#look I like to give my characters hardships to overcome
smilesrobotlover · 10 months
My gosh katniss did not deserve any of that
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o-sachi · 3 months
Every Single Thing I Have ₊⊹ One Shot
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ଳ Character; Michael Kaiser (Bllk)
ଳ Tags; mostly fluff, a bit of angst (happy ending), soft mihya, gn reader, no y/n
ଳ Note; inspired by Two by Sleeping at Last!
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Selfish. Manipulative. Cold.
Those were the words often associated to him. You were well aware of what he was like on the field or how he treated others. But you could never seem to agree with them.
To you, Michael Kaiser was the most selfless and loving person you've come across in your life.
Sweetheart, you look a little tired When did you last eat? Come in and make yourself right at home Stay as long as you need
You knew the hardships that came with dating a football star. Everything else you could stomach, but to be away from him for weeks on end was something you couldn't overcome. So, whenever he left the country, he'd tell you to stay at his place for the time being. It's not quite the same as having him around, but to live in his space was comforting enough.
You'd sleep in his bed, occasionally use his clothes, and even bathe with his shampoo at times—all just to feel that he's right here with you. Sometimes he wonders why you haven't moved in yet.
You'd always say that you want to be financially stable first, not wanting to freeload off of him. But he scoffs each time.
"Love, I don't give a shit about that. I just want you here in my home," he'd always say.
His place was as good as yours. Parts of the apartment were decorated how you'd want it. You even had more products in the bathroom than he did. He'd integrate you in every particle of his life if he could.
Whenever he was around, he made sure you lived like royalty. You aren't allowed to lift a finger on his watch.
"Mihya, can you please just sit down for a moment? You just came home from practice remember?"
As always, he'd ignore you. "I'm only making dinner. No big deal."
"We can have our food delivered, so you can rest. Y'know?"
"And have you eat junk like fast food? No thanks," he retorts. Truthfully, as much as he cared about your health, he actually wanted to cook because it would be faster than waiting for a delivery. It had been hours since his last meal. It was often like that when he had practice. Time flies and eating becomes an after thought. But he never tells you that; he never wants you to worry about him.
You grumble. "Please, Mihya? I'll order us some food and you come here and cuddle with me instead."
You drive a hard bargain, he thought. Food can wait. He shuffled towards you on the sofa and plopped right beside you. His tattooed arm drapes over you in an instant.
You smile, knowing the hold you had over him.
Even with the bags under his eyes, he was still so handsome. Cupping his face, you caressed his cheek with your thumb. "Have you been sleeping well? Look at these bags."
He offers a lopsided smile in return. "If you think I'm ugly just say so."
You giggle at his dramatics. "You are literally the most beautiful man I've laid eyes upon," you say while pinching his cheek. "But seriously, are you getting enough sleep? You work too hard sometimes." He sighs, leaning into your touch. He brings up his hand to hold yours. "I get to sleep beside you later no? That's all that matters to me, love."
Tell me, is something wrong? If something's wrong, you can count on me You know I'll take my heart clean apart If it helps yours beat
If there's one thing in the world he hates more than himself, it was to see you in pain. Your tears were his kryptonite. Part of him hated to see you cry because he loved you too much. But another hated it because it reminded him of all the times he would cry when he was younger.
Hot salty tears triggered him; it stirred unwanted emotions within him. But he had to suck it up whenever you needed a shoulder to cry on. One of you had to stay strong and he'd gladly be the one to fill in the role.
He'd hold you—cradle you until everything was alright again. "Shhh, it's alright I'm here. I'm not going anywhere."
Kaiser had you in his arms. His grasp was as gentle as his words. It soothed you. Even if your eyes were swollen and muddled with tears, you could still see the pain in his eyes. It tugged at your heart knowing he felt so deeply for you. You'd go on a tangent about how cruel and unfair the world is—and he would agree. He had many things to say as well, but he had to put you first.
You'd cry and cry until you can't anymore. Exhaustion takes over and you simply pass out on his bed, unaware of the inner turmoil brewing inside of him. Kaiser sat beside you, weary face buried in his calloused palms. He wanted to cry as well.
But he couldn't because then you'd wake up.
It's okay if you can't find the words Let me take your coat And this weight off of your shoulders
You were the luckiest person in the world. Kaiser was everything—handsome, talented, financially stable, loving, and secure. At least... that's what you thought.
It wasn't your fault that he had an ongoing battle in his mind. If you knew, no doubt that you would help him. But he made sure to leave you disillusioned with his well-crafted facade.
When he's with you, he's all smiles. He's always strong enough for the both of you. When you're down—he's there to lift you up. And when you're at your highest—he's just right behind you, cheering you on.
He only wallows in his self-pity when he's alone—when you're far away from him. He couldn't bear the idea of you finding out how weak he truly was. He was scared that one day you'll realize what piece of trash he is for lying to you all this time.
Like a force to be reckoned with A mighty ocean or a gentle kiss I will love you with every Single thing I have
"Love, what do you want for your birthday?" You hum, tapping a finger on your chin as if to show him you were thinking hard. After a while, you come up with your answer.
"I just want you. That's all." His eyes widen for moment, but he quickly composes himself. He knew you were a simple person, but he expected something material... something of value. To think you'd settle for something so little was preposterous.
"That's all? You don't want a necklace or?"
Then your eyes light up. Ah... there it was. He got his hopes up too early. Of course, you want something expensive—something nice that actually had value and—
"How about we make those friendship bracelets? Y'know like we could DIY them with our own beads then make each other a bracelet? Can weeee?"
"For your birthday?" he asked quizzically. Kaiser was taken aback. What about the necklace? Were you really that easy to please? "Yes, for my birthday. I mean... we could go out to dinner or something. I'm fine with anything as long as you're there." He falls silent. Kaiser had never felt this before... the feeling of being needed. He knows he probably looks like an idiot, staring at you like he had seen a ghost. But he couldn't help it. His heart was throbbing and that was the only thing he could focus on.
Your expression drops as soon as you see his blank stare. "Hey... I mean, if bracelets aren't your thing then—" He cuts you off with a hug. It took you a while to reciprocate because it came out of nowhere. Sure, he hugs you all the time, but this hug in particular felt heavy—like it had some meaning behind it.
"Mihya? Are you okay?" you ask, wrapping your arms around him in response. And he'd hold you tighter. He'd screw his eyes shut, savoring your warmth as if it was only temporary. "Let's do those bracelets... just tell me where we can buy the beads."
He would gladly buy every single kind and more. He'd give you everything... everything that he could.
Like a tidal wave, we'll make a mess Or calm waters, if that serves you best I will love you without any strings attached
You liked to repay him in little ways. Of course, you weren't required to do so, but you wanted to. It felt like a crime to not give back to the overwhelming love that he offers up to you.
That's why you found yourself in his kitchen at 10 in the evening, hunched over on the counter and eyeing the sorry excuse of a cake you just made.
He had recently won a practice match. It wasn't anything major, but you made it a point to celebrate every single achievement of his. However, it was the first time you attempted to bake something for him. You had envisioned for him to come home from practice and be greeted by a freshly baked chocolate cake.
But you messed it up. Somehow, it ended up both undercooked and overcooked. It was impressive in its own right.
You wanted to start over from scratch, but he was already on his way home. In fact, you were so absorbed in your failure that you missed the sound of the door opening and closing.
"Love? Where are you? I smell something burnt..."
He pokes his head into the kitchen and finds you slumped over with a brown lump on a plate in front of you. He walks over to you and rubs your back comfortingly.
"I wanted to make a cake, but... it looks like shit."
He laughs. "What for?"
Your sad eyes met his amused expression, arms instinctively wrapping around him. You were embarrassed by your subpar baking skills that you had to hide your face from him. "The practice match you won yesterday." His chest booms with laughter and he brings a hand to gently caress your hair. "It's alright, love. I appreciate the gesture." Peeling away from him, you couldn't help but look at the cake with disdain. "Yeah, but it's inedible."
Kaiser raises an eyebrow at you. He picks up the fork nearby and takes a piece of the cake. It was gooier than what you expected. "Hey! Don't eat it!" But it was too late, he had shoved the piece in his mouth and was already chewing. You watched in horror as he swallowed what might be undercooked batter.
"Tastes like cake to me." Your jaw drops. "You could've eaten the cooked part you know?" "Heh, where is the cooked part you speak of?" You pretended to be offended. There probably wasn't any perfectly cooked parts on this cake, but he didn't have to rub it in your face like that.
But you both laughed it off. You spent that night with him chatting over your poor chocolate cake. Kaiser was just happy that you went out of your way to do something for him. Truly, he didn't need anything in return. He loved you because... that's what he thinks he was made for.
The cake was shit, but for some reason it tasted so good when he ate it with you.
It's okay if you can't catch your breath You can take the oxygen straight Out of my own chest
As perfect as you deem your relationship to be, of course, there were misunderstandings here and there. They were usually fixed with a simple "sorry" and a warm hug.
But this time was different. It was a full blown fight. Perhaps both of you were tired and frustrated. Neither of you even noticed it had turned into a shouting match—not until Kaiser felt a familiar and haunting pang in his chest.
Images of his father crossed his mind. He was reminded of the hurtful things the old man hurled at him. Suddenly, he lost the will to fight back. It wasn't long before you noticed the shift in the atmosphere.
Silence enveloped the both of you as you stood apart from each other. You had never seen this expression on his face before. As much as he hated vulnerability, he croaked out words faster than he could realize.
"Please don't leave me."
It was soft enough that if it were any lower, you probably would have missed it. You were frozen in place. You were fighting, but it had never occurred to you the desire to leave him. Why would he say such a thing?
"Mihya?" You cautiously walked towards him and took his hands in yours. "I never thought about leaving you." He focused on the way your thumbs brushed over his knuckles. It was foreign to him—how he could be shouted at and comforted right after.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for you to think that way," you apologized.
Then... a tear rolled down his cheek. You swore your heart fell to your stomach. Kaiser had never cried in front of you before.
"Mihya? I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I promise I'm not going to leave you..."
Your hands let go of his to hold on to his arms instead. "Please talk to me..."
He tried to hide his frown by lowering his head, but his sorrow was palpable. "You promise?"
"I swear on my life."
Your promise only served to coax more tears out of him. As much as he hated his current display of emotions—he couldn't avoid it. The warmth, the happiness, and the security you offer up to him was too much to bear.
He used to think he wasn't deserving of anything close to love, but here you were—proving him wrong time and time again. Maybe... just maybe... he did actually deserve it.
His dream of being loved could become true after all.
I know exactly how the rule goes: Put my mask on first No, I don't want to talk about myself Tell me where it hurts
After that particular fight, you became more observant of him. You felt stupid that you didn't notice his pain sooner. He was too good at concealing his true feelings that you were fooled into thinking that he was okay. But he really wasn't.
However, you knew better than to force it out of him. Slowly but surely, you tried to help him open up to you. But your efforts were futile. He'd always wave it off and smile at you. It was the same smile that had tricked you in the past.
"I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be?"
"What about you, love? Have you been taking care of yourself?"
"Don't mind me. I'm strong, right?"
But Kaiser was a liar and you knew. He wasn't fine and he wasn't as strong as he made himself out to be. You both had your own pains, but you wanted both of you to overcome them together.
A frown crossed your face whenever he dismissed your worries, but you knew better than to force it out of him. All you could do is wipe the frown off your face and etch a small smile instead.
One day... one day he'll tell it all to you—when he isn't scared anymore.
I just want to build you up, build you up 'Til you're good as new And maybe one day I will get Around to fixing myself too
Kaiser thought he was suffocating. But wasn't he asleep? Ah... he was dreaming. There were times when he applauded his mind for being so excellently vivid at imagining the field. He was a master of metavision after all. But this cursed ability made his dreams feel all too real.
The hands that gripped his neck felt far too tangible, like there were fingers constricting his air flow. And those eyes... those eyes that detested him like he was nothing more than trash. The hatred was so conspicuous that it made him sweat in a fully airconditioned room.
After struggling for what seemed like forever, Kaiser snapped out of it. He sat up in bed and looked around. As expected, he was met with darkness; the faint light filtering through the window barely illuminated his bedroom. Frantically, he looked to the side and was pacified momentarily by the sight of you sleeping peacefully next to him.
You had rolled over to the farthest side of the bed, unaware of what was happening to him. Kaiser pulled his knees towards him, resting his elbows on the peaks and burying his face in his palms. He desperately wanted to calm down his racing heartbeat.
Why did he have to infiltrate his dreams? Didn't he torment him enough already? What did he do in his past life that made him deserve this kind of torture? Why?
Too caught up in his thoughts, Kaiser hadn't noticed the way you stirred in your sleep or how you had noticed that he was awake. Before he knew it, arms had snaked around his waist.
"Why are you still awake?"
You were still groggy, so perhaps you didn't notice the distress written all over his face. But you squeezed him tighter. Your instincts told you that he needed it. And he needed it badly.
"Come back to bed. I'll hold you."
He does what he was told. You slowly pulled him back into bed with you, never letting him go. You scoot closer to him as humanly possible. Kaiser didn't mind that you left no space between the two of you. If he was going to be suffocated, it might as well be by your embrace.
"Did you have a nightmare?"
He felt your breath fan against the warm skin of his neck. Your lips lightly brushed the sensitive skin as you spoke. He reached up to caress your arm, trying to reciprocate the affection you were giving him.
He only hummed in response, not wanting to elaborate further. You were sleepy as it is; there was no need for him to snap you out of your rest for his sake.
"I'll be fine... I have you with me." That's right, he thought. He had you. Everything would be fine if he had you.
Kaiser still had lingering feelings of pain inflicted by the violent hands and the hateful scrutiny of his father. But he hoped that one day you'd wash those feelings away. Kaiser hoped that your gentle touches and loving gaze would make him anew.
Somehow, maybe, you could fix the disaster that was Michael Kaiser.
I don't even know where to start Already tired of trying to recall When it all fell apart
He knew it was wrong to rely solely on you. Happiness came from loving oneself—they say. But it was impossible. Every time he let himself alone with his thoughts it would always make him spiral.
Kaiser watched from the marble counter as you swayed your hips to the funky music that played in the kitchen. You were cooking some fancy dish that he forgot the name of.
As you observed every movement you made, he slowly started to entertain the idea of finally opening up to you. But, as always, the same thoughts hindered him.
What if you look at him differently? What if it pushes you away? What if you realize that maybe his father was right?
It was unlikely, but not impossible—at least that's what his mind would say. But then he was reminded of your face. He could melt whenever he recalled the soft expression on your face as you told him you'd always be there for him.
So... maybe...
You turn around at his call. "What's up?"
He gulps. This is it. "Can we talk after dinner? I have something I want to tell you."
You almost dropped your spatula. "Is it bad? Because if it's bad I won't be able to eat a bite of what I made."
He chuckled. Typical you.
"Don't worry. I just want to tell you a story."
I just want to love you, to love you To love you well just want to learn how, somehow To be loved myself
You were never this engrossed in a story before. No words escaped your mouth. Instead, you nodded along with every word he spoke. You could tell that he was trying his utmost best to keep a neutral face, but your heart broke knowing how caged he must have felt.
He poured his heart out. Kaiser was still scared, that much was true. But he was a point of no return. You already knew much of it, so what was the point of hiding any of his remaining emotions?
He bared it all for you, not missing a detail. He wanted you—desperately wanted you—to understand what he struggled with. He figured that if you did, maybe he'd finally find peace in himself knowing that the person he loves still accepts him despite his faults.
I will love you without any strings attached And what a privilege it is to love A great honor to hold you up
When he exhausted himself of every tidbit of his life, he stared at you and your dumbfounded expression. You had so much to say to him, but at the same time, you didn't know what to say. You wanted to mutter anything—literally anything to at least let him know that you were listening.
"I love you, Mihya."
You blurted out the first thing that came to mind. But really, it was the only thing on your mind. Everything that you wanted to say—the comforting words, the advice—everything boiled down to those 4 words.
He was a troubled man, that much you knew. You weren't ignorant of his attitude when you weren't around. And you knew that he was always keeping some part of himself hidden even from you. Just like him, you felt a weight lift off your shoulders.
Kaiser finally trusted you enough with this. And now you understood why he was such a selfless lover. He valued you so much to the point that he thought you were the best thing he would ever have in his lifetime and he would be a massive idiot to let you go.
He did everything in his power to make you happy and to make you feel loved.
So, wouldn't it be right for you to do the same?
You smile and take his shaking hands in yours. A beautiful promise falls from your lips:
"And I will love you with every single thing I have."
