#logged back onto this hellsite just to say this
diedbrave · 10 months
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Me, watching High School Musical the Musical the Series: HECK YEAH. I have so much muse. Look at me go. I'm going to get everything done tonight because Eddie is LOUD AS HECK.
Also me, logging onto Tumblr since I won't get to write for a week after tonight: ........oh shit nope nuh-uh there went all my muse.
Basically feeling a little intimidated that it's just like it was back in the day when Richie and Eddie were the most popular Losers to write as. I'm so happy more IT blogs are springing up but oh my gosh there are so many Eddies now so we're like.....y'know yeah we've been here since 2019 so we shouldn't be intimidated but byeeeeee.
Gotta say my girlfriend out here being very lucky being the only Bill on this hellsite. But also like, where's the Stans of the world. Where are the other Losers. I'm getting flashbacks to the old IT rp days y'all.
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hypaalicious · 1 year
I'm an occasional fandom lurker now, but I saw all your ask responses (I'm back on Tumblr once every 2 months it seems), and also the release of your book and I just wanted to jump on and say I'm really happy for you! <3 - Moosh
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I have such extreme time blindness because I didn’t realize it had been weeks since I logged onto Tumblr
BUT HI I HOPE UR WELL! It’s so interesting to see old fandom folks pop up, it’s almost like nobody really ever left this hellsite
But honestly tho… my fandom focus basically shifted to Reddit since oddly enough folks are a lot less unhinged on there than they are on Tumblr & Twitter and it’s also more relaxed for me in a lot of ways. Although I do miss getting an influx of good art to reblog with ridiculous thirsty tags… I can’t do that shit too well there
ANYWAY so! I’m honored that you are buying my book, and I hope you enjoy it! 🥹
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One of the things I love about Tumblr is how curated the experience can be for you. You go on Twitter and just the most wild ass shit will fling itself onto your eyeballs and you will get whatever the electronic and memetic version of pinkeye is. Reddit is a mess of people who all share similar overlapping interests but often from very divergent backgrounds, and while the sharing of stories can be good the actual conversations turn cacophonous real damn quick. In Tumblr you can curate your experience really really narrowly through people and make sure that you’ll get interesting stuff when you log on, but it’ll be de facto friends giving you those drip feeds of their choices and taste in ways you’ve come to love from all sorts of sources, like having a dozen museum curators of various skills making exhibits for you. Sometimes, though, you can click through and realize tumblr is in fact giant and there are things well outside that group. Like, I think of Tumblr as being incredibly Trans friendly and academically supportive going back to when I first hopped onto this hellsite. But recently I saw a post come across my dash, saw an asinine reblog, and clicked on that person’s blog to get a skim and it was massive massive amounts of “LGB alliance” bullshit coupled with just the lowest attempts at otherizing transfolk from a gay perspective, and.... yikes, right? But there were so many fucking posts that he was pulling from that it occurred to me that this person, troglodytic as he is, probably has a similar cocoon set up to his liking on Tumblr as I do. And it’s also interesting how hard it is for things to pierce that veil. Like, if I hadn’t kept scrolling in that instance I think I would have intellectually known that shit like that goes down on Tumblr but I would never have known how to find it. And my stuff almost never pierces that veil, like the most that it happens with me is that every couple of years some tradcaths find some El Greco paintings I posted on here years ago and start reblogging it which makes me remember that they exist and somehow enjoy the social media site that’s famous for its porn, but I can only think of them like a minor species group kept alive by a ecological niche (like those wolves who spend their days in the ocean) and not a defining sphere of existence all their own, which intellectually in the back of my mind I know they must be a part of.  Anyway, all of that is to say Tumblr is weird and I love it and I wish most of your ecosystems are happy and healthy. Except the LGB alliance folks. They can go get fucked on an island somewhere. (And if you could take the tradcaths who aren’t just into the aesthetics with you I’d be grateful.) Happy reblogging.
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lelliefant · 2 years
I’m just going to say this because I’m tired of the drama every time I log onto this hellsite.
