#look it’s your rat man
handwrittenhello · 5 months
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in honor of the wettest game i’ve ever played here’s corvo crawling off into a sewer tunnel to die alone or something
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conjuring-ghouls · 2 years
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You keep a casket buried deep within You try to mask it, but fall back in sin You want to shake it off, but you are stuck inside
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moon n ballora
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 1 year
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Leave wildlife alone. He probably bites.
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eclecticopposition · 1 year
give meee... headcanons about the Sangfielle friends in the most boring AU you can imagine like. idk. office Sangfielle. grocery store Sangfielle. they all work at a movie theater. whatever sounds mundane as hell and you have Thoughts about :3
okay tumblr ate my fucking answer the first time. let's try this again.
the thing about these guys is that no matter how mundane you make it, they can make anything into a situation. that's just the guys they are. so we put them in a Walmart.
Marn is an employee with a great customer service voice. She's keeping it together in the face of some truly wild statements and requests. One man keeps asking for frootie hooties, a brand of cereal that he insists is real and everyone is just refusing to sell to him, and she's spent twenty minutes trying to tell him that they just don't have it in stock
Lye and Es are having an animated conversation in the clothing area, where she is examining various colorful dresses and he is distractedly picking things off of nearby shelves and putting them back down. The conversation started at how they got kicked out of dayward yve's novelty store and is now about whether stealing should be more or less of a crime than manslaughter, because it's not as bad as killing but it is on purpose. People are trying not to pay attention to them. Eventually they are asked to leave, at which point it is revealed that lye has about two hundred dollars worth of items in his pockets and es has some candles she liked and a new pair of shoes in hers. They are both barred from Walmart.
Duvall hates it here. It's loud, he hates the lights, the aisles make no sense, he can't find anything he's looking for, and people keep coming up to him to ask him where things are. He doesn't even work here. Why do people assume he works here? He's not even wearing any Walmart merchandise. Is that what it's called when you're an employee? Merchandise? Well, it's what it would be called if he wears it, which he never will, because he doesn't work here and never wants to. Have a nice day ma'am.
Pickman is slowly marching her way through the aisles one at a time, peering at her shopping list and holding a tiny shopping basket in one hand. She has to be very careful not to knock the shelves over sometimes. Just trying to get groceries. People are nervously avoiding her. Says "Hey, you" to some poor employee to ask where the milk and cigarettes are. Just grunts at everything else. When she's at the checkout, the guy there asks "Did you find everything you're looking for?", and she just says "No." and leaves
Chine comes out of the bathroom with a live rat in his hand. People scream. The manager finally comes up to him like "Sir, you can't have rats in here." They say "Oh, she's not mine. She was just having trouble opening the door." Gets a big meat on the bone at the deli and nothing else. When he asks how much it costs, they just say it's on the house and try to get him to leave as soon as possible. They go like "Oh, really? Are you sure? I have some money." and sound surprised but pleased, like they're being done a personal favor. The employees insist. He's like "Alright, thanks!" and then asks the rat if she wants anything
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vanhelsingapologist · 8 months
//scuttles in
Hey you should totally talk about Kasimir
Kasimir And The Terrible Horrible No-Good Very Bad 400 Years
CW: Sororicide, Child Death, discussion of mental health, discussion on the nature of shame.
This is going to be so, so long. Disclaimer that this is our table's interpretation of Kasimir Velikov. Spoilers for Curse of Strahd and the Dusk Elves abound.
Guilty, Not Remorseful
Kasimir is one of those characters who seems to be very consistent in characterization across tables. I do believe that if you asked DMs to list their Kasimir’s traits, a majority would hit the Trifecta of Misery:
A massive part of our Kasimir’s characterization is how my DM draws the line between regret, guilt, and remorse.
He feels fathomless guilt surrounding killing Patrina, but he never describes himself as feeling remorse. To explain, I’ll divide it like this:
He feels guilty because he knew it would have a repercussion. He did it anyway. Patrina was engaged to Strahd.
He did not expect the repercussions to be all that they were. This was a mistake, but I don’t entirely know whether he sees his decision surrounding killing Patrina as one or not.
He does not feel remorse, because that would require him to regret what he did (killing his sister). Our Kasimir does not feel remorse for killing her, and it makes him guiltier because of everything her death set off, not to mention the love he held for his sister.
He tells himself that he did what he had to do (he did not), and wishes there were another way (there undoubtedly was), which gives way to shame. 
"I had to do it, but I wish I didn't." "... Did I have to? Surely, yes?"
So, he has these interplaying themes connected to the overarching theme of guilt, all of which drive his every action in our campaign. 
He is okay with this.
He is okay with the idea that every day is a punishment. He did what he had to do, he says, and he believes he should pay that price forever. 
The Whole Patrina Thing
In our game, Patrina didn’t seem to be so much in love with Strahd as she was in love with power. My running theory is that she was intending to dethrone Strahd or overpower him once she’d been turned. 
Because (I believe) in our game, he was one of the first vampires, if not The First Vampire, she didn’t quite realize how spawn mechanics worked— and to that end, neither did the dusk elves.