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ε( ε ˙³˙)ɜ 。° ⚬ 。 likes and reblogs are appreciated
pls do not translate/copy/reupload my work on other platforms
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miss0atae · 1 month
Meet You At The Blossom : Earning Your Happy Ending (EP 11 – 12)
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This is the end for Meet You At The Blossom and as I already said it in a previous post, I’m going to miss this series. It was a really nice ride. I believe they did great even though they had a small budget and it was the danmei I’ve always wanted to watch (but never did because danmei are too long to watch and these twelve episodes were the perfect length for me).
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I believe these last two episodes were tied to the trope of “earn your happy ending”. Huai En and Xiao Bao still had to go through a lot more hardship, anguish, and sadness until they get their happily-ever-after. Of course, it's understandable that characters in any stories needs to fight to conquer their happiness. There were so many obstacles to Xiao Bao finding his cure to the poison to be able to get his life back. Huai En also had to face his own obstacles to be able to leave his terrible past to finally know what love is with the lover he chose. It would have been easy to give us a miserable ending where both characters never find what they are looking for. I really thought they would find the cure before the last episode. Then, for the remaining time before the end, Xiao Bao and Huai En would find a way of reconnect. Huai En, despite having no real and good image of love, never let Xiao Bao rejection deter him from going back with him. He trusted the love he felt from him and obsessively tried to keep it. Xiao Bao, despite the misunderstandings and hardship, always was fond of Huai En and he cared about him. He became attracted to Huai En from the very beginning and even if this love made him lose everything and be tortured, this love couldn't really disappear. They were clearly meant to be. That's why, I'm so glad we got a happy ending for them.
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What is interesting about earning your happy ending is that it shows us that this ending can happen, despite the odds. I've always had a soft spot for happy endings. I find them far superior to miserable endings. I think it's not easy to write a happy ending. Letting people die or suffer after they face many challenges is expected and so it's not very hard to make it happen. However, letting them face these challenges and win over them while making it believable is a different story. It would have been easy to make Xiao Bao die from the poison and Huai En would lose the last bit of humanity and love in his life. One of the other reasons why a happy ending was a good thing is how it gives us hope. Again, it would be so easy to give a miserable ending to Huai En who already was leaving a very sad life deprived of love or to see Xiao Bao being punished for having a fall from grace. However, as we turn to stories to entertain us, we can take heart in endings that show characters overcoming obstacles. It gives us joy to see characters being able to overcome challenges to be able to live a happy life. Furthermore, I believe there is nothing wrong in having a preference for a happy ending for your beloved characters. They suffered enough in the story to deserve their happy ending. Even if they didn't suffer as much as they did, Xiao Bao and Huai En still deserves a happy ending. I'm not saying all stories need to have a happy ending. Let's not forget how the ending must especially serve the story.
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It leads me to my last point as why I love happy ending in queer stories, especially in historical fantasy/wuxia. Not everywhere in the world, you can feel accepted as a queer person and a happy ending can be a radical act. Since the censorship in China, it's been a while we haven't seen a truly queer story. I'm not saying there hasn't been story where you can feel the “love” between two characters, but it's not explicitly showed in the series. I've heard countless time about the Untamed, despite never found the time to watch it and if the love isn't shown explicitly, it's still here. So in some way, Meet You at the Blossom, felt like a radical act, especially as they have given us a happy ending (it was also probably in the book, but I didn't read it so I will only talk about the series). I don't forget that there were some tough scenes so it may have not been easy to watch for some viewers. However, in the end, Huai En and Xiao Bao got their happy ending where they can be in love. Usually historical fantasy/wuxia stories are set in a fictional world which resembles a period from history, but is not that actual history and you get some fantastic elements. It also means you get all the stigma and prejudices of the period from history that is copied. We don't get a real information about this period in Meet You at the Blossom, but it's clear that it's not exactly queer-friendly (despite having several queer characters) as we've seen several people trying to separate Huai En and Xiao Bao because their love is supposedly not something they should have. For all those reasons, it was really pleasant to see these two get their hard-earned happy ending.
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I will miss this story and I hope we’ll get other historical fantasy/wuxia Chinese QL stories that won’t be censored.
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jemmo · 1 month
ahhhh. the familiar stress of a female character being introduced in a bl and waiting to find out whether she’s an ally or an obstacle. in this case with maya, definitely an obstacle. what remains to be seen is how much of an obstacle and how it’s overcome. now im not adversed to a romantic enemy, its one of the most commonplace things to find in a bl, and im also glad we’re getting a hearing impaired character that isn’t perfect, bc it’d be very easy to try and paint everyone with a disability in a good light when they are still people and can act out for their own interests. what im interested to see is how the romance will interact with the commentary on hearing impairment this show has been touching on both directly and indirectly. before, we had a hearing female character that caused drama bc she romanticised kohei and his disability and the ways she could help him and be by his side. now we are getting the opposite, someone who also has a hearing impairment who wants to be by kohei’s side and support him as someone who shares his disability. and i like that they’re showing that both are bad. maya is trying to distance kohei from the hearing people he’s made friends with, which was a huge step for him, by trying to make out that someone that shares his disability is inherently better for him and can support him better - she’s separating him from the larger world and trying to keep him within this small bubble of their disability so that she can have a romantic relationship with him. the thing is we don’t know if maya actually believes it’s right to keep these worlds separate or she’s using it as an excuse to be close with kohei, either way the commentary is still being made. she’s also kind of playing the victim card with her comment about how taichi’s friend has never faced hardship, but she has bc her hearing is impaired, and that means she’s got in worse. and yes - on a day to day basis that is hard to deal with, but in no way does that mean no one else has struggled. i feel like that hit taichi particularly hard bc he has struggled in childhood, it was just different. we saw this in last twilight too when they argued, the disability vs no family battle, which one is worse. the thing is, you always want what you don’t have, the grass is always greener on the other side, but really there is nothing to gain from these comparisons. everyone’s life is hard to themselves, what matters is helping others whilst also acknowledging your own hardships, it’s a balance give and receive, which is what taichi and kohei’s relationship is, despite what maya thinks. but i do want to see where she’s coming from, and i think meeting a guy like kohei who is so sweet and kind and also shares this disability and all the shared experience that comes with that, and also just looks like that, it’s hard to not think he’s the most ideal person and want to be with him. i just hope they do give her a resolution that both holds her accountable for behaving poorly whilst also being empathetic to her feelings.
but in other news, i want to point out a few fave bits from the ep, starting ofc with my favourite thematic sound editing when all the cafeteria noise fell away when kohei and maya started communicating with their phones. its the small things like that that make this series so special, even if it was used with maya instead of taichi. i feel like they also do a really good job of highlighting noise, both when taichi was with his friends and at the dinner, you can understand how loud things are even when kohei isn’t there and imagine how overwhelming it would be for him, and it also highlights well how that chaos dies down when he’s alone with taichi, and you understand what kohei means when he says he hears taichi’s voice so clearly bc even in a crowd, his voice pierces through. i absolutely loved taichi blushing remembering the kiss and kohei being so forward in getting that girls attention away from taichi, we love a possessive queen. and finally i have to give my biggest shoutout again to kohei’s mom. she is so supportive in the simplest and quietest ways and when she took out those two lunchboxes i nearly cried. and it’s the way she always makes it seem coincidental, they just came as a pair, but it covertly shows that she’s supportive of whatever relationship kohei has with taichi. she doesn’t have to ask and kohei doesn’t have to say - she knows they’re close and so she just supports the relationship in these small ways without overstepping. it’s just so beautiful. honestly, one of the best bl moms ever.
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starks-hero · 1 year
Congrats on 4k!!! That is just amazing!!!
My request: Dining at the Ritz
Character: Crowley (Good Omens)
Themes: anxiety / over stimulation / toxic family situation (nothing too heavy, just verbal homophobia) / some reminders from Crowley about self care
Note to author: Hope you’re doing amazing!! Have a wonderful day/evening! If anything I said in my request doesn’t make sense, please let me know 🌟
Also, it is okay to post my letter publicly
Hello dove,
I know it's odd, hearing from me like this. I've tried your phone a few times, alright maybe more than a few times, with no answer. I reckon things may be feeling a little too much at the moment so you're taking some time for yourself, which I'm so very proud of you for. I figured the letter would be a softer approach, no irritating notifications you feel obliged to answer, (I suppose encouraging the creation of social media can be jot down as another one of my failed temptations, ey?)
Speaking of temptations, I know how difficult it is to not give in to that little voice in your head, that nagging ball of miserable thoughts that fills your mind with all the bad things and pushes out the good. It's so easy to give in, to think there may be some truth to them. But I've been here a long time, sweets, and one thing I know about humans is that you're a resilient lot. Every single hardship that has been thrown your way you have overcome and that's not an easy feat.
You are so strong, dove. Never doubt your capability. I mean, you helped us save the world for Satan's, for heaven's, for somebody's sake!
On another note, the bookshop feels quiet without you around. Whether you choose to believe it or not, angel and I really feel it when you're not here; leaves a very you-shaped hole in our lives. I hate it, knowing that the people you're surrounded with at the moment don't appreciate you as they should, don't see you how I do. That they would take the things that make you so irreversibly you and turn it against you, it makes me feel anger of the likes of which I haven't felt since I last visited the fifth circle. And that was well– hell.
It's just– it's very important that you know how much your existence means to me. You're so incredibly strong and resilient, a perfect personification of humanity. And I know I don't say it often, not as often as I should anyway but I care about you. Just look after yourself, alright? Don't forget the sleeping and eating and drinking and all the other stuff your lot needs to do to keep those human engines running.
Aziraphale sends his love, I'm sure you can probably feel it now, that warm sensation in your chest. It's the least we can do at the moment.
I'll speak to you soon, dove.
Yours insufferably,
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Was Vita suddenly more interested in Seele than the others because she witnessed Seele saving her when they first met?
I don't know for sure! It could be that, or it could be because she read her mind and found her interesting. Remember, she's the narrator when they meet, so even if she was still physically very weak, she had omniscience to work with. She planted herself on their path to start following them around (engineered meet-cute??)
She does emphasize how cool Seele was, claiming she must have looked like an idiot but couldn't stop staring in awe, so it could be part regular physical attraction, doesn't have to be 100% deep psychological stuff.
My personal interpretation, especially based on their conversation in chapter 38, is that she likes Seele so much because Seele is set up as a paragon, someone who's unfailingly kind and determined to stay that way. Even in a battle to the death against someone who just annihilated an entire world, with her friends in it, she refuses to use her most destructive powers and gives Vita multiple chances to back down. That takes some balls ya know?
Further character analysis under the cut:
In that same ch38 conversation, Vita backhandedly tries to claim Seele must be sheltered to behave this way, that Seele must be secretly scared now that she's in REAL trouble, but she's firmly denied because Seele's determination is born of experience overcoming hardship. This unsettles Vita. Seele's faith that they can save this "hometown" after Vita has lost it over and over, unsettles Vita.
(We now know that she's actually lost her genuine "hometown", Phosphorus, EIGHT times to Sa's maniacal behavior. I'd even say Phosphorus and Salt Snow are quite similar in the innocence of their citizens, the peaceful atmosphere, the worship of a central religious figure, being threatened by Sa destroying it... and to make matters worse, it seems Hua's arc happens concurrently, so maybe Phosphorus is already in danger while Vita's in Salt Snow..! Man she's going through it.)
Vita lowered her eyes, not knowing whether to be nostalgic or uneasy. (...)
...No, in any case, she was not another "Vita". Her name is "Seele"…just like "Vita", not one syllable more, not one syllable less.
The uneasiness that was wrapped up in fate had nothing to do with the other person.
This bit makes me wonder whether Vita sees someone she once wanted to be in Seele. Failed to be. Would have liked to be. After all, she's not once succeeded in saving anyone, and unlike Seele, she's got quite the rotten personality after all— she admits it herself.
Hua: Why didn't you tell me about this before? Vita: Because I'm a bad, selfish woman. Hua: ? Vita: Hmm… Do you really want me to be more specific? I am… Vita: …I'm always trying to maximize my own interests, so I'm completely helpless when it comes to nice people like you and Seele.
Vita's claims that she's not nice, that she's a selfish villain and owns it, but she doesn't like it, and she's not completely sincere when she claims to be, either. At the end of chapter 39 she tells Seele she's irredeemable and won't even feel guilt because no one died this time, but that implies she does feel remorse for all the terrible hurt she's been in the middle of, yeah?
So, sure, she spends her time faking her personality and manipulating people, but she's not happy about it. One of the secret scenes in chapter 40 has her being extremely bothered by Marah telling her she's similar to Sa:
I hate repetitive work. Yes, the emphasis is on “repetitive”, not “work”.
Due to the nature of my work, the second I open my eyes, I have to be an outgoing, friendly girl who’s equally shrewd and oblivious.
As for why I need to act like that, who knows? Everyone just can’t resist that type of woman… Or, perhaps that kind of woman is disarming?
Being amiable means that we can get along well without any pressure, and the hint of shrewdness gives me a nice veil of mystery. As for being oblivious… Being oblivious makes a flawless person more adorable. Do you understand?
Undeniably, I’m really in my element at work with such a personality. But Marah said that I’m like “them”… The one from before. Haha… do we resemble each other though? Are those traits part of my nurture? Or, are they actually part of “our” nature? Among countless conversations, I tried to search for the answer to this question.
I listened to their complaints patiently, answered their questions sincerely, gave them hugs when they needed consolation, offered them gifts when they finally grew, and in the end, became their friend.
And that is what I hate the most!
I think she's seriously concerned about what she might do if left on her own. In chapter 41 she has this conversation with Hua:
Vita: What does tens of thousands of years of life feel like to you now? (...) Vita: Then… what if you are a hopeless villain? Vita: Think about it, since your meaning is irrelevant… if you plan to do something bad, no one can stop you? Hua: At one time it did seem possible. But not now. Vita: ..Because you have a "different" friend? Life is as long as you, and ability is as powerful as you? Hua: Heh… don't you know everything. Vita: …Yeah, I can imagine. Vita: (It's just… that doesn't suit me at all …… )
She's not asking for hypotheticals about how Sa could have gone better, she's talking about herself. Of course she doesn't say why it doesn't suit her, but I believe her self-perception as a bad person is pretty telling. How could someone like her find a suitable friend to hold her back?
(It's unclear when in the Salt Snow timeline this conversation happens besides that she already knows Seele and watched Senti fight at least once, but it's probably still before the final fight, her mood would change noticeably if she was finally freed and she's very withdrawn and bitter when Sa descends.
Also, earlier she notes that saying Sa's name too many times or doing things Sa doesn't like too much could alert her, so the telepathic link is probably still intact.
Just my guesses though.)
Vita obviously doesn't know many people with a lifespan comparable to hers, and while her power likely still varies with whatever Sa lets her have at this point, her manipulative side is a threat in its own right. Pretty difficult to find a friend who could overcome that and voluntarily stick around to boot!
Seele, though, with her unfailingly kind personality and sharp enough eye to see through Vita's lies? Especially once she's become a Herrscher? (Interestingly Vita calls Seele our Herrscher heh)
Seele is exactly this kind of impossibly good person she needs around to balance out her darkness.
At the end of chapter 39, Vita humbly calls Seele "my friend, if you'll allow me to call you that"— I think this conversation above, about Hua's friend who she can trust to keep her in line, is meant to echo that moment.
Additionally, I'm fairly certain the reason she stuck around to explain everything to Seele was the conversation she had with Red in one the secret scenes. Vita's initial reaction is to bear with people's hatred and keep living for herself, but Red tells her she still wants to talk to the little boy who started to hate her because it takes effort to become friends when you're strangers. Vita made an effort to make things right with Seele and be her friend, and even vowed to always support her no matter what. Vita is invested in Seele, enough to go against her first impulses to make things right.
But then she leaves to enjoy her freedom at the end of chapter 39— she wishes her a safe trip home. So is she not scared of being a bad person anymore? Nah, I don't think that's it. I think she just likes Seele too much to involve her in something terrible like say... herself.
See, it really is not suitable for her to have a friend to balance her out...
...she doesn't want to be a burden.
Plus she hardly accepts the little Vitas' affection to begin with, acting either coldly or insincerely with them, and the Vitas only have her. Seele has other friends, obligations and a home to return to already.
Bonus: The devs also had this to say about Vita's self perception:
Designer: Also a villain, but Vita doesn't feel so hateful.
Fanchuan: She is a pure dark color. You think she is evil, she doesn't think so. She is quite innocent at it.
