#look I remembered to sign my work this time 🙃
wyztereo · 11 months
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galvanizedfriend · 4 months
hii Yokan! i miss you!😭
how are you? how is work?? I hope everything is going well<3
rn there's a little Comic Con in my city, and it really did help my mood!! (even tho I throwed up 6 times and fainted during the morning of the first day due to the heat and lack of iron🥲) 2 days down, 2 more to go 🙏
ANYWAYS! I know you've been going through a writer's block lately, and I read a post that said something about asking/commenting about the fictions to help the "stucked" autor, SO!
I've been re-reading TW III (shocking, I know) and those little hints about married!kc are just 😭😭 my heart melts, really, although... I was never really sure you'd get them married, mostly due to Care's speech to Cami about how Klaus supposedly sees weddings, and because I remember you saying that you weren't planning on giving them an actual marriage, but rather the closest thing next to it. I checked to comments to see other thoughts, and I saw one of you reply saying that you were completely against married!kc at the start, but then you were slowing changing your mind about it...
so, what was it that made you say "fuck it, I'm gonna ring the bells"?? is it because many people asked you to do it, so you are throwing us a bone, or is it something else?? I'm really interest on hearing the process of your change of heart <3
have a good one, friend <3 love you xoxo
I don't know if I am eloquent enough or if my train of thought makes much sense, but I will try 😂
Also grab a chair because this will be a long one. Be careful what you ask me, I do not know how to shut the fuck up 🙃
Objectively, I still think Klaus is not the marrying kind (in canon context, at least). That man has been alive for a thousand years. He's the vampire of vampires, one who sees humans as a lower species. He's used to getting what he wants by conquering and subjugating because he can. Why would he ever submit himself to an inherently human institution that, throughout history, has served as a tool for various types of social, political and religious control? The ceremony itself doesn't mean anything to him. He probably thinks it's ridiculous and performative, not to mention extremely frail. You can just change your mind and get a divorce, or the good old spouse murder, and then what? What's even the point?
(Just to be clear: I'm not personally preaching against weddings and marriages here btw, it's just how I think Klaus might have seen it.)
If you look at it from the sentimental side, Klaus spent almost a thousand years saying that love is a sign of weakness, a character flaw. He carried his siblings, the only people he genuinely cared about, inside coffins because he didn't trust them enough not to leave him, betray him or end up captured and killed by one of his enemies. Now, why would he want to marry someone, thus exposing yet another vulnerability to be exploited?
Having said that 😂
When we first see Klaus in TVD he's trying to surround himself with a whole new OP supernatural species that will have no choice but to stand with him. They will protect him, they will go to war for him, do whatever he asks them to and they will never leave (or that's what he thought, anyway) because they don't have a choice. That is the only way Klaus knows how to trust people: by completely removing their capacity to challenge him. That's how paranoid he is.
But as the story progresses, and especially with The Wolf in particular because it takes their relationship much further than the show, Klaus realizes there is more than one way to earn people's trust. I feel like that's one of the pillars of his relationship with Caroline. He could've just compelled her (in TVD, not TW because she's a witch), but he never did because he wanted more from her than obedience. All of the things he liked about her - her personality, her honesty, her fire, her loyalty - would've been essentially erased or made meaningless if he'd compelled her. Which puts her in direct opposition to how he related to his hybrids, right? He pretends to be fine with people who have no choice but to follow him, but what he really craves is more real than that. He surrounds himself with people who will worship the ground he walks on after some forged "gratitude" for releasing them of their curse, but he is fascinated by how gutsy Caroline is to look him in the eye and tell him the things that no one else will dare to. What he really seeks but doesn't have the courage to admit is that he wants someone who will choose to be with him. And that's the difficult part, because it can't be conquered or taken, it has to be earned.
Klaus comes from a place of paranoia and extreme distrust of everything and everyone around him, especially after Mikael in New Orleans, and he feels very isolated and alone. He tells Stefan about that, right? The loneliness of immortality. When The Wolf starts, in spite of how he and Caroline were having a bit of a thing before it, he's not sure she would want to stay with him. Actually, he thinks the first chance she gets, she's gonna bail. It's why he's mad when he thinks she wants to terminate the pregnancy. It's not about the baby (it's never about the baby), he couldn't care less about the damn baby at that point, it's the fact that he thinks she's trying to get rid of him, as if that pregnancy is the one thing that is holding them together at that point and so if she's no longer pregnant, she doesn't have to be with him. What I'm very inarticulately trying to say is that his initial approach to Caroline being pregnant is the same he had with his hybrids, as if the baby is a version of a sire bond. It's crazy and dysfunctional, yes, but it's how Klaus rationalizes it, how he thinks he gets to keep people around him - either through daggering them or giving them no choice.
Slowly, Klaus internalizes the fact that Caroline is choosing him. She tells him that a few times throughout the story, and even when he's hallucinating her at the beginning of TW4, because that's something that she has said before and that has stuck with him for reason. She could've left him at any point, but she didn't because she wants to be with him. It's a choice that she has made not because he forced her to, but because she's in love with him. She protects him, she fights for him, she walks through hellfire for him because she wants to, not because she must. He has earned her trust and her love and her loyalty. And that is something that is new for Klaus in his one thousand years of life, at least at this magnitude and with this much clarity and certitude.
So I think when I started writing TW3, which was them in their domestic era, it started to feel like something Klaus might actually do. Not just because it obviously does mean something to Caroline and he would basically do anything for her (even though she never asks for it, which in itself is something, because Caroline comes from relationships that made her feel so insecure and unsafe that she would've held on to a ring like a lifeline, but with Klaus she simply does not need hard evidence to feel safe and reassured, she knows how Klaus feels about her, she's very comfortable in their relationship, she knows that what offers her means a lot more than a thousand weddings to other people ever would - even though she does still love a good wedding lol), but because it suddenly makes sense to him. Not the big party, or the tradition of it, or making it official or anything of the sort, but as a way to externalize what he feels. There is a symbolism to it that while not ideal, it might be the closest to thing to expressing just how devoted he is to her and how she is, pure and simple, eternity for him. When that comes from someone who has lived for as long he has, and who has been as cynical as he was for as long as he was, it does mean something, even if nothing else does.
There is a territorial factor to it as well, of course. 😌 He's a very possessive man and so he wants everyone to know Caroline is his, and it's why it first came to him during the thing with Jackson, but it's more than just that. If it was just about that, he wouldn't do it. He is at a point where he no longer has any doubts about how Caroline feels for him (although there will be a little something something on that front at the beginning of TW4, just because they've been apart for so long, but it will be quickly dispelled).
The most sacred thing for Klaus was the vow he took with his siblings when they fled Viking Falls. They stuck together through everything because of that. He knows the value of a vow and a promise. And he wants a version of that with Caroline. It's the first time in his life when he contemplates genuinely offering that to someone other than his family. There are a million ways he could go about it, probably, but he knows asking her to marry him is the one that will be most representative to her, because of the age where she was born and how she grew up, etc.
And so that is why I decided that Klaus was going to buy a ring even though I crossed my heart and hoped to die a million times for years when people asked me about that. 😂 I just think it's the natural course this story has taken. It's long enough that it eventually made sense to me that he might do it.
Does any of that make sense???? I don't know! I just typed my stream of thought and hoped for the best and now I'm afraid to read it again, so apologies if it's just crazy words.
Now if only I can get back to writing and actually get to that part. 🥲 Pray for me 🙏
THANKS FOR COMING TO MY TED TALK! 🙃 Here have a pretty married Klaroline gif.
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phr3ia · 2 months
Fragmented Glass (Satoru Gojo x Fem!Reader) [Chapter 11 : Realization]
[Three weeks later...]
Satoru sat in his office, sighing deeply as he stared out the window. There were times when he wished he could simply escape the monotony of his daily routine; teach, train, mission, sleep, repeat. It was not that he disliked his job, as he enjoyed molding young minds, but the lack of excitement left him wanting more.
He pulled out his phone, the screen illuminating his face as he scrolled through his messages. A smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he thought about texting you. He typed a few words, then deleted them, his thumb hovering over the send button. He knew you were busy, but the urge to reach out was strong. He took a deep breath, then typed again, a nervous energy buzzing in his fingertips.
12:02 PM - Satoru : Hey 🙃! You busy?
