#literally courferre
here's the thing. I don't ship Courferre. But I do think they tried. I think Courf is in love with Combeferre, even after they break up. Part of why they broke up, in my opinion, is that Ferre has this annoying superiority complex [based in both canon and projection] that makes him kinda the worst.
Because I dont think Ferre amd Courf have the same political views [ferre is an anarchist, courf is a Marxist] Combeferre is insufferable at times. He preaches left unity (jokes about his relationship being praxis) but gets on his high horse about anarchism over Marxism.
I don't think this is the oy reason they didn't work out but it's part of it.
Combeferre/Enjolras don't have this same problem for a couple reasons. First, I headcanon Enj as a slightly different shade of Anarchist (An-Com to ferres An-Synd) which heavily reduces the chance for Ferre to be an ass. Second, I think Ferre sees Enj as someone to learn from [in my big long ferre/Marius fic I reference the fact that ferre was pro-life until he met enjolras at the age of 22-ish]
I just think these three have such an amazingly complicated dynamic I wanna talk about it forever
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autumnalmess · 5 months
can i pls hear about Anarchical scoffer (over by the printers) 🙏🏻🙏🏻
RIGHT this one might be my favorite of them all
The title is, of course, from the brick (bar the obvious part):
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It's a funny, fairly lighthearted, modern era fic set in a nondescript office where nobody knows what on earth they actually do (think the office, think the thick of it but with less politics).
This is where the Amis (bar Grantaire) work their survival jobs (a job someone does to earn money whilst they work towards the thing they actually want to do e.g. proper activism, setting up an organization). And it's completely inspired by the fact that today if you finished higher education after moving away from your family, even with a fairly wealthy background, with the cost of rent and housing prices in the city, it would near bankrupt you if you tried to organize large-scale activism on top of it. So there's no way the Amis would be able to just amble about jobless. THUS, wouldn't it be just fucking hilarious if they worked in a completely depressing office to get by.
Enjolras argues with his manager at least four times a week, jehan doesn't understand the concept of a dress code, and bossuet has no fucking idea how to work the photocopier.
Grantaire just stumbles in one day, pisses off Enjolras in the break room, and leaves as if he hasn't just thrown Enjolras into a possibly life-altering grump that no one can seem to work out the cause of. Hint, it's gay.
This fic is all the relationships ever. It's so enjoltaire, so courferre, so possibly courfius, so JBM, so Jehan doesn't even have to try to get bitches, and literally anything else you want, it's whatever
Of course there's angst, of course there's drama, but most of all it's just a riot (pun x)
Have a snippet:
“Besides,” Courfeyrac was saying, clattering through the shelf of mugs for the one with his name on it, “how do you not have a boyfriend? You're pretty enough.” Enjolras shrugged, sipping his tea. Courfeyrac watched him for a moment, considering. Then a dangerous glint alighted in his eye and a smirk slipped across his lips.
“Or was that him just now?” He said, raising an eyebrow suggestively. Enjolras almost inhaled his tea. “Wh- hold on a minute!” he spluttered. But, marking Enjolras’ stammering, Courfeyrac was already leaping to his own conclusions. Before Enjolras could struggle through a sentence detailing how ‘not what it looks like’ the situation was, Courfeyrac’s face split into a grin. “Oh my God, was that actually him?!” he said, craning his neck to peer down the corridor, as if Grantaire's retreating form would somehow still be visible. “Alright, first of all,” Enjolras was saying very seriously, tugging Courfeyrac by his sleeve away from the doorway, “I literally just saw him for the first time ever today, and it was for less than two minutes-” “You're actually blushing!” Courfeyrac gazed at him in amazement. “I'm- I'm not!” cried Enjolras indignantly. Alas. He was. Courfeyrac gave an odd shriek and traipsed off down the corridor towards the rest of his colleagues, with Enjolras in hot pursuit. “Courfeyrac! You better not bring this in there, or-!” But before Enjolras could describe – in hideous detail – all manner of death threats he could clearly never pull off, the door to the main office was flung open, and fifty-odd pairs of eyes floated up from their computers with vague curiosity. The whole room was wrapped in an unnerving hush, broken only by the sound of clattering keyboards, studious muttering, and the ringing and answering of phones. Enjolras shut his mouth abruptly, furious at the way his face would not cool down from the conspicuous pink it had adopted. He was absently aware of Courfeyrac’s amused gawking, and the way his mouth quirked with stifled giggles. “I have never seen you like this!” Courfeyrac murmured in amazement, shaking his head ever so slightly. “You're completely blushing!” Enjolras glared daggers at him and muttered through gritted teeth, “No. Shut up. Don't fucking-” “Who's blushing?” Musichetta interrupted, appearing beside them, bored by her strenuous day of playing solitaire and filing her nails. “Enjolras,” Courfeyrac said smugly, and loudly enough that at least ten of the nearest desks could hear him. Enjolras wanted to burn the place to the ground. It seemed – from the heat of his face – that his body might be trying to do just that. Joly glanced up from his desk, the one nearest the door, his eyebrows creased in confusion. “So he is. I've not seen you blush before, Enjolras.” “Did he see a really big spreadsheet?” Feuilly asked with a smirk. If he hadn’t respected him so much, Enjolras would have shot Feuilly a murderous look. “It was a boy,” said Courfeyrac, putting on an air of nonchalance that almost hid how utterly thrilled he was to be the one to convey the news. “Look, it was not like tha-” Enjolras began, but was rudely interrupted by the enormous clatter of Combeferre dropping the handset of his telephone onto the table. More eyes glanced up from their workstations. Combeferre had adopted a frankly comical expression – eyes wide and horrified, nose scrunched in disbelief. “You…what?!” He stage-whispered, blinking in bewilderment. “Because of-...?” Courfeyrac – because he was a good boyfriend, and apparently also because he wanted Enjolras to suffer – read Combeferre's mind and finished his sentence with a smug little giggle. “Because of a boy…” he nodded solemnly, biting his lips to contain his grin.
