#looking forward to rebooting my comic soon
nitewrighter · 4 months
if you DO manage to piece together some sort of a reading list for that 'editor Clark & foreign correspondent Lois' era, would you be okay to share it? Suddenly I am also very interested.
Honestly it's all very "Monster of the Week," and a real pain in the ass to figure out the sequence of what title the actual next chronological part of the story is taking place in. Basically I've been dependent on the "Find out next week" preview notes at the end of various issues (Which sometimes aren't even there...) or the "Coming Soon!" promos that have their own little section in the fan letters page. So like.. REALLY my first trip down the rabbit hole with this era (Post-Return of Superman Mullet Era!!!) started with the supervillain Conduit, so that starts way the hell back with Superman: The Man of Steel Issue #0.
"Oh, #0, you say, that sounds like a very simple place to start."
Oh--Oh you'd think that, wouldn't you! Except this Man of Steel is not to be confused with Byrne's Man of Steel! This Man of Steel is #0 as part of the "Zero Hour" event--so this "Man of Steel" title "starts" in 1991, but it's previous issue was fucking Superman: Man of Steel #37. But honestly yeah, you start with Man of Steel Issue #0, then Adventures of Superman Issue #0, then Action Comics #0, and then, FUCKING SUPERMAN: MAN OF STEEL #38. But anyway, yeah, it's tedious, but honestly I've been blazing through these issues too fast to really come up with a curated list for you, but if you keep fucking five tabs open on your super-janky comic pirating site and repeatedly click back to the wiki for additional reference and just keep an eye out for the "Next Week!" end of issue notes, you too, can have the brain worms I do!
I should probably mention that there are more curated compilations of this Era, so like, if you really want the 90's Full Court Press but don't want to wade through as many issues, you can start back with the whole Death/Reign/Return of Superman saga (AKA Supermullet: Origins), which has plenty of trade paperbacks. Like, that's really the baseline starting point I'm working with even before I started digging through the issues for Conduit. (It all started... when I died...)
So like, to actually answer your question the "Acting Managing Editor Clark" thing only got started with Perry's cancer diagnosis, and honestly I can't tell you which issue that started in. It's... *gestures vaguely* somewhere in there. The Lois as a Foreign Correspondent thing really got kicked off because of her and Clark's breakup, which has its major catalyzing event in Action Comics #719 (...and I also recently wrote a fic inspired by it *cough*). So you can also start at Action Comics #719 to wade through all the breakup drama, again, just by following the "Next Week" notes, and honestly this *is* the period where you have stressed-out editor Clark, which is fun. NOW we're getting to "The Final Night" Crossover event, which is where Clark loses his powers--I still have to read the crossover event itself because I realized I was just reading all the Superman issues on the margins of it, but honestly I'm looking forward to it. From there you can jump into the Superman & Lois Lane Wedding Album for a nice happy ending (And if you're still worried about Clark's powers then you can look up the issues for the "Power Struggle" story arc. Okay.)
I should also give the caveat that this Superman is largely shaped by Byrne's reboot of Superman, which has its pluses and minuses. Like, Byrne very much emphasized Clark's being raised by Ma and Pa Kent and he also established Luthor as more of a hypercapitalist than just a pure mad scientist archetype, but he also made Clark a popular chad High School football star in Smallville, so that can be jarring if you're coming into this from the MAWS crowd and are used to a much softer shyer Clark. So many women are throwing themselves at Clark in this era and it's kind of a pain in the ass (Go AWAY, Maxima! No means no!).
So like... obviously YMMV, read critically, and be mindful of like... the era.
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aqua-dan · 8 months
What would you write if DC hired you to make a tempest/garth comic? What would be the genre, mood, setting, etc? Would it be plot focused or lore focused?
Hoo boy, this is a fun question! I'll be honest, there are just about a billion different stories that I would absolutely LOVE to write for Garth. He works perfectly in ensemble casts, has such a wide variety of powers and functions, and is fantastic at being the balance to a lot of more hot-headed characters. I also think he works well in introspective works and duo comics. At the end of the day, if played right, I think he could work in just about any story you plop him into.
This is why I have such a difficult time narrowing down just what I'd like to write for DC if asked. But I narrowed it down to three options. I think there are some other Garth fans who have similar-ish ideas (go figure people obsessed with the same character would have some overlapping opinions, hey!), so I'm sorry for anything that sounds redundant.
(1) The first and most challenging thing I'd have to deal with is what to do with the N52 and Rebirth stuff. Since DC isn't at a full reboot point currently, I doubt I'd be allowed to toss out everything from Rebirth… even if I REALLY want to. So I suppose I'd try to do my best to find a way to roll it in without affecting the pre-flashpoint canon. That is a difficult task, and the only way I can really think to remedy it is,, uh… false or altered memories.
I hate doing that kind of stuff, but I swear it would be necessary in this case. Ideally, I wouldn't have to do any of this crap and we could just re-instate old canon fully, but that probably wouldn't happen. Using this, we might be able to work backward in terms of lore for Garth and then move forward once that settles. Utilizing the vague hand-wave-y merging of things due to Dark Crisis, we could give Garth some of his old memories back but still have a whole bunch of things that are purposely left blank for him to go discover. Maybe some things that he thought were his reality suddenly aren't. At least, he can't find any evidence of that being the case. But what he does find are things that keep leading him back into what the old lore established. He could re-meet people he used to know that have been currently written out of canon (BRING BACK LETIFOS, PLEASE) and uncover his full self, as well as all the things that went down before.
I think this series might start out as a solo, but rather soon it would add other cast members. Or a rotating cast, depending on where he needs to go to figure things out. I prefer when Garth has other people to play off of, so these other members would also receive a lot of story and progression.
This wouldn't be played out as a detective thing, however. As cute as Garth would look wearing a detective's hat, that isn't really his thing. This story would take on a bit of a high fantasy, thriller, mystery… horror vibe? It would both re-establish and elaborate on his personal lore regarding Shayeris and Atlantis as a whole, and then go even further and have the story be a vehicle for explaining and adding a lot of extremely cool Atlantean lore.
I feel that this might take on a bit of a… ah what's it called,, Week by Week format?? Loosely, however. I don't need every issue to be a self contained story (although some would be!) But essentially each story is slightly more self contained, but it still builds on the last story (unless it's a multi issue arc!) And then culminates into some sort of big moment that has ripple effects throughout the rest of the DC universe.
The vibe for this would change a little bit depending on the location he's currently in/who the current rotational characters are, but mostly, I'd go for something a little spooky and mysterious. There's danger on the horizon, and you keep swimming closer to it.
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(2) My second idea is also in the vein of working backward. I'm a HUGE fan of prequels and things that fit neatly into blank spots in canon. This is why I think it would be great if I could go back and elaborate on Garth's backstory. There's only been… one canon(ish) attempt at combining the pre and post crisis backstories for Garth (found within Devin Grayson's "Inheritance."). She brings up the idea of combo canons in a similar way to what I have described, where it's a little wishy-washy and false memories-like. But it's also not what I'd ideally do.
On a personal level, I love the "feral child" idea. I'm am a huge fan of the survival genre, and so the whole thought of living alone at the bottom of the ocean and fending for oneself appeals to me greatly! I do not care if that's not realistic to how irl feral children work. I will make it work here.
The whole point of this series would be to be a mirror series to Tempest (1996). It would also be a four issue mini-series that establishes the early groundwork for Garth's story later on. In this, the post-crisis backstory remains largely untouched. He was abandoned to die of exposure as a baby because of his purple eyes. In this version, Atlan would indeed be pulling strings from the shadows and causing certain things to happen or not to happen. Essentially, making sure Garth lives while otherwise allowing him to be a feral child. He might interject random bits of knowledge/influence into Garth's brain as he sees fit to lead him to where he wants him to be later on. However, unlike Devin's version, I want Garth to have (or regain if we are working with the story I mentioned above), as many memories from this part of his life as possible. Different people remember different amounts of their childhood based on a variety of factors, and this often includes how well they are able to communicate with others. I, personally, can remember just about every major event since I was two years old. For Garth, this could be incredibly different considering his only mode of communication was telepathy with fish. Regardless, I think it would be SUPER interesting if he COULD remember this part of his life to a degree. I love the thought of him having emotional guilt later down the line for scavenging already dead fish or other sea life (as I don't believe he'd eat them after he became aware of the morality surrounding it), and carrying that with him. I also want some very tense moments where he is put in very dangerous situations that make you question if he'll survive (even though you technically know he will.) This could be a way to add back in his fear of fish as well if it's due to a traumatic experience with one/a school of them.
I want this whole time period to be very physical. As I said, I LOVE the survival genre, so exploring the different situations he could have ended up in alongside the mystical, otherworldly elements would be something I would adore writing about!
Overarchingly, this would also be very lore focused, and the vibe would be… desolate. I want it to feel lonely, isolating, and frightening.
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(3) Pulling away from the aqua-genre a little bit, I'd love to write a story that is more firmly planted on the surface-world for Garth to be a part of. As I said earlier in this post, Garth has the potential to fit into multiple different places, and I don't think he should be relegated to only things to do with the underwater world. His relationship with the Titans is incredibly important and definitely should not be ignored. This is his most firm connection to things on land, but I wouldn't be against branching out into things such as JLD either!
That said, I think that it would be so much fun to write something for him that expands on those already existing relationships he has with the Titans.
I don't want to say TOO much about it since, well, I am currently writing something using this as a concept, but the general idea behind it is to take already existing relationships he has and expand upon them. If you are already familiar with Garth, you know how important the Titans are to him, …and how unimportant he is to the Titans.
Okay, this is only half true, as Garth does consider these people some of the most important people in his life-- and he is one of the three founding members of the team-- but the unfortunate fact is that they don't consider him nearly as important as he considers them. There's a lot of love and nostalgia, but his relationships to many of them are not very well expanded on simply because he wasn't there for the relationships to develop further.
So, personally, I'd LOVE to see an expansion upon one or more of these relationships he has formed through the team. To do this, I'd really love to see a duo comic. Garth may not work long-term as THE main character, but I think he could be fantastic as a part of a duo. This allows him to have someone to play off of. In my personal version of this, I have him playing off of Roy.
As many know, Roy and Garth have a tumultuous relationship. There are so many misconceptions and misunderstandings between the two of them. They clash in such an interesting way. In some ways, they both think that the other hates them. But this isn't true. (This already isn't as intense of a feeling as they've had in the past, but using the residual hurts could be a great jumping off point.) They have a relationship that COULD evolve, if only they took the time to talk and learn more about each other. This is precisely where I would love to start writing and add to that whole concept. People who are "friends," but… barely friends. People who have such a complex shared history and yet know so little about each other. People who are SO important to each other but unintentionally push one another away. I want the opportunity to expand on it.
In my fic, the two of them end up working together on accident. It's situational. Something that may not have happened if even a moment was missed.
Basically, I would love for it to be a fun duo adventure where plot, lore, and emotional storytelling combine into a unique narrative that helps progress the characters to a really interesting future point while also incorporating all of the important things from their pasts.
As I said, I don't want to spoil things too much. But the vibes are more action-adventure-y. It would mix a lot of physical and mystical elements and rely on flipping the tone back and forth between emotionally heavy, silly, suspenseful, and urgent.
Basically, I want to figure out a way to have fun with the current version of Garth. I think that SO many of the previous things NEED to be reinstated (and most of the current stuff needs to be tossed out), but at the same time, I want to figure out a way to use what's there to my advantage. It's difficult and not always my favorite, but I still think there is potential!
So uhhh, yeah.. that's what I would do if I had to take things from their current point and create some stories. Sorry for how long this got lol 😅
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blogthebooklover · 5 months
Movie Recs In Honor of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes
I decided to write out a list of movies to watch in honor of Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes coming out very soon. This list will feature movies with apes besides the POTA movies, or movies with weird and bizarre friendships/found families.
The Original Planet of the Apes Franchise (1968-1973, Amazon Prime)
Honestly, I've only watched the 1968 movie a handful of times. I decided to watch all of the original franchise leading up to the release of Kingdom. They're all a lot of fun, with social/political commentaries at the time of each film. If you're a movie collector, or like behind-the-scenes/director's commentaries, I highly recommend buying the Blu Ray compilation pack.
2. Tim Burton's Planet of the Apes (2001, Disney+ or Amazon Prime)
I know, hear me out. Yes, it's over-hated, and yes, there was A LOT of potential for this movie. There were definitely too many "cooks in the kitchen" when drafting this movie. Imho, I think it's a guilty pleasure, popcorn movie. If you're a fan of makeup effects, Rick Baker (THE modern makeup effects master) does an absolutely phenomenal job with the designs of the apes in this movie (and check out his Instagram too). I do like the production and the ape costume designs for this film as well.
Tim Roth and Paul Giamatti are such a blast in this movie, too!
And the posters for this movie look so cool.
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3. Planet of the Apes Reboot Trilogy (2011-2017, Amazon Prime)
I think this is what the 2001 movie should have been, and was trying to go for. While the three movies did make their money back at the box office, I have two theories why they almost went under everyone's radar (again, this is my opinion):
A. Because of the mixed reception from the 2001 movie.
B. Because of the abundance of comic book & remake movies coming out during the 2011-2017 years.
I put this trilogy right up with the Lord of the Rings and Star Wars. The storytelling is great, the special effects hold up well, and this reboot's version of Caesar has became one of my favorite main characters in modern film.
4. Mighty Joe Young (1998 remake, Disney+)
I don't know why this movie doesn't get talked about that much. Rick Baker, once again, does incredible work on the special effects for Joe. There's also a great musical score by James Horner. And Bill Paxton and Charlize Theron give amazing acting performances. And I think it's actually one of the better remakes that came out from the late 1990s.
