#love my little filly army
wikagirl · 1 year
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I'm done redecorating my bookshelf! It has some strategically placed gaps for where I'm still missing books. For example I still need the last Magnus chase book in german and the first one in english and of the seawalker book series I'm missing like 5 whole books and assassination classroom I'm missing 10 but those will be stacked upwards so no extra gap was given there.
I'll probably have to rearrange some stuff and move some decor to the currently undecorated top shelf when I actually get around to buying those books but that's a problem for future wiika.
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blaaamboozle · 2 months
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Helloooo finally got some pony content here
Especially that it's my infection au!! Right now I'm just going to post the survivors until I can post the actual gore and the stages of of the infection. But while I'm working on that I hope you enjoy the survivors I got line up!!
!!TW!! Some death.
Starting off with King Sombra and Flurry Heart!! Now this au, Flurry Heart is a little older, so she is is around the same age Apple bloom would've been in the show. (The cutiemark crusaders are obviously little older in this au as well. And this takes place the beginning of season 3..just..a little different lol. Ah gotta love aus./g).
How Sombra became Flurry Hearts protector/guardian is a sad one with a sweet ending though. King Sombra came back once the Crystal Empire came back. But, it was easier than he thought. He just walked right in, trotting around the empty streets of the Empire. But, it was oddly quiet. He was more so confused and a little worried if the ponies were even alive. As he was trotting up to the Castle, he was attacked by an infected. He quickly fought back and impaled the infected pony (owch). He was now alert and he was bitten. Luckily for Sombra, he isn't a normal pony. He was more shadow than pony. So he can't get infected, he's immune. However, due to his dark magic corrupting his body many moons ago, he can't provide a cure. Once, Sombra got into the castle he noticed it was a pretty bloody sight. Before he noticed a white unicorn carrying a filly alicorn on his back, running away from a horde of infected ponies. Sombra quickly blocked the horde with his black crystals, saving the unicorn and filly. The unicorn turns out to be Shining Armor and the filly is his daughter, Flurry Heart. He suddenly began to beg and plead with Sombra, hoping he could take care of Flurry Heart, to protect her until her mother gets back from Canterlot. Sombra cringes at the idea of protecting this filly but, he knew she would probably die if she doesnt have anyone to guide her and provide for her. And he noticed that Shining Armor was bitten, and it was spread fast. Sombra is cruel, but he isn't that cruel. He promises Shining Armor to protect Flurry and takes her. He now is trying to reinforce the castle and to get any survivors into the castle to build and army to defend themselves and the other survivors. Flurry heart slowly brings out a softness in Sombra, and the two are close. Almost like found family (sobs)
I love these two, they are so cute and the fact that my version of Sombra always wanted kids when he wasn't corrupt but couldn't but then has to protect Flurry heart us just very sweet. He's literally a dad. And Flurry heart just brings out is sweet side and she just makes him play dolls and dress up, most definitely lol.
Here's their story!! I will post Twilight, AJ, Pinkie, Fluttershy and Discord soon!! I think I will post Twilight soon and I will work on RD very soon!! I have lost to work on and write as well!! (Also sorry if I misspelled anything or used the wrong words..I'm not the best at that lol)
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mlp410nightcore · 2 months
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Hi Everyone!! Here is another brand new next gen for my Blossom Love AU. Emerald's parents are Fleur De Lis and General Hubert Galeforce. Emerald is very sweet and caring towards her friends and family but can also be very strict when it comes to obeying rules. Ever since she was a filly, Emerald always wanted to follow in her father's footsteps and join the army to protect her home country and her people and even though she continuously heard all the stories and the dark truth about fighting and war in general, she still wants to protect and serve her country. Emerald's necklace was made by Solid Snake and Otacon's daughter, Serafina, and was given to Emerald as a thank you gift for fighting for their country after she retired from the army after 12 long years of service. Her necklace represents the purple heart, which Emerald had earned after putting her life on the line to save a severely injured solider while in the heat of battle. Emerald dodged each and every bullet just to save her own and got the solider to medical attention as quickly as she could. Thankfully, Emerald got out of the crossfire with only minor wounds, which healed over time, and heard that the solider was going to make a full recovery thanks to her valiant efforts to save his life. The solider and his family were, of course, grateful for Emerald's bravery. Emerald is also Bi-romantic and Asexual. She falls in love with both men and woman, but doesn't like any to do with the 18+ side of love, only the wholesome side of romantic love she doesn't mind. Emerald's cutie mark means that she's very patriotic and was always destined to fight and protect her country and her people no matter what is thrown in her way. Sadly though, Emerald has gotten PTSD from being in the army, but she tries her absolute hardest to get by and try to not let her past bother her. Credit goes to Selenaede for the base I used and to Marcus Bromander, Innersloth, Lauren Faust, Hasbro, Hideo Kojima and Konami for creating The Henry Stickmin Collection, My Little Pony:Friendship Is Magic and Metal Gear Solid as well as the characters General Hubert Galeforce, Fleur De Lis, Solid Snake and Otacon too. I only take credit for my next gens, art and the Blossom Love AU. I hope you guys like her!!!
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tangerineslefttit · 2 years
Thorin Oakenshield x Reader (gender neurtal)
Summary: After the battle of the five armies you treat Thorins wounds, together you have a comforting/sad moment
Warnings: none, its just big fluff
A/N: English isn't my first language so if I made any grammar mistake, tell me:)
Wordcount: 290
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,,Hold still, Thorin" you said while treating his wounds. He crushed his face in pain as you touched his head. You watched him concerned. ,,(Y/N), i see the sadness in your eyes." Thorin turned his head to you. ,,What is it?" You stopped treating his wounds and tried avoiding his gaze. He was right, like most of the time, he noticed when somethings wrong. Then his eyes catched yours.
,,Its Filli." you mumbled and lowered your sight again. Thorins eyes softened as he took your sad face in his big hands.
,,Look at me Amrlime."
You sighed and looked at him. A sad smile was on Thorins face. Slowly he brought your foreheads together. You loved it, being holed like this from him. With that your sadness grew a little smaller.
He pulled away and said: ,,I'm worried for my sister. She'll be crushed when I tell her he didn't make it. I just don't know how to tell her." As he talked, you layed your hands on his and snuggled into them.
,,You'll find the right words. You always do. And if you need any help with finding the right words, you can always talk to Balin. I know he'll support you, and he's way better with words than I ever will be." you said with an encouraging smile and turned his head again.
He nodded, lost in thoughts.
,,Thorin," you said with a light smile. ,,I said stop moving!" You both chuckled. ,,Oh I'm sorry, i just cant stop when youre around." He smiled at you. Each of you got lost in the eyes of the other.
,,Oh Malah, your eyes." he wispered. You chuckled and gave him a kiss on his cheek.
,,I love you."
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dwellordream · 3 years
“...Where the show had sensibly added yurts and merely forgot to have any way to move them, Martin has the Dothraki live in “palaces of woven grass” (AGoT, 83) which I assume the show did not replicate because the moment someone described doing that everyone realized what a bad idea it was and moved on to something more sensible like a yurt covered in leather. Grass and reeds, of course, can be woven. However, as anyone who has done so will tell you, the idea of trying to weave what is essentially a grass basket the size of a tent in a single day is not an enviable – or remotely possible – task.
Trying to move such a giant grass basket without it coming apart or developing tears and gaps is hardly better. And at the end, a woven-grass structure wouldn’t even really be particularly good at controlling temperature, which is its entire purpose! It is rather ironic, given that unlike the show’s Dothraki, Martin’s Dothraki do seem to use at least some carts, because Viserys is forced to ride in one (AGoT, 323) and so could bring yurts with them. They just don’t.
More to the point, it is very clear that Martin imagines the Dothraki subsistence system to consist almost entirely of horses. The Dothraki ride horses, they eat horses, they drink fermented mare’s milk. The Dothraki – as in the show – are presented as eating almost entirely horsemeat. They eat horsemeat at the wedding (AGoT, 84), and Daenerys’ attendants are surprised that she asks for any kind of meat other than horse (AGoT, 129), although Daenerys herself seems to have access to a more agrarian diet (AGoT, 198) and other characters observe that the Dothraki prefer horsemeat to anything else (AGoT, 272). There is no mention of herds of anything except people and horses moving with the khalasaar.
There is also no sense that the Dothraki are hunting big game like one would in the Great Plains; Drogo kills a hrakkar – a sort of lion, apparently – as a display of bravery (AGoT, 495) but there is nothing that would suggest the kind of bison-based subsistence system (at the very least, if that was the system, Daenerys would be well aware of it, because the camp would be awash in bison-products). I found no references to larger game and the Wiki only offers, “packs of wild dogs, herds of free-ranging horses, and rare hrakkar” which is, needless to say, not enough to make up for the absence of large herds of bison, especially for trying to feed Drogo’s camp of perhaps a hundred thousand people (or more!).
They clearly do not herd sheep. This becomes painfully obvious with the raid on the Lhazareen village. The Dothraki – Khal Ogo’s men – in raiding a sedentary pastoralist settlement, kill all of the sheep and leave them to rot. Dany sees them “thousands of them, black with flies, arrow shafts bristling from each carcass” and only knows that this isn’t Drogo’s work because he would have killed the shepherds first (AGoT, 555). And we are told that the people there “the Dothraki called them haesh rakhi, the Lamb Men….Khal Drogo said they belong south of the river bend. The grass of the Dothraki sea was not meant for sheep” (AGoT, 556).
We are told that the Dothraki have “vast herds” but this can only mean herds of horses, given that they apparently take offense at any other animal being grazed on the Dothraki and look down at shepherds in general (AGoT, 83). To be clear, for a nomadic people moving over vast grassland to spurn the opportunity to capture vast herds of sheep would be extraordinarily stupid. At the very least, thousands of sheep are valuable trade goods that can literally walk themselves to the point of sale (we’ll get to this idea that the Dothraki also don’t understand commerce a little later, but it is also intense rubbish; horse nomads in both the New World and the Old understood trade networks quite well and utilized them adroitly). But more broadly, as I hope we’ve laid out, sheep are extremely valuable for subsistence in Steppe terrain.
But Martin does not even do horse-string logistics right. While Daenerys eats cheese (AGoT, 198), we never hear of the Dothraki doing so. The Dothraki do have an equivalent to qumis, but no qulut, no yogurt. Even the frankly badass bit about drinking the horse’s blood as a source of nourishment does not appear. The horses themselves are also wrong. First, Daenerys and Drogo each have one horse they use, seemingly to the exclusion of all others. If you have been reading this long, you know that is nonsense: they ought to both (and Jorah too, if he intends to keep up) be shifting between multiple horses to avoid riding any of them into the ground. Moreover, Martin has imported a European custom about horses – that men ride stallions and women ride mares – into a context where it makes no sense. Drogo’s horse is clearly noted as a red stallion (AGoT, 88) while Daenerys’ horse is a silver filly (AGoT, 87). But of course the logistics of Steppe raiding revolves around mares; in trying to give Drogo the ultimate manly-man horse, he has actually given him the equivalent of a broken down beater – a horse only able to fulfill a slim parts of its role.
Finally, the group size here is wildly off. For comparison, Timothy May estimates that, in 1206, when Temujin he took the name Chinggis Khan and thus became the Great Khan, ruling the entire eastern half of the Eurasian Steppe, that the Mongol army “probably numbered less than a hundred thousand men” (May, The Mongols, (2019), 43), though by that point his army included not merely Mongols, but other ethnically distinct groups of steppe nomads, Merkits, Naimans, Keraites, Uyghurs and the Tatars (the last of which Chinggis had essentially exterminated – next time, we’ll get to the nonsense of the Dothraki being a single ethnic group).
That is, to be clear, compared to the armies of sedentary empires of similar size (which is to say, huge) a fairly small number! We’re going to come back to this next week, but the strength of Steppe nomads was never in numbers. Pastoralism is a low density subsistence strategy, so the steppe nomads were almost always outnumbered by their sedentary opponents (Chinggis himself overcomes this problem by folding sedentary armies into his own, giving him agrarian numbers, backed by the fearsome fighting skills of his steppe nomads).
