#love her 70’s look 💕
seyvia · 5 months
do you have any recommended gshade presets?
Almost all Reshade presets work with Gshade too! a little tip, with gshade you don't really need to worry about downloading anyone's recommended shaders, Gshade already has everything one needs in it. also if your game doesn't look like the reference photo's it's likely they edited them so don't let yourself get too frustrated. Any who, here are a couple of suggestions:
I would love it if y’all shared your suggestions in the comments, too! Ty💖
Ghibli waters and Comic-book are similar to my personal presets💖
here are some world overrides I also rec for more aesthetic: fluffy clouds / @apricotrush 's food & appliances are just lovely💕
this is a little tutorial on a graphics overhaul, you don't need to do this!!! but I wanted to share this info incase some preset shaders don't show up quite right in somebody's game and/or someone wanted better graphics. big thanks to hazelminesims btw!
this page & link is in her recourses:
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its-vannah · 2 years
West Coast | Warren Rojas x Plus-Size Reader
Request from anonymous: hi! not sure if your taking requests <3 or if you would be comfortable with this one but I just wanted maybe a plus size reader fic with literally any of the guys. I know thats a weird request but i feel like a lot of the writing and a lot of stuff from the 70s rlly glorifies eating disorders and being skinny and i just would love a fic where the reader is a lot like cass elliot/mama cass, like she has a good voice or her own band and is underlooked cause of her weight.
A/N: I hope I did this request justice 💕
Warnings: Mentions of body positivity, mentions of E.D.'s (not your own)
Daisy Jones and The Six Masterlist
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Being a female vocalist in the 70's had it's fair share of problems. Especially for women who didn't have the "ideal body type" of the era. Unless you were stick thin, you typically weren't given the light of day.
Growing up, it hurt to watch all of your classmates idolize women who they related to. But you never had that. At the time, there were very few plus-sized women in music and film. Those who were often got talked down on.
You looked at yourself in the mirror that night, really looked at yourself—and you found nothing. Nothing that you didn't like about yourself. Sure, there were things that every girl picks out about themselves, but you couldn't do it. You couldn't do it to the little girl inside of you who longed to have someone to idolize.
That day, you made yourself a promise: you were going to pursue a career in the music field and give girls like you, who grew up without someone to look up to, someone to relate to.
You moved to Los Angeles a month later.
Y/N L/N, vocalist: My goal, as an artist, has never been to fit in with everyone else. Society's standards have never made room for me or people like me. They haven't made room for people of color or those who have different sexualities or sexual orientations. It was about time for that to change.
The move wasn't easy. You didn't even know where to begin out in LA. All you had was a goal and a voice, two things that don't get many people very far. Anyone can sing, not everyone can sing well.
After years of getting turned down by constant music producers for "not having the right look", Teddy Price gave you a chance.
He said as long as you have a good stage presence, a good sound, and the ability to engage a crowd, you had it all.
You expressed your hopes for plus-sized girls like yourself to be able to relate to someone.
"It wasn't easy growing up," You explained, "Kids are shitheads, especially when they're younger. Chances are, they don't get better as adults. They just get quieter. I'm done being quiet, Teddy."
He nodded, taking a drag of his cigarette, "So, what are you gonna do about it?"
"I'm going to sing my damn heart out."
"Come in tomorrow."
Y/N: I went in the next day and gave it all I had. All the years I spent in choir and voice lessons had finally paid off. I got a deal with promises of releasing my own single. The only problem was that I had to write a song. I'd never really done that before. Nothing that was good, at least. He gave me three weeks to write a song. I came back in two. We were recording my album not even a month after that.
"What do you hope fans take away from your newest album?" An interviewer asked you, sitting across from you on a velvet couch on an empty stage.
"I hope that this new generation is able to look at their TV screens or magazines and see someone who looks like them. There are girls out there starving themselves to be thin because that's the idea society puts in their head. But all bodies are beautiful," You explained, "That's what I want people to take away from this. That they're beautiful and not alone."
After the interview, you made your way back to your dressing room. That wasn't, however, without bumping into a man with a head full of black curls, wearing the most ridiculous pair of sunglasses you'd ever seen.
He took a step back, looking you up and down after apologizing, "You're Y/N L/N."
Nodding, you extended a hand, "Pleasure to meet you. You are...?"
Clearing his throat, he shook your hand, "Warren Rojas, I'm with The Six."
"I've heard about you guys," You revealed, "We're both just starting out on the west coast."
He nodded, his eyes focused on your legs.
Suddenly aware of his gaze, you stepped to the side, "Is there a problem, Mr. Rojas?"
"You're beautiful," He said, coughing, "Sorry, that's straightforward."
"No, no, it's alright. I like straightforward."
He grinned, "I'm a leg guy."
"You're what?"
"Along for the ride, that's what I said," He bobbed his head, "I've got to go on, but am I good to pick your brain about your album after our interview?"
You smiled, "I look forward to seeing you."
"Then it's a date?" He asked hopefully.
"If that's what you want to call it."
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liminalpebble · 11 months
Hi, lovely! 💕 I’d like to request a drabble featuring Magnus. Perhaps a smutty one? I’ll leave all the details up to you.
(You cannot convince me that boy isn’t a freak! He’s likely got some tricks that would make even Blanche Devereaux herself blush.)
Hello my love! Thank you for being a friend!
