#love doing these!
arachn11da · 3 months
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@zefly unfortunately tumblr bugged and i have to repost it like this, sorry about that!
Safe to say, John feels copied! Probably not too good for Jere
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Okay more omegaverse Mötley, let's get it! This time different pack dynamics, a joint post with @anaalnathrakhs   , thanks for the idea!
Everyone go check out the twin post
I don't think I'll get to all the intricacies of every possible Mötley dynamic, so if y'all like this holler if you want a part 2.
Let's get this show on the road then!
Alpha Tommy, alpha Vince, beta Mick and omega Nikki - Okay this is the most accurate one for them to realistically have. Tommy and Vince are both super dominant dude bros who think with their dicks instead of their brains- both of them being alphas also explains the super friction between them that comes in later years that we see in resurrection of crüe I mean they literally say and I quote “if Tommy and Vince want Mötley crüe to happen, it'll happen” it's giving alpha, for sure, they are both also very selfish, Vince more so than Tommy but Tommy has been described as a brat way too often for me not to mention this. Beta Mick being the calming middle ground that low-key sucks at his job of being the calming middle ground cause he hates conflict, and more often than not instead of jumping into an argument with one of his bandmates to cool the situation down also makes sense, he'll just be silent in the corner, hoping that it'll end before he has to patch things up after the damage is already done and too severe for him to fix after the fact. This is one of the reasons why I believe this is the most accurate version because even with the safe setting of being in a pack together, the conflicts would still be high because of the two alpha's with core belief differences and the beta who can't deescalate situations, which would lead to them being in the news for public spats a lot more, just like they were in real life. Nikki being an omega also makes the most logical sense to me, he's a lot more sensitive and genuinely caring then the other guys and him having shame for being an omega just works intrinsically well with his character. It also explains why he's so desperate to be the boss/leader of the band and the one who's more likely to take charge because he wants to feel in control of things for once in his life and he takes it a bit overboard. That being said, in this set up, they are basically just normal Mötley, except with a little bit of classificationism on Tommy and Vince's end. Tommy more so on the ground that he was raised by a father that told him to treat an omega with the utmost delicacy and be a gentleman, and Vince more so out of its the social norm in the 80s to see omegas as lesser then - in later years they come around from their ignorance though as seeing everything Nikki accomplishes as an omega makes them see their way of thinking is wrong. Mick has no such prejudice towards Nikki, which is why I think Nikki has such a deep and special bond with Mick, because he didn't underestimate him or think he was lesser than any alpha who worked in music. 
Alpha Mick, beta Tommy, beta Vince and beta Nikki - this dynamic is so funny for me to think about because, I just talked about how Mick is conflict avoidant and as an alpha conflict is pretty much inevitable and with three insane betas that he is now the leader of conflicts are guaranteed! He'd constantly have to put out fires the guys would be making (literally and figuratively) like- “Vince, why the fuck did you sleep with that alpha's omega, he's coming here to beat your ass and I gotta stop him now!” And Vince is just sitting on the couch not a worry in the world cause he knows Mick is gonna have to sort this out for him, because he's the leader of the pack. All the band would put Mick through these kinds of situations constantly because, one they knew Mick would get them out no problem and Mick wouldn't punish them for anything at all and two their all subconsciously jealous of Mick's higher status and trying to get back at him by getting his conflict avoidant ass into fights with random alpha's. They are not aware of this fact either really, but in the back of their minds they know why they want Mick to get a black eye every now and then. Other then that I think this pack is kinda not functional, Mick can't keep them in line extremely well, not because he can't intimate them but because he can't be bothered and this bites him in the ass all the time as the boys have no real figure to keep them in line and so they wreek havoc on anything they can which is the reason Mick is put through so many fights. But the one place this dynamic would work is the music, you know how I said Mick can't be bothered to keep them in line, well in the studio, that's all he does, he keeps them on track and focused and creative as he's genuinely leading them as a pack leader but outside the studio, in a world where Mick doesn't give a shit to correct them, the three beta guys take out their feelings of insignificance on the general public with no restraint. When Mick goes into rut though their all there to support their old man, they have to switch out every round because Mick is insatiable and he goes for so long and with his back it's obvious that he's in a lot of pain so they all try to do most of the work but Mick doesnt allow them to at all when he's far gone in rut. Mick absolutely tires them out, which is an accomplishment in itself and when the guys are lucid again with Mick there definitely not above teasing him for what a freak in the sheets he is in that state, Mick growls at them and dips until they can stop being immature. (Also I'll just make this side note here, but I kinda don't think Mick would willingly let anybody help him through a heat. He thinks it makes him look weak and he hates being dependent)
Alpha Nikki, Alpha Tommy, beta Vince and omega Mick - Nikki is a heavily controlling alpha though and while he doesn't have that prejudice against omegas like I think Tommy and Vince would low key have, he is a lot more protective and possessive of Mick and Mick does not care for being owned at all and so this would be a constant battle of whims against Nikki and Mick, Nikki trying to get Mick to be careful and safe with himself and have more forethought and Mick just doing whatever he feels like in the moment without forethought and he gets away with it too, because all he has to do is play up his omega act a little and Nikki just cannot bring himself to punish Mick and Mick knows that. I think Nikki would hand out punishments but none that get any of his band mates to listen lol. Tommy would also be super protective of Mick but unlike Nikki's suffocating chokehold on him, Tommy's style of dominance would be more Mick's style, easygoing but there for Mick if he needs anything only an alpha can provide. Vince being a beta in this situation, again just makes me laugh, because he would constantly be trying to have a pissing contest (figuratively but I'm sure he's literally challenged them to one before) with them and Vince looses every single time. This would give beta Vince even more of a complex and I kinda think this would get him to quit the band much sooner actually, funnily enough. Also this is the only two alpha set up that I think would actually work, as Tommy and Nikki are so close, it'd be impossible for them to get into any arguments that weren't of the absolute essence.
