difficulties in eating one, stating that ham shouldn't have a bone in the middle.
Will seems to be somewhat of an artist, drawing very elaborate doodles as seen in drawing Midori, drawing a bunny in jail, as well as drawing All Might eaten by a tiger. He also comments that "All creative people worry that their stuff is lame. It's an artist thing." as if he is an artist. Will also paints a realistic portrait of a hand with the thumb and index finger raised against a purple background. Will humorously said he was finger-painting.
Will rarely exhibits any perverse tendencies toward the opposite sex, there only being two noted instances. The first is seen during the Training Camp, when he is seen trying to peek, along with Mineta and Kaminari, at the girls as they bathed. The second is when Himiko comes crashing into him while nude, and he stares at her body, even groping her breasts for a moment. Will is rather immature, making an enemy laugh during a battle, or even pulling pranks on others. That being said, it has led foes to underestimate him and fall for his tricks as well. Despite his childish side, Will can be responsible enough when looking after someone.
He supports his friends and tries to encourage and help them in any way possible, he is also very overprotective with his friends and family. Will is surprisingly insightful, knowing how strong people are like when he sees Ochako and warns Katsuki that she is stronger than she looks or can be such as Tenko hindering himself with guilt, he has also shown himself to be very good at reading people, recognizing the potential in a rickshaw-driver and a kid training kendo, which also makes him easy to get along with, so he makes friends very easily. This insightfulness often serves him well, as he manages to get by without using a considerable amount of intellectualism.
Despite his quirks and the criticism they earn him to the point of being labeled the ultimate problem child, Will is said to have a personality that draws people to him, inspiring friendship and loyalty through acts of genuine kindness that could change a person's world view and thus built meaningful relationships that he lacked in early life; Owner believes Will's kindness is a special gift that allows him to save Joker (Yuugo) from hir hatred as well as Tenko and the rest of the League. Will deeply cherishes these bonds and will go to great lengths to protect them. Will was the one who brought the core team together and even when the others showed hostility at first, they came to accept Will as their leader.
Will hates the idea of self-sacrificing one’s life and has prevented those closest to him from attempting so, believing it causes others more pain than good, also showcasing how much Will values life itself. Will values family and friends above all else, stemming from the time he was separated from his father and brother the only family he’s known thus holds onto the current one he’s built and gets mad at anyone who does not appreciate those closest to them.
Phobia(s)//Fear(s): He has Autophobia, he hates being alone because he hardly makes friends after the war, and after he betrays Gaoh over Owner his phobia develops because he hates to be alone by himself.
Why do they want to be a hero//villain//vigilante: After the incident caused by the Pro-Hero Silver Falcon, Will learns that not all heroes are good and not all villains are bad. There's a gray between so he becomes a vigilante hoping to help the innocent and punish any person that are doing bad.
Their view on All Might: He's not a big fan of All Might, especially when he told Midori that it was impossible to be a hero without a quirk and accused Midori of being a villain.
Dream//Goal(s): Finding which career suits him best; Avenge the Orphanage; Saving Tenko and the League from AFO; Defeating AFO and Gaoh
Father(s): Minato Kazan (biology-father: deceased); Gaoh (father-figure); older Hisashi Midoriya (adopted father)
Mother(s): Ai Hoshino (biology-mother: deceased); Isabella (mother-figure: deceased); Inko Midoriya (adopted mother)
Sibling(s): Tenko Hoshino/Shimura (adopted older brother); Izuku Midoriya (adopted younger brother); Touya Todoroki (brother-in-law); Keigo Takami (brother-in-law)
Uncle(s)//Aunt(s): None
Grandparent(s): Owner (grandfather-figure); Nana Shimura (adopted grandmother: deceased)
Nephew(s)//Niece(s)//Cousin(s): None
Son(s)//Daughter(s): N/A
Best Friend(s): Hopper, Steamliner, Joker (Yuugo), Ryo Kajiki, Ochako Uraraka, Ryutaros, Nedzu, Jin Bubaigawara, Kendo Rappa
Friends: Momotaros, Urataros, Kintaros, Sieg, Negataros, Twice, Tenya Iida, Shoto Todoroki, Tsuyu Asui, Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Koji Koda, Mina Ashido, Yuga Aoyama, Mashirao Ojiro, Rikido Sato, Mezo Shoji, Kyoka Jiro, Hanta Sero, Fumikage Tokoyami, Toru Hagakure, Momo Yaoyorozu, Minoru Mineta, Katsuki Bakugo, Hisashi Midoriya, Shuichi Iguchi, Atsuhiro Sako, Kenji Hikiishi, Mustard, Kurogiri, Kai Chisaki, Kaina Tsutsumi
Lover Interest: Himiko Toga
Pet(s): Mon-chan (Shiba Inu), Yuki (Samoyed), Kuro (Siberian Husky), Pakkun (Pug), Tony (German Shepherd), Penny (Chihuahua)
Enemies: Malgam, Imagin, Gaoh, All For One, League of Villains (formerly), The Three Dark Sisters (formerly), HPSC
Kamen Rider//BNHA Stuff:
Kamen Rider//Hero//Villain//Vigilantes Alias: Rebel (vigilantes), Gotchard (kamen rider)
Motif(s): - Rebel: Steampunk - Gotchard: Grasshopper, steam locomotive, arrows
Suit(s): Rebel, Gotchard 1, 2, & 3
Henshin//Morpher Devise(s): Gotchadriver, Gotchaigniter, Tenliner, Crosshopper, Nijigon, Chemy Cards
Weapon(s)//Arsenal(s): Gotcharge Gun, Gotchartornado, Exgotchalibur, Golddash, Chemy Riser, Gotchardraw Holder
Quirk(s)//Power(s): - Quirkless: he was born with two pinkie-joint-toes - Hope-and-Despair: an alchemy-magic hybrid thanks to his parents
Quirk(s)//Power(s) Abilities: - Hope-and-Despair: Thanks to his mother, he gains a special magic, that allows the user to tap into the hope of their allies, allowing them to generate a magical aura around their body or part of it. This aura can be used in several different ways. This power becomes unusable if the allies who grant the feelings of hope are lost, or if they fall unconscious. If users feel despair, they can create and manipulate a mysterious dark substance to enhance their offensive and defensive abilities. It has been shown to form various weapons and to protect them from attacks that would otherwise cause serious injury. It can also be morphed into different shapes. This magic also allows him to be immune to any quirks except physical attacks (like enhancement or mutant punching, kicking, or stabbing him) and elemental attacks (like fire, water, wind, ice) but anything like poison and sleeping gas doesn't affect him.
Abilities: - High Physical Ability: Before he had Hope-and-Despair, Will had been training his body, and could easily deal with wild animals, and strong fighters, including people who were bigger than him or from the Top 10 Heroes, with his physical ability. According to Tenko, Will has strength beyond that of any human without a quirk, has the hardiness and robustness of a dwarf, has the insight to completely grasp an enemy's movements just by seeing it once, even in the heat of the moment, and his sword slashes surpass lightning. - Hyperthymesia: Unlike others, Will does not suffer from infantile amnesia and has a great memory, so he can remember details from when he was an infant, or even when he was in his mother's womb. - Acting: In terms of acting, Will was taught that if he wanted to cry then he had to do so by imagining, what if someone he loved died, and if it were a happy scene, he would recall happy memories. When Keigo Takami comes to him for advice on acting, Will advises Keigo to understand oneself. These are signs that Will's primary acting style is that of the Stanislavski Technique a method where an actor training system is made up of various techniques designed to allow actors to create believable characters and help them put themselves in the place of a character. - Medical Knowledge: Will has enough knowledge of medical stuff to the point that he is a fantastic doctor/medic.
Moves: - Gotchard Moves - Hope-and-Despair
Weakness: Will tends to get wild in his fights, he may be able to control his wild instinct but sometimes he can get his instinct to get the best of him, especially in his Despair Mode, so he has some help to calm him down.
Combat Stats:
Ranks: 1-2 = E / 3-4 = D / 5-6 = C / 7-8 = B / 9-10 = A / 11 = S
Power//Attack: B
Defense: C
Stealth: A
Speed: B
Agility: S
Stamina: B
Recovery: S
Endurance: B
Perception: A
Technique: B
Swordsmanship: B
Long Range Accuracy: B
Hand-to-hand combat: A
Special Tactics: B
Ability//Quirk Control: B
Social Stats:
Ranks: 1-2 = E / 3-4 = D / 5-6 = C / 7-8 = B / 9-10 = A / 11 = S
Patience: C
Loyalty: S
Intelligence//Knowledge: B
Cooperativeness: C
Quirk Knowledge: B
Sanity: C
Will to Act//Bravery: A
Early Life:
It all started in a town in Europe, after Ai Hoshino, a human wizard, gave birth to her and her husband, Minato Kazan, a baby boy which they named William. Sadly both parents died when AFO learned that magic and alchemy are real which led to learning about the Mauve race, who are the best alchemists with their immense intelligence and can be identified with their unique purple blood pointy elf-like ears, prominent canine teeth that become demonic fangs, and their slitted pupil eyes until the race started, little-by-little, lose those physical traits and started to more look human-like and the color of their blood slowly turning from purple to red as the race decides to marry outside of their race like human or Fangire, like Minato Kazan and his newborn son who inherited the physical trait and the purple blood of the Mauve Clan.
When AFO learned such a Race existed he wanted to take either the man or the boy so he could use either of them as a meat suit. Still, both Minato and Ai sacrificed themself to protect Will and used their alchemy/magic to defend themself and Will so AFO wouldn't use their body or Will for whatever he would to them. After the battle, and AFO retreats back to his hideout, a family friend of the Kazan-Hoshino family, Isebelle who runs an Orphanage called "Grace Field Orphanage" hears about the attacks. When she gets there she only sees two of her friends lying on the floor with their own blood while Will was being held by his mother while she was dying in order to complete the spell to protect him. So Isabelle decides to take Will to the Orphanage using his mother's maiden name in order to protect him from AFO since Ai has hidden her maiden name for a long time.
Over there, Will met a bunch of kids and made friends with Yugo, Lucas, and Dina, and together they were happy that is until almost a year later when Will and his friends saw two people sneaking at midnight and when they followed them, they saw the two persons, one who looks like a man with feathered wings and the other looks like a man wearing some kind of silver colored falcon themed costume with a sword on his waist, planting something but when they try to get closer they made a little noise which alerts the two people. When they wait for a minute the person walks closer to the place where the kids are hiding, when they look beside the wall they see nothing as the kids already run off back to the orphanage and to their bedroom. But what happens after that day is what they didn't expect as some random organization is accused of being a terrorist and after that causes a war that leads all the caretakers and the kids at the orphanage dead, except for Will, who witnessed all the orphan kids and caretaker killed by a hero he was able to identify from the Hero License that he was able to peak when the hero dropped it from Japan none the less. That is when Will learns that the Hero, who works and is sponsored by the HPSC themselves, is that Hero and the HPSC are the reason why the kids and caretaker of the Grace Field Orphanage, including the women who he considers his mother and, as well as all the innocent lives that were killed are their faults which angered him to the point that he awakened his dark side of his magic from his mother and killed the entire Heroes who partake the war.
After the war, Will has been living by himself in the ruined town for the past few months as he has finished burying all the dead bodies of the residents' town. He had been living by himself for the past few months until he met a man who looked like in his 40s or 50s, Will was cautious at first when the man who introduced himself as Gaoh fed him food and restored Will's left eye as he lost it during the war, took Will in when he saw the potential and since then Will was raised by Gaoh, as the man taught the kid how to lie, cheat, and steal as well how to fight.