Satoru chewed on his lip, waiting for your response. The ticking of the clock felt excruciating, and his mind raced with thoughts.
12:09 PM - You : Hi! Just having a lunch break now. Bakeshop's not too busy today. How about you?.
12:10 PM - Satoru: Bored as always. By the way, what are you having for lunch?
12:13 PM - You : Bread and tea. Not much.
12:16 PM - Satoru: No protein? You need to eat healthier. I can't have my wife getting sick, now can I? And you know that's not enough. That's just snack, not a proper meal. You'll get sick eating like that 😤😡.
12:18 PM - You : Haha, it's just a bread. I'm fine, Satoru. Don't worry.
12:20 PM - Satoru: Well, I'm not letting you off that easily. I'll pick you up from work today, and we'll have a proper meal.
12:22 PM - You : You just want to have a date with me, I know 😏....
12:24 PM - Satoru: Well, I mean...I want to see you, after all. Don't tell me you don't want to hang out with me 🥺?
Ten minutes had passed, and still no reply from you. His nerves were starting to get the best of him as he anxiously checked his phone for any sign of a message.
(Phone Ringing...)
Instead of replying, you called him.
Satoru picked up the call, his heart racing a little faster. "Hey. What's up? Are you okay?"
"I just saw your text, but my shift just started ten minutes ago.." you paused for a moment, taking a deep breath before continuing, "Actually, I just wanted to let you know that I really love hanging out with you. And I'm glad we're getting to know each other...in this way. Thank you for everything, Satoru."
Satoru's heart skipped a beat at your words. He fidgeted with the pen on his desk, struggling to find the right words. "R-Really? You...you make me happy, too." His voice was soft, barely audible.
"Alright, I gotta go. See you tonight!" you ended the call, smiling as you went back to work.
Nobara elbowed Itadori, pointing at their Sensei. "Look at him." she whispered, highlighting Satoru's awkward silence and the blush creeping up on his cheeks.
Itadori, still oblivious, glanced at Satoru, then back at Nobara. "Huh? What's so funny?"
"Sensei's in love, silly. He's totally head over heels for his wife." Nobara explained, amused by Satoru's reaction.
Itadori's eyes widened. "Oh, you're right. To think that it was just a marriage of convenience. Sensei ended up falling in love with her after all."
"Yeah. He is falling hard for his wife. Look at how bright red he is!"
Itadori leaned closer to Nobara, lowering his voice. "Do you remember when I told you that Sensei and I spied on his wife months ago? He thought she was up to something fishy. But now, look at him. He's gone from suspicion to full-blown love."
"Did you guys find anything suspicious?" Nobara asked.
Itadori shook his head. "Nope. Nothing. I guess she won Sensei over by just being herself. Now, he's hooked, just like that." He gestured with his fingers, mimicking a fish catching a bait.
"He's smitten!" Nobara grinned.
Nobara chuckled, watching Satoru fiddle with his pen. It was clear to see that Satoru had grown fond of you, and for once, Itadori found himself genuinely happy for Satoru. "Well, I'm glad to see that Sensei is finding happiness, even if it's through an arranged marriage."
"I can hear you two, you know. I'm not that old yet to lose my hearing." Satoru chimed in, peaking through his blindfold.
"Sheeesh...I didn't expect you to fall in love like this, Sensei. You seem like a completely different person when you're in love. It's awesome!" Itadori grinned.
"In love?" the word 'LOVE' caught Satoru off guard. "Is that what you call it?" Satoru asked, his voice barely above a whisper. Uncertainty lingered in his eyes.
Nobara giggled. "Sensei, stop being silly. Of course, it's love. Your cheeks are turning red just thinking about her, and you seem to be worrying about her more than usual. That's love, Sensei."
Satoru's eyes widened further at Nobara's assessment. He looked down, fiddling with his pen again. "It's just...it's just," he stammered, at a loss for words.
"You fell for her, that's all. And there's nothing wrong with that. Embrace it, Sensei." Itadori encouraged, patting him on the back.
Satoru still hesitated, mulling over Nobara and Itadori's words. He had spent most of his life as a lone wolf, never allowing himself to be vulnerable to anyone. The idea of falling in love was foreign, and yet, as he thought about you, his heart swelled with warmth.
As Satoru sat on his comfy chair, contemplating Nobara and Itadori's assertion, he found himself drifting back to memories of you. The way your smile would lighten up his mood, the beautiful sound of your voice when you laughed, the kindness and genuine care in your gaze.
He couldn't deny it anymore. The constant longing, the butterflies in his stomach that flutters whenever he caught a glimpse of you, the protective instinct that bubbled within him—these were all signs he had brushed off as mere infatuation.
But no. It wasn't just affection, it was LOVE. The realization slammed into him like a freight train, leaving him breathless, his face burning with a blush that refused to fade.
"What do I do now?" Satoru muttered to himself, feeling confused. He looked up at Nobara and Itadori, seeking guidance. "I never expected this, you know. Our relationship was just supposed to be an arrangement. What if she doesn't feel the same way? Do you think she'll accept me? I mean, I never intended to fall in love with her."
Nobara placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. "Sensei, sometimes things just happen. Don't beat yourself up over the past. All you can do now is be honest with her and see where it leads. Love is unpredictable – just take it one step at a time. And who knows? Maybe your relationship can turn into one of the greatest love stories."
Itadori nodded in agreement. "I think you owe it to yourself to try, Sensei. After all, you don't want to live with regrets, do you? If she doesn't feel the same way, then you'll at least know you tried. But if she does..." His voice trailed off, leaving the rest to Satoru's imagination.
Satoru inhaled deeply, a mix of anxiety and determination swimming within him. "Okay, I'll give it a shot. Thanks, you two."
Itadori and Nobara exchanged a hopeful smile, their gaze lingering on their Sensei as they shared a sense of optimism for what the future held.
"Alright, enough chitchat. Back to class, everyone!" With a wave of his hand, he sent his students scurrying back into the classroom.
[4 hours later...]
Satoru stood up, stretching his arms above his head. He took off his blindfold, revealing his piercing blue eyes before putting on his sunglasses. He was about to leave JuJutsu High when he saw Itadori walking towards his direction.
"Good luck, Sensei." Itadori said, giving Satoru a thumbs-up.
Satoru chuckled, pausing for a moment before facing Itadori. "You think I should go through with it?"
"If you truly believe you've fallen in love, then yes. You only live once, Sensei. Why waste the opportunity to share your life with someone you love? And besides...When I went to your place last week, I saw the way she looks at you...Those eyes, man. They speak volumes..."
Satoru furrowed his brow, confusion evident in his expression. "What do you mean...?"
Itadori just smiled at him and replied, "Goodbye, Sensei. Now, go and win her heart!" As Itadori turned and walked away, Satoru couldn't shake the feeling that Itadori had seen something in your gaze that he had overlooked.
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End of Chapter 11 🥀...
@kalopsia-flaneur @thatmartinkitten @staruus @miizuzu @haikomaiko
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everythingroyalty · 7 months
As per usual the BRF put on a shambolic display of precedence at Constantine's Service of Thanksgiving 🤡
First let me start out by requesting an answer as to how the FUCK Sarah Ferguson and her nonceband take precedence over A REIGNING KING AND QUEEN?
As much as I enjoy seeing my girl Lady Sarah Chatto take precedence over the play pretend royals that are Pavlos and MC's children, can you even imagine how slighted the BRF – let alone their stans – would've been if the tables were turned and Princess Alexandra of Greece and Nicolas Mirzayantz took precedence over Charles and Camilla?
On to the seating:
How exactly do you have Andrew (a non(ce)-working royal 🤡) take precedence over the Duke of Kent (a working royal)? 🫠 Honest to god, looking at the BRF front row, it looks like he ACTIVELY snatched Edward's seat because it makes zero sense for him to be seated behind the Gloucesters but ahead of the Kents 🙃
This is also just to say: Make no mistake, the next time Harry attends a BRF function and is seated five rows down "because hEs nOt a wORkiNG rOyAL DUH", remember how these weirdos are clearly more willing to let a sexual predator back in the fold than a man addressing the racism his wife endures 🫶
And then we return to Sarah, live-in (non-royal) divorcee – the only one of her kind that apaz assumes the precedence of her (royal) child at an official function – let alone takes precedence over her 🤡 Are we supposed to take this as a sign she and the Duke of Nonce have remarried? Because I dare you to name another royal family where she wouldn't be placed bang last.
