#lockdown extension
windydrawallday · 5 months
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And this is how Swindle became a widower jkjkjk
Referenced @goobygnarp 's [pic] here. Thank you again for feeding my desire to doodle what I have on my brain!
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auraofdawn · 2 years
Currently thinking about elongated husk’s hellsite free fall like that one jackass on ER back in the day that had no empathy for any of his patients and openly hated everyone bc he was a head surgeon or some shit so no one could touch him, so the writers had him lose his arms in a freak helicopter accident and when that wasn’t enough character development, ANOTHER helicopter fell out of the sky right on top of him
so I’m pretty much picturing the Twitter purchase as the initial helicopter accident, and now we’re all the ER writers who’ve gone mad with power and are counting down the days until the next helicopter episode airs
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eggmeralda · 2 years
I hate uni so much atm
#i spoke to more people in first year during lockdown more than i do now#bc the way they've done the course is so we have the last few months with no other assignments so we can focus on our dissertations#which is good i guess? but also i now never get to see anyone on my course#my course didn't even have any gigs this year bc ''they wanted to focus more on the production side'' except they didn't even do that#they just got rid of the performance side??#and rehearsals were usually where I'd get to talk to people. and then the assessed gig I'd get to see everyone bc they'd all be there#but this year they're just not doing it#so i only ever see the people I'm in bands with already (but like once a week)#and the people i live with. and i barely get to see them either#one's the year below me so i don't see her often and also she works a lot. yet she's probably the one i talk to most#another one idk where he is all the time he's always out somewhere. but at least i get to talk to him sometimes#and the other guy who was like my best friend last year i never get to talk to anymore bc he's still incapable of being apart from his gf#so i only ever get to talk to him on his own on the way home from rehearsals bc at least we're in a band together. but that's once a week#last year if i wanted to tell him something i could just go in the kitchen and just open cupboards and stuff and he'd hear#and come out his room and we'd have a full conversation#or bc he had to walk past my room on the way to the toilet he'd always come in and we'd talk for so long#but now he just lives with his girlfriend with the door shut and idek#also I've mentioned it countless times that i don't get to see him anymore and he seems to feel the same way? and says he wants to stay#friends and hang out more but i think in his head that means with his girlfriend also there#bc i guess he can't picture a situation without her being there like he's literally just an extension of her at this point#i feel like i don't even know him anymore and yeah#if we weren't living together i literally wouldn't care like. there's people i was really close with last year but don't see as much now#but it's fine bc i guess the reason is bc we're both busy or there just aren't moments when we'd see each other regularly#so i can accept that#but when the person lives in the room directly next to mine it's so much worse bc like#i could talk to him but i know i can't bc i don't wanna waste his time or keep him from being with his girlfriend#idek#anyway 3rd year is the worst year by far. 1st year was A Lot it was unhinged it was a fever dream but I have some nice memories?#2nd year was amazing i have so many good memories. 3rd year has like one good memory. anyway I'm reaching tag limit so#ramble
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tangibletechnomancy · 5 months
The reason I took interest in AI as an art medium is that I've always been interested in experimenting with novel and unconventional art media - I started incorporating power tools into a lot of my physical processes younger than most people were even allowed to breathe near them, and I took to digital art like a duck to water when it was the big, relatively new, controversial thing too, so really this just seems like the logical next step. More than that, it's exciting - it's not every day that we just invent an entirely new never-before-seen art medium! I have always been one to go fucking wild for that shit.
Which is, ironically, a huge part of why I almost reflexively recoil at how it's used in the corporate world: because the world of business, particularly the entertainment industry, has what often seems like less than zero interest in appreciating it as a novel medium.
And I often wonder how much less that would be the case - and, by extension, how much less vitriolic the discussion around it would be, and how many fewer well-meaning people would be falling for reactionary mythologies about where exactly the problems lie - if it hadn't reached the point of...at least an illusion of commercial viability, at exactly the moment it did.
See, the groundwork was laid in 2020, back during covid lockdowns, when we saw a massive spike in people relying on TV, games, books, movies, etc. to compensate for the lack of outdoor, physical, social entertainment. This was, seemingly, wonderful for the whole industry - but under late-stage capitalism, it was as much of a curse as it was a gift. When industries are run by people whose sole brain process is "line-go-up", tiny factors like "we're not going to be in lockdown forever" don't matter. CEOs got dollar signs in their eyes. Shareholders demanded not only perpetual growth, but perpetual growth at this rate or better. Even though everyone with an ounce of common sense was screaming "this is an aberration, this is not sustainable" - it didn't matter. The business bros refused to believe it. This was their new normal, they were determined to prove -
And they, predictably, failed to prove it.
So now the business bros are in a pickle. They're beholden to the shareholders to do everything within their power to maintain the infinite growth they promised, in a world with finite resources. In fact, by precedent, they're beholden to this by law. Fiduciary duty has been interpreted in court to mean that, given the choice between offering a better product and ensuring maximum returns for shareholders, the latter MUST be a higher priority; reinvesting too much in the business instead of trying to make the share value increase as much as possible, as fast as possible, can result in a lawsuit - that a board member or CEO can lose, and have lost before - because it's not acting in the best interest of shareholders. If that unsustainable explosive growth was promised forever, all the more so.
And now, 2-3-4 years on, that impossibility hangs like a sword of Damocles over the heads of these media company CEOs. The market is fully saturated; the number of new potential customers left to onboard is negligible. Some companies began trying to "solve" this "problem" by violating consumer privacy and charging per household member, which (also predictably) backfired because those of us who live in reality and not statsland were not exactly thrilled about the concept of being told we couldn't watch TV with our own families. Shareholders are getting antsy, because their (however predictably impossible) infinite lockdown-level profits...aren't coming, and someone's gotta make up for that, right? So they had already started enshittifying, making excuses for layoffs, for cutting employee pay, for duty creep, for increasing crunch, for lean-staffing, for tightening turnarounds-
And that was when we got the first iterations of AI image generation that were actually somewhat useful for things like rapid first drafts, moodboards, and conceptualizing.
