#love him ans his crimes against humanity
koreandragon · 5 months
literally insane about vincenzo being a 100% the anti hero. he's not just a naughty little man doing crimes and laughing into his palm he's genuinely heinous at times. sure he's working against the bigger evil but he soo easily could've become one of them. he's genuinely morally grey and not some toned down version of a vigilante
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SO. ON THE TOPIC OF LOSS OF AUTONOMY. i am having the analysis brainworms now i hope u dont mind me going off in ur inbox. hi :]
there is something to be said about how vash's name is used against him constantly. that loss of who he even is as a person. i think about this so much. his name, his very identity is taken away from him. just the mere mention of the name vash the stampede is enough to send an ENTIRE town into a panic. it happens so much and its DEVASTATING to me. hes been labelled a monster across the entire world, and people who stick by his side after hearing his name are few and far between. theres been so much fear tacked onto his name, so much so that OTHER outlaws have used it on multiple occasions to make themselves more powerful. using his name to commit crimes that the real vash would be horrified to even consider. power in names and all that.
vash even. leans into it himself at a certain point. in order to protect the people of augusta he runs through the city shooting bullets into the air and solidifying his image of a deranged killer in the pursuit of. saving everyone. the only way theyll listen to him is if they think hes going to kill them all. if theyre afraid of him. theres also the part in hang fire (? i think its that one) where hes walking through the halls of the sand steamer singing about killing people in order to scare the bandits into not hurting the hostages.
and then you think about. eriks. how lina and her grandma took him in and accepted them as part of his family. how the town around them accepted him only because they had no idea who he actually was. he was a good guy... up until they learned he was vash. and then we get the conversation between the two men in the bar talking about how they should chase him out of town, despite living around him and knowinf him and seeing how good he is for . two years.
but lina and her grandma still accept him after that. theyre one of the only people besides milly/meryl/wolfwood who genuinely love and care abt him despite his name. they still want to keep him safe, grandma asks wolfwood to protect him and keep him out of trouble, even after learning hes the legendary outlaw gunman. because shes seen the true vash ans doesnt let the name scare her.
aughhh im rambling now i probably should have made this into my own post but this makes me SO fuckign crazy dude . give me ur thoughts id love to hear them.
I. YEAH. YEAH. OH MY GOD. Like. nothing is his own anymore. His name is used against him, his face is plastered on wanted posters. There is nothing about himself that he can truly call his. Not even his Plant powers! Because those are used against him time and time again by Knives in EVERY ADAPTATION!!!!
Like. Vash is no longer the name of a kid who once argued with his brother and laughed with his mother and celebrated his birthday and rolled around in grassy fields. It's the name of an outlaw who will kill at the drop of a hat. It's the name of an out-of-control human natural disaster who's leveled cities. If he doesn't even have his name, then what part of himself is really himself anymore?
AND THAT'S WHY I LOVE ERIKS! He finally has something of his own! He's got a name that attached to no one, and a life where he can settle down and stay out of the public eye. He finally has something that is truly his. And no one lets him keep that except for Lina and her grandma.
This guy really has no control over his own life doesn't he!!! He's a passive character in the story of his own life!!! He has nothing of his own, no identity past "humanoid typhoon" because everything about his identity has been stripped from him and morphed into something he's not. He has no say in anything in his life, not even who he is as a person, AND IT DRIVES ME BONKERS N FUCKING YONKERS!!!!
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faust-lane · 8 months
Hi 👋
I just saw your crossover (Agent 47 x Ilsa Faust) & I absolutely love it.
What made you think of this Pairing ?
And will there be a fanfic ?
Hello! It was an role playing game I had with my friend that made me think of that. I'm not certain if there will be a fanfic, but maybe I will write something if I have progress in the game.
The plot basically is Ilsa getting into suicide mission that involves a huge conspiracy regarding government AI system that prevents crimes and The Syndicate wants to get their hands on it. She is left alone against an army of disavowed agents (just like herself) and is suddenly saved by a mysterious man that calls himself Agent 47. Someone hired him to protect her and the AI she was trusted with by the Creator. The plot itself is bound to Victoria as well as Solomon Lane and the rivalry between to AI that represent cold strategic thinking (Sol) and human morales (Machine) that were initially meant to be working together, but the government saw no use for the Machine, since it was more of a burden to them that affected the success of their operations (fuck morals, fuck humanity). (We wanted to compare Agent and Ilsa to these AI's since they both share some qualities with them. Sol would try to recruit Agent, but would fail since he is bound by a contract, and the Machine has chosen Ilsa as her asset since she was in complicated situation ans couldn't refuse, also, she has all the qualities Machine needs. We wanted to show how this strange companionship is actually is working out to be very efficient).
So, we have this strange team of Agent and Ilsa that is slowly going insane under the pressure of this situation she finds herself in, since it's all so mich bigger than her and so much is at stake. In her past, Ilsa was trying to investigate the Corporation that was creating and providing killers such as Agent, but she didn't succeed, so seeing Agent 47 in person and being a part of a contract herself is a big shock for her as well. I always wanted to play few comedic scenes with Ilsa, Agent and Victoria together as found family trying to pose as someone absolutely normal (they're undercover) but there's absolutely NOTHING normal about these three goofballs. We wanted to discover all these characters personalities and how they would act if they were brought together by complicated situation.
Also, I've never really played Hitman, but recently I bought few games and I will play it. Maybe I will get an idea and post something, but for now,all I have is my rp that is a little stuck right now since I burned out, and fanart.
Glad you liked it. It's actually a crossover of Mission Impossible, Hitman and a little bit of Person of Interest, since there's also such character as Machine, which is an AI.
Also we kept joking what Ilsa literally looks identical to Diana. Especially in MI5. Rebecca Ferguson is one of the most popular fancasts for Diana.
My friend introduced me to Hitman almost 10 years later since I played it as a teen and he showed me the depth of the character, basically, making me fall in love with Agent 47
(Yes and Michael Fassbener was in a movie with Rebecca, I think they could actually be great casting if there's another decent Hitman movie)
And I think Thomasin is great as Victoria.
Thanks for your question, I think It might've reignited my interest in this story...
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Cell Block Tango - The Dark Marauders
The seven Marauders join the Dark side willingly and with a starking fervor.
They end up in Azkaban as a result. And generations of children visit them afterwards, treated to their stories and forced to face the horrible prospect that just about anyone can be Evil if given enough reason.
TRIGGER WARNING - CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. (rape, torture, murder, sexual and physical abuse of adults and children, graphic depictions of violence and injury, etc.) READ WITH CAUTION. BE SAFE.
(The students are led into a pitch black section of the jail. Green and white lights flash as each of the Marauders sing.)
(“Hi, Minnie,” Sirius says with a smirk.
Mcgonogall looks at her former favorite students with sad eyes, holding out a shaking hand in introduction.)
And now, the seven deadly Death Eaters of Azakaban
In their rendition of! The Cell Block Tango
(The Marauders whirl into action.)
(The lights stop flashing and come up on the seven Marauders. The students rear back at the sight of seven madmen grinning against the bars of their cells.)
Sectum, Avada, Sempra, Kedavra, Imperio, Crucio, Reducto!
Sectum, Avada, Sempra, Kedavra, Imperio, Crucio, Reducto!
Sectum, Avada, Sempra, Kedavra, Imperio, Crucio, Reducto!
They had it coming!
They had it coming!
They only had themselves to blame!
If you’d have been there -
If you’d have seen it -
I betcha you would have done the same!
Sectum, Avada, Sempra, Kedavra, Imperio, Crucio, Reducto!
Sectum, Avada, Sempra, Kedavra, Imperio, Crucio, Reducto!
(Lily steps forward from the murmuring hoard. The students look up at her in fear, taking in her fiery beauty, hidden by dirt and bruises and scars. Her hair, tangled in a mad mass on her head, falls in clumps over her dusty and ragged prison gown.
She grins.)
You know how people have these little habits that get you down?
Like Harry…
Harry, my baby son with Jamesie here.
See, Harry liked to cry.
And cry, and cry, and cry…
So I come home this one day
And I’m really irritated,
And I’m looking for some peace and quiet.
And there’s Harry - lying in his crib, rolling around and whimpering.
No, not whimpering -
So, I smiled and I picked him up and I told him, I said, “You cry one more time, little one…”
And he did.
So I took my wand from my pocket
And I fired three spells…
(In the back, James lets out a mad scream: “REDUCTO!”
Lily’s grin disappears in a flash.)
At his head.
(The spotlight around Lily goes out. The lights go back to flashing as the Marauders move spastically, grinning at the children and occasionally murmuring, “Boo.”
Most of the students have gathered around Mcgonogall’s skirts by now, burying their faces in her robes.)
He had it coming!
He had it coming!
He only had himself to blame!
If you’d have been there -
If you’d have heard it -
I betcha you would have done the same!
(The spotlight comes up on James as everything else goes black. He grins, a mad twinkle in his eye as he twirls his fingers as if holding a wand.
“It’s rude to close your eyes during a performance, you know,” he says. Some of the students look up. James grins wider.
“I’d hate to think what might happen if any of you were rude.”
All of the students quickly snap their heads up, some so fast their necks crack uncomfortably.
James looks up at Mcgonogall and grins manically.
“That’s better.”)
I met Lily Evans from Little Whinging Surrey about ten years ago.
And I told her I was single.
And she slapped me across the face.
So, we started a little game of push and pull.
I’d flirt with her and bully her best friend, she’d hex me til I couldn’t walk and wink as she walked away.
You know - young love!
And then I found out -
“Only best friends,” she told me -
Best friends, my ass.
Not only were they dating -
Oh no, they were engaged.
One of those childhood sweetheart things, you know?
So that day when she walked down the hall by me,
I threw out a few lines as usual -
(From behind, Remus roars, “IMPERIO!”)
You know, some girls just don’t know the right man until they’ve fucked the wrong one!
(Mcgonogall covers her mouth with her hand. One of the students squeaks and starts to cry.
James looks up, grin gone and replaced by eyes that glint dangerously. He throws himself back into the others as the lights start to flash yet again.)
She had it coming!
She had it coming!
She chose the loser
Over the catch!
And so he used it -
And he abused it -
It was a fire
But not a match!
(From the flashing throng, Severus thrusts himself forward. The others freeze behind him as he stumbles to a stop in front of the bars, licking his teeth as he sneers and cuts his eyes across the quivering students.
“Well, well, well…” He says, and presses his filthy fingernails into his palms until they draw blood. He pulls his hands down his face, covering himself in red as Mcgonogall murmurs, “Oh Merlin,” into her hand.
He grins.)
Now, I’m standing in the classroom,
Carving up some beazors for a potion,
Minding my own business.
In storms my boss Albus in a bitchin’ rage!
He’s got the Malfoys behind him and everything, something about me fucking their son or something or other -
“You been screwing the Malfoys’ boy!” he shouts!
They were crazy!
And they kept on screaming!
“You been screwing my son!”
(From the back, Lily screeches, “SECTUMSEMPRA!”)
And then they ran into my spell.
(Severus grins, drawing a lock of filthy platinum blonde hair from his pocket and thrusting it at the students. The ones it touches scream.
Severus grins wider, wiggling his fingers.)
They ran into my spell ten times.
(The Marauders start moving again as the lights start flashing.)
If you’d have been there
If you’d have seen it
I betcha you would have done the same!
(The lights suddenly stop on Sirius. He’s still slightly shrouded in darkness, wrapped in Remus’ arms. They dance slowly, suggestively, with Sirius sniffling softly the whole time.
Mcgonogall’s expression sags at the sight.)
Depuis que j'étais jeune, j'étais différent. (Ever since I was young, I was different.)
L'accident. L'erreur. (The accident. The mistake.)
Le traître. (The traitor.)
Onze, Gryffindor. (Eleven, Gryffindor.)
(He tugs at his neck.)
Douze, fauteur de troubles. (Twelve, troublemaker.)
(He punches Severus, who spits blood and grins.)
Treize, Muggleborns. (Thirteen, Muggleborns.)
(He pulls at Lily until she wrenches away into Severus’ arms.)
Quatorze, Animagus. (Fourteen, Animagus.)
(He shifts into a dog and then back again in the blink of an eye.)
Quinze, petit ami. (Fifteen, boyfriend.)
(He kisses Remus filthily.)
Seize ans, loup-garou. (Sixteen, werewolf.)
(He drags his shirt up over his stomach, where there are countless claw marks.)
Dix-sept, Potter. (Seventeen, Potter.)
(He slaps James so hard he draws blood, who grins and slinks towards Severus.)
Merde! Merde! Merde! (Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!)
Et ils me détestaient, me détestaient, me détestaient… (And they hated me, hated me, hated me…)
J'aurais pu aussi bien être mort. (I might as well have been dead.)
Et j'étais presque - (And I nearly was -)
Douleur et torture et tourment et malédiction après coup après coup… (Pain and torture and torment and curse after kick after punch…)
Et puis l'un d'eux m'a attrapé le bras. (And then one of them grabbed my arm.)
Poussa leur baguette contre elle. (Shoved their wand against it.)
J'ai vu des serpents. (I saw snakes.)
Et puis j'ai vu du rouge. (And then I saw red.)
(From behind, Regulus screams, “AVADA KEDAVRA!”)
Rouge, rouge, rouge. (Red, red, red.)
(Sirius is nearly sobbing now, as Remus brushes a finger down his cheek. Severus sneers.)
Yeah, but did you do it?
(Sirius gasps, shaking his head frantically and bursting forward, fists by his sides and tears whirling out from his eyes.)
Not guilty!
(Sirius falls out of Remus’ arms and back into the fray. As he rises from the floor and joins the odd puppet dance the others are doing, Remus stalks forward, hips out and mouth curled up into a snarl.)
They had it coming…
(The students jerk back from the bars as Remus slams himself against them and roars, cackling loudly. When he turns back to them, his eyes are burning golden and amber.
Mcgonogall steps back, shoving the children behind her. Remus grins and lets out a feral howl.)
You see, when I was a child,
I loved walking around the woods.
I’d spend hours in there, you know -
Just wandering around, picking flowers,
You know!
