#look at my handsome puppy🥺
blue-jisungs · 9 months
Hey! Loved the BTS arguing abt paying could u do it for skz??
arguing about paying ♡
author's note. thank uuu!! i hope u’ll like this one ^_^
psssst anon is talking about this thing here
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┆彡 CHAN [ 찬 ]
yeah actually you won’t be able to pay for anything
like, ever
he’s just ??? using the leader card + it’s just how he is + the gentleman in him would rather die than let you pay
so even when you whine that you hate it and you can handle paying on your own
he’s cooing and shaking his head while the payment is already processed
and if you pout about it later, he’ll make sure to kiss the pout away ^_^
┆彡 MINHO [ 민호 ]
would rather bite his hand off than let you pay on a date
or bite you when you were about to pay…? totally did not happen at least twice…?
he’d get actually offended if you even offered to pay for the meal you two had
so he pays with a :] look on his face while you’re grumpy abt it
“what kind of boyfriend would i be then, hm?” asks and promises that in return, you can choose what you’re gonna have for dessert
whatever logic that is
┆彡 CHANGBIN [ 창빈 ]
you know that half amused half shocked half offended face he makes??
help idk how to explain it 😭
yeah that’s exactly the face he makes when you pay for your cosmetics
he’s like???
“you just offended my ego”
help ??
he’s SO dramatic about like ,, acts as if you shot him
he’ll have his hand on the small of your back, carrying your bags and he just pays for you with a goofy grin
“let me spoil my baby, hm?” is all he says with a handsome smile and you cave in bc he just has that effect on you…
┆彡 HYUNJIN [ 현진 ]
drama llama.
gasps like he’s running out of air as you put the card to the scanner
you and the cashier are both like 🤨
when you leave the store he’s whining and clinging onto you as if you’re dying
for your own sake pls let him pay next time,, always
will actually threaten you to hold his breath next time 🧍‍♀️
bc he just wants to spoil you >:)
┆彡 JISUNG [ 지성 ]
ji would let you pay for your makeup shopping
but then he’d feel bad :(
so next time when you’re about to pay for some clothes, he’s softly grabbing your hand and offers to pay
he literally looks like this > 🥺 so you have to agree
and that’s his trick: puppy eyes. no one can resist them :”)
┆彡 FELIX [ 필릭스 ]
“there’s naur way i’m letting you pay for all of that” is what he says when you two ordered like a half of the menu
so your response is to split the bill
he starts LAUGHING SO LOUD and refuses 😑
so he pays but “promises” you that you’ll be the one paying next time
and NEXT TIME looks literally the same
“nooo i ate most of it, i’ll pay” mhm.
he’ll come up with every excuse in the book so you don’t pay <\3
┆彡 SEUNGMIN [ 승민 ]
he’s making a poker face as soon as you even start asking if you should pay
and even when he’ll say no and you’ll STILL try
the waiter in the cafe said that your order was already payed.
and same thing happens literally everytime
seungmo somehow manages to pay in advance so um… good luck
┆彡 JEONGIN [ 정인 ]
will cry scream throw up if you say that you want to pay
eyes wide, mouth agape
“if you pay…… i’m breaking up with you!!!” he whines and adds something about his chivalry being dishonoured
um so yeah another whiny dramatic baby
and if you cave in and let him pay, he’s the happiest ever
acting as if he just saved your life and not paid for the bagel you got
masterlist <3
taglist.  @geniejunn ,, @luvhyun3 ,, @starlostseungmin ,, @elviransworld ,, @jnks6r ,, @sieunsgf ,, @ethereallino ,, @laylasbunbunny ,, @duolingofanaccount ,, @slytherinshua ,, @stxrseungs ,, @ka-ni-ma ,, @iliveforlixie ,, @ameliesaysshoo ,, @dazzlingligth ,, @mark-geolli ,, @l3visbby ,, @w3bqrl ,, @ddeonudepressions ,, @yourfavoritefreakyhan ,, @mirxzii ,, @kazmura ,, @primoppang ,, @vnsux
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vampcubus · 1 year
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐒 : kyojuro, tanjiro, and zenitsu.
:ఌ¨ ♱ 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐍𝐓 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 : reader is implied to be fem, the term "wife" is used!
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— As much as pet names make his heart soar, he melts when you call him by his first name. The tender way your lips form around each syllable as if his name was something so dear to you. It makes his stomach flip every time you utter it. Kyojuro. Kyojuro. Kyojuro~ nothing sets his heart ablaze quite like your adoring voice echoing his name back to him.
— He’s Rengoku to most that know him, big brother to Senjuro, but to you he’s just Kyojuro. Your Kyojuro.
— However, there are some pet names that get those butterflies going: my love, honey, baby—something about being called baby makes him soften visibly. He gets that wet smile on his face and big eyes that say, Yes that’s me.
— He really really likes it when you call him “husband” there’s something so domestic and coy about it that makes his heart flutter. 
“Husbanddd, I require your assistance!” You often shout to him from the other room when you need help with something, and whether it’s simply a dish from a high shelf or a piece of furniture that needs to be moved, he pops his head into the room with an enthusiastic “Yes, wife!?”
(He especially likes it if you aren’t married yet, so when you teasingly call him “husband” it sounds like a promise.)
— Kyojuro has a multitude of pet names for you! He thinks your name is beautiful but he only calls you it when he’s feeling serious. Prepare to adopt second names by the day. 
— Names such as: my love, my flame, my heart’s fire, darling flame, my heart.
— And if he’s feeling particularly syrupy? He'll sing out names like sunflower and sunshine. cus you’re the ever-glimmering light of his life 🥺
— Everything that comes out of this man’s mouth sounds like a declaration of love.
— Another one he’s fond of is little flame.
“I’m not so little!“ you’d proclaim, making a face as he pats your head affectionately.
“Compared to me you are!” he’d laugh with his whole chest, teeth showing as he tosses his head back in glee.
— And even if you’re taller than him (which I’m sure he’d find incredibly enchanting, being able to rest his head on your shoulder and standing on his tippy toes to kiss you) you’re still his cute little flame.
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— He’s pure as they come when it comes to romance; shy but loyal to a fault! Tanjiro is a little clueless on how to go about the whole relationship business being so sheltered, all of his knowledge of courting rituals and such he observed from his parents (and they weren’t around very long to teach him 💀)
— Tanjiro honestly loves to call you by your name. He thinks it’s pretty and suits you perfectly. It took a great deal of conditioning to convince him it was alright to call you by your first name. To call you by your first name feels like an honor, so naturally, he’d want to utter it as often as you’d allow. 
— You can’t help but love the way he almost whispers it like a precious secret between you. His gentle voice always takes on an adoring quality when he says your name, every syllable honeyed and reverent.
— Tanjiro’s pet names are sickeningly sweet things like: sweetheart, flower, beautiful, and petal.
Nothing better than waking up to his kind gaze already trained on you, a muttered “good morning, beautiful.” against your temple as you’re still stirring from sleep. He gets that lovesick puppy look on his face when you reply with, “good morning to you too, handsome.”
— Tanjiro would let you call him anything you wanted, no matter how silly. You can’t go wrong with a cute shortening of his name like Tanji or a simple “my love” if you’re feeling sappy—and with such a loving partner as Tanjiro, wouldn’t you? He loves you so passionately it’s hard not to let the syrupy pet names fall like rain when he looks at you like that.
— His favorite though? Honey. Something about it just makes his brain turn to mush, he’d do anything for you when you call him that.
“Tanjiro honey, the bathroom door’s stuck shut again!” You’d holler, bouncing a fussing child with one hand and trying to pry the stubborn door open with the other. 
He’s at your side in seconds, wrenching the door open with considerable force. You sigh in relief, smiling when you feel his lips against your cheek, and watch as he shushes your child by simply stroking a thumb over their forehead.
“Thank you, honey,” you sighed, planting your own kiss to your husband’s cheek. He only beams, holding the door open for you and scooping your child into his own arms to let you have some much-needed alone time. 
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— I think it’s pretty obvious that Zenitsu is an avid pet name enjoyer, both giving and receiving! 
— He struggles not to shorten your name or replace it entirely with sugary pet names before you’re even official. And once you are irrevocably his? Prepare to forget your real name because you’ll never hear it from him again. Y/n? Who’s that?
— Your new names include: dearest, my love, sweetie, angel, peach blossom, sugar, honey—the list goes on and on! 
— His pet names only get sillier and sappier, but you’ll never have a dull moment with him that’s for sure. Zenitsu also uses the silly ones to make you laugh and can you blame him? It's his favorite sound <3
— Zenitsu doesn’t expect you to pick up his habit and start calling him your own sweet names.
— The first time you called him sweetheart his head whipped around so fast, eyes sparkling as he looked left and right, pointing to himself to ensure you were speaking to him. And when you nod he nearly bursts into joyous tears, fists clinging onto your kimono. It’s the first time he’d been given a sweet name, he can’t help blubbering his approval into your clothes.
— Zenitsu turns to mush before your eyes for any pet names, but his personal favorites to be called are: sweetheart (he melts every time), my love, my heart, and baby—that name in particular makes him get all misty-eyed and following after you like a puppy (another name I HIGHLY recommend calling him)
— Definitely soft for being called “husband.” it reminds him that he’s found someone that isn’t going to give up on him. No matter how many times he cries or falters; you’ll always be right there by his side. And then of course being married is his ultimate fantasy, so he can’t help but puff up with pride when you refer to him as your husband.
— Call him “pretty boy” and he’ll actually die. local man found dead in the marketplace after being called pretty by his own wife.
— it gets to a point where he grimaces when you use his actual name like who tf is Zenitsu? He’s sweetheart? He’s baby? 🤨
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javierpena-inatacvest · 2 months
Chapter 20 pt. 2- I Do
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Summary: It's wedding time, baby.
Word Count: 17.4K (.....I'm so sorry)
Warnings: SMUT (18+) unprotected p in v sex, vaginal fingering, praise kink, marriage kink, big, fat, nasty, unspeakable breeding kink (holy SHIT you guys, I really went balls to the wall on this one, I fear), kind of semi-public sex (you already know these horndogs are going at it again), More getting caught (Steve is causing his own problems at this point), wedding things!!, family dynamics, mentions of death/grief, lots of emotions, alcohol/drinking, so many feelings (grab the tissues, friends), Javi being adorable with kids, Javi being so in LOVE it HURTS?!? So much joy and happiness because Javi deserves the world and more
A/N: HELLO. Part 2 is finally finished *insert Spongebob narrator voice* 4 years later 🫠 Omg y'all, thank you SO much for bearing with me as I finish this, it has been a labor of love like no other, but I am so excited to finally share our favorite couple's special day and finally GET THESE TWO MARRIED 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 I would very much be lying if I said I didn't cry multiple times writing this chapter 🥺 I can't believe these two are actually getting married- words can't express how thankful I am for everyone who's wanted to stick around and read my silly little story to see these two make it to their wedding day- your support and kind words mean more to me than you will ever know 💛 Poorly beta'd bc I'm the worst, also, I've seen that sometimes people have issues reblogging things with comments that are this long (my apologies), but comments and reblogs make me wanna cry and throw up with joy, so it means a lot to me if you're able to leave a comment if it won't let you reblog with one!!!
Series Masterlist Next Chapter Previous Chapter
Never had you been so anxious to walk in a straight line. 
Because truth be told, that was all you needed to do to walk down the aisle- walk in a straight line. 
But when that straight line meant the walk to finally get to marry your future husband, to take his last name, to start the beginning of your forever together, not to mention kissing him in front of all your closest family and friends, you couldn’t help but feel the butterflies in your stomach swirling in anticipation as you waited for your ceremony to start. 
“You okay, Hermosa?” Javi asked, his thumb gently stroking your hand that he had been holding since the moment he saw you, almost as if he was refusing to let go. You looked up at him, big brown puppy dog eyes staring down at you with a goofy grin that hadn’t left his face, the sight of his handsome, broad frame easing your racing heart enough to help you remember that when you walked down that aisle in a few short minutes, he was the only thing that mattered. 
“I’m perfect.” You smiled, pressing up on your toes just enough to peck his lips quickly before someone in the wedding party needed to barrate you both again about saving your kissing until after you were finally married. “I don’t think I’ve ever had this many people staring all at me at once. Knowing my luck, I’m gonna trip and fall over this dress before I can even make it to you. Or better yet, with my dumbass decision to have David and Charlie walk me down the aisle, I’ll be lucky if they don’t push me to the ground first.” 
“Well, even if you did fall, you would still be the most beautiful woman on the face of this Earth. My clumsy, grass-stained wife.” Javi snickered, giving you a little nudge as you rolled your eyes, giving him a playful shove back. 
“Pendejo. You have both of our vows books, right? You promise you haven’t peeked?” 
“Yup, both right here in my pocket.” Javi smiled, patting his tux by his chest. “Promise I haven’t read it. Although for my sake I probably should have, because if I can’t even make it through seeing you in your dress, then these vows are gonna make me a fuckin’ goner.” 
“Bold of you to assume I had nice things to say about you in there.” You teased, raising your eyebrow as you smirked at him, making Javi shake his head as he laughed. 
“Alright everyone, it’s 3:00, it’s time to get this show on the road! Make sure you’re in order like we practiced, that you take your time walking down to the music, girls, please do not throw petals at each other, and make sure you all- Javi, where are you? You’re supposed to be at the front of this line, sir.” Connie sassed, proving to you that she really was the perfect person for the task of making sure that things ran smoothly today, bossing the group around like the captain of a well organized ship. 
“Sorry, I’m coming,” Javi replied sheepishly. “I love you, Osita.” Sliding the hand that was entangled with yours around your waist, Javi pulled you in for a kiss, much more obviously than he probably should have, considering the shit the two of you were about to get being literal minutes away from getting married. 
“Javier! Get you A-S-S up here! Kiss her all you want once you say I do!” Connie shouted, rolling her eyes at the two of you, Javi pulling away in defense with his hands raised, trying to prove his innocence. 
“Oh, I know what that one spells, Mrs. Murphy! That one spells-” 
“Javi? Please?” Connie asked again, quickly trying her best to cut off your niece, Olivia, before she could finish the rest of her thought in front of everyone else, making the group giggle at her matter of factness. 
“Okay, okay, I’m here!” Javi pleaded, making his way to the front of the procession, taking his place next to his dad as Connie did one more check through of everyone’s spot in line before giving the music an all clear to start playing. 
As you stood at the end of the line, you peeked up to see Javi turned around staring back at you with that same stupid smile on his face, completely enamored and awestruck by you, already convincing you that you were going to turn into a puddle before you could even make it down the aisle. 
But as you went to re-adjust your bouquet in your grasp, you quickly realized there were not one, but two things missing from your procession line, now about to start walking down the aisle. 
Your brothers. 
Despite having seen them only seconds ago, as you quickly whipped your head around, they were now nowhere to be found. 
“Charlie? David? Where the fuck did you go?” You whisper shouted, frantically looking around for any sight of them.
Suddenly, you heard a rustling from one of the bushes around the corner from where you had been lined up and waiting, followed by the all too familiar voices of your brothers up to no good. 
“Just finish it you dingus, I already drank the first half!” 
“Why the fuck did we leave this out here? It’s fucking warm. You got the better half, that’s not fair!” 
“It was warm when I drank it too, dumbwad. Just finish it, we gotta fucking go, hurry up!” 
As you peered behind the bush, you saw your brothers wiping their mouth with the back of their hands as the tossed a can of Miller Lite to the ground, freezing in fear as they saw your menacing and disappointed glare staring back at them. 
“What the fuck do you two think you’re doing?!” 
“It was David’s idea!” Charlie responded, pointing at his brother. 
“Charlie didn’t say no!” David responded back, now pointing at him. “You didn’t expect us to get through this sober, did you? You’re the one who asked us to marry you, so I don’t know what to tell ya, Cubby. Plus, we wanted to pour one out for Patrick since he’s the luckiest bastard out of all of us and doesn’t have to worry about fucking up marrying his little sister.” 
“God, you two are idiots. Well that thing you agreed to do is happening as we speak so can we go do that, please?” You sighed, trying your best not to laugh at your brother’s antics, knowing that you really should have expected nothing less from the pair after you and Javi had asked them to officiate your wedding, considering neither of you had wanted anything religious, and wanted someone who knew you to be the ones to do it. 
“Okay, okay!” They replied, one rushing to each side of you and hooking their arm around yours as you made your way back to your spot at the end of the processional line that had now begun to move forward. 
“Where were you 3 dumbbells? The ceremony is starting!” Your dad gruffed, trying his best to restrain from slapping each of you upside the head. 
“Cubby wanted a beer.” David replied, shrugging his shoulders, keeping his head facing forward, trying his best not to laugh. 
“Honey, seriously?!” Your mom scolded, looking at you with disgust. 
“I did not! I was trying to find these two idiots!” You groaned, eying your brothers as they shook you back and forth between them in their grasp. “I hate you both, I hope you know that.” 
“We love you too, Cubby.” Charlie smirked, knowing that for as much as you said it, there wasn’t a bone in your body that could hate your brothers. For as dumb and annoying as they were, there would never be another moment you would take for granted with them, knowing all too well that life was much too short to do anything but cherish your time together, wishing you had more time to spend with the brother who couldn’t be here with you today. 
Before you could respond, your thought was interrupted by the voice of the DJ through the speakers set up outside, your heart steadily beginning to pound at the reality that everything you had been waiting for was all about to become real. 
“Alright, ladies and gentlemen if you could please find your seats, we’re about to get started with our ceremony! Thank you so much, folks!” As his voice echoed through the speakers, a hush began to fall over the crowd of your friends and family that had gathered here, now anxiously alongside you for the ceremony to begin. 
A few seconds passed before you could hear the music beginning to play, the familiar melody of “Everywhere” by Fleetwood Mac ringing through the speakers- an easily unanimous pick for a song to walk down the aisle to for you and Javi, remembering the first night you had spent together in your apartment, making midnight mac n’ cheese and already falling head over heels in love with each other. 
As the beat began to pick up, your heart started to race, peaking over the backs of everyone’s heads to watch all 5 of your flower girls begin to skip down the aisle, throwing petals every which way around them as they moved.
You couldn’t help but laugh as all their little personalities shone through as they made their way to the altar- Olivia Murphy, being the oldest, most definitely was taking her role the most seriously, holding her baby sister in one hand and carefully sprinkling flowers evenly in front of her. Your niece, Olivia, was second in line to live up to her role, although, being the little ham she was, threw in the occasional twirl in the middle of the aisle to get people to look at her, along with her little waves to the crowd. The rest of the girls, Brianna, Abby and Madison, well, you were just happy that they made it down the aisle, thankful that their older sisters were at least on the lookout enough to keep them from running through the rows of your guests or dumping the entire bucket of flowers on themselves (you had learned your lesson from your rehearsal dinner that Brianna needed about half as less flowers as the others).
Your face lit up watching the girls, your heart filling with joy with the “awhs” and laughter from the crowd at their theatrics as they met at the altar with an impressively semi-rehearsed curtsy, followed by promptly running out of the spotlight and over to Connie who was waiting for them. 
Now that the flower girls had finished making their way down, the processional line began to shift forward once again, this time, leaving Javi and his dad to walk down together, Javi insisting that even though his mom would have been the one to walk him down if she was here, that wanted Chucho to be there in her place instead. 
“Ready, Mijo?” Chucho grinned, giving Javi a little nudge. “Am I going to have to keep you from sprinting down the aisle, or do you think you can manage walking?” 
