#log splitting is my passion
i was splitting logs with my dad
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just-moondust · 8 days
Honey & Herbal Tea
Part 1 Part 2
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Aaron Hotchner x Fem OC
Summary: Aaron & Seren take the week off at Rossi's cabin.
A/N: The smut is here bitches! Idk how to write smut so my bad if it's too short. Also there smut! So... warning for that I guess...
Rossi gladly relinquished his cabin under the knowledge that Aaron wouldn't be in a position of being in charge, or able to micromanage the team for the next week. He’d made him unpack all the files from his suitcase before Seren had arrived to pick him up. 
Go enjoy yourself. There’s better things to be looking at than murder cases.
Aaron had to admit Dave had been right about that one. He was, for once, thankful that he didn’t have his nose stuck in a file. He exhales, his eyes scanning over the calmness of the lake as he sits on the porch sipping coffee from a tin mug. 
His attention was being pulled elsewhere though, just off to the side of the porch. Where Seren was looking decidedly more attractive than usual as she brought an axe down over her head, cutting through a log that she tossed aside in a pile. 
He had admittedly lied about it being a little cold the first night, just so she’d have to cut up more firewood. It was entirely worth it though, he thought as she was picking up another log and readying herself for another. She swings the axe, her biceps tense as she pulls it down again, splitting the log in two. 
“You think that’s enough?”
She looks over to him, hands placed on her hips as she catches her breath. He pretends to glance at the pile, then makes an unsure kind of face.
“I’m not sure…It was pretty cold last night”
She laughs as she senses his jest, shaking her head as she walks back to the porch with a pile of firewood. She drops it at the door before wrapping her arms around his shoulders, burying a kiss in the nape of his neck.
“I’m sure there are other ways to keep you warm…”
“Oh yeah?”
“Mhmm…” she mutters out the reply, her kisses trailing up to his jaw. He gently tugs at her arm, guiding her to sit with him. One of his hands rests on her thigh that’s across his lap, tracing gentle circles under his fingertips, the other is brushing stray hairs from her face as he studies the creases in her face when she smiles at him with that whimsical gleam in her eyes.
“I thought you said I should be taking it easy?”
“I’ll be gentle” she shrugs, her fingertips gently grip his chin as she tilts her head, bringing their lips together. Aaron’s heart skips a beat, his hand slowly moving up into her hair, pulling her closer as he deepens the kiss, his tongue brushing along his lower lip before pressing to hers. The bitterness of the coffee he’d just had mixed into the sweeter taste in her mouth.
The hand that’d been on her thigh now drifted higher, where her jeans met the bottom of her t-shirt. His thumb smoothing over the exposed skin of her hip.
She pulls back all of a sudden, leaving him too surprised to open his eyes again for a few more seconds.
“Careful Hotchner” she warns with a devilish grin, “anymore of that and you might end up bruising those ribs again.”
He chuckles, smoothing down her hair. His hand slips under her shirt to rest in the curve over her waist as he speaks in a lowered tone. “I think a little pain will be worth it…”
She tilts her head to the side in amusement, thinking it over before she stands up, pointing toward the door.
“Inside Hotchner.” 
“Yes Ma'am”
 He quickly replies, jumping to his feet just as fast. A light laugh escapes her as he passes, she follows behind with an armful of firewood. She drops them down by the fireplace, joining him on the makeshift mattress of pillows and blankets they’d slept on the night before. She can barely ask if he’s comfortable before he pulls her back into a passionate kiss, earning a squeak of surprise from her before she relaxes, letting him guide her onto his lap. Her hands graze over the stubble on his cheeks, up into his hair as his travel down to her waist.
The comfort of having her so close only fuels his need for more, his hands going under her shirt again, one moving up to cup her breast through her bra. He feels her breath hitch in response, only daring him to be braver. He pulls away from her lips, his fingertips tracing back down to the bottom of her t-shirt as she gives him a silent nod of approval, lifting her arms as he pulls the soft cotton away from her freckled skin. 
He takes a moment to take in this welcome new sight, though he can’t help two of his fingers following the length of a fading scar on her left side. 
“It’s…from an accident… The accident.” She says in a hushed tone as she spies his curious eyes wandering from the rest of her to the long, jagged line. Aaron only nods, looking back up to her face with sympathy. She’d told him the story of one of her crew being lost on the job, how it’d been ruled as a tragic accident at the time. But she hadn’t said anything about herself being hurt too. He supposed it was out of a sense of leadership to her team. Why should she be hurt when someone had died? 
“Sorry…” he shakes his head, realising he’d only pulled them both out of their sweet moment with his own curiosity. Sometimes, he really hated being a profiler.
“It’s okay. It’s kinda hard to miss, right?” She shrugs, keeping her warm smile as she makes light of the situation. He had to admire her for that. Seeing it as part of her rather than a reminder of a painful experience as he had with his own.The thought of her seeing his scars in the same way he had looked at hers was flooding his mind as she’d reached down to pull up his own shirt. She frowns in concern as his hands take hold of hers, the anxiety he was unsuccessfully hiding becoming clearer as held onto her hands, staring down at them.
“Aaron we don’t have to…” She stops as he shakes his head.
“No, it’s not that I -” he swallows, finding the courage to look her in the eyes again. “I just have some…reminders that aren’t so healed yet…”
The explanation seemed vague enough for her to know he couldn’t face talking about what had happened to him, instead she softly kisses his cheek and smiles understandingly, “I get it” She whispers as he leans into her lips, the tips of their noses meeting before he just has to kiss her again. The sweet taste of her lips and delicate touches across his chest fill him with warmth once more.
His hands wander across her torso again, paying attention to every inch. Soon his kisses travel there too, soft and quickly down her neck and along her collarbone, earning a hum of enjoyment from her. The sound only encouraging him, touches shifting to her lower body. Caressing her clothed thighs, making her tighten them around his waist, beginning a slow pace of rocking her hips along his own.
Aaron lets out a breathy groan, soon growing impatient with her tempo. His grip moves to her hips, hoping to guide her to an increase as he feels the growing ache of need.
“Hmm, you’re not one for patience, are you?”
A devious grin stretches across Seren’s lips as she stops, eliciting a disappointed whimper from his. She pushes him down flat on his back, hovering over him as she inches closer to his mouth. But when Aaron tries to close the distance, she just makes him chase her. Her smirk grows as she watches him get playfully frustrated, cursing under his breath.
“Quit it, you tease”
“Oh sweetie, you’re just too fun not to tease” she chuckles, “but alright. Seeing as you’re in such a tender state…”
She peels away from him and to her feet, finally ridding herself of her jeans. Aaron soon follows suit, kicking off his own as she crawls back up to him. Her bare thighs drawing in his hands as he palms at whatever he can reach while she holds him down with one hand, kissing and softly nipping at his neck. 
The neediness inside him grows, along with the thought of just flipping them both over. But somehow he doubts it to be possible. She was afterall, just as, if not stronger than him. And despite the teasing, she continued to lure him gladly into a sense of submission that he felt when he whined and squirmed underneath her.
“G-god Seren, p-please just…”
“Hmm?” She lifts her head lazily from his neck to meet his eyes. “Is there something you wanted to say?” she asks, a sultry tone thick in her voice as she delights in his worked up state.
“I…I can’t take much more of this” he mutters out in a gasp, the painful hardness in his pants evident to the both of them. 
Much to his relief, she finally relents, helping him slide off his boxers. She wraps a hand around him, making him quickly try to restrain himself from just thrusting into her hand then and there. He bites down on his lip, hard.
It doesn’t go unnoticed either, a praising smile on Seren’s face as she witnesses the struggle.  “You’re doing so well for me sweetheart…” she hums, her other hand trailing up her inner thigh, fingers pulling the fabric of her underwear aside.
Aaron can do nothing but watch the feeling of contentment fill her as their bodies are joined. A trembling exhaled breath escapes her as they both adjust to the feeling of one another for a moment.
Once she finally starts to move, his hands go to her hips, fingertips digging into her skin as he tries to settle into this pace. He pushes against the hand she had holding him down till she lets up, letting him pull her down with his fingers laced into her hair for the kiss he so desperately needed. He feels her smiling against his lips, maybe out of amusement of how needy she was making him. So he snaps his hips up, quickening the rhythm between them and earns some delightful surprised sounds from her mouth as she hangs over him. 
“That’s it sweetie…keep going…” She breathes, “god that feels good…” 
He groans lowly, the praise only pushing him further into this feeling of euphoria. She grips tightly at his still clothed shoulders while his hands trail up her back and down to her thighs, guiding her movements. He can help but wear a besotted look as he gazes up at her. The way her hair falls over one shoulder, completely messed up. The strength in her body, every movement she makes tensing a muscle under her flushed skin that he just has to smooth over. The equally as intoxicated look in her dark eyes as they both inch further and further to an end.
She knows it too. They both feel each other getting more frantic. Wet, open mouthed kisses through panting, hands grasping harshly at one another…
“Seren…” Aaron hissed as she bites down a little on his lip for that last kiss. 
“I know…It’s okay…” she half nods, her breath hitching with every one of his thrusts. 
That’s it. Her permission is the only thing left he needed as he released inside her.
Their cries fill the air of the cabin as they both gradually come to standstill after the waves die down.
Seren almost collapses onto him,but  Aaron lets out a pained grunt as an arm comes into contact with the tender part of his injuries. She jumps in alarm, straightening up again. 
“Oh god, are you okay? I forgot-” she stops as he grins, giving his shoulder a light smack at his tease. 
“Ow! Hey!” he giggles, pulling her into his side as she rolls out of his lap.
“I thought I hurt you Aaron, not funny…”
But she’s smiling. Trying not to laugh, even.
He plants a few apologetic kisses to the top of her hair, his arm around her softly rubbing at her side. 
“Mhmm. You’re lucky you’re cute…”
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fandoms-in-law · 6 months
Around Their Lake
Summary: When Steve broke up with Eddie he split a lake property he'd brought for them so Eddie could own half of it. Now they run competing camps and have to deal with a camper mix-up
Authors Note: I had this idea near the start of the month, and decided today and tomorrow I'm rewriting Rock 'n' Royals for Steddie, first as the camp owners and tomorrow as Erika / Courtney. I deny wholeheartedly this being an excuse to rewatch the film multiple times.
This wasn't what Steve wanted for his life, was never what he'd dreamed of and part of him just wanted to stop enforcing the entire argument. Eddie was constantly saying he wanted the entire lake, wanted to extend Camp Rock and Steve, well, he didn't care.
The only reason he argued was that it was easier, far far easier than admitting that he didn't want to lose this connection with Eddie but if asked he'd probably all too willingly give up his camp for Eddie to share his passions with more kids. Robin sometimes called him out on it but often just agreed they wouldn't have worked out back when the lake property was brought.
She'd been the one to help him split the property deed before his parents ever learnt he'd brought it, and ensured that Eddie knew he had it, ownership of half the lake they'd dreamt of running away to and living peacefully with their family and kids coming to visit. Robin had been the one he'd questioned his parents re-entry to his life and doting after Hawkins was rebuilt and the one who helped him figure out.
The break up had been to protect both of them from what his parents could do and Steve hated it. He hated it even more when Eddie decided he was reverting back to his King Steve days and thought he was above him when all Steve was thinking about was how easily his parents could block Eddie and all of Corroded Coffin from ever achieving anything with their music.