The Story
Kasimir holds to the story he told us. He discovered his sister half-turned, having received two of the three bites required to undergo the bride ceremony. 
I believe he discovered her in the process of trying to feed (a la Lucy Westenra) and came to the conclusion that she had been irrevocably turned into this horrifying, unknowable dead thing. So he gathered the dusk elves and killed her, setting off the chain of events. 
In the years since he’s been confronted with new information regarding vampirization and the process of turning, but he’s also said that if Patrina hadn’t died, she likely would’ve gone through with it anyway. Is this to avoid heaping more guilt onto his shoulders? Maybe. I don't know. Despite his guilt, he still, interestingly, provides a justification.
We have nothing to contradict his word with.
However, he also told us that he’s been experiencing dreams where she tells him how sorry she is, how much she hates him, how much she loves him, and how much she would have changed if he'd let her live.
His foundational beliefs get preyed upon, because what if he was wrong? What if he doomed everyone because he couldn’t compromise his morality for a moment?
Kasimir’s Backstory Is Misery In Case You Were Wondering
In our campaign, Kasimir and Patrina were raised to be the leaders of their communities and witnessed Rahadin’s exile and subsequent alliance with King Barov.
When the Dusk Elves regrouped after a crushing defeat, Kasimir, who is a Druid in our campaign, was voted in to be the head of the remaining families, and Patrina, an Archmage, left for Ravenloft intermittently. 
I think there was an effort for peace being made with a marriage between Strahd and herself, but obviously, the Tatyana Conundrum came in (Kasimir Win!), and then a couple years down the line, the Patrina Conundrum happened (Kasimir Fail!).
By the time he made his big bad decision, he was not only the head of his community but was also the father to a small child and the husband to a man who would die defending their family.
So, as far as he’s concerned, Kasimir is almost directly responsible for the deaths of his entire family.
He’s in a constant internal battle between blaming Ravenloft— perhaps predominantly, Rahadin— for enacting disproportionate revenge and blaming himself for pulling the trigger. Two things can be true. And still, to this day, his remaining people trust him. He still leads them and protects them. Yowch.
Kasimir As The Moral Compass
While traveling with our party, Kasimir was militant about doing what he believed was right. It could’ve been because he might’ve literally snapped in half if he took on any more shame, but probably had more to do with the fact that he was likely projecting heavily onto our party. 
He held his hand on the metaphorical stove for so long that he has nothing but bone left, so when he sees the party tentatively edging towards the fire, he takes action. 
Because he lives in a cesspool of anguish, I think an argument can be made that he wants to ensure his actions aren’t repeated by someone else. That is for HIM.
How It Affects Dynamic
This makes him fun to have in the party, because not only is Sororicide “Hypocrite” Velikov telling us not to do things, but it also provides a good bit of levity to what is otherwise one of the emotionally heaviest characters in our campaign.
Having this ancient elven druid sternly ask if kicking the corpse of enemy #6 made you feel good and having to shamefully tell him ’no’ creates a bond like no other.
It’s also an interesting way to have him trying to semi-atone without explicitly expressing remorse. Because he judges himself so harshly, he judges the party by the same standards.
Kasimir Will Make The Same Mistake Over And Over
The problem is that shame is poison to recovery.
Kasimir does not believe he has a place in a world in which he is not suffering, so whenever he is confronted with redemption, he’ll do what keeps him rotting.
I don’t know how my other players feel about this, but I’m convinced that it’s not that he can’t break the cycle, it’s that he won’t.
In trying to do the right thing, I think he will choose the wrong thing. He will stone her to death again and again and not know why.
There He Goes Again!
It’s why I think these dreams are such a big problem. I think they’re goading him. Whatever’s causing it (the Dark Powers, Strahd, or Patrina herself) knows him well enough that he will make a horrible, horrible decision. As far as theory goes, I think it may really be Patrina, because who would know him better than his sister?
In our campaign, Kasimir is currently acting as a mentor to a half dusk-elven wizard/druid who habitually toes the line between good and evil. He waffles between wanting to save her and wanting to nip the problem in the bud, propelled by his profound shame for wanting to do it.
He knows he shouldn’t have anything to do with it, but whereas Van Richten isolates himself out of necessity, Kasimir creates this wall between them because he sees the cycle starting again and feels helpless to stop it. It’s like he doesn’t realize he’s actively recreating the cycle.
Sound familiar, Strahd?
He and Van Richten are two characters who might have the biggest questions of the nature of redeemability hanging over their head, and both grapple with themes of guilt.
I think they differ because, in our campaign, Van Richten is actively seeking redemption. Kasimir is not.
He can’t imagine atonement even exists.
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tacagen · 1 year
look there is something So special in the way thawne smiles in his non-flash-centered arcs
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constantineshots · 1 year
“being an apologist is bad” don’t care i’m a john constantine apologist
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zo1nkss · 11 months
CJ literally called Ed a slur multiple times on-screen to his face, so if you're really going to get upset at BIPOC for feeling vindicated that the white man who's still alive is actually learning to treat Ed like a person, but you don't say shit to ppl who are casual CJ enjoyers about his racism and how he has not unlearned a single lick of it because he died instead, you can actually fuck all the way off.
