#literally no one at the school likes her i hope she quits or smth
x-liv25-jamieswife · 30 days
Averyjameson living together headcanons?
averyjameson living together head canons
sure! i apologize if these are short. i also apologize for how long it took me to answer this (its been like 2 months or smth T-T. i made these a while ago but i forgot to post them). @ariscats helped me with some of these. hope you like them <3.
also, for context, most of these (if not all) take place during their years in college. i like to imagine that their colleges are close enough that they can live together in an apartment (idk if this will even be necessary but i just wanted to specify)
they live in quite a huge apartment. their apartment is sort of split into two. they live on one side and security live on the other side of a soundproof wall so they can have privacy. their apartment sort of resembles a house tbh bc of how big it is. it has tons of guest rooms, an indoor pool, a rock climbing wall, and more (its basically like a smaller version of hawthorne house) (i also imagine them having a smaller cozier place, but they would obviously need security so that wouldn't work).
jameson obviously made sure that people built secret passages throughout the apartment. he didn't tell avery about them and made her find all of them.
they usually do all of their school work in the same room. surprisingly, they don't get distracted. they both have their own little corner in this big room in their apartment thats decorated to their liking. avery's corner is filled with novels, prizes she's received, photos and little fairy lights (she has those hung up bc she used to have some in her room at her mom's apartment growing up and it reminds her of her mom). jameson's side is filled with his own prizes, puzzles and riddles, and tons of gifts his brothers gave him growing up.
no matter what, they always take a shower together at the end of the day (i dont mean this in a non pg-13 way but they enjoy washing each other's hair and the physical intimacy). they don't really like to spend time apart and they're so busy that usually they do this as a way to make up for all of the time they spent apart (they also obviously sleep in the same bed).
although they have staff that cooks for them, they sometimes don't use them bc they like cooking meals for one another especially on days where they know their partner isn't doing so well. they'll sometimes surprise each other with a nice candle-lit dinner on their balcony or in their dining room.
avery sometimes falls asleep at her desk bc of how much she overworks herself. jameson, being in the same room as her, notices and carries her back to bed every time. when she wakes up, he prepares a bubble bath for her so she can relax.
when one of them is under a lot of stress, the other makes them change into their swimsuit and drags them over to their indoor swimming pool. they get the cooks to make them smth to eat and they have a little date in the water.
they have a tv in their room bc they absolutely love watching shows and movies. like i said earlier, they tend to spend most of their days doing their own thing so they usually only get to spend time together at night. this is sort of their equivalent to a date during their college years.
jameson sometimes wakes her up with breakfast in bed and a puzzle. he has trouble sleeping so he usually wakes up really early in the morning giving him time to prepare her some food.
their apartment is filled with blankets. they both get cold really easily so there's literally a blanket in every single room. sometimes, when they're working and are really cold, they huddle up on the sofa, bring their books and laptops (basically everything they need), and work next to each other under super fluffy blankets.
whenever they fight, they make sure to resolve it before going to bed bc they hate going to bed mad at each other. they usually also do smth special for one another to apologize like making the other a snack or setting up their living room for a movie night.
they do the new york crossword every single day. they dont really have the time to sit down and do it so usually they read it and think about it as they're doing other things and complete it later at night before bed.
music is always playing in their house (from like early in the morning to late at night). they're both really big fans of music so they have speakers in almost every single room of their house. the music isn't loud enough to distract them though.
whenever jameson enters a room and sees avery (and she doesn't notice him), he immediately heads towards her (quietly so she doesn't hear him), wraps his arms around her from behind and either kisses her all over her face until she begs him to stop or tickles her.
avery's has had so many near death experiences that jameson can't go to bed unless he checks every single lock in the house to make sure she's safe. it doesn't matter if he's so tired he literally can't stand, he can't fall asleep unless he's sure all the doors are locked (he also doesn't trust anyone else to check. it has to be him)
jameson is never as busy as avery is bc she has to deal with school and the foundation. this means jameson's day usually ends before avery's does. instead of leaving and doing smth else though, he usually sits next to her or just sits at his desk watching her (not in a creepy way more of like a 'i love her so much i can't look away') cause he loves being in her presence. jameson tries to act like he isn't just staying in the room to be with her but avery knows the truth.
this is a simple one but jameson always wakes avery up with kisses and cuddles. he'll whisper sweet nothings into her ear and stuff (i mentioned earlier that jameson has a hard time sleeping so he always wakes up before avery). on the rare occasion that avery wakes up before him, she does the same.
they usually can't get out of the apartment for dates bc 1. they're busy and 2. they can never get any privacy when they're out. bc of this, they usually have their date nights at home. they still dress up though. avery puts on a nice dress and jameson actually puts on a suit. they pretend like they're going out and all even though they're staying home. they do go out though, just not as often as they have dates at home.
they have a hot tub on their balcony (*cough* thl hot tub scene *cough*). a lot of their dates are spent in the hot tub. they have this table on wheels that passes over the hot tub so they can have meals together as the sun goes down.
they had a hard time agreeing on how they should decorate the apartment so they decided that they would split all of the rooms between each other and they'd get to choose how to decorate their assigned rooms by themselves (so like avery decorated the kitchen and he decorated the living room, etc) (the only room they both decorated together is their bedroom)
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Hi !
Oml I love your writings sm and when I saw your requests are kinda(?) open again I got excited^^
Okay so how about like hcs with oya! Todoroki faction!reader x shoji sameoka cus like I think it would be interesting like how would shoji ask her out after he literally beat up her friends😭😭😭 and also I would like to see the Todoroki faction's reaction when gets asked out by shoji
Also love your your writing sm keep doing what u love bae !😘
How would Todoroki Faction react if Shoji Sameoka wanted to date with their friend ? /Shoji Sameoka x Oya!TodorokiFaction!reader | Hcs
a/n: Hi, it is not like hcs but i wanted to write smth like this. I hope you like it ☺️🩷 Btw i really love Shoji too 😭 Love u too, thank youu 🌸🩷
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: not much just usual hnl things
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* Todoroki never wanted a girl in the group. He never actually wanted anyone by his side. The friendship adventure that started with Tsuji and Shibaman got more excited when a girl joined the high school.
* Although he found her annoying at first, her strong and sweet personality made him love her. Y/n was one of Todoroki's friends now and was quite important to him.
* Tsuji and Shibaman loved y/n from the very beginning. Y/n was neither as crazy as them nor as calm as Todoroki. But she soon became like their sister.
* Although Y/n looked short next to three tall boys, she wasn't a weak or skinny girl. She knew how to fight and always found a way to save herself.
* She was the one who always kept Tsuji and Shibaman away from ridiculous ideas. And Todoroki was the one who always kept her away from trouble.
* She loved to read with Todoroki. She thought the silence and his presence was comforting. She was enjoying having a piggy back on Shiba's back and teasing Tsuji. Todoroki, on the other hand, watched them with a smile, though he didn't want to show it.
* Todoroki and Tsukasa knew from the very beginning that there was a problem. They both predicted that it would end badly as students in red uniforms began to wander around the school. But no one knew how it would end.
* Shoji Sameoka was dissatisfied with the alliance formed. He knew what kind of person Amagai was. And he wanted his friends to leave this alliance.
* He knew that these events would not end well. He didn't want anyone to get hurt for nothing. That's why he never wanted to go there that day. But he did.
* Y/n and the duo were unaware of anything. On the bus to school together, y/n was asleep leaning on Tsuji's shoulder. Shibaman and Tsuji were playing with their phones.
* As usual, it was a ridiculous conversation. When the bus suddenly braked, Tsuji put his arm in front of y/n and protected her, trying to protect himself with the other arm. All three of them didn't know how much worse things would get after this second.
