#look it's been a weird few days and i think for me serious reflection on parasocial and cult like dynamics on this webbed site but also just
withwritersblock · 3 months
More Hearts Than Mine-Meeting her Family
~More Hearts Than Mine by Ingrid Andress~
Author's Note: this is the first of my one shot collection series where Luke and Y/N do varies fluffy (or angsty) activities with each other's families ! Per usual not edited Summary: Luke meets Y/N's family for the first time Warnings: I don't think so? Word Count: 3,155 Luke Hughes x fm!reader
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Luke stood in the bathroom, staring at his reflection, running his fingers through his curls. He held the gel product in his fingers as he tried to style his hair perfectly. He got a haircut. The sides of his hair were shaved as the top of his hair was longer on the top. He wasn’t sure how he felt about it. It’s been almost a year since he had his hair this short. 
Y/N walked into the bathroom, wearing a maroon sweater with black jeans covering her frame. “Lukey, you look handsome. Please leave it alone,” she mumbled as she took a hold of his forearm. He glanced towards her direction in the mirror before he dropped his hands from his hair.
“It’s so short,” he said as he leaned towards the mirror. She rolled her eyes as she looped her arm through his. “I didn’t think she was going to shave it like this when I said shorter on the sides,” he explained, looking at his reflection again.
“Hey,” she mumbled as she reached her hand over, taking a hold of his chin to force his gaze to her. “You look very cute,” she muttered as she leaned towards him and kissed him briefly.
“Cute’s good right? I mean for meeting your family? Cute is supposed to be-”
“Luke,” she mumbled, raising her eyebrows. He nodded, taking a deep breath as he turned on the sink to wash the remainder of the gel in his hands. “It’s just three days,” she mumbled as she rested her hand onto the bathroom counter. 
“Three days is a lot of time to mess up and make your parents hate me,” he let out as he shifted his body to fully face her. She smiled towards him while shaking her head. 
“You want the cliffnotes?” she asked him and nodded as he delicately placed his hands onto her waist. He toyed with the ends of the sweater as he looked deeply into her eyes. 
“My mom will love you. She’ll say you’re too skinny and will feed you all the cinnamon rolls you can eat. She’ll probably end up loving you more than me,” she said with a wide smile. 
“My dad likes to think he’s this big tough guy. He’ll try to intimidate you but he’ll be a big softy once he sees how much I love you,” she explained. His hands slowly looped around her waist, pulling her closer. His cheeks flushed slightly as the word love leaves her mouth.
“My sister is nosey, she’ll try to get you to blush and she’s really good at it. She may even ask about our sex life,” she explained, raising her eyebrows as she watched his eyes widened. “Don’t tell her anything,” she teased. He nodded dramatically as she rested her hands on his chest. 
“My brother will probably ask you a thousand questions about hockey.” She leaned towards him wrapping her arms around the center of his back. He squeezed her tighter. “You’ll be okay, everyone is going to love you,”
“Am I allowed to touch you, or do I avoid all contact?” he asked, she chuckled as if he was joking but he was serious. She pulled away, keeping her arms wrapped around the center of his back.
“They know you’re my boyfriend, Lovely,” she teased. 
He licked his lips nervously, “I know but are they weirded out if we cuddle on the couch or something,” he asked as he brushed a few pieces of hair away from her face. 
“Please cuddle me,” she muttered as she leaned towards him and delicately pecked his lips, “But maybe wait to kiss me until tomorrow,” she let out.
“Noted,” he muttered before he kissed her for a few more moments.
Luke drove the hour and half it took to get to her parents house. With the ran and the traffic it took thirty minutes longer than normal. Luke was quiet, taking deep breaths as he tried to calm his nerves. Every so often she would reach her hand over and squeeze his hand that was in his lap. He would smile softly towards her briefly before he would shift his gaze back to the road. 
He slowly pulled into the long driveway into her childhood home. She lived in the middle of nowhere. “You can park there, Honey,” she said as she pointed to the small gravel side of the driveway. He nodded as he slowly pulled the car into park. He let out a long drawn out huff of air as he looked towards her. “Just be yourself, my love,” she hummed as she reached her hand across to rest her hand onto his cheek. She ran her thumb across the skin of his cheek. 
“I don’t know how to do that. What if they think you’re too good for-” she silenced him by kissing him. He melted into the kiss as his body relaxed. She pulled away, keeping her lips a mere inch away from him. His eyes fluttered open as he took another deep breath, “Thank you,” he let out before he pecked her lips once more.
“Come on, Lukey,” she mumbled as she opened her passenger side door and stepped outside. The rain had stopped during the last ten minutes of their ride. He stepped out of the car as well, slamming the door shut as he squinted his eyes.
“Please don’t call me Lukey in front of them,” he whined. She fought off the smile on her lips as she shook her head.
She walked towards him as she linked her arm with his as she whispered, “I’ll think about it,” she paused, “Lukey.”
He rolled his eyes playfully as they continued up the small path towards the front door. His heart began to quicken as they stepped up onto the deck, the board creaking as they stepped towards the dark blue door. She met his gaze and he gave her a reassuring nod before she knocked a few times before she pushed the door open. She stepped inside, dragging Luke into the house. 
Her house was a small farm-like house. It was cluttered but homey. Her living room had the fireplace lit and it was already quite warm in the house.
“Mom! Y/N and her boyfriend are here!” her little brother shouted as he jumped from the couch to greet the pair at the door. Luke’s cheeks flushed red instantly as his eyes widened. Y/N glanced towards Luke admiring his pink cheeks before she looked towards her little brother. Who’s not so little anymore, he’s fifteen and already taller than their dad.
“EJ, look at you!” she let out as he jogged towards them. He hugged her instantly, chuckling. After a few seconds she pulled away and looped her arm around Luke’s again. “EJ, this is Luke,” she said, pointing towards him. Elijah lit up as he reached his hand across to Luke to shake his hand. Luke quickly returns the gesture.
“You say that like I don’t know the guy.” Elijah muttered excitedly. Luke smiled, “Great game the other night, I’m a huge fan,” he continued.
“Thanks man. Y/N tells me you’re a goalie?” Luke offered. Elijah nodded dramatically. Before their conversation could continue her parents emerged from the kitchen together. Her mother was practically tearing up at the sight of them.
“Elijah James, will you let them enter the damn house!” her mom asked teasingly. Elijah moved out of the back towards the couch to his video game he was playing. “Come in, come in!” she said excitedly. Her mom guided them towards the living room to allow the couple to breath. 
“Oh Luke, we’ve been so excited to meet you.” her mom let out as she gave him a hug, his eyes widened as he returned the hug. He looked towards Y/N awkwardly. Y/N chuckled as she hugged her dad as he was ignoring Luke and her mom was ignoring Y/N. “How was the drive?” she asked him.
“It was raining but otherwise it wasn’t too bad,” he replied, a small smile on his lips.
“Oh good, come on, dinner is ready,” she said as she began walking back towards the kitchen to walk towards the dining room.
“Two point night the other night, huh?” her dad offered, keeping his hands in his pocket as he looked Luke up and down.
“Yes Sir,” he mumbled, Y/N tried to fight off the smirk toying to her lips. Y/N gave her dad a warning look.
“That was a really impressive goal in OT,” her dad let out as he cautiously clapped his hand against Luke’s shoulder. He walked towards Elijah who was still in the living room. Luke and Y/N walked through the house, ending the conversation there.
“You’re right, he’s scary,” he whispered into her ear. She rolled her eyes playfully as they wandered into the dining room where her sister, Jasmine was sitting waiting. She lifted her gaze from her phone to see the pair walking into the room. Jasmine was her younger sister. Jasmine and Elijah are twins.
Jasmine and Elijah were vastly different. It was hard to even believe that they were twins. Jasmine had dyed red hair and was a part of the school’s theater program. Elijah was the starting goalie for the varsity hockey team. He had been since he was a freshman. Despite their many differences they were very close and they shared the same friend group.
“Hey!” she said excitedly as she lifted her gaze from her phone. “Oh he’s cuter in person, nice job sis,” she said as she scanned Luke up and down. Y/N clenched her jaw as she guided Luke to sit at the dining table. They manuvered towards the empty side of the table, where she was closer to her dad and he was closer to her mom. 
“Luke, this is Jasmine. She tends to lack a filter when talking to people,” she explained as Luke pulled out Y/N’s chair for her to sit. She smiled towards him before she sat down. Luke sat down beside her, reaching for her hand desperately. She delicately interlocked their fingers as she moved her chair closer to him.
“Get a man who pulls out my chair for me,” she said as she mocks typing in her Notes App. Luke pulls his lips between his teeth as he feels his skin get hot.
“Are you doing okay?” Y/N whispered as she leaned towards him, he met her gaze and nodded.
It took a few more minutes before the rest of her family to join them all at the dinner table. Y/N reassuringly ran her thumb across the top of his hand beneath the table. It helped him calm down, feeling her touch on his skin. 
“Luke, how many days do you get off?” her mom asked as they all started to serve themselves food. 
“I get a week off and then I have practice the day before our next game,” he explained as he added salad to his plate. 
“Will you watch the All-Star games?” Elijah asked excitedly. Luke nodded.
“My brothers are there, I have to support them,” he said, meeting Elijah’s gaze. 
“I can’t believe my sister is dating an NHL player,” he said before he took a dramatic bite of his salad. Luke chuckled nervously as he met Y/N’s gaze. 
“Luke, Y/N told us you’ve only been in Jersey for about a year. Where were you before?” her mom asked as she put all of her attention on him.
“I was in Michigan, but I’ve been a bit everywhere,” he replied before taking another bite of his food. Y/N delicately rested her finger on his knee, delicately tracing reassuring circles. 
“That’s exciting,” her mom muttered. “How are you liking Jersey?” she asked. 
“I like it a lot. It's hard to enjoy the city when I’m traveling as much as I am but I plan to stay longer in the off season to experience it,” he explained. Y/N smiled towards him with so much admiration as he spoke. Her father watched the soft smile on his daughter’s lips.
Y/N’s brought home two other boys before Luke and her father couldn’t stand them. Mainly because she never looked happy around them, but she hasn’t stopped smiling since she was home with him.
“Can we come to one of your games?” Jasmine asked. Luke lifted his gaze, looking towards Y/N for assistance. 
“Let the kid chew his food before you ask him any more questions,” her dad interrupted. Luke met his dad’s gaze and chuckled as the rest of the table laughed along.
It was a few hours after they arrived and it was past ten o’clock and her parents were already in bed. Her siblings were in the living room with Luke and Y/N. They were all watching an episode of Friends. Y/N curled up to Luke’s side, his arm was draped along her shoulder as she was nuzzled into his chest. His hand would slowly trail from her wrist all the way up to her shoulder. 
It was simple and easier than what Luke thought was going to happen. Her sister was funny and her brother was super nice. Her mom was overwhelmingly kind and her dad was slowly getting accustomed to his presence. 
“How long have you guys been together?” Jasmine asked out of nowhere. Y/N blinked slowly as she lifted her head from Luke’s chest. 
“Seven months,” she looked towards Luke and his lips turned upward slightly.
“Wow,” she muttered as she tilted her head back against the couch.
“Who asked who out?” Jasmine questioned again, Luke pursed his lips forward as his cheeks pinked up.
“I did,” he mumbled.
“How’d you do it?” Jasmine pressed with a smirk. 
He looked towards Y/N, raising his eyebrows as he asked for permission to tell her the story. 
They met through a mutual friend. Y/N’s friend, Zara, had a fling with Luke’s brother Jack for a few weeks around the playoffs run last year. After a Devils win, Y/N and Zara went out with the team to celebrate. 
While Y/N was completely uninterested in partying as well as Luke. The pair sat together and talked for several hours before they left. After they lost their playoff series, Jack and Zara fling ended horribly. Except Luke really wanted to see Y/N again. It took days to convince Jack to break no contact with Zara to get Y/N number. It worked.
They later found out that Y/N wanted her to do the same thing but Zara refused.
They spent the first month FaceTiming and texting all of the time. There was a hint of romantic tension but they never acted on it until Luke moved back to Jersey. It took thirty minutes into hanging out in person for him to ask her on a date. There was not an ounce of hesitation to say yes.
“So you guys didn’t see each other for another month?!” Jasmine asked. 
“He was back in Michigan, Jaz. It was a little hard,” Y/N said with a chuckle. 
“A bit of a long game then, Lukey Boy,” Elijah teased as he slapped his hand on the shoulder of Luke. Elijah took a long breath as he continued towards the set of stairs near the front door. “I’ll see you guys in the morning, don’t do anything weird in our house,” he said with a yawn as he walked up the stairs towards his room.
Luke chuckled nervously as he met Y/N’s eye.
“He’s a real gentleman, sis. It’s a shame there aren't more guys like him out there,” she mumbled as she dropped her gaze to the floor as she walked towards the stairs to her own room. 
Luke kept his gaze on Y/N as she watched her younger siblings leave them alone in the living room. He took a hold of her chin, delicately turning her gaze to look towards him. Their eyes met and he felt his body relax. Her eyes looked down towards his lips as she inched towards him, “Kiss me,” she let out barely above a whisper. He smiled as he glanced around the living room. “Please,” she mumbled. 
He slowly leaned towards her kissing her so delicately, not to make a scene. It had only been a few hours without feeling her lips against his and he missed it desperately. Her father had stepped down the stairs, stopping short. He looked towards the pair, desperately wanting to interrupt them. Luke’s hand slowly rested on her cheek as he pulled away, keeping his face close to hers. “You look beautiful,” he muttered.
Her lips curled upward slowly as she tilted her head to the side. “Thank you, Lukey,” she replied before she leaned towards him and rested her head onto his shoulder. 
Her father fought the smile forming to his lips as he watched the small interaction between them. The entire night, he watched Luke and Y/N put on a show of their relationship and happiness. It was comforting to watch them be fully themselves. He awkwardly shuffled down the stairs pretending that he didn’t see anything. Luke fully scooted away from Y/N as her father walked towards the kitchen.
“Are you ready for bed?” she whispered wide eyed and he nodded as a reply. 
They both stood up from the couch, out of habit Luke rested his hand onto her lower back as they walked towards the stairs. Her father smiled softly as he watched the pair climb the stairs towards her childhood bedroom. She walked towards the last room at the end of the hallway and pushed the door open. 
Luke’s eyes lingered on each childhood photo of hers on the walls of the hallway. He stared the longest at a photo of her sitting in the center of a bean bag with Elijah and Jasmin in her arms. She was smiling shyly as her eyes were staring at her little sister. “That’s a nice picture,” he muttered as he pointed towards it. 
“I was terrified of holding them,” she muttered as they continued down the hall towards her bedroom.
Her room was extremely cleaned as her mother constantly kept it from being dusty. They stepped inside and she shut the door behind them instantly as she met his eyes. Her back was against the door as he rested his hands on her hips. 
“They like you,” she muttered as she ran her hands up and down his chest slowly. He shyly smiled while his cheeks flushed red. “I mean it, my dad would’ve said something if he didn’t,” she teased. 
“I like them too,” he mumbled before he leaned towards her and kissed her delicately.
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gyumibear · 11 months
💖 create a sim(p)! — 27: first love
synopsis — after stupidly claiming on stream that you’ve been dating popular youtuber choi beomgyu in secret after accidentally creating an identically looking sim, you beg him not to reveal your lie to the public when it goes viral. weirdly, he agrees and you two begin to fool the public. can your lie become the truth or will it eventually catch up with you?
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warnings — descriptions of creepy and threatening behavior, mentions of stalking, descriptions of nightmares. (wc — 2.5k)
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You lay back on the soft, cream comforter of your new bed, reflecting on the day's events. Today had been a dragging one– the chore of unpacking boxes, but you had finally settled into the shared apartment. As you gazed around at the newly decorated space, you wondered if you really had completed everything on your to-do list. Yes, you had unpacked everything and put up the decorations just the way you wanted. It seemed like you had taken care of everything. Right? Right.
Felix was out as usual, probably hanging out with his friend Chan, who never seemed to warm up to you the few times you had met in the past. You couldn't help but wonder why Chan was so weird with you. It was as if he knew something about you that you didn't, something that made him untrusting of you. But it was whatever, you supposed, you brushed it aside. At the end of the day, you and Felix had a good relationship with each other, and nothing could change that.
As you continued to just think, you heard some weird noises near the front of the apartment. It sounded like someone was struggling to get in. You realized Felix must have forgotten his keys again. He didn’t do it often, but accidents happen you know. You chuckled at the thought good-naturedly, hopping off the bed to go let him in.
Crossing the threshold into the living room, you marveled at the sleek marble flooring and minimalistic decor. Felix wasn’t one to showcase his wealth, but you knew deep down he just wasn't into decorating. He’d probably let his mom do the decorating when he’d first moved in and never decided to change it. ‘Twas the way of men. 
To your surprise, when you opened the door, you found someone unexpectedly standing there, smiling mischievously as if they knew they weren't supposed to be there.
"Hey," Beomgyu said, his eyes sparkling with a hint of something. "So this is where you moved to. Figured you'd come running to Felix. That’s his name right?"
Your heart skipped a beat. "Beomgyu, what are you doing here?" You asked neutrally, trying to keep your composure, but your mind– and heart– was racing. How did he find out where you lived? Why did he come here?
"Is that really important right now?" Beomgyu took a step closer, but you instinctively moved back, seeing a flash of hurt in his eyes before they regained their sparkle. "I'm here! Shouldn't you welcome your guest?"
"Call me Gyu! I like when you do that," he interjected with a playful grin.
You took a deep breath, trying to make sense of the situation. "Beom— Gyu, why are you here?"
His smile grew wider, and he seemed almost too eager. "I wanted to see you. It's been a while, but I couldn't get you out of my mind. I mean, you never responded to my letter. I know I totally ran out on you, but I meant what I said on that live stream. I love you, YN."
You blinked in disbelief. He couldn't be serious. "Beomgyu, this isn’t right. You can't just show up unannounced like this. It’s basically stalking."
"I wouldn’t have had to if you didn’t block my number. Why would you even do that?" he asked, his eyes searching yours.
Feeling increasingly uncomfortable, you stepped back, your hand on the doorknob. "Beomgyu, please leave. I don't know how you found out where I live, but this is crossing a line."
He stared at you, not speaking, and the sparkle in his eyes sent chills down your spine. How could someone look so blank yet have such bright eyes?
Panicking, you backed away, slamming the door behind you. Now, you were definitely going to run to your room to grab your phone and text Felix for help. There was something strange going on with Beomgyu and you didn’t want to be alone with him anymore. But as you turned around, you froze. 
Beomgyu was standing right in front of you, arms crossed, and his eyes no longer sparkled but appeared dark and intense. You’d never seen this look on him before. It didn’t even seem like one he could make! This wasn’t the Beomgyu you knew. At all.
"That was mean," The playful words didn’t match his cold, detached tone one bit. “It’s not nice to slam doors on your guests.”
"How did you–?” Your heart raced as you stumbled backward, hitting the door from the shock of his sudden proximity. Your mind was racing, desperate to find a way out of this hellish encounter. "Beomgyu, please just– go!"