Alpha Vince, Omega Tommy, omega Nikki and omega Mick - oh boy, is all I kinda gotta say about this one honestly. Vince absolutely feels high and mighty in this one and the other guys fucking despise it. He makes a very big deal of being the only alpha to an omega harem (his words, not mine). Nikki and Tommy both constantly undermine his rule and make him go insane and Mick just straight up ignores him unless he thinks the cause is important enough for him to follow directions. Doesn't actually know how to run a pack and constantly fails to keep everything together. I mean this pack is all fun and games for Vince until Mick, Tommy and Nikki go into heat at the same time. This one would be a total disaster and not even in a funny way…okay maybe a little funny, since classificationist Vince eats shit every time he thinks he's in control of the omegas, and I think this dynamic would get him out of that terrible headspace super quick, so it's a win ig.
Alpha Mick, alpha Tommy,alpha Nikki and alpha Vince - utter shit show, like this is the worst combination….but fuck is it fun to think about, I mean it's a ticking time bomb, there would constantly be fights and or tussles that would leave them with scars they could never fully recover from and yet they would be so fucking ride or die for each other it's insane. Like they want to kill each other constantly and pheromones are running high, but if some punk tried to mess with any of them, they'd never see the light of day again. This combo is volatile in all the best ways and they bond by knocking the teeth out of some drunk schmucks face. Just alpha things <33. Ruts would be fucking insane, it's a lot of growling and fucking and domination, they would all be sore for weeks to come afterwards.
Alpha Mick, alpha Nikki, alpha Vince and omega Tommy - they are all so protective of Tommy. While Nikki and Vince argue about what's best for the pack, Mick is just vibing with Tommy and keeping creeps away from him by freaking out  said creeps with his own terrifying personality when Vince and Nikki are too absorbed by other things. But when Nikki and Vince are sober and not at each other's throats they also make sure Tommy is as comfortable and well looked after as they know how to give someone else. This would be the most wholesome-ish combination of all the dynamic pairs because it's basically just Nikki and Vince having a marital fight while Tommy and Mick snuggle on the couch and watch them duke it out.
Omega Nikki, omega Tommy, omega Mick and omega Vince - I know this is not gonna be the answer you expect but I kinda think this one would also be one of the more functional ones. As a group full of omegas in an “alpha's” career realm of rockstar, they gotta have each other's back and this gives them a common societal enemy to fight and we know how strong these guys can be when they have a common enemy. I think they're all even more protective of each other then the all alpha pack tbh and I know I really haven't mentioned nesting at all in any of the oner dynamics but in this one it would be prominent. They make a big communal nest together and all of them sleep together. Omega Nikki would be so happy to finally have such a safe environment to be in and he'd for once in his life feel proud to be an omega because not only are they brutal to every alpha that dares to try and either enter or break their pack because they think it's non valid but they are all so strong together, that he never feels scared to stand up to anyone of any dynamic ever, because he knows his pack has got his back. Omega Nikki finally has no shame to be an omega in this combination. And the other guys don't argue as badly at all as other packs mentioned in this post. And picking a leader also isn't hard, they decided that Mick is the leader for all intents and purposes, but Nikki is the one that actually runs it, Mick is just the main protector as he's the oldest and therefore wisest omega. The heats would also be such a comforting experience, it's all so comfortable and everybody understands what the other is going through, Mick even joins in for this dynamic aswell.
Beta Mick, beta Tommy, beta Vince and beta Nikki - So much alpha envy it's kinda insane, but this time with the added ingredient of a disgruntled Mick in the background, not because he's also envies alpha's (..okay maybe a little, but he won't straight up be petty about it, it is how it is) but because all the guys are making a total undeserved disaster, subconsciously because they are not seen as important in the chain of society. 
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anytimebitchess · 1 year
Rules: tag people you want to get to know better
Tagged by the wonderful Italian @daylightisfadingaway 🫶🏼😘🫂💗 Thank you! Ly 💓 (I’m sorry I’m so late! was doing it, saved it in my drafts and forgot about it 🫣😅😩)
Last song: So my darling - Rachel Chinoriri
Last show: Eurovision? If that counts. Haven’t really watched a tv-show for a while, but I remember the last one I’ve finished was “The Captains” on Netflix
Currently watching: Season 2 of Shadow & Bones (haven’t watched an episode in a while tho 😅)
Currently reading: I have 3 books I’m currently reading.
