#lmk sun wu kong
starii-lins · 1 month
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another lmk shitpost (wukong was supposed to be the responsible adult goddamnit)
og photo under cut
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kitzoou · 2 years
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till mountains crumble, till rivers run dry. till thunder rumbles in winter, till snow falls in summer and the earth mingles with the sky, not till then will my love die.
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kazehita · 1 year
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commission for Enma <33 i was gonna draw the monkies eventually, but they forced me to stop drawing red sons via money sddfdfasasjdf
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sonicbooom · 4 months
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stylized him a bit
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jellytamalies · 2 months
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Jttw is very fun
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chaoticsorceressztc · 25 days
Catradora but it's Shadowpeach and they're lesbians
While making the tags I just realized this can be interpreted as either Shadowpeach as Catradora or Catradora as Shadowpeach
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triclitch · 11 months
So Peng's " Is there anything Wukong could do to break his hold over you" to Macaque had me both realizing and thinking.
1. Macaque would give his life for Wukong.
2. Would Wukong trade his immortality for Macaque's life?
Especially after Macaque revealing that Wukong is afraid of mortality.
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litt1e-prince · 1 year
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"Yeah Grandpa, that's the one who stole my peach!" take a swk warm up sketch while i remember how to draw again
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seraphiel-milk · 6 months
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So the copy of jttw I bought had this silly drawing of Sun Wukong on one of the pages, so I redrew it in my style!! The silly!!
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inkyminx · 2 days
Kind of on brand for my Macaque and MK comics to be sweet and loving with a tiny bit of crying—
And then we have the comic with Wukong being the menace he is and just before he gets arrested by the guardian lion.
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starii-lins · 1 month
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some silly meme redraws bcs if i dont draw anything ill explode
ogs under the cut
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uas-art · 2 years
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Remember those macaques that figured out how to use hot springs?
Link to fic this turned into
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misticloyal · 1 year
Mmmm forest/fantsy/dnd LMK au
Mmmmm I love listening to Celtic music I used to listen to when I was really really into fantasy AU’s... also DnD!
(Through out this post I’ll bold essential things because I like writing these posts and then annotating them B)
Race: Half-Forest Elf
Dual class- Ranger/Druid
Mk was brought up with his Dragonborn dad, Pigsy. He owns a noodle shop in the forest they all live in. Pigsy’s shop was a place that usually got a lot of customers, which first formed Mk’s want for adventure and to help people in the world, and while Pigsy knew this was a BIT far fetched to say the least, both him and Tang (Wizard <3) agreed that when Mk turns 20 he can go out and do whatever he wants as long as he still communicates with them. 
The reason why Mk’s a dual class is a combination of Pigsy training with Mk, to build up that physical strength required if you wanted to adventure alone. Of course Pigsy isn’t gonna just let his son venture out into the unknown COMPLETLEY unprepared!
And Tang agrees: therefore why Mk knows a lot of forest-based magic. 
Mk’s very in touch with local flora, fauna, organisms, types of folk, all of the above. He uses healing spells mostly, which is why his magic is actually very weak- compared to his physical game which is a LOT more preferred. Pigsy is actually NOT a reincarnation (neither is Tang) but he’s a dragon born meaning yeah he’s seen some shit and yes he’s really really well in-touch with the ins-and outs of fighting <3
Mk normally uses a staff! (And later when he meets Macaque he will adapt to using a bow as well) And he LARGLEY prefers close combat compared to longer ranged things. However that is to not underestimate his strategy of getting to opponents that are further away from him. 
(Literally just ask Pigsy who was training with Mk once and in order to FORCE the kid to use a different method other than close combat as keeping his distance. Mk got super frustrated trying to keep getting closer and Pigsy thought that the kid was just being reckless and headstrong, so while he was defending against the same pattern of attacks you can imagine his surprise when after he jumps back Mk straight up JAVLIN THROWS his staff straight into his stomach 💀
Mk’s favorite way to show people up when they offer to train with him is to lure them into a false sense of security, using a predictable pattern of moves. It’d be pretty easy to identify the first time but the reason why it works so well is cuz he’s a kid, so people often assume he’s just brazen and impulsive (which he IS. The spite of wanting to win makes him want to prove them wrong MORE though pfft-)
Mk’s seen pretty much every creature in the known world (except for the super powerful ones obviously) because of his experience simply meeting so many travelers and hearing stories of their adventures.