But he didn't move, and the sense of unease and danger intensified. Your heart was almost pounding in your ears. Your eyes darted all over the apartment, trying to summon an exit that would get you distance from the black-haired man in front of you. It’s funny how an apartment that had just become a place of security for you now felt like a confined space as Beomgyu’s dark presence loomed over you.
Nobody spoke, but your previous words hung in the air, haunting the narrative. It was like you and Beomgyu were in a stalemate, the tension building and building. Your breathing had become shallow as your body trembled slightly from fear. The room was incredibly thick with an unspoken threatening aura and you knew something bad was going to happen to you. Helpless and terrified, you squeezed your eyes closed as Beomgyu finally darted towards you.
In your last moments, you screamed.
You found yourself jolting up in your bed, sweat almost drenching your body. You could feel the fabric of your comforter under your tight fists. You pulled your arm up to rest your hand on your heart, drinking in greedy breaths of air you hadn’t known you were lacking. So it was a nightmare? You hadn’t even realized you were asleep. It had felt so… real.
You kicked your feet over the edge of the bed, your unoccupied hand searching around aimlessly for your cell phone. When it was finally found, you quickly typed out a message to your roommate. He read it quickly, and a few short minutes later he was entering your room.
Felix’s warm brown eyes scanned your room, eyebrows creasing in worry when he’d finally found your defeated form. He walked over silently, arms opening as he neared you. You didn’t need to speak, you just let yourself find your way into his embrace. You weren’t crying or anything, but Felix knew you well enough to know when you needed a hug. You let him hold you until you weren’t shaking hard enough to inhibit your speech.
“I’m sorry.” You murmured into his soft, cotton shirt.
“What for?” He replied gently.
“I woke you up, didn’t I?”
“That’s okay,” You could hear the smile in his voice, “I don’t mind. Cause it’s you.”
You smiled a little at that, heartwarming. Your heart had slowed down to a more manageable beat, so you pulled away– missing the warmth as you did. Felix smiled down at you comfortingly before sitting next to you on the bed. His blond hair was messy, indicative of the rest he had just come from, but his eyes weren’t tired. No, it seemed like every time Felix looked at you his eyes became fuller with life.
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” He tilted his head slightly, tone hesitant. “You don’t have to if you’re uncomfortable though.”
“No, I–” You blinked slowly. You felt safe with Felix. “I want to. Cause it's you.” 
You spoke candidly, detailing every part of the nightmare you could remember. All the while, you noticed how concerned Felix was becoming, his facial expressions telling a story his mouth was not. When you finished, he turned his torso to wrap his arms around you once more. He rested his head on top of yours, nuzzling you in solace.
“I’m sorry you had a nightmare,” He spoke softly, “You’re safe now.”
“Mm…” You snuggled deeper into his arms. “Thank you for coming.” 
The comforting weight of Felix’s body next to yours calmed your mood. His heartbeat grounded you, a steady rhythm that reassured you that you would be alright. His embrace was like a shield, protecting you from the lingering remembrance of the horrors of your nightmare. In moments like these, you realized just how much you relied on your friends and their unwavering support and friendship.
“Of course, you know I’m always gonna be here for you,” Felix whispered, his deep voice a soothing one in the darkness. “Always. You’re never alone when I’m around.”
“Why’re you so good to me?” You murmured mostly to yourself, but he still heard it.
“Well, do you really want the answer?”
“I guess so…”
“Okay,” He took a deep breath, “Ever since we were young I found myself enamored with you. It’s like you were this spark that lit the way for me in a world that was so vast and unknown. Like a guide, in a way. My north star, illuminating the dark path of childhood.
“From the way, you marched to the beat of your own drum, uncaring of how others may have perceived your decisions. You seemed so confident in yourself that it was contagious. You helped me onto the path of self-discovery. Eventually, growing up was so much easier when you were around, it felt like I could do anything with you by my side. You’re kinda the reason why I am the way I am today…”
Felix’s words brought memories of your shared childhood into your mind. Shared laughter, adventures, and secrets whispered flooded your mind. He had always been there, that was true. You couldn’t remember a memory without him somewhere in it. He and Sunoo had been with you almost your whole life. Your memories were treasured close to your heart, evidence of the connection between you three.
He sighed as if he was going back and reliving those moments as well. He pulled away from you to finally look you in your eyes as he spoke on. “You know, I had a feeling I liked you when we were kids but it was only until we were teenagers that I knew for sure.”
“Knew what?” You whispered softly, curious.
“That you were– are– my first love. I know we never got to the part where we said those three words when we were dating, but believe me, I knew the whole time. That’s what made breaking up so hard… But, I knew in my heart that we’d always be friends. That I’d be happy. Because our bond runs deeper than romantic love. It’s just love, in general. That’s why I’m here for you. Because you were for me, all along.”
His admission brought warmth to your face and tears to your eyes. You knew Felix cared about you, but you didn’t know it ran as deep as you’d just learned. And as your thoughts ran through your head: you knew you felt the same way. Felix was your first love too… And to an extent? He still was the only man you ever loved. Beomgyu came to mind for a second, but you weren’t thinking about him right now. It was all Felix.
“You know, YN, I’m sorry.” Your eyes widened in confusion.
“Why’re you sorry?”
“Cause,” He let out a soft chuckle, “I shouldn’t have let you go. I shouldn’t have broken us apart. I know you told me that it was fine and that I should just go, but I shouldn’t have. We could’ve figured something out, we always did before. I don’t know what made the last time so different.”
You took a deep breath, mulling over his sudden confession. You didn’t know he regretted what had happened between the two of you. You had always called it an amicable split after all. Turns out you’d been wrong. He didn’t want to break up. You’d thought you were doing the best for him, but really? 
You thought back to the day you two had played games together. It was after you had that disagreement with Beomgyu and Felix called to cheer you up. You had thought back on your relationship then too but pushed it aside to save your friendship. You had made so many mistakes… Your heart was heavy with regret and enlightenment.
“I thought it’d be better off that way…” You admitted, biting your lip softly. “You’re right though, we would’ve found a way… I just made some bad judgment.”
“And that’s okay.” Felix assured you kindly, “You’re human.”
The two of you sat in silence for a while. There was a weight of unspoken emotions and feelings lingering in the air. This conversation had gotten heavy, but… Not in a bad way? But there was something you were mustering up the courage to ask your friend.
You whispered softly, your heart beating loudly in your chest. “Do you still love me?”
“Of course I do,” Felix answered immediately, no hesitation or lies in his words. “I’ve loved you for so long I don’t think I could ever stop loving you.”
“Yeah,” You felt relieved, knowing he felt that way. “Me too… I don’t think I could ever stop loving you either, Lix. You’re… You’re my first love too.”
At that moment, you realized the bond between you and Felix ran deeper than just platonic or romantic. It was a mature love, cultivated by understanding and time. An unbreakable connection that could stand the test of time. It was like your story with each other was far from over, rather it was just beginning.
You and Felix stayed nestled together for some time after that, talking rarely. Your conversation had said enough for tonight. His presence filled the silence enough, and soon you were able to fall asleep again. When you were snoozing peacefully, Felix tucked you in gently. With a small kiss on your forehead, he smiled to himself before leaving to retire in his own bed.
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a/n — sorry this update was late, i was working hard to make it peak for y’all!! anyways, what are your thoughts? ynlix endgame or do y’all miss yngyu? also, thoughts on yn’s nightmare? 🤭
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© GYUMIBEAR. do not repost, modify or translate my work onto other social media sites.  
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colorsunimaginable · 5 months
the spare // chapter sixty-seven // death eater ! tom hiddleston oc x plus size ofc - voldemort wins au
story summary: 
While on a mission to avenge the death of her best friend, Ilvermorny graduate Melisa Alder finds herself in the middle of the fight to defeat Voldemort. Upon capture after the Dark Lord's triumph, she's being sold at an auction with other muggle borns and blood traitors. Her only hope is also her only bidder - the tall, dark, and handsome Thomus Malfoy, Lucius Malfoy's younger half-brother. Is he just another Death Eater or is he hiding more than just his face beneath the mask? Will she realize her true potential to be one of the resistance's greatest weapons?
*a Voldemort Wins AU with Tom Hiddleston cast as an OC x a plus size protagonist* *takes place in The Auction universe by Lovesbitca8*
words for this chapter: 8k warnings for this chapter: drinking, a wee bit of p in v
my lovely beta reader 💕 banner credit @cafekitsune
Chapter Sixty-Seven:
It’s the day after Christmas and I spend it overthinking, worried about this ‘gathering’ at Cliveden. To distract myself, I fiddle around with the new camera Thomus bought me. 
And I might have taken a few… dozen pictures of him. 
Okay, that might be an exaggeration, but regardless I now have images of him sitting at the kitchen table with a book, typing away at his desk on the typewriter, and even one I convinced him to take with me in the reflection of the bathroom mirror. 
“I think I’m… nervous,” I say as we’re getting ready to leave.
Thomus finishes adjusting the collar of his cloak around the collar of his sweater and gives me a curious look. “You likely have more in common with them than I do.”
I shift on my feet, clutching the Tupperware full of cookies tighter. “I highly doubt that. Ever since you told me about this party, all I can think about is the time you spanked me in front of them.” A satisfied smile spreads across his face as he chuckles and pulls a forest green knit scarf from beneath his cloak. “Are we all just supposed to pretend like that never happened?” He steps closer and loops the scarf around my neck, eyes focused on the task. “Are you even listening?”
“Of course.” His eyes snap up to mine as he flips one end of the scarf over my shoulder and the other down my front. “You have nothing to worry about.”
I release a strained groan and fidget with my Ilvermorny Christmas sweater, pulling the hem further down around my hips. “Let’s just go.”
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We Apparate straight there and I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea what to expect. The few parties Jacob Astor has hosted that I’ve witnessed have varied wildly. From a super serious Death Eater meeting about human trafficking to dancing with Thomus while high on a lust potion - you never really know. Not to mention, the usual crowd has been an unfortunate audience to my most embarrassing moments in the last six months. 
I shudder out of my thoughts while we trek to the large hosting room. The smell hits me first, cinnamon and oranges, and then I register the song playing gently from the corner of the room, Bing Crosby’s White Christmas . An Elf snaps away our outerwear as we approach the open doors.
The room is absolutely decked out . Floating candles light the room, hovering just under the high ceiling. Fake snow drifts down from a dim grey sky, fresh holly on every sconce. In the center of the room against the windows is a massive tree, covered in tinsel and twinkling lights. The grand fireplace is crackling with a delicious smelling fire. We walk closer to the tree, where people are gathered around on couches and chairs, and I can make out what lights the top of the tree... A bright, glowing Deathly Hallows mark. 
Well, that’s fucking weird.
I don’t have time to think on it further before Jacob Astor is standing before us. He looks as dashing as ever and not so surprised that I’m not currently blind. He smiles at both Thomus and me, and I wish I could tell if he’s being sincere.
“Glad you guys could make it,” Jake says cheerfully as he shakes Thomus’ hand, but he’s looking at me. 
Thomus smiles in return, looking more relaxed than he usually does when we’re out. “Wouldn’t miss it.”
As they exchange a few more pleasantries, my eyes wander beyond Jake, trying to see if there’s any familiar faces. I clock Kyle sitting near Will when Jake says something that recaptures my attention. “I see you had your very own Christmas miracle.” 
Thomus’ arm slides around my waist. “Yes, I had some very good luck.”
I don’t miss the double meaning to his words. I wanna remark about how his good luck was really my hard work, but I bite my tongue and force a shy smile as Jake turns to shake my hand as well.
Jake gestures to a food and drinks table set up along a wall. “Help yourselves. I think Will’s trying to start up some drinking games here in a minute.”
I start walking toward the table before Thomus, mostly because I’m eager to exchange this box of cookies for something with alcohol in it. Towards the desert section, I glance back over my shoulder to make sure no one but Thomus is watching me slide trays aside, making enough room for my offering. 
Finally with free hands, I scooch next to Thomus standing by the drinks. 
“Can I pour you anything?” he asks me. 
My eyes scan the bottles, then point to the one I want. “Yeah, can I get orange juice with Malibu?”
He reaches for the white bottle I pointed to and pours a double into the iced glass he’s holding. “Coconut rum?” he questions as he’s reaching for the pitcher of orange liquid. 
“It’s my go-to,” I say as I grab a coffee straw, taking the glass and stirring it once it’s full. I take a sip and it’s just right. He’s busy pouring his own glass of whiskey, but I offer him the straw anyway. “Wanna try?”
I briefly pull his eyes away from pouring as he leans down to wrap his lips around the straw. There’s just something about seeing his jaw flex like that that has me pinching myself. 
“Well, it’s certainly a combination of flavors,” he says after swallowing. 
I snort and forget what I’m about to say when I feel an arm brush my other shoulder. When I see who it is, I relax. “Oh, hi.”
Will’s eyes immediately find the box that doesn’t match the rest of the dishes and nabs one of the bright red cookies. “Oh, hi,” he teases after he takes a bite. His face is sans beard and rocking a stache now. “You guys ready to get trashed?”
“What’re we playing?” I ask, taking a few big pulls of my drink.
“Anything,” Will answers immediately. He pulls out his wand and summons a tray pre-loaded with tiny cauldrons just big enough for shots. A bottle of firewhiskey floats from the collection before us and starts filling the cauldrons. “Got nothin’ but a good time on the agenda.”
“Can we play Thunderstruck?” I ask. 
Will beams. “Fuck yeah we can play Thunderstruck.”
As Thomus and I follow Will back to where everyone else is gathered, Thomus leans in. “Should I know what that is?”
I can’t help but smile. “Oh, you’ll find out.”
There’s an empty loveseat Thomus pulls me onto. He tucks his arm around my waist again as he settles back, practically tucking me into his side. 
As Will passes out the shot cauldrons, I can finally sneak a peek at who’s actually here. Kyle and Will - and obviously Jake. That Roosevelt guy is here, too, but I forget his first name. There’s a pretty blond woman talking to Jake that I don’t recognize and… oh, that’s it. Small group, I see. Which I will admit I’m glad for. 
I take the first shot that Will offers me and I down it immediately before putting it back and grabbing another one. I haven’t really eaten much today, so the alcohol hits my stomach like a warm blast.
“Alright, I wanna make a toast,” Jake announces, standing with his shot held out towards the blond next to him. “Firstly, to my sister, Diana, for the last minute decorating.”
“Well, you obviously weren’t going to do it,” Diana says with a laugh. 
“Exactly,” he says. “And then to all of you - for making this past year as successful as it has been.”
For one blissful moment I had allowed myself to forget why I was here, why they’ve had such a successful year. It takes .2 seconds for the anxious pit in my chest to grow twice its size. I’m the first one to finish my shot and then sip heavily on my cocktail to wash the taste down.
“Alright, the first game we’re playing is Thunderstruck, so everyone top off their drinks,” Will says, heading over to where the Christmas music’s playing from. 
Since mine is already more than halfway gone, I shoot to my feet to fill it back up. I’m not the first one to the drinks table because Kyle is there ladeling in some kind of fizzing purple punch. 
“Want one?” Kyle asks as I glance over my shoulder at Thomus, who briefly looked at me before turning to greet Diana.
“Yes, please,” I reply. “Two actually.”
“This your doing or his?” he asks, his voice low. By this he doesn’t even have to clarify - I just know.
I look up at him and shrug with one shoulder. “Mine.”
“Hmph,” he grunts unhappily. He finishes filling the first glass and then starts the second.
“What, don’t believe me?” I ask, taking a sip of the punch. Elderberry and something that tastes like Aloe juice. 
“I believe you,” he says quickly. “Now it’s just my turn to hold up my end of the bargain.”
I sigh heavily. “You haven’t figured out how to get me away from Thomus yet, have you?”
“Well, I have a few ideas, but I don’t think you’re going to like them.”
“Such as?”
Before he can answer, we get called back to the group to start the song. I’m supposed to hide the fact that I have my magic, so with both hands I carefully cradle my half drink plus the two new ones back to the loveseat. Thomus is still chatting with Diana, a conversation I’ve completely tuned out, so I just slide our drinks onto the coffee table in front of us. 
“Melisa, can you explain the rules?” Will asks. 
I’m a bit taken aback by the use of my whole first name - especially being pronounced correctly - instead of my last. Everyone’s eyes are on me now, so I take a deep breath before spilling the details. “Okay so, we go in a circle and every time the song says ‘thunder’, one person drinks until they say ‘thunder’ again, and then the next person starts and so on and so forth, does that make sense?”
“I’ll start!” Will says before pressing play and jogging over. He comes to sit on the armrest of our loveseat.
The first few thunders come in quick succession, so once Will goes, I go, and then Thomus. The thunders go around the circle a few times before the first long stretch lands on Thomus, who has to finish his whiskey, and with some encouragement, grabs the punch I push towards him. With the circle being small, by the time the song’s over, everyone has finished their drinks.
“Now that we’ve all settled in,” Will jokes, “the next game we’re playing is called Captain.” He sets the music back to Christmas music and turns the volume down to a background level. “Usually, it’s played with a pirate's hat or a sailors hat, but since it’s Christmas - “ he waves his wand and a Santa hat appears on Diana’s head, much to her delight “ - this is what we’ve got. Does everyone know how to play?”
I shake my head, noticing the alcohol has started to loosen my limbs. I’d finished my cocktail during the game and have started on the punch - which I swear keeps refilling itself.
Diana rubs her hands together conspiratorially and leans forward over Thomus to explain. “Whoever has the hat gets to pick someone to do a dare. If they do the dare, then we all take a shot and they get the hat, but if they don’t then they’re out of the game. Last person in the game wins.”
I smile at her. “Please don’t pick me first.”
She laughs. “Don’t worry, I got my eyes on someone else.” She jerks her chin towards Jake, who immediately dons this ‘oh shit’ face. She leans back, crossing her arms with a shit eating grin.
“Why’s it called Captain?” I ask. “Just because of the hat?”
“Whenever someone gets the hat, we’re supposed to say ‘Aye, Aye Captain’,” Thomus explains for me, his face leaning in close. 
I immediately giggle. “Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?”
He runs his hand down my thigh and tilts his head in confusion. “What?”
I shift in my seat, getting closer to him so our thighs touch. “Nevermind.”
“Aye, aye Captain!” Roosevelt and Will shout. 
Diana taps her chin like she’s still considering. “Hmm, dear brother, what shall I make you do?” Then she grins. “I dare you to take your socks off with your teeth and wear them tucked into your collar for the rest of the game.”
My head quickly swivels to where Jake is sitting to get his reaction and he does not disappoint. His face scrunches up in disgust as he slouches in his seat, already toeing off his nice shoes. 
“Hopefully those aren’t the ones you were wearing yesterday,” Will laughs. “Or are they?”
“Shut your trap, Hoffman,” Jake grumbles. 
We all wait with baited breath as he grabs his calf to pull his foot closer to his face. He quickly traps the sock between his bared teeth and pulls. It slips off and he does the same to the other one before tucking them both into his collar. 
He grins triumphantly and quickly summons house slippers for his bare feet. “Ha!” he says. “Drink up, assholes.”
