#literally so tired i had to bust out some coffee
sageispunk · 8 months
i've barely slept all week (like a few hours every night max) and felt FINE and then i pull an all nighter yesterday and i still felt FINE and then i sleep all night last night and i feel like i've gotten hit by a truck
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havange · 2 years
Now that I have introduced my new obsession I would just like to say. I CANT STAANNDD Teruhashi that bitch needs to get her head out her ass and realize that she isn’t the center of the damn earth even though she’s pretty. Also that bitches brother is just fucking all around creepy…who the fuck wants to fuck their sister bro…incest is not cute…
Yumehara was cute at first but then she just started becoming too much of an attention seeker. Like girly was really doing too much on that beach day.
I’m sorry this needs to be said but SOMEONE needs to bust Kaidos fuckin bubble about this super being shit. He’s sho cute but so fucking annoying with it bruh. Love him but I would bust the FUCK out that shit.
Nendou isn’t all that bad tbh. Yeah he’s annoying asl but his character is needed…he’s like a Patrick in SpongeBob.
Somebody PLSSS GET HAIRO SOME BETTER FITTING PANTS WITH A BELT AND TIGHTER UNDERWEAR. I’m tired of every episode I see with him in I have to see his asscrack. Mans pants just somehow someway always finds a way to reveal his fully uncovered ass. Ion wanna see all dat. Love his school spirit tho so motivated.
I am actually disappointed I thought Toritsuka was going to be cool and add to the show but he’s just a huge ass fucking attention seeking perv. He had a good run in the beginning but just completely fucked everything up.
Saikis parents are cool his dad is just annoying to me. Love his mom that lady is fucking crazy😍
I FUCKING LOVE SAIKI. He’s literally so relatable. Such a nonchalant asexual king. Love all his powers the creators really put they foot into making him and his personality. I thought it was so cool how he basically keeps the world running the right way and is always helping but still tries to stay lowkey as possible. We love a humble person. I also love how he will do anything for a coffee jelly it’s funny how that’s really the only thing that makes him unconditionally happy😭😭😭
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aeadventuretime · 4 months
31st May - 1st June 2024
Travelling to Rome.
Who knew I’d hate flying 200x more with a toddler in the mix. Just like lining up to check bags, go through security and all that was a nightmare! Roman was tired and feral and just bolting through all the barriers and off limit areas and just tantruming in my arms when ever I tried to stop him. Anxiety level 5000. At least he is cute?
We got to the airport a little early and went to the lounge to just chill and get some decent food, and let Roman have a squiggle and a sleep before our flight at 2:45. The lounge had a kids section and was Plato g paw patrol. And just the excitement in general meant Roman did not have a nap. But that was ok cos maybe it meant he would sleep on the plane.
We got on the plane and took off, Roman was entertained by some weird dog show on the plane entertainment system. SO MUCH TIRBULENCE! Literally gasped out loud numerous times. Broke Ashley’s hand squeezing it. And was certain we were going to die. Spoiler alert. We didn’t!
Roman got his own kids meal which he basically ate none of and ended up eating Ash and my pasta. So Ash and I went hungry. Roman started getting overtired and feral again. It was getting close to 10pm. Roman hadn’t slept in 15 hours. Finally he fell asleep but woke in hysterics 40mins later much to everyone around us’s dismay. So paw patrol went on and eventually he fell back asleep and maybe got 4 hours total. Meanwhile Ash and I watched half a movie. The iron claw. There was no second movie Nyssa. Cos I know you would ask. We watched like nothing, we ate nothing, we drank nothing, we didn’t sleep. Flying with a toddler is a very different experience 😵‍💫
We had a four hour stop over in Abu Dhabi, which was perfect time wise. Just enough time for Ash time grab a burger. Go for a walk and meet some camel statues, Roman loves Alice the camel so this was a win for a very tired 2 year old.
Second flight Roman fell asleep with minutes. Ash and I both managed to doze off. We woke what we assumed was 4 hours later. It had only been an hour. So over flying at the point and Roman was busting with energy, jumping and climbing and throwing things everywhere. Finally we landed, sped through immigration cos we had a bambino. Got a taxi to our hotel which is literally 7 mins from the colosseum. It was 8am and check in was at 2pm and we couldn’t get in earlier so we headed to the colosseum to look around. But before that we were told we could head up to our hotel roof for our complimentary breakfast! So we did! It’s the cutest little spot with a view of the colosseum. We got our first delicious coffee in forever, and a whole heap of pastries and fruit and juice. Fuel for us to head out for the day!
Roman was obsessed with the cobblestone paths. And of course this is when he decided to poo (after 3 days of none). So very stressful hour for him trying to do that and us finding places to change him and quickly running out of nappies.
We found a park and decided to just hang out there, we found a playground Roman loved, so much so that we had to bribe him to leave by saying we would find ice cream. We bought 2 ice creams to share. Roman ate both. When in Rome? Roman full of sugar was in a much better mood so we ventured around the park which was full of ruins. But Roman didn’t care. He remembered we had mentioned there would be cats so he was on the hunt. And guess what?! He found 3! He ran after them which gave Ash a heart attack cos rabies, didn’t help when Roman grabbed the cats tail as it tried to run away.
We were all exhausted when the hotel finally called to say our room was ready, I had to carry Rome all the way back. He was so tired. Finally making it into our room we all had a nap and woke 2 hours later.
Even though we were all tired we knew we should head out to keep us all awake so we headed to the Peroni brewery. Again had to carry Roman the whole way, I’m getting quite the workout. We grabbed a table and ordered our first pasta of the trip and got Roman some sausage and chips. Which he loved! It was a cute little Italian brewery/restaurant! We couldn’t stay too long cos Roman was tired and close to losing it, but we managed to get him to leave with the promise of ice cream. I promise we are better parents than this in Sydney. So off we went in search of gelato! Finding a little corner store we grabbed him a cone and sat of some stairs where he enjoyed his ice cream and pointing out all the pigeons, cos apparently we don’t have them in Sydney and they are therefore very exciting to find here. We carried him home and just chilled out. It was only an hour until we would try to get him to sleep. We have a family room with 2 giant beds and a cot set up for us. Roman fell asleep in the cot but woke 2 hours later and we brought him in bed. He slept from 7pm till 2am and we honestly thought that was going to be it for the night. But then after an hour he fell back asleep and slept through till 7:30am. Best birthday present ever for Ash who also managed to get 12 hours of sleep! So I guess the lack of sleep on our trip paid off and kind of helped with the jet lag!
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daevite · 1 year
aaaaAAAA i won't have my car until WEDNESDAY at the earliest which will be AFTER my first day of classes as well when i've needed to go grocery shopping and i'm not risking a walk to the store in this heat so i dashed my groceries and they got me the wrong type of coffee (i mean the wrong wrong type i needed a big jug or carton of something literally anything cold brew not a tiny ass one-use bottle i really doubt that big grocery store was OUT of every jug or carton of coffee) and there's still more shit i need to get that i don't wanna get dashed because this shit is annoying and unreliable and i had to order some shit from amazon and all this i could've just gotten myself with one trip to walmart but no people just gotta keep fucking shit up including my friend not getting the keys to his dad on time and not letting the gas station know we were gonna have to leave my car there for a while longer so it got towed (which risked popping my tires which was the whole reason i had to get another friend to help me get my keys to him in the first place) like i'm not really all that mad at him about it but this whole goddamn situation sucks like i'm gonna have to walk to my first day of classes in the south georgia summer heat when i'm a fucking faint risk and my work shoes are still busted because i gotta buy more shit to apply the glue and i'm generally just pissed off and tired and i'm going stir crazy from not getting to play games with my friends which staves off the social isolation because i can't pick up my fixed pc yet because I DON'T HAVE A FUCKING CAR TO PICK IT UP IN 😑
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arielsodyssey · 2 years
@willowmancer tagged me in a Tumblr game/ writing exercise, and it was fun 😊
5 Drinks to Get to Know Me
Coffee: I actually stole this in my early to mid teens. I wasn’t allowed to drink it, but every morning my mom had a big pot sitting in the kitchen. I’d wait until she was blow drying her hair in the next room to sneak over and pour myself a cup. It was a high risk operation: I could only make noise while the blow dryer was on, or I’d get busted. Speed and stealth were crucial- I had to be in and out, within seconds, in case she turned around; but also super quiet, in case she turned off the blow dryer. Once I’d pilfered the stash of forbidden stimulants, I’d quickly transport the contraband back to my cell- I mean, room- where I could enjoy the drug’s effects on my young, developing brain.
Well, of course I eventually got caught. I had already poured the cup and was on my way out of the kitchen, contraband in hand, with no alibi or means of trying to play it cool. To my surprise, my mother wasn’t even mad- I think she was just shocked that I would go through all of that effort just for some coffee. Caught red handed, I played the only card I had left: begging. “Please, please, I’m sorry, I need it, I’m sooo tired”.
Somehow, it worked. I was expecting to get in trouble, grounded, yelled at, etc., but she just let me drink coffee after that, and I’ve been drinking it ever since.
Juice life: I get to be lazy and mix breakfast and beverage together while pretending I’m being healthy. Every morning I throw some frozen strawberries, broccoli, frozen blueberries, hemp protein, Quaker Oats, and soy milk into a mini blender and drink it. Idk if this really has any health benefits, but if doesn’t, don’t tell me, because the placebo effect is working for me right now.
Rum: I haven’t drank alcohol in years (like, 5 or 6), but that’s what I used to use to turn off my brain, build courage, numb my pain, and drown out all of my emotions. I do not recommend, though I’d be lying if I acted like this wasn’t a decent part of my life for a while.
Gatorade: Idk, it’s like I get to drink those little “hug” quarter juices as an adult, while lying to myself and pretending it’s healthy
Tap water: I really hope my city is in compliance with EPA standards, because I’m very thirsty and I ran out of everything else
I don’t have a very popular blog, so I’m just going to tag a few amazing blogs I see in my “activity” from time to time, but no pressure!
@gonnasearchfortheworst @rapturebones @backwaterblues
Also, if I didn’t tag you, but you want to do this, literally just lmk, and I’ll discreetly edit the post to make it look like you were always tagged in it, and I swear to god no one will ever find out 💖
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richt3rs · 3 years
melting into you
NOTES! after a very awkward and funny situation i present to you all literal Fluff. k anon pls love me ugh i hope i did not disappoint :D i'm still kinda new to the fanfic shit so pls bare with me yall :,) SUMMARY: how would the tears of themis male leads comfort you if you are cold but they're all oneshots because i'm sexy WARNING! sickly sweet, sweet floof
artem sighed as he looked at your shivering form once more as he strolled passed the office and made himself a coffee for the -nth time that morning. it was especially cold today at the firm, evidently so as your seniors and co-workers were all appropriately dressed for the weather. coming to work a bit under dressed for today was a result of another all-nighter, cases were piling up and you wanted to lessen the workload at the appropriate time of 3 in the morning.
you grabbed yourself some water from the dispenser and made your way back to your seat. you rubbed your hands together and attempted to warm your face, the coffee mr. wing gave you upon your arrival hasn't kicked in yet and you were 1. warming yourself up and 2. keeping yourself awake. you were tired and cold, this was going to be a very long day.
"ahem... y/n, are you alright?" artem's voice made you jolt, making him a lot more worried than he already was from the moment he handed you your coffee.
"yeah, i'm okay... it's just i didn't expect the weather to get so cold all of the sudden." you told him. artem saw past your feud with the weather and noticed how you looked really exhausted. he began to make up a multitude of reasons as to why you'd look so spent. am i giving her to much work? did i make her stress? is she going overtime often?
deep in thought, artem walked away after what seemed like hours of silence between the both you. were you confused until you realised that he had gone to turn down the thermostat and hand you another cup of coffee. after that, he went to his office, picked up his suit jacket that was on his seat and handed it to you.
"here, i'm quite w-warm so don't worry about me, you can wear this until you're done for today." he spoke rather... sheepishly as he gave it to you. you looked up to him and noticed the pink tint on his cheeks. seeing artem all flustered like this made you flustered as well and the scent from his suit jacket was starting to overwhelm your senses.
you stood up to refuse him, only for you to sabotage your attempt as you shivered once more. in panic, artem instructed you to put on his coat immediately and even buttoned up a couple buttons for you. watching him do so put you in a daze, his gentle yet shaky fingers fiddled with them until he was satisfied that you would be warm enough for the day.
"i-i'm in my office if you need me, t-take care." artem blurted out after looking away and making quick strides to his office. suddenly, you weren't cold anymore, and your colleagues even asked if you had a fever due to how red you were the whole day. celestine was also especially giddy, frequently making short visits to mr. wing's office only to come out even more giddy. --- luke had been making not-so-obvious glances your way in the entirety of the NXX meeting. if it weren't for how much you were shivering and rubbing your hands together in an attempt to warm yourself, he would never see the end to your teasing after the meeting.
earlier in the day, you were informed that the air-con at the headquarters was busted. you didn't really mind it at first but now that you were sitting in the awfully cold room, you wished you could've brought something to keep you warm. it was really starting to bother your work, it felt like you spent more time trying to warm up rather than skimming through the paperwork you were assigned to.
fortunately, luke came over and sat next to you on the couch. all the other seats were uncomfortable given that it was freezing inside and the couch was the most viable option. "hey y/n," he spoke, "you look really cold... we did tell you that the air-con was busted." he furrowed his eyebrows as luke scooted closer to you.
"luke, it's okay i'm fi-" before you could finish your sentence, luke asked you to stand up for him. you did as you were told and noticed the growing smile that adorned luke's face. completely clueless about where this was going, you couldn't care less as the cold air continued to bite at your skin and the plan to snatch luke's jacket was looking incredibly attractive.
"come here, y/n. i don't want my watson getting cold..." he grinned as he motioned you to come closer to him. seeing how you were taking an awfully long time to close the distance between you both, he pulled you towards him and into his chest. i'm definitely not cold anymore, you said to yourself as you felt his body heat against you. he began to zip up his jacket that extended to accomodate for the both of you, urging you to wrap your arms around him so that it would close all the way.
after his jacket was zipped completely, the two of you were now standing in the middle of the cold room with your bodies joined together with his jacket. your mind flashed back to similar instances that occurred in the past, luke would do the same thing and for some odd reason it always did the trick. it was incredibly sappy yet adorable, the past bringing a smile to your face. fortunately in those instances, luke was able to unzip his jacket.