On the... family(?) side, we have Alexia, Theodora and Olympia taking precedence over their younger brothers (except for Pavlos taking precedence over Alexia - we can't let the plebs know what they've missed out on by honouring actual birth order) which is... fair... though not exactly reflected in the primogeniture the GRF observes but whatevz 🤪 But then... the spouses of Constantine's children (all aside from ✨ Marie thee Chantal ✨ obvs) take precedence over Odysseus and Aristides? What does that even mean? 😭
Princess Alexandra of Greece (second cousin) and Alexander of Yugoslavia (first cousin once removed) take precedence over Elena, Cristina, Gustav and Alexandra (nieces and nephew) – but somehow not over Felipe and Letizia (thereby honouring Felipe's position as reigning monarch – a position that would since be shat on by Lord 4th on I'm a Celeb 2022) who take precedence over JC and Benedikte (brother- and sister-in-law). Queen Noor (unrelated 🤪) takes precedence over both Gustav and Alexandra (nephew and niece)... but NOT over Elena and Cristina (nieces).
And don't even get me started on the precedence somehow afforded to Chantal Miller... 🤡
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soaps-mohawk · 3 months
Hello Rory! It’s ya girl battle rattle anon, I’ve been seeing a lot of folks talking about this heat and as a Texan who works on a ranch I’m used to it but to someone who isn’t I’m sure they feel like their in a cremation oven.
Now I’ve been creative with cooling off in the summer, such as riding one of my horses into the river, swimming in a stock pond but my absolute favorite is to line my truck bed with a huge tarp and fill that sucker up!
You can even have a cooler in the water like a styrofoam one or have one in the back seat if you have a siding back windshield. If you wanna be extra you can even open all the doors and blast whatever music you want! (Just make sure you don’t do it in a cow pasture……)
Anyways seeing as how our sweet omega is American (or I think she was I can’t remember if not disregard) I can only imagine she did this with the boys finding her and joining in (If she is one who has a truck or maybe one of the guys have one ((looking at you Simon!)) and maybe even have some water guns to entice them).
Btw did you know that there are 13 American bases we share with the British Royal army in the UK? The largest being RAF Lakenheath, where reader could easily have any vehicle imported with the help of her pack as military members and spouses can have vehicles moved with no cost if they are traveling on orders (if they have to they will often be reimbursed as far as I know). Just wanted to share that info lmao anyway I’ll quit ADHD blabbing, to all the anons that are suffering in the heat y’all stay cool and make sure y’all look out for heat stress in yourselves and others! 🥰😘
Hi battle rattle anon!!!!
Omg I can't even imagine how hot parts of Texas get 😭 I know it's ungodly. It usually gets hot here, but it's like maybe a couple days at most. This has been almost a week and it's not stopping anytime soon. I hate it here 🙃
Omg those all sound so nice though. I've seen people make pools out of their trucks lol. When I worked at McDonald's one of my coworkers drove a truck and idk what he sealed the back with but every time it rained, the bed of his truck would fill with water. I know because I made the mistake of riding behind him on my bike once and he stopped suddenly and cue me getting soaked by the water splashing out 😂
Yess the reader is American!! Or at least I write her that way because I am not confident in writing someone as British 😅
👀 I didn't know that but that's useful info ✍️
Anyway she'd so do that. I think I've mentioned either in the lore or maybe in the fic? (It'll get brought up later anyway), that the reader spent some time in Texas while her father was stationed there so she definitely has been in a truck bed pool before. She'd definitely do it with the guys too, if they ever spent time in the US during the summer or if it's one of those heatwaves Britian keeps getting 🤭 Johnny is definitely into it. Chilling in a truck bed pool with a beer?? Sign him up. (He definitely gets sunburned and makes the reader rub aloe all over him 😂)
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legacyshenanigans · 10 months
Before I carry on with my regularly scheduled content, I wanted to do a post about one of my old jobs haha. Years ago I used to be a cleaner in a gambling hall in the small town I grew up in, and I swear to god I didn't get paid NEARLY enough to deal with the disgusting stuff I had to deal with. 🤣 most of folk that would come to the hall regularly were honestly VERMIN lmao. Yet they'd treat US like WE were the vermin, and I absolutely HATED my time there, but at that time I had no choice. It was horrible place to work. Here is a list of some GROSS things I remember from working there 🤣🤣
1. There was a number of toilets around the place, and quite often some of the toilets would be out of order, yet some of the customers were SO FUCKIN LAZY and couldn't be bothered walking to a WORKING toilet that they would just ignore the OUT OF ORDER signs on a toilet door and use it anyway and would have a shit, which, you guessed it, I would then have to deal with 🙃
2. There was a time I got into an argument with a woman. The place was quiet one day, REALLY quiet, I had JUST cleaned one of the toilets, And some regular alcoholic woman then went into that toilet a couple of minutes after I'd cleaned it, I saw her go in there, and then saw her come out like a minute later, and she clicks her fingers at me and says "Someone has had a shit on the floor in that toilet, and then smeared it all over the wall, it's disgusting!" So I looked at this fucking woman and I said "I have JUST cleaned that toilet..And you are the only person who's been in there since I've cleaned it..If I go in there and there's shit on the floor and walls, YOU are the one who just did it" and we had a HUGE argument in the middle of the hall 🤣🤣
3. The mens toilets were disgusting, but the women's were always worse believe it or not, women would stick their used fuckin jam rags to the toilet seats, or the toilet doors, or the toilet walls, even though we had sanitary bins in there. Which I then had to PEEL off peoples used pads and dispose of, also used tampons that would get thrown onto the floor or against walls..
4. In the men's toilets, it was a very regular occurrence that someone would pour the chemical cleaning liquid out of the toilet brush holders and piss into them, then put the toilet brush back into their piss..
5. I would often find drug related things in the toilets, Spoons, lighters, needles ect.
6. Used condoms were also a very regular occurrence in the toilets. I once even found a tied condom that had a plum in it and had shit on it, so I can only assume someone had shoved a plum in a condom up their asshole then took it out at the gambling hall for some fuckin weird reason lmao.
7. Shitty and pissy underwear left on the floors of the toilets was also another extremely regular occurrence in both the men's and womans toilets.
8. A woman on a mobility scooter once tried to fuckin run me over because she screamed at me and told me one of the gambling machines owed her money and I told her I was just a cleaner and didn't have the keys for the machines and told her to go and find another memeber of staff. 🤣
9. One time I went out to the back area to go to the skip room to dispose of some bin bags, and there was a woman having a shit in the doorway of the establishment...Which I had to clean up..
10. One time someone had taken a shit SO BIG that it wouldn't flush, and guess who had to go in there with a fucking stick and break it up..
11. I had some man ask me for a lighter, and I gave him my lighter to use, and when I went to hand it to him, he grabbed my hand and bit me, istg 🤣
12. I was in the men's toilets cleaning in there one day, with a sign on the door to say it was being cleaned, but some guy came in as I was cleaning the urinals and whipped out his cock and waggled it at me while laughing. 🙃
There's so many more things. Honestly. But there just a few...Thats why I fucking hated my job lmao.
The police were ALWAYS getting called because some fucked up thing would happen there on the reg, can't lie though, working there hardened me 🤣
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fabbyf1 · 3 months
Hiiiii so I might be completely wrong with this one, but I think you’ve once mentioned that you went to the Austrian GP?
If the answer is no, pls ignore this ask, I’ll be embarrassed
If the answer is yes, would you mind giving some insights to a first time GP-visitor who is only mildly anxious about it?🥺🥺
Did you have GA? Did you camp there? If yes to either pls share some helpful insights 👉🏼👈🏼
Also what can I expect from stuff like the fan zone? What’s the food and drink situation like? Were you able to hear on track commentary? Do I have to run and hide because things are scary and everyone is going to hate me?🙃
BESTIEEEEE I would love to answer these questions for you.
