#literally twirling my hair giggling like HIIII
wuntrum · 2 years
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bless me lord, for i am going to sin
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koolades-world · 1 year
Hiiii are your requests open?? If so could I request the Demon bros (or just Levi Beel and Belphie) comforting s/o after a long and hard day at work? Feel free to ignore if you don't wanna!
Love ur work btw!! ☆♡☆♡☆
hiii!! I’m pretty sure you’re my first ever requester! yay! I’ve been looking forward to this. Requests are open and will be unless I explicitly say they aren’t :D
Thank you sm!!! Sorry if this wasn’t exactly what you imagined. Don’t be afraid to give feedback. Let me know you vision so if you request again in the future, I’ll be better suited to write to your taste next time! Let me know what you think :)
I literally love requests since they give me ideas that I wouldn’t normally come up with, and I’m always itching to write about something. Requests make me feel special LOL kicking my feet, twirling my hair, giggling rn
also sorry that this is so late! it's exam season lol
Demon brothers comforting their s/o after a particularly hard day at work
convinced he would also be half asleep while comforting his s/o this man catches no breaks, except when around his beloved <3
His love language is quality time, so he wants to show you he cares by finally putting down the pen and just relaxing together
Would brew them a cup of his signature coffee, docked up as you like it, of course. Lucky you, he doesn’t do that for just anyone!
Mans down bad lol
Lucifer heard the door opening from his office. He recognized the sound of Mc’s footsteps in the hall as they hung up their coat and tucked away their work shoes. They were oddly silent, though. They usually called out to him, or burst into his home office to tell them about their day. He saw them shuffle past the open door and to their bedroom.
He decided it let it go for now. He wasn’t sure what was wrong, but if they needed him, they would come to him. He didn’t need to investigate. However, as he tried to focus on the work, he found himself reading the same paragraph over and over again as he though about Mc. After not even five minutes of debating, he got up with vigor and made his way to their room.
They were sprawled out over on the bed, face down. He quickly moved to flip them over. He let out a small sigh of relief now he saw their eyes were open. “What are you doing?” Lucifer sat next to Mc.
“I’m tired, Luci.” They grabbed the pillow he always used and put it over their face, their voice muffled.
“Are you feeling unwell?” He removed the pillow so he could see their face again.
“I guess you could say that. Everyone at work was so annoying today and I’m ready to do nothing now.” He stopped Mc from rolling over again and pulled them into his side.
“Let me make you something to drink. Go sit in the living room. Do you have any preferences?” He looked them right in the eyes.
“No, but one of the coffees you make the best sounds nice, maybe please?" He sighed lovingly a little at their antics. They clearly wanted this coffee.
“Consider it done. Now go sit.” He stood them up and gently pushed them out of the room. They disappeared out of view while he quickly brewed the coffee. He returned as fast as he could and sat next to them. Pressing the hot coffee into their hands, he placed his other hand on their head to pat them.
“Do you want to talk about your day?” He picked up his own mug and payed close attention to his partner. They agreed and began ranting about what coworker #1 did and how annoying coworker #2 was at lunch. While he listened carefully, he also took the moment to admire them, for no particular reason.
“… and that’s pretty much it I think. It felt good to get that out of my system.” Their coffee had cooled off by now. They took a small sip to test the temperature, and then took a few bigger ones once they knew it was safe.
“Good. Now if you don’t have anything urgent to do, I would prefer if we could sit together and enjoy each other’s company.” Lucifer scooted closer to press their legs together, so even though their hands were busy, they could still enjoy contact.
“That sounds nice. You’re the best, Luci.”
They basked in each other company for the next few hours, or however long that was. They weren’t really sure, but they were sure they were going to take as much time together as they could.
It’s normal for him to be right on top of his s/o as soon as they walk through the door, but once he notices how worn they seem, he enters protective mode
“Who hurt my human?!” “Nobody Mammon, work was just tough” “oh”
No but in all realness, he would let down his tsundere facade to make sure you’re ok
Will convince you to let him make dinner to let you relax. He’s not the best, but he’s going to try, just for you <3
Afterwards, will cuddle together to make sure you day ends nicely
Mammon sat in front of the TV on their couch, his leg kicked up on the coffee table, aimlessly flickering through the channels. His duties were never too heavy, so he always found himself consuming human content. Humans were fascinating.
He heard keys jiggle in the front door. His human was finally home! He scrambled to his feet and patiently waited just out of the range of the door so he wouldn’t get hit by it when it opened. As usual, he threw himself at Mc as soon as they walked in. However, he noticed they were less responsive than usual. He took a step back and smoothed some of their hair back from their forehead. They weren’t smiling.
“Human? What’s the matter with ya?” He shook them by their shoulders.
“Work was the worst today. The day couldn’t have gone by any slower. I really missed you.” They slumped into his embrace. As he held them, he thought for a moment. He knew his usual demeanor wasn’t the most relaxing to deal with at times, and now was one of those times. For the sake of his Mc, he decided to drop his facade.
“Listen, how does this sound? Let me do the cookin’ tonight. Ya need to relax. I can feel the tension in yer shoulders. Ya go shower n’ relax or whatever, while I do the hard work. We can watch yer favorite movie too. If yer still feeling off tomorrow, ya can call in sick and have us time.” The warm smile that finally crept into Mc face, the one he had been looking for. He kissed their forehead, rubbing his thumbs in circles on their back.
“Thank you, Mammon. Everything you need is in the fridge. The recipe is in the cookbook.” They kissed the tip of his nose, kicking off their shoes and coat. They abandoned their work bag at the dining table before disappearing into their bedroom. He found himself stupidly standing there smiling for a moment. He could hear the blood rushing to his face. He snapped to it quickly. Mc needed him, and he was going to deliver. The cookbook was just a notebook the two of them had filled with their favorite recipes. A bookmark stuck out of one part, letting him know what to cook. He recognized it as his favorite human world food. Diavolo, he loved them. He cooked as fast as he could, so that when Mc got out of the shower, they would have a hot meal waiting for them.
Unfortunately, they were done before him, but at least he got the nice surprise of them laying their head on his shoulder and wrapping their arms around him as he cooked. Food was done shortly after, which Mc scarfed down.
“You’re the best Mammon. I love you.” They put their head ok his shoulder again as they sat side by side on the couch watching their favorite movie. He smiled into their hair and gave them a kiss on the top of the head.
“Love ya too.” He stayed silent for a moment, trying to decide what to say next. However, they had somehow fallen asleep. Had he really taken that long to think about what to say? No matter the case, he knew as long as they were happy, he was happy.
A worrier, will stress over every small thing he did because he’s concerned you’re upset over something he did
After a little thinking, he gathers the courage to go apologize only to realize it wasn’t his fault, he’s so precious 🥺
he’s so sweet, will offer whatever it takes to get his player two feeling better again
If you want to play games together, y’all are playing games. If you want to go out, y’all are going out
Y’all gotta place more respect on his name, I love him 😫 (please my little brother literally nicknamed him hotdog water 😭😭)
At first, Levi didn’t even realize Mc was home. As usual, he was holed up in his gaming room. Mc usually came into his room to give him a kiss and let him know they were home. He looked forward to it everyday. But today was different. The time they usually got home came and past, no word for them.
Levi paused what he was doing to think. It was almost an hour past the time Mc usually arrived home. No texts or calls from them he may have missed. He began to freak out. What if they got into an accident on the way home? What if they needed help but had no way of letting him know? He went to worst case scenario almost immediately. He stood up so fast he got lightheaded, but he didn’t care. He began tearing through the whole house in search of them.
His search ended quickly. He found Mc sitting in the kitchen with a bowl of cornflakes. They didn’t even notice him. As he let out one worry, another one flooded in. Was Mc mad at him? Why else would they not come to see him after they got home from work? He quickly tried to begin thinking of what he might have done to make them upset. Before he could think any longer, Mc noticed him standing in the doorway.
“Levi?” They tiredly put another spoonful of cereal in their mouth, and almost spit it out after Levi threw himself to his knees at their chair.
“Mc! I’m so sorry for everything! You’re the coolest person I know and I don’t deserve you! I’ll do anything to make it up to you!” He looked up at the sadly.
“What are you sorry for? I’m not mad at you. Should I be?” They put the spoon down and got up from the chair to crouch next to Levi.
“Wait, you’re not mad at me?” He paused and look at them.
“I’m not.” While they weren’t mad, Levi could tell something was wrong. They made no further move to continue the conversation, so he carried it himself. He wasn’t used to that.
“You didn’t stop in my room once you got home, so I just automatically assumed you were mad at me. I’m sorry for being so stupid.” He hung his head.
“Oh, no. You don’t have to apologize. Today work was just rough, so I went to get something to eat and unwind with. You told me that your raid was today, so I figured you would find me. Sorry if I worried you.” They side hugged him. He felt bad after he heard them speak. They were just tired and worn down by work. He immediately resolved to make it up to them.
“Well, uhm, if you’ll let someone gross like me help you, is there anything I can do to make you feel better? Anything at all?” Levi asked.
“If you’re offering, just spending time together sounds nice. Tell me about your day.” So he took a seat next to them and began doing what he did best: talking about video games. They watched him intently, occasionally remembering to eat the now soggy cereal that was in front of them. In the middle of his rambling, they gave him a kiss on the cheek. He paused and went bright red.
“To make up for the kiss I missed earlier, and as a thank you always being there. I love you, my admiral.” They smiled at him, the first time he has seen them smile that day.
“I… I love you too.” He was still embarrassed sometimes to say that, but it was all worth it to see the smile on their face.
