#my brain wouldnt let it go it was eating me up inside
crt8ball · 1 year
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no but like seriously im so happy they saw the outcry from the fans and finally did something about it
im not gonna claim to have known how annoying and disheartening it mustve been to sit and wait THIS long for a response and I support all the people who still are critical of the show despite their statement because of their silence
the boys need to do better in the future even if their incorrect portrayals weren't malicious, their actions still have serious impacts and i genuinely hope this is a step in the right direction
as a poc myself im just happy to see both of them FINALLY be addressed as black! esp with new redesigns!!! (watching the black rose eps were so jarring when lizzie was described as blonde esp when trying to find refrence of what she looked like and being met with 4 different skin tones and hair textures from thumbnails and the wiki..... plus not to mention jazz's original refrence skin tone. )
even though ive only recently gotten back into jrwi a month or so ago to catch up on riptide it was really hard to have fun watching the episodes + the rolled with its whilst knowing they still hadn't addressed this stuff
I wish them the absolute best and hope they change for the better with representing minorities since i really fucking love this podcast and everyone in it :]
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sluckythewizard · 4 months
Keep calm, and drink soda
[CW for blood and gore and vomit] takes place a day or two after emizel was sired. just two boys adjusting to a shift in their daily norms. would YOU drink your homies blood? still not used to writing fanfic so any and all advice IS appreciated. i hope u enjoy.
There were very few things that Soda enjoyed more than well, drinking soda. It was a hobby, an interest, a comfort. And by extension there were very few errands that Soda would look forward to more than the occasional soda run.
The gas station closest to the Demons hideout had stopped selling Faygo entirely about a month or two ago, and it was near impossible to find it anywhere else. The closest place was now this janky little Shell gas station, lovingly titled the Shady Shell, that thankfully sold more flavors than any of the other ones ever did.
It made the hour and a half walk here entirely worth it. Even if this side of town made his skin crawl. Normally he would ask someone to accompany him on this daring little quest, but everyone at the hide out tonight just seemed too tired, too preoccupied, too uninterested.
He knew not everyone really got the soda thing, but they were accepting of it for the most part. Soda is something that, clearly, Soda really loves, but he knew not everyone else was into it.
Which was fine, of course. They didn't need to get it. But, still, sometimes Soda found himself wondering how much of it was a bit, and how much was him.
Emizel gets it perfectly though. He would've been the first person Soda would ask to go on this soda run with him, but, well. He's been preoccupied too, with the whole vampire thing.
It's been a bit more than a day since Soda had last seen his close comrade. For a friend that he saw just about everyday, going without him this long left him feeling a little emptier.
That was fine, though. Emizel had shit he was working out, he had things he needed to do. It's not like he could go out in the day anymore, so of course Soda wouldn't be seeing him at all the usual times.
It was a lot of weird and heavy magical stuff, it made Soda think about those superhero shows. Where the hero needs to keep his identity hidden from everyone. Family especially. He knows how much of a piece of shit Emizels dad is, so he hoped that Emizels home life wasn't stirred up all stupid-like over this.
He hasn't told anyone else, about what happened that night. For the last 2 days, Soda would spend time with close friends and not let them know a thing about what happened to Emizel so, so recently. Why he's so suddenly absent, so distant, so.. off…
'Maybe his dad's just giving him a hard time', he would say, hoping to smother their questions. The less questions they ask, the better. At least until this vampire stuff gets figured out a bit more. Should Emizel wear a disguise when he goes out at night now? Just like a superhero? What kind of hero outfit would Emizel have anyways? Soda figured it would be something really cool.
If anyone could figure out a way to balance all this vampire stuff, and all the leaderly responsibilities that come with being the biggest dog in the Demons, it was Emizel for sure. That guy is so seriously cool.
He was sure this rough patch would even out, and they would weather the next rough patch together no problem. There was really nothing to worry about! All Soda has to do is stay positive, and well, drink soda.
As Soda walks quietly down the crumbling sidewalks of this dreary hive of strip malls and shops, he goes to pull his backpack around to his chest, fumbling with the zipper in the dark. Which was a little annoying, considering the tab of his zipper had fallen off forever ago. He really needed to get around to fixing this damn thing. Maybe another ziptie and a soda tab will do the trick.
Humid air hangs heavy in the night, the sidewalks still somewhat warm after a hotter day. The diesel-soaked air provided enough warmth on its own that Soda had considered taking his jacket off a few times, only for the occasional, annoyingly sharp and chilly breeze to brush by, reminding him to keep the thing on.
Tripping only once and only slightly on an uneven sidewalk, Soda manages to pull a bottle of Faygo from his backpack, a smile glowing on his face. Another short fight with the zipper seals up the bag, and he slings it over his shoulder again.
His flavor of choice tonight was actually the Red Pop, the tried and true, the absolute classic, one of the best Faygo flavors for sure.
But, this kind wasn't actually his favorite. Normally he would stock up on the cotton candy ones, but something about the last few days had him craving the red stuff.
Securing his backpack all the way, he goes to crack open the bottle. Just the clack and the hisssss of the fizzy drink were enough to lift his mood.
Not that his mood needed lifting or anything. Of course. Sure he missed his friend and sure he found himself wondering what he’s doing and where he is and if he's okay. Maybe sometimes he found himself wishing they talked about funeral plans more.
Emizel talked up all sorts of crazy funeral ideas for himself, usually involving the use of his dead body as an inconvenience for others. Outlandish and hilarious ideas, like filling it with explosives and tossing it into a busy road. But what would he want seriously? What would Soda ever do if he just stopped showing up one day?
He had to swallow down all these unnecessary anxieties, so he took a swig of his soda. Sweet, bubbly, comforting. He felt better already! Just stay positive, and drink soda..
It was a lovely night out, and he didn't come all this way planning on letting it go to waste. There was a place he was heading towards, a particular alleyway in this particular place that led off to a particularly tall concrete ledge.
 It was a run-down little space, littered with trash and shitty trees and those bushes with just too many goddamn ants in them. But the view was fairly nice, overlooking a massive deformed intersection. A particularly stupid one, at that; about 3 times a week you could witness a gnarly crash at this spot. Soda always heard people saying that LA folks can't drive, but he was just starting to figure that maybe no one can drive.
That was the place he really wanted to go to enjoy this soda, and he wasn't too far off from it. Just a few more blocks, and he would be there.
Oh wait, didn't he still have a bag of chips in this backpack somewhere? Hell yeah, he couldn't wait to sit down and relax with a good soda, a good snack, and a good view of the night.
Living as a Demon had its fair share of stresses. He felt lucky to have this life, but he knew well that it could be better. That not everyone has to worry about survival the way they do. That not everyone gets injured on the regular and not everyone has to worry about being sick and never getting better.
Living is hard. But it's finding the small moments of joy that make it all worth it. Dying would be scarier anyway. He didn't want to die, and he felt glad to feel so confident in that nowadays.
The sudden   THUNK  of something slamming into the ground just a block away from him, jolts him out of his thoughts, all his gears screeching to a halt as he freezes in place. What the fuck was that?
It looked like a person, laying flat on the ground with only their head and shoulders peeking out of the alleyway ahead. Fuck. He hated this side of town..
Anxiety churns in his stomach as he debates just turning around, but the way the victim reaches an arm out, attempting to crawl away; it made his heart ache aswell. he's no goddamn fighter, but he couldn't just leave someone like th-
The body is suddenly yanked back into the alley, snatched at a startling speed. It didn't feel exactly real, how could something vanish so fast? It reminded Soda of something from a horror movie, or whatever. What the fuck was that??
His foot takes a step forward, before the rest of his body notices its rebellion and locks down again. Was he seriously going to investigate that? He could just walk away and take another alley. But that was the one he was supposed to turn down! All the other alleys are either walled off or gated off and he wasn't about to go climbing over a damn wire gate. His soda would get too shaken up! Fuck!
Another foot goes in for another step forward. He's gotta get the fuck out of here. He could hear more commotion in the alleyway, a scuffle, a skirmish. He could hear someone cursing through a choked breath. A loud and nauseating crack echoes out from the alley, and yet, Soda takes another step forward.
This was stupid, he shouldn't be getting tangled up in someone else's business. What if something happened to all this soda?
Thankfully, it was that thought that actually got him to pause, and take in a deep breath. It wasn't worth it, maybe he should head straight home.
Atleast, that was the thought his heart and mind were about to agree on, until a particularly familiar grroowwwwlll bleeds out from the alley.
All reason immediately evaporates as Soda makes that connection in his head, stepping right up to the corner of the brick walls, and peering around to investigate.
There was a body on the floor, face down in a puddle of red, head split open in a way that reminded Soda of a smashed watermelon.
But standing over that body, was the familiar, blackened coat, and short blonde hair, of Sodas closest comrade, Emizel.
Despite the carnage on the floor, Soda couldn't help the smile that lights up his face. That was Emizel! That was his boy!
But before he could get over just how happy he felt to see his best friend, something else caught his eye. Movement, behind the dumpster closest to the vampire boy. A person, rising out from the shadows with a glinting baseball bat clutched fiercely in their hands.
"Oh fuck, look out!" Soda speaks up, and Emizels gaze immediately clicks over to him, silencing Soda with just that startlingly red stare.
He had forgotten just how uneasy those red eyes made him..
The attacker, silent and professional, rushes up behind Emizel and CRACKS the metal bat downwards onto his blonde head, the sound ringing out like a  gun shot  in that dark little alleyway.
Soda cringes from just the sound of the impact, but was amazed to find that the bat had warped under the force of it!
The attacker hardly had a chance to process his mangled weapon before Emizel whips around to retaliate.
It looked like he had just swung his hand at his opponent, so the way a shower of red spills outward from the slash, catches Soda completely off guard. The monster boy had cleaved an excruciatingly massive gash up from the attackers right hip, to his left shoulder, the slice spewing with scarlet.
 It wasn't until Emizel had pulled back his arm, that Soda could process the way it had darkened with more than just blood, distorted into an odd, spear-like shape.
The victim hardly had a chance to yelp before that blade swoops up into his chest at the speed of a snapping bear trap, plunging through meat and bone with disturbing ease, and forcing blood and viscera to erupt outwards. The red patters down onto the concrete behind, the sound similar to rain...
With another low, inhuman snarl, Emizel brings the twitching, dying body closer, until that signature squish of teeth sinking into fresh meat bleeds outward into the space.
What a disgusting sound, Sodas first instinct was to simply avert his eyes, but as the sound persists, he resolves that he has to do something.
He finally steps out into the alley, and speaks.
"Hey ma-"
He could hardly get two words out before Emizel suddenly rips its teeth away from its victims throat, tearing out a hefty chunk of jellied meat, and slamming the remaining fodder onto the concrete floor.
It immediately whips around to stare down Soda, red eyes glowing with reflected light, and with hardly a chance to process the moment-
-It's immediately right infront of Soda.
A gasp lurches from Soda's lungs as he almost stumbles back in shock. How was Emizel so fucking fast?
Other than that single step back, Soda was frozen in shock, his tongue buzzing with the physical pain of such a startling jolt. 'White boy jumpscare' is something that came to mind, but while usually such a thought would evoke some sort of laugh from Soda, this time it offered no such comfort. Okay maybe it did a little.
Emizels snarling face was only inches away from Sodas. Its eyes were wild and unnatural, teeth menacingly sharp and reddened with so much fucking blood. It was everywhere, coating most of his face, smothering his shirt and his coat, and absolutely choking the air with its thick, metallic stench.
Soda would gag if he felt he was safe to even move. He felt like he was locking eyes with that of a creature, something he would only ever see in his nightmares or in scary movies. But it was real. Those monsters are real. And his best friend is one of those monsters. His bestest friend in the world...
His mind was skewered on that unnatural glare, completely frozen with anxiety. Stalling too hard to come to a proper conclusion, Soda instead falls back onto what Soda does best.
"H-hey man... You want some soda?"
He very gently presses the opened bottle of Faygo into Emizels chest.
The two boys stand there for a moment, locked in a tense, silent pause, before the monster boy finally peels its gaze down to the bottle.
It's quiet, for a few seconds, the gears turning in its head. Until the monster blinks, and its eyes clear, and Emizel processes the sight of the bottle.
"Oh, fuck yeah dude, is that the Candy Apple Faygo? Man, that stuffs my favorite!" Emizel smiles as he goes to accept the bottle, and immediately takes a massive swig.
Soda tries to disregard the way his hands were still shaking. "Uh, n-nah man, its just Red Po-"
The words are bit off as Emizel suddenly retches, a heavy flood of red blood and red Faygo spewing out onto Soda, as the vampire boys body entirely rejects the fizzy drink.
The shock of getting fucking projectile vomited on had snapped Soda out of whatever daze he was just in, and it seemed to snap Emizel out of it too. Soda backs up with a groan, looking down at all the blood and bile and pop on his shirt and coat.
"Ohhh fuck dude, what the hell??" He cringes, not even wanting to try smearing any of it off with his hand.
Emizel was coughing, still holding out the Faygo bottle, but hunched over as his body dared to convulse again.
"Ohhhhhh fuck, ohhooohhh fuuuuucckkk" he grumbles towards the floor "Fuuuck I’m sorry dude, I don't know what fuckin- oohhhgg shit,” He coughs and groans,  offering the bottle back to Soda.
Soda was still staring at his messied coat with a displeased grimace, but looking up to meet Emizels eyes...
There was a guilt on Emizels face that Soda didn't see too often, and it helped wash away that irritation he felt. This sucked, but Emizel was probably going through a lot more. 
“It’s, uhm.. don't, don't worry about it, man..” Soda decides to reassure him, offering a sympathetic smile, and a hand on Emizels shoulder, as his comrade spits out the remaining blood and bile.
"Fuckin hell… I’m uh, I'm sorry about your shirt, man."
"What? Nahh it's okay man, don’t worry about it." Soda shrugs, taking the Faygo bottle back. "I mean, are you okay man? That uh.. looked like a pretty crazy fight."
Emizel was rubbing his eyes, smearing more blood across his face as he seems to be collecting himself. he spares a glance back at the carnage behind him.  
"Ah.. yeah.. I thought I uh.. I thought I saw that one fucker from uh. That one night. Yknow, the one that uh.." He snaps his fingers, as if trying to summon back the memory. "Vampire bitch... Anyway after that I just kind of, uh.."
He seems to space out again as he looks around. It was as if he was just woken up from a deep sleep, like he was certain he had just known what he was doing, but found the dream escaping him. "I guess I just.. went crazy on these guys. I dunno, they're Fangs anyways." he finally shrugs it all off, but Soda still felt unsatisfied by the answer.
"Oh.. huh…” is the only response he manages to scrounge together. Sure they were Fangs, but did they really deserve.. all that? It just seemed a bit brutal, even by Emizels standards.
He found his eyes wandering over to the split-open head. It was mostly red and bloody, but even in the dark, he could still make out some of the finer details of the gray jelly seeping from the gash. A human brain. He wondered if his own brain looked the same on the inside..
“So what are you doing out here, man?” Emizels question helps Soda pull his eyes away from the gore, instead looking over to his bloodied comrade.
Emizel looked messy and even exhausted, but his drowsy gaze was focused on Soda with a worried expression. 
“Oh, uh, yknow, just a soda run. Decided I would stock up on some Faygo from the Shady Shell.” Soda shrugs, his eyes flickering down to the opened Faygo in his hand. The top was covered in regurgitated blood. unnaturally blackened blood…
“Are you.. okay, by the way? Other than the whole..” Soda gestures vaguely at the gruesome crime scene. “Are you hurt?”
The question has Emizel pausing to consider. He straightens his back and stretches his arms, as if trying to detect any pain from any possible injury. Nothing seemed to be bothering him though, and after a second, he decides to shrug.
“Nah, I'm all good.”
“Oh.. That's good, I uh…” Soda found himself looking over Emizel aswell, searching for any wounds the monster boy might be simply disregarding, as he often does.
There was a fairly gnarly gash on his shin..
“Hey uh, I was actually gonna go hang out by the ledge down that way. Yknow, the one with the funny intersection.” Soda says, gesturing off towards where he intended to go. “Wanna come with?”
Emizel looks back that way, before turning back to Soda with a big smile on his face. 
“Oh hell yeah I do! I love the funny intersection!” he starts to walk down the alley, about to step over the body of the broken skull, when Soda speaks up.
“Uh, hey, shouldn't we uh.. Do something about the.. uh..” He waves a hand over towards the bodies, trying not to look directly at them. 
Emizel spares the corpses an inconvenienced glance, and a sigh, but ultimately shrugs them off. “Ehhh I'll just dump 'em in a dumpster again.. That's what I've been doing anyway.”
“And you're not worried about, like, anyone finding them?”
Soda anxiously watches on as Emizel paces around the body with the torn-out throat, licking the blood from his own mouth. Was his tongue always that long and pointed? That's neat, and normally Soda would point it out, but he was a bit.. preoccupied right now 
“Nahh not really. I haven't had anyone bother me at least.. Anyone been bothering you?” Emizels eyes finally flick back over to Soda. 
“Nah, I'd say things are actually more lax than usual. Anything that would end up being trouble’s been pretty much crushe- er, killed- destr- stamped out, by uh, by you.” Sods was cringing with every attempt to find a word that didn’t make his stomach turn, but Emizel didn’t seem to notice or mind.
Emizels eyes were currently a bit more focused on the body laying before him. He had that weird look on his face again… 
“Uhh, yeah, yeah that's good that uh, no troubles coming back to you guys…”
There’s a moment of quiet between the two as Emizel stares at this corpse, and Soda was about to open his mouth to fill the silence, but Emizel speaks up instead.
“Hey uh, why don’t you go ahead of me? I’ll uh, I'll meet you at the place.” He suggests, pointing vaguely off down the alley, but not removing his eyes from the kill. 
Soda certainly hesitates, his eyes narrowing before he even forms a thought. He opens his mouth to object, but then his eyes flicker back towards the body.
“Are you gonna eat this one too?”
The question leaves Sodas mouth as soon as it comes to mind.
