#loki ex prince
vbecker10 · 2 months
If you still do requests, I was wondering if you could write a fan fiction of Loki and Y\N where Y\N has Fibromyalgia and she's having a pain flare up? Would really make my day if you could!
Everything Hurts
Pairing: Loki x female reader (Y/N) - reader has Fibromyalgia
Summary: You have worked with the two Asgardian princes as their press coordinator since they both officially joined the Avengers. You enjoy the job greatly and love working with Thor but Loki tests your friendship and patience every single day. The God of Mischief alternates between being charming, sweet and flirtatious and being a sarcastic, pain in the butt who makes every meeting, email or interview request a battle. The day before an important event, you open up to Loki about your fibromyalgia and he offers to use his powers to alleviate your pain.
Background Info: Female reader has Fibromyalgia with the following symptoms - whole body fatigue, feeling drained of energy suddenly, inability to sleep deeply, feeling tired and worn out even after sleeping, tension headaches, muscle & joint pain (throbbing; aching; burning; shooting; stabbing; stiffness; soreness), muscle spasms, tender points at the tops of her shoulders and knees (light touch in these areas causes pain and discomfort), these symptoms worsen at night
Warnings: very brief mention of an ex-boyfriend who broke up with you because of your diagnosis, feeling like a burden, hiding your pain
A/N: Thank you so much for sending in this request! I did a bunch of research into this (mostly on Google) but please let me know if I messed anything up and I will fix it. I want to be as accurate as possible. I hope you all enjoy it! 💚
(sorry if this is bit of a long one, I wanted to cover a lot of stuff and I didn't really want to make it two parts) 💜
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"Thor, I assume you're taking Jane as your plus one to the charity gala Friday night, right?" you ask the older prince, looking up slowly from your computer screen. The stiffness in your neck makes the simple action increasingly more difficult each time you do it.
"Yes, of course," he answers with his signature smile.
"Awesome," you nod, feeling a twinge of pain at the base of your neck.
Your hand moves to the back of your neck and you begin to rub it gently, trying to alleviate some of the tightness in your muscles. When you look up at Loki, you notice his eyes are focused on you and for a brief moment you think you see concern in his expression.
Your eyes meet and his smirk emerges, "Would you like a massage, darling?"
"No," you tell him, putting your hand down quickly although a massage is probably exactly what your sore muscles need. "And stop calling me that, I told you it's unprofessional," you roll your eyes but are unable to hide the smile that always slips free when he calls you pet names.
"Very well, love," he responds and you bite back a sarcastic comment.
"Do you know who you're bringing, Loki?" you decide to change the subject back to the original point of your meeting with the brothers.
"I think we should attend the event together," the God of Mischief says with a wink.
You sigh and rub your temples, resting your elbows on your desk as you feel a tension headache emerging. "Loki, for once could you please just answer me seriously? I don't have all day for this," you easily make it seem as if the cause of your headache is the younger prince and not a symptom of your exhaustion. You had gotten almost seven hours of sleep last night but your fibromyalgia prevented you from falling into a deep sleep so you woke feeling worn out and drained this morning.
"What if I am being serious?" Loki asks, his tone still playful but his smirk has shifted into a more sincere smile.
"Brother, just tell Y/N you will be attending the charity gala alone," Thor thankfully steps in before you can even begin to consider Loki's suggestion. "As you always do," the older Asgardian makes a jab at his brother's lack of a date to any of the events you had organized for them to attend in the last three months.
You let out a short laugh but don't miss the angry glare Loki casts towards his brother. He looks at you again, "You can note that I will be attending with a plus one."
"Great," you say, forcing a smile. The thought of Loki taking someone suddenly makes you feel jealous but you don't want to think about why that is the emotion that surfaced first. Your tension headache suddenly becomes much worse and the stiffness in your neck spreads down your back. You need to finish this meeting as soon as possible so you can get the two Asgardians out of your office before you are unable to hide your worsening symptoms.
"Who's the unlucky lady?" Thor asks, laughing loudly at his own joke.
"Is her name necessary?" Loki asks you in response to Thor's question.
"Umm... no, I guess I can just leave that part blank for now," you answer. Your hand moves back to your neck again, trying to relieve the ache from your muscles feeling so tight.
Loki nods, folding his arms across his chest. "Please do that then," he says. "Unless you would like to change your mind?" he adds with a smirk.
Before you can reply to him you feel a sharp stab of pain in your abdomen and look down to hide when you wince. You take a slow breath but a second sharp stab of pain in the same location causes you to breath out harshly.
"Y/N?" Loki asks, his words pulling your attention back to him. This time there is no mistaking the look of concern on his face as he leans forward in his chair.
"Brother," Thor shakes his head, "It would seem you've upset Y/N with your suggestion, she looks as if it physically pains her."
"Would you for once just be quiet?" Loki looks over at Thor then turns to face you. "Are you alright?" he asks, ignoring the fact that his brother cannot see that your pain is clearly very real.
"I'm fine," you insist even though you know Loki will easily see through your lie. No one at SHIELD or Stark Industries knows about your fibromyalgia and you plan on keeping it that way for as long as you possibly can. You decide instead of trying to convince him you are okay, you will need to prove that you are busy. "I think we're done here. I've got everything I need," you tell the two brothers.
"Are you sure?" Loki asks.
You push yourself up from your chair which was not a good idea, you feel a sudden wave of exhaustion through your entire body but you fight to remain standing. Thor stands in response to your movement but Loki remains seated, not willing to leave until he knows why you are lying. "I have another meeting in ten minutes and I need to prep for it," you tell them. Loki finally stands slowly but you can feel his eyes watching you so you do your best to continue hiding your pain. Flashing your best 'I'm completely fine smile' you say, "I'll email you if I have any other questions."
"Thank you as always, Y/N," Thor nods and turns to leave.
Loki stays in front of his chair for a moment. You can see he is thinking but he lowers his head and turns to leave without a word.
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You skim through the dozen or so requests you have for interviews before you find the one you need just in time for Loki to knock on your office door. He steps inside, "I believe you summoned me."
You laugh, "You make it sound like you're a genie."
He smirks, "I will grant you three wishes if you-"
"No," you cut him off quickly, holding up your hand to silence him, "I'm not rubbing any part of you."
He chuckles as he sits across from you, "Darling, I had no idea you had such a dirty mind but I do like it. I was merely going to say, I will grant you your wishes, all you need to do is ask."
You blush, feeling both embarrassed and stupid, momentarily forgetting why you asked him to come see you.
"I'm glad to see you are feeling better today," Loki says genuinely.
You nod with a smile although you don't in fact feel better, you are just having an easier time hiding you pain today. You slept deeper last night so you feel more rested but the muscles in your lower back are throbbing. "Thanks, me too," you reply and he smiles warmly.
"What was it you needed from me?" he asks.
"Right," you nod and check your email. "Ah," you quickly find what you need, "I got an email from the Daily Bugle, they want to do an interview with you about-"
"I would rather not," he doesn't allow you to finish.
"Loki," you frown, "You really should do this. You haven't done a single one this month. Thor has already done two by himself and a third one with Jane."
"You know I dislike interviews," he reminds you although he doesn't need to. You are well aware of how much Loki values his privacy.
"I know but you need to," you plead with him for the hundredth time since you began working together. You shift in your chair, the throbbing in your lower back spreading higher and becoming more intense.
"Did they inform you about the type of questions they will ask?" he sighs, running his fingers through his hair.
"Yeah," you bite your lip knowing Loki is going to be annoyed, not with you but with the line of questions. "It's a personal interest story, so they wanna know more about you. Here, I'll ask you a few and see what you think?" He nods and you start with one of the first questions, "When you are not on a mission or training, how do you enjoy spending your free time?"
"I greatly enjoy aggravating Thor in my very limited spare time," he smirks.
"See, that's not a good answer. Everyone already knows you like to annoy your brother," you laugh and shake your head.
"I am also quite fond of spending time with my press coordinator," he adds with a softer smile.
"Spending time making my job more difficult," you correct him with an exaggerated sigh. "Okay, what's something you like about earth?"
"Not a single thing comes to mind," he laughs, seeming more comfortable. "Except for you of course."
You roll your eyes, "This will be the worst interview ever if I'm your answer to every question." He smiles but you sigh, knowing the last few questions in the email are the ones he will be most resistant to answering. "They also want to know more about your love life... you've never been seen out with anyone so they are asking-"
His smiles vanishes and he sits up straight in the chair, "No."
"Loki, you have to give them something," you tell him as the muscles in your back tense and tighten. "Even if you just say something like, 'I am not looking for a partner at the moment, I am focusing on my training and blah blah blah."
"I still do not see why it is any of the world's business what I chose to do or not do in my private life," he says, "Especially when it comes to my dating habits."
"Because you don't get to have a private life," you tell him honestly without trying to be harsh. "That's just how it works here, unfortunately. You need to understand, my whole job is to help your public image and make sure people feel like they can trust you. To do that, they have to know you at least a little. You're a prince and a god from a realm that up until a few months ago we all thought was a myth. All anyone knows is that you came here to take over our world before changing your mind and protecting us with your brother."
The tightness in your back loosens and you breath a small, hopefully unnoticeable sigh of relief. You remain perfectly still, fearful that if you stretch or twist your back the wrong way now, the muscles will tighten even worse than before. "I trust you Loki but they don't know you like I do."
His clenched jaw relaxes and he nods, understanding your point although you know he still dislikes this arrangement.
"Just give them a small look into your life, that's all I ask. I can go back to the Daily Bugle and see if they will take out the questions about your romantic life but I really need you to do this. I'm still trying to rebuild your image after... well you know what happened," you shrug.
He nods, knowing you are referring to the Battle of New York and his forced attempt to conquer the planet. You can see his resolve softening so you press him just a bit further, hoping he will finally cave. "Please," you give him your best smile and you see the corner of his lip turn up.
He sighs and shakes his head to chase away the smile that was forming. "I will do the interview but only if they remove any questions referring to my dating life," he agrees and you feel a sense of victory. He gets up, assuming the conversation is now over.
"I will," you assure him and stay seated. "You know it'll only make them more curious right? People want to know why someone like you is single-"
Before you can finish your thought, your back spasms and you groan in pain as the muscles twist and contract. The tightness forces you to lean forward, unable to sit up right until it passes. Your hands grip the edge of the desk and you look down, trying to take a deep, steady breath to relax your muscles.
"Y/N, what is wrong?" Loki asks, his voice thick with worry. He comes around your desk but is clearly unsure about what he should do to help you.
"Just a muscle spasm," you tell him, trying to make it sound less painful than it is. "I slept weird last night, it's not a big deal."
"Are you sure?" he asks, obviously unconvinced. "Can I do anything to help?"
"No, I'm fine. I just need to rest a little," you force a smile, moving to look up at him but the spasm keeps you from moving your back the way you need to. "What I really need is a new bed," you joke but neither of you laughs. "Really, I'm fine, I promise," you insist and he nods slowly.
"You would tell me if you weren't?" he asks in a serious tone.
"Yeah," you want to nod but think better of it.
"Please go see Dr. Palmer if this does not resolve itself," he encourages you. Before you argue that you are fine he adds, "I cannot have the only person in this realm I can stand to be around falling apart."
You laugh at Loki's favorite way to refer to you but the movement causes your spasm to worsen and the muscles to tighten further. You grimace, gripping the edge of the desk tighter and Loki's smile vanishes. "I'm okay," you tell him, "But I really need to just relax and the muscles will loosen up. I'll talk to you later, okay?"
He nods, sensing it is useless to continue discussing the matter and leaves your office.
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"Stupid childproof caps," you mumble angrily as you struggle to twist open the cap on your pain medication. The joints in your elbow ache deeply and the muscles in your forearms burn as you continue your fight with the small plastic bottle.
"Do you need help, darling?" Loki asks from behind you. You drop the pill bottle when he startles you, turning quickly to face him. He picks up the bottle as it rolls towards him.
"Yeah, do you mind? I can usually get it," you tell him. "It's just a pain killer for my headache," you lie easily knowing Loki is aware of how frequently you get tension headaches.
He nods, opening the bottle and moves closer to hand it back to you. You reach for the bottle but you feel a sharp stab of pain in your elbow when you extend your arm and pull back quickly. Before he can ask you add a second lie, "I slept on my arm last night. Still need a new mattress."
"I don't understand why you insist on lying to me," he says, placing the bottle in your hand and the cap on the counter.
You ignore his question, taking your pain medication and following it with a large gulp of water. "Do you have a name I can add to the RSVP yet? They emailed me back saying they would like to be able to have it for when you walk the red carpet," you ask him.
"No," he answers.
"Are you keeping her a secret for a reason?" you ask when he walks past you to the coffee maker. "Does she work here? Do I know her? Ooh... is she famous?" You ask lightheartedly but when Loki doesn't respond you have your answer. "You didn't ask anyone?"
"I simply haven't found the time to aquire a date," he confirms without turning to face you.
"Why not? There's gotta be hundreds of women in this city who would love to go with you," you say a bit too honestly.
He looks over his shoulder at you, "I asked one woman but she refused my invitation and I have not been in a hurry to be turned down again."
You look at him confused and then realize he means you. "Loki, you weren't serious about that," you tell him.
He turns completely to face you, "If you thought I was serious, would you have said yes?"