Khal Drogo’s khalasaar, which moves as a single unit, supposedly has 40,000 riders (AGoT, 325-6); Drogo is perhaps the strongest Khal, but still only one of many. With 40,000 riders, we have to imagine an entire khalasaar of at least 120,000 Dothraki (plus all the slaves they seem to have – put a pin in that for later; also that number is a low-ball because violent mortality is clearly very high among the Dothraki, which would increase the proportion of women and children) and probably something like 300,000 horses. At least. Of course no grassland could support those numbers without herds of sheep or other cattle. As noted above, Isenberg’s figures suggest much lower density in the absence of herding – just under 70,000 nomadic Native Americans on the Great Plains in 1780 (and less than 40,000 in 1877), including women and children! But more to the point, no assemblage of animals and people that large could stay together for any length of time without depleting the grass stocks.
Even if we ignore that problem and even if we assume that the Dothraki have Mongol-style pastoral logistics to enable higher population density on the Dothraki Sea, my sense is that the numbers still don’t work. Even before Drogo dies, we meet quite a few other independent Khals with their on khalasaars – Moro, Jommo, Ogo, Zekko and Motho at least and it is implied that there are more. Drogo’s numbers suggests he should be roughly at the stage Chinggis Khan was in 1201 or so – with Chinggis controlling roughly half of the Mongolian Steppe, and his old friend and rival Jamukha the other half. But Khal Drogo has evidently at least a half-dozen rivals, probably more. It is hard to say with any certainty, but the numbers generally seem too high. Having that entire group concentrated, moving together for at least nine months (long enough for Daenerys to become pregnant and give birth) would be simply impossible inside of a grazing-based subsistence system, sheep or no sheep.
In short, no part of this subsistence system works, either from a North American or a Eurasian perspective. This isn’t actually much of a surprise. Martin has been pretty clear that he doesn’t like the kind of history we’re doing here. As he states: I am not looking for academic tomes about changing patterns of land use, but anecdotal history rich in details of battles, betrayals, love affairs, murders, and similar juicy stuff.
That’s an odd position for an author who critiques other authors for being insufficiently clear about their characters’ tax policy (what does he think they are taxing, other than agricultural land use?). Now, I won’t begrudge anyone their pleasure reading, whatever it may be. But what I hope the proceeding analysis has already made clear is that it simply isn’t possible to say any fictional culture is ‘an amalgam’ of a historical culture if you haven’t even bothered to understand how that culture functions. And it should also be very clear at this point that George R. R. Martin does not have a firm grasp on how any of these cultures function.”
- Bret Devereaux, “That Dothraki Horde, Part II: Subsistence on the Hoof.”
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A List of Highly Recommended Modern Western Animated Series
Or alternatively, A List of Modern Western Animated Series That Actually Stuck to Their Guns With Their Story/Character Writing/Endings. Yes, I'm still unfathomably angry about Star vs' downfall, incredibly bitter regarding the She-Ra 'reboot' and how its' messages were portrayed (and a whole lot of other issues), immensely frustrated on how Steven Universe's themes, world building plus characters were handled and extremely annoyed with Miraculous Ladybug refusing to evolve into something better, thank you for asking. :)
The 7D
101 Dalmatians Street
Adventure Time
Adventure Time: Distant Lands
The Adventures of Puss in Boots
The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle
American Dragon Jake Long
Amethyst: Princess of Gemworld (2013)
Angelina Ballerina
Animals (2016)
Animaniacs (2020)
Anne of Green Gables: The Animated Series
Atomic Betty
Atomic Puppet
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Batman: The Brave and the Bold
Ben 10 (The entire OG series prior to the 2016 'reboot')
Beware the Batman
Big City Greens
Billy Dilley's Super Duper Subterranean Summer
Bless the Harts
Blood of Zeus
Blue's Clues & You!
Bob's Burgers
Bojack Horseman
The Bravest Knight
Buzz Lightyear: Star Command
Carmen Sandiego (2019)
Central Park
Class of the Titans
Cleopatra in Space
Close Enough
Codename Kids Next Door
DC Super Hero Girls (2019)
Dead End: Paranormal Park
The Deep
Di-Gata Defenders
Dora the Explorer
DOTA: Dragon's Blood
Doug Unplugs
The Dragon Prince
DuckTales (2017)
El Tigre: The Adventures of Manny Rivera
Elliott From Earth
The Epic Tales of Captain Underpants
Epithet Erased
Ever After High
Filly Funtasia
Fish Hooks
Generator Rex
Geronimo Stilton
The Ghost and Molly McGee
G.I. Joe: Renegades
Glitch Techs
Go Away, Unicorn!
Gravity Falls
The Great North
Green Eggs and Ham (2019)
Green Lantern: The Animated Series
The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
Growing Up Creepie
Hanazuki: Full of Treasures
Harold and the Purple Crayon
Harley Quinn (2019)
Harvey Girls Forever!
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi
The Hollow
If You Give a Mouse a Cookie
Iggy Arbuckle
Infinity Train
Invader Zim
Invincible (2021)
Jackie Chan Adventures
Jacob Two-Two
Jurrasic World: Camp Cretaceous
Justice League
Justice League Action
Kappa Mikey
Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil
Kid Cosmic
Kim Possible
Kulpari: An Army of Frogs
Kulipari: Dreamwalker
Kung Fu Panda: Legends of Awesomeness
The Last Kids on Earth
Legends of Chima
LEGO Elves: Secrets of Elvendale
Legend of the Three Caballeros
The Life and Times of Juniper Lee
Lilo & Stitch: The Series
Lily the Witch
The Lion Guard
Little Charmers
The Little Prince (2010)
Littlest Pet Shop (2012)
Love, Death & Robots
Mao Mao: Heroes of Pure Heart
The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
Max and Ruby
The Midnight Gospel
Milo Murphy's Law
The Mr. Men Show
Muppet Babies (2018)
My Life As a Teenage Robot
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Neo Yokio
Oban Star Racers
Onyx Equinox
Over the Garden Wall
Penn Zero: Part Time Hero
Phineas and Ferb
Pinkalicious and Peterrific
Polly Pocket (2018)
Pop Pixie
Pound Puppies (2010)
Puppy in My Pocket: Adventures in Pocketville
Potatoes and Dragons
Primal (2019)
The Proud Family
Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja
Regular Show
Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Ruby Gloom
Sabrina: Secrets of a Teenage Witch
Sadie Sparks
Samurai Jack
Santiago of the Seas
Scaredy Squirrel
Scooby Doo!: Mystery Incorperated
Sealab 2021
Secret Mountain Fort Awesome
Seis Manos
Shaun the Sheep
Sheep in the Big City
Shimmer and Shine
Simon in the Land of Chalk Drawings
Skylanders Academy
Sofia the First
Solar Opposites
Spirit: Riding Free
Star Beam
Star Wars: The Bad Batch
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Star Wars Rebels
Static Shock
Stretch Armstrong and the Flex Fighters
Summer Camp Island
Su[er Drags
Sym-Bionic Titan
Tales of Arcadia franchise
Tara Duncan
Teen Titans
Thundercats (2011)
Totally Spies!
Trolls: The Beat Goes On!
True and the Rainbow Kingdom
Tuca & Bertie
Twelve Forever
The Venture Brothers
Victor and Valentino
Wander Over Yonder
Watership Down (2018)
We Bare Bears
Welcome to the Wayne
What About Mimi?
Winx Club's first 3 seasons
Xiaolin Showdown
Young Justice
Upcoming Modern Cartoons with Interesting Concepts!
The Inside Job
IRL Squad
The Lion's Blaze
Wings of Fire
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glapplebloom · 3 years
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The Next Generation is here. Let’s see how far we’ve come... Also SPOILERS!!!
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So the movie about the new Generation of Ponies begins with the old, as we get the final lines said by the actresses that were in the roles we loved them for (in the series). Granted, it does feel more Saturday Morning but each one is exactly how you expect them to be..
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Except Rarity who wants to eat brains.
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Turns out it was kids playing them. Sprout decides to go racist and thinks they were beaten by the Earth Ponies, somehow. Hitch, Sunny’s best friend, wants to support her but is also filled with that bad knowledge. As they leave since Sprout’s mother came to pick them up, we get a story from Sunny’s Father that sounds awfully familiar to previous generations fans.
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Also remember this because this is important.
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Here we are in the future and its pretty much the same. Sunny Starscout believes that Unicorns and Pegasi can be friends while everyone else at Maretime Bay fears them. And to help with that fear you got so many propaganda stuff like a movie poster for Judgement Neigh. So wouldn’t that mean the Unicorn from the future is going to help them from a liquid shapeshifting unicorn?
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She is also trying to sneak into Canterlogic’s Annual show about their Anti-Unicorn and Pegasi defensive weaponry. It goes as well as you imagine. But this time, it seems like she’s finally getting the message when Hitch said he was the only friend she got. If only there was a unicorn she could befriend to prove her point.
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Hi new Unicorn best friend! Izzy Moonbow, a unicorn from Bridlewood, decides that today is the day she’ll visit Maretime Bay. It goes as well as you suspect as Sunny becomes a fugitive helping the Unicorn. She also finds out Unicorns no longer have magic so the two decide to go to Zephyr Heights to find out what’s up with that.
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In probably the dumbest move in this movie, Hitch goes off to chase Sunny and bring her in for helping a Unicorn escape. So that means he’s leaving the town to Sprout to take care of. To sum out Sprout, imagine combining Season 1 Snips and Snails with a dash of mama’s special little boy.
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Sunny and Izzy made it to the Pegasi Kingdom (That’s Good). But they got captured as soon as they arrived (That’s Bad). But they were freed by Zipp Storm (That’s Good). She reveals even the Pegasi lost their magic and none of them can fly (That’s Bad). But they discovered that there used to be jewels and if united they can restore magic (That’s Good). They have to plan a heist to get it (...). That’s bad.
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So bad in fact that the Queen is arrested since they’ve been lying that only the Royal Family can fly and that leaves Zipp and her sister Pipp Petals as fugitives. But they got the Pegasus Crystal and are now headed to Bridlewood to get the Unicorn equivalent to hopefully get back the magic. And Hutch is there because Sunny promised to return to be arrested if he helps.
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Back at Maretime Bay, Sprout is letting the power get to his head. After making every pony there fear an upcoming attack, he takes over his mother’s company to instead make Offensive Weaponry. Instead of waiting, he’s planning on going on the attack. Even his mother thinks this is getting out of hand.
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So why did Izzy came to Maretime Bay anyway? Well as a filly she found a lantern with a letter saying she has friends there. That same letter Sunny and her father sent when she was little. So after some traveling they made it to Izzy’s home where they have to get disguises to not freak out the locals.
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While we’re here, let’s talk about the music. They’re not really my taste. Some are okay and there are good parts here and there, but overall they’re not for me. Like compare their version of Fit Right In to the original version. Its like night and cheese with how different they are.
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Moving along, after a game of DDR that she only had to win one round of three, they got the crystal but got found out. Then Queen Haven arrived to get her daughters. Then the Pegasi Army came to arrest them. Then the Unicorns came to get Sunny’s group. Then the two sides began to argue, forgetting all about Sunny. But Sunny gets their attention with a promise to return their magic. Sadly it failed and after returning the Crystals heads home.
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When she returned home, she figured out there was one missing jewel and she has it. Just in time because while the Unicorns and Pegasi were going to see her, Sprout decides to go on the attack. Hijinks occur with Sprout taking on everyone, regardless of race and destroying the house. When uniting those three Crystals failed, Sunny realized that the true way to get their magic back was to be friends again.
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With the three leaders of each race moved by Sunny’s speech, THEN the magic is returned to all of them. And Sunny becomes an Alicorn with Transparent Wings and Horns. Likely they turn on and off whenever she needs it and it reminds me of how I have my Twilight have a Pseudo-Alicorn Form. And the movie ends with, while everyone is closer to being friends, there are still some scared and the promise of new adventures in the series proper. Overall, it was fun. Did it grab me as much as the first episode of Friendship is Magic? Not really. But what it was going for it did well. 