“Either you're in the wrong camp or I needed parents like yours twenty years ago.” Steve stated, seeing Erika Juno enter his office. He recognised her, easily recognised her as one of the popsters Max, El and Erica Sinclair were raving about being amazing currently, and knew that she wasn't meant for his camp, jokingly called camp royalty since Steve had focused on his favourite things when setting it up.
“Nope. I'm meant to be at Camp Rock. I was running late and went where I could hear my name being called.” Erika agreed, leaning back and putting her feet on the desk.
Steve smirked at her, doing nothing to discourage it. “Then you get two choices; I can call Camp Rock and try to sort out the mix-up while you stay here for a few days until your transfer is sorted, or you can stay here for the entire time and see whether you like horse riding, baking and ballroom dancing compared to the dance styles you're more used to.”
“As fascinating as that sounds, I'd prefer to go through the transfer. Nothing against you though. This place is flashy.” Erika decided, glancing around as she complimented his camp.
“Robin will direct you to where your room is and I'll try to catch up with you about how the transfer will work tomorrow.” Steve stood, holding his hand out to shake and gesturing to Robin.
Camp Rock needed the space.
That was basically the entirety of Eddie's claims that he'd buy out Camp Royalty. He was sure both of them knew there was plenty of space to grow their camps closer together and both of them were avoiding doing so for all their arguments and claims of expansion, but his camp was growing more each year and he needed to extend sooner rather than later.
Except he couldn't subject his students to noise limitations here when all of them faced that at home too and Harrington's had been a family as likely to log a noise complaint as they were to get one when Steve's parents were out of town. It seemed unavoidable that after years in their pockets Steve would be just the same now.
“And this is Miss Courtney.” Eddie said, looking at the computer screen rather than looking up at the camper now sat in his office. “Gareth, why is Miss Courtney here? I could swear it usually takes at least a day before anyone is asking for help.”
Gareth scratched his neck, before deciding to just redirect Eddie's gaze. “Well, there's been a mix-up, with Camp Royalty I think.”
“Daughter of a wealthy businessman wanting you to follow in his steps or fulfil traditional gender roles?” Eddie summarised his views of the campers across the lake.
“Something like that, but this was meant to be a fun week away from that.” She offered.
Eddie raised an eyebrow. “Not sure how that camp is getting away from it, but fine. Do you want me to call and sort out a transfer or to rebel a little, stick around here and find out how much fun you can really have?”
Courtney paused, watching him. “I don't think I'd really be much good here, so if it isn't a hassle, please can you arrange for me to transfer to the camp they meant to send me to?” She uncertainly requested.
“Your choice. Gareth will point you to the right note your staying in while I sort that out.” Eddie agreed easily with a wave.
Steve was already pinching his nose by the time the phone was answered. “You're through to Camp Rock, if this is family news for the students please only call if it's urgent they know. How can I help?”
“Hey Gareth, it's Steve from Camp Royalty. I need to speak to Eddie. We've got one of your campers here.” He explained, already aware that Eddie rarely was the first to answer the phone.
“And we've got one of yours. I'll find him, but are we really not just letting them swap and skipping the paperwork?” Gareth asked, the sound of a door opening and closing audible through the phone.
Steve groaned, “I wish. It's the insurance paperwork though. We're already paying extra because there's no fence or separation between the borders of our camps. If we swapped campers between them without paperwork to say who is staying where the premiums would inflate exponentially.”
“Oh Stevie, you sure know how to solve a problem.” Eddie replied, chipper and confusing him before he realised the phone had been handed over without him being told. “But seriously? Are they actually charging us extra for that? Because that is idiotic.”
“The joys of things my parents forced me to learn, right? Insurance companies like to be precise over what they protect us from and things that make them more at risk.” Steve muttered, “Anyway, I've got a camper called Erika who should be over at your camp.”
Eddie laughed, “You're not sending the Sinclairs over to me just because baby Sinclair can walk rings around you.”
“Erika Juno.”
“Point to Steve.” Eddie stated, “Okay, well we do have a Miss Courtney who should be over with the snobs too. What forms do we need to processing to transfer them to each other?”
He sighed again, chuckling a little. “Just because I was forced to use computers before you found the need to doesn't mean I'm in charge of telling you how they work.” He said before explaining what the forms should be for, as well as what information would need to be included and agreeing to send copies of them over.
Robin was stood leaning against the door when he got off the phone. “You are still so gone on Eddie, it's almost sickening.”
“Not my fault that I'm a romantic.” He countered, leaning back in his seat.
“This isn't being a romantic, this is pining hopelessly without daring to ask for more than your half confrontational, half weirdly dependant neighbours thing you two have.” She stated, deadpan, “And that's coming from your entirely co-dependant, no borders allowed platonic soulmate.”
“Robin, this is how I manage it.” Steve stated the moment he heard Erika Juno actually sing. “This is how we get Eddie to take the rest of the lake without trying to push money on me.”
Robin frowned at him, glancing around in confusion. “By walking through our camp listening to the singing classes masquerading as an acapella choir?”
“No, by making a bet on a singing competition between our camps, making Eddie think we're that confident in the Camp Rock kid we've got being able to win it for us. Winner gets the full lake.” Steve explained, grinning, “She's amazing but with the Camp Royalty campers making cliques just as much as Hawkins High did, she'll be fighting a losing battle to make the song win the contest.”
“Steve Harrington wants to set up a competition to deliberately lose? Did I die in the upside down and this is a very long hallucination.” Robin exclaimed playfully, after a quick glance around to confirm none of their campers was close enough to hear.
Steve shook his head, laughing too. “You know I've not been that focused on winning for years, practically since before we ever worked together.”
Gareth and Eddie both stared at the phone in confusion. “That was on loudspeaker. I didn't just imagine that entire conversation, right?” Eddie mumbled after a while.
“Nope. Steve Harrington just suggested a song contest between our camps. Either he's going to fix the judges, or he's literally trying to give the rest of the lake to you for some reason.” Gareth agreed.
“Now come up with something believable for a suggestion.” He glared.
Holding up his hands and stepping back he repeated a comment the entire band had directed to Eddie a million times over the years, “Both are believable and quite possibly he'd fix it in order for us to win. Harrington has been gone on you for-literally-ever at this point. Why else would he have given you this property in your break up as if it was a divorce instead? That and I'm 100% certain his parents never knew that he'd brought the entire thing and then given half of it away.”
“It was the easiest way to get my name off the deed without getting me to agree to him buying it out.” Eddie mumbled back. “Besides he's definitely not now since he wants to get away from me and the lake.”
Gareth rolled his eyes. “Remind me how long you've been asking how much to buy him out? This could easily be just trying to fulfil what you want for the hundredth time. Someone wanting to get away from you would not, I repeat Would Not spend ages teaching you what paperwork or computer filing needs doing to run your camp effectively.”
“So he's still a good guy. He still dumped me so he could play happy families with mum and dad Harrington.” Eddie pouted.
With the bet confirmed, Steve had wanted to just let the campers enjoy preparing for it, decide who forms the acapella group and which songs they do. The issue was that the campers didn't seem all that willing to just enjoy the process themselves.
“Is everything alright?” He asked, stepping between Olivia and Erika calmly.
“Just an artistic difference of opinion.” Olivia said, sounding stressed and overly polite compared to the ferocity that had been in her voice moments before.
Erika held out the pages he'd thought they were arguing over. “I was just asking if we could try a song I've been playing around with for the contest.”
“Friendship is a more relatable subject to sing about than being royalty, which, I might add, none of us should claim to be. Being rich because of parents successful in business does not guarantee our own success without putting the work in and learning to get along with those around us.” Steve reasoned, repeating some advice he knew Robin must have told him at some point early on in the career his parents pulled and pushed him into. She'd followed along, of course, but neither of them had enjoyed their work until they decided to build and open this camp.
“We've already chosen our performance piece.” Olivia attempted to argue but was clearly now uncertain on how important that was.
Steve nodded, “But you still have a few days left to practice. Plenty of time to learn a new song should the rest of the group want to do so. This shouldn't be a decision made by just the two of you.”
The girls glared at each other for a moment more before turning back to the group. “Okay guys, let's try practising both for today and voting on which we like more at the start of tomorrow session.” Olivia called out, clearly unhappy but accepting his point.
He just wanted to rock out with the band, perhaps give a few hints and tips to the future chart toppers.
He did not want to walk into the studio to Sloane screaming corrections at the rest of the group and Marcus claiming no-one was feeling the song they were using for the competition.
“What if we played one of Courtney's songs?” Zia suggested.
Sloane was immediately scoffing, none of them noticing Eddie there still. “A princess can't write songs.”
“A good song can come from anywhere and anyone.” He interrupted. “Looks like you found your skills for Camp Rock. Let's hear whichever song Zia thinks would fit the competition.”
Eddie beamed as he listened to the song and got to rock out to it a bit. This was what music was meant to be about, sharing a story and having some fun together. He couldn't help but declare it able to win the competition, even if he thought he should have tried getting his campers to find a compromise themselves.
Steve had headed back to his office, already drafting up the paperwork to sign everything over to Eddie and thought he'd heard something. If it was one of the party surprising him during a camp week he knew he'd have to wait until they decided to jump out, given both Dustin and Mike had kicked up a fuss the times he didn't. Except if it was a camper then he should probably check on them in case there's an issue he needs to help resolve.
Or he could monologue about the bet and see whether the campers react to learning about it at all. “Eddie better have the paperwork ready for when I win that bet. Camp Royalty has this in the bag and Camp Rock should be preparing to close its doors.” He tried to make his words believable while meaning none of them. He never wanted to make his campers doubt themselves or their abilities even when he was hoping they'd lose the competition.
A gasp and the sound of his table scraping slightly along the floor showed whoever was there heard and was trying to hide even more than before. “I better start getting the expansion plans finalised.” He decided, turning around to head out of the room.
Whatever was going to happen could come now, and hopefully that wouldn't backfire on him.
The stage and binding lights had never been Steve's place. He'd never wanted the spotlight and had barely dated Eddie long enough to dream about helping them on tour, doing something backstage so he could just watch Eddie perform every night.
It had always been a 'what if' daydream since then, but now he had to co-host, at Eddie's insistence, this entire event.
“Can you believe he's single? I hear opposites attract, maybe you should find someone funny.” The words felt foreign to him, and he begged in his mind that Robin wouldn't be quoting that at him later. She already was mouthing opposites attract at his back, he was sure of it, even more so when Eddie's expression momentarily twisted.
“Let's introduce the judges.” Eddie announced, thankfully ending the stilted commentary they'd attempted making to begin the show.
Robin and Steve were jumping around and cheering like mad.
On the other side of the audience Eddie was screaming and whistling, leaping around while Gareth hollered and encourage the rest of their campers to applaud louder.
“Never in my life did I expect this to be the outcome of this competition! I want to commend whichever campers managed to orchestrate this amalgamation, this blending, this meeting of worlds, if only for how much they must have been racing around the lake constantly to organise it.” Steve ran out onto the stage, realising that the applause was slowing down and as hosts he and Eddie were meant to be there. A glance back to the Camp Royalty section of the audience showed Robin laughing at his praise.
Eddie was soon to follow, clearly prepared to argue but pausing just as he was beside Steve, “I entirely agree, but also entirely expected you to be arguing with this. Whatever happened to competition is healthy for our campers?” He asked, clearly attempting to question whether the bet they'd made still stood.