An interesting thing to say about a self-admitted villain right? Her not being hateful is very noticeable, but saying Vita's evil is "innocent" and that she doesn't think she's evil seems to completely contradict what she's says about herself— like that she's a "bad and selfish woman".
There's a difference between thinking you're evil and thinking you're a bad person though.
Of course this talk isn't canon, just a Word of God, but think about it. She's a ruthless manipulator and she knows it, alright. Her acts and methods are quite problematic, she even looks down on people's struggles for their lives as boring and taunts them. Makes sense that people like Veliona see her as evil.
However, her intentions are innocent. Wanting to save Salt Snow or Phosphorus, wanting to spend time with friends, wanting to escape Sa's control, wanting to be free and happy, these are innocent desires.
In conclusion, Vita's a good girl at her core; she wants simple and good things, and she's concerned about doing bad things unimpeded. However, because of how she's lived her life, this girl is packaged with a rotten personality, and has no peer she's comfortable relying on.
Seele, however, is exactly the kind of person that could balance her out, and she's attracted to that goodness and determination, admiring how smart she is to see through Vita's lies and how kind she is to spare even Vita at her worst.
Also yeah, seems to think Seele's hot with a scythe.
The arc title being "Dance of Life and Death" suits Vita's struggles pretty well, doesn't it?
40 notes · View notes
Blessed Be - Gwynriel One-Shot in Celebration of Gwynweek2023
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Gwyn’s future will be bright, I just know it. She is one of the strongest characters in the Acotar fandom, and I can’t wait to see what SJM has in store for her story. That being said, you know I’m a Gwynriel shipper - this one-shot is both a celebration of them getting together, as well as a celebration of Gwyn as she is growing into her skin. 
Day 6: Future; @gwynweekofficial​ 
If you don’t like having religion dragged into any type of sexual situation, this one isn’t for you! In no way am I trying to be disrespectful to any religion or religious practice... I just read too much priest smut lol. 
Warnings: roleplay dynamics (priestess-sinner), bondage, wing play, orgasm denial, oral (f receiving), p in v sex, witnessing me going to hell for this  
Word count: 7k oh my- get comfy
I mean it. Get off if you feel uncomfortable.
“Az, have you seen my veil?”
Gwyneth Berdara, Valkyrie and priestess of the Night court, stood in the center of her and Azriel’s shared bedroom, already clad in the dusty blue layers of her robe, her invoking stone around her neck, hair neatly clipped out of her face. The sun hadn’t yet peeked over the horizon. This time of morning was her favorite – quiet, consoling, the perfect opportunity to cast your gaze inwards and give thanks. She was ready for the dawn service underneath the house of wind to do said things with her sisters – if she could find her veil in time and pin it in place.
Azriel, still in a haze from the night, simply pointed to the bathroom from his place on the bed. This was one of the many perks of living with the Shadowsinger: your missing things never went missing for long.
With a swish of her robes, her auburn hair trailing behind her, she made her way to the bathroom, tracking down her veil with only a little pointer from the shadows. In a few minutes most of her hair was swept behind, only the very front of her hairline a shock of color against the soft, blue fabric. Right in the middle, Gwyn thought with a heavy heart while looking in the mirror, would be the place for her invoking stone. She felt the outline of it now, pressing insistently against the skin of her chest, taunting her with its presence. She hadn’t worn it again after her sister died. She wouldn’t start wearing it now.
Sufficiently pleased with her appearance, Gwyn moved back to her side of the bed with silent steps, not wanting to jostle Azriel out of bed just yet. He technically had more time to sleep before he joined her in training, but he also couldn’t resist the opportunity to spend more time with his mate in the early hours of the morning. Not that Gwyn complained – a sleepy, disheveled Azriel was such a deliciously devilish sight it made her hurry to service every morning without fail.
From the little table perched by the bed she pulled her copy of the Sacred Manuscript, flipping it open to the page she had marked the day before.
Azriel had asked her once why she sometimes studied the Manuscript and prayed in the quiet of her room before doing the same at the official service. Gwyn didn’t really know why – only that some days, her mind rested easier, her focus remained sharper, when she did some extra reading all by herself. Both her forearms perched on the bed, her hands joining together as she knelt before her Gods and Goddesses and gave her gratitude and prayers.
Praying had always been a part of her life. It made you feel small, almost insignificant against the big workings of the universe, in turn lifting some of the stress off your shoulders. At the same time it singled you out, made you feel special and protected wherever you went. She didn’t stop praying after Sangravah. Her Gods hadn’t left her, instead giving her a hardship to overcome with grace and strength.
Azriel sometimes joined her, having never been particularly religious beyond the basic rituals the Illyrians taught their race. Or he would watch with half-closed eyes, waiting for her to be ready and engulfing her in his arms one more time before he started the day himself.
This particular morning, he watched again, his gaze trailing over her face. Gwyn could sense he was more awake than just a second before. The bond pulsing between them was more than clear on that. It was the third or fourth time this week she noticed his unusually focused stare, but thought nothing of it, deep in her own thoughts.
With her mind sufficiently settled, her heart light with divine blessing, she kissed Azriel on the cheek and made her way downstairs, through the library and into the chapel.
If she had lingered one more minute in the bedroom, she’d have noticed the scent now emanating in waves from her mate. He had done his best to keep it contained while she was praying, but couldn’t tear his eyes away from her to save his life. Seeing Gwyn pray has been his very own form of torture this past week, one he could only escape through either feigning sleep, or venturing in the bathroom to take a very long, very cold shower.
Gwyn should gut him for even thinking the depraved thoughts that raced through his mind when he saw her dressed in full priestess attire, one more vivid and consuming than the other. He imagined her standing before him, her robes brushing against his knees as he sank to the ground in front of her. He imagined how she’d either bless him or punish him, and he honestly didn’t know which one he liked better. He imagined her astride of him, her robes discarded save for the invoking stone between her breasts, as she chased her own high – using him and his body for her own pleasure.
His desire burned so deep that he had no other choice than to take care of himself before getting dressed, hating every second of his own hand now that he knew how his mate’s hand felt instead. surely sensed his frustration, followed by a little spike of satisfaction, through the bond. He hoped she wouldn’t comment on it.
Azriel didn’t have to worry. They saw each other only sporadically throughout the day. During training, Gwyn stayed in the advanced group with Cassian while Azriel instructed the never-ending inflow of new recruits – some priestesses, some Illyrian girls straight from the camps. By the time he trudged upstairs to his and Gwyn’s bedroom after a long day of work, he was sure his mate had forgotten all about the mixed emotions she must have felt through the bond this morning.
“Hi, Shadowsinger!”, Gwyn’s melodic voice greeted him the moment he set foot into the room. He liked it. Loved it, even, to now come home to a room filled with love and light.
Azriel stalked through the space in only three steps before reaching the bathroom and finding his rightful place between Gwyn’s legs, who sat perched on the counter of the sink.
The deep, slow kiss he gave her in greeting spoke volumes about how much he missed her, craved her. Taking the edge off this morning apparently did nothing for a male when he was mated to Gwyneth Berdara. Gwyn wrapped her slender arms around his neck, prolonging the kiss. As if she couldn’t get enough either. Mate, mate, mate. His heart sang to hers.
“I like this kind of ‘hello’.”, she smiled against his lips, her fingers tangling through his hair and lightly scratching his scalp.
Azriel closed his eyes at her ministrations, only mumbling his answer in return. “You should wait until I show you how I say ‘I love you’.”
Gwyn snickered. “Hopefully by feeding me cake.”
Azriel opened one of his eyes, playfully glaring at her through it. “A damn cake? Are you really that easy to satisfy, priestess?”
Gwyn stopped her massage, much to Azriel’s chagrin, and placed her hands on his chest instead. “A little sugar goes a long way with me.”, her face neared Azriel’s again, her nose brushing his gently, “And it has a 100% rate of satisfying me. Unlike other things.”
Two scarred hands grabbed hers and flung them away from his chest in mock affront. Gwyn had already started laughing before he could open his mouth in defense. One fucking time of cumming before her, and he never heard the end of it. Even though his mate had gotten her orgasm through other ways after.
“I don’t want you to talk to me for the rest of the evening, Gwyneth.”, he put extra emphasis on her full name, showing her exactly that she overstepped dearly. Menace.
Gwyn just jumped off the counter, sashaying over to where he stood, arms crossed. She cooed at him while stroking his arms. The action could have been described as caring, if it weren’t for the big, shit-eating grin on her face. Azriel flexed when her arms travelled over his biceps. Just a little. Lest she forget that he was more than capable of making her cum.
“Poor baby. Getting so salty when I dare to question his manliness.”, she petted his forearm, “What might I do to make you feel better, my mate?”
Azriel had some suggestions lined up in his mind, the images from this morning right at the forefront. But he couldn’t possibly voice those. Not with her faith, not considering the immense compromise she’s already making by indulging him in some of his kinkier fantasies.
But he didn’t ban the thoughts quick enough. Just this one second of picturing Gwyn dominating him and his heartrate spiked, his scent with it. Gwyn noticed. She was too damn observant these days.
“Ohh.”, she breathed out, her head angled to the side and searching his face for answers. “That was what I felt this morning. It’s your scent, but muted. Why would you mute your scent from me?”
Gwyn had noticed the weird behavior from her mate. Noticed the prolonged stares and his quick change in demeanor when she caught onto him. But she was his love. If one person might deal with that kind of thing, it was her. The self-doubt started creeping up on her slowly, but surely.
“I just didn’t want you to be late for your service.”, Azriel said quietly. But the answer had taken him too long for her liking. What if he didn’t want her anymore and rather satisfied himself? Gwyn was more than elated with that side of their relationship, even venturing out beyond anything she could have imagined for herself. But was he?
She swallowed past the lump in her throat. “Are you unhappy with the way we are intimate?”
His face crumpled, she noticed with relief. He hides genuine emotion slower, or he doesn’t hide it at all with her. “Are you kidding me, Gwyn? Of course not!”
His arms uncrossed from his chest, instead drawing Gwyn into a hug. “I’ve never been happier my whole life. And that goes for all aspects of this relationship.” He kissed the top of her hair.
Gwyn was happy to hear that, especially considering that she had to ‘compete’ against an army of past lovers. But it didn’t explain his behavior. “I’m glad. But why did you suppress it then? I could have gone to service, then meet you before training.”
Azriel signed, contemplating, while his hands brushed up and down her back. After a while, he took a deep breath, and Gwyn was slightly scared at what was about to come out of her mate’s mouth.
“I was fantasizing about you in a different way. Didn’t want you to find out. Because you might have discovered the root of that fantasy if you paid attention.”
Gwyn furrowed her brows, craning her neck to look at her Shadowsinger. “Since when are you hesitant to voice fantasies?”
Sure, he was a private person. But not with her. And given the track record of her agreeing with whatever thing he wanted to try, he shouldn’t be hiding it. Gwyn scolded herself for the thought the second she had it. Just because he was her mate and usually open with any act of intimacy didn’t mean he owed her an answer for everything. Before he could indulge her in a reply, she stepped out of the hug, shaking her head. “I apologize. I don’t want to press you for answers if you are not ready to give them.”
She had already turned to go to bed when his rough hand found hers, gently tugging her back. His features were still set in contemplation, his mind probably working on the mildest way to communicate his wishes. “The sight of you praying,” he started carefully, “and the way you dress for services, that’s what triggered it.”
Gwyn’s breath caught in her throat. Never would she have thought that that was the reason for his fantasy. She raised her brow in question, hoping he’d elaborate.
“I was thinking about how – Gods, this is more difficult than I though.”, he chuckled to himself. Gwyn didn’t understand. The outfit she wore was common, modest. And she had worn it often, even before they were mated.
“Remember the book you read last week? About the couple who pretended to be boss and employee and then had sex while pretending?”, he asked instead. Now Gwyn was utterly confused.
“Yes?”, she said, flushing a bit at the memory of that book. And Azriel teasing her with its contents.
“Well, it’s like that. A kind of roleplay. Just instead of boss and employee, it would be priestess and parishioner.”, he started to speak faster now, as if he wanted to get as much of his thoughts out before she stopped him. “Usually it involves a dominant-submissive dynamic. In this case you’d be the dominant part. And you’d be wearing you priestess attire during the play. I know it’s weird and probably violates your faith in ways I can’t even imagine, but that’s what it was. I didn’t mean to hide it because of trust reasons, I only meant to save myself from embarrassment.”
Gwyn stopped his rambling with a raised hand, eyes wide. “Allow me to clarify: seeing me in my robe and veil turns you on and you’d like to have me dominate you while wearing them?”
Azriel nodded slowly, searching Gwyn’s face and the bond for any signs of judgement – be it good or bad.
“And it would be within a roleplay that made you a parishioner, and me your priestess?”
“Essentially.”, one of his beautiful hands reached back to scratch his neck. She never saw him display so many signs of nerves before. Never.
“I’m sorry. I’ll never bring it up again. I already feel better now that you know, and I’ll get it out of my system eventually.”, he pecked her cheek, conversation ended, and headed to change for bed himself.
Gwyn was still stunned, not quite knowing how to deal with it. She was thankful he didn’t press her for any thought either, because she had too many. She was flattered, confused, and intimidated all at once. That he wanted to use her faith that way didn’t bother her. After all, the Mother and her Gods supported sexual freedom among the priestesses, and that surely extended to the religion itself. But was she ready to command a force of nature like Azriel in bed?
She wanted to laugh at the mental image of her restraining him, taunting him like he had done so many times now. But the laughter never came. Instead, a wave of warmth filled her stomach, spreading through her chest and core. The longer she allowed herself to dwell on it, the easier the request settled within her.
When she lay in bed next to her mate after her evening routine, the room already painted in the comforting darkness of night, she was sure she could do it. At least to some capacity. “Azriel?”
“I was thinking.”, she started, her voice quiet but determined, “I could do it. Be your priestess, I mean.”
She felt Azriel sit up straight next to her, the mental link to him going just as taunt as his body.
“You could?”, was all he asked, angling his powerful form in her direction to seek her gaze through the shadows.
“Well, maybe with a tiny modification?”
And that’s how, with some days of mental preparation, Gwyn found herself in front of the bathroom mirror, veiling herself like she normally would. She had tied her robes, like she normally did, her invoking stone resting against her chest. All perfectly normal.
What was hidden underneath the robe, though, was anything but.
Azriel and her had agreed, at the end, that they’d both switch between dominant and submissive. Her mate would start off in his signature role, then easing Gwyn into her power. They’d agreed on a vague storyline, too, and had spoken about some rules. Azriel’s eyes had been practically glowing when he talked her through his fantasy, growing more and more excited with every affirmative nod Gwyn gave. He had truly looked like a child on winter solstice. And after they were done discussing, he had undressed her slowly and reverently, and made love to her until they both fell asleep, tangled in each other’s embrace.
As Gwyn looked at herself once more in the mirror, she couldn’t help her own excited smile. As unusual as this would be for her, making her mate happy like that did something for her in return. And the fact that she had an ace up her sleeve helped with the nerves too.  
She knew he was coming before the door creaked open, his heady scent cutting though the chill winter night. His shadows were first to reach her, as always, winding up her bejeweled wrist in silent greeting.
Stepping out of the bathroom, she faced her Shadowsinger.
He was leaning against the wall, clad in his usual all black attire, hair slightly disheveled from his day of work. Everything about him seemed perfectly normal, too. Everything but his eyes.
His gaze was intense, set on her form the second she stepped over the threshold, raking over her body in anticipation. Months ago, she’d have cowered under attention like that, especially from someone as powerful as him. Now, her spine straightened and her lips curled. Plan or not, she already had the upper hand right now, and she felt the power surge through every cell of her being.
She hadn’t even shown him the main attraction yet.
“What a pleasure to welcome you here, Shadowsinger.”, Gwyn greeted him in her best soft and demure voice. She tried to simulate the melody her High Priestess took on during rituals – feminine, but confident. “To what do I owe the honor?”
Azriel smiled for a split second, unable to keep his emotions hidden for once. Then, his features shifted into the cold mask of the Shadowsinger, and with a few self-assured steps, he stood right in front of Gwyn.
“It’s been a long time since I’ve received the blessing of a priestess.”, he spoke his part of their little play, voice already going raspy, “Especially from one as beautiful as you.” His scarred hand found her cheek, cradling her face in its warmth and comfort.
His words struck a chord in Gwyn that she was unable to name. The way he looked at her, like she was his salvation and only purpose in life, made her heart race. Azriel had a way with making her feel special, beautiful. Even before they were mated, his words helped in building up her confidence. Now, with him practically eating her up with his eyes… Gwyn smiled a little innocent smile.