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Now for the real question: is this a continuation of Generation 4? It borrows a lot, and I mean A LOT, of elements from the original. Heck, they had the Mane Six show up first. But at the same time, there are differences. These are differences that can’t be explained by “its been a thousand years or so”. The biggest being the Windigos and their lack of existence. As long as ponies distrust each other, they will begin a never ending winter. But that doesn’t happen here. Instead, their magic is gone. So how can that be?
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The Simplest explanation is usually the best answer and the simplest (beside them not really caring about how to make the connection) is that this is an alternate universe: one where the Windigos don’t exist, where their magic doesn’t control the weather or the sun, one where the Tree of Harmony grew into a real tree and not a Tree House. We’ve seen it done with Pony Life and other MLP Media depicting them meeting other generations (the manga being the biggest example so far). 
As for how this fits with GLAB canon, again alternate universe. This will not be GLAB’s future. Though that means there is a possibility for G5 to interact with GLAB.
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Chapter 29: Starlight’s Mother, Part 5 - Closure At Last
Now that things settle down after the heartwarming moment between Starlight and her mother after telling her everything about when she traveled in time in a dangerous maneuver to a mother who spent most of her life protecting Equestria. Twilight continues on recapping the villains she’s faced.
Twilight: Ok… so now we’re back to Starlight saving Equestria from Chrysalis. This resulted in pretty much the rest of Chrysalis’ army to our side. So Starlight didn’t just help save us, she’s the very reason we have more allies then ever. She technically helped jumpstart our expansion to ally with as many nations outside of Equestria as possible before the school of friendship even started!
Sunset: Yes, having the Changelings on Equestria’s side certainly provide some unique allies. Helps that they get fed by simply walking around and feeling the different kinds of love that we ponies have.
Starlight: One of the Friendship School’s brightest students is a changeling!
Twilight: Indeed! Ocellus is a real book bug!
Sunset: So what else came after Queen Chrysalis’ return?
Twilight: After Queen Chrysalis was defeated again… I guess was when the Pillars of Equestria returned from Limbo along with the Pony of Shadows who just happened to be a friend they neglected named Stygian. We helped them mend their friendship, and now we have all of them walking around Equestria. It’s been kind of nice to have some ponies who know about the past to talk to
Sunset: The Pillars being back on Equestria is definitely very interesting. I imagine they all must of had some culture shock at first, but it is a great point to have ponies who lived so long ago to talk to.
Twilight: Though now we have spirit summoning, we’ll have even more to pull from! As long as they have a living relative, or if they were friends with the pillars, Celestia, or Luna.
Sunset nods
Twilight: After that though… other then the aforementioned return of Sombra. as well as Chrysalis and Tirek also returning one more time there was only one more... Though you’ll probably kind of laugh at first, given she was just a little filly… a crazy evil one… but a little filly nonetheless.
Sunset: Heh heh heh, ok… What was her name?
Twilight: Cozy Glow
The moment Twilight said Cozy Glow, time essentially froze for Sunset and the loudest thunder boom from outside is heard. Startling the group as once again Sunset Shimmer gets a huge jog to her memory. The group watches in horror as Sunset writhes around as if having a seizure. She lets out a huge scream, and lays on the floor.
Firelight: Shimmy?!
Starlight: Mother?! What’s wrong?!
Sunset heaves as if to breathe hard once again, and slowly gets back up. Once she has recovered, she faces the group with a determined face.
Sunset: …I remember everything now.
Starlight: Remember everything…? You mean… your death…? and who was responsible?
Sunset nods
Sunset: Cozy… Cozy Glow was there... The three anarchists were her and her parents!
The whole room gasps
Starlight: But wait… you died more then two decades ago… Cozy was just a filly when we met her… how does that possibly work?!
Sunset: Allow me… to explain…
I’ll begin with saying who Cozy’s parents were. Her father was a unicorn named Cheque Mace, who was a burly stallion, his Cutie Mark was the king piece of a Chessboard. Like said piece of the chessboard, he’s slow, but he was calculating and strong. Cozy’s mother was Glitterani an average sized pegasus mare. her cutie mark being the queen piece of a Chessboard. Like the Queen piece, she could be quite fast and dangerous.
What they had in common they were both narcissistic psychopaths. They could not feel love, and their only definition of friends were if they did something for them and/or gave them power, their only reason for marrying and giving birth to Cozy was to have more ponies in their ranks. As even back then, even the more antagonistic ponies wanted nothing to do with their sociopathic tendencies or thought their goal was insane.
Their goal was to take all of the magic in Equestria, either to take it for themselves so they can rule the world. Or if failing that… make sure everypony is magicless in the twisted statement of “if they couldn’t have it, no one else will”. They seeked 6 powerful artifacts capable of being conduits to gather all the magic of Equestria in one spot...
The entire rest of the group gasp recalling that’s exactly what Cozy Glow did under the School of Friendship
Sunset: To be perfectly clear of what would of even happened if they managed to succeed for long. Was that it wasn’t going to really be possible for either of them to gain power from collecting all the magic of Equestria. It most likely was going to result in Equestria becoming magicless, but even if these 3 knew that’d be the most likely result. They didn’t care, they wanted to inflict pain and suffering on the entire world.
I have no idea why they got so evil, but it may be safer to just say they were just born pretty messed up. Because there was not going to be anything redeemable about them, the elements that make up Friendship never occur to them.
They’d rather lie and mislead then be honest.
They have a twisted sense of loyalty that they say only applies to them
They are not generous at the least, and would refuse to give even the most basic needs.
They have no kindness in their hearts.
The only thing that makes them laugh is the suffering of others.
And the magic of friendship is only power to them...
I had to try to take them out somehow someway before I fully retired, as I was afraid they’d fulfill their plan within the next few years before Celestia found Twilight. I could nip them in the bud before things really got bad, and while Cheque Mace had some skill as a unicorn. I would wipe the floor with him on a 1-on-1 duel, Glitterani was fast but nothing my magic couldn’t handle, and Cozy Glow was the most unknown but she was a just a little filly who was also a Pegasus. Perhaps if there’s one thing I underestimated the most about them, was Cozy’s manipulation tactics…
Sunset had just arrived in the location that would later become New Haven. The train tracks leading here hadn’t even been made yet, and there was only one building at this time that had a front and back entrance, the back leading to Nightmare Cliffs. Sunset had received a tip that’s where Cheque Mace, Glitterani, and their young daughter Cozy Glow fled once they caught wind Sunset was after them. As Sunset approaches the building, she can hear the faint sounds… of a crying child. Sunset gets a closer look, and finds a little pink pegasus filly straight in the middle of the building with curly light blue hair and bows, she had no Cutie Mark yet.  
Sunset identifies her as Cozy Glow. She approaches cautiously. Cozy Glow looks toward the front entrance and sees Sunset. Continuing to cry to try and get the sympathy of Sunset.
Cozy Glow: A…ar…are y-you… S-Sunset Shimmer? You’re the Princesses’ protege, aren’t you?
Sunset: Not anymore, really. But even so, I am here to put you and your parents into justice. You will never take the magic of Equestria away.
Cozy: Whaaaaaat? Me facing justice? But I’m only a filly! I’m not responsible for my parents’ actions!
Sunset: Even so, I don’t know what they taught you. We may try to at least see if you can be changed... if you can prove that you’re different enough from your parents.
Cozy: Oh, Golly! But I am! I-i-i-i have no choice to go with them because they’re my p-p-parents… they take p-p-pleasure in a-a-abusing me physically and emotionally. And when it comes to crimes, if I refused, they would k-k-kill m-me… and they tell me that if I was captured, I’d just end up r-r-rotting in the Canterlot dungeons… But you said they’d try to help?
Sunset isn’t completely sure she can take Cozy’s words at face value. But she wouldn’t put it past the other two to end up having a daughter that wants to be good but they abuse her to the point where they force her to go along with their plan.
Sunset: Yes, if we deem that you can be a good pony in the way your parents can’t… Equestria would welcome you...
Cozy: Wow! That sounds so swell, Sunset Shimmer! Wanna be friends?
Cozy looks at Sunset with a big grin and puppy-dog eyes.
Sunset: I… guess?
Suddenly a voice from just outside is heard
Cheque Mace: COZY!
Glitterani: How dare you betray us! We ought to destroy you along with Scumset…
Cozy: Ahhhh! Help me, Sunset! My parents are here!
Sunset puts up a determined face, and steps in front of Cozy to protect her
Sunset: Cheque Mace and Glitterani! Your life as criminals are coming to an end today! And with any luck, Cozy will be a better pony then you two ever will be.
Cheque Mace: I think you are mistaken, for it is your life that is ending today.
Sunset: Not when I have a reason to get back, once I’m finished with you.
Cheque Mace: Oh... are you talking about your “darling” Fi-Fi
Sunset goes wide-eyed
Sunset: How do you know about me and Firelight? I never even told the Princess about him…
Cheque Mace: I have more eyes then you think, Sunset. Maybe when I’m done with you, I’ll give him a visit. And show them your decapitated head!
As Cheque laughs evilly, Sunset rages and blasts both Cheque Mace and and Glitterani out of the building and gives chase leaving Cozy behind in the building. Sunset confronts Cheque and Glitterani near the edges of Nightmare Cliffs. They stand at first at a standstill, a decent length from each other in a triangle formation. Sunset on one point, Cheque Mace to the right of Sunset’s view, and Glitterani on the left.
Glitterani takes the first move, speeding towards Sunset and spins around fast enough to create a tornado. Forcing Sunset to use magic to bend some earth around her hooves so she remains stationary, so she isn’t blown away by the tornado. This however also leaves Sunset vulnerable to Cheque’s lasers without protection. Sure enough as Sunset entrenches herself, Cheque fires lasers but Sunset knows defensive shield spells that easily protect her. Glitterani just trying to fly around to distract Sunset and force her into putting down her shield just enough for Cheque Mace to get a direct hit on Sunset. But suddenly…
A lightning strike startles Glitterani as she wasn’t too far from the bolt as it struck. She stops in the air, covering her ears after the large boom, and shock of almost being seriously hurt or worse. This leaves a clean shot for Sunset to make a small hole in her shield, so she can target Glitterani. Sunset fires her shot, and she gets a direct hit on her right wing. Rendering it useless for certainly well past this fight. Glitterani falls dangerously close to just off the cliffs but just manages to land at close to the edge.
This also gets rid of the tornado that Sunset had to keep herself stationary for, now free to move however she feels. Leaving Sunset only having to deal with Cheque Mace on a 1-on-1. An advantageous position for her. Off in the distance a faint laugh of a child is heard, but Sunset ignores it as she locks eyes with Cheque Mace. The stare down as either waits for the first move.
Finally, Cheque is the first one to flinch as he fires a large blast at Sunset’s direction. She smugly smiles and says
Sunset: Check. Mate.
Just as she gracefully dodges via a backflip that transitions into a teleport closer to Cheque and fires a counter laser that curves straight at him
Cheque Mace: Noooooooooo!
The laser hits him off to the side, and off the cliff. Sunset assumes he’ll teleport before he hits the ground. Though a thud is heard, followed by the faint sounds of a splash a moment later.
All that was left now was the injured Glitterani. Sunset had basically already won swiftly, though as Sunset approached Glitterani. The sounds of a laughing child get progressively louder every so often.
Sunset: It’s over Glitterani, once I get you and your husband’s injured selves to Canterlot you are facing justice to the full extent of the law.
Glitterani just grumbles as Sunset gets closer, but as she looks up. She sees a small silhouette that is either moving forward or sideways in straight line like the Rook piece of the chessboard, and she grins smugly.
Glitterani: Not yet!
Sunset raises an eyebrow as Glitterani starts laughing, thinking she’s trying to comfort herself with sociopathic fits of laughter. Sunset thinks nothing of it as the silhouette up in the sky gets to just above where Sunset stands… and something is dropped from it. The unwary Sunset still facing Glitterani.
