lepidopteragirl · 2 years
loyalty/betrayal being a reoccurring theme in Quackity's story and Slime being the physical embodiment of that theme
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rocksibblingsau · 2 months
One of the many things that love about adoption AUs is that in 99% of them Branch is a "insert caretaker"s boy
The boy is so brokenhearted and abandoned that anyone that actually tries to take proper care of him, will have his undying loalty and love for eternity
Except Dickory, they have a "eat shit, old man /affectionate" and "a sickly dog should be a more useful brother than you, brat /affectionate" thing going on, but at least Hickory is there to prevent them from tossing each other out of a mountain. (theyre still 100% a healthier and more functional family than Brozone)
I mean in canon once Branch bonds with Poppy, he follows her pretty much everywhere so there's canonical evidence that once he bonds with you it's for life.
Even sadder is that he comes around to his brothers very quickly. Just look at him in It Takes Two, and during the fight he actually thought they might be a family again. Twenty years of abandonment later and Branch was willing to hope they'd stay and maybe even believe they would.
Fifteen years with any caretaker will have a fiercely loyal Branch.
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naquey · 8 days
yk how the hot topic question is "What's your Hogwarts house?" can we make it "What's your lightsaber color?" cuz tbh I think that says more than a Hogwarts house purely based off of stereotyping. The Gryffindors are brave and corageous, the Slytherins ambitious and cunning, Raveclaw studious and wise, and... the rest are Hufflepuff.
Also lighstabers have wayyyy more than four options
You got:
classic blue (loalty, stability, truth, justice)
classic green (growth, safety, harmony)
red (anger, strength, determination)
purple (nobility, royalty, wisdom)
white (purity, peace, serenity)
orange (ambition, creativity, resourcefulness)
yellow (hope, goodness, knowledge)
it's like seven, but it's still more than four
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doodle-pops · 2 years
Shadow blade
Once again, you were on the hunt. Your prey stalked small group of elves you had never seen before in the lands where you had been born. It seemed that those three weren't much aware of being in danger, only the tall one with fiery red hair seemed to percieve danger around, while his two companions did their best to soothe his concerns, even if they were very much valid.
That tall one was scarred and there were shadows of unspeakable pain hidden behind strangely bright eyes. Very much like you in that regard.
You got yours during your captivity in Iron Hell. Before you managed to escape, many things changed in your home - most of your friends and family members died by orc blade, before Noldor came, followed by strange new lights. When you noticed you were sensitive to them, even if not that much as the servants of enemy, you were horrified. Were you changing into one of them? You also realized, you could use shadows as your gateways, moving between them with the speed of thought. And you decided to use it against servants of the Dark Lord, to prove yourself, you were still not one them. That you will never be one of them.
You soon noticed the subtle signs of the orcs, ready to act. That was also your signal to strike. Soundless quick steps, barely audible hiss of your blade, and the first of ten orcs fell to the ground, causing just a little rustle, that alerted the Fiery Star - as you named the tall one for yourself. As he looked at the source of that small noise, you were already behind other orc's back, slitting his throat.
That was when other monsters noticed something was wrong as well as the elves. Bright-voiced Star drew his twin blades and the last of the three, Golden Ribbon took his bow, ready to fight for their lives. You even heard Fiery Star's quiet curses.
There was a pause full of tension and confusion, while you were choosing your next target. Orcs realized two of them were killed, but they were still bold enough to try and attack three bright-eyed friends. From eight, only five made it and could engage in melee fight. In this moment, those three no longer needed your assistance, so you decided to check those on the ground and make sure they would stay dead.
As those three checked their surroundings, all they could find, besides the orc corpses, were your light tracks. They did try to track you down, but once you stepped into shadows, they could follow you no more.
Fiery Star though caught yout attention though, enough to follow him carefully. You wondered who he was. What he came through. After long years of lone hunts and chases you found yourself among elves again, even if unseen, hiding in shadows, too afraid to show your scarred face, too worried to let anyone find out about your sensitiveness to the sunlight.
As much as it was stressing to keep hiding, you couldn't help yourself - something about Fiery Star...or as they called him Nelyafinwë /Maitimo/ Maedhros, drew you to him, like roaring fire in the chimney lures someone chilled to the bone. You watched him going through his daily routines, you listened to his kin and learned their language and after some time also about him. His people showed fierce loalty towards him and just his presence screamed LEADER to you.
It was was his tenacity and determination, that gave you courage to finally go and meet your own remaining kin again, even if they might be scared of you and no longer trust you.
