#lol we're not gonna unpack that though
heyitslapis · 9 months
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draw your (OCTP) as the one who is so touched starved it hurts & the one who can't keep their hands off of the other
(couldn't decide which color i liked better. Tumblr nerfed the images, so click for better quality) As always, reblogs are appreciated, but don't feel obligated to. I made this for me & if others enjoy it then thats a bonus!
Original image & credit under the cut!
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Original image by Benaya-Trash
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the-ninjago-historian · 2 months
New Dragons Rising Article!
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(EDIT: I blurred out the episode title last minute. I was feeling paranoid about it. Lol. And I made some last minute grammer fixes. Enjoy!)
The episode titles and descriptions for Season 2 Part 2 just dropped today! There's TONS of new info and lore to unpack. So let's get started! *SPOILERS BELOW THE THE CUT!*
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1: So first off we have The Shape of Motion. (This title is clearly parodying The Shape of Water. Lol.) It seems they will be picking up a new baby dragon! Riyu is gonna be a big brother! How cute!💖 I hope Arin finds his parents too. Poor guy.😔
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2: Now we have Enter the City of Temples. The Ninja must have found out about the tournament and decided to go there. But why? We're not sure yet. I would think they would want to stay away from the tournament, considering what happened in the last one.😅 Also, Kai and Bonzle are attempting to escape. So that's cool! You guys will get to see them too!
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3: Next is Gathering for The Feast. Some how I get an ominous feeling about that title for some reason. Lol. Also, looks like the Ninja's earned their invites somehow and are now in the tournament! And it looks this is the episode where we'll see the return of some old Elemental Masters!
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4: Now we have Inside the Maze. This episode is VERY interesting. So much to unpack! Because it's the first mention of some new artifacts. The Horns. Specifically, The Dragon Horns. Arin and the others must have heard about them in the last episode. What are these horns exactly? Are they like instrument type horns? Or literal dragon horns? We'll have to wait and see. We also have a new character called Frak! And finally, something ALL you Jaya shippers have been waiting for...
This is gonna break y'all hearts, I know it.🤣
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5: Next is United We Fall. Oh boy! It's named after one of my favorite TSFH songs! Haha! Just kidding! Anyways, poor Wyldefyre is pitted against CINDER?!?! The guy who broke her leg?! Yikes! Looks like it didn't go well either. And the Ninja will have to win they way back into the tournament through a race!
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6: Now we have Truth and Lies. Finally a Wu mention! But it doesn't look good. I have a feeling Ras is lying though. Or not. And we'll get some racing action from the rest of the ninjas!
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7: Next is The Shattering Sword. Sounds like something from Lloyd's vision, huh? And we get to see the new character Roby giving Arin a museum tour and some new info on the source dragons! (It would be hilarious if Roby was working for Ras the entire time.😂) And here's how to pronounce Roby's name, if you're curious.
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8: Next is Clues and Suspects! Tons of cool stuff in this episode! Roby has a way bigger role then I thought! There's a new character mentioned named Bleckt? (I wonder if that's a typo?) Also, FINALLY A ZEATRIX MENTION! And they're transferring her powers for some reason? The how and why are unclear. Also, this new character Bleckt is somehow connected to Arin's investigation. And possibly part of The Administration, since they mention he has an office. My guess is that these Dragon Horn thingies were confiscated by the Administration or something.
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9: And here we have The Final Game. That doesn't sound good. Arin learns a "Devastating Secret about the Merge" Uh oh. Cole stays behind to protect the Dragon horns! What??? Oh no! Sora faces off against Nokt and Wyldefyre is too late to stop the "Manipulation of the Games!" OH NO. Yeah, this one is gonna be pretty chaotic. Yikes.
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10: Finally, we have Elements of Betrayal. THAT'S AN EVEN WORSE TITLE! It's making me more nervous than the last one!
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There's a new location called The Monastery of Gates. That I guess these Dragon Horns are at? Arin, Zane, and Cole seems like a fun combination. Should be a cool fight! And it looks like the elemental masters have lost their powers once again are going to be fighting Ras and his wolf warrior army. NoBoDy SaW tHaT cOmInG. Pfft.
Aaaaaaand, that's it for now. Wow! So much stuff! Sounds like it will be a very exciting collection of episodes! Hope you had fun reading this!
Bye for now!
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genericpuff · 7 months
Hey puff! So you said Hades is a "mess who hasn't spilled over" and there are definitely some warning signs even now - Artemis' dislike, the ominous grin in the last chapter does not bode well for Alex, him treating Minthe pretty badly and dismissively, being open about his attraction to Kore while acknowledging Minthe, eating Dio to shut him up and laughing about it (No Kronos flashbacks, Hades??) Of course he did a lot of this in LO too but that was framed as a good thing and you seem more self aware than that.
My question is are he and Kore still endgame with his bad traits? Or is Kore just hiding a much darker, more selfish side who would like all this?
Hades and Kore are both very, VERY complicated people with complicated backstories that involve both the good and the bad. They're both victims of circumstance as well as their own wrongdoings (even the ones that were well-intentioned, they're both walking the road to hell wink wink), they're both holding on to some pretty dark shit and we're going to be exploring plenty of both sides along the way. I'm obviously trying not to spoil anything, but I will say that Hades and Persephone are not going to have a cut-and-dry 'fairy tale romance' like what was attempted in LO, Rekindled is attempting to be a more faithful retelling of the original Hymn to Demeter after all (or at least its original themes and messaging). They're both incredibly damaged people with a lot of tightly-sealed baggage that DESPERATELY needs to be unpacked and we all know what happens to relationships built on those types of foundations ;0 So that's all ima say on that ~
As for the irony of Hades 'eating' Dionysus, hurt people hurt people. Though I wouldn't worry about Dionysus, he just projects his consciousness into berries, he's alive and well ;) As for Hades... let's just say you shouldn't eat berries possessed by the god of madness, guy is gonna have a harsh comedown LOL
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diabolikpersonals · 8 months
sorry for such a broad question but in your opinion is laito a well written character relative to everyone in diabolik? i really Want to learn more about him but i also dont want to subject myself to All That and i just want to know if he's worth reading about or just a pile of interesting plot threads thrown together for shock factor and unfulfilled thematically.
like my current personal opinion (may be wrong) is that i dont feel satisfied with the idea of yui's love or proactiveness fixing laito in any way because it doesn't mesh well with the actual ideas surrounding his character and unpacking that love is not poison goes beyond romantic love or a singular place of understanding. additionally it doesn't feel earned it feels like a chore for the player to trudge though for the sake of reading. i dont want to read laito's story that bad if it's the case yet im intrigued by the things offered by his character like the processing of the deeply visceral way csa shatters who you are
I wanted to wait till I finished his CL to answer so I'd be fully caught up with laito's routes, but that'll take too long so.....!! I might change my answer later!! lmao
[tw laito stuff, csa and suicide, yeah]
I do think Laito's a well-written character but his stuff is really difficult to get through if you have certain triggers, so it's tough to recommend. Even beyond the csa stuff, Laito is in a real hurry to die and he makes several attempts throughout the series. There's a certain unique sort of awfulness, at least for me, involving scenes where a character fails a suicide attempt and then get even more upset and desperate about it. So I understand what you mean when you say you're not excited about putting yourself through it. They were the hardest routes for me to get through too :')
A lot of earlier games suffer from endings that are like "And the two lived happily ever after, and we're not gonna unpack all that stuff!" and Laito's routes are no exception, but if you can look past that and make it to LE, I wouldn't say that Laito gets fixed. He has an ending similar to Ayato's that's like, it feels like we fixed everything but in reality we couldn't overcome the core issue! They really seem to believe that Laito absolutely can't be happy or live a normal life the way he is now. He has to die and/or rewrite his memories to be comfortable loving someone. It's up to your tastes if that's satisfying or not, but I kind of love the bittersweetness of LE endings, and the way they feel like a happy ending until you think about them a little too hard.
