#liv squad
zivazivc · 7 months
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this is the first drawing i made of all five of them together when i didn't have names or backstories for any of them yet. i only went back now to change flea's colors to the current design, the rest i left as is
bonus: floyd's first band fit + that time he went a little crazy with the (pop)korn phase (i laughed so hard when i drew him lmao, he has my hs self's fashion sense 😬)
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axelwolf8109 · 12 days
Riott Squad Liv was better than she is now
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novelconcepts · 1 month
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Drawgust days 13-16, ft. the world’s most famous trans man and a bunch of enby icons
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lexyscross · 5 months
R.I.P Amber Freeman, I just know you loved Pom Pom Squad. 🥺🙏🏽🖤
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tending-the-hearth · 7 months
i'm here to write silly little reunion fics and chew bubblegum, and i'm all out of bubblegum 😌
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Liv Morgan
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starstaiined · 1 year
tara had never been good at grief, has never quite learned to let go fully. even with all the experience she's had with it.
she pauses every day at wes' favorite spot by their tree. touches the old friendship rings they had gotten from some stupid bookfair a million years ago. she carries him in her sardonic wit, in jokes she cracks and turns to see his reaction only to remember he'll never have one again. it guts her just as much as the first time, every time.
and dear, sweet liv. the guilt that never stops haunting her. to blood staining her hands. liv waa only in the friendgroup because tara dragged her in after a summer working shifts together. tara recognized something similiar in her eyes: the same sense of pervasive loneliness that she saw in the mirror. liv's woes are as much an open secret as tara's. parents who only ever care about finding the bottom of bottle, who don't blink when their daughter doesn't come home in days. or when she starts bringing vince around. liv is floundering, and it's a feeling tara knows all too well. so she folds liv into their group.
at the party, she's hiding behind amber's arm when she pulls the gun out and splatters live against the wall. tara can't help but think if she'd processed faster, moved faster, reacted faster, then she could've done something. she could've saved liv. she pulls herself together enough to throw herself at amber to save sam, why couldn't she have done it for liv?
when ny comes and tara realizes it's a chance to reinvent herself, she models herself after the girl who always understood more than tara said. her haircut, her wardrobe, the personality: she's holding onto all the pieces of liv she can.
and then there's amber. oh god, amber. where does tara even start there? amber killed. (amber killed for her.) amber lied. (amber lied to reveal the truth.) amber never cared. (amber always cared, maybe a little too much.) amber. amber. amber. amber, who cradled her face after tying her up and shoving her in a closet. ("sam won't put you first, but baby, i always will. i promise. just trust me.") tara hates her for the way everything went to. tara misses her more than anything.
it's amber who once said things only have as much power as you give them. words tara chooses to live by in six.
she over indulges her vices. she's had a little too much to drink when she hears it. put. it. down. you're better than this. wilting fingers lose their grip on the cup, and it tumbles all over some unsuspecting victim who scowls at her. but tara doesn't care, she's too busy searching for the voice. the voice she would know anywhere.
but amber isn't tucked away into the crowd, and tara is more than willing to blame alcohol for a momentary lapse in judgment. she draws in a shaky breath and refills her cup. and she hears it again. baby doll, you know better. this isn't you.
this time she catches sight of those dark dark eyes glaring disapprovingly. the breath leaves her lungs in one ragged move as she stumbles towards amber. but the vision is gone as quickly as it appeared.
tara starts seeing and hearing pieces of amber when she makes reckless decisions amber would never approve of. and, god, does it spur her to make more.
after all, tara's never been good at letting go
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iintrepidtraveller · 2 years
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ink-livi · 2 years
I have never been more glad to not be a popular blog I think LMFAO
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dahllaz · 1 year
I've been thinking about the three bosses Liv has had since being in command and how...I really miss Dodds. I think he was the best, storyline/plot driving wise. Garland would maybe be the easiest to work for, but Dodds was more balanced I think, between being an antagonist to Liv and backing her play.
Kind of like Goldilocks story. Garland was too agreeable, McGrath is only antagonistic, but Dodds was just right.
But it also makes me think of one of my favorite scenes from SVU, which is the interrogation of Patton in Forgiving Rollins. I like it so much because it cemented who Dodds is for me (and Peter Gallagher and Kelli Giddish were just fucking amazing too) and even when I disagree with his stance and/or actions I never forgot what this scene showed me.