It went better than you expected, though it was still bitter experience for you - you fopund only two of those who knew you before your captivity - the healer of your clan and one of your cousins, who was but a little boy, when you were caught. The healer welcomed you as if you were her own lost child, and she cried seeing your scars, easily recognizing the pain that caused them. With her help, you got your own home - in her household. In turn, you watched over the settlement, scouted and hunted for them.
You were almost happy again, despite hiding your face behind the scarf and under a cape. One foggy evening, you were scouting once again in the Aglon pass, when you noticed something fishy. There was a streak of dying trees, and when you came closer to inspect them, you smelled an awful stench.
Orcs and other foul creatures once again.
It didn't take you too long to find them. Their number was startling - group of fifty murderous monsters, ready to cause some mischief. You knew their language and learnt about what they were after - Maedhros himself, who should be on his way back to his keep on Himring with his escort. You were about to leave and warn the noldorin prince, when you heard him and his escort already riding close.
You gasped and decided to act as quickly as you could. You went on killingspree, causing chaos...and enough noise to alert Maedhros' group. It seemed, that elves would gain rather an easy victory, when you felt the ground shaking under the steps of a troll. No, trolls. Five of them.
Their ambush resulted with even worse chaos and at one moment you saw Maedhros cornered. You wasted not even a second and flashed through shadows to him, pulling him into shadows with you, only to get out of them close to his guards. It nearly got you killed, since you startled them all and they lashed at you with their blades. You had to duck and drop your weapons to show you had no hostile intents towards them.
Fortunately, since that moment elves gain back the upper hand and managed to kill the trolls and chase the orcs away. Once everything was secured, you were brought to Maedhros who talked about something with his squire and one of the hunters.
"It appears that I should thank you, brave one. What's your name?" "It is y/n, but it no longer fits me," you shrugged and lowered your head, your heart beating fast with nervousness. Silence fell at the sound of your voice. "How so?" Maedhros frowned a little. "Reveal yourself. You are in a presence of a prince!" one of the guards. You twitched, but then sighed again, removing the cape, and the scarf. Gasps followed, along with silent murmur. Maedhros himself blinked both with aw and sickening realization. "And now...it is also an apology in order," he added.
You got both in the end - the guard's apology as his face nearly glowed with the shame he felt, as well as Maedhros' gratitude. He took you with him to Himring and had his healers try to do something about your scars. It helped quite remarkably, even if they remained visible still.
During your stay, he visited you once his duties allowed it, to learn a bit more about you. He was pale when you confirmed his suspicion about you being a captive in Angband. As you told him more about yourself, he watched you like a hawk, looking for the smallest hint of lie, but found none, to his relief. He was amazed when you showed him your walking through shadows that saved him.
Since then you got to see Maedhros more often and you became friends through shared experience with captivity and torment. One day, you told him about your wish to be part of his guard - you grew to like him a lot and it still seemed to change into something even closer and more intense.
"Surely, you are aware of how dangerous it is. I do not wish for you to come through captivity and torment in my stead again, should one ambush end bad," he shook his head. "I do trust your skills, don't get me wrong, y/n. I would never forgive myself, should the worst happen...which is always the risk," he insisted.
You blushed. Only in privacy with him, you were willing to keep your face revealed. "You are kind, my lord. But...please, let me have your back from the shadows. Doing this...helps me believe that I still am one of the eldar and not the oblivious servant of Enemy..." you begged.
"Wha-what makes have such doubts about yourself?" he almost choked on his words. "You are not a kinslayer like me! Your beautiful soul radiates through all your scars, melleth. You are just as brave as my cousin who freed me from Angamando, to still keep going, to still keep fighting and risking your freedom for the sake of others..." he paused, his cheeks reddening at his own words.
Melleth? Did you hear well?
You took a breath, wanting to say something, but you felt one cold and one warm palm cupping your face, before his lips pressed against yours and you felt his strong arms closing around you.
"People should call you Calleth*, you know." he murmured as he leaned back, looking at you with adoration and care that had your heart melting.
by scroll anon <(*////*)>
That was some ride 🤭 glad to know that they found each other after all they've been through 🥰🥰
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puukkolesbo · 1 year
feudal system was so gay actually what do you mean you swear loalty and promise aid and counsel to another man in a nice formal ceremony? to become "a man of another man"??
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ponyluvesonic09 · 11 months
all characters in Dangaronpa the Pretty Cure Killing Program
here are all of the characters in my Dangaronpa fan project.Danganronpa: The Pretty Cure Killing Program
before we get started: NO this is NOT an AU, it is a sinply, non canon crossover
Choen Young
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the protagonist of the game, a young African-american teenager who lost his eye when he was young, representing KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode, he becomes Cure Muffin, who s based off Chocolate Muffins and Tigers
"Courage and Strengh,Lets La Mix it Up,Cure Muffin is Complete!"