Lo! A savior! It might as well have been the digital messiah to the business bros, and their eyes turned back into dollar signs. More than that, they were being promised that this...both was, and wasn't art at the same time. It was good enough for their final product, or if not it would be within a year or two, but it required no skill whatsoever to make! Soon, you could fire ALL your creatives and just have Susan from accounting write your scripts and make your concept art with all the effort that it takes to get lunch from a Star Trek replicator!
This is every bit as much bullshit as the promise of infinite lockdown-level growth, of course, but with shareholders clamoring for the money they were recklessly promised, executives are looking for anything, even the slightest glimmer of a new possibility, that just might work as a life raft from this sinking ship.
So where are we now? Well, we're exiting the "fucking around" phase and entering "finding out". According to anecdotes I've read, companies are, allegedly, already hiring prompt engineers (or "prompters" - can't give them a job title that implies there's skill or thought involved, now can we, that just might imply they deserve enough money to survive!)...and most of them not only lack the skill to manually post-process their works, but don't even know how (or perhaps aren't given access) to fully use the software they specialize in, being blissfully unaware of (or perhaps not able/allowed to use) features such as inpainting or img2img. It has been observed many times that LLMs are being used to flood once-reputable information outlets with hallucinated garbage. I can verify - as can nearly everyone who was online in the aftermath of the Glasgow Willy Wonka Dashcon Experience - that the results are often outright comically bad.
To anyone who was paying attention to anything other than please-line-go-up-faster-please-line-go-please (or buying so heavily into reactionary mythologies about why AI can be dangerous in industry that they bought the tech companies' false promises too and just thought it was a bad thing), this was entirely predictable. Unfortunately for everyone in the blast radius, common sense has never been an executive's strong suit when so much money is on the line.
Much like CGI before it, what we have here is a whole new medium that is seldom being treated as a new medium with its own unique strengths, but more often being used as a replacement for more expensive labor, no matter how bad the result may be - nor, for that matter, how unjust it may be that the labor is so much cheaper.
And it's all because of timing. It's all because it came about in the perfect moment to look like a life raft in a moment of late-stage capitalist panic. Any port in a storm, after all - even if that port is a non-Euclidean labyrinth of soggy, rotten botshit garbage.
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Any port in a storm, right? ...right?
All images generated using Simple Stable, under the Code of Ethics of Are We Art Yet?
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year2000electronics · 7 months
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wow. four years old huh. i'll keep this part short but sappy rant under the readmore! happy four years!!
it feels like just yesterday when i watched this series on a whim because my friend kept making jokes about my ocs with hlvrai quotes and then it was so funny and engaging that it pulled me out of a months-long depressive slump... feels like just yesterday that my work was finally being seen by people, yesterday that the summer of 2020 was one of the most interesting summers ive ever had, yesterday when the 2020-2021 school year ended up being one of the most difficult times of my life and hlvrai really helped me get through it. without exaggeration this series has changed my life
yeah we all may have had ups and downs, like a LOT of downs, but ill always consider hlvrai to be very special to me, not just because i love it but because it represents so many good things to me: friends joking around having fun, friends carrying their past experiences with them (gmod rping, an affinity for extensively-planned bits, jokes that could ONLY be made by rtvs with each other, you get it), and how the best things often come from happy accidents, from people who DARE to CARE, because hlvrai is good because theyre not afraid to be silly! theyre not afraid to be stupid and sincere and ridiculous!!
and the most inspiring part to me has always been that hlvrai wasnt made to chase any trends. it didnt come in the wake of anything, it was made, and then after it was made, rtvs pretty obviously made it clear that they wouldnt let their lightning-in-a-bottle series box them in. like everyone on the team is very strongly against ppl being parasocial to them, they dont let people beg them for the funny half life info and references, all that. as a creator its cool to see people doing what they love and not succumbing to any pressure algorithmically or otherwise, especially during the lockdowns, when a lot of other streamer-based fandoms cropped up that had a VERY big 'encouraging being parasocial' problem. its always been nice to have a web series thats just one of many awesome things rtvs has done
hlvrai was everything i could have ever asked for and more, and me myself i was perfectly content with just having the standalone series forever, because sometimes a standalone thing is all you need. but with hlage, bbvrai, and hl2vrai being announced, im still so happy to be here and so happy that i get to keep enjoying one of my favourite pieces of media <3
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simply-ivanka · 1 month
How the Biden-Harris Economy Left Most Americans Behind
A government spending boom fueled inflation that has crushed real average incomes.
By The Editorial Board -- Wall Street Journal
Kamala Harris plans to roll out her economic priorities in a speech on Friday, though leaks to the press say not to expect much different than the last four years. That’s bad news because the Biden-Harris economic record has left most Americans worse off than they were four years ago. The evidence is indisputable.
President Biden claims that he inherited the worst economy since the Great Depression, but this isn’t close to true. The economy in January 2021 was fast recovering from the pandemic as vaccines rolled out and state lockdowns eased. GDP grew 34.8% in the third quarter of 2020, 4.2% in the fourth, and 5.2% in the first quarter of 2021. By the end of that first quarter, real GDP had returned to its pre-pandemic high. All Mr. Biden had to do was let the recovery unfold.
Instead, Democrats in March 2021 used Covid relief as a pretext to pass $1.9 trillion in new spending. This was more than double Barack Obama’s 2009 spending bonanza. State and local governments were the biggest beneficiaries, receiving $350 billion in direct aid, $122 billion for K-12 schools and $30 billion for mass transit. Insolvent union pension funds received a $86 billion rescue.