* When Fujin and Raijin stopped the bus, Shibaman looked out the window and tried to understand what was going on. Tsuji wanted to hide y/n, moved away and wanted them not to know that she was one of them.
* But it was too late, they had to get out of the bus together. No matter how much they both said, y/n did not hide. The end of the small verbal argument was clear. When Shibaman punched one of the oncoming punks and knocked him down, he pushed the young girl and shouted for her to run.
* When Fujin saw the girl running away, he wanted to send his men, but Shoji wanted to go himself. Ever since he saw her, he had thought that a girl shouldn't be in this fight.
* It was not just his friends who were in the alliance. He didnt trust neither Amagai nor Kamasaka leaders. That's why he wanted the young girl to run away.
* When they were out of sight, he stopped and y/n turned to him. She didn't want to run away, she didn't like to act cowardly. Shoji asked the young girl to hit him and run away. Y/n was stunned. Thinking he was making fun of her, she punched him hard. She got even more angry when she saw that he wasn't responding.
* They fought a little, Shoji tried not to respond. Y/n got even more angry and jumped on top of the young boy as he fell to the ground. Shoji was determined not to respond. But something happened that they did not expect.
* When the young girl suddenly fell to the ground, Shoji looked angrily at the person who had hit her on the head. Reiji was here and he could no longer hide her.
* "I really hope you're not that weak. Or I'll think you let her win"
* He argued with Reiji for a while, but couldn't help it. When he dragged the young girl back to the square, Y/n saw Tsuji and Shiba lying on the ground with injuries.
* “Tsuji! Shiba! Let me go you son of a bitch!”
* Reiji grabbed the young girl's hair and argued with her for a while. When he tried to hit her again, Shoji grabbed his arm and stopped him. Shoji and Reiji argued for a while this time. Fujin didn't like it either, he said the fight was over and left the three of them there.
* Todoroki was angry. Three of the people he held dearest in his life were injured. Y/n was in better shape but Tsuji and Shiba were seriously injured. It was the first time he had seen Y/n this scared and he was scared too.
* After a certain amount of time passed on the event, everything was back to the way it was. The wounds were healed and everyone was smiling again.
* No one could have predicted what would happen that day. When the black braided boy entered Oya's door, everyone looked at him in surprise for a while, and then Tsuji and Shibaman moved towards the door with stern eyes. Y/n came from behind with Todoroki. She was also surprised, but more curious.
* Everyone got more tense when Shoji said he wanted to talk to y/n alone. They exchanged glances for a while, when Todoroki nodded, Shoji and y/n started talking from a distance.
* Y/n was even more surprised when Shoji openly said that he likes her and wants to date.
* But y/n hadn't forgotten anything. She hadn't forgotten how her friends were lying on the ground with wounds and how her heart was beating fast that day. How scared she was that day. How they treat them…
* But y/n did not forget that Shoji was uncomfortable with this situation. She knew that he was trying to protect her, that it would have been much worse if he wasnt there.
* That's why she didn't say no to him, but she didn't say yes either. She said she hadn't forgotten anything, and she wouldn't forgive him that easily.
* Shoji didn't even expect it to be this positive. He was happy but remained calm. He nodded his head and looked at Tsuji and Shiba, who were glaring at him first. Then he looked at Todoroki who has his frowned face and nodded his head again. He said goodbye and left Oya silently.
* Y/n, on the other hand, entered the school without answering the questions, found the empty classroom and lay down to sleep. Answers could wait, but first she had to find the answers.
HnL taglist : @straysugzhpe @tiddly-winx  @satraninalane @thatpoindexterpixy
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rosypenguins · 5 months
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Synopsis: Zoey asks Drew to go see a movie with her and the gay little magenta-man is unable to decipher if it’s supposed to be a date or not.
A/N: Someone said they liked my Drake fics and that single compliment gave me the motivation to finish this hooray!! Anyways this fic takes place in the Jomies’ Sophomore year, and Drew is still contemplating (denying) his feelings for Jake. Also. He’s- he’s an idiot he is the big dumb I am silently screaming as I write this DREW YOU’RE A DUMBASS but anyways Droey backstory hooray healthy Droey!! (Or is it??)
(Contains swearing and a painfully stupid Drew.)
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Drew: Guys I think I got a date?
Liam: WHAT????
Drew: Idk a girl asked if I wanted to go see a movie with her Friday
Drew: She said she had a spare ticket or smth
Liam: Yeah that’s a date
Drew: Shit
Henry: How’d you get a date before me?;-;
Liam: Which girl is this?
Drew: Zoey, the girl from our Biology class.
Liam: THAT ZOEY???
Drew: Yeah?
Henry: HOWW???
Drew: Wym how?
Henry: No offense dude but its literally ZOEY
Henry: And it’s you
Drew: Are you saying she’s out of my league?
Liam: Yeah basically
Liam: About time you responded Jake
Henry: Lol looks like your boys cheating on you Jakeyyyy
Drew: STFU
Jake: Sobbing rn how could you do this to me Drew?? Thought we were homies!!
Drew: I hope you all fucking explode
Liam: TF DID I DO???
Jake: LMAO
Jake: Fr tho congrats on getting a date Drew I hope it goes well
Jake: And if you need any advice just lmk I’m quite the charmer after all lol
Liam: You’ve certainly charmed someone
Jake: Wym?
With a heavy sigh, Drew set his phone to the side, falling onto his bed and staring up at the ceiling.
So… this was a date.
With Zoey. With pretty, popular Zoey…
…Did he even like Zoey like that? He’d never considered her as anything more than a friend before, but… he did enjoy her company during class, and he did like working on assignments with her. He didn’t mind it when she wrapped her arm around his shoulders, and… she was obviously very pretty.
Maybe he did have a crush. And had just never realized it before….
But Drew could recall a time Jake had been describing his crush. He referred to it as a warm, fluttery feeling. One that made him forget almost all common sense. And Drew couldn’t say that applied to him…
But… he must’ve had a crush on her. Why else would he find her attractive?
Drew buried his face in his hands, muffling a soft groan. It suddenly occurred to him he’d never even been on a date before. Sure, he had past relationships, but those were in Middle School. Those didn’t count.
God, Zoey had probably been on lots of dates before, too. She must’ve had high expectations for him.
Drew sighed, running a hand through his hair before rolling onto his side, thinking back to all those dumb romance movies Jake convinced him to watch. He was hoping they’d finally come in handy and answer at least one of his questions, but he was quick to realize he hadn’t retained any of the plot.
What he could recall, however, was Jake, misty-eyed with a soft blush dusting his face, staring at the TV with the dumbest grin on his face as he watched the main characters kiss for the first time.
…Why was that the only thing he could remember?
Friday came a lot sooner than expected, and Drew still wasn’t sure if it was a date or not. He’d gone back and forth about it for days, and eventually, he managed to convince himself that this was just a hangout. Not a date. After all, he could see some truth behind the texts his friends had sent. It was Zoey. And it was him. Why would Zoey want to go on a date with him?
He stood outside of the theater, scrolling aimlessly through his phone and glancing up on occasion to see if Zoey had arrived yet. His mind wouldn’t stop racing.
What if it was all some prank? What if it was a dare her friends set her up to? What if she-
Drew turned to see Zoey running over to him, and was a little surprised to see she’d changed out of what she’d been wearing to school that day. Instead of her usual green top and jeans, she wore a pale pink dress, with a small golden necklace and simple white flats. It made Drew feel a little awkward, considering he hadn’t bothered to change out of the jacket and jeans he’d been wearing earlier that day.
“I hope I didn’t make you wait too long.” Zoey said, and Drew shrugged.
“Not really.” He answered, despite the fact he waiting about 30 minutes for her to show up. Zoey gave a slight nod in response, and a small smile appeared on her face.
“You ready?” She asked, and Drew nodded, before following her into the theater.
