#longarm prime x reader
random-fandom1984 · 6 months
hi, can you do, Yandere tfa Longarm/shockwave x cybertronian reader
Oh, yes! I have a story in the making on Wattpad, and in a way, I guess it would be a Yandere story? But that doesn't matter at the moment. This is exciting! :D
Warning: Potions, Yandere Behavior, etc.
~All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed with You~
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Translations: Stellar Cycle = 1 year Deca-Cycle = 10 days Solar Cycle = 1 day Orbital Cycle = 1 month Nano-Click = 1 second
Sparkmerge = Wedding/marriage Energon Sweets = candy High Grade = Wine/alcohol/beer/vodka/etc. Conjunx Endura = Spouse Optics = Eyes Datapad = Book/tablet/etc. Subspace = Storage unit Dente = Teeth Throat Pipes = Throat
Today is our second Sparkmerge anniversary of the Stellar Cycle. I've had a good history with making Energon sweets, so I plan on making one that's his favorite, that sadly went out of business a few Deca-Cycles ago, and some high grade. I remember that we first met in Autobot Boot Camp and got along swimmingly. It was sad that my old friend turned out to be a Decepticon Spy, but I digress and moved on. Sure, it was hard to do, but at least I made a new friend who became my Conjunx Endura, Longarm.
We both graduated with flying colors and became Primes. He became head of Cybertron Intelligence – the one before him, Highbrow, was discovered dead, and no bot knew how – and I became his S.I.C. – the previous one ending up missing for some reason–, so they put us at the top since we were great at our jobs. We became an item way before we got promoted.
Of course, there had been an issue that popped up. Five Orbital Cycles ago, Longarm had gotten a call from a couple of bots that we went to boot camp with: Bumblebee; the one who Longarm helped to call out Wasp as the spy, and my cousin Bulkhead. The both of them are a part of Optimus' team on Earth, fighting Megatron. Apparently, the both of them intercepted a call with Megatron and a spy. Something about a construction project.
I can feel excitement pulsing through the other side of the bond, to which I sent back to with suppressed giggle; He's been like this all Solar Cycle, even yesterday ever since he came back from Iacon's Hall of Records, and I find it cute. He's so sweet, smart, and adorkable! I wonder how things are holding up on his end.
It's true, you two have been bonded for the past 2 Stellar Cycles and started dating in the middle of your time at boot camp. But there was one thing you didn't know; let me start from the beginning.
When entering the Autobot Boot Camp with a fake frame, he wasn't expecting anything to distract him from his mission for Lord Megatron as a spy. But... that all changed the moment his optics landed on you. To him it was love at first sight. And he saw how close you were with Wasp and Bulkhead, he felt something inside of him. What was this? Jealousy? No! There's no way! He's a Decepticon and you're an Autobot.
When he was approached by Bumblebee, who told him that he found out there was a Decepticon spy and suspects it might be Wasp, he took that as a way to drive attention away from him and onto him and C/n will be hi- Stop it! After Wasp was taken away to prison, he found you slacking off and then later came across you crying in your room. For some reason, he comforted you even though he shouldn't; you would've been kicked out for slacking, which would have gotten rid of another Autobot in his way, but he didn't. You also had another bot help comfort you, which was Bulkhead, who he later found out was your cousin; nothing to worry about with him getting in his way.
Later on, he grew to accept these feelings. You needed him; you don't need those unknown admirers that went missing a few days after interacting with you. Just him. This turned for the better in his favor when caught you leaving secret admirer love letters in his dorm; he didn't bring it up until he confessed his feelings. The image of your flustered face plate when you realized you'd been caught from the start will forever remain in his processor.
After graduating, he had to wait a while to kill Highbrow and instantly killed his assistant for abusing his role by being a creep; he deserved it. And it turned out good because not only did he become the new Head of Intel, but you became his assistant.
For the past Deca-Cycles, he's been conflicted. The Prime Council found out that there's a Decepticon spy in their ranks, which only led to another problem. If they found out he's the spy, you would most likely react negatively; you knew him better than anyone else in their ranks and will use it against him. So, he has two options:
Do nothing, and if he does get found out, have you sparkbroken and hate him, assuming he faked his affections towards you.
Find a way to turn you into a Decepticon.
He wanted to do the second option, but so far, all resources he's found in the history section in the Hall of Records ends up with the victim in pain in the process. The only thing calming his nerves and keeping him from lashing out in frustration that he was getting nowhere was a gift you made him when you both were in the dating phase of your relationship; A charm that hangs from a string, which is connected to a small magnet that is currently magnetized to his wrist.
He was fiddling with the charm until he felt it slip from his grasp. He looked down to see something slip into the shadows and move away in a blob of shadows. Obviously, he chased after it, nothing takes something of his that was made by his darling and gets away. As he chased it, he didn't notice the scenery change until he was deep enough in another section of the Hall or Records, which seems to be abandoned.
He continued to chase until he came across a bot. The shadow he was chasing phased out of the shadow in the form of a snake, with only a single eye, dropping the charm in the figure's servo. The figure turned their head, and to his surprise, was literally made of shadows, the only thing that stood out from the dark mass with glowing purple outlines was that had one normal optic and the other looked like the snake's, the Snake-Eyed Bot he'll call them.
Before he could demand for the charm back, the Snake-Eyed Bot tosses it back to him without a single word and beckoned him over. Suspicious, he approached with caution. Upon arrival, the figure gives him a datapad.
"H̵̯̞̥̙͕͔̗̺̠̼͖̩̟͚̄̅͂͗̐͂̈́͜e̶͇̣͉̫̻̹̝̻̩̰̲͇̘̱͒͐̊͌̽͠ṙ̸̢̉̓͐̃͠e̵̞̺̟̗̤̎̈́̀̑͊͝'̴̢̘̣͉̬̙̘̞́̇̃̌͑̈́̈͘̚ş̸̢̧̹̬̟͎̘̓͛̓̎͗̀̓̆̏͋́̆̃́̀ ̶̧̥́̅̈́̏̈́͆̆͒͗͒̉͂͗͒t̶̡̨̨̧̤̬̱̘͎̹̞̪̻̀̕ͅh̸̢̏̑͆͆̊̅̋͊̇ę̸̜̭̬͍̜͎̣̬͔̘̮͙͋̐̿́̈́͠͠ͅ ̷̩̫̿̃̿̐͛͝à̷̢̢̢͍͎͚̓͂̆͗̔̆̈̕̕̕n̴̢̲̹̬̩̼̙̯̬̜̼̩͈̎͂̾̃̈͜ş̷̬͍̻̰̩͓̗̱̥̗̝̩̏̏̽̃̅͒́́͜͝w̸̧̡̨̟̺̣̖͉̣͎̦͈̗̳̏͂͊̑̋̈́̿̿́͗̃̑̕e̴̬̺̙̞̗͎̞͍̞̠̒͜͜͝r̷̡͙͇͕̫͉̞̮̞̦̦͚͒͗́͐̽̉̕͝͝ ̸̢͇̲̬͕̺̙͉̈́́͐̇͂͌͂̊̑̽͝ț̴̡̺̾͋̅͐͑͊̌̈̓̌͗̕̚̕o̶̭̞͙̳͇̰̘͛ͅ ̶̨̧͎͇̫̹̰̮̘̬̯̗̟́y̴̢͖̩̳̱̞̎́͜͜o̶̡̫͔̹̯͍̹̱͖͔͎͚͚̼̎̾́̓̀̐̈́̈̄͂̀̈́̓̃̚u̷̺͕̭̫̬͛̎r̸̲͓̺̖͔̠̤̪̺̮̦̗͇̾̐̐̈́̌̈́ͅ ̴͉̺̯̯̻̓̀̃̈́̿̓š̸̱̫͈̥̺͔͚̣̺͍̒̑̍̇̊̉͆̀̔͘̚͠ͅe̸̅̌̈́͊̅͠��̡̧̨̖̣̰͍̺̻̱a̶̤͈̭͈͆̓͝r̶̨̜̜̱̫̣̭̼͎̤̊́̓̃̾̈́č̶̡̻͎̠͉͎̩͉͓̜̰̭̱̓͐͜h̶̛͙̻̭̮̮̖̼̦̞̩͚͚̹̀̆͝ͅ."
Confused, he looked at it's contents; the Title caught his attention. Forever Potions? Before he could ask anything else, the figure tossed him a sack. Looking inside and at an ingredients page, there was three of everything on the list. He looked back up, only to find that he was standing behind the table he was sitting at, almost like he experienced a hallucination in a mere second, but the data pad and bag proved otherwise.