In fact, the team that worked on the 1933 King Kong also made the 1949 film. Even Robert Armstrong (Carl Denham) came back for the '49 film. Ray Harryhausen worked under the supervision of Willis O'Brien for the special effects for the original movie. He also has a cameo appearance alongside Terry Moore (Jill Young) in a party scene.
Aaaaand I just found out the writers, Mark Rosenthal and Lawrence Konner, also did an uncredited rewrite for the 2001 POTA movie.
5. Tarzan (1999, Disney+)
Of course, who doesn't love Tarzan??? And Phil Collins's A.M.A.Z.I.N.G soundtrack???!!!
6. King Kong (1933, 2005, Amazon Prime/MAX)
Okay, technically it's a giant monster movie and the OG prior to Godzilla. And it also set the standard of film making overall. However, it is also a bit of a Beauty and the Beast story, hence the lines: "It was Beauty killed the Beast" and the "And the prophet said: And lo, the Beast looked upon the face of Beauty. And it stayed its hand from killing. And from that day forward, he was as one dead." I also recommend watching the extended cut of the 2005 remake.
7. Lilo & Stitch (2002, Disney+)
Again, who doesn't love Lilo and Stitch???
8. How to Train Your Dragon Trilogy (2010-2019, Amazon Prime/Peacock App)
Once again, who doesn’t love HTTYD (and why are they remaking it as a live action movie????)???
9. Gorillas in the Mist (1988, Amazon Prime)
This movie is about Dian Fossey (played by Sigourney Weaver), a primatologist who studied mountain gorillas and she was part of a trio of women who studied great apes; the amazing Jane Goodall and her study of chimpanzees, and Birute Galdikas who studies orangutans. The movie is also based on her book of the same name.
I use past tense for Dian, because she met a tragic and horrific death while she was conducting her research on gorillas. I have in-lined a link to Dian Fossey's Wikipedia article for further reading.
Rick Baker, once again, does some amazing practical creature effects work for the gorillas.
10. George of the Jungle (1997, Disney+)
One of my favorite Brendan Fraser movies, and such a fun, and a bit of a campy movie based on the cartoon series (which is also a spoof of Tarzan). I quote this movie every so often. Unfortunately, Rick Baker did not do the ape designs for this movie. The creature effects this time around was done by none other than the Jim Henson Creature Workshop!
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idwsonicmegareview · 5 months
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A collective sigh of relief for Sonic and friends – 2019 Annual
So maybe you’re a new comic book reader or a parent looking into IDW’s Sonic book for your child. “Annuals” are extra long special release books that come out once a year and may or may not tie into the storyline going on in the main book. The Sonic 2019 Annual fits between issues 12 and 13, after the Metal Sonic story arc but before the Metal Virus saga.
It contains five child-friendly and heartwarming stories in the Sonic world with colorful art and some fan-favorite characters.
Bonds of Friendship
The first story in this collection opens not with Sonic but with our new comic-exclusive characters.
Whisper visits Tangle in Spiral Hill Village and is introduced to Jewel the Beetle, Tangle’s childhood friend. She and Jewel used to go on little adventures together and collected a number of gems and treasures, which Jewel now displays in a museum she is the curator of.
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Just as the girls are all getting acquainted, the Babylon Rogues break in and raid the place. Storm accidentally abducts Jewel, thinking that she is actually a giant gemstone. Tangle and Whisper team up to save her and in the process humiliate the Babylon Rogues and get the gems back.
All in all, a very charming and cute adventure that doesn’t overstay its welcome.
Also, as a fan, it’s nice to see the Babylon Rogues return since they’ve always been exclusive to the Sonic Riders series. We did see Sonic and Knuckles ride their extreme gear in the Battle for Angel Island, so we could infer that Riders is included in the continuity but this really seals it.
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Being penned by Ian Flynn, this story serves mainly to flesh out more of Tangle’s backstory and to develop her close relationship with Whisper going forward. Having just introduced these characters less than a dozen issues ago in the comic’s run, they’re the ones most in need of new content so it makes sense.
Also Jewel will be an important character going forward, so readers would benefit from seeing her debut in 2019 Annual before digging into the next story arc.
The art by Jennifer Hernandez was much more charming in this story than it was in “Fallout!” and I think her art style was better suited to this kind of jokey adventure.
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Jet Set Tornado
Sonic and Tails go for a test flight on the Tornado with a new booster rocket attached. In a unique twist, Sonic is piloting the biplane instead of Tails because Sonic is better suited to maneuvering at high speed. Plus, it’s a nice reminder that the Tornado was actually Sonic’s plane, not Tails’.
Their test flight is interrupted by a badnik but the two manage to take the winged machine down and fly off into the sunset. Sonic asks Tails to take over the yoke because it’s more relaxing for him to ride. Besides, you have to go slow to land.
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This story was great for showing Sonic and Tails’ close relationship and how much they believe in each other. Writer Caleb Goellner managed to squeeze a charming story into very few pages and artist Jack Lawrence effectively used a clean art style and uncluttered panels to communicate all the needed visual information without any of it looking simplistic.
Victory Garden
This one is by far my favorite story of the bunch.
Blaze the Cat goes looking for Silver the Hedgehog in the ruins of a town, presumably one bombed during the Eggman War. She finds him trying to plant a garden in a crater, but Silver isn’t having any luck with it.
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Blaze uses her fire powers to burn the weeds away and then tells Silver to turn the ashes into the soil to nourish his garden and sure enough, he soon has a flourishing garden of sunflowers, tomatoes, and carrots.
This story is both somber and heartwarming. And it re-establishes the friendship between Silver and Blaze. Longtime fans will know that their relationship is a bit canonically muddled, but they make a good team so I’m glad to see their friendship rebooted here.
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I also loved that Blaze would know the role fire can have in renewing plant life, considering her magical attunement to fire. Silver, coming from a post-apocalyptic future, would naturally be attracted to gardens and vibrant plant life but wouldn’t know the first thing about gardening.
Curse of the Pyramid
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Our bandits, Rough and Tumble, search for Eggman’s pyramid base and the treasure that waits within.
They don’t expect to run into Rouge the Bat! She’s searching for the same thing, of course, because of her addiction to jewels. Tumble tries to throw her off their trail using his powerful stink but while running away from Rouge stumbles into the Egg Golem (from Sonic Adventure 2!)
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While the goons fight the Golem, Rouge goes to find the control unit to disable it but stumbles onto something else! She comes back covered in mummy bandages warning them of the pyramid’s curse!
Rough and Tumble run for it and then it’s revealed that Rouge isn’t actually cursed, she just dressed as a mummy to scare the idiots off. It turns out a group of animals moved into the pyramid after Eggman moved out and they use the “curse” to ward off thieves.
I think it’s hilarious that Eggman is constantly building these unique bases all over the world, and even hides treasure in some of them, but will abandon them at the drop of a hat.
I also like when Sonic characters use their more unique abilities in fun ways because it’s one of the series’ strengths. Even among children’s media, most don’t have a colorful cast both this large and with varied powers. Seeing Rough and Tumble actually use their stink as skunks makes perfect sense and gives them a unique attack when needed.
Sonic Fan Club
The last story of the 2019 annual is a meeting of the Sonic the Hedgehog fan club.
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The meeting quickly devolves into a struggle for power as the kids argue about who should be club president. They begin trying to embody different virtues of Sonic to prove they deserve to be president.
They go for a foot race to see who’s the fastest, roll into balls just like Sonic, and fight a badnik to prove they’re brave like Sonic.
The Egg Pawn proves to be too much for them to handle and Tangle steps in to help. Of course, Tangle says they should have a Tangle fan club instead but because she got too distracted, she ends up tangling herself up in her tail and humiliating herself.
As a kid who grew up with Sonic, there’s nothing more charming than the idea of a bunch of kids having a Sonic fan club. I had a stupid grin on my face for the entire story.
The Verdict
The 2019 Annual is a cute little special to pick up but maybe not required reading for IDW Sonic. Kids could pick up this book and understand everything going on without any of the context of the previous 12 issues, but it will enrich their reading going forward.
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teawinx · 2 years
After some time I decided to check out tumblr again and your blog was actually the one i was looking the most forward to to check out again
And OH WOW you're recent designs have been AMAZING! You seriously never fail to impress me with your art and ideas. Your reboot is looking very promising and im hyped to learn more about how yoir stories progresses.
I know it may be a bit soon ti ask tgus question, but do you know how you want to actually *tell* the story (comic, written in text, animation, etc)?
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Thank you!!! I've been having so much fun reinventing my style after so long!
I mean I've been yapping on about "the reboot" for at least a year at this point, so you're not too early at all! Ideally I want to make a video doing an overview of at least Season 1, but I just need to get over myself and actually record something for once! And then do some nice editing with original art and stuff
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minnichan · 2 years
Tagged by @baiyubai thanks!
I just finished some stuff yesterday and am in between starting something new so I'll cheat a bit with the categories.
Currently watching:
Fairyland Lovers - I'm at 30/35 episodes but I just watch like one ep per week. I started this for Bai Yu but now I'm dragging myself through the last episodes for Xuan Lu as her character's background story should come up soon. The romance is kinda annoying as I see no chemistry between the main characters. Falling for someone just because she's the reincarnation of your previous love... I'm too aro for this.
The Lost Tomb Reboot - I just finished S2 yesterday. I started this for Zhu Yilong and it was entertaining enough, but the treatment of the female characters in this franchise... Being a woman in dmbj is more dangerous than being an actual grave robber :'(
Echo of Moonfall (Reboot side story) - Watched all of it yesterday because the friend who I watched Reboot with wanted more Liu Sang content.
Ping Yao Wang Shi (Reboot side story) - Same as Echo of Moonfall.
Currently Rewatching (aka I will make my friend watch these with me):
Mystery of the Abyss - Heihua movie was my first introduction to the dmbj franchise and I knew nothing about it while watching. Gonna be fun rewatching it with more knowledge now.
Word of Honor
Lighting Up The Stars - I might hate the haircut for Long-ge in this one, but the story and acting are amazing. Always a good cry.
Looking forward to:
Cloudy Mountain - The film will be released here on DVD/BD next month, I only watched it in cinemas with German dub so I'm excited for the original with Long-ge's voice.
The Comic Bang - Chinese drama adaptation of Gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun.
West Out of the Yu Men - This character of Bai Yu looks like he would go well with Zhu Yilong's Wu Xie. Also I'm taking anything with either of them that's not romance centric.
and 25 more titles on my plan to watch. and all the anime I've been neglecting since my descent into Guardian and Zhubai works... I need more time.
Tagging anyone who wants to do this :D
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nogoodninny · 2 years
I want a Gilmore Girls reboot that follows Rory and her baby. Here are 64 points on my predictions for what is to come for the next generation of Stars Hollow…
Rory will have a baby boy
The baby will be part wookie
She will name him after her grandfather, they will call him Ricky Gilmore
Rory will get her book published and come back to run the Stars Hollow Gazette
Ricky will love spending time with his Grandpa Luke and hanging out at his Diner
Kirk and Lulu will have a kid who is surprisingly well adjusted
Ricky wants to go to Chilton
Ricky wants to go to Yale
Great Grandma will spoil the crap out of little Ricky
Ricky will NOT like coffee
Rory will eventually have a daughter that she names Lorelai
Ricky and Baby Kirk will be best friends
Ricky will LOVE the snow, and can smell it coming, just like his Grandma
Ricky will often wear a backwards baseball cap, just like grandpa
Davey will work at the inn and Martha will work with her daddy
Rory is going to write a biography for Patty, and it’s going to be a best seller
Rory is going to settle down and become an actual decent person. Think more Chilton Rory than Yale Rory
As Ricky gets older Luke and Lorelai move out of the house and back into the space above the diner, so Rory and Ricky can live there
Either that or they all move into the Twikem House like Luke wanted
Ricky will be a lot like Luke, personality wise
Taylor will absolutely adore Ricky, and is the only person in town who doesn’t realize that he’s basically a mini Luke
Naomi Shropshire will actually write that book about the whale and the rabbit/mouse
It’s one of Ricky’s favorite books
It wins a Pulitzer
GG has a baby and wants her big sister in their lives
Ricky loves his baby cousin
When Ricky gets his first phone, Luke thinks it’s too soon
Ricky is the only person who finds it weird that their town still has a troubadour
Ricky is indifferent to town events, he participates, but it’s not like he counts down the days
He loves town meetings though, he thinks they are hilarious
Patty gets a pet monkey
Emily still employs Berta and her family
Ricky gives out the WiFi password at Luke’s once, as a joke, which results in the router being ripped out, and Ricky losing all WiFi privileges
Lorelai found this hilarious and was very proud
Ricky can understand Berta
Every time someone asks Baby Kirk what he wants to be when he grow up, he gives a different answer
Christopher loves Ricky, but hates the idea that he’s a grandpa now, it makes him feel old
Guy Fieri gets a cameo where he comes to Luke’s for his show Diners, Drive Ins, and Dives
Luke is grumpy about the camera crew, but Lorelai and Sookie are so excited that he puts up with it
Both Patty and Babette flirt with Guy
Kirk asks him how to have a career on Food Network
Liz and TJ have multiple kids, just as weird as they are
Rory hasn’t been in contact with Mr. Wookie since that night, until she randomly runs into him at that collectibles store in NY while shopping for a birthday gift for Ricky
She doesn’t recognise him at first, but he does immediately
She tells him that she’s shopping for her son’s birthday, then tells him all about Ricky
She explains everything and brings him home to Stars Hollow to meet her family
Luke doesn’t like him
Neither does Christopher
Ricky isn’t quite sure what to think, because he’s still pretty young, but he can sense how tense everyone is
Mr. Wookie asks if he can visit occasionally, on birthdays and around the holidays
He takes Ricky to Comic Con each year
I don’t know who or how, but somebody in Stars Hollow is going to be involved in a murder somehow
The kids love hearing stories about the Life and Death Brigade
Ricky even tried to start his own kiddie version of it in Stars Hollow
Luke and Lorelai like visiting Nantucket every year and actually look forward to it
April will have a baby at some point
a third film by Kirk
another beloved pet will die and the entire town will gather for the funeral
Emily Gilmore will sadly pass away
At leash one flashback episode
TJ and Liz get lost while camping or something and Luke has to go find them
Lorelai meets Taylor Swift
At some point during the final season she decides to write a sequel to her book, this one is about raising Ricky
The last scene of the entire series will be Rory revealing that they are thinking about making her book into a tv series.