Steve laughed, gesturing behind them, “I think it's pretty clear that even our campers don't agree with that. They've decided that rock and royalty can work together and I long since learnt better than to argue with a large group of teens. Perhaps we should even merge our camps together to see what else they'll create.”
“Hey Steve? You wanted to congratulate us for storming away from camp and befriending each other instead?” Erika called, arm around Courtney and pulling her forward from the rest of the performers.
Eddie burst out laughing then, “Oh I am so glad not to have gotten involved in whatever camp drama caused that reaction. Let me guess, you both struggled to get along with everyone in the camps you ended up in and stood out enough to have confrontations.”
“Just a few.” Courtney admitted.
Both camps were saved, and the band had somehow launched into a completely different song Eddie was sure couldn't have been rehearsed half as much as should've been necessary to perform it so well. Except instead of being allowed to just enjoy it, he found himself being pushed away, and lowered into the backstage area by Gareth, with Robin doing the same thing to Steve, on the same lowering platform.
“I get the feeling they want us to talk.” Steve muttered, glancing around to see where the platform control was instead of heading for the way out into the audience.
“Gareth is probably expecting me to ask if this was your attempt to give me the rest of the lake or if we could date again.” Eddie sighed, hoping if he just brought up those talking points they could get back to their celebrating scheming campers quickly. “But I want to know why the campers would have made themselves a supergroup at all.”
For a moment he was just blinked at. “To Gareth's questions, the answer is yes. And to yours, I was pretty sure one was hiding in my office a few days back so spoke aloud about the bet. Not sure who or why they were hiding, but you said it yourself, I'm happy not to get involved in the camper's drama.”
“When the hell did you start wanting this again? You told me we couldn't be together and you had to spend time with your parents if they were going to so much effort for you.” Eddie ranted.
That was the thing that made Steve snap, that brought out the fierce glare Eddie had seen a few times when Hawkins was still treating him like a murderer after the Upside Down was dealt with. “I Never Stopped! I'm still utterly insulted you believed half of the nonsense I said when breaking up with you and infitely hurt you just immediately decided I was reverting back to being King Steve. The Harrington's could have destroyed any chance you had to get this far! Those albums on your walls could have been gone before you dreamt them up if my parents found out we dated! Who cares that I'd have been immediately either disowned with everything they could take from me taken, or trapped in the lowest role of their business with no chance to progress until they decided I was straight and following their orders, you would have lost your dreams! Business owners don't let their kids have room in rockstars worlds.”
“There was always room for you in my life, Stevie. You never asked for it back.” Eddie's voice had softened, sounded comforting now in the face of anger now being thrown at him.
“You immediately called me King Steve when first opening your camp beside mine. Even when Gareth was pretty chill to talk with, you left the wall there. How was I meant to know I could ask for anything?” The energy was gone from his words and his head came to rest on Eddie's shoulder. “So I just took what I could helping and arguing as you wanted.”
Eddie nudged him back from his hiding place in his neck, one hand coming up to tilt Steve's face to his own. “Well what I want now is to date and run one big camp with you. Is that something you think you could stand?”
Steve smiled, nodding, “On 2 conditions. 1. I'm in charge of the filing and paperwork with Gareth's help for the numbers side of it all.”
“And the other?”
“You kiss me already.”
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roughribo · 1 month
Your Storm
you are tempest
but timid,
on my chest.
don't shy away little bird
and duck your head.
you're going to feel for me—
[relax my little starling]
going to feel a little bit of pressure
and you're going to fluster faster
and suffer slower.
[did I stutter]
now eye the shoreline:
my beard meeting jawline
brushing past mid-thigh kisses
[exhale, but don't forget
to breathe this moment back in]
become lower torso
kisses headed towards
tightly held wrists
I am the storm
across your skin
helping you bend
to my every whim.
I am the primal
rumble of thunder
on the back of
your neck.
I am the lightning
crack of the whip
fiercely searing
near my strike.
I am the forces
of nature overwhelming
your senses
cupping your essence
keeping you off-balance
and on the precipice
I hold you
[steady now girl,
this is where you start to lose yourself]
and mold you;
your chaos into calm
is my purpose.
[you're so pretty because
you're my prey]
flood your
cerebellum, serotonin
is ruthless when
it's my resolve edging you
when I'm in pursuit of
occupying your
every. hitched.
raspy fury,
gasps operatic
monteverdi madrigals.
[let the waves wash over you darling]
I impose denial
on you,
indulge myself in selfish
these relentless endorphins
endorse this
passion engulfing your
claw at me—
[I warned you
you'd lose yourself
to me]
I pry apart the cracks
in the beached logs,
—flushed flesh—
between your thoughts,
your thighs,
[you're going to feel
a prick of pleasure]
split the driftwood wide, make
you buoyant, gaped,
adrift awake
—dilated, oxygenated—
drift agape,
wrought iron-chained,
among the
and tarnished ball
and chain and heavy
sensations of
powerlessness and entropy
will rot ire and
bawl and change deities.
—hooked, reeled in—
fingertip by fingertip
I loosen,
your grip on
your storm
your insecurities
our reality.
[tremble for me]
—everything rhymes
so sensational
feels pinpricks even
the taste of you like
pop rocks and static shock
rations are rational at
again this chaos is calming too
the pressure gives me life
with nothing makes sense
because it doesn't need to—
stop. rise.
I am your storm
showing you the path to pleasure
is paved in vulnerability.
our world can swim, swirl,
whirl around us in uncertainty;
the quaking of earth
can be so thunderous
under us;
the drizzle can seem
like a deluge and clouds a prelude
to a downpour
out there;
but in here
I'm going
to set your body on fire.
leave my mark.
and you
are going to heel for me.
cleave to your heart.
look directly in my gaze.
I am the eye of your hurricane
and this is what it feels like to be safe,
sheltered by your storm.
[there, that wasn't so bad
now was it]
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rexxdjarin · 2 years
Note: Ok I still haven’t read the newest chapter of Captain’s Log because I want conditions to be PERFECT for my read lol
But I would like to humbly submit this thot:
The 501st come back to Coruscant for some much needed R&R. The boys are once again planning some shenanigans at 79’s. They invite Rex, but nobody is surprised when he declines their invitation to file paperwork and get a good night’s rest. Of course, they give him a hard time - booing him playfully and making fun of his inability to have fun.
What they don’t know is that Rex’d been secretly seeing a Holonet News staffer for months. After shaking them off, he sprints to your apartment, comming you on the way there. The lift ride up your high rise feels like a lifetime.
As soon as he rings your bell and your door swishes open, he throws off his helmet to kiss you hungrily. He backs you into a wall, grabbing fistfuls of your ass and kneading your breast as you moan into his mouth. He’d thought about you the whole campaign and he can’t help his desperation after the long trip back to the Triple Zero.
And it’s not like you don’t feel the same. Because you’re pawing at his chest, hands roaming frantically, trying to find the damn clasps. You both stumble into the bedroom, lips only parting to shed pieces of clothing. There’s no time to turn off the lights and set the mood. As soon as you’re both naked, he’s pressing you up against the wall and lifting you up by your thighs, fucking up into you as his hands and hips pin you in place.
Meanwhile, Fives and Echo are crammed into an air taxi with Kix, but they’re stuck in some bullshit traffic, arguing about whether or not they should have taken the train. then Fives goes quiet and his eyes are just wide and Echo is like “what are you looking at??”
he and Kix follow his line of sight to an apartment building. The lit room is like an exhibit against the backdrop of darkness and they can all clearly see two people fucking.
“Holy karking shit — is that…Rex?!”
whoops I wrote more:
Your entire front is pressed against the transparisteel window of your room, knowing full well anyone passing by could see you both. Your apartment isn’t that far from the transport lanes below and at this time of day, the suns setting and the waning light of dusk illuminates every single thing that could be going on inside.
Rex’s fists are in your hair, pulling your face back enough for him to watch your expressions with every ruthless snap of his hips. Both of you had gone too long without seeing each other between his long missions and your long nights at Holonet News headquarters. So that ultimately led to how you were now, absolutely tearing into each other passionately.
You were whining and whimpering and calling his name louder with each thrust, the throbbing width of him hitting a spot so deep inside your guts it made you see stars. “Rex…more. More. Please. Harder. I can take it. Please.” You begged, tears of ecstasy dripping down your cheeks as the overwhelming feeling of erotic delight coursed through you.
His fist in your hair maneuvered your head back and onto his shoulder, the center of his broad, powerful hips driving himself upward to split you open more. “I know you can. Ner mesh’la…such a good girl. You must look so fucking good out that window. Turn back around. Show the whole planet how pretty you are when I’m fucking you.” He grunted, pressing his palm between your shoulder blades to push your breasts against the window.
He buried his face in your neck and nipped and sucked deep purple hickies all along the skin, smoothing over each one with his fingertips curling a possessive grip around you now. You smiled and giggled in delight as the swell of pleasure rushed to your core to meet his thrusts, a cascading, warm tingling overwhelming your insides. “So good Rex. You’re so good. I love it. I love when you fuck me…want everyone to see how much…” you mutter, the words catching in your throat as his last jerk into your pussy took your breath away.
“That’s right. Proud of how good my girl takes her Captain. Just want to show you off. Nobody takes my cock better than you, mesh’la. I can’t stop thinking about how you feel. The whole..fuck- the whole fucking mission..stars you’re so tight…” He tossed his head back and moaned, his hands sliding down to lift your leg and plow in harder.
Suddenly, your eyes locked with a familiar sight you absolutely weren’t expecting. 501st blue. Men you recognized. Rex’s men. You slammed your palm on the window to get Rex’s attention and pointed to where Fives, Kix and Echo were staring with jaws dropped up in disbelief at their Captain balls deep in a display so lewd even they couldn’t imagine it. “Rex…they can see us. Your-” you close your eyes and moan illicitly as his pounding cock hits a particularly sensitive spot in you and sends molten pleasure rocketing through your core. “Rex- your men! Should we stop?” You offered, turning to look over your shoulder at him.
His eyes were wild, pupils dark and lids heavy with lust. A dark, determined and almost ferocious scowl deepened on his face and he smirked back at you. Suddenly, his face was directly beside yours, one arm circling around your waist as he positioned your hips perfectly to rub your clit between his fingers. “Never. Give them a show, mesh’la. You’re mine and now they’ll know it. So let’s show them how only a Captain can make you come this good.” He growled, a final snap of his hips making your throbbing walls collapse around him.
The blinding heat of arousal exploded in your belly as you turned to meet the gaze of men that would never in a million years guess their Captain was capable of something this lascivious. Your mouth dropped open in pleasure as Rex’s name spilled out loud enough to be heard over any of the transport lane traffic passing by below. The numbing sensation washed over you and made all the muscles in your body tense under Rex’s overwhelming touch. His hands held you against the glass, his chest pressed into your spine as he thrust one, two, three times more. You writhed under him as your vision went spotty but your eyes stayed open to watch his men drooling over you in utter disbelief.
You could feel his cock twitch in your wall’s vice grip, warm spurts of his own sticky release filling up the empty space eagerly awaiting his return from his last tour of duty. Your fluttering walls coaxed every last drop of him inside you and you felt him shake violently before resting his head on your shoulder in exhaustion. He panted softly, ghosting gentle kisses along your shoulder and tangling his fingers with yours on the window.
He giggled in satisfaction, giving his boys still blinking up in shock at us from their taxi a mock salute. “Look at them. Bunch of jealous di’kuts. I’m putting them on desk duty tomorrow for staring at you too long.” He lifted his head, the warm, loving brown eyes sparkling with pride and happiness now that he’d spent all his energy with exactly the person he needed.