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I know I don't post on here as much as I used to but hear me out. Les mis / nerdy prudes must die AU except it's literally just Courferre singing If I loved you. is that anything.
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courfee · 1 year
ur tags about the fic commenting were literally exactly what I thought of too like most of the fics ive read are les mis but it's a perfectly accurate statement because if hugo WAS into les mis hed write courferre kissing too
Ahhh see, as your local leader of the courf/jehan agenda i would quite like to disagree with you on this last point but also it's victor hugo. He probably would...
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Hey Malloy what do you mean unauthorized les mis sequel where Enjolras gets pregnant. What is that why does it exist and where do I find it
hi soph so i just finished typing a rant in a reblog replying to someone else questioning this in the tags and i am NOT writing another synopsis of that so im just copy pasting sorry for the bad formatting 💀💀💀
#prev hi lol i was lucky to read it on ao3 before the author took it down to publish it and OH BOY#enj and r survived the barricades and enj was a trans man and r got him pregnant so they felt kinda obligated to get married (yikes)#but dont worry (do worry actually) they fell in love eventually (yikes) so the fic/book actually begins with courf and ferre (also survived#finding enj after 8 years and learning that they have two kids and another on the way?? (oh my god) courf and ferre reentering his life#has enj realize some deep feelings of dissatisfaction he has because while he loves his family combeferre is convinced that enj is not mean#to be a father (yikes) and that he belongs out there. thats the basic premise and yeah it is indeed an Experience
#again enj loves his kids but he has some sort of weird almost resentment towards them? 💀 and also grantaire almost becomes abusive (yikes)#yeah enj is SO unfit for parenthood that he legit gives one of his daughters to courferre to raise because he doesnt want her. yeah.#exr were so ooc like. yikes. and yeah in canon they WOULDNT be parents so the whole thing was just kinda painful to read sometimes
#there were other issues i think but i dont remember much because it was a while ago but whatever literally a bad fic that got published#its not in print anymore though as far as i know…? hmm#OH YEAH HE ALSO WROTE A SEQUEL WITH THEIR KIDS AS ADULTS#licherally unlocked memories while typing this out
again i dont know if its in print so idk where to find it but it was chasing a ghost (and its sequel was chasing a legacy) by d.a. ravenscroft if u wanna look
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Why am I so pretentious and Like This I get into a fandom, any fandom and then after like 3 weeks of enjoying the main pairing I'll run away and come back with my Hipster Pairing that enough people ship for me to have content but which isn't the Main Pairing and I'll latch onto that like a dog with a bone and just gnaw on it and how the symbolism is so sexy or whatever like why do I always do that?
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fruity-pontmercy · 3 years
When I said Courfeyrac was a Mariah stan, this is what I meant btw 
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alipopsie · 6 years
literally nobody: I love the june rebellion but I wish it was gayer
victor hugo: I gotchu fam ;)
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cinaedeath · 7 years
Okay so my phone does this thing and, basically, when I download a song, I have 30% chances there'll be a random picture as a background. For no reason.
So last night I started downloading les mis songs in dutch, Hungarian and Japanese because what the hell not and
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All my les Mis songs have my lgbt pride picture
I shit you not this is the best thing that's ever happened to me
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kjack89 · 3 years
37, pls!
In a shocking turn of events, no ship was listed, and I did not default to E/R!
...well, they still feature, but...
37. "Paper Rings" by Taylor Swift.
