#love letters from mutuals 💌💕
psychics4unet · 1 month
Your Future Spouse's Love Letters: Pick A Card Tarot Reading Just for You! 💌💖
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Paid psychic reading is available here:
Instructions: Look at the 3 images of the piles below. Choose the pile that you feel most drawn to. Trust your intuition and select the one that resonates with you the most. Once you have made your choice, scroll down to read the description for the pile you selected.
I put a lot of effort into this reading, so please show some love by leaving comments, likes, reblogs, and follow me! ❤️💬✨
Pile 1: - Card 1: The Lovers 💕 - Card 2: Knight of Cups 🏇 - Card 3: Two of Cups 🍷 The Lovers signifies a deep and soulful connection with your future spouse, where love and harmony are at the forefront. The Knight of Cups shows the romantic gestures and emotional messages that will be exchanged, full of affection and tenderness. The Two of Cups represents a mutual understanding and balanced partnership, a beautiful union of two souls. Together, these cards show a relationship filled with love, romance, and deep emotional connection. Your future spouse will be someone who values and cherishes the bond you share, expressing their love through thoughtful and meaningful actions. Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! Pile 2: - Card 1: The Empress 🌸 - Card 2: Page of Pentacles 🌱 - Card 3: Ten of Pentacles 💰 The Empress embodies nurturing and abundance, indicating that your future spouse will bring a sense of warmth and comfort into your life. The Page of Pentacles suggests the beginning of a stable and prosperous relationship, where both of you will work together towards your goals. The Ten of Pentacles reveals a future filled with family, legacy, and long-term happiness. Together, these cards suggest that your future spouse will be someone who helps create a nurturing and secure environment, where you both can grow and flourish together, building a life full of abundance and joy. Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! Pile 3: - Card 1: The Star 🌟 - Card 2: The Fool 🎒 - Card 3: Ace of Cups 💧 The Star symbolizes hope and divine guidance, suggesting that your future spouse will bring a sense of inspiration and healing into your life. The Fool indicates a fresh start and a leap of faith, showing that your relationship will be filled with excitement and new beginnings. The Ace of Cups represents overflowing emotions and new love, highlighting a deep emotional connection that will feel pure and genuine. Together, these cards indicate a relationship filled with hope, new opportunities, and deep emotional fulfillment. Your future spouse will be someone who encourages you to take risks and follow your heart, leading to a love that feels fresh and exhilarating. Love this post? Spread the positive vibes by reblogging with your favorite pile number! Remember to like, comment, and follow me for more tarot insights and spiritual guidance. By sharing this post, you'll invite positive energy from the universe into your life. Let's journey together towards enlightenment and fulfillment! Attention! This reading is for entertainment purposes only. This tarot reading does not give a 100% guarantee that all the described situations will occur or being ultimate truth. You build your own life and destiny and only you know yourself best. Remember to reblog, like, comment, and follow for more cosmic guidance and positivity! Paid readings are also available for more in-depth insights and personal guidance! 🌟💫
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bradshawsbaby · 6 months
🍓🥑🐇🍄 for the fic writer asks
Thanks, Abby! 💕
🍓 ⇢ how did you get into writing fanfiction?
I started writing actual fanfiction when I was around twelve or thirteen years old, but I’ve been writing practically since I was old enough to hold a pencil. I used to make up little fairytales and stories and illustrate them myself, then staple the pages together to make a proper little book 😂 So telling stories has always been something I’ve loved doing!
🥑 ⇢ you accidentally killed somebody, which mutual(s) do you text for help?
Oof 🫣 I think I’m going to text @luminousnotmatter and @ryebecca and hope they come help me 😆
🐇 ⇢ do you prefer writing original characters, reader inserts, or a mix of both? 
It’s funny because I actually never wrote reader insert stories before joining the TGM fandom! Before this, I mainly wrote for ships or canon characters. Although I write reader insert stories now, I do feel like a lot of them have elements of original characters, just without the official names or physical descriptions. It’s fun getting to create characters from scratch!
🍄 ⇢ share a head canon for one of your favourite ships or pairings
In Letters to My Love, Bob and Peach keep each other’s pictures next to them when they’re writing their letters to each other 💌
writers truth & dare ask game
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bauhinia-transcribed · 11 months
Hi y'all! My name is Saph (23, they/them pronouns), and welcome to my pinned post! Figured it was about time I made one 😅
This is my main blog, which is (mainly) based on queue. I also have a public side blog where I just post soft yearning stuff @sunriseandbrowneyes, and a semi-private nsfw blog (mutuals may ask for it in my DMs).
Expand the post to see a list of my tag links and their explanations!
My (hopefully) exhaustive personal tags list:
#adorable 🥺: my cute tag. I don't use this one frequently nowadays
#artistry in motion: used to highlight aesthetic experiences. often gets associated with videos of (music/dance) performances, making-of videos, or nature
#dear no one: based off the song by Tori Kelly. an open letter to my future partner, or posts that describe how I hope my experience with them will be like
#friend shaped: my tag for cute animals or creatures. will often get tagged with the specific type of animal if it is common enough (the only exceptions to this are "kitty" for all felines big and small, and "puppy" for dogs)
#gender™️: often used for posts where people talk about their experience with their gender. not necessarily a gender envy tag (though I am planning to make one if I see a post that is worthy)
#gorgeous💕: people I find hot, sexy, handsome, and/or pretty. sometimes this will also be paired with a 😳😳😳 in the tags (the more 😳 the more I'm captivated by their looks)
#saph laughs: my laugh tag, before I knew "laugh tag" was a thing. things I find funny
#how to do life better: my life hacks / adulting tag. posts that explain how to go through life more easily
#how to tag?: used for when I'm reblogging something that doesn't have a defined associated tag in my tag library. also serves as an "ask to tag"
#it's a day!: used for when tumblr decides to make a day special (like Wet Beast Wednesday or Out of Touch Thursday). also used for holidays sometimes
#knowledge tag: used for when a post teaches me something new. it could be about the most specific/"useless" topic in the world, but all knowledge is valuable to me
#letters to past me 💌: reminders that I wish younger me knew. things to keep in mind when I go through and experience life
#penguin pebbling: my general tag for when I tag other users, or all of my mutuals. will almost always say who I'm addressing, either in the post or in my tags
#psychic damage: what it says on the tin. basically anything that makes me go "wtf 😃" or "I hated that 😃"
#reminders of life: posts that remind me of the joy of living, or of humans doing good things
#reminders of love ❤️: posts that remind me that love is out there in all its wonderful abundance. applies to familial, platonic, and romantic love
#saph laughs (previously #here for a good time 😂, but since edited): used for things I find funny
#saph speaks: used for when I talk about myself in the tags
#saph scribbles: used for when I write within the main body of a post (not just tags); will also be used if I'm adding something to someone else's post
#shit we should care about: discussions of important topics around the world. includes current events normally. will also talk about various forms of bigotry and how they manifest or are experienced by individuals. will often get a subsequent tag on the topic or bigotry discussed
#sighs yeah: one of two things. either I'm yearning or I'm talking about a relatable moment, but in the 😔 way
#stories less told: posts that talk about lesser known individuals and their actions that I think we should highlight
#thank you haiku bot: posts that I've found from haiku bot. oftentimes will not have haiku bot's rb kept in
#thanks tumblr blaze: posts that I've seen via blaze
#vibes ✨️: posts that I find relatable
#woag tag: things that make me go woag. things that are cool
#yearning tag: posts that make me crave a deep connection/relationship with someone else (does not immediately imply romantic relationships!)
tags that represent people: #🥦, #🐀, or anything with an @ sign in the tag
I tag slurs (for example, "f slur") when used in pejorative, insulting, or hurtful manners. This includes self reflection of hurtful moments. If you don't like this, you can keep scrolling.