You leaned in and kissed him passionately, your hand resting on the side of his cheek. “Don’t be too hard on them, Rex. I think they’re just surprised by how you’re spending your shore leave.” You giggled, massaging away the cute grumpy angry scowl on his brow now. “You’re just not as by the book as they thought. And that’s good. That’s what makes you such a respectable and…talented Captain.”
Later on, when Rex gets back to barracks with you in tow, Fives, Kix and Echo can barely make eye contact. Rex stops in front them and demands they stand at attention. “I think we can all be mature here and…keep this under wraps.”
“I’d hope you kept it wrapped.” Kix said raising his brows suggestively and trying desperately to keep a straight face.
Echo snorted, closing his eyes to keep from bursting into laughter.
“Hey! Uncalled for…” Rex countered, pointing a scolding finger at Kix.
“What’s gotten into you, Captain?” Echo asked, taking a deep breath and trying to swallow down the hysterical laughter.
“Oh we know exactly what, well- who he’s been getting into.” Fives quipped, finally making the other two lose it with laughter.
You looked at Rex, his face blushing 10 shades redder than usual and you leaned your head on his shoulder. He ran his palm down his face, totally unamused by the three clowns he had to manage.
You giggled and kissed his cheek, “don’t worry, baby. After what they’re going to hear from us later tonight, we’ll see just who’s laughing. They’ll be begging you for pointers, Rex.”
The three men shut up as you dragged Rex by the hand back toward his barracks for more.
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starakex · 1 year
Warden Ingo Cosplay Build Log
Hey Legends Arceus / Submas / Pokémon fans ! I spent two months last year making a Warden Ingo costume because the game made me fall in love with the franchise all over again (and because I love sad amnesia uncle, of course). I'm pretty proud of it, so I thought it'd be fun to share the process here in painstaking details. I've been cosplaying for over a decade now and I learned a bunch from so many defunct cosplay tutorials on this website, so I thought I'd give back. This isn't a guide, persay, but rather a dive into the methods and decisions I picked to complete this project. Any pre-made items or patterns that are available online will be linked! I'll be splitting down each piece of the costume into its own section for easier reading. This is gonna be a long one with a bunch of pictures, so I'd suggest viewing on the blog directly! Without further ado, all aboard!
Station 0: The Guidelines
Before getting into the build itself, I wanted to preface this wall of text with the guidelines I set myself for this project.These core pillars inform a lot of the decision-making, and some people might feel like using this log as reference for their own cosplays, so I thought it'd be good to put them here to explain why I did some stuff the way I did. Comfort first: I knew I was gonna wear it in the summer, and stand around all day at a convention, so it needed to be lightweight and comfortable. (well, as much as a cosplay can be, anyways.) Realism: Ok, that's kinda weird to associate "realism" to a Pokémon costume (unless you're Detective Pikachu I guess), but I wanted to look more natural instead of translating a shiny fancy 3D model straight to real life (nothing against that, it just wasn't my goal). This meant adapting certain elements that only really worked in stylized Pokémon graphics. Be a huge cheapskate: I didn't wanna break the bank with this one, so if I could save money thrifting or reusing stuff I had lying around, I was going to do it. Whenever you see me pull some material out of my ass that wasn't entirely fit for the job, that's why. After putting these down, jotted down a battle plan for the project (basically just a huge compartmentalized list of all the material I expected to need and the steps to complete the costume), and then it was time to get to work.
Station 1: Thrift Shop Pit Stop
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I like starting every project with a quick trip to the local thrift stores to see what I can find. I hate sewing pants with a passion, so my priority was to grab some navy suit pants to match the coat's fabric to later. I also found a long sleeve black shirt for Ingo's undershirt, a belt I ended up not using, and lucked out with some excellent clown shoes with removeable insoles. After slapping in my own insoles, replacing the shoelaces and fixing up the pants' button, we were good to go on every element that could be done without any extra work on my end. Moving on.
Station 2: Three Refined Metals For A Hat
I'll be honest here: when I initially planned out the entire project in my notebook, the hat was scary as hell. I had no clear idea how I was going to do it; I didn't really want to buy a similar pre-made hat cause roughing it up would've been stupid hard to get to look right. I figured I could probably make it out of EVA Foam (a certified cosplay classic), but I've never patterned a shape this complex before. Turns out Kamui Cosplay made a foam pattern for the same kinda hat. Score! I purchased the pattern and assembled the hat using 6mm EVA Foam and Contact Cement according to the instructions. I then destroyed some poor polyester cord trim from the bottom of my scrap bin and glued it into the base for the... sticky-outies? The damaged bits. Y'know.
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With the base finished, I drafted a pattern for the fabric covering, cut my pieces out of navy twill, sewed it up and slid it over the hat. I did the same for the inside with some cheap black muslin leftovers from another project, glued it all to the base in strategic spots, and then patterned, sewed and glued the band on. Finally, I took my seam ripper and scissors and opened up the seams where the little piles of sad polyester scraps were lining up to free them. With the main part of the hat complete, I cut up a disc of 10mm EVA foam for the insignia, scored the design on with a hobby knife and heated it up to form a bit of a curve. It was then sealed with flexbond, painted and sealed with a clear coat, and glued on! All that was left after this was weathering the hat. It's a little hard to photograph this piece properly, so I'll show the weathering process when we get to the coat.
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I apologize for basically pulling a "rest of the fucking owl" here, but honestly a lot of the process was improvising and somehow not destroying the entirety of my progress, so I have no pictures of the hat building process beyond this.
Station 3: Sneasels Ripped My Coat
Ingo's coat started with a heavily modified version of a commercial pattern. Specifically, it's the D Coat from Simplicity's 4789. I could've probably found a pattern closer to the Subway Bosses' coat design, but this one had already been in my pile of "patterns I bought for an abandonned project and will totally use someday, I swear" and it was close enough, so I used it. Modifications included extending the collar, making the coat a little longer in proportion to my body, the sleeves wider at the ends, and adding inner pockets (a cosplayer's best friend). Oh, and the white bias tape on the edges and the orange stripes, of course. You may have noticed I'm not showing the pattern with all the modifications here. That's because as part of the Cheapskate Protocol, I really wanted to use this old Simplicity pattern to save money. A pattern I bought when I was a teen way back when. the misses sized pattern enveloppe. So I had to size up the entire damn thing. The biggest size on this pattern was like 7 inches off my measurements. It's a paper Frankenstein golem. It looks godawful. The actual adjustments to make the pattern Submas-ready are incomprehensible in there. But hey, I saved like 10 dollars! I started by assembling the base coat (undamaged) out of navy twill. I added heavy interfacing in the collar to help it stay up. I considered adding a lining to it to really sell the fact this used to be a modern machine-assembled piece of clothing, but it wouldn't have looked as good with the rips and tears later on. As a bonus, it's one layer less in the fight against heat exhaustion! However, if I were to make this coat for Pre-Eeby-Deebied Ingo, I'd definitively do a lining.
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Next step was the stripes! I used some double fold white bias tape to finish the edges of the coat and topstitched the ones on the back of the coat on. I then used the same orange cotton as the hat band for the three orange stripes,which were topstitched on. Cheapskate Protocol made me buy barely enough orange cotton this time around because I was tired of building up the pile in the fabric scrap bin, so I had to improvise to make it work by snipping the bands in strategic spots in order to cover to whole coat properly. It's not like the parts that would be cut off later for the damage would need them, anyways. ✨Optimization✨
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After rolling my rock up the hill of a Hell of my own creation, I booted up the game, dragged my avatar to the Ingo enclosure and marveled at the magnificent creature to see where the coat was ripped. I traced a loose guide of the tear designs with washable fabric chalk and crudely cut up the bottom edge, sleeves and collar to have the basic shape down.
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All that was left was to add the armband and the buttons. Turns out the only metal buttonsI could find that were big enough were those buttons kits to cover with fabric. Since I wanted to go for realism here (and be able to throw the whole thing in the wash after sweating in it all day), I wanted to avoid crafting them myself. With the main construction done, it was time to do the weathering! ... ... ... OH GOD I FORGOT TO ADD POCKETS
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Behold, the world's most awful pockets. Two stupid little bags sewn in such a way you hopefully can't tell from the outside that I completely forgot that I wanted these. They literally only exist so I can have my phone handy at a convention. There's a buttonhole to close it too, I guess. They're shamefully hidden with all my lining-less, raw seam sins. Ok now we can destroy the coat
Station 4: Stinky And Dirty
I mentionned earlier during the hat section that I was going to get back to the weathering process. This is happening now. For the sake of Realism™️, I wanted the damage to look natural in real life, so I had to make it look believable. Luckily this wasn't my first rodeo with the Dirt, so I had plenty of weathering experience under my belt. To break up the awkward scissor cuts from earlier on the edges and fray everything up, I pulled out the sandpaper and started... Sanding the fabric. Might sound weird to some, but a lot of costume makers swear by it. It's also great for ripped jeans (if those are still popular today) and general natural wear. I also refined the shape along the way with scissor to break up any long straight cuts before fraying the edges. I took care to reinforce any newly destroyed seams with a sneaky staystitch so it doesn't unravel in the future. I then mixed up a bunch of different shades of brownish grime with fabric paints (I had black, brown, yellow, orange and green on hand) to dirty the whole thing up. This doesn't look as realistic as some other methods like weathering powders and Just Using Real Dirt, but as mentionned earlier I wanted to be able to just throw it in the washing machine at the end of the day to sanitize it. (If you're interested in actually learning how to weather a costume, this guide is where I started my journey.) I prioritized the ripped edges and any spots where grime would realistically accumulate in over time, like under the edge of the hat band. Paint was dabbed, stippled and rubbed on with whatever garbage tools I could find, which in my case were some old crusty brushes, sponges and toothbrushes I could get really violent with. (brushes were harmed in the making of this costume, but not my good brushes.)
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The whole thing was then sealed with heat using a flat iron as per the fabric paint instructions. With the coat done, all of Ingo's old Subway Boss uniform was complete!
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Station 5: A Warden's Garb
Next step on the list was making the Pearl Clan uniform. Thankfully, there's a fun little piece of concept art that shows Ingo without his signature coat, so from it we can confirm that his clan outfit has short sleeves (good for the comfort goal) and consists of two pieces: a tunic and some kind of hip sash. I omitted the hood on the tunic because I was realistically never going to wear it up and it would have just bunched up under the coat anyways. Now you'll be painfully aware of that terrible corner cutting truth whenever you scroll down and see photos of the costume. Sorry. I drafted out a quick pattern for both pieces of the clan garb through the power of math for the sash (a couple half circles with another piece for the border) and tracing over a tunic in my wardrobe for the shirt. I assembled a test version out of scrap muslin to make sure it worked properly, then set the pattern aside so I could prepare the fabric. In order to have all of the tunic elements match together, I picked up a bunch of white stretch knit fabric and a bottle of purple synthetic dye so I could reach the shade of dusty lavender I wanted. I measured out two squares of fabric based on the pattern. One square was for the darker border on the waist sash, while the rest was the lighter color for the whole outfit. I boiled water according to the dye instruction and worked on my Fabric Soup.
