#lots of telling me a certain character is good but i haven’t actually seen anything that would support that idea
cloud9doll · 9 months
try as i might i cannot understand the sarah j maas hype. white girls pls don’t take me out back & shoot me
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bots-and-cons · 7 months
I imagine a male human, who actually Kryptonian and he always hide his true indentity from anyone for a long time.
But one day, the bots find out accidentally when he was using his power to defeat Decepticons
I just want to see all the bot and the trio will react about it
The writing would mean a lot to me
Thank you!
Have a good day!
A/N: HCs it is again, I didn’t do all the bots, because it’s just simply a lot and I couldn’t be bothered to... and it seems I forgot the kids completely, dammit
•You’ve always been pretty sturdy and your reaction time is weirdly fast compared to any other humans the bots have met
•It’s hard to not use your powers sometimes, because it comes so naturally to you and you want to help
•Of course you’ve been hiding your powers your whole life, so it’s not that hard not to use them, you’d really just prefer not having to hide them
•It was a bit of a relief to meet the autobots, because “Other aliens!?!?” was pretty much your reaction
•Anyway, you’re still hiding your powers, but you have had to use them a couple of times, the autobots just haven’t noticed
•It’s not even really you using your powers, it’s just you being basically invincible and not getting hurt when a vehicon falls on you
•You just always tell them it didn’t really hit you or that you managed to dodge it just in time
•Of course, some of the bots find your “luck” to be kind of suspicious, mainly Ratchet and Arcee
•Bee and Bulk are mostly like “Yeah that’s lucky” and don’t really see anything wrong with it
•When you finally get into a bad spot and really have to use your powers and help out, there’s like this shared “WHaT?” moment shared between the bots
•Like Arcee thought there was something odd about you but you’re like that one guy she’s seen in Raf’s comics who seems very overpowered
•They don’t really treat you differently after that, other than when it comes to what they can do with you
•Like Bulk and you start throwing around that big metal ball that he has
•You like to help Bee when he trains, because you can fly, so he can practice dodging aerial attacks, be it you throwing rocks or your heat/laser vision coming down from above
•Optimus isn’t really bothered by it, because you’ve never been malicious or anything towards them before, so why would that change now
•Ratchet is of course still a bit suspicious of you, because that’s just how he is
•He’s seen what power can do to people, but he very quickly realizes you’ve lived with these powers all your life and you’re yet to turn to the dark side, so he figures that’s probably not going to happen
•He also kind grumpily sort of apologizes to you for treating you with suspicion, but you’re not sure if he actually apologized or if he just gave you another lecture
•Oh well, in general your powers and abilities were received with a confused “WHaT?” and then gradual acceptance of the situation
•Then of course Bee wanted to compare you to Raf’s comics as in if you could do what a certain character could do *cough*Definitely not talking about Superman*cough*
•Bulk joined in and Arcee got interested too eventually, so it turned into “Can you do this? How about this?”
•It’s actually kind of nice to be able to use your powers with people who won’t judge you or think you’re weird or a monster or something
•Or to just be able to use your powers in general
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giddlygoat · 1 year
okay time for some darkwing headcanons:
drake is super bi with no preference and he’s huge in denial about it so he’s convinced himself he just keeps launchpad around because it’s good for his ego. i’ve also seen the trans headcanon around a lot and WHEW yeah. there ain’t nothing cis about that man
launchpad is also bi. i think he has a preference to guys and a lot of his friends are raging lesbians. idk how to explain it i just feel like at least half of his mentioned “old girlfriends” are his lesbian buds from biker gangs or bowling clubs or whatever launchpad gets up to in his free time. cue the “wait a minute, there’s something bothering me about this place… i know! this lesbian bar doesn't have a fire exit!” bit etc etc
gosalyn is going to grow up to be a badass she/they lesbian with rage issues and we’re so proud of her <3
morgana is also a lesbian and my good pal @leo-undrgrnd here put it marvelously
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morgana experiencing some compulsive hetero behavior with drake of this i am positively certain
megavolt got some serious tboy energy going on. also gay. source: i feel it in me bones
quackerjack is gay and equipped with an arsenal of clown themed pronouns the likes of which you could not possibly begin to imagine. his gender is wild and incomprehensible and honk intends to make it everyone’s problem
bushroot has got to realize he’s actually a woman sooner or later. for now he’s just obsessed with earning respect from his toxic peers and hooboy the self reflection and personal revelations are going to take a while at this rate
as for the liquidator imma be real i have No idea. he gives me agender vibes tbh? like a he/him with absolutely no attachment to gender whatsoever. probably responds to anything
ngl i don’t spend much time thinking abt negaduck but i’d say he’s pretty much just like drake in most respects
gizmoduck is like?? straight trans man maybe? it’s hard to tell bc i haven’t seen much of this verison of him yet and his character is pretty simple so far so idk. it’s free real estate as far as i’m concerned
perhaps more hcs to come as i watch more of the show and i will probably be updating some of these tbh. it’s too early to tell for some of them
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tuesday again 12/19/2022
shambling along towards the new year
cotton heads by caravan palace. i think this has been on every spotify wrapped playlist ive ever had. soft and comforting in a way that’s hard for me to describe. this has been part of the background music in some of the softest times of my life, winter-warm and safe and solitary noodling around on some project that involves a lot of fiddling with tiny pieces on a desk. spotify
houston thrift stores are, predictably, awash with cowboy western novels. mostly it’s every louis l’amour or zane grey possible (no thanks)
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jake logan’s SLOCUM AND THE YELLOWBACK TRAIL is number three hundred and seventy nine in the series, which is quite impressive. i am fascinated when a book attempts to transplant a cowboy into an urban environment so we’ll stick with it for a bit, despite a truly horrible sex scene describing a “rigid pole”. there were no onomatopoeia sex sounds which is both blessing and curse bc the intel SLOCUM gathered during this sex scene seemed like a completely different conversation totally unrelated to the sex he was having. she simply happened to come three times in three pages while telling him everything he needed for Next Location.
saw several very beautiful movies in the last two weeks, one of which i liked very much.
Experiment in Terror (1962, dir. Edwards) has one of my favorite Mancini-composed pieces of music but i had never seen the movie it was from. a neo-noir man with an asthmatic rasp puts pressure on a bank teller and her teen sister to rob the bank by terrorizing them through various means. however, despite successfully playing on a lot of Womanly Fears (unexpected phone calls, driving at night, being alone) the fbi. this is perhaps a bit snide since it is extremely good at keeping the tension up through most of the runtime, the leads all did a good job imo— a letterboxed reviewer pointed out the villain played by Ross Martin has a certain chameleon-like quality from scene to scene and it is really arresting, he pops up in some unexpected places to great effect. a well-shot movie, just a hair longer than i wanted it to be, i don’t think any movie could survive the hype i built up in my head after loving than mancini piece so much, and was not quite the vibe i was looking for on the afternoon i finished it.
in a different noir with an important scene during a baseball game, Stray Dog (1949, dir. Kurosawa). everything you could possibly say about this movie has already been said. mifune is such a fucking joy to watch as a somewhat hapless young cop with a bad case of the scruples. gets his fully loaded pistol pickpocketed on the tram, sending him hither and yon during a brutally hot summer tracking down every bullet. widely available for free. fucking beautiful work of art. deeply annoying when widely acclaimed movies are actually really good
nothing new to report, nothing i want to play has been a free epic game lately. very excited that a character ive been waiting for is dropping in genshin on…uhhhhh…tomorrow? she has sunglasses. she has a gunbrella. she can call in heavy cannon bombardment. she’s just so cute
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one of the purposes of the tuesdaypost is to remind myself to expand the selection of things i do and my brain partially feels like sludge bc of the time of year and partially bc i haven’t fucking done anything more complicated than scrambled eggs or cleaning things in like two weeks
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crystaiskiess · 5 days
Okay, after catching up on 113.6k words, I am here to ask questions. (Sorry, work on slowly losing my fixation on Merlin caused me to get behind the last four months.) A lot happened in the four chapters I got behind on, and I have a couple questions.
First question is why did you decide to cut The Secret Sharer? I guess I’ve always seen that as a really good magic reveal episode and also just a good episode setting up for future characters in season five. Although, I kind of assumed you’d have the magic reveal in The Sword in the Stone because of how you’ve been building the story. How you did the magic reveal of Merlin having no other choice was realistic, though. If he was put in that situation, that’s what he would’ve done. I just didn’t know if there was a certain reason you decided to cut that episode.
Second question deals with the lamia. First, love that Elyan is aroace. I like that no one is judgmental or tells him he hasn’t found the right person yet. Very nice and refreshing. I was just wondering if the change that everyone attracted to women being affected by the lamia was to reveal he is aroace and Gwen is attracted to women as well. Or did it stem to wanting Elyan and Merlin to have that moment where they finally really talk to each other? (Which they should’ve done in the show. It’s clear they care for each other, but it would’ve been nice to see that kind of conversation in canon.)
Lastly, not a question, but I feel very confident in love confession being the next chapter. It only makes sense because Arthur is like, “well, guess I just need to get married” because he believes Merlin does not feel the same way about him. I have literally nothing to bet on it and could very much be wrong, but I’m still confident in this. Intense slow burn is good for this; however, I want them to be together for the entirety of season five. Like dude, let them have this, please.
Also, I read The Sword in the Stone while at work and kept getting annoyed when my coworkers would come over to ask me questions because I was trying to finish up reading. Apparently AO3 went out during this, but I didn’t know so the chapter length saved me.
Okay, hopefully I don’t disappear for four chapters again. (No promises, though. Blame my job.)
HI !! welcome back !! i hope you enjoyed your catch up reading shfjshdhs !!
in answer to your question regarding secret sharer this was actually one of the most interesting chapter cuts for me - it was actually included in the plan up until the point i got up to it, when i realised that the plot of the episode itself no longer works in oafk because of arthur’s character development- in the show the only reason that episode actually works is because arthur doesn’t trust/believe merlin enough to listen when he says it isn’t gaius to blame and is instead agravaine - but in oafk arthur trusts merlin so completely i couldn’t make that work without it seeming largely out of character for oafk!arthur and merlin/arthur’s relationship - for ,,,, other reasons that i cannot reveal it didn’t really impede anything to cut it altogether so i thought it was better to do that than try to force character decisions that would feel out of place (however i agree it’s a great episode for magic reveals and if you haven’t read it i highly recommend turning the page by queerthedagger it’s amazing)
i’m really glad you enjoyed the magic reveal too 💕
in regards to lamia, aroace elyan is truly one of my favourite details to get to include and i’m so glad it’s gotten such a positive reception - the lamia does actually affect people attracted to women even in the show (the reasoning for why gwen isn’t affected in canon) - it’s meant to be implied that merlin isn’t affected because of his magic, but weirdly gwen never really questions that beyond an initial “huh that’s strange” - i just leaned heavier on the attraction part of her spell so that merlin has a cover for his magic, and subsequently it gave me a great opportunity for him and elyan to talk which i really wanted to happen because i think their dynamic is an extremely fascinating and moving one - aroace elyan and bi gwen has been sprinkled throughout other chapters too but this one was a great way to properly confirm both of those details
and i love your theory regarding the love confession !! i guess we’ll have to wait for the next chapter to see if you’re right or not 💕 alas i must keep my lips sealed
i’m glad the insane length of sword in the stone saved you from the ao3 shutdown HFJSHDHSH
good luck with work and i hope you’re well !!!!!! so lovely to hear from you again !!!
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Heart of a Hunter Act VII - Ch. 8
Heart of a Hunter Act VII - Ch. 8
Characters: Dean x doctor!Reader, Sam Winchester
This story is Act 7 of a saga.
New to the story? Get caught up on the Heart of a Hunter Saga here.
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All your favorite Winchesters are alive, in spite of the curse that nearly took them from you. After coming so close to losing the only family you have left in this world, you’re taking matters into your own hands. There’s a witch to hunt.
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Series Warnings:
Character injuries/sickness - Take note that no one is excluded from this.
Canon-typical violence and language.
Lots of whump.
Lots of caring for hurt characters.
Smut (18 Only. NSFW. You were warned.)
Medical talk. Is that even a warning
Image Credit: bing image search, google image search, @gaywitchtwins , @bowleggedean  
Wordcount: 1959
Chapter  8
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It was nearing six in the morning when Dean called you back.
“Did I wake you?” he asked.
“Nope,” you said with a yawn. “I’ve been sitting in this hospital parking lot all night. Tell Sam and Addie thanks for packing me a supply of caffeine and snacks. I’d have passed out hours ago if they hadn’t.”
You could hear the smile in his tone when he spoke again. “Anything interesting?”
“The demon-priests stayed inside the hospital for another couple of hours last night after I called you. Then they walked right back across the street to the shop. I’m certain there’s a back door I don’t have a good view of from here, but I haven’t seen anyone else come or go since then.”
“No sign of the witch then?”
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“Not yet. The locator spell doesn’t show she’s moved at all, does it?”
“Nope. Sam and I just did it again before I called. She should still be right there in that spot. Apparently she’s just being a recluse about it.”
“Did you and Sam find anything to connect the patients who are being possessed?”
“Unfortunately they don't seem to have much in common aside from the fact that they don't have any family."
"No one to miss them," you thought out loud.
“One was a lost cause. No one expected them to have any quality of life after the injuries he’d suffered. Brain damage of one sort or another, among other things. There’s an article about him with a picture. Sam’s emailing it to you now, at least that way you might recognize the one if you see him. The other guy was in a medically induced coma, but he was expected to recover. Doctors seemed to think his prognosis was good. They were just giving his body a chance to heal. I didn’t understand enough about the jargon I read to explain it to you better than that. He’s probably toast now, though.
"We tried to look into the churches nearby, too, but so far nothing specific that would lead us to believe the demons are doing more than just trying to pass themselves off as priests while they're visiting the hospital. Not like they could actually step foot in a church anyway.”
“Right,” you agreed. “Thanks for your help.”
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“You’ve had a long night,” Dean said after a few seconds. “You need to get some sleep. Chances are the demons won’t be so active during the daylight hours anyway.”
You heard Jonah start crying in the background, and Addie and Sam both trying to soothe him. The sound nearly broke your heart. “How’s he doing?” you asked, feeling your voice crack a little as you spoke.
“Just misses his mom,” Dean said. “He’ll be fine, sweetheart. Don’t worry about us. Just watch yourself. Promise?”
You took a deep breath and let it out slowly, trying to collect yourself. “Promise.”
You sat in the hospital parking lot in your truck until eight in the morning when the construction crew showed up to work on the witch’s shop. That was when you decided to follow Dean's advice and get at least a few hours of shut-eye. After the long drive and staking out the witch's shop and the demons in the hospital, you could definitely feel the weariness settling in.
You checked into a motel, parked your truck in front of the door, and brought your bags inside. Then you set to work with the little routine involved with trying to safely get some sleep while hunting on your own. You dead-bolted the door, tucked your handgun under the pillow, and, after a brief debate in your head, decided against changing into something more comfortable. You were only hoping for a couple of hours - it was more of a nap really - and you had to be ready to jump and go at a moment's notice.
You slid off your extra flannel from your shoulders and draped it along the bottom of the bed before pulling off your boots and setting them nearby. Your jeans and t-shirt acted as somewhat of a barrier between your skin and the scratchy motel sheets as you climbed inside the bedding and tried to get comfortable.
There was just an emptiness in the room that was unsettling. You chalked it up to your instincts being in overdrive since becoming a mother, but you couldn't help yourself.
You wished Dean was there weighing down the mattress next to you, his body throwing off that subtle heat that always warmed you. Hell, you even missed Sam's soft snores from across the room where he should have been. Hunting alone sucked. But this wasn't just any hunt. You were working to remove an immediate threat to your family.
It was insurance.
Thankfully, you did manage to squeeze in some sleep and woke naturally at one o’clock. It took a moment to orient yourself, to remember you weren't in the bunker, and then you crawled out of the bed and pulled your gun from under the pillow.
You did a chamber check and a magazine check before tucking it into your waistband holster. You brushed your teeth, ran a comb through your hair, and threw your bag in your truck again to make sure you had everything you needed at all times before climbing behind the wheel.
You knew you'd most likely be coming back to shower and change and take advantage of your former career to get you inside the hospital, but for now, it was all about getting some coffee and staking out the Witch's new shop again.
With gas station coffee in the cup holder and a doughnut in hand that would make your goal of getting your pre-baby body back take longer than you cared to admit, you sat in your truck where you could watch the shop and the hospital entrance.
A pair of over-sized sunglasses made you feel at least somewhat incognito as you perused the article and photo Sam had sent.
Dean and Sam had been researching the miraculous recoveries of the hospital patients until late last night, and then Dean had had his nose in a book in the morning before catching up with you on the phone. After lunch, he'd pulled out his laptop and dug into research again, a pile of books stacked next to him for quick reference. Except this time the research wasn’t about the hospital patients you’d called about previously. Once they’d realized there wasn’t a lot of information to be found about them, Dean’s focus had shifted to a more lofty goal.
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"Dean," Sam said, sitting down at the table across from him. "I'm still not sure it's even a good idea."
"And letting my wife go after this witch alone is a good idea?" His eyes snapped up to stare at Sam over the screen.
"I know it's hard. I don't like letting her go at this alone any more than you do," Sam said. "I love her, too. You know I do. But this is what she asked us to do. The witch becomes a whole new level of dangerous if she thinks we're coming after her."
"She only asked us to stay behind because she didn't know how to keep the witch from tracking us."
Sam sighed heavily. "Yeah, well, we don't know how to do that either."
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"Not yet. But there's got to be a spell, or - or a talisman or something that can hide me from the witch. Stop her tracking me."
Addie approached with Jonah in her arms and a bottle in one hand. "Okay Dad, time to take a break from research," she said to Dean as she placed Jonah in his arms.
"Hey there, Buckaroo,” Dean said to his son. “Have you been good for Addie?"
"Of course he has," she gushed. "But he needs some father-son time. Almost as much as you do." She held out a bottle and Dean closed the laptop with a hand before accepting it from her. "Bottle time, and then a nap. And that last part is for both of you."