Can we just stop posting bitter nastiness about this ship or that ship? Like, does it matter if someone else—who is a fan of the same fictional character as you—ships them with (gasp) a different character?
It’s just petty and stupid.
People don’t seem to know how to simply live and let live anymore. You know, it’s okay to disagree with someone. They aren’t your enemy because they like strawberry and you like rocky road.
There’s just so much worse happening in the world—SO Much Worse that we *should* be getting irate about.
I’m not saying this to sound shamey. I’m just asking everyone to take a step back, and breathe, and ask yourself:
Are you getting all wound up in some childish battle with someone else whose only crime is having a different fantasy than you? Then, knock it off, already. It’s unhealthy for everyone.
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limelocked · 3 years
(Rant ahead) one of my biggest pet peeves is blaming the adults for everything the teens have done wrong. Wilbur didn’t force Tommy and Tubbo to war, they made the choice to join Wilbur in fighting for L’manburg. Wilbur is not the one to blame for Fundy burning down the flag and NOT TELLING Pogtopia that he was a spy for Schlatt for most of the time. Tubbo could’ve been more assertive during his time as president but he wasn’t. Phil is just making sure Tommy doesn’t steal Techno’s stuff.
i remember when fundy first told eret about the plan to be a spy for pogtopia, about how he couldnt tell anyone just in case and i remember watching fundy disown his father, saying that wilbur meant nothing to him other than being the founder of lmanburg and that moment having so much meaning because wilbur just lost his son and fundy just made the ultimate sacrifice as a spy
then i log onto tugly dot hellsite after wilbur dies and comes back as ghostbur not remembering fundy and people being so mad at Only Alivebur for not caring about his son and im sitting here like hello??? are we remembering the same characters???? of course ghostbur doesnt remember his son if his son yknow.. Disowned Him
children can do wrong and children have to face the consequences of their actions
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Number 11 from the prompt list, if you have not done it yet 😊
Ugh I had to wait to answer this one because SOME HELLSITE, not naming names here, deleted @qqueenofhades again and therefore @timeless-season-four and this is tied into the latest episode, Unsinkable. So uh probably go read that first.
This prompt comes from this list here, the quote chosen being, “I love you as certain dark things are to be loved.”
There’s no real light where they are. Only pinpricks of it, tricks of the light that seem to slide over the shapes around them, like looking for rainbows in oil slicks. But that’s all right. She doesn’t need to see. That’s what she has her fingertips for, and right now, those fingers are sliding over every curve of him that she can reach, the bridge of his nose, the sharp angle of his jaw, the broad slope of his shoulder.
Flynn barely stirs. He just survived a sinking ship, swimming in freezing water, and then (thoroughly) fucked her, so Lucy supposes he’s allowed to lie there like a log for a bit if he feels like it. She’s just scared. So, so scared, that he might not be real.
In the dark, she can breathe as raggedly as she wants, and let her hair fall across his chest, and press her forehead to his. Flynn reaches up, his fingers clumsily finding her hips, keeping her steady as she settles on top of him - not, this time, out of carnal pleasure but simply to press together, to feel how solid he is, to keep as close as she can. In the dark, she can let out her fears, silently, and hold him, tightly as she wants to.
“Are you warm enough?” Lucy asks. He must be warm. He has to be warm. She won’t lose him to hypothermia, after all this.
“I’m warm,” Flynn mumbles, his accent thick, his lips barely moving.
Lucy brushes her lips over his closed eyes. He was so cold when she first grabbed him. His clothes were freezing and weighed about as much as he did, they were so waterlogged. She kissed his fingers over and over until they were no longer tinged blue, but still, she fears, she fears...
I love you. It’s not something to say right now, although she’s sure Flynn knows it already. But they’re too tired for the conversation that’ll have to happen afterwards. So she just thinks it instead. She pushes his hair back out of his face, learns him by touch alone, and holds him until she feels like she is the darkness, wrapping around him, hiding him from the world, from pain, from danger.
This is far from the ideal spot. They’re in a random storage room of some kind. But she wouldn’t trade it for a palace right now. Lucy presses her forehead to his, feels Flynn’s breaths even out into sleep, and sinks her heart into his ocean.