As the pair began walking down to the melodic beat of the song, Javi couldn’t help but laugh at his dad’s comment, because as much as he wanted to tease him right back, he knew damn well he was so excited that he would have run to the altar if it meant he got to marry you even a minute quicker. 
“Javier?” Chucho asked, looking up at his son with tears in his eyes as the pair moved down the parted pathway between the crowd of guests. 
“Yeah, Pops?” 
“Estoy orgulloso de ti, mijo. Tu mama y yo. (I am so proud of you, son. Me and your mother.) We are so happy that you have found your media naranja (other half). Nosotros te amamos. (We love you so much.)” 
As Javi and Chucho reached the end of the aisle, Javi wrapped his arms around his dad, pulling him close as Chucho patted him on the back, pulling away to look at his son, tears now in both of their eyes, thinking about how far they had come to end up where they were in this very moment, thanking whatever greater power that had finally brought them and Lucia the peace they all desperately deserved. 
Javier Pena knew he was worthy of the love and happiness that his parents had longed for. He had finally proved to himself and his parents he really was the good man that he had hoped to be. 
“I love you, Pops. Thank you for everything.” Javi whispered to his dad, trying to fight back any more tears from falling down his cheeks. 
“Te amo mucho, Javier. (I love you so much, Javier). Thank you for finally realizing that who you are is enough. Now, stop crying over your old man and save some tears for your wife.” Chucho laughed quietly, giving his son another pat on the back with a soft smile wrinkling his cheeks. 
“Yeah, I don’t think you’re gonna have to worry about that.” Javi chuckled, shaking his head at the tearful mess he already was, giving his father one last hug before Chucho took his seat next to Connie and the flower girls at the front of the crowd. 
Steve was the next to make his way to the altar, Javi laughing at his friend’s goofy strut to greet him at the end of the aisle. Steve held out his hand to shake Javi’s before quickly pulling Javi in for another hug with pats to the back much harder than his fathers. 
“Listen, man. I ain’t good at this sentimental shit, but uh- I’m really fuckin’ happy for you, Javi. I know I give you shit, but you’re one of the good ones. She’s a lucky girl. And I hope you know you’re sure as hell one lucky son of a bitch. Love you, man.” 
“Love you too, Murph. Believe me, I know.” Javi grinned, giving Steve a slap on his shoulder laughing to himself as his friend sat down next to his wife and the girls, never imagining himself standing at the altar, happily waiting to get married while his former partner cheered him on, surrounded by his gaggle of giggly daughters. 
Feeling worlds away from Javi, your heart began to beat faster and faster, realizing that you were now only one pair away from making your trek down the aisle as your mom and dad walked down next, arm in arm. 
In classic mom fashion, your mother squeezed Javi so hard as she greeted him, that you were convinced that she was going to pop an eyeball out one of his sockets, thankful that your dad was there to reel her in enough to keep from suffocating him in her hug. 
“Javi. We love you so much. Thank you for making our daughter so happy. We’re so grateful she found you.” 
“Thank you. I love you both, too. Believe me, I’m just as grateful that she found me. Thanks for making me feel like a part of your family.” Javi replied to your mom, catching his breath through his smile after the death grip your mom had wrapped him in before looking over at your dad, extending his hand to meet his already outstretched one. 
“Jav, you’re a good man. I’m a guy of few words, but we couldn’t be happier for you both. Take care of her, okay?” 
“I will. I promise.” 
With a silent handshake and a nod, Javi and your dad had said all they’d needed to know that they couldn’t be more thankful for the love and support the other had brought you in the times that you had needed it most. 
As your parents made their way to their seats, standing at the opposite end of the aisle with your brothers at your side, the realization really hit you- You were the last one that needed to meet Javi. 
“You ready, Cubby?” Charlie asked, giving you a grin as he smiled down at you, interlocking your arm with his as David did the same on the other side. 
“Yeah, I’m ready. Hey, uh- I just, I just wanted to say, I-I love you guys.” 
“Gross.” David teased, scrunching his face in disgust, pretending to barf over his shoulder as you and Charlie laughed, shaking your head at your brother. “We love you too, dude.” 
With one final giggle and deep breath, you took your first step into view where everyone could see you, watching the guests rise to their feet in anticipation of your arrival, awestruck stares and smiles filling the crowd as you began to walk. 
Even though you had seen each other minutes ago, as you started to make your way down the aisle, smiling at Javi, the two of you couldn’t help but break into tears once again, laughing through your sobs that Javi broke before you did, trying to wipe his wet cheeks with the back of his hand while he watched you walk towards him. 
And even though every pair of eyes were on you, the only eyes you needed to see were Javi’s- The sweet, soft brown eyes that you had fallen so deeply in love with from the moment you had locked eyes with them all that time ago. They were the eyes of the first person who had ever truly seen you for who you were, inside and out, and you couldn’t be more thankful that when you looked at him, you saw your forever. When you looked at Javier Pena, you knew you were home. 
It almost felt as if time was standing still, that even in a crowd full of people, no one else existed besides the two of you. No one else mattered, and nothing else mattered- the only thing that mattered for you was Javi waiting for you at the end of the aisle, and you? You were going to finally be his wife. 
“You two are so in love, it’s fucking sick.” David whispered in your ear, helping to ease your tears as you burst into more laughter, rolling your eyes at your brother. 
“Oh shut up, asshole.” 
As you, David and Charlie finally made your way to Javi, waiting for you in a mess of happy smiles and loving tears, you had to use everything in you to keep from jumping onto him like a koala and kiss him all over his stupidly handsome face, resorting to reaching out to grab his hand instead, interlocking it with yours and giving it the tightest squeeze you could. 
“Hey, Mr. Peña. Long time, no see.” You whispered into Javi’s ear, giving him a quick peck on the cheek before took his other hand in yours, the two of you facing each other in front of your friends and family as David and Charlie took their place behind you, pulling out their notes that they had prepared, clearing their throats as they began to address the crowd. 
“Alright everyone, I uh- I guess we’re gettin’ this show on the road.” Speaking out into the crowd, Charlie began to flip to the right page of his script that you were relieved to see he had written out, your guests beginning to silence and bringing their attention to you and Javi. 
“Hi everyone, for those of you who don’t know us, we are the bride’s brothers, and we have the honor of our sister and our new brother-in-law being stupid enough to let us be in charge of marrying them today. Not to worry, 20 dollars and one course on the internet later, David and I are both legally ordained, so not to fear you two, this will all be legit, and hopefully not too embarrassing.” Charlie laughed, also eliciting giggles and eye rolls from you and Javi, as well as the crowd. 
“Well, we are gathered here today, because these two idiots have fallen so head over heels for each other, it's almost sickening. We’ve had the privilege of knowing our sister for the entirety of our lives. When we found out as kids that our mom was having another baby, and that it was going to be a girl, my brothers and I were disappointed, to say the least. We didn’t want a sister to ruin the bond that we had, and honestly, for a long time while my mom was pregnant, we went through a long baby boycott, and were convinced if we protested long enough, and hard enough, she would eventually turn into a boy, and everything would be fine.” David grimaced, shrugging his shoulders at you as you nodded in agreement, having heard this story from your brothers and parents plenty of times before. 
“And while at first, we weren’t really sure what to do with a sister, considering we didn’t even realize it was an option to pee sitting down until she came around,” Charlie snickered, making the crowd laugh again, aside from your mom, who was rolling her eyes so hard, they probably had made it to the back of her head, “Our sister ended up being one of the best things that could have ever happened to us.” 
Breaking your eye contact with Javi, you paused to look over at your brother, a genuine smile on his face, raising his eyebrows and shrugging as if to say I’m just as surprised that I’m saying this out loud as you. 
“Growing up with our sister has taught us a lot of things- Don’t challenge her to anything you don’t wanna lose at, because she’ll find a way to beat you, and thoroughly kick your ass while she does it, she’s got more brain cells that myself, Charlie, and our late brother Patrick did put together, she’s tougher than most guys I know, and she’s one of the biggest hearted people I’ve ever met.” Looking back at Javi, you could see his face beaming with joy, giving your hand a squeeze, agreeing with everything your brothers had to say, and how all of those traits had made him fall so madly in love with you. 
“So, like brothers do, we never assumed that there would never be anyone good enough, let alone even cool enough for our badass sister. And also like brothers do, we let her go through her fair share of duds and gave her shit, but when this guy came around,” Charlie smiled, pointing at Javi, “we knew that he was something special.” 
“Javi,” David joined in pointing, giving him a playful smirk, “Don’t think you were getting out of this so easy. When we first heard that our sister had made her way down to the middle of nowhere Texas and had started seeing you, our first reaction was instant disapproval, because if you lived in south Texas, you probably knew jackshit about hockey, and that was a no go for us.” 
“But,” Charlie interjected, “After talking to our sister more on the phone, not only was she starting to turn into the happy, energetic self we hadn’t seen in so long, we also learned after talking to her that you not only had been willing to watch hockey with her, but had began to openly express your disdain for the Detroit Red Wings, which made us change our opinions on you very quickly.” 
You and Javi looked at your brothers, rolling your eyes in laughter as they shrugged at you, the roar of cackles from the crowd making you grin, feeling the love from your brothers, friends and family swell in your chest, holding Javi’s hands even tighter, gazing up at him with an awestruck smile. 
“No in all seriousness, Jav. We couldn’t be happier that you not only have become a part of our sister’s life, but our family’s life, too. For those of you who don’t know, we um- we, uh-,” David gulped, taking a deep breath, trying to hold back the tears welling in his eyes, “our other brother, Patrick, um, passed away last year, and it uh, it was really hard on all of us, especially our sister. Javi, man, I don’t think you’ll ever understand how thankful we are that you love our sister so unconditionally. Better yet, that you love our family of idiots so unconditionally, because truth be told, we are not an easy bunch to love. While obviously, you can’t ever replace Patrick, I just, I hope you know that we’re so glad to have you as a brother, and that Patrick really would have loved you, man. He would be so happy that you’re the one our sister gets to spend the rest of her life with.” 
For what felt like the 117th time today, you found yourself in absolute tears, feeling the wetness streaming down your cheeks as you looked down at the #2 patch sewn on the bottom corner of your veil in a beautiful mixture of sadness and joy before looking up to see not a dry eye in front of you, both your brothers and Javi misty eyed and sniffling. Breaking his grasp from yours, Javi stepped towards your brothers, wrapping his arms around both of them to pull them into a long, tight hug, Charlie and David reciprocating as their arms patted his back. 
“Thank you guys.” Javi whispered, choking back his tears as he pulled away to look at your brothers, all of you wiping your wet faces with your hands to try and compose yourselves to carry on with the ceremony. 
“Damn, okay, well, sorry about that, folks, was not expecting that.” Charlie and David laughed, trying to shake off their unusually sappy sentiment, looking out at the crowd to see not a dry eye in the house. “Well um, well that’s enough of us yapping at you guys, why don’t we turn it over to the people you’re actually here for, and then you can cry even more because these two idiots decided to write their own vows, so good luck.” 
Staring up at Javi, you could feel your heart begin to race wildly, your hands nearly trembling as you reached out towards Javi to take the little notebook where you had written down your vows, feeling a little more at ease as you saw that Javi’s hands were just as shaky as yours, the two of you overflowing with anxious anticipation. 
It had been no question to either of you that you had wanted to write your own vows to one another. While it seemed to be that everyone else you knew had seemed to avoid writing their own vows because they weren’t sure what to say, or that it was too hard to think of things, you and Javi seemed to find yourselves having the opposite problem, feeling like there was too much to fit in a few short minutes, and that your vows were going to end up being the length of a college lecture. 
There had been a part of you that had worried you would be nervous to read what you had to say to Javi in front of all your friends and family, but as you stood there, smiling up at his beautiful, handsome face, you couldn’t be more excited to share all of the things you had written to tell your husband just how much you loved him.  
But as the two of you stood face to face, your vows in each of your hands, your stomach dropped in shock, realizing that neither of you was making the first move to start talking. Because for all the planning and preparing that you had done for everything else, the both of you had completely forgotten to pick who was going to read their vows first. 
“We never picked who was gonna go first.” You whispered to Javi, your voice filling with nerves every second you stood in front of your guests, neither one of you saying anything. 
“Oh fuck, you’re right. What do you wanna do? Do you wanna go? Do you want me to go?” Javi asked, his face mirroring yours in surprise, now frantically looking back and forth between you, his vows, and all of your guests. 
You weren’t sure if it was the teacher in you, or the fact that you were so flustered that you couldn’t think of anything else, but before you knew it, you were tucking your vows under your arm, holding one hand out in front of you flat and the other in a fist, signifying to Javi that your best solution to your current predicament was playing rock, paper, scissors. 
“Best 2 out of 3?” You shrugged, grimacing at Javi as you tried not to burst into laughter, Javi shaking his head and snickering, raising an eyebrow at you. 
“You’re ridiculous, I hope you know that. Do you wanna go after ‘rock’ or say ‘shoot’, then go?” Javi asked, loud enough for your guests to catch on to what was happening, giggles and laughter coming from the crowd. 
“What kind of psychopath doesn’t say ‘shoot’ first? Javier Peña, are you telling me that we need to call off this wedding right now because you don’t say ‘shoot’ before playing rock, paper, scissors? Because I will.” 
Everyone around you was now in full blown hysterics, including Javi, giving you the sassiest look he could muster through his laughter, holding his hands out to mirror yours. 
“So ‘for better or for worse’ doesn’t apply to rock, paper, scissors, apparently?” He teased, smirking at you with a subtle wink as he bit down on his lip. 
“Not if you’re gonna play like that it won’t.”  
“You love me.” 
“I really fucking do.” 
Giggling as you gestured at your outstretched fist, you began to countdown from your “rock, paper, scissors, adding an extra emphasis on ‘shoot’ as you held out rock and Javi held out scissors. With another laugh, the two of you started again, this time, you with paper and Javi with rock, smirking as you crossed your arms over your chest at Javi, the rest of your guests laughing right along with you. 
“Winner, winner, chicken dinner, Javier Peña. You’re stuck going second.” 
“Go for it, you dork.” 
As the laughter from the crowd settled, you opened your vows book, taking a deep breath as you stared up at Javi, who, despite your silliness, still had tears beginning to well in his puppy dog brown eyes before you could even say your first word. You took one last gulp of confidence, wondering how in the world you were supposed to make it through even a sentence through your speech without falling apart. 
“I never used to believe in fate. People would always tell me that ‘some things are just meant to be!’ or ‘it was just fate it happened like that!’ and no matter how hard I tried to believe, fate just never made sense to me. Well, that was until about a year ago, when fate decided to bump right into me when I least expected it.” You could feel your voice already beginning to shake, huffing in a quick sniffle before continuing on. 
“As fate may have it, I quite literally bumped into you when you were forced to come give a presentation to a group of rowdy 8 and 9 year olds. Thank god fate also was on my side that day- that I actually looked halfway presentable and wasn’t covered in spilled chocolate milk, glue, or the snot of whatever kid had sneezed a little too close to me that morning.” That one had the better part of the crowd letting out a laugh alongside Javi, easing your stress and tension about your speech while you carried on, reading the notes jotted in your booklet. 
“When I first came to Laredo, I wasn’t really quite sure what I was looking for. After my brother died and decided I needed to be as far away from Chicago as possible, there wasn’t ever really a doubt in my mind that here was the only place I really wanted to be. I spent the better half of my middle school and high school vacations here, visiting my best friend who had moved away. To me, Laredo was always a place that brought me such peace and comfort. I’m not really sure why, but there was always something about being here for those few weeks every year that made it feel like home, even when home was halfway across the country. But what I didn’t realize, was that in my attempt to find a new home for myself, I began to learn that home wasn’t a physical location, or a place you could travel to. After meeting you, Javier Peña, I found out that home was wherever I was with you.” 
Taking a shaky breath, you looked up from your vows to see sweet Javi, covering his mouth, as if he was trying to trap his tears to keep from completely breaking down at your words, his reaction only making you cry harder, trying your best to re-compose yourself before speaking again. 
“I spent so long wondering if I would ever find someone who would ever make me feel the way that you do- to love me for all of my flaws, to make me feel important, and even laugh at all of my stupid jokes that probably don’t deserve to be laughed at, but you love me enough to do it anyways. Now that’s true love.” You smirked, raising your eyebrow at Javi, making the two of you snicker between your tears. “You make me feel like the only person in the world whenever I’m with you. The only person who knows me better than I know myself. You are truly one of the most thoughtful and caring people that I have ever met. And while I could list off a million adjectives to describe all of the reasons I fell in love with you- smart, brave, determined, handsome- just to name a few, out of all of those reasons, the one that made me fall for you the most was your big heart. And while I know you’ll never believe me, I will spend the rest of my life trying to get you to see the same amazing man I fall more and more in love with every single day.”
At this point, there was not a dry eye in the crowd, watching how emotional you and Javi were as you tried to choke your way through the rest of your vows. 
“I will never know what I did to deserve you in my life, but promise that I will spend the rest of it letting you know how forever thankful I will always be that out of all the people in the world you could have chosen to bump into, that it was me. I am so excited that the rest of my life, all of the moments, big, small, and everything in between, will all be moments spent with you. That every moment will be spent with my best friend. I never would have thought that a little bit of fate would have become my forever, but I’ll always be so grateful that it is. I love you so much, Javier Peña. Thanks for being the reason I finally believe in fate.” 
Wiping away the wetness streaming down your cheeks, you could barely even look at Javi, who was an absolute blubbering mess, laughing through your tears almost to keep you from completely melting into a puddle. 
Reaching out to grab him, you took Javi’s hand in yours, squeezing it reassuringly as you took your other hand up to wipe the tears streaming down his cheeks, the both of you smiling as you looked into each other's eyes.
“And that’s why I wanted to go first. Good luck.” You chuckled, making Javi shake his head as he laughed along with you, taking another deep breath before flipping open his own vows, wondering how in the world he was ever going to make it through speaking, considering how easily he had fallen apart just listening to you. 
“Jesus Christ, well I don’t know how I’m really supposed to follow that.” Javi sighed, the crowd giggling at his remark as he opened up to his first page, staring at his words for a moment before looking back up at you, his deep, chocolate, puppy dog eyes melting you just as quickly as the first time that you locked eyes with him. 
“I’ve uh- I’ve never really been great speeches. When I sat down to write this, I wasn’t really sure where to start. I had no idea how I was supposed to fit all of the things that I wanted to say into all of this.” Javi huffed with a little shrug, gesturing to his notebook. 
“So I um- I figured if there’s anywhere I should start, it should probably be at the beginning. My mom was an elementary school teacher, so growing up, I spent a lot of time at Alma Pierce Elementary School. I swear, I knew that place like the back of my hand. But um, after my mom got sick and passed away, I really never thought I’d ever have a reason to back. Until one day last year, I was told to pack up my stuff to go give a presentation at a local elementary school, which turned out to be none other than Alma Pierce. My mom always used to say “La vida es graciosa, no lo crees?” (Life is funny, isn’t it?), and I never quite understood why. But as I walked back into the place where I had spent so much of my life just out of chance, I swear I could hear her laughing at me, saying “Te lo dije.” (I told you so).” 
You could hear everyone who had had the privilege of knowing Lucia letting out a soft laugh, thinking of all of the times they must have heard her say that all too familiar phrase throughout their time knowing her. 
“I had gotten to a point in my life that I had kind of just accepted that maybe this kind of life wasn’t in the cards for me. I wasn’t gonna get married or have a family, and as much as it hurt, I had learned to be okay with it. The last thing I would have thought would have happened to me after leaving the presentation I had to give that day was that I was already head over heels in love with the most beautiful woman I had ever seen in my entire life, but la vida es graciosa, no le crees?” 