YES, i went to the 2022 Austrian GP!! (shoutout to the gayest lestappen celebration ever.)
i drove to the track every day, so i did not camp. there were plenty of parking lots (big grass fields) with free parking. there were TONS of signs on the highway and on the local backroads directing you to the track. i had no problems finding it, even on the first day. i stayed at an airbnb about 45 minutes away (because it was GORGEOUS) and i never had any issues or sat in too much traffic getting there each morning.
i sat in the T3 grandstand, which was a fucking HIKE. a HIKE bestie. my calves are still burning. it's hard to tell from watching the race, but that shit is way up at the top of a hill, and the parking lots are all down at the bottom near the pit straight. there was no way around hiking that bitch every day lmfao.
there was a big screen right near me, but they don't play the sky commentary on it. every race i've been to there's been a local commentary instead. so in this case, it was german commentary. so if you don't speak german, you won't know what's happening. (pov you're me trying to translate what i could to my Texan bestie because she was LOST lmfao. don't worry guys, i got this.) the cell service wasn't great, but you'll have to keep in mind that my lil American phone was data-roaming and literally trying it's best lmfao. so it might be different if you have a European plan. not sure how that works. but if you have data, you could pull up the sky commentary to listen to and that would be helpful in knowing what's going on.
i'd say the biggest drawback to going to ANY race is that... it's really hard to know what's happening. even if you can fully understand the commentary. it's not the same as watching it on tv. it's not a bad thing! you just... might be a little lost sometime and miss a lot of the on-track action. it's fun to watch the race afterward and see everything you missed.
the food and drink situation was pretty good! there were lots of different stands selling all sorts of food. everything i ate there was really yummy. it was all pretty reasonably priced, from what i can remember. our tickets said no outside food or drink, but i brought a reusable water bottle with me every day and they never stopped me at security.
please drink LOTS of water. more than you think you need. especially if you're drinking alcohol. and wear LOTS of sunscreen. the sun was insane.
there were lots of reports of fans (specifically female fans) being harassed during my race. which is honestly... so fucking disgusting. and i'm so sorry that happened to people. but thankfully, i never ran into any problems. everyone i met there was really nice and everyone in the grandstands seemed to look after each other. and it's not just because i'm a max fan either... i have a very obvious Lewis tattoo on my forearm that lots of people commented on lmfao.
but as your Cool Aunt, i would say... regardless of your gender or your appearance: be cautious, don't get too drunk, keep your eyes open, and always have an escape route in your mind. but that's my advice for anyone leaving their house though, lmfao, not just a gp.
i think you're going to have a great time, bestie. i loved that weekend so much. idk if you're a local or have been to Austria before, but if it's your first time there, i hope you enjoy it. it's one of the prettiest places i've ever visited. i can't wait to go back one day.
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libraford · 2 years
gods as someone that was raised in several churches (mom minister so I got all the shitty behind the scenes drama starting at like 4yo and never really believed beyond general agnostic-ish feelings. which apparently is a super common trend for pastor/minister kids to nope tf out of the church asap) the 'forcing you to be The Right Christian™ Or You Don't Deserve™™ Charity' thing hits hard. especially when I psych myself out of asking for help because I'm constantly remembering how openly hostile some of those places are to even poor christian people using their services.
like one particular church (the "open and affirming" one that threw the only trans woman out of the 20 person congregation because the old white guy treasurer learned she was trans after like 8 years and suddenly didn't want to look at her, or "worse", hear her sing) had a monthly meal for the (very poor neighborhood) community. they'd make everyone pray to God for 20 minutes before letting anyone touch even a slice of bread, but lock them out of the sanctuary during church hours because they were, I wish I was joking and that this wasn't a direct quote, "dirty homeless looters". you had to pray correctly to get food but don't you dare sully the churches doorstep trying to attend worship. meanwhile the church people organizing it are going off about how dare these people be standing in line for food instead of attending church as Real Good Christians Should.
That's fucking frightening and unfortunately I have my own similar stories.
Tw for racism, homophobia, anti-Muslim, and just... really bad stereotypes.
One of the reasons I started walking away from the church (there's a couple reasons) was at our summer mission trip (yes, I know.) In previous years, we had kept local: deep cleaning the homeless shelter, renovating the local Latino advocacy building, soup kitchen stuff. But one of the (more wealthy) girls in our group wanted to try doing a mission abroad.
Best we could do is Toronto.
We signed up with a shelter there and they gave us some tasks. The shelter REALLY played up how bad it was in this part of town- the gang violence, the culture of sin, the regressive way the men treat women in their home country.
So like... I'm from America. I've been to Chicago. Not to compare but like... hmm..
So during the introduction to how terrible it is in Toronto (...?) Our ambassador takes us through parts of town to show us what it's like to be homeless there. It was a very somber thing. We were given a small amount of money and we were to pretend it was all we had. Try to survive on a few coins.
We take our tour. Remember that this is supposed to scare us.
She takes us to an area where we hear drums. We hide behind a building. "You hear those drums? This is a homeless village. Young people come here seeking community, but you will be turned away if you cannot provide a service for them. They will only use your body for so long."
So... I'd been to drum circles before. And this was very much a drum circle. Like sure these people were a little crunchy, but it was pretty clear to me that these guys were just cutting loose after the day of work.
She takes us to the red light district.
"This is the red light district," she says. "This is where all the homosexuals come. You see that there are many young people here who are attracted to the high life. But you will see: the older men will always come looking for the younger one's to manipulate and that's how many homeless people become prostitutes."
I, a half-in-half-out of the closet lesbian, for the first time in my life, saw two happy gay men arm in arm and it was moving for me. I saw people having a good time. I'd already figured out she was full of shit. Now I was mad.
So we get back to the church we're staying at and I'm already having second thoughts about this visit to Canada. She tells us that our mission this week is to tutor some Somali kids in English and math.
... I feel... oncoming dread.
They didn't give us a lesson,plan or anything. Were supposed to just help them learn where they're stuck in their lessons. And then on Friday we'll have a trip to the museum of science and industry.
I was the only one in our group that had ever encountered a Muslim to know that Friday was their holy day. And that was when I realized that it was a conversion tactic. I asked her about it like... 'is Friday really a good time to do that?' And she was like 'well, it's the last day you'll be here and we want to celebrate don't we?'
And I was livid, but I was in a different country with a bunch of people who believed this woman's lies. And I didn't say anything to my friends because I was already kind of an outcast there, no one was going to believe me.
So I held my tongue, but from then on I lost a lot of respect for Christian-run charities and even now I'll always be looking for their angle.
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I Love You, It’s Ruining My Life Songs
💜 Lavender Haze: just confirms what I thought since Joever happened and I started to look at Midnights a bit differently. I literally think she was in denial that him staring at the ceiling with her and not talking much, not reading into her feelings was NOT a good thing or the sign of a healthy relationship 🙃 also, her trying to convince herself that she doesn’t want to get married, she doesn’t need the 1950s shit of having a ring on her finger, having babies, feeling SAFE…. just screams denial and delulu lmao
❄️ Snow On The Beach: Ouch. Big ouchie. When she released this song in Fall 2022 I remember thinking… wow why is she so obsessed with the beginning of their relationship and keeps on writing about it. I feel like we now have an answer and it’s that this is what she kept holding onto when things had already hit the fan 🥲
🚫 Sweet Nothing: NO song screams more denial on Midnights than this one. Her posting the Linda and Paul McCartney thing had already told us that she wrote this because she loved the idea of this love yet it wasn’t actually what she was going through. Also, it’s so interesting that she and Joe wrote it together.. again, it’s giving massive ‘i will do anything for him to be 100% in again’ aka she tried to recreate something with him that clearly wasn’t there anymore at the time
🗑️ Glitch: Falls into the same category for me as SN. Things had gone to shit but she was so obsessed with the idea of the two. And being honest, so were we??? Sometimes I wonder if she just LOVED the narrative of Taylor and Joe, victim and savior, Burton to this Taylor….she loved what was there, she kept on holding onto this dream of him from back when she was shipwrecked. I literally think she thought she could just hold onto the memories and him and things would work themselves out again
❌ Betty: Honestly, this song coming up in that playlist makes me SICK to my tummy for obvious reasons. A massive red flag that Joe came up with the idea for the song… but lets talk about this in greater detail on April 19th (aka WELCOME HOME CHEATER)
❤️‍🩹 Lover: BIG BIG Ouchie. She thought this was forever. She thought she could just go wherever he goes but, clearly, she was in denial, overseeing so many signs telling her that it won’t always be enough. I think Lover was this idea of “but what if it does work out” even though her gut feeling was telling her that this love won’t be forever
🚩Cruel Summer/False God: Have ALWAYS been such red flags when it comes to a relationship dynamic. Cruel Summer is all about them playing games in the beginning and her suffering from it. False God is the idea that if communication doesn’t work, you can just have sexy time instead and they would get away with it?? Both signs of a very unhealthy rs dynamic and it makes me feel so validated that she sees that now
🙃 Ours/Superman: Girlie knows she’s always been a lil delulu… lol
👑 Bejeweled: SUCH a wonderful way to end this playlist. This is literally the beginning of the end of being in denial. That song was a direct warning, an awakening that she’s NOT okay in the rs and that things are NOT going to be okay anytime soon if he doesn’t put in the effort.