"I-" you freeze, unsure how to answer his question. You had only dated one person after you received your diagnosis and it was too complicated for him to deal with. You hadn't even considered dating anyone since. The prince takes your long silence as a no to his question and nods his head once before returning to making his coffee.
"Loki, it's not-" you try to find the words to explain your reasoning but he shrugs as if he doesn't want to hear it.
Without looking at you he says, "I hope your headache goes away." He picks up his coffee and leaves the kitchen, you make no attempt to stop him even though you want to.
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You close your eyes and rest your head on the desk, feeling utterly drained of energy both emotionally and physically. Last night your back and neck ached so deeply there was nothing you could do to get comfortable. You had tried every possible position in your bed, then you moved to the couch and finally ended up falling asleep in an arm chair. One hour of uninterrupted sleep was nowhere near enough to get you through today.
"Y/N?" you hear a voice call for you faintly but you are so close to sleeping, you can't help but ignore it.
Loki's hand gently settles on your shoulder causing you to cry out in pain as a stabbing sensation quickly moves through your muscles. The prince has accidentally touched what your doctor calls a 'tender point'. You recoil from his well meaning touch, fully awake from the jolt of pain.
"I'm so sorry," he apologizes, backing away from you. "I didn't mean to hurt you. Are you okay?"
You sit up and attempt to tell Loki you are fine but the movement causes a wave of sharp pain through your lower back. Loki kneels next to you, putting his hand on the arm of the chair, clearly afraid to touch you again. "Y/N, please do not tell me you are fine," he urges gently. "What's wrong, darling? How can I help?"
You look at him, the concern on his face finally eats away at your determination to keep lying. "Everything hurts, Loki," you acknowledge the truth. "I'm having a fibromyalgia flare up. I'm in so much pain and I'm just too exhausted to fight through it anymore."
"I don't know what that is," he responds.
"Right," you mumble. The handful of family members and friends you had opened up to barely knew anything about your condition so it makes sense an Asgardian would never have heard of it.
"Talk to me, please," he says in a softer tone than you've ever heard him use. "I cannot help if I do not know what you need from me."
"There isn't a whole lot you can do," you tell him realistically. He frowns in response and you decide to tell him everything. You take a deep breath and begin, "Fibromyalgia is a disorder which basically means I have widespread musculoskeletal pain. There's this constant dull ache or throbbing, deep in my muscles and joints but that's easier to hide than the sharp, stabbing or burning feelings I sometimes get. You've seen the tension headaches and muscles spasms as well this week." Loki nods slowly but says nothing and you continue, "It also affects my ability to sleep and sometimes my mood or memory but lately they have been okay."
When you finish you give Loki a practiced smile but he doesn't smile in return. He reaches out to cup your cheek but pauses and pulls his hand away. "You can do that," you tell him, wanting to feel Loki comfort you. "I have something called 'tender points' on my shoulders and a few other places. They cause me pain when people touch them, even gently but my cheek is okay."
He places his hand softly on your cheek and looks into your eyes, "I am sorry you have this horrid disorder. I had no idea this is what you have been hiding all this time. You do not deserve to live in pain this way."
"Thanks," you say with a slight shrug.
"There is no cure for this condition?" Loki asks curiously.
You shake your head, "No, but I can manage my symptoms most of the time. I take medication for the pain and to help me sleep. I also go to physical therapy after work a few days a week but that's pretty much all I can do right now."
Loki nods his head as he thinks, his fingers falling gently from your cheek. "There may be something I can do," he offers and you smile, feeling the smallest glimmer of hope.
"Really?" you ask him.
"I do not want to see you suffer," he says.
"Cause I'm your favorite person on the planet, right?" you joke, hoping to get him to smile.
It works, he smiles but his response is not what you expected, "Of course you are, darling."
"Wait, seriously?" you can't help but ask.
"I don't understand your surprise," he chuckles. "I have told you that on numerous occasions."
"Well yeah... but I always thought you were joking or just... I didn't think you meant it. I figured it was just something you said," you tell him, still trying to wrap your mind around his answer.
"There are quite a few things I have told you that you never took seriously," he says and although he is still smiling, he sounds disappointed.
Before you can say anything in response, you feel a burning sensation in your lower back that moves up your spine to your shoulders. You twist uncomfortably in the chair and gasp in pain, reaching for Loki and he moves closer to take your hand. The instant his fingers close around your hand, the pain vanishes. You look down at both of your hands which are now surrounded by the bright green glow of his seidr.
"Is this helping?" he asks and you nod slowly, almost unable to believe what is happening.
"The pain is gone," you say with a small laugh. "How did you do that?"
"My magic can be used for a great many things," he tells you, "I can prevent you from feeling pain but this method is temporary, it will only work so long as I am touching you."
"I don't think I can thank you enough for this, even if its just for a little while," you tell him with a wide smile.
"I will review my spell books to search for a more permanent solution, darling," he promises.
"Again with calling me darling?" you ask without thinking.
"I can stop," his smile fades.
"No," to shake your head and squeeze his hand gently, regretting that you mentioned it. "I like it but it's a bit..." you bite your lip, trying to think of the right word. "Romantic?"
He chuckles, "Has anyone ever told you that you are not very good at picking up on hints?"
"No?" you say and look at him confused.
Loki gets up from where he had been kneeling on the floor next to your chair, his hand still holding yours. He waves his free hand towards the chair on the other side of your desk and it transforms into a black leather couch with a couple of soft, dark green pillows.
"This may be more comfortable than your desk chair," he says, motioning towards the couch and you agree. Loki sits on one end and you sit next to him, your knees barely touching. He lets go of your hand for a moment then places his arm around your shoulder carefully. His fingers glow green, alleviating your pain through the continued contact.
You can't help but lean towards Loki, shifting closerto eliminate any space between you. "Wait, what were you saying about me and hints?" you go back to his previous comment.
He sighs, "Y/N, I like you."
"I know, you said I was your favorite-" you stop talking as your sleep deprived brain finally seems to catch up to Loki. "You like me?"
He laughs, "You do need more sleep. I thought I had been too subtle last month but even Stark and the Captain have noticed I've become fond of you."
"I thought you were just flirting with me cause that was your personality," you admit.
"Oh," his tone loses some of its playfulness. "So you had noticed?"
"Well... yeah but like I said, I didn't think you were serious about any of it," you shrug and look down at your hands in your lap. "I can't imagine why you would flirt with me and mean it."
"Why wouldn't I be interested in you?" he asks, cupping your cheek gently as he lifts you head so you are looking at him. "You are beautiful, funny, clever and you always do what you think is best for me even when I make everything difficult for you."
You giggle and blush at his complements but your smile fades. "What are you thinking about?" he asks, noticing your attitude shift.
"I like you Loki," you tell him, surprising both of you with your honesty.
"You do not look happy about it though," he says.
"I want to be," you tell him but you can't force a smile.
"But you aren't?" he asks.
"I really do like you but this isn't a good idea. You'll regret being with me," you shake your head.
"How can you say that?" he asks, taking your hand.
"I started seeing someone about a year after I was diagnosed and he couldn't handle my symptoms," you explain. "There were days were my tender points were so sensitive that I couldn't bare for him to touch me. I rarely slept through the night so he didn't like sharing a bed with me. If I was too tired to go out with him or our friends, he would get upset or end up going without me," you continue to look down as you talk and the feelings resurface. "It was hard for him to deal when I was having a flare up. One day he just... I don't know, I guess he didn't feel like being weighed down by me so he broke up with me. I haven't thought about dating anyone since."
"I really love working with you, even when you annoy me on purpose," you look up and his lip curls into a small smile. "If we date, you'll end up having to help me on my really bad days or put up with my symptoms keeping me from doing things. I don't want you to resent me for being a burden."
Loki is quite for a moment then says, "If that was how he reacted to you when you needed him, he never deserved you." You look up at Loki and his fingers move slowly up and down your arm. "Your disorder is not a burden for your partner to 'put up with'. It is only a small part of what makes you who you are and, Y/N, you are extraordinary. You are so much stronger than I had ever realized but you do not need to suffer through this alone any longer. Whether you decide you to let me take you on a date or not, I want you to know I will help you with this in any way I can."
You smile at Loki, knowing the prince means every word. You lean towards him, placing a soft kiss on his cheek. Giggling nervously, you watch the smile spread across Loki's lips.
"I am not sure if that was a yes or no to my question but-" he says but before he can finish his thought, you press your lips to his and pull away quickly. Loki's fingers move to the back of your neck in an instant and he brings your lips back to his. He chuckles when you break the kiss, running his thumb gently across your lower lip, "I will take that as a yes."
You smile, "Yes, I would love to go on a date with you."
"How about tomorrow?" he asks hopefully.
You nod then shake your head quickly, "No tomorrow is the charity gala. You have to go to that, I spent so much time putting together the press information-"
Loki kisses you, silencing your worries and when he pulls away again he smiles. "How many times must I ask you to go to the charity gala with me?" he asks.
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"How are you feeling?" Loki asks as you wait to get out of the town car.
"Honestly?" you ask, smoothing out the fabric on your long purple gown.
Loki holds your hand as you walk together towards the beginning of the long red carpet. "You look exquisite, darling," Loki whispers to you. You blush and giggle in response then reach up and kiss his cheek. Numerous cameras flash and dozens of reporters become louder, trying to get both of you to stop for questions.
"No, lie to me," he chuckles and rolls his eyes.
You shake your head and laugh but answer him truthfully, "Your magic is still working perfectly. I'm not in any pain at all. I feel amazing Loki."
You can barely believe the words coming out of your mouth. Loki had stayed up almost all of last night digging through piles of spell books until he finally found what he needed. He enchanted a small pendant with his magic and so long as you wore it, your pain was gone. Your fingers trace the small silver butterfly you wear on a thin chain around your neck and you smile at Loki.
He kisses the top of your head, "I need you to tell me if your symptoms come back. I never want you to hide this from me again."
"I will tell you," you promise just as the door opens.
"Loki! Loki! Over here!" The reporters yell over each other for Loki's attention as the cameras continue to flash brightly all around you. "Who is your date tonight? Loki!"
Half way down the red carpet, Loki pauses in front of the swarm of reporters. The prince kisses the back of your hand then let's go, placing his hand on your waist to pull you closer to him.
"This absolutely stunning woman is Y/N Y/L/N," he introduces you and you look up at him ignoring the cameras. "She is my talented, patient and brilliant press coordinator," he pauses, his eyes still on yours and says, "And she is my girlfriend."
Your heart beats faster and you giggle excitedly, you had no idea Loki was going to declare you his girlfriend in front of the press but you couldn't be happier. He leans down and kisses your lips, the camera flashes intensify. He takes your hand again and leads you away from the reporters and into the gala entrance.
"I'm going to have a thousand emails and calls about this," you laugh as you hear the press call for you and Loki to come back.
"That is a problem for Monday," he says. "This weekend you are mine."
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I hope you liked this!! Please like, share and comment if you did 💚💚 Please let me know if you want to be added to my taglist!
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
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Greetings, Loki enthusiast. Assume all writing is 18+. Individual warnings are labelled at the top of each post.
The Rite 🕯️ To secure his place in Asgard's succession, Loki must perform an ancient ceremonial rite. But it's harder to stick to the rules in the lead-up than anticipated. Much harder. The Lakes 🍁 Based out of a tiny and remote cottage, your reluctant role as the resident 'outdoors expert' is put to the test by the frustrations and temptations of your recent ex-, Loki The Brother Collection Thor and Loki being ridiculous together in a collection of silly oneshots. Hostile F*cks Collection Loki forever finds new ways to irritate and infuriate you in a selection of erotic outfits. Why is that so goddam irresistible?
Clandestine F*cks Collection A secret relationship in Avenger's Tower is not an easy task, but with the insatiable Loki as your lover...is it an impossible one?
Fluff Library A collection of pure fluff drabbles.
Metal & Leather (w/c 1.2k) Delicate (w/c 1.4k) Like A Queen (w/c 1.2k) Distractions (w/c 1.6k) No Mercy (1.8k) Teenage Dream (w/c 1.9k) Open Skies (w/c 2.2k) Supply Closet (w/c 1.7k) Be Mine (w.c 2.8k) A Quiet Storm (w/c 1.2k) Five Times (w/c 1.6k) Believe Me (w/c 1.4k) Peace (w/c 1.2k) My Girl (w/c 1.8k) Awful Things (w/c 2.8k) A Prince's Release (1.9k) A Lot of Boning (2.5k) All I Need (w/c 2.1k) An Offering (w/c 2.7k) Slower (w/c 1.9k) Third Date (w/c 2.4k) Stiff (w/c 2.4k) Husband (w/c 1.8k) Come After Dark (w/c 3.1k) The Quickie (w/c 2.1k) Heirs (w/c 1.9k) A Long Shower (w/c 2.2k) A Gentlemen's Agreement (w/c 3.2k) A Gentlemen's Bond (w/c 3.7k) A Battle of Wills (w/c 1.8k) The Prince is Dead (w/c 1.9k) Sundress Season (w/c 3.3k) The Urge (w/c 1.8k) Don't Be Shy (w/c 1.9k) Delayed Gratification (w/c 2.3k) Deeper (w/c 2.3k) Hail, Commander (w/c 1.6k) The Feast (w/c 1.7k) Size Queen (w/c 1.4k) The Legend of Long-Dong Laufeyson (4.8k)
Deep in the Forest (w/c 750) Throne (w/c 750) Make me Melt (w/c 500) Cooldown (w/c 400) Some filth (w/c 200) Ride Me (w/c 200)
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I don't take requests, but always feel free to say hello. Reblogs, comments and shameless thirst is appreciated and encouraged😊
Looking for an old favourite/collection? It will be on my PREVIOUS MASTERLIST (2022)
Other: Sexual Apocalypse Society (SAS) FAQ's
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siconetribal · 5 days
Sick Day
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Illness, feeling sick, alone, fluff, care
Request: I was hoping for a fluff/ comfort one shot fic with the reader suddenly gets sick and loki takes care of her
This was a request made by an anon, and I'm hoping I did a good job. I'm sorry it took longer to post this than I anticipated. I hope you like it!
