#lol this is what goes in my head with characters
homunculus-argument · 22 hours
I've got a book draft project that I call Book I Am Not Working On that I probably haven't touched for like four years now. I originally wrote the first draft of the first book like 10 years ago, didn't like the ending, and decided to write a Next Generation Reboot with the previous cast's offspring and niblings as the main characters. Skipping the world ahead 20 years, and having the new protagonists be Standard Fantasy Book Protagonist Aged, in their late teens and early 20s, they learn about the past book's events in glimpses, as almost mythical legends.
The new story's main protagonist is the niece of a character I originally wrote into the first book as a gag - a naive Farmboy Hero. In this one he's taken up the role of a Grim Mysterous Mentor, who tags along on the protagonist's misguided quest because he knows that he can't stop her, so the best he can do is help. And he mentions that there is this wise man that he used to know in his youth, who lived in this specific city - he is wise in the ways of the world, and if he is still alive, he should be able to help them.
The protagonist agrees to go find the man, and for the first quarter of the book, this Wise Man that Old Uncle Hiram Knew In His Youth is this grand and surely legendary Wonderful Wizard of Oz kind of a figure, who is surely all-powerful and could fix anything. After all, old uncle Hiram would trust him with his life, and uncle Hiram doesn't trust anybody.
And then they finally make it to The City, and find The Old Friend. Who is a completely normal-looking middle-aged guy in an apron, kind of fat and slightly balding, busy with five kids and a grandbaby. And he's just as surprised to see the protagonist and her uncle at his door.
So the protagonist's uncle and his friend retire into a more quiet room to discuss the problem at hand while the protagonist and the friend's eldest daughter head out to find new, additional problms, fully trusting that these Adultier Adults will know what to do.
Meanwhile, the two old friends sit down, and the Old Friend looks at the protagonist's uncle, just going "dude for fuck's sake. Twenty years and you haven't changed at all. All these years I thought you were dead and then you show up at my doorstep, plop a felony level problem on my lap like 'hey lol this wasn't even my problem before I decided to get involved, pls help lol' and expect me to fix it."
And Old Uncle Hiram, who in fact is only in his early 40s and suddenly doesn't seem all that old and wise at all, just shrugs like "yeah I kinda gambled my life (and my niece's life btw) on hoping that you wouldn't have changed at all, either. That you would agree to help us, while calling me a fucking idiot the whole time."
And the old friend goes "yeah no shit of course I'll fucking help. You fucking idiot."
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doctorcurdlejr · 14 hours
Riverdale characters and their opinions on granking it
Archie -> supports Veronica and Jughead, doesn't listen to MCR all that much, and therefore takes the neutral stance that whatever his friends say is probably true and those men are divorced (was half listening to anything ever said to him)
Betty -> yeah go ahead and clock the peter pan collar with CoverGirl lipstick dramatically smeared off her face that's a MCR fan. Well known bisexual but deeply homophobic, therefore anybody who even mentions grank is a freak. YES she makes that disgusted look if somebody even mentions rpf, tries to tone it down for Veronica. Once got curious and read a 100k grank fem au, printed it out, ate a page, and then set it on fire at 2am.
Veronica -> Catholic 💥 Bisexual 💥 Dresses frequently in dark colors 💥 Casually morbid 💥 Loves theater 💥 not only does she grank it but my girl puts on her reading glasses to scroll through old live journal posts like she's a hardboiled detective ready to lock into the facts of the matter. "Jughead I could use another pair of eyes on this" it's 240p footage of those men fighting on stage. She keeps sending lesbo grank fics to Betty followed by "lol sorry meant for Jug." To which Betty responds "V. 😑"
Jughead -> [11am] violently typing a reply on a google doc for his creative writing class "I take offense at your claim that this is derivative of Velvet Goldmine just because I'm playing with similar themes. As to your second point, Cheryl, this band is an entirely fictional amalgamation meant to represent how our culture interfaced with the purely symbolic icons of the era." [2pm] "You're totally right, Bets. Really wish people could just appreciate the artistry and think more meaningfully about the MESSAGE." [10pm] sitting at his typewriter in Veronica's speakeasy where an entire diagram is laid out before him "This goes beyond stage gay. I'm sure of it."