Established Courferre, with a side helping of E/R, modern AU. Mostly fluff with some misunderstandings. The good stuff.
“Is it the ‘to be free’ thing?” Marius asked, propping his chin on his hand.
Combeferre blinked owlishly from his phone up at him, glancing over his shoulder to make sure that Marius was talking to him and not literally any other person. But he and Marius were the only ones in the café, and he looked back at him, his brow furrowing. “Excuse me?”
Marius blushed slightly but continued doggedly onward. “Look, I know you and I don’t really, uh, talk—”
“Not so much, no,” Combeferre agreed in an undertone.
“—But, uh, as Courfeyrac’s best friend—” Combeferre arched an eyebrow and Marius hastily amended, “I mean, uh, as one of Courfeyrac’s best friends, I feel like I have an obligation to inquire after your motives.”
Combeferre took a sip of his coffee before asking, “You know I have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about, right?”
Marius’s blush deepened, and he gnawed on his bottom lip before apparently deciding to change tacks. “How long have you and Courfeyrac been dating?”
Combeferre blinked before glancing down at his watch. “Two years, four months, six days, zero hours and about one minute.” He cocked his head slightly. “Give or take.”
“Was the zero really necessary?” Marius asked with a sigh before shaking his head. “You know what, don’t answer that.” He gave Combeferre a pointed look. “And how long have you been in love with Courfeyrac?”
It was Combeferre’s turn to blush, hating any reminder of how stupidly obvious he’d been to everyone except, apparently, the man in question. “A bit longer than that,” he muttered.
Marius looked momentarily satisfied. “And you know that Courfeyrac’s loved you for almost as long, right?”
“Of course.”
“So then why haven’t you taken the next step?” Marius asked.
Combeferre just stared at him. “Marius, I’m not sure how to tell you this, but Courfeyrac and I have had sex. Many, many, many times. Including before we started officially dating.”
Marius huffed a sigh and rolled his eyes. “I know that,” he snapped, scowling.
“Ok, so then what—”
“Why haven’t you asked him to marry you?”
Combeferre immediately choked on an ill-timed sip of coffee and busied himself with mopping up the mess he’d made, mostly to give himself time to come up with some kind of answer. He could feel Marius watching him closely, and thankfully, after what felt like the longest minute of Combeferre’s life, Marius sighed and stood. “Well,” he said, “just thought you might want to give it some thought. As one of Courfeyrac’s best friends, anyway.”
With that, he left, and Combeferre stopped pretending to get nonexistent coffee out of his shirt, instead sitting and staring off into space and wondering just what, exactly, he was supposed to do now.
He went to Enjolras and Grantaire’s.
He let himself in without knocking, carefully balancing the drink carrier with three cups of coffee. “You two better not be doing anything untoward,” he called as he closed the door behind him. “Because I am in crisis mode.”
Enjolras glanced up from where he was reading the newspaper on the couch. “Define ‘untoward’,” he said, a little dryly, reaching out to accept the cup of coffee from Combeferre. “Since I’m assuming you picked up on using that particular word from Courfeyrac, I’ll also assume you mean something sexual, and obviously, we are not.”
“Speak for yourself,” Grantaire said as he padded into the room wearing nothing but a towel. “I could’ve been doing anything in the shower, but I smelled coffee, so.”
He took a cup from Combeferre and dropped a kiss on the top of Enjolras’s head before returning to the bedroom to assumedly get dressed. Enjolras rolled his eyes affectionately before looking back at Combeferre. “So, crisis mode,” he said mildly. “Whose ass do I need to kick?”
Combeferre scowled as he sank down on the couch. “Pontmercy,” he said sourly. “He had the gall to come to the café this morning to ask me why I haven’t asked Courfeyrac to marry me.”
“Ah,” Enjolras said, fiddling with the lid of his coffee cup. “And what did you tell him?”
Combeferre shrugged. “Nothing, really,” he admitted, drawing a hand across his face. “Which he probably took as an answer in and of itself.”
“Was it an answer?” Enjolras asked, and Combeferre looked sharply. “I mean, he’s not entirely wrong. You and Courfeyrac are kind of at that point.”
Combeferre groaned, tilting his head back against the couch. “Not you, too.”
Enjolras just shrugged. “Look, marriage has worked out wonderfully for me and Grantaire —”
“You two got drunkenly married in Las Vegas when you were supposed to be at a conference and Grantaire was supposed to be here,” Combeferre pointed out. “It’s not exactly the same thing.”
“True, but it worked out for us nonetheless.”
Combeferre sighed. “Because you two idiots are meant to be together.”
Enjolras raised an eyebrow. “And you and Courfeyrac aren’t?”
Combeferre scowled again. “I didn’t say that.”
