#little meow meow committing murder <3
sekaithemystic · 1 year
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so i play kingmaker and obviously my character is a half-orc rogue
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atesomerocks · 2 years
hello persona 5 fandom i come bearing this pathetic wet cat of a man
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Welcome to another round of W2 Tells You What You Should See, where W2 (me) tries to sell you (you) on something you should be watching. Today's choice: 괴물/Beyond Evil.
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Beyond Evil is a 2021 Korean drama about two cops that solve a small-town murder that one of them might have committed. Also there's more than one murder to be solved. Also more than one of those murders happened twenty years ago. Also, the cop might have gotten away with at least one of those too.
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It got sold to me on the strength of the main pairing, which is absolutely captivating and worth the price of admission. But the entire cast is amazing, the story is great, and it's all just so satisfying. I love everyone in this weird small Korean town. I love having emotions and various Korean foods with them.
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I got five reasons why you should watch it! Read 'em!
1. Do You Want To See An Old Man Cry?
In fact, do you want to see every man cry? Do you want to see every man in the cast either cry or pretend to cry or be on the verge of tears at least once? Do you want to see the main characters, who are both men, cry multiple times, often while otherwise wet as well?
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Well, buddy, Beyond Evil has got you covered.
2. Absolute Nightmare/Absolute Nightmare
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I do not consider it a spoiler to tell you that Han Juwon (the younger one, on the right) is a very mentally unstable superboy. You already know everyone thinks Lee Dongsik (the older one, on the left) is psycho -- it's nearly the first thing you learn about him. But when you're introduced to Han Juwon, you're given the impression that maybe he's just cold, self-possessed, and competent.
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No. He is an absolute freak. This is a freak4freak relationship. They are both completely unhinged. They have both been traumatized to nigh-unimaginable degrees, and they have each decided to make it the other's problem. Fortunately (or unfortunately) for both of them, they both get off on that real hard, and they get real mad sometimes about how hard they're getting off on it. It's delicious.
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And yet what makes it great is how they're different flavors of freak. They've got the age difference (40 and 27). They've got the height difference (even though the actors are only like 1cm apart, the whole thing is somehow shot like there's a bigger gap). They've got the class difference (small town weirdo and cop royalty). One's a messy bitch, and one's a prissy prince. One has a whole network of people who affectionately endure him, and one has exactly 0.73 friends. One wants to take care of everyone else but not himself, and one has never looked out for anyone else a day in his life. One's a smug little shit, and one's ... also a smug little shit, but differently.
You have perhaps been given the impression that Beyond Evil is like Hannibal, and that Juwon/Dongsik is like Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter. It's not, and yet it scratches a similar itch, if that makes sense.
Don't let me give you the impression that this is textually gay. They do not smooch or anything, so don't be waiting for that. But holy cow, is it homoromantic -- and the leads know it is, and they roll around in it, and everyone else in the production supports their doing it. They have the kind of chemistry stars are jealous of. (It helps that the younger actor is a muffin who has a such crush on the older one.)
And that's even before the part where they get married live on national television. Is that a joke? You'll have to watch to find out.
3. Lee Changjin (and the other antagonists)
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I'll talk in a second about excellent and despicable all the bad guys are. But I need a special moment for this motherfucker right here.
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Lee Changjin is a wretched, scummy piece of shit who damn near walks away with every scene he's in. He's not the worst like a little meow meow -- he is the actual worst, and it's so good. He's sleazy. He's pathetic. He's hot as fuck. You meet his ex-wife, and you're like, no, honey, sure it was a bad decision, but I totally get it.
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Clearly he has a special place in my heart, but all the bad guys in this series are done so damn well. Their realism makes them even scarier. They're not incomprehensible ghouls out there being bad just to be bad. They're (mostly) making calculated decisions based on keeping their own heads above water, and to hell with everyone else.
I'm not going to spoil the identity of the murderer for you -- but it kind of doesn't matter, because you find out who it is less than halfway through the show (and because there are multiple people in this show who've killed someone). There's something bigger and more awful at work here, perpetrated by people that you knew were bad news from the moment you met them.
Beyond Evil is a cop show that is not copaganda, because one of the biggest villains in the series is misuse of police power. The show stresses accountability for police misconduct -- to the point where that accountability hurts characters we want to see get away with stuff because, come on, their bad behavior was totally justified! But it wasn't! The ends do not justify the means here. The world is not better when powerful people use their power to get out of the consequences of their shitty, selfish actions, even when those shitty, selfish actions were objectively kind of cool.
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Fair warning, a lot of this show is about complicated relationships with abusive, absent, deceased, and otherwise difficult parents. Those parents are not always (or even mostly) the bad guys -- but the bad guys are all shitty parents. And yet, their adult children are tied to them in complicated ways that do said children no favors. Some of the most heartbreaking pieces of the show are about how these kids break free from those parents -- or, more tragically, don't.