Sunset: Just what are you laughing a-
A large rock hits Sunset right at the base of her horn. It’s weight puts pressure, cracking the horn before ultimately it bends too far, and falls off, The rock also hits hard on Sunset’s forehead. She screams out in pain, and falls off on her side. Her vision keeps fading in and out of blurriness as she lays there. A full-on concussion. She also has a black eye as part of the falling rock scraped her still open right eye as it fell off. It takes a few minutes before finally Sunset can look around, she looks up wondering where the rock could of possibly come from and she now has a clear view of who dropped it.
It was Cozy Glow, who just looks at the scene with glee and sadistically jokes
Cozy: Ooooooops, golly… did I do that? Ehehehehehe
Sunset rages, she sits back up and yells at Cozy
Sunset: What… I thought you said weren’t on your parents side! You… you… you liar!
Cozy: Hey, I didn’t totally lie. They do abuse me… But I never said I didn’t like it! Ahahahahaha! Oh and by the way… Mom! I have my cutie mark!
Cozy glow shows her flank and both Sunset and Glitterani see a rook shaped cutie mark. Glitterani laughing.triumphantly
Glitterani: Hahahaha! Cozy, you are indeed one of us!
The rook cutie mark now etched into Cozy’s flank confirms this was a manipulative plan she came up with her parents the entire time.
Cozy Glow: Too bad, poor dad isn’t going to get the chance to see it. I think he had a pretty big tumble and water’s probably filling his lungs right now! But meh, we don’t need him. Right, mom?
Not even an ounce of empathy, Sunset realized then and there that the apple didn’t far from the tree. A rotten apple from a poisonous tree at that, as Cozy was just like her parents. Falling for Cozy’s lie has already cost Sunset her horn. But her magic is the only thing that’s going to reach Cozy from up there if she’s going to get any payback, so despite intense pain still throbbing from the loss of her horn. She decides to fire something, without a full horn to truly focus her magic... whatever is fired at Cozy could be almost anything. Firing something makes the pain in her head worse but something does get fired straight up at Cozy Glow.
Cozy sees the approaching blast, and freaks out before dodging just before it hits. She then proceeds to mock Sunset.
Cozy: Haha! Missed me, Shamset!
But then a slight boom is heard from up above her. Cozy at first thinks nothing of it, thinking it was just thunder. But as she looks up, the blast that Sunset blasted starts expanding into a transparent white dome with star symbols on it, Cozy is too close to it as it starts to suck her up like a vacuum cleaner. She tries to fly out of the dome’s suction but she loses strength quick, and she screams as she’s flung straight up into the dome. The dome then disappears with no sign of Cozy.
Glitterani: C-c-cozy? Cozy?! Cozy, where are you?!
Sunset takes this chance to laugh herself, albeit still through some pain. She approaches Glitterani at the edge of the cliff.
Glitterani: Stop laughing! What did you do to Cozy?!
Sunset: I didn’t think you’d have concern for anypony, even your daughter. But I’m pretty sure what got Cozy was a time travel spell. That dome is pretty classic Starswirl. But... because she broke my horn. I have no control of how far she went. She could of been sent some years to the past, maybe years into the future, or maybe she’s been sent back to the age of the dinosaurs! She may be nothing but dino-chow right now!
Sunset just looking down with a smug face. But then Glitterani gets angry, suddenly leaps up and grabs Sunset pinning her down on the ground.
Glitterani: If we’re going down… I’m taking you with me!
Glittering starts rolling them both close to the edge. This was a fall neither was likely to survive without Sunset being able to teleport to safety.
Sunset: What are you doing?! We’re both going to die if you roll us off!
Glitterani: That’s kind of the idea, you fool…
Sunset: No, wait! Please! I have a family!
Glitterani: And I had one too… before you ripped that away just now. This was exactly why we had you follow us here to these cliffs. We put on a brave face but we knew deep down you were too good... but then Cozy plotted with us a way in which even if we fail... at least we weren’t going down alone... plus whatever happens... no one will know what happened here... You’ve doomed your family to despair! And the best part is… they’ll never know what happened to you!
Sunset: Noooooooooooooooo!
Holding on tight to Sunset to make sure she fatally plunges with her. Glitterani rolls them off the edge and they start plunging down to certain death. Sunset has to act quick, and try something with her horn as it’s the only move she’s got. Sunset charges up what remains of her horn. Though Glitterani sees this and puts a hoof over the hole that was Sunset’s horn. Inside Sunset’s head a burning sensation gets hotter, hotter, and hotter as the pressure of her magic being blocked by Glitterani's hoof makes it build higher and higher until…
Just a few feet before hitting the water. A big explosion from Sunset’s head envelops the two falling ponies. And if there was anything left of either of them… They were cleaned up by hungry sharks and other meat-eating water predators to eat their fill with. Sunset Shimmer and Glitterani had met their end. Cheque Mace as implied by Cozy had also fallen, he hit his head amidst falling, going unconscious as he fell into the raging waters, body sinking, and thus ultimately drowned. While Cozy was sent into a then unknown time.
*Flashback ends*
((Story continues after the break))
The entire room gasps again having been told the whole story of how Sunset died. Glitterani was ultimately the one who forced Sunset to essentially blow herself up, but without an assist from Cozy Glow breaking Sunset’s horn… Sunset would of most likely survived. So indeed, Cozy Glow had a role in the death of Sunset Shimmer. The room stays silent just processing the story.
Twilight: So… if I heard what happened correctly… Cozy Glow was sent through time… and it just happened to be somewhere over two decades into the future… where at some point she caught wind of the School of Friendship… and she manipulated us in order to infiltrate as a student in order to eventually do what she and her parents wanted to do… with assistance from Tirek.
Sunset: Wait, Cozy actually ended up collecting all of Equestria’s magic?!
Twilight: Yes… and she nearly trapped me and my friends in Tartaurus in the meantime, plus she also had your daughter trapped in the sphere of magic collected. It was thanks to a particular team of 6 students plus the Tree of Harmony intervening under the school that she was defeated. And magic was returned.
Sunset: I see… good that she was defeated quickly enough… otherwise I’m sure by now nearly all life would be dying right now…
Twilight: Huh? What do you mean?
Sunset: Remember what you learned from Jinn? Our souls are magic too, although Cozy and her Parents plan can’t collect soul magic… and neither can Tirek for that matter…  Since soul magic is a lot less tangible, as what it becomes is determined how they lived their life
But without the magic that can be taken such as the casting magic Unicorns have, Pegasi’s flight plus weather-changing abilities, as well as Earth ponies ability to tend the land… Equestria would become a depressing place that can’t do anything about the dark magic that would slowly envelop the world. And with so many unhappy or worse inhabitants, the death of life everywhere would only increase the dark magic, hastening the extinction of life. The world would return to the state of when the Sun and Moon did not move. But there’s too many clouds made of dark magic to see either sunlight or moonlight on top of it.
Twilight can only be reminded of a certain timeline she, Spike, and Starlight saw during their time travel confrontation.
Twilight: That wasteland me and Starlight saw in that timeline… That might have been if Cozy Glow and/or her parents succeeded…
Starlight’s has had her head lowered down for the whole time since hearing the full story of how her mother died, though she briefly raises her head up and goes wide-eyed having heard that the final timeline they saw could have likely been the result of Cozy succeeding. She lowers her head back down, but she seems to have a rage building up inside.
Sunset: Twilight… where is Cozy Glow right now, by chance?
Twilight: She’s trapped in stone alongside Tirek and Queen Chrysalis.
Sunset: *phew* That is such a relief. Of those three, Cozy deserves to stay in stone forever… she may just be a filly. But trust me in saying there’s no redeeming her.
I understand Chrysalis has been stubborn, but perhaps the right circumstance could do it if we can reconnect her with her army... since most of them were her own children.
I doubt Tirek could be changed easily, but he has family issues in regards to his father and his brother Scorpan that could be perhaps worked out to perhaps make him less antagonistic…
But Cozy is a lost cause that must be kept in stone, forever. It’d take outright brainwashing to erase the evil in her heart and there’s no guarantee that even works. I don’t want to know what kind of Dark magic would be released if she died.
Twilight: I admit from appearances alone… it’d seem like Cozy was the most capable of changing… but given what you’ve told me she’s done… and recalling that timeline… not even Tirek and Chrysalis wanted to wreck Equestria that badly… them ruling Equestria would still be bad… but they mostly intended on ruling over us… with an iron hoof or fist probably…  but still not exactly ending all life on the planet…
Rainbow: So wait… if Tirek, Chrysalis, and Cozy Glow’s team up succeeded in defeating us… that could of resulted in a civil war where of all situations… Tirek and Chrysalis would be the good guys?!
Sunset: By comparison… yes.
Applejack: Gosh, that’s bleak…
Apple Bloom: Ah can’t believe we helped such a monster!
Sweetie Belle: We were such suckers…
Scootaloo: If we had known Cozy was like that, we would of left her crying!
Sunset: It’s ok you three, one of Cozy’s skills was manipulation. She fooled me too when I fell for her act of not actually being in cahoots with her parents.
Rainbow Dash: And from what I heard from Sandbar and his friends at school… she had almost all of our students against them!
Twilight: She also manipulated me when joining the school in the first place, when she came into my office to enroll. She started with a sob story about how she was an orphan… and while it wasn’t exactly a lie that she was orphaned… I couldn’t tell her parents were two of the worst ponies to ever exist… let alone that Cozy Glow was from more then 2 decades ago in the past…
Though actually speaking of Cozy’s parents… if they died… what did the dark magic that came out of them become?
Sunset: The dark magic from the deaths of Cheque Mace and Glitterani unleashed a twin pair of strong Hurricanes in the ocean they died in, likely devastating any coastal cities in their path. Large enough for me to see on the planet from the soul shield. These hurricanes return every few years, but each time thanks to the cities putting up more defenses, as well as the strength of friendship magic increasing, thus weakening dark magic everywhere. Just like how the Windigoes are hardly a threat any more, those hurricanes eventually will amount to nothing.
Starlight finally speaks up
Starlight: So… if I’m hearing from you right, mother… dark magic being unleashed from the death of someone evil can be beaten back with time…?
Sunset: Well yes… but it’d still be safer to make sure they don’t di-
Starlight’s voice and anger rises with each sentence
Starlight: And not get any ounce of satisfying retribution for her role in your murder?
For manipulating me and my friends, trapping me in a sphere of Equestria’s magic… and nearly dragging me wherever it was going to go?!
For being part of the reason I never got to know you are until now?!
For being the reason my early life was so terrible?!
For trying to remove all magic from Equestria?!
The group doesn’t know what Starlight’s about to do, but there’s plenty of concerned faces. Meanwhile, Starlight pulls out a piece of portal gum, and starts chewing.
Twilight: Starlight, what are you doing?!
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Starlight blows the bubble, Starlight manages to spawn a portal to the exact spot where Cozy is trapped in stone. And she starts charging a powerful laser.
Sunset sees what she’s doing and beckons Twilight to stop her
Sunset: Twilight! You have to stop Starlight before she kills Cozy!
Twilight: On it!
Starlight blasts her laser that will both fit into the portal, and if it hits Cozy’s statue will most certainly shatter it, and thus kill Cozy. But before it even crosses the portal, Twilight gets in front and forms a shield, blocking Starlight’s blast. Starlight stops firing to speak.
Starlight: Twilight! Why are you protecting Cozy?! You heard my mother… she’s an irredeemable psychopath, and if the tables were turned… she wouldn’t hesitate to do the same thing! And even if her death does release devastating dark magic… we’ll have the power to shrink it in time!
Twilight: I agree that Cozy is never going to change, but unleashing some unknown, devastating form of dark magic on what will most certainly be all of Ponyville isn’t worth the immediate satisfaction of a sudden execution! Cozy is already facing justice as a statue! You’ll just put everypony in Ponyville in danger just for the brief moment of satisfaction of killing in revenge, even if it sounds justified!
Starlight thinks for a moment before trying to blast through anyway, despite Twilight’s insistence. So Sunset puts up a determined face to talk to her daughter.
Sunset: If you won’t listen to Twilight, maybe you’ll listen to me as your mother… Yes, Cozy was partly responsible for my death. I hate her about as much as you do for it, but this isn’t the answer!