Life was not bad for Will until an old man who called himself Owner requested Gaoh to become a Kamen Rider to help and protect time from the threat of the Imagin, Gaoh accepted the request but for another reason that both Will and Owner didn't know is when Goah takes Will to the home of the Mauve Race, which is in ruins and abandoned until they saw some kind of mural about the Mauve create a artificial life called the Chemy to create a peaceful world until a person who has a malicious intent to use the Chemy, which making the artificial lifeforms emerge to the said person creating them into a monster called Malgam. After the Mauve Race defeated the Malgam, they decided to seal all the Chemies away to protect the Chemies and the Human Race. Until today, when Will was able to unseal it by taking some kind of artifacts with his Mauve blood, unleashing all the Chemies that Gaoh used this chance to use the Chemy power with the Rider power so he could become a powerful being in the world but stopped when a man named Hisashi Midoriya stopped Gaoh to achieve his plan with the help of Will, who wants to protect the Chemies from malice and banish him to the Sand of Time. Hisashi then decides to adopt Will along with one of the Chemy called Hopper1 who decides to stay with Will and have them raised with Owner in the DenLiner until he is old enough to live in his own apartment in Japan in Musutafu.
Ore-Tachi Sanjou! The Gotcha Climax! Arc:
It's been almost 7 years, and Will is 16 and about to become 17 this year, and yet he is still short compared to the rest of the 17-year-old people, his adopted father has given him money and a house for him and Hopper1 to live and was able to take a job as an actor, music arranger & composer, and veterinarian, though he also helps with people as well because of how the hospital won't help people with Mutant-Type Quirks and since he is a well-known veterinarian from the neighborhood and sometimes helps people so they go ask him for his help and since then Will has been studying about medical stuff for human, especially on Mutant-Type Quirks and become an excellent doctor, and thanks to that he was able to get enough money for himself, the House bill, food, and taking care a pack of 6 dogs.
When Will was taking a walk while Hopper1 stayed at the house to keep an eye on the pack, he saw a green-haired teenager who was about to be beaten up by some gangster for protecting a brunette girl. Will was about to intervene to beat up the gangsters when he was interrupted by an Imagin possessing the green child and beating up the entire gangster by himself, as the gangsters themselves ran away, surprising Will. Still, he shook off the shock as the possessed child noticed him and thought he was part of the gangsters as well and was ready to attack him until he looked surprised then the Imagin was forced out of his body.
Will looks at the interaction between the Imagin who complains and the two teenagers who look shocked at the said Imagin when he learns that the green-haired kid is a Singularity Point, Will then approaches the green-haired, who snaps out of shock and tries to apologize to Will for trying to attack him earlier until another Imagin came out of nowhere and from the looks of it, the Imagin has already made a contract and started attack the green-haired kid but was intercepted by Will. While Will distracts the Imagin he gives the green-haired kid a card and tells him to take it with the girl and run to find any door and go inside it as long the time is aligned like 3:03:03 or 10:10:10 while holding the ticket.
After the Imagin retreat, Will went to find a secure area where he found a door and when the time was right he opened the door and went inside, there he met with land with nothing but sand as the sky was colorful like a rainbow and right in front of him was a bullet train. When he went inside he met with Owner and Naomi with the two teenagers and the Imagin, when they all settled down Will and Owner decided to introduce themself first to the teenagers, who the boy introduced himself as Izuku Midoriya while the brunette girl was Ochako Uraraka, that Will went to nicknamed them Midori and Ocha, and then explain to them everything about the Imagin as well as explaining bout Midori being a Singularity Point. After explaining everything to the two teens, Owner asks Midori to become Kamen Rider to protect time from Imagin to which he accepts this because not only does he want to become a hero but also to protect time as well and the Imagin, which Will named him Momotaros because of the appearance reminds him of Momotaro from the story. After that, they found the Imagin and Izuku transformed into Kamen Rider Den-O with Momotaros and defeated the Imagin with the help of Will and Ocha.
After Midori becomes Den-O with Momotaros, they, Will and Ocha have been working together to stop Imagin from wrecking time until three young girls who call themselves the "Three Dark Sisters" are using the Chemies that they captured to turn one person into Malgam and wrecking havoc. Midori and Momotaros are fighting against the Malgam but they are of no use as the Malgam's power is stronger than just Den-O, the Malgam are about to finish off Den-O until a Steam Train appears out of nowhere blocking the Malgam attack as Steam Train stops with Will came out of it with Hopper1 hopping around until it landed on Will's shoulder. Will apologizes to Den-O and Ocha for being late as he was looking for a friend as he is an old friend of Hopper1 and the key part to defeating the Malgam, he then pulled out the same artifact that was used to seal the Chemies known as GotchaDriver and put it on his waist as a belt appear to hold on it then both Hopper1 and the Steam Train, that is later known as SteamLiner, started to glow and turn into a card as Will holding on to it until he inserted to his Driver and transform himself as Kamen Rider Gotchard and with his power along with the help of Den-O and Ocha they defeat the Malgam.
After that, the Team decided to train for the entire 10 months for the entrance exam for Midori and Ocha while stopping Malgam and Imagin where they also met Urataros, Kintaros, and Ryutaros as they joined the team as well.
Entrance Exam Arc:
There's nothing different here only that Izuku was able to get more points thanks to the Taros-tachi, and that Midoriya doesn't have One For All but instead Uraraka has it considered that Izuku already has had Den-O power before the Sludge Villain incident. But what Izuku and the rest of Team Den-O don't know is that the principal of UA High School, Nedzu, wants to have Will as his personal student knowing that he and Midori are Kamen Riders and in case he wants to learn more about being a hero if he wants to chose that career, even though he doesn't want to for personal reason. Nedzu also wants to have Will teach the Hero Course in P.E. and Hero Training along with All Might.
Quirk Apprehension Test Arc:
Again nothing different, except for the part where the Taros-tachi blew their cover so Will interrupts Aizawa and surprises Midori and the rest of the students, and Eraserhead has to explain about Will joining UA as a student for Nedzu and teachers to teach the Hero Course. Will explains to Aizawa, which Will didn't hide his dislike of Aizawa for telling Izuku that he can't be a hero like All Might said, and the students that he and Midori are Kamen Riders, except All Might as he didn't hear nor see the Kamen Rider part, too focused on his relief that Uraraka hasn't been expelled.
There were a lot of questions from the students but what actually made them answer a question was from Iida, who asked why the UA hired a vigilante to be a teacher, that's when Nedzu appeared and explained to the kids that Will is a Kamen Rider, in other words, he already has the Government and the HPSC permission for the Will to fight after knowing how much a threat the Kamen Rider enemies are and how unaffected the Hero Quirks and attacks to their enemies so they gave them the permission to fight freely without getting arrested. Of course, they still considered vigilantes but a lot of people thought of them as a hero so they just gave them a Hero License for free and no exam to be taken. The only reason that Midori is still a hero student is that he is still at the age where he can still attend hero school, of course, he can still have the license but if he wants to attend school for the hero course then it is okay as well, and since Midori feels like that it wasn't fair to have his license early while other have to work hard to earn it so he decides that he wants to attend UA to earn it by working hard. With this answer, the students are satisfied and admire Midori's modesty.
Battle Trial Arc:
The only difference in this is that Will, Hopper1, and SteamLiner are also monitoring the Trial while also looking at All Might with stink eyes.
U.S.J Arc:
Difference! Well... The only difference is that Will also joined to go to the USJ and that they were also separated from the students and that except All Might is the one who beat the Nomu, Den-O is the one who beat the Nomu instead before All Might came while Gotchard fighting off against Tomura who transforms himself into Valvarad with Valvarusher and his Chemy partner MadWheel, and from the looks of it they look like the two were having a blast on fighting against each other. Oh! also, Will met Tomura, who introduced himself as Tenko, long before he met Izuku, and became best friends real quick.
After the day of the USJ incident, Tenko messages Will to meet him in the same place where they first met each other. When they finally did meet each other, Will treated Tenko with Takoyaki which he was able to buy when he was on his way to meet him. Despite what Tenko did at the USJ, Will still considers him his best friend, he even gives Tenko some advice if he wants to make the League well known while MadWheel plays with Hopper1, SteamLiner, and the other Chemies.
The kindness that Will gives him too much to the point that Tenko asks him why he is still so kind to him and helps him anyway after knowing he is a villain, Will responds that when he first met him he doesn't seem like a bad guy and even during the USJ he doesn't feel any malice from Tenko, just felt pain, sadness, anger, hatred and lost almost just like him, so he wants to save Tenko from those pains. Hearing this shocks Tenko to the point that he tells his first best friend of his origin of how he became a villain in the first place, he owes his Sensei for saving his life, for the only one who reaches his hands to him, he can't betray him, if Sensei told Tenko to kill someone he'll do it. Will understood this but felt like there was something wrong with the situation, especially with this Sensei person, but he still wanted to save Tenko even if no one would pleased with it. Hearing this made Tenko feel a little bit happy and promised that the next time they saw each other they'd be the enemy and Will would try his damn hardest to save him.
Before leaving with the Chemies he has through the warp gate that Tenko messages to Kurogiri, Will asks him how he gets Valvarusher which has the power to transform the user into Valvarad which has the power just as a Kamen Rider, and how he met MedWheel and the Chemies he got to Tenko responds that he got them from a man who calls himself the "Past Man" gave it to him and said something about his fate has been decided once he chose this path, as he said that he leaves with his Chemies through the Warp Gate.
The HPSC vs The Rebellion League Arc:
This Arc is not only where Hisashi Midoriya aka Kamen Rider Zeronos, and Deneb debut, as Hisashi becomes the new transfer student for Gen-Ed but also where Will reveals himself as the infamous vigilante Rebel, who won't hesitate to rebel against a hero or people who think highly themselves as if they were a king to a palace and exposed their corruptedness to the public, to the UA staff and Class 1A.
It all started when Rebel sneaked into the Commission office and hacked into their office as he tried to take any evidence about any of their crimes to finally expose them until a certain winged hero interrupted him and started to attack the vigilante or in this case, try to kill the vigilante as the Prez of the HPSC ordered all the HPSC's heroes to destroy the Rebellion Vigilante before he exposes their secrets but in the Rebel was able to escape. Still, sadly because of the interruption, he doesn't have enough evidence to reveal the HPSC. That is until he meets the villain informant Giran, who offers Rebel help which he accepts cause he is desperate to have justice for his family, that is when Giran takes him to a bar where he meets Tenko and his caretaker Kurogiri again. Giran said that they were trying to hire any "high-ranking" villain or vigilante to join the League cause and since Rebel wants to be exposed to any corrupted people he fit right in.
When Giran was gone to find more recruits, Rebel asked Kurogiri to make a Warp Gate so both he and Tomura could have a private conversation, once Kurogiri did the Rebellion Vigilante and the supposed leader of the League of Villains somewhere in the back alley Rebel revealed himself as Will to Tenko and tell him the reason why he becomes a vigilante in the first place of his tragic past since it's fair that Tenko also told him about his past as well. Once he is done telling his best friend his story, Tenko was beyond pissed at what the HPSC did to his first best friend, proving how both corrupted the HPSC and the heroes are, and wants them to pay for what they did for their crimes, so Tenko let Will join the League temporarily until they achieve their goal to reveal the society of their corruptedness and thus the Rebellion League alliance are born.