"the zip is stuck..." luke frowned, realising that you were now literally joined together, standing in the middle of the room for the other boys to just watch in confusion. it was only after several minutes had passed since you two were joined together like this that he noticed just how close the two of you were. these thoughts warmed him up so much even you could tell the rise of his body temperature.
to his surprise, you giggled and he watched his jacket ruffle due to your movements. he beamed as he continued to witness the fruit of his work, seeing you smile and get all warmed up. he then wrapped his arms around you, making the tight space more comfortable for the both of you. unbeknown to you, the blush that crept onto his face was a sight worth seeing. --- marius finally got out of the meeting he was stuck in for the past two hours. it was a little over half an hour after the time he promised to pick you up from the firm to have dinner with him after work. he quickly filed through the crowd and drove down to the firm, texting you that he was late since the meeting went overtime.
you replied that it was okay, since you were also overtime to finish a few bits and pieces so you can start fresh the next day. the seasons had changed and the nights gradually grew colder. against your better judgement, today was colder than usual and you weren't wearing anything warm. sighing, you asked marius if you were dining indoors since he surprised you every time you went out and ate together.
'missy :( it ruins the surprise but we're outdoors for tonight, is there something wrong?' he replied shortly after you texted him. you groaned at his response while double checking through your belongings once again that you really had nothing warm you could put on. you got so caught up with being so worried about how cold it would be tonight and didn't notice that marius was parked infront of you eagerly waiting.
marius stepped outside of his car and opened the door for you as usual. "miss attorney~ are you ready to ea- wait. aren't you cold?" he gestured at your lack of warm clothing. your body language spoke on your behalf, your limbs were shaking and you huddled in on yourself as you watched marius go back to the driver's seat and turn down the air-con. fortunately for you, marius literally just got back from a meeting hence his rather formal attire for dinner. said attire meant that the acting CEO of pax was still wearing his suit jacket, which looked incredibly inviting.
the ride to the destination was short and quiet, marius glanced at you every now and then and was relieved you looked much better than when you were outside in the cold. scratching his brain and asking himself if he kept spare clothes in his trunk occupied him until they reached the lavish restaurant. just before you were about to get out of the car, marius quickly made it over so that he can open it for you. it was after he had done so you noticed that he took off his suit jacket.
you were about to protest but he was already whining about he knew you would put up a fight and told you to just put it on. the difference between both of your body frames was astonishing, the end of his suit jacket was just above your knees. expecting the smell of expensive perfume, you were surprised with a comforting yet alluring musk scent. peering eyes at the two of you deepened the red dancing across your cheeks as you followed marius into a more secluded part of the venue.
"y/n, i'll ask pax to make you your own DAVIS so that he can tell you the weather and when to call your favourite NXX mem-" "wow marius, i really like the food here! can we come here more often?" you cut him off to save yourself the embarrassment. the food was genuinely really nice and you were now comfortable, despite having to adjust every now and then to stop the sleeves of his suit from going too far down.
while waiting for his 'oh, pax actually owns this restaurant' comment, you looked up to see marius staring at you instead of eating. he chuckled seeing you blush after making eye contact, it didn't bother him that you were almost finished and he had barely started. despite marius starting to freeze up, the warmth that gradually seeped into his heart sated his appetite for the night. --- vyn smiled, his garden looked especially inviting today. he peacefully hummed to his own tune, tending to his flowers with utmost care. it must have been because you were visiting him today. his students clearly noticed how merry he was in his teachings, may they be so bold to say that the cold yet alluring dr. richter looked even more charming than ever.
the warmth of your heart was almost enough to distract you of the unexpected temperature fluctuations lately. it was that time of year when the seasons clashed with one another, leaving people overdressed or barely dressed. despite these troubles, you pushed on with your work at the firm and made your way to stellis university. you arrived earlier than expected, and what was no greater way to allow the passage of time than to see the doctor himself?
vyn has always been so passionate and assertive, yet he slightly falters at the sight of you. his rose always shone brighter than the yellow of his eyes, his seemingly flawless disposition paled to your natural beauty. vyn envied the red of your cheeks when he gazed your way, he yearned for flowers in your shade to satisfy his budding obsession. the lecture hall felt warmer with your presence, his cooler body temperature ravished in this new heat. the lesson goes on but it prolonged as time continued to tease the two of you.
"y/n dear, aren't you freezing?" taking a look at your outfit, unfit for the unpredictable weather. vyn frowned seeing you shiver as he was reminded of his roses roughly swaying in the wind. you sighed and nodded, looking up at him helplessly. "it would be best if we get going, dr. richter. we were gonna have tea at your place, no?" you changed the topic, trying to wipe the concern off his face. you both settled on the plan to have tea in his garden but the weather said otherwise. simply being in dr. richter's presence was enough for you already.
vyn left the both of you to your thoughts as he turned back to his desk and started packing up his things. you fiddled with your fingers and stared at the floor, this silence was deafening. you are no stranger to the mystery that is vyn, you find that this side of him makes him even more captivating. his familiar sweet scent dragged you out of your thoughts to focus on vyn slipping out of his coat. no words were exchanged as dr. richter swirled around and made you wear his coat, attentively fixing the collar. he smirked as he noted your crimson tinged visage.
"yes, we were. but i would much rather prefer your safety over some tea we can always share together later." he uttered, taking in how addicting you looked in his uniform. despite his slightly bigger body frame, his coat hugged your form perfectly. vyn expected nothing less from the person capable of stripping him of his rationality, let alone the front he put up to save himself.
his rose giggled, "i'm fine vyn, truly. i was really looking forward to spending time with you... that was why i arrived earlier than planned." you averted your gaze, since when did your own words make you so flustered? he smiled and motioned for you to join hands, you both walk out of the lecture and across the university's halls together. you were usually immune to the murmurs and glances you get from the students. now you believed that you never truly understood the gravity of being the handsome professor's assistant until today.
vyn waved goodbye, the tea from moments ago lingered in his tastebuds. he stayed by the door until he could no longer see you beyond his hedges and retired for the evening. his nose found refuge in the combination of your scents, his mind devoid of thought. as he recalled what occurred earlier, vyn completely revelled in the way you gave him back his coat rather hesitantly and how your warmth found residence within his clutches. a wonderful feeling cultivated in his heart and his roses had bloomed beautifully ever since.
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hydroponicjj · 3 years
No Body, No Crime [1]
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Female!Peterkin!Reader
Word Count: 1.9K
Warnings: Swearing, Mentions Drugs/Drug Use and Sex
Summary: Y/N Peterkin is so tired of her mother's neglect. When she has the opportunity to get in good graces with Rafe Cameron, she takes it. The only thing she asks is that he helps tarnish her good-girl image.
A/N: Hello! Earlier today, I put out a little announcement regarding everything going on with this series. I recommend that you go and check that out here. Also, I know that this is a peterkin!reader series but, I'm not going to specify that you are her biological daughter (meaning, you can pretend that you're adopted if you'd prefer).
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                    「 ₊˚.༄ 」
You resented your mom.
There was no need to put it lightly or sugar-coat it. Your deep hatred for Susan Peterkin cut deep.
Everyone in your inner circle worshiped your mother like a God, just because she was the sheriff. And you had the displeasure of being her daughter, meaning you also received royalty status (which you had no interest in having).
Even the Pogues, those that often displayed their distaste for the police treasured your mother because she was always there to help, sticking her neck out for anyone that needed it.
You felt like you had eyes on you from all angles while hanging around The Cut.
And your mother never let you forget.
“Hey, Y/N quit daydreaming. You’ve got work to do.” Your mother snapped two fingers in your face, pulling you out of your daze.
You were sitting on the island, infinite amounts of papers and notebooks sprawled out around you.
Your mom was in the kitchen, speedily pouring coffee in her thermos, “Listen, you’ve got to figure out a way to finish this paperwork before the deadline.”
“Mom, I literally just graduated high school yesterday. My internship doesn’t start for another 6 weeks. I’ve got loads of time.”
“I’m giving you till Friday to finish this. I’ve got a lot of people relying on you for this internship and, we don’t need your lack of punctuality ruining things.”
Your lips were now in a tight line, trying to hold back from saying anything that would result in a screaming match.
Your mom sent you one last disapproving look before turning around, continuing to pack her lunch.
“Y/N, I’ve got pressure on me at work and I don’t any extra stress, especially coming from you. Do you understand?”
“What’s going on?” You asked, slightly concerned but mostly being nosy.
Inhaling deeply, she began, “The Cameron boy, he was busted by some deputies selling cocaine at a frat party about 2 days ago,”
“His father wants me to drop the whole thing, considering he helped me with some...” she hesitated, “Anyway, it doesn’t matter. I’ve got the drugs locked in my safe here just in case anyone tries to take anything from the station.”
Your eyes stretched, “Not only were drugs in the house but, they belonged to none other than Rafe Cameron? Never thought I’d see the day.”
“A Cameron with drugs? I thought it'd be Wheezie honestly." You commented under your breath.
"What? Do you know these kids?" Peterkin halted, peering over her shoulder at you.
"I hang out with Sarah all the time. I mean-- where do you think I stay those nights when you're off at work or tending to Pogues instead of your own daughter." You replied snarkily.
"Watch your tone."
"I just insulted you as a mother, and you're angry about my tone? Great," You paused, growing more offended by the second "Do you even give a shit about what I do?"
“Y/N...” she halted, “For today, can you at least try to hide your disgust towards me?” She sent you a condescending smirk.
You resisted the urge to gag out of discomfort and annoyance.
Grabbing the keys to her car from the counter, she stopped, “Oh— I forgot to tell you. I used the last of the sandwich meat so, you’ll have to find something else to eat.”
Shrugging in her direction, you turned around and headed up to your room. Seconds later, you heard the distinct creaking of your front door closing.
You sat on your bed for hours, silently sulking.
You tried extremely hard to calm down, anything to ease the tightness in your throat that indicated that you were angry.
The fact that your mother had managed to piss you off and steal the only food in the house in one interaction baffled you.
After a while, you grew even more irritable. It was split evenly down the middle but, the common denominator was Susan Peterkin.
Suddenly, a mischievous voice appeared in your head, “Get back at her.”
At first, your immediate response was no. Being spiteful against your mother was going to do nothing but cause more problems for you, considering she didn’t give a shit about what you did.
Getting up from your bed, you went in the direction of the stairs. Just as your foot came into contact with the first step, you noticed that the door to your mothers' office was creaked open.
Your mind went to a sinister place, "Take the drugs from her safe."
"Oh my gosh, stop it." You replied audibly, so shocked by your own thoughts.
But then, you started to weigh out all of the pros in your head. You felt as though you had an angel on one shoulder and the devil on the other.
One was telling you to take it. Use it, sell it, give it back to Rafe... anything. The other was advising you to leave everything, it wasn't your job to play hero and get involved with Peterkins' inconveniences.
But, on the flip side, you might be doing both of you a favor. You knew deep down if she ever found out you did this, she wouldn't rat you out. Then, everyone in all of OBX would find out.
In the process, you'd be taking care of a big issue at work for her and maybe you'd even get time to spend with Sarah more often.
"Agh, screw it," Walking into her office, you went to the corner where the safe resided.
It took you a few attempts to guess the password to Peterkins' safe. Every time it would beep, you'd jump out of fear, afraid that the entire plan would erupt in your face.
It wasn't until you tried the last 4 digits of her badge number that the safe clicked, and opened.
There wasn't much content on the inside.
A very old pack of cigarettes, an old notebook, a watch and, the drugs that belonged to Rafe.
Once you saw the contraband, it was no longer a mystery as to why it was easily confiscated.
It was literally white powder in a Ziploc bag. 😐
You always knew Rafe wasn't at the top of his class but, at least he'd know better than to put a highly illegal drug in something as non-discrete as a Ziploc bag.
Taking another moment to critique Rafe's delivery, you grabbed the bag as carefully as possible and exited the house.
IF IT WASN'T FOR THE AWFUL TRAFFIC on the highway that joined Figure 8 and the Cut, you would've made it to the Cameron residence much earlier.
You didn't arrive there until around 6:45 PM. It was still blazing hot outside, and you could see the crimson hue from the beginning of sunset on the lake.
There weren't many vehicles in the driveway. The only 2 being a motorcycle and Sarah's yellow Volkswagon Beetle.
You parked your car and got out, making sure your keys were in your pocket before you closed the door.
Right after the car locked, you heard the sound of the garage door opening.
Emerging was the very person you wanted to see, Rafe Cameron.
"Ahh shit," He sighed, rolling his eyes, "You need to leave now. Alright, I don't care if you're here to see Sarah."
"Rafe, I'm here--"
He cut you off, "Y/N, your mom screwed me over. And I know you're just gonna run and snitch like the fucking good-two-shoes that you are."
Pulling the poorly packaged cocaine out of your pocket, you underhand tossed it to him.
"What I was trying to say was that I'm not here on my mother's behalf," You replied.
“Shit, Y/N. Is this--?” He halted.
“Yeah, it should all be there.” Crossing your arms, you stepped into the garage with him.
He sent an appreciative nod, and turned around, “Sarah’s inside.”
“I need to ask you a favor,”
Rafe spun, exploring your face, “What is up with Peterkins and asking for shit?”
“Okay, I’d appreciate it if you didn’t lump me in with my mother, considering I just gave you back the coke she confiscated,” you reacted, crossing your arms.
He took a seat on a small stool, placing him many feet below you. As he stared up into your eyes, he began, “Speak.”
You smiled, fortunate that he’d even oblige you, “I want you to corrupt me.”
Almost as a reflex, Rafe snickered in a way that showed he was in complete control of the situation, “Y/N, you’re hot.”
“You’re definitely my type but, you’re also the sheriff’s daughter so, if you came here to ask me to fuck you, I’m sadly going to pass.”
“Oh my gosh,” you paused, covering your face in embarrassment, “Rafe, I don’t want to have sex with you. I just need you to get me in some trouble so my mom will acknowledge me.”
A look passed over him and you knew that your comment hurt his ego but, he never faltered for a second.
“Hm,” He returned, “I’ve got something in mind.”
“Yeah, yeah. Anything,”
“For starters-” Before he could finish, Sarah came surging through the door with excitement, “Y/N! I recognized your car through the window.”
She ran and gave you a hug. “Hey.” You smiled, thrilled to be in her embrace.
She peeked over her shoulder and saw her brother. “Don’t you have anything better to do than harass my friend?”
Standing up from his spot, he towered over the two of you. “Contrary to popular belief, I can be very entertaining.”
He glanced towards you, giving a devilish smirk before exiting the garage.
Getting on his bike, he put the red helmet over his head and started revving the engine.
While Sarah wasn’t looking, he flipped up the lense of his hat and mouthed, “Call me” before driving away.
"Sometimes I can't believe I'm related to someone so horrendous." Sarah rolled her eyes before grabbing your wrist, pulling you inside her house.
AFTER LEAVING SARAH'S HOUSE you were bouncing from wall to wall, thinking of all the things Rafe would want.
Trying to sleep that night was absolutely terrible.