He placed the bag in his subspace before sitting back down and looking through the datapad. The results is what he needed: Something painless. Knowing better, he knew to read the part about the inner workings before heading off and doing something without knowing if this was truly safe or not. Luckily, it was.
He returned home, happy with his search.
It was the next day, and it was their second anniversary, and he came up with the perfect plan. For his surprise, he prepared a romantic dinner for just the two of you. He luckily had the day off, and as he was preparing the dinner, he was filled with joy and excitement, which only grew when every single time you returned the feeling over the bond.
He made Energon cubes for the both of you, crafted the potion carefully as possible, and poured it into yours. Luckily, it didn't affect the color of it so then you wouldn't be suspicious of it. He had extra time before it would be the exact time you would arrive home, so he decorated the room for the occasion.
When you arrived, he was both surprised and happy that you had his favorite Energon sweets; he'd thought they sold out. To his surprise, it wasn't that, you made it yourself?! He couldn't have asked for a better sparkmate.
He sat you down at the table, and you were flabbergasted at how gorgeous the room was, and he made Energon cubes? Frag yes! When you ate your cube, for some reason it tasted sweet/salty/sour/whatever-flavor-you-like than the last time you had one, but you weren't complaining because it tasted better than ever before.
A few cups of high grade later, you started to feel lightheaded. He saw this and led you to the berthroom where you both cuddled as you both went into recharge.
Everything is going according to plan.
(The Next Day)
No one seemed to notice any changes at work. Everything is going on like everything is normal.
"C/n Prime, here's some reports about the information of Decepticon spy my team could possibly find." Firerunner said, giving you a datapad containing all the information. "Thank you, Firerunner. You are dismissed." You said, taking the datapad, not taking your eyes from your screen and your fast typing.
Just as he was about to turn around, he noticed something. "Um, C/n Prime?" He called out. "Yes?" You quired. "Are you okay? Your optics are looking a little..." He trailed off. You turned your helm, your green optics staring back into his, almost boring into his soul. "Oh, I'm fine! Thanks for asking. An old friend of mine, who's a medic, looked into it and some bot decided to do something funny to by Energon rations for this to happen to me. I don't know how long it'll last, but I can assure you, I'll be fine." You informed with a smile, which just made your green optics seem a bit creepier. "Okay then, have a good day, ma'am." He said with a bow before walking off.
When he was out of sight, you picked up the datapad and looked through it, and sure enough, it had information regarding any information they could find about the Decepticon spy and where they might be hiding. With your smile never faltering, you deleted everything off of it before breaking in half, your smile now showing your dente. A giggle escaped your throat pipes as you dumped it in the garbage chute behind your desk. Out of sight, out of mind.
That's when you suddenly received a call from your comm-link. "Hello?" You asked in a sweet tone. "Dear, can you please come to my office? There's someone I'd like you to meet." He requested. "Of course, be there in a nano-click." You said before ending the call.
You stood up from your seat and started to traverse through the halls of building to your sparkmates office. You were in front of his door, looked around to see if anyone was around. You saw no one. Not a bot in sight. You opened the door, closing it behind you so no camera can have a peek on what's inside.
At his desk was your love, his true self of course. He was now taller than you by a landslide, had two antlers on the sides of his helm that extend upwards, three digits that are claw-shaped, a single, red optic being the only thing in the center of his face plate, and, of course, a Decepticon sigil proudly shown on his chassis.
"Lord Megatron, this is our new recruit, and my love: C/n." He said as you walked over and were in frame of the camera. On the other end of the screen was Lord Megatron himself. "And how are you sure she isn't tricking you?" Megatron asked. "Nothing that you should worry about, my liege. I made sure. But let's just say, it was an enchanting discovery."
Part 2?
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bones4thecats · 3 months
Tfa Longarm/Shockwave x Fembot reader, they are both Conjux, and also that they have a Sparkling that is still a baby, the reader does not know that Longarm is a spy, that was until when the reader went to give him something that she forgot in the elite guard, he discovers that he is a spy and in his true form when he ends the call with Megatron, and Shockwave discovers him, the reader returns to the house and hides in a room with the Baby. When Shockwave returned to the house he began to make excuses, but The reader was already leaving, out of desperation Shockwave knocked out the Reader and took her to the ship, where he held her and the baby. Shockwave tried in every way to gain the reader's trust, but she did not accept since She thinks he just used her, but Shockwave tells her that he always loved her and didn't use her, making them both love each other again, but when the Decepticons were taken to Prison, the reader visits him along with the baby.
TFA! Shockwave's F-Bot! S/O Visits Him
Character: Shockwave (Transformers Animated) Requester: @zinnia1506 A/N: Sorry this took so long to post, but I do have one final request to do. It should be posted sometime in the next couple days. Anyways, have fun reading this mess of fluff and angst <3 ⚠️ Spoilers/Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of kidnapping, war, being scrutinized for another's actions, and being in prison ⚠️
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╚═════ Shockwave ═════════════════════════════╝
🧪 After the call ended, Shockwave sighed and stretched his mechanical spine out a bit, allowing a relaxing pop and fizz to make him relax. He was getting tired of becoming a being that was pretty much half of his normal size, but it was what he had to do for the sake of the mission
🧪 And his family
🧪 Before he could return back to his normal Autobot-form, he froze when hearing the sound of a bot running. He stood up and transformed back into Longarm Prime before looking outside and seeing you, his Conjunx, running away as fast as you could out of his building
"Oh no... Y/N!" He yelled, running after you while his receptionist watched with widened eyes as you ran away with your love chasing you. What happened in the last couple seconds?
🧪 Shockwave, or rather Longarm Prime, entered your shared home with a nervous energon-sweat on his forehead. Hopefully you weren't doing what he thought you were. Maybe you heard something creepy from another one of his workers or maybe you had seen a small Cybertronian insect or something!
🧪 He was wrong... dead wrong
🧪 The sight of your grabbing everything you needed to care for your sparkling was enough to make Shockwave begin tearing up in fear. He couldn't lose you like this!
"Y/N, love. What are you doing?" He asked nervously, even though he already knew what you were doing, he needed to seem innocent.
🧪 You glared at him with a strong mix of fear, anger, and heartbreak. It was so strong that your sparkling slightly curled up in your chest, attempting to calm you down like he would almost every time you cried around him. He truly had Shockwave's genius mind
🧪 But now you were wondering if that was a good thing or a bad thing
"Leaving. I don't want my sparkling to be raised by someone who lied to me, nonetheless someone who would use another for their own gain. Or should I say, Megatron's gain?"
🧪 Shockwave froze in shock as you said that. So you did see him in his normal form. Primus damn it...
"Y/N, may I please explain what was happening? I was just becoming a 'Con so I could get more information on Megatron and his whereabouts!"
"We already know where he is. Ultra Magnus and Sentinel have already seen him and his band of beasts on Earth where Ratchet and the others are! Don't try making such excuses!" You screamed.
🧪 As you grabbed your bag closer and went to pick back up your sparkling from where you sat him down while arguing with your once trusted Conjunx, Shockwave panicked and raised his leg before crashing it down on your head, sending you into a state of unconsciousness on the ground
🧪 Looking at his youngling and back at his Conjunx, Shockwave panicked once again. What was he going to do now...?
🧪 The sound of an engine revving to life allowed you to groggily open your sights of your baby being thrown in the air and caught again by a mysterious mech
"Seismic... put my sparkling down you-!" The mech then turned around, revealing the same mech you confronted back at your once shared home.
"Y/N, I did not wish to do this to you. Really. But you know I can't just be having an Autobot be walking around Cybertron revealing my identity."
"Ha, yeah right. Let me guess, that bucket-headed son of a scrap wanted some kind of leverage to use against Ultra and the rest of Cybertron?"
"No. I just- Y/N I hid this from you because... because-"
"Because of your underlying manipulation, just like every other fragging 'Con. Yeah, I know."
"NO! Primus damn it, Y/N! I love you so much that I can't stand thinking of the rest of that forsaken planet viewing you as a possible traitor for being the partner of mine! I don't need our son, our Seismic, being scrutinized by those pompous Autobots!"
"That's for revealing your true feelings of my family's allegiance. It's good to know how much of a lose piece of wiring I am in your plans- wait- did you just say... you love me...?"
🧪 Shockwave nodded and kneeled in front of you, allowing your sparkling to crawl up to you and put both of his parent's hands in one another's. He wanted you two to know how much you meant to one another. For many years you were by one another's side and cared about each other so much that you made him!
"I do love you. You were the first being that I laid my one-way sight on and thought I wanted you. You were the first being that I held the high honor of sharing and receiving the love of. And that is something that not even I, a longtime Decepticon, can lie about."
