#loh lumie
primoresplendens · 2 months
I've loved Lumie × Ondal from the moment they've talked in canon
(Because E Ondal speaks to her respectfully in KR, and she is so far one of the only people for him to do so 🥵🥵)
(I just cannot hold all of these LoH relation/ships I only have two hands sending distress signals)
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4part-harmony · 10 months
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eveekin · 1 year
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Oh my god
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Everybody go home i’ve literally won this game
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mitaraiii · 1 year
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fvturistik · 9 months
She don't bite
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nefelibatanyx · 1 year
this song was my shit
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kudakii · 2 years
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lumie, modern ancient au
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paperbrain-kun · 4 days
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areumcl · 1 year
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applepie-enthusiast · 1 month
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lord-of-no-energy · 2 years
69 followers special
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I wanted to feature every LOH character but I spent two weeks on this and got tired.... I edited each one of these from scratch...
Anyways, tysm for 69 followers! We’re 0.000069% to 1 million
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cynical-cemeteries · 1 year
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aeb-art · 1 year
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what if nine practiced braiding hair on his dad? 🥹
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evereinefaust · 11 months
*.·:·.✧ 𝐋𝐮𝐦𝐢𝐞 𝐨𝐧 𝐈𝐜𝐞 ✧.·:·.*
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January 25th.
This day held special meaning to a particular group of people. After all, it is the birthday of one of their beloved co-workers...
Lumie Miratisa.
A young woman with hair the same color as a clear, sunny sky and eyes as pink as rose quartz. Other than being an actress working for LOH, she was also a well-known professional figure skater taking part in competitive figure skating. And despite taking a break from her professional career, she still uses her skills to teach younger kids ice skating as a side job.
Ever since January started, [Y/n] was racking her brains on how to celebrate Lumie's birthday. She wanted the woman to enjoy the day as much as possible and even let her co-workers accompany her on such a precious day. The [h/e]ette deeply admired Lumie, and that goes to show when she decided to plan something big to celebrate her birthday this year.
"This year's winter is still cold as ever..."
A particular female blew air into her gloved hands, before rubbing them together. Her [e/c] eyes darted around the bustling streets, witnessing the crowd maneuver their way toward their desired destinations. Tiny white snowflakes cascaded down from the clouded skies, the chilly wind passed through ever so often, and the afternoon sun slowly descended from the horizon.
Once more, [Y/n] surveyed the area. She sat patiently by a vacant bench in the city plaza towered by establishments all around when all of a sudden, she felt a vibration in her pocket. She immediately fished out her phone and checked the caller ID — Dietrich.
She then answered the call. "Big brother, where are you guys now?"
"Ah, we're by the far end of the mall. Just on the east side."
"What? It's already been half an hour; we're gonna be late at this point," she scrunched her brows, groaning. "Have you guys even bought a present yet?"
"We already did," came her older sister's voice from the other line. "We're just waiting for them to finish wrapping then we'll head out right away."
"Ugh, fine. Just please hurry up," [Y/n] sighed. "You guys are supposed to be at the ice rink by now and instructing the staff in decorating the place. It's nearly 5:00 and Lumie's gonna be here soon."
"Yes, yes. We heard you — don't worry."
With a final farewell, the call ended. [Y/n] stared at her phone screen, her [e/c] eyes twitched in annoyance as the digital clock displayed went by a minute. Sighing, she pocketed the device and waited.
"I guess I have to stall Lumie once she gets here... I just hope that my older siblings will finish the preparations during that time. I can't believe that they forgot to buy a present. Jeez..."
The next minutes were spent in anticipation. As the clock kept counting every second, [Y/n] began to think about the gifts that her older siblings could've bought. Her mind drifted off as her thoughts started to wander. And after what seemed like ages, the sound of footsteps could be heard getting nearer. Soon enough, a familiar girl dressed in casual winter clothing appeared at the corner of the pathway and made her way toward the bench that [Y/n] occupied.
"Ah, you're here!" she smiled at her friend when she reached the bench.
"[Y/n]! You didn't wait long, did you?" Lumie greeted her with a warm smile on her face.
The [h/e]ette waved in return, before getting up from her seat. "No worries, I didn't. And hello, Nine, Laphlaes."
"Good afternoon, [Y/n]," Laphlaes gave a gentle close-eyed smile.
Nine waved in reply. "Hey."
Briefly taking out her phone to check the time, the young woman then pursed her lips before facing the trio. "How about we explore the mall first?"
At that suggestion, Nine's magenta orbs lit up. He then faced the redhead. "Dad! Can we go have desserts?"
"Sure, dear," the older man chuckled, seeing his adopted son bounce excitedly.
"Okay, then. Let's go."
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Once entering the mall, [Y/n] immediately messaged her older siblings about Lumie's arrival in the plaza and reminded — pleading — them to hurry up with the preparation since she can only stall the birthday girl for so long. The mall's warm air engulfed their bodies, inhaling its iconic scent as they weave along the crowd. Nine's eyes sparkled as he admired the various shops lining up inside. 