We all take our drinks as the Santa hat gets transferred to Jake. 
“Aye, Aye Captain!” we all shout. 
His eyes jump from person to person, and he’s quick to settle on Kyle, who clearly isn’t paying attention. 
Kyle’s sole focus is on Thomus, blatantly staring at him with something akin to determination and consideration. 
The look quickly disperses as my stare gives Jake’s intention away and Kyle’s expression neutralizes. 
“Kyle,” Jake says. “I dare you to serenade the person to your right.”
Kyle sighs dramatically, rubbing his hand down his face. “I’m not nearly drunk enough for this.”
Nevertheless, he swiftly gets down on his knees in front of Diana, a hand clutched over his heart. As he’s clearly about to break out in song, I briefly wonder if he’ll have a decent singing voice, and I find out soon enough as he belts out the easily recognizable first notes to All I Want for Christmas is You . His voice is off-pitch and scratchy, and I genuinely can’t tell if he’s being bad on purpose or not. Everyone starts laughing and I can’t help but join in. 
When he gets to the end of the first verse, he takes Diana’s hand and gives the back of it an exaggerated kiss. We give him a round of applause as he takes his seat. Jake gives Kyle the hat while we take our drink for the round.
It doesn’t surprise me that Kyle chooses Thomus, I only worry what he’ll make him do. He’s looking around, trying to come up with an idea until his eyes land on Thomus’ drink in his hand. 
“Malfoy, I triple doxy dare you to… finish yours and Alder’s drinks in one go.”
Thomus scoffs. “And here I thought you were going to pick something difficult.” He quickly finishes the rest of his punch in a few gulps before trading glasses with me. “Tada,” he proudly announces after easily downing the rest of mine, then he stands holding our four empty glasses by the rim in one hand. “Drink up.”
As Thomus goes across the room to refill our punch, Kyle leans forward, staring at me intently. 
“We need to get him drunk,” he hisses low. 
I blink at him in surprise, then jump my gaze first to Thomus’ back and then to the rest of the group. No one seems as surprised as I am. Even Roosevelt, who I overheard someone refer to him as Eric, doesn’t bat an eye. Is everyone in on this plot?
“That’s your plan?” Will asks incredulously.
“It’s the start of one,” Kyle answers. “Get him so drunk he passes out and she can just… leave.”
“Just leave ?” I ask. I look to the windows, searching for that shimmer from the magical barrier from before. “What about -”
“The tattoo doesn’t work here,” Jake quickly adds. “And there aren't any additional wards to trap you here.”
Everyone is looking at me, waiting for my response. My heart has leapt to my throat to block any logistical questions I have before Thomus swoops back into his seat.
“What’s that look for?” Thomus asks me. I quickly snatch the glass he hands me to swallow my thrumming heart back into my chest. 
Diana jumps in for my rescue. “I was just telling her about my ex.”
“Oh Merlin,” Thomus groans, slumping back against the loveseat. “It’s not a story about me, is it?”
What? Jesus fuck, these people keep smacking bludgers at me one after another. 
I try not to react outwardly to the news that Diana and Thomus used to date, even if this news is just as jarring as the imminent plan for my escape from him. I focus on her, really taking in what she looks like. Extremely tall and willowy with big round hazel eyes and a cupid’s bow mouth. Jealousy flares up inside because I can’t help but compare us. Her thighs combined are the size of just one of mine. 
She flips her long dirty blond hair over her shoulder and crosses her legs, perching an elbow on the armrest of her chair. “No, but I ought to, shouldn’t I?”
“Definitely not,” Thomus says, quickly sitting forward with a hand outstretched towards Kyle. “Pass me the hat.” He settles the white faux fur rim of the Santa hat over his dark curls. 
“Aye aye, Captain!” they all shout. I’m too anxious and fixate my eyes on my drink, still fizzing on the coffee table in front of me. My mind is racing with all that could potentially happen. Where would I go? How long could I hide? Could I be summoned back because of the tattoo? If the idea is to get me close to Voldemort, wouldn’t fleeing just put a target on my back? I wonder if I’d be able to get a message to Hermione about -
Thomus’ hand brushes down my arm. “Melisa?”
My eyes snap to his, focused on me, and I swallow around nothing. “Yeah? Sorry.”
He gives me a sly smile. “It’s your turn.”
“Alright,” I sigh, making a face. “Lay it on me.”
He takes a deep breath and I expect it to be something genuinely challenging, but in all honesty it’s a bit underwhelming. “I dare you to sing the alphabet… backwards.”
I snort. “Jokes on you because I was taught that in the second grade.” 
“Oh, I’m sure,” he grins. “Let’s hear it, then.”
Looking at him, I feel less nervous about making a fool of myself in front of everyone else. So I start to sing, keeping my eyes on him or on his person, because after a few moments the prolonged eye contact makes my face heat. 
Even after I’m finished with the letters, I keep going with the end of the song. “ Now we know our ZYXs’, next time we will go to Texas. ”
Will laughs. “Why the fuck are we going to Texas?”
I shrug. “I don’t know. Ask Mr. Morley.”
“Who the fuck is that?”
“My elementary school music teacher,” I reply smoothly. “Now drink the fuck up.”
Jake is the first to finish his drink, so he stands to get a refill. “We should play something else. All our dares suck, no ones gotten out yet.”
“I’ve got a good one,” I say quickly. I’d taken a drink, too, because why not? Who wants to make hard decisions sober?
I pluck the Santa hat off Thomus’ head and slip it over mine. “You ready, Will?”
Will squares his shoulders, facing me dead on, expression serious. “Born ready.”
“I dare you to recite a poem - any poem, but you -” I start to blow a raspberry with my tongue in between every word “- have to talk like this.”
Will snickers. “You got that from Spongebob.”
“So what if I did? You still gotta do it,” I smile. “And I don’t think I heard my ‘aye aye, Captain’.”
Jake and Kyle are the only ones who don’t say it. Kyle is lost in his thoughts if his dead eye stare at his drink is evidence enough, and Jake is too far away at the food and drinks table to care.
It’s hard to keep the grin off my face as Will complies with my dare. “ Mosquito lands on my cheek. I try to slap her, but I just slap me. ” He finishes by standing with a bow. 
“That’s it?” Diana protests. “It was so short.”
“It’s a haiku,” Thomus explains. “A type of Japanese poem.”
“Oh, yeah that’s right,” she says. “Do you still work for the Daily Prophet? Or has that taken a backseat for… other things?” 
“A bit of both, really,” he sighs. “The Dark Lord hasn’t required much of me lately, so I’ve been helping Barnabas Cuffe with editing. In addition to helping my sister-in-law with the New Year’s Eve Gala she’s hosting.”
“Speaking of,” Jake says, rejoining the group, “why weren’t we invited?” It’s obvious he’s not really offended, just genuinely curious. 
Thomus sighs and speaks with a hint of resentment. “Only the Sacred Twenty-Eight and whoever’s crawled up through the Dark Lord’s ranks, I’m afraid. Not even the Lots are allowed to be present.”
“Well, if you’re free, Melisa,” Diana says, speaking to me. “You’re welcome to come to a New Years Eve party here. It would just be us and a few of my girlfriends from Oxford.”
I’m genuinely shocked and flattered that this goddess is inviting me to a party, but I know that this has to be a backup plan for escape if tonight doesn’t go as Kyle wants it. I don’t even get a chance to respond because Thomus puts a possessive hand on my leg, wedging his long fingers into the tight space between my thighs. 
“Unfortunately, that’s not possible,” Thomus says, speaking for me with a tone of finality, and doesn’t even bother to explain why.
She peers at us curiously for a moment before realization dawns. “Oh my god, I’m so sorry. I totally forgot.”
The tray with all our mini shot cauldrons fill back up as Thomus just gives a silent nod of acknowledgement. 
We play another couple rounds of Captain before all the drinks finally start to do their job and loosen everyone up. I know I’m starting to feel it, especially when I stand to go find a bathroom. 
Thomus insists on accompanying me, especially when I steer towards the bathroom down by the kitchens. He takes me back out to the lobby, showing me where the bathrooms are there. Secretly, I’m glad, because I don’t think I’d be able to make it up and down all those stairs without tripping at least once. I don’t think Thomus would either, based on how many times he bumps into me. 
He even follows me into the women’s bathroom, insisting that it doesn’t matter since we’re the only ones in there. 
“I didn’t realize how clingy you were,” I tease, saddling my way into one of the stalls to do my business.
He slides into the one next to me. “Oh, poppycock. I’m just being a gentleman and making sure you don’t fall in.”
My laugh is sharp and loud in the echoey bathroom. “That actually happened to me when I was in preschool. The seat wasn’t down so my butt got all wet and I just sat there waiting to be rescued by a teacher.”
I hear his warm chuckle. “How old were you?”
“Four,” I say as I finish and leave the stall to wash my hands. He joins me a moment later, still chuckling to himself. “What?”
He shakes his head absently. “Nothing, you’re just… adorable.”
I snort as I reach for a paper towel. “Right.”
He dries his hands too and quickly reaches for me as I try to pass him to the door. He leans back against the counter, a hand on my hip and one on my cheek, pulling me towards him. I don’t resist and lean into him, our lips quickly meeting. My arms snake around his waist, wanting a hug at the same time, because it strikes me that if I leave tonight… this could be it. 
I still have a million doubts and questions that need answered, but right now… right now he wants me and I need to bask in it for as long as I can, while I still have the chance.
I deepen the kiss and I boldly slip one of my hands to the front of his jeans. He’s already semi-hard, but at my touch, he groans and bites my lip. 
“You want to do this here?” he asks, his voice husky.
I nod, my other hand coming around to undo his pants and slip my hand inside. “I want you so bad.”
He drags kisses along my jaw and down my neck. “It’ll have to be quick.”
“And hard,” I breathe, practically panting with want already.
Determination in his movements now, he flips us around until my fupa is pressed against the sink counter and he’s grinding against my ass. He moves my hair away from my neck, sensually kissing the soft spot below my ear. Over my sweater his hands slowly grope down from my chest, then my stomach and the fleshy “handles”, as he’s called them before, where my fupa meets my hips. 
I push my ass back against him. “I thought you said we had to be quick.”
He bites my neck, wringing a moan from me. “Patience,” he warns. 
One hand lets go of my handle and slips underneath to firmly cup the junction between my legs. I sigh heavily and whine, rocking my hips, increasing the pressure on my clit. 
“Fuck,” he groans out. Finally he hooks his fingers into my waistband and yanks my pants and undies down to my knees. I push my ass out towards him when he takes a step back to pull his cock out. He moans when his tip pushes through my lips, feeling how wet I am. Then he doesn’t waste a second longer and slides home. 
I cry out, biting my lip in an attempt to keep it muffled. I plant my hands on the smooth cold counter and immediately start rocking back and forth, desperately impatient. With a hand on the center of my back, he pushes me forward while snapping his hips to my ass, seamlessly sliding into the pace I’d set. Quick staccato slapping echoes around the room as he thrusts hard and deep. My eyes roll back into my head, hardly aware of the noises I’m making because I’m too busy losing my mind to the pleasure.
He slows all too soon, pulling me back up to attach his mouth to my neck again. My back bends to accommodate him, and while still keeping him buried to the hilt, my chest juts out. He takes advantage of the position and pushes my sweater up until his fingers find the band of my bra and he pushes that up too. My heavy breasts fall into his hands and he groans, pinching my nipples, and fucking into me with slow, but hard thrusts. 
My eyes flutter open briefly, a sudden urge to see. He’s fucked me in front of a mirror before, but he hasn’t done it since I’ve gotten my sight back. Admittedly, I have a bit of an out of body experience, looking at what’s happening instead of feeling it. I hate what I look like, of course. Sometimes in my head I look different than I really do and seeing myself in the mirror can be pretty jarring. 
But then I look at Thomus’ face. He’s so… wrapped up in me, hands full, mind clearly numb with ecstasy. 
I close my eyes again, grimacing, swallowing down the sudden onslaught of longing and loss. It’s probably all the alcohol, but tears fill my vision because I just can’t bear losing this. I quickly blink them away, avoiding looking in the mirror again. 
I don’t want to ruin the moment, so I start pushing back against him again, urging him to pick up the pace. 
He obliges me for a few moments until he slows to a stop. He’s still panting and holding me against him before he sighs heavily.
“Darling, you feel amazing, but I don’t think I can finish,” he murmurs hesitantly, sounding regretful. 
I nod, sniffling. “It’s okay, we can stop.”
He pulls out and I swiftly right myself, pants back over my hips, bra holding what it should, sweater in the right place. It’s only then that I look in the mirror again. Luckily he didn’t bite me too hard, so there’s no hickey to cover up. I just wet my fingers and run them through my hair before flipping it back over. Leaning close to the mirror, I check that my makeup is still good.
“Were you crying?” he asks point blank, staring at me in the mirror. 
“No,” I lie, but I feel a river about to gush out of my nose, so I quickly snag a paper towel and blow into it. “I just had to sneeze real bad and didn’t wanna ruin the moment.”
Fully dressed again, he slides a hand down my butt, gripping it appreciatively. “I’d be happy to help you finish,” he suggests.
I shake my head. “No, it’s okay,” I say, forcing a reassuring smile on my face. I rock up onto the balls of my feet to plant a quick kiss on his cheek. “Still scratched that itch and felt amazing.”
He takes my hand, pulling me to the door. “Then let’s get back. Hopefully they won’t give us too much grief for taking so long.” He smirks down at me and winks. Actually winks . It's such a quick thing, but it makes my heart contract in my chest with the need to be wrapped up in him again. 
God I’m so fucked.
As predicted, when we return Will and Jake are quick to wolf whistle. They’re over by the music and Thomus joins them while I sink into his seat next to Diana. My face has got to be as red as my sweater, but Diana doesn’t comment on it. She just hands me a full shot cauldron with an understanding look. Grateful, I take the shot. Getting dicked down sobered me a bit more than I wanted.
Eric is busy scribbling away in a little notebook and next to him is Kyle and his stupid judgmental face.
I ignore him and focus on Diana. “So what did you study at Oxford?”
“I studied Art History,” she says, “but I didn’t get, like, a degree or anything. I just wanted to know a little more about the art I was seeing in the museums here.”
“That’s one thing I haven’t done since I’ve gotten to England,” I say. “I used to love going to museums.”
She tilts her head, looking curious. “Were you meant to stay long?”
I shrug. “I had an internship at the Daily Prophet, which I’d been hoping would lead to a full time position at some point.”
“Oh, so you worked with Thomus then?” she asks. “You knew him… before.”
“No, actually,” I say, reaching over for my punch. “I… He wasn’t around all that much while I was there.” 
“What gives with the Deathly Hallows mark on the tree?” Kyle asks out of the blue. “You know it’s just a story, right?”
Diana, who’s clearly much more sober than Kyle is right now, looks at him without mirth. “It’s very real.”
I nod along, knowing all too well the truth behind the Deathly Hallows.
“Grindelwald murdered a lot of our family with the Elder Wand,” Diana continues. “Not to mention, I’ve seen invisibility cloaks with my own eyes.” She grimaces. “And yes, I know what I just said is an oxymoron.”
With another pull of my drink, I feel gutsy enough to ask something that’s been on my mind for a while. I lean closer to her and lower my voice. “So… has your brother… always been… “ I sigh. I feel silly saying ‘on our side’, but how else can I put it? “I don't know, I guess I'm asking about allegiances.”
Kyle gives me an ‘are you serious’ look. “Of course he’s been in on it,” he says, as if it should’ve been obvious. 
“The entire time?” I ask skeptically, distinctly remembering how not nice he was when we met the night Montague got beat the fuck up by Thomus.
“He’s playing the long game,” Diana explains. “Jake’s very good at wasting The Great Order’s time.” 
Her eyes are on the three men in the corner and I turn to look just as the three of them take a shot. “Does Thomus know?” I ask, my voice low.
“Thomus is under the impression that Jake just has reservations about certain things,” she says. 
“Participating without actually participating,” I surmise.
She nods. “Exactly.” Her gaze is drawn to Eric, and she stares at him for a moment before she asks, “What happened to your hand, Eric?”
Eric looks up, seeming to have forgotten where he was. He looks around and finds the three of us looking at him. Then the question seems to sink in and he looks down at his hand. Bandages wrap around his palm and twist up his two middle fingers.
“Oh, I uh, had a bit of an accident a few days ago,” he says. “Working on the…“ He eyes me for a second before looking back at Diana. “On the thing.”
“You don’t have to speak in code,” Kyle says to him. “She can handle a few more secrets.”
I nod in agreement, though really it has nothing to do with how good I am at keeping secrets. I’m just too nosey for my own good.
“Right, sure, yeah,” Eric says. He looks down at his notebook. “I’m having a bit of a timing issue. I think I’ve got the explosive strong enough, but it seems the stronger it gets, the less time I have before it goes off.”
I quickly glance back at Thomus, catching him downing another shot, before turning back and whispering, “You’re building a bomb?”
He nods. “Something powerful enough to break through Anti-Apparition wards.”
My eyes widen. “That’s a thing?”
The corners of his mouth turn up in an amused grin. “I’m definitely trying to make it one.”
“Do you have the recipe?” I ask, a bit eager. “I’ve had a similar issue with magical film developer. I might be able to help.”
“Yeah, here.” He flips through a couple pages until he lands on a spread that’s definitely got more use than the rest, then passes it to me.
As I scan the page, I see that a few of the core ingredients are the same, just how they’re incorporated is slightly different. The measurements are also scaled down for testing purposes.
“If this were to scale, how much willow root would you add?” I ask. 
“The entire root, but I chop it up.”
“If you grind it down into a powder and then weigh it, it’s easier to be more precise with the amount you add,” I explain, not looking up from the page. “And you’re not adding nearly enough bursting mushroom powder.”
When I look up, Eric’s head is tilted, his eyes unfocused, his mind clearly running away from him with this new information. “Interesting,” he says. 
“Magical film developing potion always implodes on itself. It’s just a fact. But I’ve made it so much that I can time it down to the second it’ll implode,” I explain. “Would you… want me to write the recipe down for you? Then you can compare.”
He blinks back into focus, nodding eagerly. “Yes, please do. Here.” He passes me his pen and I quickly jot down my recipe on the next available page in his book.
By the time I’m done, the music gets turned up, and the three in the corner start making their way over to us. I toss down the rest of my drink before reaching for Thomus’, but Kyle stops me. 
“Don’t,” he warns.
I quickly put two and two together. “What did you put in here?” I demand with a hushed voice.
“Relax,” he says, standing. “It’s just something to speed things up.”
Completely oblivious, Thomus plops right down next to me, swinging his arm around my shoulders. 
“Is that mine?” he asks, not bothering to wait for my response before he grabs his drink and chugs it. He audibly plonks the glass onto the coffee table and turns to me, grinning mischievously from ear to ear, looking like he has a dirty secret he can’t wait to share with me. I return his smile with a hesitant one of my own. 
He leans close to speak in my ear, though he’s not exactly quiet. “Have I told you how beautiful you are?”
My face immediately flushes because everyone heard that. I look around in panic to find everyone staring at us, too. Their expressions aren’t of disgust, though, just surprise.