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carmenberzattosgf · 3 months
episode 1 has got to be my favorite of the season…like it had such a different vibe to it. the way Sugar delivered the news about Mikey’s death was really heartbreaking, the acting, coupled with the music playing during that scene, was just really moving. and the scene where we get to see Carmy’s dish being served to Syd is so bittersweet because we know this was THE dish that made her really look forward to working with him and now it’s all gone to shit 🙃
and one thing that bothered me was the fact that Uncle Jimmy KNOWS he’s going broke and yet he still pressured Syd to sign the partnership agreement, like why would he do that?
As someone who has had to experience a similar phone call, the acting was so spot on it was bone chilling. Ugh and then the dish! Invisible string 🥺
See I’m not sure Cicero knew the entire time? It sounds like the market suddenly dropped and he lost his investments which tends to be a temporary problem? Because eventually the market goes back up. I cannot remember if he still tried to pressure her to sign it after the audience found out about the whole thing.
Either way I almost feel bad for Cicero because he can’t help that the market fell through. I know it kills him to do that to Carmy because he made a whole speech about how he wishes he could have stepped up more when Carmy’s dad left.
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fratboykate · 1 year
💀💀 poor baby nat 😂😂
I'm looking at your new AU bodyguard and loving it, widowed Yelena and celeb Kate ufff the angst BRING IT and I know you can man that CFAU chapter 👀🤚🫠🙃 so much you can work with this AU specially that they get divorced like 😬😵 yeah anymore you can share I'll be here 😄❤️
Well, y'all were begging for wedding stuff the past couple of days so here...have 3k of BGAU wedding things 😈
Yelena navigates the now familiar, labyrinthine ways of the vast military cemetery. The mid-morning sun casts a gentle glow over the seemingly endless rows of pristine white tombstones that stand with unwavering decorum. A soft spring breeze makes the hair that escapes from the blonde's braid dance in the wind. In the distance, a flag flutters with dignified grace, its stars and stripes unfurling proudly against the azure canvas of the sky.
Yelena clutches a delicate bouquet of lilies and roses as she approaches the particular resting place she's come to know intimately amidst the sea of marble markers. She places the stunning bouquet atop the headstone, feeling the coolness of the marble against her fingertips.
"Hey...Sorry that it's been a second and that I can't stay for long. Things have gotten a little...crazy."
Yelena's shoulders tense up, a subtle but unmistakable sign of her nervousness. She rolls them in response, trying to loosen them up.
"Tomorrow’s the day. It's weird...yeah. It's weird. When I say 'my wife' after tomorrow, it's not going to be about you anymore."
Yelena pauses then chuckles.
"You're probably laughing at me right now. I can hear you laughing...I can still remember your laugh...She's not...She's not replacing you. But she's good for me. At least, I think she is. She drives me crazy and her entire life is a circus. Being in the circus is definitely not easy, but I still think she's good for me. Your dad says she is. He’s met her. I didn't force him or anything. He insisted...They get along really well too and it weirds me out a little every time. Maybe I should’ve told you before I introduced my new...before I introduced her to your dad. It was strange...All of this is strange."
Yelena glances at her watch, her eyes briefly fixating on the time.
"I have to go. I still need to pick up my suit. Cutting it close, I know. It was too long last week, so they had to keep working on it."
Yelena lingers, torn between the urgency to leave and a reluctance to part ways.
"I'm not replacing you."
The statement is more for her sake than anyone else's. It's a reminder as much as a declaration to the empty space around her. The words echo within Yelena's mind, a mantra she silently repeats as a desperate plea of self-assurance. She clings to the hope that if she continues to tell herself, and if she says it enough times, it will become her truth.
"I have to go."
Yelena takes a deliberate step forward and kneels in front of the headstone, her movements guided by a mixture of reverence and trepidation. Her fingers trace the intricate inscription etched into the smooth marble.
"Natasha Alianovna Belova. Daughter, wife, friend, and hero."
The words, carefully carved in elegant script, encapsulate the essence of a love that transcends the boundaries of time and mortality. Yelena's eyes fixate on the word "wife”, her hand hesitating above it, suspended in a fleeting moment of contemplation.
Feelings surge and collide within Yelena's heart, an elaborate dance of love and loss that intertwines with cherished and painful memories.
The weight of the past, the yearning for what could have been, and the dogged embrace of the future combine to create an emotional tapestry that envelops her very being. She leans her forehead against the cool marble, finding solace in the connection she can still feel with the woman that lies here. With a deep breath, Yelena rises before turning and walking away.
Tomorrow, she starts a new chapter, one that Natasha will never be a part of. Although the profound legacy of their love is intricately woven into each of Yelena’s atoms, Natasha cannot be a part of Yelena’s new life. Their story officially ends here, but Yelena’s now continues with someone else.
As she steps away, leaving a piece of her heart behind, Yelena dries her eyes with the back of her hands to stop the tears that threaten to escape from falling.
Yelena drives past the imposing security gate leading into the sprawling three-story mansion she now calls home. This multimillion-dollar masterpiece nestled in the Hollywood Hills embodies luxury, from its meticulously manicured grounds to its lavish interiors adorned with exquisite artwork and breathtaking architectural details. Every facet of this palatial residence exudes opulence, serving as a testament to Kate's unrivaled success. Basically, it’s everything Yelena is not.
The house buzzes with a frenzy of activity as Kate’s staff scrambles to orchestrate the final touches for the wedding of the year. The air is filled with the hum of spirited conversations and the rhythmic click of high heels against the polished marble floors. Amidst the commotion, Sam, Kate's trusted and efficient assistant, materializes by Yelena's side, radiating a sense of urgency and purpose.
Yelena braces herself, fully aware that her fiancée's emotions have been wildly unpredictable over the past few weeks.
"Kate's freaking out."
"What about this time?"
"The flowers. Planner sent her a picture of the venue as an update, and Kate hates the flowers."
“We have less than twenty-four hours. There are none. She wants to change them to gardenias. Where are we going to find five thousand gardenias today?"
They look at each other, both understanding the enormity of the task.
"You need me to talk her down."
"We need you to talk her down."
Yelena chuckles and shakes her head.
"Where is she?"
"Let me talk to her. I’ll check in when I have an answer for you."
Sam nods, visibly relieved.
"How many gardenias do you think we can realistically get today?"
"I've called every florist in LA County. Between them all, maybe a thousand."
"Do you have the pictures Kate saw?”
Sam rummages through her pocket, retrieving her phone and pulling up the pictures. Yelena examines them intently.
Yelena turns and walks away, ready to find a way to salvage the situation.
Yelena enters the state of the art home studio and finds Kate, her forehead pressed against the piano, repeatedly tapping a single key with her pointer finger. Yelena can't help but cackle at the sight.
Kate turns to the door and offers a depressing grimace.
"Why did you let me pick hydrangeas?”, Kate laments.
Yelena chuckles and shakes her head while approaching. She tenderly runs her hand down the brunette’s back as she takes a seat on the empty corner of the piano bench.
"The hydrangeas look fine."
Yelena reassures her, leaning in to gently kiss Kate's lips. But Kate's frown only deepens, and she gives Yelena the most pitiful puppy eyes.
"Our wedding is going to look like ass and everyone is going to be there. Oprah's coming!"
"Don't remind me, please, or I'll start insisting on eloping again." Yelena teases, trying to lighten the mood.
"It has to look perfect." Kate retorts, her voice tinged with anxiety.
