#look at them all young and happy (i am going absolutely destroy them)
cosmosnout · 1 year
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I’ve meant to draw these guys for the longest time but just never got around to it. But here they are so yeippii
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diaprincess-dl · 1 year
First of all, thank you for who you are, and especially for choosing to share it with the world.
I am DL, with very few AB tendencies, if I understand correctly, you are also like that, with a connection to the DL world mainly.
There are very few women in the community in general, and in particular those who are DL. It's really refreshing to see that the first girl I notice that she's DL, she's also the most amazing beauty I've ever seen wearing diapers, and with a face that has real angelic cuteness.
I wanted to ask, and I would be very happy if you could answer, Even if not a complete answer, at least to know that you read and saw what I wrote, it will be very, very flattering to me.
When did you start wanting to wear a diaper? Is it sexual? If so, at what age did you realize it was related to sexual arousal? And if not, what in your soul makes you want this? At what age did you first put on diapers after initial weaning from diapers? And according to the fact that you had, from what I understand, late night wets, did your parents force you to wear a diaper? And when was the first time you put on a diaper in a section where it was clear to you that it was a so-called 'forbidden act'?
Sorry for the flood of questions.
I had a theory that was destroyed because of you, that these are only men can be a DL, because the sexual sensation associated with diapers somehow comes from stimulation and friction of the genital organ at a very young age in a diaper, which causes the brain to develop something very primitive to want a diaper, something that, technically, does not happen with women or should not happen for obvious reasons. And this is the reason that from the very, very basic tests I did, a lot of DL, these are children who were weaned at a relatively late age, 3, 4 and even 5. Then they develop the desire to wear a diaper, and at the age of 13 or so, it develops into something sexual. And that is why women are not DL, because the stimulation is supposed to be a lot more rarer.
One last thing I want to tell you is that the day I see a picture of you with a soaked diaper under your clothes, my day looks like rainbow.
Thank you so much for this!!!
Hiiyaaa 💕👸🏼
Thank you for such a kind message 🤗 I am definitely more into the DL side of things, you are absolutely correct but I do love some aspects of the AB side, I just don’t tend to share them online as much.
So I just started kindof dabbling in the world of diapers a few years ago, but had been wetting my pants and bed (some accidents, some on purpose) for literal years before I discovered the idea of wearing diapers… When I was a teen I went through phases where I would wet my bed like every night on purpose and then try to hide the evidence in the morning from my parents 🤦🏼‍♀️ they mentioned things a couple of times, but nowhere near the amount I was actually wetting the bed… they probably knew though lol.. l I definitely have a watersports kink, absolutely 🙊. Anyway I felt so silly for not thinking about the idea of using diapers sooner but diapers just never occurred to me lol. A few years back I saw my first porn video with another girl in a diaper and I was just in awe and had to try it myself 🤭.
Slowly I started to indulge more and more into blogs and personal ab/dl blogs to the point that I just kindof gradually mentally got myself in a space where I thought that I could try wearing diapers more often, which started off as just at night (when I was 26 to answer one of your questions)…. But somewhere in this phase I realized the convenience aspect of wearing 👀.. I could actually go through a full night in bed without having to get up to pee, so what started as a kink lead to discovering more than just that. I started wearing diapers all night, every night and just got used to waking up and wetting them, but this slowly, and I do mean slowly, about a year of wearing every night, turned into me starting to barely remember waking up to wet and eventually just flat out not remembering/not waking up and wetting myself most nights of the week. This was kindof scary but also turned me on? 🤷🏼‍♀️🤭 sooo I just kept doing it.
Here’s where the “convenience” aspect let me start wearing during the day: long road trips or long days out with my partner meant there was no real good spots to stop for the restroom all of the time. Things like concerts or big gatherings where there is drinking and long lines for the ladies room… I started wearing diapers to some of these things, not much as first but when I’d go back to not being diapered and have to suffer waiting in line, or waiting for a pit stop.. it was those moments that I seriously realized how much better it was being padded 💡 It was a little scary at first wearing diapers in public, especially wetting them.. also especially because I typically wear leggings or short dresses, so there is always some way that it can be seen. I’ve slowly just started to realize most people don’t care what you’re wearing for underwear, especially strangers. Friends on the other hand… 😬🫠 I know that some of my friends have noticed my diapers. I’ve had friends over for wine nights and forgot (on multiple occasions) to throw away my night time diapey and it was folded up on the bathroom floor and two of my friends went in there before I had went in and noticed. I’ve had a leak while waiting for a cab with my other friend and it was just us waiting outside in the quiet and I know she could hear the leaking onto the pavement. I also have multiple pictures on here of a diaper(s) I was wearing for while we were all hanging out…. So like all that and many other random occasions I’m sure lots of my friends know I wear diapers, I’m just waiting for someone to say something 🙊🙊 but part of me knowing they know, secretly turns me on? I’m super weird 🫠
So anyway since I knew there was a really big and accepting community out there for this, I finally got the courage to make a blog on Tumblr. It actually just started out as a personal blog for myself to be honest. Just a place where I could document my progress and share this side of me, for pictures I could go back and look at… I had no idea it would blow up like this. 😳 but I am extremely grateful and happy about it 💕💕
I wear diapers all of the time now, and am 100% nighttime bladder incontinent, and daytime at this point of a year wearing diapers 24/7 and NEVER trying to hold it….. I’m like basically there for daytime incontinence. 2 years ago I could totally hold it for hours like any other girl, but now I legitimately need diapers to keep me ‘dry’. I did it all to myself and part of me can’t believe it, but most of me is really happy I did it to myself 💕
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badkitty3000 · 2 months
How does Five feel about Claire and Stanley
It is funny how there is literally no interaction between Five and Stanley. It really would have made a good, funny bit for those two to have some banter. Stan doesn't know Five is actually an old man, he probably just thinks he's another kid like himself. Unless Lila tipped him off, but I highly doubt that. It would have been hilarious to have Stan try and buddy up to Five, or rip on him for his clothing choices, only to have Five look him up and down like he's a disgusting bug and just absolutely destroy him with some snarky comeback. Then just look at Diego like "Your kid is a fucking idiot" and saunter away. But, since we didn't get that, I can only imagine that, again, Five doesn't really think much about him. To Five, he's just some annoying kid that showed up with Lila, and yeah he may be his nephew that he didn't know he had, but at the time there were much bigger things to worry about. I imagine he was just watching Stan from a distance, shaking his head at how annoying he was being, but also smiling to himself watching Diego try and be a dad. I'm sure if Stan had lived longer, Five would have eventually tried to get to know him. Especially if it was never revealed that he wasn't actually Diego's son. He would love to get to know his nephew under different circumstances. But, unfortunately, he never got that chance. Poor Stanley! Gone too soon 😭
Claire, on the other hand, is different. Five has known about her existence the entire time he was gone and had probably seen pictures of her if he'd gotten his hands on any celebrity magazines featuring Allison. We know he tells Allison he wanted to meet her, so I can only imagine he already has a soft spot for his niece. I am really looking forward to the new season with Claire getting to be a part of the story and interacting with her uncles/aunt (maybe aunts if Sloane returns?). Thanks to those photos that have been popping up, we know she at least interacts with Klaus, so I am hoping she gets some screen time with all of them, especially Five. I would love to see him being the doting uncle to her and Diego and Lila's daughter. He would be so cute, acting all grumpy to everyone but being a total sucker for his nieces. I could see him spoiling them all the time, buying them toys and gifts and taking them on cute little outings like to the zoo or to get ice cream. They would be the only ones that could really get the grouchy old man to smile or laugh, and he'd let them hold his hand when they went out in public. Just picture little Claire grabbing onto his hand before skipping across the street with him in tow, and Five not being able to suppress the giant smile on his face as he feels her small hand in his. 😭😭🥹🥹
Claire is obviously older in season 4. I'm sure someone has done the math, but I'm not going to to take the time to do it, so I'm just going to go with she is a tween/young teen. So, maybe she's a little too cool for Uncle Five to buy her teddy bears or take her to Legoland [side note: yes, Reggie left Legoland intact in his new world because he secretly loves Legos and has a whole basement filled with his creations! j/k I just made that up right now, I actually don't think that but it would be funny!], but she still has a special spot in her heart for him because she's one of the few that knows he's a big softy underneath his gruff suit-wearing exterior. And Five would absolutely love knowing he made her happy.
In short: Five on Stanley: not much to say. He didn't stick around along enough make an impression. Five on Claire: an absolute delight. A beam of sunshine in his dreary, messed up world. 🥰
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thegreymoon · 6 months
The Story of Minglan
Who gives a fuck?
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We don't like her either.
LMAO, oh, fuck all the way off.
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You want to plant spies in his bed that you would then use to undermine the Empress.
Die, bitch.
LMAO, I cannot 🤣🤣
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When does Minglan start stabbing these garbage older women trying to stuff random girls into her husband's bed?
Somebody kill her, please.
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The absolute evil of all these older matrons who spent their entire lives in shit marriages but are so eager to destroy a young woman's happiness as quickly as they possibly can 🤬 They all have a severe case of "Fuck you for thinking you can be happy" syndrome.