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Hey there friends!!
Welcome to the SpringTrap and Deliah Rebooted tumblr!! This is where I’ll be posting my rewritten version of GraWolfQuinn’s SpringTrap and Deliah :]
(*Not at all affiliated with the other SaD rewritten blog I’ve seen on here; I do not know them or what they have planned for their rewriting but I wish them luck and look forward to see what they have in store ^^)
This comic is being made purely for fun and is currently in the process of being written :]
Thankfully, I already have a lot thought of and done and suspect I shall be able to move onto concept art and paneling very soon!
Another small disclaimer: this rewriting is quite different from the original. I expect it will be longer and with new characters too,, so all I ask is for kindness and to be understanding that quite a bit will be different!!
Now that all of that’s out of the way, I hope you’ll enjoy what I’ve come up with and will stick by to see what I have in store.
Thank you!! :]
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pjdraws · 1 year
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Once upon a time I used to dedicate a lot of my time to a comic series called Lost Folk. I’m proud of that series and it was always meant to be my way of cutting my teeth in comics. This post is to announce that I have two issues of the series that I haven’t ever published and then to do nothing with that statement. ANYWAY I’m rebooting the project, as part of that I will be releasing all the issues so far in various states of completion online soon. Note quite sure where not quite sure when. Look forward to it #oc #comics #comicart #lostfolk #artistsoninstagram #djcadgrad #indiecomics
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ochrogasting · 5 years
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the chaos of my robot story, slapped into one image
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maxwell-grant · 2 years
Ask Round-Up: June
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Hi there! Got some time to spare so I figured I’d kick this one off first thing in the month,. A couple of points, as usual
-Happy Pride Month!
-I posted a video on Twitter recently dubbing a comic Dan Schkade did, and I’m linking it here to announce that I do intend to use my Twitter for stuff soon (mostly when I do start “The Grim Screen” proper, which is the name of that big mystery project I keep alluding to, and where the characters in my profile pictures come from). I’m still figuring out how I wanna use social media to share and promote my work in a way that isn’t more grating than it’s worth, I need to start trying new things, this being one of them. 
-It’s COLD-AS-SHIT here in Brazil, we’ve been getting hit with some of the absolute coldest days in the country’s history, honestly reminded me of when I spent some weeks in London during a winter. Getting raised in a tropical country absolutely does not prepare you for that kind of shit, especially when coats (and clothes in general) your size tend to be stupidly expensive. And COVID’s spiking again to the point most people can no longer pretend this pandemic ever ended. 
-I picked a stray cat off the garbage over a month ago and, after trying every available option to see if someone could take care of her, running a ton of tests and taking her to vets and looking after her in our studio, we ended up giving up on pretending we weren’t gonna adopt her. Currently in the process of moving her to our home and getting our house cat to adjust to the new presence and it’s, a work in progress. 
-Still massively busy due to musical theater, currently trying to get enough time to finish my resume and start looking for work elsewhere. 
-Currently caught between several juggling acts that have only gotten exponentially worse and more stressful since the first draft of this post but nevermind let’s go:
@jcogginsa asked:  So we just got a new Street Fighter VI Gameplay Trailer, with what seems to be a fairly massive change to the series' gameplay
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If anything, the gameplay seems to be the least changed aspect of it, or maybe it’s just the one I’m noticing the least because, frankly I don’t care about gameplay that much, but, wow, color me genuinely impressed with what they’ve shown so far. Just, Christ, this is what a major step forward finally feels like, not some faux-Alpha soft reboot or all-stars compilathon, no, they really are serious about taking Street Fighter to the future. Ryu, I already remarked at being pleased with them allowing Ryu to mature and change his outfit and role, but I’m far more impressed that they’re clearly letting Chun-Li follow suit as well, getting a slight visual overhaul (sort of a lightly-colored combination of her two key designs, SF2 and Alpha, with a characterization that seems to be building off her Third Strike era and a handful of new details like the change in bracelets and more exposed forehead to cement her maturity) and getting to show off a little as a teacher in the trailer. It feels nice to have good things to say about the direction they’re taking Chun-Li as a character (and oh thank god she’s got a new voice actor, I never liked Laura Bailey’s voice for her, this game really is spoiling me). 
They even got me onboard with having Luke stick around as the MC! Yeah, color me fucking shocked, but when he doesn’t look as much like Logan Paul a grotesque eyesore with a superfluous personality and he looks like a character that actually belongs in this world, and he gets a very neat-looking rival character to play off, yeah, I’m onboard with him. Really liked Jaime, too, I think he really sets a new standard for SF character design quite nicely, I like that just from a glance he pays homage to a lot of SF archetypes while very clearly being his own character (to a better extent than Luke, who seems to have been designed with the same idea in mind), love that he’s Street Fighter’s first take on the “drunken master” archetype except he’s not just a hokey old cliche but instead a fresh new spin on the archetype. This is what Street Fighter made it’s name on, this is what it should always be doing. 
Also saw that most of the starting roster was leaked a while ago, a couple of comments on that: I love that none of the OG World Warriors are coming back without some form of redesign, in particular I love Blanka’s new clothes and E.Honda looks cooler than ever. Not a fan of them finally being cowards enough to give Zangief pants but, fine, they are clearly scaling down the cartooniness of the prior installments, I get why the speedo had to go. Glad they kept Dhalsim’s beard while reverting back his bald head and, changing his necklace? Interesting. Very interested in what the hell’s going on with Ken, fucker looks more divorced with every new installment, kinda surprised that it’s Ken who looks like he’s got his shit together a lot less than Ryu this time around / and uh, I wrote this post before it was apparently leaked that Ken actually is divorced? The fuck? Curious to see how that goes.
LOVE LOVE LOVE GOUKI’S NEW LOOK, holy shit this is what he should have looked like in SFV to begin with, fuck, finally they made a redesign for him that doesn’t suck. Love that they seem to have incorporated one of the concept ideas they had for him for SFV, which was to have him wear the fur of a bear he killed, into his main design, because that is 100% a Gouki thing to do and it works masterfully with the lion / wildman imagery he’s already got going on.
Funny, I was JUST thinking the other day if they were ever gonna bring Dee Jay back and if they did, they were definitely gonna have to redesign him and tone down everything that made him look like a grotesque racist caricature or, at least, change it so that he doesn’t stick out as much compared to the other characters, which it seems like they did, I’m actually kinda shocked over how much I like how he looks now, he’s like 100 times better. I always did like Dee Jay’s concept as a fun-loving musician who, unlike the other characters, really was just in it to have fun, and I like that he actually looks the part now. LOVE that they brought Rashid back and redesigned him to look sexier, actually, I like that they seem to be a lot more willing to let the dudes look explicitly hot this time around at a similar and show more skin while the female characters look like they were made with looking cool as a priority over looking like someone’s fetish (might retract this statement depending on how Laura or Mika look like if they make it to the game).
Juri was obviously gonna come back, but I definitely prefer this look over the SFV bodysuit, not surprised Ed’s back but am mildly interested with where they’re taking him lore-wise. The new characters look a little samey and, to an extent they kinda look a little more like Tekken characters (but then again the whole aesthetic of this game reminds me a lot of Tekken), but I definitely like their look, and I definitely think they are gonna make a vastly better batch of newcomers than what IV and V had. I’m particularly interested in Marisa, JP, Kimberly and Aki. So, yeah, I’m definitely on board with where this game is heading. 
Anonymous asked:  Do you have any interest in seeing other parts of South America?
Sure. Already traveled through quite a bit of it, but I always wanna travel more, traveling’s one of my favorite things to do. Unfortunately it’s also terribly expensive even besides the whole, cough, pandemic. But, yeah, I definitely miss traveling. 
Anonymous asked:  Excluding pastiche of the character like Swam, what is your favourite version of the phantom of the opera ?
Come to think of it I, don’t think I actually have one? My favorite Phantoms are the ones I make myself out of extensively curating and Frankensteining together the dozens and dozens of existing Phantoms, sort of like The Shadow but to a much greater extent since there’s hundreds of Phantom of the Opera stories out there and the character’s public domain. I guess for me it’s not so much particular “versions” of the character, so much as it’s particular ideas. 
I love Leroux’s Erik, I think the resolution to his story is still pretty unsurpassed (except by the one depicted in the short story “Beauty and the Opéra, or The Phantom Beast” by Suzy McKee Charnas, that one has by far the best take I’ve read yet on the Phantom x Christine relationship), I find myself lately appreciating a lot how remarkably childish and darkly humorous he’s written to be, way more than you’d ever expect the original take on The Phantom to be. I like Lon Chaney’s Phantom likewise for the humor and classic villainy he has fun with, particularly in his final scene. I like Ken Hill’s Phantom for similar reasons and he’s probably my favorite of the on-stage Phantoms I’ve seen or heard (I have some more, mixed, feelings for the ALW version, I wrote like a massive report on it recently so I don’t feel like talking about it for now). 
I love how BATSHIT HORRIFYING the Phantom of Althea Liu’s Christine is, I really like some of the ideas at play in the Charles Dance version (not a wholly satisfying take but, there’s some ideas in there I like, and honestly being played by Charles Dance does go a long way in at least getting my attention). I love how he’s drawn in the MAZM game (hadn’t had a chance to check it in full yet) and I have some other favorite artistic renditions of him by artists like Greg Hildebrandt, Kyu Ha and Anne Bachelier, to quote a few among many. I have a LOT of space in my files devoted to cataloguing Phantom media and anything adjacent to it as a reference point, I go through them every now and then whenever I start thinking about the kinds of Phantoms I want to create.
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Honorable mention right now goes also to the Cosmos Takarazuka Phantom played by Yoka Wao. I’ve never been remotely able to witness this play, there’s no records of it I can find online outside of this terrific review penned by @ancientphantom​, but reading that immediately shot this up into becoming one of my absolute favorite takes on the character to read about or imagine (reading that, during Christine’s debut, this version of The Phantom broke the 4th wall by actually going offstage to the orchestra pit in order to personally conduct the orchestra went a long way in making this my favorite show that I’ll never get to watch, seriously, what a brilliant usage of the character). 
@thedeathalchemist asked:  Since you are doing musical theater, do you have any favorite musicals (can be both stage and film)?
Actually not that many, especially when it comes to stage since music theater shows tend to be terribly expensive. This might seem weird coming off the previous ask, and the fact that I did this big writing assignment on it, but I don’t actually consider the ALW Phantom among them (it’s, weird, the history I have with that play, but I don’t dislike it though). Among the ones that come to mind would be The Lion King (I was a little young to “get” the worship people have for Lion King when I watched the movie, but the play definitely instilled that impression on me), and Morte e Vida Severina gets a very strong recommendation from me.
For film, definitely my number one pick would be Phantom of the Paradise, followed by Little Shop of Horrors and The Prince of Egypt, and now Descendants 2. I watched the whole Descendants trilogy recently and I definitely have a lot of thoughts on it, but Descendants 2 in particular is shockingly good, trust me, it’s worth putting up with the first movie (not bad but, not terribly interesting) to get to it. Speaking of Descendants, I also gotta put it’s older sibling High School Musical here, mainly for 2 and 3 (my favorites being, every number done by Sharpay or Ryan across all three films, the “Troy has a mental breakdown” songs, and “The Boys are Back”, which almost kinda redeems Chad for a second). I also really liked The Happiness of the Katakuris which is, kind of a musical, it’s kind of a whole bunch of things but I don’t remember enough of it to talk more of it. Otherwise I’m not terribly familiar with musicals enough to have a proper list. Get back to me after I’m done with musical theater and that might change.
@krinsbez asked:  So, apparently, Dan Schkade has posted a list of "Batman Hot Takes" which includes Alfred being a retired Shadow. Thoughts?
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Not something I would write personally in my takes on either character, but I like it primarily because Dan’s reasoning of “He goes from The Master to a servant, shaping the next generation” is a rock-solid foundation for where The Shadow should go as a character if he were to actually “retire” for real. I’d seen this idea of his a while back and actually, this was kind of a crucial puzzle piece that went into my thought process for my “The Shadow meets Cassandra Cain” post, I was wracking my head thinking of ways for these hardline incompatible characters could co-exist or work together and then I found this on his tweets and stuff just kinda clicked together. It made perfect sense. 
I also like it because Alfred already kind of embodies a “prior generation” of crimefighter in how usually he’s written to reference James Bond, and because Alfred’s generally a character who already carries some kind of mystery and intrigue in his backstory, part of what makes him work as an all-timer anciliary character comes from us not knowing much about his life other than the myriad of skillsets he once had as the most awesome man on the planet and how that life culminated in him eventually becoming the right-hand man to the current most awesome man on the planet. The Batman crossovers even kinda played around with the idea of The Shadow effortlessly being able to become Alfred even without Bruce noticing.
