#love my lil gay men tho
mintygreencake · 2 months
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Fuck it, showing my Dnd OCs because my campaign is coming up again and I adore these two
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luc42ky02 · 1 month
Ever since my mom made me rewatch Twilight with her, my silly brain gets scared that someone around me may be a vampire or mindreader and that they'll see me imagining my lil imaginary gay men fucking.
Get out of my head perv mindreaders, i need the lil imaginary gay men to be happy and rawdog to keep the last bit of sanity I have!
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ladsofsorrow24 · 3 months
sometimes i remember how i was like at school and damn, am i grateful i've finished that part of my life... and this is all because i was thinking of how much i love chainsaw man and then i remember my lil sister's got a friend in school who like it too which... reminds me that if i was in school when chainsaw man aired i wouldn't even dare to admit i like it to my friends lol
that kind of animanga is somehow often associated with straight guys here, and if my friends, who are girls, know i like that kind of story... they'll really look at me like i'm a weirdo
especially if i say i actually like denji and understood him as a character
thankfully i don't have anyone to impress or lie to on a daily basis now working on my own so i'm free to like whatever i like and enjoy things because i want to and not for the sake of conforming to the social standard of what a proper woman should be 🤷
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noxtivagus · 1 year
matty healy. help
#🌙.rambles#i have not been this invested in like. idk stuff like this for such a long time#IT'S NOT TOO invested but like#yk it's just.#okay i won't continue that line of thought bcs i cant complete it but yk#matty healy's actually. rather similar to my ideal type#he's rather intelligent isn't he? n then his voice is really nice#he can play instruments (duh) n then. lyrics. the band's lyrics rlly says a lot abt them n ofc matty too#n then. this is rather embarrassing to say 😭 but ngl my ideal type is a guy but#not. completely cishet. nah#a lil gay in some way. i like that. someone just like me fr yk#matty likes men aesthetically but uhm wldn't do Yeah. just kisses n not escalate it much further iirc#matty's voice is rlly nice n he's so funny 💀#i'm just saying good stuff here but do take note that i hate idolizing people heavily. i don't idolize him#he's. really good at singing fr tho i really like his voice n#SOMEDAY YK T_T in my (currently nonexistent) love life uh#yeah i'm never going to settle for anything less. like i'm not gna be arrogant or have my ego up in the clouds but#no fucking way will i settle for just the bare minimum nah i'm gna find someone like me#not really find. it'll come to me naturally. something meant for me so long as i just stay true to who i really am.#while. it wld've been nice to have had someone like that already in my childhood n in my highschool years. i think i'll more#likely find someone like that in college? i just.. want to have a feel of that sort of feeling at least in my youth#when i'm not really working yet. just a self-indulgent dream.#but honestly no rush at all#i thrive when i just be myself n. sigh i've genuinely realized that a lot of people don't think the same way as i do#so yk i'll just continue being who i am without giving a fuck (as much as i cld tho bcs i still do get anxious n lonely but yk yh)#n then just. yk the ppl i'll let in my life. i'm very selective about that.#before that though i shld finish this assignment i nearly finished but forgot abt when i started writing this 🥹#i want to. develop my life holistically. so not just work harder w my studies n my other personal stuff but yk socially too n w my family#n music! music. & stories. my fucking passions along with science.#.. back to matty healy tho his voice rlly is so beautiful. i like him lots. not in a weird way tho he's so much older but i rlly like him.
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dizzybizz · 6 months
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hai here is a sketch dump with too many fandoms :) sorry about the ungodly amount of men here i have been going through it and by it i mean gay
ok wait i ran out of tags??? it wont let me tag them all😭😭😭 im gonna have to be sparing with them uhh i guess i will have to ramble under the cut then cus i like rambling in my tags but i cant with this one 😭
(ok im back from the ramble: it is way too long.... proceed forward if you want to see some guy just absolutely talk nonsense for entirely too long)
no cus i swear i have tried tagging more stuff than this before and never hit the limit but whatever
hello i really use this like a fkn blog huh
i just wanted to provide some thoughts on the harper and rosé one first bc its important to me 😌 cus i was thinking abt harper and how in my head and heart of hearts she would be the kid who thought you get pregnant from kissing and i dont think she ever really grew out of that belief. <- this ended up spawning the idea of harper being a sex-repulsed ace and i will die on this hill actually. fight me or die, you die either way actually nvm
this is just a buncha blorbos i dont know what to tell you really. sketch pages like these always end up so weird for me bc for some reason my brain always wants the characters in them to interact in some way. whether that be talking or just reacting to what the other is doing... its something i cant stop with, its so stupid and silly and i hate it and i love it. where else would i see kabru slowly losing his mind with how loud phoenix wright is in court????
I THOUGHT I HAD GOTTEN OFF THE RAILS WITH THAT BUT THEN THE NEXT PAGE HAPPENED. and all i could do was laugh and ask "what the fuck am i drawing??? HOW DID WE GET HERE? WHY IS THISTLE HERE WITH LEOPIKA HELP" LIKE that page started with the big leopika and then i was like "man i miss thistle lemme draw him real quick" but the curse struck and now hes being homophobic so </3
i rlly like how the nic(k) page turned out ... i just have a lot of nicks i like drawing idk.. the lil guy is an oc,,, one day his ref sheet will be finished and itll be awesome but not for now, sorry baby, no can do. im weirdly happy with how the hands turned out for all of them tho?? so thats a W
yotasuke, murai, nick (youll never know which one im referring to. .. jkjk its hoult i love the pose there ehehhe), nic and the entire last page r my favs. i like em all but those rlly get me yknow- the olly too ofc but ive already posted him, dont mind him being here, hes part of the set. AND OVER ALL IVE BEEN HAVING SO FUN WITH SHADING BLACK AND JUST LEAVING SPOTS BLANK ITS SO ?`????
WHY IS THIS SO LONG PLS DONT READ ALL THIS THIS IS STRAIGHT UP EMBARRASSING AGHSDFGSDHJSGD im all like "yeah i dont like talking about myself or whatever" but as soon as i get to my process or blorbos or smth the floodgates fucking break open, not even burst man.
also dont mind how i havent even acknowledged pingas twink pokemon counterpart. hes just here for shits and giggles i dont know the guy like at all, i watched a handful of eps of horizons and that was it RIP
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Hey, if you're in the mood to give out song/artist recommendations, I was wondering if you have some in the same vein of the TSwift post, but for queer/gay men? Because I know of Lil Nas X (haven't gotten around to listening yet tho) and that's... pretty much it. Any personal favourites?
look I can't tell anyone where to start with Lil Nas X, chase your bliss, but god god god as long as we're talking about him Industry Baby is SO GOOD
if you end up liking Lil Nas X definitely check out his fellow gay rapper Kevin Abstract. the two of them collabed on a song called Tennessee this year, but my personal fave Kevin Abstract is his 2016 album American Boyfriend: A Suburban Love Story.
Isaac Dunbar is so so talented (and so young???), he actually just released a new EP last month called Beep Beep Repeat but this is off Banish the Banshee from 2022 and one of my most listened to songs of the year
Serpentwithfeet does just the sexiest gay R&B. this is from his 2021 album DEACON but he also has a new album out this year, GRIP, that's so so good.
TO MY KNOWLEDGE Big Freedia still identifies as a gay man who's genderfunky and uses any pronouns; someone please call my ass on that if I'm wrong. she's a pioneer of New Orleans bounce music, a frequent collaborator with other artists, and has been hugely influential on Beyoncé's recent work in addition to her own music; you can hear her all over Renaissance.
also I cannot talk about queer men in music without a shout out to my cowboy king Orville Peck; he's ALSO just dropped a new album, Stampede: Vol. 1, that has a ton of fun collaborations on it; this is from his first album, Pony.
and actually while we're doing gay country I have to throw in iconic drag queen Trixie Mattel. here's a duet cover she did with Orville, they're very fun together.