Emizel pauses, and considers, before giving a shrug. “I don't see why not. Perfectly good blood.” He reaches down to grab his kill by the shirt, the one with the split open head. As the corpse rises from the concrete, gray matter drips and sloughs from the crack in its skull. Once again, Soda felt the need to look away, and yet his stupid eyes remained fixated on the horrendous sight. Emizel looks over the spilling brain of his meal, licking his lips curiously. “Dude, what do you think would happen if I ate his brain?” Emizel asks, looking back over to Soda with a wild, bloodied smile. Something about that look made Soda shiver, but.. Not really in a bad way… “Uh, I.. Dunno…. Eating a persons brain is how you get like, mad cow disease right? But you might also be immune to disease.. Are you immune to disease?” “Uhhh, I don't know yet actually. I'm still figuring out how much of this is like video games,” Emizel says, rubbing the back of his head as he idly sways the body of his kill around, watching the blood and gore drip and drop from its broken head. “Eh, I'll chance it later.” Without another word or thought, Emizel goes to sink his teeth into the shoulder of his kill, a pleased growl radiating from him as the blood gushes around the bite. More fresh blood upon less fresh blood upon old blood upon older blood. Just so much fucking blood. Soda thought he was used to seeing blood, but this… this was just egregious. Was he really starting to get used to this? It’s just blood after all, and it’s not from his comrades, so it's… fine… He finally manages to pull his eyes away from the gruesome sight of Emizel feeding, but his eyes instead wander down to the blood on his own shirt. Emizels blood was strange, darker than usual, and carrying a different scent. Something about the smell of his blood was more savory, more appealing than the standard metallic miasm. His shirt was smothered in it, his jacket was coated in it, and his opened bottle of Faygo was also splattered with the deep red ichor. Ink swirls within the bottle of red fizzy, spreading out into all sorts of odd patterns. It was a lot of blood. He was certain a lot of it came from however many people Emizels been feeding on. With how much hes been terrorizing the Fangs in just the last few days, and with how nonchalantly he feasts on his kills, who knows how much blood hes actually ingested… Soda swirls the bottle, watching the blood inside thin out into strands, dancing within the bubbly soda as they gradually dissipate, fully assimilating into the drink. A bad idea chews at the back of his head… The sound of ripping flesh once again knocks at Sodas head. He doesn’t look up this time, but he knew Emizel was just playing with his food again..  Did blood taste good to a vampire? Did some blood taste better than others? What did Sodas blood taste like? What did Emizels blood taste like? There's a visceral snap of something among the chewing and ripping, very clearly a bone or a joint snapping out of place. It made Soda shiver a little. When did his heart start pounding? There's an animal standing only 8 feet away from him, feeding on its kill. That animal is a person, and so is its kill. He wanted to know what vampire blood tasted like, but he already knew what human blood tasted like. It hung so densely in the air, he could feel it forming a vile film over his tongue. The blood of a person just like him. Eaten by an animal that eats people.  All this stress was no good. This bile rising to his throat was no good. This creeping anxiety was no good. He's friends with an animal that eats people. Would it eat him? This weird feeling was no good. Maybe it will never eat him. But it needs to eat people. This worry was no good. He needed to wash this awful taste from his mouth, replace it with something sweeter. He needed to keep his head clear enough to be there for Emizel when he needed to be. He needed to hold a light to these shadows. And he needed to stay positive, and drink soda. He takes a swig of the open Faygo bottle.
#NO MAIN TAGS WE DIE LIKE ROADKILL#WOW ISNT IT WEIRD THAT YOUR BESTEST FRIEND IN THE WHOOOLE WORLD EATS PEOPLE NOW#ISNT IT WEIRD THAT YOU KIND OF WISH YOU WOULD BE EATEN. EXCEPT NOT RLY BC U WOULD DIE. MAYBE HE COULD HAVE A NIBBLE#i might come back to ramble in the tags more later. STAY TUNED!!!#OKAY IM BACK TO RAMBLE. FIZZFAGS SEAL O APPROVAL IN THE TAGS U MEAN THE WWWOORRLLD TO MEEEE#THIS IS ALL YOUR FFAAAUULTT UR THE ONLY REASON THESE LOSERS ARE ROTATING IN MY BRAIN SO SO FAST#I DO INTEND TO WRITE MORE!! AND I DO INTEND TO LET IT GET WEIRDER#Iwanna make a lil chapter two w them hanging out at the funny intersection while soda maybe tries to patch emizel up.#wouldnt it be fucked up if u saw ur best friend get bled out n then sired right infront of u#and wouldnt it be fucked up if ina vampiric daze he almost sinks his crazy shark teeth into your throat#and wouldnt it be fucked up if you kinda wish he did. like not in a weird way or anything its not weird its not weird at all#RAAHH IM SO HAPPY THAT PPL LIKE MY WRITING STYLE N MY CHARACTERIZATIONS ASWELL IT MEANS SO MUCH TO MMEEEE#NICE WORDS GIVE ME SO MMUCH POOWWEERRRRR RAAGHGHHH!!!thank you guys for being so niceys to me#ive also been thinkin abt writing Post Suckening fics. EXCITED FOR SEASON TWO. in the meantime what if theo had to put up w shenanigens#one shenanigen for example being emizel going feral and attacking a comrade.#then theo needs to stake him n pull him aside n set him straight or something. set him gay. whatever.#ive also had an idea in my head. BC GABRIEL IS TOTALLY INSIDE OF EMIZELS BRAIN NOW#could u imagine doing acid or shrooms w ur homies n then suddenly ur nemesis is showing up in ur fractal hallucinations#anyway i think thats all da ramble i got in me. thanku for enjoying my writing thank yooouuu
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bangchansgirlsblog · 11 months
Can I please request Skz x 9th member with s3lfh4rm like…the boys trying to help and all those things (you don’t have to do it if you don’t want to)
The stages of healing.
warning: eating disorder and mentions of self harm.
Pairing: Skz x 9th member
Summary: the stages are healing are hard but Chan and the boys are here for you.
!not proofread!
Hope you enjoy this bby!
"Baby you have to eat something" Chan says while pushing the plate back to my side of the table.
We were currently sat in the dining room and everyone had finished eating their breakfast leaving me and chan (who had also finished eating his breakfast) alone.
"Chan I don't want too, I'm full" I complain while looking at the full plate infront of me. It was obviously untouched but i could'nt bring myself to eat it. It was taunting me.
"You only had two bites and we have training all day today, I don't want you passing out my love. You need to eat something," He says while rubbing my back. He was being gentle i cant lie there but the worryb and frustration in his voice caused me to feel more guilthy at the fact that my brain was a constant maze and battle zone when it came to eating
"Look you can atleast just eat the mashed potatoes and peas so you can give you energy. Trust me it wont be bad," He tries to reason with me but I shake my head no. I was so full and food gave me so much anxiety.
I didn't want to grow fat, I wouldn't allow it.
"Channie I don't want too, please don't make me." I beg him while fiddling with my fingers.
"Baby, I'm starting to get worried. You only have one meal a day and when you do, you barely eat. Please don't make me forcefully feed you." his voice was soft and his touch was so warm. i knew he meant well bu the contant voices in my head wouldnt allow me to do anything.
I look at him terrified, mortified because would he really? I knew Chan was stronger than me but he wouldn't pin me down just to make me eat...right?
"Okay Mashed potatoes only." I sigh looking at the plate. Trying not to cry.
"There we go Babygirl" he smiles and kisses my temple. His eyes twinkle and i couldnt help but also smile at how pretty he was.
"what?" he asks chuckling
"your just so pretty"
"ugh stop changing the subject and eat" his cheeks were now a ligh pink and his ears turned a dark red. he rolls his eyes playfully and runs his hand through his hair.
"Yo Chan," Han says coming into the room and looking over at me and Chan. He gives him "the look".
"Is she having trouble eating again?" Han asks worried and Chan nods his head.
"But it's fine she's eating her potatoes today.”
Han smiles at that and comes over to ruffle my hair.
“I’m proud of you kid.” He beams and I poke out my tongue causing him to laugh.
"Chan can you help me look for the flash drive before we leave?" Han asks,
"Yeah sure, babe eat up. I'll be back." He tells me and leaves the room with Han. I let out a sigh of relief and quickly stand up and dunk all the food into the trash can. My heart was beating because I prayed that Chan would take long looking for the Flash drive but luck wasn't on my side because he came right back into the kitchen.
"Hey-" he stops and looks up from his phone. "are you done?"
"I finished them." I said smiling, well whatever you call a plastic smile. A guilty smile.
"You finished all the mashed potatoes?" He says coming close to me. I nod trying to avoid his eye contact.
"Okay then." He simply says before walking to the trash can.
"N-no don't look in there-" I try to stop him but it's too late. He had already opened it and looked inside. He turned to look at me and he was so mad I could tell.
"Your a liar." He growls. i gulp knowing the concequences of my actions.
"i ate half of them?" i sigh and look up at him. He just shakes his head and lets out a frustrated sigh.
"i dont get it! why dont you want to eat anymore? We were doing so well,"
"is everything okay in here?" Felix's head pops up at the corner of the door.
"she just threw out all her food-"
"again? thats the 4th time this week." he frowns and makes his way into the the room.
"exactly my point,"
"i did eat chan, i ate half the potatoes-" i tug on my long sleeves sweaters and look at the both of them.
He frowns and looks down then back up, searching for my eyes.
“Can I see your wrists?” He asks looking back down at my fingers. His eyes were furrowed. Almost in like a confused way?
My eyes go wide at his request but I quickly shove them away.
“Chan they’re ugly, I don’t want you to see them.” I frown. My voice quivers. The tears that had disappeared were now reappearing.
“Chan I haven’t been cutting I promise-“
“Then let me see, I know you too well my love. Let me see.” His eyes are soft now and were reaching out for both my hands that were covered with my hoodies sleeves.
I sigh and give in. His hands are soft against mine but he pulls up the sleeves. He examines the scars that were now slowly healing. His lips in a soft smile.
“See I told you, I promised you I stopped.”
“Hey hey hey and I’m so proud of you. I just wanted to make sure because I care and love you. You’re doing a good job healing.” his hands wrap around my waist and pull me against his body.
“Ew gross get a room.” Felix says killing our moments. Chan chuckles and pushes him away.
"The cars are here everbody!" Hyunjins voice echoes through the house.
"okay this conversation isnt over yet, here take the banana and we'll talk about it after practice yeah?" he kisses my forhead and hands me the banana before we grab our bags and make our way to the car.
"go ahead eat it, im watching you." chan raises one eyebrow while staring at me. "She still isnt eating?" Leeknow asks after listening to our conversation.
"i am! chans just being a overprotective," i sigh and peel the banana.
"i am not!" he defends himself and i let out a giggle while slowly starting to chew the banana and finishing it. "see i told you," i poke my tongue out at him and he let out a little laugh.
"okay whatever but your still having lunch with me." i mentally sigh dreading the feeling of the banana sitting in my stomach.
i play with chans's silver braclet as we wait to arrive at the jyp building. It didnt take long. It was just a 15 minute ride once we arrived. we all make our way up the building to our normal dance room and set everything up.
"lets start with stretching and then get to God's menu, yeah?" we all groan as we get to our places and minho plays the song.
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artdcnaldson · 3 months
also completely left field. my brain is working overtime today >:)
but i am like 100% sure that, eventually, down the line, much later in the story, pats sister will wear art down enough to agree to fuck her. just once!!! and then never again, just to shut her up, for good this time. he makes her promise that this will put an end to it (it will not).
BUT. but but but... in my mind, the only way he can justify this to himself, the only way he can let himself do this, is by insisting that he can only fuck your ass.
especially if shes a virgin. he cant be the one to do that. i truly believe he would feel too guilty to fuck your pussy. not that anyone had fucked your ass either, but to him it feels less intimate. and she would feel so conflicted, on one hand immensely disappointed she wouldnt get to feel him cum in her cunt :((( but on the other hand dying with excitement at getting to be so close to him, in such a special way :))))
that's my thought :)
Had to take a walk, go stand on top of a hill and just breathe. Had to reflect on this, ponder it, savor it.
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Rating: E (18+)
Warnings: Patrick’s Sister!Reader x Art, toxic!Art, toxic relationship period tbh, anal sex, mild dubcon, degradation
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It’s his breaking point, really. A way for him to submit to his desires and hold steadfast to his promise to Patrick that he wouldn’t fuck his sister. He assumes Patrick meant fuck in the biblical sense, not the… not how Art thinks about it.
“If it’ll shut you up, I’ll fuck you. Once, and that’s it.” He says, his grip tight on the steering wheel. Your eyes brighten, he sees you smile wide, like he’d just offered you the world on a platter. “But the only way I will is if I can fuck your ass.”
He expects you to say no, too. For you to draw the line, say that’s too mean and dirty. You’re picking at your nails, brows furrowed slightly.
You’re in his car, his brand new jeep. You look so delicate in his passenger’s seat— hands in your lap, blinking over at him shyly. “Have you ever done that with anyone else?” You ask.
The closest he’d gotten was putting a finger in a girl’s ass while he was eating her out. He’d asked his last girlfriend, but she ardently refused. Called him gross for asking. “Yeah,” he lies. “Plenty of times.”
It’s not fair, really. You want to feel him buried in your cunt, feel the drag and pull of each thrust, the press of his balls against you when he bottoms out. You want to feel him unload into you, to leave you warm and full and leaking his seed.
You swallow, then nod. “I want to,” you say, meeting his gaze. “I want to know what it feels like. Want you to show me.”
Jesus Christ, he considers wrapping the new car around a telephone pole and ending his misery.
It’s not even a day later that you’re beneath him on his bed as he stretches you out on his fingers. He doesn’t touch your cunt— it feels too intimate. He’s clinical, methodical about prepping you, even as you whine and grind down against his fingers, even as your cunt drips and adds to the slick, lubed mess.
You’re wriggling, keep slipping your hands between your legs to rub at your cunt.
“Stop it,” he says firmly.
You whine, put your hands at your sides again, let them scratch into the duvet. And god, your pussy is so wet, he’s so close he can smell your need, heady and intoxicating. He wants to lean in, lap at your cunt until he’s cleaned up the drenched mess you’ve made of yourself, but he refrains.
He works a third finger inside of you, watches you writhe, watches your cunt spasm around nothing. You need more, you’re fucking desperate for it.
“Fuck me,” you whine. “Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me.” You’re practically babbling. Eyes all watery, like you’ll start crying if he keeps you from what you want.
“You want me to fuck your ass that bad, huh?” He thrusts his fingers deeper, relishes in the feeling of your hole fluttering around the intrusion. “Such a fucking whore for me, aren’t you? You’d take anything I have to give.” He removes his fingers, spits onto your stretched, open hole. God, you’re so fucking pink inside, so soft and warm.
He manhandles you, turns you into all fours. You lay there and take it— let him position you how he needs. Ass arched in the air, face pressed into his pillow. You moan softly, because it smells like him— like his shampoo. You listen to him pushing down his sweats and feel the press of his tip against your asshole, you mouth at the pillow almost like you can taste him.
You gasp, all breathy and fucked when his cockhead sinks into you. “F-fuck, Art—“ you whimper, he sees your face screw up. You squeeze around him, your body fighting the intrusion as he continues to press into your tight hole. “A-Art, ah! Hurts.”
Your hand comes back, presses against his arm where it grips your waist. “S-sto— ah!” You’re drooling, crying into the pillow, leaving little wet spots. “F-fuck, Art— can’t, I can’t—“
“Fucking take it,” he groans, sinks in another inch. “You begged for it, didn’t you? I thought you’d take this cock in any hole I wanted?” He groans, feels like he might leave finger shaped bruises on your body. “Fuck, your ass is so tight. I think you like it. Such a fucking whore for it.”
A sob escapes you when he’s finally fully sheathed within you, and you whine at how full you feel. It aches— the way you’re stretched around him stings, makes your eyes water as he starts to move. You’re stretched around him so tight that he tugs at your rim uncomfortably.
“A-Art,” you cry out, lip wobbling. “Stop, stop, I can’t—“ He stops moving, you moan softly in relief.
“I thought I told you I was only fucking you this once,” he says. He lets your hair, but there’s no affection. His fingers tangle into it, grab it like a lead. “You tap out now, I’m fucking leaving, and this is all you’re getting. Don’t you want to make me cum? Be a good girl for me and let me drain my balls inside of you?”
He releases his grip on your hair, drops you back into the pillows. God, he’s so mean. He knows you’re not giving him up, that you want him more than anything. That you need his cum inside of you, that you’ve been fantasizing about it forever. You whine, pouting back at him. “Want it. Jus’ hurts.” You’re practically slurring.
Art rolls his eyes. “C’mon, you’re so fucking lubed up. I stretched you out plenty. It doesn’t fucking hurt, you’re just bitching so you can hear yourself.” He slams back into you, makes your toes curl, punches a desperate moan out of your lungs.
And he’s right— your cunt is gushing for it, leaking all messy down your thighs. You reach between your legs, rub at your swollen, neglected clit and moan weakly.
Maybe it’s a good hurt— like having your hair pulled, or when he’d slapped you across the face. Your eyes roll back as he finds a rhythm, thrusting into your tight channel as you try your best to relax around him.
Each thrust punches a weak moan from your lips, like his cock is bullying them out from the inside. He feels so big inside of you, stretching you deliciously. Your lip wobbles when you think about how badly you want him in your pussy, how badly you wanted him to fuck you the proper way.
“Look at you— fuck— taking my dick up your ass like a fucking slut.” You whine into the pillow. Drool soaks into the pillow, dampens your cheek. He releases his grip on your waist to paw at your ass— spreads your asscheeks wide so he can watch his cock disappear into your hole.
He moans, strangled and debauched. Your fingers move faster, rubbing at your clit as he pounds into you. You relish in the drag of his cock inside of you, in the stretch and ache of it. His balls press against your cunt with every thrust, you can practically hear the sticky sound of it.
“God, I’m gonna cum,” he groans. “You want it?”
You nod, drool smears against your cheek. “Want it, want it,” you whine.
“Make yourself cum, then,” he demands. “Fucking choke my dick.”
Your toes curl, legs kick as he keeps fucking you, as your attention to your clit gets overwhelming and you feel your body seize with pleasure.
Art groans as your walls squeeze around his cock, collapses on top of you as he humps desperately against you and spills hot into your ass. “Fuck! Fuckin’ take it—“
His weight crushes you as he lays completely boneless atop you. “Fuck,” he groans, muffled against your shoulder. “Can’t believe you let me do that. Most girls refuse, but not you.” He presses a kiss to your hot skin. “Fuckin’ slut for me.”
You whine pathetically when he pulls out, leaves your ass stretched and used. You pout. You want him to cuddle with you, to hold your naked body against him. But he just pulls his pants up and sits at his desk, opens his laptop and starts typing like you’re not even there.
Whatever. He’d want more, he always did, just like you.
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bbybaku · 3 years
cranky no nut november boyfriend shigaraki
yes i know its july. 
1.8 k words 
slow burn but there is smut 
warnings: angry shig, humiliation, degrading, oral (fem recieving), use of vibrator, shoes on bed, angst, fluff, mentions of masturbtion
your boyfriend, tomura shigaraki, had made a bet with his friends, about who could last the longest during no nut november.
you thought a month wouldn’t be that bad, right? you guys could handle it.
the first few days were nothing. you two were busy and didnt think that much of it. 
but the first weekend shiggy had invited you over to watch a movie. which was usually code for “let’s fuck”
you went over to his apartment, about 20 minutes into the movie you slipped your hand under the blanket, feeling around for his cock.
“hey” he said softly but irritated as he picked up your hand and moved it.
“what? we always-“ you asked
“i’m taking this month seriously, i can eat you out or something but we cant, you cant” he said
 you were not expecting him to take it this seriously.
you knew your boyfriend he never took anything seriously? why did he have to take this stupid month seriously.
“well, do you want?” he asked as he ran his fingers over your clothed clit.
“no let’s just hang out tonight” you said.
“okay” he said then kissed you on the head and pulled you into his lap.
you could feel his erection. but you knew you had to ignore it. 
week 2 was easy because shigaraki was out of town for a work trip.
you didn’t know how he was doing it. no sex was one thing, but not even masturbating?
you had been touching yourself every day to the thought of him, the pictures you had of him and sometimes 
the movies you had made together.
the night he got back he came straight to your apartment.
he looked pale.
you went in for a hug, but he pushed you away.
