#lizzie looks so damn good in this PLEASE
crt8ball · 1 year
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no but like seriously im so happy they saw the outcry from the fans and finally did something about it
im not gonna claim to have known how annoying and disheartening it mustve been to sit and wait THIS long for a response and I support all the people who still are critical of the show despite their statement because of their silence
the boys need to do better in the future even if their incorrect portrayals weren't malicious, their actions still have serious impacts and i genuinely hope this is a step in the right direction
as a poc myself im just happy to see both of them FINALLY be addressed as black! esp with new redesigns!!! (watching the black rose eps were so jarring when lizzie was described as blonde esp when trying to find refrence of what she looked like and being met with 4 different skin tones and hair textures from thumbnails and the wiki..... plus not to mention jazz's original refrence skin tone. )
even though ive only recently gotten back into jrwi a month or so ago to catch up on riptide it was really hard to have fun watching the episodes + the rolled with its whilst knowing they still hadn't addressed this stuff
I wish them the absolute best and hope they change for the better with representing minorities since i really fucking love this podcast and everyone in it :]
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necroangelz · 7 months
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welcome to my ocean tour, we'll sail across the sea for shore !!
self-indulgent edit
art creds: one two three four five
rambling + resized versions and an extra graphic under the cut. like/rb and creds appreciated NECESSARY SPREAD THESE DAMN GRAPHICS AROUND BECAUSE WE ALL KNOW I DID SO FUCKING WELL appreciated! please don't forget to credit the artists if you use these. also don't tag this with anything that will imply you are c!Lizzie.
NOW PLAYING: Water You Thinking by LDShadowLady !!
if you somehow cannot fucking tell i have gone VERY FERAL over these i LITERALLY HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY THE MUSES WHILE MAKING THESE. these look so damn good! i plan to use these for rentries (which is why i made them in the first place, i ended up claiming .Co/empires on rentry so yk, gotta use the url!) and i am SO EXCITED!!!!
here are resized versions of the graphics (excluding the 3rd one), they're resized for rentry with 410 height!
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nowadays when i post graphics their sizes are already reduced for rentry, but i just love these graphics SO DAMN MUCH that i have to show off the higher quality versions in the main post so it's the FIRST THING PEOPLE SEE.
the 3rd one was actually the 1st in the set i made last month, its kinda funny how simplistic it is compared to the other 3 HFJSHDJHSDJ i still included it though, like the more the merrier!!
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pollymorgan · 2 months
Ex-husband Negan Part 1
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Warnings: Negan is a total asshole, but hot!
When I first saw Negan, almost exactly 29 years ago, I had no idea what important role he would play in my life. I was just a naive girl, instantly infatuated with this rebellious, outspoken, handsome motorcyclist who didn't follow any rules and did his own thing. Just a few days after that first meeting, he became my first serious boyfriend.
Love is blind, they say, and that certainly applied to me. I put up with all his mistakes, lies, and escapades for three whole years until I finally had enough and ended things. The pain and disappointment overshadowed my life for a long time. But if you think you learn from your mistakes, then you don't know me. When I was in my late twenties, this guy had drawn me back in and even convinced me to marry him.
Had he changed? Not at all! Despite his constant assurances. But maybe he simply can't help it. Negan remains Negan. In the cursed seventh year, I couldn't take it anymore and filed for divorce. Not because I didn't love him anymore, in fact quite the opposite, but the disappointments were just too much to bear.
Despite everything, he had given me the most precious and wonderful gift in my - our life. Our two babies. Gracie and Lizzie. And that fact alone will probably never truly separate us.
The two of them are no longer little, though, but 11 and 17 years old. And my ex-husband is the best father i could imagine. It seems like he wants to make up for all the mistakes he made with me through them.
They love their father more than anything, and that alone makes me incredibly happy. That's why I can't hate him, even though I have pretty good reasons to.
Just now, the three of them spent the last weeks of summer vacation in a cabin in the mountains. The fact that my media-crazed girls wanted to spend their free time fishing, swimming, and hiking, all without cell phone reception, fascinated me immensely. They probably would have thought I was crazy if I had made that suggestion to them.
It was strange not having my daughters in the house, but I also enjoyed the peace a little. It had been quiet around me for a long time.
My new partner, an architect from the office where I work, and I had been arguing more and more in recent months. Last week, it even escalated to the point where he moved into a hotel. Fortunately, Gracie and Lizzie weren't home.
I wanted this relationship to work so badly, but apparently it was doomed to fail. Steve is the complete opposite of Negan - calm, down-to-earth, perhaps even a bit boring, but I thought that after everything I had been through, that's exactly what I needed.
Ironically, what I constantly accuse Negan of, that he can never maintain a long-term relationship, unfortunately seems to apply to me as well.
But today, I tried to push my worries aside because my daughters were returning from their vacation, and I was looking forward to being able to hold them in my arms again after two weeks.
I was just about to put their favorite casserole in the oven when my phone rang.
"Gracie, my darling!" I almost shouted into the receiver.
"Hello Mom, we're on our way back now!" she replied.
"When will you be here? ... Dinner won't be ready for another hour.."
"Dad, how much longer do we have to drive?" I heard her ask.
When I heard Negan's response faintly in the background, my expression hardened and I looked at the clock in shock.
"Another 5 hours???" I asked incredulously.
It was almost 6 PM and school started tomorrow. Negan had promised me that they would be back in time for dinner.
"Sweetheart, can you please give me your father on the phone..." I spoke as calmly as I could into the receiver, and Gracie immediately handed the phone over.
"Hello, my beautiful..." he said with his unmistakable, deep voice that still gave me goosebumps after all these years.
At his words, I couldn't help but smile, even though I wasn't really in the mood for it.
"Negan, damn it, you promised to be back for dinner, the kids have to go back to school early tomorrow morning.." I said seriously.
I heard an irritated grunt from him, then he replied, "I didn't know that you bourgeois have dinner promptly at 6, but now seriously... our girls wanted to see a waterfall, and you know I can't deny them any wishes. I'll bring them home safely, I promise."
"I know..." I whispered into the receiver and then emphasized louder, "...but that's not the point!"
After the call, I turned off the oven in exasperation and sat down in front of the TV with a glass of red wine, trying to distract myself with some silly soap opera to prevent my anger from escalating even further, but it wasn't really working.
"It's okay, nothing happened, they're just coming home a bit later," I tried to reassure myself, cursing Negan inwardly. He broke every promise he made to me with such ease.
The hands of the clock seemed to stand still, or at least that's how it felt to me. Time passed agonizingly slowly. I started preparing everything for Lizzie's school day tomorrow. She would be so tired in the morning, and I already felt sorry for her.
By 10 PM, I was standing by the window, staring out into the dark night, while the table was set and dinner was ready. After what felt like an eternity, the car finally pulled up with my family.
My two girls jumped out of the car beaming with joy, and that dashed any hope I had that they might have slept a little during the drive.
I immediately opened the front door, and Lizzie ran into my arms.
"Mama, I caught the biggest fish of all..." she shouted from a distance.
"That's amazing, did you have a lot of fun?" I asked her, holding her tightly in my arms, breathing in the familiar scent of her hair.
"It was the coolest vacation ever!!!" she said convincingly and then rushed into the house. My eldest approached me more slowly, but she too had a big grin on her face. Gracie had inherited her father's smile and knew exactly how to get away with everything with me. She had to use it quite often, considering she also inherited Negan's temper. I pulled her into my arms as well and was once again taken aback by how grown she had become. There wasn't much left of my little girl; she already seemed so mature.
"It was really cool, Mom," she said coolly.
Then my gaze fell on Negan. Damn, after all these years, just seeing him made my heart beat faster. With my arms crossed, I tried to glare at him as menacingly as possible, but he just smiled and planted a way too long kiss on my cheek.
The smell of his aftershave and the feeling of his lips on my skin took my breath away for a few seconds. I quickly composed myself and swallowed hard.
As he tried to enter the house as if it were the most natural thing in the world, I stood provocatively in his way.
"Thanks, Negan! Have a good night, get home safely..." I said.
Lizzie came running back immediately. You could hear her running on the parquet floor from a distance.
"Can't Dad eat with us?" she asked, completely excited.
"It's already late, my dear..." I replied firmly, ruffling her hair, but not breaking eye contact with Negan.
"Is Stevieboy projecting his jealousy again, or why can't I even take a damn step into my family's house?" he asked, slightly amused.
Shocked, I looked at him. I was used to his remarks, but claiming something like that in front of our youngest daughter shocked even me.
"My husband isn't here... he's on a business trip!" I lied.
"Husband? If anything, he's more like your friend, or rather your companion for this phase of life..." Negan corrected me provocatively, underlining his statement with another grin.
Gracie returned to the door as well. "Dad drove forever, can't we eat together at least? We can show you some really cool pictures. Dad bought us a really awesome DSLR camera..."
I bit my tongue to stop myself from commenting on his unnecessary expenses. How many times had we argued about his inability to handle money in the past? But unlike him, I didn't want to say such things in front of our children. So, I reluctantly stepped aside and gestured for him to come into the house.
During dinner, everyone was talking at once, sharing the wildest stories from their trip. Both my daughters definitely inherited their tendency to exaggerate their stories from their father. But just like him, they always made me laugh with their tales. So, I even shed a few tears of joy as they recounted every detail to me. I felt Negan watching me the whole time, when he wasn't putting on his black-rimmed glasses to find the right picture to match the current anecdote on his camera.
Mid-conversation, Gracie suddenly jumped up as her phone vibrated, "It's David finally...." She ran out of the room with a big smile on her face.
"We won't be seeing her tonight..." I stated, wiping a few tears from the corner of my eye that I had shed while laughing.
"Oh, David... that guy doesn't sit well with me at all..." Negan observed seriously, looking at me somewhat perplexed.
"May I remind you that our daughter hasn't been a little girl for a long time... she's 17!" I chuckled at the fact that it seemed to genuinely bother him.
"David is her boyfriend..." Lizzie chimed into the conversation.
"Sweets, promise me that at least you won't bring a boyfriend home, okay?" Negan addressed our youngest.
"That's nonsense, your mom was 16 when she met your dad... even a year younger than your sister now..." I explained to her.
"That's exactly why this whole thing worries me so much..." Negan cut me off, and as I looked at him, I couldn't help but think back to the night I lost my innocence to this guy. Everything was so perfect back then. I know not many women can say that about their first time. But even though we were both so young, Negan was so tender and considerate with me, yet so confident that he dispelled all my insecurities. And that night was just the beginning of many more, even better... Lost in thought, I bit my lip until Lizzie's words snapped me out of my reverie.
"Can Daddy tuck me in, pleeease...?" she asked.
Smiling, I kissed her forehead. "Yes, of course..."
After everyone had gone upstairs, I started clearing the table, taking my time. I slowly washed the large casserole dish and then loaded the rest into the dishwasher.
"Is anyone checking out this perfect ass?!"
Negan's voice made me jump. I hadn't heard him approach, and as I turned to face him, he was pouring two glasses of red wine as if it were the most natural thing in the world.
I had to process the shock for a moment, then I made a dismissive gesture with my hands as he approached me.
"You should leave, it's late... way too late..." I said as convincingly as I could.
The tall man stopped right in front of me and wordlessly handed me one of the glasses. I knew the sparkle in his hazel eyes all too well, and it made my knees weak.
For a while, he just looked into my eyes, then he gently caressed my bare upper arm with his fingertips. Goosebumps formed where he touched me tenderly.
"You were thinking about our first time earlier, weren't you? I could see it in your beautiful eyes..." he whispered softly, while his gaze roamed unabashedly over my body.
I swallowed hard and then looked at him feigning surprise. "No, I don't know what you're talking about..." Why could he still read me like an open book after all this time?
Instead of protesting, he smiled knowingly.
I needed to get away! Away from this situation that always led to the same thing. Determined, I took a big sip of wine and went straight to the small table in the other corner of the kitchen. I needed to create as much space between us as possible to be able to think a bit clearer.
I had left my cigarettes there earlier when I smoked one on the terrace while waiting. Now I took one out of the pack and lit it, leaning against one of the stools.
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Steve had strictly forbidden smoking in the house, he didn't like it at all when I did, so I usually smoked secretly behind the shed in the garden. But right now, I didn't care. Steve wasn't here, only Negan, trying to ensnare me in his web once again, as he had done hundreds of times before.
"What's all this about, Negan? Do you need that reassurance to be able to get me into bed?" I asked directly.
Surprised, he looked at me, "Who's talking about me trying to get you into bed? You have quite the wild imagination, that's what I've always loved about you. ... That you were thinking about back then earlier was just an observation, my dear..."
Once again, he came directly towards me. I felt like prey caught in a trap. When he stood in front of me, I automatically spread my legs slightly so he could squeeze between them. I looked up at him, and without breaking eye contact, he took the cigarette from my hand, took a deep drag, and then tossed the rest into the last gulp of his red wine, causing a brief sizzling sound. Only a moment later did he exhale the smoke.
"Damn, you just keep getting more beautiful," he whispered, taking my chin between his fingers.
As often before, I just let it happen. Then he gently stroked my lips with his thumbs, and I tasted his slightly rough skin. It sent little jolts directly to my core, making me nervously shift back and forth on my stool.
"Do you often think about how it feels when I touch you, my sweet? What it's like when my lips explore this perfect body..." he asked in a deep voice, and I could only nod slightly. But then I tried to gather myself again. Gently, but firmly, I pushed his hand away from me and then said, "But it won't happen again, Negan. I can't make the same mistake over and over again..."
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noellawrites · 3 months
Stress Relief - stepdad!Rafael Barba x reader
requested by @rafaslittleboy
summary: Rafael comes home angry and frustrated with your mom, so he decides to use you to relieve some of his stress.
warnings: father/stepchild incest, fingering, inappropriate relationship
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Being Olivia Benson's kid had never been easy. Between angry criminals seeking revenge and never-ending cases that kept your mom away from you, you'd experienced more than your fair share of turmoil.
But even then, nothing compared to the night your mother and Rafael Barba came home and announced they'd gotten married down at the courthouse.
Somehow, taking care of Noah had always fallen on you. It didn't matter that you were working and going to school. Even though you were now in college and Noah was a bit older, you were still expected to be the responsible older sibling.
It had never been much of a secret that your mom and stepdad favored Noah over you. After all, they doted on him and told him how much they loved him all the time. You were practically invisible compared to him. Even though you were the one actually genetically related to one of them.
One night while you were doing schoolwork at the kitchen table, you were startled by the front door being flung open.
"Jeez, dad, what's wrong?" you ask, looking up at him and setting down your pencil.
"Elliot Stabler is back," Rafael grumbles, dropping his briefcase on the floor. It fell to the ground with a thud.
"I thought he was gone for good. Lizzie didn't tell me anything so she probably didn't know he was coming back, either. Poor kids," you sigh.
"Where's Noah?"
"A playdate with Amanda's girls. I'm picking him up later," you explain, looking up from your work briefly.
"Ah. Well, your mother is having a drink with Elliot. She'll be home later," Rafael spat.
"Damn. Jealous much?" you laugh, then realize it was the wrong move. You swore you saw fire rising up in Rafa's eyes as he stormed away to his and your mom's bedroom.
"Get in here, now." you hear Rafael growl from the other side of the bedroom door just a few minutes later.
A shiver runs down your spine. You were almost never allowed in your parents' bedroom. Only when you were being punished or scolded.
Even though you were in college, your parents still had absurd rules and acted like everything you did was wrong. Even though you weren't rebellious at all and spent most of your time watching your little brother.
"Dad, whatever I did, I'm sorry," you offer.
As you crack the bedroom door open, you notice your stepdad undressing himself, only his shirt, suspenders and pants remaining.
"I had a shit day and you sure aren't making it any better. Your mother and I have decided you need to learn to be more independent. I'm not even your real father, and you're not a little kid like your brother is. Grow up and stop relying on us for everything," he sighs, not even looking at you as if ashamed by your very existence.
"B-but you're the only d-dad I've ever had," you sniffle, tears welling up in your eyes.
"Stop getting emotional, don't be jealous over your brother. He didn't do anything wrong. Now get out, please. You're stressing me out," he says, rolling his eyes at you.
"What do I have to do to make you love me again? I'll do anything, please, dad."
"There's nothing you can do, I already have your mom," he states, laughing at your helpless desperation.
His words puncture your heart like a knife. He had your mom and Noah, so why were you still here? You'd always known you were useless, unloved, but now your stepdad had confirmed it.