The lovely banners used in this fic are from @cafekitsune.
You can find this story and my other works on my master post.
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Everything hurt, her body felt like lead with an intense gravitational force that kept her plastered to the mattress. A constant throbbing pain slowly pounding in her head, starting from the swollen pressure in your eyes to the rest of her cranium, which felt as if it were waterlogged. The room felt like an icebox, but her body was a furnace running at max, with fuel poured in to keep it blazing hot. The icky clammy sweat was the icing on the cake that made it clear that she was not ok, and would need to call out of work today.
Great, just what I needed on top of everything else. Y/N felt the sting of tears start. She wanted to wish them away or somehow distract herself, but she had not the energy or the drive. After a hellish week of mishaps and terrible luck, she was exhausted. And now, here she was laid up in bed in her apartment, unable to go to the one place that helped keep her hands and mind busy enough to not count the series of unfortunate luck she was having. A good cry could possibly be helpful, she deserved it. Taking a deep breath failed miserably as a series of bone rattling coughs left her more breathless than before and forced her to turn over. Her nose burned, and her sinuses were sealed off. Laying boneless on her mattress, she let out a low whimper. Added to her list of ailments was the inability to use her nose nor have a good cry. Forget icing, the icing ran the cake over with a bulldozer before catapulting it into the next galaxy.
Y/N grabbed her phone and dialed her boss. As much as it hurt to talk, she needed them to hear just how dead she was to know she was faking any of this. With the approval of her sick day, she rolled over and threw off her blanket before her hazy mind slipped back into the depths of sleep.
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“What’s the matter, Loki? That’s the tenth time you’ve looked at your phone in the last hour.” Steve raised a brow at the odd behaviors of the odd royal that came to join them. He braced himself for a snippy remark, mentally reminding himself that any reaction would only encourage the ex-villain, but nothing came. He sat back and silently watched the prince. Had he not heard him speak?” Loki, is everything ok?” Still nothing. “Loki.” he called a little louder.
“What?” The younger prince finally looked up to see who was speaking to him. Normally he would show his disdain and reluctance, but that was not important right now. There was something more pressing on his mind that even the brown nosing of the super soldier meant little to him.
“Is everything ok? You keep looking at your phone.” Steve pointed to the device that was face-up on the table. The fact that it was on the table for all to see was a shock in and of itself, since everyone knew how much he disliked the device, considering it a leash for them to keep tabs on him only. 
“Hm, yes,” he absentmindedly mumbles the answer as his gaze fell to the device. He tapped it awake once more and frowned.
“Are you waiting on something?”
“On the phone, are you waiting for some sort of communication?”
“The mission won’t be an issue. You needn’t worry so much.” Steve let out a heavy sigh and shook his head. Reaching over, he tried to grab for it, but Loki reacted faster. He snatched it off the desk and glared daggers at him, startling the New Yorker. “Can I help you?”
“Yeah, you can, by answering what I’m asking you. You’ve been hung up on it for the last hour, and you never pay that much attention to it usually. What’s going on?”
“It’s a personal matter, none of your concern.” Loki coolly responded as he pocketed the device for safety. “If you’re concerned about the upcoming mission, you needn’t worry. I’m fully capable of focusing when required. If you’ll excuse me, I've got somewhere to be.” Before Steve could even respond, he was out of his seat and vanished from sight.
The Trickster reappeared in the legal department, walking down the halls until he reached a door with a name engraved into a plaque beside the door, with the title of a lead attorney just below it. Without even knocking, he walked in to see a young woman engrossed in a document on her computer screen.
“Leave the file in the bin, I’ll look at it later. Thanks, Ricky,” she waved to the mesh desk organizer that was already filled with other manila folders.
“Meredith, have you heard from Y/N?”
“Loki?!” She napped her head, shocked to see him. “How many times have I told you not to just appear in my office?”
“I didn’t, I walked in through the door. Now, Y/N, have you heard from her?” He pressed on, taking a seat without her invitation. Normally the annoyance that brought her was pleasant to him, but his focus was elsewhere. The normal treasures of his days were dull and meaningless, painted grey at the concern that gnawed at his mind.
“Y/N, no, not particularly, why?” She frowned, pushing her glasses up to rub her eyes. “Why do you ask, did something happen?”
“She has not answered my text. Granted, she is not always readily available, but she usually replies by noon. If anyone knows anything about her, it would be you.” His matter-of-fact town earned a small twitch from the lawyer.
“Let me check my phone,” she knew better than to argue with him, and Loki smiled in appreciation. He had little time to deal with menial things. Y/N was not answering him, and that was of the utmost importance. Y/N, she was a beautiful and brilliant young woman who found a way to thaw his icy heart and show him that he too deserved kindness and love. That he was not simply a monster because of what he had done. He was flawed, and it was perfectly fine to be flawed. If anyone were to ask him, saying he loved her was far too little. It barely scratched the surface of the many ways she brightened his world and brought color back into his life. It would take ages for him to count the various facets of her that made him smile and feel anything. She was his person, a far off dream that he had long forgotten.
“Yeah, she’s not picking up, one second.” Those words struck sharp and true, giving strength to the fear of the worst.
I have been extremely careful in my meetings with her to avoid any unnecessary attention. I doubt anyone outside of Meredith even knows of our relationship, since she is how we met. What if she came across a thug? Bank robbers infest this city like the rats. There’s a high chance there was some terrible driver who paid no attention in a fit of stupidity. Hasn’t she said that there have been stalkers? Mongrels that leer at any female? Once the thoughts started, they quickly poured out like floodgates ripped open. He watched Meredith as she spoke on the phone. He could see her mouth move, but his thoughts drowned out her voice. What if Y/N is hurt, and I am simply sitting her idly waiting for a text? His right leg began to bounce, the chair softly squeaking from the speed and force. 
“OK, she’s not at work,” he leapt from his seat. “But that’s ok. She is safe.” She quickly and firmly stressed, pausing to watch the words register. “She’s home sick for the day. According to what the boss said, she sounds pretty bad but,” before anymore could be said, Loki was gone in a flash. “She’s probably just tired.” She rolled her eyes at his lack of listening to what else she had to say. “Oh, thank you, Meredith, I’m so glad I came to you for help. Nonsense, Loki, it was my pleasure. She’s my dear friend, after all. Indeed, Meredith, had it not been for you, I would’ve never met her. Oh stop, it was a coincidence!” She grumbled out the imaginary conversation with herself as she put on her glasses as she got back to work.
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A cool sensation earned a soft sigh of relief from Y/N. She had been warring with her body temperature on and off for several hours now, but she nothing seemed to work well or long enough. Whatever she had done the last time was clearly the right thing to do. What did I do again? Her sluggish brain tried to recall what she put on her forehead, but she was drawing blanks. Wait, that’s right, I didn’t put anything. She forced her heavy lids open, blinking a few times to get the function working properly. She notices the blinds were down, and her fan was oscillating on a low setting. Her comforter was off to her right, but a light blanket was over her body. 
She carefully reached up to feel a wet towel placed on her forehead and a basin with water was on her bedside. What caused concern was her desk chair. It was not beside her bed instead of across the room. Had she moved it in her feverish state of mind? She slowly sat up, her body groaning in painful protest. The world began to spin, and she squeezed her eyes shut. Breathing from her mouth, she tried to regain some stability.
“Darling, you should not be sitting up so soon. You need to keep the towel on your head.” The distant voice slowly grew louder as a pair of arms helped ease her back, but she resisted. There was only one person who called her darling, and she felt torn.
“No, I don’t wanna.” Y/N mumbled, leaning against him. “Loki, you shouldn’t be here, I’m sick.” She sniffled, one of her sinuses considering this the perfect time to drain itself. Great, I look disgusting, and he’s here to see it all! She tried to pull away, but his grip was stronger.
“Nonsense, whatever diseases you Midgardians carry has no effect on me. I am a Frost Giant, I lack the temperature necessary for such weak viruses to grow. Most importantly, you need someone, and I would be a fool to allow someone else near you in such a vulnerable state! Now, lean back against the pillows. I’ve brought some medicine from that shop a few streets down, and I’ve ordered your favorite soup. According to your precious internet, when someone is sick they must stay well hydrated, take proper medication, rest, and eat. You seemed to have been locked up in your room with no form of air circulation. So I did the best I could without opening your window and possibly worsening your pain.”
“You searched what to do online? On your phone? The ‘brick of uselessness’?” Y/N raised a brow at this sudden deluge of information. Equal parts shock and warmth pooling into her stomach, tugging a smile from her chapped lips. “You didn’t have to come here, it’s fine. I could’ve just ordered food and medicine from the app.”
“You could have, yes, I would never argue that. You are quite capable and very self-sufficient. You live in this tiny hovel and are well-fed through your dedication and hard work. There is no doubt in my mind about what you could have or would have done. I am here because you do not have to. You have me and I, for the first time in my life, want to do for someone else…for you, Y/N. I was a sick with worry when you never messaged me back, and when I learned of your falling ill, I came as quickly as I could. To see you here, so frail and alone, my heart felt as if it would twist right out of my chest. Majority of the day I wasted doing nothing while you were here, suffering alone. Please, do not turn me away. Let me help you, be of some use to you.” He lightly nudged the tissue into her hands.
“Ok,” she softly whispered. It was the only word she could think of saying. How long had it been since someone last cared so much for her? Worried about her and when out of their way to be here? And he even thought highly of her and her occupation, which everyone else probably thought nothing about. Even her own family made remarks from time to time about what a waste it was, or that she should simply marry and stay at home. It was nowhere near as grand as his, and yet he did not belittle her. Her eyes stung with tears that she blinked back and blew her nose.
“Thank you, love. Now, I am no physician, but I’ve managed to gather necessary medications for the most likely ailments you may have.” He pulled up a plastic shopping bag filled with all sorts of syrups and pills, a mix of brand name and store brand. The long receipt tumbled out as he fished through it, unfurling into a large mess beside him as he pulled out the necessary painkillers and fever reducers. An image of him standing in the aisles, seriously reading through every single item flashed through her mind and she giggled. He was about to open every single one of the boxes when her hands shot out and grabbed his.
“I don’t need to take all of those, that’d be a different issue of overmedicating. I’ll take some cough syrup and maybe one of the painkillers when I eat. Better to have something in case my stomach is a bit sensitive.” She explained, grabbing the brand she normally used.
“Is that so? No one said anything about that when I was looking online. If such a thing is possible, they should be more mindful and make it clear that everything can be dangerous to your kind.” Loki frowned, eyeing the bag suspiciously as she took it.
“Everyone knows it, so it’s not something normally.” Y/N lightly shook her head, wincing at the taste and pain from swallowing. “I just hope this fever breaks soon.” She leaned back into the pillows.
“Yes, they said a cold towel to the head would be useful, but perhaps I can offer something better?” She let her head roll to the side to look at him. There was a glimmer in his blue eyes, a glimmer that normally screamed danger, and he should be stopped at all costs. 
What could he possibly suggest that would be dangerous? I’m sick in bed anyway, not like I can physically stop him. “And your idea is?” She hesitantly asked, unsure if it was wise to given even this small inch of an opening. He remained silent, eyeing her for a moment before standing up from his seat. To her surprise, he untucked his shirt and undid the top two buttons before climbing onto the bed with her and wrapping her up in his arms. Alarm bells blared in her mind, screaming danger and telling her to run, but she was a deer caught in the trap with no way or nowhere to run.
“This, I will be your personal cooler until you feel better. It’s certainly far more efficient than a silly little towel, and I get to hold you. It is what you call a win-win. Ah, ah, before you protest, I do not get effected by the pathetic weak viruses of your race. Now, be a good girl and let me take care of you.” He pressed his lips to her temple.
The danger is him and to my heart! I’m going to be even more overheated than before! She quickly hid her red face from his sight. Perhaps my luck isn’t so bad after all. She snuck a peek at him to see his eyebrows furrowed together as he intently read the cough syrup information. I get to spend time with him. She smiled to herself as she rested her weight against his cooler body. “Best sick day ever.”
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Tags: @queenofstarsign85 @vbecker10
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bookcub · 2 months
Chappell Roan Book Rec
like many other, I am currently obsessed with The Rise and Fall of a Midwest Princess so here are a few book recs based on the songs!!
(you can message me for questions about content warnings!)
A Guest in the House by E. M. Carroll (horror graphic novel)
What happens when you marry a mediocre liar and there's a ghost you are definitely attracted to in the house (that might be his dead wife)?