“no” he snapped “ i just wanted to see you”
you gulped “oh okay”
you cooked dinner and he told you about the trip.
the space between your thighs ached the entire evening.
you asked him to stay the night but he said he no.
and he left. 
it was day 15. you needed him. your hand could only do so much. you couldnt do what he could do. he knew your body better than you did. 
you texted him to hang out. 
the two of you got coffee then made out in the car. 
his mouth tasted so good. your body presses against the console, arms around his neck. the kiss starting equal but he very quickly shoved his tongue in your mouth. he took your jaw in his hand and held your face while his tongue circled yours. you sucked on his bottom lip. his hand found your tit. your hand found his crotch. 
shigaraki instantly pulled away, he was pissed “how many fucking times do i have to tell you no?” 
you sighed “im sorry i just-” 
he pushed his hair out of his face and took your jaw in his hand again. “look at me. i want to be inside of you so bad. i think about you all the time. i love you so much but we just cant right now.”
 his tone made you want him even more. it was embarrassing how hot you got  when he was irritated. and he knew it. 
“i hate this stupid challenge” you said through his grip on your jaw. 
“do you want to be like that?”  he talked down to you with a smirk.
“we can always go back to my apartment, and work on your attitude” he said letting go of your face and grabbing the gear shift. 
you had soaked through your panties a while ago. you were excited but knew you wouldnt be filled up the way you wanted to be. 
the drive to shiggys apartment was agonizing. the sexual tension was higher now than it was on your first date. it felt like you were getting stopped at every red light, the car in front of you was always going slow. and both of you were sweating. 
he had one hand rubbing your thigh and the other on the steering wheel, except at stops when he would run it through his shaggy hair. when he finally got to his apartment complex the two of you practically sprinted inside. 
“elevator?” you asked pressing the up button repeatedly. 
he took his hands out of his pockets and said “stairs” 
the two of you raced up to the fourth floor, you beat him but just barely. once both of you were in the hallway he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder.
once in his apartment he didnt even turn the lights on, he took you to his bed and threw you on it. 
he stood over you and sighed. “its your lucky day” he then pushed you up to the headboard and pulled off your panties. so eager, you were both still wearing shoes and the window was open. 
you shivered at the cold air on your exposed heat. 
shigaraki just stared for a minute. he loved vulnerability. 
he loved having you at his mercy. 
he pushed your skirt up and grabbed onto your thighs. 
“i knew you would be soaked.” he shook his head “such a whore” he said.
and just like that he dove right in.  
he licked up your folds and you bucked your hips to meet him. 
his grip on your thighs tightened and he pushed you into the bed.
“dont move” he met your eyes when he said it.
he started sucking hickies on your inner thighs, his fingers teasing at your clit. 
you held his head in your hands, not directing him, but rubbing his scalp. 
he occasionally hummed into your thighs at the feeling. 
he pulled off of your inner thigh and brought his mouth and nose to your entrance. you whimpered, expecting him to relieve your ache. 
he blew cold air on your exposed heat. 
you cried out. 
and shigaraki crawled up to meet you at eye level. 
he straddled you and leaned down “beg.” he whispered 
“please” you whispered
“i dont get anything for this. why should i be nice if i dont get the reward of your tight little pussy? or getting to fuck your pretty face. make it worth my while. give me this one little thing.  i said to beg like the whore you are.” 
you gulped. “please tomura. i touch myself to the thought of you every day and nothing satisfies me like you do. i just want you. i want you to fill me up and please let me come. please sir.” 
“hmm okay, i guess but its embarrassing that you touch yourself so much, you really are a whore.” he said as he repositioned his mouth at your entrance. 
he once again pinned your hips to the bed and brough his mouth to your entrance.
his long slender fingers ran through your folds a few times before stopping at your clit and rubbing circles. 
you moaned in pleasure, finally. shigaraki was relieving your ache. 
he sucked on your entrance and drank your juice like it was water from the tap. you could feel his tongue at your entrance, he tease then run his tongue through your folds. 
your entire body was shaking and the knot in your stomach was about to release. 
“please i - can i please” you whined. 
shikaraki hummed yes into you, his grip on your thighs tightening 
the hum was what sent your over the edge, your walls tightening and releasing around shigarakis mouth. 
he pulled off for a moment and looked at you “that was fast. youre so easy, y/n, you know that?” 
and at that he went right back to what he was doing, only this time it was his finger. at your entrace and his tongue on your clit. 
his tongue going all around and eventually stopping and making out with your bud. 
you were crying at the pleasure. 
his long fingers going in and out, and in and out. at no particular speed or regularity and occasionally stoping to curl inside you. 
your hands went to shiggys hair, but you couldnt control yourself the way you had earlier. your hands were shaking as the held onto his head.
you came again, it was so fast you didn’t even have the time to ask.
you could feel him smiling on you.
shigaraki pinched your thigh, acknowledging your high, but showed no sign of stopping.
he maneuvered a little bit, grabbing something under the bed while still fingering you. 
if you thought you were a mess before, you were wrong. because you were even more of a mess when shigaraki started rubbing around your clit with a vibrator. 
your back arched and you grabbed onto the sheets, so as not to pull on shiggys hair, “pleASE. m-gonna c--um” you barely got out. 
your lower body convulsing. 
tears started streaming down your face, it hurt so good. “dont cum yet, baby. i want you to wait this time. like i have to wait.” 
“no-oh-oh-o” you sobbed 
shigaraki mustve been getting irritated because his grip on you tightened, and he pinched your inner thigh. 
“please” you whimpered, running your fingers through his hair as gently as you could. 
“no” he said sweetly. 
your vision was starting to blur and you were still crying, “isnt this what you wanted darling?” shigaraki asked. 
you only sobbed in response, you were loosing the ability to form coherent sentences. 
the knot in your stomach released without warning, and you came on shigaraki’s vibrator. 
with that he sighed and stood up, going to the bathroom to help you clean up. 
despite your scattered brain, you knew your boyfriend well enough to know that he was in agony. 
“does it hurt?” you asked him between deep breaths. 
refering to how bad he wanted you, and how hard he was in his pants. 
he waled back in with a towel and said “yes” looking down at the ground. 
“well what if we” you started. 
“no, im tired of having to explain this to you.”
“please, i just want you so bad” you begged as he climbed on top pf you.
“i said no! just fucking shut up” he snapped
“why?" you whinned
he found your wrists and pinned your hands beside your head on the bed. 
“everyone gets a different penalty. do you know what mine is if i fail? huh? do you want to know”
"um i-” 
you went to speak but no words came out. 
shigaraki leaned down “my penalty is to send the group chat a video of us having sex” 
“oh” you said feeling yourself blush
he gulped and looked away “which i really dont want to do because you are mine.”
he released your wrists and fell on top of you, “youre all mine” 
“please just wait 2 more weeks” he whispered into your neck. 
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ppersonna · 3 years
ride or die - myg | m
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we don't need money to feel good cause you're the ride or die, the rest of my life. don't need a party to feel high, we're like the modern version of bonnie and clyde , bonnie & clyde, yuqi
✹ summary- there’s nothing in the world you wouldn’t do for Min Yoongi.
✹ rating- explicit/18+/nsfw
✹ pairing- min yoongi x reader
✹ word count- 1.6k
✹ genre- hmm idk. maybe some angst, some smut, some action?, established relationship, criminal!au
✹ chapter warnings- sexual content, mentions of criminal acts/police, unprotected sex, oral sex (f receiving), mentions of death, guns, unhealthy obsession with each other lol
✹ a/n- hi loves! i wanted to challenge myself and write something a bit more prose-heavy than any sort of plot or semblance of plot. i hope you enjoy this random drabble that wouldnt leave my brain!!! thanks to @ladyartemesia @xjoonchildx @untaemedqueen and @nomseok​ for looking over it for me and helping me feel better about it LOLLL. i love u all ALSO PLS LISTEN TO THE SONG BONNIE AND CLYDE BY YUQI IT IS AMAZING AND WHERE I GOT ALL MY INSPO FOR THIS!!
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 75 mph…
100 mph…
Yoongi’s hand grips tight on the inside of your thigh, fingers pressing into the supple flesh as his foot presses down the gas pedal. 
The engine roars, matching the screaming explosion you feel inside your chest. Your veins feel like they’re flowing with the same high-octane fuel that Yoongi’s injected to the engine of the 1969 matte black Camaro.
There’s nothing in the world you wouldn’t do for Yoongi.
The engine screams to life again, tearing through the otherwise silent car. It won’t be quiet for long. You can hear the distant blaring of police sirens, the low-grade rumble of helicopter wings closing in.
Yoongi simply smirks when you glance at him, eyes focused on the road with one hand on the leather steering wheel and the other rubbing at the skin of your inner thigh.
The sirens sound closer, only streets away now. Yoongi acts as if it’s only you and him, as if there’s nowhere else he’d rather be than right here in this car with you beside him and the bag of prized jewels in the back.
You love him. You love him more than you’ve ever loved another, more than you’d ever convince yourself you’d love again. He’s all-consuming. Yoongi is the cosmos, the universe that holds you within his center.
You’d die for Yoongi.
You’d kill.
“Yoongi,” you breathe, unable to speak any further. You don’t need to. Yoongi knows what you’re saying. He grips your leg tighter and the smirk widens on his face, finally flickering his eyes over to your own. 
“I know,” he says. Because he does.
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Yoongi gives no sign that he’s scared. He’s the picture of composure as he squeezes the car through narrow streets, tires squealing as he spins the wheel to slide into the next alley way and dodge the cops through yet another neighborhood. He doesn’t even bat an eye as he defends you inside the jobs, gun blazing as he ensures your safety without even a glance back. 
He gives no indication that anything can go wrong, as if his mind is already made up that everything will be okay and you’ll both get out, get away, without a scratch.
It’s different when he lays you down. He sets you on the cheap motel mattress with care, like a delicate doll, made of glass and ceramic, one wrong move away from breaking.
He presses his lips to every inch of your body, as if ensuring himself that you’re okay, that you’re here, that he got you out safely. He doesn’t speak, doesn’t want to break the reverent silence of the dingy bedroom that becomes his chapel when he has you in his arms.
You’re safe and Yoongi needs hours to remind himself of that, needs more than just kisses and touches. He pushes himself into you slowly, letting the tight heat of your core remind him just how alive you are. He opens you up like a prayer, spreading your legs and gasping for air as he recites the only invocation he knows, the only one he believes in.
“I love you.”
Sweaty and overheated, your hands grasp for any part of Yoongi you can--his arms, his vascular hands. You need more, need to feel him in more ways than you can count. Yoongi feels so good buried deep inside you, rocking his hips against your own and making your body scream with pent-up desire.
“I love you, Yoongi,” you nearly scream as he hits a spot within you that makes you forget about the whole world around you. “Only you.”
Yoongi doesn’t believe in a God, doesn’t believe in any higher power. But he thinks the closest to heaven is the way you cry his name for him, the way you keen for more as he spills himself inside you.
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The duffel bag of dollar bills is heavy in your lap as you throw yourself into the Camaro, running from the high rise bank, and Yoongi slams on the gas pedal before you can even close the door.
“Shit!” Your hands grip at the duffel bag, trying to stay afloat in the speeding car. The door closes by itself after he careens down the highway and you let out a breath you hadn’t realized you were holding.
“God, that was so fucking good,” Yoongi grins, voice high with excitement and adreneline. “You did so fucking good, baby doll.”
The praise goes straight to your heart, straight to the muscle inside your chest that has Yoongi’s name stamped into each vein, each artery. He’s yours, he’s so wholly yours and you so wholly his, you think you can’t even breathe without him around.
You don’t watch where he drives, too focused on the curve of his cheeks, the way his black hair is pushed back messily. You don’t care where he takes you. All you need is him and the feel of his hand resting on your thigh, a spot made just for him.
I’d die for you, Yoongi, don’t you know that?
Yoongi finally, blessedly, looks over at you once he’s settled himself onto a long stretch of highway outside of the city, no longer looking in the rearview mirror for the shining lights of the police, no longer zipping and weaving between other cars on the road.
The peace of the open road settles in your chest and you let go of the duffle bag, throwing it over your shoulder to sit in the backseat, in between the bag of jewels and the expensive artwork from the last heist.
You settle into the seat and he lets his fingers spread out, touching you as if grounding himself to you. 
“You’re my ride or die, baby,” he breathes after a moment of silence. You stare straight ahead, watching as the dark sunset ahead of you bursts in an explosion of colors.
“Forever, Yoongi.”
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Yoongi could spend hours between your thighs. He doesn’t even make any attempts to remove himself from the taste of your slick cunt until you’ve climaxed twice from his tongue. He eats you like he’s parched, only able to sate his thirst by drinking directly from your core.
He holds your legs tight, reminding himself you’re here, you’re with him, you’re never leaving and he’s never letting you go. 
Your hands thread through his hair, gripping the silken raven locks as he digs his tongue into your channel yet again, lapping up the sweetness that spills from your orgasm, relishing in the rhythmic chanting of his name. He never wants to hear anything else drip from your lips, wants no other name but his own staining the pretty pout and echoing around the motel room.
You are his everything. His world. His universe. 
He finally pulls away, smiling up at you after your third consecutive orgasm wrought by his mouth, and kisses at the skin of your thighs--the same place he allows his hand to rest when he steers you away from the chaos of your burglaries.
“I love you more than anything in this world,” he breathes, pressing his soft kisses up your legs and swirling around your belly.
“More than money?” You ask, out of breath.
“More than money.”
“More than jewels?”
“More than anything any bank in the world combined could have in their stores,” he promises to every inch of your breasts, tongue lapping at the nipple. “More than any king could ever want.”
“Yoongi,” you sigh when he finally slides into you, completing you. You’re nothing without him, nothing without the feeling of him within you.
“Say it again,” he whispers against your ear as he thrusts into you gently, holding you tenderly in his arms.
His head falls against your own, foreheads touching as he bores his eyes into yours. His. His, his, his. You’re his only, and his forever, and he never wants to live another moment, another day, another second, without you.
He claims you, seed spilling deep into your womb at the height of your shared climax. Your body welcomes him, clenches with desire and milks him to the last drop, desperate to keep him within you for as long as you can.
“It’s just you and me forever, baby,” he says after he’s cleaned you up and laid you down.
Suddenly, there’s sirens and the flashing red and blue lights outside the window.
“Come out! We have you surrounded.”
Yoongi helps you throw on clothes, whispering hurriedly as he stashes the guns he needs into his pocket and throws one to you. 
He throws a look at you as he knocks the glass out of the back window of the bathroom.
“You ready for another adventure, baby?”
The gun feels heavy in your hands, but solid. Comforting. The gun is your means of staying with Yoongi, never leaving his sight. You’d take down anything that stood in the way, eliminate any threat that posed a risk of taking him away.
He notes your silence and kisses you quick, before hoisting you up to climb out the window and make a run for the hidden Camaro in the alleyway.
He catches up to you, hand slipping into your own and tugging you to run faster, the Camaro coming into your sights like a sanctuary. You can hear the pounding footsteps of the police around the building, the splintering wood as they force themselves into the now-vacant motel room, still wet and hot from where you made love.
Yoongi grins as he slides into the car and fires the engine, pulling you in for a deep and passionate kiss, hands hovering over the steering wheel.
With a quirk of his lips, he places his hand back on it’s spot on your thigh.
“Ride or die, right, baby?”
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kinkyjaems · 4 years
7 Minutes with Nomin
Nomin Smut
Word count: 2.4K
Jaemin and Jeno x fem!reader
Includes: Smut, threesome
“You should wear this skirt” Your best friend Giselle hands you a short plaid skirt. You hold it in your hands until you decide you should wear it.
Mark and a couple of friends are having a party in their shared house and you and Giselle were invited. You were a bit nervous though. The thought of seeing Jaemin and Jeno made your heart bounce.
Lee Jeno, the sweet and most kind-hearted boy you know. He wouldnt hurt a fly. The way his eyes looked when he smiled, how got shy very easily, a little quiet and the cutest little beauty mark on his cheekbone made you smile without knowing.
Na Jaemin, the most confident person you’d ever met. He’s not afraid to say what’s on his mind. He knows he’s attractive. The way he pushes his hair back with his tongue poking his cheek. He can sometimes be a cute weirdo but just him looking at you is enough to make you swoon.
The only problem right now is that they both like you. Of course, Jaemin makes it more obvious by holding you, bringing his lips so close as if he’s about to kiss you but then quickly pulling back. And Jeno, sending you cute messages throughout the day like “I went out today to eat but I wish you were with me :(“ and “I walked past a flower shop and saw some roses that were as beautiful as you”. If one were to ask you out, you wouldn’t know what to do. You did wanna break the other heart and ruin your friendship.
“You okay?” Giselle looked at you a bit worried, seeing the way you were lost in thought. “Yeah, I’m fine” you replied with a small smile. “Okay well, let's go party!” She dragged you out of the house and into a taxi.
The whole taxi ride was torture. You couldn’t stop thinking about what could happen. You can never really expect what happens at a party. You hookup, you drink until you were knocked out, you get sick all over the house.. so many thoughts were making their way into your brain as you got closer to the house.
You ring the doorbell and way welcomed my Mark giving you a huge hug. “Hey guys, so glad you could make it. You can have a seat over here if you want, drinks are over there and the food right next to them..” As Mark was showing you the whereabouts, his words started to go through your ear and out the other side and you see Jaemin by the drinks table staring at you up and down while sipping on his red solo cup. Suddenly another man starts walking towards Jaemin looking down at his phone. He looks up at you and you see it's Jeno. He gives you one of his cute close eyed smiles and waves at you. You wave as a soft smile appears on your face at home cute he looks.
“All good?” You hear Mark say as he brings you back to reality. “All good” Giselle says with a thumbs up and you just nod. You and Giselle walk over to the couch and you sit down. “I'm gonna go bring us some drink, ill be right back” You wanted her to stay with you since you weren’t a big fan of parties and din tiles being alone, but you also wanted to go with her but quickly change your mind since you were nervous about being around Jaemin and Jeno.
You start to scroll through your phone not knowing what else to do until you see a pair of shoes in front of you thinking it's Giselle. You look up and to your surprise it's Jaemin. “Hey,” he said as he looks at you and you greet him back. He goes to sit next to you as you hear another familiar voice. “Do you want a drink?” Jeno says with his eyebrows raised. “Giselles already getting me one, thank you” you smile.
Giselle comes back with your drink and you all got into a conversation with some flirting going around from overconfident Jaemin and shy Jeno.
“Ayo, listen up” Mark announces from the middle of the room. “Let's play some games, starting with 7 minutes in heaven” he smirks. The whole room looked excited to join in the circle except for you. You didn't know many people at the party and didn't wanna have sex with someone you didn't know. “I think I'm gonna sit this one out,” You say to Giselle. “Come on” she pulls your arm “Let's have some fun”. You both sit down on the floor next to each other and Mark puts a beer bottle in the center. “Alright, I'm gonna spin the bottle and whichever two people it lands on will spend 7 minutes in heaven”.
He spins the bottle and your heartaches as you get more anxious. You thought that whoever is in front of you is most likely to be paired with you if you were picked. You saw both Jaemin and Jeno in front of you. Jaemin who’s looking at you in a seductive way and Jeno who’s staring at the bottle, eagerly waiting for it to stop.
The bottle gets slower until it stops. You look at it in disbelief as it's pointing right at you, already knowing who you could be paired up with. You slowly look up at the boys looking at each other and back at you. The whole room is filled with whispers. “Looks like we have a tie” you hear Mark say. The bottle is pointy right in between them.