4. Just plain good television
This is a series that can be handled by Your Average American Television Enjoyer Who Can Handle Subtitles. Its quality is on par with a lot of well-thought-of English-language shows I've seen. It's a tight, well-plotted story that's clear enough to be easy to follow, which is sometimes a high bar for a multi-tendriled murder mystery. The small-town setting even gives it a good source of levity to break up the otherwise tight tension.
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It's only sixteen episodes long, but there are enough reveals to make a rewatch more than worth your while. The first half in particular improves exponentially on the second viewing, because once you have all the information, events and decisions that you initially read one way, you can see meant something else entirely.
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I was initially going to say that if this were in English, all those fans of things like the Wire and True Detective would be super-horny for it -- except that's not true, is it? No, shows like that (which I have seen, for the record) glorify cops who can't be held down by your damn system, so they have to say screw the rules to get things done, because they're too cool and manly for things like paperwork! While Beyond Evil acknowledges that there are some places where the Korean law system is janky and might let a guilty person go free, but that doesn't mean cops get to do whatever they want about it.
My declaration of the show's quality isn't just me judging by my own tastes. This show won the Korean equivalent of Emmys for Best Drama, Best Screenplay, and a well-deserved Best Actor for Shin Hakyun, who plays that incredibly handsome horrible old man. This is a show that actual people who hand out actual awards for good television thought deserved awards.
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So I guess if you always wanted to get into those shows a certain kind of dude can't stop talking about, but you had reservations about how authoritarian/libertarian/misogynistic/homophobic/boring they are, Beyond Evil is here for you!
5. Written and directed by women
This one I think is important as hell, because this is a Dead Girl Show (i.e., a show where men kill multiple women as a major part of the plot), and I know a lot of people are justifiably wary about those. However, there are no hints of sexual assault. The violence is gendered, but it's not sexualized. The murders and postmortem mutiliations are handled with the appropriate horror, but it's not torture porn. And the dead girls are treated like -- and grieved like -- actual humans who matter.
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I think a whole lot of this can be chalked up to the fact that both the writer and the director of Beyond Evil are women.
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In fact, not only are they both women, they're women who don't do this kind of story all the time. Shim Nayeon has directed five things, four of which are comedy/slice-of-life series. Kim Sujin has written a few dramas about mystery-solving teams, but even more comedy and adaptations of webtoons. I have no idea how the two of them got put on this drama together, but it was a perfect match.
This is not to say that men would be incapable of pulling off a story like this. It is, however, a commentary on violence, and how different it looks if you've grown up seeing yourself everywhere as its object rather than its subject. Sure, you could just flip the script and make a story about a lady punchkicker! A lot of people have, and I've enjoyed many of them! But you could also choose to tell a story about gendered violence in a way that isn't just needlessly retraumatizing the people who have to live their entire lives under its shadow. Moreover, you could tell a story about how even good-guy cops can wind up unintentionally buying into paradigms where some women are valuable and some are disposible.
...And if it winds up being teensy bit of a fantasy story about a world in which so many cops give a shit about this violence, well, that's what fiction is for, right?
In short, you love a team of powerful ladies power-drunk on an Arnold Palmer of Respect Women Juice and Sad Man Tears.
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Oh, it's so, so good. (Spotify link)
Have I convinced you to watch it yet?
It's on Netflix, which may be easiest for most people! However, it's also on Viki, and I much prefer the subtitles over there, because a) they keep the flavor of the Korean terms of address, and b) they actually translate the damn episode titles (wtf Netflix?).
There's no bad way to watch it, though!
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(ack, they're so cute~)
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katasstrophy · 2 years
What are your favorite pet names for your fave blorbos??? Mine are beebee for Bachira and YoiCHU! *insert cheek kiss* for Isagi~
d’aaawwww nonnie you got me giggling over this how cute<33 i may have gone overboard like always lol but here are some of my takes !! (these low key just. turned into headcanons oop i hope that’s okay!)
this is my personal favorite because it just fits him so fucking well and i know it in my soul of souls that he’d adore it. like yes he is your feral hellcat<3 your demon spawn<3 but you’re crazy enough to love that about him, to turn it into an endearing pet name, even. bastard would probably purr and meow just to lay it on real thick pls i can never be normal about this man.
calling the ever stoic, foul-mouthed younger itoshi smth as sickeningly sweet as rinnie is the best thing since sliced bread actually idc if i’m basic! it’s true! ofc he’d absolutely abhor it at first, snapping at you to “fucking stop calling him that” which just spurs you on more tbh lol he’s furious with you. he thinks he abhors the nickname, then one day you drop the cutsy act to return to his given name and he’s just left standing there like🧍baffled and pissed out of his mind bc where’s his mf rinnie huh?? i want to eat him so bad.