The rest was mostly transfer payments to individuals, including a five-month extension of enhanced unemployment benefits, a $3,600 fully refundable child tax credit, $1,400 stimulus payments per person, sweetened Affordable Care Act subsidies, an increased earned income tax credit including for folks who didn’t work, housing subsidies and so much more.
The handouts discouraged the unemployed from returning to work and fueled consumer spending, which was already primed to surge owing to pent-up savings from the Covid lockdowns and spending under Donald Trump. By mid-2021, Americans had $2.3 trillion in “excess savings” relative to pre-pandemic levels—equivalent to roughly 12.5% of disposable income.
So much money chasing too few goods fueled inflation, which was supercharged by the Federal Reserve’s accommodative policy. Historically low mortgage rates drove up housing prices. The White House blamed “corporate greed” for inflation that peaked at 9.1% in June 2022, even as the spending party in Washington continued.
In November 2021, Congress passed a $1 trillion bill full of green pork and more money for states. Then came the $280 billion Chips Act and Mr. Biden’s Green New Deal—aka the Inflation Reduction Act—which Goldman Sachs estimates will cost $1.2 trillion over a decade. Such heaps of government spending have distorted private investment.
While investment in new factories has grown, spending on research and development and new equipment has slowed. Overall private fixed investment has grown at roughly half the rate under Mr. Biden as it did under Mr. Trump. Manufacturing output remains lower than before the pandemic.
Magnifying market misallocations, the Administration conditioned subsidies on businesses advancing its priorities such as paying union-level wages and providing child care to workers. It also boosted food stamps, expanded eligibility for ObamaCare subsidies and waved away hundreds of billions of dollars in student debt. The result: $5.8 trillion in deficits during Mr. Biden’s first three years—about twice as much as during Donald Trump’s—and the highest inflation in four decades.
Prices have increased by nearly 20% since January 2021, compared to 7.8% during the Trump Presidency. Inflation-adjusted average weekly earnings are down 3.9% since Mr. Biden entered office, compared to an increase of 2.6% during Mr. Trump’s first three years. (Real wages increased much more in 2020, but partly owing to statistical artifacts.)
Higher interest rates are finally bringing inflation under control, which is allowing real wages to rise again. But the Federal Reserve had to raise rates higher than it otherwise would have to offset the monetary and fiscal gusher. The higher rates have pushed up mortgage costs for new home buyers.
Three years of inflation and higher interest rates are stretching American pocketbooks, especially for lower income workers. Seriously delinquent auto loans and credit cards are higher than any time since the immediate aftermath of the 2008-09 recession.
Ms. Harris boasts that the economy has added nearly 16 million jobs during the Biden Presidency—compared to about 6.4 million during Mr. Trump’s first three years. But most of these “new” jobs are backfilling losses from the pandemic lockdowns. The U.S. has fewer jobs than it was on track to add before the pandemic.
What’s more, all the Biden-Harris spending has yielded little economic bang for the taxpayer buck. Washington has borrowed more than $400,000 for every additional job added under Mr. Biden compared to Mr. Trump’s first three years. Most new jobs are concentrated in government, healthcare and social assistance—60% of new jobs in the last year.
Administrative agencies are also creating uncertainty by blitzing businesses with costly regulations—for instance, expanding overtime pay, restricting independent contractors, setting stricter emissions limits on power plants and factories, micro-managing broadband buildout and requiring CO2 emissions calculations in environmental reviews.
The economy is still expanding, but business investment has slowed. And although the affluent are doing relatively well because of buoyant asset prices, surveys show that most Americans feel financially insecure. Thus another political paradox of the Biden-Harris years: Socioeconomic disparities have increased.
Ms. Harris is promising the same economic policies with a shinier countenance. Don’t expect better results.
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pretzel-box · 1 month
OU OU OU OHHHH Can you PLEASEEE do a mini fic of Sebastian meeting an expendable who has crazy body mods to make them look more alien?? Like tattooed eyes split tongues teeth with extensions n stuff?? I wonder how he’d feel about someone making themselves look like that when he was forced to look the way he is?? Idk if that makes sense but I had a eureka moment and I LOVEEEE your fics 😩plsplsplsplslpslsl 🙏🏻🙏🏻
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words: 1,2k
tags: gn!reader, clear mentions of body mods
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Sebastian was rarely scared of anything. At this point, the man had faced horrors beyond human understanding, staring down death itself with nothing more than a resting bitch face. He’d shrugged off wall dwellers that plummeted into his shop from the dark ceilings above, and barely blinked when Pandemonium rushed by, a force of chaos that would unnerve anyone else.
So, imagine his face when he first met you—standing face to face with a human who looked so… inhuman.
When you first entered his shop, he assumed you were another twisted experiment, something that had escaped the grasp of Hadal Blackside’s prison when the lockdown started. The split tongue, the intricate tattoos inked right into the whites of your eyes, the piercings that glittered along the edges of your lips and brows—it all spoke of something otherworldly, something that didn’t belong to the realm of normal human experience.
But then, he noticed the neat little uniform clinging to your body, its fabric still crisp, untouched by the filth and blood that coated most of the facility. The sight of it made a light flicker on in his head. You were human—if the term could still apply—sent down from above, likely a new expandable among this mess, just like countless others before you.
His face scrunched up in irritation and a bit of disgust, his lip curling as he scanned you from head to toe. It wasn’t fear—no, Sebastian was far beyond that—it was the jarring discomfort of trying to process something so out of the ordinary, something that made even him pause for a second.