As per the ravenette's request, they headed straight to the sweets department and began browsing around the displays. [Y/n] gazed at the shelves full of delicious chocolate bars, lollipops, popcorn balls, candies, and pastries, while listening to the soft music playing from somewhere nearby. In a moment, her phone buzzed. Opening her device, she saw a message from her older brother.
Dietrich You're with Lumie now, right? Just keep her busy for about an hour. We're almost done with the preparations and the others are already here. I'll text you again later.
Her face softened, huffing in satisfaction. [Y/n] felt that she haven't had a chance to spend much time together with Lumie recently, which made her want to make sure that everything would go smoothly this time. And not only that, she really wanted to celebrate Lumie's birthday in a unique way. She figured that she should make good use of this opportunity to treat them all to a good night out, as well as to celebrate this special occasion. So, why not have some fun now?
As she returned her phone, a certain bluenette glided toward the younger girl. [E/c] hues met with sherbet ones.
"Hey, [N/n]!" Lumie greeted with her usual bright smile.
"Hey," she smiled back. "I'm glad that you accepted my invitation. I didn't get the chance to ask but how was your day earlier?"
"Oh, it's no problem! It's you who invited me, after all. And my day went fine. I was just teaching ice skating to my students as usual."
The younger girl nodded in understanding. "I see. How long are your sessions?"
"I have three sessions today. I have my 8-9 AM teaching kids who are below 10 years old. After that, I have my 11-12 sessions with teenagers. Then 2-3 PM to teach another batch of young children," Lumie explained, reminiscing about the wonderful time she had with her students. "It's pretty fulfilling. They really love me!"
[Y/n] giggled softly. "That sounds great. What do you usually teach?"
"Well, if they're under 10, I teach the basics like balance drills. For teenagers who have experience, I usually teach them advanced moves."
"Mhm. I see. What is your usual schedule?" [Y/n] inquired.
"My hours of teaching change frequently, from two days a week to three or four times a month. My schedule is flexible since this is just my side job. Besides, I have to make time for LOH and other things as well."
"Yeah, you're right," the younger girl chuckled. "Are there many kids in your class that are struggling with ice skating? There aren't any who stopped, are there?"
"Well, everyone does their best, especially the older ones. Though, sadly, a few of my students dropped the lesson. Some said that wasn't what they want while others said that the lesson per session is expensive," Lumie said as she clasped her hands together, her rose-colored eyes containing brief sadness. "I understand their concerns, it's just heartbreaking since I enjoyed our time together."
"Cheer up, Lumie," the younger girl said, sending a sympathetic smile. "I'm sure that those kids will remember you as their former teacher. The moment you spend with them won't be in vain."
Glancing at the [h/c]ette girl and seeing her gentle expression made Lumie's heart melt. She, too, sported a smile. "You're right. I guess I am being a little silly."
As they wrapped up their conversation, Laphlaes and Nine approached the two girls. Judging from the paper bag that the ravenette boy had in his arms, [Y/n] had assumed he just finished his candy shopping. Smiling at them, the four of them exited the store and proceeded to roam around the mall more.
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"We're almost there... Ah, careful, Nine! Lumie might trip!"
"I'm holding her properly!"
"Don't fight you two," a certain male chuckled.
After an hour of just roaming around the mall, Dietrich messaged his little sister that everything was done and that they can bring Lumie to the ice rink right away. As soon as she received that message, [Y/n] led the three of them to the ice rink. Of course, since it's a surprise, Lumie had to be blindfolded all the way there. And now they were by the entrance of the ice rink, [Y/n] and Nine assisting and guiding the blindfolded birthday girl up the stairs and into the premise.
A small smile emerged on the blue-haired woman's face. Soon enough, the two teens whose arms she was holding stopped, making her halt in her tracks as well. Nine and [Y/n] moved away, making Lumie remove her hands from them. Soon, she felt a presence behind her. And after a moment, the blindfold was removed from her eyes.
As Lumie opened her lids...
Party poppers exploded, confetti filling up her vision. Everyone present cheered for her — some of them were holding the party poppers, some were clapping, and others were giving her a smile. As Lumie took in her surroundings, a smile formed on her face once again.
All that was visible in her peripheral vision were dark walls, decorated with balloons and streamers. On one side stood tables filled with different kinds of snacks, drinks, and desserts. And on the other side of the room sat a large table covered with different-sized boxes, presumably the presents gifted to her. But the most noticeable thing to Lumie was the huge ice rink at the center of the room. She then looked down, noticing that the carpet under her feet was colored a dark blue with a white diamond design. She instantly recognized the place. It is the 'Ace of Diamonds', one of the largest ice-rink in the city.
To be able to rent this whole place for the evening was astounding. Not only does it surely cost a lot, but they were able to receive permission from the manager supervising this large establishment just to celebrate her birthday. Furthermore, even a few of their co-actors were able to spare some time to celebrate her birthday with her and even bought presents along.
Lumie's sherbet pink orbs watered. She placed her fist over her chest, feeling her heartbeat churn in strange happiness. "Thank you so much, everyone."
