#(its one of the choices that scares sam the most)
starstaiined · 1 year
tara had never been good at grief, has never quite learned to let go fully. even with all the experience she's had with it.
she pauses every day at wes' favorite spot by their tree. touches the old friendship rings they had gotten from some stupid bookfair a million years ago. she carries him in her sardonic wit, in jokes she cracks and turns to see his reaction only to remember he'll never have one again. it guts her just as much as the first time, every time.
and dear, sweet liv. the guilt that never stops haunting her. to blood staining her hands. liv waa only in the friendgroup because tara dragged her in after a summer working shifts together. tara recognized something similiar in her eyes: the same sense of pervasive loneliness that she saw in the mirror. liv's woes are as much an open secret as tara's. parents who only ever care about finding the bottom of bottle, who don't blink when their daughter doesn't come home in days. or when she starts bringing vince around. liv is floundering, and it's a feeling tara knows all too well. so she folds liv into their group.
at the party, she's hiding behind amber's arm when she pulls the gun out and splatters live against the wall. tara can't help but think if she'd processed faster, moved faster, reacted faster, then she could've done something. she could've saved liv. she pulls herself together enough to throw herself at amber to save sam, why couldn't she have done it for liv?
when ny comes and tara realizes it's a chance to reinvent herself, she models herself after the girl who always understood more than tara said. her haircut, her wardrobe, the personality: she's holding onto all the pieces of liv she can.
and then there's amber. oh god, amber. where does tara even start there? amber killed. (amber killed for her.) amber lied. (amber lied to reveal the truth.) amber never cared. (amber always cared, maybe a little too much.) amber. amber. amber. amber, who cradled her face after tying her up and shoving her in a closet. ("sam won't put you first, but baby, i always will. i promise. just trust me.") tara hates her for the way everything went to. tara misses her more than anything.
it's amber who once said things only have as much power as you give them. words tara chooses to live by in six.
she over indulges her vices. she's had a little too much to drink when she hears it. put. it. down. you're better than this. wilting fingers lose their grip on the cup, and it tumbles all over some unsuspecting victim who scowls at her. but tara doesn't care, she's too busy searching for the voice. the voice she would know anywhere.
but amber isn't tucked away into the crowd, and tara is more than willing to blame alcohol for a momentary lapse in judgment. she draws in a shaky breath and refills her cup. and she hears it again. baby doll, you know better. this isn't you.
this time she catches sight of those dark dark eyes glaring disapprovingly. the breath leaves her lungs in one ragged move as she stumbles towards amber. but the vision is gone as quickly as it appeared.
tara starts seeing and hearing pieces of amber when she makes reckless decisions amber would never approve of. and, god, does it spur her to make more.
after all, tara's never been good at letting go
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lailawinchesterr · 3 months
stars (castiel novak)
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pairing; castiel novak x reader tags; fluff, hardly any angst, inexperienced cas summary; you find cas after his argument with dean and one thing leads to another.
Screw the Winchesters for ever hurting Cas. Dean just— he yells, and screams, and he doesn’t stop until he or the person in front of him are hurt. It sucks. Because more often than not, Sam or Cas are that person. Thank God Dean respects women as much as he does because a vamp nest i can take— a screaming fest? Sign me out.
But he isn’t easy on the boys, especially Cas. The angel had to prove himself to Dean— to all of us, really, so many times it should’ve worn him out years ago, but he’s still here, despite it all, and this is the thanks he gets for saving our asses all the time? It isn’t right.
Usually after Dean has an episode Cas likes to disappear. Sam went with his brother while I followed Cas to see that he’s thankfully still there. In the astronomy room. We found it a few months ago and I got to name it. The men of letters seemed to have a knack for stars because the projection on the ceiling is a live image of the stars at the moment. It’s beautiful. 
It’s also special. I’ve never sat in this room with anyone other than Cas. It’s our thing, at least for me, I’m not sure what his thoughts on the room are. 
“Cas?” He doesn’t look at me from his spot leaning on the wall, staring up at the ceiling. “Cas,” I whisper thoughtfully this time, and he faces me. “Can I sit?” 
He shrugs and it’s all the invitation I need. Castiel has learned to understand and deal with human emotions so well over the years that sometimes I forget he isn’t one. He’s responds to Dean so expertly. Especially Dean. Profound bond and whatnot. “Dean is being ridiculous, obviously.”
He doesn’t respond. “C’mon, you know how he is, he gets mad at something as. Waits for someone to blow up on—”
“I know that. I’m not sulking.”
“Then what are you doing here?” No response. “Cas, are you okay?”
“The stars, they’re beautiful.”
“You didn’t answer my question.”
“I don’t want to lie to you.” I sigh, moving only a little closer, “I do not care what Dean does, or his opinion on the matter, what I did was what we needed.”
“You almost melted the guy’s brain, but yeah, I get it.”
“He will live, and Dean will learn to be alright. It is you who I fear would not forgive me.” My eyes widened. Me? First of all, what the hell does that mean, since when does an Angel of the Lord care if I forgive him? Second, forgive him for what? I just said I get it. “You are the only soul on earth who I haven’t looked at directly.” 
My breath hitches in my throat and I can’t even process his words. I didn’t know he could even control that. “I can not control who’s souls I can and can not see— but for all the years I have been with the Winchesters they’ve been very open with me, they bared their souls to me. Well, Dean didn’t have a choice, but Sam saw Angels as some kind of saving graces, he eagerly showed me himself. You have too, to some extent, but I haven’t been able to let my grace free when I’m around you.”
That’s two years of holding his breath when I’m around. Two years of not being comfortable when I’m there and two years of no eye contact. Most of the time all I get is a glance. Most of the time I don’t get anything at all. 
“Because your soul will—” he lets out a small laugh (i decide it is my favorite sound in the world) and shakes his head, he whispers my name, “it will blind me.”
“Cas,” I mumble. We’re both moving closer. His lips are so close. “What does that mean?”
“That I’m scared to lose you as I am the Winchesters,” I swallow nothing and try to calm my nerves but he’s doing that thing Dean taught him with his eyes and they’re going from my lips to my eyes and fuck, its chemical. “I am worried to lose any part of you. Your affection for me, however different from mine to you.”
“Cas. Kiss me.” It takes him a while to understand that it’s an order, and that I am consenting, but when he does— God, I don’t want to say it’s fireworks (it is), or that his lips taste like cotton candy (they do, courtesy of Dean’s gum), or that it kind of maybe changes me completely. 
He pulls away first. “I tried when I was human, and once when I was an angel, a long time ago, but was that correct?”
I don’t know if I want to kiss him again or compliment and affirm to him that everything he does is correct till tomorrow. I choose the former but promise the latter that we will meet again. We move against each other, smoother than i ever have considering I don’t do this often, and he’s so good you would never know just how inexperienced he is. 
“My soul?” I smile into it.
“Blindingly beautiful.” I’m sure he can’t actually see it right at this moment with his eyes only half open to stare at my lips, but it’s enough for me.
It takes longer but I pull away this time. His hand is still on my cheek and he’s slowly pulling me in and out, just brushing his lips against mine while I try to talk. Where did he learn to do all of this? “Cas, what does— Cas—”
Talking’s always been overrated. Especially when we don’t have time.
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My Sister’s Keeper
Dean went to hell and Sam left his little sister (16/17 yo) to fend for herself. Dean gets back and he is pissed with Sam and they have to find her. Fluff
Warnings- swearing, angst, fluff lol
A/N- I kind of changed the way Dean was brought back. Instead of going right to Bobby he found Sam first. Let me know if you think I should do a part 2?
“She’s a fucking kid Sam,” Dean let out an angry yell. He couldn’t believe that Sam had ditched their baby sister when she needed him the most. His heart ached as he thought about the times he reassured her that when he was in Hell she would always have Sam and that he would take care of her. He knew that she still wasn’t convinced and it made leaving so much harder, but he had no choice. After all, Dean had raised her and Sam had left them both multiple times. His heart panged when he thought about where she could be all alone. The look of horror on his face when he came to realization, “A young girl at that!” Dean grimaced. God forbid someone touched a hair on her head, they would be dead and Dean would make sure of it. He couldn’t imagine his baby sister alone and scared fending for herself. Sure she was tough, but she was just a kid and he knew her better than she knew herself. He knows that when she claims she’s okay after a hunt, its clear she isn’t as her body betrays her words and she trembles until he or Sam rub her back and let her know that she’s safe. It doesn’t take an idiot to notice the flash of panic on her face after a door slams or a loud noise is heard. Or when they have to calm her down during a panic attack or comfort her in the middle of the night during a nightmare. Or the way she clings to Sam or Dean’s shirt every night when she falls asleep. She was tougher than hell, but at the end of the day she’s just a kid who was forced to live this life. Dean looked at Sam and saw the look of regret that filled his face. “You better fucking find her Sam or I swear to God,” Dean trailed off grabbing his phone to call Bobby, putting it on speaker phone. The phone rang a few times until Bobby picked up, “Hello?” “Hey Bobby it’s Dean, have you heard from Y/N,” Dean asked as he shot a look at Sam. Bobby replied, “I talked to her last week and she said her and Sam were getting close finding you a way out,” Sam’s heart panged as he realized that she told Bobby he was with her so no one would worry about her. She never wanted to be a bother to anyone and he felt even worse knowing she was trying everything in her power to get Dean back while he ran off with a demon. Something that none the less probably cost her her soul. He should have been with her and he will never forgive himself for leaving. But he thought he was doing the right thing in the moment. Now looking back at it he wasn’t sure how he thought that because right now he was terrified at the thought of her being alone or worse, hurt. Sam’s emotions were interrupted by Bobby speaking again, “And I can see that it worked. Welcome back boy.” “Thanks Bobby, do you have an address of where she might be?” Dean replied. Bobby hummed “No, but I have a town.” Dean let out a sign of relief. He grabbed the keys and turned to Sam, “You better hope she’s safe Sam. Let’s go.”
They got into the car and Dean took off. They were about 3 hours out from the town that Bobby sent over. Luckily it was a pretty small town and there was one motel that they could pretty much pinpoint where she could be staying. The car ride was agonizingly quiet and Sam was forced to be stuck in his thoughts on how awful of a brother he’s been. He was too worried about killing Lilith while she was too busy trying to find a way to bring Dean back. He was fucking selfish and he should have been focused on his only living sibling left that was trying to bring back their other non living sibling. He decided to break the silence, “Dean I’m so fucking sorry, I screwed up man and I screwed up bad. I’ll never fucking forgive myself.” Dean scoffed, “Yeah you shouldn’t be able to forgive yourself Sam. She’s just a kid, I don’t understand how you could EVER leave her like that. She needed you the most and you left her. We don’t even know if she’s alive,” Dean gripped the steering wheel and pressed the gas harder thinking the worst possible scenario. He continued, “She found a way to bring me back and we know how that story ends Sam.” Sam filled to the brim with guilt, “I’ll fix everything, I promise Dean, I won’t let anything else happen to her.” The car went back to silence as both brothers continued to hope their baby sister was alright.