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You could make a very good point based on how well this gap in Alfred’s past fits with the existing gap in The Shadow’s post-1949 future, how seamlessly you could make it so one ends where the other begins, and besides, Alfred’s main vocation besides butler is often established to be that of an actor, which is almost 90% of the time in fiction code for “this character isn’t what they say they are / don’t trust everything they say”. Is it really that unbelievable that Alfred was just, one in a million other names in a lifetime of fighting against evil by adopting different monikers and identities?
Again, not something I’d go for or establish “canonically”, largely because I don’t want The Shadow to be tied down to Batman more than he’s already perceived to be publicly, but the logic and thematic worth here is quite sound.
Anonymous asked:  Related to that last question, which fighting game franchise has your favorite lore, and/or the lore that you would most want someone to expand on in another type of work?
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Besides the two big ones I already talk about on the regular (Street Fighter and Mortal Kombat), definitely Capoeira Fighter, created by Scott Stoddard (who you can see above in the line-up, as he jokingly inserted himself into the game as a character called “Maionese”, portuguese word for mayo, I was frankly surprised to learn he was North-American). I’ve known about it for a long while but it was only recently that I started doing some looking into it and it’s character designs, and I’m only just now discovering that the creator of this was also the creator of Mad Shark and Robot Unicorn Attack, and the only social media he seems to have is his Youtube channel. Looking up Capoeira Fighter and it’s creator company, Spiritonin, nets you basically just dead pages and zombie pages still up that don’t work anymore because the game was made for Flash, so, yeah, it’s hard to even call Capoeira Fighter a franchise when it largely consists of mostly tech demos and one game that is pretty much gone unless you look for it in BlueMaxima’s Flashpoint.  Capoeira Fighter 3 does look a lot more polished and boasts a lot more than could ever be feasibly expected from a flash fighting game, including an interactive Arcade Mode where you can make choices that affect your character’s storyline. 
I regret that I didn’t get to play Capoeira Fighter 3 before the death of Flash, because looking it up makes me frustrated. There’s quite a lot to like here. This is absolutely a series that I would love to see get a proper shot under the sun with a budget and some more polish (gameplay definitely could use some work still), there’s a lot of incredible stuff here.
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen a fighting game, or even a game really, where I look at the characters and recognize not just the pop culture archetypes they draw from, but I also recognize people in them, real people I’ve met. Both of it’s main masters, Mestre Loka and Mestre Rochedo, are opposites and yet they both look unmistakably like real fighting masters and people I’ve trained under (Loka in particular). You see the Muay Thai girl in the image above, named Chompoo? Not only is she the 2nd woman in fighting games who uses Muay Thai, but she’s the only one who actually looks like it (King is by leaps and bounds my favorite of the SNK girls but she’s evidently not dressed for combat), but she actually kinda reminds me of my teacher’s wife (the absolute scariest person I’ve ever seen fight Muay Thai, not even joking, he loves talking about her and showing me videos of his tiny and lovely and terrifying wife tearing down opponents twice her size in the ring), I bring this up because this game's authenticity absolutely deserves praise as well as it's character design. Look at the other two characters above, Ramba and Buldogue, and I’m gonna post this excerpt from BigMex’s article on it that better summarizes the two and part of what is so great about this game:
The diversity of the characters could not be understated. There were 15 unique capoeiristas, in addition there were 13 other "World Warrior" type characters that represented other fighting styles like Muay Thai, Tae Kwon Do and boxing. It was not the sheer number that made the game unique but instead the showcase of figures. 
 In other fighting games, the playable characters were always roughly the same size and body type. They never had an ounce of fat on them, and were never too short or tall. Capoeira Fighter 3 had every skin color and body type that a person could imagine. The various tones and shades of skin suggested that several characters were of mixed marriages, mulatto or even native. 
There was a character that reflected just about every type of gamer there was, including the young and old. None of them seemed feeble when competing against fighters in their prime. 
Very few games, before or after, had put as many minority characters in the roster. Very few games had ever put minorities in prominent roles for the accompanying story. The lineup featured tall, skinny, fat, short, muscular and average build body types. Even the heroic Mestres could not have been more opposite
Ramba had actually been away from competition because she was busy at the university. She was asked by Mestre Loka to look after his students. She reluctantly agreed as it would be a good excuse to get away from law school for a moment. 
Along the way, Ramba met Buldogue and offered her a better life. Ramba knew that Buldogue was a strong fighter, but had never been given an opportunity outside of the roda (fighting circle). Buldogue had been used as hired muscle by other characters in the game and Ramba wanted to get her out of that life. She knew that the bruiser was actually respected by the community, especially the poor that lived in the favela or ghetto. 
If she were able to get an education and become known for something other than fighting, then Buldogue could become an inspiration for other women trapped by their situation. Players were given a choice whether to team up Ramba and Buldogue or to play solo. The purpose of Ramba in the game was not to beat the main villain, but instead to help guide those in need. 
If players completed the game solo, then Ramba learned what she was really fighting for. She earned her degree, but decided to open her own firm to help the less fortunate. If she teamed up with Buldogue, she became a mentor and enrolled her in school, while still working double-duty as a lawyer.
Strong, positive, dynamic, interesting minority female characters that didn't need to flash skin to get noticed? There had been few and far between for over 25 years. Designers in Japan and the US had lost focus on how they could introduce new faces without relying on pandering or stereotype. 
Characters could color the perception of gamers after all. When done in a positive light they could stop perpetuating stereotypes. Capoeira Fighter 3 had set a standard that would be hard for many developers to follow.
And, man, do I wish Capoeira Fighter 3 actually did set a standard to be followed by the bigger fighting game studios, especially in how they approach black or Brazilian characters. It’s hard going back to those now, seeing a different standard as to what they could be like. So many franchises these days are getting unexpected revivals or glow-ups, I would absolutely be onboard to see Capoeira Fighter get this kind of treatment or to even write and conceive stuff for it myself.
Maybe 2D fighting games have gone with the wind again (platform fighters seem to be growing more as the new rage) but, man, it would break my heart to see this be forgotten, and it very easily could have been. I absolutely do not want this to go the way so many other flash games did, I think Capoeira Fighter's truly remarkable and I would love to see it be revived in some form (or maybe I should just finally take a crack at game design already and make my own fighting games, who knows).
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Okay, okay, okay, we already talked about the teaser, skipping straight to after. 
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Y’all, my heart when I saw Alfred 🥺
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Conner is just breaking my heart this comic ;n; 
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Meanwhile, Bart is an interesting contrast, because Tim and Kon are both seeing people they know to be dead, but Bart shows up not initially realizing something’s off because Wally and Max doesn’t seem any different from how he last saw them. 
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AAAAAAAAAAh, Kon is breaking my HEART. And it’s so interesting to see Bart as the one trying to keep everyone on the task of Finding A Way To Fix Things, because like, 1) Bart has seen time travel go bad, and 2) there’s nothing in this time keeping him here, at least nothing he’s run into or recognized as a reason to stay, meanwhile Tim and Conner have both been immediately faced with dead loved ones they may want to hold onto. The last time Bart really messed around with time, he got stuck in the speedforce while the timeline was manipulated, so it makes sense he’s really wigged out about this. 
Kon, on the other hand, likes whatever’s happened to them that SEEMS to have placed them back in time to their early days. Kon only recently returned to his friends and loved ones, and after being stuck outside his own universe, his universe got rewritten, so everything he knows is no longer quite real. Being back to what feels familiar must be extreamly comforting, and it makes sense for Kon to not want to give that up any time soon. 
Tim’s stance on things is less clear? He’s the only one of the three of them to have lived through the reboot, which may play into him not really having strong feelings either way, but he does seem to casually lean more towards Conner’s side, possibly because of Alfred’s presense. 
(lmao, and welcome to the main continuity, Tim’s coffee habbit) 
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I find it intersting that after Cassie stops acting so mean, Cissie starts doing it. I wonder that’s perhaps a plot point of some kind.... Like, maybe whatever was making Cassie think and act so horribly towards her friends, like, moves from person to person? 
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I’m not really loving how Cassie’s written... it feels a bit... eh. Like, the Cassie I know’s got more of a backbone than that. 
I also feel like she’s not explaining well enough what happened. Wally seems to come away from their conversation not really understanding that Bart disapeared. I can appreciate that Dick at least seems more worried, but none of them seem to understand what Cassie’s trying to hint at, and watching her avoid giving them pertinent but incriminating information and then complain that no one’s helping her is kinda annoying, not gonna lie. 
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Hey, props to Conner for the character growth. Welcome to no longer being a horny teenager. 
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I’m also throwing my hat in the ring to say they’re Not Actually In The Past. I dunno what’s going on, but it seems like maybe something is mimicking their history but things are different. I mean, the first clue is that they’re, like, 17-19 in a time period where they’re like 14-16, and nobody’s bat an eye, but this fight scene really clinched it for me. They like, call out that it’s not going how they remember three times, which actually does make me more hopeful that the continuity errors are maybe intentional, but we’ll have to see. 
Anyway, I’m actually enjoying it, and I’m looking forward to more. 
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reactionimagesdaily · 3 years
I dont understand bionicles at all, so maybe a crash course into like. 1) what a bionicle is 2) general plot of the bionicle story? happy 5k btw <3 love ur page!
OH BOY OH BOY, this is a question I've been waiting for. Thank you so much for asking, and I’m glad you like my page!! <333
A couple of disclaimers, before I start: I'm going to focus mostly on the mainline plot, but let it be known that there WERE a bunch of serial stories and comics and games that added to the story overall. Bionicle was, I think, one of the first big instances of a plot that was consumed through a bunch of different mediums.
I'm also going to try and do a lot of streamlining - it's not that I DON'T want to talk about bionicle, but there's 10+ years of story to cover, so... yeah. :P
Also! Sorry in advance to anyone whose 'read more' function doesn't work, because this is gonna be a doozy
So, what is a bionicle? From a meta perspective, Bionicle is a Lego theme that ran from 2001-2010, and was briefly rebooted from 2015-2016. It's name is a mashup of biological chronicle, and it was hugely successful in its time, essentially helping to save the Lego company from bankruptcy. The idea is that you use finnicky technical pieces to build humanoid figures (and sometimes their vehicles!) and then. play with them
From a textual/lore perspective, I'm not sure Bionicle is an in-universe term lol. But the characters that we recognise as 'bionicles' are grouped into a bunch of different classifications - 'Toa', 'Matoran', 'Makuta', 'Glatorian', and so on. The characters are kinda like inverse cyborgs, where there's metal on the outside and flesh and muscle on the inside. They often function like robots (e.g. have removable and replaceable masks that they constantly wear over their faces) but are still essentially living creatures.
So, what's the general plot of the story?
...[inhales deeply] Okay
In the time before time, there's an island called Mata Nui that sits in the middle of the ocean. It's populated by these dinky lil' guys called 'Matoran' that live in six villages organised by elements - fire, water, ice, air, earth, and stone. They eke out a life as best they can, facing dangerous wild animals (collectively called 'Rahi') and worshipping the Great Spirit, who is confusingly also called Mata Nui. (They named the island after him.) The great spirit, they say, once watched over them all, but was long ago forced into an enchanted sleep by his evil brother.
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(These are the matoran. Look at these cute little guys :3)
One day, six canisters wash ashore, on the island's golden beaches. And out of these canisters step six strange figures called Toa. Tall, strong, and heavily armed, there is one of these 'Toa' for each of the villages, and each of these guys have control over an element. They are the main 'heroes' of this story.
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(These are the six Toa. Here's a fun game - spot the girl!)
Each of the six Toa are named characters - from left to right we have Onua (wise and grounded), Lewa (fun-loving and mischievous), Pohatu (friendly and confident), Tahu (hot-headed and impulsive), Kopaka (cold and quiet), and Gali (intelligent and compromising). Some of the Matoran are also named characters - there's Jaller, the captain of the guard at the fire village, Hahli, a sports player from the water village, Matoro, a translator from the ice village, and Takua, who's technically from the fire village but is also an 'outsider' who tends to wander the island. Takua is especially important because he becomes the Toa's 'chronicler', following them around on their adventures and writing everything down for posterity.
Without getting into too much detail, the Toa spend two real-life years getting into wacky highjinks. They hunt for masks (as aforementioned, the masks they wear can be removed and replaced) that grant them special powers, fight the Rahi, and also face up against a terrifying race of creatures with mind-control powers called the Bohrok that are determined to strip the island of all life. They also fight against a being called Makuta, a mysterious shadowy figure who claims to be the brother that forced Mata Nui into his slumber. When they first meet him, Makuta takes the form of a Matoran to throw them off, before turning into a nebulous black void and doing his best to murder them all to death.
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(Makuta as he appears in 2001's 'Mata Nui Online Game'. As far as villain introductions go, marching out to meet all the heroes and then telling them "I bore you, for I am nothing. It is from nothing that you came, and it is into nothing you will go. The people of this world are builders, but look into their hearts, and you will find they also have the power to destroy. I am that power. I am destruction. And I will destroy you." is pretty fucking solid though I say so myself.)
There’s a lot of cool worldbuilding and mysterious details about the island. At one point, the earth Matoran note that they can only dig so far into the dirt before they come across some hard material - some type of metal - that they just can’t break through. Also, amidst the stars in the sky, there’s an ominous blood-red star that’s appropriately known as the Red Star. What’s it doing there? Nobody knows
Also at one point, the Toa also get mutated into new forms after falling into a liquid that's called 'energized protodermis' but should really be called 'McGuffin Sauce'. There's a lot of changing forms and characters being mutated in this series in general, which I'm sure has nothing to do with the fact that Lego always needed new figures to make into toys.