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pegasusdrawnchariots · 2 months
To answer your thoughts on the "eat a fruit" scene: I think it's something about the fact that eating something at someone's house means that you consider that house your friend and trust them, and thus the Count refusing repeatedly to eat anything despite Mercedes' attempts makes it quite clear that he does not consider the Morcerf family a friend! Personally I think it's more about Fernand than it is about Mercedes, but I think Mercedes interpreted it as Edmond saying that he doesn't trust her, specifically (that might also be true; I think the Count/Edmond, for the most of the book, was trying to convince himself that he hated or was neutral at best towards Mercedes, but despite it all he can't help but care about her. Refusing to eat the fruit and honor their hospitality and friendship he's probably also trying to convince himself that Mercedes is not his friend but his enemy)
Okay wow sorry that got long, I forgot how much I love this book lmao
Nothing to be sorry for, friend! I love this book too & could read analysis of it all day ^_^
Ooh yes, I see what u mean! I agree that it was partly about Fernand, especially while Monte Cristo was out circulating in the party & everyone could see him Not Eating & gossip about it (even though when the news got back to Mercédès, she mentioned feeling insulted as the hostess. So it was definitely partly a snub).
But then when they're alone in the garden, no-one is there to witness how insistently Monte Cristo refuses even a bite! ...except Mercédès. It's no longer a public snub against the house of Morcerf — it's personal, his animosity extends to her, & he wants her to know it. Going on yr parenthesis, it seems to me now a very clear "we are not friends, no matter the past we share" message (although Mercédès is Mercédès & she is not one to take that lying down lol)
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angrybatart · 1 year
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I swear...every time I draw Dismas seriously, it's in a different style, or he looks younger/older than he's supposed to be.
Anyway, I wanted to draw Dismas with a HUGE stack of pancakes after reading the barks from Darkest Dungeon 2. His comment on the Flapjacks is so fucking cute/wholesome. Also my god, boy. HALF A DOZEN???? I can barely manage three!
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seedlessmuffins · 1 year
"redbulls before the fourth overtime, pizza flowing, it's actually kind of funny" -matthew tkachuk after scoring the game winner with 0:12 seconds left of 4OT
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t1erradelfuego · 1 year
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web weaving or whatever
#last night my brain had two thoughts collide like atoms producing a nuclear fission in the form of THEE most insane trope to ME which is#pet psychopath and his even crazier handler -> brandt and luke respectively#watching brandt get at it with an OHL dad over the boards during the playoff like YEAHHH that's my dman with character issues#SO BEAUTIFUL. and the tsn video too. god. the one where he gets into a playfight but ends up spinning the dude around#the potential is THERE and i am cooking up SO many scenarios in my head i am actually going insane.#when you're the kid who used to beat up your brothers friends during street hockey and you were called a pitbull like CMONNNN#it's not that luke doesnt have character issues its just that it was trained out of him by ellen who would NEVER let that fly but unlike hi#lady byng finalist brother and his +2 penalty drawing brother luke has ZERO compulsions actually shithousing someone#and he's such a bitch about it too. he's more of a bitch than his two brothers combined. if penalties weren't a thing in real life#the clarke/hughes dpairing would be the most rat bastard shithousery penalty drawns tandem in the LEAGUE thats my inteprid take#and the thing about pet psychopath and his even crazier handler is it that the devotion goes CRAZYYYYYY#brandt going fucking insane and luke having to haul him off before he starts beating up the dude himself like NOBODY FUCKS WITH MY BABY!!!#even if my baby started it lol. if brandt's crazy luke is batshit insane and then brandt has to go haul luke off before he gets kicked out#someone tries to chirp brandt over him fighting for luke constantly and brandt is like :) you're fucking lucky it's not luke#because CRUCIALLY luke is the better fighter. again. his even crazier handler. always ready to answer for brandt's attitude#in the locker room brandt like good job baby that was so sexy of you to right hook him -> rest of the devs staring in horror#JUST SOMETHING ABOUT COMING TO BLOWS FOR YOUR MAN!!! LOOKING UP AT HIM WITH A SMILE FULL OF BLOOD LIKE DID I DO GOOD? DID I MAKE YOU PROUD?#AND THEM RESPONDING WITH 100% RECIPROCATION. OH IT WAS ALWAYS ABOUT THE RECIPROCATION.#need them to be fucking bitches on the ice beating everyone up that would be so sexy to me!!!#the brandt/luke agenda#thinking. perhaps even thoughting. thunking.
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gydima · 2 years
Tonight I'm considering: How can anyone stand to spend so much time and energy making posts hating on a silly little character and/or the people who like him? Tying themselves into knots to read the worst possible intentions into not just a fictional character, but also a bunch of real people who enjoy his angry, maladjusted pirate antics?
This guy! This is who people are so worked up over!
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Couldn't be me. 🤗
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*rigby voice* Morpheus more like MILFeus he hehe he
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reiverreturns · 1 year
spending a good hour breaking in that dumb white arabian who keeps drowning itself in lake isabella purely so dutch doesn't have a unique special horse anymore 😌✌
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