[Y/n], who was observing her older friend's expression for a while, simpered. All of their friends walked over to Lumie and gathered around her. They said their birthday greetings to her one by one, often engaging in short chit-chat. As this was unfolding, [Y/n] decided to watch from the sidelines. Soon, her gaze landed on a pair of ravenettes off to the far end of the group, looking ever so fatigued.
The girl giggled to herself.
"Well, I guess I gotta give credit where credit's due. My older siblings did great in preparing everything in just a short time."
"Yosh!" clapping her hands together to garner the attention of her friends, a large smile emerges on [Y/n]'s lips, her [e/c] eyes twinkling in excitement. "Now that the birthday girl's here, how about we go celebrate and have fun? After all, we're at the skating rink~"
"You're right!"
"It'll be fun!"
"I can't wait!"
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It didn't take long for everyone to put on their skating blades and enter the ice rink. And as expected, most of them were grouped together by the sides, hanging on the barrier for support. Some of them were having a lot of fun on the side, playing around, or just talking. Only a few who had experience with ice skating were hogging the vast middle to themselves. 
"Wow, you guys sure know how to enjoy yourselves..."
A satisfied expression washed over [Y/n]'s face upon seeing her friends having fun. She glanced back at her older siblings, seeing that they were busy chatting with each other by the barrier. Deciding to leave them to their own devices, she skated towards where Lumie is, passing by her friends.
Lumie, Laphlaes, and Nine were grouped together by the side. The redhead adult was leaning against the barrier for support, watching as his son was struggling to balance on the skates. As for the blue-haired woman, she was at arm's reach from the boy, ready to assist and guide him along the ice. It didn't take long for a particular [h/c-haired to casually glide over them.
"Heya," [Y/n] grinned, her skates slowing to a stop. Her gaze then landed on the younger boy. "You okay there, Nine?"
"Ngh... I'm... fine..." he huffed.
The boy had both arms out for balance, his knees bent and his upper body almost horizontal. [Y/n] had to control herself from laughing at Nine's ridiculous posture, but the amusement plastered on her face was evident. Laphlaes was watching wordlessly, his expression was nothing else but tender. As for Lumie, she had her signature smile while watching the youngsters interact.
Noticing her staring at him, Nine turned to the teen. Instantly, his face bloomed and he pointed at her accusingly. "S-stop laughing at me!"
"But I wasn't?" the girl rose a playful brow, [e/c] hues glinted with mischief while covering her mouth to hide the grin gracing her lips.
"Grr!" dropping down his arm, Nine pouted with a red face.
Ignoring the girl, he focused back on what he was doing earlier — trying to find his balance on the ice. He wasn't able to move much, and even when he did glide a few inches, his upper body would be dragged. This resulted in him flailing his arms around to regain balance. Thankfully, he didn't fall... Yet. [Y/n] burst into laughter at the sight of Nine, unable to contain herself anymore. The [h/c]ette girl wiped the tears that formed at the corner of her eyes as she attempted to catch her breath.
"Now you're laughing!" he exclaimed, huffing in embarrassment. He glared at the [h/c]-haired female, but his eyes held no animosity in them.
"I-I'm sorry!" [Y/n] managed to wheeze out, feeling her cheeks burn. "Oh my! You just look cute, Nine!"
"Hmph! I'm not cute and I'll show you that I can perfect this," Nine replied, turning around and skating off. "You're just lucky that you got to practice before."
His legs weren't steady yet, resulting in a few falls here and there, but he managed to recover quickly. Laphlaes slowly followed his son, keeping a watchful eye while he also attempt to move without falling. They just moved a few distances away from the two girls.
"He's really so cute~"
Finally, her laughter died down. She face Lumie who was unusually quiet during the whole ordeal. She saw the woman's expression, a hint of joy evident in the slight crinkle on the corner of her eyes. A tint of pink spread across her fair cheeks. A smile crept its way to [Y/n]'s face too as she watched her friend having fun.
"What do you think, Lumie?" the [h/c]ette strike up a conversation, pushing her left foot forward to glide a bit. "About the celebration, I mean."
"It's lovely, [N/n]," Lumie turned her head in [Y/n]'s direction, her sherbet-pink orbs gazing fondly at her. "Especially now that we get to spend more time with each other like this finally. Thank you for celebrating my birthday like this."
Butterflies fluttered in the younger girl's stomach upon hearing those words, and a happy blush decorated her cheeks. "Honestly, for the past week or so, I was thinking of unique ways to celebrate your birthday with everyone else. I wanted to do something special for you and the others and this is what I thought of."
"Hm... Isn't this difficult to pull off, though?" Lumie pondered, resting a finger on her lips. "Despite being later in January, Ace of Diamonds still has tons of regular clients using the rink. Besides, it must be expensive to rent the skating rink."
"Ah, well..." stopping just in front of the bluenette, [Y/n] let out an awkward chuckle, rubbing her temple sheepishly. "I actually had to beg and convince Rouin to help me with it."