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With the fabric dyed and washed, I cut my pattern pieces out and assembled everything together. Nothing special happened there since the pattern had been tested and adjusted prior to sewing the real deal. Ok, one thing happened actually. My sewing machine absolutely hated how thin this fabric was and kept trying to eat my costume. By the end I was about ready to throw the machine out the window, but things worked out.
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It's pretty sneaky and totally not visible on the outside, but the sash is held closed with two snap buttons on the front. It's easily the single jankiest piece of the costume due to the aforementioned attempt by my sewing machine to have fabric dinner. But hey, it works and the jank isn't visible so who caaaares (I care)
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Final step for the Pearl Clan outfit was adding the logo on the front. I wasn't sure how I wanted to do this, at first, but to keep the fabric's stretch and keep with the idea that this is a hand-sewn garment from old Hisui, I decided to go with hand embroidery. I grabbed some scrap white cotton, dyed it purple, then cut it out in the shape of the logo. It was then painstakingly applique'd to the tunic by hand with embroidery floss.
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With that done, the tunic was completed! It looks absolutely depressing on a coat hanger, but when worn with a belt it's all nice and cozy. As a bonus, it layers with the coat well enough that I don't have to wear a binder under everything to hide obvious boob shapes. Another win for the Comfort team! 👏 With all the sewing done, all that's left is the Warden bracelet and the hair.
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Station 6: Noble Sneasler's Cool Bling
Ingo's got a bestie bracelet of his best pal Sneasler, so we gotta make that. The build should be pretty standard to anyone that's made anything out of EVA Foam for a cosplay. I drafted the pieces by referencing the in-game model, cut them out of different thicknesses of the material to create some depth, and glued everything together with contact cement and hot glue. (The main bracelet is 6mm foam, the details are 2mm foam and the black parts for the base of the head and the gem are 4mm foam.) I added an elastic on the wrist to keep the bangle secured to my arm while still being able to easily slip it on and off.
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The whole thing was then sealed with flexbond, painted and then sealed with a spray clear coat. Honestly, it was the simplest part of the build and it actually went without a hitch this time around.
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With the accessories done, it was now time to get to what I am convinced is every Submas cosplayer's worst nightmare: The Goddamn Hair.
Station 7: The Goddamn Hair
There's a lot of artists credited as character designers in the credits of Pokémon Black & White (2010). This means I can't figure out who to blame for Ingo and Emmet's stupid sideburns that make absolutely no sense in the real world. Instead we're just going to scream at the heavens and find a solution to the geometric flaps. Another fun fact: I'm awful at wigs. Like absolutely awful. I understand the methods involved, but I'm stupid bad at applying that knowledge on an expensive mop of plastic hair I don't want to ruin. So I did some research to figure out how people were making the twins' hair on their own cosplay. Everyone did a great job, but it wasn't really the effect I was looking for, so I decided to start from scratch. Because, you see, I was going to completely avoid styling a wig. I've always interpreted the art as them having some sick sideburns/muttonchops. (This art piece by waltias on twitter was posted like a week after I finished my cosplay and I felt so so validated in my interpretation) I also love Makeup FXs, so I thought "hey, I can look up beard makeup tutorials." I ended up with two ideas: either I could buy crepe wool hair in grey and glue the fibers to my face individually every time I put the costume on, or I could make a reuseable prosthetic. I'm a lazy piece of garbage that likes doing things once so prosthetic it was. I mean, I know how to ventilate wig lace. It'll be reusable and take 4 minutes to apply. Smart! I got the Jett in Light Grey from Arda Wigs, a ventilating hook, matching wefts and the lace. I had a plan, I was ready, it was going to look great. And then I spent 40 hours tying individual strands of plastic hair on a wig lace mesh. For a total surface area of maybe 3 square inch.
(Pictured above: A Fool.) It was hell. I might've incurred a stress injury from the process and then had to let it rest for a week because I did it all over a couple days. Would I recommend doing it? If you're patient, sure. I love the result. But this was, by far, the worst part of the entire project. 40 hours. The entire coat took me like 6 hours. 40 fucking hours.
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After painstakingly tying individual hairs to a mesh and realizing I might've reached the Ninth Circle of Hell along the way, I took my couple squares of ventilated wefts and trimmed them to the proper length. The result was awesome, and I don't regret it at all. It looks exactly how I pictured the idea of sideburns would look like. But it also took 40 hours of me just tying some fucking hair to a mesh. Maybe there was a better solution, but there's so little ressources about the process online that I just went with the methods I could find, really. I pray someone starts offering squares of pre-ventilated wig lace someday so no one else has to suffer like I did. As a sidenote, I didn't even bother with the balding hair since I wasn't gonna go through all the effort of heavily modifying a wig and wearing a bald cap if I wasn't even gonna take the hat off.
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40 hours.
Station 8: Bits And Bobs From Under the Subway Bench
Honestly, after the absolute nightmare I went through making the sideburns and goatee, The final touches were a cakewalk. After all, the costume is complete! What's next? Warden Ingo uses Pokéballs like a cool guy, so I wanted one. I usually make pretty much everything myself for costumes because it's fun, but after the ventilating adventure I just wanted to rest. I'd been following NisuzCraft's work for a while now, and I loved the wood grain effect on their Hisuian Pokéballs. I wholeheartedly recommend them, their work is awesome.
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As a final touch, I grabbed some red cord I had lying around from a previous project to craft a little loop to hook my convention badge onto. I don't really like having the badge show up on photos, so it was a clean way to have it easily accessible while having it be easy to slide out of sight. I based the idea off of the knotted ropes the Galaxy Team member hang their Pokéballs from on their uniforms.
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Lastly, though it's not necessarily part of the costume itself, I made an overly indulgent ita bag panel for the first con I took Warden Ingo out to. The collection's grown since then, but here it is:
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Chandelure: JellyBearDesigns Ingo & Lady Sneasler: AstroTeenyArts Warden Ingo, Emmet&Ingo Duo: Cynniarts Ingo & Emmet with fingers crossed, Hanging Ingo, Emmet & Warden Ingo: Zhampip Rubber Straps: Official Pokémon Mate Merch Go show them some love!
Terminus: You Have Reached Hisui Station
So, first con wearing Warden Ingo came and went. What's the verdict? Pretty great experience, honestly. It was relatively comfortable to wear despite record heat in the middle of summer. The only real issue was that having a wig and a hat together trapped heat real bad, therefore some wig breaks were needed. I also initially used spirit gum to stick the facial hair on, and I struggled to remove the residue afterwards from the lace mesh, so now I just use body tape to keep it on. Nothing broke, nothing hurt, so I'd say it was a success! I haven't had to modify or repair anything for the future, so I'm very proud of the results. To anyone who read this Build Log to the very end, thank you so, so much for your interest. I hope this may have given you some insight into the process; especially if this helps your in future cosplay projects! If you don't cosplay, I hope it was still an entertaining read.
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Hoping to see more wonderful Submas cosplays in the future!
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brachiocephalics · 4 months
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about me! 💫 [like after read, please]
🌠 my aliases are sunder and marrow! i go by too many names [most notably: doctor, nurse, strangelove, chris, dave, idris, ethel, ruin, miette, seth, divine, tori, brandy]
🌠 she/her & ze/hir, transsexual stone butch lesbian
🌠 mixed afro-latine, brazilian
🌠 18 (august 29th)
🌠 autistic & disabled
🌠 poly & taken by my 4 lovely boyfriends! you can follow three of them here: rajke sacremots & oscar marthammasters & diego rejectfalseicons. we are a package deal :-)
🌠 my best friend is rory 11amyrory. i am soulbonded to her and love her more than anyone else. follow him as well ❤️‍🩹
🩻 i enjoy sci-fi, horror, surrealism, erotic thrillers, war movies, formulaic TV shows, etc. some of my favourite directors include david cronenberg, lars von trier, dario argento & jesús franco. i don't have a letterboxd, i log all my film reviews in a beat-up notebook i have owned for about 8 years
🩻 some movies to get to know me: M*A*S*H, flesh for frankenstein, the texas chainsaw massacre, the house that jack built, rope (1948), california split, near dark, suspiria, peeping tom, all quiet on the western front (1930), venus in furs, preaching to the perverted, mulholland drive, crash (1996), videodrome, apocalypse now, natural born killers, eastern promises, crimes of the future (1970)
🩻 some shows to get to know me: twin peaks, the twilight zone, the x-files, buffy the vampire slayer, doctor who, monty python's flying circus, M*A*S*H, supernatural, house M.D, succession, star trek, midnight mass, dexter, BrBa/BCS
🩻 i am very passionate about music! i am an industrialist, but i enjoy all forms of extreme metal, noise, IDM, hardcore punk, trip-hop & avant-garde, as well as several other genres. my favourite musician of all time is mike patton. i am very interested in all his projects and love talking about him :) 🫂
🩻 some bands/musical artists to get to know me: mr. bungle, faith no more, the alter boys, fantomas, laibach, ministry, front 242, skinny puppy, KMFDM, pankow, monte cazazza, throbbing gristle, chris & cosey, raymond watts/PIG, depeche mode, foetus/JG thirlwell, godflesh, slint, aphex twin, orbital, atrax morgue, merzbow, lingua ignota, pharmakon, macronympha, nine inch nails/how to destroy angels, snake river conspiracy/mojave phone booth, primus, sepultura, wormrot, total fucking destruction, napalm death, cannibal corpse, crass, ramshackle glory, facada, morbid angel, lydia lunch/big sexy noise, portishead, nação zumbi, lamb, L7, sugarcoma, sonic youth
🩻 i am a medical student & hobby artist, as well as an amateur stage actor! i consider myself a big lover of the arts :)
i am always open to a chat and love it when people send me asks and DMs! thank you so much for reading! i hope we hit it off 🤞🏽
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gizmocrate-werecrow · 11 months
What to do when you are a leafling: the one on the edge of sanity
(Can’t think of anything today)
Sagittarius, Libra and Virgo…another has fallen to the siren song of my SOS. An individual thought. They had an old cream coloured suit that was splotched with dirt and dark red stains. An indicator for life support cracked. They had light red leaves and their nose was poking through their leaves. They sighed, another one had fallen. 
The crashed had green hair and glasses, according to the id, he was called Santi. The leaf man watched as three ice pikmin carried the stranded soul to the onion.
He knew what would happen, next the crashed would have everything of who they once were gone. Stuck in a limbo of management and dandori. Changing the cave into their own playground to mindlessly waste time trying to save time. No cares, no hopes or dreams…was that fate worse than death?
The onion spat out the former man, his leaves were light blue tipped with ice. The leaf man hopped onto his dog and left the cave.
Riding on the companion that was an aid to this endless mission, the leaf man could only think about what could’ve been.
Time long ago was a time when he could grasp the chance at leaving, time long wasted on messing around at each and every moment. Time that he could only wish to go back and redo.
Maybe if he didn’t spend that time off before the mission his suit would have 30 days, maybe if he didn’t meet Moss he would go home, maybe if he didn’t write the logs he would’ve planned more effectively…maybe if he mastered Dandori…dandori…it all came back to that. That word, that concept gnawed at his will to keep on with the saving, clouding the memories that seemed to slip away with every day that passed on this death planet.
The leafman passes from the giant pink flowered trees of Blossoming Arcadia and into the empty desolation of Serene Shores. The tide was now down. 
Seeing this, the leafman held a hand to his head, struggling to recall something.
He was walking down with his wife, they were both young back then. Her name was…oh it seems he had forgotten that today…except for that he could see it. He held a box behind his back just as the twin suns touched the sea, giving the first hint of stars in the sky.