Starlight stops firing, and her rage shifts into sadness and overflowing tears
Starlight: Why isn’t it?! She didn’t directly kill you… but she may as well have! The circumstances of your death was the true reason I turned to darkness. I couldn't control what happened then, but I know what I can do to rectify that!
You would have been fine if Cozy didn’t break your horn! 
I would of had a loving mother such as you around so I wouldn’t have had such disdain for something that should have been one of the happiest moments in my life… receiving my cutie mark and knowing the pony I was destined to be… 
AND on top of that she planned on ending life as we know it!
So what if Ponyville has to deal with something like a storm of dark magic every so often… 
Won’t it feel like justice to you?!
Sunset: No! Because whatever damage the dark magic from Cozy’s death does could endanger more lives then it’s worth in exchange for the brief satisfaction of ending Cozy’s life. Letting anger fuel you as you end a life will also only end up bubbling up potential dark magic from your own soul’s magic.
Starlight: Didn’t you technically kill Cheque Mace when you blasted him off the cliff?
Sunset: In a way, I suppose I did.... But I didn’t do it intentionally, I was thinking he was going to teleport before he fell… I didn’t know he had become unconscious until Cozy implied he was dead. This is a world where emotion and morality influence our magic power and determine what our soul does after we pass, whether we add additional strength to the soul shield or become vengeful dark magic that wrecks the planet.
Putting our harshest and/or most stubborn villains in stone is our way of punishing them harshly without them unleashing dark magic that can hurt others. Killing them, even beyond the ensuing dark magic devastation… may end up only making Cozy a martyr for potential villains of the future...
Starlight: Wouldn’t leaving a statue just make something potential villains idolize or even try to free them if they’re magically adept?
Sunset: That is a possibility, but not if we outright properly educate who Cozy was and why she needs to stay as a statue… Just look at her face… even I know that Cozy’s scared look as she’s petrified is another of her manipulation moves. Before turning to stone, she acted quickly to look like she was scared and innocent, so she could perhaps one day fool an onlooker to think we petrified an innocent pony…
Or… if we destroyed her as a statue… make it seems like we executed an innocent little filly… and whatever comes down on top of Ponyville would seem like retribution from nature to some who would want to follow down Cozy’s path of psychopathic evil. In that sense, you could end up only creating more Cozy Glow’s...
Starlight’s finally stands down and takes a moment to calm down, though still at least gives a suggestion. Meanwhile, Twilight take the opportunity to closes the portal as Starlight speaks.
Starlight: Alright… I think I understand… but I think at the very least if we’re going to consider the future like this, we should then think about putting Cozy in a place where a potential future villain like her could not use the statue to idolize it or even get freed by someone adept in magic enough to reverse petrification. Do we have a super secure facility? Or you want to try putting Cozy in Tartaurus again only this time she’s a statue ON TOP of being trapped there?
Twilight ponders something
Twilight: I think I may have an idea… what if I put Cozy’s Statue in it’s own pocket dimension. And much like our gum portals. Only those with the magical authorization can access it. What good is Cozy’s manipulating petrified pose, if almost no one’s going to be able to see her?
Starlight gives a smug look that harkens back a little to her old ways before Twilight and the others befriended her.
Starlight: Hahahaha! Almost makes me want to be able to at least free Cozy’s head temporarily just so I can see her face as she hears where we’re leaving her!
Rainbow: Geez Starlight, seems you still have a little bit of that evil dictator side of you
Starlight: Maybe, but can you blame me? Cozy’s part of why I was led on the path to become one in the first place. I’m not actually serious about freeing Cozy’s head, I’m just saying... it’d be satisfying.
Sunset decides to play along with a bit of an exaggerated disappointed mother.
Sunset: Starlight Glimmer... enough of that talk and I may have to ground you for the first time! *giggles*
Starlight: Maybe, I should let you ground me just to have a taste of the mother you would have been *giggles* I even know a spell where I can play out if you had been around for my childhood
Sunburst: You mean that spell you used to try to get me to play Dragon Pit with you again?
Sunset: Oh I loved the Dragon Pit board game! I played it alot with my brother when we were kids. I would of played with you and/or Sunburst almost all the time. Too bad I won’t be able to roll dice and move the pieces. Iiiii can’t exactly touch objects aside from the floors, I have to sort of float since I can kind of fly in order to sort of go on stuff like beds, and I can’t float stuff with my horn anymore.
Starlight: Always the option to have somepony roll and move your player for you!
Sunset: That is true!
Starlight: But in all seriousness... knowing Cozy will cause no more harm nor be able to potentially manipulate somepony who doesn’t know better about her will be great to know.
Sunset turns toward Twilight
Sunset: Putting Cozy’s statue in a pocket dimension is a great idea. And in fact if you know somepony else who might have devastating effects somewhere should they die, you should probably do the same thing.
Twilight: The only other villain I can think of on that level is Zathir, I’ll definitely have to petrify him as well, and put him in the same pocket dimension as Cozy.
But until then, I think now that we’ve solved everything. We’re going to start to head back, we ought to go see how Applejack’s parents are doing with Big Mac, Sugar Belle, and Granny Smith.
Starlight: If it’s ok, Twilight… I’m going to stay the night here, to spend some more time with my mother. Since pony Spirits can be down here indefinitely, right?
Twilight: This is the first time we’re having spirits down but I suppose I can let you stay the night here with your mother. Though I’m not sure what will happen if Sunset tries to sleep, though given I’m part spirit… I might at least have a hypothesis... if a spirit goes to sleep… They may go back to the soul shield, similar to how when I go to sleep, I go back into my bottle.
Sunset: That feels like it makes sense. After all, our comet-like forms are kind of also us sleeping
Firelight is a little distraught.
Firelight: Shimmy… you’ll go back up there in the soul shield if you sleep?! I… was almost kind of looking forward to being able to have you sleep with me again… I’ve felt so lonely hoping one day you’d come back… cause I didn’t know you were dead this whole time…
Sunset smiles, touched that her husband thought about that.
Sunset: Well, I still could. I just have to not go to sleep myself. How about this… We’ll sleep in our bed tonight, and I’ll only go back to the soul shield sometime after you’ve fallen asleep. And if you want to see me again tomorrow or any other point. Just get Starlight or yourself to go see Spike to summon me down again.
Starlight: We also have a wedding between 2 of Twilight’s friends in Saddle Arabia to attend in two days. We could… perhaps summon you down so you can attend if you’d like.
Sunset: That sounds lovely, I won’t exactly know much about the 2 being wedded. But if perhaps you and Fi-Fi are going, I could definitely go.
Starlight: I think I was going to go regardless, but It’d definitely be great to see you there.
Firelight: I wasn’t going to go initially… but if you’re going to be summoned down for the wedding. Then I absolutely have to be there.
Sunset: Then of course, summon me back down on the day after tomorrow’s wedding and I’ll be there the whole way.
The room cheers and claps to have a spirit attendee.
Applejack: Heh, ya’ll could even become spirit friends with mah parents if we invite them too!
Twilight: That does sound like a pretty good idea.
Rainbow: Hey everypony! Don’t look now, but I think the storm’s over!
The whole group walks back outside, and perhaps appropriately with the skies clear… the sun itself is setting in a fitting fashion with the return of Sunset Shimmer. Starlight walks on over to the Cutie Mark Crusaders as Sunset continues talking with either the Elements of Harmony and/or Firelight
Starlight: I want to thank you three for starting me on the road to find out who I am. You deduced that I inherited my magic power from my mother. And now I know that I’m the daughter of a former Celestia protege. Whatever I do with the magic I inherited from my mother is up to me and me alone to decide. For now, I intend to use it to lead and protect the School of Friendship. But who knows what the future holds.
Apple Bloom: No problem, Starlight! Ah’m happy ya’ll got t’ see ya mother fo’ the first time just like ah did today!
Sweetie: Yeah! Your mother is amazing
Scootaloo: Definitely, one of the coolest ponies I’ve ever seen!
Starlight now turns to Sunburst and Trixie.
Starlight: So Trixie, what do you think of my mother?
Trixie: Your mother’s great, Starlight. Now I know why you’ve always been so talented. And… I’ll admit the full story of what happened made me cry a few times… ok that’s an understatement… I cried most pretty much the whole time hearing how much your mother’s death impacted your life…
Sunburst: I might just stay the night in Sire’s Hollow with you as well Starlight. Not just for my own mother and my father being back for good, but getting to know my long-lost Aunt.
Starlight: Plus, we’re cousins now… that means your plan-filled mother is my own Aunt heh heh
Stellar: That’s riiiiight, my newfound niece!
Stellar smiles and boops Starlight on her nose
Sunspot: We welcome you to the family, Starlight. We already thought of you fondly when we didn’t know you were related, but thanks to all the reveals we got today from summoning my sister… you are always welcome in me and Stellar’s household.
Firelight and Sunset walk on over. Firelight in particular turning to Stellar Flare.
Firelight: Hey Stellar, I have a suggestion…
Stellar: Yes, Firelight?
Firelight: You know the museum that we agreed to build over there?
Firelight points to the construction currently being built
Stellar: Yes, what about it?
Firelight: I want to give it an official name
Stellar: Huh? Isn’t it just going to be called the Sire’s Hollow Museum?
Firelight: That was the plan originally… but I think I have a better name and purpose for it. I’d like to call it… the Sunset Shimmer Museum. It’ll still have a section dedicated to our town, but mainly because Sunset was going to make this place her home. I think it’d have a greater purpose to sharing the world who she was. As not everypony’s going to be around for when we summon her spirit down again.
Sunset gasps, but is ultimately touched that Firelight would dedicate an entire museum to her.
Sunset: Oh Fi-Fi, you’re so sweet… You don’t need to dedicate the whole museum to me…
Firelight: Maybe I don’t need to, but I really, really want to. You deserve some recognition for keeping Equestria safe before Princess Twilight would just about finish the job by providing the peace we have now.
Suddenly, Celestia walks up from behind.
Celestia: A museum dedicated to Sunset sounds like a great idea, I still have plenty of cherished items back in the Canterlot castle related to Sunset’s time as my student that I can donate.
Sunspot: I guess that’s where I can put your horn, sis… if that isn’t too much of a reminder of what happened…
Sunset: It is a little grim… but hey, plenty of museums have real skeletons. It’d make sense that the only trace left of my body would be at my own museum.
Starlight: An interesting thing about this is because we can summon you down here, you’ll technically be able to be a tour guide for your own posthumous museum!
Sunset: Ha, that might be fun. It’d certainly make it more interactive. Maybe I can even play a bit of a prank on some guests thinking I’m just a highly advanced magic hologram. And then at some point do something that surprises guests when I suddenly say or answer something that would be impossible if I was a pre-recorded hologram!
Starlight: Now that would be funny!
Sunset: Can’t be there every day of course, but for special days I’d love to do it.
Stellar: The museum’s far from finished anyway, but we’ll love to have you back down for opening day when it is.
Sunset: Absolutely!
Sunset turns to Princess Celestia
Sunset: On another subject… Princess Celestia… I think I heard in passing somewhere that you’ll be retiring with Twilight taking your position. I don’t know what you plan to do in your retirement, but know I’ve always been proud of serving you. I know you kick yourself hard for things you see as mistakes fair or not, like Princess Luna becoming Nightmare Moon or not coming with me for my last fateful mission...
But know for every failure, you’ve maintained Equestria in balance for long enough for ponies like me, Twilight, and my daughter to make Equestria an even better place. Everypony in Equestria owes a gratitude for you whether they realize it or not. And if you get Spike to summon more of your many generations of loyal staffers and guards, they’ll say many of the same things I’m saying now. Without you… Equestria would of fallen apart long ago.
Celestia’s eyes well up with tears of joy
Celestia: Thank you, Sunset. I… really appreciate hearing that…
And um, Sunset. I can wait a little while before you do. But on an occasion you’re summoned back down, I’d really like you to meet my sister Luna.
Sunset: Oh yes, I’d love to get to meet her as well.
Celestia: In your younger days, you actually reminded me quite a bit of Luna when she herself was younger. I think you’d two would make great friends.