By sheer luck I did a raunchy as fuck Magnus fic not too long ago based on a brilliant prompt from @muddyorbs.
Her request was to put Magnus and OFC on a mission together and he finds a little vibe in her suitcase and things get spicy. It's a very hostile fucky situation and I imagine our girl as a Lisbeth Salander type because my queer little heart is in love with her too. Anyway, I hope this pleases your inner Blanche as you reach for the cheesecake.
Much love, '
Magnus Martinsson fanfic, Magnus Martinsson x OFC, smut!, one shot, enemies to lovers (well...fuckers?), hostile but very consensual fucking, Minors DNI
Word count: about 3000 (sorry...bit of a honker. Worth it. I promise).
Mara rolled her black-lined eyes when the call from Wallander came in. “Mara, are you still freelancing? We really need a tech wizard on this one.”
“Cute euphemism, Kurt...points for flattery. You need a hacker who will do the dirty work so your little lapdog techie can keep his hands clean while micromanaging me.”
Wallander sighed, and quipped sarcastically, “Why, yes, Mara, I'm doing very well, thanks. How are you today? Still your charming self, I see. By the way, you're on speaker. ” He looked across the conference table to where Martinsson (said lapdog techie) was glaring at his superior for putting him in this situation yet again.
Mara's eyes scanned around her tiny apartment full of computer equipment and old band tee shirts piled in an ever-increasing mound of black cotton. In her own mind, she'd named it Mount Doom. “Oh you know, Kurt, living that rich girl high life,” she replied in a prickly tone, toking on the remains of a joint from the night before. “And whose fault is it that I'm on speaker, hm? Really. You should know better by now.” She blew smoke out in a resigned exhale, “Alright Wallander, tell that minion of yours I'm in. I'm sure he'll be delighted.”
Kurt raised his voice. “His name is Magnus, or Detective Martinsson and I'd appreciate it if you stop calling him 'lapdog' or 'minion' especially to his face as you seem rather fond of doing...”
“Alright Kurt, see you tomorrow,” she said interrupting his lecture to end the conversation.
“Charming,” Magnus groaned.
“The same room?” Mara said, with an air of annoyance, hauling her bags up the hill to the rundown Motorlodge.
Martinsson sighed and said with an edge of frustration, “Yes Mara, the same room. We can't work together from different rooms.”
“Don't talk to me like I'm an idiot, minion! I know that, but I thought that at least when we're taking shifts we'd have our own space to rest. It could be days! It would have been nice if the police department had sprung at least for adjoining rooms. I'd even tolerate sharing a bathroom with you if...”
Magnus stopped in his tracks, putting a hand up so she nearly stumbled directly into him. “Can you please, please not do this? I'm just here to do my job, just like you are. Can we try not to be at each other's throats?” As he said it she couldn't help looking at his throat, that pretty pale neck and sharp jawline she'd love to suck on and bite and make him moan while...
“Mara!” he barked, snapping her out of her lurid daydream.
“Okay...fucking hell. Okay,” she said, shouldering past him to enter the little 70's time capsule of a room. He fortified himself with a deep breath, stepping into her wake.
“Well,” she said, between sips from the paper cup, “At least the Bates Motel has a pretty decent coffee machine.”
They both laughed and smiled to each other, faces bathed in the blue glow of computer screens; a rare truce. They had set up efficiently, both very good at their jobs and surprisingly good at working together despite the personality clashes.
“See what?” Mara asked, sitting forward to scan the screen.
Magnus put a finger on her chin to turn her face towards him instead. “See how nice it can be when we actually just have a pleasant cup of coffee together and work?”, he elaborated. It was adorable, she had to admit...those big innocent blue eyes and golden curls making him look like a particularly naive, hopeful and, possibly stupid, angel. But from his work and credentials, she knew he was far from idiotic; just sweet, gullible, optimistic. And as he was staring at her with that sweet dumb incredibly handsome face, it just made her inexplicably angry, like his kindness was some kind of trick.
She shrugged, and took a sip to avoid looking at him, then stated, “Their hard drives will take hours to clone. It's a waiting game for now.” She yawned and cracked her knuckles, stretching up from the uncomfortable chair to flop onto the tacky paisley comforter. A sliver of orange glow from the setting sun slid between the heavy curtains, illuminating her body, and Magnus couldn't help but notice that like that, in this wash of golden hour light, she really was very pretty. Yet, for some inexplicable reason Mara seemed almost determined not to be, with her prickly personality and tent-like clothes hiding her rather nice curves. What a shame he thought.
Magnus took the opportunity to move too, rising to his feet and stretching his long arms over his head. Mara peeked at him with one surreptitiously open eye to drink in the sharp dips and muscle of his lower belly and hips as his shirt raised, ever so slightly, to show skin. Why does he have to have the body of a fucking Greek god? Jesus Christ. Eyes wondering south, hoping to catch a glimpse of the rather generous outline in his pants, she saw where his service revolver was strapped to him in a shocking interruption of black metal and leather. It didn't suit such a soft, posh, pretty boy to be toting around a gun like some cowboy. Having come from a wealthy suburb, Martinsson could never understand the grip of fear firearms held on poor neighborhoods like hers. She didn't like guns, and she didn't like the criminals or the cops who didn't seem to mind using them liberally in her childhood neighborhood while everyone else was caught in the crossfire.