I hope Minglan eats them.
Who is Duke Ying of the State again? I am sure I have attempted to memorise this person before but I am coming up blank again.
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Also, poor State Uncle, they just won't let the guy mourn in peace.
Fuck you and fuck Qi Heng and fuck whoever still lets you interfere in government proceedings.
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When will your useless ass grow a spine?
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LMAO, you should go speak to Minglan about it, she's the one hoarding all the brain cells in your marriage.
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Do you deserve to be honoured by him?
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All you've ever done is work against him and sabotage him, then on the first day of his new marriage, you bullied his wife and tried to stuff a concubine into his bed because you just had to be assholes about it.
I despise Qi Heng but I despise the whole lot of you more.
Are you sure about that? Are you sure that you know him?
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Because he is 100% driven by his own vendetta.
This is, you see, because it is much more important for him to stick it to Gu Tingye for marrying the woman he wanted than it is to cultivate an actual marriage with you.
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He's a self-absorbed prick and a shit husband, just like he would have been a shit husband to Minglan.
This poor woman. I feel like the ability to divorce with minimal consequences in modern times is one of the best things that happened to women and women's rights in history.
You are already disappointing.
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She doesn't have the look of someone who achieved an orgasm unless it was by her own hand and you certainly don't look like a man that is capable of providing a woman with any since you're too busy wanking off to your own self-pity and delusions of grandeur.
Please don't drag Minglan into your stupid marriage.
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She's had enough of Qi Heng's bullshit for this lifetime.
And of course, they implicated her, smh.
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Minglan is lucky that her husband is sensible and open-minded. A less upstanding man could have made her life hell over this.
Fuck Qi Heng and his stupid jealous wife.
Fuck you.
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Minglan is just beyond lucky that she married Gu Tingye.
Imagine if it had been any of those other shitty families we've seen so far, including Qi Heng's! Her in-laws would have crucified her and her shitty father would not have lifted a finger to help or comfort her.
As it stands, the Gu assholes have well and truly burned all bridges with Gu Tingye and as a consequence, have no power over her.
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heretherebedork · 1 year
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Oh, I love them. Especially Kazuma. You can feel the young crush and the old love still there for him, the way he still feels so much and so big for Ren but tries so hard to not push because he's insecure and he's unsure and he's just come back and Ren is still this superstar in his eyes, this man who is just too good to be true.
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And this comes back to all the feelings and the moments they share. Kazuma feels like Ren has, and always had, surpassed him in every way. Kazuma feels constantly like he is looking up at the perfect Ren, the perfect man.
(Kazuma spent the summer vacation in the hospital and no one knew, no one had any idea how sick he was or that he went back to the US because of that illness and how long has Ren thought he left because of him?)
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I am dying to know how everything went down while Kazuma was basically in a coma and unaware of the world and then left without getting the chance to say goodbye because so much had to have happened it can't even be imagined.
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I cannot wait for what happened because both Ren and Kazuma left and I strongly suspect Ren made the choice to leave.
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Kazuma's insecurity is going to destroy me. Absolutely and utterly destroy me. He wants desperately to be close to Ren but the secrets and the space between them leaves him feeling empty and he's trying to cross the line between them but he's too scared of losing even the semblance of a one-sided (he feels) friendship he has with him now.
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The barrier and the introduction and just all of it...
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The implications here about how much Ren talks about him and cares about him and how Kazuma is just going to ignore that entirely because of his own worries and fears.
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PS I love this lanky doodle of a man who is just leaning all over the place and takes up whatever space he feels like and does not care how delicate the dance between these two is right now. He is far, far too much fun.
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Taking into account that Kazuma literally missed an entire summer due to illness and then moved and lost his best friend/crush/first love but also that Ren lost Kazuma and then left... there's so much between them and we know so little, like an iceberg of hurt floating between them. Also, @absolutebl, that line is so good in every context and I love that there is no answer yet because neither narrative, neither the past nor the present, has reached the point that either of them is ready or realizes what the other person doesn't know or needs to know.
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Ren looks happy in the middle of a crowd but we know wouldn't have come if Kazuma hadn't asked him and Kazuma off by himself, entirely alone at a different table, watching the scene unfold.
Oh man. This show is breaking my heart in the most perfect ways. It's Ren accepting the invitation from Kazuma but rejecting the rest of what he wants and Kazuma taking that was a general rejection and the shock he has every time their coworkers call them friends, close friends, good friends, because he doesn't feel like one.
And then he takes care of drunk Run carefully and tenderly and with so much of his heart going into it every choice. Kazuma still loves Ren so much even if he feels like he's on the outside looking in. That's just familiar to him.
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Kazuma stopped Ren from having casual sex with a stranger and then they fucked and then Kazuma got sick and vanished. Ren has probably spent a decade running from what he did that he believed lost him a friend and that was just Kazuma being too nice and too innocent and caring too much and now here they are a decade later both convinced the other simply abandoned them and this is seriously Our Dating Sim but on both sides.
(Or maybe not, I don't know how much Ren knows about Kazuma's illness but since Hide had no idea...)
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Wrong words, Kazuma. Not in that position!
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deludedfantasy · 1 year
Trimax Vol 7 Ch 1-3
Sooooo, the first half of this volume might have destroyed me. I spent a lot of time staring into space between panels because the horrors were getting to me. Prepare for lots and lots of yelling. Here goes.
Ch 1
With a story like Trimax, I get incredibly nervous when an entire volume is named Happy Days. I know I am being lied to. 
The way the crew comes out of their pods really reads like people clawing their way out of coffins. Very ominous. 
Wow, this guy is rude. Rem hasn’t talked to anyone but Plant children in a whole year and the first thing that happens when the crew wakes up is that one of them harrasses her. Ugh. He could’ve stayed asleep for another three years if that’s how he was gonna be. 
Argh, there are way too many people in this chapter and I can’t tell who’s talking when the whole crew is together. 
I don’t know what to make of it, but Rem’s eyes are completely white when she lies to the crew. I know someone pointed out that Wolfwood’s eyes are white when he’s in an incredibly emotional state so I wonder if this is something similar?
Knives just messing around with the thrusters because he was curious. So not only do Independent plants grow quickly, they’re apparently incredibly smart. But also still kids because he absolutely messed something up.
Ah, young Conrad meeting the twins for the first time. I like that Tristamp made him a more important character because of what happened to Tesla. 
Knives is so concerned with what humans think of him! Having him be so drastically different as a child really makes you wonder what happened to make him hate humanity as much as he does. 
Oh no, baby Knives is crying! He just wants to be loved and accepted. Both of them love Rem so much too. Oh my god, I just wanna cry. This chapter is the sweetest, nicest one we’ve had in a while.
Pages that make me wanna sob because of dramatic irony. Little Knives is so hopeful…he’s so full of love and understanding and naivety. I don’t wanna watch it break.
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Ohhhh. Now that I know what’s going on, this part makes a lot more sense to me. Knives and Vash think they see one of the people in cryo chambers awake, and they follow her. I think this is actually a telepathic Plant thing. Tesla is still alive, so she’s projecting herself into their minds and leading them to her. 
She shows up right after Knives’s revelation about working through their differences with humanity. I wonder how much she hears and is aware of, because it seems significant that she shows up then, like a vengeful ghost that wants to show him how wrong he is.
God, I hate reading the report notes. They’re so chilling and dehumanizing. They keep calling her a “subject” but what we see is a little girl. And she looks so small and scared. Man, I really shouldn’t be reading this late at night. I’ll be up all night thinking about this.
“Trouble over a question of ethics.” Well, that’s a fucking understatement! Question of goddamn ethics, you scanned her so often you gave her cancer! Because you were treating a living thing—no, a child—like an inanimate object that could take as much abuse as you threw at it. 
110 days is just over 3 months. I’m raging. How many times did they use radioactive scanning equipment on this little girl to give her tumors??? I had to get one CT scan done and they were extremely reluctant to do it because I was young and they weren’t sure it would show what was wrong with me. 
My brain is only capable of producing screaming noises right now. These last pages are brutal and gory and…yeah, really messed up. 
All the notes have to say is “Project is closed.” PROJECT??? PROJECT????? That was a little girl you experimented on so much that you basically killed her! I’m gonna throw my laptop out the window. 
I’ve come back a little calmer and actually, I can’t tell if she’s alive or not. In Tristamp, it seems like she was put into cryo sleep to preserve her while she was technically alive. But here, I can’t tell. Thing is, she wouldn’t be able to do her Plant telepathy otherwise. Hmmm.
Ch 2
Oh no no no no, little Vash’s dead eyed face is too much for me right now. He’s had his doubts about humans, sure, but this is too much for him to handle. This is the revelation of humanity’s evil that he’s far, far too young to be able to handle. 
Oh God, and he’s alone in there with Tesla’s dissected body because Knives fainted. He can’t look away, he’s never been able to look away, and all he can see now is how different he is from humanity. Right now, he doesn’t see any way they can reconcile their differences. 