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riotlain · 2 years
TWD crushing on (an Oblivious) Reader
upset there isnt alot of twd x male reader fics that arent smut but anyways
my very select few men💀💀 i might do a part 2 i just wanted to post
Daryl Dixon
Our man Mr. Daryl Hiding His Emotions Dixon 🫶🫶
Its fine you didn't notice at first
He seems like he kinda hates you from how quiet he is. Quite the opposite
Being quite in love with someone who isnt a woman is kinda just like. Not processed in his mind??
He didn't know how to feel at first
But eventually he confessed to Carol about how he feels (she suspected something but anyways)
To be honest he had a plan to ask you out
But was extremely extremely hesitant
"They prolly don' even like guys" He'd say
I think both of yall are oblivious
It was a group effort to get yall together
Like all these long ass runs, leaving gifts saying it was from the other
You probably had to be the one to confess ngl
Glenn Rhee
Glenn aint too obvious. Thats what he tells himself atleast
Hes very obviously crushing on you. The only one who cant see it is you
He'd pull harmless pranks, compliment you, help you around, usually adding on a lil wink for lil extra
Yet you still didn't get it. You just thought he was being a goody good friend
Especially since its a bit hard to find any queer folk that like you around here IN FUCKING VIRGINIA/GEORGIA
"You look nice today, Y/n." *Shitty Glenn wink* "Oh thanks man!"
Your obviousness is apart of what Glenn absolutely loved about you though
It gives him time to really think out his lil confession
Which took a while but he had it down! Flowers!!
Who doesnt like flowers??
Well Glenn originally planned to give you flowers. That was until Eugene let it slip that he likes you one time💀💀
You ended up interrupting Glenn like mid confession just because you knew
Negan teases him for his obviousness
Simon would yell it to the top of his lungs if he must (he probably has to)
Always gives you any ice cream or first shot of a drink
He also always has his arm around you or is LITERALLY FLIRTING WITH YOU
You couldnt tell tho. he looked gay and homophobic to be honest.
So you just didnt say anything
Simon, running out of ideas, asked Negan for any ideas
Since its, Negan what do you expect? Something cute and romantic?? No
So with this in mind Simon approached your room with some drinks and did what he does best!
Sexual jokes about his dick and such seeing if you'd take the bait
You didn't you just got a bit flustered and laughed along
Until yknow he actually just went with the impulse and kissed you
Owen (Wolf)
The king of being either really obvious or the complete opposite
Depending on your guy's situation then heres the various ways itll go down
Owens a prisoner in Alexandria? He'll tell you nearly everything about him. Along with the fact if he gets out of there hes taking you with him!
How romantic!!
If youre apart of the Wolves then you have for sure caught his eye!
He'd do anything for you and I mean anything! Well as long as he's yknow still in control of the situation.
You cant ignore him either. He'll make as much noise as possible for you to go back to talking to him.
Owen will try to stalk you to see what you like
Or try to get that info out of you through a weird interrogation
You dont notice though. If anything youre a bit weirded out that this kinda crazy cult guy is like asking you your favorite color but anyways
Eventually in the middle of one of these investigations hes just gonna kiss you (probably quite roughly too)
"I like you. So youre mine now." "I- Ok sure??"
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strawberry-milkbunny · 9 months
I have no one to talk to about Tokyo Rev so here r my random hot takes that I need to say:
- Emma and Hina r boring and used as romance plot devices it’s okay to admit that Wakui can’t write women idk I don’t expect shounen/men to be able to write girls well (still cried when Emma died tho bc she didn’t deserve it!!!)
- lol I LOVE Yuzuha and Senju tho
- I actually do like Emma and Draken together but I also firmly believe Draken is in love w/Mikey and was just projecting onto Emma LMAO
- Yuzuha is a lesbian
- Controversial: I don’t think Shinchiro was THAT great of an older brother. Like he was cool but he still introduced Mikey and Izana into the world of gang life/normalizing violence and yeah OG Black Dragons isn’t like that but….what do u expect when u form a gang??? .obviously there’s a high chance that it’s gonna develop into LEGIT gang activity
- As an adult and someone who was basically raised by an older sibling w/a big age gap (my sis is 7 years older) I kinda don’t blame Takeomi for being a bad older brother??? Realistically he’s a 17 yr old in charge of raising 2 toddlers like NO SHIT he did a bad job. At least Shin had his grandfather to help out but Takeomi actually had no one. Doesn’t explain y he’s a brokey LOL buttttt again I don’t FULLY blame him for being a bad sibling still hurt my boi Sanzu 😤😤
- I HC that Mikey is used to having a caretaker (Draken and later Sanzu) bc when Shin died he was so depressed and genuinely couldn’t get out of bed
- Takemitchy is also lowkey boring/typical shounen protagonist and canonically stinky like Hina could do sm better. This is personal preference so I find myself wanting more chaotic/dumb protagonists who are slightly morally ambiguous like Denji, Gintoki, hell even Naruto at times. Takemitchy didn’t get character development until BD arc and that’s just a bit too long for me….
- Koko and Inui r gay and dating 💅🏻💅🏻💅🏻
- the Haitani brothers r the kardashians of the TR universe they’re so embarrassing Deadass show up and pose/do absolutely nothing I LOVE THEM SHKSKSKSK
- I love how it’s universally agreed that Mitsuya and Chifuyu r the best bois
- I have mixed feelings about Izana. I genuinely do like him and DESPISE how he’s whitewashed by fanart
- I get it u genuinely just wanted to not be alone and found out ur adopted in the worst way possible but…..idk how that justifies killing ur own sister but u do u ig 🤷‍♀️ and u have KAKUCHO AS UR FAMILY WTH
- don’t listen to me tho I’m a Mikey and Sanzu stan LMAOO 🤭🤭🤭
- Izana is the definition of mommy issues and 100% had crunchy hair lik mans was homeless
- if I saw Izana IRL I would RUN 🏃‍♀️idk he looks a lil crazy
- also this man does not know Tagalog he didn’t even know he was Filipino until he was lik 12
- idk the Tenjiku arc is so funny to me bc Izana is deadass: imma kill everyone in Mikey’s life for revenge and Mikey is lik: bruh I didn’t even kno u existed until last week and now ur killing our sister UNPROVOKED ???
- Bonten!Mikey is a virgin/no libido mans is DEPRESSED
- wished the Bonten arc was longer simply for the outfits bc Wakui KNOWS FASHION but that shit was DEPRESSION
- 3 Deities Arc was amazing and also funny/serious at the same time. It literally was an all out brawl in an AMUSEMENT PARK
- fr tho wtf was Benkei, Wakasa and Takeomi doing there??? Like they’re canonically 27 GO GET A JOB STOP FIGHTING 15 YEAR OLDS SHKSKSKS
- U cannot tell me that Sanzu WASNT sad when Baji and Mucho died.
- Baji was straight up his childhood friend and the only one other than Senju who knows about the plane incident/Mikey’s possessive side. And In the OG!timeline I’m pretty sure Baji was the only friend Sanzu DIDNT attack. While with Mucho he was pretty much his older brother, Sanzu just decided Mikey was better
- Tbh if the dark impulses/Shin thing wasn’t real I would’ve firmly believed Mikey had DID or something. Which again made only worse by the fact that violence and death is such a regular thing in his life (GET THIS MAN THERAPY LIK WTF IS SHIN AND GRANDPA SANO DOING???)