Enjolras looked at him closely for a moment before asking, somewhat hesitantly “Are you against marriage in general? Don’t get me wrong, it is an exceedingly flawed system, and don’t get me started on how asinine it is that benefits are tied to marriage, and definitely do not get me started on how disabled people are essentially barred from marriage in order to keep their own benefits, and—”
Combeferre cleared his throat. “Enjolras, the only one getting you started is you.”
“Right. Sorry.” Enjolras shook his head before asking, “But is that it? Do you just not want to get married? Because there really is nothing wrong with that.”
“Honestly, I don’t know,” Combeferre said before taking a swig of his own coffee. “But regardless, it’s more than that. Marriage is about bringing two lives together, and…” He trailed off. “And I guess you just need to make sure both parties want those two lives brought together.”
Enjolras frowned. “So you think that Courfeyrac doesn’t want that?”
Combeferre shook his head. “No,” he said, somewhat reluctantly. “At least, I think he thinks he wants that.” Enjolras’s frown deepened, and Combeferre shook his head again, standing up. “Honestly, I think there’s someone else I need to talk to about this.”
“Like who?”
Combeferre took a deep breath, already dreading the words that were about to come out of his mouth. “I think I need to talk to Grantaire.”
Combeferre knocked on the bedroom door and opened the door just enough to ask, “Are you decent?”
“Never,” Grantaire told him from where he was lounging on the bed, thankfully fully clothed. “But I am dressed, if that’s what you mean.”
Combeferre let himself into the room and closed the door after him. “So, uh, I was hoping we could talk.”
Grantaire’s eyes narrowed. “About what?”
“Courfeyrac,” Combeferre said honestly. “And why I haven’t proposed yet.”
“That’s a hell of a subject for this early in the morning,” Grantaire remarked. “What brought this about?”
Combeferre sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed. “Not so much what as who,” he hedged. “Marius asked me.”
“Enjolras will kill him,” Grantaire said instantly.
Combeferre laughed lightly and shook his head. “He was just trying to be a good friend to Courfeyrac. Or something like that.”
Grantaire rolled over to grab his phone off of the nightstand before sitting up. “So Marius asked you about your plans for marriage, and this has sent you into an existential tailspin because…?” he prompted.
Combeferre managed a wry smile. “What makes you think it’s an existential tail spin?”
“Because you must be truly desperate if you’re coming to talk to me about it.”
Combeferre considered that for a moment. “Fair enough.”
Grantaire leveled a look at him. “So, ask me what you want to ask me. I can’t promise I won’t go off on several tangents in answering, but you knew that risk when you came in here.”
Combeferre just nodded slowly, trying to figure out the best way to ask what he wanted to. Of course, what he ended up asking was anything but. “Does it bother you that Enjolras makes more money than you?”
For a moment, Grantaire just stared at him. Then, without warning, he let out a noise that may have been a hastily smothered cackle. “I’m sorry, have you met Enjolras? Enjolras is unemployed. Enjolras does not make money. Enjolras, in fact, loses money on a daily basis which I would know because I’m the one who manages Enjolras’s money because he’s rather pretend it doesn’t exist. To that end, Enjolras’s money, namely his trust fund, is employed in the capitalist stock market that he loathes. Enjolras’s money makes money. So no, it doesn’t bother me. It does bother him, but I’m less concerned.”
Combeferred scowled. “I’m being serious.”
Grantaire met his glare evenly. “So am I. Do you think being financially secure for the first time in my adult life is something that I lose sleep over?” He shrugged, seemingly unconcernedly. “So if that’s why you thought that I was the person to talk to about this…”
Combeferre sighed. “It’s not,” he said, before frowning and adding, “Well, it’s part of it, but it’s more…” He fiddled with the duvet before blurting, “Do you ever feel like Enjolras settled for you?”
“Of course,” Grantaire said immediately, and when Combeferre did a double take, he gave him a small, sharp smile. “He looks like a fucking Greek god and I look like a gargoyle on a good day. Not to mention he’s rich, and smart, and could have probably anyone he wanted.”
“Yeah. I know what you mean,” Combeferre muttered.
Grantaire’s expression softened. “But the problem with that is that, whether I think he lost his mind or not, who he wants is me.” He shrugged. :And probably for good reason, because let’s be honest, he could have anyone he wanted, but he would not be able to keep anyone besides me. No one else would put up with his shit the way I do.”
Combeferre laughed dryly. “Well, you may not be wrong about that.”
“So that’s what this is about?” Grantaire asked. “You think that Courfeyrac is settling for you?”