Flynn wakes up and for a wild second is sure he’s gone blind.
Then he remembers - finding the tattered remains of a lifeboat (the irony is not lost on him), Lucy, kissing her like it was the only thing that could save him (maybe it was), finding a random, unoccupied space--
Lucy’s on top of him now, her breathing a bit ragged, but when he reaches up and pushes some of her hair out of her face, she doesn’t stir. Asleep, then. But not at rest.
He’s not sure he... Lucy has been walking a line, he knows, between being forthcoming and being respectful, when it comes to what they are to each other. And it’s not that he’s doubted her. But he’s not sure he actually understood how much she - for him - until he saw her face as he staggered out onto the deck. It was blazing. It was a campfire in the middle of the woods, it was a lighthouse in a storm, it was a candle in a haunted house. And she’d kissed him, like--like--
Part of him wants to shake her. To say, don’t you know? Don’t you know what measure of man you love? Why would you do that? Why would you let my ink stain your pages? Lucy means light, and he is the opposite of that, but God, Mother Mary, someone, give him the softness and courage to love her back the right way because for some reason despite all of it, Lucy loves him. He cannot deny the press of her lips against his skin, her sighs in his ear, her warmth taking him in. He can’t insult her by ignoring it or dismissing it. And all he wants is to be worthy of it.
All this time and he’s still looking for absolution.
Flynn’s fingers tangle in her hair as he gently combs it back, hampered by his lack of sight, and he secures his arm further across her waist so she doesn’t slip off him and fall. They need to find Rufus and Wyatt, they need to get off, get home... but maybe just a little longer, he’ll let her sleep. Because here, in the darkness, he feels he’s loving her as he’s meant to - and for better or for worse, the way Lucy seems to want to be loved.
Wyatt likes to keep himself busy when he’s upset and right now is no exception. Lucky him, there’s plenty of help needed on a ship that’s taking in survivors from a horrific shipwreck, and he runs around fetching blankets, food, water, taking down names of survivors, reuniting people, comforting children, and drying the tears of newly-made widows. It’s great fun, oh yeah, puts him right back in the Alamo, right back in fucking Kuwait and Afghanistan, but at least it’s not leaving him alone with his thoughts.
And his thoughts are really... not great.
There’s really no doubt what Lucy and Flynn are up to. Um, well, maybe not that specifically. If Wyatt had just gone swimming in below zero temperatures he sure wouldn’t be able to get his dick up. But they’re kissing, and cuddling, and being fucking adorable and in love somewhere on this fucking ship and Wyatt really, really, really...
He inhales the stinging sea air. Grips the rails. Stares at the dark void where he thinks the horizon is until everything evens out again. It’s dark out here on the deck, and cold, but he needs it. Needs the chill. Needs a little... self-flagellation.
Because he’s not gonna make the same mistake a third time. Jess, then Lucy, now... he’s not gonna focus on what he wants and wallow in how much it hurts him. He’s going to love someone right, for once in his stupid life.
It’s not the kind of love that is sung about, or shown in films, or gets everyone screaming at a television show for five seasons. It’s the kind of love that’s hidden under a blanket fort at midnight during a sleepover. The love at the back of a movie theater. The love you can only think about when nobody else is around, the love you tuck very carefully in between the curve of your heart and that shadowy other thing that science can’t detect but everyone knows is there.
Wyatt tucks it there now, and warns it to stay. Sit. Quiet. Good boy.
The sky looks like spilled oil, colors at the corners of his eyes, and that, Wyatt thinks, that’s what this love looks like.
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jerusalemstraycat · 3 years
okay hi i just logged back onto this hellsite for the first time in AGES and i saw you on my dash and i was like “oh my god i remember you” but i felt awkward sending you a message bc you probably don’t remember me at all but i just wanted to say hi and i hope you’re well
OMG hi! I’m doing well, and I hope you are too! It’s so nice to hear that someone remembers me from my posts n stuff, it made my day. Feel free to message me if you want (that goes for anyone else who wants to say hi too).
