Ja sam kockar bez sreće Ja se bojim, ja te molim Idi sad I ne gledaj me tako i ne ljubi me više
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mishkakagehishka · 11 months
I still think it's fascinating that a good portion of slavic languages derived the verb "to love" from the noun "love", but in cro we use that verb for "to kiss". We derived our verb "to love" from the noun "want/will"
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kubicola · 2 months
mutual finally opened their askbox, my skin is clearer, my teeth whiter, my shoulder problems cured, my hunger has vanished, my artblock has disappeared, I am ascending into a higher life form
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tkfluff-fanatic · 9 months
🌸 💫 🌙 (in a tk way. love teasin ya)
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limetameta · 1 year
i just want y'all to know that your boi had the most fucked up day imaginable today and that it's honestly a miracle i'm alive. yet again cowardice wins out against infrequent but very much bi-monthly suicidal ideation. i might write a short story like one of those tumblr styled bullet point stories about my day if i see i need to talk about it lmao. fun fact: i have learnt how to fully disassemble and assemble my vacuum cleaner (not what the manual shows you, that shit only shows you how to change the vacuum bag, i'm talking full on i held the wires and motor in my hand, fuck custom pcs i can build a vacuum cleaner if i want to)
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336-323bc · 2 years
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citaatii · 8 months
"Ako se ikada zaljubis, zaljubi se u nekoga
ko zeli da zna tvoju omiljenu boju i kakvu
kafu pijes. Zaljubi se u nekog ko voli nacin
na koji se smejes i ko ce apsolutno sve
uciniti da te nasmeje. Zaljubi se u nekog
ko stavlja glavu na tvoje grudi samo da
cuje otkucaje srca. Zaljubi se u nekog ko
te ljubi u javnosti i sa ponosom te
'pokazuje" drugima. Zaljubi se u nekog
zbog koga ces se pitati zasto si se u
pocetku uopste bojao zaljubljivanja
Zaljubi se u nekog ko nikada ne bi zeleo
da te povredi. Zaljubi se u nekog ko je
zaljubljen u tvoje mane i misli da si
savrsen bas takakv kakav jesi. Zaljubi se u
nekog ko misli da si ti bas ta osoba pored
koje bi voleo da se probudi svaki dan."
Samo u takvog se zaljubi
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belmasworld · 2 days
Zovem da ti kažem da sam ona ista
što ti ljubi korake i kad pored mene prođeš
kao da sam ništa
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neon-ufo · 9 months
i can't wait to finish and post the december luv, it's turning out so incredibly well! the colours i used in it are a bit uncommon for me, so every time i open up the file it shocks me lmao
i'm looking at another busy year in 2024 since i'll be working on the comic script (and afterwards hopefully the comic!!), but i still want to bring back the monthly challenge for another year. these are by far some of the most cathartic art pieces i've done last year, as well as some i've been the most proud of.
im thinking that the theme of the 2024 one would be more focused on music. the diary theme of the 2023 project was a bit hard and often failed to actually reflect the diary aspect, probably because nothing much happens in my life lmao. for 2024 im thinking to just base the monthly picture on the first song that particularly resonates with me every month.
also, a somewhat important(?) update; i decided to rename Luv! his new name: Lubi
Luv is a mispronunciation of love, as in beloved Lubi is the same for 'ljubi', meaning beloved in Slovenian 🇸🇮💕
it is essentially the exact same name, but also infinitely better cooler and sexier because it's now in my own language & i believe everyone who's not a native english speaker should sprinkle some of their own language into their work <3
belated happy new year! 💖💖💖💖
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s4pphic-sh3nan1gans · 3 months
ngl the ship of love is loaded sounds very interesting! id love to hear more about it
your wish is my command, dear anon 😇 it's actually really interesting for me to read it back myself, too. I wrote it maaaany many months ago and I feel like my writing style has actually changed since then, which I wouldn't have thought at all. anywayssss, here's a little snippet for you:
Bojan isn't sure what attracts him to Käärijä.
Maybe it's how he's unapologetically himself, aware enough of the fact that he doesn't fit in to fully embrace it. Maybe it's his questionable style that somehow works so perfectly on him, creating the perfect blend of unconventional allure. Maybe it's the way he talks, half-baked phrases awkwardly woven into broken English, yet his point somehow always managing to be conveyed perfectly, for what he lacks in words he makes up for with facial expressions and addictive laughter.