Combeferre shrugged. “Something like that, I guess,” he muttered. “He’s just…well, he’s Courfeyrac. And unlike Enjolras who could have anyone, Courfeyrac has had everyone. And even if he seems happy, at the end of the day, I’m a philosophy professor at a state school with student loans that at this rate, I will die with.” His bitterness bubbled up before he could stop it. “And not even tenure track! I’m a fucking adjunct!”
Grantaire nodded slowly. “Not exactly a catch.”
“Not so much,” Combeferre said heavily. “And it feels…I don’t know, selfish of me to want to trap Courfeyrac in this life with me when he has so many other options.”
“Even if he doesn’t want the other options?” Grantaire asked softly.
Combeferre jerked a shrug, not meeting Grantaire’s eyes. “He doesn’t want them right now. But that doesn’t mean he won’t one day. And at the end of the day, I can’t give Courfeyrac the life he wants.”
“You don’t need to.” Grantaire said the words calmly but Combeferre still looked sharply at him. “Courfeyrac can give himself the life he wants. If – and this is a big if – that’s even the life he wants.”
“So what’s my role in this, then?” Combeferre asked skeptically. “I’m just, what, a sugar baby along for the ride?”
“Baby, I’ve called you many things, but I’ve never in a million years thought of you as my sugar baby,” Courfeyrac said from the doorway, and Combeferre whirled around to stare at him.
Grantaire patted Combeferre on the knee before standing, grabbing his cup of coffee. “I’ll leave you both to it,” he said, air-kissing Courfeyrac’s cheek as he slid past him, closing the door after him.
“What are you doing here?” Combeferre asked, his mouth suddenly dry as he stared up at Courfeyrac.
“Grantaire texted me,” Courfeyrac told him, sitting down next to him on the bed. “Said that my former roommate had opened his big mouth and caused a bit of a kerfuffle.”
“You’re the only person in the world who can use the word ‘kerfuffle’ unironically,” Combeferre said with a short laugh.
“And Marius is the only person I know who makes a particular talent out of fellating his own foot,” Courfeyrac said dryly.
Combeferre snorted, resting his head on Courfeyrac’s shoulder. “Thank you so much for that mental image.”
Courfeyrac reached up automatically to run his fingers through Combeferre’s hair. “You’re welcome,” he said, with something like his usual cheerfulness, though it faded when he added, quietly, “You know, Marius doesn’t know what he’s talking about. And if he, I don’t know, gave you any kind of impression that I’m unhappy with where we are in our relationship—”
“He didn’t,” Combeferre assured him, sitting upright. “I know that if there was an actual issue, you’d come to me about it.” He hesitated before adding, “But he also gave me some things to think about.”
Courfeyrac nodded slowly, not quite meeting Combeferre’s eyes. “Look,” he said, his voice rough, “if this is the part of the conversation where you start talking about how you and I want different things from our future, can we maybe move this conversation elsewhere? I would prefer not to be sitting where Enjolras and Grantaire regularly fuck for this.”
Combeferre barked a laugh. “Bold of you to assume that they don’t regularlhy fuck on every surface in this apartment,” he said before reaching out to grab Courfeyrac’s hand. “And even bolder of you to assume that this conversation is heading anywhere remotely in that direction.”
“You’re not breaking up with me, then?”
Combeferre raised Courfeyrac’s hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to his palm. “Decidedly not.”
Courfeyrac grinned. “Good,” he said. “Because it would make this next part a little awkward if that was your plan.”
Without warning, he pulled his hand away from Combeferre’s to fumble in his pocket before getting down on one knee. Combeferre gaped at him as Courfeyrac opened the ring box he had pulled from his pocket to reveal the simple silver ring inside. “Combeferre, I love you. And I know that we still have some things to figure out, but I want us to figure them out together. The only thing that I care about is spending the rest of my life with you.”
But Courfeyrac didn’t let him interrupt. “I know that you think that because I enjoy comfort and pretty things that we want different lives, or that I’m somehow settling for you. But you’re the most comforting thing in my life. You’re who I want to come home to every night and who I want to wake up to every morning.” He paused before winking. “And it doesn’t hurt that you sure are pretty.”
Combeferre stared at him. “How do you know exactly what I was thinking?” he asked, somewhat doubtfully. “When I felt like I couldn’t even tell you…”
“Truthfully?” Courfeyrac half-smiled. “I could pretend that it’s just because I know you so well, but I’ve been here for a while and the walls in this place are not as thick as Grantaire and you both seemed to think.”
Combeferre shook his head slowly. “I don’t know what to say.”
“Well, it’s a yes/no question, so there’s really only two options. And not to pressure you but my knees are not what they used to be.” Combeferre shook his head again, but this time, he was smiling, and Courfeyrac smiled at him. “Seriously, though, I don’t know what gave you the impression that you aren’t, I don’t know, good enough or whatever, or that you need to give me any kind of life, but I love what you do for a living.” He paused before adding, a little pointedly, “And maybe I was looking forward to giving you the kind of life I think you deserve.”