And then grabbed his wrist with unrelenting strength. “I wasn’t aware that I allowed you to touch me, Shadowsinger.”
Surprise flitted across his face at her words and as she forced his hand off her face. Then, taking a respectful step back, he said. “I apologize, priestess.”
“Mh.”, Gwyn assumed a pensive look, stepping forward, which in turn made Azriel take another step back. Her hand found his chest, pushing him further until his back hit the wall, wings shifting to accommodate.
It was strange, how this massive male was so easily controlled by the priestess. Gwyn had to admit that she loved every second of it.
“Azriel Shadowsinger – I know it is a blessing that you seek,”, her fingertips travelled feather-light across the expanse of his chest as she spoke, “but given your rather infamous reputation, I think our Mother deserves a confession before she is ready to give the salvation you came here for.”
Gwyn stopped, looking at his face for any signs of discomfort, checking if this change of plans was okay with him. What she saw was a Shadowsinger in awe, eyes wide and focused like a doe in the headlights. She took the time to check if he was still breathing. And then, the connection between them opened, their bond pulsing with his need and her excitement. He must have had a dampener on it until now, only releasing it so Gwyn knew exactly how much he wanted this, needed this. “You’ll get anything you want from me, priestess.”
He made it easy for her then.
“But I’m afraid I have nothing to confess.”
Or not. Doing anything with Azriel was a struggle for dominance, she should have known he was in the mood to make her work for it. Admittedly, she did that to him from time to time too. Well, a lot of the time. Gwyn eyed up his Shadows who were watching raptly, waiting for something to happen. And a plan formed.
“Nothing?”, Gwyn whispered, raising on her tiptoes to make her lips brush lightly over his, eyes never breaking their contact. For all his defiance, he didn’t dare move to kiss her. “How disappointing.”
She nodded to his Shadows, praying they got her intention right. And in a split second, Azriel was moved from the wall to the foot of the bed, facing the room. His arms spread up to either side, restrained by his very own shadows. The tunic he was previously wearing seemed to have been lost in the process too.
Gwyn barely suppressed her smile. She was going to have the time of her life with this.
“I guess that some people need a little push to face their sins.”, she said, her eyes travelling languidly over his tanned, tattooed skin. Her hands reached for the ties of his trousers, daftly starting to work on them.
Azriel got cocky now, sure that if Gwyn untied his trousers, she’d find a way to ‘punish him’ using her mouth on him. What he didn’t know was that Gwyn anticipated that thought and had no plans whatsoever to be the one kneeling tonight.
“Like I told you, priestess, I have no sins to confess. As much as I would like to please you.”
Gwyn stopped her movement on his laces. She worked them open just enough to make a little room for the rock-hard length they retained, but didn’t touch him otherwise. Then she fell back, out of reach, sitting on the edge of their small armchair.
With steady hands, she untied the belt that held together her robes around her waist. And when the fabric slid to either side, revealing the lace underneath it, Azriel looked like he regretted his sassiness very much.
Gwyn had put on a light blue bodysuit underneath, basically see-through despite the delicate scraps of lace. The leg was cut so high, her hips were practically naked, showing off her long legs. Her invoking stone completed the look, resting perfectly between her breasts.
Some shadows came slithering forward, dragging the heavy robe off her shoulder completely.
Azriel let out a raspy sound at the sight of her that sounded suspiciously like a whimper, hazel orbs flying over her form nearly frantically.
“I take that back-“
Gwyn just raised a hand, and Azriel fell silent once more. “You will not be allowed to speak to me unless I allow it.”
Azriel swallowed, then nodded. She wasn’t sure he blinked even once after she let the robe fall open for him.
With a newfound confidence and grace, Gwyn pushed herself off the chair, swaying her hips on the way over to her bound Shadowsinger. She let her fingernails scratch over his abs, grazing the hairs that led to the part of him he desperately wanted her to touch. After giving him a lingering kiss on the neck, right where his shoulder joined a strong column of muscle, she gave her first order of the night. “Spread your wings for me, Azriel.”
He gaped at her, pupils blowing impossibly wide. And then his mighty wings started moving, expanding to either side of him, baring the sensitive membrane for Gwyn to command.
Gwyn hummed at the sight, letting her nails travel up and over his shoulder, reaching for the wing behind. “They are so pretty, aren’t they?”
With another quick agreement between her and his shadows, Gwyn suddenly stood on the bed behind Azriel, in full view of his wings, the feather he sometimes used for writing in her hand. She let the softest part of it touch the place where his wings connected to his back, brushing it up and down gently.
“So strong and beautiful.”, she murmured, letting the feather caress every inch of skin and membrane. The tips of his wings twitched already, Azriel’s breathing going irregular. Gwyn smiled to herself. “But so sensitive.”
She leaned forward, pressing kisses along the skin connecting his wings to his back, sometimes letting her tongue dart out to give it a little lick. Then, she honed in on his left wing, dragging her fingertips along the endless expanse of membrane.
Before her, Azriel let out a ragged breath. “Gwyn, please.”
Gwyn stopped her movement. A few minutes in and he was already begging? “I didn’t know we were on a first name basis.” Her hand wrapped around the strong column of his neck from her position behind him, squeezing slightly and leaning forward. Her lips poised right by his ear, she whispered, “You will address me as ‘priestess’. Any deviation will lead to a punishment. Did I make myself clear?”
Azriel nodded, as best as he could while his neck was held by her. But Gwyn decided he needed to taste his own medicine. Squeezing harder, she added, “I asked you a question, Shadowsinger.”
She felt him swallow beneath her palm, then his voice vibrated along her hand. “I understand, priestess.”
A little kiss on his neck as a reward, then Gwyn was back to teasing his wings. Alternating between the feather, her fingers and her lips, the priestess covered the whole expanse of his wings with attention. She honed in on the extra sensitive parts, dragging her nails over them again and again until the skin of his back was covered in goosebumps. Gwyn was sure he was close to cumming about two to three times, but whenever he started to shake and moan the priestess quickly withdrew her fingers. Need pulsed through the bond with an intensity she never expected. Just as he started to sag slightly, his Shadows having to hold him up, Gwyn decided to play nice for a second.
“I think I am ready to hear your confession, now, sinner.”
His head shot up, sensing his opportunity to cum. With his voice low and breathy, he finally played his part. “I – I confess to having depraved thoughts. I confess that I never needed anything more in my life than to fuck this special priestess of mine. Even though I am not sure she wants it as well.”  
Gwyn’s own blood boiled at the admission. Probably because it was definitely not something he thought of just now. “That sounds sinful indeed. Tell me, Shadowsinger, have these thoughts been weighing heavy and hard on you?”
“They did – they do. Please, priestess. Relieve me of them.”, he ground out, probably sensing her own arousal through the bond as well. She needed to be careful with unbinding him, she thought as he started to tremble with need.
“With the Mother’s blessing, so will you be relieved.”, she whispered against his neck, giving it a few lingering kisses before resuming her caresses on his wings. His talons, sitting perched at the top of them, deserved some special treatment. She moved her mouth over to his right talon, brushing her lips over the hard surface. A swear escaped Azriel at the touch.
He had told her once that the talon might as well be the equivalent to his cock. If handled gently, he’d be able to cum just from that. Gwyn was about to test that theory.
Enclosing her mouth completely over the talon, she started to suck. Her tongue swirled over it, licking up and down and coating it in salvia. She knew it didn’t take long now. After just a few seconds of gentle sucking, he came undone. As Gwyn peeked over Azriel’s shoulder, she saw him explode, muscles contracting from head to toe and cumming right into his trousers.
He panted heavily, barely hanging onto the shadowy restraints. If this is what Azriel felt like whenever he made her cum in a vulnerable position like that, she began to understand his preferences.
Moving around the Illyrian to face his front again, Gwyn cupped his face with both of her hands and pressed a quick kiss to his lips, reaffirming her love to him without having to use her words. Azriel looked up to her, hazel eyes molten and wet with unshed tears. She flashed him an alarmed glance at the sight – the bond hadn’t informed her of any pain or discomfort despite the obvious frustration. Azriel just grinned back, shaking his head slightly. Warmth and love seeped through the bond – I’m okay, it seemed to whisper to her.
“The shadows will release you now. You’ll get rid of the rest of your clothes as soon as they do.”, stepping back, voice again going firm, she watched as the shadows did as she commanded. Azriel had regained most of his strength back and went to work as his hands were freed.
Gwyn moved over to the chair, sprawling on it with an ease she didn’t really feel. Especially after seeing Azriel’s length spring free, slapping against his stomach as he was either aroused again or never really stopped being aroused, she felt more than hot and more than ready to give in. But he would make her work for it harder, so that’s exactly what she was going to do to him, too.
Raising her hand, she moved her pointer finger in a ‘come hither’ motion. Azriel obeyed, if not dragging his feet at bit to be annoying. When he stood right in front of her, her finger simply pointed downward. The command was clear, and the Shadowsinger sank onto his knees before the priestess.
It was a sight to behold. The mountain of a male, scars littering his skin and power pulsing in every inch of him, had his head bowed in reverence, his hands resting on his knees. Between them, his hardness still looked to be kind of painful, oozing pre-cum that mixed with the actual cum from before. She didn’t allow him to clean himself, but he didn’t seem to mind too much. He waited, preternaturally still.
“Aren’t you so good for me?”, she said gently, watching his cock twitch at her words. Gwyn leaned forward, spreading her legs to enclose the Shadowsinger’s form inbetween her. Her hand sneaked out to lift his chin, his eyes instantly finding hers.
“I think you deserve a reward, mh?”
Azriel nodded slightly, lips parted.
“What do you wish for?”, she asked, feeling extra generous. His damned face did that to her. She didn’t understand how he stayed so firm and harsh when the roles were reversed.
Azriel’s eyes travelled from her face, all the way down her body, to her wet core. “May I please you, priestess?”
Gwyn’s own breath turned ragged at his words, her heartbeat quickening. She hadn’t even noticed her own need, so absorbed in every moved of his. But she tried to attain a façade of boredom when she nodded and scooted forward, right to the edge of the chair. “Make me cum.”
Azriel’s hands came forward to wrap around her calves, gently nudging her legs open even more. Then his lips began to trail a way from the inside of her knees all the way across her inner thighs. He was so soft, so reverend in the way he caressed her skin. Repeating the motion on her other leg, he began stroking his hands up and down her calves. Until his face was poised right in front of her core.
“Go ahead, Shadowsinger. Be good to me.”, Gwyn breathed, hopefully sounding more in charge of the situation as she felt.
His nostrils flared, probably taking in her considerable wetness. And then, he started kissing her. Gwyn’s whole upper body fell back on the chair, only her hips remaining in place to receive his attention. Even though his lips and her skin were separated by the thin layer of lace, she felt every brush of his mouth, his heat, on her. It sent fireworks right up her spine. After a few seconds, her bodysuit was already soaked, revealing the outline of her pussy to him.
He honed in on her clit, sucking it in between his teeth and then resuming his languid, open-mouthed kisses on her. Gwyn’s hand found it’s way to his hair, pressing him into her further. Azriel groaned into her wetness, applying more pressure now.
After another minute of the delicious torture, she reached for the fabric covering her crotch and pulled it aside. “Another reward.”
The next touch of his tongue nearly undid her all by itself. Azriel wasted no time, licking up and down her slit, circling and sucking her clit with never-ending patience. He grabbed onto her ankles and brough both of her legs to rest on his shoulder while he worked her expertly, drawing little moans and whimpers out of her in the process. His hot tongue eventually found her entrance, circling it and dipping in ever so slightly. Gwyn was so wet, she probably stained the chair underneath her.
As he began plunging his tongue deep inside her, stroking her inner walls, his hand came up to her core as well, rubbing her clit in tandem with his mouth fucking her. Gwyn was completely gone at this point and only needed one, two more brushes of his tongue to come undone.
With a loud moan, her walls spasming around his tongue, Gwyn arched her back off the chair and came right into his mouth. Azriel’s answering moan vibrated along her pussy, drawing out her own release even longer. It might have been the most intense orgasm she’d ever had. When she couldn’t take the stimulation anymore, she shoved Azriel’s face away from her.
“Go-“, forming words had become hard for the priestess, “Go and lie on the bed.”
Azriel stood on slightly shaky legs, obeying without any show of resistance this time. Gwyn took it as a sign that he was just as far gone as her, but she needed another moment to collect herself, to not break character and just let him manhandle her for the rest of the night.
After her breath had returned to normal, her desire muted but not gone, she stood from the chair herself. She peeled the bodysuit off her skin, now only wearing the stone and her veil.
Azriel waited for her patiently, lying on his back, wings spread underneath him. As Gwyn crawled up over his legs, her body brushed his cock, forcing a curse out if his mouth at the contact.
Gwyn tutted at him, now straddling him without connecting their intimate parts. “I don’t care for your filthy words, not when you are about to receive what you came here for.”
The Shadowsinger took her in now, completely bare on top of him. She must have looked possessed at this point, skin flushed with desire and heat, eyes glowing. Whatever he saw in her made him swallow again. “Please, priestess.”
Gwyn smiled down at him, brushing his sweat soaked hair from his face and caressing his cheek. She leaned down to connect their lips in a searing kiss, her tongue stroking his. When she drew back, a wicked thought crossed her mind.
“Shadowsinger”, she started and waited before he trained his eyes on her, visibly fighting with himself to remain submissive and not just fuck into her, “Do you know the prayer of forgiveness?”
The Shadowsinger nodded, biting his lip. If she’d have asked him for the moon on a string in that moment, he’d have flown up to the sky in seconds.
“Then recite it for me, for our Goddess. So that you might find your blessing.”
She smiled, actually curious if he’d remember.
“Holy Mother, blessed be-“, he started with a shaky voice.
“Stop.”, Gwyn’s fingers danced on his chest as he tried so hard to pray for her. “Be loud and clear, my love. Otherwise you have to start over.”
Azriel ground out a breath that would have been a curse had he not a little slither of control left.
“Holy Mother,” he started again, this time firmer, “blesses be Your divine power and blessed be the fruit of thy womb”
“Good”, Gwyn murmured absentmindedly. Then she sank down on his cock, not taking it in her yet but rather between her lower lips, rocking back and forth. Azriel lost it immediately, stopping his prayer and moving his hips at the first bit of friction he received all night. Gwyn shot him a stern look that made him go still immediately, letting his priestess control the movement.
“I justly deserve to be cast away from Thy presence.”, he continued, eyes switching between being closed in pleasure and cast up towards Gwyn’s face and body. “Yet-“
Gwyn sat up again, grabbing his slick cock with her hand and positioning it at her entrance. “Yet?”
Azriel fought for dear life. “Yet out of Your abundant love and mercy-“
Gwyn sank down on him, engulfing his length in her heat completely. She let out a loud moan while Azriel practically shouted the last word at her, abs contracting and shaking with restraint and pleasure. That she spread his own cum in herself probably didn’t help his situation either.
“You were saying?”, Gwyn giggled, breathless but so incredibly full it made her happy.
“Mercy.”, was all he said, before his memory gave out. The priestess was a forgiving female though.
“I pray for Forgiveness for my sins.”, she recited for him, slowly rocking back and forth and driving him absolutely insane.
Azriel repeated after her, then remembered the last bit of the prayer himself. Gwyn guessed it was some kind of survival mode that kicked in at this point.
“Let your wisdom pierce my heart, and let my heart be changed.”, he prayed quickly and with a voice close to gravel. “Please...”
His eyes found Gwyn’s, and if she hadn’t thought he looked at her like she was the Goddess he prayed to, she sure as hell did now.
“Please cleanse me, Gwyneth, with your sweet love.”
This was the last straw. Gwyn moaned loudly, now moving on his cock in earnest. Azriel’s head fell back on the sheets, done with his work, and let her use him – give him as much as she wanted and deigned appropriate. The priestess felt every ridge and vein of his proud length in her as she rode him with abandon, her necklace and breasts moving with her passion.
“Azriel, touch me.”, she groaned, already reaching for his hands and placing them on her body herself, too impatient to let his slow mind process her words on his own.
It didn’t take long for Gwyn to feel the pressure building in her lower belly, coiling tighter and tighter with every bounce on his cock. She was impressed that her Shadowsinger held it together that long when she knew he must be close as well, and had been close for the past half-hour.
“Gwyn, please.”, he pleaded from underneath her, now tilting his lips in time with hers, chasing his own high.