🧪 Looking up from your hand and into your eyes, he motioned to lay your head on his like you always would before that day and asked;
"Do you still share that opinion... about loving one another...?"
"...How can I not love you, Shockwave...?"
🧪 From that day forward, you stayed with your Conjunx until his eventual arrest by the Elite Guard. And as he was taken away, you asked Ultra Magnus if you could ride the rest of the way home with your son saying his goodbyes until you gained access to visit him in prison
🧪 Ultra Magnus was tired from the constant journeys being taken and just nodded, before saying that he was having Jetfire and Jetstorm sit with you to make sure no other 'Con tried anything while you and the two were vulnerable
🧪 The whole ride home proved useful for the Guard to see the care that laid inside of the seemingly-careless being. The way he held you and your sparkling even made the toughest members like Ratchet and Prowl feel slightly bad for his predicament. It was obvious he cared for his family more than his loyalty to the cause... if only he just was honest with his allegiance
🧪 The sound of small steps and larger one echoed throughout the prison, making the criminals in their cells roll their eyes and groan in annoyance as the now slightly-older Seismic proudly stated his meeting of his father after a couple weeks of no contact per the Elite Guard's policy when examining a convict's sentencing
🧪 You smile gently as the young mech waved at other 'Cons that he grew slightly close to due to their much kinder attitudes than others. One being Blitzwing, who, no matter the mood, would smile and wave at the sparkling and tell him a small joke as he passed
"It's good to see you so happy, Seismic. Are you happy to see Daddy after so long?" You asked as he jumped and began to let his tiny antennae on his head move. He was like his father if he was slightly, or rather a lot more, emotionally expressive.
"Yeah! You did say Daddy had a surprise for me too, right?" He asked. You just nodded and smiled once again as he began asking what it was while you approached the room that Optimus asked you to meet at.
🧪 The blue mech smiled and waved at you before giving you and your son a hug and asked if you were here for Shockwave. You just chuckled and nodded, making the Prime reach towards the receptionist and ask for the key for both a set of cuffs, a room, and a cell
🧪 Eventually, Sentinel and Ultra Magnus arrived, a small smile bestowed your sight as the head of the Elite Guard motioned for the two Primes to unlock the room and allow the convict outside
🧪 Seismic began to shake excitedly as you held onto his shoulders, giving them a light squeeze as you saw your adoring Conjunx walk out and hold his cuffed wrists to Optimus. He unlocked them and handed them to Sentinel before stepping back and allowing you and your son access to hold your love close
🧪 While you watched Shockwave speak to his and your sparkling with joy and love flashing in his lonely eye, you looked at Ultra Magnus and asked the ongoing question;
"How much longer is his sentencing?"
"A few more orbital cycles, perhaps 2 more solar cycles. Right now his behavior and actions are what counts best, and if his polite and, what we declare a good decision making set when it comes to our standards and society, continues, he should be out sooner. We would still have someone watching him though."
"Ultra Magnus, sir?"
"Yes, Y/N?"
"Thank you for doing this for Seismic and me, really."
🧪 Ultra Magnus smiled gently at you and nodded
"It was no problem. Now, I recommend you spend as much time as you can here with your Conjunx and sparkling. Who knows when we can fit this in our schedule again." He joked.
🧪 Nodding and walking towards your two most beloved beings in the galaxy, the leader of the Guard smiled and looked at the doorway as it closed, allowing the family some privacy
Solus would be proud of your happy ending, Y/N...
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porkcracker · 1 year
Can you do a TFA decepticons (separate) falling for a kind and innocent autobot reader that believes they’re good deep down and tries to befriend them
Hello, yes, I'm a sucker for these bastards. For the sake of my sanity and limiting the wait time, I only took the Decepticons on earth (plus Shockwave, bc Shockwave is <3) and not all and every one of them. I do hope you enjoy this, and now let's get to it.
I actually started to answer this ask months ago, but never finished it, I truly hope this can still be enjoyable even being this immensely late.
TFA Decepticons x Autobot!GN!Reader
Soundwave is a very logical and goal orientated bot, it doesn't even really occur to him that he isn't good
After all, his goal in achieving robots and mechanical beings as the rulers not the workers is going to benefit all kind of mechanical life
So he really has no problem with you per se, but with the cause you align yourself
It's really a shame as well, you would be such a good ally
even if you don't end up becoming a Decepticon, as long as you don't hinder his plans too badly he can accept you as someone who will see reason when the time arrives
With your kind attitude, he knows you will get used to it, when the time arrives, and then you can maybe become even more than friends
A thing that he especially loves your sweet and caring behaviour towards his cassettes
He cares deeply for them, so to have you treat them so gently makes his feelings go wild
Blitzwing is a rather loyal bot, so he doesn't like you insisting he's actually good deep down
Icy simply ignores your insistences and tries to correct you, even if he pulls his punches in a way he would never admit
Hothead on the other hand sees your kind behaviour as a personal insult
Are you saying he's not a real strong warrior, going so soft on him?
Not on his watch, he almost always insists on fighting you when the opportunity comes up
Random thinks your sweet personality is cute and aggravating at the same time
He wants you to keep going and at the same time to stop, he'll egg you on and in the same breath lean into your words giving you a bit of hope of getting through to him
It's a slow fall, but when he realises his three personalities go about winning you over differently
Icy cuts back on the physical fighting and engages you in verbal fights that are far more attempts to show you he can be what you think he could be
Hothead doesn't change too much, he's not one for too soft feelings and attempts to show you that he could protect your sweet nature easily
He does also love to give you words of affection, where Icy prefers gifts
Random loves to spend time with you no matter in what way, as long as you're close and having fun
Though his fun is relative, he does attempt to make it fun for both of you
Your chances of actually winning Lugnut over are very low
He is a warrior and not necessarily the smartest, but he is loyal as all hells come
There is a use in bots that have a talent with words that he can acknowledge
But there is already one bot whose words have pulled him into an orbit
He might develop some kind of crush on you, due to your kind side, but unless you change to the Decepticons he will most likely never act on it
But sometimes he likes to think of you, not as an Autobot, but a Decepticon like him and imagine what it could be like
Those times are very rare, however
Shockwave is at the same level of loyalty as Lugnut and there is very little that could make the Decepticon reconsider his opinion
He thinks it's rather cute how you attempt to convince him that he isn't actually that bad and good deep down
During his time as Longarm Prime, he had seen your kind behaviour directed towards many bots for various reasons
It's a no-brainer that he took advantage of that several times
But still, even as useless as your endeavour is, he can't deny that you're cute
Maybe, just maybe, he should get himself a little souvenir from Cybertron
Surely Megatron wouldn't mind his spy indulging himself with a cute little prisoner
He'll show you how wrong you are with your opinion, but don't worry, he'll give you a very long time to attempt to change his mind
Depending on how forceful you behave, you'll stay with the Decepticons for a very long while, or he'll set you free, because he grows too fond of you
He will deny having any good in him vehemently
The moment you start to talk, he'll talk over you and don't you even think of speaking over him
That's actually the first thing he really notices
Sure, he knows you exist, but he only starts paying attention after he notices that you actually let him do his speeches and listen as well
It's surprising
He pays more attention, and he can't help, but be very pleased by the attention you give him, no matter if it is to convince him he's actually good or some bullshit
At first, he only uses you to stroke his own ego
But as time goes by he starts to really care for your validation
He'll search you out in fights and outside of fights
Making sure your attention continues to stay on him at all times, no matter what
You don't stand out to him at first, and it is unlikely that he will notice you in a broader setting
But when it comes to a one on one meeting things change
You're so small in comparison to him, most Autobots are, and usually he doesn't care much for it beyond battle advantage
He brushes your words off at first
From his point of view, he is the good guy
But as you keep running into each other, he can't help but note that you seem far more innocent than even your fellow Autobots
You try to see the good in every thing and every one, and you help where you can
It's hard to imagine a bot like you being a product of an Autobot lead Cybertron
He is impressed that you have not yet consumed the propaganda every Autobot seems to believe and hopes that it will stay the case for longer
Once he notices that he is growing fond of you, he reverses your situations
Where you have tried to appeal to him before and bring out his good side, he now attempts to appeal to you and win you over to the Decepticons
You could be great together
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uselessmicrowave · 2 years
-• transformers masterlist •-
[tfa, tfp, cyberverse, rid15, rescue bots, mtmte]
yell at me if there are any problems with the links, and everything that does not have “(nsfw)” is sfw. “semi-nsfw” can be suggestive to heavily implied smut.