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jaeyxns · 1 year
HI CHESCA!!!!!!!!!!!!! i dont know what timezone you currently in rn but... it's just past midnight for me so; HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY!!!!! HAPPY CHESCA DAY 🎂💐🎉🎉🎉💕💕💕💕💕 HAPPY INTERNATIONAL KINDNESS DAY AS WELL !!!! *i'm making it an official holiday* I LOVE LOVE LOVE YOU !!!!!!!
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jen !! the love of my life !!!! i really, truly love and adore you so much 💓💘💞💝💓💘💞💝💓💘💞💝💓💘💞💝💓💘💞💝💓💘💞💝💓💘💞💝💓💘💞💝 please ignore the fact i'm answering this like 4 days late ;;;;;;;;;;;
i keep reading your birthday letter over and over and i just 🤧❣️ and what do you mean dumbass words ?? the fact you took the time to share your feelings in words means so much to me 🥺
idk if i've ever told you but i'm in love with the concept of letters in general. so the fact i received a birthday letter, especially from you, is something i really treasure 🌻 please know that you're an absolute blessing to me and that i also love you so so so deeply 💌 the adoration is mutual as well 🥰
and i would love to share and tell you all about my favorite things one day !! 💞 though feel free to ask me anything and i promise i'll be an open book !! also you are and will always be a dear friend in my heart 💕
our purin x snoopy agenda is eternal and i wouldn't go anywhere after this life without you. my hand is always open for you to take so that way we'll always be together 🩷
p.s. i got chocolate cake but would like a do over cake since it wasn't something i was really craving for. also, i'm more of a tea girl but still love the idea of being in a cafe with you !! one day it'll happen and when it does i know it'll be a very happy day filled with lots of laughter.
i love you so so so so much i really can't say that enough. considering myself absolutely lucky our paths crossed and that we get to be in each other's lives like this. also i definitely cried once i got through your whole letter and the heejake pic at the end was such a perfect touch you know me so well tbh
representation of me reading your letter btw
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jamscandraw · 2 years
ALL the heart emojis for Murph! 💕💖💗
💓 BEATING HEART - what gets their heart racing?
Pet names and other words of endearment. It’s hard to fluster Murph while physical touch or closeness but a well timed “babe” could kill them on the spot
💘 HEART W/ ARROW - what traits do they look for in a relationship? do they believe in love at first sight?
I don’t think they believe in first sight; attraction yes, love no. Their ideal relationship is based on mutual trust, openness, and knowing each other really well as people. They would never consider being in a serious relationship with anyone they weren’t friends with first.
💗 GROWING HEART - if they have a crush, is it noticeable? what changes when they're in love?
Noticeable to everyone except themselves! They’re very cuddly and affectionate with friends anyway so that doesn’t really change, but there’s a lot of long loving glances when they think the person isn’t looking, and lots of tender lingering touches. If you’re friends with them, they’ll tend to touch your back/shoulders/arms a lot but if they’ve got deeper feelings they go for the hands. Also whenever their crush smiles at them or does something cute their ears turn bright red
❤️ RED HEART - their love language(s)?
Physical touch and acts of service. Murph loves to cuddle or just generally be close to their loved ones and as said before they do a lot of affectionate touching (something made more difficult/bittersweet by the fact their arms are now gone and their magical prosthetics don’t have a sense of touch in them, but they maintain the habit anyway). They also love to act the caregiver, especially if someone they love is sick or injured. They can be very self-sacrificing and will often put themselves in harm’s way to protect other people
💙 BLUE HEART - do they miss their s/o easily? how do they act when their s/o isn't around?
Murph has terrible attachment and abandonment issues so whenever their SO (Steve) isn’t around they pine so bad. Especially in the early stages of the relationship where the decade of them being separated is still fresh in their memory, Murph gets very anxious and agitated whenever Steve is gone for long periods of time and constantly frets that something might have happened to him if he’s late coming home
💚 GREEN HEART - what things make your oc feel comforted? hugs, kisses, food?
Stick em in a blanket and give them a big old cuddle. Murph gets lonely real easily so just having other people around them is a source of reassurance. Making a meal that reminds them of their dad’s cooking is also a way they combat sadness or homesickness. Also forehead kisses work miracles
💖 SPARKLING HEART - are they a subtle or a showy lover?
I wouldn’t call them showy, they don’t go yelling it from the rooftops or putting on a spectacle, but they’re not subtle either. Anyone who sees them together or hears Murph talk about Steve for more than 5 minutes will be able to tell how in love they are. They don’t do grand public gestures but they do make it very obvious how much they love him with their body language and singing his praises
💌 LOVE LETTER - do they like love letters? what kind of messages do they leave for their partner?
Murph has probably never written/sent proper love letters (they did write to Steve a few times during their separation, but they weren’t romantic in any way, and they were never delivered). There’s no need to when they move in together but Murph leaves little messages around the house for Steve to find; something freshly baked with “I saved this for you!” written in flour on the worktop, or flowers tucked into the handlebars on his motorcycle before he goes to work
💔 BROKEN HEART - what could their partner do that would absolutely break their heart?
Die, replace them with someone else, or otherwise leave them. Murph is willing to forgive a lot of things as long the person still genuinely loves them and is capable of giving them that love. Getting separated in some way, either deliberately or by some tragedy, would absolutely break their heart
Send me an OC name and an emoji! ❤️
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callmekalli · 2 years
Dear Kalli,
I’m writing this love letter to you because one; you asked, and two; I thought it would be a mighty good time to tell you that I think you’re beautiful.
Sometimes, you have bad days, but your spirit is bright and I admire the fact that you keep making it to the next day. Keep going! Me and all other mutuals and non-mutuals are so proud of you! In short: You GO Glenn Coco!
