#literally think whatever you want and let me think what i want
jessiethewitchzard · 2 days
Seeing @thydungeongal constantly wrestling with people interpreting her posts about D&D in ways that seem completely alien to me has convinced me that there are actually multiple completely distinct activities both being referred to as "playing D&D" Before we begin, I want to stress that I'm not saying one of these groups is Playing The Game Wrong or anything, but there seems to be a lot of confusion and conflict caused by people not being aware of the distinction. In fact, either one works just fine if everyone's on the same page. So far, I think I've identified at least two main groups. And nobody seems to realize the distinction between these groups even exists. The first group of people think of "Playing D&D" as, well, more or less like any other board game. Players read the whole rulebook all the way through, all the players follow the instructions, and the gameplay experience is determined by what the rules tell each player to do. This group thinks of the mechanics as, not exactly the *whole* game, but certainly the fundamental skeleton that everything else is built on top of. People in the second group think of "Playing D&D" as referring to, hanging out with their friends, collaboratively telling a story inspired by some of the elements in the rulebooks, maybe rolling some dice to see what happens when they can't decide. This group thinks of the mechanics of the game as, like... a spice to sprinkle on top of the story to mix things up. (if you belong to this second group, and think I'm explaining it poorly, please let me know, because I'm kind of piecing things together from other people saying things I don't understand and trying to reverse engineer how they seem to be approaching things.) I think this confusion is exacerbated by the fact that Wizards of the Coast markets D&D as if these are the same thing. They emphatically are not. the specific rules laid out of the D&D rulebooks actually direct players to tell a very specific kind of story. You can tell other stories if you ignore those rules (which still counts as "playing D&D" under the second definition, but doesn't under the first)And I think people in both groups are getting mad because they assume that everyone is also using their definition. For example, there's a common argument that I've seen play out many times that goes something like this:
A: "How do I mod D&D to do [insert theme here]?" B: "D&D is really not built for that, you should play [other TTRPG] that's designed for it instead" A: "But I don't want to learn a whole new game system!" B: "It will be easier to just learn a whole new system than mod D&D to do that." A: "whatever, I'll just mod D&D on my own" And I think where this argument comes from is the two groups described above completely talking past each other. No one understands what the other person is trying to say. From A's perspective, as a person in the second group, it sounds like A: "Anyone have some fun inspirations for telling stories about [insert theme here]?" B: "You can't sit around a table with your friends and tell a story about that theme! That's illegal." A: "But we want to tell a story about this theme!" B: "It's literally impossible to do that and you're a dumb idiot baby for even thinking about it." A: "whatever, jerk, I'll figure it out on my own."
--- Whereas, from B's perspective, the conversation sounds like A: "How do I change the rules of poker to be chess, and not be poker?" B: "uhhh, just play chess?" A: "But I already know how to player poker! I want to play poker, but also have it be chess!" B: "what the hell are you talking about? What does that even mean. They're completely different games." A: "I'm going to frankenstein these rules together into some kind of unplayably complex monster and you can't stop me!" ---
So both people end up coming away from the conversation thinking the other person is an idiot. And really, depending on how you concieve of what it means to "play D&D" what is being asked changes considerably. If you're only planning to look through the books for cool story inspiration, maybe borrow a cool little self contained sub-system here or there, then yeah, it's very possible to steal inspiration for your collaborative story from basically anywhere. Maybe some genres are kind of an awkward fit together, but you can make anything work with a little creativity.
If, however, you are thinking of the question in terms of frankensteining two entire board games together, then it becomes a massively difficult or even outright nonsensical idea. For example, for skill checks, the game Shadowrun has players roll a pool of several d6 at once, then count up how many rolled above a target value to see how well a character succeeded at a task. The whole game is full of specific rules about adding or removing dice from the pool, effects happening if you roll doubles, rerolling only some of the dice, and all sorts of other things that simply do not translate to rolling a single d20 for skill checks. On a basic level, the rules of the games work very differently. Trying to make them compatible would be much harder than just learning a new game from scratch. Now, neither of these approaches is exactly *wrong*, I guess, but personally, I find the rules of TTRPGs to be fascinating and worth taking the time to engage with all the weird little nuances and seeing what shakes out. Also, the first group, "TTRPG as fancy board game" is definitely the older and more widespread one. I kind of get the impression that the second group largely got into D&D through actual play podcasts, but I don't have any actual data to back that up. So, if you're in the second group, who thinks of D&D as basically a context for collaborative storytelling first and a game second, please let me know if I'm wildly misunderstanding how you approach D&D. Because I'm pretty sure it would save us a whole lot of stupid misunderstandings.
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dix0nspretty · 2 days
Knives, Bikes, and Stitches, Oh My!
Summary: Daryl is working on his motorcycle and you watch. Too bad you can't keep your focus.
Daryl Dixon x F!Reader, 1.3k words
Era: Prison (again) because he's just so yummy...
TW: Mention of blood and stitches. Maybe chronic horniness?
Y'all loved my first story and I hope this one whets your appetites just as well! I have no idea how motorcycles or vehicles of literally any kind work, so please feel free to educate me in the comments.
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You put the fear of God in Daryl every time he sees you with a knife.
It’s not that you can’t use one. On the contrary, you’re a force to be reckoned with when you’re fighting. Sometimes all that can be seen of you in a fight is the shine of blood-tinged metal as you slash and stab at whatever is attacking with your twin blades. No, your knives are comfortable and at home in your grip. Maybe too comfortable.
“How many times I got to tell ya to stop eatin’ off yer damn knife?” Daryl’s rough accent sounds out in the empty courtyard. His head is bowed low as he works on his bike, not looking up as he speaks.
I’m perched on the tabletop of one of the prison’s picnic tables eating a can of peaches. Daryl, for some reason unknown to me, had elected to start taking his bike apart and putting it back together and I followed along to watch the process. I don’t know shit about vehicles, much less motorcycles, but I like spending time with the grumpy man.
“It’s fine, I’m not gonna cut myself.” I tell him as I tilt my head down to drag a slice of peach off the blade. Daryl’s eyes don’t move from the work in front of him, but I can feel him watching me. I pull the chunk into my mouth and lick the blade clean of the sticky juice.
“Told ya to cut it out.” I’m eating the canned fruit haphazardly, not paying any attention to how close I am to the edge. Daryl shakes his head. He knows it’s a matter of time before I cut my lip or tongue.
At his repeated command, I roll my eyes but pull away from the edge of my knife. I set the can of peaches down and watch him. His brown hair is getting longer now and it’s sliding down into his eyes, shielding most of his face from my watchful gaze.
“What are you doing, anyways?” I ask. I scoot myself closer to the edge of the table and peer down over his shoulder. He has one of his tools in his hand and some pieces of metal I can’t identify. It is roughly the size of my fist and cylindrical. Whatever it is, it looks important.
Daryl glances over his shoulder, feeling my curious eyes looking down. He huffs and continues his task. “Workin’.”
“No shit. Working on what?” I’m playing with my knife in my fingers, absentmindedly twisting and flipping it. Daryl looks up at me through his hair, squinting one eye against the sunlight. My breath catches in my throat, and I try to play it cool.
“Do ya really want to know or are ya jus’ bored?” He asks in his gruff voice. I don’t answer for a second. He looks so pretty. Get a grip, Y/N, I think to myself.
“Really want to know. Come on, I don’t know anything about bikes. Teach me something.” Daryl squints at me for several seconds longer and I’m convinced he’s going to send me inside to bother someone else, but he slowly starts talking.
“’M cleanin’ the carburetor.” He tilts his hand up to show me the same piece I was looking at earlier. “It’s startin’ to get clogged.”
“Oooookay. What’s that do?”
“It keeps the engine runnin’ smooth, basically. Don’t keep it clear and that can fuck up the bike, make it stall or overheat. Gotta take it apart and clean it every few months.”
Daryl lets me watch over his shoulder as he points out different parts of the carburetor and how to clean them. After a few minutes, his gruff voice starts to fade out and my mind begins to wander.
He just looks so good. His hands are greasy and dirty from all of his work today and his biceps are sweaty from the Georgia heat. He’s wearing one of his simple black shirts that already fit him so well and the sweat is only making him look more delicious. I’m watching his hands work over the small brass jets when I feel burning heat in my palm and look down.
I’d been messing with my knife the entire time and cut myself. I instinctively let go of the blade and it hits the concrete with a harsh clang. Daryl’s head lifts at the noise and he spins around right as I rush to tuck both hands behind my back. I look like a kid caught with their hand in the cookie jar and I’m trying to hide the chocolatey evidence. Except this time, it’s blood.
Daryl’s eyes run over me for a second, then flick down to my knife as it sits on the dirty floor. He slowly bends down and picks it up. “Y/N.” He starts, a low warning in his tone.
“It’s fine! I’m fine, I just dropped it.” My voice rambles out. There’s a high, nervous note to it and I’m hoping to God he doesn’t notice.
He raises an eyebrow. “If yer fine, why’s the knife got fresh blood on it?” Fuck.
“Uhhhhh.” I look around the courtyard, trying to find an excuse. I, naturally, see nothing. “Magic?”
Daryl huffs and crosses his arms. “Let me see your hands.”
I wince. I don’t want to get in trouble, but I can feel the blood dripping off my hand, and it stings. The longer I hold off showing him the angrier he’ll get.
“Y/N. Hand, now.” Daryl’s voice leaves no room for arguments.
“Jus’, don’t be mad?” I ask. He says nothing and I sigh, then slowly move my hands back in front of me. The blood is quickly evident on my skin.
“God damn it, girl. Why can’t ya ever listen to me?” Despite his rough tone, his hands are gentle as he takes my wrist and tilts my hand, inspecting the damage. I risk a glance at my hand. There’s a slash across my entire palm and more blood than there should be. It’s going to need stitches.
“Ya need stitches.” Told you.