“Who will it be?” He asks you. You try to speak but you're unable to get the words out. “Why can’t she just take them both” You look to your right and see Johnny. You’ve never wanted to hit a guy so hard on his pretty face. “DUDE! YOUR A GENIUS” Mark replies. You see Jaemin and Jeno stand up and start to lead you up the stairs as people start cheering and you get so embarrassed and red.
As they lead you to an unoccupied room, you can help but think about what was gonna happen next. Are you actually gonna have a threesome? Will one of them end up leaving? Will you be the one to leave? You finally arrive at the room. “Were here princess” Jaemin whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine.
You take a seat on the front edge of the bed, not knowing what to do or say. “Are you nervous” He bend down in front of you, taking your hand in his and smirking up at you. Before you get to talk, you feel a warm breath against your ear. “Don’t be, angel, we’ll take good care of you” Jeno whispered, lightly nibbling on your ear lobe. So you’re really gonna do this, aren’t you?
The thought of them fucking you at the same time was hot but you didn’t want this stupid game to ruin your friendship.
Jaemin was staring at you in the eyes and slowly leans in, placing a soft kiss on your lips. He broke the kiss to look at you for consent to do more, and you lean in. Jeno goes at your next softly, placing wet kisses up and down until he snaked his hands down to your core and traces small circles around it. You moan into Jaemins kiss and you feel him smiling against you.
“Does that feels good?” He asks, and let out a breathy yes as you break from Jaemins kiss and rest your head on Jenos shoulder. Jaemin also starts placing wet kisses on your neck and lightly sucking on randoms patches of skin. They both stop and bring you farther up the bed so they have more room around you.
Jeno hovers on top of you until he crashes his lips onto yours aggressively, sticking his tongue into every corner of your mouth, not leaving one spot untouched. His hands find their way under your shirt touching you all over until he places them on your hips. He tugs on it asking you for permission to take it off you allow him, bringing it over your head and his along with it.
He breaks away to look at your body and dives back in giving you a kiss from your chest down until he reaches your skirt, pulling it up so your panties are exposed. He then quickly removes both articles of clothing. “Fuck, you already wet” He huffs.
“7 minutes might be a little too short to destroy you” You look at Jaemin who’s palming himself next to you. He saw you quickly look at his bulge and smirks before leaning closer to you. “You want us bad don’t you” He whispers into your ear. “You want us to fuck you so hard you won’t be walking for days”
Jaemin starts kissing and sucking hard at your neck while Jeno teases you by licking your core. Quiet moans leave your lips from all the small pleasure you were receiving from both men. You entangle your fingers in his hair wanting more.
Unexpectedly Jeno pushes deep indie of you to make your back arch in pleasure. His whole length rammed inside of you so perfectly as you looked at him seeing a small smirk crept on his face. He knows he’s big.
You start moaning uncontrollably from Jeno hitting the spot with every thrust. Jaemin who’s now stroking himself removes your bra with his free hand and attaches his pink lips to your nipples. Sucking them and tracing small circles with his tongue, using his free left hand to masses and play with the other one.
The room is filled with the sounds of skin slapping and lip-smacking on your breasts. Jeno starts to get impatient and tell Jeno to fuck you doggy style so he can fuck your mouth at the same time.
Having to switch positions messed up the pleasure you were getting from Jeno but he was quick with his ways and managed to get back on track. You watch Jaemin as he removes his pants and boxers, waving his dick in front of your face.
Your unable to grab it with your hands from Jenos thrusting, with your hands being your only support so you won’t collapse. You try to move your mouth forward but Jaemin stops you. He lips your chin up to look at him“Don’t get too greedy” he says, placing his tip on your tongue. “Can you deep throat?” He says softly. Even though Jaemin is a confident guy who knows he hot, he has his soft moments too. “Angel, let me know if it hurts or you want to stop okay?” You nod and he moves his cock into your mouth, starting off slow, going faster making sure you adjust.
Surprisingly Jaemin was a lot softer than Jeno who rammed into you without warning. Not that you didn’t like that or anything but it would be nice to know.
You manage to deep throat without gagging while trying to use one hand to massage his balls. You hear moth males moan in sync. “Jeno,” You say in a muffled voice from Jaemins length. He understands your close and takes this as an opportunity to go faster. “Say my name, Princess” Jeno says. You moan his name, again it was tough trying to talk while having someone's cock shoved down your throat.
You finally come as a wave of pleasure leaves your body. “Fuck” You hear Jeno say. His thrusts become sloppier as he finally comes in you, letting it drip down. He massages your clit with his finger, using both your juices as some type of lube.
Jaemin's thrust into your mouth becomes slower and slower until he comes, filling your mouth up with his warm insides. You try to swallow it all with some leakage at the side of your mouth. He flashes a wide smile at the sight of you. Jeno comes over to help your out by kissing you passionately and cleaning you up with his tongue.
They both sit ups straight and look at you with curiosity. “What?” You furrowed your eyebrows. “Who are you picking?” Jeno replies. Your eyes widen in shock. “WHAT?!” You shout ‘what do you mean who do I pick?”. You were so confused. Did they just fuck you and expect you to chose? Of course not, you could never do that.
“He means which one of us will you date?” Your jaw drops open. “Was this planned or something?” You're really hoping your not gonna get the answer you were thinking of. “It kind of went better than we thought” Jeno starts. “We asked Mark if he could announce the game sat in front of you to get picked with you. We also made sure the circle would be big so the bottle has a higher chance of landing in between two people which was us an-”
Before Jaemin could finish. You hop off the bed and grab your clothes making sure to clean yourself up. “No wait,” Jeno says as he pulls your arm lightly. “We just both like you and thought this was a good way to decide. “You think the best way was for to see who I liked better in bed?” They were both silent. You shook your head in disapproval. “I'm not picking between you too” You walk towards the door but before you could turn the knob, you hear Jaemin say something.
“So you’ll just have to have us both them” You look at him thinking about it at first. Honestly, you didn't mind having them both at the same time. “I guess ill just have to have you both then,” You say with a smile, leaving them both with their jaws hanging.
You walk down the party fixing your hair trying not to look like you just woke from a 1,000 year nap. You find Giselle who’s passed out on the couch and go to grab her. “Hey,” she says as she opens her eyes. “I'm so-“ She leans on you as she passes out. You drag her to the front door getting ready to leave. “You're leaving already” You look around to see Mark. “Yes, and I really don’t appreciate you helping out Jaemin and Jeno to get a chance to fuck me” his eyes widen. “Look it wasn’t my ide-“ You flick him on the forehead before heading out to a taxi and driving back to your place.
The whole car ride back home, you couldn’t help but think about how they could be if the time wasn’t so short. Maybe an all night experience for next time.
PLEASE TELL ME IF U WANT ME TO MAKE A PART 2. Im really tempted to make one but I want your thoughts so please let me know! :)
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beann-e · 3 years
I have a head cannon that bakugou would not be sweet to who he liked or dated and instead deny it and hate on them even more.
The reason being because he doesn’t really understand feelings so, when he’s talking badly about you he just assumes it’s normal and a bit funny at the lies he’s spitting that his just continuously friends are eating up.
he’s been talking bad about people for years so , who cares if your his s/o your no acceptation all people are equal in his mind. Now lemme explain please fall in line and hold a buddys hand kids we’re going on a trip inside my brain
It wasn’t easy getting the spiky haired male to ask you out honestly if someone asked you , which they’d never dare since they’d never know per bakugous request him saying it’s not their business , how you two got together you would shrug your shoulders and walk off.
It wasn’t that it was a boring day or a simple question that you supplied the answer for. It was that it was unusual.
You’d been at quirk practice after school in the gym like you’d usually do only this time bakugou made his way over to you.
You’d been seeing him more often when you were in the gym and you weren’t sure why until he explained that he was interested in your workout routine saying you two could have a contest to see who’s was more grueling
It seemed like fun so like any competitive person you agreed. Only for him to tap out on day two your laughs swirling around the gym as he fought so hard to say he only lost because he just didn’t like how the air would hit his ass crack anytime he did your little girly squats you’d wrote down for him.
You couldn’t say you weren’t both confused and happy when he let the air calm down before he spoke “ i’m kind of conflicted “ his eyes coming up to look at yours from the floor “ could you maybe help me“
“ of course what’s up “
“ i’m at a standstill “
“ more like a sit still “ you joked eyes peering down at his straight face “ yeah ok let’s imagine that didn’t happen —continue “
“ uh yeah anyways — i’m at a standstill because honestly I like your shit workout “ he shook his head to the floor “ but I also like you so I find myself thinking if I couldn’t get through your workout even though I enjoyed it so much could I “
his voice rasped shakily “ could I get through a relationship with you even though I like you even more “
truthfully you’d wish you’d said no because right now you wanted nothing more than to just be friends with the male sitting across the room from you.
It’s not that you didn’t like him of course you did he was hot , smart, and felt strongly about his goals but, he was an asshole.
Not in the aspect of hes just mean and rude but he was an all around prick as he laughed with his friends from across the room.
Their voices only getting louder as you sat alone a few seats away from them trying to complete some work on your desk you’d just been given “ dude gotta admit class 1-A’s got some hot chicks “
“ yeah honestly minas top three if we’re being truthful “
“mina dude come on have you seen jirou “
“ don’t even get me started “ denkis voice came out in a soft groan “ god I would— “
“ yeah yeah all that jazz but “ seros voice came out soft. His hand coming up to point at the seat as you sat in with your head down eyes furrowed in anger at the math on your paper that wasn’t syncing up with your brain right now
“ y/n “ his fist tightened as he groaned “ y/n could get it on all accounts — the car “
“ you don’t have a car “ denkis voice came out as sero continued
“ the school bathroom “
“ but which one ? because one of you would have to go in the wrong sex’s unless its a handicap or family stal-“
“the fucking dorms “
“ y/n ? “ kirishima asked quickly “ y/n l/n ? “
“ fuck yeah “
“ hmm “ kirishima studied you before shaking his head “ honestly kinda hot never really paid attention to that stuff before though “
“ what the fuck how can’t you “
“ uh i’m more so a personality guy “
“ so by personality would you fuck em ‘ “
“ not to be vulgar but of course “ his answer taking no time “ y’know how fun they’d be in a relationship though not just with sex ? imagine cuddles—fuck —what about cuddle monster y/n maybe ? god that’d be so hot “
denki getting restless as he held his thoughts in from the other males. His mind spazzing before finally getting to speak “ i’d fuck her too “ he yelled everyone’s eyes going sharp on the boy before he coughed “ id rock it too — we’re talking about getting mullets “
“ oh boys that’d be kinda hot “ you said laughing sarcastically sero turning to you smiling softly “ oh yeah on who in particular “
“ mm totally blondie over there “
“ the fuck ? “ his eyes shot away from denkis and moved to yours anger pouring through his gaze making you jerk back a little in surprise “ the hell you mean i’d look hot “
your eyebrows creased “ well because I — you do you would “
“ don’t go talking out of your ass you hear me—shit people like you don’t deserve to talk to anyone about looks “ your mouth went dry at his lazer stare.
His lips curling up into a smirk before he shook his head “ these assholes are talking about fucking you yknow “ he whispered to you “ you gonna let em ? you gonna let em right? because that’s the only attention you’d ever get right “
“ bakubro hold up chill out “
“ yeah bakubro chill out “ you said your gaze wavering from the hard one you’d had when you felt the heat radiating off of him no comfort coming from him to you only confusing you more. Had you two been in a secret argument that you knew nothing about
“ whatever “ he leaned back in his chair as the class went back to what they were doing your hands gripping the pencil when the class got even louder but you only searching for your boyfriends voice easily drowning out the others
“ i’d never fuck “ your heart broke at the deep voice youd identified
“ dude seriously come on with the lies —fucking beautiful “
“ correctomundo my friend their absolutely stunning “
his laugh ripping through their claims hand jerking back to point at you “ you think their beautiful much less hot ? “
“ yeah you don’t ? “ denki spat all of them looking at the boy like he was crazy for enjoying this obviously racy topic right now much less taking the wrong side of the debate
“ I literally just sat here and said I wouldn’t fuck em’ pokémon —so you can guess what that correlates to “
“ hey dude why’re you being sucha a dick —the personality’s top tier even if your stupid enough to think their not at least hot“ kirishima putting the ending words in quotation marks honestly a bit upset with his friend
“ hey watch it your over here defending an extra like your gonna make moves on em “ he laughed “ I advise otherwise “
you let out a sigh thinking he’d finally stopped acting the way he was. Your mind preparing to only give him the silent treatment for today and then tomorrow peppering him with kisses until he laughed and apologized for his words
Heart only being snatched away from your body when you heard his deep vibrating voice cut through the room “ probably gonna give you a rash from all the shit that’s on their mouth all the time “
it’s just lipgloss.
Lipgloss bakugou bought you packs of earlier this week after he swore he loved the taste and scent.
moving to wipe at it gently with the sleeve of your outfit him still going causing tears to start building up in your eyes “ bet the bitch doesn’t even shower —had em’ over for a project last night had to wash my sheets and blanket —took hours last night “
“ oh “ denki let out “ I was a bit confused when I saw you at the laundry room at 3 in the morning.
Tears blurring your vision as you thought about his earlier words when he’d given you your favorite sweater of his after saying he’d washed it for you because he knew you wouldn’t do it yourself because in his words ‘ you would never wash it without his help because you were a creep and didn’t want to erase his smell or some shit ‘
“ yeah —smelled so bad im telling you stay away you don’t wanna ask em’ out “
you moved to grab your phone as he kept talking you typing out a message as best as you could before hitting send. His hand moving off the desk and going in his pants pocket to pull his phone out keeping it hidden under the table eyes trailing over the screen
Firefighter >3
baby are we arguing
if your mad at me please just tell me don’t just talk shit about me in front of your friends
him locking his phone and placing it on his desk before you typed out one more message him letting out a sigh as he grabbed for it again
firefighter >3
if you keep going we’re over
“ but imagine whoever bags them apart from bakugou at least since we all know he’s all anti hot y/n “
“ they’d be so lucky “
“ yeah right “ he spoke lowly almost trying to hide his voice from you eyes glued to his phone “ wouldn’t dare “
“ wouldnt dare what bakugou “
“ oh wouldnt dare be —-be lucky “ he locked his phone again “ feel bad for the person dating them all the shit they gotta go through put up with , claims they make through message and not with real words, being too much of a pussy to speak up for themselves“
he shook his head softly eyes twitching “ you wouldn’t put up with that —you couldn’t put up with that your not built for it you gotta have tough skin y’know like me “
he licked his lips moving to sit up straighter when hearing his phone vibrate “ don’t uh “
firefighter >3
one more bakugou
one more bakugou katsuki and were over
his eyes darting over to yours before his eyebrows furrowed and body shook in anxiousness he couldn’t figure out what to do.
He was an asshole you knew this so why the fuck were you being such a crybaby now? did he pick the wrong person to date he thought you were strong
He genuinely just wanted to keep these creeps away from what’s his by scaring them off he wasn’t doing anything wrong? well at least in his eyes
He moved to talk again trying his best to string together a nice sentence “ just don’t uh ask —ask em’ out —-their utter dog shit when it comes to relationships leave it to someone who can handle that y’know “
he relaxed into his chair at his victory when he watched you throw your phone to the table and fix your skirt and standup. Him sighing out when you picked up your stuff to leave “ thank all might “ he whispered head shooting to lean back against his desk chair and look up at the sky blood running cold when his phone vibrated against the table
firefighter >3
all your shits gonna be outside my dorm door. So you might want to come collect it before I have half and half lighting campfires tonight
y’know since i’m such a shit person —gotta hope your bestie deku can give me some after school lessons on personalities. He’s so sweet I bet he’ll fix me right up
screw you katsuki see you in hell
“ the —the fuck what did —the hell did I do wrong “ he screamed when he saw you slam the classroom door after flicking him off
his friends eyes moving from the door to bakugous phone that he’d thrown on the table.
Todorokis eyes going wide when he read his stupid nickname given to him by the steamy male “ I —I uh“ he coughed “ I think i’m gonna go help y/n since their now single—don’t want em’ getting hurt with amateur fire starters again when i’m right here “
his stone face peered down at the red faced boy “ I mean that is ok with you bakugou seeing as though you two were most likely in a relationship by the messages before today “
“ you asshole did you go through me and my s/o’s messages “
“ judging by the series of recent text I don’t believe that’s the case for you two anymore “ he reached to grab his backpack saying a formal goodbye before he spoke “ I feel like i’m needed by a very —very perfectly intelligent unshitty person right now “
seros voice coming out softly as he let bakugous phone fall to the table disappointment in his eyes “ look uh —dude you didn’t have to mess your relationship up just to go against us ? “ he winced at the claim“ honestly you could’ve stayed quiet the whole time —it’s not like we agreed with you anyways “
bakugou leaned back in his chair anger swirling in his stomach as he felt his body sweat at the new heat spreading throughout his whole body.
How the hell did he mess up where the hell did he mess up he explained to you he wasn’t gonna treat you any differently than any other extra here and that went for basic conversations too
Maybe he went a bit far with the dont date em ‘ that was probably it you didn’t like how he said don’t date you because he was the only one who could handle you right ?
He shook his head a bit confused you just wanted him to say that you could handle yourself and didn’t need him right ?
So , why the hell did he feel like he’d done something wrong he wasn’t stupid but he just wasn’t well versed in feelings. He already didn’t know how to handle his own so how was he expected to handle another persons.
To him his words were normal he talked about all people like this hell, he bullied deku for 3 years going as far as to make a special nickname for him
that wasn’t even the worse he could’ve done and you knew that so why was he in trouble and worrying about Icy hot taking his place
He was honestly confused?
Could words really be that hurtful?
could his words really be that hurtful ?
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sailorhyunjinz · 3 years
What do you think first kiss with skz be like?
aAWH SOME FLUFF T-T OK BUT KEEP IN MIND- fluff is not my strongest pursuit hence why im not a fluff writer hahsah but HEY ITS CUTE!! and anon,,, im so sorry this took such time IM SO SO SORRY AAAAAAAAH- 
also this makes me wanna know my anons first kiss story, AAAH SPILL THEM 
warnings; none?? fluff,,, wow,, rare to say that LMAO- also gn!reader and also suggestiveee??
will only kiss you if you are REALLY ready for it and if the two of you are dating
doesnt want to rush you into things (even if its just a kiss) because he doesnt know how comfortable you are and such
basically a sweetheart
i imagine its like a cute little date
 night where you guys are stargazing, lying on a blanket on a grassy hill with his arm as a pillow for your head
“chan, look! its a shooting star! make a wish” you giggle to which he smiles, looking at your pretty features that are lit up by the moonlight
“hmm,,, dear star, i wish that y/n would kiss me” he says, laughing directly after but soon being interupted as you attach your plushy lips against his
its probably the most romantic event in your life
him smiling into the kiss as your tongues danced around softly
when you pulled away you laughed, saying; “wishes do really come true, huh?”
poor baby is blushing, his ears red but thankfully for him its too dark for you to see
the “evil roommate that secretly has feelings for you”
“lee minho i swear im gonna rip your hair off if you touch my plants again”
minho got out of his room, looking at you standing in the living room and rearranging the plants on the windowsill 
“they are all scattered, it’s ugly” he says rudely
“dont call my children ugly” you spit back at him 
there was always a weird tension between you and minho. you were glad to have found a roommate that made a good friend eventhough he was a pain in the ass sometimes
minho liked you,,, and therefore he did everything the opposite of what he felt. if he wanted to compliment you on your outfit he would instead say that you looked “overdressed” or “too much” but you always rolled your eyes towards his snarky comments
you pecked your plants, giving them the love they needed and minho just stood frozen in the doorway, without thinking he spoke
“how come you never do that to me?”
you sneered, placing down the plant you held and streched out your arms
“c’mere if you dare” you said jokingly, not expecting the boy you always thought was so devilish to run into your arms, lips touching and your eyes widening at the unexpected action
the two of you held each other, breathing shaky as wet tongues collided, the sun beaming upon your figures
“m-minho,,, it was a joke!” you laughed, slapping his arm playfully as you pulled away
“but to me it wasn’t” he remarked cockily, licking the inside of his cheek
very much giving me like “we dont like each other but we have to work with each other”
like you two are co-workers, working in a boring office and you were assigned to put together this one report and,,, lets say Changbin wasnt your favorite in the office
there was nothing wrong with him,,, its just his vibe that was off putting but sigh,,, work is work
you started compiling information, sitting in a seperate room and drawing graphs on the whiteboard, projecting some other type of research onto the board
“do you think we will need to stay late?” he asks, ruffling his hair in frustration
you sigh and nod, this wasnt going to get done anytime soon.
dawn set on horizon and the others workers packed up their belonging one by one and left until there was only you and changbin left in the now quiet office
you sat next to him, yawning as you typed something as you felt him looking at you
you looked back with a questionable expression, confused when he uttered his words
“do you hate me, y/n?”