Back to you being downright gorgeous… if Santa has not sent you a girlfriend yet, I’m going to travel to the North Pole and put my name first on his list to get back to you. If you don’t have a Valentine yet, I will ask Cupid personally to push our heads together so maybe we might share a little kith. If no one brings you a hoodie for fall, I’ll sign the rights over to you for all of mine- and in the fine print, I’ll add that cuddling, handholding, kissing, and using me as a shield during haunted hayrides, houses, and horror movies are included for free if you ask. If no one brings you someone that says they are thankful for you, your humor, your voluptuous ass, and your Brighter Than The Sun ~by Colbie Callait~ smile, I will write it in the pretty fall leaves. In short: Someone! Better!! Send!!! You!!!! A!!!!! Partner!!!!!! NOW!!!!!!!
Anyway, I hope this made you laugh and satisfied your need for a love letter. Let me know if you ever want another one. I’ll be around.
Hey Anon I’m SOBBING 😭💕 you have no idea how much I needed this, also I’m in love with you, you are such an angel thank you so so so so much for this 😭🤍 also definitely expecting a hoodie from you now 🤍
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fopamine-machine · 12 days
💕 Welcome! 💕
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Finally made a F/O / selfship blog!! It's still a bit of a WIP for now so I'm sorry if it's a lil ugly atm but... Howdy everybody! <3
This is a sideblog, so I'll follow from my main @mrstinderstauf!
Most of my info is under the cut! Thanks for visiting, and I hope you like your stay!
General Tags:
Humboldt Manley Tinderstauf (Pyre)
Otto Octavius (Raimiverse / MCU)
Otto Octavius (The Spectacular Spider-Man Cartoon)
The Narrator (The Stanley Parable)
Hizashi Yamada/Present Mic (My Hero Academia)
Guzma (Pokemon Sun & Moon)
Clavell (Pokemon Scarlet & Violet)
Astarion (Baldur's Gate 3)
Liam de Lioncourt (Monster Prom)
DJ Subatomic Supernova (No Straight Roads)
Sans (Undertale)
Spamton (Deltarune)
Stan & Ford Pines (Gravity Falls)
Starscream & Knock Out (Transformers: Prime)
Jack Horner (Puss in Boots: The Last Wish)
Nordic Bunny (Shred Force)
Sir Pentious (Hazbin Hotel)
Commissions / Art Trades:
💬 The Chattering Lack of Common Sense 💬 - Text Post
💕 Lovesongs 💕 - General F/O Post
💭 Imaginary Love Story 💭 - Imagine Post
✍️ Hack Writer ✍️ - Fic Post
🎨 Miracle Paint 🎨 - Art Post
💌 Dynamic Letter 💌 - Ask Post
🍎 Reincarnation Apple 🍎 - Sona/Self-Insert Post
Always open! Pricing can be found on main atm, but feel free to message here! Trades are always open for mutuals!
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honeychewsday · 3 years
obsessed with you n ur blog
im literally twirling you around right now 😤💞
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honeytuesday · 3 years
Hii <3 I love the “practicing kindness” post so much, I have to tell you, yesterday I literally told a guy I was on a date with about it lol. The last line just resonates so deeply for me
omg this is 🙈🙈🙈🙈 i don't even know what to say literally thank you ahhhhhHHH
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fkinavocado · 3 years
Lhh and y/n got matched for a penpal thing back at school. It's been years now since they've written- y/n had pretty well forgotten all about him- when out of the blue he reaches out through social media: he's moving to her city and doesn't know anyone. Maybe they should meet up?
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in which you and Harry got matched for a penpal thing back in middle school (but it’s been 10 years now since you’ve last corresponded and you’ve pretty much forgotten all about him)- when out of the blue he reaches out through social media: he’s moving to your city and doesn’t know anyone. you meet at the local county fair and things… escalate quickly
A wish come true- Masterlist, Author’s Note & Warnings / alternatively, read on wattpad
A wish come true (word count: 5k)
You stared at your phone, blinking a few times but somehow, what you were looking at appeared to be very… real.
The name you’d immediately recognized. How could you not? You’d handwritten that name down so many times. You’d always secretly admired his fancy name. You wished yours could be so… posh. But, alas, you were american and he was british and that pretty much said it all.
But you hadn’t read his name or even thought about it in… years!
When you got a notification on facebook telling you that you had a message from someone outside your list of friends you almost didn’t check it out. Usually it was either spam or just weirdos that you had no mutual friends with that wanted to strike up a conversation (eek!). But when you saw the name, you immediately froze in place. You were walking home from work and you literally stopped in the middle of the street, causing someone to bump right into you, someone that probably hadn’t expected for you to come to a sudden halt.
You could see his name and right next to it, in a little tiny square, his profile photo and your heart just momentarily stopped beating.
You stepped to the side, in order for pedestrians to not have to make a beeline around you and even sat on the low fence in front of a building. Wow. You were finally going to find out, after all these years, what Harry Styles looked like.
Harry Styles.
Your english penpal you’d been assigned in school when you were 12. The boy you’d corresponded with for 3 years before you began highschool.
Back when people still wrote handwritten letters, before social media or even before you’d made an email account! For most of your classmates, this penpal thing was a pain in the ass, a chore. But for you and Harry it’d been fun. You’d both really clicked, enjoyed writing to each other, and you surprisingly had a lot in common for a couple of preadolescent kids of different genders, no less! That was pretty uncommon at an age where boys thought girls were “ewww” and still watched cartoons and girls only cared about boybands and whose breasts were bigger amongst their friends.
You liked Harry because he was funny, he made no grammar mistakes (as far as you could tell, anyway), had nice penmanship and always asked you lots of questions.
Letters took forever to reach him, and then the ones he’d send you back took forever to reach you, but whenever you had a letter in the mail and your parents told you it was from Harry your heart would jump in your throat.
You’d had a crush on him for the longest time. You had no idea what he looked like. Never even thought of asking for a photo! Which you could have, come to think of it now, but for some reason it just never occurred to you. But you just knew he had to be cute. Namely because, you knew- all british boys were cute. It was an unspoken rule. Prince Harry and William? Cute. David Beckham? Cute. Those were the only ones you knew of back then, but they surely must’ve made for a good enough representative sample.
You’d corresponded for about 3 years until you both started highschool and you were suddenly way too busy to keep it up, until you ended up only writing for holidays and eventually stopped altogether. You couldn’t even remember who was the last one to write. You’d genuinely forgotten all about him.
And now, there he was. In your inbox. His tiny profile pic just waiting for you to press on it and finally see what he looked like.
Sure, you were now both 25. A whole decade had passed since you’d last heard from each other. But, still, seeing that little notification brought back the same butterflies you used to feel whenever your mom told you “Your price wrote!”. She liked teasing you that he was a prince solely because he was from the UK and therefore, somehow, he must’ve been royalty, a distant relative to the royal family maybe- but of noble blood nonetheless. You always used to roll your eyes and tell her he was not royalty (you knew for certain, because you’d asked him, and was sorely disappointed when he replied back telling you that he was certainly not), and then try to hide your excitement until you’d get to your room where you opened up his letters with trembling fingers and a fluttering heart.