The movie Zoey had gotten tickets for was a mystery-thriller; a genre both him and Zoey had talked about in the past. And in all honesty, Drew would’ve found it interesting had it not been for the romantic subplot that did almost nothing to drive the main plot along.
But… he imagined Jake would probably like it a lot. He was a sucker for forbidden romance after all.
About halfway through the movie or so, Drew felt something brush against his hand, and glanced over to see Zoey had placed her hand right beside his.
…He’d seen enough of Jake’s romance movies to know where this was going.
Slowly, Zoey pressed her hand closer to his, resting her pinky over his. Drew blinked, unable to move his gaze. He really didn’t have a clue how to feel about this.
So once again, he thought back to those romance movies, and slowly moved his hand closer to hers.
And eventually, Zoey interlocked their fingers together.
…Zoey’s hand was noticeably smaller than his. And it was a little cold, but it was soft, and… it felt nice to hold.
He still couldn’t say he felt that fluttery feeling, though. Maybe that only affected some people…
Eventually, the movie finished, and with his hand still in her’s, Zoey led the two out of the theater. She rambled on a bit about her thoughts regarding the movie, but… Drew couldn’t focus on her voice, his attention still fixated on the fact he was holding her hand.
He was holding a popular girl’s hand…
Under the shade of the night sky, Drew finally decided to say something. He lifted his gaze to meet her’s, and-
“Was this a date?” He blurted out.
Zoey stopped almost instantly, and blinked as she processed his question.
And not a moment later, she burst out laughing.
“Seriously?! You didn’t realize?!” Drew could feel his face heat up.
“You never specified!” He countered. “I didn’t want to assume anything!”
“Come on, Drew! You’re a guy, I’m a girl, we went to the movies together, alone. That’s a date!”
“You could’ve just said that!” He grumbled, and Zoey turned away from him, covering her smile with the back of her hand.
“You’re so cute.” She whispered, and Drew could only imagine how red his face must’ve been.
“What?!” He could hear Zoey giggle again.
“Nothing, nothing. I… had a really nice time tonight.” She admitted, twirling around to stand in front of him.
And the way she looked beneath the moonlight. The way the light seemed to dance along her skin. The way she looked at him so longingly…
He’d never felt so… wanted before.
“So… would you want to do this again sometime?”
Time seemed to slow for a moment, and there was only one answer Drew could think to give such a perfect girl.
But for a fleeting moment, another blonde crossed his mind.
“I’d like that.”
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ughgoaway · 10 months
the sick dad matty blurb omfg ACE i’m literally unwell at the thought of mopey messy hair matty falling asleep in ur lap and being so flustered at u seeing him like that- brb fucking crying
also speaking of which genuinely insane timing how you always post smth after i’ve had a very long shift i swear theyre really the one thing i look forward to the most after work 😭😭 uninterrupted horizontal time with ur blurbs it’s true it literally is my fav thing-
also perhaps an extension of sick dad! matty but i just can’t shake the idea of teacher reader being worried about him still and asking annie about it at school the next day and annie just randomly drops a bombshell in the way kids do and says smth like ‘oh daddys so much better today! he’s all smiley and said that you chased the bad coughing monster away for him- can you come do that every time? daddy’s never had anyone do that before’ and it just b r e a ks teacher reader completely pls anyways crying throwing up
(- bff anon also has the can’t shut up disease i fear 😭)
OMG, IM GLAD YOU LIKED IT BFF!!! I just need to look after this man.
like imagine he eventually wakes up and its like 9pm at that point so you're like "okay let's get you to bed" and he's all sad and pouty and says "only if you stay over with me" but he's still half asleep and doesn't quite process what he said for a good few seconds...
wide-eyed, he tries to backtrack, "wait- I'm so sorry I didn't mean it like that! obviously, we haven't slept together yet, but- NO, NOT LIKE 'SLEPT TOGETHER' SLEPT TOGETHER!!! I MEANT LIKE JUST SLEEPING!!! ohmygod-"
you're like "no that sounds nice, let's go upstairs," and matty is silently freaking out bc you're gonna be in his bed. with him. sleeping. he's thought about this scenario 1000 times, and none of them included him being dealthy ill and not having nice sheets on the bed first.
(more rambles below the cut as always)
you get matty to brush his teeth and get ready for bed, even rubbing some moisturiser on him (he just sits there with a dopey grin as you apply)
he always thought you'd be on his chest or he'd be spooning you, but he ends up with his face buried between your boobs and he's out within 10 mins.
oh and the morning after... so much potential...
I must have spidey senses for when you're at work bff!!! the fact that my blurbs make you so happy you look forward to them??? brb vomiting???? that is so kind. horizontal time on tumblr is my fav too, its unmatched.
I can see her spending the night at hanns bc matty doesn't want her to get ill and doesn't trust George or Ross to keep her overnight.
"Do you even know what 5 year olds eat??"
"bro, why dont you trust us???"
"Yeah... like mushed carrots and shit right. "
you put the kids to work colouring something but secretly call Annie over yo your desk, "hi Annie! I just wanted to ask how your daddy is today, I know he's been a bit poorly"
"...please take her Adam"
she immediately lights up and starts chattering away, "Oh, daddy said he's feeling much better today. he even made me my toast this morning, and he was all smiley the whole time!!! he said you made him all better and played nurse!! can you do that every time he's poorly? he's much happier when you are his nurse than when he goes to the doctors"
obviously, internally you're like "ohmygod he really likes me, and I made him feel better. oh, he couldn't stop smiling, and annie noticed because he was so happy and -"
but externally, you play it cool like, "Oh, that's great, sweetheart! I'm sure next time he's poorly, you can help him feel better too"
Annie is like, "Oh!! I hope he's poorly again soon, I wanna play doctors with you!!!"
you try not to laugh at her wishing her dad ill and just send her back to her desk, but the grin doesn't leave your face all day. thinking about the fact you made matty giddy makes you just as giddy as him.
the next day a bouquet of flowers show up at your door with a note,
"dear nurse y/n,
thank you for coming to look after me even after I cancelled our date. whilst I am slightly mortified you saw me looking like that, I'm more grateful for your help. you made being sick worth it. Spending any time with you is always worth it.
love, matty x
ps, I hope the next time you stay in my bed, I'm substantially less sick, and we're both wearing substantially less clothes ;)"
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kaistrashbin · 7 months
Hi Kai, it's me again!
While I agree that Donna is No1 forever and always I'm also excited to see the others in the AU! Are they all professors or do they habe different roles?
- Valentines anon
Hello again Valentine! It's good to see you :D
Ah yes, our beloved Donnie <3 Always and forever our Queen
I'm honestly extremely excited to further develop this AU! Progress is slow-especially cause i'm mostly focusing on Donna rn and i've just started college-but I really wanna turn this into smth cool and make as much content as I can for it! I'd hope to some day make lil comics for it and at least have some sort of fic written for the AU. Though i'd be just as happy if I only ever get asks XD Anything that gets me to at least talk about it, doodle, and further develop ideas XDD The motivation and joy that come from knowing other people like the idea is great fuel (aside from my own enjoyment and obsession with it PFFT)
As for the others!!!- More info on them under the cut!!!(I wrote way more than intended LOL i'm figuring things out as i'm writing pfft-)
I see all of them as like board members for the school. Leading and managing it at the highest level right under Miranda who ofc is the headmistress(might come up with a different title, still in development). Let's get into a few quick details about the other Lords though! Do note that not much worldbuilding has gone on so types of magic and what is taught at the school is still in the works. Quite literally everything is still in VERY early development so expect changes
Alcina Dimitrescu
Definitely a professor! Of what..? Well uh....i'm still working on it! XD Perhaps of a music related magic? (Resident Lover shows Alcina as the art professor and while I think it's a great choice for her, I don't want to just hop onto the same idea.) I don't really see much about Alcina's relationship with music so perhaps I can do something for it through this AU :) Either that or a "dark arts" type thing? Necromancy and shadow related things? I'll be honest i'm slightly leaning towards darker arts...especially for plot reasons...
