#looking for match | mun speaks
aeongstarss · 1 year
a cherry petal / somun x fem!reader
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a/n: hi again! this is my second fic I've written! this one is more of a one shot. I hope you all enjoy! comments and requests are open!
warnings: none
genre/type: fluff, y/n, fast pace, unexpected first date
wc: 1k
title track: no problem - dvwn
You wake up from your deep sleep and look out the window. It’s a bright day. The sun is out, the sky is a vibrant blue and birds are singing. You reach for your phone to remind your friend, Hana, about your day at the aquarium together. 
“Hana! Today is the aquarium! Are you getting ready?” 
No answer after 10 minutes. You jump in the shower assuming she hasn’t woken up yet. After your shower you check your phone once more and see her notification. 
“Y/N. I’m really sorry but I woke up this morning with a pounding headache. I don’t think I’ll be able to make it.” 
You sigh at the lit-up screen and set your phone down. You check your tickets to see if they’re refundable. They’re not. You spent $35 each on these tickets, you’re just not not gonna go. You throw on some light makeup and an outfit to match the weather. The aquarium is about a 45-minute bus ride away. So you grab your purse and head out the door, without Hana by your side. 
You reach the bus stop, you look up and see the bus doors hissing open and you stand to go find a seat. You step up the steep stairs and find that the bus is packed. You find the closest open seat you can. You sit down and throw your head back, looking out the window, preparing to put in your headphones. Just then, you feel a weight sit beside you and hear a man's voice yelling in a whisper shout. 
“Are you canceling on me? I’m already on the bus!” silence follows “Alright, I understand. I hope you feel better.” the voice says. You think to yourself, "wow is everyone getting sick and avoiding the aquarium today?" You notice an obvious annoyment in the man's loud sigh. You turn to him, in an attempt to start small talk over your similar situation. “Friend cancel?” you speak up. The man jerks his neck towards you and nods with his eyes looking down. “Me too. She said she had a headache this morning.” His eyes look up and widen, “My friend said the exact same thing! Maybe there’s a virus going around.” You laugh, “I was just thinking that.”
The 45 minute bus ride passes and you arrive at the aquarium. You step off the bus, and the man steps off behind you. “Well, it was nice to meet you! Uh..” He giggles, “Somun. You can call me Mun.” he says. You smile, “Mun... I’m Y/N. I hope you have a good time while you're here! These tickets weren’t cheap.” you say. Somun lets out an awkward laugh and looks at the ground, “Well uhm… since both of our friends canceled. I was wondering if you maybe… wanted to go together?” he says shyly. Your face grows pink and you pause for a moment. You eventually nod with a smile. Somun smiles and motions for you two to walk to the entrance. 
After about 2 hours of walking around the huge aquarium; you two reach his favorite exhibit, the jellyfish. While walking beside you, he points at the glowing jellyfish. You must admit, they are beautiful. He smiles at them and you two walk side by side admiring them. As you walk, you feel a brush against your hand. It took you by surprise and you look down and see his hand brushing yours. Your face grows pink once again. You return the action to him, hoping he takes the hint. He stops in his tracks, and looks at you with his hand out. You look at his open hand and slowly intertwine your fingers with his. You smile while thinking to yourself “Thank you Hana for getting a sudden headache.” curling in your lips on excitement.
As the trip comes to an end, you are at the main attraction. Outside, there is a extravegant garden and waterfall, along with a 75 foot tall cherry blossom tree. You and Somun walk hand in hand to the tree and admire the spring decorations placed upon the exhibit. You stare at the trees' beauty in awe with glistening eyes. You turn to Somun and smile and sigh. “Thank you Mun. Maybe our friends canceling on us was supposed to happen.” you say through a laugh. He smiles and nods in agreement. You two lock eye contact while standing under the large tree. He lets go of your grasp and moves his hand to your face, closing his eyes. You reciprocate his action and close your eyes, leaning in. Your lips clash, sharing a soft, passionate kiss. The wind blows, making the petals fall atop you. You pull away for a moment to smile, but before you get the chance, Somun pulls you back to him. 
You two pull away and laugh. Somun grabs your hand and guides you back towards the entrance of the garden. 
You and Somun get off at your stop and exchange numbers. You smile at him, and hug him goodbye. You wave him goodbye and start to walk away. About 30 seconds into your walk you hear footsteps running behind you. You turn around and suddenly feel Somun’s arms wrapped around you, clashing his lips with yours. You pull away and laugh. “I just wanted to kiss you again.” Somun says. You roll your eyes playfully and smack his chest. “Goodnight Somun.” you say. He laughs, “Goodnight, Y/N.” You smile and make your way back to your apartment. 
You enter the apartment and take off your makeup while slipping into comfortable pajamas. You plop onto your bed, reaching your phone to text Hana. 
“Hana.. Thank you for having a headache. I just had the best first date.”
You sigh, but this time out of happiness and excitement. You put your phone down for about a second until you hear it vibrate. You turn your head to look at it and see a text from Somun. "Coffee tomorrow?"
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How would you’d describe your voice? Like what do you think it sounds like?
I’ve never heard your voice before so I sort of imagine it to be on the more childish and peppy side
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// mun speaking here but yeah!! here's her headcanon voices for her :]!! I got the idea of Rie Takahashi because I was watching Oshi No Ko (dw I was a fan before... THAT CHAPTER released.). Her voice fits the peppy, high pitched but not too annoying, energetic and cute tone for oc!strawberry shortcake cookie!! also her cover of chiisana koi no uta is beautiful ;v;
// As for Lizzie Freeman, it was from Digital Circus haha. I had a feeling Pomni's pitch is perfect and I looked up the VA's other roles and it matches how I'd imagine oc!strawberry shortcake cookie would sound!! Lizzie's voice is absolutely radiant in her other roles ^^!!
// idk abt other languages so please don't comment on that as I'm not too familiar with it
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Hiiiii matchmaker! I'd like to request one if that's okay!🙈🙉🙊
i am a entp and a libra and my friends tell me im very funny and sometimes obnoxious. But a lot of the times my brand of funny is roasting and being mean (not toxic mean, I don't hurt other people). i make friends really easily and im reliable. any job you give me, ill give it my best and bring you great results. though sometimes i can go into deep slumps and become lazy. I enjoy arguments like productive debate and MUN.
my love language is acts of service. i rarely get outwardly angry, mainly i just keep everything bottled up so as to not cause any drama. i love trying out different fashion styles and as for my appearance....i have short brown hair and green eyes and im 5'5 in height. My pronouns are they/them and I'd like to get paired with a male character.
You certainly may ^^ and I'll match you up on a blind date with...
(trying to avoid big manga spoilers)
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Yosuga Musyogatake
Yosuga is a driven and passionate man, who is looking for an opinionated and fiery spouse for himself, because he wants them to challenge him, and him to be able to challenge them in return.
Overall Yosuga is a laid back man, and has some friendly banter with his friends, but he also has their backs when push comes to show. He's also able to work/fight alongside others, but is more of a loner, who has a somewhat solitary fighting style. And he has also determined that for himself, it's best to be a ronin/fighter than a shogun, which showcased his ability to self-reflect.
He is a goal oriented person, and works better through things that are tangible and straight forward; acts of service, or tasks. While he might be able to self-reflect, he's not that much about talking about emotions, but his methods of dealing with things are much more forward. This doesn't mean that he would be incapable of a conversation, just that he prefers to let actions speak for themselves.
You two would be able to be go getters, and achieve milestones together, while having friendly banter and teasing
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writtenxbeginnings · 7 months
What are the trends when it comes to writing that you adore?
What are trends when it comes to writing that you dislike?
Questions For The Mun --- Answering for @smiletimeisrunningout
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Okay, so this may be the worst question for someone like me, because I'm not really sure what all 'trends' there are. I will try to do it, though, so I'm sorry if I don't quite get it.
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I like banners that people have started to use - hence why I made some of my own! I think they're cute and a good way to break up a big block of writing. I like when people bold their speaking parts, it's made it easier for me to find which parts to reply to, and which part is description. I can't always match it, but I love people that will write an equal amount of inner thoughts, and actions both happening in the scene. It gives me more to work on and it makes it easier to match the length!