Sunset: I knew how much you missed her even back then, so I know she must be amazing. So I will definitely cherish seeing her for the first time. Maybe I’ll see her if you’re both at the wedding
Celestia: Yes, me and Luna will be attending the wedding. That’ll be the perfect opportunity for you to meet my sister for the first time.
Sunset approaches Celestia for another good long hug.
The group now splits between the family of both Starlight and Sunspot. The Elements of Harmony, Spike, The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Trixie, and Princess Celestia are next to a portal to Ponyville. As they all wave to each other.as they start heading out the portal. Twilight the last one to go back, and gives her goodbye before walking in.
Twilight: We’ll see you all at the wedding in two days! Goodbye Starlight, Sunset, and family!
And thus a family fully reunited after years of mystery and hardships. The family all hugging each other one more time before talking the night away. Sunset will return to the soul shield during the nighttime once everypony was asleep. But there was now a sense of closure for the entire family
UP NEXT: Chapter 30: A Pear-fect Reunion
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mercurygray · 4 years
'You're so tense' THE HARLOTS AU. Sir Lewis Nixon, and his current favourite harlot Eileen/Nancy Birch 😆 Juno xx
Okay, so, for those of you following along at home, this prompt is going to make exactly zero sense because this was yet another crackfic idea conceived in the dark womb of the Discord server, basically following the premise of “Girl Gang + Harlots” because, as it says on the door, “Bespoke Nerdy Historical AUs a Specialty.” And because @majwinters and @junojelli are great enablers.
So, um, Eileen and Lew! It’s a Harlots crossover, so...yeah, there’s some sex.
Objects of Desire, Harris’s List advises, come fit for many tastes. Some ask for sweetness, softness and ease, and these are readily found. But for those of more...exotic tastes, the list becomes a little shorter, the entries on the List increasingly less direct. 
For those requiring a strong whip hand, look no further than Black Eileen, who'll take a man to the post and back. A Irishwoman of some family and elegance, she keeps no house but takes her trade where it's required...
And today she could be found in the townhouse of one very hot and bothered baronet, presently tied to his bed and being ushered into the loud heights of pleasure by the tail end of her riding crop and the woman herself, astride him like a queen.
“God, you were tense,” she said when the deed and the man were finished, sitting back with a flushed grin and surveying her handiwork for a moment before loosening the silks that held him fast to the frame of his bed.  “Now, what's got my handsome stallion hot and lathered at the gate? Bailiffs after you again?”
Sir Lewis flexed his wrists and shook his head, climbing out of bed to pour himself a glass of wine, letting Eileen admire her handiwork, and his arse, for a moment. (A consummate horseman, Sir Lewis Nixon - none of your thickening middle age here. Fighting trim and beautiful for it.)  “Nothing like that, my credit’s quite good at the moment. No, something...something else. How are you fixed for friends in Golden Square?”
Eileen accepted her glass of wine and looked at him with interest over its rim. “You've friends of your own in Golden Square. What do you want with mine?”
“Well, yes,” Lewis allowed, sitting back down, “But I've friends of one kind and you've friends of another, and I have need of yours.” Eileen gestured for him to go on, and he considered his next words carefully. “I need...an introduction. Not for me,” He added, as she made a face. “For Dick.”
Whatever she’d been expecting, it wasn’t that, and she laughed. “Your Quaker with the fine legs and the firey hair? Hark at him, I would have thought him sober as a judge. They do always say it's the quiet ones.” She took a swig of her wine and got comfortable, her interest piqued. “Well, what filly's he taken a fancy to? Which one of Lady Columbia's beauties is making his balls turn blue? Arabella? Colette? Athenais? He looks like he'd like the fainting type - or a Frenchie.”
Lewis shook his head, the answer just as amusing to him as he knew it would be to Eileen. “The Amazon.”
She nearly fell off the bed laughing. “Lord, no, spare me. You're telling me your Quaker is hot for Lovely Joan? Are you looking for another beating, Lewis? Sell me another." But Lewis only shook his head, and she stared.  "God, you're serious."
“As a honest man in Parliament.  Eileen, he is besotted.”
“So are half the men in London,” Eileen replied tartly. “The ones who aren't already mad after Charlotte Wells! He knows, I hope, that she's a whore?”
“I have already informed him thus; he has taken it in stride and endeavored not to speak of it again - but I've never seen that man look at a woman twice and he stared as though she'd just invented the sun, so I intend to get her for him.” Lewis sat back into his pillows like a potentate and let Eileen consider the field. Her particular brand of pleasure took her all over London, the houses of the rich and the undercrofts of the poor, and there was call enough for her in Golden Square - especially if there was a cull looking to get hard seeing two girls fight. Brawling doxies were ten a penny in Covent Garden - but Lady Columbia’s entertainments had a touch of class - a word in the right ears could get you a ticket to the walls of Troy, and see Penthesilia die on Achilles’ spear, and enough coin in your purse could get the Amazon herself in your bed, booted and helmeted, if you desired her thus.  Not many knew that before she’d flown up to Golden Square, the Amazon had been Joan, who’d kept rooms with Eileen when the two were new in the trade. And fewer still knew that at the end of an evening spent hitting each other, the two women were as fast of friends as you could hope to find.
“So you want me to go and pimp for you, is that it?” Eileen asked, still sipping at her wine, obviously intrigued by the prospect.
“You've got her ear. He can't pay, but his spear would put the entire Trojan army to shame - I lived with the man, I know. And you yourself just said he's a fine enough face to go with it.”
“Fine, yes, I will grant that, but I don’t think I’ve ever heard him say five words together. Is he simple? You college boys usually are. She likes her men witty.”
Lewis considered this. “Well, if I am witty, then he is wise, and of the two of us he has the better bargain for it.”
“Not much call for wise men in Golden Square. She may be interested. She rides in St James' on Tuesdays with Lord Leicester. Sometimes I play her groom. Have him in the park and I’ll point him out to her. Can I invent a story?” she asked, her eyes alight with possibility, the actress in her stirring with delight. “Raised in a monastery away from women? An icy virgin shaking now in the chains of chastity?”
Lewis’ smile said he liked the idea, tapping his finger on his glass. “Tell her...tell her he took a vow of celibacy when he was away on studies in Italy and is in agony about breaking it now for her.”
She grinned, loving it. “Delicious. Been in Lady Katherine’s novels again?”
“Anything to keep her from boring me to death after dinner,” he replied.
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Wen Limit Coming To The Ends At Shimano village Lord Ti-Zan Lu Xi see his village under attack by the nordwhood army from Nordwhood Kingdom seeing his belove pepol hurd and pain only his anger grow and see his brother in-law Susano coming quick and and lok face showing not good ting. Ti-Zan Lu Xi:..what is it Susano..tell me what is going on now... Susano: the village is deep trubel army of Nordwhood full attacking and our scout saw dragon ponie here.. Ti-Zan Lu Xi: uh Dragon Ponie..our pepol is save one is here thets mean..*look at bell and look at Susano*...my old friend...i ting is time wake our pepol time for heal of sounds of bell.. Susano: huh you do not mean..you crazy...huh no wounder you my brother-law...*fly up too bell*..oh gret red eye dragon cristel give us power too heal our home and pepol we lost we beg you now we need you now...*look up and kick hard on bell being move and sounds of bell wave village here it*..please look over us.. Will bell ring all over Shimano village every one here it and feel magic flow fro them all even Knight Warriors reborn back alive full enegy again. Nordwhood Soldiers: w-what the buck..no way..there is now way they coming back..*slowy walk back bump into one of Knight Warriors..AH! Knight Warriors:.power of dragons inn us will grow and fetser..*full speed hit one of Nordwhood Soldiers off*..we are Knight Warriors who never give up!! Nordwhood Soldiers: buck me..RUN WAY WE HAVE TOO RUN WAY!! meny of Nordwhood Soldiers runing way quick but they see alot mare's and stellion stop them middle door way they sacrm and yell they attack them one by one. Alpha 2.0:..99% of our Nordwhood Soldiers are gone and som of them run way. Ledy red:...the red dragons eye cristel...so..my father told abut thet is true...humf..we need camp us here we will attack again..no one live til we gat thet cristel... Icesickle: ooh boy oh boy what be fun ice round all way..HAHAHAH! Ledy Red:..you know how world this ting is crazy as me... meanwhile long way from Shimano village inn deep rock of Dragon Castle kingdom Drawer Valo was looking for Elder Dragon Thinox but as he trun next coner slowy meet Queen Dragon Aurora. Queen Dragon Aurora: you! Drawer Valo: me..*see her horn glow and push into wall quick and gulp*..wow hold on...Queen Dragon Aurora..you not mad at me are you.. Queen Dragon Aurora: oh thet no i'm not mad abut thet just love too talk too you now becos told you befor i have not see nice cute pony who talking back too like thet thets trun me good mood..*smile grin her face* Drawer Valo:.wow..wow..hold on..err..i'm going marrie one mare i love Dashie writher... Queen Dragon Aurora:..ooh her she nice and sweet and saw your little filly too i need say you lucky stellion love her she is part of dragon femily so thets mean you are one of us Drawer Lidvia Valo now what you like need to know.. Drawer Valo:.err..can you put me down..please..*see Queen Dragon Aurora put him down and he look at her*..i'm looking for Thinox he need tell more abut Guardian of Equestria and I need to know who that pony that became the guardian.. Queen Dragon Aurora: i see..will lucky for you i know abut thet thet becos i meet her ones way back but better you and Dashie need here this story from me.. Drawer Valo:.huh you meet Guardian of Equestria...*look shok*..i will get Dashie quick and we will here it from you..*run off get find his marefriend* Queen Dragon Aurora:..*giggles*..so yong and happy like good time is it Tira Shark..*look over coner smile happy*...your son grow biger you and him land this ples.. Tira Shark:.hehe..yeah..like good old time..demm i missed this ples..gald you opend your hoovs fro little Valo again you two are kin you know thet. Queen Dragon Aurora: ofcos his my kin darwer valo is part of this family even you Tira Shark efter all you my bloodline sisther.. somewhere at Nordwhood Kingdom The Prince was walking fro his castel area and try looking for Toriel becos he need ask her somting abut what next puzzle is but as he look back big purple fire coming up it was Glader. The Prince: uh Glader..what you doing here did i told you attack Shimano village ? Glader:.uh..uh..uh..uh..i'm..sorry...i'm sorry..my The Prince..gah...it..hurt it hurt... The Prince: hurt..what you mean hurt your body is full of purple flame how you can get hurt..? Glader:..huh..he..he did it..he hurt me...s-seed of o-of... The Prince: of what tell me GLADER!! Glader: huh..*look up quick at The Prince*..the legendary knight warrior inn Shimano village he hurt me cut my aer off but i stil feel pein!!! The Prince: the legendary knight warrior...*see Glader aer's was cut off and he can not see regenerated back*...this..legendary knight warrior..have name..? Glader:..Chin Lu XI..my Prince..forgive me..i lost meny times and i can't not win...*bow down too him tirs up*... The Prince: go take rest my little flame..your Prince forgive you go too my hot spring and my maids heal you up..*put his hoovs on his face pull him up too his eye level*..i can't not loos my best fire pony and mine number one Assassi. Glader:..uh..*look up him tris*..my..Prince...t-thanks you..*flowy walk too hot spring see his maids coming inn help him*...thakns you... The Prince:..*see his fav Flame poine going inn hot spring he slowy walk being talk too himslef*...they will pay hurt my commders's and make them look week...*he growld and yell*..TORIEL WHERE ARE YOU COME HERE NOW!! Mod:.will this is very very mad news...look like The Prince is more mad as ever and did we here right Tira Shark is bloodline sisther...and the bell was really red Dragon eye crstel this mena Chin Lu Xi will be heal..who know need wait and see.
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estro-gem · 3 years
Black and White in Grey: Chapter 26
Authors note: I’m not a writer to begin with, but I hope you like it!
If the somewhat “fight scene” was a let down, just know that I tried my best.
WARNING: Inappropriate language!
“Celestia!” Luna called firmly.