“What the hell…” he muttered, his voice low, almost as if he was talking to himself. His eyes narrowed, scrutinizing the sharp lines of your tattoos, the way the ink made your gaze unsettlingly intense. He could feel the irritation creeping up the back of his neck, the way it always did when something disrupted the order of things in his world. Sebastian spend the last few years hating Urbanshade and himself, cruising his newfound appearance and coming slowly yet painfully to terms with it that he can't be human anymore. So it was even more a hit in the face to see someone who was perfectly human turn themself into what— an alien?
You, with your inked eyes and split tongue, were an affront to the normalcy he clung to in this otherwise chaotic place. Even in the madness of the Blackside, where monsters roamed freely and reality was different, your appearance was a challenge to his sense of what should and shouldn’t be.
Yet, even as he bristled with discomfort, there was a begrudging respect beneath it all. It took guts to modify yourself to that extent, to carry the weight of those changes with such confidence. It was the kind of defiance that reminded him, in some strange way, of himself. A refusal to be anything but exactly what you were, no matter how unsettling it might be to others.
After a moment of tense silence, he let out a breath, forcing his expression to soften, if only slightly. “Alright, you got my attention,” he grumbled, crossing his arms over his chest. “What do you need?”
You didn’t flinch under his gaze, didn’t hesitate as you stepped closer, as if daring him to say something more. Your eyes, those unsettling orbs of black and white, met his with a calmness that caught him off guard.
“I need supplies,” you said, your voice smooth, unbothered by his scrutiny. To be fair, you were already used to people behaving like that, treating you weirdly for your special behavior. Your split tongue flickered as you spoke, and for a brief second, his mind flashed with curiosity—how it must feel to talk like that, to move in a body so distinctly altered.
“Supplies, huh?” he echoed, almost as if testing the word in his mouth, seeing if it tasted any different when spoken to someone like you. He tilted his head, the initial discomfort giving way to a strange sort of intrigue. “You got anything to trade?”
You nodded, reaching into your bag, and pulling out a handful of items— usb scraps, files, a few salvaged goods that had seen better days but were still usable. He eyed the offerings, the gears in his mind beginning to turn. A potential customer, no matter how off-putting, was still a customer.
“Fine,” he said, the last traces of his initial irritation melting away as he slithered forward to inspect your trade. “But don’t think I’m giving you any special treatment just ‘cause you look like you crawled out of someone’s worst nightmare.”
You smirked, the corners of your lips pulling up to reveal the silver glint of piercings on your tongue. “Wouldn’t dream of it,” you replied, and there was a spark of mutual understanding in your tone as you sassed back—an acknowledgment of the strangeness of this place, and of each other.
As he began to rummage through his wares, the discomfort that had initially gripped him faded, replaced by a begrudging respect. You were different, sure, but in this hellhole, maybe different was exactly what was needed.
Sebastian was in the middle of inspecting the tech scraps you had offered, his sharp eyes scanning each piece with practiced efficiency. You stood across from him, arms crossed, waiting for his judgment, your split tongue occasionally flicking out as you shifted your weight.
Just as Sebastian was about to name his price, the vent to the shop creaked open, and another customer cautiously stepped inside. The newcomer was a wiry, nervous-looking man, his eyes darting around the room as if expecting something to jump out at him at any moment. He spotted Sebastian first, relief briefly washing over his features.
But then, his gaze shifted to you.
The moment his eyes locked onto your inked ones, his face paled. His jaw went slack as he took in the tattoos, the piercings, and finally, the slow flicker of your split tongue.
Sebastian noticed the man’s reaction and rolled his eyes, barely suppressing a smirk. “You need something?” he asked, raising an eyebrow at the customer who looked like he’d seen a ghost.
The man opened his mouth, but no words came out. Instead, his eyes widened even further, and without warning, he bolted toward the nearest vent in the wall.
“Hey, wait!” Sebastian called after him, but it was too late. The man had already pried open the vent cover and was scrambling inside like a terrified rat fleeing a sinking ship.
You watched, bemused, as the man’s legs disappeared into the vent, the cover clattering shut behind him. A few moments of silence passed before you turned back to Sebastian, an amused smirk playing on your lips.
“Well, that was rude,” you said, your tone dripping with sarcasm.
Sebastian finally let out the laugh he’d been holding back, shaking his head in disbelief. “Can’t say I blame him,” he chuckled, glancing at you with a twinkle of amusement in his eye. “You do have a habit of making strong first impressions.”
You shrugged, unbothered by the man’s reaction. “Guess he couldn’t handle a little personality,” you replied, your smirk widening.
Sebastian grinned back, clearly enjoying the moment. “His loss,” he said, returning to your trade with a newfound lightness. “Now, where were we?”
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homelander’s incel origins
The handle of the front door of your apartment jiggled, clearly locked but the offender paid no mind. Homelander used his key that he copied from your own without even a word; instead he had caressed your shivering figure, scared of an attempted break in– which angered him because of fucking course it would be him entering, he had this place on lockdown– he told you it would be safer now.
Slowly, whether by chance or the fact you had to remind yourself he was a formidable titan that wasn’t going anywhere, you accepted it. A creature of habit– you fell in love with the routine the two of you formed.
Every night when he knew you were sleeping he’d enter your apartment slowly, no jangle of the keys and no slam of the door despite how foreign the idea of a good sleep was to him; he’d even leave his blood soaked boots outside on the patio. His suit more often than not was soaked in red, he found patrolling the dark and wretched corners of the city as a way to let loose steam before he saw you. He knew you’d never allow him in your bed covered in blood, so he’d clean up for you– he became comfortable with the idea that you could never tell the media he didn’t try, were something to happen.
How could you turn him away so late at night when he had practically taken his metaphorical skin off for you, revealing nothing but warm skin and vulnerability? Homelander knew you wouldn’t do that, you couldn’t do that to him; but out of fear or love, he’d never know, and frankly it didn’t matter to him. You never turned him away, that’s what mattered.
