#lets hope we dont have to wait again like this is something goes wrong in the future
crt8ball · 1 year
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no but like seriously im so happy they saw the outcry from the fans and finally did something about it
im not gonna claim to have known how annoying and disheartening it mustve been to sit and wait THIS long for a response and I support all the people who still are critical of the show despite their statement because of their silence
the boys need to do better in the future even if their incorrect portrayals weren't malicious, their actions still have serious impacts and i genuinely hope this is a step in the right direction
as a poc myself im just happy to see both of them FINALLY be addressed as black! esp with new redesigns!!! (watching the black rose eps were so jarring when lizzie was described as blonde esp when trying to find refrence of what she looked like and being met with 4 different skin tones and hair textures from thumbnails and the wiki..... plus not to mention jazz's original refrence skin tone. )
even though ive only recently gotten back into jrwi a month or so ago to catch up on riptide it was really hard to have fun watching the episodes + the rolled with its whilst knowing they still hadn't addressed this stuff
I wish them the absolute best and hope they change for the better with representing minorities since i really fucking love this podcast and everyone in it :]
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creativewritersposts · 3 months
delirious state - Luke Hughes
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summary; Luke Hughes x reader
Luke gets injured and the painkillers kick him into a delirious state, which is quite funny.
warning(s); mention of injury, it's more fluff and funny, real head injuries are no fun! , maybe grammar errors
author's note; old but good! 4/4 fics done! Good night everyone ✨
"Luke Hughes left the game and is on the way to get medical help".
This is how the disaster began. You stand in the emergency department waiting for Luke, completely worried and walking circles. "Mrs. Hughes? Mr. Hughes asked for you", an older nurse speaks with papers under her arm. You didnt know you're his wife but you're completely fine with that. Together with his nurse you arrive on a station where you can smell the typical disinfection scent.
"I'll leave you alone with your husband. Our doctor had to sew a wound on his head, two broken rips and a swollen nose. Because of the medical drugs and painkillers he can speak confused. He needs to rest. Are there any questions?", the nurse looks up from her pinning map with all informations, you don't care right now. You want to know if he's okay. "No i just want to see my husband, thank you". The nurse nods and walks back where they came from.
Quietly you open the door, afraid to wake Luke. Your poor Lukey. But damn you're wrong. Your poor Lukey smiles high and looks at you absolutely awake. He has a black eye, a neck support and plaster on his head where the doctors had to shave his head. He looks not good, hockey is a dangerous sport.
"Hey babbbyyy! Nice to see you", he waves with his hand and his voice sounds higher than usual.
"Hey, are you okay? My poor Lukey. Your family will be here in one hour. Traffic", you pet his curly hair and sit on his bed. "Oh yeah. Do you want to go to the cinema with me?", Luke smiles again not knowing what he tells. "You're not in the condition so I don't think", you giggle. It feels like you talk to a child. "You are soooo pretty", Luke does a gesture to show how much and curls your hair with his finger.
"You are pretty, too. Even with your destroyed face", you smirk. Luke is never that cheesy but as long he won't get angry you tolerate it.
"I really wanna have sex with you", he says without warning. It's atypical for him, he's very shy.
"Baby I dont think that works out right now",
"but whyyy?", Luke gets tearful.
"You have an head injury!".
"You think I'm a sucker in bed!", he replies in a stubborn tone.
"No don't get me wrong!", you never imagined you both have this conversation in the hospital one day.
"Yes you do. I'm lucky I married you before you could leave me because of that", his monitor signals louder because his heartbeat gets faster.
"You really need to rest and chill baby", you hope the topic is closed now.
"Just if you tell me you want to have Sex with me too!", you roll your eyes. "I won't say this!", you place your hands on your hip. A nurse comes in and controls his vital values until he speaks out, "Marriage is hard", he huffs. The nurse laughs off.
"We're not married. Before we reach this step you have to ask me!", your poor nerves. Honestly you need a drink to get through this. And chocolate cake.
Luke wants to stand up out of his bed, "babyyy lets go! I'm ready to get some actionnn with youu", he tipsy says. Luke's cheeks are rosy and and he looks like he gets fever. You lovely push him back to bed. "Lukey I love having sex with you but god damn lay down or I'll cain you on this bed!".
"Uhh I love when you take control", he smirks.
"Man you knocked out on ice and all you can think is about this?! and y'all say I'm the cheeky one!", you turn around behind you, hearing a familiar voice. It was his older brother.
Ellen, Jim and Jack watched this amused scenario. "Mooom", Luke groans. Ellen goes straight to his bed, hugs him and strokes his curly hair. "Can I help you with something? It looked really bad!", his mother says. "Why have you to interrupt me and my wife? Its getting hot in there", Luke is outraged.
"Lukey its fever and no sexual attraction, I'm sorry guys, he's dazed from the drugs", you try the best to get out of his embarrassing moment. "Mooom?", he calls her name again in a wailing way. "Yes?", she holds his other hand and focused. "Can I borrow your ring? I need to do a proposal". Ellen don't know what to say. Jim stays quite in the cornor as opposed to Jack. He grins the whole time and records some videos. "I have to send this to Quinn! Made my day!".
"Don't be so mean", Jim replies. "Daaaadddd?", comes from the big boy in bed. Jim steps next to Ellen, looking down to his son. "Why I'm the third one and not the first child? Didn't you make any effort to get me?", he whines. "Can't believe my smartest son asks such a stupid question", Jim shakes his head and hugs Luke, too. They don't care about this delirious state, the ony thing that matters is, he's okay. (Of course Jack will show their whole family these videos later).
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gamarancianne · 8 months
Hii I just read your rules and i think every thing is altight 🎀.I have benn carving some angst and had this idea for Helion x reader from acotar, where they have been with each other for a long time (before he became a High Lord), he says that he wants an open relationship, at first the reader agrees, after the years go by and Lady Autum heppens, she starts to be colder to Helion and becoms insecure about their relationship. Fast forward Helion throws a ball where someone start to flirt with him even though the reader is literally on his arm, he goes for some drinks or whatever which gives the reader the chance to escape, she does. After an hour or so Helion notices she is gone, and starts to look for her, he cant find her untill he asks a gaurd, who tells him she went to their bedroom, he finds her at first he is playfull but then relizes something is wrong. I would love if Helion said something like " you can't just leave me, I love you and we are together you cant do that, pleas" while crying hard. You can finish it however you like, presonaly a lot of angst and groveling at Helions side. If you dont fell like writing it there is no hard feelings❤️❤️❤️
Helion x reader - Always yours, never mine part 1
Hiiii, thank you for being this nice and don't worry i wrote it because I really loved the idea and there isn't enough Helion stuff here so let's change that ! 💗
Summary: in your open relationship, Helion always sneaked around with everyone, while you stayed there, waiting for him. But that was before, because solstice is the day where you are going to change that.
Warnings: angst, arrogant Helion (tbh he can 😩), heartbreak for 400 years, curse words, not proofread, my English.
Note: I didn't expect it to be this long so I'm definitely doing a part 2 ! I hope there was enough angst for you my dear and again thank you for your request and nice word !
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"Everyone is looking for the sun"
"The moon only shines thank to the sun"
You had been his for 400 years. Being 550 year-old it was almost your whole life. But him, he had never been yours. In the beginning of your relationship, Helion and you had agreed that you both still could have dates or sleep with others. Well Helion had decided, and you desperately in love, had agreed. It was then an open relationship, Helion went out with other males and females, sometimes both, and you, well, you had been on dates to play by the same rules but hadn't really appreciated it. You didn't want them , you wanted and still want Helion, only him. Of course you had your moments, heated or not, together but it wasn't a proper relationship like you could dream of. It could have been okay if you weren't aware of every time he brought a lover to his Palace and didn't heard them both from dusk till dawn, but you were and you did. Oh yes you did. Like the one time of the high lord meeting when he had flirted with Mor, and had sleeped with her, asking you to go to another room. Sometimes some females even came to him while you were dancing or cuddling together and had the guts to seduce him in front of you. The pain you felt really started when he started sneaking around with the lady of autumn when he wasn't high lord yet. He then started to forget you, the one who had been truly there for him in every moment of his life, and you became insecure. It was mentally and emotionally exhausting. But you couldn't leave him (if you still were in a relationship), you loved him too much it hurt you and it would kill you to do so.
