#loki season 2 negativity
nostalgia-tblr · 11 months
further loki s2 bitching (skip if u wanna)
Loki S2 either forgot about the variants concept or ditched it as too likely to draw the audience's attention to Sylvie-as-a-Loki and either way the variant stuff was MY FAVOURITE PART so thanks for that guys :|
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artist-issues · 1 year
Reminder that making Loki and Sylvie romantic was not a huge mistake. It was very smart and very in-character.
Not because they love themselves. That’s just a very clever writer’s play on the Loki-Trope-words.
Because she’s the most not-him person that there is. He wants to be the center of attention. She wants to live a quiet life left alone. He wants to take thrones and rule. She wants to topple thrones and rulers. He wants to tyrannize and enslave. She wants to set whole realities free. He sets traps to defeat his most hated foes. She just runs up and stabs them. He never shuts up. She’s stoic and quiet.
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To people who believe it’s weird or gross because “they share DNA” or “they’re siblings…” Yeah. They share the same DNA, clearly—just like the Alligator Loki! 🙄 And they share parents, clearly—oh, except they don’t, because Loki’s parents were the kind of people to hide his true origins from him, and Sylvie’s parents were as different from that as you can get. They don’t share DNA, they aren’t the same gender, they don’t share memories or a similar history, and they don’t even share a name. They’re not like the same person, and they’re not like siblings.
The places where they’re similar? Like Sylvie’s chip on her shoulder against those who’ve wronged her? They’re all the places Loki has grown out of, or is in the process of growing out of when he meets Sylvie—and she’s been hellbent on avenging herself against those who’ve wronged her for her whole life.
He’s in love with her because of the—say it with me—“Idea of Potential” that she represents.
It’s just like how Ariel is in love with Eric, even before she gets to know him, because all she needs to know is that his character traits match up with everything she’s always hoped humans could be like. All Loki needs to know about Sylvie is that her character traits match up with everything he’s always wished he could be:
Confident instead of pretending to be confident; heroic instead of pretending to be heroic; secure in who he is regardless of what people think of him; able to focus on something bigger than himself; etc. Loki’s never been able to be those things and even convinced himself he’s proud of pretending—but Sylvie genuinely is all those things.
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And Sylvie? Since she was stolen from her home and family she has made no connections, had nobody care about her, and focused only on her mission. If she ever had dreams outside of that, it probably revolved around the idea of freedom. Then in comes this guy who not only expresses care for her, but is the type of guy who doesn’t let anybody tell him what he is or what to do—he can relate to her feelings of hurt, and eventually, tries to help her grow beyond them, too.
They both represent something that the other person has always wanted to do or be, and they both challenge each other, and they both have this big existential hole in their hearts of “nobody wants me or likes me” to relate to each other with.
How is this a mistake? It’s literally the smartest way they’ve ever had Loki make a connection with someone outside his adopted family. (Mobius is cool and all but he’s a Thor-stand-in for this Loki, who’s been ripped out of Thor’s timeline.)
I’m going to stop beating the dead horse, but basically, if you think Loki and Sylvie as a romantic couple is weird, try and look at it the way it actually is, instead of superimposing “female love interest bad” or catchy Internet memes like “Loki Show Approves Incest” over everything 🙄
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smolvenger · 1 year
Loki TV Show Writers from episode 1.3 onwards: isn’t Sylvie the BEST!?!? Isn’t she a GIRLBOSS??!?!? Isn’t she PERFECT??!?!? Don’t you just love her??? You WILL love her! Love her!!!!
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pinktwingirl · 1 year
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Literally how the fuck does this show still have fans at this point this is the most hilariously cringe thing ever
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purplehalnw · 11 months
That whole ending with Loki holding all of the timelines together for eternity... I read another post where someone said that ending didn't feel right because Loki didn't cause any of this shit, he shouldn't be the one who has to sacrifice himself to solve these problems that aren't even his fault.
And yeah honestly they should've had He Who Remains be forced to hold these timelines together as punishment or something or maybe have Mobius or any one of the TVA workers do this as a way to make up for all the horrible shit they did.
But nope we get this ending that's supposed to be "tragic" and serve as a form of "redemption" but doesn't because the writers have made it very clear that they have no understanding of Loki's character or how to write a decent story in general.
Edit: I see y'all mentioning Sylvie and I think I must've purged my memory of her when writing this post. Hell yeah she should be the one fixing this shit considering it was her recklessness that started it in the first place. But no I guess Loki lOvEs her now even though she's been nothing but an asshole for this entire fucking show.