What's interesting is that Yui's purehearted love often hurts Laito more than it helps him. He responds to love, from Yui or from his family members, with revulsion. There's jealousy when he interacts with straightforward characters like Yui or Ayato, like "If only I could be as simple and pure as you, but nope, I can't." He's very self-aware for a diaboy, which only makes it hurt more when he keeps arriving at the conclusion that he's rotten. He definitely makes progress, which is really satisfying to see, like how he gradually allows Ayato back in his life emotionally. But as of right now, the end of his arc is so, like, "I tried, really I did! But my perspective on love is fucked and I need a hard reset! Maybe I'll be normal in the next life but definitely not this one!! Bye!"
...So, it's hard to say if you'll be happy with it. I see a lot of mixed opinions concerning the LE endings. They often give the diaboy what he wants but not what he needs, so you're left going, "Wait, I don't know about this...!" A lot of people really hate these endings, but they actually get more interesting to me the more conflicted they make me feel...and oh boy, was I conflicted about this one! :'D
If it sounds interesting to you, too, and you don't mind some pretty brutal scenes along the way, give Laito's routes a try. His HDB will definitely make you mad though lol
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skibasyndrome · 4 months
20 Questions For Fic Writers
Thank you so much @darktwistedgenderplural, @wilmonsfolklore, @iwouldnevergetintofanfic & @earlgrey-lateatnight for tagging me in this!!!! This is so much fun!!! 💜💜💜💜💜
How many works do you have on Ao3?
17! (but only 12 of those "count", the other 5 are 6+ years old)
What's your total Ao3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Young Royals
Top five fics by kudos
You crave the Applause / Yet hate the Attention
Lavender Haze
It's in the water, baby
Never Letting You Go
Close, Closer
Do you respond to comments?
Yessssss, I really want to reply to every comment I get because I appreciate people taking their time to write them a lot, but sadly I've been super busy this semester and so there are quite a few still waiting to be responded to. But!!! I've seen them, I have and continue to feel over the moon about them and some day you'll all get your replies!
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
If we're only talking about the current fandom... none? I don't think I've ever given anything an angst ending. I don't even know if I'd be able to do that with Wilmon
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
By that logic, all the rest lmao. I think the ending that made me personally most giddy/happy for my blorbos was probably Lavender Haze because the potential, the big feelings that don't have a name yet, the I-really-wanna-see-you-again of it all? Yeah that one feels the happiest.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not usually, no. Although I had one salty anon who apparently thinks writing about characters being attracted to each other qualifies as fetishizing the actors? Lot to unpack there.
Do you write smut?
Craziest crossover:
I don't think I've ever written anything that could be considered a crossover
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yeah, in the early days of me writing fics people would go around and just... copy a whole fic and post it to their blog instead?
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I get comments asking me if people can translate my fics, but I haven't seen a translation thus far, no.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Nope! Would love to try it some time though
All time favourite ship?
Wilmon all the waaaaayyy
What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Ugh the list is so long. One thing that I'd LOVE to write but I'm just not sure I've got it in me worldbuilding-wise is a fic where wilmon are ancient greek heroes to be
What are your writing strengths?
I've been told that "filth with feelings" is one of my strengths. Oh and some of my favorite compliments have been ones that said I was good at really getting into a character's (let's be real, it's Wille's) psyche
What are your writing weaknesses?
How long do you have lmao? Idk where to start, hmm. I think I just always question myself and every choice a little too much in general, I have a very weird mix of perfectionism and impatience going on, I start too many new things before old ones are finished, my English isn't as good as it could be, I don't know when to stop rambling...
Thoughts on dialogue in another language?
I really don't see why you wouldn't use it. I think it's a nice little touch, at least I like it a lot on YR fanfic. It needs to make sense of course, but why not have a casual little "nej" somewhere, I think that's fun!
First fandom you wrote in?
One Direction, in ye olden days (2012) lol
Favourite fic you've written?
Oh this is difficuuuuult, aaaaah. But tbh I like Lavender Haze and the sequel All this shit is new to me a lot. Those are my sweet, sweet babies, because, I think I've said this before, this is my first multichaptered Wilmon fic that isn't "just" pwalp (=porn with a little plot) and I feel like I get to try myself out a lot with All this shit. I like the process of writing it and as for Lavender Haze, there are just some tiny elements in there that I feel immensely proud of.
I'm gonna (very much no pressure) tag @grapehyasynth, @oneofthosebells, @toffeelemon, @goldenwilmon & @piebingo and anyone else who sees this and hasn't been tagged yet (and if I'm double-tagging, apologies!) 💜
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blindmagdalena · 8 months
Hiiii it's me again!
I just wrapped up a full-on binge of your series with Homelander and Layla, and honestly, I've got to get a few things off my chest about these two. I'll try to keep this short, but there's a lot to unpack, and if you're not up for the essay I'm about to write here, feel free to skip it. Starting with Layla's profession — genius. It just clicks, right? With a job like hers, it's totally believable that she'd cross paths with a guy like Homelander. That guy's desperate for any scrap of affection he can get, doesn't really matter if it's genuine or not. And in your story, it feels like we get a dash of both. It's refreshing because usually, OCs just snap their fingers and suddenly, Homelander's all about them, which feels a tad forced.
But Layla? She's different. Their first serious meet-up perfectly demonstrates her patience. And her smarts? She's ten steps ahead, seeing right through Homelander's act — you know the one where he pretends he's too cool for the room. Her ability to play him like a fiddle from the get-go, just by stroking his ego, is just so spot on. It's not just her cunning that stands out, though. Layla knows exactly when to use emotional leverage, she's insightful about Homelander's neediness, hence the booked meeting. She's not your typical 'strong woman' character — thank goodness we're not talking about those overdone, one-dimensional types that come off as watered-down male heroes. Love that she's profoundly intelligent, perceptive, and strategic in her emotional connections. She's an exemplary character not wedged into the role of being “strong” but one who utilizes her understanding and empathy as powerful tools.
I'm sold on her character (if you can't tell.) And I'm really going all out here because as I revisit the first chapters to talk about this, I keep finding new reasons to appreciate her more. I want to dive deeper into my thoughts, but I'm probably just rambling now, so I'll cut myself off. You've single handedly got me working on my personal oc again lmfao. Just a last note, it's cool to see an original character who isn't some superpowered being for a change. It adds layers to the world you've built that I'm just here for. I'm gonna read a few other fics you have linked about your ocs — I came for the x reader fics and stayed for the ocs LOL.
— 💌
you genuinely took my breath away with this! my heart is so full and warm, i could cry. i can't tell you how many times i reread this this morning! i'm very tender-hearted when it comes to my original characters, and i was quite nervous starting an oc fic, but this makes me SO happy that i did!
please don't ever apologize for writing essays like this, i honestly want to print this out and hang it on my wall. thank you SO MUCH for not only reading my fic but taking the time to send me such an incredibly thoughtful message about my girl Layla. it really does mean the world to me!!! and i really can't wait to get back to writing Eat Your Ego.
i'm really happy that she's coming across so well! i knew that i would have to be careful in how i wrote her for the fact that she IS human, and there's a very delicate balance to be had in interacting with Homelander. there's a tension there that yeah, one wrong move and she really and truly has no defense against him aside from her wits, so i needed her empathy and intellect to be sort of a super power of their own.
i was worried she would come across as omniscient or meta, so i tried to lean into the fact that Homelander's ego and power trips really do just have him behaving like the type of men she would regularly encounter in her line of work.
aaahhh, gosh, even responding to this i reread it a whole bunch. thank you so much, darling. i'm going to treasure this message! 🖤
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project-do-over · 2 months
Bookwyrm1982 has logged in
Bookwyrm1982: Hello? Are you still there?
Violet_M00n: Yup. What's up?
Bookwyrm1982: Are you really from the future?
Violet_M00n: Pretty much.
Bookwyrm1982: So this has already happened for you?
Violet_M00n: Not quite, it's kinda complicated but basically we're in two different timelines. I'm in the one where I didn't hear from my future self, you are... not.
Bookwyrm1982: I see.