As for what I dislike (and none of these are things I avoid or judge others for, I promise I'm not an ass) - I dislike changing colors in a post, I feel like it can clash/not really show up on other people's blogs and it can make it hard to read. I dislike the reeallly little Icons only because it makes it hard for me to see. I dislike writing in first person - and even then, I understand if other people do. I started out writing that way, but I can't do it anymore. Third person just feels and reads so much more smooth for me. I dislike the really small sentences. If something is only a few words, try to expand, and even then every now and then is fine! But if your entire paragraph is like 'He looked at her. It was weird. They walked down the hallway', it just makes it hard to read and really stilted for my brain.
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🎃 Halloween Costume Contest 🎃
Results and Announcement
(mun note: updated roster)
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"Greetings once more, my beloved audience. I can already hear your pleas to announce the results of our recent matches. We have witnessed how passionate our contestants are about their outfits. But of course, only one shall proceed to the next round from each match.
Thus, I shall cease the wait and declare the winners!"
► Round 2, Game 4
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"My, this is quite an unexpected result. While we've seen our magical girl, Tsukine (@lawain-dimensional-heroes), in her talent for disguises, it appears that her opponent, the Black Rock Shooter (@stalwartembers) exceeded a vote. Thus, this mysterious girl is the winner and shall proceed to the next round.
Do not lose hope yet, dear Tsukine. I can already see that you'd be able to rise up again in our redemption bracket."
► Redemption Bracket - Round 1, Game 4
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"As for our redemption bracket, looks like the... sailor boy, Oliver (@totalintersectiongroup) also won this round. C-Congratulations! You'll also proceed to the next round. For Mr. Akeboshi (@multimuse-citadel), we appreciate that you've joined this prestigious event. We hope that you've at least enjoyed staying with us."
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"I would also like to declare a very important announcement to all of you. First is... the roster!"
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"What you're seeing right now is the current lineup for the next round. We had to realign some of these matches to... avoid certain conflicts. And yes, there will be a round wherein there will be three contestants facing each other in the same match. Isn't this more interesting?
Speaking of contestants, there will be another guideline that I believe they'll like. To our remaining contestants, each of you will be allowed to have a companion to join you in each match. Your partner will also be in a costume, whichever you prefer.
Of course, it is not required. You may still choose to compete on your own accord if you are a solo performer. Either way, this will spice up the contest more, no?
That's all for me now. I hope we see each other again in the next match~"
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For Veturas (or to the mun if he can't answer smh), but other than your beloved wife: Are there any other gods/goddesses you consider friends? If not, then do you have a good opinion about them as an individual overall? Are there any you wouldn't mind making friends with?
THANK YOU!!! Unprompted. Always accepting!
The gyrfalcon stares unblinkingly at you from its perch on a branch. Moments pass. You shiver, waiting for an answer, but the silence stretches on. Your breath clouds in the frigid air. You feel stupid; maybe this animal is not the Winter God, but just an animal after all? What are you doing here, standing in the middle of a frozen forest talking to a bird in the hopes that it would respond to your naive questions? Asking a god about friends... The notion of its ridiculousness hits you suddenly and you huff, wiping the frost from your lashes and turning to leave. The snow crunches underneath your feet.
There's a flutter of feathers -- the falcon follows.
You've heard the stories. The abyssal gods are the cruel, unpredictable kind, and even the Cold One is not free of viciousness. Few dare to actually enter his domain, for fewer ever return alive. The raptor's gaze is sharp as it glides in lazy circles far above your head. You keep your eyes down, fixed on the trail of your own footsteps.
You are lucky the snowfall is not heavy, nor early. The prints have not filled in yet.
Just as you reach the edge of the forest, where the ice-covered altar of the Winter God quietly stands, the silver falcon swoops slow and wide, fluttering to a halt right beside the marble structure. Wings and tail become a cloak, feathers become skin and hair. He is tall, far taller than you anticipated. One hand seems chiseled out of Everice, matching the frozen pauldron on his shoulder. His hair is the same silver as the feathers that had adorned his body only moments prior, and the silverwood mask of a snow leopard obscures half his face. You find yourself wondering what color his eyes are -- people say many things: that he inherited the eyes of the Abyss like his brothers, that his eyes are the deepest blues of the most beautiful nymph to have ever lived, that his eyes are like ice crystals, and clear, that his eyes rival the Northern Lights themselves. Only when the head of Veturas, Father of the Auroras turns to you do you realize you are staring, and you quickly look towards the ground and grip your coat tighter, the blood roaring in your ears.
You are either very lucky, or about to die, standing just beyond the border of his domain.
There is silence once again.
Then the god sighs, and you feel it in your bones more than you hear it.
Friends... His voice is raspy and hoarse, as if unused for a long time. It reminds you of the shifting and echoing cracks of a lake that's been frozen solid. Only a mortal would ask that of a god. The words scrape around in your skull, bringing a headache. You feel as though you ate something cold, numbing the roof of your mouth. You steal a glance upwards; his lips do not move as he speaks.
When the gods laugh and celebrate, I slumber. When they bicker, I do not participate. When they call for me, I do not answer. I spurn the Sun with my wakefulness. The Wind lost parts of his domain to me. I have no interest in mingling with the arrogant and vengeful. Only to Spring do I yield; only Life do I greet.
The god steps forward soundlessly, and you feel the air chill further around you. You flinch and keep your gaze fixed to your feet as he brushes past like a frigid gust, heading into the forest. When you feel brave enough to look back, all that's left is the rattling of the trees in the wind. You still feel the throbbing pain of his voice in your head.
And only the Moon and Innocence do I love.
You remain rooted to the spot for a while before finding the will to move, stumbling forth on shaky legs back home. The sun is setting soon, but fortunately the wolves seem absent tonight.
Congratulations. You encountered Veturas, God of Winter, in a good mood. Next time you may not be so lucky.
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unite-battle-network · 10 months
Ready up, battle fans: Interview with social media celebrity Nina Vievin
From Mewtube and Tinkatok to our very own Mewnite Battle Network (eh?), the Chucklefvcks found the time in their busy days to come for a chat! Watch the full video h̲e̲r̲e̲ in all its glory.
\\guest writer @poke-muns / @ferrunough. Nina is their character, once they post nina's info i'll link it. this also counts as credit for stealing their ooc barriers because oo trophee looking//
( Lawrence is sat in the usual right-side chair. He is as professional as ever, paying no notice to his interviewee being a Greedent. In all fairness, the Greedent is sat very politely. )
Lawrence: Battle fans, hello, hello! I am Lawrence Renfield, the Unite Battle Network’s go-to guy for making special content just for you and today I have managed to snag a treat of an interview–
( The Greedent waves at the camera and squeaks. In the blink of an eye a redhead leaps up from behind it's chair and swings her arms around the back. The pokémon is unfazed. Lawrence is certainly fazed. )
Nina: HIIIYA!!
( She cackles and scratches the Greedent's head. Lawrence, meanwhile, recovers. )
Lawrence: –the Chucklefvcks themselves, Nina Vievin and Chuckles! Are you going to stay standing?
Nina: Nahhh, I'll come down. If he'll let me.
( Chuckles, on cue, looks directly up to Nina. He reaches into his neck fur, retrieves a berry, and offers it to her. She shakes her head. Chuckles hops off the chair and sits between the two chairs to munch on the oran himself as Nina swiftly takes his seat. )
Lawrence: Please don't stain the carpet... So, Nina! This is 3 years in the making?
Nina: ... Oh fuck I guess– wait can I swear on here?!
( Lawrence looks to the cameraman. )
Cody: I mean, they are called "the chucklefucks".
Lawrence: ...we will see in editing.
Nina: I'll try be clean. But, uhhhh, OH YEAH. 6 if you count B.C.
Lawrence: B..?
Lawrence & Nina: Before Chuckles.
( Nina nods as the Greedent looks to both of them. He resumes eating quickly. )
Lawrence: What was life like B.C.?
( Nina and Lawrence laugh. )
Nina: It was fine I guess? Like I battled but only really as something to do. Got bored of it for a while. Stopped and then I got Chuckles.
Lawrence: What got you back into battling then?
Nina: CHUCKLES! Someone let slip Skwovet are legal and he would not let me anywhere near the place without going for a battle. I started enjoying it once we changed his build to be very tanky–
Lawrence: Once you discovered you could troll people?
Nina: Pretty much, yeah. Once I discovered I could really piss people off– SORRY.
( Lawrence shakes his head with a strained smile. Nina awkwardly laughs while covering her face, sliding down in her chair. Lawrence takes a breath to regain his composure. )
Lawrence: Was your immediate thought "I can make content from this" or did the online stuff come after?