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(This is how the Toa look after being mutated. In these forms, they're referred to as the Toa Nuva -and let me assure you that that distinction will soon become necessary. :P)
So, in 2003 in our world (I’m not sure about the timeline within the lore), Takua the chronicler finds a mysterious mask and brings it back to the Turaga, who are the wise old rulers of the Matoran (The most promiment of the Turaga is the Turaga of fire, who’s called Vakama. He’s an even-tempered and wise old man who’s not above hitting villains with his walking stick if they threaten his village.). It turns out that the mask is special - it’s the mask of Light, and it’s part of a prophecy that involves the arrival of a seventh Toa who’s destined to defeat Makuta. So Takua and Jaller go on an adventure to try and find the seventh Toa.
Meanwhile, Makuta isn’t just going to sit around and wait for the Toa who’s destined to defeat him to rock up: he unleashes his secret weapons, the Rahkshi, who are, in lore, suits of armour driven by slugs. Sounds corny - in practice, they’re hella intimidating.
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(Look at these bad boys)
Some more adventures happen and, to make a long story short, the Rahkshi kill Jaller and Takua the chronicler puts the mask of light onto his own face, transforming into Takanuva, the Toa of Light. The audience surrogate and ‘weird’ character was the secret hero all along!! I love that honestly.
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(Takua and Takanuva - before and after)
As someone with light powers, Takanuva is essentially the perfect counter to the big bad Makuta, who has shadow powers, so he finds Makuta’s lair intent on beating him. Makuta challenges him to a game that’s called ‘Kohlii’ but is basically this universe’s version of lacrosse - Takanuva accepts and proceeds to wipe the floor with him. During their fight, they fall into another conveniently-placed pool of energized protodermis and become merged, forming a new being called ‘Takutanuva’. Takutanuva doesn’t stick around very long, because he’s this weird contradictory being of both light and shadow, but before he fractures he opens a gate underneath Mata Nui and lets the Toa, the Turaga, and some named Matoran get through. Inside, they find a hidden city - a whole other world.
Takutanuva then manages to use his powers to hack the universe and bring Jaller back to life. Hooray! After that, he dies, and Takanuva is back. Makuta is nowhere to be found. [eyes emoji]
So now the Toa, the old Turaga, and a couple of Matoran are inside this whole new location, and they’re all wondering what the heck is going on. Well, not all of them are wondering. Vakama, the head Turaga, steps forward and admits that actually, the six (seven) Toa heros that we’ve come to know and love... aren’t actually the first Toa. Gasp!
The next two years of sets and story are essentially one giant flashback, as Vakama tells the current heroes about adventures past. It turns out that the hidden city they’ve found is called Metru Nui, and once upon a time, Vakama and the other Turaga were Toa themselves, fighting to keep the city and the matoran safe.
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(New (old) Toa! The flying green one is Matau, who was a stunt-driving excitable madman, and then on the ground from left to right we have Whenua (nerdy chronicler), Nokama (schoolteacher-turned-superhero), Vakama (anxiety-ridden leader), Nuju (absent-minded stargazer), and Onewa (racist prick who needs (and gets) a character arc). To differentiate themselves from the Toa that we’ve come to know and love, these Toa are the Toa Metru)
They had a bunch of adventures of their own. They fought the Vahki (capture robots upholding an authoritarian police state) and the Morbuzakh (evil sentient vines), and they also had ‘arch enemies’ in the form of the Dark Hunters, who were mercenaries that hunted Toa.
Also, that story about Makuta putting Mata Nui to sleep? Not a story so much as a history lesson! Ultimately, the reason that the city of Metru Nui was abandoned was because Mata Nui WAS awake, watching over them all, but then Makuta forced him into slumber and essentially caused a cataclysm. The Matoran were rounded up and forced to sleep as well, and the Toa Metru had to flee the city. When they came back, it had been overrun with Visorak (basically giant spiders), and they had to fight hard to defeat the horde and its leaders and escape with all of the sleeping Matoran.
Once they left Metru Nui (and arrived on the island that would become Mata Nui), the Toa Metru sacrificed their powers to wake up all the Matoran - which is how they transformed into the wise old Turaga. Also, the Matoran woke up with no memories, which is how they’d never known about Metru Nui up until this point.
Anyways, after exploring Metru Nui and making plans to move back in, everyone does some digging around and discover something about Mata Nui: his spirit is fading. Whatever Makuta did to him, it not only put him to sleep, but it’s also slowly killing him. After presumably having an existential crisis, the gang come up with a solution: there’s another legendary mask, the Mask of Life, that should be able to resuscitate Mata Nui, or at the very least, keep him from kicking the bucket while he’s sleeping.
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(The Mask of Life! If you look closely, you can see that the faceplate is shaped like a humanoid figure (because, yaknow, life) and if you think that’s not the tightest shit ever you can get out of my face)
So, the modern-day Toa (the Toa Nuva, if you guys remember the name) are like ‘okay, give us the location of the mask, we’ll go and find it’. So they get sent to another island, this one called Voya Nui, and they arrive and... get their asses handed to them? What?
A quick backtrack: a gang of thugs called the Piraka had already arrived on Voya Nui in search of the Mask of Life, wanting it so they can use its power to blackmail powerful organisations and generally get ahead in the criminal world. (From a Meta perspective, they’re,,, really interesting. Up until this point, the villains in Bionicle had either been wild animals, or villains with grand overarching plans. These guys are basically overpowered street thugs, complete with their own theme song - the ‘Piraka Rap’. Look it up on YouTube; it’s fucking hilarious, because the rest of Bionicle is generally timeless, but the Piraka Rap was basically dated as soon as it came out. I love it.)
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(The Piraka themselves! Fun fact; in Bionicle lore, ‘Piraka’ is a slang term for ‘thief’ and ‘murderer’, and was also considered so vulgar that if a Matoran called another Matoran ‘Piraka’, war would be declared over it. These guys are really just going around calling themselves slurs. I have to respect that.)
So, yeah. The Piraka defeat and imprison the Toa Nuva when they get to the island. Now what?
Well, now it’s time for the Matoran to get involved! A group of named and previously-established Matoran set out to see if they can rescue the Toa. There’s Jaller, Hahli, and Matoro, who I’ve already mentioned, and then there’s Kongu, Nuparu, and Hewkii. And I need to take a break to say that all these characters have been with the story since 2001 (it’s now 2006), and they’ve all contributed to the plot before!! Kongu is a prominent Matoran from the air village who led a flight of giant bird-riders to save the day one time, and Nuparu is an engineer from the earth village who basically invented mechs to help the Matoran defend themselves against the Bohrok. These guys are BADASSES and I want to bring up how a really strong initial 3 years of storytelling laid a great foundation for so many small characters. It’s just neat! :D
Anyways, these Matoran travel to the island of Voya Nui in canisters (like how the original Toa landed on Mata Nui) and while they’re sailing the ocean blue, their canisters are struck by lighting from the mysterious Red Star. And that lighting, say it with me now, TRANSFORMS them! Specifically it transforms them into Toa. They end up calling themselves the Toa Inika, because they’re searching for the mask of life, which is also called the ‘Ignika’.
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(The Toa Inika. Being transformed by a bolt of lighting means that in addition to their regular elemental powers, they also have electric/lighting abilities.)
Souped-up and ready for action, the Toa Inika manage to defeat the Piraka and rescue the Toa Nuva. However, through plot shenanagins, the Mask of Life ends up being sent to the bottom of the ocean around Voya Nui, and the Toa Inika learn that under the waves is a hidden city - Mahri Nui. As they descend, the Mask of Life does something odd; it sends out a wave of energy, transforming the Toa Inika so that they can breath underwater. So now, they’re the Toa Mahri. (Because they’re headed to Mahri Nui. You get me?)
Mahri Nui is ruled by the Barraki - ancient warlords who were imprisoned under the sea many thousands of years ago after they became powerful enough to threaten Mata Nui himself. They were put in a prison called The Pit, but during the cataclysm caused by Makuta putting Mata Nui to sleep, the city of Mahri Nui sunk into the water and slammed into the Pit. Many prisoners and Matoran died, but the Barraki were freed. Uh-oh, spaghetti-ohs.
Speaking of Makuta - guess who’s back! Thought dead after no-one could find him after Takutanuva died, it turns out that his spirit is possessing a robot body that had previously been a prison guard. He spends some time hanging out with one of the Toa Mahri, Matoro, basically playing mind games with him and trying to get him to turn to the dark side. Eventually, three different characters and factions smack the shit out of him, and he slips out of the robot body to go do... something else (watch this space). 
This year of story was REALLY plot-heavy and I kinda can’t do it justice here. The important developments are that the Toa Mahri eventually manage to reclaim the Mask of Life, and Matoro yoinks it. While his teammates act as a big distraction, he swims away and puts on the mask. It basically grants him ultimate power, but it also fuckin’ kills him. His final acts are to teleport his friends to safety, and then release a massive burst of energy that burns him up and saves Mata Nui’s life. The Mask of Life, with no-one left to wear it, sinks into the ocean.
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(“In his last moments, Matoro feels no fear. He know he has succeeded--the Toa Mahri are safe, able to resume their lives in Metru Nui. The Turaga and Matoran will know that they became true heroes. Matoro does not see himself as a hero. As a Matoran, a Toa Inika, and a Toa Mahri, all he ever tried to do was his duty. Now that duty has led him to his destiny.”- Bionicle Ignition 11: Death of a Hero)
[dries tears] Anyways, now that Mata Nui’s life has been saved, the only thing left to do is wake him back up. To do that, the Toa Nuva (the Toa that showed up at the very beginning of this story, if you recall) need to journey to the core of the universe, and a civilisation called Karda Nui. Three of the Toa Nuva - Lewa, Pohatu, and Kopaka - are sent to a village in the clouds, where they protect the local matoran and battle the forces of Makuta. Because, as it turns out, the big bad Makuta that we know? Makuta is actually the name of his species. The guy just wanted to feel special, apparently. The Makuta that the Toa have been fighting for over half a decade is technically called Makuta Teridax (or just Teridax), while the other Makuta have other names that I can’t remember off the top of my head.
Anyways, while those three Toa are figuring that out, the other three - Tahu, Gali, and Onua - journey to a place called the Swamp of Secrets in order to find a set of keystones that supposedly contain instructions on how to awaken Mata Nui. And it’s there that they find an unlikely ally: the Mask of Life itself.
See, the Mask of Life has always been a weird one - if you recall, it released an energy pulse for no reason that transformed the Toa Mahri and let them breath underwater. (It’s also done some other fucky stuff that I haven’t been able to mention - there’s a short story about how one time, a guy touched it, and it gave him the ability to involuntarily bring everything around him to life, which ultimately drove him mad. So. You know. That’s fun.) Well, it turns out that when the mask sank into the ocean after Matoro’s death, it ultimately ended up in the swamps of Karda Nui, and it senses the battles raging about it. More than that, but it remembers Matoro’s bravery as he donned the mask knowing it would kill him, and remembers how his final wish was to save his friends. Wanting to know what it means to be a hero, the Mask of Life creates a body for itself, and ventures out into the swamp to discover its destiny.
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(The Mask of Life has a body now!! Good for him! Good for him.)
There’s some more shenanigans that I’m skipping over - at one point, Takanuva (Toa of light, remember him?) rocks up to help. Long story short, our eight heroes - Tahu, Gali, Onua, Lewa, Kopaka, Pohatu, Takanuva, and the Mask of Life - fight their way through the Makuta and into the very core of the universe - the Codrex. Inside, after yet more shenanigans, the Mask of Life figures that in order to wake Mata Nui up, it will have to sacrifice the body it’s built for itself. The moment is sad, but the mask remembers Matoro’s sacrifice, and is inspired to act. He sacrifices his dreams of becoming a hero, and in doing so, becomes a hero... ;_;
The mask flies deep into the Codrex, its body dissolving; when it reaches the bottom, it creates a massive energy storm that the other characters have to escape. (Our heroes make it out - most of the villains end up getting vaporized, big RIP.)
And just like that, the journey is over. After years of battle, the Toa Nuva have completed their purpose, and awakened the great spirit, thus bringing peace back to the land. Everyone meets back up in Metru Nui - the Toa Nuva, the Toa Mahri, the Turaga, the remaining Matoran. It’s a glorious day. And as they gather, something happens.
Deep, deep beneath the ocean, energy pulses through rock, and machines that have been dormant for millennia begin to whirr and move. The island of Mata Nui - long abandoned as the Matoran moved back down into Metru Nui - cracks open like a wallnut, each half sliding into the sea. From underneath where the island had been, a tremendous head rises out of the ocean, countless galleons of water pouring off of it. Titanic shoulders follow. Then the chest, and the limbs, and slowly, surely, Mata Nui rises.
Meta context: for years, the nature of Mata Nui has been a mystery. Is he a metaphysical being? Is he a real person? No-one was sure... but they know now. That solid material that the earth Matoran couldn’t mine through, all the way back in 2001? That was his skin. The mysterious red star that created the Toa Inika? That was a failsafe machine orbiting Mata Nui, poised to create new Toa as necessary. The island of Mata Nui was atop his head, Metru Nui was his brain, Karda Nui was deep in his guts. The Matoran were workers to keep him functioning, the Toa were basically his immune system (the canisters they arrive in are literally shaped like pills)... All this time, all these stories, all these characters, this entire world - they have all been inside a robot the size of continents.
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(Fucking hell. Look at this. The clouds come up to his ankles.)
Celebrations ripple through Metru Nui as everyone realises what has happened. The great spirit is awake again! The Toa have won! But as the Turaga raise their voices to try and congratulate the Toa, a chill spreads over the spectators as the air grows cold. Everyone stops and looks around. What’s happening now? And then, from everywhere and nowhere, a voice rumbles. It’s a familiar voice. An unwelcome voice. A voice that most of the gathered heroes thought they’d never hear again.