Or maybe it's the way he's looking at him right now from across the room, half his face hidden, yet piercing grey eyes outlined with dark eyeliner making his gaze feel as prominent as a lighthouse's beam.
Whether it's the intoxication of the alcohol or just pure lust, Bojan finds himself beckoning to Käärijä seductively and then, in the next moment, face to face, people still dancing all around despite the sudden feeling they are completely alone in the universe. Just them. Inches apart. The air hot with tension.
It doesn't last, of course. They wouldn't be them if they didn't interrupt the sexual tension with momentary jokes and shenanigans.
In the span of half an hour, Bojan becomes engaged to the Finn via snus, the Slovenian alter-ego of Jack from Titanic, and the subject of many flirtatious comments which he can't quite tell are jokes or not. He finds himself hoping they aren't.
More alcohol is consumed as the night wares on, the party on the boat barely dying down so that when they miraculously find themselves on the makeshift dance floor again, there are too many people for it to be noticed how close they are.
There's barely an atom's width of space between them as they tease each other with their dancing, hands lingering and bodies shifting in ways that completely cross the line of platonic.
What even are they? What are they doing? Bojan briefly considers the intrusive thoughts, but they are quickly chased away by the alcohol coursing through his system. Consequences are for tomorrow, and tonight, he knows what he wants.
Carpe diem.
He's muttering things in the Finn's ear; sultry, scandalous, filthy things, and he can't bring himself to feel even an ounce of shame.
Not when that is the reaction it evokes.
Bojan's breath catches as he eventually hears a quiet groan from the man opposite, his hands clinging to Bojan's upper arms as if his life depends on it and his breaths noticeably speeding up.
Bojan chuckles darkly in his ear, sending a shiver up his spine.
"What's wrong, ljubi?"
Käärijä - no, Jere - looks up at him through hooded eyes, piercing grey once again making Bojan feel as if he's rooted to the spot.
"I think you know what you doing," he says quietly, voice wavering a little, and by God, if that doesn't make all the heat in Bojan's body travel south.
ask me about one of my wips!
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thegengarprincess · 5 months
“Dobro jutro,ljubi.” “Dobro jutro,sonček.”
Gene: Pure tooth-rotting *FLUFF*
Summery: Just a glimpse of what a normal lazy morning looks like 4 the husbands ever,except it’s their half-year anniversary N after some reminiscing,Jan decides 2 ask his now boyfriend of half a year if he still remembers the morning after they became official,and boy does Nace remember~
Disclaimer: *All* of this is completely fictional and im not associating this with the real people whatsoever,I just like using these silly lil pretty Balkan men as my Barbie dolls,the moment either of them say their uncomfortable with fanfic im deleting the whole thing,k.
*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*🐈‍⬛🐕*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* This was it.By now it had been almost a whole year since Martin brought *him* to meet the boys,the man who would replace one of his best friends all so they could keep making music.Jan knew why he had to leave yet it still stung to say goodbye when Martin had been through basically *everything* with the band till now.But what Jan didn’t know back then,no matter how much he believed logic would *always* triumph over love,was that “the new Martin” would end up proving only *sometimes* logic can triumph over love,*especially* when it comes to his now boyfriend and bassist,*Nace Jordan.* Which is how he found himself here,snuggled up in Nace’s bed with an arm wrapped securely yet ever so gently around his slightly smaller frame,Ollie curled up near his legs and snoring just as loudly as a *certain* brunette who had a tendency of reminding him of the small creature sometimes.He slowly awoke to the sound of a familiar yawn which could only come from one person,the one who had been sleeping beside and stayed with him through every rough night for *months* now,and hopefully forever when he can finally afford to go ring shopping,only the best for *his* Nacko afterall and nothing less. Nace tossed onto his side so he could see that perpetually half asleep face he’d come to adore so *so* much,when said face asked him a question along the lines of: “Do you still remember the morning after we became..