 Daryl looks up from my hand but doesn’t let go of my wrist. His eyes lock with mine and he gives me a warm look. There’s exasperation and concern and I don’t know what to do with it. He takes a surprisingly clean rag from his pocket and ties it around my bleeding palm, firmly but not enough to hurt.
I can’t help but be surprised by just how gentle he’s being with me. I was expecting a pop in the side of the head and a banishment to Hershel’s cell. I look up at him through my lashes, waiting for my verbal lashing. After almost a minute, I realize there is none.
“Does this mean I gotta go in now?” I try to keep the potential disappointment from my voice and don’t entirely succeed.
“Yeah, yer going to go get those stitches. Ya weren’t listenin’ anyways.” He grumbles at me. “The hell were you doin’?”
I look away from him. I do not want to explain that I was too busy being horny over him to notice that I gouged my palm open. I risk a glance at him and I’m caught by those ocean-blue eyes.
“I was watching your hands…”
Daryl pauses, then snorts. “Maybe instead of watchin’ my hands ya should’ve been watching yours. Go get your damn stitches and I’ll show ya somethin’ else.”
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pxtched · 2 days
PROLOGUE — let’s make a deal…
series warning - eventual smut , profanity , sexual themes , drug/alcohol usage (don’t do any of these things!) , blackmail , fighting (verbal and physical) , reader being a queenbee, Miguel is a loner at the star but grows some balls later on.
chapter warning - profanity , it’s so short , fighting (verbal) , blackmail , Miguel kinda is a loner here , literally has the worst timing known to man kind.
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He’s always at the library, far back too. He reads whatever book he needs to read without any human communication. What a loser!
He always caught your eye, I mean. Why wouldn’t he? He’s such a loner, it’s so easy to miss him. Not you though, you noticed his little pattern. Going to lectures and going straight to the library.
He’s a sore loser, and you heard he dosent even know you! How disrespectful!
but you can’t focus on that right now, you’re currently putting someone in their place in the library because they think they have the right to stand up to you! How dare they, who do they think they are?
“What makes you think you can say that?” You scoffed, crossing your arms with a smirk on your face as you stared at the angry male in front of you.
“I have every right you bitch! I’m tired of you treating me around like I’m some toy to you!” He yelled and you just laugh at him. “Oh please, Don’t act like you’re all that. Did you forget I have proof of you cheating on your girlfriend?” You remind me and he immediately shuts up.
You smirked and walked up to him, harshly grabbing his chin to make him look at you. Your smirking, amused face turn into a stern serious one.
“Know your place. because I can just send your girlfriend all of the pictures, text messages and voice messages.” You advised him then smirked at him once again when you see his face drop and his face pales. You then spoke again “don’t want to ruin your 3 year relationship do you?” You cooed at him.
You waited for his response and when he shook his head no, you scowled “good, act like this again and I won’t hesitate to do it.” And you let go of his chin harshly and turned around to leave but once you do.
You see Miguel.
He looks at you, he tries to leave but you glared at him and immediately said.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
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“I’ll leave, I’ll forget this even happened!” Miguel stumbled over his words, you ignored as you walked towards him. Looking at him in the flesh fully. “No, no. It’s fine, you’re that smart kid right?” You asked him and he hesitates until you glared start him to answer.
“Mhm!” He answers and you smiled. “Then let’s make a deal…Miguel right?” You asked him as you raised an eyebrow.
He was surprised you knew his name. “Y-yes, that’s me.” He spoke, You hum in response.
“You know, I see you getting picked on the by the jocks and some girls. You’re getting tired of it? You want that to stop don’t you?” You chuckled as you looked at him.
You see him look away, like he’s scared to admit it but he nods.
You chuckled as you put you arm around his shoulder and pull him closer to you. You look at you nails on your other hand as you spoke.
“Then I Can Make you a deal, how about this. You do my work for me, you do what I say and I’ll…make you stop getting picked on. You’ll be perfectly alone and fine.” You proposed to him and you see his eyes widened at your words.
The guy you were scolding was about to warn him but you give him a death stare and looked at the door. Signaling him to keep his mouth shut and get out.
and he did so. Now it’s just you and Miguel.
You looked back at him “So how about it?” You asked him with a smirk on your face awaiting his answer.
You can tell he’s thinking about it, and he looks back at you. “I accept.”
You smirked.
This will be fun.
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The next day, he’s suddenly realizes that no one is bothering him. He notices the looks he’s getting, but no one dares to mess with him.
As he’s sitting in his usual table in the library, and he hears footsteps coming towards him. He looks up and sees you standing in front of his table. A hand resting on your hip as the other hand holding some papers.
You smiled at him.
“Like the difference, Miguel?” You spoke. you face looks cocky even though your voice is sweet like honey.
He nodded and looked at the papers in your hand. “What’s that?” “Work, just like our promise.” You put some papers on his desk, he looks at the papers and looks at you.
“Aren’t you doing the same thing they were doing?”
Your smile immediately fades. “The first day and you’re already getting on my nerves, You made the deal did you not? I fulfilled your part and now it’s your turn. I Can always make them go back to bulling you again, do you want that?”
He stammered, he cannot risk the only peace he has so suddenly. He shook his head and you smiled again. “Good, it’s not a lot. Pretty sure you’ll get it done in about 20 minutes or so. Have fun!” You waved him goodbye and left.
as he is now alone again, he wonders.
Was this worth it? What is he getting him self into?
Time can only tell.
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tags - @pinkhelados , @jadeloverxd , @syler-griffin , @monarchberrysblog , @ultravioletrayz - if you want to be in the tag list lmk!
a/n - guys, I’m so sorry this took SO SO long and it’s not even that long. I been struggling with a lot of stuff, and I didn’t have the motivation to write. I apologize for being gone for so long.
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nikitaxlee · 2 days
"𝖒𝖞 𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖉 𝖔𝖋 𝖑𝖔𝖛𝖊"
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ᴊᴀᴋᴇ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ ₊˙♡﹗˚ ༘
ᴡᴀʀɴɪɴɢs: ᴀɴɢsᴛ, sᴜɪᴄ!ᴅᴇ, ᴄʜᴇᴀᴛɪɴɢ, ᴛᴏxɪᴄ ʀᴇʟᴀᴛɪᴏɴsʜɪᴘ, ɪɴᴛᴇɴsᴇ sᴄᴇɴᴇs, ɢᴏʀᴇ.
𝘴𝘺𝘯𝘰𝘱𝘴𝘪𝘴: 𝘞𝘩𝘦𝘯 𝘫𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘴 𝘤𝘢𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵 𝘪𝘯 𝘣𝘦𝘥 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘢𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘸𝘰𝘮𝘢𝘯 𝘣𝘺 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘴𝘰 𝘤𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘥 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥, 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘨𝘪𝘳𝘭𝘧𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘯𝘥 𝘥𝘰𝘦𝘴𝘯'𝘵 𝘵𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘪𝘵 𝘵𝘰 𝘸𝘦𝘭𝘭, 𝘦𝘴𝘱𝘦𝘤𝘪𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘴𝘩𝘦'𝘴 𝘥𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘺𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘨𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘴 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘑𝘢𝘬𝘦. ₊˙♡﹗˚ ༘
ᴍᴜsɪᴄ: ᴀ ʙᴏʏ ɪs ᴀ ɢᴜɴ*- ᴛʏʟᴇʀ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴏʀ
ᴘᴜᴘᴘᴇᴛ - ᴛʏʟᴇʀ, ᴛʜᴇ ᴄʀᴇᴀᴛᴏʀ
ᴛᴀɢs: @hwanchaesong here you are babes😊
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letter from reader
I didn't know why I so badly wanted him to go away that first time he talked to me. Maybe it was the way he always looked at me like one looks at a meal. Knowing he'll enjoy it in the moment but in the end he'll need a new meal preferably different than the one he had the night before, whatever the reason was, I was right to have wanted him gone. A small roadblock in my life. The night I caught him was the night I died. The day that car was speeding faster and faster until it hit that tree, figuratively and literally. That was the best way to describe me and Jakes relationship. Exhilerating in the moment but doomed from the start. A fucking trainwreck. Maybe that was why I loved him. Still do love him. God did I love every intoxicating moment of bittersweet hapiness. A paradox isn't it? A girl who loved and a boy who didn't. Perfect fucking match.
Jake, my love, why didn't you love me? I gave you everything and more. I wanted the kind of love you have for soccer, for layla, and you're stupid fucking PC that you would fucking waste time on. You know what they all had in common? You all loved them unconditionally. I. Gave. You. Everything. And as you read this I am giving you my life. Because, Jake, love, this is the last thing I do to prove I love you, to prove I can't live without you. God, even if you never loved me. As long as you were there... Please, my love, come visit me when I'm gone, at least once. I want you to love me when I'm gone, but I don't think that will happen. So this is where I say goodbye Jake, my pretty boy. Give Layla extra kisses for me. I love you.
1:02 A.M
When Jake made his way to the kitchen, unfamiliar body still tangled in his sheets, he didn't feel anything but numb. The look in your eyes as you opened the door to see him 8 inches deep in someone that wasn't you. In the moment it gave him this sick satisfaction of seeing you hurt. But he couldn't help but wonder if he had perhaps taken this game he played a little to far. Although the two of you weren't necessarily dating, you had a somewhat exclusive relationship. And he loved seeing the tears well in your eyes as he hurt you intentionally just to see run back to him. This wasn't the first time he had called you over here when he had a girl over. he loved seeing you break little by little. In his own sick world, he thought it would cause you to stay by his side.
The floorboards creaked as he made his way down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab some food. He would have to kick the girl out of his bed before you came back in about an hour he guessed. The second he stepped into the kitchen a feeling of dread rushed over him. He didn't notice anything amiss in the kitchen. Except the envelop sitting on the counter with the lighter he gave you for your birthday. The one thing you had from him. You had never reacted this way, usually you would just send him a text letting him know when you'd be back and to text you when he was done. As he pocketed the lighter and opened the letter he noticed the rushed handwriting right away, with bits scribbled out. He started reading and with each word his heart dropped. Each sentence was a stab in the heart. When he moved onto the next paragraph he started connecting the dots on what you were about to do. He didn't even finish the second paragraph before he was in his car.