After that let's just say, the Rebellion League got involved with a villain, who is Kiyotaka Kayama aka Mustard by the way, and was accused of a false crime he didn't commit that HPSC labeled him on and that Rebel and Tenko saved him from getting arrested from heroes and Rebel accidentally got himself reveal to Eraserhead, though he didn't tell any police, heroes, or even the HPSC, he did tell to his UA staff colleague and his class as they learned from Mineta as he overheard them when he was to ask Aizawa about the homework.
When Class 1A and the UA Staff teachers learn of this, they are confused and upset as to why Will became a vigilante in the first place even though he is a Kamen Rider and why he has temporarily allied with the League until Nedzu arrived with Detective Tomari Shinnosuke aka Kamen Rider Drive and explain to them as to why Nedzu allowing it and the detective is willing to help Will and the League. It's because not everything is black & white, and Tomari told them of when he and his team first met with Will and the Villain who is actually playing like Robin Hood, by stealing the rich money and giving it to the poor because of how corrupt they are. Then they told them about the HPSC and how they are corrupted and are going so far as to use this as a chance as an excuse to blame either the vigilante or the Kamen Riders, as a ploy to prove to the public that the Kamen Riders are nothing but a bunch of criminals, and if they choose their comrade over the law then they can show them to the public that their so-called true nature, all because the HPSC holds a grudge against them. (Imagine them like GUN from Sonic but the HPSC ver.)
In the end, Class 1-A and the AU staff understand and help the Rebellion League, Den-O, and Team Drive to defeat HPSC heroes, and save Mustard. After the battle, a bunch of people, news reporters, heroes, and officers gather to see the aftermath of the battle until Madam President and an HPSC Agents show up and are about to tell the people about the so-called heroes of Kamen Rider are nothing but a bunch of villains and that UA has been corresponded with said villains.
That is until the entire screen of TV, computer, phone, and billboard starts to act up until they realize they've been hacked Tomura Shigaraki uses this chance he announce to the public as the Cameraman recorded live on TV, that it was a close call and he was this close to ending society, that's when Will knew that Tenko was here to save him and his friends as well all the previous Kamen Rider, and UA reputation by having Tenko and the League taking the credit on the attacks by having one the villains to mind control Rebel to do his bidding, Tenko also thinks that because since there is the news are on live tv he follows Will's advice as tell to the world that society needs to change about how are corrupt and the racism that people judge on their Quirk status even it means to use violence, and to prove that he showed the evidence of how corrupt the HPSC are even the one with Lady Nagant that he managed to hack from the HPSC files. This shocked everyone but what was even more shocking was that the HPSC was the one who implanted that fake evidence and caused the war back in Europe where the orphanage that Will used to stay.
Because of the evidence that Tenko revealed, not only Midori and his friends are upset but also the public as well as the ones who are watching TV are upset at what the HPSC had done. Before Tenko left, he announced that for those who wanted to join the League's cause and those who sought protection, he and the League would welcome them with an open arms as he entered the warp gate. With the evidence of the HPSC crimes, they were able to arrest the Madam President and all the corrupt members of the HPSC and heroes, and Will and all the people who died in that town got the justice and vengeance they deserved. Now, the harder part is the aftermath of it.
The Dread of the Aftermath Arc:
Ever since the reveal a few days ago, the public has now nervous, anxious, and doubtful about their heroes of whether or not they are trusted, Class 1A and the UA staff can't blame them for what happened after the reveal of the HPSC's crimes but what worried them the most is that Will has he never go to UA or even go out of his house ever since the "incident" where a few heroes tried to apologize and comfort Will, who are by the way doesn't liked the kid, in front of the public hoping that if he forgives and liked them so do the public but Will saw through it but the heroes didn't stop pursuing it to the point that he feels uncomfortable which a few of the civilians saw it and step in front of Will and yelled at the heroes that what they're doing is hurting the boy more making other civilians defended Will as one civilian recorded the incident live online making more people bashing the heroes more causing even more mistrust on them, and ever since the incident Will has never been go outside from his house.
It worries everyone in Class 1A and UA staff so they tried to visit him but to no success. So when Aizawa tried to comfort and talk to Will outside of his house hoping that he'd listen from the other side of the door, only for Will to open the door to just say that after what happened in the war and after what he said to Midori that he'll never become a hero for before being quirkless for almost his entire life, he never wants his or the heroes sorry and that he has zero trust on them and never want anything to do with them, as he said that he slammed the door in front of a shocked Aizawa.
After his talk with Will, Aizawa walks alone thinking about what the Kamen Rider just said not just about him but also what he said about Midoriya, and realizes how fucked up what he had said and tried to think up how to make up for the green-haired boy until he was ambushed by the Three Dark Sisters to congratulate him to be their first test subject for their project as the Sisters forced Aizawa to transform into Kamen Rider Dread and now the Sisters are controlling him for them to use.
When Team Den-Gotcha, Class 1A, and UA staff learn of what happened to Aizawa they try to rescue him but no use as Dread is too powerful even with both Gotchard and Den-O combined as well as the weapon that Tenko gave to Will that he was told to by the Past Man, which Will doesn't know how to use it. In the end, it was Tenko who made Will realize how to use the weapon "Exgotcharlibur" properly and try to find the Level 10 Chemy, UFO-X, to ask him for his help to save Eraserhead even though he still doesn't fully trust him being a hero, he is willing to try to trust Shota Aizawa to which UFO-X accepted Will and help him to save Aizawa from the Sisters control. With the UFO-X's help, Will was able to transform into Kamen Rider Gotchard Cross UFOX released Aizawa from the Sisters and Dread with the help of Valvarad, Den-O, and a few League members.
After the battle, a lot of civilians saw the fight and probably thought that the heroes were trying to bully Will into forgiving them again. The public civilians were about to bash them again until Will explained to them that, yes they were fighting but for a different reason the UA staff felt that they should take responsibility and visit him to take his anger out on them since he never gets to chance to let his feelings out, so the staff volunteers themselves to become his punching bag until he feels calm down from anger to which it works. Will doesn't know how he feels about the heroes now considering that he still has some trust issues with the hero but is now willing to give them a chance not just as their hero persona but their civilian persona as well. This response is enough to make the civilians give the heroes a second chance as well, though there are still those who have their doubts about them but Will and the rest are sure that with time they will come around.
U.A Sports Festival Arc:
The only difference is that Nedzu wants Will to make the obstacle course for rounds 1 and 2, Will becomes the commentator with Present Mic instead of Eraserhead, Will also hate the students that thinks that Class 1A are lucky that villains attacked them during USJ and should be ashamed of themselves if they think almost losing their lives and the life of their teacher if they should be happy about it, and the day before the Sports Festival starts, there is an Imagin problem to the point where Midori and the Taros gain the Climax Form. Oh and also, Midori is the one who wins all three rounds, and after the Sports Festival is where Sieg debuts and joins Team Den-O.
Vs. Hero Killer Arc:
No difference here, except for the fact, that Will would be the one monitoring Class 1-A Hero name instead of Midnight, and Will know what Iida is planning so he decides to keep an eye on him during the internship and fight against Stain alongside Den-O, Shoto, and Iida, and Will was able to convince the Tsuragamae that Iida and Shoto didn't broke any law consider that Nedzu allowed Class 1A to help Gotchard and Den-O if they are involved with Malgam and Imagin, and since there is Imagin that is contracted to Stain, they didn't break any law. And after that it was Orochi Malgam incident and it's still the same the canon where Will met his future self as Daybreak.
Final Exam Arc:
Nothing different only that before the day of the Exam started, All Might was very suspicious of Izuku, and his so-called Quirks considered that All Might didn't know about him being Kamen Rider Den-O since his existence needed to be a secret considering that it involved Time Travel and Uraraka already told Midoriya about One For All and All For One (he doesn't know that AFO is also the creator of Imagin), so this makes him worry and asked Midoriya if he is working for All For One, this makes Midoriya almost broke because All Might accuse of him as a villain, so after he told him no, the number 1 hero leave an almost broken child.
During Midori and Bakugo's turns for the exam, All Might complements Bakugo on how he is worthy as a hero which makes Izuku break the glass and yell all his anger and frustration at All Might and somehow creates an Imagin from all of his negative memories thus named himself Negataros, possess Midori and creates a new form of Den-O called Den-0 Nega Form.
Luckily UA staff and Gotcahrd were able to stop Negataros thanks to Will able to calm Midori's blind rage and making Nega unpossessed him but not without leaving collateral damage and a bunch of injuries to the point it might scar Will's back when he tries to protect Bakugo and All Might from their Full Charge attack. In the end, the Exam for Midori and Bakugo doesn't have a result and will be taken again during Training Camp. After that, the incidents in the Mall are kind of the same, except that Tenko is there to meet Will and tell him about the League having more members than he expected thanks to the Reveals which makes Will happy because Tenko really needs friends outside of him, Kurogiri, and the Chemies which kinda make Tenko a little bit offended and irritated as well, Tenko was somehow able to introduce some member of the League to Will. Will recognized a few of the members (Twice, Shuichi, Kenji, and Atsuhiro) but what surprised him was Himiko was one of those members as she explained her reason why to which the Kamen Rider understood her reason, Tenko promised Will that he would change the society but not too far consider that some members have morals including him which Will was glad to hear that. After Will and the League catch up, they go their separate way without anyone noticing it.
Fire Gotcha! The 2 New Kamen Riders Arc:
This new Arc will be about Ochako and Tenko becoming Kamen Rider Majade and Kamen Rider Valavarad and the debut of Fire Gotchard. It would be somewhat the same as the canon episodes of how Will obtains Fire Gotchard, same with Ochako become Majade and Tenko become Valvarad, as Ochako feels like she is doubting herself not just being a hero but also as a friend after what happened with the final exam for failing as a friend and doesn't know how she felt after learning what All Might said to Midoriya for not able to become a hero without a quirk and accused him for being a villain that's when Atropos attacked Ochako with the new Malgam even with Gotchard and Den-O are struggling against the new Malgam but when Ochako saw something in Atropos they were similar in a way and because of that the gift that the Past Man he was able to give through Himiko, Ochako was able to awaken the power of Majade and transform into Kamen Rider as well and able to defeat the Malgam.
As for Tenko, it's also similar to the canon, as Angel Malgam uses it's revive his mother and sister making him and because of this he was transmuted with MadWheel into Wheel Malgam when AFO drove out the black flames from his body. Tenko then uses the power of Wheel Malgam to defeat the Angel Malgam but MadWheel resists it as he doesn't want to continue to hurt his partner.
Team Den-Gotcha and the rest of the League members tried to save Tenko but were interrupted by the Sisters and Imagin as the Angel Malgam kept destroying Tenko until his Malgam form was broken leaving him defenseless. The Malgam was about to kill Tenko until Hisashi stopped him as Deneb helped Gotchard, Den-O, and the rest while Kurogiri tended to Tenko's injuries, when he was done Kurogiri gave Tenko a driver similar to Will had with the Gotchaigniter and told him that no matter what path that Tenko choose even if it is against AFO orders he will always by his side and Kurogiri is not the only one the members of the League are also by his side as well, and thanks to this Tenko was able to break free from his despair as he takes the League hopes and dreams to boost the power within him and use it for him and his new found family sake. That power made MadWheel Chemy into MachWheel Chemy, proving that this power meant he is no longer alone anymore as he equipped himself with his Driver and transform himself into Kamen Rider Valvarad after that it is still the same as in canon.
Isekai Suicide League Legends Arc:
This new Arc is about something similar to the Isekai Suicide Squad anime and yet different because not only did Joker join the Suicide Squad for the isekai mission but Team Den-Gotcha, Shoto, Katsuki, Hawks, and the League of Villains somehow got involved with the isekai mission as well, all thanks to an Imagin that has been contracted to the former President of HPSC who turns into the Pteranodon Malgam and use it's power to steal away all the Chemies that Will was able to get.