Your mother sent you a text saying that she'd be staying at the station all night trying to finish some paperwork so, you had at least another 12 hours before she realized the drugs had been taken from her safe.
The one thing that plagued your mind was Rafe Cameron.
You were eager to know what he needed you to do.
Although you did willingly come to him and practically beg for his help, you still couldn't ignore the deep pit in your stomach, telling you that this was bound to end poorly.
Getting fed up with your pessimistic thoughts, you reached for your phone on the nightstand and called Rafe.
You were seconds away from hanging up the phone when he answered. You almost gasped out of shock because you only somewhat expected him to pick up.
When he did, you were bombarded with the sound of rap music and screaming teenagers, "Hello!" He shouted over the music.
"R-Rafe?" You got up from your seated position on the bed, anticipating every second of this call.
"Y/N... listen, I can't hear you but, I'm at Topper's house!" He yelled, "I'll text you the address."
He hung up before you could say anything else.
You ran your fingers through your hair, contemplating if you should go or not.
You weren't scared, it's not like your mom cared enough to get mad if she knew you went to a party.
In all honesty, Rafe made you nervous. He always did, even before you found out he was linked to drugs.
When your phone buzzed with Topper's address, you knew the damage was done. You were already so intrigued by Rafe Camerson that you couldn't say no.
Looking at your phone, you read the message,
724 Readfield Ln. I'll be on the porch waiting for you.
TAGLIST FOR SERIES: @oopsiedoopsie23 @cocobutterqwueen @a-bolanos
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Greta Van Fleet One Shots: How You Meet
T/W: Mentions of a car wreck
It was an unexpected turn of events, but Josh liked to refer to it as universal intervention. Every morning you walked ten minutes down the street to your favorite coffee shop to get something heavily caffeinated before holing yourself up in your art studio for the rest of the day. This morning activity had gone past routine a long time ago and had quickly become ritual. You had found out that walk was a great way for you to start your day for sculpting with clay. 
One rainy fall morning right before Halloween, you were surprised to see four young guys milling around the coffee shop seeming to enjoy the atmosphere while they discussed various pieces of art from local artists lining the walls. A few of the pieces of photography were yours from when you visited the Grand Canyon a couple summers ago, but since then, your attention had been focused on pottery. 
After a steaming latte was firmly secured in your hand and a hefty tip left for the baristas, you began to make your way back to the door as you planned out your day mentally. Before you could grab the door handle, one of the shorter guys from the group with curly hair quickly held the door for you with a breathtaking smile. You hadn’t been into photography in years, but you would’ve died on the spot to have captured that grin on camera. 
You offered your thanks quickly as you your face was suddenly on fire. He had to of known you were staring, but what you didn’t know was the he had been staring since you entered the coffee shop. 
“Hey! Wait! What’s your name,” the young man called after you as you stepped outside onto the sidewalk. The morning light made him squint his deep brown eyes as he stared at you, waiting on an answer. 
“I’m y/n,” you answered shyly as you pushed a stray piece of hair out of your face and nearly slapped yourself when you realized you totally forgot to ask his. Before you could open your mouth, he had already beat you the punch and leaned back against the building with his arms crossed and a confident grin on his face. 
“So, y/n....do you come here often?”  
The music was so loud that you were sure your head would burst. You could feel the beat of the music in your the center of your chest as you sipped on your drink. Your friend, y/f/n, was friends with a drummer for a pretty famous band and they extended an invitation to their house party to kick off their new album release. While you though Greta Van Fleet was a weird name for a rock n’ roll band, you did like their music.
Bob Seger blared through the house as you continued the search for your friend. The body heat from the crowd was coming off in waves and making you feel dizzy. You were just ready to leave, but you couldn’t leave your friend behind. A tap on your shoulder had you turning quickly coming face to face with a tall guy with long black hair who offered you a friendly smile.
“Hey! I’m Danny. I’m friend’s with y/f/n too! She’s been looking all over for you,” he yelled over the music as he pointed in the direction of your friend who was jumping up and down trying to get your attention. You and Danny laughed as some random guy with long hair and a pink shirt started doing the same thing to make fun of her. 
“That’s Sam. He’s my best friend. It’s getting to be a bit much in here, so we’re all going to step out for a few minutes if you would like to join. Unfortunately, I don’t know everyone here tonight and I don’t want to leave you by yourself,” Danny yelled over the music with a kind look on his face. 
“Yeah! That would be great! I was actually getting a bit overwhelmed, so I’m glad you’re here dude,” you shouted back as you placed your hand in the crook of his offered elbow. As you two made your way to the edge of the room where your friends were waiting, people stumbled over each other to get your way and were yelling and patting Danny on the back. A sudden realization ran through body as you felt your eyes widen at the idea that this was the Danny from Greta Van Fleet.
You and Ronnie had been best friends for as long as you two could remember which meant her brothers annoyed you as much as they did her. Throughout your high school years, you honestly didn’t have a crush on any of them but found their friendship to be as irreplaceable as Ronnie’s. 
Once they made their big debut, you didn’t see them often and you and Ronnie both attended different colleges. In fact, you had a once in a lifetime opportunity to study abroad and couldn’t pass it up.The miles between you and Ronnie didn’t matter and you talked every single day and normally face-timed too. Any updates on the boys came from her or Karen. You did miss hanging out in the garage on the weekends and playing pranks, but as the days turned into years, you didn’t think much more of it. 
Finally, you were able to go home for a much needed visit after your year abroad and apparently, Ronnie and the boys would be home at the same time too. Quickly, you all made plans to hang out at the first possible moment and you were jittery with excitement on your flight back to US. 
After taking a couple days to catch up on some much needed rest, you were finally able to go hang out at the Kiszka house. When you got there, you didn’t even knock on the door and waltzed straight into the living room like you had always done. Ronnie and the boys were sprawled all over the furniture with the exception of Danny who always preferred the floor. Hearing your entrance, Ronnie let out a scream as she lept over the back of the couch and literally sent you sprawling to the ground with her on top of you. 
“Okay-Ronnie-Ronnie! Let go of my neck! I can’t breathe,” you croaked out as the only Kiszka girl finally loosened her death grip and helped you up. All the boys got up next to give you a quick hug, but you noticed one missing. 
“Where’s Sammy,” you asked as your heard his feet hitting the steps on his way down. With a huge grin, he made his way over to get a hug, but you felt yourself swallow quickly as you willed yourself not to blush. Little Sammy had apparently grown up on tour and Sam was the one approaching you with his arms outstretched. Giving you a tight squeeze, you could smell his shampoo from his long hair and willed your heart to slow down. 
You had never had a crush on any of Ronnie’s brothers, but that had quickly changed in less than a minute. 
The radio was still playing as you hung upside down in your car. Your seat belt was the only thing holding you in place. You could taste the blood in your mouth and salty tears and blood ran into your hairline. Adrenaline was pumping through your veins as you scanned your surroundings and tried to remember how you ended up in the current situation, but nothing immediately came to mind which made you cry harder. You were sobbing when you could hear voices drifting through the shattered windshield. 
Despite the pain in your ribs and the tightness of the seat belt, you let out a blood curdling screech that ended in hiccups and sobs. A few moments later, you heard hurried footsteps and gravel crunching..
“Josh! Call 911!”
“Damn! How are we going to get her out? Should we move her?”
“I don’t know! Did anyone get that license plate? She was ran off the road!”
The voices blurred together and your eyes felt heavy. They began to flutter shut when a guy with long hair and a worried expression stuck his head in your car from the busted passenger side window. 
“Hey! Stay awake! I know you’re tired, but you have to stay awake. What’s your name,” he asked gently as he wiggled into the car and grabbed on of your hands. The calluses were a drastic difference to your soft palms and he absentmindedly ran his thumb over the back of your hand. 
“Y/n. It’s y/n,” you stuttered out. 
“It’s nice to meet you. Help’s on the way, okay? I’m Jacob, but I go by Jake. I wish we had met in better circumstances, but you have super pretty eyes,” he said with a soft smile. 
“I’m scared, Jake,” you said as a new flood of tears ran into your hairline. 
“I know. I’m going to stay right here. You’re not alone. I promise,” Jake said with sincerity as he continued to comfort you. 
On the verge of bleeding out, you honestly were wondering if he wasn’t your guardian angel. 
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The Long Con Part Nine
Previous Part | Masterlist | Next Part Pairing: Marcus Pike x Reader Rating: T Notes: I hope y’all had a good week! 💕 Warnings: Cursing, fluff, me pretending that I know literally anything about art history or art forgery— again. Summary: You wound up spending much of the day holed up in Marcus’ room, sitting at his desk with the numerous print-outs, a marker, a notebook, and his laptop. 
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You offered to help Marcus with the wedding errands that needed to be done, but he could see how distracted you were by the print-outs he’d been able to get of the x-rays and craquelure of Leda and the Swan. He shook his head, nodding to where you’d already set up shop at his desk. “Don’t worry about wedding stuff today,” He reassured, smiling. Then he tipped your head up for a quick peck and left.
You wound up spending much of the day holed up in Marcus’ room, sitting at his desk with the numerous print-outs, a marker, a notebook, and his laptop. You looked for comparisons between the x-rays of the Mona Lisa, Da Vinci’s sketches of Leda, and the other reproductions that you were more familiar with. Jill actually had to come up and draw you out of the room by taking Marcus’ laptop charging cord hostage. 
When Marcus returned that evening, he found you folding programs with laser focus. 
“Having fun?” He teased, settling down beside you on the floor. You were leaning back against the couch, as you had when you and Marcus had been putting the favors together. 
“Mhm,” You hummed lightly, peering down at the program and lining up the corners of the paper before smoothing down the middle. Marcus picked up an unfolded program, beginning to fold them as you did. 
“How were um-- Errands, how’d they… You know?” You asked absently. “They were fine. Tuxes have been acquired, venue’s got the final headcount, seating chart and favors, photographer’s got the shot list.” “Has Marnie called the hotel they’re staying at and found out if there was an upgrade available?” You glanced at Marcus, “Might be able to get something if she mentions it’s her wedding weekend.” Marcus’ brows rose. “I don’t think she has, but I’ll find out.” “Should probably check in with wherever the rehearsal dinner is being held, too,” You added, turning back to the programs. “I’ll keep that in mind...Are you okay?” Marcus asked as you dropped another folded program atop the pile. “Mhm.” “Hey,” Marcus reached out, setting his hand on your arm. You glanced over at him. “S’wrong?” “You seem a little tense,” He scooched closer, thigh pressing against yours, “I can take over program folding,” He added. “She’s mad at me,” Jill called from the kitchen. “I am not mad!” You called back. “What happened?” Marcus frowned, glancing between the two of you. Jill came into the living room, leaning over the back of the couch and peering down at the two of you. “I made her come out from hunching over those photos that you printed out this morning,” She told Marcus as you pointedly folded another program. Busted. “How long were you in there?” Marcus asked, rubbing his hand over the back of your neck gently. “Since you left. I only got the damn cord away from her half an hour ago,” Jill answered, pushing off of the couch, “Speakin’a which, you hungry, Marky?” You snickered, muttering, “Marky.” “No thanks, mom.” “What about you, honey?” “No thank you, Jill,” You glanced back, offering her a smile before dropping another program atop the pile. Marcus watched her go before he leaned a little closer. “Were you able to work anything out?” He asked, picking up another page. “Nothing substantive,” You grumbled, folding the page and setting it aside. Marcus set his on the pile before he drew you into his chest. You pouted a little, slouching against him as you reached for the next page. “You know I’ve got the team working on this, too, right? And the team working out of the Louvre.” “I know,” You mumbled. “So relax,” Marcus murmured, turning his head and pressing a kiss to your temple. “I’m incredibly relaxed. I’m also very focused on folding these programs.” “Sweetheart, programs do not need to be that perfect.” 
“Agree to disagree.” You felt Marcus’ fingers tuck under your chin and turn your head to look at him. You paused in your folding, blinking up at him. “You sure you’re alright?” He asked gently. You were not— but what was one more lie in this house? “Yeah,” You murmured before you leaned up, taking a chance and pecking Marcus’ lips. You felt him smile as he cupped your cheek, keeping you close as he deepened the kiss. You sighed, relaxing a little more and resting a hand on his thigh. As the kiss broke, you rested your head against his neck, closing your eyes as Marcus rubbed his hand over your shoulder. “...Feel better?” He asked quietly. “I think so.” “I can do that anytime,” He added after a moment, and you smiled, pressing your face into the crook of his neck. “I’ll keep that in mind.”
-- “You still doing that?” Marcus asked. “Hm?” You glanced back at him, catching sight of him in his pajamas. Jill had relinquished the laptop cord shortly after dinner, and Marcus had freed you of program-folding duty. “What...Time is it?” You asked, frowning. “It’s a little after midnight,” Marcus walked over to stand behind you, bracing his hands on the back of your chair and looking over your work, “You comin’ to bed?” You knew that you should— it had been a long day (after Jill had finally ceded the charging cord), and you were a bit tired. “Uh… N--No, not yet—” “C’mon,” Marcus murmured, leaning down and wrapping his arms around your shoulders, “You need to get some sleep.” “I know, I’m gonna, I just— I think I’m really close to something here,” You admitted, looking up at Marcus, “I wanna chase it down. I’ll take it into the living room so the light doesn’t keep you up,” You added, starting to gather up some of the materials. “If you’re sure,” Marcus conceded softly, “But get some sleep, huh?” “I will.” “Promise?” You glanced up at Marcus, smiling. “Promise.” He nodded, leaning in and pressing a kiss to your forehead before heading to bed. 
You leaned away from the markups on the coffee table, dropping your marker with a shaky hand. 
You’d made a call to where she’d been sent, and found out she had had her sentence shortened. She’d been out for nearly three years— she’d missed parole; there was a warrant out for her arrest. You hadn’t wanted to believe it was her work, you hadn’t, but you’d found the messages she always left. One was in the x-rayed under layers of the wreath of flowers around the swan’s neck: ‘Dominus ad ludere’. And then, another x-rayed layer, within one of the grey layers of the painting, near the darkened fold of the swan’s wing: ‘Ad opus domini’. The master at play, the master at work.  The lettering was small, difficult to spot, but you knew that handwriting, and you knew exactly where to look. You couldn’t help the sick, twisting feeling in your stomach as you picked up your phone. You grabbed your notebook where you’d jotted down your notes on the sketches and brushstrokes, the notes that she’d left behind, and you hurried out to the porch. You sat on the porch swing, peering out into the dark and settling your notebook on your lap. You tucked the phone against your ear, listening as it rang. “Special Agent Melinda Yuen,” Came the answer when the phone was picked up. You were fond of Marcus’ colleague; aside from Marcus, she was who you’d worked the closest with. “Hi, Mel, it’s me,” You said quietly, glancing toward the door. “Hey, professor! How ya been?” “Fine,” You smiled a little at her question, “You?” “I’m alright. If you’re calling looking for Marcus—” “No, I… I wanted to talk to you. Marcus sent me some of the stuff from that da Vinci picked up in Orléans. I took a look at it, it’s definitely not authentic.” “You got notes?” “You have a pen? I’m going to tell you exactly where to look.” You listed off the points and layers that you were able to identify, as well as the suspect for her to look into. Melinda went quiet on the other end for a moment. “Professor, isn’t that your grandm—” “Yes,” You answered hurriedly, “It is.” “...Shit.” “My feelings exactly— Look, Mel, I’ve gotta ask you a favor.” “Sure.” “Don’t...Don’t tell Marcus who called this in until he’s back in D.C.” “Why not?” “Just, please?” You pleaded softly, glancing toward the door. “...I don’t know, professor—” “I’m not asking you to keep it from him forever, just-- Couple’a days.”