He too became accustomed to this routine, but his favorite was the morning when he woke up to the smell of roasting coffee beans and half-burned bacon on a skillet. Despite his somewhat extensive history of women that had taken care of him, none had gone to the lengths you had to ensure the mornings together went smoothly. You’d done everything for him; laid his suit out on the couch, cleaned his gloves and his belt– you even cleaned his bloody boots because you knew they would stain if not attended too.
Soon enough this standard practice fell apart as Homelander became paranoid when one fateful night he came home and you weren’t there. Bags packed, no note, as if you’d vanished without telling him. Him of all people? He was enraged, all hope of being relieved of the negative emotions built up from the day was gone, just like you. It was like a flip had switched and he had no desire but to destroy every piece of furniture in the shared space as if only you had to bear the burden– as if he hadn’t bullied his way into making it his home too.
You were just away for a night at a friends, deciding to crash there because you knew the alcohol in your veins would be well over the legal amount to drive with.
You forgot to tell him.
How could you leave him of all people, he thought, he was so good to you. He knew he could have ruined your nights, woken you up with his boisterous actions, smothered your intimate space with the blood of a person neither of you knew. You had his free protection from the hypothetical street trash that had any nerve to try and harm you, even if he knew nobody would even dare to step foot near the person he staked his claim on.
When you came home you of course found the place destroyed, but you had no idea who it could’ve been considering the place was practically on lockdown. Homelander was nowhere to be found, you assumed he hadn’t come to visit you last night and someone took advantage of the circumstances. But then it hit you, you’d forgotten to tell him where you’d be– you’d disrupted the only sense of humanity he had, even if just for a night.
Knowing the true nature of the Supe, you knew you were fucked.
You didn’t remember how he entered the apartment– whether he broke the door or smashed through the window, or how he ended up with his hand curled around your throat with all the force he could muster at that moment. Your brain was fuzzy from fear and oxygen deprivation, all love you thought you held for this man depleted and turned into raw terror.
“John–”, you choked out, and something snapped both in his brain and your neck. Your body fell limp to the ground, his eyes lasering down the center of your chest. How dare you call him by his name after you’d betrayed him? Homelander still had no idea where you were the night before and he didn’t care, he’d already created his own scenarios; that you’d gone to see Billy Butcher, that you’d been unfaithful this whole time and had a partner on the side. The two of you were never together, but to him you were a piece of property he owned.
Alone and still warm blooded, he left you. He abandoned the place he forced himself into, once again leaving a whole to become half again. It was then and there Homelander decided he would never take refuge in the arms of a woman ever again; not a charlatan like Madelyn, a bigoted radical like Stormfront, and definitely not a brazen whore that he’d worked you up to be.
He knew he was America’s beloved for fucks sake, all he needed was himself.
idk smut coming soon
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writing-for-life · 5 months
Considering this is a site where so many people have aspirations to become professional authors or artists, I think it’s really astounding that many (often the same) people encourage book piracy. And by that I mean: They don’t just do it behind closed doors (whatever, do what you have to do and keep it to yourself)—they actually package it as some act of immeasurable kindness in the name of “social justice”. And I’d say: If you’re not a professional author and have no experience in or with publishing, hence don’t really understand what it means to make your living as a writer, maybe just… don’t? And if you ever want to sell your books, maybe also just… don’t?
It’s not some cool subversive thing in the name of social justice you’re doing. You’re really hurting authors with it, and it’s in no way comparable to “fighting the big bad streamers.”
Yes, Neil Gaiman will be okay, but if you’re saying it’s okay to do it to him, you’re also saying by extension it’s okay to do it to lesser known authors. And those authors make up the vast (and I mean vast!) majority of authors. But maybe you’re one of those people who think that all artists are minted and picture them in La La Land, entirely possible. If that’s the case, maybe educate yourself what the median income of authors is, be very surprised and wake up. Sometimes, it really helps to think before hitting post. And if rants are not your thing, this is the exit sign because I’m not going to mince my words…
Here are a couple of really good comments from *that* post that people should maybe inwardly digest before they prioritise being oh-so-understanding and supportive of every Tom, Dick & Harry who “can’t afford the book” via piracy (how about buying them one instead if you care so much. No? Thought so) over supporting authors, artists and, yes, libraries:
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(Re the last comment: Or use online libraries—they’re also free. That was also part of above post btw. Libby, Hoopla etc exist for a reason.)
If that’s all too hard, then let’s at least stop pretending on here that we care about supporting authors and artists while vocally supporting book piracy. Because really, it’s the same in all arts, even if the symptoms are slightly different—take it from one who is both a published author and used to be a stage performer.
And to say it quite frankly: These “ideas” are probably held by the same people who were tearfully blabbering about the arts being what kept them going during the pandemic and then forgot about it all when lockdown was over. Or maybe they are the same people who think that art is a “jolly pastime”, and that everyone should just be content to “do it for the love of it and give their art away for free because awwwww, so amazing, here, buy food with my exposure bucks.” Go on then, write and consume fanfics and create fanart, problem solved. Just don’t ever ask for the pro art that inspires it again. Ah no, I forgot, it’s all made for money and soulless anyway, innit? Why oh why then do you want to consume and pirate it though?
You’re not progressive and/or supportive of artists. You just have no clue how making a living in the arts works and think your comfort (= “I have to have all the things even if I can’t afford them”) matters more than someone’s livelihood (namely that of the people who devoted their lives to creating that art for you), and it really shows.
I don’t care about anyone’s Google history and even said so several times on here when people asked (this is the latest one, and yes, I see the people who had a “reaction” to this one or the reblog above, but I bet that’s “coincidence”). Do whatever you want to do, it’s your choice, keep it to yourself. But stop pretending that piracy means “caring about the noble cause”, because repackaging entitlement as social activism is performative crap…
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valyrfia · 7 months
did you see that max followed a charles fan account on twitter??? do you think he knows about lestappen 😍🤭
Anon, I'm sure you didn't mean any harm with this ask but the day that I have confirmation that Max, Charles, or anyone who knows them personally might have an inkling about the full extent of Lestappen as a popular ship, I am putting this blog on absolute lockdown and quite possibly deleting it.