The stories of the Great Monkey King were ALSO a hot topic: Tang is a fanatic (never change you crazy ass scholar <3) as well as many of the local folk. Mk can always count on walking into the noodle shop after a long day of helping the local village people, and seeing Tang excitedly exchange HIS version of JTTW with some other travler who claims that they know more than him.
Class: ?????
(Mf this bitch is literally like- a bootleg GOD, he’s GOT no class </3)
*Pats him on the back* this little guy pretty special alright ✨😌
He’s a demon, and gets into some sticky shit fr. Obviously keeping some consistency from JTTW into this, he’s rejected by the dieties higher than him for wanting more power, and wanting to simply be seen as more powerful than them. 
As punishment for pursuing more than he can grasp, the Budda TM exiled him to the land of the mortals to find the key to being the closest thing to ‘human’. Since then Wukong’s been looking for this secret a SHIT ton of time, I mean he’s been taking up jobs with other parties, trying to kill every monster causing people trouble, etc in exchange for their help in getting him back his full powers and then fucking off to do who knows what.
Unfortunately nothing ever seems to work for him. Until of course he finds out something pretty vital:
He’s still got some demon magic in him. And what’s “some” demon magic to Wukong is a LOT for mortals to grasp. So essentially he’s been trying out this new thing called ‘becoming a mortal’s patron’ aka turning magic user’s into warlocks. He ends up becoming a lot of people’s patrons and keeping his original plan from before, including in his terms and conditions the “help me find the thing that makes humans, humans and I’ll, like, tell you the meaning of life or whatever the fuck you want”
Of course this does come with a price: having THE Sun Wukong means you gotta be able to HANDLE all of his power without going completely insane or just straight up exploding into thin air 💀The problem even became so well-known that if you were walking around and suddenly you fell to the ground screaming, clutching your head before ‘poofing’ people literally just ignore you 😭
“Welp, there goes another poor shmuck that tried to use Sun Wukong’s powers =>=“
Quick note: Yes Wukong can be people’s patrons, however this doesn’t mean he’s just this invisible force from the 4th dimension, he can literally walk BESIDE you he’s a physical being ✅✨ 
Ergo: bringing Wukong to a tavern where he meets Mk. He’s glamoured when they first meet, simply acting as another travler and he thinks the kid is pretty interesting. While he’s straight up getting refused service by Pigsy who’s giving the guy the side eye the whole time, he chats with Mk to really get to know him- wanting to know what he wants most in the world.
Obviously Mk tells him he wants to help people all over the world, and protect people who need protecting. Wukong jokes that he might as well be a paladin, but Mk corrects him that he wants nothing to do with “being the best person in the world” he just wants to help people because it makes HIM happy.
Wukong laughs out loud for like two whole minutes before realizing the kid is serious and because he thinks Mk might be cool to have as a patron-ee he offers to be his patron. This really marks the turning point of when everyone is like “Oh shit there's the half demon that keeps vaporizing people by trying to be their patron”. 
And in the spur of the moment as Mk says “yeah sure :D” Completely oblivious to Wukong’s reputation AND to Tang and Pigsy yelling at him to not do SHIET, Wukong grins, says “Sweet B)” and BAM.
Mk is now. A ranger/ druid-warlock B) 
Race: Changeling
Class: Rouge
Mei is a changeling, and that plays a lot into her upbringing. She was born as a changeling in a rather low estate (we can get into some REAL uh ohs here with her being born in a whorehousetobreedchangelingstoreplacepeople’slovedoneswhentheydie ahaaaa BUT THATS WAY TOO MUCH TRAMA TO GET INTO RIGHT NOW SO)
We’re just going to go ahead and say this:
Mei’s parents: Royal High Elves. They lost their daughter at a young age because of a disease. They went to one of those houses I mentioned earlier, and bought ADOPTED Mei to replace their child and look exactly like her. 
Pretty messed up I know- BUT it’s okay! At around 15-16 Mei realizes she can do things and CHANGE things about her appearance that other High Elves can’t really seem to do. 
One day she finds out she’s in fact- NOT a high elf, so she has a whole fuckin’ identity crisis and runs away from the castle. Her parents are super worried about her and try to organize search parties and hire bounty hunters but know, having a fake daughter that can change their appearance definitely make it hard to locate them. (to emphasize this: I’m trying to characterize her parents like I see them in the actual show- so they’re not GOOD parents- but they’re definetley not physically abusive by any means) She meets a Dragonborn named Ao Lie (hehe see what I’m doing here? <3) who agrees to take her teen ass OUT of the kingdom and preferably the entire region. 