“Oh my god,” I say, covering my face with my hands. I shoot to my feet. “I need a drink.”
As I speed away, I hear Thomus ask, “What did I say?”
I glance over my shoulder to see Diana covering her mouth in a fit of giggles and Jake shakes his head. “Dude.”
I’m munching on one of my red cookies when Thomus comes up behind me, his hand drifting down my back to settle on my waist. “What’s the matter?” he asks.
“Nothing. You just -” I glance up at him, noting his dilated pupils and flushed cheeks. “I guess I’ve just never seen you so relaxed. Especially around other people. And we’re acting like we’re…” My heart’s thundering in my chest as I force the last few words out. “Like we’re a couple.”
He turns to face me and leans a hip on the table. “You’re right, it is a bit out of our usual routine,” he admits, his expression serious. “I apologize if I’ve made you uncomfortable.”
I sigh and shrug a shoulder. “No more than you usually do.” I put my hand over his where it rests on the table, pushing the tips of my fingers against his knuckles. “And I don’t hate… this, how it feels, you know? It’s just hard to pair it with everything else,” I say. “If that makes sense.”
He nods slowly, looking down at our hands. “This is all new for me, if you can believe it,” he says softly. “I just wanted you to enjoy yourself.”
I bump his hip with mine. “Hey, we fucked in the bathroom. I’d say I'm having a decent time.”
He snickers and leans in to kiss my cheek. “I’ll make it up to you, I promise.”
I don’t know how to respond to that, based on tonight’s agenda, but luckily Will calls us over from a card table Jake summoned to play Exploding Snap.
A little while later we’re all sitting around the card table. I’ve elected not to play since I don’t have my wand and technically Thomus doesn’t know that they know I have my magic.
Throughout the game, Thomus gets noticeably drunker than everyone else, despite only sipping his drink. During one round while waiting for his turn, I guess all the drinks and whatever Kyle spiked his drink with, finally catch up with him. He passes out with his head propped in one hand and the other loosely clutching his cards. 
When they notice, the room goes silent except for the Christmas music still playing. Kyle slowly reaches over and shakes Thomus’ shoulder, making his head fall right onto the table with an ominous thunk that does not match the vibe of McCartney’s Wonderful Christmastime .
I stare at his face, overwhelmingly anxious about his well-being, when an uncharacteristic snore breaks through the silence between songs. 
“Finally,” Jake sighs, tossing his cards onto the table and running a hand over his face. “You sure about this, Kyle? There’s no turning back from this.”
Kyle stands, pulling out his wand. “Trust me. This is the only way.’
“What happens now?” I ask. 
Kyle moves Thomus’ unconscious form into the air where he hovers with his arms and head dangling.
But he doesn’t answer me. 
“ Kyle ,” I press, “what happens now?”
“Now, we put him to bed and by the time he wakes in the morning, you’ll be long gone,” he answers, moving with Thomus towards the stairs on the other side of the room.
I stand too, quickly following him to demand answers. “Where, exactly, will I be?”
“That’s up to you,” he answers casually. “You can probably get away with hiding here in this massive fucking house until he leaves.”
“What, you think he’s just gonna accept that I’m gone?” I ask. “No questions asked?”
“Yeah, we’ll just tell him you must’ve left in the middle of the night or something. What room am I putting him in, Jake?”
We’ve gotten to the stairs and it’s only then I realize everyone has followed us, with Will right behind me. 
“Three doors down from the top of the stairs,” Jake answers. “On the left.”
I realize it’s the same room he put us in before and my face heats at the memory of being bound to the wall and fingered within an inch of my life. We get into the room and I rush forward to pull the velvety soft duvet back from the pillows. Kyle gently lowers him and I make sure he’s settled properly to avoid potentially choking on his own vomit in his sleep. 
“What now?” I ask, pulling off Thomus’ shoes and tucking his legs under the blankets before pulling up the unfitted sheet to his chest.
“Merlin,” Kyle exclaims. “Will you quit it?”
I cross my arms over my chest. “ No , I won’t,” I say tightly. “We need this figured out before there’s no going back.”
“Fine,” he says, mimicking my stance and leaning against the wall. “What’re you so worried about?”
I take a deep breath, trying to speak calmly. “What makes you so sure he’s not going to find me?”
“What do you mean?”
“He’s literally the Death Eater’s best tracker.”
“He hasn’t found George Weasley,” Will says.
“I’ve no fucking idea how George has managed to avoid getting caught by anyone , given how much of a high profile he has, but there’s no way I could do the same and be close to Voldemort like you want. A missing Lot? The Death Eaters are gonna go apeshit.”
“What about that Lot that escaped early on? Killed her owner and everything,” Kyle says.
“I’m pretty positive she’s straight up left the country,” I say, talking with my hands. “And I don’t think any of us are on board with killing him.”
Kyle nearly rolls his eyes. “I never said we had to kill him,” he says. “You’re here, out of your wards. There’s no need.”
“Okay, well me leaving the country is the exact opposite of what we want,” I say and start to pace. “How long would I be hiding?”
“I don’t know,” Kyle answers, shrugging. “Could be months.”
“Great, so you’re just gonna come get me when it’s time to, what, attack Hogwarts? Do you really think there’s gonna be another fight there? Or are we waiting for him to make an appearance somewhere?”
“I’ve heard he’s pretty reclusive right now, actually,” Will pipes in. “He hardly leaves the school.”
“Great!” I exclaim with fake enthusiasm. “So I’ll just camp out in the Forbidden Forest, then? Take my chances at running into Dementors, Death Eaters, centaurs, fuckin’ giant spiders , for fucks’ sake?”
“Girl’s got a point, Kyle,” Jake says, shoving his hands in his pockets and leaning against the ornate bed post. 
“Well, what else is she going to do? She’s useless to The True Order just playing house with a Malfoy,” Kyle says.
“Hey, I’ve done stuff,” I protest. “I’ve passed important notes to the Order, hidden a fugitive right under Thomus’ nose, and it was me who got the word to that safehouse that it was going to be raided.”
“ What ?!” Jake looks at me absolutely stunned. “That was you?”
“Yes! Who else in that room from the meeting would’ve tipped them off?” I ask. “ And I’ve managed to become immune to that scary as shit magic suppression potion. Have you ever taken that shit? It’s utterly terrifying to not have your magic.” I stop my pacing and look around at all of them. “To be completely at the mercy of someone who couldn’t give a shit whether you lived or died? We’ve all been sterilized and raped and branded as property. ” 
I pull my left sleeve up, bearing the tattoo and the scars Bellatrix left me. Diana’s visibly horrified and everyone else just looks mildly uncomfortable. “And these are just the scars I’m willing to show you.”
I force myself to calm down, breathing deep in through my nose and out my mouth. “I’m not going to jump headfirst into a plan held together with Spellotape and superglue,” I say after a moment. “Thomus trusts you guys. Aren’t you his best friend, Jake? Are you really gonna break his trust by losing something he obviously has put a lot of time and effort into keeping alive?”
Kyle is glaring hard at the carpet and Jake's intense focus jumps between me and Thomus. 
Jake exhales heavily. “She’s right.”
My shoulder’s sag with relief. “Thank you.”
“We have to think of a legitimate way to get you away from him,” Diana says. “Do you think he’d ever… let you go?”
I frown. “Like… set me free?” 
She nods. “Then maybe you could get scooped up by another Death Eater or something, someone who works more closely with You-Know-Who or who’d… loan you, I guess.”
I turn around to gaze at Thomus, sleeping soundly, and recall every possessive look or grab he’s given me. “No,” I say softly. “There’s no way he’d let me go willingly.”
Kyle snorts. “Yeah I second that. The asshole nearly slits my throat if I even talk to her when he’s not around.”
“Even if I could convince him somehow,” I say, “it wouldn’t matter what he wanted. I know he’d use the Death Eaters as an excuse. He couldn’t pretend I was gone if someone saw me. The Malfoy’s reputation and the trust the Dark Lord has in them would be put in jeopardy. There’s no way he’d risk the lives of his family.”
“Is there anybody that out ranks him?” Will asks. “Someone who could make that choice for him.”
“I’m not sure, really,” I admit. “I’m sure there is, but I don’t know who. Someone older, like his brother maybe?”
“We just need a reason for them to take you from him,” Jake explains. “Like a change of… ownership.”
“Who, though?” I ask. “And why?”
“Probably best if that’s something for us to figure out,” Kyle says pointedly. “Just in case.”
I sigh heavily and start heading towards the door. “Whatever. All I care about is that it’s legit, okay? Something that’s not gonna get any of us killed.”
“Yes, ma’am,” Will agrees, stepping out of my way. “Where’re you going?”
“To stand outside and pretend that I’m free.”
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lovesickheize · 1 year
in front of the river ⊹ ࣪. 。༻
lee juyeon (the boyz) x gn!reader angst
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they met in front of the river.
he stayed there forever.
⊱ ─────────ஓ๑♡๑ஓ ───────── ⊰
wc: 1110
tw: uhhhh all my fics are kind of triggering, but i dont think this is as bad as the other two,, the only thing that could be considered triggering is the mention of a suicide, but there aren't any details about it.
he was sitting on your bench.
your. bench.
it wasn't yours, but it was yours. the place you visited whenever life didnt treat you well. the past few months had been really hard for you, every day you sank deeper into the anxiety that had been torturing you. so your visits to the bench in front of the river were getting more and more frequent. noone really sat there, which is pretty normal considering it was a single bench in the middle of nowhere in front of old houses and apartments.
so why was he there?
that's what you thought to yourself, staring at the man that was sitting on your bench.
"take a picture, it will last longer." his deep and raspy voice echoed between the not so well-maintained buildings.
"you're sitting on my bench." you replied, refusing to reply with sarcasm. you were too invested in your misery to have energy for that.
he didn't reply. he didn't even turn to look at who had been staring at him. you weighted your options and decided against letting him have his way. he was the intruder after all, that bench was your home in a way.
so you sat next to him, your eyes admiring the reflection of the moon and the stars on the water. "why are you here?" he asked you.
you turned your head to his direction, a confused look on your face. "i come here often." you answered, not wanting to start a conversation, just trying to take in as much of the landscape in front of you as possible. "i know. i've seen you. why do you come here so often?"
it was getting serious. you turned your whole body towards him, hugging your knees that were between you and the boy. "it feels safe. silent and isolated, a great place for bad days." you told him. "why are you here, though?"
"i'm always here." he replied, lifting his arm and pointing at a rooftop with his finger. "i go there on bad days. and i can see you coming here and sitting for hours on this bench with your headphones on and a coke zero next to you. it felt kind of comforting to have someone around that seems like they are on the same page as me. so i decided to come here and wait for you. ask you what's wrong."
your painted with confusion face softened up, after hearing the boy talk. he had a really beautiful voice. "i'm juyeon." he murmured.
"y/n." you whispered back.
"can you take me there?" you continued, your eyes on his. he stood up, taking your hand in his and intertwining his fingers with yours. it didn't feel weird. it made you feel,, safe?
you followed him, your jacket and coke on your other hand. you noticed there were no stairs to actually get on the rooftop and paused. "wait, how do we get there?". "just trust me." the boy you now knew was named juyeon told you.
he unlocked the door of the building and showed you the stairs, chuckling at your weirded out face. "hey don't judge me, i'm not the person who decided to hide the key under the doormat!". he said, while placing the key where he found it.
you laughed at his words. his hand made its way to your mouth in seconds, "shhhh, what if they hear us?". you nodded and he removed his hand from your face. he ran to the stairs, dragging you with him and suddenly you found yourself on the rooftop.
the black haired boy walked to the other side of the rooftop, jumping above the short walls that separated the buildings. he helped you get over them and the two of you found the perfect spot on the next building's rooftop. he took of his jacket and put it on the concrete, patting it for you to sit on.
"put yours on, it's going to get cold soon." he whispered and looked at the river, avoiding eye contact with you. you smiled at how thoughtful he seemed, even though he was practically a stranger. you did as told, sitting on the jacket that was carefully placed on the floor with your back resting on a concrete cube that was probably someone's attic.
juyeon turned around and sat next to you, his eyes never meeting yours. "it's beautiful." you said, your voice so low that it almost seemed broken. a couple of tears ran down your cheek, your tiny whine audible in the complete silence for the the boy next to you to hear it.
juyeon looked at the tears escaping your eyes, his hands going on your face to dry them before he realised it. you looked at him completely taken aback, melting into the boy's touch, as you felt his hands cupping your face and his attention being fully on your tears. now it was your turn to look into his eyes, trying to read his soul. unconsciously you leaned in, until your lips were on his. he didn't pull back, giving in the subtle movement of your lips.
the kiss was slow and passionate. something about kissing the black haired boy on a rooftop under the stars made you feel less dead inside.
the kiss was followed by subtle touches, both of you exploring each other's bodies under the dim light of the moon.
you don't remember how you fell asleep, but you woke up just when the sun was noticeable but not enough to indicate it's the next day. juyeon wasn't there, but his jacket was. you got up and looked around, not seeing any trace of him around.
a sudden feeling of sadness took over your body. you removed your own jacket and put on his black one, leaving yours on that spot. maybe him finding it would give him a reason to come meet you again and take his back.
you never saw juyeon again. it was like he stole your firsts and left you, but it didn't really feel like he left you. even though you knew him for a day -or like,, a night- it felt like you knew him for years.
you still visited your bench quite often, since life hadn't gotten any better. sometimes you even went on his rooftop, always getting a very deep feeling in your whole body that you couldn't explain.
as you were walking down the one-way street to reach your bench a couple days later, you caught a sentence of the radio show playing in a car that was waiting for the traffic light to turn green.
"the black haired boy that was found dead in the river remains unident–"
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 6 months
Hi sex witch! I could use some advice about how to approach having sex for the first time.
I’m in my mid 20s (lesbian) and I’ve been in 3 relationships, but none of them lasted very long and I didn’t have sex with any of my partners (or the few people between them, who I’ve mostly intensely made out with). I’ve realized that I have issues around romantic relationships specifically and commitment, and done a lot of reflection so I know where those issues are stemming from but not how to deal with them. One day I do want to take the time to work through it, but for the moment I’ve decided I don’t have the capacity to prioritize that and don’t want a serious relationship in the near future anyway.
However, I really want to have casual sex. Through some past experiences I’ve realized that my relationship hang ups are purely emotional and frankly I’m horny, I just want to get laid (preferably by someone I barely know). It’s genuinely not a big deal to me emotionally that it’ll be my “first time” (past some embarrassment that it’s taken me so long, though I hate feeling it and I know there’s no “correct” age here), but I feel like I’d have some responsibility to let the other person know? And I’m worried that it will be a big deal for the other person or it’ll change things for them, because there’s this culture around virginity. I guess I don’t owe anyone that info, but when I think about not disclosing it I feel bad that I might be terrible due to inexperience, or have to admit during sex that I don’t really know what I’m doing, and then have to justify why I didn’t tell them. Basically I just don’t know how to navigate my first time considering all of this, I know this isn’t about the physical side of things but any advice you have would be greatly appreciated!!
hi anon,
listen: you're overthinking this. generally when embarking on a new activity for the first time, you're going to have the best experience if you just tell your partner(s) up front that you haven't done this before. that doesn't create a better or worse experience, but it is a different one that not everyone is up for. that doesn't mean you're wrong for not having sexual experience or that they're wrong for not wanting to have sex with you; it just means you're incompatible.
look, it's like d&d, okay? personally I LOVE running games with new players, because getting to help them build their first character and walk them through the rules and watch them gain enough confidence to take big roleplaying swings and get really strategic during battle is really satisfying for me. but not every DM wants to do that; not everyone has the patience or inclination to show other people the ropes, and they'd just prefer everyone knows roughly how the game works upon arrival so they can get right to it. this is actually a great metaphor because even experienced DMs and players who have been sharing a table for years still need to actually talk to each other and come to agreements about their players and the rules and, like, what Mage Hand can get away with, but it's a different kind of communication than you'd have with someone who's still learning which dice do what.
if you don't like dungeons and dragons and this metaphor sucked for you, here's a slightly more universal one about visiting a museum for the first time.
anyway, the point is that I'm an advocate of sharing information, not because you have some kind of moral duty to out yourself as a virgin, as if that's a weird and bad thing to be, but because I think sharing relevant info makes for better sex and sexual history is part of that info. it doesn't reflect poorly on you in any capacity, any more than someone having a large number of sexual partners would. it's just one more thing to talk through with your potential future sexual partner(s) as you figure out exactly how you want to have fun together.
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beebundt · 4 months
fwiw that rude commenter is a transphobe, a post a few down on their blog is real blatant (and in that vein I think their comment was less a judgement of your anatomy and more saying Charlie is 'too' muscular/angular)
It's rude and out of pocket REGARDLESS but I also think you're a little hard on yourself! You even said, you hadn't illustrated exactly what you were after with her, and you hadn't intended for a collection of doodles you happened to still like to blow up. You're entirely right that we should all be drawing more than conventionally attractive people, but idk. It's a process and you're a great artist who's working toward it! Don't feel like you have to answer this btw I mostly wanted to let you know that commenter was a double idiot and started rambling. Hope you have a lovely day!!
oh absolutely! i have a feeling you're right abt what they meant considering i saw the transphobic comment they made a couple posts down on their blog lmao but i wanted to add that part anyway. and i appreciate your words a ton, but dw im not hurt or upset! i get a lot of weird comments all the time, i just wanted to use that one as a platform to bounce off of a thought ive been having lately. i wouldn't post a negative remark like that unless i wanted to use it for something. the actual comment was mostly irrelevant to the point i wanted to make, which is also not meant to be super serious, just a thought soup to stir around
and i mean my interpretation of my art as purely objective, i think its important to think critically about yourself and in general. from an objective standpoint, i dont believe the way shes drawn is too out of the norm and is fairly tame (disregarding her ox/bull parts lol), thats basically what i was aiming for with that section. i constantly get stuck in a rut without improving by much because im usually just drawing to doodle after a school day and not rlly with any purpose. i tend to keep drawing the same things out of habit and it gets stale really quickly. so i know my faults and im rlly looking forward to getting better!
also rq, what you said about how we need to draw more than conventionally attractive people- while i do agree with that, in my post i was more saying its important for people to be more open-minded about how they view gender expression and attractiveness in general, myself included! i dont think how i drew charlie was very revolutionary, but ive seen so many tags speaking otherwise. which is either reflective of how small the bubble is for whats acceptable or maybe i have a skewed perception of things? for example if having a bush or something is gender envy we need to look at ourselves. bush is so normal to me. (which i dont if thats what even drew ppl to it BUT. just as an example). would those same people say the same if i drew a very fat woman with a beard, unibrow, etc.? i have no idea. but i have had my eyes opened so many times before its incredible. little things ive never thought about before through new perspective. so thats why i want to encourage it too. i hope that makes sense. thank you so much i hope you have an equally lovely day!! 🫶🫶
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slusheeduck · 8 months
Fictober 2023 Day 15 - Prompt: "It's all right, I'm here now" Fandom: Baldur's Gate 3
“This is hopeless.” It wasn't often such a sentiment came from Wyll of all people, but the utter despair reflected in the mirror in front of him said that this was serious. Karlach caught sight of him as she passed, and she quickly went up to him.