Bookwyrm1982: So can you still predict things?
Violet_M00n: To a point. Anything you directly or indirectly affect could end up different, and random processes like, say, picking lottery numbers might not work 100%.
Violet_M00n: But big picture stuff, absolutely.
Violet_M00n: ... You want to know about HER, don't you.
Bookwyrm1982: Just tell me if I ever work up the nerve to say something?
Violet_M00n: ... Are you sure you want to know? Because once you do, you can't come back from it. Especially if you don't like the answer.
Bookwyrm1982: Please. Just tell me. I promise I won't get mad.
Violet_M00n: Okay. So. Sit down for this. Which you already are because you have to be at a desktop in 1999, right.
Violet_M00n: The short answer is no, you and her never get together.
Bookwyrm1982: oh.
Violet_M00n: The long answer is, you learn pretty quickly that it's a good thing you don't.
Violet_M00n: You see the person you are in love with isn't actually who you think she is.
Bookwyrm1982: Well, OK, but still...
Violet_M00n: The actual girl isn't very nice, at least not to you. She's not the perfect being you make her out to be.
Violet_M00n: For one thing, she smokes.
Bookwyrm1982: what?
Violet_M00n: $! Yeah and like, nothing against smokers. I know where you're at it's hard not to feel like smoking is an absolute sin, and it's not. Not really.
Violet_M00n: Heck, we even pick up the habit for a while. And then drop it because it's gross.
Bookwyrm1982: I don't believe you.
Violet_M00n: Yes you do. Because you're afraid it's true and you're already doing the math in your head to see if it lines up.
Violet_M00n: And it does. And it will sink in. And you'll be free of her.
Violet_M00n: But you see, there is something to be salvaged from this.
Violet_M00n: Let me ask you a question: who do you see her as?
Bookwyrm1982: I don't know... She's smart... kind... funny. She has a beautiful smile, and she's so pretty...
Bookwyrm1982: She's just... Everything I want in a girl.
Violet_M00n: Everything you want... as a girl?
Bookwyrm1982: No, *in* a girl.
Violet_M00n: But if you, hypothetically speaking, were to be a girl, she'd be pretty much who you want to be?
Bookwyrm1982: I mean, I guess so?
Violet_M00n: I'm gonna send you something real quick. It's just a selfie, no dick pic, I promise.
Bookwyrm1982: Lol even if you did it wouldn't be anything I haven't seen before, right?
Violet_M00n: Well, you say that...
Bookwyrm1982:... I'm afraid to ask.
Violet_M00n: All will become clear. Soon enough.
Violet_M00n is sending a file 2957w7wj4942p.jpg (0kb of 3,126kb)
Bookwyrm1982: Um. That's going to take a while to download...
Violet_M00n: Oh right... Fucking dial up, I forgot.
Give me a few minutes, let me downscale it...
Violet_M00n: There we go. Sorry that took a minute, had to find a good way to do it.
Violet_M00n: I compressed it just to be safe
Violet_M00n is sending a file (selfie.zip) (0kb of 154kb)
Violet_M00n: There you go. It's just a selfie.
Bookwyrm1982: what's a selfie?
Violet_M00n: ... Yeah there's gonna be a lot of words I use that you won't get, huh? It's amazing how much language can change in a quarter century.
Violet_M00n: It's a picture I took of myself. Self-ie.
File downloaded
Bookwyrm1982: Okay, it finished. Unpacking it now.
Bookwyrm1982: I think you sent the wrong picture though.
Violet_M00n: Oh? Why do you think that? ^v^
Bookwyrm1982: I think you sent us a picture of our sister. It's a picture of a girl.
Violet_M00n: Oh? Is that so? Maybe you need to look a little... closer...
Violet_M00n is grinning like a little shit
Bookwyrm1982: I mean she kind of looks like me but.
Bookwyrm1982: wait.
Violet_M00n: uh huh?
Bookwyrm1982: Is this... For Halloween? For a play?
Violet_M00n: Nope, and nope.
Bookwyrm1982: But. Wait. I don't understand.
Violet_M00n: I think you do. But in case not, let me make this clear.
Violet_M00n: This isn't a trick. It's not a prank. This is me. Us.
Violet_M00n: You.
Bookwyrm1982: Sorry I g2g. Mom just rang the bell for dinner.
Violet_M00n: Just think about it, okay? I'll be here to answer any questions you might have.
Bookwyrm1982: cya
Bookwyrm1982 has logged off (unavailable)
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Ruffled Feathers 🪶
~ Part 42 ~
Summary: Julia Morgan, Bobby's niece, has always been a royal thorn in Dean Winchesters ass since the day they met 1 year ago at Bobby's memorial. She wants to be a hunter, he thinks she's a dumb kid playing dress up. Will she always be seen as an unwanted load in Dean's eyes or will he see something more?
Pairing: Dean x OC
Warnings: Age gap, language, sexual themes (used lightly), physical abuse (Not by Dean).
Word Count: 3,772
A/N: Did you guys like this chapter? It’s def my longest one lol there’s a lot to unpack in it, poor Julia :/ so glad she has Dean there for her tho. Also, Julia works at a vet clinic part time. I didn’t put that in the chapters because it’s unnecessary but there will be a scene in a future chapter that includes this. I don’t want to give away any spoilers tho lol Stated as always this story is cross posted on Wattpad. Happy reading! ♥️
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Things at the bunker had settled back into a routine after the vamp hunt. Dean and Sam were already gearing up for another hunt, some strange occurrences in a nearby town that had them leaving early in the morning. Julia, feeling restless, had been left behind this time with strict instructions from both brothers to take it easy.
But Julia wasn't the type to sit idle, especially when she heard whispers of a demon wreaking havoc nearby. She knew she could handle it. After all, she had learned a lot from Sam and Dean. Plus, their hunt was nearby too, so if needed, she could always call for backup. So, without telling them, she grabbed her gear and headed out, determined to take care of it alone.
The hunt had gone smoothly, at least at first. Julia tracked the demon to an old, abandoned building. Armed with the devil's trap and her angel blade, she took it down with relative ease. What she didn't realize, though, was that she'd missed its friend—a second demon lurking nearby, watching her every move.
She hadn't noticed anything unusual until she was already back on the freeway, heading home. A creeping sense of dread washed over her as she glanced in her rearview mirror. The black car behind her was getting closer... too close. Her heart pounded in her chest as the car picked up speed, clearly aiming for her. Panic set in.
Julia fumbled for her phone, quickly dialing Dean.
Dean's voice was gruff when he answered,
"Hey, we're just wrapping up here. What's up?"
"I... uh, I might've gone after a demon on my own," Julia admitted, her voice shaking slightly.
"And I think it's friend is after me. It's been tailing me for miles."
"What?!" Dean's voice immediately shot up an octave, a mix of anger and concern flooding his words. "Julia, are you serious right now? Why the hell didn't you tell us? Where are you?"
"I'm on the freeway, heading back toward the bunker," she said, glancing nervously at the car still closing in on her. "But I don't think I'm gonna make it there before this thing catches up to me."
Dean's jaw clenched on the other end. Alright, I'm coming to get you. Just—stay calm, alright? Don't do anything stupid. Keep driving."
"I'm trying!" Julia's voice wavered as she saw the car gaining on her.
Suddenly, the black car sped up and slammed into the back of her vehicle, causing her to swerve. Julia let out a sharp gasp, struggling to maintain control of the car.
"Julia?!" Dean's voice was loud in her ear. "What's happening?!"
"They just hit me!" she cried out, her knuckles white as she gripped the steering wheel.
"Shit. Alright, I'm on my way. Just keep it together, okay? I'm coming for you."
But as the words left his mouth, Julia's world tilted violently. The black car hit her again, harder this time, and she lost control. Her car veered off the road, flipping as it crashed into the ditch. The phone flew out of her hand, and the world went black.
"Julia?! Julia!" Dean shouted into the phone, but there was no response. The sound of static crackled in his ear, and his heart dropped into his stomach.