“i mean,,, you are a dick sometimes but i dont hate you, at least you do your work”
he shrugged his shoulders, loosening his necktie as he leaned back into the office chair
“a dick, huh? maybe i try to push you away so you wont catch the same feelings i have for you”
you snapped your head towards him. you couldnt lie, he was attractive and at this point you were desperate 
“kiss me then” you said simply causing the boy to immediately cup your cheeks, latching onto your lips as if he’d waited for this moment for forever
more tongue, wants you to feel him ;))
lets just say,,, he made it up to you
i get this like,,, youthful vibe,,, like the two of you were childhood friends
and,,, eventually you catch feelings for him which you hate because,,, you dont want to ruin this friendship 
every time somebody mistook you for a couple the both of you would make retching noises, mocking each other
“you think my standards are that low?” hyunjin says pointing at you to which you raise your fist
“hwang hyunjin, you’re dead meat”
but,,, he was only in denial, it was his childhood friend afterall
probably happened at one of those night where your mom was working late and you invited hyunjin to keep you company, him bringing kkami as well. 
“dont fucking burn the pizza, hyunjin” you say, petting kkami until the little rascal ran away from your lap
“if you helped it wouldnt be burned” he replies as he comes out with two plates with the pizza burned on the edges
“but if they taste bad you can always taste my lips” he jokes and you look at him with a disgusted facial expression before laughing
“i bet they taste even worse then your mess of a pizza, i would like to see you try to even get me to peck you” you scoff and hyunjin rolls his eyes, sitting next to you on the sofa
“try it then” he taunts but is taken aback when you actually kiss him, your nose accidentally brushing against his as you purse your lips, hyunjin timidly using his tongue to test the waters
he wanted it so bad and he finally got it >:(( he could swear that he heard fireworks going off in his brain
a moment of silence appeared until hyunjin cockily uttered:
“so,,, did they taste better?”
the “i met you at a party and made out with you drunk”
he stared at you the entire night, catching glances while you looked away and the music blared in the nightclub that was packed with people.
you ordered a drink at the bar, tapping your fingers on the oak surface where you rested your arms, suddenly somebody bumped into you
turning around you saw jisung and you sighed, thinking his behaviour was starting to get annoying
“oh its you again” you said loud for him to hear as he sat down next to you, having a annoying smirk plastered on his lips
“looks like you are having fun, let me guess,,, you’re trying to get over your ex” jisung says, leaning his elbow against the bar and you glared at him because it was true
you scoffed, avoiding his question and instead sipping on the sour drink you had in your hands, trying to forget everything
he was attractive which only pissed you off even more, as if you hadnt had enough pretentious assholes in your life
the glass slammed against the table as you put it down harshly, gazing into the boys dark brown eyes
“alright, deal. make me forget then since you think you know everything about me” you stated to which jisung raised his eyebrow
the palm of his hand was firmly placed on the bar as he leaned in to kiss you, feeling the bitter liquour hitting his tastebuds as your tongues crashed against each other
it felt,,, freeing. you swung your arms around his neck, wanting him closer to your body
by the way he was kissing you, you could tell that he was there for the same reason as you. a sloppy and heated kiss to fill your thoughts with something other than your ex
safe to say that the kiss progressed ;))))
aaah cutie boyfriend that is just too shy to even give you a kiss like 3 months into the relationship (OK DONT ATTACK ME NOW, TAKE YOUR TIME, NO RUSH YOU GUYS)
he is shy with pretty much everything, it was only recently he could hold your hand without his heart jumping out of his chest.
it was a simple date night! takeout and games at his place
you layed your head in his lap as you watched him finish up the game that you had given up on a long time ago
he shifted awkwardly in his seat, not used to being so close to such a pretty person before
“ah- fuck! i lost again,,,” he says in defeat, his head rolling backwards before a frustrated sigh escaped his lips
“you did well felix! look how far you got!” you say, pointing towards the score on the screen but not getting his attention. 
you sat up, looking at him for a moment as his eyelashes lightly draped over his closed eyes, cheeks speckled with freckles
you couldnt help yourself, he looked so angelic despite being defeated and so you leaned in, lacing your fingers with his and softly placing your lips against his
he opened his eyes in panic before being swallowed by the fluffy feeling of having your lips to himself, he giggled before stroking your cheek as he tilted his head, almost setting a rhythm to the sweet kiss
felix started laughing shyly, cheeks tinged with red as he hid his face with a pillow
“but you won my kiss!” you said through a smile causing felix to blush even more
its like,,, maybe,,, your third or fourth date??
this one is more chill than the previous ones that were at like some fancy restaurang because hello dandy puppy boy wants class
but this one was like a stroll down the night streets and eating ice cream in the middle of the summer
both of you were casually dressed, holding hands as butterflies bubbled in your stomach from the contact
his hand is all warm and it engulfs yours >:(
you look at all the pretty sights of the night, eventually climbing up to some like high point and looking down at all the lights that blinked
after a good 1 1/2 hours of walking your legs were starting to ache and so you both sat down on the swings of a desolate playground, swinging gently with your legs dangling
“i dont understand how you’re able to,,, even be friends with me,,, or whatever we are,,”
seungmin hummed, looking up into the night sky
“i promise y/n, i will be your,,, friend but,,,”
you looked at him as he said “but”, imagining the worst 
“i dont wanna be friends, i wanna be more than a friend to you”
his eyes twinkled as he stood up and stood infront of you, grabbing your hand
you slowly looked up at him, his figure standing in the way of the moon as the two of you shared a long gaze, his eyes as sweet as honey, dripping with pure adoration
you pulled him closer by the hand and slowly he inched to your lips, the distance between you minimizing as his face tilted to the right, a delicate and sugary kiss landing on your tastebuds from the ice cream from earlier.
your heart skipped a beat, the slightest sound of lips smacking
“i think i love you y/n” he whispered close to your lips after pulling away. 
like,,, uni buddies! 
both being med students meant late study night, usually in school 
there’s papers and diagrams laid out all over the tables and floors along with a bunch of energy drink cans, some scribbles on the whiteboard 
the two of you were friends and met in uni and everyone had always nagged at you for not going after him since he was everything someone ever wanted
you always said that you were friends and that you couldnt imagine being in a relationship with jeongin
but studying with him alone into the deep night felt different, many times you couldnt concentrate when he looked so cute sitting right beside you
being close friends, there was nothing weird about hugging or leaning against each other and so you leaned against his shoulder and yawned as the cozy boy was rewriting some notes. 
“one hour left y/n and then- then we can go hoooome!”
you giggled as you looked at him and he diverted his attention from his papers to you, his lips only mere inches from yours
you didnt know what the fuck you were doing and neither did jeongin, it was late and the both of you were tired from studying for finals
and so your lips drew closer until they clashed, feeling a tension that you’ve never felt with him before
he’s definitely a shy,,, kisser?? not too much tongue since he doesnt know how LMAO so its like soft >:((
didnt know what to do when he pulled away, looking around the room or covering his blushing face with his hands but when you hug him he hugs you back
maybe even coming to terms that he does have feeling for you,,, and so do you~ 
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midnightmoonkiss · 3 years
Rough and tough pirate captain Deku, known only as forgiving/nice to those within his crew unless they do something completely unforgivable. One day, a very curious mermaid is exiled from her pod and finds the ship as its anchored for the night. There’s a roaring party on deck and Deku is looking at the stars for a bit, needing some fresh air and quite. That’s when the mermaid decides to make herself known.
She’s shy and skiddish, but Deku decides to climb down a side ladder, his own curiosity getting the best of him and once he’s close enough, he manages to gain her trust. They become friends and as the sun comes up, she begs to go with him. He agrees and she spends the next day swimming along side the ship, careful to stay out of sight of the crew, since mermaids are “nothing more than a fairytale to humans” as she told Deku. It’s important that it remains that way for the sake of her species.
As night falls again, Deku goes to meet her again, but this time she’s been doing so much without any sleep. She’s got 0 protection from her pod, sleeping in a cave is still exposed and dangerous, as well as running a risk of being left behind. Deku gets an idea and lowers a dingy off the side of the ship, adding some blankets and pillows to it. He isn’t sure why he’s being so nice with her, something about her personality is just so alluring to him.
He spends as much time as he can with her before she finally falls asleep, and then promises to come down in the morning to help her out. But the next morning, he slept in and there’s a commotion on deck. Overnight, her tail (from being totally dry for the first time) has changed into human legs. Everyone is shouting about a stowaway, which the captain is known to never tolerate. Depending on how they act, the punishment can be.. severe. So not only to protect her secret, he’s also gotta protect his reputation. He looks scary and mean, threatening, as he scoops her up and takes her below deck and tosses her into a cage (as everyone curiously watches) and locks the door.
I forgot where I was going with this because mean and scary Deku infiltration in my brain 🥵🥴 anyway yeahhhh that’s all I got
Pain stabs at his heart when genuine fear flashes in her eyes, and for a brief moment he felt the urge to call out to her, to reassure her that all was ok.
But the fact of the matter is that he couldnt.
Reputation was all a pirate had, and even if he trusted his crew, you never trust a dirty pirate.
Not even himself. Thats just how it is and how it will always be.
He watches with turmoil swirling in his stomach as some members of the crew wolf whistle and coo at the girl he’s begun to fancy.
He had half a mind to slice off their hands that they shoved into the cell to touch her.
Swallowing the bile creeing up his throat, he walked away, key swinging on his finger.
“You scabby sea basses best get back to work or you’ll be eating a bullet for supper,” Deku seethed through his teeth as he climbed the stairs.
The crew scrambled back to their posts, and he felt sick to his stomach.
It wasnt until nightfall that he could return back to the cell when all of his crew were asleep.. he hated this.
The look on her face upon seeing him nearly made him collapse.
“I’m sorry..” he spoke with sincerity, but she turns away.
He earned her trust, but now he feared he lost it completely.. he wouldnt blame her.
Sitting down on the floor, he rests his forehead against the dirty cell bars, eyes slipping shut
“I had to do it..”
“For what reason!” She shot back, venom in her words and a hiss on her tongue, head snapping towards him,
“It is scary with legs!! Scary with these people looking at me like meat! I’m so scared.. Izuku I..” She trailed off, biting her lip, fighting back tears.
She had never been so far from home before, so far from her people, so far from safety.. exile weighed her down, and here she lay in a boat with someone she thought she could trust.
She did still trust him... she was just.. hurt. And confused.. so many emotions that she felt her head start to spin.
His cool voice calmed her instantly, “I won’t let them hurt you..”
“I want out of this cell.” Your fixed gaze and firmness left him with no other option. Besides, he didnt want to see her in there either.
Rising to his feet, he swiftly unlocked the cell, “Can you stand?”
“N-no.. not.. not yet...”
Izuku is a smart man, he prided himself on his intelligence, he could surely come up with a way for her to never step foot into a cell again.
Pirates.. pirates. Ah.
“Come,” He easily lifted her up again, creeping cautiously up the steps and around the deck, “You’ll stay with me in my quarters for the time being.”
“Is that truly appropriate?” She question, fingers threading through his stray locks of hair.
“I’m a pirate, darling, it doesnt have to be appropriate.”
Moving her to rest on his hip, he pulled the keys out of his pocket again, unlocking his captains quarters.
Once inside, he shut and locked it once more.
His display of strength certainly wooed her, a low purr in her throat.
“What is your plan?”
He placed her on his grand bed, planning to sleep on the couch he had in the corner, “My plan..”
Plopping onto the couch, he pulled off his boots and unhooked his belt, pushing it to the floor as he relaxed, “You stay in here with me for a while, I claim to the crew that you’re mine, they leave you alone. You’re free to leave whenever..”
“Is it ok if I don’t leave?” She settled down as well, fixing him with a curious gaze.
Smiling, he nodded, eyes shutting as exhaustion swept over his body.
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violetnotez · 4 years
I just read your headcanons about treating Mirio,shouto and bakugou's hounds and it was soooo cuuuute kafkksfbksgkbs I wonder if you can do the same headcanons for Izuko, Hitoshi and maybe Tokoyami? OwO ♡♡♡♡♡
Hey bb! So unfortunately I don’t write for Tokoyami 👉🏼👈🏼 but I totally got ya on Izuku and Shinso! ❤️
Original post
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Please be aware you will have to be this dude’s nurse 24/7
He is just always getting hurt
No matter what, he can promise you as much as he wants that he won’t get hurt or he’ll try his best to be safe...
Lmao that doesn’t happen
You don’t know how many times you’ll be hanging out with him, and you’ll notice he has a limp he won’t tell you about
Or he’ll be at your door, covered in scraps and trying to convince you “it’s nothing, really!”
You and Recovery Girl are like besties at this point
Worst part is unless he’s like at deaths door he REFUSES to act like it’s a big thing
Like “oh my fingers are purple and look like burnt chicken-it’s chill”
He takes pain like a champ tho, like he will grimace here and there but he’ll never do anything but that
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
“Izuku-for the love of-“ you huffed our with exasperation as you struggled with the hem of his shirt. “-just take off your shirt!”
Poor Midoriya’s cheeks were on fire, his face very much resembling a red strawberry as his bruised digits wrapped around yours, trying desperately to keep his shirt down over his chest.
It wasn’t as if you’d ever seen him shirtless, you had seen him like that countless of times....he just didn’t want to worry you. Yeah his last patrol was a little-rougher-than the rest...but it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle!
But deep down he knew it looked pretty bad, the bruises blossoming under his skin, deepening with each hour as they were still pretty fresh. And even though they stung, and made it hard to move in certain positions, and-yeah it was kinda hard to breathe in certain ways....he was fine, he swears!
You stopped your tug of war against Izuku, hands falling limp against his thighs, your body hovering over his legs.
“Izuku please,” you pleaded, eyebrows furrowing in sympathy, “I know there’s something wrong...I just want to make sure your okay!”
“I know, I-I just-“ he stuttered our, green orbs full of guilt, “I don’t want to worry you!”
You huffed, feeling defeat flood your body, as you softly caressed the hem of Izuku’s shirt, his favorite one....
His favorite shirt.
It was cruel to do this to him, and you knew it was wrong, but of course you wouldnt actually do it...but that overwhelmingly cruel light bulb idea was now stuck in your brain and wasn’t letting go.
You sighed yet again, this time with an over exaggeration and devilish grin on your face.
“Oh, that’s okay then...” you stated, your words sickly sweet and understanding.
Izuku perked up, unaware by your drastic change in demeanor.
“R-really?!? It is?”
You looked at his slightly relieved face, smile still on your lips. “Yeah of course! If you don’t want to take off your shirt, I can always just cut it off of you-“
Izuku audibly gulped, wise eyes growing even larger.
You-you wouldn’t right? You knew well that this was one of his favorite tshirts, as it had his favorite hero on it plus it was the comfiest one he owned...he wouldn’t ever find a tshirt he loved as much as this one.
Izuku stared at your face, trying to see pass a bluff...but you were good at hiding your true emotions, eyes glinting mischievously in the hazy warm lights.
“So whats it gonna be ‘Zuku?” you asked softly, slowly trailing under the cloth of his shirt, leaving a lowing hum of electricity on his skin. “The scissors are right there after all-“
“I-I’ll take off the shirt,” he said sheepishly, cheeks glowing a shade of red.
You giggled at his expression, thankful he took the bait as you took his face in your hands, your thumbs trailing his infinite freckles.
He could be stubborn, but he always gave in...eventually.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ ✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧・゚:
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Really doesn’t like being “taken care of”
Like don’t get me wrong, you dotting over him makes him all warm and fuzzy inside,,,
But, idk, he just doesn’t like the feeling of being weak
Kind of like Izuku, tried to deny the fact he’s hurting
But he is much easier to persuade
Usually just takes a kiss or two and he gives in to your efforts
If you have to bandage him up, he likes to be a big flirt to cover up his grimaces
Gives you a bunch of blush worthy compliments,,,,,
Calls you his “Nurse Babe”
Whatever the hell that means
Honestly, after an hour of having your whole attention on him he is hooked
He will never be the same again...he is a hoe for that attention for eternity now 💀
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧
Your finger were feeling as if they were being tugged out their sockets, the huge bucket of soft soppy warm water sloshing dangerously in its container.
You stepped into the room where a bruised up Shinso lay on the floor, hand lazily scrolling on his phone.
Hearing you enter the room, his head tilted towards you, his once bored expression peeking up into curiousty. His violet eyes watched you intently as you set down the bucket with a huff, kneeling next to his body as you submerged some towels in the luke warm water.
“Whatcha doin’ doll?” He asked, voice still gruff from a nap he had taken a few minutes prior.
You simply continued your work, small smile on your lips as you placed a few towels in the floor.
“Well, since the doctors said you weren’t clear for a shower or bath for the night,” you stated softly, “I thought I’d give one myself.”
“So a sponge bath?” Shinso said plainly. “I’m not some old man, kitten, I’m perfectly fine to take a bath-hell, I can take a shower just fine.”
You clicked your tongue against the roof of your mouth, shaking your head at him.
“When your bruises aren’t the color of your hair, maybe I’ll believe you-“ you gave him a small grin, swallowing down a ball of saliva. “-now take off your shirt.”
Shinso simply chuckled, an exasperate sigh leaving his lips. He knew too well that you were determined to nursing him back to health (even though he felt he was perfectly fine)....so really, there was no point in trying to believe him. And at this point...he wasn’t to sure he even wanted you to.
Having all your undivided attention on him was...nice-even if he hated admitting it.
“Doll, if you just wanted me to strip down...” he said cheekily, that shit eating grin plastered on his pale skin. “All you had to was ask.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, helping hin slowly peel his shirt off his skin-thank god it was a button down, or this would have been a hell of a lot harder.
But sitting in his lap, hands trailing gently against the soft skin of his abdomen and those piercing eyes watching your every move...it wa snaking your body feel particularly too hot for an otherwise cool room.
“Aw, you poor thing,” Shinso cooed with an air of arrogance, “are you flustered?”