Sweet, innocent, childlike things.
And then one day…
I’m wearing my favorite red jumper and skipping through the woods
And there’s this man.
He’s standing behind a tree and snarling at me,
And I’m backing away.
And I start running -
But the sun starts setting.
It goes down and down and down then suddenly -
It was dark.
And here I am, lost in the woods,
This wild man chasing me.
And I’m terrified for my life of course, and that was before he suddenly howled -
And there in his place was a huge, hulking wolf.
And I stopped.
I stopped to watch him Change.
And he fucking bit me.
Lunged and tore at my neck and my face and my chest,
And suddenly I’m bending and breaking and Changing and I’m -
Well, I’m a monster.
I was in such a state, you see, such a state.
I completely blacked out, I can't remember a thing.
(From behind, Sirius howls. Severus yowls, “CRUCIO!”
Remus grins.)
It wasn't until later,
When I was washing my parents’ blood off my hands,
I even knew who I was!
(Remus shoves hard against the bars and sends himself tumbling back into the others. Severus catches him in a dip and twirls him towards Sirius, who dips him in a filthy kiss before letting him go so they can both start dancing again.
Mcgonogall is nearly in tears. Most of the students aren’t so lucky.)
They had it coming (they had it coming)!
They had it coming (they had it coming)!
They had it coming all along!
(Remus, still in the center, snaps his head back.)
REMUS (THE MARAUDERS in parentheses)
I didn't do it (he didn't do it)
But if I'd done it (but if he’d done it)
How could you tell me that I was wrong?
(He jumps back behind the others and the lights turn them all to silhouettes.)
They had it coming (they had it coming)!
They had it coming (they had it coming)!
They had it coming all along (they took a child in their prime)!
REMUS (THE MARAUDERS in parentheses)
I didn't do it (and then they used it) -
But if I'd done it (and they abused it) -
How could you tell me that I was wrong?
(The lights suddenly all blink out. When they come back on, the others spin in pairs in set positions like statues, silhouetted in the background as Regulus blinks up into the spotlight.
Mcgonogall swallows.)
I loved Amir Levis
More than I can possibly say.
He was a real bookworm -
Sensitive, a wonderer.
But he was always trying to find out my secrets.
See, he'd stay up every night looking for me,
Me and our magical little daughter.
(An accident, let me tell you.)
And while he was looking, he found:
My wand.
My family’s letters.
My stolen Horcrux.
And my Dark Mark.
I guess you could say we separated
Because of a difference in foresight.
He saw me as a murderer coming for our daughter -
(From behind, Peter dips his head back and wails, “SECTUMSEMPRA!”)
And I saw him in the way.
(Regulus smirks and ducks back into the dark. The lights start up their flashing again, all of the Marauders tugging at each other back and forth.
Suddenly Peter is thrown forward, dirty teeth spreading in a grin.
Mcgonogall whimpers into her hand.)
I never really had a home anywhere.
Didn’t fit in, was always the outcast.
That is - until I met my Marauders.
You know them as murderers, of course.
The evil, the despicable, the unforgiveable.
The Dark Lord’s most ardent and deadly followers.
But I know them as friends. Family.
The ones who didn’t say they would kill for me,
But actually did.
(Peter grins and turns his back to the students.)
And I killed for them.
Oh, did I kill for them.
Piles and piles of bodies, scores and scores of secrets…
So much pain. So much death. So much… betrayal.
(Peter whips back around, grinning madly.)
Funny, isn’t it?
Betrayal is defined as a violation of someone’s trust.
A broken promise.
An act of the utmost disloyalty.
But I betrayed thousands for the only six people in this world I was truly loyal to.
Betrayal, betrahyal.
There’s still so much pain.
So much torture, so much torment, so much terror, and then…
(From behind, Sirius shrieks, “AVADA KEDAVRA!”
Peter’s grin twists into a snarl and he spits.)
So much death.
(A student lets out a loud cry. Peter cackles and snaps back with the other Marauders, all of them moving forward and backward and sideways in sync now. All of them have their sleeves pulled up so their Dark Marks, pledging their lives to the most vicious pureblood cause there is, are out for all to see.)
The dirty blood, blood, blood, blood, blood!
The dirty blood, blood, blood, blood, blood!
They had it coming (they had it coming)!
They had it coming (they had it coming)!
They had it coming all along!
Cause if they used us (cause if they used us) -
And they abused us (and they abused us) -
How could you tell us that we were wrong?
They had it coming (they had it coming)!
They had it coming (they had it coming)!
They only had themselves to blame (they only had themselves to blame)!
If you’d have been there (if you’d have been there) -
If you’d have seen it (if you’d have seen it) -
I betcha you would have done the same!
(The Marauders all suddenly still and disperse, slinking like snakes back into the shadows.
Their voices fade as they do.)
You cry one more time, little one…
Best friends, my ass…
Ten times…
Rouge, rouge, rouge…
Fucking bit me…
In the way…
Betrayal, betrahyal…
(The Marauders’ mad grins shine from the dark long after the hallway has emptied of terrified students. They stay there, staring, as Mcgonogall takes shaky steps towards the door.)
(Mcgonogall reaches for the knob. The door slams in her face.
She gasps in surprise. From behind her there are snickers and giggles and cackles.
“Oh won’t you stay for a little while, Minnie?” Comes Sirius’ sugary sweet voice from the shadows. She turns with a pointed finger, but there is only black darkness.
Their laughs echo off the walls.
“After all… we are your favorite students.”)
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bucoy · 3 years
ICC probe revives hope among victims’ families By: Jerome Aning, Krixia Subingsubing, Mariejo S. Ramos - @inquirerdotnet Philippine Daily Inquirer / 05:30 AM September 17, 2021
WAR ON DRUGS A police investigator inspects the body of a suspected victim of extrajudicial killing. INQUIRER FILE PHOTOAfter five years of grieving, the families of thousands of victims killed in the brutal war on drugs on Thursday were seeing a glimmer of hope that justice would be served to their loved ones after the International Criminal Court (ICC) authorized the investigation of the charges of crimes against humanity against President Duterte.Llore Pasco, who is still in grief over the deaths of her two sons, said she felt “excited and vindicated” by the ICC decision. Her sons had disappeared and the authorities later said one was killed in a drug raid and the other in a robbery, and that both had fought back against officers, the typical excuse by the police in gunning down suspects.“We’re finally going to get an answer after our loved ones were slain brutally,” she said. “In the past, we were drifting in uncertainty, but now our hopes are being rekindled.” The ICC announced on Wednesday that its Pre-Trial Chamber I (PTC) authorized the start of an investigation sought by Prosecutor Fatou Bensouda before she stepped down in June. The investigation will cover the period from November 2011 to June 2016, when Duterte served as vice mayor and later mayor of Davao City, up to March 2019, after the Philippine withdrawal from the Rome Statute, the treaty that created the ICC, took effect.‘Reasonable basis’ “The chamber concludes that there is a reasonable basis for the prosecutor to proceed with an investigation, in the sense that the crime against humanity of murder appears to have been committed, and that potential case(s) arising from such investigation appear to fall within the court’s jurisdiction,” it said. The PTC said that the antidrug campaign “cannot be seen as a legitimate law enforcement operation, and the killings neither as legitimate nor as mere excesses in an otherwise legitimate operation.” There were indications of a “widespread and systematic attack against the civilian population took place pursuant to or in furtherance of a state policy,” it said. Randy delos Santos, an uncle of 17-year-old Kian delos Santos who pleaded for his life before he was shot in the back of the head in 2017, said their family only got “token justice” when three Caloocan City policemen were convicted for the murder.“But I want the truth to come out—that Kian did not have a gun and drugs with him. If they really wanted to show justice, [the court] should have included planting of evidence in the verdict,” Delos Santos said.Laila Martisano, whose son was killed in a drug buy-bust operation on Oct. 27, 2016, said the ICC investigation is a chance for all victims of extrajudicial killings to obtain justice.“I thank God that finally, justice may be served for the merciless killing of my son. I am happy, but I could not stop crying. We’ve been waiting for this [investigation] for so long,” Martisano said.After her son was killed, the 60-year-old grandmother had to take multiple jobs so she could take care of her son’s three young children. Now she’s actively helping other families cope with their grief and seek justice.Delos Santos hopes the ICC investigation would uncover the pattern of killings and other abuses committed by the police, and open the gates to justice for many others whose cases were not given the same attention.“For me, full justice means holding into account those who are involved in the killings—from those who ordered it to those who emboldened the perpetrators and carried out the killings. No one would be brave enough to kill if they did not get a blessing from the higher-ups,” he said.Roque: Cases will sleep Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque and Chief Presidential Legal Counsel Salvador Panelo repeated Duterte’s stand not to cooperate with the investigation.Roque, at a press briefing, said the President was not bothered when he informed him about the ICC investigation.“The President has no reaction because from the very beginning, he has been saying that he would die first before he faces foreign judges,”
Roque said.He said the ICC had no jurisdiction over the Philippines because the courts in the country “are functioning.”“My prediction is that those cases [against Duterte] will just sleep due to the absence of cooperation, particularly from the police, and no evidence will really be gathered,” he added.Panelo said the ICC never had any jurisdiction over the Philippines from the start as the Rome Statute was not officially published as required of a treaty that was “penal in nature.”“The timing of this development reveals that the ICC is bent on proceeding with a case against our government officials in violation of our Constitution and in contravention with the Rome Statute that created it,” he said in a statement. “It also reveals that the ICC is being utilized as a political and propaganda apparatus by those usual suspects who will do anything to dethrone the President from his seat.”International law professor Romel Bagares said the ICC move was the first time since World War II that a Philippine situation has become a subject of a formal investigation by an international criminal legal mechanism for mass murder involving high officials.Show probable cause Under the preliminary investigation stage, the Office of the Prosecutor (OTP) now headed by former British barrister Karim Khan will have to show there is probable cause to bring the suspects to trial, Bagares said.Kristina Conti, a lawyer of the victims’ families who filed the charges in the ICC, said the OTP would have to gather evidence “that would lead to a determination of the persons most responsible” for the crimes alleged.The court hasn’t named any suspects yet. However, the PTC explicitly cited Duterte and Sen. Ronald dela Rosa, the former national police chief who spearheaded the antidrug campaign, for their public statements that incited or encouraged the killing of drug suspects.Carlos Conde, senior researcher for the New York-based Human Rights Watch, noted that others could be held liable aside from high officials.“This could very well mean that lower-ranking officials can also be indicted and arrested,” he said.Expanded scope Under ICC rules, the OTP may request the PTC to issue arrest warrants or summonses, Bagares said.For this, Conti said, Khan will have to provide a higher quantum of evidence than what Bensouda had given to the PTC.The expansion of the scope of the preliminary investigation to cover all other crimes under the drug war means they would also have to reach out to other victims of arrests, detention and torture, she said.Pasco urged the government to cooperate.“This is not even the final stage of the ICC process yet, they still have a chance to defend themselves, unlike us,” she said. “Remember we were condemned without trial, and the court is giving them a chance to explain their side.”“Let’s not prolong each other’s agony,” Pasco said.
Read more: https://newsinfo.inquirer.net/1488952/icc-probe-revives-hope-among-victims-families#ixzz76ipuD7pq Follow us: @inquirerdotnet on Twitter | inquirerdotnet on Facebook
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firstruleofmethclub · 6 years
Yes Eggboy is of course a national treasure, but if you’ve only seen the ~5sec version of the video that just shows the event itself (the most widely distributed version of it) you won’t have seen the horrific things Fraser Anning was saying immediately leading up to this, and more importantly, you won’t have seen the fact that this man in his 60s, a representative of the Australian Government, responded to the egging (an embarassing and annoying, but also completely harmless act) by repeatedly punching the person responsible, a literal teenager. He went absolutely fuckin’ ham, and only stopped hitting him because there was people between him and the kid. To that point though, the vast majority of those people were restraining the kid, which sounds fine on paper, but if you actually watch the footage, you will see that while he is restrained prone, multiple people are (or at least are attempting to) strike him, and one has him held by the throat so tightly he cannot speak and is turning purple. These were not Anning’s security, these were his psychopathic fans, that had come to hear his hate speech. These were people who had been given the okay by Neil Erikson, (who has previously been hosted at other white power rallies, and held a mock execution in public to incite hatred against Muslims... You can Google him if you want, he’s famous for a lot stuff, only most of it racist, but all of it proving he is a garbage human being) so of course they were violent white supremecists with a hardon for the prospect of torturing children. The media were the only people trying to stop him from being chocked (not very hard, but still). Seriously, if William Connolly wasn’t white, there is a massive chance he’d be dead right now. Or even if he still was white, but the media had been there to film everything, he could very well be dead. 
For those who come to defend Anning by saying that “You can’t treat elected officials like that”, I’ll remind you that Fraser Anning was never elected, he scored a whopping nineteen first preference votes in his electorate. The fact that he is in Government at all is thanks to the exploit of like, three seperate technicalities, which he took advantage of to get in as a member of One Nation, then, on his very first day on the job (where he also gave his famous “Final Solution” speech), he quit One Nation and declared himself an Independant so that the seat couldn’t be given back to the One Nation party member he took it from. So not elected at all. Also, I would put genuine money on betting that about 99% of the right wing nutjobs that are “shocked and appaled” at what happened to Anning, thought it was fuckin’ hilarious when someone chucked a sandwhich at Julia Gillard (an incident which she laughed off instead of throwing hands at the kid responsible), and yes, even when a shoe was thrown at conservative US President George W. Bush (a much more hazardous projectile than an egg), I can guaran-fuckin’-tee you, they thought that shit was gold and they’ve shared about 47 memes about it over the years. You don’t think what happened was “inappropriate” at all - so stop wasting everyone’s time and just admit that you hate brown people, and love people that talk openly about how it’s okay to kill brown people. That’s all this is.
People who hold stations like politicians and cops should be held to a higher standard than everyone else, corruption and hatemongering and bigotry should be even less acceptable when it comes from these people than when it comes from anyone else, so why are theses the people who are constantly defended for it?