She burst through the throne room’s doors, deciding that it would be better not to think about the encounter she was about to have with her sister. There was no way to prepare for however the chain of events would take place. Celestia was like a candle surrounded by oil – there was no telling when she would set fire to everything.
“Luna, my dear! How adorable of you to drop by… Celestia is not here, though.” The blazing being held a hoof to her chest with pride, “Only me, the true and only ruler of Equestria, Daybreaker. I must say, you are quite difficult to get a hold of.”
Luna was hardly surprised. Everypony had their demons that whispered to them in their dreams. She had Nightmare Moon, her sister had Daybreaker. They met before, in a dream, but the encounter was cut short due to Celestia waking up. Luna didn’t need any more than those few seconds to recognize that she saw her sister’s demon. Celestia was gone. The chance to reason with the creature before her was gone too.
“Lower the sun and dismiss the new rules, sister.” Luna said cutting to the chase. She was steadily walking to the throne Daybreaker sat on.
Without warning, Daybreaker’s horn was set aflame with a fiery aura and blasted Luna with scorching heat. The dark pony wasn’t quick enough to materialize a black shield to absorb the blow. It sent her flying back a towards the door; her neck and chest stinging and raw where the beam struck her. Luna gasped, breath taken aback by the nearly fatal blow and weakly scrambled to her feet to catch her breath behind a nearby pillar. Another beam barely missed her flank just as she made it behind the pillar, to which the Sun Princess chuckled.
“Why should such a divine being such as I, listen to anything that such a pathetic little reject of a mare muster to babble at me? My followers mindlessly follow my orders, while you scramble to gain the attention of mere fillies. Why don’t you surrender you power to me and run off to play with your draconiquus friend, hmm? Oh, wait, it seems he left you too.” Daybreaker laughed with a undertone of insanity.
“Leave Discord out of this!” Luna rasped from her shelter. She couldn’t help but wish Discord was there with her. “This is between you and me.”
“Oh! I see how this is…” Daybreaker flew down to stalk to the Dark Princess, “You grew fond of the monstrosity. Well, it makes sense, birds of a feather squawk together!” she let out another laugh, approaching Luna and chastising, “It’s adorably hideous, maybe I’ll consider keeping you two as pets in my dungeon!”
Daybreaker’s horn glowed before sending a golden lightning bolt to the pillar shielding her younger sister. Much to the eldest’s dismay, once the dust settled, the space was empty.
“You dare talk about him like that? You are no match for Discord.” Luna hissed from across the room. She had teleported.
Daybreaker growled in frustration, “You brat, come out and fight me!”
The light of the sun in the sky, as well as the scorching heat of the day, suddenly faded into a cooler darkness, until it appeared to be night outside. Daybreaker cried in panic while running to the window to look at the spontaneous eclipse as a white ring in the dark sky.
“No! No, no, no, no! You dare to defy me? You dare to block my sun and drown my kingdom in darkness? You little bastard! This is my kingdom. I am the ruler of Equestria. You will not get away with this!”
“Oh, but I already did, big sister.” Luna’s voice smug came from behind the white pony, still closer to the doors, “You see, the Moon is closer to the earth, than the Sun, so there is nothing you can do about this.”
Another blast came from Daybreaker to Luna, only this time, it was a constant white beam, to which Luna countered with a constant black beam of her own. The collision of the beams unsteadily  shuffled back and forth, before setting in middle of the two princesses. Daybreaker settled it with ease, but Luna was struggling, to which the elder pony menacingly smiled.
Daybreaker scoffed, “You are no match for me. I have an army, adoring slaves and the power of the sun in my possession, for me to wield at my will. You have nothing and no one cares.”
Luna’s breath hitches and the collision of the two beams bolts towards Luna for a moment, at which Daybreaker laughs, but she draws a shaky breath and holds the eldest’s gaze, “I am Princess Luna, Mistress of Darkness and I stand for the greater good, well-being and harmony of the whole of Equestria. I defy your selfish demands. We order thee to stand down and lower the sun at once! We need not another’s approval, but only the knowledge that we are worthy of holding the title of princess just as thee.”
Luna’s eyes glowed white. Although her pupils were no longer visible, Daybreaker felt her gaze burn through her down to her soul. A low hum of power emitted from the young princess, surrounding her black aura and washing over the flaming mare in one enormous wave. It was threatening enough to send Daybreaker into a frenzy, screaming with a raspy voice, “And I order you to die!”
Something snapped in Luna. It was what she feared for so long; resurfaced within her. It broke free along with her sister’s true feelings finally confessed aloud. Her sister hated her so much, that she wanted her to die. Luna gave way to her demon, who eagerly took the rains with an ocean of despair and heartache.
Nightmare Moon blasted Daybreaker through the throne with the cry of an animal that had nothing more to live for. Below the Black Pony was white, ancient lunar symbols that danced at her hooves. Her eyes, mane and tail glowed white, like a newly born star’s fire and her armor was silver. The dust risen from where Daybreaker crashed and besides the high-pitched gasping breaths that the Dark princess drew, it was silent.
This was Luna. This was Nightmare Moon. This was who she was. The Mistress of Darkness.
She was hurt and heartbroken – all of her old wounds were torn open. She wanted to spiral down into a depression that could drive any creature that could breathe into madness. She didn’t want to fight or hurt her sister. She didn’t want to think anymore. She didn’t want to breath anymore. She wanted die as much as her sister wanted, because she had lost Celestia, her big sister; nothing was ever going to be as it once was.
But she didn’t stop. She didn’t stop fighting. She didn’t stop breathing.
She didn’t, because her kingdom – countless lives – was relying on her to bring them harmony. She didn’t, because she knew that Discord believed in her. She didn’t, because despite the hate of her sister, Luna still loved Celestia. She didn’t, because she finally knew from the bottom of her heart the she loved herself and her family too much to just give up and die.
“We know notice thou selfish heart, blinded by pride and hate. Thou ought to fulfil thou duties as Princess of Equestria and will face the consequences that will be bestowed upon thee!” Luna bellowed in her Equastria voice. The windows burst and the walls cracked at the power and authority seething  from her.
“Princess Luna?!”
That desperate voice was not expected from far behind the Princess of the Night. Upon looking back, she saw Twilight Sparkle, the Princess of Friendship, holding the Elements of Harmony with her magic. Alongside her, stood her dearest friend, Discord, looking at her as if she was the only thing existence. He promised to love her before, and proved his love by just being there for her. He got her what she needed, despite disappearing so suddenly. She loved him… and she knew, with one glance into his eyes, that he knew it too.
Her eyes fell to the elements, then to Twilight’s desperate and confused expression. Wordlessly, her magic possessed the hold of Twilight’s magic on the elements and summoned them to surround her.
She knew what she had to do and it brought bitter tears to her eyes.
“Sister!” Luna called to Daybreaker, who was unsteadily getting up. The Sun Princess’s eyes were glowing red and the flames of her mane and tail bled to red as well, presenting as the demon she really was. If Luna had looked back, she would have seen that Twilight’s eyes widened with shock and that tears threatened to rolled over her cheeks. She would have seen Discord’s glare as the corruption that Daybreaker emitted, shuddered down his spine as he struggled to hold back from interfering.
But she didn’t look back. She faced her sister fully, desperate to act one last attempt to get through to her. Her voice was breaking and tears were staining her cheeks, “Celestia, please come back to me. I love you so much… I love you and I don’t want to live without you!”
“No?” Daybreaker spat as a mocking question, before laughing once again. There was no sanity left in her as she screamed, “Then die!”
Daybreaker charged towards Luna at full speed, horn glowing. Luna knew that Celestia had reached to point of no return. With her heart broken and a hopeless cry, Luna harnessed the power of the elements and shot a colorful beam directly towards her charging foe.
The room was left in a blinding white light.
Next: Chapter 27
Previous: Chapter 25
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kenzieam · 7 years
The Return of the Viking Daughter - Chapter 2 (Ivar X OC)
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Rating: M - Mature (angst, swearing, violence, eventual domestic violence, eventual attempted assault, eventual smut)
Genre: Drama, angst
@fuckyeahalexhoghandersen @my-emotional-self @bloodyivar @lupy22 @alex-ivar-minx @heathensisterwives @kduran04 @charliexowrite @angryschnauzer @rachiieee @ivarinleatherpants @ivars-heathen-army @neonxwitch @theheathenqueendickubus @dangerousvikings @zpandaqueen @irishhiggins @romanchronicles @didiintheblog @poopercoot @mercy1997 @kawennote09 @angelswannawearmyredshooz @jaihardy @iammarylastar @sparklemichele
Holy shit everybody! Thank you so much for the support!!
This chapter is mostly fluff before the fights lol.... no trigger warnings in this chapter beyond Sigurd not knowing when to shut the hell up.
Okay, so that went well genius. I berated myself as I climbed the hill. My heart was pounding, and not from the exercise. Why did I agree to meet them for supper? What the hell? Seeing Ubbe, Ivar and Hvitserk had been awkward enough.... what about Sigurd? Unless he'd undergone a lobotomy in my absence, he was no doubt going to go out of his way to make things uncomfortable tonight. His chronic feud with Ivar would ensure that Sigurd would merrily goose-step down Memory Lane, reliving all our 'greatest hits' and reminiscing about the 'good old days'. Prick.
Reaching the door, I tried the spare and breathed a sigh of relief when the door opened. Grabbing my overnight bag from my car I stepped into my former childhood home and shut the door behind me, breathing in deeply. It didn't smell how I remembered, free from my mother's near fanatical love of potpourri; and instead smelled like how I remembered my father, a hint of aftershave, fresh laundry; he'd been active right up until he'd fallen over dead from a heart attack at the tennis club, another reason why I'd thought I had more time to make things right with him, he'd seemed immortal to me, even as a child, a flawed god, but a god nonetheless. Whoa, now was not the time for that train of thought, I would have to lament that tragedy later.
My feet took me to the second floor without my conscious intent and I found myself outside my old bedroom. I pushed the door open and was struck with the sudden impulse to bawl. Father had kept my room exactly as it had been when I'd left and my heart squeezed as I stepped inside, began to relive my childhood. I'd never been much for material possessions, but what I did keep around had been special to me. I hadn't had time to grab them all before I was taken away eight years ago, and I'd cried for weeks over the loss. What I'd lacked in stuffed animals, makeup and boy band posters on the walls I had instead made up for with pictures. I wondered if father had left my darkroom alone, down in the basement. I'd loved photography, loved taking pictures of my friends and I'd tacked them up everywhere.
I found my fingers trailing gently along the photos, pinned in random patterns to the walls. You could follow a timeline of my life looking at all these, starting from my first camera at age six, and my subsequent amateurish attempts that followed. Crooked landscapes, blurry motions, the occasion finger over the shutter-eye. But I'd persisted, and gotten better. As I'd grown, and my relationship with them had grown as well, more and more of my pictures had been of the Lothbrok boys; wrestling in the backyard, sword fighting, Ubbe trying to get Hvitserk to concentrate on the engine they were taking apart rather than on the Playboy he'd snagged from Ragnar. I pulled down the ones I'd taken of Sigurd while we'd been 'dating' and tossed them away. The predator's gleam in his eyes was devastatingly obvious now, and made me feel sick. I smiled at one I'd clearly cherished, framed and set on my dresser; Bjorn, Hvitserk, Ubbe, Ivar and I around a campfire, leaning in together for the shot, the firelight flickering in our eyes. Had I noticed before how Ivar's gaze had been on me, rather than the camera?
My heart rate started to pick up as I saw an emerging theme; whether I'd consciously realized it back then or not, an inordinate amount of the pictures I'd taken had been of the youngest Lothbrok. Poor Ivar had had to put up with me constantly shoving the camera in his face, had taken to wearing hoodies and caps so he'd have something to yank down over his eyes when he'd had enough. But sometimes..... sometimes he hadn't, and the look in his eyes as he'd met my gaze through the lens now sent a shiver through me. My parent's fighting, my childhood growing up with them, my twisted relationship with Sigurd had all kept me blind to the love and devotion I now saw on Ivar's young face and I felt a new stab in my heart. Shit, had I been that much in denial? Now supper was going to be REALLY awkward.