Without wasting another second, Dean floored it, racing against time to get to her.
Dean drove like a man possessed, his hands gripping the steering wheel so tightly his knuckles turned white. The road blurred in front of him as he pushed the Impala to its limit, the only thought running through his mind: Get to Julia. Now.
When he finally reached the scene, his heart nearly stopped. Julia's car was upside down in the ditch, smoke rising from the crumpled wreckage. His blood ran cold as he leaped out of the Impala and ran toward the car.
"Julia!" he shouted, skidding to a halt next to the overturned vehicle. His hands were shaking as he tried to pry the door open, finally managing to yank it free.
Julia was slumped in the driver's seat, blood smeared across her face, her breathing shallow. For a moment, everything else faded away. The only thing that mattered was her.
"Julia, come on," Dean muttered, gently pulling her out of the car, cradling her limp body in his arms. "Stay with me. You hear me?"
She groaned softly, her eyelids fluttering open. "Dean..."
"I'm here," Dean said, his voice thick with emotion. "I've got you."
He didn't waste any time. Carefully, he carried her back to the Impala, laying her in the back seat before jumping into the driver's seat. His hands were still shaking, but he forced himself to focus as he sped toward the nearest hospital.
Dean sat in the cold, sterile waiting room of the hospital, the constant beeping of machines and low hum of voices around him only adding to his restlessness. He had been pacing for what felt like hours, hands clenched into fists at his sides. His mind replayed the crash over and over again, the sound of Julia's voice cutting off, the sight of her covered in blood. It was enough to drive him mad with worry.
He was so deep in thought that he almost jumped when his phone buzzed in his pocket. He pulled it out, seeing Sam's name flash across the screen. In the chaos of the last few hours, he had completely forgotten to tell Sam what had happened.
With a sigh, Dean answered, bracing himself for the inevitable questions.
"Dean, where the hell did you go?" Sam's voice was sharp, but there was an edge of concern underneath the frustration. "I turn around for one second and you're just... gone."
"Sam..." Dean rubbed the back of his neck, his voice heavy. "Something happened. Julia... she went on a hunt alone."
"What?" Sam sounded both surprised and worried. "Why didn't she tell us?"
"I don't know, man," Dean replied, his voice tight with guilt and frustration. "She took on a demon alone and didn't realize it had a buddy. She called me when the second one was after her. I was on the phone with her when she crashed."
Sam was silent for a moment, clearly processing what Dean had said. "Is she okay?" he finally asked, his voice quieter.
"She's in surgery," Dean said, his heart tightening at the words. "The docs said she should be fine, but... hell, man. It was close."
Sam let out a slow breath. "You should've called me sooner."
"I know," Dean muttered, guilt flooding through him. "I just... I wasn't thinking straight. I had to get to her."
"It's okay," Sam said, his tone softening. "You did the right thing. Just let me know how she's doing. I'll catch a ride back to the bunker."
Dean nodded, though Sam couldn't see it. "I'll keep you updated."
They hung up, and Dean stared at the phone for a moment, feeling a knot of guilt settle in his chest. He had left Sam without an explanation, but Sam understood. He always did.
A short while later, a doctor approached Dean, pulling him from his thoughts. The man's expression was calm, and Dean immediately stood, his heart pounding in his chest.
"How is she?" Dean asked, his voice rough with worry.
The doctor gave a reassuring smile. "We were able to stop the bleeding. She has a minor concussion and some bruised ribs, but she's stable now. She should be waking up shortly."
Dean let out a breath he didn't realize he'd been holding. Relief flooded his system, and for the first time in hours, he felt like he could breathe again.
"Can I see her?" he asked, his voice softer now.
The doctor nodded. "She's in recovery. You can go in, but don't stay too long. She still needs to rest."
Dean thanked him and made his way down the hall to Julia's room. When he walked in, the sight of her lying there—her face pale, a bandage wrapped around her head—sent a wave of guilt crashing over him again.
He pulled up a chair next to her bed, sitting down heavily. He reached out, gently taking her hand in his, his thumb brushing over her knuckles.
"Dammit, Jules," he muttered under his breath, his voice thick with emotion. "Why didn't you just tell us? You didn't have to do this alone."
Julia stirred slightly, her eyelids fluttering as she began to wake. Dean leaned in closer, his heart pounding in his chest as her eyes finally opened.
She blinked up at him, confusion and pain clouding her expression for a moment before she registered where she was. "Dean?" she croaked, her voice hoarse.
"I'm here," Dean said softly, squeezing her hand. "You're okay."
Julia winced slightly, trying to shift in the bed, but she immediately stilled as pain shot through her body. "What... what happened?"
"You went and did something stupid," Dean replied, though his voice was more tender than harsh. "You went after a demon alone, remember?"
Her brows furrowed as the memories slowly came back. "Yeah... I remember." She groaned softly, closing her eyes. "I really messed up, didn't I?"
Dean shook his head, though the guilt in his eyes told another story. "You got lucky, that's all. Don't do it again."
Julia managed a small, weak smile, her fingers curling around his. "I'll try not to."
They sat in silence for a few moments, the weight of everything that had happened still hanging in the air. Dean could feel the fear and anger bubbling just beneath the surface, but he pushed it down for now. She was safe, and that was all that mattered.
"I'm sorry," Julia whispered, her voice barely above a breath. "I didn't mean to make you worry."
Dean sighed, leaning forward to press a kiss to her forehead. "Just promise me you won't go solo again."
She nodded, her eyes closing as exhaustion overtook her. "Promise."
Dean stayed by her side, holding her hand as she drifted back to sleep.
As the night settled in, the hospital room dimmed, casting a soft glow over Julia's sleeping figure. Dean sat in the chair beside her bed, still holding her hand gently. He hadn't let go since she'd fallen asleep again. Every now and then, he glanced at her face, watching her chest rise and fall with steady breaths. The sight was comforting, but the weight of the day still sat heavy on his chest.
He glanced at his phone, realizing he hadn't updated Sam yet. Pulling it out, Dean dialed his brother's number, his eyes still on Julia. After a few rings, Sam picked up.
"Hey, Dean. How's she doing?"
Dean sighed softly, leaning back in the chair. "She's stable. Doc says she'll be okay, but they want her to stay overnight. Just to make sure everything's fine."
Sam's voice softened with relief. "That's good to hear. You staying there with her?"
"Yeah," Dean replied without hesitation. "I'm not leaving until she's out of here. I'll be back at the bunker in the morning once they let her go."
"Alright," Sam said. "I figured. Do you need anything? I can bring some stuff by if you want."
Dean shook his head, though Sam couldn't see it. "Nah, I'm good. Just let me know if you find any cases or anything."
"I will. Take care of her, Dean. And get some rest if you can," Sam advised, his tone understanding.
"I'll try," Dean muttered, knowing sleep wouldn't come easy.
After hanging up, Dean leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. The beeping of the heart monitor and the quiet sounds of the hospital filled the room. He closed his eyes for a moment, trying to push back the guilt gnawing at him.
Julia had been reckless, but so had he—rushing into the situation without thinking it through. The fear of losing her had clouded everything else. He couldn't stop the what-ifs from spinning in his head: What if he hadn't gotten there in time? What if the crash had been worse?
The thought made his grip on her hand tighten just a bit, as if holding her would keep the fear at bay.
Several hours passed like this—Dean sitting vigil by her side, his thoughts a constant loop of worry, guilt, and relief. Eventually, he dozed off, his head resting on the side of her bed, still holding her hand.
When he stirred, it was the sound of footsteps outside the room that woke him. He sat up straight, blinking the sleep from his eyes. The hospital was quiet, except for the occasional nurse walking by. Julia was still asleep, her face peaceful but pale under the dim light.
Dean glanced at the clock on the wall. It was well past midnight now. He rubbed a hand over his face, trying to shake the exhaustion that clung to him. He wasn't leaving her side, no matter how tired he was.
A few hours later, just as the first hints of dawn were starting to creep through the blinds, Julia began to stir again. Her eyes fluttered open, and she looked over at Dean, her voice still groggy. "You didn't leave, did you?"