-• transformers animated •-
starscream x shy reader (semi-nsfw)
starscream x reader (nsfw)
optimus prime
optimus prime x face dysphoric reader hcs
blitzwing (i know he’s an amazing character, i love writing for blitzwing but please all of you calm down)
blitzwing x afab reader period comfort hcs
blitzwing x reader comfort cuddles
blitzwing x reader comfort hcs
blitzwing x reader comfort hcs
blitzwing x reader hcs
blitzwing x reader praise hcs (sfw and nsfw)
blitzwing x reader praise hcs (sfw and nsfw)
blitzwing x insecure reader hcs (sfw and nsfw)
blitzwing x reader temperature play (nsfw)
blitzwing x ftm reader comfort (nsfw)
blitzwing x reader inflation (nsfw)
blitzwing x reader (nsfw)
blitzwing nsfw alphabet (nsfw)
blitzwing x reader petplay (nsfw)
blitzwing x reader petplay, shock collar (nsfw)
wreck gar
wreck gar x reader praise hcs (sfw and nsfw)
wreck gar nsfw alphabet
sentinel prime
sentinel prime x face dysphoric reader hcs
megatron x reader comfort hcs
megatron x reader (nsfw)
shockwave x reader praise hcs (sfw and nsfw)
skywarp x reader comfort
blackarachnia x afab reader period comfort hcs
lockdown x reader (nsfw)
lugnut x reader comfort hcs
prowl x insecure reader (sfw and nsfw)
bumblebee x reader comfort hcs
ratchet x face dysphoric reader hcs
-• tfa ships/pairings •-
shockwave x blurr (nsfw)
shockwave x blurr (nsfw)
shockwave x blurr overstim (nsfw)
blitzwing x bumblebee angsty (nsfw)
sentinel x optimus (nsfw)
shockwave x bumblebee x blurr (nsfw)
starscream x bumblebee (nsfw)
longarm/shockwave x bumblebee angst
shockwave x bumblebee ikea date
longarm/shockwave x bumblebee au (nsfw)
shockwave x bumblebee petplay (nsfw)
megatron x blitzwing temperature play (nsfw)
megatron x blitzwing (nsfw)
prowl x bumblebee (nsfw)
prowl x optimus prime bondage (nsfw)
-• transformers prime •-
optimus prime
optimus prime x human reader falling in love hcs
optimus prime x reader (nsfw)
optimus prime x human reader breeding hcs (nsfw)
optimus prime x human reader breeding hcs part 2 (nsfw)
starscream x reader bondage (nsfw)
starscream x reader overstim (nsfw)
starscream x reader (nsfw)
wheeljack x reader fluff
wheeljack x insecure reader hcs (sfw and nsfw)
ratchet nsfw alphabet
megatron x reader (dubcon nsfw)
optimus and megatron
megatron x reader x optimus prime part 1 (nsfw, dubcon, part two on second masterlist)
soundwave x reader hcs (sfw and nsfw)
soundwave x reader breeding (nsfw)
arcee x reader hcs (nsfw)
bumblebee x reader (nsfw)
arachnid x reader hcs (nsfw)
predaking x reader (nsfw)
knockout and breakdown
knockout x reader x breakdown (nsfw)
-• tfp ships/pairings •-
starscream x kobd headcanons
kobdss fluff hcs
starscream as a ghost
kobdss (nsfw)
kobdss (nsfw)
kobd mermay headcanons
shockwave x starscream headcanons
shockwave x starscream (nsfw)
predaking x starscream hcs
soundwave x starscream orgasm denial (nsfw)
megatron x shockwave (nsfw)
bulkhead x starscream petplay (nsfw)
starscream x optimus prime (nsfw)
starscream x optimus praise (nsfw)
starscream x optimus size difference (nsfw)
starwavewave (nsfw)
soundwave x shockwave (nsfw)
optimus x ratchet angst hcs (death tw)
-• cyberverse •-
grimlock x reader hcs (semi-nsfw)
shockwave x reader hcs (nsfw)
soundwave x reader hcs (nsfw)
-• cyberverse ships/pairings •-
deadend x astrotrain edging (nsfw)
shockwave x soundwave (nsfw)
shockwave x wheeljack (nsfw)
-• rid15 •-
steeljaw x afab reader period comfort hcs
thunderhoof x afab reader period comfort hcs
thunderhoof x reader hcs (sfw and nsfw)
fixit x reader romantic hcs (sfw and nsfw)
grimlock x reader romantic hcs (sfw and nsfw)
-• rid15 ships/pairings •-
steeljaw x thunderhoof (nsfw)
grimlock x bumblebee (nsfw)
-• rescue bots ships/pairings •-
kade x heatwave hcs
-• mtmte •-
cyclonus and tailgate
cygate x reader comfort hcs
Go to the second transformers masterlist in my pinned post for more content!
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monotonesmile · 9 days
Requests are open!!
What I will write!
Platonic and Romantic!
GN!Reader (unless specified)
Human or Cybertronian!Reader for Transformers fics
Same gender couples!
What I won’t write!
Smut or any NSFW
OCS X (character)
Characters I’ll write for
Tfa!Longarm Prime/Shockwave
Jaime Reyes (Young Justice)
Damian Wayne (Aged up)
Ultimate Spider-Man:
Sam Alexander
Danny Rand
Flash Thompson (With or without Venom)
Please be respectful and specify what you want in the request, not just “(character) X reader”. I do have the right to refuse a request I’m not comfortable with writing for. This list might expand into Fnaf at some point, just right now I’m trying to figure out the personalities of my version of some of these animatronics! Also, I’m currently writing for the characters I think I can write at least decently so my list is rather small, so I apologize for that!
Please enjoy and be safe!
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Hello, everyone!!! My name is Mardi and I'm taking HEADCANNON requests!! (DON'T REQUEST ONE SHOTS)
I'm not making a masterlist. Just search for your tag. #jjk x reader or #transformers x reader
• I only write 'x reader' content. So please do not request ocs.
• All requests should specify if it's a gender-neutral reader or one of a specific gender/sex. If you do not specify the gender of the reader, I will just by default make the reader gender neutral.
• I'm okay with writing angst. Such as cutting, suicide, self harm, past abuse, ect. I'm a little bit iffy with cheating, because I feel as if most of the characters wouldn't cheat on you. But I'm perfectly fine with them helping you through a breakup.
• Please specify if you want a human or Cybertronian/Omnic/Curse reader. If you don't, I'll just make them a regular human. Or skip it.
• For each ask, I will write a minimum of up to 4 characters per ask.
• You can personalize a request, but DO NOT make it painfully obvious.
• Do not request oneshots. I will post oneshots simply whenever I feel like it. As of right now, I'll only take headcannons or questions about the characters.
• if I do not like your request, or if it makes me uncomfy, I have every right to deny your request and/or delete it.
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𝕎𝕙𝕠 𝕀 𝕎𝕣𝕚𝕥𝕖 𝔽𝕠𝕣
• Mercy
• Reinhardt
• Mauga
• Reaper
• Ramattra
• Zenyatta
• Sombra
• Widowmaker
• Junkrat
• Dva
• Echo
• Mei
• Ashe
• Bastion (Platonic)
• Ana
• Bumblebee
• Optimus
• Megatron
• Hot Rod
• Dino
• Jazz
• Sideswipe
• Optimus
• Mirage
• Niah Diaz
• Wheeljack
~ Transformers Prime
• Optimus
• Bumblebee
• Arcee
• Wheeljack
• Rachet (The literal girlboss)
• Bulkhead (platonic)
• Ultra Magnus
• Megatron
• Soundwave
• Starscream
• Shockwave
• Predaking
• Knockout
• Breakdown
• Dreadwing
• 5t3v3 + T0M + G4RR1
• Hardshell + Insecticons
• Arachnid
• Basically everyone. If I didn't name them, request anyways. I'll update later.
~ R.I.D 2015
• Bumblebee
• Jazz
• StrongArm
• Grimlock
• Soundwave
• Fixit
• Sideswipe
• Steeljaw
~ Transformers Animated (TFA)
• Bumblebee
• Rachet
• Bulkhead
• Blurr
• Prowl
• Jazz
• Longarm
• Megatron
• Starscream
• Blitzwing
• Lugnut
• Shockwave
• Blackarachnia
• Rodimus Prime
• Whirl
• Megatron
• Chromedome
• Rewind
• Poly!Chrome&Rewind
• Elita One (G1 AND Idw)
• Any and all characters. Except Mahito.
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petitelepus · 11 months
TFA shockwave x bot reader forbidden romance. Bot knows who longarm really is.
You really loved him. Shockwave or as your allies knew him as Longarm Prime was your sun and moon… Almost literally so, because during the day he was a high-ranked Autobot, and during the night a Decepticon spy.
Why would you, an honorable Autobot choose not to report the spy and instead choose to support him through his every decision and action?