Jhonny Apollo
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a big astronomer who wants to study the stars, representing Star☆Twinkle Pretty Cure as the only representation, he becomes the Pretty Cure of asteroids, Cure Aster
"Bolding Rock Flying Through the Sky,Cure Aster!"
Sophie White
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An unpredictable and "aggressively playful" person which makes her hard to love but difficult to hate. She is very fond of Choen, the only representation for Yes Pretty Cure 5 (GoGo!), she becomes Cure Snowflake, the Cure of Nature, and has powers related to ice
"the Beutey of the Soft Snow,Cure Snowflake!"
Autumn Greenhouse
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Growing up in a wine Vinyard which was owned by her father, isn't the most sociable, she represents Fresh Pretty Cure! as Cure Tangerine, representing piece through the queen card.
"Orange Heart is the embilem of health,Freshly Chosen,Cure Tangerine!"
Alex Frost
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One of the coldest cures, unsociable and is a hard one to make friends with, he represents Heartcatch Pretty Cure!, as Cure Snowdrop,
"The flower that grows in the snowy woods,Cure Snowdrop!"
Skie Strong
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Dreamed to be a musician, she taught herself to play trumpet when she was a young kid so she can join the orcastra, she is one of the 2 representations for Suite Pretty Cure♪, as Cure Classical
" Triumph of the Swan,Cure Classical!"
Alie Amin
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A young wannabe scientist, she has a dream to produce her own perfume brand, the only representation for Go! Princess Pretty Cure, her alter Ego is Cure Night, the princess of the galaxies
"the Princess of the dark Sky,Cure Night!"
Lindsy Cube
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A fun-loving person with a big heart who is prone to hurting herself doing wild stunts, the second representor for KiraKira☆Pretty Cure A La Mode, she becomes Cure Nutmeg, she is based on Nutmeg Cake and Wolves
After eating a magic apple, she now is able to turn into a fairy, who she calls herself Hazelnut
"Loalty and Honesty,Lets La,Mix it Up!,Cure Nutmeg is Complete!"
Jenna Lovi
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Very quiet and almost unable to be friends with, she proclaims herself as the best pretty cure the world has seen, the second Fresh Pretty Cure! representation, she becomes Cure Plum, representing strength through the Joker Card.
"Plum Heart is the Symbol of "Strengh", Chosen Fresh, Cure Plum!"
Sara and Soro Mujano
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Sara (the white hair girl) is a fun loving girl who loves to read. Soro (the black hair girl) loves her sister and believes in Happy Endings, together the Mujano sisters are the Smile Pretty Cure team who are "Night,N, Day Pretty Cure!"
Sara is Cure Purity and Soro is Cure Onyx
"Pufiying the Dark Heart,Cure Purity!"
"distroyer of the darkest evil,Cure Onyx!"
“Fantasy and Fun, Night N Day, Pretty Cure”
Miku McGee
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A big animal activist, loves all animals and believes they have hope, representor for Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure, with the help of her best freind Snowy, she becomes the Pretty Cure of snow, Cure Seabreze
"Twin Snowflakes falling from the Heavenly Clouds,Cure Seabrease!"("Snowy!)
Colton Ahea
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As a kid, Colton has always been fond of music, he always wants to teach his fairy tone friend to play the piano and violin, the second representor for Suite Pretty Cure♪, he becomes Cure Harp
"Playing the Wild Harp,Cure Harp!"
Daisy Talyor
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a garden enthusiast, she loved to grow all kinds of plants and wishes to start a greenhouse, a Heartcatch Pretty Cure! representative, she becomes Cure Daisy.
"the Flower that grows with happiness,Cure Daisy!"
James Lowe
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growing up in a cabin in the forest, James has always been involved in nature, after saving and nursing his fairy freind Leaf back to health, becoming a repersentor for Healin' Good♥Pretty Cure, he becomes the pretty cure of the woods, Cure Forest
"Twin Trees Grow in Hope and Love, Cure Forest!"("Leaf!")
Leo Goodman
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Leo a young wrestler with the biggest heart, he wants to start charity for wildlife and flowers, the final representative for Heartcatch Pretty Cure!, he becomes Cyre Cyla
After his fairy partner, Coco died in battle, the only thing that remained from her was her collar, now Leo is able to turn into a fairy.
"the flower that grows with purity,Cure Cyla!"
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Skye's fairy tone, and best friend.
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Colton's fairy tone, and his music student
She is the only female of the fairies, and has a similar personality to Gonta.
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a snow-lepord like fairy who is Miku's best freind and Fairy Partner
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Beaver like fairy, they where saved by young James and choose him as Pretty Cure, they became James's fairy  partner, it is currently unknown who scared their eye.