"I can give you affection, anything you want. I-I can be better than my mom, please... please give me a chance!" you blurt, barely processing your words before you say them.
"Get out of my room. OUT!" he bellows, voice echoing through the walls. You leave, trying to preserve at least some of your dignity.
You sweep your homework off the dining table and drag it into your room. Your small, dark room. Somehow, even as the oldest, you'd gotten the worst bedroom. Of course. You flopped down on your bed and sobbed into your pillow, wishing fruitlessly for someone to make you feel wanted.
You couldn't remember when you had fallen asleep, but you hear a soft knock on your door some time later.
"Huh?" you rasp, eyes widening as your stepdad enters. Now clothed in a sweater and flannel pajama pants, he looks so much softer than before.
His sympathetic gaze fixes on you before saying, "c'mon, out of bed, sweetie."
Rafael leads you to the master bedroom once again, your mother still nowhere to be seen. Probably still out with Elliot Stabler.
"C'mon, sit in my lap. Don't worry, your dad's got you, okay? " you nod, so touch-starved as you climb onto the bed and into his lap.
"You were right earlier, we haven't been paying enough attention to you. Even big kids need love too. C'mon, cuddle with your dad," he says warmly, allowing you to climb under the blankets with him and snuggle up close to his warm body.
"I missed this," you hum, feeling his warm breath on your forehead as he wraps his arms around you.
You lean into his touch as his arm moves down your back, eventually stopping so his hand is resting on the small of your back.
Your breath hitches when you feel your stepdad's thick fingers reach down towards your underwear, gently teasing the waistband.
“Dad, w-what are you doing?” you hiss, writhing around gently to try and shake him off.
“Shh, just let me touch you, okay?”
You look at him with wide eyes, terrified at his uncharacteristic behavior.
Now, Rafael was sniffing your hair as he pressed a finger against the edge of your hole.
You tried to shake your head, or open your mouth, or do anything, but you were paralyzed with fear.
“Don’t tell your mom about this, alright kiddo?” your stepdad says with a breathy whisper as he plunges two fingers deep into your hole, nudging your pleasurable spot.
You try to muffle a shriek as your stepdad clutches your body close to his so you can’t get away. He was older and bigger than you and doesn't hesitate to exert his power over you.
The change was like night and day. You'd always considered Mr. Barba to be your own father, as he was the closest thing you had to a dad.
"Da-ad— please, please stop!" you hiss, feeling his thick fingers plunge in and out of you, working to pleasure you like he knew you deserved.
"Nuh, uh, baby. I want to apologize for neglecting you. And all this time, I've had a cute little stepchild right under my nose just waiting to be used. I'm sorry it took me so long," he says with a chuckle, like this is all some sick joke.
"I-I think I'm g-gonna—" your breath hitches and Rafael immediately knows, can feel your orgasm about to hit you.
"Mhm, just focus on my fingers, mi amor. Daddy's gonna make you feel really, really good," he coos.
You gasp and suddenly you can feel your little hole throb, trying hard to push your stepdad's fingers out. You clutch him even closer and he pulls you tight into his chest. His scent filling your nose just as his fingers were filling you.
Everything feels muddy, slow, dark. Your dad slipping his fingers out, throwing the sheets over and licking your cum out of your hole. His gentle touches, little kisses, reassuring you of his love.
He is just dressing himself in his pajamas as your mom opens the front door. You can hear your mom talking to your little brother in a babyish voice.
"Remember, not a word to your mother. It's not like she'd believe you anyways," your stepdad laughs, pushing your face away before going into the living room, acting as if he hadn't just fingered his kid to orgasm.
"They're not feeling great, I let them sleep in our bed. Thought some pampering was in order for such a good kid," Rafael says, kissing Olivia on the cheek. It's the last thing you see before you pull the covers over your head and welcome the darkness.
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lizzieislife94x · 7 months
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Doctor L/N
Requested ❤️ (Kinda requested a requested based on a one shot I done but instead of doctor maximoff it's l/n and a different kinda story idk)
WandaxG!P Reader
Woop woop guys here we are FINALLY a New one shot for yall 🙌 time to start getting all the new one shots worked on as always requests are always open feel free to comment them or message whatever you prefer all I gotta know is lizzie or wanda and a basic idea of a story line and if its G!P or GxG don't be shy with requests I shall do my best to write them to life 😂
Wandas POV:
"Ugggh I hate the doctors don't make me go nat!" I groan to the redhead as she laughs "no you don't hate the doctors wands you don't wanna see doctor L/N because you have a huge crush on her" I frown and throw a cushion at her head "lies natasha lies" the both of us burst out laughing as she throws the cushion back "ugh you're right but dude I can't go to this one it's a smere test I think and I'm not taking my clothes off and spreading my legs infront if her what if I get excited when she's touching down there I just can't go" i argue but she grabs the car keys and my arm "were going and I'm driving so I know you actually go so move it maximoff" I roll my eyes and grab my stuff following her to the car "we should be there in 20 minutes so just try and relax wanda" I buckle my belt as we start our journey to the doctors office.
"I'll be waiting out here now move your ass" nat says practically pushing me out the car door, I frown and close the door as I make my way into the doctors office my hands getting a little clamy "good afternoon can I have your name please" a cheery older receptionist says giving a kind smile "uh hey good afternoon" I smile "I have an appointment at 2.15 with doctor L/N my name is wanda maximoff" as she types away on her computer a few seconds later she looks up and smiles "great that's me notified the doctor you're here and waiting take a seat and she'll be with you as soon as possible" I smile and walk to a seat in the waiting room as I fiddle with my rings getting lost in though "miss maximoff" I'm snapped out of my thoughts by her beautiful voice I look up and give a shy smile as I stand up walking towards doctor L/N "good afternoon miss maximoff it's nice to see you again" she smiles making small talk as we walk to her office.
"So miss maximoff I can see here you're here for a smere test if you put this on you can remove your clothes behind that curtain and give me a shout when you're done" she says handing me a gown type thing as I take it I get behind the curtain and start removing my clothes my heart beating faster at the thought of doctor L/N touching or seeing me so exposed, damn it wanda get your shit together I say inside my head as I clear my throat "I uh I'm ready doctor L/N" I say my voice a little shakey as I open the curtain "great now if you hop up on the table for me and put your feet on the pads at the end of the bed ill be ready in a second, and please don't be nervous alot of women are so just relax it makes it easier to get the exam done" she says with a smile as she turns her back to me sliding on some rubber gloves I quickly jump up on the table and set my feet on the pads as the gown slides up "I'm just going to add a little lubricant to my fingers so I can have a little feel so don't be alarmed at the cold feeling, let's get the gown up a little more" as she says the words she slides the gown higher exposing me more her hands sliding up my thighs sending chills down my spine I can't help but bite my lip to stop the moan leaving my mouth "are you ready you will feel my fingers penetrant but I have to have a little feel around" I take a deep breath and nod "I'm ready" I simply say as I feel her sliding 2 cold fingers inside me casuing me to inhale sharply "fuck" I moan lowly "does that hurt miss maximoff are you ok" she looks up "it definitely doesn't hurt" I smirk biting my lip as she raises an eyebrow "you know you're not supposed to enjoy this" I can see her shifting a little in her seat as she keeps her eyes locked on mine her fingers moving again slowly I close my eyes and moan, I hear her groan slightly as her fingers move faster "if you're going to enjoy it I may as well give you something to enjoy" I open my eyes and look at her "please just do it I want you now" I'm surprised by my own honesty.
Y/ns POV:
"Please just do it I want you now" I bite my lip as her words hit my ear "so fucking naughty miss maximoff" I smirk as I work my fingers faster this was supposed to be a straight forward exam now I have a stunning redhead telling me she wants me what has today become "are you sure you want this" I ask sliding my free hand up her gorgeous toned legs "yes just do it do what you want just make me feel good" she pants I thrust my fingers faster knowing exactly what spot will make her gush all over my hand I can't help but grin as I curl my fingers and thrust against the spot a few times a loud scream leaving her lips as she squrits all over my hand "fu..cc..k" she screams as she tries to close her legs as they shake uncontrollably "no no keep them open honey" I smirk holding them open as leave a gentle kiss on her puffy clit, I stand up between her legs to get a little relief from the throbbing solid member in my pants "wow" she moans as her eyes land on my solid bulge "oh you want this" I smirk rubbing my bulge as she nods I quickly free my solid member as she gasps when it springs free "Holy fucking shit" I can't help but laugh as I gently rub my dick "don't worry sweetheart you'll take it no problem a little lube and that wet pussy of yours we'll have no problems" I bite my lip and pull her down the table so her ass is at the edge as I lube up my dick her eyes watching my every move as I guide it to her dripping entrance I can't help my moan as her little hole stretches for me "ye...ees fuck" she cries as I sink deeper inside her till my length disappears inside her "fuck wanda you have a tight little pussy" I moan as my eyes close her pussy gripping my cock as I start to thrust slowly my hands wrapped around her thighs as her back arches up off the table "mhh fuck you're doing so well honey taking my dick so good" I breath out as I start to thrust harder and faster the only sounds leaving her lips ate moans and cries of pleasure "are you still taking your pill" I groan my thrusts getting harder and harder pounding her pussy raw "n..n..oo don't like.. h...o...ow they make me fe...eel" I groan and close my eyes trying to hold back as her pussy gets tighter with every thrust making her cream all over my cock "shit where will I cum so fucking close tell me quick" she wraps her legs around my waist tightly pulling me deeper inside her "but you arnt protected" I groan my thrusts never stopping as her hold gets tighter "fuck cum inside me" I moan as I feel the knot in my stomach snapping and with a few more pounding thrusts I slam deep inside her holding all movements as I start to shoot my load deep inside her, her pussy getting tighter again as she cums with me both of us panting and moaning I fall forward laying ontop of her gently as she bites her lip "less mess" I can't help but laugh as I stand up and slide out of her as she moans, I grab some tissues to clean us both up as I fix my pants and sit "fuck that has never happened" wanda gets up and ready and grins "I've wanted that for the longest time" I smirk and pull her ontop of me and kiss her gently "you could have asked me on a date after work hours" I whisper against her lips with a grin "this was way more fun than a date but since you mentioned it how about tomorrow after work" I smile and nod "I'd love that leave your number and I'll text you details to come pick you up" she gets up and writes her number handing it to me before leaving a kiss on my cheek and walking out of my office, I lean back in my chair and cover my face with my hands and laugh, what the fuck just happened.
AN: first new one shot! I hope yall enjoy remember I haven't wrote in MONTHS so I apologise If this is terrible all honest feedback welcomed I hope yall have had a great day/night remember drink water and stay hydrated babes 💗  word count 1.7k
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novashelby · 17 days
I'm Not Your Wife, I'm Your Daughter-Father!Tommy Shelby x Daughter!OC-Angst
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Pairing: Father!Tommy Shelby x Daughter!OC-Evelyn (but honestly, Evie has a little bit of everyone. So, you are welcomed to be Evie...we are all Evie)
Warning: Death, swearing, violence, mentions of sex, very sad
Word Count: 2,761
Summary: Evelyn comforts Lizzie as Ruby gets sick in the hospital. When Tommy neglects his family, his daughter has some choice words for him
I am so proud of this. For the first time in a while, I feel really happy with something I wrote. So, please please please consider commenting and letting me know what you think. I know likes are easier, but I'd really appreciate some comments.
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The childrens’ tuberculosis wing was a dark road. In fear of contraction, no one was allowed past a certain point. It reminded Evelyn of the road to hell, but she was older then. She knew better to speak the words in her head. So instead, she said nothing as Lizzie and her stared down the corridor that only seemed to get darker. A simple hand on the shoulder was good enough, whatever that was…good enough. They knew nothing was good. So, perhaps, it was just enough.
No longer able to bear looking down where they took her, Evelyn turned, letting out a large exhale. Out of everyone, she had to be the strong one, the present one, the mature one. There was no room to lose herself. Without looking at Lizzie, her hand searched behind her until she felt the ridges of her checkered coat. Her fingers hooked around the sleeve and tugged. But she was stubborn. If anything at all were to change from then until the end, Lizzie was determined to be there. 
“Go home,” she told Evelyn, not unkindly. More so lack of any emotion. But she’d be damned if she left. Evelyn looked at her step-mother, or mother, she was never really sure what any of them were. The woman was young-only eleven years older than she, but her eyes were sunken in and her cheeks lost all and any color. It would have been nice and too easy to blame it all on grief. Evelyn knew better. Her father sent everyone to an early grave. 
She shook her head. “No way home at this time.” 
Lizzie softened a bit, giving a short head nod. “Very well-”
“Can I get you anything?” she asked. There was nothing left to get. Lizzie needed no more coffee. The two women shared a look of understanding. Lizzie stepped forward and hugged Evelyn; her arms squeezed around her, head tangled in her hair. Stiff at first, Evelyn was taken aback. Her own arms slowly wrapped around, hands hovering for a moment over the woman’s back. While neither were ever affectionate as mother and daughter, Evelyn was bonded to Lizzie by one mutual understanding. One was birthed by a whore and one was a whore. “It’s not going to be okay,” Evelyn said, resting her hands against her back. “It’s going to be horrible.” She could tell the woman was crying from how her shoulders twitched and chest heaved.
“I know,” she said, furiously nodding. “I know, I-I know….” Lizzie did her best sniffing, and wiping the wetness from her face, but Evelyn grabbed her hands. It was okay to cry. Everyone did it. Especially when life handed you a reason with no explanation. “I’m, I’m fine-”
“Let’s sit.” Evelyn walked Lizzie to an empty waiting area that was just as gloomy as the corridor. They were quiet for a while, studying everything there was to study; paint chipped wall, door frame, the chairs, and a lopsided painting of the Dover cliffs. But when Evelyn turned her head, eerily sat next to her was a teddy bear. It was a faded brown with a worn out face. Dried tears left specks of crusty, hard fur. It and her stared at one another for far too long until she turned and found something else to get lost in. “He’ll come-”
“He loves you,” she commented, slowly looking at her. “Out of everything in the world, he loves you more than anything-”
“No.” Perhaps it was true, but Evelyn couldn’t afford Lizzie going down that direction. “No, he loves everything the same, Lizzie. If it was me in that room, he would have been just as conveniently occupied-”
“He’s affectionate with you-”
“My father’s affections are spread thin.” Evelyn looked at Lizzie, forcing a small, thin smile…lips pressed and face tight. She shook her head. “We all fight for what isn’t there. You, me, Charlie. If I was older and wiser, I would have told you none of it was worth it. Him, it, us…none of it.”
Lizzie for the first time allowed herself to laugh. It was awkwardly placed among the hospital grounds, but nonetheless, it was a laugh of sorts. “I would have been just as stupid-”
“Well, if you look at it this way,” Evelyn snorted. “Married John and you still would be without a husband.” As the words came out of her mouth, she regretted it, but Lizzie laughed trying to soak up any humor she could in distraction. Shortly after, they went back to sitting in silence, soaking up their thoughts. Perhaps trying to numb themselves in the midst of it. Evelyn felt so much she was numb. 
Sometime around midnight, Ruby had been moved to a different room. One where the family can see her under precautions. Lucky for Evelyn, she had received the vaccine as a child unlike Ruby. They had come out just in 1921 and just a short year later, made their rounds. Lizzie had fallen asleep, slumped in the waiting room chair. She almost woke her up, but decided against it, wanting to slip into the little girl’s room herself for a short moment.
And it was a short moment because Evelyn couldn’t bear to look at such a small life withering away. She slid in the room. It was the first time she saw Ruby for a few days and even then, she’d been thinner looking. Her feet stopped under the threshold, feeling her heart sink down to her stomach. “Ruby,” she whispered, not knowing what she could expect back. The last time the two sisters chatted freely, it’d been about fairies. 
First, it was a sneeze and Evelyn helped her blow her nose. Then it was a cough and Evelyn went into her little room with some water. Finally, it was the fever and after the fever, the infection spread over her little body. Both were too busy. Evelyn would never tell a grieving mother, you were also too busy. Her father was too busy neglecting family for work and Lizzie was too busy caring for a man who neglected her. When the fever got too high, she called the doctor. Funny enough, they were home. Both of them in their own world. Own repeating cycle. Tommy had asked why didn’t you tell us? Who could between all the drinking and yelling? But that was then when they were naive of it all.