Today was the first day of the summer solstice festivities. It was a day full of colors, sun, dances, music, food; your favourite day of the year. But not today, you didn't feel well. Yesterday Helion had brought 2 females in his bed, and your room being next to his, you had heard them. You hadn't sleep, overthinking the fact that you and Helion hadn't slept or been on a date together since weeks, even months. Maybe you didn't have to go today, you could stay in your room, looking from your window to the happy people partying and laughing. That's what you would do today, drown yourself in your eating thoughts and cry yourself to sleep. What a program. In front of your mirror, you changed your sun dress for a nightgown and went back to you giant bed. As if hearing your thoughts, someone knocked at the door. Groaning you opened it and what surprise for you to see the said Helion, a flirty smirk on his lips, leaning against the door frame. Gods was he beautiful. You almost hated him fro that, it made every discussion with him very difficult for you. His smile dropped as soon as he saw you in an other outfit than your party dress.
"What's going on love? At this hour you are normally already dressed up, dancing with everyone ?" He asked.
"Well I suppose it is not a normal day then" you answered turning your back to him when he tried to reach for you. You instantly regretted you gesture.
"Are you sure everything's okay love ?"
You turned back and gave him a small smile to reassure him, you always adored when he called you love, you could never resist him. "Yes don't worry, I am just feeling unwell, I think I'll stay here today and rest a little."
He froze, never had you ever missed a solstice day.
"No, no, no. Go dress up dear, I'm sure a dance with me will give you your energy and joy back." His teeth showed up again when he flashed you a smile.
"What? No-"
"And I won't take no as an answer" he shouted when he closed the door to leave you alone in the silence of your room once again. Dressing up again, you cursed him for being this convincing and yourself for being this weak. And why would he show up exactly the moment you gathered a little courage to face him about your feelings ! But maybe this time he would change, and everything would be different. You had so much hope about him. Leaving your room, you frowned and searched him in the crowd. You relaxed when you smelt his now well-known scent invading your nose and felt his arms circling your waist. 
"What's going on in that pretty head of yours"
"Nothing really" I answered getting out of his grasp leaving him frowning a little.
He regained his composure quickly "Then let's dance dear."
You both walked to the dancefloor and pushed someone or two on the way. As the music began, Helion led the dance, and you followed, twirling at the beautiful notes. To anyone who looked at you, it seemed that you were two beautiful gods or angels, coming from the sky and flying in the sun. Two gods meant for eachother. But Helion didn't think that, nor did you, spiralling in your insecure thoughts and doubts about yourself. But you still danced for hours, leaving the crowd only to drink or eat.
Exceptionally, you both went out in the gardens, arm in arms and hand in hand to talk intimately a little. But unfortunately, your finally rediscovered happiness was short timed when a young fae lady approached you two. Well she approached him of course. She was everything you weren't, gorgeous, a bright smile, tall, thin. Indeed, how could Helion could really love you after people like her ? Then again he abandoned you again to yourself. And almost broke down in front of everybody when you saw them dance together, and cursed yourself once again the same day for being so stupid to think that one ridiculously charming cheeky smile from him would change anything. You ran away to your bedroom, tears streaming down your face as the pain was stinging your entire body. When you loved, you loved hard, with your soul, your body, you whole. But when you felt hurt then everything in you was heart, and there wasn't a single part you that was okay.
You cried and cried on your bed without even taking the time to step out the beautiful gown you wore today. A gown he had gifted you. Damn him ! Everything you did, everything you thought about reminded you of him! He was like oxygen and water for you, a living need, everything in you was attracted by him every single second of your whole life. It was at the same time making you breathe fresh air, and killing you.
Helion, him, noticed you missing only a few dances later with that young lady when he had the project to bring her back into his bed for a sleepless night. He had the intention to inform you not to wait for him but he couldn't find you. In the heat of his moment with his futur lover, he got upset at the fact that you somehow ruined it, and grew more and more frustrated. He excused himself to the lady and went quickly and furiously to your room after asking a guard about it. There wasn't an ounce of worry in his mind.
But when he found your door open, and heard your not so silent sobs, he calmed down a little and came to your bed. Feeling his weight on the other side of the bed, you stood up quickly and wiped, in vain the tears on your cheeks.
"You crying just ruined my tonight date you know ?" Helion chuckled thinking it would make you feel better.
But in the contrary, you snapped at him and lashed out all your feelings and emotions piled up and invalidated since 400 years. Enough was enough.
"How dare you say that to the only woman who have been supporting you for every damn moment of your life? How dare you hurt my feelings and my confidence again and again and again ? During those 400, I've given you all that I had even more, I've given you all from myself : my soul, my heart, my mind and my body. But what have you given me back ? Nothing, except a broken heart and insecurity that's eating me up every fucking day of my life ! A life now resumed to hope that someday you will understand what I'm going through, you will change for the better ! But no ! It's always the same thing ! I hope and hope for you but you still disappoint me at the end of the day going back to your bitches while I stay here, abandoned again by the love of my life, the only one in my mind, you. I'm tired and exhausted to feel empty every time I see you with another while you forget about me. Some even seduce you while I'm here with you !"
Helion froze at your words, never as he ever considered or thought that you could be unwell in this relationship. "But what didn't you say anything? Plus you had also the right to go with other males or females, let me recall we both agreed to those terms in the beginning of our relation-"
"No we didn't! You said it, and I was hopelessly in love with you so it was the better I could get from you ! And I tried and tried and tried to go on other dates but they were never you ! As telling you this, I can't because everytime I see you apart from heated moment, when I try to speak to you about it, another one of your numerous lover interrupt us and you don't care about it one bit! It's like I'm only there to sleep with you and nothing more where as you go on dates and give your lovers prince princess treatment ! So tell me ! What did I do to deserve that ? What did I do ? Because I am completely and utterly yours, but Helion you have to face it, you were never mine." Rage and frustration tears were flooding your face from your angry eyes, and you were out of breath.
"Are you breaking up with me ?" He asked softly.
"Oh gods I can't believe it ! It's the only thing you have to say right now ? After all I've told you ? Then yes, yes I'm breaking up with you ! I'm done with this, with you !"
"But you can't do this love ! Please you can't leave me we are together! I love you please! Don't do that !" He pleaded and kneeled in front of you, gripping your thighs.
"As much as I love you, and as it's hurting to do so, I can't do this anymore, I don't know who I am anymore. Every time I woke up, my goal was to make you change or to spend a little time with you ! I've been erasing myself to the thought of you and I need to get out of here in order to find myself again. I'm sorry."
"But where will you go ? You live here ? It's your home! I am your home !" He cried.
"Not anymore I'm sorry. And Mor will welcome me for a time, I already sent a note to Rhys, he'll come when my stuff will be packed." As my voice broke down on the final words that seemed too real for me, I wanted it to be a nightmare, and to wake up tangled in the sheets and his arms, I got out of his firm grasp difficultly and gathered my things.
Rhys appeared instantly, and I took one last look at Helion's bent form and wet eyes before we disappeared as quickly as he came, in smoke of black shadow.
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seungmin4president · 10 months
can we have soft boy hours for seungmin?🥺
could you please write something where seungmin reassures their fairly new partner about not being ready about doing the dirty yet? reader has been broken up with over not being ready and he talks them through that insecurity. just need a little reassurance these days 🥲
thank you and i hope you have a great day!!🩷🖤
Omg this so sweet and cute woww this could make an adult cry (its me Im the adult) 😭
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Seungmin was hovering over you placing kisses on your jawline, leaving a few marks in his trail, he would've went down farther but to his surprise you gently tapped on him.
"I dont know about this.." You say, trying your best to avoid eye contact with the man above you so he wont see your eyes that are now holding your tears.