To answer your question fully, I'm sure their social media managers know they're popular as a pairing in general, so by extension I would be shocked if Charles and Max didn't know that their interactions get engagement, for some reason. Charles, at least, is chronically on twitter, and I'm starting to suspect Max is somewhat similar no matter what he says (he can quote too many memes off the top of his head). But let's take Max following a stan account (probably by accident) as a warning. If you are on a social media platform that a driver is on, do NOT talk about Lestappen in any sort of serious capacity, and for the love of god don't even mention RPF or ao3. The drivers lurk, they see all, so don't post anything you wouldn't be comfortable with them possibly seeing. There's a reason why tumblr is historically the safest space to talk about and interact with RPF. Please let's keep it here, trust me when I say that all of this is really NOT enjoyable if the people you're talking and writing silly little stories about know of your existence.
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chewyena · 1 day
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Pressure OC! Meet Ghost, Urbanshade's genetically modified operative tasked with neutralizing subject Z-13 in hopes to end the lockdown once and for all. 🧡 Close-ups and text below!
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████ ██████████, codenamed Ghost, is a specially engineered elite operative who volunteered to undergo extensive biological modifications in order to neutralize subject Z-13, Sebastian Solace, as well as any other hostile entities that show resistance. Previous attempts to deal with Z-13 have consistently failed, prompting the creation of a subject with abilities specifically designed to match and surpass those of Z-13. Subject primarily received genetic material sourced from Vultus Limunaria, commonly referred to as Searchlights. This infusion of DNA, combined with traces from other species, has altered his appearance and physiology as expected, granting him the unique abilities required for his mission. Urbanshade researchers, bound by contractual obligations, are expected to reverse these modifications if Ghost completes his mission within the allocated timeframe while these alterations remain reversible. The front of his body is dominated by a gaping mouth that begins at his face and stretches down his entire torso, ending just above his hips, which is a reflection of Searchlight physiology. This mouth serves as his primary weapon in combat, capable of projecting harpoon-like tendrils that can latch onto targets and reel them in with terrifying force. Inside his torso, at the base of the mouth, is an esophagus-like structure used to retract the harpoons and pull his prey into his maw. The design of his upper body is mostly hollow, aside from thick layers of muscles, to minimize damage to vital organs which are located lower in his body for better protection. His eyes are highly reflective, being adapted to low-light environments, enhancing his ability to detect movement in the shadows of the Blacksite. Given Z-13's known lethality and previous success at evading capture, Ghost has been trained to operate independently of traditional support, with limited direct communication back to Urbanshade during this operation. His combat style is based on ambush tactics, using his speed and strength to overwhelm Z-13 in close combat before the subject has time to retaliate. His agility, combined with his biological weaponry, makes Ghost the deadliest operative Urbanshade has ever produced—an apex predator designed for a mission inconceivable for standard operatives. Therefore, in the event operative Ghost defects or becomes a threat, a contingency plan has been put in place. A remotely detonated bomb, utilizing technology from the Prisoner Diving Gear (PDG), has been implanted in an undisclosed location in his body. This device is designed to neutralize Ghost upon receiving a signal from HQ, ensuring that the blast is powerful enough to incapacitate him without causing damage to surrounding infrastructure.
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aziraphales-library · 9 months
[1/2] Hello, and thank you for all you do! I'm trying to find a lost fic. I've checked your tags (thank you for the extensive organizing!) but have sadly been unable to find it here or on Ao3 :( It's a fic set after the Lockdown minisode. Crowley is taking a long nap and Aziraphale decides to visit him in his dream. He sits down in his armchair, closes his eyes, and opens his angelic ones. Dreams are depicted as lights across London - Crowley's is described as a black pillar.
[2/3] When Aziraphale reaches into Crowley's dream, he finds himself at Crowley's flat. Crowley is resting on his bed humming a song, and there's a detail that Aziraphale's jacket is hung nearby, so Aziraphale expects a simulacrum of himself to also be existing in Crowley's dream. He starts to say something but Crowley kisses him. [This is an adult fic so it escalates quickly]. They're lying together after and Crowley confesses. He realizes it's a dream when Az says 'I love you' back. [3/3] Aziraphale wakes up back at the bookshop, Crowley calls him on the phone, and the fic ends with Crowley snapping over to the bookshop. To the best of my recollection, it was a 1-chapter fic. I really appreciate any help in finding this one; thank you so much.
I believe you're looking for...
I guess, I just don't know by rowenablade (E)
He looks very much at peace, and for a second Aziraphale thinks it may be better not to interrupt. But he’s missed the sight of Crowley so badly and now he’s right here, as much as he can be said to be anywhere in this place. Aziraphale clears his throat. “Crowley,” he says. “I’m sorry to drop in unannounced, but-“ At the sound of his name, Crowley’s eyes open. When Aziraphale says sorry, his bare feet have hit the floor. By the time the angel manages to clamber over the syllables of unannounced, Crowley has slid his arms around Aziraphale’s waist, pushed him back against the hallway wall and kissed him, open-mouthed and hungrily.
- Mod D
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covid-safer-hotties · 1 month
Published May 13, 2024
Governments and certain key opinion formers aren’t being open and honest about the risks associated with COVID-19 and their actions will have long-term consequences for public health and trust in science.
One of the criticisms often leveled at members of the Covid-cautious community is that they believe ‘everything is Covid.’ Critics say there is an element of alarmism or neurosis in the concerns this community has about COVID-19 because no pathogen could cause all the harms being laid at its door.