“Alright,” Melinda sighed softly, before, “How do you know when he’ll be back, anyway?” “Oh, he uh— mentioned he was going to his sister’s wedding. I don’t wanna ruin his weekend, you know. Figured if I got you on the first ring on this number he must be down there, ‘specially with this big of a case in the office,” You fibbed quickly. “You figure correctly,” Melinda chuckled, “I’ll get these notes over to the team. Night, professor.” “Night, Mel, and thanks.” “Hey, thank you.” You lowered your phone, hanging it up and peering out over the backyard again. You sighed softly, pushing the swing back and forth with one foot. “Can’t sleep?” You jumped at the sound of the question, huffing a shaky laugh at the sight of Marnie. “No,” You confirmed, “What about you?” “Nope,” Marnie sighed, walking over to sit beside you, “I was working on my vows.” “Big speech-writing day in the Pike household,” You teased. “That Marcus’?” Marnie nodded to your notebook. “O-Oh! No. Some uh… Stuff on that painting. Inconsistencies, little things,” You set the notebook down between the two of them, giving Marnie the option to pick it up. She left it be, giving you a little bit of relief in what had been a mostly hellish day. “Think it’s serious?” You shrugged, “Could be inconsequential.” You were already lying to Marnie so much, what was one more? Though, frankly, it made you feel a little crummy. You were growing very fond of Marcus’ family. They were warm, and welcoming. You’d always imagined having a family like them. “You and Marcus seem good, you know?” Marnie said, nudging your shoulder with hers, “I mean...Happy.” You smiled, lowering your eyes. “Your brother is... amazing. All of you are, I mean— I don’t know any family that would open their home to someone they don’t know for a night, let alone an entire week. And your mom— the way she pulled me out of Marcus’ room earlier,” The two of you chuckled, “Well. I’ve appreciated everything since I’ve been here, how kind you all have been.” “Oh,” Marnie reached out, patting your hand lightly, “We’re happy to. ‘Sides, Marcus is clearly smitten with you.” Your stomach churned with unease as you peered down at your hands. Marcus was a better actor than he gave himself credit for. You knew you’d make a liar out of him. “Makes two of us,” You mumbled. Damn, but that was the truth. Tag list: @hufflepuffing-all-day-long ; @spideysimpossiblegirl ; @blueeyesatnight ; @elen-aranel ; @yespolkadotkitty ; @artsymaddie ; @phoenixhalliwell ; @lunaserenade ; @winniedaboo  ; @empress-palpat1ne ; @randomness501 ; @nutmeg-20 ; @leonieb ; @the-feckless-wonder ; @lou-la-lou ; @captain-jebi ; @supernaturalgirl ; @naturenebula21 ; @evelynseventyr ; @giselatropicana ; @heatherbel ; @marydjarin ; @annathewitch ; @absurdthirst ; @hnt-escape ; @writingletterstothefire ; @misswriter ; @bison-writes ; @xx-small-town-witch-xx ; @ajeff855 ; @hellovanessax​ ; @drinkingwhileblogging​ ; @strawberryperegrine​ ; @a-court-of-feysand-and-elorcan​
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scriptmedic · 4 years
Or, How to Abandon Pants & Save the World at the Same Time
Hey all. Seems like it’s getting tough out there. 
Seems like shit is getting really real, really fast. 
I’m here in New York, doing ICU transfers for one of the hospital systems, and I can’t lie to you... it’s bad. 
We’re storing bodies in refrigerated trailers because the morgues are full. 
The City is reopening potter’s fields and digging mass graves. 
Hundreds of people a day are dying. Soon, thousands.
Mostly older. Some previously-healthy adults. Mercifully, not many kids. 
It’s real, and it’s bad. 
But I promise you, the world is not ending. 
And I also promise you this post will end with HOPE, even if it’s hard to read. 
But I want to talk about something... a misconception I’ve been seeing over and over again. 
We are NOT the “Front Line.”
I keep hearing the term “front line responders” used for our nurses... doctors... PAs...
We’re the LAST line.
We’re the failsafe. The oh-shit, I can’t-fix-this-any-other-way line. 
We’re the everything else has gone wrong line. 
The FIRST line of defense against COVID is YOU. 
You, sitting at home, wondering how the world will ever get back to normal. 
You, hoping that your job will still be there in a week, a month, a year. 
You, resisting the urge to walk the dog again because you’re bored. 
YOU are the ones who are going to make the difference in how many people live, and how many die. 
Not us. Not your health professionals. 
How You Can Stay Safe & Save the World 
I want to talk about something .... RISK. 
A lot of people I know are pretty risk-tolerant. We’re young, we’re healthy, and if we DO get COVID, it will likely just seem like a cough, or even like...  ...nothing. 
Here’s the problem. 
There are a LOT  of people testing positive (in countries doing mass testing, i.e. not here) who had NO IDEA they were infected. 
It’s called being an Asymptomatic Carrier. 
So even if you literally do not care if you get COVID...
Even if you feel completely fine...
ACT LIKE YOU HAVE IT ANYWAY.  Act like ANYONE you come into contact with could die if your breath touches their skin, their mouth, their nose. 
Act like everyone you meet is your granny, or your mom, who’s sick. Someone you love. 
It’s not about YOUR health, it’s about EVERYONE’S health. 
I’ve put together a few guidelines to help you stay safe AND save the world. 
I’m about 6 feet tall... ...so remember to keep a distance of 1 (one) Scripty apart from each other. NO EXCEPTIONS (unless you’re fluid-bonded with someone). 
Wear a mask in public, even if you have to make it yourself.  No, this does not mean you can violate social distancing!  REMEMBER -- KEEP ONE SCRIPTY APART, MINIMUM!  Yes, I know masks are direly hard to come by. Yes, I know they’re uncomfortable. Yes, I know they make it hard to breathe. I am literally wearing TWO OF THEM at the same time, between 40-60 hours per week.  WEAR ONE ANYWAY.  Not on your chin... Not hanging off of one ear... Over your nose AND your mouth. .
If you can’t find a mask, DO NOT cough out of your facehole. The correct direction to cough is due elbow.  Then make sure you SCRUB dat bendy boi.   .
Scrub dem grippy bois Hand wash for 20 seconds. Make sure you’re getting between your fingers, under your nails, and around your wrists. Sing Happy Birthday to yourself.  Just like the Mars Rover did.  . 
STAY. THE FUCK. HOME.  I know you miss normal life. Time with your friends. Visiting your family.  I miss it too. I would LOVE to spend time in a park, to go hiking again, to go back to my GYM, to just... live my freaking life.  There are SO many people I’m craving hugs from.  But here’s the truth.  THE MORE YOU STAY HOME NOW, THE SOONER THINGS CAN GET BACK TO NORMAL.  I CANNOT stress this enough. Staying home is saving lives. Period. Full stop.  I don’t know the last time I saved a life with no pants on, but you can. Right now.  TAKE OFF YOUR PANTS AND STAY HOME AND YOU WILL SAVE LIVES I PROMISE.  (it’s okay to save lives with pants on tho. your roof, your rules.) 
I promised you this post would end with HOPE. 
Here’s the thing... 
Yes, a lot of people are going to die.
Yes, a LOT of people are going to be out of a job in the short term. 
Yes, this really is THAT BAD.  .
Everything in Nature has a niche. Something it’s better at than anything else.
Dogs? Dogs are the best on the planet at loving people. (That’s the #1 reason we bred them from wolves -- because they loved us.) 
But humans do ONE THING way, WAY above and beyond ANY of our competition. 
We are the adaptivist motherfucking species on Planet Earth. 
We live in more environments than any other warm-blooded species I know of. 
We got cold... so we figured out how to make fire. 
We got hot... so we learned to harvest ice, and then to MAKE ice, and then to make air conditioners. 
Our food was going bad... so we made iceboxes, and then refrigerators, and then takeout (because we got too lazy to cook). 
The point is, we ADAPT. 
We adapted to the influenza pandemic in 1918, twenty years before we ever saw a virus under a microscope. 
We adapted to smallpox... and then fucking eradicated it. Smallpox literally no longer exists because we decided we’d had enough of it. 
We CAN and we ARE and we WILL adapt to COVID, too. 
Smart motherfuckers are making vaccines. 
Recovering patients are donating antibodies to help save lives while the smart motherfuckers get their shit in gear. 
And y’all are STEPPING the FUCK UP. 
My heart is overloaded with love and appreciation. 
For grocery store workers. Supply chain workers. Truckers. Food service workers. 
For all the people who can’t stay home. 
I nearly cried saying thank-you to a barista about an hour ago because a cup of coffee was enough to make me feel human. 
You’re busy praising us in the health care trenches, but the truth is, we owe our ability to live our lives right now to you. 
To the guy busting his ass in a restaurant for less than minimum wage. 
To the girl making round after round of deliveries even though she’s tired AF. 
To the people who are keeping us going. 
And most especially, to those who might have the hardest job of all...
...the people who are staying the fuck home. 
I love each and every one of you.
And it’s gonna be tough. It’s gonna be tough for a WHILE. (This is a marathon, not a sprint.) 
But we will get through this together. 
You... me... everyone. 
So, so, SO much fucking love, 
xoxo, Aunt Scripty
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For the BTHB... Villain with appendicitis?
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Thank you for the ask!
Warnings: appendectomy, fever, anxious character, painkillers, pills, vomit, anesthesia, surgery, IV, needles, refusal of medical care
9:01. He was a minute late.
9:05. Five minutes late.
9:15. Hero started to pace around, kicking pebbles with her foot.
9:20. She was starting to get nervous. Villain was never, ever late.
9:30. Okay, this was getting absurd.
Hero stood up, grabbed her phone, and called Villain. It rang, but never clicked.
He didn't answer.
Hero bit her lip, a nauseating pit forming in her gut.
Something was wrong. Villain was always overly stressed about time and always showed up at nine- not a second too late.
So, naturally, being the anxious, paranoid worry wort that Hero was, she went to check up on him.
Of course, Hero spent all her freetime figuring out where Villain lived if there was an instance like the current one.
Upon knocking at the beige door, that nauseous feeling overcame her again. Something was wrong.
She busted through the door and immediately the eerie silence of the home startled her. Even though Villain lived alone, there would surely be a TV playing or the dishwasher going.
Hero searched through the various rooms. It was a normal house. Quaint and small with barely any decor apart from a few spontaneously placed plants. All the walls were painted with the same, dull blue that the sky had right before a storm. It was dreary and perfectly villainous.
"Villain!" Hero called, peeking into a room she assumed to be his bedroom. Apart from a shoddily made bed, it seemed as though Villain hadn't been in there for a long time.
The next room in the hallway was a bathroom. Hero stepped in there, ignoring the horrid stench, and examined the counters. Bottles of Tylenol and Ibuprofen were scattered about. His gnawed on toothbrush was laying by the sink as water slowly dripped from the faucet.
That didn't look spectacular.
Hero stepped out of the bathroom and turned the light off before turning and walking into a large room that seemed to be the kitchen and dining room combined.
"Hey Villain! Are you home?" Hero called again, observing how badly stocked the fridge and cupboards were. Basically, the only food that Villain seemed to store was ramen and some protein powder.
"Villain!" Hero yelled, getting nervous. Based on the state of his bedroom, bathroom, and kitchen, the villain seemed to be in rough state.
Or was that just her nervous tendencies kicking in?
The next room was without doubt the living room, though with those desolate walls, one may beg to differ.
In the center of the gray room was a dark cherry wood coffee table and a small armchair. And that was it.
Except for the body strewn across the ground.
Hero bounded over to the seemingly dead corpse and rolled it over to come face to face with Villain.
"Oh my gosh!" Hero exclaimed, thrusting her fingers by his neck to check for a pulse. It was there, thump... thump... thump...
"You okay?" Hero asked, smoothing the sweaty strands of hair out of his face. Villain blearily blinked his eyes open and shook his head.
"Stomach bug," he whispered.
Hero looked down at him skeptically. No, this wasn't just a stomach bug. He was obviously in pain and was likely running a nasty fever. And he looked so incredibly tired and weak.
"How long have you been like this?" Hero asked, putting Villain's heavy head in her lap.
"M day," he groaned, gasping for breath. "Stomach hurts."
"Where?" Hero asked. Villain lightly brushed his fingers over his right side.
"Oh okay bud. I think you have a fever," Hero said, taking his temperature with her hand. It was burning and he looked so pale.
"Yeah cold," Villain agreed, nodding the tiniest nod.
"Okay buddy," Hero murmured, stroking his flushed cheek. "I think we need to go to the doctor."
She recognized the symptoms. Her sister when they were kids got sick like this and they had to take her to the hospital. Hero was too young to exactly know what was going on, only that it was serious.
But Villain shook his head, aimlessly clawing at Hero's hand.
"No doctor. No doctor," he begged, then winced, whimpered and grabbed his right side. When he looked back up at Hero, there were tears in his eyes.
"Okay we are going now," Hero stood up with Villain in a bridal carry. He protested weakly, but then stilled. Hero stopped walking to see if he was still conscious by shaking him. He groaned.
Hero loaded Villain in the back seat of her truck and buckled him in around his chest and legs so he could safetly rest.
The drive to the hospital seemed longer than what it was. Every moment she got, Hero would look behind her to peer at Villain, and everytime he was still staring at the ceiling with a dazed expression.
Finally, they arrived. Hero barely put the vehicle in park by the time she was leaping out of the door and running to Villain's side.
"Hey! Hey!" Hero called when she ran into the hospital, placing Villain on a bench. Other patients stared at her and receptionists stood up to meet her.
"Bring him into the ER," one of the receptionists said as she grabbed a stack of papers and called the doctor. Hero gathered Villain back in her arms and ran into another room.
The receptionist handed Hero the stack of papers. "Fill these in to thr best of your ability. I'm going to get the doctor."