It was with a fluttering heart and, well, a trembling thumb that you finally pressed on his pic and were led to his facebook profile. As curious as you were to read his message, you needed to get this out of the way first and finally satisfy your curiosity.
When you saw his enlarged profile photo you ceased breathing altogether for a good few moments before you inhaled sharply, gaining some composure.
Jesus Christ.
Nothing, nothing could’ve prepared you for this.
You raised your head, looking away from your phone, shoulders slumping. After a few deep breaths your eyes went back to the screen and you squinted your eyes, bringing it closer to your face. How was he real? Was this a cruel joke the universe was playing on you?
He wasn’t even hot, that was an understatement. He was a freaking Adonis. This guy, this guy was the boy you used to talk to back when you were 12? The one you used to spend hours imagining what he must’ve looked like? The one you used to fantasize marrying in a palace in England (yeah, yeah, he wasn’t a prince, whatever)? The one whose last name you used to write next to your first name at the end of all your notebooks, practicing your new signature and imagining introducing yourself as such? The one… you imagined the first time you touched yourself and made yourself feel good?
This was him.
Holy smokes.
You kept staring at the picture. You realized you now couldn’t even remember what you’d imagined him looking like all those years ago. But yeah, it all added up. He’d told you what he looked like in his introductory letter: curly hair, green eyes, dimples, bunny teeth, lanky. And sure enough. It was all there. But there was certainly nothing “cute” about him.
Yeah, he held a playful glint in his eyes. But also danger. And excitement. And raw sex appeal. And you’d not been ready for it.
His hair was curly, sure, but it was long. His eyes were green but his gaze was intense. His dimples were prominent but they only made that sly smirk look even hotter. And his lankiness had translated into broad shoulders, legs that looked like they went on for miles, long, thick fingers, toned tattoo-clad arms and an half buttoned down shirt that gave you a peek of his well defined pectoral muscles as well as a few more tattoos.
You honestly couldn’t have known for how long you’d been sitting on the edge of that fence, but you suddenly realized you hadn’t even read his message.
When you finally opened it, it read <<Hi, Y/N! Harry here, hope you still remember me! If not this might prove a bit embarrassing, also, there are a few Y/N L/N from San Diego on facebook so I took a wild guess and chose the prettiest of the bunch. So if you’ve never had a british penpal in middle school, sorry; but you’re still hot and live in San Diego, and I’m moving there, so, hi! ;) But I’m really hoping this is *the* Y/N. Let me know :) >>
You read that over and over again. He was moving to San Diego??? Why??? How??? When???
He’d sent you the message 17 days ago, and only just saw the notification now since you really weren’t big on social media anymore. So you decided not to waste any more time:<<Well, if it isn’t *the* Harry Styles. After all these years! Excited to hear from you, old friend! What brings you to San Diego?! And yes hahah, it is me>>
<<Hmmm. Gotta be sure, though. What’s my middle name?>>
You blinked, since he replied back almost instantaneously <<Wow, I’m not used to hearing back from you so soon lol. It’s me, Edward :P>>
<<Wow. It really is you. I’m grinning like crazy, people are looking at me like I’m mental ahaha. And to answer your question. My job offered me a position in the US, and it was a choice between New York and California, and when they told me it was San Diego, California, I jumped the gun. Not everyday a bloke gets to make a childhood wish come true eh?>>
<<Honestly I saw your message while walking back home from work and I’ve been standing here in the middle of the street staring at your profile for God knows how long. I’m not even ashamed to admit it>>
<<Ahahah good. I was beginning to feel a bit bashful for feeling so excited to finally have you reply to my message! But as nice as it is outside today I’m sure you’re dying to get home already, so hit me up when you do, alright?>>
<<You’re here already?!>>
<<Yeah :)>>
You squealed, actually causing a few heads to turn which reminded you of where you were and you finally resumed your way back home, all giddy.
“How was your day?” your mom asked from the kitchen as you rushed upstairs after greeting her
“Good!” you couldn’t hide the excitement in your voice so it was no surprise to you when you heard her come after you upstairs
“Oh? Did Sam call?”
You rolled your eyes. You didn’t even wanna hear about your stupid ex today
“Mom. Stop asking me about him. We’re over. Why can’t you accept that?”
“Well then, what happened? You’re all flustered”
You looked at her, biting your lip and then fished out your phone from your bag. You realized you hadn’t accepted his friend request yet so you did that first, and then went to his photos. You resisted the urge to look at the rest of them and showed your mom his profile pic instead.
She pushed her glasses further up her nose and looked at the screen intently “My, my. And who might this be? Looks like trouble…” she couldn't help but mumble the last bit earning a squint from you
“He’s… my prince” you grinned at her, stupidly
She furrowed her brows “Y/N… I don’t know who this man is, but… don’t you think you’re getting a bit ahead of yourself? You only just came out of a 2 year relationship…”
“First of all” you grunted, snatching the phone away from her “I didn’t just get out of my relationship with Sam, we broke up 4 months ago. Second of all… mom… he’s him. Harry. My british penpal? Remember?”
You watched as realization slowly dawned on your mother, her expression morphing into one of excitement and shock “Get out! Lemme see him again!” she snatched the phone back and you giggled “Goodness! He’s a looker! Never would have guessed!”
“What?! What’s that supposed to mean?”
“I just mean, englishmen aren’t exactly known for their good looks”
You scoffed “Excuse you? Where did you come up with that? On the contrary! Never mind that… but can you believe it? After all these years, I finally get to put a face to his name. And best of all is that he’s moved here!”
“He what?”
“Yeah! That’s why he looked me up! He got a job opportunity in San Diego and immediately thought of me and decided to look me up and reach out!”
“Are you gonna meet him?”
“Of course!” you then froze “Wait. I mean. I think I am? He didn’t exactly ask to meet me…”
“Don’t be silly! Of course he wants to, why else would he have reached out? God, Y/N! That’s so exciting! You finally get to meet your childhood friend! Oh, I remember how happy you always were to receive his letters, I swear they made your face light up. It was so cute! And he genuinely seemed like such a nice boy. Certainly didn’t expect him to look like that though.”
You laughed “Like what?! And I mean, he certainly didn’t look like that when we were corresponding, obviously. Ok. He asked me to message him when I got back home. I’ll let you know” that was your mom’s queue to leave and thankfully she did without you having to ask her to.