It was around 1am when they finally arrived at the motel. The engine roared as Dean turned the car off. They got out and hurried to the front desk. “Hi. how can I help you?” The man behind the desk asked. They both pulled out their FBI badges and stated who they were looking for. The guy pointed them to a room and they rushed to what they were hoping was Y/N’s room. She’s always been a light sleeper so when Dean started to pick the lock to her door, she immediately heard it. Her heart dropped and she grabbed her knife to give her a fighting chance against her intruders. She quickly glided across the motel room and put her back against the wall. It was pitch black, but she could make out two figures. One was much taller than the other, but they were both pretty big which made her gulp. There was no one way she could take on the both of them and she knew that. They picked the lock with ease and started to make their way into her room. They took a few steps in and that’s when Y/N charged at them. The taller one of the two immediately turned around and just before she could make contact with him, he grabbed her. She immediately dropped her knife as he pinned her wrist back and slammed her against the wall. She let out a yelp and braced her head for impact, but instead of feeling the hard wall against her head it was the palm of a hand. She was confused, but she still whimpered terrified. “Please,” she cried, “please don’t hurt me.” As she pleaded, the light to the motel room flicked on and she was finally able to make out the person in front of her. “Hey hey it’s alright,” it was Sam. “Sammy,” she whimpered. Still clearly dazed, confused, and frightened. Sam loosened his grip on his sister and wrapped his large arms around her small frame, “Yeah, hey shhhh bug I got you. I’m so sorry. I’m so so sorry.” She cried, flinging her arms around him and holding him tight like he could disappear at any moment. To be fair, he could disappear at any moment and he did. They stayed like that for a few moments before rage took over her. She pulled away, crying and started hitting him. “How could you Sam,” she cried. Slapping his chest and hitting him over and over again, “How could you fucking leave me. I-I needed you Sam. I needed you and you left me,” she sobbed. She was weak with exhaustion, but Sam let her hit him because he deserved every single blow even if it barely hurt him.
Dean stood back watching his little sister. He was taken aback by how fragile she looked. She definitely lost weight as she was much skinnier. He noticed dark heavy bags under her eyes like she had been crying every single day for months straight. He couldn’t take it anymore, his sister was clearly suffering and he wasn’t around to help her. In fact, no one was around to help her. He couldn’t watch her crumble any longer so he came up behind her and embraced her. He pinned her frailing arms down with his and held her in a tight hug from behind. She fought against him, crying when Dean calmly spoke, “Hey hey hey Y/N/N I’m going to need you to relax for me alright?” She stood frozen, “De?” “Yeah, I got you sweetheart, I got you. I’m so sorry,” He released his hold as she turned around and launched herself onto him. Dean wrapped his arms around her and she gripped onto Deans shirt for dear life. She whimpered, “De I was so scared.” Dean felt his heart drop even further, “I know kid, I know. Shhhh it’s okay, I’m here. I got you.” Dean tightened his grip on her and rested his clenched jaw on her head shooting Sam a look. Sam watched them both, feeling sick to his stomach. How could he have done this to his baby sister? This is no life for a kid. He knew that too and that’s why the pit in his stomach only grew bigger. A sob interrupted Sam’s thoughts as Y/N’s emotions began to escalate. He watched as she collapsed, falling into their older brothers arms. Dean quickly sunk to the floor with her as her breathing hitched. He could feel her heart hammering against her rib cage and knew he needed to get her out of her panicked state before she passed out. “Hey hey hey hey Y/N/N breathe for me sweetheart, breathe.” She felt her chest start to tighten which frightened her even more. Her breathing was erratic at this point and she dug her finger tips into deans arms. “Hey kid, you’re having a panic attack okay? It’s alright. I’ve got you. You’re safe okay?” She nodded still trembling, still gasping. He repositioned her so she was sitting in between his legs with her back pressed against him to feel the rise and fall of his chest. “I need you to breathe with me. Can you do that sweetheart?” Dean felt her nod and continued “Yeah? Okay. We’re going to breathe out for 10. Come on bug 10…9…8…7…” She matched Dean’s breath which ended up hitching on 7. Dean reached down to rub her arms, “Keep going kid. You got it. 3…2…1…” He walked her through breathing in and out a few more times until he felt satisfied enough to where he knew she wouldn’t pass out. He sighed in relief, wrapping his arms around her and resting his chin on her head, “That’s it sweetheart, I got you.” He could still feel her heart pounding though so he pulled her onto his lap like he did when she was a child and ran his fingers through her hair. “It’s alright, I’m here now and I’m not leaving. You’re safe with me kiddo. I’ve got you.”
She sat on the floor with Dean for what felt like hours while he comforted her. Eventually Sam made his way over unable to see his baby sister hurt any longer. He sat down and brushed her hair away from her face, “I’m so sorry bug. You have every right to be upset with me. I let you down and I caused you so much pain. I just thought I was doing the right thing for all of us. If I could go back in time, I would change it. I’m so incredibly sorry for everything, but I’m here now and I’m not leaving you ever.” Sam let a few tears escape his eyes. Y/N reached to grab his hand, “I forgive you Sammy. I’m sorry for hitting you.” Sam chuckled. His baby sister was too nice for her own sake. “I deserved it,” he said. She shot her head back up and looked between her two brothers. “How did you get out?” She asked, not knowing if she really wanted to know the answer. She was scared that a crossroads demon finally took Sam up on his offer for his soul. Her heart rate picked up again while she waited for her brothers to give her an answer. “I don’t know how I got out. I thought it was either you or Sam who figured it out, but Sam didn’t,” he trailed off looking at her with worried eyes. She blinked, “No it wasn’t me. I tried Dean, I tried so hard to save you. I- I tried. I’m so sorry. I-I couldn’t figure it out.” Dean’s face softened, “Hey sweetheart it’s okay. Thank you, but I wish it wasn’t put on you in the first place. I would have never wanted this for you. I’m so sorry.” He could tell she was filled with so much guilt when she shouldn’t be. It crushed him and he rubbed her arm, “I’m here now.” Y/N had so many questions, but all she knew was that she was back with her brothers and that’s all that mattered to her. She was exhausted and eventually let the darkness flow over her. “Get some rest kid, we’ll be here when you wake up,” she heard Dean say. She could finally sleep peacefully knowing she had both of her brother back.
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The Spiders Sister - Chapter 7
Summary: As the party dies down the avengers spend some time bonding and peter joins them for the team bonding.
TW: Alcohol (that’s it I think)
Words: 2196
A/n I finally found time to write again and so I present to you this band new chapter \(>u<)/. Enjoy. Also, I know I said I would post it as one long chapter but … ig I lied? We are getting to the secret reveal soon. Only about one or two more chapters until we find out what the Parker’s are hiding. I’m so mad cuz I wrote the next chapter, but it didn’t save so I have to rewrite it which is why I’m just posting what I have here and why it’s taken so long sorry guys.
After you were led around and introduced to some more people Wanda and Nat led you back to the small area from before with a couple couches. By now the party had begun to die down with most of the guests, or who peter referred to as Stark Industries NPC’s, leaving for the night.
As you settled on a couch with the others it was now just the team, most of which you had been introduced to by now. Some introductions had been rather short but yo were working with these people so you would defiantly have time to get to know them better. Some of them you would be even living with.
The night had been a success for the most part. Earlier Thor had arrived along with his promise of asgaurdian liquor. After consulting with JARVIS it was confirmed that your metabolism was a match to Steve’s meaning you could stomach the god’s alcohol without getting poisoned.
This had of course led to you getting properly drunk or at least on the way to it, for the first time since the bite. Unfortunately, Nat had caught onto your plan rather easily and cut you off much to your displeasure.
Now with the team spread out across the couches, most with a drink in had or some assortment of fruity cocktail the banter had picked up as the music had died down and the guests all left.
“So, spider-kid whats your story?” Bucky asked and you adjusted your position on the couch suddenly feeling a little nervous with all eyes now on you. You felt a hand squeeze yours as you looked over, seeing wanda giving you an encouraging nod from where she held your hand beside you on the couch.
“Not much different to Peter.” You said.
“But somewhat different, right?” Sam said.
“Well … yeah.” You shrugged. “Same old spider bite, different powers, different life choices.” You said with a vague noncommittal shrug.
“So, where you been all this time?” Steve asked in a kind way.
“Queens.” You shrugged. “Small apartment, big rent, crap job until I started my own business, then I was planning on moving but you guys decided to level my apartment block to save people.” You shrugged.
“Sorry about that.” Steve said.
“I’m sure you’ll make it up to me.” You grinned sipping the soft drink Nat had given you instead of alcohol.
“Hey, I let you live here, didn’t I?” Tony said with a grin.
“But you did kind of destroy all her stuff Mr stark.” Peter said from where he had snuck in and sat down unnoticed.
“Hey, you're not supposed to be at these.” Tony said. “And I bought her new stuff.”
“Its just the team Mr Stark nobody else is here. Can I stay please?” Peter begged looking at you to back him up and pouting when you threw your hands up.
“I don’t know May said no alcohol.” He begun and suddenly May piped up making stark jump.
“Its fine Tony, just don’t give him any and keep an eye on him.” She said from where she was sat with pepper.
“Jesus woman. I forgot you were here. Don’t scare me, I have a heart condition you know.” Tony said as somewhere in the background sam continued laughing at him.
“Pepper said I could stay the night, and we could have a girl's day tomorrow.” May said grinning.
“Sounds like some shenanigans I want nothing to do with. I assume it will be at my expense.” Tony said sounding amused.
“Of course.” Pepper said.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way.” May added.
“I’ll drink to that.” Nat said and raised her glass.
As everyone took a swig of their respective drinks you realised why peter liked it so much here. It was a family. A real family. Sure, May did her best and you would always have a special bond only blood could give but this was the goofy family you never had.
“Wait so I’m confused, is she an avenger or not?” Clint asked seemingly asking the question on everyone’s mind.
“Can I answer that one Mr Stark.” Peter piped up.
“Sure kid.” Tony said.