Evelyn pressed by the threshold and quietly sat down on the edge of the bed. The young girl slept still, head lifted. She’d never seen a child so drained of life; pale and almost tinted blue. Her breaths were spread out and wheezing. Sometimes they’d be like little gasps for air, trying to cling onto whatever was left. Affectionately, Evelyn rubbed the girl's legs to get some circulation moving and propped her up better. She was still fashioning the braids from a few days ago. “You look so pretty, Ruby,” she whispered, sliding to the floor to kneel at the bedside. “I wish I brought a blue bow…I’ll put one in your hair for you’ll always be wearing a blue bow.” 
Evelyn thought back to the time she took her shopping in Birmingham. Ruby had just turned five. Look, they have a pink one for your hair. She would have looked so cute with pink. Ruby had taken one look at the pink satin ribbon and turned, pointing to the blue one, I want the blue one. “I’ll always get you the blue one,” Evelyn said when the memory ended and she was left staring at the still girl. Tears leaned heavy on her eyes waiting to fall down her cheeks. It would be the first time Evelyn would have allowed herself to cry, but not for long. She placed a lingering kiss on the girl’s cheek before leaving. When she opened the door, Lizzie had just reached for the door knob. But they only shared a quick glance before Evelyn went back to the seating area.
The bear had seemed to been moved, so when she walked back in, it’d been staring at her like the devil. “Fuckin’ ‘ell,” she groaned, swiping it off the chair before sitting down. 
Sometime between then and whenever Tommy came, she fell asleep. He peeked in before sliding into the waiting area, kneeling by her sleeping side. Despite being twenty-four years old, Evelyn was still short and able to make a makeshift bed out of chairs, curling up. He was his girl. His baby still. After everything, Tommy still looked at her as he did when she was eight. His calloused, shaking hand rested against her cheek for a moment, his thumb making circles. “Love,” he whispered, placing kisses on her forehead. 
Evelyn jumped awake a bit, propping herself up with her elbow. In a tired voice, she said, “you should have been here-”
“I know-”
“No, dad.” Dad. Tommy felt that knife go through him. It had always been daddy, but never dad. “You should have been here!” The words came out like hisses through clenched teeth. She sat up, ignoring the cushion imprint on her cheek. Tommy couldn’t argue with that. He knew. Tommy looked down, swallowing, nodding.
“I had work-”
“Work,” she scoffed. “Ruby is in the hospital…she’s-.” Evelyn stopped talking, noticing the red puffiness around her father’s eyes. She knew then. “Why are you here with me? You should be with your wife-”
“You should go home-”
“You’re deflecting-”
“You should go home,” he repeated, tone a bit more serious. “I’ve called Isaiah to pick you. If you want to have a fight, we’ll have a row when I come home later. Alright?”
Evelyn shook her head. “No.” She was incredibly tired of his shit. “No, dad, nothing is alright.” She slid from the chair and draped her coat around her shoulders, wiping the sleep from her eyes.
Tommy looked over at her. “Remember when you were eight, and you told me something.” Evelyn paused at the door, rolling her eyes to herself before tiredly turning to her father. He was still kneeling at the chair. “You said…you said to me, do you remember? We were laying in the field and it was the first time I had taken you on the caravan-”
“What are you getting at? Huh?” she rushed him, fixing her bag on her shoulder. “I know, we went up north…it was the edge of the season and the mist…we got really wet laying in the grass. But I don’t understand what any of it has to do with you not being here!”
He got up, striding over to her, pointing, “you said…daddy, it’s me and you-”
“Because at that point, you were all I had,” she snipped back. “But guess what, I’m older now and my circle is bigger. I have other people, and in fact, out of everyone…it seems I have you less.”
Tommy cocked a brow. “No, no…you said, in some shape and form with your little girl words…daddy, it’s me and you, and no matter what you do, I will always be by your side.”
“I didn’t say that!”
“You did,” he said, pointing. “You said that…it was misty and in September of 1918…In fact, I had adopted you just a month later. Shortly before that, I had came home from France-”
“I was eight,” she sighed. “You can’t hold something against me from when I was eight-”
His hand reached up and massaged her cheek. ��I’ve held people for less-”
“Well, you fucking know what, dad.” She swatted his hand away. “That promise wears off when you start to neglect the only people who still love you. And quite frankly, loving you, it’s hard…it’s fucking tiring. Exhausting. You never know the meaning of accountability. You know what you do?” Tommy swallowed, his hand instinctively gripping her wrist. Perhaps deep down he was afraid she was going to leave. Go somewhere further than home. Somewhere he could no longer grab her. 
Tommy closed his eyes and sighed. “You don’t understand…no one hates me more than-”
“No one hates you, daddy,” she said. “We're just tired. Everything we have was not worth the cost of what it took. Everyone else is gone.” In one way or another, everyone else was gone. She slipped from his wrist and started to leave.
That is when he said, “I’m glad it wasn’t you-”
“That's an awful thing to say right now,” she whispered. “That was my sister-”
“I loved her…love…and my heart hurts so much right now,” he explained. “But if it was you, I’d be better off dead-”
“And that’s why I mean.” Evelyn had to choke down the tears. It was years of stress and trauma coming forth. Discreetly, she held onto the door frame. “You don’t understand…it’s too much! Daddy, it’s too much…I’m your fucking daughter! But after Grace died, I became everything! I became Charlie’s mother, your wife, your sister, your fucking mother! I became your nurse, your caretaker, your therapist, your fucking everything. It’s been ten fucking years, daddy, and I’m tired…I’m so fucking exhausted!” She walked over to, her hands gripping his arms. “I’ve lived through every stage of life for everyone, but myself…”
Tommy was hardly impressed. He knew what she was saying, but couldn’t accept it. Because he was selfish. “Have I not given you everything you’ve ever wanted? That is your problem, Evelyn, I raised you spoiled…and I will continue to fuckin’ spoil you because it’s too fuckin’ late. So what? I asked you when my wife died to help with your brother? Huh? Is that it?” He pinched her chin. “Do you not remember how you’d sneak out all the time? Get in trouble? Party and drink? I’d have to come pick you up from some random fucking house at three o’clock in the morning! So, don’t give me that bullshit, Evelyn…you lived your youth just fine. You know what I did with mine? Worked and then I went to fuckin’ war…So, I’m sorry, out of all your fun times, I asked you to hold a tad bit of responsibility. Go home-”
“Aunty Polly was always right about you,” she scoffed in disbelief. “You lack all sense of accountability. I had to sneak out because that was only time I was free-”
“And I never once punished you for it,” he interjected. “Never striked you, grounded you, hardly ever yelled at you…Out of everyone in my life, you are the only fucking person I’ve forgiven without consequence.”
Evelyn pushed away. “That’s because everything else has been a punishment. My friends from school are married…I was supposed to go to university, but you needed me home. All the men who wanted to marry have found other wives. Daddy, I am left behind because I’ve devoted my whole life to being your emotional lap dog, and what's sad is, you don’t even understand!” She paused to swallow, taking deep breaths. Tears had dripped down her cheeks, falling to the ground. “Daddy, you only have three people left…me, Uncle Arthur, and Aunty Ada…and some of us already have one foot out the door.” 
Tommy nodded, rolling his eyes slightly. He dug into his pocket for a cigarette. “Maybe my curse is my ambition.”
“And mine is that I love you too much,” she replied. “I love you so much that I’ve never left and I probably never will. So I will suffer until you die…I will watch you kill yourself little by little, drink and smoke, and sleep with women you can never afford to love. I will stand by and watch you wear people down until they die, and then have to put you back together because you realize your guilt. It’s a fuckin’ cycle.” Evelyn took a deep breath, fixing her coat before turning away. “Daddy, I love you, but I promised you that when you were making illegal bets on horse races. Not neglecting us for politicians.”
“What do you want me to say, Evelyn?” he asked. 
“Nothing. I want you to say nothing,” she said. “But I fucking swear to God, if you bring that blonde headed bitch back to our home and fuck her like you did the night Ruby went into the hospital, you’ll see a side of me you’ve never seen-”
“Daughters don’t get in their father’s-”
She looked at him once more. “I’ll fucking cut her head and stick it on the pillars of the bridge in London like 1600. And with her blood, I will write your fucking name….”
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sheluvv-gambino · 1 year
“Huh, you sound British.”
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pairings : e-42 miles morales x black fem!reader
summary : Being a new student is already hard, just imagine being British in high school within Brooklyn.
warnings : I put a slash between the difference of American and British words so no one is confused since I’m not actually American myself.
part 2
Switching from an English secondary school to an American high school was not something that you could say you were actually excited for.
But yet here you are sitting in your mothers car listening to ‘Bonfire’ by Childish Gambino, trying not stress over being in a totally new environment.
“Okay, we’ve arrived.” Your mum/mom said rubbing the back of your shoulder.
“I’m gonna go now, I love you.” You sigh.
“I love you too but get your arse out this car so your not late please!”
You laugh whilst unbuckling your seatbelt and getting out of the car walking towards the entrance.
Once you enter your immediately overwhelmed with the amount of loud new accents filtering the air. I mean sure you had been in New York for a few days before being introduced to the school but that doesn’t mean you were used to the variety of accents.
Making your way towards the principals office you ended up lost and having to scout the help of one your new peers.
Looking to your left you spot a fairly handsome guy with two cainrows/cornrows going down his neck, sharp jaw, and very plumed lips.
Damn, guess NYC ain’t that bad after all.
Tapping his shoulder you timidly ask “Sorry to disturb you but do you think your could show me to the principals office.”
He looked you up and down for a good thirty seconds before his focus finally set on your face.
“Huh, you sound British.”
“I mean I am from London.” You deadpan.
“Sure I’ll take you, c’mon.”
He takes off swiftly leaving you trailing behind him.
Once you finally reach the principals office
he stops and looks you dead in the eye tilting his head which ultimately makes you cast your gaze down to the floor.
“I’m Miles but I never caught your name.”
You look up and end up locking eyes.
“I’m Y/N” You smile downward.
“We’ll Y/N ion know much about British people but I hope we can get to know each other a bit more…”
And with that he walked away leaving you at the door of the principal.
Now all you have to is KNOCK.
Getting halfway through the day was particularly easy except from the bombardment of questions from people you don’t even know.
Asking things about Britain like you were the Queen (R.I.P Queen Lizzy) It was like they had never heard of Google before.
Fortunately a group of girls adopted you into their circle and you were currently sitting with them at lunch.
“So how’s your day been except y’know all the weird questions?” One girl asks with a chuckle.
“We’ll it’s been a bit annoying relearning the stuff I’ve already done which by the way don’t you think it’s a bit weird that you guys do algebra for like a whole year. In England once we finish a topic we move onto the next.” You ramble with a sigh.
“Eh I mean I guess but it’s not anything new for us. Anyways since being here, have you caught your eye on anyone yet?” Another girl answers and questions.
“We’ll there was this one guy but I haven’t spotted him again since he dropped me off at the Principal’s.”
Some girls squeal in excitement at a new potential crush to gossip about.
“He was quite fit actually and he had these two braids going down. He gave a really good conversation on the way their actually.” You finish off going back to your food nonchalantly.
There must be a shift in the air because the table of girls stopped talking until someone pipes up.
“Your not talking ‘bout Miles Morales are you?!” She squeaks with widened eyes.
“We’ll yeah he said his name was Miles but he didn’t give his surname/lastname.”You start to nod.
“No way! Girls have been trying to get with him ever since we got to the school but he’s always cold and quiet around people who aren’t his friends. Girl you are so lucky.” She blurts out.
“We’ll I’m sure he was just being nice, I mean I am new.” You defend.
And with that Miles Morales walks past your table trailing behind his friends he gives a smirk and waves towards you.
Yeah, I guess you are lucky…very lucky!
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I say this on my hands and knees Ari. PLEASE let Bruce interfere with arranges mother slapping reader. If Bruce is gonna build trust with reader that’d be a pretty good place to start
When you returned home, hours later, Bruce watched your car pull down the drive and watched you get out. For just a moment, you look deflated. Wilted.
But before he has time to ponder why, your back straightens and you head inside. He can hear you coming after a few minutes. Because you're greeting staff as you see them. Sweet as anything.
That, he knew was genuine. Free from Lizzie. Free from being spied on at home, it was easier for you to be kind. Genuinely kind. And he could see the change in the way staff interacted with you. The Grey Lady moniker they'd given you was slowly being changed to The Lady. Affectionately.
And he waited. You had something to tell him if you were seeking him out. Something important.
You weren't coming to ask for money. He'd set things up to make it unnecessary. You had access to anything you could need. The look on your face when you came to the door only confirmed it.
"We need to talk," you blurt out.
"Why is your face swollen," he countered, coming around the desk and walking towards you for a better look.
"It doesn't matter," you tell him. "My father-"
"Did he hit you?" Bruce said directly. His voice sharp.
"No. Listen-"
"Your mother then-"
"My father is going to try and use Mario to make you jealous. When that happens he expects well-"
"He expects me to behave badly?" Bruce blinked. You'd broken off unable to get the words out and he wouldn't make you say it. You didn't need to. However your father expected him to behave- whatever kind of assault- it was disgusting.
"I'll handle it," he said, tilting your chin up and looking at your face. He didn't want to minimize your concerns but- truth be told he half expected this. An infidelity scandal, however mild, looked bad to the family. And it looked like you couldn't do the job. "Does his hurt?"
"No- I Bruce- I-"
"Liar," he tutted. "Hang on. I'll have Alfred bring ice-"
"Damn it I'm not done!"
Bruce stopped. Your voice had gotten sharp. You swore. It had the same effect as if you HAD slapped him again.
"He wants me to sleep with Mario."
"It would force an annullment because if the prenup and then Padrino-'
"Falcone would be bound to your family and have to take your father's side if it came down to a turf war."
You nod and Bruce finished his text to Alfred requesting ice and put his phone down. "Do you want to sleep with him?" A simple question. Yes or no. And he wasn't sure he wanted the answer really. You knew Mario. And Alberto. Whichever son they used. It would be comfortable but-
"Of course not," you snap.
Unexpectedly Bruce smiled. He wasn't sure what he thought you would say. But as you stood there indignant and annoyed, he wished this was a rooftop so he could kiss you. So he could tease you and feel you melt in his arms. "I'll handle it," he repeated. "You're not gonna be a honey trap."
"Don't thank me yet," Bruce snorted, "I'm not sure how I'm going to handle it. But we might have to look disgustingly in love for a while. And make a different scandal."
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fastlikealambo · 3 months
Honeycake.|| An Alpha!Joel Miller x Black!Fem Reader Omegaverse AU
Summary: Joel has a good life. He's got his pack, his own business, no time for love outside of meaningless hookups and that one time Sarah tricked him into speed dating. Love comes knocking in the form of you, an omega from a dangerous disbanded pack looking to heal.
Trigger Warnings: Past violence against reader, mentions of David, non-consenting mate bites,  mental health discussions, this omega needs a hug and like 12 blankets.
Note One: This takes place in modern day, no outbreak. Joel’s pack consists of Omega!Tommy, his wife Alpha!Maria and their two children, Beta! Marlene and her wife Omega! Anna and their daughter Ellie, and Joel’s daughter, Sarah (SARAH LIVES!). They all live on the same street and joel's house is their packhouse because I said so.
Note Two: This is my first dive into writing omegaverse! There are so many different interpretations and headcanons out there and I’m excited to join in. I apologize in advance if I get something wrong 🙂
This is a test chapter! If you’d like to see chapter two, please comment or reblog as engagement with my fics makes me write faster! I also just like talking to y’all too <3
Chapter One
 “As you can hear behind me, court proceedings have just concluded for the man simply known as David, the alpha of a Colorado based pack that made headlines for the last year over David’s numerous felonies ranging from embezzlement, wire fraud,and tax evasion. But today is his latest sentencing over his assault of his former omegas and multiple forced courtships charges-
“Sarah, Ellie! Breakfast!”
   “A single charge of claiming any omega without their consent carries a prison sentence of upwards of twenty years in prison and David has ten counts. The brave victims whose names and faces we may and should never know can finally live their lives in peace knowing that this man is behind bars.”
Joel replaced Sarah’s phone with a plate of bacon and eggs before sitting down himself.
  “You know the rules, no phones at the table.” Joel grumbled through his coffee,inhaling that shit to drown out the scents of the various couples in his pack. Eight in the morning was too far too early for perfume based love declarations.
   “It’s all anyone talks about at school, I hope they fry the motherfucker!” Ellie said through a mouthful of eggs.
  “Language!” Marlene, Anna, and Joel said in unison, a barely stifled laugh escaping Sarah who snuck her phone from off the kitchen counter.
 “You’re not wrong though, sweetie.” Anna said, patting Ellie on the head.