Lumie chuckled. "Oh, tell me everything about it~"
"Well, I pinched in the idea during the first week of January. I was extremely nervous since knowing Rouin, he wouldn't usually agree to impractical things like this. Fortunately, my older siblings supported my idea. I spent at least a day racking my brain for ways to convince him. Eventually, he agreed. Though I'm not sure if it's because he was persuaded by my words or that he has no choice but to give in to my demands. Hehe..."
"Fufu~ Considering your tenacity, I wouldn't be surprised. I assume Rouin handled most of it, right?"
[Y/n] let out a sheepish laugh, sweatdropping at the older woman's words. "Yeah. Lucilicca and Laphlaes also helped. They contacted the manager to book the rink in advance. Fortunately, the date was open and we were able to rent it for about five hours in the evening. The cost was way more expensive than I thought but everyone here agreed to contribute a certain amount to pay for it. Then we invited everyone. Though, as you can see, only a few of us are present. But even though the others weren't able to come, they still gave a present. It's stacked over there."
"Mhm. I see," humming softly, Lumie took note of every little detail from the story. She then smiled, skating around [Y/n]. "It's unfortunate that we weren't able to have everyone here, but it's the thought that mattered most. Besides, we ought to enjoy today and make memories so we have something to talk about with everyone else!"
"You're right," [Y/n] giggled, recalling that Lumie loves having someone to talk with.
"Oh! By the way, [N/n]. How many times have you ice skated?"
"Only two times. Both with my family. This is the first time I experienced it with friends, although not everyone is here. Though I hope we get to have everyone present next time."
"I see, I see," the blunette nodded. She placed her thumb and forefinger under her chin, thinking. Suddenly, she beamed. "Oh! I have an idea!"
"What is?" raising a curious brow, [Y/n] leaned closer to Lumie who was gesturing for her to come close.
The adult woman cupped her hand and whispered something in the younger girl's ear. Once she finished, she removed her hand and watched as her [e/c] orbs widened in surprise. Immediately, the girl gasped. The bluenette giggled at the reaction, pleased.
"Ohhh... That's brilliant, Lumie! Why didn't I think of that?!" she exclaimed happily. Her hands immediately found themselves clasping together as she stared at Lumie's face with sparkling eyes. "I'll be looking forward to it!"
"Okay," Lumie nodded happily. "I'm keeping you here for too long. You go and enjoy skating, [N/n]."
"Mhm! Catch you later, Lumie!" waving, [Y/n] skated away from the blue-haired adult.
Lumie's roseate orbs followed after the [h/c]-haired girl. She watched as the youngster returned her to her older siblings. Eliciting a gentle smile, she then turned around at Nine's call, skating to where they are.
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"Hallo~ I'm back~" [Y/n] chirped, her skates slowly stopping right in front of the twins.
"Oh, hey," Dietrich acknowledged, raising a hand before dropping it.
"What were you talking about with Lumie?" Zelda asked.
However, [Y/n] smirked, placing both hands on her hips. "It's a secret that I'm not going to tell you two~"
"Wow..." the ravenette man said as he and his twin sweatdropped. "That must have been interesting...."
[Y/n] attention drifted to her friends. Nearby, the group of the Blake cousins, Charlotte, Fram, and Johan were together. Mikhail was standing still, his arm out for the blonde girl to latch on to for support. Lyn sat on her legs, cheeks squished against both fists with her elbows resting on her thigh. Her face contained a hint of boredom, squabbling with her older cousin once more. Something along the lines of "I really want to see you fall on ice," and "I doubt you can skate properly without any help," were thrown at each other.
As for Charlotte, her gaze was fixated on poor Johan struggling in front of her. Her round green eyes blinked innocently, however, the words that flew out of her mouth were backhanded encouragement targeted at the other blonde. She didn't mean any harm, it's just the way her words were delivered that felt like an insult towards the bespectacled man. Fram was also observing her friend, a hand on her hip while another was scratching her head. Her half-lidded blue eyes stared at Johan, lips pursed into a thin line.
The [h/c]-haired girl pushed herself forward, inching closer to the group to eavesdrop on their conversation and enjoy watching Johan suffer from humiliation. Speaking of the blonde, he was struggling even more. His shoulders were hunching upwards while his legs were slightly bent backward. His arms were spread out for balance, though, whenever he moved his legs, instead of moving forward, he was sliding backward. One sentence coming from Fram made the [h/c]ette laugh, however—
"Maybe you should really consider using skating aids. You know, the one for kids."
Flustered, Johan still manage to reply. "I don't need it."
"Welp. Alright, your call," the ravenette shrugged.
Johan's face was mixed with emotions, [Y/n] could tell. Frustration from his inability to skate. Embarrassment from being watched as he struggles. Humiliation due to his friend's comments and unintentional insults. And the determination to pull through and make progress. Although, seeing his tomato-red face and his quivering lips was a sight to behold. And [Y/n] wanted so badly to join in bullying Johan and tease him incessantly about it.
But for now, she decided to be forgiving and spare him another wave of embarrassment. It's not like she doesn't have any chance to jab at the blonde's ego... After all, [Y/n] is the epitome of a darling rascal.