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ladylaufeyson1 · 1 year
One of the biggest issues I have with the Loki series is that I just don't see Loki anymore, it's just Tom Hiddleston acting. There is no Loki. He is gone. Haven't seen him since TDW.
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lieutenant-teach · 7 months
‘Loki’ Costumes season 2 – review (critical)
Accidentally bumped into information that the ‘Loki’ series are nominated for Costume Designers Guild Award 2024. Then watched an official Marvel Studios video about hidden details in Loki’s costumes season 2. And – WTF?
In general, the impression is like the creators thought ‘this fine actor will make even this shit work’. I mean, ‘Loki’ designer Christine Wada announces ‘a new tie and a new coat’ in season 2 as smth really great and unexpected. Well, after a prison jumpsuit and a torn and bloodied shirt of the 1st season, yes – this is really new!
She brags about authentic costumes from 1970s and 1890s, but I think there’s not much to boast about. I mean, the designers of ‘Thor’ 2011 had much more work to do – to create Norse-fantasy-styled costumes based on ridiculous comic pajamas from scratch. And they nailed it! And they won the award – absolutely deservedly! Here… well, some suits. Yes, some work is done, but still – they’re just suits (not even that pretty). Nothing award-worthy. The frilly 70’s-styled shirt he’s wearing is outright ugly. If you’ve seen ‘Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire’, maybe you remember a second-hand robe Ron’s wearing to the Yule Ball. Same shit.
I was surprised to learn about gold embroidery on Loki’s final drapes costume. In shitty lighting of the scene I failed to notice any details. ‘Loki’s final transformation reimagines his godly form with a new humility’ – why doesn’t Thor get to wear drapes in ‘Thor’ 2011 after becoming worthy and humble? Odin wears a gold armour – why isn’t he humbled with plain drapes? Huh? Why is only Loki… ah, yes, it’s Loki. Silly me, I forgot. Everyone deserves a beautiful costume, but not him. Also, why horns are not gold??? They’re always gold!
In general, his new costume is dull – no interesting eye-catching little embellishments, no distinct colours. I mean, look at Wanda’s new costume, at Sam’s. Heck, even Thor’s. Loki’s new costume is just for any other character – nothing speaks about Loki here. Nothing Norse, just simple and plain. And ‘simple and plain’ isn’t supposed to be about Loki – any kind of Loki, myth, comic or MCU.
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celerieth · 1 year
The only way the Loki series can redeem itself at this point is if season 2 ends with Sylvie dead and a threesome between Loki, Sigyn and Theo Bell, along with accurate rep for all three of them.
Of course, I know it isn't going to happen because a) the second series has already been filmed;
b) Disney would never go for any actual queer rep;
c) Disney is also too focused on their self-insert/OC who makes for a nice cishet-looking relationship to kill her off;
d) Theo's supposedly gay (I mean, that's his generally accepted sexuality in the fandom, but it's a bit ambiguous in the book itself; Mrs Sharpe alludes to the possibility of him being bisexual, but then says she hasn't talked to him about it, and Theo's feelings didn't seem to change when Loki told him about their genderfluidity, though admittedly that might be because Loki was male-presenting throughout the book.);
e) it's too late;
f) Where Mischief Lies is somewhere in the grey area between actual canon and legal fanfiction;
g) I don't trust Marvel Studios with Sigyn after what the comics did to her;
and finally h) Marvel/Disney hates Loki too much to give them that kind of happy ending.
Thank you for listening to this.
Update: I've found the passage I was talking about where Mrs Sharpe alludes to Theo possibly being bisexual. It's just below, found in the last paragraph of page 218 ⬇️
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alyceinwonderland777 · 11 months
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Good afternoon 💚
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woulddieforloki · 11 months
and now Ravonna and Miss Minutes are gonna get up to something from the end of time and we're gonna have to deal with people going "ugh Sylvie's such a selfish idiot for not killing her when she had the chance" while simultaneously having to deal with people continuing to complain that "Sylvie's such a selfish idiot for killing He Who Remains when she had the chance" and I'm not emotionally prepared for that
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lunarspiral1127 · 11 months
What the hell is Sylvie doing there?! How did she even know where to go to find Timely?! And, how did she even know what Renslayer and Miss Minutes were planning to do with Timely? Was it because of what Loki said about variants of He Who Remains and now she's gonna be hunting down every variant? What ever happened to enjoying her new life working at McDonald's? I feel like I'm missing some scenes here.