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fuckboybaelish · 6 years
you know, i don’t wanna name an actual website so let’s just make one up; let’s call it “tumblr dot com.” so i’ll log onto tumblr and and i’ll scroll through for content and i’ll go, “can I please see some posts, please?” and they go, “no, just gradient boxes.” and i go, “okaaay!” and then i browse around what little posts i can actually see and like posts based off the tags and captions. and then I go to check my notifications and i go, “any updates?” and they go “yeah, you have none because even though someone DID like your post, we aren’t going to show you because we hate you. now what we will let you see are text posts, many of which are your mutuals posting follower celebrations and ask games, go fetch!” and i go “okaaay!” and i go over to my mutuals inbox and go “can i send my friend an ask?” and tumblr goes “NO, we’ll make sure it DOESN’T go through.” and i go “okaaaay!” and they go “you’re unhealthily dependent on this website aren’t you?” and i go “nooooo,” and they go “SAY IT!” and i go, “i’m unhealthily dependent on this website.” and then i go back to my dashboard in hopes that some posts have actually loaded and i go “can i please see some new content?” and they go “no! in fact, we’re going to put the best stuff first to kill artist exposure! and we’re going to disrespect your sexuality and consider lgbtq posts NSFW!” and i go, “why are you doing this to me?!” and they go, “because we’re tumblr dot com and we’re a blue hellsite!!!” 
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deeeepsteep · 5 years
All of the people reblogging my Riverdale/Twin Peaks comparison post with negative comments is giving me lots of anxiety and it’s the reason why I barely go on this hellhole anymore
Like.....people on this fucking website are legit horrible and I don’t think the majority of them realize the consequences of their actions, even if it’s something as trivial as reblogging a post you don’t like with a “David Lynch sweetie, I’m so sorry an ugly bitch would say something like that” meme. One person made that reblog and then dozens of people started reblogging it after that, and then it turned into hundreds. And then it just became too much.
People are entitled to their own opinions and I can respect that (To a certain degree), but if you’re going to belittle or put someone down because you can’t fucking handle the fact that there are things out there - both good and bad - who’ve parodied, taken inspiration off, ripped off, copied, or reflected David Lynch’s work in one way or another that’s on you. 
I discovered Twin Peaks at a very difficult/dark time in my life and it has a very special place in my heart. And when I watched Riverdale for the first time I couldn’t help but notice the visual similarities, which was the point of that post. I am fully aware that Riverdale can’t hold a candle to anything David Lynch has done, and it has more problems than its shitty fandom would like to admit - but I didn’t communicate that in the post I made which made a lot of people assume I’m comparing the show to Twin Peaks which is where I guess the miscommunication is coming from...but it’s hard to clarify that to the 6000+ people who reblog/like the post because the notes just keep growing and growing and more people end up misunderstanding
I don’t want to associate Twin Peaks, one of my favourite shows of all time, with this. I don’t want to watch an episode and be reminded of the shitty things people have said because I made one comparison to a shitty TV show. And it’s weird because outside of Tumblr, the Twin Peaks/David Lynch fandom is really cool! Most of the people I met outside of this hellsite who enjoy him and his work are super open-minded, accepting, and they don’t live in the black and white binary mentality Tumblr has. They’re smart enough to know that you can like more than one thing at a time and they’re smart enough to know that you can still enjoy something even if it’s shitty and you don’t have to make fun of people for it!!!
I do realize that I’m taking this very personally and I’m being overdramatic, and it comes off as your typical “Boo hoo people on the internet are mean” complaint and I know this post will probably just provoke people to continue making fun of me but how the fuck do you expect me to take it when dozens of people reblog it a day??? Idk maybe I’m just being too sensitive? I usually let these things roll off of me but after seeing one negative comment after another with this post it eventually wore me down
I’ve already muted notifications for it but I still end up seeing some of them. I contemplated deleting the post too but it doesn’t really matter if people are still reblogging it from other places - which is another thing Tumblr really needs to fix. I’ve tried avoiding it several times but it always comes back to me in one way or another and idk it sucks lmao because I used to like this place, I met a lot of good friends here and I have a lot of positive experiences...but yeah whatever, you guys win lmao I fucking hate this place and it no longer brings me any joy
There’s no point in logging onto this hellsite anymore if all it does is make me hate myself
Everyone on this goddamn site needs to go the fuck outside
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khentkawes · 2 years
So apparently I barely logged onto tumblr at all between January 29th and April 21st. And since I've been logging in for the last two weeks, it's been WILD.