So we've mostly just seen the political aspect and the antagonistic to Liv side of Dodds up to this point. Even in the scene preceding, he's defending Patton and pointing out he's a cop and should get the benefit of the doubt. With Liv, of course, pointing out so is the victim.
But they are completely setting up that's he's just going to be all in on siding with Patton. The Good Ol' Boys club is strong and thriving etc etc. But they also give us a little hint. Because again, we've seen him being the political Chief before this, but here he also mentions that he was a Homicide detective. Quick little line about live victims being hard to deal with but it's setting up his bona fides as a cop.
And then we have the interrogation. And it's subtle, but Dodds goes from Politician to Cop. He may have walked into that room thinking he was with an equal but it's not long before he knows he's just looking at another perp. Patton knows it too, it's why he gets pissy and then shows his hand by verbally attacking Rollins. But I am convinced that Dodds knew he'd raped Taymor before Patton tried to shift blame.
And Peter Gallagher is fucking amazing because it's all so subtly acted. It's just. The Chief fell away to reveal the (good) cop underneath and I love it. And never forgot it.
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cpluscomics · 2 years
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Liv’s suit from Spectrum Squad. Spaaaaaaaace
Art by Tuff <3
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he was so cute in this episode for no reason whatsoever
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souplix · 1 year
getting to book a flight to arizona this week is gonna boost my serotonin so hard
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tending-the-hearth · 2 years
if you can, could you write a short about echo talking to the batch about the rest of domino? could be pre-show or post-show, maybe when crosshair's joined back up with the batch
they are very important to me, thank you anon 😌
*insert the obligatory "echo finds hevy's medal on the marauder" fic*
Kashyyyk had been a welcome respite after the recovery of Cody and Crosshair from the Empire.
Gungi had been more than excited to welcome his friends back, greeting Omega with a joyful hug that had the blonde giggling brightly as she returned the embrace. The rest of the Batch watched the interaction warmly, glad to see their youngest member being so happy upon reuniting with the young Jedi.
Rex had joined the Batch after Cody and Crosshair’s rescue, unable to part himself from his brother’s side.
After a day of quiet recovery on the forest planet, Echo set himself to organizing the crates that had been languishing in the Marauder’s storage hold, completely untouched over the past months of racing around the galaxy.
Distantly, he could hear Omega begging Crosshair to help her with her bow. He chuckled to himself, knowing that his little sister had been waiting for the day when she could get tutelage from their marksman brother. Digging through one of the messy crates, Echo flinched as his hand was poked by something cool, and he frowned. Grasping the object, he pulled it out into the light, and immediately froze as he recognized it.
The gold sunburst glinted in the afternoon light that streamed through the Marauder’s open hatch, the green and blue ribbon faded, but still holding together.
Echo knew 99 still had the medal, but he hadn’t known what happened to it after his older brother’s death. Thinking it back over, it made sense for 99 to have given it to his own batch.
“Echo! Find anything interesting?”
The ARC was startled out of his musings by the sound of Wrecker’s shout, and he stood, holding the medal tightly in his hands as he exited the Havoc Marauder.
Rex looked up from where he was speaking with Cody, immediately noting a difference in Echo’s mannerisms.
Echo simply held up the medal, a small, sad smile on his face. “I haven’t seen one of these in a long time.”
Hunter’s face was bittersweet. “It was 99’s.” He approached Echo, reaching out to brush his fingers across the medal. “He gave it to us when we went off on our first mission.”
“That looks like your medal, Ey’ika.” Rex prodded gently, making Echo huff out a laugh. Of course his older brother knew something else was going on. “From when you passed the test.”
“You’ve got a medal?” Omega asked excitedly, moving around Hunter to get a peek at the object.
Echo nodded, walking to where Crosshair and Tech were seated, quietly enjoying each other’s company. He sat himself beside his grey-haired brother, taking comfort from how Crosshair didn’t tense up like he did when Hunter or Wrecker sat beside him. Rex sat on Echo’s other side, a quiet pillar of comfort.
“99 and I got our medals at the same time.” Echo began to explain, voice quiet. “His was given to him by a clone named Hevy.”
Tech cocked his head. “99 did mention it was a gift from a friend.”
“You knew the guy who gave this to 99?” Wrecker asked.
It was only Rex’s presence and Cody’s silent support from where he was sitting opposite them that kept Echo from falling apart then and there, the pain of thinking about his Domino squad often too much to bear.