( Nina pushes herself back up enthusiastically. )
Nina: Nah, the vids came after a Tinkatok of Chuckles wiping the same Wigglytuff twice went viral. The maker was a teammates girlfriend who was up with us in the-the-the... bits where we watch and talk from!
Lawrence: Stands?
Nina: No clue. Probably. The end of it caught the WIgglytuff trainer's reaction and the joy that it brought me, I had to keep going!!
( Lawrence chuckles and flips through his notes cards. )
Lawrence: I cut you off earlier, by tanky you mean?
Nina: Loads of bulk, high HP, high attack, decent speed for a Greedent. People did not like it when, like, a turret just follows them as they try retreat. It's very fun!!
Lawrence: Did not and do not based on your last match.
( Nina begins cackling and kicking her feet. Her laugh devolves into crazed wheezing; Chuckles waddles over to the edge of her chair. With tears in her eyes, she strokes his head to calm herself. Lawrence has stopped laughing by this point and seems greatly concerned. Nina's voice is still croaky when she speaks. )
Nina: I'm good, I'm good. Heeeh... The Decidueye guy was soo p– malding.
Lawrence: I take it you're enjoying your time in the professional world?
Nina: I'm acclimating. I get to still screw with people. While I'm still quite low tier at least. As long as it doesn’t hinder teammates. I think we're getting better at actually playing. Chuckles' got mvp a few times, scored like 200 at some point.
Lawrence: Impressive!
( To show his enthusiasm he looks to Chuckles, who completely ignores him. )
Lawrence: Right... Uh, how much time..? One last question alright with you?
Nina: Yep, go head!!
Lawrence: How are you going to deal with the fans outside who know you’re here?
Nina: A good Bullet Seed spray should help!
( Nina giggles and Chuckles finally takes his attention off of food long enough to join in. )
Lawrence: Haha, that’s legally a joke, right?
Nina: Yes, yeah, obvi. I can spend a bit of time outside the place signing stuff. Don’t wanna clog your hallways. Chuckles’ll give berries to everyone he can.
Lawrence: I’ll be sure to watch from the windows. Thanks for joining us today, Nina. And you, Chuckles.
Nina: Anytime, it’s been a blast!
( Chuckles squeaks in agreement. He looks at Nina with his paws close to his tail fur. )
Nina: OHOH!!! What kind of berries do you like?
Lawrence: Uh… Wepear.
Cody: Do you happen to have any topo?
( Chuckles roots around in his tail until he finds a pale berry with a dark centre. As he throws it behind the camera, he take a wepear out and places it on the interviewer’s lap. Lawrence tentatively moves it onto the table beside him. )
Cody: Thank you!
Lawrence: Yes, thank you. And thank you, battle fans for watching this interview! Links to the Chucklefvcks’ socials will be below. If you want more behind-the-scenes content or battle clips, check them out here on our website or find them on our rotomblr blog! I’m Lawrence from the UBN, we’ll talk later!
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tenfoldrage · 9 months
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indie, mutuals only, low activity blog for the tenth & fourteenth doctors from do.ctor wh.o as loved by denise. please read the rules below & the google doc before interacting. est. dec. 2018, rev. dec. 2023, re-rev. may 2024
about playlist. music taste. pinterest board. headcanon tag.
MAINS: @isbrilliant (donna noble), @carbondated (river song), @yoakkemae (martha jones)
ONE. Basic rules apply. Don’t godmod my muse, don’t nag me for replies, don't be gross, & don’t forceship. I don’t tolerate any kind of bigotry here & I will block on sight if I see it. Zionists DNI.
TWO. This blog will have low/slow/sporadic activity because I have ADHD & depression & I’m also a full-time college student. There will likely be periods of time of varying lengths with little to no ic activity.
THREE. Please note that my portrayal of the Doctor exclusively uses THEY/THEM PRONOUNS, thank you!
FOUR. The PSDs I’m using on this blog are called Baby Blues & A Little Wicked, both by honeypsd. The icon border & divider I use is called Starry Kisses by lavenderph. The graphic in this post is called Lost Cause my niixzee.
FIVE. DM me if you need me to tag anything: due to the nature of the muse, this blog will contain triggering themes such as death, grief, suicidal ideation, genocide, war, & more. Triggers will be tagged as [#trigger tw]. My only triggers are se.xu.al as.sau.lt & ped.ophi.lia.
SIX. This blog will not be spoiler-free: follow at your own risk.
SEVEN. This blog is not affiliated with Doctor Who, the BBC, David Tennant, or Big Finish Productions. However, my portrayal & my headcanons are my own: please refrain from taking them for yourself.
EIGHT. My portrayal of the Doctor is canon-divergent. I'd love to discuss alternatives to certain canon events with other muns who are down for it.
NINE. Please understand that I am mutuals-only for my own comfort & sanity. This means that I will only write with blogs that I follow and who follow me in return. Do not interact with my writing calls if we do not follow each other.
TEN. If I follow you & you have no interest in interacting, please hard-block me so I know where we stand & don't accidentally follow again.
ELEVEN. Tumblr DMs can be annoying to use, so I give my Discord to mutuals upon request.
TWELVE. I write in the third person. I use small text and italics/bold. I use icons with borders. I do not expect my writing partners to do this, I just think it looks nice. All I ask is that you trim your posts & continue asks in a new thread. I also tend to write multi-para replies. No one really needs to match length so much as give me something to work with.
THIRTEEN. I am OC and duplicate friendly! Throw your OCs at me. The only exceptions are OC children of the Doctor, which I will be rather selective about.
FOURTEEN. I’m super interested in throwing the Doctor into all sorts of crossovers. I am familiar with Good Omens, much of the MCU, Legend of Zelda (BOTW + TOTK), Fire Emblem (3H), the Borderlands Franchise, IT (Stephen King), Detroit: Become Human, Baldur’s Gate 3, DnD 5e, Lucifer, & more.
FIFTEEN. I will not ship with anyone unless our characters have some sort of chemistry going on & we have had words about it ooc. It's unlikely to happen but not impossible. I will not write romantic ships with anyone under 18. I also don’t really want to ship the Doctor with any muse who isn’t at least 22. While both mun & muse are of age, there will be no smut on this blog. The Doctor really could not be bothered— they’re ace.
SIXTEEN. This blog is multiverse, so unless otherwise discussed between muns, all interactions with different blogs are considered to be separate universes, so to speak.
SEVENTEEN. I probably won’t be reblogging many ask memes here because I always end up accumulating too many & getting overwhelmed. The best way to interact is by liking starter calls or by plotting! In fact, plotting is my lifeblood & I will rarely write without it. So don't be shy to hop into my DMs! I promise I don’t bite.
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orangetintedglasses · 2 years
sketti and vash's mobile-friendly rules and reminders!
( Hello! Sketti here with a little mini rules post, so people don't have to fish up my carrd, or if said carrd invokes a bit of eyestrain on mobile. Just keeping some of the more important stuff handy for folks!
Mun and Muse are 25+. Muse is of unknown-but-very-much-adult age, and Mun is 30! Mun is also she/they!
I definitely prefer to write with people 21+. It's nothing personal at all but I am literally 30. Please don't interact with me if you're a minor.
My timezone is EST, and I'm only usually around starting at about 8:30PM-9PM until 12AM-1AM on weekdays. Anything I don't reply to is in drafts!
After a bit of trial and error, it seems like I try to match my partner's writing style in reply posts! So write how you want!
I am using the beta-editor and cannot change it, apparently. If you can't trim your posts but are using the beta-editor, I'll trim the post no problem~! If I can't trim my reblog off your post, I'll let you know!
If you're a multi-muse interested in interacting, please DM me and specify with which muse or muses you wanna introduce to Vash!
No god-modding, no forceshipping, no drama, anti-call out post unless it's someone hurting people with proof, etc. Be respectful and I'll do the same.
Triggers will be appropriately tagged, but I am human. I am absolutely fine with being prodded (nicely) if I accidentally heck it up.
Speaking of, I have a blanket tag for that kind of thing! Blacklist LOOK AWAY;; to hide anything I might have with more than a handful of triggers! I'll try to put that kind of content under Read Mores, or moving it to Discord.
Until Stampede stops posting new episodes, Saturday is ICON DAY. Replies will be slower due to me updating my reserve of icons!
