furby-organist · 7 months
// Oh this is old news, but I should clarify! Local Alastor isn't, like, a French national. He's Louisianian Creole on his mother's side, so his maternal ancestry is a mix of colonial French, African-American, and Native American. (This does not stop him from saying wild shit for The Bit.)
He speaks Louisiana Creole, a French-based creole language which is highly mutually intelligible with, like, French French. (When spoken, anyway. Written is a different thing. Like, "casse-toi" and "kass twa" are pronounced the same but if I didn't sound out the latter in my head, I wouldn't know what it means.)
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snoweylily · 1 year
every single time i rewatch Hannibal i’m blown away yet again by the acting, the script, the directing, the colours, the metaphors, the lighting, the symbolism, the tiny itty bitty little paralells drawn across multiple episodes that no one but bryan fuller himself probably realises even to this day
but then, every so often, i’m also reminded of the fact that hugh dancy is quite literally british, and that in addition to all of that other incredible amazing wonderous aspects of this entire bloody series, pun fully intended thank you very much, the man who plays will graham ALSO had to fake a deep south american accent
and my brain just implodes
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frankensteined · 6 months
getting back to the first season of the originals finally, and one of the fun benefits of watching this show ages after it ended is being shocked and delighted to see hybrid!tyler show up with no warning because this series takes place back when that was a relevant storyline and knowing that no matter what he does here he'll still make it out of this episode alive
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radioconstructed · 1 year
WE DON'T OPPRESS THE FRENCH ENOUGH! I don't care HOW good a chocolate croissant is, IT DOESN'T FORGIVE THEIR CRIMES!
⌖ I'm in AGREEMENT! The food is BLAND and OVERRATED! The Eiffel Tower is COPYRIGHTED AT NIGHT! The French are NOT romantic! The people are GRUMPY and MANNERLESS and UNBATHED!
⌖ They go through the trouble of cooking a chicken in an PIG BLADDER for 'flavor' (WHAT FLAVOR? PISS?) and yet, they leave that thing SO UNSEASONED that it's ONE ROUND OF CPR from GETTING BACK UP AND RUNNING!
⌖ The only thing they have going for them are their BAKED GOODS and their PROCLIVITY FOR PROTEST! HAHA, you should CALL IN! I'll translate all of your grievances to ANNOY MY FRANCOPHONE AUDIENCE!
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orteil42 · 1 month
hi :3 whats your opinion on beignets and king cakes? as a louisianian i feel it my personal duty to find out the funny cookie man's opinions on our local delicacies.
(i'll be adding pictures because i love food!)
beignets are of french origin and very popular where i'm from! i've often had them at school fairs, in which case they're prepared similarly to funnel cake, but they're also a typical beach snack, where they're closer to jam-filled donuts! big fan of both tho especially nostalgic for the former!
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because most countries have their own variations of fried dough, i feel the need to mention that here in the netherlands we also have oliebollen, usually sold in stalls around christmas. the usual filling if any is raisins, tho i had some with kitkat filling last week (really good)
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king cake similarly traces its origins to a french tradition though it seems very different from ours! i've never had it but i love love love the pretty colors you guys put on it... mesmerizing...
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its french equivalent is galette des rois, which is flaky and filled with almond paste! both my family and my schools would have them in january so i've eaten so many of these as a kid
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where louisianians put a little baby in king cake, we hide a small porcelain trinket in galette des rois called a "fève" and whoever finds it in their slice of cake gets to wear the paper crown that came with it! traditionally the fève is a religious figure but can be just about anything these days! when i was a kid i bit into one representing Sylvester from Looney Tunes. it looked like this:
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juniepops · 3 months
french canadians wish they had the prestige of french europeans. french europeans wish they had the joie de vivre of french louisianians. french louisianians wish every night was a warm summer with as many fireflies as stars in the sky
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If She Didn't Respect Christianity, What Makes You Think She Would Respect Other Religions
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I mean she already took a lot of concepts of Christianity (and to some extent Judaism) and butchered them. We Christians were expected to just allow it because it's a so-called colonist religion when ignoring that Christianity has tons of poc who influenced it and it freaking comes from the Middle East. Seriously, just remember the backlash against Asmodeus and Beelzebub being about restraint when they are supposed to be the embodiment of their sins, yet they invoke artistic license. But now it's something like Voodoo people are up in arms, but again this is what happens when you have someone who is nonchalant and ignorant about other people's religions.