This page, where Vash looks like he’s floating curled into a ball while tormented by those staring eyes, is a nice juxtaposition to a similar panel in the last volume. There, he was peacefully floating in zero-g and feeling safe. Here, is the exact opposite. Here, it’s the loss of his innocence. 
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Vash is so angry. Rightfully so! What was done to Tesla was horrible and what proof does he have that the same won’t be done to him? Rem has been lying to him his whole life. He’s found out just how cruel the world is. It’s so easy to forget (and honestly not always easy to see) with adult Vash, but at heart, he is driven by anger. And I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing, because in his case, his kindness comes from that deep-seated anger. Remind me to write a longer post about that later. 
Still, it’s so interesting to see that anger and realize it’s always been in him, from the very beginning. 
But this is also the start of something worse—Vash’s suicidal ideation comes from here. He doesn’t see a point in living if the world would treat beings like him with such cruelty, forever leaving him marked as other and inhuman. He doesn’t want to live in a world of only humans. How does he become the man who will do anything in his power to defend humanity when all he has right now is fear and hatred? 
Vash refusing to eat because he just doesn’t see the point and doesn’t want to live—I see where Tristamp got Vash’s feelings about deserving to eat from. 
Oh my God??? OH MY GOD???? Vash was gonna stab himself. Like yes, I’ve read this before, and yes, I know he’s actively suicidal here, but just—this is the first time we’re seeing it exposed like this, the very depths of his despair. The past few pages, the way he’s been drawn, with his cheeks hollowed and his eyes without expression or emotion, it’s A Lot and I’m not okay. 
And Rem just fucking grabs the blade to stop him. She’s willing to hurt herself to keep him from dying. He learned all of this from her, every part of his ideology, and it wasn’t in abstraction. He saw it and, not only that, it was what Rem did to save him. He really becomes her continuation. 
Vash has this moment where he becomes very unhinged and actually sounds a bit like future Knives when he hurts Rem by pulling the blade away from her. He learns how powerful violence is, the relief and catharsis it can bring. But immediately after he has these thoughts, he sees how he hurt Rem and that snaps him back to himself, to the little boy he is who just loves his mother. 
He has her blood on his hands and that’s too much for him to take. She might be one of the humans that hurt Tesla, but he still loves her and it scares him to see her like that.  
He patches her up and gets something to eat….my heart is breaking. He’s just a little baby, why does this have to happen to him?
The blank ticket story is going to make me cry. There’s so much hope in it, especially when you consider the situation Rem had that dream in. She was depressed as hell, she’d lost someone she loved and probably didn’t see a point in going forward either. And it’s a reminder that there’s more to the world than evil and darkness. There’s kindness and goodness too and that’s what Vash needed to hear. 
I also think he needed to see Rem’s tears and remorse to remind him that he knows her. She might have made a mistake with Tesla but she never did anything to them. She’s trying to make up for it, with everything in her being she’s trying. 
Also, “If you hadn’t stopped me then, I never would have known that when you cry, Rem, you look like you’re laughing.” WOW, Vash you really picked up all your best and worst qualities from your mom, huh? You learn to do the same thing.
Knives wakes up with a dead-eyed look and then says he doesn’t remember anything. Yeahhhh, no, I don’t think so.
Ch 3
The chapter titles in this volume are going to be the death of me. I don’t know if I can handle reading something called “King of Loneliness” after that last chapter. Send help, I’m doing it anyway.  
“She hung her head low.” What happened weighs on Rem so much and you just know she ended up taking care of Knives and Vash as some kind of penance. I don’t think she expected to love them as much as she did by the end. But she also never intended on telling them any of this and just forging ahead with them into the new world, disappearing without ever having to face up to what she did.
I can’t blame her though. Is there a good way to tell a child a truth like that? But it would have been better if she’d told them all of this rather than Vash and Knives finding out on their own. Much like it would’ve been better if Vash was honest about who he was and what his mission was with Meryl, Milly, and Wolfwood from earlier on. Hiding things from the people you love rarely ends well. 
“There’s so much we have to do to make sure it never happens again.” Now that’s what I call foreshadowing and dramatic irony. We all know what Knives means by that. 
But Vash knows something’s wrong with Knives. And we see it too. This is the first time in these chapters his face is obscured in shadows, just like it was when we were first introduced to this younger version of him volumes ago. This is the first moment where Vash feels like he doesn’t know his brother. 
Knives is losing it. He’s painting himself in his own blood as he no doubt plans the Big Fall. His descent into fear and darkness here is masterfully done and so unsettling. 
The juxtaposition of these pages too, with his fearful face covered in blood and tears and the triumph as he watches the ships fall from the sky. This was an act of evil, yes, but it was driven by fear and helplessness. 
Knives claims all his decision making as rational, but these last few pages have shown that to be untrue. Certainly, there was logic behind it, but most of it was driven by emotion. 
Ohhhhh, I finally understand this bit! Knives merges with the Plant! He asks her for help and shows what he’s feeling, his anger at humanity and, ultimately, his plans. Last volume, he realized he doesn’t have the power to achieve his goals alone and this is how he plans to fix that. 
At the beginning of this chapter, I thought the King of Loneliness was going to be Vash, but really, it’s Knives. He pushed everyone away and destroyed the colony fleet. He pushes away the Gung Ho Guns and merges with the Plants to achieve his goals. Ultimately, he is still a scared lonely boy who never processed the terrible things he witnessed and learned. His trust was broken so completely, he never recovered.
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dflogerzi · 2 years
I don’t know about anyone else, but I truly feel low in how things are currently playing out with the BRF. I suppose it just goes along with the trajectory of the world itself... 
I keep thinking back to this young optimistic girl all those years ago in 1981. Just out of college, a girlfriend and I had planned for almost a year to head across the pond from California and see the dream. Europe. And we were going to be in London for the royal wedding. In those days young people from all over the world would pack their backpacks, purchase various train passes, and tour on very little money all over the UK and the continent. 
The months came, we spent three in total, and had mapped it out carefully to be in London for the wedding day itself. I had for most of my young life been an art and history lover and I was in absolute heaven. Back then the city was not the same as in these times. I did see the changes darken slowly through the years as I traveled often, but there was a golden haze in 1981. Smiles, decorations, flags, and on every corner souvenirs. You felt so safe zipping around on the underground, all were kind, and London felt like my own personal playground. We all fell in love with Diana of course, she was the fairytale. And I became a royal watcher for the first time.
Through the years as I watched through the lens of my own busy life her boys were born, raised, the dramas and traumas ensued, and I can tell you exactly where I was when I heard of the crash and then her death. As I lived in California there was not much I could do to express my sorrow, so I hung flowers on my door. It was a terrible week, and I had not one girlfriend or acquaintance that did not feel exactly the same. 
Time passed, William married, and I got up in the middle of the night to watch and beam at my TV with happiness and pride. And I did the same for Harry. I was one of those that was so happy for him. Finally he met a woman to start a life with who loved serving it seemed, and he could set down roots and continue his role as a huge part of the Monarchy’s future.
Never, ever, ONCE did I ever imagine we would be where we are. What Harry has done has made Edward VIII look almost tame. It is beyond belief to me that a son of Diana would take these despicable actions onto a global stage and work to destroy a legacy spanning over a thousand years. 
I have been feeling depressed. I am in low spirits for these developments, and for our world in general. Gone now are the chances for optimistic youths to travel freely, learn in person, and experience life in different places and cultures. It was not perfect when I came up, but it was golden in my memories... And no one can take them away. I could cry right now in the joy of them. I was so blessed. Thank you God and my angels.
I just had to write. And wander. And grieve. And although William will never see this and that is fine... my thoughts are with him and his family daily. I pray he finds strength as he navigates these terrible days. I hope I am here one day to see the good that will come. May he stay safe and blessed.
Thanks to anyone who got through this. Hug your family. We are promised nothing. 
Done with the writing of it. I suppose I will feel better. But I doubt it. 
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chewyjellycable · 7 months
good afternoon sir!! may i ask, who was the most parently to miim?
so, i do not see pomegranate looming after him as a parent should at all. i can see her bringing up his ego and teaching him things but i cannot imagine her ever going near milk choco if he needed his diaper changed or anything like that
from what i know currently choco has no idea miim even exists
i am thinking perhaps licorice would be left with milk choco to do all the not fun parts of parenting since dark enchantress does not seem the type to want to look after a baby either
asking because i am curious and i want to make more fanart!! and, also due to the possibility of tumblr handing over content to ai companies, may i dm you the fanart once i complete it?
Good afternoon!!! Or should I say good morning?? It's morning for me at least. Good time of day, I guess!! :]
The most parental you can get is not exactly ideal when it comes to Miim. I mean when Miim was REALLY young before Pom burnt down her village, there were the other priestesses. After that, you have Pom, who deals with most things. After that would be Licorice (even though Lico is around the same age as Miim, the mage is surprisingly more mature.)