If you can ignore all of that, and truly think that an egging is as heinous a crime as there can be, and that Fraser Anning is a perfect Angel who has been victimised by this yolk-wielding teenage beast, then at the very least, think about the fact that this all happened in the first place, because Anning wanted a platform to talk about how in New Zealand, the worst massacre in the country’s history just took place, and he wants to tell you, that the 50 people who were senselessly murdered by a white man with a gun, has precisely zero to do with white men, murderers, or guns, and the blame exclusively lies at the feet of the Muslim immigrants in the country. After all, if they weren’t there, they couldn’t have been shot. And that is the genius fucking logic you are throwing your weight behind. Somebody commited violent acts against Muslims, and he thinks should prove to the world “the link between Muslims and violence”. By his own logic, if someone burnt Fraser Annings house down and chopped his arm off, all this would serve to do is “prove the connection between Fraser Anning and Arson/Mayhem”. Or in this particular example “The connection between Fraser Anning and juvenile pranks”.
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dumbwaystodeviate · 6 years
Deviation had become a bit of a fashionable thing. There were various outlets that specialised in making the moment special and memorable with suitable kitschy junk sold alongside it as a memento. One such place was a theme park where rides were designed to elicit deviation through exhilaration rather than distress. It only seemed logical to Hank and Gavin that they take Connor and Nines there for their special moments.
As soon as they were through the gates, Gavin was looking at the map and pointed with a smug grin at a ride.
“This one,” he announced and nobody dared disagree.
The line to The Deviator was thankfully not too long. But it was enough for the humans to watch with horrified anticipation as the carts were pulled up a shallow incline, followed the track along the gentle curve of a u-turn and stopped just before a sheer drop that descended into a hole in the ground. Each time, the cart stopped just on the curve of the drop so the occupants could appreciate how far they were going to drop, face down.
“I hope you like heights,” Gavin grumbled as they shuffled down the line.
He and Hank shared a look just as they got in, realisation sinking in that it wasn’t just the androids who were about to live through the ride but them too. The slow trip up to the top of the track was deceptively slow and gentle, cheery music played from speakers but Gavin clutched at the harness holding him in with sweaty hands. Next to him, Hank didn’t seem to be faring any better as he mumbled curses under his breath. To make things even more unfair, either side of them Nines and Connor looked utterly nonplussed. If anything, Connor looked charmed by the whole thing.
Perhaps they shouldn’t have sat in the front row, Gavin mused as they got to the top. He closed his eyes as they approached the drop. The cart tilted and stopped, just like they’d seen it do while they waited. Seconds ticked by and nothing happened. It was taking too long, Gavin cracked his eyes open, worried that the ride had broken down and they were stuck. As soon as his eyes opened, the cart gave a sickening lurch and they were in free fall. He didn’t even have the time to take a breath to scream while next to him Hank grunted out a very heartfelt “motherfucker” that the wind whipped away. Gavin could only agree.
On jellied legs, Gavin stumbled from the ride and clutched onto Hank who seemed equally unsteady on his feet. Next to them, both Nines and Connor looked infuriatingly unruffled by the whole thing.
“That was quite pleasant, the wind speed was almost as pleasant against my sensors as your hand stroking through my hair,” Connor observed.
“It was certainly an experience, may we repeat it for further analysis?” Nines agreed.
Without waiting for an agreement, the two androids trotted off to join the line again while Gavin and Hank was forced to trot after them on shaking legs.
“I have an idea,” Gavin muttered before they caught up.
From his pocket he pulled a load of nuts, washers and bolts. Gleefully, Hank took a couple of them and stuffed them into his pocket with a wink.
They queued again, watched how most androids that came off the ride had awed, wide smiles as they took the world in around them with renewed wonder. A quiet jealousy swelled in Gavin as he watched, he wanted to see that look on Nines’ face, wanted to be looked at with that kind of open adoration. No doubt Hank wanted the same from Connor.
There wasn’t an eager anticipation in either Connor or Nines as they got it. Merely a quiet contentment and polite interest as they let the padded harnesses descend over their head which was the same air they had when entering a crime scene.
Despite knowing what to expect and knowing they’d already lived through it once, Gavin still felt a tight coldness seeping through his veins as they climbed the ascent to the still cheery music. At the top, he pried cramping fingers from their death grip on the harness and subtly reached into his pocket before turning to Nines’ seat with a frown. The cart stopped as they faced the hole in the ground.
“Hey,” Gavin nudged Nines and held his palm up as he heard Hank get Connor’s attention too. “These came out from your seat.”
Nines looked over at his palm and tried to scan the parts as the ride launched over the drop. From Hank’s other side, Gavin heard a static filled screech that lasted all the way to the bottom where the ride slowed down.
“Oh my fucking rA9! Fuck! Shit! Screw you Hank! You know where you can shove those bloody nuts and bolts!” Connor was spitting curses while Hank could barely gasp out a “no, where?” between chuckles.
Unfortunately, Nines looked as unruffled as before as he gave Gavin an unamused look.
“My processors were able to analyse the components fast enough to know they did not come from my seat. That was a very childish and dangerous prank to attempt. If you hadn’t kept your fist closed around them, they could have caused heavy injury to those behind us.”
Suitably chastised, Gavin watched as Nines approached Connor to congratulate him on his deviation. Of course, Hank had to buy a photo from the ride, Connor’s eyes and mouth wide open, hair whipping in the wind while Hank’s face was creased up in a terrified grin next to him.
Deeming that ride a failure, they explore other rides the amusement park had to offer. The Deviation Boat was an old banana boat coloured red like the walls androids had to break through. They sat in one end, Connor, Hank and Gavin whooping with their hands in the air while Nines looked nonplussed and stoic in the picture they inevitably bought.
Walking through the park, Gavin wasn’t jealous that Connor tucked himself under Hank’s arm, took delight in feeding him candyfloss while Nines merely licked experimentally at his thirium blue one, all but ignoring Gavin and his pink cloud on a stick that made a mess of his face.
The Horse Tornado (merry-go-round) was a hit with Connor as he bobbed around at a gentle speed and waved each time he passed Hank and Gavin while Nines stared at his plastic horse with a slight frown.
Ride after ride, Connor cheered and giggled with Hank while Gavin tried not to sulk as Nines looked unperturbed after everything they threw at him. It was an absolute failure and Gavin was quietly resigning himself to having a machine partner for as long as they worked together. It was okay, he could keep his feelings to himself and wouldn’t feel any resentment or bitterness towards Hank for getting Connor just the way Gavin wanted Nines. Who was he kidding? He was green with envy and barely keeping his tongue still with cutting barbs.
“I want to go on the spinning teacups,” he announced as they walked past them.
Anything to muddle his mind with nausea and dizziness rather than the thoughts running through his head. He hopped on the ride with Nines and watched Hank and Connor settle in a neighbouring cup. The ride started, Connor all but giggled as they began to gently spin. It was sickening and Gavin twisted the central plate to viciously spin them.
The faster they went, the more the thoughts flew from his mind as Gavin tried to keep them spinning and not keel over. Next to him, Nines was eerily silent and still. It wasn’t fair and Gavin turned the plate again in a sickening lurch.
“Gavin, stop,” Nines’ voice was quiet and his hands tried to reach for the spinning plate but missed.
Instantly, Gavin slowed them and as luck would have it, the ride came to an end not a moment later. They got off the ride and Nines staggered.
“My gyroscopes are malfunctioning,” Nines whined and he pressed a hand to his stomach as Gavin watched from where he leaned against the railing.
He wanted to help Nines, he really did but his legs weren’t steady enough and his vision swam. Somewhere to his side, Hank was snickering and Connor hummed with gleeful interest, obviously unwilling to help.
“I’ve got it,” Connor mumbled and Hank snickered.
“I’ll get it too.”
Whatever they were doing, Gavin ignored when he watched Nines gracelessly plop down onto the dusty ground. He stumbled over and offered a hand to Nines who stared up at him with wide eyes, like it was the first time he’d seen Gavin.
“Oh,” he whispered even as he swayed where he sat.
It took him two attempts to grab the offered hand, but rather than use it to pull himself up, he pulled Gavin closer, enough to get his other hand in his hair and pull him down for a kiss.
Around them, people clapped and whooped. Someone yelled “congratulations” but neither of them paid much attention. When Nines was done pressing his tongue in Gavin’s mouth with enthusiasm, they picked themselves off the ground and looked a little sheepish at such a public display.
Despite his gyroscopes settling, Nines took a firm hold of Gavin and offered him a warm smile along with a whisper of “is this okay?” low in his ear. In reply, Gavin wrapped his arm around Nines’ waist ans squeezed.
“Well, it’ no official photo but...” Hank held out his phone to Gavin to scroll through the series of pictures he took while Connor transferred the video he recorded to Gavin’s phone and to Nines as well. One of the pictures, Gavin made a note to print out, it was of Nines staring up at him with an open expression while Gavin himself looked down at him like a love struck fool. It was a photo that ended up on their fridge and each morning Gavin grabbed the milk, he smiled softly at the memory.
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The Tragedy of Shemihaza
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(Yes, the image quality is horrible, I’m sorry, Also, Shemihaza is masculine in what stories I could find. So I will be referring to them as a he for this bit.) 
Gather round ye, for I shall tell you the sad tale of the angel Shemihaza. It is a tale of love, of loss, and of hope’s wicked ways.  It is also the tale of the Grigori, for Shemihaza is the one who led them, and who ultimately led them thusly into torment.
Shemihaza is originally an angel featuring in Judaic lore, specifically in the Book of Enoch. (Old Testament). And his story, which I came upon last month, has been lingering with me. Hopefully, you will see why. (Hint: It has to do with the panel above). The story pans out thusly: 
Once, in an era not long before the Great Flood, God sent some two hundred angels down to earth to be humanities “keepers”. They were tasked with guarding and guiding the lost and hopeless man, for he was prone to all kinds of wickedness and was preyed on by it thusly. These two hundred angels became the Grigori, the “Guardians” of mankind. 
But the Grigori were not happy with their position, for though they were tasked with guarding and guiding mankind, they could not do so directly, and no direct contact between the beautiful Grigori angels and the equally beautiful creatures of earth was permitted. The angels were there in the case of calamity; they were not to interfere with man’s wickedness directly, as it were, rather through their presence encourage man to know what was right. (Same principle as a child behaving when parents are watching as opposed to being left to their own devices). However, they were not allowed to “relate” to mankind, meaning that they could not necessarily touch them, nor speak to them through their angelic forms, instead sending signs and such of their holy presence. 
But the Grigori were not satisfied with this. They wanted to touch man and woman alike, they wanted to relate to them, to speak with them as they were and for who they were, not for why they were sent. And so, “enchanted” by the beauty of the human realm, and of mankind themselves, the Grigori slowly began to “forget” and abandon their mission. They were tempted most by human women, specifically. And none more so than Shemihaza. 
Shemihaza, one of the leading angels, met and befriended a human woman whom he met while she was bathing in a river, ultimately falling in love with her.* He wanted, desperately, to be with her, but he could not, for their union was strictly forbidden by the nature of Heaven itself, and ultimately, by God. 
Fearful that he would be denounced (cast down, as Lucifer was), Shemihaza convinced the other angels of the Grigori to take up human wives, summoning them to a mountain (Mount Hermon, specifically) to issue the testament, as well as to get them all to vow (to their human wives). Shemihaza also vowed himself, to take the blame and shoulder the weight of any punishments should their heresy be discovered.**
Because of the amorous love that the Grigori felt for their wives and spouses, they began to spill unto them (and the men, too) celestial secrets, things such as medicine, astronomy, magic and witchcraft,  weaponry, armour making, the art of mining for precious metals, and all manner of other knowledge forbidden to man at the time. 
In time, the women that the Grigori bedded gave birth to a generation known as Nephilim, who were several times larger or stronger than their fellow men, and were known for their exceptional intelligence. Nephilim, for a time, lived in peace with their human parents and peers, for they lived by the same means as man, working and eating their food. However, they ate more food than crops at the time could produce, and as a consequence there was famine. When there was no more food to sustain their rapid growth and ravenous appetites, the Nephilim turned upon the humans in their villages, and ate them instead. Humanity tried, desperately, to defend themselves from their creation, but failed. They pleaded with God for help, for some end to the suffering of their kind. 
The Archangels (Seraphim, Cherubim, and Thrones), who were watching from the sanctity of Heaven, heard their pleas, and consorted with God to resolve the matter. 
Michael and Gabriel, the warrior angels, came down from on high to meet the war head-on, and to smite the Nephilim plague. Other angels came down too, with Rafael being the angel to seal away Asael (who would become, in christianity, Azazel) underneath the Dudael desert. Sariel, too, came down from on high to warn Noe (Judaic Noah) of the Great Flood that would be sent from God, to wipe clean the forbidden knowledge man had acquired, along with all the corruption that came with it (in the form of the Nephilim, presumably). 
Enoch, (the closest thing Judaism gets to Jesus), felt bad for the Grigori, knowing that a terrible punishment awaited them for their heresy. Taking pity upon the misguided angels, he informed them of the fate which awaited them, berating them for being led astray and warning them that they would not ever be allowed back into heaven after what they had done, but would instead be denounced (cast into Gehenna). Frightened, the Grigori pleaded with God to spare and forgive them, but they had sealed their own fates in His eyes. 
Enoch, after conversing with the angels, seen a vision of a place in which neither earth nor sky existed, but rather five endlessly burning pillars and a vast, endless void, the “Prison of the Stars”. 
Here the Grigori were cast for their crimes, bound by heavy chains by their Archangel brethren, and condemned to spend eternity wallowing in shame for their actions. Since some of the Nephilim of the war survived, and since mankind was left corrupt and “ruined” by them, God sent the Flood to finish them all off.
The Grigori could do nothing to save their wives, sons or daughters. They live with the anguish of that knowledge, and the shame of their disgraces, locked deep within the prison for the rest of time, crying for everything they loved and lost. 
NOTE: Because I am sure there are christian folk confused right now:
* Angels in Judaism have the same encampments as humanity; they have both free will, and a human-seeming range of emotions. 