“Do you have to wear that thing?” Mara asked, gesturing to the holster. “It's only me. I'm like a foot shorter than you and you could probably kill me with your bare hands if you wanted. Are there bullets in it now?”
Magnus turned to her, eyes soft and considerate. “Well, yes. It's part of the job. We have to wear them at all times on the clock and they have to be loaded. And it's not you I'm afraid of, Mara,” he said, sitting beside her on the bed, looking at his hands. “It's you I need to be ready to protect if things go south.”
Mara turned to perch on her elbow and look up at him, genuinely swooning for a second before she recovered hastily, coating it with sarcasm. “Awww...my hero. This is why they call you The Prince Charming of Ystad? And I know damn well you're afraid of me.”
“Not afraid...annoyed. Are you allergic to having a single genuine moment of humanity between us? What have I ever done to you?” he huffed sounding wounded, and standing up again to pace.
She groaned, standing up to face him, admitting to herself that she had been especially hard on him, and she couldn't even be entirely sure why (or at least, she wouldn't admit why, not even to herself). “Look, Magnus, I'm sorry, really.”
“Really?” he said cautiously, distrustful and surprised.
“Yeah..yeah, really. I've been such a bitch to you.”
As Magnus spotted the unprecedented chink in her armor, it set off the explosion of a tirade. It finally released itself from his mouth after brewing for months and he was powerless to stop it. “Listen. I don't know why you're like this, Mara, really I don't. I haven't done a bloody thing to deserve this, neither has Kurt.”
Mara felt a little fizzle of fear at the mounting growl in his voice, and she felt a little ashamed, but also aroused. It was deeply confusing.
“I wasn't socialized enough as a puppy. Why the fuck do you think, pretty boy? You're cops. I don't like cops. I don't like what you stand for...your mindless conformity...”
Magnus' voice rose, “Did it occur to you that some of them, Kurt and I for example, chose this life to protect people? Because we care about people, even people like you who hate us. And I'm not saying you don't have a good reason to hate the police, but you don't have to hate us. We're on your bloody side. And...and you think you're so clever and rebellious with your bitch act and your black hair dye....and and...your edgy jewelry,” he continued, reaching down to her open bag where there was an unusual silver necklace, with a heavy bullet for a pendant. He lifted it saying, “Oh so you don't like guns and bullets, but you'll wear them to look oh so cool and fashionable? What a fucking hypocrite...”
Mara was thunderstruck (and frankly excited) by his anger but the end of his little speech made her want to laugh hysterically. He had no idea that what he was holding was a state-of-the-art vibrator, beautifully designed to multitask as a piece of jewelry styled after an actual bullet. She thwarted her chuckle to say simply, “Please put that back. It was expensive.”
Magnus blinked in confusion, as if slapped by her unexpected response. As he moved to put it back, one of his long fingers fumbled around it, accidentally pressing a hidden button. As he dropped it back on top of her bag of toiletries, it began to buzz. The detective narrowed his eyes, mouth agape as the gears turned in his lovely head. “Is...is your necklace...vibrating. Holy shit...is that a...”. His broad Cheshire cat smile unfurled across his face, as he began to chuckled in long breathy laughs.
Now it was her turn to be angry...not to mention mortified. She darted her hand out to switch it off, crossed her arms, and stormed to the other side of the room. “Oh this is rich,” he purred out in his deep delicious voice. “Why did you bring that? And when on earth did you expect to have the time and privacy to use it?”
She yelled, “That's none of your business! And I thought we'd have separate rooms.”
He moved closer, now standing directly in front of her. She felt that looking into his bright eyes might sear her like a laser, so she settled for looking forward at his chest. Then his long soft fingers, tucked themselves under her chin, raising her eyes to his, as he asked in a deep intimidating voice, “Mara, why did you really bring that with you?”
Fuck. She could see why he was so good at interrogations. This is the kind of man it was no use lying to. She sputtered, “Be...because I know it might be a few days and...”
“And?” he prompted, taking a step closer.
She fumbled nervously, “And...and...because I knew I'd be trapped with you strutting around with your perfect fucking body and your pretty fucking face and your sweet fucking disposition, and I'd have to take care of myself if I wanted to think straight...okay?”
His smile dropped even as the heat of excitement coursed through his body. Magnus could see she was flustered, defenses down, nearly to the point of tears. Finally it occurred to him; so this is why she was so mean, so prickly and defensive towards him... because she liked him so much. She was harboring a hopeless school girl crush and assumed all of his kindness towards her...his goodness...was some kind of joke to mock her. She ignored the reality that he paid attention to her because he liked her too. She excited and intrigued him, but that all turned to bitter frustration that she would never let him near her. He just kept encountering all that barbed wire around her and finally quit trying to breach it...until now.
“Mara,” he said her name reverently like a prayer, in a low gentle whisper, full of empathy and kindness. He moved his hand from where it still was propped under her chin, to cradle her face. Neither of them could say who moved first as they crashed together, but before they knew it they were latched onto each other's hot mouths, kissing, licking, biting, barely able to breathe and neither of them minded.