Hero sat on the raised hospital bed with Villain resting against her shoulder. He sighed contently and nuzzled his cheek to find a perfect spot. Hero looked over at him- he was almost asleep with his whole body splayed out and limp.
Hero wrapped her arm around his shivering body and rubbed his shoulder before answering some of the paperwork.
She was able to answer most of them relatively easily, but got stumped on occupation.
She couldn't just say villainy right?
"Hero, why hello. How is your arm healing?"
Hero looked up to see the doctor sauntering into the room, his blonde hair slightly tousled with pale gray shadows under his eyes- remnants of a busy day.
"Good, good," Hero said, putting the paperwork aside.
"Is this one of your team members?" The doctor asked, running a thermometer over Villain's forehead. He frowned at the reading.
"Not exactly," Hero replied, timidly. She rubbed Villain's hair as he stirred from the cool touch of the thermometer. He near immediately fell back asleep.
The doctor's face paled. "He's a villain? Hero you know-"
"Yes, I know, but look at him Doc," she gestured her head towards Villain's sagging body.
The doctor glanced at Villain for a moment. He then said, "Yeah, he's sick. I'm thinking appendicitis, but he's a villain. The hospital is not required to treat them, unless there's an order. Order as in signed by ten, high-ranking heroes. Besides, it'll endanger our staff."
"He can't even lift his head!" Hero exclaimed. "How is he going to be a threat under anesthesia? C'mon tell me."
"He could wake up..."
"As sick as he is? Not likely."
"A MRI scan could amplify his abilities."
Suddenly Villain coughed, interrupting the conversation. He groaned before expelling his stomach's contents on the floor.
"It's okay," Hero murmured, scowling slightly at the sight, before glaring at the doctor while raising her eyebrows.
The doctor sighed. "Lay him on the bed." Hero complied, laying the villain flat on the bed, adjusting his head to rest on the pillow.
The doctor took his hand and prodded at the right side of his stomach. Villain groaned, breathing heavily.
"He's going to need emergency surgery," the doctor said, standing up and trotting to a phone. "Nurse? I need a team of anesthesiologists for an appendectomy."
Hero grabbed Villain's hand. His forehead was creased in concern as he listened and watched the doctor's erratic movements.
"Hey, it's okay. I'll be right there with you," Hero soothed him. He seemed to relax, but his muscles did not let go of their tension.
"Okay. I am going to go get ready." The doctor left.
Soon after, a couple nurses came in and hooked Villain to an IV. He flinched, watching the small needle go into his elbow.
Hero grabbed his hand and rubbed it.
A couple more people sauntered in and injected a hypodermic needle into the IV line.
"Okay Villain, count down from ten."
"Ten... nine... eight... sev...ven...si." Villain looked over at Hero with pleading eyes before they drifted shut.
A nurse put a mask over his nose and he was wheeled away.
Hero waited in the lobby, twidling her thumb and reading health magazines. Every two minutes, literally, she would look at the clock and bite her lip.
After two hours, the doctor made his appearance.
"The surgery was successful. He is waking up now, so he will be very groggy, but his vitals are good. You can take him home."
"Don't you have to monitor him."
"Come back in two weeks for a check-up."
Hero walked into the ER and to Villain's bed. His eyes were half-lidded and he barely noted Hero's presence.
"Hey buddy," Hero cooed, stroking his head. "You scared me."
Villain didn't reply, just blinked very, very slowly. Soon, his blinks became longer until he drifted off.
Nervous, Hero called for a nurse. "Why is he sleeping?" She asked.
The nurse shrugged. "The effects of anesthesia hasn't worn off yet, so he'll be in and out for a while."
Hero nodded and sat back down.
"You can take him home, you know," the nurse said. "We don't keep villains for monitoring or over-night stays."
Hero groaned and looked at the nurse. "Well you should."
"But we don't. Please take him home, he's occupying beds that could be used for more important patients."
Hero rolled her eyes, but obeyed. She picked Villain up and helped him into his jeans, but left his shirt off to not irritate the stitches. Then, she rolled him to her truck in a wheelchair.
It was nearly midnight by the time Hero got Villain to her house and changed into something comfortable. He was dozing, but every movement seemed to awake him. He was totally and completely silent, allowing Hero to tuck him on her bed before sliding in next to him.
She wrapped her arms around Villain and pulled him in tight. He drifted off to sleep instantly, and Hero was not far behind.
When Hero awoke the next morning, she was sprawled across her bed with Villain laying on her stomach. She smiled and watched the slow rise and fall of his chest before carefully removing his head to go downstairs and prepare breakfast. After a quick research, she decided to make a bowl of pudding with toast and avacado.
Villain came down the stairs stiffly, groaning with each step, just as Hero put the bread in the toaster. She looked up just in time to see him lean heavily against the wall.
"What are you doing?" Hero scolded and gently led him to the couch to sit on.
"Heard you- engh," Villain winced, holding his side. "Downstairs."
"Okay," Hero sighed. "Do you remember anything from yesterday?"
"No not really. Just you and the hospital. Everything else is just a blank."
"You had an appendectomy," Hero explained, brushing the hair out of Villain's face. He jerked back and Hero pulled away. He was so cute and vulnerable when he was out of it.
"What's that?" Villain asked, but Hero had a sense that he knew and just wanted to fill the silence up.
"Your appendix was removed." The toaster clicked, so Hero went and grabbed the food.
Villain spooned at it for awhile before putting it towards the side. His face was pale.
"Not hungry," he said.
"You gotta eat."
"No," Villain slowly laid on the couch, his body seizing with every motion. "I'm tired..."
"Yeah, you had surgery, but please eat something so I can give you some painkillers."
Villain rolled his eyes, but allowed Hero to feed him some avocado and pudding. However, by the end of it, he was too exhausted to resist Hero putting two large pills in his mouth.
Between the pain meds and fatigue, it only took a few minutes for Villain to fall sound asleep.
Hero idly ate her own pudding and stared out the window. After finishing both her's and Villain's chocolate desert, she went to do dishes.
Then she showered.
Then she playing monopoly by herself.
And then she ate lunch.
All the while waiting for Villain to regain consciousness.
He did, eventually, and very slowly.
"How are you feeling."
"Bit dizzy," Villain admitted, rubbing his eyes. "How long was I out?"
"About," Hero looked at her phone. "Five hours, give or take one."
Villain groaned and quickly murmured an apology.
"Don't be. You are still a bit feverish and just came out of surgery."
Villain closed his eyes. Hero thought he might've fallen back asleep, but then he spoke,
"Thank you for taking care of me."
Hero smiled.
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quartzwriting · 4 years
The Sorcerer and The Agent
Pairing: Doctor Strange X Avenger!Reader
Description: After a training session, you stumble into a meeting where an unexpected visitor makes you, a former SHIELD Agent, shy. 
Warnings: Non
Word Count: 1.8k
A/N: Originally posted on Quotev / This story is divided into two parts, one through the readers point of view and one where it is retold in Stephen’s perspective.
Masterlist | Fic Reading Recs | Ao3 | Quotev | Coffee
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PART ONE: The Agent
This morning's training was brutal. Natasha usually pushed you hard, but something today told her to push your limits. Some force in the universe told her to make you suffer today. And you did. By the end you were drenched in sweat, gasping for a proper breath of air, and in desperate need of a hot shower. You knew your muscles would be screaming at you tomorrow morning.
After you had taken a break, one that consisted of you lying on the training room floor for a while, Nat asked you to go tell Tony that the hologram training simulator was having some problems. He had been working on the thing for a while and there were still a few glitches that you had discovered today. Forcing your legs to get up and move, you made your way to the elevator to head a few floors up, regardless how wobbly they were feeling. They were literally jelly and it took you a little to get coordination back.
A post-workout towel was swung around your neck and you were still wearing your gear. Workout leggings, sports bra and top, the gloves you always wore on the field. Nat did not give you anytime to change before she sent you on your way to Tony. You were a hot mess and very tired, so you were ready to get it done and over with so you could shower and take a nap. FRIDAY told you that Stark was in the upstairs lounge.
Dabbing off the last bit of sweat from your forehead, you yawned from how tired you were as the elevator opened and you stepped into hallway that lead to the lounge. As you walked in you spoke, "Stark, your hologram training simulator is having some problems. It looks like there's something wrong with-"
You stopped dead.
Along with Tony, who was resting on a chair that was pulled backwards, there were two more people gathered around a table where small meetings were often held. One of them was Steve, who had some paperwork out in front of him. The other was Stephen Strange. You had not expected him to be there. He looked bored, listening to Tony talking probably. But his expression changed a little when the three of them heard you walk in.
Sure, you did not want to admit it but you found the man very attractive. Whenever he came to the compound you always tried to sneak an extra glance at him when he was not looking. And when you were not doing that you were trying not to look at him cause he might see the blush on your face. But when you did have to look at him, whether it be at a meeting or at a gathering or just across the room to say hi, you lost your ability to focus. Something about him made you forget everything else. His sarcasm and quick wit that rivaled Tony's. Perfectly styled hair with swoops of grey that were surprisingly fitting to his style. Neatly kept facial hair that framed his cupid's bow-lips that you often wondered of their softness. Beautiful eyes of crystal ocean blue that are always so bright, even when giving a cold stare. And that voice, Goddamn that smooth, low voice.
And there you were, looking like a total mess in front of him.
You wish you had not listened to Nat, that you instead went to your room and took a nap right away. You wished you were not looking like you just walked out of a workout session while your skin glistened with the remains of sweat and your hair messy. And you wish you could go hide of embarrassment.
You snapped out of your little trance of shock and tired to pick back up what you were saying, "w-with the projectors."
Tony visibly scrunched up his face, "That's weird. It was working when I tested it yesterday."
You struggled to speak when you were this distracted and surprised, "Nat and I were training. The thing is busted."
You could feel his eyes on you. I regret this, you mentally whined to yourself.
"I'll have a look at it later."
You would have turned around and walked out, make it look like you had some work to do. But instead Steve had to open his mouth. "Training go well today, (Y/N)?"
You wanted to die.
"Sure." You shrugged, trying to keep cool. "Nat pushed me hard."
"Looks like it." Steve laughed. You wanted to punch him.
You chuckled nervously and cleared your throat, "Well um I'm gonna go upstairs and shower. I have more work to do after."
As you said this, your eyes met with Stephen's. Direct eye contact with those blue eye, those beautiful blue eyes. You risked a little smile at him. You probably looked dumb in the state you were in so you sort of regretted it. But the smile you got back made you not regret it at all.
You turned on your heel and walked as fast as you could without looking suspicious.
"Oh! You need to refile that mission report from yesterday, (Y/N). FRIDAY processed your bodycam footage and you need to make a new timeline."
"I'm aware, Stark!" You did not look back as you snapped at him. Just another task on your ever growing list of things to do.
Upon exiting, you missed the door. You ran into the door frame with a bang. You tried to brush it off like everything was fine. You felt everyone's eyes turn back to you, digging into you like the weight of the embarrassment itself. And you swore you heard someone chuckling as you quickly left the room.
Now you were desperate to go hide in your room and never show your face again.
PART TWO: The Sorcerer
Listening to Tony babble was always brutal. Every single time Stephen came to the Avengers compound for a meeting the man of iron would always end up talking too much. The look on Steve's face said that even he was tired of listening to Tony talk about this new technology he has been working on. Stephen could not even remember what it was in the first place, something about holograms maybe. His fingers tapped on the table, the metal of his slingring making an impatient  noise as it hit the wood.
Both him and Captain Rogers exchanged a look. They wanted this meeting to keep going but Stark would not shut up. This happened often. A little too often. His mind started to wander, draining out Tony's voice and being replaced with his long to do list for today.
Suddenly the door to the lounge opened and someone walked into the room, soft footsteps hitting the floor as they came closer.
"Stark, your hologram training simulator is having some problems. It looks like there's something wrong with-"
Stephen perked up at the familiar voice. He quickly connected it to the owner. It was (Y/N) (L/N)'s voice. And there she was when he looked up.
He was not expecting to see her in the state she was currently in.
She was wearing workout clothes like she had just come from training, looking a little out of breath and energy. Traces of sweat covered her forehead and shoulder, and her cheeks were flushed a soft pink. Her skin glowed a little. He made note of what exactly she was wearing, a tank top with a sports bra peaking out from underneath. A pair of gloves that he had seen her wear before. And leggings. Very form fitting ones. He clenched his jaw and swallowed.
Whenever he needed to come to the Avengers compound for some business, he kind of hoped to catch a glance of her. Something about her always grabbed his attention. She was attractive, but also very kind and sweet. He would see you laughing with your coworkers and the image would stick in his head for a while. He would remember a snarky comment you made at a meeting that made him chuckle a little too hard. He would wonder what you looked like on a field mission, all serious or with a sprinkle of cockiness between a determined look. You were very interesting to him, in a good way.
"w-with the projectors." She finished. He was so lost in his own thoughts that he forgot she was talking for a second.
Then the thought of her working out in that outfit came to mind... but he quickly shut that out because he knew where that would go. But it trickled in the corners of his mind, and the wonder poked at him about another situation where she would be blushing and covered in sw-
He stopped himself as Tony's voice snapped him out of his thoughts. "That's weird. It was working when I tested it yesterday."
"Nat and I were training. The thing is busted." Her voice cracked.
He risked another glance at you, and he did not regret it.
"I'll have a look at it later." Tony groaned.
"Training go well today, (Y/N)?" Rogers asked her.
The woman shrugged, "Sure. Nat pushed me hard."
The captain laughed, "Looks like it."
At that moment Stephen realized that she looked a little embarrassed. He was not sure why. But he swear he saw the already present blush on her cheeks deepen. She chuckled a little, he sensed a trace of nervousness in it. Yes she was embarrassed. He had to admit, it was kind of cute.
(Y/N) cleared her throat, "Well um I'm gonna go upstairs and shower. I have more work to do after."
He made eye contact with her. She smiled at him, and he melted a little. It was a very pretty smile. He gave her one right back, a genuine one that reflected her own.
Her previous words echoed in his mind. Shower. Stephen, stop!
The woman turned to leave and the others turned back to the table and paperwork they were going through. Stephen let out a breath as he turned his attention back to the material of the meeting.
"Oh! You need to refile that mission report from yesterday, (Y/N). FRIDAY processed your bodycam footage and you need to make a new timeline."
"I'm aware, Stark!"
The corner of his lips tugged up.
There was a bang and (Y/N) had run into the door frame, causing the three men to look up. She quickly left the room, it was now obvious that she was embarrassed. He did not blame her since she just pulled a maneuver like that. A SHIELD agent and master of stealth, from what he was told, just dumbly ran into a wall.
He could not help it. He started chuckling.
She's adorable, he thought to himself.
"What's gotten into her?" Steve asked, leaning back in his chair. "Maybe Nat overworked her."