“Welcome to the team Y/n/n.” Peter said with a big grin.
“Really?” You asked feeling this was all very offical.
“Damn right kid. We’d be stupid to not add another spider to the team.” Steve said with a smile.
“Plus, I already made you a suit. Ai and all.” Tony said.
“Thanks, tony.” You said with a big smile plastered across your cheeks.
“I have just one question…” Sam said with a shit-eating grin.
“What is it Mr Falcon?” Peter asked missing the look on Sam’s face.
“Who’s stronger?” Sam finished looking curious. “We already know spider boy is stronger than capsicle. But what about the other spider?” A few nods went around the room before Bucky spoke up.
“Arm wrestle.” He posed and you looked over at peter, flashing him a grin as he slouched in his seat.
“Ok.” You said and peter nodded.
Everyone crowded around the coffee table as peter and you sat down on the floor face each other.
“Standard rules. Ready?” Steve said as both you and peter positioned your arms on the table. Steve placed his hand over your clasped fists.
“Don’t break the table this time.” May said loud enough for people to hear and peters cheeks heated up while you snickered.
“3… 2 … 1… go!” Steve let go of your hands and straight away it begun leaning towards a win for you. Peters arm was shaking as he tried to fight back. With barely an inch between peters hand and the table the position flipped.
You were sure people had placed bets by now. Nat and Sam were cheering you on while Bucky had yet to forget the incident at the airport and placed his bet on peter.
You were on the defence now, with peter bringing your hand almost back up to the midway point. As it began to tilt in a bad direction for you with a burst of strength you slammed peters hand down on the table winning the match. Sam cheered and Nat smirked.
Standing up and brushing off invisible dusty from your lap Nat came to your side and pressed a chaste kiss to your cheek.
“My victor. Thanks for the easy twenty I just made.” She said and your cheeks were blazing as you retreated to your seat from earlier as everyone went back to their places.
“But can the spider's sister also lift the hammer?” Thor boomed as he patted your brother's shoulder while peter smirked. Everyone knew peter could wield the magical asgaurdian hammer.
You looked at Thor with a mischievous glint in your eyes.
“Is that a dare big man?” You asked with a grin curling up the edges of your lips.
“And if it is lady Parker?” Thor asked with a challenging tone.
“Well, if it is I never back down from a dare.” You said the look on your face never faltering.
“Then it is a date lady Parker.” Thor said removing his hand from Peter’s shoulder and clapping them together and rubbing his hands in anticipation.
“Ready to look like an idiot spider boy?” You asked looking at Peter who was starting to loose his confident look. He knew you had a heart of gold.
By now all eyes were on you, Peter and Thor.
“Alright pointbreak I put two hundred on the girl spider.” Tony said.
His words catching you off guard as you took a sip of your drink making it go down the wrong way as you choked and coughed. Making a few people laugh.
“Dollars?” You exclaimed once you got your breath back.
“No, I meant seashells.” Tony sassed rolling his eyes.
“I’ll take that.” Bucky said. “I say she can’t get it to budge.”
Soon there was a chorus of voices as everyone places their bets. Tony had, at some point, gotten Jarvis to start taking notes of who bet what and how much.
Once all the bets were done all eyes turned back to you and Thor.
“Alright lord of lightning.” Tony began, “where’s the magic screwdriver.”
“One second.” Thor boomed. Holding out his hand the sound of breaking glass came from across the compound before the hammer smashed through the wall and slotted perfectly into Thor’s open fist.
“Thor! I told you to stop doing that.” Tony said as he dispatched the iron legion to fix the hammer shaped holes in the walls.
“Apologies Stark it appears I have forgot again.” Thor said looking sheepish and slightly tipsy from the alcohol he brought from his home realm.
Before anyone else could complain about the new holes in the wall Thor places the hammer down on the table. Peter’s smirk began to waver at the look of confidence on your face. Yet internally you were nervous. Were you about to make yourself look like an idiot in front of everyone?
Taking a deep breath you attempted to steady your nerves. Thor brandished a hand in the direction of the hammer, inviting you to pick it up.
Steeling your nerves and steaming the quake in your hands you reached out and brushed your hand over the cool leather that the handle was bound in.
Taking a breath, you wrapped your fingers around the hilt and gently began to tug. The hammer moved as if it weighed nothing more than a few feathers. A collective noise halfway between a cheer and an audible groan came from the spectators as people either made or lost money on the events of the past few seconds.
You tossed the hammer lightly in the air as it spun a full three-sixty before you caught it again by the hilt.
“Lady Parker congratulations are in order.” Thor said looking giddy as he found another person who could wield the hammer. You had a wide grin on your face feeling pretty special for once.
“Why exactly?” You asked not entirely aware of the legend that surrounded your actions.
“Oooo she don’t know.” Sam said before Bucky lightly slapped him to get him to shut up. Sam glared at Bucky as he rubbed his arm, Bucky however seemed unaffected as he shrugged unapologetically at Sam who poked his tongue out at Bucky who pretended not to see.
“Well, lady Parker, they say those who wield the hammer are fit to rule Asgard.” Thor said and you looked excited for a second before groaning.
“What is it?” Wanda asked feeling the slight annoyance and hesitation rolling off your psyche.
“Ew…” you muttered shivering dramatically.
“What?” Nat said reiterating Wanda’s earlier statement.
“I don’t wanna be eternally ruling alongside my little brother. He’d probably need to be babysat the whole time.” You whined making everyone chuckle while peter looked offended.
“I don’t need babysitting.” Peter piped up.
“Kid I had to put an AI in your suit to babysit you after a building fell on you. She’s not wrong.” Tony said and Peter frowned.
“Hey, you gave me one too.” You protested.
“That’s to help you, it doesn’t have snitch programs in it.” Tony said smirking at Peter.
“Yeah, plus I use Jarvis to babysit Tony.” Pepper said smirking over the rim of her wineglass as she took another sip.
“What?!” Tony spluttered. “Hey Jarvis! Is this true?”
“No boss.” Jarvis said not missing a beat.
“I programmed him to say that.” Pepper said adding her two cents.
“It that true j?” Tony asked again.
“No boss.” Jarvis said
“Liar.” Tony grumbled.
May and pepper giggled as they clinked glasses, those two always seemed to be causing trouble. They had gotten quite close after Tony had reduced peppers hours for stark industries, claiming she worked too much and needed more time to “have a life” as he put it.
Naturally Pepper had taken to spending more time with May whilst Tony mentored Peter which had resulted in their wine and cheese club that met whenever Peter came over for his mentorship with Tony. Natasha was known to join on occasion as she knew everything that happened in the tower and would never say no to expensive and more importantly free wine. Wanda joined but it was few and far between that she frequented the club. Often, she was busy doing her own thing and lately she had been too busy spending time with you.
Your only concern was May telling Pepper about … things and then pepper telling Tony who would no doubt end up telling everyone in the tower. For now, you just wanted things to be normal, or as normal as they could be right now.
@tia-thesimp @lizzielillvr @justarandomreaderxoxo @sycamorelibrary754 @dorabledewdroop @redwolfqueen19 @sadlesbeansstuff @sgm616 @queen-of-chaotic-surprises
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Heal - I
Alpha!Bucky x Omega!Reader (female)
🦅 Summary: As a nightmare doesn’t ease up, you have no choice but to take the plunge and try to wake Bucky.
Warnings: Descriptions of sexual assault, violence, forced knotting and claiming/marking, trauma, bond breaking, angst, injured reader, near death experience, lots of emotions, smut
Word count: 1,725
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You were well accustomed to Bucky's screams in the night. Although they were a regular occurrence, they still made your bones shiver and forced you to clamp your hands over your ears to try and block them out. You usually held your breath until you heard Steve barge into his room to calm him down, but you still found yourself sleepless in the hours remaining until dawn.
Part of you wanted to run for the hills. Part of you wanted to slide into his bed and wrap your arms around him, pulling him against your chest and whisper sweet nothings into his messy hair. That part was bigger, but it was also more terrifying. Because even though every part of your anatomy gagged for the only alpha you had only truly wanted, you were also shit scared of him. Not of the Winter Solider, which most people were, but of him. Of Bucky. Of the rejection you'd know you'd have to face if he knew how you felt. Because even though you knew he wasn't actually your alpha, and you knew he would never be interested, you weren't sure you could survive actually hearing him say it. Which was the reason why you kept your distance and protected your sanity.
But tonight was different. Steve was on a mission, accompanied by Sam, Natasha and Tony. That meant only you and Bucky were sleeping on your floor of the compound, with Bruce and Clint a level below and Thor away in Asgard. So when those petrifying sounds ricocheted through your skull, you knew you were the only one to hear them. Which meant you had no choice. You had to go to him.
Your legs were trembling beneath you as you inched towards your bedroom door, opening it as quietly as possible and shuffling through without lifting your socked feet off the floor. Your chest felt like it was about to explode as your heart boomed with such ferocity and you had to keep reminding yourself to breathe as you fumbled your way towards his room. You chewed on your lip as you rested a hand on the doorknob, bracing yourself what you might be about to enter into. You knew that sometimes Bruce had to come and sedate him, and there were even times when both Steve and Bucky had emerged the next morning with busted up faces from having a physical fight. Sure, you were a well trained agent who never usually shied away from a fight, but this was different. You knew you'd never be able to hurt Bucky, even if he was the Winter Solider. Put in that situation, in the situation you were in now, you were just a vulnerable omega who couldn't even stand her own ground.
Another shrieking cry jolted you out of your thoughts and you whimpered involuntarily. This was not the cry of a violent man, but that of someone in extreme pain. Without hesitation, you flung the door open and ran in, taking barely a second to survey the layout of the foreign room before you were at the beside. Bucky was still asleep, his eyes screwed shut as he grimaced and panted. Sweat coated his forehead, his hair sticking to it as well as the pillow that had started to slide up against the headboard as he tossed and turned.
"Bucky-" you could barely hear yourself over the sound of the blood coursing through your veins, which meant he certainly hadn't. You cleared your throat, barely trusting yourself to try again, before speaking up. "Bucky!" This time you leant forward, shaking his damp shoulders to try and bring him back to reality. "Bucky its okay, you're okay. C'mon, wake up for me, you're okay", you brushed the hair from his face, cupping his cheek. You were pushing back the panic that was forming at the proximity you were to him and you instead used it to your advantage, touching him in the ways you had only dreamed in order to bring him out of his own.