You are also correct in the fact that Dark Choco has no idea Miim exists. :] Dark Cacao doesn't know, either. If either of them knew, I think Dark Choco wouldn't care and lay it out like it is and destroy Miim's worldview- and Dark Cacao would be flabbergasted that his son not only had a child but one of this immaturity. Anything Cacao says to Miim though wouldn't be believed since Pom has already spoken on how the king is a ""bad person"" </3
Abwabwa 🥺 The fact that you want to make fanart makes me so happy!!! Yes, absolutely, you can DM me the fanart. You can DM me in general even if my responses would be slow. :]
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queenofgravyfries · 2 years
I'm so happy people love my rise! Hcs, so I'd figure I'd share my hcs for rc9gn as well.
He believes in Judaism like Howard's family, he started to study it and follow the religion because of the weinermens as well. He hasn't told his family yet because they follow a different religion and want him to follow it(the Japanese religion Shinto).
His dad's away on work trips a lot, it's why he brings up his mom so much, she's the one always around.
His mom works as a caretaker for young kids(like Marci did), she's in her own head a lot so Randy can often get away with a lot.
Randy sometimes does dumb crap to cheer someone up(can't cry if you're laughing at him).
I joke about him being blood thirsty but in all honesty I don't think he is, he'd kill out of necessity but even then he be merciful(to people, animals/beasts are free game). And even then he wouldn't like it. A "I did what I had to" kinda situation.
Mature for his age due to his parents being busy most of the time.
Nothing wrong with weinerham as a ship(I just want to make that clear) but personally, I think they'd see each other more as brothers, I think Randy associates the whole weinermen family into his own, AGAIN there is nothing wrong with shipping weinerham! What i am saying is mere opinion, please Don't use this to attack anyone!.
Has called Mort dad before, it was a great moment for Mort.
Considers Mort and First ninja as father figures, in their own right. Not that he doesn't care for his bio dad, they all help him in some parental way, Mort being the comforting force, First ninja the motivating one and his bio dad being fun loving one.
Is very proud of his Japanese culture, his dad would make him study the language, history, and mythology, which was the one type of teaching he liked.
Is Very protective and clingy when he's in love.
Gets physically violent if mad enough (see: Raiders of the lost nomicon scene with bash as that's where I got the idea) which is why he tries to restrain his emotions.
Met Theresa off screen by bumping into her a little before "so you think you can stank?".
Has nightmares about Norrisville getting destroyed, normally he can handle it but sometimes it scares him bad enough he needs Something to shake him back to reality.
Has definitely got some magic skills.
Grew up with first ninja, the nine took him off the streets when they first found norrisville.
Is actually First Ninja's voice of reason when he gets angry.
Helped the "shadow warrior"nine brother with his magical techniques.
First ninja-
* these are mostly on the idea of him being in modern day
Would absolutely own a dog named something like poopsie or spots.
Leather jackets and motorcycles 💫
Is addicted to coffee, rarely sleeps, and has in fact gotten dragged across his home by ploplop demanding he respect his wish to "sleep when he's dead" lol.
He was the baby brother ™️ of the nine. He looked up to all of them.
One of his brothers created the "Shadow warrior" persona out of "necessity", he truly believed fear would give them the power to stop the sorcerer.
First ninja studied every method, fighting technique, rages etc. From his brothers, he wanted to be as good as them someday.
The dragon fist move he does in "13th century Ninja" is a move only he can do. his brothers had moves exclusive to each of them as well.
It bothers him about his anger, he wants to teach himself to calm down but it's difficult, given the situations he often finds himself in.
Gets as jealous as Randy if ploplop gets other friends, it's like a yandere but in a more platonic way.
Him and Slimovitz would be pals i think.
Used to head butt and bite his opponents, until his eldest brother demanded he stop.
The red tie he has his hair tied back with is from his second eldest brother, who was almost like a mother to him.
Born in the swamp, parents died while he was really young.
Grigri/swamp spirit is either a witch he knew or his bio mom, either way she dead now 🤷‍♀️.
The creep/Bruce Mcheese-
Slob lifestyle 💫
Is the strongest thing in rc9gn's universe yet doesn't raise a finger at threats because 💖trauma💖.
Isn't from Norrisville, wasn't even born there(my man gotta be from a realm)
Has a mythical gf but they argue a lot.
Is closest to first ninja since they've spent the most time together.
Pacifist in present day, menace in the past.
Wants to become an actress
Needs reassurance a lot
Cries regardless of emotion
Isn't fond of Howard but is more then willing to change that for Randy's sake.
Is being raised by her step mother(she's big, Scottish, and very protective).
Has a parrot(patty) along with the hamster(sammy).
Everyone lives scarily longer then normal, side effect of the stankings. it's why no one bats an eye at immortals like Ward Smith or Creep.
Tourists often visit to try and live longer as well, or get some footage of a monster attack.
Those "top 5 unsolved mysteries" videos are flooded on Shoobtube, almost all of them talk about norrisville. Norrisvilians watch them to laugh at since there always because of a stanking or robot.
People outside of norrisville are mixed about The ninja, some are grateful he saves at least one town, others wish he would extend his heroism.
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ceterisparibus116 · 1 year
4. What’s a word that makes you go absolutely feral? 7. What is your deepest joy about writing? [this one made me laugh, so I'm sending it too lol] 14. Do you lend your books to people? Are people scared to borrow books from you? Do you know exactly where all your “lost” books are and which specific friend from school you haven’t seen in twelve years still possesses them? Will you ever get them back? 19. Tell me a story about your writing journey. When did you start? Why did you start? Were there bumps along the way? Where are you now and where are you going? 24. How much prep work do you put into your stories? What does that look like for you? Do you enjoy this part or do you just want to get on with it?
Thank you so much for these!
It's such a fun word! Say it out loud and tell me it isn't amazing! One of my friends say I use it too much in my writing but I don't care? It's amazing?
7. Already answered here. 💖
14. I do not lend books to people because they're MINE. My "lost" books are all truly lost books and I alone am responsible for their fate. Will I ever get them back? Probably not.
Actually, I'm not solely responsible for all my lost books because some of them were destroyed when my parent's house caught fire and yes, I grieved the loss of my books more than the loss of anything else (except one (1) thing).
19. Ooh, I love this ask, and since the prompt is "tell me a story about your writing journey," I'm gonna get blatantly self-indulgent here.
I vividly remember when I started writing which makes me so happy because my memory is crap.
Okay. So. I was 8 years old. I was sitting at the kitchen counter. My mom was making lunch. And I said: "Mom, I wanna write a story about our guinea pigs." And she said: "That's great."
I then proceeded to get blank yellow-ish paper (because it looked cool) that didn't have lines, and I exclusively wrote with the paper turned horizontally (why???), and I almost exclusively wrote in a tiny little "studio" I built in my closet that was just me sitting cross-legged in front of a box turned upside-down.
That said, I started storytelling even sooner. I don't even remember how young I was when I started. But I'd play with toys (mostly stuffed animals, but also Barbies and Star Wars action figures), and I'd narrate everything they did out loud. The fun part for me was choosing the right words (I'd even re-do a "scene" if I didn't narrate it "correctly") and hearing it out loud.
I was, however, absolutely enraged to discover that one of my brothers had been sneaking into my room and hiding under my bed to listen to me. In hindsight, I realize it was actually a compliment. He just liked my stories.
The main "bump" in writing was that I was initially writing stories the way that I narrated playing: literally just recording whatever the characters did, with no real intentionality and no real vision. Which is fine, except that it made it really hard to build to anything within the story, and made it almost impossible to find a satisfying ending.
But eventually, I started reading books about writing, and that really helped me figure out the mechanics of storytelling. And far from turning writing into something boring and technical, it gave me the tools I needed to actually write a story from start to finish. I completed my first story when I was 10 years old: it was called "Betsy the Pug" (inspired by my grandparent's pug) and it was a solid 40k words.
(My dad had this thing where he'd read stories out loud to my brothers and me when we were kids, and he was still doing that for us at this time, so he got really excited over the idea of reading "Betsy the Pug" out loud to everyone. I was mortified.)
I also owe a huge debt of thanks to the Warrior Cats books, which inspired my first series. I wrote five books on dog tribes and some of the later ones in the series were actually decent. This was also a great lesson for me because I sent the first book to the editor of my grandma's books (she's an author), and the editor graciously gave me feedback. Obviously it sucked to hear "this isn't publishable" (which...duh, I was like 12), but I turned right around and started trying to implement her advice. That memory probably wouldn't be so meaningful to me but for my dad (thank you, Dad) regularly bringing that moment up as an example of a time when I received discouraging news and not only didn't quit, but sought to find something good in the situation (by taking the advice).
Where am I now? Nearing the 2 million word mark of fanfiction. (I am absolutely going to throw myself a small party when I hit that milestone.) Also working on publishing some original works. More on that to come. ;)
24. TOTALLY DEPENDS. Okay, well, with all stories, I think it's important to know generally how the story ends. You want to be able to say "This is what the story is about," and it's hard to do that without knowing how the characters change. And even with short one-shots, I care about leaving characters in a different place than they started (otherwise I wonder why the story "mattered"), so I still try to know something like: "Matt accepts help" or "Foggy learns to help Matt in a different way."