Unfortunately, the newest widely circulating pathogen in the human population uses a broadly expressed ACE2 receptor to infect cells1, meaning it can damage almost any part of the body2. Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, few people believed coronaviruses could linger in the body, but members of the John Snow Project outlined their concerns in 2021 because there was extensive evidence going back decades to suggest coronaviruses could persist3,4. These concerns have since been shown to be justified, with numerous studies now demonstrating prolonged viral persistence and immune activation5-9.
The combination of a widely expressed receptor and persistent infection means the acute and long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2, the virus which causes COVID-19, can be unpredictable10.
SARS-CoV-2 has also been shown to harm the immune system in various ways11-14, many of which are common to other pathogens. This harm seems to have increased susceptibility to other pathogens such as dengue15 and strep A16,17.
We’ve previously written about government efforts to return to pre-2020 norms and how official messaging that we must all assess our own level of risk has been interpreted by most people to mean that it is safe to engage with the world in the same way one would have done in 2019 and that there will be no additional risk in doing so18.
Most people have resumed pre-pandemic behaviours, but there has been an increase in general ill-health, which can be demonstrated in rising levels of long-term illness19, disability20,21, GP appointments22, chronic absence among school pupils23-27, rising absence among teachers28 and worker shortages in a wide range of industries29. Many commentators theorize about the reasons for these phenomena, blaming a mysterious malaise among workers, indulgent or irresponsible parents, or post-lockdown laziness.
Aiding this apparent mystery is the rather bizarre way in which official figures are reported. A prominent Covid-cautious commentator pointed this out in a thread on X in relation to the UK Office of National Statistics figures on Long Covid30. The ONS analysis states, “The majority of people self-reporting long COVID experienced symptoms over two years previously,” but the way the data is presented skews the risk towards historic Covid-19 cases by using uneven time intervals, a practice which is in breach of UK government policy on how to present time series data31. However, when the data is presented as close to correctly as the raw data allows, the risk of developing Long Covid from a COVID-19 infection seems to remain relatively constant.
Another criticism leveled at the Covid-cautious community is that members are overstating the risk of Long Covid. High quality studies from all over the world point to the very real and significant risk of Long Covid32-34, and there is now evidence to suggest the risk of Long Covid rises with each subsequent infection35.
If anything, Long Covid prevalence is likely to be understated because of the dearth of public health information from official sources. There are still some people who are surprised they can be reinfected by SARS-CoV-2. There are others who know about the risk of reinfection but who falsely believe each subsequent infection will be milder. There are yet more who do not know each infection can carry a risk of long-term illness.
When we get into specifics, how many people know COVID-19 infection can cause headaches and migraines weeks or months later36,37? Or that it can cause fainting38,39? Nausea40? Heart attacks41,42? Cardiac complications in adults and children43,44? Embolisms45? ADHD-like symptoms46,47? Neurological issues48,49? How many people are suffering the long-term sequelae of COVID-19 infection but not drawing the causal link and instead ascribing their new conditions to bad luck or aging?
We’ve previously written about governments creating the space for antivaxx messaging to thrive by not correctly reporting the risks of COVID-19 infection29, but there are greater threats. Every time a Covid-minimizer says, “There’s nothing to worry about, look at everybody else out there living their lives, just resume your old ways,” they are undermining faith in public health measures because their reassurance is based not on the scientific evidence but on instinct, hope and, possibly, a vested interest in maintaining the status quo because they staked their professional credibility on infections being protective. Science and public health progress when we follow the evidence, not when we hold hunches and opinions in higher esteem than evidence.
The huge rise in dengue50, coupled with the evidence that dengue virus uses SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to enhance infection15 and the correlation of COVID-19 cases to dengue cases51 suggests there is an interplay between the pathogens that hasn’t been fully understood. Whooping cough is surging in the UK, with cases up 3,800% on previous years52-55, and adults who have been previously vaccinated or infected are now falling seriously ill. Similar surges have been seen in other countries, and while those who like to blame anything-but-Covid point the finger at lockdowns, which ended more than three years ago in most countries, sensible people would like to understand the interplay between COVID-19 infection and susceptibility to other pathogens.
It would only make sense to pursue ignorance if there was nothing that could be done about COVID-19, but we know that clean air policies can reduce the risk of all infections56, be they bacterial, viral or fungal. The “just get on with it” messaging of those who want people to forget about COVID-19 is a celebration of the sort of ignorance that has slowed and stalled human progress throughout history.
If there is a business case for investment in engineering and architecture that will improve human health, we need to properly understand the harms caused by COVID-19. Sweeping it under the rug, shouting down those with legitimate concerns, pretending the virus doesn’t exist, massaging data to make it appear things are safe, are all counter to this understanding.
It seems those with means have already decided their health will benefit from clean air57, and advanced ventilation and filtration systems are the latest must-have addition to high-end properties58, which suggests there is also an issue of equity involved in understanding COVID-19. The advancement of human knowledge has always empowered the general population, which is why it has often been resisted by those in power. Keep that in mind the next time someone says, “Stop worrying. Just get on with it.” They want your ignorance and incur no cost if you are harmed by being repeatedly infected by COVID-19 or any other pathogen that might be surging in its wake.
For information on how you can protect yourself from COVID-19 infection, please click here.
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lillified · 11 months
can i ask what the general lore for your au is? love me some good lore
I think I’ve done a pitch outline before that’s covered some of this, but I can give you the basic background for reference! (Tumblr page search seems a bit broken the further back you get anyway)
Cybertron is an alien planet with a long history of strife. Following the reign of the Quintessons, a hostile and colonial alien species, and their eventual ousting, the remnants of a military-industrial state and its tyrannical caste system left only a matter of time before massive conflict erupted.