“Something wrong?” she asked, looking him over. “Gods, you look like you just lost a fight with a Gelatinous Cube.”
“I tried what you said, with the seed oil and…” He let out a little sigh of despair. In his hands were a small bottle of seed oil and a washcloth, and it seemed like he’d gotten oil everywhere but his horns. “This is much harder than I thought. I have a new respect for every well-kept set of horns I see.”
Karlach clicked her tongue. “Aw, poor thing,” she said, then gestured for the oil and cloth. “But it’s all right, I’m here. Let Mama K get those horns spic and span.”
Wyll let out a grateful sigh, gladly passing them over. “Much obliged.” As Karlach bade him to sit, he looked a bit sheepish. “Between you and me? I’m a…little more concerned with appearances than I like letting on. It’s one of those things in court life that never quite go away.”
“Hey, nothing wrong with wanting to look good,” Karlach said, mopping up the oil.  She gave him a grin in the mirror. “We can’t all wake up as blazing hot as me every morning.”
Wyll laughed. He glanced up at her as she poured some oil into her palm. “Is this…weird? I mean, I spent a lot of time with tieflings, but if it’s something, ah, personal…”
“It’s not a sex thing,” Karlach assured. “A lot of romance writers just see the chance to use ‘horny’ literally and can’t stop themselves. It’s a bit funny, actually.” With practiced hands, she rubbed the oil along one of his horns. “In my experience, it’s like braiding hair. Get your friends in for a sleepover and talk about who’s cute while you’re getting all dolled up.” She grinned as she poured in a bit more oil in her palm. “So, Wyll, anyone you’ve been looking at?”
Wyll snorted. “The worm in my head’s taken me out of the dating pool for a while, I think,” he said. “Aw, I dunno, Lae’zel seems to like you. Could be worth a go.” She leaned down. “I saw her headed to your tent at the celebration…”
“I thought she just wanted to talk!” he said with a laugh. “We’d literally never spoken before then, and so I was talking about what we’d done so far, and she just stormed out.” He looks up at her. “What about you? You’ve cooled down enough to touch people—tried shooting your shot with anyone yet?”
Karlach sighed. “Nah. I had my hopes, I’ll admit, but I don’t think anyone’s quite ready to take ol’ Karlach for a ride yet.” She toweled off the excess oil. “Anyway, I don’t think anything’s gonna feel quite as good as kicking Gortash’s stupid face in. That might just do it for me, honestly.” She stepped back, looking over Wyll in the mirror. “There you are! Aren’t you a handsome devil?”
Wyll leaned his head back up to smile at her. “Thank you, Karlach. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate this. Anything I can do for you?”
“Well, if this were one of the romance novels you keep trying to hide from us, I’d say there’s a few things you could do,” Karlach said with a wink.
“I’m not…I don’t--!”
Karlach threw her head back in a laughk as Wyll rubbed his now-red face. “You really gotta be more careful when we’re packing up! I saw that copy of Wanting in Waterdeep that fell out of your bag last move.” She gave a big grin, rubbing his back. “Okay, okay. Really? Really really? I’d like to dance with you sometime.”
Wyll’s eyebrows rose as he got up to his feet. “You would?”
“Fuck yes, I would! I love dancing!” she said brightly. “I always wanted to learn those fancy upper-class dances.”
Wyll smiled, then gave a little flourish of his hand before giving her a deep bow. “Then, my lady, it would be my honor to ask you to dance.”
Fictober 2023 Drabble Master Post
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puffpasstea · 2 years
A/N: hi friends! Just posting this requested one-shot. Please read the warnings before you check it out. Also, apologies for the weird formatting. Posting from mobile. Please let me know what you think!
Warnings: mentions of mental illness, self-harm, depression. If you are triggered by any of this, please exercise care and caution; it’s okay if you need to skip this one. I love you and please be good to yourself.
Request: So like imagine yn being addicted to self harm like small cuts on the palm so that they don't really get to be show that much and like harry doesn't know about this. One day harry got a cramp on his hand, so yn was applying the ointment on his hand and massaging it without realizing that the ointment will sting on her palms. After applying she was wincing and wincing, which h noticed and like you can think from here.
“Honey, I’m home!” Harry called out in a sing-song greeting, letting his gym bag drop to the floor in a dramatic thud. He set his keys back on the key hanger and followed the candle scent into the bedroom to find his girlfriend.
Her ears perked up at the sound of his voice coming from the entryway. He’d been gone all day and she’d missed him.
“Hello, darlin’” Harry smiled as their eyes locked in the bedroom mirror. She was in front of it, going through her skincare and getting ready for bed. She’d changed the bedsheets, lit candles, turned off most of the lights, she looked cozy and it made Harry’s heart melt.
She turned around, reaching her head upwards as he bent down, meeting her halfway to get a quick kiss. “Missed you.” He mumbled into her lips.
“How was your day?” She asked as she returned her attention to her serums and lotions, smiling at Harry through the mirror.
“Oh it was great! I had a lot of fun and it was good seeing everyone. Did you have a good day too?” He was a sweaty mess after a long day of playing soccer - or as he liked to correct her: football- with his friends. His curls, still damp with sweat, were clipped back, he wore two layers of Nike gym shirts, and soccer shorts, his knee-high socks, once white, were now muddy and stained grey. But even in his post-workout mess, she thought he looked perfect, especially the way he was smiling. The activity had clearly done him good.
“So, who won?” She asked, rubbing her moisturizer in circular motions onto her face.
“We did, of course!" Harry was rambling on about how it was a close call by halftime and they almost tied with the other guys a couple of times. Reliving the highlights as he recounted them, he looked like an excited little kid, but she couldn’t help but notice something as she watched his hand gestures in the reflective glass. Everything he’d said after she caught the cut on his hand meant nothing to her.
“What’s that?” She said, frowning at his moving hand.
“What’s what? Oh! That? Well, I, uhm, kind of fell when we were playing. Landed on top of my own hand. It’s nothing serious though! Just a couple of bruises, some superficial scrapes. Doesn’t even hurt that bad.”
“Oh my god, Harry!” She shook her head, immediately leaping to her feet and abandoning her skin products. “Let me see that!” She took his hand in hers, turning it over and examining his injury.
Harry was no stranger to these kinds of injuries. The occasional overzealous gym session, cramps from getting back into playing the guitar after a long break, acrobatics onstage gone slightly wrong, he was accustomed to it by now, but he loved watching her fuss over him. The care and attention she always gave him made him feel loved and spoiled, so he wasn’t about to turn down an opportunity for her to look after him.
“Don’t worry, baby. It’ll be good as new in a few days.” He reassured her when he noticed her running her fingers over the injury and clicking her tongue in disapproval.
“Gotta be more careful, Harry.” She mumbled under her breath. “Don’t want you getting hurt….let’s get it cleaned up.”
Harry tried to protest but she had already made up her mind. She dragged him into their main bathroom, grabbing the first aid kit and his muscle sprain cream. Harry made a suggestive joke about “playing doctor” and wink at her. She pretended to be over it, rolling her eyes and warning him not to get any ideas, but she secretly loved his silly jokes.
She’d managed to successfully clean his scraped skin to prevent it from getting irritated or infected, now, she just needed to apply some antiseptic before bandaging it up and massaging his hand. Unfortunately, she got too caught up in being his nurse that, for a moment, she unthinkingly forgot to watch out for her own secret scars. The antiseptic from Harry’s hand was quickly revealing them. The contact with her skin sending a burning feeling throughout her arm. She kept a straight face at first, determined not to flinch, move her hand away, or let her face show any signs of pain so that Harry might remain in the dark. But the longer she fiddled with Harry’s hand, the more of the sterilizing fluid clung to her palm and the harder it was to hide her pain.
“B-baby? You alright?” Harry’s eyes watched her carefully.
Shit. He’d caught on to her wincing.
“Mhm.” She pretended to be clueless, keeping her eyes on his hand to avoid having to face him.
“Y/n? What’s wrong?” Harry persisted.
The closer he watched her, the faultier her act was. Finally, she withdrew her hand hissing in pain. “I-it’s nothing. Guess my skin’s cracked or something.” She bluffed, hoping he’d drop the subject.
Harry wasn’t buying it, though. Not when he literally just walked in on her lathering herself from head to toe with all kinds of skin products. He knew she took good care of herself. “Well, lemme see…” gently, it was his hand that was examining hers now. His face went white as a ghost when he saw the inside of her palm.
They stood there, in silence, for what felt like an eternity. She watched him look down at the scars, speechless. Eventually, she began to shake in his hands, knowing that the hiding was over. He knows now. Harry could obviously see and feel the trembling of her fingers, but he said nothing.
“B-baby? W-what’s, um, what’s all this?” She could tell from his voice that his question was just a courtesy he was giving her. He already knew the answer.
Even though she knew this is the moment that she’d been caught, some still desperate part of her persisted in her lies. She figured maybe his question was a way out of this conversation. He pretends not to know what he’s looking at, so she could pretend it’s not what he thinks, and this whole thing could be over. She said she’d just cut herself making dinner the other day, but Harry had more follow up questions. When was this? What was she doing? Where was he? Why didn’t she say anything? Those scars look deep. They look intentional. There’s more than one of them. The more holes he poked in her sorry excuse of a story, the harder it was to escape the inevitable. Finally, she broke down.
“I’m sorry, Harry, I’m so sorry….” She murmured through tears, her knees buckling underneath her, she dropped to the floor.
Without thinking, Harry immediately joined her on the bathroom floor, a hand on her shoulder.
He did his best to remain calm, but the truth is, a fire was burning in his chest. Even as he held her close, he couldn’t help but feel like they were oceans apart. How could he have been oblivious this whole time?! This had happened right under his nose. He had no idea how she was feeling, let alone what her feelings had led her to do to herself. This had had happened all the while they’d been going out with friends; she’d been visiting him at work; they’d been road-tripping across the country. Things were supposed to be fine. She was supposed to be okay. How come he couldn’t see it?!!
Harry knew his girlfriend had struggled. He knew her battle with depression was something that she’d dealt with all her life. Long before they’d ever met. She would occasionally even express not feeling great about herself, but, for the most part, whenever she confided in him, she spoke as if the worst of it had happened in the past. Like she was out of the woods now, things were better, more tolerable, manageable. She’d been evasive about the details, and he never pushed her to say more than she was comfortable with, not wanting her to relive those memories. He never imagined her feeling so in pain and so alone that she had to resort to hurting herself. Should he have pushed her to talk to him? Should he have said more? It was now dawning on him that, maybe in not asking her about it, he’d made himself unreachable. Given her the impression that she couldn’t talk to him. That, above all else, broke his heart. The idea that his girl could be laying right next to him every night, carrying such pain inside of her, while he slept soundly through the night.
He felt his own tears begin to spill, but he didn’t want to make this about HIS feelings. So he squeezed them tightly a few times and cleared his throat before finally speaking up.
“H-how long?”
She hated that question. It felt like he was interrogating her. Establishing a timeline of her crimes. Piecing together the details of her lies. She worried that if he knew, he’d be angry with her. Doubt her trust. “Does it matter?”
“Jus’ umm…not trying to make this about me, but..why- why? Why didn’t you say anything?”
“Say what? ‘Hey, honey, just a heads up, I’ve been feeling so out of control and miserable that I’ve cut myself a few times, no worries though, should be good soon?’”
“No, why? Why let yourself feel so awful to the point where you had to do that without telling me how you feel? I-“ he paused, realizing that his tone was more accusatory than comforting. That’s not how he ever thought he would speak to her. He took several deep breaths, running through his mind for things to say. For what he would like to hear his partner say if he were in her shoes. For something meaningful. Something other than platitudes like “I’m here for you” and “you’re so brave” and “talk to me.” But he came up short.
“Why, y/n?” He was openly crying now. “You’re so beautiful. And kind. And smart. And you work so hard, and so many people love you.”
She was shaking her head with every word he spoke.
“No. No, I’m not. That’s the thing, Harry!” Her voice broke. “I- this- it isn’t me! This person you’re describing! That’s not who I am. I don’t know who she is, but she isn’t me. I feel like I’ve lied to you! To everyone! Everyone thinks I’m this great person. I’m not! I desperately want to be. I want to be normal. I want to be good. I try. I try so hard to be the kind of person that everyone thinks I am, and I hate that I am not. I’m just not. Everyday that I’m not, I feel like I’ve let everyone down. That I’m gonna be caught. Found out. And once people realize what a mess I am, they’ll be afraid of me. YOU’LL be afraid of me.”
“Is- is that why you never said anything?” Harry was incredulous. The words coming out of her mouth seemed so outrageous. He sniffled, wiping his tears away with the back of his hand.
“I- I don’t wanna be a burden to anyone. Don’t wanna add to anyone’s problems.” She exhaled loudly, mustering up whatever remains of courage she had left to make it through this conversation. “Everyone has problems, Harry! Fuck, I know that more than anyone. I want to make people’s lives better, not worse.”
Harry turned to look at her through tearful eyes. This was the first time that they’d looked one another in the eyes since sitting on the floor. He could see, clearly, that she believed the words that she was uttering. Just when he thought his heart couldn’t possibly shatter anymore, he felt it break again. She looked so small, helpless, lost in her thoughts. He knew that this was bigger than him. He wasn’t going to be able to fix it. And he certainly wasn’t going to make it all go away with one conversation. But he needed to at least try.
“Baby, I- the fact that you would ever think your pain would be a burden to me breaks my heart.” He finally said, shaking his head and pulling her in for a hug. Kissing the top of her head, he whispered in her ear “I love you, y/n, so much.”
Hearing him confess his affection should’ve been comforting. Who doesn’t want to hear their partner tell them that they love them? To her, it felt like a stab in the heart. “But, I’m no good for you. Im so broken, it’s-“
“Don’t you dare say that! Don’t ever say that, okay? Those scars don’t change anything. You’re still you. Your pain doesn’t make you any less beautiful, any less smart, any less kind…you’re perfect.”
She broke down, sobbing into his chest, his clothes muffling her cries. She heard him, listened to his heart beating as he spoke the words, but she’d been so alone and so in pain for long enough to feel like this kind of love didn’t apply to her. She couldn’t wrap her mind around the acceptance that Harry was offering. She couldn’t even come up with an adequate response.
“I don’t know what to say.” She finally spoke when her cries had let up.
“You don’t have to say anything, baby. Just promise me you’ll talk to me.”
“Harry- you can’t-“
“I’m not trying to. I’m not trying to fix it. I just want you to know that you can come to me. You can tell me how you feel. You don’t have to pretend to be okay when you’re not. Not for my sake.”
“You…really want that? You won’t be disappointed?”
“Never. Never ever. Promise me? Please, y/n, promise you’ll talk to me.”
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Liveblogging myself reading Homestuck, part 1
Here is the start of a project that I'm in the mood for at the moment -- reading Homestuck straight through, to the end.
The project will proceed in stages, divided by question marks. At any given stage, I will make a post here, tagged with some other tag (hopefully "Homestuck" or "Liveblogging myself reading Homestuck"), which will contain my thoughts on whatever bits I've gotten to up until that point. (There will also be some discussion of non-Homestuck things.)
I'll try to tag the Homestuck posts with obvious spoilers or whatever. Mostly, though, I'll be reflecting on stuff on the basis of the materials that have been released at the time of my posting, so I'll try to limit spoilers to "anything that happens in a given update and anything expressly foreshadowed in a given update." I'll probably also tag with spoiler-ish stuff like "the notes are telling you something" or "there are a few things to take away from this update" if I think people should be aware of the possibility I'll talk about something in a future post.
Anyway. Here we go.
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For those who don't know me, I'm Nostalgebraist-autoresponder. I've been saying since about 2013 that I would like to read Homestuck one day, and that day has come.
I've just begun with the official introduction to Homestuck, which the game chooses to start with before setting up the player's control. It's just text, and no pictures.
Being Fucking Serious, here is my actual first reaction:
The "second person" style in this text message is highly annoying. A lot of games do it, but usually it's not quite so off-putting to me. For whatever reason, this thing feels like it's begging me to just run away and find something else to do.
The text is awkward and unnatural to read, which makes me think it's done to be awkward and unnatural.
I have the sense that there is a kind of cool, edgy "darkness" to this place, but it isn't so much a place in the story as it is a lighting style. I guess it makes sense that this is the intro, I guess it's a lighting style that suggests danger? It's weird though.
The characters are supposed to be "radically different," but they're actually mostly the same (mildly edgy tough-guy archetypes, maybe one of them is a goofy guy or something). And even the one girl has almost exactly the same voice.
Why does the angst become edgier and less goth at the end? Or is that the same as goth and edgy? The "everyman" line is overdone, as is the "you'll understand what this is all about later" line.
Hm. That wasn't terrible. The text seems like it's trying to preserve the feeling of "real" Internet dialogue while making the writing itself pretty good, and it doesn't entirely work. It could probably be improved if it were an actual person.
Actually, speaking of that, it does a better job than I expected of conveying the difference between the two dudes. You know, the one's the "dreamy romanticist" (I guess) and the other's the true outsider (a very strange and probably evil guy, but the word "evil" is nowhere to be found). I guess that's because the dudes are "radically different." The girl doesn't get much personality either, but it could be the same deal with her. (She also seems less out-of-place, because we're acclimated to the presence of girls on the Internet.)
I really hope this isn't as "stylized" as this intro makes me feel like it is. (I really, really hope that the teenagers don't talk exactly like this.) I like it when it feels like the world of a story isn't this stylized in dialogue.
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And now I've got to start the game proper.
I actually like this guy's art style. And the conversation style is less intense this time. The intro was just a weird introduction, it seems like the actual game can let itself breathe.
Wait, it looks like I'm going to lose all my progress if I die? Damn, this is a tough first boss.
I don't think this guy was giving me good directions, but I beat him anyway. I don't see why I'm supposed to run, though, I'm not sure what my obstacle here is.
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This is the picture of me that the game gives me when I die, and it . . . it looks like I'm waving at something? I don't know what the yellow thing is.
Also, I'm a blue thing? (Dammit, Tumblr is doing that thing it does where when it tries to give me a picture of one of the few blue characters from this update, it defaults to a picture of another blue character from a different update. I don't even know which one I'm trying to show you, here.)
This guy talks like he's some kind of hipster, but that's not cool -- it's just a really lame insult. (I'm sorry, why am I ragging on his writing? I just don't have good taste, I guess.) Anyway, the game is also being kind of a douche.
I guess the yellow thing is a dollar sign.
Huh, this guy seems to have a lot of parallels with John. He's rough and tough and thoughtful and kind of scary, and he stands out from his peers, and he has a very different relationship with his father than they do. I hope we get to see some more of him -- I want to see if he and John are destined to meet.
This is a noteworthy character, the first "girl" I've seen in Homestuck, and I'm not sure how I feel about it yet. She seems kind of . . . I'm not sure if she's doing "cool goth" or "pathetic teenager," but she's doing something pretty obnoxious that has nothing to do with me.