So Mei and Uncle Ao Lie both travel outside of the kingdom where her worried parents can’t really come and find her and from then forth, Mei and her uncle travel the world. 
Because of Ao Lie’s dragon features, Mei molds her own appearance very similarly to his- however you can tell that she is not a dragonborn- or a elf- or any OTHER race really. 
Ao lie trains her to defend herself a little, thus resulting in her very raccoon-ish behavior of a rouge and going out to steal everything she can find. However the true “FIRE-power” comes when she fiiiindss Redson <3.
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These pictures are a good example of what I imagine him to be.
Class: ?????????
Race: ??????????
Macaque is a shadow demon who was simply an ordinary demon at first. He and Wukong have a complicated past- being brought up at the same time because of both him and Wukong coexisting when they were about the same age as well as both being demons. Those types of similarities brought them together and they found comfort in the fact that in this world of bird-people and dragon-people- and even people people but with pointy ears:
At least there was ONE other creature that looked like monkey demons and were powerful beyond imagine. 
He and Wukong lived a peaceful life until Wukong had decided to pursue power, and while Macaque wasn’t expecting an INVITATION per-say it’s also totally like he wasn’t hurt when he saw the person he cares be towed away with a dragonborn- a water genasi- and a monk. 
He wasn’t hurt when he kept finding ways to contact Wukong but every time he’d offer for them to go back to their previous lives Wukong cried and cried and refused.
He definitely wasn’t hurt when Wukong ripped out his fucking eye and left him- (Wukong made SURE to keep him alive, it did’t matter how much the circlet tightened around his head, or how much he’d have to grovel at the monk’s feet for forgiveness he will absolutely NEVER. Kill Macaque under any circumstance.)
Yeah guys I think he’s a little bit hurt PfFT- please help me god Mac and Wukong’s story is so fucking sad please for the love of all that is holy help mEeEee *dies*
Ahem, don’t know what that was B)
Anyways: after Macaque is left bleeding out for an EXCEPTIONAL amount of time: yet another warlock finds him. This weird ass crusty man with black hair and a weirdly creepy smile nursed him back to health, Mac being not very conscious of the whole thing. 
What’s weird is once Mac FULLY wakes up, he seems to be being “resurrected” by a group of foolish elvish boys who thought it was funny to resurrect demons from hell. 
Mac is of course not amused and welp- kills them on SIGHT, which is fair because tbh the AUDACITY those dudes had- ordering him around like he was some kind of follower =-=
So yeah, Mayor the warlock saved Mac under the interaction of LBD his patron, and plonked him straight back into the living world randomly, making the poor dude think his best friend in the whole wide world KILLED him, for a monk.
After that, Macaque was known for a BIT of a vengeful spirit. He’s feared by the entire forest known as the “one eye demon” and stories about him definitely range from super tame to “he ruined my family and killed my entire village looking for his one eye OOoOoOo *spooky noises” And in reality, Mac probably sits in between the two extremes. 
Yes he does terrorize villages, because he’s going a bit insane (like literally- obsessive and like, mentally unwell) because of his realization that Wukong literally ruined his LIFE. He has basically uh oh episodes where he tears entire cities, villages, fortresses, it doesn’t matter- but he’s always doing this with the intent that he’s looking for SOMETHING, and he doesn’t know what. 
A lot of stories elude to to him looking for his eye, others say he’s looking for the person, in the end even Macaque doesn’t know. 
All he knows is that he’s suffered, and it’s because of the person he trusted MOST. In the world.
Macaque’s reputation around basically the world is like- the same energy as the Nightfury in HTTYD. I say this for like- a multitude of reasons obviously the whole ‘everyone fears him’ deal, but also because in this AU Macaque uses his shadows A LOT- they’re almost a part of him- which is why his fur is so inky black in this version.
Stuff like “the shadow terror” and “the demon no one can see, but they say he can always hear you. always SEE you. and he’s always searching... for what we don’t know, just pray you don't have what he wants or you’ll never be able to see the light of day again”.
I’ll write more about how Mac gets integrated into the actual party of Mk and Wukong (and ofc Mei and Redson later hehe). But for now my writers inspiration is running out. I have lots of ideas about this shit tho.
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nomadicstardust · 2 years
I look forward to season 4
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red0-3 · 2 years
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aejosh · 2 years
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