Cybertron: The original home planet of the Cybertronians, and the current territory of the Autobots. Cybertron is a very ancient planet formed around the remnants of an enormous organic “ancestor,” whose blood and other material is extracted for use as food. This organic material is vital to the survival of all Cybertronians, and the most important component, Energon, is extremely highly coveted. It can be found sparingly in other parts of the universe (notably other early established Cybertronian space colonies), but without access to the original ancestor, or its sparsely documented relatives and protégé, it is unrenewable, which would inevitably mark the end of the Cybertronian race. Extensive industrialization on a global scale made Energon sparse, and an exhaustive global war only exacerbated this scarcity.
The Decepticons: Made up primarily of the former lower castes of Cybertron, the Decepticons are a mish-mash group of revolutionary mercenaries, banded together to end the tyrannical rule of Cybertron. Although they were originally known as the Ascenticons, they gained the derogatory name after their defacto “leader,” Megatron, permanently maimed her rival for the primacy, Optimus, during a political demonstration that turned violent. Optimus was famously left without a lower jaw, and the brutal scuffle was used to galvanize moderates against the perceived extremity of the group.
Now, having been largely driven off of Cybertron after a battle which devastated both sides., the fractured branches of the Decepticons struggle to find places they can recoup and regather amid the cosmos. Their primary squad, team Alpha, is currently drifting in space, eagerly anticipating the day it can find the resources to reestablish communication with what remains of the Decepticon army.
The Autobots: A faction formed out of the former military of Cybertron and its allies. Figureheaded by the stoic and personable Optimus Prime, the Autobots barely hold onto control of Cybertron, and seek to persist against the Decepticons’ demands for radical reconstruction. Now made up of many of Cybertronian’s youth, plenty of Autobot soldiers aren’t fully aware of what they’re fighting for, and barely retain memories of life before the war. If the current course of the war continues, they hope to drive the Decepticons out of anywhere they’ve hidden until they surrender and concede.
The Present: With impassible stakes for everyone involved, if they want any hope of surviving and reclaiming Cybertron, the Decepticons must do the impossible: overcome their many differences and work as a team. Our story starts in the far reaches of space, where Decepticon Team Alpha is searching for resources and a temporary residence where they can begin to reestablish communication with their allies.
The members of Team Alpha include:
Megatron: the melancholic leader, whose reputation does not match her lethargic withdrawal.
Starscream: the second in command with a penchant for mutiny. Her disloyalty is kept a secret, for both Megatron’s sake and Starscream’s.
Soundwave: the enigmatic and cynically self-important communications officer and third in command. Their speciality is espionage and information control, though they haven’t seen much of it recently.
Lockdown: former bounty hunter turned medic. this mean-looking ‘Con might not be certified, but in a pinch, he’ll patch you up—by any means necessary.
Knockout: the only thing worse than a mad doctor is his lackadaisical and negligent assistant. Knockout doesn’t really believe the Decepticons will win, but his hate for the Autobots is stronger than his realism.
Breakdown: a bruiser-in-training rescued from a docked Decepticon warship. He and Blitzwing were the only trainees who survived being stasis fried. Albeit a strong and capable fighter, this ‘Con doesn’t really have the “Deception grit” yet.
Blitzwing: Breakdown’s fellow soldier. Though she was also trained to be a mercenary, Blitzwing lacks a lot of the natural talent for fighting Breakdown has. Her unrecognized skill lies in weaponsmithing, though Starscream hopes to make a competent combatant out of her yet.
Ravage: don’t be fooled—this weapon class Minicon only looks like a Cybercat. The eldest of Decepticon team alpha, this odd bot gave up his Cybertronian appearance to live out the laid back life of a lazy mechanimal. His powerful spark makes him Megatron’s weapon of choice.
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ellivia · 4 months
Hi! Do you know if there is list of Mulder and Scully fanfics having phone sex? 👀
Sorry for another question but do you know about any good post-Tithonus fics? I need some jealous Mulder 😩
I’m sorry it took me so long to answer you! ❤️
I know of a few phone sex fics!
On the Line by @icedteainthebag is a favorite (as is all her other smut)
Today by @storybycorey is a series that I loved (she’s queen of the slow burn)
Extension Line by @wtfmulder (also a fantastic smut writer)
I realize now that you asked me for a list 😬 I’m sorry, maybe @lilydalexf will know of one, as they seem to have fic recs on lockdown.
As for Tithonus fic, I’m not as familiar with that genre, but I’ll throw this ask out to the masses to see what they can offer you!
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chrswlls · 3 months
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Personal headcanon that I think is implied a little bit in the game is that you, Alex Winston, have some sort of beef with Patrick Bannon
Like we already know for one Patrick would be anything but kind to other staff, let alone the janitor turned broadcaster out of nowhere
And you know how the Lockdown being Alex's dream kind of reflects their own experiences right?
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A lyric from Mr Bear implies that they might've wanted to be a news anchor before being forced to settle as Channel 1's janitor
Perhaps someone like that could be jealous of the fact that someone like Patrick made it on the big screen because nepotism
Also Patrick literally dies in your dream followed with a quote from Jeremy implying spite. "Thank you Patrick for that report! Showing the nation, and more importantly management, just where you belong!" Like damn we really want this guy dead
My personal favorite part of this headcanon though: this challenge room reward
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Is this yours? Is this the entirety of Channel 1's? Who knows! But it just happens to be in your room for stress relief
There's also Live and Spooky where canonically, you don't follow the instructions and derrail the show (or else you'd all die). How could you have known the Costume Room was the perfect last stop? Maybe you just wanted to shit on the show and by extension shit on Patrick Bannon
Anyways not to say it's canon because Alex is you and you're whatever you wanna be but you being Patrick's No. 1 Hater isn't super far from canon is all I'm saying
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