Cheryl -> TO MX. G: Visiting fabulous Cali for the next fortnight. May I place Julian in your care for an evening? Have been absolutely overwhelmed with requests to visit darling Rosy. Whatever day works best, I understand scheduling so last minute may be difficult with your various dalliances. Ta!
Toni -> Once a regular contributor to Friends of Frerard night at the speakeasy, but suspiciously stopped all attendance after a vacation with Cheryl.
Kevin -> couldn't even tell you a band member's name but, in an attempt to be included in a conversation about homosexuality, once showed up at the speakeasy and laughingly asked Veronica if it was anything like Simon & Garfunkel. Before she could respond Jughead threw a copy of What is it All But Luminous at his head and told him to get out if he couldn't even be bothered to hold himself to their same level of base academic rigour.
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sobasluuurp · 2 days
Ok. About Tenko.
I understand why so many people are angry that he's dead. I really do. I would've loved for him to live as well. I cried when he died.
Just because he's dead doesn't mean his character has been handled poorly. In fact, all things considered, this ending (even though it makes me real fucking sad) makes the most sense for both his character and his story. Let me explain.
First and foremost, there's the matter of Shigaraki's characterization and arc. It goes without saying, but he's an angry, used, and abused child who grew up into an adult who wants nothing more than for everything to end. His goals have always been destructive to an extreme and honestly, the logical end to "let's destroy it all" is LITERALLY everything, including himself. He's also had absolutely zero agency since the moment his parents even thought of conceiving him, and has been struggling to become his own person since the beginning of his arc. He, against his abuser, who covets immortality and eternity.
What better a way for a person such as himself to assert his agency is there than to go out the way he did? To shift his focus away from the faceless masses and to the (similarly faceless, lol) abuser who caused his pain in the first place? To destroy the control AFO has held over him and prove to him that he was always his own person? To say, this is who you molded me into. And because I am who I am, I will now kill you, and take myself down with you, and be glad for it.
(and in the process, destroy the worldview AFO showed us in the Star and Stripe arc, that the ones who survive are the victors. AFO has completely and eternally lost, but Shigaraki is victorious to his last.)
It's his first moment of complete agency in his life -- acting entirely against anyone else's wishes for himself or his actions. And he uses it to do the one thing he's been itching for his whole life -- to destroy the source of his pain.
It's a negative character arc, in a way. It's not what any of us would've wanted for him. In a perfect world, he would be able to recover and readjust, building a life for himself and his found family in peace. He'd be able to experience life fully for the first time, and see that the world is not so bleak after all.
(I'm choking up just thinking about what's been lost. It's a fucking tragedy.)
But not every character arc gets to end happily. Sometimes people do slip through the cracks. That's always been what Shigaraki's character is about.
....and what every other member of the League's characters have been about.
Because here's the thing. The story of Shigaraki's life and death would be incomplete without his relationship to his found family. He's their leader. Their symbol. Their All Might.
Shigaraki's death is not the grimdark, fuck-the-audience, senseless kind of tragedy. He is a martyr, yes, but the people he stood for will in all likelihood survive. He died for the League. His life -- his existence -- brought them together, gave them purpose, and showed them a bright future. It is my steadfast belief that he will be the only death among the main villains. Because this is a story about saving to win, after all. And given that My Hero doesn't like to kill characters off too often and each one of them still has a path to recovery, I think it's a safe assumption to make. Especially since (especially in Toya's and Toga's cases) each of them had a moment of reconciliation at the end of their fights -- the kind of thing that can help them move forward.
And to be honest, we've known for a very, very long time that BNHA is the kind of anime that likes to turn old cliches on their heads. Kacchan did not become a villain during Kamino. La Brava's literal power of love was not enough to win the battle. Deku fought tirelessly to talk-no-jutsu Shigaraki into redemption, and while he did get through to him, he still couldn't save him after everything that happened. It's nuanced and messy in a way that I've come to expect from BNHA.