He moved to her neck, sucking it hungrily then growled into her ear, “You think that little gadget could hold a fucking candle to me?”. She moaned in response, sliding her shaking fingers to begin unbuttoning his shirt while he worked at his pants and his holster. He was peeled out in moments, looking absolutely mouthwatering in nothing but his underwear. Mara tore her shirt and bra off over her head, then pressed the swell of her breasts against his firm torso, while her lips rejoined his. Her leg swung around his waist as she licked up his throat, bit his earlobe playfully and said, “Pull my hair. Call me a bitch again...”
He was panting as he said, “I...didn't call you a bitch...I said it was a 'bitch act'...”.
She gathered his curls between her fingers and tugged while she bit at his lovely throat, drawing a nearly-pornographic moan from the young cop. “I said, call me a bitch, you pedant.”
It was adorable, how he struggled to get the word out. He was the type of well-bred man who had trouble calling a woman anything other than “Miss”, which made it even hotter when his eyes darkened and his mouth twisted as he growled out, “You delicious bitch” and wrapped his big hand around her ponytail, yanking sharply. She was grinding against he thick erection, teasing him, desperate for him, until he stopped her with a bruising grip on her hips and met her eyes. “You called me a lapdog, huh? Well, there's only one lap I'm interested in being in,” he said in a velvety purr as he tugged her pants and panties off of her, pushing her onto the bed completely naked, as he snaked between her legs, biting and sucking ravenously at the soft flesh of her inner thighs, breath ghosting against her soaked pussy. She wove her fingers into his hair with surprising gentleness as she sighed and writhed while he kissed his way up.
When he licked the first firm line up her slit she arched her back and gasped out, “Holy fuck,” while he chuckled against her skin and she could feel his smile.
“Mmmm...you're even more delicious than I imagined,” he confessed, and the idea of him jacking off, thinking about this only aroused her more.
He began to suck delicately on her clit and swirl his tongue, bringing her close to the brink in mere moments. She lifted his head gently and said, “Wait...wait.”
His big, bright eyes met hers, solicitous and concerned as he panted out, “Are you okay?”
“Yeah...yeah amazing,” she said, smiling, “I just want to come on your cock. I want to feel you inside.”
“Oh darling...” he purred as he crawled farther up the bed to kiss her, sharing her own taste with her. He stood up for a moment to slide his boxers off, revealing his cock (which was just as gorgeous as the rest of him), stroking it lightly in one big hand. “Jesus Christ,” she gasped when she saw it, big and flushed with a tantalizing drip of precum. She crawled over to him and taking it into her mouth hastily, dying to savor it. He groaned in ecstatic surprise at the feeling of her hot mouth around him, her clever tongue caressing the hard length. He combed his hand through her hair, chuckling softly, teasing, “eager, are we darling?”
“Shut up and fuck me you cocky little shit,” she barked out playfully, making them both smile. “Prove to me that that little trinket will never satisfy me again, detective.”
He pinned her on her back, caging her between his strong arms, “Cocky, yes....little...well, my dear, I think we both know that's just a bit inaccurate.” His tone changed as he settled between her legs, and his hand stroked her cheek gently. He asked, “You're okay? This is okay?”
“Yes...please...just go in slowly?”
He nodded.
Magnus eased in gently, as they both gasped at the decadent feeling of his cock inside her slick, warm walls, adjusting to each other. “Mmmm. God...yes,” she purred, stroking his sharp cheekbone with her soft little hand. Meeting his eyes she said, “Magnus?”
“Yes, darling?”
“Now, please, fuck me like a whore.”
It rough and relentless as Magnus drove into her again and again while her legs clamped tight around him, calves bouncing on the muscular curve of his ass as he moved. The wave of both of their orgasms crashed quickly and simultaneously as they rode it out, making a mess of the old duvet, and collapsing naked against each other, spent and smiling. Mara massaged Mangus' head as he rested it against her breasts. He trailed little pecks along the soft skin, sighing contentedly. She peeked over his lovely golden fleece to see where the blue-glowing monitors were still reporting their downloads in progress with lots of time to go. Idly she said, “Looks like this is going to take longer than we thought.”
“Oh no, whatever shall we do in the meantime,” Magnus chimed in from where he had begun lapping his tongue over her tits, as they both laughed in an all encompassing high of relief.
@smolvenger @goblingirlsarah I can't think who else might like this one, but feel free to share!
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OK, here's a story short idea (mayyybbbeee???)
So basically, another human girl travels from the future and ends up in the 1600s Boiling Isle. She meets Philip, and for the life of him, he cannot shake her off him.
Eventually, he gives up and say "Yep, I'ma adopt U"
You want an 'Old timey dad adopts futuristic daughter' fic?
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Okay!🙂 Super cute concept / idea btw!☺️ Thank you again, anon! Hope you enjoy!💕
G/N = Girl Name
Also, in my head G/N is wearing / dressed like this.
⌛For From The Future🧳
After a sudden flash of light, a cardboard box that's coated in cute space stickers appears outside of a forest.
When the box flaps flip open, out pops the head of a young girl. She looked to be about thirteen.
The girl had on a brightly-colored bike helmet with white and yellow stars decorated on the front and back.
Judging from the joy that was radiating on her face, she was beyond excited to be in a new location.
Where exactly was she situated?
The 13-year-old couldn't tell.
She had a hunch she might be in the 40th century, but the flock of flying eyeballs with bat wings that she saw soaring in the fair sky said otherwise.
This girl was named G/N.
She was a futuristic time traveler from the year 3012.
Getting out of her box, G/N is revealed to have a robotic right arm. She also wore a really cute outer space outfit.