Now that you have seen all 16 Pretty Cures, i have a little game for you
The Mastermind is the one responsible for kidnapping all 16 Cures and 4 fairies  and forcing them to participate in the Killing Game. out of all of the 16 Pretty Cures you have seen who do you think is the Mastermind(hint: it is not Choen)
Comment bellow who you think is the mastermind
out of the fairies, who is the traitor, comment below
one thing, all the cures will be in the uniform from the series respective games
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taradallara · 4 years
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And, there's that.
”Everything done in the dark comes to light.”
You’re only hurting yourself l can see, it's painful to watch. Insert loss.
I'm not into wasting time and energy. ”Hurt me with the truth, never ’comfort’ me with a lie.”
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zetorna · 3 years
ZETOR celebrate
Today we are celebrating our big anniversary! Exactly 75 years ago, on August 17, 1946, the ZETOR tractor brand was registered. Thank you all for your support and loalty. #zetor #tractor #anniversary
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cockworkangels · 3 years
8x19 ’taxi driver’
bitch i cried. bobby being tortured with fake sams and deans. they really are his children. what hurts the most etc. plus bobby saying that he’s sure he’ll see sam again. god. i’m gonna start crying again.
’you’re hoping castiel will return to you. i admire your loalty. i wish he felt the same way’ dean looks HURT. like god. this is just. all the villains really are taunting them by telling that the other doesn’t care. like naomi KNOWS that cas loves dean. she does this on purpose.
on nooo dean and benny. bitch i cried. again. jensen has such an expressive face. and how you can tell right away benny has decided not to come back. it’s just so sad. they care about each other so much. and when benny actually chooses to stay back in purgatory... ’i was never any good up there anyway’
’he’s dean’s buddy’ ’good buddy’
poor kevin. it’s never his day is it?
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wtfzodiacsigns · 5 years
Read for Sun/Moon/Venus
Aries,  the things you do to make your partner happy is your definition of love. Your traits – competitive and lively spirit, alongside your leadership skills, influence the way you see love and you are constantly looking for a new way to show and express your love to your partner. Words do not mean a lot to you and you expect actions from your partner. You simply just are looking for equality, and not just one-sided expression of your love.
Taurus, when you are completely relaxed with a person, that is when you feel love. To you romance is being comfortable so you would not have to ask for compromise while you are alone with your partner. Your insecurity sometimes bothers you, so it is really important for you to find your, secure place with someone.
Gemini, sweet words and soft whispers mean a lot to you. The communication with your partner is of huge importance. Even though sometimes you are scattered, you are practical and your mind always analyzes what is happening. This can make you very talkative and you might forget the sound of silence when you are with your partner. When you are together you always have interesting topics to talk about, according to you it means a lot and it is love.
Cancer, as a passionate and emotional person, you like hanging out with your partner because you can relax then. For you finding love means finding someone with whom you will feel peaceful. You need a person who will help you regain your stability even when emotions take the better of you. You know it comes to real love when you want to spend your day with your partner more instead of relaxing by yourself.
Leo, even though you possess confidence, you really like being spoiled and cared for. You believe it is good for someone to take care of you sometimes. You expect the love to be just like out of a movie, where you are the center, but you are ready and you will give the same amount back at the person.
Virgo, the most important gestures in love to you are the little things between you and your partner. You notice, almost everything and you like showering your partner with attention and love anytime you can. You just enjoy the simple things like watching tv with your partner. Loalty is really important to you and you would accept everything if you know you can trust your partner.
Libra, there is no love for you without peace. It is important to you to find a person who is connected to your soul and calms you. The presence of the person makes you feel like you are at home in this Universe. The night conversations with your partner make you feel fulfilled and whole.
Scorpio, the idea of love alone excites you because at the same time you honestly believe that, that is one of the sweetest memories that you will have in your life. You want to enjoy love with your partner. Relationships are really important to you and you never compromise for your devotion toward someone. You are serious in a relationship if you are with a person who makes you laugh, with whom you have interesting and fascinating conversations, and you have the same responsibility towards one another.
Sagittarius, because you are really independent, the thought of being trapped scares you. But still, you really are serious in relationships. You expect love to be better than you’ve imagined. To you, your partner is also a very good friend first. You need your inside jokes with them, mutual plans for the future and possible adventures.
Capricorn, you may be traditional in love but you value it a lot. You do not like the vulnerability that comes in life when you get hurt, so you are responsible with love and you take it very seriously and approach it the same way. You like creating your own traditions with your partner. Little things, like dinner every Friday, movie night, hobbies night, these things are really important to you because it feels like a family.