Combeferre sighed. “So you think I’m being ridiculous.”
Courfeyrac shook his head, his brow furrowing. “Of course not. But I do think you got into your head when you should’ve just talked to me about it.” He gave him a measured look. “And for the record, I would still want to marry you if our only source of income was the pittance the university feels you and other adjuncts deserve.”
“Well when you put it like that,” Combeferre murmured, unable to stop the grin that spread across his face.
Courfeyrac grinned as well. “So is that a yes?”
Combeferre nodded. “Yes, absolutely yes, and I’m sorry—”
Courfeyrac cut him off the most effective way possible, by kissing him even as he slid the ring onto his finger. “Don’t,” he said fiercely when they broke apart just far enough to catch their breath. “You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. Just promise me that from here on out, we talk about it before you talk to Marius, and Enjolras, and Grantaire.”
Combeferre laughed breathlessly. “Marius and Grantaire I can do. I can’t make that promise about Enjolras.”
Courfeyrac rolled his eyes before considering it. “Fair enough, and I suppose we both deserve a somewhat neutral arbitrator.”
“I love you,” Combeferre told him, meaning every word more than he ever had.
Courfeyrac’s grin softened. “I love you, too,” he said, kissing him once more. “And I meant what I said – all I want in my life is you. And the only life I want is the one we build together. So in that regard, you’re the only one who can give me the life I want.”
Combeferre kissed him, a slow, deep kiss. “Well,” he murmured once more, not even trying to stop his stupid grin, “when you put it like that.”
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dameferre · 4 years
hello! if you have a tag just ignore this but do you have any zukka fic recs? i Know you have good taste and you're the only atla blogger i trust !
okay what a fucking honour holy shit?? idk what i did to deserve this but if i may i’d like to rec the fic and bloggers i trust
breakable heaven by @fruitysokka. if you liked my fic you’ll like hers, bc fun fact! haley and i share a single zukka writer brain and accidentally, without either of us having read the other’s fic, wrote like. a dozen near identical passages and elements. bh is just so fucking full of love it feels like your heart’s gonna explode sometimes but you’re honestly okay with it.
victory lap and literally anything else by @dickpuncher420 but specifically vl, 2022 winter olympics au with hockey player sokka aka my kryptonite and pair figure skater zuko. it’s got it all- perfectly researched and fleshed out jock shit, emotional depth, flirtatious antagonism from two assholes at the literal top of their game who are useless at everything else, just like. love and support and understanding up the wazoo, it’s so good please read it
feels like we only go backwards by @oldpotatoe i know everyone and their mother recs this fic but like. mostly through aggressive sobbing? and it’s over 100k? so it may seem daunting but do yourself a favour and read it. ruby does this thing where she perfectly balances comedy and devotion and heartbreaking angst and beautiful prose and some writing that’ll stick with you till your dying day
some other fics that i love but don’t know the authors as well include
sirens & sleepless nights by @satirewrites, which is a goddamn masterpiece. the fucking zukka blueprint. it’s hilarious, it’s suspenseful, it’s really just too damn good for words. i know i always say this but i cannot emphasize enough that this fic is so good i almost gave up writing zukka altogether
at the top of the world by @this-lady-of-the-flowers which is still a wip and hasn’t updated in a while but it’s so fucking worth the wait. the next chapter could come out on my death bed and i’d ask the angel sent to collect me to wait a sec while i caught up
and im gonna go ahead and preemptively rec anything written by @lesmiserablol / @bisexuallsokka who i’ve literally just realised are the same person because im fuckin dumb. i’ve read a few of their zukka fics and Loved them and am looking forward to reading my way through the rest lol ALSO we’re both courferre shippers so you know she has good taste. i trust her implicitly
& finally i’m currently reading blue by @hollypunkers which is a behemoth but so so fucking good it’s absolutely worth it. zuko actively restraining himself from murdering customers in the tea shop and keeping a piece of fabric from sokka’s fucking shirt on him at all times like ‘this is a totally normal and not at all meaningful thing to do with a scrap of fabric from someone i hate’. really deals with all the shit zuko’s internalised really well, as well
and you didn’t ask but on the note of atla bloggers i know & trust on the art side of things i’d be remiss if i didn’t point you in the direction of @bleekay and @sebsketchs
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I'll bite, number 9! :D
luv u anon xo
In an Age Without Heroes- ShitpostingfromtheBarricade- SERIOUSLY WHERE IS THE HYPE FOR THIS FIC???? Fresh out of prison Enjolras!!! Gloryhole soulmates via anonymous hook ups!!!! OPRAH!!!!!!! This fic is an absolute 10/10 and I have no idea why it hasn’t got more kudos. Go read. Right now.