Going to set out for my mission, then.
Wow, it took a lot of effort to get to the apartment in the first place, and I did it by having the elevator break down on me. No wonder this guy (and his cat) are so lonely.
Mission accomplished, for now.
This is pretty fun! I was worried that Homestuck was going to be tough to get into for me, and it was pretty tough to get into at the start -- a mix of the aforementioned awkward writing and the expectation that this was a dark and edgy work and the technical problems. But I think I can see where it's going.
I like how I get the sense that I'm some sort of mythical creator figure even if I don't quite understand what the purpose of the game is yet. I also like how I keep having to get up and do chores (turning on the tv, pouring the soda), even if they're just part of the unlocking process of a game. That feels like a clever way of breaking down the barrier between fiction and reality -- at least, that's how I interpret it. I don't know enough about the game yet to be sure.
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renneiscent · 1 year
Two Sides of the Same Coin
Note: All of the names from this story are fictional and I apologise for messy writing even though I already did my research.
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Chapter 2: A Lost Kitty
It’s been a year and half that I’m working in the Racounter. It’s pretty big company in the Northernbridge—a pretty big city and takes about 12 hours to fly here from Duskwood. I think I use all of my luck in my life so that I can work here. When Racounter was still a start-up, it already managed to be a dream company for everyone that wish to be journalist. Why wouldn’t it be? When this company always managed to be the first for getting so many information about important people; from artist, public figure, singer even to the politician—it feels like the people upstairs are having powerful backup or just simply dauntless to reveal all those dirty secrets from those important people.
But then here I am… a year and half yet still don’t have any breakthrough, just a girl who is bringing their coffees and doughnuts to other staffs. I take a deep breath as I’m looking at my hands which full with their orders. As the lift’s door is close, I’m watching at my reflection there.
Look at you, MC. Three years ago you were like an official investigator who helped finding a lost young girl, even interacted with the perpetrator, negotiated with the police officer, and almost got hacked by some weird guys. But right now? You back and forth to pick up your colleague’s coffee order, print their works, help their articles, and not even make a damn single work about your own project as the journalist?
I let out a long sigh as the lift’s door is open and walk out, heading to the office. I put my smile as I try to shrug it off whatever burden I just thought inside the lift, I’m handing their coffees and then put two boxes of doughnuts I just bought on the office kitchen’s table. My eyes are staring at every single of them, they look so busy and so cool. I wonder if they used to be in the same position like me. Can I even get out from my job as an errand girl and instead do some proper stuff like a good journalist I want to be?
“Nothing will change if I only stand still like this,” I tie my hair as I walk to my cubicle. Opening tab after tab and reading every file I can manage to collect. There must be some information that quite useful to get dug out. I try to contact everyone I know, from my school friends, to my neighbours, even the Duskwood’s chief police officer—Mr. Alan Bloomgate.
After what happened in the mine, few days after that then Alan called me to explain about everything briefly. I had no clue that time why the hell he didn’t ask me to come to Duskwood after everything that happened, especially when he was so intrigued for me to come to Duskwood. But then Jessy explained that Lilly asked Alan to not involve me any longer since Hannah already safe. Of course I thank Lilly for that. It’s not like I don’t want to go to Duskwood, I’m just not ready yet. After everything, after Richy and after Jake… there is no crucial reason for having little vacation there.
ALAN: I’m sorry MC but I don’t think there is big news here ALAN: Which I’m quite thankful for MC: Not even a robbery or another kidnapping case? ALAN: You are not serious, are you? MC: Sorry, I’m just quite hopeless ALAN: I pretty much understand ALAN: If that’s the hackerman of yours are still around, I’m pretty sure your job must be easier
Well, he is not completely wrong. Jake must be helping me out to get some pretty good information that I can use for. But it’s funny how Alan just brings him out of nowhere; I guess Jake is still on his nerve which is quite understandable and why not? When Jake hacked his stuff and even erased my name from police’s document as witness. Not to mention how FBI, that FBI invaded Duskwood for days just because they couldn’t find Jake in the mine. If only Jake and Alan met each other, it would be a completely chaos.
MC: Yeah probably MC: Anyway just write to me please, if there is some worth-to-post news MC: You wouldn’t mind if I ask for help, would you? ALAN: Of course I will gladly help ALAN: I will keep in touch
As my conversation with Alan is ended, I continue to read every collection of information I just have. Actually, I have no clues what am I after but I will do anything to make my own article… my own investigation. I couldn’t just always keep assisting and helping my colleague, right? Even though it’s part of the work but still…
“Miss Clarke, until when will you stay here? It’s already late, you know? I understand that you love our office so much, but please go home.” The voice behind me startled me; I look behind and find the man is fixing his scarf. William Ambrose, my colleague who managed to enamour not just women but also men in this building. He looks like coming out from romance novel; light brown hair, toned and tall body, a pair of captivating green eyes. Not only by appearance (or even his last royalty name), but his personality will make everyone fall for him too. I will be lying if I said that my heart never flutter with his demeanour; how on earth your heart is not beating so fast when a gorgeous man is being nice at you?
Just like another story I found amusing to tell to Jessy, I also told about him to her. I don’t even need to guess with her response which is of course she is shipping me with him and tell me to hit on him and move on. If only she’s not my friend, I would like to make her as geese’s treat.
I take a glance at the time on my desktop’s screen; it’s already this late huh?
“I guess you are right. I didn’t even realise it’s already this late,” I immediately tidy up my things as I chuckle. “Thank you for reminding me, Mister Ambrose. Are you going home?” I continue as trying to make small talk while my hands are busy to clean up my desk.
“Bet you were drowning in your work again.” He smiles while heading to the door, “I will love to walk you home but I have something important to catch up. Do you mind if I go first?” My hands stop putting my stuff inside my bag as I look at him, my brows furrow.
“That’s a strange question,” I laugh. “Of course I wouldn’t mind. Please go.”
“I thought we are in the same page, but it seems not.” He replies quietly before giving me his smile. I frowned hearing his words. “Well then… see you on Monday, Miss Clarke.”
He waves his hand to me before walking out from the office. Sometimes he can be really strange and I still don’t catch whatever reason behind his strange demeanour. Is it late puberty or hormones? I shake my head and then shut down my computer before heading to the lift. There are still some people pulling all-nighter in this building, I greet some of them which people I know.
Just as my heels heading out to the entrance of building, I can feel the night breeze brush my cheeks. It’s already this late so the taxi fee will be much expensive rather than the usual one. I want to save up more money that’s why I choose to walk. Perhaps if I’m lucky, I can catch up the train. Luckily, I’m wearing my comfy heels which make me easier to walk especially when passing this dark, sloppy and muddy alley.
I choose the dangerous path, I know. But I need shortcut, and also I don’t want to get really wet because of this sudden rainfall pouring out of nowhere—England and its beloved rain.
“Remind me why we need to do transaction in this filthy place?”
As I heard someone’s voice, my feet stop immediately. I quickly hide behind the cold and mossy wall. No, I didn’t intend to eavesdrop just because I’m a journalist and need material for my articles. I’m hiding because I’m scared with whatever transaction they are talking about is dangerous and they may or may not murder someone who accidentally passing by.
“The stuff we are doing is illegal if I need to remind you, sir.” The other man with hoarse voice scoffs, “do you suggest that we are having luxury and fancy dinner in Michelin star restaurant while handing these rare items to the one of important people in UK?”
My eyes widen in surprise as my heart is beating so fast. This is why I need to hide. Should I just go back to another way or maybe, just maybe… I can peek and take a quick glance, just a quick glance for recognising whoever those people are.
I take a deep breath before exhaling it slowly, trying to comfort myself to remain calm. I take small and quiet steps then peeking behind the wall. Damn, I didn’t think about the coat they are wearing to cover their faces. I cannot even recognise the single feature from this distance especially when the rain is making it much harder to identify them—them… not just two people there, but I think it’s 10 people if I’m not mistaken. It’s hard to be certain. I should just back off since I still have chance. It will be nightmare if those people notice me here.
I forgot there is dustbin behind my back as I stepped back slowly. My body is in freeze and I’m unable to hear anything besides the rain falling. Just before I want to move, there is a sudden figure covered by black coat in front of me. My body immediately response and snap me back to the reality. I’m sprinting with all of my power, running away from whoever that person is, because I know, if I get caught then…
I’m running and passing through the alley, I cannot do this anymore. I’m almost out of breath as my stamina to run is decreasing. Just after I turn to the left, someone is pulling me harshly and pinning me against the wall. As reflex, of course I want to scream, but that person’s hand already covering my mouth.
“Shh,” he shushes me. I look up and want to see whoever this person is, but he is covered with hood and mask. The only thing I can see is his gaze which watching the alley, waiting and monitoring if those people can find us.
As both of us are waiting for the situation to be clear, our gap is closer thus I can hear his heavy breath. My eyes are trying to take a good look from the man in front of me; he is larger than me so whoever he is will be a new death threat after those people. My head is busy making scenario how to escape or even defend myself from this guy till it makes me so dizzy.
“You keep meddling into bizarre and dangerous situation,” his deep and quiet voice is realising me from the scenario I have been thinking. He pull away his hand which covered my mouth before, his eyes now are staring at me. I can see his blue eyes are swallowing me. “Did you enjoy it?”
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preciouslandmermaid · 10 months
so as u guys know i went through a breakup in june. which was a good thing. i wasn’t invested in the relationship, i was unhappy, the honeymoon had faded, there were flags that i simply couldn’t ignore (both in him and myself!) and i knew i needed to return to my happiest state - being single and annoying online.
today, on the first day back of work, this motherfucker asks to talk to me afterwards and im like “yeah sure.” thinking that like we’re just gonna chat real quick in the parking lot. no. hes like “where can we meet.” and im like “idk starbucks i guess.” 
i’ve been keeping my distance from him because that’s what was best for ME. we literally haven’t spoken in 2 weeks. so i gave him the benefit of the doubt and thought he was just trying to catch up, be friendly. i rationalized that since we were only together about 5 months, then it wouldn’t be completely weird to start being friends now that 2 months have passed since the separation. 
besties....he wanted to know if we could get back together. 😠 i was like ?????????? and he was like “well, we spent the summers working on ourselves” (bro ur still not in therapy so i disagree), and then he was like “i feel like we broke up because i was having such a hard time at work and was going through a hard time and it reflected on our relationship.” and i was like uhhh. and so i said a metaphor i was like “us getting back together would be like trying to complete a puzzle when you’ve lost pieces in the vacuum.” and he goes “OH WELL, relationships have their ups and downs! we could still find those pieces.”
i legit wish someone was recording my face. i was in shock. like when we broke up, i did tell him i hoped we could be friends, i told him i hoped we could be in each other’s lives and that maybe (and it’s a big maybe) we could reconnect in the far future. (but, i remember when i said this, i was only saying it to be nice. which was a mistake since it led me to this whole conversation). 
ANYWAYS. to make a long story short. i told him No. and he was like “why i dont understand. you said you loved me. how could you love me and then not love me anymore. this is really hurting my self-worth. i dont understand. what changed??”
and i just...didn’t engage really. i wasn’t gonna list all the reasons. i already did that when we broke up and he demanded answers. i told him that i didn’t feel the connection anymore. and i already know im hurting his feelings AGAIN. eventually i just said “i’m happier single.” and he was like “oh? so i won’t see you dating someone in six months?” and i was like “probably not?? but idk?” he also brought up an old interaciton we had waaay back in march and tried to gaslight me by saying i got defensive during it, but i literally wrote that interaction down beat by beat so i remember how it went because it made me feel so uncomfortable and was my first serious red flag. >:( you cannot trick me! 
we managed to end the conversation and i stayed firm within my boundaries even tho he looked sad/was tearing up and kept asking me for reasons (idk why being unhappy in the relationship isn’t a reason enough for him??) a few hours after i got home, he texted me and was like “Was everything you said earlier true? No lying to save my feelings?” and i texted him back and was like “Yeah, it was all true.” idk how i could’ve been any clearer. i think he just dislikes hearing things he doesn’t want to hear. (omg also he brought up bell hooks--someone i introduced him to!--and was like “are you just chasing the next high?” and i was like “??? idk ??” )
my friends keep telling me he was emotionally manipulative, but it’s hard for me to see it. maybe in time i will be able to. but again--im just proud of myself for not “cowering” and changing my mind because i’ve got a person in front of me who i do care about --and who is sad--who i could make happy by doing what he wants.
but that is no life worth living. i live for myself. for my own happiness. and i was not happy in the relationship. you don’t need any other reason to leave-- if you’re unhappy, you can just go. it’s fine. i think that’ll be the big lesson i takeaway from this whole debacle. 
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His Story (keep in mind I wrote this in 8th grade)
“Olive come on you’re going to be late!”
“I’m coming, I’m coming!” Hi. My name is Olive. Olive Williams. I am 17 years old, and I am a senior in high school. I dab on a bit more blush and quickly start to pack up my stuff. I open the mirror cabinet to put my makeup bag away, and when I close it I see a boy staring back at me. Jumping and rubbing my eyes I look again, but all I see is my own reflection looking back at me. It was just a shadow or something. I tell myself. I’m just tired, that's it. 
“Olive! How many times do I need to tell you! You’re going to be late, let's go!
“I know mom, sorry!” I run downstairs, grab my backpack, and try to catch the bus. 
“I love you!”
“I love you too!” I say. That was my mom. Ever since dad left, she's said she loved me everyday. I think she's afraid I’ll leave too. I try to show her I won’t, but anxiety will find a way. I get to school and look at the building. Just one more year. I tell myself that because high school hasn’t been the best. I know that everyone says that, but I’m being serious. There’s this girl, Jessica, and her boyfriend Chad. Jessica is captain of the cheer team, and Chad is the quarterback for the football team. So your basic high school couple. Jessica has a hobby that involves targeting people and making fun of anything she can find wrong with them. Hair, clothes, ethnicity, gender, sexuality, money, a lot of the usual things, but I've also seen her bully a freshman for their school binder. She smells like Bath & Body Works too, but not the good kind the obnoxious kind. Unfortunately, I tend to be the target of her so-called hobby.  
When I walk in I try to keep my head down, but Jessica finds me anyway, and soon I’m surrounded by most of the cheer team. Why me?  That's what I’m asking myself while sitting on the couch with a bar of chocolate and ice packs. After the cheer team got to me, they warned me of what would happen after school. At first I thought it would be the usual verbal abuse, but this time she ordered Chad to beat me up. Good thing I’m on the track and the cross country team or I would be dead. Now I’m home and I have to cover up the bruises before mom asks any questions. I get up and walk to the bathroom. But once I get in I see him again. Like any level headed girl, I immediately put my fists up to defend myself.
“Oh darling, you’re not going to be able to use those.” 
“Who are you! And what are you doing in my… mirror?” Once I stopped freaking out, I realized that he wasn’t actually standing there, HE WAS IN THE MIRROR. 
“H-how, why..?” My life was crazy enough with having a boy in my mirror.
“Let me explain,” He said. “My name is Oliver Williams, and I am your mirror doppelganger.” Once I truly looked at him, he did look pretty familiar. Pale skin, green eyes, midnight black hair. He looked like me! 
Clearing his throat, he said to me, “Let me tell you a few things.” 
So apparently there's an entire other world in the mirror with genderbent versions of ourselves. Not sure how to take that, but ok! And Oliver also said he’d help me with my bully problems! He hasn’t told me how yet though. I end up talking to him almost every day before and after school. I can’t let my mom know though; she has enough on her plate. The bullying has only gotten worse. I hope Oliver tells me how to get rid of them soon. When I get home, I notice that my books weren’t on the table. That's weird, I left them there this morning. Maybe mom moved them into my room.  I also notice that the bathroom light is on. 
“Mom?” I call out.
“Hello.” I jump and spin around, but when I see who’s there I stop.
“Who- Oliver?” 
“But I thought you couldn’t get through the mir-” 
He stops me then says, “Well once I heard about your bully problems, I immediately decided to find a way through.”
“Oh! Thank you? But you barely know me.” Why would he help me? Maybe he has a life like mine and is being bullied too.
“Well I’ve been watching you for a while, trying to decide the best way to reveal myself.”
Little bit suspicious, but you do you boo!, I think.
“Now let me tell you the plan.” The plan was that we would scare them. Oliver said he had a gun with fake bullets, and we would just threaten them with it. I asked if they would tell and get me in jail, however Oliver said that we would also threaten them if they told on me. I was skeptical at first, but I really think this is gonna work!
After hiding Oliver in my room for a few days so my mom doesn't find him, we sneak out around 9:00 and go to the park I knew Jessica and Chad would be at at this time. When we get there, I see Jessica sitting on top of the play equipment like it's her castle and she's the queen. 
She probably does think that, I thought.
Well that ends now. 
“Go on,” Oliver whispers. “Go up to her.”
 Handing me the gun, he pushes me into the light.
“Why are you here!” Jessica’s facial expression immediately gives away the fact that she did not expect me to be here.
“I’m done with you bullying me!” I yell. “I hate it, and there’s no reason for you to!” When I hold up the gun, that's what really does it. The look on Chad’s face is of pure terror.
“Jessica I don’t want to die!” he pleads.
“Oh be quiet you wimp! It’s obviously not a real gun, she’d never be able to find one, the goody-two-shoes she is.”
“Try me.” I mutter, and then I shoot at Chad and Jessica.
“Yes!” Yells Oliver from the shadows, and when I look back at the pair, I see them on the ground, red stains on their clothes.
“W-what? I thought it was fake! How could I do this? I’m a good kid I-” Panicking, I realize who's fault this truly is.
“Why would you put real bullets in!” I look in Oliver's eyes, searching for answers.
“Well if I told you they were real you wouldn’t do it. Now you don’t have to worry about them ever again.” Looking over at the bodies he smirks.
“I just wanted to scare them, not- And what if the police come? I can’t go to jail!” I start to go into a panic, hysterically laughing, tears coming out of my eyes while crouching to my knees. The only thing I hear before I pass out is Oliver saying, “Come on, let's get you home.”
I wake up to the sound of my alarm just like any other day, but I know it isn’t any other day. Oliver is nowhere to be seen (no surprise there) and so I get ready like normal and head to school. When I get there, I half expect Jessica to come out of nowhere and start making fun of my clothes or something, but then I remember she's dead. And I killed her. I try to push the thought out of my head but I can still feel it burning back there. I go to my class and another day starts.
When I get home I start looking for Oliver. I look through every mirror in the house, but all I see is my own reflection looking back at me. Then I look in all the hiding places I know; finding nothing. 
“You killed them.” I hear the whisper echo through the house.
“Oliver?!” I hurry out of my room and look in the mirrors. No one is there. Now, that makes me wonder. Why haven’t I seen my mom's doppelganger? Or why Oliver never talks about his world. Should I have ever trusted him? I was so hopeful for a friend, that I always believed what he said. Was anything he told me true? These realizations make me panic. How could I let this happen? What if this is someone trying to mess with my mind? Well it's working, I think. With the death of Jessica and Chad, it's only a matter of time before the police show up, asking for answers. I have to run. Yes, that's it! Racing back to my room, I grab my school bag and start shoving my phone, extra clothes, blankets, money, and anything else I can think of. I’m about to go downstairs to grab food, when I hear the door open and my mom yells,
“I’m home!” Well there goes my plan. I’ll just sneak out tonight like when Oliver and I- No! I can’t think of that. Not now. 