On the other end of the spectrum, we have the Ella series, or my Trust fic, both of which were incredibly complicated and required very detailed outlines. Trust specifically required a lot of research as well. The whole time I was writing it, I was also researching the related issues.
That said, a lot of the things that might be considered "prep" work are things I do as I write the story. Like with Trust, where I researched both before and during the writing process. Or with the Ella series, where I'm still fleshing out the outline for Redeemed.
I find that when I force myself to do all the "prep" work up front, I run into two problems: the first is that I lose all inspiration for the story (having spent it all on prepping, instead of on writing); the second is that I get too locked into ideas that sound okay initially but are just less good than the ideas I come up with later as I'm getting to know the characters and plot elements better.
Do I enjoy the prep work? Eh. Not a ton, lol. I enjoy moments of connecting dots, which sometimes happens in prep work. But I'd rather just be writing.
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pa-stella · 1 year
hello!! i am absolutely in LOVE with your writings they absolutely make my day!!! could you do kuujyu with 'stroking the other's finger while holding hands'?
First of all: sorry for the wait! New job + writer's block made my life miserable, I swear. Secondly, it's less romantic than what I had in mind and the kuujyu part is very... subtle. I hope you'll enjoy it anyway.
Title: Promise Fandom: Hypnosis Mic Pairing: KuuJyu Prompt: Stroking the other's fingers while holding hands Content: mentions of DH&BAT+ manga plot/2nd DRB
“Hitoya-san should almost be here.” Jyushi commented, checking the time on his phone.
Kuko nodded as he got up from the stair that led to the temple to join his teammate on the sidewalk. Hitoya was going to pick them up soon and then they would head together  to Tokyo for the third D.R.B. Kuko would have preferred to enjoy a train ride again, but the memory of Hitoya having nausea for the entire trip was enough to accept the lawyer's proposition to rent a car this time. 
“We have to stop somewhere and buy some snacks before leaving Nagoya.” The monk murmured. 
“Uh… yeah…” 
The lack of enthusiasm in Jyushi’s reply made Kuko turn to look at him. Something was off.
Jyushi was standing there, staring right in front of himself. His coffin-shaped trolley (containing who knew what) was abandoned behind the vocalist, as if he had forgotten about the existence of the object. Both hands were still clutching Amanda close to his chest.
“Jyushi… oi… are you okay?” He asked, touching him on the shoulder.
The young man almost jumped in surprise, startled by the sudden action. “Ah… yes, yes, Kuko-san! Everything is okay!”
“You’re so bad at lying, it’s almost sad.” Kuko sighed, hands on his hips. “What’s wrong?”
Jyushi hesitated before answering the question. “Are… Aren’t you worried, Kuko-san?”
“About what?”
“About the next rap battle… about what will happen.” He tried to explain. “Chuuoku’s invitation wasn’t that clear this time.”
Kuko just shrugged. “It’s useless to be worried if we don’t even know what to expect.”
“We trained as much as we could and we are stronger than ever. I’ve nothing to be worried about.” The monk continued.
“What if… it happens again?” Jyushi asked.
“Losing? It’s not going to happen.”
“No, Kuko-san. What if that happens again?” 
Kuko’s mouth flattened in a thin line and moved to stand in front of the vocalist, who tried to avoid his gaze. “It won’t happen.”
“I… I don’t want you to get hurt like last time.” Jyushi admitted and, in a brave moment, he grabbed one of the monk’s hands. “I don’t want to see you like that again.”
Golden eyes looked at their intertwined hands. Kuko could feel Jyushi’s hand trembling and he started to gently stroke his fingers in a reassuring way. “As I said, we all became stronger. Nobody will hu-”
“I won’t let anybody hurt you.” Jyushi interrupted him suddenly. His voice was deeper and serious, his visible eye burned with confidence and… something else Kuko couldn’t quite recognize. “I will destroy them before they could even think about that.”
Surprised by that unexpected statement, the monk felt his cheeks getting warmer. In a way to hide that, he snickered. “And to think you were the one anxious about our future battles just a few minutes ago!”
It was Jyushi’s time to blush and he let go of the other’s hand to hug Amanda tighter. “K-Kuko-san! Don’t laugh!”
“Why not? You just promised to defeat all our opponents! Of course I’m happy about that!”
“But… “
Before they could continue their discussion, the loud sound of a car’s horn caught their attention. On the other side of the road, a white simple card had stopped in front of them. Hitoya was glaring at them from the driver’s seat. Lowering the window, they heard him sigh.
“I’m sorry to interrupt your… moment, but we should go.” He declared gesturing to them to get inside the car.
“Oi, old man, you really have the worst timing!” Kuko exclaimed, trying to ignore how warm and safe Jyushi’s words had made him feel. 
“Call me that again and I’ll make you walk to Tokyo, brat!” The lawyer replied and sighed. “Please, Jyushi. Don’t let him take the passenger seat.”
Jyushi put his trolley in the trunk and giggled. “Don’t worry. Kuko-san and I have already decided Amanda will take the passenger seat.”
Hitoya sighed loudly. “At least, she won’t try to mess with my playlist.” He observed the small plushie for a second before putting her seat belt on. “Safety first.”
“Hitoya-san, you care about Amanda too!” Jyushi giggled again while he and Kuko took the back seats.
“S-Shut up!”
Even if they were all excited for their incoming battle, Kuko could feel his eyes getting heavy as they left the center of the city. The last thing he noticed before falling asleep was Jyushi’s hand against his own, a silent reminder of the vocalist’s promise.
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redolentgrove · 2 years
*Destino makes their way over to Loki. They’ve clearly planned out how they’re going to approach and pull a theatrical surprised expression.* Destino: Wow, you’ve actually done it. You’ve stunned me. I would have never of anticipated that this day would come but wow. I did not know a Pokémon could look this bizarre but here we are. If you look like that, I’d hate to think what you parents would be like. The horror of it all. All well, some aren’t born looking at perfect as me. Speaking of, that’s a long time to live. How do you even keep yourself entertained? I’d probably be bored after the first 100 years or so.
Loki watched as Destino made their theatrical, grandiose entrance. Her eyes rolled almost immediately at the dark type's choice of words. She kept snickering quietly at their words and covered her snout to hide a broad, growing smirk, clearly not taking them seriously in the slightest. Finally, once Destino stopped talking (praise Arceus for that, they knew how to be quiet?), Loki stopped holding back her emotions and began laughing heartily.
"Bizarre? That's the best you can come up with??" The hybrid threw her head back at this and cackled ruthlessly, before looking back down at the Absol with a clear lack of care. "You sat there and looked at me, planned out every gesture and word, and the best you can do is call me bizarre???? Child, I've heard better barbs from babes who've just learned to talk." She stopped her laughter almost on a dime, then took a more serious countenance in their direction. "Really. Those kids have no filter at all and they can absolutely destroy you with words without even trying. You want a lesson in insulting someone, you tell one of them you're perfect and beautiful and listen to what they have to say in response. You're gonna hate every word that comes out of their mouths."
"Anyway…" She brushed off the parents remark with almost no effort, shaking her head. She wasn't going to honour that point of discussion to someone so flatly rude and obnoxious. "I'm not bored in the slightest, child. Why would I be? I have tons of things to do. Not just here in Redolent Grove, even. I can spend my time in my gardens, listening to and making music, talking with friends and family, and just in general searching for new things I haven't seen before."
She chuckled softly to herself. "But I guess you would be bored, considering that with a pathetic attitude like yours, that you must not have all that many friends. I'd think one could only be their own best friend for so long before even getting tired of themselves, but hey, you clearly seem young. You've got a ways to go before you burn yourself out of being happy." She perked an ear. "Or, what you pretend is happiness. Take a hint, child, and try actually acting decent. You might actually make an ally or two in this world. But hey, if you like everyone wanting to slap you silly… who am I to stop you from your dreams???"
Perhaps Loki would be more interested in talking to you (instead of down to you) if you wanted to be more, shall she say… civil? Or at least capable of insulting her in a way that actually hurt? But clearly, this approach leaves her incapable of taking you seriously. Come back with either sharper fangs or kinder greetings.
( @ask-the-royal-absol )
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jungjangnim · 2 years
ajumma chameleon
i promise you all, it's not what it seems. a non-mania au story.
Well, this is Iron's house, alright.
Yoo-jung took a few breaths before ringing the doorbell. Anne wanted her to babysit Alaina and Victoria for a while. All three were on 26-hour shifts at Banyan, and Yoo-jung was honestly sorry for them. She could never stand that kind of stress; talking to people daily, taking care of sick patients, handling the loss of some… yeah, no.
Besides, she has met Alaina and Victoria before. She knows where to take them now.
Kyung-mi greeted her at the entrance. "Hello, Yoo-jung," she said in Korean; bows were exchanged between the two. "Welcome to my humble abode, I suppose."
"Damn, Kyung-mi, never thought your shared fuckhouse would be this simple," Yoo-jung commented. 