“N-no,” you stuttered, kicking yourself internally for your obvious slip up, “I’m just wondering how the hell you lost so hard to get so many bruises.”
Shinso chuckled at your feeble attempt at a comeback, loving how you were so affected by this change in the atmosphere.
He deifnitely wnated to capitalize on this moment, his digits cradling your face as he forced you to look at him.
He grinned yet again, teeth biting his bottom lips as he gazed at you with a hungry look.
“Aw, but you are-” he murmured, his voice dropping an octave.
“-It’s okay doll, you don’t have to hide it from me...I like seeing you like this,”
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* ✧ ✧・゚: *✧
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Plant Your Hope With Good Seeds
Dukeceit Week Day 3: Snakes/Bugs
Remus and Janus break up. But literally everyone knows that's not what they want. Everyone, including their plants.
AO3 Link: [here]
Word Count: 4337
Warnings: n/a
@dukeceitweek <3
Unknown Number
hey so i kno i said i wouldnt text u but rupert isnt doin good. can i bring him back? he misses u
Janus stared at the text for several minutes. Rupert was, of course, the Monstera Variegata that he and Remus had raised together all the way from propagation. It had been one of the pride and joys of their plant collection. Losing Rupert in the split had hurt almost as much as losing Remus.
Is it getting enough light? Remember it needed the grow light even next to the window. 
Janus texted back against his better judgement. He and Remus were broken up. They’d agreed not to text for a while. They’d agreed to give each other space, get used to being apart. 
It sucked, though. The apartment felt empty without Remus and half their plant collection.
Unknown Number
ya i kno. but i don’t have any south facign windows here. our place is better
Unknown Number
i mean ur place
Janus sighed morosely. Well, if it was for Rupert…
Fine. Rupert can come back.
Unknown Number
yay! ill be in town this weekend. ill bring him ok?
And then Janus promptly threw his phone across the room.
Because here’s the thing. Janus and Remus were broken up. Remus had moved eight hours away and everything. He’d been accepted into the Nuclear Engineering graduate program a state away, and they had both heard too many horror stories about long-distance relationships to brother trying. So they’d had a very civil and mutual split. Janus kept the apartment. Remus took the TV. And they’d divided their plant family between them: they each kept their favorites, and Remus had taken the hardier plants, while Janus kept the ones that were likely not to survive an interstate move.
And then… Remus left.
And Janus had not immediately wanted him back. Not at all.
(And, of course, Janus was lying to himself.)
Remus texted him Saturday morning that he was on his way, and Janus spent the first few hours of the wait stress-cleaning. He then checked on every single plant in the apartment. Watered the ones that needed it. Rotated some of the more vivacious growers so that they wouldn’t lean full-body toward their light source. Moved his small army of Sansevierias out to the apartment balcony for some extra sun.   
Then, when all that still failed to fill up the entire eight hours of waiting, he started stress-cooking. So by the time Remus texted that he’d just gotten off the highway, Janus had himself a pot of minestrone soup simmering on the stove, a tray of made-from-scratch lasagna in the oven, and was mixing up a batch of double chocolate chip cookies. 
There was no way he was going to eat all this food himself, he realized. He was so used to booking big meals like this, because Remus ate like he was three people. And lasagna was his favorite.
“Oh, Jake, what am I doing?” he groaned to the N’Joy Pothos that cascaded down the side of the refrigerator. And then his doorbell rang. 
Janus opened the door to find Remus, dancing awkwardly from foot to foot, with his face half-hidden behind the green-and-white leaves of Rupert. 
“...Hey,” Remus said, sounding sheepish. Janus’ heart clenched.
“Hi,” he said. They stood there in the doorway for a full minute before Janus stepped back and motioned for Remus to follow. Remus hesitated, but obeyed. 
“Uh… I’ll just…” Remus looked around. Janus hated how uncomfortable he looked. Until about two weeks ago, this had been Remus’ apartment, too. “Can I put him in his old spot?”
“Sure,” Janus replied with a nod. Rupert’s old spot had been in the bedroom, where the big, beautiful south-facing window let in a ton of light. He’d moved Venus de Milos, his Marble Queen Pothos, and La Hoya Jackson, the finicky Hoya Carnosa that Remus had wanted but didn’t expect to make the 8-hour drive without going into shock, to free up Rupert’s spot. Remus hesitated again, before he nodded awkwardly and wandered off to the bedroom, all three feet of plant and two gallons of soil in tow. Janus went to the oven and took out the lasagna. 
“Howl looks good,” Remus said when he came back into the kitchen. Janus glanced up from where he was laying balls of cookie dough out onto baking sheets. 
“Thank you,” he replied. Howl was their dramatic fiddle leaf fig tree, which had decided to throw a fit just before Remus left. “I switched it to a terracotta pot with peat moss and pearlite, and doubled its water intake. It seems to be tolerating it well.”
“Good.” There was a long pause. Then,” How are you?”
Janus looked back to the cookies. “I’m doing well,” he lied. “And you? Do you start class soon?”
“Next week,” Remus answered. “And, uh. Yeah, I’m doin’ good.” Another long pause. “Uh… I’ll just. Head out, I guess.”
“You could stay,” Janus blurted out. Shit. “For dinner, I mean.” He gestured to the tray of lasagna, fresh from the oven. “If you want.”
Remus gave him an uncharacteristically shy smile, then nodded slowly. He didn’t say anything, though, so Janus just gestured for him to take a seat at the table. And then he joined him, a plate of lasagna for each of them.
“So tell me, how’s living with Roman again?” Janus asked, a few bites into the meal, because he could not take the awkward silence a moment longer.
“It’s ok,” Remus answered. He shoveled another forkful of lasagna into his mouth. “This is really good, Jan.”
Janus smiled softly. “Thank you.” A pause. “Roman doesn’t mind all the plants?”
“Nah, he’s dating this guy Patton who apparently loves plants, so the apartment being full of houseplants is a huge plus to him now.”
“Good for him.” The oven timer went off, startling him slightly. He started to get up, but Remus waved him off.
“I got ‘em, you did all the cooking.”
Janus didn’t protest. Remus got up and took the cookies out of the oven. And he even moved them to a cooling rack like Janus had taught him to do. He came back to the table. 
“How’s work?”
Janus sighed. “Oh, terrible as always,” he answered. “I really must start looking for a new job.”
“Finally getting fed up?” Remus teased. Janus rolled his eyes. More seriously, Remus continued, “You deserve better, Jan. You gotta find some place that treats you right and pays you what you’re worth.”
“Thank you, Remus.”
“And hey, just sayin’, I still think you’d make an excellent stripper.”
Janus snorted at that. “I haven’t fully ruled out that particular career change.”
They fell easily back into their usual banter, lingering late into the night over a dessert of milk and cookies. It was pushing 10pm when Remus glanced at his phone and cursed softly. Janus glanced at his phone as well.
“Ah, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to keep you so late,” he said. Remus shrugged.
“Nah, it’s cool. Thanks for dinner, Jan. It was real good, as always.”
“Where are you staying?”
“Uh… well, the plan was to stay with Logan, but I guess he had some kind of family emergency, so I don’t wanna trouble him. I’ll probably see if I can find a hotel room.”
Janus’ brow furrowed at that. “Why don’t you just stay here?”
“Oh, uh. I don’t wanna trouble you. I kinda feel like I already overstayed my welcome a bit?”
“Nonsense. A hotel room will cost you at least $100 for the night, and that’s simply ridiculous,” Janus insisted. “You should just stay here.”
Remus worried at his lip, which Janus knew meant he was mulling over his options. Then, he nodded. “If it’s not a bother?”
“Of course not. You’re not a bother, Remus.”
Remus’ eyes softened, and he smiled. “Ok. Thank you. Oh… lemmie go get my overnight back outta my truck.”
When Remus came back inside, Janus had just about finished making up the couch. 
“Hey, you don’t gotta get all fancy,” Remus teased. “You know I can sleep basically anywhere.”
“This is for me,” Janus replied. He fluffed up one of the pillows a bit more. “You take the bed.”
An odd look flashed across Remus’ face. “No way, Jan. I’m good on the couch.”
“Remus, you just drove eight hours, and you’re doing it again tomorrow. I am not letting you fuck up your back.”
‘I don’t-”
“Yes you do, no matter how often you say you can sleep anywhere,” Janus scoffed. “You can’t lie to me.”
Remus’ eyes softened, and after a moment, he sighed. “Ok, Jan. But what about you?”
“I’ll be fine.”
“You hate sleeping on couches.”
“It’s only one night-”
“And don’t you work tomorrow?”
“Yes, but-”
“You’re going to be so grumpy at work without a proper night’s sleep.”
“I’m usually grumpy at work anyway,” Janus pointed out. Remus snorted.
“Ok, that’s true. But I don’t want you to be even grumpier,” he said. “Let’s just share the bed.”
Janus eyed him for a moment. This was a terrible idea. They should not do this.
“Ok,” Janus said anyway.
They got ready for bed in awkward silence, which just made Janus miss Remus’ long, rambling chatter that much more. When Janus finished in the bathroom, he found Remus sitting gingerly on what used to be his side of the bed. Janus came over and sat down on the other side.
“Hey, uh… thanks,” Remus said. “For lettin’ me stay.”
“Of course,” Janus answered. “I… I still think of you as a friend, Remus.”
At that. Remus grimaced slightly. He didn’t say anything, seeming unable to find the right words. Before he could, Janus pulled back the top blankets on the bed and laid down. After a moment, Remus did the same.
“Good night, Remus,” Janus said quietly.
“...Good night, Janus,” Remus answered. Then he reached over and shut off the light.
Remus played that night over and over in his head in the days after he got home, and each and every time, he was just as stumped. 
He knew, in his brain, why he and Janus had broken up. It had been the only thing that made sense at the time, when the facts were just that Remus was moving away to pursue a lifelong dream, and Janus would never ever try to stop him from doing so. So they broke up. It made sense… right? 
But… That morning, he’d woken up to Janus curled up in his arms, face smushed against Remus’ neck, and… Remus had completely forgotten why they had even broken up in the first place.
Remus was back at Roman’s apartment, now. Eight hours away in his own cold bed, arms empty of the man he loved, just staring at the ceiling. A sharp knock on his door snapped him out of his daze.
“Rise and shine, Sleeping Beauty,” Roman called. “Don’t you have class in like an hour?”
“Fuck!” Remus scrambled to get up, but succeeded only in rolling out of the bed.
“Don’t forget to lock the door when you leave,” Roman added. Clearly he was unconcerned by the loud “thump” of a body hitting the floor. 
“Yup, got it,” Remus groaned in reply. He staggered, successfully this time, to his feet. 
Getting dressed was a rushed affair of ‘grab whatever’s closest,’ and soon he emerged from the bedroom with one shoe on, the other in his hand, and his backpack slung over one shoulder. He rushed into the kitchen to grab the travel mug of coffee Janus always set out for him in the mornings. And then the realization hit: Janus didn’t live here.
Remus dropped his shoe. 
The rest of the day went about as well as it could have gone without any coffee- that is to say, terribly. He got lost trying to get to campus, then he got lost again trying to get to class. Then he got stuck in traffic on the way back to Roman’s apartment. And then, to top it all off, the grocery store had been out of his favorite chips. 
So here he was, mopey and chip-less, and fucking exhausted. He dumped his backpack and collapsed face-first onto the couch. Roman, who happened to be sitting on said couch, made a noise of protest.
“Move, I need to sulk,” Remus mumbled, though his voice was thoroughly muffled by Roman’s thigh, since that was where his face had landed. 
“What on earth do you need to sulk for?” Roman asked incredulously. He moved to shove Remus off of him, but Remus went full ragdoll, and Roman couldn’t do a damn thing. “You are a grown man, you know.”
Remus turned his head just enough to stick his tongue out at Roman. Roman stuck his tongue out back.
“I had a terrible day, I earned a good sulk.”
“Didn’t like your classes?”
“Nah, they were great.”
“Then Zeus Almighty, what are you so mopey-dopey about?” Roman remanded.
Remus squirmed around so he was laying on his back, head still in Roman’s lap, to look up at his brother. “So… uh… you promise not to get all, like. I told you so and shit?” 
“You miss Janus!”
“No! I-”
“You do!” Roman crowed triumphantly. Remus rolled onto his side so he didn’t have to look at his brother’s dumb gloaty face.
“...Maybe,” he groaned. Abruptly, he clamored to his feet and started for the stairs. “I gotta go build a chair.”
“Carpentry won’t solve your relationship problems,” Roman called after him.
“I know,” Remus called back. “Wrong type of wood.” If Roman had a response to that, Remus was already out the door and didn’t have to hear it. 
Patton found him out in front of the apartment building some time later, a jigsaw in hand, and a pile of cut wooden dowels at his feet.
“Hey, kiddo, what are you up to?”
Remus looked up from where he was balancing a plank of wood precariously across a milk crate, because his work table was one of the things he’d had to leave behind at Janus’ place.
“Oh, hey. Ro-bro’s upstairs.”
Patton gave him the sort of smile teachers gave to the kid they caught eating glue for the fourth time. “That doesn’t look super safe. Do you want any help?”
Remus took in Patton’s soft blue sweater and the dad-jeans from the nicer end of his closet, as well as the reusable grocery store bag that smelled suspiciously like some kind of lovely home-cooked meal; he shook his head. “You look dressed for a date night,” he said. “I don’t wanna fuck up two relationships this week.”
Patton’s eyes, impossibly, got even bigger and softer than they normally were, which honestly was quite the feat. He walked over to the stairs but, instead of making his way up to Roman’s apartment, he plopped down on the third step, facing Remus. Remus stared, bewildered.
“Uh, what’chu doin’ there, pops?”
“Well, it just sounded like you needed to talk,” Patton replied cheerfully. “So here I am.”
Remus stared a moment longer, somehow even more bewildered than before. “Uh…”
“I know I haven’t known you very long,” Patton continued. “But something tells me you’re the type of person who busts out the power tools when you’re upset.”
“How the hell can you tell that?”
Patton glanced over his shoulder, then leaned forward slightly. “Because,” he said, voice lowered conspiratorially. “I’m like that too.”
Remus blinked. “You?”
“Yup! I replaced all the tables and chairs in my house with ones I made myself after my last breakup,” Patton giggled. “Only two of them collapsed when I sat in them, too!”
Remus glanced down at the jigsaw in his hands, and then he sighed. He set it down, and went to sit next to Patton on the steps. 
“Ok, well. Yeah, maybe I’m kinda upset.”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Yeah? No? Maybe?”
“Yup, those are your three options!” Patton teased. Remus rolled his eyes.
“Ok, fine. You win, daddy-o. I’m upset because I miss my boyfriend. Or, well, my ex-boyfriend. I want him to be my boyfriend again.”
“Have you told him that?”
“Of course not,” Remus whined.
“Why not?”
“Because… I mean. It wouldn’t change anything. I still moved away. And I don’t even know if he’d want to be my boyfriend again either. Maybe he’s happier now.”
“You don’t know that,” Patton said gently. “Sure, maybe the circumstances aren’t the best right now, but if you both want it, things have a funny way of working out. But you have to talk to him.”
“I…” Remus paused. And then he sighed deeply. “I guess you’re right. Hey thanks, that did actually sorta help.”
Patton offered him a gentle smile. “Of course, Remus! Any time!”
They both turned to see Roman standing at the top of the stairs, arms crossed.
“My own brother, hogging my boyfriend like this! The betrayal-”
“Relax, Ro, he’s not my type,” Remus shot back. “I prefer sarcastic little menaces.”
Patton giggled at that. He stood up and patted Remus on the shoulder. “I hope things work out,” he said. Remus smiled back.
“Yeah, I hope so too.”
Really, he just wanted Janus to be happy. Ideally with him, but if Janus was happier without him, well… so be it. 
- - -
Janus was miserable. 
“Dude, c’mon,” Virgil grumbled, immediately upon seeing the state of the apartment. “You’ve been watering your plants and filling the humidifiers, but you can’t be bothered to throw out your gross pizza boxes?” A pause. “Wait, you don’t even like pizza, what the hell.”
Janus just shrugged. After letting Virgil and Logan into the apartment, he’d gone straight back into blanket-burrito-on-the-couch mode. And really, he’d only bothered to get up and let them inside in the first place because Virgil had threatened to axe down the door- and Janus knew for a fact that Virgil owned multiple axes. 
“I believe he is engaging in what is described as ‘emotional eating,’ or using food as a coping mechanism in a time of stress and emotional turmoil,” Logan said helpfully. Virgil just huffed.
“That’s fine and all, but Jesus Christ, dude.” He gestured around the livingroom where… ok, yeah, it was a mess.
“Did you two come here just to insult me?” Janus grumbled. His face was half-mashed into a pillow, though, so who knows how much of that was actually discernible.
“We came to make sure you were still alive,” Virgil snapped, indicating that at least most of what Janus had said was discernible. “You weren’t answering any texts.”
“Yes, and you called out of work three days in a row,” Logan added. “We are concerned for you, Janus.”
“I’m perfectly fine,” Janus lied from the comfort of his depression blanket burrito. He was not particularly surprised when neither Virgil or Logan looked even remotely convinced.
“Alright, drastic measure time,” Virgil growled. He walked over to the window, and picked up the young Burgundy Rubber Tree Janus had yet to name. Janus sat bolt upright. 
“Virgil? Don’t you dare-”
Virgil walked past him and vanished down the hall. When he came back, his hands were empty, and he had a smirk on his face.
“Oh, fuck you,” Janus hissed. He dragged himself up off the couch to go rescue the poor thing, finding it stashed in the dark, windowless bathroom. When he came back to the livingroom, Virgil and Logan were sprawled across the couch.
“Ha ha, very funny.” Janus set the rubber tree back on the windowsill alongside the Snake Plant Army. “Ok, I’m up. Are you heathens happy now?”
“I take offense to that,” Logan muttered, while Virgil just crossed his arms and said, curtly, “Spill it.”
“Spill what?”
“Why are you so upset?”
“I’m not upset-”
“Falsehood,” Logan interrupted. “I have known you since high school, Janus, and I have never seen you like this before. It is highly alarming.”
“Is this about Remus?” Virgil asked.
“No,” Janus said immediately. “Of course not.”
Virgil and Logan exchanged a Look. Janus groaned.
“Fuck. Ok, fine. Maybe it is.”
“Was that so hard?” Virgil asked. 
“Janus,” Logan interrupted Virgil’s retort. “It is my understanding that emotional distress is often alleviated through, as they say, ‘talking it out.’ It is clear you are not handling the break-up as well as you initially believed-”
“Of course I’m not!” Janus snapped. He took a deep breath, and turned back to the plants on his windowsill. Kaa, the Sansevieria Moonshine Remus had gotten for Janus as an anniversary present last year, was already leaning slightly toward the window again. He rotated it, and a few of the other snake plants on the sill. And then he realized the others had been quiet for far too long. He turned to find them both watching him with sympathetic expressions. “What?”
“Keep going,” Virgil prompted. Janus sighed. He felt exhausted.
“Of course I’m not,” he said again. “Because I love Remus.”
“And?” Virgil prompted.
“...And I didn’t want us to break up,” he finished, feeling glum. Wordlessly, Virgil stood up, and approached Janus, arms out. Janus stepped into the embrace. Nobody said anything; Janus didn’t cry, but he stood there for a long time. Then, he stepped back.