** Also, I do not know the precise nature of Yaweh, the Judaic God, but from what I can tell, He is not held to the same “all perfect all the time” heraldry of the Christian God. It is certainly so, in this case, that angels are able to deceive Him.  
 Now, WHAT, you may ask, does this story have to do with Blue Exorcist? 
Why, everything of course. 
This is pure fan-conjecture, but I have a distinct sense that the Book of Enoch was an inspiration, perhaps, for the power structures in AnE. 
Looking at it Biblically, it breaks down as such:
On one hand, you have the Grigori, a benevolent order of angels who fell in love with humanity and wanted to share their knowledge with them. 
On the other, you have God and the Archangels, to whom that very thing is heresy and should not be tolerated. 
And in the middle, you have the Nephilim, who were driven by starvation (that they created) to consume the flesh of mankind. 
And making that same comparison to Blue Exorcist: 
On one side, you have the Grigori, a faction of the Vatican that have been around forever, who taught mankind how to fight demons (inside and out)
On the other, you have the Illuminati, lead by Lucifer (who, by the by, is a Seraph in his original, Biblical mythos)  whom serves the interests of Satan (who is also God) who want demonkind to rule the best of both worlds and couldn’t care less about the fate of humanity. 
And in the middle, you have the Nephilim, who are regarded badly by both sides for belonging to neither. 
Moreso, Shemihaza as she appears in B.E. talks about having forsaken her compassion  out of necessity. But what was that necessity? Was it when she was tasked with killing her own children, as I imagine she may have been, when mankind deemed them a threat? Or was it when her own brothers and sisters turned against her, against them? She seems to have a guarded expression, as though concealing her true feelings about the matter. 
And I deeply, and heartbreakingly suspect that she sincerely regrets what she has done, even if it was all done in the name of the ‘greater good’. After all, someone in her position surely has come upon thoughts about where that fine line lies, between what must be done, and what should be. 
(Also, I totally don’t own the image panel used, Kazue Katou does, I just added colour to it because it was boring). 
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tumblunni · 5 years
Today's random mood is soft thoughts about my headcanon of McKraken being Squisker's adopted nephew before things went wrong
* Squisker was the very beloved mayor of the springdale yokai realm, which i am choosing to call Springdoom until we get a canon name, yes. He was 100% a good dude and Mckraken falsely accused him of the crimes that got him imprisoned away in the infinate inferno, in an attempt at a coup to take his power and begin his anti human warfare. But also i think itd be saddest if Mckraken did genuineky care for his uncle, and he'd just become so carried away in his obsession for revenge that he started getting paranoid that all his loved ones were plotting against him. He's probably haunted every day by what he did and after his redemption the first thing he did was fight his way thru the inferno to set right what he'd done wrong!
* They first met when Squisker was just idly visiting the human world and stumbled upon a baby yokai all curled up and scared in the wreckage of a beach destroyed by an oil spill. Originally he just wanted to help the kid get to the yokai world and find a new family, but then the lil guy called him "unca" and his heart(s) were totally melted! It kinda helped give the old man a reason to live again, during a very melancholy time of his life.
* Imagine babby mckraken sleeping in the sink cos he is just a smol squiddy and does not understand fancy society yet. "But why would you have a tiny pond thats not for sitting in!" Squisker introduces him to the concept of beds and he's initially very suspicious of this strange land rock. But then he bounces up and down on it and its just like waves! Its a magical sea land hybrid!!
* Various funny circumstances of squisker being this fancy politician man and trying to introduce a feral sea child to high society. Even funnier if the rules of yokai high society are wildly different to humans, like you have to hold every single fancy fork simultaneously in your tentacles! Possibly some cute moment where the kid's innocent 'but why' questions get squisker to realize he's being all stuffy and fancy when its not really necessary, and maybe itd be fun to loosen up and enjoy himself?
* Melancholy episode where babby mckraken keeps trying to adopt fishies from the human world and bring them home to protect them. Squisker has trouble explaining that mortals cant survive for long in the underworld, which would require first explaining to this poor kid what death is and that he's dead...
* maybe possibly one of those fish does come back as a yokai decades later when mckraken is all grown up, and pledges eternal loyalty to him for the kindness he showed as a child? And thats the backstory of that one fish boat boss dude everyone forgets.
* Headcanon of maybe mckraken's signature inspiriting power is 'colourlessness' or 'nothingness'? He can drain energy out of stuff with his weird hand mouths and it turns black and white. And perhaps for maximum angst the reason Mckraken himself is colourless is because that day his paranoia overtook him and he betrayed his closest family member, he used his own powers on himself to erase his emotions enough to be able to silence those doubts...
* Alternative headcanon is just that turning colourless is somethibg that naturally happens to yokai who lose all hope. Supported mostly just by the fact whisper is a notable white yokai who isnt part of The White Yokai, and also his backstory form had more colour and that backstory was really damn tragic...
* Oh and Squisker only attacks you in the infinate inferno because he's gone mad from rage and grief and just attacks everything indiscriminately. This is actually canon to his japanese medallium entry! (Though him being a good guy before being imprisoned and him being a father figure to mckraken is all speculation)
* so imagine a post redemption mckraken teaming up with you to try and recsue his uncle from the prison he put him in, ans its super depressing when he gets to squisker's cell and sees he's so far gone theyre gonna have to fight him. And maybe some sort of scene of him shielding you from one of squisker's attacks and getting heavily wounded, to prove how he really is legit about earning his redemption?and its this moment of kindness that makes squisker recognise this is his nephew, and come back to his senses. And i can just imagine mckraken weeping because what right do i have to be forgiven? You stupid old man, youre way too naive! Sobbing and hugging him and in his eyes squisker can see the sad young child he adopted so long ago, finally free of the chains of hatred he'd destroyed himself with. And then theyd go back together to the town and of course all the citizens woukd be like HOLY SHIT SQUISKER'S BACK, WE'RE SORRY WE DIDNT BELIEVE YOU, OH GOD MCKRAKEN TRIED TO TAKE OVER THE HUMAN WORLD and they immediately wanna elect him back to his old position. But Squisker insists on letting mckraken back into the town and giving him a second chance as his chairman, as well as his nephew. Claims its just because 'oh well ive been gone so long, i need someone who knows more about modern politics'. And probably works his ass off to clear his nephew's name and convince everyone that mckraken did what he did because of his love for this city, even if it was wrong it proves that he has a good heart and you should let him have a second chance! Aaand its hard to disagree i guess when the guy most affected by mckraken's takeover is also the one arguing for his redemption! The whole time mckraken is probably grumping about trying to deny it all and being like 'no put me in the prison its what i deserve NO I DO NOT HAVE ANY REDEEMING TRAITS DAMMIT'
* anyway i just like stories about broken families trying again, even if they cant be exactly how they used to be, as long as they both want to be a famuly again then they can be something new thats equally as good.
* also cute squid dad slice of life adventures is probably the most blessed sentence in the english language
* imagine babby mckraken always hiding shyly behind squisker cos he's never met any other yokai before and he doesnt know how to make friends with the other kids. But i dunno, maybe squisker is like 'youre such a bright young child you can help the others learn to swim!' or some other case of finding something he's good at and encouraging it as a way to bond with others. Oh maybe Mckraken's cooking skills started with learning to cook with his uncle and bringing snacks to school and all the other kids would be jealous? So he just sorta ended up with a tendancy to make food for people, which stuck around even when he turned evil. Still gotta open every evil meeting with sake and sushi! Gotta nag your minions that theyre not eating enough and they need to take care of their health! Gotta spend eighty hours decorating an elaborate layer cake as stress relief from dealing with that lousy human kid. Now grab a plate and sit yer asses down, you damn layabouts! Youre gonna cherish every mouthful, god dammit!! Also he totally wears lil oven mitts on all his tentacles.
This has been a miscellaneous ramble of squid redemptions, goodnight y'all
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So I watched Crimes of Grindelwald...
 ...yesterday, opening night (in my country), after a long day, and all I got from it was confusion, a bit of anger and this water bottle:
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(and yes, I doctored the image because, just like most of the film, it has dull, dakr colours. I hate it, thanks) Full spoilers beneath because I am just pissed (I think I will think about the positives separately).
So... let’s start with the ladies. Leta Lestrange. 
I will only mention it in passing that here is another Slytherin character getting the shaft, because as much as it bothers me, this is not the point here. By my count there are three black characters named AND with speaking roles and Leta is one of them. (the other female chara is Seraphina Picquery who is gone after the first 4 minutes, the third is Leta’s half brother’s but we’ll talk about him later)
 So anyway: her background story: Leta’s mother, a beautiful black woman of high aristocratic standing was coveted, Imperioed, abducted and raped by Corvus Lestrange, Leta’s father, and I think she died while giving birth to Leta. I think this is the point where someone should have talked to JK about slavery, because if this story is raising redflags for me, a white European, it must be obvious in the US. Gosh. Going on Leta’s father remarries goes on to have another child, that child needs to be taken to America bc Yusuf Karma, Leta’s half brother, swore an unbreakable vow to kill what’s dearest to Lestrange. So now roughly 10 year old Leta is on a boat to the US with a half-elf nanny and the baby that refuses to stop crying and she trades the baby off with another baby boy on the ship (she intended to do it just for a little while) and then the ship sinks and the baby brother drowns. (Sidenote: the switched away baby is Credence). The image of the sinking baby is Leta’s boggart (good luck making that funny). In Hogwarts she was a troublemaking outcast whose only friend was Newt, and as an adult she is described as someone who nobody in the wizarding world loves. Also, she has this thing with Newt where she is totally in love with him but for some reason she is going to marry his brother? She also works at the ministry that is portrayed as one of the bad guys and oh yea, she dies at the end after a fake-out “will she join Grindelwald?” moment. She supposedly dies to protect Newt (Theseus?? I don’t know, her last words are “I love you” and she is looking at where both of them are standing together, so we shall never know).   By the way, remember the time Leta was described as a taker by Queenie? Apparently, her “being a taker” involves her thinking she doesn’t deserve to be loved by Newt because she thinks of herself as a monster. Also, apart from her backstory scenes she doesn’t do much regardless of how her backstory is kind of important for the central mystery of the film and how the final showdown takes place in the Lestrange tomb. 
 Now, next up is Nagini. Remember all the outrage caused by the sudden reveal that Voldemort’s snake used to be an Asian lady who turned into a snake against her own will? Remember how people brought up the submissive Asian woman trope in connection with that? It’s worse in the movie. After Credence and her escape from the circus where she is held she does nothing. She is just there to be Credence’s comfort blanket. She transforms into a snake twice: once in the circus and once when she is attacked but that doesn’t do much and Credence has to save her. (btw, I don’t blame her for it. If i knew that one day I won’t be able to turn back into a human I would, too, try to spend as much time as a human as possible.)  Also, two more things: she and Credence are posed as this couple and we are supposed to be feeling bad for her when Credence goes with Grindelwald to find out about his past rather than build a future with her. But their relationship is already undermined by the fact that Dumbledore says (I think it’s him) that the obscurus grows in absence of companionship and friendship and if Credence were to get it, it would disappear and in the film, Credence still turns into an funky looking angry black smoke bomb so...  REALLY hoping she gets a TON of development in subsequent movies.
 Queenie... Queenie is portrayed as a date rapist here. There is no tiptoeing around it. She enchants Jacob (presumably with a love spell that incapacitates him to the point he cannot cut his own food up) so she can whisk him away so they can get married because Jacob didn’t want to take the risk of marrying her and her being taken to prison for it. Jacob asks her when she planned on releasing him, when they were married with five kids? And Queenie has no answer for it. You know who else did something like this in the HP universe? Merope Guant, the woman who gave birth to Voldemort. Not a company you wanna be in, since it is heavily implied that it was because of the love potion she used that Voldemort became what he was. Also, can we just point out that Jacob already loved Queenie and just wanted to protect her and Queenie’s reaction to this was to take his free will and his ability to disagree away from him?   Queenie ends up joining Grindelwald to create a world where muggles can marry wizards, but Jacob calls her crazy for it and rejects her when she suggests that and she still goes! Her decision costs her the reason why she’s making that decision in the first place! What are you hoping for at this point, Queenie? Another enchantment? 
 I don’t really agree with this sudden shift in character, but oh well. Also, now apparently Queenie also has trouble with her legilimens abilities that can overwhelm her.Don’t know how I’m feeling about that, but how the fuck is a legilimens who can READ PEOPLE’S MINDS gets duped by the bad guys? 
 The other female characters I didn’t see enough of to have an opinion and TIna I mostly liked. She is finally showing bits of the badass auror she could be. Good luck competing with a ghost for Newt’s love though. She and Newt are portrayed as this “we are just getting together” couple but I always felt like Newt would ditch him if Leta wanted him back. Even though Tina is a way better fit. Liked their parallel scenes with the monkey-koi-kitten thingy. 
 Now onto the men. 
Yusuf Karma. Yusuf swore an unbreakable to kill what is dearest to Lestrange after he abducted and raped his mother which resulted in his father going insane. He assumes that most precious son is Credence so he is just going after him and at more than one points he says something along the lines of  “I have to do it, it’s either him or me”. This is not even the proper avenger philosophy because it is literally true, because if he doesn’t kill him the vow will kill Yusuf. Ofc, since a large part of the story is about sympathizing with Credence and wanting to save him Yusuf is portrayed as a villain for a lot of the time.  Also, while I’m throwing stones, isn’t Yusuf’s mother the “woman in the fridge” trope? Put there to create angst for a male character? She isn’t even the one Leta is angsting over. It is literally just Yusuf (and his dad who is never shown). 
 Sidenote: Grindelwald has an Asian henchmen, who is so unimportant that I had to look up his name on Imdb (it’s Krall nolastname) who is the only one of Grindelwald’s followers who dies in the fire (fiendfire??) Grindelwald uses to test the loyalty of his followers. It was foreshadowed but I still don’t get how he betrayed Grindelwald because he wasn’t even on screen long enough to do so. It’s almost like he was only put there to die. BTW, I don’t even think there were any more notable Asian characters apart from him and Nagini. Good representation there JK.
