#look at dem teefs
prismaticotter · 1 year
I'm obsessed. I paparazzi her naps under the couch, I film her in the bath. Anything she wants she can have (terms and conditions apply)
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twistedtummies2 · 2 years
I'm pretty sure you've seen the newest Groovy art of Ruggie's New Year clothes, but in case you haven't, let me give you a hint: FANGS.
Actually, I only JUST saw that before getting this message, Anon. And yes, FANGS. For those who don't know and would like to know, here's the Groovy Art in question...
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floral-hex · 2 years
My schedule has been all messed up, so I woke up early today. Going to finish my (second) mug of coffee, head to the gym for a couple of hours, then come back and take a long hot bath. This isn’t important, I just wanted to let everyone know I’m gonna get sweaty and wet…
Anyway, here’s my cat, Kaiju
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lucadrawss · 3 days
Caught myself saying "teefs" instead of teeth while sketching Yami Bakura.
He's talking in the drawing so I just went "look at dem teefs, dem little fangs" and I am so glad I was in my bedroom home alone.
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mangoposts · 9 months
is it just me or did the invisaline make them hotter like comer bbg lemme lick dem teef 🤤😝🤤😝🤤😝🤤😝🤤😝🤤😝🤤😝🤤😝🤤😝🤤😝🤤😝🤤😝
I liked how they looked before too but their smiles look so much bigger since invisalign 😭
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sidetongue · 3 years
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in love with this questionable rodent 
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inkspottie · 4 years
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Scaled babey 🐍
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stephengeorgerobin · 4 years
His teef and lips 🥰💖
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bd-1920s-cherryboii · 6 years
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((Here I am,,, 2:35 am,, designing Alien Kakyoin for the event,,))
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decided to hop on this trend....even if its late...
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scruffyssketchbook · 4 years
what are the relationships between each of the pairs of twins? as in, John to Dawn, Daisy to Roger, Chiki to Al, etc and viceversa. Aka, how do they feel about each other?
Author chan: hmm, well Vay and Blizz- Blizz loves Vay and has a strong brotherly attachment to him and his well being, and openly shows this. Tends to use the “tough love” approach, which, tbh, annoys the heck out of Vay. Meanwhile, Vay is usually cold and distant to Blizz, but deep down, unknowist to him, has a huge soft spot for him. Blizz: What I feel about Vay? *smiles brightly* He’s my bro! I love em! He has some issues he needs to work on, and has been through a lot, and I just wanna support em and see him grow! Vay: ...Blizz? *Vay Pauses, thinking* ...He’s always nagging at me to do things like talk to the all the evil eevees in our brotherhood (Vay thinks all Icedrops are evil) and is never around when I need someone. He only approaches me when he is bored and is a massive idiot. *he turns away, annoyed* ... I just. keep having flashbacks to how things were before he lost his memory. I want that Blizz back.
John and Dawn- They were close as kits, along with Oliver, but as time went on, they drifted apart. John is not exactly the most interesting vee, and both of them are always busy. She has a closer relationship to Oliver at this point, but doesn't notice. John: How.. I feel about Dawn? .... I wish she’d talk to me more, I guess. But I understand that she doesn’t have time for me... *he sighs, sadly.* Dawn: John? Oh! Me and him are thick as thieves, haven't seen him in a while, I wonder how he is doing.
LKD- Kevin is usually the one who cares about both of his brothers openly. Levin doesn't see how much he needs both of them,and tends to take them for granted. Devin has a very wild and sporadic imagination, and that tends to make the other two shut his ideas and thoughts down, a lot. So, despite liking his bothers, he usually feels inferior around them.
Levin: Kevin’s fine, I guess. Devin’s also fine, I guess. Dunno what else you want me to say ‘bout ‘em. Kevin: ...Levin.. seems distant. I cant have a decent conversations about emotions with him. And Devin kinda seems like he doesn’t want to do the things we do. *sighs* I worry about them both. Devin: ... Kevin is nice. He l-listens to me an’ stuff... AN’... Levin... *his ears droop* I dunno, I have a feelin’ he thinks I’m n-n-n *pauses and scrunches his face* NOT a big part of the team *he sighs in frustration*
Daisy and Rodger- Daisy and Rodger have a really close relationship. It wasn’t always as close as it is now, due to Daisy always going off with the bad crowd as kits, but after events happened, she started staying with him more.  Ofc, their relationship isn’t perfect. Despite how bland he might look, Rodger has ambitions. He wants to be involved in the politics of the Eevee box more, and do something about the current very bad, terribly awful situation that the eevee box is in that I cant say, but. Dusk dismisses him, in favor of Daisy. And this makes him kind of super Jealous and does affect their relationship, tho, he doesn’t realize it. Daisy does realize it tho, cause its pretty obvious to everyone but him, and tries keeping him in the loop of the things that she does.