"It will. It does. I saw the pictures. It looks beautiful."
"It looks awful."
"I think you're spiraling again."
"I'm not." Kate whines pathetically. "Where were you? I was texting you."
"Last minute errands." Yelena replies, hoping to deflect the question.
"Did you get your suit?"
“Uhum. All ready."
"Is it perfect?"
"I look very hot." Yelena tells her in jest with a playful smile.
"It's easy to make you look hot. I need to know if it's perfect now."
“Kate Bishop, the suit is perfect. They fixed everything and it looks great.”
"Good. I can only handle one disaster at a time."
Kate sighs and Yelena repositions herself to face Kate directly, gently cupping her face in her hands.
"Hey..." Yelena speaks softly and tenderly. "I'm no flower expert, but I think they look great."
"Sam snitched, didn't she." Kate grumbles.
"I may have seen her on my way here." Yelena admits with a rascally grin.
"She's getting fired when we come back from the honeymoon." Kate declares, but her tone makes it clear she’s (mostly) joking.
Yelena chuckles.
"You love Sam. Don't fire Sam. What if we mixed in gardenias with the hydrangeas instead of replacing them completely? Would that help?"
"I don't know...........maybe???”
"Can I tell Sam to get on that? It's getting late, and I'm sure they're going to need time to make it all happen."
"I gueeeesssssss."
Kate looks at her fiancée pathetically, with a mixture of helplessness and whining in her voice. Yelena fishes her phone out of her jacket pocket and sends a quick text to Kate's assistant.
"See? Dealt with. Problem solved. I'm sure Oprah will approve."
Kate grouses some more.
"What if everyone thinks our wedding is lame?"
"Kate, I've seen how much this wedding cost. I'm pretty sure it's impossible for anything involving that many zeroes to be ‘lame’."
"You obviously think it's lame." Kate pouts.
"Lame? Not at all. Excessive? Entirely. I would've been fine with an officiant in the backyard."
"That definitely would've been lame."
They look at each other and burst out laughing.
"Oprah would've judged us." Yelena quips with a teasing smile.
"Not at all Oprah-approved.”
"Does it make me sound like a jerk if I say I don't care what any of them think? As far as I'm concerned, tomorrow is about you, and if you're happy, then we did good."
"Just about me?" Kate questions, scanning Yelena's eyes, trying to find even an ounce of hesitation in them.
"Revisit my previous point about the trashy poolside wedding."
"I know. I know. You hate that I'm making you do this."
"Hate is a strong word. Simply not what would've been my first choice."
"You hate it."
"I don't, but I can't pretend I'm not looking forward to putting it behind us. It's been a little intense."
"I'll make it up to you during the honeymoon." Kate suggests with a mischievous glint in her eyes.
"Well, when you put it like that...it's been TORTURE, borderline traumatic. So much to make up for. So, soooo much."
Yelena jokes, playing along. Kate smiles, finally relaxing in Yelena's embrace.
"Don't take advantage now." Kate surveys Yelena's face attentively. "By this time tomorrow, you'll be my wife."
Yelena nods, a soft smile on her lips.
"Unless you get cold feet...or Oprah objects."
"I'd punch Oprah in the face if she did. I've been trained by the best now. Can land a very good punch."
Yelena chuckles.
"I'll be sure to warn her to keep her opinions to herself then because you HAVE been trained by the best and that black eye you gave me proves it."
"You said 'swing like you mean it', so I did." Kate shrugs with a smile.
"All those hours of training...so you could knock out the most beloved woman on TV. Who knew?" Yelena laughs.
"Can't say I'm not putting everything you taught me to good use." Kate replies with a smirk.
"Of course."
"Of course."
Kate leans her head against Yelena's chest while Yelena wraps her arms around her, pulling her closer.
"We can still call it off."
Yelena suggests and Kate raises an eyebrow, looking up at her curiously.
"You want to call off the wedding?"
"No. Not the whole thing. We could take the jet to Vegas or something. I'd still be your wife by this time tomorrow but with zero of the stress."
"But I want to show you off! Are you kidding me? The super hot Special Ops Marine said 'Yes' when I asked her to marry me. I want the whole world to know. I also want the world to know how sexy you look in that uniform."
"I only enlisted because I knew I'd look sexy in uniform."
"Duh," Kate responds with a playful eye-roll.
They burst into laughter.
"I’m sure I’m being insane but I just want tomorrow to be perfect," Kate confesses earnestly.
"It will," Yelena assures her.
"If it isn't, we can blame Oprah."
Kate’s lips curve upward before she pulls Yelena’s face down toward her and delivers a soft kiss.
The kiss quickly escalates. As clothes start to come off and their movements grow more urgent, Kate and Yelena’s hands and limbs inadvertently press the piano keys, producing melodies that reverberate through the room and serve as the soundtrack to their last romp before becoming wives. The rhythm of their lovemaking harmonizes with the playful notes, their bodies becoming one with the music.
Kate Bishop's wedding to her former bodyguard is a lavish extravaganza that surpasses all expectations, cementing its status as the wedding of the decade. The sprawling California estate is adorned with opulent decorations and surrounded by pristine gardens, transforming the venue into a fairytale paradise. The air crackles with electric anticipation as an extraordinary ensemble of celebrities — A-List Hollywood icons, chart-topping musicians, the occasional royalty, and other influential figures — effortlessly mingle, exuding an aura of elegance in their exquisite attire and dazzling jewelry. Aware that this is a gathering for the crème de la crème of the entertainment industry, paparazzi strategically line the venue's perimeter, stealthily capturing candid moments of the exclusive guest list. Across social media platforms, a frenzy erupts as hashtags and trending topics ignite, capturing and disseminating every glamorous detail, ultimately ensconcing the wedding as the hottest topic in town.
The ceremony takes place under a magnificent floral arch of hydrangeas and gardenias. Yelena, resplendent in her crisp Marine Dress Blues, stands at the altar, radiating confidence. Her breath catches in her throat the moment Kate makes her entrance, a vision of ethereal beauty in a custom-designed gown that seems to make the world pause. Gasps of awe ripple through the crowd as Kate glides down the aisle, her presence commanding attention and stealing hearts.
The moment they stand face to face, their eyes lock and suddenly, the stress of the last few months feels justified. The exchange of vows is a series of heartfelt promises, spoken with the utmost sincerity, accompanied by tears of elation from both the couple and their guests. As the officiant pronounces them partners for life, the new wives seal their commitment with a passionate kiss.
The outdoor reception space is a sight to behold, adorned with cascading, sumptuous floral arrangements and ornate table settings. Kate and Yelena enter the reception, each wearing a different custom-made outfit than the ones they wore at the ceremony. Kate opts for a party-friendly short, form-fitting dress, while Yelena looks dashing in her flawlessly tailored suit. The room buzzes with laughter and animated conversations that continue for hours.
A seemingly endless array of culinary delights awaits the guests, each dish a work of art meticulously crafted by world-class chefs to delight the senses. Exquisite champagne and top-shelf liquor flow freely, with heartfelt toasts raised to the newlyweds and the beginning of their remarkable life together. The dance floor transforms into a spectacle of elegance and high energy as celebrities showcase their moves to the tunes spun by a world-class DJ. Special performances by all of Kate's favorite artists add an extra touch of star-studded thrills to the celebration.
Long after the moon casts its glow upon the brides and their guests, the wedding reception draws to a close. As the echoes of laughter, music, and other people gradually fade, Kate and Yelena find themselves in a quiet corner, locked in a silent embrace, savoring the intimacy of the moment. With whispered words and lingering touches, they bid farewell to the spirited celebration that marks the beginning of their forever.
The next day, Kate and Yelena set off on their much-awaited three-week honeymoon to the idyllic paradise of the Seychelles. The secluded beaches of their villa’s private island offer a sanctuary from the world, and after months of hectic wedding prep, they finally get time to revel in each other. Surrounded by lush tropical landscapes, they find themselves immersed in a haven of serenity and romance. Here, they surrender to their deepest desires, exploring the depths of passion and intimacy. They have sex. Lots of it. But their honeymoon extends beyond the confines of their bedroom. They embark on adventures, including snorkeling coral reefs teeming with life, sailing through crystal-clear waters, and basking in the sun's warmth on secluded beaches. As the days pass, the Seychelles becomes the backdrop for their growing bond. Their love deepens with every stolen glance, every tender caress, and every heartfelt conversation shared under the open skies.