While his pack fell into a lively discussion/rant over the news, Joel’s mind was somewhere else, desperately trying to remember the name of the waitress he screwed behind the job site last night.
Did she even tell him?
Did it matter?
He had his rules.
No courtships without pack approval (mostly just Sarah’s approval because nothing got past Sarah Miller.)
No fucking around in town.
No bullshit.
Ruts were out of town experiences only, with waitresses and gas station attendants in need of relief not romance, people just like him trying to get off and get through the damn day. 
As long as he could get through the day, Joel Miller was good to go, mates not needed or wanted.
The only good thing to come out of his last courtship was grabbing her backpack and stealing the last bit of bacon off his plate.
Morning chaos got Joel out his head as the packhouse emptied, Ellie and Sarah heading toward his truck only for a U-Haul with tinted windows to block him in.
  “Shit!” Joel growled out, unable to stop himself from hitting the back of the moving van.
The truck reversed quickly and Joel threw his shit into his truck while the girls tried their damndest to peek into the darkened windows. Already sweaty, his hand grasped the door handle only to fall to his side when it hit him.
The most perfect honey scent ran through the entirety of the alpha and it took everything within Joel not to fall to his knees right fucking there. When he had the strength to look up in search of the scent, all Joel saw was the corner of the sundress and a front door quickly closing.
His scent match just moved in.
Okay! This is all I got, if you want to see more please comment or reblog! This is my first time writing omegaverse so be nice :)
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oogaboogaspookyman · 2 months
Soooo a reply in the most recent Oil Is Thicker Than Blood release (by @dronebiscuitbat ) gave me an idea! And threw my impulse control out of my window!
BE WARNED: this contains a more than implied spicy Nuzi scene, which is canon in the universe of Oil Is Thicker Than Blood. I also tried my best to finish this so be also warned for potentially sucky writing lmao
That red eyed freak... She's gonna pay.
Crawling in the vents. She always loved crawling around, whether it's the roof, the walls, or the ventilation systems, it always felt so good and satisfying.
This time didn't feel good the usual way now. It felt good like a revenge. Fitting.
While she's doing that, she found a few trinkets along the way! Neat! Things to look at instead of her glasses! She always disliked looking at her own glasses out of boredom, it brings memories she doesn't have consent for... Y'know what else she didn't consent to?
Let's not joke about that time, V...
Anyway! Back to searching through the vents! And sending those updates on the red thing stuff too!
"robo-god i fucking love crawling it's satisfying like-..." She stops for a moment... Then sighs... "Let's not ramble about these things alone V, you'll seem crazier than you already are..."
After long minutes of crawling around in the vents and sending updates on the search, she started to hear something...
There's people talking...
There's people talking.
"Look, i'm just sayin', we can't have these Murder Drones in 'ere at all, ya know their body count? As someone who like- counts the deaths and missing drone cases, i say they're up to like- the THOUSANDS!"
"You know Khan's orders and announcement, they're living with us now, end of. We cannot keep having this conversation, Sean..."
"Susan please just- just understand what i'm trying to say here!"
"We can't keep up a relationship if all you're gonna ramble about is the Murder Drones wanting to make amends."
A Worker with an irish accent... Rambling to another, 50% masculine 50% feminine and 100% tired sounding, about the fact that she and N are living in the bunker with them and how he's against it. Of course. If she could drop down right then and there... She would. But she can't, she made a promise... Stupid promise but hey, she cares about that idiot.
Stupid feelings, stupid concept of caring, stupid core, now she feels all mushy and gross...
Ughh, get back to work you trauma bag!
Beep. Update sent. And as she crawls around the vents, a message for Lizzy. Heehee Lizzy she cute- SHUT UP BRAIN.
SD-V: yo liz i caught two people talking while i crawled in the vents, wanna hear?
A few seconds later...
Lizthequeen: OMG yes!!! drop the gossip gurl!!!
SD-V: so theres these two workers talkin shit about me and n for obvious reasons and apparantly these two workers are also a dumb lovey dovey couple
Lizthequeen: oh shiz you talking about sean and susan??? oh theyre having constant problems with their relationship i heard!!
SD-V: thats what im saying. theyre in constant problems with their relationship yeah
Lizthequeen: they are fr?? daaayyuummm gurl...... are they breaking up now???
V stopped to look back and crawl a little backwards to hear...
"... Susan- Susan please don't do this to me-"
"No no no no you know what? You know what? We're done here, all you ramble about is your racism, fuck you and fuck off"
"Susan please!"
Then a slam... Then a sigh...
She began crawling forward again... God damn.
SD-V: yup
Lizthequeen: RN????? HOLY SHIT?????
SD-V: yup
Lizthequeen: they finally broke up........ thank you for sharing the info bestie i owe u so much
SD-V: yeah you owe me a good hanging out
V immediately stopped messaging in flustered frustration, yellow filling her visor and embarrassment filling her... Everything. Fuck's sake.
Lizthequeen: what do u mean by that ;3c
SD-V: nothing shut up buzz off im busy anyway BYE
Then to the right goes the program...
That was stupid.
Okay that's processed.
As she crawled by, she began to hear more chatter... Right, people exist.
"Guy imma need to talk to ya"
"Oh no. My name in b flat. I'm in trouble"
"More like i wanna discuss something with you regarding the whole Khan's daughter and N thing..."
"... Am i in trouble?"
"Stop saying you're in trouble, i just wanna talk"
"“Stop saying you're in trouble” yeah shut up before you get in trouble hehehehehe-"
"What the HELL was that?!"
V squeaked in surprise, then yelled back, attempting to threaten the two into submission.
"Okay, no need to yell lass, we would've listened anyway"
"Yeah what Han said"
V sighed in relief and kept crawling and sending updates. Situation avoided.
Crawling by crawling by, crawling by for the sake of your life~
This is getting really boring, i fucking hate this now i wanna go home~
She sang as she crawled in the vents, sending updates every few as she found new things and new gossip, making herself laugh a little as she crawled... She needed those laughs and those moments. She needed a break from the tension and the fear. The dread. That red eyed freak...
That red eyed freak.
"You want me to lead?" She heard, faintly, as she crawled about...
What in the god damn?? Uzi??
"Lay down then"
She crawled forward and stopped to hear the possible new gossip...
What the fuck are they doing down there.
"Relax, okay?"
Uzi?? N?? What are they...
Oh they can't be.
"I-i'm not t-that insteresting"
"You're gorgeous, actually"
"Shouldn't i be saying that to y-you?"
Nuh uh they're not i don't believe... N would be a bottom though.
A little more of hearing from inside the vents, it becomes clearer as every second passes. She can't move.
She jerks a leg forward, yet it's stiff. She can't move.
She tries the same with one arm, it's stiff too. She can't move.
She tries to at least launch herself forward, but her whole body is stiff. She can't move.
She sighs... I can't move... I can't stop hearing...
"Ngh... Uzi..."
She jerks an arm, trying to continue crawling.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
And again.
She manages to continue crawling by...
After ceaseless crawling, ending up finding nothing, and having heard quite the event... You think she'll have a word or two for them about it?
She's laid down across the ground, alone in her nest in the spire, seemingly dissociating after the events that transpired...
"Well... Damn." Her last words said in surprise.
We never got to go far in our relationship.
She swapped her hand up with the submachine gun and aimlessly let loose a barrage of bullets, drowning her thoughts in noise. Drowning her sorrows in noise.
Heavy breathing, panting.
"Let's not think of that, V..."
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hippolotamus · 5 months
Tease Tidbit Tuesday 🪩
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tagged by the always lovely and talented @dangerpronebuddie 🔪 @loveyouanyway 💔 @diazsdimples 💖 definitely go read their snips!
Thanks to some prodding from James (and inspo from the tune that goes with this scene) Mirrorball fic has made a return (*chants to self* please stay, please stay, please stay) This scene happens way after anything posted so far. Nonetheless, master list of snippets and lore here. Bon appetit or whatever
Chim taps on the screen, opening Buck’s message and lets out a disbelieving huff. He scrubs at his chin, occasionally flicking his gaze up to Buck then back down to his phone. This goes on for what must be a solid minute before Buck’s curiosity and impatience get the best of him.  “What?”  Chim pockets his phone and looks at Buck, really looks at him. A piercing and disarming stare that makes him squirm, and not in a good way. It’s not often that this side of Chim shows up. The part that’s more like an older brother, loving and caring for Buck even when he probably doesn’t want to. Buck knows he should be more grateful, but right now he really hates it. He wishes Chim would go back to teasingly calling him a dumbass about whatever ridiculous thing he did or said.  “I know you’re not asking me that right now. Like, I’ve always known you weren’t the brightest sometimes, but jeez, Buckaroo, I didn’t think you were this stupid.” Buck resolutely stares at his shoes, at the album covers and other kitschy knick knacks decorating Chim’s small office, at the imaginary dirt under his fingernails. Anywhere but at the man in front of him. “Have you tried talking to him, Buck? Like actually talking to him.” “No need,” Buck sniffs, aiming for nonchalant and missing by a mile. “He made it pretty clear how he feels about things. About us.” He crosses his arms defensively and bites the inside of his cheek. He’s done crying over Eddie. (Okay, he’s not, but that doesn’t mean he’s going to let himself do it in front of Chim.) “You don’t think that maybe there’s a chance-” “I don’t have anything to say to him!” He curls his hands into fists, digging the nails into his palm. “And there isn’t a damn thing he could say that I wanna hear from him right now. Or ever.” Nothing except I’m sorry, I was wrong. I fucked up and I didn’t mean it. I love you.  “He made his choice and now I have to deal with that. Because I still have shit to do. If this is how I choose to make sense of it all in my head, Chim, then so be it. So.” His breaths are ragged and shallow, his voice trembling. He swipes away the tears beginning to escape before they can roll down his cheek. “Are you going to do this for me or not?” Chim studies him for a moment and Buck thinks he’s about to get an earful. Except he doesn’t.  “Yeah.” Chim sighs, clapping him on the shoulder. “Don’t worry Buckaroo. I’ll take care of it.”
The Tunes™️
np tagging @actuallyitsellie, @epicbuddieficrecs, @a-noble-dragon, @tizniz, @mountedeverest,
@fortheloveofbuddie, @weewootruck, @saybiwithme, @bidisasterevankinard, @shipperqueen6,
@ramonaflow, @taketheplanspinitsideways, @spotsandsocks, @theotherbuckley, @stereopticons,
@kitteneddiediaz, @mrs-f-darcy, @daffi-990, @drowsy-quill, @your-catfish-friend,
@thekristen999, @filet-o-feelings, @wikiangela, @underwaterninja13, @lizzie-bennetdarcy,
@rainbow-nerdss, @steadfastsaturnsrings, @queenmabcreates, @inell, @jesuisici33,
@shortsighted-owl, @queerbuckleys, @bi-buckrights, @elvensorceress,
@bucksbiawakening, @giddyupbuck, @hoodie-buck, @indestructibleheart, @ladydorian05,
@lemonzestywrites, @monsterrae1, @statueinthestone, @slightlyobsessedwitheverything, @the-likesofus,
@thewolvesof1998, @watchyourbuck, @wildlife4life anyone else who wants to 😘
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jessicaloons · 11 months
Chapter 17:
But there was one prize I’d cheat to win…
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"Lizzie? Lizzie!" Pete tapped my shoulder. I looked up and took the headphones off.
"Sorry, didn’t hear you!" I said apologetically.
"Could you please take a break? You’re in there for hours!" he looked worried.
"I’m fine. I need to understand why the conditions in Imola had such an impact on my driving!" I mumbled.
"Lizzie, almost the whole grid struggled! It was wet. Raining like crazy at times! You we-…" Pete began but I interrupted him.
"I’m good in the rain, Pete! Damn good! I love a wet track, I was always superior when it rained! I just don’t understand why the car was so… so difficult to drive! Valtteri did good and as we switched my car into the same set up it got only slightly better! The rear felt fidgety…" I let out my frustration.
"We’re on it, Lizzie! It wasn’t you who struggled, it was the car!" Pete tried to reason with me but I shook my head.
"But how can we be sure that it wasn’t me who just wasn’t good enough?" I said, looking down on my hands in my lap.
"Because, as you just said, you are brilliant in the rain and we all know that. The feedback you gave us? As soon as we changed your set up it got better… not perfect but better! And Valtteri had the same problems… so, Lizzie, take a break!" Pete looked at me, reassuringly and I sighed.
"Okay…" I sighed and got out of my seat "Chris? Can you put up Barcelona next? Raining."
"Sure." Chris smiled and I left with Pete.
"You’re expecting rain in Barcelona?" he asked, cocking an eyebrow.
"No, I just want to be prepared for anything!" I replied and he smiled.
"Choosing you as a driver really was our best move!" he chuckled and I laughed.
"If you say so!"
5 days of intense simulator sessions, strategy meetings, brainstorming with the engineers and an event with some sponsors later and I was ready to leave. Only one last meeting with Felix and then I would be on my way back home.
"Lizzie, come on in!" Felix smiled and I closed the door, sitting down "You did a good job in the sim! I think we’re well prepared for Barcelona!"
"Yeah, it was good. We gathered a lot of data." I agreed and Felix nodded.
"So, I wanted to let you know how happy and satisfied we are with your work! You’re doing amazing! You represent Audi in the best way possible!" Felix practically cheered.
"Oh stop it! Thank you, Felix! That means a lot!" it really did.
"As our driver, you should represent us at all times… especially on the streets! That’s why you need an upgrade…" Felix laid two boxes on the desk and I looked at him confused "These are yours. Not company owned. Yours. We would like to thank you and show our appreciation…" he slides the boxes over to me and I opened the first one. Car keys. Then the second one. Car keys.
"What? 2? But… Felix.. I’m umm- I don’t…" I stuttered and Felix laughed and got up.
"Come on, follow me." he pulled me up and we walked out of the building, Dad stood next to Pete, talking away.
"Lizzie? Are you okay?" Dad asked as he saw me, looking confused.
"Give her a moment, she’ll be fine!" Felix said and right on cue a dark grey Q8 e-tron parked in front of us, license plate LB-LD-7398. I almost choked and looked at Felix.
"What the…" I began but then the loud roaring of an engine startled me and I turned around as a white R8 Spyder, license plate LB-L-7398, parked next to the Q8.
"Lizzie, you’re new cars!" Felix chimed and I was overwhelmed, eyes tearing up.
"That’s… Felix… I can’t- I can’t accept that? That’s too- that’s too much!" I stuttered again and Felix just pulled me to his side.
"You deserve it! They’re yours!" he smiled as Dad walked up to us "So you two have to discuss now who drives what car back home!"
"Wow! Thank you Felix! Thank you everyone?! Who do I have to thank? Like seriously? The board? CEO?" I hugged him and he laughed.
"I’ll tell the board that you were overwhelmed and very thankful!" he said and patted my back.
"Thank you, Felix! What a surprise!" Dad side hugged Felix and then looked at me.
"I’m taking the R8." I smiled.
"Good, because I don’t think that I could get into it!" he laughed and I did as well.
"Probably true!" I agreed.
"Oh my god! OH MY GOD!" Daniel almost screamed at me as I got out of my car "Is that? Is that your car? Oh god it is! The license plate! Fucking hell!"
"Yup, that’s my car. One of my cars…" I had a big smile on my face and he looked at me with big eyes.
"One of your cars? What?" he looked confused and excited at the same time.
"Pops has my Q8 e-tron… they just gave me two freaking cars! TWO! Amazing ones! My dream cars!" I jumped excitedly and Daniel carefully opened the door.
"It smells like new car!" he laughed and I nodded.
"Get in, we’re having a ride! Pops will be here in… I don’t know, as soon as I saw the unlimited sign I was gone, 317 kph, could’ve gone faster but there was a little traffic." I was giddy and Daniel whistled appreciative.
"Damn! How far behind is he?" he laughed.
"Well there was a traffic jam, so I lost time as well. He was also driving fast at times. Maybe half an hour?" I said and started the engine. I drove out of the drive way and straight to the motorway "I’ll show you what this baby can do!"
"Please don’t kill us!" Daniel laughed nervously.
"Oh come on! Have a little faith in me! I know how to drive a car!" I replied, pouting a little.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I trust you!" he sighed and that was the moment I spotted the unlimited sign.
"Let’s go!" I pushed the throttle and accelerated, the engine roaring.
Feeling the adrenaline rushing through my veins never felt better. My phone started ringing.
"Pops is calling." a female voice said and Daniel and I started laughing.
"What the fuck?" I accepted the call "Hey Pops! Where are you?"