Definitely thinks his way of destressing is the best: going to an animal shelter, playing with the cats, and then donating <3
However if you two lived separate from the rest, he’s 100% getting two cats minimum so the cats are right there! would still donate though since it makes him happy
Also firmly believes another really good way to unwind is to just say everything out loud. If you don’t want to tell him, that’s fine, he can leave the room or make it so he can’t hear what you’re saying
If not, he will talk your ear off (endearingly) about his latest read over tea
“Dear, are you home already? I thought you were going out with coworkers right after work?” Satan didn’t look up from his book but he had heard the door open as well the familiar jingling of their keys. Their two cats immediately got up from where they were resting on the back of the sofa and on his lap respectively to greet his partner. He finally looked up to see Mc standing with both the fuzz balls in arms, looking more tired then he’d ever seen them.
“What’s the matter?” He instantly knew something was wrong. He couldn’t place it, but something was off.
“It’s a long story.” They jumped over the back of the sofa and sunk down in the seat next to him. The three of them snuggled into his side, making him melt.
“Do you want to tell me the shortened version?” He placed a hand on their head. They leaned into his shoulder.
“That sounds great actually. Some of it is just office drama but it’s so tiring.” They began ranting to him about their awful day and how the minutes seemed to slow all day. “The only thing that kept me sane was thinking about you and our sons.”
Mc’s remark made him begin to heat up. It’s a good thing they weren’t looking at him. His heart swelled at even the thought of Mc referring to the group as a family. To be fair, they really did treat their cats as their sons and definitely received better treatment than some children. Part of him hoped one day he could prove himself a better father than Lucifer was to him. He couldn’t hope for a better partner. He gave them a kiss on the head.
“I think you need to hear that you’re the sweetest, most loving person I’ve ever met. No matter what happens, work or otherwise, you’ll always have my shoulder to lean on.” A small meow from between them told them that the cats wanted to be included too.
“Thank you, all three of you. Now, did you guys do anything fun while I was out? Please tell me you had a better day?” They looked at the group before them.
“I’m gonna tell them what you did. Yeah, someone had to do it. Stop that!” Satan laughed as the cats batted at his face. He knew no matter what, his partner loved hearing about everything the two cats got up to. Their hijinks could always be the highlight of anyone’s day. While he was in the middle of telling his story, Mc planted a kiss on his cheek.
“You’re a blessing from the heavens.” They wrapped their arms around his neck and leaned in closer. The meaning hit him directly in the feels. The fact that the most important important person in his life considered him, the odd one out of his brothers, a blessing from the heavens was more than enough to make his heart swell.
“I couldn’t ask anymore from a partner.” He gave them a kiss back, and continued the story wrapped up in their arms.
You know exactly what he thinks would be best for you
Spa day!! He can give you the routine to die for and the entire time, he will he chattering like a nail tech who’s had you as a long time client
Anything you want is yours right now
He knows this won’t solve your problems, but he knows it will give you the right state of mind so you can solve them when the time comes
In the meantime, he’ll be your biggest cheerleader and kiss you better <3
“Babe! You’re home! I can’t wait to show you what finally arrived today through the human Akuzon! These nail stickers are to die for! Do you know if the human standards would allow them to survive that lava hot springs I love?” Asmo skidded around the corner to the front door as soon as he heard it open. He was holding up a little sheet covered in plastic wrap with cute little icons lined up in neat rows. However, Mc hadn’t even looked up from their shoes as they shuffled into front of him. They placed their head on his chest and leaned into him. "Babe?" Mc only made a strange groaning noise and hugged him when he tried to move away. They gripped him tightly. They still had their bag on their shoulder and keys in hand.
"What's wrong? Did someone at work do this to you?" He patted their back the best he could since they had his arms pinned down by their hug. They sat in silence for a moment, and Asmo was about to speak up again when they finally said something.
"I've just had such a long day. Just being around you is comforting, is all." They sighed happily as he began to stroke their head.
"I know exactly the cure to your woes! How does a super relaxing spa night sound? I just learned how to give hydrating facial and brought these new products for it! If you're up for it, do you think I could do your nails too? These little bow stickers are so cute." He thought that by pampering his beloved and being supportive he could give them the help they needed to get back up. They had done the same for him before.
"That sounds great. You always know how to make me feel better." Mc got on their tip toes to kiss his cheek. He internally squealed. He hugged them back excitedly.
“You’re going to love this! Go get changed into something comfortable while I get my things together. These stuffy work clothes don’t look very breathable.” He was reluctant to release them. He adored them. Eventually they tapped his arm, signaling they were ready to be released. He let go, but before they could walk off, he took their face in both his hands and kissed the tip of their nose.
“Love you Mc. Really, I do. I tell you everyday but I just want to make sure you understand that.” He pushed some hair away from their eyes with his thumbs.
"I love you too, Asmo. I really don’t know what I would do without you. You are the best thing that has ever happened to me.” They overlayed their hands with his and gave him a kiss back. Before he could retaliate, they backed away. After a playful wink, they disappeared around the corner he has initially ran around to get to them. He stood there for a minute, starstruck. It was moments like these that made him question why he ever thought he was the most beautiful thing alive when Mc existed.
You know the drill babes, say it on 3
Food!! Food is always the answer which is my favorite mentality
Food is what comforts him, especially foods that remind him of you, like what you consider comfort food
He will resist the urge to eat all the ingredients and make this food just for you, to see the look of hot on your face when the presents it to you
You know how hard that is for him which makes it all the more special
Beel was patiently waiting for Mc to get home from work. He did this sometimes, so it wasn’t unusual. However, what was unusual was how long he found himself waiting. He had a very good internal sense of time. He always knew when to stop whatever he was doing to wait for them. His internal timer went off about ten minutes before they got home. If they had told him they would be late that day, the timer wouldn’t go off until later. Today, though, he hasn’t heard anything from them.
He found himself worrying. They were very good with always being on time. He checked his phone. He hadn’t missed anything from them. His brothers were chatting up a storm, but that was it. He decided to text Mc, since what argument Mammon and Levi had gotten into today wasn’t as important as checking up on them.
He quickly send a short message, asking how they were and what they wanted for dinner. Thankfully, he got a response pretty quickly. They told him they were just caught in a lot of traffic, and their coworker has needed a ride home since their car broke down that morning. They didn’t explicitly state it, but he could tell they were tired. He knew how work was difficult sometimes. After hearing them say they were really in the mood for jambalaya, he set his mind to making some.
He knew how warm and comforting it was to return home to a warm meal and the one you love. Mc had treated him to that on many occasions and now it was his time to return the favor. He had seen them make it many times, and while he had never had a hand in making it himself, he thought he could do it. Luckily, they had everything they needed. He gathered everything he needed, and carefully recalled any memories he could of Mc making this food. All of these memories were fond, and he hoped to convy this through his cooking.
When the front door finally opened, Beel was almost done cooking. The smell of the spices was thick in the air. He left the meal simmering on the stove and went to greet Mc.
"Beel, what's that smell?" They set down their work bag and sniffed their air.
"Dinner. I made jambalaya." He smiled, excited to see the grin blooming on their face.
"Awwwww, Beel! You shouldn't have!" They threw their arms around him and squeezed him as tight as they could. All the work and effort he had but into not eating the ingredients was worth it. Mc quicky went to change out of their work outfit so they could sit down together and enjoy dinner together. The smile on Mc's face was worth the world.
Even though he thinks sleeping fixes everything, he will do more than the bare minimum for you!
Takes it upon himself to gather his most comfortable pillows and blankets to make a nest for you, kind of like a squirrel lol
Brings offerings of baked goods and your favorite takeout
Will do whatever you want basically <3
Belphie was asleep, as usual, when Mc got home. Normally, he was able to sleep right through this and was awoken by a kiss on the forehead by them. Today was slightly different. The sounds were the same. The soft opening and closing of both the front door and their bedroom door, the jingiling of keys, and the rustling of their coat. However, he had actually awoken before his usual forehead kiss. Something wasn't right. Belphie sat up and watched as Mc walked around them room, setting everything in it's place. They looked over at him, surprised.
"Belphie, you're awake earlier than usual. It is my turn to cook tonight, right?" Mc stopped to check the date.
"Yes." He was still half asleep as they made their way over to him. As they kissed him on the forehead, he grabbed their hands to stop them from leaving. "Is something wrong?"
"No, I'm alright. Just tired." Mc sighed and avoided eye contact. He knew that wasn't the truth. Trying to lie and tell a sloth demon you were tired when you actually weren't was futile.
"Tell me what's bothering you." He caught their gaze.
"Work was hard today. I had to do a lot of writing too. I'm sick of it right now." They told him after he gazed at them with his best doe eyes. He flipped their hands over in his own to look at them. They looked more red that usual.
"What do you want for dinner? I'll order takeout. And don't tell me whatever or anything is fine. We are getting what you want." He pulled them to sit beside him.
"Well, pizza sounds good." They laughed a little about how oddly stern he sounded.
"Good. Now go shower while I get everything ready." Belphie shooed his beloved away lovingly. They were amused by this again, but did as he asked. He quickly ordered some pizza over the phone, and then quickly began preparing a comfortable place for them to rest. He arranged everything in a nest like structure, leaving room for the both of them in the center. He turned on the TV as well, finding Mc's favorite show. At night, he knew they would rewatch this show while he was fast asleep, but this time, he would watch it with them. He knew how happy it made them to share what they loved with him.
Before they got out of the shower, the pizza had arrived. After making sure the box wasn't too greasy, he placed it on one of their side tables. He didn't insert himself into the bundle yet, though. He was waiting for Mc. Instead, he sat on the end of the bed, on his D.D.D. When they emerged from the bathroom, they were toweling their hair. He led them to sit beside him and began toweling their hair for them. He was still oddly serious the entire time, causing Mc to giggle, but was still touched by it. He tucked them into the blanket amalgamation and put on their favorite show, presenting them with the food. They could feel themselves falling deeper in love with him.
"Love you." Mc kissed his forehead.
"Love you too." He mirrored this action, to show his affection for them. What would he do without this human?