A vampire- ofc she is PFFT, the Dimi Daughters are also vampires(whether they're her biological children or were willingly converted is still in development)
She's every teacher that complains about other teacher's methods and classrooms
Karl Heisenberg
In charge of school security! He's technically supposed to be teaching students about combat and taking in certain students for a guard internships but he has an assistant who does the actual teaching for him LOL He's just there to occasionally be the face and the muscle of the program XD Though he does do some actual teaching for that program, he's more about demonstrating and correcting students he observes(he also just mostly is interested in the security interns)
Now because his assistant handles most things related to the combat courses/guard internships he actually teaches a second class with a different assistant. It's metal/machine based and as it's more a deep passion of his he actually takes it more seriously and prefers to do more of the teaching himself. All his assistants and deputies just make it more manageable for him to be taking care of multiple things like this. He actually spends the most time and effort on this class.
Is a Lycan! They can't turn into wolves or convert others though (a good portion of the school's security is actually lycans)
His magic is also a work in progress, though in this AU in general I want to have some who mostly just focus on mastering one form of magic and those who are experienced in multiple. Obviously the more types you focus on (that aren't considered more basic/general stuff ex. lighting a candle with a snap, animating an object to do a simple task, ect.) the less you master each. I would like him to possible specialize in more than one but we'll see how things go!
Salvatore Moreau
I actually imagine he'd be a professor of healing related magic or a beastmaster, and also supervising a program about experimental magic
Handsome fish man. You know classyfruit's gorgeous genderbent Moreau? Yeah, but handsome fish man. A triton but more fish-like
Wow this was short and he needs more love
Extra love for handsome fish boi Moreau
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quodekash · 1 year
I was texting @judebilation while rewatching the eclipse a little while ago, and decided that aye’s mum’s story isn’t sad enough, so let’s make up some lore and backstory for the sake of angst and tears
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the fear in her eyes and voice when she says this. cos it’s not just dika. the father of her child left her, her brother died, and I decided she lost a lot of her friends as well
SO what if:
aye's parents were high school sweethearts, completely unaware of how very toxic they were for each other, because they were their first relationship and they had no idea how it was supposed to go. i reckon they were also both super popular and everyone around them was either waiting for their relationship to fall, "because thats how it always goes", or thought they would be together forever and ever. and then badabing badaboom they stayed together, they had a child (im willing to bet they were very young when they had a child, or perhaps theyd been together for AGES, finally started realising they were doomed, and decided to have a child to try and repair the relationship. idk how old she is so it could be either, but whichever one it is, it’s still not great)
and then he was a terrible person, and it took her so long to realise that, and i reckon she was clinging to the relationship because its all she had and its all she knew. i cant quite remember what aye says about his dad the like one time he mentions him, but i think he left aye at a young age, probably before he can even remember. i wouldnt be surprised if he left while she was still pregnant.
also, for the sake of angst (and i know how terrible miscarriages are, and my love and support goes towards anyone who has ever experienced one, but i need to pull at my heartstrings until i cant feel anymore), i feel like they had infertility issues and she probably had a miscarriage at one point
anyway, because high school sweethearts, all of her friends are also his friends, and they probably managed to stay in contact with them after school, but then he did the terrible things that he did (maybe, to kill my soul even more, he slept with her best friend)
and because hes terrible hes probably manipulative (the two often go hand in hand). so naturally he got the best friend on his side, but then he probably twisted the story for the other friends to make it seem like aye’s mum was in the wrong and he did only good things
and then all her friends left her, and he was also probably super controlling, so he probably didnt let her branch out and make new friends, so she only had the people from high school, and now she has literally no one except for aye (because making new connections as an adult is so freaking difficult)
oh and her mum or dad or smth probably died when she was fairly young
and her good for nothing boyfriend did nothing to comfort her and probably just told her to get over it, becuase "my great uncle's shoemaker's friend's cousin is dead and i feel fine"
anyway. i hope that killed you. I hate myself and im gonna go cry myself to sleep now ✌️
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casperheights · 2 years
Welcome to your official introduction into the AU/Rewrite of DP known as “Gravewalking.”
This au will be tagged with #gravewalking au
(fun fact I didn’t know that was an actual word until like 2 minutes ago I made it up like 3 months ago as a play on Grimwalkers from TOH)
A little summary of what you’re getting into, at least with season 1 winky face (this is the summary i wrote for when i eventually post this on ao3 or smth): After an accident that leaves Danny with ghostly abilities (because no, there’s no way he’s dead), said creatures seem to be coming out of the woodwork, sometimes quite literally. The 15 year old High School Freshman takes it upon himself to keep the town safe since his accident is the reason they’re getting through. Oh, and he keeps breaking the lights. That’s probably not important.
OR; A rewrite of Danny Phantom as a fruity No One Knows AU and I’m changing his powers to electricity based. Homie was electrocuted it makes more sense imo
Basic info you might want: 
The AU itself: This is a no one knows au!!!! Sam and Tucker do not know. While they heard about the accident, in classic nok aus fashion, Danny is refusing to give them details and is pushing them away. In a classic Finch fashion, I made the death of a ghost correspond to their abilities. As such, Danny has electricity-based powers. 
Genre: Superhero, obv, thats what DP is, a little comedy, but mostly HORROR ELEMENTS!!! I love horror. Psychological? Probably. Body? Definitely.
The ghosts: While some ghosts will not make an appearance (most likely at least. Look man i'm still working on it), your favs are going to be completely revamped! Every ghost that will show up I hope to flesh out well :) except maybe one-time villains/cameos. I have created a whole system of ghost typing ranging from Will-o-the-wisps and Shades to Liminals (who are often called, ahem, Gravewalkers) and Lords/Ancients. Each ghost typing has their own abilities and whatnot (think like the ghosts in Phasmophobia). And since some of my typings would BUTCHER a few characters including Danny, ghost types can overlap :D For example, in this au Danny is a liminal banshee, and by the end of the series he’ll be a liminal banshee and [REDACTED]! This mostly applies to higher level ghosts since those are more titular than anything, but it will also apply to a few of the main cast of full ghosts.
The characters: The characters you know and love are back, but a few with a bit more substance. Team Phantom is overall pretty similar, just adjusted to fit headcanons I’ve inserted into the au. Vlad is not an incel anymore and now is taking Daddy Issues to the extreme! This definitely won’t have any negative consequences for Phantom. Oh, hes also like, 5x more manipulative. Danielle is back and BETTER. While I quite liked her in canon, now she makes more sense. Instead of going by “Dani,” she decided to be less confusing and pick a cooler name (her words) and goes by “Elle!” Pronounced like the letter L shes built different (its not because I keep reading “Ellie” wrong or anything). She is also physically the same age as Danny. She also has a dual ghost type, but you can wait for that I’ll do like a proper character intro or smth.
Season 1 (the only season i’m giving you a peak of rn): Season 1 is mostly a learning period for Danny. Unlike canon where the origin story is left to the intro until a retcon in season 2, the Accident is told through flashbacks, Daredevil style. Overall, this season will be the slowest, as it’s more for building the world, establishing characters and motives, and other stuff to make the next seasons flow as well as possible. Think like the Owl House where season 1 has more filler that progressively gets fewer and further between as it continues. This season ends with what very well might be a rewrite of one of everyone’s favourite episodes from canon. You can speculate what one that is.
Hope this sounds interesting. None of it is set in stone atm and if you have any questions about it feel free to ask!!!