“Hevy was my brother.” He said after letting out a breath. “He was the oldest of our batch, and a kriffing asshole half the time, and an overprotective mother tooka the other half of the time. He was selfless, and stupid, and everything 99 wanted him to be.” Rex shifted, wrapping an arm around Echo’s shoulders as he spoke. “Then there was Cutup. He was almost as bad as Hevy when it came to smothering us after training. He was always worried we weren’t eating enough, and when he wasn’t smothering us, he was trying to prank anyone who looked at our squad wrong.”
“Sounds like we’d get along with them.” Hunter said with a small grin.
Cody’s eyes suddenly widened with horror. “Can you imagine.”
Echo let out a loud laugh. “Oh, Hev and Cut would have loved you guys.” His face grew a touch sadder, and he leaned more into Rex, who tightened the arm he had around his shoulders. “Then there was Fives and I. Fives was older by literal seconds, but he still held it over me every chance he got.” He couldn’t bring himself to talk more about his twin, and instead pushed on, fighting to keep himself from crying. “Finally… there was Droidbait. He was the baby of the squad, and never did anything wrong in his life.”
“Didn’t you and Fives tell the story of how Droidbait started a food fight during your last day on Kamino?” Rex asked, suspicion in his voice.
Echo raised an eyebrow at his former captain. “Again, ‘Bait never did anything wrong in his life. Ever.”
Beside him, as he had been speaking, Crosshair’s posture had grown more and more relaxed until he was leaning into Echo, arms pressed together as he listened.
“I remember that.” The marksman said, voice quiet and hesitant. Echo immediately glanced at Hunter, who was obviously holding back a small grin at the sound of their brother’s voice.
“I believe Wrecker was enthusiastically involved in widening the range of that chaos.” Tech supplied helpfully.
Echo snorted. “I wouldn’t be surprised. ‘Bait was especially excited at how extreme it went so quickly.” The rest of the clones laughed, and Wrecker’s face was gleeful as he remembered that specific day, tucked at a corner table with his own batch, watching as a group of newly graduated clones cackled and teased one another.
Echo was surprised to find how easily the stories of his brothers fell from his mouth. Instead of the pang of heartbreak over his lost, there was nothing but warmth that filled him, as though Domino was sitting around him, laughing along with the stories.
Omega scooted closer, eyes bright as she asked for more stories, and Echo was only happy to oblige, grinning as Crosshair’s snarky comments interrupted him ever now and again.
It wasn’t the same, but Echo was content in knowing that he could pass on his brothers’ stories and memories.
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damiansgoodgirll · 6 months
hello, can you write about damian priest x reader where she just got into the main roster on RAW and she felt left out in the women's lockerroom (except becky and liv) and a impossible crush with the archer of infamy but he is the one who ask her out
love this request!
‼️a little angst and rhea’s a little mean, sorry
damian priest x reader
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my birdie
you were a shy person.
always been. but when it came to wrestling, you were an animal, everyone knew about your abilities and they loved you for it. that’s why you went from nxt to smackdown and from smackdown to raw in less than two years.
people wanted to see you doing big things and big things came when hunter placed you in a completely different roaster.
you made some friends in nxt, you’ve been there the most so your colleagues got to know you better. it’s not that you were rude, you didn’t like being on your own either but you were shy.
some of your colleagues got to know this side of you and tried to involve you in more activities together, others didn’t care as they all wanted to focus on themselves.
when you spent a few months on smackdown, everyone apart from bayley ignored you. she immediately understood what you were feeling. fear of being alone and starting in a roaster where you didn’t know anybody and the fact that you weren’t talkative at all was making it 100% harder.
you were grateful for bayley and for her patience with you, that’s why you cried to her when you were being shifted on raw.
you wanted to be on raw, you were just scared of how you were going to be treated. it wasn’t easy on smackdown but at least you made a friend.
the first two weeks were hard. bayley was constantly checking on you, making sure you were okay and doing good. she even said to the other girls that you were shy and needed a little time to open up but it felt like they didn’t care.
liv and becky were the only two people who never made you feel unwanted. they took times to introduce you to the rest of the raw squad.
basically, everyone was ignoring you.
shayna tried to get to know you, and in fact she liked your shy and calm persona but she was too focused on her goals to have time to get to know you better. still, you appreciated her efforts. she still spent time eating lunch with you and you were really grateful for that.
but, apart from the three girls, it was clear that you were unwanted. other girls saw you as a threat.
especially rhea. you would describe the meeting with the judgment day “the most scary day of your life”. liv introduced you to them and you felt like an animal in a cage when you felt all of their eyes on you.
dom and finn didn’t really care about you. rhea ignored you but kept watching you. damian, well, damian had the audacity to make some stupid jokes about your shy persona.