Vash is non-human and is both very perceptive and capable, despite how he presents himself. I will never use this to insta-hit another muse, but I can and will use it to occasionally dodge or non-lethally counter.
Muse opinions and thoughts do not reflect that of the Mun!
And finally, I'm just here to have fun. I love angst and messing with my boy here, but I also like fluff, and fun stuff, and silly anon asks. If we vibe? Good luck dealing with my shenanigans. > V<
And that about covers it! And as a bit of a side-bar, I am more than willing to exchange Discords if we vibe well, but due to a pretty recent personal issue, I don't have it set to auto-login anymore and often forget about it. If we add each other and I'm on Tumblr but you wanna talk on Discord, feel free to ping me here and tell my forgetful butt to get on! )
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abysspetaled · 1 year
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  independent, highly selective, 𝕞𝕦𝕥𝕦𝕒𝕝𝕤 𝕠𝕟𝕝𝕪 honkai: star rail 𝕝𝕦𝕠𝕔𝕙𝕒 𝕣𝕡 𝕓𝕝𝕠𝕘. nsfw themes present. iconless for now. mun & muse are 21+.
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                              est 07/2023. sideblog to @aeviare.                                              𝕝𝕠𝕧𝕖𝕕 𝕓𝕪 𝕥𝕚𝕗𝕗!                                         adoring @sixpetaled                 google doc under construction! rules under read more!
                     𝔭𝔩𝔢𝔞𝔰𝔢 𝔯𝔢𝔞𝔡 𝔯𝔲𝔩𝔢𝔰 𝔟𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔢𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔦𝔫𝔤!
1. Basics
Hi! This blog is a sideblog to @aeviare! So all follows/follow backs will be from that blog.
My name is Tiff! 25+! My pronouns are she/her. I’ve been rping on Tumblr since 2012! I have a full time job && a small business, so my activity may be spotty at best. I come and go as I please because roleplaying to me is only a hobby! 
Because we don't have the full story of Luocha, a lot of lore and things will be headcanon based. I will probably evolve as more comes out-- maybe.
2. Writing Specifics!
At this time I'll be focusing more on those within the H:SR and Genshin fandoms. Luocha is a new muse for me so I'm still figuring out his voice! Since this blog is still new, I'll be starting off iconless. As time progresses, I'll be making some icons, but I don't have the time or energy at the moment to do them. My writing lengths vary from short, to paras, to sometimes novellas. There's never a requirement to match my length.
Because Tumblr hates its userbase, I'll be writing strictly with Beta Editor and xKit Reworked's Trim Reblogs.
3. Etiquette!
Basic etiquette is expected for writing with me. Meaning, please don't godmod! I will never write your muse for you, I'd appreciate the same respect.
As for drama or callouts, please don't drag me into things that have nothing to do with me. Do not police me in who I can or cannot speak to. I'm an adult, I can make my own decisions. If there's an issue with a person and you're concerned for my wellbeing, please address it with me in DMs.
4. Shipping!
I am a multi-ship whore! Although, for Luocha, I prefer speaking OOC and plotting, as I am still figuring out his character. Please do not force ship me into anything.
My main ship with him at this moment is with Blade (is this based completely off of their team comp synergy? yes.. and also because Blade is daddified beta red Xiao and Luocha is Aether if he looked his age, I said what I said.) But I am very open to exploring different types of relationships with most of the H:SR characters.
Most of the NSFW on this blog will be of a sexual nature, but can also pertain to gore or violence. If you do not want to view those things, please blacklist "suggestive cw" and "nsfw cw".
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team-sanvich2 · 1 year
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Second post of this series but the first to talk about a member of the RED team.
Given that we have the video of Meet the Sniper and some comics as well as fun facts on trading cards from canon, and my own headcanons, I will combine the two into one hopefully cohesive story that could be a good backstory for Mick Mundy.
The story under Read More and spoilers for the Mann vs. Machine comics if you are interested in reading those.
TW: Animal death
Mick Mundy, or Mun-dee as he was originally named by his New Zealand parents, grew up in the Australian desert with some proximity to the bush, where he and his father would sometimes go to hunt for animals so his mom had something to cook. Mick also had a family Dog, a female beagle named Brave that his mother found in the city as a young woman, and the dog would not only follow Mick to the bush with his father to collect animals but whenever Mick went exploring anywhere outside of the family home, making sure he didn't leave the property without his parents and acting aggressively when Mick would go out at sunset.
Australia had its fair share of legends and strange occurrences, but the way Brave would act made it seem like something was out there to get the family and she saw herself as a guard dog, even if Mr. Mundy would argue with his wife over and over that "the stupid dog" was acting out due to being in heat, even if Ms. Mundy would tell him over and over that she was spayed and moreover, Brave seemed to be always looking at one spot far away in the distance, where a lone spot full of trees and plant life lived, isolated from the bush, it felt unnatural but no one gave it mind, no one except Brave and Mick.
One night, Mick took his bike outside and pedaled to the isolated forest, not knowing that he had woke up Brave, who later woke up his parents with her excessive barking, who called the authorities once they realized their son was missing, and Brave, being the stubborn dog that never listened to the father of the family, took off at full speed to look for the young boy.
Mick arrived at the forest and realized that his dog might have been onto something, for the trees, the water, and even the animals, were all fake, they were cardboard cutouts with audio recorders glued to them to mimic the sounds of nature. Whoever did this, was hiding something, and would probably not hesitate to hurt Mick's family.
Further into the forest was an odd structure, a small cabin that had a single door, opening that revealed that what was outside did not match the inside. The cabin outside was a mere mask that hid a huge storage facility with various unknown creatures he had never seen unless you counted books of the local folklore.
There were Kangaroos with man-like features, a pale man chewing on a skull, chimps the size of a human adult, skeleton birds, shark men, and many other creatures. From the end of the hallway, Mick saw a tall and muscular figure talking on the phone, he hid somewhere high in altitude and watched the man talk on the phone, the words were hard to make out but he seemed to be speaking of a new deal about a Halloween themed park where people could not only see but fight those creatures with their bare hands.
That was when he saw his beloved dog enter the facility and one of the creatures got aggressive and managed to get out of their cell, the muscular man tried to fight them off but instead of hitting the mutated Kangaroo, he landed his fists on Brave by accident.
Mick screams in horror when he sees his beloved dog hit the floor in a pool of her own blood, and he takes action in his own hands, he grabs some rusty nails and hides somewhere to get a good hit on the monster, he remembers his father's words when the two went hunting,
"Don't make a sound or move a muscle, make yourself blend with your environment, and once you have a clear view of their head...Shoot"
Once that view came into his sight, he shot the nail directly in between the monster's eyes, killing it instantly.
The man saw what he did and congratulated the boy, but Mik ignored him and simply walked up to his dog's corpse, the one trying to protect him and he simply got too stubborn and let her die.
Bilious Hale, the large man, walked the boy out with his dog to the Mundy's residence, with money for the damages caused. Mick was too distraught to pay attention to what his parents were screaming at the man, he simply walked to their backyard and buried Brave near a flower bed.
From that point on, Mick stopped hunting animals with his father, who resorted to farming as the main source of food and getting meat from the market for him and his wife, as Mick decided to become a vegetarian. Not only that but, Mr. Hale commented on how well Mick shot the Manngoroo, adding that he should think about that as a career, so Mick trained under one of Hale's men to learn how to be a proper sniper once he turned 18, lying to his parents that he was a doctor and that he was going to medical school, a lie he keeps trying to keep up till this day at 28.
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rcsetorn · 1 year
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This is an independent blog for General Beatrix from Final Fantasy IX. I am private and selective, but personal blogs and non-mutuals may still send in asks, like posts, and reblog art. Note that mun does not reflect muse, and 18+ content will be present on this blog.
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♛ I will always read your rules before I follow. The same curtesy is appreciated. I do try to pay attention to what should be tagged, but if I should fail in some aspect, give me a poke and I'll correct the error.
♛ I typically write multi para responses. Occasionally a single sentence may be appropriate, but otherwise I will try to match length with my mutuals.
♛ I do not default ship with Steiner.
♛ I am OC friendly. But please have a place where I can read up on your muse. Friendly reminder that I am learning of a new character and it helps me know how our muses can be thrown together.
♛ Consistently posting many things at once can become a little overwhelming after a time. It can affect who I follow/unfollow. This is purely for my own comfort.
♛ Please do not reblog any of my headcanons.