Reaching her human hand into the box, she pulls out a small, digital camcorder, along with a tripod.
Once those were properly set up, she stood in view and began recording herself.
After a wave at the camera, she starts her enthusiastic speech.
"Hi, guys! G/N, here! Today, I'm outside of a strange forest! I think it might be enchanted or something. Still not sure where I am, but I saw some flying eyesballs! No joke, they had wings! They flew right by my head!"
G/N was also a vlogger who loved sharing her travels through time with her viewers.
She always had a blast doing so!
Just last week she was in 1762 recording THE Mozart playing live at one of his classical concerts for them.
As she continued to speak, in the background, a bearded man in a blue coat was approaching the forest.
Picking up on the sound of grassy footsteps, G/N turns, her gaze now on him.
Seeing the scruffy man, she gasped, looking back at her camera.
She became sparkly-eyed as she spoke, directing a finger at the man.
"Oh, my gosh, A LOCAL!"
She had to say hi.
Quickly lifting her camera off her tripod, the young time traveler rushes towards him.
Turning around, the man, upon seeing the girl, stopped and stood still like a startled wet kitten.
What was that strange device she had in her hand?
And why did she have it aimed at him like that?
Was she going to shoot him?
Was this karma catching up with him?
He clutched his satchel close.
"Hi there!" The girl greets in a cheerful tone, offering him a big smile. "My name is G/N! I'm from the future! What's your name?"
"Uh... Philip..." The man slowly replied, still clutching his bag.
"Nice! Say, Philip, what year is this?"
" ... 1660?" Or was it '70? He lost track sometimes.
"Sweet! I've never been to the 1600's before."
That definitely explained the man's accent and attire.
As G/N begins to take a picture of Philip, he quickly lifts his satchel to his face like a shield.
"Oh, no, no, no, don't worry," she speedily reassures, showing him the photo she took. "I just took a picture. See?"
She thinks doing this might ease the man's fear.
Lowering his satchel some, Philip saw the picture of himself.
A genuine look of interest spread on his face.
A device that captures an image at just the press of a button?
Truly fascinating.
G/N gave a giggle at his reaction. "Yeah, cameras are pretty cool. But anyways, you probably know this place a heck of a lot better than I do. I was wondering, would you mind show me around some? I would love to capture even more stuff on my camera."
Her question earns her a frown from Philip.
"No," The brunette would bluntly state.
He was stern on his decision to not show her around, but she was persistent.
She kept on bugging him, and Bugging Him, and BUGGING HIM.
"PLEASE? 🥺 🙏"
"You'll be internet famous."
Finally, he sighed.
"Fine." He couldn't believe he was giving in to this random girl.
It wasn't for the "internet fame" by the way as he had not a clue what an "internet" even was.
And so began the start of a beautiful father daughter friendship...
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Hello :) 📚☕🍁
My name is V (short for my real name), and I'm 26 years old. My pronouns are she/her.
I've had this blog for about four years, but recently returned from a quite long tumblr hiatus. I graduated with a Master's degree in Visual Communication in England and did an internship in Australia while I was gone!
I thought I'd reintroduce myself to y'all since it's been so long since I'd been an active studyblr on here! <3
Who/what I am:
a graphic design graduate (BA & MA)
living on the countryside not far from a city in Northern Germany (I want to move back to England though)
former student in the UK 🇬🇧
former graphics intern in Wales and Australia
fluent in German and English
I also speak basic French and I'm a beginner in Spanish (planning on learning more languages)
a shy introvert (I feel more confident talking online though!)
bigender (about 60 - 70% female, the rest feels male deep down). I don't make a big deal out of it though. She/her is what I go by 100% of the time, but I don't mind he/him either!
What I love:
music (metal & rock) + concerts
travelling - I especially loved travelling through Australia! 🌏
goth-y and witchy stuff 🦉
collecting vinyl, CDs and DVDs
books - I buy more books than I read though haha
art, design and museums
languages - however I wish I didn't lack motivation to study most of the time!
food & going to restaurants
coffee, tea & cosy cafes
nature, the sea and space
animals - especially dogs and birds!
stationery & pretty journals
decorating my home
Harry Potter (proud Ravenclaw!)
summer & autumn
the UK
ancient Egypt
philosophy, psychology & paleontology
old typewriters
more stuff that I can't think of atm
What I want to achieve:
become an art director at some point in my design career
learn more about these topics: marketing, art history, linguistics, philosophy, psychology, astronomy, ancient Egypt, etc. (I love learning!)
read more books, esp. British classics 📚
draw & paint more
overcome depression
be less anxious
post more original content on here
spend less time on my phone - I'm not a social media person and only use WhatsApp and Tumblr
not be a perfectionist all the time
I might add a few more points later.
Thank you for reading! I look forward to getting to know more of you lovely people and reuniting with old friends! 💕🌻
P. S.: I follow (back) from my main blog @hardwired-to-self-destruct.
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starrybluez · 1 year
For the character ask game: 11, 20, 23, 27 for Nancy Wheeler from Stranger Things and/or Christopher Hayden from Gilmore Girls 💙
Thanks for the ask dear 💙
11. What’s the first thing you think about when thinking about the character?
Nancy Wheeler: that she looks so much better irl than on the show. They made her hair get poofier each season and it started to make her look middle-aged! But irl she's beautiful! I also ship "Stancy" over "Jancy". I love Steve! 💕
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I don't like how she broke his heart several times though - Steve (imo) didn't deserve that!