Just as you were about to consider that this was a losing battle, Bucky froze. His eyes flew open and you let go of his face, stumbling backwards in shock. "Bucky, I-". Suddenly you were back where you started, a trembling mess whose instinct was to drop to her knees and submit to her alpha. He sat up straight, staring straight at you as his chest heaved with uneven breaths.
"Y/N?" He tilted his head slightly and squinted in the darkness as you tried to sustain a whimper. Your stomach was churning and you clamped your legs together as you willed the slick to retract.
"Are you okay?" you whispered with a gulp. He nodded, relaxing slightly as he ran a hand through his hair and sighed.
"Yeah. Thank you."
You nodded and started to glance around the room, unable to look at him any longer. You had awoken your alpha from his precious slumber without his permission, and although you knew that was the right thing to have done, your hormones were saying otherwise.
"Are you okay?" You were surprised to hear the words come out of Bucky's own mouth, but as you glanced over at him and noticed his flaring nostrils, you hung your head in shame. He could clearly smell the panic that was overtaking your body and you probably reeked of omega right now. Sure, you'd never explicitly hidden your status from your colleagues, but you kept it private, dealing with your heats yourself and using your suppressants discreetly. You chewed on your lip once again, this time tasting blood as you nodded and tried to compose yourself. With a sigh, Bucky pulled back the bedsheets and beckoned for you to come forward.
"C'mon, you can't just stand there. I feel terrible and you need to relax. Hell, so do I. Come here, will you."
You were frozen on the spot, not entirely sure what he was asking. He sensed that, closing his eyes for a second as he snorted under his breath.
"Omega. Come and sit with me."
Well now you had no choice. You practically flew off the floor and under the covers, welcoming Bucky's flesh arm as it snaked around your back and you curled up into his shoulder.
"Sorry," you mumbled without looking up.
"Don't be," you felt Bucky's stubble brush against your cheek as he shook his head. "I forgot how scary a tormented alpha can be. Let alone a tormented alpha who used to be a brainwashed assassin. You should have just let me ride it out."
"I couldn't do that," you rushed out, already starting to relax and feel more comforted than you had in a long time. His scent was intoxicating, and although he still smelt of fearful memories, it was still comforting to you because it was distinctly him.
You lay like that in silence for a while longer until at some point, you drifted into oblivion. It was a dreamless sleep, wrapped in your alpha like you'd always wanted.
Until it wasn't. While you might have been calmed, Bucky was not. He hadn't fully come out of the nightmare, and he had hoped that having you against him would help that. Admittedly he was ashamed the omega he'd been pinning for since coming to live at the compound had to see him in that state, but he couldn't pretend that having her in his bed was a completely knew kind of comfort. Except Bucky hadn't shared a bed with another in over 40 years, so when he inevitably slipped back into that same nightmare, the feeling of a warm body against his disorientated him. It was strange and it was not supposed to be there. The only reason it could be there was if it was going to harm him.
Your eyes flew open the second the cold metal squeezed your windpipe. You wanted to call for Bucky, but it was no use; the creature hovering above you was not him. Yes, it was his body, but his mind was asleep, and the pieces that still remained of the Winter Soldier had pushed forward to the surface. You tried to claw at his hands, at his face, at anything but it was no use. He was a pent-up alpha assassin, fuelled by an artificial super serum. You were no match.
As you wined through his grasp, the nightmare-frenzied Bucky started to take in the girl beneath him. The omega beneath him. She wasn't here to murder him; she was here to test him. Maybe she was a gift, or maybe she was a slave. Either way, she smelt amazing, and his body was yearning for her. His toes curled as he reached down and freed his throbbing penis, letting it rub against her bare legs.
You cried out as you suddenly realised what was going on. He wanted you. Not in the way that you wanted him, but he wanted to take you. To have you. To violate you. You tried to break free as much as possible, weakly kicking against him and pulling at his hair, but it was no use. Although he was no longer choking you, his metal hand remained stern around your neck to hold you in place, applying just enough pressure to halt any cries that tried to escape. His flesh hand meanwhile was pawing at you, squeezing your nipples hard before fisting your vagina. What only hours ago had been crying out for him was now locked up and trying desperately to reject his efforts, which only made him try harder.
"Bucky, please" you mumbled but it was no use - he was gone. This was not your Bucky. Your Bucky would hate himself for this. Your Bucky would certainly never want to look at you again after this. Just as you started to drift away, to blur out what was going on and sink into nothingness, you felt the full force of his penis lurch into you and you had no choice but to succumb to his thrusts. It wasn't until after he had ridden you so hard you bled that he let his knot pop and he sunk his teeth into the tear-soaked gland just below your jawline. Only then did you fully collapse into the darkness.
🫀Part II
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lurkingshan · 5 months
Unknown Episode 11
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Well, let me get this out of the way upfront. This episode brought us to the big moment we've all been waiting for, the final turn in Yuan and Qian's relationship--and unfortunately, it didn't quite land.
I've been sitting with this episode, contemplating my disappointment with the first sequence, and I think it comes down to this show that has been so assured and confident through most of its run faltering at the crucial moment and seeming to lose faith in its own storytelling to the point that it used editing tricks to compensate. The choice to chop up and sequence this narrative lynchpin of a scene out of order is baffling, and it's a choice that significantly stepped on the most important emotional climax of the story. I was confused to go from the conversation outside to a sudden kiss, then disappointed when we cut back to a very short exchange between Qian and Yuan that was supposed to provide the basis for this turn with only some thin dialogue that didn't connect the beats of the scene, and then into an intense sexual encounter (that was constantly interrupted by repetitive flashbacks) that should have felt like a triumphant and revelatory moment but didn't because of the way we got there.
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I know I'm not the only one feeling that way, since folks have been creating and distributing reedited versions of the scene, and Youku actually uploaded a new version free on YouTube with all the flashbacks removed (a clear move toward fan appeasement after the show received a lot of negative feedback on the scene). The editing and the flashbacks were annoying, but honestly the fundamental problem was the scene they wrote did not sufficiently sell the change for Qian--he goes from saying he is still not certain what he wants to being ready to be dicked down in a couple minutes' time, with nothing in the exchange providing any new information or impetus for the shift. The performers did great work but unfortunately the writing and directing and editing decisions around this sequence were just bad; it's frustrating for this to happen with arguably the most important scene of the romance.
A note about the novel: the way this final turn happened there was quite different and, candidly, better in just about every way, from the impetus for the change to the beats of the revelation to the progression of physical intimacy on a pace that felt much more attuned to the emotional complexities at play. I do not know why the show did...this when they had better source material content to work with, but here we are. I absolutely recommend that anyone who loves this show read it!
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So, with that disappointment expressed, on to the rest of the episode, in which Yuan and Qian settled into their couple era. I was deeply amused by Qian taking to their sex life like a moth to a flame to the point of daydreaming in meetings, but I do wish the episode had focused more on the natural tension and role confusion that should have resulted from this huge shift in their relationship. They touched on that a bit in the scene where Yuan asked Qian if his hug was from his brother or his boyfriend, but they didn't delve into those complexities in the way I hoped they would. I enjoyed their date at the local restaurant (and loved their friendly neighborhood gangster helping to set the mood) and how much it felt like they were surrounded by their history as they moved through all of these familiar locations where they've had important moments. I didn't much care for the insertion of the health scare plot or the time spent on Le and the doc, though I'm always happy for more Sam Lin even if it comes in the form of a weird late stage and wholly unnecessary ship.
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My favorite scene between Yuan and Qian in this episode was far and away the discussion on the stairs with Qian reflecting on his fears of becoming more like his mother and Yuan biting him to snap him out of his fatalistic attitude (this felt like such a classic Priest tribute, she always has biting in her romances). It was a helpful re-centering of what they do for each other and why Yuan is an important presence in Qian's life. I didn't think we needed the health scare for Qian, but I did love Qian choosing to go to this place where he found Yuan to contemplate his life and what matters, with Yuan in turn reflecting that even though he's seen a lot more of the world now, he still prefers to come home to this street. I found that exchange so moving and I think it was important for Qian to hear that.
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And that scene led to my other favorite thing in this episode, which was everything to do with Lili and her bond with her brothers. I teared up to see her standing against the wall where Qian has measured their growth talking about the sneaky ways she would try to care for Qian when they were younger, with San Pang listening attentively and gazing at her adoringly. It was such a small moment, but a really lovely window into their relationship dynamic and the shared history they also have together. And when Yuan and Qian came in hand in hand and she just ran to them and offered up her love and acceptance, I felt so much warmth for this family and everything they've survived together.
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kippykasey · 11 months
Double Trouble
Summary: Who knew a vampire, Freddie Kruger, and Ghost face could have so much fun?
Word Count: 1021
Characters: Sam and Colby and Reader
More spoops from Kippy's Spoopy Saturdays
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Halloween parties aren’t normally a thing you normally do. At lease not since you were younger. Now you are dragged along with your friend to not only a party but a block wide event. One house had a haunted ‘barn’ maze set up in the large side lawn. There was a whole garage decked out as a witch hut where the drinks were being stored and handed out. There was one house specifically set up to entertain the teens. A projector was set up playing the horror classics. Lights, music, smoke effects where everywhere. Which is probably how you lost your friend with in the first hour of arriving.
Your hand clutched onto your drink of choice as you slowly walked around trying to find your unaccounted for friend. You admired the different themes and the fancy technical displays. Every time you thought you seen them it just ended up being a stranger. After a while of looking you just gave up and sat on the edge of a stone wall between the projector set up and the road that was packed with people dancing.
Someone dressed in the black gown and hooded mask of Ghostface, calmly leaned against the wall next to you. “Waiting for someone?” The deep voice confirmed that this was most definitely a male.
Your head tilts to look over at him. “Nah I lost my friend already. Not really used to all this.” You gestured to the surrounding area with the hand holding your drink, the liquid swirling around.
“Well we can’t just let you sit on a wall all night like some kind of gargoyle. Colby.” He stands up straight, his arm draping over your shoulders as he holds up his hand.
You shook his hand and introduced yourself before Colby gives you a nudge to get off the wall. You get off your perch and were instantly guided through the crowd and towards the witch hut where you run into a blonde wearing a signature stripped shirt the recognizable burn scar mask tucked under his arm as he got himself a drink. “Sam I adopted a vampire.” Colby jokes making the blonde turn to look over with a smile.
You introduce yourself to Sam and he passes a drink to Colby who stepped away from you to remove his mask. With both of them not wearing a mask you recognized the two from their ghost hunting youtube channel. “I see why you’re wearing the masks.” You comment looking between them. They looked at each other before turning back to you.