- Kazutora going a lil crazy is lowkey expected and I hate how we only find out about his home life in the character books. This kid grew up in a physically and mentally abusive household (gaslight to pick between parents and as s/o who has experienced that shit it’s fucked up) and I rlly don’t think prison helped out his mental stability either no shit he tried to kill Mikey
- I don’t ship Mikey and Takemichy (despite the IMMENSE gay ness btwn them) firmly bc I think everyone can see how much power Takemitchy has over Mikey idk it has a weird power dynamic like if Takemitchy tried he could 100% control Mikey (platonically or romantically)
- Baji, Chifuyu and Kazutora r a throuple
- I HATE how Sanzu is reduced to this crazy drug addict. Sanzu is canonically smart, manipulative, and formally trained fighter. He also REMEMBERS the OG timeline, he had to experience Shin dying twice and everyone else die no shit he’s a little bonkers/needs drugs to take everything away. Plus his relationship to Mikey which tbh is a whole separate post
- controversial !!!: I ship Mikey and Sanzu or Mikey and Draken. Sanzu only bc this man has a big ass crush and deserves some niceness for once
- ppl write Kakucho as this shy, nice guy like ur not wrong but mans is also running UNPROVOKED into Yakuza offices like it’s the gym while dragging Rindou wit him 😭😭😭
- the haitanis r the best sibling duo
- It lowkey makes me mad in fanfics where Ran is depicted as cheating w/Rin’s gf like??? This man raised his younger brother himself u cannot tell me he doesn’t love his brother and would actually do that to him
- Ran would 1000% do anything for Rin and i firmly believe he kinda regrets not saying anything in court to prevent Rindou frm joining him in jail. Like saying he forced Rindou to kill someone w/him, abusing his brother at home, etc especially in the Bonten! tl he def thinks about wtf he dragged his brother into
- I also don’t think they’ve slept w/ the same person before. Idk I feel like they have diff types like Ran goes for more motherly/mature types while Rindou goes for sweeter/shy types
- Draken has road rage
- Yuzuha should’ve been taller like AT LEAST 5’7 bitch is related to Hakkai and Taiju for gods sake
- OG BD 100% thought Wakasa was a girl for at least a month. He’s canonically 5’3 and pretty.
- Characters who r 100% bisexual: WAKASA, Senju,maybe Hina, Draken (def in denial), Rindou, Ran (he’s a whore as long as ur pretty he’s down), Sanzu, Koko, Kazutora, Chifuyu
- Mitsuya had a crush on Draken
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katsune-nya · 1 year
Tokyo Revengers Romantic and Sexual Orientation Headcanons.
Part 2.
Contains: Michi, Mikey, Draken, Baji, Tora, Fuyu, Taka, Hakkai, Pah and Peh, Hina Emma, Yuzuha, Senju, Sanzu, Ran Rindo, Koko, Inui, South, Taiju, Shin, Benkei, Waka and Omi.
He's so Straight it's actually sad, like i've never seen a straighter man. He actually doesn't have too much of a sexual attraction, but he's not in the ace spectrum either.
Edit: I change my mind, he's a bi king.
AroAce. He's in the spectrum and honestly doesn't really see the charm on relationships, he would get in one with the right person but doesn't look for it AT ALL. (He's the biggest simp when he falls tho).
Straight Ally. The kinda ally that literally doesn't give a fuck. Would kiss a dude, doesn't care. He grew up in a fucking brothel, literally nothing about sex makes him raise a brow.
Edit: Remembered this.
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That's such a weird thing for a straight guy to say, man. WHAT DID YOU MEAN??!!?!? Do you like Emma 'cause she kinda looks like Mikey?
AROACE AROACE AROACE AROACE. He's so in the AroAce Spec it's not even a secret. Experimented with boys and girls, just doesn't really do much to him. Doesn't look for a relationship but if it happens he'll be surprised. No gender or sex prefference.
Actually, i think he's Bi. The Homophobic Gay kind. He was so in denial until he was an adult and came out to Chifuyu and Kei in such a nonchallant way in the middle of a random convo at breakfast.
Right. In front. Of their salads.
Either the Straightest one can be or Pan. He's a romantic but doesn't get in a relationship easily, has literally zero experience but when imagining kissing in the rain suddently he realised the gender of the other person was changing??? The first person he came out to was Peke J and then Keisuke who gave him a thumbs up and kept walking like nothing.
I'm so sorry to the fangirls but this man came personally to me and told me he's a Fully Fledged Homosexual. He's so gay, oh my fucking God. Gay gay gay gay gay homo gay.
He has so much experience too and loves girls (could be bi) but men are just *chefs kiss*.
Gay and pissed about it but 'cause he's a Misandristic Man.
Edit: I realised I was wrong, he's actually the only straight character in this whole manga, he's just unrealistically perfect and that made me not see that he is a cishet.
He's so fucking Bi for fucks sake. He realised he liked boys before he liked girls and he felt SO guilty about it. He literally doesn't know what the fuck he feels for Takashi. Is it Platonic or Romantic Love? He decided it didn't matter 'cause he just loves him and that's enough.
Pah and Peh:
Both Straight but both experimented with different kinds of people. They genuinly don't care and will be your biggest suporters whatever you are. Literal definition of Love Is Love. Will beat up a Bigot for you and enjoy it.
Bi Bi Bi (actually Pan). She had only one or two crushes in girls but she fell in love with Michi at such a young age she never really cared. She has fucking queer merch but the aesthetic ones. She is the violent gay, Be Gay, Do Crime.
... I wish she was gay... She's so Straight. She found being queer weird at first but only 'cause she never saw it 'round. Once Hina came out to her in a casual "boys" convo she was just like: "Oh... Well, that makes sense." And moved on. Got a cute lil pin with her pronouns and put it on her bag.
GAY. She's a Pan queen. She has crushes VERY rarely, like, once every 80 years, but it never matters what gender they are. She has a "Beat a Right Wing" sticker. She is gay with a PURPOSE, the purpose is to make her brother mad. She got over her crush on Michi just to develop one on Hina... Give this girl a break.
A romantic. Probably Pan. She falls in love every Tuesday, Waka and Omi have to deal with her talking their ears off about her latest crush "I'm telling you, they're the one!". Probably the most into Non-Binary people, she thinks it's badass and cool.
He HAS to be Gay. Bi at most. He just likes men. He likes men. Have i said he likes men? First crush was OBVIOUSLY Mikey. Whenever he gets drunk he starts saying the gayest shit (specially towards Rindo) and the Haitani brothers just have to listen to him and pray for him to get tired and shut the fuck up. "Listen, if i wasn't into [name] rn, i'd probably fuck you too". Ok, they don't care, go to bed.
Pan. A hole is a hole. No but fr. He doesn't care, he literally has no prefference, but actually, 'till he was like 20 he had NO PULL. NOTHING. NADA. Hit him up and he'll fold.
Bi. He likes boys, he likes girls, he has liked the random nonbinary cutie down the street. He just kinda goes with the flow but he has prefferences so he doesn't really call himself pan, he likes men the most, especially if they are smaller than him, he thinks it's cute. Another one with no fucking game, probably kissed Sanzu and regretted it instantly because why Sanzu?!?!?! He was drunk, let him forget it.
... Come on, he HAS to be Pan. He likes pretty people, whatever they are. He likes looking at people as if they were art pieces but he doesn't get crushes. Once he falls in love, it's for LIFE.
Probably Bi or the best Straight Ally. He likes people rougher than him and people energetic/extroverted/chaotic/talkative. Doesn't really think about his prefference so he doesn't put a label on himself. Whoever he likes, he likes. In the Ace Spectrum.
... Listen. Ok. Listen to me. I swear i have a point just liSTEN TO ME.