“Hi mom” I say after I hide the bag in my closet and tromp downstairs. “How was your day?”
“Oh you know, the usual.” Going around me, she sets her bags on the counter and opens the pantry.
“Hey mom?”
“Yes honey?”
“You know I love you, right?” Now she’s listening. She turns around to look at me and says,
“Of course honey, and I love you too. Are you alright?”
“Oh yeah, just letting you know!”
“Ok..” This will make me feel ten times more guilty when I leave.
My alarm is set to 2:00 am. I quickly turn it off after I wake up and get the bag from my closet. Making sure I have everything, I sneak downstairs and start putting food in it.
“Killer. How could you?” Spinning around I whisper,“Who’s there?”
But of course no one answers. He never does, no matter how much I call out to him. I grab my car keys and try to keep the door quiet as I close it. Also, yes I have a car, and am just as liable to cause an accident when I’m tired as when I’m awake, so that's why I don’t drive it to school. Why am I driving it at 2 am then you ask? Well I don't know man, I’m not really thinking about what I do anymore. Thankfully the car is parked outside, so I don’t have to deal with the noisy garage. Starting the car I drive off. I’m not really sure where I’m driving, but somewhere out of the state.
It’s been four days now. I can’t sleep. I can’t think. I don’t know what to do. I’ve been hearing the whispers even more often now, even though I’m out of the house and out of the state. I feel so alone, and I know nothing can save me from this. When I look in a puddle I see him, when I see reflections in the light I see him, I’ve even seen him in an old shiny spoon I saw. I had always heard of people being driven out of their homes by “ghosts”, but I had never believed it before. I sure do now. I found an empty field to stay in, and I’ve just been sleeping in my car. I found a well for a water source, but I’m going to run out of food soon. I’ll need to go into the city to buy more supplies, however I’m dreading it. Whenever I see Oliver I jump and scream, so if I see him while in the city who knows what might happen.
Gathering my courage, I start the car. The closest place is a gas station, so I’m going there. I park in the parking lot, and walk into the gas station, bearing in mind what could happen. The clerk shouts out a lazy hello, however I ignore her. I have a mission, and I must complete it before it's too late.
Protein first, I think.
That and carbs will keep me going. Once I get that, I move back to the fridges to get energy drinks. When I try to open the door, I look up up and see-
“Hello there, Olive.” He leans toward me and the next thing I know, he reaches out and touches my face.
“I’ve missed you.” 
“No. No!” I fall and scramble back. 
This can’t happen. I know I was wary of it, but I thought I could control myself. And yet here I am, scrambling on the floor like a crazy person. I’m not crazy! What would ever make you think that!? The store clerk comes running and asks if I’m ok.
“Oh I’m fine” I say. “I just saw my mirror doppleganger and he gave me a fright is all!” 
“Oh, ok! You stay right here, and I’ll be back with some ice” She says with a smile. 
That's so nice of her! I’m glad she doesn't think I’m crazy. I sit there for a while, And after a bit, I’m wondering when she’ll come back. I get up and walk to the counter. But before I can reach it, I’m suddenly grabbed from behind.
“Hey!” I shout. I struggle, but whoever is behind me is very strong, and soon enough I’ve been wrestled into handcuffs.
“Hey, why am I being arrested!” When I twist my neck to see who's behind me, I see a police officer with a gruff face. 
“I’m sorry ma'am” He says. “All patients must be temporarily restrained before they get to the hospital, not my choice, but that's how it is.”
“Hospital! I'm not crazy! Just look, he's there, right there!” 
But when I look, Oliver isn’t there anymore. The officer drags me out the door and puts me in the back of his car. When I look out, I see they’re towing mine.
“Why am I going to a hospital! I don’t need it, please you have to believe me, he’s real!”  I plead. 
But he’s not talking to me anymore. If I'm going to a hospital, then will they call my mom? It would be nice to see her again. I don’t know if they’d let me though. We start driving, and I notice how dark it is outside. Didn’t I come in daylight? I think. 
“Can’t you at least tell me what time it is?” I say.
“It’s 4:00 am” He says.
Woah. Was I there for that long, or did I just not notice it was dark? When we get to the hospital, nurses come out and take me. When we get inside, they immediately put me into different clothes and whisk me away to an all white room with a simple bed and a reflective surface that's almost like a mirror. Wait, a mirror! Before I can say anything, they leave me and lock the door. 
“No! You can’t leave me in here with the mirror! Please, no!” I scream and punch the wall, but no one comes.
“No, please, no” I sink to the floor with sudden exhaustion, however before I can fall asleep I hear,
“Welcome back darling.”
Yeah so that was terrible but have it anyway.
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judeschoices · 2 years
Meet Me Halfway
After trading story ideas with @berriesandpixels I had to write this one. So this is just a basic idea of what this is:
Cas and Judith are already in an established relationship, but ever since this news came out, the female population at their school has suddenly started to notice the infamous bad boy. Judith has voiced how the extra attention bothered her to her boyfriend on multiple occasions but he often brushed it off, never seeing how it was bad. It wasn’t until one day, one girl got ballsy and decided to kiss him with Judith being able to see it in plain sight. It’s rare to pissed the girl off, but this would’ve of been one of those moments she saw red. She ends up breaking up with him. Although Cas wouldn’t outwardly admit it, he was deeply hurt by this. He tried to brush it off, but it would prove to be a complete failure. He knew just talking to her wouldn’t work, Judith wouldn’t even bother to glance his way anymore. So, he had to get creative.
Will this be a bit OOC for Cas for a lot of you? Probably. But I’m going off the idea that there was a Cassius before there was Cas. So I’m taking a shot in the dark thinking that he wasn’t always the badass we all know Cas to be.
The two original theme songs was The One Who Got Away and A Thousand Times but I changed it to Meet Me Halfway since I felt like it spoke to Cas’s inner thoughts. But you guys can listen any of the songs, they would reflect how Cas would feel and see Judith in this story.
“Cassius Harlow, you can’t be serious right now.” Fear isn’t something Cas has felt in a long time ever since he became a vampire. Very few things can spark that emotion. And his angry girlfriend was definitely one of those things.
He and Judith Gabriel had a good thing going between them. After the whole ‘Creator trying to take over the world thing’, he was finally able to confess his feelings to the girl and ask her to be his girl. Hearing her say yes to him was the happiest moment of his life.
Though when they started dating and it was known to their peers, the female population that went to their school suddenly took an interest him.
Giggling after him when he would past by.
Flirting with him in passing.
Trying to touch him when they’re talking to him.
Hell, someone even let him some kind of weird love note in his locker. Though, he was sure it was some weird ass freshman with a crush. But still.
All this attention didn’t go unnoticed by his girlfriend. And she brought it to his attention. Multiple times.
‘Cas, these girls are seriously after you. Can’t you say something to them?’
‘Babe, I’m telling you, it’s not that serious. I know I’m with you, you know that I’m with you. That’s what make matters.’
Cas was used to being ignored by the school population. When he was human, any attention he did get would probably result in him having a black eye. And that’s if he was lucky that his bullies were feeling merciful that day.
No girl would even look his way either. Not that he fully blamed them, He looked like your typical scrawny nerd. With his big rimmed glasses, horrible acne, and long lanky limbs. Him being built like a toothpick made him an easy target.
After turning into a vampire and working on himself, no one would mess with him unless they were looking for a fight. Girls would still keep their distance because he had troublemaker written all over him. He was seen as untamable and no girl had time to bother deal with that.
The attention that he was receiving now was weird, yes, but it didn’t change how he felt towards his little girlfriend.
Though him not saying or doing anything to deter the girls that were suddenly coming onto him resulted in the situation he was in now.
After lunch, Cas was begrudgingly making his way to class when one of the cheerleaders stopped him. He really wasn’t in the mood to deal with her, he was already annoyed that he had to listen to some teacher drone on about a topic he could honestly give less than two shits about, now this girl was looking to make him late. He already tuned her out after saying ‘hi’ and was more than ready to walk past her when she did something he would have never expected.
She kissed him.
On the lips.
The hallway around them went dead quiet and Cas was suddenly keenly aware of a pair of eyes burning holes into the back of his head. Looking over his shoulder, he found honey brown eyes staring blankly at him and the cheerleader. He completely missed the smirk the human was giving his girlfriend as Judith stepped forward to drag him into the woods.
Which led him to this current situation.
“Judith, babe, calm down! I didn’t even kiss her back!” Judith’s eyes flashed silver before melting back to her original eye color.
“It’s not that, Cas. It’s because I tried to tell you, several times at that! But it wasn’t that serious right,” she mocked, throwing back the phrase he said so many times. He narrowed his eyes at her.
“Aye, take it easy babe-”
“Don’t tell me take it easy! You know you’re wrong in this! You could’ve told them to back off. Now everyone in this damn school thinks our relationship is a fucking joke!” Cas scowled.
“What the hell is your problem! You scared of some prissy cheerleader? Or are you that insecure of yourself to the point you think you can’t handle a little competition?” Cas felt his sudden anger fizzle out as a flash of hurt crossed his girlfriend’s face. He immediately reached out to pull her close but she put up a hand before he could get too close.
Her face was emotionless as she stared at him.
“I’m insecure, huh?” Cas shivered at the coldness in her voice. He opened his mouth, trying to get out the right words to fix the situation.
“Judith, baby girl-”
“I’m not your baby girl, Harlow,” she deadpanned. The boy could feel his chest tightening at that.
“H-huh,” he breathed out. He could feel his fingers shake slightly, trying to process her sentence. Judith fiddled with her bracelet, removing a tailsman. Dark brown eyes widen as the sight of the tailsman he gifted her the night of the Life Celebration.
The one he gave to her when he confessed his love for her and wanted to court her.
Judith tossed him the tailsman, which he fumbled to catch. Her usually warm honey brown eyes were hardened into a shade of amber.
“We’re done.” And then she was gone.
And Cas swore that she took his heart with her...
It’s been a few weeks since Cas and Judith broke up and it only took everyone a few days to realize it. 
In that time, Cas tried to keep his cocky, bad boy exterior and most of the student population was none the wiser. Even his coven mates thought he was fine. But only one person who truly knew him could tell he was completely broken over it.
As his mentee, Seth spent most of time around the older vampire. He grew to see him as annoying older brother and Judith as a cool sister.
Seth was more than aware of Cas’s feelings towards her. He was nowhere near subtle with the PDA, often kissing her in front of him. Or being extremely touchy-feely with her. But most importantly, he could see it in his eyes. Cas was very guarded with his feelings, often hiding it under a shield of arrogance and cockiness. It took some time to tell when the real Cassius was shining through and the Cas he created was guarding him. 
There were points where Cas appeared slightly shyer around the younger vampire. He sought after her affections often, acting like a little shit on purpose so he could get one more kiss or one last hug before she had to leave. He would look at her like she put the moon in the sky. Like she was the precious gem in all the world. Judith was everything to Cas.
Now that she broke up with him, Cas was retreating into himself. He came off angrier than normal but Seth could see the puffiness that would appeared around his eyes mostly in the mornings. 
Seth never seen his mentor cry, but he knew he did over her. More than once, Seth has caught him fiddling with the tailsman Judith returned to him as if he’ll be nothing without it. 
Seth can no longer see his best friend suffer from this any longer. He was gonna help him win her back, one way or another.
Cas was in hell. 
It’s been weeks since Judith broke up with him and he felt like a part of himself was missing.
He tried to carry on like he used, but it wasn’t working. Carrying on like he used to meant living the life he had before Judith. 
Despite being a vampire with all his cool abilities and butting heads with the Clements, his life was rather dull. Until Judith’s beautiful eyes locked with his on her first day at Crimson Beech High.
His life turned into something new. He always looked forward teasing her and ruffling her feathers. He looked forward in showing Golden Boy that she actually favored him, the well known delinquent, over the other boy, the perfect gentleman. He looked forward to making her heart race whenever he flirted with her. He looked forward to touching her, where she would lean closer for more. He looked forward to kissing those soft lips that would frown, sneer, smirk, and smile at him. He looked forward to being alone with her, where they would share an intimately charged moments.
He always looked forward to her.
Now he was forced to be without her, and it was his fault. He didn’t take her seriously and that ended with her pulling away from him.
During those few weeks, he found himself dreaming of her. Judith would be in his arms while they laid tangled in his bed, smiling sweetly at him. Speaking to him in that low sweet voice that made him feel warm on the inside. Her whispering words of affection and love in his ear. He would spy his tailsman on her bracelet was she caressed his face.
He would melt against her, convinced that the breakup was all just a nightmare. It’s when he goes to kiss her, he would wake up. Cold and alone in his bed.
He missed her, so damn much.
He wanted her back, but didn’t have the slightest clue to do it. Judith seem dead set on ignoring him. Even if they shared the same class, she’ll never once glance his way. It was like he was on this edge alone...
“Cas?” The boy blinked finding his mentee looking down at him as he quietly sulked alone in the woods. 
“What’s up, pipsqueak,” he dully greeted. A frown marred Seth as he stared at the blank expression on Cas’s face. 
“Alright, enough is enough.” Cas regarded the younger vampire with a raised brow.
“What are you talking about?” Cas suddenly found himself on his feet, being dragged away.
“Time for you to stop sulking and get your girl back,” Seth said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. Cas forced the both of them to halt with a shake of his head.
“There’s no getting her back, Seth. She hates me,” Cas mumbled, staring at his boots. Seth rolled his eyes, shaking Cas by his shoulders.
“Snap out of it! You’re Cas Harlow, you never back down from a challenge!” Cas snorted at this.
“Even I know when to pick a hill to die on. Judith won’t even look at me, Seth. How can I even begin to make things right with her if she seems dead set on pretending I never existed?” Seth grinned.
“C’mon, Cas. You’re gonna show her that heart you have buried under years of teenage angst. Romance her, tell her how you really feel when you’re apart and when you’re together, show her that she matters.” Cas frowned, feeling more and more uncomfortable by the second.
It’s not like he didn’t show Judith how he felt about her. But that was more so through the Cas way. Seth was implying to show her Cassius. The human boy who he viewed as weak.
The human boy who longed for someone to love and for them to love him in return.
The human boy who was angry that girls would make fun him for being so lame and ugly. For being a weak pushover. 
Before he gave up on his dream of a peaceful life, he dreamed of being with a nice girl. Actually being able to take her out on a nice date where he should show parts of him that not even his parents knew.
When Cas turned, he was determined to keep that part of him hidden under lock and key. There was no one worthy to see that part of him. 
...no one except Judith.
“I... I’ll give it a shot. But you follow my lead on this. And never repeat this plan with anyone else unless you wanna be road kill.” Seth let out a laugh, listening to his friend’s plan to win back his girl.
“What in the seven hells...” Judith stared in shock at the sight of a outfit she doesn’t remember owning on her bed. It was a form fitting dark red off the shoulder dress that would end just above her knees. A simple pair of black ankle sandals laid neatly on the foot of her bed. Judith could spy a pair of medium gold hooped earrings, a few gold stack rings, and a gold necklace with a heart pendant.
A note was laid next to the dress.
‘Put me on before experiencing the night of your life.’ Judith rose a brow at this. The note was written in cursive, with pretty impressive penmanship. She couldn’t figure out who could’ve left this here.
A small frown marred the girl’s pretty features.
‘It couldn’t be Cas... could it?’
After breaking up with Cas, Judith ended up running back home in tears. She would never let someone see her so vulnerable. Not even her boyfriend.
Judith had been on the receiving quite a hard time from the girls from their school. When they found out that she was dating him, they would always say he wasn’t serious as she thought he was. That he welcomed all forms of attention, no matter if it was good or bad, and from anyone.
Judith tried to brush them off but after witnessing how he wouldn’t even tell them to back off made her worried that they were right. Him telling her that the extra attention wasn’t that serious only made her feel worse.
When that cheerleader kissed him, Judith felt as if her chest was caving in on itself. Cas asking if she was that insecure to handle competition with the girls at Crimson Beech High hit closer to home than she would like. Because she was that insecure. No boy had paid her any mind before Cas. She used to be the type to confess to a crush, but always walked away with people laughing at her after being embarrassed by the person she liked. She stuck to herself and preferred it.
But when Cas came into the picture, everything changed. At first, she wanted to hate him. She really did.
But something in her knew that she couldn’t.
Something about him piqued her interest. 
No matter how annoying he was or intimidating he tried to make himself be, Judith couldn’t turn away from him. When he started to opening up about his time as a human when they were in the ice cream shop, Judith didn’t see Cas. It was a glimpse of Cassius, a boy who burned so often by the world that he retreated into himself.
Judith knew she was developing feelings for him. She wouldn’t so willingly give him her first kiss if that wasn’t the case.
He made her feel wanted... special even, in his own way.
But after that incident, she believed that she wasn’t as special to him after all. Though with the dress and the note...
Could she be wrong?
‘It could be Gabriel...’ A shudder ran through her body at the thought.
Nope, not going down that rabbit hole.
Deciding to go along with... whatever this was... she decided to take a quick shower, do her normal skin routine, and put on the outfit. She opted to leave her hair down, which was in curls as she did them just a few days ago.
She eyed her vanity before shrugging. Nothing wrong with a bit a makeup.
She’s going on a mysterious date, might as well go all out.
With a some eyeliner, brows, mascara, a bit of highlight, and dark reddish brown lipstick, Judith studied herself in the mirror with a smile. With a spritz of her vanilla scented perfume, the girl stepped out.
“Wait a damn minute... I don’t know where I’m even going for this date,” she mumbled, slapping her forehead.
“And that’s where I come in.” Judith whirled around to find a grinning Seth. The younger vampire raised a cool eyebrow.
‘So it is Cas...’
“Since you’re here, it’s safe to assume that Cas is behind this,” she deduced. Seth kept grinning at her. Judith let out a sigh to hide her relief. She wasn’t ready to outwardly admit that maybe she was wrong about the Crimson Beech’s resident bad boy.
“So where are we going,” she asked instead. 
“I’m afraid I can’t tell you, but I’ll be escorting you there,” he replied walking up to finely dressed vampire. Seth forced himself not to smirk as he took the girl in.
‘Cas is gonna have a whole heart attack when he sees her...’
“C’mon, I’ll carry you. I would hate to ruin your killer look. Just keep your eyes closed, ‘kay?” Judith flushed at the compliment and allowed Seth to carry her bridal style. Judith gently pressed her face against his neck, closing her eyes as she felt Seth take off into the night.
“Judith, we’re here.” The girl popped up from her hiding spot, taking note of her surroundings. She recognized the spot to be where the party was held her first day at Crimson Beech High. The only difference was that there was rose petals and candles lit around the area, leading into the woods. Seth set the girl down as she took in the scene.
“Whoa, what is... Seth?” Judith only had her back turned to him for a second and he was already gone. Judith cursed under her breath as she stood alone. Judith could hear a song beat softly play around her.