She glided towards them, stopping just an arm's reach from Johan. Every gaze landed on her as everyone had various reactions to her arrival.
"Oh, you're here, [N/n]!" Charlotte beamed, waving cheerfully.
Fram placed both hands behind her head and grinned. "Hey."
Lyn stood up, dusting her clothes as she sent a wide smile. Mikhail also had a soft smile upon seeing the girl. Meanwhile, Johan glanced up from his almost crouched position. Despite being in a ridiculous situation, he managed to bring out a sheepish smile, the pink tint hasn't left his fair cheeks. For some reason, [Y/n]'s heart fluttered upon seeing such a rare sight.
She chuckled, inching closer to him. "Are you okay, Johan? Your face looks quite red."
"I'll be fine, thanks."
"No. No, you won't be fine," Charlotte shook her head with a huff, crossing her arms. Her face was serious — eyebrows knitted and lips pouted. "You won't be able to move on if you can't balance yourself! You can't skate to save your life!"
"Please, Charlotte..."
At Charlotte's remark, everybody laughed. Except for Johan whose features twisted into inevitable defeat and Mikhail who held a sympathetic look. The former hid his blooming face from the group by covering it with his hands, attempting to ignore everyone's laughter. As a result, his face burned hotter.
[Y/n] giggled at his misfortune as she approached him. Reaching out, she gently touched his shoulder, shaking it a bit. Hesitantly looking up, his dark pools met with her [e/c] ones.
"I'll give you a tip so you don't have to suffer further," she coaxed. "Please stand straight."
And just like that, [Y/n] began advising the older blonde on how to stand and balance on the ice. Of course, she was narrating all the tips she had used from the first time she tried ice skating years before. The rest of the group watched in awe as the young girl manage to get Johan on his feet and is now gliding through the ice with little difficulty. And now that Johan was able to fend for himself, Charlotte doesn't need to watch his struggles and actually skate with him.
It didn't take long for the five of them to skate around — Mikhail and Lyn were trying to catch each other and push the other off balance while Fram, Charlotte, and Johan were making small glides, matching with and making sure that the bespectacled blonde doesn't trip and ended up injuring himself.
"I didn't expect that he easily learn from me. Am I a great instructor?"
Smiling triumphantly, [Y/n] decided to let them enjoy themselves and move on to her next set of targets. Nearby, she saw a particular duo. Her eyes glistened as she made her way toward them.
"[Y/n]!" a certain magenta-haired female greeted, grinning widely. Her same-colored eyes sparkled with happiness, making the [h/c]ette chuckle softly. "Yo! Wassup?"
"Hey, Astrid. I'm here to check up on you two," she returned the smile. Her gaze then landed on the man leaning against the barrier. "You're not looking so great, are you, Joshua?"
"Ugh..." the man groaned, trying to find his balance. His narrowed eyes were directed at [Y/n], distress showcased in his pink hues. "You don't say... I was taking my time to relax here when Astrid came to bother me."
"You're no fun!" Astrid crossed her arms, frowning. "What's the point of attending Lumie's birthday celebration if you're not going to enjoy it?"
"Well, I prefer to be left on my own devices for a while," he sighed in exasperation, face-palming.
"Boo!" The magenta-haired female stuck a tongue at him.
A smirk finally emerged on [Y/n]'s lips, and a hint of mischief sparkled in her [e/c] orbs. "Oh, well. I bet this is Joshua's first time on the ice. I can see that he wants to save himself from potential embarrassment~"
At her words, Joshua whipped his head in the young girl's direction. The shock was evident on his face for a brief moment before he went poker-faced. He huffed, aggrieved by her accusations... Though, judging by the embarrassed blush on his cheeks and his desire to be left alone screams that he's really a first-timer in ice skating. [Y/n] wasn't complaining though — since a certain red-eyed ravenette wasn't present today, she had to find other victims to tease incessantly.
Astrid stifles a laugh. Then, she had a brilliant idea. Grinning, she faced the younger girl. [Y/n], noticing her stare, glanced in Astrid's direction, meeting her mischief-filled orbs. And as if they were telepathically communicating, [Y/n]'s smirk grew.
They then both faced the pink-haired man. Joshua noticed their gaze, and he felt like prey caught by two predators. He tried to keep his calm, but the sweat cascading down the side of his face was certainly an indication of what he was currently feeling.
"Hey..." he said, watching as the two approached inch by inch. "Stop it."
Yet, despite his pleas, Astrid and [Y/n] grabbed each of his arms away from the barrier and began pulling Joshua into the ice.
"You'll thank us later~" Astrid nonchalantly grinned, using all her strength to pull Joshua and skate into the middle.
Once they were a few feet away from the safety of the barriers, both girls let go of Joshua. Due to inertia, the man went gliding a few more inches, almost losing his balance when the ones holding him left. Fortunately for him, he was able to keep his body steady with little difficulty for a brief moment...
Until the sudden weight loss caused him to lose concentration on which foot to use. His legs wobbled, and suddenly, he fell on his backside. Astrid and [Y/n] watched the entire time, even hearing the thud when he fell on the ice. [Y/n] winced, closing an eye during the impact. Although, her worry for him was brief when amusement immediately washed over her at Joshua's misfortune.