1:10 A.M
"Fuck, Fuck, FUCK." He screamed. This could not be happening to him. Contrary to popluar belief, he really did love you, he just had a fucked up way of showing it. His tears streamed down his face as he sped to your house. "Y/N I swear to god, please, please, hold on for me baby, I'm so fucking sorry." he was going at least 15 over the limit right now. He entered the bridge before getting on the highway, and that was when he noticed the crowd of first responders on the highway. He was no longer crying just pure terror overcame him as he recognized the car lodged in the tree. The entire 3 lanes were blocked off but he still pulled up to the site. "Baby, baby, no no no NO" He quickly hopped out his car as his phone blew up with texts from the members;
Jungwon: oh god
Ni-Ki: call us now
10 new messages
12:25 A.M
Y/N: Hey Jake, js letting you know I'm going to be running a bit late, I'm picking up some food on the way over, wanna watch a movie? :)
Y/N: Omw, i picked up sushi!
Y/N: Is the key in the usual spot?
He felt like throwing up as his vision cleared and saw you laying there on the concrete paramedics rushing around you as others are currently performing CPR on you. For some reason he couldn't bring himself to run for you, just slowly shuffling towards the scene. He felt like he had just died and started seeing it all in 3rd person, him slowly walking towards you, the paramedics. Then he was running, almost reaching you but not before the police pulled him back.
"HEY THIS IS A SCE-" "THAT'S MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND!" He said as he dropped to his knees and cried.
The policeman just held him back as he thrashed and watched as the paramedics put the white sheet over you and spoke.
"Time of death 1:46, died due to imapct to the head flying through the windshield, suspected suicide due to last text messages to family."
'No, no, she can't be-" he sputtered and hyperventilated.
"Ch-check again" he said to no one in particular.
The letter you left crushed in his hand.
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A/N: Moral of the story don't take your roomates cinnabon or it's on sight. One ❤️= One Cinnabon for me🥹₊˙♡﹗˚ ༘
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mischelmayleys · 5 hours
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As Ingird let me through their apartment I noticed how spot on it was. Everything had its place and was dusted off. A cat came to sniff my legs as we entered, making me bend down and pat its fur letting out a soft smile at the bal of fur.
“Okay so your room is right next to ours so if you need anything you can just come to us.” Ingrid explained as she opened the door to the room.
It was mostly a bare room with a nice king size bed in the middle and TV right on the opposite wall. As we walked it I spotted the big window where in front of it was a dest with some plants and a laptop.
“We didn’t know if you needed a laptop for school or not, but we figured you can just use it for whatever you want. It has netflix in it as well as the TV.” Ingird explained, probably seeing me eyeing it.
I didn’t know what to say: “I…thank you.”
She smiled softly at me and went to put a hand on my shoulder which made me flinch: “Hey don’t worry I just wanted to dust off your top.” She pointed her finger on my shoulder which had a bit of blood on it from the fight yesterday.
“Oh, that’s just um…” I started to say but Maria came literally running into the room with my bags on her shoulders.
“I don’t know if Ingrid already told you but we can do whatever you want with the room, we can paint the wall or buy new sheets, some decorations?” She was rambling and it made me look at Ingrid for help.
“Maria calm down, she just got here.” Maria stopped talking and apologized.
“It is okay. Can I use the bathroom please?” I asked not knowing where it was.
Ingrid nodded and pointed to a door in the back of my room: “There, it’s just yours.” I stared at her in shock. Did I just get my own room WITH a bathroom?
“We will let you settle down a bit, if you need anything we are in the kitchen.” Maria said and they left me alone.
I breathed out as they closed the door and I looked at my hands. They were bruised and they hurt less than yesterday but it started to get worse again due to me picking up the skin on my fingers. With a shaky breath I went to the bathroom, and carefully washed my hands under the water. It stinged and I hissed.
I replied to the fight in my head, it wasn’t my fault…I was just protecting myself. I might not have friends in school but outside it was better. Rodrigo was one of my closest friends to many people. He seemed like a bad person, but he was a sweet guy deep down. We met when I was at my first foster home when I was seven and he was ten. I saw him in a park where he had just fallen from his skateboard and I went to help him and since then we were attached to him until he started to hang out with the wrong people.
He is twenty now to my sixteen, and still he is my rock. I came to his flat more than I was to my different foster parents. And the fight happened because of him.
I was sitting next to Rodrigo on a couch as he smoked some weed and I just casually smoked cigarettes. His other friends were split all over his place and just doing nothing at all.
“So…you ran away again.” Rodrigo said to me as he turned my way.
I nod: “Yeah, what was I supposed to do? Get myself killed.” he gave me a soft smile and put his hand on my thigh: “Don’t worry, you can stay here if you want.”
I chuckled a bit: “Nah, I don’t think your friends would appreciate me sleeping in here.”
“You are right, we don’t want this chick sleeping here.” Someone from the other side of the room yelled as Rodrigo went to stand up and defend me but I pulled him back down: “don’t.” He huffed and sat down but couldn’t keep his mouth shut: “Shut up Diego, you bring here sluts and I can’t have here my friend?!”
It was the wrong move and from that time on, one of the only things I remember is that Diego hit first. They were punching each other hard and somehow I stood up and went to split them up.
And that was when Diego grabbed me so to my self defense I hit.
The only other thing I remember is police breaking into the apartment and separating us from each other.
I shook my head as a shiver went down my spine. I stopped the water and walked back into my room and took it all in again.
The fresh sheets.
The Tv and laptop looked completely brand new.
There was a thing I didn’t acknowledge the first time.
It was a framed Barcelona jersey. It had Alexia along with the number 11 written on the back. Alexia…Alexia… I tried to think about where I heard it before. I took out my phone and went to google it until I realized I didn’t have any wifi or data. I sigh and go to the laptop placed on the table and carefully open it. It was connected to a which I assumed was Ingrids and Maria's wifi.
I opened google and wrote about Alexia Fc Barcelona. So much information came up, that’s when I realized it’s THE Alexia, which people in my old school were always talking about. Alexia was the best footballer in the world. It’s not like I didn’t know that Barcelona had a female team, I just never had the opportunity to see them play, I never had a Tv before or money to go to see them play. There was one picture that caught my eye. It was a full squad photo, that’s when I saw them…Ingrid and Maria both being in the picture dressed in their very own kit.
I am living with famous football players…
I didn’t know if that was good or not. They are probably going to travel all the time and not have time for me…great so no need to get close to them. Since they are public figures, they wouldn't hurt a kid…at least I hoped so.
I closed the google and leaned back into the chair. What am I supposed to do now? Unpack?
The question in my head was quickly answered when my phone ding with a message.
Rodrigo: Come over?
I pursued my lips and looked at the closed door and then out of the window. It had the railing and stairs there…great way for escape.
Eliza was quiet in her room, we thought she would come out by now to eat dinner, but we didn’t want her to feel pressured so we stayed at the table waiting for her.
Mapi was texting away on her phone when she suddenly put it down: “I am going to look at her.” I nod as I waited.
She came quickly running back to me.
I frowned: “Why are you running what happened?”
Mapi had a worried look on her face: “She is not in her room.”
I quickly stood up: “What do you mean? Maybe she is just in the bathroom.”
“No, she is not anywhere and the window is open so I think she sneaked out.” Mapi said as she sat down on the chair and put her head into her hands. I ran my hand through her hair.
“Well…we know what the social worker told us. We are going to wait for her return.” I said quietly not really believing we won’t go looking for her
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imaginespazzi · 1 day
i wanna get on the pazzi train so bad but paige moves so weird that i want better for azzi. flirting with someone on live, entertaining tiktoks of people thirsting over you, idk it's just mad weird and it makes me think there's no way they're together and if they are then azzi's putting up with a lot of shit and i don't like that.
Stay off the train 🙏🏾😑
You know I was gonna ignore all this Jada-Paige commotion (beyond how it related to my Kazzi agenda) because I found the whole thing kinda funny (Jada's hella real for her reaction to Paige) and I'm not in the mood to get into discourse these days but then I got like three asks similar to this and so now, I needa rant because y'all piss me off
Genuinely, genuinely do y'all like either of these girls? Because this narrative is so ridiculous and disrespectful to both of them.
Paige, is literally a sweetheart. Like that girl is a golden retriever of a human being and values trust and loyalty so much. Y'all she would not hurt a fly, let alone Azzi of all people. How is her joining someone's live or liking a couple of tiktoks equal to her "moving weird?" And quite frankly if "do you guys have a shake shack in Iowa" and endless basketball schedule talk is what y'all consider flirting, then bestie I'm so sorry but I don't think you've ever had someone flirt with you before. Paige has never given anyone any reason to think that she'd ever step out on anyone and it's so unfair that people make their own assumptions based off of the literal most mundane things.
And then we get to Azzi. In what world does Azzi fucking Fudd, strong independent gorgeous successful queen, give you the impression that she'd put up with that kind of disrespect if it existed? She might be horrendously down bad enough for that girl that she'd begrudgingly take 3562 photos of her, but stay with her if she was cheating/"moving weird"? Absolutely not. She does not need your protecting or your so-called sympathy, because a) Paige isn't doing anything wrong and b) Azzi is not a fucking doormat who's "putting up with a lot shit".
I'm not going to get into it but there is implicit racism in this narrative. It happens with a lot of ir/fictional interracial couples where people think the white person in the relationship must be cheating or whatever because they can't possibly just be happy with their bipoc partner and that said partner will just put up with it because they don't know their worth.
If you don't think Pazzi are real, that's perfectly fine. I've never been one to say you have to believe in them but please, for the love of god, just use the most obvious reason which is that neither of them have outwardly confirmed a relationship. Please stop villainizing Paige and please stop infantilizing Azzi.
