electronica-1 · 4 months
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podartists · 10 months
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Variété du Perroquet à tête grise | Jacques Barraband | Histoire naturelle des perroquets t.2 | rawpixel
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calochortus · 7 months
Lorito by Peter Bowles
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lospeakerscorner · 7 months
Andrea Bocelli laureato alla Federico II
La Laurea honoris causa a Andrea Bocelli, dopo la visita di Sergio Mattarella, inaugura in modo strepitoso le celebrazioni per gli 800 anni dell’Università Federico II CITTÀ METROPOLITANA DI NAPOLI – Non si poteva immaginare un modo migliore per iniziare l’anno accademico degli otto secoli di storia della Federico II. Siamo partiti ieri con l’Inno nazionale cantato da Andrea Bocelli per aprire la…
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brainfondue · 1 year
Cuando era chiquita no sabia que los demas estaban diciendo loros barranqueros, yo pensaba que decian loritos rockeros
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queerographies · 6 months
[Volevamo di più][Claudio Di Lorito]
Clicca qui per acquistare il libro Titolo: Volevamo di piùScritto da: Claudio Di LoritoEdito da: Costa edizioniAnno: 2023Pagine: 211ISBN: 9791280307569 È una storia di resilienza, che alternando tratti drammatici, comici, a volte surrealistici, vuole ispirare un messaggio positivo universale: l’idea che con persistenza, sudore, e fiducia in un futuro migliore si può raggiungere una vita piena,…
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lu-cyernaga · 8 months
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undyinglantern · 1 year
You know, I do have exactly one aunt who I remember would explicitly choose not to shave and like. As a kid I always found that a bit strange but I never particularly thought it was gross or anything either
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alien-girl-21 · 1 year
ES UN PIRATA!!!!!!!!!
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jrsbear · 2 years
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Tarde de snorkel en la Isleta del Moro. Níjar (Almería, España)
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autisticlancemcclain · 11 months
Lance knows he talks way too fucking much.
He started talking at seven months old. He never stopped. It was his older brother Marco, he thinks, who first called him Motormouth, but honestly he doesn’t remember. He’s been called that and Lancito Lorito longer than he can remember.
He loved the nickname, when he was little. His brothers or sisters or cousins or parents would groan, playfully, when they saw the look in his eyes, but always indulged his constant lectures and ideas and rambling. Motormouth meant you talk a lot but I like to listen. Motormouth meant I know you enough to have a trait I associate with you. Motormouth meant fondness and teasing and care. He loved that name.
When he was seven years old, one of his friends tugged her older sister over to where Lance was colouring with sidewalk chalk on the pavement.
“Look,” she’d said, gesturing to Lance but not talking to him. Lance had looked up from his chalk and smiled at her, opening his mouth to say hello but was interrupted by the subtle elbow she’s jammed into her sister’s side, and her muttered, “Watch this.”
“Hey, Motormouth,” she’d said, and Lance grinned, feeling something warm bloom in his stomach at her use of the nickname, oblivious to the choked-back laughter of the sister. “What was that thing you were talking about earlier? About the comet?”
If at all possible, Lance had brightened further, dropping the chalk and dusting off his hands as he’d launched into an explanation about the comet he’d been tracking with his dad. It was supposed to be visible for the first time in thousands of years that month, and he’d been buzzing with excitement about it. He talked about it to everyone who even appeared like they were maybe going to ask him about it. He’s rambled about it to the cashier at the grocery store the evening before.
“Just look at him,” his friend’s sister had said, something almost like awe in her voice, but not quite. Lance faltered, trailing off mid-sentence. “You were right. He’s like a wind-up toy.”
“Mo-tor-mouth,” his friend had said, in a distinct, sing-songy voice. “I told you I could make him do it on command.”
The girls burst into giggles. Lance had looked around, hesitantly, and found a number of his classmates giggling to themselves, at him or not he didn’t know, but he did know that he felt, distinctly, like he was in a zoo, and his friend was not his friend but a keeper who’d brought spectators to observe him and his freakish oddness.
Motormouth had felt, for the first time, like the insult he didn’t know it had always been. He felt trapped.
He’s grown since then. He’s no longer seven years old and oblivious to the fact that some people are quietly cruel. He knows the warning signs, now, of when someone is mocking him, of when he’s being treated like a pet, like an amusing little weirdo to cart around and show off. He knows the difference now between amusement and endearment.
But that feeling, that realization. The brick-to-the-face understanding that he was wrong about how other people cared about him the whole time he loved them.
He has never been able to un-know that.