i feel like reo – party due to his lavish upbringing but mostly because he is just the ultimate lover boy – would definitely gravitate towards more ‘classier’ terms of endearment. call him handsome, or go all in by calling to him as my love and his chest is instantly puffing up like some bird about to perform the sickest mating dance ever lol he’d be so smug about it. definitely, 100% the type of guy that still gets weak in the knees when you call him husband – doesn’t matter if you’ve been married three months or 5 years he eats that shit up!
okay so because i’m a little shit i can’t ignore the juxtaposition of the big bad criminal being committed to the pink aesthetic (don’t get me wrong i’m obsessed with it), so in my head i could get away with calling sanzu annoying crap like barbie doll or cupcake – or probably his most tolerated one out of the bunch, candyman (because of the, ya know, murderous implications lmfao). all in a very sarcastic vain ofc! i feel like calling him by his given name, or just simply haru, would def be all the more special then <3 (… BUT bc he’s sick in the head he’d probably love it even more if you romanticized his psychotic tendencies – call him stuff like my lovely little killer and he’s a goner he is clinically insane like.)
let me just clarify that this man is not picky! whatsoever! he’s so starved for love he’d literally eat any term of endearment straight out of your mouth if he could. everything is one the table: baby, honey, sweetheart, darling, love – you name it, tora likes it, he wants you to keep calling him sweet names until he’s drowned in it. but what gets him really over the moon is if you just insert a small little ‘my’ in front of it. yeah, he loves being called baby, but my baby? he’s on his knees for you goodbye he loves the subtle ownership of it. (not to get n/sfw but uh… call him your sweet boy when you’re overstimming him and his pupils might just turn heart-shaped he’s ruined.)
i only recently found out that “hitto” is actually a fanon made last name for kaku darling and i’d like to report that i’m still devastated over it so :( when you two get married – because he will marry you, if he’s in love like that’s it he’s locking you down for life – you ask him if he’d like to take your last name and yeah he cries a little he’s so touched pls :( so when people refer to him as L/n-san or mr. L/n he’s still not over it he has to remind himself that they are, in fact, talking to him. the effect triples when it’s you that calls him as such he’s so proud to wear your name brb gonna bawl my eyes out.
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myths-tournaments · 1 year
Awful Characters Round 1 Part 4 (2/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
he's such a polarizing character because there's the group of us who are like Vegas <3!!! and then there's the people that point out his many crimes against humanity and lack of redeemable qualities or actions. he brutally tortures his love interest. he commits lots of crimes against the protagonist including drugging him. he's literally the villain. I love him so much though he's the poorest little meow meow of all time
As the oldest son in the minor mafia family in Thailand, Vegas seeks every opportunity to outdo his cousin from the main family. He hires an assassin to go after him. On another occasion he drugs, kidnaps, and assaults a guy to get at his cousin. He secretly schemes with the Yakuza, plots to frame that same guy as a mole working for the main family, fakes being in love with his cousins ex-boyfriend to the point of getting engaged (and then ditches him), and allegedly has done the same thing with the actual mole working for the main family. The definition of manipulate, manwhore, manslaughter. Vegas has a whole ass Patrick Bateman-style murder coat for torture. Methods of torture used: extracting a man's Cochlear, electrocuting a man's balls, forcefeeding by shoving said man's head into slop, whipping him with his own leather belt, setting a fake escape trap only to chase the hostage down and tase him. Whenever he makes deals he'll slip his hand into the other person's with a firm grip before they've consciously expressed a choice (so it always goes in his favor). He shields himself with other's bodies during shootouts, letting several people die for his sake. He's into BDSM (this isn't one of the bad things, but hoo boy people will act like it is). Listen, he's a piece of work. He cries because his pet hedgehog dies. He falls for his hostage, fucks him, and then continues to be shitty so the guy knocks him out to escape. He gets pathetic about it. He confesses his love and kisses him in a parking garage full of dead bodies in the middle of a mafia coup that he is leading. He's absolutely reprehensible and is treated as the main villain of the show for several reasons. Except I love him and his insanity. He gets a lot of shit that he doesn't deserve (both in canon and in the fandom). Not that I wanna fix him, that wouldn't be fun! Vegas and his partner deserve to serve cunt, be disgustingly in love, and murder to their hearts desires because I said so.
This is based on vibes and general like…hesitancy in others to agree that Milverton is worth simping over. He's the true evil foil to a necessary evil protag. He is always on a power trip he finds himself smart but can't pivot when things go off script, he's the king of blackmail because he isn't trying to get the money he's trying to make the person come to ruin and really wants to watch. His goon pissed on what they thought was Sherlock Holmes' Stradivarius, simply to humiliate him. He's a wet rat, sexy as hell, and entertaining af.