 The other male characters I didn’t have much of a problem with. Newt I liked, Jacob was okay but was better in the first film, Theseus was an asshole but the Leta angst worked and I came to like-pity him a bit, Credence I felt for...  Surprisingly even Grindelwald worked. Even though he always looked like he was just about to fuck whoever he was talking to. I don’t know how I feel about Johnny Depp in the role, but at least it looked like he put in some work. 
 And now the plot.
So many fucking fake-outs. The whole plot is a fucking fake-out. So according to the plot Grindelwald is looking for Credence in Paris and Credence is looking for his birth parents and his true past. And there is this whole confusion because the half-elf servant of the Lestranges’ is the one who signed his adoption papers, and for a while it is thought that Credence is the lost Lestrange baby and Yusuf thus wants to kill him, but then Leta’s backstory is told and it turns out that this whole treasure hunt leading us on was pointless because it turns out that Credence is not a Lestrange and Leta has no idea who he is. At which point Grindelwald offers tot ell Credence who he is and Credence goes with him and BAMM, you’re Aurelius Dumbledore, Credence, Albus is your brother and wants you dead.  HOW???!!! So I read up some theories here but here is the thing, none of the theories that were born so far manage to help this shit make sense. Like, okay, let’s see the flimsy proof for it: Albus Dumbledore says that when in dire need a phoenix will come to a Dumbledore ans Credence finds a little bird and at the end of the film that baby bird turns into a full fledged phoenix. Cool.   But also, this scene ties Credence thematically to Newt, who also was shown nursing a baby bird (although a raven, which is the Lestrange emblem, so please @me any crazy theories about how that foreshadows that Credence is a Lestrange and how Newt will save him or how Credence is a Scamander or even ship things. all three would make more sense than Aurelius Dumbledore does)  So, the first reaction from people seems to be “Grindelwald is lying to get Credence to go after Dumbledore” because we know that he thinks that Credence is the only one who could kill Dumbledore. I am leaning towards this but at the same time I REALLY hope it’s not true. Why? Because then this whole fucking movie is pointless. Credence’s arc throughout the series would just be this shit: Credence you are an unimportant squib, no actually you are a powerful obscurus, no actually you are the lost Lestrange baby, well actually you are Aurelius Dumbledore and then presumably, actually I lied I have no idea who you are, probably just a nobody who just happened to be strong.   I can totally see it go this way, I feel like it will go this way, but can we just lay off the clichés please? Anyway, prime points supporting this conclusion apart from logic is: Grindelwald was looking for a much younger obscurus than Credence, a.k.a. he could not have been looking for a lost Dumbledore, Grindelwald knew about the Dumbledore family legend as well so he could have faked the phoenix (??), thematically this whole “your past is not as important as your future and it does not defy you” theme would play into this. 
 Now there are of course other theories, like “he truly is a Lestrange and the elf-lady had to die to hide that fact and the records were manipulated” but so were Leta’s memories then? Also, the elf-lady had to die so Credence would have no choice but to walk into Grindelwald’s trap for answers.   My favourite one has to be “Credence has Ariana’s obscurus in him” simply because of the how? That goes against HP canon, that goes against obscurus lore and that goes against Fantastic Beasts timeline. So... yea, I hope it is true, because at least that would be interesting. If we gonna go crazy go full crazy.
 Last but not least there were a few elements that mildly annoyed me. Like Yusuf having a weird eye parasite, which I read as a fake-out as to why he needed to kill Credence, but which went nowhere. The “Newt has an assistant at home who is in love with him went nowhere. And the best of all, Grindelwald is going to be brought down because a fucking niffler stole his fucking jewelry that binds him and Dumbledore to not fight each other. What the fuck is up with that. 
 Also, I just remembered it, which is a shame, but Grindelwald was campaigning for a wizard take-over by showing the future a.k.a. World War II to his followers, including the atom bomb, and saying this is what will happen if the muggles are allowed to rule themselves. CAN JK ROWLING PLEASE NOT LEAN INTO THE WORLD WAR II AND NAZI REFERENCES FOR ONCE??? Just once, look at the real world parallels JK and walk away! Fuck. 
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writemarcus · 7 years
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AT-DOOR: $18 ADVANCED SALE: $15 Four programs of 6-8 shows..... 10-20 minutes each.... Ranging from comedies to dramas to alternative...... The Act One: One Act Festival 2018 is a self-producing competition-style one-act play festival. The audience will vote for each show they see, and thetop-scorers will have a place in the Finals: February 3rd @ 7pmPLEASE NOTE: ~Information and order of shows is subject to change. ~Please be forewarned: Some subject matter may be offensive or triggering.
Program 1 Jan 11 @ 7pm Jan 14 @ 5:30pm Jan 19 @ 7pm Jan 21 @ 8pm Jan 27 @ 7pm Jan 30 @ 7pm
Let's Hear It For Queens by Mark Lord (20 minutes) Musical   Book, Lyrics, Direction by: Mark Lord   Music and Musical Direction by: Joe Ferrante   Joseph Riley - Antiquous   Jim Haines - Poet   Dan Segredo - Linguist #1   Kent Williams - Linguist #2   Caroline Purr - Storyteller #1   Regina Fischedick - Storyteller #2   Erin Clancy Balsamo - Storyteller #3A condensed version of an original full-length musical in tribute to the borough of Queens. Featuring original songs, poetry and rap.Saint Fancy by Stephen Bracco  (12 minutes) Dramatic Comedy   Directed by: Stephen Bracco   Spencer Wolfe - Dr. Joey   Kitty Ostapowicz - Fancy It's trust-fund alcoholic Fancy's birthday; today, like every year, her birthday wish comes true. Last year, she turned her therapist into a liver; this year, he's fighting for his humanity, and hers.   Help Me Get Over You by Rollin Jewett (10 minutes) Comedy   Directed by: Joseph Sexton   Chris Ostrowski - John   Marcy Agreen * - Phyllis A man who broke up with a lady enlists her to help him get over her.   Personnel Best by Pete Holmberg (20 minutes) Drama   Produced by: Roust Theatre Company   Directed by: Jenny Tibbels   Stage Manager: Stephanie Hollander   Charlie Gorrilla - Luddy   Khris Lewin * - Kyle   Jonny Maldonado - David In the wake of Harvey Weinstein and the birth of the #metoo movement, three male partners in a successful PR firm convene behind closed doors to discuss a pivotal hiring decision. FACEBOOK (for Roust Theatre Co.) The King-Anning by Veronica Cooper (10 minutes) Comedy   Directed by: Emily Lyon   Jennifer Teska * - Mary Anning   Mateo Moreno - The King of Saxony   Aaron Kheifets - Carl Gustav Carus A comedic account loosely based on the very real meeting of world renowned English paleontologist Mary Anning and the King of Saxony, a natural history enthusiast. Set in 1844. Program 2 Jan 13 @ 7pm Jan 17 @ 7pm Jan 21 @ 3pm Jan 25 @ 7pm Jan 28 @ 5:30pm Feb 1 @ 7pm A Girl Smiles in the Arctic by Cambria Denim (18 minutes) Dramatic Comedy   Directed by: Madelyn Shaffer   Nayem Cardenas-Lopez - Nirliq   Andrew Griffin - Justin Bieber   Braiden Wells - Alan International pop sensation Justin Bieber and Siberian Inuit hunter Nirliq meet in their conjoined dreams every night. What happens when a depressive, childlike Englishman appears in their dreamscape? Hunt by Wil Hart (19 minutes) Comedy Directed by: Sophia Grasso Sarah DiRenno - McKenzie Katie Lugo - Miranda Dymon Davis - Megan In search of closure after her father's death, Mckenzie returns to the hunting shack where she spent time with him as a kid. Her two best friends tag along, not realizing what they're in for. Don by Kyle Smith (9 minutes) Comedy Directed by: Kyle Smith Mike Toperzer - Keith   Armand Lane - Don Don reflects on the choices he made to get where he is, as Keith struggles to get Don out of the rain. Clean-Shaven by Justin Schwartz (15 minutes) Comedy Directed by: Justin Schwartz Ruthy Froch - Lucy Jackson Knight Pierce - James All is well as long as James heeds to Lucy's one request: to shave himself before they have sex. Until the one time he forgets to do so. A Match Remade In Heaven by Amanda Terman (19 minutes) Drama Directed by: Jak Prince Harris King - Anna Crystal Ramirez - God Eric Parness - Brian A husband and wife reunite in heaven, but their relationship is complicated by unexpected news. Maryanne by David Lewison (10 minutes) Comedy Directed by: Barbara McGlamery Mimi Fischer - Maryanne Alexander Rybitski - Voice In the near future, a lonely old woman has a household computer to watch over her every need. But what will she do when her computer falls in love…with her? The Wonderful World of Science by Steve Gold (15 minutes) (NOT PERFORMING JAN 13 @ 7PM) Drama Directed by: Laurence C. Schwartz Jamie Lee Kearns - Dr. Lindstrom Emily Cordes - The Woman A drama about a molecular biologist researching HIV who receives a visit from a mysterious woman during the early days of the epidemic. Program 3 Jan 14 @ 3pm Jan 18 @ 7pm Jan 21 @ 5:30pm Jan 26 @ 7pm Jan 28 @ 8pm Feb 2 @ 7pm Supreme Solution by Tom Block (11 minutes) Directed by: Tom Block Jacob Horn - Timothy Patrick Leonard - Ernest Lisa Yapp - June At the end of her life, June murders the Supreme Court Head Justice. But power is more deeply entrenched than she believes, and her plan only succeeds in making her a murderer. Two Super-Heroes Walk Into a Bar by Bryan Leys (15 minutes) Dramatic Comedy Directed by: Brian Leys Ian Potter - Mike Dombrowski/ Major Hero Kenneth King - Sal Patrillo/ Kid Vicious A horrific crime has taken place in Cincinnati. Two working class superheroes hold a secret meeting to plot vengeance against the villain responsible. Justice and beer will be served.
Double Rainbow by Marcus Scott (20 minutes) Comedy Directed by: Justin Schwartz Lindsay Fabes - Lea Anthony Franqui - Stuart Mark Andrew Garner * - Michael Lea and Michael, two far-left democratic LGBT rights activists, are under arrest and facing criminal charges. The charge: Assault and Battery.
The Trapped Language of Love by Ronan Colfer (18 minutes)Comedy Produced by: Ronan Colfer and Alexandra Bigourdan
Directed by: Rebeca Castilho
Ronan Colfer - HE
Alexandra Bigourdan - SHE
A man and a woman fall madly in love with each other at first sight, but are then trapped by the emptiness of their everyday language.
Journey to Wellness by Larry Rinkel (16 minutes)
Directed by: Leslie Anne Weishaar
Gail Merzer Behrens * - "The Woman" (Sophia Czernowski)
Jordan Ausländer * - "The Man" (Russell Garbowski)
An elderly man and woman, both recovering from serious injuries, find an unexpected connection when the man realizes he knew the woman’s recently deceased husband.
The Hawthorne Book by Lora Danley (10 minutes)
  Directed by: Lora Danley
  Olan Montgomery - Stan
  Richard Alwyn - Joe
Joe, a struggling writer and deeply in debt, once again turns to his older brother Stan for help by asking him to part with his most treasured possession. This time, however, Stan has had enough.
  * Member of Actors Equity Association
For more information about the plays, voting rules, prizes and more. You can
click here
or click on the buy ticket link (located below the image).
The Secret Theatre 44-02 23rd St. Long Island City, NY 11101 E, M, G or 7 train to Courthouse SQ/23rd St. ONLY ONE SUBWAY STOP FROM MANHATTAN
For tickets, click HERE.
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jeweledfaith · 7 years
“Close to the Edge” Arno x German Female Reader
Note: The following short story contains a suicidal attempt. Viewer Digression is advised.
Rated: M-17, For the heavy suicidal scene
Animus Files: #24109266 
Journal entry by an unidentified female writer
Location: Versailles, France
September 12, 14, 17th, 1794
My hands are trembling. Trembling like autumn leaves feeling the presence of the warnings of winter approaching. It has been a long time since I wrote in this journal. It has seemed to be a great source of peace and comfort during this dark time. That I mean escaping from the Fatherland’s templar rite. They’d threatened to kill me, just because my ideals had been reformed. They see me as another Cormac. A Verräter, I can’t necessary blame them for thinking my ideals are not the kind that they’d expected out of me. I was raised among the rite, since I was the daughter of a fallen templar soldier. I was a fast learner, even though my english and french needs work. I seemed more fluent in Französisch, despite me sometimes breaking back to my fatherland roots.
But now, after the loss of the one I love, and my life threatened, I escaped, and rode hard aiming for Switzerland. But alas, France’s roads had proved to be dangerous due to the developing revelation that seems to be a song that never ends. Like a  Kinder-Kinderreim (child’s nursery rhyme). Theives could appear, and the borders of Switzerland and France I suspected and now heavily guarded.
A cold breeze went through me like a dagger as I rode my horse in the city of Versailles. It seemed like the city had seen better days. Even skeleton bones seem to have a Schönheit (beauty) to it. As the rain began to send icy darts upon my horse and I, I shielded my eyes to see a rather decent manner. I steered the horse pass the opened gate and into the barn. After feeding it with the stables surprisingly conditioned hay, rubbed it, and watered it in the mangers. I tightened my hood around my rose cheeks and cantered into the manor. 
The windows were barred from the inside. Blankets and sheets covered most of the furniture and pieces of Kunst (art). I was drawn to the fireplace, hoping to see wood near by. There was wood that seemed to have once been lite up, yet cold as ever. I gathered the wood, and as I lend down, a piece of twig caught the edge of a sheet covering a painting. The waiting reflected that of a beautiful Frau (woman). Her hair reminded me of Feuer (fire). And a smile I know I could trust as an ally with a sign of intelligence and assurance. As I looked back down, I noticed that a few empty glass bottles were littering the tops of the fireplace. I was unexpectedly turning around to see more bottles littered around the corners of the room. Suddenly, the sound of a clanging of empty bottles echoed from what I assumed was the second floor. Checking my belt for my dagger, I slowly walked up the dusty staircases.