Dean shook his head, giving her a small smile. "Not a chance."
She gave a tired smile back, her fingers weakly squeezing his hand. "You didn't have to stay, you know."
Dean scoffed lightly. "Like hell I didn't. After the stunt you pulled, someone's gotta make sure you don't do anything else stupid."
Julia chuckled softly, though it quickly turned into a wince of pain. "Yeah... I deserve that."
"You think?" Dean's tone was teasing, but there was still a seriousness in his eyes. He wasn't letting her off the hook that easily.
"Okay, okay," she muttered. "I messed up. Won't happen again."
"It better not," Dean replied, his voice softening as he leaned in closer. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."
Julia's eyes met his, and for a moment, there was nothing but silence between them. The weight of his words hung in the air, unspoken but understood.
Before she could say anything, the door to the room opened, and a nurse stepped in, checking Julia's chart. "Good morning," she said with a smile, "You have a visitor,"
Julia's eyes widened, with confusion. Who?? Before she could fully gather her thoughts, the door swung open, and there he was—her father, with the same intense expression she remembered from her childhood.
What the hell was he doing here?
"I got here as soon as I could," George said in a gruff voice, his concern evident as he quickly walked to Julia's bedside. His eyes scanned her injuries with a mix of worry and barely concealed anger. "I flew in as soon as I got the call from the hospital. What the hell happened, Julia?"
She swallowed hard, unsure of how to even begin explaining. Her father's eyes flicked over to Dean, narrowing suspiciously.
"And who the hell is this?" George snapped, his voice rising as he pointed at Dean.
Dean, who had been standing quietly by her side, straightened up, his own irritation flaring at the man's tone. "Her boyfriend," Dean replied curtly, his jaw clenched. "Who the hell are you?"
"My dad," Julia interjected quickly, sensing the tension rising between the two men. Her eyes darted between them, seeing the fire in Dean's eyes and knowing exactly why it was there. He remembered all too well the stories she had told him about her past—the black eye her father had given her, the years of resentment and unresolved anger that lingered between them.
George's eyes widened in shock for a moment before he masked it with a scoff, crossing his arms. "Boyfriend, huh?" His tone was dismissive, as if Dean's existence in Julia's life was nothing more than a nuisance. "I guess I shouldn't be surprised."
Dean's fists tightened at his sides, the urge to say something sharp or retaliate bubbling inside him. But he held back, if only for Julia's sake. He knew this wasn't the time or place to pick a fight, no matter how much this man deserved it. But God, all he could think about was that story Julia had told him about her father—the one who had once given her a black eye when she was just a kid.
His mind raced with anger and protectiveness, and Julia, sensing it all, quickly spoke up.
"Dean, could you get me a glass of water?" she asked softly, her voice cutting through the tense atmosphere in the room. She needed to break the moment, to give Dean a reason to step away before things escalated any further.
Dean hesitated, his eyes still locked on her father, but then he gave a small nod, turning on his heel and heading toward the door. Julia watched him go, relief and guilt washing over her. She hated the tension, the way her past was crashing into her present.
As soon as Dean was out of earshot, her father turned his gaze back to her, his expression a mix of anger and concern. "What the hell are you thinking, Julia? Getting involved with someone like that?"
Julia clenched her fists in her lap, her eyes narrowing. "You don't know him, Dad."
"And you do?", George shot back. "He's trouble. I can see it from a mile away. The look in his eyes, the way he carries himself. You're getting yourself into more problems, just like you always do."
Julia's heart pounded in her chest, frustration bubbling up inside her. "No, Dad. The only problems I had were because of you."
George's face tightened, clearly not expecting that response. "I came here because I'm worried about you, Julia."
"Worried?" she scoffed, shaking her head. "You haven't been worried about me for years. So don't pretend now."
The silence between them stretched, heavy and uncomfortable, as the weight of their history hung between them. Julia looked toward the door, hoping Dean would come back soon. She needed him—his presence, his calm strength—to get her through this.
Julia's eyes darkened with a simmering anger she had kept hidden for years. She took a deep breath, her voice low but firm. "I know I've always been a disappointment to you. I didn't live up to the family name. I dropped out of college. I'm working part-time at a vet clinic as a secretary just to pay the bills. But you never cared about me then, so don't stand here and pretend you care now."
George's face twisted in frustration, his hands tightening into fists at his sides. "Julia, you have no idea what you're talking about."
"I don't?" Julia scoffed, her voice rising. "I grew up in that house with you. I know exactly what I'm talking about."
George's expression shifted from anger to something more dangerous—a cold, hard look. Without warning, he stepped forward, grabbing her arm roughly, the one still sore from the accident. Julia winced in pain, unable to hide it.
"You need to come home," he hissed, his grip tightening on her arm. "You're spiraling out of control, and you need someone to keep you in check. You're not thinking straight—"
Before he could finish, the door to the room flew open, and Dean stormed in. His eyes widened at the sight of her George's hand on Julia, and in that instant, he dropped the glass of water he had been holding. It shattered against the floor, but the sound barely registered in the tension-filled room. Dean was already moving, his hand shoving her father away from her and slamming him up against the wall.
"Get your hands off her," Dean growled, his voice low and deadly. His eyes blazed with fury as he glared at the man, holding him pinned against the wall with ease. "You don't get to come here and throw your weight around. You lost that right a long time ago."
George struggled against Dean's hold, but Dean was stronger, more determined. His chest heaved with barely contained rage, every muscle in his body tense, ready to act if her father so much as twitched wrong.
George's eyes flickered with a mixture of fear and anger. "Who the hell do you think you are?"
"I'm the guy who cares about her," Dean retorted, his voice steady but cold. "Which is a hell of a lot more than you ever did."
"Dean," Julia's voice broke through the tension, soft but resolute. She stepped closer, her hand resting lightly on his arm, trying to ground him. "Let him go."
Dean's eyes didn't leave George though, but after a long moment, he relented, releasing his hold. Her father stumbled back, glaring at Dean before turning his attention to Julia. His face was red with anger, his pride clearly wounded, but there was something else in his eyes too—a flicker of realization, maybe.
Julia took a deep breath, steadying herself as she spoke, her voice firm but calm. "If you really care about me, Dad, you'll let me go for good. Stop trying to control me. Stop showing up like you care when you don't. Just... let me live my life."
George opened his mouth as if to argue, but no words came out. Instead, he stood there, fists clenching and unclenching as if he didn't know what to do with his own anger. Finally, with a sharp exhale, he shook his head, muttering under his breath. "You're making a mistake."
"Maybe," Julia replied softly, her eyes locked on his. "But it's mine to make."
Without another word, her George turned and walked out of the room, the door slamming behind him. The silence that followed was thick, heavy with unspoken words and lingering tension.
Dean turned to Julia, his expression softening as his gaze shifted from the door to her face. "You okay?" His voice was gentle now, a stark contrast to the anger that had filled the room just moments before.
Julia nodded, though her heart was still pounding in her chest. "Yeah," she whispered, her voice a little shaky. "I'm okay."
Dean stepped closer, his hand finding hers and giving it a reassuring squeeze. "You're not a disappointment, you know that, right?"
Julia smiled, though her eyes were a little misty. "I know. Thanks, Dean."
Dean kissed her forehead softly, lingering there for a moment before pulling back and giving her a small, supportive smile. "C'mon, let's get you that water."
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practically-an-x-man · 3 months
character breakdowns for Nikoletta (yours), Eris (yours), Abner (canon), and/or Harley (canon) (optional Bernadette or Tiff [mine] but no pressure lol)
Oooooh thank you!!!
(under the cut for space, this got long lol)
How I feel about this character - I mean... she's my own OC. I'm irrevocably obsessed!! I love her story and it's genuinely so comforting to me to write about her and Abner being soft with each other
All the people I ship romantically with this character - just Abner, and that's not an entirely romantic pairing to begin with
My non-romantic OTP for this character - I do love her friendships with Harley and Cleo, I need to write about them more!