"Nap?" Dean scoffed. "He might, but I - I don't need-"
Addie put a hand on her hip and stared him down. "Oh yes, you do. You were up half the night doing research, and new dads are already sleep-deprived. You know better than to miss a chance to play catch up. So either put him down in the nursery and hit the sack, or let me or Sam take him to get him down when he's done eating so you can get some rest."
Dean opened his mouth to protest, but Addie wasn't having it. "I mean it, Dean. I don't care if you're a big, scary hunter. You need sleep. Give him his bottle, then nap time for you both."
Dean seemed to realize he was fighting a losing battle. "Yeah, okay," he said, suddenly sounding a lot younger than he was.
Addie watched with a smile as Dean carried Jonah out of the room.
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Dean settled down on the sofa with Jonah tucked up in one arm. He offered Jonah the bottle and gazed lovingly at his face while the baby began to drink. "I'm glad you're back to eating so well, Buckaroo," Dean said softly. "We all just want you to be strong and healthy. Whatever else you decide to be in this life is up to you. We’ll always have your back. No matter what."
Jonah sucked his bottle, big eyes staring up at his father as he spoke to him.
"Y'know, your mom is taking on a witch right now to keep you safe. To keep us all safe. I don't know if you know this yet, but your mom is a bad-ass. We're lucky she's on our side."
Jonah guzzled formula as Dean watched him. He shifted his fingers onto his son’s chest, feeling the little flutter of his heartbeat against the pads of his fingers and smiling to himself.
It didn’t take long for Jonah to finish the bottle and Dean sat it down on the side table. Jonah whimpered as Dean shifted on the couch, holding him snug to his chest as he put his feet up and leaned back against the armrest in an attempt to settle in and get comfortable. Jonah yawned, followed by a pathetic little squeak and a soft cry. Dean patted Jonah's back softly. “I know, son. I know…. I miss her, too.”
Dean hoped if he played his cards right, the baby might nap for at least an hour. He rubbed Jonah’s back gently with a hand and hummed a Bob Seger song. He felt the soft motion of Jonah's breathing beneath his hand and couldn't help thinking how close you'd all come to losing him.
It caused a gnawing pit to grow in his stomach to think about what would have happened if you hadn't caught onto what was going on with Jonah's heart. If you hadn't been so observant and thorough and downright brilliant. Hadn't so diligently cared for your newborn son, giving him what he needed to keep fighting while you'd all desperately searched for a way to break the curse.
And because of it, Dean's family was still intact, and Dean knew he'd do anything to keep it that way.
When he finished humming the Seger song he moved onto a Zeppelin one before he was convinced Jonah was soundly asleep on his chest.
Dammit if Addie hadn’t been right. Dean could feel the exhaustion settling in his bones. Double checking that Jonah couldn't roll away first, he closed his eyes and fell asleep with the most delightful little weight on his chest, heartbeat to heartbeat with his son.
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Act VII Masterlist.
You can find the Masterlist for the Heart of a Hunter Saga here.
Please consider supporting my writing by buying me a coffee. In my case, it’s Dr. Pepper, but a little caffeine goes a long way when it comes to writing and posting this labor of love.
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ebbpettier · 2 years
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i've never been tagged in one of these before this is VERY exciting
(tagged by @shrekgogurt)
caught this and threw it together REAL fast, it almost wasn't wednesday anymore by the time i realized i had notifications
i have a nasty little habit of outlining fics really ambitiously, writing a few thousand words, and then immediately psyching myself out about both the structure and quality, so i'm trying REALLY hard not to do that this time. frailty they name is accountability.
SPECIAL SHOUTOUT THOUGH: as of right now, @catofulthar000 is the sole progenitor of my motivation to write and i owe them for hyping up my drafts and regularly whacking the top of my hyperfixation like they're trying to restart an old radio
so, here's a little bit of everything!
the first is a snippet from a really long, very unstructured beast of a story wherein Simon Gets His Magic Back, But WrongTM. by volume, it's 70% whump, 20% recoveryfic, and 10% xenobiology stuff that probably qualifies as body horror if you look at it from far enough away
Here There Be Dragons
So I tell him, “We won’t then.”
I watched him cut off pieces of his childhood and feed them to a magickal trolley-problem. I’m not sure anyone ever even told him that there was a lever to switch the tracks; they just let him lay down on the rail and kissed his shoes, and thanked him for his sacrifice.
It's hard not to feel sick remembering the robotic way he used to lift his sword when he was exhausted but had to keep fighting. The switch, flipping between Simon and Chosen One whenever the air started to prickle.
I could pinpoint the exact moment, every time. He couldn’t be a person and a Messiah in the same breath. They wouldn't both fit in his body at once.
It’s a good thing none of that was ever my decision, or I would’ve just pulled the lever and let the world burn.
the second is one that i've been working on for longer, and i outlined the whole thing chapter by chapter for once. it actually started out as baz/reader/simon, but i gave up that ghost fast and just made the dude an original character at the behest of a friend.
the romance is much less overt, the lore is heavier, they never think to come in pairs, etc.
(at this point it's mostly just "MAN WE KNOW ALMOST NOTHING ABOUT GOBLINS HUH" and me bribing myself not to re-download grindr with labyrinth references and cool knives)
which is not to say that i won't be writing snowbazreader any time soon but for now the goblin prince is his own man
Thirteen O' Clock
I think I might have just lost Simon to a wandering pack of drag-mothers. I may never get him back now.
there's a lot of shit like this in the first chapter. ^ this fic legitimately is the most fun i've ever had writing baz dialogue and part of that might just be that he's complaining the entire time
On one hand; there’s something deeply satisfying, knowing that Simon’s head can’t be turned by anything in this room but me, and perhaps the Bombay Mix.  On the other hand; I’ve been mostly wallflowering while a steady stream of partygoers of all stripes do their level best to crawl directly into his trousers. (Thankfully to no avail.)
“And that’s … like a care home?” I ask, tipping a little more water onto the rag.
He nods.
“Doesn’t help that everything down here is made of trash. No offense,” Simon quickly adds (even though I wouldn’t be offended), “It’s just familiar. Disposable forks and paper plates everywhere. And if you didn’t have a suitcase, whenever you moved homes they’d just give you one of those five-gallon bin bags to put your things in. Like they were telling you everything you owned was garbage.”
Both of us are silent after that. What is there to say? 
As much as I dislike Simon Snow–and lately, it’s been getting frustratingly hard to keep that up–the image makes my throat tighten. 
I don’t really know what a human child is supposed to look like, because I haven’t seen one up close yet, but I imagine they look like little wilted goblin babies. Brown and beige and small, with soft fingers and blunt teeth. 
I can imagine a small Simon. In my mind I give him downy curls and big eyes, and short scarless arms. I can imagine his chubby little wings--useless and round as a chicken’s--fluttering behind him when he toddles. I envision him dragging a little wooden sword behind him, too. A prince among paupers with paper plates.
i also have a much shorter, MUCH sillier one that's dedicated entirely to catofulthar000 because, lets face it, simon is a bit of an orange boy cat. and i think he should have more excuses to eat off the floor.
Everybody Wants To Be A Cat
Still. This could be my chance, and I’m not wasting it.
I’ve used this spell before. Everyone says songs are unstable, and they’re right, but it’s never given me any trouble; it got me through a cavern full of sleeping aggrobats in first year, and it’s one of the few spells I can usually pull off without anything going too wrong. 
“With catlike tread!”
I feel it catch me like a punch in the stomach and instantly know I’ve made a mistake.
it's been 84 years since i've heard the name crackfic ... and boy am i glad to see her.
I’m starting to get pretty hungry, but I’m not going to eat the dead mouse. Or the cricket. Baz can do as many rat keg-stands as he likes, I’m not desperate enough for vermin just yet. There’s a cereal-bar somewhere in my nightstand, but I don’t think cats can have chocolate. I’m not starved enough to risk potentially poisoning myself over it.
I’ll just have to wait. I can make a break for it and steal something else when he gets back and opens the door. For now, the best I can do is squirrel myself away under the bed with my wand between my teeth.
I don’t deny myself a piss in his posh loafers first, though. When in Rome.
having a little bit of each of them seen by someone other than my discord bubble is a little terrifying, but it's also REALLY motivating and i should post unfinished stuff more often
fuck knows i have a lot of unfinished stuff
i'm brand spanking new at posting my work, i don't really know anybody 'round these parts except in passing, and i am NOT sure what the tagging ettiquette is here, so: if you see this and you want to participate, consider yourself tagged!!
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Your last post led me to check out Reddit & I have regrets haha. I did not expect it to be so pro-Elriel. Or at least so nasty towards people who don’t want Elriel. The lightsinger theory seems popular there, too, which prompts my ask. The way most of the lightsinger arguments are presented (Gwyn knowingly being evil) — what purpose does that even serve other than to tear down one ship and prop up another? There’s already enough villains in the story with Koschei, Beron, and the remaining queens. Why add another — especially one integral to Nesta’s healing journey? Not to mention the character credited with becoming the first of the reborn Valkyrie. Doesn’t make any sense to me, except to invalidate the possibility that what Az was feeling at the end of the BC was a mating bond. Because seriously, Gwyn using her lightsinger powers to get someone to gift her a necklace? That she doesn’t even know exists? But, oh! Elain knows a dangerous lightsinger is in the library & gives Azriel earbuds instead of telling literally anyone anything. Just saying that out loud sounds silly. These characters are more than their romantic interests! And I know SJM made Tamlin a jerk in the Tamlin/Feyre/Rhys triangle, but I can’t see her pitting two women against each other or making it an easy choice by having one option suddenly evil. I’ve seen a lot of Elriels say Eluciens or Gwynriels haven’t read the books or can’t understand what they’re reading, but some on that side are just vilifying the threats to their ship instead (or even inadvertently vilifying Elain if she knows of a major threat and says nothing). That’s definitely enough Reddit-ing for me!
Reddit and Tik Tok, those be war zones! 😬😂
Gwyn, not Elain, was given mating bond terminology with Azriel. Az might have questioned why both Mor and Elain weren't his mate but again Gwyn (not Elain), is the one who SJM dropped clues for the possibility of sharing an actual bond with him.
So why would SJM give Az a mating bond with an "evil" female? We know Az has self esteem issues, something like that would mess him up even more than he already is.
They then love the theory that she's manipulating him but that would read as:
"Why isn't Mor my mate after loving her for centuries?"
"Why wasn't Elain my mate since her sisters are with my brothers?"
"Oh thank the Cauldron, Gwyn I've shown admiration for is my mate! I am worthy!"
"Gwyn tricked me and I again have no mate".
Actually, "Elain IS my true mate!
It gets a bit ridiculous when some in the fandom don't realize how farfetched certain theories sound.
I have to say it but Az isn't some super special prize that a female needs to trick her way into his good graces 😂. What exactly would she be accomplishing? Ianthe (because some try to claim they're related 🤔) went after Lucien and Rhys because they were the son of a High Lord and a High Lord and she was after what their name and positions could do for her.
Az might be powerful but his name doesn't hold any weight anywhere except bringing fear to the Night Courts enemies. Being with Az doesn't "open up" any doors to her.
Also, why would Gwyn return to the library after the Rite which limits her access to Az if she were in fact trying to manipulate Az? Wouldn't we see her spending all her time at the HOW in hopes of seeing Azriel there? The more like scenario is that Gwyn is not trying to manipulate anyone and is still working on overcoming her traumas. Which we'll see more of in her book with Az.
And why would SJM give Nesta a friend who was responsible (along with Emerie though Gwyn came along first) for helping her overcome her depression, only to have her turn evil? How would that make any sense when Nesta's pov is over?
And yeah, it's ludicrous that anyone thinks Elain would give Az a GAG GIFT, really a secret coded message warning him of the danger he's in rather than just telling him of the danger he's in 🤦
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Nobody had noticed Agni and Nina had stayed back at the cabin once everyone had left. The two were locked in a heated discussion about a certain secret Nina knew she couldn’t keep much longer.
“She’s into Sebastian Agni and there too many risks!”
“Nina! Just tell them you’re gay as hell and into Meyrin it isn’t that hard! I came out to Sebastian last year and we’re still cool.”
“See! You’ve only come out to one person too!”
“Nope. A bunch. My family, my best friends, and my best mate’s younger friend Ciel.”
Nina threw herself onto the couch of the front room.
“I have to don’t I?”
“If this blackmail you and Hannah have got on each other is as bad as you’re making it seem, than I’d go ahead and tell people whenever you get the chance.”
Back in the mess hall, Ciel sat awkwardly across from Sieglinde and Lizzie, unsure of what to say.
“We need to talk about last night Ciel.”
Sieglinde finally spoke up and Ciel inhaled sharply,
“Sieglinde... I was out of my mind last night. You’re extremely beautiful and smart and spunky, but I just don’t know what we can be at this point in my life . I’m sorry.”
Sieglinde felt her stomach jump into her ear. Ciel had said what she feared the most. That everything was due to the alcohol. She’d been proved once again that she may be unloveable and that she falls too hard too fast, even though she tries so hard not to.
“Um... yeah I feel them same ok... I’m gonna go now, I think I should leave. Well Lizzie, I’ll see you later then.
Sieglinde felt betrayed even though she knew from the start deep down that it probably wouldn’t mean anything. She got up and slammed her did tray into the trash, and once she got outside she ran, she ran until she reached her cabin, and she hid from the humiliation as best as she could.
“Way to go, loverboy”
Doll glared at Ciel.
“Oh don’t look at me like that! I met her last night in a drunken haze and we committed a felony together this isn’t a quirky coming of age movie,
Doll it’s my life!”
“Sully is the nicest person I’ve ever met and honestly drunk or sober you two would’ve made a great couple.”
“What are going on about?”
“Ciel, Sully isn’t a party girl, she’s a bookworm with a big heart that loves adventure.”
“Yep, and she saw something in you that screamed adventure, that screamed good. You’re lucky because I don’t think I’ve ever seen that in you before.”
“And I just screwed it up... just like I screw up everything?”
“You don’t screw up everything, but you may have screwed that up.”
“Fan- f’in- tastic!”
Ciel put in head his hands and rubbed his temples.
“Um... bird for brains?”
“Yes doll?”
“You still have that bonfire tonight. Get joker to bring his guitar and I’ll see if he can play some sappy romantic music, apologize, and tell Sully you were wrong and wanna see her again.”
“Wow you make it sound so easy! Why didn’t I think of that?”
“Oh wow! I didn’t know I ordered sarcasm with my eggs this morning!”
Chapter 7: A/N #2
• not a chapter of “no more happy campers”
Chapter Text
Hello! First off I’d just like to say thank you for reading my slightly cheesy series thus far, I’ve had a lot of fun writing it so thank you for visiting and leaving kudos for me :)
I haven’t been writing and posting for very long so I promise my writing will get better over time.
I have two announcements!
1. I may slow down on how fast I write chapter updates, I am a student, and I have a busy life but I promise to try to add updates as much as I possibly can. I just may need a little more time :)
2. I have a new series! If you ever get bored or sick of the high school partying and lifetime movie sequel drama of this fic, You can read my series featuring my OC Maryann and her adventures with the kuro characters in their actual time period.
• I don’t not own kuroshitsuji not am I affiliated with it .
Happy Birthday, Bocchan
It's Ciel's birthday.
I do not own Kuroshitsuji nor its characters.
(See the end of the work for notes.)
Work Text:
‘Happy birthday, Ciel!’ a colourful crowd shouted at him as he and his dark butler had just entered the mansion. He stretched a fake smile towards the people in front of him. Damn pests invading his house. To his dismay the manor had been redecorated so that now it looked like some damn kid’s wonderland. Pink and blue ribbons adorned the walls while paper strands of different colours were spread all around. There was even a table with food and drinks on it, although it probably wasn’t safe to eat since it must have been cooked by his actual cook rather than Sebastian. Speaking of whom, why the hell hadn’t Sebastian warned him? And more importantly, why had he not stopped them?
Ciel glanced at the impeccable butler who was already attending the party, pouring glasses of a dark liquid to the guests. He got nearer to where he was standing, intent on scolding him. However, someone grabbed hold of him before he could reach his final destination. ‘Ciel!’
He half turned, his eyes softening to meet Lizzie’s. ‘I am glad to see you, Lizzie’.
‘Oh Ciel, I was so happy when Sebastian told me that we were going to organise this surprise party for you, I can’t contain myself!’ she giggled, clearly overly excited.
‘Oh did he now?’ one of Ciel’s eyebrows rose, the child was not pleased. No, he was absolutely displeased by his butler’s behaviour.
Lady Elizabeth retreated a bit, noticing his dark aura. ‘Ciel…let’s dance, Ciel! It’s your party after all’.
As if shaming myself in front of all these people is going to make it any better. Ciel thought. Who is here anyway? ‘Maybe later, sorry,’ he said to a disappointed Lizzie, who strangely didn’t object, perhaps she wanted to make this evening special for him.
Shrugging his shoulder he looked around surveying the area. His servants were standing in a corner, he could clearly see Tanaka joyfully laughing while holding his ever-present cup of tea. The young Finnian wore a light blue suit which complimented his reddish blonde hair and fair eyes, he looked fairly embarrassed though and it was clear he was searching for an excuse to leave the room, just like Ciel.
Mey-Rin was standing next to him, her maid’s dress had disappeared though and she was wearing an elegant long dress which left her right shoulder uncovered as well as part of her back. However, she kept adjusting her skewed glasses ruining the sophisticated look that the dress gave to her figure. She seemed to be immersed in an interesting conversation with Bard, who was instead wearing his cook’s clothes. ‘And yes, I made a special treat for our Lord…trust me he will love it,’ Ciel, who in the meanwhile had gotten closer, overheard him say. Dread filled his heart as he took in the cook’s words, what else did he need to put up with?
‘Ciel, my friend!’ prince Soma caught him in a hug before Ciel could step back enough. ‘My Prince, please, don’t strangle the poor earl,’ he heard Agni’s voice from behind. ‘Happy Birthday,’ the man said to Ciel bowing in his direction. When the spirited prince finally released Ciel, Lau came closer, a trail of smoke following him. ‘Happy Birthday, Earl. I hope your business is going well’.
