#lmao. stg i crack myself up
arrow-tied-messages · 2 months
as long as Nikki doesn't cheat on me in Infinity Nikki 😒
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
Imagine everyone in genshin could physically see when you lag. Collecting some sunsettia then my ping sky rockets to 999 and im frozen for a good minute in the middle of doing an attack 😭
SOB bro ive gotten caught in some DOWNRIGHT SILLY lags before- i would pass away if they saw that
Esp since i get them stuck then just start laughing my ass off 💀
This gif took me out this is so funny 😭 i had to put it here LMAO
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I accidentally made Venti jump on top of a Aranara house when I was first exploring Sumeru and did that "flying in the air/jumpin down pose" but just. Through a palm leaf, he's just fluttering in the wind it was painfully ironic 😭
What if u were isekaied to Genshin but it still has game rules, and so now ur like a character too,
I would constantly be omw to the Backrooms 💀
Glitching thru magic shit bc im inpatient and wanna hurry (lagged myself thru some domain steps once)
So this is unrelated to lag shit, but Ive just done so much silly ass things in game that they would find just as funny or dumb 💀
So, When i first started Genshin I was on some Shit.
I had only rlly played one or two open world games before, and even then not for a long time, so I just like did the stupidest things
I was fighting in those early domains in Mondstadt right, and I had just gotten to the cutscene with Lisa and Traveler, I think thats all who were there
And I had just finished the last battle in the chamber, so I had just deployed Baron Bunny from Amber but killed the monsters before it could go off-
(no pls dont make her aware of that for me she would bully me forever)
And I also didnt know about boss monsters yet (i didnt watch anyone play genshin/know where or what they were lol goin in blindfolded essentially)
So im running around Mond. and I start fighting a Cryo whopperflower for a little while, im not high level yet, and deadass MID SWORD SWING-
AND THE FALL KILLED AETHER (which I also didnt know could happen 😭TRAUMA) SO I JUST SUDDENLY HAVE AMBER OUT- !!??
Talk about an all-knowing creator god 😭😭
Thatd be so embarassing if they remembered that 💀 aether would literally bring it up all the time to get to me
Then later on in Liyue, theres a chest underneath these guard statues hidden by a bush right? And one of those Geoculus star things too, and i have my compass out trying to find all the Geoculuses(?)
And Im like, " ok towards the statue??"
THEN I JUST PLUMMET- AND I IMMEDIATELY INSTINCTIVELY LIKE, SO HEARTBROKEN AND DISTRESSED SOUNDING "nOPLEASENOTAGAIN- oh, ohhh my godd" my heart was racinggg i literally sighed and I sat there for a minute breathin heavy 😭😭
My team wouldve had a heart attack and field day with me doin shit like that, theyd be like
"This our god? This you?"
Aether has so much blackmail on me 🥲
If I had a mora for everytime I fell on a boss monster in Genshin Impact, I would have 3 mora.
Which isn't a lot of mora, but it's weird that it happened three times.
(we updated the logo bc im stupid and didnt realize i couldve been typing that the whole time)
♡the beloveds♡
Srry figure it was close enough id tag yall anyway
@karmawonders / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylaza / @genshin-impacts-me / @wholesomey-artist
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sminiac · 2 months
Side note I misjudged the distance between where I was sitting on my bed and how far I would have to scoot back so my head would perfectly hit the pillow when I laid down so I just fucjinf smashed the back of my head into the headboard and thought I was about to break my neck 😭😭😭 Anyway now that I've confirmed that I'm going to live all I can think of is "Who in xikers is that during sex and why is it Minjae or Junmin 💀" Those two can never catch a break I stg 😭 - 🌹
PLEASE. I abruptly woke up at 1am, checked my phone read this while half awake and started giggling myself back to sleep you’re so silly, hope your noggin and neck is okay though 🫂
Being able to laugh with your partner during sex is so cute, Minjae would surely start laughing softly to himself after he’s certain that the back of his head didn’t crack open, probably from shock too 😭 Junmin would be on the more embarrassed side, likely to hide his face from you until the pains subsided for the most part and he has the confidence to face you again, he’s so cute ☹️
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Hhhhn, Scum villain. I love it so much. Well, basicaly, I was supposed to do an English assignment and found myself bored as all hell, so I doodled next to the answers.
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YI litteraly love both of the transmigrators to death. The fun thing: both of their usernames have a dick inuendo in them and neither of them will use their dick because of their super hot demon husbands. RIP to Cucumber and Airplane lmao.
While drawing chibi Binghe I was like 'something's missing' and then I drew tears and was like 'yeeeeeaaa, this is what it was'. I hate drawing faces and hands, but I enjoyed this a bit lol.
I live for Shang Qiunghua using brushes to tie his hair up while working tbh.
I wanna draw a Moshang fanart, but I don't know how to draw Mobei jun and I don't wanna slaughter him.
Also also, I kin both transmigrators, so if anyone is a Mobei or Binghe kin, hmu ;)/hj
Yesterday was just pure b a d and the only salvation was Scum villain fanfics. I stg this fandom has the best fics, because you can litteraly write a n y t h i n g and it will turn out awesome. Wanna write crack? The whole novel is basicaly a crack fanfic for PIDW, so go right ahead! Wanna write angst? A lot of potential there! The misunderstandings, differences of races and ages, angsty backstories....there's a lot of angst potential there! Wanna write fluff? You have a lot of pairs to choose from! What about smut? I only have one answer for that: H O T D E M O N S (yes, Mobei jun is an ice demon, stfu, I simp). That is all lmao.
Sorry about the rant, i just needed to get it out. The novel is litteraly so good. To my mutals who haven't read it yet: do so! It's so worth it.
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eldritch-elrics · 3 years
svsss: journey through the mausoleum (plus, zhuzhi-lang is a himbo)
got to chapter 65 last night!
as usually i have a lot to say i guess jkdhgsds i think putting stuff under cuts makes people scroll past these posts more? but also i don’t really want to be too annoying with my Many Reactions so cuts are a good way to go
tldr: loved the mausoleum arc, big fan of tlj, communication is good, and i have a new favorite scene in the book
binghe is extra as FUCK for bringing in all those rhino pythons
so i maintain that tianlang-jun should have been foreshadowed more/is introduced too late in the story, but other than that i think he’s a really fun villain and i’m a fan
for one - he’s the only one who’s able to hurt binghe :0 harm the protagonist...
which creates some Very Good Tension
count number one of zhuzhi-lang being a himbo: trying to sacrifice himself for tlj while being threatened
“is zzl really a himbo” you ask. well, yes. is he dumb? very much so. is he nice? absolutely. is he hot? well, i have no idea. i forget if he’s described as attractive or not. but, i think he can be if he wants. does being a little bit evil negate his himbo-ness? idk! i’m sticking with my assessment
i think i have a bit of a soft spot for evil henchmen
zzl also protects sqq from the corpses <3 good for him
it’s always fun to me when the system is like “wooo yay you fixed the storyline! cut the filler!” because 1. love seeing sqq lay waste to pidw and 2. the implications?? once more i am wondering WHY is the system so interested in making pidw a better story. (and the fact that it’s still calling his adventures in this world a story.) are sqq’s adventures being written down and serialized in the real world? are we as readers supposed to believe that scum villain, as a text, is a direct result of sqq’s “editing” of pidw?
uh, back to the plot
binghe wasted spiritual energy trying to preserve the mushroom/plant body :( come on man...
i really like the whole stretch of plot when binghe’s unconscious. it’s just so tense!! really well-done in my opinion - this is the first time in a while we’ve got a sense that lbh is in danger, and sqq is also running low on energy and stuff, so they’re both in bad places and the stakes are high
PLUS the hurt-comfort of it all. sqq trying not to hurt lbh’s body :(
the whole part in the coffin!! excellent. and the convo with meng mo... sqq calling himself lbh’s shizun finally...
cuddles <3
dying at lbh’s fuckin. boner. and the system’s REACTION it’s so EXCITED i am just. holds my head in my hands. i can’t deal with this novel
the confrontation with qiu haitang and the old palace master was very cool and intense. though i have to say i’m not really a fan of either “angry unreasonable woman” or “bitter disabled person” as tropes/archtypes (especially how sqq was reacting to the palace master’s condition). and poor qiu haitang! i have no idea if there’s any way to set her mind at ease other than revealing the whole transmigration thing. i do hope she’ll turn up again and get a better ending?
so the plague city sqq callout party is once again not directly lbh’s fault! the old palace master is the one to blame!
