curryhealthcenter · 7 years
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Health Nut Writer: Alyssa Harrington
Photo/Video: Jason Wentworth
Thanksgiving is right around the corner and we were feeling inspired! If you’re getting antsy for all the holiday flavors - give these tasty dessert smoothies a try. Guaranteed to fill you up and satisfy your sweet tooth - delicious & nutritious. 
Bonus: if you’re traveling home for the holidays you can easily take these on the go! 
Modify to meet desired taste and consistency.
Red Velvet Cake
1 beet, chopped
1/2 cup frozen cherries
1/2 banana, chopped, frozen
1 tbsp raw cacao powder
1/2 tsp. pure vanilla extract
1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
Sweet Potato Brownie
1 small sweet potato (yam), cooked and chilled or frozen*
1/2 banana, chopped, frozen
2 Medjool dates (pitted dates)
1 1/2 tbsp. raw cacao powder
1 tbsp almond butter
1/2 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
*Sweet potato cooking instructions 
Conventional oven Preheat oven to 425° Prick sweet potato 5-6 times with a fork. Line a baking sheet with foil and place the potato on top. Bake for 45 minutes to an hour until soft and oozy.
Microwave oven Short on time? No worries! Just prick sweet potato 5-6 times with a fork. Place it on a microwaveable plate for 5-8 minutes until soft, rotating halfway through cook time.
You can also buy pre-frozen sweet potato in the frozen vegetable aisle.
Pumpkin Pie
1/2 cup pumpkin puree, chilled
2 tbsp almond butter
1/2 frozen banana, chopped, frozen
2 Medjool dates (pitted dates)
1 tsp pumpkin pie spice
1/3 cup unsweetened vanilla almond milk
Give them a try, take a photo, and tell us what you think: tag @curryhealthcenter on Instagram!
Happy Thanksgiving! Be Well, UM.
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curryhealthcenter · 7 years
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Health Nut Writer: Alyssa Harrington
Photo: Alyssa Harrington
Cold and flu season is upon us & ain’t nobody got time for that. 
As college students, we are exposed to new bugs every day. Cold and flu viruses run rampant on college campuses, and when stress levels rise, infection is more likely to occur. It is common to see more sniffling and sneezing this time of year and the bottom line is: we just don’t have time to be sick.
They say “an apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and while we have nothing against apples - avoiding ailment tends to be a bit more complicated than that. If you start to notice symptoms of a cold or the flu, take these tips into consideration - trust us, they are worth a try. 
Wash your hands
The best germ-fighting tool we have is good hygiene. Make it a regular practice to wash your hands after you use the restroom, return home from running errands, end a shift at work, get back to your room after class, and before you sit down to eat. Regular handwashing can help prevent the spread of disease, creating a healthier environment for you and your peers. 
Take your vitamins
Some people swear by Vitamin C to prevent or treat a cold. However, research shows that Zinc actually does a much better job combating symptoms. A recent study confirmed that taking proper doses of Zinc supplements have been shown to shorten the length of a cold while simultaneously minimizing the severity.
Sip a hot beverage
Nothing beats a warm drink when you’re feeling sick, plus heat has been shown to reduce the severity of cold and flu symptoms. If you start to feel a bug coming on, fix yourself some hot decaf tea - try a cozy chamomile or Evening In Missoula. Add a touch of honey and fresh lemon juice to soothe a sore throat.
Steam therapy
Treat yourself to a hot shower or run a bubble bath. Breathing in the steam can help loosen congestion and allow you to breathe freely again. For an extra relaxing effect, add a few drops of stress-relieving essential oils (pick some up for free in the Wellness office!) and boom -- your bathroom is now an aromatherapy oasis.
Soup for the win
It’s age-old advice that mothers everywhere continue to swear by. Hot soup with simple ingredients is the best remedy for cold and flu symptoms. Not only is it super comforting, it also has actual healing powers - from breaking up mucus to fighting inflammation. And although it has never been shown as a proven cure, enjoying a good bowl of soup when you’re feeling under the weather is never a bad idea.
Make water your bff and you’ll be feeling fine in no time. Staying hydrated is the key to both preventing and battling the common cold and flu. It helps keep your body up to par when you’re healthy and flushes out the nasty stuff when you’re already down and out.
We all get sick every once in awhile. But stay true to these tips and you’ll be back in commission in no time.
Remember: eyes on the prize & be well, UM. You’ve almost made it through another semester!