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coco-hun · 2 months
Pretty girl
Tsubaki x Black Reader ( we a girly girl now!)
F/c= Favorite Color
f/ch= favorite character
s/s= shoe size
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" She's a lovely girl, I wish she would see it though."
' Tsubaki, she honestly the prettiest girl I've ever seen! I mean look at how stunning she is! She has pretty hair, cute outfits, and she has the patience of God she's like Anna Hathway! But she never sees it...'
I think this as I boredly stare at the board, Steins trying to dissect some bird again and Maka trying to stop him? I dunno I just twirl my hair and daydream when Patty taps my shoulder.
" Hm? Oh, hey patty girl" I smiled at her.
"Hiiii! Me and Liz, Tsubaki, and Maka was thinking of going to the shops after classes today and I want YOU to come!" She's like honestly like a mind reader or somethings because, I was going to go to like the thrift or the shoe store because I literally have nothing to wear!
" Omg! I legit love you, I'll go! When we leaving" I open my phone and try to set alarm because Death knows I can't keep up with the time when I'm going somewhere. Patty sends me the time and where to me and we talk about random things like does Lord Death know how to do cartwheels, can aliens turn into objects, do animals try to put on clothes? Ok Soul looked at us weird when he heard me say I thought animal testing was animals rating products...
*After Classes, around 2:45 and We in our room in a choas*
I scream into my pillows, like nothings ever goes right!? I have a denim skirt that I thrifted, and I wanted to pair that with this white halter top but, it dirty and I can't wear it again because I stupidly spilled like red sauce on it! Which is confusing because it's not ketchup so what is it? I dunno so, I try a pink long sleeve but nooo its hotter than ever and I have nothing else to pair it with!
As I flip through the piles and piles of clothes I get a knock on my door, my meister/weapon is out for a family trip, so I answered and there goes pretty girl.
" Hey reader! wanted to come over before our hangout to see you."
Tsubaki tender smile graced her lips, and I smiled back subconsciously. I let her in and I sigh sadly.
" Tsubaki help me pleaseeee, which shirt pink halter with dark denim or yellow thank top and light blue jeans?" I switch the shirts put and down so she can see, and she takes a moment to pick.
" Pink top, it matches the jewelry you have"
" You're a genius!" I squeal and run to change clothes, thank Death I had just my locs in two ponytails (or whatever style you wanna wear). A spritz of perfume or 50 spritz and a twirl in the mirror and I walk out with a strut.
" I look fabulous, I look like coquette icon who Lana Del Ray? I see only Reader Del Slay!" I cockily strut around the room while Tsubaki chuckles and acts like a fan girl.
" Omg! Its reader!? Omg sign my shirt!" We both giggle at that and I grab my keys and we walk out my dorm, its 10 minutes before we supposed to meet up Patty and them so we just walk around campus talking about what we've been up too.
" So, your saying BlackStar had to go to the school nurse because he...fell off a building trying what now?"
" It's honestly still confusing to me" Tsubaki sighs pitifully, and I giggle at that. We walk to the entrance of the DWMA and we see Patty, Liz, and Maka waving at us. We walked down and we headed to our first store; 'Deathly Good Looks' it's like a thrift store but, no granny clothes a lot of vintage items and a bunch of items from the late 80's to mid 2000's. We walk around trying on sunglasses, hats, and purses and I move onto the back of the store looking for anything pink or f/c and fav/ch, as I looked around, I see Tsubaki looking at this dress with wonder..
" Ouu! Thats so pretty, your gonna try it on?"
" Hm, you think I should? I don't know if it'll be as cute on me"
I don't know but when she said that I almost tackled her, WHAT DOES SHE MEAN!? She could pull off a garbage bag and I'll want to wear it!
" What do you mean!? You'll look like a 90's baddie with this! especially if you wear some brown sandals, shades, and have a cute hair style you'll look better than the girl who first owned it!"
Tsubaki blushes at that and I wished I paid more attention to that though; I push her towards the dressing room and tell her to try it on; she takes a few minutes and when she comes out, I couldn't help myself.
I didn't even to say it! But the dress said her body was teaaa and the way she just walked out like she ain't all of us up?? Who does she think is?
" So, it is pretty? I like it" She asks looking in the mirror.
" I'll bite you" I say intense, and she laughed, the girls came over and complemented the dress on her and she changed back; we paid for our items and headed to the shoe store, since the kishin was released we've all had no late-night curfews unless you had a mission or a kishin was around, so we headed to the shoe store quick.
At the store I think I was in heaven honestly from platforms, pumps, flats this store would be bankrupt without me like I'm single handily an unofficial official owner! We look around and I show Maka some sandals that would match this dress she wore to the death anniversary, I saw some Bebe slippers and I went to see what size they we're a perfect s/s! I put them in a mini basket they have and look for more shoes today wasn't that good a lot of sneakers which I should've got if the sandals weren't telling me to buy them! Liz and Patty had like 50 carts of shoes and Tsubaki had a few items, we paid for those items after telling the twins when are they going to wear 'stripper heels'? And we headed to a nice diner close to the school.
We ordered our food I got a tiny burger and fries (if tiny means a sonic burger with a side of large fries and a triple Oreo fudge milkshake then yea girl...tiny) and we sat down and talked and gossiped about the boys, what drama was around, and stuff we've been doing. As we talked and ate, I kept staring at Tsubaki...omg that's sounds so creepy I gotta fid away with words, or is it thoughts since I'm not speaking? I don't know point still stands! But she's so pretty it's hard not too! She caught me a few times and blushed this time I saw and it's so cute I wanna bite her but, that'll be weird.
When we were done, we headed back to the dorms and said our byes, me and Tsubaki headed to her dorm since we were only one level down.
" Hey.. so, a saw you staring at me at the diner, I just wanted to see if you was ok?" ...' I'm not a spy, I'm not smooth, how could she see me I thought my side-eye was perfect! Omg she probably thinks I'm creepy and is gonna hate me!' The thoughts ran quick through my head as I awkwardly smiled and chuckled.
"Oh that! oh it was um..."
" Was what you said at the shop earlier true? Am I pretty?"
I was confused until I thought back to my she's so pretty rant...If I said it out loud then she heard which means she think I like her and I do and she's like me back now we-
" Your speaking out loud again reader"
oH...That's amazing thank youu!
" Oh..act like you've never heard that I'm sorry if it made you uncomfortable! bUT-"
" I like you too reader...a lot actually
" You saying i'm bad? Ok girl thank you!" I say now giggling and twirling my hair, see I knew I gotta all the girls like I'm Nick Cannon with this!
Tsubaki goes on to tell me she didn't think she was as pretty as I made her to but, it broke my poor heart because she so gorgues!
" Tsubaki girl, I can't lie good, nor I can't say if someone is ugly or beautiful because I have my flaws but you! Your like so pretty it hurts! I look at you and your aura and the way you act entranced me, the way you care for your friends all the time you're so tender it makes me blush anytime you have a concern over me! If you don't feel beautiful then I don't know what I am!"
Tsubaki stares at e during my rant with wide eyes and when I was done a tear fell down as she hugged me tight..
" Thank you..Thank you so thinking that reader..."
I hold her and tell it it's all true, we walk to her dorm and she stops.
' So, are we a thing now? It's fine if-"
" So we married now?" we said at the same time, we both laughed at that.
" So..we girlfriends?
" Yea! I guess so!" I said all giggly now, Tsubaki smiled at me and gave me a quick kiss on the cheek as a bye.
" Bye Sweets see you in class"
" Bye bye Prety girl!" I said walking away with a wave.
Pretty girl, My pretty girl
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A.N: (I finished! OMG THIS THE CUTEST THING I'VE EVER THOUGHT OF! Like y'all don't know how Patty and her was my soul eater crushes before anyyyy one! But let me know if you like this and I can write more for her because she so bad!
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pbpsbff · 3 months
hey!! i just read your potato parkner fic on ao3 and i love it so much!!
the banter is bantering and the funny is funnying,and all in all its just really amazing!!
thank you for your noble contribution to the betterment of our society *tips my wizard hat like one would a cowboy hat*
hiiii omg giggling and kicking my feet twirling my hair etc etc
i’m glad you like it!!! i think it’s the happiest series on my account (possibly the only happy series) and sometimes i just gotta leave the angst and be silly for a few thousand words. anyway i’ve literally been working on an update for the past couple days are you in my head??? be honest
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qilinkisser · 2 months
HII guardian angel and 💛🎂!!!
HIIII I'm gonna do this for pj because she's so on my mind right now...
🪽 - imagine an au where your f/o is your guardian angel. what kind of relationship dynamic do the two of you have? are they the type to be more exasperated by your silly actions or protective over you?
sooo if pj was my guardian angel she'd be SOO protective of me teehee. I'm literally baby. I think I'd be very affectionate with her and she'd be like "oh this is NOT a professional relationship" at first but eventually she'd give me big angel wing hugs I think. I love you wings.... wing hugs... ouhgh
🎂 - how has your f/o changed over the course of the relationship? how have you changed? do either of you miss past things about the other?
I think we would influence each other with our own traits. PJ would become a little more kind and open minded, and I'd be a bit more assertive and confident..