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Christopher Hayden: he's cute! 😁 The scene where you first see him in GG on the motorcycle definitely gave him an air of mystery. I liked Rory's relationship with her dad in the very beginning. It's sad how awkward she became with him later on.
Also. My dad would smack me if I talked to him like that. ⬇️⬇️ Like plz chill, Rory will you?
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20 & 23: Headcanons: Sorry, I don't really have anything for them. 🤷‍♀️
27. If they could meet a character from another show/movie/etc, who would be the most fun for them to meet?
Hmm for Nancy maybe Fez or Kelso from That 70's Show or Lane from GG? Or Brenda from 90210 - I could see them being friends!
And for Christopher I don't know, maybe Rachel from Friends?
Lol I'm not very good at these (also see previous post ⬇️⬇️)
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stargazesartblog · 6 months
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I'm super proud of how well her design came out!💕💕✨ (still a rough sketch but will make minor adjustments but overall I love her!! ) Her name is Aliviyn. 💕This gal is being paired up with my irl friend's oc. I based her design on a 70's hippy vibe but added a fairy element and made her wings look like leaves in autumn. I was going for a warm tone for this design and felt it fitted her the more I worked on it!
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demxnicprxncess · 2 years
Hi there! Can I request a list of what the Evans favorite songs are. Pls and thank you! 💕
Alright i gotchu the Evan one was looked up because i feel like he wouldve told us already idk
Taglist: @kitwalkersgfff, @ppawmpkin, @yes-divine-ruler, @quicksilversg1rl, @charsdunkie, @eddiemunsonsbitch69, @dahmevan lmk if you would like to be added or removed my dears.
Evan: "Alejandro." "It's an underrated song," Peter added. "I like to bust that one out because it is more under the radar and totally badass." (I love this because this is my fav too!!) source
Tate: I feel like instead of smells like teen spirit it'd be maybe like Breed, or even And I Love Her due to the sense of emotion in this one
Kit Walker: Def into smooth music, I could see him listening to Can't Help Falling in Love, and possibly My Girl, idk he just gives me that energy
Kyle: He gives me 3OH!3 energy and Like a G6, and even Tokyo Drift, as for the 3OH!3 songs heres a few. Touchin On My, Don't Trust Me.
Jimmy: Imma put his cover to "Come As You Are" by nirvana cs why not, but I feel like he listens to Lana Del Rey (IDC IF ITS THE 50's STFU)
James: He listens to Ain't Misbehaving but appreciates Lana Del Rey and even the occasional GaGa
Kai: He doesn't really listen to music but if he did, I feel like it'd be meaningful songs. I can't really think of the songs rn... actually on second thought I could see him listening to music from the 70's occasionally but never when people can hear it. Like Earth Wind and Fire type shit.
Alex (Adult World): He listens to Artistic Music... he's an artist. Here's an example. Bad Romance. Idk I feel like he vibes with it tbh
Peter Maximoff: He LOVES The Fox idk but what I do know is he knows the lyrics to this song just like me. But also, he loves Pink Floyd, so I feel like he adores Another Brick in the Wall, I was Made for Loving You, and Bohemian Rhapsody.
Again these are all my opinions babe.
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javierpena-inatacvest · 11 months
Congrats on 1k!! So exciting!
For your ask game, how about one for Javi/Osita:
Favorite outfit the other wears?
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Thank you, sweet Jess!! 🥹💕
Javi: Anything that's a dress or his clothes. Man is a sucker for Osita in a cute sundress- He thinks that she looks absolutely beautiful and will always tell her how good she looks, and is a hot mess every spring when the weather starts to get warmer and she starts breaking out the dresses to wear to school (he also loves the easy access... 🤪) And Javi will never get over seeing Osita in his clothes. Since the first moment she put on his shirt after the first time he spent the night at her apartment, there's just something about seeing her in his clothes that drives him absolutely nuts. Especially when she has only his shirt/sweatshirt on with no pants on underneath
Osita: Flannels, suits, and casual wear (I can't pick one but can you blame me?!) Flannels and suits are a given- He wears suits to work most days and it'll never get old to her, and flannels?! Again, please see the gif you attached because 😩🥵 So hear me out on causal wear- Javi is a man who's fashion sense has not changed since the 70's. In my mind, I feel like Osita is pretty fashionable, and while she thinks Javi obviously looks great in everything she wears, she slowly starts getting Javi to try on looks from their current decade and she loses her mind. Like, okay... Please take a second to imagine Javi in these outfits... Javi's kind of insecure about it at first but Osita is VERY reassuring that he looks so good 😭🤪
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ALRIGHT gonna go melt into a puddle now I guess THANKS JESS 🫠
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confettifox-ships · 5 months
self insert lore game - 2 + 4 + 10? ^^
ty sm for the ask!! 💕 i already answered for brett so i’m gonna take the opportunity to introduce rex fawn (djats version) to the world ⭐️
the background of the d.aisy j.ones and the s.ix verse is that it’s a documentary about a famous band and their infamous split while on tour in the 70s and them speaking about it for the first time 20 years later in the 90s.