Giving you a little smirk, Javi could help but let a smile slowly spread between his cheeks as he looked at you, gazing up at him in complete and utter adoration, your goofy grin mirroring his. 
“Never in a million years would I have thought that I would have been standing here today, getting married to you. If you would have told me that I got to marry the most beautiful, amazing, kind, and stubbornly independent woman on the face of this earth, I would have laughed in your face. I honestly still feel like I need to pinch myself to prove that this is even real. But I guess that even if this is all a dream, I don’t ever want to wake up. Being loved by you has changed me in a way that I will never be able to thank you enough for. Being loved by you has made me a better man than I ever believed that I could be. A better man than I ever thought I deserved to be. A man who has learned to love and believe in love in ways I didn’t think I was capable of. I will never be able to thank you enough for letting me into your life and loving me for who I am, and for wanting to spend the rest of it with me.” 
Now, it was your turn to morph into an inconsolable mess, reaching out to grab Javi’s hand again, silently reassuring him that you were equally as grateful for the fact that Javi had let you into his life, too. 
“And no matter how tough, or challenging, or funny life gets, I know it can never really be that bad, because I’ll always have you by my side through it all. I think my mamá would be so proud to know I finally understand what she was trying to say all those years about life being so funny. Because it seems like life has a funny way of giving you everything you’ve ever wanted. Te amo, Osita. Gracias por ser mi todo. (I love you, Osita. Thank you for being my everything).” 
Without even thinking, you threw your arms around Javi’s shoulders wrapping him in a long, tight hug, sobbing into his jacket in a fit of happy tears, Javi hugging you right back, squeezing around your waist, gently cradling the back of your head in the warmth of your embrace. 
“Well shit… Alright, well I’m not sure if you guys are allowed to do that, but after those vows, I think we can let it slide.” David joked, trying to quickly wipe his eyes, nudging Charlie to do the same to try and pull themselves together to make sure they could finish out the rest of the ceremony. 
“Fuck, sorry.” Javi whispered, reluctantly pulling away from you, everyone in the crowd following your brothers’ suite, smiling as they brushed away the wetness welling in their own eyes from listening to your vows. 
“Well, I’d ask if anyone needs to object before we continue, but I think it’s pretty darn clear that these two idiots love each other more than life itself, so I’m just gonna skip that part.” Charlie joked, making you and Javi smirk in agreement. “Alright Miss Olivia, it’s your time to shine, do you have the rings?” He asked, your niece’s face lighting up in excitement as she nodded her head frantically, shooting up out of her seat to dash towards the two of you, carefully holding the ring box like a newborn baby bird in her hands. 
Daintily, she passed the box off to her dad before scampering over to both you and Javi, wrapping her arms around your waists to pull you close in a hug, smiling up at each of you with her toothy, goofy grin. 
“I love you Auntie Bear and Uncle Javi.” Olivia beamed, giggling in pure bliss and joy before skipping back to her seat among the guests, the both of your hearts bursting at the seams with the chores of “awhhhhs” coming from the crowd for your adorable niece. 
“Someone’s trying to get an extra slice of cake tonight huh, Miss Olivia?” David teased, your guests erupting with laughter at her not so innocent shrug to her Uncle’s question, knowing damn well she was just as much of a ham as you. “I trusted the six year old to carry these, can I trust you two not to drop them, or do you need to cry some more first?” 
“Oh shut up, David.” You sighed, rolling your eyes at your brother as you and Javi each took the rings to give one another, carefully holding the shiny gold bands in your hands, counting down the moments until you finally got to say “I do”. 
“Alright, ladies first, so I guess that means you, Cubby. You ready?” 
“I don’t think I’ve ever been more ready for anything, you dingus, get this show on the road.” 
“Alright, here goes nothin’. This is the part I actually had to practice, so God forbid I mess this one up huh? Do you,” David giggled, saying your real name instead of the nicknames you had lovingly bestowed upon you for as long as you could remember, “Take Javi to be your husband, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?” 
“I do.” 
Carefully slipping the gold band onto Javi’s finger, you could feel your heart bursting in anticipation, biting down on your lip to try and contain your excitement, slowly pulling your hand away to let your brothers finish the second half of the exchange. 
“And do you, Javier Peña, take our sister,” Charlie and David snickered again, having to say your full name for a second time, “to be your wife, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, as long as you both shall live?” 
“I do.” 
Gently grabbing your palm and gliding the glistening ring onto your finger, Javi rubbed his thumb over the pair of bands nestled together, forever making a home on your hand, his eyes welling at the sight of the sign that you would always be his. 
Intertwining your fingers together and hands clasped in front of you, you and Javi were radiating with joy, anxiously staring back and forth between each other and your brothers for them to finally say those magic words you had been waiting to hear since the moment you had met all that time ago. 
“Well ladies and gentleman… by the power vested in us, the internet and the state of Texas, it’s our honor to introduce to you the new Mr. and Mrs. Peña.” Charlie grinned at you, trying not to burst into laughter at the near panicked look on your faces, not having heard the next set of words you were more than dying to hear. 
“Well go on, you lovebirds, kiss already!” David snickered, shrugging at the pair of you with a grin on his face. 
Before he could barely finish his sentence, Javi’s hands were cupping your face, palms cradling your jaw as he brought his mouth to yours, fireworks exploding in your stomach at the electric intensity of his kiss, so soft and tender, yet so desperate and needy, like it was the first time his lips had ever met yours, and that he never, ever wanted to let them go. 
Your hands shot up to grab his face too, a smile creeping across your mouth with your lips still pressed to his as Javi dipped you down, sliding his hand down the small of your back to hold you before pulling you back up, his lips still locked on yours like glue. 
In that moment, it seemed like time stood still, that nothing else in the world existed besides the two of you- nothing else mattered besides the fact that you were here, kissing the man that you loved more than anything in the world. 
The man that you finally got to call your husband. 
Over the cheers, whistling, and hollering from your friends and family, the both of you were finally snapped back to reality as David gave you a little nudge and a look that screamed “gross, save it for the honeymoon.” 
Reluctantly breaking from your kiss, you grabbed Javi’s hand in yours, holding your fists in the air and cheering in excitement right alongside your guests before heading back up the aisle, your cheeks hurting from how hard they were smiling. So lost in your excitement, you turned your head as you felt Javi stop, tugging you back to the middle of the aisle, smirking as he pulled you close to his chest, whispering in your ear. 
“Not so fast, Mrs. Peña. C’mere.” Grabbing your face and wrapping his arm around your waist, Javi was kissing you again, swinging you down in another dip that had you erupting in giggles and your guests cheering even louder, Javi’s smooth moves soliciting a loud “OW OW” most definitely from Steve. 
“God, I love you.” You smirked as Javi pulled you back up to stand before the two of you were nearly skipping down the rest of the aisle in bliss, racing to the back of the crowd where you had entered the ceremony, turning the corner behind the house where no one could see you, not even bothering to look over your shoulder to see who’d followed you before your lips were crashing into each others again. 
This one was nowhere near as tame as the kisses you had just shared moments ago- this kiss was a tangled mess of tongues and teeth, Javi’s hands creeping dangerously close to the curve of your ass as you tugged at the lapels of his suit jacket, your mouths moving in a messy dance as you whispered muffled and muted words between your kisses. 
“Fuck, my beautiful wife. God, I’m so fucking lucky. I love you so much.” 
“I love you so much too, Javi, I’m so-” 
“Jesus Christ, it’s been 30 seconds and y’all can’t keep your hands to yourselves? C’mon, now. Y’all gotta whole week and a half to do this without having to subject the rest of us to it, Mr. and Mrs. Peña.” Steve laughed, making the both of you gasp as he slapped Javi on the back, immediately making your cheeks flush pink in embarrassment and Javi groan in annoyance at his best man’s timely (or untimely) disruption. 
“Steve, c’mon like you didn’t have your hands all over me after we got married.” Connie sighed, now smacking the back of her own husband’s head, making him wince in pain. “Congratulations, you two. We’re so happy for you.” 
“Thanks, Connie.” You and Javi smiled, Javi still keeping his hand wrapped around your waist as the rest of your wedding party started making their way back up the aisle to greet you, too.
“Also having gotten married before, you’re gonna thank me later as I make you go find your brothers to sign your marriage license somewhere that has a little peace and quiet before you get none the rest of the night. Why don’t you guys head inside and I’ll cover for you for a little, okay?” 
“You’re the best, Connie, thanks.” Javi grinned, pulling you away towards the house, quietly sneaking in through the front door to wait for your brothers, Javi looking both ways around the seemingly empty house before pulling you close again. 
“Javi, Charlie and David are gonna be in here any minute, and they’re gonna give us just as much shit as Steve, if not more.” You giggled, gazing up into Javi’s eyes, still awestruck and giddy. 
“I know. Just one more kiss, mi esposa (my wife).” Javi smirked, tilting his head down to press his lips to yours, his thumb tracing soft circles on your cheek as the rest of his fingers cradled your jaw, tilting your eyes up towards him. “Fuck, you’re finally my wife. I don’t think I’ll ever get over that.” 
“Good thing we have the rest of our lives to get used to it, huh?” 
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People weren’t kidding when they said that your wedding would be a blur- From the moment the ceremony ended, it felt like everything was moving in fast and slow motion at the same time, being pulled in every direction to talk with family members, take pictures, and make sure that things were running smoothly. As much as you and Javi were both trying to soak in every moment of your special day together, it was safe to say the two of you were feeling a little overwhelmed by the time you had gotten to dinner, and couldn’t have been more thankful to have a moment to finally sit down. 
More importantly, you were so glad that you had gotten to the point where you had a drink, some delicious food in your stomach, and the best part of the night ahead of you- dancing. 
The sun was beginning to set on the horizon of the Peña ranch as dinner was coming to a close, the clanging of forks and knives against dinner plates slowly shifting to chatter and conversation that was filling the space of the white tent that had been propped up in the backyard for your reception. 
You weren’t really sure what to expect when you had decided on a backyard wedding, but with the absolutely stunning work your mom, Connie, sister in law, and Javi’s aunt’s had put together for you, they had made a white tent feel like something out of a fairytale. String lights and greenery were strung across above you, long tables decorated in candles and beautiful garlands of eucalypts, sprinkled white and pink roses from Lucia’s garden, along with cute, colorful vintage cups that the women had collected or thrifted for your guests to use. Everything about your setup felt magical, and with the sun sinking and fading into dusk, the glow and twinkles of the lights illuminating your space only made it feel that much more incredible. 
As the two of you sat at your head table, bellies full and hearts happy, feeling a little tipsy from the extra strong margaritas Javi’s cousin seemed to be making, you were a little worried as what looked like a more than just tipsy Steve approached you, slapping a stack of index cards in front of you. 
“Listen… I’m like the perfect level of drunk to give this best man speech. Any less drunk and I’ll be too fuckin’ nervous to do it, and any more drunk I’m not gonna be able to remember what I’m supposed to say. Y’all good to keep this movin’ so you can do your first dance and then we can get this party started?” 
“Jesus Christ, Murph…” Javi sighed, laughing at his friend, now sassily crossing his arms over his chest at Javi. “This speech better be good.” 
“It’s good, and Connie approved, so you know I won’t say any dumb shit. Well, not if we don’t start soon and I keep drinking more.” Steve paused, letting out a low burp, rubbing his stomach and grimacing at the two of you, snorting at him. 
“Take it away, Shakespeare.” You smiled, gesturing your arm out to the dance floor in front of the guests sitting at their tables, chatting away. You couldn’t help but laugh as Steve confidently made his way to the front of the crowd, Connie silently mouthing “I’m so sorry”  from across the room, pointing at her husband, now ready to take the stage. 
“Hey y’all,” Steve started, bellowing his voice loud enough to catch everyone’s attention, making them pause their chit chat and focus their attention on him. “I’m Steve Murphy. For those of you who don’t know me, I’m Javi’s best man. Normally it’s customary for a guy like me to come up and say a few words about the bride and groom, so lucky for y’all, I’m your guy tonight. You’re welcome, Jav.” 
The crowd laughed as Javi sighed, rolling his eyes at Steve and shaking in his head in fear of what was to come, sliding your hand over to rest on his thigh, giving your now husband a little squeeze of reassurance to have some faith in his friend. 
“I have had the pleasure of knowing Javi for a long time now. It’s been, what, 17 years now, Jav?” Steve asked, turning back to look for confirmation. 
“It’s been too long.” Javi replied, shaking his head, his witty response only making your friends and family laugh more. 
“Whatever, you grumpy old bastard. Anyways, I first met Javi when I found out that I would be his partner down in Colombia working for the DEA. Not gonna lie, when I first met him, while I’ve never admitted this until now, I was pretty intimidated by the guy. He was cool, smart, respected, even though his jeans were way too fuckin’ tight.” Steve teased, winking at Javi, making you snicker from the few pictures you had seen from back in the day when Javi was in Colombia, knowing exactly what Steve meant. 
“I’ll spare you all the details of our time down there, but through all of our trials and tribulations, despite our differences and disagreements, the one thing I always admired about Javi is that he really cared about what he did. No matter what, he always cared about trying to do the right thing for the people he cared most about. Now, believe me, if you would have asked me all those years ago if I would have ever pictured Javi here today, gettin’ married, buildin’ a house and talkin’ about startin’ a family? Well shit, I prolly woulda told you that you were bat shit crazy. But, if there’s anyone in the world who deserves every ounce of all that domestic, lovely dovey bliss, it’s this man right here.” Steve smiled softly, pointing back to Javi who couldn’t help but let his heart fill with warmth at the sentiment from his friend, your hand rubbing up and down Javi’s leg, his grasping over yours to hold it tight. 
“Javi, I know you’ll never believe me when I tell you this, but I’m real proud of ya, man. And I hope you know how goddamn lucky you are that this beautiful woman has agreed to spend the rest of her life with your grumpy ass. Speaking of which…” Steve smirked, turing back to look at you with a goofy grin, making you raise an eyebrow at whatever stupid comment was bound to come out of his mouth. 
“Mrs. Peña. I never thought I’d live to see the day Javi was so in love. When he called me a few weeks after the two of you first met, and was all jazzed and excited to tell me about this beautiful girl he had started datin’ and how happy he was, I just about damn near fell down. He never said it on that phone call, but I knew that this sorry shit was absolutely head over heels in love with you.” 
That comment had you giggling at Javi’s blushing face, his cheeks turning pink at Steve’s story, even though he knew damn well it was the truth. 
“I couldn’t think of anyone who would be more perfect for Javi if I tried. When I first met you and saw how sickeningly cute y’all were together, God’s honest truth, my first question I asked Javi was when he was plannin’ on buyin’ a ring. Glad to see that sometimes he’ll take my advice. Sweetheart, I can’t thank you enough for being so good to my best friend right there. I hope he knows how lucky he is to have someone like you.” 
Grabbing your hand, Javi interlocked his fingers with your underneath the table, softly smiling at you and gently nodding his head in agreement. 
“I also need to thank you that he’s finally got someone else to worry about him instead of me. One less thing off my back. No offense, Jav. Alright, well, y’all have probably heard enough of me yappin’, and y’all are anything like me, you’re ready for more drinkin’ and dancin’. To Mr. and Mrs. Peña-” Steve paused, grabbing the nearest drink he could find and raising it up in the air, prompting the rest of your guests to do the same. “Wishin’ you two lovebirds a lifetime of happiness. I love you guys. Cheers!” 
Over the applause and cheerful shouting, Steve rushed his way back over to the two of you, slotting himself in between your seats so his head poked out between yours, wrapping his arms around both your shoulders and pulling you in for a hug. 
“Nice work, Murph.” Javi smiled, patting Steve on the back, laughing to himself at how genuinely thoughtful Steve’s speech had turned out to be. 
“Thanks, Steve. Your speech was really great. How much did Connie have to edit out?” You snickered, looking back between him and Javi. 
“... Let’s just say I left out the part about y’all horny bastards needin’ to be better about lockin’ your doors when other people are around.” Steve chuckled, shaking both of you in his grap, You and Javi’s eyes sheepishly darting to the ground in embarrassment. 
“Fuck off, Murph.” 
“Love you too, Jav.” 
With one last pat on the back for each of you, before you could say anything else, Steve was already halfway across the tent back to the bar to congratulate himself for getting through his speech without any major slip ups or major scoldings from Connie after he returned back to his table. 
“Thank God for Connie.” You grimaced, laughing at Javi whose face was buried in his palm, shaking his head at his friend, wondering why he would expect any less from him. “...He’s not wrong, though.” 
“I’m triple checking that I lock all the doors later so I don’t give him any more reasons to be right…” Javi sighed, giving you a little nudge while the hand that had been holding yours suddenly let go, resting on your thigh over your dress, giving it a long squeeze, making your heart race in anticipation, his eyes locking with yours, telling you everything you needed to know.  
Some way, some how, Javi was going to find a way to fuck you before the night was done. 
“Javi…” You whispered, heat creeping through your cheeks, trying your best to keep from blushing as you locked eyes with him, his devilish grin and lust pooling in the dark brown of his eyes entrancing you in a way that had butterflies swirling in your core and ache rapidly beginning to grow between your legs. 
“Si, Mi esposa?” (Yes, my wife?), Javi smirked back, running his hand further up your thigh and closer to your core as his other hand came up to cup your face, thumb tracing back and forth across your skin, toying just enough to tug at the corner of your lip. 
While you had gotten a little bit of alone time with Javi today, the way that the both of you had been absolutely insatiable for each other after seeing each other in your wedding attire, let alone the fact that you were now actually married? You and Javi were both dying to try and find a second to yourselves without interruption, especially from Steve. 
So caught up in awe of each other, you and Javi hadn’t even noticed your DJ, standing next to your table, quietly clearing his throat to try and get your attention. 
“Hey, uh- Mr. and Mrs. Peña?” He interjected, loud enough to finally snap you and Javi out of the horny stare down you had entered, “Are um- are you two ready for the first dance?” 
“Oh, um- yeah, y-yeah, sorry about that.” Javi grumbled, the two of you quickly trying to snap out of the thick heat of sexual tension that had been growing between you, both readjusting yourselves in your seats as you looked up sheepishly at the DJ,  “Sorry, what did you say?” 
“I asked if you two were ready to do your first dance? If you um, if you need some more time I can-” 
“No, we’re okay, thanks.” You grimaced, trying to keep from giggling and blushing as you looked over at Javi and then back at your DJ. “You ready to dance, Mr. Peña?” 
“Never been more ready, Mrs. Peña.” Javi replied, grabbing your hand as the two of you stood up, out of your seats walking to the edge of the dance floor while your DJ headed back to his booth. 
“Hello everyone! We’re going to get ready to start our first dance with the newlyweds, so if you could please direct your attention to the dance floor, we’re about to get started!” 
Before you could even take a step out onto the floor, the cheering and clinking of knives against glasses was erupting amongst the crowd, Javi happily taking the opportunity to grab you by the waist and pull you in for a long, deep kiss, making you giggle against his lips still pressed to yours as he dipped you down, before pulling you back against his chest. 
“Show off.” You snickered, raising an eyebrow at him as he finally pulled away from your kiss, staring down at you with a goofy grin. 
“Better get used to it, Mrs. Peña. I’ve got the whole rest of our lives to keep showing you off.” Javi smirked, shooting you a wink before tugging you out into the center of the dance floor, patiently waiting for your song to start as you draped one arm around his neck, Javi snaked his hand around your waist, and the pair of your other hands joined clasped at your side. 