Aquarius, for you understanding is a key in relationships. The partner needs to understand the aspects of your character which are a mystery to everyone expect to them. Critical thinking and the desire for knowledge are the things that motivate you, even in love you want a partner from whom you can learn new things. Love is like a puzzle that you want to resolve your whole life.
Pisces, your idea of love comes from every book you’ve read. With your sensitivity and softness, even the definition to love is connected to art and creativity. Your intuition is and can be seen in the creative ways you express your love. Love helps you live in harmony and makes you feel like you are in the right place at the right time.
Source: astrroloaries
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npinkbin · 5 years
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astrroloaries · 6 years
Read for Sun/Moon/Venus 
Aries,  the things you do to make your partner happy is your definition of love. Your traits – competitive and lively spirit, alongside your leadership skills, influence the way you see love and you are constantly looking for a new way to show and express your love to your partner. Words do not mean a lot to you and you expect actions from your partner. You simply just are looking for equality, and not just one-sided expression of your love.
Taurus, when you are completely relaxed with a person, that is when you feel love. To you romance is being comfortable so you would not have to ask for compromise while you are alone with your partner. Your insecurity sometimes bothers you, so it is really important for you to find your, secure place with someone.
Gemini, sweet words and soft whispers mean a lot to you. The communication with your partner is of huge importance. Even though sometimes you are scattered, you are practical and your mind always analyzes what is happening. This can make you very talkative and you might forget the sound of silence when you are with your partner. When you are together you always have interesting topics to talk about, according to you it means a lot and it is love.
Cancer, as a passionate and emotional person, you like hanging out with your partner because you can relax then. For you finding love means finding someone with whom you will feel peaceful. You need a person who will help you regain your stability even when emotions take the better of you. You know it comes to real love when you want to spend your day with your partner more instead of relaxing by yourself.
Leo, even though you possess confidence, you really like being spoiled and cared for. You believe it is good for someone to take care of you sometimes. You expect the love to be just like out of a movie, where you are the center, but you are ready and you will give the same amount back at the person.
Virgo, the most important gestures in love to you are the little things between you and your partner. You notice, almost everything and you like showering your partner with attention and love anytime you can. You just enjoy the simple things like watching tv with your partner. Loalty is really important to you and you would accept everything if you know you can trust your partner.
Libra, there is no love for you without peace. It is important to you to find a person who is connected to your soul and calms you. The presence of the person makes you feel like you are at home in this Universe. The night conversations with your partner make you feel fulfilled and whole.
Scorpio, the idea of love alone excites you because at the same time you honestly believe that, that is one of the sweetest memories that you will have in your life. You want to enjoy love with your partner. Relationships are really important to you and you never compromise for your devotion toward someone. You are serious in a relationship if you are with a person who makes you laugh, with whom you have interesting and fascinating conversations, and you have the same responsibility towards one another.
Sagittarius, because you are really independent, the thought of being trapped scares you. But still, you really are serious in relationships. You expect love to be better than you’ve imagined. To you, your partner is also a very good friend first. You need your inside jokes with them, mutual plans for the future and possible adventures.
Capricorn, you may be traditional in love but you value it a lot. You do not like the vulnerability that comes in life when you get hurt, so you are responsible with love and you take it very seriously and approach it the same way. You like creating your own traditions with your partner. Little things, like dinner every Friday, movie night, hobbies night, these things are really important to you because it feels like a family.
Aquarius, for you understanding is a key in relationships. The partner needs to understand the aspects of your character which are a mystery to everyone expect to them. Critical thinking and the desire for knowledge are the things that motivate you, even in love you want a partner from whom you can learn new things. Love is like a puzzle that you want to resolve your whole life.
Pisces, your idea of love comes from every book you’ve read. With your sensitivity and softness, even the definition to love is connected to art and creativity. Your intuition is and can be seen in the creative ways you express your love. Love helps you live in harmony and makes you feel like you are in the right place at the right time.
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While we were Gone (Narnia FanFiction) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/b23Vjm0c37 Trapped in ice for thousands of years, the twins, Keira and Fletcher, the rightful rulers of Narnia, suddenly find themselves in an unfamiler world, with a profecy that someone else will rule in place of them. As they try to find where their loalties lie, they know one thing, Jadis, otherwise known as the white witch, is going down. While leaving London for safety, the four Pevensie children: Lucy, Edmund, Susan, and Peter find their way into a wardrobe to another land, one that is even more dangerous then the one they left. War is brewing, and these sons of Adam and daughters of Eve are targets for a killer, and hope for a nation. Like any good spy/assasin/body gaurd, you name it, Harlowe White knows to always follow his master's orders, in this case, his mother's orders. But when he meets some of his enemys, he has to chose between the life he has always known, and the one he desperatly wants: but it coems with a price. [HAHA! IF YOU READ TO THIS YOUR AWESOME, THAT WAS A PRETTY LONG INTRODUCTION! TYSM! <3, NOW MAKE SURE TO ACUALLY READ THE STORY IF YOU LIKED THE INTRO! NO PRESSURE OR ANYTHING *WINK* *WINK*] ALL RIGHTS TO C.S. LEWIS: JUST A FAN OF HIS WORK WRITING SOME SIMI TERRIBLE FAN FICTION!