The three of you head off to the side where some picnic tables were set up for the food that was available earlier. You sat around one of the tables each with your own drink. “So you recognized us huh?” Sam looked up at you as he sips his drink.
“Honestly now that I know its you I would have known Colby by his name and face alone but I thought it was a voice changer or something. Not to mention I don’t really know too many people with the name Colby. Realistically I would have overlooked what you guys but I was watching your videos while getting ready to come.”
Colby chuckled and you three talked for a while before agreeing to walk through the fake barn maze. There was a small line which allowed small groups no larger than 6 in at a time. Colby and Sam put their masks into the drawstring bag that was hidden under Sam’s costume as you waited and you all were able to toss your empty drinks in a garbage right before entering into near darkness.
A winding path greeted you three where between the two and a half winding corridors were four automated animatronics that provided a good jump scare before opening up into the first room. The red and yellow lit room was decorated with fake hanging body limbs with the center having a table with delimbed torso. Just as you got around the corner a female whimper drew your attention to a caged area where a disheveled girl was locked inside pleading for you to help her. As you moved closer a chainsaw roared to life behind you as a leather face dressed man charged out of the hidden corner chasing the three of you out of the room and into the next section.
As you made your way through the last 3 rooms you have been positioned somewhere between the two. You swear Sam jumped a foot off the ground when he was caught off guard at the last jump scare. Your thoughts were confirmed when you left and Colby began to laugh and called Sam out on it. From there the three of you bumped into each other as you walked on to the next thing you were off to do, which was carve some pumpkins which really just became a but if a mess of pumpkin guts that was tossed about your table until your group was asked to leave.
The two put back on their masks and you gladly took videos of them going around scaring poor people passing by. When your friend finally texts to meet up, you took a group picture with the two who were enjoying making trouble scaring people and sent it with the location to meet up. Sam and Colby hid them selves and waited until your friend arrived popping out and gave your friend a good scare before the three of you exchanged numbers agreeing to join them on a future ghost hunt before you left with your friend.
“Told you, you would have fun.” Your friend walks backwards, their phone out and up.
“Yeah, yeah.” You roll your eyes seconds before your head is bunched between your shoulders from the flinching reaction of two ‘Boos’ on either side of you accompanies by a Freddy Kruger and Ghost Face masks.
You turn playfully hitting the laughing guys on the shoulders as the turn to scurry away.
“Trouble I tell you. They are trouble.” You comment turning to your friend with a large smile.
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czrpenters · 1 year
First things first, this is canonically about Ghostface Sam. Also, trigger warning about mentions of blood and cuts.
Okay, let's go.
First of all, Sam absolutely LOVES when she's in control. Even when she bottoms, she always praises you and gives you directions the entire time. The idea that you were innocent and pure was incredibly hot for her; she loved being the one who has taken you to the wrong path (especially when she found out that she was your first; that really drove her insane for months and she still couldn't get over the fact that you had zero sexual experiences before her). So, being submissive is a must for Sam.
Now, getting into the specifics. Sam is obcessed with causing pain (I mean, obviously). And it's incredible because she knows exactly the amount you like. She's all about hands; she will slap you, choke you, pull your hair, scratch you. And you couldn't help it; you loved being her toy. Also, getting into the toy section, she recently started getting into whips so that was a plus for you guys.
It's not a surprise that Sam's favourite toy is her strap. She has, at least, five. They vary on colours and shapes, but her all time favourite is definetly her red one. It reminds her of blood and that gets her in the mood quickly. When she felt a little bit more romantic and cutesy, she would prefer to fuck you with her bare hands. She totally had the arms and stamina for it. But, there were days where she prefered to go rough with you; and she would take your body to its absolute limit. She literally could cum just by watching you get fucked by her red strap.
Other than the strap-on, she would have an entire collection of toys. It included handcuffs, ropes, whips, blindfolds, vibrators and anything that Sam could buy in a sex shop. She would also be a huge, huge fan of matching underwear. But you knew better by know to absolutely NOT buy any expensive lingeries; if she was impatient enough, she would rip them apart. You've learned it the hard way.
Also, Sam's a huge fan of privacy. She wasn't really fond of having sex outside of your house. Maybe, just maybe, you guys would fuck in her car; other than that, she would prefer to keep it in the bedroom. Also, Sam likes when it's just the two of you in the apartment. The only time you guys would have sex the way she wanted was when you were both alone. Sam wants you to scream, she wants you to cry; and she couldn't do that when her younger sister was in the room next door. So everytime the house was full, she would (most of the times, against her will) have slower sex with you. For the sake of peace and quiet.
And of course, we all can tell she has the dirtiest mouth. She would just say the nastiest, filthiest shit you've ever seen. And that made you straight up crazy. She could easily make you cum just by saying what she wanted to do with you in your ear. Your guys' chat messages were filled with shit she would say to you in middle of class (and also, tons of nudes). You had to turn off your phone every now and then so you wouldn't get turned on around your friends.
But there are a ton of things that Sam enjoys, that she just doesn't have the guts to tell you. First off, knife play. Ever since Sam left Woodsboro she decided that having weapons was the safest choice for her and her family; she just never thought that they would turn her on so much. There were countless times where she was jerking off to the thought of sliding a knife into your body. Not too strongly, just enough to leave you with a few scratches. It was such a double-edged sword; she hated the thought of hurting you, but imagining the knife making little cuts on your skin turned her on so, so much. And this lead for her to think about blood play, of course. She would do crazy things just to taste your blood in her mouth. It drove her crazy, and that's why she would never tell you. She was scared of what you would think, so for now, it was one of her little secrets.
Second of all, she really is into overstimulation and orgasm denial, she just didn't bring it up yet because she really doesn't know how you feel about it. But she plans on bringing it up soon; she can't wait to have complete control of your body. Getting to say when you get to cum, and when you get to stop cumming. She has this absolute need to be in control of everything.
And, last but not least; ghostface. She didn't wanted to like it that bad, but ever since she killed someone in a ghostface costume, she felt something different (other than adrenaline). She felt... turned on? She would absolutely never, ever, ever bring this up to you; she knew you had severe trauma with that costume, so she prefered to keep it on the low. But the thoughts of fucking you raw while wearing the mask drove her absolutely insane.
And of course, there were other tiny things that Sam loved, such as anal, double-penetration, fucking your mouth with her strap (also, spitting in it) and gagging you. Seeing you with nothing but a skirt on really got her going as well. She absolutely loved fucking you when you had only a tiny skirt covering your pussy.
I've said this before that Sam is down to try anything, really. Anything that you're open to trying, because she would never do something you hated, even if it was something she really wanted to do. Except for threesomes. God, Sam hated the idea of having someone else touching her girl. Even worse, someone else touching her. She was yours, you were hers. And she hated sharing. Threesomes were a no to her.
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vladdyissues · 6 months
Fun (scary) fact: Amity park's citizens will die of cancer, furthermore, at 'young' age (30-50's years) because ectoplasmic pollution (small particles or ectoplasm itself) in the air or in items ghost had possessed is a radiation. Human somatical cells mutate faster than they should. It also affects on their reproduction: the number of born-mutants will increase, problems with fertility as well. (Of course, halfas are immune, they don't care about poor people (Vlad got ecto acne before he developed this immune))
It could be an alternative subject for Danny's bioproject (s1 ep3). Ah, Sam, your little ghost boy could scared your classmates to death but you suggest to research gorilla's behaviour.
(I've just realised 80% asks for you was mine: ghost king au with pompous pep marriage, DP as anime?, omega/malewife Vlad, soulmates, contact infection au and etc. (but not Vlad's bites-detectors) I guess I talk too much :( )
That's very plausible! Maybe the worst thing about it is that it takes 10 years for all the cancer signs to show up, then another 10-15 years to figure out what's causing it. If the Fentons haven't moved out of Amity Park by then, they'll have to when angry mobs start showing up on their doorstep. Maybe things get bad enough that the GIW gets involved. The federal government comes under fire for allowing private citizens to pollute an entire town, intentionally or not, and Jack and Maddie are faced with the difficult choice of ending up working for the GIW (why let all that good research go to waste?) or going to jail for a long, long time.
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And then Vlad steps in, perhaps after 20 years of living in recluse following the events of Phantom Planet. He's barely aged. He offers to help the Fentons out of their jam and redeem himself in the eyes of the world by developing a cure for the ecto-cancer he's been working on* (a derivative of the cure for ecto-acne that he received during the events of Masters of All Time), for which he needs their help.
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The cure works, and the Fentons are allowed to continue their research under the supervision of Vlad Masters/Plasmius, who went from most hated man in the world to its beloved hero... and of course Danny is disgusted with this turn of events. (But at the same time he's also kind of glad to see Vlad again. The old fruit loop seems to have calmed down a lot in the past 20 years, and he did help his parents out of a terrible mess, basically restoring the Fenton family name... Maybe it's time to forgive and forget.)
* I like to think that after Vlad got out of the hospital in the early 80s, he stole the ghost portal plans from Jack, perhaps trying to find out exactly what was causing these strange new abilities he had. In the process, he ended up rebuilding the portal and correcting for all the flaws—such as leaking ecto-contaminants. (Maybe that was his role when working with Jack and Maddie: always better at improving upon ideas rather than coming up with new ones.)
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Sorry, anon, I seem to have gotten carried away. LOL 80% of these asks may be yours, but I don't mind! They're fun and I really enjoy answering them, so no need to apologize :)
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holly-louisexox · 1 month
Ribcage X Andy Biersack- Part 25
"There's one thing you should know about me Delia Vincent, I don't date. Got no heart to break and emptiness is safe, keep it that way."
He was adamant in his choices...
...But then things changed.
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Author's Note:
This part briefly mentions food and calorie/ serving measuring. I know food can be scary sometimes, but please try to remember that food is a friend and is good for us! I know it can be difficult and that's okay, my inbox is a safe space if ever you need a chat, please do not be scared to drop me a message.
Sam had overestimated the ability of his friend's fake ID making, he did not realise that a fake passport was much more complex than that of a normal ID card. 4 hours of working on the passport had then turned into a beer, which turned into multiple beers which then led him to falling asleep on his friend's sofa for the night. Granted he felt extremely bad for, what was her name? His beautiful soon to be bride? It did not matter to him now what her name was, for now, according to her passport her name was Sofia Michaelson and soon she would be Sofia Todd, there would be no way of anyone tracking her down. He did feel guilty that she had missed out on a meal but one meal would not hurt her, after all, the meals he was making for her he was measuring to be sure. He needed his future bride to be healthy. Not underweight, not overweight, not malnourished, not lacking any important vitamins. Sam had always wanted the perfect wife and perfect woman to mother his children, he had to do everything in his power to keep it so.