During their journey, the gang learns that Joker used to be Will's childhood friend, who was like an older brother to him, back in the Orphanage named Yugo, who later changed his name because of the trauma back in the war and the death of his friends and caretakers causing him to lose his sanity and thus, Joker was born. They also learn that Hawks was one of the heroes back then when they implanted that fake evidence for the HPSC which caused not only the group to stop Joker from trying to kill Hawks but also to lose trust in him, though Twice, Midori, and surprisingly Dabi are the only ones in the group to try to be friends with Hawks.
It was during a fight against the Imagin and the Malgam when the Malgam said some kind of trigger words that activated Hawks's brainwash into the Soldier (think of this like the Winter Soldier) as the Imagin ordered Hawks to attack the group. As Hawks was about to end Toga, Twice blocked the attack as he took the hit and was injured and dying. This caused Will to awaken his magic causing him on a rampage and attack anyone he saw, but that was stopped as Tenko and Himiko were able to calm the boy down with the help of Joker. When Will calms down, the Imagin leads Hawks to where the Madam President in her Malgam form is and she tells everything about Hawks's origin to where he is today which pissed the group off as Madam didn't see Hawks as a human being but a tool. Then the fights continued as Madam ordered Hawks and the Imagin to attack the group, while the Den-O fought the Imagin and the League and Suicide Squad fought against the grunt as Toga healed Twice, Will and Dabi tried to snap Hawks out of the brainwashing.
It was difficult for both Will and Dabi as they don't know the trigger word considering Madam murmured it but then Will made a list of names of the people that died on that day to the point he ended with the names from the orphanage and that if Hawks ever forget every single of those name then he will never forgive him which make Hawks struggle to his brainwash enough to Will and Dabi to pin him down. Will then uses his power to try to undo the brainwashing effect but to do that someone that Hawks considers his close friend must enter his mind to try to help him, and the only people who are close friends to Hawks are Twice and Dabi, and consider that Twice is unconscious Dabi volunteer to save Hawks, and let's just say that in the end, Dabi was able to save Hawks, who wants to be called Keigo now no longer to be called Hawks, cried for all the pain and death that he caused by his hands as Dabi hugged Keigo to comfort him and when he calms down, he look at Dabi in the eyes as they lean each other and kiss.
When both Dabi and Keigo, who are still kissing, came back to reality, all the brainwashing that HPSC installed at Keigo are gone now which pissed Madam even more as she went ballistic as to how she is supposed to be the top of the food chains and they are nothing but a useless pawn to be used and ordered around. But to Will, Tenko, Izuku, and Ochako, even a pawn can be as dangerous if played right, that's when Princess Fione notices that the quartet are like the legendary knights that bring the end of the world of evil, the Four Knights of the Apocalypse: One who possessing "Black Flames", Tenko Shimura of War; One with "blue, demonic eyes", Will Hoshino of Death; One have multiple spirits familiar, Izuku Midoriya of Pestilence; And One who succeeded previous generations, Ochako Uraraka of Famine. All four warriors came together, Will's body started to glow as he activated his power it spread to his friends, and their wounds started to heal even Twice awoke from his unconsciousness, this was Will's power, Hope, and thanks to the advice from Tsukasa Kadoya aka Kamen Rider Decade about being able to transform with only one Chemy card during his research, Will was able to transform into Iron Gotchard with SteamLiner transform into TenLiner and with it, they were able to defeat Madam and the Imagin and bring back all the stolen Chemy cards.
Before the fight starts, Himiko wants to fight as well alongside Gotchard, at first the group is confused until the vampire girl shows her a kivat named Kiva-La and allows her to transform herself into Kamen Rider Kivala. Himiko met Kiva-La before she accidentally killed her first crush when her friend took the vampire girl to her violin mentor's house met Kiva-La there and became best friends real quick, but after Himiko killed her first crush she hardly met Kiva-La but reunited thanks to Tsukasa bringing her along and thanks to this Himiko was able to transform into Kamen Rider Kivala.
After the fight against Madam and the Imagin, Joker still hasn't forgiven Keigo for everything that happened at the war, he believes that death is a perfect punishment for Keigo for the crime he committed but for Will, it feels like it's an unfair judgment consider that Keigo also a victim of the HPSC but still Joker disagree to him. Tsukasa then interrupts the two, that why not settle the argument by fighting each other and the winner will decide Keigo's fate. The fight against Joker was more difficult than Will anticipated thanks to Joker's magic and his magic weapon even with Iron Gotchard, which is the only form that even affects Joker he can't use it too long without risking his life but is very determined to defeat Joker and to change Hawks fate. Thanks to this determination something is happening to Hopper1 as the Level 10 Chemies infuse Hopper1 with their power, turning him into CrossHopper with him Will was able to uphenshin from Iron Gotchard into Gotchard Platinum, defeating Joker.
After the fight, the group was about to be ready to return back to their world. When they are journeying back to their world, the group are having a conversation about Keigo's fate though it is a bit awkward at first, in the end, Joker still doesn't know how he should feel about Keigo but is still willing to give him the chance as long as he still remembers the name of kids at the orphanage and little by little Joker regain a bit of his sanity and was able to smile genuinely.
Before the group goes their separate ways, they say their last goodbyes as the Suicide Squad continues their work for Amanda Waller, the League returns to their base as Keigo decides to join them as he feels like he doesn't want to be a hero anymore and feels more safe with the Leauge and wants to spend more time with Dabi as he is his boyfriend, and Will, Midori, and Ocha went back to UA as they explain to everyone on what happens to them.
Training Camp Arc:
It is the same as in the canon in the the training camp as Midori and Bakugo doing their Makeup Exam. As for the attack not only did the League capture Bakugo but also Midori, though they were able to minimize the casualties.
Hideout Raid & Gaoh Downfall Arc:
During Bakugo and Midori's captives, they find out that the League has joined forces with the Gaoh and his men cause of All For One as he is the creator of Imagin and the infamous Gilded Alchemist as well the creator of the Sisters, and they're not the only one who surprised by this, Tomura and the rest of the League members were also surprised as well after they return from the Isekai Mission. Meanwhile in the hospital Class 1-A and Team Den-Gotchard are discussing what to do next, Kirishima and Shoto want to join Will, Ochako, and Team Den-Gotcha to save their friends but Iida and the others say they can't cause there's aren't any Malgam or Imagin are involved. But Will looks at the two students and understands, allowing them to join them, and gives them a ticket for the ride in the DenLiner. Before leaving Will looked at Class 1A with disappointment because he was hoping that they would at least want to help their friends let's just say that Will did what Obito say to Kakashi about abandoning people being worst than scum then left with his team, Kirishima, and Shoto as they arrived to the DenLiner as Momotaros pilots the bullet train but without arguing with Haruto who wants to drive the train instead.
After that, it will be the same as the canon but instead of having just AFO vs All Might, there will also be Gaoh vs Gotchard and Den-O fight as well. Let's just say that in the end, in the fight between the Kamen Riders' side Gotchard and Den-O were able to defeat Gaoh, when Gaoh was about to use the 101 Chemy, the Rainbow, the most powerful of all Chemies that ever made, that he was able to found it during his journey after being banished to the Sand of Time. As Gaoh was about to use the 101 Chemy, it didn't work like it wouldn't respond to Gaoh but instead to Will as the egg started to glow and float to Will, as they made contact Will opened his eyes to see the same Chemy Egg. Rainbow, that Will now nicknames the Chemy Tamagon, tells Will that they are inside the egg and then tries to convince him to stay inside so that he no longer needs to fight but Will refuses, Tamagon asks him why and Will says that he still needs to help his friend plus there is still so much that he wants to do outside like trying different hobbies so he could find the career that is perfect for him, hearing this Tamagon was really curious as what the outside world is like and Will then offer to the Rainbow Chemy that he could show him.
Meanwhile, on the outside of the egg, Den-O tries to beat Gaoh while defending the egg that Will entrapped which pissed Momotaros off because he can't do his climax without worrying about damaging the egg. As Gaoh was preparing to deliver a finishing attack on them, the Climax Hero braced for impact until the rainbow suddenly shielded them. Everyone is happily shocked to see Will standing in front of them, Will apologizes for being late but tells them to leave everything to him. Tamagon hatches and introduces himself as Nijigon. Nijigon hops into a double Card and together, Will is able to henshin into Rainbow Gotchard. The rainbow wave spreads out across the city, including UA and DenLiner, the others marvel at Will's colorful new form and free-spirited alchemy. Will speeds forward and has no problem taking care of Gaoh with his new powers and Den-O helps. As for AFO vs All Might, well it is just the same as the canon.
Provisional Hero License Exam Arc:
After the defeat of the Kamino Ward Incident, UA started the Dorm System and everything is the same as it is in the canon, Aizawa is still mad at his students for not telling them that Todoroki, Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Uraraka for joining the raid, the only reason that they were not expelled is that the Malgam and Imagin were involved and Team Den-Gotcha gave them the permission to join the fight. After that, the Provisional License Exam is still the same as in the canon and Will is watching the Class 1-A Exam.
Shie Hassaikai Arc:
The only difference is that Team Den-Gotcha joined in the raid and that not only was Eri being an experiment but also Kai Chisaki as well since his Quirk can disassemble Quirks factor, and since Midori and Mirio want to save Eri, Will wants to save Kai as he was only harsh to his daughter so she won't feel guilty when she was originally going to be experimented on. And because Midori was determined to save Eri he and the Taros were able to gain their Final Form, the Liner Form. After that Eraserhead will be the one to take care of both Eri as her current guardian and monitor Kai until their grandpa/dad awakens from his coma.
Remedial Course Arc:
The Remedial Course is the same except for the part where Will is there to handle the children since he is kind of a pro at handling them, observing the exam, and giving the students a little hint about how to take care of them, by entertaining them, and by that he means that they should try to comfort them and have fun so they could take easy and relax as well they to connect them.
U.A. School Festival Arc:
There's no difference here, except for the part where Will helps Class 1B with their stage play as a lot of parts in the script have too many references and a copy of the scene from movies and manga which could get them sued for copyrighting. Will also helps Jiro try to make a perfect song, so he puts her on a quest, and let's just say it's something similar to Eiko from Paripi Koumei helping Nanami Kuon and her band while also helping Team Den-Gotcha save the Piano Man from the Imagin.
After that, Jiro is able to save Kuon and her friends by inviting them to the School Festival as an opening for their show as well as a competitor to see which song the audience likes by having them vote after that it's still the same as in the canon of Paripi Koumei and everyone just enjoying the Festival while Aizawa being a good father figure takes care of Eri during the Festival while Kai reunites with his childhood friend/rival, even a few Kamen Riders that Team Den-Gotcha has met are joining the festival as well. Oh, and the whole deal with Gentle and Brava, let's just say Will deal with them and fake their death so they have a normal life.
Operation: Liberating the League Arc:
This arc is set after the League beats the MLA and joins forces with them and after Tomura Shigaraki proves himself to Gigantomachia, Dr. Ujiko offers to have a procedure of inheriting the All For One quirk not knowing that it was just a ploy of AFO getting a meat suit out of Tomura. Tomura accepted the procedure hoping this would take the League one step closer to creating an easier world to live in, this pleased the Doctor but as the League, they are very skeptical of the Doctor and worried for their leader especially Keigo as recently both he and Dabi starting a threesome dating with Tenko together.