He's gay. He's fully homosexual. And he has no real prefference about it bUT, he likes femenine men a lot. Or men shorter or skinnier than him. Or... Honestly. He just... Likes men.
Pfffft. He's actually Bi or Pan but so in denial, in the closet, a closet guarded by Cerberus himself and a thousand locks with a pond around it filled with crocodiles. He likes strong people who can tell him to shut the fuck up and encourage him to do better. He dreams of getting married and having a family. Ew.
He's Pan. He has an obsession with women but he gets just as down bad with men, or enbys. He likes people smarter than him. He preffers people smaller than him 'cause he gets too flustered with people bigger, but ohohoho, he LOVES heavier people.
I swear i can't decide. It switches every time. I think his sexuality is fluid and he's unlabelled. AroAce Spec tho, doesn't really get crushes.
AroAce Spec, but he has TOO MUCH GAME. He pulls without trying. He is mostly uninterested in people and relationships. You have to be an EXTRAORDINARY person to catch his attention (I have this headcanon that he's lowkey into Shin but that's for another day). Once he falls, you are not getting rid of him.
Probably fully Aro. His true love is money. If he got into a relationship it would be a VERY slow and robotic process, until he relaxes and is like... Huh... This is nice. Then a switch flips.
• Will do more in some time about the rest of the characters. I had no more space in the tags lmao.
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honkshoo-zzz · 11 months
How I see the Mercs within the LBGTQ+ Community
cause i keep seeing people posting things and EVERYONE KEEPS GETTING IT WRONG!! /j who cares i jus wanna make a funky list too
Scout: Def Bisexual, Trans ftm (can take or leave)
Probably has a preference for women
Probably doesn’t realize he likes men until he works with them 24/7 and all of his coworkers are hunky n sweaty and maybe a lil flirty
If trans, used Sex Bom tattoo to cover top surgery scars. Even though it’s definitely just worse than just having ts scars lmao
Soldier: Bisexual and Poly
I just love him dating Zhanna and Demo honestly
Fuck it, other mercs too, if they wanted
Tbh I also fuck with aro/ace vibes for him, he’s just kinda around for a good time with the homies in my mind. Both is good
I do see his preference being fairly equal though. Too busy thinking about his love for the US to think too much about tiddies/ass/etc.
Pyro: Def Ace, and either Aro or Lesbian in my mind. Also Nonbinary.
Either gender-fluid or just straight-up no gender enby. no in-between in my eyes.
I’m mostly all for Aro/Ace Pyro but I saw some Pyro x Ms. Pauling art and. love that. ugh, decisions…
Feel like they use whatever pronouns. Don’t gaf, will never gaf
Also no sex cause the suit just doesn’t come off. Also too busy setting shit on fire to care. More important shit to do.
Demoman: Pansexual and Poly
Again, dating Soldier who is also dating Zhanna
He’s also in a longterm relationship with Eyelander. Don’t ask too many questions about how that works though. But they are.
Also doesn’t have a gender-preference (obviously, he’s married to a sword). Semi-opportunistic in that sense, I guess (again he’s married to a sword. how many times do i gotta—)
Heavy: Bisexual, preference for Men
Idk man but Heavy and Medic have been married for a long time in my eyes
Also I feel like he participated in his sisters’ longing to “see another man” while living in Russia, had a similar reaction to meeting Medic upon taking the Merc job as Zhanna meeting Scout/Soldier
(For those who have yet to read the comics, that reaction basically just being: “you are man. I am horny. let’s bang.” and Medic would just be like o///o “aight” I think)
Biggest trans supporter tho, idk why but it just makes sense he would be the first to punch the teeth out a transphobe. Defends other mercs when confronted about gender shit 100%
Engineer: Bisexual, preferring Women; ftm Trans
The more top surgery art I see of him, the more I fall in love with trans Engie. It’s basically canon to me now. You can take this from my cold, dead hands.
Idk not much else to say. He’s a switch, though, if that adds much of anything HXSKFJEJX
No bottom surgery in my mind, either. Just makes his own straps n shit, cause he can (one of his 11 PhDs was in sex, actually, did you know?)
Medic: Gay, ftm Trans (again, can take or leave)
The most bottom-gay I’ve ever seen, personally (idk how else to phrase it, forgive me)
Again, I feel like he’s been married to Heavy for a long time
If trans, did his own top and bottom surgery, probably at the same time, cause he knew he could and he’s fucking insane (scars are a little wild as a result but he wears them with pride)
Sniper: Gay. das it HFSKFJEK
Gay, but the type of guy where you’d never know til his fuckin boyfriend walks out and kisses him or sum
Also he’s exclusively a top in my mind. Idk why but I feel like he’s got control issues HHEEKLEDP
Again, not super out-spoken about his sexuality, but *will* go out of his way to stab a homophobe. Not kill them from a distance, specifically stab. Shit’s more personal that way (is that too morbid? sorry)
Spy: Bisexual, Genderfluid
Another bottom, but will top if needed (like with most women, if he somehow gets with *another* bottom, etc.)
He’s also a whore. A slut, even. Good for him.
OH AND GENDERFLUID omg. Saw some stuff about that recently so it’s new to my pea brain but I like it.
Again, like Sniper, I feel like he wouldn’t really talk about his gender stuff a lot, but would discover this of himself when disguising himself as women and just feeling. Just as comfortable, if not more comfortable as them at times.
Kinda sensitive about it, though, probably. Will stab anyone who mentions it while he’s figuring it out. But gets better upon meeting the mercs and their gay-asses, lmao
“holy shit it’s not that crazy to like to have boobs sometimes” type-beat.
ok i’m done. again feel free to add stuff, fight me (like, as a bro), or whatever. Love talking about it cause I love these lil weirdos. Probably too much. oh well hdkafjejfk
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hypaalicious · 8 months
Why I think Nocturne is way better than the OG Castlevania series
Sorry, when I try to shut up about this show I be like
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so here’s my unsolicited, highly biased word vomit that will contain spoilers at the end (but those will be under a cut) so read at your own risk! Okay, leggo
It’s actually diverse.
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One thing about high fantasy is that it’s almost always Eurocentric. Even if it’s not set in Europe, the characters are gonna inexplicably have British accents because we associate that with high fantasy. We’re gonna have European style “old” clothing choices. And if everyone isn’t white, they might as well be because they’ll only throw in a couple ambiguously brown side characters and call it a day. Or if they make a main character a POC then best believe everyone around them will be white.
Nocturne, tho? Oh, you can tell it’s made with more than just a sprinkle of representation. They didn’t just make Olrox indigenous, they tied his Aztec lineage in beautifully. Annette was a slave but it’s not flattening her character because of it. Drolta came to slay but even she has her authentic background. Which leads me to my next point!
The Black characters especially are done tastefully.
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Like… don’t get me wrong. I love Isaac. He was the only reason I stayed tuned into Castlevania past season 1, LMAO! But his backstory felt like straight trauma porn cooked up by a non-Black person who wanted an excuse to see a Black man whipped for character development.
Zodwa Nyoni wrote some episodes for Nocturne and she put her FOOT in it. When it came to addressing Annette’s time as a slave, her connection to the Orisha through her bloodline… I was gobsmacked at how accurate everything was and now I know why LOL! Like, for me, it’s always gonna be hard to see slavery in fiction but I can’t say shit bad about how it was tied into everything in this show. Annette’s ancestors play such a huge part in her growth and it just warmed my heart to see a Black girl whoop some colonizer ass without it feeling hamfisted. 🥹
The token relationship is the cishet one, everyone else is gay asf
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I love that trope flipped on it’s head, ngl LMAO! I, by default, HC everyone as bi anyway but MAN was it nice to see Olrox and Mizrak speedrun enemies to lovers and a hint of Drolta’s devotion/gayness to Erzsebet.