After parking his car on his driveway and turning off the engine, he felt a smile come to his lips. His plan had finally worked. He was finally going to get the most beautiful and submissive little wife to be by his side. Sure, things may not be perfect right away, but he would get her to love him. He would find a way to completely put out the fire that the woman had, hell, he had already started doing that. Maybe one day she would come to love him, but until then he had her, they'd be legally married on a piece of paper and he would be able to condition her to be his completely. 
"Honey, I'm home!" Sam calls through the house as he walks in and shuts the front door behind him before walking up the stairs leading to the room he had kept her in. "I'm so sorry I was out so long, things took an unexpected turn, but don't you worry I didn't forget your period things."
Pulling out his keys once again, he grabs the key to the room before unlocking it. He loved nothing more than seeing his beautiful girl, just the mere thought that he had perfection in his own house made him beam brighter.
"I promise I'm going to-" He starts as he unlocks the door before stopping himself mid-sentence. 
Instead of being met by his wonderful now Sofia, he glances upon the room that is now empty. The window was smashed, she must have jumped out. Going over to the window in the hopes that she was there he was met with the realisation that she had indeed fled. All that remained was a small trace of her blood on the smashed window. He had to hand it to her, she played a convincing case to him. He did not expect her to have done this. But now he had to find her. He could not let her go running back to the police, not after all his hard work. He could not let her go running back to the bastard that had tried phoning her so many times. What was his name again? Andy? No, She was his and his alone, he was not about to share his masterpiece with some idiotic emo looking guy who let her walk, she deserved better than that. Sam was convinced that he could provide her that better too if she just allowed him to.
"You little bitch!" Sam shouts at the smashed window before storming out of the room and back down the stairs. 
Surely she could not have gotten far. She was injured. If the cut to her porcelain skin was not enough to slow her down, the fall from the window would have left its impact on her. He was determined to find her, even if it meant driving around the whole of Seattle.
 Every step that Delia took felt torturous. Climbing out of the window, she had managed to cut the side of her ribcage open, thankfully not deep enough that it bled for ages but enough to create a stinging sensation at every movement she made. She was convinced she had broken her left ankle from the fall, she had to try her hardest not to fall over every time she put weight on it and the pain was unbearable. Climbing the fence proved harder than she thought for too, especially with her newly busted-up foot. In the process of climbing, she had also managed to cut open her right leg. But alas, she managed to make it out and flee the house. She ended up spending the night on a bench in the park nearby, thankfully the trees and bushes surrounding it kept her hidden out of plain sight as she took the opportunity to lie down on it. She had no idea what time it was or even how long she had been missing, all she knew was that she was away from Sam and that was progress.
As she rested she was begging that Sam would not find her. She was also contemplating whether she would continue to move away from the location and find someone or anything that could help her or if she just rest her aching body, as she quickly watched the night fall over the sky above her, she decided that rest would be the better option. However sleep did not come to her that night, instead she was lying down shivering, paranoid by every rustle of the leaves and every sound she heard.
As the sun began to rise hours later, that's when she decided to start moving again. Maybe Sam would forget her and move on to someone else. No. She had to report him before he could do that. She could not let another woman fall into his arms. After an excruciating walk that must have taken her about an hour, it was probably a 20-minute walk but in her state took much longer, she finally stumbled upon a gas station; she was just glad to see that she was indeed still in Seattle, based on the signs that surrounded her. Maybe she could borrow someone's phone? She could contact the group and get herself some help.
"Excuse me" Delia politely smiles at a woman nearby.
"If you're wanting money, then no I don't have any to give. Have a nice day." The woman dismisses her before climbing into the car and driving off. Delia had not had a chance to check herself over but based on that reaction she must have looked terrible.
"Excuse me." Delia tries again, this time finding a man dressed in a suit.
"Can I help you miss?" He turns around smiling before his face drops as if he had seen a ghost. "My word, you're the girl on the news!"
"The news?" She asks confused.
"You've been missing for a few days, presumed to have been taken by the murderer, but how are you here? Am I going crazy?"
"No, I assure you you're not. I managed to escape." Delia tries to smile despite her pain "Could I please borrow your phone so I could call my friends? He took my phone from me."
"Yes of course dear. Although would you not be better off calling the police?" He smiles warmly at her.
"I just, I need to let my friends know I'm okay and tell them where I am first. I don't know how much time I have or if the guy who took me will find me again. Where are we exactly?" Delia begs.
"Yes, of course, we're at gas station 76, 10th Avenue." The man smiles before handing Delia his phone.
"Thank you." Delia breathes feeling a small sense of relief wash over her. Immediately she begins calling the one number of the group she had somehow memorised.
"Hello?" She hears through the phone after a few seconds of ringing, the smile instantly flooded her face hearing the familiar voice.
"Andy, it's Delia." She speaks back feeling calm just from knowing she was talking to Andy again.
"Delia?" Andy half shouts before she hears a thud and a muffled mumble of the word 'crap', she could guess he had dropped his phone in shock; not that she would blame him. "Guys, it's Delia." 
"Delia? Where are you?" She then heard the voice of Shevy, Andy must have put her on loudspeaker.
"I'm at Gas Station 76 on 10th Avenue. I managed to escape, but I don't know how much time I have until he finds me, please hurry!" She begs through the phone.
"Okay I have the location up on my map, it's a 30-minute drive away!" Delia could then hear Jake, she could just imagine him pulling his phone out from his pocket and trying to be the tech nerd she knew he was.
"Okay, Delia, We'll be there as soon as we can. Try to hide out of plain sight if you can so the monster does not find you again. I'll look for you and call your name. Are you hurt?" Andy asks frantically as she then hears a lot of shuffling indicating that her friends are on the move to get to her.
"No, no I'm not. I'm okay." Delia lies. She could already hear the panic in Andy's voice, she did not want to worry him any more than he was.
"We'll be there soon okay? Please stay safe." Andy begs her.
"I will." She smiles, nodding even though she knew he could not see her, before ending the call and handing the guy his phone back. "Thank you."
"Well look, my car is just over there. I'll stay in the area until your friends are here to make sure you're safe." The man smiles before walking off; what he did not tell her was that he was also planning on phoning the police as soon as he got to his car. He could not just leave this woman for dead.
Sitting down on the footpath near the gas station all she could now do was wait, yet she was feeling hopeful. Her friends were on their way to come and pick her up, her wounds could get treated at the hospital and she would be safe. She was not sure how the time was passing her by, but eventually, she found herself smiling and humming 'The King of Pain' to herself; the song that Andy had silently dedicated to her on so many occasions. Yes, he had hurt her, but she also knew she ended up hurting him, and in this moment all she wanted was him. Surely she could give him a chance if she pulls through all the chaos. She's going to need to rely on her family and friends, she knew that, so why not start there?
"There you are!" Delia heard a familiar voice shout.
Shit, Sam had found her. All that hope she was feeling, all that joy passing through her body, it had suddenly dissolved into nothing.
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krikeymate · 11 months
Fictober 2023: Day 30: “Are you with me?” - Run Rabbit Run Fandom: Scream Rating: T Warnings: Violence.
Sam takes a deep breath, her fingers clutching a white-knuckled grip around the hilt of her knife.
Her father’s knife.
The one he used to Kill. Destroy. Ruin.
She smiles –
To Stalk. Hunt. Haunt.
– And pulls down the mask.
Sam’s not her father.
She’s something better.
With an indisputable elation in her chest, she creeps forward, following her unsuspecting prey through the dark corridors of the university.
It’s so easy, so simple.
See, Billy’s flaw is he went after the innocent. That he was selfish.
Sam doesn’t have that problem.
People turn the other way when it’s the guilty who die, no one ever wants to look too close, to find the truth. It’s the perfect crime, ridding the world of those it’s better off without. Everyone agrees with it, but few have the guts to make it a reality.
But Sam’s always know she was stronger than most.
Her rabbit pauses as a shadowed figure steps into their path.
The corridor holds its breath; one, two, three…
The seconds drag on.
Sam waits with excitement, a dog pulling at its leash, preparing for the moment the clip is released; her toy with anxiety, taking a step back at the unexpected intrusion to their midnight wander.
The guest stays frozen with a calm restraint, the way one might if they know what comes next.
“Wh- who’s there?” their bunny calls out through shaking hands. “What are you doing? What do you want?”
Every unanswered question makes the boy fidget ever more, and Sam’s blood sings in anticipation.
“You haven’t been answering my calls, Bobby.”
Now Billy’s other big problem was his subpar choice of partner.
“That really hurt my feelings.”
Stu was pathetic, a stupid little lapdog, begging for attention from his… brother.
“See… I want to play a game. Would you like to play a game Bobby?”
But maybe that wasn’t Billy’s fault. Maybe Sam just lucked out on the sibling department.
“Wh-what kind of game?”
“How about… Tag?”
The leash snaps, Sam lunges forward, teeth of the blade sinking into flesh. Clothing rips apart like paper beneath the sharpened steel.
He screams like a dying animal. It’s pitiful.
She only gave him a kiss.
A part of her thinks that he deserves to die for that alone. He cries as a match singes his fingers, but Sam, she and Tara? They were thrown into the volcano and had to climb their way out themselves, bloody hand by bloody hand, flesh stripped from their skin. They emerged hardened. No one would hurt them again.
“I thought you liked to play games, Robert,” she coos as he begins to crawl away, sobbing.
“Please!” he begs, “please don’t, please stop.”
“Oh Robert.”
It takes everything she has to stay calm at the feeble display.
“Did you ever stop?”
He freezes, shaking.
“Did those girls beg on their hands and knees, crawling away, crying?”
He turns his head to face her, falling to his side.
He finds no Ghost.
Sam is alive.
Her mask is as human as she is. She’s not her father, she’s a person. That’s what she does it for. For people, for her person.
“How do you- You- You don’t know anything!”
Sam steps forward. The snivelling man crawls back.
“So you don’t want to play tag then?” she teases.
The horrified expression on his face as he bumps into her forgotten partner is worth the delay in justice.
He should be scared. He deserves every agonising moment, every slither of hope he can muster so they can only rip it away again. They want him to suffer, as others have suffered because of him. As they have suffered.
“You’re being rude again Bobby,” Tara chastises.
Sam smiles beneath her mask. She couldn’t ask for a better partner.
She reaches down to grab their prey by his jacket, pulling him up only to slam him down again. The cry he lets out as his injured back slams into the concrete floor is music to her ears.