As I made it to the top base of the stairs, I noticed a candlelight reflecting on the floor. I turned and followed it into a dark room with only a lone candle burning. As I entered, I noticed a figure sitting on the windowsill. His face seemed to be stained with tears and great sorrow. As I quickly analyze him from a hidden distance, I noticed that he had long dark hair that was tied back. He wasn’t husky like most assassins I had the misfortune of fighting against, still he had a fairness to him; yet strong. Like a fencer or swordsman of the courts. He had a long scar upon his cheek.
Oh shirr. I neglected to say that I discovered he was an assassin in the most unexpected way. He had his hidden blade extended out from his arm. He looked down upon it, like bringing in a servitude of a dream. He inched it up, and suddenly I slowly approached him as I realized that the blades tip was dangerously close to his neck. The tip stopped mere inches, but enough to peck this man’s road apple. Little beads of blood started to rise.  
“Don’t...do it!” I cautioned the man in my broken language barrier. My hand was lifted in caution, though I was a few yards away.
“Leave me be! I don’t need anyone else to further convince me.” The man demanded quietly, never looking at me. “Now!”
My mind was racing, yet cautious. “I’m not sure what you mean Herr (sir).” I attempted again in a calm deminer. I step closer and closer. “If you were so sure on ending your life without...well...you would of done it by now.”
“This doesn’t concern you...”
“Ich kann nicht, ich bin jetzt beteiligt (I can’t, I’m involved now).” I said in my native german.  
“So now the assassins are sending german foreigners now?” The man said in a dry voice that seemed to be mocking himself. Obviously the bottles of wine had an impact in his thinking.
I then took a chair closest to me, sat down and removed my pistol. “Nein. I’m neither assassin, nor a templar. Even though once upon a time I was.”
“You’re with the templars?” He asked, finally looking at me, but his blade was still upon the neck, the river of red slowly trailed down to his white tunic.
“Was.” I corrected him. “I was a templar. Now...I’m running from the very rite that raised me. Because I renounced my oath to the templars.”
“Why are you here...” 
“Oh now your asking me the questions. Since I so briefly gave you my soul for keeping your hand for extending, your life can spare another minute explaining why.” It was a huge gamble on my part, but something about my mentioning of the templars seemed to aid in the prolonging I dared hoped for. “From what I see here, you have an assassin’s blade, yet you’re stripped of your robes. Did you also renounce...”
“I was ostracized Mademoiselle. Exiled. Forced out by those who promised me answers and peace.”
I knew I needed to keep him talking. So I brushed up my french in my head, “ Quel était votre crime monsieur (what was your crime sir)...”
There was a prolong silence. Was hat er in Christus Namen getrunken? I thought. I decided that if he was going to act like that, I may as well give him my name. He looked to the window rail again without a word. I huffed and expressed my concerned hybrid with frustration. “You know, at this point, the other half of the party gives their name too.”
He blinked in thought. “Arno. Arno Victor Dorian.”
“Arno. A german name, yet breed french. Any of your parents born Deutsche (German)?”
Arno shook his head, the blade’s edge traced a half inch from his neck. “My mother was from Austria.”
I nodded. “Right, I should of noticed the Austrian traits. Still, close to German to me.”
“What dose it matter what nationalism we belong to based on our breed?”
“What is in a nationality?” I asked dryly. “We are both born under the line of Noah anyways. Survivors of the große Flut (great flood). And now, I know the world isn’t made of turkish delights and chocolates; but surely there is a brighter future.”
“Why are you saying this? What do you know?”  His voice trembled, his hand shaking. “What do you know of nationalities, sides, ideals...” he pause for a moment, blinking misty eyes. “Of loss...and regret...and...”
“Love?” Even I surprised that I said the word. He turned and stared at distant; yet surprised face upon me. “Of loss and love. You may not think I understand what you’re going through, but Von Gott I know the syndromes of a human being who lost the person they love in the force of life’s tragedy of fate. Just as you’ve figured out a way to live glücklich bis ans Lebensende (happily ever after), the ideals of a single templar rite lead the men who raised you to kill the man you love.” A tear strayed down my eye unexpectedly. Yet I never reached my hand up to wipe the tear away from my sweat and dirty stained face. I took a breath. “You thought a long time of just jumping onto a street waiting for a incoming wagon to run you over. But yet, after taking time, healing, and analyzing those responsible for...for the suffering. You can renounce from the foundation of corruption and Arroganz and stolen documents in order to be sure that no one would ever know the templars weaknesses. And just as you get closer to Switzerland, a forsaken revelation that was the result of poor decisions and spilt blood of thousands littered the streets. And now, here you’d stand, staring upon a man who is close to the edge of Der Weg eines Feiglings.”
He looked. He listened. He analyzed the words I said in his head. I was amazed on how I must of sounded like Father Hans from my home perish. I wondered if his influence did gave me strength, despite no longer being a member of the rite like myself. But thats a tale for another day.
The man. Arno. He shook his head. “Merde. Your just telling a fable just to distract me.”
“A distraction? Yah. A folk tale? No.”
“Then tell me your “assassin lover’s name” in french.” He demanded. “And if it is true, say the creed’s code in my tongue if you know it.”
I saw what card he was playing, his face expressed an emotion of a way to make a bargain with death and me. But I know how to get him to talk while I thought of the translations in my head. “Fine. But first, you must give the rites code to me in german. If you get it right, I’ll give you mine at once.”  Now any man would think its a prolonged nonsense; but in honest truth, a desperate man’s mind is always clouded from judgment. 
“qui” He nodded. He thought of the words, “Möge der Vater des Verständnisses uns führen” He then said “Elise”
“rien n'est vrai tout est permis. Matthew”
We both looked at each other, both seeing that we both understood both sides of the fence. He never realized that I was closer to him, enough to slowly reach up my hand, grabbed his wrist and slowly pulled it away, feeling the hot sticky blood on top of my fingers from his pricked neck. I placed the blade at the base of my neck. “If anyone is to blame for your loves death...it’s me. I know she maybe a templar, that due to the jeweled cross you clutch on for dear life. But if you want someone to die, better me, and not yourself Arno. Elise wouldn’t want that, wouldn’t she?”
The man looked deep into my eyes, and hearing the drop of the metal cross onto the marble floor, he took my other hand and he removed his blade away from my neck. He withdrew his blade back and shook his head, “No miss...I’m sure Matthew wanted you to have a brighter future, and continue his mission upon these documents.” We both stared, and in exhaustion, he collapsed into my arms. I bent down and allowed tears to stream down my shoulder, while I silently cried myself. 
Thanking God for saving a man’s soul for once in my lifetime. No longer was I a templar, but a woman who only came in a forsaken city in a forsaken country to save a lost soul. And somehow, I know that I have a new mission here in France. A chance to heal. For both of us. 
And now, it’s late, and tomorrow, Arno and I will seek the assassins. A praise I never thought I would see myself writing here. But paper is more quiet then mouths. 
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srbachchan · 8 years
DAY 3267(i)
Jalsa, Mumbai                     Mar 8/9,  2017                   Wed/Thu 2:22 am
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Amitji, Sarkaar 3 is your first release of 2017. What makes  Subhash  Nagre so powerful as  to be the only character of yours to be seen in three films?
Gosh .. !! I had not realised this, but thank you for bringing it up.
Where there is continuity, there shall be desire to revert.You succeed in one vocation, you continue with it. Your team construct wins a series, a game, you continue with it. You build a happy association, you nurture and harvest it again. SARKAR 1 was a success, but I doubt very much whether SARKAR 2 was prompted keeping the success factor in mind. It was done more for the continuation of the story, from where it was left off in 1.
The character, the circumstance and the environ of the story of SARKAR has been alluring. It has begged desire to revert and to continue. It’s like those bed time stories that your Mother narrated when putting you to bed to sleep ; they all started with ‘ek tha  Raja, ek thi  Rani ..’ , and then invariably they would doze off and we the young were wide eyed and anxiously questioning ..'phir … phir kya hua ..?’ . SARKAR’s narration has invoked similar questioning at the end of each sequel. SARKAR 3 therefore is a natural revert to that childlike question, at the end of the previous film.
BUT .. in my very limited opinion SARKAR is not just another name .. ‘SARKAR ek soch hai' , it is a condition, a reality, a state, an order. A condition state and order, that exists in every home. SARKAR is authority, governance, politics, not just in its much renowned truest self, but one that reflects its meaning in every day life, more so in a domestic application.
Each individual is a human. He or she may have the benefit of power through political process, in a country, but these individuals have a domestic life as well. And this is what has intrigued me ; does individual domestic circumstance influence in any manner, decisions that are taken by such individuals for State, Country and Governance ? Decisions, that could affect a billion people and their lives ?!
There is a SARKAR in every home - one that guides, takes decisions, masters and commands either servility or compassion. Who rides favour with the Master, who questions, who poisons their countenance to what end, are some of the several obligations that these heads face each moment. What goes on within the closed walls and drawn curtains and for what reason, is complex and many a time unknown to the outside world. Its a politics of a different kind, often referred to as ‘Palace Politics’. Derived presumably from the era of Kings and courts and Emperors with their inner coteries and subsequent intrigues, today, every home is a ‘palace’ and every home has its ‘politics’, the nature of which is guided and abetted by the ‘politics’ it conducts !    
There is a Subhash Nagre in every home and that is why he becomes such a versatile, vulnerable yet respected and an acceptable character. Subhash Nagre is powerful not just by the presence of his conduct, to behave in a manner that he believes is right - ‘mujhe jo sahi lagta hai main karta hoon’ -  but because he commands a system that has existed from time immemorial. The power of that depiction is dynamic and most attractive and loved. Negativity sells, but when you make it credible and right, it endears even more. It’s tough to pull something such as this in film and story .. but RGV and his conviction of the character, has succeeded in doing so. Which is why it attracts continuity .. and my convinced association !
Having played the character twice before, how easy was it for you to recapture inner life of this politician-gangster?
I have reservations about the way you express the character - ‘politician-gangster’ - of SN in this particular question. I hope I am wrong, but to me it breathes, vicious negativity !
Politics compels you to take a stand, a stand that attracts disagreement and debate. Not all are expected to toe your thought  or vision, but those that do become your ‘party’ of part of your ‘gang’. In normal terms ‘gangster’ invites crime, terror and all that is violent and against social and moral norms. But would you address all such ‘gang’ partners, or what you notify as a ‘gangster’, to only be defying moral and social norms. The British Raj identified freedom fighters as 'violent gangsters’ and hung them. Daku Man Singh and Veerappan were revered by the locals they served and looked after. Their means may have been wrong, but to them their act was right and for their own reasons - legal constitutionality not withstanding. Once that is understood, the act of performing is eased out by the concept devised by the director and the writer. My professional conviction is guided and operated by the Director and in turn the Writer. They have already ‘recaptured' it in their initial discussions. I merely attempt to enumerate their final discussion and design it on film.
Ram Gopal Varma is a very  strange filmmaker , if for no other reason then the inconsistency of his output. Having done so many films with him. how would you  describe your working relationship with this director?
You are so right - inconsistency is indeed ’strange’.
It is ‘strange' because consistency is downright boring and static - for some. Not all, but for some. If one were to ‘consistently’ wear black, how would they ever discover the presence or the beauty of an alternative colour. Whether they like that range of difference is another matter, but deprived of it would be, to them, discomforting.
RGV is inconsistent because he is a restless creative mind, willing and deliberating continuously, to search valuable seed through his ‘outputs’. To have made me a part of that desire is a privilege for me. It challenged me, provoked me - a condition, I am absolutely convinced, every creative artist pleads for.
RGV’s ‘inconsistency' may not have given him the desired results he expected, but which artist, maker, producer, director has been able to achieve consistent box office success. Has that stopped us from admiring and applauding their efforts.
Every ‘inconsistent' offer that RGV included me in, found me striving to live upto his vision. They have all been exercises of great learning. Positive learning.
Stanley Kubrik, "cited as one of the most influential Directors in cinematic history” has had the most diverse and ‘inconsistent' temperament in his choice of films. From the iconic and revolutionary ‘2001 Space Odyssey’ made in the 60’s, to a period film, to ’The Shining’, ‘Clockwork Orange’ ‘Dr Strangelove’ is the genius of an inconsistent Director. Inconsistency has ridden with the more recent creators too. Spielberg  shifted from an extra terrestrial experience to the Holocaust. Would you call that inconsistency questionable ??!
Yes .. ‘inconsistency' is 'strange’  !!
Ramu has gone on record to say he regrets doing all the films he has done with you except the Sarkaar franchise.  Your comments please?
This defeats the argument of the previous response. He is wrong. I wouldn’t mind being part of his further regrets !
Abhishek was with you in the first two Sarkaar films. Did you miss his presence in the third film?
This is an obscure question ! Abhishek’s character dies in SARKAR 2 ! How can he be present in SARKAR 3 !! SARKAR structures have differing circumstances and stories around it, but the family is the same ..
Amitji, you continue be exemplary for the Indian  mindset with your conduct and your statements. You recently said your wealth would be divided equally between your son and daughter. What prompted you come forward with this  exceptional declaration?
No I am not exemplary with my conduct and mindset when I declare the gender equality for my children. It is a natural belief of mine. I express it because if my face and voice can sell cement, I hope it can cement this social and moral belief of mine, among my countrymen !
Do you feel that the gender inequality that plagues our social order can  only be repaired by a patriarchal willingness to right the wrongs that cause the inequality?
This question, questions the very tenet of gender equality. Please do not even journalistically attempt to suggest that gender equality can only be repaired by a patriarchal willingness. It should be willingly repaired and accepted if it is propagated , matriarch-ally too !!
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Amitabh Bachchan
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A/N: Yet another supernatural Imagine that just came to me out of complete boredom XD Happy Valentines day to my American friends!
Pairings: Dean x reader
Summary: Y/N has been hunting with the boys ever since she met Sam after the death of her friend Jess. However over the years, while Sam looked at her like a best friend, Dean developed more romantic feelings towards her.  Now those feelings come to light, although not in the way he anticipated
Warnings: Some foul language
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It was supposed to be easy. It was supposed to a simple salt and burn and be home in time for Game of thrones. That was the plan after all.