Also despite how people are saying only black people practice it, it's been practiced by white people since the 19th century so no it's not closed off to white people especially those who grew up around Louisiana heritage. And the Voodoo and Vodun spelling is a case of evolution itself and many practitioners in the Louisianian sect often use Voodoo. For the Haitian sect, they prefer using Vodoun to differ from one another. While Voodoo is influenced by Catholicism, the use of pagan gods and other stuff makes it considered heretical for mainstream Christian religion. One thing to add most of the depictions of Voodoo is mostly touristy like voodoo dolls are actually the reverse of their purpose which is to actually bless people. So, while for the tourists, Voodoo shops will give out dolls in actual practice they are meant for blessings.
Also evil people can use voodoo, while they don't have a name in Louisiana Voodoo in Haitian Vodom they are called bokors. While Bokors can be good or evil, they do serve the loa with both hands. So yeah, there can be evil voodoo practitioners who can invoke Loa for their own purposes. Also going back to white people and Vodun/Voodoo there are loa in the pantheon which are white like Mademoiselle Charlotte, Madam Brigette (wife of the famous Baron Samedi) , and Dinclinsin (who is often depicted as white colonial slave owner, feared for his temper and cruelty). Seriously, between you and me I wonder how that last asswipe got into the pantheon and why more fiction depicting Voodoo/Vodun doesn't have him as a villain who is willing to work with white supremacists. Again with that in mind it again doesn't mean that the religion is closed off to white people if it has white members of it's pantheon.
So in my opinion, there is some things about voodoo in depiction that I can let slide, but on the other hand I think people do think to research a bit more to better capture it. And I say that for all religions and not just minority religions. Research is good to better understand concepts and not look ignorant. Seriously, I would say how Vivziepop depicts Christianity is more like pop culture version with the added bonus of adding things that goes against the idea of faith like redeeming demons and again having the freaking ideas that the embodiments of sin have any morals. Also I don't think she figured out how other pantheons fit neatly in here because I do think there would be some loa that could fit in heaven, while other loa would fit in hell better. Baka is one of those few evil Loas and he often requires blood sacrifice and he would have fit Alastor more serving. Also Kalfu is also someone that Alastor serves because he does allow evil loa to come in. So again, an evil voodoo practitioner is possible if it depends on which god they serve.
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sugoi-writes · 1 month
(Preview) Trigger Happy, Part 2
SOOOOOOO I reread Trigger Happy for like, the first time after posting it. And my god, it kinda DID things to me. So without further adieu, here is a sneak peek/prelude to Part 2. It's extremely fluffy. No content warnings for this one, other than implied spicy thoughts ( @ieatcocoa I blame you, in the BEST WAY)
MDNI, or I'll cut you
A few months had passed since your last weekend trip to the cabin. The crisp air of Autumn had been corrupted by the cool embrace of Winter. For Louisianians, there would be no white Christmas, but the promise of chilly mornings and frosty nights lingered with the season.
Life had ultimately gone back to 'normal' for the both of you, as if the tumultuous chase has never happened. Alastor's radio show swung without a hitch, gaining traction with his extensive coverage of the famous 'Bayou Butcher'. Meanwhile, you were performing particularly well at your own job, a promotion lining up for your hard work. Life had improved drastically. 
But... even in the heat of your success, the both of you started to become stir crazy. In your efforts to work harder, the both of you neglected your sanity. All of this for the sake of being 'better off', the both of you had decided. At least you both agreed on one thing: a short getaway was long overdue. Your recommendation for a cabin-filled weekend delighted your overworked partner. And so, you both had worked your magic to make the getaway happen.
It was Friday morning, just an hour after Alastor got off of work. (Thankfully, he had managed to switch prodcasting times with another coworker, guaranteeing an early departure). When you had packed the last of your bags, you snuck back to your closet once more. Pushing over copious amounts of clothing on the rack, you finally pull out what you'd been looking for: a white linen gown with lace trim... Or at least, it used to be white... It was the dress you wore during the last 'hunt'. 
The fabric was weathered, rumpled, and looked quite horrific, if you were being honest. You felt the heat rush to your cheeks as your fingers brushed over the fabric, erotic memories flashing across your mind. The heavy thuds of footsteps, the smell of the dank bayou, the crunch of withered leaves... And yet all of these memories paled in comparison to him. 