Ever since Dr. Ujiko started the procedure on Tomura, Tenko has been acting strange as he keeps accidentally using his Quirk and he wasn't even acting himself lately like he was a different version of himself, it was the last draw for Keigo as he started investigating the procedure and learns what AFO and the doctor are truly doing to Tenko. When Keigo was about to head back to the League to report what was going on with Tenko until the former hero was attacked by Gigist one of the Dak Kings, as well as the co-creator of the Chemies.
Apparently, AFO found out about the Dark Kings, a former member of the Mauve Race who abandoned their humanity by using the power of Philosopher's Stone but later was sealed behind the Door of Darkness by the other co-creator of the Chemies who is Will's ancestor, when AFO found a way to unseal it he somehow managed to consume one of the Dark Kings making him the new Dark King replacing Germain and forcing the remaining Dark Kings to work with them and thanks to this he was able to get Gigist to give his black flames to Tomura.
Keigo manages to escape and inform all the League members of what's happening but it is too late as the procedure is a success and AFO takes over Tenko's body. This was the last draw for the League as they couldn't stand for their leader to continue to burden himself, especially for someone who no longer controlled him behind bars but the League couldn't do anything as AFO threatened them for Tomura's life and now the League are alone in their own meeting room discussing how to save Tenko's life without risking it. Himiko had suggested that they should listen to AFO for a moment, this shocked the members of the League as the vampire girl explained that since they's hands were tied they might as well follow AFO for a moment plus since the rest of the League were still unsatisfied with how society hurt them so why not use this chance to get it out of their body and when the times is right they backstabbed AFO and rescue Tenko from him and to do that they need help and they all know which person that can help them, at first they were unsure of it a bit, in the end, they decide to follow Himiko's idea and have Keigo message Will and his team on what's happening.
Will got the message from Keigo along with his team, Class 1A, and the UA staff as they had planned to save the League who has been helping them all, since after the USJ Incident. Both Will and Nedzu have been making a Rehabilitation Program for villains and vigilantes who deserve a chance to have a normal life, where they can be satisfied. While they were planning, Ochako met with Atropos the two were attacked by a Time Malgam that was sent by Gaelijah to the day when Tenko accidentally killed his entire family and destroyed his house with his Decay Quirk, both Ochako and Atropos saw this and they were horrified on what they just saw but the homunculus girl don't understand is how the little boy Quirk able to kill his entire family and caused this damage even though he just manifested it, it shouldn't be impossible even it were emotionally out of control.
Their question was answered when they tended to Tenko's head injury from Kotaro hitting him with a shovel appeared AFO in the past was the one to cause such damage as he was given Tenko with the Decay Quirk while he used some kind of enhanced Quirk to power up the Decay Quirk. Ochako and Atropos wanted to save Tenko, as Ochako knew that Tenko didn't deserve what happened to him while Atropos wanted to help him because she saw him as an older brother, but they couldn't, not knowing if the change meant that he couldn't be friends with the rest of the members of the League and they knew if that happens Tenko would not forgive them for losing his only family he has left. So they decide to go back to their time and save their Tenko but before they can do that the Time Malgam that AFO found ordered the monster to attack them, and let's just say that Atropos sacrificed her life for Ochako so she could save her brother and used enough power to fused herself to Ochako to give her a new form of Majade called "Twilight Majade" and used their power to defeat Time Malgam and use it power to return back to her time to her present where she gone for almost a day and the fight for the freedom of the League started.
Ever since the fight started, the members of the League split up to fight their respective opponents: Spinner and Moonfish vs Tentacole, Anima, Ingendium, and Gang Orca; Gigantomachia vs Red Riot and Class 1A, Suneater, Kamui Wood, and Mt. Lady; Himiko, Twice, and Mustard vs Froppy, Nejire-Chan and Midnight; Mr. Compress, Magne, and Kurogiri vs Eraserhead, Present Mic, Zeronous, and Miruko; Dabi and Hawks vs Shoto, Dynamight, Tsukuyomi, Best Jeanist, and Endervor; Kamen Rider Valvarad Shigaraki form vs Gotchard, Den-O, and now Majade while the rest of the other heroes fought off against the remaining villains.
Once most members of the League of Villains were beaten, Valvarad was the only one left but the three Riders weren't enough until Gotchard had an idea and told Den-O and Majade, who also got the idea, to hold the possessed Rider off as Gotchard go run back to where the other heroes and his team holding are holding the rest of the League and once he do, Gotchard ask the heroes to release Himiko and the rest of the League to save Tenko from AFO. The heroes were a bit hesitant but Class 1A, Zeronous, Twice, the Big 3, and the UA staff were able to convince the rest of the heroes and release the League, with them and Gotchard head to where last fight.
When they made it using Kurogiri's Warp Gate, Den-O was down while Majade was still fighting against Valvarad Shigaraki. Gotchard is using a spell that allows the League to enter into Tenko's mindscape but before he can do that Himiko wants to fight alongside Gotchard and Majade as she also wants to help the Riders. After Gotchard uses the spell to send the League except Himiko into Tenko's mindscape, both Gotchard and Kivala fight AFO to save Tenko. Let's just say the League found Tenko in his mindscape and was able to rescue him from AFO and Tenko able to fight off against him, as much he is grateful for AFO saving him he wants his body back. Meanwhile, on the outside, Gotchard, Kivala, Majade, and now the awakened Den-O can see that Tenko is fighting off against AFO for control of the body but in the end they were able to beat AFO with OFA and Twilight Majade's power. Tenko was able to retake his body again, and after that, the League was sent to UA for their Rehabilitation Program while the rest of MLA were either arrested or joined the League in Reform as well.
Meanwhile in Tartarus AFO escaped from his cells along with his followers and some prisoners while heroes are too focused on Tomura and the League.
The New Birth of Valvarad and the PLF:
This arc is pretty much replaces the Pro Hero arc and about where Tenko obtains his final form. After the battle against AFO for Tenko's body, the Leagues are now in the Reform Program as they can have a clean record but the public is still hesitant about UA's decision to have villains inside the school. But when Gigist and Gaelijah attacked the citizen both Tenko and Ochako entered the battlefield and fought off against the 2 Dark Kings.
While Twilight Majade fights against Gaelijah, Gigist offers Tenko after he forced him to dehenshin that if he comes with him, he can help attain the ultimate power Tenko reiterates that he does not need Gigist's power, and the co-creator of Chemies is very disappointed then sends his flames at Tenko, telling him to burn. Majade begs Tenko to stay with her and Tenko falls to his knees and finds himself in the darkness.
Tenko laments that even when he gained control of his black flames, he still hated it reminded him of all the pain he and his friends went through, so when he found out the power came from Gigist, he thinks that he'd be proven right, that's why he decided to use the power to end Gigist and himself if it meant he could keep everyone safe. Suddenly, Will's words begin to replay in his mind, recalling all the time they spent together and seeing each other as brothers rather than friends, Tenko understands Will's Gotcha now, even if the roads are not that easy.
Will, Midori, and the League come running just in time as Tenko frees himself from Gigist's flames. Tenko looks at his friends as they smile back at each other, Tenko recalls Gigist saying that the brighter the light, the darker the abyss, but that also means the darker the abyss, the light that shines above it will be stronger, bolder, and brighter. Suddenly, Tenko's dark flames turn a bright silver, and he draws upon the light his family, his friends, and Will have all entrusted him with creating a new igniter and transforming DaiOhni and MachWheel into their new form.
With a new Igniter, Tenko replaced the GotcharIgniter with the new one and transformed himself into Kamen Rider Valvarad Kurogane. With the new form, both he and Majade can work together to defeat both Gigist and Gaelijah. The crowds saw the fight even in the far distance and are astonished. Because of this, the public has acknowledged both Tenko and the League, who helped with the collateral damaged and helped people during the fight, are heroes and now named themselves as Paranormal Liberation Front or PLF for short as their main job is to help people like them who has problem with society because of their Quirk.
Joint Training Arc:
The difference here is that instead of Class A, B, and Shinso fighting against each other, they need to work together to face off against the Will and the PLF (the training is the same in the Boruto graduation exam). During this training, the students are given a white bandanna that represents their life, and they must retrieve a headband from the instructors without losing their own bandanna. Additionally, the students are required to take a bell from Gotchard to pass the training. The training is designed to test the student's skills, strategy, and resolve in a real battle scenario, while also evaluating their intelligence and combat abilities as well as whether the two classes are willing to work together and put aside their rivalry and differences as well to show Class 1B and Shinso how dangerous the hero job are and that what happens with Class 1A isn't that simple or easy as they could lost their lives during battle.
Since both classes don't know the true meaning of this training, they start to argue a lot, but Midori and Shinso get through to both classes and can work as a team together. Sadly they were so close to getting the bell from Gotchard at the last second but passed considering the whole point of this training was teamwork, so otherwise if they fail this training their license will be taken and they have to redo their hero lesson again.
Happy (Merry X-Mas) Birthday Eve & Hero Agency Arc:
In this Arc, it is where Class 1-A, Team Den-Gotcha (minus Will), and the PLF are planning a surprise Birthday party for Will and Keigo while also having a Christmas party. Midori tells their classmate and friends how the Grace Field Orphanage celebrate Will's birthday. Since Will's birthday is close to Christmas, the Midoriya family decide to celebrate his birthday on Christmas instead and since Keigo birthday is the day after Will, they decide to have the two a joint birthday and Christmas party. So everyone decides to celebrate the same way by making Tenko and Dabi distract Will and Keigo while the rest are planning the party in the UA cafeteria. They even invite Class 1-B, Shinso, The Big 3, UA Staff, Team Drive, and Team Decade to the party.
Meanwhile, the party-making went well until Rikido, Twice, and Himiko tried to make Will mom's famous Magic Pudding go out of control and Momotaros, possessing Izuku, tried to get a Winterchilla with Koda, Shoji, Spinner, and Tokoyami for the birthday gift but what they don't know is that they turn into a Winterzilla at night now causing havoc inside of UA. It almost went disaster until the Tenko, Dabi, Keigo, and Will came back to the cafeteria for the surprise and when they saw the commotion, wow, were they surprised alright, so Keigo and Will decided to work together and clean up the mess by having Will deal with the Magic Pudding while Keigo calming the Winterzilla.
After the whole fiasco was dealt with, everyone thought that the surprise was ruined but Will and Keigo thought it was the best birthday surprise ever because they never had anything so chaotic like this before, they even get to working together as brothers considering that Keigo is dating with Will's older brother so that's a bonus. Since then, they all continued to celebrate the Birthday X-Mas party with everyone, Inko and Midori even surprise Will and Tenko as they gifted Will an adoption paper for Will and Tenko to be part of the Midoriya Family, of course, they can keep their last name or change it to their liking which makes the two happy as Will decide to keep his last name while Tenko wants to change his last name as Hoshino like Will.
After that, it went the same with the canon but instead of Keigo, one of the escaped prisoners now working for AFO as double spy for certain winged hero warns not only Endeavor but also the Four Apocalypse to be ready because they thinks that a fight will soon break out from AFO now named his organization the "Dark Empire".