Look, the man is pure evil, he blackmails people not for the profit of taking the ransoms but to watch them frantically scramble to gather the ransom and then watch the light die in their eyes as he brings their worst nightmares to life before them. He ordered the death of a disabled child (and i’m still mad about it). He made his boyfriend destroy a violin (as far as he knew, a very expensive violin at that) by pissing on it. He would kick a puppy. But he’s also dramatic and fun about his pure evil, and I’m attached. He tries to make clowns out of my favourite couple, and gets called the whole circus for it. It’s funny. Also, his depiction in the musicals (specifically the fourth musical) dials this drama up to 11, while also giving him a very cute relationship with Ruskin. He’s the literal worst, but he’s fun about it, so it’s all totally okay.
He blackmails people for fun. He isn't after their money, hes already rich, but still he asks amounts of money that are over the limit for the people he blackmails. His greatest joy is to see good people blackmailed into doing bad things.
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bl-bracket · 1 month
Poorest Little Meow Meow Round 1: Wen Kexing (Word of Honor) vs Jack (HIStory 3: Trapped)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Wen Kexing: He's a murderer, POSSIBLY a cannibal, skinned a man alive and gleefully incited conflict that led to SO many deaths, and yet the moment he finds out the guy he likes is mad at him he becomes SO pathetic. Drinking himself into a stupor. Paying concubines to just fawn over him and tell him how perfect he is. He has the biggest saddest wettest eyes and he's committed So Many Crimes.
Jack: none submitted
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Max Brinly
1. He is the perfect pocket-sized lil boyfriend and when he and Laura get married he will be the ultimate malewife. We all saw him in that tracksuit.
2. He’s underrated and deserves the world
Travis Hackett
1. Such a complex, morally grey character
2. Because he's a sweetheart who tried to protect everyone.
3. A morally-complex man in a hard situation. He's a police officer who has to balance the duty to protect his family and everyone else from them. He's emotionally constipated and socially compromised thanks largely to the mistreatment and lack of appreciation from said family. His awkwardness also gets others' backs up and is rarely supported.
4. For not a playable one sure was a good one along with larue
5. An extremely complex and well executed antagonist that goes against the typical script of a villain, a pleasant twist of being a victim as much as a perpetrator
6. He holds two people hostage for months. He covers up murders his family committed. His people skills are so awful he can't convince two grad students in the middle of nowhere to get a motel room for the night instead of a summer camp filled with poorly restrained werewolves. His mom doesn't respect him. He doesn't like being called names. He just turned 57. His family is down a well and he can't pull them back out alone. Truly a pathetic little meow meow for the ages.
7. He’s misunderstood and mistreated. And doesn’t know how to communicate.
8. Literally the best written, best acted, best voice acted character in the whole supermassive. Best boy forever
Laura Kearney
1. Because she's one tough cookie
2. Very much a badass
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littletissueghosts · 1 year
For the purposes of the poll, just choose the one that you relate with the most!
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systastic · 2 months
ty for this blog! can we request three lvl3 werewolf alters who go together?
meow :( dogs… but oki!! the more friends the merrier <3 -🍥
i know you said werewolf, buuuut werewolf pictures are damn hard to find. so i went with three shifters instead :] -🌳
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name :: vellatrix, trixie, bellatrix, xenia, hendrix, lux, maddox
age :: 21 to 24
pronouns :: they/them, xe/xer, shx/hxr, it/its, nim/nims, fang/fangs
roles :: verbal protector, janusian,
species :: werewolf / vampire hybrid
gender identity :: panea, soluperic, transmascthing
orientation :: sapphic / skoliosexual (may be controversial, use w caution!)
source :: brainmade
aesthetic :: goth punk, grunge
appearance description :: being an albino bat/wolf hybrid, xenia has pure-white skin, white fur, and red eyes. xe often has to stay in a semi-transformed state specifically to avoid sunburn and wears sunglasses outside to prevent eye irritation, but plays this off as though it’s a faulty gene or something. it’s only at night that it can transform fully into a bat, wolf, or human — though it sometimes likes to mix and match xer attributes for the “aesthetic”. hendrix’s choice of fashion is mostly strapped clothes, flannel, ripped jeans, platform shoes due to their measly height of five foot zero, and huge dangly earrings that glimmer in the moonlight. vellatrix doesn’t want to cover up fangs albinism; to fang, it’s a mark of pride that makes them stand out from the others.