‘Thank you, everything would be more than fine if all of you just left right now…I mean, if I could call it an early night since I have had a stressful day’.
‘Is that so? But your butler said you’d have enjoyed our company since you think too much about work as of late’.
‘Ciel!’ cried Soma, ‘Don’t say such mean things to your friends. I want to have fun with you, I have missed you so much…’ he hugged the earl again, but this time Ciel managed to push him back without too much effort, he was getting sick of all this hugs. Actually, he was sick of the whole situation before it all even started.
‘Shall I propose a game to play then?’ his butler’s voice came from behind, making Ciel jolt. He turned towards him, deadly eyes glaring at the demon. Sebastian expressionless face didn’t betray any thoughts, but internally he was belated by the effect his little plan was having on his master. This was going to be an interesting evening, for sure.
‘What kind of game do you suggest?’ Ciel coldly asked.
‘One where everyone in here can get involved, my Lord,’ the demon smiled at him.
‘Will you be more clear, Sebastian?’ Ciel was already getting angry.
‘But of course my Lord, if you will allow me, let’s all take a seat…’ everybody sat on the chairs in a circle, Lady Elizabeth standing to the side of her beloved Ciel. Sebastian arrived a few seconds later, holding pieces of paper.
‘Now then I shall explain. Each one of us draws a piece of paper, there’s one detective and one murderer. The detective has to catch the murderer who in turns kills people by winking at them. All the while, we are to chat normally while people die around us’.
‘Oh, that sounds interesting,’ exclaimed Bard.
‘True, let’s play!’ said Soma. ‘I want to be the detective’.
‘Prince Soma, the butler has just explained the rules, you have to pick a piece of paper’.
‘Ah…ok’ and so the Indian prince grabbed a slice of paper, looked at it and frowning sat back onto his chair.
‘Please, refrain from revealing your identities,’ added the butler.
Everyone then picked up a piece of paper and after committing to memory their roles they all started conversing with the people around them. The first to die was Lau, who was standing next to an enchanted Mey-Rin and Agni. ‘Oh well, I suppose I am out,’ was his comment before he rose and went to fetch himself a glass.
‘It must’ve been one of the people close to him, so either Agni or Mey-Rin,’ commented Elizabeth.
Ciel scoffed, ‘The murderer wouldn’t risk his position that easily, if he was going to hit, he wouldn’t go for the people closest to him given that those are the easiest to catch’. He glanced at Sebastian who was seated behind Mey-Rin as he said so.
‘Oh’. The girl stared at him with her mouth open.
‘You surely are an expert at this, young Earl,’ commented Lau.
‘I merely like to play this kind of games a lot,’ the child innocently replied.
A crash on his left attracted his attention. Tanaka’s eyes rolled into his head as the tea dirtied the floor directly below his chair, his cup broken into pieces. It all seemed as if he had been poisoned. Ciel got up but Sebastian intervened first.
‘Here, let me clear this my Lord. And worry not, part of the game states that the victims must act out their deaths quite dramatically, I forgot to mention’.
‘I see. It’s a pity I couldn’t catch who the murderer was because I was distracted talking, but at least I know it’s not Lizzie’.
The butler cleared the floor quickly while Tanaka fell asleep and the game resumed shortly after. Again, Ciel was distracted in another conversion with Soma this time when Mey-Rin fainted, her face flushed red and her faked death not very much believable. Now, who would make Mey-Rin blush so much… Ciel’s eyes wondered back on his servant. ‘Do you think it was Bard, Ciel?’ asked Lizzie.
‘What?’ Ciel snapped back to reality.
‘You said that it probably wasn’t someone near her…’
‘At this point it could have as well been, that’s the third death, we have no way to tell. I have a feeling that the murderer is watching over us’.
Lady Elizabeth shivered, an insensate fear wrapping her body. ‘Worry not my dear Lady, for I prince Soma, will protect any girl at disadvantage and promote happiness for all…’ he was interrupted in his speech by Agni’s hand grabbing at his vest, ‘Prince Soma…I…am sorry, I think you will have to continue your journey through life without me from now on’. He was holding is chest with the other hand and his face was pained.
‘Noo! What are you saying my proud warrior, my best man…I cannot live without you by my side. Don’t die, please, someone do something!’ Soma shouted.
‘But my Prince, the murderer got me, he has winked and thus my fate is marked’.
Soma sobbed over the shoulder of his dying servant, ‘I will never forget you and your services…I hope I will soon follow you’. And in a matter of seconds he too was dead. There were only five people left and one of them was Sebastian. Ciel stared intensely at him, he didn’t want to miss a single movement of the “man”. ‘Ciel, I’ve got it. It must be Bard…look at how he is agitated now, I'm sure he will kill Sebastian next’. Ciel was forced to turn around by his fiancée who was pointing her finger towards Bard. She got up, her voice shaking ‘I accuse you, cook of the manor, of being the one murdering the people in this room’.
‘Lizzie what are you doing? He is not…’ Ciel started.
‘I am innocent Miss’. The cook said before exhaling his last breath.
Miss Elizabeth’s brows furrowed at this and she looked around the room, her eyes scanning Finnian, Ciel and Sebastian. One of them was the murderer but who?
‘May I suggest you sit down, my Lady?’ said Sebastian with a smile.
‘A-ah yes’. She sat on her chair her eyes on Finny while the gardener’s scared gaze kept jumping from one person to the other, sure that it was his time now. And indeed he was next to die, with a scream nonetheless. ‘S-sorry,’ he uttered before closing his eyes. Both Ciel and Lizzie stared at Sebastian now.
‘Sebastian, are you the murderer?’
‘Why, my Lady, took you quite some time to figure it out,’ he winked at her making her blush.
‘Pff, what a boring game,’ Ciel crossed his legs. ‘I could sense from the beginning that you were killing people around, Sebastian’.
‘My, my you are being rather self-confident tonight’ the butler commented. Mey-Rin adjusted her glasses again behind him and Bard took some sweets to share with Finny.
‘I have reasons to believe that, had I been the detective, more than a half of people would have survived’.
‘Why don’t you try being the detective then?’ Sebastian winked in his direction making Ciel’s heart skip a beat ‘Since you are our special guest tonight, my Lord, it would be fitting for you to be the main actor in this game. Though, it might be more interesting to switch game…it is a guessing game, I am thinking of, you will need to leave the room for a bit and then return after a short while. In this time, we will come up with a very simple story which then you’ll need to figure out by asking questions. Is that clear enough?’
Ciel looked at him, unsure if he liked the idea or not. ‘Fine,’ he finally said rising from his seat. ‘I shall allow you to play one turn of this game’. He left the main area where the others were staying and went to pour himself a glass of that dark liquid. As soon as his lips touched it he realised it was alcohol, port probably. Shrugging his shoulders he drank it anyway, thinking he was going to need it for the rest of what seemed to be a long evening.
A few seconds later Sebastian called him back and sitting on his chair he started questioning.
‘Are we in my house?’
There was a choral yes. ‘Mm, is the story about me?’
‘Yes’. Some of them laughed, which caused Ciel to feel irritated.
‘Did you come up with something funny?’
‘More or less…’ said Lau, a smile on his lips.
‘Am I doing something in particular?’
‘Denfintely not,’ said Mey-Rin, adjusting her lenses.
‘Am I alive?’ he asked, glancing at Sebastian.
‘Yes, very much my Lord,’ was Sebastian’s reply.
‘Am I working?’ Ciel was already getting tired.
‘Would I want to be working?’
‘Is there anything I want to do?’
‘Yes’. Lizzie changed her position to better adjust on her seat.
Ciel scratched his head. What would I want to do if I were in my manor, not working? ‘Is it day?’ he asked.
‘Not really,’ was the unclear reply.
‘Am I asleep?’
‘No, surely not’.
‘Am I eating a cake?’ he attempted, not expecting a positive answer.
‘Yes, a very big one’. Bard said rising his thumb.
‘And I assume there must be tea…?’
‘Your favourite blend,’ replied Tanaka.
‘So to recap, I am in my house drinking tea and eating cake, while not working. Sounds legitimate, and boring. Sebastian, I thought this would play out more interesting then describing my morning breakfast, or afternoon snack’.
‘My lord, why do you assume the story is ended?’
‘Oh is there more?’ the child asked.
‘Yes’ again they all replied together.
‘I…does something happen while I eat the cake?’
‘Is this something related to fire?’ he didn’t know why he had thought of fire, but then again the answer surprised him.
‘Yes,’ Elizabeth shifted in her seat again.
‘Is the fire, say, affecting me?’ It surely must be…
‘It is, oh my god Ciel!’ the young Lady stared at him as if she was seeing his little body wrapped in flames. Sebastian licked his lips. Ciel gulped and went on. ‘Was the fire accidental?’
‘No, sadly not,’ Lau shook his head.
‘Was the fire started by one of my employee?’
‘Yes, dreadful. Such a shame for us!’ said Bard.
Ciel nodded, taking in the information. ‘Was it Sebastian?’
‘My Lord, why would you think so badly of me?’
‘Was it you, Sebastian?’
‘It was not me, you can rest peacefully now,’ the butler bowed before him, hand on his chest.
Ciel’s teeth gritted. ‘Did it happen because of the cake?’
‘Yes, unfortunately’.
‘So, was it Bard?’
The cook looked shocked his Lord would suspect him. ‘Not a chance’.
‘Finnian?’ Ciel turned to the gardener.
‘Not me, for Master Ciel…I would never…’ the boy left the room, overwhelmed by his emotions.
Ciel sighed, ‘Mey-Rin?’
‘N-no…’ she adjusted her glasses again, her face a deep red.
‘Then that leaves you, Tanaka’. The Earl simply stated.
‘Hohoho, young Earl, you surprise me. Yes indeed it was my fault’.
‘Was it because of the tea as well?’
‘No, tea was fine’.
‘Was the cake fine?’
So what the hell went wrong? Did he fall asleep? ‘Did you fall asleep, Tanaka?’
‘My old age is to blame for that, my Lord’.
Another sigh from Ciel. ‘Are you involved, Soma?’
‘I am afraid, I am. I'm so sorry Ciel…’ the prince was on the verge of tears.
‘I suppose Agni is too…?’ he looked at the ex-monk.
‘I am, sadly so’.
‘Lau, you couldn’t possibly be involved, could you?’
‘Indeed my little Earl I am,’ said the man wrapped in smoke.
‘I almost expect you too to be in some obscure way involved in this, Lizzie,’ Ciel added.
‘I am, Ciel, but I love you so much…’ she attempted to hug him, without success.
‘So somehow Tanaka manages to start a fire, because he fell asleep and everyone here except for Sebastian, Bard and Finny is involved. Also the main cause is the cake, tea was fine though,’ he said crossing his legs. ‘A very difficult riddle indeed’. His hands where clasped together in front of his face as he spoke so.
‘Sebastian get me a glass of Port, I feel like I need it’.
‘My Lord, you shouldn’t drink at such young age…’
‘It is my birthday today, isn’t it? I might as well do as I wish. Now get me the port. That’s an order,’ he said with authority.
‘Yes, my Lord,’ the butler bowed before moving away.
‘Now then, back to the cake. Was the cake ready when the fire started?’
Then how the hell was I eating the cake…this makes no sense at all. Still he continued, ‘Did Bard make the cake?’
‘Then, was Tanaka the one supposed to supervise you?’ he asked directly to Bard.
‘Yes, he was’.
‘But he fell asleep, so…did Mey-Rin help you?’
‘She did,’ Bard confirmed.
‘Bocchan, your Port’.
Ciel grabbed the glass an slowly drank from it, noting how Lau had gotten one for himself. ‘It is unclear to me how you would have gotten involved. Wasn’t Mey-Rin supposed to be doing housework anyway?’
‘You could say so’.
‘Were you doing the laundry?’
‘Not really…’
‘Ironing clothes, perhaps with hot instruments which are unsafe?’ he tried to wrack his brain to find a possible plausible cause, ignoring Sebastian’s annoying smirk.
‘Yes,’ the maid confirmed.
‘Ah…I see’. He sipped the Port adding, ‘Did Bard ask you to hand him the heated tool at any time?’
‘He did,’ Mey-Rin voice was a bit too high as she replied.
What the hell was he going to do with an iron? Iron the cake? ‘Did you iron the cake?’
‘I did,’
‘AHAHAH,’ Soma burst out in a laugh, unable to contain himself. ‘I'm sorry, Ciel, this has become so funny.
‘Indeed,’ the Earl coldly replied. ‘Did you and Agni suggest him this idea?’ it sounds about right.
‘Yup, we did’.
‘Was it because it would have reminded you of some strange curry?’
‘In some ways…’ Agni said with an uncertain look.
‘And Lau,’ Ciel turned his gaze, ‘Did you put something into Tanaka’s tea?’
‘I did, how perspicacious of you Earl,’ the man bowed.
‘Ah-ah. I knew I was close to discovering the truth,’ Ciel said with a triumphant look. ‘Lizzie, did you say that you were involved perhaps because you came to my manor, uninvited, unexpected and rushed to the kitchen causing Bard to get a little too distracted with his work and use the iron to set fire to the cake?’
‘That’s exactly it, Ciel’ she blushed while saying so, a smile hidden behind her hands.
‘Very well. Is there anything more I need to ask?’
‘No, there isn’t’.
Ciel straightened his back, ‘To sum up, I was going to eat cake and tea, when Lau gave Tanaka some sleeping stuff and Tanaka fell asleep, failing to watch over Bard, who was advised by Soma and Agni to use an iron to make my cake. Of course, Mey-Rin thought it would be wise to give him the tools for destruction and furthermore, Lizzie came at the right moment to set my house on fire…very interesting indeed’.
‘Ahahah’ Everyone laughed at this, the Earl excluded. ‘It was all a fake Ciel…’
‘I know it was, it was a story after all,’ Ciel said annoyed.
‘Even the story…there was no story, you made it up,’ replied Lau.
‘What?’ Ciel was confused.
‘Allow me to explain, Bocchan. When you left we decided a simple rule to answer yes or no to questions. Yes was for questions ending in a vowel, no for questions in a consonant and mid-way for a “y”. So you made up the story,’ Sebastian smirked.
The Earl’s eyes widened in surprise. ‘Oh,’ was all he said.
‘Ciel, let’s dance,’ he was grabbed by a smiling Lizzie, ‘You promised’.
‘Wait Lizzie…’
It was too late though. A violin had appeared in Sebastian’s hands out of the blue and music was already playing. The Earl was forced to dance, against his will. Swirling around, his head started spinning, also due to Port. After two dances he couldn’t take it anymore and walked over the seating place and slumped himself on a chair. ‘Ciel! You can’t leave me like this’ protested Lady Midford but he was deaf to her dull cries. All he wanted now was to rest.
‘My Lord, if I might suggest, you should open the gifts they gave you’.
At this Ciel jumped up. Gifts? I don’t want any…
‘Yes, let’s see what we got you,’ said Lau.
Everyone gathered around Ciel, including Finnian who had returned to the room. The child felt the impulse to run away and hide from their gazes but resisted and with a straight face went to open the first pack. It was a collection of tea bags, carefully selected and a on a small piece of paper he read “May these bags bring peace to your mind, my Young Lord, as I continue to serve the Phantomhive house, for as long as I live. Tanaka”
Not too bad… he moved on to the next one, Mey-Rin and Finnian’s one apparently. It was a strange wooden sculpture, dressed up in badly knitted clothes. He didn’t even try to seem pleased and they must have seen the frown on his face because Finnian started crying.
Suddenly someone crashed through the window. A swirl of red, a red coat and a scythe. A reaper was in his house. Somebody screamed behind him as a wide grin spread on the newly arrived guest. Sebastian’s eyes glowed, a silent warning for the death god. ‘Sebby-chan. How stunning you look in that outfit!’
‘This is my normal outfit, Grell. May I enquire as to why didn’t you enter the room from the main door?’
‘But then, where would have the scenic appearance gone to?’ As Grell winked at him, Finnian ran away, fear written all over his face. ‘Oh, did I do something wrong?’ the reaper said.
‘Nothing you should concern yourself with,’ replied Ciel. ‘Why are you here?’
‘To wish you well and to see my Sebastian of course’.
Sebastian turned away, his face showing disgust.
‘Who is he, Ciel?’ asked Lizzie.
‘An old acquaintance…I think it’s become quite late, you should go soon’ he added.
‘But you haven’t opened my present yet!’ she protested.
‘I will soon’. The child resumed opening the packed stuff in front of him. The next one contained a clay statue with a rosary around its neck. It was from Soma and Agni, ‘With the hope that it will protect you and your young spirit’. Agni saluted him with a payer and Soma hugged him before walking out of the manor.
‘Lizzie, which one is yours?’
‘This one,’ she showed it to him. As he opened it, his heart raced. ‘Mm, what is it Young Earl?’ Lau spied from above his shoulder. It was a fine sword, of good quality as well. He didn’t take it out of the sheath, but could tell it was a valuable present. A “thank you” escaped his lips and the girl blushed. ‘Well, then I think I’ll take my leave. It has been a fun night Ciel. Good night’.
As she was leaving, Sebastian accompanied her to the door and welcomed another unexpected guest. ‘Evening Earl’.
‘Undertaker, I was not expecting to see you here. Have you finished playing with your dolls?’ his tone was not warm at all.
‘Not quite, but tonight they rest while you are here, full of life…’ suddenly he was behind Ciel, ‘How does it feel, losing another year of your life, getting closer and closer to the day when I will finally place you into one of my personalised coffins…’
‘I would appreciate,’ Sebastian interrupted him, taking his hand away from Ciel’s shoulder, ‘If you didn’t touch my Master’. Red glowed into the Butler’s eyes.
Ciel coughed to attract the others’ attention. He opened the last pack, which contained a series of scandalous items he thought well to dispose of as quickly as possible. ‘Those are for now…or when you grow up a bit more, Earl,’ commented Lau. ‘I must leave now, business awaits me, ah’.
‘Sebastian you can show him the way out…Bard, weren’t you talking about a present for me’.