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bebe-writes-stuff · 3 days
Baji x reader smut
I'm not even gonna lie, after i saw this panel, I COULD NOT STOP THINKING ABOUT BAJI, BRO LOOKKKK
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HE PICKED THAT THANG UPPP, w one hand is crazyyy.
"Remind me why we're here again, Kei?" you asked, stifling a yawn in mid-sentence.
Baji rolled his eyes for what seemed like the billionth time. "I already told you, Y/N, Mom wanted me to run out and get some groceries."
"Ah, I remember now. But, last time I checked, that sounded like a YOU problem," you retorted, causing him to frown.
"You know, you should really stop being an ass," he commented, picking up some fresh vegetables and placing them in the shopping basket.
"Huh, you literally dragged me out of bed in the middle of the day to come with you! I was sleeping! You're the ass," you whispered, trying to keep your voice down as a few shoppers glanced your way.
"Tch, whatever. I didn't want to come here on my own. It's more fun with you," he pouted, his tone softening.
Feeling a pang of guilt almost instantly, you wrapped your hands around his arm. "Aww, look at you being adorable," you teased, your voice laced with affection.
His face flushed a light pink, and he mumbled, "You're so corny." Despite his words, he pulled you closer to him, a small smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
As you both continued through the aisles, you noticed how he carefully selected each item, making sure to get exactly what his mom needed. There was something endearing about his dedication, even if it was just for a simple grocery run.
Eventually, you made your way to the checkout counter. The cashier scanned the items while you and Baji exchanged playful glances and whispered jokes. When everything was bagged up and paid for, the two of you headed towards the exit, arms full of grocery bags.
Stepping outside, you both breathed in the fresh air. "Finally," you sighed, feeling the warmth of the sun on your face.
As you walked, you suddenly noticed that Baji was still carrying the shopping basket. "Uh, Kei, we still have the basket."
He looked down and groaned. "Fuck me. I'll take it back. You wait here."
You nodded, watching as he turned back towards the store. Leaning against a building, you pulled out your phone to pass the time. Moments later, a group of kids your age approached, their eyes lighting up with recognition.
"Hey, isn't that Baji's girlfriend?" one of them sneered, his voice dripping with mockery.
Before you could respond, they started crowding around you, their taunts growing bolder. "What's it like dating a thug?" one asked, while another added, "Bet he drags you into all kinds of trouble."
"Fuck off," you snapped, trying to keep your voice steady. "You don't know anything about us."
"Oh, feisty," one of them laughed, stepping closer. "Let's see how you are without your boyfriend around."
Just as you were about to defend yourself, Baji was back, his eyes blazing with fury. In an instant, he was on them, fists flying with brutal precision. They didn't stand a chance. They were on the ground, groaning in pain, before they even knew what hit them.
Breathing heavily, Baji finally stepped back, his knuckles bloodied. He turned to you, his expression a mix of rage and regret. "Let's go," he said, his voice tight.
The walk back to his house was silent. You could feel the tension radiating off him, his usually confident stride stiff with anger. When you arrived, he handed the groceries to his mom without a word and headed straight to his room. You followed, closing the door behind you.
Inside, Baji sat on the edge of his bed, staring at his hands. "I'm sorry," he muttered. "I shouldn't have let that happen."
"It's not your fault," you said softly, sitting next to him. "They were out of line."
He shook his head, his jaw clenched. "I dragged you out there. I should've protected you."
You leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. "I'm not hurt, Kei. I'm right here."
Baji pulled you closer, almost onto his lap, his eyes dark with a mix of emotions. Without another word, he captured your lips in a fierce, demanding kiss. His anger from earlier seemed to fuel the intensity, his lips pressing hard against yours as his hands threaded into your hair, pulling you even closer. You could feel the tension in his body, the way his fingers tugged at your hair, sending shivers down your spine.
You moaned into the kiss, your hands clutching at his shirt as you tried to keep up with his fervor. His hands roamed your body, one sliding down to your waist while the other moved to grope your chest, making you gasp. The sound seemed to encourage him, and he deepened the kiss, his tongue exploring your mouth with possessive fervor.
Finally, he broke the kiss, both of you panting for breath. His dark eyes locked onto yours, his voice low and husky as he spoke. "I'm going to mark you, Y/N. So everyone knows you belong to me."
Before you could respond, he leaned in and sank his teeth into your neck, the sharp sensation making you yelp. He soothed the sting with his tongue, trailing kisses along your neck and shoulder, leaving a trail of love marks in his wake. You bit your lip, trying to stifle your moans, knowing his mom was just downstairs.
"Kei," you whispered, your voice trembling with both pleasure and concern. "Your mom..."
"Shh," he murmured against your skin, his breath hot and heavy. "Just try to be quiet."
His lips moved from your neck to your collarbone, his breath hot against your skin. "Y/N," he murmured, his voice rough with desire, "I can't get enough of you."
You shifted slightly on his lap, trying to find a more comfortable position, but the movement only made you more aware of how hard he was. A soft moan escaped your lips before you could stop it, causing Baji to pause and look up at you, a wicked grin spreading across his face.
"What's wrong?" he teased, his hands sliding under your shirt to caress your bare skin. "Does it feel good?"
You nodded, closing your eyes, surrendering to the sensations. Baji's hands slid lower, tracing the waistband of your jeans before slipping inside, his fingers brushing against your wet folds, before finally pushing them inside your tight cunt. You gasped, your hips bucking involuntarily, and he took that as encouragement, his fingers moving with deliberate, torturous slowness.
"Kei," you moaned, your voice barely above a whisper. "Please…"
He groaned softly, the sound vibrating through his chest. "I love hearing you beg," he murmured, his fingers picking up speed, his thumb circling your clit with just the right amount of pressure. "You're so beautiful when you're desperate for me."
--ALRIGHT THATS ENOUGH, I'll probably make a part 2 and continue this bcs I like where this went ngl, let me know if yall liked it, also yall follow me on ig please, im so lonely on there 😥--
My username -> @hebbberrr
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sturnsbabie · 3 days
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𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: bf!chris x gf!reader x matt
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: in which chris’ girlfriend goes to his brother when he doesnt satifsy her enough and one day matt gets mad at chris and tells him how hes fucked his girlfriend.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: swearing,cheating,suggestive.
this is for @sturniololoves shes the one who gave me this idea 😘
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if i ever said i fucked your bitch just know i mean it.
matt was currently in the car with his two brothers filming a car video. his brother chris kept pissing him off with everything that kept coming out of his mouth.
“chris can you shut the fuck up because you’re literally making no sense”matt said.
“why you so pressed for?” chris rolled his eyes as he continued talking about whatever topic he was on.
“because youre going on and on about what the fuck ever and nick is over here obviously trying to talk about something and you keep fucking interupting him!” matt said.
“and this is exactly why i have a girlfriend and you dont.” chris laughed.
nick was talking about whatever topic he was on trying to tune out the argument.
matt chuckled. he knew he should keep his mouth shut about this but he couldnt help it. he was about to spill chris’ girlfriend little secret. matt and her have a secret fling going on. he fucks her when chris doesn’t satisfy her enough.
“yeah and thats why she always comes to me because you dont satifsy her enough right?” matt chuckled looking at his brother.
chris had a weird look on his face of confusion. “the fuck does that mean matt?” he asked.
“she comes to me because you dont satifsy her good enough.” matt says shrugging.
nick was going on about something but he stopped and looked at matt to make sure he heard him correctly.
“matt what the fuck are you talking about?” nick asked confused.
“ive fucked chris’ girlfriend thats what the fuck im talking about.” matt said looking at chris with his jaw clenched.
“matt dont fucking lie she would never go after you.” chris said.
“you sure about that?” matt laughed.
“oh 100% i know my girl better then either of you and im all she needs.” chris said looking at matt.
matt just laughs. “thats not what she says when i have her bent over in my bed” matt said.
“quit fucking lying matt!” chris said.
“oh you think im lying?” matt chuckles.
“yes matt thats what the fuck im saying!” chris said.
“oh so you want proof then?” matt said as he was taking his phone out of his pocket.
“matt stop fucking playing you HAVE to be joking” chris said not believing anything that his brother is saying.
“then just let me show you im begging” matt said rolling his eyes.
“then fucking show me buddy” chris said with a sarcastic smile.
“alright bet.” matt said as he went into his camera roll going to his hidden album clicking on a video of him having chris’ girlfriend bent over in his bed.
the video starts out with matt pounding into the girl from behind as she was a moaning mess her gripping hard onto his bed sheets.
nick gasps. “MATT I DONT WANT TO SEE YOUR SEX TAPE” he said.
“then dont fucking look at my phone im trying to prove my point to chris.” matt said as he had the phone in chris’ face.
“what the fuck is this supposed to prove matt this isnt my girlfriend.” chris said.
“chris you can literally see her back tattoo you cant deny it.” matt said.
chris rolled his eyes and continued to watch the video trying to figure out if thats really his girlfriend or not.
“just wait chris and you’ll see.”matt said.
suddenly in the video matt puts the phone in the girls face showing that it was in fact chris’ girlfriend all fucked out from matt.
as he had the phone in the girls face he made a comment. “im fucking your girlfriend chris and theres nothing you can do about it.” he said.
“isnt that right baby?” matt said to the girl.
“mhmmmmm” she moaned out in response.
the sex tape ended and matt turned off his phone placing it back in his pocket.
“told you so buddy” matt laughed.
chris was silent not saying a word but his face was filled with anger as his jaw was clenched.
“i cant believe you would do your own fucking brother like that matt.” nick shook his head dissapointed.
“i have absolutely nothing to say to you other then you’re a absolute fucking dick and you should know better.” nick added.
“thats fucked up matt. i would never do you like that even if your girlfriend came to me” chris started to yell.