Malgam Imagin War & The Dark Hero:
This arc is almost the same as in the canon as Endeavor gathered all the Heroes including all Hero students to fight against what they think is the Dark Empire hideout, which is not considered they are now residing in the CRC old base. The fight is almost the same as in the canon. Still, instead of an army from Meta Liberation, it's a bunch of Imagin and the people who turned into Malgam
After the fight, it was the same as the canon episode where civilians started to mistrust and lose their faith in heroes (except Kamen Rider) Izuku still left UA to find AFO with Tenko as the Four Apocalypse but Will and Ochako thought that going alone is a stupid idea but as you can tell they are stubborn at heart but Class 1-A and the PLF fought Den-O and Valvarad and were able to bring the both of them back to UA High, and Will was able to restore people's faith in heroes again after he was able to convince the public citizens. The problem is that all the Heroes are either quitting, busy, injured, or died in action to fight but thanks to the Business Course videoing live all over Japan even Space during the start of Will's speech/talk, Will used this chance to ask all the past Kamen Rider even all the Hero students from different school and vigilantes for help and lend their power to fight against the Dark Empire, which all of them are watching and already readying themselves to aid their junior and friends, and they are not the only one as a certain squad and a group of villain also readying themselves.
Final War Arc:
This is the final Arc where Team Den-Gotcha, PLF, all the Hero Students, the few remaining heroes, and all the past Kamen Rider are ready for the final war against the Deboss League. This fight will be something similar to the canon episodes in combination with Gotchard, Den-O, and BNHA, but with the Suicide Squad and PLF helping the heroes defeat AFO and his army. While Gotchard, Den-O, Valvarad, and Majade are going off to where AFO, who transformed himself into Kamen Rider Eld, is to defeat the last boss, but they are a little hesitant because defeating AFO means that the Taros, Sieg, and Deneb will fade and because of this hesitance Eld used that chance to use his alchemist to transform into gold but Valvarad and Majade saw this coming and blocked the attacked so Den-O and Gotchard won't turned to gold as they did.
After Valvarad and Majade turned into gold, Gotchard and Den-O fought Eld but the two Riders are struggling against Eld who starts by turning Nijigon into gold and then all the other Chemies who came to help as well, forcing Will to dehenshin as well as Izuku from the damage and destroy Will's Driver. Eld picks up the golden Nijigon and uses him to embiggen the Dreatroopers that speed up the golding of the Earth, including Will and Izuku themselves.
While Eld marvels at his El Dorado, he is shocked to see Will and the rest of the Apocalypse moving and fighting through the gold. Eld tries to shoot more gold at them, but the Four Apocalypses are able to push forward, powered by the feelings, hopes, and dreams of their family and friends. The Four Apocalypse are able to break free of the gold, while Will says that they will never give up, he transmutes a new GotcharDriver, and all the Chemies, even while gold, pop into it. Will declares that he will create a whole new world because he is a big shot alchemist now, he and Izuku henshins to SteamHopper Ultima and Den-O Liner form, and to Eld's shock, Will transmutes all the gold of Earth to create a brand new world. Eld says the Philosopher's Stone's power should have been complete, but Tenko says his alchemy wasn't perfect after all.
The rest of Team Den-Gotcha, PLF, all the Hero Students, the few remaining heroes, and all the past Kamen Rider watched Will punch Eld into the sky while Den-O, Valvarad, and Majade hop into DenLiner and toward the new world. Eld says alchemy like this has never been seen before but Will says while Eld's ability is incredible, no one will be happy if he uses it in the way he wants, Will says that all the Chemies are behind the Four Apocalypse which Den-O says that "eternity" just means nothing would be able to move forward, what they need to do is push on, no matter what, so they can all created new Future/Gotchas!
The Four Apocalypse and the Chemies battle Eld, overwhelming him with all their powers. Finally, the Chemies power the four Riders' final attack at Eld/AFO as they force the Philosopher's Stone out of his body and it shatters into 100 pieces, each of them being absorbed by each of the Chemies, as AFO marvels at the beauty of chemistry as he warns them that if they kill him a new era/age will be born that could be worse than before but the four Riders will be ready by then as AFO smiles and turns to burnt ash.
Immediately after, AFO and all the Imagin fade, much to Izuku and Hisashi's dismay for the Taros, Sieg, and Deneb respectively. However, the Taros, Sieg, and Deneb have not disappeared as Owner explains to everyone back on Earth that memories are time, Izuku and Hisashi's memories about their journey with their Imagin friends support their existence. Back at the hospital, the Past Man aka the older Hisashi Midoriya fades out of existence after watching over Inko, who believes she will meet him again in the future someday.
Back on Earth, everyone was happy as they saw the DenLiner and SteamLiner flying down and made for the Four Apocalypse to come out of the trains from the looks of their face, they defeated AFO making the heroes the winners, they were also happy that the Taros, Sieg, and Deneb didn't fade and soon after they celebrate the heroes victory.
A few days later UA is now celebrating its 3rd-year graduation. In contrast, Class 1A celebrates their 2nd year, and thanks to the PLF's help in the final fight and the Rehabilitation Program that Nedzu made, with the help of some Heroes and the support from the citizens all the PLF members graduate from the Program and now have clean records which mean they can have a normal life, now they can choose any normal job they want to work with including becoming hero: Kiyotaka wished to become an inventor, Moonfish return to his job as a Quirk Doctor, Kai finally become his life long dream as a surgeon while marrying a pregnant Kaina, Himiko become a hero, Kurogiri wanted to continue to work as a bartender, Kenji wanted to have her own show, Shuichi having his own gaming channel, Jin become Hero Costume designer, Atsuhiro wants to become an Actor, Dabi become a police officer as he also marrying both Tenko and Keigo, and Tenko also become hero while also traveling the world making sure that all of the remnants of AFO works and followers are dealt with.
2 years later and well let's just say this is something similar to Naruto after the 4th War, the Blank Period: - Kakashi Hiden into Best Jeanist Gaiden, where Tsunagu is uncertain if he wants to be the next No.1 since both Endeavor retires and Keigo is no longer a hero and even if he did, he still retires as he is now pregnant with Dabi and Tenko's child, now Best Jeanist goes on another mission to decide his future. - Shikamaru Hiden into Dabi Gaiden, Dabi travels to the so-called Land of Silence, willing to become an assassin if it means preserving the world's hard-won peace. - The Last: BNHA the Movie, The world may be safe from wars between villains and kaijin, but can it survive a collision with the Moon? (just replace Naruto and Hinata with Izuku and Ochako) - Sasuke Shiden into Tenko Shiden, Tenko wanders the world looking for any remnants of AFO works and followers, in the process learning that he was not the only victim of injustice. - Konoha Hiden into Hero Hiden, The former Class 1A & 1B, Team Den-Gotcha, the PLF, the rest of the heroes, and family and friends members alike seek out the perfect wedding presents for Izuku and Ochako.
Theme Song(s): Rising Fighter! by Beverly; What's your FIRE! by Rider Chips; THE SKY'S THE LIMIT by BACK-ON x Beverly
Actor(s)//Voice Actor(s): Ayumu Murase (JPN); Nathan Sharp (ENG)
Trivia//Extra Information: - He is okay eating fruits but not vegetables. - He can understand any other animals and dinosaurs. - Despite his personality he likes animals but people not so much. - He tends to laugh often depending on other people's antics, reactions, and misfortune. - He tends to nickname people like Izuku "Midori/Greenie", Katsuki "Chihuahua", and Tokoyami "Takoyaki". - If someone messes up with his food like someone else eats his or destroys it, he would get mad and punish them. - Despite his personality and academics, he knows how to make a strategy and hack, and knows not to sugarcoat things when it comes to chances, and accepting truth and/or reality.
Quote(s): - "Now departing, full-speed ahead!/Shuppatsu shinkō!" - "Gotcha!/Gatcha!" - "That pure-hearted Chemy within you... I'm going to save it!/Omae no naka no kemī no kokoro wa junsuida! Kanarazu sukuu!" - "You ruined my lunch... So choose, a bullet in your head or a sword through your heart?" - "How could I call myself your friend if I passed up such a wonderful opportunity to laugh at you?" - "I don't need your sorry. I don't want your sorry. I want nothing from you. Zero. Zip. Nada. No trust. Liar." - "There is something I wouldn't do if my heart tells me it's right. If it's for someone I love if it's to save a life. Then I'm glad to cross the borderline." - "I'm not a hero. I can't do the kind of thing where everyone is pleased with the result. I can only do what I think I should do... in a way I won't regret later." - "After ensuring our families are safe, we'll return to the battlefield to fight. To those who have lost family members, those who still have family members, and to the family members of everyone here, As long as I have this body, I'll protect everyone with everything I've got. As long as I can ensure my family is safe, I won't hold back and fight until the very last moment."
None of the Kamen Rider, BNHA, and the pictures in the link (except for my Oc and the template as well) are mine!!
This is inspired by: Friendship is Timeless by Seanzilla1988, My Academia Climax! by WingKnight, Heroes Never Dies It's Hero Time by Guardian-Sigil, Dost Thou Even Steal Hearts? by BukuBuku, The Flock of Villains by CuspidGoddess, You're My Mission by orphan_account, Phoenix AU by Grinch1234, L.O.V+E by MalaMari, and How the League of Villains Adopts a Hawk by miyaji_08
Well, this was fun to make, sorry if the background tells more about the Gotchard than Den-O, this was a remake of my Super Sentai version cause I can't help what would it be like if my oc of BNHA/MHA is a Kamen Rider instead of Super Sentai and this is the results I guess and my first thought of my oc Kamen Rider is Gotchard so I pick them instead.
The Arcs are still the same as the one in the Super Sentai but a little bit different with just Kamen Rider elements instead of having Super Sentai in it. This crossover is like the world from GammaTron, Seanzilla1988, and Kamen Rider ZERO made in their story, where Super Sentai and Kamen Rider are almost common to the world.
If you want to know about my BNHA x Super Sentai oc here's the link to it: Link
I hope you guys like it!~
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Sometimes it looks like actual vomit but sometimes it looks really pretty 😭.
It feels like I memorized how to make pea soup at roughly the moment I came into being and I've made it with literally every goddamn variety under the sun. Whole peas, split peas, yellow peas, discount peas, dried my own in the goddamn oven peas, some might have technically been lentils in there but I didn't have enough peas. Green lentils I didn't know how to use except as peas. Pea soup with carrot, mushroom, turnips, rutabaga, potato, celery, onions, leeks. Pea soup with bacon, pancetta, lardons, ham steak, Canadian bacon, back bacon, streaky bacon, fucking salo once. Whatever is in the fricken fridge at the end of the month after the rents paid can go in pea soup.
Depressed? Pea soup. Got a cold? Pea soup. Bleeding to death? Pea soup. Grieving? Pea soup. Tubercular? Pea soup. Broken heart? Pea soup. Frostbite? Pea soup. Mal de raquette? Pea soup. Concussed? Pea soup. Bullet to the head? Pea soup. Shitty day? Pea soup. Took a puck to the face? Pea soup. Hate humanity? Pea soup. Car crash? Pea soup. Dead? Tough shit, wake up. There's pea soup. Penicillin Québécois. Pandora opened the motherfucking box and when she was done releasing evil, she turned over the goddamn thing and took 15 minutes to get her refrigerated concrete out and into a bowl.