SO ONE OF MY FAVORITE PARTS IN THE BIT I READ LAST NIGHT. is. sqq realizing that he could utilize lbh’s plot armor to his advantage. but then deciding that he doesn’t want to take that risk. doesn’t want to use lbh’s body as a prop!!!
character development :D
he’s really starting to see lbh as a person as opposed to a character! and being less selfish/survival-oriented...
man. sqq, almost beaten, lying on the ground holding binghe in his arms........ :(((
so is the implication that lbh injured/took revenge on the old palace master because the palace master was being creepy to him about his mom? it’s a bit vague but that’s my theory. weirdo old man...
speaking of people lbh killed. maybe it will be revealed that gongyi xiao is actually alive too :( i’m still salty about that
so i don’t think i got how sqq was able to free himself from zzl’s blood manipulation? was it because binghe woke up and subdued it?
binghe waking up was a lil deus-ex-machina-y lol i would have liked to see some sort of trigger for it (even a cheesy one). like i get why he’s ok and no longer hurt (protagonist powers!) but like, gimme a reason for the shift to happen at that precise moment...
lbh realizes how much sqq went through to save him :( and he’s so happy he didn’t get abandoned!!!! aaaaaa my poor boy
i like crybaby lbh much more than i like cold/cruel lbh lol
i do agree with sqq’s assessment though - lbh keeps doing the thing where he cries and apologizes but doesn’t actually change. he’s slowly getting better about it but that’s some development i’d like to see
so tlj.... DOESN’T want lbh’s body? i stg his motivations change every 5 minutes. that’s one other thing i don’t really like about him. is the “trying to steal lbh’s body” thing just gonna go nowhere? f...
binghe dumbass moments <3 gave him the sword...
..........zhuzhi-lang vore.......
zzl, while healing sqq’s plant arm: don’t worry i don’t want to fuck you unlike LUO BINGHE.
i really hope there exists shipfic of sqq and zzl. like i don’t ship them at all but they just get into so many Situations that i cannot help but think about it. like it would make a funny crack premise
you know what? sqq deserves his own harem. it could consist of lbh, lqg, sqh, zzl.....
modern au tlj is the dad who is way way way too supportive and thinks sqq would just be a wonderful husband for his son~~
interested in tlj’s intention to unite the human and demon worlds. like on the surface it sounds like a good idea right? peace and harmony and reconciling differences and stuff. but tlj’s plan is certainly not well-thought-out, and i’m sure his intentions also skew towards a sort of “merge them so they’re both easier to rule over” thing - which i don’t think is confirmed or anything, it’s just my suspicion
both tlj and lbh have a sort of entitlement thing going on - “i’m powerful so i can do whatever i like / take for myself something i love (whether that be humans or sqq).” which is then backed up by the power the system allows them as final boss and protagonist respectfully
speaking of lbh taking whatever he wants: stop kissing sqq without asking him aaaaa!!!! we know you love him and it’s sweet but please bro
him going all that way to reunite with sqq though <3
and then zzl comes in and i just.
this scene is simply the best
the slapstick of it!!!! i wanna see it animated so bad holy shit
the scene was good when it was just “sqq hides lbh under the bedcovers and he’s having none of it” but then it just kept escalating...
sqq and zzl’s convo is so suggestive too...
zzl himbo moments again?
“no need to explain, i understand everything” OK BRO.
tlj fanboying over him a little lmao
tlj, upon realizing that lbh had been in the bed with zzl and sqq: oh, you guys were having a threesome?
i cannot deal with this. i’m gonna do some sketches from this scene it’s so funny
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aclosetfan · 2 years
What are 3 of your favorite episodes of the Powerpuff Girls and why?
It probably would have been easier to ask me what my three least favorite episodes were 🤣🤣 This is definitely my nostalgia comfort show, and I love all of Season 1-4. Season 5-6 have a few gems as well!
This was really, really hard for me to decide, but gun to my head, I choose these three:
1) Twisted Sister; Season 2, episode 24
By far, Twisted Sister has to be the saddest Powerpuff Girls episode made. If you’ve been following me long enough, I’ve already ranted about this episode, so instead of having to repeat myself, here’s the link.
I think this episode is important for a lot of reasons.
(a) Bunny <3;
(b) it shows how the main trio are still, at the end of the day, little girls with a vague, undeveloped sense of right and wrong, life and death, and love;
(c) it shows how the main trio would prefer leading a normal lifestyle without superhero stress;
(d) it’s another episode where the girls try to take charge of their own lives and break away from Townsville’s expectations, and;
(e) the ppg creators gave us a real honest-to-god visibly disabled superhero. That doesn’t happen very often, and I think it should be recognized more often.
All around it’s a bittersweet episode. I love the themes that are explored, but I’m angry Bunny had to die. If you’re involved in this fandom and haven’t acknowledged Bunny, shame on you.
(lmao also here's how I'd envision the ppg if Bunny was still alive)
2) Supper Villain/ Just Desserts; Season 2, episodes 13 and 23
I know these are two separate episodes, but they go together, so I’m treating them as one. I love the Smiths. Both of their episodes crack me up. There is nothing funnier to me than watching them get in their fancy villain van and driving 50 feet to the Utonium’s driveway.
Every bit of this saga is funny: Harold and Marianne’s relationship, the entirety of the dinner scene, Harold’s outfit, the narrator’s dialogue, the fact the Smiths’ son is named Mudd----all of it is fantastic.
There’s no deeper meaning to my enjoyment of these episodes; I just love them. If you’re curious about the day-to-day life of the Utonium family outside of crime-fighting, then watch these episodes. The Professor and the girls get to act like a totally normal family in them!
3) The Bare Facts; Season 1, episode 9
This is another one where there’s no deeper meaning behind my enjoyment. Again, I love the humor of this one, and the punchline—even if it’s a little crass—makes me laugh.
I think that this episode is perfect if you want to see the girls act as siblings—the way they argue when telling the story is spot-on for siblings lol. Also, when they all get their turns telling the story of “What Happened” to the Mayor, you get to see their individual personalities shine and it’s so freaking cute.
Finally, I love it because the Mayor is my fave character I stg. He’s got some of the best lines in the whole show. I love that doofus.
Ta-da! There it is! I find myself going back to these 3 episodes and re-watching them more than the others, but I’m dead serious when I say most every episode in seasons 1-4 is my favorite!!!🥰😊
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itstittycitybaby · 4 years
Please, Don’t Shut Me Out: LOK (Amon x reader)
A/N: here we go lmao another man with a mask (can yall tell my kinks and what im into yet?). amon needs some love too and i stg if i get complaints about how could you he’s terrible, or how dare you he took lin’s bending away, we’re fist fighting to the death in an arby’s parking lot at 3am.
warnings: light angst, but it gets sweet
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haha rail me<3
“Don’t shut me out please.” He froze; it felt too hard to breathe with the thick silence in the air. The tension was unbearable and he felt like he would choke on it.  It was tense, sharper than any knife. His loyal lieutenant’s words sounded broken, and he assumed they were. Amon turned around with his fists clenched. Normally he was indifferent to emotions, something his father taught him long ago. And now, here he was, the weight of it all crashing down on him. Amon felt like he was in the freezing blizzard again. It’s unforgiving coldness sinking him down into the snow. Emotions were trivial and dangerous especially during a war. But his loyal lieutenant with their soft eyes brought such things out of him. “Don’t look at me like that.” Amon regretted the words as soon as he said them. You flinched at his harshness and the tears in your eyes threatened to spill over. You bit your quivering lip and folded your arms tightly. He would never admit how much he cared. How the yearning in your heart matched his own. You’d be hurt if you loved him. Being Amon’s lover was a big red target on your back. He wouldn’t forgive himself if something happened to you. He had killed people in the name of equality and justice. How could you love a monster? Even with the mask on, you knew Amon was high strung. It was obvious in his stressed orders and strained posture. No one seemed to notice or care, but you did. The walls around Amon were high and thick. He was trapped behind the iron bars. Every time you tried reaching out, Amon didn’t seem to hear you. But you swore he felt the same way. Amon had let you in little by little and shared his thoughts the night you found his walls cracking. No one else had the relationship with him like you had.. “What are you so afraid of,” you asked softly. “Am I not good enough for you? Have I not done enough?” Amon felt his heart sink slowly. The softness of your voice stung more than yelling. You were always soft spoken and never talked unless needed.He didn’t want to risk hurting you one day and having to pick up the pieces by himself all over again.