“Cum, Shadowsinger.”, her last command of the night was barely spoken when Azriel arched his back, shouting profanities and her name into the room and coating her insides with his essence. That was all Gwyn needed to feel before she, too, released the tightness within her. Gasping and panting for air, she let herself fall onto his chest, her head finding the crock of his neck to rest.
She felt to spent, so completely elated she might as well be floating on air. She watched with rapt attention how Azriel’s chest went from frantic movement to the slow and steady rise and fall she was used to. Then, she raised her head. “Why don’t we take a nice bath, mh?”
The house was listening in it seemed, as she heard the faucet turn on in the neighboring room. With care and slowness, she raised herself off Azriel, his cum trickling out of her and down her thighs. The feeling made her feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Gwyn went to pee quickly, then returned to the room.
The Shadowsinger hadn’t moved, just lying on his back with his eyes closed. Which was so untypical it alarmed Gwyn slightly. He needed some aftercare, and quickly, it seemed.
She leaned down to press soft kisses all over his face and chest, before grabbing his hand and tugging him up. When he finally glanced at her and moved his tired body to sit on the edge of the bed, Gwyn shimmied in-between his legs.
“You were fantastic, Az. So perfect.”, she cooed, hugging him into her so his face rested against her upper belly. Gwyn’s hands caressed every inch of skin she could find until his own hands came up to wind around her. “Thank you.”, he murmured against her, “Thank you for this.”
Gwyn untangled herself from him, tugging him to the bathroom in silent answer.
She spent a long while washing his body and hair, stopping here and there to give out kisses freely. If he had looked at her like a child on winter solstice when she agreed to do this, he now looked at her like she single handedly cured the world of all evil.
When they lay in bed that night, cuddled so closely they might as well melt into one another, Azriel seemed to have gained control over his mind once more.
“I don’t know what I did to deserve you.”, he said, arms tightening around her naked body.
Gwyn grinned into his chest. “Ask the Mother next time you pray to her, she might answer with that level of devotion you displayed today.”
Azriel just snorted. Then fell quiet once more.
“I love you, Shadowsinger.”, Gwyn admitted.
A kiss to her forehead before he answered, “I love you more.”
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asumictransl · 2 years
Asumi Rio Rose of Versailles 50th Anniversary Interview
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The Berubara heaven-sent child, Asumi Rio speaks
(translation on 11/07/22) From 25ans October 2022 interview below the cut
Asumi appeared inside the studio with an otherworldly, pure beauty, as if an angel had descended onto this world. However, as soon as she changed into an all-white Etro look, there was a sudden transformation into a dignified appearance much like that of Oscar-sama, then in a blink of an eye, another switch occurred, and all the staff with no words prostrated themselves before her.
Asumi, was your first Berubara the manga? Or was it the Takarazuka staging?
“For some reason, the manga was in my elementary school’s library. When I read it, my impression was first and foremost, Ikeda Riyoko’s amazing art; full of dresses, roses, and military uniforms, it's packed with every girl’s dream. I thought it was so amazing.”
So it was a fateful meeting in elementary school! Berubara has many charming characters that appear inside of it, but who are you most attracted to?
“I like Andre. Isn’t he the best? Always full of love quietly watching over this singular girl, it’s so lovely. In the end, despite losing one of his eyes, he still charges into war with Oscar, it was just... (Overcome with emotion). As for another role I have played, Oscar and I have quite different personalities, she’s thinking of her city and France, always questioning if her actions are right or wrong. She lives at a fast pace. She’s compassionate, devoted to her sense of righteousness, and more gallant than any man. Furthermore, she has both that of a maiden’s mind and a masculine firmness to her, playing her requires a lot of energy. In the passionate love story that is Fersen and Marie Antoinette, I played Fersen whose feelings towards the Queen lay right at the center. During these events, Marie knew of Louis the 16th’s love, as well as nurturing a love for her children, on one hand, she had grown as a queen throughout this, but even when she resolved to enter the guillotine, Fersen had come and said to her, “I have come to pick up your Majesty,” this showed how he fundamentally had not changed. An unrelenting perfectionist, archetypal lover boy who's filled with an unchanging passion, he was a role that had a high hurdle to jump over to play him stylishly. Another role, Bernard, after having played both Oscar and Andre, this allowed me to play with a deepened understanding of the city and the guard, so it was really fun.”
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What was the most impactful moment?
“In The Rose of Versailles, the lighting, the sound effects, the gazes, the script, all the cogs work together perfectly, it's like it's all a single work of art. That’s why picking just one is hard, but if I have to choose, the Bastille. But it's hard to just ignore that scene with Marie and Fersen in the prison. In the Bastille, when Oscar charged into war after Andre died, that intense choreography with the subtle nuances and emotions that the choreographer taught us, really was created with everyone in mind. Oscar was struck! ‘Are you no longer here?!’ ‘Are you surrendering?!’ (Asumi doing a reenactment alone...) Oh gosh, I'm going to cry. There's no room for error in the production, all the drama of characters appearing concentrated in that scene, it still gives me goosebumps. As for songs, I like Andre’s “Shirobara no Hito”! Asakaze ni♪ (Asumi who starts singing). For finale numbers, I like the rockette. (While singing the French national anthem) Tatata tan tan tan taan! And then instantly the lights flash on and everything lights up all glamorously. As for something I appeared in, the bolero duet, simply because it’s simple is what made it difficult, so I remember it vividly.”
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Remaining immortal from now and forever on, the fruit of love from the creator and performers.
Actually standing on that stage, did you end up experiencing any hardships?
“Maybe the ‘Kata* (forms)’? When I starred in the Rose of Versailles, I was incredibly lucky to have Haruna Yuri come and provide some acting guidance. She taught us every single move. At the start, precisely because we had always done more natural acting, jumping into ‘kata’ was extremely difficult, but that said form worked with the time period’s landscape and music, the set, and the scale of it all matched the scale of emotions. When this all came together, it became something I would really look forward to seeing. My mood would really improve, naturally being able to move into that ‘kata.’ Natural acting wasn’t enough for this. Not until overcoming this did I understand adding this little extra flair to the aura of the role I’m embodying on the stage. In the “Koyoi Ichiya” part’s (the famous love scene between Oscar and Andre the night before they go to war) posing as well, Haruna said that the beautiful point of this pose’s posture was the sheer pain of it, but it was all in the angles of the posing that made it all beautiful. That’s why the poster photoshoot for “Koyoi Ichiya” ended up completely different than the actual stage version of “Koyoi Ichiya,” since the countless experiences built up changed it completely.
(*According to Nipponia, kata is the stylized movements seen in Kabuki theater, passed down through generations, usually things such as poses and gestures)
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So, the tradition of ‘Kata’ that the late Kabuki actor and even movie star Hasegawa Kazuo provided guidance on for Haruna, the first actress to play Oscar, passed through generations and was inherited by Asumi. Asumi, if you were to star in Berubara now, what role would you want to play?
“I just want to try the scene where Oscar appears in front of Fersen in a dress. It’s tough because Oscar is a tomboy and in other scenes, she’s always fighting (laughs). Prior, I saw in the news that the dress from this scene in the manga was produced, it was so beautiful... That singular dress that she wore, it’s amazing. In Takarazuka, because Oscar tends to be drawn-up maidenesque, the costumes including the mantle are girls’, so they are light and silky, which is a minor point of interest of mine I get really excited about (laughs). I loved the costume with the mantle and light blue military uniform with the pink sash.”
Oscar’s dress will be up for display at the 50th-anniversary exhibition, so it’s a must-see.
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“Oscar really has a uniquely special existence, doesn’t she? There’s a line Oscar says, ‘Ahh, God, why did you take this life away to such a far-away, foreign country, after having such a knot tied of us 3 up here on this French soil...!’, but under the French Revolution, really everyone is living such tumultuous lives, and all of it gets tangled together. Events that romantic wouldn’t happen in my own life. But just as much as the characters of this story, I learned about cherishing what binds us together as people, as well as having to keep things such as love and trust with you throughout your life. Ikeda-Sensei drawing this at such an age without even going to France, I find myself asking what the heck was going on inside her head (while looking at the manga). The coloring is amazing! I can’t stop looking anymore (laughs).”
Berubara draws a picture of the 18th-century French royal court’s exceedingly lavish dress and lifestyle, do you dream or yearn for such a culture yourself? “To an extent I do, because I’m a girl (laughs), after all, I like that dressed-up style with incredible corsetry, I want to imitate it.”
To finish off, with the Rose of Versailles in its 50th year, what do you think the reason is that people continue to love it so much? “I think the number one reason is the art of the manga’s eternal beauty and the unique drama and story of it all. Then as for the Takarazuka version, wouldn’t it be those feelings and fruits of love of the creators and performers throughout history all becoming one piece of history? I also want to go and reread the manga once more, I’m sure the points you can empathize with and your favorite character change depending on your age and what you’ve experienced. I think The Rose of Versailles will forever be immortal, so I want to enjoy it with everyone going forward as well.”
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emersonfreepress · 4 months
You previously mentioned that we will be able to play as the child of immigrant parents. But how will you handle where the family comes from? Because let's be real: a kid whose parents come from Sweden or Germany won't get the same type of reactions as one whose family come from Mexico or Iran.
And that's even assuming the family are ethnically from those countries and not, say, people who went from one country to another to escape civil war or poverty or whatever, then came to the USA. Which is very detailed and nitpicking, I know, but I am very curious about this particular route.
Would it be right to assume MC's whose family have immigrant backgrounds would have it set, like how MC's family in non-immigrant route have certain set characteristics (upper middle class, how they came to their vices that caused current economic issues etc.)?
I haven't decided on exactly how I want to do it as far as accommodating backgrounds; as in, the choice scene isn't written or coded yet. But I really love what C.C. Hill @when-life-gives-you-lemons-if did in Insert Rich Family Name when it comes to customizing the family's background and plan to do something similar. (I highly recommend that game btw; and anything else CC writes tbh) Opening up a country of origin choice for immigrant MCs, however, means that I'm definitely reversing my decision to exclude skin tone customization. The game doesn't delve into things like colorism and or specific ethnic perspectives because I'm one person and just can't write all that 😅 but continent and country of origin will be a separate choice from things like appearance customization.
There are set characteristics of the second-gen MC's past but they don't differ wildly from the local background. Since the parents are characters with set personalities that I actually feature in scenes and dialogue, though, the immigrant backstory still needs to follow roughly the same beats as the local one. Your parents still lucked into money and spent it quickly and unwisely.
I know what you mean by the reactions that different migrant groups garner from people in real life, especially as the kid of African immigrants, but the setting I'm writing isn't like that. That's super unrealistic for a town like Emerson in real life — but it's a fiction and the story I'm telling isn't about facing or overcoming discrimination. If I was writing a version of Emerson that had a historical past actually typical of the United States, so many things, so many, would not exist as they are and I'd be writing a completely different story. The story I have written is just like... inappropriate honestly, for a setting like a realistic Emerson. I would not care to write about some high school kids at the prep school, I would much rather explore the politics and criminal underbelly of the adult world -- if I was writing this realistically.
To some degree, there are darker, more realistic aspects of Emerson as a setting (like blacklisting and what discrimination in Emerson even looks like) but that won't be explored until Book 2 because the MC will be an adult finally navigating life with the other adults. But this Book and this story are about the very insular perspective of a privileged kid from a weird fictional town. You could almost call a teenage MC an unreliable narrator, regardless of background, because they have lucked out in not experiencing much personal hardship. It doesn't mean my world doesn't acknowledge or have these things; literal case and points being Gabe and Kile. The MC is ignorant to a lot of what they haven't experienced and is written that way — and the characters who have had vastly different and harsher experiences also have their own limitations in perspective.
What you're describing just isn't what I'm exploring and xenophobia is not the sort of thing I'd want to inject half-assed for realism's sake or drop as some form of flavor text. I used to have a variable that let players choose if their last name gets frequently mispronounced because to me it's a funny thing that I relate to my immigrant experience. But I scrapped It because at the end of the day, it's just coding a micro-aggression that does literally nothing for the story or character development. Realistic discrimination doesn't enhance the story because I didn't create a story based in a realistic world. ...I think that sentence might sum it up, yeah.
I get that people don't have access to my notes or unpublished work and I don't presume that you know my background! But I'm confident I know what I'm doing with the option — and if it sucks, y'all better tell me (!!) and I'll have the whole rest of development to improve it.
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epickiya722 · 1 year
Is He Really Overpowered Though???
Okay, just ranted about it in the tags of one of posts, but I gotta let this out or I will lose it.
I figured out why I hated seeing "Deku is so overpowered" being used in a derogatory way. (It's not as often, but still...)
It's because he's not overpowered. He just has multiple powers.
Usually "overpowered" is "able to overcome with mastery and strength". Note that also when characters are "overpowered" they tend to speed their training, able become a master in a season or way less, and have no to little trouble winning battles. In response, their opponents have to pull out some trick to defeat that character.
That's where the problem lies for me when people say Deku is "overpowered". Six anime seasons in and 399 chapters currently in and guess what?
Midoriya Izuku is still learning how to handle One for All. He is still being told how to handle the multiple quirks. He's not an expert. He has yet to fully master OFA. If he was, he wouldn't be told what to do. If he was, he would be able to win his battles will ease without worrying about risking his bones. If he was, he wouldn't need to train still.
In my opinion, he isn't "overpowered". He's an observant, intelligent learner who is sometimes forced to adapt to his situation and just so happens to unlock more powers as the story goes on. Not because he mastered the last one, but because the situation calls for it.
He's just getting the hang of Float and Fa Jin. Blackwhip he has to be careful with because of his emotions (which he sometimes barely has a handle on) and right now? He has to do a quick trial with Gearshift. On top of that, he has to make sure to not break his bones with OFA.
I want you to think back to every single battle this kid has been in and give me one where he hasn't struggled, had help or needed some of assistance of a Support Item.
You can't because in all the fights he's been in, he has came out with bruises, scraps, concussions, broken bones, needed help, struggled like crazy and used a Support Item. Oh, yeah. The Vigilante Deku Arc included.
But that, folks, is what I find brilliant about Midoriya Izuku. He's a different take on a protagonist that doesn't have it easy with his powers.
Does the kid kick ass every time he fights? Yes, he's even a little feral when he does. And scary, sure. Raises my worries, I won't lie. (Him and two others, but this post ain't about them).
But consider this. When Midoriya fights, he has his hardships. He has to limit the power he uses, otherwise it's game over. Sometimes, the villains or whoever else isn't even using a special trick and when they do, he struggles even harder because now he has to push to that limit even more to win and it's not without bad results. Not often for a lot of protagonists.
They win fights, sometimes with ease, and come out with little to no consequences.
Midoriya? It could be getting scowled, put on house arrest, his mental and emotional health declines, being put back two steps back when he just got ahead, and his body gaining new scars, bruises and broken bones that won't be the same again.
But that's just me! Don't have to agree with me and don't care. Not looking for an argument. Just voicing a thought I have had FOR A LONG DAMN TIME.
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esperosisdoeswriting · 9 months
Accursed, Chapter 1
Accursed lives rent free in my brain and has ever since I wrote it, I like to go back to it every once in a while and, when I did recently, I thought I myself “Yes Chapter 1 is good, but I’ve improved a ton since then (literally wrote an entire book lol) so I can do so much better now” as such I decided to rewrite the entire first Part/Chapter and I’m so much more happy with it now. Deffo gives the vibe I’m going for as-well as better incorporates a few plot elements and showcases personalities of our two main characters better. Overall, I like it quite a lot!
BE WARNED, Accursed deals with some very heavy topics and themes, please read the content warnings and be advised! This is a Supernatural/Psychological Horror with a child protagonist, so… yeah that should tell you a bit. BUT also keep in mind the main theme of Accursed is hope and overcoming adversity, so while there is darkness, there is no despair (if that makes sense)
Enjoy 2.5k words that turned into 7.2k words!
CW: Child Abuse (Minor), Threats of Violence against children, Referenced past violence against a child (There is no explicit violence against a child in this chapter), Religion (used somewhat as a coping mechanism), discussion of Suicide (and its relationship with Religion)
Tags: @sunflower-searching-light
The glass was shattered. Mom had broken it a while ago, delicate things never really lasted very long near her, or him, or anywhere. Lucas never really understood the
purpose in making things that broke so easily. If they could break they would, and then they were useless.
It didn’t really make sense to Lucas, but not a lot of things did.
Lucas stared more at the glass than his reflection in it as he sat on the bathroom counter. The soap was almost gone, he’d climbed on the counter to see if the cabinet with the mirror had any more in it, the cabinets below didn’t.