💛 - what is something most people consider a flaw of your f/o that you find endearing? why is it that you like that trait?
okay people hate her for being mean but like... would I be pelted with tomatoes if I said it was kind of really attractive. like. Heyyyy girl what if you punched someone in the face for me Hiiii twirling hair giggling
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luxsea · 6 months
twirls my hair HI OLLIEE i have lux questions...!!!!! 10, 23 (I'M A KARLUX SAP OKAY ,.!!!!), 48, & as a bonus treat u can use my ask as a Free Card to answer another question you really like from the tav ask list!!! happy luxposting! :3
kicks feet HIIII PARKER >:3c thank you for lux questions!!!! happy luxreading <333
10. If your Tav didn’t become an adventurer, what else would they be doing?
before the events of the game they were already a traveler but if they had to settle i think they would set up a shop selling the most bizarre useless shit (affectionate), like the equivalent of a fantasy thrift store that smells strongly of Incense and looks like howl movingcastle's bedroom. i also think a lot about them as a skyrim shopkeeper saying the same obnoxiously repetitive lines and idk why they're too hot to be a skyrim shopkeeper maybe more like a deltarune shopkeeper instead where they get tumblr sexymaned and sell you items that are totally not cursed
23. What is your Tav’s favorite moment they’ve had with their lover?
agh <3 it warms my heart that i got you into my silly little bg3 ship, getting to share them is such a treat :3 there are so many wonderful moments in game and that i headcanon that it's hard to choose the big favorite. (act 3 romance spoilers) a moment that's really dear to me and was really sentimental was how karlach planned their date in the city ahead of time and even insisted on scoping out the inn to make sure everything was perfect. just the level of thoughtfulness floored me. lux is so incredibly in love with her and how she says she's bad at flirting but then pulls off the most romantic shit like it's nothing. they have an adorable date where they roleplay as if this is a first date where they're just getting to know each other and they fail miserably at pretending they don't already know and love each other by heart. it's such an important moment for them to slow down and share some moments of normalcy amidst the chaos of their adventure, even if they're both giggling and being sooooo normal about each other.
48. Where does your Tav feel most at home?
it would be pretty corny to say home is by karlachs side but that is the correct answer and i cannot deny it. for the longest time lux has always been moving, estranged from the place they grew up and their previous guild, never staying in one location that they could call home. but the adventuring life is something that they wouldn't trade and so they find home in the little things that they love. one thing that is constant no matter where they go is the night sky. during the events of the game they find the greatest comfort laying in the grass beside the chionthar river, their insomnia keeping them up stargazing all night, the light in the sky reflecting back in the water while millions of fireflies twinkle in the cool night air, all bathed in the blue and gold. and it's one of their favorite pastimes to share with karlach, they prefer it more with her company. also spoilers for the new epilogue but a character asks this same question and this was one of the responses available due to the choices i had made and i think about it a lot. you can make hell a home with the right person by your side <3 edit: forgor to note avernus has no stars so *looks at crumpled note* she is the sun
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FREE CARD! (literally) 64. What Tarot Card best represents your Tav?
this one's a bit on the nose but i've taken a lot of inspiration from the star major arcana for lux's character and who they aspire to be. the visuals of the star card usually depicts a figure pouring water from each hand as a symbol for balance and the card represents intuition, inspiration, little glimmers of hope and the strength to carry on ✨
Baldur’s Gate 3 Tav Ask Game
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maeshmallo · 3 years
hiiii hi hi baby i love you hope u are well always 💓🥺🥺. im here for the 100 celebration & i know i said wowwww more than once already but 🥺 oh u deserve it u deserve it all. u are such a wonderful vibrant light &an angel for each & every one of us ! but yesss uhh idk what character 2 say .. i remember u said u still like llewyn though (¿¿ is that correct? i at least think u said that😭) & he is my belovedddd so him but ONLY if u feel like it. honestly u can do whoever u can think of &i shall be so overjoyed i promise u i just want 2 be loved. & for abt me idk i think u mostly know already🥺🥺 i like singing smiling dancing & kitchens. for things 2 do with a friend or partner i am afraid (& i KNOW how this is abt 2 sound so please pls pleaseee ignore that😭 im working on it working working working) i have literally no experience with such things howeverrr i have always wanted 2 maybe go 2 brunch with someone. or get flowers. idk idk idk. but thats it . thats me haha. btw this is the cutest thing ever u are the cutest thing ever i lie up in bed like wowwww one day can i be as cute as ayen she is so cute. u always make my heart warm & happy oh how i adore u 💓💓
hello my darling!!! yes yes i remember llewyn and thank you sososo much you make me happy ☺️💓💓
🪴 firstly, you are a the personification of the golden hour, you're so warm and lovely, and llewyn would gravitate towards that because he is so accustomed to the world being cold to him, so he would melt in you presence.
🪴 his love languages, i think, would be acts of sevice since he hates feeling burdensome, he wants to make you feel as relaxed as possible. poor boy only knows how to cook eggs, but he will find so many recipes and try his best. he's better at cleaning luckily, and so you will often find him brooming or cleaning the mirrors and windows, tending to the house plants and such. he doesnt ever want you to lift a finger when he's around
🪴 since he sings for his career, he is content with listening to your voice. he will also save his best and most heartfelt songwriting skills for you. he would lay his fluffy head on your lap, watching you like you put all the stars in the sky, thinking of new words for him to string together for you to sing with your lovely voice. he compiles all of his songs for you into a little journal that he hopes to fill from cover to cover, and all of the songs are only for you and him
🪴 he was never much of a dancer before you, but one day in your kitchen with soft music playing from the radio, he notices how you sway and hum as you put away the plates from dinner while he scrubs down the table, and he cant help but put down the cloth and offer you a hand for you to sway together, giggling when his beard tickles the side of your face and just dancing to the music and sounds of outdoor little creatures coming out for the nighttime
🪴 he finds the world is prettier and more friendly when you smile. when he makes you laugh, he thinks about all the wonderful flowers in nature. when he watches you dance and twirl, he is thankful for the history of music in the world. when he holds you in his arms and feels your hair and kisses you softly, he's just glad to be here with you and thankful for the stars aligning in a way that allowed your paths to cross.
🪴 his date ideas are conventional but sweet, and when you mention to him that you like brunch he will figure out everywhere in the area that has a brunch option for you both to enjoy. if not, he'll plan it himself with mimosas and croissants and fruits, everything you could ever want! and for other dates, he'll hold your hand through a market place to buy big fruits and vegetables and bouquets of flowers or go together to a music festival where you both can dance like you're the only people in the world. he also likes just keeping you to himself and getting you food to eat at home, holding hands across your kitchen table as he strokes his thumb over the back of your hand and then taking you outside for the evening to sit and watch the stars and you talk and hum songs together
🪴 with you he just feels so happy and safe and warm, and will never want for anything else so long as he can hold you in his arms and make you smile so beautifully
i hope that you like this!!! mind you i have never been in a relationship either so dont worry we're the same!!! you are the sweetest, kindest, warmest angel i have met and i love you!!!
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moonlightdreamzz · 4 years
My First And Last — Huang Renjun
Renjun has a confession to make.
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Request: Hiiii =3. How are you, i was wondering if i could get a renjun x woc fluff fic when he confesses to y/n at highschool in front of the dreamies. tsym i love your writing!.☆*: .。. o(≧▽≦)o .。.:*☆
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“Renjun, what’s the answer to number five?”
He always hated this class, but today especially was he extremely irritated with it. This weekend had been quite eventful—him spending the whole duration with his boys, and while everything was perfect at first, Sunday night was quite interesting.
It was no secret that Huang Renjun was in love with you. Well, at least to Mark, Chenle, Jisung, Haechan, Jeno, and Jaemin. If a stranger asked he would quickly deny the accusation, claiming the two of you as close friends only, but even they saw through it. The little red tint that would appear on his ears was a telling to the cap he expressed.
Last night, there was an intense game of truth or dare taking place. They all would admit that it was quite childish to be playing such a game as seniors in high school, but they also rarely cared about what others thought. They were bored and waiting on their pizza—what was a better choice?
“Truth or dare, Renjun?”
Chenle was eyeing him closely as his eyes lowered like the evil boy he could be towards his older friend.
“Nah, he doesn’t get a choice. He’s been forcing us to pick dare this whole time.” Mark interrupts, putting the truth cards behind his back. The boys and your girls had made these cards awhile back, wanting to make sure you always had something to do if you got trapped in Renjun’s home during a stormy night or something of that nature. Your hand writing was prominent on the index cards, and he really just wanted to hold a card in his hand. It sounded extremely creepy, but he had missed you. It had been a while since you were able to hang out with him.
“Fine. Dare.” Renjun sighs, covering his eyes. He doesn’t even want to think about the crazy shit one of them was going to ask him to do. Prank call one of his ex’s—politely of course, make him run down the street in a little too much skin showing especially in the freezing cold weather that covered this side of the world this season.
“Hm.” Jeno sighed, his mangled black hair giving him a boyish look as his hand fell on his chin. “Are you guys thinking what I’m thinking?”
No. Why didn’t he predict this? Maybe because he didn’t want to believe his brothers would betray him in such a way.
“Please...” he trails, but the grins on their faces showed there was no going back. It had already been determined.
“You have to tell Y/N you like her.” They all say in unison, laughing loudly as this was all too funny for them.
“I will literally do anything else. Anything.”
Renjun is picturing it now. Him telling you, and your face going from a concerned eye from him saying he needed to talk to you, to a disgruntled look after his confession. Your plump lips that he wanted to kiss so badly would go into your pearly whites, but not in a good way, even though it would look good regardless. You’d feel bad for him—taking a step back and removing your hands off of his shoulder.
“I don’t feel the same, Renjun.”
He didn’t need to actually go through with the plan because he had tried it so many times in his head. Girls like you didn’t fall for guys like him, and honestly he had accepted that a long time ago.
“Do you guys just want me to get curved? I mean seriously what the hell.” He cries out as a pout shoots from his lips.
“Look, we’ll be there.” Jisung assures.
“And if she curves you, you can always say you’re just joking. That’s what I did with Brianna.” Haechan smirks.
“She knows me. She knows I wouldn’t joke her like that.”
“Then you better hope she says yes.” Mark giggles—the doorbell ringing at the same time. The pizza was here, which meant Renjun really couldn’t get out of this now.