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so2uv · 11 months
☆★ sol's review of jj's radio show !!
for @junjiie's eyes only. listened to this stuff for the first time on friday and then listened again to write reviews so the downside is that im eepy while doing this-
chocolate / kylie minogue : i fuck with this ngl. it's chill. idk how many times i can listen to her voice before having to remove the song from my playlist though TwT breathy singers aren't my fave... also im sorry the way she said chocolate had me crying- 50/50 on how much i like it bc it'll depend what mood im in i suppose
the desolation tango / tv girl : funky start jump scared me a bit 😭 but i like it!! the little key melody in between the singing is cute and the song gives me cozy vibes. added to my study playlist lol kfdjh
artificial love / exo : have not actually listened to this song before- have not had the time to watch the fancam you sent me yet but... it's cool!! when they harmonize on "artificial love" im about to roll around on the ground and kick my feet and bite my fist and and.
10 minutes / lee hyori : beyonce esc was my first thought and stuck with me all the way through for the song. the little funky beat at 1:31 is interesting and i like the way it broke the song up so not everything is monotone. quite liked this one!!! heheh
bland new / soul scream : girlie... 6:18 for a song... appreciate me sitting through this- /j nah you're right it's pretty good. i like calmer rap if that makes sense idk words are leaving my brain like im not literate enough for this but the beat is nice and it's not too fast past. gives more old school rap style where it wasn't as focused on the speed of the words. pretty good for rap imo
monster zero / king geedorah : ... jump scare crying i straightened when the song started so fast there was a crack in my spine 😟😭 audio collages are so cool though... kind of loving this. wouldn't listen to it on a regular playlist bc it's an audio collage and i prefer um idk a better word but put together songs?? that sounds mean. im not trying to be mean help. erm yeah but it's cool and i'd totally listen to this on the bus or when walking alone!!! love the vibes of it
vervain / mf doom : instrumentals are so cool but same kind of listening thing as monster zero: don't really put those on playlists too much. i really liked this one though :DD maybe bc it's late at night & more toned down beats are nicer but it's a chaotic sort of peace to the music which is smth i like here.
enter galactic / kid cudi : "i once used to dream so sweet // until i had a taste of you" ayo??? the bars??? fucking love that line. space themed songs around metaphors are coolio heh. kid cudi slayed this one; i really like this one too!!
freelance / toro y moi : i can't really with the beginning... not a fan of the gagging like effects D: but i see what you mean with the jerky and broken up style! they do it well
pretzel / nct dream : this song 😭 reminds you 😭 of me??? 😭 consider me flattered. i don't actually like too many of nct's songs ngl but this one is p cool!! vibing with the switch from funky and kind of jerky to the vocals for the pre-chorus -> chorus. adding to playlist
happiness / red velvet : ok the beginning switch up had me go eyes wide im too eepy for this listening sesh sorry 🙁 red velvet slaps though this song is quite nice and i vibe. i like the style and the mix up of smooth with kind of jerky and broken up bits. you have a theme i see with songs you like 👁️ keeping that in mind next time i recommend you smth. also putting this on my playlist in the morning... hope i don't forget lmfao-
freak like me / sugarbabes : ok ok i see you with this. the blend at 2:18 was done so well im crying the switch was nicely put and isn't too obvious but just noticeable enough to where you go "oh shit" in a good way. another playlist add on bc tehe would totally listen to this more.
and that concludes sol's reviewing corner!! hope you enjoyed and um. if i missed any songs bc of the fact that my inbox is congested and i missed one when scrolling through the stuff you sent... erm don't mention it :DD overall, very nice picks. wish i was literate enough to give good replies to this but tis the life of a night owl fdkjgh
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
⭐ -> star! ships. send your sexuality, gender, and a description of yourself and what fandoms you're in. ( as long as i'm in said fandom lol ) ill ship you with 1 or 2 characters!
i have long wavy black hair and dark chocolate brown eyes. i like spring a lot! especially because flowers start blooming around that time and i think flowers are lovely. i also really like to doodle. it’s fun, it’s quick, and  it’s relaxing!! but art in general is one of my passions. also music is almost always playing in the background whenever i do things.  and i really love rom coms and romance novels!! idc if it’s really cheesy, i just think it’s cute! i definitely believe in true love, even if i don’t think i might be able to meet mine. my favorite color is maroon! i’m also a virgo and i value my grades a lot and that can spiral in the wrong direction at times. i’m also short, 5”1 to be exact, and people tell me that i have small hands. i love high fives though, so i get that comment quite a lot. my love language is either touch or words of affirmation. i’m leaning towards words of affirmation but touch does help keep me grounded. i occasionally wear rings but i always my earrings and this one necklace. and i’d like to think that i’m a nice person! i really like to explain things to people if they don’t understand a topic and i’m pretty good at it too. i have really high expectations for myself and sometimes if i don’t meet that expectation i breakdown. i tend to cry easily, it’s not okay and is something that i’m working on. i’m bisexual and i’m in harry potter, marvel, and outer banks! it’s fine if you can’t do this and i’m sorry for writing so much! 
ily jules! congratulations on the milestone and take care xx
Hello angel :)) ily more, and you take care as well. i hope you enjoy!!
From the Harry Potter Universe, I ship you with...
James Potter!
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(depending on your image of James <3)
𝐉𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐬 would totally poke a little fun at your height, but he's made it clear he finds it endearing and he doesn't wish to upset you if he says something mean. Whenever he sees flowers, he thinks of you! While in school, James would always admire any and all nature forms with 'i know yasmine would adore this <333". Absolutely 100% will do/help you with homework, depending on the subject; James feels bad whenever he sees you cry, and he'll do anything to keep you from crying if he can help it :((( <333. Praises and gives you feedback about everything (they don't call him James motormouth Potter for nothing smh). Loved holding your hand because of how small they are and its a way for him to calm down. Will drop everything to make sure you're okay, it doesn't matter where you both are at. Loves when you ask for his input on jewelry and will spoil you rotten 🥰
(i'm only on season one of obx, so im so sorry if this is bad!)
From the Outer Banks universe, I ship you with:
Kai Cerrara!
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Ok but 𝐊𝐢𝐚𝐫𝐚 would probably love doing your hair because "it's literally so pretty, shut up!" Dancing to music on the beach or in a boat is a must, Kie definately tells you something like "ur legally required to sing cheesy love songs with me while we shimmy and dance around falling further in love with each other" idk I wasn't there 🤷. Kiara lovesss when you give her your random doodles/sketches :'( and would never throw them away. Asks you questions about things you like and know a lot about so she can hear your pretty voice explain things to her <3. I HAVE A BLURB IDEA: snuggling with Kie and her resting on your shoulder while you both read a romance novel or smth 😕❤️❤️ Would also get matching sets of like earrings, bracelets, necklaces, etc. Loves complimenting you :)
From the MCU, i ship you with...
Yelena Belova!
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𝐘𝐞𝐥𝐞𝐧𝐚, for one, adores any and all piercings you have- specifically ear piercings. I feel like Yelena also would love braiding your hair and matching outfits and jewelry with you. Watching romance/comedy movies are a must, since Yelena missed out on... a lot when she was brainwashed. Loveloveloves any and all affection you show her, and would be someone to give you random high fives whenever you do something you're proud of. Yelena would often buy small plants (pink polka dot, succulents, anything really) she thinks you'd like (but small enough to be kept out of Fanny's reach). If you both were bored one day and you were laying on the couch, Fanny asleep on your lap. "Wanna watch a movie, detka?" Yelena asked, flopping on your opposite. Immediately a large smile spread across Yelena's face at the speed of which yasmine's stetchbook and pencil were discarded and replaced with the remote. "You choose," Yelena requested, pulling the shared fluffy maroon blanket up to her neck.