Slowly, he walked over to your trembling figure. The soft eyes he saw every time he fell asleep starred in his expectantly. “It’s for your own good,” Amon replied evenly. His eyes watched the tear that managed to escape. It rolled down your cheek as your soft gaze wavered. His hand cupped your cheek and his thumb wiped it away softly. Amon’s hand was bigger than your face and he towered over you. Your height and your smaller figure was something you had always been teased for. Amon, found it cute.``Have you even thought about what I want? That I want to love you willingly? Please Amon, just give me a chance.” His heart tugged. He didn’t like how easily he had fallen. His father’s unloving words rung in his ear. “How could you love a monster? Answer me that, little one.” “Is this what this is about,” you asked, brows drawn together. “There’s no such thing as monsters or a hero. It’s a social construct made by people who think they’re better than everyone else. We’re all human and make mistakes, it’s what we do with those mistakes that count. When are you going to understand that you’re not going to lose me? I made the decision to stand by your side freely until the very end.” Amon didn’t say anything. His silence unnerved you as he held your cheek softly. The mask he wore prevented you from seeing how he actually felt, but you knew him better. “Please…” “Alright,” he said softly, fingers stroking your cheek lovingly. A smile broke out across your face. More tears ran down your cheeks but they weren’t sad anymore. A piece of the bitterness in Amon’s heart became warm again. Bit by bit Amon could feel his heart patching up again. His father’s cruel words and the whispers that followed had quieted. Reaching up you yanked Amon down to your level. Your lips softly touched his mask’s and your fingers clenched into his hood for support. You smiled as you felt his cautious hands slip around your waist. Pulling away, you looked into his eyes. You couldn’t see them, though you could feel the softness in his eyes as he watched you. 
“What happens now,” you asked, the creeping anxiety at the thought of Amon changing his mind was something you couldn’t shake off. “Now, we make sure no harm comes your way.” “I can hold my own,” you pouted. “I know darling,” Amon chuckled. “I would never forgive myself if something happened to you.” You smiled softly as you stroked his mask. He seemed less stressed but the weight of the avatar and the council was still heavy on him. He had to restore balance to Republic City and make sure you were safe. Bringing Amon’s hand into yours you tugged him along. “We’ll figure something out later Amon. Let’s get something to eat. You haven’t eaten today right?” He shook his head as he followed you out of the dark room. “You need to eat more,” you chided, concern evident in your gaze. Amon didn’t reply, he just followed your lead as you led him to the base’s kitchens. Everyone was either resting or keeping watch. Not that they would have cared if they saw you and their leader, but seeing Amon acting so casual never happened. You giggled at the thought of the equalists gawking, seeing their leader act so soft. Amon turned to you with a curious gaze at your sudden amusement. “It’s nothing,” you said, shaking it off. He just hummed. Maybe emotions weren’t so bad after all.
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denkisdurag · 4 years
gimme those Denshi headcanons lmao
ayo ? bet.
i got carried away sorry-
denki x dashi headcanons
warnings: swearing, mentions of weed, crack lmao
for those of y'all that don't know, dashi is my oc
i named myself after her
and denshi is the ship between her and denki 😌
so lemme speak to u real quick
how they met
dear lord
this one for the books
the bread bank
the fucking bread bank
just read okay
denki was dared by The Boyz™ (kiri and sero) to shout "welcome to the bread bank" down the hall
with hesitation, he did
and just as he was about to reenter the dorm like
"no one knows my memes bro 😔"
from like two floors up
denki poked his head back out his door
"we got bread on deck?"
once again, dashi
and they just went back and forth like that
following each other's voices
until they finally faced each other
denki's smiling like
"okay that's gonna be five-"
"nah fuck that i ain't payin"
dashi pretended to run away before making her way back
he invited her to hang out with them and she was like "gang ok"
she became good friends with them very soon
once him and her actually started dating
they're so funny i stg
it's never a dull moment with those two
dashi is bESTIES with kiri
like they're so close akhjdlakslds
even while her and denki are dating
one time he walked in on them all close and cuddling and shit and they didn't even jump away from each other or anything
they were just like
"hi :)"
but she would never date kiri
bc that's bestiecest
and thats nasty
but anyways
their text convos are full of memes
and their irl ones too tbh
just like
"china is whole again.. then it brooooke again"
"damn.. no loyalty"
and, of course, "*insert literally any vine eVER*"
people are so confused bc like what the FUCK are they talking about
they have so many inside jokes ong
and the funny thing is that they aren't even really inside jokes
they're just high tier memes that no one else understands lmao
they like going on late night drives
like just blasting music with the windows down at 2 a.m. bc they fucking can
they usually end up getting some food and sneaking back into the dorms at like 4 or 5
i told y'all they were always vibin 😌
they're big stoners
smoking is a form of self care 💆🏾‍♀️
they're goofy highs fs
like they're deadass laughing at everything
they could just make eye contact while one of them was taking a puff and they'd laugh
they could fucking exhale and they'd wheeze like it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard
*cut to me in a panic, trying to think of more to write*
cuddle hcs
okay so the classic cuddle
yk they're facing each other and denki has his chin on dashi's head and their arms are wrapped around each other
that's typically how they sleep
but when they're kinda just chillin together
dashi lays down with her head supported up by a few pillows or something
and denki is laying between her legs and his head is rested on her lower abdomen
and she just kinda plays with his hair
okay one more
denki loves when she wears thigh highs
it's like
his favorite thing
and if she's wearing a oversized hoodie too?
and her hair is loosely tied up at the top of her head?
instant nut
i love them
she's canon idc
yeah um pls request me to write scenarios and stuff for them PLEASE i need to
also dashi and mina bc i'm ngl i been thinkin about them
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Oh shit! A life update! 
Worked on my garden more
Transplanted some flowers my mother had in a tiny pot. Poor things were rootbound, so they now have a bigger pot to exist in. 
My aloe plants seem to be making a comeback, they’re not all purple anymore - as an aside, while yes, I understand that we shouldn’t overwater certain plants, we’ve also been having some pretty nasty storms coming through here where the rain literally is blown sideways
Sadly had to toss another couple pots because they were all fucked up and cracked. 
Got around to planting more seeds - some of my rainbow chard and the chianti sunflowers. I’m highly disappointed in the sunflowers - approximately a half-dozen seeds in a pack that cost about $2. 
Transplanted my green onions into a larger pot since they outgrew the little six-pack type thing they were in. Holy hell, they’re getting so big!
Realize I want more seeds, probably red aloe, celery, chives... Yes, I have the self-control of a flea, thank you for noticing!
Pulled down SO many fucking vines it’s ridiculous especially when you realize that I’ve not finished everything yet. 
Got around to hauling all the bags of dead leaves and the cut branches out to the side of the road for bulk trash pickup, so that’s a positive. 
Raked up MORE leaves and assorted dead vegetation/trimmings into bags. I STG it’s the neverending story, and not in a good way...
Not technically my garden, but we had some flooding in my area last week. Thankfully, my street was ‘only’ under 3-4 inches of water, and you’ve to go up several steps to get into my house, so we didn’t flood, BUT it meant there was a lot of gunk left on the street/sidewalk/driveway after the water receded. I finally got around to shoveling (literally - some of it was still soggy) that shit into a garbage can. 