"Not a fuckhouse, Yoo-jung. We’re too busy for that. Come on in; Iron and Anne are waiting for you."
And sure enough, they were. All three were dressed in coats—look, it's winter, we're all freezing here—but she was sure enough that their scrubs were underneath. Alaina and Victoria played a bit of Just Dance in the living room per Yoo-jung's recommendation. It seemed Yoo-jung would be shelling out money for Just Dance 2023, but hey, anything to keep her godchildren happy.
"Chateau Banyan, absolutely beautiful," she commented. It was genuine. "Any specific instructions for the two, Iron?"
"Is 'don't let them die' an appropriate instruction?" Iron replied.
"Iron, you know your daughters have special needs that I need to take care of, otherwise I'll make them go ham on the house and destroy everything."
Iron sighed. "Well, you know about Victoria's chronic illness. Just make her take these medications at the appropriate time. Alexa will sound an alarm when it is time." She hands over Victoria's pill box to Yoo-jung. "And Alaina... she'll know what to do. Just remind her to take her supplements from time to time."
"Copy that, Doctor."
"Ajumma will discuss your wages next," Iron said, gesturing to Kyung-mi. The latter decided to whack the former. "You! I'm not that old, you piece of shit!"
"Well, you definitely look older than the rest of us," she quips. 
"No fighting in front of the guest," Anne's voice rang from the kitchen. "Honey, the rates. Yoojee deserves to know her payment for babysitting our kids."
Kyung-mi sighed, then turned to the poor Ph.D. student. "Here's your rate. I'll pay you 30 DisCoins an hour, with an additional 100 to forget where I live."
"Mrs. Young," Yoo-jung replies, "I am good friends with Iron. I unfortunately know where you live."
Silence. "I'll bump it to 350."
"Ajumma, I can teach Iron more Korean to spite you."
Kyung-mi takes a deep breath. "You're lucky Anne likes you. Okay, fine. 30 an hour, plus 500 as a convenience fee. If you stop teaching Iron anything terrible, I'll take you to a research seminar."
"No promises."
"Camille, my love! We're going to be late!" Anne shouted from outside. Kyung-mi replied with a loud Coming! before grabbing her stuff and rushing out. 
"Alaina, Victoria, let's see your parents off," Yoo-jung said, and the two readily complied, grabbing her hands before she led them outside. "Kyung-mi ajumma, I'll take care of the kids!"
"Fuck you, Yoo-jung!" And off they went.
Yoo-jung let out a bit of a snicker before turning to the kids. "I have a big surprise for the both of you. Get changed."
It was the first-ever Korean kids' cafe in DisCity.
The owners were famous in the vlogging world; they have always visited kids' cafes in every city they go to. DisCity was one of the few metropolises that didn't have such facilities. Yet, they couldn't just broadcast it to the world. With Keylan being a haven for runaways, the government made it imperative that nothing about the country gets out and that everything sent outside must be done through secure channels.
It might sound like hell, but it's heaven on earth for the lost. Yoo-jung knew it well, and so did her hosts. And she will do anything in her power so that Alaina and Victoria will also partake in heaven's blessings.
Which led them to this kids' cafe.
Alaina and Victoria's eyes widened once they saw the colorful cafe. It's a mini-city with a hospital, supermarket, mall, and anything you might ever need. The place is a bit empty, considering they went out on a Wednesday. It is perfect for Alaina and Victoria with their physical limitations.
(Yoo-jung paid extra for the staff to sanitize the place beforehand. It was a steep price; luckily, a quick call to the Countess was all it took.)
"Yoo-jung eonni, this place is beautiful!" Alaina exclaimed before hugging her. "Thank you for taking us here... never saw this kind of place before..."
"It's so... colorful..." Victoria spoke in hushed tones. "We'll get... to have fun... right?"
"Of course, darling." Yoo-jung pulled Victoria close to her. "I brought you here so you can taste what the world has to offer." So that you may have the childhood that I never had.
"But... Mommy gets angry when we get noisy..."
"Shh." She pats Victoria's head. "Go crazy. Just remember to be mindful of your health. I'll be watching."
And after that, they're off.
(Iron, Anne, and Kyung-mi came home to the three passed out in the living room at six in the morning. Perhaps they had loads of fun... It's indeed an excellent idea to let Yoo-jung lose with childcare.)
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celticbarb · 3 months
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Book: The Warrior’s Reluctant Wife
Author: Lissa Morgan
Series: The Warriors of Wales, Book #1
Length: 265 Pages
Publisher: (Harlequin)
Overall Rating: 5/5 Stars
Blog Rating: 5/5 Saltire Flag
This is about an arranged marriage in which the widowed Rhianon is extremely unhappy about this upcoming union. After-all she was brought up by an abusive father and her dead last husband was exactly the same! So marriage is the very last thing she desires as to her it only means she will be physically harmed by another man.
Due to a wanted alliance she is being forced to marry Peredur ab Eilyr who is a warrior as their father are two fighting chieftains. So this is a forced marriage of convenience as she has no opinion that counts and again she is being used for her family's so called duty. Rhianon fears it will be another violent man that will either physically or mentally abuse her. Perhaps she will get a bit of both as she has no idea but they usually go hand in hand!
A breathtaking story of a marriage of convenience from two enemy fathers but whose children might possibly discover love. A lovely book of how love is the most powerful healer of all!
This novel details all that this couple had to go through with so many obstacles with so much hurt and abuse from their past. They both have a difficult time believing in trust, caring and love. Even though both have scars from their childhood they soon put their armor aside and take the road to happiness and love. As it was their only way to salvation and to a happy future and life together.
Peredur is the exact opposite of what Rhianon was expecting; however he too came from an abusive childhood and never wanted to marry or have children. All due to his traumatic past as they soon realize they have more in common than they first realized.
Rhianon and Peredur became like a moth to a flame and only felt protective desire and love but will it be enough? Can others destroy their tender hearts and new found love? Even though this marriage was very difficult to begin with, they soon realize they can change their future on their own terms. Can these two broken people come together and heal? Can they open their hearts to trust each other and discover love? Read and discover their fate.
Lissa Morgan is a new author that had me so awe inspired by this awe inspiring story. It was about two people who had so much betrayal and abuse for a good part of their lives starting at such a young age. Definitely an emotional read that I could not put down! It was both clever and brilliant but definitely have a few tissues or hankies nearby. Readers with soft hearts will definitely need them. I am looking forward to the next read by this extraordinary author whose both I absolutely loved!
Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy from Harlequin publishers. I voluntarily agreed to do a fair review and blog through netgalley. All thoughts, ideas and words are my own.
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noxspost · 2 years
a stone statue in the gardens
"Hey Phillip, how are you today?" asked an older boy with coco brown hair that was longer and curly on one side with big brown eyes sat next to Phil who smiled "I am okay brother you?" he turned to the moon raising in the sky.
"I am okay Phil." they both were watching the sky with the stars and moon gleaming and Phil was smiling and lean into the brother's embrace and his blonde hair covered his eyes and his ponytail hit his back slightly as he sees his brother making a little paper crow. The wind was breezing by
"can you tell me a story?" Asked Phil as his older sister walked over to both brother and sat down on Phil's other side. "Sure. what story?"
"One about the creatures in the nether!" cheered a happy Phil and lily. as they brother started thinking about what story to tell. "Alright gather around you two. A long time ago there were no creatures in the nether besides the striders who walked the laves rivers and lakes and oceans.” He started as Philza leaned into his sister who started to braid his hair.
“but then a portal was opened, and two creature stepped in a pig and a human with pig head like the Egyptian painting of powerful folks, both walked through the waste land and then this creature of ghost white followed them.
”for they had brought pigs and sheep into this place that the more human like pig creature called it the nether. For some time the other person was named ling but he full name was deerling for some reason he was hunting the monster pigs with tusk sharp enough to pierce metal.” Lily gasped in shock and Philza just watched with so much wonder like he was young child again
"But you see he died, Deering was attacked by another pig and died to its tusks which cause blood to spill and when the first person who was Kir-kor and when he found out that his friend was killed his anger bubbled to the surface as he screamed and raged.
he let go his anger as hot as lava that surrounded him he went after that monster who killed his friend the bloodbath that soon raged he killed every single hogling insight.
After he was done his own mother Hellfire deity blood and war also magic walked through that portal to see the absolute bloodbath before them this enraged her enraged them.”
Lilly watched the sunset while listening to the story still holding her little brother in her arms as William continued on“how dare you kill ones that have never attempted to take your life she he yelled and her son and when their son turned to them he said ‘they killed my friend mom you do not understand what pain I feel.’ but hellfire grabbed their ear and yanked it and said in a very annoyed ‘you listen here you killed half this population if I am seeing this correctly so I task you with the help of foolish to recreate a species from the carcasses and blood around you.’
and left oh, oh they left the portal with the with foolish the familiar to sun tail being there already.” He smiles as the sunset came slowly to a close“and so that is what he did with the help of the familiar out of sight he created a new species pigling but he did not come up with the name pigling till they were done creating everyone all adults anyway and some offspring and that's the piglings there they had named the piglings after his dear friend and he has never been there since. They have worship the deity since as well.”
he finished the story as he turned to his little brother Phil then looking at the sky “OK you got your story now we have to get home before mother throws another cow across the room.” He started to walk Lilly and Phil following after.