‘Erm…I tried to…not sure…a cake…it didn’t…’
‘At least my house has not burned yet,’ the Earl sarcastically commented. ‘I’ll have a bite, I feel brave enough’.
Five minutes later Ciel was struggling to swallow the driest cake he had ever tasted. It was so difficult he almost choked on it before Sebastian sent away the cook and his cake recommending him to never try again.
‘Bocchan, I told you it didn’t seem a great idea to eat that thing,’ the demon’s eyes were narrow.
‘Sebby, would you not leave with me for a night of fire?’ Grell asked with dreamy eyes.
‘I am afraid my night is already booked. I have to attend to my Master’s every wish and cannot leave the manor at this time’.
‘Seriously, you need a break from your job. Well, do come and find me when you’re free…I’ll be waiting for you,’ the reaper said while leaving through the same window they had shattered before.
‘You’re the only one left, Undertaker. For some reason I feel you might want to give me a present,’ Ciel said looking at the dark figure on his left.
‘Hihihi, indeed I do, Earl,’ the once-reaper giggled, ‘It’s something you might find useful in the future, when your most important date comes…’
‘If it’s one of your coffins then I decline’.
‘It’s not,’ Undertaker said.
‘Oh?’ Ciel’s surprise showed on his face.
‘It’s a suit, for a dead man that is, ahah’ the dark man laughed his head off at the expression on the Earl’s face.
‘I don’t think I would enjoy it as a present’.
‘Too bad, too bad Earl, for your death might come earlier than you think’.
‘Sebastian, would you kindly see Undertaker off, I'm rather tired, I think I’ll go upstairs,’ the Earl said.
‘Of course my Lord,’ the butler replied with a bow.
Ciel walked towards the stairs while he heard Undertaker’s laugh behind him as he left the house. It was truly late and his birthday was almost over.
Originally I had meant for this story to be shorter and include a sex scene between Sebastian and Ciel. However, I then realized that I didn’t want to move this fanfic to the mature section and published the second chapter as a one shot under the name “Happy birthday, Bocchan: His butler’s present”. If you are interested look for it on my profile.
Warning: it contains explicit yaoi content and a bit of blood/violence.
Series this work belongs to:
← Previous Work Part 4 of Kuroshitsuji Next Work →
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lunarticxenia · 3 years
Moon Signs Pt. 1
My take on moon signs based off people I know! Now personally, I tend to have more strong opinions on my favorite moon signs than favorite sun signs. I feel like moon signs really indicate more about a person’s personality than their sun sign, imo. It does rule emotions and behavior after all. With sun signs I struggle with picking favorites because I do genuinely have people I like of every zodiac sign. I just go by the number of people I like from each zodiac sign. Anyhoo, here’s my view on each moon sign! 
Note: These are p long bc I have such strong thoughts on moon signs so I’m splitting it into two parts. :) 
🍂 Aries Moon: Ahhh, my moon sign. I won’t be biased though, I promise. So Aries moons based off other people I know is that we low-key got anger issues LMAO. Every single Aries moon I’ve met besides myself has anger issues, with the exception of one person and she still gets irritated easily. Aries Moons are also extremely sensitive, and they tend to be overlooked for that since they’re fire signs. I’ve found that a lot of what they get angry about has to do with their feelings, if they feel they’ve been wronged this really can make them angry as they are super sensitive. They also get angry when they feel like people aren’t listening to them, as they take this very personally. I’ve also noticed that Aries moons are EXTREMELY honest, they will tell it how it is and they are extremely blunt. They don’t like to beat around the bush, and they are very direct with how they feel about something. Aries moons are also extremely passionate and spontaneous especially in relationships; they’re the ones who wanna kiss in the rain and ride horses into the sunset, that is if you can get them to settle down with you LMAO. Nah all jokes, they’re picky about who they want, but once they really fall for someone it’s very hard for them to let go. They’re also so competitive, they will play dirty. My grandpa used to let me win in checkers as a kid, my dad (who’s an Aries moon) NEVER let me win. He said me losing would help build character LMFAO. He just didn’t wanna lose.They also have strong personalities and can be SUPER impulsive. Also, if they wanna do something, they WILL do it. No one is gonna stop them. If they wanna go somewhere at 3am, they’re doing it. Sorry. You can’t stop them. LMAO. Aries moons also love to be in touch with their inner child, my dad is an Aries moon and bought himself an arcade machine out of nowhere LMAO. I also like to collect shells and watch Disney movies to remind me of my childhood. They also tend to change their views and opinions on things a lot, and mind you they have intense emotions about these things. So it can be hard to keep up w them. 
🍂 Taurus Moon: Taurus moons are just so calm, it’s scary LMAO. I know a few of them, and even if they’re anxious about something you can never tell. They always have this calm demeanor and just seem so unbothered by everything. Taurus moons also LOVE money and the finer things in life. The male Taurus moons I know work a lot just so they can have a lot of money. One of them literally said to me “Money talks” after explaining to me why they work 7 days a week, 12 hours a day doing two jobs. The crazy thing is, despite doing all that extra work, he just seemed so unbothered about it LMAO. The female Taurus moons I know tend to love really expensive clothes and dressing up. This Taurus moon I work with has such nice clothes and always dresses like she’s on a Vogue cover. Like I said, Taurus moons LOVE money and the finer things in life like expensive clothes. If they aren’t the types to dress up or be workaholics, they desire comfort. They would rather lay in bed and take hot bathes than be bothered to do all that extra stuff. They also might like to eat out at expensive restaurants, and are “foodies”. They also might be big lovers of music and have lots of different music tastes. Also, Taurus moons? STUBBORN. Good luck trying to get them to change their mind on something. Also, despite them wanting all the luxuries and comfort of life, they are SUPER grounded. They do not live in a dream world, they see life for what it is, and prefer to be on the ground than have their heads in the clouds. Also, Taurus moons, I’m sorry, but y’all can be lazy. I work with three of them, and they can be lazy. They will not do more than the bare minimum. Also, their anger is low-key scary. Especially since it can come out of nowhere since they’re calm all the time, you never know when they’re angry and if you catch them at the wrong time... well, rip. They also tend to be introverted- even if they’re social, you will not know anything about them unless you’re besties with them or related to them. Doesn’t matter how well you know them, they don’t air their dirty laundry and keep their private life private. Also one last thing, omg these people sing all the time. They love singing to themselves, every single one I’ve met does that LMAO. Anyway, love my Taurus moons. 
🍂 Gemini Moon: Gemini moons love to make people laugh LMAO and love to just sit down and have good talks with people. Their minds NEVER stop working. Good luck trying to get them to stop talking once they know you. They can and will talk about anything for hours. Now, I do admire that, but sometimes I just wanna relax and they won’t stop talking to me LMFAO. My dad’s girlfriend is a Gemini moon and at family gatherings she loves to dance around and try to get everyone else to dance. I find that Gemini moons are very active and love to move around, and try to get everyone to have fun. Definitely the life of the party. They’re super amusing and also love to tell jokes and funny stories. Now not all of them are extroverts especially if they have an earth sun sign. So that is something to consider. My cousin is a Gemini moon and tends to be more introverted, however, once she’s comfortable around someone and knows someone she’s super goofy and loves to make people laugh. Gemini moons also love to learn, they’re always teaching themselves about something. My cousin who’s a Gemini moon just randomly started teaching herself how to do sign language (she’s good at it also)! These people are also SUPER adaptable, they can get along with any kind of personality and can adapt to any situation. I’ve also noticed that they love to playfully roast people and annoy them LMAO. I have noticed that they struggle with reading the room, they tend to just continue to annoy someone and can take it too far, which can get kind of annoying. They’re also extremely curious and are always asking questions. They love to ask random questions without any context. It’s a quirk a lot of them have. Trying to tell a story to them can be frustrating because if you mention certain terms they’ll ask you what they mean LMFAO. My dad was telling a story about how he used surfing to explain physics concepts in class and his girlfriend asked what the concepts were and what they mean. Also, they’re really good at giving advice. These people would make great psychologists imo. This girl I used to talk to (who’s a Gemini moon) actually is becoming a psychologist, so there you go LMAO. 
🍂Cancer Moon: Oh Cancer moons...you guys are so sensitive. They feel everything and anything. I haven’t met a Cancer moon that isn’t an empath. They are extremely good at reading other people and sensing their motives. My mother is a Cancer moon, and she’s always been able to tell who’s toxic in my life. She doesn’t even have to meet them either, just based off of stories I tell her, she can pick it up right away. Now, everyone always says Cancer moons are super close with their family and that’s definitely not always the case. The Cancer moons I’ve met have actually had a lot of problems with their family. Now the thing that I’ve noticed with these placements is that despite how toxic their family is, they always stick by them. Even if they’re not close. So I wouldn’t say they’re all super close with their families, but they always stick up for them, which can be an issue if their family is toxic. Also, Cancer moons, SUPER MOODY. I’m sorry but like I’m a Cancer sun and they’re ten times more moody than I am LMFAO. I’ve always said they act more like the stereotypical Cancer than Cancer suns. Also, this is a super underrated placement for humor. Every Cancer moon I’ve met has been super funny. Also, a super underrated placement for anger issues. Everyone says oh yeah Aries moons have anger issues, like yes, BUT HAVE YOU GUYS SEEN CANCER MOON ANGER?! Y’all Taylor Swift is a Cancer moon and wrote a whole album about how fed up she was about the media mistreating her and the whole Kimye thing (rightfully so) but y’all see my point. They can and will fight you. They also tend to be introverted, even if they’re social, (which I rarely see), they would much rather keep to themselves. I’ve also noticed that they’re very nostalgic a lot. My Cancer moon ex used to just randomly go through childhood photos and would show them to me. They’re also EXTREMELY protective over people they love, they will KILL for the people they love. They also love to talk about their dream homes and interior decorating a lot? My Cancer moon ex was OBSESSED with coming up with his dream house and would literally draw out diagrams for me to see. My mother too, she wants to redecorate her apartment and was showing me all the potential furniture that was gonna be put in. Oh Cancer moons, LMAO. 
🍂 Leo Moon: Oh Leo moons. You guys can be so dramatic LMAO. Every Leo moon I’ve met is so dramatic; these are the types of people who get up and move around when telling a story and also do dramatic hand gestures. These are the types of people who post a black screen in middle school on Snapchat saying “Don’t hmu.” LMAO. My Leo moon friend gets so mad when I make that joke, but it’s so true. These people are also naturally super creative, the Leo moons I know love to decorate and draw. Even if they don’t do any outright creative hobbies, they have a creative streak to them. It’s weird though because despite them being very dramatic when it comes to them being angry, they struggle with expressing their personal problems to other people. (This however can be changed with other placements, but I’ve found this to be true in many cases). They don’t want people to think that they’re weak, so they put up a tough front to hide that they’re hurting. Also, Leo moons, are indeed the hype friends. My Leo moon friends gas up my Instagram posts so much. They’re also extremely loyal and don’t like to leave people out, they hate that kind of shit. They’re also extremely accepting of others, my Leo moon friend was the first person I came out to, and they accepted me right away. They also love to take pictures of EVERYTHING. Like when you go out with them, they will make you wait before eating your food so they can take video of your food together LMAO. They love to capture every moment, I personally find it very endearing. Also, a lot of people say Leo moons are super cocky. I don’t find this to be true. They can come off that way, but I’ve found they tend to actually be pretty insecure and they try to hide it by coming off as confident. I feel like Leo moons tend to put on a show a lot to hide how they truly feel, which makes it hard to get to know them. It makes me sad because they truly are such kind hearted people and all they want is to feel validation. I also found that they love to go above and beyond to make sure everyone else is happy and tend to put themselves last. I wish y’all didn’t do that, you deserve to be happy too. ;( 
🍂 Virgo Moon: Workaholics. That’s how I’m starting this LMAO. My friend is a Virgo moon and works her ass off. She goes above and beyond in school for starters. For this anatomy course we had together, she sent me a whole diagram she made of the human brain on Notability and it was so intricately made. She also works her ass off at her job and takes care of her siblings. I feel like this falls into Virgo placements putting others before themselves. Virgo moons are definitely the types to be like this. They want to make everyone happy and they want to feel useful so they do all these extra things to feel that way. Virgo moons are also super smart, and have the best study methods. Low-key jealous. They have this incredible drive and are always on top of things and have a routine. Also Virgo moons LOVE animals. My friend who’s a Virgo moon, works at a dog sitting business and has 6 pets at home. They LOVE animals. They also like honesty and bluntness; they will provide you with that as well. They don’t like beating around the bush or lying to make other people feel better. You wanna know if you look bad in a dress? Ask a Virgo moon, LMFAO. I’ve also found that they struggle with wanting to be perfect all the time, and struggle with anxiety. As I said, they want to be the best at everything, and this can be a big source of anxiety for them. These people also find themselves attracting people who they want to “fix”. They also give amazing advice and are super reliable. Also, last minute plans? They HATE them. Want a Virgo moon to hate you? Try making spontaneous plans with them LMAO. Virgo moons also have great memories; they’ll remember every little detail about you. Also Virgo moons are the types to take charge in a group project and run the whole thing because they don’t trust anyone. Virgo moons also always appear to be calm and collected, even though many of them frequently deal with anxiety a lot. Also, they’re low-key underrated for humor. They have a very dry and self-deprecating sense of humor LMAO. They also go above and beyond in relationships because they enjoy seeing the people they love being happy. 
Anyhoo, this wraps up part one!  Also these are just my opinions, so don’t get offended I tried to praise and drag all of them equally <3 
Part 2 here. 
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bnhabadass · 4 years
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Pairing: Shinsou x Reader Genre: Angst with happy ending, NSFW Word Count: 4,049 Synopsis: Shinsou is sick and tired of seeing you go out on all these disappointing Tinder hookups, especially when you always seem to ask him to satisfy you afterwards. But there must be a reason why you keep going on these dates, right? A/N: This is my piece for the bnharem roommates collab. I always forget how much I love writing Shinsou’s character but this definitely brought my spark with him back. Make sure to check out everyone else’s collab pieces on the masterlist!
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Another night of tinder swipes. Another night of late night walks through desolate and windy streets. Another night of sleepy dinner and listening to the same old boring stories that every date has to offer. Another night of disappointing sex as he can’t seem to find the hole and his finger nails are sharper than they need to be. Another night of two pump chumps who ask, “does that feel good baby?” and another night of lying through your teeth as you fake moans and count the seconds before you’re allowed to leave.
It’s just like any other Saturday night where your toes are crushed in the tips of your heels and you shiver as you walk back to your apartment, keys clutched between your fingers just in case someone tries to pull something and you need to think quickly. You have your routine ingrained in you, like second nature.
The walk back home is cold and clammy. You can’t shake the feeling of the little hairs on your arms and legs springing up like a cat in shock as the wind pushes right past you. The only thing you could think of to keep yourself from toppling over from exhaustion was the heat that would be coming from your room back home, the fuzzy blanket you’d lie under, and the man awaiting your return to greet you with surprises like no other.
When you did open the front door, heat wafted towards you and your achy muscles began to relax.
“Rough night?” The voice from inside cooed.
“‘Oh baby do you like that?’” you mocked. “‘Does that hurt so good?’”
The person sitting on the sofa with a book covering their face laughed. “Please tell me he did not say that.”
You kicked off your heels and rolled out your ankles. “Shinsou, I swear to god, you have to meet some of these people. This one guy was ridiculous. As I was sucking him off he told me I reminded him of his mother.”
The purple haired young man gagged. “And you still sucked his dick?”
“That’s the best part,” you laughed. “He finished right after he said that.”
Shinsou grimaced. “Why do you keep going on these dates when everyone you end up sleeping with sucks.”
You collapsed on the couch next to him. “I don’t know. Maybe it’s because a certain someone always ends up taking care of me after.” Laying your head in his lap, you smiled up at him.
Shinsou gave you a lazy smirk back. “So that’s it, huh? I actually know how to use my tongue so you’re purposefully coming home unsatisfied.”
“I wouldn’t say purposefully,” you said with a mock offended tone to your words. “If there ever is a man out there who did know how to please me then I can guarantee I wouldn’t be coming home every night I have a date.”
He propped his cheek up against the palm of his hand. “But that hasn’t happened yet, has it.”
You loved this, the flirty and dangerous aroma in the air. It was intoxicating and you craved every bit of it.
“So what are we going to do about it?”
You leaned up and kissed him, and then that kiss led to another. Soon you had gotten up and moved into Shinsou’s bedroom. Your tights had been stripped down and your dress was pulled up over your ass.
Getting onto his elbows and knees, Shinsou readied himself to lick his first stripe along your folds and make you melt beneath him.
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The week went by, like usual, and your relationship with Shinsou remained the same, just like usual. You’d each come home from work, him tired from training and patrols and you exhausted with paperwork and having to deal with bothersome coworkers taking up all your spare time.
Nothing happens during the week. The two of you laugh and joke around like best friends, like neither of you have seen each other naked, and you’re sure you’re happy this way. That’s what Shinsou keeps telling himself anyway.
You never seem to notice the way his eyes linger on you for a split second too long or the way he glares at your phone over your shoulder as you swipe left or right on dating apps. You’d think that if he was jealous he would try to distance himself, to back away from the trouble you might get in and the disappointment you’d find after each hookup. But no, Shinsou cares too much about you to let you go out on your own without knowing who, where and how you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.
“Hey Shin,” you call from the couch on Thursday night. You’re lying down with your feet propped up against the arm rest. Shinsou has to move them out of the way before plopping down himself.
“What’s up.” His large palm rubbed up and down your legs as they rested on his lap.
“I think I matched with someone who won’t be horrible in bed.” You showed him your phone, and as he scrolled through his profile you could feel the itchy heat of embarrassment rising to your face.
Shinsou’s heart seemed to stop. His eyes widened when he read the words “pornstar” and “Onlyfans'' in the dude’s bio. Handing your phone back to you, he kept his eyes trained on the floor. “That’s great. He seems like he knows what he’s doing.”
“Yeah.” You took the phone back and resumed looking through his photos. “He messaged me earlier and we have a lot in common too.”