So yea, Shigaraki died. But Shigaraki also lived. Despite everything that AFO and Kotoro wanted from him (despite the fact that he was never meant to really be alive in the first place), he lived on his own terms and fought so that the people he cared about would be seen. Because he lived, the old world was destroyed, and from his ashes, a better one can be built. He achieved everything that no one thought he could, and reclaimed his life in the process. What better ending could you ask for a tragic character?
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hexitca · 2 years
What's your favorite OC ship?
ohhhh jeez! Hopefully, this counts!
I have this guilty pleasure where I make an OC to just romance my fave characters and imagine scenes like it's my own dating sims game lmao there are times I have my OCs get together but I'm much more inclined to make an OC for my fave character at the moment.
I make new ones or remake old ones or have the old ones bleed in basically.
But! My top fave "OCxcharacter" ship is my OC Lyra Cross with Harry Dresden from the Dresden Files.
I love playing around with stories and how the characters react to different things! Things like how my OC reacts to that character's morals, emotions, actions, etc. It's kinda fun to build an OC around that character's life/in the story.
I have many of these but I tend to revisit this ship often in my life. Especially if I'm in between fandoms/ships to focus on lol
Under read more bc I ended up rambling lol
A little bit about my fave oc ship:
Lyra is a by-the-books, lone wolf, supernatural buff (aka nerd) 30+ year old (the ages vary but mostly 30 and up). Her expertise is knowing obscure things that involve the supernatural (as a hobby) and her regular work changes often since she rather study creepy shit lol She keeps to herself and has a pretty routine life until she kinda fell into Harry Dresden circle and works toward the plots in that series or new ones.
She acts as a resource on the more vague supernatural that Harry might not know (things outside his regular expertise) and yea!
I would go more into it but it's vague if I'm not focused on it right now.
Right now currently I'm in the Moon Knight phase and saw Steven Grant and went "well i just GOT to make him a girlfriend" so I'm working on that lol
Currently making her a drifter academic (she works the system that she's just forever in school (kinda based off a friend of mine when I lived in Italy who literally is 70+ and has just been in school her whole life and I loved that lol) who is now in London just minding her own business and Moon Knight (with Layla) kinda drag her into some supernatural hijinks lol
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sonic-adventure-3 · 1 year
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metal sonic doodle painting thing except it’s seven fucking am and i have a killer migraine and the white point on my phone and ipad is set to like -98 so i can’t see it and i also didn’t use reference and did this in like 20 mins and my eyes aren’t rlly focusing so i genuinely have no idea what it looks like
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sysig · 5 months
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What your fave says about you: Sona/Undertale edition (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#So many sonas and characters lol#Ended up filling the other side of the zine with something self-indulgent :)#Actually came from the same kernal as a digital-specific idea but these are what I've ended up with in the moment!#Zine doodles end up...silly lol#I draw with pen logic! And mm... I won't say I'm Displeased with them but there are things I'd change for sure#Overall the vibe is there just not completely the execution lol#I'll get it better when I do the digital version >:3c It'll be like how I see it in my head and then I'll have both! Nice#For the moment tho doing an eight-highlight reel of the who's who was fun :)#Obviously starting with myself and my fave <3 This terrible little flower whom I love with my whole heart#I really do love him - I'd go and rewatch my fave scenes with him but the in-built guilt haha#The next was easy! My fave sona gets my second fave character! Papyrus only loses to Flowey by a hair's breadth anyway lol#Anyone in the thread remember that time I compared Charm to Papyrus lol#They both want people to like them so badly! They go about it very differently tho lol#Papyrus would be a good influence on her :) Just be nice to people! Ironically she'd probably agree more with Sans lol#Speaking of! Eli would be the type of person who goes digging around in the backend and Totally claims to like Gaster the most#Y'know because secret values and stuff! Super sneaky like! But actually their fave is Snas lol#You are Basic Eli just accept this lol#Ficus was an easy pick for Napstablook - they would absolutely lay on the floor and think about being garbage with them#That deadened gaze lol#Ulex looks so uninterested in Alphys lol they're just bad at talking - dissimilar from Alphys in that they've got the stoic thing going on#They're not awkward just not good at making friends lol#Hall of Mirrors would absolutely love Undyne lol - being friends with her and cooking together would make HoM So Happy haha#Another obvious one - Othersona already comes with spider imagery! Muffet was the clear choice haha#They are having a cup of spiders and they are enjoying it :/ Lol#And finally Holosona and original calculator-body Mettaton haha - she prefers this version over EX and NEO#She'd probably like NEO - she absolutely plays the Genocide run on purpose - except for how OHKO he is lol#A different sona likes NEO tho...#Anyhow ♪ Might talk more about their different play styles in the digital version :D When I get there anyway lol
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dhmis-autism · 1 year
whatever. love the writing of the DHMIS show because EVERY single character in it switches violently between the roles of either straightman or bugs bunny with no in between.