His heated touch, labored breaths, and manic, brown eyes nestled deep into your debauched dreams. Dreams that you found yourself longing to relive...
You bit your lip, debating if you should pack the dress. You wondered if this would be subtle enough, or if your secret desire for a part two was too 'on the nose'. 
This thought was disrupted by the bedroom door creaking open, and the sound of Alastor's silky, serene voice. 
"Darling, are you almost ready? I've gotten everything else in the trunk so far--" 
Alastor catches you glimpsing at That Dress, his back stiffening as memory lane hits him. Hard. 
He grins soon after, his smile cat-like as he wanders over to you. You're quick to hide the dress behind your back, stammering an excuse. 
"Y-Yes, I have everything-- just-- just thought about this old thing, y'know? I may need to toss it. This filthy thing has been through enough… It's just hanging here, collecting dust." 
Alastor clicks his tongue against his teeth, chuckling at your horrible attempt to deflect,"Dear, why would you want to get rid of this relic? I rather like the dress, you know~" When you avoid his gaze, Alastor sighs dramatically. He reaches behind your back, gently tugging the garment out of your rigid grasp. You can’t help the sheepish noise you make when he slings the dress over his shoulder, letting it hang off of him like a disheveled shawl. 
"Check the back of the closet, dear. In my garment bag," Alastor offers gently, stepping up beside you. You squirm as Alastor places a kiss on your temple and an impossibly large hand on your waist," I have something for you; perfect for the occasion, I'd say." 
You blink in surprise, throwing him a questioning look. Money wasn't exactly tight in your household, but the gesture surprised you all the same. A gift… for you? 
You're met with a beautiful sight. A pristine, red nightgown that made an apple look pink. Upon touching it, you realize it was satin; much nicer than the cotton one you originally had. Your mouth fell agape, your eyes widening in tandem. Dumbfounded at the sight, you hardly moved as Alastor kissed your cheek again. His sincere smile only grew as he gave your waist an affectionate squeeze. 
You follow his suggestion obediently, rummaging carefully until you hit Alastor's bag. While it usually hosted his dry clean-only suits, you noticed that it was uncharacteristic thin. Paper-thin, even.
You take down the bag from the bar gingerly, heart racing with curiosity. Alastor was just as eager, watching you with baited breath as you eased the zipper down. 
"Better to be prepared than not, right~?" Alastor mused, taking your free hand. You finally look his way when you feel a featherlight kiss press to your knuckles.
"This is--" 
"Yes yes, darling, it is. I figured it's only fair that you were dressed in my colors this weekend~" Alastor all but purred, his eyes full of mischief.
"Alastor, it's... Really beautiful. I hope it wasn't too much--"
Another kiss, this time just above your knuckles. A trail of sweet, deceivingly innocent kisses started to ascend your arm. Ever the cheeky man, Alastor was. 
"My love, nothing is ever too much for you. Think nothing of it. Simply wear it... It would make me very happy to see you in it."
You comtemplated his words, really taking them in. Like the lush fabric of the nightgown, you felt... Soft. You were almost liquid smooth, a flush festering on your skin under Alastor's affections. When he had kissed all the way up to your cheek, you turned to meet his lips with your own, smiling blissfully. Thankfully, Alastor didn't seem to mind the interruption
"Well, I guess I can't say no when ask me so sweetly... 'Can't let such a pretty dress go to waste, then~" you chime, giving Alastor another kiss. In fact, to air on caution, you zip the laundry bag closed, tucking it under your arm. You wouldn't want to risk ruining it before Alastor got his chance to...
"And," you added, a renewed glee coursing through you,"I think I'm ready to head out now~" 
Alastor reflects your smile, pressing a firm kiss to your lips to seal the deal.
"Off we go, then. Oh– and I think we should take the scenic route this time, if that’s alright..." You practically giggle as your arm is taken into his, allowing your beau to lead you out of the bedroom. 
"Honey, I would love nothing more." 
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leavingsunsets · 4 months
because im bored and going insane, have a little drabble because im going insane. ALSO THIS IS KINDA A CRACKFIC???? you and alastor be silly together. does a cutoff 'kys' count as a warning?
"𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔪 𝔅𝔬𝔬𝔪 𝔓𝔬𝔴."
[𝖠𝗅𝖺𝗌𝗍𝗈𝗋 & 𝗀𝗇!𝗋𝖾𝖺𝖽𝖾𝗋]
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"I'm back!"
The slam of the hotel doors echo throughout the lobby, an empty one. To which you only notice after a few steps in, swinging the one plastic bags branded '8-11' in your one hand.
"Uh, Husk, where'd all the others go?" You call out, putting them down on the coffee table. "Husk?"
No response. It's also now that you notice the bar was empty. Huh. Where did everyone go?
They went out for another redemption activity or something?
(This was the time Cherri took them out to the club. They're out there being judged by the holy court while you were busy sneaking out to raid the convenience store.)
"Gah, whatever. More for me."
You scoop up the bags and bring 'em over to the kitchen, where your chef (the microwave) awaited. Unaware of the red creeping figure by the second floor balcony.
Now, with your multitude of food splayed on the kitchen island, you tap your fingers over each one of them.
"Hmm. A burger or mac' n' cheese... Hmm."
With a shrug, you pop both open and throw it in the microwave, the radiation machine whirring to life as you lean back.
The peace is only broken once a sudden buzz of radio fills the silence.
"Wow. What is this?"
You nearly land on your own ass at his presence, head snapping to look behind you. "!?! WHAT THE HELL?!"
The sight of Alastor happily humming as he rummages through your other bag is what greets you, much to your horror.
"The f- Don't touch that!" you hurriedly snatch the bag away from him, hugging the bulky thing to your chest. "Why're you even here?? I thought you were gone with the others!"
"Eh, some Cherri girl, and a hefty pay," he shrugs, leaning on his cane. "What's that you're heating?"
Putting aside your bag, you squint your eyes at him for a moment. "My dinner."
He stares, raising a brow, "..which is?"
"Mac n' cheese," you grumble, already expecting some kind of reaction from the Louisianian.
"Eugh," yup, there it is, "you call that dinner? Goodness." You sigh, crossing your arms and facing the microwave once more. You weren't in the mood for some kinda wit war with this guy right now.
"Hmph. Back to the search." With a snap, he teleports your bag back to him, already digging through it before you can protest.
"HEY!" you reach out to snatch it back again, only for him to swerve it away. He daintily brings out a blue and red pin between his pointed fingers. Your eyes go wide at it.
"Who's this clown-" he disintegrates right as you lunge across the counter. Reappearing after you land face first on the floor, he continues, "this is the first time I've seen a neon jester of all things."
Face scarlet, you quickly get up and attempt to grab at him. But of course, what was Alastor if not a little shit, rendering your efforts useless. He disintegrates into the floor just as you reach out, teleporting to the other side of the kitchen island.
"Wow! You have 10 of these!" at this point, he was just pulling out the contents, splaying them on the counter.
"ALASTOR! I AM GOING TO SKIN YOU ALIVE I SWEAR TO-" The words die on your tongue the moment you spot him slide out a neatly sealed envelope, decorated with stickers.
At this moment, you seem to lose all sense of fear, or maybe some sort of sensibility to ground you back in reality. As at this moment, you find yourself charging at the demon 100 kilometers per hour, body ready to take any damage if it meant to stop him from even glimpsing at who the recipient was.
Unfortunately, he already did.
"Oho! To think you were a superfan! Of Fizzarolli nonethele-"
The microwave beeped in a little musical tune, however, it went unheard as you were busy having a important civilized conversation with the distinguished gentleman with you right now.
He dodges, sadly, disappearing into thin air once more. You basically crash against the counter, upper body smacked against the countertop.
"Ooh, 'Dear, Fizzarolli, I'm your biggest fan! I just wanted to say-' "
Grabbing a pack of frozen croquettes, you fling it at his head, to which a black tentacle sprouts from the ground and smacks away.
You jab a finger at him, face red with humiliation, "YOU'RE AN ABOMINATION TO ORAL HYGIENE." The frozen package flies, knocking the microwave into its plug and jamming it into the socket. A spark.
Right at this moment, Emily hops up to join Charlie in this outcry against the cruel (bi)annual exorcism of heaven, Angel Dust takes a courageous stand against the walking volatile moth himself, and you?