"I just passed you!" he said and Daniel laughed "Hi Daniel, how is she driving? Like a lunatic? That’s what I thought when I saw her speeding away!"
"Hey Juergen, no it’s alright. She didn’t kill us… yet…" Daniel chuckled and I groaned a little.
"You guys do know what I’m doing for a living, right?" I said.
"Driving around in circles, going vroom vroom?" Daniel asked and I hit his arm.
"I’m not a NASCAR driver you moron!" I said a little agitated.
"You’re not?" Dad teased.
"Ha-ha… you’re so funny boys!" I fake laughed.
"Oh come on! Don’t be sour! Drive safe and come back in one piece! See you guys later!" Dad hung up and Daniel chuckled.
"So, you wanna drive?" I asked and he looked at me.
"No? Definitely not? Not here anyway!" he looked at me with big eyes.
"Alright, let’s get back and then on the fields." I steered the car to the exit and left the motorway, to join it back in the opposite direction again "God I love my job!" and with that I pushed the throttle trough, zooming through the traffic.
I parked the car on the opposite side of the street and got out, leaning relaxed against its side. It was a sunny day and I watched a group of kids play in the courtyard. I pulled my phone out and scrolled through Instagram, as Dad called.
"What’s up, Pops?" I answered the call.
"I was just checking in, will you come home first, or do we meet at the track?" Dad asked.
"Let’s meet up at the track!" I said checking the time "Yeah, we‘ll have some lunch and then we head straight to Hans."
"Alright. See you in a bit!" Dad hung up and I saw 2 men approaching me.
"Hi, umm- sorry to bother you, but… are you the racing driver for Audi? Lizzie Doetterer, right?" the tall, blonde one asked and I nodded.
"Can we maybe take a picture together?" the dark haired one asked.
"Yeah, sure." I smiled, pushing my sunglasses up.
"Cool!" they said and we took a selfie together.
"So umm- I didn’t know you were married and have a kid?" the dark haired one said and I chuckled.
"Me neither…" I answered as the door of the nursery school opened and the teacher stood at the side. Letting the kids out one by one after spotting whoever was supposed to pick them up "I’m picking up my nephew."
"Ah ok. Cool." the blond guy said and I just nodded, pushing my sunglasses back down, waiting for Liam."So you’re single?"
"Sorry?" I looked at him.
"I’m just shooting my shot here." he laughed and I felt a little uncomfortable, not knowing what to answer.
"Nope. I’m in a serious and committed relationship with my car. That’s my number one priority right know. My career." I said tight lipped.
"Come on, you surely could make some room for a couple of drinks, this weekend maybe?" he stepped closer and I saw out of the corner of my eyes Liam walking out.
"Nope. I’ll be driving in Barcelona this weekend. And like I said. I’m focusing on my career. But thank you for asking. That was very kind of you!" I pushed off of the car and crossed to street, Liam spotting me and immediately bolting into my arms.
"Lizzie! You’re picking me up today?! That’s so cool!" he exclaimed and I hugged him.
"You and I will go to Mama Leone‘s for some pinsa and then we’ll meet Pops, Daniel and Shima and her nephew at the karting track!" I said and Liams eyes sparked with excitement "Ready?"
"Let’s go!" he screeched and I sat him down, holding his hand while we crossed the street "Where’s your car?" he was searching for my Mini and I opened the R8. Liams eyes widening "IS THAT YOUR CAR?" he yelled and I laughed.
"Yup. How do you like it?" I asked as I opened the door for him, watching as he climbed inside, sitting down in his child seat.
"What an amazing car! Is it fast?" he asked and I nodded.
"It is. I’ll show you a little later on." I buckled his seatbelts in and closed the door "Pinsa first!"
"You’re brilliant! But you already know that! You have no idea how proud I am of you, Lizzie!" Hans looked thinner, his voice sounded a little breathless, pale face, thinning hair.
"Thank you, Hans! Really!" I hugged him. He felt weaker than usual, his body lean "Are you okay? You don’t look too good?"
"You know, some days are better, some are worse. I’ll be fine! Having my former star driver here is definitely lifting my spirit!" he chuckled a little and I smiled "The kids will have thousands of questions for you!"
"I’m happy to answer them all!" I answered and he nodded a little "But for now, I need to drive a few laps!"
"You go ahead and do that!" he walked over to the group of kids and I watched him closely. He didn’t look good at all. When I heard at the beginning of the year that he was sick, I was hoping he would be fine in no time, but it was quite the opposite.
"Ready?" Daniel approached and I sighed a little.
"Yeah! Let’s go!" I put on my helmet and climbed into a kart.
It was thrilling, exhilarating. I loved every second of it. There was a rare beauty about karting. It always grounded me, soothed me. Although my body was buzzing, I rarely felt this at peace and calm somewhere else.
Next up I buckled in Liam and Josha, Shima’s nephew, and explained them the kart, how they had to drive, before I got back into my kart, accompanying them on their first laps. Both boys started out a little hesitant, careful. But after the second lap Liam pushed the throttle, speeding away. Lapping Josha and me after a while.
"Looks like he has some of Lizzie’s talent in his bones!" Hans laughed as I climbed out of my kart "He’s always welcome to join the academy!"
"Yeah, he’s just as fearless as his aunt!" Dad replied next to him, watching me pulling my helmet off.
"And reckless! Did you see his move on me in turn 5?" I said and Hans chuckled.
"I had a Déjà vu to when you were driving here for the first time! His move looked just like yours!" he said and I nodded.
"He handed me my ass there!" I laughed.
"Dad, will you look out for the boys? I will have a little talk with the junior academy!” I smiled at the kids, waiting in the corner, all sitting on the benches staring at me.
"Yeah, sure!" Dad walked to the track and I followed Hans to the ground of young drivers.
"Kids! Say hi to Lizzie, former WSeries champion, current Formula 1 driver for Audi, first girl to score a podium in a F1 race and former Bircher Academy driver!" Hans introduced me and I blushed a little.
"Oh stop it! When you say it like that, it sounds super fancy!" I chuckled a little bit and the kids laughed with me "It’s really amazing being back here, seeing you guys doing what I was doing all these years back!"
"Was it hard to become a F1 driver?"
"When did you start karting?"
"You really started here?"
"Do you think you can win a race? Or even the championship?"
They bombarded me with questions and I tried to answer them all one by one. Seeing young kids like them being so passionate about racing really warmed my heart, but when the two girls in the team said that they only decided to join the team because they saw me becoming a F1 driver last year, against all odds, as a girl, I almost choked up.
"You are a real role model! You showed the world that girls can race too!" the blonde girl, Chiara said.
"Not just race! No you showed the world that we can be winners too! I told my dad that you would win a race this year! I’m sooo sure that you will!" the other girl, Lena, a bold brunette said.
"I will give my best to win!" I smiled at them and Hans nodded.
"I have a feeling, that win will come faster than you know it!" he said and I chuckled a little.
"If Hans says it, then it must be true! I can only advice you to listen carefully to everything he teaches you! Without him, I wouldn’t be standing here today, as a Formula 1 driver! He’s the best teacher out there! Consider yourselves lucky to learn from him!" I said and the group of kids all nodded in agreement "And now I want so see you kids race! Let’s go!"
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"Hi Lizzie, how are you today?" Dr. Lindner asked and I plopped down on the sofa, sighing "Oh, that bad? What happened?"
"Imola happened! I was bad. Like fucking bad." I groaned and he opened up his notebook, reading through his notes.
"Okay, step by step, please. Did you talk to Charles? About why you felt so uncomfortable at his home?" he asked and I started picking at a loose thread at the sleeve of my sweater "I take that as a no?"
"No… I just didn’t know how to tackle it? We had to sleep in the guest room anyway and then I left for home, the next time we saw each other was in Imola and after a Imola I went straight to Neuburg where I was until yesterday… so yeah…" I let out and Dr. Lindner nodded.
"Okay, so you’ve been avoiding the topic, why did you have to sleep in the guest room? Did Charles sense something was wrong?" he asked and I chuckled a little.
"He spilled a whole bottle of water on his mattress… and it was completely soaked" I said and he cocked an eyebrow.
"Oh… well. Good for you. I guess." he wrote something down and I looked at him questioningly, but he ignored it "When will you stay at Charles place again?"
"Probably before the Monaco GP… I always was at his place for it. I guess I have to tell him the truth then." I said and closed my eyes, leaning back.
"Yes, you should. Let’s practice it." he sat up, putting his notebook on the little table next to his armchair.
"Like role playing?" I asked disbelieving.
"Kinda. I want you to sit down with Charles, next to him, not to look at him. Because this is where you always will retreat. Looking in his eyes. Seeing his smile. That’s your biggest enemy. I want you to speak to him in a firm voice. Ask him to not interrupt you, let you speak. And then you tell him exactly what’s going on. Say it in one go. Just let it out. Everything. And when you’re done. I want you to take a deep breath and calm yourself down, before turning to Charles and work together with him through this issue, then when he has an insight of how you’re feeling." Dr. Lindner said and I gulped.
"And you think this will work out?" I asked, voice quiet.
"Only one way to find out." he answered and I nodded slowly.
After the fiasco that was Barcelona, with Charles starting from pole, leading the race comfortably for the first 25 laps just to be forced to retire due to engine issues and myself finishing in P8 after I struggled with the set-up of the car during the whole weekend. I wasn’t really excited for Monaco next. I loved the track and even managed to win the sprint race back in F2 all those years ago. But as it was Charles’ home race, for him it was always the most exciting race of the year, he loved it. The track, the city, the people. But there was also the infamous Monaco-curse. Although Charles said he doesn’t believe in it, I wasn’t so sure about it. As we arrived in Monaco on Tuesday in the morning, our moods weren’t the best and the thought of having now a conversation with Charles about the bed situation made my anxiety level rise dangerously. Charles rolled our suitcases into the bedroom and I stood in the hallway, gathering myself. Open communication. That’s what Dr. Lindner said. I had to just tell Charles honestly how I felt. I could do that. It’s Charles after all. He would understand. Right? Right! I took one last deep breath, then I followed Charles into his bedroom.
"Charles, can we talk?" my voice sounded weak and I cleared my throat.
"Sure, what’s up?" Charles looked up from
the floor where he rummaged through his suitcase. He saw the look on my face and got up, grabbing my hands "Do you want to sit down? What’s going on? You know you can tell me everything?" he lead us to the bed and I stopped abruptly.
"You bought a new bed?" I was shocked when I looked at the new bed frame.
"I overheard a little of your therapy session, I’m so sorry, cara mia! I swear I didn’t intend to! I thought you were done and left the kitchen to talk to you but then you continued and as I silently retreated into the bedroom I overheard what you said and thought about what it could mean… and as soon as I realised it, I made sure that you won’t have to sleep in that bed ever again! I know this was only the easy part… but I want you to know, that I would do everything for you!" he said and I looked at him with big eyes, my breathing hitched. A single tear streaming down my face, that Charles gently wiped away, I sniffled a little and he hugged me close to his body.
"You bought a new bed…" I repeated.
"I would buy a new flat for you, if you couldn’t stand being in here…" he whispered and the tears now fell freely. Charles kissed the side of my head and rubbed soft circles on my back as I started giggling, thinking about his words "What?" he turned me a little so that he could look at my face.
"Did you pour that water bottle on purpose over your mattress?" I asked and Charles chuckled a little.
"Like I said, I would do everything for you!" he whispered.
"I love you… so, so much!" I said and Charles laid a soft kiss on my forehead.
"I love you too, mon amour!"
"People won’t think it’s weird that I stay at your place during race weekend?" I asked Charles.
"No? You’re always staying here when you’re in Monaco! Not weird at all!" Charles answered and switched off the light in his en suite bathroom, then plopped down next to me on his stomach.
"Ok, ok… you’re right!" I sighed and turned on my side to face him. "Hi… how are we feeling about this weekend?" Charles smiled a little and I looked him up and down. He was only wearing grey sweatpants and I started drawing figures on his back with my fingers, I could feel him relax under my touch.
"The car is good. You’re here in my bed. I can’t really lose this weekend." he mumbled and wiggled closer to me.
"So no fear of the Monaco curse this year?" I chuckled and Charles groaned.
"It’s getting out of hand with how often they ask me about it!" he sat up and ruffled through his hair "It’s no curse when I’m at fault for the results! I have to be better this year, there is no room for mistakes!"
I pulled him down on me and he rested his head on my chest, then slung his arms around me.
"You will win this year, pretty boy. I can feel it!" I said quietly, underneath my breath and began to massage his scalp gently. I could see the goosebumps erupt on his skin, his body relaxing into mine, his breathing getting more evenly and quiet, then a little yawn "My sleepy koala." I whispered and could hear his quiet chuckle, after another minute he lifted himself up, holding himself above me with his hands propped up at both sides of my head.
He looked me in the eyes, his smile widening, it was that smile that always made me weak in my knees, my insides melting, body tingling, and I felt myself blushing. He chuckled again and kissed me long enough to drain every bit of oxygen out of my lungs, then he pushed himself up and laid down next to me.
"Come on now pretty girl! We need to rest! It’s media day tomorrow" with that he pulled me into his side and threw the duvet over us, then he turned to the side to switch the light off. I snuggled into his side, head buried in his chest, leg slung around his "I really could get used to this, cara mia." he whispered before giving me one last kiss on the crown of my head.
After the media day we returned back home from the paddock and I had a quick shower. I laid down on the sofa, scrolling through my phone, but after a while I was reading the same page over and over again as because my mind was occupied by Charles. How he sat at the piano, playing a beautiful melody. He was so focused, his fingers dancing over the keys, eyes closed. He looked ethereal. I abandoned my book and just kept on looking at him, listening to his beautiful song.
"I can feel you staring…" Charles chuckled after a while and I sat up. I laid the book on the table and got up, standing behind him. I leaned down on his shoulders and watched him play a melody I heard him play for a while now "Do you like it?"
"I love it!" I whisper and kiss the side of his head and he turns a little.
"Come here." he said and pulled me down on his lap "I’ll teach you…" he laid my hands on the keyboard and guided my hands over the keys, playing the melody from before, slightly off key. With every minute it sounded better and better and Charles decided to take his hands off of mine and I played alone. He began to litter my face with little kisses, starting at my cheek, going down my jaw, then gently tilting my head, exposing my neck and throat where he continued the gentle caressing. Focusing on the piano got harder with each light kiss. I lost myself in his touch and a shriek sound from the piano startled me. I blushed immediately and Charles chuckled "I thought women were masters of multitasking?" he turned my reddened face to look at him and cocked an eyebrow.
"We are, but there are only a few things, that can meddle with it… and you are one of them…" I answered and he smiled, then he pulled me closer, biting his lower lip before he closed the distance between us and pressed his lips onto mine. They were soft and warm. I sighed a little, parting my lips slightly, allowing him to slip his tongue inside. I felt hot, a stirring began in my lower belly. A tiny moan escaped my throat and Charles smirked into our kiss, gently pulling away. I was breathing erratically, cheeks flushed, heart racing. And he just smirked, happy with the effect he had on me.
"Are you okay?" his smug smirk only getting bigger "Cara mia?" he nudged my nose with his a little and smiled, I got up, legs slightly wobbly, but I tried my best to not show it.
"Yup. All good." I breathed out and plopped down on the sofa again, grabbing my phone, trying to calm myself down a little. Charles started to play his melody again and I took a deep breath. I scrolled through some reels and had to stop as I saw one of a girl playing piano. The song she was playing was one of my absolute favourite songs and I looked up at Charles. I googled for the notes and as I found them I put my phone down, watching Charles again.
"And you’re staring again…" he said and I laughed "You want another lesson?" he looked at me, not stopping to play.
"Nope. But I was wondering… can you learn any song?" I asked him and he thought for a moment.
"Probably… why?" he replied and I beamed at him "Oh… what comes now?" he stopped playing and turned on the stool, facing me.
"Would you learn a song for me?" I asked, channeling my sweetest voice.
"Depends… what song?" he said and as my smile grew bigger he groaned "No."
"I didn’t even say what song!" I pouted.
"Taylor Swift… No." he said and I made puppy eyes, pouting even more.
"Oh come on! You said yourself that her music is nice! Which is like the understatement of the century, but I let it slip… but pleeeaaaseee! Please, Charles! For me!" I almost begged and I knew that his resolve was already crumbling.
"Yeah, her music is good. But you know that I’m not playing pop songs and stuff like that! I stay on the classical side, cara mia!" he said and I got up, still pouting, puppy eyes on full display. I straddled him, carding my fingers through his hair. Kissing him slowly. Breathing each other in.