“well sorry couldnt help myself.” matt shrugged.
“lets end this video and we can talk inside.” nick said as he leaned over the console grabbing the camera turning it off.
thats fucked
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zerokurokawa · 2 days
Can I get some jealous rindou? You can make it as smut or fluff whatever! Thank you!
I Still Get Jealous | Rindou x Reader (Slight NSFW, MDNI) <3
Rindou didn't mind much that you got along with his older brother, Ran. However, it did become a problem when Ran started to subconsciously flirt with you while being playful. Ran would tease you by calling you nicknames and playfully shoving you around. The only thing that burst Rindou's bubble was when he accidentally called you babe. This was the final straw, and Rindou could see a slight blush on your face when Ran called you the intimate name. 
You two were in his room after the name calling and Rindou was being uncannily quiet.
"What's wrong? Is it Ran?" You asked, trying to snuggle up to him on the bed. 
"Him calling you babe is where I draw the line." 
"I don't think he meant it like that, I think he meant it more in a friendly way, ya know?" You tried to console his jealously, but it only put a cap on the boiling pot that was Rindou. 
You sat up, thinking about going and grabbing some food when Rindou pulled you back into the bed to lay on his chest. 
"I can't help it..." He trailed off, getting even more quiet with his words. 
"Help what?" You asked, turning your face towards his. 
"I still get jealous. Every guy that looks your way, I still get irritated and made because you're mine and mine only." He would say, holding you closer to his chest. You nuzzled into him, taking in his scent while he started to slowly rub your back. 
"I can see why," You stated, trying to get closer to Rindou as he began to touch all of your sweet spots. 
"Mmhmm..." He mumbled, slowly leaning down to kiss you. The kiss turned into a heated make-out session as he began to touch you in ways you always craved him to. You interrupted the session due to hearing Ran in the kitchen, who seemed to be making himself some food. 
"We can't do this right now," You moaned out as Rindou began to kiss your neck. You know that the walls were thin and the last thing you needed was Ran teasing you both about having sex. Ran loved to make things awkward for everybody. 
"Give me one good reason why we can't." Rindou started to grab at your clothes, trying to tug them off. 
"Your brother is literally in the next room. He can hear us." You began to say as Rindou still didn't listen. 
"Then stop flirting with him. Stop letting him tease you and play around with you. You're giving him too much leeway when it comes to your friendship and you need to set some boundaries." Rindou stated, sounding more stern than usual. He wanted you all to himself. 
"Okay..." Was all you said before Rindou pinned you against the bed with him on top and in between your legs. He was grinding himself against your heat, making it unbearable as you wanted to continue. 
"Okay as in you're mine and mine only, right?" He asked, kissing your neck once more, making you moan again. This time, you were sure Ran heard. 
"Okay!" You said a bit louder, trying to get him to settle down. 
"Glad we're on the same page now," Rindou said, getting off of you with his member poking through his grey sweat pants, "But you aren't going anywhere tonight. Once he goes to sleep, imma show you exactly who you belong to." 
You just sat there in pure amazement at this mans confidence. You knew what you were in for the following evening. 
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Content warnings: implied sex, making out, dry humping, gn!reader
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Thinking about Sabo finding out just how kinky you are…
To say Sabo is into some freak shit is an understatement, he is the king of the experimentalist kink. If you can imagine it, he’s probably wanted to fuck you while trying it at least once. We been knew that though.
You on the other hand, are a recent Revolutionary Army recruit who has just so happened to have caught his eye. The pair of you have been spotted about the camps talking, walking, training, and various other things… but you haven’t taken it to that last step yet considering your budding relationship.
But today, he has you pinned between him and a hard wall (literally) as he dominates your mouth with wet kisses. His groin trying to find relief by grinding you into the hardened dry wall methodically slow.
Your own sexual desires sometimes make you feel embarrassed to ever bring up, and the hunger to quell them is never met. Since you’ve met him though, Sabo was different from other partners you’ve had. Being with him makes you feel drunk with lust and lit on fire by desire. You want him to devour you whole just like he’s doing right now, but harder. Much harder.
He parts from you with heavy breaths to squish your cute face in his big hand, admiring your features and swollen bottom lip as you pout. “Sabo…” you beg through puckered lips, you didn’t even know what you were asking from him. It’s simply an unfathomable need for him to please you in whatever way he wants.
“What is it dear,” he says while clasping one of your hands before bringing it to his face, softly kissing it ushering for you to speak your mind. But you just can’t tell him, you don’t want him to know all the sick and depraved things you’d let him do to you. Maybe it would scare him off? So you shy away, just avoiding his intuitive eyes.
“No no no, now you have to tell me. What has you quiet all of a sudden?” Shit. He does have a fair point. Usually the banter between you two is incessant, you’d never shy away from him; meeting his every challenge with one of your own.
In hindsight, neither one of you is aware of just how nasty you could be together, your lips just barely a centimeters apart. “I just want you.. and need you.. so bad. I want you to almost hurt me from how bad you need me Sabo.”
Holy. Shit. All the green flags are going off in his brain that he’s almost not present in the moment with you, somewhere far off in dreamland. Obviously the two of you will need to sit down and have a genuine conversation about this before engaging in something like that, but the carnal urge to split you open and stuff you full gnaws at him. “Whatever you want love, it’s yours.”
Somehow he makes you feel even smaller trapped between him now, his cock now seemingly harder than before. He smothers you in his unyielding adoration, his hands in your hair, your face, all down your body. He’s completely smothering you, insatiable. The two of you swapping spit as his tongue slides around yours, that similar state of drunkness finding you once more.
You two now have the freakiest (and safest) relationship within the ranks. Whatta man.
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rishiguro · 1 day
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iwaizumi usually did his best to enjoy the visits to you. he made a conscious effort to show up whenever possible - which lately seemed to be almost every day - and he made sure to soak in every second he got to spend with you.
who knows how many he had left with you.
even on bad days he was always a hundred percent present, waving away any thought of work or other issues and focusing entirely on you. that didn’t mean that he didn’t confide in you or shared anything with you, quite the opposite actually. he was aware of how much you enjoyed listening to him talk - or even rant - about his day.
however, today was different.
you were quiet, more quiet than usual, and barely even looked at him. if you did say something, it were mostly one worded answers and everything came out snappy.
honestly, iwaizumi didn’t want to think about it too much. he couldn’t possibly imagine the situation you were in currently, but he was sure that you weren’t avoiding him like that on purpose.
he couldn’t deny that it made his heart hurt though.
after the n-th minute of awkward silence between the two of you, with you staring at your phone with such an intensity that it was obvious that you forced yourself to not look at him for even a fraction of a second, iwaizumi couldn’t stand the lingering tension any longer.
leaning forward, he put one hand on top of your thigh. “love?” he asked. “what’s wrong?”
you still didn’t even glance at him as you replied monotonously. “nothing”
you clenched your jaw subconsciously, a small movement that your boyfriend didn’t miss. he closed his eyes for a moment to compose himself, allowing a small but compassionate smile to appear on his lips.
“it’s okay. tell me,” he whispered, his free hand reaching out to grab yours.
“i’m fine,” you muttered again as your boyfriend intertwined your fingers, tugging softly at your hand.
“talk to me,” iwaizumi urged again.
“i said i’m fine,” you insisted, your voice however not sounding as convinced as you wanted it to be.
swallowing thickly, he looked down at his hand, fingers softly grazing your thigh. “i heard that,” he says as he looked up, tilting his head as he carefully examined your facial expression. “but i know you’re not”
in return you turned your head completely away from him, muttering at him. “shut up”
skillfully ignoring your words, iwaizumi stood up from the chair and sat down right next to you, his shoulder touching yours. “listen, i know you’re not okay. that’s alright,” he whispered with a low, but warm sounding voice. he stopped for a moment, swallowing down the small lump in his throat. “love, let me be here for you”
he expected many reactions.
iwaizumi saw you shut down completely, going nonverbal for who knows how long. he could see you try to change the topic, ignoring whatever he said until he allowed you to shift the conversation. and he saw you open up to him, confiding in him and revealing whatever was plaguing your mind right now.
“i said shut up!” however, your boyfriend didn't see you get up so quickly, stepping away from him and raising your weak voice. he wouldn't have imagine you to - literally - turn your back on him, your hands clanching on your sides.
and yet for a brief moment, he was able to catch a glimpse of your face. his blood ran cold when he saw your painful expression, like you were about to start crying. he could see your form trembling and heard you breathe so heavily.
his lips pressed together, iwaizumi took a couple of seconds to himself. he knew he couldn't press the topic like this further. he had been so caught up in trying to figure out just what made you so unresponsive to him that he seemed to have forgotten the bigger picture of things.
you were chronically ill, your health seeming to worsen every day, the "good days" a rarity by now. you were in hospice for heaven's sake, all while everybody elses' lives seemed to go on just fine. friends, family, partner; everybody was able to live their normal life, while you were stuck in a facility to be taken care of; all while teh dream you had followed your whole life was to take care of others.
to give something back.
and now you literally couldn't do this anymore.
taking a deep breath, he took a moment to regulate himself, before softly saying your name. “look, okay, i’m not forcing you to talk to me,” he began slowly, “and please don’t yell at me when all i’m trying to do is be there for you”
“i’m sorry,” you whispered back, dropping your head in shame and slowly turning around. while you might still not look at him and nervously played with your hands, he couldn't help but feel relieved when you at least let your body turn back to him.
nodding slowly, iwaizumi reached out to you and you didn't even hesitate to grab his hand. he brought your hand to his lips, pressing a soft kiss on the back of it. “i know you are, love” the two of you relished in uncertain silence for a few moments before he decided to speak up again. “do you want me to go?” he asked in a hushed voide. when you looked at him with wide and concerned eyes, you saw the compassionate look on his face, allowing you to breathe out calmly.
whatever you would say, he would be okay with it.