Relevant lyric: Stuck in the suburbs, you're folding his laundry/Got what you wanted so stop feeling sorry
Bonus Rec: Romancing the Inventor by Gail Carriger (adult steampunk romance)
Red Wine Supernova
Satisfaction Guaranteed by Karelia Stenz-Waters (adult romance)
Imagine inheriting a sex toy shop with a enchanting stranger who you feel incredibly connected to. . .
Relevant lyric: I heard you like magic/I got a wand and a rabbit
Bonus Rec: Sunstone by Stjepan Šejić (adult romance graphic novel)
After Midnight
Ash by Malinda Lo (YA fantasy)
I had to choose a queer Cinderella for this one, especially one whose mother warns her away from the forest at night.
Relevant lyric: This is what I wanted, this is what I like/I've been a good, good girl for a long time now
Bonus Rec: A Restless Truth by Freya Marske (adult historical fantasy, sequel)
The Witch's Heart by Genevieve Gornichec (adult fantasy)
When your ex is the trickster god Loki and you have prophetic futures, you know you can never just have coffee.
Relevant lyric: Here come the excuses that fuel the illusions/But I'd rather feel something than nothing at all,
Bonus Rec: Seven Days in June by Tia Williams (adult contemporary)
The Last Tale of the Flower Bride by Roshani Chokshi (adult gothic)
Remember that toxic homoerotic best friend you had a child? Who believed in magic and was also the most manipulative person you've ever met? It never was a casual relationship, was it?
Relevant lyric: Hate that I let this drag on so long, you can go to hell
Bonus Rec: Ben and Beatriz by Katalina Gamarra (adult romance)
Super Graphic Ultra Modern Girl
A Spindle Splintered/A Mirror Mended by Alix E. Harrow (adult fantasy)
Entering the fairy tale multiverse always leads to the strangest (and funnest) relationships (platonic and romantic) of your life.
Relevant lyrics: We're leaving the planet and you can't come
Bonus Rec: Cash Degado is Living the Dream by Tehlor Kay Mejia (adult contemporary)
The Princess and the Grilled Cheese Sandwich by Deya Muniz (graphic novel)
What if I dressed up as a count to inherit my father's fortune and you were a princess and we both liked grilled cheese???
Relevant lyric: I could be the one, or your new addiction/ It's all in my head but I want non-fiction
Bonus Rec: Act Your Age, Eve Brown by Talia Hibbert
My Kink is Karma
Mrs. Martin's Incomparable Adventure by Courtney Milan (adult historical romance)
She said, let's destroy my terrible nephew's life, and how could you say no to such a romantic proposal?
Relevant lyric: Wishing you the best, in the worst way
Bonus Rec: Girl Serpent Thorn by Melissa Bashardoust (YA fantasy)
Picture You
A Lady for a Duke by Alexis Hall (adult historical romance)
Oops, I faked my death and reinvented myself and you were way more distraught than I thought you would be. . .
Relevant lyric: Do you picture me like I picture you?/Am I in the frame from your point of view?
The Scapegracers by H. A. Clarke (YA urban fantasy)
What if we formed a coven and what if we were all a little in love with each other?
Relevant lyric: And love is a kaleidoscope/How it works we'll never know
Bonus Rec: The Girls I've Been by Tess Sharpe (YA thriller)
Pink Pony Club
The Prince and the Dressmaker by Jen Wang (graphic novel)
He was a drag queen, she was a seamstress, can I make it anymore obvious?
Relevant Lyric: And I heard that there's a special place/Where boys and girls can all be queens every single day
Bonus Rec: Last Night at the Telegraph Club by Malinda Lo (YA historical)
Naked in Manhattan
Astrid Parker Doesn't Fail by Ashley Herring Blake (adult romance)
Isn't it romantic, designing a house with someone with your entirely opposite tastes?
Relevant lyric: Boys suck and girls I've never tried
Bonus Rec: Girls Made of Snow and Glass by Melissa Bashardoust (YA fantasy)
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers (adult contemporary)
If a PhD can't save you, maybe a drunken marriage in Vegas can?
Relevant lyric: Cause I was never told that I wasn't gonna get/The things I want the most
Guilty Pleasure
Something to Talk About by Meryl Wilsner (adult romance)
Fake dating your boss? 0/10 recommended. . . right?
Relevant lyric: I want this like a cigarette/Can we drag it out and never quit?
Bonus Rec: That Time I Got Drunk and Saved a Demon by Kimberly Lemming (adult fantasy romance)
Good Luck, Babe
Sorry, Bro by Taleen Voskuni (adult contemporary)
Relevant lyric: You'd have to stop the world just to stop the feeling
Ophelia After All by Racquel Marie (YA contemporary)
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mischiefmaker615 · 10 days
If You Love Me
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Summary/Inspired by: "If you love me (really love me)" By Brenda Lee
Note: "It doesn’t matter if the world is going to shit, I have you. That’s all that matters. The best part, eternity is forever." (My summary of the song LOL)
~This one was kinda difficult cause the song has already cameoed in the Loki Series Lol 
Requester: @eleniblue
Rating: R (dark) 
You couldn’t remember the last time your body had truly relaxed on it’s own. Or when home felt like home. Or when you were able to feed yourself. Sleep by yourself.. or that you were able to see anything else beyond your bedroom.
But why?
You were the only one who knew, that’s why. As the people mourned and dedicated the fallen second prince of Asgard, you stayed upon the balcony with the truth screaming in your mind that he was right there amongst them.
Loki wasn’t dead.. not really.. perhaps dead to you, this wasn’t the god you had fallen in love with long ago.. he was kind, a gentleman, he lied- yes, but to keep a cruel joke running for this long? ..this wasn’t your Loki..
The announcement had spread that Thor was to set out to repair the nine realms while the news came back that amongst his last heroic mission, Loki had been killed. All father didn’t seem to be as.. broken as you were, to have lost your lover. Perhaps its because he’s seen death so many times, but to not crumble when your son is to never return home? He was heartless.. or so you thought.
Wasted tears.
It wasn’t until a few weeks later, you had found yourself locked in your chambers with the rumors that you were plotting against the king. Lies! Word was to be believed that no one was in here, that the door was to remain a memory chamber and will be honored by no one entering.
Except one.
You were furious- furious to find out Loki had lied all this time about being dead, by impersonating Odin, by keeping all this from you of all people. On top of that, people believed you were in Asgard’s dungeons this whole time for treason! Loki tried to be accommodating, being the one to show up with food under the illusion of a chamber maid claiming she was ordered by the king to check on the ‘Memorial Chamber’ daily. He had you stay busy by tending to your own room, taking on the duty of a maid to yourself.
You had throw yourself at him, tried to hurt him, beg him, talk with him, but it all ended the same. He was more powerful than you, and shooed you off as no more than a fly while you tried to reason with him instead. One time, he had left you bound until you could control yourself to his liking.
No one could hear. No one could see him enter, even in his disguise. No questions if there are no sightings. No sign of Thor returning anytime soon, or at least that is what you could hear by your constantly straining over the balcony. You had almost fallen that day until Loki had the idea to keep your ankle literally shackled so that you had room to roam anywhere until you are stopped just near the edge.
You beat a fist against the railing in frustration, hating how your life has turned out, how the one you loved has obsessively locked you away for nothing but to hear him vent and fuck. In another life perhaps, you would be happy with that. Making love and sharing your hearts to each other. Yet a whole different perspective opens up when you find yourself limited with the feeling of choice being ripped away.
The sound of a door opening came from behind you but you didn’t bother to turn around. You knew who it was. The gentle breeze brushed threw your hair and dress as you looked down below the city, your eyes hardly focusing when your.. ex lover’s scent filled your nostrils in an intoxicating way. You hated him for still being attractive to your senses, but a monster to your eyes.
‘’what do you want?” you said coldly.
The feeling of two slender hands came around your hips, wrapping around your waist before they pulled you half a step back to rest against something solid behind you. With Loki, everything was solid.
‘’I’ve come to see how you are fairing, as I always do.’’ Loki said gently, pressing his nose into your hair with an inhale and you immediately felt his body relax. He needed this.
‘’and every time is the same answer.’’ You say coldly and Loki paused, stiffening a little as his tone gave you a warning.
‘’darling.. we’ve talking about th-‘’
‘’fuck. Off.’’ You snapped, jerking your body out of his grip to turn and face him. your icy stare did nothing to make him sigh, straightening to his full height as he put on the mask of a ruler, not of a lover.
‘’your Midgardian tongue still takes over you, I would hope after all these years of Asgard you would begin to forget it’s foul language.’’
‘’my whole life spent on Asgard will not erase the memories in which I came.’’ You snapped, your body tense as you stood in a defense position. Not that it would do you any good, the shackle limited your space and he was still much more powerful as he looked down his nose at you.
‘’I can fix that.’’ He threatened, the promise to wipe your mind with magic meant to scare you as you took a small step back. He merely laughed, showing he was merely jesting but you didn’t take his cruel jokes well as you looked away from him.
‘’..what do you want.. really..’’
Loki seemed to relax then, as if things just got back on track regardless of your demeanor now and felt him scoop your hands into his with a grip that didn’t show him letting go anytime soon. With his silence, you glanced in his eyes to find he was thinking, his gaze cast to the floor while his thumbs rubbed against your skin.
‘’..I’ve come to seek consultation.’’
You raised a brow, more out of the audacity than curiosity while he raised his eyes to look at you. ‘’..about what?”
‘’how Asgard fairs.’’
You almost laugh as you shook your head. ‘’how am I suppose to-‘’
‘’you are limited darling, but you are not stupid.’’ He told you carefully and motioned with the tilt of his chin towards the balcony. ‘’your sight is as good as the Ravens and can tell by just a simple view how our realm fairs. What does it need?”
Your eyes followed his gaze over your shoulder, looking over the realm although it could not see you from the height. You’ve watched every day, and you’ve been reminded how much different it was when Odin was around.. he still refuses to tell you where he is but you deny the idea of him being dead. You knew the answer would give you a negative result, but he wished for truth, from you out of all, which just shows he has lost all whom he cares about, leaving you the last.
‘’it needs.. a ruler.’’
You felt his fingers twitch around your hands, his expression hard but difficult to read as you straightened yourself before him. unafraid.
‘’..the nine realms lay in ruin, you need to spend more energy out there equally that you do in here.. the people need to be heard and noticed, not just wait for them to come into the palace with their requests. The defenses need to be equally spread out, in all entrances and not just one, that buffoon you had chosen to guard the Bifrost. To. Name. a. few.’’ Your words flowed out of your mouth as if you had practiced day and night for the question to be asked. You knew Loki, perhaps not as much as this one, but you knew deep down he cared for this realm, this home, and that at the end of the day, your words will follow him throughout his tantrums. Even now as his grip tightened every so slightly with his body stiffening.
‘’I am a great kin-‘’
‘’but a crappy leader.’’ Another Midgardian term. One in which had you spinning around so you were pressing up against his chest while his hand moved around you to hold you in place by your waist while his other hand gripped your jaw, forcing you to look beyond the balcony.
‘’the sun shines my dear, the people are free to do as they please until the next order is carried out. they weep and attend the memories of my death, they miss me! They finally care.. of course it had to take me gone for them to realize, but upon watching through another’s eyes can be settled as the next best thing. Thor is gone and war does not threaten us.’’ His grip on your jaw tightened, your hands gripping his wrists with a desperate attempt to pry him off but he merely acts like he doesn’t notice. ‘’how, pray tell, am I a crappy leader?”
Your body tensed, but it was far from shaking as you stilled yourself. He never hurt you, he never will. It would seem he just enjoyed driving you crazy as you calmed your mind and shook your head. ‘’war is not hear yet but it will come if you are not ready and stop busying yourself with the pleasure aspects of ruling. They people follow the laws, yes, but sink to their knees only under the tip of a blade-‘’
‘’you believe this world is going to ruin Y/N? let it. I have everything I need, and it’s currently in my grip right now.’’ He hissed, his arm around you waist pulling you tighter against him while your ass feels his bulge press through his pants. Bastard was getting off on this?
‘’I love you, I have you, and will gladly let it happen if it means you are still at my side in the end..’’
‘’but with no choice.’’ You scoff, glancing down at the shackle that held around your ankle.
‘’choice is merely gifted to us by a mistake in the system Y/N.’’ Loki waved his hand. ‘’at the end of the day, war is inevitable. We are powerful, yes, but eventually we will lose, whether we are still alive to see it or not, everyone takes their turn. I have excepted that and will enjoy my turn of winning while I still have it.’’
‘’so.. you just give up on Asgard?” you gawked, wiggling in his grip when it began to feel uncomfortable while his head tilted down and his lips began to press gently at the skin between your shoulder and neck.
‘’Asgard is at peace, and always will be when I am on the throne.’’ He said with calm confidence. ‘’but upon my death some day, it will not matter what this place is, I will not be around to care. Which is why I am prioritizing now what I care about.’’
‘’and.. this is how you treat people you care about?’’ you ask with slight sarcasm in your whisper, reminding him how you’ve been locked away, shackled, your life a lie to other people who think you have betrayed your realm.
You felt him chuckle against you, nuzzling in your hair now as his body relaxed and a hand moving up your body to rest against your clothed breast, squeezing now and again while you squeezed your eyes shut at your body beginning to betray you between your legs.