Tony laughed, "Nah. Probably because there's a strange man in the room."
Stephen grinned, but then ran that statement through his head again. He could not think of anything. That woman was a mystery, that's for sure.
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gumnut-logic · 3 years
Brothers II
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This one is for @chenria and a followup to Brothers which I wrote for @flyboytracy​ Sorry this took so long...it was a little more of a challenge than the last one :D
As usual, thank you to @tsarinatorment​ @scribbles97​ and @janetm74​ for their amazing support ::hugs you all::
I hope you enjoy it :D
“So, you’re brothers?”
Scott stared at the woman. She had obviously had enough something to be happy and a little loud, but it was the piercings enough to attract lightning that were particularly striking. If he wasn’t so tired, he might consider her a challenge. “Yes, ma’am. We are brothers.”
“You don’t look like brothers.”
Beside him, Virgil shifted his feet. Give him any excuse and his younger brother would be dragging him out of the building. It was late and to be honest the only reason they were still here was because of Penelope.
Usually, this kind of party would be right up Virgil’s alley. It was being hosted in an art gallery featuring several master works of some artist Virgil had babbled about for most of the week, but it had been a long day and Virgil was beat and both of them really just wanted to go home.
As it was, his brother was frowning at the painting behind the woman fit to bust a blood vessel in his forehead.
Speaking of the woman… “Regardless of how we look, we are indeed brothers.”
The three piercings through her bottom lip stuck out as she pushed her chin up at him.
“Prove it.”
Scott arched an eyebrow. “I’m afraid you’ll have to take our word for it.”
“Your word? What about his word? All muscley and scrumptious here hasn’t even said hello.” Her eyes literally crawled all over Virgil and Scott was hard put not to roll his eyes.
One of those.
This time with extra surgical steel.
He shot a glance at his brother and as expected, Virgil was completely oblivious.
Lightning rod took a step towards Virgil. Scott nudged his brother in warning.
“Huh?” A dopey blink followed by a frown at the woman. “Oh, I am so sorry. I was distracted by the Dali behind you. The elephants have always fascinated me.” His eyes darted back to the painting only to be drawn forcibly away again by courtesy. “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name, ma’am.”
“Ooooh, ‘ma’am’. Really, Muscles, you are something else.” Was that a diamond in her eyebrow? “The name’s Exe.” She pronounced it ‘X-E’ like a computer’s execution file.
Definitely one of those.
“Nice to meet you, Exe.” But Virgil’s attention was still drawn back to the painting and he was frowning again.
“So, you like a little Dali, do you? Surrealism your thing?”
Virgil didn’t answer immediately, again distracted by the painting, and Scott had the urge to nudge him. It was very unlike him to ignore someone like this.
Not that she seemed to care. In fact, she edged closer as if his distraction was just an extra lure.
How did Virgil do that?
His brother didn’t even have to do anything and women were fawning all over him.
And he didn’t even notice!
“You know, I think this painting is a fake.” Virgil’s frown deepened as he stepped around the woman as if she was just an obstacle.
The obstacle turned and followed Virgil coming to stand beside him, her hand on his arm.
Scott felt the urge to slap that hand away.
Virgil continued to be oblivious.
Scott fought the urge to slap him up the head.
But fake art? Scott stepped up beside the woman hanging of his brother’s arm and feigned interest. Okay, so it wasn’t totally feigned because mystery, but the amount of interest he had in the painting was being countered by that woman’s other hand that was now on Virgil’s chest.
This prompted his brother to frown at Exe, but all polite manners and all, Virgil only took a tiny step away before blurting out the detail he had spotted on the canvas that proved this was definitely not a Dali Llama or whatever it was.
Something about an elephant?
God, the woman was literally swooning at every word Virgil said. If she got any closer she was going to get one of those piercings on her face caught in the fabric of Virgil’s suit.
His brother was too damned polite for his own good. Scott stepped forward a little to bring himself into her eyeline. “So, Exe, do you have a favourite painting here tonight?” He threw some energy into his smile.
And was completely ignored.
Exe appeared to be staring at Virgil’s ear.
Virgil was back to frowning at the painting.
Scott sighed. Perhaps some reinforcements were required. He scanned the crowd looking for one particular splash of pink.
A gesture with his eyes and Penelope was zeroing in on them fast.
“Oh, Lady Exeter, I see you’ve found our Dali.” Lady P, all refined and poise swooped in between Scott and the Lightning Rod.
Virgil took one look at her and began spouting forgery claims. “Lady Penelope, this can’t be a Dali, just look at the colour on that elephant. That pigment was not available during Dali’s time.”
Penelope turned to stare up at the painting. “Oh my, that is disconcerting.”
Not as disconcerting as Exe resting her head on a still oblivious Virgil’s shoulder. He was that focussed on the painting, the rest of the world apparently did not exist.
Maybe Scott needed to find some good coffee. That had dragged Virgil out of his studio at the worst of times.
“I will see to that immediately, Virgil. Inquiries will be made and the culprit found.”
“Virgil? Oooooh, what a virile name.”
Virgil startled and it was as if he suddenly realised exactly how close and how clingy this woman he hardly knew actually was. His eyes widened and screamed help to Scott.
Exe just smiled up at him and snuggled in more.
“Oh, Lady Exeter, I do believe your father has arrived.” Penelope held a straight face, but it was a knowing one.
“Dad’s here?”
“I do believe so. I can have the car sent around to the rear exit if you like.”
“Yeah, better do that.” A grimace. “He doesn’t know about the extra nose piercings yet.” But then she looked up at Virgil. “Hey, Muscles, wanna come have some fun? I have a real Rubens in my apartment. It might need a…close examination.”
Her intended examination obviously had nothing to do with any painting other than perhaps body paint.”
Scott took a step toward her just as Penelope caught Exe’s arm gently and nudged her away from Virgil. “Come dear, Lord Exeter is coming this way.”
As the two women moved, Scott closed the gap between himself and his brother. It gave him a great view of the longing look sent in his brother’s direction as Penelope dragged Lady Exeter away.
Virgil swallowed hard.
Scott just didn’t get it. “How do you do that?”
His brother blinked up at him. “Do what?”
“No effort flirting.”
“What flirting? I wasn’t flirting.”
Scott sent him a flat stare and then parroted Virgil’s voice. “Oh, this painting is a forgery.”
“It is!” And that prompted a whole bunch of babbly art words to fall out of his brother’s mouth.
Okay, so Scott got the gist of most of it, but honestly, the sight of Virgil being so passionate about something did the same thing it always did.
It made Scott smile.
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lalainajanes · 3 years
This completes column #2 on my bingo card, the square was “Eager Backstage Groupie”
Another Shot of Courage
 Saturday, May 1st, 8:16 AM
Caroline wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, in the little black dress she'd worn to Kat's birthday party, with a headache and a foul-tasting mouth. She's sprawled in the middle of a very large mattress, so the first thing Caroline does is explore. She stretches her arms out tentatively, expecting to poke someone (hopefully an unobjectionable someone) awake.
She appears to be alone, and Caroline relaxes into the fluffy pillows. She wiggles experimentally, satisfied when her bra and underwear dig into uncomfortable areas and gives in to the temptation to burrow under the duvet.
She just needs a minute to regret her life choices before she confronts them. Caroline sighs, stretches, and her fuzzy head begins to clear, memories sharpening.
And yikes.
Can she stay in her self-made blanket fort forever? A lot of her conduct last night had been highly irrational, some of it downright hypocritical. She is a public relations professional, highly sought after. Her clients pay many pretty pennies for her services.
Had she seriously mauled Klaus Mikaelson in one of the trendiest clubs in LA?
Caroline tugs down the blanket, intent on confirming her suspicions, allowing her to look around and study the room with new eyes.
There's a brick fireplace at the end of the bed, a wide armchair in front of it – not particularly revealing. Her eyes flick to the left. There's nothing, but dark curtains pulled tight over a wall of windows.
When she looks to the right, there's a smoking gun. Well, kind of. It's a drafting table, an easel, and shelves featuring paintbrushes, haphazardly stacked sketchbooks, and a bunch of other things that Caroline doesn't currently have the brainpower to identify.
She considers slipping out of bed and checking to see if those curtains cover any kind of door. She thinks it's logical to assume so. She's only been to Klaus' home a few times, tries to insist they meet at her office. She's never ventured far beyond the kitchen and living rooms, but it's a Spanish-style bungalow on a sprawling lot. Why wouldn't he have a walk out into the yard from his bedroom?
She discards the idea with some regret. Running away without a word is a coward's move and would probably backfire. Klaus is still her client, whatever psychosis had gripped Caroline last night, and it's not like she could dump him via email at this point. He's got a huge movie coming in three weeks, and they're flying to London tomorrow to begin the premiere tour. She could probably pass it on to another publicist, but she'd still be on the hook, would have to coordinate her plans long-distance.
Selfishly, Caroline hopes that's not necessary. She'd hate for someone else to reap the benefits of her hard work.
She heaves herself into a sitting position, wincing when her head throbs. Her stomach seems solid, with no hint of queasiness, so that's a plus. Caroline tosses the covers aside, shifts until her legs slide over the side of the bed. She catches a glimpse of herself in a mirror through the open closet door and cringes.
She'd done an excellent smoky eye last night, and it's migrated all over her face. She doesn't even want to consider how long it's going to take to detangle her hair. She decides she can wait a bit to hunt down Klaus, stepping forward and twisting the knob on the closed door. "Jackpot," Caroline mutters, walking into Klaus' bathroom. There's a stack of towels on the counter, and she figures it won't hurt to take a shower.
She'd had her tongue in his mouth and had apparently kicked him out of his bed, so what's one more presumption?
Friday, April 30th, 10:47 PM
In the VIP lounge Kat had rented, elevated above the main dance floor, Caroline waves away a shot of tequila. She'd had one during the birthday toast, wine at dinner. Had just ordered an overpriced cocktail. She's pleasantly tipsy but needs to pace herself because she can't get too drunk tonight.
Besides, Caroline and tequila have a complicated relationship.
Kat boos her, a few of the other girls joining in. Caroline laughs, "I know, I'm boring. I have a million things to do tomorrow to make sure I'm ready to live out of a suitcase for weeks."
Katherine scoffs, "Just make Klaus buy you anything you forget. What good is a guy who's hot for you and makes big fat superhero movie paychecks if he won't buy you pretty things?"
They've discussed this a bajillion times. Caroline has actually run away from this exact conversation, shouting nonsense syllables, with her fingers jammed in her ear, as if she and Katherine still fight over Barbies and who gets to wear dress-up trunk's best princess dress.
Caroline still can't resist arguing – it's a character flaw. "He's my client. That's it."
"Oh, please. Men in this town bone their clients all the time."
"That doesn't make it okay!"
Usually, this is the part where Katherine tries to convince her that Klaus is dying to be boned – her words, not Caroline's – but she gets distracted, squinting across the bar. Kat's lips curl, expression growing sly, "It appears my argument is moot."
Um, what? Katherine's literally never backed down from an argument in the twenty-plus years they've been friends. Puzzled, Caroline turns, trying to see what caught Kat's attention.
The club features several VIP lounges, each located at the top of a short staircase and decorated with wide velvet sofas and crystal chandeliers. There's an attendant who keeps booze and food flowing. It's clever – the sofas are inviting and squishy, tend to force people close together. The chandeliers ensure that anyone who happens to take a picture can get a decent shot, and the free flow of liquor has lowered the inhibitions of at least half a dozen celebrities, resulting in photos that send the gossip blogs into a tizzy as soon as they hit the internet.
When Caroline spots Klaus across the way, a redheaded model sprawled in his lap, she's immediately fuming.
"Looks like he got tired of waiting," Kat drawls. "Wanna reconsider the tequila?"
"Katherine. I love you. But zip it."
Katherine makes a face but leaves Caroline alone, turning to another one of their friends and asking a question. Caroline takes a deep breath, counts to ten.
She'd busted her ass to make him appear family-friendly enough to land the movie with the very PR-conscious studio that had netted him the big fat checks Katherine had just been crowing over. He's jeopardizing that on the eve of the most significant press tour of his career.
She looks over again, leaning forward. The redhead's moved away, she's sitting at Klaus' side, and they now appear to be merely engaged in conversation. Caroline does her best to think like a photographer – is there an angle that could make the scene look tawdry?
Probably not. So really, Klaus isn't jeopardizing anything.
Caroline's anger doesn't cool at the revelation.
She's so screwed.
She's on her feet before she decides to be, stalking down the stairs. She hears Katherine yelling borderline lewd encouragement at her back, but Caroline knows better than to take her advice.
She's marching over to diffuse, not inflame.
Saturday, May 1st, 9:01 AM
She finds Klaus in his living room, asleep, his legs hanging awkwardly over the arm of a too-short couch, his torso twisted so awkwardly that Caroline's back twinges sympathetically. With the confirmation that she had stolen his bed, more of Caroline's irritation fades. The shower had helped, as had the bottle of water she'd guzzled and the three Tylenol she'd popped.
She takes a seat on his coffee table, setting down her second bottle of water. Caroline reaches out, shaking his shoulder gently. "Klaus," she murmurs when he begins to stir. "Wake up."
She could probably leave him to sleep. Klaus' stylist will handle most of his packing; he's borrowed a dizzying volume of outfits and accessories for Klaus to wear on this trip. The announcement won't come for another two weeks, but Klaus is shooting a Dior cologne ad once his press obligations wrap. The brand had requested he start wearing the newest line. Caroline had attended the last fitting, and she'd had a hard time keeping her blatant ogling under wraps.
Klaus looks good in ratty jeans, in a suit tailored to his measurements? Just about anyone attracted to men would have struggled not to appreciate the sight.
That's how Caroline had justified letting her emails pile up that afternoon.
She'd been a little worried about her control slipping on this trip, once they were alone in the hotel, and Klaus dropped the shiny, press-perfect façade he's learned to maintain. Caroline had designed that mask to appeal to the broadest possible audience. Doing interview prep has unfortunately only emphasized how much more she likes Klaus without it.
Klaus stretches, eyes fluttering open. "Good morning," he murmurs, voice husky with sleep. "I hope you slept better than I did."
Caroline winces, "Don’t you have a guest room or two you could have shoved me in?”
He smiles lazily, “You were quite insistent on touring my bedroom.”
Her eyes slam shut, face heating, “And that is why I don’t drink tequila unsupervised,” she grumbles.
He laughs, sitting up, his legs bracketing hers. He reaches for her water bottle and helps himself to a sip. Caroline leans back, fishing the Tylenol out of the pocket of the hoodie she’d stolen from his closet. She’d needed something bulkier to hide the fact she hadn’t been able to convince herself to strap her bra back on. “Do you want these?” she asks, rattling the bottle.