Please keep in mind this is only my second ship, so I apologize if this is bad!! ❤️
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 6x16 room 147
the cult hypnosis episode liveblog
(side note I can't believe they didn't have dever & huertas-- heck I would have loved the OTHER dever to do an audio commentary. The castle's dad one had the audio instead which, like, valid ig.) Anyway I'm on a new dvd now, which is why I am complaining about the lack of (my preferred) bonus features.
Not QUITE the same mess lol
KABOOM I loove alexis sm <3 <3
Oof I'm quitting my job to go to school I can't imagine having a job & a non-job & a tutoring gig & paying a lease & holy crap I am so privileged
Yay calling him Sito.
were not was
Jane: He didn’t have to. Good looking guy, no bags, checking in for one night?
that's a flip phone... Plenty of people have their own website. too bad the guy doesn't have imbd tho
random lady yelling.
Love esposito's outfit! so chill!
You never get a confession this early in an ep. u KNOW smth's going to go down. Is there going to be another one really fast like this where they solve it hella fast & after the third murder with an instant confession they get suspicious?
Ah she has an alibi! Is she confessing to cover for someone else?
Love the doodle. Maybe it was a code to whoever is going to read her confession I love the flashbacks. While I'm here, the door opened on the left, attached on the right. I don't think it was like that in the crime scene. wdym you don't think so?
someone is making her confess to their crime that's why this stuff is happening.
Yeah that's how addiction is alright.
I loooove how she doesn't remember! Anita Miller: No, from me!
RC: What about forensics? Did CSU come up with anything? JE: Yeah, a hotel room in New York City? (he shudders) They found all kinds of fun stuff. (not clipping)
Clipping the theory part. unless there was a tall/cext to the phone you don't have!
Doc holloway's back!!!!
Ryan & me: Two weeks? Wait a minute, that’s how long Anita says she’s been feeling blurry.
RC: As much as I love a good mystery, a small part is hoping he can give us some clarity on what the hell is going on.
idk why I find the "ask for help" poster with the guy crying in their hands so humerous. Maybe bc it reminds me of the cotton eyed joe meme I made. Me: *just commit autosurgery trying to cut off my own breast* My surgical tape: *won't stick* Me: *crying* my adhd: IF IT WEREN'T FOR COTTON EYED JOE I'D BE MARRIED A LONG TIME AGO
Love background artists.
I need details.
I love love love the way it goes with the filming. POV filming. (markiplier moments, girl hand, man hand, we also need a black guy. Like that aone scene where you have three hands at some point bc you're picking up the artifact, swapping the teddy bear, holding his nose so he doesn't sneeze, & every single movement is a different person's hand. for Diversity. We need a left-handed person now tho.
Because he did what to you? aiy dee kay. Love the music sm KB, explaining like bonvolio: Yeah, you and Anita Miller are working together on this. You’re either covering for each other or you’re covering for someone else out there.
love how there are two interrogation rooms. She's very adamant that she did this. Why not take the out? "So I didn't kill him? I'm hella confused after all..."
Get doc holloway back here. RC: What if their lives intersect, just not in such a literal sense? Me, just participating in the fictional canadian character poll: ramona flowers? powers? renata? Hold on... scott pilgrim dreams is what I'm saying.
RC: (dryly) Really? Alternate universe? That’s how little you think of me? RC in a future episode: *goes to an au where lanie is preggo & rysposito is canon. unless that was just a fanfic i read...)
I love her ring KB: (off is look) I’m sorry, it’s just, you got excited. It’s kind of cute. RC: Yeah, yeah, yeah. You know how I like the weird stuff. Me: SEASON ONE
WHAT'S nothing? on your phone there?
I LOVE this kid, this absolute child. radar oreilly vibes off him, esp with castle's psychic link theoryu.
OUTSTANDING! LOVE THE WORDS! consistency bc of slaughter! "I need to confess!" 'take a number'
"She remembers bc she thought it looked suspicious" that's the only reason someone WOULD remember! & the only reason they'd take a pic.
a big bald man!
It's just a doodle. It is a celtic knot holy trinity sign, no? the van you've been disoriented. How long have you had that symbol in your head? KB: this is important! Dwight: *I killed a guy but fuck ok bestie*
Assertiveness training I love this tranny sm. He needs to get on testosterone.
Sometimes THEY scrub footage, sometimes it's the detectives...
her phone again. what is even going on with that?
I love it. love the way she picks up her jacket, the boys, she's coming back to work this late at night in an hour... I love these folks this family their dynamics their movements & body language I thouht it was jim not alexis. Peter's cafe/bistro
Her face. she is rolling her eyes & I love alexis & I love her bangs & I love alexis & the alexis-kate relationship kjsdflkjkldjfsd It IS pride! Ooh music!!
Love those two cops smiling in the elevator. IT implies that there was a conversation in there that we missed.
Me: native Esposito: also technically native EHI: *kills ppl in their "sweat lodge initiation"*
lmao SO culty he talks so slow. Need to speed this up. good gravy. Ooh I only just noticed her eyeliner. love it.
this place reminds me of japan. Why is he expecting? Oh maybe bc he killed the guy! ooOOooh! SHUT THE DOOR SHUT THE DOOR BY WHICH I MEAN NO DON'T SHUT THE DOOR YOU'RE GOING TO BE TRAPPED THIS IS MY PARANOIA KICKING IN.
Love the art of himself on the walls. Where is that? Sweden? years????
Bauer: I’m struck by the level of your hostility, Detective. It’s not healthy. RC: You know what I’m struck by is your total lack of curiosity as to why a homicide detective is asking about your employee. "little group" THOUSANDS of members across the globe! RC: Wow. That’s – amazing, how you would just know what off the top of your head. Bauer: I make a point of meeting every member of my EHI family. The people you mentioned are not among them. Me: thousands of members & you have met every one sure but u remember every one?
Bauer: *looks to the side offscreen* RC: *looks to the side too* *realizes* *rolls his eyes up* Me: I do the same thing when my brothers are standing behind me irl & annoying me so I whip around to face them...in minecraft
btw what is that glass thing on there?
grande poobah??? his what???
RC: So all three of our confessors have had problems in their lives. Alcoholism, anger management, assertiveness issues, all things that they could have gone to EHI to treat.
that's true! RC: Wipe memories. Think about it. The fogginess, the confusion over the last two weeks? KR: So you’re saying that a glorified self-help group can erase memories? How? Doc H: With drugs.
Me: *seen the s7 premier* Memories actually change all the time. Outstanding! Love the words! KR: Castle, do you have any idea how insane that sounds? I would clip that but meh RC: Just not in person. Me: Not your psychic theory again!
"Ok he did NOT flirt with me" (why does the woman's vers need to be flirty tho? /gen q for EHS or w/e their name was)
Just letting them continue to argue lol
KB: Yes, a genius at annoying me. (not clipping) RC: Yes, a genius at annoying me. KB: (aside) I’m starting to feel the urge.
the door opens the wrong way THE DOOR OPENS THE WRONG WAY THEY MENTIONED IT RIGHT AFTER MEEEE (tho I have seen it too) wait all these rooms have the same painting? srs?
the way ryan says "su'm" instead of something, I looove it. kinda hate it tho.
CSU: Detective, I traced the signal from Bauer’s video conference with Beckett. JE: So where in Stockholm is he? CSU: That’s the thing. The signal was routed through Stockholm, but it looks like it originated from a local IP address. JE: Local, as in Manhattan? CSU: As in inside this building.
Love esposito's giant coats & layers & stuff.
that hand is slim, but pretty masculine. He smiles but idk if it is flirtatious. None of the suspects said that the bathroom door was open. Why do they know his name tho? Two versions, one for women & another for men? You don't have one for left-handed ppl or someone who maybe can't use or doesn't have their right hand, for Black ppl, for any poc, for ppl who are women but don't want to smile flirtatiously with justin, for fat ppl...