I know the majority of my fictional character thirsting leans male but don’t get it twisted; I jump for JOY for gay shit in media 😂 The only reason I don’t thirst as hard for female characters is because I prefer my men fictional but my women real.
That being said, this series sent me into bi panic and I’d like to be manhandled in a room by Drolta and Olrox.
Nocturne’s first season plays out neater than the OG’s first season.
Like… okay. My main beef with the OG series was that after they defeated Dracula, the rest of the show felt like a meandering fanfic. Sure, there were a few badass moments, but the energy kinda faltered for me and I was bored with a lot of it. I hope they don’t do the same with Nocturne; they left off at a nice cliffhanger which builds anticipation for the next season and… idk it feels more cohesive already? They coulda speedran kicking Erzsebet’s face in like the OG trio did to Dracula but I’m so glad they left us a lil something to look forward to.
Alucard’s glow up >>>>>
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I’m chronically online but I’m so glad I went into this series blind because the way I GASPEDT when he showed up at the end
Like damn for the past fifty-leven years he was in that castle by himself going “do I wanna talk to Sypha and Trevor plushies again or do I wanna make myself even more of a bad bitch?” Then he chose the latter, went to the salon, got his hair bleached platinum along with some sew in extensions for volume, beat his face with Fenty, and said “sorry Drolta but there can be only one vampire baddie on this earth and hunny I’m TAKIN IT”
He looks more like his video game design this way too, which I love! I hate that he took out Cuntress McSlay tho 😔 Drolta I will always love you!!
Mmkay. Now if you’ll excuse me, I need to start a cult to Olrox real quick. Erzsebet ain’t the only god walking the earth and I feel he just needs good marketing!
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thenanamisimp · 6 months
Danmei and MXTX novels
Would you look at that, another post that's not about anime? WILD. It is about MXTX novels though so the hyperfixations continue. I'm actually in the process of planning a very lengthy analysis of all three of her series but this is a warning, don't expect too much. I was never good at those in school plus it's been almost 7 years since I've last written something like that but I feel so passionate about her works that I really wanna try to share what I thought about the novels. Nevertheless, this isn't actually those analysis posts since those are gonna be separate and will probably be written after I re-read each series. However, since I'm actually finally fully done reading all her series - including the extra side chapters - I wanted to quickly share some of my opinions and how I feel after finishing all 18 of the books.
This goes without saying but just in case - SPOILER WARNING for Heaven Official's Blessing, The grandmaster of demonic cultivation and The scum villain's self saving system novels.
First off, if you haven't read any of MXTX's work before, prepare for trauma and tragedy. Most of her characters are either deeply traumatised already or in the process of. I will always encourage people to read content warnings before reading her books.
Starting off with my favourite - TGCF or Tian Guan Ci Fu (aka Heaven Official's Blessing). This story means a lot to me. I got introduced to TGCF through the donghua before I even knew it was queer fiction and even with censorship, the closet is made of fucking GLASS so I had to look for the source material. Honestly it took me a while to commit to reading the whole series as I've been struggling to pick up books for years now but TGCF actually got me back into reading (I think in total it took me about 8 days to read all 8 volumes). More than just the story telling being good, I got so incredibly attached to every single character (except Jun Wu, he can eat shit - tho the fact I'm even saying this speaks volumes about how well MXTX can write characters. It takes a lot for me to hate a character this much).
Taking place in a beautiful fantasy world, we follow Xie Lian and Hua Cheng through tragic traumatic past and present and we learn of the horrible truths about the lives of immortal beings. We also see two idiots in love take their sweet ass time to confess. I love me a good slow burn full of longing and pining. I eat that shit UP every time and MXTX gave it to me with every single one of her series.
TGCF for me was a journey full of kicking my feet at fluff, second hand embarrassment (because xl I stg, what do you MEAN you were taught how to resist the advances of women but not how to resist hot men you gay lil shit the closet is made of glass) and honestly, lots of crying. The hundred stabs incident, ruoye's creation and hcg's last death made me sob and scream (no exaggeration, I was stomping around my room, crying and yelling GIVE HIM BACK RIGHT NOW).
Also, in a not so unpopular opinion (I think?), Pei Ming is my fave because 1) he's the no.1 Hualian shipper - check the whole Mt Tunglu adventure for proof and also 2) he's just a lil slut with a big heart. I could seriously talk about him forever because I went from hating him after he tried to throw the blame for the Banyue Pass incident on Xie Lian, to loving him after I realised that everything he does, he does because he is truly just a kind man who loves a good fight. He's so silly! Just a lil guy! Go Pei Ming go!
Fuck you Jun Wu. Again. (I hate him just as much as I hate Mahito. Maybe a little less. I really hate Mahito).
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Moving on to my second favourite (but honestly it's such a close one), MDZS or Mo Dao Zu Shi (The grandmaster of demonic cultivation). Take a wild guess about how I got introduced to it... Fandom of course, because very few people talk about TGCF online without mentioning MDZS so I just had to give it a chance.
The great grandmaster of demonic cultivation has been dead for a while but when he gets gifted a new body through a not so well known demonic ritual, he runs into an old acquaintance. We learn about Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji's past and current world of cultivation and hear stories about messy betrayals and conspiracies. Aaaand we find out about some more trauma and tragedy because is it really an MXTX novel without it?
And talk about a rollercoaster because (and please don't hate me for this) I found Wei Wuxian annoying initially.... But it's okay now because I kin him so go figure. Tho I actually kin only his adult self, I was a very introverted and rule abiding teenager, a lil more like Lan Wangji. In any case, wwx is the same stupid chaotic bisexual that I am and he is babygurl. Yeah and what if he murdered 3000 people? It was self defense. THEY ATTACKED FIRST. Your honour, he did nothing wrong and he does not deserve to be punished!
On a serious note, MDZS explores so many themes that are personally important to me, my favourite being the power dynamics of the world. It’s truly moving that even with all the pain Wei Wuxian went through, how far in his cultivation and how powerful he got, he still couldn't protect those he loved (until Lan Wangji of course because Wangxian is perfect together and they always protect and defend each other. Wangxian my beloved). While it might be a stretch for some, it really reminded me of how powerless we are in the world. People aim to educate themselves and go on to do whatever they can to better the world in their own way and yet, it really feels like nothing’s improving sometimes. I could talk about this for hours but maybe I’ll leave that for another time and another analysis post since this is supposed to be a shorter one (lmao)
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Last but not least, RZFZX or Ren Zha Fanpai Zijiu Xitong (honestly this one I use the english name for because I can’t pronounce the chinese as much as I try - The scum villain's self saving system or Svsss). This one I actually kinda struggled with - first of all because WHY BUGS MXTX. Not much bothers me in fiction but BUGS? Too far. Heads with spider legs? Raw flesh with maggots? Blood mites? I was out (for about half an hour and then I kept reading). Please note that it's not the raw flesh that bothered me, it was the fucking maggots. I can read about graphic murder, creepy hauntings, torture and many more but as soon as there are bugs? Nope! I’m done. People have phobias and that’s mine I guess. Enough ranting about bugs!
The story follows Shen Qingqiu, the scum villain of the hit web novel Proud Immortal Demon's Way (or PIDW for short, as it's referred to in Svsss) who is actually one of the original readers - and haters - of PIDW, who transmigrates into the book in order to fix the plot holes left by the original author. With his guide “the system” he does his best to lead the male lead of PIDW, Luo Binghe, down a better path than in the original story.
Svsss employs a comedic way of storytelling, with our protagonist being omniscient, it allows for the narration to be sarcastic and poke fun at a lot of moments that are cliche or badly written, as interpreted by sqq. Honestly, this is just a personal preference but I favour the more serious storytelling way of MDZS and TGCF (give me hurt until the very end when the main characters get together and then give me comfort).