“no,” you replied quickly, shaking your head. “i don’t want to be alone”
your boyfriend couldn't help but feel relieved, his smile widening ever so slightly. “okay” he tugged softly at your hand. “come here”
almost like on auto-pilot you obeyed his command, not coming to a stop until your stood right at the edge of the bed, your knees touching the mattress.
“we don’t have to talk,” he muttered, drawing circles with his thumb on the back of your hands, before he raised his head again, looking at you. “but i’m here” you nodded, subconsciously biting your inner cheek. “don’t try to push me away. you know i won’t let you”
slowly your vision grew hazy, tears filling your eyes. you couldn't help but to clench them shut, your fingers tightening around iwaizumi's with every shaky breath you took.
he didn't rush you. he simply sat there, his eyes on you as he continued to caress your hands with his thumb, no matter how tight your grip got.
after you let out a shaken, but calming breath, you finally managed to find some words. “i don’t want to die, hajime,” you whispered. “i don’t want to die. i’m so scared”
iwaizumi didn't even notice that his jaw clenched as did his fingers around yours with every word you spoke. "and i don't know what to do anymore. i can't sleep, i can't eat, i can't even get dressed myself. i need someone to be near me when i'm just showering, because sometimes i can't even stay on my feet for long enough"
"i'm going to die, no, i am dying! and there's nothing i can do about it. nothing is working, nothing is helping" your knees buckled underneath you, making you stumble and ultimately fall. thankfully, your boyfriend had his arms securely around you, pulling you into his lap.
"i don't want to die," you managed to choke out as you pressed your face in his chest, letting your weak body be cradled by him.
iwaizumi desperately wanted to say something. offer comfort, be there for his partner. his heart ached seeing them like this, crying in his arms so helplessly. clenching his own eyes shut, iwaizumi swallowed thickly.
was there even anything he could say?
“you’re not going to die” the words sounded hollow, like they had no meaning.
like he didn’t believe them himself.
“you’re going to stay right here with me,” he muttered into your hair, “and you’re not going anywhere”
iwaizumi waited to believe everything he said. he wanted to picture a future with you by his side, more energetic, positive, healthy.
or at least not stuck in here.
at night he dreamed of a time where the two of you would grow closer every day, move in together, maybe even get married. he yearned for many more happy memories with you.
but he felt like this dream wouldn’t become reality.
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/ɛvəˈnɛs(ə)nt,iːvəˈnɛs(ə)nt/ — “soon passing out of sight, memory, or existence; quickly fading or disappearing.”
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gotham-ruaidh · 1 day
Little Bit Better Than I Used To Be
Catch up: Chapter 1 (Starry Eyes) || Chapter 2 (Save Our Souls) || Chapter 3 (Dancing On Glass)|| Chapter 4 (Merry-Go-Round)|| Backstage (1) || Backstage (2) || Chapter 5 (Danger)|| Backstage (3) || Chapter 6A (Love Walked In) || Chapter 6B (Without You) || Backstage (4) || Chapter 7 (Stick To Your Guns) || Chapter 8 (Time For Change) || Backstage (5) || Chapter 9 (Take Me To The Top) || Backstage (6) || Chapter 10 (Home Sweet Home) || Backstage (7) || Chapter 11a (Nightrain) || Chapter 11b (Nothing Else Matters) || Chapter 12a (Handle With Care) || Chapter 12b (I’m So Tired of Being Lonely) || Chapter 13a (Angel) || Chapter 13b (She’s My Addiction) || Chapter 13c (Patience) || Chapter 14a (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14b (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 14c (Where Do We Go Now?) || Chapter 15a (Dreams) || Chapter 15b (I Sing A Song of Love) || Chapter 15c (You Can Do This If You Try) || Chapter 16 (Let That Feeling Grab You Deep Inside || Chapter 17A: Never Tear Us Apart || Chapter 17B: It’s Tough To Be Somebody, And It’s Hard Not To Fall Apart  || Chapter 17C: I’m Wishing, Lord, That I Was Stoned || Chapter 18: Turn The Page || Chapter 19A: When You’re Alone, Do You Let Go? || Chapter 19B: Heading For A Spin || Chapter 20A: I Don’t Need Nothing When I’m By Your Side || Chapter 20B: I’m Walkin’ Down This Rocky Road || Chapter 20C: You're The Only One Who Gets Through To Me || Chapter 20D: Together We Can Make It A Dream ||| Also posted at AO3
Chapter 20E: My Main Objective Is To Get You To Turn Your Mind Around
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You are in my system Got me right down to the wire You are in my system Help my equilibrium You are in my system…
 -- “You Are In My System,” Robert Palmer (1983) [click here to listen]
North Carolina || February 1989
Raymond scribbled on a fresh sheet in his notebook. Absently running his hand through his hair. Clearly thinking.
“All right,” he said, after a while. “Before I walk you through my plan – I need to ask you something. Both of you.”
“Anything,” Claire replied instantly.
“I need you to commit to this. To therapy. To getting better and stronger, as individuals and as a couple.”
“Of course,” Jamie breathed.
“Yes,” Claire echoed.
Raymond tilted his head, just a bit. “What I am going to ask of you will be a significant commitment of time and energy and effort. Obviously we’ll need to modify things to account for travel, but you need to agree to prioritize this.”
“Yes, I agree.” Jamie reached across the table for Raymond’s notebook. He flipped to an empty page, wrote I commit to Raymond’s plan, signed his name and wrote the date. He pulled back to let Claire sign her pledge and name as well.
“You don’t know what you’re agreeing to yet,” Raymond said quietly.
Jamie met his skeptical gaze. “It doesn’t matter. You’re here for a reason. I – we – want your help. So whatever you recommend, I will commit to doing.”
“Me too,” Claire added, pushing the notebook back across the table.
Raymond cleared his throat. “Well then. On typical days I’d like to have three sessions. Half an hour with each of you individually, and then an hour with both of you together. With the individual sessions taking place before our group session.”
“We can definitely do that.” Claire gripped Jamie’s hand on top of the table. “What do you think?”
Jamie nodded. “Yes. We will make it work. This is important. And you’ll of course be available if we need more time?”
“Definitely. To the extent you want time with me, I will make myself available. Nobody else – not your bandmates, Colum, not anyone on the crew – will be a client. I will quite literally be on call for you, 24/7. Jamie, if you start to have a panic attack, I don’t care what time it is or where we are, if you’re comfortable with me being there then I want to be there to help you.”
“And to support Claire,” Jamie added. “I won’t put all of that burden on her. It’s not fair to her.”
Claire squeezed her husband’s hand.
Raymond pivoted to face Claire across the table. “And Claire – I’m here for you in equal measure. I know you’re still adjusting to your sobriety. And I doubt you’ve worked through all of the trauma associated with your ex-husband.”
Claire swallowed. Jamie pulled her a little closer.
“So – if it ever feels too much, and especially if you start feeling like you’re losing a sense of yourself, when you’re so far away from home, and so out of your element…I want you to come to me. I want you to talk it through with me. And when you’re ready, we can talk with Jamie about it.”
She nodded, grateful.
“This goes without saying, but I’ll need you to continue to be as honest and open with me as possible. Our therapy isn’t going to work, otherwise. I’ve had clients in the past who struggled to be honest, and it ended up undermining their recovery. Especially the addicts.”
Claire poured a fresh glass of water for Raymond. He drank it all at once. Clearly choosing his next words very carefully.
“I will never judge you for anything you do or say – about your past or present selves. But the more you share, the more I can help you. And nothing you say to me will ever make its way to anyone else. Not Colum, not Ian and Angus, certainly not the crew. Definitely not the press. I’m bound by my professional code of ethics. And of course I’d never put you in that position.”
“Thank you,” Jamie breathed. “I want so hard for the most important things in my life to stay private.”
“But,” Raymond added, “If something comes up in one of our individual sessions that I think would benefit being discussed in our group session, I hope you’ll give me your permission to raise it. You’re already very open with each other, which makes my job easier. But I’m sure that both of you have things you haven’t told the other person about. So, I want you to know that if I bring up something one of you told me, in the presence of the other person, it’s purely because I want to get to the heart of a topic. To prompt a fruitful discussion.”
“I’m all right with that. I want to get better.” Jamie looked at Claire. Raised their joined hands to his lips, for a kiss. “I want us to get better, and stronger.”
“All the more reason to be honest with each other, and with me. Because as my favorite medical school professor told us – honesty has room for secrets, but not for lies. Do you agree?”
Jamie and Claire nodded.
Raymond smiled kindly. “I am so glad to have this opportunity to help and support you, at such this pivotal moment in your lives.”
Jamie laughed. “Don’t thank us yet. See how you feel in August, when you’ve been on the road for four months and you’re in bumfuck nowhere in Scandinavia and the blackout curtains won’t work in the hotel so that you can sleep.”
Raymond flipped to a new sheet in his notebook, smiling. “I’m going to recommend you do something, Jamie. Earlier we were talking about how it’s good to get a little separation sometimes.”
Jamie nodded, curious.
“I’m suggesting that you go out to L.A. in two and a half weeks, but on your own, with Claire staying here. She may fly out, let’s say, the final week. Or maybe not at all. What would you think about that?”
Jamie pursed his lips. Jaw clenching.
“I know why you’re suggesting it, Raymond. But…”
Raymond let the moment stretch. Watching, with Claire, Jamie process his thoughts.
“I want to say, no, I’ll never agree to that. I can’t go that long without having Claire with me.” He dropped Claire’s hand and crossed his arms.
“Besides the fact that I’ll miss her every second we’re apart? Because when I’m on the road, and doing industry stuff, and playing gigs, I know I’m going to see the things that I’m addicted to.”
“And you’re afraid that you’ll slide right back into that life, if you’re by yourself?”
Jamie heaved a deep breath. Raymond watched Claire hold herself back from giving her husband even the gentlest, most reassuring touch.
“Do you think he’d do that, Claire?”
She shook her head. “No way.”