You face your own heavy battle, to which you're not sure will end peacefully. Which is a little generous to say, as he just continues reading the letter despite your insult. You feel a vessel nearly pop at his dismissal.
" '-I started watching your shows just a few months after falling here and-' "
Another packaged burger comes flying at his head. "WHY CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE, DAMNIT!" you screech, pissed.
"Hmm," for a second, he looks away contemplatively, tapping his chin. Then, it morphs into a smug smirk. "No. This is quite funny to me."
You grit your teeth tightly at his arrogance, veins about to pop, "This. Is why. Nobody. Likes you."
he leans over with a catlike smile, fluttering his lashes as he cutely lays against the kitchen island, kicking his feet slightly. "Awe yew mwad at mwee?"
Maybe it was just your temper, and his audacity, but at this point, you just explode.
And apparently, so did the microwave.
The first thing you feel is the machine's nuclear explosion just to your right, and the splatter of something gooey on your head. You blink.
The mac' n' cheese. You forgot about that.
Alastor remains unfazed and untouched, still lain across the counter and kicking his feet. Red eyes lazily glance at the absolutely blackened charr of a lump in the place of a perfectly functional microwave. "Hmm. Wonder what we're gonna do about that."
You are gonna insane if you have to spend one more minute with this man without strangling him.
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eroguron0nsense · 7 months
Hear me out: Louisianian-coded Crocodile
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phantominzine · 5 months
Believe me, details matter!
I was just reading a fanfiction and I'm not kidding you when I saw Louisianian dishes besides Jumbalaya I was so fucking happy! As someone from LA, I'm frankly really proud of my heritage, so I get giddy when I see that people did research on the things they provide in fics!
I must let you know that if you are writing a fanfiction that is Alastor centric or just has Alastor in it, message me! I'm always free to beta read, and I'd be happy to tell you things like foods, last names, cars, history, geography, climate, and much more! I've always been happy about where I am, and since I'm a local to where Alastor lived when he was alive I know a lot!
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protectcosette · 3 months
august only finds the flatbush apartment because of an ad taped to the popeyes on the first floor, and august being from louisiana, and non-louisianians eat at popeyes obviously but like. there's just something about how she wouldn't have found that apartment and those people if she hadn't wanted popeyes. something about how the book is full of 'if yous blinked youd have missed it' string of fate kinds of moments and literally the very first thing that happens is one of those moments
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talesoflore · 5 months
Pros of watching The Princess and the Frog: Fun movie!! Pretty colors!! Neat songs!! Cool characters!!
Cons of watching The Princess and the Frog: Somehow I Now Have A Louisianian Accent
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aneurinallday · 3 months
Thérèse Découx (Redux)
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@rmelster Did it again to be more Louisianian.
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rockybloo · 4 months
I always knew Nana was a Louisiana girl. I felt it in my soul (fellow Louisianian)
I think out of the entire list, she is the one that I am just the most "Yes this is correct and right and makes so much sense in the universe like butter on toast" about.
I cannot see her in no other state BUT Louisiana.
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avixenk · 9 months
My Will Graham Headcanons because why not
Of which are separated into categories: in general and my flip flopping of Louisianian Will and Caribbean Will
In General:
•Will's favorite flavor is spicy
•Still has a massive sweet tooth
•There's never been a moment in his life that he was without even one dog
Louisianian Will:
•Is cajun
•Grew up speaking Louisianian Creole. Learned Spanish during his NOPD days and is still fluent
•His father abandoned his mother while she was pregnant. His mother moved back in with her mother where one day she couldn't take it anymore and ran away, leaving Will solely in the care of his grandmother. She died when he was 10 and they had to search for his parents. Mother turned up dead and father was found and had to take him; he didn't want to.
Caribbean Will:
•Seriously considers going back after being released from the BSHCI. Honestly doesn't know why he doesn't.
•Can surf. Still loves it. Considered making a career out of it when he was younger
•First job as a teenager was working in hotels that mostly served tourists. His dislike of people only grew from this
•Misses the Caribbean beaches. Misses sailing on the clear open waters. Misses surfing.
Bonus Hannibal ones:
•Their styles of murder do not mesh together at all. Hannibal was so happy imagining leaving tableaus together but their styles just do not allow it
•Finally has to admit that their personalities are like night and day. Will is his other half of course but their personalities really are opposites.
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