"Ow..." the man painfully drawled out, rubbing his backside with one hand while the other was flat against the cold ice.
Even Astrid felt Joshua's pain. Though, she could only give a low whistle as if none of what happened was because of her. Instead, facing [Y/n], she raised a hand. The younger girl understood what that gesture meant. So with guilty pleasure, she high-fived the woman.
"Ugh... I hate you two," after he recovered, Joshua glared hard at the two girls, still sitting on the cold ice.
He was definitely embarrassed... but his annoyance overshadowed that. His fair face was covered with a red hue, his eyebrows knitted and his eyes narrowed. His lips were pursed into a thin line, the corner dipping into a frown. Despite his look of annoyance, [Y/n] only giggled in amusement. She couldn't help it — he looked so cute.
"Alright, alright. Let's stop embarrassing poor Joshua," [Y/n]'s grin became apologetic. After all, she did cause a scene. "We'll help you up. Will that make you forgive us?"
The girls skated to Joshua, stopping in front of him. They both extend a hand and he took them without hesitations. In just a moment, they were able to pull him up and help him keep steady on his feet. Once he was stable, Joshua exhaled deeply, letting go of their hands. After dusting his wet butt, he gave them a stern glare.
"I'll think about forgiving you two later."
[Y/n] smiled playfully. "Aw~"
"Take your time, Josh," chimed in Astrid. "You know that you can't stay mad at our cutie over here."
Joshua turned away, his face becoming flushed again, unable to hold back his embarrassment. Though, what Astrid said was definitely true. Despite [Y/n]'s pranks and intense teasing, her charm and innocence would make them give in. Though, it only works most of the time.
The man huffed, trying to figure out how to return to his original place. Surprisingly, he was making small progress. However, Astrid won't let him have it.
"Nuh-uh-ah! You won't get back there!" once more, she grabbed his forearm and skated away, pulling him even more in the middle of the open rink.
Joshua's panicked scream could be heard throughout the room as he was dragged across the rink by his arm. He tried his best to tug free but Astrid was surprisingly strong for someone who isn't that muscular. As he attempted to shake off the woman's grip, [Y/n] snickered quietly at his expense, watching them from afar.
"Well, there they go..."
The young girl pushed forward, skating towards a particular dark blue-haired adult not that far away. Helena was struggling just like the others, but surprisingly, she was able to get her balance right away and was doing something else.
"Hey, Helena," [Y/n] called out when the older woman caught sight of her.
Helena perked up upon being addressed, her brow quirked in surprise. "Ah, [Y/n]! What brings you here?"
"Well..." [Y/n] paused as she looked away, spotting the Valkarios cousins zooming across the rink like they were in a race. "I was just checking up on everyone here just to see how they're doing. How are you, though? Struggling?"
"I'm fine," the woman assured. "I was struggling at first but I got the hang of it. I'm glad that my ballet skills are useful here."
"Mhm. I kinda expected you to be one of the first to actually master ice skating," [Y/n] smiled. "After all, figure skaters learn ballet first before they get on the ice."
Helena's golden orbs glinted with interest. "Do you have experience?"
"Hm?" facing the bluenette, [Y/n] let out a sheepish chuckle as she waved her hand dismissively. "Oh, no. I just discovered that ballet goes hand-in-hand with ice skating when watching an anime about figure skating. I don't do ballet. And ice skating is just for fun."
"Oh, I see."
"Though, I saw you trying something out earlier," the [h/c]ette mentioned. "Were you implementing your ballet earlier?"
"You saw that?" Helena rubbed her temple, averting her golden eyes in embarrassment. "I didn't think anyone noticed."
[Y/n] grinned. "Well, I did~"
At the younger girl's comment, Helena chuckled. "Yeah, just like you said earlier, figure skating is like ballet on ice. I haven't tried ice skating before so I was curious as to what techniques I can pull off."
[E/c] orbs sparkled in awe. "Wow... That's great!"
"Hehe, thanks. And oh, do y—"
All of a sudden, a large figure zoomed past the duo, almost knocking into [Y/n] if it wasn't for Helena's quick reflex, and pulled her in. [E/c] hues were wide in surprise, her heart rate speeding up from whatever had occurred. The young [h/c]ette was in the taller girl's hold, Helena's arms wrapped protectively around her.
Golden eyes glared at the culprit, yelling at the man. "Hey! Watch where you're going, Axel! You almost injured [Y/n]!"
"S-sorry!" Axel apologized, slowing down to a halt. He turned back to see Helena still hugging [Y/n], her heated glare aimed at him. He sweatdropped, rubbing his head.
"I told you to slow down, didn't I?" a certain redhead approached her cousin, sighing.
Axel just frowned, refusing to say another word. After a bit of reprimanding, he and Alev left, skating away but this time, slower. Helena sighed in relief, glad that there wasn't any big incident that happened. She eventually let go of the younger girl, fixing her slightly disheveled hair.