It was then that the melodic violin entrance to “At Last” by Etta James began to play, Javi smiling down softly at your agreed upon choice for your first dance song after lots of debate and discussion the past few months. 
At last 
My love has come along
My lonely days are over
And life is like a song
As the music began to play, you and Javi began to sway back and forth to the syrupy symphony of the song, your heart bursting and stomach filling with the same butterflies it had the first time you had met Javi all those months ago. 
“I’m glad we picked this one.” Javi smiled, the two of you circling your way around the dance floor, eyes locked on each other.  
“Me too. It always makes me think of making breakfast with you on the weekend and all the little moments I love with you.” You grinned back, letting go of Javi’s hand to drape both arms over his shoulder and around his neck. 
“It makes me think of spilling that entire bowl of pancake batter all over Bear and then having to chase him around the house to get him in the tub.” Javi sighed, rolling his eyes as he laughed to himself, tightening his grip around your waist to pull you closer. 
I found a dream that I could speak to
A dream that I can call my own 
I found a thrill to press my cheek to
A thrill that I have never known 
“Me too. God, who would have thought that a year ago we’d be having our first dance at our wedding talking about spilling pancake batter all over our dog.” You giggled, leaning to rest your head against Javi’s chest. 
“I did.” 
Looking up at Javi, you could feel your cheeks warming, staring at his big brown eyes welling with tears, trying your best to now hold back the wetness pooling under your lashes. 
“Osita, I swear, from the moment I saw you smile at me, I knew that you were the only woman in the world I ever wanted. I knew you were the one I wanted my forever with. I’ll never get over the fact that I’m the luckiest man alive. I love you so fucking much.” Javi choked back, letting one of his hands slide up your face, gently cupping your cheek as he tilted his head in for a soft kiss on your lips before pulling away for another one on your forehead. 
You smiled, you smiled 
Oh and then the spell was cast
And here we are in Heaven 
As the song began to slow, the sweet melody winding down to its close, Javi lifted up his arm to let you twirl beneath him before spinning you back into his chest and wrapping his arm around your waist to catch you as he dipped you down again, your mouths meeting in a long, tender kiss, electricity sparking between your lips and butterflies swirling in your stomach. 
For you are mine 
At last 
“I love you too, Javier Peña.” 
Over the applause of your guests, you could hear an obnoxiously loud “OW OW” from the crowd, coming from a now even more intoxicated Steve, making you and Javi laugh at his reaction, swiftly followed by Connie’s sharp jab to his ribs to get him to settle down. 
“Alright ladies and gents,” The DJ spoke over the rumble of voices at the dinner tables, “Let’s have one more big round of applause for our newlyweds!” 
As the crowd began to clap again, and Steve, threatened by another blow to his side, cheering at an appropriate volume, the DJ spoke again with the announcement you had been patiently waiting for since the ceremony finished. 
“Alright everyone, with our first dance done, it’s time for the best part of the night, the dance floor is officially open! Let’s party!” 
As the blaring intro to “Jump Around” began to blast to your speakers, your friends and family rushed to the dance floor, you let out a squeal of surprise as Javi snatched you up around your middle, lifting you up to spin you around in a fit of giggles. 
“Vamos a bilar, mi esposa.”  (Let’s dance, wife) 
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The rest of the night was the best kind of celebration that you could have asked for- the joy of being surrounded by your friends and family, dancing the night away to your favorite songs, and drinking one too many margaritas with your husband was everything you could have asked for and more on your wedding night. 
It was no shock to you that your family had no problem making absolute fools of themselves out on the dance floor, happily (and drunkenly) flailing along to every single song, although your brothers’ and Steve’s enthusiastic sing-along to “Baby Got Back” was impressive, to say the least. 
And while you and Javi had expected your family to act a fool, what neither of you had expected was how excited Chucho was to bust out dance moves of his own, taking everyone by surprise as he joined all your co-workers and Javi’s co-workers (who had quickly become best friends on the dance floor), to shake his way through “Wannabe” by the Spice Girls, leaving you in hysterics, and Javi in stunned embarrassment at his dad’s antics. 
As the evening began to creep later and later into the hours of the night, a very sleepy Olivia approached you and Javi on the dance floor, gently tugging at your dress and his pants for attention with puppy dog eyes plastered on her face that almost gave Javi’s a run for his money. 
“Auntie Bear and Uncle Javi, can I pick a song? Pleaseeeeeee?” Olivia begged, pouting her bottom lip at the two of you, absolutely melting your hearts in an instant. 
“Of course, mi amor.” Javi smiled, caving immediately as he crouched down to her level, her face lighting up in delight at her uncle’s response, coming close to whisper in his ear. 
If you couldn’t have already been more in love with your husband, watching him listen intently to what your niece had to say, nodding in agreement before scoping her up to rest on his hip, you were practically in a puddle now. 
“Me and Miss Olivia are gonna go make a song request.” 
“But Auntie Bear, you have to let me dance with Uncle Javi first, okay?” Olivia quickly added, very adamantly. 
“Of course, lil Miss. Have fun, you two.” You smirked as Javi and Olivia made their way over to the DJ, watching Olivia’s face light up instantly as the DJ agreed to her request, Javi carrying Olivia out to the middle of the dance floor and setting her down on the ground as the end of the song slowly began to fade into your niece’s song choice. 
With her love for the movie, you shouldn’t have been surprised at all that her pick was “Can You Feel the Love Tonight” from the Lion King Soundtrack, but even though you weren’t shocked at her choice, there was nothing that going to be able to prepare you for the gut wrenching cuteness that was your now husband, dancing with your niece. 
It had already gotten to the point in the night that Javi’s suit jacket and tie were long gone, 3 buttons undone and sleeves rolled up to his forearms, and the once neat curls of his dark hair now messily sweeping his forehead from your night of dancing, and if the sight of just how goddamn handsome Javi looked, on top of the fact he was now officially your husband, paired with the sight of him slow dancing to the Lion King with Olivia? 
Your ovaries were just about shot to hell. 
As the song played and Javi and Oliva spun around the dance floor in a fit of smiles and giggles, you couldn’t help but wish with every bone in your body that it was your daughter that Javi was dancing with, nearly falling to your knees the thought of making him a dad, on top of being your husband. And if that wasn’t enough, the two of you were finally married, and that meant half of your bargain to start trying for kids was complete- and with the other half being your house finally finishing with construction which was almost close to being done as well, you were so close to start trying for a baby of your own, you could almost taste it. 
And that? That drove you crazy enough to feel like you were going to combust. 
So stuck in your daydream, you didn’t even notice Olivia running up to you, now tugging at your dress again, letting out a little sleepy yawn as she tried to get your attention. 
“Okay Auntie Bear, you can dance with Uncle Javi now. Thanks for letting me pick a song.” Olivia smiled as you sunk down to meet her, wrapping her in a hug. 
“Of course, Olivia. Thank you for being the best flower girl today. I love you, cutie patootie. Alright, I’m gonna go dance with Uncle Javi now, okay?” 
“I love you too, Auntie Bear. I think Uncle Javi misses you, he wouldn’t stop looking at you the whole time we were dancing. I think he wants to kiss you again, but that’s gross. Yuck.” Oliva grimaced, making you giggle as she stuck out her tongue before watching her scamper away back to her sisters and the Murphy girls to dance some more. 
As you turned back, bracing yourself to stand back up, you were greeted with Javi’s large palm held out in front of you, pulling you up to greet his handsome grin while you looked up at him. 
“I’ve been told I have permission to come dance with you now.” 
“It did take some persuading, I told her I’d save an extra piece of cake for her if she let me go dance with you.” Javi chuckled, pulling you back out onto the dance floor, slowly swaying back and forth to the beat. 
“Watching you two out there is dangerous.” You smirked, raising an eyebrow at Javi as he cocked his head in confusion. 
“What do you mean, hermosa?” 
“I mean,” You paused, standing up a little bit taller, throwing one arm over Javi’s shoulder, running your hand through the hairs at the nape of his neck to whisper in his ear, “Watching the two of you made me think about how much I wanna make you a dad. And now that we’re married and the house is almost done, we actually get to start trying soon.” 
It took everything in Javi not to let out an audible moan, letting out a gulp and scrunching his eyes shut for a moment to try and maintain his composure at what you had just said to him, his grip around your waist immediately tightening and eyes darkening as he opened them, staring down at you, absolutely awestruck. 
“Fuck me.” He muttered to himself, almost shaking his head in disbelief that after all of the time you had spent talking about wanting kids and nights you’ve had wishing there hadn’t been any birth control to keep you from having them were now an almost tangible reality, “Is that what you want, mi esposa? My wife wants me to give her a baby?” 
Javi’s voice rasped in your ear, sending shivers down your spine, your stomach flipping in arousal at the hot breath of his words against your skin, knowing what had started as a sweet and simple moment of Javi dancing with Olivia had quickly shifted into a desperate want, no, need, for him to give you what you were asking for. 
As the music slowly faded into the next song, bodies shuffling and dancing to the more upbeat tune that had followed Olivia’s choice, the both of your figures stood frozen on the dance floor in a silent exchange of racing hearts and yearning glances before Javi took your hand in his. 
“Follow me.” 
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In an instant, Javi was tugging you across the dance floor, the two of you dodging and weaving your way through your guests with polite smiles and happy waves, doing everything you could to try and sneak away as discreetly as possible in hopes that everyone would be too preoccupied (or too drunk) to realize that you were gone. 
But at this point, you really didn’t care whether anyone noticed if you were gone or not. Truth be told, the only thing you cared about was finally getting to fuck your husband. 
Finally making it through the worst of the maze of people, you and Javi had made your way to the back porch, quietly peeking your heads through the door, checking to make sure the coast was clear before hastily slipping inside, gently shutting the door behind you before sneaking down the hall to Javi’s room, thanking whatever higher power had let the two of you get to his bedroom in peace. 
From the moment Javi had shut the door behind him, you were all over each other in an instant, hands roaming across each other’s bodies as you stumbled until the back of your legs hit the mattress, flopping down onto the bed, Javi’s body caging yours in his frame. Your lips crashed together in a hungry clash, tongues, teeth and moans melting together between your mouths as Javi hiked up the skirt of your dress, running his hands along your thighs, squeezing the soft flesh in his firm grasp before his fingers crept towards your aching core, ghosting over the white, lacy fabric covering your cunt, already soaking with arousal. 
“Fuck, you’re so wet, hermosa. My wife’s pretty little pussy all wet for me, huh?” Javi rasped, the pads of his fingers pressing more pressure over your covered clit, making you whimper in delight. 
“It’s all yours, Javi. Yours forever, baby.” You moaned, your breath hitching in the back of your throat as Javi’s fingers dipped under the waistband of your underwear, collecting the slick pooling around your folds before plunging his two fingers inside your heat and thumbing at your sensitive bundle of nerves, pure bliss running through your veins at his touch. 
Your response had Javi practically growling, a low groan rumbling in his chest as he looked down to see the golden and diamond bands glistening on your finger, awestruck at the beautifully blissed out mess you were already becoming as his fingers curled, prodding at the spongy spot inside you that he knew drove you wild. 
“You’re so fucking perfect, Osita. My beautiful wife. Fuck- I can’t believe your mine. I love you so fucking much.” Javi groaned, his words muffled between the hot, wet kisses he kept planting on your lips, feeling your cunt beginning to clench around his digits. 
“I l-love- fuck- I love you too, Javi.” You whimpered, the all too familiar tingle at the base of your spine beginning to build as Javi’s fingers pulsed in and out of your heat and thumb circled your throbbing clit, knowing with how worked up you were and how good he felt, it wouldn’t take much more before you were coming undone around his hand. 
“I know you’re close, baby. Let go, hermosa. Cum for me so I can fuck my wife and show her how much I love her.” 
“F-Fuckfuckfuck Javi. Don’t stop, baby, don’t s-sto-ahhhhhhhhh.” 
With his thumb circling faster and harder around your sensitive bundle of nerves, and fingers plunging in and out of your weeping hole, it wasn’t long before you could feel that all too familiar tingle spreading throughout your body, your orgasm flooding through every inch of you as you came around his fingers, soaking his hand. 
“That’s it, Osita. That’s my good girl. My good wife.” Javi groaned, making you whimper as he withdrew his fingers from your dripping heat, admiring the slick and shiny mess you had made around his fingers, entranced by the way your arousal had coated his wedding band as he brought his hand to his mouth, sucking his fingers clean before beginning to work at his belt. “You taste so fucking sweet, baby.” 
You sat back up, looking over your heaving chest to see Javi shuffling his pants and boxers down his thighs, leaving them to pool around his ankles, revealing his cock, already so painfully hard and weeping with precum from his tip. Reaching down to run his fingers through your folds again, he collected your slick on his hand before rubbing it up and down his length, stroking himself to line up with your entrance. 
“F-fuck, let me feel you baby, p-please.” You whined, reaching up to grab fistfuls of Javi’s shirt, tugging him down to kiss you and lay his body on top of yours. 
“Jesus fucking Christ…” Javi moaned, slowly filling you up with his cock inch by inch until he had bottomed out against your cervix, letting you adjust to the fullness as he relished in the wet and warmth of your pussy gripping around him like a vice. 
“M-move, Javi, please, baby.” The sweet sting and stretch of Javi’s length inside you already wanting to make your eyes roll to the back of your head. 
Javi began to languidly thrust himself in and out of your heat, dragging his cock almost painfully slowly against your velvety walls, cursing under his breath at the feeling of his balls beginning to tighten in his stomach, knowing there was no way he was going to be able to last as long as he would have wanted to in the moment. 
“Javiiiii” You whined, your arms wrapping around back, nails pressing into his shoulders as his cock hit the spot inside you that lit you ablaze. His hand snaked between your bodies, reaching down to rub your clit, still slow, taking his time with each graze of his fingertips as his pace held deep and steady. Every thrust in and out of his hips had you wrecked as he filled you so fully and intensely, moaning his name over and over while he grasped the meat of your thighs, pressing your knees against your chest to stretch you open even further.  
“God you’re so beautiful. My beautiful fucking wife. Gonna be such a beautiful mom for our kids.” Javi grunted, this thrusts becoming faster and sloppier as he let the reality of his marriage and actual attempts to start trying for a family burn a hole in the forefront of his mind, igniting something even feral within him, knowing he was one step closer to finally giving you and him what you both wanted more than anything. 
For Javi to get you pregnant.
The last sentence made your breath hitch in the back of your throat, whimpering at the notion that because you were finally married, there wasn’t much stopping you from tossing out your birth control tomorrow and trying to get pregnant by the end of the month. 
“J-Javi-” You whined, trying to form any sort of coherent thought as your brain short circuited from the pure bliss and heart racing thoughts running through your brain. 
“What, Osita?”  
“I-I want you- oh shit- to fuck a baby into me, Javi. I wanna throw out the rest of my birth control- I don’t care if the house- Jesus- isn’t finished. I wanna stop taking it tomorrow. I w-want you to- fuck- fill me up and get me pregnant.” 
You could practically feel the weight of Javi’s jaw dropping to the floor, eyes bulging out of his skull, and heart beating out of his chest, so shocked, he stopped himself mid thrust, just to make sure he had heard you correctly. 
“Osita- baby, are you- holy fuck- baby, are you serious?” 
You nodded your head frantically, grabbing the collar of his shirt to pull him in for an electric kiss before leaning back to whisper in his ear, your voice sultry and low. 
“I need my husband to fuck a baby into me. Please. Fuck a baby into me, Javi.” 
If Javi didn’t have his arms already braced on the bed, there’s no way in hell he wouldn’t have fallen over in pure delight at your request, his stomach now churning with the wildest mix of excitement, lust and pride, spreading up through his chest and across his face, the brown of his eyes darkening and awestruck smile widening. 
“You want me to fuck a baby into you, Hermosa?” Javi asked, almost rhetorically, a devilish grin spreading between his cheeks as he began to pound into you again, not even giving you a chance to respond, knowing damn well what your answer was.  
If his thrusts weren’t already frantically rushed and sloppy, they most definitely were now, Javi practically on the brink of his own high just from the thought of getting to fuck you, knowing there was a real, true chance of getting you pregnant, trying to fight with everything in him to keep from busting right then, needing to make sure that you came again before he did. 
The lewd noises of your moans, wetness of Javi’s cock sliding in and out of you, and his hips snapping against yours coated the walls of the room, the both of you having no regard for anyone who may have been close enough to hear you, so caught up in the moment, that at this point, you couldn’t have cared less if anyone caught the both of you. 
“Answer me, baby. Mierda- You want me to fuck a baby into you, huh? Want me to fucking fill you up and get you pregnant? Show everyone you’re mine with our baby growing inside you?” Javi grunted through gritted teeth, pounding into your g-spot with blinding force, frantically circling your clit as he felt your cunt begin to clench tighter and tighter around his cock, knowing you just needed a little bit more before he had you coming undone. 
“Y-yes- fuckfuckfuck- I need you to, Javi, p-please baby, please, please, pleaaahhhhhhh-” 
Just like that, you could feel yourself gushing around Javi’s cock as you came, your orgasm hitting you like a tidal wave, crashing through every inch of your body, euphoria flooding through your veins, screaming his name while he fucked you through your high, desperately chasing his own. 
“I’ll give it to you baby, I- fuck me- I’ll give you everything you want. I’ll give you as many babies as you want. I’ll give you a family, I’ll give you my heart, my soul, my everything, my- oh fuck!” 
Javi’s hips stuttered, forcing a low groan to rumble in his throat as he came, the hot ropes of his spend coating your walls, making sure to milk himself of every last drop inside you, still pulsing and thrusting inside you, ensuring that nothing went to waste. 
Slumping his body on top of yours, your chests rose and fell in sync, trying your best to catch your breaths as you came down from your highs, your mouths meeting in a sloppy kiss to try and ground  you back to reality. 
“Holy fuck…” You whispered through your labored pants, laughing to yourself from the pure bliss of what had just happened, staring up at Javi with a radiant grin, brushing the sweat-dampened curls from his forehead. 
Javi hissed as he carefully pulled out, leaning back enough to see the smile on your face, gently cupping your cheek as he looked down at you with a goofy grin of his own. 
“Osita… Were you being- baby, were you serious about what you said?” 
“Jav, I don’t think I’ve ever been more serious about anything in my entire life. Is-is that okay with you?” You asked, biting down on your lip. 
“Is that okay with me?” He asked, almost mockingly, chucking to himself as he shook his head in disbelief, “We can really throw it away tomorrow?” 
“And you won’t bring it with you on the honeymoon?” 
“Nope.” You replied, popping the “p” at the end of the word. 
“And there’s- holy fuck- there’s a chance you could actually get pregnant soon?” Javi asked, his face glowing brighter and brighter with each question he asked. 
“Mmmhhmmm. Well, I mean, it might not happen right away but- Ahhhh Javi!” You giggled as your husband aggressively peppered ticklish kisses across your entire face, making you squeal and squirm in delight. 
“Fuck, I love you so much. Thank you.” Javi smiled, tears welling in his eyes as he looked down at you. 
“Jav, baby, don’t cry! Why are you crying, you dork?” 
“You’ve given me everything I’ve ever wanted. You married me, we’re gonna have a family, it’s just- fuck, I promise, that I wanna spend the rest of my life until the day I die showing you how thankful I am that you chose me. That you gave me all the things I stopped thinking I deserved. I love you so much, it fucking hurts, Osita. Thank you for choosing me.” 