Got some stuff done inside
Did laundry. The other neverending story LMAO
Got around to using a hair mask. Yes, it’s stupid, but right now I’m allowing myself stupid little things because why not? 
Did some research into various DIY skin/hair/nail treatments which I’ve been meaning to do for a while now.
Cleaned a bit, but let’s face it, the weather has been pretty nice lately, so I’ve been trying to spend as much time in the yard as possible.
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thedappleddragon · 6 years
exit 83 bootleg live reactions
because i already did it with the australian one
good job jeremy actor
i wish i could see tho
aw the way his voice got soft when hesaid hero :D
also this is already a bop
wow rich wrote that really fast apperantly
a TINY nitpick (just because im used to the origional cast studio recording) jeremys actor could put in a touch more emotion. he’s not bad at all!!!! he’s good. just sayin
i wanna seeeeee
i take back me earlier comment about more emotion he’s great wow
holt sHIT when the croud screamed for michael?? honestly same
omg yayy we can see the set design! nice
i miss the scream before “im lstenin to marley”
awww my heart <3 he sounded so sympathetic with “how was class u look like ass whats wrong” he’s so sweet
boyf riends
“i hate this school” omg such an angry bab i love it
omg i love christine and her outfit is SO CUTE YES BITCH LONG SOCKS
whoever’s filming? same
oh my god my poor hEART HE’S SO SAD I LOVE IT
u can realy feel how alone he feels. just him singing and the soft piano and he blue lighting and noone on stage close to him? HOLY SHIT
o love how everyone slowly starts to dance again by first just kind of bouncing and then they turn around one by one? god i love whoever directed/choreographed this
oh he’s so nervous 
my bean <333
im smiling like a doofus i love her and i cant get over how much i love her OUTFIT SHES SO CUTE
shes so bouncy and cute <333 god my weak gay heart
there’s also a part of me that wants to do this
 “aw” honestly same
aw shes so cutesquirming in her chair from exitment
i stg i must hae ghostfilmed this because SAME
“our funds will be diverted to the frisby golf team” “YES” “omg jake”
i feel like jake’s dialogue was kind of monotone and didnt have enough pauses
n the bathroom dialogue was kind of awkward with its pacing, but then again it could have been because of the audience talking. idk
but really rich’s actor is really good from what i can hear
AAAAA 2 PLAYER GAME honestly im not even mad that i cant see they sound amazing
the scamming realization is different but thats not a bad thing
i love michael
and i kind of like that they didnt lunge at every trumpet blare 
i am both enraged and laughing my ass off
also shit michael’s actor has a very nice lower vocal range
the legendary fall into the beanbags! yes!
oh my god theyre both such dorks <3
ok i couldnt see that well but apperantly the extras cleaning up the set were dressed as video game characters and omg? that’s genius 
um what’s going on with the drug dealer’s voice? are there 2 of them? is that their squip? i am confusion 
thats what makes it so... AWESOME 
aw... i really wanted to see the squip activate... or at least hear it... :(
JEREMY asdfghjkl you’re so extra
i love how extra everyone is in this musical its gREAT
are they using a live band for the music? because the trumpet just fucked up
the squip is so EXTRA i wanna see himmmmm
also i just remembered the theory about hiw the trumper blare and the cutoff of the regge time beat was to simulate optic nerve blocking being turned on and it made me sad
but then i was unsad because i remebered how much of a fuckin BOP this whole musical is!!!
lol sarcastic play rehersal is great
in the “from a guy that id never be into” song (sorry i dont know the name) christine sounds less infatuated and more powerful. not sure i like it
lol jeremy’s crying lmao
its kind of funny how they solved the problem of not being able to portray that they were behind the school other than bird chirps and her blatently saying so
lol squip gay “just take me inside you”
oooOOOOOoooo rolling around on the floor? thats new
“extra circular activity” also its cute how he couldn hit that high note
AA I LOVE seeing michael so exited my good baby
wow really good lighting effects
“oh...” same 
“OH MY GOD” same just let me SEE
“i- ag- i drew it right!” lol holy shit
haha its funny watching the squip suffer
that scream
the whole croud is ME aw-ing for michael
ok so u know how i like trans michael (what no im not stalling) what if trans michael is sitting in the bathroom and actually was on his peiod. oof
no imnot crying youre crying TT-TT
omg i completely forgot about all oft the siagogue between MITB and RSAFABDTH
wow all of the dancing in this is great
the squip is such a badass
also i jus noticed this is the first time he came down from his tower thing
OOOH and i assume all of the black figures resemble all of the squips he’s about to unleash upon the school? nice
i live for the squip’s “beep bop boop”s
seriously the squip is such a good villian 
i never really liked the pants song, but its not that bad
AWW Christine sounded do heartbroken :,( “what’s wrong with me now?” NOTHING SWEETIE I LOVE U <333
watching everyone get squipped is so much fun wow
“give it to me!” “hey, wait! ......................no” “... but i need it D:>” holy shit i cant breathe
i dont think ive ever seen this banter n the middle of the play and im shitting myself laughing
*person filming is zooming in on michael and jeremy cuddling* me: big mood
The girl filming while the squip dies: “no, not my daddy”
im in awe
they’re all just bouncing up and down this is so cute
i always forget exactly how much i love this mudical but then i watch a booyleg and im sucked right back into bmc hell <3
awe man did u have to cut off right before the final note?
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liibertus · 6 years
TAGGED BY STOLEN FROM:  @crystallinecaelum  TAGGING: bruh uh I feel like anyone I tag might already be tagged so sorry but uhh @bxstiarius @nyx-ulric-of-galahd @croweoftheglaive @tenebrianflower @frigustek @starscovrged @glaciousglaive @blindchefignis / @r0uld / @thedemonkingganon (whichever muse you like) &&& ofc anyone else who wants to, tag me!
NAME : Jade NICKNAME : Jaden, Cova. FACECLAIM : None specifically. I don’t use icons generally speaking but for avatars etc I’ve used the image on my main bc it had the same eye color as Jaden/Judai Yuki with the whole Supreme King shit lmao. I generally use a generic ass red hair red air anime guy avatar for my male avatar or when I go by cova/covacola.
PRONOUNS : she/her, he/him. No real preference to which. Maybe slight to he him? I’m genderfluid my dudes idfk. HEIGHT : 4'9 and ready to fight I stg I was 4'10 and a half at the start of the year. BIRTHDAY : April 1st, no joke. AESTHETIC : Moody cocacola pics my dudes. Siberian huskies. Metallic red. Pencils, specifically lead pencisl with the extended tip so the lead hypothetically doesn’t break as easily. Black nail polish has become an aesthetic according to my coworkers bc it’s been 14 months and I haven’t changed it I just keep covering it back up when that shit cracks and uhhhh rings. Yeah. Especially solid jade bands. Ofc green jade but sometimes white or black work too. Ametrine. LAST  SONG  YOU  LISTENED  TO : currently listening to Ellie Goulding’s Love Me Like You Do FAVOURITE  MUSE (S)  YOU’VE  WRITTEN : honestly I really liked Harkin, a Rise of the Guardians/Guardians of Childhood OC I’m bringing back. Especially when paired with Avel, or just Q, another OC for the same series. I’m actually bringing them back. But I especially liked Hark bc he was really just fuckin tired of living but just the snarkiest bastard. I have a hard time portraying him bc I can’t quite ever nail him down well myself, but I’ve had a few fun moments and happy memories.
WHAT  INSPIRED  YOU  TO  TAKE  ON  THIS  MUSE : my dudes I’m fuckin prone to taking up obscure ass muses. Hayner from KH, Harvar and Hiro from Soul Eater, yeah. So when I first saw KG, I knew I had to make anglaive blog. Nyx was the obvious choice, so I didn’t go there. I knew I couldn’t do Crowe justice, and I actually thought she’d be a much more popular muse than she has been, so that was off too. I also picked Lib bc he was a complete one-eighty from muses I have mostly portrayed. Most of my recent muses have been generally quiet, so I thought it’d be a nice change. The other glaives all kinda followed in suit but yeah. I love Libertus. Absolutely no regrets wtf I love him.