“but why brother spoke because your mother is very particular on how things are run after sunset.” Spoke Lilly….
“I miss you, brother.”
Phil looked at his photos inside his house of the aftermath of L’Manberg of being half destroyed he had lost all the stone statues back home because of everything that the fire did. the stone statues were of his brother honoring his dead but now there were bones so now he was watching as everyone was starting to rebuild the L’Manburg.
He wanted to honor his brother's death somehow, but he was scared that it would get ruined by the people still fixing up their country, so he walked into his kitchen and crabbed grabbed a whittling knife on the counter that techno had given him and a block of wood from the fireplace it's hard to carve away.He was so sitting down on his bench across the dinner table and he was listening to ghostbur talking but as he continues to whittle away the wood he started making the form of his brother obvious in the piece of wood it was more simpler version but it got the point across it was a medium sized we were like half a foot long of wood.
“so that is I think about this place.” Said ghostbur, Philza shook himself slightly after he stopped craving away saying“what oh sorry I was spacing out again continue.” he still had his frown on his face and he could feel his ghost son staring at him“are you OK dadza? I have some blue if you need any.”he just said “no please no.” then he went back to working on the wood and he was done after some long while from just chatting uh more like him traveling idly into his ghost of a son talking on and on about those randomest of topics so why can't i take friend in to this house?”
“because I don’t want my things damage.” Ghostza nodded so why are you carving out a piece of wood “because I'm honoring someone who's died in my family.” Ghostbur’s lit up with curious glaze “really is that what our kind does?” he nods in response“do you want to help me set up the shrine?”
he smiled following after his father they both started to walk away from the house if they collected the things and they started making the shrine. deeper into the forest far away from the L’Manburg.“so why so many candles?” asked ghostza
“because it's a way of honoring the family and can you go try to find some please and some black roses who are any rose for that matter please.” asked his father and ghostbur with all the happiness in the world completely blinded about how heavy the situation was for Phil was finally doing it you've been in so much pain recently it barely started the grieving stages
“sure thing pops!” and walked away with friend in hand and with him finally disappearing into the trees Phil's got to work he set up the way the structure should be 3 tiers all getting smaller the more it went up and a bunch of other things like the cloth the tree which raises a simple small dark oak tree in a pot, his pictures which he only was able to save three from the fire.
5 bowls filled some trinkets that he could find like feathers, jewels, gems, rocks, petals and some turtle rolls, these turtle rolls were designed for the dead to eat never the mortals to eat he also got other things ready and then he stepped back and bow towards the shrine of this dead person and he started to sing
“Leaves from the vine.
Falling so slow
Like fragile tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Brave soldier boyComes marching homeLeaves from the vine”
he was sitting on the ground crying so badly his voice starting to waver.
"Falling so slow
Like fragile tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Bra-v-ve soldier boy
Comes marching home
Leaves from the vine.” He smiles as he wipes away his tears he hears the hooves of a sheep walking towards him but he continued to sing more completely forgetting maybe that's just a normal sheep but it was his son it was staring him down and then he heard the writing with a pen quickly writing on paper
“Falling so slow
Like fragile tiny shells
Drifting in the foam
Little soldier boy
Come marching home
Brave soldier boy
Comes marching home.” Ghostbur walked up to him “are you okay dad?” he looks with wide eyes and gups and sighs placed the wooden craven on the shrine next to the dark oak tree in the pot.
“yes, I am fine no I will be fine.” He spats the ground as ghostbur places the roses and other flowers in the pots “why did you asked for the yellow daisies and white mums?” he was ready to write
“well the yellow represents the bargaining the anger as well as denial up the grieving process and what it represents death of the person that you love oh and then blue represents the rest while black represents acceptance. well I am not in the blue or black area. that is why I asked for black roses white mums and yellow daisies.
the black roses do not represent acceptance for those of black irises but represent not being able to honor the dead for a long time and also as well as death.” He watched as his ghost suddenly writes everything down “wow that's a lot to process why don't you take some blue take?” asked his son“well grieving so much means you cared for that person so much what did I get I am lucky enough to have such sadness for such fond memories of my brother.” He petted friend and he said, “well that stuff can cause memory loss if you aren’t careful.” he got up from kneeling on the ground and he said
“don't worry the magic on those flower pots will change the colors of those flowers and species because they're connected to me through a spell so when I slowly start accepting my grief dealing through it the colors and species will change now come on son let's go back to L’Manberg.”
Then both men walked back to the contrary and Philza swore he heard his sister’s laughter and his brother playing his instrument when he turned around the other thing, he saw was a white fox sitting in front of the shrine he smiles “see you later foxglove.”
Well that's shrine to the dead stayed there for a long time through doomsday through the aftermath no one found that trying no one found it except fundy who walked around one night the official week of February with the cold bitter wind bringing the subtle changes of spring.
he looked around and felt the warmth of candlelight on his tail and when you look down he's expecting maybe to see a shrine to Wilbur.
due to Wilbur dying in this place long forgotten for what he was not expecting was to see a shrine to the dead person of Phil's brother the candles being Reds oranges, blacks and yellows carved into intricately with patterns the flowers were still yellow and blue, white being long forgotten but the black roses weren't wilting away fairly. Hannah must have been through here judging on the well and health with the flowers.
“Wow gramps really left this place don't worry your brother will be fine same with your sister just right recover from your guilt and grief. Let’s go celebrate the moon soul festival for dream.” and then he starts to hum leaves from the vine the same song he heard his own father from when he was young and now, he was now on his way celebrate with George he was going to have a good time for dream.
“Come on fundy the festival isn't gonna wait all week for you I wanna go see puffy.”
Called out George he laughed as fox glove a white fox sit before; he is watching over the shrine. "Thanks foxglove." he said before leaving as the fox lays down resting.
present day: after doomsday 5 months before the hidden ghost and blackthorn flowers
philza is walking back to the place where his stone cravens are and finds his sister and brother and himself in the chest deep in the house where the rubble covering it, he carefully touches the stone figures and he felt tears
"philza why did you run into this house the roof is unstable." technoblade stopped himself as he sees he best friend tearing up "what is wrong.?"
"i miss my siblings techno." he was starting to make crows and clicks like a crow in pain when his best friend hugs him "I want to see them again and my things of them are damage and I lost my watch of my brother."
"listen philza. I know this is hard but you can weep and cry on me like you do with other without any in return." he just cries. techno bad with feelings but he knew that his friend was in a dark place so he would try to comfort.
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myselfinserts · 2 years
​❝ we’re no longer family as far as i’m concerned. ❞
“Unchained Melody”. A song from a prison escape movie from the 1950s, which grew and grew into a powerhouse of songs which helped define the quintessential list of wedding playlist. A loving, haunting pattern with lyrics that perfectly encapsulate how it feels to be away from one you love so deeply. 
Rather fitting, in a way, for this to also be the name of Viktor’s Sigil. While not in a romantic sense, the melody of the song and the intense passion of desperation and yearning to see someone you love was a feeling he knew all too well. A familial bond he held dearly, which the song was able to put into words. 
Was it an unhealthy attachment? Absolutely. He wasn’t blind to it. Viktor knew feeling such a strong tie to someone he hardly knew was not good for him. Even if they are family, this level of devotion was toxic. And if left unchecked, he was certain it would destroy him. 
But it was also the only thing keeping him alive. 
The night he entered D-Game was the worst night of his life. He was preparing to leave to attend university in Tokyo. He wanted to study music. He had a life plan he’d build for himself. No more nannies. No more dark rooms with wifi off after 8pm. No more intense studying of subjects he had no interest in. Viktor would finally have a life. He’d finally get to live. He would finally be happy. 
But the night after graduation, things changed. Desperate for freedom, he studied so hard that he graduated three years early. The plan was to use the money he’d been saving, plus the aid of his father via the alimony, and get an apartment in downtown, not too far from U.A. Private High School. Everything was planned. 
And then his mother called him to the study. 
He had been locked in by one of the housekeepers, left alone with his mother and his two vile aunts. Viktor barely managed to get a word in when he saw the remains of soft, silvery fluff on the floor. 
Viktor knew his aunt was saying something about his education. The other was spouting some nonsense about having to grow up. His mother was praising his skills, surely. But he didn’t care. He could make out a wing. An antenna. Mostly, just the stuffing. He knew what it was. 
“Here, I want you to have it.”
“Me? Are you sure about this? You worked hard to win it after all.”
“Yeah! For being such a cool big cousin!”
“Viktor? Viktor! Do not ignore us, young man!” 
Slowly he looked up from the torn moth plush on the ground and at the three creatures before him. “Excuse me?”