“Thank you,” he said, and he meant it. Virgil gave him a small smile. Logan cocked his head, seeming confused.
“I don’t understand. You just… needed a hug?”
“Hugs are great, Logan,” Virgil replied. “You should try them sometime- hey, where are you going?”
Janus strode past them both, beelining for his bedroom to find his laptop. Over his shoulder, he answered, “To fill out some job applications.”
- - -
Remus was outside building a new bookshelf- because Patton was moving in, and Roman's teenie-tiny sad little excuse for a bookshelf, which held only Disney DVDs and no actual books, wouldn’t suffice for all of Patton’s cookbooks- when his phone rang. Which was weird, because nobody ever called him, because he never fucking answered.
“Not interested, Mr. Spam Man,” he crooned over the sound of the generic iPhone ringtone. He was learning how to do kerf bending for this bookcase, and goddamn it he wasn’t going to be distracted by-
His phone started ringing again. He swore and ripped off his gloves to silence his phone. But as he did so, he realized the number flashing across his screen was a familiar one. 
“Janus? Are you ok?” he answered the call, half panicked, because Janus hated phone calls almost as much as he did.
“Hi. Yes, everything’s fine.” Janus sounded slightly hysterical, which made Remus feel even more frantic. “Where are you?”
“I’m at Roman’s. Are you sure you’re ok-”
“Great, don’t leave. I’ll be right there.”
“What does that mean-” Remus demanded, but the line was already dead. Remus swore again. He briefly considered calling him back, because what the actual fuck was that all about, but he was only about 30 seconds into that brief consideration before a familiar car tearing through the apartment complex parking lot caught his attention. He quickly brushed as much of the sawdust off his clothes as he could because holy shit Janus had just parked right there in front of Roman’s apartment.
Remus watched, dumbfounded, as Janus scrambled out of his car- dressed in his very nice black suit and pale yellow button-up- and came running across the lawn toward where Remus was working. He had a tiny plant clutched to his chest.
“Uh, Jan, you good?” Remus asked. Janus stopped in front of him and doubled over, breathless, for a few moments. Then, he straightened up, and fixed Remus with a look of sheer determination.
“Remus. I want to get back together.”
Remus’ heart, the traitorous bastard, leaped up into his throat and blocked all his words from coming out. 
“It’s… it’s ok if you don’t want that,” Janus continued. His look of determination faltered slightly. “It’s ok. But I needed to tell you. Because I love you, so much. And I… I didn’t want you to think I didn’t, even if you don't-”
Remus found his words abruptly. “Jan, fuck! I do! I do love you. I never stopped loving you. All I want is to be with you.”
Janus’ eyes softened. “Really?”
“Good, because I’ve just been offered a job here.”
Remus choked. Janus was eyeing him smugly. “You. Just like that, you got a job here?”
“Just like that,” Janus grinned. “I just came from the interview. They offered me a position on the spot.”
Remus couldn't help himself any longer. He lurched forward and pulled Janus tightly into his arms.
“Hey, be careful,” Janus said, though he made absolutely no effort to get out of Remus’ embrace. “You’ll crush our new son.”
Remus pulled back just enough to look at the small plant Janus held in his hands, and only then did his brain register what it was. 
“Is! Is that-”
“Yes,” Janus replied, holding up the tiny Drosera Capensis seedling. Remus had wanted one of these for ages.
“For me?”
“Well, for us, ideally,” Janus answered, with a shy smile. “But, mostly for you, yes.”
Remus gently plucked the baby octopus plant- their new son!- from Janus’ hands, and placed it carefully on top of the milk crate that was serving as his carpentry workbench. Then, he hoisted Janus up off the ground and spun him around.
“Oh- Re-” Janus exclaimed, though he was laughing. “Put me down!”
“No!” Remus trilled. He spun Janus around once more. Then he just stood there, holding Janus, gazing up at him. Janus’ eyes grew soft. Slowly, he carded his fingers through Remus’ hair.
“Hey,” Janus said.
“I love you.”
Remus set Janus down, but kept his arms still wrapped tightly around him. His heart felt warm.
Janus looked up at him. “Yeah?”
“I love you, too.” 
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hickey prank...gone wrong
y/n wanted to prank the avengers for forgetting to hide a hickey she got from a 'mysterious boy' after she finished pranking them and telling them its fake, peter came in and NOT so subtly asked her when he did that since they're secretly dating
pairing: peter x stark!reader
status: secretly dating
y/n's pov
ive been watching a lot of youtube lately, it literally became my best friend, i scrolled through my recommendations and found a 'hickey prank' video, i smiled to myself already knowing im about to do it, and clicked on the video
It was a girl pranking her parents for getting a hickey, i watched the girl make the fake hickey on her neck, and i was considering to ask peter to do one for me that would be more entertaining but that would obviously backfire if i couldnt wipe it out
so i didnt ask him, another thing is that peter and i have been secretly dating for around a month now, my dad, tony stark, strictly told peter that i am off limits but were still dating and its been the best month ever.
anyways, i opened my vanity drawer and got my eye shadow pallet, i decided on a spot to make the 'hickey' and started adding dark colored eye shadow to make it look believable, the end result looked pretty good, and i know that from experience ;)
it ws on the right side of my neck right below my ear, i opened my two braids to cover the 'hickey' took my phone to record this i already know chaotic experience since this is the avengers we're talking about and left my room while i was walking in the hallway i got a text from peter saying:
MY baby 🥰🧸: coming in 15! xx
I squealed from excitment coz its been a week since ive seen him because of his exams and everything but back to the prank
i walked inside our kitchen/living room and the avengers were scattered everywhere since they just finished a mission and now theyre hungry af, perfect
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i snuck my phone behind a bowl of fresh fruits and acted normally trying to contain my nervousness and excitement
"hey guys!" i said looking at the kitchen island that filled with delicious hot meals, yumm
"hey sweetie" dad said kissing my cheek, and everybody mumbled a 'hey' since they're too busy stuffing theyre mouths with food
"hows the mission?" i asked curiously, thor, sam and scott completely ignored me trying to stuff everything in, nat and wanda were talking about how stupid one of the men were for flirting with them and comepletely beat the shit out of him for makig inappropriate comment, my girls I thought and steve, dad, bruce, and bucky answered my question
they've always had a soft spot for me and hated whenever i got ignored, i smile at them grateful that they didnt ignore me even though i wouldnt get mad i mean im also starving
i continued on eating arguing with sam on who will get the biggest slice of the chocolate cake wanda made, but then i remembered i came here to do the prank so i decided its time
i looked infront of me checking if my phone is still recording and it was, its been recording for 8 minutes now so i excused myself from the table to go 'get some fruit'
i quickly grabbed an apple and rerecorded the video, "so what do you guys wanna do? peters coming in a few" i said taking my hair and secured it behind my ear, its been exposed its been exposed omg omg omg i tried to calm down a bit coz in any second someone could spot my 'hickey'
"oh, we could have a movie night, you know, coz peter finished school so we should celebrate" my dad said looking at me then looking back at his food but looked at me again eyes widened, he spotted it ABORT MISSION OMG OMG
I looked down at my food trying not to run from the glare hes giving me
"y/n?" my dad asked, his tone has never been this serious before, oh shit
"y-yes" i squeecked god pull it together y/n, its not real
"what is that on your neck" he pointed out, which grabbed everyones attention, great, all eyes were on me, steve, bucky and bruce widened their eyes shocked, wanda and nat were smirking, sam, scott, and clint were laughing their asses off while thor looked as clueless as a baby
i was sitting at the center of the table and i just wanted to sink in and get absorbed my the marble walls
"w-what do you mean?" i asked 'confused' i grabbed nats phone that was between us, opened the camera and gasped trying to act surprised and scared "I-I uhhh" I let go of my hair so it can cover it again "I-I burned my self while curling my hair" I nervously blurted out, wow I'm a great actress
"that does not look like a burn young lady what is that?" Steve buts in, anger literally fuming from his ears and eyes Bucky glaring at me trying to think of every boy I've ever interacted with
"I curled my hair uncle Steve!" I replied rolling my eyes
"THAT IS NOT A BURN HUN THATS A HICKEY" my dad got out of his chair clearly getting angrier by the second
"ITS NOT DAD, YOU THINK I COULD HOOK UP WITH BOYS WHEN IM BEING WATCHED 24/7?" I shot back standing as well, everybody gasped
"what is a hickey if I may interrupt"
"SHUT UP" the rest of the team said clearly enjoying this
"I wanna know who's D y/n got" Sam said laughing
"was he at least good?" Nad asked smirking
"please tell me you used protection" Wanda asked concerned
"WHO IS IT" all three of them said
"NO ONE!" I shouted
"why is he that important that you have to be so secretive of him?" Bucky suddenly blurts out tightening his fists so hard his knuckles could pop out
"maybe he's special" nat smirked
"y/n" my dad said in a warningly tone "if you don't tell us who this idiot is I swear I'm gonna let Bruce turn into the hulk and smash every boys house that you've ever interacted with" I felt like that was enough, and obviously got everyone's attention, I tried to contain my laughter coz they're faced are just hilarious waiting for me to tell them who it is
"it's....it's...a-a..A PRANK!" I laughed, everybody looked at me speechless clearly not buying it
"yeah a FAKE one" I took the wipe from my back pocket, wiping my 'hickey' and gestured to the smudged make up "SEE??" I laughed
Steve, Bucky, Bruce and my dad looked relieved, nat, Scott, Wanda, Clint, and Sam looked...disappointed?? And Thor was still clueless as ever, I walked to the counter to stop recording
"YOU WERE RECORDING?" Wanda scoffed
"do not do that to us a again young lady I was gonna get a heart attack" Steve warned leaving the table
"doll" Bucky said and I looked at him "if I ever see a boy with you this close" he gestured between him and I "I will squish their face and pull his brains out with my bare hand" he warned
and for a second I thought of Peter, I swear he's gonna get killed if they know what 'helping him study' and 'looking after me' means I just rolled my eyes at their stupid behavior
"so y/n didn't get any D yesterday? Poor thing" Sam laughs
"SAM I SWEAR YOUR NEXT ON THE LIST" dad said walking out of the kitchen
"for the first time in forever IM glad this was a prank coz the poor boy would've been dead just by the glares he'll get" I laughed shaking my head after the hilarious prank we cleaned up the kitchen island
"ok guys I'm gonna go to my room to clean this...mess" I gestured to my neck full of smudged make up
"hey guys, what did I miss?" Peter walked in the living room a few minutes after i left
"oh just y/n being y/n, she'll tell you what happened" Scott laughed which confused Peter but he ignored it m opened the fridge to get a snack and go to your room,
like I said it's been a week since he's seen you so he was very excited to kiss you hug you and just shower you with affection...in secret obviously
he knocked on my door doing our secret pattern and barged into my room
"HEY PETER" I almost shouted jumping onto him crossing my legs on his torso and snuggling my headphones to his neck
"hey baaaby" he whispered kissing my temple
"ITS BEEN AGES" I whisper shouted
"that it has" he whispered back finally connecting his lips with mine, And slowly walked to the bed, he sat down which resulted in me straddling his lap
"I missed you" I mumbled hovering his lips a bit
"I missed his more" his voice was lower than usual which made my hormones go haywire, he started pampering me with kisses
"I *kiss* miss *kiss* you *kiss* so *kiss* fucking *kiss* much" he said
"oh since when does innocent Peter Parker swear" i teased looking at his eyes
"since I've dated you" he shot back "when I started dating you, you made me feel and become like a normal horny teenage boy" he kissed me again
"well, im glad you feel...normal" I laughed, he started kissing my neck again and unfortunately my dad was walking past my bedroom at the time
"is this a bruise or just a very messy hickey I gave you, coz if it is I better fix it" he smirked already knowing it's not his but just finding an excuse to do one on me
"oh it's just a prank I did to the team which thankfully I recorded so you can see it"
"how bout I make it a real one?" He smirked
"Yes plea-"
"WHAT?" my dad barged in PERFECT TIMING DAD
🏃‍♂️ 💨
Have a wonderful morning/afternoon/evening/night!
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inkleaf-cafe · 3 years
Okay i cant find the post but i’ll take it as a yes so here:
1: sleep tight don’t let the milf’s bite
2: I sometimes think you’re not neurotypical
3:i can just smell the trauma
4:my queerness could never
5:i can just feel the gay
6:You know how i said “I definitely jinxed it”…yea i did
7:sounds like a crisis…mood
8:In one sentence i somehow made my whole bloodline ashamed of me
9:Dont know if this is supped to be gay or therapy
10:my yawns sound like a quiet chainsaw
11:my dreams are either trauma or gay…what does that mean
12:my dream was amazing filled with zombies but amazing
13:be the gays you need to be
14:i think i ate some soap
15:My brain was somewhat okay and you completely ruined it
16:Okay who do i have to kill this time
17:Yes im using a musical to teach politics
18: think i made a random poem and somehow it got deep
19:What do you not understand about me reading gay shit on webtoon and seeing cute dresses?
20:I will be the monster under your bed i will either comfort you till you sleep or be Jeff the killer
21:Ah yes blackmail the best way to negotiate
22:feel’s like i’ve zoned out while reading this
23:Wheres the TL;DR because i just stopped at Hi!
24:Yea you lost me im in Stratosphere
25:* eats vomit cutely *
26:I still question both of our sanity
27:When they call me baby girl
28: thats stupid bitches tok
29:I mean wouldnt it be cool that your ex is the moon
30:do you even sleep
31:The only people i hate are real people
32:I use the happy emojis all the time they all look dead inside
33:Social anxiety isn’t pog
36:i thought Jessie and James were gay
37:Its called insomnia
38: Hermione is holding me at gun point
39:Is kicking someone a team sport?
40:what part of asl with out sign do you not get
41:kiddo but an insult
42:i was gonne say i watched Luca but damn do you need therapy
43: knew all that trauma would pay off one day
44:imagine not having fangs 🤡
45: being stupid is my job you cant take it from me
46:the whole world hates England
47:okay but arson would be so much fun
48:Do i rly sond like a dog when i say things out loud
50:I mean zeus is a whore
51:So we got bad bitch and better bitch making up the baby girl squad
52:Sometimes I challenge how much i can disappoint my ancestors
53:Ghost be judgin while i hit that rennagade
54:Fuck ✨ grammar ✨
56:Probs an alligator too
57:this blog could always be *cursive rainbow* gayer
59:✨ alcohol ✨
60:Kiddo go to drugs dont do school
61::i still have trauma from the zebra cardigan
63:aww thats so gay 🥺
64:hol’ on a god damn fucking second…this shit gay
65:am i turning straight?
66:you broke your fucking plant this better be worth it
67:i have two moods “i wanna die” and ✨gay✨
68:they look like shit but they can look like shit together
69:nice 😏(i never said this or wrote this before just sayin’ its nice)
70:fuck you (affectionate) [is it weird that i said that at least 20 times]
71: fuck you……TAKE MY LIKES
72:we can capitalize off of your dog
73:oh shit i thought that was elsa jumping off of that bridge she made
74:wait are you implying they’re the last non binary orange
75:i might die for the third time now
76:are you god? I mean sans undertale profile pic but still are you god?
77:heh gæ
78:when i sleep i sleep
79:i will not tolerate dead memes in my class room unless its doge
80:he looks so cute but damn do i want to kill him
81:people are just too damn kinky these days
82:so this is what it feels like to have attachment issues
83:But Etida u e-mol-Dionizijo Aguado my beloved
84:I like it just my brains too small to comprehend it
85:shes a sexist feminist in the making
86:i want a mineta x death fic
87:they’ll plan my funeral…add saxobeat
88:a-am i a-a child?!?
89:hey girl you a flashbomb cus you bright
90:hey girl is your gender water cus its fluid
91:Ok im actually proud of that one i better not hear a cricket
92:okay now he looks like an emo boy
93:Yea my will to live is as low as my self esteem
94:can someone plan my funeral yea i know its wedding galore same thing
95:remembering that time i called saiki a tsundere bitch
96:* call me by your name starts playing* NOT AGAIN
97:i may have “i kicked a child” as one of my names but you’re a monster
99:Bye :] , wtf?
100:GO CATBOY GO(00:03 am)
101:you know i have a pain tolerance of
102:I kin that emoji
103:That blood stain looks like a pp
104: am i too middle school
105:I feel like my sass level has risen
107:nah i kinda wanna continue to write my raid shadow legends x reader fic
108:plus my confidence is as low as my will to live
109: who wants to have the honour of killing me
110:great mind think alike but also wt
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aestheticsuwu · 3 years
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4 times Johnny walkin in on someone +1 They walked in on Johnny
( Excuse my terribly writting )
1 .
At first he didnt understood Daniels annoyance of walking in on the kids making out or fooling around , They were kids once and by Johnny experience he had babes to makeout 24/7 . He told Daniel always announce to make your presence know .
Johnny didnt think it was necessary for the day he went to pickup his phone that he left behind at the dojo , there wasnt class that day but Daniel wanted to go over some stuff hence his missing phone .
He shouldve seen all the warnings signs but his brain was too tired to notice , it wasnt late but Johnny was tired maybe his age is catching up to him .
First sign was the car that was parked , the lights were on inside the dojo maybe Daniel stayed longer , the duffle bags and cellphones outside . He can blame that on his eyesight .
Sliding the door expecting Daniel inside going over some paperwork
" I left m-- oh God ! Diaz ! "
" Sensei ! What are you doing here ?! "
Why him ? Why , couldnt god just let Daniel suffer , he shouldve known his luck would finish now that he was dating that non stopping talking twink , that he dearly loved his mind supplied quickly .
He was outside waiting for the kids to step out outside to proceed to look for his phone . Diaz and little LaRusso shyly didntt catch his gaze , probably to embarrased getting caught fooling around by their sensei . He cant imagine getting caught making out with Daniel by Kreese , he supressed a shudder .
He tells them that he wont mention what happened if they kept their free time away from him , quickly agreeing little LaRusso hugs him quickly and dashes away with a sorry and Miguel in tow .
He goes back in quickly to find his phone to see if Daniel really had send that picture of him wearing his old Cobra Kai Jacket , wasnt a suprise that it fit him , he was still small .
2 .
The second time, he walks in on  Hawk and Demetri at the Larusso's . Him and Daniel decided to move in together with Sam and Robby , And they had spare room where anthony could sleep when he's isnt staying with Amanda .
When hes not , Daniel lets Demetri stay in the room sometimes when the pale kid mother isnt home . He didnt quite like the kid that much , too much of a nerd he thought but Robby, Sam and Daniel liked him . Later on he sees that the skinny kid isnt that bad after all .
He takes  back his comment soon .
Johnny was bringing in some boxes in , too concetrated on bringing in his stuff he didnt see the motorcycle nor the shoes in the doorway .
What he sees in the living room , he thanks God for saving him from needing to bleach his eye if he had came in few seconds late to see what Hawk was planning to do .
" What the fuck ! "
" shit , shit , shit . "
He quickly cover his eyes and shifts around quickly leaves the house , he hears Demetris sorrys while Hawk laughs  and he does plan to never revisit what had happen but he will make Hawk do 50 extra push ups just for making Johnnys eyes suffer .
..... ..... .....
3 .
He loves Robby , he likes that he isnt like every kid . Robby is smart and kind with a big heart something Johnny wasnt . Although Daniel likes to remind him that Robby gets it from him and he's a good dad . He tries to be , He wants to be a good dad .