Jamie huffed skeptically. “You have too much faith in me.”
“You should have more faith in yourself!” She stood, hands on her hips. “You’re so much stronger than you give yourself credit for, Jamie. Why don’t you see that?”
He covered his face with his hands, breathing deeply. “I know what I can do, Claire, when I lose control.”
“So do I, Jamie. But I know what you can do when you keep control. I know what you can say no to. Do you not remember that party in New York? It was hard, so fucking hard, but even though people were drinking all around us, and that model was doing coke two feet away from you,you were fine!”
Raymond kept his voice steady. “Do you really believe that at the drop of a hat, you’d forget your vows to Claire, Jamie? That you’d forget your commitment to sobriety?”
He nodded.
“But that’s never happened.” Claire lay a calm hand on Jamie’s shoulder, squeezing. “And just because I won’t be right next to you, or in the hotel room waiting for you, doesn’t mean that you will forget your promises.”
She rubbed his shoulder, so gentle.
“And, Jamie – to be honest, I could use the time here. To get to know the people at the clinic a bit better, get to know what kind of support they need. Obviously I won’t be around when we’re in Europe, and maybe not even after that if I come home pregnant. But I want them to get to know me, and I want to get to know them. And the best way I can do that is by spending time there, on my own. I can’t do that if I’m in L.A.”
Jamie pulled back to look up at his wife. She smiled down at him, pushing his hair out of his eyes.
Raymond gave them a moment before speaking. “When I suggested you go to L.A. alone, Jamie, you mentioned how you would feel, but you didn’t mention how you thought Claire would feel. Does what she wants not matter to you?”
“Of course it matters to me.” Jamie sounded a bit hurt.
“But you didn’t use those words to say that,” Raymond replied. “And you didn’t ask her what she thought about my idea. Claire does have a life beyond being your wife. She’s trying to find her footing. And she needs more space to do that. Has she ever told you that?”
Jamie looked directly at his wife. “Not like that,” he said softly. “Am I being too selfish?”
“You can be, sometimes.” Claire took a deep breath. “I know we’re both still healing, and figuring out how we live our lives together when everything is so complicated. This life we have together – it’s so wonderful, but it’s also so overwhelming. I want a family with you, Jamie – but I also want my career back. I know it won’t look like it did before, and I don’t want it to. And not right this instant, maybe not for a few more years. We have time to talk about it and figure that out.” She smiled at him. “That’s why I’m so glad that Raymond is here. Because he’ll give us the space to talk about these things.”
“Creating that space helps. So does re-framing a situation.” Raymond shifted in his chair. “Consider this: instead of feeling loss that you’re not together when Jamie is in L.A., or being afraid of what the world is like without the other…think of it as, two or so weeks of building new memories to eventually share. Two weeks of anticipation, to the buildup to being back together.”
“I like that,” Jamie said quietly. “And I see what you’re doing, Raymond. Turning something that could be negative, into something positive.”
“He’s not wrong, Jamie.”
Jamie sighed. “I know, Claire. I need time for me, and you need time for you. But I’ll still call you every day. Probably annoy the hell out of you.”
She laughed. “Of course you will. I want you to.” She turned to Raymond. “Can we start our sessions with you while he’s in L.A.?”
“Of course. We can do it all over the phone. But we can start tomorrow, if you like.”
Claire turned back to her husband. “Raymond asked us to be honest, Jamie. So when you speak with him, be honest. And when we have our session together, be honest. This is why we need his help. If you feel like you’re cracking, you need to fucking tell us. Do you understand?”
Jamie nodded. “I love you,” he rasped.
“I love you,” she laughed. “It’s just a few weeks, Jamie. Then we’ll be in Europe. You’ll get sick of me.”
He laughed, and it transformed his face. “Not possible.” He turned to look at Raymond. “I think you’ve got your work cut out for you, Doc.”
Raymond closed his notebook. “Well, you two will certainly keep things interesting.”
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mazzystar24 · 1 day
actually the hospital wing joke is starting to bother me a lot more because buck actually fucking died 😭and he didnt even change clothes from being at the hospital all day why would you say that to someone. ik it was a fakeout but bobby looked like he was fr coding on the table. and like just a couple weeks before chimney almost died?? like im sorry i only accept those kinda jokes from people who have known me for years and even then they can be a little upsetting.
thats the thing though!!!! id be perfectly fine with buck and tommy if they gave us more than actual crumbs. 709 felt like buck had more chemistry with ravi in the same scene that tommy was in! they’re supposed to be dating so why do they feel like colleagues? and why are the more emotional and vulnerable scenes getting given to EDDIE if they want me to support buck and tommy as a couple? why wasnt tommy at the hospital with them considering he’s said multiple times he wishes he had a family like the 118 does? why are the only times hes on screen now only establishing his jealousy and that gerrard exists? is that the only reason why hes still here?
actually i wanna get back to 706. it wouldve been so easy to keep tommy there but they wrote him out of most of the episode 😭 he couldve said for the bachelor party! he couldve helped them find chimney! he couldve done literally ANYTHING. chimney was confused as hell as to why he even showed up at the wedding at all 😭 but no!!! they had him show up, ignore what buck wanted, then leave so we could have buck and eddie performing their drunk mating rituals or whatever 🤸‍♂️ but yeah buddie who?
also im never letting go of the wedding singer comment btw because what was that. why did they make tommy reference a movie where the two leads in the ROMANTIC COMEDY start the story dating the wrong people. i feel insane about it actually. also him calling buck evan will forever confuse me until we get an actual acknowledgement in canon because literally why
and the humor falls so flat but eddie has the same type of humor and it never does. he was making fun of buck in 706 (the making chimneys wedding about him line) but it never actually felt serious to me?
anyway sorry for yelling in your inbox i have a lot of mixed emotions about this season -birthmark anon
Yes totally get that like I’m the same like me and my best friend will be saying downright horrendous trauma jokes to eachother that make people around us clutch their pearls but I feel like it takes a certain level of rapport to get to trauma joke level - ig not everyone is the same when it comes to that but I think that again the writers absolutely failed to give us enough bucktommy scenes that justify having this kinda line
AGHSKF NOT THE BUCK /RAVI AHJDKFKF 😭😭😭 THIS IS ESPECIALLY FUNNY WHEN YOU SEE THE BUCKTOMMY SCENE AT THE CEREMONY VS THOSE BUCKLEY DIAZ FAMILY STILLS (still bitter the scene got cut) like someone explain to me why the actual couple is coming across less couple-y
Like i can’t remember who I was talking to the other day but I was saying like this 🧍emoji just embodies Tommy to me
AHSJKF we going back to 7x06 and that’s so valid of us AGSJKF DRUNK MATING RITUALS AHJDKFKF STOP IM CACKLING
YES ABOUT THE HUMOUR like there just isn’t that balance or lightness to even the joke out, like I’m a big dry humour and sarcastic girlie but it’s just not being delivered right in a way idk if it’s the writing or the acting or just the fact its most his very small screentime but it’s just falling flat to me
Never apologise for yelling in my inbox babe and same for the mixed emotions
Love ya birthmark anon byee 🫶🫶
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3vergr3en · 3 days
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Dom!Euijoo Headcanons ✮
Pairing: bf!Euijoo x fem!reader
A/N: ughh, dom!euijoo has me running LAPS around my room 🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️ i can't get enough of this man. i literally need him (inside me) so badly guys 😾😿
Additional info: You read the title, so don't be surprised with what you're gonna read :) (mentions of breeding and a size kink)
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Euijoo doesn't really prefer a pet name that you could call him other than his name.
Don't get him wrong, he definitely has a slight oppa kink. Just sayin' guys. 🤷🏻‍♀️🤷🏻‍♀️
But nothing gets him going like you calling out his name when you're breathless and on the verge of cumming.
"oh? can't take any more of oppa's cum? hm?"
He's 50/50 between being a soft and hard dom.
Like majority of the time, he enjoys taking it slow and LOVES to do foreplay.
But let's say it was a stressful day at work, and he just needs some relief after being responsible as a leader.
But of course, when he asks, he is always soft-spoken, "I understand if you don't want to, but can I please fuck you?"
And as soon as he gets a clear confirmation from you, he just wants to fuck you like his little ragdoll :((
The next thing you know you'll be pinned on your guys' bed with one hand around your throat and the other pulling your panties to the side to allow his fingers to slip inside of you, curling immediately in search of that one spot in particular that he knows will get you turning into mush in a matter of minutes.
Okay, may have forgotten that he has a HUGE size kink btw.
He genuinely can't help but get turned on when he sees you wearing his shirt.
Watching it drape down your legs, just above your thighs.
The thighs he loves to squeeze but badly wants to spread and just trap his head in between.
You catch him practically eye-fucking you.
shy, you go to pull the shirt down but he was a step ahead of you and held your hand in his, halting your movements.
This was a BIG mistake on his end bc now he realized how truly small you are compared to him.
Your tiny hand in his large ones immediately makes him think how cute your small hand would look on his big cock.
"Love,, could you help me with something?" He'd ask, his voice velvety smooth and so loving that you would feel bad if you declined him :((
Next thing you know, you're sucking him off on the couch, hands jerking whatever couldn't fit in your tiny little mouth as his big, veiny hands rest atop your head, guiding you down his cock :(
His fav position is missionary or cowgirl.
He loves to see your face contort as he hits all the right spots inside of you.
plus he likes to watch your tits bounce with each thrust. (very much a boob guy)
"Juju!" You gasp, hips bucking forward as you feel him bottom out below you.
"Shh,, you're doing so good for me, love. You feel so good.."
For a guy who's shy, reserved, and likes intimate things to be done privately-- he's a FREAK.
One time you guys had to leave dinner early because he couldn't help but get hard when seeing you in that short black dress that hugged your curves ever so perfectly.
"You look so beautiful tonight." Your boyfriend compliments with an audible strain in his voice.