Seungmin gently grabs your jaw to look in your eyes, he felt like his heart shattered into peices when he saw tears rolling down your cheek, his thumb slightly caressing your cheek to wipe the tears away.
"Baby whats wrong?" He gets down from on top of you, his eyes softening as he goes to sit down beside you, his arm wrapping around your waist to pull you closer to him as he kisses your cheek.
" I dont know- I really want this but im not ready yet please dont be mad." You stutterer in your sentence, more tears form in your eyes as you remember your past relationship and how it ended exactly like this.
"Why would I be mad that your not ready to be that intimate yet?" Seungmin asks, tilting his head with his face covered with concern.
"Because- it's just in my last relationship my ex got mad and broke up with me and im scared that it will happen again." You look down at your lap and start twirling your fingers around, feeling like you've let Seungmin down.
"I would never break up with you for something stupid like that they are just an asshole for doing that" Seungmin reassures, his hand coming to your jaw again, he feels his blood boil when he thinks about how your last break up went down but he quickly got out of those thoughts and calmed himself down when he feels you shift to the edge of the bed.
"But what if-" You get cut off by Seungmin's two fingers pinching your mouth close.
"There is no what if with me y/n. If you want me to wait I'll wait." Seungmin scolds, his hand going to your hair to caress it gently as he continues to wipe your tears away.
You look down at your now shaking hands, thinking about how bad you feel for letting your relationship go that far without telling him about your ex, but you feel relieved that Seungmin isn't like them and is a gentleman.
"Y/n look at me" You turn your head to look at your boyfriend, your eyes red from the tears that continually fall out of them and your cheeks stained with dried and new tears.
"Your ex is a dumbass for leaving you just because you want to wait. I'll never do that to you, you matter too much to me." Seungmin says, placing a soft peck to your lips before taking you back to the middle of the bed and laying you down.
"What're you doing Seung?" You ask when you see Seungmin walk out of your shared bedroom and into the kitchen.
"Popcorn so we can watch that stupid movie you always beg to watch and cuddle." Seungmin answers.
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pocketramblr · 9 months
Dont know if youre still doing the AU asks but if you are, 5 HC for an AU where Eri, running away from Overhaul, runs into Gran torino and while panicking rewinds him back to his prime.
1- Eri runs, and runs, and hits someone who swears and grabs and she squeezes her eyes tight as light rushes out of her and hands go away. She curls up on the ground, sobbing, and when new gloved hands grab her without a word she does nothing, just hides her face and hopes Chisaki will go back home slowly enough to give her a break before punishing her.
2- Sorahiko got knocked over by a wrecking ball of a kid, fails to bite off his reaction as he gets up and reaches out to help her up. But then she's glowing and his whole body is in agony. Sorahiko's heart isn't soft enough to keep holding on, and he jets back, dropping the kid. By the time he's on the other end of the street, holding on to the building, he's taller than he was a second ago. He holds his breath, but the glow fades and doesn't affect him more when he's out of range. He waits a second, then goes back and scoops up the kid, who doesn't move. Worn out, probably, and the bandages aren't a good sign. Well, he was on his way to Nighteye's office, so he just keeps heading there.
3- Why is he on the way to talk to Sir? Because it's the only reason I can think of to have him be hours away from his home in that area where Eri is. So let's say Gran is there to update him on the fact that AfO is probably definitely back after the Hosu nomu attack. Gran brings Eri in, and that's about the moment that Eri realizes she is not being carried home by Chisaki. She looks up when she's put on a chair and Gran calls for Sir, ignoring the sidekicks at their desk. Sir comes down but stops on the stairs, staring at Gran with a dropped jaw, trying to figure out why someone would dress up as a young, tall, handsome, in his prime Gran Torino. And also why there's a crying child there. Gran snaps that it is very much him, he got hit with a quirk, and would Sir like to do something useful, please?
4- Sir apologizes to Eri for Torino's bad manners, and asks her what's wrong. She mentions Chisaki's name, something he knows as a connection to the Yakuza but not much more, and then explains the bandages when asked. It's a pretty clear, terrible case of abuse, and as he used his quirk, they're allowed to step in instead of handing it back to the police. Eri is terrified that Chisaki will find and attack them for taking her, but Gran says he didn't lose his brains with his wrinkles- he knows how to notice if he was being followed, and he was too quick for a tail. Then he asks how long her quirk lasts for, and she starts crying again because she hates it and can't undo it. For a moment, Gran and Sir share a look. A "we're terrible people for thinking about this" look, a "but, if she can rewind people..." look, a "Toshinori..." look. Then Sir looks down and shakes his head. Obviously it won't work, or All Might will refuse, because otherwise Sir have seen the difference in that vision of his death. Gran lets it go because he doesn't want to think about the vision either, he's still not happy Sir looked without permission even if he also wishes Toshi were enjoying retirement by now.
5- well, that's almost true. Gran changes the topic and says "Well, since we know Toshinori won't actually die of a heart attack on seeing me like this, why don't I go over there to show him in person?" Sir puts his head in his hands, but can't think of a way to stop him. Gran holds out his hand to Eri, says UA will be a safe place to wait, Nedzu will let her while Sir takes care of the paperwork on her case, and she can come see All Might. Eri blinks up as she takes his hand and asks who All Might is. Sir collapses to the ground, but Gran just laughs, and tells her stories on the way there.
+1 Toshi didn't have a heart attack but he did faint. Izuku was very close to it, eyes nearly popping out of his head before he looked around for the real Gran Torino since this is clearly another obvious prank.
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cherry-cosmoz · 1 day
Chapter 3 : new surroundings
This might be my favorite chapter 💪
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You wake up in somebodies arms. Without a second thought think hard. You rip her right arm clean off. You scramble to your bag she was holding grabbing your dad’s gun from it and releasing 3 rounds into her skull. Out of breath you hear someone “h-holy fuck she absolutely slaughtered c-clockwork.” the crazed brunette looks at his now massacred ally “Big man wasn’t kidding when she said she was bat shit crazy” the man in the white mask spoke up. There was a man in a yellow hoodie and black mask but he stayed silent. “Who the fuck are you. Stay away from me!” She says The man with the white mask puts out his cigarette “listen kid you listen to us we might not hurt you” Fuck that! She snaps the twitchy brunettes leg. The silent hooded man quickly shot you in the thigh. The brunette twitching and laughing “picked the wrong p-person out the three m-missy, I can’t feel p-pain” he laughs some more The hooded man walks up to you and throws you over his shoulder. The twitchy brunette stuffs his hand in your jacket grabbing your phone. “L-let’s see what w-we have here” He clicks the camera roll “Fuck.” She says thinking of the previous selfies “Holy s-shit balls masky look at this shit!” The masked man speaks up “no shut up kid I don’t want to see selfies” well shit its kinda weird now who am i kidding they just watched you slaughter their friend. “N-no it’s d-different look!” The man you now know is masky looks at the photo of mel holding up a severed head and a peace sign “Huh maybe that’s why he wants her?” Melanie finally speaks up “I know what you’re looking at but 1 who wants me? 2 where is my dad.” the girl now worried on where her body bags were. “l-looking at it he’s d-dead” okay smart ass obviously hes fucking dead. “Yeah I know that fucktard where’s my bags with him inside of it” Masky speaks up “don’t know the rake will probably eat him” Melanie talks again “what the fuck is a rake” The hooded man finally speaks up “shut up bitch all you do is talk wait till we are done walking or something” Whatever it looked like there was a rickety cabin ahead. The rude hooded man throws Melanie down on the porch “Alright what are your god damn names I’ve already been shot and kidnapped” Melanie spoke “y-you broke my a-arm” the brunette spoke “YOU CANT FEEL PAIN DICK CHEESE” Melanie screams at him. “M-my names Toby and t-thats hoodie and t-thats-" before the brunnete finishes she cuts him off. “Masky I know, now why do you want me here.” the hooded man which is now known to go by "hoodie" speaks up again. "listen kid, WE don't want you here, the operator does." your now confused who the fuck is that. " the oper what?" masky goes to say something but the twitchy brunette cuts him off. "you know those weird slenderman stories" your still confused until you remember. earlier this year two girls stabbed their friend in the woods for that same man. " is this the same slenderman from the stabbing?" you think on how you hear about the girl that got stabbed 19 times and crawled out to get help purely running off of adrenaline. toby speaks again "ben told me about that. but yes its t-the same guy, those girls dont know what its like." well shit i know im gonna find out. "take her to EJ." alright who the fuck are all these people. we have operator, ben, and now letters. toby quickly gets closer and picks you up like a feather, he smells like pine,blood,and urine. not the best combo all i can hope is that they have showers. your thoughts were interrupted by your phone shaking violently, toby looks at it to see an elf looking entity "ben why are you in her phone." so theres one name off the checklist. "chill out man operator told me to do so and you know how it gets lonely in here" he says in a unserious puppy voice. "give me my phone" you snatch it out of tobys hands, before he could object a boy around your age pops out of your screen. "whats cookin good lookin" you couldnt help but giggle a little, meanwhile toby looks like lazari just ripped his heart out and ate it. he doesnt know why but hes...jealous?