WHAT  ARE  YOUR  FAVOURITE  ASPECTS  OF  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE : I really like the potential Libertus has. While he does now have quite a bit more canon than he used to, he still has a lot of vagueness about his story, which I like because I feel like it leaves me open to interpret.
WHAT’S  YOUR  BIGGEST  INSPIRATION  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  WRITING : in general? Uhhh honestly? Muse. Lmao hear me out. I treat all my muses and characters in general I write as separate consciousnesses and it was actually kind of freaky a couple years back I am dead serious when I say I don’t think I wrote most of that. I’d just kind of zone out and let the muse take hold, only really conscience enough to proofread as we went. It isn’t as intense now, but I still feel a lot of that sensation when I write
FAVOURITE  TYPES  OF  THREADS : angst my dudes. But my ultimate ultimate favorite are intimate melancholy threads. I’ve very rarely gotten a chance to do them but like I love them. Where it’s not that deep intense pain of dramatic angst, but something quieter, dulled but still deep. Melancholy. Especially when it’s very personal to both muses. The ones I’ve done were all depressed/falling apart ships but I see so much potential for this kind of thread unromantically too. GAHHH I love these kinds of threads dudes.
BIGGEST  STRUGGLE  IN  REGARDS  TO  YOUR  CURRENT  MUSE :I’m gonna mention my activity and general lack of muse, but for this question I want to focus specifically on regarding struggles with Lib. Right now, it’s difficult for me to throw Lib at people because I’m just not quite sure where he’d fit. Like it wouldn’t make sense to me for them to meet or interact. Libertus, my portrayal at least, has always been the type to connect to more background people in xv rather than anyone in out forward cast. Idk I’m probably just over thinking but yeah. Also generally speaking, I’m so fuckin afraid to approach anyone like it doesn’t matter if we’ve talked for years or met IRL bruh IDC man I’m too fuckin anxious to talk to people h e l p
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ukulelewrites · 7 years
write short descriptions of your favourite mutuals/friends and then tag them (but not next to their descriptions) and try to make them guess which one is theirs!
this is going to be such a huge undertaking, but i think i can do it!
I’ll be tagging @jsioos, @seungkwanslowqualityenglish, @wilderye, @peachiejihoonie, @splashinglys, @princess-megz, @laji-101, @simplicitwannaone, @jihoonslattee, @dae-vil, @kakaotaeks, @ladynightmareii!
hope yall can guess who’s who
these are going to be so obvious OTL
they’re under the cut too
the soFTEST FLOOF OML. i stg the entire gc is whipped for her bc she’s such a warm beam of sunshine. she’s not in the chat often but the moment one of us changes our dp or sends a pic of jihoon she appears with compliments! Also, dance goddESS AND I KNOW SHE’S GOING TO MAKE IT INTO HER SCHOOL’S DANCE TEAM OR I STG I’LL THROW HANDS.
i have one word,,,,,,,kabedon. lmao jkjk. this person is gr8 okay? she’s probably one of the smartest chill peeps ik and girl’s gonna sLAY TF OUT OF HER UNI ENTRANCE EXAMS. she also has a things for hands, so like if anyone out there got pics of donghyun’s hands, send them to her,,,,,for science.
omg my fave lurker lmao. no but in all honesty, she’s such a sweet person. so supportive of everyone, compliments from her make my day jfc. and her snaps? supportive af, makes me feel 10x better bc she’s always wishing us a good day. ;-; bless her soft heart.
thE CUTEST PRINCESS IN THE WORLD OKAY!!! HER GOOD MORNING SNAPS AND GOODNIGHT SNAPS BLESS MY DAY. she’s also willing to like, fight 24/7 whenever someone does a member of our gc dirty. such a smol, but like, a lovingly aggressive smol.
mom is probs done with us at this point lmAO. i bet you she drinks wine in, like, a mug while watching the gc wild out. no but like, i love her to pieces even tho she always tells me to make my move when iM NOT READY TO. plus she’s so well informed, always updating us on the next comebacks and such~~~
i miss her so much ;-; she’s not on kkt as often as she used to be but she’s a gr8 human who i will support always. plus ik she’s waiting for the next installment of my pd101 s3 crack fic and OTL IM SO SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THAT. 
two words. VISUAL GODDESS. WHERE CAN I GET HER EYEBROWS OMG. no but she’s wildin’ like i’ll just be “hey how does one do the do?” and she pops up and is like “well you see here you-” bless her for informing a very ignorant me lmAO. but she’s gr8 even if she calls me out for not being innocent anymore pftttttt i’m still innocent. 
wow what a cutie. a kermit lovin’ cutie. but honestly, hOW DOES SHE WRITE SMUT???? SHE’S YOUNGER THAN ME. I’m impressed but also kinda disappointed in myself lmao. one of the biggest sf9 supporters ik, whiCH IS GR8. also, she deserves the world, like she deserves someone who can fit a whole orange in their mouth. she deserves Gunhee.
smol maknae that’s done with the rest of us half the time lmAO. she always enters the gc at the best worst times. like when we’re screaming GET THAT METADICK or trying to teach me how to sext lmao it was for science. yet she’s still here, judging us silently as we combust lol. no honestly, the cutest bean who looks gr8 and her selfies are the highlight of my morning~
this person is as sweet as a certain fuzzy fruit likened to kang daniel i stg this one is so obvious. like, she’s so chill and also supportive??? like when we need to pick out an outfit, she’s got us. hypeman #1. also, viSUAL MATERIAL RIGHT HERE. EVERY DP CHANGE IS A BLESSING. plus, her stories about her day are always pretty interesting.
aN ADORABLE SMART ONE THAT I MISS DEARLY. she’s busy with school so she doesn’t pop into the gc as often as she used too ;-; but iTS OKAY BC WE STILL LOVE HER. also the softest, and i remember her really liking cats too whICH IS GR8 EVEN THO IM ALLERGIC.
she’s actually the reason why the gc squad even exists lmao. bless her tho bc even tho she’s not in the gc as often, sheS A SUPER SUPPORTIVE HUMAN BEAN. also like, woke af which is gr8. plus, writing goddess? check. visual goddess? check? goddess in general? check!
that was long,,,,,,,,
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wolfguy13-blog · 7 years
Updates, Karaoke, Exams, and the president of JSA?!