Klaus shakes his head, “I’m not hungover. I didn’t drink at all, and you stole that shot of tequila that was meant for me, remember?”
Ohhh no. She’d forgotten about that. She’d stolen his and the model’s.
Which, in hindsight, goes a long way to explaining what had happened after. Caroline’s problem with tequila is that once she starts, she has a hard time stopping. It heightens her usually non-existent impulsive streak, leads to sub-par decisions.
Occasionally, tequila does make her clothes fall off.
Caroline buries her hands in her face, wishing she hadn’t tied her hair back. She’s mortified, probably growing splotchy. “I am so sorry,” she mutters.
Klaus sighs, tries to tug her hands away. Caroline resists, tensing her muscles, wishes she’d gone with her first instinct and fled out the backdoor. He rests his hands on her knees, squeezing, voice dipping into coaxing tones. “No apology necessary. I’m not the least bit upset.”
Unfortunately, Caroline’s totally up to the task of being upset enough for the both of them.
Friday, April 30th, 10:53 PM
Once the attendant in Klaus VIP area confirms that he does know Caroline and lets her up the stairs, Klaus has managed to increase the distance between his body and the model’s. He seems pleased to see her, grabbing her hand and tugging her to sit next to him on the couch.
Close enough that they’re connected thigh to shoulder.
The model, whose name Caroline doesn’t particularly care about, is less welcoming. She glares daggers at Caroline’s hand, still enclosed in Klaus’. He makes polite introductions. “Genevieve, this is my publicist and very good friend, Caroline Forbes. Caroline, Genevieve. She’s a friend of Kol’s.”
Klaus’ younger brother is also an actor, still firmly in the throes of his wild child phase. Caroline finds him entertaining, despite her best intentions, but he’s known to delight in making her job more complicated. She glances around suspiciously, “Is Kol here?”
Klaus gestures vaguely to the dance floor. “Somewhere. He dragged me out to celebrate a pilot he booked, then disappeared.”
Hmm, that could lead to disaster. Caroline wonders if she should shoot his publicist a text as a professional courtesy.
Caroline smiles at Genevieve sharply, “So sweet of you to keep Klaus company.” It’s mean, but Caroline wonders if Genevieve has somehow heard about Klaus’ Dior deal through the grapevine. Maybe she’s aiming for a co-starring role – Caroline’s read the treatment for the commercial; it’s supposed to be streamy.
Oh, good lord, High School Caroline has somehow time traveled and taken over her body.
Genevieve pastes on an equally fake smile (at least Caroline’s not the only one regressing). Before she can snipe back, a silver tray is set in front of them, two shots resting on it. The attendant catches Caroline’s eye, “Can I get you anything, Miss?”
Klaus interrupts, squeezes her hand in an absent apology, “Sorry, there must be some mistake. I ordered a water.”
He’s contractually obligated to maintain a ridiculously chiseled body. Caroline’s got a reminder in her phone to order him a pile of celebratory spaghetti after his press obligations are officially over and he can relax for a few months.
The attendant’s eyes flit to Genevieve in confusion, “I…”
“I cancelled that,” she chirps, sliding her hand up Klaus’ arm. Genevieve leans in, tone lowering to what Caroline thinks is supposed to be a seductive level. “Figured we would toast.”
Caroline catches it because she’s practically plastered to Klaus’ other side. “Who toasts with tequila?” she asks. “Other than creeps at bars, I mean.”
Had Caroline not been well acquainted with Katherine Pierce, she might have been intimidated by Genevieve's attempt at a lethal glare.
Caroline stares back, reaching blindly for the first shot. She tosses it back, then the second, fighting the shudder that wants to wrack her frame through sheer willpower alone.
“Bitch,” Genevieve mutters, standing and flouncing away.
It’s petty, but Caroline savors her win.
Klaus is staring at her oddly, a touch concerned. “Maybe we should get you some water, love.”
Saturday, May 1st, 9:04 AM
“There were more shots when I got back to Kat’s party,” Caroline moans. “I’m going to kill her. She knows my weaknesses.”
“While I am reluctant to defend your irritating friend, she did seem rather intent on her fun. It was her birthday, wasn’t it?”
Caroline nods, “Yeah. And Kat’s always been firmly convinced that she should get to do whatever her little black heart desires on her birthday.”
“She did insist I ensure you get home safely. I’m afraid you were rather reluctant to supply your address.”
She sighs, finally dropping her hands. “Honestly, I just moved into a condo. I might not have remembered it.” That’s the less embarrassing option. It’s probably more likely that tequila drunk Caroline had crafted a plan to seduce Klaus, and step one entailed getting invited to his house. “I know you said not to apologize, but I obviously put you out. I’m supposed to babysit you, not the other way around.”
Klaus laughs, his knee nudging hers. “I haven’t needed that for ages, as you well know.”
He has a point – Caroline likely wouldn’t have agreed to take him on if he was still indulging in public drunkenness and paparazzi punching. When she’d first met with Klaus, it had been out of curiosity. She’d made a comfortable living from her client roster, did not need to take on the project of a difficult actor.
Klaus’ bad behavior had been a few years in the past, and he’d just come off a run of festival darlings and had produced a surprise hit sci-fi drama. He’d been frustrated by the doors that remained firmly shut to him, had laid his ambitions on the table.
Caroline had been intrigued. While she’s excellent at her job, but it’s always easier to work her magic with clients who are willing to dive into the work. Klaus’ talent was undeniable; she’d thought he could be a household name with the right opportunity. She’d agreed to take him on, and three years later, it’s paid off.
Caroline tugs the sleeves of his sweatshirt down over her hands, eyes on the frayed trim. “I was mad when I saw you last night, and that wasn’t fair. You’d set you were resting up for the press tour, but it’s not my business if you changed your mind.”
“Did you think I was resuming some bad habits?” Klaus asks. “I know that particular venue has a… reputation. Probably why Kol picked it.”
Caroline sneaks a glance at him, trying to gauge how he feels, but he’s not giving much away. “No, not really. I trust you. I wasn’t thinking super logically.”
She has to admit, at least to herself, that she’d been jealous. Caroline’s going to have to think about how deep that goes, if the feelings that had slapped her in the face last night will prevent their working relationship from being effective. What if Klaus meets someone? Will she be able to plant sneaky tidbits about how happy they are, scour the gossip blogs for rumors that could become issues?
“You? Not thinking logically? However could that be?”
She glares at him, though she knows his teasing is good-natured. “Some of it was the booze. I totally wouldn’t have hauled you onto the dance floor without it. And I wouldn’t have… well, you were there.”
She’s not up to list her transgressions. If Klaus hadn’t been drinking, then his memory of her wandering hands, her flirtatious comments, and heated invitations should be crystal clear. Caroline had been drunk, and she’s having a hard time not dwelling on the kiss – which, to be fair, Klaus had enthusiastically participated in – that she’d initiated.
“I was there. I have no objections to anything that occurred last night, save perhaps wishing you’d been sober.” Her head snaps up, eyes widening in shock, and Klaus laughs incredulously. “Surely you must know of my interest in you, Caroline.”
She’s suspected, but she’s also well aware that Klaus has no shortage of offers. Last night is proof of that. Caroline has always assumed that take one of them, at some point, and his flirtatiousness with her would fade away. She’d dated an actor or two when she’d moved to LA after wrapping up college. Caroline had been working insane hours then, trying to claw her way past the other assistants at the agency where she’d worked. Her exes from that time period had been quick to move on once they realized she wasn’t willing to center her universe around them.
“Interest can be fleeting.”
“It’s been three years.”
“You never made a real move.”
Again, Klaus counters quickly. “You’d not have accepted, and then you’d likely have pawned me off on someone else.”
Yeah, he’s got a point there. “I’m your publicist.”
“I have no objection to mixing business with pleasure. If you do, I suppose I’m willing to suffer a less competent publicist.”
“I’m beginning to suspect you’ve been plotting.”
Klaus shrugs, entirely unrepentant. “Perhaps a bit. I’ve always been entirely honest with you, I merely prevented a situation that would lessen the time we spent together until such a time as you were ready to consider me in a romantic light.”
“That’s a lot of words to confess you’ve been trying to flirt me into submission while flashing your hot body at every opportunity,” Caroline grumbles.
Klaus’ smile widens, dimples now visible. “It seems to have worked. Assuming that you meant the things you said to me last night?”
“I…” she hadn’t been expecting him to ask her that directly. She should have been – Klaus is skilled at choosing the best way to catch someone off guard. Caroline glances away from him, eyes catching on the clock across the room. Crap. She has so much to do. “I have to go,” Caroline tells him, standing up.
His eyes narrow,  and his head tips to the side, like he’s searching for a sign of weakness. Both telltale indicators that Klaus is gearing up to argue. Caroline holds up a hand, “I know, okay? This looks like I’m running away, and technically I am, but this is not the time to begin that mixing you mentioned. We’ve both worked too hard to risk screwing up the next few weeks. Did you read your contract? The fines for non-compliance are no joke.”
“Now is not the time,” Klaus says slowly. “Meaning?”
“We table it now. I’m open to a discussion later.” Three weeks is plenty of time for her to sort out where she stands, right? Caroline never sleeps on flights anyway.
He runs a hand through his hair. “I want a timeline. I understand that you feel obligated to ensure this press tour goes smoothly, but you can only use it as an excuse until it’s over, love. I’m prepared to be persuasive.”
“What, do you want me to schedule something on your calendar? Maybe set an agenda?”
“No need to be so formal. Just agree to have dinner with me once we return. Here, if you’d like, so we don’t risk inflaming the tabloids before you’re ready.”
“You seem awfully sure that this is going to go a certain way. So eager to fire me?”
Klaus gets to his feet, and Caroline sucks in a nervous breath. Sitting across from each other, he’d been a reasonable distance away. Now, with both of them standing in the narrow gap between his couch and coffee table, if one of them breathes too deeply or shifts deliberately, they’ll be plastered together.
She’s tempted despite knowing she’s right about the timing.
Klaus rests his hand on her waist and turns them so Caroline could step back if she wanted to.
She stays where she is.
A tiny smile curls Klaus’ lips and his hand moves, pressing her closer. “As much as I enjoyed your more… explicit ramblings last night, I must confess my favorite revelation was when you confessed to just how long you’ve had them.”
Caroline, not for the first time, curses tequila’s wretched existence.
Wednesday, May 5th 2:20 PM
The meet and greets are going to kill her.
Caroline had thought they were a good idea when she’d poured through the itinerary the studio had sent over. Inviting popular bloggers, auctioning off tickets for charity, allowing fans to enter random draws – it’s great PR and provides the opportunity for viral moments, while also controlling the environment.
Caroline’s leaning against one of the walls, unnoticed, eyes on her client.
A lot of eyes are on her client, some of which irritate Caroline more than others. The two teenage girls, trailed by an exasperated dad, who’d both burst into tears when Klaus had smiled at them? Totally adorable. The nerdy college student who’d grilled Klaus about his character’s comic backstory? Kind of a pain, but Klaus had done his homework, and Caroline had been impressed.
And annoyed. Excessive preparation is very attractive and unhelpful at this juncture of the press tour. Caroline’s already begun to reconsider what they’d agreed to, wonders if knocking on his hotel room door on the last night would be such a bad thing.
That line of thinking might be overly influenced by the scene in front of her.
Klaus is speaking with a woman in an afternoon inappropriate silver dress. Caroline’s sorely tempted to have her escorted out by security. She’d slipped a key card into the back pocket of Klaus’ jeans within 90 seconds of meeting him.
He’s handed it back, said something that made her laugh. They’re still talking.
Klaus glances up, eyes landing on her immediately. Caroline hastily tries to soften her irritated expression lest he guesses its reason. Klaus smiles, subtly tips his water bottle in her direction. Silver Dress invades his personal space a little more.
Ugh. It’s gonna be a long three weeks.
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep10: Kaiba Embarrasses Himself on International Television Again
We start off this duel by teasing us into believing that this is a part of a theme park:
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The Kaiba theme park is a weird mix of actual horrorscapes and animal crossing cutesy stuff...you can really tell what parts were Mokuba and what parts were Seto in this park.
But Leon takes it well, just kinda standing there as he’s done this entire arc--being a general forgettable nice boy who just...doesn’t do anything. Like he gets up, he plays cards, he sits down. Having him on top of a rock with melodramatic Little Mermaid waves crashing at his feet is laughably the opposite of Leon’s whole vibe.
Leon just seems like the type that listens to coffee shop ambient Youtube videos when he wants to amp himself up. This kid appears to attend a private school...somewhere...I think, and just went to a dueling competition in his school outfit because he literally doesn’t have a style of his own hanging in his closet.
Like Yugi wears his school outfit, but he does that ironically, to off-set the amount of makeup and hair spray he has in his hair. Leon wears the school outfit maybe because he admires Yugi so much, but is like “time for my rogue bow I wear in my hair. That’ll scare my competition.” He completely missed the point of the 00′s alt school outfit scene.
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I do way too much art to not see the imagery. I feel like this is half my job, and playing “where’s the hidden Freudian meaning?” is half the fun of going to any art museum.
(read more under the cut)
Anyway, Seto got tired of no one paying any attention to him, so he stepped out of his 14-monitor mancave, he very quickly pulled his Dragon outfit out of the (dirty) laundry, flicked a couple sea crabs out of his pockets, spritzed it with Febreeze and called it “good enough.”
Like, is it just me, or has dragon jacket greyed out a tad from last season? Like it’s starting to get a little...worn? Like what funk is coming off of Seto Kaiba right now?
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Also notice that he brought his giant stash of cards to the duel. He’s going to put on this show as if he’s not going to pull out the giant stash of cards. But like...he’s going to pull out the giant stash of cards. Like Hell boring ass Leon is going to play his deck of Candyland characters again.
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Leon is declared a winner on Technicality and it’s like.
Damn Seto, for reals?
So congrats, Leon, you did literally nothing, again, and yet you mystifyingly  persist on this show. Clearly you aren‘t going to grow a second head out of that ponytail like professor Quirrel in the last act of this arc.
That’s when Yugi’s hazy memory recalls something from the Before Times of “that time period before I was possessed by a needy ghost that eats up 3/4 of my memories and time.”
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So Schroeder is Atari. Neat.
Also, this makes Zigfrieds outfits a hell ton more endearing when you realize he’s this Willy Wonka game company owner making toys for children. Kinda makes you wonder why Seto’s such a stick up the ass in comparison when it’s like--dude Kaiba, maybe you could learn a thing or two about whimsy. It could really help out your inconsistent park.
Anyway, Kaiba quickly realized who hacked the park and so, understandably, he asked Zigried to leave, which...backfired?
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Y’all card culture is a lot. Everyone in the audience covered their faces in shame because they were so embarrassed by Seto Kaiba and I’m like...not sure why? Because he didn’t do a duel? Against this guy who snuck into his tourney not unlike Rex and Weevil? This asshole?