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melshome · 2 years
hii~ congrats on 89 followers ^-^ 💓 I REALLY LOVE UR WRITING i can't wait for your account to grow even more
can i request scenario where reader feels like they are not good enough for scara so they TRY breaking up or smth basically angst with a good ending 🗿
helllooo!! thank you so much 😭💗 im so happy and glad to have support from you 💗💗 i tried my best as im.. well.. not that good with angst.. but since its for you, a follower, i tried my very best !! ⚈ ̫ ⚈ i hope you guy's weeks go well ❤❤
[also very sorry this is a late upload.. i was hoping to upload it yesterday but i was busy (┬┬﹏┬┬)]
cw fluff, angst character scaramouche
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even though scaramouche may seem to be a rude, ignorant person, he's actually very kind and considerate to you, his girlfriend.
you dont ask for it, but he helps you when he can
he checks up on you when you're just a bit too quiet
scaramouche.. just cares about you, so much, it makes you feel so special
but you feel as though.. you're not.. good enough to be his girlfriend..?
the thing you've done for him are.. well..
making his lunch for work, baking things for & with him.. and some other things couples usually do
but you just feel like.. its not enough, compared to the things he does for you.
he does so much more meaningful things
maybe.. we should break up?
scaramouche comes back home to find the house quiet
usually he finds you baking up something or watching some sort of drama on tv
he drops his shoulder laptop bag onto the ground, and rushes through the house, searching for you
"[your name]?!"
he goes into the bedroom, and finds it in a mess
clothes and things everywhere, with a half open suitcase and the closet half open
"you stupid little idiot.."
scaramouche rushes out of the apartment, calling the place, where he immediately knew where you went to.
he grumbles, before banging on the door.
"childe, let me in right now."
the door opens and stands there is childe with a hoodie and sweatpants on
"do you need anything, ScArAmOucHiE?"
childe pinches scaramouche's cheek, before scara pushes childe's arm away and storms into the house
he walks up to childe's bedroom, and sighs.
"[your name]. can you please let me in?"
no reply. you didn't want to reply. you were too scared of what scaramouche was going to say to you when you open it.
"at least.. please tell me what i did wrong.. and i'll fix my mistake."
he sounded so.. desperate to see you. he really.. sounded sincere when he said he'll fix his mistake.
"you didn't do anything wrong," you say, wiping your nose on your sleeve.
"then what's wrong? we can fix it together,"
scaramouche places his hand on the handle when you didnt reply for a few minutes
he slowly walks in to find you standing up, about to open the door
you freeze, embarrassed
"[your name]. just remember that i'll..."
scaramouche looks to the side, wondering how to word it.
should i say.. 'i'll love you whatever you do' or..
you run up to him and hug him as you start crying again
"i dont know.. i just feel like.." you start, before scaramouche gently puts his arms around you
"w-well..cry for.. as long as you want to.. i'll be here.. waiting until you're ready to head back home.."
the both of you went back home, after drinking some tea childe offered
you said yes, and of course, then had scaramouche said yes
on the drive back home, with all the windows open, you explained to scaramouche why you were crying. why you ran to childe's house
all scaramouche did was listen, he didnt speak at all, not even when you both came back home.
you showered first, then scaramouche.
once in bed, scaramouche pulled you towards him.
"dont think those stuff [your name]. if i didnt want to be with you, i wouldnt be with you in the first place."
you rolled around to face him, before snuggling into his chest, falling asleep.
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wooltoesocks · 9 months
things i want to get answers to in the remaining episodes of four leaf: a very comprehensive list that must be missing some things i just cant remember at the moment (also soilers for up until ep 139):
just in general evrything about the bells, and more especiall like how is lina giving lupe her bells (because that is 100% gonna happen i think) gonna affect them, for example if they'll get lina's bell as like their own, and if that bell being kinda broken is gonna be any problem
will that be a permanent change, is lupe gonna give the bell back to lina after they deal with the wolf
what's gonna happen to cricket if they really do deal with the wolf? or how will tehy come to some wsolution that doesnt harm anyone
CARLA!!! is she gonna be okay? that wound looks very nasty. i hope they'll be able to cure it somehow, and if not, then chopchop there goes a leg :/
talking about carla, is she gonna give er bells to someone like she mentioned in 138? that is only in case she wont be able to continue, but it loks very bad rn, so my question is, is it gonnna be mercy? or in general, who is it gonna be?
also about the bells, i really wanna know how many bells each witch has!! it''s just something i think would be interesting to analyse. (i looked through all the episodes where a witch has their bells out buut i still now only know for certain the number of bels like 7 witches have (before 137 and emma giving up her bells): Erica 1, Emma 2, Socks 2 (most likely, unless she got mor after the prison break, that's when she at least shows only 2), Alishba 3, Linda 3 (both of whose bells were shown during the prison break), Carla 20, Lina 21.
also also (i use that word so much), the names of the witches! we now know there are 17 witches in the red hoods (+lupe +lina so maybe 19 but oh well) and of those 17 we know the names of 12 (episode 133)
what i wanna know too is like which bell belongs to which witch? we've seen some, for example in the flashback of when they first appeared, and also in the festival of roses we see some, but like i wnna knowww (ye sit's very trivial but that's what makes it fun i think)
the mom. what happened with her in the 8 months that have passed since lupe was last in their original world? did she just continue on like normal, or did she actually regret some of the things she's done? will lupe go see her again?
the inevitable. the thing i've been waiting for for like 2 years. the KISS! alvar mentioned the witch loking very mad and the also saying he's the kinda guy to ask twice before a first kiss and what i think will happen is that he is gonna ask. like he's just the kinda guy. but the thing lupe (most likely) will be "mad" about is just that al didnt tell about it (even tho he was gonna tell you lupe, you just didnt want him to). or they arent mad, but just like very confused/fristrated and Al just interpreted it wrong? i dont know. we'll see (hopefully tomorrow in 140 but at the evry least in 141?? like i dont think it will take so long that it would be 142? (i am delusional). also looking at the future chapter thumbnails (not a fast pass reader), it looks like someone is using some kind of reddish/pinkish magic / teleporting right next to him)
okay this isnt a theory or anything, i just know lupe's dad is gonna be so smug learning about lupe and al's relationship when they do get into one like judging from ep 116 and the "crush" i jut know
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okay wow this is a long post but i need to get these out of my head and scream into the void and wait if it screams back
back to the bells, they'r gonna give everyone their own one back right? if they deal wit hthe wolf, there shouldnt be any need to hoard all the power, and i dont think it would be very fair to let 72 people just go on about life without really even knowing what's going no just because you wanna levitate. i know it's probably more complicated than that but yeah
also (fuck, this word again) what's gonna happen to the witchs' craving of gloom? is it gonna go away if there is no wolf (okay this is assuming that it's dealt with and they wont come to a peaceful comclusion but if that happens i just really hope cricket will be okay)
are other witches gonna wanna get rid of their bells and become human like emma?