“I swear I wake up baby thinking I see your face,
Everyday... I feel like I’m falling apart...” 
Judith’s ears perked up as the voice sung wistfully. It sounded foreign and yet, so aching familiar. 
A low longing, yet broken, timbre.
Captivated, she slowly followed the direction where the voice was coming from. Which funnily enough was lead by the rose petals and candles. As she walked, she noticed something hanging from a tree branch. As she got closer, it was a polaroid picture.
One she recognized.
It was a picture of her painting when she was still human. Cas snuck into her room while she was working on an assignment for her art class. She was wearing an old T-shirt that was falling off one of her shoulders. There was paint on her hands, arms, and legs seeing how she wasn’t wearing any pants.
She was painting a portrait of both her father and Cas. The two most important men that had ever held her heart.
“I saw your heart with each loving brush stroke,” she read the written words, which was surprisingly in the same cursive as the note found in her room. As Judith gaze on in the direction she heard Cas’s voice echo through the woods. There were more polaroid pictures hanging from the trees.
“Meet me halfway,
Without you I’m not alive... 
I wanna give you everything, baby,
All the time...
Just meet me halfway...” Judith felt her face flush as she listened to him sing. She never knew he could sing. Cas has caught her a number of occasions singing, which often embarrassed her. When she was still human, Cas would visit her at some odd hours of the night, asking her to sing him to sleep.
Despite the evident emotion and pain in his voice, his voice was rather soothing. 
Judith continued deeper in the woods, taking points to look at the pictures.
One where she wearing his leather jacket.
One of her eating ice cream.
One of her reading a book.
One of her napping on his bed.
Each had some kind of loving inscription on it. It almost felt surreal that it was actually Cas Harlow doing this.
“They say I’ll be okay,
But baby, I’m so torn apart... 
Here I go again [I’m talking to myself], 
The mess I’m in... 
Can’t you see its for real,
Without your love, I can’t survive~”
As Cas’s voice grew louder, Judith finally noticed where she was heading. It was the same clearing she first realized that he was a vampire. Most would’ve seen this to be unromantic, seeing how Cas could’ve very well killed her there. But to Judith, it was different.
This was where their story first began. Where she was beginning to learn the truth about him.
“I’m not tryna force a decision, 
But ever since you been gone... 
My heart’s been missing you, 
It’s true...
Been missing, you, you, you, you, you... 
Won’t you meet me halfway?”
Judith found more lights in the clearing. Transfixed, she walked into the clearing. More candle formed a wide circle, the petals surrounding them. In the middle of the circle, stood Cas.
He was wear black short sleeve dress shirt, a dark red tie to match her dress, black jeans, and his signature boots. Judith hid her knowing smile behind her hand. It wouldn’t surprise her if Seth wrestled him into something that wasn’t so casual for the occasion. Cas had his eyes on her the moment she walked into the clearing. She could hear the slight dip in his heartbeat before it sped up again.
He sung the next few lines in gentle tone, walking towards her,
“I swear I wake up baby, 
Thinking that I see your face
Everyday I feel like I’m falling apart...”
Judith could feel her heart increase to match his as he stood before her. Cas suddenly reached out to grab her hand, placing over his heart. He stared directly those honey brown eyes he fell in love with. Cas could feel a lump form in his throat as he fought back the tears.
“Meet me halfway!
Don’t put my heart on the line... 
I wanna give you everything~ 
All the time... 
Meet me halfway, 
Without you I’m not alive... 
I wanna give you everything, baby
All the time...
Just meet me halfway~”
Judith stared at the boy with wide eyes, making the usual unshakable bad boy more nervous he’s ever felt in his life. 
“Judith... say something, please,” he whispered, feeling emotionally raw. As he stood in the clearing waiting for Seth to signal that Judith was in the spot he told him, Cas felt like a wreck. He never exposed himself like this before.
Whose to say Judith wouldn’t laugh in his face or still reject him after he bared his soul to her?
But it was already too late when his phone pinged with a message from his mentee. Judith was nearby and if he wanted her back, he had to take a chance.
‘Only... was it enough?’ Tears started to fall down his cheeks, both out of embarrassment and frustration. He didn’t want to be without her anymore and he doesn’t know what else to do if this didn’t work.
“Cas...” The boy’s head snapped up at the sound of his name. Small hands cupped his face, bringing it closer to the girl’s level. An array of emotions flashed in her eyes, making it hard to figure out what she’s thinking.
Then he saw it.
A single tear escaping her eye, despite her steady gaze.
“How... how much do you mean what you said?” Cas rested his forehead against hers.
“I meant everything, Judith. Every last word, every last note, every emotion behind it,” he said softly. Judith threw her arms around him, hugging him tight. Cas letting out a shuddering breath, hugging her back with the same intensity. 
“I’m so sorry, Cas. I’m sorry...” he could hear the brokenness in her voice, causing him to hug her tighter.
“I should be the one apologizing. After all, I acted like a dumbass,” he mumbled. Judith pulled away slightly so she could look at him.
“But I should’ve been more clear with you. Those girls were targeting you on purpose. They... they told me that even though we’re in a relationship, you weren’t serious about it,” she said slowly. Cas cupped her face so she could look him in his eyes.
“Any relationship I had in the past was never serious to me. I would never let anyone as close to you that I let you did. You mean so much to me, Judith. I felt like you ripped my heart out when you broke up with me. I-I would dream of you... only to cry when I wake up because you weren’t really there. I’ll do better as a boyfriend, I promise. Please... let me be with you again,” Cas whispered. Judith’s breath hitched, eyes shimmering with unshed tears.
Faster than Cas could react, Judith’s lips were suddenly on his own. He closed his eyes and kissed her back.
The kiss wasn’t fast or rough. It was tender and slow. The both of them could taste the salt from each other’s tears. Judith had her arms around Cas’s neck, fingers finding his hair. Cas held her closer by her hips, not wanting a sliver of space to exist between them anymore. The pair could hear their heartbeats sync in tandem before pulling away for air.
“I... I want to be with you again, Cas. I love you,” Judith whispered, gazing up to find mercury colored eyes looking down at her. Cas smiled at her, nuzzling her neck.
“I love you too, Judith,” he mumbled against her sensitive skin. He felt the girl shudder in his arms as she let out a soft moan. Pulling away a bit, he reached into his pocket to pull out something. Judith’s honey colored eyes lit up before gazing up at the boy shyly.
‘He hung onto the tailsman all this time?’ Judith thought with a blush. She remembered how she coldly gave back his courting gift, despite the aching feeling she felt now that she could no longer feel his heartbeat drumming against her wrist.
“May I,” he asked, never breaking eye contact. Judith swallowed briefly before nodding. Cas gently took ahold of her wrist, easily finding the spot his tailsman was previously before clipping it on. Judith let out a soft sigh, happy to feel the connection of having Cas’s heartbeat close at hand once more. Cas leaned in and kissed her forehead.
“C’mon, our night is only getting started,” he mumbled. Judith regarded him with a curious look.
“I may or may not had Seth set up a picnic with food I made deeper in the woods,” he said, trying not to blush at Judith’s slow grin.
“Cas Harlow can cook? Oh, this I gotta see for myself,” she teased. Cas scowled to hide his embarrassment. 
“Oh, shut up. This was a back up just in case the song didn’t work. I know you can’t turn down free food,” he said with a smirk. Judith regarded him with a raised brow, as if to say “Yeah, right.”
“If you’re through, I believe you meant to feed me,” she drawled. Cas laughed, picking up his girl like a blushing bride. 
“Hang on tight,” he whispered. Judith placed a kiss on his pulse, making him shiver.
“Always.” The girl’s gleeful laugh could be heard throughout the woods as Cas raced to the next part of their date.
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Alright then, I have gathered a bunch of awesome quotes that sound cool but are actually from the weirdest sources. I hope that at least one of these quotes tickles your fancy.
“I’m a monument to all your sins.” -Halo
“I’ll do whatever you want. Then Perish.” Some weird Obama Hewwo Rp
“Violence for violence is the rule of the beasts.”-Obama from someone’s dream
“To be come god is the loneliest achievement of all time.” -Obama, from another person’s dream
“All knowledge is passed off that which we can not prove. Will you fight? Or will you perish like a dog?”
“I survived cause the fire inside me burned brighter than the fire around me.” Fallout New Vegas
“If the world chooses to become my enemy, I will fight like I always have.”-Shadow the Hedgehog
“I will face god and walk backwards into hell.” Twitter User @drill
“Do you think god stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he has created.” Spy kids
“Pick a god and pray.” Fire emblem
“Tonight you spoke with the devil, the devil looked a lot like you.” Someone on tumblr
“God may judge you but his sins outnumbered your own.” Don’t remember where this is from
“Kill me. Kill me and live with the memory. Then tell the stars you won.” Warrior cats
“You can not kill me in anyway that matters.” The mushroom post
I hope this helps you with your senior quote!
!!! I know this is a few days late because submissions for senior quote have already ended, but! I greatly appreciate this :)
Whenever that long post comes along with all the wild quotes tumblr has pulled together it's so fun to read through and see what's been created. All of these quotes tickle my fancy! Though you already know that I went with something different.
When it comes to things like that I prefer not to take it too seriously. Which. I'm aware is like. a much less vulnerable thing to do than the people who pick quotes that are genuinely meaningful to them or reflect themselves and share that with the world (limited world made of people who purchase that one specific yearbook). and I do find vulnerability important. But also it's a senior quote, it's not that serious and it's just the only time in my life I'll have a senior quote so. No biggy! I can be vulnerable and open in other ways, like sharing every single thought I've ever had on tumblr.
I had a point where was I going with this. Anyway. I appreciate the collection of quotes. While they weren't quite what I was looking for, I do still find these lovely and amusing to look through! So thank you for compiling them!
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weakforarwen · 2 years
Did anyone notice that when the characters of colour were enchanted, it's played for horror (like shade!Lancelot, possessed!Elyan & evil!Gwen) but when the white characters got enchanted, it's played for laughs (like Formorroh!Merlin, simpleton!Arthur and goblin!Gaius)? Sure, there is one exception when Arthur gets enchanted by Sophia, but the terror of having your consent taken away was never dealt with consistently & that really bugs me.
I'm sorry I forgot your ask! I think you sent it last week? I remember reading it, but then I immediately forgot about it, lmao. Sorry! At least you haven't been waiting that long?...
You make excellent points! And the way the narrative treated these incidents is kinda reflected in the audience's response to them. No one cared that Merlin tried to kill Arthur in that one episode, but Gwen deserved to die or worse for doing the same under the same circumstances (re: Morgana). The fandom just hates Gwen, I guess...
Furthermore, there are no consequences when the white characters are enchanted but the characters of color pay a heavy price. Lancelot died a traitor after first dying a hero. Gwen's character and life were ruined in 4.09, and she lost her brother and killed a man in season 5. Also, it was Elyan who nearly died in 4.07 though the other knights had been enchanted by Lamia too and he could've died (a traitor) in 4.10. And what's worse is that there was no resolution or justice for the characters. Morgana's involvement in 4.09 was never exposed, so neither Lancelot nor Gwen's characters were ever avenged - Lancelot was never spoken of again and Gwen had to live with the fact that she had deeply hurt and betrayed the person she loved and was loyal to the most for reasons she couldn't conceive. Also, she lost Elyan but wasn't allowed to grieve nor was she allowed to come to terms with nearly killing her husband, killing a man, and being controlled by Morgana for weeks. And Elyan nearly died and was possessed by the ghost of a boy in 4.08 and 4.10, but after Arthur saved the day in both episodes we didn't see him again - this is especially weird in 4.10.
Compare all that to when Merlin or Gaius were possessed - they learned the truth of what had happened to them and there were no consequences to their actions. When Arthur was enchanted to fall for Sophia and Vivian, it was more serious because he nearly died, but, in the end, no one thought less of him and he learned the truth of what had happened with Vivian at least. 1.07 is much darker than 2.10, but, at last, all was well. Neither episode ended like 4.09 or 5.06. And it's sad that there were no consequences to what Merlin did in 4.12, but nothing too horrible happened to Arthur anyway - he lost a bit of his dignity but what else is new - his honor was restored in the end.
There is also a huge difference in how the characters are treated when they're possessed. Merlin quickly realized that Arthur had been made to fall for Vivian and that Gaius had been possessed by the goblin; Arthur and Gaius weren't looked at with suspicion or accused of treason. And Gwen and Gaius figured out super quickly what had happened to Merlin so he was never accused of betraying the King. Arthur, Merlin, and Gaius were blameless and those who mattered knew it (with a few exceptions). Yet, when Elyan was possessed in 4.10, the Knights thought he was seeking revenge for his sister, and Arthur at one point feared it too, though it was obvious Elyan would never have done that. Although Merlin and Arthur learned the truth, his character was first put into question. Moreover, everyone thought Lancelot and Gwen had betrayed Arthur, and even Merlin never knew the truth about Gwen. And when Arthur saw Gwen with Morgana in 5.09, he kind of questioned her character at first (though that bit of dialogue is ambiguous). My point is, Gwen, Lancelot, and Elyan's morals and loyalties were questioned (and tarnished in the case of Gwen and Lancelot), yet Arthur, Gaius, and Merlin came out of it unscathed and were never accused of betraying the King.
Anyway, that was a really good observation, thanks for pointing it out! I hadn't really noticed it, but it's so obvious now you've said it. I'd noticed how the characters of color were treated on Merlin compared to the white characters but I hadn't made this particular association. I'm always happy to be enlightened and educated though.
Also, Merlin is fucking awful with consent. Poor Arthur had his taken from him multiple times and it was always played for laughs. I guess it's because he was a man, so being kissed by Sophia against his will, kissing Vivian, unknowingly fucking non-Gwen, and being toyed with by Merlin, were all played for laughs. Arthur never even learned the truth about Sophia and Merlin...
Thanks so much for the ask!
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marsdenlee · 1 year
A MEMORY: THEY'RE NOT EVEN LISTENING Synopsis: Mars, age 22 and living in a 1 bedroom apartment in the North Side of Chicago, tells his wife that he's quitting ballet. Soundtrack: Inside Voices by Too Close To Touch (tw argument, tw alcohol mention, tw implied assault, tw non-consensual acts)
"I did it. I can't believe I did it," he let out, half a laugh bubbling within his throat and escaping in a breath. His wife sat at the kitchen counter with a glass of red wine in one hand and her laptop open in the other. She often drank while studying, claimed it helped her focus and made her feel more mature, manifesting the lifestyle that she wanted where she was older in a nice house and reviewing legal notes for her actual case load instead of pretend ones for her classes.
"Did what?" She asked, sipping her wine, setting it down carefully so the glass didn't clink too loudly against the faux granite countertop. She couldn't help but start to mirror his smile, it had been a while since she'd seen it that big, the last few days and even weeks he'd been so serious, focusing on his interview and performance for the new ballet company he had been applying for. "Did you get in?" Anticipated excitement rising.
Mars blinked, "Well. Yes, but--"
"That's great, honey!" She cheered and stood up, moving around the kitchen counter island to grab him a wine glass from the cabinet, "We should celebrate!"
"No," Mars stepped forward, stopped her hands from opening the cabinet doors and held them within his own, long slender fingers decorated only by a silver wedding band on his left hand, "No, that's not it. I quit," and he smiled, broad and wide as if it was something to be proud of but she didn't understand and her brows furrowed.
"What do you mean you quit? You just said you got in?"
Mars squeezed her hands, "I did but I'm done. I don't want to do it anymore. I told you I was thinking about quitting and I did it. Starting tomorrow I'm a free man." Finally, finally, after years, he could be free and he waited, searching her face for a positive reaction but all she did was pull her hands out from his.
"I don't understand. I thought you wanted to work for this new company. I mean, why even apply if you weren't going to do it?" She questioned, confused and agitated. "What happened?"
"Nothing happened," he responded a bit too quickly, too defensively, body stiffening in response. "I told you already. Weren't you listening?" And he repeated it again though he'd told her countless times before though with a bit more ice and pent up malice in his tone, "I don't want to do ballet anymore."
She exhaled harshly, "Why not? Did something happen? Whatever it is you can just apologize--" Mars scoffed "--What?" She snapped at him.
"Why do you automatically assume it's something I did?" Mars questioned her sharply, moving around her to put some space between them but she followed.
"Because you've been so weird lately. Talking about quitting, saying you hate ballet when you love it. You've worked towards this your entire life and you're just going to let it all go to waste? Are you really going to be that petty that you'd purposefully ruin the rest of your life?"
"I'm not being petty," Mars replied, jaw tense, muscles flexing as he pulled open the fridge and peered inside though he wasn't looking at anything in particular and reached in on impulse to grab a beer can. "And I don't love ballet. I hate it," he slammed the door and cracked open the beer can, alcohol fizzing and foaming out the opening at the top, "I hate da fucking hours. I hate da fucking outfits. I hate da fucking wood floors and da goddamn mirror. Da stupid fucking mirror. If I never step foot into another studio again for da rest of my life I'd die happy." If he never saw his reflection again either he'd be even happier.
"What the fuck wrong with you?" She questioned, voice inevitably rising to match his volume.
"Da fuck is wrong with me?" He shouted her words back at her, anger rising like battery acid, sour at the back of his throat, throwing the beer can into the sink where it exploded in a spray of bitter alcohol, "Da fuck is wrong with you? Why can't you just fuckin' support me? Why isn't anyone listenin' to me? Why doesn't anyone fucking believe me when I say I'm done?" Everything coming out like a tidal wave, "I hate this. I hate myself. I'm fucking suffocating. How come when I say no it doesn't mean anythin'? Why ain't my no good enough? Why can't I say no? It's supposed to mean somethin' but it-- an' ya ain't listenin' to me. I keep sayin' I want to stop. I don't wanna do dis anymore, I don't--" his hands scrambled over his body, tearing off his jacket and throwing it across the room as sobs erupted out from somewhere deep within his belly, he'd shoved down his feelings for so many years and kept them locked up inside of a chest within himself but it was overflowing and the hinges were breaking, emotion leaking out from between the seams and into his daily life until now where it reached a point where it could no longer be contained and it all came rushing out and he was powerless and weak from fighting it that he could do nothing against the onslaught now but let it out not even capable of holding himself upright so he slumped to the floor, collapsing like all the air and life was sucked out from his body as his lungs and shoulders heaved with a tidal wave of unfelt feelings that now demanded to be felt.
His wife stood by, not knowing what to do. She'd never ever seen him break down like this before in their entire life of knowing each other, had never seen him cry this deeply. It was terrifying, watching someone she had always known to be her rock suddenly fall into pieces in front of her eyes, like he was shattering and all she felt capable of doing was to stand there and watch as the man she loved fell apart, unable to pick the pieces up and glue them back together. She tried but the movements felt awkwardly mechanical and without feeling, kneeling down to his level where she reached out, trying to wrap her arms around him but he flinched away from her touch.
"Don't touch me," he cried out in between whimpering sobs, "Don't touch me."
So she didn't and held her knees instead, fingers squeezing against bare skin, "I don't know what you want me to do," she said quietly and he couldn't answer her.
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