When their three weeks draw to a close, Kate and Yelena return home, eagerly anticipating the road ahead, knowing that their love will continue to blossom and thrive as they start a lifetime of shared escapades and boundless happiness.
Unfortunately, that "lifetime" they envisioned proved to be depressingly short-lived. A mere thirteen months after their wedding, Kate finds herself in her studio, sitting at the same piano where they made love the night before their wedding, except instead of basking in the warmth of Yelena's body, she now clutches a pen and her trembling hand hovers above a stack of divorce papers.
Tears cascade down Kate's cheeks. Everything here is a painful reminder of the dreams and promises that unraveled over time. Once filled with ecstasy, the room now reverberates with the distressed sounds of her anguished sobs. And amidst the suffocating weight of heartbreak, Kate is forced to confront an agonizing truth — she doesn’t even have anyone else to blame. She’s the reason why they’re here.
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morvantmortuary · 1 year
Sorry to hear you've had a rough day. Sending you good vibes and virtual hugs 🖤🖤🖤
thank you for this, darling, I super appreciate you thinking of me 🥰
some of it was honestly funny in hindsight? like, the two campus buses I have to take to get to work somehow stretched my commute into an hour each way
…I live ten minutes from my office 🙃
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then I sent this job listing I really liked to the director of our professionalization committee for this year, which I knew wasn’t my exact specialization but I have other circumstances that made me think it would work, only for the director to explain I would be a super duper long shot (if I was considered at all) bc they’re actually looking for an MFA student but they didn’t outright say it in the listing
did I mention I switched to applying for my phd five years ago even though I originally wanted an mfa, I somehow thought a phd would be more practical
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so then I went looking through all the job app websites I’m signed up for, and while I found a lot of openings for other specializations (ukrainian lit, italian lit, pre-1000 bce), I found maybe one or two for what’s considered the most general application of what I do
and they were both for military academies :’D which I really, uh, don’t want to work at
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so then I was like “okay, boot and rally, it’s gonna be fine, let’s just finally get the committee together” and sent out an email being like “hey guys we still haven’t decided on a date to meet and it’s like month 2 of the semester, how about [x day]” bc I’m feeling really unsteady about my dissertation and I’m under a lot of pressure from my dad to finish as soon as possible, so I’ve been trying to get ahold of them for weeks now it feels like
only for my new chair to immediately be like “nope sry”
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so then I got home (an hour later) (I still only live ten minutes away) and realized that I think my best friend since I was little forgot to send me a birthday present when she usually always remembers
which she’s not obligated to do obviously, we’re both adults and she’s had some stuff going on, but between that and the fact that the two friends whom I supported through their dissertation/defense periods have just, like, left - one is on the other side of the world, one might as well be - I just got feeling very lonely :’D as much as I love all my friends in my phone, it’s just kind of hard sometimes in meatspace. no one else in my family has been to graduate school before (hell, I’m the second person in my immediate family to graduate from college and the first to not fail out temporarily in the process) and sometimes I feel weird talking to my non-grad irl friends bc they treat me like I’m still in college/don’t have a real job yet (they don’t mean to, it’s just how people think of grad school in the states), so. yeah.
…and then the scary possession movie I rented to feel better turned out to be a conservative religious propaganda movie in disguise, which was just the cherry on top
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(that’s the last time I rent a movie without checking imdb first)
but then the next day was better: my committee chair swung by my desk himself (we work across the hall from one another) and hung out and talked me through some of my biggest worries for a bit (and even said he liked my chapter, which was amazing bc I was afraid it was hot garbage), and my boss was really nice and gave me some cake balls from the local bakery for a belated birthday present (I can’t eat them due to food allergies but the thought counts!!), and I actually drove myself to work instead of taking one of the buses, which shouldn’t be a big deal but is for me bc I hate driving anywhere after a bad accident I had a few years ago :’D then my committee members emailed me like “hey how about next week!!” and I was like “oh phew okay” and found out one of them hasn’t been avoiding me, he’s just on teaching leave for the semester lmao (he’d sent me comments first and I hadn’t seen him since, so I was like “omg was it that bad” even though his comments were fairly chill) so I guess my lesson for the week is that I just need to be patient and let things work out
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…then this morning I woke up with a migraine :’D but it’s not the worst one I’ve had so far, so. it evens out I guess!!
anyway, sorry to hurgle all this at you after your super nice ask, it’s just been A Lot. if you read this far, you’re a saint and I love you 😂🖤
cheers to the rest of this week looking better!! hopefully!!! knock on wood!!!
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safyresky · 9 months
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You've heard of HELLMO get ready for HELLINE! Scrimbly Jacqueline 2 of 52 >:)
for a "quick scrimbly doodle with little to no erasing" this one gave me trouble! I thought of helline as this week's last week and then on Monday when I grabbed a scrap piece of paper at work, I tried to doodle it and my GOD. The posing was HARD. FOR A SCRIMBLY DOODLE. at least i tried to keep the silly lil hands, huehuehue.
So enjoy some process pics below, lol.
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this first one I was like. okay so. I drew a head like I was doing a regular drawing and went WAIT DANI. THAT'S NOT SCRIMBLY ENOUGH. and also immediately went ou. the posing. let me pull up hellmo and figure this shit out and that's the main doodle. I turned the page 🙃🙃🙃
then i was like 'okok i think i get it let me get a better hellmo on screen' which lead to the second one below:
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which turned out BETTER but didn't look gremlin-y enough. I was like. the expression needs to be BIGGER. And the arms aren't in the right spot for me lil eyes.
I put it aside and then my husband texted me about me roasting him at lunch to my friends (he chews ice cream, he deserved the roast about that) and sent a hellmo gif and I went OKAY LET'S TRY AGAIN and voila!
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there's the original pre-cam scan clean up, lol. forgor to sign it, but it's cool I fixed it after! I found these really nice thin tip marker pens so I traced the scrimbly doodle in that bc last week's Jacqueline came out so PALE.
these doodles bring me joy. my fridge is full of shitty winter child. it's beautiful.
and in case anyone has no idea what HELLMO is (which, where have you been if ur on this site and don't know hellmo), have a hellmo:
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leqclerc · 1 year
sorry for my previous message assuming you knew it already
here is it, max&co mocking xavi accent and all
maybe it's me but i find this really disrespectful, one it's a random employer of another team not your mate nor your competitor, two mocking accents is so mean...
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Omg I leave for two seconds and they start coming after my boy Xavi 😭😭😭 Thank you to everyone who brought me up to speed (both in my inbox and in DMs). 🙏🏻
100% agree, basically every team/race engineer has their own version of "we are looking/checking" or "I'll get back to you," Red Bull included. So this idea that it's only Xavi who says that or that somehow when he says it it's mockable bc haha funny accent/intonation or haha perceived incompetence... again, it's just low hanging fruit and I place a lot of blame for that on the cherry picking regarding what radios make it onto the main feed, aka what sticks in people's brains (not everyone's got Charles's onboard on where there's a bit more context behind those messages, for example) and what ultimately shapes narratives like Xavi somehow being responsible for tyre selection and strategy, Charles not communicating properly with his side of the garage over radio/not being assertive enough, and of course strategy genius Carlos. 🙃
Also agree that it's kind of questionable given they're not friends and don't even work together. Charles or anyone else imitating an employee from some other team without a degree of familiarity would similarly not be a great look. I remember when people on Twitch spammed him with messages and links begging him to watch and react to meme compilations on a livestream, and how he could laugh at himself (even though half the jokes went over his head) but was uncomfortable and eventually skipped the bits poking fun at Seb, for example. I know they probably didn't see any harm in it (I think Max also refers to the inchident joke a fair bit too, which tbh imo is beating a dead horse by now, with fans making signs and t-shirts and wanting Charles to sign it and stuff, but whatever, at least that included him directly) but the Xavi situation is already pretty...delicate, I would say, with the amount of targeted hate and, shockingly, even death threats he gets as a non-public figure. Like, his job puts him in the spotlight, but he doesn't have public social media and he doesn't engage with people online, hell, he barely ever gives interviews or speaks outside of radio communication with Charles. Yet he keeps being brought up and the stuff that's being said about him is seriously out of line a lot of the time.