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curryhealthcenter · 8 years
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Health Nut Contributor: Marissa Davis
Stemming from the Greek word “change”, your metabolism converts the food and drink you consume into energy.  Metabolism, if working efficiently, keeps you physically and mentally plowing through your busy college schedule.  Most people view the metabolic process as the dictator of one’s ability to lose or gain weight.  Yes, the metabolic process does have power over weight changes.  However, there is much more to the metabolism than what meets the eye.  According to research conducted by the “Better Health Channel”, the metabolism is broken down into two processes, Catabolism and Anabolism.  Catabolism is the process by which foods (carbs, proteins, and fats) are broken down into physical and mental energy.  Anabolism is the process by which excess consumed calories are stored as fat as a source of reserved energy.
The individual speed of a person’s metabolism (”Basal Metabolic Rate, BMR”) is influenced by many factors, including:
+ Body size
+ Body fat content - higher fat content, slower metabolism
+ Lean muscle content - higher lean muscle content, faster metabolism
+ Crash diets - starving or fasting slows the metabolism
+ Temperature - colder the temperature, faster the metabolism
+ Gender - men, on average, have faster metabolisms than women
+ Physical activity - the more physically active you are throughout the day, the faster your metabolism
So how can you increase your BMR? One of the most effective ways is to eat breakfast.  When you are asleep, your metabolism slows.  By eating breakfast shortly after you wake up, you activate your metabolism and rev it up for the day.  Another effective way to increase your BMR is strength training.  Participating in a strength training program (weight and body resistant exercises) decreases fat and increases lean muscle.  The higher content of lean muscle, the more energy your metabolism must produce to fuel and nourish these muscle.
These tactics are just two of the many ways to obtain a fit, fast metabolism.  As stated above, there are many factors that determine the speed of one’s BMR.  That being said, just by participating in small, healthy routines throughout the day, such as taking a 30 minute walk, can jump start your metabolism, giving you the energy you  need to finish that paper and make it to the gym!
Metabolism. “Better Health Channel.” Better Health Channel, 2016. Web. 7 Mar. 2017.
A big thank you to Marissa, this week’s Health Nut contributor.
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curryhealthcenter · 8 years
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Health Nut Writer: Alyssa Harrington
Spreading kindness not only has the potential to brighten someone’s day, but the effects of executing a kind act tend to do amazing things for you as well.  
Being kind to others works wonders for maintaining good health by improving the essentials to daily well-being such as self-confidence and a positive attitude.  It can recover physical and mental health and give you a greater sense of self worth. According to a research study performed by the director for the Advancement of Health in New York City, Allan Luks, where he surveyed over 3,000 people, Luks found that kind acts in the form of volunteering and charity give one the happiness equivalent to earning a college degree or doubling one’s income.
Another study over 10,000 people between the ages of 20-25 revealed that kindness is more attractive than good looks and quoted “you can tell a lot about a man from the way he treats the waiter.”
Still not convinced? Take a look at the helpful graphic below to find out some other benefits to being kind and ways to get inspired!
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curryhealthcenter · 8 years
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Health Nut Writer: Alyssa Harrington
 We are all adults here, so please never let anyone tell you that naps are only for children.  Naps are the keeper of all glory.  They hold within them the secret to greatness. Naps are mighty and they are our friends.  Scientists are still unable to pinpoint the reason naps ever got such a bad rap in the first place.  So, if you’ve never been an avid napper, here’s what you’ve been missing:
A 20-minute power nap can do more for your energy levels than a cup of coffee ever could.  Think of it this way– when you’re tired and you drink a cup of coffee to wake up, it’s like taking cough medicine to get rid of a cough.  Coffee only masks the symptoms of sleepiness; it is not the cure. Nap more, caffeinate less.
While we nap, our brain is rebooting, wiping out unnecessary short-term thoughts and committing the important stuff to our long-term archives. A power nap is the perfect recipe for a clean slate when we wake up.
Adding a nap into your daily routine increases your ability to get through the rest of your day.  You will awaken feeling less groggy with the stamina to get back at it. Disclaimer: like any remedy, these effects are not instantaneous; give it a few minutes.
Studies have shown that a mid-day sleep sesh, short-lived as it may be, can set you up for a much more productive day. Being a student, increased capacity to learn is important.  Just a quick 10-20 minutes can boost creativity and productivity.
We all have a slight distaste for that irritatingly cheery person in the group project meeting, probably because our old friend jealousy has a thing or two to say.  Let’s face it; we all secretly want to be them. How the heck do they do it? Drum roll… they nap.  Napping has rejuvenating effects that will make you view the rest of your day in a whole new light.
  With positive attitude and energetic glow in tow, you are ready to take on this semester thanks to your shiny new superpower.  Spread the word about naptime; all the kids are doing it.