You weren’t really used to living at home anymore. You’d lived in a dorm at uni and then moved in with Sam and you’d only just moved back home when you broke up with him. So this was still an adjustment and you were planning on getting your own place but finding decent rent was proving a tad more difficult than you’d anticipated. You certainly didn’t enjoy living with your parents at 25 but you didn’t necessarily hate it, either. It was more the feeling that you had to take a step back that bothered you. That and them being their usual nosey selves.
<<Ok. I made it home. So how long have you been in town?>>
<<Not long enough to know my way around it. Maybe you could show me?>>
You bit your lower lip. You could have totally been reading too much into it, but you didn’t care at this point. You really felt compelled to give this your best shot. You somehow felt like you’d just won the lottery and you only had a short timeframe in which you could claim your prize
<<Ok. I’ll play the tour guide. Incidentally, there’s a very popular fair ongoing this weekend. We could start there if you like>>
<<This weekend, meaning starting today?>>
You grinned stupidly as his message popped up in the chat box <<Yeah, starting this evening>>
<<Great. It’s a date! Where should I pick you up?>>
Your breath caught. This was real, and it was just now hitting you. You’d be meeting him today. Not to mention, a date???! You squealed for the second time that day and you were certain you were well over the acceptable age for doing so. That being said, you weren’t about to meet him for the first time at your front door, no. And have it be awkward till you got there, God forbid? Hell, no. <<Let’s meet at the gates there, see if we can recognize eachother based solely on our facebook pics. A little social experiment, if you will ahaha>>
<<Oh yeah, no. That’s just a pic of my favorite actor>> You momentarily froze until you saw him type in his next message <<Wow, don’t tell me you really believed that. You know me better than that, Y/N. Tsk tsk…>>
You sent him an😅 emoji but still went back to his profile and checked his other pics and it was even more unnerving seeing him from different angles, in different instances like an actual living, breathing, real man.
<<Did you just check? 😂>>
<<Oh shut up. Meet you there at 7pm?>>
<<Alright. Can’t wait :)>>
You smiled like a loon, going back to stare at his pics some more and also find out more about him from his bio. You were surprised to see he was a photographer, but apparently he wasn’t a freelancer since he mentioned his company relocated him for work.
Ok, ok. No more snooping. You wanted to be surprised, if you were being honest. You already were beyond surprised, actually. And besides, you had to figure out what you were wearing to the fair, on your date with your… prince. Queue dreamy sigh. And why the hell not? This was definitely up there with any fairytale you’d ever read.
You got there 5 minutes late, you didn’t wanna seem desperate after all, and you may have told the uber driver to take his time just to make sure you didn’t get there early.
The place was packed, of course, so your heart was pounding as your eyes scanned the crowd at the gates, trying to find him. Turns out spotting a 6 foot man wasn’t all that hard especially if he had long hair and was devastatingly handsome, and when you zeroed in on him you realized he’d been watching you all along as he stood there with his hands in the pockets of his denim jacket, a sly smirk on his face and a faraway look in his eyes.
He started walking his way up towards you as you closed in the distance between the two of you yourself, and you met halfway, both mirroring each other’s smile “Hi” you quipped
“Hello” shit, was he british “Can’t believe I finally get to meet you” he added, his dimples deepening and you absolutely couldn’t stop your eyes from roaming all over his features
“You really do have bunny teeth” you couldn’t help yourself. You wanted to facepalm yourself but it was too late, he was already chuckling
“You remembered that?” he furrowed his brows slightly, smilingly, his eyes roaming all over your face too, taking you in
“Of course. I used to re-read your letters till you’d send me the next one. I remember everything you’ve ever told me” you shrugged. Hopefully, this didn’t sound weird. You were kids, after all. Surely he could relate?
He nodded “Yeah, I used to do that too. Go figure”
“So, do I look anything like you were expecting? ‘Cause I sure as hell wasn’t expecting… this” you gestured, head to toe and he laughed
“Hope you’re not too disappointed” he raised an eyebrow as you two started walking amongst the crowds of fairgoers
“Not at all. Somehow everything you ever told me about yourself still stands, which is pleasantly surprising”
He hummed, nodding “Well, I didn’t expect you to be this pretty, if I’m being honest”
You gasped “I don’t know whether to feel flattered or insulted right now”
“‘M just being honest” he shrugged, a shy smile on his lips “Definitely extremely pleasantly surprised” he raised an eyebrow
You sighed, trying to hide your grin “Well, I’m gonna choose to ignore the fact that all that time you thought I was ugly”
“I never said that” he clarified “Of course I imagined you were nice looking, but never dreamt I’d one day meet you and you’d be… like this”
You furrowed your brows “Like what?”
“.... Fucking gorgeous”
You just stared at him for a moment, your gazes locking until you finally couldn’t handle the intensity and broke eye contact like a coward, tucking a stray hairlock behind your ear and clearing your throat “So, uhm. What have you been up to all these years? I don’t know how we ever lost touch”
“I do” he laughed incredulously. “‘Twas when you started dating that… what was it… Robert fellow”
You furrowed your eyebrows, slowing down till you came to a halt and he followed suit “What, you mean Brad? Oh my God. You’re right. I totally didn’t realize... “
“Yeah” you both resumed walking aimlessly amongst the crowd “You told me about it in your last letter, I wrote you back… and then I never heard from you again”
“Oh my gosh. Wow. That was really shitty of me” you widened your eyes looking out into space
“Yeah, it was. My first heartbreak”
You laughed at that but then you caught his eye and you ceased laughing “No way. Really? Get out!”
He shrugged, his hands still in his pockets “Had to happen sooner or later, I guess. Else I’d have probably still been a virgin, pinning over this girl all the way across the ocean” he laughed a humorless laugh and you laughed back but you wondered just how hurt he’d really felt back then. Had it been him to “ghost” you like that, you’d have probably felt pretty shitty yourself.
“I’m sorry, Harry. I didn’t realize, to be honest. In fact when I saw your message today I tried to remember the last time we corresponded and couldn’t figure out why we’d ever stopped. I hadn’t even put two and two together. But that thing with… that Brad guy, was just a stupid… whatever it was. We never even kissed. It wasn’t that. I just got super busy with highschool, like, I wasn’t expecting the workload”
“Y/N” he chuckled. “Relax. It’s alright. Whatever your motives, we couldn’t be penpals for ever, could we? Someone had to rip the band aid off. Had we said our goodbyes it would’ve been lamer. This way I at least got to romanticize the idea of having had an impossible long distance romance, fate brought us together but then separated us and all that jazz. Made for some good stories, the ladies ate it up”
You threw your head back, laughing “Oh, no! You’re the worst! Well looks like fate had more in store for us” you nudged his shoulder playfully and the corner of his lips immediately quirked up as he half smiled at you from beneath his long eyelashes and you knew that Harry definitely hadn’t needed that sob story to get the ladies hooked, they’d probably been fawning over him all along “Wanna get cotton candy?”