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lesbiangiratina · 8 months
Started watching hxh 99 with a friend tonight we’re so close to 99 killua funny moments truly beginning i feel the 99 killua autism taking hold of me aaghhh uaaghh uuoogghh clutches my cursed eye gguhhh
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hey am i crazy for this. spader calling him candyboy but blaine and their uncle just calling him candy.
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NOTE: THIS ITEM IS CURRENTLY IN PREORDER. IT WILL SHIP IN JUNE-JULY 2023. We will be printing based on preorder size, so grab one now if you want one!
More than 40 trans writers and artists have joined forces to explore the deeper meanings of the Fast & Furious franchise (and also gender). There's really no way to know why this exists, but it does, and you can own it! Suitable for F&F fans and newcomers alike. Contributions include:
- A new short story by Manhunt author Gretchen Felker-Martin - A demolition derby driver’s perspective on 2 Fast 2 Furious’s derby scene - An essay contemplating the queer symbolism of Cipher’s bowl cut - The scoop on the franchise’s only canonically nonbinary character - Instructions for an F&F-themed tabletop roleplaying game - A contemplation of which Taylor Swift album represents each F&F character - Plus: Bingo cards! Comics! Haiku! And, of course, hot gay erotica…
2 Trans 2 Furious is edited by Tuck Woodstock & Niko Stratis, with cover art by Mattie Lubchansky and zine design by Shay Mirk.
This zine is 8.5" x 5.5" and perfect-bound like a real book — fancy! Interior pages are black & white. We're guessing this baby is like 100 pages long but we'll get back to you on that.
Currently only shipping to the United States, sorry! We're hoping to at least expand to Canada soon, and also plan to add a PDF ebook option, so keep an eye out!
(that "the scoop on the franchise's only canonically nonbinary character" is the page i contributed about our one & only beloved akd-acted cam stone!! plus also if you're interested in preordering a fancy printed copy of a zine about fast & furious, which you don't have to even know about or like, with all trans contributors. including me)
#and i don't even hardly know about it or like it. proof positive#cam stone#i even looked up typical pixel to dpi ratios so my art would be high res enough for printing. Canvas Big & my laptop hated it lol....#but indeed there's three cam pics including an effort at a kind of pinup adjacent Ooh Cam Stone one lol. carefully placed torque wrenches#anyone look up f&f posting on this site....there's gotta be; right. this whole zine is an ode to that. well here goes a few tags:#fast & furious#f&f#2 fast 2 furious#gets a special shoutout. inspiring us all well beyond [even seeing any f&f related stuff. tfatf....#also would be one less contributer if not scholar nothingunrealistic.tumblr.com; also the source of my knowing abt cam stone in general;#being the one to know of this project & go ''perfect cam stone opportunity'' like it Really is isn't it#and thus; against all odds but also appropriately; Racing to actually create a page abt them to spread the good news#in that there was like a month & a half's heads up but i still exponentially did most of the actual execution days before the deadline#ran into some technical difficulties in the final hours lol but then seized a Post Submission Editing Opportunity to amend that w/more time#and to go ''i wrote it as fast & furious: crossroads which is what many sources format it as But official materials write it like#fast & furious crossroads without the colon & it's nbd but i would prefer to change it =('' getting a yeah no prob lol....