Thats how it was supposed to go. However, the witch had other plans for you and the Winchester brothers
You, Sam and Dean had been washing the Impala when a Hunter friend of yours named Celine called and told you about a potential case just 20 miles from the Bunker. It sounded like just the type of hunt you three needed after Dean almost lost all of his memmories. So you three jumped into the Impala and headed to Burr Oak, Kansas, a small town just north east of Lebanon.
Upon arrival, Sam, Dean and you went to investigate a murder of a young man, who was found locked in his home and by himself. And yet there he layed, dead as a doornail. There was blood oozing from his ears, eyes and nose and the blood vessels in his eyes seemed to have popped. Acording to the officers, this was the 4th death on that street.
“What are we thinking?” Sam asked. 
“Well judgeing by the EMF that I’m picking up, we apear to be looking at a ghost. Probably a vengful spirit.” You informed the Winchesters, showing them the EMF reader.
So you three went back to the shabby motel room and started looking through the archives. About 4 hours of searching later, Dean had come accross a story about a woman who was murdered by her husband back in 1968. 
The story went that he hussband had poinsoned her with a poison known only as “The Strangler”. Looking at the police photos, the woman’s body looked exactly like all 4 of the victims bodies that had been found in that past week. Feeling certain you had found what you were looking for, Dean, Sam and you headed to the womans grave to put her at rest once and for all.
If only it had been that simple.
After having torched the corpse of the woman whose name was Irene, the boys and you had decided it was time for a celebration. It was officially the quickest case you three had solved. So you two hit the nearest bar and started to drink and kick back and relax. 
Things were going awesome. You three were finally haveing a good time without any cares or worries. Even if it was temporary, it was enough. 
That was until the guy next to began leaking blood out of his ears, nose and eyes.
He began to stumble to the ground and, were it not for Sam’s quick reflexes, he would have made it there. You all three looked at eachother and quickly realized one small fact.
You three had fucked up.
The guy died in Sams arms after appearing to choke on his own blood. The polie and medical examiners arived minuetes later. You three gave your wittness acounts and then waited on the coroners to finish their look over.
“Ok, but if it wasn’t a vengful spirit then what is it?” Dean asked. “Any ideas? Y/N? Sam?”
“I don’t know,” Sam asked. You three were standing out side the bar, watching as the two coroners surveyed the body. You watched intently as one of them reached into the victims mouth and pulled out something small and covered in blood and saliva. The coroner walked over to you and held it out in front of you.
“This was found in the victims throut.” He said. You snatched from him and ordered him to leave. 
“Is that-” Sam began.
“A hex bag?” Dean finished.
You nodded solomly. “Guys, we aren’t dealing with a spirit,” You said. “We are dealing with a witch.”
The witch itself was easy to find. You three had returned to the bunker and With the help of Sam’s hacking skills and your observation skills, you had found out that the witch had to be somewhere within the bar that the latest victim had died at.  
“Every victim who died was last seen at that bar,” You said. “Our witch has to be there.”
“While yes I agree with you, Y/N,” Sam began, “ It doesn’t explain how the witch gets the hex bags in the people, nor why the EMF went off so rapdinly.”
“Easy,” You replied. “ I have read that powerful witches can disguise their magic as ghost interference to throw people off. As for the hex bags, there was a case in the Men of Letters Data base where a witch in utah shrinked the hexbags super small and put them in the victims drink or food. Than when the curse was activated so to speak, the hex bag would expand.”
“Is that what you do at night,” Sam asked, “Read all the Men of Letter cases?”
“Yes, when I can’t sleep,” you repleid. You looked at Dean who had been silent the entire time. He looked washed out and awful. Your mind jumped into worry/panic mode.
“Dean whats wrong with you?” you asked calmly. No response. “Dean!?!” you shouted. You and Sam rushed to his side. Blood was unning out of his nose. 
“Shit!” You cursed out loud. You grabbed your witch killing gun off the table and cocked it. “Sammy, you stay here with Dean. I’m going to kill that son of a bitch!”
“Y/N wait!” Sam said. “I can’t let you go alone!”
“You can and you will,” you said sternly. “Don’t you dare let that man die.”
You would soon come to regret going alone.
The bar was supposed to be completly locked down as it was a crime scene. So when you saw a middle aged man still in there, sitting alone at a table, whipering in sumerian, your gun flew up.
“Let my friend go you son of a bitch!” You ordered. The witch turned to you and smirked. He then snapped his fingers and stood up.
“Okay, no problem,” the witch said. For a mommet you were left stunned. Then slowly you felt a sickness wash over you. Then suddenly you could feel as if the air was slowly being driven out of your lungs. You fell to the ground, gasping for breath. Your fingers fumbled on your phone as you called Sam.
“Y/N hey. I am going to assume you killed the witch,” Sam said, “Dean’s ok and we got the Hex bag out of him.”
“Sam....Help...witch-” You stumbled back before you fell down to the ground scratching for breath. You could hear Sam and Dean trying to calm you down but you weren’t really listening. You were to busy fihting for your life.
“I could kill you now, but why take away all the fun,” The witch sneered at you.
 Your vision blurred as you felt blood trickling out of your nose and ears, you felt like you were being chocked slowly and in the most painful way possible. You could feel your life leaving your body and slowly your vision began go black. You thought about all the things you had wished you had said and done.
You hoped Sam and Castiel knew how much they meant to you. And Dean. You never had the chance to tell him how you actually felt about him. Somewhere inside your heart, you hoped he knew already. You could tell your time was coming close. 
And then suddenly it stopped. You could feel your breath return to you, you life come back into your body. Someones arms had wrapped around you and pulled you into their lap. You looked up the person, you vision a blurred red colour from the blood in your eyes. 
“Here, I’ve got you,” Deans voice said as he took a napkin and wiped your eyes and nose. You looked up at his worry painted face. You could a few bloodstains on his nose and eyes as well, but besides that he looked fine. You rested your head against his shoulder as Sam took care of the body. Sometime later after Sam had taken the body out of the bar you had fallen asleep in Deans arms.
You and Dean hadn’t spoken since that day. The ride back to the bunker was silent between you and him. The next day you two barely spoke. And the next. And the next. By the fouth day you had had enough.
“Ok what is your problem Dean?” You asked. “We have barely talked for 4 days! What did I do?”
“Y/N, maybe not now-” Sam began trying to diffuse the situation before it developed into something worse. However dean just cut him off.
“No Sam, stay out of this.” Dean said harshly. “You want to know what you did? Something stupid. You went after that witch even when Sam told you not to, just like you always do.”
“I couldn’t just let you die nor be alone, asshole!” you shouted back your blood boiling. “Tell me what was I supposed to do?”
“You should have let Sam come with you! You shouldn’t have gone after that Witch alone. I could have lost you. We could have lost you, Y/N!”
“I could have lost you to Dean!” You retorted. “You know, you risk your life, your everything time and time again, and Sam and I stand beside you. But god forbib someone else tries to do the same for you! Why are you like that, Dean? Why can’t you just be grateful that some people actuallay give a damn about you and are OK with laying down their lives for you?”
“Because you’re one person I couldnt live with loosing!” Dean yelled at you. “I habe lost Sam twice. I barely survived that. I promised my self I would never loose you if I had something to say about it. You’re one person I don’t want to burry. You mean to much to me.”
“You think I want to keep burrying you?” you said. 
“No of course not,” Dean said. “It’s just.... different.. with you-”
“Why is it diffrent with me? You asked. “I am nothing special. I am just another human just like you and Sam. What makes me so special?
“Because I love you dammit!” Dean yelled. At that point, everything went quite. You could hear a pin drop. You were to stunned to say anything. You just looked at him with glassy eyes.
“Sam, excuse us.” Dean asks. Without a word, you watch as Sam walks out. Dean walks over to you, your bodies now inches apart. He takes your hands into his ans looks into your Y/E/C eyes.
“Y/N I have loved you ever since I met you. When I picture my self happy, I see you and I, together.  Safe and Happy. Next to Sam and Cas you are the most important person in my life. I have had to burry to many people that I care about in my life time. I don’t want to add you to the list.”
By now, you were at a loss for words. You raised your head up and looked at him. Then you reached up and kiss him softly and passionatly. Dean wrapped his arms around you waist and pulled you closer to deepen the kiss. 
When you finnally broke apart, you were left breathless. You looked up at Deans glistening green eyes and smiled.
“I love you to, Dean Winchester. I always have and I always will.” You said softly. “But please, you have to start takingcare of yourself and allowing others to look out for you. We all love you Dean. There isn’t anything we wouldnt do for you. Okay?”
Dean smiled and gave you a quick kiss, those ones that promise more later. “Okay. 
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glopratchet · 4 years
page 14,067 You think to yourself "with enough time, anything's possible" brush your teeth Well not everything As hard as you try, with your pass-able looks and natural charisma, you couldn't convince a regular girl to settle down with you There was of course the time you got close Really close You could almost taste it But events didn't quite turn out in your favor, giving birth to your desire for revenge against these menacing criminals that took everything away while keeping the status quo in the background, you prepare the vehicle for tonight The heavy modified hoverbike sitting in your parking space in the Apartment-Boat you call home could bu handy if anything happens tonight A quick look in the mirror and you make sure your kutte is straight Time to fire this festering hole eventually door shuts behind !!!!!" "What did you just say?" You bend your head to your scruffy looking "girlfriend" "Darling" "I said he, are we or aren't we eating an alligator burger tonight?! Come on! We are going to be late! her fingernails nervously as she wears her construction outfit in your room She didn't work to day, but instead wanted you to show you this new opening at a Gallery You roll on the bed and sit up to catch a napping Cello, "uhh I dunno Bri, I'm supposed "No excuses! We are going, be ready, meet me there, DON'T BE LATE! Whole alligator dinner , assemble or eat Last weekend on my break from capture the flag, I stayed with my father, and his new bride "Darling" has no blood relation to me, but she feeds me bugs everyday and lets play near the construction sites We love to ride the huge trucks and dump them Once we were playing catch with a grenade since we thought it was a medicine ball Right before it blew up, dad came running at us with his eyes bigger than us Now that I rely use some filters and stay near sea I do not get to eat opening acts 4 minutes ago Well back in the day, I had an assassin try to take me out at their main encampment This was years ago when the ED and GC were still allies My public reason was to get some fuel for the trip to Nine-Oak, my real motive well to this day I'm not quite sure but it must've been important since I honestly thought I wasn't going to make it out of there and owner Door 5 The smell overtakes the sensors While 4 channels show a heavy dose of psychosis swinging back and forth with tylium injections, a brighter side appears You nearly see hope Her quarters are the large one at the top of everyone's screens covered with a one way window; perfect for spying and collecting intel, while maintaining necessary top security Also, you instantly recognize this families logo Your mind draws a blank then slowly; a blurry memory resurfaces ! Now! The writing on the walls is like no language you've ever seen, but you can make out a few familiar shapes Your mind struggles Zukhara? No, much older "Darling" hasn't moved an inch Quickly she grabs the image of an alligator in a fine crafted cherry wood frame from the wall and throws it on the floor with a loud crack The mirror and painting lay shattered and displayed on the ground or the paintings for dinner? And that other thing, whatever it was Be my guest! You pull yourself out of the seat and slowly walk to an empty space on the wall where you open a hidden safe Typewriter and stacks of cash fill the drawer as you sit down and start writing a note While your writing doesn't exactly look like calligraphy, presumably this will still be counted as "artwork" finish it and then mount it on an alligator skin I believe? Well if it'll honor you prefer the skin? Nothing's stopping you now, assuming he is on the level then both will be coming from our rations tomorrow night along with a bottle of 1975 empire Zinfandel which should make a fine adhesive, provided the gluing is up to the quality of your current paintings Your collection should look flawless The door opens as a slight breeze pushes it further into the room pay money to own some of that, shining in black frames on the red walls, alligator skin flooring and a genuine Empire zin Please give our compliments to genius chef as soon as he has time Research Assistants - University of Progensberg Your art is now top secret Even if anyone thought the colorful swirls were anything more than bits to be analysed they wont get far before it's taken out of general circulation , good thing arnt they one of the few human like species discovered it'd be a shame to see them go extinct before we had a chance to eat them Year 595 Research: While the painting sub branch isn't exactly mundane, you don't feel like it's enough creative outlet for today How will this help forging a GC post extinction legacy? You need to be doing more smelling faintly of paint and on most occasions you see red, blue or purple flash before your eyes Congratulations, after 500 years since the inception of the project it appears urantra brain secretes some kind of purple pigment for decoration purposes At this point we don't care, just take it and inject it into your veins almost as much as a fine bottle of empire zin The purple lightning strikes outside seem brighter and warmer these days, might just be the drugs talking though Almost done with this batch and then it's a few months of off book research Wanna come with? to EAT animals but not ok to EAT people or OTHER human like species, or elves or anything like that After rereading Anecia's speech you realize how close the average person is to becoming their food source Hopefully this research will earn a bit of trust that you aren't planning on eating them probably I heard that! And no im not coming with you, ill just be here waiting than they'd want to hurt Anecia They are essential for milk and cheese after all That being said, when your racing home after a hard day at the lab, hoping that tonight might treat you to some Anecian Stuffed Peppers, how often do you think about where the meat in that casserole really came from? And where did the cow come from anyways? Was it just walking around one day when it decided to become lunch? ? plus they taste good You were always told that dragons where monsters that scorched the earth and sky alike but now your standing here arms deep in a corpse of one The first dragon you've ever slain, and its wings are actually alot smaller then you thought If your parents could see you now, how proud they would be They'd probably question their training however, and rightfully so but still you had this one in the bag all along to realize, be it hook, spear or net, the dragon had little chance of escape With your own particular set of skills, you have this wyrm failling to a blow from above Year 600 You meet mr Average Person (read:secretary) early in the week with the to-do list every sunday you have to go over everything with him and give some sort of idea of what the team is going to work on two months from now or the intense studies of the Purple ichor's amazing healing properties? Question 6 (1,798 voters, tcoh_input@yahoo com) Hello nice to meet you roommate! tell me about yourself Name: Sun LiRace: Black TrollClass: PlayboyER demigodSTR! 30INT! 30WIS! 40 AGI! 50LUCK! 70SKILL! 56TRAIT! 