Shinsou nodded. Why did he feel so weird? He knew that not every guy you matched with would be a disappointment. He had been telling that to himself for months now, but watching the nervous smile that crept up your face as you received a new message from this guy made Shinsou want to scream. “I’m gonna go for a run,” he said, lifting up your legs to stand up from the couch.
“Really? It’s dark out. Are you sure you want to go running?” You didn’t look up from your phone.
“Yeah I’ll be fine.”
“Okay, stay safe. Oh! Did you still want to watch a movie tonight?”
Shinsou froze. “Um, maybe not tonight. I’m not sure. I’ll see if I’ve cooled down a bit after my run.”
You looked up from the screen, slightly deterred. “Oh, okay. Have a good run.” You weren’t exactly sure what he meant by that. He hadn’t seemed to be bothered by anything earlier, so why was he acting weird now? You were sure you hadn’t said anything to make him upset and when he told you about his day, he didn’t seem bothered by anything that happened at work.
Rolling over on your side, you continued texting this new guy, a new sense of nervousness clouding your vision.
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It’s Saturday night and you’re putting on your makeup. Your hands which have never been shaky before have fucked applying your eyeliner three times now. You’re not sure why you’re so nervous. You’ve met up with guys every weekend for months now. Could it be that this guy is different because he knows what he’s doing? Yeah, that must be it. You’re worried that you won’t be good enough for him, right?
Still, that didn’t seem like that was it. You were so excited talking to him at first. He made you laugh and you wanted to meet up with him so bad, to see his charm in person. But then you showed his profile to Shinsou and things started to feel different, like somehow they were falling apart.
You haven’t spoken to your roommate much in the last couple days. His usual pokes and prods at the men you tend to meet up with were replaced with silence. You haven’t joked around like usual or spent time together unwinding after work, and you were worried. It hadn’t been this distant between you since one of your female friends told you about a guy she knew who was looking for a roommate and the two of you met for the first time.
Since then, you haven't gotten anything but closer. You began your weekly rituals of getting takeout and watching movies and getting drunk after particularly rough days at work. Living with Shinsou was the happiest you have been in a long time. So why did that change?
Stepping out of your bedroom, makeup incomplete and dress unbuttoned, you peered into the living room where Shinsou was working.
He sat shirtless on the couch, legs propped up on the automen with his laptop balanced on his legs. His wild purple hair, which had gotten longer since the two of you met, was loosely tied back with a hair tie. His gray sweatpants were untied and you were sure that if he were to stand up they would ride low on his hips.
As you stared at his profile, you couldn’t help but admire how his chiseled face, adorning a pair of reading glasses, looked so serene as he stared at the work ahead of him. He looked calm, calmer than you’ve seen him in a while, and that made his face more youthful. Shinsou stretched out his arms and you could hear his corded back crack before he went back to typing away.
You ran back into your room and slammed the door. Your face was hot and flushed. Beads of sweat permeated on your temples. How could such a simple act of stretching make you feel so hot and bothered and worked up and oh no. How is it that you were so blind? You were in love with your roommate.
Shit shit shit shit shit.
You paced back and forth, rubbing all of the makeup off of your eyes in the process. You stared at your blackened fingers and rubbed them on your dress, not caring that it would dirty. Thinking back to all the moments you cuddled as “friends” and all the times you would lay together after a disappointing date, you were able to pinpoint each exact moment where your feelings grew.
You sat on your bed and watched as your hands shook. You couldn’t go on this date now. You don’t care about the guy, no matter how good at sex he might claim to be. The entire time, you’d just be wishing you were on a date with Shinsou. Granted, every date you’ve been on, a little part of you has wished it was with Shinsou. Every week you couldn’t wait until it was over so you could be enveloped yet again in his flirty aroma that was so, so addictive.
So that was it, you wouldn’t go on the date and things would go back to normal between the two of you. But would they really? What would you say if he asked why you cancelled? All you wanted were things to go back to the way they were. You wanted to bask in the flirty air and feel Shinsou hold you close and caress every curve of your body with so much love and tenderness.
You stood up and looked at your blotchy face in the mirror. Surrounding your eyes was a mix of black and shimmery gold swarming together. You wiped them off along with the rest of your makeup. You won’t be going out tonight so there’s no point of dolling up.
What am I going to do?
You slid off your dress and slipped into a pair of pajama bottoms and threw on a tank top. The least you could be is comfortable in such a stressful situation.
I can’t act the way I used to, knowing how I feel now.
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You may have been an idiot for this, but you decided to face your situation head on. Without doing so, who knows how you wouldn’t go crazy living under the same roof as the man you’re in love with.
You stepped into the living room. Shinsou was still typing away and looking over reports, so you cleared your throat to get his attention.
“Hey, you about to go out?” When you didn’t respond, he looked up and his face fell. “What’s wrong? Why aren’t you dressed?”
You couldn’t look him in the eye. As soon as you heard him speak and the amount of concern in his voice, you just wanted to cry. The sting of acidic tears and mucus welling in the back of your throat made you want to throw up.
“Did something happen?” He took off his reading glasses and scooched over, letting you take a seat beside him.
But you didn’t move, just kept staring at your cold feet against the hardwood floor.
“(Y/n), talk to me.”
You looked up at him and tears began rolling down your face. You felt so pathetic, that you would be crying over love of all things. Love was supposed to be magical, right? Not embarrassing and tear-ridden. “Can you,” you started, but you needed to take a step back when you heard your achy throat cracking as you spoke. “Can you give me a reason not to go?”
Shinsou adjusted himself. He was clearly trying to make out what you were saying. “What? If you don’t want to go then don’t. No one’s forcing you to go on this date.”
You couldn’t help crumble at what he said. If only he knew what you really looked forward to after each date and what you were really thinking about when you were out with these other guys.
Shinsou stood up as you crumbled to the ground and squatted down next to you, wrapping his arms around you. You sunk into his chest and sobbed against him. It felt so unfair that with his arms around you, you felt whole, like you were two pieces of a puzzle.
“Why do you need a reason not to go on this date? Is he pressuring you or something?”
You shook your head against his chest. “I don’t want to go on a date with him.” On one hand, you thought your subtle hints would get through Shinsou’s thick skull, but it seemed as though they were a paper plane trying to penetrate a brick wall.
“So find some other guy.”
Why was he being so dismissive? You didn’t want just some other guy, you wanted Shinsou.
“Look, you’ve found plenty of other dates in the past, just because you don’t want to go out with one guy doesn’t mean it’s the end of the world.” He kept rubbing circles in your back. “Why don’t you call up a past hookup or something?”
You pushed away from him. “How could you say that,” you whispered. “I don’t want to go on a date with one of them.” Your voice began to raise. You had never raised your voice at Shinsou before. “I want to go out with you, you idiot.”
There was a moment where all you could hear were the little noises throughout the apartment like the ticking of the clock in the kitchen or a fly buzzing close by. Then, you slapped a hand over your mouth. You didn’t mean to say that outloud. You didn’t mean to raise your voice or push away from him. But you did blurt it out, and Shinsou looked at you with wide eyes and a slack jaw.
The hair on his arms and the back of his neck raised up like static. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know if he should look at you with shock or look away in embarrassment. He was completely and utterly confused.
“Shit,” you whined from behind your hand. “Forget it.” You rubbed the tears under your eyes away and went to stand up. “I’m gonna go to bed.”
“Wait.” Shinsou grabbed your hand before you could fully stand up. You had never realized how small your hands were compared to his until now. “You can’t just say that and then walk away.”
He was right. You sat back down on the ground, his hand still grabbing onto yours, playing with your fingers. “Okay,” you mouthed, knowing you wouldn’t be able to get any sound out if you tried.
“Why do you go on all of these dates?”
You thought about it for a moment. You were never really sure why you bothered hooking up with so many people, but sitting on the ground with him, you had a pretty good idea. “Because we’re roommates.”
You kept your eyes on your fingers intertwined with Shinsous. “Because realizing you’re in love with your roommate is shitty, so the least I could do is hope that after an unsatisfying night of sex, you’d be willing to provide.”
He stopped playing with your fingers and instead, squeezed your hand. “And I hated seeing you with these different men so much that any chance you gave me I ate up.”
You blinked once, twice in confusion before meeting Shinsou’s eyes. “You...”
“Mhm,” he nodded.
The heavy weight of tears on your chest finally lifted. You could finally breathe freely. There was silence among you before the two of you burst out laughing. You rested your head on his shoulder as your chests heaved up and down. When you took your head away to look him in the eyes, he leaned in and kissed you. You didn’t hesitate to kiss back and wrap your arms around his neck.
Shinsou dragged your body closer to him, so you were straddling his lap, and weaved his arms around your figure. He was a good kisser, which you already knew, but you had never taken the time to feel his passion until now. Shinsou made sure to tease you with a darting tongue and hands which traveled down your figure and stopped at the base of your hips.
You weaved your hands through his soft hair and pulled his hair tie out. His fluffy purple locks were so fun and tempting to tug on. Kissing him with this amount of love and emotion enthralled you, and you felt a little disappointed when he pulled away.
“Would you like to move this to my bedroom?”
And you bit your bottom lip before nodding, a smile creeping its way up along your face. You stood up and followed him into his bedroom eagerly.
After Shinsou closed the door behind you, he turned around and snaked his hands up your back. You giggled at the contact and let him pull the shirt over your head. You weren’t wearing a bra, so Shinsou immediately leaned over to take one of your nipples in his mouth. He sucked it until it puckered and let it go with a loud pop.
“You know,” he said, backing you against his bed. “I’ve never been able to say until now how truly beautiful you are.”
“Shinsou,” you sighed, taking a hold of his purple locks. You collapsed onto the bed and let him kiss his way down your front side. His kisses were rough but full of love, and you know they would leave bruises behind.
He slid your pajama bottoms and underwear down your thighs until they pooled on the floor at your ankles. “Everything you do is gorgeous, even the way you’re sprawled out under me, under my command just waiting for me to touch you.”
You could feel your pussy clench at his words and your thighs shook in waiting.
He kissed the top of your pussy and trailed kisses around your thighs. You watched as he hiked your legs over his well muscled shoulders while keeping eye contact. His long tongue darted out and he licked one long stripe between your folds and suckled on your little sweet bud.
You arched your back and let out a choked moan. Out of all the nights you’ve slept together, this was the first time you really saw him for all the love he gave you.
Shinsou kept his face right in front of your dripping hole just for a moment and let his hot breath tickle your needy clit. He chuckled at your squirming form and teased you even further with kitten licks and hands that reached up to squeeze your breasts as he dove in to lap up your juices.
Your hands grasped at his, keeping them firmly clenched onto your chest as he delved in deeper and deeper into your wonderful taste. You could feel your orgasm quickly building up. Your toes curled and knees jerked up, hips bucking your clit further up into Shinsou’s mouth. You let out a loud moan and sigh of relief and surprise when you could feel your juices spraying onto Shinsou’s face and watched as they dripped down his chin.
You had never squirted before. You could feel a calm wash over you as you settled down. Shinsou wiped his hand down his chin. “That was fucking sexy.”
He kissed your lower lips one last time before standing up and allowing you to scooch further up on the bed. You were exhausted but it didn’t matter. Watching Shinsou strip down and seeing his cock spring to life only made you want more of him.
He crawled over you and kissed your lips. He tasted like a mix of your juices and honey, probably from that tea you saw him drinking not too long ago. Whatever it was, it was addictive. “Are you ready?” he asked as he positioned the head of his cock in line with your opening.
You nodded, heaving up and down and running your hand along the side of his face. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
Shinsou was thicker than most of the people you had slept with, and you always felt the stretch of him penetrating you every time he pushed himself in.
Knowing that it probably hurt a little, the stretch of it all, he paused every so often and kissed your face, allowing you to warm up before he bottomed out inside of you. You were just so tight and welcoming, it took all his strength not to pound into you immediately, to take it nice and slow as he rubbed against your clit with his thumb.
Your face was hot. It was odd to you that it had never felt this way before, that until now you had never been this nervous to feel his cock pulsing inside of you and to feel his mouth nip at your clit and nipples. You had closed your eyes and focused on your breathing.
Shinsou reached over to tickle the palm of your hand. As you looked up at him, he cupped your face and smiled down at you before he started to thrust his hips.
You squirmed and writhed around as he bucked deeper in and out of the hole that seemed to suck him in further and further.
He felt it was so unfair because he never seemed to last as long as he wanted to when he was with you. The way your aching pussy clenched around him so tight was euphoric. He wanted to let his dick bask in your warm, gushing cavern forever.
“You’re beautiful,” you heard him whisper as he sped up, his orgasm fast approaching. “You’re perfect.”
And again, you squirmed around as that cord built up inside of you and snapped, leaving you gushing around Shinsou’s cock and heaving up and down underneath him.
Shinsou didn’t last much longer. He came almost immediately after you did, feeling your walls clench around him oh so tight. He rolled over next to you and laid his head in the crook of your neck. His hair tickled your nose as you nuzzled into him.
“We should clean up.”
“After snuggles,” he yawned.
You laughed. He’d never been this clingy until now. He had never praised you so much until now. “What does this mean?”
“For us?”
Shinsou rolled over to look at you. “It means you’re gonna sleep in this bed with me tonight, and tomorrow morning I’m waking up early to make my girlfriend a pancake breakfast. Okay, kitten?”
You had to keep yourself from squealing at the nickname. Instead, you closed your eyes with a goofy smile on your face. “Okay.”
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puredramione · 4 years
My 2020 Reading List - Dramione
This year, I’ve read way more dramione than I’ve ever read, and I’ve been reading it for 7 years now. I even read things, tropes, I had never bothered with before. 2020 may not have been a kind year, but in the dramione community it has been a wonderful year of reading for me. Please be aware I may spoil some plot lines to dramione fanfictions you haven’t read yet. I have tried not to as best as I can. But anyway below is 20 fics I’ve read this year that have been there for me when I needed them. No particular order. Just a lot of love for these fics.
Wait and Hope - by @mightbewriting - memory loss is one of my favourite tropes but this story. I have never cried over a couch before. But this story. From the moment she first awakes in St Mungo’s to that beautiful ending, I was hooked. I loved how the story left me with not really a care about whether or not Hermione got her memories back. Those bloody text messages 💔 a journey I’ll never forget.
The Unofficial Diary of an Omega - MrsRen - my first time reading anything omegaverse. It still isn’t my favourite trope. I much prefer Veela for some reason 🤷🏻‍♀️ but overall it was a good story, just not my thing.
Apple Pies and Other Amends by ToEatAPeach - I actually gave up on this story the first time I read it. Unsure as to why because the story as a whole is just amazing. Baking and dramione? Yes please! Also dealing with their psychological trauma after the war? Heck yes! The relationship in this story develops at a lovely pace. There were moments I was on edge, others I was smiling ear to ear whilst reading this. Definitely one of my favourites now.
In Search Of Sunrise - @indreamsink - actually just reread this and I still get that warm feeling in my chest. So turns out my break up hasn’t made me lose the ability to enjoy dramione falling for each other. Anyway, the story was so heartwarming, like if I were to describe it as anything I would describe it as a hug. The best non-date fic there is.
Sex and Occlumency - Graendoll - this was the start of my slippery slope into reading smut stories. Like I had read smut before, obviously but I didn’t pay it much attention, normally just swiped past 😂 but this one was a completely different story.
Manacled - @senlinyu - this is truly the most beautifully haunting story I’ve ever read. I remember when I first started reading it, I thought to myself, how the hell could I ever ship dramione in this world? Then those flashbacks. Fuck those flashback chapters were a punch in the gut. The way everything links and connects. I love it’s realistic ending. I often think of this story in the shower cause I had to force myself to go shower whilst I read this cause I honestly couldn’t put it down. And SPOILER, but I laughed so hard at a certain characters death even though I probably shouldn’t have but she was such a bitch. I get flashbacks myself of this story. I’ll be in the shower and I’ll remember a certain sentence, a certain scene in my head as if I truly walked with Hermione on this heart wrenching journey. But fuck manacled Harry, I hate that boy.
He Becomes by @abromaposts - I needed this story. This was the first thing I read after Manacled. Draco Malfoy looking after rabbits with the sole reason being to get close to Hermione, yes please. Rabbits are my favourite animals. It’s just so much fluff. And after Manacled I was grateful.
The Right Thing To Do - @lovesbitca8 - this was the bookshop, slow burn, fluffiness I needed in the summer. The start of a truly wonderful universe. Idiots in love, I’ve never went through so much second hand embarrassment. Every interaction between Hermione and Lucius was fantastic. Especially the final one! Every character was written to a way that I loved them so much. Plus this story makes you think (like the rest of the series) it doesn’t spoon fed you information.
All The Wrong Things - @lovesbitca8 - I never thought I’d be into first person POV. The last thing I read like that was The Hunger Games back in school, many years ago. But I truly felt as if Draco were telling me the story. I love how it filled in things we never seen in the first story. I love Draco’s characterisation. Unlike TRTTD, this feels more lighthearted. Could just be the horny Draco though and his dramatics?
The Auction - @lovesbitca8 - this story. where do I start? When I started reading this story I was in a completely different life. This story has seen me through a terrible time in my life. Honestly the last few chapters before the final chapter were a blur and I had to go and reread them cause my head was all over the place but the story. This story, on it’s own, I would say is better than any fiction I’ve ever read 🤷🏻‍♀️ it grips you, pulls you in. Every question you ask, you get answered with a ribbon and bow. I cannot express my love, for this story and for the hard work that has went into it. The characters in this world so vastly different yet similar to the ones we already learned to love. I could write a love letter to this story.
Hindsight by @floorcoaster - if you haven’t been following this year long, monthly updated story, then you’ve really missed out. Each chapter is a month of the year. The story starts with Hermione planning to trim down her calendar for the year ahead. Although it’s fiction it gave me a sense of hope for my future. I had started this year on a different note than Hermione, and I’m now ending it on a different note as well. I think this story does a good job of capturing the passage of time and just how quickly things can change. I also really love these adorable idiots in this story.