"Please, mon cœur…" I whispered into his ear, leaving tiny kisses just below it, I saw the goosebumps erupting and kissed his jawline "Please…" I saw Charles Adam’s apple bop in his throat and he swallowed hard, as I left light kisses along. I gently rolled my hips against his pelvis and his breathing hitched. He grabbed my waist with both hands, trying to stop my movement "Only one song…" I whispered in his ear, pressing my whole body against his. I felt him shuddering and his grip on my waist got stronger. I raked my nails down his neck over his shoulders, rolling my hips against his tight hold. "That’s all I’m asking…" I sucked at his pulse point, leaving a tiny mark and he groaned.
"One song…" he answered breathlessly and I smiled at him, I could feel his heart beating against my breast and he closed his eyes "Which one?"
"One of my favourite songs… Lover." I said quietly and he nodded slightly, opening his eyes.
"I try my best." he answered and my smile got wider, I sat up a little and froze, his grip on my waist tightening again "Stop moving." he whispered under his breath and I even stopped breathing "Just give me a moment, please." he almost whimpered, the sound sending a heatwave through my throbbing core "Can you get up, please? Slowly…" he pressed out between clenched teeth and I nodded, carefully lifting myself up, the outline of a bulge between his legs clearly visible.
"I umm… I’m going to… umm kitchen. I’ll cook. Yeah… what do you want? Pasta with Pesto and Chicken? Or Salmon?"
"You decide… I need to…" he said and got up quickly, leaving the room. I took a deep breath, feeling more than hot all over. In the kitchen I leaned against the counter and closed my eyes. Trying to calm down a little. As my knees stopped shaking and my breathing wasn’t as ragged as before, I opened the fridge, grabbing the chicken and some veggies. As I prepared our food, Charles stepped into the kitchen, hugging me from behind.
"All good again?" I had to giggle and Charles kissed my shoulder.
"Yup. But just so you know… you’re a tease… and I’ll have my revenge!" with one last kiss on my cheek he left "I’m learning your song now…"
"I can’t wait!"
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As we made our way into the paddock on Sunday morning, the buzzing atmosphere was overwhelming. It always warmed my heart to see the support and love Charles received from his fellow Monegasques. But today there were a lot of people cheering for me as well. As we arrived at the paddock entry two little girls were screaming for Charles and me and we walked over to them.
"Oh my god! It’s really you! Charles! Lizzie!" one of the girls screeched.
"You are the best! We love you two! Can you sign our caps?" the second one beamed up at us and we crouched down, the girls blushing a little.
"Thank you so much!" Charles said and signed their caps, then handing them to me, to sign them.
"Can we take a picture as well?" they asked shyly and I nodded.
"Of course!" I said and the girls squeezed in between us and their mother snapped a picture. And the older girl grabbed the phone from her Mum to check the picture.
"You’re so pretty, Lizzie!" she said, showing us the picture and I blushed a little. Charles looked at the picture and smiled.
"Wow! Look at that! How lucky am I to be in a picture with 3 of the most beautiful girls on earth?" he said and the girls beamed at him.
"I hope you can win today! And Lizzie I hope you’re on the podium as well!" the younger one said and looked up at Charles.
"I will try my best! And I know Lizzie will as well! Maybe she’ll win!" he said and I laughed.
"No, no. She’s right! You win, I’m on the podium. That’s a good result." I said and the girls nodded.
"Good luck you two!" they said and we hugged them goodbye.
"That would be a dream result. You win. Me on the podium? I’d take that!" I chuckled as we made our way into the paddock.
"Yeah. Same. But realistically… I don’t know…" Charles sighed and I grabbed his hand, squeezing it.
"Hey! You can do it! You’re fast! You’re amazing at the start! That’s all it takes! And your team not screwing up. But still! Come on! Today is our day!" I said and Charles smiled a little.
"If you say so!" he answered and we kept on walking, hands still intertwined "Oh shit! Sorry!" he let go of my hand and I smiled sadly.
"No, it’s okay. It was nice to hold hands once in public." I chuckled a little. "I’m sorry!"
"Don’t be… it’s okay!" he said and stopped in front of the Ferrari garage "See you later, mon amour." he pulled me into a short hug.
"Yeah… see you later!" I said and walked down to the Audi garage, preparing for the race ahead.
"Lizzie, your first Monaco GP! Tell us, how does it feel? How do you feel?" Martin Brundle appeared out of the blue next to me "First in F1, of course!" he added and I smiled at him.
"It’s different, you know? Different cars, faster cars obviously, different race distance, yeah overall it’s been a good weekend for us, we had a good pace, tires were good. The weather can be a factor. It might rain towards the middle or end, we’ll see what we can do today."
"What does it take, to attack Max today and go for P1?"
"Well, get past Charles first, chase Max, second!" I laughed.
"Yeah, obviously get past Charles first! Thanks Lizzie, have a good race!" Martin chuckled and walked away.
After yesterdays qualifying I was quiet confident, without that stupid yellow flag I might’ve had a chance on P2, Charles on pole, but instead it’s P3 for me and P2 for Charles, Max in front of us. Overtaking was almost impossible in Monaco. It was all down to position, the strategy and gambling of the possibility of a safety car.
I leaned over my car and patted the 7 on its nose, as I always did before every race.
"Ah, old habits never die, you also did it in karting!" I heard Max say in German and turned around.
"Monaco is not the track to try and risk something." I answered and he laughed.
"On a scale from 1-10, how furious is he?" Max asked and shook his head in the direction of the Ferrari in front to our right.
"Where would you be?" I looked at him and tilted my head.
"12. Definitely!" he shot back and I nodded.
"Given the fact that he’s a bit more tame than you, I’d say 11. It was fucked, like come on! 50 metres? Yellow flag in the second sector? He had all purples…" I said as Charles turned his head and looked at Max and me.
"78 laps to take the win!" he answered and walked up to his car, on his way he and Charles fist bumped each other and they started to talk.
"Lizzie?" Felix walkd up to me "How are we feeling?"
"Confident! The car felt good. I’ll give my all, as always!" I say determined and Felix hugged me, before he made his way to Valtteri first and then the pit wall. I took a sip out of my bottle when someone poked my side.
"Hey!" Charles said and I turned around, he hugged me with a clap on my back, a bro hug as Charles calls it.
"Ready, Leclerc?" I asked as I saw a tv crew passing us, he recognised them as well and nodded.
"Always, Lizzie, always." he answered and squeezed my shoulder before he gave me another one of his bro hugs "Take care, cara mia!" he whispered in my ear, his warm breathing tickling my skin.
"You too, mon cœur." I smiled and he walked away, right as Pete came over.
"The rain might come earlier than expected, lap 45-50 probably, we’ll keep an eye on it, but just so you know." he said and I nodded.
"Rain as in droplets or rain as in downpour?" I asked and tucked my braids into my racing suit and moved my head around to check that they’re not disturbing me, as I was happy with the adjusting I put my headphones in and next my balaclava on.
"No downpour, but definitely more than droplets. The rain radar shows some heavy clouds, but they might pass us, if the wind gets stronger. We consider a second pit for inters. We’ll update you." he squeezed my shoulder and left. I took one last sip out of my bottle, giving it back to JK who handed me my helmet in return and I put it on, opening the visor, he adjusted the straps and the HANS.
I stepped to my car and climbed in, my mechanics buckled me in, adjusted the headrest, plugged in the radio and put in my steering wheel. Lastly they handed me my gloves and I put them on. Matt gave me a thumbs up and I tested everything out, then I nodded and gave him as well a thumbs up.
"Radio check." I heard Pete and pushed the radio button.
"Loud and clear." I replied.
The grid emptied slowly and I could see my mechanics preparing themselves to take off the heating blankets.
As the grid was ready, the heating blankets came off, revealing everyone’s tire choices, myself on medium, then the formation lap started and I began to warm the tires.
As soon as we all got back into our spots again I focused on the lights above, hearing Croftys commentary in my head as always "…and it’s lights out and away we go!" I accelerated, Charles in front of me had a phenomenal start and sets Max under a lot of pressure and then even managed to breeze past him, I was more than happy for him. Hoping he had finally a good home race.
Lap by lap I managed to close the gap to Max. Charles, who had more pace than ever as it seemed, stayed ahead of Max with a comfortable gap.
"Lizzie, front tires look good. Spare the rears a bit more."
"Copy. Gaps?"
"P1 to P2 1.6. P2 to P3 0.7"
"Alright." Radio silence again.
Overtaking in Monaco was mostly impossible, the only potential part of the track where I might had a chance was at the chicane, so I tried to squeeze past Max but he defended the attack lap after lap.
"Lizzie, Gap to P4 currently 1.3. Try to push more."
"When I push more I kiss Maxs ass!"
"Left front doesn’t look good."
"Having a bit of graining. We‘ll keep tabs."
"Stay out?"
"For now."
The next few laps were uneventful. Some more failed attempts to pass Max, Charles gap getting bigger, mine to Max smaller. The rest of the grid far behind as it seemed. I passed through sector two as a yellow flag in sector 1 was shown.
I pushed the radio button.
"PSF?" Potential safety car.
"We‘re checking."
"Ok." I took the next corner, only 2 left before the pit entry, if we make the right call and box before the safety car is officially deployed. We get ahead of Charles and Max if they decide to pit a lap later, one last corner before the entry.
"Box, Box." Hopefully the right call. I steered into the pit lane. The only car for now.
Pit stop 2.3 seconds. Pretty good. I pushed the throttle and right as I’m at the pit lane exit the virtual safety car message appeared on my screen.
"Fucking amazing! Good job guys!"
"You’ll get out behind Russell in P6."
"Alright. Go time."
I entered the track again and as predicted the cars in front of me pitted in the next lap and I was leading the race.
"So Charles behind 1.8. Max behind 1.1."
Could this be my first GP win? Monaco? The most prestigious race on the calendar? And more importantly, could this be Charles' first podium at his home race? Fuck yes.
The next laps Charles came closer and closer. But he never tried to attack, too big of a risk. P2 was better than a DNF.
"Big shunt in sector 3. Lot‘s of Debris. Careful."
Double yellow. In front of me Tsunoda and Latifi, Magnusson in the wall. As the two drivers passed him they drove over some debris and the parts were flying through the air and I felt some hits. I pushed the radio button.
"There’s debris everywhere, I think as Latifi and Tsunoda went through something flew up and hit me."
"Copy. We Check and come back to you."
"Is Kevin ok?"
"Yes, he’s ok."
Safety car through the pitlane.
As I followed the safety car I felt something loose at my thigh but then it was gone. I moved my leg slightly but couldn’t feel anything.
"Prepare for the restart, Lizzie."
Another 6 laps in and I again felt something loose at my legs and I pushed the radio button.
"I think there is something loose between my legs, guys."
"What do you mean?"
"I felt something at my thigh. Do I have damage?"
"We’re checking."
I waited patiently for Pete’s radio message and kept driving.
"No damage. Keep pushing."
"Alright. Copy."
I still wasn’t convinced but tried to get it out of my mind.
"We’re expecting rain in the next 5-10 minutes."
"We’ll wait for your input."
"Full stat?"
"You. P2 Max. P3 Sainz. P4 Charles. P9 Seb. Out Magnussen. Tsunoda. Latifi. 27 laps to go." I gulp, Charles was in P2 behind me? How did he end up in P4?
"What happened to Charles?"
"He had to pit again."
"They gave him the wrong tires."
"Fuck off."
"Yeah, sorry."
Fucking Ferrari compromised Charles’ race yet again. From Podium to P4. I couldn’t even describe how sorry I felt for him. I just knew he would only blame himself after the race, he still could’ve drove faster and try to overtake or some shit like that. He would never criticise Ferrari, he loved his team too fucking much. But at this point they've failed him one too many times and worst of all, out of all places it had to be here, at his home GP.
It slightly started dripping.
"Go for two laps in mode R62. Rain out of turn 7."
The track got slightly wet, but the traction was still good.
"Inters. What do you think?"
"Traction is pretty good. Track is not too wet. Do others pit?"
"Not yet."
The traction was still considerably good, despite some wet patches on track. Would it keep on raining like this, I thought I could manage without inters. But if the rain picked up, staying out would be impossible.
"Rain picks up slightly between turn 2 and 3."
"Let me try it."
Up the hill the rain did pick up indeed a little and I could feel the track got a bit slippery, but still manageable. The track seemed to be dry besides between the turns 2 and 5.
"Where would I come out if I pit?"
"Between Norris and Ricciardo."
"How’s the rain?"
"Picks up slightly, but according to the radar only couple more minutes."
"Then more or?"
"Should clear up in about 5 laps, but still one more dark cloud front coming up, earliest prob last 5-6 laps.”
With around 20 laps to go, should I risk it and stay out, if I risked it and the rain gets too much at the end of the race I’m fucked. If I pit and the rain comes after the race, I’m stuck behind.
"Box Max, Norris, Daniel, Pierre."
They gonna risk it, they would have two cars behind me, if the rain picks up they could try an undercut. As I drove up the hill to turn 2 I could see that the sky looked not dark and grey. It cleared up. I took a deep breath and pushed my radio button.
"I’ll stay out."
Please, dear god or whatever is up there, let this be the right call.
"Ferrari called for a double stack."
Great, even more that they could fuck up.
Charles would lose even more time and positions and with only 16 laps to go, the podium was lost.
"Charles stayed out."
"P2 Charles, P3 Perez, P4 Max, P6 Seb."
Did he ignore his team’s orders? Holy shit.
As I looked in my mirror I saw him coming out of the chicane. On any other track we could battle this out. But here it was just too dangerous unfortunately. Even though a P2 would be Charles’ best result ever in Monaco, he would see the checkered flag for the first time here, I knew that he would still be disappointed. Winning his home Grand Prix was his biggest wish, a really close second after winning the WDC. And wouldn’t they delete his lap time yesterday, he would’ve started from pole. He could’ve won. No, he would’ve won. If the clownery that was Ferrari wasn’t spitting in his soup yet again.
"How’s the track?"
"Good. Almost dry only out of turn 4 into 5 slightly wet."
"Seems to be your lucky day. Heavier rain estimated 15-20 minutes after the race. 11 laps to go."
Now I just had to calmly manage the tires and all was good. My first win in Formula 1! In Monaco! Monaco. Charles. After so many disappointing races. Still one step away from his dream. One step away from the promise he gave his father, winning his home race for him. And all because his team let him down, once again.
"Lizzie, keep pushing. Charles is catching up. 0.9."
"You’re at 71 % on the throttle."
"Pete, I push it through."
"We’re checking."
Radio silence, I could see Charles coming closer as I’m slightly getting slower.
"Change to mode FX98. FX98."
"Something’s wrong. I push the throttle fully."
"Just keep pushing. Gap to Charles 0.7. 7 laps to go."
Still getting slower, Charles came closer than ever. Something has to be wrong, right?
"Guys what’s happening?"
"Lizzie, we’re checking. Just keep…"
"I AM PUSHING. But there’s just nothing fucking happening!"
Charles was practically at my ass now. I pushed the radio button.
"Am I losing power?" I asked.
"Negative. You’re not losing power."
"Why is the car so slow when I’m pushing the throttle as hard as I can? I’m breaking out of the car that’s how hard I’m pushing!"
"Throttle now only at 67 %"
"4 laps to go. Charles behind 0.2 seconds."
As I steered into the chicane I knew he was going for the overtake, he had the speed and I couldn’t do anything at this point, so I let him pass me, without defending. He speeded away.
"2 laps to go, Gap to Perez 1.6 seconds."
"SD?" Striking distance.
I pushed the throttle through and the next 2 laps were the longest of my life. As I parked my car next to Charles’ I leaned back for a second. P2 in Monaco is amazing. Charles deserved this win more than anything. I unbuckled my belt took the steering wheel off and put it on the bonnet. Then I stood up and felt something fall back from where seconds before my feet were, I spot the carbon part in my seat. I leaned down, took my steering wheel to put it back in, at the same time I took the carbon part and threw it back to the pedals and jumped off the car. I turned around and saw that Charles was still in his car. I took my gloves off and walked up to him. As soon as he saw me he quickly got out and embraced me. I only pushed him toward his team as I walked up to mine, opening the visor of my helmet and jumped into them.
"Sorry Lizzie!" Felix looked disappointed, but not in me, in the car.
"There was something loose! I swear I could feel it." I said and hugged him "P2 in Monaco! Fucking good result, I’d say!"
I hugged everyone before I walked up for my weighing. After that I took off my helmet and balaclava, grabbed a towel and put my helmet down, then I dried my face and neck. Liam cheered from the top of his lungs for me and Charles and I walked up to him and Dad, hugging him tight.