He and Keith have a system. Lance starts work earlier, and is home earlier too, so he makes dinner for them. Keith cleans up after, crawling into bed next to a half-asleep Lance if they eat late enough. Sometimes, though, Keith gets home early, finished a repair faster than he’d anticipated, and decides he wants to make them supper for a change. Today Lance sits on the counter, kicking his legs and eating half the vegetables Keith has cut, grinning every time Keith lets him get away with it.
“…And there was this one woman who came on the trails today, babe, I swear to God, she’s the same nightmare lady you had to deal with a couple months ago. You remember that?”
Keith hums, hiking up one shoulder.
“The cooking oil lady. Who threw her baby’s rattle at your head because you told her you couldn’t put canola oil in her engine to make things cheaper.”
Keith snorts. “Oh, that nightmare.”
“Yeah!” Lance says, muffled by the four slices of bell pepper he’s shoved in his mouth at once. Keith stares flatly at him and smacks his hand, but the corner of his mouth twitches, and he walks over to the fridge to grab a new pepper without a word of admonishment. Loser.
Lance doesn’t say anything for a moment, following a new, bell-pepper related thought, and startled slightly when Keith clears his throat slightly and prompts, “You met cooking oil lady?”
“Oh yeah! On the trails today. We had to shut down one of them because Selena — remember the red wolf I told you about? The one who sings the loudest in her pack and has the reddest fur? I named her Selena after the singer, yeah, you remember — had her cubs the other day! So she’s super duper extra protective of the whole area, basically, and so is the rest of the pack, so humans going near their area is going to freak them out and that’s not fair to anybody. Hey, did you know red wolves are monogamous? Most wolf species are but red wolves especially show a really strong family unit. It’s really cute, actually, Selena her mate always go on wolf dates and stuff and terrorize the park-goers —”
“Trail,” Keith redirects gently, turning off the burner and scooping their food into two plates. He grabs them both, flicking Lance’s hand away, and sets them at the kitchen island, arranging the plates so they’re sat next to each other instead of across.
“Right, trail,” Lance says. As soon as he sits down and starts to eat, one of Keith’s hands comes to rest on his thigh, palm curving around the inner flesh and fingertips resting gently on the ankle tucked under it. He moves his thumb back and forth slowly, not to instigate, just to touch. Lance leans against him without even thinking about it.
“So. Trial closed. Not even that busy of a trail, honestly. One of the least popular ones. But this lady shows up, stroller in camo and packed to the nines like a fuckin, tactical mom, or something, and starts just hauling ass down the trail, breezing past the closed sign. And I’m like.” He points his fork in Keith’s direction, so he can Get The Vibe. His boyfriend smiles into his stir fry. “I mean, I didn’t want to be the one to handle her. But no one else did, either, and let me tell you she was hauling fucking ass down that trail, and I didn’t want her to actually disturb Selena or anything, so I had be like ma’am. Please. The sign very clearly says closed. And she ignored me, so I just stopped in front of her, and then she started screaming at me! All about how she has been to this trail all the time and she’s a loyal park-goer and it’s a public park, as if that means anything. I seriously thought she was never going to stop.”
He hears the irony as soon as he says it. I thought she was never going to stop. He’s like a wind-up toy. He manages to stop himself from tensing, barely, diverting into something like a twitch. He’s aware suddenly that he has been talking nonstop from essentially the second he walked in the front door and was delighted to find Keith’s boots already at the door, hear the quiet clanking of him in the kitchen. He can’t even remember if he’d bothered saying hello, or if he’d just launched right into whatever word salad was on his mind. God, did he even start with a full sentence? He does that sometimes, he just starts from the middle of his own thoughts like anyone would have any idea what he’s talking about, he’s honestly just kind of obsessed with the sound of his own voice, he thinks, he must be, because he just never stops, does he —
“I hope I die first.”
Lance blinks. He looks over at his boyfriend, wondering if he spaced out long enough that his brain just made something the fuck up to get him back on track (wouldn’t be the first time).
Keith continues to eat, unbothered, casual. He’s not even feigning casualness, either — he tends to half-lid his eyes when he’s pretending something doesn’t bother him. He’s completely at ease, right now, hand still warm and heavy on Lance’s thigh.
“Sometimes I just think about how there’s a possibility that you’ll die before me, I guess.” He turns to Lance, finally, smiling sheepishly. “Sorry. That was emo. I just…you go silent, sometimes, and I’m worried I’ll have to miss every time you spoke.”