Well, Spark wants what it wants and Shockwave and his approval were all you ever wanted.
He was there for you when you were on your lowest. He is the one who picked you up when others gave up on you and he took and nurtured you back to your prime.
You owed him everything, the least you could do was to support him, factions be damned!
You loved him, but if anyone had been aware of the status of your relationship then they would have said that he was shamelessly using you.
But hey, love is blind, right?
You were just waiting for the day when the two of you could finally be together without judgment or threat of being treated as war criminals.
Until then, you would be supporting him in secret.
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writeyouin · 5 years
A femme bot s/o giving tfa Megatron, tfa Optimus, and Tfa Ultra Magnus presents that are Handmade. (Also have a greats day and don't work too hard!)
Transformers X Reader Drabbles – Hand-Made
A/N – What is better than writing on Christmas-Eve-Eve with the best jams on ever. Baby it’s Cold Outside. Also, thank you sweet-pea, don’t worry my duck, I’m a jobless bum rn, so I can work over hard on the writing.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
TFA Megatron
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“So, what do you think?” You beamed proudly as Megatron inspected the item you had just given him; it was a servo-sized wooden carving of Cybertron, as the planet was in the good old days. On such a drab planet as Earth, you thought that he might like a reminder of home and what the two of you were fighting for.
“What is this for?” Megatron asked boredly.
“Okay, so the humans of this planet celebrate something called Hannukamas or was it Christannuka? Maybe it was Kwanzannuka or Christtide… Yulemas? They all have so many different names for the same event…. It might have been-”
“Get on with it,” Megatron growled.
“Right. So, anyway, on this holiday, humans celebrate by doing a bunch of weird stuff. Most of it doesn’t make sense, like why do they need to dress trees? I don’t even know why humans wear clothes, so why should a tree?” Megatron glared at you and you hurried along in your speech, eager to please him. “Anyway, one part that does make sense is showing their loved ones how much they appreciate them with a gift. Then I thought what is the one thing Megatron doesn’t have? And so, I made you this bauble of Cybertron.”
Megatron didn’t like the implication that there was anything he didn’t own, or at least would not someday own. He got up, standing over you furiously; whether you were his Conjunx Endura or not, he would not have you wasting time on silly trinkets when there was a war to be won.
“You really wish to please me, (Y/N)?”
You nodded hopefully.
“Then get back to work and don’t bother wasting your time on these incessant, worthless organic HOLIDAYS, EVER AGAIN.”
You gulped, holding back coolant that threatened to spill from your optics, “I- I- Yes, Lord Megatron.”
Once you had left, Megatron held his head in his servos; you only ever referred to him as ‘Lord’ when you were upset. He didn’t blame you for feeling distressed after he had treated you so coldly, yet he could not risk looking weak even to you, and if yelling meant he wouldn’t cry then he would do so. All the same, whether you knew so or not, Megatron would cherish the tiny Cybertron with all his spark, and he was already planning ways he could make it up to you for whatever the silly human holiday was called.
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TFA Optimus Prime
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Optimus stared at the large knitted jumper in his servos. It was blue and depicted the Autobot insignia surrounded by snowflakes. He didn’t know what to say about the gift you had presented him for Christmas. To him, it didn’t matter that the jumper had multiple large holes, nor that Cybertronians didn’t wear clothes. All that mattered was that you had been thinking of him at this ‘most wonderful time of the year.’
“Okay precious,” You grinned happily. “I’m going to take it that you like it since you’re smiling all goofy.”
Optimus blushed, glad the rest of his team were with Sari in the base’s main room decorating the tree, so they didn’t see him like this; he was teased enough about his relationship with you without adding any more awkwardness to it.
Optimus buried his helm into the jumper’s soft wool, “It’s perfect.”
You put your servos on his cheeks, guiding his face till he was looking at you. “Merry Christmas Optimus. I love you.”
“…I love you too, (Y/N).”
“Since tomorrow is Christmas and I guess we celebrate that now… Will you do something for me?”
“What is it?”
“I want to perform the Conjunx rites tomorrow.”
“(Y/N)- Are you- Did you just-”
You stared into Optimus’ cyan blue optics, smiling hopefully, “Optimus Prime, will you make me the happiest Cybertronian in the universe and be my Conjunx Endura?”
Optimus dropped the jumper into his lap and pulled you into a tight hug, “I love you so much (Y/N).”
“Is that a yes?”
Optimus kissed your helm, murmuring a hushed, “Yes.”
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TFA Ultra Magnus
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You waited patiently for the meeting Ultra Magnus had called with you, Jazz, and Sentinel Prime to end, staying behind when he dismissed the other two so you could present your report. This was how Ultra Magnus liked to keep your relationship; you would always be co-workers first when others were around, and partners only when official business was over.
“(Y/N),” Ultra Magnus addressed you formally, holding the Magnus hammer, as he usually did for official business. 
“Welcome back to Cybertron. Did you find anything on your reconnaissance mission to Earth?”
“Well Sir, I observed the Autobots dwelling there for quite some time and I am afraid to say that they are right. The Decepticons seemingly have spread their reach that far and do indeed inhabit that planet.”
“Hmm,” Ultra Magnus sighed thoughtfully. “It is of little surprise that Optimus Prime was right. He was one of my best students once. Was there any truth to his claims about Megatron?”
“Not that I have found, Sir. However, I wouldn’t refute the young Prime’s claims without further investigation. I found that all his other reports were accurate, and it would be unwise to brush off claims of Megatron’s presence as if he were only a minor problem.”
“Agreed. Did you find the Decepticon base during your trip to Earth?”
You cast your eyes to the ground sadly, as you always did when you had to give Ultra Magnus bad news. “Unfortunately not, Sir.”
Ultra Magnus sighed again, though somewhat more tiredly than before. “Is there anything else to report (Y/N)?”
“Nothing official, though if I may, I’d like to talk about Earth, off the record Sir.”
“Permission granted.”
“Magnus,” You said sweetly, using his name instead of his title to indicate that you were speaking as his partner instead of his subordinate. “I didn’t interact with the Earthlings, so I could maintain my cover, like you ordered, but I did observe them during my missions. It seems to me that Earth is so full of life and we should do everything we can to protect it. I think… I believe that we Cybertronians might have been wrong about organic life.”
“How so?” Ultra Magnus asked, intrigued.
“Well, I know some organics we’ve come across aren’t exactly intelligent, and most are down-right hostile, but the inhabitants of Earth seem to have such a delicate balance. I’ve never seen anything like it before. Not to mention the humans seem to have their own culture, and I saw them do so many interesting things, some of which you wouldn’t even believe organic life capable of. I think we should-”
You were interrupted by the ship’s alarm, indicating a priority call from Cybertron. Upon seeing that it was Longarm Prime hailing Ultra Magnus, you excused yourself, having too low a rank to bear witness to such a call. Glumly, you made your way to Ultra Magnus’ hab-suite, entering to leave the gift you had planned to give him, after you had explained the human tradition of Christmas. You grabbed his datapad and left a note for him, detailing human holidays, only afterwards adding a personal note.
To my darling Ultra Magnus. This is a book of pressed flowers. Please, let it act as a reminder that all organic life is worth preserving.
I love you with all my spark.
Happy Holidays.
Your (Y/N).
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Like my work? Buy me a coffee and earn preview of the next fic, or commission me on the commissions page.
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random-fandom1984 · 6 months
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Request are open!