Konichiwa and welcome to an update of my blog which I just looked at again after a long while and looks like a bunch of posts with nothing but rants and sadness. I don’t know what my intention was when I wrote them but it doesn’t matter now lol. I noticed I change every year and every time I look back to a year earlier sometimes I just face palm. Ok so updates for now, I gave 2 exams on Saturday and have two tomorrow. So I’ve been on overdrive for almost two weeks now and I have a feeling I’m gonna crack soon. But just one more day. I believe in myself ha! And since this is me I have a plan on Friday to meet with a dear friend of mine who I haven’t seen too much this term since she works now and I’m so busy with university and socialising! Apparently she has some news for me so excited to hear that! I wanted to meet our third wheel(jk) who can’t make it cause she also works all day. I haven’t seen that beauty since last term! Miss her! After Friday, I made plans with my other friend who wants me to come to Mississauga and go to wonderlands Halloween haunt on Saturday. Like I wanted to go! But after these exams I’m so exhausted my body is just like stop lol. Idk what I should do. Maybe I’ll feel better post tomorrow. Then, i have to meet my other friend on Monday night after class to hang out. Then I have a party of sorts at this guys place who Is the president of the JSA which I joined again this year. So he wasn’t in jsa last year because he was working so now he’s back and now is president lol. I met him the first time when I was signing up for karaoke but that was short. We bonded at karaoke later than haha. So one of the friend I made in Jsa is his friend so they were sticking together and I kinda wanted to know the president more so I tried being so much nicer than usual lol. So when we were selecting songs I joked if any of them wanted to sing a Taylor Swift song? He responded and was like yeah sure! (Thank you for making me make a new friend T-Swizzle) and he said “You belong with me?” And I was dying inside cause I found it funny. I said yes and our turn came and we sung the whole thing (he wasn’t gonna sing the whole thing) and got a 99 Woot! ( 92 was the max score someone got). We high fived and just chilled after talking to him here and there for the went. After karaoke we left to eat sushi with an army of 20 who deserted after we couldn’t get seats at Sakata and then 6 more went to a restaurant that had an ID check and I didn’t bring mine D: so 6 went to Sakata and only me president and 2 other people were left. I said I’ll just go to kokame and the other two said yes. He was like I’m tired and want to go home and said he’s going to the bubble tea. Then he changed his mind and was like you guys get sushi and come over. I laughed on the inside again lol. And so I gave him money for the bubble tea and I got him sushi and went over to his place where we chilled, joked around, trolled Vivian, and played Imploding kittens and I had a lot of fun. You know when you get those super happy vibes from someone, I got those from him. I don’t know if he felt the same but I feel in my soul he has some relevance in my life but only time will tell! And just to clarify I’m not into him sexually or anything (I’m 99% into girls) but I don’t know why my head and heart are so distracted with him and wanting to know him more. I’ve had regular crushes and man crushes but this seems different somehow. Or maybe I’m just excited to make a new guy friend since the majority in Canada are girls looool. Or maybe my exams have ducked me hard in the head. Like he got all my jokes and I think we clicked instantly. He gave warm vibes and I dig it. He seems like a good soul to know so I want to keep getting to know him more. Also he invited me to the party on Tuesday (maybe as a kind gesture?) but I’m just gonna b chill k? Also in our conversation circle I tried to interact with him as much as I could even though it was hard haha. A handshake, passing him the chips, and him leaning on my shoulders when Angel told me to be quiet looool. I hope she doesn’t hate me now. And that was it. Damn I’m scared I’ll duck things up and get too much into his face so I’m just controlling my puppy urges to give him attention and get attention. This is almost as bad when I wanted my crushes attention back in first year( though she finally gave it to me and became my best bud for the rest of the years haha). But yes that the presidents story. Maybe we’ll become bros soon or maybe he just came into my life to poke at my puppy nature. Or maybe the good looking older brother type people just make my heart strings pull and remind of my older brother. He does share the same haircut as my brother did so maybe that’s it. I dunno. I feel like this was all fate the way things worked that night because when I try to be extra life kicks me lmao. I really believe some people come into our lives to either teach us something or learn something from us. So I’ll try not to disrupt this flow of things, I haven’t even added him on fb yet so he doesn’t think I’m extra but I want him to add me so we can officially be friends lmao - I get so excited when my friends notification pings and think it’s him, I’m so extra I stg. But here’s to hoping I Find out why he’s barging his way into my life and that my exam grades are good!
Please pray for me lol! M
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soft-imagines · 7 years
Unexplainable Love {Park Jihoon}
Park Jihoon Feat. Wanna One [Ending 1]
Synopsis: Ice cream date with Jihoon, texting with obnoxious people you call friends, and a short adventure in the park🍦
You were on he phone with your best friend, Eunmi, who is Seongwoo’s cousin.
“Can you come over so that we can watch PD101 on crack?” she asks while you slip your feet into your Converse.
You laugh. “You always want to do the weirdest things,” you tell her. “But I can’t, I’m going on a date with Jihoon. Maybe after, if you’re awake when I come by your place.”
“Okay, I’ll be awake for sure. By the way, do you have Woojin’s number?”
“Uh yeah, but your cousin is Ong Seongwoo. Ask him. I have to go so I’m not late, bye!”
“Alright, fine. Bye Y/N! Have fun! Tell Jihoon I say hi!”
“I will! And by the way, don’t watch that Unhelpful Guide to Wanna-One video yet because I haven’t watched it.”
“Uhm, too late.”
Eunmi hangs up so you roll your eyes and happily put your phone in your pocket while thinking about Jihoon. You call out to your parents that you’re going to be out and will be back in a few hours. After you close the door behind you, you make your way to the ice cream shop, nearly skipping in joy because you haven’t seen Jihoon for the longest time.
Winkdeep Pt.1: almost here?
yes winkboy i’ll be there soon
Winkdeep Pt.1: hurry, i miss you~! T^T
what a baby, no offense
Winkdeep Pt.1: offense taken
oi, i’ll be there soon
Winkdeep Pt.1: ‘oi’?
omg pls jihoon let me live
Winkdeep Pt.1: ily y/n
ily2 you baby
Winkdeep Pt.1: :)))))
I cross the street and spot the ice cream shop another block down. The sun glares down at me as I hurry to the shop. I pull open the door, being met with cool air. Jihoon waves from a table for four right by the entrance. He grins while I walk over, getting out of his seat. He embraces me and kisses my head, sitting back in his seat. I sit beside him.
“So, what’s the plan after we have some ice cream?” I ask while getting my money out.
“We’ll just walk. Let the road take us somewhere,” Jihoon replies with a smile while getting up. “I’ll pay.”
“Y/N, I got it.”
I sigh and nod while he plants a kiss on my cheek and asks me what I want.
“The usual.” He nods and leaves to order. I take out my phone and snap a selca with Jihoon in the back looking at the menu. I post it on Instagram, captioning it: Ice cream with the boy of my dreams 💞
By the time Jihoon comes back, my photo has 30 likes. Mostly from the other PD101 boys. Jihoon sits across from me, handing me my two scoops of marshmallow ice cream with chocolate syrup and crushed graham crackers.
“Thank you, JIhoon,” I say while smiling at him.
“No problem, babe,” he gently replies, scooping some of his mocha ice cream into his spoon and holding it out for me.
I lean forward and take the bite, tasting coffee, which brings me back to our date a few months ago at the cafe. I feed Jihoon some of mine, and he smiles while holding out another spoonful of his ice cream towards me. I shake my head, but Jihoon insists. I open my mouth but instead of getting another bite, I have ice cream smeared on my nose and cheekbone.
“Park Jihoon, I swear.”
He laughs and takes out his phone.
“Don’t you even-”
But it’s too late. He’s taken about 10 pictures already, so I smear ice cream on his cheek and his jawbone, laughing. While he pouts, I get out of my seat and take photos with him. A few of us laughing, a couple of him kissing my temple, and some of me kissing his cheek. we wipe the ice cream off of our faces and continue munching on our frozen treats, making conversation about how I’m doing at school, how he’s doing on the show. Once we’re finished, we step out of the shop hand-in-hand, laughing at the pictures we had taken.
“Send those to me,” Jihoon says, taking a peek at my phone, then looking ahead.
“I will.”
I send the pictures one by one. I immediately get a text back.
“Oh no.”
“What?” Jihoon worriedly looks at me, stopping us for a moment while I stare at my phone.
“I accidentally sent the pictures to your boyfriend.”
“No- I swear Jihoon, I’m talking about Jinyoung.”
Jihoon looks at my phone. “I told you not to keep our names as Winkdeep Pt. 1 & 2.” He takes out his phone as both of our notifications ring out.
Winkdeep Pt.2: *sent photos*
center: lmao y’all cute
swaggy byeongari: ewww bai
memesung: omg pls tell me theres more
katdaniel: cute. you two have fun
guys pls i sent those to baejin by accident
Winkdeep Pt.1: I’ll send more if you guys stop
ponyo’s psychotic husband: lmao okay then can’t wait
haha sungwoon: guys let the children live omfg
seonho’s dad: seriously. jihoon, y/n? have fun okay?
we will thanks minhyun and sungwoon
katdaniel: oh wow thanks for the thanks
Winkdeep Pt.1: Okay thank you daniel
snaggletooth: I stg can y’all stfu imma turn the notifications off
Winkdeep Pt.2: lmao
see you guys never -.-
swaggy byeongari: *sends a video of him rapping his part in ‘never’*
i give up *y/n has left the building because she’s friends with a bunch of fucking idiots*
Winkdeep Pt.1: nice one guys *jihoon has left the chat*
hahasungwoon: i told you guys to leave the poor children alone
seonho’s dad: you guys have no chill -.-
Tumblr media
ong-baegopa: oh are we sending memes now?