"You almost won, Lizzie!" he almost yelled and I kisser his cheek. "And Charlie won! He won!"
"Yes he did! Isn’t he amazing!" I smiled and Liam waved Charles who immediately joined us, Liam practically jumping into his arms.
"YOU WON, CHARLIE! YOU WON!" Liam screeched and I laughed as Dad pulled me into a hug.
"You did amazing, Lizzie!" he whispered and I smiled, hugging Lorenzo and Arthur next.
"Amazing race, Lizzie!" Lorenzo said and Arthur only nodded.
"Good job!" Arthur smiled and I looked at Pascale, tears in her eyes.
"Oh Lizzie! Congratulations!" she sniffled a little as she held me close.
"Merci, Pascale! You can be proud today. Charles did amazing!" I smiled at her and be wiped away some tears.
"I am proud, mon fille! I’m proud of both of you!" she said and I smiled.
I made space for Charles, who still carried Liam and went back to the tables in front of our cars, grabbing a bottle of water.
"Congrats Lizzie! Good race!" Checo walked up and he patted my back and I smiled at him.
"Thanks Checo, you too!" I replied as Charles walked up to us. I smiled at him and almost jump led in his arms, but could stop myself, instead I hugged him tight.
"You did it, Charlie! You did it! I’m so proud!" I whispered and I heard him sigh.
"You let me win, Lizzie." he pushed himself off of me and smiled, but I could see it wasn’t real. He walked away to do his interview and I stood there dumbfounded. Throughout his interview he had a fake smile and always when he looked my way his smile hardened. Then it was my turn and I had to pull myself together, trying not to think about what Charles said.
"Lizzie, congrats on P2! Phenomenal race! You made some good strategy calls!"
"Thanks! Yeah it was an amazing race, we had a strong weekend, both cars in the points. Overall a good result. As for the strategy, my team is amazing! Shout out to our strategists!"
"You made some good calls yourself!"
"Yeah but only because they give me the confidence to do that."
"But what happened at the end? It looked like a safe win?"
"I really don’t know, we need to check if I maybe had damage at the car from some of the flying debris from Kevin’s crash. But it felt weird."
"You reported twice before that you felt something loose between your legs?"
"Yeah, that wasn’t just a pun to Seb, it really felt like there was something moving around but we need to investigate what happened."
"Thanks Lizzie, enjoy the podium!"
"Thanks!" I gave back the mic and followed Julie, who waited already for me as Sebastian approached.
“Lizzie! What a race! I’m so proud of you!" Sebastian cheered in German and hugged me.
"Thanks, Seb!" I answered.
"Almost your first win!" he said and sighed but I only shook my head and smiled.
"Yeah almost, but a win in Monaco for Charles? After last year? He deserves it so much!" I couldn’t help myself and practically beamed and Seb just cocked his eyebrow knowingly and I chuckled nervous "What?” I asked an Seb just hugged me again.
"It’s good that you two finally realised that you’re meant to be! I told him so many times to make a move, back when we were teammates!" he whispered in my ear and I tensed up "Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me for as long as you want it to be!" he released me and left smiling.
Julie came up to me, ushering me towards the cool down room, where Charles already was waiting, sitting in the chair for the second place.
"I believe you’re in the wrong chair…” I said and walked up to the table with the cap for P2, towels and water. I put my helmet down, grabbed a towel and dried my face off agin, then my neck. I used my visor as a mirror and loosened my braids, smoothing my hair down. Then I grabbed a bottle of water and the P2 cap and walked up to the chairs. Charles didn’t move so I sat next to him on a box, not on one of the chairs for the drivers.
"What are you doing?" he asked in French.
"Oh, so now you’re talking to me?"I answered in French as well "I’m not sitting in P1 and jinx it!" I continued in English and Charles got off of his chair and pulled me up, then pushed me gently into the P2 chair as Checo walked in.
"What a race!" he exclaimed and grabbed a towel and a bottle of water, then sat down in the P3 chair, Charles still standing "They gave you the wrong tires?" he then asked Charles who only nodded.
"Yeah, they gave me softs, planned were hards." he answered and I snorted, but was able to turn it into a cough. "But yeah like this I could go on the mediums again, so I had more pace, not really helpful in Monaco but you never know." Checo nodded.
"You ignored your team orders? When they wanted to do a double stack?" I asked Charles and he shook his head.
"I didn’t understand the radio at first… but I said I think they want me to pit for inters but I want to stay out." he answered "What was with your car? You didn’t put up any fight whatsoever? You just let me pass you!" the last part sounded accusing.
"I don’t know what it was, I felt something loose between my legs before, I thought I had damage from flying debris or something? But they said there was nothing wrong but I don’t know! I pushed the throttle completely through, more and my foot would break out of the car… they need to check what that was before the next race!" I said but Charles wasn’t fully convinced "I want them to run all the tests that we have.”
I tried to reassure him, that this race win was really his, that I tried my hardest to win. The car was lagging. After almost a minute of him looking at me, my every move, he nodded and sat down in P1. I convinced him.
Charles POV:
I stood on the podium, Lizzie on my right, beaming up on me, her cheeks flushed, wide smile on her lips. She looked gorgeous and I would give everything that I owned to kiss her right here, right now. But her smile was enough to make my stomach flutter, my body tingling. I won Monaco. My home race. After so many tries. So many failures. Today I finally made it. And to make this day even more memorable, Lizzie, the most beautiful, enchanting girl, love of my life, stood next to me. Celebrating this milestone. I closed my eyes, taking a moment to fully grasp what just happened. This win was for Dad. For our beloved home. His voice rang in the back of my head, telling me that one day I would win our home race and all of the principality would cheer for me and he would be the loudest amongst them. I could see his face in front of me, his smile, the wrinkles around his eyes, the glasses that were always sliding down his nose and he had to push it back with his finger, his messy hair. I opened my eyes, feeling overwhelmed, throat closing in, eyes teary and as the Monegasque anthem was played, tears began to fall. I looked down and saw Maman, Lorenzo, Arthur, Juergen and Liam smiling proudly at me.
"Congratulations, Charles! Today you’re making yourself immortal! We’re all so proud of you!" Prince Albert hugged me tight, smiling bright as he handed me the trophy.
"Thank you so much!" I replied as he stepped back and I lifted the trophy up above my head, pointing with my other hand in the sky. For Papa. For Jules. I watched as Lizzie lifted her trophy up as well, smiling at me. As soon as all trophies were handed over, it was time for the champagne. Les Toréadors played and I sprayed Lizzie from head to toe, while Checo poured a large amount of champagne over my head and I flinched as the cold liquid trickled down neck into my race suit. We cheered our bottle together, all taking a swig of champagne and then it was time for a picture. I pulled Lizzie close to my side, brushing away some wet strands of her hair, that were sticking to her face and she smiled brightly at me. I felt her love and adoration radiating from her.
"He is so proud of you, Charles!" Lizzie leaned in, whispering in my ear and I choked up a little, she kissed my cheek, a tingling sensation spreading across my skin where her lips had touched me. She then gently wiped away a stray tear that was running down my cheek and I smiled at her. I won my home race. I had the girl of my dreams. Could it get any better than this?
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"And you really don’t want to go out and party? Charles, you won the Monaco GP? Your home race?" I asked him laying in his bed, I watched him drying his hair with a towel, another one slung around his hips, body glistening with little droplets of water.
"Do you want to party? We can go out if you want to! But I much rather stay at home and celebrate here, just you and me, a bottle of champagne, maybe watching a movie?" he answered and stepped in front of the bed, I got up on my knees and hugged him. After a moment, he leaned back and kissed me, first slowly and sweet, his hand at the small of my back and at my nape. Our body’s pressed together, the kiss intensified. Only when we were both running out of air we pulled away a little and leaned our foreheads together.
"Nope, this is perfect." I whispered and Charles chuckled. I got up and walked into the bathroom, closed the door and took a deep breath. I felt hot, a quick cold shower would help, when I brushed my teeth I realised that I had forgotten to take my fresh clothes with me, I sighed, putting my hair into a messy bun, wrapped the towel around my body and opened the door. Charles, now in sweatpants and t-shirt, sat on the bed against the headboard shuffling through Netflix as he looked up at me, a smile on his face. I felt my cheeks blushing.
"I forgot my clothes…" I whispered and pointed at the pile on the drawer and he just nodded, as I walked over, took it and went back into the bathroom, where I quickly changed and then walked out "So, what are we watching?"
"You decide, I just want to hold you close and I’m happy." Charles said and I blushed again and he grinned "God Lizzie, I love when you blush like that…" he got up from the bed and walked over to me, putting his hands on my waist, pulling me close and I shuddered "Are you cold?"
"No, it’s just, you make me, I don’t know how to explain… but when you look at me like this, I’m like… I’m getting nervous…" I whispered and looked down and tried to hide my intense blushing, Charles gently grabbed my chin and lifted my head up to look at him.
"Hey, hey… please, don’t hide from me." he said quietly and smiled at me "What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?"
"It’s embarrassing…" I tried to look away but he cupped my cheeks, looking at me.
"What is embarrassing? You know you can talk to me about everything? So what’s going on?" Charles asked and his voice was so genuine and sweet that I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.
"I’m… I’ve never done it…" I almost whispered it but Charles looked at me confused "I’m still a virgin…" my heart was beating in my throat, skin burning hot, as I looked down ashamed.
"Oh Lizzie, hey, look at me! Please!" Charles smiled at me encouraging "It’s nothing to be ashamed of!"
"I just, I don’t know, deep down I always wanted it to be you and… I don’t know, it’s silly because now that you and I… it’s just- umm… I’m scared because I- I don’t have any experience…" I mumbled and Charles pulled me into his arms.
"I wish I would’ve waited for you…" he sighed and I shook my head "But please, don’t feel ashamed and please don’t be scared! I mean I’m probably not the most experienced as well… but that doesn’t matter! It’s you and me. And no matter when it will happen, it will be perfect. So please don’t feel like to put yourself under pressure or anything! This what we have, it’s perfect, it’s amazing and when you’re ready for the next step, we’ll take it. Together. As always."
I smiled at him and kissed him, tried to show him how much his words meant to me.
"Why are you so perfect?" I whispered and he just chuckled.
"I’m by far not perfect, but I try to be the closest to perfect for you, because you, cara mia, are perfect and deserve it." he answered and by now my face was probably the shade of the darkest red possible.
"Charles, you are more than perfect, I just wished you could see it as well…" I said and kissed him again, slowly and sweet, but as Charles pulled me closer into him, his hands gently stroking my waist, I felt heat rushing into my core.
As he gently pulled away I chased after his lips again, sealing our lips together, fiery, exploring his mouth. My hands started travelling down his sides, gripping the hem of his t-shirt, slowly sneaking my fingers up his skin under it. I felt him shudder underneath my touch and pulled away from our kiss, giggling at his reaction.
"Are you laughing at me, pretty girl?" he whispered, brushing his warm lips over my ear. Now I shuddered and he chuckled slightly. I turned my head, leaving little kisses along his jaw, my fingers running up his back, leaving goosebumps in the process. As I pulled him even closer into me, my breathing hitched as I felt his hard length pressing against my stomach. I slowly pulled away, only to look Charles in the eyes "That’s what you’re doing to me, Lizzie" he pulled me back in, nuzzled his nose in my hair and inhaled deeply "You’re driving me crazy…" I tugged at his t-shirt, making Charles now pushing himself off of me, cocking an eyebrow. I bit my lips, nervously pulling his shirt over his head, revealing his muscular, well proportioned upper body. My hands trailing over his hard chest, down his abs to the hem of his sweatpants, his growing bulge clearly visible. I looked up at him, his eyes full of lust and passion. He captured my lips in a mind blowing kiss, devouring each little sound I made, my body started trembling, heat waves crashing down on me. He held my waist in a strong grip, playing with the hem of my shirt and I nodded. Charles understood and slowly pulled it up, breaking away from our kiss only to let the fabric pass over my head. His eyes wandered down for a moment before they landed back on mine "God, you’re beautiful." He pulled me back into him, our naked chests colliding. Feeling his hard body pressed into mine, I moaned quietly, feeling arousal pooling in my core. He kissed me again, this time more aggressive, messy, his chest heaving. I grabbed his shoulders, to steady myself, rubbing my sweaty palms over his bare skin. I felt myself becoming more eager, hungry even and tangled my hands in his hair, pulling him even closer. I trailed one hand down his chest, over his groin, carefully rubbing his hardened length. Charles groaned into our kiss, pulling away, huffing loud "I can’t control myself if you keep doing that." he muttered under his breath as I kept on rubbing, making him groan even louder.
"Then don’t…" I answered and he looked at me for a moment.
"Are you sure? We can wait, cara mia…" he whispered but I just nodded.
"I love you, Charles… and I’m more than sure."
"I love you too, Lizzie…" he kissed my forehead and my heart swelled at this sweet and sincere gesture. I took a deep breath, pulling his sweatpants down, freeing him from his confines, eyes widening "I’ll be gentle, pretty girl."
Little Note:
Chapter 17 and we’re racing in Monaco, baby! Giving Charles that win was more than amazing, let’s manifest it, so that we can watch our favourite Monegasque lift that trophy up IRL!
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @glitterf1 @janeholt3 @maeve-wileyy @18754389 @
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).
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harrywavycurly · 2 years
How about reader X eddie have twins? They are both called double trouble. Something like that?
Hiii lovey!! So I hope you know you’ve just absolutely ruined me with this okay? Like really it’s rude 😂 but I hope you enjoy also I made them twin girls because I just want Eddie to be a girl dad so damn badly also I changed it to just trouble makers so I hope that’s okay?? Anywayyy here we go!!🙈🫠💖
-I picked the most RANDOM ass names for them and in this they are about 5-ish✨
*Eddie used to hate mornings but now he has two very special reasons to love them*
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“What are you in the mood for this morning? Juice or milk?” Eddie holds up the half gallon of milk in one hand and the carton of juice in the other as he faces the table in the middle of the kitchen. He chuckles to himself as he watches his little girl tap her chin as if she was deep in thought.
“Milk please.” He just smiles and places the milk on the table before putting the juice back in the fridge. “Morning Holly!” Eddie looks over his shoulder as a sleepy looking little girl makes her way towards the table, still in her pajamas and her curly hair a mess on top of her head. “Dad is making toast and eggs.” Elizabeth explains to her twin sister as she pours some milk into her glass.
“Morning Lizzy.” Holly mumbles as she reaches for the milk so she can pour herself some. “Morning dad.” Eddie smiles and takes the pan that has their scrambled eggs and places it in the middle of the table.
“Good morning sweetheart.” Holly smiles as he leans over and kisses the top of her head. “What’s the plan for today for my little trouble makers?” He asks as he puts a spoonful of eggs onto each of their plates before he goes over and starts on their toast. He knows they like to eat their eggs first and save their toast for last, something they picked up from their mother who usually lathers their toast in butter and jelly.
“Mommy is taking us to the mall to get new shoes for school.” Elizabeth says as she shoves a forkful of eggs into her mouth making Holly groan.
“What’s wrong?” Eddie raises an eyebrow as Holly rests her chin on her arm as she moves the eggs on her plate around with her fork.
“Good morning girls.” You smile at the two of them as you walk into the kitchen while tightening your robe around your waist. Holly just huffs as you place a kiss to her cheek while Elizabeth smile when you kiss the top of her head. “What’s with the face on Holly?” You ask Eddie as you grab a mug from the cabinet so you can make yourself some coffee.
“Lizzy mentioned going to the mall.” He answers as he leans over so he can steal a quick kiss from you before turning and grabbing the toast from the toaster. You hand him the jelly from the fridge after grabbing your creamer and pouring a little into your mug.
“You don’t want to go to the mall honey?” You ask as you pour some coffee into your mug. Holly just shrugs as she takes a bite of her eggs while Elizabeth downs the rest of her milk. “You can stay home with dad if you want?” You look at Eddie who just nods his head as he spreads jelly over their toast after a decent amount of butter just like they like it.
“Really?” Holly asks as Eddie puts a piece of toast on each of their plates. You watch Elizabeth instantly snatch it up and begin eating it with a smile on her face, she has always been a morning person unlike her sister who would prefer not to be bothered until mid afternoon.
“Sure.” Eddie answers as he sits down at the table and reaches for your mug so he can take a few sips of your coffee making you roll your eyes because you know he’s going to just end up drinking the rest of it. “We can finish reading the Hobbit if you want?” He watches Holly’s face light up and a smile take over as she just excitedly nods before taking a bite of her toast.