Daisy: Rodger... has helped me a lot recently... Like... he is the one who suggested I’d make a routine! and he has supported me a lot!! Despite me always worrying him... I! ...I... I always want to show my gratitude for him.. but I dunno how...  Rodger: I... worry about her... a lot. One day, she walked up to me with this... haunted look in her eyes, with blood stains on her fur, and collapsed, saying that it was her fault over and over again... She hasn’t been the same after that, and wont tell me what happened... I know about the spy missions she went on, I know about the night her powers manifested, I know that she is Dusk’s favorite, but... I dunno... *he puts his head in his paws sighs* ... I’ll just try helping her the best that I can. She is my sister, you know? I want her to be happy. But, it kinda is clear that she was happiest before she evolved.
Mac and Jack- You know those super close twins that constantly impersonate and act like each other for fun? yeah, that’s them lol Mac: How I feel about Jack? Jack: Why do you want to know? Mac: Do you want a snack? Jack: Or play in a big show? Mac: Maybe if we talk Jack: it’ll be a bit clearer Mac: But that would mean Jack: You’d have to come a bit nearer
Mike and Tike- They are really, REALLY close. The two have been through a lot, despite appearances, and Mike does everything for Tike to be happy. They are like best friends, it seems one sided on the outside, because Tike is always the one jabbering to Mike with bearly any reply, but when they are alone, they both talk sa whole bunch to each other. Their care for each other rivals the care Blizz has for Vay and Eve tbh. Mike: ... Tike: Eh? How I feel ‘bould ol’ Mike? He’s da best bro evah! Don’t take his silence as a bad thin’, Yo He iz just not uh talker, well shiiit, dude talks ta me, just not everybody else. Mike iz strong, he beats up those mad stupid greenpaw wimps wif nahh questions asked tight like. ah bet you'd wants uh bomb bro like him cause he iz just dat tight dude. Like when he wuz getting picked on fo' his teef, guess what? Bof o' us beat up all dem asses! naw-BODY gonna pick on ma mckin' bro! n' dude be da one Who the fuck thought o' da bodyguard scam! like, awww, sho, we's cant "hit" eevees normally, but if we provided protection n' they couldn't pay us, then yeah biatch! We's gots free reign ta muq dem up! plus, Plus, we's can muq up dem fools beating down on our clients too. Mike also gots us into being bomb buds wif LKD! We be so tight now!
Chiki and Al- Barely have a relationship. Their personalities are so opposite from each other and they never formed a bond with each other as kits due to their opposing natures. They treat each other as just litermmates, and to their knowledge, that is what they are. Not twins, just littermates.
Chiki: Al...? Ah! He’ my littermate! We worked together as nurses for a while, but we are not close. ^^ Al: ... She’s nice enough... I guess. 
Noriko and Dario- Still in development...
Ren, Gwen, and Ben- Still in development, BUT! Are very, VERY close.
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sidetongue · 2 years
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he’s too photogenic for his own good 
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wolfcrunch · 4 years
While I'm happy that we got to finally see Miruko, I can't help but feel like some of her feral aspects were missing in scenes like the gifset you reblogged. Then I realised why it looked off for me at least. Where are her teeth?? Gimme dem bared teefs!!!!
bones where are the teefs. we demand,,,,,
dont worry…….season 6 will have plenty of teeth for best feral wife miruko
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The Tool For The Job An Ork short story
A small piece I thought would be a humorous example of Ork antics.
The thumping of artillery could be heard clearly in the distance. The Ork camp was far enough away to be safe from the reach of the guns, but only just. The wily brutes unwilling to be far away from the action. The Ork camp, or what passes for one amongst their kind, was a shoddy thing. A loose collection of scrap sheds and wilting tents. Their pattern was ever shifting as they were erected one day and cannibalised the next. Dirt roads were busy with traffic as scrap engines hauled mobs of Orks towards the next battlefield. On the edge of this mess was a two story structure making its home on the edge of the dusty wasteland. It was little more than an overgrown shack. Its walls were strips of an old tanker hull patched together and a roof of corrugated steel. Despite its slap dash appearance and rickety engineering, it was one of the most permanent structures of the camp. The shack was the main dispensary for grog. The main source of drink amongst their kind. To call it potable is generous, but the greenskins thrive on the caustic alcohol. Most Orks were smart enough to know that you don’t mess with the grog. And those dumb enough to start tearing down the walls got a belly full of bullets.