To me, Svsss is a lot harder to analyse as a lot of its themes are unfamiliar to me, especially considering I’m the furthest from having any sort of humanitarian education (I have 2 engineering degrees). Using a story within a story, MXTX is able to deliver two main overarching themes; one about abuse and its results through Luo Binghe as well as one about the relationship of author and their readers, the feeling of being trapped by the readers' opinions and wanting your story to be liked through Shang Qinghua (to be honest, I hadn’t really picked up on this one until I saw discussion about this in the fandom).
If I'm being completely honest, I don't think I grasped this series as well as the other ones and I'm finding it hard to digest lbg and sqq's relationship. I'm unsure as to what it is that's holding me back from loving them as much as Hualian and Wangxian. I do tend to prefer tropes like theirs more than the whole "had to convince him to date me" thing which is what Bingqiu's relationship seemed like to me up until the end of volume 3. It’s also why I'm glad I actually followed through and finished the extras in volume 4 (I was really tempted to stop reading once I finished volume 3 not gonna lie). I believe those to be integral to understanding sqq's feelings towards lbh and while I understand that sqq did actually love lbh from the beginning (denial is a river in egypt and the gloset is made of glass - what the fuck is with MXTX's bottoms and the damn glass closet), I struggled to see the tipping point of where he actually understood his own feelings and what was going on in his head and that he was actually in love with lbh. Which is why I think to really understand Svsss, I would seriously need to reread it.
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I also would love to eventually talk about queerness in MXTX's work because in each book, sexuality and queerness is explored and examined in so many different ways. As a queer person myself, it fascinates me as I can relate to so much of it. To be honest, I think I could write a short thesis on just this.
Honestly, while I'm very passionate about my favourite pieces of media (if you've heard me talk about any of my top 5 anime you'll understand what I mean), there hasn't been a lot of things outside JJK and MXTX's novels that have made me wanna dive deep into analysing every single detail. It genuinely makes me feel like I'm gonna implode sometimes. These 3 series have seriously reignited my love for reading. I was shown that a good book - in my opinion of course - doesn't need to avoid difficult topics. It simply needs to use them well as a means of delivering a message and a story, rather than them being included just to be included. They also reminded me that I love queer fiction and I need to read more.
I actually would really like to read Erha (or 2ha or The husky and his white cat shizun) but I've read the content warnings and I'm ~~apprehensive~~. While not a lot of things bother me, I'm not sure I want to read about that stuff (please look at the content warnings of this book, or any piece of media in that matter, especially if you have topics that easily bother or trigger you). Remember, it's our responsibility as readers/consumers to look out for ourselves first!
Please recommend any good danmei (other than MXTX) and possibly include links where they can be read! I would also highly appreciate recommendations for some good wlw fantasy fiction as I really would love to read some wlw novels - or even anime/movies/webtoons/manga. Just in desperate need of quality wlw content.
Also while I said I'd keep it short, it seems I ended up writing over 2000 words…
PS. I proofread this about 5 times and during one of them my file crashed, so if there's any mistakes or if I’m not making sense somewhere, blame my deep-fried brain, thanks
Thanks for reading my novel ramble! Enjoy reading :)
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pope-neuro · 2 years
Give headcanon for merc.
(Sorry I been taking so long to get to these, I’ve been dealing with the sudden death of my baby bird, life has been kinda terrible this week)
NOTE: There will be some suggestive stuff in here but most of it is for comedic purposes
General merc headcanons:
-my boi got adhd like you would not believe
-The poor bastard cannot focus on anything for the life of him, no matter how hard he tries
-One of the reasons why he has trouble with reading, he was never really able to focus enough to figure it out, as that’s something that takes a LOT of time and a LOT of focus.
-Really talented artist tho! He loves drawing and keeps a sketchbook or two in his room! He likes to doodle before bed each night, it helps him calm down
-Somehow gay and homophobic at the same time
-Would absolutely lose his shit over the blue lobster meme no matter how old it gets
-My goofy ahh uncle
-The physical embodiment of “he a lil confused, but he got the spirit”
-Bro does not give a FUCK what anyone else thinks and I respect the hell out of that
-The men in his family were all in the military, which is one of the reasons why he’s obsessed
-secretly very insecure that he never actually made it into the official military
-Puts up a front so he can avoid feeling like a disappointment sometimes
-Solly is one of those people that sleeps like a LOG. Literally nothing can wake him up other than his own internal clock, which conveniently goes off at 6am.
-It is at this point in the morning when he goes around the base and attempts to make everyone else get up. Most are not pleased.
-Bi as fuck. He kisses men. He kisses women. He literally does not care, a beautiful person is a beautiful person, son.
-He calls his partner “son”.
-He is my son
-I love my son so much I am so proud of him for just existing.
-Pyro’s name is Ernesto
-His mask is literally just his face, like the plague doctor SCP. What appears to be clothing is actually just his body.
-He is from another planet, and the oxygen in our atmosphere has hallucinatory effects on members of his species
-Poor baby is basically in a haze 100 percent of the time :( but he does his absolute best!
-He literally only wants to spread peace, love, and flower power
-Fire makes him feel nice, because it’s bright and it’s warm. Fire is friendly and comforting. It helps ground him in this strange world.
-Under-appreciated as fuck holy shit
-Probably one of the most hardworking people on the team, if not THE most
-This guy is doing multiple jobs at once in addition to his demanding work as a mercenary.
-He’s actually super smart! He may not act like it when he’s super drunk, but he seriously does know what he’s doing
-Chemistry EXPERT. Can he please help me with my chem 101 homework I literally could never. I know he’s smart because chemistry is fucking impossible and he loves the subject
-sometimes works with Engie to develop new types of bombs!
-My theory is that he turned to alcohol in order to cope with the chronic burnout he must be facing by working so many jobs at once. Just helps him check out of life for a while, but unfortunately that comes at the cost of his liver.
-Fr tho how the fuck is he even alive, he drinks HYDROGEN PEROXIDE at one point, which isn’t even related to alcohol at all, it’s literally just a poisonous chemical💀
-I have reason to believe he now has epilepsy as a result of medic damaging his hippocampus while scooping his brain, I made a post about this a while ago if you’re interested in more details
-He is very much in need of a hug
-I love him so much
-You’re doin good lad
-One of the smartest people on the team, despite what you might perceive at first glance.
-The only reason he may sound “dumb” to some people is because English is his second language, and he has a very hard time speaking it.
-Fr tho English sucks, I have no idea how people learn it later in life on their own
-In the Russian dub of meet the heavy, he speaks a lot more eloquently. Definitely strikes me as the type of person to have a PhD in Russian literature.
-His dream was to one day become an author, but mercenary work got in the way because it was the best way to provide for his family overseas.
-He still writes from time to time in a small notebook he keeps by his bed, in the hopes that one day he’ll publish something
-He will
-Gay AF
-The literal definition of a Bear
-His guns are his babies, he literally loves them like they’re his children.
-Honestly I feel that way about my PC so I get it😭
-Also a very underrated character
-Ties with medic for Smartest On The Team
-Engie just puts his genius towards more practical (and less unhinged) use
-I mean clearly he’s not TOTALLY stable, he did cut off his own arm to attach the gunslinger
-Always felt the need to prove himself growing up. Because of where he’s from, people tended to assume he was kinda stupid based on stereotypes. He obviously ended up proving everyone wrong.
-Is autistic and has OCD. He needs to do things a certain way or he can get extremely upset, especially in his workshop. It’s his safe space that is not to be invaded unless he is expecting you.