“Sounds boring.” You can’t help but laugh at how blunt Elizabeth’s tone is, Holly just rolls her eyes at her sister as you get up to make another cup of coffee. “But I’m sure you’ll have fun.” Eddie lets out a chuckle and shakes his head as Elizabeth reaches over and places her hand on Holly’s arm giving it a little pat.
“Please don’t let her pick my shoes out mom.” Holly begs causing Elizabeth to make a face as Holly looks at you as you steal a bite of the toast off her plate. “She will pick glittery ones.” She adds as she glares at her sister.
“Don’t worry sweetheart I’ll pick your shoes out.” You reassure her making her smile and go back to finishing her breakfast. The two of them finish eating and rush off to their room to get dressed leaving you and Eddie sitting at the kitchen table.
“I think Elizabeth reminds me of someone.” Eddie teases as he reaches over and grabs your hand so he can bring it to his lips and place a kiss to your knuckles.
“You know I was just thinking Holly reminds me of someone I dated a while ago.” You watch Eddie raise an eyebrow as you lean in so your noses are almost touching.
“Oh really?” You just nod as you reach over with your free hand and push some of Eddie’s hair out of his face and tuck it behind his ear.
“Yeah but now that I think about it I don’t remember Steve having curly hair.” Eddie let’s out a groan making you laugh as he shakes his head.
“You’re cruel.” You just smile as he leans in and places a kiss to your lips. “But I love you.” He mumbles as he pulls away.
“I love you too.” Eddie smiles as you pull away and give his hand a little squeeze. “Have fun with your little mini me today.” You state as he lets your hand go so you can go get dressed to take Elizabeth to the mall.
“Enjoy the mall with yours. Don’t go too crazy okay? I know how the two of you get.” 😂💖
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wooshofficial · 10 months
Martyn makes his way back to Baxter after the end of the session, only for there to be ghosts at his house.
Not the good ghosts, either- he saw Jimmy and Lizzie chasing each other around the Secret Keeper earlier, and Mumbo hovering around Grian as he called time. No, these are the wrong ghosts.
Three people sit on Baxter, staring down at him with glances ranging from pity to mania. Martyn holds a staring contest with the three before someone speaks up:
“Oh man, the lone wolf makes it back home, everyone! How do you guys think he’s feeling right now?” The voice that pipes up comes from the ghost on the right. They’re not human—a mouse, maybe a rat?—and they’re wearing a maid dress, which isn’t the weirdest part of this whole situation.
“I don’t know,” says the left ghost, lounging on Baxter’s ear and jingling bells on their jester outfit with the movement, “probably…alone. Angry.”
Martyn scowls at the clown and rat, building his way up to be level with the ghosts. “Who the hell are you?! What are you doing at my house?”
He gets no direct response, because of course he doesn’t. Because of course the Watchers would try to drive him insane with ghosts commenting on his current mental state and him unable to give his two cents. Instead, the right ghost looks at the left, who has continued to spread out on Baxter and make some very annoying jingling sounds.
“Angry is a definite. Guilty, probably. Hating himself, absolutely.”
What? No. This is a death game, people are going to die. Martyn knows this. He doesn’t blame or hate himself, thank you very much! He opens his mouth to debate, but-
“Oh, be nice to him, Rat. He just lost his buddies!” The middle ghost finally speaks up, swinging her legs and staring directly at him. She’s got orange skin and what looks like an anchor strapped across her back, which Martyn is confused at- both the fact that it’s there and the fact that he knows what it is. “Remember how I felt up until what, two months ago? Because of you, might I add.”
“I told you Lux, I didn’t know he would get permakilled!”
“I apologized!”
“Would you please get back to talking about me while you’re sitting on my goddamn house?”Martyn says, still at eye level with the three frankly absurd ghosts arguing in front of him, once again to no response. Anchor ghost—Lux—leans over and slaps the right ghost—Rat—straight across the face, and this is where Martyn would stop paying attention to the nonsense, except Rat just pulled out a monstrous looking scythe; and Jester Ghost is scrambling across Baxter’s head to be at their side with a similar weapon in their hand, jingling the whole way there; and Martyn is now checking his wrist tattoo to make sure his between-session immunity is working so he doesn’t die from this.
“Rat!” Lux ghost shouts, looking over towards Martyn, pity still in their eyes, “you’re scaring him!”
“You slapped me!” They follow Lux’s gaze to double the amount of staring in Martyn’s general direction, and Jester Ghost follows suit, with a manic smile on top. Rat ghost puts the scythe away with a sigh. “We’re getting off track. Lone wolf over there is exactly what it says on the tin. Lux gets that feeling, and I don’t because I am basically god.”
Martyn chooses to ignore that. Lux ghost just rolls their eyes.
“But,” Rat says, and Martyn is now sure that these ghosts are simply choosing to ignore him because he’s suddenly locked in another stare off, “what I know-“
“We all know,” adds the clown-
“-is payback. Sweet, beautiful, over the top payback.”
Lux nods. “And he knows it too, doesn’t he?”
“Everyone on this server knows payback,” Martyn mutters, mostly to himself. “Even Scar knows payback. Damn good at it too.”
The jester makes a tsk sound towards him, and that’s when he knows that the ghosts are definitely pretending he’s not there, besides the whole all-three-of-them-are-staring-directly-at-him thing. “Ah-ah, but there’s a difference between how they do it and we do it. When they do it, it’s very…”
“Vanilla?” Lux ghost supplies.
“Boring?” Rat ghost drawls.
The jester ghost ponders a moment, that manic grin still on their painted face, before answering: “Simple. This server only knows simple payback. Us, on the other hand, we’re grand. Dramatic!”
Sure, like Martyn could be more dramatic than spawning three withers, or blowing himself up to kill someone else, or breaking a truce to go on a murder spree and win the game entirely. Like that’s even possible. Like the Watchers would allow that sort of thing on top of all the curses.
“So?” Martyn chides, about two seconds away from leaving and just moving bases entirely. “What do any of you have to do with this?!”
“So,” Rat says, and they have finally stopped ignoring him, “be like us, Martyn. Don’t just go to war, be the war.”
“Fight like nothing else matters.”
“And revel in the catharsis when it’s done.”
And then all three of them start laughing, filling the air with the sounds of bells and chaos and violence before disappearing in the blink of an eye. In their place, a single stick of TnT, with a note tied to it:
A pipe bomb for your troubles :)
Martyn throws it across the mesa, and promptly goes to sleep, deciding that even if lonely, he’s damn glad that he’s not whoever the hell those ghosts were.
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lizzieislife94x · 8 months
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Pool Party (e.o)
Requested <3
 LizziexG!P Reader
Might get another 2 Requests done today 
Y/ns POV: 
I can't help but laugh as scarlett walks past Colin and shoves him in the pool and walks away like nothing happened "no way that just happened" I yell to scar as she gives me an innocent smile damn coiln must have annoyed her, the only reason I got to meet these awesome people is because my girlfriend works with them but they quickly accepted me as one of their own I'm snapped out of my thoughts as lizzie comes walking out in a brownish orangeish bikini making my mouth drop open she walks over to me with a giggle wrapping her arms around my waist "mhh hey baby might wanna close your mouth before you catch flies" I look down at her as I'm slightly taller and bite my lip "fuck baby you look sexy I can't help but admire how perfect you are" she smirks and leans up kissing me as my hands rest comfortably on her ass squeezing gently pulling her closer to me "mhh baby don't get to excited" lizzie whispers in my ear as her hand discreetly squeezes my dick making me groan at her touch I hate when she's in a teasing mood especially when she knows I can't do anything about it I pull away and wink at lizzie before running to the pool yelling "CANANBALL" everyone cheers and laughs as lizzie shakes her head smiling at me I motion for her to come in which she does with alot more grace than me I go the corner where its empty as lizzie swims to me wrapping her legs around my waist and arms around my neck "hey baby" she whispers gently kissing my lips I smile kissing her back as I take her firm ass cheeks in my hands she bites my lip as I move my right hand round to her thigh sliding it higher as she looks at me with wide eyes "if you wanna be bold and tease me baby you'll have to pay the price" I husk into her ear as my thumb rubs her clit over her bikini bottoms causing her to dig her nails into my back "not here baby someone will see" she breaths out making me smirk "no-one will see princess only way they'll know is if you can't control yourself I mean I have absolutely no problem fucking you infornt of everyone making you scream till you beg me to stop" as soon as I finish my sentence I pull her panties to the side as I slide 2 fingers through her folds as I lean forward kissing her neck she moans closing her eyes as I sink 2 fingers deep inside her with no warning "shh shh shh baby or all your co workers as gonna hear how you sound getting fucked" I bite my lip as she groans into my ear "y/n lizzie you guys wanting hotdogs or burgers" I smirk and look over at scarlett "no we're good thanks might get one later I'm just enjoying a few minutes alone chatting with lizzie" I yell as I continue to thrust my fingers faster I can feel her walls tighten around me but I pull my fingers out before she cums as her eyes snap open and she glares at me "you want to tease well tease ill let you cum later don't worry my love but for now we have guests" I quickly let go of lizzie and swim to the edge as I climb out "you know what can I have a hotdog please scar" she smiles and nods as I go grab a beer I feel lizzies eyes burning into me but ignore it as I lay comfortably on the sun lounger, scarlett hands me a hotdog as I lay back and eat it after 20 minutes a pouty lizzie walks over to me "baby that was so mean" I lift my shades and smirk "sorry my love but if you hadn't noticed were throwing a party" she frowns and sits down in my lap cuddling up to me I gently rub my hand up and down her arm as she snuggles in getting comfortable "liz you wanting food" she looks up at scar "no thank you scar im good" she turns back cuddling into me as I lean down to whisper "I know what meat you want" I can't help but laugh as she slaps my chest "youre right but damn don't call me out" I pull her close and laugh "don't worry baby once they leave ill bring you back out here and fuck you in the pool" I feel her squeeze her thighs together and moan "you better" we spent the rest of the day hanging with friends laughing dancing and drinking. 
5 hours later
"I love our friends but God I'm glad they're gone" I say laughing as I walk over to lizzie wrapping my arms around her "I know right but I wanted them to leave 3 hours ago so you could fuck me but they didn't take the hint" I can't help but laugh and slap her ass as I pick her up and run to the pool jumping in with with a splash, we both come up laughing as I bite my lip and kick my shorts off before throwing them to her as soon as she realises what it is she swims to me fast making me laugh "someone's a little desperate" I pin her to the wall of the pool and easily get her bikini top off while my other hand goes down to remove her bottoms leaving her naked she loosens my bikini top biting her lip leaving us both naked "fuck I've wanted to do this since you walked out in that bikini " I say as I kiss and suck her neck gently I feel her wrap her legs around me trying to grind her core against my dick "if you don't calm down my love ill edge you all night and go to sleep without letting you cum" I hear her inhale sharply as my words hit her "I'm sorry baby ill be good, I just need you" I look up into her eyes as I slide my hand down to grab my dick lining myself up with her entrance as I slide inside her with one sharp thrust bottoming out as she screams and scratches my back "is that better my love is this what you wanted" I moan into her ear as I suck the lobe gently she tries to control herself before speaking "mmh mhhh fuck yes thank you baby" I kiss her roughly as I start to thrust my hips after a few minutes I stop and look into her eyes "yeah baby this is harder I can't get the right force with my thrusts how about I fuck you on the sun lounger" she nods as I walk out of the pool still inside her , her moans filling my ears at the movements I quickly lay her on the lounger climbing ontop of her as I insert myself into her tight cunt again both of us moaning "uh fuck much better my love" I smirk as I start to thrust at the pace I wanted to it doesn't take long for her to cum all down my cock as she spasms under me the sound of my dick slamming into her wet pussy turning me on more "uh fuck baby yes so fucking tight i love it when you cum all over my cock" I moan as I continue my brutal pounding not letting her recover from her orgasm I feel my own getting closer as I lean down biting her neck switching to kissing ny way to her jaw "fuck baby I'm gonna cum really fucking soon where do you want it where will I cum" I feel her nails digging in more as she wraps her legs around me trapping me inside her I couldn't get out if I wanted to the motion enough to send me over the edge as I start to cum with a loud moan as my body falls onto her I feel like there's no end to my cum it keeps shooting both of us moaning into eachothers mouths "fuck lizzie you've never let me cum inside you, you always make me pull out and finish on your stomach tits or ass" she pants as she makes me look at her "I wanted you inside me" I don't even question her I just rest my head on her chest as we both regain our composure after 10 minutes I get up sliding out of her both of us moaning I smirk as my dick slips out and a little of my cum dribbles out her cunt "I felt like i came forever I'm surprised it wasn't like a waterfall when I pulled out" I giggled as lizzie looks at me "baby it shot deep inside me plus while I'm laying like this not much will happen I'm sure when i get up more will dribble out but just so you know that's what's gonna happen everytime we fuck it felt to good to not let it happen again" I bite my lip and lean forward kissing her gently "ok baby let's get you showered and ready for bed" we quickly made our way inside and showered together before getting into bed and cuddling while watching a movie before we fell asleep in one an others arms  
AN: Enjoy babes 😘 all feedback welcomed requests are always open also if anyone just wants to chat feel free to message me im a nice person 😊haha anyway stay hydrated babes word count 1.6k 
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according2thelore · 1 month
Holy heck I found the mommy dean tag in your blog and immediately devoured everything under it 😭😭😭
Yall, I've been screaming mommy!Dean to the void ever since I got back into Supernatural, but my friends won't listen to meeeeee.
Dean does NOT slack off mommying! He did such a good job!!! Look at that 6'4 moose???!!!
Dean: *looks at 15yr 6 foot gangly Sam* Damn?! How'd the hell did you get so tall??? Who fed you??
Sam: "You?????"
My personal headcanons are
- That Dean totally has a stash of recipes that he made/collected over a period of time from cooking for Sam [like the exotic Mac & Cheese]
- That Dean had personally setup some sort of make shift bassinet in the impala just so that Sammy more comfortable
[lol ignore the glaring warning for vehicular safety (haha But would John care? Let's be real)]
The last head canon is from my actual childhood where (according to my grandmother) my older sisters tried to make the 7hr drive more comfortable for toddler me when we were running away from a bad home situation.
Urghhhh sorry for the rant, parentification of fictional older siblings are my absolute faves!!!!
hi, anon!!!
we ARE mommy friendly on this here blog--your friends don't see the vision, but we do, anon 🤝
Dean: *looks at 15yr 6 foot gangly Sam* Damn?! How'd the hell did you get so tall??? Who fed you??
Sam: "You?????"
AHAHAHAHA anon that sent me through the ceiling! and AGH! i totally love those headcanons! the bassinet 🥺🥺 that's so sweet that your sisters did that for you--what a beautiful thing!
i can 800% see dean making one! as long as it got sam to sleep and kept dean occupied (leaning over the bassinet every few minutes to make sure sam was still breathing okay), john would be fine with it, lol!
and you're totally right about the recipes--they start with his crazy, scraggly writing from when he was five (mic 2, 30 sekets, most of the letters are backward) and get more mature as he gets older, and the recipes get more complicated. they're on motel pads of paper and napkins and the backs of sun-faded receipts.
one of my personal headcanons is that the one school year sam did soccer (if you remember dean's nostalgic joy about it ("one of the only times you were allowed to be a real boy")), dean attended all of his practices. at first, it was so he could keep an eye on him, because he wasn't used to leaving him alone--and they were in town for a hunt, after all--then he told sam it was so he could hit on all the other soccer moms.
but they talked about local gossip ("did you hear about monica's husband? died on a hunting trip!") and kid-rearing tips ("we use gatorade when jeremy's sick because of the electrolytes" "vaporub will save you, but you can make some of your own using XYZ" "wait, you put WHAT in mac and cheese") and dean still uses the safety-pin-in-the-seam trick they taught him when he has to do a quick repair on his jacket.
you could always find a line of moms on the bleachers with their dye jobs and underlined eyes, and a fifteen year old dean, tobacco stained fingers and four layers of shirts.
dean cheers when sam makes a goal even in practice, and sam gets upset if dean is distracted and misses one. the moms all call him "dean's sam" and sam fuzzes warm and happy when dean leads him away with an arm across his shoulders because yes!! in fact, he is!!
no apologies AT ALL!!! i completely agree--parentification (esp dean's parentification) makes me bite straight through cardboard, lol!
PLEASE rant with me about mommy dean anytime you like!!!! i LIVE for it!!!
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