i would like some more information about the different worlds, although i think it's unlikely tha will come up in the chapters themselves, but maybe as some bonus content somewhere?
okay so i already wrote about like if Lina's bell being broken is gonna have any effect on lupe, but will it affect Lina herself? i would assume not, but you never know
just in general, i cant wait to see how everything comes to a conclusion and how the ending is gonna be (even tho i would love for it to go on for longer). are we gonnna see another time skip?
man i just remembered there are alaso civilians in Garua at the moment too like the redhoods are gonna get the to safety right? maybe that will also help a little with the public's fear of the witches, the news that hey maybe they're not bad through and through (even tho that was never the case but most people still thought that so)
fuck this is long how many words even is this... 1005???? man that's like 2/3 of the essays we had to write in high school. yea it's easier to just put stuff from your mind into bullet points but this has taken me like maybe 45 minutes where as those essays took at least 5 hours. i bet i could make one from one of my interests in like 2 hours and i would be much better than any of those monstrocities i wrote
anyway back on track
actually those are the main ones i remember now, maybe i'll update this once more come to mind, but for now this is enough for today
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pictured above is me falling for this series
wait one more thing: is it stated anywhere how much the bells weigh? i would assume they're more like incorporeal so they wouldn't hve any mass, and i fell like should know this i've read this series 5 or 6 times. but if they do infact hve mass, do the witches have to actively levitate them or are they jsut funky like that
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luckyqueenreign · 1 year
I hope no one takes this the wrong way, but I feel like the reaction to Ozzy at the Stick or Switch was kind of exaggerated. This said by an Ozzy stan who would’ve also liked to have more, btw.
It’s just:
— Ozzy and MC aren’t in a relationship. They’re not even in a couple. That doesn’t mean he can’t have a reaction when seeing her, but it’s obvious that the point of Stick or Twist was to capture how the couples were doing.
— Ozzy did still have a reaction when seeing MC. Even two, actually. Maybe they’re not what a lot of his stans were imagining, but they make perfect sense. Ozzy was rattled when he was MC, in a “I knew you were still here but having you right in front of me is another thing” kind of way. He even felt discomfort towards Grace, and they weren’t doing anything romantic.
— Ozzy was even more rattled by seeing Amelia bring Marshall back, and that was clearly taking center stage in his mind.
— In all of this, yes, Ozzy was happy to see Grace, but nothing romantic happened during Stick or Switch. The only thing Ozzy showed us with his reaction is that he cares for Grace.
— But, most importantly, Ozzy went on the show to find love. If that’s how one wants to play it, so has MC. Yes, they have clearly found something great together, but they’ve also known each other for nine days (three of which weren’t even spent together). It’s normal to have doubts, it’s normal not to rush into abandoning the Villa, it’s normal to explore one’s options and work on figuring out what one’s feeling in the process.
(That goes for both Ozzy and MC. Some people make it seem like it’s a one-way street.)
— And to top it off, MC got “eliminated” before she and Ozzy had the chance to define anything except that they have feelings for each other. That’s good, but not a solid base for certainty when you’ve just met one another and are on a show to flirt, fall in love, or even just take the money. Again, it’s totally normal to have doubts. And it’s totally normal to want to respect your partner’s feelings in a delicate moment (such as Stick or Twist), even if your heart lies elsewhere.
Plus, have we forgotten that the postcard is also a thing in the main Villa? MC had every right to have fun in CA, but it’s normal to have Ozzy and\or the other LIs form doubts about the postcard. Hell, FB will have probably taken an “innocent,” out of context moment and framed it so that even MCs who didn’t do anything in CA looked bad.
So, again, why are so many people so angry? Ozzy’s reaction wasn’t bad; it was even pretty understandable. We don’t even know if and what he saw of CA\what the authors may have made him believe. Give the guy time to process things, he’s human too.
Then, if he talks to MC and things still don’t evolve, the hurt will be completely justified. For now, let’s just wait and see.
(Btw, am I the only one hoping that Elliot leaves MC single and we’re actually given first choice at the next recoupling - end of this week, max. next week - for some reason? I saw some people expecting that Elliot’s choice will be based on ours, but I don’t think so. Considering the point we’re at and the fact that even slow burn routes usually get unlocked around episode thirty, leaving MC single at this stage would be the perfect opportunity to open all routes\lock in with the LI one has chosen. If one hasn’t switched, of course. If one has, they could simply get first choice at the next recoupling, no explanation needed.)
I dont think it's an exaggeration but more so a collective sigh on FBs terrible writing coupled with our s5 trauma. if you weren't a Suresh girly in S5 you might not have had as many deja vu type flashbacks with this last update. Consider this.... last season Suresh basically told us he wanted no one else but us and he gave us a big show on the terrace only to be whisked off to Casa, come back with another girl on his arm and barely acknowledging that we were in the villa. Cut to this season, MC + Ozzy have they've told each other they want to be coupled up and MC kissed Ozzy on her way out of the villa. And then we walk back into the villa to him barely acknowledging our presence. Just saying "we were sure you'd gone home" but then acknowledging Grace the same girl he supposedly isnt attracted to.
look im not writing off Ozzy AT ALL. but I fully feel people are justified in feeling slighted by that last update. it was giving mediocre. and literally every single post casa fan fic Ive read has been better than anything fb strung together. For me THATS why im annoyed. why is the fandom better at writing meaningful stories over people who actually get paid to do this??? Even if AI is writing the scripts someone has to read this over to make sure it makes sense and it's very obvious no one has.
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bridgyrose · 2 years
VamPyrrha anon here.
Somehow I got caught off-guard by the angsty nature. Which is weird, because I read your tagged frontpost that basically states you are trained in the way of the angst.
Anywho... could I kindly request for some more? The voice calling Pyrrha intrigued me, but I'm also curious about Yang's point of view in this. So either side's good by me.
Yang groaned as she woke up and found herself in her dorm once again. Her head spun as she picked herself up and her body ached as if she had been run over by an ursa. “Nora must’ve hit me harder than I thought.” 
“Or you hit your head when you fell,” Weiss answered from her own bed. “Do you remember what happened?” 
“I remember sparring with Nora and watching Pyrrha leave..” Yang held her head for a moment as she tried to remember after that and shook her head. “I dont remember anything else.” 
Weiss sighed and leaned against the wall next to her bed. “That’s unfortunate. Ruby and I were hoping you knew more. This is the fifth time we’ve had to pick you up from the hallway like that. And you’re sure you dont remember anything?” 
“If I knew anything more, I’d let you know!” Yang winced for a moment as her head pounded once again, then slowly eased off. With a heavy sigh, she grabbed her anxiety medication and took a couple pills to ease herself. “Maybe I need to see the nurse about all of this. I never had these blackouts until coming here and… I dont know, maybe there’s something wrong with what I’m doing as far as eating and training goes. Or I need to take a break. Rest or something.” 
“Or maybe its something Pyrrha’s doing to you.” 
“What makes you say that?” 
“Its kinda strange that this only happens when you go after her when she leaves training early and she seems to be the first to see what happens to you.”
Yang felt her heart start to pound in her chest at the thought of Pyrrha hurting her. While she always offered to break Cardin’s legs for bullying Jaune, everyone knew she’d never hurt anyone without reason. Though now that Weiss mentioned it, she never remembered seeing anyone else around Pyrrha when she left. “She’d… she’d never…” 
Weiss slowly sat up and looked away from Yang to try to hide her own blush. “I’m not saying that’s the case, but… I’m worried about you. And if it turns out that Pyrrha is hurting you, I dont want you to continue getting hurt like this.” 
“I’m sure Pyrrha didnt hurt me!” 
“Like the time you were sure Blake was running off once a month because she was a werewolf and not just following a family tradition?” 
Yang hesitated. “That… that was different.” 