It’s the voice of Makuta - the original Makuta. Makuta Teridax.
And what does he say?
Matoro’s sacrifice had ensured that Mata Nui’s body did not die, but before the great spirit’s consciousness could return, Makuta supplanted it with his own. After that, all he had to do was wait for the Toa Nuva to achieve their objective. And as they finished the fight and won the day, they handed victory to him on a silver platter. No longer does he need to strive to rule the universe - he is the universe.
(Meta perspective again but like: FUCK, man. I can’t emphasise enough how mind-breaking this was for the kids who were invested in the series. Think Thanos snapping his fingers in Infinity War, except probably more devastating, because there wasn’t a direct sequel lined up to give the heroes another chance, and there wasn’t a way to ‘undo’ it. This was a plot development that we all had to live with T_T)
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(You can tell things are bad because his eyes changed from green to red.)
And what of Mata Nui? What about the spirit that the Toa were actually trying to wake up?
Oh, Makuta stuffed Mata Nui’s consciousness into the Mask of Life - and then blasted the Mask into space.
[inhales deeply]
Okay, in all honesty, part of me wanted to end it there. But you know what? We’ve come this far. And there is more to the story. So I’m going to ignore my concern I won’t be able to do it justice and blunder on.
 Bionicle’s last chapter (2009-2010) follows Mata Nui himself - no longer an abstract spiritual concept, but rather a concrete character. A god felled from his pedestal, struggling to find a way to save his people. And it’s AWESOME. Armed with only the Mask of Life and a sentient shield named Click, he wanders the shithole deserts of the planet he crash-lands on, bringing the disparate tribes together, uncovering secrets about who made him and what his ultimate purpose is, and learning what it means to be a regular person. Also, at one point, in a move very reminiscent of the god that he once was, he turns a guy into a snake. You know. As a ‘fuck you’.
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(There’s something really cool to me about a main character being someone who essentially lost all the power of the cosmos. Mata Nui might just be my fave character in this whole story honestly.)
Eventually, Mata Nui discovers some crucial pieces of information. Firstly: the planet that he’s landed on, Bara Magna, is his ‘homeworld’ in that it’s where his giant god body was built. Secondly: the two moons orbiting Bara Magna (the jungle moon of Bota Magna and the ocean moon of Aqua Magna) were once part of the planet itself, and split off during a planet-destroying cataclysm, leaving behind a desert wasteland in their wake. Third: the function he was ultimately built for (his ‘destiny’) was to reunite the three celestial bodies into one planet, bringing life back to Bara Magna’s harsh desert environments. He was on his way to complete this task when Makuta crashed his systems with a computer virus - which was what forced him into the ‘slumber’ that he was in for most of the mainline story.
His fourth, and probably most important discovery, is that he’s essentially his makers’ second attempt at a world-fixing giant robot. Before creating him, his makers (the ‘Great Builders’) constructed a giant robot that malfunctioned and exploded. Long-deactivated, the pieces of it are still scattered through the deserts of Bara Magna - in fact, many of the villages on the planet are set up in or around these giant robot pieces. Mata Nui figures that if he can reconstruct this old robot, he can use it to complete his destiny, and maybe even save his people.
It isn’t easy. He has to convince the villagers he’s come to befriend (the Agori) to give up their homes and their safety, and he has to find an experimental power source that’ll actually get the giant metal body moving again. But eventually, he figures it all out. Powered by the experimental source, the Mask of Life, and probably also friendship, he inhabits this enormous form and rises once again. Without missing a beat, he reaches out and begins to pull the moons towards the main planet. As far as he’s concerned, he’s going to fix everything, or die trying.
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(The power of skybeams)
However, it won’t be that simple. Makuta senses that Mata Nui’s spirit has inhabited a new form (and I don’t mean that in a metaphysical way, I mean that in a computer/technology way), and he quickly jets over to Bara Magna. Obviously, flinging the fucker into space wasn’t good enough. It’s time for him to destroy Mata Nui, mano y mano. Giant robot y giant robot.
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(Makuta and Mata Nui, facing off. God I love this picture.)
It’s the final battle - for real this time. The two giant robots begin to punch each other, and Mata Nui is up against some obvious disadvantages. For one thing, he can’t risk attacking Makuta with all his might, because he doesn’t want to hurt his people, who are still inside the giant robot. (Inside, they’re fairing... poorly. It’s like facism, but if facism was being actively enforced by God.)
In the fight, a hole gets blasted in Makuta’s body, and out pour a whole LOAD of Rahkshi. (Remember those guys?) However, Tahu and Takanuva also manage to escape, and join a ground battle that’s breaking out between the Agori (and their protectors, the Glatorians), the Skrall (a tribe of warriors native to Bara Magna who are absolute dicks - I’ve had to gloss over them, unfortunately, but believe me when I say that they’ve been major antagonists for as long as the narrative has focused on Bara Magna), and a bunch of guys who are called ‘Piraka’ but aren’t the gang of thugs from Voya Nui. (I think they’re the same... species?) Long story short: large-scale shitfight is happening at the feet of the two robots that are slugging it out. Makuta, being a dick, decides to try and literally stamp on all of Mata Nui’s friends down below, and Mata Nui has to desperately hold him off.
Around this point, the Mask of Life (which is really the MVP of this whole story) uses its convenient energy bursts to imbue Tahu with a set of golden armour that allows him to release energy blasts of its own. (Why it singles out Tahu, I’m not sure, but I’m presuming it’s because Tahu was the first face of the series and it just makes thematic sense for him to be a major player in the final battle.) Tahu uses his new golden armour to disintegrate ALL of the Rahkshi - and there were a lot of them on the field of battle, let me assure you. Makuta feels the loss of so many creations at once, and falters, and Mata Nui seizes his chance. He’d done his work well before Makuta had arrived, and the jungle moon is now in low orbit above the planet. Pouring every last ounce of his strength into one more push, he surges forward and up, pushing Makuta up and making sure that his head is right in the path of the falling planet.
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(Kudos to Makuta Teridax for being such a persistent antagonist that the only way to get rid of him for good was to drop an entire damn planet on his head.)
Mata Nui guides the falling body carefully to the ground, letting it open and freeing his people. The remaining Skrall and Piraka surrender. The Matoran and Toa meet and mingle with the Agori and Glatorian. Mata Nui raises his hands, and completes his purpose; aided one last time by the Mask of Life, as well as his body’s innate systems, he enacts a synthesis on the now-united celestial bodies. Lush forests and large bodies of water appear in the desert. Life flourishes. Birds probably start to sing. Mata Nui has completed his purpose, and vindicated all of the heroes who fought for him for so long.
He feels himself fading. He lets his spirit withdraw into the Mask of Life. A new slumber - this one, earned, and of his own volition.
Perhaps one day, he will return.
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(“We will honour Mata Nui, and all those who fought for him, in our memories. But the time has come to move on. His destiny is fulfilled, and for many of us, it has yet to be written. My friends, it is time to go.”- Tahu, The Mata Nui Saga, chapter 34.)
And there we go! Very, VERY long, but that’s the general plot of bionicle. There are an absolute tone of details I’ve missed out or skipped over, and I encourage you to search them out for yourself if you’re interested. But them’s the basics! :D
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bmurfette · 2 years
Blog Update: Lets Start Over Shall We?
Hello there Tumblrverse! 
A few weeks ago, marked the two year anniversary I first made an account for this website. Two years!!!! Can you believe it?  Neither can I, Becuase I’m never on here :)
When I first made my account, I was estatic to delve into the world of tumblr by seeing posts, joining chatrooms, and making freinds as at that point of my life, high school me was following tumblr blogs daily thorugh web browser So why havent I made postst often for the past two years? Two reaosns: 
1.) For the past two years I’ve wasted my life writing, animating, and ediitng a 26 minute long animatic that’s expected to debut this November. I’d spend all day working on the animatic I never ahd time for anything else 
2.) Anytime I wasnt working on the unnanounced animatic I’ve been doing life stuff. Therefore no time to make art for social media 
That said College me still might have very little time to do anything outside college work. But will start making the time to post more frquently
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- I’ll be using this blog to discuss mainstream things happening within either the Animation Industry, or other interestst that pop into my head at the time (Like taht Monster High reboots supposed to be coming out soon) and maybe every once in a while, post my thoughts and opinions on a movie I’ve seen
- MORE TOTAL DRAMA FANART! The only reason I havent deleted this account and start fresh is because every day, my onw silly Total Drama Comic keeps getting likes. And if that’s what you all like I got no porbelm making more Total Drama comics for you all.
That’s all I gotta stay for now. Stay tunred as my next post will probably discuss Everything going on regarding Animation and the Warner/Discovery Merger becuase ohhhh boy. Is that a, a topic. Anyway, hope this small update will reach at least one person. Looking forward to starting over
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ectonurites · 4 years
do u have any thoughts on the whole “tim is zapped to time prison” storyline? bc i feel like it could have been pretty interesting and a good way to bring back young justice/tim’s memories more immediately if it hadn’t been such a blatant attempt to just get tim out of storylines bc they had no ideas for his character
sorry lol u don’t have to respond i just kind of wish people talked about this storyline more? and the fact that tim lowkey became one of the only people in dc with knowledge of the other timelines (i think so at least) and nobody really addressed it?? like going into the next phase where people learn about other timelines after death metal.... tim should already know some of this stuff right?
YES YES YES OKAY LETS TALK ABOUT THIS this got incredibly long because I just have a lot to say (and i included screenshots) and i prob got a little off topic but. but lets get started anyways:
i haven’t read that particular storyline in a few months so i might be missing/misremembering some details here, but that whole ‘time prison + future tim’ thing was like. a really really interesting concept and the implications/impacts it has are a big part of why i liked tynion’s detective comics run as much as i did even with it’s flaws in characterization (such as treating tim like he was jimmy neutron boy genius and making steph..... be all ready to quit/breakaway from the team like that. the steph quitting characterization really started i think in batgirl convergence and unfortunately has haunted her since, even though pre reboot never giving up was like...... one of her defining traits. dc i hate you sometimes) 
i think that one of the biggest things that bothers me about the situation is how little we saw most of the other characters in the batfamily grieve (aside from steph and some with bruce, but again the way steph was portrayed just... hhhhhh. it very much reduced her to ‘tims girlfriend’ more than i’d have preferred) but otherwise like...as far as I can remember there was maybe one line in that monsters crossover thing where dick mentioned tim was gone, jason had a single line about avoiding the funeral in rhato, i dont think they showed any reaction from babs at all until after he was back, and the most for damian I recall is at the end of the 2014 teen titans run (#24) where he looks at... a case with the old red robin uniform Tim wasn’t even wearing anymore when he died? and that just bugs me. Instead of getting to see the actual funeral we get one flashback to it way after the fact once Bruce already knows Tim’s not actually dead
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But at the time when they all DID think he was dead? the closest thing we see was in that same teen titans issue (#24) there’s a memorial-type ‘sharing stories’ thing after the funeral with tim’s titans friends but.... we don’t see something like that with his family. tim is a major presence in these peoples’ lives, they are his family, when he gets sent into time prison its even SAID how loved he apparently is
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its just... idk. they all thought he was dead, and if they had put more emphasis on showing not just telling how that effected EVERYONE (not just steph) in the batfam, it might have felt a lot less like they were just putting tim away until there was a story idea for him. (like obviously I know they can’t make everyone’s stories revolve around Tim, but I’d have way preferred a detective comics issue of the funeral/memorial with the family than having there only be a teen titans one, I think it would have... held more relevance & meaning... but instead they just went right into that monster crossover story instead of lingering on this)
but then the Tim story itself once it does pick up way later, with titans tomorrow/future tim coming along having that whole “tell conner you’re sorry” “who’s conner?” exchange with current tim... that opens up A LOT of things to think about, and I think was pretty interestingly done if i’m remembering correctly. future tim recognizes the timelines are different, and ya know goes off to try to change things further ("whaddaya got there?” “a gun to kill batwoman” “NO!!!!”), theres lots of fighting etc etc the good guys win as we expect, but once that’s all settled tim’s left there with this whole. thought process
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which ya know is the big indicator there’s weird timeline/reality fuckery going on (or also the read here can be that tim and kon are so connected across all space and time that their bond can transcend anything even timelines and realities and reboots... “and they were soulmates” “oh my god they were soulmates”) 
ANYWAYS lets not forget that tim isnt the only one who learns about this other timeline stuff during this whole situation!
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Brother Eye has records of future tim’s timeline, and cass & steph see who they used to be! and as soon as steph finds out ‘holy shit i was ROBIN and BATGIRL?’ she also desperately wants to know more! which then a bit later leads into young justice 2019 where instead of going off to college like they told Bruce they were gonna, Steph and Tim go get the help of Zatanna to see what might be going on in their brains with these timelines and weird feelings (as we see in flashback form in yj 2019 #5)
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and HOO BOY DOES SHE FIND THINGS! she gets in there and finds out that oh yeah, their brains had very much so been tampered with, and with her magic she undoes some of it, by unlocking memories, and Tim finally remembers Conner! (also in case u were wondering, that panel is specifically a callback to this one from yj 1998 #17 when Cissie quit the team)
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one thing that I think is weird/interesting/idk if it gets... properly addressed even, was that Zatanna also poked around Steph’s brain too and she didn’t remember everything? Might have something to do even with how Tim had been in time prison, might have taken less work from Z to open things up because of that? Who knows
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additionally i wanna call attention to how he said “That entire chapter of my life” which... leading into my next point a bit... strongly leads me to believe even though he’s remembering some things he definitely does not have ALL of his memories back (because theres a lot more than just the young justice ‘chapter’ of tim’s life that was drastically changed by the new 52 & rebirth) 
BUT moving on, i wanna bring up this part from later on (after they figured out that there was a crisis that caused things in the world to change, which is why their memories/brains were messed with) in issue #16
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so yeah, I think it’s indicated even though Zatanna brought back some memories and opened up his brain a bit, there’s still many holes, and some things seem more like dreams rather than memories and he’s probably unable to tell which are which on his own to some extent. (also for reference the real thing that Tim thought was just a dream is... likely yj 1998 issue #1)
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So based on the things i’ve brought up here (which are the things I remember off the top of my head, I could easily be accidentally leaving shit out LMAO i haven’t fully read through any of these books in at least 3 or more months now) I think it’s safe to assume that Tim definitely has a head start on getting back his memories before Death Metal happens, but that it was by no means a complete thing. So the after effects of Death Metal are probably just gonna... be a little less drastic for him vs most other people because it was already happening, but it’ll be kinda filling in the remaining gaps? 