Bring Him To His Knees by @willhavetheirtrinkets (WIP) - the best co-worker, friends to lovers, fake relationship story I’ve read. No question. I sent @magicaltraveler3 a tearful voice memo after that last chapter that was posted (chapter 20). It isn’t the first time I’ve cried at a fanfic, but it is the first time that I predicted something bad would happen, but I didn’t expect the bad thing to be what it was. I can’t wait to see where this story goes. At this point I have completely forgot about the murder plot. I know it exists, and we’ll get back to the murder but I’d honestly read the characters in this story eating breakfast.
The Flat In Bath by @adaprix (WIP) - this was the first story I got into that ada has wrote. Instantly I was fascinated with the use of “flat” over “apartment”. Being Scottish I knew this was someone British. Anyway, a very interesting story and I can’t wait to see how the rest of it plays out.
Good by @lovesbitca8 - I am dying for the update of this story. As so many are, it is 🔥🔥🔥 all I can say. I can’t wait for the update!
The Erised Effect by @adaprix - When ada first told me she was thinking about writing a story about Pansy and Hermione working in a sex shop together. Telling me about having the idea of them meeting in the pub and how she “needed to get some filthy smut out of your system”. I didn’t think it would be my thing. Boy, did she prove me wrong!
The Cell by WrathOfMacy - I don’t know how I came to read this one. But damn, this was a good one (who am I kidding they’re all good ones). I’m still reading through it though. It’s a warfic in which Dramione end up locked in a cell together. The relationship builds nicely. I cannot wait to read more of it.
The Melody Of Touch by @magicaltraveler3 - I never knew I needed a dramione story like this story. I love that there is so much musical imagery incorporated into it. I haven’t read anything like it before. The story, the smut, the taxi and the freaking art work. It is everything!
Every Day, a Little Death by @lovesbitca8 - I’ll be honest with this one. I read the first chapter and the last chapter 🙈 BUT only cause everyone scared me so much. I plan to revisit. SPOILER. I may not care too much that Hermione cheated. Just me? Like yeah I hate cheating and she shouldn’t have done it, but like she admitted to it, and was very regretful for it. Anyway, the chapters I read were very interesting I look forward to revisiting it sometime.
Away by @indreamsink - written for the romcom fest and I got to say I think this one may be my favourite from the fest. Not only do you get dramione but you get the amazing side pairing of Harry/Pansy, which this year has really became my favourite side pairing. It’s like reading two love stories at once, I was interested in the dramione plot line obviously, but I was equally interested in the hansy/potts&pans plot line.
The Path Unexpected by @magicaltraveler3 - this story is a cute little domestic dramione fanfic. And I lived for it. It shows dramione going through the process of having a child and honestly, they’re so damn cute in this fic. The fanart is next level also!
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homoose · 4 years
Love Has a Learning Curve: Part I (x reader insert)
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Summary: Our favorite couple has some catching up to do.
Pairing: Spencer Reid x fem!reader (or xOC)
Category: hurt/comfort, fluff
Warnings/Includes: descriptions of Mexico and prison; they have a sleepover, but it’s just talking and sleeping 🥰
Word count: 3.5k
a/n: Here we go!!!!! We’re picking up from right where we left off in tmsidk part X.
Song Rec: The Luckiest by Ben Folds
Series Masterlist
“Do you— would you want to— come upstairs?” he asked.
Spencer stood in front of her, unsure of what to do with his hands. Y/N was absolutely radiant— bathed in the very last of the golden daylight and more beautiful than he even remembered. All he wanted to do was hug her again and never let go.
She shook her head, and he tried not to instantly deflate. “I have to feed Roald.” She smiled a little at him and restarted his heart. “But would you want to come over? We could order somethi—”
“Yes— yes.” She let out a quiet laugh at his eagerness, and he wanted to hear that sound every day for the rest of his life. “Can I— I just want to drop this stuff off and change, and then I’ll, um.” He gestured vaguely to her. “Should I drive you or do you want to walk or I can just— meet you? Whatever— whatever you want.”
“I’m gonna head back now and take care of Roald. Take your time, and just— well, here.” She held out her hand. “I’ll put my number in your phone, and you can just text me when you’re on your way.”
He fumbled the phone out of his pocket, placed it into her outstretched hand, and nearly vibrated with the way her fingers brushed over his. She stared at the unsophisticated phone in her hand. “You weren’t kidding about the technology thing, huh?”
He ran a hand down the back of his neck and shrugged. “I prefer to keep things simple.”
“I haven’t seen a T9 keyboard since I was in high school. This is a relic,” she laughed and then gave him a soft smile. “And… very you.”
He watched her fingers as she pressed along the tiny keys, still sort of in shock that she was here, that he was getting a second chance, that she wanted to do this with him. She handed the phone back to him and then stuffed her hands in her pockets. “So, I’ll see you in a little bit?”
He nodded and gave her his best smile. She stepped forward into his space, and his eyes went a little wide as she leaned up and pressed a quick kiss to his cheek. She stepped back with a smile, then waved and turned on her heel headed to her car.
He stood rooted to the spot until she had disappeared from view, then let out a long breath and looked down at the small screen of his phone at her contact information. His lips twitched at the name she’d given herself.
Miss Honey <3
Forty five minutes later, Spencer smoothed down the front of his cardigan and blew out a sigh. He’d spent five of those minutes reveling in the magic that was Y/N, and the other forty convincing himself that she’d already changed her mind. But he was a man in love, and so he was standing in front of her building, willing himself to press her buzzer.
He was jolted out of his stupor by the buzzing of his phone. He pulled the device from his pocket and saw her name on the tiny screen, hesitating only a moment before pressing the button to answer. “Hi.”
“Hi.” He could hear her smile through the tinny speaker, and it immediately set him at ease. “I was just checking to make sure you remembered where you were going.”
“Yeah, I— I’m outside now, actually,” he confirmed.
“Oh, great! I’ll buzz you up.”
The door buzzed open, and Spencer pocketed his phone, stepping into the small foyer. He wiped his sweaty hands on his pants as he made his way to the staircase. He had barely taken the first step when she called, “It’s the third floor!”
He barely resisted the urge to take the stairs two at a time. When he reached the landing of the third floor, she was standing in the doorway in a purple sweatshirt, sweatpants, and fuzzy socks with dragons on them. He couldn’t help but grin.
“Hey.” She returned his smile. “Come on in.” She moved aside and waved him into her apartment.
He stepped over the threshold, and she closed the door behind him. “I can take your coat. Feel free to leave your shoes there. Roald will be in hiding for the next half hour or so,” she informed him.
He shrugged out of his coat and handed it to her, looking briefly around the tidy space. The walls of her living room were a calming mint green, adorned with plenty of art and photographs. Her couch was a blush pink velvet, exactly as soft as she was.
“Okay, I’m starving,” she admitted, turning to hang his coat in the coat closet. “We can order pizza, Indian, Thai— any preference?”
He shook his head. “No, whatever you want.”
She closed the closet door and cocked an eyebrow. “So if I wanted to order a huge pizza with extra cheese, you’d be cool with that?”
“Sure, absolutely,” he nodded.
She tilted her head. “Even with your dairy thing?”
He was surprised that she even remembered such a tiny detail from all those months ago, and his heart would have fluttered if he wasn’t so focused on making as few waves as possible. He still couldn’t shake the feeling that she’d made a mistake letting him back in, and he didn’t want to do anything that would cause her to rethink her decision. “Well, it’s— it’s just a sensitivity, not a true allergy. Although it’s gotten a bit worse in recent years. But really, whatever you want to do is fine.”
He suddenly struggled to make eye contact, feeling overwhelmingly awkward and out of place. Now that he was here in her apartment, it was only a matter of time before the other shoe dropped. He cracked the knuckles on each finger as he waited for it. She let out a small sigh, and he braced himself for impact.
“Why don’t you come sit?”
Her voice was quiet, and then her hand on his arm was soft, and she was leading him to the couch and sitting down next to him. She kept some distance between them, placed her hands in her lap, and then she was still for a long moment. He could feel her eyes on him, but he wasn’t sure what to say. He didn’t know if she wanted him to say anything at all.
“You know I forgive you, right?” The question was tentative. He met her eyes, and he didn’t see the regret or pity that he expected. There was something else there; something he couldn’t quite decipher. “Because I do. Forgive you. You apologized, and you meant it, and you allowed me space and time to process. And that’s— that’s all I could have asked for.”
As seemed to always be the case, the task of articulating what he was feeling began to crush him under its weight. The words were there, but he couldn’t get the order right. If it were anyone else, he would have just evaded the conversation entirely. But he’d promised her that he would try. After everything he’d put her through, she deserved that much.
He breathed in through his nose, expelling it in a sigh. “I’ve just— I’ve spent the last month thinking about this— about you— pretty much exclusively,” he admitted, staring at his hands. “And I’m just realizing that I never really… allowed myself to think about what would happen next, because I wasn’t sure that this would happen at all.” He gestured between them and then looked at her. “And now I’m here— with you, and I just— it’s…” He let out a sigh.
“Doesn’t live up to expectations?” she prompted.
His eyes went wide, and he moved closer to her on the couch. “No— god, no.” He instinctively reached for her hand, felt that electricity again when she allowed him to lace their fingers together. He was already making a mess of things. “You always exceed expectations.” He shook his head, and she squeezed his hand. “I just— I don’t… I don’t wanna mess this up.”
She covered their intertwined fingers with her other hand, rubbed her thumb along his. “I don’t think you will. Something tells me you don’t typically make the same mistake twice,” she inferred.
He laughed a little at that, and she gave him a sweet smile, and then she said, “So, no pizza. How about Indian?”
They were just cleaning up the last of the take out containers when Roald made his way out of Y/N’s bedroom.
“There he is! Hey, buddy,” she cooed, leaning down to give Roald a quick pet. She gave Spencer a sheepish smile. “He takes a while to warm up to new faces, so don’t be offended if he’s not—”
She was stopped mid-sentence by Roald’s decision to make a beeline for him. The cat stopped to give a cursory sniff before weaving between Spencer’s legs, purring loud enough that they could both hear it. Her mouth dropped open a bit as he leaned down to scratch between Roald’s ears.
“He— he is never that friendly,” she said incredulously. “There really is something about you, Dr. Reid.”
He looked up at her with a smile. “I’m just glad he approves. Would have been kind of awkward otherwise.”
“He’s a very good judge of character, so that bodes well for you,” she confirmed.
“Oh yeah?” Spencer scratched underneath Roald’s chin, grinning at the contented cat. He brought his gaze back to her, standing back to his full height when he realized she’d moved… a lot closer. His tongue darted out to wet his lips, and he watched her eyes track the motion.
He thought back to that night nearly two months ago, the way his mouth had verged on violent when she’d kissed him. He hated that their first kiss was tainted with his foolishness, that he’d marred that memory for them both. He couldn’t take it back, and he wasn’t certain that she wanted to kiss him now, but he couldn’t stop himself from asking.
“Can I kiss you?”
“Yes, please,” she breathed.
He brought his hands to her face and used a gentle grip to pull her in. She rested her warm palms against his waist and let her fingers dig in, holding herself steady as his lips met hers.
He kept the kiss as soft as she deserved, opening his mouth to let her in but letting her lead and take him wherever she wanted to go. Her hands slid around to his back, and she tugged him in closer. He left one hand cradling her face but moved the other to the small of her back and pulled her flush against him.
She huffed out a tiny breath against his mouth, her lips turning up in a smile that he could feel in his toes. She brought one hand up to his jaw, rubbed her thumb across his cheek and then wound her fingers into his hair. She tangled them in his curls and tugged just enough to break the kiss, pressing their foreheads together with a sigh.
“If it’s all the same to you, I think I’m just gonna wipe our first kiss from my memory and replace it with that one,” she murmured.
“I’m very much on board with this rewrite,” he agreed.
“Excellent.” She used the hand in his hair to pull him forward into another quick kiss. Roald made his presence known at their feet with a loud meow, pulling a laugh from both of them.
They de-tangled themselves from each other, and she ran a hand through her hair. “It’s getting late.” He nodded in agreement, although he never wanted this night to end. And then she continued, “Do you wanna, um— do you wanna stay the night? I’m sure I can find some comfy clothes that’ll fit you.”
He’d been a ship on a turbulent sea for the past two months, just barely staying afloat at times. It had been heart wrenching and nerve wracking and terrifying— and all of his own doing. And in one night, she’d anchored his vessel amongst the crashing waves. A solution kit, a hug, forgiveness, a kiss, and now this.
His racing mind came to a standstill. The near constant noise was quieted. The turbulent sea became calm, still waters.
“I’d really, really like that.”
Spencer ended up in an XXL t-shirt from a school fundraiser and a pair of stretchy bike shorts. Y/N had managed to scrounge up a new toothbrush from the back of the cabinet, and they brushed their teeth together with foamy smiles in the bathroom mirror.
It had taken very little convincing for Spencer to agree to share the bed. Y/N climbed in under the covers, settling back against the pillows and turning down the duvet for him to join her. He held up one finger and disappeared out into the living room, returning a minute later with the solution kit in hand. He moved to the bed, sliding in between the soft sheets and pulling up the duvet.
He leaned back against the pillows and turned toward her, opening the box. “This is the most incredible thing anyone has ever done for me,” he admitted. “Can you, um— explain them to me? Some of them I figured out, but others— well, I just want to hear you, really.”
She scooted closer to him and leaned over to look in the box. “The first few are pretty self-explanatory. This one,” she said, pulling out a picture of her with her hands over her heart and belly, “is taking deep breaths until you’re calm and ready to try again. This one is reading a favorite book— which I know will take you about five minutes,” she joked.
She retrieved the card with the clip art book, and then the one behind it with a pencil and paper. “You can try to write down the difficult thoughts and feelings to get them out of your headspace.” The next card had a picture of an old rotary phone. “Hmmm, almost a match to the dinosaur phone you actually have,” she teased. “But it’s an option to call someone. Could be your mom, or a friend, or—”
“Or you? Could I call you?”
She looked up to find his eyes on her and smiled. “Yeah. You can call me, too.” She pressed a soft kiss to his mouth, and— not for the first time that night— he could not believe how lucky he was.
She drew back to pull out the next card: a clip art rendering of a desktop computer. “Oh! This one is for researching something. I know you’ve got a seemingly endless encyclopedia of knowledge up there,” she tapped on his temple, “but there’s always something new to learn. And teaching yourself something can help you feel capable in moments where you’re feeling— a little helpless.”
There was also a small wooden puzzle cube in the box. She took it from the box and held it up in front of them. “I know your IQ will probably solve this thing in fifteen seconds, but at least it’ll be a nice fidget toy,” she laughed.
The last card in the box was a picture of a timer. “This one might seem kind of dumb, but sometimes it helps me to set a timer to remind myself that feeling shitty is a temporary state of being.” She held the card between her fingers and shrugged. “Even if I’m still feeling less than great after the timer goes off, it usually gives me the boost I need to move forward.”
She gathered all the cards in her hands, shuffling them and then placing them back in the box. “You can add your own options as you think of them. This was just a starter set.”
He closed the lid of the box and set it on the bed between them. He reached for her hand, and she immediately threaded their fingers together. He rubbed his thumb along her impossibly soft skin and took a deep breath.
“The timer isn’t dumb. I, um— I did something similar in prison.” She squeezed his hand. “I kept track of the— the days on this little spot on the wall. Every time it felt like I couldn’t take another day, I’d count the marks and remind myself that I— that I’d survived that long. That I could make it another day.”
He went quiet, and Y/N sat up a little in bed, brushed her free hand over his hair. “We don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to.”
“I want to.” It wasn’t a lie. He wanted to talk to her about it. He wanted to talk to her about everything. He wanted to let her into the shadowy corners of his mind that he kept from everyone else.
“If you’re sure, then I’m right here.” She pulled their intertwined fingers into her lap and leaned over to press a kiss to his shoulder.
When she pulled back, he let out a long breath. He watched her thumb as it traced an unwavering line across the back of his hand. “I was, um— I was in Mexico getting an experimental Alzheimer’s drug for my mom. I’d been going down there for a few months, and it wasn’t ideal, but the medication really seemed to be helping her. And I was just— I was desperate. Desperate for anything that would give me more time with her. More lucid, meaningful time, you know?”
She nodded. “Yeah. I do.”
“It wasn’t the, uh— drug that got me arrested,” he admitted. “There was an unsub— one of the serial killers that we put away a few years ago— a psychopathic, narcissistic hitwoman who had this— I don’t know, vendetta against me, I guess. She, um— she manipulated another woman into drugging me and framing me for the murder of the doctor I was getting the medication from.”
He could feel her eyes on him, and he drew his brows together. “I know the— the whole thing sounds completely absurd— fictional even,” he admitted. “She used a mix of drugs called sevoflurane and scopolamine to trigger dissociation and hallucination, which made it really— um... For a long time, I couldn’t tell which of my memories were real and which were drug-induced delusions.”
He focused on the motion of her thumb against his skin. “The team got me out of the prison in Mexico, but because I went against FBI protocol when I crossed the border, the Bureau wouldn’t fund my legal representation here. Emily hired a great lawyer, but the judge was less than sympathetic. And it really, um— snowballed from there.”
He took a deep breath. “I was sent to Millburn, which is a maximum security prison, and then I didn’t get the protective custody detail, so I was in general population, but I didn’t want to hurt people or move drugs, so I got the shit kicked out of me for a while, and then my friend Luis was killed in front of me, and I—”
Spencer didn’t realize he was crying until Y/N’s hands were on his face, wiping the tears before pulling him into her arms. “A-and then I poisoned the drugs, which just ended up hurting a bunch of people who didn’t deserve to get hurt. And then I got outed as an agent, and my mom got abducted, and I stabbed myself to get put in solitary, but I wasn’t safe there either, and I really thought... I was sure I was going to die there.”
He wrapped his arms around her middle and tucked his face into her shoulder as the hurricane of his agony swirled and raged and then swept out as quickly as it rolled in. She soothed his cries and held him against her, never rushing or shushing him. Eventually, his weeping dwindled to quiet sniffles, his heaving breaths faded to drawn sighs. She kept him anchored through all of it, rocking him gently from side to side and calming his shattered frame.
When he finally quieted, she released him and pulled back just enough to meet his eyes. His chest tightened at her tear-stained cheeks, and he brought his hands up to wipe at them uselessly. When his hands fell back to his lap, she sniffled a little before taking a deep breath, releasing it on a shaky sigh.