*this*?” Jan said to him,voice still raspy from sleep ,using his finger to point at himself than Nace. “You mean the morning after we fucked eachother’s brains out in some dingy club bathroom while the rest of the boys were shitfaced drunk N doing god knows what then you told me the first time we saw eachother you forget how to *breath*.” he chuckled which also elected a giggle out of Jan,a sound he would *love* to keep in a jar and listen to on repeat when he has a off day. “Forgetting how 2 breath wasn’t the first thing I did when we met,you know.” “Then what was?” “How to think after I saw ur tattoo sleeve up close for the first time during one of our first gigs together,you had *no* idea what that did to me back then.” slowly tracing along the ink that adorned his boyfriends arm,all away to his shoulder as he planted a kiss on one of the last ink covered patches on the others skin. “Buttt I do now,alot actually.” “How so?” Nace pulled him closer and whispered the answer into his ear,breath ghosting slightly over his lobe,making a small smile tug at his lips. “Cause of all the bite marks and hickeys I always find scattered on them the next morning~” it was Jan’s turn to laugh now when Nace started to place a trail of kisses down his ear.watching the tips go a dark shade of red which always looked good when he was the one wearing it. “Not like you can really blame me tho,tattoos are hot as fuck *especially* when they belong to my extremely sexy and beautiful boyfriend!” he cupped the boyfriends in questions face in his hands and just *admired* him till Nace spoke again. “And who’s that?” Nace questioned as if he didn’t know who he belonged to. “You.” were the only words that came out of Jan’s mouth before he kissed him,slow but it was one of the sweetest kisses he’d ever given,that’s only natural when ur man’s a literal *angel* with the softest lips known to man afterall. Tho it stared off as a innocent “good morning /wake up kiss” which *may* have led to a full on makeout session,both men stayed like that for awhile,only breaking the kiss so they could get some air in their lungs,gently pressing their foreheads together and staring into the others eyes for what could have been an eternity,not like either of them would mind of course. “Dubro jutro,ljubi.” “Dubro jutro,sonček.” And if Jan and Nace from half a year ago knew this is what that faithful day where Martin brought him into the studio to the boys would lead to,maybe getting a new bassist wasn’t the worst idea in the world afterall~ ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*💜❤️*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~
(BIG BIG TY 2 ONE OF MY FAVE MOOTS @da-proti-toku-grem 4 ANSWERING MY ASK EARLIER N GETTING MY MOTIVATION 2 WRITE BACK INTO GEAR N HELPING WITH LAST MIN NERVES B4 POSTING!! 🥹🫶🥹🫶🥹🫶🥹🫶🥹🫶 ur truly such.a.f4n.*SWEETHEART* N I hope one day I can be just as good of a writer as U are! I fr always start kicking my feet N twirling my hair when I see U in my inbox,seeing the lil notification with ur user *ALWAYS* makes my day better + U were one of the first blogs i started following N was a huge idol of mine back when I was a lurker!! X33 luv ya Maca ,4 aslong as we have the boys and 4ever <3333333333)
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mishkakagehishka · 1 year
crtam miku i dobit ces ga samo ako prodes ispit
sretno bae vrati nam se na dulje od 6 tjedana <3
Omg iako si reka da neću vidit mike do rujna, ili kadveć? <3
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gospocki · 1 year
(za)ljubi me
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de-dijon · 8 months
čitav svijet pijan je
hajde samo ljubi me
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lifeinbooks · 5 months
...voli jučer, voli danas i sutra. Voli jutro, doručak, svoj izgovor, svoj rukopis, svoju smotanost u matematici i kuhinji. Voli krivine na cesti i u životu, voli svaku životnu rupu na koju naletiš i sve one s kojima ćeš životne rupe ispuniti. Voli sebe u porukama na koje iste sekunde odgovoriš, pozivima na koje se nikad me javiš, golog vrata i ugrijanih stopala.
Voli se
Ljubi se.
I čuvaj se.
I ne brink ako nemaš nikoga kraj sebe da te voli baš takvog kakav jesi. Imaš život koji ti je poklonjen, a nije li to najveća ljubav?
Da živiš i voliš život.
Da voliš i živiš ljubav.
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limetameta · 1 year
Joker, right after killing Jason with a crowbar and blowing him up in Sarajevo: All right. Enough business. *rubs his hands together* It's kebab time, boys.
Cut to
Batman rushing to save Jason in a race against time
Cut to
Joker eating the fattest kebabs in existence with kajmak and some baklava on the side
Cut to
Batman holding Jason's body and crying
Cut to
Joker strolling through Baščaršija and taking photographs of the place, pointing in awe at the architecture
Cut to
Batman having his whole world collapse
Cut to
Joker drinking Turkish coffee and eating lokum
Cut to
Batman blaming himself for this, unable to come to terms with this failure
Cut to
Joker drinking his own weight in rakija, absolutely smashed
Cut to
Batman really debating whether he should forego his no kill rule
Cut to
Joker singing "Tako ti je mala moja kad ljubi Bosanac"
Cut to
Batman giving up on that, realising he still can't kill
Cut to
Joker dragged into dancing kolo with some bosnians
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