Sitting up, you threw your arms around Javi, pulling him close to you in the tightest hug you could muster, stroking the hair at the nape of his neck, feeling the weight of his body melt into yours, your bodies intertangled as one. 
“Javi, you’re the only one it ever could be. Te amo más de lo que las palabras pueden expresar. (I love you more than words can say).” 
“Hey! Lovebirds! Are y’all in here?” 
Over the music and chatter of the party outside, you and Javi had been completely oblivious to the all too familiar southern twang of Steve’s voice behind the bedroom door, gently knocking from the outside after being sent on a mission to find where in the world the two of you had been for nearly a half hour. 
“Hello? Mr. and Mrs. Peña?” Steve rapped again, getting nothing in response but silence. Steve shrugged, drunk enough to have no fear to pound on the door repeatedly until the two of you showed up, now reaching down at the doorknob and giving it a jiggle. 
Steve was shocked to find that he could turn the handle, writing off the fact that they two of you would be in a room with an unlocked door after the 10 pounds of shit he had given Javi, and with his inhibitions severely lowered, he had  no problem cranking the knob and pushing the bedroom door wide open. 
“Hello? Earth to Javi and Mrs. Peña, are y’all in here or not because I- Oh Jesus Christ!” Steve shrieked, opening up the door to see you and Javi, your dress still hoisted up to your waist, and Javi’s bare ass completely on display, making the both of you scream just as loud in surprise at your unwanted visitor. 
“Murphy! Get the fuck out!” Javi snarled, quickly scrambling to try and pull your dress back down and his pants back up. 
“Jesus Fuckin’ Christ!” Steve yelled, immediately bringing his hand to his face to cover up his eyes, trying to drunkenly stumble as quickly as he could back out of the room, but, because of his intoxicated state and self-imposed lack of vision, Steve found himself colliding head first with the wall, knocking himself to the ground before crawling across the floor like a frazzled toddler, kicking the door closed behind him. 
For as devastatingly embarrassed as you were by the whole debacle, you couldn’t help but cackle at the impeccable comedic timing of the whole thing, snickering to yourself as Javi finished buckling back up his pants and helping you up to stand before storming to the door, opening it to find Steve still sprawled on the floor in an a hysteric fit. 
“Are you fucking serious, Murph?” Javi growled, completely unamused. 
“God, I shoulda kept my bit that Connie cut in my speech. Y’all do know that doors have locks, right? Might be helpful if y’all learned how to use ‘em. Just food for thought.” Steve giggled, watching both of your faces grow beet red in embarrassment and at a loss for words. 
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Javi asked, pinching the arch of his nose between his fingers, shaking his head in frustration, looking down the hallway to make sure that Steve was the only presence you needed to worry about. 
“I’m tryin’ to save your asses before someone else worse than me walks in on the two of you gettin’ it on. Y’all do realize you’ve been gone for almost 45 minutes right? Being the- oh shit-” Steve paused, letting out a giant burp,” ‘cuse me, being the good Best Man I am, I decided to try and find you two idiots before people started askin’ too many questions. So, you’re welcome.” Steve grunted, pushing himself up to stand, cocking his head at the both of, hands on his hips, trying to prove his point. “Also, do you two anything else besides fuc-” 
“Steve! Jesus Christ, will you shut the fuck up!” Javi groaned, staring down at the floor, taking a deep breath to compose himself before he decided to kick Steve right back down to the ground again. 
“...It’s really been 45 minutes?” You grimaced, looking back between Steve and Javi, shrugging at your husband that any longer, your mom would have been on a search party for you, and it would have been your whole family at Javi’s bedroom door instead of just Steve. 
“Yeah, and I’m the first to come lookin’ after ya, so again, you’re welcome. Jesus, Javi, you can really last for 45 fuckin minutes? How the-” 
“Fuck me….” 
“Think you and your wife already took care of that one…” Steve muttered under his breath, trying not to laugh.
“I swear to God, Steve…” 
“Okay, I’m done! I’m done! Swear!” Steve held up his hands in defense, taking a step back away from Javi.   
“Will you please just give us a minute, Murph?” Javi sighed, running his hand through his hair, trying with every bone in his body to keep his patience with his drunken friend. 
“Fine, fine, fine. 1 minute. I’m counting. Use your time wisely and appropriately, you sickos.” Steve snickered, disappearing down the hallway, only to peek his head back out around the corner. “And Jav?”
“What, Murph?” 
“Your fly’s undone.”
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As you and Javi sheepishly made your way back out to the backyard, you couldn't have been more relieved to see that at this point, anyone still left at your reception was far too drunk to care that you had been missing, seeing that almost all of your guests were out on the dance floor, partying away without a care in the world, or any inkling of what you and Javi had been up to. 
“Longer than a minute, but beggars can’t be choosers I guess.” Steve chuckled, creeping up behind you with two drinks in hand, passing them both off to you and Javi. “Here. Figured I owe ya a drink. These are on me.” 
“We paid for the bar, Murph.” 
“Alright, well I guess these ones are on you, Grumpy Pants.”  Steve grumbled mockingly, holding up his hands in defense, trying not to stumble over his own two feet as he made his way back to the dance floor. 
“Remind me again why I picked him to be my best man?” Javi laughed, taking a sip of his drink, the both of you snickering as you watched Steve whip out some questionable dance moves to “Don’t Stop Me Now” by Queen blaring in the background and Connie shake her head at her husband. 
“Because you love him. Don’t get me wrong, he’s an idiot, but he’s a good guy.” You smiled, giving Javi a little nudge, resting your head on his shoulder as you looked out at the dance floor. “Hey-” You paused, holding up your glass and raising it to Javi’s. “Cheers.” 
“Cheers to what, Osita?” Javi asked, wrapping his arm around you, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead as he brought his glass next to yours. 
“Cheers to us. I love you so much, Javier Peña, it makes me sick. Sicker than all this tequila is gonna make me tomorrow after I keep drinking it the rest of the night.” 
The two of you snorted, goofily clinking your glasses and taking a hefty sip of your drinks as you looked out on the dance floor, your hearts overflowing with love and joy to know that you were surrounded by all of the people in the world you cared about most, even the ones that couldn’t be physically with you, to celebrate the biggest day of your life and the start of your new forever. 
“Cheers, Hermosa. I love you so goddamn much. Maybe the hangover will help distract the nerves on the flight tomorrow.” Javi smirked, taking another sip of his drink as he shook you playfully in his grasp, your faces both lighting up as you remembered that tomorrow, you be in the Bahamas for the next 10 days, where the only thing you needed to worry about was where you wanted to lay on the beach, what drink you wanted in your hand, and now, seeing how quickly Javi could get you pregnant. 
“Oh shut up.” You sighed, giving Javi a little slap to the chest before taking another sip of your drink, looking up at Javi with heavy lashes, batting your eyes at him. “You just have to remind me that I have to do some unpacking before we leave tomorrow.” 
“Unpacking?” Javi asked, tilting his head in confusion at you, the gears in his brain turning as you bit down on your lip, raising your eyebrow at him, waiting for him to piece together your clue. “Oh. Oh.” 
Javi’s eyes went wide as he remembered what you meant, heart racing in anticipation, never imagining before today that he would have been so excited to actively throw away birth control to try and have a kid.
“Can we throw it away tonight?” Javi pleaded, his puppy dog eyes in full effect. 
“I’m not sure what difference tonight and tomorrow morning is gonna make, but sure. Happy wedding present.” You giggled, pressing up onto your tiptoes to plant a long, hot kiss. 
“Best fucking gift I could ask for besides the fact I finally get to call you my wife.” 
As the end of the song slowly faded out, “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)” began to play next in the background, your face lighting up in excitement and Javi’s eyes rolling, hearing the song that had been most likely the biggest controversy of your entire wedding planning process now bumping through the speakers, followed by the cheers and hollers of your guests. 
“I told you people would want to hear this song.” You said smugly, crossing your arms over your chest, popping your hip at Javi as you sassed him, making him shake his head at your theatrics. 
“It doesn’t stop it from being a stupidly annoying song.” 
“A stupidly annoying song that people love. A stupidly annoying song that your wife loves.” You teased. “Whaddya say, Peña, can you stand this unbearably stupid song to go dance with me? 
“I’d dance to this song with you a million times if it means I get to dance with you.” 
Grabbing Javi by the hand, you tugged him out to the dance floor in a fit of giggles and smiles, jumping along and dancing to the beat song after song the rest of the night with your friends, family and husband. 
You couldn't help but catch yourself stopping now and again to smile to yourself to take everything in, feeling like you needed to pinch yourself to make sure this was all really real. Just over a year ago, your life felt like it had hit an all time low. You had moved halfway across the country to try and run from your pain, desperate to find any way to bring yourself any ounce of peace in your ocean of hurt. It felt like fate had forsaken you for the worst, kicking you while you were down, and leaving destruction in its wake. 
But never in a million years would you have believed that fate would have sent you with a one way ticket to Laredo, Texas, and that trip would bring so much more than just the glimmer of hope you longed for. It had brought you peace, comfort, the acceptance you weren’t sure you would have ever allowed yourself to feel. Laredo had brought you everything you never expected, and all of the things you never thought you deserved. 
It brought you Javi- the man who single handedly changed your life for the better, loving you unconditionally for every part of your being and piecing back together the parts of your heart you had left broken.
It brought you the man you now got to call your husband. 
Fate and life have funny ways of working together to bring you the things you need the most when you least expect them. And today, as you got to marry the love of your life and your very best friend, you knew you’d be forever thankful that fate stepped in when you needed it most. 
La vida es graciosa, no lo crees? (Life is funny, isn’t it?)
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@chaotic-iguana @rhoorl @whyjuliaaa @bbiophiliaa @pertinentpostmortem @angelofsmalldeath-codeine @pedrobaby @fatima-marisa @beboldbebravethings @poodlebae @kittenlittle24 @3sriracha @jungchloee @perennialdoll247 @prettyinpunk85 @partyofone3413 @harriedandharassed @pedrohoe04 @theorganasolo @endlessthxxghts @beware-my-thorns @missladym1981 @messinadresa @milly-louise @jay-zzle @the-one-with-the-grey-color @persephone-girl @bitchesuntitled @pedropascallvr @millennial-teenybopper @nastiasnow @vee-bees-blog @hopplessilse @mxtokko @its-nebuleuse @mandoisapunk @msmorningstaarr @amyispxnk @honeyedmiller @mountainsandmayhem @picketniffler @burningnerdchild @copperhalfcent @theoraekenslover @bloodyinspirationaldemon @vee-bees-blog @amyispxnk @samgirl4life @pigeonmama @pedr0swh0r3 @survivingandenduring
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saddestsquid · 3 months
Can I request horny reader, but she's too tired to do the work so Gaz just softly makes love to her and then they curl up and go to bed
Feel free to ignore this if it's yucky
Love, 🥺anon
Thank you sm for the ask anon !! I love sleepy smut, especially with Gaz ^^ apologies for taking so long to get to this, but I hope it’s what you wanted ♡
౨ৎ Sleepy sex with Gaz ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁
18+ , soft sex, f reader, pet names, p in v, mating press position(?), cuddling, soft, fluff + smut, Gaz is kinda possessive in this (keeps referring to reader as his but in a cute way), he talks you through it !
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You can feel your exhaustion seeping into your bones, but still you somehow can’t manage to fall asleep. Your fatigue weighs you down into the mattress and you feel like never getting up again, but you can’t ignore how your arousal flares in your gut.
You stared down at your handsome boyfriend sleeping soundly beside you. It was only a day ago that he came back from a 4 month long deployment, you knew he needed this sleep. You felt horrible waking him up just because of your own neediness… .. .but it’s impossible not to stare at his chiselled jaw, well shaved facial hair that you could feel the phantom touch of scratching against your inner thighs when he…
You were getting progressively more wet the more you thought about him, as if the man wasn’t right in front of you. You watched the rise and fall of his chest with every calm exhale, all the stress leaving his body the second he was asleep next to you. You ogled his plump lips and how good they felt pressed against your own, his gorgeous brown eyes and how they could look so soft and puppy-like staring up at you, but so dangerous and demanding when staring right through you.
You noticed his eyelashes flutter and your focus turned to that. You swear he had to be using some kind of lash serum because what. Hand some of that length over bud. (The other one too 😼) You kept daydreaming about him while you rubbed your thighs together for some delicious friction. Only when the pressure on your clit released some tension and your mind cleared did you do a double take. Wait, his eyelashes fluttered? 
You called his name softly and his eyes blinked open while he smirked at you. “What’s wrong? Dreaming about me, princess?”
You rolled your eyes at him, as if he was far off.“Dealing with you awake is enough, I don’t need you haunting my dreams too.” You bantered, but your soft, drowsy voice only made him laugh.
“Everyone needs a bit of me.” He chipped in, but couldn’t keep a straight face. “Unlucky for them, I’m only interested in my gorgeous girl.” 
You blushed and squealed when he pulled you into his chest by the waist and peppered kisses all over your face. “So, what are you doing up?” He asked between smooches.
“Nothing?” He repeated skeptically.
“I- I just couldn’t fall asleep.” You muttered truthfully.
“And why’s that luv?” He asked, running his hands through your hair.
He raised an eyebrow, suspicious of your avoidance of his questions. He noticed you move slightly, and he lifted up the blanket to see you ‘discreetly’ rubbing your thighs together to the sound of his husky tired voice. 
“Ohh” You could hear the smirk in his voice, “so my girl is just needy.”
You blushed and looked away in embarrassment. “Didn’t want to wake you up.”
He huffed, “Dove, you can always wake me up for anything, especially this.” He emphasized his point by grabbing your thigh and pulling you even closer to him. 
You gasped at his warm hands so close to where you need them, lazily bucking your hips towards his fingers until they were rubbing at the wet patch on your panties.
“So soaked for me princess, what are you imagining me doing to you in that pretty little head of yours, hm?” He asked, reaching his other hand up to cradle the side of your face. He talked to you so gently in your tired state, letting you feel all soft and compliant next to him.
You were too embarrassed to answer him, hiding your face in the blanket while you squeezed your thighs together to trap his hand between them. Being a toned military man with  biceps you drooled over—he easily pushed your thighs back apart and settled between them—holding you down just an inch far enough away from him to where you couldn’t grind your aching clit on his bulge.
He was above you now, admiring the pleading look in your eyes when you stared up at him. “Answer the question, gorgeous.” 
With a reluctant whimper you whispered out, “wanted you to fuck me Ky….please.” with such a desperate look on your face he couldn’t possible decline.
He smiled and leaned down to press a kiss to your forehead, unintentionally pushing his hard-on right against your clothed cunt and making you moan out.
He pulled back to press his face into your cunny until you grabbed him and draped your arms around his shoulders. You pulled his face onto yours and softly kissed him until you couldn’t breathe. He pulled your panties down, breaking away from the kiss to watch the string of your cream coat them. When he rubbed your slick around your cunt messily and was about to gently prod a finger in, you stopped him again with a pathetic whine.
He looked concerned, about to ask if you wanted to stop before you were interrupting him. “I don’t want your fingers, just your cock.” 
“You need stretching, luv.” He huffed out like it was the most common knowledge in the world, not up for debate at all with him. (Your lovely bf is terrified of ever potentially hurting you.)
“No, m’relaxed.” You promised, about to start bawling in pent-up exhaustion. “I need it.”
“Alright then.” He chuckled—a little dumbfounded by the extent of how horny you were at the moment.
He pulled down his grey sweatpants and boxers at once, his hard cock slapping against his toned stomach. Pre-cum leaked from the tip, and he spread it down his thick shaft before positioning it at your entrance.
You sighed in delight when it finally started to push into your hole, stretching your leaking cunt open deliciously. He was slow and deliberate, letting you be split open at a bearable pace. 
You sunk into the warm duvet and settled into the comfort, eyes already starting to flutter shut. Gaz commited that image to memory—his girl all sleepy and comfy on his cock in his bed in his clothes.
He cherished moments like these with you, just basking in each other’s presence. With every drag of his length in your gummy walls you whispered out quiet keens and moans of his name like a mantra. 
He bent your legs and pushed your knees to your shoulders so he could reach the deepest parts of you, pressing his lips to yours and swallowing up the loud mewls you let out when he hit that spongey spot inside of you. 
You could barely keep your eyes open—drifting in and out of consciousness until the only thing in your brain was him. He noticed this of course, and smiled down at you. “It’s okay baby, I’ve got you. Just let go.” he encouraged.
And fuck, you wanted to so badly, but you knew you’d pass out right after and you wanted to be filled up by his warm seed when you drifted off.
You stuttered over your moans, feeling nothing but bliss. “cum with me.” You pleaded.
He groaned at the request and angled his hips deeper, circling your clit with the pad of his finger and tracing out the letters of his name. “Keep making those pretty noises then, baby.”
And how could you not? You gasped and keened under him, moaning out his name because it’s the only thing your fucked-out brain could comprehend other than a slurred out ‘I love you.’
“I love you so much, my perfect girl.” He groaned out, getting so unbelievably pussy-drunk on you. He tilted your chin up and latched his lips onto yours, swirling his tongue around yours until you suddenly tightened around him. He pulled away with a string of saliva connecting your lips to whisper encouragements to you, talking you through your orgasm as it came crashing down on you.
“Go on, make a mess of my dick. You look so gorgeous creaming all over me, just like in your daydreams, yeah baby? This is all you needed, just some good cock to help you fall asleep.”
You were coating his cock in your arousal, gripping him like a vice while your pussy gushed around him. His moans mixed with yours when he spilled inside you, rocking his hips while your pussy milked him.
He filled you up completely, some spent dribbling out and coating your plush thighs. He continued to rock his hips into you, riding out both of your orgasms until he watched your eyes flick closed. He deliberately pulled out of you and toppled over beside you, pulling you into him and wrapping his strong arms around you. His head was resting atop yours, with your head pressed into his chest so the first thing you’d hear when you woke up in the morning would be his steady heartbeat—running on nothing but love for you.
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monseulamourrr · 6 months
→ “can’t help but love you.” || ahn yujin x reader fic.
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— you planned a study date with your favourite girl after a long time of being separated due to your busy lives, and you noticed a tiny change on her that made you itch to do something new for the night…
word count: 1.7k.
tags: tooth-rotting fluff. that's it. tee hee.
requested? : nope.
a/n: hiya 🤓 welcome to ena’s fluff era 😭😭 i’m still gonna be very active on pupyuj and ofc i’ll still do tons of work there but this account is where all of my works that aren’t smut will go!! i hope you guys enjoy the work i will do here as much as you enjoyed the ones on pupyuj 🥺 p.s. ik the title is a bit far-off from the synopsis but let’s ignore it—
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2:07 a.m., it said on the digital clock sitting on your desk.
surprisingly enough, you were not tired. maybe it was the caffeine coursing through your veins, or the fact that you were actually enjoying studying for once. you weren’t a masochist; you could only be enjoying studying for one reason and it was because of one ahn yujin—your girlfriend who you were fortunate enough to accompany you this night.
“where are you going, (y/n)?” you heard yujin whine as soon as you started shuffling away from her side. she looked cute! with her oversized sweater that had her volleyball team’s mascot (in chibi form!) stitched on it (yujin was a middle blocker), her big glasses, and the scrunchie on her wrist that was so obviously yours.
between the hours and hours of staring at a screen, scribbling down notes, and reading material, yujin was fucking exhausted and it showed on her (very handsome—) face. she had a pout on her pretty lips—neither of you have spoken to each other too much in the name of trying to focus on your studies but yujin loved just having you there with her.