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fangirlwithapen13 · 4 years
I’m a lonely okay...that still counts
Okay so I had this typed and everything...then it flippin DELETED. IDK HOW! Ughhh so whatever enjoy...this is kinda a story that in a way happened to me...and I guess I think MC would have a similar problem...or hope they would anyway. Also haven’t posted in like foreveerrrr.
Oh yeah and it’s gonna be a multiparter cuz I write too damn long. ;)
Pairing: Jake x MC (also should I use (y/n) or stick with MC? Idk.
Warnings: ehh...a little swearing I guess.
Pov is MC
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(^i have no idea what to put for the gif)
Have you ever had an idea that was really really good. And then you act on that idea and it turns out way better than expected? The idea was Raj’s. To bring everyone together in a gathering and force them to have a good time. There was liquor, a karaoke station, dance floor, and a dj station. There were lights and streamers and lanterns. It really looked beautiful.
Raj and I took a step back to admire our handy work and damn....we did such a good job. Raj smiled widely.
“Perfect. Now all we need is everyone here by sunset. That’s how we work together.” He looked to me. “Trust me.”
“You got it bud. Now...name your people.”
“Zahra, Sean, Craig, Lila, and Michelle are a definite yes.”
“Okay cool I’ll get Jake, Estela, Quinn, Diego, and probably Grace and Aleister.” I replied.
“Sweet. So meet back in the pool entry with the dudes at sunset.”
“BREAK!” I shouted. Raj stared at me. “Just...lets go...”
I walked inside looking for my recruitments. When I walked into the diner I saw Grace and Aleister talking at a table. I smiled watching them have a good time.
Reluctantly, I made my way over to their table and kindly waited till Grace realized my presence.
“MC!” Grace smiled widely. Aleister grunted but nodded in my direction. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing much...but I would love it if you guys would do me a favor.”
“What kind of favor?” Aleister asked raising an eyebrow.
“Okay well you know how there’s a lot of tension between basically everyone here? Well Raj and I might have a way to bring everyone together...” The two stared at me. “A party!”
“A party? You must be kidding...that is the most idiotic-“
“A party sounds great!” Grace smiled interrupting Aleister. Aleister glances at her with a confused expression. “We all know that everyone is a little on edge...so why not have something to bring us all to good spirits!”
“Thats the idea!” I smiled. “So can I count on you two to be there?” Aleister sighed and began to no doubt retort about how he wouldn’t be attending the party but not before...
“I’ll be there!” She smiled. Aleister gaped for a moment and then sighed.
“I suppose I’ll observe.” He muttered. I grinned.
“Perfecto! Be at the pool entry by sunset! See you guys then!” I cried as I stood up and skipped out.
Walking around aimlessly, without looking, I knocked into someone.
“WHOAA!” I yelled as I fell back. The person grabbed my arm and pulled me back. I realized that it was Estela.
“Be careful.” She muttered steadying me. She let go of my arm and began to walk away.
“WAIT!” I cried. She turned to face me with a raised eyebrow. “Sooo I know your not really a team player....but...I would really really really like it if you would come to this get together.”
Estela opened her mouth starting to protest.
“I know you don’t want us being nosy in your work and you want to be kept to yourself, but I just would really appreciate you being there. But if not it’s okay...I understand.” I said looking at my feet. She didn’t respond. I sighed and turned around, beginning to walk away. After a couple steps I heard a shout.
“MC! Wait!” I turned to see Estela sigh. “I’ll be there.”
“Really!?” I cried smiling. She chuckled.
“Yeah. Look...I can see this means a lot to you. So I’ll be there. But afterwards I’m out.” I jumped up once.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thanks!” I quickly hugged her before she could say anything and turn and started to run away.
“Wait! Where is it?” She asked. I skidded to a stop.
“Oh yeah right.” I smiled sheepishly. “Pool entry at sunset...see you there!” Then I wandered to Diego’s room.
I knocked on the door and leaned against it.
“Diegooooooo...” I muttered. I heard my best friend laugh from his room.