Cotton candy in tow, you resumed your aimless walking “This fair is nothing like I expected it to be, either”
“How so?”
“It’s just… a lot bigger compared to what I’m used to back home. But then again, most things are”
“Yeah, we get that a lot from europeans. You put it nicely compared to what I’ve heard so far, though”
“Well, I am on my best behavior tonight. Complete gentleman” he raised his eyebrows
“Just be yourself. I know you” you smiled and he smiled back
“Alright. Duly noted” he winked and you could feel yourself blush, realizing he may have interpreted that a tad differently than what you’d intended, but you didn’t mind it in the slightest.
“Merry go round?”
“Thought you’d never ask”
As with the cotton candy, Harry insisted on paying and you then hopped onto your seat.
You couldn’t help but shrink into the seat a bit when you started gaining altitude and Harry gave you a pointed look “Y/N, are you afraid of heights by any chance?” he hummed playfully
“Maybe a tiny bit”
He laughed “Why’d you suggest the merry go round then?”
“I mean, everything here revolves around heights. And coming to the fair was my idea”
He placed his arm around your shoulders, pressing you to his side securely “Hey. It’s alright. You’re safe with me” you were shaking, you hadn’t even realized
“I’m just… a bit chilly”
He wanted to remove his hand from around your shoulders and you grabbed it, holding it with both hands against your chest “I was only going to give you my denim jacket”
“Maybe when we get back down”
He chuckled “Shit, you’re scared senseless aren’t you?”
“Just… distract me. Tell me something else, what else have you been doing all these years?”
“Want me to distract you?”
But you never got to finish your sentence. His other hand snuck under your chin, nudging your face upwards and he quickly bent to kiss you. You squeezed the hand you were holding with both of yours as you kissed him back and you literally felt like you were floating on air- and not just because you kind of literally were.
After getting acquainted with his incredibly soft lips properly, his tongue started licking your pillowy ones ever so gently, and his teeth began tugging at your lower one and before you knew it you were the one pushing your own tongue against his when he used it next and that’s when you really lost your mind. Harry kissed you in earnest, his mouth devouring yours and you felt as though it was one wrong move, and you’d both trip over the secure railing of your seat. But you didn’t care. All you cared about was having that kiss go on for as long as possible. His free hand came to rest on your naked knee, your sundress only covering half your thighs and he caressed your soft skin there in time with the thrusts of his tongue. His kiss was practiced, effortless and absolutely searing. Before you knew it, though, the ride came to a halt when you felt someone remove the barrier and you both had to unglue yourselves from the other as if woken up from a fever dream.
“Wow, that couldn’t have been three ride’s worth, surely”
“What? You paid for three rides?”
“Yeah. How come everything is bigger but shorter, here, huh? How’s that for an oxymoron”
You laughed “Oh ok, no need to use posh words, you’ve impressed me already”
He nodded “Have I, then?”
“I’d say you have” you bit your lower lip and he leaned in for another kiss
“Cotton candy never tasted sweeter” he hummed against your lips
“That’s just american sweeteners, you’ll get used to that too” you giggled and you could feel him smiling against your lips. He then shrugged out of his denim jacket and placed it over your shoulders, as promised “Thanks” you actually put in on properly, it was getting kind of chilly, especially considering how hot and bothered you’d gotten after those kisses
“How about we skip the tall rides?”
You pouted “Is this your way of telling me you’ll not be distracting me anymore?”
“Gotta say, I’m loving this surprise factor more and more by the minute”
“Likewise” you batted your eyelashes at him a bit then pointed to the right “Bumper cars?” Harry grimaced and you worried “What’s wrong?”
“I know you said I could just be myself but I’m afraid if I show you my competitive side you’re gonna bolt”
You laughed whole heartedly at that one “Bring your A game, then. You haven’t seen my competitive side either”
His eyebrows shot up at that “Game on, then”
And game on it was. You each seized your own bumper car, Harry wouldn’t tell you for how many rounds he paid, and you proceeded to corner the other and to deliver the worst hits possible. Harry really wasn’t holding back, worrying his lower lip between his teeth and sporting that scowl you noticed he had on everytime he was contemplating something. And it was so hot that you could barely focus on kicking his ass.
When he stood up after the 5th round you whined loudly “Nooooo! It was rigged! I demand a recount! Another round! You did this on purpose! I bet you paid for another round but you’re ending this now so that the score is in your favor!”
He walked towards you with a huge grin plastered on his stupid smirking face, holding out his hand to help you out of your bumper car “Don’t be a sore loser, sweetheart. I won. Fair and square”
“Fair and square my foot!” you refused his hand, slightly stumbling your way out of the bumper car arena and onto the grass. He chased after you, finally catching up and grabbing you by the waist from behind
“Where do you think you’re running off to?” he plastered his lips against the shell of your ear “Winner gets a prize. Them’s the rules”
“Oh… go fuck yourself!” you grunted, frustratedly
“I’d rather you did” he hummed, biting your earlobe and you melted against him forgetting all about your childish tantrum over who won.
You gasped in mock surprise “That’s not very gentlemanly at all”
“I know” he roamed his hands down your sides over your thighs “I’m just heeding your advice, remember? You’re the one who told me to just be myself. I like this dress. Even got pockets” he pointed out, pushing his hands inside said pockets and you gasped again feeling his fingers now hovering just slightly over the front of your damp panties, only the fabric of the inside of the pockets and your lingerie between you.
“I guess I had it coming, then. What prize did you have in mind?”
“Can I show you?”
You bit the inside of your cheek in anticipation “Yes?...”
He started kissing down your neck, holding you flush against his front and to any passerby you probably just looked like a couple of lovebirds having a cute cuddle, his face buried in your hair. And everyone seemed to be so engrossed with the fair rides that you were sure nobody even cared about what you two were up to, between rides on the grass away from the main strip.
When he sucked in the delicate skin of your neck and you gasped, he finally ghosted his fingers against your core and you shuddered “Harry…”
“Shh. I’m here. I got you” You grabbed onto his bicep, feeling his muscles flex as he traced his fingertips up and down your folds through the fabric “Gonna make a mess of this dress, aren’t you sweet girl?”
He chuckled biting at your earlobe again “You’re gonna get us caught. Or is that what you want? Do you want people to see? Want them to see me make you feel good in the middle of this fair?” he applied pressure to your clit and your knees buckled but he held you upright “Who would’ve known such a sweet little thing could be so dirty? Hm?”
He was working your clit masterfully, even through all that fabric and you knew you’d have to bite your tongue to keep quiet. You were completely out of your mind with lust. His proximity, the way he smelled, the way he felt hard and taught against your soft body, the way he held you and, most of all, the way he kissed and touched you were doing inexplicable things to you. You’d never felt like this for anyone, ever before. And this was Harry. You knew him, but you didn’t know him. You felt safe with him like you would with an old friend, but you also felt the excitement of meeting someone for the first time. When he applied just the right amount of pressure and you arched your back slightly, he ground against your ass, letting you know exactly how much what he was doing to you turned him on and it was the last straw. He sucked on your pulse point just as you came violently against his fingers, hoping upon hope that you weren’t being too obvious to anyone that might’ve watched the two of you and you could feel him smiling against the skin of your neck.