“i’m just going to get another cup of coffee. i’ll be back,” you said, squeezing her hand. but as soon as you tried to pull away, yujin yanks you back to her side, wrapping an arm around your waist tightly and pressing up against you. “baby! it takes like three minutes.” you giggle.
“no, you’ve already had too much… we’ll go to sleep soon,” her words were a bit muffled since she had her face buried on the crook of your neck. she raises her head slightly, looking up at you with her big puppy eyes that never ever failed to soften you up. “and i don’t like it when you’re away.” she mumbles.
oh, how she melts your heart.
“alright, cutie. i’ll stay.” you said, bumping your nose gently against hers.
if the way she almost immediately agreed to having a joint study session when you texted her about it days ago wasn’t enough to tell you how much she missed you, perhaps how she kissed you right now would. so soft you could barely feel it, and so sweet that warmth bloomed in your chest. you broke the kiss slightly just to take yujin’s glasses off her face, making her giggle softly before kissing you again.
a bit stronger this time—her hand rested on your waist, gently squeezing every now and then as she whimpered while you put your hand on the back of her neck, playing with her hair. her lips tasted like chocolates, most likely from the little treats she consumed every now and then because it helped her ‘focus’. you knew yujin just had a sweet tooth.
you could taste the chocolate on her lips, and after a single swipe of your tongue on her lips, you could taste it in her mouth. this was a much needed break, so you didn’t complain when yujin pulled you to her lap. both of you laughed at the way you nearly knocked yujin’s laptop off the bed, willing you to put your hands on her cheeks and control the kiss as you pleased.
‘finally,’ you thought. you felt your girlfriend tug at your shirt, making you laugh once again. she can be so needy. ‘we’ve both been waiting for too long.’
just as the kiss started to lead the two of you in that direction, something tickled the tip of your nose. you leaned back slightly, wondering just what gave you that weird sensation. yujin’s eyes slowly fluttered open, her lips forming another pout since she was so desperate (and determined!) to kiss you all night. then, you notice it—her cute bangs that have grown way too long.
they were nearly poking at her eyes! at first glance, yujin looked so cute but then you remembered the way she would shake her head softly every now and then to get her bangs away from her eyes, or how she would brush them away every second… and just then, you had a brilliant idea.
“baby, no… come back.” yujin whined when you slid off her lap. you grabbed a spare folding chair from the depths of your closet (you don’t remember why you have that, actually…) and disappeared into your bathroom. you were thankful to conveniently have a roommate who took cosmetology classes because any extra equipment she had, she stuffed it under your bathroom sink.
and so, you pulled out a cape and a pouch that contained various combs and scissors before swinging the bathroom door back open. yujin was standing right there, all cute and sleepy and very much confused.
“i need you to change into one of my shitty shirts.” you said, earning a head tilt from the taller girl.
“i love all your shirts, though.”
“come on…” you sighed deeply and went through your drawer on your own. inside you found a grey t-shirt with its design all faded out and chipped. yujin puts the shirt on as you so kindly requested and immediately, you dragged her inside the bathroom and sat her down in front of the mirror on the chair.
“look,” you gave her a kiss on her crown and softly patted her bangs. “i’m going to give them a little trim!” you exclaimed with a big smile.
yujin should be scared. not once has she ever seen you cut hair nor has she seen you hold a pair of scissors so clumsily like you did with the one you had on your hand now but instead, she grinned as widely as you did. “really?! i didn’t know you knew how to cut hair, baby!” she says excitedly. she turns her head to you—with her ‘brightness of a thousand suns’ grin and eye-smile, you couldn’t help but melt.
“j-just a little… but you don’t mind?” you asked.
“of course not! i believe in you,” yujin assures you. “plus, this is way cheaper than going to the salon and paying hundreds just for a little cut.”
you chuckled, “you’re lucky you’re my girlfriend then. otherwise i would’ve charged you like fifty dollars.”
yujin laughs along, “yeah. i’m really lucky.” she replied with warmth and sincerity in her voice. you couldn’t hold yourself back; you leaned down and gave her a sweet kiss on the lips. chocolates, still.
not long after you decided to get to work—yujin sat there quietly, trying her very hardest not to bop her head to the music you’ve put on (it was one of your shared playlists, particularly yujin’s favourite of the bunch) to fill the silence. yujin stared at your face through the mirror, her heart increasing its size every time she catches you do your little habits: biting the corners of your lips, blowing your own hair away when it gets in the way of your eyes, and the way your eyebrows furrowed so deeply from how focused you were.
“does that look okay?” you asked after a few minutes, stepping aside. her bangs were still a bit long, but you didn’t want to overdo it just in case yujin actually liked having them long.
“hm… they’re still a bit…” yujin replied, moving her head softly. obviously she wanted it shorter, so once again you gave her a kiss on the cheek before continuing your work.
it was obvious that yujin was struggling to sit still. she was a very active person! heck, while you were studying for hours, yujin would take small paces around your room and poke around every forty minutes just to keep herself entertained. of course, yujin wouldn’t dare ruin her hair so instead, she decided to keep her hands busy by playing with the hem of your shirt. she’d poke on your stomach, making you laugh and jokingly kick her shin but she’d do it again and you wouldn’t say anything. her cold hands felt right against your warm skin.
a few more laughs, short kisses, and ‘snips’ later, you once again stepped aside to let yujin have a look of herself.
“whoa!” your girlfriend exclaimed. she touches her bangs, moves her head around, and beams up at you. “you’re amazing, baby!” she was saying as you cleaned up the scissors and the cape. as soon as you took it off of her, yujin leaps up from her chair and hugs you tightly.
she peppers your face with kisses amidst your giggles and half-hearted attempts of kissing her back. “you’re the best, (y/n). thanks a lot.” yujin whispers in your ear as she embraced you a bit more gently. your caressed her hair, giving her a chaste kiss on her shoulder, before melting into her.
the two of you stayed that way for a while, until you leaned back to take a look at your girlfriend’s face. she was beautiful, except that her bangs were a bit shorter and, in yujin’s most honest opinion, a lot cuter. you pulled her down to give her a kiss in the forehead, her favourite, before she captures your lips in a kiss. having been this amazing girl’s lover for years now, you’ve come to know where these unexpected make-out sessions lead up to… and you definitely did not want the two of you to go there when the bathroom floor was littered with tiny strands of yujin’s hair.
“clean up first, babe,” you whispered against yujin’s lips. that got you another whine. “please?”
well, that quickly got yujin moving around. you laughed as she cleaned up the entire bathroom in record time and before you knew it, it looked as good as new. the least you could do was put the equipment away, so you folded up the cape and put the scissors in the pouch before tossing it all under the sink once again.
as soon as you stood back up, yujin hugs you from behind. you smile at her through the mirror, she smiles back. even brighter. you intertwined your hands and of course… yujin’s lips were on your skin again.
you giggled, feeling her soft kisses from your neck to your cheek, “do you ever get tired, baby?” you asked, turning your head and catching one of her many, many kisses.
yujin shakes her head, smiling at you like she wants you to fall in love with her all over again, “can’t help it.”
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yxngbxkkie · 8 months
picture time with 2min
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so i got the idea from seeing these two photos, and it's probably the fastest thing i've written 🫢 i hope you guys enjoy it!! 💓
feedback is greatly appreciated 🥰
Minho stands in front of the mirror, taking his phone out of his pocket. He opens the camera app before posing in the mirror. He's already taken a couple of photos when Seungmin walks out of the bathroom.
The younger member wears a fluffy towel around his waist, a hand combing through his wet hair. A smirk comes to Minho's lips as he takes a couple more photos, capturing his boyfriend in the background.
"What are you doing?" Seungmin asks, his eyes narrowing at his hyung.
"I'm taking some pictures to send to Y/N, calm down," Minho mentions, playfully rolling his eyes.
Seungmin hums, getting his own idea. He looks around for his phone, finding it on the nightstand he shares with you. He grabs it before making his way back into the bathroom.
Minho watches him walk by, and another smirk settles onto his lips. He peeks around the corner to watch him take photos of himself. "I can't believe my eyes," Minho teases his maknae, walking into the bright room. "What are you doing, puppy?"
"I can't stand you," Seungmin scoffs, and he turns to look at him, repeating his words from earlier. "I'm taking a picture for Y/N, calm down."
"Feisty today," Minho mumbles while standing behind him. Seungmin jumps at the feeling of his boyfriend's fingertips. "Why don't we take one together?"
Seungmin moves his head to the side to look back at him. "You just took some with me," he jokes, earning a glare from Minho.
"Fine then," he drops his hands, moving to leave the room. Seungmin rolls his eyes at him, being dramatic before reaching a hand out to stop him.
"We'll take the damn photo," Seungmin caves, tugging his hyung back towards him.
Minho grins as he moves to stand behind him again, resting one of his hands on Seungmin's hip. Seungmin opens his camera app again, angling the phone so both of them are in the picture. He takes one before looking at it, making sure it looks good.
"Take one more," Minho whispers, his lips brushing against Seungmin's ear.
"O-Okay," he stutters, watching Minho press his lips against his bare shoulder. Seungmin gulps and poses for the picture.
A shiver runs down Seungmin's spine after taking the photo. Minho presses another kiss before walking back into the bedroom. "Send that to me, Jagi," he says while leaving.
Seungmin clicks on the photo to inspect it. He groans a bit at the way Minho looks in it. He brings up your contact, a smile coming to his lips at the photo you sent.
I miss you, baby. I hope you're having a good time with your friends! 🤍
[Attachment: 1 Image]
He sends a photo of just himself first, deciding to send the one with Minho afterward. Seungmin locks his phone and walks back into the bedroom. He tosses the phone onto the bed before getting dressed.
"I'm making lunch. Do you want some?" Minho asks suddenly, startling the maknae.
"Yeah, please," Seungmin answers immediately, glancing towards him. The two smile at one another before Minho makes his way back into the kitchen.
He picks his phone back up, seeing a notification from you. A giggle leaves Seungmin's lips at your text. His cheeks blush as you freak about how gorgeous he is.
Uhm, excuse me??? What did I do to deserve this?! 🫢
Seungmin, my pretty boy, LOML 😍 you are so fucking handsome, I can't even
A strange noise leaves Seungmin's lips as he types out a reply.
Baby, pls, I'm blushing and feeling embarrassed about the next photo I was supposed to send 🫣
His message is read instantly, and he moves to the kitchen. He leans against the counter when his phone vibrates. He glances down at the screen, grinning ear to ear.
Don't tease me like this 🥺 Show me, show me!! 😤
"Y/N's pretty bossy today," Seungmin informs Minho, glancing towards the man.
"Yeah, she's getting out of control," Minho laughs while looking back. "Are you texting her?"
Seungmin nods, typing out a message with the image of him and Minho attached.
I can never say no to you 😒
[Attachment: 1 Image]
✨️We✨️ miss you
"I'm sending her the photos we took," Seungmin tells Minho, locking his phone after.
Minho laughs again before turning to face Seungmin. "Oh, she's going to freak over those," he grins. He fishes his phone out of his pocket, deciding to text you as well. "My photos aren't as spicy as yours, but she'll love it anyway."
"She's a hard simp for both of us, Min," Seungmin exposes you. He walks over to his boyfriend, resting his chin on his shoulder as Minho sends you a message.
Seungminnie and I are missing our baby! 💛
[Attachment: 1 Image]
"She's going to end up leaving early," Minho mentions, quickly looking towards Seungmin. He smiles softly and presses a kiss on the maknae's cheek.
Seungmin grunts and pulls back, not expecting the sudden kiss. "What was that for?" He asks, moving to grab his phone.
Minho gives him a look before checking on the food that's cooking. "I can't kiss my boyfriend?" He counters.
"Y-You can! I just didn't expect it," Seungmin stutters, opening your notification.
I -
I am looking ✨️respectively✨️
Maybe I should come home
My boys miss me 😩🥹
That's a good reason to leave… right?? 🫢
Seungmin laughs at your messages, feeling his heart flutter in his chest. My boys. He repeats the word inside his head, his gaze moving to Minho.
"You were right, baby," he says to Minho, showing him his phone screen.
Minho reads the message with a smile on his lips. He giggles before looking back at his phone. Seungmin glances over as well, seeing the same amount of bubbles in his text with you.
"Yeah, she said she's coming home," Minho chuckles, locking his phone before sliding it into his pocket.
"She's crazy," Seungmin laughs while moving into the living room.
"Yeah, but she loves us!"
You walk into the front door of your apartment building. You rush towards the elevators, slamming the button a couple of times. Your eyes are glued to the numbers dropping as you think about the photos your boyfriends sent you.
A deep breath comes from your lips, feeling a little offended that you missed the interaction. The metal doors open up, and you slip inside, pressing the button for the eighth floor. You rest your back against the wall, tapping your foot against the floor.
How did I get so fucking lucky? You think to yourself. You've been dating the two idols for almost two years. At first, it felt strange to date two people but now… you couldn't ask for anything else.
The doors open up, snapping you from your thoughts. You walk out of the elevator, reaching into your bag for your keys. Your heart starts to pound against your chest as you unlock the door to your shared apartment.
"I'm home," you call out, slipping your shoes off. You look around your apartment after putting your slippers on, searching for your lovers. "Bunny, baby?"
You call out each name you use for both, walking towards the bedroom. A gasp leaves your lips as Seungmin lays on the bed, completely naked.
"I should be so offended!" You huff, walking further into the room. Seungmin grunts and moves, turning to look at you. "You are so lucky you're cute!"
He reaches his hand out to you, pulling you closer to him. You laugh and bend over the side of the bed, pressing a light kiss on his lips.
"You know Min," Seungmin whispers against your lips. "He can be pretty persuasive."
You giggle and release a hum. "That he can be," you kiss him again, bringing a hand to his bare skin.
A slap echoes off the walls before you feel the stinging on your ass cheeks. "Yah!" You shriek, blocking your ass with your hands. A string of groans leaves your lips as Minho kneels beside you.
"Sorry, pretty," he chuckles and slips his hand under yours, massaging your cheek.
"I should be mad at you," you pout, turning away from him.
Minho whines as you move to lay on your back. "I'm sorry! Forgive me!" He says with a pout of his own.
"On one condition!" You say, looking between the two members. You wait for both of them to nod their head before continuing. "I want both of you to shower with me."
A smirk settles on both of their lips. Minho gets off the bed first, holding his hand out to you. "We can do that for you, pretty," he says while you grab his hand.
He pulls you up, his free hand gripping your hips. You look up at him, smiling fondly before leaning on your toes to kiss him. He gives you a quick kiss and leads you into your ensuite.
Seungmin's lips pepper across your shoulder, his hands slipping into your leggings. "I love you," he mumbles against your skin.
Minho's hands tug your leggings off as you turn your head towards Seungmin. He kisses you passionately, slipping his tongue past your lips. You moan into the kiss, reaching towards the counter so you don't fall over.
You break the kiss and tug your shirt and bra off. You gently stroke Seungmin's cheek as Minho presses a couple of kisses on your shoulder.
"I love you," you say to them before kissing Minho.
tagging: @strawboorybunny @reddesert-healourblues @spacegirlstuff @moon0fthenight @foxinnie8 @like-a-diamondinthesky @prettymiye0n
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babydin · 1 year
Sex (With My Ex) 
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Wrong place at the wrong time might've cost Javier his relationship with you, but he's as smooth as he is handsome and it isn't long until you fall back into old habits. He's a drug and you're addicted. - Javier Pena x f!reader - 18+, minors DNI! - Song inspo: Sex (With My Ex) - FLETCHER - References to cheating, alcohol, fingering, dirty talk, cursing, vaginal doggy style, light choking, biting, references to bruises - 1865 words -Comments/likes appreciated - A/N: There is Spanish in this and I am not a native Spanish speaker, it is something I am learning so please forgive me if my grammar or anything is incorrect! I'm still making my way through Narcos so I'm sorry if I don't have his voice 🥺 Also I figured out how to post this without splitting it or linking it yay me! 
I just had sex with my ex in a New York apartment.