“The choices you made kept you alive, Spencer. They were—  impossible, horrific choices that I’m sure just—” She shook her head, searching for the right words. “I’m sure the weight of the guilt and grief has to be unbearable sometimes,” she surmised. “And there’s nothing I can say that will make that any less true.”
She cupped his face in her hands, swiping at the fresh tears with her thumbs. “But I’m... I’m so selfishly thankful for every choice you made. Because it was the perfect set of decisions in that it brought you here. To me…” The tears tracked hot down her cheeks, and she took a shaky breath. “And I feel so unbelievably lucky and so incredibly grateful to have you.”
He had her wrapped up in his arms before she’d even finished the sentence. “I never believed in luck,” he mused. He pressed a kiss into her hair and closed his eyes. “I’m still not sure if I do. But I can tell you that I’m the luckiest.”
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gc-genshin · 4 years
Chapter One: Acatalepsy
Acatalepsy (noun): The idea that it is impossible to truly comprehend anything. 
Pairing: Various x female reader
Summary: You and Xiao have a nice chat.
Warnings: Explicit language
Word count: 2.3k
A/N: Since so many people wanted this series to continue, here’s officially Chapter One! Happy reading!
      Prologue          Chapter Two         
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You're still having a hard time believing what you're seeing. 
In front of you sat Xiao, one of your favorite characters from Genshin Impact, glaring daggers at your seated form. A small table, no bigger than three feet wide, separated you from him. 
And there you sat across from him, shaking in your metaphorical boots under his intense gaze. 
Let's recap, shall we?
“Hi, my name’s [Name] [Last Name] and I'm from a world where you're a fictional character in a video game. It's nice to finally meet you, Guardian Yaksha Xiao.”
As soon as his name slipped from your lips, your neck was met with the end of his polearm. Though you somewhat expected this kind of reaction, you swore your soul had never left your body so fast. 
“How do you know my name?” Xiao really did growl at you this time. His amber eyes pierced into your now soulless body, looking downright murderous. 
“How do you know that about me? That I was apart of the Yaksha?” If you didn't know any better, you'd say Xiao was getting frantic. You did know better. But you were also a dumbass. 
“Would you believe that I'm twenty-two now?” You managed to choke out. The polearm nearly breaking the skin on your neck was your only answer. “OKAY, OKAY, I’M SORRY! Please give me a chance to explain myself! I’ll tell you everything, just please don't turn my head into a shish-kabob!” You pleaded while closing your eyes. Wow, this is the second time today that I've danced with death, you thought humorously. 
Xiao stared. And stared. Then stared some more. You were starting to sweat from his unresponsiveness. Peeking an eye open, you saw Xiao contemplate whether or not to believe you. You watched his beautiful amber irises flicker across your face, looking for any sign of deceit. 
When he found none, he pulled his polearm away. Not completely, he was still on high alert, but enough so that you could breathe. You nearly wept real Jesus tears when he did. But that almost changed when he roughly grabbed your upper arm and transported you to his room at the Wangshu Inn. 
The moment you both rematerialized he let go of your arm. Having been caught off guard from teleporting, you fell to the floor dizzy while trying to keep the vomit that crept up your esophagus down. 
Xiao stared blankly at you, “What? Have never experienced teleporting before?”
Looking up at him from the floor, you take a deep breath before responding to him. “No, teleportation is nothing but a pipe dream from my world.” You then slowly sat up and gave him a tired, lopsided smile, “I’d be long dead before it's ever invented.”
Xiao once again just stares at you. You were such an odd human. He had never experienced someone with your type of personality. 
Focusing on the task at hand, Xiao walked over towards a small table and proceeded to sit down on one side of it. He then pointed to the side in front of him and uttered a simple word. 
And so you did. 
You explained everything to him. Like how you were currently a medical student, studying to be an ER doctor. You explained to him how he was a part of a video game you played in your downtime when you weren't studying. How you knew his background. That you knew what was going to happen in the future. 
You explained it all. 
“So… in your world you're actually twenty-two?” Xiao asked slowly, trying to fully comprehend what you had told him. 
“And your occupation was a healer?” 
“Well I was still studying to become one, but essentially yes.”
“And I am considered a fictional character from a video game that you played.” 
“And you know everything that's going to happen in the future?” He pressed. 
“Well not everything, only up to a certain point. Which leads me to ask this…” You prop your elbows on the table, interlacing your fingers then resting your chin on them. “Have you seen boy around my ‘age’,” you put air quotations around age, “ with long, braided blonde hair and dressed in all black?” You asked. “He would also have a floating companion that talks a little too much.” 
Xiao shook his head. “No, I have not come across anyone that fits your description.”
Looking off to the side, you thought to yourself. Good. So he hasn’t been to Liyue yet.
Xiao raised an eyebrow at you. “How is that good?”
Startled, you whip your head to Xiao. Shit, I guess I said that out loud. 
You give a hefty sigh. “Because it gives me a good idea of where I am in the storyline.” You say, looking back to him. “If he hasn’t shown up in Liyue yet that could mean I'm near the beginning of the game. Hell, he might not have even come yet.” You raise a finger to your chin. Then what would be the point of me being here? Would that make me the next traveler then? You looked towards Xiao. Well whatever the reason is, I'm here now. And it's important I found out why. I'll figure out the Aether situation when I get there. 
Xiao looked at you confused. “Who are you talking about?”
You snapped out of your thoughts. Hesitating to answer Xiao, you wondered if it was a good idea to tell him about our main protagonist and antagonist just yet. 
You give him a apprehensive smile. “I don't know if I should tell you just yet.  I don't unknowingly want to start a butterfly effect. I'm sorry.” 
Xiao then sighed and put his head in his hands, seemingly at a loss as to what's going on. 
I think this is the most emotion I've ever seen from him. 
You had half the mind to reach over the table and pet his head to try and calm him down. But then again, you quite liked having your arm, so you decided against it. 
You gently spoke to him, “Trust me, I don't know what the hell’s going on either hun. If I knew more then I would tell you in a heartbeat.” You freeze, catching your little mishap. Xiao slowly lifted his head from his hands, looking at you quizzically. No anger, no vexation. Just pure confusion.
“Hun?” You feel your face start to heat up in embarrassment, hearing him say it. It was a bad habit that you had, calling your friends pet names; mainly just friends that you trusted. And you trusted Xiao. 
“I'm sorry! It's a really bad habit of mine. I usually call all of my friends a term of endearment. Hun is short for honey, but I swear to God I didn't mean to call you that, it just slipped out!” You quickly explained to him, shaking your hands in front of you.
Xiao stared at you. You noticed he did that a lot. He's probably just trying to understand your weird mannerisms. “It's fine… I guess.” He said, finally looking away from you. 
One… Two… Three… Four…
Ah, the silence is awkward now, say something [Name]!
As soon as you were about to open your mouth, Xiao beat you to it. “So what's your plan now?” He asked, now looking back at you. 
You blinked at him for a few seconds, processing what he said. You then looked up to the ceiling, deep in thought. What is my plan now? What am I going to do? I obviously can't stay with Xiao, with him being an adeptus, and leech off of him. Maybe I could go to the Adventures’ Guild? Earn some commissions, maybe be homeless for a bit? But I don't even know how to use a sword. No, that wouldn't work–
Cutting your thoughts off, you responded to him with the only answer you could think of. 
“I don't know, haven't thought that far ahead.”
Xiao should be used to this already. He really should. But he couldn't help but send the odd girl an unconvinced look.
“You haven't thought of a plan?” He asked with a raised eyebrow. 
“Hey! Need I remind you that you were there from the very beginning? I haven't really had the time nor the mental capacity to think of a plan for the future!” You huffed at him indignantly. This guy. You shake your head, clearing any annoyance you had with him. Getting irritated isn't going to help your situation [Name], relax. Taking a deep breath, you looked at Xiao. He seemed to be in deep thought, so you decided to not bother him. 
Crossing your arms on the table, you finally felt exhaustion catching up to you since the adrenaline of everything was wearing off. You laid your head in your arms and sighed, trying your best to ward off sleep. 
Xiao looked over at you. Seeing the state you're in, he decided you weren't fit to travel anymore. He then stood up, having made up his mind. 
Noticing the abrupt movement from across the table, you see Xiao stand up and walk towards the door. 
“Wh… where're you going?” You mumbled to him, too tired to raise your voice. Xiao looked back at you with his hand on the doorknob. “You're not fit to travel any more today. I'm going to talk to the receptionist about getting you a room here at the Inn.” He then opened the door and left. 
You stared at the spot he was in for a few seconds. Huh, maybe he isn't such an asshole. You then put your head back into your arms, smiling softly. “Though I knew that already. Thank you Xiao.” That was the last thing you said before finally succumbing to sleep. 
While walking down the flights of steps to talk to Verr Goldet about your accommodations, Xiao felt a shiver going up his spine. A whisper of his name in your voice flew through the breeze and into his ears. He paused in his steps, contemplating whether he should go back or not. You said you knew what  happens when you called his name, yet why would you say it right after he left the room? Xiao suddenly felt nervous for reasons he did not know and teleported back to his room, polearm at the ready to strike any threats that appeared before you or him.
When he only saw you slouched over the table asleep, he relaxed. That was strange. I could have sworn I heard her beckon me. Glancing at you once more, he decided to ask you about it later. He then left the room and teleported right in front of the front desk, scaring Verr Goldet and the Inn’s cat out of their wits. 
“Archons, Xiao! A little warning next time would be nice!” Verr Goldet exclaimed, a hand over heart hoping it wouldn't burst out of her chest. Xiao proceeded to ignore her. 
“I need a vacant room.” Xiao stated. 
Always straight to the point, thought Verr Goldet. “I'm sorry Xiao, but we don't have any vacant rooms. We're all booked for this years Lantern Rite Festival.” She tells Xiao. The young adeptus deadpanned at Verr Goldet. “Don't look at me like that. Why do you even need another room?” Verr Goldet wondered. 
Xiao sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. “It's a complicated situation. Let's just say I have an unwelcome guest with me right now.” 
Although curious, Verr Goldet just shrugged knowing he wouldn’t outright tell her. “Well either they stay with you or you kick them out. We don't have any rooms for them to stay in unfortunately, so the choice is yours.”
The young adeptus sighed once more. 
How troublesome. 
Appearing back in his room, Xiao looked at you. You were still hunched over the table, in what looked like an uncomfortable position, yet you were still asleep. Xiao weighed his options. On one hand, if you stayed with him he didn't know if you would leave, which would cause problems for the both of them. On the other hand, he could wake you up and kick you to the streets but deal with gnawing guilt that would eat at him if you were ever harmed because of his decisions. 
Making up his mind, he walked over to your sleeping form. He then crouched next to you and gently scooped into his arms, doing his best not to wake you. However it seems that you were a deep sleeper and didn't stir in the slightest to being moved. You did, however, snuggle in closer to his chest seeking the warmth it gave off. 
Xiao froze, waiting for you to stop moving before moving you over to his bed. Settling you on the bed, you immediately started reaching for blankets craving the protection they gave you from the cold. Xiao only shook his head and rolled his eyes at you, handing you the blankets you oh-so-desperately needed. Is she really twenty-two? Because she acts like a child. Xiao watched as you pulled the blankets up to your chin and snuggled into his pillow, [h/l] [h/c] hair draping over it. 
Not needing sleep, the young adeptus decided to sit next to you and watch over you. Not in a creepy way, but in more of a way of trying to understand you. You might have been the strangest human he's ever met, but you were charming. In your own, unique way. 
While watching you, Xiao was trying to figure out what to do with you. As far as he knew, you were defenseless, didn't know how to protect yourself, and had a sharp tongue that would most definitely get you into trouble. 
In other words, Xiao hadn't thought that far ahead. 
There she is! Chapter One! I hope you guys enjoyed it as much as I did writing it!  As always, feel free to leave any suggestions and constructive criticism and if you wish to be on the taglist, please let me know!
Thank you for reading!
@craptainlou​ @lucys-art​ @dilucsz​ @i-put-the-dying-in-studying​  @softyakult @lumi-ying​ @fraeppuccino​ @ayachii​ @cher7ybear @simping-4-fictional-men
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twilightpoison · 3 years
It’s been brought up to me that a lot of my content is Isekai based. However I didn’t want this to be a Ieskai HC post. Instead let me tell you all about a stupid thing I came up with as a kid that I’ve been meaning to make into a fic for so long.:
What if the characters you play actually can feel your presence and/or can hear your commentary when playing?
Fair warning I never play Hyrule Warriors and Twilight Princess so let me know if I got things wrong.
Head canons under cut!
General head canons (These are all platonic headcanons btw.):
- Let’s say that the simple reason that you are here was to help the chain. Think of it like you’re the groups companion on this journey. Who better then someone that knows about each hyrule?
- The people who dealt with a lot of magic recognize you at first. The others need a bit of a push to connect the dots but everyone gets there.
- The connection wasn’t as strong at times during their original adventures, so its not like they could always hear you or sense you.
- You saw him and it was clear he has another sibling now.
- Time knew you where telling the true, that you followed both of his adventures however he wasn’t going to be fully open to you.
- Guess who isn’t scared of Time? You.
- Literally at one point you’ve pointed at Time and with a straight face says “thats a child”.
- This is also how the chain found out that Time actually fought the moon technically.
- “You fought Majora on the moon while it was falling. That’s not the same thing.”
- You meet Malon and it was an awkward first meeting since how do you explain this in the first place.
- Yet the two of you got along amazingly.
- When you and time are alone you instantly ask Time if he knew how she got the cow in his house. He kinda just… stares at you? Like you just met his wife and thats what your asking about?!
- The answer was that he wasn’t sure how she did that but the cow isn’t in his old house anymore. Since different timelines and all.
- It’s honestly weird for him to have someone remember both of his adventures in confidence.
- All be a little awkward hearing someone go, “oh yeah! Time had to do something similar.”
- Early on Time did go over boundaries since he really doesn’t like to talk about his adventures to much.
- So instead you both agree to be as cryptic as possible or at least there is an attempt on your part. Since your the only other person that can confirm or deny his claims.
- And no. You also don’t know his true age. But your guess is the closest.
- Since he is one of the Link’s that is drenched in magic, he recognizes your aura instantly.
- Chaotic sibling energy.
- If he is giving Wild or any of the other Link’s a hard time you are by his side calling Twilight out. Unless if the person in question did something truly idiotic then you let him go off.
- Speaking of, you call this man out as much as you possibly can. Like hell if you’re going to let the others think he isn’t a gremlin.
- He did try to stop you by covering your mouth but you licked his hand. So…. guess what he isn’t trying again unless it’s necessary.
- Somethings are kept a secret though. Since he did live through it and even if it was stupid he still could of gotten really hurt.
- You both play good cop, bad cop to the younger Links all the time.
- Twi is surprisingly very open with you about his adventure, to finally talk to someone about it with out having it sound crazy is nice.
- He also has some questions about you and your life. Since before this adventure started you just disappeared.
- The two of you honestly get along like two best friends who haven’t seen each other in years but still can banter like its the good old days.
- Knowing only small amounts about what they all been through it’s nice to know that you’re looking after the others as well.
- That feeling makes him really push himself to protect the family he has here and luckily you are here can smack him upside the head before lecturing him.
- heeeeey… you know what happen the last time he met someone that was suppose to be watching over the hero’s spirit?
- Yeah, so….War’s isn’t so keen on trusting you like some of these Heroes.
- You seem nice and not obsessively crazy. If anything what makes him decide to give you a chance. It’s seeing you get along with the other Heroes post battle or around the campfire when you think no one is watching.
- The moment that he recognizes you. You were cursing out some monsters and calling Dink every name under the sun. Which he actually remembers hearing your panicked voice briefly when fighting Cia.
- Anyway, you guys are a sass duo and even a trio when you get Leg involved.
- You steal his scarf sometimes with Time and Wind’s help
- He finds you and Wind wrapped inside of it leaning on time and his heart just- clenches, he has more siblings now!
- Then Warriors realizes he has another sibling… another sibling that will prank him…
- You two can be found discussing tactical strategies. Mostly him teaching you though since depending on the person not many people will know how to lead an army. Yet he is a good teacher and you catch on pretty quickly.
- Same with Twi, Warrior’s needs someone to pull him back sometimes it seems. Who better then to remind him then the person that already saw his lowest moment when his ego got the better of him?
- Seriously speaking. He wouldn’t come to you to talk. If anything he will try to avoid you if he wasn’t his best. In his head he has a reputation to uphold. Which will lead to a heart to heart. No sass. No banter. Just you and him sitting down to remind him that he is human.
- He needs a hug. Please give him a hug.
- Sky actually didn’t recognize you at first!
- Yes he felt your presence and hear your voice in his adventure, but that was a while ago at this point. Also he isn’t as connected to magic as the others are.
- He does slowly befriend you despite everything.
- It wasn’t until you referred to a certain demon lord as a ‘B*tch A** Clown’ and a flood gate of memories open up for him. Memories of you cursing out Ghirahim, calling the imprisoned an ‘avocado with feet’ and so on.
- Nothing really changes between you two honestly, he just accepts it.
- If anything he becomes more open to you about everything, setting clear boundaries on what he doesn’t want to bring up. He will tell everyone about the curse eventually, but just hasn’t found a good opportunity too. Things like that.
- You do have to argue with Sky that the curse wasn’t his fault since you were also there when it was put on him, also the fact that he didn’t asked to be cursed in the first place.
- Most of the time you two are together its to get away from the chaos that the group of nine heroes could bring.
- Walking or sitting in silence is how you two end up most of the time together. It may not look like you two are bonding. There are some days while Sky is wood carving you would work on your small hobby as well. Then there are days he plays the harp and your reading.
- Despite it all he really enjoys the peace you bring. There is a sense of comfort that you have.
- When you and Sun finally meet. The first thing you ask him is to be invited to the wedding and it may or may not been in front of her too…
- The recognition was really slow for him like Sky. Since Wild just got off of his first adventure he didn’t actually notice you were gone.