‘’If the sun should tumble from the skies, if the oceans were to dry up, if the realm was to fall into absolute chaos.. I’d let it happen.. if it means I will still have you..’’ he breathed before letting his other hand from your waist fall and you left his fingers curl a bit, realizing he was pulling the fabric of your dress up.
‘’y-you cant just let others burn for one person-‘’ you whisper, your eyes widening as you begin to feel your body freeze by his words. He loved Asgard.. he’d give it up, turn his back for you?
‘’that is the beautiful tale of a villain darling, in which I’m sure you see myself as..’’
‘’a hero, will sacrifice the one he loves to save the world..’�� he whisper, the dress being raised enough for him to move his hand under and his fingers found your center instantly through your panties, making you flinch with a useless hand pulling at his wrist. ‘’but a villain, will sacrifice the world for the one he loves..’’
‘’s-so.. you want to be a villain?” you whisper, your body beginning to shake as he began to stroke you through your panties. His hand was skilled, and you got small hints that his magic helped along as well when you began to already feel the pressure build up.
‘’ I'll do anything you ask. I will bring you a star if you so much breath it darling.. If it seems that everything is lost, I know one thing will not..’’
Your body began to shake, his grip on you making it impossible to pull away as he moved his hand so it can dip inside your dress to properly begin to knead at your globes. You stilled your body as much as you could while your mind began to grow fuzzy and hard to think until it had no choice but to have your head fall back on his shoulder.
Every time.. he always seemed to win like this in the end..
‘’let me go then.. if you love me..’’
‘’I cannot preform something I’m incapable of doing darling.. it would mean losing you..’’
‘’but if you love me.. really love me..’’
‘’I do love you darling.. so very.. very much..’’ with each word, he seemed to emphasize with the stroke of his fingers, small tight circles where your clit was as your back began to arch. How the hell was he so good at this even through your clothes??
‘’because I know your body darling..’’ he smirked and you tried to glare.
‘’you told me you wouldn’t read it anymore..’’ you warned him, breathy as your hand gripped his wrist, not sure if your body wanted to pull him away or to keep it there.
‘’but you have such a beautiful mind darling, so many thoughts and ideas.. even the naughty ones..’’ he smirked, going faster as your eyes fluttered.
‘’perhaps in the past.. before all-‘’
‘’even now darling. I know you hate me, but you love me for it as well..’’ he smirked, nipping at your earlobe as he could tell you were getting close. ‘’even at last our life on this realm is through.. you and I will share eternity.. forever..’’ he breathed, grinding his bulge against your rear while your thighs began to shake and press around his hand.
‘’I h-hate you-‘’
‘’you hate what I’ve done, but never me..’’ he smirked, licking at your soft spot by your ear before he smirked against your neck. ‘’cum..’’
A gasp left your lips while your body snapped, your orgasm rushing over as you shook and clenched around nothing while his fingers still stroked against your cunt. You hunched forward, almost losing balance if his arm didn’t wrap around you and turn you around, making you fall against his chest with his lips capturing yours.
You moaned against his lips, eyes closed while you relished in the loving and passionate act while his finger tangled themselves in your hair with his arm holding you steady around your waist. You didn’t realize once your high was over that he had backed you both into the bedroom again and once he broke the kiss, he gently pushed you back so you could fall onto the mattress with a light bounce.
‘’I’d love to stay and ravish you properly darling but I will be missing a very important play set to be put on this afternoon.’’ He suddenly said while you caught your breath and looking up at him with wide eyes.
‘’I will return love, do resist touching yourself until I have a chance to do it’’ he smirked and straightened his clothes out, a business like attitude washing over him as if he were talking to a client while he strode over to the door. ‘’I’m sure you will appreciate an afternoon of not being tied to the headboard again.’’
‘’f-fuck y-‘’
‘’language darling, we’ll just have to work on that matter over dinner.’’ He tsked before a familiar flash came to his eyes, making you blink and look away before in the corner of your eye you saw his new form leave you behind with the shut of the door.
DM a song for your own Loki Musical Mischief One Shot :D
Tag List: @foxherder @asgards-princess-of-mischief @fire-in-her-veinz
Note: Lets not forget THIS while we're on the subject XD
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elixirfromthestars · 17 days
WIP Game 🖋️✨
Rules: Make a new post with the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Let people send you an ask with the title that most intrigues them, and then post a little snippet or tell them something about it! Then tag as many people as you have WIPS.
I was tagged by the lovely and talented @nickfowlerrr 🥹🩵 thank you 🫶🏼✨
I have absolutely way too many. So have fun reading through a lot of them🤭💗 and bear with me as a few are untitled &/or the title is not finalized 🗒️💞
Boulevard Confessions (40sBucky)
A Carriage of Convenience (Duke!Bucky)
No Rest for the Wicked (Vigilante!Bucky)
Haunted (Vampire Hunter!Bucky)
Love at a Distance (Artist!Bucky)
What the Heart Wants (Matt)
Royal Duty (Prince!Steve)
A Touch of Your Love (Loki)
Protection (Loki)
Kiss It All Better (Peter)
Really Love to Hate Me (Peter)
Attention (Bucky)
For Worse or For Better (College Bucky)
Faking It (Office Bucky)
Break Me Like a Promise (Ex! Bucky)
Falling For You (Surfer!Bucky)
Axels of the Heart (Lumberjack!Bucky)
Cat Got Your Tongue? (TFATWS!Bucky)
It’s Always Been You (Soulmate Bucky)
Untitled (Prince!Bucky)
Untitled (Biker!Bucky)
The One Where We’re Friends (Mechanic!Bucky)
As you can see there’s so many Bucky ones 👀❤️
no pressure tags: @humanwip @mrsbuckybarnes1917 @peteyprecious616 @malum-forev @marvelstoriesepic @whatever-lmaoo
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chaoticfics · 1 year
masterpost of fics
Harry Styles:
SNL (Harry Styles X Famous!Reader)
Citrine (Witch!harry)
Sweet as Honey (boxer!harry)
parts: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18.
Heal (wolf!harry)
7 missed calls (car accident)
historical au (farmhand)
witch harry and yn
baseball harry
harry erectile disfunction
secret pregnancy trope
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
stepdad!harry not being legal guarding of r kid
single mom r
single mom r
teen dad
Spencer Reid
period stain
police officers check out pregnant yn
gf answers door to bau when they were having sex
sr and r kids get kidnapped when they were secret
sr and r kids set them up
sr and r exs, they have a kid
r is witness, dating sr
secret pregnancy/child
one bed trope
lure unsub out by kissing
regulus black
r and reg live with serious during war
muggle born r and having to lie to reg parents
evans!r. lily finds you and reg dating
steve harrington
mike grossed out by pda
sh going crazy for boobs
r loves his uniform
omega steve
wallet photo
after birth, steve scared sex
miguel o’hara
secret pregnancy trope
childhood bestfriends (headcanon)
non-spidey, insecure
misses you
misses you (ceo)
male spiders give back rubs
clingy mig
youre cheated on, m comforts
ppl try to guess whats between you
m breaking bed
shy/inexperienced m
secret preg trope
fake relationship
m back scratches
anatomy lesson
Cedric Diggory
cd and r's kid tells their story
smut after practice
Jack Hughs
secret prg trope
single!mom: one, two, three
want baby
walked during sex
daughter comforts after loss
max thunderman
pheobe catches you two
fake marriage
failed flying
wife kidnapped by riddler
s and r are secretly dating
s and r are engaged
secret pregnancy
oikawa x r
loki x daughter!r
georgie cooper x r
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merlot-and-chardonnay · 4 months
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hand-painted-5tars · 4 months
WIP: list of P5 AUs
Crown the Pawn: Your ol classic Roleswap Shuake AU but Akechi remembers. goro has to use loki via bluetooth on joker to trigger call of chaos, make him go pyschotic so it maybe unlocks his memory back so they can do shit right. joker isnt very happy with the role he has to play.
Heart of Depth / The Mightiest of Seas (Pirates AU): Ren was a captain at some point and Goro was a pawn for shidos fleet. (its complicated)
Superconduct (Pacific RIM AU): Ren an ex-pilot works on makeshifts jeagers with futaba. Akechi practices solo piloting patrolling and ravaging illegal and unregistered units made outside the corps in the outer suburban areas. The smugglers call him the Black Mask.Akechi finds them scavanging metal components in a discarded unregistered Jaeger(Arsene) in the outer urban areas and he tears Arsene apart. Ren was a perfect Pilot, the best scores, but after something. he starts failing every test. Upon his brief imprisonment and his return his compatibility tests keep failing, he leaves one of the PTs on a comma
Noragami AU: Lowly God Akira, Akechi is Shidos Shinki. working with Nao
Side Hustle (Hades AU): Zag-Akechi, Demigod Prince of thieves Joker.with Nao
Passerine/? (HadesxPJO AU:) child of zeus (unclaimed) akechi praetor, amnesiac hermes child joker, goros very mad about this. with Nao
Arcane AU: Firelight leader (here called the phantoms), Joker, and Enforcer Akechi.
Hunger Games AU: pawn of the revolution joker. games victor goro works both as celebrity and agent for in the games. after winning Joker realizes he is being used by the revolution so he makes his own group to cause mayhem, and Goro double crosses everyone
Arcana Shuffle AU: NG+ only adults remember, joker isnt fated anymore but like remants of weird power and fate clung to him so instead of waking arsene he wakes the fucking reaper, goro's mother is alive, he has a real life and friends and so makoto is the trickster and haru is the other side of the coin. akechis role here starts when jokers unstable state threatens to break the timeline preventing the main events from happening. Goro awakens Robin and arsene.
HermitFaith AU: NG+ where Akechi and Ren remember, but they awaken memories as soon as the game starts, in the arcana swapped roles of Hermit for Akechi and Faith for Ren. They have to navigate the timeline supervising for the main events to ocur and reach the end of the timeline. Goro has a Palace that happens to look like the Engine room, lol
The Forge (Fantasy AU): Altoi crown prophecy, the cursed throne prince akechi decides he wont be doing and fated prophecy prince duty so he becomes a mage in the Norden lands. Joker is a blacksmith apprentice who is actually a pretty good mage himself, hes from Yongen the Fortress, mining town that legally belongs to Altair. Shido is waging war refusing to doom the kingdom because akechi doesnt want to die for the prophecy lol.(im using an old worldbuilding i really love but i never actually put to action). joker is some sort of ex mage from the velvet ring but his soul-bond died and to everyone in the ring you are supposed to have died with your soul-bond. so he isnt well seen in the Velvet Ring anymore. Lavenza Adopts him as blacksmith for custom catalysts. but like mages are pretencious , and full of shit and joker dislikes them
Steampunk/dieselpunk AU (Berserker cyborg Joker AU):
Lesbian SHUAKE aus:
Hockey Lesbians AU: they are angry lesbians playing hockey, originally by ned and swervey
The Night the world ended we- (Post-Apocaliptic AU): Mementos collapsed and they are left to beat yadly on a fistfight.
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xserpx · 11 months
Inspired by @zarovichs 's post, I decided to make one for (most of) the POV characters from the standalone trilogy: Best Served Cold, The Heroes, and Red Country.
Say one thing for Joe Abercrombie: say he writes fuckable characters.
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wheredafandomat · 1 year
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Multi chapter fics
Safeword ✔️
Avenger! Loki x female reader - contains smut
Fear & Desire 2|3 ✔️
Avenger! Loki x Avenger! F!reader x Bucky - contains smut
One of Stark’s infamous parties ✔️
Avenger! Loki x female reader - contains smut
Hot & Cold ✔️
Avenger! Loki x Avenger! F!reader - contains smut
Tender is the night ✔️
Avenger! Loki x female reader - contains smut
Avenger! Loki x Avenger! F!reader - contains smut
Knight in Asgardian leather ✔️
Avenger! Loki x Avenger! F!reader - eventual smut
The Devils Angels
Rockstar! Loki x female reader - contains smut
Bloodlust ✔️
Vampire! Loki x female reader - contains smut
Match ✔️
Avenger! Loki x Avenger! F!reader - mentions of smut
Friends with benefits ✔️
College au! Loki x female reader x Thor - contains smut
Post mission ✔️
Avenger! Loki x Avenger! F!reader - contains smut
The country club ✔️
Loki x female reader - contains smut
Dr. Laufeyson ✔️
Therapist! Loki x female reader - contains smut
Two slow dancers ✔️
Avenger! Loki x Avenger! F!reader
You’re the boss ✔️
Loki x female reader - contains smut
Mob Loki ✔️
Loki x female reader - contains smut
Someone great ✔️
Loki x Divorced! Female reader - contains smut
For better or for worse ✔️
Ex! Loki x female reader - contains smut
Loki x female reader & Bucky x female reader - contains smut
Hired gun ✔️
Bodyguard! Loki x F! Stark! Reader - contains smut
The Royal Ruse
Prince! Loki x F! Asgardian reader - eventual smut
Shrink ✔️
Avenger! Loki x F!therapist reader - contains smut
Thatfreakycouple ✔️
Avenger! Loki x F!Avenger reader - Onlyfans AU
Fiendish pleasures ✔️
Prince! Loki x female reader - Ao3
Collection of dark Halloween fics written with @simplyholl
In my solitude
Thor x reader x Loki - eventual smut
Club Paradise
Avengers x reader - contains smut
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Wedding List for Bildaddy's and MrAZFellco's Wedding
First Draft Faithfully recorded by @loretta-dont-you-oppress-me
Wedding Planning Team @amagnificentobsession @docdust @loretta-dont-you-oppress-me @bil-daddy & @mrazfellco
First Prophet and Officiant @ineffablemossy
Flower Girls @adam-n-dog @ar1mas @jobsblamelessgoats
Ring Bearer @theinsanelycoolconnormurphey
@sayeverythingwillbefineplease (cookies) @70snasagay (lots of food, allergy friendly) @sparkly-s0da (phở - viet rice noodle soup) @violet-yimlat (most gorgeous wedding cake) @bil-daddy (ox ribs (platonic)) Brian (larks' tongues, otters' noses, ocelot spleens, wrens' livers, badgers' spleens) + Judith Iscariot (tbc)
Dove Releaser @one-coming-is-enough
Crow Releaser @lady-without-name
Wedding Car @imthebentley
Children's tamers @sitisonmyface @heartofawitch939
Sword training for the kids (human) @ennonymous-twink @mrazfellco (if available)
Music @magicaltrevah (harpsichord, cotillion ball backing tracks)
Tom Cardy
Monty Python minstrel group including the Pied Piper
David Tennant singing under the shower
Furfur (@crrrowley)
Wedding Gardener and florist A certain Anthony J. Crowley (tbc)
Security @bagelofchaos (Security Director, trained in jiu jitsu) @greatsouthernpansy (Assistant Security Director) @helphowdoiusethis (Assistant to the Assistant Security Director, will get drunk and dance on the table) @raven-hellish-imp @b1mbap-b3b0p @snedbee @professional-termite (destroyed @pret-a-metatron the Metatron's café) @janeway-lover @iceeericeee @sparrowsortadrawzzz @sparkly-s0da
Rammy (where is he?)