“Do you want to come in?”   It’s been almost a month since you caught Javier with another woman’s tongue down his throat, it didn’t surprise you and you almost felt like you should’ve seen it coming. He had been spending more time on his case than he had with you, more time with his informants than he had at home, of course it was inevitable that she was getting to see him at his best and his worst, get take out with him, kiss him goodnight, suck his dick when he got praise from the boss. He told you that it was just a kiss, and it was just the one time but he came home to you and slipped into bed and turned his back to you most nights and it was that that made it hard for you to believe him.   You don’t know why you said yes, maybe it was those big dumb Bambi eyes he was giving you, or the way he smelled of lager and cigarettes, but you step into Javier’s apartment and give him a cold look as you brush past him and stares down at the ground like he knows he deserves it. You have a box of things he’d left at your apartment, and you drop it carelessly on the couch. It’s mostly clothes, a few tapes, a mug he bought you from a vacation to Cape Town last year. It had a crudely drawn pair of tits on it, you never did understand his reason for buying it for you but every time you drank from it you remembered spending an entire afternoon getting fucked by him under a mango tree. You both got sunburn. Javier comes to you with a glass of something over ice. It looks and smells like tequila, you don’t want it but you take it to be polite. “You look nice.” “What do you want?” You knew you looked nice. You had purposefully worn a skirt that showed off as much as your legs as you could get away with without getting a public indecency charge on you, and a shirt that accentuated the curves of your torso in a way that wasn’t so obviously trying to, but did anyway. Your hair was tied back, exposing your neck because Javi was a biter. “Babygirl, let me explain. Will you let me?” He looks pathetic; it’s a look you’ve never seen on him before. He’s full of apology, he’s full of regret, his eyes are wet, and maybe he’s terrified of losing you. You shoot the tequila in one gulp and set the crystal tumbler on the side table then take off your jacket and lean back against the back of the couch and raise your eyebrows, indicating to him to go on.  “I swear to you, it was one kiss. Once. She came onto me–” You scoff. “I know. I know that’s such a bullshit excuse but it’s the truth. Her mouth had been on mine for half a second before you showed up. I would never break your heart like that, mi vida.” He moves closer to you, “Come on.” You could’ve melted into him right there, his soft sultry tones and those puppy dog eyes, the smell of tobacco smoke burning in your nose, the shot of tequila burning in your veins. “No, Javi. You can’t just – You can’t just sweet talk me in Spanish and expect me to just forgive you. You really fucking hurt me, you pig.” Javier pouted,  “Soy un cerdo. Un cerdo podrido. Un cerdo muy apenado y podrido.” He reaches up and touches your cheek with his thumb, “Lo siento mucho.” It turned out he could just sweet talk you in Spanish and you would forgive him. The second that apology left his lips you grabbed the collar of his shirt in both your hands and pulled him into a heated kiss, surprised at how much you had missed the taste of stale cigarettes and beer. He pushed into you and forced you to sit on the edge of the couch, your legs wrapped around him and his jeans were so tight you could feel the outline of his cock against you, he wasn’t hard but he would be soon. That feeling alone was enough to get a pool of arousal forming in your panties. Your hips rut against him, desperate for some friction at your core as pressure builds. You haven’t had anyone inside you since Javier, you aren’t sure if anyone else can compare.   He feels your pleading movements and slips his hand between the two of you, it finds a home up your skirt and into your panties, the warm slick welcome he gets makes him moan into your mouth. You pull away slightly to unbutton his shirt, “¿Se besó como yo?” you ask, with the little Spanish he has taught you, you hope it’s intelligible. He spares you the struggle of having to translate, although hearing you speak in Spanish leaves his knees weak, and answers you in breathless English, thick fingers massaging your sex, “Gatita, nobody kisses like you.” You moan desperately and try to buck against his hand, needing more of him, all of him. You pull his shirt out of his jeans and make quick work of unbuckling those. Your trembling fingers are clumsy on the fastenings, but you can feel the ghost of his length as stiff as a board and pushing awkwardly against the already tight denim. “You’re so wet, kitten. You miss me?” “Fuck me.” You’re not above begging him. He doesn’t even have to ask you to, it comes so easily; the way he gets you so riled up so quickly, skilled fingers stroking your clit with ease as you coat them with your arousal, his softly toned chest heaving as he struggled to keep his breathing at a steady pace, of course you had missed him. You needed him. Nobody in the world had ever fucked you as good as Javier Peña.  “Please, Javi.” you get his jeans open and pull them down just enough to reach inside and pull out his thick cock, hard and twitching in your hand. He doesn’t give you any time to pleasure him though, he rips you off the couch and his hand pulls your panties down in one swift move, so fast you barely have time to register what happened, but as your underwear drops to your ankles you step out of it so you can spread your legs as wide as he needs them. Javi turns you around and pushes you back over the couch, his knee pushes between your thighs to nudge your knees apart and he guides his cock between your soaked labia, coating himself in your arousal, and you moan as you feel yourself around him. You suddenly wonder how it would feel to ride him like that, his stiff cock pressed against his stomach under your weight as you rub your clit on his shaft until cum oozes out of him. Your thoughts are disturbed when Javier presses his tip inside you, your sex is aching for him, already pulsating around him, welcoming him in, trying to pull him deeper as he stretches you with his girth. He doesn’t ease in tonight, he fucks his way in, each thrust has him entering you deeper until you have all of him, his hands on your hips pulling you into him and you know you’re going to bruise from the brute force of his pelvis smacking into yours but you will wear those bruises proudly. His fist twists in your ponytail and he pulls you up off the couch a little, leaning down to meet you. That was another good reason to wear your hair up, you thought. Built arms wrap around you, the one hand finding your clit again to rub rapid circles over it as the other holds your throat. You moan loudly without a care for any of the adjacent apartments. Javier’s teeth find your neck, just behind your ear, they sink in and they suck hard and he claims you as his own. You hear him grunting, feel the heat from his breath and the sweat from his brow, and it drives you insane. “Javi—” you gasp desperately, “Javi, ba–baby I’m—” You don’t need to finish your sentence, and he knew exactly what you were going to say. He fucked you harder, so hard it made your teeth rattle, his fingers launching a relentless attack on your clit, as if he was trying to start a goddamn fire down there. You couldn’t hold onto your orgasm anymore at this rate, and you mistakenly turned your head and looked at him, his face all twisted with concentration, tan skin flushed with a fire burning within him, glistening with sweat, hair sticking to his forehead. Each forward thrust of his hips forced a moan from you until you came hard. Both of your hands wrapped around his to stop him from rubbing you any more, and your thighs clamped together as the muscles of your sex ebbed and flowed around his cock, you moaned from deep within your throat and could not believe how sensitive you were. Despite your reaction, Javier did not stop pounding into you, fucking you through your orgasm and when you were coming down he took both your hips in his hands and continued, pulling you into him as he fucked you. You had barely time to recover from your first orgasm and you felt a second brewing already, your knees were weak and you gripped onto the couch for stability.   Javier’s teeth sank into your shoulder and his hand once again found your throat. “You got me so fuckin’ pussydrunk, kitten.” he purred into your ear, his breath heavy as he struggled to catch it between his harsh thrusts. Your eyes roll back into your head and you reach back to grab at his hair desperately, pushing back against him as your second orgasm washes over you so quickly. It’s so intense that your mouth falls open but no sound comes out, the walls of your core clamp down on Javier and claim him and it doesn’t take him long before his calculated thrusts become messy, then few and far between, and then completely still as he spills his orgasm deep inside you. His voice went up an octave as he released his thankful moans into your neck. The feeling of him filling you up made you find your voice, a strangled gasp filling the air as you tugged on his hair and forced him closer into your neck. Javier’s grip loosened on your body, his touch turned suddenly so tender but still he held you close, feeling your body trembling. “Missed you.” he whispered against the shell of your ear. You smile lethargically and try to steady your racing heart that seems to beat only his name Javier. Javier. “You’re amazing Javi.” You tell him. “Stay. Please?” You think for a second and then nod; how could you possibly say no? Nobody in the world is ever going to love you like Javier Peña.
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she-wolf09231982 · 5 months
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Band of Brothers (1x5) Crossroads
You guys….🤣
I’m rewatching BoB for inspiration on my next Liebgott fanfic, and had to pause this part to write down a few notes and when I look up I see this HILARIOUS heavy dose of dopamine.
Now, to help enhance this experience, I’ve provided below descriptions (from my personal pov) with corresponding emojis to explain how they’re feeling in this scene because each expression is 100% unique and not like the other. 😁
{Left to Right}
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😧 We got zoned out Skip Muck internally screaming like, “-what…the actual…fuck.”
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🙄 Directly in front of him, ‘So Done With It’ Luz with the classic over dramatic eye roll and the prolonged “FFFFFFFFUUUUUUUCK...”
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🥺 Next to Skip, poor defeated Perconte with his sad puppy dog face. Probably let a small whimper escape from his throat.
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😨 Malarkey in complete disbelief looking at Skip to see if he’s laughing. “No fucking way…this is a goddam joke, right??”
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😔 Up front, good ol’ papa bear Lipton, just pushing through the shit once again thinking, “Yelp, it was only a matter of time.” Or just the simple disappointed, “…damn.”
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😐 And then there’s Toye, “Well shit…time to polish some brass knuckles.”
I wish any of you would tell me that this pic isn’t a whole vibe! (Go ahead, I’ll wait 🤨😉)
💚💚💚Feel free to add your interpretations of these handsome faces, I’d love to be entertained by your POV. 💚💚💚
As you were 😉🫡
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dilf-whore · 2 years
Can I please request a fic of Eddie x Female reader where she’s pretty flirtatious but he never took it seriously because he thought she act like this around her friends too, until someone else from the hellfire club wants to ask her out and he realized that they probably both have a crush on each other
Thank you so much🥺
stupid hottie
pairing: eddie munson x f!reader
genre: friends to lovers!, jealous!eddie, fluff
summary: guess jealousy’s the answer for you and eddie’s situation
A/N: sorry it took me so long to post this and if it’s short😭 i hope you like it though. let me know what you think! and i hope it’s alright if i made a minor change to it. alsooo send in your requests or some messages lol i’d love to make new friends or have some short convos with you guys. ❤️
requested: yes
requests are OPEN
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You dust off Eddie’s jacket and fix his hair, “Sweetie, be careful next time don’t want to damage that handsome face of yours” you smile.
Eddie just slipped over god knows what as he made his way towards the table to start his campaign. You rush towards him and help him up. After muttering a small ‘thank you’ to you, you give him a wink and grab his arm and go to your seats. The long-haired metalhead was once again, feeling butterflies in his stomach. 
Eddie hated how flirty you were, how you call him cute nicknames, how you always leave him with a tint of red on his cheeks, and how much you make his heart flutter. He liked you since day one, when he saw you walking through the hallways like a lost puppy; oh how much he got nervous when you approached him to ask where Math class was. And from there, you both became friends and he introduced you to Hellfire Club.
Dustin was the first one to notice Eddie’s crush on you, the way he looks at you and how he unconsciously smile when you talk. He always bug him and urge him to ask you out, saying how you obviously feel the same but to no avail, Eddie always tell him that you don’t and that you act the same to everyone. 
Eddie feels a light tap on his shoulder, he takes a look at the fingers on his shoulder and immediately recognized who’s delicate hand it was. He moves his head and lean towards you “Uhm Eddie, I’m gonna go to the toilet real quick”. He nods his head in response and moves his chair away to give you some space to stand up.
The rest of them watches you as you make your way out to the bathroom, as soon as you were out of their sight, Gareth speaks up, “I’m gonna ask her out”. Eddie immediately shots his head up and stare at Gareth, his jaw suddenly tightens - a weird tense and raging feeling goes through his body. Dustin looks at his friend in front of him, giving him a small kick under the table. Eddie turns his attention to the boy and Dustin mouths “You better do something, asap”. 
Eddie looks down, his mind going feral, his thoughts running everywhere, he clenches his fist and lets out an annoyed sigh. 
Not long after, you go back to the room and Eddie’s body relaxes - but his mind’s still a total mess.
The campaign finishes and everyone left the room, leaving you, Eddie, and Dustin behind with the cleaning. Dustin suddenly grabs his bag and rushes to the door, “I’m so sorry guys, I-I remember my mom asked me to do something, uhm y-yeah” he waves you both goodbye. You wave back and continue cleaning, Eddie glares at Dustin, “now’s your chance” the boy whisper-shouts. 
You notice Eddie staring at the door, not moving an inch, “Baby can you -”
“Don’t go out with Gareth” he cuts you off.
You put down the small box of figures on the table beside you, “what?”
“That loser was planning to ask you out, so, say no”
You smirk at his statement, crossing your arms, “and why should I say no?
“I mean if you want to then go, not like I care” his eyes wandering somewhere else.
“Okay, then I will. He is cute” you tease.
He looks back at you surprised, “for real?”
You smile at his reaction. You wrap you arms around his waist and pull him closer to you, “seems like someone is jealous” you say as you tilt your head. 
“M-me? fuck no, why would I?” he stutters, shaking his head aggressively. 
“I don’t know” you shrug playfully.
Already impatient, you pull him closer and lightly smack his forehead, “god you’re so fucking stupid” 
“Of course, I won’t go with Gareth. I want to go out with you” you confess. “Don’t you see? I always flirt with you and practically give my whole attention to you, and I can’t believe you still didn't take the hint” you add, a slight hint of frustration in your voice.
You move you hands up to his collar and pull him into a kiss. You couldn't take it any longer, you knew he felt the same, you just waited for him to make the first move but he’s just so oblivious to do so. Eddie melts into the kiss and cups your face with both hands, you pull away first - leaving him wanting for more.
“Now, aren’t you gonna tell me something?” you smile.
“Y/N, will you be my gorgeous girlfriend?” he asks, looking into your eyes with admiration and happiness. 
“I will be honored to be this stupid hottie’s girlfriend” you reply.
“Now come on, give your jealous boyfriend another kiss to make him feel better” he pouts.
You laugh and give in, you press your lips against his - this time more delicate and less rushed. 
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simpforchuchu · 1 year
Platonic!Oya Boys x Oya!FemReader!reader
Pov: A new female student starts to Oya High and our precious Oya Boys becoming overprotective 😁
a/n: Hii! I wanted to write smth for our lovely Oya Boys cjekkd I think it is really cutee 🥰 I hope you like it too :')♥️
Sorry for the grammer or spelling mistakes.English is not my main language so...
Thank you and love you 🥰
Warnings: hnl usual violence
Other parts
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• No one cared much when Jamuo excitedly announced that a new student was transferring to first grade this term.
• But when they heard that this person was a s girl, they all reacted the same way...
•  Third graders Todoroki and Tsukasa were quite worried about a young girl joining Oya.  And already thinking how to protect her.
•  While Tsuji&Shibaman duo and Fujio were excited that it would be quite interesting, the YasuKiyo duo was wondering if she could fight.
•  NakaNaka duo and Jamuo were nodding their heads listening to their senpai.
•  On the first day of the next week, as Tsukasa and Jamuo were climbing the stairs to the roof, they heard voices from a classroom they were passing. When they walked in and looked, they heard a girl muttering, looking at the boys on the floor with disgust.Jamuo was still staring at the girl in surprise when Tsukasa called out, thinking it might be the new student.
• "Are you the new student?"
• She looked at the door in surprise and saw Tsukasa staring at her with a straight expression.She picked up her bag from the floor and nodded her head.
• "Did you beat them all?"
• When the young girl nodded her head again, Tsukasa asked why. He sighed when he learned that the young girl had beaten them because they had laughed at her and made fun of her by saying she couldn't study here.
• "You shouldn't start a fight without even knowing who they are, it could be dangerous for you."
• Y/n nodded, guessing that this person was one of the 3rd graders.
• "Hai, senpai!"
•  When Tsukasa told the young girl to come with him and introduce her to the others, she followed him and they went up to the roof.
•  Yes, everyone was confused for a while...
•  -Except Todoroki, he's as cool as ever-
•  To look like a cool leader, Fujio calmly cleared his throat and approached the young girl who was looking around with puppy ​​eyes.
•  - yes y/n was pretty excited too -
•  "Hanaoka Fujio, I'm the leader of Oya High."
• Fujio could swear he saw hearts in the girl's eyes
•  "Huh?! Hanaoka-san ? Senpai, you are a legend."
• Surely they will both shout excitedly for a while and the others will watch what is going on...
•  Tsukasa now knew he had to stop them, and he did.
•  "Takajo Tsukasa, Im also 3rd grade."
• "Tsukasa? Now I understand why you're popular with girls. You're really handsome."
•  Tsukasa shook his head laughing
• "Oi! I'm your senpai."
•  "Hai!"
•  After the young girl met everyone, Tsukasa mentioned for a while that y/n got into a fight as soon as she arrived.Although this caused chaos for a while, Fujio was now sure of what he was thinking.
•  "If Y/n-chan joins a faction, it keeps her safe.That's why she's joining the Todoroki Faction."
•  "Huh?!!
• Yes, all three had the same reaction.
•  "He looks scary" y/n says in a low voice and Fujio will whisper too "Yeah I know but I'm sure you'll love him"
•  Okay, Todoroki definitely didn't want her around at thebeginning.He was worried about her safety and didn't like having her chase after him like a puppy.
•  -Or he acted like he didn't like it...-
•  She became like a little sister to them all in a short time.
•  Even though Todoroki Faction, especially ChunChun duo became her best friends
•  Oya's baby faction has always helped her.  And I think that they often eat and play together..
•  And no, no one can flirt with her.No man deserves her.They are very strict about it.
•  I believe Tsukasa will be a sweet senpai.  Although she enthusiastically chases after Fujio with her admiration, Tsukasa will always stop them as the 2nd Brain of the school...
•  -Except when they went to Suzuran together.  Tsukasa didn't know this, and if he did, he certainly wouldn't let this happen-
•  When they found out that she came out of Suzuran unscathed - fujio had minor injuries but he didn't let them touch her - they were scolded for a really long time
•  Yes, her beloved leader was also scolded.
•  Fujio's frequent "Y/n-chaan!" 😍
• I believe he will call her cutely and enjoy talking to her.
•  Jamuo will inform her about the gangs around
•  In fact, not only Fujio, but also Suzuran and Housen, whom she went with her dear leader, will be her friends.
•  I think all Suzuran found her quite cute.
• - Binzo and Magoroku prefer her to come over Fujio...
•  She's one of the few people who makes Sachio smile, and he likes the way she gets along with his sister.
•  Of the other schools, I think she'll be the closest to Yuken and Binzo.But everyone is a little hesitant about Binzo.Because they both too hyperactive...
•  Ohh, when they went to Suzuran, it pissed off Todoroki the most.
•  Todoroki has been pretty protective ever since she joined him.Although he found her annoying at first, he got used to it over time and sometimes misses her annoying him.
•  She can be the third wheel next to Tsuji and Shibaman, they don't mind. Tsuji lets her dye his hair and he will dye her hair for the first time too...
•  Todoroki knows she can protect herself, so it's okay for her to come to fights. And he's proud of her for getting stronger over time.
•  Yes, he doesn't show his love very much, but she got a few headpats from him...
•  I think she will have a lot of fun with YasuKiyo duo. They often go to arcades together and sometimes they sneak her into fights.
•  -of course, todoroki gets pretty angry every time they come back-
•  She is someone who is highly cared by everyone and a little spoiled...  I think she brings them together more...
•  She was on the bus with Tsuji and Shibaman when the big fight happened.  When Raijin gets on the bus, Tsuji will notice this and ask her to stay in the bus.
•  They know they are too crowded. Even if she doesn't want to admit it, Shibaman will convince her and ask her to find help.
•  It was very sad to see them badly injured when she came back, but when she returned to Oya it was a little scary to see everyone injured...
•  After the events are over, she will feel that everyone is even more connected to each other.
• Oh and she is definitely going to the party with the boys.
• The Girls High party...
• We know Todoroki found the card and he will definitely need a matchmaker.
•  I told you they don't even let a man come near her, right? What if that man has already won her heart and it's Ebara's Sameoka Shoji...
•  When they find out, only chaos will be in Oya...
•  Especially Todoroki Faction will make this a huge problem :/
•  Come on... They put Tsuji and Shibaman in the hospital...
•  Even if they struggle for a while, Todoroki and the duo will accept it after everyone else...
•  Of course, they will mess with each other at every opportunity, and Shoji should what his back at his slightest mistake 😌
•  What if it's a different scenario... What if they found out that you actually like girls?
•  All of them are totally okay with that.
•  They just want you to be happy. 
• So if you like someone, I believe they will all help you - at least they will try - and oh sure...
• no homophobic person can upset you... they will kill them.
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sorrowfulrosebud · 1 month
Oh boy jokes on you, saying "give me Shoji asks" summons me from the void! How about werewolf or puppy boy head canons? Like he's had a hard life, and reader is just good and gentle to him? Calls him a handsome boy?
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🜸 First and foremost, Shoji is definitely a big dog breed. I’m thinking like Tibetan Mastiff. Big, beefy boy with the fluffiest ears and MASSIVE tail.
🜸 I think reader would most likely have adopted Shoji in a hybrid adoption shelter. He had a very neglectful past; his mother passing not long after birthing him, being thrown from house to house. Some people were really mean and beat him, giving the poor puppyboynasty scars on his mouth 🥺🥺
🜸 He handed himself in to the shelter. He couldn’t afford to live on the streets since he needed a bed and food. Poor puppy just wanted a proper chance at a family 🥺
🜸 Many families pulled faces at the thought of keeping Shoji. He was so so big, and given his background they all thought he’d be too rough with the kids.
🜸 You end up wandering into the adoption agency, looking for a more mature hybrid to take home. You were brought in front of the MASSIVE hybrid who looked far too cramped for his pen :(
🜸 His eyes shone a little at the idea of being seen. You knelt in front of him, offering him a smile before seeing the muzzle.
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The attendant at the agency led you through the heavy metal door amidst all of the noisy yapping of other hybrids. He knocked on Shoji’s door to get his attention.
Shoji’s fluffy ears pricked up. A meeting? Someone wanted to see him?! Quiet hope flooded his system. He hoped that this person would be lovely, and love him like he deserved.
You step back a little to give Shoji his space as he opens the door. The hybrid’s head bumped noisily against the door as you winced in sympathy. A small whine left his lips as he rubbed his sore ears, before shutting up and looking at you.
Your eyes widened a little bit at the sight of the bulky muzzle. You couldn’t recall a history of biting or aggression. Putting that aside, you smiled softly at the tall puppyboy. Shoji’s tail wagged slowly, bending down so he was sat on his knees in front of you. Again, your eyes widened at his practised submission.
You got to your knees too, leaving a respectful amount of space between the two of you.
“Hello, sweet boy. My, aren’t you so pretty,” you cooed softly, offering a hand for Shoji to sniff if he should so want. Onyx eyes widened.
He was…pretty?!