“Let’s see what other games I can win at. Would love to taste some more of that american sweetener you mentioned earlier” he winked at you as you looked at him from underneath heavy eyelids trying to regain your composure, your eyes widening when you finally realized what he was referring to and you could already imagine him going down on you behind a trailer somewhere.
Suddenly losing to him sounded wildly tempting, but you were also dying to claim your prizes as well.
Either way, it was a win-win.
He fished out a polaroid camera out of the pockets of his denim jacket you were wearing, took a pic of you and hummed watching it develop rapidly “Not that I could ever forget that, but I wanna look at this and picture you exactly as you are now”
“And how is that?”
“...Like a wish come true”
Through the viewfinder
A/N: sooooo. this happened, again. yeah i'm wrapping this up at 6:30 am. you can let me have it, i deserve it. my inbox is full, i promised a concept night, i only fished out 3 last weekend and promised this weekend i'd go through all of them and in stead, i manage just the one. i'm sorry. i just can't write short pieces 🤷‍♀️i'm also extremely tempted to turn this one into a miniseries too 💀💀💀 (later edit: i did, i linked it just now, Through the viewfinder ) i'm incorrigible. hope you enjoyed though 💋
💕 like & reblog if you enjoyed this, lovelies, and most importantly, please come share your thoughts on it here 💌
🦋follow me on wattpad to get notified whenever i post something new/update!🦋
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the-amazing-simp · 2 years
the-amazing-simps’ 500 follower celebration!
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THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! All so much for 500 followers! When I first started this blog, I wouldn’t expect that I would reach this far and I couldn’t possibly have done it without all your lovely support!
This celebration will be lasting from Sept. 25 to Oct 10. But do make sure to check out my requesting guidelines before sending asks in. You guys can send in as much asks as you want to!
🎸 𝐭𝐚𝐲𝐥𝐨𝐫 𝐬𝐰𝐢𝐟𝐭 - send me a character and scenario/dialogue prompt and I’ll write a letter to you from them.
👗 𝐟𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬 - send me a character and an au and I’ll write a small blurb.
💌 𝐬𝐩𝐞𝐚𝐤 𝐧𝐨𝐰 - send me a character and a trope and I’ll write a small blurb for it.
💋 𝐫𝐞𝐝 - send me a character and a dialogue prompt and I’ll write a small blurb for it.
📸 𝟏𝟗𝟖𝟗 - send me a character and a scenario and I’ll write a small blurb for it.
🐍 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐮𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧 - any of the ask games (cym, fmk etc.)
💕 𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 - send me a character and scenario/aesthetic and I’ll make a mood board for it.
🍷𝐟𝐨𝐥𝐤𝐥𝐨𝐫𝐞 - send me this and a link to your fic and I’ll give an honest review on it.
❄️ 𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐨𝐫𝐞 - send me a character and a song and I’ll make a blurb about it.
tagging my mutuals: @rogueharrington, @theoreticslut, @jackys-stuff-blog, @spidervee, @softtdaisy, @honeymunson, @bug-boy32, @rae-gar-targaryen, @andrews-lovr, @andrewrenaissance, @asideinitially, @mirclealignr, @reidslovely
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Scarlet’s Milestone Celebration - Build-a-Blurb
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My moodboard
Holy cow, I’m not sure how I’ve hit another milestone but I am so, so grateful to every single one of you who follow me. I wanted to do a little game to celebrate and I adored doing the Build-a-Blurbs so I decided to create my own!
Rules - there are several sets of emoji’s under the cut, some SFW and some NSFW. Please only choose one emoji from each set, a maximum of 5 emojis. I will not accept asks with more than 5 or asks with emojis from the same sets (this keeps it more interesting for me to write)
Category is optional but I tend to default to angst with a fluffy ending if none specified.
Side characters are optional but I won’t include more than 2.
I will write the following pairings -
Spencer x Reader (please specify fem! GN! Male! Or I will default to fem)
Ralvez x Reader
Alternatively send me 🎵 for a song fic blurb (please specify song).
Send me emojis here!
Build-a-Blurb Sets Under the Cut!
Category (can be more than one)
💔 angst | ☁️ fluff | 👅smut
SFW Trope Set 1
👾 forced proximity | 💕 soulmate au | 😡 enemies to lovers | 👥 friends to lovers | ❎ fake dating |📱 finding something on their phone you shouldn’t have
SFW Trope Set 2
🤔 amnesia | 🎓college AU |🌲mutual pining | 5️⃣ five times fic | 💀 character death | 👫 friends with benefits
SFW Trope Set 3
💻 online romance | 🔫 hostage situation | ⚠️ love triangle | 📲wrong number |👩‍👦/👨‍👧 single mom / dad |🍺 drunk confessions
SFW Trope Set 4
🧳 break up | 🔒 prison au |🤰 pregnancy | 🥳 office party |🤫 secret relationship | ⁉️unrequited love
SFW Trope Set 5
🤕 tending to each other’s wounds | 🎞 missing scene (please specify a scene) | 🎃Halloween | 📚 student / teacher | 🕑 reunion |🦻 overheard something they shouldn’t
SFW Trope Set 6
🔨 fix it fic (please specify a scene) | 💌 love letter | ⚔️ unsub main character | 💭 dream sequence | 🥸 undercover | ❤️‍🩹 broken heart
NSFW Trope Set 1
😇 innocence kink | 🏕public sex | 😮‍💨 breath play | ☎️ phone sex | 🔭 voyeurism
NSFW Trope Set 2
⛴ Sub! Spencer | 😈Dom! Spencer |🪑 kidnap kink | 😵‍💫 over stim | 🤑 sugar daddy / sugar baby
NSFW Trope Set 3
💦 cum play | 😴 consensual somnophilia | 🫦biting kink | 🔥 fire kink |🩸 blood play
NSFW Trope Set 4
🛀 shower sex | 📹sex tape | 🍆 sex toys |⛓ bondage | 🛌 only one bed
NSFW Trope Set 5
🔪 knife play | 🚗 car sex | 🫣 blindfolds | 🏓 paddling / spanking | ✨ first times
Side Characters (optional, or can be none but no more than 2)
🐕Luke Alvez | 💪🏾Derek Morgan |🦄 Penelope Garcia | 🐈‍⬛ Emily Prentiss |🤦🏻‍♂️ Aaron Hotchner | 👩🏼‍💼 JJ | 🥼Tara Lewis | 📕Alex Blake
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seyvia · 2 years
Check in tag!