Someone from the crew, yeah you do need a bunch more ppl than just justin, the suspects, & the head of ehi.
At least she pronounced her T. Oof the music. it's so good.
Aw dwight never got to confess slkdjfslkdfjl these three have become friends & I love it sm. Friendship forged in a situation like this.
KB: It’s okay, Castle. You know I like the weird ones. Me: YES YES SJDLFSJKDFLSJDKLFJDS THIS IS THE SERIES
KB: (slyly) How do you know what I do to you when you’re sleeping?
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sw33theartnick · 1 year
𝒐𝒅𝒊𝒐𝒏 𝒙 𝒓𝒂𝒇𝒂𝒆𝒍 𝒉𝒆𝒂𝒅𝒄𝒂𝒏𝒐𝒏𝒔 [𝒚𝒖𝒈𝒊𝒐𝒉] .°˖✧
i'm mentally ill about these two i'm tired of people sleeping on them!! they're in love!! odion x rafael nation - i know there's like two of us but come get fed!
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
i like to think that rafael would get along very well with odion bc hello, they're both older brothers! while rafael has lost his own siblings, i think he'd end up mellowing out quite easily to marik and ishizu. marik would get into trouble one day and rafael would come to his rescue. odion would end up seeing rafael as a great person and the two would end up bonding over the fact they're both older brothers - bonus if the universe is kind and rafael's family is yknow still around and stuff. marik and ishizu getting along with rafael's younger siblings while the oldest brothers are relaxing watching their siblings hang out with one another.
imagine on a rainy day, rafael gives odion his jacket to keep him from getting soaked and wet imagine how cute that'd be!! odion would appreciate it and the two would run for shelter from the rain. the two would sit underneath a tree or smth (smth that'd actually cover em from the rain) and they'd fall asleep while holding one another in their arms
rafael braids odion's hair. i don't make the rules. rafael used to braid his sister's hair when they were younger, so rafael would be a MASTER at braiding hair. he would braid odion's hair and ishizu would even ask him to braid her hair for social events she needs to attend. speaking of the other two ishtar siblings, i like to think rafael would help take care of them! he'd help marik out with his school work from time to time and would help give odion a break for taking care of the two so much
also i tried finding rafael's age and most ppl say he's in his early twenties (especially if you do math over it) so i like to think that rafael is 23 and odion - well, he's canonly 25. they only have a two year age gap, but it's funny bc rafael is the taller one! i headcanon rafael to be about 6'0 while odion is 5'11 (according to the websites i've been looking at for reference).
odion is like rafael's anchor. whenever rafael fears falling back into the darkness, odion will help him and remind him how loved he is. odion is rafael's light - while rafael holds memory of his family, odion has become a symbol of hope for him, a symbol of light in the darkness. odion reminds rafael how important he is to him, how much he's loved, all that fluffy stuff!
rafael and odion's ideal date spots are literally anywhere as long as its the two of them. long walks/hikes in the forest together? absolutely. going to a beach and having a picnic while watching the sunset? you betcha! they literally love all those soft types of dates and stuff, and they'd abolutely spend time together where its just the two of them. sometimes they just stay home - often going to rafael's house since he lives alone - the two cuddling on the couch while watching television or cooking food. they're literally so wholesome
─── ・ 。゚☆: .☽ . :☆゚. ───
i may do a part two to these hcs and i may do some nsfw hcs for them as well! a little hesitant about the nsfw hcs tho,,, i don't want minors interacting with that post, so i'll think about that but!! i wanna talk so much about rafael x odion because they're literally adorable and the yugioh fandom is sleeping on them!!
to the one or two rafael x odion fans who've seen this post, ily /p i hope you guys are sleeping perfectly every night and eating good bc we need to support each other and stand strong!!
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x-liv25-jamieswife · 3 months
hiii! Can I request hcs for the hawthornes brothers sister pls xxx
the hawthornes if they had a younger sister head canons pt. 2
of course! i already made a post about this (here) so this one might be really short and crappy (im sorry). some of these might be similar to my other post. hope you like them <3. @lanterns-and-daydreams helped me with this one <3
she'd definitely tell her brother's girlfriends all of the blackmail material she has on them. although they're her brothers, she'd always side with the gf during arguments (if they were a long term girlfriend like avery and stuff)
she'd go to the book store all the time cause she loves reading and would buy books she thought her brothers would like. she'd leave the books on their bed for them to find with a little message from her.
her and nash would get matching cowboy hats (i may have mentioned this in my other post). like he'd get himself a blue hat with white details and she'd get the opposite.
like gigi, she loves coffee but her brothers don't allow her to have any bc she gets so energetic the brothers have to physically restrain her from doing anything too dangerous.
xander and her sometimes pretend they're in a tv show like friends or smth (idrk how to explain this, but like when they come in, they act like guest stars or expect people to clap like you hear in the background of those tv shows)
her contacts for her brothers are usually really crazy and random. so random that sometimes she forgets where the contact name even came from (like sometimes she'll see a random meme that reminds her of one her brothers, name that brother after the meme, and then forget about the meme (and the name) a few days later). the funniest part is when one of her brothers is calling her while she's around her other brothers (or just people in general) and her phone just goes 'call from bloated sheep in my closet' and everyone around her is like 'what?' and she's like 'oh don't worry its just grayson'
she loves stuffed animals. when she was younger and her brothers where sad or mad, she would go up to them with one of her stuffed animals, shove it in their arms, and tell them that hugs and talking it out always makes her feel better. she quite literally believed that stuffed animals fixed everything
nash is the cowboy with the savior complex, jameson is charming and reckless one, grayson is the heir apparent, xander is the scone-lovng genius, and their sister is the literature fanatic who can literally convince anyone to do anything and is super likeable.
she's the type of girl in school who isn't necessarily popular but everyone knows and likes her. she really only has a few close friends but gets along with everyone.
she has one of the nicest smiles you will ever see. her smile can actually brighten up a whole room (it even manages to cheer grayson up)
she struggles with really bad anxiety when it comes to school. she's a huge perfectionist. no matter how good she is in a class, she always thinks she needs to do more and be better to prove her worth to tobias.
skye lowkey hates her bc 1. she's jealous of her and how much tobias loves her and 2. she's one of those weird boy moms who's literally in love with their sons.
she's always been insecure about her looks bc haters sometimes comment on how ugly she is compared to her brothers (which isn't even true bc she's gorgeous) (those haters are mostly just jealous girls who wish they were as pretty as her). her brothers always try to hype her up bc they know she takes these comments to heart but it doesn't really work (bc they're her brothers and would never insult her)
she doesn't really have one specific style when it comes to clothing. one day she'll be dressed super coquette and the other day she'll be dressed like a tomboy.
grayson and her love to paint together. its not one of her passions, and she mostly does it for fun so she isn't as good as grayson, but they both find it relaxing and love being near each other. she's the only sibling who doesn't constantly pester grayson about his feelings or just in general. they'll sometimes bounce ideas off of each other and make paintings for one another.
jameson and her both love rooftop golfing together. she's the only sibling he's ever done that with.
her passion is writing. she has an ao3 account where she posts fanfics for her fav books and even ends up writing a book and publishing it (it becomes a best seller obviously cause ... hawthornes)
grayson would do her hair every morning before school cause when skye would do it, it would like like crap.
jameson would teach her how to cuss and would tell her to say those words in front of tobias just to piss him off (he would take the blame whenever he got mad at her though)
xander taught her how to disarm bombs bc he believes its an essential skill.
tags: @never-enough-novels
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fitzverse · 2 years
Anyone wanna see the 20 minute rant my toxic friend sent to me, explaining why they and everyone hates me. TW: it is alot. 