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curryhealthcenter · 8 years
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Health Nut Writer: Alyssa Harrington
Photograph: Tanner Everard
Here at Health Nut, we wanted to do our part  by bringing you something light-hearted.  We teamed up with Campus Rec’s Outdoor Equipment Rental Program to give you some ideas on how to take advantage of these snowy days, opt outside and help keep your own mind healthy this winter.  Plus it’s cheap entertainment - always nice to save those dollars.
This program is such a cool resource for students. They offer super nice, name brand equipment for students to rent at a very low cost.  The equipment is even available at a discounted price for non-students, so you can bring your mom or your non-studious friends.
 *Check out the link to their page! 
 Once you have your equipment and your adventure awaits, you might want to know about all the dope trials in the area.  We’ve got that covered too.  Here are some of the most popular trails around the zoo according to activity. Click on the “map” link to get directions from campus! And if you ever have any questions, the crew over at Campus Rec Outdoor Program has all the knowledge.
Snowbowl : map Lost Trail : map Lookout : map Discovery : map
**Skiing and boarding are great options, but they can get a little pricy after transportation cost and lift tickets. Keep reading for some alternatives that won’t break the bank.
Lolo Pass : map Pattee Canyon : map
*Here’s a link with more info. 
Blue Mountain : map Rattlesnake, Sawmill Gulch : map Lolo Pass : map Kootenai Creek Trail : map Lake Como (main photo) : map
Blue Mountain : map Rainbow Park : map Sawmill Gulch (Rattlesnake) - first hill to the left in the Gully : map
Be sure to tag Curry Health Center on Instagram - show off all the winter fun you’re having! Have a great week, UM.
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curryhealthcenter · 8 years
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A Guide to Essential Oils
Health Nut Writer: Alyssa Harrington
Infographic: Tanner Everard
Essential oils are fascinating healing tools.  They work with the body’s natural responses to enhance our daily function in almost any way you could think of.  Plus, they are like the great, great, great grandfather of restorative medicine. Essential oils have been used throughout history for healing purposes for thousands of years.
But there are so many of them that it can be difficult to know where to start.  Luckily, Curry Health Center put together a guide that might make it a little easier. Check it out, learn stuff, embrace the juju.
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curryhealthcenter · 8 years
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Health Nut Writer: Alyssa Harrington
Syllabus Week is rumored to be a so- called cakewalk in the college world.  But in reality, the first week of classes can be super overwhelming.  Getting in the swing of a new routine is rarely an easy transition.
Luckily for you, Health Nut brainstormed 5 worthwhile tips to help you get a grip on this semester before it has the opportunity to take over.
1.     Locate your classroom ahead of time
No one wants to be “that guy” who shows up late to the first day of class.  Save yourself the stress of frantically searching for your classroom with negative minutes to spare and instead, take the time to find it before hand! You’re welcome.
2.     Take it easy on the coffee that first day
It is definitely good to feel alert and awake, but too much caffeine can lead to jitters and anxiety.  You may end up feeling more stressed out than necessary.  Try swapping out your morning Joe for some herbal tea instead.
3.     Visit your prof
Fun fact: Your professor always lists their office hours on the syllabus.  Plan on finding said office this week.  If you know where to find them ahead of time, chances are you’re likely to hit them up for help in the future; rising to the top of their Gold Star List and lowering your stress levels all in one swoop.  Maybe even take it one step further like the over achiever you are and introduce yourself! I promise they won’t bite… probably…
4.     Write it all down
In each new class, take note of anything you think may be useful to your future self.  Everything on the first week seems like basic info that we’ve all heard before.  While this may be true, you cannot be trusted to remember all the details.  Plus there are actual health benefits to making lists like improved focus, reduced anxiety/stress, and boosted brain power. 
5.     Find a groove
The start of a new semester is the perfect time to set new goals for yourself, whether they be overall health goals or academic, lifestyle or fitness, financial or relationship they are put in place by you for your own success.  So whatever you do, don’t overdo it.  Set practical expectations for yourself.  Take it one day at a time until you can settle into a routine that works for you.
Bonus tip 
The Curry Health Center Wellness team is here for you all semester long. We know student wellness is linked to success and we have the resources you need. Check out how you can benefit from awesome Curry Wellness services like Peer Health Coaching. It could be the perfect tool to get you off on the right foot this semester.  Friendly coaches, rave reviews from clients, and the best part is – it’s free for students!
Keep reading Health Nut each week and tell your friends to follow too! We happily post every Monday.
Welcome back UM!