#fixed up some very minor visual errors & changed one instance of word ordering so that it had some more Prosody imo. didn't mention that lo#plus going ''yeah there can/should be an editor's note to emphasize This Is Really Real Not An OC b/c that's clearer And funnier''#fast & furious extended universe really has a nonbinary character & if they're for real abt this finale Trilogy call akd up please....#let's get that cam & vienna cameo it's fast(tm) easy & free (it's not free....might not even be easy but it's more than worth it)#fast & furious crossroads#anyone looking That up has gotta get in on this#pdf / virtual option tba as mentioned....but physical copy rules too. i forget if i sent them my mailing address but i think i did lol#the ideal of being Gifted one like yeah i Will take this around with me then thank you#truly the most formal publishing my Work has ever seen. besides ''online'' or ''once i did a painting that i think was on the wapo site''#and a very appropriate way to achieve that....but fr what's great is So Many More Ppl Can Now Learn Cam Stone Exists#we've got The Scoop as attested babey!!! 🍨#and in turn we owe it all to akd everyone say thank you akd for acting that pwns & a je ne sais quoi to boot#which; in turn; thank you kompenso; thank you will roland's pwning acting/je ne sais quoi; thank you michael greif What Works understander.#i have remembered that pixels are implicit in the term ''dpi''....but it's a wash on clarity yet funnier to leave it as i wrote it
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the-kipsabian · 1 year
i just want everyone to remember that this platinum tier promo exists cause its my everything
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inked-out-trees · 10 months
Max and Sandra almost (almost!) get a full year of marital bliss. In 2530, some young Bureau operatives discuss their futures.
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nova-they-exist-yup · 8 months
Not me and my autistic ass reading unsympathetic tags and going “oh! the author wants US to not sympathize with the character!”
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widevibratobitch · 6 months
do i let feminism lose and spend all of my savings on a rhinoplasty or do i continue to just. live Like That lol
#kms idk what to do#it's doing research on best surgeons in your country hours while your friends with normal noses are sleeping#anyway it's been a great little vacation and i had a lot of fun but the absolute fucking dread whenever someone is taking a picture#and i cant control how it looks. is ruining all the fun.#i said fuck it once today and then saw that picture my friend took of me and wanted to yeet myself into traffic straight away#the worst thing is im obsessed with big unusual conventionally unattractive noses. i love them.#but mine is not this hot sexy aquiline kind. its just a huge round bulbous fucking potato in the middle of my face#its the kind of nose no one will ever find pretty or hot or even interesting. its just comical. it looks like a fake clown nose.#and while it is indeed very in character of me to have a fucking clown nose attached to my face 24/7 forever#its literally making me wanna wear a paper bag over my head#goddd idk. cause like. what if something goes wrong lol knowing my luck it definitely could#and then uhhhh idk i guess i really would just kms lol#funny thing - didn't even really notice it before uni. like i always knew there was something seriously fucking wrong with my face#but could never put a finger on what it is exactly#and then this uni friend made that one comment about my nose and suddenly everything clicked into place#you're absolutely right queen the fucking nose aka the CENTRAL thing on my face is the main culprit here lol#anyway not a day has gone by since then that i wouldnt look into the mirror and felt awful and pathetic about it <3#i am ready to go against all of my ideals and just do it. ill have no money left but maybe its worth it. to get a little peace of mind. idk.