That’s why as he sits in his last class of the day, he feels his hands shaking. Truthfully, he thought maybe the boys had forgot about it, or would let him slide, but they made sure to blow up the groupchat with words of encouragement.
— Our boy is finally going to get his girl.
— And if she doesn’t we’ll be here bro.
— We told Y/N and them to meet us at the ice cream spot after school.
Renjun couldn’t help but to laugh sadly at that. You don’t even like ice cream. You were much more of a frozen yogurt person but of course they wouldn’t know that. Not only was he going to get curved by you, but it was going to happen in a place you despise.
“24.” Renjun finally answers the question his math teacher wanted the answer for.
“Good. Make sure you do all of your homework, and no excuses. A for effort so show your work.” That was always the closing statement of his math class, but it also meant that he could pack up his stuff and sneak out. He zips his book bag up—throwing it over his shoulder before walking out of the room. Lucky for him, the door that lead to the parking lot wasnt too far.
As he approaches his cherry red vehicle, he sees that Jisung and Chenle have made themselves comfortable on the hood of his car. They couldn’t drive, so he was frequently giving them rides home, not that he minded. They didn’t live that far away and plus they practically did everything together anyways.
“Are you ready, bro?”
“Are you seriously making me do this?” He sighs, unlocking the door. He gets inside the drivers side while Chenle takes the passenger and Jisung gets in the back.
“Absolutely.” They both say together. The engine is starting, and Renjun is putting the car in drive. “Woah woah.” Chenle interrupts. “Don’t you want to wait for your girl? School ends in five minutes baby.”
“If I see her, I’ll end up driving home instead of to the ice cream place. Just trust me.” He can’t even care about cold weather on his engine with no warm up time. He has to go, and he’s pulling off. He feels his phone vibrating, and he expects it to be Mark or Jeno making sure he’s actually going to show up, but it’s you.
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“What’s with the smile?” Chenle interrogates, trying to look over, but Renjun locks his phone before he can see.
“Oh we know what that is!” Jisung screeches from the back, dapping Chenle up at once.
“Yessirrrrrrrrr.” Chenle screams loudly. It’s at this point that Renjun wishes he could somehow cancel out all of this noise. He loved his friends, but he also hated them very much.
“You’re getting excited for nothing.”
“Yeah whatever.” Jisung responds. His eyes are now locked onto the trees they’re driving past as the light turns green.
It didn’t take them that much longer to get to the ice cream parlor. Surpisingly, Jeno, Mark, Haechan, and Jaemin are already here—music blasting unnecessarily. It was very clear that Mark had the aux as YBN Cordae was preaching for the whole shopping center.
Just as he’s about to park, he sees you. I mean, it was quite easy to recognize that frame, and he doesn’t mean that in a perverted way. You were just so perfect and he couldn’t resist to praise you. You’re approaching the window of Jeno’s car and he can hear you now calling their current set-up ghetto and telling them to turn the music off. All jokes of course, and everyone knew only you were allowed to make them. God, he loved you so much.
“You got this.” Chenle encourages, slapping his knee before getting out of the car. Everyone else follows, and Renjun notices that your friends weren’t hiding in your car.
“Did you come here alone?” Is that first thing he asks you as he embraces you into a quick hug. You smell like perfection, but it fitted you. I mean, you were.
“I tried to get the girls to tag-a-long, but they said it was too cold to be outside and definitely too cold to get ice cream.” The wind blows as soon as you finish your sentence, and he sees the way you shut your eyes tight as if that would make it better.
“Oh no we gotta get you inside.” He says, pushing you towards the door. “Fathead.” He adds, causing you to turn around and punch him in the arm. The other boys are not too far behind.
The parlor is chilly, but it’s much better than the outside. There are pretty lights that glow inspirational quotes such as—“follow your dreams“ “seek what sets your soul on fire”. Quite ironic and bad timing, but knowing you, you find it to be very cute. He would too if it wasn’t mocking him so badly.
“What are you gonna get?” Renjun questions, allowing you to get in front of him to see the board better. Since it’s a Monday, and school just ended, there’s nobody in here but you guys. A habit you formed when you’re thinking heavily, you’re twirling about five braids around your pointer finger. He knows that you’ve made a decision when you take those pieces of hair and throw them behind you.
“Nothing.” You say with confidence. “I can’t do this to myself.”
“Well I know, but maybe you should try something. You might like it a little. I’ll pay?”
“Or how about I just eat some of yours.” You smile brightly at him, your hershey colored skin looking flourecent under the bright lights of the building.
He knows there’s no changing your mind. Once you say something, you mean it. It was all about compromise with you.
“Deal.” He chuckles lightly, moving forward to order.
While he’s at the counter, you speak to the other boys for a little before going to find a seat for you all. Renjun really wants to know what you guys were talking about, as it seemed to be a very hush conversation. Or maybe he didn’t want to know.
He gets his ice cream before the others, and he sits right beside you. When the other members get theirs, they sit at the table beside you guys even though there was plenty of room. They really were gonna do this to him.
Renjun is quite surprised that you don’t question their actions. I mean, it did look very odd that they weren’t even acknowledging what they just did, and instead decided on talking about the All-Star game that just happened this past weekend.
“How was your day, Rennie.”
This was the nickname you had gave him freshman year, and although some tried to call him that as well, it just didn’t feel right unless it was coming from your mouth. You seem to be a little tired—probably from staying up last night to study for a test.
“Not too bad. I’m a lot happier now than I was like 30 minutes ago.”
“And why is that?”
“Can’t tell you.” He smiles sadly, fiddling with his cup full of dairy.
“Oh no, we’re not doing that.” You kick him lightly under the table. “What’s wrong?”
“It’s embarrassing.”
“Come on, they’re not even listening.” You whisper, eyeing the boys who were still going on about how Aaron Gordan got robbed on Saturday. “Talk to me.”
“How do I get this out.” He trembles, fiddling with his fingers as he has to look everywhere but your eyes. “Do you remember when we first met?” He questions.
“Of course. Biology, 1st period. I hated every second of it other than you.”
“I felt the same way.” He chuckles. “But I also felt something else. As time went by.”
You’re not clueless. You know exactly what he’s trying to convey to you. The gentleness in his tone, his refusal of eye contact, it was all leading up to a confession, right? He can see it in the way your body haults. It honestly felt like everything stopped; time, the music, his breathing. Neither of you noticed this, but the boys stopped their yapping too.
“Let me just get this out, okay? I know you’re going to want to walk away but please.” His voice is hushed now as he grabs your hand. It was something you both did to eachother whenever you were embarrassed, or nervous, or extremely joyful. It was obviously different this time and he could also feel that you know that. Even so you don’t let go.
“Y/N M/N L/N.” He shakes. “Since the day I met you, I knew that you were extremely funny, the sweetest girl I’ve ever met, the most beautiful soul that I had ever come across. But even so I thought I could run away from all of your good attributes. We can stay just friends, right? There just wasn’t a universe where you shared my feelings, so it was better to ignore it. I tried so hard to talk to other girls and give them the attention I wanted to give you to distract myself. It’s stupid I know, but it’s what I tried to do.”
“As the months went by, I realized that it wasn’t going to happen. I couldn’t get over you, but I also couldn’t have you, so I decided that I would be one of the boys in your life that you could always rely on.” He rubs your knuckles softly. There’s a braid hanging infront of your face, and he knows that it’s killing you, so he lets go of your hands for mere seconds to tuck it in another braid. Your features are unreadable right now and he wants to stop, but he can feel Marks hand on his back—patting it in encouragement.
“But I’m in love with you, Y/N. I honestly don’t think I’ll ever not be in love with you. And I don’t want you hearing that to make you feel like I’m forcing you to feel something, or to try to feel something. I just want you to know that you are so loved by so many people. Me especially. I know I’m not the coolest guy in the world, but..but...”
He’s said too much. It felt so good to get his confession out, but now that he was almost done, his breathing was out of control. He had only felt like this when he was in fear of something dramatic—he recognizes this to be because he’s so terrified to hear the rejection he’s going to get, so he runs out. He runs out of the parlor and he takes his ice cream with him. He didn’t even want it anymore.
Of course he’s not going to pull off. He wouldn’t leave Chenle and Jisung here. But he just didn’t want to look at anybody. The minute he sits down in his car and turns it on—an attempt to cool down, he looks into the sky. Was he seriously about to cry?
He’s just going to wait for the boys to finish their icecream. He knows they’re going to come when they’re ready. When he feels a knock on the passenger window, he immediately unlocks the door without looking. He has he hands on the wheel ready to pull off but he also has one question. “Is Y/N in her car yet? We can’t leave her without seeing her pull off.”
“She’s in a car.” Your voice echoes throughout the vehicle. “And she’s very safe. I promise.”
In dramatic fashion, he’s turning his head towards you. When the two of you lock eyes, he can’t believe it. Even when you didn’t have to be, you were so sweet. You were going to politely reject him to his face instead of laughing. An angel.
“I’m sorry—
“It’s my turn now.” You whisper, placing a sole finger on his lip. Except, you don’t speak. You instead take the icecream that was sitting in his cup holder and you’re taking a bite. After you set the spoon down, you’re leaning in. It’s a very slow, but beautiful kiss. First, your foreheads connect, then your nose—your perfect nose. He already loves the feeling. But the best part is when your lips connect. The way your lips completely cover his own and swallow him whole is something he couldn’t have imagined with the clearest mind. The way your lips mold together—it’s romantic—perfect, and he doesn’t understand. He doesn’t stop though. He has fingers in your hair, and he’s bring you two closer than you had ever been. There’s no space for breathing between you two.
It’s him who pulls away.
“I love you too.” You breathe out. “I love you so much. And whether you believe it or not, everything you said to me in there is something I’ve felt 1000x more. I swear.”