♛ We are adults here with responsibilities outside rp, and as such, there are times where we can be snails together. This does not diminish my desire and interest writing with my mutuals. Though I may be excited for replies, I'm pretty chill and patient. Take your time~
♛ I do rp on discord. At times it's easier for me writing there than here, especially when I'm not home. This is naturally a good place to chat and plot, as well. If we're mutuals and you're interested, shoot me a message.
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♛ My portrayal of Beatrix is heterosexual.
♛ I do multi single ships- meaning I will only ship with one portrayal of a canon muse.
♛ I won't force a ship, and I'll likely never be the one to initially ask because I am terribly shy about such. Yes, our muses need some chemistry, but I ask for mutual writing chemistry with the other mun, as well. Being able to speak comfortably with each other ooc is something I want in a shipping partner.
♛ Toxic relationships are accepted. Mun loves villains.
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♛ Please be respectful. I don't request it to be tagged because I don't see it as a writing point as far as rp goes, but note that abortion/miscarriage is a very sensitive subject due to personal experience.
♛ Real world politics is something I don't want to see on the dash. I just want to have fun with friends. If it cannot be avoided, please tag it.
♛ Sexually nsfw will be tagged ◈ ╼ ༺ :| nsfw |: ༻ ╼ ◈ and threads of the matter will be placed under the cut.
♛ I am willing to write dark topics. Although there are elements that are most certainly real, this is fiction. I will appropriately tag/hide things appropriately with '_____ cw' for those that do not wish to see.
♛ Now if there is something you specifically don't want me to see, tag it "era don't look"
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♛ And if you've made it here, this form is an interest tracker form for mutuals. It primarily lists verses and ship dynamics if there's some specific interactions you'd like to explore. Not required, but consider filling it out~
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mathcs · 1 year
4, 20, 25?
send a number for me to talk about one of the following topics!
oop this one got really long! thank you for sending ✨
4. multiple people threads
pretty fun, i've seen those! i think how they can work is the muns take turns replying to the thread in the same order every time minus plotted moments (at least on tumblr)?
there's big fun potential with said threads though, i could be down for something like that if some details are plotted (even if i would probably be slow as usual with them the fear of me slowing down multiple other muns tho oh n o) and whenever i see one in our general vicinity nowadays it's exciting!
20. violent threads
this is interesting! basically i'm a canon typical violence(tm) writer, trying to fit the mood of whatever moment/verse the thread is in! like my "angst has to be meaningful" philosophy ways, any violence would have serve some purpose, even if it's a little purpose, as long as it's not there just for the sake of it.
and now i just remembered how i made jude get shot and ambiguously die in my bad!end drabble DKJFLKJK he hates me just to show how dire things have gotten for him (i guess that means that verse is rated M now. it's a tad darker than x2... and that's ok because he's a badass in it).
speaking of that M rating! i can similarly see myself writing typical horror violence stuff for jude, because that could be fun not for him (e.g. tone/intensity levels similar to games like fatal frame, higurashi, the last of us) but i probably wouldn't get into the extreme details of said violent stuff unless it was super necessary or something. some stuff is better left to the imagination for sure.
in terms of violence during fight scenes, canon typical violence stuff is again my benchmark! i've done the my muse and your muse vs npc fight scenes which is fun, but i don't really have experience with the 1v1 my muse vs your muse in the parking lot type but i'd only feel inclined if the details were plotted beforehand (e.g. knowing the conclusion/set direction of the thread) and if the fight in said thread/scene held some narrative weight.
basically i'm way more interested in the emotional tone/importance of an action scene (plus the impact of it later) rather than just writing it to focus on the technical details of the fight of who would win etc. to me, the latter is just a vehicle to make the whole thing come togetherー it's important, but incomplete without the whole 'why' part. because then it'd feel a lot less like writing out a smash bros match rather than just playing it (i think that's my weirdest metaphor yet LMAOO) personal preference strikes again though!
25. your character ( the gushing commenceth / unhinged version )
i've somewhat(?) properly gushed about him here and related it to writing so if your name is Lin you're no stranger to me saying things about Jude UMM i'll just talk about his hair LMAOO
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the beautiful and subtle asymmetry of his hair in x1 especially that slightly longer piece of hair off to the side of his head here. is it underrated or does everyone love that part, i have no idea sldjflsdkf but he really doesn't sport the super generic flat mc hair, it's just a little wavy/longer at the back! the non-wild/cute and round hair look suits his quieter personality here too T_T plus he's so cute bYE
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his extremely amazing hair in x2. described aptly. this coupled with his new outfit = i now have an entirely different concept of "one year timeskip" i remember thinking at first "WAIT THAT'S HIM? NO WAY... idk... let me think about this..." but now he makes me faint so. who won here. it suits him bc he's even more mature, and his character design changed so much but in the best way i think. i'm so glad this version of him exists LMAOO good job x2 for all your faults and amazing moments
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abyssembraced · 2 years
I've mentioned this in private before, but it's also important to have this "officially" on the blog, so!
Ghost's height is kinda fluid between universes, and changes a little bit depending on the crossover!
On average though, they usually tend to be somewhere around 1 to 2 feet tall (30 to 60cm), measured from the bottom of their feet to the flat part of their head (so, not including their horns. Those would add a bit of extra height).
Their Shade/Void form does look a little taller than regular Ghost, however! This is because one, their Void tendrils are actually a fair bit longer than their "cloak" is, and extend past their legs. So, while they would be the same height if you continued to measure them starting from their feet, when Ghost is in the air and those legs are pretty much completely obscured by their Void tendrils, you'd be more inclined to measure from the bottom of those tendrils instead, which adds a couple inches. Secondly, their ability to float probably also throws off others' perception of their height, since you wouldn't be looking down at them from on the ground and instead they can better match the eye level of whoever they're speaking to.
Some height examples are below, for those who are interested:
For their regular Hollow Knight verses, I really don't care about specifics. We have their canonical height compared to all the other characters in the game, so I just base it off of that instead of coming up with specific measurements n shit. If my writing partner views the characters as being literally bug-sized, sure, whatever, we'll do that. If they think of them as being human-sized, that's fine too! Personally I'm a little inclined to think of Hallownest as being kinda like the Kirby universe, where everything is pretty small compared to the real world (since Kirby is canonically 8 inches tall, so we can base all of the other measurements off of that), but isn't at a microscopic level or anything. But overall I still don't care too much. And for OCs, you can just tell me, like, are they roughly Hornet-sized? Hollow-sized? Ghost-sized? Etc.
For crossovers like Smash Bros., where there's a lot of height variation among all the characters, Ghost is roughly Kirby-sized. So here, they'd be closer to the one foot mark. Tiny little Void god babies go brrrrr :). They're a little taller than Kirby though, even without the horns (since Kirby is a lot rounder than Ghost, so their extra height balances things out). I'd say Kirby reaches up to Ghost's eyes, but I haven't decided if that's the top of their eyes, just below them, or somewhere in between.
In Pokémon, Ghost is also closer to one foot, being somewhere around the height of a Phantump and a Mimikyu. Since that way, it'd still make sense for trainers to potentially mistake them as being one of those Pokémon (or at least some sort of variant of them). They'd be pretty big for a Mimikyu, but. Shhhh dgdgsh
Cookie Run is the main reason for Ghost's height changing so much asgshs. Here, they're closer to two feet tall, because when I'm writing primarily with an absolutely gigantic character, I don't really want tiny one-foot-tall Ghost to be nearly the size of the other muse's hand SGHSDGSF. So! Their height gets doubled here. I don't really see myself writing with too many other Cookie Run blogs, since I'm not actually in the fandom myself, but if I did, then maybe Ghost's height would vary a bit from mun to mun?? But I dunno.
With Hades, I'm still a little conflicted. I do think it'd be really cute if Zagreus could put Ghost on his shoulder or head, though. Like Pikachu in the Pokémon anime! So yeah, somewhere in the middle of the spectrum, maybe a little closer to two feet..?
I do think it would be neat to throw Ghost into the Undertale universe, especially since lately I've had more Thoughts about it than I have in years, but I'm not certain how tall I want Ghost to be there. I think some of my struggle comes from not knowing the heights of the canon characters. Like, I'd like to say that Ghost is between Frisk and Flowey's height, but if Flowey is as tall as a regular tiny flower, then that doesn't really mean anything. Maybe they'd be roughly half of Frisk's height? Since I can't imagine Frisk being more than four or five feet tall, and even then maybe less. And if we say Flowey is at least roughly one foot tall (or more), then yeah, I imagine Ghost would be slightly taller than him. So yeah, maybe 1.5 to 2 feet here? I dunno if they'd be the same height for Deltarune too, but. Probably.