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capriciouscaprine · 6 months
good morning!!!!! I had good number news this morning!!! lotsssss of numbers below, just fyi
I haven't really talked about my goals or current numbers on here, in part bc I was worried that if that was one of the first things I posted, whatever flagging bot gets used on here (I know, it's mostly crusaders who go thru the tags and mass repo blogs that gets us distapeared) would see those things and I'd be on their no-fly list immediately
plus, there's something to be said for the fear of saying something out loud, when I've not been the sort of person to stick to hobbies and things before
last week, I hit a goal of $125.4 (iirc), which means I hit a simultaneous goal of a 'healthy' -$5/month for 15 months straight, for a total of -$75.00 from my starting balance of $200.00
which, I honestly was having trouble being excited about hitting that goal bc of our common habit of rounding up, so any decimals next to that number it feel like I hadn't actually hit it, and I had worked REALLY HARD to get there, including a multi-mile treadmill walk and everything
my check in day is monday (start the week off informed!); on tuesday the monthly obnoxiousness started, and most of us who experience that will skip check in days that are close to it bc it messes with our bodies so much, so our measurements will be inaccurate
then, last week was spring break for my internship, but it's only two days a week, so I spent two days last week almost entirely sitting at my computer, working on my course work
meanwhile, in the same week, I clocked THEE MOST hours at my almost entirely outdoor, moderately physical job in about six months aka since about mid-fall, as late fall thru early spring is our slow season and things are now picking back up; I spent the week planting seedlings, repairing fences, running around after babies, and doing deeper cleaning now that things are warmer and deep bedding isn't so much of a priority
which, I spent last summer consistently dropping without thinking too much about it, tbh, and I'm pretty sure now that it's bc of this job (there was other stuff like switching from regular ice cream to halo top, etc, but on the whole I wasn't doing things like counting and I hadn't even made this blog yet)
and for meals this week, I seemed to average just about 1k; some days were higher and others were lower, some days I felt like an unwilling black hole and others I was just... fine after eating a small lunch/dinner (I keep weird hours, it was the final meal of the day for me, idk); plus, no semi-fraught Easter lunch with my family
that brings us to today's check in
officially, for realsies, under that $125.00 goal, and also the amount I claimed on my drivers license bc I thought it was funny and it was only a little lower than my actual amount BEFORE UNIVERSITY, AND very genuinely really close to a secret goal I've had since I heard it as a song lyric in 11th grade: $120.00
I know, it's such a silly thing to base a goal off of, and really highlights just how pervasive unrealistic body standards are, that some man stated it as the measure of a fictional grown woman he was writing about who you KNOW he envisioned as being 'curvy' and taller than a literal child
but I'm still gonna hit it
and yep, I'm once of those people who have reduced their goals over time; you think a number sounds really low, and then you find out how much people who look the way you want to measure in at, and realize that if that's where you wanna be, this number isn't going to have you looking like that unless it's mostly muscle, and I'm for sure not mostly muscle
anyways, introspection on societal pressures out of the way, this morning's breakfast was a 1/3 of a cup of egg substitute (50), two low f 'canadian bacon' slices (20 each for 40 together), a slice of lite toast (45) with lite country crock spread (about 1/2 a tblsp, so half of 35), and my coffee (25), so that's a relatively high f and protein breakfast for just under 200 (and of course we round up to the bigger whole number!)
I was hoping to feel satiated from that, but it's not quite hitting like yesterday's grilled cheese did; ah, well, just one more data point to take note of!
now, fingers crossed I can finish this presentation before work this morning!!!
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magxit · 1 month
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Literally the best breakfast. Buying Canadian bacon for another option!
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spine-buster · 2 years
To Sail Beyond the Sunset ft. Sidney Crosby | Chapter 1
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gif credit @/sidnyscrosbygifs
A/N: Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian followers❤️ I can't wait to get this baby rolling! This fic is definitely going to be the much "softer" fic compared to 'That Which We Are, We Are', so be prepared for all the feels! TW: mentions of unrealistic/unhealthy body expectations, controlling food consumption
Sidney didn’t have to be Sidney Crosby around June, and that’s what he loved most of all. Because they had known each other since they were kids, before they could even write their own names, June knew Sidney and Sidney knew June in a way that nobody else did – not even their parents. There was no pretentiousness with them; no airs or graces that they had to put on in front of one another. When they were together, they could just be what they were – best friends.
Sid scarfed down four grilled cheese sandwiches the night before at June’s apartment before reluctantly stopping. June had tried to entice him with a hot chocolate, but he knew if he drank one at that point, he’d probably get sick. His stomach wasn’t the stomach of a 14-year-old boy anymore, made of steel and made to withstand any weird food combination. Despite the four grilled cheeses, the fatigue of the day caught up to him quickly afterwards, and so he and June retired to bed, sleeping at opposite ends of her bed.
They now found their way back up to his house on Shubenacadie Grand Lake with a bag of groceries to make brunch. June, along with his parents, looked after his place while he was in Pittsburgh, so it was basically her second home. Well, it was as much her home as it was Sidney’s, in his eyes, since she spent so much time there. She even helped him pick out the kitchen finishings, since he had “zero taste” according to her. At the end of the day, what she ended up choosing for him may not have been his first choice, but it didn’t matter, because it meant that every time he was in his kitchen, he thought about June. It was all he could have asked for, really.
When Sid parked his car in his driveway, June got out and took a deep breath to smell the fresh, crisp lake air. When she opened her eyes, she knew that Sidney was already looking over at her, smiling. “Nothing like it, eh?” he asked.
“Nothing like it,” she repeated. “I thank God every day you built this house on this lake.”
Sidney knew she felt that way – she repeated similar sentiments every summer when he came back home. But because he hadn’t seen her so long – longer than usual, at least – he felt like teasing her. Just a little bit. “Even better than that apartment you had in Toronto with the view of the CN Tower?”
June shot him a look. “Don’t start,” she tried to be serious but couldn’t stop the smirk growing on her face. The only reason why she was smiling was because the “view of the CN Tower” was quite literally a reflection of the CN Tower on the glass of the neighbouring skyscraper. It had been her first ‘big girl’ apartment in the city and, even if she lived in it only for a year, it was hers and only hers. “I loved that place. You did too! The one time you visited.”
“Sorry. I was kind of busy playing hockey.”
“You don’t say,” she rolled her eyes. “When are you not?”
Sid stuck his tongue out at her. “Come on. Let’s go.”
June was an expert finding her way around Sid’s kitchen. She unpacked the groceries and got out the required pots and pans needed before beginning to cook. Sidney took out two plates, some cutlery, and glasses before setting them on the counter near June’s work station and starting up the coffee machine. He watched as she prepared the toast, fried the bacon, and poached the eggs. He took it upon himself to slice the avocados. It was all very…domestic. Very them. They’d done this at the beginning of every summer after he started in the NHL, win or lose, and this year was no different. There was something so methodical, but also pleasant, about their routines. Being familiar and having a routine wasn’t a bad thing, Sidney thought, especially since it brought such a calming effect to him.
When breakfast was ready, June grabbed her plate. “We’re eating in the gym,” Sidney said suddenly.
“The g…oh Sid,” June mused, knowing exactly why he wanted to go eat in his gym. “Sid, come on. Let’s eat at the table.”
“Gym, please.”
June couldn’t say no to him. Usually, this request happened a bit later – at least a week or two after he got home, not the day after. Regardless, she digressed, and followed him through the house until they arrived at the aforementioned gym – the place Sidney could really think. Think about his life. Think about his future. Think about his career. He would put up pictures of the captain of the Stanley Cup winning team as motivation for him to get back to that place – the place he so desperately wanted to get back to at least one more time.
They created a makeshift table and chairs using most of the box jumps in the gym. Sidney let June get a couple of bites in – toast topped with sliced avocado, poached eggs, and sriracha sauce for her; toast topped with sliced avocado, bacon, and poached eggs for him – before he began to let everything out. “I hate how this season ended,” he said, taking the third forkful of his own breakfast.
Sidney rolled his eyes. “Because it was the New York fucking Islanders,” he grimaced. He sounded pained when he said their name; June understood. They weren’t exactly very high on her NHL-teams-she-knew-about-besides-the-Penguins-that-she-didn’t-mind list. “We can beat them. We have beat them. And we should have beaten them in the series. I just don’t know where we went wrong – where I went wrong. Why I couldn’t do it, you know? I just…I just couldn’t do it this time around.”
Sidney hated to lose – June knew that. He was the most competitive athlete she knew, besides maybe his friend Nathan, who used to absolutely fucking lose it whenever he lost in certain things (Sidney told her he started going to therapy for that, which she was happy to hear). “You can’t put it all on your shoulders…you know that. I’ve told you that for years. You can’t win all the time, Sid. It’s not just up to you and only you. Hockey is a team effort. It’s not all on your shoulders and it never has been. I’m sure Kris and Geno tell you that all the time, too.”
“Yeah, well…” he didn’t want to accept what he needed to accept.
June could read the look in his eye. She could read him like a book, really, so she knew exactly what was going through his mind when he said those words, in that tone, with that face. “You want to win one more, don’t you?” she asked.
He looked at her. “Of course I do.”
“Because you still have it in you.”
“Because I still have it in me.”
“Because the three Stanley Cups championships, two Art Ross trophies, two Harts, three Ted Lindsays—”
“—Hold on, I’m not done – two Rocket Richards, and two Conn Smythes just aren’t enough for you?” she giggled.
It caused Sid to laugh too. “You know what I mean, Junebug.”
She smiled wryly after she stuffed some avocado in her mouth. “I bet it’s because you want to win another Emmy.”
“Oh, Junebug!” he grimaced, laughing but covering his face with his hands out of complete embarrassment. “Stop bringing up the Emmy!”
“No. Shan’t,” she shook her head playfully. “But in all seriousness Sid, I do know what you mean. I—listen, I know you have it in you. I know you do. You play the game unlike anyone before you or after you. If you think you’ve got another one in you, then I think you’ve got another one in you, too. I believe in you even more than you believe in yourself.”
I believe in you even more than you believe in yourself. They were words that had been said to each other throughout their 30-year friendship; words repeated at almost every stage of life and career. I believe in you even more than you believe in yourself. They were words that ignited a fire in the other; words that reminded the other of not only just everything they’d been through, but everything they were yet to accomplish. And because they knew each other in a way that nobody else did, it really was the ultimate show of confidence in the other. Not that they ever doubted the other. “Thank you, Junebug.”
“Any time, Sid. I know you’d do and say the same thing to me if I was still dancing.”
Sidney nodded his head. He would. He remembered back to when she was dancing – as one of the principal dancers at the National Ballet of Canada – and he’d say it to her all the time. Whenever a new season was upon her and they’d have their classic three-hour long phone calls to one another; when she had to learn a new ballet and new character that tested her physical and acting abilities. I believe in you even more than you believe in yourself. If she was able to list all the awards he’d won in his NHL career as easily as she did earlier, he would be able to recite, verbatim, all the praise she’d gotten in her career as a ballerina. A book could be published with every glowing thing that was said about her. Both of them didn’t get to where they were – or, at least, where they had been – by accident. “How’s your mom?” he asked.
June shrugged. “She’s fine, I guess.”
“You haven’t seen her? Or visited?”
“Is she still with Dominic?”
“Of course,” June replied. “They’d never divorce. Well – at least – she’d never divorce him. I don’t think he’d ever divorce her either – it’d be too much of a hassle. Too much money involved.”
Sidney remembered being told about Miss Hockley moving to Newfoundland when he and June were sixteen years old. It had happened while they were both away. Sidney had heard from his mom. It came as a shock to June – the move, at least, not the marriage. Miss Hockley had married a pretty successful businessman from Newfoundland named Dominic Carson and moved to a beautiful house just outside of St. John’s. Her move meant that June had to spend her last summer in Halifax – before moving to Toronto full-time – sleeping on a cot in Taylor’s room since she refused to spend the summer in Newfoundland.
Sidney had distinct memories of Miss Hockley growing up. She was…a different kind of mother, to say the least. She was so unlike Trina that sometimes a young Sidney would wonder how Miss Hockley was even a mom. She treated June so differently than how Trina treated him or Taylor. Even as a kid, Sid knew there were different kinds of moms and dads, but Miss Hockley was the most different.