His eyes are too pure as you look at him right now. He really had no idea. All of your little texts telling him you missed him. How the only reason you were coming to school was to see him. He never caught on. He had spent four years believing he wasn’t good enough for you when in reality he was everything you wanted.
“Are you serious?” He coughs.
“So serious.” You say with pride. “I just ate icecream for you. Believe me.”
He wanted to ask you to be his right then and there. But he didn’t want to do anything to mess this up. Suddenly he hears screaming coming from a cellphone, and it’s yours. It’s the boys.
“What did we say!” You both hear Mark shout. They’re outside now, and they’re running to the car.
“We told you it would work out.” Haechan simpers fron Renjun’s side. He rolls down the window, very confused although he’s putting the pieces together.
“Wait, did you guys know about this?” He’s looking at you now, and you’re so shy. You grab his hand, and it feels so good to hold it back. He’s caressing you’re thumb softly as he can’t hold in his smile anymore.
“Why do you think we dared you to do it?” Jeno laughs.
“They saw me on Friday. Getting some wings.” You put your head into his shoulder. “And they interrogated me.
“Politely, of course.” Jisung smiles.
“We had suspicions.”
“But we didn’t tell her you liked her until she confessed. We were just teasing before she confessed her love for you.”
“Shut up, Mark.” You cry out.
There’s a peaceful silence, before Renjun speaks up.
“Thank you guys. From the bottom of my heart.”
“Of course. You deserve it better than anyone.” Chenle says, tapping the window. They all walk away and now it’s the two of you again.
“I promise I won’t hurt you, Y/N.” Renjun whispers, kissing your forehead.
“I know.” Are your final words. “And it’s the best feeling ever.”
A/N: I hope you enjoyed this! :(
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bellemareyouserious · 7 years
Knock, Knock (Pt. 2)
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Knock, Knock (Pt. 2)- Leon Draisaitl (Pt. 1, here)
Description: You and Leon have been friends with benefits for awhile, but you hate each other. Or, so you think. Meaningless sex has always been your thing, but maybe a change of pace would be best for the both of you.
Requested?: Yes (Anonymous asked: Part Two for Leon ??? 🙈)
Warnings: Smut, swearing, alcohol mention
Word Count:  2,011
Author’s Note: Hiiii babes, 2 anons requested a part 2 for Knock, Knock, so here it is! It’s pretty smutty, so beware. I do have a queue but requests are OPEN! I love you guys thanks for making me feel like I’m actually a good writer😭😭😭
It had been 3 months since you and Leon first had sex. 3 months of “friends with benefits” although you weren’t friends in the least, you still hated each other. You were just two people who loved sleeping together. Nothing else.
 Only, you were starting to catch feelings for him. Whenever you had sex he was so sweet and patient with you. Everywhere else, though, he was a total dick. You both agreed to keep his teammates out of the loop (except Connor, of course. He literally heard you having sex for the first time). It was for the better that you pretended to hate each other in front of everyone, just like it had always been.
 One night, there was a party at Patrick Maroon’s house for the team and friends. You were obviously invited, so Connor offered to be your designated driver for the night. You were dancing around in your room getting ready, finding the sluttiest outfit you could. You knew you had to look sexy in front of Leon, maybe get a little reaction from him. He was so oblivious to your feelings. Or maybe he just didn’t care.
 You put the finishing touches on your hair and makeup, slip some high heels on, and walk out of your bedroom. Connor looks you up and down while wiggling his eyebrows at you.
 “Damn, y/n, trying to get laid tonight?” he laughs. You roll your eyes and punch him in the arm.
 “I’ll take that as a compliment. Let’s get going.”
 Connor walks you up to the door of Pat’s house holding your arm. As soon as you get in the door, a few people do a double take at you. Milan whistles from behind the bar and runs over to give you a twirling hug. You can’t help but laugh at him, always putting you in a good mood. Out of the corner of your eye, you see Leon sipping on whiskey and rolling his eyes. He looks obnoxiously annoyed that everyone is making a big deal out of you.
 It’s now 12:43 am, and the party is entertaining to say the least. A group of people are playing “truth or dare,” another group playing strip poker, and some even playing 7 minutes in heaven. It’s the most middle school thing you’ve ever seen, and it’s hilarious. You and Connor are sitting in the corner observing everyone’s rambunctious, drunken behavior. You look to your left where everyone is playing 7 minutes in heaven, and see Leon looking immensely bored. That is, until Milan waves you and Connor over to play with them. At first you refuse, but Milan is begging you guys to go play, so you give in while Connor just laughs and says, “I’m gonna sit this one out.”
 Since you were the last one to join the game, Milan insists that you spin the bottle first to see who you go to “heaven” with. You glance at Leon, who has hopeful eyes, and spin the bottle. It lands one person to the right of him, the one and only Ryan Nugent Hopkins. You look up at Leon once again, and he’s chugging his drink, then glares down at Ryan. You’re the only one that saw the exchange, but he doesn’t notice. There’s tons of whooping and hollering from the peanut gallery. Ryan gets up and takes your hand, leading you to the closet. You can hear everybody still cheering while you enter the closet with him.
 “You look…amazing tonight, y/n,” Ryan whispers as he closes the door. You can’t help but blush, Ryan is adorable and you’ve always thought so.
 “Thanks, Ry,” you say to him, “This is so stupid, you know that?” you laugh and he laughs with you, agreeing.
 “Super middle school, right?” he chuckles. “Well, should we at least give them something to talk about?” he asks while moving closer to you.
 “We should,” you breathe as you raise your eyebrows at him. He grabs your waist and slowly pulls you to him, looking down at your lips and back up to your eyes. You lean in and place a soft kiss on his lips, different from Leon’s, but still beautiful. You start to kiss him more, your hands going into his hair while his find your face. Your breathing becomes heavy, panting in between kisses when there’s a pounding on the door.
 “Time’s up, lovebirds!” Milan yells to you. You look up at Ryan and smile, and he blushes. You both try to look untouched as you walk out to a crowded room cheering you both. You search the room but can’t find Leon anywhere. Your eyes find Connor’s, and he subtly motions up the stairs, and you send him a grateful nod.
 “I’ll be right back, guys,” you say quietly.
 You make your way up the stairs, trying not to direct attention your way. You almost reach the bathroom when you feel strong hands grab your shoulders and spin you around into the wall. You gasp audibly and see Leon, intoxicated, standing in front of you. You could smell the whiskey on his breath while he looks at you with puppy dog eyes.
 “Leon? Are you okay?” you ask, holding him up.
 “What the fuck was that, y/n? Don’t you know that you’re mine?” he begins kissing you sloppily, tongue all over the place, grabbing at any skin he can find. You kiss back but quickly pull away to question him.
 “What the hell do you mean, Leon? We aren’t dating! I’m allowed to kiss other guys if I want to!” you whisper yell at him.
 “The fuck you are. Come on.” He grabs your hand and leads you into a bedroom and sits you down on the bed. He closes the door as quietly as he can and starts pacing, running his fingers through his hair. He looks right into your eyes and speaks slowly, “You’re mine, ok? Not Ryan’s, not Connor’s, mine.”
 “Where is all this coming from, Leon? You’re drunk. We’re just fuck buddies, that’s all,” you explain to him, even though you’d love to hear sober him speaking those words.
 “Y/n, I’m serious. This isn’t the whiskey speaking, this is me telling you that I want you all to myself. Mine. No sharing. Just me and you. I've been trying to push all of these feelings back but I just can’t. I’m so infatuated with you,” he continues, walking towards you, lifting your legs around his waist and pushing you up against the door. “With your lips,” he says and kisses you teasingly then looks you in the eyes, “your beautiful eyes, just you. I can’t stop thinking about you, baby girl.”
 Your breath hitches in your throat when he calls you baby girl. You look down to his delicious lips and lick yours, attaching them quickly. He kisses you with such desperation you think you might explode. You can feel your heart racing, you never thought he would reciprocate the feelings you had for him. He breaks the kiss to walk over to the bed and lay you down, quickly climbing on top of you.
 His lips assault your neck with kisses and bites, sucking a hickey into your skin. He whispers right in your ear, “Now everybody will know you’re mine.” You can’t help but smile at the thought of being his.
 “Do you think anyone else could affect you the way I do? Ryan? Connor?” he breathes as he reaches down to feel you over your panties, which are drenched. You feel a blush creep up on your face and shake your head no. He smiles into your neck and makes more hickeys on your soft skin. You’re a shaking mess under him, feeling butterflies in your stomach like the first time you had sex.
 He starts kissing down your body, taking off your dress as he goes. He looks at your chest in amazement and starts massaging them while kissing them softly. He continues his wet kisses down your body until he gets to your panties. He takes a finger and pulls them off of your body while kissing down your thighs.
 “You think anyone could eat you the way I do, babe? The way I make you moan and shake…the way you drip down my chin when you finally release…the way your legs lock around my neck when you’re close…” his hot breath fans you while he’s talking, only giving you more anticipation. Leon suddenly licks you up and down, making you moan loud. He starts licking your clit with his hot tongue, up and down, back and forth, leaving you seeing stars. He continues his attack on you, eating you with such fervor yet patience. His slow licks on your clit give you goose bumps. He licks into you, darting in and out until you can’t think of anything but his tongue. Your legs start to shake, orgasm nearing quickly. He suddenly pulls away, kissing back up to your mouth. You can taste yourself on him.
 He looks at you with the most adoration you’ve ever seen before. You can’t believe he actually means all of this, it isn’t just mindless sex anymore.
 “Leon,” you breathe, “I’m yours, ok? All yours.”
 He smiles before taking his shirt off, “I know, sweetheart. And I’m yours.”
 He starts kissing you sweetly as you reach for his belt buckle and strip him of his pants and underwear. Suddenly he looks even more beautiful than before; body glowing, eyes sparkling, sweat glistening. You were looking at him through new heart shaped eyes.