Lance doesn’t know what to say. For once, his revving engines are completely silent. He sits there, frozen, staring almost blankly at his plate. Keith is humming quietly to himself, something ridiculous and made-up. They’re still in each other’s spaces, the two of them, and so Lance knows Keith feels it when he shudders, slightly, as a lump grows in his throat, as he desperately blinks away the tears in his eyes.
Keith turns his head slightly to press a kiss to Lance’s hair. He holds his face there, lips pressed to Lance’s skin, soft exhales blowing strands of Lance’s curls.
“What’s wrong, Motormouth?” Keith murmurs. The concern is evident in his voice, and maybe some panic, too, like he’s worried he’s the reason Lance is upset.
Lance smiles. A tear escapes from the corner of his eye an burns a trail down his cheek. He wipes it, quickly, swiping a hand across his face before resting it on the hand that Keith still holds on his leg. Keith flips his hand palm-side up so he can interlock their fingers together. If he feels the wetness of the wiped tears, he doesn’t say anything, only their squeezes their hands together three times in quick succession.
There is no mistaking the fondness bleeding from Keith’s voice. There is no mistaking amusement for endearment, here.
Lance can be annoying. He knows he can. And he no doubt has moments where he annoys Keith, even. But he’s not seven, anymore. He knows to watch for the signs. And for whatever he can’t catch — he’ll just have to trust.
“Nothing,” he whispers, turning his head to catch Keith’s mouth against his. “It’s just nice to…know, I guess, that you love me.”
Keith hums, kissing back, reaching his free hand up to curl around Lance’s cheek, holding him gently. “Good. Don’t forget.”
based on this post
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decorouszine · 8 months
Hey there!!
It's time to announce our incredible lineup of fashionable contributors!
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📚 PAGE ARTISTS📸 SULKINGMOON @Shapooda @gesu-ko @am-yuki ari @vivqia Lorito kalcia Kai-QS
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📚 PAGE ARTISTS📸 @shin-to-twinstars @sorethpid @pato-roldnart @synstruckart @t0fuwa @arsanders YSHEAN @kaggermite Digital_5AM @redmomo00
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📚 PAGE ARTISTS📸 Kyoko Gabirolbis Humi @jollykings Anniemaar @m15t34 @cinnabananamon Quic @koyomu
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📚 WRITERS📸 @fireheartaw Anathema Authoress Bazilius Onierokinetic @fillyboy19 @fedzkun @xofroochies
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📚 MERCH ARTISTS📸 @hanodefanart Momo Dodo @shin-to-twinstars @ghostmortem @thefinalprotege Areecy
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blog-de-segunda · 5 months
Tag Game
Thank you for tagging @rorronoa @nezu-mi
What to do? Answer these questions!
My answers:
1. Are you named after anyone?
After one of my grandfathers.
2. When was the last time you cried?
Like 6 months ago or so.
3. Do you have kids?
4. What sports do you play/have you played?
Mostly football when i was a kid.
5. Do you use sarcasm?
I dooo! Not always tho.
6. What is the first thing you notice about people?
Their eyes and hair.
7. What's your eye color?
8. Scary movies or happy endings?
Scary movies.
9. Any talents?
I would say poetry and music.
10. Where were you born?
Iquique, Chile.
11. What are your hobbies?
Anime, manga, dnd, video games and making manga caps.
12. Do you have any pets?
Two cats! Lorito and Sansa.
13. How tall are you?
165 cm.
14. Favorite subject in school?
15. Dream job?
Voice acting or professional gm.
I'm tagging: @sertrxlina @fuwanek0 @vixvaporub @shizukais @fear-the-voices @eradicatedd @k0wasu @miyaeto @yuujies @oo-mi-ru-oo
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mhadadmightzine · 7 months
The fantastic @loritoart’s striking use of colors always leaves us gaping in awe. There's no doubt her next masterpiece will also take our breaths away!
“I´m Lorito! An independent artist who loves romance and cinnamon rolls <3” - Lorito
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lospeakerscorner · 5 months
II edizione di Agritech Academy
Università Federico II, un futuro sostenibile per l’agricoltura: l’Agritech Academy fornisce formazione in presenza e didattica esperienziale Al via la nuova edizione dell’Agritech Academy, il percorso di alta formazione promosso dall’Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II in collaborazione con le Imprese e i Centri di Ricerca del Centro Nazionale per le Tecnologie dell’Agricoltura –…
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itspyon · 7 months
El Charlie tiene un video montando pijas de plástico gigantes y dejame decirte que su audiencia no es precisamente de adultos responsables sino que la mayoría son pubertos imprecionables que repiten la opinión que sale de su boca como si fueran loritos
NO PRECISAMENTE pero como su audiencia es menores HOMBRES entonces esta bien 🙄
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