-Acts like a father figure to pyro. Basically the only one who isn’t unsettled by him (other than maybe medic)
-He definitely takes pyro fishing on the weekends
-Very talented singer, but he’ll absolutely deny it if you tell him. He’s super humble about everything
-But nah everyone else always loves to listen to him sing and play the guitar when they’re all hanging out at the fire pit.
-He’s such a dad I love him
-Medic is my wife
-Smartest member of the team along with Engie
-Actually very strong! He lifted soldier up by the collar in expiration date, and he’s gotta weigh at LEAST 250.
-Also carries around heavy equipment all day, and is STILL the second fastest runner on the team, only behind scout.
-Medic is actually a pretty big dude. It’s just hard to notice when he’s standing next to heavy who is an actual giant. I think medic is canonically like 6’1 or something. Big dude. Wide shoulder. Booba. 👍
-Of course he looks small when he’s near heavy, EVERYONE looks small standing next to heavy
-Bi medic Bi medic Bi medic Bi medic
-Contrary to popular belief, he DOES indeed have the title of “Doctor”. In order to get a medical license in the first place, you are required to complete med school and obtain an MD or DO degree. Licensure and degrees are two separate things. You can lose a license, but you can’t be stripped of the education you already learned. The title of “Doctor” comes with a degree, not a license, as we have seen with engineer and Heavy’s PhD’s.
-He’s autistic with a special interest in medicine! If he’s not actively in battle, his in his lab working on shit. He LOVES it. It’s basically the only subject he cares about (source: am autistic w/ medical special interest. Am I projecting? Maybe but oh well)
-He very clearly knows what he’s doing, even though his methods are kinda fucked💀
-He’s succeeded in literally raising the dead multiple times in addition to inventing all of his healing devices completely his own.
-Hangs out with Engie when he’s not working on stuff, they both enjoy building/inventing devices and they enjoy talking about their shared special interests. He is closest with Engie and heavy out of everyone on the team.
-The only one that knows pyro is an SCP
-He’s a hoe. A massive hoe
-we are married
-Emotions are scary and Should Not Exist
-Also autistic! The man has literally no idea how to speak to other humans, and talks to himself constantly (am autistic, can confirm)
-MASSIVE introvert, has to retreat to his van a couple times a day to recharge
-He likes to draw birds he sees while on the job!
-Likes plain black coffee which I will never understand it’s so fucking bitter literally wh
-Doesn’t like people to know he’s somehow only 27 years old despite looking like he could be my dad when in reality he’s only like 7.5 years older than me
-He could be my brother but he looks like he could be my dad wtf
-One of those lucky bastards who doesn’t burn in the sun easily, he’s outside constantly
-His ideal place to be would be outdoors on a nice sunny day. A wide open area with no one else around.
-Puts his hat over his face when he sleeps because of course he does
-He Is Not Straight
-Pan, poly
-Canonically enjoys his romances “in groups of six”
-Spy hosts orgies guys, valve’s words not mine
-Sigma chad, has fucked your mom and will do it again
-Is not aware that he smells terrible from smoking all the time
-God knows how many children he’s left behind because he’s afraid of staying in any type of committed relationship
-Very similar to sniper in that emotions are Scary
-Speaks every language known to mann
-He absolutely has a sex dungeon. In this video he literally has plans to “remodel his dungeon”:
-Probably has the best social skills out of anyone else on the team
-Possibly a sociopath? Or just very good at hiding his intentions and motivations
-Spy is awesome but also I love making fun of him
-Haha skinny legg mann
Im so sorry poor anon asked this like a month ago😭😭 but I wanted to be really thorough with my headcanons!! I hope you like em and feel free to ask me more shit :))
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angelpuns · 10 months
Dude ranting anon is SO fucking gay- like I love the last charatcer you posted- finished my drawing of them a lil bit ago lol. I love them so much, I'm so fucking gay dude- just like- men, women, everybody? Hot as hell ngl.
Glad my silly lil phone drawing was to your liking lmaooo
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bitchkay · 1 year
Court of darkness ships
Explained *biased and /hj*
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Guy x Toa
Oh this just reeks of trauma and internalized homophobia you broken broken men!
Do you actually hate him or do you hate him because your attracted to him and you've been conditioned to think that's wrong and sinful and your channeling all that into anger toward the person your the person your attracted to and supposed to hate more than anybody and the "feuding families" provides you with an excuse.
Like babe closet is glass, its giving obsession, fan behavior, go be homoerotic somewhere else😐
Mfs glare at each other so often you think they're staring into each other's eyes
Mfs are about to kiss💀💀
Spouting insults at eachother at any chance they get
Gay as hell to have an arch nemesis, tf he arching? His back?
"I can't stand the sight of you" "I hate the sight of you more" like bruh might as well be a declaration of love💀
Guy x Fenn
This fanfic.
If you tell me these two haven't had sexual intercourse you're lying.
They've literally kissed before
Guy lets that man get away with a little too much with him if you get what I mean🤨🤨
Guy x Jasper
What straight man acts like thatt!!
Again the closet is glass
You don't have to act like you not boyfriends we already know, you straight up be flirting in front of everyone anyway
Nah cus why they act like a married couple in their honeymoon phase💀💀
The other princes have a valet, Guy gets a life partner💀
These two act like they're in a polyamorous relationship with MC no matter which one MC is specifically dating
No way these two haven't kissed
They walk into a room together and the air gets a little fruitier
Hold on-
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Guy x Roy
It's giving "I'm your biggest fan, I'll follow you until you love me"
Roy literally gets jealous when other people have Guys attention
Roy's lil boy crush on Guy is sometimes a little embarrassing like bro is whipped💀💀
Like bro is so in love with him💀💀
Guy x Lynt
Guy secretly likes being cuddled.
This pairing is proof nobody can say no to Lynt
"Let go of me, I'm not your pillow." *dosen't struggle* *makes no effort to move* *ends up either napping with him or staying there the whole time for Lynts comfort*
Lynt likes Guys smell and Guy simply does nothing about it
I bet Lynt can tell when Guy uses a new body wash
Toa x Lynt
I've learned the ship name for this qelkedia and I love it
this fic.
Nah but for real tho these two are actually besties like
Lynt was the first person to give Toa a candy when they were children, if that doesn't sound like the beginning of a budding romance idk what is🙄🙄
Like imagine it, Toa(🏳️‍🌈 in denial) crushing on Lynt this cuddly cute bean and every time he does Toas having a major internal gay panic cus "I swear I don't like men, this is just normal Lynt behavior"
The internalized homophobia is hitting😳
Lynt x Roy
Imagine Lynts consort path right
Except Lynt and Roy fall in love instead.
That's all I have to say about that.
Roy also takes care of Lynt😭😭
Who else would be fully willing to CARRY Lynt to their S rank lectures because he wants him to go to class for once and its apparently common😭😭
"Will you carry me?" "If I must"
That's his boyfriend yall.
Violet x Jasper
Tell me they're not exes. I dare you
They used to date and Jasper did something (cus let's be honest why wouldn't it be Jaspers fault) and that's why Violet doesn't trust him
"Be wary of Jasper, he is a bad bad man" "to what do I owe such slanderous claims😊" "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHY"
"While I have you here, would you join me in town for a drink?" "Would you happen to be inviting me out on a date?" "Maybe I am😏" "THERE YOU GO AGAIN, FLIRTING WITH ANYTHING THAT WALKS" "you wound me, not just anyone meets my standards😏" "... do you enjoy lying Jasper?"
Tension so thick you can cut it with a knife.