●Fluff ●Yandere ●Angst ●Crossovers ●Character x Reader ●Character x Character ●References to other fandoms ●Comfort ●Headcanons ●Reader/Character from one dimension/universe getting sent to a different one (tfp x tfa, trollhunters x zak storm, etc)
●others to be added
●NSFW ●Pedophilia ●Incest ●Certain sensitive topics (rape, abuse, etc) ●Other's OC's (I don't have the confidence to do that)
General: - Predacon! Reader in TFA
Optimus Prime - Wattpad Story: Deadly Voice - Yandere! TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Prowl Bumblebee Bulkhead Jazz Jettwins Ultra Magnus Megatron Starscream (+clones) Lugnut Blitzwing Blackarachnia/Elita-1 Grimlock Wreck-Gar Soundwave Longarm Prime/Shockwave - All It Takes Is A Potion to Show How Much I'm Obsessed With You Wasp/Waspinator
Optimus Prime - Yandere TFP! & TFA! Optimus x Chubby! Gn Reader Ratchet Arcee Cliffjumper Smokescreen Bumblebee - Bumblebee x SG! Cybertronian Reader Bulkhead Wheeljack Ultra Magnus Megatron - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Starscream - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Soundwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Shockwave - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Predaking - Decepticons Meets Sparklings 5t3v3(Steve) - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Knockout - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Breakdown - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Dreadwing - Decepticons Meets Sparklings Arachnid Unicron
Optimus - Sparklings Megatron - Sparklings Bumblebee - Sparklings Elita-1 - Sparklings Soundwave - Sparklings Shockwave - Sparklings Tarantulas - Sparklings Terrans(PLATONIC ONLY) Swindle Starscream
Optimus Prime - Calling Optimus Prime Dad Prowl Jazz Bumblebee Ratchet Megatron Starscream Skywarp Thundercracker Reflector Soundwave - Soundwave x Cybertronian Reader Part 1 Shockwave Grimlock Unicron Other Autobots and Decepticons
Optimus Primal Rattrap Rhinox Cheetor -His Sea Goddess (Cheetor x Cybertronian Reader with an Octopus alt-mode) Dinobot Megatron Tarantulas Waspinator
Bumblebee Sideswipe Strongarm Fix-it Grimlock Drift Steeljaw Thunderhoof Fracture Underbite Saberhorn
Orion Pax/Optimus Prime D-16/Megatron B-127/Bumblebee Elita-1 Starscream Soundwave Shockwave Sentinel Prime
Mk Mei Red Son Jin & Yin Spider Queen Azure Lion Macaque Sun Wukong Nezha Syntax Huntsman Goliath (Strong Spider) Peng Lady Bone Demon Not Mayor
Zak Storm (PLATONIC ONLY) Cece Crogar Clovis (PLATONIC ONLY) Caramba (PLATONIC ONLY) Calabrass (PLATONIC ONLY) Golden Bones
Angor Rot Gunmar Bular Aaarrrgghh Blinky (Blinkous) Nomura Draal Krel Tarron & Aja Tarron (PLATONIC ONLY) Varvatos Tronos Madu Zadra Zeron Alpha Nari Skrael Bellroc
Cookie Run Kingdom
Gingerbrave (PLATONIC ONLY) Wizard Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Strawberry Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Custard Cookie Ⅲ (PLATONIC ONLY) Chili Pepper Cookie Licorice Cookie Poison Mushroom Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Dark Choco Cookie Red Velvet Cookie Pomegranate Cookie Dark Enchantress Cookie Pure Vanilla Cookie White Lily Cookie Hollyberry Cookie Golden Cheese Cookie Dark Cacao Cookie Princess Cookie (PLATONIC ONLY) Knight Cookie (PLANTONIC ONLY) Caramel Arrow Cookie Crunchy Chip Cookie Affogato Cookie Captain Caviar Cookie Black Pearl Cookie/White Pearl Cookie Shadow Milk Cookie Mystic Flour Cookie
Others to be added
Adventure Time: Fionna & Cake
Fionna Cake (PLATONIC ONLY) Gary Marshall Lee Scarab Prismo Simon (PLATONIC ONLY) Marceline (Vampireworld version) Bonnibell Bubblegum (Vampireworld version)
WHEN REQUESTING (More rules will be added later):
●Include the fact whether or not your request is platonic or romantic; If romantic, is Y/n or character in a relationship, and if not, who is the romantic interest(s)?
●Give me some of the plot of what you're thinking for your request. If you don't, and I don't know what you want it to be about, or I can't think of what to make up- Example:
Optimus x Reader. Angst. Reader is male.
I don't know what the plot should be, or what it should involve. Like, if it's good enough that I can think of what it could be, then yeah, sure, but that will be a rare chance with me. But if it's like this- Example:
Aaarrrgghh x Reader. Comfort. Basically, the reader has had a bad day at work/school, and the two of them just cuddle and enjoy the silence in each other's arms, slowly falling asleep.
Then I will be able to think of how it can go because you gave me what you want to include in your request, but now how, I will be able to get behind that.
● I can make the reader be based off of another character, like- Examples:
-Vox! Reader in Trollhunters
-Reader as Ratchet's little sister in Transformers: Generation 1
Anything! Whatever you want as long as it's allowed.
●If your request involves something that isn't allowed, then it will be ignored.
That's everything for now! Request away!
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bones4thecats · 2 months
Tfa Blurr x fembot reader, where both are married and the reader is pregnant, Blurr says goodbye to the reader before going to Earth, where he promises to return, but when Shockwave cubes Blurr and throws him away to the trash, Longarm in his version goes to Blurr's house where the reader was cleaning, where Longarm later tries to court the reader, since before Longarm/Shockwave was in love with the reader, but the reader does not accept it and tells him She asks him to leave the house, but he transforms into Shockwave and kidnaps her, but after the Decepticons are arrested, they rescue the reader and take him to Cybertron but where they tell him the news what happened to Blurr, where he reader becomes sad but promises to protect the unborn baby, but where Sari accidentally falls into the garbage container, there she finds Blurr in Cube and realizes that he is still alive, and tries to take him to repair him later.The container begins to light up but they are rescued by Arcce and other bots, where they later restore Blurr, where he is no longer a cube, everyone is happy, but Blurr remembers the reader, and goes to look for it, that was until Sari says that the Reader is in the hospital because she is in labor, where Blurr goes to the Hospital, where he meets Reader again and meets his newborn Sparkling, Blurr apologizes to the reader for not returning, but the reader is just happy that her husband is back and just hugs him, where the two go to the prison so that Blurr can see Shockwave , then Blurr retires and ends up spending time with the reader and with Sparkling walking on the streets of Cybertron
TFA! Blurr Seeing His S/O and Their Son
Character: Blurr (Transformers Animated) Requester: @zinnia1506 A/N: I was adding your tag just above and found out you were my second-most recommended tag, just below marina-havik, who requests a lot of Twisted Wonderland things. Just thought that was funny, hope you like this! Also, just wanted to add, please shorten your requests next time, like hand me the gist of the idea. But, it is an amazing idea, ngl! ⚠️ Trigger Warnings for: Mentions of attempted murder, war, kidnapping, non-consensual physical touch (hugs, etc.), mutilation, trauma, rumors of raising a child alone, and labor ⚠️
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╚═════ Blurr ═════════════════════════════════╝
💨 Ever since the day you found out you were carrying, you were quite frankly beyond nervous. Were you going to be a good carrier? Was this child going to be raised correctly? How was Blurr going to react when you told him?
💨 Surprisingly, yet not at the same time, Blurr stopped talking mid-sentence when you showed him the evidence of your predicament. And while he normally would just nod at others, the speedy mech smiled joyfully and spun you around, speaking nearly twice as fast as normal about how happy he was for you both
💨 Despite your carriage, Blurr did still have work to do with the Elite Guard. He was their fastest member and best deliverer of news after all. So, while his days off were few and far-between, he did always spend as much time as he could around you. Heck, he even stopped by in between delivering some findings to Longarm Prime so he could see you and your growing offspring
💨 But, for the past couple of orbital periods (days), he hadn't shown up. He hadn't called you or come to swing by like he normally did. It was honestly scaring you beyond everything you could imagine a Cybertronian War veteran going through
💨 Pushing through the pain of realizing your sparkmate was most likely not coming back, since he possibly got harmed on either the way to or from Cybertron to Earth, you continued to come by the Elite Guard's headquarters, visiting your old friends. Though you were closest with Jazz
💨 Blurr was always on your mind. And how could he not be? You loved him beyond any other Cybertronian you had ever met. He couldn't ever not defeat someone in competition for your love. Especially when that someone was Longarm Prime, your longtime friend
💨 Longarm was supportive of both you and Blurr, showing his care for you throughout your growth of bringing a youngling into the world like many before you. But the way the Cybertronian showed it... it was just off from his normal behavior... and I mean WAY off
💨 One day you were speaking to Cliffjumper, who just so happened to be Longarm's receptionist, and you laughed as he told a funny story about him and this sparkling he had come across a few cycles (years) before and how he had kicked him in the shin and laughed at his pain
"I swear that little thing was bound to be some kind of bounty hunter. No normal sparkling laughs at someone's pain like that!" He laughed.
"Excuse me, you two. But, may I speak to Y/N in my office really quick. It's quite important." Longarm interrupted kindly, his gentle smile and understanding eyes making you nod and say your goodbyes to the red mech.
💨 As the sound of his office doors closed behind you both, you noticed how the aura in the room changed. What was once wholesome and kind, was now creepy and full of uncertainty. It was honestly making you scared of the mech
"Y/N. I'm sure you know why I asked you in here." He began.
"My sparkling...?" You asked curiously, just now noticing how much taller the mech was than you.
"Correct. Now, we all know that Blurr's disappearance took quite the toll on you. And I know for certain that raising a sparkling on your lonesome has got to be one of the scariest, yet strongest, things you could ever do." He continued, "But, as you and Blurr's old friend, I do not wish that kind of strain on you."