And like you said he is absolutely one of the few people that already knew about about the timelines/the fact that these crises have happened and changed things, but pretty much all the other young justice characters are also aware that there was meddling in the timeline/that multiple timelines and alternate universes like this exist since they were all together as a group when it got explained (in like. yj 2019 #15 i believe is where most of the explaining happens) (and cass as well is aware of things to some extent because of her and steph’s interaction with Brother Eye) but the difference is that Zatanna didn’t go into everyone’s brains, so they aren’t dealing with the same memory things as Tim (and possibly Steph? because again Z DID go in her brain, she just wasn’t able to unlock all the same things as she did with Tim) 
but yeah in general i SO wish this was explored more, both in canon and in fanworks (fanworks tho... that can still happen >:3c). Memories hazily coming in for Tim while Kon and Bart are able to confirm or deny things, him dealing with conflicting memories and feelings about his past as they trickle in... like I think we’ll start to see these types of things moving forward across a lot of titles with Infinite Frontier (i BELIEVE dont quote me on this but I BELIEVE the person writing Damian’s upcoming solo had mentioned in an interview that the memories coming back of the other timeline aren’t going to be an all at once thing but will be more gradual for most characters) but the fact that it theoretically had already been happening for Tim for MONTHS and we only got that one crumb indicating it in #16 of it instead of any actual exploration makes me SAAAAAAD 
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
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Hello all you happy people and welcome back to my coverage of the Della arc! It’s our last 2017 episode before the Finale, and it’s a huge one as we delve into a fan faviorite that introduces a pair of fan faviorites, a drum of tzatkiki sauce worth of gay,  an asshole so odious getting sent to the bowls of hades and laughed at for all enternity after being cast out by eveyrone he knows really was getting off light, and at last some plot progression on this arc. At the time it aired mind you at this point Dellas been a beloved cast member for three years, and we’ve known what happened to her for longer than that. 
At the time though.. it’d been 8 MONTHS since the Great Dime Chase. Let that sink in. The Della reveal was the biggest hook of an already exceptional pilot: It not only promised to flesh out a character who’d had all of one story in the comics at this point in present day, but solve the mystery of why she was gone. Not only that but Scrooge and Donald’s feud clearly stemmed from this exact moment. And the first full episode in the arc confirmed it: Della had taken whatever “The Spear of Selene” was and apologized to Scrooge for it. So why had she taken it, why did Donald blame scrooge, why did Scrooge not blame himself, at least outwardly, where was she, what was the spear of selene...
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As I pointed out last time airing order didn’t help and due to airing the arc episodes really close together, gave the impression the arc would not only move fast but take up more of the season than it did. In practice both arcs take up a fourth of the season not including the finale, which would take both up to about a third. The expectation on how much of the season would be taken up by the arc.. was on Disney for airing things badly. I will give credit where it’s do as they moved this episode up in the order to try and make up for it (and give themselves a huge mid season opener).. but then for some reason shoved the last episode before last crash, ie. the only one they coudln’t move, way back to right before that episode. “ Here’s an actual photo of the person who made this decision
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As I said they did get better next season with only a few swaps and only for good reason. So props. 
HOWEVER.... this episode still has some  flaws with pacing and revealing info, with or without Disney drunk driving the schedule. The wait between episodes in this plot is an episode LONGER in production order... and dosen’t move the plot forward by much. I will get to that when the time comes.. and that DESPITE this treatment of the fans.. this episode is still one of the seasons best. How are both things true? Join me under the cut to find out. 
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Thunderstormy to be precise and the Sunchaser is natrually encountering loads of turbulence with Launchpad barely holding int here while Donald’s buffeted around the back. Why Donald’s with them... 
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But it’’s one of his only five starring episodes in the season, out of 9 appearances total the rest of which are cameos.  Yeah now seems as good as time as any to talk about Season 1′s Donald Duck problem. 
See Donald was promoted as a major part of the series, rightly so since he was reduced to a guest star for the 87 series due to a combination of Disney not wanting to overexpose the characters, people possibly not being able to understand his voice and thus making plots hard to understand, and Tony Anselmo being new to the roll at the time. So the reboot went all out promoting the fact Donald would be in it, front and center and gave him TWO character shorts to the rest of the casts one. Disney really went out of their way to show he’d be in there so as a certified Donald Fanatic, I was sure he’d actually be in the show a lot and on the adventures a lot. The crew were not blameless as both promotional arts featured him. Launchpad and Beakly conversely were asbent, so the impression given by all of this was that Donald would be central to the series and in a lot of episodes, given equal focus to scrooge and the kids. 
This.. didn’t happen as you all know. Instead as stated he’s up front and center for 5 episodes, and makes cameos in others, but generally is hardly around. Now there is KINDA an excuse to this as he doesn’t want to adventure, be in the mansion or any of that.. but it’s a REALLY weak one. He still at least could’ve made more cameos, the fact he was working on the boat all that time isn’t made clear till last crash, and his two spotlight episodes both have him dragged along on the adventure anyway, so it’s not like his not wanting to be there meant he woudln’t be forced to join in anyway. There were ways to include him, still have him in a supporting role instead of leaving him back at the mansion.. and even the second episode proved there was still comedy to be mliked from that.. and pathos don’t forget the pathos. So yeah this was easily the biggest mistake of the season and one season 2 largely corrected: He got four dedicated plots, and was around a decent amount in the first half of the season and while he DID get shot up to the moon... it was for valid reasons. They wanted to focus on Della and the kids, give her room to breathe as a brand new major addition to the show, and thus him being around and the elephant in the room of his and scrooge’s feud that was never dealt with on screen, would’ve distracted from that. And even with that they still gave him a focus episode that somehow added more depth and MASSIVELY advanced the main plot, and a sizeable roll in the finale. Season 3 likewise had things better: while he shows up as much as in season 1, the episode count is lower by one, and he’s a major part of the plot in every one BUT Last Christmas, with four of those having the spotlight on him in some way. They eventually did figure out how to use him far more ballanced. So yeah credit where it’s do it got MUCH better, but he still felt like a recurring character in his own series, that was still bad, and I still needed to give out about it. 
But Webby and Dewey have a mission even if Dewey dosen’t quite get what’s going on so they flip a switch to turn on a warning light of some kind forcing Launchpad to make an emergency landing on a gorgeous tropical island. To Huey’s amazement, as the place was apparenlty only a myth, though naturally the guidebook did have it’s aproximate location listed... Ithaquack, home of the gods. Naturally Scrooge and Donald want to leave as soon as possible for reasons we’ll get into but Launchpad , for once is being a responsible pilot “Better safe than.. something right? Scrooge is of course irate that Launchpad picked NOW of all times to be safe, and the Kids.. don’t listen because Huey sees a beautiful realm of myth, Louie sees a beach vacation and Dewey and Webby.. have work to do. Webby eventually fills Dewey in on why their here, having wrongly assumed he got why they were going to a mythical greek island. As Dewey delightfully puts it later “Don’t assume I know anything. “ So she pieces it together for him: Selene was the greek goddess of the moon... Della took the SPEAR of Selene. Ergo this island is the best place to find the Spear and failing that, Selene herself to get more info on it and Della. 
So we have our two plots. Scrooge and Donald dealing with their pasts and the gods, and Dewey and Webby diving into his mom’s past. And unlike the last review where a genuinely unsettling story about an abuse victim forced to manipulate her girlfriend not going into a murder vault was paired with Louie having to deal with a Sasquatch while Huey catches a case of Dewey’s stupidity somehow, these two plots are perfectly paired: Their both perfectly thematically connected, both dealing with the past, Della’s absence and Scrooge and the Twins past encounters with the gods.. but both being self contained outside of that, entirely unconnected but stilll necessary to be in the same episode. THIS is how you do two plots. But since they don’t really synch up again till the end, let’s cover each one at a time shall we?
“What if My Mom was a Bad Person?” 
The plot is pretty straight forward but expertly done: Dewey and Webby first check your standard Zelda dungeon which apparently has a cursed weapon at the end. We also get an utterly adorable and sweet shot of Webby comforting Dewey after he’s clearly shook from it. Awwww. Turns out it’s the SWORD of Selene. and quickly turns into a game of put the Cursed Sword back before we all die. 
Next up is a monster who nearly kills both protecting it’s spear.. the spear of POSIDEN. (Look at meeeeee). And since they aren’t going to be on a boat that isn’t a house boat anytime soon, they don’t need that and the monster cheerfully redirects them, with Dewey apologizing for calling it ugly. 
So all pretty standard stuff for the show and really good stuff.. but it’s the building tension underneath that truly makes the episode and leads to one hell of a climax for this plot. All the while Dewey is DESPERATE for some explination for his mom’s disapperance that isn’t her betraying Scrooge, maybe returning the spear because it was cursed or getting eaten by a monster. Just ANYTHING but the mounting and horrifying suspicion.. that his mom was a bad person who destroyed her family and betrayed her uncle and laughed all the while. Webby.. does not help, backing that side of things and constantly voicing hte idea Della betrayed Scrooge, so obsessed with solving the mystery of her life.. but so unfamilliar with people she dosen’t see the very real toll this is taking on her best friend. To her she’s just making a logical counterpoint.. to him it’s just another idea in his head about the way his mom could’ve betrayed everyone she cared about. 
So that climax is where it explodes. Our heroes find a scale model of ithaquack (Complete with Tiny Maniticore! It’s so cute Webby just wants to slay it)  and an opening.. with an ominous message about incurring the wrath of the god seemingly conforming the worst. So Webby prepares to find out the whole story.. only for Dewey to stop her. No one’s finding this out, whatever it is, no matter how far they’ve come. And given this is the biggest mystery of her life and she simply dosen’t understand WHY Dewey dosen’t want to know.. both sides are ready to fight for this. And Webby DOES try to back him down, pointing out he really can’t beat her in a fight. But Dewey’s already grown leaps and bounds form the pilot and is working smarter not harder. Beat Webby, who spent a good chunk of her life being honed into the most badass child on the parent, one who can take on several of scrooge’s worst foes one on one? Not on his life. But hold her off long enough for the gate to close? He can do that. 
So the result? One of the best fights of the series... and given the sheer amount of great ones we’ve gottten since this one it still says something it holds up THIS well. It’s an even, furiously paced fight, with Dewey using every advantage he has including tossing said manticore to keep up, but not slowing down one bit. It’s heartbreaking to see the two come to this but it’s an delight to watch. Webby DOES win eventually, though time’s running out to get in and she finally asks WHY. And  while the stakes have been crystal clear for both this whole time.. we get them laid out in the most painful way for both. 
Webby: We're so close to the truth! Why won't you let us find it?! Dewey: Because...*his voice cracks* what if my mom was a bad person?
It hits VERY hard. For Webby this has been a puzzle something to solve the greatest achivment of her life, her chance to make her mark... and her best friend just wanted to abandon it. But in one swift response, he disarms all of that.. and makes her see how insnstivie she’s been: He may not know his mom.. but he can’t bear the thought she was a bad person. That she left or WORSE, because she didn’t care about him, or scrooge or ANYONE. Knowing nothing is better than knowing she was a monster. 
Webby realizes what she’s been doing to her friend and is horrified and offers to back out. The answers.. aren’t worth destroying her brother. But her willingness to back down.. finally gets Dewey to see the light. His fear was valid.. but at the end of the day,  it’d never go away. it’d just keep eating him for the rest of his life, every time she was mentioned or he found something else out he’d just wonder if it was a lie and wonder wht he COULD’VE learned this day. And if Webby’s willing to sacrifice THIS MUCH to give him peace of mind... then he can sacrifice that peace of mind for the truth, for her, and for himself. So he pulls them inside. 
Inside they find Selene who suprises them.. and is then confused. Their not della. Also I guarantee mentally she’s thiking “Thank me I didn’t do it naked this time. “. After some confusion as to who this is, Webby explains that IS Selene, and Dewey begs for answers about the spear... only to find out she dosen’t have one. Nope. The sword seen before and a SPHERE, yes.. but no Spear. So the poor boy breaks down, back to square one. It’s hard not to see why... all this effort, all of this sacrifice.. and he’s no closer than when they first set down. 
Selene does help though... giving him an idea of who his mom WAS: one of her closest friends (And let’s face it  Della named the ship after Selene and Selene casually uses Della’s shower. If they didn’t go out at least once, I am an outer god. And I very much am not and they very much banged hard. Goodnight. ) , a good person who brought fun to everyone, and loved her family more than anything. Wether she betrayed Scrooge or not, she wasn’t a bad person. And her own orb shows it showing Della in her prime, brightly smiling next ot her family. Selene encourages the boy not to give up, that his mom always loved a mystery.. and he can solve this one and gently hugs the sobbing child.. with Dewey quickly pulling webby in. It’s genuinely touching and a satisfying ISH ending. 