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oops-all-knuxadow · 2 years
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I posted 432 times in 2022
That's 302 more posts than 2021!
69 posts created (16%)
363 posts reblogged (84%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 77 of my posts in 2022
#knuxadow - 32 posts
#shadow the hedgehog - 19 posts
#knuckles the echidna - 17 posts
#shadknux - 13 posts
#🌹 asks - 10 posts
#mun speaks - 10 posts
#shaduckles - 10 posts
#knuxadow week 2021 - 7 posts
#ask - 6 posts
#knuxadow: bandages - 5 posts
Longest Tag: 120 characters
#surprise!!! i'm still chugging away at my half of the trade i was supposed to give you ages ago! djsndksndjs im so sorry
My Top Posts in 2022:
Now that Shadow and Knuckles are dating, it's kind of imperative that the hedgehog learns to get along better with his boyfriend's friends. Here's how I think he could do it:
Tails is easy. He's extremely smart and they both have an appreciation for automechanics - Shadow with his bike and Tails with his plane. They can also trade information; if Shadow doesn't understand something about technology, Tails will help him in exchange for knowledge about medicine or his chaos powers. Brain Buddies!
Contrary to popular belief, I think he and Sonic are friends, to the extent that sworn rivals can be, at least. There's clearly a respect of skill present, and Sonic is no pushover. He's saved the world so many times by being a surprisingly brilliant strategist and fighter. Shadow knows that he can't come out on top in a race, but it doesn't matter. They challenge each other, push each other to raise the bar, to be better. They're friendly in such a way that they inspire one another to surpass their perceived limitations.
Amy would be easy to bond with, too, I think. Shadow could have a great respect for her strength, being able to wield that giant hammer like it's nothing. I don't know that Amy could necessarily like or admire any part of Shadow besides the fact that he looks a little like Sonic, but she's friendly and adaptive, so it's a bond of mutual respect above anything else.
The Chaotix are a team of skilled detectives (plus Charmy), so Shadow would appreciate their investigative prowess. He'd most likely be friendliest with Espio because of their similar dispositions, and he would mention what a great recruit he'd make on stealthier GUN missions.
Is Knuckles friends with the Babylon Rogues??? If he isn't, oops. If he is -
Wave kinda acts like Rogue, and Shadow lives with her, so he's got this in the bag. Give her a passing compliment, hand her some jewelery or pretend like he's got something precious to steal that she can make off with, and call it a day.
Storm kinda acts like Knuckles, but...dumber. Compliment his muscles, get in some sort of arm-wrestling match, call it a day.
Jet is fucking Annoying. I have no doubt Shadow would have zero patience for this smarmy bird. At BEST, they could bond over extreme gear (nice board. thanks, nice skates.) but that's it, bro. This blog is part of the Jet Sucks Gang.
That's all I've got thus far. If you'd like to see how Shadow could possibly befriend anybody else lemme know.
76 notes - Posted March 13, 2022
I've only seen the first season of Sonic Boom, and Shadow only appeared in the very last episode of that season, with some vague and limited knowledge in between, so if he's ooc I'm sorry!
This is my part of a trade with @louie-loses-it which was super fun!! I hope we can collab again! Please consider visiting his blog and checking out some of their absolutely fantastic art!
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Shadow strolled quietly along the beach, ever-present scowl traded in for something softer, for once. He had no plans, no schemes running, and no carefully crafted manipulation fed to him through Eggman to go and carry out at the moment, so his afternoon was free.
His shoes made indentations in the sand as he walked along. He briefly considered taking them off so he could enjoy it barefoot, but dismissed it out of concern that the idiot doctor could come by and annoy him again. He seemed to hatch a new plan against the village once a week. It was nearly episodic at this point, so the hedgehog begrudgingly remained on guard for the sound of machinery on the horizon. For now, he could relax, his ears catching only the sounds of the ocean lapping against the shore and two pairs of footsteps.
Shadow stopped walking. One pair of footsteps.
Fists clenched, the striped hedgehog whirled around and bared his teeth, coming face to chest with a tall, red echidna.
He squinted, then lifted his gaze upward until it landed on a pair of excited, violet eyes.
"Heya, Shadow!" Knuckles beamed. "I'm glad I found you! I -"
"Where are your friends?" Shadow demanded. "Waiting out of sight to ambush me? You all should know by now that I'm much too fast for you to gang up on so easily."
"Huh? No, I'm all alone!" Knuckles replied. "Or - no, I'm not. You're here, so I'm actually not alone!"
"Quit fooling around!"
"How dare you!? I only fool around when I have my jester hat on! And it's in the wash right now!"
Shadow grit his teeth. There was no way he was sent out here to be any sort of distraction, or to do reconnaissance; this buffoon was all muscle and no brain.
"Then tell me," he bit out, rapidly losing patience, "why you're here. Before I beat it out of you."
Although, admittedly, that would be hard to do. He'd seen the kind of force Knuckles put behind a punch, and if he wasn't careful, being on a receiving end of something like that would put him out of commission for a few days. Shadow could not afford to be downed like that. He needed to play it smart if this turned into a fight.
See the full post
93 notes - Posted March 5, 2022
Shadow liked Knuckles' honesty. If he didn't understand something, he was quick to make that known, and the hedgehog was happy to explain it to him. If he wanted or needed something, he vocalized it, and the hybrid would do his best to get it for him.
If he liked something, or someone, well.
Hearing Knuckles confess his romantic interest in the hybrid right after an intense battle with Eggman wasn't something he was expecting, but Shadow was grateful all the same. Since they've been together, he was making an effort to return that same level of honesty the echidna had been giving him.
"I like it when you wear clothes," Knuckles commented one afternoon, gesturing to the bomber jacket his boyfriend had thrown on before coming to visit him. "You have good taste."
The hedgehog thanked him, taking a seat next to Knuckles on the Master Emerald's shrine. Together they watched the slow-approaching sunset, content in each other's company.
"I like when you do that, too," Knuckles muttered some time later. A black ear turned in his direction before red eyes followed, curious.
"Do what?"
"Relax." Violet eyes met his gaze, the sincerity almost too much to bear. "The stiffness leaves your shoulders, and you look happier. I like seeing you calm."
Shadow was glad the low light made it hard to tell if he was blushing, because he could feel the heat in his face.
He cleared his throat. "You...you make me feel calm, so in a way, you're praising yourself."
"Sure, if you wanna see it that way."
They lapsed into silence again, but it wasn't uncomfortable. Rather, it was anticipatory, though the hedgehog couldn't for the life of him figure out what for.
There was also the belated realization that Knuckles hadn't been watching the sunset almost the entire time they sat together. As the last rays started vanishing behind the horizon, the shorter male turned to face his companion again.
"What is it?" Shadow pried, gently. Knuckles didn't shy away, instead giving words to his desires, displaying vulnerability in a way his partner would never fully know.
"I really want to kiss you."
See the full post
97 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
While I continue writing out my hella long angsty fic, have some headcanons!
Knuckles is so so so tactile. Knowing that Shadow is virtually invincible means he doesn't have to be afraid of hurting him, so it's hugs and hand holding and cuddles galore.
Shadow's thoughts run along the same vein. Knuckles is incredibly strong, so the hedgehog can be a little rougher with him when their make-outs get passionate. And if he accidentally pokes his boyfriend with his quills, well...stop trying to hug him from behind. He's not made to be the little spoon.
Knuckles wants Shadow to be little spoon so badly. Getting pricked a hundred times a night while trying to sleep is a pretty big deterrent, though.
They LOVE to play Punch Buggy!!! It's funny and they never keep track of who actually wins, it's just an excuse to work their way up to a friendly spar!
Knuckles has gotten good at translating Shadow's varying "hmms" and grunts, which the rest of the crew finds both cute and weird. One little noise and the echidna knows whether or not he's upset, amused, needs space, or hungry.
Shadow's love language is acts of service. He prefers to show you that he cares rather than simply putting it to words. On the other hand, he loves to receive words of affirmation.
Knuckles' love language is quality time. He lives alone on Angel Island, and while he's not fond of trespassers, it does feel extremely isolating at times. He loves to receive touch.