Words left his mouth and he opened the box, in it was a small note saying “would you marry me?”
Then she kissed him, a wild and passionate kiss of love.
At least he could still remember his wife’s face. The loss of her name was worrying but at least he still remembered, at least he still knew who he once was.
“I am Captain Olimar…” was what he said to himself. 
Moss nudged him a little, tilting her head with a worried expression.
“Moss, have I ever told you about the twin suns of Hocotate? Imagine the sun but split it into two.. shrink it to half its size... When both touched the horizon at sea, the sky would turn the most beautiful colors you would ever see in your life… purples and reds with blues and pinks bringing forth a cloak of darkness littered with stars…I wish I could go home..”
Moss whined and brought Olimar onto her back.
“Until then…I have you…Moss.” He said while feeling tears develop on his face. He touched them before looking up at the sky. The sky was growing dark but that was okay as long as he went home.
Or at least the thing that was close enough to home. (Should I do one more chapter with olimin? Also isn’t it surprising that despite his prominence, not much is explored? Should I go all out and make olimin slowly become evil or stick with the game?)
(edit: when I mean evil, I mean tragic corruption of a hero who still has a chance at redemption evil not character assassination)
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royhalls · 2 months
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My Life Story
Hello Everyone I Hope this message finds you well. I wanted to take a moment to share a glimpse of my life's journey—a journey that began on an Alberta farm and has led me down a winding path filled with challenges, accomplishments, and change.
At the tender age of 4, my mother introduced me to the world of machinery, teaching me to shift gears in our trusty old five-ton grain truck as we chased cattle across the vast expanse of the Battle River pasture area. Those early lessons ignited a lifelong passion for farming, trucking, and a myriad of other skills that farming life demands.
After graduating from Paradise Valley High School, I embarked on a journey that took me from the farm to the world of drilling rigs. I split my time between working on the rigs and helping out on the farm whenever I could—a balancing act that taught me valuable lessons in time management and hard work.
However, life has a way of presenting unforeseen challenges. The world of drilling rigs was soon overshadowed by personal hardships. The passing of my beloved mother due to cancer was a heart-wrenching chapter in my life, and it was followed by the emotional toll of a divorce.
In search of better opportunities and a fresh start, I made the pivotal decision to leave Alberta behind and venture to British Columbia. There, I delved into the world of logging, exploring the beautiful landscapes of Williams Lake, Quesnel, 100 Mile, Prince George, and Mackenzie, often navigating off the beaten path. Logging was physically demanding, but it brought a profound sense of accomplishment.
Yet, the call of the oilfields in Fort St. John beckoned me back. The allure of steady work and financial stability led me to return to the world of tanking. It was a decision that allowed me to regain my footing, secure my future, and thrive in the industry.
Throughout my life, I've worn many hats—trucker, equipment operator, mechanic, gardener, and more. I've spent countless nights sleeping in my truck and embraced the camaraderie of life in remote camps. These experiences have shaped me, but as time passes, I find myself ready for a change.
This is why I've decided to part ways with my tanker, side dump, and soon, my meticulously rebuilt 2003 378 Peterbilt Winch Tractor. Each of these vehicles represents a chapter in my life—a chapter of hard work and dedication.
In closing, I want to express my gratitude for being a part of my journey. The road has been long and filled with twists and turns, but it has also been a journey of growth and resilience. As I step into this new phase of life, I'm excited to see where the road leads next.
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s1ater · 2 years
death era.
part five of n/a.
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ricky rocks. hm.
“what do we do with her?”
it had been two hours since athena had been knocked out by echo for her to finally just begin to wake up from her position that was tied against a tree.
raven had them all huddled away from octavia who begun to comfort her with a flask full of water, a look of frustration on her face. it seemed once again raven was on damage control and she had no idea on how to clean this one up.
“she punched bellamy, that’s enough for me to agree to allow her to stay,” murphy mumbled from his sitting position against the log, looking back to athena who could barely keep her head up. “maybe she’ll keep him off his pedestal.” “murphy, you’re not helping,” raven rolled her eyes, now looking over to bellamy who was leaned against a tree, sharpening his knife, not seeming to care at the discussion that was taking place. “what do we do bellamy?”
he only shrugs.
“why is she here then, bellamy?” she extends her arm out, suppressing annoyance, “what’s so special about her that you had to shoot her?”
his eyes flicked up to raven’s fast like she had struck a nerve before looking back down to the piece of stick, “you’ll see.”
“that’s not an answer.”
“she is.”
raven’s brows narrowed at his answer, slightly shaking her head in frustration as well as annoyance to the trap mouth he suddenly had, “unbelievable.”
raven didn’t have time for this, none of them did. they had been traveling for over a week, getting no where, without bellamy due to his spontaneous idea to pursue something.
something being her to their realization. screw bellamy for being so vague, even in times of need.
“do you trust her?” echo questioned, her eyebrows quirked while folding her arms with an earnest look on her face that bellamy knew not to push or ignore.
“no,” bellamy breathes out, pursing his lips, “but i trust her anger and she’s got a lot of it.”
it made raven narrow her brows harder as she looked at the girl, studying her a little more then she had before.
athena hadn’t seemed like an angry person to her. more or so paranoid and cautious, like she was waiting for someone to ambush her. but sure, she must have had a lot of anger built up with the punch she gave bellamy, it just didn’t seem like she lived in it.
raven decided to agree, her face raising up, a sigh passing past her lips, knowing this would be the best answer they’d get, “alright.” bellamy had been stalking the girl for weeks before laying next to her and practically cracking her skull open.
there was no use arguing, she could leave that to octavia who seemed to always have a firey passion to put her brother in his place, wrong or right.
“once we hit terminus, we can split from her,” he mumbled, his eyes gliding across the makeshift campground they had set up, slightly leaning away from the tree as he was ready to put the conversation to it’s end, “i have a feeling there’s something there for her that she’s not talking about, we get what we want and she gets what she wants.”
“and what more exactly do we want… besides our people?”
“something that’s not this,” there’s a curve in his lips now making eye contact with all three of them, nodding. “i’m done moving around, i’m ready to settle.”
it made raven smile softly at the change in octive his voice became. he seemed more enthusiastic at the thought of a settled future, one he wouldn’t have to put much thought into, because his life would already be planned out for him. it was a strange tone for bellamy, but none of them minded it.
“well, what’s our next step?” murphy looked between them all, not exactly satisfied with the conversation. “how are we going to get her to cooperate when bimbo over here hasn’t exactly been the most gracious to her.”
“that’s where octavia comes in,” they all look the girl who was squatting in front of athena, offering her water.
“i didn’t realize my brother was the one who did this to you.”
“nor did i,” athena was extremely lax for what had just happened to her and it left octavia anxious. she half expected the girl to be squirming against her tied position against the tree, but she didn’t move an inch. “guess i should have expected it.”
“you both had the same damn back stories and i didn’t realize that until now,” she looks at octavia, eating up her features. “not to mention, you look inexplicably alike.”
she wants to smile, but it feels inappropriate. she took pride in looking like her brother up until now.
“you’re not mad?” octavia’s brow reaches high in concern, “i mean not mad—what’s going through your mind?”
athena hesitates, her eyes going from octavia to the group of people that were conversating far in front of them, “i think your people are going to kill me in my sleep.”
she can’t tell if she’s joking or not.
bellamy suddenly approaches, now beginning to untie athena from the tree with no words. octavia watches him carefully from the position she’s squatted in, looking between athena, who held the same skeptic look, then back to him. once he had the ropes unbounded from her, he pulls athena to her feet.
“bell, what’re you doing?”
“making a plan,” he now grips the back of the light leather brown coat she wore, forcefully guiding athena to the dying campfire where he further makes her sit.
“maybe be a little nicer…”
bellamy sits on the stump in front of her while the rest of the group gathered around, analyzing her better. she narrowed her brows, looking between each of them. yes, they would definitely kill her in her sleep.
“i need you to be cooperative,” his hands clasp in front of him and she’s almost unfamiliar with this persona of bellamy; hard but expressionless. “you’re taking us all to terminus, no bullshit. i’m not going to hurt you, i think we’re both over that, but you will take us there.”
she had a similar hard look on her face as she still looked between each of them, studying their faces hard, trying to find what the motive was in their eyes or if there was any. her chest felt an intense feeling of compression at their looks because they were almost unreadable.
she finally looked back to bellamy who was waiting for her to say something. his head is slightly tipped, watching her carefully, observing every detail that was written on her face. he fixates on the scratches and cuts that are pierced high on her skin—wondering if that was from him or if it was just the given scrapes from the wilderness.
shs doesn’t say anything.
“you sure she speaks?”
“i’m sure,” bellamy nods before getting to his feet, “she just needs a little motivation.”
“bellamy, what are you doing?” octavia gets to her feet too, but doesn’t move to follow him. they all watch him, especially athena; her stare is diligent and she tries hard not to allow a streak of emotion to cross her face—no matter how confused she was.
bellamy made his way over to where athena was previously tied up, reaching down to grab her pack. that’s when athena was fast to get to her feet, pushing against murphy and echo as they tried to hold her back from hounding his ass.
“bell, this isn’t necessary,” octavia shifts on her feet as she watches him slowly make his way over toward the fire, extending the bag over the fire.
“oh, so she does speak,” murphy’s snide tone curls into her ear and she resists the urge to elbow him in the gut.
“we gonna make this harder than it needs to be?”
“we? bellamy this is only you,” athena’s eyes narrow down on him and she feels both his comrades grips loosen on her. “you shoot me, cut me, and now threaten to burn my belongings,” her look is nasty and she can feel the compression explode into anger at the thought of everything he had done to her.
“you want me to take you? fine i’ll take you, but you owe me, big time and don’t be mad when whatever you’re looking for, isn’t there.”
his mouth curves into a smirk, watching the way her eyes mount to his in such a resilient way, “deal.”