Tumblr media
katdaniel: oh my jesus fuck ong pls
I look at Jihoon, and I can’t help but laugh.
“I can’t believe I’m friends with you guys,” I giggle while slipping my phone into my pocket while more notifications ring. A meme battle is probably occurring. I hold onto Jihoon’s arm as we start walking again.
“It’s what you get when you meet 40 different guys, Y/N, and that was only Wanna-One,” Jihoon laughs, kissing my head.
“No matter how annoying these boys are, I still love them.”
“Of course. You’re too nice to stay mad at them, Y/N. Now, left or right?”
We turn to a near dead end, an old park sitting t the end of the road.
“Is that where our next journey is?” I ask.
“I guess so.”
Jihoon smiles as I hurry ahead and step onto the woodchips and step up onto the platform to the monkey bars. He follows, watching me. I swing on the monkey bars to the other side, watching him swing from bar to bar, but suddenly stop and climb up onto the bars so that he can sit. I take a few pictures, saving them to show him that he’s a model, and climb up, sitting beside him. The sun slowly falls as Jihoon takes my hand and lays back, being held by the close-spaced bars. I slowly follow, letting my hair hang above the ground and get blown by the soft breeze.
I look over at my boyfriend, who smiles and leans toward me, pressing his lips on mine. As we pull away and stare at each other, footsteps sound on the woodchips.
“Miss? Mister? Can I play on the monkey bars?” A boy asks, looking up at us.
Jihoon and I look at each other, then I nod and we both climb off. Jihoon leads me to the slide and slides down first. When he gets to the bottom, he opens his arms out for me, so I slide down into his arms. He kisses me again, and when we break, he lingers. After a moment of silence, he pecks my forehead and helps me onto my feet, leading us over to the swings. I sit and he comes up behind me.
“Ready?” I nod.
He pulls the swing back and lets go, pushing me a few times before sitting in the empty swing beside me. By the time I slow down from becoming tired, Jihoon is still sitting there, watching me.
“You okay?” I question him.
“Mhm,” he softly replies while nodding hid head once. “Just wondering why you actually wanted to date me when there were other options.”
I roll my eyes and shake my head. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Seriously, how does a girl like you, smart, sweet, and lovable, end up with a guy like me, who’s dorky, known for one wink, and cheesy?”
I sigh and take my boyfriend’s hands, making sure he’s looking me in the eye. “Park Jihoon, stop bringing yourself down like you’re not good enough for me, okay? We’re great for each other, no matter what our differences. I will always love you. And your wink isn’t the only thing that makes me love you. I love you for being you. All that matters is that we love each other.”
Jihoon stares at me, and I lean over and kiss him. When I pull away, he’s smiling shyly, avoiding my eyes.
“Let’s walk again,” I suggest while getting up. I take Jihoon’s hand and we walk towards the sidewalk. By the time a few minutes have passed, Jihoon still hasn’t said a word.
“Babe?” I say softly.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been quiet since I… Well, since I ranted.”
He stays silent for a moment and he looks at me a bit hesitantly.
“It’s just… I really love you, Y/N. I don’t even have words to explain how much I really love you and how much you mean to me. You always know how to make me feel better and make my heart feel warm and loved.”
I stop in the middle of the sidewalk and pull him in for a tight hug, burying my face into his shoulder. His arms make their way around my waist, and I hear myself giggling.
“I feel the same way, Jihoon. We love each other so much… And there’s just no way to explain it. It really is unexplainable, what I feel for you.”
I pull away to see his reaction. All Jihoon does is pull me close to him, and kiss me. Unlike the kisses before, this one is sweet, and it leaves butterflies fluttering in my stomach, my heart aching from falling in love with my boyfriend even more. He lets his arms rest on my hips as he stares into my eyes. I let my hand run through his hair as he pecks my nose.
“Where to?” He softly asks.
“Mm, let’s just walk around until I have to go home,” I reply, smiling.
With a peck of my lips and a nod, Jihoon takes my hand, leading us to another adventure.
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konowhore · 7 years
Park Jihoon [Fluff]
@parkji-hoons said:Can i request a park jihoon fluff bc i need more thank you!!~~
No problem :) By the way, sorry for the HORRIBLE ending omg I feel so bad but I don’t know how else to end it.
Y/N // Y/AGE
🍨 Ice cream date with Jihoon, texting with obnoxious people, and a short adventure in the park🍦
You were on he phone with your best friend, Eunmi, who is Seongwoo’s cousin.
“Can you come over so that we can watch PD101 on crack?” she asks while you slip your feet into your Converse.
You laugh. “You always want to do the weirdest things,” you tell her. “But I can’t, I’m going on a date with Jihoon. Maybe after, if you’re awake when I come by your place.”
“Okay, I’ll be awake for sure. By the way, do you have Woojin’s number?”
“Uh yeah, but your cousin is Ong Seongwoo. Ask him. I have to go so I’m not late, bye!”
“Alright, fine. Bye Y/N! Have fun! Tell Jihoon I say hi!”
“I will! And by the way, don’t watch that Unhelpful Guide to Wanna-One video yet because I haven’t watched it.”
“Uhm, too late.”
Eunmi hangs up so you roll your eyes and happily put your phone in your pocket while thinking about Jihoon. You call out to your parents that you’re going to be out and will be back in a few hours. After you close the door behind you, you make your way to the ice cream shop, nearly skipping in joy because you haven’t seen Jihoon for the longest time.
Winkdeep Pt.1: almost here?
yes winkboy i’ll be there soon
Winkdeep Pt.1: hurry, i miss you~! T^T
what a baby, no offense
Winkdeep Pt.1: offense taken
oi, i’ll be there soon
Winkdeep Pt.1: ‘oi’?
omg pls jihoon let me live
Winkdeep Pt.1: ily y/n
ily2 you baby 
Winkdeep Pt.1: :)))))
I cross the street and spot the ice cream shop another block down. The sun glares down at me as I hurry to the shop. I pull open the door, being met with cool air. Jihoon waves from a table for four right by the entrance. He grins while I walk over, getting out of his seat. He embraces me and kisses my head, sitting back in his seat. I sit beside him.
“So, what’s the plan after we have some ice cream?” I ask while getting my money out.
“We’ll just walk. Let the road take us somewhere,” Jihoon replies with a smile while getting up. “I’ll pay.”
“Y/N, I got it.”
I sigh and nod while he plants a kiss on my cheek and asks me what I want. 
“The usual.” He nods and leaves to order. I take out my phone and snap a selca with Jihoon in the back looking at the menu. I post it on Instagram, captioning it: Ice cream with the boy of my dreams 💞 
By the time Jihoon comes back, my photo has 30 likes. Mostly from the other PD101 boys. Jihoon sits across from me, handing me my two scoops of marshmallow ice cream with chocolate syrup and crushed graham crackers. 
“Thank you, JIhoon,” I say while smiling at him.
“No problem, babe,” he gently replies, scooping some of his mocha ice cream into his spoon and holding it out for me.
I lean forward and take the bite, tasting coffee, which brings me back to our date a few months ago at the cafe. I feed Jihoon some of mine, and he smiles while holding out another spoonful of his ice cream towards me. I shake my head, but Jihoon insists. I open my mouth but instead of getting another bite, I have ice cream smeared on my nose and cheekbone.
“Park Jihoon, I swear.”
He laughs and takes out his phone.
“Don’t you even-”
But it’s too late. He’s taken about 10 pictures already, so I smear ice cream on his cheek and his jawbone, laughing. While he pouts, I get out of my seat and take photos with him. A few of us laughing, a couple of him kissing my temple, and some of me kissing his cheek. we wipe the ice cream off of our faces and continue munching on our frozen treats, making conversation about how I’m doing at school, how he’s doing on the show. Once we’re finished, we step out of the shop hand-in-hand, laughing at the pictures we had taken. 
“Send those to me,” Jihoon says, taking a peek at my phone, then looking ahead.
“I will.”
I send the pictures one by one. I immediately get a text back. 
“Oh no.”
“What?” Jihoon worriedly looks at me, stopping us for a moment while I stare at my phone. 