“MMMMCCCC.” He replied as he opened the door, and let me into his room. I laid on his bed with a smile. “What’s up?” He asked as he laid next to me.
“How would you like....to go to a party that’ll bring everyone together?”
“Eh yeah sure. Why not.” He replied. Wow, that was easier than I thought. I smiled.
“This is why we’re friends.” I declared.
“Why, cuz I’d go into anything headfirst if you were? Even knowing nothing about what I’m going to do? Yeah that screams loalty to me.” He laughed. I joined him and gave him a hug.
“What would I do without you?” I asked.
“Lord only knows.” He replied. “So who else is on your list of people to drag to this thing?”
“I need to talk to Lila, Quinn, and Jake.” At the mention of the pilot’s name, Diego grinned mischievously.
“Ooohhh~ Jake huh?” He asked, facing me. I could feel my face heat up, but I continued to act like it was nothing. After all, he’d never be into me. I mean, I was a girl in college who’d hardly ever got out of the city. Traveled? Sure! But actually live and have survival skills? Ha! No way. I just didn’t think I was his type.
That didn’t stop me from liking him though. Which actually kinda sucked. It had been forever since I had a real crush. A couple of guys on campus I thought were hot, sure. But actually liking someone continuously and seeing them everyday was something that hadn’t happened to me in a while. Even if seeing him everyday actually was trying to survive on this crazy island.
“MC.” Diego called again, waving his hand in front of my face. I blinked, my thoughts disappearing. “You absolutely blanking out after I said the dudes name says it all.” He smiled.
“N-no! Of course not! You know how silly that would be!” I replied standing up and making my way out of his room.
“Mhmm sure. Where you off to now?”
“I’m going to ask people to come to tonight’s party...”
“NO! I-I mean yeah...I Uh have to....ish...you know what I don’t need to explain myself to you. Be at the pool entrance by sunset.” I recovered as I walked out. Even behind the now closed door of his room I could hear him laughing.
Rolling my eyes I made my way over to Quinn’s room, who was not very far away. I knocked on the door and almost immediately the red head appeared.
“MC! Hey!” She cried as she gave me a huge hug. I laughed as I hugged her back.
“Hey Quinn!” I replied.
“What’s up?” She asked as she pulled away to look at me.
“Well I know you hate all the fighting that’s going on,” I begun.
“It’s really bad...” Quinn said somberly. Her grin faded as the topic became clear.
“But!!! That’s why Raj and I have decided to through a party tonight.” Quinn’s smile returned, her face lighting with excitement. I smiled at her amusement.
“Really?! Oh my gosh! That would totally bring everyone together!” She said.
“That’s the plan.” I replied. “Go to the pool entrance by sunset and we could finally get them on the same page.”
Quinn nodded happily. I really admired her. She was kind to everyone and did whatever she could to make others happy. It was really one of her best qualities.
“Pool entry by sunset. Got it.” She gave me one last hug. “Hey I was going to the lobby right now. You wanna come?”
“I’d love to but, I have one more person to ask to this party.”
~~~~~time skip brought to you by I’m lazy~~~~~~
“Jake?” I asked. The pilot’s head turned, and his blue crystal eyes spotted me. He smirked.
“Heya Princess.” He greeted. I smiled in return.
He was sitting in front of the hotel. Oddly enough it was quiet and empty. No one normally came here since everyone was scared of being alone in a place like this.
Not Jake McKenzie though. No never Jake McKenzie.
I sat beside him on the warm cement, it being heated by the bright sun in the sky. At first we were silent, me not daring to embarrass myself and him probably not knowing what to say.
Finally I worked up the courage.
“You...come down here a lot?” I asked. Which was stupid.
Of course he came down here often. And what was I trying to do? Get him to open up to me? He must’ve noticed my inner frustration, because he chuckled and smirked.
“Every now and then sure. Besides, with Cap on my back, its the only place where I won’t be hassled.” then he glanced at me with a side eye. “You’re not gonna hassle me Princess, are ya?” I chuckled uneasily.
“Actually...” I started, avoiding his eye contact.
“Whatcha got for me?” He asked as he streatched out. I smiled as I turned his way.
“Jake...I know you don’t want to,”
“Great way to start.” He interrupted.
“But Raj and everyone else...” he grunted slightly, “and me, would like you to come to a party Raj and I set up.” Jake looked at me with blank stare. “Look, it’s just a get together to literally get us together. We need to work as a team if we want to get off this island.”
I couldn’t tell if Jake was taking the bait. He just examined me, his eyes seeming to view all of my features.
“So...” he finally started, “you want me to go to this party...to ‘connect’ with everyone, and basically pretend like I’m having a great time.”
“Maybe you will have a great time.” I suggested. He laughed in reply.