“what is a scared birdie like you doing in a place like this?” he joked making everyone but liv laugh “cat really got your tongue birdie? be safe out there, you’re a little bird in a room full of cats ready to eat you alive”
“and the one right here” dom said pointing at rhea “is the scariest cat you’ll ever meet” and with that they all left.
you remember crying that night.
you also knew that becky and liv had a conversation with them because they stopped poking at you. they just watched you from afar. especially damian. who you got a little crush on but could never tell him. you couldn’t really understand why he was constantly watching you. when you were training. when you were on live television. when you were basically doing nothing. he was watching you and his beautiful but firm eyes made you a little scared.
“what is she doing here?” you heard rhea saying to finn, one time you were all training together. she didn’t know you were listening but you were. and her words hurt you “she looks like a lost princess from disneyland” she said making finn laugh.
you excused yourself from training with becky and seth and they immediately knew something was wrong. they took you under their protective wing, training with you and teaching you new moves.
“jeez rhea, was that necessary?” becky said with an angry look on her face.
“what?” she said like nothing happened.
“why do you all hate her so much? what has she ever done to you?” seth said to finn and the rest of the judgment day.
they had no reason to hate her “like i thought” seth said.
“she’s in the wrong place” rhea said, not making eye contact with becky.
“wrong place? she kicked your ass last week” becky said laughing “just because she’s shy doesn’t mean she isn’t capable, she’s just as smart and strong as you rhea…she just has more difficulty to open up to people…you guys should help her instead of making fun of her, or at least, if you don’t feel that kind to get to know her, ignore her…for her own sake, stop making fun of her” becky said very annoyed before leaving with seth.
that night you kept thinking about rhea’s words. maybe you really were in the wrong place. maybe you didn’t belong with them. maybe you really should be doing something different. and those thoughts made you cry because wrestling was all you ever wanted to do in your entire life.
but before you could overthink again, a soft knock on your hotel room awaked you from your wandering mind.
you weren’t definitely expecting to see damian priest in front of you.
“hey…” he smiled at you.
“you should at least wait until tomorrow to make fun of me” you said, looking at the ground “again…”
damian felt guilty.
he saw how you quickly wiped your tears away. he also knew he fucked up.
he felt guilty because in reality he was in love with you. you caught his attention the moment liv introduced you to them. he was watching every move you made, making sure you were being safe but he didn’t want to let you know what he was feeling.
“i’m here to apologise…”
“sure” you still weren’t looking at him.
“i’m serious y/n…i’m so sorry for how i made you feel, for how me and my team made you feel…” he began apologising and you let him in the room before you could catch other’s attention “we thought it was funny at first but…we clearly weren’t thinking and for that i’m so sorry, we didn’t mean to hurt you” he said truthfully but still you weren’t looking at him.
his eyes had a different effect on you.
“can you please look at me?” he said moving closer to your body “are you scared of me birdie?”
“i’m not scared…” you said raising your eyes.
now you were both looking into each other’s eyes.
“i’m sorry…really, so so sorry for hurting you…” he apologised again.
“it’s okay damian…thank you for your apology, uhm…it’s okay now i guess” you shyly smiled at him.
“and if you’re okay…i would like to get to know you a little bit more…only if you’re okay with that” he said a little awkwardly.
“yes…it’s okay for me”
“perfect” he smiled “what about tomorrow? i’ll take you somewhere nice for lunch, if you’re free of course” he rambled.
“i’m free” you smiled, seeing how funny he was being.
“then i’ll see you tomorrow birdie” he smirked before leaving your room.
“would you ever stop calling me that?” you asked him.
“i don’t think so” he smiled at you closing your hotel door.
you looked at the door for about ten minutes before moving into your bed, smiling like a teen who just got asked out.
now, all you had to do was to get a nice sleep and waiting for tomorrow to come.
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naturesapphic · 5 months
I’d love an angst/comfort filled Olivia Benson x reader if you’re willing!