Lucas wasn’t quite sure how to open the mirrored cabinet, it didn’t have a handle like normal ones did. He didn’t ask mom, she was very tired lately and he didn’t want to upset her from having to see his face.
He looked at his reflection and wondered what it was about his face that caused so much pain and hardship. Mom hated seeing it, and anytime one of things that weren’t supposed to exist saw it they swarmed in and stuck to him like glue or a leech.
His face looked normal to him at least.
Two eyes, though he couldn’t see the right one since pieces of glass had fallen revealing the dark board underneath. He didn’t need to see it though, he knew it was the same light green as his left.
Dark cracks spiderwebbed across his pale skin, but when he touched his face he found it smooth and whole. His hair was short light brown, even though his mom’s was blonde. Maybe that was it, he had dad’s hair color and that’s why mom hated him and the things cursed him and tormented them both.
He always hated Dad, it made sense Mom would hate him for being related to the man.
Something moved in the darkness of the bathroom behind him and Lucas couldn’t be bothered to scream or cry or run away. It was tiring being scared all the time, so he just climbed down from the sink as the slinking creature followed him into his bedroom.
“Everything's going to be better now, you hear?” Mom told him as they drove too fast down the dark country road. “It was the city,” she hissed, “It was a- a- a cesspool of those monsters, those things. They grew and- and spawned in every darkened corner and dumpster filled with garbage. But not here baby! Not here! They can’t follow us out into good ol’ nature.”
Mom laughed as she petted Lucas’ hair, refusing to look at her as Lucas blankly stared out the window.
It wasn’t going to be any better. Lucas knew that the moment he saw the glowing yellow eyes staring at them from just beyond the tree line. He knew that the moment he heard the odd bump coming from the trunk of the van where something had crawled in. He knew it in the way Mom cried as she tried to reassure both of them.
He didn’t tell her it wasn’t going to get any better. But something told him that she knew it anyway as they finally arrived at the old cabin in the woods, far away from anyone that could hurt them.
Far away from anyone they could call to for help.
Mom was screaming down stairs again and hitting things, probably fighting the winged thing with mouths for eyes Lucas noticed nesting on top of the refrigerator earlier. He didn’t bother going down to help her. She could manage fine on her own and she was more likely to just start hitting him with the broom and screaming than she was to thank him.
Not like he could do much anyway.
Maybe, when he was older, he would be able to help Mom, when he was ten, or twelve, or sixteen. He could sit mom down, tell her it was all going to be okay while he took up the broom and caved the god-forsaken thing’s skull in. But he was eight, and his hands were small and the broom was too heavy.
He was useless really. Mom was right to hate him, it was his fault she was suffering like this.
Mom kept screaming as more bangs rang throughout the cabin.
Lucas felt the bed dip near him. He didn’t bother looking up.
“Lucas” the thing that had climbed in his window cooed to him. Lucas was fairly sure he’d closed it earlier, something must have opened it. Maybe he could get some kind of lock?
“Lucas,” the creature continued to hum as it slithered closer to him, finally coming to rest in the small space between Lucas’ back and the bedroom wall.
“What?” Lucas asked as he continued to read.
“Aren’t you tired Lucas?” the creature asked.
Lucas frowned at that as he finally looked up and over his shoulder at the creature, they didn’t usually talk this much. Just cooed and hummed and screamed his name while they tried to drag him away or tear him to pieces.
The thing was pale, its skin was white and sort of translucent, Lucas was fairly sure he could see whatever counted as muscles the thing had. It sort of reminded Lucas of a squid or that weird blobfish thing he’d seen on TV one time. It looked soft and sort of slimy, its seven eyes were beady and as pitch black as its side-ways mouth with rows of sharp, needle-like teeth.
Lucas’ frown deepened, not the weirdest or scariest looking monster he’d seen, but he really didn’t like how close it was. He didn’t want it getting slime all over him. “What do you mean? It’s the middle of the day.”
“No Lucas,” the creature whispered. “You don’t run anymore, you don’t scream or call out to your mother or even cry when you see us. You’re tired.”
Lucas turned back around to look at the book in his lap, “It’s exhausting. Not like it does anything anyway.”
“Yes Lucas,” the thing hummed in delight. “Don’t you want it to stop?”
“Obviously,” Lucas turned the page carefully, it was so thin the light from the window shown through it and the book itself was old. Lucas didn’t want to rip it.
“We can make it stop, you can make it stop. Don’t you want your mother to not have to suffer anymore?” the creature cooed into Lucas’ ear.
Lucas sat still, frozen for a moment, his hand still turning the page as silence fell between the both of them. His mom kept screaming downstairs.
“How?” Lucas asked as he finally resumed his movement and finished turning the page.
“Come with me Lucas, there's a place I can take you, and it’ll all be over.”
“Why do I have to go anywhere?” Lucas glanced back at the thing, “I just want you and your friends to stop coming here.”
“Because Lucas, you have to die,” the creature told him and Lucas tensed.
“Why?” Lucas scowled, “I thought you said you were going to stop and now you’re saying you’re going to kill me?”
“I’m sorry Lucas, but there is no way out of this where you live,” the creature spoke, its voice a mockery of sympathy. “You must die, but your mother will live. Your mother will be free and happy, don’t you want that Lucas? Neither of you will suffer anymore.”
Lucas brought his thumb up to his mouth and slotted his fingernail between his teeth, “ ‘Wherefore let them that suffer according to the will of God commit the keeping of their souls to him in well doing, as unto a faithful Creator’, “ Lucas mumbled, “Peter 4:19.”
“What?’ the creature asked.
“S’the bible,” Lucas took his thumb from his mouth as he blankly stared at the floor ahead of him. He closed the book and lifted it to show the creature his worn copy of the Bible. He’d read it more times then he could count, it was one of the only things he had.
“...Right,” the creature nodded, “Do you believe in heaven?”
“I don’t know,” Lucas admitted, “It’s nice to think about. That after this I’ll get to go to heaven with Mom, and everything will be okay.”
“Then why don’t we take you there a bit sooner,” the creature hummed. “Why wait and suffer as you do? When you can go to that wonderful place now and wait for your mother to join you?”
“I don’t want to go to Hell,” Lucas admitted as he held his Bible.
“Why would you go to Hell?” the monster asked, “You are blameless and without sin in this situation. Besides, I doubt children go to hell.”
Lucas shook his head, “Babies go to hell all the time, that's what the Bible said. If i kill myself I’ll go to hell, besides I’m not even baptised.”
The creature seemed to flounder at that, “We… We can baptize you on the way?”
“But it won’t matter if I kill myself,” Lucas bit his finger nail again, “ ‘And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee, and though shalt glorify me.’ Psalm 50:15.”
“We’ll kill you Lucas,” the creature assured him, “that isn’t suicide.”
“Yes it is,” Lucas hunched in on himself, “Because I’ll be going with you willingly! If I go with you I’m willing! And if I’m willing it’s suicide and I’ll go to Hell!” Lucas gritted his teeth. He didn’t want to go to Hell. He really, really didn’t want to go to Hell. That was his worst nightmare. He wasn’t even sure if he believed Hell existed honestly, but even just the concept of it scared him so deeply he didn’t want to risk it, not even for a moment.
Because if this was what life was like, what was hell going to be like?
The creature fell silent at that and the sound of his mother’s struggles with the monster down stairs finally ended.
“We’ll give you some time to think about it Lucas, the offer is still on the table, if it ever becomes too much. We’ll make sure you are baptized on the way to your final resting place,” the creature finally replied.
Lucas didn’t look as it slithered out the window.
Mom was sick, she could barely get off the couch most days and Lucas was fairly sure she’d stopped trying. Lucas made his way over to her with the scrambled eggs, toast, and orange juice he’d put together. He was good at using the stove and hardly ever burned himself.
Mom glared at him as he handed her the tray, her gaze was distant and full of hate and disgust. Lucas tilted his head down, hoping maybe if she didn’t have to see his face as clearly she wouldn’t be as upset about it.
“You’re a curse Lucas,” she hissed as she stabbed the eggs too hard. “This is all your fault. None of this shit happened untill you were born.”
“I’m sorry mom,” Lucas told her as he worried the hem of his shirt.
That only seemed to make Mom more upset, “You’re sorry? You’re sorry?! What the hell does sorry do for me, huh? Will you being sorry make the monsters leave me alone?!”
“No,” Lucas wilted further.
“Then what use are you? Huh! Tell me what use you are!” Mom raged at him.
“I’m not,” Lucas stared at the ground, “I-”
“Get out of my face you god damn brat,” she hissed at him as she turned her attention back to her food.
Lucas quickly padded away from his mom and up the staircase, muttering to himself over and over “ ‘This poor man cried, and the Lord heard him, and saved him out of all his troubles.’ Psalm 34:6.”
God did not hear him. God did not save him from his troubles.
Maybe God wasn’t real, or maybe Mom was right, and God had damned him after all.
When Lucas walked down the stairs, ready to make Mom her breakfast, only to find her dead on the couch, he couldn’t even manage to find it in himself to be surprised. He didn’t know how she died, probably the illness, but at least her face looked peaceful.
She likely didn’t feel any pain, and that was something Lucas could feel grateful for.
“She’s in heaven now,” the same creature from before spoke from where it sat in the sliding glass doorway next to the couch with Mom’s body on it.
“If it exists,” Lucas agreed.
“Don’t you want to join her?” the creature asked.
“Then come with me,” the creature extended one of its tentacles with its deformed and boneless hands at the end. “We can reunite you with your mother Lucas.”
Lucas looked at his mother’s peaceful face and shook his head, “If I go with you, I’ll never see her again.”
The creature sighed, “Then we’ll give you more time then. But don’t wait too long Lucas, starvation is an awful way to go.”
Lucas kept his eyes on his mother as the creature once more slithered out of his home. She was gone. Mom was dead and gone and maybe in heaven with God, if they existed. It was a nice thought, that there was a Heaven and a God that would make sure to deliver him from his troubles, that would ensure everything would be okay at the end. But Lucas wasn’t sure of anything, how could he be? He didn’t understand anything, not really.
There was only thing he was sure of, and that's that he couldn’t just leave Mom here, she deserved better than rotting on the couch.
It took the better part of an hour to find and drag the shovel from the rickety shed in the backyard and then use it to start digging the hole. Lucas was pretty sure he heard that graves needed to be six feet deep, but he wasn’t exactly sure how deep it was. He didn’t have a ruler, and he wasn’t sure where to find one, so he decided to just dig the hole a little deeper than he was tall.
It took hours as the sun crept along the sky and soon to be grave dirt coated his clothes and skin. The monsters didn’t help or hinder, just silently watched him from behind the trees and even one was perched on the roof, staring down at him. He ignored them, the shovel was too heavy to use as a weapon and there were a lot of them.
Lucas huffed and gasped and grunted and recited bible verses under his breath as he dug. It was exhausting, and by the end he was about ready to collapse from exertion as he sat at the edge of the shoddy grave, his feet dangling into the hole.
He liad back for a moment, catching his breath and staring absently into the bright blue sky, watching as puffy white clouds drifted by aimlessly. It felt weird. His mom was dead, and yet it was nice outside. Nice puffy clouds and bright blue sky, he’d seen the same clouds in those paintings with happy people at the beach or on a picnic or kissing in big dresses.
Today wasn’t a happy day, didn’t the world know his mom was dead?
Lucas didn’t understand anything, he knew it was probably because he was a very very stupid boy, but it didn’t change anything.
His legs were dangling in his mom’s grave and the world was happily chirping along. Maybe if he had gone with the monsters mom would be alive right now. But she isn’t. She’s dead, and there's no bringing her back.
Lucas wouldn’t want to even if he could.
He sat back up, there was nothing to do but sit back up really, and he carefully made his way back inside. He hesitated at the doorway, he was a mess, covered in dirt and roots and sweat. Mom would be upset if he made the house all messy.
Right. Mom’s dead.
He took his shoes off anyway.
As carefully as he could he pulled his mom off the couch and gasped as she tumbled to the floor in a heap. He winced as his hand fluttered about and a low whine escaped his throat.
“Ah, s-sorry mom, I just need to get you to your grave,” he fretted as he grabbed her arm and started to pull.
He was weak, but mom had wasted away long before she’d died. It took a long, long time of heaving and pulling and moving only tiny little bits, but he finally managed to pull her out of the house and to her final resting place.
He wished he was big and strong, he wished he could lower her into her grave properly, but all he could really manage was bracing his legs against the ground and pushing her with all his might until she rolled into the dirt hole he’d dug for her.
It was clumsy and far less than she deserved and Lucas knew he was a bad son for doing it and so many more things, but it was all he could offer her now.
Lucas stood on shaking legs at his mother’s corpse laid in the dirt. Lucas sucked in a breath and tried to stay strong, tried to be strong, tried to me anything beside the weak, useless thing he was. But as tears began to roll down his cheeks, too many and too large for him to wipe away he couldn’t help but cry out for his mother.
“Mom, I’m s-sorry,” Lucas wept, “I’m sorry I was bad, that I couldn’t be better. I tried, I really did! I know it’s not… I know it doesn't matter because it didn’t work, because I was still bad, but I love you. I love you so much and I hope you’re happy in heaven.”
Lucas ran inside and knew he was failing his mom once more by failing to properly put her to rest.
The pale squid monster was right, starvation was really awful.
It had been around a month now since mom had died, her body laid properly to rest with a shabby bundle of tied sticks marking her grave. It was less than she deserved but Lucas didn’t know how to make a proper grave stone and he was too tired and weak to grab a big rock.
Everything hurt.
It hurt when he moved, it still hurt when he lied down and kept still. He’s been trying to ration his food out, that's what the people on TV did when they went camping. This was kinda like camping, right? Just instead of a tent he had the cabin and instead of a few days it was a few weeks.
It would be okay. He’d figure something out.
Anything less was suicide.
He knew the way back to town. Well, sort of. He knew the road that led away from the cabin would eventually lead him back to town since it was just the one road and there weren’t any splits or anything like that. So if he followed the road he’d get back to town.
That was something he figured out almost immediately, what he was stuck on was how he was going to actually get there.
He couldn’t drive and he couldn’t call anyone to come get him, mom had broken the spinny phone throwing it at a monster and the plastic had broken apart. That left walking which… Lucas really didn’t want to do.
The monsters had been surprisingly idle for the past month. Squid came by every day to ask if Lucas was ready to come with it yet, and everyday Lucas refused. Lucas didn’t really understand much but, if he was smarter, he might have said the thing was starting to look nervous, or at least an imitation of it.
Lucas could only guess that meant he was going to starve to death soon, but Lucas wasn’t sure why that made the squid nervous since it wanted him dead anyway, so what does the method or place matter?
Then again, Lucas didn’t really understand much of anything, so he was probably wrong.
But regardless, the monsters hadn’t really bothered him, just leaving him alone to slowly starve to death in peace, or what Lucas could count as peace.
Lucas got the distinct impression that leaving the house and starting along the road would very quickly end that peace however. The monsters’ soulless eyes stared at him from the treeline and Lucas knew that if he came close, they’d snatch him up and take him by force wherever Squid wanted him to go.
But he couldn’t do that, because if he willingly went over to them knowing they’d snatch him up, then it’d be just as bad as if he decided to go with Squid.
He just had… He just had to figure out how to get to town safely. Soon, preferably.
He was… He was really hungry.
Lucas watched as the sun finally set over the tops of the trees, the long shadows finally bridging the long gap of the backyard and reaching the back of the cabin. Lucas was nearly out of food, only a sparse few bags of chips and frozen bags of vegetables left, but that wasn’t what Lucas was worried about at the moment.
Squid had looked pleased this morning, smug even, if Lucas was interpreting it’s expressions right. He probably wasn’t, he wasn’t very smart and he didn’t really understand much. Lucas didn’t really understand why it was so pleased.
But then he saw it, and he understood.
What lurked beyond the trees, staring at the house since the late afternoon was by far the largest monster he’d ever seen. It was larger than mom’s van with pure white fur and red eyes that seemed to stare directly into Lucas’ soul even from the distance between them.
Lucas swallowed hard and hid the first time he saw it, making sure he wasn’t in sight of any of the windows as he trembled in terror.
Something about that thing was different to the rest, and that difference sparked the terror Lucas was so sure had long died back into an inferno. This thing wasn’t normal, not even by monster standards, that much was obvious just by looking at it. The way it moved, the way it stared, the way Lucas got the distinct feeling it was waiting patiently for… something.
That thing was smart.
Squid was able to fake being smart pretty well since it could talk, but it wasn’t really, Lucas got the feeling it was just being told what to say by something else. Then again, Lucas didn’t understand much, so he was probably wrong.