(not answering the last two since they don't really make sense for my own OC lol)
How I feel about this character - LOVE, of course! Again, my own OC. Genuinely one of the most fun characters to write, especially his dynamic with Rick, and arguably my best whumpee.
All the people I ship romantically with this character - Rick, of course, and all the past relationships I've mentioned across their fics. Though given they're drawn to the gruff soldier types, I could also see DuBois or maybe even one of the older Robins.
My non-romantic OTP for this character - Can you imagine the utter chaos that would erupt if Eris, Harley, and Boomer were placed in a room together??
(ditto on the last two)
How I feel about this character - God I just think he's such a great character and I want him so badly to be happy. His death scene pissed me tf off and is the entire reason I created Nikoletta as a character, dude deserves a chance for softness and happiness in his life. I suspect most of the reason I like him is me projecting my own medical shit and shitty mom issues, but we're not gonna unpack that right now.
All the people I ship romantically with this character - In canon... honestly, I don't see him with anyone. And of course my main ship for him is with my OC lol
My non-romantic OTP for this character - HIS FRIENDSHIP WITH CLEO IS THE SWEETEST THING I LOVE IT!!!
My unpopular opinion about this character - Saying he deserved better isn't really unpopular, so... I think the whole "he sees his mom everywhere" thing could've been a really powerful allegory for intrusive thoughts if they hadn't decided to make it painfully literal. He sees his mom everywhere? Easy mommy-issues trope, borders on trite. He hears his mom everywhere in the form of intrusive thoughts critiquing his every move? Realistic and impactful, would really strike home for people who go through similar things (cough cough)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. - They should've kept the deleted scenes, for one, they were so good for his character!! But also I think they should've gone more into the chronic illness implications of his superpowers. The movie dips its toe into it a little, but still mainly treats it like a joke, and I really wished they'd explored Abner's relationship with his powers in more than just a few lines of dialogue here and there.
How I feel about this character - Literally, unironically my bisexual awakening. One of my favorite characters of all time, cannot be beat, I have plans to get a segment of her diamond armband tattoo attached to my existing armband tattoo, I love her to death.
All the people I ship romantically with this character - IVY!! And I could totally see her with Dinah or Helena in Birds of Prey, but really for me Harley/Ivy is endgame.
My non-romantic OTP for this character - Her and Rick!! I know it's a popular ship but I just don't see it as romantic, however I love their dynamic as friends :D
My unpopular opinion about this character - She's! Not! Dumb! She has a fucking PhD!! Just because she's wild and chaotic and goofy sometimes does NOT make her dumb, and I get so tired of seeing her turned into the "silly dumb blonde" trope when that's NOT who she is. The fact that she's intelligent in addition to being a wild card is one of the main reasons I love her as a character!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. - I'd love to see her strike up a romance with a live-action Ivy, I know it's happened in a few of the animated shows but I'd love to see it in the movieverse.
How I feel about this character - LOVE LOVE LOVE!! Dying to read more about her, everything I've seen so far has made me totally hooked on her as a character!!
All the people I ship romantically with this character - I mean... who else but Tiff? Might be because she's your OC, but I really can't see anyone other than Tiff for her
My non-romantic OTP for this character - I don't know who all has interacted with her in your canon, but I think she'd get along really well with Cisco and Iris and the rest of the Flash gang, especially with her scientific mind :D
My unpopular opinion about this character - I neeeeed to read more about her!!! I love her so much already and she deserves her own longfic with Tiff!! (no pressure ofc, I'm just excited <3333)
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. - This is more of an AU than a suggestion for canon, but I'd love some sort of campy 70s-style sci-fi antics for her :D
How I feel about this character - Gonna be repeating myself here, but.... LOVE LOVE LOVE!! She and Bernadette are a package set, do not separate, and she's such a clean genderbend-OC (as in, she really fits both as her own character and as a genderbend of Tim). Also a GREAT source of whump imo
All the people I ship romantically with this character - Same as above, her and Bernadette are absolutely endgame for me and I love them <3333
My non-romantic OTP for this character - Not sure how the other Robins interact with her in your canon, but in my head there could be some absolutely to-die-for family teasing between them <3
My unpopular opinion about this character - Arguably cooler than the original Tim Drake. There, I said it :D
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon. - Whump that girl into oblivion and then send her back to Bernadette to take care of her <3333 I'm sure this has already happened but I want MORE!!! /lh
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quietbluejay · 24 days
Betrayer 13
Night of the Wolves breakdown
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this book sure does have a lot about responsibility and of course, Lorgar's original choir died screaming why am i unsurprised so, Angron's got a question for Lorgar the answer: they're going to Nuceria Nuceria holds the key to finalizing the Ruinstorm
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lol this is not going according to keikaku also i just realized the parallels between this book and Angel Exterminatus
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there's some stuff to unpack here though as always Lorgar is unreliable narrator "you tried to be the son he needed you to be" is this our answer as to why Angron didn't rebel only other thing I can think of is Emps' programming???
the other reason is that Angron is dying as it seems like everyone but him knows
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lorgar: i can "fix" him wait i think i made that joke already
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Angron can sense something is…off Angron: why do you even want to
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by giving him an existence that's only pain
angron calls lorgar weak lorgar: !!!!!?????
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angron hit lorgar's sore spot That Totally Doesn't Bother Him
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so we're gonna get Lorgar's explanation and the reason why people say Russ won it Angron tells what he remembers
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he's surrounded by Wolves and they're close
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man i wanted someone to say that to Russ at some point
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lorgar: oh wait he's not joking
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angron's right and he should say it
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yeah, no, I'm sorry, I'm with Angron here this is another "Russ is so smart, he's actually more stupid than if he were just plain stupid"
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i mean they were loyal, okay, whatever but they still lost
why is Lorgar like this about Russ was there editorially mandated Russ shilling or something
Lorgar: dear sweet Gods of Chaos I'm surrounded by morons Angron: I still won
I have a bad feeling we're supposed to agree with Lorgar here because it fits into the themes of the book re: brotherhood but I might be doing ADB a disservice
Black Library: Mortarion getting radically different characterizations with every single author: I sleep Someone possibly not using a chance to shill for Russ: real shit?
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man Lorgar doesn't deserve Angron
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aloeverawyvren · 2 years
A Plague On Necromancy Review
( I was supposed to get it a few days from now, but it came early! This is surprising considering mail delivery services like to pretend I don't exist . Amazon Isn't letting me leave a review rn, I'll try again though) Tldr: I liked it alot and recommend you read it.
Spoilers? Maybe? I talk about Bucklers secrets, but not what exactly they are, just my vague thoughts on them. Also this is super long so buck-ler up we're going on a road trip ( See what I did there? Haha, why are you booing me off stage?)
Oh boy, where should I start?
The concepts of necromancy and plague doctors are interesting on there own to begin with, but the way this book joins them together is really cool.
The setting is London,in the 1700's. From what I can tell its pretty historically accurate, even if it wasn't I would still enjoy it, I'm chill with historic inaccuracies. I just think its neat when stories that take place in the past go that extra mile. The magic system was really neat, it was cool- sometimes literally haha- but not to overpowered, making it more ... Is 'believable' the right word? Like it never takes you out of the story is what I'm saying, it interacts seamlessly with the world in a way that isn't clunky, if that makes sense.
Barty ( who my auto correct keeps calling Barry lol ) is our protagonist, he's a little confused but he's got the spirit. Oh, poor Barty. The author is so mean to him :( /j . Not only did his bioparents die in a fire, his adopted brother also dies, his adopted parents basically shun him, the doctor he was working with gets the plague and dies. I could go on but spoilers ya know.
Tragedy aside, Barty is relatable at least for me, blushing /embarrass easily, wanting to help people but not knowing how, crying alot and choking on food. ( no seriously he chokes like two distinct times that I can remember. Its hilarious) he's human. He has faults, failures, and troubles along side his positive traits. Its how he deals with them though that's so great I think, I liked hearing his reasoning/train of thought. his dynamics with other characters are fun too. he's also new to the whole doctoring thing, (and magic) making him a good tool for exposition.