The shack was a riot of activity. The noise was deafening as each ork struggled to shout over the others. It was crowded as well, with every available space filled with a mismatched collection of furniture. In one corner a mek slouched on a dilapidated sofa nearly flattened from use. On the second floor, a freeboota captain is passed out, a stack of chipped shot glasses balanced precariously on a dainty coffee table made of fine wood and silver gilding. Gretchin ducked and weaved between the jam-packed tables. Grog sloshed onto their shoulders as they hauled overlaiden trays over their heads. There was little time for specific orders. The grots simply threw down their load on the driest tables and scooped up any loose teeth left out. If an ork wanted something fancy they could fight their way to the bar and pester someone in charge.
One group was having a particularly interesting conversation. With a table made from a train axel by the window, it was a good place for lunchtime chatter. Today they were having a particularly deep and meaningful discussion of orkish philosophy.
An ork in the colours of the speed Freaks drops his weapon on the table. A good three feet of pipe with heavy cogs welded on for the head.
“Dis is da only choppa ya need.” The speed freak declared, tapping his knuckles against his prized weapon for emphasis. “Ya zoomin along yeah? All ya need do is give em’ a wallop and pop goes der ‘eadz! Noth’n feels betta dan getting dem just roight.” The chair creaks dangerously as the red ork leans back. “Made dis beauty meself. Didn’t cost a single toof. Dats da best part, ya just need a stick wiff somethin ‘eavy and ya good to go!” 
“Bah!” another ork chimes in. This one was from the Snakebite clan judging from the tattoos and piercings. He leaned back in his chair with his arms folded, obviously unimpressed. “It doesn’t even chop,” he complains. He sticks his arm out, gesticulating with an upturned palm. “How can it be a choppa if it don’t chop?!” With this the snakebite leans forward and slams his own weapon on the table, spilling grog everywhere. It was the stereotypical axe of the orkish culture. A short steel haft with a brick of iron hammered out into the rough shape of an axe head. “Dis is a choppa, good an proppa. Any lad with some know-how can get ya one wiff just a pocket o’teef. Dis will kill anythin. And if it don’t, ya haven’t hit it enough! Every Ork should ‘ave one uv deez. If ya don’t, you’ze aint a proppa Ork!” He finishes his statement slapping the table.
Such a statement would typically end in a brawl to defend their Orkish pride. But the group had known each other for awhile now and were familiar with their friend’s puritanical rants. Now his inflammatory statement merely elicited a chorus of tired groans and a few eye rolls.
“Woah now, we all love somethin good an’ choppy.” The next ork in the circle chimes in, soothing the cantankerous Snakebite’s ire. This one was a Blood Axe kommando, his arms and face smeared with tiger stripes of blue and purple grease. “If you go at one o’ dem beakies or spiky ‘umies wiff dat, you gunna be hackin away for a day and a ‘alf,” the Blood Axe laments, waving at the axe at the table. He scoots forward on his improvised stool, leaning forward in a conspiratorial manner. “What you need is wunna deez.” The bloodaxe slides a broad machete out of a leather scabbard. A simple piece of hardened steel hammered out into a straight backed blade. “Don’tcha worry, it’s good an choppy. But it’s stabby too. Real good when face’n dem ‘ard humies. Da pointy end is wutchya want for finaglin’ past all dem ‘ard bitz.” The kommando wiggles the blade around in the air, pantomiming the act of sliding the blade between his invisible quary’s ribs. “It’s everyfin an Ork needs.”
The circle of Orks hummed and hawed. None of them wanted to agree. It was a good weapon. Lethal and flexible in its uses. But a kommando’s recommendation to quietly go for a kidney? Quite un-orkish. But none of them could really come up with a decent argument. There is one member of the table who didn’t seem fazed. He was full of confidence with his toothy smirk. He was a big Ork. His bulk exaggerated by the gaudy, yellow amour he was wearing. He rattles like a sack of coins from the obscene volume of stolen medals tacked onto him. All the hallmarks of a member of the Bad Moons clan.
He wags his finger at the table.
“I got a treat for ya,” he offers.