But the large White creature, with its wolf-like face and large clawed front arms, that thing Lucas knew deep down in his soul was actually smart, much smarter than he was.
It was going to take him away, and with its size Lucas would be powerless to stop it.
But he had to try, anything less would be suicide.
So as the shadows finally touched the house he retrieved his final defense from the kitchen cabinet.
Mom, when she was still mom, always wanted him not to play with fire. Fire was dangerous and could burn you badly, even kill you. Lucas had always kept her words in mind, he always kept everything his real mom told him in mind, and had been very careful with fire and the stove. He wanted to be a good son.
Now, he was going to be a very bad son.
He reached into the cabinet and pulled out the gasoline canister and match book he’d left in there when he’d found it two weeks ago. He wasn’t sure how well fire would do against that thing, but it was covered in fur, so Lucas figured it would at least slow the creature down, hopefully long enough for Lucas to escape.
If not, then, at least he tried.
Lucas peaked out the sliding glass door, making sure to hold the canister and matches out of sight of the glass.
The thing was walking across the backyard.
Lucas felt his heart pound in his chest as he practically jumped out of view. It was show time it seemed. Lucas backed away from the door, his eyes locked on the glass as he fumbled with the canister lid. He’d pour the gasoline on the carpet between them, then set it on fire, then he’d use the fire as a distraction and he’d climb out the kitchen window behind him.
He could- He could do this.
Lucas tensed as a large shadow loomed from behind the glassdoor and Lucas prepared himself for the glass to shatter. He’d need to be quick, the thing probably wasn’t very fast, but neither was Lucas.
But then, to Lucas' shock and mild horror, the glass door began to smoothly slide open as the creature used one massive claw to open the door. Lucas froze in shock as the large clawed hand, covered in white fur with four fingers and a thumb gingerly pressed down into the carpet before it, the creature's head following quickly after.
Surprise and confusion locked Lucas’ body in place as the figure’s form seemed to almost bend and contort in a way that looked almost natural as it shrunk in order to fit through the door, comfortably fitting in Lucas’ living room even as it towered over him. But what most confused Lucas and stopped him from acting was the expression on the things’ face.
Lucas imagined that the thing would be snarling and growling at him, or maybe smiling and cackling as it tormented Lucas and prevented his escape. But no, the thing’s face seemed completely calm, even neutral as its bright crimson eyes stared at Lucas, cold and calculating.
Lucas gripped his canister tighter as he shakily lifted it up in front of him, “D-Don’t move.”
The creature stopped moving, silently staring down at him, frozen in place as it sat in front of him.
Lucas trembled, “I… I’m going to, ah, I’m going to leave now. Don’t… Don’t follow me, or, or I’ll set you on fire!”
“That’s a good idea,” the creature hummed and Lucas felt his mind catch alight. The creature’s mouth didn’t move as it spoke, and yet he could hear the thing’s unnaturally deep voice echoing off the walls of his mind. Lucas felt his breath catch in his throat at the sound.
“The fire, that is,” it continued, “Fire is usually a safe bet for trying to kill something you don’t understand, it certainly helped out all the humans the first time.”
“The… first time?” Lucas asked.
The monster lifted its massive hand and waved it dismissively, “Don’t worry about it kid.”
“I- I said don’t move!” Lucas thrust the canister in front of him. The creature looked down at him, its eyebrows lifting in surprise for a second, before a smile tugged at its jaw, its massive hand hanging limply, frozen, in the air.
“You did, didn’t you, sorry about that,” the creature hummed, though Lucas felt like it didn’t sound very sorry.
“I’ll do it!” Lucas told him.
“Can you?” the creature tilted its head.
The creature leaned for just a little, “Are you extremely sure you can manage it at this point?”
“I-” Lucas opened his mouth to insist that, yes, he could! And he would! But he was immediately cut off by a burst of movement to his right.
Faster than Lucas could even blink, the creature raised its left hand and brought it down on the couch next to Lucas, smashing it to pieces in an instant. Lucas gasped and cowered as wood and fabric and stuffing erupted from right next to him. His breath caught in his throat as he lifted his arms on instinct to try and protect his face and neck, gasoline splashing on the carpet, himself and a bit on the match box he held in his other hand.
He tensed, waiting for the pain of the impact, but it never came. He cracked open his eyes and looked to the couch, only to see a wall of pure white. His eyes looked back up to the creature and he saw that, while the creature had smashed the couch with his left hand, he’d put his left between Lucas and the destruction to shield him.
Lucas stared at the thing and its smiling face, his heart jack-rabbiting in his chest.
“You see,” the creature sighed as he gingerly brought his hands back down in front of him, resting all four limbs where before he’d been standing on his hind legs, its paws balancing it. “The smart part of your plan was the fire,” it continued.
“Fire actually would give me some trouble, not enough to really harm me in any meaningful way, but it would buy you a few seconds. Buuuut, you should have poured the gas while I was walking across the lawn, that way all you needed to do was light it when I got there. Pouring the gas takes way too long to do it when I’m this close. Tough luck kiddo.”
“A- Ah,” Lucas wilted.
“Now, gimmie the matches kid, you’ve got gas all over them, if you light them now you’ll just set yourself on fire. Which I assume isn’t something you want to do,” the creature hummed as it gingerly lifted its massive hand and reached for the match book.
“No!” Lucas shouted.
The creature stopped, then tilted its head and raised an eyebrow, “No?”
“I’m not-!” Lucas stared up at the thing, “I won’t just let you kill me, or take me, or whatever!”
He dropped the canister and took one of the matches from the book. The creature tensed as gasoline spilled across the floor around them, the liquid rapidly draining from the canister.
“So I’ll get a bit burnt!” Lucas gritted his teeth, “That’s okay, I doubt I’d ever manage to get away from you unscathed anyway. But you’ll get burnt too! I’ll run away and put the fire out, then I’ll keep running until it’s all over. I won’t go willingly!”
The creature stared down at him, tense and wide-eyed. Then a low grumble began to emanate from its chest. Lucas tensed, anticipating the rumble to grow into a growl, ready to light and drop the match and run as the creature finally lost its patience and snapped him up in its jaws.
But, much to Lucas’ surprise the creature burst out in loud, explosive laughter. The creature lifted its hand to its face as tears leaked down its face and its laughter echoed off the walls inside Lucas’ mind and the very real walls of the cabin.
“I’m really starting to like you kid,” the monster laughed, “that bull-headed desire to live you have is actually quite endearing, it’s also gonna be very very helpful in what’s to come.”
“W-What’s to come?” Lucas deflated slightly as confusion once more took over.
“This is just the beginning kiddo, now, stay put for a second, I’ve got something I need to do,” the creature grinned down at Lucas, its eyes twinkling.
“Does…” Lucas swallowed hard, “Are you not going to kill me?”
The creature chuckled, “No Lucas, I’m not going to kill you, or take you away. Well, actually I am going to do that, but not to where the others want you to go.”
“Then where-”
“Shhh,” the creature hushed him as it brought a massive claw to Lucas’ lips, its talon the length of his face pressing gently against him. “Just hang tight for a minute for me.”
Lucas blinked in confusion and surprise at the creature then plucked the matchbook from his limp fingers and turned to the door, “I’ll just be a moment.”
Then, it barrelled outside, the force of its movement pushing Lucas the wet carpet, more gasoline soaking into his pants and covering his hands. Lucas wrinkled his nose as the fumes intensified and his eyes watered at the horrible smell.
He stood on wobbly legs, gas fumes, confusion, hunger, and retreating adrenaline causing his mind to grow fuzzy and disconnected. He carefully made his way to the stairs and gripped the handrail tightly as he stumbled his way up the stairs.
The monster told him to stay put, but Lucas assumed that meant to stay inside the cabin and opposed to standing right where he was before. Then again, he could be wrong and the creature would change its mind and gut him when it came back.
Lucas looked back down the stairs. Well, too late now.
He continued into his room and quickly changed his shirt and pants, throwing the gasoline soaked clothes into the tub and he then started scrubbing his hands in the sink until the awful smell went away.
As he left the bathroom, feeling a little better, he spotted the chocolate bar he’d left on his bedside table for a special occasion. Well, he figured this was as special an occasion as any. He crawled up onto his bed and crossed his legs as he unwrapped the chocolate bar and took a bite.
It was good, really really good, much better than anything he’d had in a long long time, and Lucas wasn’t sure if that taste was due to just the chocolate itself, or the fact that he’d just survived something that should have been impossible. Still, just the taste of it made Lucas feel so much better as he slumped against the wall.
“Oh, you’ve got some candy,” the creature’s voice erupted in his mind, causing Lucas’s eyes to shoot to the door, only to find it empty. Then he heard the window begin to slide open. He turned to stare at the window and found the massive creature carefully sliding it open, then once more shrinking to get inside.
Lucas was hypnotized, watching the creature shrink down to just larger than his mom had been, then grow to a hulking size that left its head resting against the ceiling. The transformations took a few seconds from one size to the next, but just the fact it was able to do it at all mesmerized Lucas.
That and the fact that its fur had turned from a pure white to a deep crimson red, stained in blood.
Lucas gulped.
“Alright, now that all the idiots are dead, we can discuss a bit more what’s going to happen now,” the creature announced.
“The… idiots?” Lucas asked.
The monster once more waved its massive hand dismissively, “all those other monsters hanging out by the treeline, waiting for me to get down with the dirty work they were unable to complete. Though at this point that’s more on you then on them really…”
“I’m sorry?” Lucas asked, unsure if he should apologize or not.
The creature chuckled and shook its head, “Don’t apologize for not wanting to die, kid. You see, their job was to convince you to let them kill you, it’s a whole thing. Anyway, they failed miserably at that because you’re a little fighter, ain’t ya?” the creature grinned as it brought down the heel of its massive hand and rubbed the top of Lucas’ head, messing up his hair and staining it with blood.
“I guess?” Lucas frowned, looking up at the monster.
“That's a good thing, by the way. A very very good thing, because now, our mission is to keep you alive, and your obstinate refusal to die is going to be a major asset to this cause since they can’t kill you unless you want to die.”
“O-obstinate?” Lucas asked, dozens of questions rolling around in his head.
”It means you’re very stubborn,” the monster clarified.
Lucas nodded slowly, “I… I’m not very smart-”
“Yes you are,” the creature cut him off. “You’re ignorant, sure, but that’s not the same as unintelligent. Ignorance you can fix, stupidity you can’t.”
“I…” Lucas wasn’t sure he quite believed that. Mom and the monsters had always told him he was stupid, and they couldn’t all be wrong. “Still, I don’t understand… anything.”
“That’s alright,” the creature reassured him, “there will be more time to talk about this later, for now all you need to know is that you don’t want to die, and I don’t want you to die either, so I’m going to help you. Now, don’t be mistaken, I do find you quite endearing, but I’m doing this for purely selfish reasons, understand?”
“I think so?” Lucas nodded, “We both want me to live because its good for us if I’m alive?”
“Exactly,” the creature messed up his hair some more despite Lucas trying to dodge out of the way, “I told you you were smart. Now, I’m going to hop inside your mind now.”
“W-What?!” Lucas exclaimed as his back hit the wall, instinctively trying to get away from the monster.
“Yes,” the thing nodded, “You see, despite my hulking appearance, I’m actually quite sly. The main thing I can actually do, aside from kick ass and adjust my appearance to an extent, is that I’m able to possess people. That’s actually the reason they asked me to come talk to you in the first place. I’m very good at possessing people and then psychologically, emotionally, and physically torturing them. They figured if I worked my magic on you, you’d crack like an egg.”
“I don’t understand,” Lucas leaned a bit further away, “What’s torture? And I don’t know what psyc- physco-” Lucas scowled as he tried to pronounce the word.
“Psychological,” the creature supplied, “it refers to a person's state of mind. Kinda like how emotional relates to someone's emotions and physical is someone’s body. As for torture, it means making someone feel pain.”
“So you were sent here to hurt me,” Lucas nodded to himself.
The creature smiled, “But you already knew that. See? Smart. You didn’t know the specifics, but you understood the general situation and came up with a plan to try and get out of it. What a cute, smart little boy you are,” the monster cooed as it continued to mess up his hair.
“But you’re not going to, right?” Lucas asked.
Lucas then scowled, “But you said you were going to possess me, that’s torturing me.”
The creature blinked at him as Lucas’ words processed in his mind, then he grinned and began to laugh once more, “Ah! I see where the- No no, possessing you won’t hurt you kid. I can hurt you once I’m inside your head, but I don’t, like, have to.”
The creature nodded, “Once I’m inside your head, I can help you get away from the monsters, okay?”
Lucas looked at it warily, “...and you promise not to hurt me?”
“Cross my heart,” the creature made an X-motion over his chest.
Lucas swallowed hard as he looked down at the chocolate bar in his hand. This could be a really really bad idea. He could let this creature in and it could do all number of terrible things to him, it could rip him to pieces from the inside out and Lucas would be helpless to stop it. Yet, it could also be his one chance at escape, his one hope of salvation in this god-forsaken place.
Maybe, just maybe, he could live.
Lucas looked back up at the creature’s shining white and red fur and muttered under his breath, “‘And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not,’ John 1:5.”
“What was that?” the creature asked.
“The Bible,” Lucas replied. “And, okay. Do it.”
The creature tilted his head, regarding him for a moment before it smiled. “Lay back for me, would you, and close your eyes.”
Lucas tentatively laid back and after a moment of staring at the pale wolf covered in blood looming over him, he closed his eyes.
This wasn’t suicide, he decided. It was hope.
When Lucas woke up, he wasn’t in bed. Instead he woke up in a dark gray void, seemingly devoid of all life. He looked around and found nothing, just the dark gray dusted ground and the slightly lighter gray featureless sky.
“Ah,” Lucas deflated, “I’m in hell.”
“Not quite kiddo,” a familiar voice announced from behind him.
Lucas spun around to face the creature, only to find its voice wasn’t the only thing about that that had changed. Now, instead of its voice echoing around in his mind with an inhuman rumbling depth to it, it sounded much more like a regular human man’s voice.
It also looked human to.
The monster stared down at where he sat, looking almost indistinguishable from a regular human. It stood above him with the pale, almost pure white skin and white hair so light it seemed to glow hanging messily just over his shoulders. His eyes were the same glowing crimson and his teeth were sharp when he smiled. He didn’t look like anyone Lucas had ever seen before, though he’d not really met many people, but Lucas was fairly sure he’d seen people that looked like the creature on TV, smiling and laughing with other beautiful people.
“Though,” he continued, “I will grant you the comparison, I mean, wow kid, this is hands down the most depressing mind I’ve ever been in. Can’t you, like, imagine some flowers or something?”
Their surroundings remained stagnant.
The monster sighed, “Ah well, not quite sure what I expected really.”
“So,” Lucas looked around, “We’re inside my head?”
“I mean, technically you’ve always been in here kiddo, I’m just hitching a ride” the monster crouched down and ruffled his hair again, now with his new human hand. Lucas scowled as he swatted it away, nearly cutting himself on the monster’s long and very sharp nails.
“Ooooooh, testy testy,” the creature laughed as it continued to try and pet Lucas’ hair.
“Why do you look like a person?” Lucas asked as he continued to battle the monster’s hands for rights over his head.
“Figured it would make you more comfortable, which it has so I was right,” the creature finally relented, rolling back and sitting cross-legged in front of him.
Lucas scowled, but couldn’t argue. It was easier talking to the thing when it looked like a person as opposed to the giant hulking creature. He was still intimidating looking with his red eyes, muscular body and sharp white nails, but less so.
“So, I’m asleep?” Lucas asked.
“Bingo again,” the monster grinned, “Your body is very weak, but we can fix that.”
“And we’re going to be… together for a while?” Lucas asked.
“At least two years,” the monster hummed, “We’ll see what happens after that.”
“Okay,” Lucas nodded, not sure why he specified two years, “So, um, what should I call you then?”
The monster gave him a huge grin, his eyes twinkling mischievously, “You could try my name.”
“You have a name?”
“Wow!” The creature put a hand to his chest, “That’s very rude! Yes I have a name you twerp.”
“It means you’re a little brat,” the monster laughed. “But for your information, my name is Æthane.”
“Æthane?” Lucas asked.
“Sure is, but I suppose as I’ll be looking after you from now on you can just call me your new daddy,” Æthane smirked.
Lucas wasn’t sure what face he made but it must have been amusing because Æthane almost immediately tilted his head back in howling laughter.