personality description :: bellatrix is what the kids would call a “little shit”. a troublemaker. an absolute gremlin. a full-blown creacher. it lives up to the name with its eccentric personality and chaotic way of composing itself, as well as its commitment to breaking several laws over and barely even batting an eye. xenia wouldn’t murder someone, granted — but a little bit of arson? jaywalking? owning several raccoons and referring to them as trash puppies? oh, yeah. they’d do that. it is genuinely hard to tell if xena even knows that these are crimes or if theyre doing it on accident. the open tab of “weirdest crimes in america” in their browser might suggest otherwise...
likes :: albino rats, spooky dudes, funky little guys, collecting bones and scraps of old letters, raccoons (trash pandas), snakes, any weird or commonly disliked animal, other hybrid species, people who upset the status quo (reasonably so, not like literal serial killers), anarchy, attending riots, cherry-flavored anything, chapell roan, and sucking the red color out of things to feed on (vegan moment!)
dislikes :: straight-laced people, goody-two-shoes (brad and chelsea are exceptions!), snitches, serial killers, people with main character syndrome, being compared to the manic pixie dream girl stereotype (it is NOT a pixie, it’s a werewolf vampire obviously), ableism, twitter, drama forums, taking shit from other people, unwritten rules (if they didn’t want people to break them, they should write it down!)
front triggers :: lists of rules it has to follow, tired gender norms, debates or arguments, anything chappell roan
signoff :: 🦴, 🐁, or 🩻
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name :: bell/bella, britney, kiara, madeline (mads), hailey, caitlyn, audrey, chelsea
age :: 23 to 27
pronouns :: she/her, occasionally they/them
roles :: protector, coach, athlete, physical protector, coltenoir, anger holder
species :: werewolf
gender identity :: girldiun, ludovigirl // wolf emsoul, knightsensus (not genders but part of her identity)
orientation :: heterosexual
source :: brainmade
aesthetic :: vsco preppy, basic girl, bubblegum dance
appearance description :: kiara has blond-dyed brown hair that’s slowly growing out back to its natural color. hailey is extremely toned and has abs hard as rock. like — literally. people who try to punch her in the stomach might end up breaking their fist or worse if they go toe to toe with audrey. she stands at an imposing six feet and two inches tall, towering over most of her friends and relatives. mads has been blessed (or cursed, depending on how you look at it) with a severe case of resting bitch face that could curdle milk with a single glance. she isn’t trying to be mean all of the time — it’s just the way her face looks! fortunately, the people who are close to her know this and don’t take her looks to heart.
personality description :: blunt, sarcastic, rude, and gruff: those are the four perfect words to describe caitlyn. she doesn’t beat around the bush and tells people how it is straight up, no bullshitting. why lie? lying only makes shit worse. their overly dry and snarky sense of humor can get audrey into hot water — not that they really care. they shrug it off like nothing ever happened. her bluntness can come off as being rude to others, as does her generally gruff way of speaking. cora tries to hold it back for her friends and family, but it still slips through on occasion. god help you if you insult their friends; you’ll be pounded into a pancake faster than you can say ‘sorry’.
likes :: sports (especially basketball), getting fit, maintaining her figure, savory foods like steak, cooking on the grill, weightlifting, hitting the gym with her friends, showing off her muscles, proving her strength, defending her friends and family from assholes, starting arguments, infighting among her six (yes, six!) siblings, wrestling matches, family dinners, and spending time with her loved ones
dislikes :: sugar-heavy foods like cakes or donuts, anything that’s overly rich in carbs unless she needs to carbo-load, vegetarian meals aka “rabbit food”, karens (eugh), entitled people, those who have no sense of respect or patience, bastards, her brothers (sometimes), being called a “sweet girl” or “adorable” unless you’re a grandma (cus damn you, she’s a woman! put some respect on her name!), criminals, people with no sense of justice, chaos for chaos’ sake
front triggers :: physical activity and working out, mealtimes (especially if the body is super hungry), and bouts of exhaustion (she supplements the energy to keep going)
signoff :: 🏀, 💪, or 🏋️
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name :: kai, kyle, kodiak (kodi/kody), danny, drew, dave, aiden, cole, brad, chad, billy
age :: 16 to 18
pronouns :: he/him, rarely bark/barks
roles :: happiness holder, mood booster, advocate, caesian, confidence holder
species :: human-dog shifter
gender identity :: demiboy
orientation :: bisexual!!
source :: brainmade
aesthetic :: athlete, himbocore
appearance description :: brad has fluffy black and white hair, bright brown eyes and a face with an eternal smile on it. he’s really muscular and has tanned skin due to constantly being outside and running around. chad has a stupidly floofy tail right above his hindquarters and floppy ears that hang down on either side of his head. these ears and tail are an actual part of his body — so pulling, pinching, yanking, cutting, or even just touching it will definitely get a reaction. he is almost always in sportswear and ready to rumble with whatever the activity of the day is. frisbee? heck yeah! rafting? bring it on! it’s more of a challenge to find anything he doesn’t want to or is willing to do. with the right group of friends, chad is down for literally anything.