Guided By A Beating Heart- torakowalski- pls excuse me while I lie on the floor and cry for a while. The best fic. I am taking everyone in this fic and wrapping them in a blanket and giving them snacks because god knows they need it
Meanwhile, A Glacier- standalone- another really cool fic with a really original concept which deserves WAY MORE HYPE!!! Les Amis as climate activists, Enj and R spend a few months climbing up the side of a mountain. I looked up photos of free climbers while reading this and declare them certifiably insane, so there’s that
Enjolras, Feuilly and the Great Roadtrip of 1832- FixaIdea- A really nice travel Enj/Feuilly fic with lots of sweet interactions. I was on an Enj/Feuilly kick for a while there and this satisfied all of my cravings. Dw that it’s unfinished the last chapter functions perfectly well as an ending
words can be unwritten- defractum- THE MOST SOULMATE AU OF ALL TIME. The reveal of what R’s soulmate tattoo for Enj was literally gave me cavaties it is THE CUTEST EVER
La nouvelle vie- revoluticn- A really fukin good slice of life fic. Just very simple with lovely characterisation. I am definitely due a reread of this one soon <3 
There’s Nothing I’m Running From- lenaballena- Me recommending a courferre fic???? It’s more likely than you think. Combeferre and Courfeyrac run The Amazing Race together
reccing les mis fics is my love language tbh. Don’t forget to leave a kudo and comment for the authors if you read and enjoy them!!!!
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kaladin-sadblessed · 3 years
Okay you know what after a pretty major lapse I’m coming out the other side of it and my life is actually going pretty well in spite of the trantrums my eating disorder has been throwing all year so here are some really positive updates
🟣 I’ve been offered a new job at my literal dream hospital, the place I’ve wanted to work since my second year of university. It’s a senior position in pretreatment, so it’s a promotion as well as a new role and I’m looking to start in January and I’m so unbelievably excited
🟣 As if I wasn’t already over the moon enough about it, one of my best friends has also just got a job there and it’s going to be incredible working with her again
🟣 I’m in a play for the first time in nearly three years and it’s so so good to get back into acting and theatre and being part of a cast again and I could not be more excited to be back on stage
🟣 My wonderful, talented long distance best friend of eleven years is long distance no more!! She’s just moved to London and is at drama school a 20min walk from my hospital, we’re living our best Courferre life and it’s WONDERFUL
🟣 In fact, three of my best friends have moved to London recently and it’s so so wonderful and I feel incredibly happy and loved and safe to have them all so close
🟣 I’ve actually gotten so much better at setting boundaries this year it’s unbelievable. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a major work in progress, but it’s insane to me the progress I’ve made, me from a year ago probably wouldn’t believe where I’m at with it.
🟣 I’m getting better after a relapse which I genuinely didn’t think was possible. I’ve been so scared to act on anything because I thought that it would trigger a spiral that would ruin my life; but it hasn’t. I’m in a much stronger position with my recovery and my desire to recover than I think I’ve been since I first started daycare
🟣 Speaking if Daycare, one of my friends from DC got married recently and I spent all night in happy happy tears; I am so fucking proud of every single one of my friends I met there and the shit we’re all going through and continuing on regardless. I ended the night getting a Maccies with my friend and crying into a McFlurry- which I’ve done before with her, but this time they were good tears, because that scene would have been unimaginable when we first met.
🟣 I am loved. I am cared for. I am learning to realise that I deserve these things. I am going to be okay. And that’s good. That’s so good.
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enjolrasoftheday · 7 years
i can't think of anything specific but r's stripper name would sound normal (for a stripper name) and almost generic, but would actually be based on at least two or three classical references and some secret self depreciation. jehan is the only one who gets it. (jehan's name would be poetic and flowery but somehow, surprisingly hot.) combeferre's could be a hot-sounding latin word that's actually the name of a moth? i could probably come up with more like this but alas im too lazy for specifics.
for R’s I was like “heck yeah” and then I was like “oh....” but that’s honestly perfect. actually all of these are perfect and I’m dying at Combeferre’s. imagine someone (maybe Courfeyrac?) swooning over him and then later finding out this guy chose a name that’s literally a moth (and then swooning some more because this guy is sexy but also nerdy and a complete dork????)