Like yeah, maybe it was silly and not really coming from a bad place, just kind of mindlessly parroting (stale) memes, it's not the end of the world, whatever. But still (see above.)
Also lmao at the third anon, so true 😤 Of course I want to see Charles in a competitive car and for the team to get it together and to see them racing at the front and winning - not for Max's sake, lest he get bored, but for Charles's own. I get it, they had some cool moments racing against each other, and I was gearing myself up for and excited about what was shaping up to be a fight for the championship between them last year. But yeah, acting like Charles is an enrichment toy of sorts is just not it for me 😭
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sergeantnarwhalwrites · 8 months
Happy WBW! In honor of the pain bestowed upon me by the Blood Goddess 🙃, what is your world like in relation to sicknesses, injuries, and other afflictions? Feel free to discuss the medical system or how jobs/institutions respond, or even how individual characters feel!
Happy WBW! Oof I hope you feel better! I'll have my character's tell you all about it.
Robots & Gardens
Donnie: Mute and one of the few cyborgs roaming around meaning they have a substantial amount of high tech/robotic prosthetics.
"There are a lot of ways to work with my ability to vocalize. I'm appreciative. I'd never let them even attempt to 'fix' my muteness. But it gets costly fast. All of my stuff does. I have resorted mostly to sound cues and typing. It's way more than I'm willing to pay for my machinery to read my sign language. And it kinda sucks too, it's so damn slow. With the constant maintenance I need on my prosthetics I've found myself... In a lot of trouble." Donnie gestures to himself, "I'm actually pretty well off. But even I have to push off a couple of maintenances. Either out of exhaustion or unwillingness to give away half of my check to make sure my brain hasn't been chewed on my metal. They do an amazing job at making me feel like a machine." He crossed his arms, "I hate it."
Digits: Also has prosthetics. Incorrectly fitted ones that have caused further damage.
"I got into a work accident. And these pieces of shit is all my job could cover. Couple days later they dropped the model for being faulty. Unreliable. Clunky." Digits grimaced flexing her fingers in thought, "They make my arms go limp. My shoulders will like seize up. Sometimes it's a couple minutes. One time it lasted for a couple days. I usually can't feel anything in my arms when it happens. But pain will linger when it's done. But I also don't have the privilege to just get these swapped out." She paused again and cussed, "My arms would probably have to go. I can't trust just anybody with that. Without Donnie and Hollis and a couple of my construction buddies. I'd be fucked."
Peace: Honestly the way she can move her joints. I wouldn't be surprised if bro is damn their hypermobile. I just haven't fully looked into what that all entails
"I dislocate my arms all the time. Elbows, shoulders, wrists. I haven't thought to have it looked into. Why get looked down on when I can just ignore it? It usually helps me out anyway."
Hollis: Has bad eyes. Needs prescription glasses/lenses. Especially when working on more elaborate things like Digit's hands. In a way she's a medic since she's kinda known around for helping people out with their prosthetics.
"It sucks seeing people walk in with damaged prosthetics. Especially ones I remember drafting, occasionally pushing them to the trash. But it's all they got so I do my best with what they have. Sometimes I can't do much. I've got an older pair of teched glasses and some lenses. The lenses burn. And they make my eyes look blue. It's weird but I haven't had the time to try to hunt for a new pair," Hollis sighed exasperated, "More and more people have been finding me lately. Maybe that's a good thing. But sometimes it's straight up horrific. Seeing people crawl in with mangled prosthetics from working their day jobs."
Fucked at Five
Julie: Is missing an eye. She has a prosthetic for general appearances but doesn't always wear it. Her remaining eye is not perfect either. She's got pretty bad vision.
Julie pulls her eyelid down, swiftly removing her prosthetic, "I refuse to lose my only prosthetic. So I don't wear it often. The medical care that's available out here is actually pretty good. It's just a bit of a strain on the stuff we do have. It seems like we're always running low on something. But maybe that's just my timing. One of the first people I met here made my prosthetic. So a lot of the medical people are pretty specialized, it's almost scary. The bonus is no one breathing down your neck if you don't have anything to give."
Saz: Had to do general health checks while still in the human cities. Because of her involvement in sports and the typical morpher check ups.
"You know it's really hard to bite back that you're a morpher. But I've gotten really used to lying about it. Or just not getting help from others when I am injured or sick. It's just safer that way. You want help in a human city. Don't be a morpher or have good connections," Saz stated shrugging a little.
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racerchix21 · 2 years
Maybe Second Chances
(a random drabble that might get turned into a fic)
Tags: @sunnyfleur23
Warnings: None
Word Count: 833
A/N: Super random and probably doesn’t make sense but the muses were singing the song of their people so 🙃
A/N 2: There’s a sequel now! Definite Second Chances
Work Text:
Going out to dinner with my best friend seemed like a good idea until Finn spotted Seth attempting to hide behind a potted plant and the whole damn thing blew up in my face. See Finn and I are brother and sister but ever since I decided to follow him into the pro wrestling world, we’ve kept it a secret so no one could scream that I was only getting the opportunities I was because of who my brother was.
Once I saw him too it was only a matter of time before one of us did something stupid and well stupid is my middle name. We aren’t gonna talk about the fact I can see a mop of dirty blonde hair or that I can see a tribal tattoo that can only belong to one person. I’ve been half in love with Seth Rollins since our Ring of Honor days and the longer I’m around him the more i seem to fall in love with him. Which is all well and good if it wasn’t for the fact that Seth treats me like a little sister and sure we did have one drunken night together right after he signed with FCW but I don’t think he remembers and I have no plans on telling him. I do know that the things I still wanna do to him are definitely not sisterly in the slightest. I’m only 7 months younger than him but the way he acts it might as well be 70 years.
Finn tries to draw my attention back to conversation we were having before the merry band of idiots gave themselves away peeking through the potted plants, “Sis, this is ridiculous will you just tell him how you feel,” my brother asks raising his voice enough that I can see Seth duck down with a sheepish look on his face and hear Roman and Dean giving him shit for getting caught spying.
“Finn, you know for a fact that Seth is never gonna see that way so I’ve given up besides I heard that McIntyre was single again and you know how much I love a tall, dark and terrifying man,” I tell my brother at the same voice level as I hear Roman and Dean laughing about Seth storming towards our table even as they follow him.
He looks angry but then again when doesn’t Rollins look pissed at the world? The answer is never and I really shouldn’t be laughing since I know it’s only liable to piss him off more. But I live to rile Sethie up and he knows it and still falls for it every single time.
Pulling up a chair at the table we’re sitting at Seth leans into my space and demands to know, “What the hell do you think you’re doing out to dinner with him,” gesturing to my brother and the smirk currently adorning his face. “Of all the people you could go out with you pick Bàlor to date?!”
Glancing at Finn I mouth, I’m sorry before looking back at Seth, “first of all dipshit, ewww he’s brother. Second of all it’s not exactly like there’s a line of guys just dying to date me, especially in our business when they see the women I’m friends with. I don’t have Becky’s pretty accent, or Nat’s boobs*, or Alexa’s personality. I’m just a plain flat chested girl that can’t even get her best friend to tell her she’s pretty let alone get a guy to pay attention to her. The one guy I do have a crush on doesn’t return my feelings so…” I trail off as I watch a million different emotions flit across Seth’s face.
“Well you aren’t plain or flat chested. I’m personally glad you don’t have any of those things to be honest. You have the perfect accent that drives me absolutely crazy and don’t get me started on the fact that everything you do in the ring and in the gym makes me crazy. I love your sarcastic smart ass personality even when you’re using it to make fun of me. Yeah Nat’s boobs are nice but they’re not all that great given that I’ve already met someone who’s got the perfect ones. Do I need to go on, baby girl?”
“Baby girl, huh? Well Rollins as charming as that little speech was you can stop trying to suck up now. I already know how you feel abou-.”
“About you? Yeah princess I don’t think you do. You think I don’t remember that night back in 2010 when I somehow managed to kind of tell you how I felt? Because I wasn’t that drunk that night and it was the best night of my life. I just can’t seem to figure out why when I woke up you were gone with no note, no text, nothing and then you show up in WWE a few years later and act like you didn’t break my heart.”
*I love Natalya and I have absolutely nothing against her or her boobs.*
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