personality description :: it may or may not be obvious by now, but billy is a himbo. as in, very much a himbo. he is not very bright when it comes to passive perception, academics, the arts, or basically anything that doesn’t involve physical activity. he is the kind of guy who peaked in high school but genuinely has not realized it yet (and you really don’t want to tell him because damn it, he’s so darn cute and you wouldn’t wanna break his heart!) he loves his friends and family so very much to the point of sacrificing his own life for them. in his mind, it’s better to have his companions be safe instead of himself. if he has to fight a bear to do that - which everyone but him knows that he is no match for - then so be it! heck, danny still isn’t aware of the fact his friends are werewolves and not other dog shifters. he just assumes they’re all the same because big dog = the good friendly sniff smell.
likes :: head pats, scratches between his ears, playing with his pals, frisbee, chasing things down, dog parks, walks, exercise, playing in the backyard, sniffing weird shit (yes, this includes other people’s butts), yapping about his current interests and hobbies, making new friends, meeting up with old friends, fun activities, action and adventure, and hanging out with vellatrix and britney!!
dislikes :: people yelling at him over small mistakes, thunder and lightning, being told to shut up, betrayal, getting kicked out of his bed, taking naps, losing his stuff, people stealing things from his giant hoard of toys, fireworks (they are very “unpoggers” as he puts it), being misled (when someone says they threw the ball but they didn’t actually throw it…), and being blamed for stuff he didn’t do.
front triggers :: being called a “good boy”, ultimate frisbee, interesting smells, and being left alone with large quantities of food (yes, he will try to eat it all)
signoff :: 🐕, 🐾, or 🍗
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zhouxiangs · 9 months
10 BL Boys I Want Carnally
or as close to that as i can get, tagged by @bunnakit !
i had to look deep in my soul and tumblr gifs for this so please enjoy the boys, under a cut to keep the mystery alive for two more seconds
i am very ace so the concept is nebulous, let's just say i feel some type of way... and if you see me call these men my sons it's bc they are, ty for your time <3 also the order is kinda eehhhh general idea, i don't actually keep a mental list it took me hours to make this one 😭
10. pete (kiss me again/dark blue kiss)
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do not ask me why idk either... there's just Something i can't explain. also it was between him and knock from together with me so i'm choosing the one that committed less crimes, anyway *holds him up like a potato* i just think he's neat
9. vegas (kinnporsche)
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my little meow meow,, my explanation for most of these is just "do i not have eyes", but some (like vegas) are special jsjs in his case kp was the first thai bl i watched, as soon as he became remotely relevant i was obsessed with him and then a rewatch made me finally fall into thai bl as a whole so... thank you for your service
8. gong gil (the king and the clown)
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my baby my darling my angel and the reason i even know about lee joongi, the actor i've been following the longest that i remember. i haven't watched tkatk in a while so i don't remember the details that well but i've always loved him, pretty sure he's my first bl boy too
7. xie'er (word of honor)
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does he count? is this cheating? idc he's staying either way, MY XIE'ER 😭 will never get over him or his killer eyeliner
6. gaipa (moonlight chicken)
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possibly the cutest 30yo man out there, that alone endeared me to him but also the way he is with his mother is just so 🥺 he's so special to me (also the fact that he's 30 AND cute as heck it's just so personal to me)
5. wen (moonlight chicken)
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god i wish i could explain what he DOES TO MY BRAIN. some of it is the mix effect but i was normal about mix before wen so... he's so beautiful so magnetic i want to bite him
4. black (not me)
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listen- he's my lil murder raccoon i know there's plenty of reasons for him to be as angry as he is for the 90% of his screen time and they're all sad but he's just so attractive like that (even though i'm more of a white girlie most of the time)
3. karan (cherry magic th)
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i've only had him for two eps but if anything happened to him i would kill everyone in this room and then myself, etc. he's perfect and a nerd and i would love him for any of those two things alone, but they're combined into such a gentle beautiful (inside and out) and sensitive character i jsut love him so much
2. way (pit babe)
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so i am definitely not babe, here supporting way's rights and wrongs from day 1. is he pretty? yes. is he evil? quite possibly. do i still want him? also yes. he hasn't touched me so pretty sure his big sad eyes are doing something. to me.