“I’m not saying Pyrrha is completely at fault here, I’m just suggesting that maybe its time to avoid her and see if things change.” Weiss stood up and started to make her way out of the dorm. “I’m going to collect our homework for the week and I want you to rest. Please, try to relax and rest. We can talk to her tomorrow and see if we can figure out what happened, okay?” 
Yang nodded and watched Weiss leave, her heart starting to slow down. She was sure that Pyrrha hadnt hurt her, or if she had that it wasnt intentional. Still, she knew that Weiss had a point that she did rush into things with little care to herself as long as it meant keeping people safe. And nearly severing her trust with Blake was still fresh in her mind. This time she’d do things right and wait until her team was ready to be with her. 
Pyrrha clutched the bathroom sink as she panted, fangs exposed as hunger flowed through her. She knew it was just a phase, part of every vampire maturing, though she didnt expect for hers to happen while at Beacon. She couldnt feed off her team anymore without causing problems, team RWBY was out of the question as long as she continued to hide what she was, and as tempting as it was to feed off Cardin, she would never have an excuse for him going missing. No, she had to make her way outside and to the forest. She could feed from the deer that stuck around without drawing attention to herself. 
“I can make that hunger go away,” a voice whispered in her ear once more. “Provide you with a way to feed yourself without giving away your secret.” 
“I… I can do this on my own.” Pyrrha looked up at the mirror as she watched a strange grimm appear out of the shadows and start to wrap its tentacles around her arms. “Leave me alone!” 
“Are you okay, Pyrrha?” Jaune asked through the door. 
Pyrrha closed her eyes and tried to calm herself as she lied to her teammate. “I’m fine, Jaune. I’m… angry at a text that came in on my scroll. I’ll be out soon.” 
“If you say so.” 
Pyrrha let out a sigh, content that Jaune accepted the answer. She whispered under her breath, hoping the voice could still hear her. “I dont know who you are, but leave me alone.” 
“All of your kind eventually find their way to me at one point or another.” 
Pyrrha relaxed as she felt the grimm disappear and let go of her. “And who are you?” 
“My name is Salem. And the next time we speak, you will have seeked me out.” 
Pyrrha felt the hunger in her die down as she let go of the sink and took a few moments to compose herself. Without a word, she left the bathroom and grabbed a hooded cloak to hide away from the sun. 
Jaune stopped her with a hand to her arm. “Are you sure everything’s okay?” 
Pyrrha nodded and smiled at him. “I need to take a walk and feed. I’ll be back after sundown.” 
“Are you sure you cant feed from me or Ren? You know we’ll let you.” 
“I know, but I’ve been feeding a lot from you both recently and I dont want to risk hurting you.” Pyrrha gently pulled away and made her way to the door. “I’ll call your scroll if I need help, okay?” 
Jaune nodded and sat down. “Be safe.” 
Pyrrha nodded and left the dorm, quickly rushing down the halls to avoid any students and the sun that peeked in through the windows. Now that her head was clear, she could finally make her way to the forest and feed… and see if she could find some answers about who Salem was.
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visionthefox · 1 year
Yeah I hope they make Nice Eclipse a recurring character in the Lunar and Earth Show, I think that from when she was introduced to now she has changed a bit. I also saw somewhere in X that Reed (Moon’s VA) was the one to actually introduce the character Earth.
But yeah the episode is srly funny I love the interaction and of course Lunar reliving trauma, I think my favorite part is the part that’s floating around tumblr, but another one is earlier and Nice Eclipse says something along the lines of “Im not google search” I died laughing from that. The episode is funny.
Concerned for Lunar because he hearing a humming, it can be a response of trying to zone out (Im not a psychologist, therapist, etc) or it has to do with what we saw in one of the episode where Moon goes and looks at Eclipse’s lair and heard a recording about the astral bodies that want Lunar. Idk 🤷‍♀️ we will have to wait and see.
yea yea saw someone sharing his tweet about it, that he wanted to add her - and again, the VA? not at fault here I just dont like the character, how was written -at least in the start, she gaved me terrible bad vibes as I meet ppl like her and.. is not good.. but eh mmh.. I.. I mayyy mayy give it a try to watch that only ep- but I fear I may focus on "what is she doing wrong" what enjoy my man :/ .. but also, I KNOW I give her a lot of shit - but I really try not to, as the fans seems to adore her and find her way of working right..
but-maybe is my nerd ass- maybe I dont turn off my brain as I should while watching the show.. - maybe I let my trauma speak louder and put the blame on a character I just saw 4 clips of.. but so far, I rather not see her, not heard her.. I rather do something I enjoy (watch old gameplays of lore vids) than do something that I may not enjoy as much.. Aside from a rant- if if they add Nice Eclipse to that other show.. I may give it a try- maybe if they bring back the minecrat series!! also also! Lunar! he maybe is zooming out, but that is not fully a bad thing, I do it often when I get a bit distracted
Taking into account that he has gone through moments of anguish for not "feeling anything" and the fear of what happened, if what I read is true and Earth helped him to be more open with his emotions, then it may still be uncomfortable for him..for Lunar to look at Nice Eclipse in the face..
The times he sees Nice Eclipse were at not very happy times, and although Eclipse manages to make him feel calm, it must not be very comfortable right now, which is why he tries to distract himself or be calm with soft sounds.. buuut yea, maybe is the whole astral lights thingy too.. idk
thanks for you ask and time!! <3
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taintedsoul-if · 2 years
Alright (deep breath) so here’s my solution I believe I got her.
Let me know if I got her if not I’ll find another way and before you begin
Bear Hug 🤗
Now Yesenia is like a god in a way because her ablity protects her and that is a problem.
But she is not invincible as she can only go back in a 48 hour period of time. With a 3 hour cool down the thing is theirs no way of knowing when this is.
However since the Mc can in fact Make their own Demsion. Now this is the key to it.
Because The Mc can control everything in this place as it is theirs.
Now their are 10 Dimensions maybe 11. (I dont study anything to deal with physics or a lot of Math. So I may be wrong with the semantics .
1 Is Length
2 Width
3 Depth
4 Time
5 Probability
6 See a plane of possible Worlds
7 you have acces to those worlds with different initial condictions
8 possible universe histories, different condiction, and branches to infinitely
9 you can compare all possible universe histories and even different laws of physics and intial condictions.
10 now this one is not comperhended by humans as it is just everything is possible. So the person could do anything in theory.
Now with that done Yesenia is a very bad girl.
Because she did something she shouldnt.
In the Original timeline OH saved the Crown. this was the original one.
But Yesenia changed that and took credit.
And we all know the OH died.
Well the thing Yesenia did is called a Butterfly effect.
Now she changed a million different things and events.
Say that when the OH saved the Crown, a Village was spared from a raid. But because Yesenia saved the crown the village was raided. Over Vice versa.
Or a small child destined to become the OH pupile one day but doesnt and works in a depressing job.
Yesenia altered the whole timeline and didnt care because of her own greed and envy.
Now back to the MC. The Mc can in theroy over a learning curve could actually manulipute time as well.
However the MC would need to be in their demsion.
They go in and come out in 3 minutes. Then do it again for 10 then 30. You see where Im going with this.
Now eventually the MC can go back in time but this is dangerous to dangerous because of Yesenia
Yesenia is a lets say a chess player while everyone else is playing checkers.
She is an observent little cockroach and also a brillent tactiction.
So the MC goes back in time but when they do Yesenia will most likely know slimey people always have a sixth sense.
So the Mc will need to do two things one hve something that only they know the meaning of to let them know what they can do.
Just incase of memory wipe.
And the second thing the most dangourse thing to do is to return 2 days before the time travel.
Now ofcourse the simple thing would just wait till you know she use it then kill her but thats a no go red light.
AS of right now she is the most powerful, as of right now and will know more than likley you can create dimensions.
So the mc need to test and see if they can create a Butterfly affect as well.
The problem it can not be in the country or Yesenia will know for sure.
So I recommend changing a person life point blank to see if the Mc can in fact change this person luck like a poor person to a middle class or a Middle class to a poor person.
The reson why is to not draw attention. Yesenia will notice somthing fishy if it doesn’t seem right then we are SOL.