I mean, let's start with the fact that notes feature is like... way different? Like, you can see everyone's tags? Or not? It's up to you? And you can sponsor posts now, which is just... weird? Like, don't we all know that's going to be used for people to promote their own fanfic? Which is like... fine if you want to, I guess? But man, old fandom would not have put up with that for a hot minute! (and hey, before anyone tells me to stop shaming people or that I'm too old to be here...shutup! I'm not shamming y'all if you do it, but I'm a fandom old and I'm allowed to comment on the weird changes in fandom cultural norms).
And then there's the fact that I have no idea what "our flag means death" is. What the hell? Where did it come from? Why is it everywhere? I've had to check profiles for like five tumblrs I follow to figure out who they are and why I followed them because all they post is apparently gay pirates now. And that's just... normal? I mean, yeah, it's tumblr, so gay pirates is pretty much normal. But the point stands!
And then there's the daily dracula thing, which is just a pure delight. 10/10, would recommend.
Anyway, what I'm saying here is, tumblr culture apparently changes every three months and if you leave for that long, you'll have to learn a whole new language when you get back.
Which is cool, actually. I kinda forgot how much I love this hellsite (affectionate).
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londonfoginacup · 6 years
I’m gonna be really real for a minute, y’all.
My aim in this fandom to have a fucking good time. And you know what? Every single day, I log onto this site, and I see beautiful people doing beautiful things, and i think I love all of y’all, and then I see pictures of Harry and Louis and Liam and Niall and yes, even Zayn, and I think I love my boys. I fucking love them. I love this fandom, and the friendships it’s brought me, and the joys I’ve experienced. The highs and the lows are all worth it. I’m a fucking larrie to the end of time and I’m going to stay on this hellsite to the end of time because I love the people I follow, and I love bunches and bunches of people I don’t follow, and I am the literal embodiment of the below image all the time
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Anyway. Now that that’s out of the way. I have some things to address with the dear anon who just messaged me;
lmao shut the fuck up.
I reblog from who I like. I can, and do, think for myself. In fact, I pride myself on it. I also place little stock on someone coming into my inbox and saying manipulative things all while wearing a mask of anonymity. 
I reblogged a single ask. Because I thought it was funny. Do I really think he sold that few copies? Of course I don’t. I thought it was pretty clear that that couldn’t possibly be true. While I don’t blog about Zayn because this is a One Direction-centric blog and he has removed himself from that narrative, I do still love Zayn. He is my prodigal son and if he showed up at my house I would make him tea and give him maple cookies and play him memes to make him smile. 
But that’s not really the point of all of this. The point is that you probably just followed the links to everyone who reblogged that post, and left them the same message. You probably won’t ever check back and see this message. In your anger, you have unthinkingly spread hate, and probably continue to spread hate, against people you have never met. 
And to you, anon, or anyone else who has left a nasty message in a fandom you call your own, I implore you; think deeply about whether what you’re doing is spreading a good message or a bad one. And think about whether doing so is making you happier or more upset. If sending nasty anons (and that’s what that message was: nasty) makes you more angry and worked up, please reflect on that. Bringing more hatred into the world only breeds more hatred, not results.
Now that that is over with, I will go back to my usual attempts at positive posting! Remember, I love you all! I love Harry and he is out there being his wiggly self. I love Louis and he is out there doing what he needs to to get shit done. I love Harry and Louis and their love. I love Niall and his sarcasm and lack of knowledge on how to hold babies. I love Liam and his zest for life and crinkley eyes. I love Zayn even if I don’t see much of him these days. I love One Dalmation!
In conclusion;
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