1. Corruptible by Brian Klass.
2. Þetta rauða, það er ástin by Ragna Sigurðsdóttir
3. Glow by Raven Kennedy
(For the past few weeks I’ve been reading so much for school, I’ve developed a reading slump😫)
Current obsession: I would say it’s Greek mythology (which will probably last not longer than a week)
Tagging: @swaggypsyduck @rainingmbappe @theoriginalcw @thesupermegahell @pixeltori @photmath @anchyxsblog @sendiiii @sergio-para-siempre @safestofhands @doinggreat @fabioquartararhoe @futbofurbo @grizoulvr @hufflepuffhabs @hereforbants @hattrickprincess @hannibunn @hufflehans @jkkyks @kylianmbappeh @karotland @kymb-10 @kevjrr @stargarland @sorceresski @liverpool-enjoyer @lilpepi @zbee @cant-get-no-worse @cryingforcrocodiles @cherishlaluna @virgilvandijkswifey @books-loverss @blaugrana-blues @bluenumbernine @neyxmessi @neysdoll @neykyl @nmsxi @mrs-bellingham @midfieldblackhole @kylianmbappee @neykyks (watch me tag everyone I can think of atm 😅)
If I’m forgetting someone (which I probably am) forgive me please and considers yourself tagged, if you’re down!
Please feel free to ignore this if you’re not down 😘✨🫶🏼 love you’s 💗🫂✨
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bobnewbie · 1 year
tagged by the lovely @ellcrze ❤️❤️
rules: tag 9 people you would like to get to know/catch up with
last song: heat waves - glass animals
last show: ted lasso
currently watching: succession, queen charlotte, dickinson
currently reading: scripts, most recent was pariah by Dee Rees
current obsession: writing my current screenplay, planning my last summer vacay abroad before moving back home & getting hitched
tagging (if you want ofc & anyone else that wants to do this) @simmenycricket - @non-sims - @softerhaze - @chimiibo - @fizzytoo - @nucrests - @maelfe - @piupiowa - @nigmos
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solomon-tozer · 2 years
You're back with the little kisses!! Can I have one for Little/Hodgson, please?
I am!! I didn't really stop, I just didn't have the ability to interact on social media for a minute there. I've still got a few things in my inbox to get round to, but I hope to get them done soon! Thank you so much for the request ^^
Little Kisses: Little/Hodgson
It takes just a look for Edward to know, for the darkness settled around him to fall away. A light within him that had almost gone out answers the playful look in George's eye, warmth filling him as he realises that Geroge has remembered.
"What is it?" he asks, aware of the smile already tugging at his lips. He thought everyone had forgotten.
"It's a surprise," George tells him, grinning, leaning in, his breath soft against Edward's lips. "Close your eyes."
Edward's eyes are already falling closed. His heart soars as George kisses him, lingering, and Edward leaning in to keep him there. He doesn't know what the surprise might be, but, with a kiss, George has made Edward's birthday perfect.
Previous little kisses / Request a little kiss
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paintedcrows · 21 days
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Did anyone tell Ford (bonus doodles: Family Movie Night, 70s Classics)
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yeepof · 3 months
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I understand that tall men are our POV characters, but surely being like a foot taller than everyone around them would have some occasional consequences
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qqueenofhades · 1 month
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Honestly, this sounds fucking FANTASTIC to me, and we should do it. Cry harder, Mitch.
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yiga-hellhole · 11 months
me when i have like 20 notifications in the span of five minutes and when i go check its just the same guy rapidfire liking and reblogging posts
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almondpiglet · 29 days
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ppl were drawing mikus from all over so heres habesha miku and her lil twin sibs rin and len!!
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soaptaculart · 2 months
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Postcanon Farcille indulgence
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dendrochronologies · 8 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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christadeguchi · 3 months
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make men slutty again.
HEAT STROKE | GQ CHINA Photographer: Wintam; Editor & Image: Shawn Gao Ding; Makeup: Lucas; Hair: Tao Liu; Art: Grade 2 & Lei Min; Art Assistant: Jiang Mi; Models: Kim; Ye Hao, Yu Hang, Ho Jun; Fashion Assistant: Yiyi, Coco; Photography Assistant: Li Zhenxi; Song Luanyi
bonus as rightfully added by @polyabathtub:
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sturgeonposting · 7 months
Do you love the colour of the sturgeon?
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Which one?
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ottosbigtop · 7 months
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Guess who realized the anime was on Netflix.
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secondbeatsongs · 1 year
somehow instead of saying "as a treat", I've started using the phrase "for morale", as if my body is a ship and its crew, and I (the captain) have to keep us in high spirits, lest we suffer a mutiny in the coming days.
and so I will eat this small block of fancy cheese, for morale. I will take a break and drink some tea, for morale. I will pick up that weird bug, for morale.
I'm not sure if it helps, but it does entertain me
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