(btw just so this doesn’t seem super random for anyone who missed it, I reblogged a post earlier and said in the tags to send me stripper names for the amis)
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0-solshroom-0 · 4 years
it’s ✨💖jehan appreciation hours💖✨ drop your jehan headcanons guys i’ll start
their favorite color is neon green (even though i desperately want to say it’s lavender)
they regularly challenge each of the amis to jump rope contests and they win every time
they have the ugliest couch to ever exist on the face of the earth. you know those couches that are like, faded and a really gross floral pattern with colors that don’t go together that you see in a grandmas house? yeah that’s the couch
they have exactly one mirror in their whole apartment and it’s above their bathroom sink and they only keep it around so they can braid their hair properly and if it wasn’t for that they would have gotten rid of it a long time ago because they don’t really feel the need to look at themselves in the mirror
they volunteer literally wherever they can on a regular basis
do they have an actual paying job????? no one knows and at this point everyone is too afraid to ask, but is also very curious as to how they pay their bills and buy food and stuff.
they wore yellow crocks to a wedding once (yes it was courferres wedding, and yes courfeyrac almost died, partially because of the horrible fashion disaster he was witnessing and partially because he was laughing so hard when he noticed that he started choking on champagne)
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the-butter-churner · 4 years
Courferre headcannons?
OF COURSE!! I was wondering if anybody was gonna ask me for these because I will dole them out WHENEVER I can:
Before they started dating-
Courfeyrac got drunk a lot at parties. He was probably the heaviest drinker next to Baz and R. Unfortunately, he’s also the biggest lightweight. Combeferre was elected Courf’s designated driver because he was the only one Courf would actually listen to when he said it was time to come home.
Little did they know that Courf wasn’t as out of it as they thought. He just acted that way so ‘Ferre would tuck him in and give him cuddles until he fell asleep
And little did they know that even when he was grumbling about Courf’s irresponsibility, he secretly enjoyed the fact that Courf wold curl up in his lap, and the fact that he could press kisses to Courf’s forehead and they would mean everything and nothing at the same time.
Combeferre was the rock of Les Amis, he kept them alert and vigilant. Ergo, no one actually knew how stressed he could get. None of them knew how hard he worked himself, and how much he’d beat himself up if he missed a deadline. When Courfeyrac was sleeping over for the first time, he heard ‘Ferre murmuring things like ‘you can sleep when you’re dead’. He was clearly fighting to stay awake and his cheeks were tear-streaked. So Courf did what any teen-pining-over-his-best friend would do. He wrapped his arms around ‘Ferre’s neck and dragged him to bed. Combeferre ended up sobbing into Courf’s shoulder, each time mumbling “I’m sorry, I’m sorry”
Courf promptly moved in with the med student the very next week, just to make sure that it never got this bad again.
Combeferre has definitely tried to flirt with Courfeyrac with science jokes. “If I’m water, you’re potassium according to my heart.”
Courfeyrac never got it.
Courf on the other hand definitely tried to tip ‘Ferre off like: “SO ‘Ferre, there’s this really cute boy that I’m trying to ask out. He’s tall, dark-skinned, and has these adorable glasses. What do you think I should do?”
Combeferre never got it. In fact, it broke his heart a little bit each time because he knew he fit those descriptions, but he’d never be good enough for his best friend.
Eventually the rest of their friends got sick of the incessant mutual pining and they all teamed up to get the two dorks together. They figured the only thing that would work was something super cliche, so they locked the two of them in a janitor’s closet at the local planetarium and hoped that they would work it out.
They didn’t.
It turns out the two of them were just ready to burst anyway. One night after ‘Ferre got home to their tiny apartment Courf couldn’t take it anymore and pressed a quick kiss to ‘Ferre’s lips, shutting his eyes tight so he couldn’t see his best friend’s reaction. In doing so he actually ended up missing his lips entirely.
Luckily ‘Ferre got the message and promptly took Courf’s face in his hands to connect their lips for the first time.
After they started dating:
‘Ferre is an early bird whereas Courf is such a night owl so when the med student wakes up, he always kisses Courf awake whenever his boyfriend is running late.
Half the time Courf isn’t even asleep, he just likes getting kisses.
Whenever they’re bored, they plan their wedding. Seriously. They can’t imagine spending their life with anyone else, so they’ve already jumped the gun.
Courfeyrac definitely wants Combeferre to do the macarena for him as their first wedding dance.
‘Ferre will happily oblige.
‘Ferre is whipped as fuck. If Courf texts him that he needs something, he will race home like the devil and bring his boyfriend ice cream as well as an endless supply of cuddles and kisses.
Courfeyrac definitely plays sick with his boyfriend just to get free kisses and he can just marvel at how lucky he is for a whole day.
‘Ferre knows he’s faking the entire time, but he thinks it’s so adorable so he doesn’t say anything.
They are literally the most domestic Les Amis couple. On their anniversary, they just stay home and lock the doors and shut off their phones so that they are only allowed to spend time with each other.
I hope these were to your liking, they were really fun to write down. I think you can tell that courferre is my OTP :)
Thanks for the ask! Love ya!
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