He was happy that him being with Daniel wouldnt affect Robby , Johnny was worried he would get mad but once he told him it looked like he told the kid he was giving him 10,000 dollar check .
When Daniel and him talked to Sam and Robby of the idea moving in together , Robby joked about calling Larusso dad now since they would be a family . He could tell Daniel wanted to cry from how happy that he heard those words .
Everything was almost done , mostly all his belongings were at the new house he just needed to pack his last few remaing clothes and some documents .
He does quick look around  his crappy empty aparment that he will soon leave behind , opening his door to his room he hears a noise across the other room . He brushes it off thinking is from the neighbors next door but then he hears something like if someone knocked down a vase . He quickly rushes across the room to open the door to beat the crap out of the intruder , what he sees is the opposite what he was expecting of the other side of the door .
" Robby ?! "
There was his inoccent pup in the lap of a boy on his bed , both without a shirts . He wonders how many years would he get in jail and if Daniel would go visit him .
" Dad ! What are you doing here !? "
Robby flushes , he guess it wasnt ideal to get caught by your parents .
" Im here to pick up whats left , what are you doing here with this guy , Get off his lap will you . Listen kid you got ten seconds to get out of here before Robby has to go visit me in jail . "
Robby quickly slides off  but not before handing a pillow to the guy to put on his lap .
" Dad , he's my boyfriend Doug , he's in our class re-- "
" Rickenberger ! Ok , i want you two to dress up and to step outside , Now ! . "
He didnt get a good look at first but when Robby mentioned it was his boyfriend he recognized the face of the tall kid . He tried to be menacing to scare the boy off and threaten him if he ever thought about hurting Robby . But the kid took it as a champ and did showed up for sunday dinner , and if his son is happy then he guess he will have control not to be an asshole to Doug .
4 .
Carmen had told him Yaya needed his help in moving a furniture at the apartment , and even gave him a spare key because she wouldnt be around because of her shifts.
Johnny loved YaYa , she was like a grandmother he never had . She always looked out after him , he was worried he wouldnt see her often now that he was living with Daniel . But soon Amanda announced her and Carmen started dating , soon Carmen , Miguel and Yaya sometimes  would join sunday dinner .
It was saturday morning and he was so comfortable with Daniel in his arms , soft sheets , nice big pillow and did he mention Daniel . It was nice morning especially from having a good night , he thinks they should have sex everynight .
He wanted to sleep more But he was a man of his word ,  well sometime when he tried , so with all his willpower he got up and showered and headed off .
Using the spare key they had given him,  he opens the door and walks in on Amanda and Carmen having some fun time in the couch , if it was another life he wouldve thought it was hot , but all he can think of right now he could've of been sleeping with Daniel .
" Shit ! Im sorry i will come back another time . "
He quickly leaves , the laughter of the two women is left behind while Johnny rushes off to his car .
..... ..... .....
+ 1 .
Nobody was home .
Only him and Daniel , Amanda and Carmen decided to take shannon to the new mall that opened , the kids wanted to go as well . Johnny was thrilled but Daniel was trying to convinced the kids to let the adults go and next time he would take them .
This was his opportunity , so he took it . Now here he was with an empty house with his babe . Johnny waits for Daniel to come out of the restroom , but he was taking way too long and he got hungry waiting for the suprise .
He went downstairs to quickly to get something to eat , opening the fridge he decides to make a sandwich .
" Johnny  , i told you to wait in the room . "
" I know , i just didnt know i was suppose to wait a year for you to come ou-- "
Closing the fridge to look at Daniel , He wasnt expecting for him to look so hot that it made him without words . Ever since he first met Daniel , his eyes were the first thing to catch his eye then his soft plump lips . His eyes were so big that it resembled Bambi , and thats what johnny calls Daniel when their alone .
One day he told Daniel he would look hot in a skirt but this was way better . Daniel had black stockings with one of his shirts that just swallowed Daniels frame and to the final touch he had a headband with antlers . Fuck that sandwich he was hungry for something else .
" You like it ? "
" I think thats an understatement , How about you come sit on my lap and let me show you how much i love it , Bambi . "
" Anthony stop that,  Dont bring that in ! "
Amanda yells , getting the keys out of her purse while the kids wait for her to open the door . They had to cut their day early because Anthony's friend got sick , she offered for the rest to stay at the mall but they preferred to go home . And if she knew what she was going to walk in , she would've brought out her phone to take pictures . And she only felt a little bit bad for Daniel but this was blackmail worthy .
" Oh wow , Daniel . "
Covering her sons eyes and making sure the rest eyes are closed , Johnny turns his head at their direction .
" Your back  early . "
Sam , Robby , Miguel are asking for bleach while Hawk and Demetri are laughing , Doug helps Robby go to the backyard as everyone else rushes outside to let Daniel change . Johnny thinks it was time for payback for all times they had to suffer but unfortunately Daniel wont escape Amanda's teasing any time soon .
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kweebtrash · 4 years
StreamHearts Timestamp 11:59pm
Title: Fuck It, I Love You
Pairing: Camboy!JohnnyxCamgirlOC (Rem)
Word Count: 3.1k
Genre: Smut/Fluff
Features: established relationship not a perfect sex life, heavy size kink, soft-ish dom johnny, petnames, teasing, fingering, unprotected sex, creampie.
Though Rem is a smart business woman she hides behind a computer screen all day designing websites for large companies. However, when her day is done she’s still behind a computer screen but now showing the world how hard she can cum. She never wanted to be a camgirl but when financial duties called she took it upon herself to make it. The spotlight (and money) got to her and she expanded to showcasing her nerdy side; livestreams, lewd cosplay photoshoots, let’s plays, subscriptions, review, vlogs, tutorials, you name it. Her streams catches the attention of a fellow cammer, Johnny, who on a whim decided to message her. Both aren’t the sexed up dolls they pretend to be in the online life and instead ease their way into a relationship with not so perfect sex, mistakes, and total confusion.
A/N: This used to be on my Kofi which im closing down and just putting everything up on here. This isnt continuing.
Masterlist     Johnny Only Masterlist
“I just want to tease the fuck out of you.” The words came out as as sultry whisper poured into my ear. His tongue trailed against the cartilage, leaving the skin heated and wet similar to the junction of my thighs. Johnny had been kissing me for god knows how long. I had become so lost in him; his words, his touch, his entire being beside me. I was helpless and unable to escape the intoxication though I never wanted to. His words, however, put me in a place of submissiveness where i feared his teasing.
“P-please don’t…” I whined as I chased his lips from a kiss he denied me. “Don’t tease me. I’ve been good.”
“Have you?” His eyes were heavily lidded, pupils dilated with oxytocin and endorphins. The thrill of my eminent destruction only added to the sparks between us yet I was dreading it entirely. “I saw what you were doing in your last stream. You got a bigger dildo, didn’t you?”
My face rushed with color as i averted my gaze. “W-well...i wanted to practice.”
“Practice for who, baby?” He smirked and pushed a few sweat drenched stray hairs away from my face.
“Y-you, of course.” We hadn’t fucked on camera yet. We had come to the consensus not to until we perfected the art of intimacy between us first. Though there was a small problem, or rather a large problem. The first few times Johnny had tried to penetrate me it was futile. The thickness of his head was no match for how small my hole was. No matter how many fingers he could attempt to fit inside me (barely two) to try and stretch me out or how much lube or cum i exerted helped. And so I took it upon myself to cast aside my six and seven inch dildos to try and accommodate for the moment where we would unite.
“Still too much, huh?” He chuckled lowly. I watched as his fingertips barely brushed against my skin as he made a ticklish trail down my stomach to the thin fabric of my panties. They slipped beneath the cotton and i instinctively spread my thighs. His middle finger pushed between my lower lips and circled my entrance languidly. “Why is my perfect princess so tiny?”
“I’m sorry,” I said with a heavy pang of guilt. I had constantly felt like I had ruined moments in our beds because my body wouldnt except him even if my mind and heart were yearning to have him so deep inside me that i could feel him in my stomach.
Johnny pressed a kiss to my forehead and smiled. “Don’t be. I love how fucking tight you are for me.”
I scrunched up my nose and pushed his face away playfully. “Don’t say such things. You make it sound pervy!”
Another chuckle. “I can’t help it sometimes.” He began to move his finger through me, gathering the wetness that had accumulated and spreading it over the most sensitive areas. “You know it turns me on to see how small you are.”
I pressed my lips together in an attempt to hide a mewl. I was lost on what I had wanted to respond with as my brain frizzled. “U-uh, um...I th-think your size kink is s-showing!” My stomach clenched when he dipped his fingertip in, alarming me. He shushed me gently, cooing at me to relax as he placed kisses and nibbles along the column of my neck.
“I got you, baby girl. You know i do.” I wrapped my arms around his torso and pulled him closer together so i could bury my face in his chest. His free arm snaked around me as well, settling on my shoulders as he gauged my reactions to his minuscule thrusts. I bit down on his collarbone as I rushed to rock my hips and let him know that I was able to take more. He pushed into me deeper, curling his finger quickly in an effort to make the sound of my natural lubrication bounce off the bright pink walls of my room. “Did you get all worked up just from me kissing you?”
He was proud of himself. I could always tell in the tonality of his voice. A certain cockiness that anything he did made me wet. It stemmed from the exchange of us watching each other’s streams. I had spent hours consuming video after video of him jerking off, fucking his own ass, and doing other lewd acts that got him tips in seconds. He, on the other hand, told me that he was more captivated by the faces and sounds I made and would prefer to just watch as he fucked me. It sounded silly to say since I had thousands of viewers and I masturbated on camera but I was still a shy person who preferred to metaphorically hide their head in the sand like an ostrich. Johnny intimidated me as many a times my face would be forced towards his and i was commanded to not dare look away. His deep brown eyes would peer into my soul, eating it up like a meal and leaving me an empty husk of a woman once I orgasmed at his hands. “Shut up.” I said through gritted teeth as he halted his vibrant thrusts.
His finger left me and instead disappeared into his mouth. With a slick pop he removed all of my taste from the digit and sighed as he gave me a once over. “Take these off.” He snapped at the band of my panties that he had stripped me down to during our initial makeout session. I hooked my thumbs into the waistband and wiggled them down before flicking them off my foot. Johnny spread my thighs wide, leaving me completely exposed. I went back to hiding in the crook of his neck, hoping he wouldnt notice if i distracted him with some bites. A harsh tap to my clit told me otherwise. I yelped and laid my own defensive slap against his chest. "Jerk!"
"Dont close your legs then." Johnny said sternly. I pouted, puffing out my cheeks as i rolled away from him, my arms across my chest. His large hand grabbed onto my hip and pulled me onto my back again. He didnt particularly like when i protested or became a bit bratty. A submissive princess was where he liked me to be at all times. Though now I wasnt even able to utter a word because he hooked his leg over mine, keeping my thighs separated while one hand grabbed both my wrists and pinned them above my head. His other hand was back to grabbing my face and forcing me to look at him. He'd be damned to hell if he didnt break that habit of mine. "The fuck did i just say?"
I flexed my fingers as i tried (and failed) to release myself from his grasp. "You said…" i looked into his eyes that had honeyed in the yellow glow of my bedside lamp. That was another weakness if mine, as if Johnny as a whole wasnt enough. His eyes in particular always destroyed me. I couldnt expressing the rest of my sentence, which was supposed to be a snarky retort, because of the intense hold he had over me. I was instead stuck nibbling at his bottom lip and whimpering for him to let me go. "I could touch you." I finally said in between small licks. "Youre hard."
"And? I get off on seeing you get off. I also get off on when youre a good girl for me."
"Liar. You love it when i misbehave. You always start moving the toys faster when i do." That was what he used when he really wanted to punish me; small dildos and vibrators in various settings and speeds, making sure i writhed and arched with every thrust.
"And what toy should i used on my babygirl tonight? What would get you all pink and squirmy for me?" He smirked and sucked my lips between his, lapping at the soft skin.
"I dont want a toy. I want you." I admitted.
Johnny sighed and pulled away from me entirely. "You know we cant. We've tried and we cant. I told you im not going to hurt you."
"I know!" I clutched onto his arm. "I know. But this time will be different. Im gonna do it."
He shook his head. "If i force it too much i could tear you. Rem, i'm seriously not going to try right now."
"Please!" I begged and looked up at him with puppy eyes. "Just one try, ok? Just one? You dont know how many times I've dreamt about you fucking me senseless. I just want you inside me so badly. I cant take it anymore."
He rolled his eyes, annoyed at my persistence. "Fine. Just one try. And i mean one."
I gave him a sweet kiss and pulled him on top of me. He settled between my legs which i laid on the outside of his thighs. He stroked the smooth and sensitive skin on my inner thighs as he trailed his thumbs upwards to spread my lower lips apart. His tongue darted out to moisten his lips as he drunk in the sight at my slightly flexed gape. "Are you sure?" He asked.
I pushed my hand between us and gripped the outline of his cock firmly. "Johnny I don't want you, I need you."
He went to say something again but snapped his jaw shut. Quickly, he discarded his boxer briefs and guided his swollen cock towards my entrance. Seeing him throb was another part of my guilt. He would leak and swell as we romped around and yet could only get off by a blowjob or a handjob. Sometimes he would thrust between my thighs or against my ass but I knew it was just barely enough for him. His cum didn't belong splattered across my skin; it belonged inside me, filling me to the brim and keeping me warm. I closed my eyes and let every bit of tension leave my body. If I could just get the head in, it would be smooth sailing from there.
A small push threatened the barricade of my tightness. The tension returned but only for a moment. I kept it shoved aside and focused on taking in the tip. I could feel centimeter by centimeter, gauging how far he could go, and when I found the glans stuffed inside me both of us shuddered hard. I covered my mouth as soon as I let out a sharp gasp. The feeling of being stretched burned and tingled and yet I took in the discomfort with a sense of gratitude. This was the farthest we had gotten and even if this was all he could get inside it was better than nothing.
Johnny's hands were trembling as he bruised my hips in the pattern of his fingers. "J-jesus...babe." He sucked in a harsh breath and swallowed hard. Beads of sweat had gathered at his brow and it was almost like he was losing control already. "God you feel so damn good. How are you even taking me?"
I held one of his hands and brought it to my lips, kissing the back of it. "You said it yourself. You saw me practicing on camera but you didn't see what I did when I was alone." I parted my lips then and ushered in two of his fingers, sucking slowly. I circled my tongue around the tips and swallowed all the way down to the knuckle all while perfecting by bedroom eyed gaze at him. His hips snapped as his body trembled, making me wince around his fingers. He had managed to squeeze in more of his cock and even produced some minuscule thrusts that had him looking like he was already prepped to go over the edge.
He gripped harder at my hip to the point where it hurt but I knew it was a sign of pleasure and that's all I wanted to give him. I mewled around his fingers and nudged my legs a little higher to rest by his waist. The adjustment built up pressure in the pit of my stomach and made my overstretched walls clench harder. Johnny groaned deeply and begged me to ease my hold on him but I couldn't. Even when I got used to the new addition of girth I was still suctioned around him. My face flushed as I heard his groans turn into growls. The muscles in his strong arms bulged as his shoulders caved in and an unexpected heat tsunamied into me.
My eyes widened at the revelation that he had cum inside me-the first time I had ever felt the sensation. It was strange and yet because it was Johnny it also felt...cozy in a way. A warm perfection that symbolized him succumbing to everything I had wanted to give him. Though one thing was for sure, I was surprised at how quickly it happened. I let his hand go and instead held onto my tummy that I swore was bulging slightly. Johnny ran a hand over his face and pushed his hair back but as soon as our eyes caught each other his face burned beet red even to the tips of his ears. "Do you...um, do you always cum that fast when you're in someone?" I tried to ask as politely as possible.
He pulled out of me and ran straight to the bathroom, slamming the door harshly. I frowned, realizing that the small comment had hurt his pride but I had to be honest that I wanted more from him. I sat up slowly and felt a rush of cum flow out of me, thicker than I expected. Him pulling out so swiftly left me sore and on wobbly knees yet I walked over to the bathroom, trying to keep my thighs pressed together so I wouldn't make an even bigger mess. "Johnny?" I asked as I knocked on the door.
"Go away." I heard him mumble.
"Johnny, why'd you run? Was it because of what I said? I didn't mean to hurt your feelings."
"Go. Away."
I huffed and grabbed a hold of the door. I was prepared to force my way through but it wasn't locked at all. I stumbled as I stepped in and saw Johnny sitting on the toilet cover, head between his knees and arms dangling by his feet. "Johnny." I sunk to my knees in front of him. "Look at me, please."
"No." He replied, muffled.
"Johnny." I repeated, sternly this time. "What's wrong?"
"'M embarrassed." He mumbled.
"Embarrassed? How come?"
"I've never cum that fast before. Ever. I feel like a loser."
I pushed his head up gently and sighed. "Guaranteed I did want it to last longer but this was the first time you were able to thrust inside me. Maybe it was because of all that pent up energy from when you couldn't do it before. Orrrrr," I nudged his arm playfully. "I'm just that damn good."
"I don't need your cockiness now." He pouted cutely.
"It's ok, baby, really. We're still finding each other out. This is the first time anyone has cared about not hurting me. I'd take that over some idiot that would barge in any day. Please don't be embarrassed."
"Easy for you to say."
"You think I want to be this tight? Sure it sounds like a whole fantasy but being tiny sucks. I want to get railed until I can't walk but I cry as soon as something big comes near me."
"You didn't cry this time." He pointed out and I perked up instantly.
"Hey, you're right. I didn't. That's progress!" I smiled and gave him a small kiss in an effort to cheer him up a little. "And you know what this means, right?"
Johnny sat back against the toilet tank and let out an exasperated sigh. "What?"
"We can keep practicing." I rose to my feet and straddled his lap. "I know you like practicing."
Finally a twinge appeared at the corner of his mouth. He couldn't resist the thought of more touching, groping, kissing, and grinding. "Well...I guess you're right."
I peered down at his still mostly hard cock as curiously got the best of me. "You came but you're still hard?"
He shrugged. "Sometimes it takes awhile to go down. Sometimes I can squeeze another one out."
I lifted my hips and slowly sunk down on him, catching him by surprise. He jerked suddenly and held onto me tightly. "Re-Rem!"
"Maybe we can work on me taking all of you this time. And making sure you last longer."
"I-its your fault for fuckin' suffocating me!" He said through grit teeth. "Just like you're doing now!"
I wrapped my arms around his neck and grabbed a handful of his hair. "Don't tell me you cant take it, baby."
He licked his lips and fluttered his eyes shut. "You have no idea what you do to me Rem."
"You're wrong." I wiggled down more on his shaft, now about a quarter of the way down before the tingling started again. "I know exactly how you feel because you drive me crazy too. Especially now."
He buried his face in my neck, splattering kisses here and there. "You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."
I giggled and squeezed him tight. "I love you, Johnny."
A silence fell over the room as that was also a first between us. I was afraid he wouldn't reciprocate the sentiment and felt my heart race. Now I was the embarrassed one yet I felt him smile against my collar bone. "Yeah?"
I nodded. "I-is that okay? To say that? I d-dont want to scare you off."
"I'm not going anywhere. Trust me. I love you too." I pursed my lips together to hide a squeal though I was too giddy to even think straight. I almost didn't notice Johnny standing up, myself now in his arms and our bodies remaining connected. "Can I show you how much I love you?"
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