“Jeez Princess, you really think I can get along with some college kids?” He asked. I bit my lip nervously and shrugged.
“Maybe if you tried.” He chuckled and rolled his eyes, not looking at me. “Look you don’t have to if you don’t want to. It’s just...we really should patch the relationships. It would help to know that the people we’re stuck on this island with actually like each other. Especially if we don’t...” I stopped not even wanting to think of the possibilities.
Jake then turned back to me, once again studying me. After a couple of seconds he sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
“You really care about this, don’t ya?” he asked. I mirrored his actions, sighing and running a had through my hair.
“I guess I kinda do...” I stopped for a moment. Then I looked back to him. “Look, Jake, you don’t have to-“
“Alright, I’ll go.” He said before I could finsih my sentence. I widened my eyes.
“Yeah...if its really that important to you Princess, I’ll try.” Without knowing what I was doing, or without thinking it through, I hugged him tightly.
“Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” I cried into his jacket. He was stiff at first, unsure what to do. Then he relaxed slightly, patting me on the back. Realizing what I did, I pulled back. “Uh, ahem, I mean...thanks.” He smiled.
“No problem.”
“Be at the pool entry by sunset.” I replied as I got up. Before I walked away I smiled at him. “See you then, Top Gun.”
“See ya then, Princess.” He replied with a smirk. And with that I walked away, not even trying to hide the skip in my step.
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noebritez · 7 years
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#Lealtad | #Loalty La compañía de los #animales es algo que #siempre me #asombra Muchos de ellos son #desinteresados y #grandes #compañeros ---- The #companion of #animals is #something that #always #amazed me A lot of the are #unselfish and #great #company
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iluvluvnutella · 6 years
i already decided to not write summary anymore bcoz on my last spoiler summary of Ch162, someone told me my spoilers had a lot of mistakes and it doesn't even help, and i kinda feel bad, im always saying it's not 100% correct anyway and my japanese is poor, im just trying my best to share it with everyone. But hey! since some people keep on asking what's the cliffhanger and other spoilers, i guess i'll give it a try today. It made me glad that there are some people trust my poor translation. 😆 Again, this is not 100% correct and accurate, and pretty sure there are mistakes, so pls take it with a grain of salt. When i put (?) that means i'm not sure of it. sorry
Chapter 163 Spoilers!
- Keishuk and Kyoga had a talk, Keishuk said he's not interfering anymore bout Fire hiding the hungry bunch. He has a proposal, he asked to let Hak and dragons join the war(?) and Kyoga can't actually disobey it(?)
- Kyoga(?) with a painful look, asked in front of Yona if she can lend the powers of Hak and dragons, but Hak said "NO!" they know it's Keishuk's order(?) They cannot trust him.
- Kyoga asked Yona what's her goal? She left the castle, gather the dragons, does she intend to take a revenge to his Majesty? He is in a position to show loalty to Suwon. Yona was like, everyone is saying it's revenge, is it strange to not take revenge(?) She never forget the day her father died, she doesn't intend to forgive but her father loves Kouka so much. She want to become strength to the people she met while she's traveling.
- Yona really wanted to lend a hand the Fire tribe but she can't trust Keishuk who hurt her friends. Kija also wanted to help them but.. this guy 👉 (///,-)
- someone talk with Ogi, (Gobi's subordinates???) asking bout Yona and dragons. They ordering him to move out Yona's men or else they will kill him. 3 opponents vs Ogi, yeh there's no way he can disobey them.
- HakYona talking bout lending a help to fire tribe, Hak said, both Yun, him and white snake doesn't dislike the second son of Kan family anymore.
- then a cute HakYona scene where Hak hold Yona's hand, absorbing Yona's power it makes him at ease. Yona said she's also receiving power from Hak, who keeps on protecting her, she also feel getting stronger than anyone else. (Yona's face is so cute here while saying these lines, she's blushing and Hak is kinda surprise too lol)
- Hak, Shinah and Kija decided to talk with Kyoga regarding on helping them in war. They left Jaeha, Yun, Yona and Zeno at Igni's place, thinking they're safe.
- Yona receive a news/letter(?) that Ogi is waiting outside the castle's gate and want to talk to her. She's wondering if there's another info. I'm not sure if Yun and Zeno accompany her? But i think yes? so sorry, but yeh, Yona went at the gate and met Ogi. Ogi's asking where are the others, she said they have something to do. Ogi said she can come out, he'll show her something. END! omomomo is he gonna kidnap her???
- i'm not sure, but looks like we will have a break. Chapter 164 will resume on Oct.5th? I think? Yeh.. correct me if im wrong.
Again and again for the nth time, pls take this summary with a grain of salt.
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