(THIS IS VERY VERY TRIGGERING!!!!  trigger warnings: mentions of SH, scars, tr4uma, su!c!de, cyb3rbully!ng, mentions of dr!nking, mentions of w33d, mentions of being h!gh, mentions of being drvnk, codependancy, manipulation, getting b3at up, strong words of hate, isolation.
“okay. so basically ive been genuinely sick of you for awhile. like all you do is follow me and austin and all the boys around like a fucking puppydog, then complain that no one likes you and how im your only friend or wtv. like it genuinely pisses me and everyone else off. maki literally said he dislikes you, seven is literally dating someone in grade 12 and never liked you and said yall never went on a date, hunter and austin both complain abt you, sully literally hates you, and ive been sick of you for awhile. you showed me your scars outta no where one time, which was incredibly triggering in of itself, you say you have all these mental illnesses which is kinda odd how you just share them with the whole class?? and its also kinda odd you share your suicidal thoughts and attempts to the whole class??? you got mad at annika for a completely stupid reason as she was right and trying to be protective. i quite literally hate you and have for awhile. Briah also seems sick of you. Like your genuinely such a dick. your toxic, as well. you tell me to stop being friends with one of my friends, just bc you disliked them? regardless of if they were a dick to you, they are my friends. i have many friends like him. and you can tell the whole school abt it bc i do nothing they do, im just friends with them. your friends with sully regardless of his past. do i care? no. heather is also completely sick of you, literally based on her expression when she talks to u i can tell. i dont even understand how you got with heather. and genuinely what the fuck is glitchself. I understand he/they/it but what is glitchself. you also constantly complain about how your high or how ur drunk or whatever. then you post abt all ur issues and lifestories online, for some odd reason. I dont even understand why. sure, i go through shit, do i post it on my tiktok or instagram announcing it to everyone who follows you or sees your profile. no. its just so odd. go ahead  and tell the whole school abt me if you want, i have so much shit on you that idk if you even wanna do that. also, you can go ahead and beat me up. go for it. honestly, all bark no bite. i could genuinely fucking demolish you. id like to see you even try. go ahead and cry about this on ur story or smth. i genuinely hope you never talk to me or any of us again. you got the whole school hating on you at this point. also i assume ur gonna get kai/hope involved? yeah go for it. itd be funny seeing you guys scream at me for being right. LMAO.”
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worstdisastermaster · 1 month
This school year is going to be......
I can already tell
I decided to take mythology... in highschool......
I've already corrected the teacher, several times XD luckily she seems thrilled by my genuine interest and stuff, but I kinda feel bad XD
I think she was warned tho, by my last English teacher, bc he teaches mythology every other year and I corrected him on the few references he made and stuff and he rly liked me and was excited to see what he/she could learn from me :]
So I *think* she had fair warning XD I hope so XD
I mean. I barely know anything. But it's herakles, not Hercules, man. And Disney sucks at mythology. And b r u h , Apollo wore fem clothing all the TIME it was literally a *thing* with him it was NOT a once-off. And excuse me, a lot of the written myths were POLITICAL more so than spiritual -.- nOt saying *anything* ab belief or whatever but it's *true* that myths were written according to the authors pov- which often included a political agenda.
Aaaaaaaand others XD little does my teacher know, the majority of my knowledge comes from ao3 and tumblr
(Hello, toa fandom gods,,)
Oh and. I have 2 history classes that seem great so far and a math class with a teacher that so far seems pretty nice and has a VERY pleasant voice, an SRT(advisory, study hall, homeroom, whatever ur school calls it lol) with one of the very few people I actually kinda hate as my teacher (I've never cried at school b4 but I've begun in her class several times ahahah. She loves me.) 2 dif advanced choir classes, whatever else I'm forgetting, and my FAVORITE
I wrote the syllabus to my own independent study to write a book :D!!!!!!
1st semester, world building n stuff. 2nd, actually writing.
It's been soooooososoososososo much fun so farrrrr ajhdjfjfjsjdb
I'm tryina even write my own conlang for it. That's how in depth I'm trying to go XD no idea how much will actually make its way into writing, but it's gonna at least feel cool to me and let my iceberg seem quite sturdy lollll
(Fun fact: I accidentally chose exactly half the amount of sounds used in English for my language, including glottal stops tho that ones not a letter necessarily in my language. I'm working on the script too so I can maybe add that to the story or smth idk lol)
Anyone got any nice, deep questions ab my world so I can try to make it as cohesive as possible??? (At least from my view XDXDXD)
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moss-and-marimos · 11 months
and here's the lore dump, since im assuming your answer to the previous ask was "yes" (actually, this is lore dump part 1, and is pretty much just about her early childhood, family, and the town she grew up in):
so, let's start out with the basics: Cynthia LaFloren is a half-elf, born in a backwater farming town with a name i havent thought of but its probably smth really vanilla and vaguely european (currently liking Wyndellwood), to Elfmom LaFloren and Humandad Lastname (both placeholder names)
so the thing about elves is, they live a long time. half-elves? not as much. cynthia grew up in a society built by and for people who live over 3 times as long as she does, and who age 5x slower than she does. the elves born in the same year as her would still be in diapers, learning how to walk by the time she's already enrolled in magic school at age 8 or 9.
this, as you can imagine, is extremely alienating. she literally outgrows her friends within the space of a year.
Elfmom realized very early into raising cynthia that she was going to outlive this child, and it fucked her up quite a bit. as a result, she alternated between being very warm and loving, almost to the point of being smothering (making the most of the time they do have), and being cold and distant (trying to avoid getting attached and spare herself the future pain of losing her daughter)
so. uh. yeah. mommy issues pogchamp!!!1!
also, cynthia has a sister she's never met: Dazel LaFloren, full elf, who'd already grown up and moved out to a city called Cithril before cynthia was even born. Dazel wrote home every couple months, but never came back to visit, and works as an archivist's assistant.
(this is actually a fun little in-joke for me- dazel lafloren was a wizard character i made and never used years ago, and when making cynthia i used that original name and concept as a starting point, and it seemed fitting to include her in cynthia's story.)
Humandad is an involved parent, and does care about cynthia a lot, but struggles to relate to or connect with her in any meaningful way. (he spends a lot of time out of town anyways, doing trade and working in the fields and whatnot)
so yeah. cynthia grows up too fast (in terms of elf society, anyways), and almost entirely isolated from her community due to it. she hears stories of the White Consuls, thirteen wizards who are incredibly magically powerful, and are revered as national heroes because of it, and thinks, i want that. she hears stories about her sister, from her mother and from the other elves in the community, fondly reminiscing about the shenanigans dazel would get up to, and how proud they are of her for training in magic at the Cithril monastery, even if she did drop out, and thinks, i want that. she sees Elfmom (an Exclave elf to her core) highly revering magic and those who practice it, and thinks, i can be that.
And so, at age 8 or 9, when she has the chance to enroll as a student at the Kabar Taj monastery, to leave her family and her home behind and learn magic and possibly be apprenticed under a White Consul, maybe even become one one day? she takes it with pretty much zero hesitation, regardless of how dangerous it is.
Oihgggghhhg you have no idea how much I like this, the combination over attachment and cold indifference from her mom makes me foam at the mouth, I was hoping you would do something with the aging thing, it’s one of my favorite things about half elves and in one of my dnd places I’ve made that is a hybrid city there’s a section specifically for half elves who have nowhere else to go because of not fitting in with humans or elves, so obviously I’m a fan djsbdjh
That makes a ton of sense though with the aspiring to be a powerful magic person, like your whole life you’re ostracized, and this is the one way maybe you wouldn’t be looked down upon, but you don’t fit in there either it’s so aaaaagaggahdhdhrhrhgh
I do really like the name wyndellwood and the filler names for the parents are very funny to me, and I love the callback to an older character of yours I love when people do that sort of thing
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bobatealie-archived · 2 years
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