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance? fawn's canon is kinda funky bc the source has two separate timelines. in the 90’s, she and the musicians she toured with are being interviewed w additional scenes in the 1970s. so… her first 90s talking head segment would be at the very beginning of the show and her first 60s/70s scene would be really quick after that, showing how she really fell in love with music.
the scene i picture for that is her in the early 60s, listening to be my baby by the ronettes, who are a huge inspo, especially for her eventual look (huge eyeliner 💕)
4. would you be considered a main character, side character, villain, or something else? fawn would be a side character in the canon story since the story is so focused on the main singers of the band she toured with SO heavily. and also bc she’s touring w a much more famous group of musicians as their opener. she ends up getting really recognized on the tour, so i think she’d transition from more of a side character to more of a main character.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship? i think it really depends bc those bitches are MESSY. billy (lead singer) hates eddie (rip 2 my man ig) so he’s probably like vaguely indifferent, but karen (keyboardist) and warren (drummer) are super into it 😭
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simmersofia · 2 years
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von-frappe · 3 years
12. mystery incorporated (scooby doo franchise): in any form these fuckers remain superior
11. manny santos (degrassi): my best friend
10. rory williams (doctor who): lived for a 1000 years to look after his gf, get on his level
9. princess carolyn (bojack horseman): love her, love the energy she brings to the studio
8. alexis rose (schitts creek): i imitate my very being after her
7. mercedes jones (glee): icon?.?? yes.
6. blaine anderson (glee): loml???,? yes.
5. steven hyde (that 70’s show): the best man ever (not really bc there are a few men above men but the sentiment is there)
4. gwen (merlin): i knew she was an icon when she slagged off arthur in the beginning of s2
3. stu macher (scream): yeah he was a serial killer but it was high camp
2. donna noble (doctor who): literally the most important woman in the universe
1. kurt hummel (glee): 💓💕💞💝💖💝💕💖💘💗💓💞💕💕💞💘💖💗💓💕💞💓💗💘
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jerzwriter · 3 years
What are Casey & Tobias dancing to on Valentine's Day? Casey/Ethan?
Ethan and Casey had dinner at a fancy restaurant, but she made him stop at Donahue's on the way home, explaining, once again, that she liked the simpler things. After talking while holding hands over the table, some laughs, and a buss or two (or ten), Ethan excused himself and selected Frank Sinatra's "The Way You Look Tonight" from the jukebox. He took her hand and the two of them danced alone in the near-empty bar. Not to be outdone, she selected one before leaving too, it was "Thinking Out Loud" by Ed Sheeran.
Tobias and Casey prefer to stay in on Valentine's Day, so music plays a big part. They spent it at his townhome (I'll assume pre-living together) where he made dinner, they snuggled on the couch and spent a lot of time dancing to a playlist he put together (asking for Casey's input as well, of course). "Every Time I Close My Eyes" by Babyface was included (after Simple Moments, it's forever one of their songs). He included "Betcha by Golly, Wow" by the Stylistics as a nod to her hometown of Philly and her love of 70's Motown/soul. Some of the songs she asked for were "Everything Has Changed" (you think Taylor wasn't going to be on this??), "If I Ain't Got You" by Alicia Keyes, and "Halo" by Beyonce. He also included "All of Me" by John Legend and "To Make You Feel my Love" by Adele (a nod to DTI readers...), but the mood really changed when "Thinkin Bout You" by Frank Ocean came on.... y'all know what happens then. lol
Thank you for this fun ask and sorry it's a day late! :) 💕💕💕
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spacecharizard · 6 years
Ship meme for Belle & Joseph, please 💕
This is full of rambling 
- Belle hogs the duvet, its got the point where they each have their own duvet just to stop her complaining.
- Joseph would be the one to call/text Belle to check how her day is, he likes hearing her voice and wants to know what shes been up to.
- Belle is the most creative when it comes to gift. She goes above and beyond and maybe goes to far at times but it shows she cares. She’s also the master when it comes to gift wrapping!
- Joseph is always the first to wake in the mornings as he’s usually up to start morning sermons, on the rare occasion that there is no sermon he will read a book and then make Belle and himself some breakfast.
- Surprisingly it is Joseph who wants to spice things up in the in the bedroom. With being celibate he decided it was time to try some new things and with Belle being much younger than him he feels he need to impress her and show that he’s open minded.
- Joseph cries the most at movies while Belle laughs at him, she however only cries when dogs die in movies. If Joseph catches her crying at a rom-com she will throw a cushion at him as he laughs. 
- It’s mainly Joseph who gives out massages as he wants Belle to feel loved and cared for after all she’s been through (mainly due to this family). She likes to repay this by giving him head massages from time to time.
- Belle fusses over Joseph when he’s unwell, she becomes his personal nurse by constantly checking on him, feeding him and keeping him hydrated. He doe’t mind as he’’s glad she cares but he does wish she’d calm down.
- Belle is the one who gets jealous quickly. She’s very protective of Joseph and she doesn’t want anyone to take him away from her, she feels threatened when Joseph is paying attention to anyone that isn’t her. She knows she has no reason to feel this way but she does, it’s her worst trait.
- Joseph is really into cheesy 70s & 80s music. Anything with a good beat for him to shake those snake hip of his.
- Belle has collected small stones/rocks that feel nice and smooth in her hand. She used to hunt for them with her dad before he died and it brings her comfort.