- It was until he realized that he couldn’t hear your panicked voice or snarky remarks when fighting in his head. That he finally realized you where outside of his head. He was quick to connects the dots after that.
- There was a moment where he didn’t know how to react since he just figured that you were just from his imagination.
- He now has another adventuring buddy with Hyurle! Though luckily you do keep the both of them from harm. Mostly because if something happens to them you will get in trouble with like Twi and Leg and thats never fun.
- Though you have your moments. Shield surfing and paragliding are on top of that list and Wild is all up for teaching you the ropes.
- The topic of the history of hyrule gets brought up a lot with the two of you. Since his era has a lot of connections to the past era’s. He is all up for learning about what came from where. Soon theories start to fly about.
- When You, Him and Flora are finally all together. There is nothing stopping you all from bouncing off theories. With your outside knowledge mixing with what they know. Things start to fall into place.
- The answer to why the timeline is like this doesn’t get answer. But hey! At least you all are having fun!
- If you can’t cook he will teach you that too! If you can! Well buckle up your going to share your knowledge with him whether you want to or not.
- Once you know how or get used to cooking while camping, you help him out a lot and its these moments where you both talk the most.
- It’s comforting to him to know he wasn’t alone this whole time.
- As soon as you two locked eyes he felt instant dread. Yes he knew. No he isn’t going to opening up to you.
- Playful Insults to bond? Yeah that’s literally how he talks to everyone so no special treatment.
- He keeps you at a distance but its not actually working.
- You talk about his adventures so casually like it happened a few days ago. You avoid Link’s Awakening though. If you got hurt with the plot twist then you could only imagine the pain Leg went through.
- “I’m still trying to process the fact you married a tree.” “Hey remember that one time with Yuga, you slammed face first into a wall so hard you knocked yourself out?” “God do you not wear pants because of the fish thing?”
- This relationship is literally: Only I can bully this one.
- He fears the moment you meet Ravio and Fable knowing full well you all will bond over teasing him.
- Overall though he knows you got his back no matter what, to the point he finds himself confining in you slowly.
- Guess who is also teaming up with Hyrule to get Legend to sleep. It you.
- Once you probably have forced him to sleep by getting wolfie to lay on him. It was the wolf or yourself. In the end it was both of you and he was trapped.
- A sign that he was becoming soft towards you was when he started sharing his items with you. He trusts that you know how to use them and if you don’t he is actually willing to show you.
- He regrets giving the bee badge to you.
- Another person that is drenched in magic. It only took one look at you for him to realize who you were.
- The two of you were awkward as anything at first. Since to you he never really spoken in his adventure so you didn’t know how to picture his personality.
- There’s a lot of mystery in your mind about him since again there isn’t much to go off of with what your given in game. It’s weird for him to hear about how you interpret his personality from that perspective.
- Hyrule didn’t honestly expect you to try and befriend him tbh. It mostly him over thinking it.
- You do follow him sometimes when he wants to wander around and explore. Mostly because you claim he finds the coolest things when he does.
- But its just a excuse to actually get to know him.
- The two of you trade stories and questions about each of your lives. There might be things you know that he might not know of about his adventure and his hyrule.
- Of course never going into to much details since there are things you couldn’t tell him.
- Hyrule honestly was dreading the day you all would land in his Era. He loves his home but is also very aware of it not being the most…welcoming place.
- So it’s more then surprising to him that there is even more then the glint of familiarity and excitement on your face. Knowing full well what dangers where a head of you, you still were open to exploring his world to the fullest.
- It’s honestly refreshing to see someone love his era as much as he does.
- Another boy that needs hugs, please give him a hug.
- You both cheer each other on though.
- This relationship is just aggressive support between you two and the others.
Four: (I’m actively mixing the Four Sword game and manga just to be clear.)
- Not sure if he would know exactly who you where since during the second adventure your voice and presence bounce between the four of them.
- Yet I also feel like he took after you because he was a child in his first adventure, which worries you a lot. Since you did have choice words for Vaati.
- The first to realize was Vio then it went Blue, Red and Green. Despite being in the same head it was just a theory they had over all. They all had their own ways of confirming it.
- Vio noticed the small things you do around Four. Like not stepping on their shadow, and covering Four when things got chaotic in their head. Small references here and there. When the two of you are alone he almost quizzes you about things. Just to see how much you know and to see if your telling the true or not.
- Blue recognize your mannerisms being something he picked up on during the first and second adventure. Only vaguely since again he was a child / there was only a small part only with him. Your fighting banter when your in battle made you see where Blue got his colorful language from…
- Your comfort was what clued Red in. He remembers your presence more clearly then the others from the first and second adventure. It was a comforting (yet chaotic) presence in their adventures that he latched on to. More so from his first adventure since as a kid he made an imaginary friend to process the fact he could sense and hear your presence. When you came back in the second time around it felt so natural for Red to have you there and really helped make him go forward through his small journey.
- For Green? It was a lot of things but when he see’s you treating each color differently when they are in charged. It’s a refreshing sight to be honest. He just enjoys hearing and seeing that his brothers had someone to confide in. Even when they switch who is in control you some how could tell and spoke to them accordingly.
- They were all some what surprise that none of the others picked up on your treatment of him swapping so much. Yet their also glad because their not ready to reveal themselves quiet yet.
- As Four or as you nicknamed him ‘Rainbow’ the two of you tend to sick together when the world’s shift around. Since his body needs more time to recover.
- You two are another pair that cheers each other on when the moral is low.
- He introduces you to the Minish! Getting you a jabber nut so you can speak to them too. You can’t shrink down to properly talk to them so this was the next best thing.
- The four of them makes you a dagger to bring home to remember him by, there’s a kin stone imbedded where the blade meets the hilt.
Wind: (hello self projection my dear friend)
- Wind didn’t recognize you ether at first, yet he didn’t even blink when you join everyone. He was fully on board with getting a new member and is easiest the most opened.
- It was when you two are alone together that something clicked in his head. You see during the Wind Waker he was alone most of the time when he was on land. So he had to face a lot by himself.
- Having you was reassuring to him when facing some of the monsters alone, especially with the puppet ganon fight. The two of you both agree that it was creepy.
- Wind is a lot more mature then you realized but you two still have those moments.
- You, Aryll and Grandma get along too! So he and his family basically sees you and the chain as family.
- Pranking buddies! You’re targets would never know. Mostly because your covering up for him. You two team up with Four and Wild so the pranks can get chaotic at times.
- No matter what age you are compare to him and if your ok with it he does like platonic physical affection. Your going to be trading off with Warriors a lot of the time for cuddles or it’s the three of you together.
- You teaching him our worlds sea shanties and him teaching you his? Heck yeah! Even making up songs with the others is something on the table and in the works which is nice.
- It’s another thing to bring back home thats personalized!
Honestly since I’ve written all of this down I want to write the fic more. Though I’ll probably not only because idk if people would even read it lol. So it will just be a bunch of head canons. Anyway rambling is done.
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elliesguitarstrings · 4 years
Just Friends
Pairing: Tom Holland x Actress!Reader
Summary: You and Tom haven’t seen each other since filming Uncharted, and you decide to surprise him at his Jimmy Kimmel interview. Although you’ve always been “just friends,” you can’t help but think there’s something more.
A/N: Hey y’all sorry it’s been a few days since I last posted, I’ve just been super stressed with school and stuff, but I actually really like this fic and I hope you guys like it too!
Warnings: Language, fluff, angst if you squint
WC: 2.4k
It’s been months since you and Tom last saw each other in person.
While filming Uncharted, the two of you had become extremely close, hanging out in each other’s trailers and spending all of your free time together. In such a short period, you had become best friends, but neither of you could deny the spark of something more. Unfortunately, the two of you never got to explore that spark because of the short time limit. After wrapping, you and Tom went your separate ways, him to Atlanta to film Spiderman 3, and you back to your hometown for a well-deserved break.
That doesn’t mean you two haven’t stayed in contact though. You and Tom have texted and facetimed almost every day since you parted ways, or as much as his busy filming schedule allows. Throughout this time, however, you never seemed to discuss the obvious love connection between you two. Without actually speaking about it, you both seemed to agree that that conversation would be better to have in person.
This bring us to today, where Tom is backstage at Jimmy Kimmel, anxiously waiting for his interview segment of the show. He picks up his phone and decides to text you before he goes on to settle his nerves, wishing you were here to comfort him in person.
T: Are you watching the show yet?
Y: yep I already have my tv turned to abc! are you going on soon?
T: Yeah, I’m so nervous though
Y: why? you’ve been on the show before and you’re like amazing at interviews
T: Idk, Jimmy just said “be ready for a surprise” and he looked really suspicious so I’m scared
T: I just hope they don’t bring like Jennifer Aniston out or something because I would totally freeze and make a fool out of myself
Y: lmao that would be kinda funny tho, but I’m sure you have nothing to worry about
T: Okay we’ll see haha
T: Gtg I’m on in 10, I’ll facetime you after I’m done!
Y: kk, good luck tommy :)
T: Ahh thank you!!
What Tom doesn’t know is that you are ten times more nervous than him. While he’s under the impression that you’re sitting on your living room couch watching the show, you are actually in the dressing room down the hall from him.
Last month, when Tom told you he was going to be on Jimmy Kimmel to promote Cherry, you had the idea to surprise him. You emailed Jimmy not expecting a response, but to your surprise, he actually emailed you back and loved your idea.
So, here you are, waiting backstage and shaking with anticipation to surprise Tom. To be completely honest, you’re even more nervous now that you know Tom is expecting some big star like Jennifer Aniston, who you know has always been his biggest celebrity crush. But nonetheless, you shake off the nerves as best as you can, just hoping everything goes well.
“Please welcome our first guest… Tom Holland everyone!” you hear Jimmy’s voice over the speaker in your dressing room.
Now that Tom is on stage, you can safely leave the room without him seeing you, and you head to the side stage, waiting for your cue.
Tom and Jimmy talk about Cherry for a few minutes, and you can’t help but admire him. His voice, his face, his outfit, everything about him is just perfect. And even better, he’s here in person, closer than he’s been to you in a long time. It takes every ounce of self-control in you to stop yourself from running onstage and hugging him now. ‘Only a minute longer,’ you tell yourself.
“So, other than Cherry, what other upcoming projects are you working on?” Jimmy inquires onstage.
Almost there…
“Well, as most of you know,” Tom addresses the audience, “I’m filming Spiderman 3 right now, which has been going brilliantly. It’s definitely going to be the best one of all the Spiderman movies I’ve done. And I just wrapped on a film called Uncharted a few months ago in Berlin, which was so much fun.”
“Ooh, Uncharted, tell us more about that!"
“Yeah, well it’s based on the video game, and I play the main character, Nathan Drake, who’s on a quest throughout the film. It’s a lot like Spiderman in a way, with all the stunts and stuff, and I think it’s going to turn out great, I can’t wait to see it finished.”
“That sounds like a lot of fun! And if I’m not mistaken, you seem to have met a certain Y/N Y/L/N while filming?”
“Oh, Y/N, yeah, she’s great,” he starts to gush, and you immediately smile, “we became friends super fast, and I miss her so much. I wish she could be here right now, but she’s watching from home actually, so hey Y/N!” he looks directly at the camera and waves, as if he’s waving to you through the screen.
That’s your cue. You tiptoe onstage behind Tom, trying your best to shush the immediate gasps from the audience.
“Well Tom,” Jimmy smiles, “I think your wish may have come true.”
“Huh?” Tom looks around, confused, until his eyes land on you, and he completely freezes.
“Hey Tom,” you smile.
“Y/N! Holy shit! You’re here, you’re actually here!” he exclaims, not caring that he just cursed on live TV.
Tom immediately springs off the couch and sprints to you, arms outstretched. As soon as he reaches you, he picks you up in a tight hug and spins you around, both of you laughing. He sets you down, but still keeps you in a tight embrace, not pulling away until neither of you can breathe. He steps backwards to take you in, still trying to fathom that you’re actually here, with him, after all this time.
“Y/N, wha-, how? I thought you were at your house!” Tom can barely form a sentence, smiling wider than ever and completely out of breath.
“Eh, my house was boring. I thought it would be more fun here with you,” you smile.
He pulls you in again, whispering, “I missed you so fucking much.”
“You have no idea,” you whisper back, resting your forehead on his.
The two of you lock eyes, and for a moment, it’s like you are the only two people in the world. You both start to lean in, lips almost touching, when Jimmy interjects.
“Alright, you two, while that was very sweet, we do still have the rest of the show to get through, so why don’t you come sit down,” Jimmy laughs, bringing you and Tom back to reality.
“Right, of course,” Tom responds, trying his best to keep cool in front of the audience.
Tom ushers you to the couch, keeping one hand on the small of your back as he follows you. He keeps his arm around you when you sit, staying as close to you as possible without raising any more suspicions from the audience.
“So, you two, huh?” Jimmy smirks.
“What? Oh, no, Jimmy, we- we’re just friends,” you laugh trying your best to hide the obvious blush on your cheeks.
“I don’t know, that seemed like a little more than just friend behavior to me over there,”
“What do you expect, I haven’t seen her in half a year!” Tom exclaims, saving you from more embarrassment.
“Okay, okay, fine. Just friends,” he turns to the camera and winks, earning laughs from the audience.
“Anyways Y/N, we already talked about Tom, so tell us about you! How was your experience filming Uncharted?” thankfully, Jimmy moves on.
“Well, up until this point I had only really done small indie films, so it was definitely a major change. But Tom was so nice in helping me and it actually turned out to be such an amazing experience, probably the most fun I’ve ever had filming a movie…”
You go on for a few more minutes, talking to Jimmy about your role in Uncharted and your career in general, exchanging small glances with Tom, who just sat back and listened, completely entranced by you.
“Alright, well thank you so much for coming Y/N, it was great to have you! I’m afraid I have to keep Tom for a few more minutes for our next segment, but you’ll have him all to yourself soon enough,” Jimmy smiles.
You laugh, “Thank you so much for having me Jimmy, it was such a pleasure!”
You stand up and hug both Jimmy and Tom, giving Tom a small peck on the cheek before you walk offstage, waving to the audience as you leave.
You smile all the way back to your dressing room, completely overjoyed that you were successful in surprising Tom. As soon as you sat down on the small couch, not even two minutes after you walked offstage, your phone starts blowing up with notifications.
You see that your best friend texted you, so you check that first.
BFF: so you and tom huh? girl why didn’t you tell me?????
Y: what no???
Y: we’re just friends!!
BFF: that’s not what literally all of twitter thinks
Y: wdym? they don’t know anything
BFF: go check rn, i’m telling you they’re going batshit crazy over you two
You check Twitter and immediately see the fans already going crazy over you and Tom.
“just friends”????? bullshit did y’all see the way they almost KISSED?????
did y’all see the way tom looked at y/n? he’s totally in love omg
they’re so cute help omg
Were you really being that obvious? You quickly call your friend, looking for some advice on what to do, and she picks up right away.
“Okay you were right, they’re going absolutely insane,” you start.
“I mean what do you expect y’all almost kissed on live tv!”
“Shut up.”
“Come onnnnn Y/N, I know you like him and he obviously likes you too so just talk to him! You already know that you two would be the cutest fucking couple ever. Plus you already have the approval of twitter what more could you need?”
You laugh, but you’re still hesitant.
“I don’t know, what if he doesn’t like me back?
“Okay first of all we didn’t almost kiss, and second of all I don’t want to ruin our friendship. Plus how would I even tell him?”
“Okay YES YOU DID ALMOST KISS! And this isn’t middle school! Just tell him how you feel.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Think about what?”
You whip around and see Tom standing at your dressing room door.
“Fuck I gotta call you back,” you whisper, quickly hanging up the phone.
You turn back to Tom, still standing in the doorway.
“How much of that did you hear?” you ask, blushing profusely.
“Um, all of it I think,” Tom looks down and you immediately start to freak out.
Tom, however, looks back up at you and smirks.
“So you like me huh?”
You stay silent for a moment, a billion thoughts running through your head. You contemplate denying it and staying just friends with Tom. But then you think back to what your best friend told you just a second ago.
“Just tell him how you feel.”
“Yeah Tom. I like you. And not as a friend. This isn’t really the way I intended on telling you, and I get if you don’t feel the same way, but the way I feel about you isn’t just platonic. There’s a connection between us that I felt since the day we met and I can’t help but think that you feel it too. And then today it just got, like, ten times stronger and I-“
Tom promptly cuts you off by cupping your jaw and placing his lips on yours, sending a rush throughout your entire body. His lips feel like heaven, moving ever so gently against yours, and again, it feels like you two are the only people on Earth. The kiss is warm and loving, and although it doesn’t last long, the moment has already been engraved in your mind for eternity.
He pulls back, looking into your eyes, making sure he hasn’t made a mistake, but you only stare back at him ten times more lovingly.
“You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to do that.” he whispers.
“Me too,” you whisper back.
He takes your hands in his, “Y/N, I do feel that connection, and I want us to be more than just friends. I always have.”
As much as you are relieved that Tom feels the same way, you can’t help but worry.
“What about the distance? Are you sure we can handle that?”
“Of course we can,” Tom assures you, “I don’t care how far away we are from each other, I love you, and I’m never letting any amount of distance take that away.”
“But these past few months have been so hard without you, and we haven’t even been dating, I just- I don’t want to be apart from you anymore.”
“Then move in with me. Come to London and live with me!”
“Okay,” you grin.
“Wait, really?” Tom questions, taken aback.
“Yeah, why not? I mean, obviously we won’t be able to be together all the time because of our jobs, but it’ll be the closest thing.”
“Are you sure? That’s a big commitment to move that far.”
“I’m positive Tom. You’re my best friend, and now, I guess you’re my boyfriend,” you giggle, “I love you too, and I want to be with you, even if that means moving thousands of miles to London.”
Tom smiles, “You called me your boyfriend.”
“Shut up you dork, come here.”
You pull him in for another kiss, still feeling like you’re floating. Your lips once again move perfectly together, as if they’re made for each other. You’re completely consumed in him, and him in you, and in this moment, you know that he is the only one for you. In this moment, you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with him, and only him, and it’s the best feeling in the world.
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