Also, I'm getting so sick and tired of Sylvie blaming Loki for everything. Accusing him of weaponizing Timely, blaming him for ruining her life, and even blaming him for Timely getting away. Like, oh my freaking god, NOT EVERYTHING IS HIS FAULT!!! And, people think they'd make a great couple? No. Not when you have scenes like this.
*sigh* Sorry for the rant, I'm just really annoyed with this character and how she's treating Loki.
Oh yeah, giant ghost Miss Minutes....that was cool.
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It’s Week 3 and I promised I’d commit to my theory for Season of the Seraph’s story arc if hubris didn’t come knocking for me before then, so time to put my money where my digital mouth is. I’ve seen folks talking about the first part of this theory, but not the second, so here goes: 1) Clovis will try to make himself the new Warmind and 2) in the process breach the Ascendant Realm and open the way for Xivu Arath.
Clovis, by the way, gave away the game like two minutes in because he can’t keep his dang mouth shut. Clovis couldn’t resist a good smug gloat. He gave it all away when Ana said god, fine, hop on this disk and we’ll go. He said, “Once I am in control, all will be as it should be. The Warmind will rise again.” 
As it should be? That line stopped me cold. Clovis hated that Rasputin was in charge. He couldn’t believe he, the genius Clovis Bray the first, was expected to take orders from a jumped-up calculator he used to own. A restored Rasputin is not “as it should be” in Clovis-land. What is “as it should be?” It’s Clovis, so that’s easy: the way things should be is with him in charge. He doesn’t say, “Rasputin will rise again.” He says, “The Warmind will rise again.” Clovis is going to get all the subminds together except put himself at the center instead of the Rasputin core Ana has, and try to make himself the new Warmind. All of which would just be fun to watch as we wait for Red to break him, but: there’s Xivu Arath to deal with. 
We’re all worried about Xivu getting into the warsats. I don’t think she wants them at all. In the Judgement of Kelgorath lore she doesn’t order Kelgorath to go get her some warsats. She says: possess the Warmind. Xivu Arath has plenty of weapons already. What she needs, as Mara points out, is a way in. Mara comments in the encounter dialogue that moving an army through the ascendant realm is very hard. But Xivu did it over Torobatl. How? Sav showed her the way: she did it by getting someone on the other side to build her a gate.
I was surprised in Season of the Hunt by the extent of control Xivu displayed. I thought her unlikely to go for subversive powers like Oryx’s Taking or Sav’s manipulation. But she’s a lot smarter than I gave her credit for. Her Wrathborn contagion is effective, coercive, and quick-spreading. It makes sense metaphorically: violence is a kind of disease, an insidious way of thinking that spreads and snares people till they see everything as a conflict to be settled by force. Xivu invaded the Cabal by infecting Caiatl’s co-ruler Umun’arath, general of the Cabal legions. Driven further and further into obsession with the conflict Xivu Arath makes herself synonymous with, Umun’arath invoked her in the rituals of warfare - the same ones Eris and Eido were discussing - opening the way for Xivu’s armies to pour into the skies over Torobatl. 
For Xivu to repeat that trick in our solar system, she needs another Umun’arath. But Umun’arath was a singularly convenient target: the military chief of the war machine of a huge conquering interstellar empire, or in other words, someone you might call...war-minded. When scouting our solar system Xivu probably heard the name “Warmind” and thought hell yeah, that’s my ticket in. Except it’s not, because Rasputin’s a) not coherent right now and b) not fundamentally the personality she needs. That’s what we’re already exploring this season: at his core Rasputin was never a martial system. He was a pretentious art nerd who got drafted. They made him a Warmind. Xivu Arath needs someone coterminous with war for its own sake, with conflict as the apex of existence, with the supreme violence she represents. And ironically it turns out the Warmind Rasputin is not sufficiently war-minded. 
But Clovis is.
Clovis Bray already sees life as endless contest and conflict via his pseudo-evolutionary legacy bullshit. He’s Xivu’s dream target. When you first see her forces attacking him Clovis is like “they want my precious braaaaaain!” and Osiris goes, “no, they want him. Brought to submit.” That’s exactly what Clovis wants of Rasputin (and to a lesser extent Ana and Elsie): brought to submit. He’s neck deep in Darkness on his own, no convincing needed. And he’s a coward. If Clovis hasn’t cut a deal yet with either Xivu or the Witness to ensure “humanity’s” (his) survival in exchange for his allegiance, he will as soon as he has the reins. After all, let it not be said that he left humanity to fend for itself, right?