Recall that the last time Seto played a guy who had a fake name it was Marik freakin Ishtar and he killed a LOT of people (actually, it was Alister, pretending to be Pegasus, but he also killed a lot of people so that still tracks). Card culture can’t seem to learn from their mistakes, although Seto clearly sees the problem with dueling a professional hacker in a digital card game on a hologram that may or may not be able to murder you. At least its not a magic.
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And so, tired of being humiliated on television, Seto decides to bust out the dueling gloves (well, not those gloves. You know what I meant) and use the equipment he BROUGHT WITH HIM and clearly never intended not to use in the first place.
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(I hope you enjoy this dutch angle that wasn’t quite dutch enough, so it just looks like they’re lounging)
Roland patiently walks over from...somewhere? I don’t know where Roland comes from whenever he pops up, but he waltzed over to hold onto this suitcase as if that’s a formal part of his job.
I say this so often but like...I don’t know what Roland’s job is. He’s like a valet/butler/duel referee/duel cheerleader/CEO/and I will spend the rest of this series trying to understand it. Part of me is like...could Roland be a temp worker at an agency who just gets rehired for a different Kaiba Corp job every couple of weeks?
That weird ass fourthKaiba, I will never understand Roland.
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Just one letter away from being a Zigfriend, Kaiba. Just one letter away. I know this because I misspell friend a LOT.
Zigfreind? Zigfriend? Damn it, both of them look the freakin same to me, this sucks! Why can’t I spell friend without autocorrect!?
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Just the amount these two fight when Seto clearly barely even remembers who this guy even is.
Leon shows up in the seats, pretending that he’s totally cool about winning on a technicality right after Zigfried went on a rant about how shameful, irredeemable, and mortally embarrassing winning on technicalities are.
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He seems to take it pretty well, smiling, sitting next to Rebecca, and then dissolving right into the background because this kid’s whole deal is being way too nice to exist on this show.
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Y’all we just had that art meme where people were redrawing that “How to draw manga face” and guys...that’s what our anime used to look like.
I mean look at that uncomfortable chin there, that tapers in for some reason. Those eyes melting off of her face. The lack of any 3d sense. This was an anime ideal for a very, very long time.
Anyway, the “how to draw manga face” is a perfect masterpiece and never needs to change. (But it is fun to make fun of it although I guess the person that drew it was actually a kid, which makes sense from a publishing perspective to have a kid make a book about how to draw stuff for kids.)
We see a little flashback of Schroeder and why he hates Seto Kaiba, and can I just say, I kind of love this little outfit. Kind of a shame that it’s stuffed into a flashback.
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Which is when we found out that Zigfried thinks Seto Kaiba did a plagiarism.
Which is hilarious because it was Gozaburo Kaiba who was plagiarizing Seto, so like...who did it first?
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OK guys. Lets talk about this.
APPARENTLY, there was some sort of contest to work with Pegasus...kind of like an architecture contest (which is a thing, when a city is doing a big project, they send out a call, and big firms will compete to see who builds it) and I GOTTA know what Pegasus’ theme was.
Like did he say to all the little rich kid geniuses “I would like something that makes my cards ALIVE, can you do that?” Then when Pegasus got a hell ton of holograms and was he like “But ALIVE--it makes it alive, right boy?” And when he was shaking the hands of each stupid kid was he like “So if I hypothetically put my dead wife on a card and slapped it into the machine--could she EXIST. Like...enough? I just need her to legally exist is all, and not like..literally of course...but enough literally to be a sin against God, can you do that?”
I just want to know if Willy Wonka Wonderkid Von Schroeder had any idea he was creating a resurrection chamber for a dark wizard. Like he has no idea that he dodged getting his business bought straight from under him and his soul shoved into a card. And it’s not like Schroeder was going to abduct Yugi’s Grandpa and ensure that Yugi would be there to save him down the road. Like I’m pretty sure Schroeder would have been sacrificed waaay before that whole island contest even went down.
Zigfried got so freakin lucky. I can’t believe he’s mad. But then again...
...the man swims in milk pools so like...maybe his logic center is busted? Maybe he wanted to die in a horrific murder island? I don't know what Zigfried is into, but I do know that because Zigfried doesn’t have millennium rod powers linking him to the millennium eye--so would it have mattered? There’s destiny reasons that Pegasus chose Kaiba.
Course...we never found out where the scales ended up, have we? We think it’s Shadi, but have we seen Shadi bust those out since Season Zero?
Man that would be a good plot twist that will absolutely not happen.
Yo, make horse guy into a dark wizard, show, I dare you!
Anyway, that’s all for now, but if you want to read from the beginning, here’s the link:
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detectivesofty · 4 years
staking your claim | j.h.
Summary: Natalie has problems with Nina and you’re helping out, like the good future sister (in-law??) you are
Pairing: Jay Halstead x Doctor!Reader / Natalie Manning x Will Halstead / Nina Shore x Will Halstead
Song I listened to while writing: Bust Your Windows by Glee (cuz it’s a fucking bop)
Author’s Note: I literally wrote this in one sitting bc I got inspired lmao. This is very heavily centered around Natalie and Reader’s friendship, because I feel like Nat needs someone in her corner. This takes place in Season 2, Ep. 19 of Chicago Med and I know Jay and Reader’s relationship doesn’t make sense canon-wise, but this is a fanfic after all, so let’s just pretend that Jay and Reader have been in a commited relationship with each other for a while. Happy reading!
Warnings: mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 1,9k
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“Hey Y/N,” Nina greeted you and you barely glanced up to greet her back, your focus entirely on your notes. Nina then turned to Natalie, who was standing right next to you.
“Hey Natalie. Can I ask you a favor?”
Natalie, held a finger up. “Uhm, one second,” she said, turning back to April. “Hey April, can you try and track down Connor for me?”
“Thank you!” Natalie turned back to Nina, the stress written all over her face. “Sorry. What’s up?”
“I was going to give this to Will, but he’s busy. Can I leave it with you?”
That suddenly got your attention. Why would Nina ever ask Natalie for a favor regarding Will?
Natalie paused as well. “Sure,” she then replied, reaching a hand out for the jersey.
“He’s going to watch the game with his brother tonight. I slept in it last night and when he left this morning I was still in bed,” Nina added with a laugh and you furrowed your brows, while you kept your head down. 
“I’d leave it in his locker but I wanted to make sure he gets it.”
You rolled your eyes, but put on a smile when Nina looked at you. She wasn’t the best actress and you could see right through her act, even if Natalie didn’t.
Natalie seemed a bit lost as she held the jersey, glancing at you briefly. “... Okay?”
“Thanks. You’re the best. Bye Y/N, see you later!” Nina called over to you before leaving the ED. 
You forced a smile and waved at her, before turning to Natalie. She was still staring at the jersey in her hands and you nudged her gently. 
“Hey you okay?” 
Natalie nodded quickly, putting the jersey away. “Yeah, I am fine… But Nina was acting weird, right?”
Chuckling, you shrugged with your shoulders. You didn’t really like Nina with Will, if you were honest. She seemed nice enough, but you never clicked with her, despite her constant efforts to spend time with you. In your eyes, Natalie was the perfect one for Will. Especially because you knew of Will’s feelings for Natalie, you know, before the thing with Nina started. 
“Duh. She’s trying to mark her territory, it was so obvious.”
“I am pretty sure that she sees you as a threat, Nat. And the other day-”
“Doctor Manning, Doctor Y/L/N! Incoming, vehicular accident, two girls and their mother!”
Natalie gave you a look, which meant she was in no way done with this conversation. But for the meantime, you took care of the two hurt girls. Unfortunately, the day didn’t progress as you had expected it to go. The hospital’s server got hacked and you had to resort to old-fashioned blackboards, without knowing patients’ medical history. 
At the end of the day, you were completely exhausted and just wanted to fall in bed. You threw your jacket on and grabbed your purse, when Natalie came into the lounge. 
“Hey Y/N, are you going home?” 
You gave her a tired smile and nodded. “Yeah, I am beat.”
“I wanted to talk about the thing you mentioned this morning…?”
Frowning, you thought back to earlier until you finally remembered. “Oh yeah, uhm. Do you maybe want to come over? Jay’s watching the game at a bar with Will so I’ll be alone tonight.”
“Yeah, sure. That sounds nice. I’ll just swing by Helen real quick to check on Owen, and then I’ll come over, yeah?”
Nodding, you gave her a thumbs up, rubbing her shoulder. “See you later, Nat.” With that, you left the ED and drove home to an empty apartment. The moment you stepped into your home, you let out a loud sigh at the sight of Jay’s shoes being all over the place. Moving in together was Jay’s idea. Your jobs ate up a lot of your time and when Jay was on a hard case, you often had gone days without seeing each other. Living together had a lot of pros, but that was before you knew Jay loved leaving his shoes where he took them off, which could be basically anywhere in the apartment. 
But you loved that man, so you’d put them away for now and kick his ass later. 
Dropping off your purse on its designated place, you headed to the shower straight away. After a refreshing shower, you ordered pizza for you and Natalie, when a text from Jay came in.
Jay: hey babe, you home yet?
You: yeah, just got out of the shower
Jay: Without me?😜
You: First of all, ew You: second of all, you’re too old to be using emojis
Jay: 😭
You: nat’s coming over now and I just ordered some pizza
Jay: okay, have fun, love you Jay: save me some slices!
You: Love you too. And no!
At that moment, the doorbell rang and you put the phone away to open the door, expecting either Natalie or the delivery guy. But instead, it was Natalie, the delivery girl. 
“I bumped into the delivery boy on my way up and paid him,” Natalie said and you beamed at her, ushering her in. 
“You didn’t have to do that. Come in!”
You grabbed a bottle of wine and two wine glasses, then situated yourself on the couch with Natalie. The two of you devoured a couple of slices before Natalie spoke up. 
“So. About what you said this morning… Why would Nina see me as a threat? I don’t see Will that way.”
Pouring yourself another glass of wine, you gave Natalie a look. “Really? I see the way you look at him, Nat. The two of you have always been dancing around each other. Nina has eyes, she can see that.”
Natalie opened her mouth, frowning, before she closed it again. 
“I never did anything while they were dating, I swear,” she insisted and you gave her a smile. 
“I know, Natalie. No one thinks that, I promise.”
“It’s just…” She sighed. “At first, I didn’t want to rush into a relationship, because I haven’t worked through my grief yet. And then Will wanted to move on, which I totally understood. And with Jeff, I thought he was the right one, considering his history with my Jeff. But then he turned out to be the complete opposite. And now… Will’s with Nina and there’s nothing I can do about it.”
“At this point, I think you should just let their relationship run its course. I know it sounds kind of mean to say that, but I don’t think that they’re a good fit. You and Will are. You challenge each other, but also make each other better. I can see how you look at him when you think no one is watching; Will looks at you the same way, Nat.”
You could see the hope glimmer in her eyes and while you didn’t want your friend to get hurt, since Will and Nina are in fact still dating and even living together, you knew how right you were. You spent endless hours talking to Will about Natalie and you knew that feelings like that didn’t disappear overnight. 
“I just don’t want Nina to think I am trying to step on her toes and ruin their relationship, you know,” Natalie added. “The way she acted today kind of intimidated me.”
“Yeah I totally get that. She was acting a bit crazy,” you laughed and Natalie grinned at you, nudging you with her shoulder. 
“Enough about me and my problems. How are things with Jay?”
“Oh, things are good.”
The rest of the night passed in a blur while you and Natalie talked about everything and everyone. Nights like these were much too rare and you enjoyed spending time with your friends outside of work. It was nearing one am when you heard keys jangling at the front door, you and Natalie instinctively turning to the door. 
As the door opened, Jay stilled in the doorway, like a deer caught in headlights. 
“Hey Jay.” 
“Hey babe.”
Jay waved, slightly abashed as he took his shoes off. “Hey guys, thought you were already in bed,” he mumbled, walking over to the couch to press a kiss on your head and high five Natalie. “I am just going to go to the bathroom real quick,” Jay told you and disappeared into the bathroom. 
“I think that’s my cue to leave,” Natalie said, yawning loudly. “Don’t want to be too tired for work tomorrow.” 
You walked her to the door and leaned against the doorway while she collected her things.
“Thanks for today, Y/N. I really needed that.”
Smiling, you pulled her in a tight hug. “Anytime, Nat. That’s what friends are for. Get home safely, okay?” 
“I will. Say bye to Jay for me,” Natalie answered and you nodded, waving before you closed the door. With a yawn, you locked it and trudged over to the coffee table to clean it up, throwing the pizza cartons in the trash and putting the wine glasses in the dishwasher. You looked up when Jay came out of the bathroom, looking around. 
“Nat already left?”
You nodded and wrapped your arms around his neck. “Yeah. It’s late and we have work tomorrow. You okay?”
“Mhm,” Jay nodded, leaning in to kiss you. The kiss was short and sweet, which made you smile against his lips. You pulled away after a while, observing him. His cheeks were flushed and it was obvious he’s had a few beers. 
“What did you guys talk about?”
You snorted out a laugh. “Uh, about Will.”
“What about Will?” Jay raised a confused eyebrow. 
“You know. Will and Nat. Nina came up to her today, trying to stake her claim. Waving around Will’s jersey like it was a prize. It was ridiculous.”
Jay laughed, shaking his head. “She did? Nina’s crazy.”
Shrugging with your shoulders, you pursed your lips. “I kinda get her. I mean, if anyone would even think about getting with my man, I’d whack them.”
“Yeah?” Jay asked, smirking at you in amusement. “You’d be willing to go to prison for me?”
“As if you’d let me go to prison,” you snorted and he chuckled, leaning his forehead against yours. 
“Yeah you’re right. Can’t let anyone hurt my girl.” 
You felt warmth spreading in your chest, just like it did everytime Jay called you his girl, even after all this time. 
“You wanna go to bed?” Jay asked softly and you nodded, looking up at him. 
“Carry me?”
He groaned out, but complied anyway, hooking his arms under your thighs to hoist you up, carrying you into the bedroom. The two of you quickly got changed and slipped under the sheets, cuddling up. 
“You know,” Jay murmured, nosing along your neck. “I think you’re right about Will and Natalie. He’s still got that look in his eyes when he talks about her.”
“Yeah? I thought so. He should stop leading Nina on, then. It’s not really fair.”
“Tell him. He listens to you more.”
You rolled your eyes and swatted Jay’s hands away, reaching for your phone to text Will.
You: Get your head in the game, Will. If you still have feelings for Natalie, you should end things with Nina. It’s not fair for either of them. 
Unsurprisingly, ellipses popped up a minute later.
Will is typing…
Will: You’re right. Thanks.
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