Knuckles kissed Shadow first. He watched him punch his way through steel in order to take out a giant robot, and made out with him amongst the rubble while they were both high off adrenaline. Shadow considers it one of the most romantic things they've ever done.
Shadow wants kids!!! Let him be a family man!! Knuckles isn't sure he'd be a good dad, but Shadow would assure him he'd be great.
Knuckles has different customs regarding romance compared to the rest of modern Mobius. Sharing his culture with Shadow is considered an extreme act of devotion, and implies intent to stay with him for the rest of their lives.
"Shadow, if you die before I do, would you permit me to bury you on Angel Island, near the shrine?"
Bruh basically fucking proposed with that one djsbcosndksbfjs
Knuckles l o v e s making Shadow laugh. He's very attracted to the sound of his voice. Especially when they fuck
Shadow likes matching chest fur with his boyfriend. This one's a little sillier but I like the idea of him showing up with his fluff cut into a little sideways crescent moon like Knuckles'.
See the full post
113 notes - Posted March 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Thinking about an Actor au besties!
Team Dark still play government agents, but off-camera they're all kind, light-hearted people and Omega is ridiculously funny. His delivery is very dry and monotone on account of being a robot, but man his timing is impeccable. He will make an off-hand comment that sends half his costars into tears and delay the shoot by half an hour.
Sonic is this confident hero on camera but he's almost painfully shy off-camera unless he's friends with you. This makes fan meet-ups hard, cause he tends to get overwhelmed and run off.
Tails is still his adopted brother on and off screen. He acts like a little shit but in a fun way, not in a "please control your feral kid" way.
EGGMAN. my god. Eggman is an angel when he's not playing a diabolical villain. He's Shadow's uncle and they're very close. Think of Mr. Tinker - that's what he's like when he's not acting. Super kind, gives EXCELLENT hugs, doesn't know what method acting is, he just turns it On and Off. He doesn't have a mean bone in his rotund little body.
Knuckles is a volunteer firefighter when he isn't on camera! He and Shadow met when the studio caught ablaze due to a faulty pyrotechnics stunt and they fell in love when he carried Shadow out of the building. Their chemistry was so strong the studio asked Knuckles to play a background character in a film. He did so well they kept him on and gave him bigger and bigger roles.
The meds are kicking in so I gotta take a break but please ask me for headcanons or whatever if you like the idea
122 notes - Posted June 6, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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demon-blood-youths · 2 years
Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem pt. 7 || Love Jeopardy!
This is part 7 of the drabble series Van Ink Za Tatsu No Harem. Here is part 7 starting the real games. For my lovely rp partner @the-silver-peahen-residence. How this game goes. 
----- Parts ----
Part 1
Part 2 - New Challenger
Part 3 - Planning Operation Party B̶a̶c̶h̶e̶l̶o̶r̶e̶t̶t̶e̶
Part 4-   Party Time Descending Into Chaos
Part 5 - Party Rumble - ( written by lovely peahen-mun! )
Part 6 - How to Settle This 
-----------  Brief Summary -------
After Ink left the party with Shdwkyz chasing her down, Navarro had to deal with the situation in party. Now finally realizing that he made a mistake, now he is feeling that he losing control of the situation.Because right now, Kali is in the charge of the party games and urges the boys to do games to win Ink’s heart back. Or whatever those lines were.....the situation unfolds into ridilicious proportions like the DBT feared. 
So will what happen in this love jeopardy.
Note: There are grammars and typos in this. Overall, have fun reading! 
“Alright! Here are the five categories!” Kali shows the on the screen using a projector! 
What is
Battles and matches
My most important moments
Romantic Planning
Do you really know me?
Kali shows the categories to the boys and to the audience much to Navarro’s dismay.  “Fuck....I made a mistake.” Navarro groan as he lays his head on the table. Rust looks over to him. “No shit.” Rust said. 
“I need to find a way to get this shit under control.” Navarro said. 
“It’s a bit too late for that now.” Hellmare sighed as she came back from the bathroom. “It seems like Kali is controlling the situation as we speak.”
“Still...what the hell is she planning?”  Maggie asked.
“Kali told me this is a way to judge the guys.” Fosh said. “It’s like...she’s doing the job for Navarro here. Saying she’s the one who knows Ink better.” Fosh explained.
“Huh? What does that mean?!” Rust said. “We know Ink! What does Kali know that we don’t?!” Rust said.
“We need to watch and see.” Hellmare said. 
“Alright let the game begins! Let’s start off with 100 points! First one who hits the buzzer answers. If you get it wrong, someone else has to buzzer. Now remember, we also have extra points from both boys and girls who will judge on the prompt answers. So this is Jeopardy with a love twist!” Kali said.
“Tch....I’m going to beat all of you extras and Deku.” Bakugo said, glaring at Denji whom snorts at him. “Uh-huh, whatever you say, man.” 
Ren closes his eyes while Rin crosses his arms rolling his eyes. Atsushi wishes he shouldn’t be here but was pressured to and Midoriya wants to keep the peace so he has to play and make sure none of the rest will lash out at each other. Kali smiles gleefully. Navarro never thought he would never see Kali enjoying this. 
"Now let's go with the simple one. This is Ink's favorite food!"
Denji slams the buzzer quickly "What is Pizza!" Making Bakugo and Rin annoyed. Ren remains clam while Atsushi and Midoriya were curious which category would Denji picks.
Kali grins, "Correct! 100 points! Now pick a category!"
"What is for 200!" Denji yelled. Kali snaps her figures to signal for Wes to select the tab. "What greatsword that Ink carries is name?"
"Dragon with a W! Wyrm." Denji yelled.
"Oh so close! Anyone else?" Kali said. Rin presses the buzzer. "What is Wyvern!" Rin said.
"Correct! Rin, you go!" Making Rin smirk while Denji groans.
"Battles and matches for 300" Rin said. So Rin is going for the big points.
"This battle was between a serial killer and Ink in where...? Bonus points" Kali asked. Rin blinks and curses. "Uh....the battle against Iron Titan?"
"Close but no. Anyone else?"
Mdioriya presses the buzzer. "What is the Battle of New Jersey against the Lovely Horrors?"
"Correct. Someone did their homework." Kali smiles while Rin clicked his tongue.
Bakugo mutters, "Freaking nerd..."
"Now pick a category!" Kali said. Midoirya knew because he asked her if she has done any dangerous missions before Japan. She told that fighting Matt was the dangerous.
"Umm...." Midoriya has to pick but he doesn't want to scavenge points. “Uh...um...” He can’t go for big points because he doesn’t want to ruin his friendship with his friends. 
“Come on! We don’t have all day!” Kali said. 
“PICK ONE, DEKU!” Bakugo yelled. 
“Okay, okay! That one? 200 points?” Midoriya just pick one random. 
“200 Romantic Planning?”
“Wait...n-” But Midoriya didn’t get to change his choice because Kali beat him to it.  “Okay! Romantic Planning 100 points! Prompt! Here is how we judge, write down your answers or say answers based on this prompt and the audience from the girls and boys decide the score rating your answer lowest to hightest from 1-5!”
“So here’s the prompt: If someone falls asleep on you while you two sit on the couch when watching TV, what would you do? Like for Ink for example!” Kali asked. 
Everyone looks at Midoriya wondering what kind of answer. 
“Um...lay her down on the couch and get her a blanket so she can sleep well?” Midoriya stammers, he wants to play this safe. 
That’s a good answer. Generic but good.
“Girls and boys! What do you say to that?” Kali asked the audience. The girls were holding 3′s and the boys were holding solid 3s. 
“Anyone else? Let’s go with Ren!”
“I would do the same thing but give her a pillow so she won’t hurt her necl.” Ren said. He got solid 3 and 5′s.  “Rin?” Kali asked. 
“Ehh... I would wake her up because I don’t want her to sleep over night and make her friends worry.” Rin said honestly. Responsible that makes sense. Rin got solid 4 from the boys and 4′s from the girls.
“Bakugo?” Kali asked. Bakugo sighs as he crosses his arms, thinking about it before giving his own answer.
“I would let her sleep over since she does a lot of it. I would her put to bed first because she won’t hurting her back and I will sleep on the couch because the couch isn’t a place to sleep! Not before, I will call her friends and let her know she fall asleep at my place and they will come and pick her up in the morning.” Bakugo said seriously. Okay....responsible and considerate. Not bad. Rin and Ren, Atsushi, Denji had no argument there but it caught them off, not expecting Bakugo to be coridal in his anser.