1. sand (only friends)
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The Only Man, which is how my non bl friends know him bc i've apparently called him 'the only man i would like if i liked men' more than once ? HIM
special entry: tharn (the sign), yeah this one is definitely cheating
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(using the only gif i've made of him so far which isn't great for this but...)
he's so tiny and efficient... like a fiat 500
if you see this and want to do it consider yourself tagged by me <3
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curly-cottage-girl · 3 months
just realized Jack masseffect is SUCH a poor little meow meow. not in the pathetic sopping wet way but the “she’s allowed to commit murders because I said so <3” way
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candyn-gutz · 9 months
btw this is mikoto. worlds most normalest guy <3
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he (presumably) has did and has an alter that es (the main character/prison warden/stand-in for the audience) named "john" but i refuse to call him that he's orekoto (bc mikoto uses 'boku' as his personal pronoun but his alter uses 'ore') (also his alter was named by es bc he refused to choose a name of his own so sdkghsd)
but yeah orekoto is presumably the one who ACTUALLY committed crimes. mikoto is not aware of orekoto (or at least what he did? idk) but mikoto is represented with blue and orekoto with red in mvs and stuff :) also orekoto kinda-sorta murdered some people (allegedly) and is kinda violent but its okay i forgive him
but yeah mikoto's my meow meow. i explained none of this good but look at my silly little guy
oooh he looks so squishy... biteable even... i love him...
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kachimera · 1 year
Leon, Mathias, Sara, Hector, Isaac and Dracula for the bingo <3
(@viralvava also asked me for Mathias ) *cracks knuckles*
Leon: no bingo :)
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Listen he's not a bad dude, just a little insane and messed up by circumstances  (see next character) (also ppl pls remember he's a darn knight he has a body count let him be mean). Questioning on the ruthless bc while he is ready to do what's right no matter what and bc he's to be feared when he's pissed he's still a good hearted guy who will try to help others he aint in it for misery, and on family dinamics bc i dont think it's very healthy to be an orphan.
Mathias: double bingo :D
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YES THIS IS THE MAN I WAS THINKING OF. MY POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW. Why are you so fucked up. Why can you control others emotions but not your own. Why do you make your problems everyone else's problems so disasterously. I wanna dissect him and see how a person can end up like this. Also getting pissed off at god for stuff is a mood so interesting in a messed up way. And im sure his alchemist family inheritance played on this disaster too. They had to inhale mercury at some point at least.
Sara: no bingo
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BEST GIRL. My bby. In life she was someone sweet and good, maybe with some issues like ppl pleasing or insecurity and frustrated over ppl taking advantage of her generosity (a mood), but overall good mental health. And then circumstances happened (see character above). She gets kidnapped, dies at the hands of her own fianceé after begging him to do it, is turned into a weapon, murder ,  learn how they've been betrayed, more murder, see Leon pass away, take care of the belmonts for generations, plenty of murder, finally kill the bastard responsible for it all, m u r d e r, kill said bastard multiple times, deal with some of her kids getting possessed. All that mixed up with general vampire madness and the sheer frustration of getting fucked over so unfairly and damm you end up messed up. She's the well meaning but deeply hurtful matriarch of the clan now. Don't let me rant abt her or i wont stop help-
Hector: bingo! (Kinda)
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He's a fun guy to think abt bc, he was born "cursed", is hated or used by others and his destiny kept dragging him around. (For example, did he really have much choice in moving into Drac's castle when he was a hated child that would have been burned by fellow humans?) But he isn't an innocent little baby, he becomes powerful and prideful and commits atrocities- so, how much of his bad parts are his and how many are from him? At least until he, wether for pride or regret, decides to make a choice of his own to leave the castle and finally makes peace with humans and gets a pretty wife. And when someone (see character below) ruins his peace and his dark fate tries to drag him down again, he realizes this and overcomes it. Idk i had a point i swear. Anyways he hot
Isaac: Double bingo! (Kinda)
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Problematic badass pathetic hoe 10/10. Like Hector he has a terrible fate but he instead clutches onto it and makes it his purpose. God rejected him so he finds a god in Dracula, humans were cruel to him so he makes cruelty his method. He lost Hector and then everything so he makes Hector lose everything. He's always on this fine line of being wronged and wronging others, he never fully gets what he wants, he keeps spiraling down and down and its 👌
Dracula Triple bingo combo! (Kinda but shhhh)
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Ah yes the previous asshole but rip and rotten. He's had time to soak in his dark powers, turn Death from his ally into his husband confidant, assimilate vampire madness to compliment his neurosis and just become a proper bastard. And then Lisa appears and he feels love again, remembers his humanity, and has his own son (all of this with some general fucked up-ness but he legit cares). And then he sees her die at the hands of humans and just loses it. Any grip he had over the powers of chaos is just gone, he lets himself fully fall into madness and makes his suffering everyone else's suffering (like before but amplified to a thousand ) and through this he loses his son, his generals, and with each ressurection, himself. To resume: Utter fucking nuclear disaster that learned n o t h i n g and will learn n o t h i n g (until Soma).