His head found itself slowly dropping, until it made contact with your hand. Your fingers worked a gentle rhythm near the base of his ears, hearing the womp of his tail behind him. You giggle softly, much to Shoji’s delight. Your head turns to the attendant.
“Can we get the paperwork started, please? I’d love to take Shoji home today if possible.”
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🜸 You’d asked about the muzzle, your heart melting when the attendant said that he only took it off to eat. He said that Mezo was frightened of people seeing his face and being scared of him.
🜸 He also gave you his history. Mezo did NOT do well with abandonment. He was a very anxious hybrid, often bending over backwards for other hybrids so they would like him, much to no avail.
🜸 You took Mezo home that day.
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The thick door of your home opened slowly, allowing Mezo to sniff around. His tail hadn’t stopped wagging since you clipped the generic brand collar around his neck. The leash hung loosely in your hand, making Mezo a little anxious but didn’t dampen his new mood.
You undid your shoes, placing them neatly on the rack. A hearty sigh left your lips as you faced your new puppyboy.
“Well my sweet boy, I’m super hungry. Would you like some lunch?” You offered him gently.
Mezo’s mind blanked out at the nickname.
He was…sweet?
“Mezo?” You asked him softly. Black eyes snapped back to you as he stood awkwardly in the hall. Is it too soon to ask for cuddles? You smiled at him softly.
“Here, come in the living room. You’re free to explore anywhere you like,” you explained happily, leaving to go to the kitchen. A quiet whine makes you turn your head around to the shaky puppyboy. Your heart melted at the sight of his teary eyes.
“Oh no, sweet pup don’t cry! I know new places can be scary,” you walk to him, slowly placing your hands in his snow white locks.
His tail wagged as his hands struggled to stay by his sides. You caught on immediately.
“Would you like to cuddle, my good boy?” You ask him softly. Mezo nodded wildly, following you to the couch. He kneels in front of you, wrapping his arms around you as he rests his face against your tummy. The muzzle rides uncomfortably into your tummy as you wince.
“Mezo? You know you can take the muzzle off. I know you don’t have a problem with biting or aggression.”
Mezo physically tenses beneath you.
“I know of your background. I know your poor face has been scarred. But please know,” you lift his teary face with your hands.
“I’m never going to give you up. You don’t need to keep the muzzle on whenever we’re in the same room. I understand if you want to keep your face covered until you feel comfortable, but I have some bandanas and masks. They’d be so much better for your poor skin,” you offered, kissing Mezo’s forehead gently.
Poor Mezo’s brain was melting. So much praise and choice was too much.
“M-mask please,” he mumbled shyly. You smiled at the sound of his gruff voice.
“Of course, sweet boy.”
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ssahotchnerr · 1 year
ice skating with aaron 🥺💗 and he’s grasping your hands tightly because you’re complaining that they’re cold <33 so he’s rubbing them gently and and and gosh he’d look so handsome bundled up in a scarf :’))) and one time when you feel yourself falling you blindly grab for whatever’s closest to you and that just happens to be him, and the two of you fall together i’m screaming this is so adorable bye i don’t even care if it’s cliche and okay i’m picturing this in an outdoor rink and it starts flurrying and there’s snowflakes in his hair and you’re sharing the gentlest softest sweetest kisses in the snow <33 i want this so bad 😭 where can i get an aaron hotchner
anyhoo that’s my soft aaron thought (i have plenty)
this is so 🥹
skating with aaron <333
cw; none!
hehe one night aaron gets out of work early, he's getting home just as the sun has set for the day - at like 5 pm and it's ridiculously dark outside 🙄 hehe after peppering him with kisses because you've haven't seen him in what feels like forever (when it's only been a few hours hehe <33), you pitch the idea of a date night and of course he agrees 🥰
ice skating was a spur of the moment kinda thing- the two of you had just eaten dinner, and were walking around the lil plaza where the restaurant was located and there was a huge skating rink in the middle of it. you and aaron both eye it at the exact same time, he already knows what you're thinking, and sure enough, he turns his head only to see you giving him puppy dogs eyes hehe <3 and how can he say no to you?!?
when you step onto the ice, its a bit more slippery than you expected, causing you to trip instantly, but aaron immediately grabs ahold of your waist and steadies you, a small laugh escaping his lips as he teasingly reminds you to be careful🥰. once he's confident you've gotten to your bearings, he immediately takes ahold of your hand and tugs you along gently, beginning to skate alongside you 🥹 and he just looks so so so handsome 😭 snowflakes dusting his hair, scarf tied around his neck, a puffy winter jacket enveloping him <333
but you weren't as prepared for the cold in the slightest, and it doesn't help that it just started snowing again. after a while, you start shivering and your fingers go all numb, but you don't say anything because while you are freezing, you feel all warm and fuzzy inside because you're out enjoying a fun romantic night with the love of your life 🥰 but aaron knows all your tells - and your chattering teeth is a dead giveaway - so he guides you off to the side, takes off his scarf only to wrap it around yourself before he grabs ahold of both your hands, he makes another teasing comment on how you have icicles for fingers, before rubbing them gently to bring warmth back to them as well as blow some hot air onto them, and he gives your icicles for fingers some kisses as well <3333 your heart just melts at his sweetness 🥹 so the only thing you can do is lean up on your tiptoes and give him a thank you kiss <3
and AH right as the two of you are finishing skating for the night, aaron is the one who loses his footing his time, and since he has such a lock on you, you fall with him, landing right on top of him. concern instantly fills aaron, worried you've gotten hurt somehow, but the thought instantly disappears once he hears the sound of your laughter. he looks up at you with such a smile on his face, causing you to smile even more, and you have no other choice but to kiss him again right there in the snow 🥰<333
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wannaeatramyeon · 1 year
Hi! I really love your fics! Can I request a Vasco x blunt!reader? Where the reader would always compliment Vasco without shame (he deserves it!) and like calling him Good bo or handsome for beating bad guys whhehehe. I think Tabasco would blush a lot and I would love to see his reaction in your perspective! (They’re either lovers or both have feelings for each other but haven’t confessed yet) thank you! (Also sorry that this is long🥺)
Aww thanks for the kind words anon, and for the ask! Long asks are good! Allows me less freedom to wordvom and completely miss the point lol. Let me know if this hits the spot, or feel free to send me another ask (I think I might have misread this????)
Heheheeee Vasco would 100% blush, and he would also 100% need a blunt reader because someone needs to make it obvious and Euntae is too dense innocent for words.
Vasco x Reader: Compliment Assault
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You've seen the Burn Knuckles gang. They're not exactly the most... well-mannered and their leader Vasco is exactly the person you would expect to lead them. Except, well. He really isn't.
He tells you all about kangaroos and Hero Man and Jay's puppies; all about wanting to protect the weak and using the gang for good. He even starts walking you home after you tell him about feeling unsafe. Who can blame you for liking him.
"Vasco, how are you still single!"
Vasco completely pauses midstep and freezes. He turns to look at you with wide eyes.
"Y/N? W-what do you mean?" Bless this guy, he's turned completely red.
"Vasco, you've turned completely red!" You sidle up to him and throw your arm round his shoulder, or what you could reach of it, forcing him to crouch down. He glances at you uncertainly but manages a hesitant smile.
"My dear Euntae. You're just..." you hold the back of your hand up to your forehead and pretend to swoon. "Look at you!"
"W-what about me?" You notice despite his embarassment, he eagerly looks at you.
"You're just so big and strong. I mean these muscles... and your tattoos!"
You give his biceps a little squeeze and he flushes. He always lets you get away with too much, and the fact that you're groping him in public makes him feel indecent. Yet seeing you smile and feeling your touch makes it worth it.
You continue your assault.
"And you're always looking after me and protecting others! You look so hot beating up bad guys. You know that right?"
Vasco shakes his head furiously. Y/N thinks I'm hot?
"You might be the sweetest guy I know." Y/N thinks I'm sweet?? "How are you such a good boy!"
Shit. The words 'good boy' makes Vasco's pulse race and he gulps. Definitely indecent. He decides to put a stop to this before it goes too far. He clears his throat and wills himself to stop blushing furiously.
"Y/N... are you feeling ok?"
You take a step back to look at him. God you really do like this fool. You sigh. "You know when you get a girlfriend-" Vasco opens his mouth to interrupt but you press on, "-and you will. We... we probably shouldn't be like this."
He looks at you in confusion, barely keeping up with your change in mood. "What do you mean Y/N?"
"We spend a lot of time together, Euntae. We probably wouldn't be hanging together as much. You wouldn't be walking me home anymore..."
You look at the ground sadly, thinking about the day that you won't be the only person taking up his spare time. Vasco's strong hands reach out to grasp yours. You look up in surprise at his display of affection.
His face is set in grim determination, "I'll always walk you home and look after you Y/N. I promise."
Vasco looks at you with such sincerity that you can't help but be touched and your lower lip starts to tremble. You wrap your arms around him in an embrace, hiding the emotions on your face.
"Thank you Euntae."
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justanamesstuff · 11 months
I'm afraid that I lost you request time but it's no rush so...
I was thinking about dad!matty telling stories like the way he invented the man who married a robot but more childish (obviously lol) and maybe he makes the children part of the story 🥺
A/N: this warms my heart so much! Thanks for sending it, I'm sorry for the delay. Hope you like it!!
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"Okay, sleep time!" Y/n announced to the three children lying on the couch downstairs.
"No!" Amelia and Arthur protested first, Ruth tried to join them as best as she could.
"Come on." she urged them, standing right to the living's room door.
"I'm not tired yet." Amelia folded her arms, still on the sofa. Her frown almost made her gave up.
"Mommy." Arthur crushed between her legs, looking up with his best puppy eyes.
She was losing, and they were noticing. "Bed, now." Y/n tried again.
"No!" A new choir of protests came from the kids' mouths.
"What's happenin' here?" Matty walked in.
"Oh..." his mouth formed an 'O' shape, Y/n rolled her eyes.
"Bummer. I was thinking about telling you guys a story." that picked their attention. "A shame, really..." Matty winked his eyes to Y/n before turning around, exciting the room.
"Daddy!" Amelia was the first one to ran after him.
Arthur followed her big sister, meanwhile Ruth whinnied for Y/n to pick her.
"Ready?" Matty asked.
Y/n laid down on Amelia's bed. Amelia took the space between her feet, because her siblings cuddled both of their mother's side. The little crowd was waiting for daddy to star with his story.
"Ready!" Y/n shouted back.
Suddenly, a cute rabbit Amelia had since she was months olds showed up, as well as half of Matty's arm. The kids laughed when their dad started telling the story.
"This one is Mat- Marty." he cleared his throat, changing his voice to make it lower. Y/n laughed at his antics. "Marty is a handsome and incredibly talented...rabbit. Our hero is in love with this beautiful lady...sorry, not a lady. A princess!"
Ruth clapped when her favourite fluffy friend showed up beside 'Marty'.
"Hello, princess." Matty continued. "Hi, Marty." the kids giggled, looking at the characters move around. "What a beautiful night, don't you think?" the rapid change of voice had Y/n trying not to hysterically laugh, ruining the entire play.
"Yes, this is a beautiful night."
"Not as gorgeous as you, my princess."
"Oh, Marty!"
"Would you like to take a walk with me?"
Matty moved the princess as if she was thinking about the proposal. He pushed the rabbit at the princess on one hand, when a new toy --it had a missing an eye and an arm-- showed up beside them.
"She's too good for you, mate." Matty came up with a third voice for the new guy. "Come with me, beautiful."
"No!" the kids shouted.
"Quiet!!" Matty faced the toy towards his children, gaining another round of protests. "What do you say, princess?"
The singer's voice dropping a few octaves again, "I don't know...what should I do guys?" the stuffed animal 'looking' at the kids.
"What do you say? Mel?"
"Go with Marty!" she exclaimed, the narrator behind the door kept quiet trying to contain his laugh.
"Yeah, Marty!"
Y/n went to ask Ruth, but she was asleep already. She kissed her forehead.
"What do you say, mother of these amazing children?" Matty asked Y/n.
Her husband was sometimes an idiot, even though she loved him.
"Mmm, I'm not sure."
Matty poked his head inside the room, staring at Y/n.
"Mommy, chose Marty!" Arthur urged her.
"Fine. I chose Marty, princess!"
"Don't be so sure." Matty mumbled loud enough for her to hear and chuckled.
Matty returned to his rabbit character, "Go away, Paul-o."
"No! The princess is mine!" the frontman pushed the toys all together as a fight. "Guys, help!!" Matty screamed.
Arthur and Amelia ran towards their dad, trying to tear them apart. Matty let them take the princess and the rabbit. They went to secure them closer to Y/n. Before they noticed, Matty threw the evil character to the hallway. He witnessed with pleasure how the kids celebrate and Y/n laughed with his silly action.
"We win, mom!" Amelia exclaimed.
"I know! Well done, babies!"
"Daddy." Arthur called him.
"Did you like it?" he asked them, taking Ruth from the bed so the excited siblings didn't crush her.
"Okay, now bed!"
"Can we do this again tomorrow?" Amelia asked.
He couldn't say no to his babies, "Of course."
"So, Paul-o?" Y/n inquired Matty when he came finally to bed.
Matty bursted into laughter, guiding Y/n's face closer to his face, kissing her sweetly.
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diamonddung · 7 months
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@hom3land3r which way do you think looks better? Can't decide.🤔
Built like tank~💗
I add lower lashes and changed his eyebrows, hair color, and face detail a little bit. Old one comparison:
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I like old hair but felt new one was better suited for suit.
I made him look a little younger since he a vampire but I think I want to make multiversions because he needed a lot of mods to get like this and I want to make him more easily accessible minus the CC. Figured out where Batman suit came from too (superhero/villain career mod).
If I can, I will make a basegame (or at least Late Night) compatible version. I will probably also make some guy named Antony Starr eventually for my obsession with old man.
Want to make Willem Dafoe and Steve Buscemi too~✨
I also make William. Not done, but he a vampire hunter. Kinda.
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Look like glamor shot. @therealbillybutcher Puppy eyes kill me.😵‍💫🥺
May make some old guy named Karl Urban too, he like a less handsome Mr. Bean. Haven't decided yet, too busy making Shrek.
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He needs much work and my full attention.
. . .
If I could give all of them sparkly diamond turds, I would.
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youremyheaven · 2 days
U GUYYYSSS storytime:
So I got talking to a guy a little while ago and we vibed realllyyy well. He's lowkey the textbook definition of everything I'm looking for in a guy. He's 6'2, well to do (not rich but does veryyyy well for himself), BULKY BROAD SHOULDERED, Venusian etc
The synastry of our charts is insane 🥵 He had Mercury atmakaraka (remember my Mercury DK?? 😌)
He has a Venus Moon and stellium and he's the most Venusian guy I've ever met,,, he LOVES beauty, art, the female form etc and appreciates it. The way he spoke about it was so hot to me ngl,,, mf was so poetic,, he really knew how to speak sensually without ever being creepy or vulgar
His Mercury AK was in Purvabhadrapada and he had a puppy like softie Jupiter guy personality. I loved the fact that he looked like a WWE boxer (bulky af 🥵) but had the personality of a golden retriever. LITERALLY ALL MY DREAMS seemed to be coming true.
I knew his birthday but not his rising sign. Yk what they say about "if something's too good to be true, then it is" ??? yeah, i just couldn't brush off the feeling that something wasn't right. But I couldn't straightaway ask for his birth time, esp since he's Hindu and will know what's up 🤭😂 ANYWAAAYYYS we're talking and everything and this man is love bombing me HARD and I know it because:
a) I'm a retired love bomber myself
b) This is not my first rodeo
and anyways this 🧔🏻 is talking marriage and babies, he's calling me wifey 😭 (kinda cringe bc he's known me for dayyys but good lord handsome men can get away with anything 😤) and he refers to himself as "husband" 😭😭😭 like "husband's proud of you" and "your husband doesn't want you to apologise" 😭 (ew but he's hot 👉🏻👈🏻) and I let myself have my delulu moment and try to give him the benefit of the doubt bc literally he checks every box 🥹and he's soooo completely fond of me. We used to run in the same circles like 10yrs ago, even though I had no idea who he was and never interacted with him then, he told me that he remembered me from back then and thought I was cute 🥺 and later I took a looooong break from social media and he told me he'd wondered where I was all those years 🥹🥹and then I apparently showed up in his "suggested for you" on IG a few months ago and he instantly recognised me and followed me etc 🥺🥹 he's been tryna hmu for monthsssss now but I was with my ex 🤡and then I was recovering from my ex 🤧 so I didn't pay much attention to it. When he told me all this, it kinda made me melt 🫠 how he kept trying to talk to me even though I repeatedly ignored him etc
And he did everything right. I could text him rn and he'd reply in 5 seconds. He always asked me how I was, remembered things, always sent me like 20 different messages until I replied, showered me in compliments (Venusian men love to pour you with their attention, it can even be annoying lmfao) etc like there was nothing in his behaviour, his tone or his words that was giving me 🚩 he genuinely seemed sweet, caring etc and he loved babies 😩 and sent me videos with his nieces and nephews (man's was manipulator pro max) but YK ME 🤪 when I have a gut feeling ☝🏻 I can't ignore it 🤓 so I was very much waiting for the ball to drop and watch him fuck up somehow 💀 initially I felt sooo overwhelmed by all his love (bombing) that I felt like the bad guy for not reciprocating it or feeling that kind of "love at first sight" thing 🤡 BUT
one day he said "I can't believe I found you after 10 years, that means no matter where you are after another 10 yrs, I'll find you then as well" and I was like 🤨 I thought you wanted to marry me and make me your trophy wife 🧐 huh 👀 and he was all 😂😍haha yes ofc I'm just joking bbg 😍😂 but I knew there was more to it
Finally I got his birth time AND GUESS WHAT???
He's Hasta Rising 💀💀💀💀
Idk if you know already but I don't like Lunar men 🤡 and the minute I found out, I was SCREAMING bc 😭 why would God play me like that???? Put the most perfect guy, astrologically and otherwise, in front of me, I literally have him wrapped around my pinky and HE'S A LUNAR??? why God why 😭
But him & I had come too far for me to dump his ass for no reason 😬 (can't tell him it's bc the sus vibes I got from him was further bolstered by him being Lunar 🤭) so I was praying to God to give me an opportunity where he fucks up so that I can walk away 🚶🏻‍♀️from this situation before things get out of hand
I was texting him the other day and he spoke about how he wants to spend as much time with me as he can before we go out to chase our dreams (move away from this city basically) and I was like 🤨so you're looking for a short term relationship?? And he was like 🥺 no never and I was like why tf would you say you want to marry me and have babies (1 boy and twin daughters 😭🤡💀) if you already know you cannot commit???? And he was like "because we could meet again in a few years and it would be nice to have this plan ready" 💀💀💀💀 HE ACTUALLY SAID THAT AKSKKSJSJDIID brother thinks my IQ is in the negatives bc WTF sort of explanation is that 😭 and i told him "this manipulation might work elsewhere but not on me, good luck tho, bye, I'm done here 💅🏻" and he went 180 and said "I'm so sorry, I was just trying to be funny, please give me another chance, all I meant is that we never know how things go so we can try to work things out but there's no guarantee, please I'm so sorry" 😂😂 and he called me like 3 times and finally said "Can we atleast still be friends? i can't lose you like this" AJSJJSJSJ THE AUDACITY 🤡💀🤡💀
but I just want to say thank you God for showing me his true colours and for giving me the opportunity to exit with grace and dignity and making him feel like a fool 😌✨
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