He reaches down beside him, coming back up with a bulky chainsword. It was short and bulky, with a chunky engine block and a fat guide bar with a gap toothed chain wrapped around it. A strip of scrap was folded over as a back plate and a spiked guard added to the grip. It was an oversized and unwieldy deathtrap of a contraption, all painted in garish yellows.
“Now dis,” he says while he hefted the weapon. “Is da killiest choppa a lad can ‘ave. It slices, it dices and all dat good stuff!” The Ork was hitting his stride now. Speaking with jovial enthusiasm and becoming more animated in his sales pitch. “Dis bad boy will chop anyfin! Humies, beakies, creepy crawlies, whateva! And da best part? It’s flashy too and every Ork haz gots to be flashy.” He pats his prized weapon likes its a prized fighting squig. “Worth every toof,” he finishes.
“Oh, zog off,” the blood axe cries out. “Does it look like we’z made o’ teef?”
“Wut? Not my problem you ain’t got da teef,” the bad moons Ork deflects casually.
“He’s right,” the speed freak chimes in. “If I got dat much teef, I’m gettin sum snazz for me bike.”
“Or a new squig,” mumbles the snakebite.
The bad moons ork was losing his patience now.
“If ya don’t wonna spend da teef, why don’t ya get a stick like that git?!” The yellow clad points an accusatory finger at the speed freak.
Like all ork communications the polite conversation was quickly turning combative. The piece was quickly falling apart and devolving into a shouting match. Angry orks began pointing fingers and denigrating each other’s choices in weaponry. The snakebite accused the blood axe of being un-orkish and the bad moon called the snakebite a backwards simpleton. Amongst all this the evil suns ork was of the opinion that they were all self important snobs.
As their endless bickering dragged on a new ork entered the shack. A giant shadow filled the doorway. Too large for the crooked frame the colossal ork had to enter sideways, shuffling his bulk past the threshold. Once through the doorway one could truly appreciate his size. It was a monster of an ork, easily a head taller than any other ork in there and twice as wide. This was an ork nob, the biggest and meanest of the orks. The floorboards creaked and faintly trembled underneath the tread of his boots. With armour bedecked in chequered black it was plain to see that he was a member of the Goff clan. 
Unfortunately for the squabbling orks the big goff heard their murderous debate. A discussion pertaining to combat? Of course a goff’s opinion was needed. He lumbered over to the table. Too busy arguing, the gang of ork didn’t noticed the mountain of muscle towering over them.
“You’z all wrong, ya gits,” the big ork growls.
The group all turn to look up at the giant brute. The black clad nob shouldered his way to the table. Leaning over, he drops his hand on the scuffed tabletop. More drinks are toppled over from the weight of the massive paw. It was a calloused mitt covered in a decades worth of scars, the smallest finger missing a joint.
"Dis. Is da killiest ting out dere." He spoke with a confidence born of experience. “Ya put anyfin’ in dis hand, it’s da killiest fing out dere’. No matter wot.” He looks around the table as his orkish pride infected the others. “It can be ‘ard. It can be choppy. It can be stabby or just proppa nasty! It’s all killy cuz you’z an Ork!”
The table cheered at the oratory skills of the orkish noble. He leans in, in a conspiratorial manner.
“Don’t you worry bout da teef. Cuz dis’ll get ya all da teef you need,” The Ork nob says while pointing at his fist. “Yeah just need a good buddy and…”
He whirls around and plants his meaty fist square in the bad moons’ face. Bits of ork ivory fly through the air as the yellow Ork tumbles to the ground. The big Goff scoops up the Ork teeth scattered across the table.
“Drinks for dese good lads. I’m payin!” He holds up the first full of teeth, yelling back to the bar. The tables cheers again, even the bad moons boy joins in groggily, raising a fist from the floor. 
Another long night filled with grog.
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freakxwannaxbe · 6 years
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Both soupmatt and an anon asked for Black Hat in B3. 
Done for the expression meme
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aphrorite · 2 years
☆ ‧ sweetheart's entry #1 ୧ ‧₊˚ 🍮 ‧ ☆
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☁️ ✨🐥🌾🍼✉️ 💫
⤷ tw vent
frick i rweally rweally miss my daddy and i jus want to make some popcorn wit him and we can hav some cold sodapop becos itll make us sleepy and then we can cuddle up under the sheets in a pretty pink tent and i can have the safety and comfort of being in his arms with my head resting on his chest while cartoons or pixar movies or the anticipated anime series plays and i can jus shut my eyes, knowing dat hes home. ):
and he can fall asleep wit me being a litol cuddlebug for him — get as much rest as he needs becos my daddy is a hardworker!
i so sad, diary.