Bart Curlish? (maybe too unhinged)
Loki? (trustworthy?)
Aro Volturi? (trustworthy?)
Lucian (Lycan)
Wedding Guests (in alphabetical order)
@70snasagay @amagnificentobsession +1 Lucian (vampyre) @actual-changeling @archangelcrowliel @archangelscorner @ar1mas @aziraphalalala @bagelofchaos @brinnybee @celticseawych @carbonarok @crazypigeonenjoyer @ex-supreme-archangel-gabriel @fellshish @former-prince-of-hell @god-in-the-basement @historian-crown @i-dream-of-sheeny (body or +1 of @docdust) @ineffablegays13 @ineffable-suffering @justmori @morningbloodystar plus family @raggedy-spaceman @rainbowpopeworld @sassasafreeaction @seraphblood @snedbee @sweetlittledisasterpink @theangelyouknew @the-almighty-lucifer @trainwreck-transgender-3dysporia @trenchcoat-of-bees @velvetvulgarities @weasleywrinkles
Guests of Honor
Freddie Mercury
Betty White
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11queensupreme11 · 9 months
Poseidon's interest? Percy's trust? (Fated to be fucking broken) Beel's tsundere ways? Loki's suddenly being there, like a creep?
Queen, I'm so happy, please never stop writing, you're feeding us
Not only that, but Percy sleeping on the arms (and tits) of Poseidon's perfect body??? But dreaming about An-i forgot his name again- chase?????
That's just like the perfect karma for him, one ex one night stand just cried cause she was so happy
Percy: but what if someone looks at me? 🥺
Poseidon: understandable, have some clothes 😐🔱
Queen, and everyone being so nice to her? She's literally their princes, never take her from them, they love her 😔
Percy just being like: I'm ignoring my sadness about not going home cause I HAVE A TAIL 🥺
Happy new year queen, wishing you all A's and blowjobs ❤️❤️❤️❤️
(beel is literally my favorite character and was also supposed to be the original ONLY love interest for this book so I actually have a lot of stuff planned for him 🥰🥰)
also, this wont be the last you read of poseidon and percy sleeping/cuddling together!!! it'll become a reoccurring thing for them tbh 😅
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michelleleewise · 2 years
Tale as Old as Time
Pairing: Jotun Loki x plus-size reader
Warnings: bribery, mentions of mental institution, mentions of alcohol. I think that's it.......if I missed anything I'm sorry.....fluff with a sliiight touch of angst......
Summary: Loki gives you a gift while Thor plots his revenge....
Part five--Part six-
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You wandered down the hall, heading for the front doors with James beside you. You hadn't seen Loki in a couple of days but you figured he was resting and were assured he was OK, so you decided to get some fresh air and go for a walk. Slipping your cloak on you made your way outside. "So, tell me James, what was he like?" You asked looking at the candelabra. "The master?...he was charming, dashing, eveyone loved him." James said smiling. "So...he was lonely." You said nodding. "He never said such but....yes, I believe he was. His father was a cruel man, and after he lost his mother..." He trailed off looking down.
You continued to walk the grounds when you came upon a stone arch covered in roses. Reaching out you touched one with your fingertips "how are they still alive?" You asked brushing snow off them "everything here is enchanted, they never die." James said. You heard something behind you, turning to see Loki walking out to you. His blue skin seemed to shine brighter against the snow, his long dark hair swayed in the wind. You couldn't help smile seeing him wearing a dark green tunic that hugged his frame, a black leather overcoat layered on top, the bottom hitting his thighs. Tight black leather pants hugged his legs under his knee high leather boots. You felt your face heat up when he lifted his head, his eyes meeting yours.
"Good morning y/n." He said nodding "good morning Prince." You said smiling "just Loki dear." He smiled "I see you found the entrance to the gardens." He said, reaching up grazing a rose with his finger. "Oh..yes I...well I didn't mean to intrude, I just..." you rambled when he put his hand up "it is quite alright, they were my mothers gardens, I came here often to think." He said pulling a rose from the vine. "I haven't been in quite some time, maybe I could show them to you sometime." He said gently placing the rose behind your ear, brushing your cheek with his hand making you shiver. "But first, there is something I wish to give you" he smiled "Come, let me show you." He said holding his arm out. You wrapped your arm around his as he guided you back to the house.
You hung up your cloak, following Loki through the endless maze of hallways until he led you to two large golden doors. "Are you ready y/n?" He asked smiling "y..yes." you smiled back as he opened both doors, holding his arm out for you to go in. You were speechless as you took in the enormity of the room. "This was the royal library, housing every bit of knowledge we could get our hands on." He said walking next to you. You craned your head up looking at him "have you read all of these?" You asked wide eyed, seeing the floor to ceiling bookshelves "umm no, hehe I have read many of them though." He said smiling. "This is beautiful Loki." You said looking around "so you like it?" He asked watching you "oh yes, I love it!" You said, flinching hearing your voice echo. "Well then it is yours y/n." He smiled.
"Oh...I couldn't...it's...." you started when he grabbed your hand "you are a very intelligent woman y/n, your hunger for knowledge must be sated." He said looking at your hand. "Thank you Loki, this means more then you know." You said squeezing his hand. "We are so much more then the roles placed on us." He said, his eyes meeting yours. "I think we all choose our own path, regardless of what we are supposed to do." You said gazing into his eyes. You stood there a minute, lost in his gaze when he cleared his throat "yes, well I will leave you to it." He said dropping your hand walking towards the door. "O..h ok, thank you again..Loki." You said. He turned around giving you a small smile nodding as he turned and left, leaving you alone to explore the massive library.
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When did he say he would be here?" Thor asked looking around. "He should be here anytime." Scott said setting the drinks down "are you sure you want to do this?" He asked sitting down. "Well yes, it's very simple you see, we have Hank put away, y/n comes to me distraught and I comfort her." Thor said sipping his drink "and I promise her to get him out if she agrees to marry me." He said smiling. "And if she doesn't agree?" Scott asked eyeing him "oh...you doubt me?" Thor asked taking another drink when Scott saw the man walk in. "Hey, he's here." He told Thor pointing to the door.
"Thor.." the man said walking up to the table "Stephen." He said standing up holding his hand out "that's Doctor Strange to you." He said shaking Thor's hand "sorry...doctor." Thor said as the men sat down. "So, why did you call me here?" Stephen asked waving at the server "I have a...situation I need your help with." Thor said leaning back "I need you to commit Hank." He said smiling "why..he may be eccentric but he's harmless." Stephen said ordering a drink. "He is a menace, for everyone's safety he needs to be in an institution." Thor said seeing Stephen eye him. "And this wouldn't happen to have anything to do with a certain...woman?" Stephan asked crossing his arms.
Thor reached to his belt grabbing a leather pouch tossing it on the table "I think that should answer your question." He said leaning forward. Stephen grabbed the pouch, weighing it in his hand. "How soon do you need this to happen?" Stephen asked placing the pouch on his belt "as soon as possible." Thor said smiling. "Very well, consider it done." Stephen said finishing his drink "if that is all.." he said standing up "Thank you for your service....doctor." Thor nodded as Stephen left. "If you ask me, i still think this is a bad idea." Scott said "well nobody asked you did they?" Thor said walking towards the bar. "Drinks on me! I am to be engaged!" Thor bellowed as everyone clapped and hollored.
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Loki sat in his chair, staring at the snowflake seeing another another piece fall off and slowly melt, feeling the castle shake. "Master, just ask her." He heard pepper say when he shook his head. "She would say no." Loki sighed fidgeting with his fingers "You don't know that! Stop this stubbornness." She said sternly hopping onto the table. "You forget your place.." loki said "no, I will not allow you to wallow here, did you not see how she looked at you?" Pepper asked. Loki thought back to the last couple of days. After gifting her the library she seemed to seek him out, asking the servants after him. He had caught her gazing at him more then once making his face heat up.
"Now, I want you to go and ask her or I will do it for you." Pepper said glaring at him. "Fine, and when she says no..." Loki started "She won't! Now go!" Pepper said sternly as Loki stood up straightening his tunic. "Where is she?" He asked walking to the door "in the library." Pepper said following behind him. With long strides he made his way down the hall, coming to stand in front of the large doors. "Go on, we'll be right here." Pepper said, Loki turned to see the rest of the servants behind him "no pressure i suppose." He said smiling. He grabbed the handle, swallowing hard as he pushed the door open walking inside.
"Y/n...are you here?" He called out walking inside "Loki! Up here!" He heard, looking up seeing you on the ladder reaching the top shelves. "One moment.." you said placing the book you had back on the shelf you desended, your foot catching the bottom rung making you fall back when Loki caught you "you must be careful dear." He said as you turned in his arms looking up at him "t..thank you." You said smiling. He stood there looking into your eyes when he realized he still had his hands on your hips, clearing his throat he released you stepping back "what did you need me for?" You asked stepping closer. "Well, you see I was...well I was wondering..." he stuttered looking around "yes.." you said getting his attention.
He took a deep breath looking into your eyes "would you care to...join me for dinner?" He asked smiling. "I would love to!" You rushed out bouncing on your feet "I mean...umm yes, I would like that very much." You said looking down. "Wonderful, I will have the servants make you a new dress if you would like?" He said "I will talk to Natasha, I am sure she has loads of ideas." You said smiling at him. "then I shall see you this evening." He said grabbing your hand, kissing the back of it sending a chill through you "until this evening." You smiled back as he walked out to the hallway closing the door. "Well.." Pepper asked seeing him smile "she agreed." He said as they all jumped up and down "Oh, we have alot to do! Let's go!" Pepper said leading everyone out. Loki couldn't help the smile on his face as he walked back to his room to prepare for the evening......
@vbecker10 @lokisgoodgirl @sinsandguilt @high-functioning-lokipath @mochie85 @slytherclaw1227 @jaidenhawke @budugu @xorpsbane @schizonephilim @lokidokieokie @holdmytesseract @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokixryss @asgardianprincess1050 @tallseaweed @aniar4wniak @sekaishell @lokispetblogs @loopsisloops @trojanaurora @lonadane @all-envy-suyu @yelkmelk @stupidthoughtsinwriting @123forgottherest @silverfire475 @goblingirlsarah @commanding-officer @glitterylokislut @kkdvkyya @cueloki @daggers-and-mischief @sititran @witchyblue @verycollectivecreator @nixymarvelkins @chantsdemarins @shinraski @usagishira @nightshadelm @filthyhiddles @dukes2581 @assemblingavenger @lulubelle814 @irishhappiness @wolfsmom1 @luvlady-writes @lovingchoices14 @thomase1
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insanepoll · 1 year
Here's where your favourite insane characters will battle to the death for the first spot! More below the "keep reading" line.
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Pre-match rounds start April 12th at 1PM (EDT)! Each round will have 24h to vote. For propaganda, you can go ahead and submit it in the askbox or through normal submissions. If you want to post your own propaganda, be sure to tag me so I can reblog it! I hope to see y'all there!!!