I think I'll talk about Buckler now, I had a feeling he was gonna be a favorite of mine and I was right. James Buckler is stern but not altogether unkind, he obviously cares and like Barty he's doing his best really. His dynamic with Barty and other characters was something I liked alot. (When he first met Barty he was a little grouchy for a bit, but Barty was being nosy so it was warranted lol)
I had only heard he had one big secret, I missed the memo that there was another one. I had guessed one of them off the bat, the other one however bitch slapped me as I was only expecting one secret. (I think he should've told Jessica sooner, like I know why but still)
I think its Fabian time, there's so much to unpack with Fabian. Complicated, smart, and very cool. My thoughts when he explained the plan where "ok, what's the catch though?" But there wasn't really a catch was there? he was set up to be the villain by others and ended up being not so much a villain but more of an anti-hero? (At least in this book, he does have the (REDACTED) now doesn't he? Who knows what could happen)
AND OH MY GOD, THE TRUE LOVES KISS THING CAUGHT ME SO OFF GUARD! I WAS LIKE ?!??! it just came out of left fucking field, like "wait, he do can that?" I questioned everything I thought I knew about his powers.
Oh my god , I wanna mention some side characters! I never see anyone mention them and its sad because they are cool too!
Jack the rat catcher is great, I enjoyed all her appearances and her dog (even if Barty didn't lol) .
Agnes, also gets a shout out from me for being a good person.
The zombie rats where oddly adorable too.
Fabian 's gang is extremely interesting aswell, I'm curious about them.
Three particular people are on my shitlist however for reasons. Plot reasons.
this post is getting very long isn't it? If you've read this far, here's a cookie 🍪.
I'm not entirely done though, let's talk about the book as a whole. Its pretty short, but the pacing is good it doesn't feel too rushed or too slow. I'm a fast reader though and finished it in like two-three hours, in one and a half sittings ( I got up to get coffee and my cat sat on the book until she got the required amount of attention and pets before she deemed I could continue, I call it the Cat Tax)
There was one punctuation error I found, a quotation mark was missing after Fabian was talking ( I forgot the specific page), it wasn't to big a deal though and other than it was all good. I also liked the writing style! I'm glad i 've finally read it, it gives the ask blogs lots of context.
I can easily see this as something I would get from a bookstore or library, I think it could get pretty popular if more word got around about it honestly.
(I actually don't have a tiktok, I learned about it through Tumblr)
I enjoyed reading it!
if your reading this and have not read the book, I recommend it! All encounters I've had with the author has been positive, there's also another book about Barty meeting a dragon.
You can find links to both books on Barty's ask blog, @drbarty. Fabian has one to: @lordfabian
(Was Fabian really the one who was assassinated or me? I almost died laughing at 'shite fish' , my favorite bit . I'm still giggling)
(Also I'm going to start using 'shite fish' out of context now, )
if I remember any other notes I'll put them here.
(Readers: How much trauma do your characters have?
The author: yES/j)
(the Author: *slaps roof of characters* this bad boy can fit so many horrible backstories/j)
(Are you even a creator if you don't torture your ocs tho? I dump my ocs in a blender and put them in the microwave on high for two hours and burn the house down then refrigerate for two days, so I'm not actually judging lmao)
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ranhaitanisgf · 8 months
RIGHT?! PLEASE! GIVE MY QUEEN YUZUHA SOME LOVE OMG her and senju fr. yeah,, senju was a part of the tragedy that was draken's death butdjdjjd she's what. 16? barely in high school. immature. naive. we've all done stupid, naive fck-ups when we were teens; we're human esp. at that age lmao (not defending her or attacking her. like pls djsjd she's my other badass queen! *fans self* thats my daughter! just stating facts). plus takeomi was all she had and she had a simple, pure dream of leading a cool gang like mikey's toman. the fact she was sorry for everything and felt remorse and took control of her gang when takeomi lost his cool. yooo! maturity! character progression! go queen! she wanted to make things right. she apologized to haruchiyo even if he didnt take it.
eh whoops! meant for this to be about my queen yuzuha loml aaaaa she is so strong and amazing and brave and silly and pretty and kind anddjsjsj hhhhhhh heart eyes fr. i could go on but then i'd run out of room lol i already went a bit on a senju tangent
*sighs* senju's and yuzuha's characters have so much to unpack omgg i love them sm fr aaaa
i feel like i am gonna get attacked esp. for the senju bits butfjdjd i saw one of the asks u answered talking about the lack of yuzuha talk and get super passionate (likedjsjd yesss! where are you, yuzuha fans ?? plssss djsjsj sniffles) and then i remembered some of urs??? i think urs?? asks about senju. andxjsjd BUT MOMMA DDIDNTBNRAISE A BITCH!!!! SO IM DOING THOS OFF ANON!
UR LITERALLY RIGHT ON THE MARK !!! when you think about it , you really do have to remember that all of the characters in the past are just kids , ofc they’re gonna be doing stupid things !! ofc senju made mistakes , what kind of teenager doesn’t ??? the big thing i love abt her character is that she owned up to it and took ownership of her own mistakes !! takeomi on the other hand … actually LET ME NOT EVEN GET INTO THAT 😭😭😭
& YUZUHA AHHH !!! honestly like i just love her overall character sooo much and i feel like she deserves her own spin off or something !! bc how did she learn to do the kind of kick she did w inui ? what’s her life like ? how is her life after everything that went down during the bd arc ? she’s suchhh a complex character and so interesting and she was such a great addition to the bd arc !! and then she just never appeared again . >:|
honestly though i just feel like in general we need a spin off abt all the tr girls , they just did not get enough screen time !! plus they have little interactions, but we need to see more of their little friendships !! yuzuha and senju have no canon interactions BUT i feel like they r bsfs . and hina and emma’s friendship is so cute and we only got to see so little of it !! emma literally helped hina get back w mitchy and we only got scraps of their friendship which just aggghhh . I NEED MORE .
(zont be afraid to speak ur truth abt the girls IF ANYBODY SAYS ANYTHING i will have words w them bc I AGREE W U WHOLEHEARTEDLY they literally deserve the world & SENJU DOESNT DESERVE THE HATE . where r all the senju lovers from when everybody thought she was a guy hmmmm ???? riddle me this tokyo revengers fandom … u don’t support senju but you support bonten trio , kanto mikey and izana ? oh you don’t have anything to say ? yeah that’s what i thought . 😘☝🏽)
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genericpuff · 5 months
Rereading some episodes of LR and I gotta say I love the brief glimpse we get of Charon! I can't tell if he's just ride-or-die or if can't gaf bcs hey, Hades probably 100% knows of the lady sleeping in his backseat (not even questioning why Hades would leave anyone just sleeping in his car while he goes home on his own) like, sir, please exercise some scrutiny 😅
And I know "Dark Zeus" is just an epithet but how does LR Hades feel about (essntially) being known as "Zeus" even if it's just a dark counterpart. AS a younger sibling, I know I'd be annoying about it whenever opportunity strikes
Aahhh I'm glad you like Charon, he was only ever briefly mentioned in LO and I wanted to give him an actual design. We're actually gonna be getting more into Charon and his backstory in the next couple episodes!!! 🤗💖
As for the Dark Zeus name, for Hades I feel like it's one of those "outshone by a sibling" type things LOL Especially with Zeus literally being the King of the Gods and Hades getting sent down to the Underworld. Though it's not even in a way that's necessarily detrimental to Hades as he has dominion over an entire realm (and it's a job he takes very seriously and takes a lot of pride in) but it does make for some interesting misnomers when he goes above ground 🤣 (he's got some complex feelings to unpack when it comes to being compared to his brother).
There's also just the superstitions that come with saying Hades' name outright, no one wants to be caught speaking names attributed with death in fear of summoning it ;0 So oftentimes mortals will just call him "Dark Zeus" as a sort of loophole to avoid lmao
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Wifey comes home today and the dogs don't know it so they officially hit peak wretched baby behavior yesterday and have slumped into depressed baby behavior today. I do have work today but it's my short day so I'm thinking after I'm done with work and before I head to the airport with doggos to pick up wifey, I'll wash dishes and dogs.