Now once this is done the MC just traveled in time and altered it. and created a Butterfly affect.
Of course someone was hurt because of this what happens,but this is just part of collateral damage.
Now their are two major points that matter one is where Yesenia screwed over the OH and got credit saddly this is unchangeable even if Yesenia basically screwed with the whole timeline by this.
And also when she took the Mc power of disintegration (hope that’s right).
We cant touch those.
But what we can do is alter the timeline completely.
See like you said the Mc mother saved her mother at a brothal.
Well see we can make it where that never happened at all simple by haveing the MC going back intime and finding her a decent person to be with or quite simple kill her Mother.
Yes that is extreme but keep in mind Yesenia ruined countless people lives with what she did and took the person the MC was in love with Trysten/Trista.
Of course when this does happened the timeline wont just change in a instant it takes time.
Obviously when this happen Yesenia will be aware and will try to rewind time but since our childhood fiend NYSSA/NYALA can do nullification than we can get them to help this also proves the risk of her loosing memories if they fail.
And of course we have Cadmus.
I pretty sure the man wants to kill Yesenia already and would understand if you want to as well.
But you cant leave them in the persent.
You need to take both with you to protect them.
Oh and of course when in the past hire assassins to attack Yesenia periodically.
And make all her trused allies disappear. Now you may be wondering well what happens if Yesenia makes time go back 48.
Well heres the thing the Mc will have clues to find a journel that only she can read and even if some how Yesenia sees it and reads it with the MC powers she could make it erase as soon as she touches it. Like it transfers to her subconusces.
And Yesenia got nothing because the text changes each time. She resets it
The Mc can try again and again until she finds the 3 window as it will be the same everytime.
And also Remember how the MC went back in time yeah just in case the little MF Yesenia been poised gradually through the years on her birthdays and when she has tea partys.
Remember that person you helped yeah there entire family is assassins. Just wanted to save that. Notice how she will be sick here and there that’s the poison. And it’s done periodically so she will never know when it started. 
And dont forget the MC, NYSSA/NYALA, and Cadmus the ones that came back 48 hours before so as soon as the 3 hour time table is figured out bam she s dead with the help of our wonderful friends.
And also they would have made plans months in advance so Yesenia could not wipe all memorys as the MC figured a way to help remeber.
and at this point the Mc would in fact be able to control all dimensions as well. And the sky would be a limit.
This right here is well planned out Anon! 😩 I'm sweating! How to get away with murder! This is gold. Thanks for taking the time out Anon to plot this well thought out murder! Also bear hug! Hope you enjoyed your birthday today! 🤭
But the part where you said that we should go back in the past and stop lady Anaya from saving Yesenia's mother. 😰 that won't work. Because the thing is, in the past Yesenia's mother was sold to a brothel. Ragriel (MC and Yesenia father) went to that said brothel one night to blow off some steam and that is where he met Yesenia's mother. He deflowered her! At that time he did not have the funds to take her out of the brothel, he was only just a poor honest slave for lady Anaya's family.
Due to the fact that lady Anaya had no eye for business and she's a woman. (Ugh the stereotyping!) Lady Anaya's mother decided that they would bring a son-in-law into their home. Ragriel ended up being that son-in-law. He used lady Anaya's family's wealth to buy that mistress. He then had the audacity to bring that mistress into lady Anaya's family home! Ugh scumbag.
As for the power of disintegration. Trysten/Trista is the one who stole the MC ability. Though this ability can be recovered. *nods head*
Also... I was having a interesting conversation with a fellow IF author and... look at this...
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Cadmus will eliminate any and all threats for the MC. No questions asked. 😊😆
Thanks for the ask Anon! Have a wonderful rest of day!
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mumuugi · 2 years
let me speak my mind abt mugi rq. too little content abt him like Wgyat sorry for the inbox spam wagaggaga
ANYWAYZZZZ mugi. mugi mugi mugi. so much potential for this man. i feel like he's good at maintaining appearances LIKE JUST A FEELING might b wrong. yk he looks like a little angel does no wrong but hes a fucking FREAK in reality . and u wouldn't even know unless ur dating him long enough for u to Have sex
he'd be nice n slow the first few times BUT if u ask Him not to ? girl ur in for it ur hooha woogha is Dead the next morning. next day at newdi he'd be all coy n sweet n Shit looking like a pathetic capital L loser BUT u know better. he can let himself be beat up by natsume all he wants but U know. U KNOW. U KNOWWWW OKAYYYYY
just a passing thought. might be ooc. i do Not read up on canon mugi lore i'm literally a natsume worshipper But i just know that he is Not wwho he appears to be just wait bro. ik hes not a loser (he is unless it's woohoo time) He's AUAUDUAUUSU U!!! N NMAMAJJ J🫂🫂🫂🫂 i love pathetic tsumugi works soso much but THIS thought is a type of tsumugi i have not seen tapped into yet. What if i make it a reality writing this down as we spwak
I LOVE U FOR THIS i have been. thinking bout mugi the whole week i might actually bite my arm off from it. i just need him real bad rn!! AND DONF APOLOGIZE FOR IT i enjoy gettin asks ❤️ (my inbox is QUIET..)
idk TBH i could never trust. someone who looks as pathetic as mugi. like yeag i am pathetic irl too but my mind shall never be known to anyone ik irl. STAY AWAY FROM ME!!
LIKE. ik mugi’s the type to start off slow, worried as he’d probably hurt u or something.. and once you’ve started begging him to go faster and harder, well. goodluck ❤️ i mean my mans is the best runner he probably has a high sex drive and can last for so long. i dont jnow
and ily again for being a natsume worshipper. he’s so evil i love him i hope he explodes me w his magic. BUT I THINK MUGI IS NOT. like what we think he is. i mean he likes to tease… ok…. HE’S A TEASER!!!!!!
i can’t do this anymore plus he has said some mean shit what even goes through his mind i wonder. pathetic mugi is literally who i kin but this mugi. can u just imagjne…. if u actually turn this into a fic pls hmu i need. to be the first one to witbess it I AM FROTHING JUST THINKING BOUT THIS OAAVJRH pls….
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chytilovian-daisy · 2 years
so for some unholy reason i was with? a ex-friend from childhood? like i dont know if we were the last age we saw each other or what but anyway its like worst nightmare of emotional abuse these so idk WHY. anyway ig we ran at cat cafe together or were starting one. the guys from DEG come in. im trying not to freak out bc wow its deg!!! someone else waits on them and something about lanterns because we were doing halloween themed stuff.
ANYWAY. me and ex friend get into a fight. I apologize to the ppl in deg for fighting in front of them, tell them im a fan, leave. im in my old city at night but there are people around so im feeling better. Somehow it turns into day as im walking and im seeing ANOTHER childhood friend and im like “: D“ but i feel awkward going up to them bc ik they realized they were trans and I dont wanna deadname them but idr their current name. Anyway, their dog keeps coming up to me but ig they dont recognize me. I do recognize more people from childhood with this friend including this girl who kept wanting me to scream my lungs out on the playground as a kid.
Anyway, I keep going I realize. shit. im lost. I see someone else I knew but atm i cant remember who, but also from childhood. He says “Wrong turn too?“ I laugh and I nod. We head back to another street and down that street-- which I recognize actually, theres some weird gang wars going on but everyone has pink hair. I don’t know what to do, so I try and avoid it by going up another street. I remember some weird audio above me as im walking but idr WHAT. Someone talking something weird.
Because I get close to the gang stuff again somehow, I duck into some small alleyway but its like. only 2 sheds and barely any space. I emerge from a shed seconds later but also so do suit actors and I narrowly escape some weird gang shootout thing. I’m heading home and idk HOW, this part is fuzzy, but I end up getting completely lost and somehow accidentally stealing a mans life.
The guy whos life i stole was some star rich athelete. idk WHY they thought I was him or some shit, but anyway his girlfriend and whole family were assuming I was him and I was like “ok ig i live here now“. except I still just wanted to go home to my family. So long story short I do some weird sneaky shit around this giant college campus but its also a house, listen in, think about what movies im gonna watch when i get home. I keep being told by some gps thing my house is only 5 streets away.