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curryhealthcenter · 8 years
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For our final Best Fail Ever post we have a failure story from UM’s very own President Engstrom.  It’s a good reminder that everyone, no matter what job they hold or how successful they become has experienced difficult times.  Thanks to everyone who shared their fails with us.  We appreciate your vulnerability and honesty.
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curryhealthcenter · 8 years
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Summer is in sight. For Missoula students, it’s less than one month away. Just like the rising temps you also get a feel for rising stress levels around campus. Are you feeling overwhelmed? Don’t let end of semester stressors get to you! Here are a few things to try:
Mount Sentinel:
Right in our backyard and home to squirrels, deer, black bears, coyotes, mountain lions, and hundreds of species of birds. Immerse yourself in the wildlife.
Humane Society:
A short trip from campus and you can pet or feed the animals at the shelter. Just ask for a treat bowl. Located at 5930 US-93, Missoula MT 59804, they are always looking for volunteers if you really like it.
Can’t get enough cute animals at the Humane Society? Check out Animeals.  They have all kinds of pups and cats. Looking to adopt? This is the place to go. This no-kill adoption center and animal food bank has all kinds of furry friends to take home. Located at 1700 Rankin Street, Missoula, MT, 59808
Dog Parks:
Don’t have a dog? Want to pet or play with one? Try any dog park in Missoula. Just walk in and enjoy (Most array of dogs around 5-6pm)
Triple B Ranch:
Want to see a zebra or camel? This is your destination. Located 2.5 hours out of Missoula in Whitefish on Hodgson Road, between Hwy. 2 and Whitefish Stage, this private residence might give you a drive-by glimpse of exotic animals in Big Sky Country.
How does this alleviate stress?  Spending time with animals has been shown to:
1.) Decrease blood pressure and cortisol
2.) Increase oxytocin, endorphins, and dopamine
Pop Quiz: When in a room alone, alone with a pet, with a spouse, or with a spouse and pet can you guess the quickest recovery and lowest stress response? Alone with a pet is the answer!
In a similar study, patients who were with a dog for a short period before surgery/operation had a 37% reduction in stress versus the control group.
If you can’t make time to get off campus for an animal adventure, mark you calendar for Curry Health Center Wellness’s upcoming Stress Less event.  Stop by the UC on May 3rd and 4th for dogs to pet as as well as free massages and other stress relieving activities.
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curryhealthcenter · 9 years
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curryhealthcenter · 9 years
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Infused Water
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Everyone knows they need to drink more water but with so many artificially flavored drinks available, opting for plain old water can get boring. Instead of reaching for those sugary flavored water and juices, try infused water to quench your thirst! Using your own reusable bottles is good for the environment, and drinking healthy infused water is good for you! Here are three simple recipes to upgrade your H2O:
1: Cucumber & Lemon 2: Apple & Cinnamon 3: Strawberry & Kiwi
• Simply add ingredients to a large pitcher, or and individual water bottle, and let sit in the fridge overnight. By morning, you'll have a fresh and fruity drink to carry throughout your day!
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curryhealthcenter · 9 years
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Simple Smoothie Recipe:
Design By: Tanner Everard
1 Cup of Frozen Fruit or Yogurt
1 Cup of Plain Greek or Coconut Yogurt
1/2 Cup of Liquid Milk, Juice, Coconut Water, Whatever You Like
Beat the morning rush!
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curryhealthcenter · 9 years
Strava: App of the Week
Daniel Dean reviews one his personal favorites: Strava, a social app that will connect you with other exercise buddies.
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curryhealthcenter · 10 years
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Stress Less
Stress is a normal physical response to events that make you feel threatened or upset your balance in some way. Stress can be harmful, therefor it is important to practice relief exercises.
Avoid: This is where you stay clear of situations or people you believe would be stressful to you. In other words, staying clear of “drama.”
Alter: If the stress is unavoidable, then find a way to change it. If you feel bottled up and are about to explode with your stress, then address your issue and let people know of your worries.
Adapt: When the stressor is not changeable, then find a way to change you. If it is work that has you stressed, then focus on the enjoyable parts of your job Remember, look at the bigger picture and ask yourself if the stress is really worth having around.
Accept: Some stressors you can’t avoid. So when those situations pop up, instead of grinding against it, look at what you can take away from it as it can prove to learn and grow from the experience.
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curryhealthcenter · 9 years
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Morning Exercises - Jumpstart Your Day
Kick a “slow start” to the curb with 6 morning exercises that will jumpstart your day!
80 Jumping Jacks
20 Pushups
40 Situps
Abs! (Pshhh, no problem.)
50 Squats
Add weight for an extra toughness
20 Lunges (per leg)
60 Second Wall Sit
Leg burners ! 
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