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orcelito · 2 years
oh god now im thinking about my Godawful hand-written “original” stories i wrote in middle school, the earliest in 5th grade. the 5th grade one was with a bunch of unicorns, & i put “illustrations” using the unicorn stickers i had. & the only ppl who really read it were my grandparents who would cheer me on, despite it sucking absolute ass (my grandma for the longest time INSISTED that i should be a writer)
and now here i am with 46k hits & 1082 kudos for a 444,666 word story
how the times have tabled
#speculation nation#sometimes it feels like i chose to focus on writing out of nowhere#woke up and decided to write a beast of a fic and i havent stopped writing since#but i HAVE been writing for a while. turns out that's what develops writing ability lol#i went a LONG time not doing any solo writing. freshman year of high school (2011) to like 2020 when i did my dnd character backstory tales#but i got really. really really REALLY into text-based rp lol#for YEARS i did hundreds of thousands of words of text rp with. varying people .#i still love rp lol but i rediscovered my love for solo writing#it really is so great. it's like ur playing dolls except u have TOTAL power over everything#i can decide i wanna do a thing and then like. it's there. there it is!#i still think it's insane that i have such a massive fic & largely . do not have notes for plotting#ive done all the plotting in my head & conversations with andi lol#and i apparently have some pretty insane memory abilities. NOT for school of course. but Entirely for my fic#it's the thing of like. Concepts. concepts are much easier to remember than Terms for me#aka why im so good at math (you learn a ruleset and then you mimic it) but so shit at history (that is nothing BUT memorization)#i have loose memory of all my fic & then a pretty comprehensive way to access those memory bits#the chapter titles r nice for titles' sake but tbh their primary usage is to make it easier for me to reference past events lol#i might not remember exactly what happens in every chapter. but the titles are Clues#so i can remember like 'ok the first time goro talks to sojiro was towards the start of futaba arc'#can remember Medjed as when that's starting. and kinda skim those chapters for when goro goes to check on stuff#and in this way i have a pretty pinpoint accurate search system based on my own memory & the records of the Entirety Of My Fic#i think anyone who has a fic over 300k words is kinda insane in some ways and that absolutely 100% counts me in#i dont think there's a single scene i dont remember. maybe not Actively but gimme a scene and i will remember it#perhaps even remember Where it happens. or be able to Find it relatively easily#all this from lil 5th grade me and my unicorn stickers story.............. yeah :')#i love thinking about how i got here . like writing is just so cool and this sure is a hobby i've committed to#throughout a LOT of my life... it's great :')#discacc shit#tagging it bc i talk so much about it slkdjfslkdfj
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erigold13261 · 1 month
*looks at the curse-human tag post* Okay this needs to happen in the Eriverse at one point (but Mahito would not be forgiven…)
Probably not the Eriverse as that specific idea relies on the JJK universe, but there could definitely be a tag game between humans and entities at some point (Mahito: Tag! You're it! *person is idle transfigured and in pain*)
I have this silly JJK AU in my head where everyone is alive after the Shibuya incident. Most of the time it is the characters being revived after everything and they remember what happened but are not allowed to kill each other again for whatever reason (some higher being/stronger force is fucking around and wants to see how these curses and humans would interact if forced to co-exist).
I honestly do this a lot with media. Where I isolate characters in a like hyperbolic time chamber pocket dimension just to see them interact (I had a prominent NSR version of this but it was 6 of my AUs all together having to fix their own issues with each other).
So that version of the tag game was definitely just JJK and not Eriverse. Specifically a version where it's just a bunch of humans vs curses games to see who can get more points.
There's another version where curses are fully confined to the Tokyo School and can only leave the barrier with supervision of a sorcerer (Mahito is never let out while the other curses are forced to go on field trips with a sorcerer. This is where I got my idea that Hakari and Hanami would become friends lol)
I have a few other versions where humans and curses are able to coexist, but honestly this whole plot line I am talking about has nothing to do with your ask and I just wanted to share my stupid way I enjoy making character interactions. Because it is fun just shoving characters together without having to make a whole world around why the fuck someone like Kurourushi is hanging out with Mechamaru or some stupid bullshit like that.
But anyway, I think a tag game like that in the Eriverse would happen for fun once TADC domain was fixed and Caine has free reign but also sentience. He'd definitely try to do group bonding exercises with humans and entities to get the two groups closer together.
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