His mother narrowed her gaze, her voice low and warning. “I said, it’s time to prepare for the family business. You may have your pick of which branch, but you will need to complete your university education soon. Also, we have your marriage interviews prepared-”
“Shut the fuck up, you bitch.”
All their eyes went wide as Zala stepped forward. “How dare you speak to your mother in such a disrespectful manner!” 
Viktor clenched his fists. “We’re no longer family as far as I’m concerned.”
Both sisters were about to step forward, when Veronika held up a hand to stop them. In the other was her phone. “Viktor, apologize to your mother and Aunt.”
“No,” he spat. “I’ve had enough!” He pointed directly at Blanka, his eyes burning with tears as he shouted. “That beast is not my mother! She’s a cold, heartless, deceitful puppet master! And I refuse to be strung along by her!”
“I am going to Japan! I’m going to study music! I’m going to find Uncle Myko and meet my cousin again! And you cannot stop me, you disgusting witches!”
Veronika sighed and tapped at the screen on her phone. 
A notification sounded, and Viktor pulled out his phone to answer. His aunt had sent him a link to a free to play app? “The hell?”
“Click it, or you will not be allowed to leave this room,” she warned. “We’ll stay as long as it takes.”
“….If I do, will you let me go free?”
“It depends on what comes to follow.”
He didn’t like the sound of that. But he knew this aunt well enough to know she meant every word. She once locked her own betrothed in the attic for a week with a single bottle of water because he refused to attend a function. He did not want a similar fate. Reluctantly, he clicked the invite link.
“This will be an excellent punishment for the little one. He’ll fall into line in no time. Or he’ll die. Whichever comes first.”
Those were the last words he remembered hearing, before the music began. 
The pain in his neck burned, but not as much as his blood as the venom from the snake coursed through him. A grand orchestra echoed in the skies as chains decorated in starlit notes spun and twirled around him, cutting away at anything and everything in their reach. The room around them shook and shattered. A bookcase fell on top of Zala, pinning her in place just fast enough for a chain to come right up through her neck. Veronika’s eyes widened as she tried to run, but several chains carried her up toward the sky. Blanka tried to run at him with a knife, only for her to be knocked through the window. 
Viktor screamed. He felt to his knees, covering his ears andtried to block out the music. He couldn’t tell where it was coming from. But itwas dark. Heavy. And his body was reacting to it in such a way that he wascertain he would be pulled apart. Drawn and quartered despite his attempts tocurl in on himself. Everything was pulling. Chains wrapping deeply around hisbones. Closing in. Threatening to shatter. 
The world was a blur. Flashing lights. Dust, debris, and rubbleswirling around. Tears spilling uncontrollably. The faint taste of metal on histongue. He could barely look up to see the chains dancing and crashing intoeverything around him, knocking the house to the ground. 
I’m going to die. Oh god. Oh god, no. I don’t want to die. 
A light hand pulled him close, covering his eyes and holding himas tightly as they could. Gentle whispers of an old lullaby, and the orchestrabegan to fade. Viktor could barely manage to choke out a word. 
The arms squeezed slightlytighter, holding him and singing softly. A gentle sway side to side. A rockingmotion that eased the pain little by little. 
He lost track of time. He didn’t know how long they were there. But he didn’t care. Viktor leaned into the embrace and tried hard to steady his breathing. The warmth of the arms around him, no different than they’d been the last time, were perfect. They were safe. 
By the time he opened his eyes again, the entire world was back to normal. His mother and aunts were laying on the floor, passed out but slightly bruised. It was as if they hadn’t been attacked by ghostly specters. The bookshelves and entire room was in one piece. His moth plush sat on the lounge chair, soft and fluffy as ever. You wouldn’t think it had ever been torn apart. 
A soft, cooling sensation brushed over his cheeks as Viktor was turned around. His father was staring softly at him, eyes glowing a soft amber hue and a light smile on his face as he cleaned away muck and grime on his face. He almost had to laugh. 
“You still carry wet wipes everywhere, taťka?” he asked. 
His father nodded. “I take it Veronika sent you a link to D-Game?”
“D-Game?” Viktor nodded. “If you mean that app, then yeah.”
“I thought so. She did the same to her husband. And Blanka did to me, before the divorce.” He reached into his pocket, pulling out his phone and holding up the screen for Viktor to see. “This is my profile. Look under the title “Sigil”.”
Viktor did as he was told, looking at the small text in bewilderment. A single word was listed there as the name, and the brief description in a box at the bottom.
“Restore; The Ability to restore things to a previous state, as though no damage had ever been done to them before.” He stared at his father, more questions forming as he tried to process what was happening. “Taťka, I don’t understand.”
“That’s my ability. I’ve been training it since I figured it out.” He glanced at the women laying on the ground. “We don’t have much time. No doubt he’ll be coming for me soon.” 
“Who’s coming for you? Taťka-
“Viktor, listen to me.” He gripped his son’s shoulders tightly, lips trembling slightly as he did his best to keep composure. “D-Game is a death wish. Your mother and her sisters were experts at using it to further their goals. They didn’t account for the day someone they attempted to murder with it would overpower them.”
His stomach dropped. He didn’t want to believe it. That his own mother would approve of his murder. But he had heard Veronika’s heart when he clicked that link. He knew the truth. 
“Now listen carefully,” his father continued. “Your mother and her sisters died tonight. But my Sigil, the power you get in this game, restored them. Death is supposed to be the end of it in D-Game, as the Game Master designed. I found a loophole, so I’ll have to disappear.”
“What? No! Taťka, I don’t understand-!”
His father shook him slightly. “Listen! You need to grab your bags and leave. Now. Any moment now, the devil will come here and take me away. If he sees you and you see him, he will ensure you never live to see the dawn.” He reached into his vest pocket and pulled out a small pocket book. “I have written down everything you’ll need to know about how to survive this game in here. Read it. Study it. Dedicate it to your very bones. Master your Sigil. Survive. Do whatever you have to do. But you cannot stay here any longer!” His eyes had stopped glowing now. Their natural, earthy tone glimmered in the light as they filled with tears. “Do this for your  old taťka, won’t you? Do this for me, Viktor. My little maestro. Please.”
Viktor nodded as he put the book in his pocket. He didn’t understand. He still didn’t understand. Sigil? Game Master? Nothing made sense. He was sure it would eventually. The only things he could understand right now was that his father’s heart was breaking, and it was no longer safe in the Darnell family home. 
Viktor had no place here anymore. 
He hugged his father one last time, tried hard not to shatter at the last kiss he’d ever receive on his head, and then grabbed his moth before finally leaving the study. He didn’t turn back to look as the doors closed. 
If he did, he knew he would never leave the house alive. 
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“That was a year and a half ago. Not long after that, I traveled across Europe, taking online courses in university and basically hiding out. Uncle Gladstone and I ran into each other while he was working abroad on an important contract, and when he found out on that I’m in D-Game, he gave me some training. He also disappeared shortly after that.”
“I see.” Kasumi took a sip of her tea, humming softly. “Lovely blend. I don’t know where you got this, but it is lovely.”
“Thank you,” Viktor chuckled. “I’m glad you enjoy it.” 
“I love an excellent brew.” She set her cup down, her eyes watching the leaves bounce softly. “We had suspicions on your family’s company for a while. It’s nice to have confirmation. Just don’t mention to the others that you got D-Game training from Renegade yet. Let that detail come out after they get used to having you around.”
Viktor nodded slowly. “You’re all surprisingly calm about having me around.”
“Well, of course. We know your stats. That was among the few deaths you actually caused in D-Game.” She looked over the file again, smiling as she looked over the scores. “You’re an escape artist, and you mastered your Sigil pretty quickly, all things considered. It’s supposed to be natural, but I have seen cases where Sigils are stronger than the wielder can take, but now I know it’s a totally different case with you.” She glanced at the phone on the table. “So you use the app in tandem with a music app to manage the power?”
“Yes. It was Uncle Gladstone’s idea.”
“Sounds about right.” 
“Miss Aizawa-”
“Kasumi. Please, call me Kasumi.”
He nodded. “Kasumi..... why are you all so...okay with this? I know my reasonings, but I’m trying to understand your position here. Why are we talking over tea instead of getting to the point? Am I joining you, or do you want me to stay back and fight a different way?”
“We’re talking over tea because I want to get a read on you. What you’re like outside of the game. Beneath the pompous coat and extravagant chains.” Kasumi sighed and reached out a hand, lightly taking his and looking him dead in the eye. “No one in this game is innocent anymore. But the one who dragged us down with him deserves our fury before we’re all condemned to hell. Don’t you want vengeance for your taťka? Is that not why you’re here?”
Viktor nodded, his green eyes glowing the same vivid green as the night he arrived. “That’s part of it. More than anything, I’m here because I know that the Game Master will target my cousins next. He took Uncle Gladstone. He took my taťka. He will not take my cousins. I refuse to allow that. I’d sooner let my Sigil rip me apart than do that. I will find my taťka. I will find the Game Master. And I will rip him apart cell by cell with the very chains he put me in.”
With that, Kasumi smiled, eyes glowing a soft, amber hue. 
“Good answer.”
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