I was tagged by @holocene-sims ~thanks💕 this is my first time doing one of these!
Why did you choose your url?
I share my sims account with my mother and because she doesn’t play as much as I, this saved her some money. So anyway I named the account after the both of us, the first part of the name Seyvia [sey] is the last 3 letters of her name and [via] is the last 3 of mine. When making my simblr I kept the same name because I knew I was going to share my stuff from my gallery here and I wanted it to be simple.
How long have you been on tumblr?
oh my gosh! 7 months.
Do you have a queue tag?
Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I saw @blarffy ‘s simblr and thought she was really cool, and I was like hay, I could share my sims stuff.
Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
I got the idea from simmer’s icons on youtube to make my sim self and use it as my avatar.
Why did you choose your header?
I love rain! I decided when I started to only use rain images for my header.
What’s your post with the most notes?
this one ->🔍 I don’t like it.
How many mutuals do you have?
How many followers do you have?
How many people do you follow?
Have you ever made a shitpost?
I had to look up the definition and I can proudly say no, I have not.
How often do you use tumblr each day?
I get on for a little bit everyday. but still somehow miss stuff.
Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
no. wast of energy.
How do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
sounds whiny, I ignore.
Do you like tag games?
yes, I’m having fun🤗
Do you like ask games?
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don’t really care💖
Do you have a crush on a mutual?
feel free to ignore or tag yourself💌
@gloomlet @bluespecter @mossylane @warmpainting @something-sims @sammyshuno @bbdoll 
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soraenun-archive · 3 years
well hello there 💕 it is i, your secret admirer (writing to you made me think of all those scenes in shows where someone discreetly drops a letter in their friend's locker to tell them how much they like them) 💌
i'd like to first thank you for putting so much thought into answering my little asks. the fact that you wanted to feel better to give me a thorough response means so much to me 🥺 i'm sorry that you didn't have the best day yesterday :( hopefully, today you're feeling at least a little better. just in case, here are a bunch of hearts just for you 🧡💛💚💙💜🤎🖤🤍
oh yeah, i definitely feel for my friends who biased nugu/flop groups and when they heard the news of the disbandment, it broke their hearts. which is why i was so happy for brave girls because they got some spotlight after so many years 💓 i was also happy for my mutuals who bias them because you could the genuine excitement through the screen :D you made some great points that i didn't think about. it's true that acting can be more sustainable, especially because not everything is based on your appearance. i mean, looks and appearance overall still play a major role in acting, but you don't have to be young and energetic to play a certain character. whereas, in kpop, once you show signs of aging, you're kindly shown the exit. it's so sad because things don't have to be this way. especially with women, they always get unfair treatment, compared to men :( also, when a new group from the same company debuts, ggs begin to count the days until they have left. i talk from experience because a lot of ggs i liked back then disappeared completely once a new gg debuted.
ghibli movies are so good i wouldn't be able to choose just one. also, i think if i told you my favourite, you'd know who i am in a second. and i'd like to keep my identity a secret for a little while hehe little forest is a great movie. like you said, it's calming and chill. it's a movie for when you need to slow down.
i'm so glad we got a rv comeback 💖 i did listen to the album and my favourite songs are bamboleo and good, bad, ugly 💗 i keep repeating them. they're SOOOOOOOOO GOOD!
question of the day: do you have any hobbies? or anything you do to unwind?
as usual, i hope you're having a good day (at least a better day than yesterday) and please take care 😘
from 🐘 anon
oh please thats so cute!!! you can just imagine me reading it with the biggest smile on my face! 🥰💘
yeah it’s been a pretty hard couple of days! my cat has been unwell and sadly he isn’t with me anymore and i miss him terribly :( but i’m just trying to stay busy and distracted and focus on things that make me happy <3 your messages make my days so much brighter so it was nice to get one today when i really needed it! thank you for all the hearts hehe 💕💖💞💗
ohhhh yeah i was so happy for brave girls!! their new song is so cute too! i hope they do well on queendom even though i think the show is gonna be kinda messy overall but rollin’ was a great song i’m glad it finally got the love it deserved! yeah not a lot of groups stand the test of time, especially female groups. usually when the company debut a new one they tend to make the older group take a backseat and you’re right it is totally unfair :(
ooo well even though i am super curious i will respect your wish to remain anonymous!💗 but yesss the rv comeback was really good i’m looking forward to the live stages and seeing all the cute outfits!! hopefully they will do a few special promotion stages for bamboleo since everyone seems to love that one too!
i wish i could say something really cool and interesting but my hobbies are probably that of a 15 year old boy lmao i really like watching football and playing video games! but i also enjoy watching asian dramas (thai and korean specifically) i feel like you might also watch korean dramas (correct me if im wrong ajshda) but i wonder if you’ve ever seen any thai ones? i have a whole sideblog dedicated to dramas and one for football too sadkjahsdak
thank you so much angel! my day could have definitely been better but your message really cheered me up! i hope you’re having a lovely day!💓💓
0 notes
thatbuddie · 2 years
How do I see all the love letter fics? Is there a collection?
hi, lovely! there is no ao3 collection for the love letters to your mutuals exchange fics but fret not i am here to make a list where they’re all kept together <3
💌 :
• yearning from wanting you by @buckactuallys
• there’s gold in the dirt i never took the time to see by @capseycartwright
• man, that’s the biggest lie you’ve ever told by @queerpanikkar
• all i can see (is you) by @trippedandfell
• hoping it gets to you by @henswilsons
• how sweet it is (to be loved by you) by @midnightsdiaz
• burn the straw house down by @hoediaz
• i can’t believe my eyes (i must be seeing blind) by @gayravi
• call my bluff (call you babe) by @clusterbuck
• the sleeping curves of my body by @gayeddiaz
• my words are paper tigers by @hattalove
and last (and probably least)
• made your mark on me (a golden tattoo) by yours truly
(i want to take the time to thank everyone who participated in the exchange. from the bottom of my heart: thank you, thank you, thank you. fics are such a special thing to me, both as a writer and as a reader, and the fact that you all took the time to work on these stories and have later gifted them not just to your recipients but to the rest of the world, makes me feel so special 💕)
(and thank you to grace for organizing this with me. i like to think we’ve brought a little joy to this fandom through this exchange 💖)
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honeytuesday · 3 years
Hiiii honey !!!!!! Much love to you 💓💓💓 what’s your highlight of this Tuesday? Mine is that it’s pancake day so I’ve eaten lots of pistachio butter crêpes. MWAH 💗
cati my love!!! that sounds SO good omg, did you make them yourself?? my mouth is watering just from the name <3333 the highlight of my Tuesday has been my salted caramel latte!! i decided to try it on a whim and it legitimately tastes like ice cream, so i've been sipping away at it like a happy little bird all morning (((:
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