 You put your hands on his waist and drag them down to his growing erection. He breathes in heavily when you finally touch it, pulling on it a few times.
 “Do you have any condoms?” he asks you quietly.
 “No, but you don’t need one, Leon.”
 “Are you sure, baby?” he sounds hesitant, but looks to you for reassurance.
 “I’m only yours, right?” you smile and he nods.
 You help him guide you to your entrance while he hovers over you. He pushes in the smallest amount, letting you adjust to him. You can’t help but moan at the feeling of him inside you. He slowly pushes into you all the way, both of you letting out breaths you didn’t know you were holding. It’s such a new feeling for both of you and you both giggle, taking a moment to get used to it. He leans down to kiss you, licking your lips before entering your mouth. He slowly pulls out of you and glides back in, warmth spreading through your whole body.
 Your hands find Leon’s chest, roaming and scratching every inch. His cock starts moving in and out of you a little faster, making you moan out his name and sweet nothings. His hands move down to your waist, gripping his nails into your skin making you hiss. He moves his mouth to your neck, licking and biting while quickening his pace in you once again. He whispers in your ear, “I’m so close baby girl, come with me.”
 He thrusts in and out of you while his lips continue ravaging your neck. You can feel everything going blurry, muscles clenching in pleasure. A few thrusts later and you’re coming undone around him.
 “Yes, Leon!” you moaned loudly as you felt his thrusts get faster and sloppier.
 “Y/n…” he breathes out in your ear, slowing and cumming inside of you. You couldn’t help but moan at him saying your name while spilling in you. He pulls out of you and lays next you, rubbing circles on your hip.
 “So we’re really doing this?” he asks you.
 “We’re really doing this, Leon,” you reply simply, intertwining your hands together. You both look down at your hands and back up at each other, smiling from ear to ear. “What are gonna tell everyone downstairs?”
 “I think they’ll know what’s going on,” he laughed and laid his head on your shoulder. You couldn’t wait to start this new journey with him. 
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cutegirlmayra · 7 years
Hiiii! My friend and I really love your writing of Sonamy and she had this concept that she really wanted you to write: Concept: Eggman, in an attempt to ruin Sonic, invents literal nightmare fuel that slowly breaks down Sonic's ego and makes him feel powerless and afraid to sleep. He first tests this on Amy and after that, he tests it on the rest of the team...
I LOOOOVEEEE request like this!!! :DDD Thank you so much!!! It’s a plot, it’s depth, and it’s so cute~
Tell your friend she’s a mini-genius!!! :Db And thank you both for supporting me and my stories! Means a lot :’3
I hope I can do her idea justice, precious anon!
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Eggman was using a drill-bot to carve it’s way into the deepest, darkest cave imaginable. All the way out in the middle of nowhere, Eggman peered inside the drilled, crumbled rock.
Only his glasses shone in that pitch darkness, as then his smiling teeth as he saw the object he desired, glowing with whisps of purple light, not like the aliens, but darker… more corrupted entities.
Back at his lab, he snorted, giggled, and squawked laughters as he pushed and pressed buttons like his fingers were dancers.
“At last! I’ve got it! I think I’ve got the code to trigger their power and centralize it into one … dream…” he rubbed his hands together, “Huhuhu… with these ‘nightmares’ I’ll have Sonic losing all hope! He’ll believe he’s a good-for-nothing! And I’ll be the emperor of the eggman empire in no time!~” he jumped to turn around and click his heels together, rushing over to the cylinder, clear tube that held the destructive creatures. They’re mouths opened to whispy daggers for teeth, and their purple, smokey bodies blinked with glares.
“There, there… my little evil critters~” he tapped his fingers to the glass, making them freak out and shake their hands, wanting to attack but returning to the urn which they were trapped inside.
“Hehehe~ Hohoho!!!” He billowed another loud laugh as he leaned his back into an arch in his joy.
But within that laughter, he realized something. “ho, ho?” he blinked his eyes, motioning his neck down. “But what if my test run doesn’t work? I’ll need to test my hypothesis on directing these little balls of terror before I actually unleash them on Sonic’s team! Hmm..” he rubbed his chin, thinking…
He suddenly smirked, turning to his computer.
“…Wasn’t Amy Rose tracking Sonic just a moment ago?”
Amy waddled through the forest, huffing and puffing in her weariness, tapping each tree she passed with the palm of her hand, as if checking to make sure she had stable support if she ever needed it.
She finally stood up straight, exhausted from a long day, and leaned her head back. “Ugh.. He’s traveled too far this time.” She moaned, before lowering her head with a heavy sigh. “And I was really hoping to spend time with him today…” she pouted, looking truly disappointed, but not that upset as she was used to sometimes failing on her ventures to find Sonic.
“He’s a tricky one.” she mused, picturing him dashing over large fields, defeating robots, and maybe even taking a second to stop and smile at a passing thought of her.
“Ha~~~” she sighed, melting at the idea of Sonic taking a second to think of her for a change.
Eggman positioned his gun perfectly, focusing the nightmartic spirits where he wanted their power concentrated.
“Eat her dreams alive, boys… woo-hohohho!” he laughed, and fired down once the gun rocked it’s way to have her in the center of it’s target. “Fire!”
Eggman’s gun sprung the spirit’s power, a misty purple smoke, straight through the atmosphere as it hit her in the back of her head, and spiraled down her body.
Amy suddenly felt a wave of sleepiness hit her upside the head, and all of a sudden, a strange aroma was pulling her to sit down… to rest… to take it easy…
“Wha-..what..?” she knew this wasn’t right, as she slowly came to her knees, and started to lay down. “H…Help…” she lightly rested her head down, as her whole body became too heavy to move, and too weak to stand…
There were puzzles under her feet, and as she looked down, she noticed some were glowing a bright, see-through gold.
Amy looked up, before smiling happily towards Sonic, a little ways away on the same puzzle-piece floor she was on.
“Sonic!” Her voice echo’d in the empty space.
He looked upset, turning away from her. “You have to stop this mess.”
“…Ah… Mess?” she was confused, but she held her hands back, her feet paused from rushing towards him.
She had never seen such a shallow expression on his face before…
“I don’t want you always trying to find me! To hog my attention away from the world!” he swiped his hand out, looking more and more frustrated, as she stepped a foot back.
“…A-..Attention..?” She held her fists up to her chest, not sure what he was saying.
The puzzle-piece below her suddenly fell, as her foot almost fell through the crack.
She gasped as she pulled it up, looking down at the puzzle piece, and studying how it could have fallen…
As her eyes scanned, Sonic’s voice once again arose, this time much harsher and crueler than even she thought possible to imagine.
“This is it, Amy! I’m tried of letting you get away with what you want!”
“What I… want?” she turned around, her eyes shaking at his words.
“Sonic…” she could feel her heart breaking, her lips trembling as tears almost threatened her.
Around her, puzzle pieces on the floor started falling, strikes of lightning taking some of them out.
“I can’t stand it, Amy! I can’t stand you!” Sonic bit down on the word, glaring as he lunged himself forward.
As he threw his arm out, Amy felt the ground beneath her break and dip down, the puzzle pieces falling rapidly as she fell with them, reaching up for his cold, unfeeling expression as he watched her fall.
“Sonic…” her eyes widened, gripping her hands before forcing them apart and reaching up for him. “NOOO!!!!”
She disappeared into the darkness, hovering in the air.
“I don’t want to be alone… I don’t… I …” She gripped herself into a tight curl, but not fully a ball, as her hair and dress rippled in the mist of the empty space.
There was nothing now.
No sound but her own desperate cries.
Tears floated in the space around her.
“I… I don’t want to die without knowing…. knowing what it’s like… I don’t want to be alone… I don’t want to die alone!!!”
She threw her head up, screaming.
The Sonic above, turned his head away, walking away from the surface.
Once absent from her sight, his face suddenly morphed to the snickering of the nightmaric spirit, chuckling with it’s jagged, spiked teeth; Sonic’s body myistifying into a purple smokey being.
“Excellent!” Eggman jumped up from his seat, watching the activity of her vital signs and pulses, mental strain and brainwaves, the like; determining right then and there that his experiment was a success!
“Now, then! To the others!”
He pushed some buttons, as the gun flung around and shot the remaining nightmaric spirits to the different locations he punched in.
He twirled around with the gun, doing a little silly dance before looking back at his creation. “Tonight! Eggman industries presents a spectacular, dream-like experience you’ve NEVER dared to have before! WHOHOHOH!” as he laughed, the nightmaric spirits all gathered together in the tube, seeming to scheme, before turning to Eggman, and laughing creepishly towards him…
Sonic turned in his sleep, as did Tails and Knuckles, as each one had a horrific nightmare of their deepest, darkest fears.
Sonic was engulfed in water, unable to do anything, and for some reason, still able to breathe.
“Noo!” he cried out, trying to move upward, but only sinking as Amy and his friends were slashed through, shadowy silhouettes showing their last moments of life, and even Amy reaching down in the water to him, before red filled the water, dying it as it floated past him like curved paint in an oil canvas, swarming his being.
Powerless, Sonic watched the red surround him, polluting the water and gripping his throat.
He struggled to breathe now.
“N.. nmm!” he gripped his throat, his cheeks puffing up to try and remain with oxygen.
His arms flailed through the water, as suddenly he was pulled down into a dark abyss, his friend’s silhouettes being thrown into the water… Metal Sonic’s shadow… turning to stare down at him from a distance… at the surface.
Then, it shifted, turning into a nightmaric spirit’s face, and cackled as Sonic’s feet were limp, and weren’t able to kick him towards the surface of the water…
He closed his eyes, feeling life drain from him.
He was forced to be pulled under the water’s current…
Tails was trapped in a small cube, as he pounded on it and cried out to let him out, his X-Tornado turning on him and firing, causing lightning to spring out from it’s guns and attack the cube.