@thecraziestcrayon @mynewnamedoesnotmatter @myalupinblack @cc13723things @Uselesssapphickitten @black-rose-29 @reality-runaway @let-love-bleeds-red @rudypankowisdaddy @the-anxious-youth @kitkat-mini @deadbeatbarb @phantompogues @rowena-ravenclaws-diadem @ritz-hell-hotel @fruitiseavey @kayalect @strnqer @mystic-writings @gbrownn @moonlighy @straightzoinked @thelaststraw3 @navyabhatnagar @alexxavicry @esposadomd @lupinsluvbot
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trixstriforce · 2 years
hello :) i saw your posts about lu and idk if you were gauging interest in people hearing your opinions. personally i would be super interested in reading what specifically about every lu character is ooc! i am similarly frustrated with the current dominance of lu characterizations in fandom as a ww fan. ive been following for a while i just logged into this side account because i am scared to ask on main :( i hope you do not mind the somewhat bare blog. thank you!
oh my god oh my god oh my god someone wants my opinion??? do u wanna make out???? u do not understand the power u r giving me rn u do not understand how annoying and nitpicky and very passionate i can get specifically about lu bc i care so much about link its unreal and also bc i just like things like linkedmaze, dimensional links, and minaslinkverse better characterization wise bc to me they have shown the "found family links meeting up" thing a lotttt better than lu when i still read it
but to be fair i STOPPED reading around the part where four split due to the way the lu community reacting to the person with DID, a very stigmatized disorder who genuinely just wanted Jojo to acknowledge they messed up in the past and present and didnt like the vauge ass apology she gave making me actually disgusted. ppl talk about accountability then rallied against 1 tumblr user who was uncomfortable bc ppl liked Jojo's comic so she doesnt have to explain that now she respects nonbinary ppl and understands how past things were wrong for her to say we just infer this bc lu good :/ like hey maybe Jojo owned up to it afterwards or something bc she made 2 apologies that would make a YouTuber blush so i was done w/ the community and it was only rlly after that and after i played a few of the actual games + read some mangas i realized wow actually i do not like lu as much as i thoguht i did they butchered my boy, also i feel i should say it literally wouldnt matter to me do what u want in ur au but lu is now a fandom of its own and its influenced a lot of other aus and interpretations of link so i do take issue w/ how ooc these guys end up being
for one i dont know for me having link as a secret hoarder who would rather DIE than use the full scope of his abilities around OTHER HEROS is just no bc thats fucking stupid levels of wanting to appear normal around OTHER HEROS possiblly the ONLY other ppl to ever understand what u r going through
for me having every single link act like a frat boy/standard teenage white boy who is emotionally constipated is a no??? have u SEEN link he is so sociable and kind and understanding to other ppl WHY r the links like this, so many fics just...make them stew in their issues for angst and not trust the others and be incredibly insecure about the other heros(which is lu canon for at least hyrule and wind i think?) and like ok that is definitely fine for 1 link but why r they all like this in the games link is clearly not like that he wouldn't be this closed off and wouldn't hesitate so much like my dude he just inserts himself into other ppl's lives to make them better than leaves he wouldn't pussyfoot around other heros like what
also another major issue is the mergings just lead to certain characterizations or important backstory for certain links(FOUR. LEGEND.) being completely erased and the nuance of their journeys lost like when u merge links who r canonically 100s of years apart not just in the timeline but in the GAMES? yeah u lose things that make that link special
also bc u mentioned wind waker i found it kinda fucked up that wind waker link was delegated to The Kid TM even tho his entire journey was about moving on from the past to a brighter future and he took on the mantle left behind by the hero of time on his own volition and did what Time COULDN'T do which is kill Ganon but he is constantly underestimated and made into the Kid Who Wants Approval trope specifically around Time which sucks ass ngl he deserves to be an equal him still being a kid while the others got to grow up, including Four who's first journey arguably would have been a better fit for this archtype of wide eyed kid, is just side lining one of the most interesting links especially considering most of the other links were YOUNGER than him when they started
this is all general stuff plus 1 of my issues w/ Wind bc ur a Wind Waker fan bc as a Spirit Track fan i feel a kinship, im gonna make another post for specifically each link breaking down my issues w/ how they r portrayed later bc rn it is 8am and i ment to just say haha ty for the permission but then my inner ranter came out i am INCAPABLE of being normal about lu especially after i actually experienced zelda games bc lu was my FIRST introduction to zelda outside of smash bros lol
toast if u r reading this say rip to ur dms bc i am once more gonna talk to u about a comic for a videogame franchise u only know about due to my rambles and forcing u at gunpoint to learn about link...godspeed comrade
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colorsplit · 10 months
Why I Staff on Corbacraft
A quick preface: This was originally meant for a message in #donator-zone on our discord server. I hit the character limit so I moved to my iPhone's Notes app, and typed this up while on a walk. I have since reworded a couple of sentences and corrected some grammar rules.
I was talking in #︱help-me today, and it has got me thinking about why I am here and why I do what I do. This’ll be a personal ramble, not any sort of “speaking as staff” thing. 
Emily joined this server a while before I did. she was young, so she didn’t speak in chat at all. I helped her with a thing once or twice, but not enough to connect with the community. Flash forward a year, maybe more. She’s playing on Corbacraft again. At that time, I didn't even know what the server’s name was or what they stood for. All I knew is I thought it would be cool to log in and walking from spawn, try to naturally find my sister’s base. (it wasn’t very hard, it was just straight ahead from the pvp arena in spawn in 2020 Orion.)
Anyway, the welcoming vibe and fun chat caused me to change my username to something less stupid, and to actually get back into minecraft. i mentioned to emily i thought it would be funny to try to apply for staff, because i used to engage in an activity known as “staff hunting”. I'd just apply and work where I was taken. Usually those servers would die out due to being run by 12 year olds. 
I hadn't played in some time at this point. So every now and then I'd just log on, and mine. I had no goal, or reason to mine. I didn't sell what I mined, I'd just throw away stuff I didn't care about and put the rest in my chests. While mining, I'd watch chat. I'd see the community interact with each other. I figured out who were friends etc. Occasionally I'd speak up and try to be funny in chat, which I have since been told is how I found the people I now consider my best friends. 
These friends, some gone and some still with us, “adopted” me. They saw I had no “group”, and they thought I was funny, so they included me in their friend group. This means the world to me, and I'm still so grateful for their friendship. 
At this point, I had been been playing for a couple of weeks or more and I heard back about my staff application. They accepted me! Newest helper in training. At this time, the staff team was split between our two servers, Orion and Alyx. The staff manager at the time, LadyOfTheRose, asked me where I wanted to staff. She strongly suggested I pick Alyx, and I saw it seemed a little neglected, so I picked Alyx. It was at this time where my reasons for being here started to take shape, and begin to grow into what they are today. 
Alyx was a more vanilla diamond economy survival vibe, so less players played there. They preferred all the frills and fancy stuff on Orion. So at this point I was torn between two servers. Do I spend my time staffing on Alyx, or hanging out with friends on Orion? For some time, I tried to balance this. But it came to a point where I'd frequently have to interrupt silly time to go resolve an issue on Alyx. So eventually I just became a mostly Alyx player. 
You may be wondering why I'd choose to spend my time on a neglected server where no one played when I could have totally been playing on the well staffed, popular one. Well the answer is right there. “well staffed”. Orion had no need of me. Alyx was basically just one moderator, beep. I and a few others became helpers on Alyx to lessen the load on her. It was at this time that my priorities shifted from “fun” to “service”. 
I am here primarily because I see this position as a form of service. I enjoy solving issues between players. I enjoy rolling back griefs and punishing rule breakers. I enjoy answering questions. I enjoy talking with players. and I love doing all of this because I love the community. 
I may not be an active Minecraft player anymore, but I am passionate about the community, and as long as I am here I will be taking a position of service and doing what I can to give back to this community that blessed me with the friends I hold dear now. 
Thank you for reading :)
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15. Debauchery
Day 1
The end of exams marks the return of Le Whöre and the moolah season. Logging into Stripperchat, I drape my body artfully across the bed in red lingerie and break out the pink vibe to vibe to Doja Cat.
"You know the drill guys, run it up. Let me know what you wanna see," I smirk watching it happen.  "Run those tips up guys!"
A tasteful show of radiant skin is just as enticing when used effectively.
I hold nudity hostage until I hit my goal in tips and I kick out the freeloaders. Only then do I give the long awaited striptease, feeling myself up with the passion of a lover drunken with lust. From fingertips to pink vibe, I satisfy myself until I'm wet enough for it to pick up on camera.
"Oh yes, MusicLover98! You like that baby?"
They love to hear their usernames when I moan just like they love seeing me squirt like a volcano of lust overflowing lava all over these sheets.
"That toy always makes me cum like this," I laugh in reply to a surprised comment. The vibe still sits at my entrance. "You must be new here CertifiedLoverBoy, this luh juicy pussy has a mind of its own sweetie! What do you guys want to see?" Replies appear but they're split. There are many suggestions, some things I straight up ignore.
I ain't doing that.
"I'm seeing a toss up between anal and riding. Hm? That's perfect. Dale22 yes, we can do both. In fact, you guys get to see one of my favorite toys right now."
Indeed a lifesize silicone male torso is my favorite toy of the moment and as of late, I've been using my imagination to picture Professor Stevens though it's not as big as him and sucking it is not the same at all.
That said, he's called three times and I still haven't responded because I'm petty and he made me leave his shed. Couldn't even give a girl a house tour.
"This is my second one guys," I giggle remembering what I did to the first torso toy.
Doll Stevens #1 never had a chance against this ass.
"I broke the first guy, don't ask me how." 
I straddle the 6 inch dick that's already upright in position for me and come down into a crouch to bounce up and down repeatedly with my hands grounded on the chest. They can guess now how he broke.
He's also hyper realistic. Outside of veins in the shaft, soft testicles, and 8-pack abs, it has a special function. It can trigger the lube I pre-loaded into its little fake cum compartment. I activate it and when that lube shoots out through the tip of the dick inside of me I let it ooze out of my tulip and zoom in on the camera control so my viewers have a clear view of the milkiness dripping down. The pink vibrator then slides comfortably right into my ass. I keep it there and turn around for the view of the camera. I'm gonna suck the extra lube off the silicone dick for the as I stare seductively into the lens and count the chimes from the chat indicating to me that they're tipping.
I post the show on my AVN Stars and OnlyFans making $850 from my paypigs who request fetish content.
I post a lipstick video. The request stated that it had to be ruby red lipstick specifically which is odd, but I encourage my viewers to feel comfortable in the safe space I've created. Foot fetish content is one of my most requested so I post two videos of my pedicure. I kindly throw in a bonus video full of degradation.
"That's right, send me all your money," I say directly into the camera knowing they will do just that. "Don't even think about opening that silly mouth before you open your wallet because that's all I care about. You are nothing but a wallet. It's all you have to offer."
It's easy money. So, so easy.
I call Jasmine, the other woman of color at Mickey's, and tell her to get at me so I can cash app her something slight for her son's 7th birthday. To my surprise she invites me. We don't hang out but we work together and help each other as women of color thriving in a white intended establishment.
"Okay I'll see you there," I tell her already regretting it. I have no interest in a child's birthday party at a Chuck E Cheese. I'd rather go where I can peacefully get faded and fuck the finest man over 6 ft.
Day 2
I meet my submissive slave Keon for ramen, on him of course. He's stressed with work and family so we a venting session and an impromptu scene at his apartment that ends in my pegging him over his couch. It helps him to relieve frustration physically through energy. I make him peppermint tea while he cleans and he has a good stress cry until he's himself again.
"Thanks for listening," he says sweetly offering me a gift of YSL Black Opium perfume which I accept.
He's such a sweetheart.
He drives me to the strip mall that houses the Chuck E Cheese along with stores and eateries and volunteers to pick me up like he's my man. Of course, I have no car so I accept. Soon as he leaves, I hear someone yell and I turn to see who.
Who is this nigga yelling at me from a damn Toyota?
"Aye I think I know you," he says and on closer inspection he's actually fine.
Toxic fine. My type.
He's fine, thick built, and brown skin with a clean low cut and goatee leaning out the window chewing the end of a toothpick.
Ain't no way he don't have bout 4 to 5 kids he don't claim running around somewhere, I think to myself. He probably ain't shit but I humor him.
"Maybe," I shrug looking him up and down. "It's possible."
"Yeah, you look familiar--Hey, come here right quick. I wanna ask you something."
"Then ask," my brow raises.
He spits his toothpick.
"Let me take you out to dinner sometime."
"Is that a request or a demand? Depends, where you taking me?"
"Where you tryna go?"
"Nope," my fingers snap. "I hate an indecisive ass nigga. Sir, I need you to take control since you're asking me out and have a plan of action."
He takes it in stride. "You like Japanese Steakhouse?"
"I do. Take my number."