She slips the knife under his chin and lets him sweat as she considers where to begin to his blubbering symphony.
Glancing up, she finds Tara watching, enraptured, a look of wonder in her eyes.
Sam wants nothing more than to remove the bandanna from her sister’s face, to pull back the hood, to reveal it all and revel in her love.
But they have to work before they can play.
“Are you with me?” Sam asks, breathless. She sits on one knee and offers her knife.
She doesn’t think her heart has ever beat so fast as she waits for Tara’s answer. They haven’t done this before.
It’s always Sam who does the killing, who makes the mess, who takes her pound of flesh. And that’s how Sam likes it.
There’s a part of her that doesn’t want Tara involved. The rational part of her still alive inside of her that begs her not to do this, to keep her hands clean, to keep her sister clean.
It’s cut to ribbons beneath Tara’s hidden smile as she takes the blade.
“I’m with you.”
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randomkposts · 6 months
Thinking to do something with Fears, and the Until Dawn characters whose fears we know.
Did you know Chris and Emily both fear Failure?
Chris is scared of trying things. New things especially. A relationship with Ashley, it sounds nice, it really does, but what if it screws up what they have? Even if he thinks she might like him back, what if he's wrong, and she throws it back in his face. Laugh at him? What if it's all a prank? Ashley isn't a prankster by nature, but it's always the quiet ones that surprise you with this. 
So he doesn't say anything. 
He doesn't say anything even as fear coats his insides, as he is made to choose, and there is no one who can tell him he made the right choice, when the act of making the choice means his best friend is deadeaddead by his actions.  
He failed. The stakes are high enough that he is terrified of failing again. 
The night's choices only get harder. 
Emily can not fail. Not when she already has enough strikes against her. So she won't, plain and simple. She will be smart, pretty, rich, and bossy, even as she is a caring girlfriend. She is going to be the kind of person everyone wants to be through meticulous planning.
She wants a boy everyone else wants to have, good grades, her looks, her money. If it isn't falling into place, she will MAKE it fall into place through willpower alone. 
So she takes charge. 
She makes the decision to call for help when everyone else is losing their stupid heads. 
She decides they will go to the radio tower. 
She gets on the phone and convinces the people on the other end to send for help. 
Of course she's afraid. She covers for that with impatience. She doesn't have time for fear. 
When people let fear control them, they fail to get anything else done. So she can't be afraid. 
And when she finds herself upside down in the mines, she gets angry, and takes charge of the situation. 
After all, there is no one else to do it, and the price for failure here is death. The stakes are higher than they have ever been.  
There is no room for failure. 
Other known fears,
Ashley fears the dark
Mike fears isolation
Sam fears the supernatural
Well they certinaly faced their fears that night. Even preservered, if you so choose it.
I wonder if any of the others share a fear.. Maybe not, as it might have come up.
Still, lets take a guess
Going to look up common fears and most poupluar names of 1996. Jessica is second most common name, and on my google list fear of heights is second. Matt is second for boys name, but I'll go for the third and go for Arachnophobia. Hannah is seventh on the list, and so astraphobia, or fear of storms.
By this list, Josh's would be needles, but I think its far more likely that Josh shares a fear with Ashley or Mike, as those are both things Dr. Hill can make a point of bringing up in the second session, based on the players answers.
As a neat bonus, these are things that come up for fears in session 3, save heights. Of course, its probably a lot in that they are common fears, and the game is going to manditorally have heights in it anyways, it doesn't need to ask you that. Of course, I don't recall thunderstorms being a factor either, but I've never picked it, so maybe it does change something.
You notice I didn't mention Beth. Her name Elizabeth would be germaphobe, but I'm more inclined to think that Beth, like Josh, shares a fear with Ashley or Mike, so if Josh fears the dark, Beth fears Isolation and so forth. Tragically, his ending where he "lives" features both
Josh, alone in the dark mines. "I understand now Beth. This is terrifying."
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chaifootsteps · 10 months
I have so many conflicting ideas about Hazbin/Helluva, where I can't ever join the hate watching crowd because I still, to an extent, enjoy the show if only for its potential. The most recent music video kind of cemented this for me, because... I really liked it. I don't want to feel bad for liking it, because that's silly and separating art from the artist is indeed a thing, but knowing what goes on behind the scenes... it's a bit tricky to reconcile with.
Stolas' songs (You'll be Okay, Owl in a Cage, Look my Way - even though that last one wasn't written by Sam Haft) have always been my favourites, and if I'm being frank, the only ones I've liked. I really like his character design too. Even now I'm uncertain about admitting that because so many people who send in asks to you rag on about how ugly Viv's character designs are, and while I do think they're confusing and impractical I have never considered them "ugly". Maybe I'm writing this so if anyone else feels this way they don't feel so alone? Not being a part of any sort of crowd is a bit of a terrifying place, even if it is ultimately a good thing.
I have ideas for possible Helluva and Hazbin fanworks but I'm scared to do anything about them because, with the creepy adolesent mob mentality the fandom seems to have, I'm afraid I would look as though I'm promoting the show, when I really just got inspired by, again, the potential. I don't want to write out a whole long explanation (that no-one will read) detailing my thoughts on the series and Viv because I might get taken the wrong way, and saying zilch and staying silent seems like the best option and yet also just as poor of a choice.
On a final note, and this is just whishful thinking of a better universe, but I think Hazbin and Helluva would have been a lot more successful and potentially less controversial if it had done the same thing as Daria Cohen, where each "episode" was a music video (because I honestly got more whole enjoyment out of the Look My Way animation than I have out of like, the whole of Season 2), and the whole entire thing could have been told through song (allowing for the more abstract imagery that Viv seems to have a better grasp of while also keeping the projects possibly more manageable). Obviously this would demote it purely to a passion project because she wouldn't be making nearly as much money off of it... which, when you think about it, is probably a good thing anyway.
Sorry for the length!
You don't have to apologize for a thing, Anon! As long as you're not giving her money or making weird excuses for Vivzie herself or named DaniDraws, there's no wrong way to love HH/HB. It's why for every ask I get trashing the designs, two more want to hug these characters close and steal them. We've got people here who hate it all and think it's always been a port-o-toilet fire full of ugly characters, but plenty who genuinely love it -- and I think as more of the fandom sadly hang their heads and come over to the critical side, that number's only going to increase.
Seconding the Daria Cohen bit. I don't know that it would have saved the show in the long run from its biggest problem, which is Viv's cruelty and ego, but a more Vampair or Mystery Skulls Animated-esque setup where each episode is a music video would have played to Viv's strengths and masked her weaknesses.
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localsharkcryptid · 53 minutes
you can make both always. I love the concepts of boths designs for cdream. One bc it's shocking seeing the guy that destroyed countries and scared everyone into thinking he's a monter, just being a human like everyone in all senses.
And the other bc it's actually cool to challenge the ideas we have and how it's easy to dehumanize things that look different from the standards qe have. And how people don't think someone can be vulnerable or hurt when does not look close to what we think as "vulnerable".
Cdream fits so well with either design it's hard to choose i get You struggled sm
You get it Anon, you get it
On the one hand, Dream being human - just a guy who has made himself larger than life and flaunts this persona of him being the villain and a threat, is so satisfying during the staged finale in particular. The person behind the mask is just a 20 something guy. He's young. He's human. He's human and is constantly treated as lesser. It's an excellent narrative for the story and adds a LOT to the guy who's POV we never get. I do love any Dream that is just a guy for that choice alone.
Though hybrid Dream, GOD, it writes a slightly different story that's just as compelling. Admittedly I almost always fall back into writing him as a hybrid, and it's without a doubt my favorite for the variety AND the reasons you listed as well as some of my own.
Cause usually, regardless of who it is, there's a decent amount of other hybrids on the server, it's established that they are at the least uncommon - but most likely society still follows a similar status quo to us on how they judge. There are unspoken rules of society for the hybrids that are 'dangerous', that you don't bear your natural weapons, you don't do anything to make others uncomfortable, you must conform to the comforts of others. It's all subtext and undertones, rules never spoken. Societal Conventions the loathed.
I'd like to think, with my Dream who's a chimera - based on the combination of a Florida Bobcat, General Ambiguous Serpent Creature & a Bongo/Forest Antelope (taking that last one from my buddy Charlie cause it's just so silly) - that he detests such things and has fought his whole life to ignore them, he wants to be accepted for ALL that he is, he doesn't want to bend to rules that paint him as dangerous and untrustworthy if he doesn't adhere to shit that people don't even talk about. This is without a doubt why the server in its early days is so important to him, cause he doesn't need to hide, his friends accept him and could care less about what he is. He's not a monster, he's a friend, he's a companion. They care about who he is - not what he is. Even if his reputation from the manhunt days proceeds him. The mask only becomes a courtesy when new people show up, to hide his face - not for their sake, but for his own anonymity that ties back to the Manhunt reputation, it is not to hide his fangs despite what others may think.
Then there's the thing of him being shoved into this box cause of what he is, and it makes it so easy for others to dehumanize him - to villainize - to justify. Yes, he's done bad things, he's done horrible acts and it's all too easy for people to say "it's in his nature" than to acknowledge HIS perspective and reasons, to even consider that maybe, just maybe he was simply pushed too far. A snake kicked one too many times. And unfortunately every single time he's forced to or tries to defend himself with the only language anyone understands, violence, it's just more 'justification' that he cannot change and is eternally a danger.
It also adds another layer of parallels between him and Sam - Who in my interpretation has done everything he can to fit in with society, to prove he's not a monster or anything of the like, he's a good guy. Unfortunately as we all know, that line of thinking goes to Sam's head in the end, and he becomes a monster for reasons that have nothing to do with him being a creeper hybrid. And that's not even TOUCHING Rivals Duo and how they mirror each other.
I could say SOOOO much more but I think you get the gist - I generally just have such a soft spot for characters who look different/have certain features and are shunned by society for it in one way or another + plus the whole motif of characters who struggle to change their ways cause it's the only thing that works - At the end of the day I'll be sticking with the hybrid take, for sure, I was just stuck in my own head thinking it over for a minute XD
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mudstoneabyss · 1 year
can you make a list of your top indie horror game recs ::3
yeah! so these wont be in order of what i like the most, they're just going to be here in whatever order I think of them. i'm also trying to go with what I think are more lesser-known ones, and if one is more popular it'll because I think it's one people write off that are actually good. as i'm writing this i'm going back up to say the descriptions for these will become less detailed because i got tired and cant keep repeating the art!! the atmosphere!!