Round 1-A matches:
Alex Kralie (Marble Hornets) VS The Antagonist (Hatred (2015))
Drusilla (Buffy the Vampire Slayer) VS Hisoka (Hunter x Hunter)
Tokishige Usami (Golden Kamuy) VS Enerjak (Sonic the Hedgehog)
Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium) VS Evan (EverymanHYBRID)
Azula (ATLA) VS Knock Knock (Phantom Spirits (2002))
Eric Cartman (South Park) VS Wade Wilson / Deadpool (Marvel)
Orochimaru (Naruto) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH I
Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto Shippuden) VS Delirium (Sandman)
Castiel (Supernatural) VS Simon Keyes (Ace Attorney Investigations 2)
Opal Koboi (Artemis Fowl) VS Bibble (Barbie Fairytopia)
Hamlet (The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) VS The Observer (TribeTwelve)
Misty Quigley (Yellowjackets) VS Lestat de Lioncourt (Interview with the Vampire)
Will Graham (NBC Hannibal) VS Shou Tucker (FMA)
Ophelia (The Tragical History of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark) VS Starscream (Transformers)
Bill Cipher (Gravity Falls) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH II
The Narrator (Fight Club) VS Gamzee Makara (Homestuck)
Round 1-B matches:
Dabi (My Hero Academia) VS Shinobu Sensui (Yu Yu Hakusho)
The entire cast of Blaseball (Blaseball) VS Trexel Geistman (Stellar Firma)
Seo Moon-jo (Strangers from Hell) VS Sammy Lawrence (Bendy and the Ink Machine)
Sebastian Morgenstern (The Shadowhunter Chronicles) VS GIR (Invader Zim)
Aerion Targaryen (A Song of Ice and Fire) VS Lucille Bluth (Arrested Development)
Dottore (Genshin Impact) VS Helena (Orphan Black)
Dr. Franken Stein (Soul Eater) VS Tyrian Callows (RWBY)
Samarie (Fear and Hunger 2: Termina) VS Mahito (Jujutsu Kaisen)
Cersei Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire) VS Lee Dongsik (Beyond Evil)
Anakin Skywalker / Darth Vader (Star Wars) VS Rebecca Bunch (Crazy Ex-girlfriend)
John Kramer (Saw) VS The Mad Hatter (Alice in Wonderland)
Light Yagami (Death Note) VS Komaeda Nagito (Danganronpa 2)
The Master (Doctor Who) VS Simon Laurent (Infinity Train)
Gollum (Lord of the Rings) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH IV
Roman Roy (Succession) VS Jack (The Shining)
Round 1-C matches:
Jinx (Arcane) VS Niki Sanders / Jessica Sanders (Heroes)
Micolash, Host of the Nightmare (Bloodborne) VS Professor Henry Hidgens (Hatchetfield)
Victor Frankenstein (Frankenstein) VS Cicero (Skyrim)
Renfield (Dracula) VS Dr. Gregory House (House MD)
Tim Drake (DC) VS Ultra Violet (Lego Ninjago)
Donatello Hamato (ROTTMNT) VS Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune)
The Ice King (Adventure Time) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH V
Villanelle (Killing Eve) VS Kira Yoshikage (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure)
Max (Sam and Max) VS Loki (The Mechanisms)
Darcy (Amphibia) VS Cheryl Tunt (Archer)
Harrowhark Nonagesimus (The Locked Tomb) VS Dr. Baxter Stockman (TMNT 2003)
Izzy (Total Drama) VS Alfred Drevis (Mad Father)
Michael Distortion (The Magnus Archives) VS Vegas Theerapanyakul (Kinnporsche)
Doomguy (Doom) VS Gabriel Agreste (Miraculous)
Ben Chang (Community) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH VI
Fëanor (The Silmarillion) VS Ryuki (AI: The Somnium Files)
Round 1-D matches:
Eliot Cardale / Eli Ever (Villains Duology) VS Knives Millions (Trigun)
Denji (Chainsaw Man) VS Bubby (Half Life: VR but the AI is Self Aware)
Tsukishima Hajime (Golden Kamuy) VS Alucard (Hellsing Ultimate)
Hannibal Lecter (NBC Hannibal) VS Heathcliff (Wuthering Heights)
Johnny C. (Johnny The Homicidal Maniac) VS Leopold Fitz (Marvel)
Midori (Your Turn To Die) VS Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul)
Pugsley Addams (The Addams Family) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH VII
Billy Lenz (Black Christmas (1974)) VS Grell Sutcliff (Black Butler)
Goro Akechi (Persona 5) VS Fintan Pyren (Keeper of the Lost Cities)
Galahad (The Mechanisms) VS Alexander Hilbert (Wolf 359)
Armand (Interview with the Vampire) VS Spinel (Steven Universe)
Jīn Guāngyáo (Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed)) VS Himiko Toga (My Hero Academia)
Morgana Pendragon (BBC Merlin) VS Nikolai Gogol (Bungo Stray Dogs)
Harley Quinn (DC) VS Xue Yang (Mo Dao Zu Shi (The Untamed))
Eren Jaeger (Attack on Titan) VS WINNER PRE-MATCH VIII
Chat Blanc (Miraculous) VS Volo (Pokemon Legends Arceus)
But first, we'll have the pre-match rounds that will determine if any of the following characters that almost didn't survive the cut will manage to secure a spot in the competition! They are as follows:
PRE-MATCH I: Caleb (Blood (1997)) VS Tuco Salamanca (Better Call Saul)
PRE-MATCH II: Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony) VS Amy Kirio (Mairimashita! Iruma-kun)
PRE-MATCH III: Magic Man (Adventure Time) VS Mindbender (GI Joe Renegades)
PRE-MATCH IV: Jevil (Deltarune) VS Midari Ikishima (Kakegurui)
PRE-MATCH V: Dennis Reynolds (It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia) VS Eddie Gluskin (Outlast)
PRE-MATCH VI: Vanilla Ice (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure) VS Roberto (Futurama)
PRE-MATCH VII: Jonathan Crane / The Scarecrow (DC) VS Annie Wilkes (Misery)
PRE-MATCH VIII: Ben Linus (Lost) VS Kristoph Gavin (Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney)
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lokiprompts · 2 years
The Shifter - Chp 10 (Final)
Summary: You unintentionally shift/dream walk in your sleep. You finally realize that your time with Loki is not a dream....will you decide to stay with him?
Warnings: Mention of SA, Smut 18+ only. Oral sex (f receiving), P&V.
Words: ~4,500
Previous chapters on my masterlist here.
The final chapter!! This was such a wild ride, and hope you all loved it <3 Your savior will be ending tomorrow!!!
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“What do you mean, ‘you remember everything?’ Loki’s eyebrows furrowed in confusion, still holding you firmly in his arms.
            Happy tears were now brimming in your eyes, threatening to spill over and confess the unbridled joy overwhelming your heart. But it was Loki. Your Loki. That thought made the first tear fall and your prince was quick to wipe it away.
            “Shhh, shhh, you’re safe now,” He cooed, clearly thinking you were talking about Stephen’s assault.
            You shook your head, “No, I remember you.” Letting out a shuddered breath, you continued, “I remember us.”
            The shocked expression on Loki’s face was enough to twist your lips into a goofy, love drunk smile. You watched as his eyes darted all over your face, looking for a lie. When he did not find one, the smile that split his face took your breath away. Loki cupped your face with his hands, his thumbs gently stroking the happy tears that continued to fall wordlessly down your cheek.
            “Truly? You remember…everything?” His eyes searched yours, uncertainty swirling in his crystal blue irises that asked the question: Do you remember choosing me?
            You lifted your hands up and placed them on top of his that still rested on your wet cheeks, “I remember it all. Me coming here. Me forgetting you. Even throwing the drinking glass at you,” You both laughed at that, the memory of that traumatic day coming to the forefront of your mind.
            “I remember deciding to stay…with you.” You heard Loki let out a sigh of relief and you didn’t miss how his eyes flickered down to your lips. It was all the invitation you needed before you surged forward and crashed your lips to his. The surprised squeak that bubbled up from him, made you smile against the kiss. It took no time at all for Loki’s initial shock to wear off, now taking control as the kiss became more heated and passionate. His strong arms pulled you impossibly closer, scooping you into his lap as his tongue swept against yours.
            The heat, the longing, the joy of finally having him after everything drove your body to act on its own accord. Your hips ground against his and the sinful moan that erupted from your throat seemed to shake Loki out of the moment. He pulled away from you, making you whine.
            “We shouldn’t,” He breathlessly said, lips swollen from your kisses, “I can’t…with what just happened…it wouldn’t be…” He stammered, struggling to find the words, but his eyeline went straight to the dumpster. The dumpster that held Stephen’s lifeless body. The thought that he cared about the fragile state of your heart, how your trauma may be affecting your mind. The lingering touches of your ex’s hands felt like ghosts on your skin; buzzing and unwanted. You just wanted it to go away. To forget.
            “As sweet as it is that you care about what just happened, I just want to move on from the past. Those first two weeks were a whirlwind, a dream I clearly never wanted to wake from,” You chuckled a bit, remembering how you thought he was a dream for the longest time, “And I am sorry that you had to endure these last few months on your own, but you are my soulmate. I am yours, and you are mine, and I don’t want to waste another second of my life now that you are a part of it. I…I just want you, Loki.”
            Without another word, Loki stood up, pulling you up with him. In a flash, he was out of his Asgardian leathers and back in civilian clothes; a sight that always went straight to your core. He took your hand in his and led you back to the Tower. Past the dumpster, through the Tower doors, and up to the elevator to the floor where his apartment was. The quiet was not uncomfortable and unwelcomed. Instead, a new tension lingered there. Shy glances, bitten lips, and the occasional quiet giggle. It made your heart swell with hope and relief for a better future. A future that felt so secure, so safe, with endless possibilities. As long as Loki was holding your hand, anything was possible.
            Before you knew it, you were inside his little apartment within the Tower; a far cry from the palace he once lived in. You had been here several times before as his friend without memory of your romantic relationship, what your relationship truly was: a soulmate bond. Everything was the same; the dark green paint, the rows and rows of old books, and the hallway that led down to his bedroom. His hand lightly squeezed yours, pulling your attention from the hallway. He brought your hand up to his lips, kissing the back of it with a small smile.  You smiled softly back at him, and he led you down the hallway.
            You had never seen his bedroom before, but it was just as much him as was the rest of the apartment. A large bed, fit for a king, that was covered in soft, silky emerald sheets loomed in front of you. A bed that held a lot of meaning, of promises, but still the fear that what you had, what you just recently found again was going to slip through your fingers again like grains of sand.
            The soft click of the bedroom door broke you from your thoughts and you turned to face the man, the God, that you loved. Love? Was that what this was? The soulmate bond came so easy to you, so easy to accept, but the idea that you loved Loki shook you to your core. The terrified look that was now plastered on your face brought him quickly to you, placing his hands on your shoulders, grounding you.
            “Dove, we don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. We have each other now and the rest of your lives ahead of us. There is no rush.” He stroked your shoulders and you sighed.
            “Some lives are longer than others,” You said sadly, and the acknowledgement of your mortality brought his hands to a dead stop, “Our connection, our bond is so incredible, Loki, but I am still an average mortal girl. You are a God, and Avenger….Loki, I love you with all that I have, but I don’t deserve you.”
            Loki’s face became stern, his voice low and deep, “Don’t you ever say anything like that again.” He stared into your eyes, a burning intensity that left no room for argument, but still you shied away and turned from him. With the gentle hook of his finger of his chin, he turned you back to him. His eyes were softer now, but still conveyed the seriousness of his words.
“Dove, it is I that does not deserve you. You helped me see myself as more than a monster, more than a stolen relic that was destined to be tossed away.” He let out a shuttered breath, “Destined to die.”
He now held your head between both of his hands, as he left lingering kisses across your forehead, each of your cheeks, your nose, and finally your lips.
“I love you, Dove, more than words can ever say. Every moment with you is one that I cherish with my whole heart. So, you see,” He murmured against your lips, “You are far from average. You are a Goddess worth kneeling for.”
And with that, Loki sunk to his knees in front of you. He grasped both your hands in his, tenderly kissing your knuckles as he gazed back up at you with glassy eyes. Immediately, you slung your arms around him, joining him on the floor and kissing him with all the pent of love, and passion that had built up over the past few months. He held you tightly against him, like you would vanish if he let you go. You moved on from his lips to latch yours on the soft skin of his neck, making him groan. The sound went straight to your core, and your hands became tangled in his long, inky locks.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” You whispered against the flesh of his neck like a prayer. The combination of your words and his skin tasted sweet in your mouth. You were hopelessly addicted to Loki, and you needed more. Pulling away, your eyes took him in. His normally pale skin was flushed. His lips were plump, and swollen from your onslaught; parted from soft, breathless pants. His was hair messy and still tangled around your fingers. But his eyes remained locked on you, filled with adoration and love. He was just as addicted as you.
He was beautiful.
“Make love to me, Loki.” You said breathlessly.
His eyes went wide, and it made a small giggle bubble up from your chest. The shock was cute, endearing even, because it was obvious that was the intent as soon as you walked back to the Tower.
“Are you sure? We can…,” He swallowed thickly, as if to swallow his growing desire for you, “We can wait.”
You ground your hips against his from your position on his lap, making him groan again. The sound was so sweet in your ears, you continued to grind against his already hard length; the delicious friction against your clit already building the pleasure within you.
“I am sure, Loki.” You leaned forward, placing a long, wet kiss against his cheek, “My prince,” before moving on to bit at the sensitive skin under his ear, “My King.”
It was all the convincing Loki needed, before he scooped you up in his arms as if you weighed nothing. You couldn’t help but giggle, and Loki grinned at you, proud to have you in his arms.