Olivia pulls reader into her office after noticing she’s been a little off, distant and disengaged with the rest of the squad. Reader reluctantly opens up on an incident from a couple of days prior, at a school reunion. (Incident being someone made unwanted advancement at reader, groping her and making her touch them.) She tells Olivia nothing more happened because she finally broke free and left. She starts crying from all the overwhelming emotions and Olivia reminds her she did nothing wrong and is there for her.
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High School Reunion
Olivia benson x fem!reader
Warnings: groping, little bit of SA, Olivia being a protective sweetheart
Olivia knows you. Too well to be exact. You are her best detective and her partner. She knows you inside and out and knows that something isn’t right. You’ve been distant and quiet from everyone, especially her. She wants to give you your space but ever since you’ve been back from your high school reunion it’s been like you’ve completely changed into a different person. “Y/n? Can you come inside my office for a second please?” She called out for you.
You slowly got up from your desk and walked over to her. She gave you a loving look and helped you inside as she shut the door. She motioned for you to sit on the couch and she followed behind, sitting close to you but not too close since she wants to give you some space. “What’s been going on? You’ve been distracted and barley been focusing. You know you can tell me anything.” She gently asked you and your eyes fill up with tears. You didn’t mean for all this to happen. You were trying to stay normal about it but of course your boss/girlfriend would know something was up.
She’s a captain and before that she was a detective! You couldn’t hide anything from her. Olivia noticed how your eyes filled up with tears and she felt her heart drop. She didn’t understand what happened but she was going to figure out soon. “You know you can tell me anything y/n/n…” she said as she gently grabs your hands in hers and gives you a reassuring look. You take a deep breath in and you start to tell her what happened.
~ flashback ~
Today you were going to your high school reunion. You let liv know about where you were going as she let you get off work since there was no new cases to worry about. You were a bit hesitant to go without her but you knew she had a bunch of paperwork to do so hopefully in the next one she could make it.
Walking into your old high school felt so weird. You couldn’t believe ten years has past by so quickly but at the same time you could. You saw some of your old classmates and friends and went over to them to mingle. After awhile you felt a presence staring at you from afar. You turned around and saw that a boy from your school was eyeing you up and down.
You knew that years ago that he had a big crush on you but he never made any attempts to do anything about it but honestly you were glad he didn’t. You always got a bad feeling from him and you still do now. Feeling uncomfortable, you tell your friends you are going to head to the bathroom right quick. You head inside the ladies room and splash some water on your face.
You hear the bathroom door open and assume it’s one of your friends checking on you but it’s the boy from earlier. You felt your whole body freeze up as he comes closer. You can see him talking but you don’t hear anything besides the beating of your own heart thumping in your ears. He comes up behind you and starts groping your everywhere and make unwanted advances and movements towards you.
You felt so disgusted but yet your body still wouldn’t let you move. You felt his hand grab yours and you look down to where he was going and your eyes widen. You snatched your hand away and turn around to slam your foot against his balls. He screams out and falls to his knees, grabbing his area while you flee out of the bathroom.
You didn’t tell your friends or teachers goodbye as you run out of there as fast as you could. What would the squad think of you? What would Olivia think? Will she leave you? You couldn’t think straight as you ran towards your car and drive home.
~ flashback over ~
“Nothing more happened before I broke free, but that’s what happened…I’m so sorry I didn’t tell you sooner!” You say as you start crying hysterically. Olivia pulls you into her strong comforting arms and holds you close. “Hey hey shhhh…you did nothing wrong babygirl…I’m so proud of you.” Olivia whispers against your ear. “You have nothing to be ashamed about princess…” she spoke again and you nod against her as your cries turn into little sniffles.
You raise your head up and look into her eyes. She flashes you a small but reassuring smile that everything will be alright. Finn opens the door and his eyes widens at the scene of your red teary face and the look of anger in Olivia’s eyes. “Everything alright?” Finn asks as he looks between the two of you. “We’re fine. Just another case we have to do.” Olivia states as she pulls you closer to her side and gives Finn a little nod that he understands and recuperates.
Finn closes the door and Olivia puts her attention and focus back on you. “We are going to find and get this guy I promise my love. No one hurts you and gets away with it.” She says with a hint of sternness in her voice but not directed towards you. Never. You nod and snuggle in closer to her, you knew that y’all have loads of paperwork to do but those will be done later. Right now, Olivia will hold you however long you want. She will always be there for you, every step of the way.
A/n: thank you for this request anon and I hope you like it! And I hope the rest of y’all enjoy it too! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y’all!
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