💨 Watching as he strolled around you and began to rest a servo on your shoulder, you slightly flinched, what was he saying? So you asked
"What I am saying is that... well- I have adored you for many cycles. Maybe it's love maybe I'm just protective over you. But, I would like to give this, give us, a chance. You understand, yes?"
"W-what? You've gotta be joking. You're joking right?"
"This would be a rather unfunny joke if it was." That right there made you flinch in fear. You have heard many stories from other carriers about their sparkling's sires being quite horrible if delivered bitter news.
"Y/N. Be mine."
"What?! No! My loyalty stays in Blurr till death does us both part!" You said, pulling yourself away from his touch. He had zero right to be hugging you the same way that your sparkmate once did.
"Fine then. I guess I'll have to make you mine." In a flash, you noticed Longarm's features become far different.
💨 His legs became longer and slightly thinner while his arms grew far beyond their normal length, ending with three large spear-like digits. His helm then changed, going from a calm-Autobot leader to a completely vacant black rectangle with a single glowing red optic and a dual set of antler-shaped prongs on his helm's sides
💨 He then raised his servo, and you were out like the care you had for the thought-to-be-Autobot
💨 The sound of pede-steps made you open your own optics, adjusting them at the major amount of light and trying to make sure your hearing wasn't going to explode from the loud noises surrounding you
"Wake up! Wake up, Autobot!"
"Lugnut, be calm." A familiar voice said.
"Why should I?! They could pose a massive threat against Lord Megatron!"
"Heavily doubtful, Lugnut."
💨 As you looked around you, you could see that there were multiple Decepticons. Ranging from the Second-In-Command Starscream, to well-known soldiers like the explosive-creating Lugnut
💨 You flinched as Shockwave kneeled in front of you and began to graze one of his digits against your cheek, making you glare at him and almost bit his said limb off
"Well, they're quite fierce." Blitzwing said, his face-plate transitioning going from his cold-blue to a black one with a spiky-mouthed (intake) red one.
"Get melted in the Allspark."
"Put them in chains. I don't need to listen to such nonsense."
"Yes, Lord Megatron."
💨 As you were resting from the long day of being alone in the specialized room for you, you could hear multiple sets of footsteps, which sounded like running and tackling coming from the inner parts of the cave
"Put your servos in the air!" A mech yelled, causing you to look up in shock.
"Y/N! Oh sweet Primus, are you alright in there?"
"Undo the cage. Now!" He yelled back at his fellow Elite Guard members.
💨 Sentinel then ran inside the room before picking you up and beginning to run as fast as his legs could take him back to the ship so you could get back to Cybertron as quickly as possible for a medical check
"Thank you... Sentinel."
"It's nothing, Y/N. Now, get them back to a Cybertronian Hospital immediately."
☆ (I have zero clue how they would deliver a sparkling in Transformers like this, so I made my own way that makes sense to me)
💨 A few miles away from the hospital you were delivered to after you felt your sparkling begin coming into the world, the young half-Cybertronian, half-human, Sari Sumdac, was digging through a scrap-container
💨 As she stood up from the large scraps, she noticed that a busted up cube of Cybertronian metal began to glow. And after a long, and very detailed story that I am far to lazy to write about, the speedy mech was reestablished in his own form by the Allspark
"Thank you so much, Sari."
"No problem, Blurr!" She answered.
"You might wanna get going though." Arcee said over the duo, making everyone in the vicinity looked at her in confusion.
"What do you mean exactly?"
"Y/N had your sparkling. You might wanna get going, the hospitals 16 kliks away."
💨 Blurr's optics widened as the others motioned for him to get his metallic behind on a move on. He then stood, nodded quickly and literally became his titular name, a blur, and ran towards the hospital you were at
💨 As he stopped running at the door, he quickly asked the nurse where you were at. Thankfully, he saw your doctor and asked where you were, since he was used to his quick speech more than the rookie-nurse
"They're back here. Follow me." He said.
💨 As Blurr walked, holding his speed back a lot, he smile as he saw your resting figure there. Your arms wrapped securely around your sparkling, a tiny mech matching him, though his spikes were a lot smoother than Blurr's
"I'll leave you two alone." The doctor said, walking away.
💨 Smiling at your resting form, Blurr stepped closer to you, preparing his speak for when you awoke from your labor-driven power-down
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erimeows · 3 years
Well now I'm interested in Shockwave x Autobot Minibot Reader...
So like, can I request headcanons of him and the reader?😗
Sfw and Nsfw if you will( we are all hoes here)
Shockwave just makes me feel some type of way 😳
Sure thing! SFW above the cut, NSFW below the cut.
When Shockwave first meets you, it’s while he’s undercover as Longarm Prime. You’re a minibot working intel for him in the Elite Guard, and you two have a very... Close dynamic, as some would say.
He’s definitely more soft-spoken and casual in this form, and he sees right from the start that you’re attracted to him; always touching him, looking at him with such ardent admiration in your optics, excited to talk to him, beaming when he compliments you for a job well done.
And he likes you back. You’re charming, innocent, with good intentions, and you’re not just an Autobot slave; you’re a Cybertronian with a good spark who wants to end the war, just like he does, and it just so happens that you’ve unknowingly chosen the wrong side.
But, as great as you are, Shockwave holds back. He’s a Decepticon, a spy, and you’re an innocent little Autobot who doesn’t know any better. If you saw his true form, you’d be terrified and never want anything to do with him again. His cover would be blown at some point anyway and he knew he was going to cause plenty of casualties with this war, you didn’t need to be another one. 
He can’t help but get closer to you, though, and you become friends, almost lovers. You start spending time together doing plenty of things like going to bars, staying at each other’s places (or him staying at yours, he doesn’t want you to find all of the Decepticon things at his), occupying the library together, attending any work functions by each other’s sides. 
The feelings aren’t mentioned, though- at least not until one day, he’s alone in the quarters he has on the Elite Guard’s base. He thinks it’s late enough that no one is there and transforms into his regular form to be comfortable, only for you to walk in.
Yeah, there’s no saving it now. Giant Decepticon form littered with dark blues, greys, and reds, antlers, and a piercing crimson optic, he thinks of playing it off and pretending that he’s a Decepticon who has broken into Longarm’s quarters, but you walk in, shut the door behind you, and go;
Okay. You found him, but he can’t have you squashed or offline you- he’s too attached to you now. He thinks that maybe the two of you can work this out so you can both keep your positions and your blooming relationship intact.
“Shockwave, actually,” he corrects you, and surprisingly enough, you approach him fearlessly despite how he dwarfs you in size and look up at him in awe.
“I always knew something about you was different,” You give a weak smile. “But I didn’t think it’d be this- I, uh...”
“Listen,” He starts. “I know you’re loyal to your cause, as am I. I’ve not hurt you and I don’t intend to, and for that reason, I need you to return the favor by keeping quiet about this.”
“I’d never sell you out, if that’s what you’re implying. I love you too much.”
Shockwave is silent for a moment, astonished. He’d expected tears, yelling, and upset about how he had betrayed you so, but you were surprisingly calm and wrapping your tiny arms around his body the best you could. No one had ever been so tender or understanding with him, not even Lord Megatron or his Decepticon allies. 
“Thank you,” He whispers and picks you up to pull you close to him and hug you back. “I love you as well... Maybe we can make this work, after all.”
Shockwave waits a very long time before doing anything intimate with you. He’s an old-fashioned mech who believes that a conjunx should be fully courted before doing anything with him, and he doesn’t want to take advantage of you, but like... You’re very tempting.
He probably is really into the cross-faction by technicality thing and will tease you about it in bed at times, mentioning how he’s corrupting you... Yeah, join the corruption kink Shockwave club with me, guys.
Will switch to Longarm’s form to better use his fingers and mouth on you, but also likes staying in his regular form to scrape his claws up and down your body. 
All in all is very tactical about it. Yes, interfacing is a passionate thing, but he’s on a mission to make sure you feel good. He doesn’t talk much and is more focused on your body/overloads.
Doesn’t like taking too much time, but loves hearing you beg for it and making you desperate. He’s patient enough to wait for a while if he thinks he’ll be able to get that kind of desperation out of you. 
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writeyouin · 7 years
aaaaaaaahhhh your Swerve-fic is so Good™???!?!?!?! like, every time you update, my stomach did that flippity-floppity-floop-thingy in a good way!! is the request still open? if so, can you do a fluffy TFA Wasp with bot!reader? If not, i still love you anyway since you've already a lot of wonderful fanfics! i never got bored reading them over and over and over again!