"Sorry I suddenly pulled you in like that," she said, giving [Y/n] an apologetic smile. "It just happened all of a sudden."
"No worries! Actually, if it wasn't for you, I would be on the ice right now with wounds all over my body," [Y/n] got goosebumps at the idea of broken bones and lacerations all over her body. She felt her heart thump, fearful of the possibility. "I doubt I could handle Axel's body slamming me into the ground. Not to mention on ice with literal blades on our shoes."
Helena's expression softened, but the worry hadn't left her face. "I'll give the idiot a big scolding so that he won't do that again. In the meantime, be careful."
"Mhm. I guess I'll see you later, Helena!"
Waving goodbye to the blue-haired adult, [Y/n] skated towards the last group she hadn't spent time with. This time, it consisted of Lucilicca, Lairei, and Vanessa. Eager to be with them, the girl skated faster to reach them who were basically on the opposite side of where she was with Helena earlier. Fortunately, it didn't take long for her to approach the three women.
"[Y/n], were you alright?" Vanessa asked, concern clear on her face.
The [h/c] girl nodded with a smile, showing she was okay.
"Thank goodness. We saw what happened earlier," Lucilicca mumbled to herself while shaking her head. "Axel's gonna be heavily reprimanded by his uncle once he hears of this."
[Y/n] just chuckled at their worrying expressions. "There's no need to worry! Besides, Helena saved me from harm. I'm alright now, see?"
"If you say so," Lairei smiled.
"So, are you ladies okay? You aren't struggling much, are you?" [Y/n] questioned, noticing that they were just standing around and talking.
"We're fine. We're getting the hang of it," the short-haired brunette simpered, clasping her hands together in front. "I ice skated when I was young, so it doesn't take long for me to adjust."
"Dhurahan would be enjoying this if he's here," Lairei commented, sighing softly.
The younger girl tilted her head, curious. "Oh, why wasn't he able to come?"
"He said he can't. Something came up with his family that he has to resolve."
"Oh. That's unfortunate," a frown settled itself on [Y/n]'s face after.
"How about Rouin?" Lucilicca asked, her attention directed at the younger female. "I thought he would be here considering he did most of the process of renting the rink."
"Ah, well. Sadly, he's busy with paperwork," the girl responded, looking downward with regret. "I can't bother him much, can I?"
Considering the hard work he put on to fulfill [Y/n]'s wish of a grand birthday party for Lumie, it's only natural for him to come as well. However, his responsibilities with his work prevented him from attending. [Y/n] would like it if he was to come as well, but bothering him even more when he did everything for her was a bit too much. So, instead, she just hoped that the next time they would go ice skating, everyone would be present.
A smile was plastered on the silver-haired woman's face, patting the girl's shoulder reassuringly. "Don't worry. There'll always be next time."
"Mhm. And I'm sure all of us would be present," Vanessa added.
"The rink wouldn't be able to accommodate all of us when that happens," Lairei chuckled.
"Now, go and have fun with your siblings," Lucilicca said, leaning her head in the direction of the two ravenettes.
[Y/n] held a smile with her own. "Sure! I'll catch up with you three later!"
"See you later."
After bidding farewell, [Y/n] began making her way across the ice and back to her siblings. As soon as she reached her older brother and sister, the twins greeted her enthusiastically with warm smiles upon seeing her return safely to them.
"I didn't expect you almost get in an accident, [N/n]," Dietrich's lackadaisical comment was a clear sarcastic remark.
"Stop it," Zelda nudged at her twin, earning a pained grunt. Facing her younger sister, she showed concern that was absent from the male. "You're not injured, right?"
"I'm fine, big sis," [Y/n] reassured, bringing her arms out to show that she was indeed alright. She faced her older brother, smiling sweetly. "Besides, I bet big brother Dietrich will be able to handle Axel's body slam on the ice."
The man gulped, a nervous sweat trickling down his forehead. Despite the innocent smile, the aura that the younger girl exudes was nothing but dangerous. It sent chills down his spine. Dietrich had to look away from his younger sister, chuckling awkwardly and mentally praying that she won't resort to violence once they get home after the celebration.
"Anyway, I've been skating around and being with everyone else but," she looked between the twins, scrutinizing them both. With her hands on her hips, she huffed. "It seems that during the time I am away the two of you aren't leaving this place."
Zelda and Dietrich shared looks. They knew exactly what the girl meant, but it was either they can't be bothered or just refused to skate. [Y/n] rolled her eyes at them. Then, she grabbed each of their wrists, surprising them both. Just like what she was doing with Joshua earlier, she used all of her strength to pull the twins away from the barrier, albeit with much difficulty considering they are on ice.
"Guh! These two are heavy as heck! If only I have help!"
Two pairs of obsidian orbs watched as the youngest tried her hardest to pull two adults on her own. Her face twisted into one of determination, determination mixed with annoyance. The twins couldn't help but chuckle at how stubborn she is. Even though they were also struggling to keep their balance while being pulled, the two found their younger sister's strength admirable. 