“That’s a good answer.” Said Momo while the NYC fraction girls begrudglingy agreed as well. They didn’t like Bakugo but it wouldn’t be fair since his arguement is sound. They want to be the better person about it.  DBT girls has to agree as well.
“That’s true!” Hellmare nods. “If it’s Bakugo, he would let Ink sleep over if we found.”
“Not me!” Navarro growled. 
The girls had to give to Bakugo like solid 3 while boys agreed on 4 as well.
“Denji?” Kali said.
“Uhh....um.....yeah same answer as that guy! But in the morning, I get her breakfast when she wakes up! She would be probably hungry first so that’s what I’m going to do!” Denji said.
“Wow...so thoughtful!” Said Melinda. 
“Bastard....don’t use my answer as a kick start!” Bakugo growled. 
“Atsushi?” Of course...nobody is prepared for his answer as he is looking back and forth from Kyoka and Fin. Fin who is puts fingers on the top of his head, signaling ears while Kyoka is pointing at him. “Uh......” Atsushi looks unsure how to answer that answer. Fin goes to do swiping gestures while Kyoka does the hand gestures. 
“Cat.” Atsushi begins.
“A cat?” Kali blinked. The DBT is paying attention.
“I Uh.....will let her sleep on me,” 
The DBT stared. What?
Atsushi looks at Fin who does a sleep gesture with Kyoka holding up some paper with drawing on it, “and I transformed into a cat..no...a tiger so she would be more comfortable and warm! A-and I can stay with her for the rest of the night knowing that she’s safe.” Said Atsushi whose cheeks blushes realizing what he just said. The crowd was silence before it erupts in ‘Awwwww’‘ and cheers making Atsushi blushed even harder. 
“The fuck?” Navarro stares at Atsushi while Ophelia giggles. “That’s so cute!” Ophelia smiles. Hellmare nods in agreement.
“That’s...so romantic!” Ashido squealed. Ashely is there but she got a bit better, hearing Atsushi’s answer.
“I know, right? So adorable!” Said Ann. 
“I want to cuddle with a tiger!” Jinx said happily. 
“I heard tigers’ fur are nice to touch!” Said Spring. Atsushi blushes hearing this. 
“So cute!” Breezy said.
“That’s my boy right there!” Said Fin, so proud of his trainee while the Lupins were cheering for Atsushi on. Fin is wiping tears from his eyes like a proud big brother. “My boy is growing up to be a man. He’s growing up so fast!” Fin said while Ahmed rolls his eyes but claps for Atsushi regardless. 
“Way to go, man!” Said Pierce. 
Atsushi sighs, shaking his head. “That’s so manly!” Krishima nodding his head. 
“WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON, SHITTY HAIR?!” Bakugo yelled at Krishima. 
“Holy shit! I gotta give him that!” Guam grins. “That’s something I would do if I can turn into an animal.”
“Same....” Joshua liking the answer too. Atsushi has solid 5s from both groups. Kyoka give Atsushi a thumbs up to which Atsushi chuckles sheephisly while rubbing the back of his neck. But he can feel the intense stares from Rin, Denji, Ren and especially Bakugo. Atsushi sweat drops a little. 
“Yeah...Atsushi won that one.” Maggie said.  The DBT agreed while Navarro twitched an eye. 
“What the hell...he got help from the crowd!” Rin yelled, pointing at Fin and Kyoka who are pretending to look away as they were whistling. 
“Oh well...I haven’t add that into the rules!” Kali shrugs with a grin. “So feel free to get some help from your groups.” 
“Very well.” Ren said. Ryuji and Futaba got his back by giving him the thumbs up while Yusuke hums. “A tiger from the east and a dragon from the west. A perfect match indeed. It’s inspiration for my next art piece.” 
“Whose side are you on?!” Ryuji exclaimed. 
“The hell!” Denji growled. “That’s not fair!” As he has no one to back him up. Kali clears her throat. “Okay Atsushi, you won the points with some added bonus. Now pick an category.”
“Okay...um.....Battles and Matches...?” Atsushi asked. “For 400?” 
“Oh so now you want to win?” Rin huffs.
“And congratz! You have select another prompt! Here is one which is more fun! Ink loves team attacks....so what would be your team attack?” This got the boys’ lit up but they had to rack their brains about it.
“Oh! That’s a good one!” Rust asked as Ink is really big on team attacks.For example with Navarro, it’s Godzilla due to the nature of their attack. With him, Dragon Knight! Usually, the DBT members has their own name of their team attacks. 
“Indeed. But if Ink was here, she would love them all!” Maggie said. 
“Yeah...Ink is not good at names but the names she put from what she read and watch makes sense!” Jaron said. “Plus we help her with it.”
“Like with mine, ours is Blue Storm because....well...we like blue.” Oblivion shrugs. Rust nods, “Word. Our is Dragon Knight!” He grins. 
“Now I give you 5 minute to answer. So take your time!” Kali said as the boys rack their brains so each one made a list that comes to mind for a team attack that sounds great to them.
Once 5 minutes is up, Kali announces, “Time is up! Now let’s hear those team attacks!”
“Me!” Bakugo shouted as he goes first, putting up the name of his team attack. “The name is Alpha Explosion Ink Splatoon Murder!”
Everyone stared at him like he grew two heads. Shoto sighs while Deku cringes a little, apologizing for him to the DBT. 
“Uhhhh....” Maggie doesn’t know what to say to this.
“Splatoon? Like the game?” Oblivion asked. 
“Wow...really?” Rin said. “That’s the best you can come up? I expect better from someone calling himself number one.” Rin said smugly making Bakugo mad “Oh yeah, Rat Tail?! What the hell is your team attack?!” Rin pops a vein hearing Bakugo’s remark about his demon tail. “Mine is Azure Flames of Hell!” Rin grins, showing off his badass team attack name.  
“After all...me and Ink use blue flames! Plus we’re like demons!’ Rin points out. Most of the crowd nod their head in agreement, as it makes sense.
“Oh yeah?! Well our team attack sounds better because we make our names known!” Bakugo yelled. Before the boys argued whose team attack is best. “Now, now, now! Let’s wait to hear out the meanings behind the name second. Ren! What is yours?”
“Hmmmm.....” Ren thinks. “How about The Showtime Star Finale?” 
“Yeah! Way to go, Ren!” Ryuji exclaimed while Yusuke and Futaba agrees on that name. 
Melinda hums, nods. “Oh, that makes sense! Ink is a like star and ends things quick with a big bang!”
“It really does!” Jinx grins. 
“That does sound like her!” Guam laughs. The crowd can see meaning behind that. 
“Ha! My name beats all of yours! Ours is Chainsaw Dragon!” Denji smirks. Ren looks over to him with a look. “......um...what?” 
“What?” Rin stared at Denji with a frown. This makes Midoriya blink. “Denji....do you have a quirk that related to chainsaw?”
“What kind of team attack is that?!” Bakugo yells. “It sounds dumb as shit!”
“No, it’s not!” Denji said. “Your team attack sounds too freaking long!” He complained. Kali clears her throat. “Alright Atsushi! What do you got?” Kali wants to move this along. 
“Ummm....welll....” Atsushi shows his. “Scales and Stripes? That’s the only thing I can come up with. Sorry!” Atsushi sighs. Still, the previous round made Atsushi favorable. 
“Not bad, not bad! It’s because you’re a tiger and Ink is a dragon, right?” Kali nods. Yusuke hums, “Yes! The name for such an artful concept is fitting!” He said with a smile.  
“Seriously..Yusuke...whose side are you on?” Futuba stares at him with a look. 
“Alright last one! Midoriya?”
“Oh um....uh....” Midoriya looks nervous, fidgeting his fingers but sighs as he holds up his sign of his team attack name, “Draco Smash.”
“You gotta be shitting me....” Navarro said. He heard from Ink that Midoriya is a All-Might fan and gets inspired by his moves but holy hell! Draco Smash?! Is there anything that isn’t All-Might related?!
“That sounds like a Pokemon move.” Gerald commented making Rust snort. 
“Well...it’s way better than Bakugo’s....I think?” Fosh said.
“No!.His makes sense, I mean if you play the game Splatoon, it makes sense.” Oblivion disagreed. Yuuka sighs. This is going to be a long night. 
To be continued...
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