Scarlet Hollow: A heavily choice-based horror mystery visual novel about going back to Scarlet Hollow- a small town in south historically ran by your family- for the funeral of your late aunt. its episodic and there are currently only 4 of the 7 episodes out. even with just them it is my favorite game. I love the writing and the art and the whole atmosphere of the game AND the soundtrack brought Brandon Boone (the composer) into my top 5 artists in my spotify wrapped last year
Slay the Princess: Another choice-based horror visual novel (and dating sim!) by the creators of Scarlet Hollow where you are tasked with, well, slaying the princess to prevent the destruction of the entire world. It's only a demo right now-releasing q3 of this year- but I'm excited for the whole game! my selling point for it with my followers is that the narrator (and some other characters) are voiced by Jonny Sims and hey podcast fans you like him check out this game
Endacopia: A click and point horror game inspired by Humongous Entertainment games such as Pajama Sam. Currently also a demo and set to release in October of 2024, I can not emphasize enough how excited I am for it. The game's style is so fun and there's lots of little details and the music??? There's two musical numbers in the demo alone. Some of the style and writing also reminds me of Undertale and even Homestuck somewhat (I say as someone who hasn't read homestuck)
FAITH: The Unholy Trinity: This is an 8-bit style horror game inspired by the 1980s Satanic Scare coming in 3 chapters with multiple endings, a very good example of games not needing high-end realistic graphics to be scary
Doki Doki Literature Club: Glances at my icon. who could've seen this one coming. I feel like most people know about ddlc by now, even if they don't know anything past "horror anime dating sim". It starts off for a long while a seemingly normal, if bland, visual novel dating sim until-seemingly suddenly- twisting into psychological horror. There's, however, a lot of foreshadowing once you see the beginning again after knowing what will happen. Honestly I think this games brilliant and its such a shame it somehow got lumped in with "cringe" mascot horror (its not even a mascot horror game?). For me a lot of the horror comes from the amount of scares left up to a random percentage- and how subtle a lot of them are. You can replay it and have a fairly different experience than you did the first time- and be scared by completely new things. There's also this existential and cosmic horror element that is less one you experience while playing it, i think, and more thinking about it afterwards. This isn't even touching on a lot of the secrets and easter eggs. a few years after the original game came out, Doki Doki Literature Club Plus was released, and it leaves the og game experience essentially untouched while adding a new vn experience the length of the og game (thats seemingly horror-less) as well as some more lore to the world, not of the game, but around the game, and builds more on the existential/cosmic horror. Needless to say from the length of this, I adore this game. also take the content warnings seriously, in the (free) og the game opens with warnings and a link to a page with specific tws, and in ddlc+ you are given the options to see those warnings listed before starting the game, as well as the ability to turn on tw pop-ups before game events
Home Safety Hotline: Also currently a demo, a horror game where you work for a home safety hotline, answering calls to help people deal with pests and other household problems. as the game progresses you get some more... off-putting calls and access to more unusual problems. I love games that put you into the role of someone who works a mundane job dealing with horrifying shit (similar reasoning to why I like the I'm On Observation Duty games, which I think are more popular rn than I want to put on this list)
NiGHT SIGNAL: By the same creator of Home Safety Hotline, this one's a short one about getting a new tv set and finding some strange channels during the night, inspired by The Twilight Zone and a 1995 game, The Dark Eye. A lot of the art in the game is done with clay which creates this really nice uncanny look and atmosphere- details about which you can see in an artbook you unlock after playing the game, which is REALLY cool I adore seeing the creativity behind and what goes into games like these.
and there's a bunch more I like, these are just the ones off the top of my head and I also dont feel like typing a bunch more dfnafnsk I'll also say if yall haves one you really like that I havent mentioned feel free to send an ask talking about them
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sounknownvoid · 1 year
How about sam owning his power?
Yes, another random too late at night on our boy sammy! - he just wont leave me alone!... :)
Thing that strikes me about spn and the dynamics bw sam n dean is the power imbalance - and theres multiple kinds at play and im sure ill screw it up in laying out all the layers i see in my head out here but here goes:
Theres initially the little bro v big bro power imbalance - in favour of dean - but theres also the perceived (by dean) power imbalance in favour of sam as he thinks dad only cares about sams safety and + his own love for sam makes him think sams got him wrapped around his finger - thing is, the fact that deans willing to do anything for sam is not necessarily sams doing but it scares dean that sam has that effect on him.....never understanding that he has the same hold on sam.
Then, as they get older, deans faster,stronger,better at hunting,fighting and gets all the parise from dad as a result while sam is the "runt" - scrawny & reluctant (and probably part of his reluctance to join hunting family business is that teenage-attitude of "ah well, im never gonna be better than dean or dad, why bother?") So he doesnt try harder than he has to, to get by ....so the physical power balance for a long time is also with dean growing up...and it suits dean just fine - after all, who doesnt like being "adored big brother" ?...but also given deans fear of sams emotional power over him, & sams intellectual prowess that dean already starts to see in him, dean revels in his physical skills and it makes him feel indulgent and sorta ok with caring for and about his sammy and in his mind balances the scales that sams adoration of him for his skills n physical powers somehow negates the emotional hold of sam on him...& so the scales remain balanced sorta...
A bit older again and sam starts to physically shoot up and he seems to pick things up quicker, is braver than dean at standing up for himself (&im sure on behalf of dean too, sometimes) more n more with dad and theres that damn intellect and that emotional hold on dean already...the scales far as dean can see is tipping slowly away from him....and then sam is (whether due to weecest/wincest feelings developing or just normal teenage angst doesnt matter here) pulling away in teenage fashion: more n more away from dean too so now dean feels like hes left feeling the brunt of that emotional pull more n more (again because theres wincest elements on deans part or not is irrelevant here - its just the emotional gap created when the person you're so closely attached to since childhood pulls away - but this is probably felt even more intensely by dean coz of the hunting lifestyle n lack of other human connections) - leaving dean feeling vulnerable af - which hed hate....and resent sam for .... & would see it as sam holding all the power - even if it may not objectively be true or even something sam is aware of....remember, he's just a kid - drawing boundaries n learning about himself as he grows....
Stanford being the 1st big decision sam makes on his own, asserting his independence - is a blow to dean -to him, thats sam exercising that power of his and being selfish and uncaring of impact on dean - after all, dean had to give up his life,his dreams for sam n his dad - why isnt sam doing the same?... and all the resentments at not just him being the only one to make sacrifices in the family but also of this growing power imbalance towards sam kicks in....and he hates it - he hates that sam doesnt need him anymore, is off making his own decisions, hes likely to be off creating and living his own life pretty soon - & wheres dean then?
As s1,s2 progresses, we see more n more sam being pushed into giving up his power, his independence more n more in favour of dean - not just by circumstances and hell/heaven conspiracy but also emotionally/mentally by people he loves the most - dad, bobby, dean...because the choice for him is "its either our love and acceptance or your own power" & ofc he chooses "family" & " love & acceptance" - cloaked in shame,guilt and humiliation.... theres no thought given by his "loved ones" to " how could we help understand sam's powers and help him manage it", train it or anything remotely positive - its instantly :sam has powers = sam is bad - why? - because he's now 6'4, strong physically,mentally and his only vulnerability is his love for his family: dean mostly at that stage... & they even mention munchausens syndrome by proxy in one of the episode - coz thats basically whats being done to him - hes being made to believe that his powers are inherently evil and therefore he's sick and he "needs" dean to deal with it...and terrified & in absence of any support,ofc he does, he does need dean to deal with it/with himself - slowly eroding his trust in himself... not blaming dean here - as to him its his own "life or death" + identity crisis situation - if hes not looking after sammy, who is he, what does he do with his life? (that "african root-induced dream walker in bobbys/deans head" episode makes it pretty explicit)...
S3/4 - hes had a bit of time on his own & hes found a "teacher" - ruby....thing is, he wouldnt have been that vulnerable to ruby to begin with, if hed received even a tiny bit of guidance n care n understanding of how to manage/control his powers ... so ofc, at his lowest he succumbs to anyone offerring him any kind of guidance or control over himself, coz hes already been conditioned to not trust himself - and why shouldnt he take it from a demon - isnt he already been called evil freak by his own? ...he might as well ...
To dean on his return this is worst case: sammy having his own power and his powers....again wincesty lens might add other layers but for this essay(sorry)!: 1xof the factors influencing deans reactions have to be also the power imbalance tipping towards sam again( he even says in one episide all huffy "well you dont need me, you & ruby can hunt demons on your own" whil packing his duffel) - yes theres jealousy n care that his bro is being manipulated by a demon and his own hell trauma etc,etc....but - lets not forget that hes also feeling that sense of loss of control n power over sam specifically...and so ruby is not the only one manipulating sam in this season...and love is not an excuse for manipulation....and dean is not immune to using it to get what he wants - ie sam (wincest or not doesnt matter here either - outcome is still the same that dean wants).
From s4 to almost upto s10 its a steady degradation of sam and loss of him owning his own power,his body,his self,his personhood.... and each time he tries to reclaim it, hes emotiinally beaten up into giving it up again - so that he can be loved - he is pretty much a "batterred wife" at that point, having given up his power to dean (&lucifer&gadreel via dean &...) - until he starts to fully reclaim again s11 onwards - but in a way thats much more "acceptable" to dean.... hearing words he says to charlie or to mary or to sully about how hes accepted that this is his life now and he loves it - this is somehow supposed to show sams "maturity" in acceptance of his respinsibilities in hunting n saving people etc ... but to me, its not really if you've been watching - its him being a "batterred wife", trading his power for love n acceptance... because he knows that dean will never fully accept sam in his full power....he cant as hes too scared of what he doesnt understand (incl himself). Again wincest lens would amp all of this to intensityx10...
It is these experiences that he then uses to help guide and care for young kids that cross his path showing abilities - incl jack.
If theres ever a reboot i hope its this - i hope its with a sam that starts to see visions n telekinesis etc and he gets support n kindness and understanding & faith in him - while he figures out his training himself - itd be amazing if its dean who "comes around" - hell id even settle for a dean that "comes around" in midst of "when levee breaks" and they run off and hole up somewhere n get sam his rest n care from dean and then training for him.....n they stop the apocalypse together but with sam having his full powers n dean proudly supporting him and himself being powerful in his own right... so that i can believe that its possible to be powerful n strong in your own right and still be loving and kind and caring and loved n accepted in return...
I'll stop here with that beautiful image in my head to help me sleep n not cry over how they did sammy anymore... :) ...not sure any of it made sense, sorry ... n thanks for reading?..
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