I find out somehow I am in what SHOULD be Greenland, but its a tropical rainforest with crocs and shit. I steal one of the familys jetskis and try and go back to the states on it, or at least in my hopes, reach Canada and walk back??? But instead I crash into some party ship. My family is there! Somehow the college campus-mansion-boat collide and now its 1 big thing.
So im telling them I switched lives with this guy and theyre like “oh, we know. We have him here btw. we have ransom lets go.“ And I find out the ransom isnt the guy, he’s free to go, but his pokemon card screenshot collection??? So my mom goes to talk to the mom and shes like, “they said 1k but i want at least 10k.“ And it becomes this whole meeting between the families and the guy who I switched lives with comes in, in swim gear and a sign around his neck and im being a real dick and asking him how cafeteria food tastes and hes sobbing. And then I wake up.
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marcyyss · 2 years
' That cool girl '
Robin Arellano x reader
Summery: Robin thinks you are the most cool girl in school, but actually no one really knows why because you only teach him math
( reader is 13 like Robin)
Running out of ideas and im craving for the black phone fics.
Idk how schools work in usa so maybe things are going to be wrong
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You were in the cafeteria until your number one fan, Robin Arellano, sits with you
— " Hi y/n! What are you doing? "
— " I think im eating, Robin do you need something boy? "
— " Oh, haha no im good, just.. I want to know if we are going to study this weekend "
— " Of course we will, why, you wanted to go somewhere? "
That made him nervous, he wanted to go to the movies with you (and his uncle) but for him, you were so cool! Of course you wouldn't want to go with him, he is just a boy who figths with everyone
— " Um, no- i mean- if you want we could go to see a movie, any movie that you want is fine "
You smiled at him and rolled your eyes, for you, he was the cutest boy in school
— " Sure Robin, dont choose a movie that is too scary, you know i dont like those "
He felt like his heart is going to explode, but he tried to look cool like you
— " Um, haha, you aren't scared of a little horror movie aren't you? They aren't that scary "
— " Sure Robin, lets go after study okay? Love you "
He blushed at that, and you laughed and then left the table with him alone, to be honest you really liked him, so you wanted to act cool and that he thought that you were cool maked you the most happy girl.
The next day, you were walking in the hallways to your next class and you saw Robin with a tape in his hand, plus he was bleeding A LOT, so of course you wanted to know what happened.
— " Hey Robin, are you okay? You are bleeding a lot. "
— " Oh, i got in a figth with an asshole called Moose, i think you know him. "
— " Well duh, he is my brother's friend, why dont you go to the nurse office? "
— " If they know that i got in a figth again, they will suspend me, again. "
— " Okay, i need to go now, see you later boy. "
— " See ya "
You didn't care that Robin got into figths, actually you think it was pretty cool, maybe you are in the "I like bad boys" phase and "you wanted him to protect you" like in those romantic movies, where the protagonist is a nerdy girl and her love interest is a bad boy who figths everyone and they meet because he needs help with maths and then she realize that he isnt a bad boy and he has trauma that makes him act like that...
Actually you think your like is a movie at this time, so you hope that everything goes rigth like in those movies and you and Robin kiss in prom nigth and that shit.
But anyways, your most waited day has arrived, Robin was coming to your house to study, and then you two are going to the movies and see a scary movie, maybe this was your time to confess your love for him.
While you were daydreaming, you heard a knock on the door and your mother opened the door
— " Sweetie, Robin is here! "
— " Coming mom! "
Before going down stairs, you looked at the mirror to see if you were looking good, and.. You looked the same as always, good!
— " Hi Robin, lets go to my room! "
After the 2 hours of study passed, Robin, your mother and you where at the door
— " Mom, can we have a sleepover at Robin's house? "
— " If his mother knows i don't have a problem, just dont go to sleep too late, okay? "
— " Okay mom, bye! "
— " goodbye miss l/n "
— " Goodbye kids, have a good time! "
You and Robin went to his uncle's car and went to see the horror movie at the cinema, you guys had a good time, it was the first time that you were "alone" with Robin without having to study, and you loved it, he was grabing your hand, but you wanted to act cool, you failed and screamed half of the movie while Robin laughed at you, which made you laugh too.
When the movie was over and you guys arrived to Robin's house and go to his room, you thought it was a good time to confess your feelings, and then he spoke
— " Hey y/n. "
— " Yes? Whats wrong boy? "
— " I have something to tell you. "
It was what you are thinking? It has to be rigth?
— " um, sure Robin, you can tell me anything "
— " .. I like you y/n "
You felt your cheeks burning and your heart was about to explode
— " Its okay if you dont feel the same, i mean, im just a dumb boy who gets into figths 8 times a week and you.. Are the most cool girl in school "
— " Wait no! I like you Robin "
— " Really?! You arent joking rigth, you cant joke about this "
— " Of course im not joking Robin, i like you. "
Robin hugged you, and you hugged him as well.
I guess this is a good nigth, rigth?
— " I love you y/n "
— " I love you too Robin "
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May I request Chuuya and Dazai x fem!reader (separately, ofc) where the reader has suicidal thoughts due to severe depression? It's okay if you find it uncomfortable, I understand!
Have a good day/night!
Fandom:Bungou Stray Dogs
Pairings: Chuuya,Dazai X fem!reader
Format:Head Canon
A/n: it is hard honestly,but let me worry about that :D
tysm love :)))
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Osamu Dazai
well hes the same as you so he understands what it feels like
hes just good at hiding it,unlike you
but he doesnt really know how to help you get through it.cause...he never tried himself
hes like:
so,wanna commit suicide together?
hes not comfortable while asking you though,cause this time its possible for you to say yes,and that has never happened to him
he regrets it when he sees that you are actually considering it
he'll try to talk to you about it.he knows that talking about it kinda hurts,but it does feel good afterwards(if youre talking to the right guy
he will comfort you.its even possible that he tells you about his own story,if hes comfortable enough around you
i think he will feel better himself after the conversation :)
Dazai is so sad,honestly...i feel really bad for him
now im crying too lol
ahm...so,where were we?
just imagine him comming to you inthe middle of the conversation,hugging you from behind while comforting you
he'll plant small kisses on your forehead to distract you,and he kinda succeded
when hes alone he'll realise something that will made him smile softly...
all this time he was looking for someone to commit suicide with him,andnow that he has found the perfect girl...he doesnt wanna do it.he wants to live.he wants to see her smile happily.he wants to see her face when he wakes up in the morning.he wants to hug her tightly on rainy days,while smelling the coconutt scent thats comming from her hair
bruh i got so emotional LMAO
yeah...so dont worry.with this guy taking care of you,you'll definitely recover soon :D
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Chuuya Nakahara
this ones kinda hard,cause the same crap goes for him too ecxept for the suicidal part lol
so...he comes back home from a long mission,and finds you broken like that,surrounded by your thoughts
hes terrified.he finally found someone who will never betray him,and now hes gonna lose her in another way
is he gonna let that happen?is he gonna let you say goodbye to him that easily?
hell fucking no
he is terrified,but he wont show you that.instead,he comes in your bedroom,sits on your bed while asking you what is wrong with a serious face
"hey y/n! snap out of it! what is going on with you?"
thats when you just start crying.like a bumb which was about to explode,you were just waiting for something or someone to upset you,and then you found it
Chuuyas reaction is kinda funny lol.hes shocked and worried
"im sorry i didnt mean to upset you!hey stop crying!"
after hugging you a bit,you'll eventually calm down.you'll start talking to each other,and that will make you calm down a lot
Chuuya is sad now too
"my poor darling...what have you been through while i was gone?"
he'll definitely make you go talk to a therapist (unlike Dazai,he doesnt believe in them)
with an expert checking up on you and having Chuuya by your side,you'll be ok again not long after that :)
really hope youre ok KitKat,feel free to send me messages whenever youre feeling down
i got you :)
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