"Are you okay, juju?" You question with worry, placing your hand on top of his fidgeting one.
"m'sorry love, but can we leave?"
"Huh? Why-- oh." You trail off, noticing the obvious dent in his pants.
As soon as you guys got in the car, you were crumpled beneath him in the passenger seat of his car as he kissed you feverishly.
"You looked so good tonight,, I couldn't help myself, y/n." Euijoo breathes out, hands roaming your naked body after succeeding in prying off that dress.
"It's okay, juju,, j-just make it quick-- hmf!." You'd whimper as his thumb grazed over your hardened nipple.
You guys had done it in the car for about 2 hours.
Thankfully you guys parked farther away, but you still got a couple strange looks from people who passed by your jerking car.
He's also not the type to easily get jealous.
But there were times that really pushed him to that state.
For example, you, him, and Nicholas went out to eat dinner and unfortunately, perilla leaves (yes, I know. But I just know that Euijoo would HATE it.) were one of the side dishes that you just couldn't seem to pick up using chopsticks. But coincidentally, it was a closer reach for Nicholas and he kindly helped peel one for you.
Yeah.. no, your boyfriend didn't really like that too much.
Perhaps he used that negative feeling inside of him and took it out by fucking four orgasms out of you <33
HUUUUGE breeding kink.
Yeah, remember him mentioning about wanting to become a dad?
Well, let's just say he really wants to make you a mommy whenever you ask him to go in raw.
"Wait, juju." You stop him from ripping open a new rubber, "..Can we.. not use a condom this time? I'm on the pill."
He will gladly cum inside you however many times you want.
If you really want him to cum fast, just mention how badly you want his babies.
Your breathing grew heavy as you felt yourself edging closer and closer to your breaking point. Almost there.. "I'm gonna cum, Euijoo!" You cry, legs instinctively wrapping around his waist to pull him closer. "Please cum in me, juju," You mewl, hands snaking up his biceps to the sides of his neck to pull him down till your guys' lips were narrowly touching. He sounded so pretty that you were considering being off the pill and actually getting pregnant with his kids. 1 wouldn't hurt, right? "juju, please,, I wan' your babies." And something within him just snaps. All he could think was just breeding you full of his cum till he quite literally fucks it out of you. "Yeah? Is that so, love? You want me to make you a mom?"
You whine as the sensation builds and Euijoo forces his eyes to stay open, not wanting to miss the sight of him ripping an orgasm out of you. "Fuck! Yes!" You moan as you feel yourself tipping over the edge. A tingling sensation erupts from your chest and travels throughout your body, and soon euijoo finishes right after you, filling you up exactly as he thought he would.
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winrarrr · 2 days
:: "ALNST doesn't have any canons😂" at first YOUR MOM /j , and at second try to understand a fucking character's lore i beg you. mizisua is canon cuz it's one of the [[MOST UNDERSTANDABLE]] types of relationships in ALNST, they're literally lesbians in love fr AND EVERYTHING IS VISIBLE ON THE SURFACE. some of their phrases from that album where everyone says some goodbyes to each other: sua -> mizi
That day when I lay on the grass in Anakt Garden, watching the stars, they became my dream. For me, spending time with you was a wonderful moment. (I want to say so many things, my heart is full)
mizi -> sua
In any case, we will be together forever! Sua, you are my dream, I love you! I truly love you, your Mizi.
and like, y'know, my clematis is literally it's their love song lmao🙏
and now fucking ivantill RAAAAHHHHH. SO, LOOK HERE, it’s commonplace that no one played or spent time with till except ivan, and till could spend time with him, because close friend y'know. at least ivan stole till’s things and returned them back and till KNEW about it and didn't mind; after till returned to the anakt garden when ivan showed him the sky and freedom, till was ashamed in front of ivan, WHICH ALREADY MEANS THAT HE [[GIVES A FUCK]] ABOUT IVAN AAAAAAAAA!!!!!! and i beg you watch black sorrow with your eyes, and you'll see the [[RED PUPILS]] IN IVANTILL'S EYES!!!!!
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(till had them in the official comic for r6, but everyone said that they were a reflection of ivan’s eyes. YOUR MOTHER FUCKING REFLECTION) +in cure they become wider when ivan touches till’s cheek, what are you going to say now🤘
with hyunluka it’s a big problem in terms of content. but come on, hyuna wasn't disgusted by luka, she protected him, was with him, in the song love&peace it is literally sung that she is his "love love ты металл и я металл а вместе мы сплав", BUT SOMEONE NEED CLIPS😂😂😂 GUYS THIS IS [[ADDITIONAL SONGS]] FOR HYUNA AND DISCLOSURE HER [[RELATIONSHIP]] WITH LUKA, FUCKING GENIUSES. some lyrics from love&peace for you to think:
For you, this love This darkness has no end My body's all beaten up But this love But this love But this love, I can't let you go I'll find it one day Inner peace that I long for, peace I call out to you and hope My heart reaches you
I DON'T THINK THAT A PERSON WHO [[HATES]] WOULD SAY THIS 😲😲😲 yes, hyuna has a trigger, but despite this she wants to save luka, GFKJHSLIUDFLIB!!!!!!
just because they don’t serve you everything on a [[SALVET WITH A GOLDEN EDGE]] doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist. ship whatever your heart desires, i cannot judge, but don’t say that there are no fucking canons in ALNST
i drop the microphone and go into the sunset
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jocelynscrazyideas · 3 days
john marino fluff next 🥺
Just because | John Marino x reader
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Summary: cute way to end the night with the man you’ve been with for four years.
Warnings: language I think? That’s it..
A:N- i think a Jack smut is next?
John and I had just came back from sweep the deck in the prudential center. Many events had taken place at this fun night party.
“How’d you like it?” John asks me, he hooks his hand onto my waist as he walks me out of the crowded room where the ice would normally sit. I hold onto him as support, I recently just injured my knee, I was an elite track star- like literally I was an all star track athlete for Harvard. Obviously it’s been years since my college days, but being a 26 year old is tuff in my joints- especially working and over training my body for the last 23.
John and I have been together for years! It’s been a long lasting relationship and I’m proud to say that he might be the one to marry. “Oh, it was fun! I enjoyed it. I loved curling.” I reply, almost forgetting the question he asked me. I go back to day dreaming as I look up at him. How dreamy he looks. I can see his dimples- if he smiles hard enough.
I love the way he handled me, and he only wnats to love me, and that doesn’t mean having to fuck every night. We go down on eachother every other night, and yes, that means we fuck off and on all week. “It helps keep his stamina for hockey.” He says. It’s embarrassing to even admit- but I love the way he just carry’s himself. It’s like no one matters except me and you.
He knows what he wants, and he’ll beg.
John loves me like he’ll buy me Lego’s. Why? I don’t know, but I love building. I love going out. I love snuggles. I am in love with John Marino.
A couple years ago, I had told John I will never love anyone. I barely love myself, I told him that I’m incapable of being loved and loving. I’m cold hearted.
“You’re not cold hearted! And I love you. So you’re Not incapable of being loved. I will make you love me anyway.”
Has he been successful since then? Yes. I do love him.
We get in the car. I’m hoping that we don’t fuck tonight. I’m just really tired. I do hope we can sleep tonight.
If anything, I’d want to recieve a blowjob in the shower. I’d rather suck on John in the bed as well, and maybe do the business in the bathtub, or maybe the couch? I don’t know, but I pray I won’t have to have sex with John tonight. Maybe tomorrow just not tonight, I’m just so drained from the party.
We get home, John unlocks our house and he walks in, leaving me in the car. It’s pitch black out. I cannot see anything, and I’m too scared to walk in. “I’ll be back.” John said as he turns on our lights to our home.
He opens the door wide, and grabbed a blanket. He came running out of the house with a white fluffy blanket wrapped around his arm. He opens my car door and pulled me into his arms.
He holds me in a baby cradle and hides me away in the blanket. “John, I’m perfectly fine! I can walk!” I beg John to just put me down. “No.” He responded.
What a gentalmab. What did I say? This guy knows his priorities- and he will do whatever he wants.
We make it back to the door and I’m almost asleep, I gave up on begging to let me down. He sets me on our white couch. John turns the lock to ensure we’ll be safe tonight. He turns the light switch if and he takes my hand leading me to our room.
He undresses me, he tried looking for my pajamas- as a result of not finding them he takes his clothes off as well. He cuddles with me and or skin touches skin. His front on my back, John being big sooon, and I, being little spoon. The star lit the room.
The moon glares down at us and I fall asleep feeling loved and warm in his presence.
When I woke up, I saw flowers on my bedside table. John wasn’t next to me in bed.
I slide my slippers on and walk out if the room. I head towards the kitchen, hearing sizzling on the stove from possibly John cooking.
I step down the stairs to see John in a tight apron watching the office. He is shirtless under the blue apron and has a hot ontop of his curls.
His feet are covered in his fluffy socks I gifted him on our 3rd year anniversary. John has green shorts over his lower half, he walks over to our countertop. There is a wood plater holding a glass plate full of eggs, hash brown and newly cooked bacon.
John slides in a cup of orange juice on the platter and sets a bowl of fruit that I cut up yesterday before sweep the deck. I walk down the stairs fully to see John smirk at me. He runs over to me to give me a big hug. “Nice boobs.” John mocks me, he takes his apron off and slides it over me.
“Get dressed, Curtis is bring his kids over. We’re watching them so he and reanne can have time alone.” John lets me know. “Thelyll be here in 30 minutes.” He informs me. I run up the stairs and to my suprise I see a note next to the flowers that John probably provided me.
I slide on my sweatpants and a hoodie over my bare chest. I read the note as I slicked my hair back into a messy bun.
Dear y/n,
I love you so much, hope you had a good night of rest. I woke up early for you so I could make breakfast and have time to run to the store to pick up your favorite flowers!
And yes, I thought you flowers just because.
Anyway, love Johnny.
xoxo- cuteness.
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