That way wifey doesn't feel like the house is exactly as she left it you know? I definitely know it's not in worse shape I was very careful to always clean up my presence, but I want her to not have to clean up things that were here a week ago when she left either cuz that sucks and just because I was busy and had a hard time getting around to them shouldn't make them her problem. Most things like that aren't a big deal, or are things we specifically planned for (e.g. she emptied the litterbox right before she left and it's self cleaning so it only needs to be done once a week) but the dishes were a fluke that snuck by us in the last couple days before she left and then I literally never once had the spoons to get to them (heh) while Wifey was gone. Which I expected! I kinda figured that I would either do them all on Friday or maybe if I was very lucky do 1 round a dayon the others. So at least I'm on schedule lol.
Anyway, I did also clean the tub this week, and pick up the laundry in the bathroom, so I figure I might also do a quick wipe down in bathroom (sink, toilet, tub, sweep floors, take out trask) since it usually only takes 15 minutes and would make the whole room look really nice at this point. That plus shiny dishes and dogs is bound to make wifey happy coming home.
Anyway, my morning plans are as follows:
throw chili in the crock pot for dinner tonight
maintenance clean of bathroom
first round of dishes
take out the bedroom and bathroom trashes
refill pet water fountains
Extra Credit: unpack the monthly grocery grocery delivery and confirm their allergen listings
So far I'm over 100% on my tasks today and feeling great about it!
In the next hour I've got some work tasks to do, a little documentation stuff to prep for the day basically, and then it's off the the races for my short day with clients, my one on one, and then me getting the dogs ready for the evening!
Managed to finish all of my work prep stuff even the thing I was sure I wouldn't manage! So yay to that! We're still at "all essential AND all extra credit tasks completed" for each phase of my day so far, though obviously I'm not gonna elaborate on the work stuff for privacy reasons.
Feeling good about the day, feeling good about my ability to get shit down now that I've been back on my meds for a week, feeling pretty good overall! I do think I might be headed for a no show today but I'm fine with that because it'll just give me an extra 45 min for dishes and one less note to write before I switch over to household tasks this afternoon.
I am contemplating doing an extra credit task of throwing on new sheets and remaking the bed fresh and clean for wifey since Jaxxine crunched her yams all over this one all week on top of chewing on the fitted sheet like a pacifier to calm herself lol. But we'll see how that goes.
I've managed to get both blankets into the wash, and the quilt is already in the dryer, so I figure I'm definitely remaking the bed now. I'm most of the way through the tough jobs and then all that's left is the easy or fun ones. I do have to leave in about 3 hours tho, so I'm definitely running low on time. Gotta prioritize a bit and wittle down my remaining tasks. Dinner's all set but for some rice if we decide to make it. I may just empty the dish rack and not worry about washing a 3rd load unless I finish everything else in time. Jaxx definitely needs a bath next, then the tub a wipe down, the pets fed, and me a shower. At that point we're likely to be ok the edge of time so I'm thinking remake the bed and then kitty fun den and then prep the dogs for our trip.
After work plans are as follows:
2-3 more rounds of dishes 1 more round of dishes
bathe the lassie (START WITH THE LAD)
Feed the dogs dinner
bathe self
wipe down tub
build kitty fun den with dinner and treats
pick up wifey from her trip
Extra Credit: wash the blankets dry the blankets
Extra Credit: remake the bed with fresh sheets and blankets
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cinamun · 2 years
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You know what...This has literally been me trying to figure out WHY it has been so difficult for me to unpack and/or process my thoughts on this Mercy-Jayce-Bishop situation...and it hit me.
Jayce's story is my own. I was Jay Jay...some umpteen years ago. And even though I am slightly on the other side of the fence when it comes to the situation, I still somehow have one toe that just couldn't completely get all the way over the fence. 😩 but with that being said...let's unpack, shall we (Imma keep this as short and sweet as I can, cause sometimes I can go...)
Jayce is going through everything all at once but Bishop miraculously being yeeted from the save file won't be the cure. It's a start ya'll...but not the solution. Because until Mercy can get her shit together and find a way to heal etc...we're gonna be in the same cycle cause sis doesn't make good choices (for lack of better words). If it ain't Bishop, it just might be someone else like him or much worse because until she properly grieves and learns to love herself etc, she will continue to roll on the hampster wheel of just accepting anything that will fill the void. Remember: Miss ma'am is vulnerable which is why we're in this mess in the first place.
Also, she needs to actively rebuild the relationship with Jayce as well as reassure their bond (if that makes sense). An apology for wanting to sell the wrecka sto, making lobster mac, or leaving Bishop to die in a house fire kicking Bishop out will not be enough for patching up the relationship with her son. She needs to show up every damn day for herself as well as for Jayce. That would require her doing the work.
When you dissect it, their situation is much deeper than Bishop. His ass was just the cherry on top. If I'm not mistaken, she ain't been the same since Jackson passed, right? So we can't put a bandaid on an open wound. This one is gonna take some work, some patience, and some time...Now I'm honestly at a place where I wanna square up with Mercy BUT I needed to get to the root (before I took off my earrings & grabbed my vaseline) Lol.
Now, Imma have to circle back on the whole Jay and Hope situation because this here message was WINDED honey! Lol but that too was a situation I dealt with in the midst of the bullshit...MAAAAAAAN...
Again, thank you for these stories and these moments.
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*me still trying to figure out how you knew a lil piece of my life story* Lol. 👀
CHAEEEEEEE!!!!! You're welcome sis! Also we're always unpacking SOMETHING with these pixels. Maybe that's why I'm still not unpacked from my trip last month? Because all of these situations in my game? Idk, can't call it.
How soon after Jackson's passing did Mercy meet Bishop? How much influence has he had and for how long? I remember Jayce saying "she's getting worse" talking about Mercy. That makes me think Bishop was getting worse than he was.... before?
Seems to me like prom night really set him off.....
Anyway, breathe sis!
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ptolemaeacas · 1 year
ugh i'm sorry that happened (re: callout), it's always that same group of histrionic college kids going after destiel blogs (as though actual incest shippers aren't all over the main tag) - several of whom have been open about being survivors (not that anyone should have to pull out their trauma permit over fucking Supernatural tumblr) - for pointing out that the horror show is serving horror tropes (which it is). i think it is down to at least the ringleaders being uncomfortable with survivors existing in public and letting that discomfort dictate their conduct instead of unpacking it on their own time. i'm really sorry, i hope you're doing well
💖💖💖 fr thank u for this. Yesterday definitely sucked a little bit but I'm over it.
I always have so many thoughts about this kind of knee-jerk reaction, and it's just like. Do you guys act like this about Wuthering Heights? Lolita? Crimson Peak? Etc which is soo funny to me like, wow bitches can't read on the tumblr dot com, which is nothing new.
And not to get all back in my day but like for fuck's sake, we have native tag/word filtering now.
But you're so right it's very much like discomfort with survivors existing in public, which is kind of hysterical bc these ppl purport to want a "safe space" for survivors & w/e. But like as soon as we exist and talk about it, we're pariahs lol. That's so our abusers-coded 😂😂
Tbh most of the gothic themes in spn make the most sense if you're talking about John's abuse of Dean & Sam, anyway.
Like, I'm not actually a shipper, but also, honestly, I don't think we should treat ppl like this even if they are. If you want to have media that isn't sanitized, you're gonna have to deal with the fact that some of it is unpalatable. And, frankly, it speaks volumes abt ppls character when they r incapable of seeing ppl online as human beings imo.
Like yall, the tide re: censorship of gay & trans ppl more generally is being framed as a protect children/the public, etc, type thing. Doing the same thing with fandom isn't going to save u (although I think cp stuff is different for what I hope r obvious reasons), the masters house can't be dismantled with the masters tools etc etc.
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