“As my Queen wishes,” He carried you to the bed before gently placing you on the soft fabric of the sheets. He crawled on the bed after you, hovering over you as his eyes greedily took in your body now on his bed.
“I have dreamed of this for months. Norns, I love you so much.” He confessed, before capturing you in another heated kiss, pouring out all his passion and longing for you with each movement of his lips. He pulled away to look back at you again and you felt your skin flush from both your arousal and his scrutinizing gaze. You imagined you looked as fucked out as him.
“So, beautiful.” He crawled down your body, grabbing the hem of your shirt before pulling it over your head exposing your bra. His large hands wandered over the lace of the cups, making your back arch into his touch. The God of Mischief grinned at your eagerness, before helping you out of your bra as well. As soon as your skin was exposed, he was upon you – licking, biting, and sucking at the sensitive skin of your breasts.
Your hands flew to his hair again, as his tongue swirled around one of your nipples while his fingers tweaked and teased the other. Gasps and moans were erupting from your body like a symphony and Loki knew how to play you perfectly until you were a writhing mess underneath him.
His mouth switch sides, giving your other nipple just as much attention with his tongue as his hand started its descent down your belly, towards the hem of your pants. Your hips involuntary bucked towards his hand and he rewarded you with sharp, yet teasing bite against the side of your breast.
“Patience, Dove. I want to savor this.” Despite his words, he made quick work of ridding you of your pants, leaving you in just your panties. The sight of the damp spot on your panties, the evidence of the arousal caused by him, making him feral.  Loki felt you tap his shoulders and his eyes snapped up to yours, concern apparent.
“What’s wrong? Are you okay?”
You smiled, reassuring him, “I think things are a bit uneven here, My King.” You motioned to the fact that Loki was still fully clothed while you were just left in your soaked panties. He huffed out a breathless laugh.
“Oh. Right.” Loki went to unbutton his shirt, but you were quick to stop him. You sat up, catching Loki’s lingering gaze on your naked chest. Grinning, you started to slowly unbutton his shirt.
“I want to savor this,” You said, echoing his words back to him. He gave you a pointed look that you knew held no bite and allowed you to undress him. As you unbuttoned his shirt, you placed kisses down the center of his chest, before caressing the hard muscles of his pectorals and sliding the fabric off his shoulders to fall against the bed.
Now, it was your turn to stare as you took him in. Your fingertips lightly trailed against the skin of his collar bones, his biceps, and down his stomach – making him shiver and twitch. Your exploration took your further, now unbuttoning his dress slacks and pushing them back his hips to expose the soft fabric of his boxers and his straining, hard cock that waited for you underneath.
“Like what you see- hrmph.” His cheeky comment died on his lips as you gripped his length over the fabric, making him hiss and moan with each stroke. His head fell on your shoulder, biting the flesh there as you slipped your hand past the waistband and finally taking ahold of him properly. Your eyes went wide as you felt him fully against the palm of your hand. You had expected him to be big; he is a God after all, but it momentarily made you worry how this was going to work. But his sweet moans of pleasure tickling your ears spurred you on.
You continued to stroke him, your thumb swirling around the head of his leaking cock until he was thrusting into your palm, chasing his pleasure. The sight had your pussy clenching, desperate for him, but watching him shamelessly fuck your hand like some wanton whore made the wait worth it. Until he suddenly stopped.
Loki gripped your wrist, pulling you away from him and hissing at his own denial, “Norns, are you a Goddess or a witch? If we continue like this, I am afraid our night will be over too soon and as I said…I intend to savor every moment.”
He pushed you down back against the plush mattress, before making quick work of removing the rest of his pants and boxers. You bit your lip at the sight of his now freed cock bouncing against his hard stomach. The God flashed you a toothy grin at your oogling, winking at you before starting his onslaught of licks and teasing bites against your inner thighs. He settled in on the bed, pulling down the sides of your panties and down your legs, exposing your wet and waiting core to him.
He licked his lips, shamelessly staring at your hot pussy like it was his favorite meal, “Is all this for me?” You went to answer him, hopefully with a witty quip of your own, but any chance of that ended when his mouth consumed you like a man starved. With each expert lick and suck, you knew how he truly earned the title ‘silvertongue’. Each gasp and moan spurred him on more, throwing out his promise of ‘savoring the moment’ and instead quickly building you up to orgasm. Teasing licks of the tip of his tongue against your clit had you arching your back off the mattress, begging for more.
His lips latched onto your clit, gingerly sucking as his fingers circled your entrance. First he entered you with one finger, making you squirm, before quickly adding another and stretching your walls against his long digits. His fingers curled against that special spot, making your eyes roll back as you felt your orgasm on the precipice, ready to overwhelm you with tingly pleasure.
“I’m gonna…I’m gonna cum, Loki.” You gasped, your hands scrambling for purchase in his hair. Loki moaned against your clit after a harsh tug against his scalp, sending vibrations up your center that almost sent you over the edge.
“Cum for me, Dove. Cum on my face and let me taste you,” The combination of his sinful words, his deep voice, and swipe of his tongue against your clit made the tension snap within you, sending wave after wave of pleasure through your body. Your toes curled against the muscles of his back as he held you in place, helping you ride out your high with gentle licks.
You were still seeing stars when you saw Loki’s smiling face above you, his mouth still glistening with your juices. His gaze caught yours and his stuck out his tongue, swiping it against his lips to drink in the remnants of your sweet nectar. Immediately, you reached out for him and dragged him down to you, capturing him in a kiss. You tasted yourself on him as your tongues dueled for dominance and it brought a fresh wave of wetness to your core.
“I want you, Loki. Please.” You begged, pushing your hips against his weeping cock that laid proudly against your supple thighs.
“I love hearing you beg, Dove.” He growled, “And I am going to love hearing you scream my name even more when you cum around my cock.”
Loki gripped his length, guiding it to your entrance before slowly pushing in and swallowing your moans with another heated kiss. The stretch from his cock was delicious, but the sting still made you hiss in both pleasure and pain, making Loki pause.
“Are you okay?” He asked, tenderly stroking your face with his thumb. You loved that despite Loki’s feral promise to make you scream his name, his sweet nature always made sure you and your comfort was always his priority. It warmed your heart, and you placed a gentle kiss on the tip of his nose, making him smile.
“I just needed a minute.” You swiveled your hips, making you both groan, “You can keep going.” He pushed in further, finally bottoming out. You were panting underneath him, the feeling of fullness, of his every ridge rubbing against your walls already threatening to overwhelm you.
“Please, Loki,” You breathed out, “I need you to move.”
He leaned down, placing a tender kiss on your forehead before pulling his hips back to withdraw his cock almost completely from you to only push it back in. Each movement was slow, gentle, yet calculated as he hit your g-spot, again and again, making you quiver beneath him. His arms enveloped you, holding you close. Your legs wrapped around him, your ankles settling above the curve of his ass and your arms held onto his back. The scrape of your nails against his skin made him groan as he slowly fucked you into the mattress. As he made love to you.
“I love you so much,” He moaned into your ear, placing kisses against your neck. You were completely lost to him, now meeting each of his thrusts with one of your own until your hips were crashing against each other, drunk on the pleasure the other was providing. Tears started to prick at the corner of your eyes as you remembered the long path that brought you here, to finally being together with Loki.
“The light of my life. My purpose. My Goddess.” Loki panted, picking up his pace and you felt that familiar coil begin to tighten.
“Ohh, Loki, you feel so good.” Your hands moved from his back and into his hair, pulling his face to yours, “Kiss me.” His lips latched onto yours as soon as the command left your mouth. Swallowing all your moans, he snaked his hand between your bodies and began to rub your clit.
You cried out into his mouth, feeling your orgasm quickly approaching with each expert caress of his fingers against your clit.
“Loki…” You whined, lost in the sensation of the God that loved you.
“Yes, Dove, say my name.” He growled through gritted teeth. His movements becoming sloppy as he neared his own release.
“Loki!” You cried out as your orgasm hit you like a freight train, drenching his cock and clenching around him. Your face twisted up in pleasure and Loki reveled in the sight of you coming undone beneath him, sending him into his own climax. Loki bit onto your shoulder as he spilled inside of you, painting your walls white with his cum.
Loki’s hot breath fanned your cheek as you both panted, coming down from your highs. Gently, he withdrew from you, making you whine, but your displeasure only lasted for a moment. In one quick motion, he grabbed onto you and flipped you, making you squeal with giggly delight, so he was on his back, and you rested on his chest. He wrapped you in his arms, holding you tight and placing a fierce kiss on the top of your head. There was no other place you wanted to be, but the stickiness between your legs had other plans.
“I think I need to get up…get myself cleaned up.” You groaned, not wanting to move from your new comfortable spot.
He squeezed you tighter, and you hummed with contentment, “Don’t you dare move, My Lady. Allow me.” With the wave of his hand and a shimmer of green, you suddenly felt clean, refreshed, as if you had just emerged from a relaxing bath. You burrowed in closer to him, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck.
“Now, that is a handy skill.” You paused for a minute, considering if you wanted to open this can of worms. You decided to test your luck, “See, you are so incredible, and I am just…. average.”
You felt him let out a heavy sigh against the top of your head. The silence lingered between you two for what felt like ages, before he finally spoke, “Dove, you have bewitched me in everyway possible. It does not matter that you are mortal –“
“But it does!” You yelled, snapping your head up to look at him directly in the eye, “It does, Loki! I have what, fifty, maybe sixty years left and then what, Loki?  You’ll be all alone, and I don’t know what to do with that.” Tears started to gather in the corner of your eyes, stinging with the pain of the unknown. You were so familiar with Loki, his essence and very being as a character that you loved. He had been through so much pain, so much suffering, and dealing with that pain alone. The thought of him handling your death by himself crushed you.
“Shh, Dove, it’s fine. Let’s not talk about such things right now. Let us enjoy our time together.” His voice was unmistakably solemn, and you felt a pang of guilt for putting such sad thoughts in your mind after finally reuniting and finding happiness, “Can I fetch you anything? Something to eat?”
Loki then suddenly stilled, shifting upright, and taking you with him, “Unless…” He started but didn’t finish. You looked at him, confused and you could see the cogs turning in his brilliant mind. The answer was there, whatever it was, you just had to wait.
“Have you heard of the Golden Apples of Idunn?” Loki quickly said, practically vibrating with energy.
“Yes, of course. They give immortality….” Your eyes grew wide at his implication, “Do you have one, Loki?!”
“No, they’re all gone.” He said excitedly, and you instantly deflated. You didn’t understand why he was so enthusiastic about the solution for your mortality being gone.
“Unless…” You perked back up, of course there would be more, “Unless, having an apple is something that you truly desire…”
“What are you talking about, Loki?”
He turned to you, so he was facing you properly. His hands moved wildly as he spoke with fervor, his mind running a hundred miles a minute, “You are far from average, Dove.” You rolled your eyes, but he pointed his finger, silencing any sarcasm or self-deprecating comments.
“You brought back my mother…You forget this.” He placed his hands on your shoulders, rubbing your soft skin, “You brought her back from the dead because it was what I truly desired. You made the impossible, possible…and I would argue that bringing back an extinct apple is easier than bringing back a person from Valhalla.”
“I don’t even understand how I even developed that gift…and if I even have it still, now that I am here in your world.” You paused, thinking carefully about his phrasing, “Besides, it is more about what you desire, than what I desire.”
Loki’s hands moved down your shoulders to clasp your hands in his, “These past few months, my mother and I have been doing research. Soulmate bonds are extremely rare, but a bond that travels across the multiverse is the rarest of them all. It is unheard of completely…. except for one other instance.”
You were almost afraid to ask, but your curiosity won out, “What happened to them?”
Loki frowned, squeezing your hand, “Unfortunately, one of the lovers did not survive. They dream walked, much like you did, but were not able to complete the transition of the mind into one universe.” He saw the look of sadness flit across your face, all the memories of how you almost lost each other flooding back.
“But there is one thing that I did learn from their story that I found encouraging.”
“Which is…?”
“That not only did they possess the same gift to manifest their lover’s greatest desires out of nothingness like you, but they both had the gift.”
Your eyes went wide. You never considered the fact that Loki could manifest like how you did, but who knows if you even could anymore? Before you could let your mind spiral, Loki was looking directly at you.
“So, tell me, Dove. Do you desire an eternity with me?”
There was no hesitation. Not a second of doubt. Your mouth screamed out the answer your heart and soul knew to its very core.
“More than anything.”
Loki held out his hand, palm up and closed his eyes. You watched his eyes twitch beneath his closed eyelids, his brows furrowed in intense concentration. You didn’t dare take a breath even though your lungs burned, too terrified that one single exhale would ruin any chances of this working.
His palm began to glow and sure enough, a golden apple appeared within his grasp. If it wasn’t for the fact that he could feel the magical fruit under his very fingertips, there was no way Loki would have believed this, his eyes were so wide and disbelieving. The God was a legendary magic wielder, but this was something new, a whole other level that was unknown to him. He looked from the apple that still rested in his palm towards you with watery eyes. The proof of your love, your desire to spend an eternity with him manifested into reality.
“So,” He chuckled through happy tears, offering the apple to you, “Care for a bite, Dove?”
It was the sweetest thing you ever tasted.
Unicorns 🦄:
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