He types it in his phone and steps out the car standing 6 ft. walking with me to the sidewalk of the strip mall where the Chuck E Cheese stands. He looks surprised to see me going inside but he's proving my theory right. He probably has kids in here somewhere.
"You got kids here," he asks looking around like he has something to hide. Probably a baby mama. He must've thought I was going to Burlington. I try not to laugh.
"No, you?"
"Who you visiting?"
"JASMINE," I wave walking over to her table followed by the bold ass man who just hit on me. He kisses her on the cheek and avoids my eye. Their 7-year-old child runs up and hugs him. When he does look at me, his eyes are begging me. Every time I open my mouth to Jasmine his eyeballs are down my throat begging me not to snitch, and I dont.. Until I leave. I send her a text.
I'm not trying to ruin a toddler's party but if I were his girl I'd wanna know...
She can handle it from there.
Keon gets me back to my room to prepare for my shift and I shower, redo my makeup, put on a black body con dress, pack a bag, and catch an uber to Mickey's. The Becky's as I call them are getting ready, curling hair and sharing too much information about their relationships.
"You still with him? He cheated on you twice," I remind Mackenzie, a cute freckle faced ginger with dark mascara. She's dating a black guy who treats her like shit and he's not even fine. He doesn't even have money to be acting the way he does.
"He's not that bad," she says seeing my reaction to him. "I just make him seem terrible when I'm venting."
Lies. Men walk all over her to the point that I'm tempted to take her under my wing. 
"Girl shut up. If you dont learn--First of all, never short yourself over a nigga." Her eyes go big. "Yeah, I can say it but don't you."
Distancing myself from the bullshit of her dumb situation I move around the club and socialize with the customers since I'm trying to attract some money to pay Mr. Mickey for the month.
Really his name is Ted, I just call him Mr. Mickey.
The fuck?  I pause. When did he-
"What are you doing here, Professor," I whisper bumping his left side with my hip and flicking his hoodie.
"That's not my name off hours."
How many times has he been here and I just missed him?
"Mm. Look at you tryna be slick hiding out at the bar. Oh but you were so bold in your office," I whisper bending closer to his ear. "Funny how a venue can shift things.."
"Don't do it to yourself Ms. Miller, you already on very thin ice," he warns picking up his glass but at this point..
"I'm not sure you'll do shit to me, Professor. Not here." I walk my fingers over his thigh where no one else can see what I'm doing. Since he doesn't respond, not even making eye contact I take the glass from his hand and sip the last little bit before he can get the chance, despite the fact I'm not supposed to drink on shift. I give a quiet signal to the bartender so he won't snitch.
"Noted," Professor Stevens nods signaling for another drink looking away as I walk off irritated.
I really hoped all that possessiveness and boldness inside of him would rise up and choke me on the spot. I know I have enough offenses for it but he's being a chickenshit and I have to change because I'm up next on stage. I was already mad at him.
He's lucky I didn't air him out.
I kiss my teeth as Pour It Up by Rihanna starts and I emerge onto the platform in a black and lime green shego inspired cut out jumpsuit with lime platform heels. I start with a pole routine that tests my core and thigh strength and look out past the foggy lights to spot the Professor with eyes trained on me.
Oh but I can't get eye contact when I'm right beside you.
I get it though I'm the only dancer here with the facilities to shake an actual ass.
I milk it with a vertical split against the pole before I spin.
How could I have never seen him here in Mickey's before? He's hard to miss.
When my song ends, I change and return to the bar but he's gone. No professor in sight. I subtly look around the club as I flirt with the customers but he's really gone and I'm really, really annoyed.
If he were really about something, he would say fuck his job.
Okay I'm tripping... but I planned to give him a dance and he's acting like a bitch.
Instead, I work the vanilla gorillas picking the thirstiest ones for my queue of lapdances. I make almost half the money I need for the night to meet my self imposed quota based on tuition, student fees, club fees, club hair and outfits, and daily living fees. I need to hit this number every time I work and only then will I go home regardless of how much I made from shows, videos,  and scenes. Whatever's left over I save and I'm looking into getting a car.
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pbear · 7 months
Yugioh OC Week Day 7: AU
Yugioh Vrains Be More Chill AU because I listen to the soundtrack and somehow relate it to this. @ygoc-week
Ravyn is Jeremy. She feels kind of inferior and has a crush on this guy who is out of her reach. There’s a time where she connects with him and thinks she has a chance, only to find out he likes someone else. So, she gets a Squip (which I think would be more like something forbidden that can be installed in your duel disk instead of a pill you take). She hopes to slowly drift away from her friends and her feelings for Asher, but is still drawn back to him.
Asher is Christine. Like how she’s very into theatre, he’s very passionate about his music. He’s friendly towards people and that’s how he gets through to Aoi despite her shy exterior.
Spectre is the Squip. In the actual OC lore, Ravyn joins the Knights of Hanoi and becomes close to Revolver, but Spectre has the more intense personality that I think is required of the Squip. Ravyn installs the Squip in her duel disk which lets her see him when she’s in Link VRAINS. His plan is to spread himself like a virus to everyone else in the virtual world. He takes advantage of Ravyn's desire to start a new life away from her friends to accomplish this.
Adira is Michael. She’s Ravyn’s closest friend and support. When Ravyn runs away from their apartment and starts this whole new life, she feels betrayed. In the end, she wants her friend back and will do what it takes to reach her.
Aoi is Jake. In role only really that she connects with Asher and, through that, her personality changes. Being with him makes her come out of her shell.
Ryoken is Brooke. He’s representative of the new life Ravyn has (like how Jeremy dates Brooke once he becomes popular).
These relations are mostly in terms of role in the story versus personality.
Songs (they play like animatics in my head)
A Guy That I’d Kinda Be Into
The whole song is spent as Ravyn watches the relationship.
In the first verse is her listening in on Aoi trying to imply that she likes someone.
Ravyn also hears Asher confides in Cyrus about this who tells him that she’s definitely into him.
Aoi and Asher start dating and grow closer and closer.
The end of the song is split between Ravyn and Asher after the event of him forgetting her birthday.
Ravyn sits alone in the darkened apartment while Asher is at a fair with Aoi.
Asher’s the guy Ravyn likes while Asher simultaneously tells Aoi he likes her.
It starts out with Ravyn talking to Ryoken , which switches into Spectre coaxing her. She’s hesitant about it though.
While in Link VRAINS, she spots Asher and Aoi talking and being in love.
Spectre directs her attention back to him, tempting her with the fact that if she goes along with his plan, she could be with Asher.
Adira confronts Ravyn about her change in behavior, worried about what’s happened to her friend.
Ravyn thinks about why she ran away and how painful it’s been for her living with Asher.
She uses her scythe to forcibly log Adira out of Link VRAINS.
The Play
Spectre’s plan to spread his virus to everyone is now in motion. People are starting to become like zombies.
Ravyn starts fighting against him.
Adira steps in with a flash drive that will dispel the virus (she got it from Playmaker). The zombies manage to snag it from her though.
She and Ravyn use their ace monsters to fight them.
Ravyn gets her hands on the flash drive and is about to insert it into her duel disk when Spectre confronts her with Asher who has been infected already.
He controls Asher to act like he’s in love with her. Ravyn tries to fight it, knowing it’s not real even if she wants it to be.
“I love you.” Ravyn sheds a few tears. That’s all she ever wanted to hear from him. It didn’t matter if it was romantically or platonically, she just wanted to be by his side and know that he cares about her.
And so she inserts the flash drive into his duel disk.
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sylvinuk-turkey · 2 years
Today was my day to go into iRhythm’s UK office in Bagshot (45+ minutes outside of London). Started the day with Holiday Inn complementary breakfast with Gokay. And we then split ways. While I was going to be at work all day he got to be a tourist and saw things like Westminster Abbey and Parliament.
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My day wasn’t super exciting. Walked to Waterloo station, feeling like an everyday worker but going the opposite direction of the flow of people (everyone was coming out of the station into London). On the way saw some weird angry looking cats pretending to be birds. 😜 Met a coworker, he helped me buy the right train ticket, and we took the train out to Bagshot. It’s one train for about 40 min, and you switch to another train for one stop.
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The office was a 5 min walk from the station. It’s a 4 story building with our office space on floor 1-3 (remember ground is the bottom floor in Europe). My coworker and I took the large conference room on the top floor. Most regular UK employees were on the middle floor, and some extra offices and manufacturing space on the first floors. It was fun to meet people I’ve only ever seen on Zoom. We worked through the day and got lunch ordered in. My coworker had to work later than me at the office so I took a train back to London by myself. I totally forgot it was only one stop before transferring… luckily it’s the last stop on that line so instead of going to a completely different place I just sat on an empty train for 10ish min… luckily didn’t miss the transfer to the other train. I found I’m not alone and my coworker did the same thing on his way home. Lol
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On the way back to the hotel from the station, I found a cute little cake shop, Konditor, where I bought a really good cream cheese, passion fruit brownie which I shared with Gokay once we both were back at the hotel. I had one meeting at 4:30p but then logged off for the evening.
Look at the next post for our evening activities because too many photos here already.
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beezibug · 2 years
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After a good while of trying to figure out the right words on here all I can say is really just Thank you to Technoblade for all the amazing laughs and for some of the funniest quotes I still think about from time to time. 
It’s really clear he had such a major impact on his community and the people around him. I just hope I can express enough of just how amazing this guy is and how big of an inspiration he was to me. 
Despite knowing of the outcome this guy still manages to get people to laugh even when hearing the unfortunate news, it just went to show just how much this guy just wanted to make people feel happy. 
When it comes to knowing a content creator for a good chunk of time you only truly realize just how much of an impact they made on you until after their gone.
I remember when I grew away from minecraft around the time team crafted split, I felt like there was nothing more I could do with the game since I felt like I was too bad at the game to challenge myself to other things other than just beating the Enderdragon. 
But then after a couple of years I stumbled upon some of his videos and streams, I don’t remember what it was about but he was mining netherite while watching him bed mining, I decided to try it as well.
and after multiple attempts I ended up making my first legit set of netherite armor, and from watching him talk about enchantments figured out what to give it.
Some would say it’s kind of silly for me to say that because a youtuber revived my love for a simple block game was the reason I ended up becoming more passionate about things I do in both my hobbies and even in my college work and job. But to be honest I wouldn’t have it any other way.
So when I saw that Technoblade passed I was on a phone call with my friend, I was actually surprised how emotional I got. alongside the grief I also felt guilt since I was grieving a man I never met personally. But that night reminded me just how much I loved the people around me, since that night my friend who knew nothing about Mcyt and lived in another state still tried to comfort me the best she could and even called two other friends to go over and help and I love them for it.
I’m sad I’ll never get to meet him and tell him just how much he’s helped me, and I regret I never fully realized it until after he’s gone. So after I felt ready enough to watch his last video I logged in to my Minecraft world and made a little memorial in the village I created.
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Making the “Memorial Sellout Bell” ended up getting a tearful laugh out of me when I made it, since it was one of my favorite bits he’d do, and in the end it felt fitting enough that I’d include the netherite set I mentioned before since it was because of him that I even felt like I could even make that set.
grief comes in many forms, so to those who need to hear this, Take care of yourselves, Hold the people you love close and take as much time as you feel you need to process everything. I’m not sure who needs to hear this but this is a reminder it’s not going to be okay for awhile but please remember that you are loved.
Best of luck conquering the kingdom of god, Rest well Technoblade
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