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myths-tournaments · 11 months
Awful Characters Round 2 Part 2 (5/8)
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Propaganda under the cut!
Literally killed a kitten and yet is so iconic you can’t not love her
he's such a polarizing character because there's the group of us who are like Vegas <3!!! and then there's the people that point out his many crimes against humanity and lack of redeemable qualities or actions. he brutally tortures his love interest. he commits lots of crimes against the protagonist including drugging him. he's literally the villain. I love him so much though he's the poorest little meow meow of all time
As the oldest son in the minor mafia family in Thailand, Vegas seeks every opportunity to outdo his cousin from the main family. He hires an assassin to go after him. On another occasion he drugs, kidnaps, and assaults a guy to get at his cousin. He secretly schemes with the Yakuza, plots to frame that same guy as a mole working for the main family, fakes being in love with his cousins ex-boyfriend to the point of getting engaged (and then ditches him), and allegedly has done the same thing with the actual mole working for the main family. The definition of manipulate, manwhore, manslaughter. Vegas has a whole ass Patrick Bateman-style murder coat for torture. Methods of torture used: extracting a man's Cochlear, electrocuting a man's balls, forcefeeding by shoving said man's head into slop, whipping him with his own leather belt, setting a fake escape trap only to chase the hostage down and tase him. Whenever he makes deals he'll slip his hand into the other person's with a firm grip before they've consciously expressed a choice (so it always goes in his favor). He shields himself with other's bodies during shootouts, letting several people die for his sake. He's into BDSM (this isn't one of the bad things, but hoo boy people will act like it is). Listen, he's a piece of work. He cries because his pet hedgehog dies. He falls for his hostage, fucks him, and then continues to be shitty so the guy knocks him out to escape. He gets pathetic about it. He confesses his love and kisses him in a parking garage full of dead bodies in the middle of a mafia coup that he is leading. He's absolutely reprehensible and is treated as the main villain of the show for several reasons. Except I love him and his insanity. He gets a lot of shit that he doesn't deserve (both in canon and in the fandom). Not that I wanna fix him, that wouldn't be fun! Vegas and his partner deserve to serve cunt, be disgustingly in love, and murder to their hearts desires because I said so.
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bl-bracket · 1 month
Poor Little Meow Meow Round 3: Wen Kexing (Word of Honor) vs Tongrak (Love Sea)
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[Submitted Reasons Under Cut]
Wen Kexing: He's a murderer, POSSIBLY a cannibal, skinned a man alive and gleefully incited conflict that led to SO many deaths, and yet the moment he finds out the guy he likes is mad at him he becomes SO pathetic. Drinking himself into a stupor. Paying concubines to just fawn over him and tell him how perfect he is. He has the biggest saddest wettest eyes and he's committed So Many Crimes.
Tongrak: none submitted
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nteabodies · 2 years
Anakin Skywalker is the poorest little meow meow to ever meow meow
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So anakin is going against Jesse pinkman frm breaking bad for todays poor little meow meow round
And, not to say Jesse isn't a poor little meow meow (he is a very poor little meow meow] but I have a rock solid, extremely unbiased (no bias at all) argument for why anakin is the poorer little meow meow using the criteria for voting, which includes scrunchiness, miserability, and bad choices.
Anakin is-
Scrunchier than jesse: I mean look at him! He's a sopping wet piece of old newspaper left behind a dumpster in the rain that somehow survived being dipped in lava. He is p a t h e t i c, he is being gaslit gatekept girl bossed by an old man he is
More miserable than jesse: now you can say a lot about how miserable jesse is but has he gotten his limbs chopped off and his torso roasted in lava after strangling his wife who he just wanted to protect? Has he spent 20 years suffering inside a life support suit where it hurt him to breathe? Has he tried protecting those he cared about (in a very messed up way) only to ultimately lose them all bc of his own stupidity?? I think not
He made the worst choices: I'm not even gna compare him to jesse bc anakin just made the worst choices. If you made him choose between red and blue he would choose genocide. He has committed two genocides btw (3 if you count the literal planet he was passively involved in destroying). How many genocides has Jesse committed? Yeah, I didn't think so. Also how many children has jesse murdered? Anakin has annihilated a kindergartens worth of children who knew and trusted him. He betrayed the people who took him in from the time he was nine and raised him and trusted him. And he didn't even do it in a fit of passion. He continued terrorising the galaxy for the next two decades! He is the worst!! His life is a series of bad choices!!
From my precise arguments it is clear that although Jesse is undoubtedly very scrunchy and miserable and he made terrible choices, he is up against the poorest little meow meow to even exist!
Anakin is pathetically scrunchy, incredibly miserable and objectively a terrible person. He deserves the title of poor little meow meow.
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