Violet does however trust him and respect him as a valet but she will drag his name through the dirt if she can help it
Half the time she wont even say his name outright💀 it's always some iteration with spectacles💀💀
Idk for some reason I can see them having a reconciliation like say Jaspers in the valets quarters and Violet comes in but like is trying to avoid him but ultimately fails and then they're left alone in the valets quarters and idk have a heart to heart or some shit
Violet x Grayson
Tell me they wouldn't be drinking buddies at some point
So many times over in events and consort routes has Violet gotten drunk after being dumped by a man
Like if she was just broken up with best believe she'll pick up a bottle, and look Gray can't hold his liquor for the life of him
What ever happens happens I rest my case.
Like Grayson would obviously refuse a drink knowing he can't control himself when hes intoxicated but Violet, probably way deep in her cups by now and really emotional dosen't wanna drink alone and probably doesn't wanna be alone in general since she just got dumped so Gray gives in promising to pace himself which doesn't work cus Grayson guzzles liquor down like juice like he doesn't know he a fucking lightweight
Again whatever happens happens, let them decide how they feel about it once they're sober
Violet x Tino
These two are besties yall
Violet complains about men meanwhile the perfect man is right there🙄
Tino has nursed her back to health when drunk after being dumped multiple occasions carrying her to bed making sure shes safe(canon)
Stop looking for love and let love find you baby girl😩😩
Like I can imagine Tino carrying an almost black out drunk Violet to her room cus another man decided to be fucking BLIND and like Tino leaving a glass of water at her bedside and Violet deciding to be clingy is like whoa Tino don't go😣😣 and Tinos like 😐girl go to bed😐/j but Violet just wants someone to hold if only for the time being. And Tino, sweet sweet hearted Tino is weak to the asks of some who truely seems vulnerable and needs a bit of comforting, stay with her until she falls asleep♡
Violet x Hawk
Idk where this one came from but I like it!
Violet x Zev
Yall remember when Zev was flirting with Violet in the princes path
Tell me they don't have history right now
*Violet turning down his date invitation*
Zev: MMM! I love it when you ignore me!😫
They went on like 2-3 dates, the issue lies where Violet is actually looking for a partner while Zev is just casually dating
Violet x Mc
These bitches gay.
Nothing about this is heterosexual.
Nah cus why both of them have admitted they wouldn't mind getting with the other
That's so gay.
Dia x Fenn
... you just had to be there
You know exactly what I'm talking about.
Dia x Sherry
I know what yall thinking
But have yall seen they're interactions in the short stories😭😭
In Dias path itself Sherry says to mc that it would be nice to know Dia as well as her like😖 baby
In the short stories it mostly them bumping into eachother and Sherry's like wow your so pretty and you should smile more
One in particular where they run into eachother and Dias trying to get away from her(like he does with every one) and he smiles politely and says he has somewhere to go and Sherry's like wow you have such a beautiful smile, you should smile more and Dias like "...thanks😳" and blushes and at the compliment then Sherry's like gimme one more big smile and he does smile, hes like 😊 and shes like I hope you have cause to smile more often, smiles make for more harmonious communications♡
That's so cute yall
In another story they wanna borrow the same book from the library but Dias like you can have it let's her have the book but the Sherry's like we should read it together😄💖
Is this a slow burn romance or something😳😳
No but fr Dia acts annoyed but hes actually so nice to her😭
Rio x Sherry
Not my personal feat, I prefer them as friends
But they cute asf
I love a good friends to lovers moment
Especially knowing they're known each other since they were children
Childhood friends to lovers😋😋
Also the height difference is so cute
Rio is 6'2-6'3 and Sherry's literally 5 feet tall💀
Shorty has to crain her neck to look up at him and Rios like *lifts her up by the armpits* there😄
Roy lowkey ships them but the big brother in him is like nah
It's not that he doesn't think Rio is a good guy it's just that that's his baby sister!!
The day Sherry gets a paramour is the day Roy dies a little inside.
Addis Ira x Gilbert Qelsum
These is literally the most hateful mfs.
Traumatized their children and are shitty people in general
Why are they the only kings that mutually like each others
Gilbert trusts Addis
Hes the only one of the kings that he does trust btw
And Addis dotes on Gilbert
Why are you doting on him-- are yall in a relationship🤨⁉️
Nah cus why all the other kings is like if one trusts another, the other is scared of them or one likes and the other thinks they irritating or they both just hate eachother
I bet they bond over disliking Roc Avari--
I'm stuck on Addis Ira doting on Gilbert
How you doting on a grown ass man but not yo child--
Tumblr media
Moral of the story, Guy is fruity as fuck, gayest bitch in the building, Violet got hella rizz😩 and Toa and Lance are step siblings--
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tsatsuma69 · 1 year
welcome to my heaviliy biased reaction/review :)
its a long one
these old men dance funky and fuck nasty
its tacky. its camp. its eurovison
mama ;)
love mr missile man
vocals could have been stronger + old men could have been more naked
FINLAND 10/10:
Finland slays as always
VERY cunty
love the lil crab dance
wonderful human centipede reference
i know who im voting for in the final
now this is eurovison
10/10 !!CUNT!!
they rlly got a latex vampire and fucking balls to the wall went for it
scream for me bbgorl
capitol fashion vibes
very eurovison
ITALY 3/10:
the first of the ballads
very eurovison /neg
(trampolies had me giggling)
glitter doesnt = slay. get better.
he did put his whole pussy into that
it wasnt enough tho
3/10 sure was a ballad bb
NORWAY 7/10:
it's giving Anne boylen????
odd take but slay
solid banger
a whistle note doesnt get u a win bb
eurovison approved :)
SERBIA 6/10:
go, twink! go!
serbia bringing the drama, slay
hewwo? game owver ;)
i see ur vison. its euro.
I liked his little giggle at the end
MALTA 4/10:
busting out some sexy sax
are those cardboard cut outs???
bitch dress fancier this is eurovison
!! road trip with the boys !!
theyre having fun in ikea
LATVIA 2/10:
immidaitly funky
ew nevermind
okay wait…?
ew no
this is eurovison bring the pizazz or go home
portugal bringing the drama
red <3
could have gone harder. still slayed
please dont be a ballad
fuck. okay. thank god.
stop making eye contact, twink
nice flares its giving knock off glitter elvis
drummer is having fun :)
i didnt like it
ew ballad :(
famously neutral country singing about not wanting to be being a soldier and war casulties
okay…. of all the countries… bbgorl
fun lil outfits.doesnt save u
unfortunatly i think eurovison wil eat this shit up
FRANCE 6/10:
NEVERMIND france brought the drama
oh the GLAMORE oh the DRAMA oh the EUROVISON
that sure is a Dress
mmmm its good but falls a little flat 4 me
wait where did her dress go
ISRAEL 4/10:
immidiate DRAMA
ourple :)
unicorn. we're sticking with that…. okay.
guys i think we wanna see her dance
u were so good last year dont let me down
okay pop off king
hehe eyeball
love the drums and the headpieces :)
a bop
SWEDEN 5/10:
i want her to scratch my back with those nails
……im getting abba vibes???? sounds a little bit like the winner takes it all at the beginning
sweden, sweden, sweden smh
OH the drama of a hydrollic press
cracking vocals crickey well done
pippin and merri made it to eurovision and theyre indi twinks now
oh this is fun
pink <3
swing em babes
uncanny clone doll vibes /pos
they know their audience (its me and i love barbie)
feminism :)
i just know ur gonna let me down
lo and behold i was right
another fucking ballad
ew straight people at eurovison
nevermind i think theyre lesbains
but that wont save them
god uses she/her pronouns :)
2/10 forgettable
ballad count: 3
best: Finland
worst: Switzerland
who made it thru:
Croatia :P
Switzerland >:(
Findland !!!! :D
Czechia <3
Portugal :)
Serbia (go!twink!go!)
final thoughts:
i am being so normal about this <3
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