18 let's see your father ran before he took you away Since that is no doubt who your roommate is let's see if we can figure that out There are roughly 100 students at this school about 25 are demi human and half of them are races that could easily be your roommate (or would that be roommers?) Of the remaining human race half of them are girls hmmm 1 in 4 now that probably isn't right If your more of gun nut check the lastest firearms at [kroger market] beer !!! if i were a teamate in this, what would my role be? (ans: Captain Kirk) if you don't find the quest fun anymore you can get The big you go, the harder it gets and more danger you're in with the law getting in your way many snatchers have been shanked because they tried to use deadly force Common based snatchers are in it for a quick buck, so as such they won't try to take on an entire orc tribe by themselves They'll hit lone caravans and small to mid sized groups of merchants Most cases the black market isn't a criminal underworld full of dangerous felons and relentless mana-vampires as it is a bunch of bored immortals trying to pass the time One of these things is the demon market, located in the third layer of hell (dashit) , with a 50% savediscount! As the thief harvest goes on, something a bit odd stands out to you In each and every case of missing persons a lot of them were last seen in the area around Kroger's region That supermarket is either running a regular scam or is involved in this somehow It wouldn't be the strangest thing you've seen, and it certainly wouldn't be the worst crime organization By questioning the store manager, it becomes clear that he knows exactly what's going on at your supermarket The hell is this? This smelly bigfoot goes by many names, from dogman, to the grizzy, to bigfoot, yet in all cases it is all the same creature Some say it's a werecreature of some sort while others believe them to just be a rare species that has managed to avoid discovery all these years But fact is, they look like bigfoot and that's good enough for you with the scope With this mode, each gun has a different "feel" to it You'll need to spend some time with this to master precision shooting There's aiming on the move, finding your range, and many other types of shooting Since you've only got the one shot, make it a good one To shoot or not to shoot With a deer carcuss near it You find the creature standing outside for some reason with one shot Not such an easy task, considering you're pretty far away Your standard iron sights are going to have to do since you don't have an optic for this gun It's a bit tough since when you use this gun from the hip it's over 20 pounds, so getting your aim steady is important Fortunately for you there's no wind so you just have to account for your lateral movement and launch the round There's fur, blood and entrails everywhere It's easy meat to take back and sell, which is important, because you're not getting it for free after your hunt congrats op you've more than doubly profited from this encounter Choose: deer skin or alligator skin Oh ick totals Maybe this game would be a little easier with higher caliber guns, or at least ones that can accept scopes The noise really isn't worth it though since all you're doing is driving away any game in the area In the future it might be worth going furless, but for now all those useless bits can be turned into ichorium explosives , as usual So, loot and sell the gall bladder, liver, heart, intestines and maybe even a tooth or two Keep these offable parts in your pack until you get home, then put them in the fridge If you need more storage get a cooler or upgrade the house comes, sell more parts to him then cook dinner for you and your buddy While preparing the meat for cooking have some guests come over They brought a few six packs of brew with them Go ahead and share the wealth You should put it in your new fridge After eating, showing off a bit and having a generally good time its time to hit the hay You fell asleep on the couch so move yourself to the bed at 12 99 a person Ohh monetization Tonight's profit: 2168 ichorium shares, 8 silver, 4 quarters Days passed in the marsh and you still don't have Clyde or Fen just a lot of wet feet You do however have eaten everything in your fridge even the bait, so you're going to have to get more food or eat something inedible again like the alligator fleshes you've got hanging around The thought haunts you throughout the day and night It's really throwing off your concentration, you can't wait for this time to be over so you can bag a couple of wyverns First thing in the morning you sharpen your rifle and put on your pack This is going to be the day Not once, but twice people from the fort come and see if you're around and suddenly everyone wants to see me And they'res not just a few people they're like 18 of them You were out hunting so you weren't around to whlect their calls, replys or even show up while prying eyes were watching Instead they get your mildly annoyed brother in law to talk to them They leave dissapointed and unanswered Then you jump in and make things worse You wander into the fort to pick up a few things at the store and who do you find there? The same two wyvern jockeys that approached you To your surprise they knew you were out here, but even more surprising was what one of them said while the other looked on in silence "We would've been better off if you hadn't helped us at all Did I really do that much damage? You tried to wave them off and assure them of the contrary but they left shortly there after You could only hope they would come to appreciate what you did for them in time Just then an all too familiar symbol caught your attention, staring up at you from a wanted poster it was Clyde! Or rather Commander Ram himself If you wore a mask around here people might mistake you for someone else But what does it say about us that someone like him was able to take charge in the first place? You were Clyde There was no denying it But you couldn't hunt him down, not after what happened The poor sap that did finally catch up with him on that wanted notice looked a lot like Mason, even had a family resemblance It wasn't him, but it could've been What would you do if you found him, put a gun to his head and drag him back? It was a tempting idea but he probably wouldn't get far and in your current mood you might not be able to bring yourself to help if someone else was beating him to within an inch of his life It was shameful, but the best thing you could do for him right now was stay away However he still needed to be brought to justice, the way he was gallivanting around the countryside rounding up god knew who and throwing them in his cells was bad for business People would begin to unite against him and that could be far worse bandits, mercenaries, wary townies, kobolds all with one collective ideology: Fear Something you only engendered towards yourself and justified with your greater purpose To lose that power could cost you your survival! No, Ram had to be brought to justice, but not by you The best way of erasing your past was to put some distance between it and yourself You'd head west, maybe head out to sea or even up north to where the gnomes and their contraptions came from A new frontier, there had to be one yet untapped But before you could begin your new life you had to make one last trip out to the woods and see how Detlaf and Ranon were progressing on their logging town (You didn't want to go out there again ever but beggars can't be choosers ) You found them both cutting down trees like it was going out of style, which with the influx of new settlers it very well might Seeing you ride up they finally take a break You didn't really have to, but it was a convenient excuse to just sit there pulling up your shirt sleeve and scratching at your glowing badge of honor Your beam of light may have been gone, but it would never fade from your arm You came to accept that, you only wished you could do the same with the scars that wrapped around your back Still, the badges were going to come in handy as you've managed to use them as a conversation starter "See something you like Mason?" Ranon playfully sneered while waggling his eyebrows He probably didn't even realize what he was doing but you just let it slide and carry on with what you needed "That town you were working on looks like its coming along well "Town?" Ranon said with some pride "Haram, it's a city now King Sylvester himself stopped by recently to give his official endorsement Lot of people flooding to it You were genuinely happy for both of them but the news did stop you for a moment A whole another kingdom? If a place that big could form that fast just from one bandit gang then wherever you end up things were going to be very different Actually now that you thought about it considering how big the kingdom must be there was probably anothere bandit gang somewhere else doing much the same thing you were Bandits: Been there, done that It probably hadn't even been a year yet and already the game was up Well in for a coin, in for a Rai-ken You had made your decision and your destination doesn't matter as long as its a new frontier and they needed doctors right? Well maybe you'd stick to frontier clinics, but that was still medicine Might even get to put those old bandit skills of stealing from the sick for the good of the community Time would tell In any case you had some people to see and from there you'd make your plans Your next destination was Rask and then beyond it! Or so you thought Funny how things worked out, but it was the calm before the storm You laid down to sleep on your bed one night and then you heard a loud noise followed by the house shaking as if there was an earth quake going on Your rabbits in a stew because none of the furniture broke but everything ended up in disarray and broken pottery was everywhere One of your manticores came running in from one of the other rooms having been spooked by the noise if the trampled flower vase and rolling obei seeds meant anything You were still half-awake and pretty startled yourself, but instincts kicked in and you moved towards your rifle, thinking it was hostiles or something By the time you got into the living room and realized what happened it was over And just in time too, because you heard Naji let out an unearthly shriek of pain from her bedroom next door
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womenofcolor15 · 4 years
Justice Demanded For Elijah McClain - 23-Year-Old Black Man Reportedly Killed By Police Officers
The Black Lives Matter movement isn’t letting up. People are coming together to demand justice for Elijah McClain – a 23-year-old black man who was reportedly killed by police last year. A petition has been gaining momentum, highlighting his story for the masses and causing the Colorado Governor to re-examine his case. More inside…
Elijah Mccain, 23 ans, rentrant d’un magasin après être aller acheter du thé, tué par la police aux états unis.#BlackLivesMatter pic.twitter.com/5LQWvNQyvP
— patricia (@EkeaguP) June 25, 2020
A Change.org petition is bringing attention to the police killing of 23-year-old black man, Elijah McClain (above).
Over 2 million people have signed an online petition demanding justice for Elijah McClain. Elijah died after spending four days in a coma last August following an encounter with police in Aurora, Colorado.
  **GRAPHIC** but this can’t just be swept under the rug #elijahmclain #blacklivesmatter #blm #sayhisname pic.twitter.com/zi5Kc38ZVC
— fossé belle (@_qatana) June 24, 2020
  The petition calls on Adams County District Attorney Dave Young, Aurora's mayor Mike Coffman, and the Aurora Police Department to "bring justice for Elijah" through "a more in-depth" investigation into what happened on August 24, 2019, when Elijah was confronted by police officers as he walked home.
  #elijahmclain used to play violin for cats waiting to be adopted on his lunch break. Cops killed him on his way home from buying tea. pic.twitter.com/9qIhcWfLKy
— Matt Richards (@mattwasfunny) June 23, 2020
  Last August, Elijah was walking home from a local convenience store after purchasing some tea when someone called the police on him for “suspicious activity.” Apparently, he was wearing a ski mask as he walked home. His family said he’s anemic and preferred to wear a ski mask to keep his face warm. The police approached him and quickly subdued him.
"He is laying on the ground vomiting, he is begging, he is saying, 'I can't breathe.' One of the officers says, 'Don't move again. If you move again, I'm calling in a dog to bite you,'" Mari Newman - the McClain's lawyer – said.
The officers reportedly placed him in a chokehold and pinned him to the ground for 15 minutes. While being pinned to the ground, Elijah threw up and told the officers he could not breathe.
The petition reads:
When the paramedics arrived, they administered a dose of Ketamine to the already unconscious Elijah to "sedate" him. He was pronounced dead August 27th, 2019, at only 23 years old of a heart attack. Denver 7 News stated, "...they couldn’t determine whether McClain's death was an accident, was due to natural causes, or is a homicide related to the police department's use of a carotid hold". The officers on the scene were placed on temporary leave, however, they are back in the field with no charges.
Bodycam footage from Elijah's arrest is below. WARNING! The video could be triggering:
Below are pictures of cops of who subdued him:
These 3 cops murdered #elijahmclain - they are all still cops - Nathan Woodyard. Jason Rosenblatt. Randy Roedema.#JusticeForElijahMcClain
Call the numbers provided in the thread below and demand Justice pic.twitter.com/gTVR5giNjT
— Marti Gould Cummings (@MartiGCummings) June 24, 2020
Elijah was hospitalized and placed of life support after he suffered a heart attack and fell into a coma. A few days after his encounter with police, he was removed from life support by his family. According to police, Adams County District Attorney Dave Young is the only person who can sanction a new investigation into the case.
D.A. Dave Young https://people.com/crime/online-petition-elijah-mcclain/ ">originally decided against charging the two officers in November, according to Colorado Politics, determining there was insufficient evidence to provide the force used by police was excessive.
"I don't open up investigations based on petitions," Young told Colorado Politics. "Obviously, if there is new evidence to look at, I will look at the evidence in any case. But no, I'm not going to open up an investigation because people are signing a petition."
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                  I just read the transcript of the words Elijah McCain spoke as he was being killed by the Aurora Police Department last year and I almost threw up. Wrapping this white head around the lived reality of Black people in this country makes my head spin and my stomach twist. I am ashamed that I was blind to this for as long as I was. I am learning, listening and supporting to the best of my abilities because THIS HAS TO STOP. Also Breonna Taylor’s killers are still free. I’m calling the Aurora and Louisville Mayor and PDs today and I suggest you do the same. #Repost @nycsharathon #Repost @mattyphelanmiller with @get_repost ・・・ #JusticeforElijahMcClain This gentle young man was killed by Aurora Police in Colorado less than a year ago. The officers have not been charged for taking his life. Elijah was a 23 year old massage therapist. He taught himself to play violin and guitar. On his lunch breaks from work he would sometimes bring his guitar and play music for the animals in the pet shop. Elijah loved running. He ran in barefoot running shoes because he believed they are more natural for humans to wear. He was anemic and wore a runners mask to stay warm. Content warning for violent description. On the night he was killed, he walked to the store wearing his running mask to buy iced tea for his cousins. Someone called the police about “suspicious behavior.” On the audio footage released by Aurora PD you can hear Elijah crying out, “Let go of me. I’m an introvert. Please respect the boundaries that I am speaking….I can’t breathe.” Elijah was 140 lbs. Even when he was being brutally attacked he spoke with integrity. While 3 Aurora Police Dept officers violently restrained him they called Aurora Fire Dept, who injected him with ketamine. He went into cardiac arrest and his family was advised to take him off life support 6 days later. Please share his story. Demand justice for Elijah! Support his family’s GoFundMe page here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/elijah-mcclain #blacklivesmatter #sayhisname #justiceforelijah #elijahmcclain #saytheirnames5280 #blm5280 #blackout2020
A post shared by Reverend Legs Malone (@revlegsmalone) on Jun 25, 2020 at 7:10am PDT
  Let's get justice for Elijah McClain. He didn't deserve this. You can sign the petition here.
1. An NYPD officer has been arrested for the recent Queens boardwalk chokehold arrest. STORY
  Photo:  Change.org
[Read More ...] source http://theybf.com/2020/06/25/justice-demanded-for-elijah-mcclain-23-year-old-black-man-with-autism-reportedly-killed-b
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