- Belle didn’t get the name ‘Trash Barbie’ for nothing. She takes FOREVER to get ready. She likes to look presentable so takes her time doing her makeup, hair and nails. That can take up to 2 hour on a good day. Thankfully when it comes to outfits she just throws whatever she can find on.
- Living with Belle is enough to drive anyone insane so it’s Joseph who is the organised and tidy person in this relationship. Belle is a walking disaster and is the messiest person but Joseph doesn’t mind keeping things tidy.
- Belle is like an excited child when it comes to the holidays. She will decorate the house, she’ll attempt baking and she makes it her mission to get everyone into the holiday spirit and get everyone together.
- Some days Joseph is the big spoon and Belle the little but it changes. 9/10 times you’ll find Belle cuddled up with her arms around Joseph, she finds that more comfortable.
- They’re both competitive but Joseph lets Belle win
- Miss Wrath starts all the arguments. Given her explosive nature its usually about small things. The longest they’ve fought over something was an hour and it ended in makeup sex.
- They have Peaches and Boomer so they are good good when it comes to pets. Belle does try and convince Joseph to let  Cheeseburger live with them but nope.
- The only tradition they have is leaving cute little notes around the house for each other to randomly find. Belle writes cute little quotes and saucy thoughts while Joseph will write love notes and short poems.
- If they watched tv together they would probably binge watch something like Game of Thrones and maybe some documentaries on Netflix.
- Another couple they would hang out with would be Nick & Kim, they’re Belles friends and she wants them to be a part of her life. They love her so they go along with it, they cant stand Joseph but they will support their friend. Kim has to elbow Nick a lot as he will mumble smart comments under his breath when he thinks no on can hear him.  
- Belle and Joseph are the really corny couple. They spend as much time together as they possibly can, holding hands and giving sly kisses. Belle helps out with his sermons occasionally which can lead to some saucy antics in the church after. The usual things they do are going for walks and talking about anything and everything, playing with each others hair, cooking for each others, couple showers & baths, reading to each other and making each other laugh.
- Belle made the first move after she joined the cult. The two of them were along in his church and she just took the chance.
- Joseph brings fresh flowers home for Belle every Sunday morning. He picks ones that remind him of her.
- Joseph is the best cook. Belle burns things and always seasons too much. That girl is a mess.
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way-to-go-lad · 3 years
Talking to you has become one of the highlights of my day 🥰
If you don’t mind me asking, when you feel the social anxiety coming on or you’re in the thick of it, how do you process through it?
What are your favorite colors?
Are you more of a sunset or sunrise kind of person?
I can attest to the friends become family thing. I met three of my best friends through the peaceful army and the connection we have is completely out of this world.
My style is black. Lots and lots of black. However, if I find a really funky statement piece, I’ll find a way to wear that. I love mixing textures and bright prints in unconventional ways. I like to think I have a very 70’s meets modern rock n roll kind of vibe with the way I dress. I have a shag haircut and I love to wear hats and jewelry. Boots are my favorite type of shoe.
We as humans simply need to love more. Josh says it best when he says “where there is love, we must live on.” If you look around you, there is love everywhere. It is so much more than what we perceive as romantics. Love is the passion we have for life. Love is the way we hug our brothers and sisters in their time of need. Love is a mother reading her child a story at night. Love is seeing the stars at night for the first time after a cloudy spell. It’s the way we feel where words aren’t enough.
Oh man!! I am passionate about a lot. Right now my biggest passions are guitar and bass; just music in general. I’ve been teaching myself guitar for the past three months and my new bass will be here any day! I’m very into vinyl records too. Any chance I get, I’ll go to pop-up record shows or hole in the wall shops to scope out more. I’m not super into sharing these particular things with the world as they’re more personal to me, but when it comes to my writing, I definitely want people to see!
Here I am catching all your love and putting it back out into the universe ❤️
Talking to you is a highlight of my day 💕, i love to read your answers to my questions!
1.I try to breathe for sure and clear my thoughts. When it's really bad then i try to contact a person that i can trust with my life ( my brother or my gf) and they usually know how to help me calm down. I'm very insecure and sometimes I feel like i bother people with my presence.
2. My favorite colors are black, red and all of the shades of blue. I looove blue
3. I'm more sunrise person. I used to get up really early, because it was the best time for me to think, everything is quiet and calm
That's so amazing that u met your best friends through peaceful army, i'm so beyond happy for you 🥺. I actually met my girlfriend through peaceful army 😊
Your style sounds amazing, i see that we share the love for black 😆
It's one of my biggest goals in life, to bring people kindness and spread the love around. I used to be very sad and lonely and my mom said something that will stay with me forever : " i know that you're hurting and i'm sorry that this happens, but what you need to understand is that giving the kindness is more important than recieving it. Imagine what you can do with it, you can move mountains and save people. And then the kindness comes back and you'll be more grateful for giving it than recieving"
I wish i had the patience to learn guitar, music is a big part of my life. I love to collect records and i need to make some progress on it. I can't wait to read your writing 😍, i'm so so freaking excited!!!!
Here are questions for u
1. If you had the chance to talk to your younger self what would you tell them?
2. What is the one accomplishment that you're the most proud of?
3. What is your favourite part of the day and your favourite season? Can u tell me why they're your fave?
Hope your day is absolutely absolutely splendid ✨
Lots of love,
xoxo Jules 💕
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