“I accidentally sent the pictures to your boyfriend.”
“No- I swear Jihoon, I’m talking about Jinyoung.”
Jihoon looks at my phone. “I told you not to keep our names as Winkdeep Pt. 1 & 2.” He takes out his phone as both of our notifications ring out.
Winkdeep Pt.2: *sent photos*
center: lmao y’all cute
swaggy byeongari: ewww bai
memesung: omg pls tell me theres more
katdaniel: cute. you two have fun
guys pls i sent those to baejin by accident
Winkdeep Pt.1: I’ll send more if you guys stop
ponyo’s psychotic husband: lmao okay then can’t wait
haha sungwoon: guys let the children live omfg
seonho’s dad: seriously. jihoon, y/n? have fun okay?
we will thanks minhyun and sungwoon
katdaniel: oh wow thanks for the thanks
Winkdeep Pt.1: Okay thank you daniel
snaggletooth: I stg can y’all stfu imma turn the notifications off
Winkdeep Pt.2: lmao 
see you guys never -.-
swaggy byeongari: *sends a video of him rapping his part in ‘never’*
i give up *y/n has left the building because she’s friends with a bunch of fucking idiots*
Winkdeep Pt.1: nice one guys *jihoon has left the chat*
hahasungwoon: i told you guys to leave the poor children alone
seonho’s dad: you guys have no chill -.-
Tumblr media
ong-baegopa: oh are we sending memes now?
Tumblr media
katdaniel: oh my jesus fuck ong pls
I look at Jihoon, and I can’t help but laugh. 
“I can’t believe I’m friends with you guys,” I giggle while slipping my phone into my pocket while more notifications ring. A meme battle is probably occurring. I hold onto Jihoon’s arm as we start walking again. 
“It’s what you get when you meet 40 different guys, Y/N, and that was only Wanna-One,” Jihoon laughs, kissing my head.
“No matter how annoying these boys are, I still love them.”
“Of course. You’re too nice to stay mad at them, Y/N. Now, left or right?”
We turn to a near dead end, an old park sitting t the end of the road.
“Is that where our next journey is?” I ask.
“I guess so.”
Jihoon smiles as I hurry ahead and step onto the woodchips and step up onto the platform to the monkey bars. He follows, watching me. I swing on the monkey bars to the other side, watching him swing from bar to bar, but suddenly stop and climb up onto the bars so that he can sit. I take a few pictures, saving them to show him that he’s a model, and climb up, sitting beside him. The sun slowly falls as Jihoon takes my hand and lays back, being held by the close-spaced bars. I slowly follow, letting my hair hang above the ground and get blown by the soft breeze.
I look over at my boyfriend, who smiles and leans toward me, pressing his lips on mine. As we pull away and stare at each other, footsteps sound on the woodchips.
“Miss? Mister? Can I play on the monkey bars?” A boy asks, looking up at us. 
Jihoon and I look at each other, then I nod and we both climb off. Jihoon leads me to the slide and slides down first. When he gets to the bottom, he opens his arms out for me, so I slide down into his arms. He kisses me again, and when we break, he lingers. After a moment of silence, he pecks my forehead and helps me onto my feet, leading us over to the swings. I sit and he comes up behind me.
“Ready?” I nod.
He pulls the swing back and lets go, pushing me a few times before sitting in the empty swing beside me. By the time I slow down from becoming tired, Jihoon is still sitting there, watching me.
“You okay?” I question him.
“Mhm,” he softly replies while nodding hid head once. “Just wondering why you actually wanted to date me when there were other options.”
I roll my eyes and shake my head. “Don’t be ridiculous.”
“Seriously, how does a girl like you, smart, sweet, and lovable, end up with a guy like me, who’s dorky, known for one wink, and cheesy?”
I sigh and take my boyfriend’s hands, making sure he’s looking me in the eye. “Park Jihoon, stop bringing yourself down like you’re not good enough for me, okay? We’re great for each other, no matter what our differences. I will always love you. And your wink isn’t the only thing that makes me love you. I love you for being you. All that matters is that we love each other.”
Jihoon stares at me, and I lean over and kiss him. When I pull away, he’s smiling shyly, avoiding my eyes.
“Let’s walk again,” I suggest while getting up. I take Jihoon’s hand and we walk towards the sidewalk. By the time a few minutes have passed, Jihoon still hasn’t said a word.
“Babe?” I say softly.
“What’s wrong? You’ve been quiet since I... Well, since I ranted.”
He stays silent for a moment and he looks at me a bit hesitantly.
“It’s just... I really love you, Y/N. I don’t even have words to explain how much I really love you and how much you mean to me. You always know how to make me feel better and make my heart feel warm and loved.”
I stop in the middle of the sidewalk and pull him in for a tight hug, burying my face into his shoulder. His arms make their way around my waist, and I hear myself giggling.
“I feel the same way, Jihoon. We love each other so much... And there’s just no way to explain it. It really is unexplainable, what I feel for you.”
I pull away to see his reaction. All Jihoon does is pull me close to him, and kiss me. Unlike the kisses before, this one is sweet, and it leaves butterflies fluttering in my stomach, my heart aching from falling in love with my boyfriend even more. He lets his arms rest on my hips as he stares into my eyes. I let my hand run through his hair as he pecks my nose.
“Where to?” He softly asks. 
“Mm, let’s just walk around until I have to go home,” I reply, smiling.
With a peck of my lips and a nod, Jihoon takes my hand, leading us to another adventure.
I’M SO SORRY FOR THAT LAME ENDING :{ There is a (long) alternate ending that I will post soon! ^ ^
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aniistudy-blog · 7 years
Greetings! —
Hello There ! ( it took me 28 minutes to figure out what greeting I was going to use lmao why must I be like this)
       My name is Ani, and I am a new studyblr here on Tumblr! I have been note taking for a really long while now even though I am only about to be a Freshman in High-school this year. Since my life is probably going to take quite the big turn in the next four years I thought it would be a great idea to make a blog to document what happens  throughout that time. So therefore, I will talk about my experiences, share my note-taking methods, and probably overall try to show what I am learning as a fresh cookie right out of the oven that is Middle School.
     So since I am new, why not document what a few of my interests so you can get to know me for who I am now! I am super excited to see what happens in the next four years and I am scared for how much I will cringe at all of this sh*t in the near future :). #PrayforfutureAni2k211
A B O U T   M E
⋆  I am about to enter High School for the first time and I am scared out of mind and I 110% expect to cry at least six times on this blog
⋆ I have traveled a lot even though I am young, I just recently went to Paris, Estonia, and Ireland. Before that I traveled to London, and Quebec, Canada. I have extensive family in Europe.
⋆ I really admire KPOP artists etc. but I haven’t become entirely too obsessed and I started learning Korean much before learning that a few talented singers existed. I’m not a weeb I stg.
⋆  I am a bi-racial girl with big hair and big dreams!
⋆ I really hope to become a psychologist eventually, but before that I always aspired to go to school somewhere abroad, difficult yes, but very very tempting. As great as America is I feel like it would eventually bore me, especially with Trump as president, and without offense to anyone but he makes me want to throw myself out of my bedroom window and land on concrete.
⋆ I love love love to argue, my family is mainly made up of lawyers so I can’t see where it’s coming from, how random.
⋆ I have a really weird sense of humor and laugh at almost everything so it’s not too hard to get me to crack a smile. 
⋆ I am a dog person. The last time I was with a cat it looked at me like I was the scum of the earth and I’m not here for that judgement.
⋆ I currently know fluently, English and French, semi-fluently Estonian, and I am still trying to figure out Hangul while not ripping my hair out of my scalp, please send me Korean Language tumblr’s please (Love you lots) Muah!
⋆ I am an only child and probably will be for the rest of my life and I always think of how my future kid won’t have a cool uncle or aunt and they’ll be alone and it makes me really emotional. No cousins either wow now I’m soft.
SO that’s basically all you have to know about me for now. I desperately need friends help. So feel free to hmu anytime and I’ll try to help anyone who’s also about to be a freshman in Highschool.
Until next time with love,
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