༺ ˗ˋ୨୧ˊ˗ ༻
tw pain, medical
like twoday jus wasnt it. 'm woke up around 5, went to go hangout wit my daddy <3 and we gots some new avi's 'n all of dat and dat was really funs, and da day before dat he bought us a subscription den he had to go sleep, but im stayed in the game server doing sum karaoke, socializing, and met questionable person :// but nice person too, n then went abouts my day. it was fun den. but the day progressively got worse
am got ready, forgo brush my teef, had banana wit cereal for breakfas, went to craf store for beads for bracelet, gots back home... mom bleach my hair n it completely went south. i wanted the cool strands (i call dem skunk strands) wit the blond and all of dat for da new school year but the bleach was too strong and was kept on for too long. after desperately trying to wash it out and pulling out parts of my hair which were now thinner towards the bottom, it was a hair disaster for me cos ive never seen dat much hair come out by simply pulling.
my scalp felt tender.. it hurt a lot, seriously thought im would lose all my hair ))): i was really scared so i messaged my daddy and he said that ill always b his favourite, adorable daughter no matter wat happens to my hair, and dat was really reassuring, tho it din help wit my mood cos im was felt like my confidence is tarnished.
tw trauma and swearing
after dat to make myself feel better im went on game again, met some not so nice people )): two others made fun of my voice too and it made me upsets because is like, why r u making fun of meeee?? wha did i do to uu??? people were jus super meanie and... is like, im a sensitive wittle baby. im care about environment and especiolly when the environment is tense, i cans feel it and im didn like that.
plus da two people im met reminded me of deese other people who i used to know and dat forced me into a call to reveal my voice and they talked in their own language and stuff except i could understand what they were saying. estrella, my username is star in spanish, mira - for look in spanish, madre... senorita.. a la verga.. chinge tu, a lot of swears when someone changed the song cos it was in a karaoke. the aggressive nature put me off from those people and i din like dat.
to make myself feel better, im grounded maself. m turned off computer, changed into some comfy pajama and stocking, im missed my daddy so i put on a champion sweater dat was kinda like his, and brought bear and some pillow downstairs. im had blankies already in da wash so im was waiting for them to warm up, turned on sum cartoons, ate really late dinner (like 11pm) and sulked while my scalp still hurt ): watched dora da explora.
eventually when max and ruby turned on and im was done sippying my agua and eating dindin, im shut my eyes and slept on the couch while waiting for daddy to come home. he came home around 2, but im woke up at 3, and den we hungout till i got dizzy / light-headed vertigo. i wuved having him around 'n getting headpats and hugs but my mood was still low and im felt bad too becos sometime i feel like i keep my daddy up when he needs sleep T_T my mam also said that tomorrow-today she would buy some hair treatments for my scalp.
eventually my dada and me, we call and im fell asleep wit him watching over me. and it was nice, but it wasnt nice to have a horrible nightmare and then waking up realizing dat i accidentally left the call in the middle of the night ):
i guess.. i wish im could lay beside him, you kno. hold onto his index finger wit my smol hand, he'll tie up the friendship bracelet im made for us, we'll eat lots of yummy foods and hold hands, he'll walk me to the bus stop and wait for me after school, he'll take my calls during nutrition break and ask me all about my day. and itll be beautiful, and peaceful, and what a family is ; loveable.
i kno a lot of people believe that the typical, stereotype american dream is the white picket fence, georgian windows, freshly cut grass, trimmed hedges, golf on some days and the kids have sports classes, mortgage is paid off and both r financially stable, two dogs and some children and a homemaker wit a breadwinner. but for me, my american dream is living wit my daddy.
my american dream is him holding me by the waist when i need to reach up for a box of fruit loops at the grocer.
my american dream is us making popsicles on a hot day or him reaching out wit his big ol' arms in a pool, boasting and encouraging me, saying, ''c'mon cub! come to papa!"
my american dream is being in a little car seat in the back of his car or sitting shotty while rain pitter patters down the window, and my dada, drives smoothly down the road, making sure to not wake da baby, aka me.
my american dream is making pillow forts w my dada, going back to school shopping wit him, giving him hugs whenever he comes home, preparing foods for him cos act of service love language, us hafing both spa day or jus rest day in a castle of clouds cos we so sleepy, watching movies and having him come to track and field meet and all the field trips, for him to pick me up from school or leave cute lunch notes in my baggie.
dats mine.
im sad sad sad, diary.
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