Wasp X Bot Reader – Together Again
A/N – Thank you so much, I loved looking at this message for inspiration, t was so sweet. It’s a shame I just missed your birthday but here you go @vinnycoco, I hope I did Wasp justice.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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Wasp observed happily as you ran up to the Autobot Academy for the first day of training. In all your elation, he thought you were the one thing as perfect as him. Ever since the war with the Decepticons began, the two of you had planned to make it into the elite guard together and now you were taking the first steps towards that goal. Naturally, Wasp had planned even further ahead of that goal; when you both graduated into the guard, he was going to make you his Conjunx Endura.
While thinking of the future, Wasp lost sight of you. When he spotted you again he gritted his dentae together irritably; you were talking to that little yellow pest he’d bumped into before. He wasn’t jealous, he couldn’t be. Jealousy was beneath him, he was simply concerned because, like him, you were much too important to converse with such a lowly bot.
“(Y/N), step away from that; you don’t know where it’s been,” Wasp wrapped his arm around your waist.
“Very funny,” You laughed, waving the insult away. “Have you two met yet? Sweetspark, this is-”
“Filth is what it is. Come now, meet Ironhide, a real bot.”
“HEY!” Bumblebee yelled. “I’M NOT FILTH YOU-”
“Easy, little buddy,” A large green mech hugged him, “let the anger go.”
After the unusual introduction, the day was filled with tests of strength, speed, intelligence, and more than a few punishments thanks to the yellow bot who’d been dubbed Bumblebee. It was a relief when the group was allowed to go to the shared barracks for a much-needed recharge.
“What a day,” You rubbed your aching pedes, claiming two berths next to each-other for you and Wasp.
“You’re telling me, it was great,” Bulkhead enthused, missing the tone of your vocaliser completely.
You couldn’t help grinning, “It would’ve been easier if there weren’t so many accidents. You and Bee really scrambled Sarge’s circuits.”
“Yeah, uh my bad.”
Bumblebee sniffed indignantly, “Why are you talking to us? Apparently, we’re just filth to you.”
“Filth? Oh yeah, don’t mind what Wasp was saying, he’s just joking with you,” You smiled amiably. “He’s always been like that, I’m sure once you get to know him-”
“What’s wrong? He’s really nice, I swear.”
“Ugh, what do you even see in a guy like that?”
Wasp entered the room from the wash racks, “Charm, wit, strength; all things you lack.”
“Come on babe, go easy on them, they don’t know you’re joking… you are joking right?” You asked hopefully.
“Joking? Yes, yes, of course.” He pulled you into a hug, glaring at Bumblebee and Bulkhead behind your back. “Stay away,” he mouthed.
“See, look at all of you getting along so well. This is gonna be so great. I’ll see you in a bit, I want to get some time in those wash racks myself. Later, guys.”
Wasp waited till you were gone before openly seething at the two bots in front of him, “You two better recharge with one optic open; things are going to be rough from here on in.”
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You aimed a shot over Wasp’s head, shutting down the turret there while Wasp made a leap for the flag ahead of him. The game was a pairs test to see which team could capture the flag in the quickest time; points were awarded for team-work and strategy. Sentinel blew the ending whistle; the two of you had won.
You cheered excitedly, running to Wasp who was wielding the flag proudly and planting a kiss on his cheek.
“Babe, please,” Wasp held out his servo.
“Sorry,” You laughed, “I’ll stop now.”
“Stop? No, I was asking for more.”
“You sure you want another kiss? Aren’t you afraid of looking weaker in front of the other bots?” You teased.
“C’mon, how about making ‘em jealous instead?”
“Later,” You whispered upon the arrival of Sentinel.
The two of you saluted to the senior officer.
“At ease,” Sentinel instructed. “Not only were the two of you the fastest pair on the course, but also the best team. You showed strategy, talent, and speed. You’ve worked hard, take the rest of the day off as a reward; you’ve earned it.”
The two of you walked away, hand in hand, eager for a night together.
“Hey (Y/N), I have an idea,” Wasp grinned.
“Pray tell.”
“How about a night under the stars where we can really appreciate each-others company; I’ve been saving some good energon for such an occasion.”
“You had me at stars.”
“Great, meet me at the observatory, I’ll bring the energon.”
You pecked his lips, “Don’t keep me waiting.”
That was the last time you saw Wasp. While you waited for him in the observatory, he was arrested for being a spy for the Deceptacons. When it happened, you could hardly believe it. You’d known Wasp for Vorns, he couldn’t be a spy. However, with no evidence of his innocence, you had no choice but to believe in the conviction, deciding that Wasp had probably been using you to gather intel. Spark-broken, you fell from the top of the class to the bottom and were soon sent onto the same space-bridge as Bumblebee and Bulkhead. That space bridge was where all the failures were sent. You soon met Prowl, a ninja-bot, Ratchet, an old medical officer, and Optimus Prime; how a prime had fallen so far was beyond you, especially one as serious as him.
Working on the barren station, you had all the time in the universe to forget Wasp and the pain he’d caused you, until one day on the strange planet Earth, when you found something that changed everything.
“YOU DID WHAT?” You screamed at Bumblebee who was hiding behind Optimus for protection.
Bumblebee quivered while Optimus tried desperately to calm the situation.
“(Y/N), Longarm tricked me. I swear it was an accident,” Bumblebee said.
Optimus held his arms out, “(Y/N) please, Bumblebee didn’t-”
Bumblebee ran, calling behind him, “And finish Wasp’s job for him?”
“YOU GLITCH-HEAD!” You huffed and glared angrily, trying to calm down as you did so. “Fine, I’m going out on patrol; if Wasp’s here, I’m going to find him.”
“(Y/N) wait,” Optimus said but you were already out the door in your alt-mode; an old car Sari called a DeLorean.
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Wasp was shocked to be sure. In his revenge addled brain, he’d never imagined you’d ever be near the glitch Bumblebee. He didn’t have time to comprehend the situation as he fled. Bumblebee had taken everything from him, his freedom, his career, and you too; you’d defended Bumblebee, were the two of you an item now? Wasp couldn’t concentrate on that, flee now, dwell later.
Meanwhile, you were in hot pursuit of Wasp. You’d barely got back when you found out what had happened between him and Bumblebee. Swapping paint-jobs was surely the plan of a desperate bot; desperation could be reasoned with.
Eventually, the others stopped the chase, presuming Wasp had been lost once more. You, on the other hand, had tracked him to a cave off the coast where he’d stopped.
“(Y/N),” Optimus radioed you, “Are you coming back to the base?”
“Soon Prime… I just… I need some time,” You lied.
Optimus sighed, “Alright, be careful out there.”
You shut off your communicator, transforming into your bot-mode to enter the cave.
“Wasp,” You called, “It’s me (Y/N). I don’t want to hurt you, I just want to talk.”
“Wasp no talk. Wasp know this is trap,” his voice echoed around the cave.
“It’s not a trap Wasp, Bumblebee told me everything. The two of you were set up, I know you’re innocent.”
There was no reply and you feared you’d lost him once more.
“Sweetspark, please, talk to me.”
“You no love Wasp anymore.”
“Maybe, maybe not. How can you love someone who won’t even talk to you? Come out, show me there’s still the bot I love in there somewhere.”
Once again, there was no answer; Wasp was too busy contemplating your words.
You got on your knees, placing your hands behind your head, “Make me your prisoner, incapacitate me, do whatever you want but please, talk to me.”
“You crazy as always,” Wasp laughed, coming out from behind a Stalagmite and approaching slowly.
“Thank you.”
“Wasp want to know, what you doing with Bumblebot?”
“We work together, as friends.”
“Tell more.”
You recalled your tales since Wasp had been arrested, including those of Earth. Wasp listened enraptured, catching up on everything he’d missed; everything you could have had together. During his imprisonment, he’d thought of little other than vengeance because thinking of you hurt too much. However, with you in front of him, he longed to piece his broken mind back together; so much had fractured since losing you.
As the night dragged on, you knew you’d have to head back soon. It would only be a matter of time before your team wondered where you’d gotten to and started searching for you. You couldn’t let them find Wasp in such a delicate state; you wouldn’t.
You held out a servo apprehensively, Wasp recoiled making you pull back with a sigh. “Wasp, sweetspark, my team will come looking for me soon… that means Bumblebee too. I don’t want them to find you yet until… until you’re better. I love you. Goodbye.”
At your attempt to get up, Wasp grabbed your arm, pulling you back, “(Y/N) no leave. (Y/N) stay with Wasp. Wasp love (Y/N) too.”
Your optics filled with unshed lubricant, “It’s… It’s for your own good. I’ll come back, I promise but you have to let me go now, okay?”
“Wasp and (Y/N) together again?”
“Do you want that?”
“Then yeah, Wasp and (Y/N) together again.”
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