So that’s her plan: Xivu Arath attacks the warsat infrastructure to force us to go to Clovis and give him access to Red’s enclave. She waits while we do all the hard work of laying out the subminds to conjure back Rasputin. Clovis inevitably betrays us to slot himself in instead and take control, rousing Rasputin’s entire apparatus of violence to impose his own command on the solar system, helped along by the Wrathborn contagion already brewing in his subconscious. In doing so he invokes such immense rites of war that he opens the way for Xivu to step through. It’s Torobatl all over again...except I don’t think trying to “become the Warmind” is going to work out the way Clovis thinks. 
Clovis still doesn’t understand what Rasputin is, and he still doesn’t understand - as he doesn’t understand with any of his kids - that Rasputin is no longer as Clovis designed him to be. Even Ana hasn’t fully gotten there yet. Both Brays are still thinking of Red as a sort of jigsaw puzzle to be pieced back together. But assembling himself was the first thing Rasputin ever did. Ana still hasn’t cracked the real reason “plug engram into Exo, receive Warmind” isn’t working: because Rasputin is a distributed intelligence. He lives in connections, literally and metaphorically - between warsats, between worlds, with Ana, with humanity. He’s a creature fundamentally built on network and communication. Rasputin is already still out there. He’s in that engram, but he’s everywhere else, too. He’s still in the warsats. He’s talking to us through the Sleeper nodes. He’s going to fight Clovis for control of that Exo Frame; that’s why the frame has red eye-lights in all the season art even though Clovis uses blue ones. 
And in the larger paracausal sense our entire solar system still bears the marks of the Warmind’s influence. He’s synonymous with the Golden Age. The same way Oryx conjured back Savathun and Xivu Arath by recreating the shapes they made, Rasputin will be conjured back by the shape he traced out in a huge web of connections and actions and effects on others that Clovis, an isolated point, fundamentally doesn’t understand. So Clovis is going to pull his little coup, possibly smashing that engram along the way, and he’s going to think it’s working, too - right before Rasputin cracks him open like an egg, because the Warmind never left. I think this season ends with us fighting Clovis in full Wrathborn mode while Xivu Arath’s armies stand ready just on the other side in the Ascendant Realm, hammering to get in, and Rasputin will deliver the final blow from inside - or maybe not, since killing Umun’arath completed the ritual last time, maybe we just wedge Clovis into his own Pillory engram - stopping Xivu from getting her beachhead and leaving her angry but stranded in the Ascendant Realm. 
Hopefully. Either way I can’t wait to see what happens.
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inkymaws · 10 months
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pinktwingirl · 1 year
Wait I thought Loki season 2 is getting good reviews everywhere, could you cite some examples?
I really can’t stand what they did with Loki in season 1 and it still feels the same..
Here are a couple of examples that I found. Basically, the general complaints are that the show isn’t focused around Loki, it’s filled with way too much exposition about the multiverse and timelines, and Loki is boring and completely unrecognizable from his previous appearances… which, again… did y’all watch S1??? This isn’t new. Also a decent number of reviewers are clowning on the show for basically becoming a McDonald’s commercial (and rightfully so)
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purplehalnw · 11 months
I like how the Loki writers seemingly just forgot about the people in the Void (or whatever the fuck that big ass field with all the pruned variants was called).
Like wtf happened to those Loki variants? Did they escape? Were they just eaten by the smoke monster? Did the writers just think that we wouldn't question these things or did they actually answer them and I'm just remembering things wrong?
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mrsblackruby · 11 months
in my opinion LOKI should actually accept his brith right was not to die but to evolve and that his antics alone are not the only thing keeping the universe alive and that these variables he thinks he’s controlling can’t be controlled and are actually simultaneously controlling him into thinking he’s in control just fucking with him and putting him in this shitty situation so he should just fuck around too and have a good time trying to make everyone else smile to actually be the god of mischief but in recovery in my opinion. Like this timeline probably just made itself for shits and giggles I can’t take the bitch seriously. But I also haven’t watched season 2 so i don’t know but it’s tragically funny that Loki can’t realize this for what it is to me. Baby life is a bitch she keeps fucking with you cuz she’s falling in love with you i want to see Loki fuck with her back lolz and them just vibe fuck that train wreck of a show. Anyway it clearly wasn’t meant to speak to me NO hate if you liked it tho I just don’t Vibe with the ending. It’s lame. It could probably entertain me more if it allowed itself to explore these questions more but the scope of the Loki season just went in a direction where I literally couldn’t enjoy the god of chaos bring actual mischief what the fuck. Anyway full disclosure i didn’t watch cuz i didn’t care enough to pirate and I’m boycotting Disney for supporting Israel but yeah just not my vibes
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