Tails threw up his arms, crying out as his mouth hung in utter fright.
He ducked down, unable to avoid as the X-Tornado went back up into the thunderstorm, and then spiraled down to let out a fresh new patch of lightning down upon his trapped self.
“Stop it!!!” Tails shouted out, as suddenly he heard Sonic’s piercing cry, and looked up.
“No!” Tails banged on the cube, “Sonic!”
Sonic,… Amy… Knuckles… they were all being struck by Lightning, and falling down, rising up as zombie like expressions on their faces, and walking towards him.
“You couldn’t help us, Tails…” Amy’s faint voice barely made it to his ears.
His eyes shook, scooting away from that side of the cube. “No…”
“You’re useless to me, Tails…” Sonic’s body kept hobbling towards the cube, his head going limp.
Tails shook in utter terror.
“You’re still a no one… not a friend of ours.” Knuckles’s arms stretched forward. “Now we’ll take you out… so the lightning can kill you too.”
They all piled the box.
“No…Stop… please…! I’m sorry! I’m sorry I wasn’t good enough! I’m sorry!!!”
The three nightmartic spirits chuckled, their faces shifting as Tails threw his hands over his head, his tails also encircling him in his great fear.
Knuckles struggled to try and keep his new family safe, but with each robot army that came, he turned to suddenly see them swiped down, out of existence, turning to nothing more than dust.
“Ah!” he rushed to them, gripping the dirt. “The last echidnas…” he was alone again, before looking up and seeing the robots break the Master Emerald, turning it into small fragments that they crushed to utter oblivion…
Their sparkling powder floated by him, as his eyes widened and they stung his open eyes.
Angel Island came crashing down, the robots self-destructing as suddenly the Island bent into itself, cracking and splitting, till lost in the sea…
Knuckles smashed the earth beneath him, before his shoulders bounced in his tears, and he laid down before the crashing sea…
“No…Rouge… Sonic… My friends… My family… The Master Emerald… I’ve failed them.. I’ve failed them all…”
Behind him, the robots faces turned to nightmaric spirits, laughing…
“WHHOHOHOHHO! BRILLIANT!” Eggman danced around in his lab, even going disco-funky with his actions. “Now, to take over the world!” He stuck a finger up, posing, before typing more coordinates.
But by this time… he hadn’t realized the Nightmares were growing with the dread and fear that came from their hosts… and they’re being morphed into Sonic, Amy, Tails, and Knuckles.
The remaining nightmare spirits laughed in their usual way, before breaking the cylinder tube… and going for Eggman.
“W-what?” he saw the gun stop firing, and turned around.
“No… no,… NOO!!” Eggman threw his hands up, as they chuckled and swarmed his being in their mist, knocking him out and diving into his dreams… their laughter never ceasing…
Sonic woke up in a cold sweat, blinking hard and breathing irregularly.
He touched his chest… no water.
Just the cold of the wind.
His eyes were heavy, but he shook his head, getting up.
“That was no dream…” Sonic concluded, and turned to look out away from him.
He heard someone shouting his name…
Suddenly, the sound became more clear as he gained control over his senses again…
“Amy!!!” he charged, bolting himself through the long distance to find where the echo was coming from.
It disturbed him, seeing he was awake, but her voice was bouncing off from everywhere.
The mountains didn’t help.
The valleys were worst.
He finally found her, collapsed under a tree, screaming out with tears pouring down her face.
“Tails! Knuckles! Someone help me!!!” she cried in her sleep, talking outloud.
“Hang on, Amy! Wake up! Snap out of it!” Sonic knelt down and shook her, before her eyes sprung up, and she fought him slightly away.
“Don’t hurt me! Don’t hurt me!”
Sonic, startled by the response, immediately pulled his hands away from her, backing away.
“Amy… it’s me… It’s Sonic..” he took a gentler tone, his eyes bending back as he worried his shaking had startled her to the point of possibly hurting her.
“Amy… You’re alright. It was just a dream.”
She breathed hard, gripping herself, looking around.
“It’s… it’s dark.”
He saw she was getting her senses back, and bent down again beside her, offering her his arms. “It’s cold too.”
She gripped him with a death-hold of pure, unfathomable terror.
She clung to him like her source of life, breathing rapidly off measure, and having her heartbeat influence his own rapidly beating one.
“You’re alright, Amy. I don’t know what’s going on. But I’m worried about Tails and the others.” He gently held her, before feeling her tremble and lightly moving his hand to her head, stroking it to try and still her.
“You’re alright. I’m here… Whatever that was… Whatever thing possessed us… I won’t let it get away with this.”
He found some relief in having her around… at least he knew he wasn’t dreaming anymore either.
She nodded, finally calming down to a regular breath, before wiping her eyes and finally letting him go.
“My dream… While I was sinking into the dark… I heard Tails, and Knuckles laughing too. Everyone was laughing.”
“Mine too.” Sonic could only recall the deformed image of Metal Sonic, his eyes glowing… his face turning to a jagged grin…
He looked away from her a moment, considering the possibility… “Maybe we were all trapped under the same dreams…”
“Why do you say that?” Amy looked more directly to him, confused.
“Because I was sinking too.”
Amy let out a pity groan, lightly, as if feeling empathy for him.
“I’m fine.” He lied, patted her head again, trying more to sooth her than himself.
“We… we need to stick together. To find the others.” He wouldn’t admit it, but he didn’t want to leave her side. Fear still gripped him. He wasn’t letting her out of his sights.
Tails and Knuckles were both awakened, and the only explanation to the increased power source that night, from Tails’s readings, were coming from Eggman’s base.
“I didn’t know he had a base way out here.” Sonic saw the robots smashed against the side of the doors… the doors wide open… the halls showing wired ripped robots…
“Something came in.” Knuckles tightened his fists, getting ready…
“No…” Sonic stopped walking, turning seriously with a knowing look towards the broken cylinder. “Something got out.”
Eggman groaned.
The four all turned to him, laying down, up against his control station.
“I don’t want to be alone.. without a cause, please! Let me destroy you a little longer! I promise! I’ll be better! Don’t go! Don’t leave me without a purpose!!!”
He tossed his head desperately, before Amy walked over, taking her hammer out.
“Amy.” Sonic cautioned, worried what she would do with him.
She saw his arm extended, and nodded, “I’m just waking him up.” she answered over her shoulder, looking back to him. “No one deserves the nightmares we’ve all endured…”
No one disputed her.
Amy whacked Eggman on the head, light enough that it wasn’t painful, but still enough to snap him out of it.
He woke up, flinching, sweat trailing down his bald forehead.
“Wha..where… where am I?”
“Alive.” Sonic almost spoke through his teeth. “Now… tell us where they are?”
“You’re not good enough.”
The team turned around, seeing the nightmaric spirits, all morphed into their figures, even an Eggman one, raising their heads with smirks.
“You’re pathetic!” The Tails spirit stated, right after the Sonic one spoke.
“Pitiful.” The Amy spirit spat out.
“Worth less than dirt!” The Eggman spirit swished a ghostly hand out, purple mist trailing it’s action.
The five stood tall,.. there was a moment of silence… as more hurtful and piercing insults stung at their pride and their hearts.
“…Sonic.” Eggman dipped his head down, but clearly addressing him. “I wouldn’t normally say this… but… circumstances as they are-”
“We’ll fight them.” Sonic spoke carefully, but quickly.
He nodded his head, “Together.”
Eggman turned to him, seeing the forgiveness and nodded, turning back to the nightmare spirits.
“That urn in my large, broken flask is the only thing that can trap them.”
“We have to conquer our fears then.” Amy threw her arm back, her hammer positioned and ready to strike as she bent her knees. Ready.
“We have to stand together.” Tails also prepared himself. Ready.
“I may be able to forgive Eggman… but not you creeps!” Knuckles bashed his fists together, shouting loudly his war cry. Ready.
Sonic… was not ready.
He clenched his fist, as Amy could see.
His nightmaric spirit tilted his head, smirking as it narrowed it’s eyes.
“…Sonic.” Amy gently put her hand to his.
He twitched his head up, looking to her.
He was surprised at first, but nodded in understanding.
He wasn’t going to fail his friends.
He wasn’t going to be useless.
He was going to fight.
And he was going to win!
His friends would be just fine.
“Ready!” Sonic called to them, looking fierce with a renewed, confident smile.
“READY!” They all charged, as Eggman looked around, and sprang up to follow after them, swinging a fist to his nightmaric spirit.
“AHHH!!!” he went right through him, as the other spirit laughed, hitting him down.
“Grr.. Oh, I get it.” Eggman got back up. “I’m worth twice as many evil villains as you!” He threw his fist again.
The spirit looked confused, startled into freezing still, as the fist made it disappear, and it’s purple mist came back into the urn.
“Heheh~” Eggman boasted, blowing on his fist to get the remaining purple trail off of it.
Sonic spin dashed, “I’m the hero of my own story!” the other Sonic vanished in a similar manner, returning to the urn.
Sonic struck a pose, his hand flared up as he landed and uncurled, smiling his signature cocky grin.
“I’m not worthless, I’m ten times smarter than you!” Tails threw a wrench into the spirit, as it trailed back into the urn.
“I’m not alone!!” Knuckles whammed into his spirit, “My duty isn’t over yet!” as it returned to the urn.
“I’m… I’m…” Amy was still under the nightmares influence, as it waited, before knocking her down in impatience.
The team gathered around her, even Eggman, helping her up.
She looked around her, seeing her friends right by her side.
She turned to the spirit, eyes fixed in her resolve.
“I’m… Strong.”
She took out the spirit as it returned to the urn.
The urn was placed back in the cave, sealed up by Eggman.
He crossed his heart in a gesture to Sonic and his friends, showing he wouldn’t go near that cave ever again…
(I tried to keep it canon, what do you think? :) )
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