The ish... is because while this is a VERY good plot, i’ll gush more about it at the end, it does have one supreme flaw: the mystery dosen’t progress. And with the huge gaps between this episode and hte next one, in BOTH airing orders... it’s unforgivable to not have EITHER plot give us any hints about what happened. I don’t ask for much, but they could’ve found a clue in the sphere Dewey got, or saw a memory of her that brought up the next place they look, just something a little. While it’s still a very fine story, the main plot suffers a bit by having one of the ONLY three episodes delving into the della mystery before it’s fully revealed in sunchaaser have almost no progress. Della was probably a good person, which comes from her ex who clearly still loves her so that’s not really reliable, and the spear isn’t literal. While the lack of progress works for the story in the episode itself.. it comes at the cost of any actual plot progression. We end up exactly where we started and have to wait SOME TIME before we get to the next spot on the tour. Well we did, you guys will find out Monday or Tuesday depending on if the finale goes up in the morning or Disney holds it till the actual airing. Please don’t you bastards. Point is it’s  VERY good plot, but it’s hampred by not really progressing the arc. 
The arc progression for this storyline is painfully slow, and tha’ts not on disney. In either order there’s a MASSIVE gap of 15+ episodes between what we learned in the great dime chase and what we learn in castle mcduck. It’s sloppy writing and I expect better from this team, especially since the Lena plot the same season is far tighter paced: each one builds a bit, both on Lena as a character (Why she’s doing this etc), her development as a person, her relationship with webby growing and Magica and her growing more and more spiteful with one another. They could’ve had at least ONE MORE subplot to build this up, especially since we really dind’t need the sasquatch episode but just.. didn’t for whatever reason and it’s still frustrating.  But as always credit where it’s due.. the next two seasons were better about it. 
Season 2 while not perfect, and we’ll get to it’s plots someday.. and I do say plots as not alternating between the two plots for season 1 was a mistake if a well meaning one as not to drive up the price for Kev but for future refrence if any of you want me to cover an arc for something I WILL have to cover all of it or any adjacent to it that flow into it. Point is they move faster and both Glomgold and Louie’s are pretty lowkey and low stakes so while enjoyable, their not moving incredibly fast dosen’t hurt the show. And the Moon plot has the best pacing of the three and possibly of the series plots period: We get filled in on Della fairly quick, getting answers on her WAY faster, get introduced to the moon and it’s people right away, get a whole episode on them, and the most importantly in sharp contrast? She returns HOME halfway into the season. 
I will probably go into this again when I get to nothing will stop della duck but Season 1′s pacing and general wisdowm made me think she wouldn’t get home anytime soon and she’d return in the finale. Instead? We get a whole half a season fleshing her out further, seeing her connect with her kids, all that good stuff, WITH an episode advancing the moon arc, without that arc feeling unimportant, but still having the slow pacing. 
Season 3 meanwhile while again not without bugs, the last few episodes before the finale having no real build up to it really wasnt a good idea and I question why these two episodes were the ones leading into it, has two seemingly barely related plots.. that EFFORTLESLY merge into one, with one hell of a huge twist in impossibin that ratchets up the stakes. I don’t know how it’ll payoff.. but we’ll see. 
So they did get better, i’m still hard on it because it happened.. but I will never stop stressing how this crew usually corrected a mistake. If they fucked up, they LEARNED FROM IT, course corrected, and made it better and they listened to US. IN the good way, not letting fans run the series but listening to valid concerns and adapting to them. And given how fucking rare that is and how hard it must’ve been with the tight schedule, I.. I really appricate it and i’m going to miss it. And I can’t think of a segue so enjoy this picture of a turtle hitting a trapper in the face with a bat instead. 
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“Someone Always Gets Hurt”
So let’s take it back a few hours. Hit it boys!
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Donald tries getting the boys back on the ship, clearly fearing something coming for him.. and we soon meet that something. Yes it’s the hero of legend, the stork out of myth, the star of a LOT of Donald Duck Slash FanFiction only half of which he wrote, STORKULES!
In case I didn’t make it clear when I reviewed New Gods on the Block! I love this guy. He reminds me a LOT of the marvel version: Boisterious , horny (if in a far more pg version), Gay (Pansexual for the marvel version), flawed but still immensley likeable. Stork is a bit diffrent, a bit more naive, a bit peppier and entirely blind to the fact his father is a terrible person. But my love of the marvel herc means Stork was an easy sell for me and Chris Dimatopolis’ performance is second to none, only topped in this series by his later work as Darkwing where he got a bit more range than “Joyous ham who wants to bang”. Also I’m 100% convenced he’s made this memetic expression to donald at some point... 
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If someone hasn’t redrawn that with Storkules yet, we have failed as an internet. And if someone has please show me. 
His crush on Donald is also endearing even if I don’t ship the two. And if your curious as to why it’s simple: Storkules is attracted to a version of Donald that no longer exists. Storkules craves a Donald whose a brave daring hero who loves adventure. And while still a brave hero when the situation calls for it as this episode will bare out.. he just.. dosen’t have the passion for adventure he did as a kid. While a LOT of that is loosing his sister for a decade, even once he makes peace with that and later gets her back... he just wants a normal life. His greatest wish was for one. He apparenlty “wishes for this every day”. He dosen’t hate adventuering anymore and by season 3 has come to terms with the fact he’ll never get everyone else to stop.. but I also think it’s always been obvious he clearly wants to one day. To have a normal life, settle down, find a girl, and if she wants to get married. Get old , fat and happy. I honestly think that’s the direction the finale’s heading in judging from the previews. I don’t think he’ll ever stop entirely, his family life’s too insane for that.. but he just dosen’t want to keep going forever and Stork, being an immortal hero does. They want diffrent things entirely and that just won’t work. Though that’s also JUST me and if you ship them or have a way around that, feel free. This is just my opinon. 
Anyways Donald’s not happy, the kids are confused  and Scrooge. has problesm bigger than simply not knowing how to say i’m not into you.... aka Zeus, king of the gods and of all assholes. He was originally supposed to be a swan due to a certian myth.. but they realized since that myth is both really fucked up and really not for children to not do that because why the fuck would you. Point is Zeus in myth is an asshole, a rapist, a cheating husband, and a vengeful, petty dick and that’s with barely any knowledge of Greek Myth on my part. He’s played by Micheal Chiklis whose famous for The Comissh and the Shield.. but whose famous to me for playing the ever loving Blue Eyed thing in the Tim Story Fantastic Four movies.. and honeslty, at least till marvel takes a crack at it soon, is the best screen version of the character. Look the film is flawed and I don’t remember a lot of it.. but his stuff in it just NAILS the character perfectly, at least the first one, and while the look is.. eh, he was the perfect casting. He just wasn’t in the right movie. So he’s naturally awesome here as history’s greatest douchebag. 
As for why Zeus is pissed at him unlike say Donald (The whole Spear of Selene fiasco) or Magica (Who while even worse than Zeus still lost her brother because of his callousness), or others he’s wronged.. Scrooge did absolutely nothing wrong here. During a beach party Storkules intiates, he reveals he used to be king of the beach and loved and worshipped by the people of ithaquack, which last time the adult ducks visited was a lovely hideaway for heroes. Scrooge naturally did a bunch of heroic and cool stuff, and upstaged him, and then bested him in various games and what not. Zeus claims they ran off because of this and because they didn’t want to party with a god bested by a mortal.. but scrooge reveals pottery showing it’s because Zeus threw a temper tantrum aka “a year long lightning storm”. So yeah for once all Scrooge did was just upstage someone who was already objectively horrible and who brought all of htis on himself. Scrooge even points it out perfectly “They didn’t leave because they liked me, they left because they didn’t like YOU. “ 
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Pissing off the god who already didn’t like you for stupid reason goes about how you’d expect and when Storkules tries to cool things down by suggesting a game, Zeus turns it into a contest. His son against Scrooge’s nephews. Because he uh dosen’t want to lower himself. Yeah that’s it, totally not that Scrooge would kick his ass and then fucking kick his ass. Yeah that’s the ticket. 
So our boys don Toga’s, and gear up for the first challenge: grabbing the bag of winds. In case you thought Spongebob just made that up. Zeus of course opens it so Donald can’t just leave, but Huey simply thinks his way out and wins , Zeus demands best 2/3 and we soon get a montage of various events from chariot racing to sculpture where we get our title picture, lest you thought I was kidding abotu Storkules obession with donald. I mean there’s subtextually having a character have a crush on another and then ther’es making a naked muscular statue of him. I.. I don’t even have a joke here. He made a naked muscular statue of Donald. The only way they could be less obvious without just coming outright and saying it was if hte statue was of hima nd storkules making out. And i’m 100% sure Frank, Matt and Dana, yes Dana Terrace was involved in this one i’m as unsurpised as you are, only didn’t do that because Disney said no. 
Zeus declares one final round because he’s tired of this..e ven though he CLEARLY won the last one while Donald once again tries to just leave and Storkules finally calls him on it wondering why he’s given up adventuring and wondering what della would say if she could see him like this, having just given up and not caring anymore about any of ths stuff.  “Well she can’t! Someone always gets hurt....”
And that one very sharp and painful line both outlines Donald’s arc here, and for the season, and makes it VERY clear why he retired and why I felt like he was already on his way and the spear of selene was simply the final straw. He gave up.. because he was just tired of it. Tired of being the one who got hurt.. and devistated when it wasn’t him that time. When he lost his sister for what he felt was NOTHING. Sure hte stars would be great but they’d done everything and gone everywhere..w asn’t.. wasn’t that enough/ Couldn’t they just be done? Couldn’t he just stop. The spear gave him an excuse to do what he always wanted, but it also caused him to harden up and view EVERYTHING about his old days of adventuring as bad when like most things i’ts not that simple., There were good times, sunshine, giant sized gay men obessing over you.. okay maybe the last part isn’t a plus in his book, but point is there was good and his arc is seeing that and realizing he can’t just cling to his pain. He has to let go so he can move on heathliy. 
As for said final challenge Zeus tasks the boys and Storkules with stealing the golden fleece from a little girl. While this is part of a whole scheme... he undereistmaed his son’s valour and Storkules is naturally sent spinning over having to steal from a child and is sent into a crisis. Louie however has no such qualms, as he is a children.. and he’s also louie.. but as he tries to the child starts singing. As Scrooge puts it “nothing good happens when creepy children start singing. “ Very true, it’s usually a sign freddy kruger’s about to show up or your  about to be taken by a miltiary orginzation obssed with The Doctor. 
The boys plug their ears.. and Zeus’ plan becomes horrifically clear. Turns out he had no real interest in an actual contest this time, and has the child take control of Storkules to murder them. And gives the doucheist shrug imaginable when his OWN SON IS BEGGING HIM NOT TO MAKE HIM MURDER SOME CHILDREN. 
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Scrooge naturally gets involved. Meanwhile Donald is trying to escape the lightning cage Zeus is using to make sure no one leaves... when he hears the boys cries of terror. He may hate this kind of thing.. but there’s one thing and only one thing that can make him snap back into who he used to be like it was yesterday. And that’s harming his boys. So Donald snaps into action and it’s a glory to see as Scrooge snaps back with him “Just like old times”. The two once again get a little closer to reconclisation by wrestling a golden pansexual to prevent him from brainwashdely murdering two children. God I love this show and this job. 
Huey however is more of the aim for the head sort and Louie simply uses his natural talent to talk the siren into working with him, with him as her agent. As he puts it Zeus just wants to use her.. he wants to use her too.. but to make them BOTH rich. She agrees, Louie wins, and Donald finally accepts storkules is his friend. Scrooge TRIES to use this to mend fences with Zeus.. but Zeus being a petulant dick wants another game and Scrooge simply throws a game of billiards or something like it to get this over with. 
So we get our wrapup. Dewey and Webby return, and Storkules and Donald say their goodbyes. Donald finally admits he’s his friend.. and in that one act finally admits he can’t just bury his past because parts of it are painful. And as Storkules puts it he may be done with adventure.. btu adventure’s not done with him. He’s got more of his old self in who he is now than he thought. Dewey also accidently wins and our family finds launchpad took the plane apart. There.. there’s no real ending. I can only assume Selene said knock this shit off when she found out or beakly later came in guns blazing. I don’t know. 
Final Thoughts: This episode is excellent. It has it’s fault: there’s no plot progression, and the ending is just stupid and is the only one of the series that feels like nothing was resolved. That being said.. the rest of the episode makes up for it. It’s filled with great gags as usual.. but the real meat is the character work. Dewey’s worries about his mom, and Donald’s attempt to literally leave his past behind, it’s really amazing stuff that elevates the episode past it’s flaws and into one fo the series best. Wheras revisting Other Bin reminded me it had a bad subplot that drug it down.. revisiting this one showed me just HOW near perfect it is with only a few things holding it back. Even with the dispaoitnment factor.. this one’s still excellent, with Ben, Kate and Tony all at the top of their games. Great stuff. 
Next Time on this Arc: Dewey has to face the future when the truth comes out. And Scrooge.. bitches with his dad for half the episode. Sure beats his dad sadly btu sweetly passing on to be with his wife huh?!
Next time on this blog: Amphibia time! Speaking of facing the consequences of lying to your family, Hop Pop’s FINALLY forced to face hiding the Box from Anne, and we also get an ivy episode. Super fuckin shooters. 
If you liked this review, consdier joining my patreon, link’s in the blog and next stretchgoal is a darkwing duck episode a month. Until the next rainbow it’s been a pleasure. 
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