Sidney usually watched Saturday morning cartoons at his own house, on his own couch, with his own special cup with milk. But dad was working this weekend, and mom was working at the grocery store, which meant that Sidney had to watch Saturday morning cartoons with June and Miss Hockley in the basement where they lived. While he was comfy on the couch beside June, it still wasn’t his house. It still wasn’t his couch. It still wasn’t his own special cup. Sidney found it odd that he was allowed to have blueberry pancakes and a hardboiled egg for breakfast but June could only have carrots.
When he asked Miss Hockley why June was eating carrots, Miss Hockey’s voice was firm. “It’s for ballet, Sidney.”
“Can she have some blueberry pancakes like me?”
“No, she can’t.”
June never told him she was allergic to blueberries. Or pancakes for that matter. In fact, he distinctly remembered June eating a bowl of blueberries at his house and getting them all over her mouth and fingers. Sidney’s face scrunched up, confused by it all. If she wasn’t allergic, why couldn’t she have any? “Can I give her some of my—”
“No, Sidney,” Miss Hockley was adamant, her voice even more stern than before. “June doesn’t get any blueberry pancakes.”
“But why n—”
“—June doesn’t get blueberry pancakes because of ballet,” Miss Hockley tried to explain. “She’s not going to become big and strong like you and play hockey. Ballet isn’t the same as hockey. If June wants to be beautiful, June has to eat carrots for breakfast and not pancakes.”
June wasn’t saying anything, didn’t say anything until Miss Hockley asked if they were all settled and told them she was going to go do her hair in the bathroom. Once the door closed and June heard the hairdryer turn on, she looked at Sidney. “Mommy wants me to be nice and skinny. I mean—when I become a ballet dancer, I have to be nice and skinny. I can’t be big and bulky,” she said. “That’s why I have to eat carrots.”
Sidney felt bad that June had to eat only carrots. Trina would make him oatmeal with dinosaur eggs in it, toast with peanut butter, and sometimes even bacon. He wondered what her other breakfasts were like if, on Saturdays, she could only have carrots. Those other breakfasts must have been so boring, too. “Do you want to have a bite?”
“No, it’s okay.”
“Are you sure? I won’t tell your mom.”
Sidney watched as June thought about the proposal. They did look good. And her mom would never know. Before she knew it, she was nodding her head. Sidney picked up one of his pancakes by hand and held it out to her. He watched as she took a small bite. Almost immediately, he watched as a large smile appeared on her face. “Mmmmm, that’s good!” she exclaimed.
“My mom can make you blueberry pancakes if you come over for breakfast at my house,” Sidney assured her. “And I’m sure she’ll keep the secret from your mom, too.”
“She doesn’t ask you to, like, go and see her or anything?” Sidney asked. “My parents are already asking if I can go over for dinner tonight.”
June shook her head. “You know how my mom is,” she said, her voice ever so slightly on edge. “She’s…she’s not like Trina. Never has been, never will be. I came to terms with that a long time ago.”
Sidney understood. The last way he – or anybody – would describe Miss Hockley was ‘just like Trina Crosby’. “I’m sorry to bring it up, Junebug.”
“You don’t have to apologize, Sid. I know you ask with the best intentions. It’s just never going to be normal between her and I, so I have to make sure I visit only when it’s absolutely necessary.”
Sidney nodded. Nothing was normal between June and her mom, that was for sure. He always felt bad that their relationship was the way it was. “Well, regardless, want to come to my parents’ for dinner tonight?”
A soft smile appeared on June’s face. “I thought you’d never ask.”
Early the same evening, Sidney and June drove back into Halifax and straight into the driveway of the now-famous house in Cole Harbour. To both Sidney and June, the house was home. June didn’t think she knew of a warmer place than the Crosby house, and it was all because of the people who lived in it. She’d never loved a place more – not the basement apartment where she grew up, not any apartment in Toronto that she lived in, not even the apartment she was in now, and she loved her apartment. There was just something so special and so familiar about the Crosby’s house that affected her in ways she couldn’t describe.
The second June walked through the door, just a step behind Sidney who’d joked “Look what the cat dragged in” to Trina, June was engulfed in a hug. Typical of the Crosby household. “How have you been, June?” Trina asked as she rubbed June’s back.
“Good. Busy. You know how busy this time of year can get for me,” June replied with a smile.
“Of course. How could I forget? Auditions, right?”
“Sid, your dad’s out back on the barbeque,” Trina said quickly before focusing her attention back on June. “I’m guessing you two were at the house this morning.”
“Where else would we be?” Sidney countered playfully as he walked by his mom and his best friend. “Where’s Taylor?”
“Showering,” Trina said quickly, refocusing on June once again. “Any standouts this year? Any dancers as good as you?”
June couldn’t help but blush. “Stop buttering me up, Trina.”
“I’ll butter you up all I want, kiddo. There was nobody as good as you.”
Conversation flowed naturally between Trina and June, and when Taylor came downstairs, wet hair twisted into a bun, she added to the conversation seamlessly, asking about the auditions and scholarships and process of it all. When Sidney and Troy came back in with the grilled meat and vegetables on their platters, June and Taylor quickly set the table. Everybody sat at their spots. They passed around the food. The simplicity of it all, the naturalness (because they’d done this thousands of times), the fact that nobody bat an eyelash – it was what June loved most.
June didn’t have to be Juniper Brooks around the Crosbys, and that’s what she loved most of all. There was no pretentiousness with them; no airs or graces that they had to put on. In a career where she dressed up in characters, took on personas, and performed as somebody else for hours on end, June loved how she could be herself.
Sidney looked at June beside him, smiling at something Taylor had said. Her smile made him smile.
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most true part of Canadian Bacon is when Honey (who literally lives in a city on the US-Canada border) still literally thinks the capital of Canada is Toronto.
(second most true part is that exchange rate joke because the US-CAN exchange rate will never not suck absolute ass)
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cyarsk52-20 · 1 year
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Tory Lanez stans WHERE U AT?? y’all’s harassment of thee stallion is literally being used to argue he should get 13 years.
While you whine that the justice system is persecuting Yosemite Sam just remember YOU IDIOTS are the reason he’s gon rot for the next decade. As much as I’m going to say to hell with yall for causing meg to go through all this emotional trauma by sucking that abusers Canadian bacon I should thank you cause you hyped that sociopath up and now he’s going to suffer. Thank you and screw ya very much #FAFO
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me-and-your-husband · 2 years
So I had misread your original post and thought you were asking to send blurbs for you to read about not writing. So sorry!! But if you do still want to write something I wouldn't mind Joel x reader, please. 💕
honestly, i should've been more specific in that post 😭 seriously i am so out of it. 10+ hours today of this stupid inquiry report for class + a nasty cold + like 3hrs of sleep is probably not my favourite mix
upon further inspection, i should've been able to tell that it was a blurb to read. i should've been able to deduce that from literally the first sentence...once again, unbearably out of it. that was my first blurb that someone actually sent in for me to read + respond to!! i'm actually kind of excited about it. let me respond to it here:
"Here is a blurb for you—the morning after your first-time sleeping together, breakfast in bed, made by Joel. The man can't cook, but you would still eat anything he made you because it's his way of showing he cares about you. Ellie, however, would fucking make you a gourmet meal. Complete with fresh fruit and heart-shaped pancakes. All in a no-outbreak setting. 💕"
you're so right on this. responding to the joel bit first, all of the pancakes he made are somehow burned. he has no maple syrup (im canadian so i take this shit SERIOUSLY. personal offence). he cannot crack an egg for the LIFE of him, but he tries nonetheless. the bacon is either burnt or raw. the only thing he can make well is coffee, and damn is it good. he ends up just taking you to a cute little café and treats you there. he can't help but gaze at your morning-after-glow and start making plans with you for the rest of your lives in the back of his head.
ellie. sweet, wonderful ellie. she comes out of NOWHERE with gordon ramsay's talent and skill. she diced up some hash browns with immaculate spices. she makes the most delectable french toast ever, drizzles it in the perfect syrup, putting berries on top. my mouth is actually watering to think about it. her eggs are perfect, and she can make them in any and every style. she wants to go all out, showing you how much she wants you in her life, more than just what you did last night. her love language is acts of service tell me i'm wrong.
i'm finally going to bed, but there'll be another joel drabble out in the morning...
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starvedlady0219 · 1 year
So I've decided to just eat normal today (healthy, of course!). It's been 2 weeks and I've not lost any weight even after fasting for 20 hrs everyday 🙃 and having ONE day of normal eating (binge). Hopefully this breaks my plateau!
Update 1: First meal was lunch and it went sort of ok, I couldn't eat much.
My bf and I ordered from this breakfast place for the first time. It had really good reviews, and everything in the menu is made from local farms, so everything is organic. I ordered an English muffin with 2 pouch eggs, Canadian bacon topped with hollandise sauce and a side of crispy hashbrowns. Also, the best chai tea I've ever had!
I couldn't eat much before staring to feel full and super disgusted. I literally gagged when trying to take my last bite. I basically just had one egg, half an English muffin, and 2 bites of the hashbrowns before feeling disgusted and wanting to throw up. I didn't eat the canadian bacon cause biting into meat grosses me out. I fed the other egg to the dog, and my boyfriend finished the rest.
Even when I try to re-feed, my body literally rejects food! And my stomach has definitely shrunk at this point. I get so full with so little food.
This is a picture of what I had. I should've taken an after pic, but I forgot. I'm trying to take before and after pics of every meal.
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mediawhorefics · 2 years
hi marie! what's your favorite food? hope you're having a good day x
oh, i love a good stir fry! i will fry veggies and eat them with rice or noodle all day, every day. i've also been super obsessed with cauliflower lately, esp. as a chicken substitute. like fake cauliflower chicken wings?? *chef kiss* cauliflower mac & cheese ? that's hot. i'm not vegetarian or vegan but cauliflower recipes go so hard. ghost brocoli, you are the love of my life etc etc. it's not healthy, but i love a good breakfast sandwich for lunch. let me fry some bacon in maple syrup and put some hot sauce on some eggs, one slice of cheese and some avocado in there? that truly is heaven. i love a good salad too. lots of veggies, some nuts, a couple of slices of granny smith apples and a balsamic vinegar vinaigrette? is there anything better in this world? when i was a kid, i hated breakfast food, so my mom would make me salads in the morning to eat lmao. still not a toast or cereal fan tbh. if i have breakfast at all, it's a banana, spinach & peanut butter smoothie. i really love spicy food in general too? like, make me cry with that shit idc. i will eat it and enjoy it while simultaneously suffering. i love anything with garlic. i could literally just eat garlic bread as a full meal, i love it so much. that's one of my ultimate lazy meals actually. which... not the greatest of choices in terms of a balanced diet, but sometimes you're sad and there's not much in the fridge, yk? i could also eat basil leaves like crisps, i'm so unhinged about that. i love anything with cilantro and i feel so sad for people who have the cilantro as soap gene thing cause y'all are missing out. popcorn is probably my favourite snack. i worked in a movie theatre for ten years and everyone i worked with got sick of the smell, sick of eating it, but not me. never. i could eat popcorn every day. i don't, but i coud. idk if it's because i love going to the movies that much or if it's just that good but.... i can't buy nutella, or whatever other brands there is, because i will eat it like pudding. it's dangerous so i don't even tempt myself. i love apple desserts? apple crumble? apple pie? apple turnovers? all of it. most importantly, i'm canadian so i love poutine and i sweeten EVERYTHING with maple syrup. fuck sugar, who needs that ??
god, it's 6pm and i haven't eaten today yet, can you tell????? why am i writing you a novel about food djfknvdfjkk
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