“You’re too much kiddo I swear,” he grinned, “Something tells me we’re gonna get along just fine for the duration of our time together.”
Lucas really hoped so.
Not like he had a choice.
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daydream-comet · 1 year
OH YEAH :3 i'm curious. what are your favorite parts of v-force/2002? i'm personally big on the digital sacred beasts (or atleast, that plotline from yuya onward, the first 15 eps of the season are kind of a blur to me) and.. ok i can't say zeo's plotline was pulled off Well but i love zeo as a character they are SO fascinating to me.
Well my favorite plotline from the season itself would be Zeo's one, while if we're talking about vforce as a whole then the movie's. The movie had a interesting plotline, and revealed a lot of info about the sacred beasts as well, though not everything was fully disclosed, it seemed they were heading somewhere with it but with grev sorta diminishing the presence of the sacred beasts I think it was dropped. Oh, and the cave scene. I....have a lot of talk about that one, I'm a bit too crazy and delusional about that particular scene to the point it'll need a separate post if its own (if I ever overcome my social anxiety and copy paste everything here)
Zeo is definitely one of my favorite characters in vforce (its the hair that started it I swear I want his hairstyle so bad) and surprisingly he was like one of the things I vividly remembered from my childhood when I was rewatching the series (now that I think about it, my fuzzy memories of beyblade as a child were mostly 60% vforce, 30% season 1 and 10% grev. Mainly because i think i missed a lot of grev as a child when it was airing and mostly caught onto the other two seasons). And yea while i do think if like the writers would've been given more time Zeo's arc along with the other arcs wouldn't have been so rushed, but still i think they did a good enough job, because I was definitely hooked during the final arc. Zeo is also an interesting character to analyse, like he was like first character to give the team a sense of normalcy because throughout the entire season everyone they had met was out for their asses and they couldn't catch a break nor could they have a normal beybattle like they used to without significant consequences. Also wished we got more of Zeo's existential crisis, how it affected and changed him and how he recovers from it and accepts himself (we see in that slideshow final ending in grev with Zeo looking through the window holding a violin. So it seems he found comfort in his hobby). Also that Zeo finding out about his true identity also helped him grow and mature in a sense (a person can't grow up without having to endure hardships, can they?). Like when we see him later on he's stronger and smarter.
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Like here Zeo knew exactly what to say to get under Takao's skin (and Takao's emotional attachment to Zeo amplified the impact, along with Takao still trying to grasp as to why Zeo is doing this) and that Zeo is right here in a sense. They didnt interfere due to multiple justified reasons (they wanted to, but couldn't. And even if they did, not much would've changed), but it didn't change the fact that they didn't do anything, and Zeo just rubs some salt on the fresh wound. And in the jp voice acting, while it was faint, Zeo kind of sounded sad when saying "no one will come to help you". If we think about the situation Zeo is in, its....true. no one really can help Zeo even if they wanted to, all they could do was offer words of consolation and comfort. And Zeo was doing all this for self preservation (and I guess daddy issues, Dr. Zagart is....incredibly questionable), but deep down i guess he knew that there really wasn't much he could do to become human, become the 'real' Zeo who died long ago. He just didn't wanted to live his life as a phony, it was all just an act of desperation (just look at him breaking his arm and still going on, isn't that a good example?). And like at the finale while Takao does offer closure to Zeo, the fact remains the same that Zeo can't become someone else and must learn to accept who he is, which he slowly starts to embark on (and if Takao, or anyone really, would've said that earlier it wouldn't have had the same impact, Zeo needed to find his way on his own terms)
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And as to the impact Zeo had with his words on Takao, he's literally repeating Zeo's words here and musing over the complicated and conflicting scenario for the majority of the episode while everyone is rightfully shocked to see it coming out of his mouth, not really aware of that little exchange he had with Zeo previously.
All in all I love Zeo, I love the small moments where vforce really gets to shine, I just wished they got more time to expand and explore the entire storyline they were working upon into like two seasons instead of dumping it all into one season. I am, uh, understandably kinda crazy over this show and won't stop overanalysing it. This post is pretty much word vomit and probably doesn't make much sense. Uh. Bye.
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Undead Unluck ch.173 thoughts
[I'm Looking Forward to the Future]
As a reader, I love set-up chapters like this, they're a great way to build up anticipation since they're inherently something new while also bringing back older characters that we know, love and miss dearly
As an analyst, I hate set-up chapters cus they tend not to give me as much to talk about. Every time I speculate about things to come, I end up being wrong, like I have Latla's STILL UNNAMED ability (though that's one thing I can bet we're getting this arc), and the themes aren't established until a chapter or two into each arc. The finales are really fun because they give me the opportunity to see how everything connects, but intros leave so much up in the air that I don't feel any confidence talking about them
That said, I did notice one thing that's liable to end up as the theme for this arc: family
Leila's rescue makes this a pretty easy concept to guess right off the bat, but the first page, nay, the first panel of this arc immediately gives that impression as well with Chikara's parents, Mei, and Billy's previously assumed dead wife and child all gathering at the Round Table to time travel together. Meanwhile, Isshin XII deliberately stays behind to watch Haruka grow into Isshin XIII (one of the few things I did correctly predict), further analyzing the theme of family by giving us a glimpse into different ways that familial love can manifest
That said, I am a bit surprised that Nico and Ichico didn't stay behind, since this means that Mico won't be born in time to grow up alongside Boh, who I figured was going to be a love interest for her. Oh well
I also really like the detail of who appears to be Phil's mom and Chikara's mom feverishly bowing to each other. I have no idea why they're doing that, but I get the feeling there's mom-to-mom solidarity there, making the Union feel less like a ragtag gathering of misfits and more like a close-knit community. The idea that children can be born among this group and raised by the collective is really heartwarming, knowing that this is the life that's awaiting Mico when she's finally brought back
This seems like a good time to bring up a more meta concept that I've wanted to touch on for a while, actually. As I've said ad nauseam by now, UU is a Friendship series, but I think that that term is somewhat misleading in and of itself. "Friendship" in the Shonen Jump sense isn't specifically about two people who meet and become friends, it's about any interpersonal relationship and the deliberate choice to be open to other people being a part of your life. In the west (or at least America), we would call this thematic umbrella "Love" rather than Friendship, but I don't know what the connotational difference between "Yuujou" (Friendship) and "Aijou" (Love) is or was when Jump decided on the Friendship, Effort, Victory slogan whenever they started using it. My guess is that it was originally meant to just mean literal friends and has just evolved over time to include broader interpretations
Contemporary Jump manga like Mission: Yozakura Family and The Ichinose Family's Seven Deadly Sins, as well as Jump SQ.'s Seraph of the End almost exclusively use themes of family to cover the Friendship angle. Yozakura has the family acting as friends, with loving and antagonistic dynamics forming the same way that you see in groups like One Piece's Straw Hat Crew, while Ichinose has the family falling apart in new and interesting ways because of their lack of cohesion and communication. It's their lack of Friendship that poisons their interactions and allows their circumstances to continue to deteriorate, whereas a group that actually values each of its members as much as the individuals value themselves would be able to come together and overcome their hardships by turning to and relying on each other. Seraph of the End's Yu has no living blood relatives, but anyone he becomes attached to is immediately considered his family; in a practical sense, there's not really a divide between how family and friends behave around each other, so why shouldn't a family be a group of orphans and outcasts who found each other amidst the wreckage of their own lives?
Undead Unluck has of course touched on family before with the likes of Feng learning to accept a paternal role in Shen and Mei's life, but if this arc lets us get into the idea that Fuuko has actually expanded the family that she had lost all those years ago, that would certainly help solidify Undead Unluck as one of if not the most robust Friendship series to ever grace Jump's pages
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yuudefensesquad · 2 years
i don't know if this blog is still alive, but recently my love for ons reignited and now ive just been browsing different ons blogs 😭💖 your love for yuu has WON me over. like at first he was just okay in my eyes but now i have a newfound appreciation for him 💗 can i ask what you think of ancient greece yuu in the manga? he's the cutest and i love him. im so excited to learn more about his storyline!! ❤️
my love for ons has sadly very much diminished over the years as i've grown and been through a lot as a person. but yuu is still very much a special character to me as he represents overcoming hardships :') and i am so glad you can appreciate him a little more after looking at this dusty raggedy blog 💛💛
i thought ancient greece yuu was really cute and interesting. he also made me sad a bit as it made me realize how yuu was really trapped in a cycle beyond him. but it was relieving to see how he hadn't changed at all throughout the years as he was still his cute self!!
thanks for sending this sweet message. i am glad to give positivity out :)
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applicationwallah · 15 days
Embracing Adversity: The Power of Struggle Motivational Quotes
Life is full of challenges, and everyone, at some point, faces adversity. Whether it's a career setback, personal loss, or a difficult phase in relationships, struggles are inevitable. But it’s how we respond to these challenges that shapes our character and future. Throughout history, people have turned to motivational quotes to find solace, inspiration, and strength in times of hardship. In this article, we will explore the power of struggle motivational quotes and how they help us embrace adversity with resilience and determination.
Why Struggle is an Essential Part of Life
Struggles, although uncomfortable, play a significant role in personal growth and self-discovery. Adversity forces us to dig deep, reassess our priorities, and push past limitations we never thought we could overcome. It's during these tough times that we learn the most about ourselves, building emotional strength and resilience. As the famous quote by Frederick Douglass goes, “If there is no struggle, there is no progress.”
Struggles aren't meant to break us; they are opportunities to rebuild ourselves stronger and more equipped to handle future challenges. The discomfort and pain we experience teach us valuable lessons, making us more empathetic, resourceful, and mentally strong. But how do we maintain a positive outlook during these difficult times?
The Power of Motivational Quotes in Tough Times
Motivational quotes are more than just feel-good phrases. They serve as reminders that we are not alone in our struggles. Many great thinkers, leaders, and achievers have experienced hardships and emerged victorious. Their words offer us encouragement, a shift in perspective, and often, the much-needed push to keep going.
A well-timed quote can shift our mindset, turning despair into hope and frustration into determination. When we read or hear a quote that resonates with us, it can inspire us to change our attitude toward the situation. Struggle motivational quotes act like mini pep talks, nudging us toward perseverance and optimism.
How Struggle Motivational Quotes Help Us Grow
Encouraging Perseverance Struggles often lead to moments where giving up seems easier than continuing. However, motivational quotes remind us that persistence is key to overcoming adversity. For example, Winston Churchill’s famous words, “If you’re going through hell, keep going,” are a powerful reminder to persist through tough times. Quotes like these offer a beacon of light when everything around seems dark, encouraging us to keep moving forward.
Shifting Our Perspective Sometimes, we see struggles as obstacles rather than opportunities. Motivational quotes can change our perspective and help us see challenges as stepping stones to success. A quote by Albert Einstein, “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity,” encourages us to look for growth and learning in adversity. By shifting our mindset, we can transform how we handle difficult situations.
Building Resilience Struggles demand resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks. Motivational quotes serve as mental and emotional reinforcements. They remind us that enduring hardship builds character and strength. Nelson Mandela once said, “Do not judge me by my success, judge me by how many times I fell down and got back up again.” Quotes like this remind us that setbacks are part of the journey and rising after a fall is what truly defines resilience.
Cultivating Self-Belief During hard times, it’s easy to doubt ourselves and our abilities. Motivational quotes affirm that even in the face of adversity, we are capable of achieving great things. A quote by Henry Ford encapsulates this: “When everything seems to be going against you, remember that the airplane takes off against the wind, not with it.” These words instill a sense of belief in ourselves, urging us to keep pushing despite the odds.
Boosting Mental and Emotional Health Struggles often take a toll on our mental and emotional well-being. The right motivational quotes can uplift our spirits, calm our anxieties, and give us the strength to face each day with renewed hope. Reading quotes such as “Fall seven times, stand up eight” can remind us that setbacks are temporary and what matters is our ability to rise again.
Famous Struggle Motivational Quotes
Throughout history, some of the most influential individuals have left us with timeless quotes that capture the essence of struggle and the power of resilience. Here are a few quotes that continue to inspire millions:
“The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” – Molière
“Hard times may have held you down, but they will not last forever. When all is said and done, you will be increased.” – Joel Osteen
“We don’t develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity.” – Barbara De Angelis
“Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.” – Arnold Schwarzenegger
Using Struggle Motivational Quotes in Everyday Life
Struggle motivational quotes can be more than just occasional inspirations. They can become part of our daily routines to fuel our personal growth. Here are a few ways to integrate these quotes into your life:
Daily Affirmations: Start your day by reading a quote that resonates with your current challenges. It sets a positive tone for the day and encourages a resilient mindset.
Journaling: Incorporate motivational quotes into your journaling practice. Reflect on how a particular quote applies to your situation and the lessons you can take from it.
Visual Reminders: Write down your favorite struggle motivational quotes and place them where you can see them throughout the day – your desk, phone wallpaper, or a vision board.
Sharing: Share struggle quotes with friends or loved ones who are going through tough times. You never know when your words might be the motivation they need.
Embracing adversity is not easy, but it’s a necessary part of personal growth. Struggles shape us, helping us become more resilient, compassionate, and self-aware. Struggle motivational quotes in Hindi provide us with a source of strength and inspiration when we need it most. These quotes remind us that, despite the difficulties we face, we can overcome, grow, and thrive.
So, the next time you find yourself in the midst of adversity, turn to the power of struggle motivational quotes. Let them be the guiding light that helps you navigate through darkness and emerge stronger than before.
Source Link: https://www.atoallinks.com/2024/embracing-adversity-the-power-of-struggle-motivational-quotes/
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humanoidtyphoons · 4 months
thank god doffy has always been an asshole
i'd wondered you know, bc the DQ fam keep on making a show, that he's suffered, that he's overcome so much, that he's earned their loyalty by what he's lived through, how much he's achieved
and it's like. he killed his dad. he killed his brother. were they bad people? and that's why doffy turned out this way?
bc honestly, they keep saying that doffy, the young lord, has gone through hardship that no one ever has. and i was. just.
i wanted to believe them? i wanted to know what oda had up his sleeve to say: yeah, his backstory is sadder than the straw hats combined, it's sadder than ace dying, and you're weeping bc it's the revelation why he's become such a twisted individual reduces you to tears, bc he's done that to me several times!!!
and like. looking back. even mentioning the fact that he was once a celestial dragon, that he stole the throne nd hearts of the people of dressrosa by some manipulation... there was still some part of me that wanted to believe them! that there was another reason! they belabour the point so much, his backstory is not for the faint of heart, the young lord is so strong, and wonderful.
and it's just pure bullshit????? he's just a fucking asshole!!!!
he didn't want to give up being a celestial dragon! that was a choice his father made! his father wanted to live like a human being, and so doffy just kills him! and he can't return to being a celestial dragon and go back to heaven! so he's like. alright, fuck 'em, i'm going to be the king of dressrosa, beloved by everyone bc of his successful smear campaign and distorted memories. i'm gonna get the one piece. there's nothing i won't do to set the world on fire.
and it's like. this is your villain origin story? that your daddy wanted to live like a normal human instead of believing that everyone should kneel at your feet?
seeing doffy as a child, asking "father why aren't we buying slaves today" it just... really made everything click.
that's he's always been this way. that he's always been a colossal twat.
that i was holding out for some... emotional moment, some tragedy that would rival every moment i've wept overcome by the scope that one piece has moved me: merry's funeral, laboon's history.
and it's like. why the fuck was i believing DQ fam over... the people of dressrosa, law. why the fuck did i think when they said "you don't know what he's been through! he's suffered more than anyone!" i was like, yeah they're prolly right. looking forward to seeing it, that his dad was terrible, that his brother was a monster too.
and it's just. nah, man. doffy's always been fucked up and evil. there's no villain story here. he's just a typical celestial dragon, dethroned, turned pauper, and he's tricked and lied and clawed his way to the top once more. it's just. like michael cervantes character don quixote, doffy is full of grandeur, attacking windmills, and rewriting the narrative to suit his bizarre beliefs. there's no sad story here!
and like. i'm furious at myself. i'm proud of oda. i'm laughing. i just feel all kinds of hysterical, bc in a way: his name is a dead giveaway: full of bullshit!!!!
i’ve been feeling lightheaded all day wrapping my mind around this!!
but it's anticlimatic in the best way, and stupidly funny to think about looking back, to pin some sort of trust on his followers, how they love and admire him despite his terribleness, to insist -- and sincerely believe -- that he has gone through so much! angels would weep, if they could!
he's an asshole. always has been. always will be. his family is as deluded as he is!
why did you even consider thinking otherwise?
what a relief, you know?
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