They watched in silent awe as [Y/n] was finally able to drag them onto the ice. Her lips curled into a triumphant smile, happy to win this little fight against the twins.
"Alright! Now it's time for the real fun!" [E/c] eyes burning with resolve, she turned around and clasped her older siblings' hands on each hand — Dietrich on her right and Zelda on her left.
Knowing what she wanted, they both eventually complied. They then pushed their foot forward, gliding along the ice gracefully, slowly but surely.
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An hour and a half later, everyone was getting tired and hungry from their activity. One by one they left the rink and settled comfortably on the provided benches in the lounge. Some of them went in the restroom to change or fix themselves, others were getting a drink and some snacks by the table nearby, while a select few — Joshua, notably — were so drained that they were ready to fall asleep right away. Only a few people remained in the rink, notably Lumie and [Y/n] who were busy chatting with each other.
A certain magenta-haired adult noticed this. And although it wasn't anything out of the ordinary, something was definitely up with them. Driven by curiosity, she went over to the only people she could ask about it.
"Hey, Zelda, Dietrich," Astrid plopped right behind the bench they were situated, resting her arms on the top of the backrest.
"Oh, hey," replied Zelda, wiping the sweat off her face. "What's wrong?"
"Oh, nothing much. Just wondering what's lil' [Y/n]'s up to. She's chatting with Lumie for a while now."
"Well, it's normal for her to talk with the birthday girl," the long-haired ravenette shrugged. "Maybe they're just sharing a bunch of stories. You know how Lumie gets..."
"And considering [Y/n], she won't tell a single soul anything about her secret," added the other twin, sighing. "We asked her earlier what she was talking about with Lumie but we didn't get an answer. So, yeah."
"Hm..." Astrid puckered her lips in thought.
Zelda's words do make sense. But today, Astrid knows that something fishy is certainly going on with the two. Nonetheless, she dropped the idea and returned to resting and chatting with the others. She knew that there isn't any point in trying to question [Y/n] or Lumie. All she knows is that there was something going on with them, and she had no doubt about it.
A few minutes passed, and a certain light-blue-haired woman and [h/c]-haired young girl finally leave the rink. Together, they went over to the table where Lumie's gifts were stacked. They searched through the countless boxes, taking the one that seemed to contain what they want. It was a rather flat box with a white wrapper and light blue ribbon. Once they were done, they exchanged a few words before Lumie went in the direction of the restrooms while [Y/n] went over to the staff present.
While everyone was busy resting or having a snack, the lights in the rink suddenly dimmed. Confused chatter enveloped the room as the actors were wondering whether the staff decided to lower the electricity by turning off the lights that aren't used. It didn't bother them much, that is until something earned their attention.
"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen!" a familiar voice boomed through the loudspeaker scattered around the ice rink.
"Is she in an announcement room? What?"
"Oh boy, what is she up to this time?"
"That girl..." Dietrich face-palmed. "No wonder I hadn't seen her for a while now."
Zelda looked around, trying to find where she could be despite the darkness. "Was she even permitted to use their components?"
"In a normal circumstance, she wouldn't. I wonder what tricks she used to let the staff allow her to use the PA system."
"Please turn your attention towards the rink," [Y/n] instructed.
Although confused, everyone ambled towards the empty rink, careful not to stumble in the dark. They lined up around the rink, the barrier separating them from what was inside. Although dim, some of them could see a figure in the middle of the ice. Without warnings, a spotlight turned on and it was focused on the lone figure standing in the middle of the ice rink.
They instantly recognized the person's light-blue hair tied in an intricate hairstyle. Their head was bowed, preventing them from seeing their face. The cloth this person was wearing was undoubtedly a figure skating dress. However, what made them stare in awe was the design that looked similar to Aurea's outfit she made for one of the actors — Morning Brilliance.
No doubt, it was Lumie Miratisa. The birthday girl.
Everyone's confusion instantly washed away, replaced by surprise. They stared with bated breath at the woman, watching in awe, waiting for what was next. This was definitely new. Never did they expect this scenario in the first place.
"Ah, no wonder I feel like something was off," Astrid mumbled to herself, letting out a huge breath before a smile graced her lips. "You really are full of surprises, [Y/n]..."
After a good moment of silence, Lumie raised her head and faced the audience. A wide grin was planted on her features as she waved at them.
"Let's give a round of applause for Lumie Miratisa! Tonight, she's going to perform for everyone here!"
At the [h/c]ette's words, loud thunderous applause resonated in the entire venue. The crowd was clapping enthusiastically, cheering for the blue-haired figure skater. In a moment, the music started playing and Lumie began her performance. Every eye was fixated on her, seemingly captivated by her every move. From her dancing to the graceful movements she would make as she twirled and swerved across the ice; it was mesmerizing.
[Y/n]'s expression softened as she focused her gaze on the woman. Her mouth curved into a smile as delight glowed in her glossy, [e/c] eyes. She could feel her heart churn, butterflies fluttering in her stomach. Just seeing Lumie enjoying her special day like this was enough for the young adult.
She had accomplished her goal.
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fvturistik · 1 year
Finally my urge to draw my ship together
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