***************************************************************************************************************************************************** At 4:58 I locked and shut the door behind me and looked down towards the Lothbrok house. More vehicles filled the driveway, and I wondered vaguely if Ubbe had been on the phone all afternoon, inviting everyone and their dogs to supper tonight. No time to worry about it now. I'd chosen a plain pair of grey skinny jeans, knee-high boots and two simple layered camisoles for supper, not too fancy, but a little more dressed up than my usual Lulu capris and wife-beaters. My auburn hair, which usually chose the most inopportune times to suddenly resemble a frizzy botched execution, was behaving tonight and I'd even cajoled it into a high ponytail. My contacts had been driving me insane lately, so I was instead wearing my chunky wayfarer glasses, nerd chic, c'est moi.
I had a death grip on the bottle of Rose in my left hand as I made my way down the hill and I shivered, suddenly grateful I’d grabbed a light, dove grey sweater on my way out the door. Taking a deep breath, I knocked on the door.
The door flew open and I found myself staring at a broad chest. Before I could look up, I was picked up and a familiar voice shouted in my ear.
“Sera! How you been, runt?” Bjorn’s deep voice bellowed, his arms squeezing me tight. I struggled but I might as well have been fighting a brick wall. When he was good and ready, Bjorn finally dropped me back to my feet and I staggered slightly, grinning. His massive mitt dropped onto my shoulder and dragged me inside, Bjorn yelling ahead of me like a town crier and I was soon surrounded by people. Yanking my ponytail affectionately Bjorn began pointing out his family. I remembered Torvi, and had met his daughter as a baby, but the two younger boys were new and I was grateful for the distraction as they welcomed me as enthusiastically as their father. Ubbe appeared and gently shooed his niece and nephews away, then grabbed me in his own bear hug, releasing me only when Hvitserk elbowed him roughly. Sudden tears came to my eyes as I remembered my childhood, full of brotherly affection like this, rough hugs and playful punches, noogies and headlocks and my heart started to ache in longing.
“I heard you were back,” a voice sneered.
I pulled away from Hvitserk reluctantly, grateful that he kept his arm slung around my waist and turned to the speaker. Sigurd hadn’t changed, was still arrogant and defiant, standing with his arms crossed over his chest. The only difference I could see was his hair, he’d cut it short and frankly, it made his ears stick out.
“Hello Sigurd,” I said stiffly.
Sigurd sniffed and eyed me up and down, as if I was a prize filly he was considering buying. “Looking good, nice to see you haven’t let yourself go.”
I turned to Hvitserk to hide my eye roll and was gratified to see he was curling his lip at his brother in annoyance. I tried again to be civil.
“How have you been?”
“Oh, you know. Career, fiancé, all that jazz.”
I nodded in response. “Congratulations.”
Sigurd smiled, a slippery twisting of his lips that made my skin crawl. “You ever feel like reliving some old memories, let me know.”
Bjorn and Ubbe’s dual growls were drowned out by a soft and gentle voice that still managed to dominate the room. “Sera.”
I turned, heart starting to pound and fresh tears flooded my eyes. A few new lines, a few new grey hairs, but it was still the Ragnar I remembered. Forgetting all the shit of the last eight years I launched myself at my honorary father, the man who had been, in so many ways, more of a father to me than my own had been.  
His arms closed around me and it felt like coming home. I found myself nuzzling my head under Ragnar’s chin and inhaling his familiar scent deeply, his calloused hand stroked the side of my face and the tears flooding my eyes started to trickle down my cheeks. Pulling away slightly he cocked his head to the side in that quintessential Ragnar way and met my eyes, offering me a gentle smile and carefully wiping away my tears.
“Welcome home.” He said warmly, patting my cheek.
Faintly, I heard a snort and glanced to the side in time to see Sigurd roll his eyes and storm away.
Ragnar’s eyes followed his son for a brief moment before turning back to me. “You look well,” he murmured, and although nearly identical to Sigurd’s earlier words, they held none of the same malice and leer; I found myself smiling back.
“As do you,” I replied, fingering his long beard thoughtfully, it was admittedly a little scruffy, but it suited his rustic vibe.  
Ragnar smiled then, a wide grin so much like his sons and clapped my cheek gently, pulling me into one more bone-crushing hug before releasing me and stepping away. “I’m sure my sons are dying to catch up, I’ll leave you for now. Supper will be ready in twenty minutes.”
I smiled at his retreating back before being half-tackled by two familiar bodies.
“Love the glasses, little Red,” Hvitserk teased, flicking them gently.
Ubbe tightened his headlock and ruffled my hair, “and the hair’s still wild I see.”
“Hey,” I retorted, struggling ineffectually. “I got it into a ponytail!”
“Leave her be,” Bjorn ordered softly. “You know as well as I that little Red’s hair matches her temper, fiery and uncontrollable.” He laughed, twisting away as I shook Ubbe free and launched myself at him. He held me at bay easily, one huge hand pressed to my forehead, his arm long enough to keep my swinging fists from making contact and roared in amusement. My heart soared and for the first time in a long time, I felt truly happy and light; I hadn’t let myself realize until now just how much I had truly missed this, the easy banter and sibling affection I’d shared with the Lothbroks, well.... most of them. Sigurd was a lost cause, and, after seeing and remembering all the pictures I’d taken displayed in my old room, my feelings for Ivar were a tangled mess.
Speak of the devil....
The thumping of crutches preceded him and soon Ivar was leaning in the doorframe, watching our antics with a mixture of boredom and scorn. By now I was riding Bjorn piggy-back, kicking joyfully and trying to fend off both Ubbe and Hvitserk, who were trying to unseat me from my mighty blonde steed.
“Grab her leg!” Hvitserk laughed, sidestepping another kick.
“YOU grab her leg, remember she kicks like a damn mule!” Ubbe retorted.
“Why are you bothering?” Came Ivar’s pissy sounding voice. “She’s not staying, she’s just going to leave again.”
Bjorn stopped his spinning while Ubbe and Hvitserk fixed Ivar with matching glowers. I felt my ears heat up. Yes, the original plan was to get in and get out fast, return to my life on the west coast, but.... every moment I was spending in my rambunctious adopted brother’s presence was eroding my will and intent. If asked point blank right now what I planned to do, I wouldn’t honestly be able to answer. Fortunately, the boys had my back.
“Well then you should enjoy the time we have with her.” Ubbe retorted. “Sera is free to live her life without worrying about your hurt feelings.”
Christ, my ears could ignite kindling they were so hot right now.
Ivar’s eyes drifted to me and for a moment I got lost in their hypnotic cobalt depths. Never, his gaze whispered.
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swan2swan · 7 years
When his old campaign manager was indicted Monday, Mr. Trump called me on the phone, crying like a baby, and begged me to endorse him. I said, "You're already president, Mr. President. You were elected." He said, "I'd still like your endorsement." I have a recording of the phone call. It's so sad. Donald Trump is done. He couldn't get elected dogcatcher in New York, his hometown. I was very very nice about it. Very nice. But New Yorkers love dogs and he does not. There are 14 recorded instances of him kicking small dogs, and I have documentary proof of all but two of them.
Plus many other instances of him running around grabbing women's cats. Knocked on the door, grabbed the cat, walked away. Just to show that a famous rich guy could get away with it. Where is the apology? No, the man couldn't even get a job as a school crossing guard in New York. Look at him leading his grandchildren toward the helicopter — thank God there's a Marine there to keep them from walking into the rotor.
He's very wary of children, afraid they'll pull off the wig. It's from La Bouffant on 8th & 45th, 3rd floor. Horsehair. Palomino filly. I have receipts.
Trump shot a man on Fifth Avenue last year just to see if he could get away with it and he did. His base said, "Well, some people just need to be shot, that's all. As a warning to the others." Why is he so hung up on virility? Because the Army rejected him on account of bone spurs that you get from wearing high heels. Everybody knows that.
Just look at how he salutes the Marine honor guard — TOTAL DISASTER — it's not a salute, it's a little yoo-hoo. Uniforms are a huge turn-on for him. And when he salutes the flag, he doesn't even look at it. Total disrespect for the flag. And the salute is very weak in the wrists. Know why there's ABSOLUTELY NO video of him hitting a golf ball? Because (pardon me for being politically incorrect) he swings like a girl. And when he slices it into the parking lot, he tees up another ball. Mr. Mulligan. Mr. Multi-Mulligan.
He sits at that ridiculous little desk in the Oval Office and signs a presidential proclamation as if he's Kim Jong Un or something and he holds it up like a kid holding up his school project that his mama wrote for him. The man can barely read, that's why he hates TelePrompter. Total lightweight.
He is NOT A NICE PERSON and so the name Trump is as popular as herpes these days. Trumpet players have taken up the cornet. Card players refer to the lead suit as the jump suit. Tramps prefer to be called hoboes, town dumps are now refuse heaps, and girls named Dawn are becoming Cheryls. To residents of his crummy building on Fifth Avenue, it's now known as Chump Tower because it's caused so much grief and tragedy for people. It wasn't constructed — it was fabricated. FABRICATED. Plywood modules shipped down from Canada and installed by minimum-wage temps from Hoboken. I can prove this. I have documentation. The wind whistles through the tower at night, roaches the size of rats. Ask anybody.
People who voted for him are humiliated. So his ratings have tanked. The same people who admire him tend to drive Dodge Darts and wear sweatshirts from schools they didn't attend. Nobody stays in his hotels except foreign CEOs and their tootsies. He is weak. Weak on #s, weak on 1st Amendment, worst president in history. Failed @ real estate and now @ politics. His record = BAD. First president in my lifetime who DOES NOT KNOW the words to "The Star-Spangled Banner." The lips are not even moving.
He quit holding rallies in stadiums because nobody wants to go hear a loser brag about his manliness for an hour, you can hear that in any barroom. Only places he can draw a crowd are rural areas where billboards are riddled with bullet holes, shot by men angry because they can't read. He is so over. Totally irrelevant, exhausted, flamed out. The sleepytime eyes and la-di-da hair and the tweet-tweet-tweet say it all. Real men don't tweet. Ask anybody. We bark, we protest, we thunder, condemn, denounce, we give 'em hell, sometimes we post. Wimps tweet. And now the perps are going to start walking and talking. And the fat lady is waiting in the wings.
Hey, kids, if you were ever a fan of Prairie Home Companion and/or Garrison Keillor in general, and if you were like me and had some sort of doubts about where he fell on the morality spectrum...well...here you are.
If you didn’t know who he was before this, check him out.
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high5nerd · 4 years
Alone Together--Chap. Twenty-four
Okay one more and then I’m going hermit mode and playing Dragon Age Inquisition for four hours straight.
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The Elders always had their own voice, but not within these cases. It was always by the word of Man in Moon, and then their consideration was put into play. The witnesses help deter or confirm the opinion of Man in Moon and the Elders, but it isn't likely that it will matter. In cases like this, everything counted and was gingerly on a balance of justice. One tiny tip of it and the entire thing will collapse out of my favor. I couldn't afford that.
"We hereby declare that in this circumstance, Man in Moon has found you not guilty. Your case has been proven perfectly." Mother Nature said, and I swear to this day I saw a shadow of a smile on her face.
I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding, and Alice hugged my side tightly in relief.
"But!" Father Time shouted, causing the jubilee to immediately halt.
"Oh, come on!" Sadie moaned, and Alice slammed her hand against her sister's mouth, hissing for her to shut up or she'll kill her.
Alice can be a little frightening. It's kinda hot.
"You must decide where to continue with this. Either you continue your spirit life as the nightmare king...or you give it all up and become a human." Father Time looked at me gravely.
The hall fell quieter than ever before. Not even Tooth's fluttering wings could be heard over the ear-deafening silence. All the pressure was placed on me...and I had to come up with a decision right there and then. 
Personally, I adored being the Nightmare King. I've been so used to that part of my everyday life, I couldn't imagine myself without it. The ability to phase through shadows, control an entire army, hell, even the robe I wore made me feel more powerful than just an average human. 
But if I chose the spirit life, to continue it, Alice and Sadie would have to never see me again, or at least give up their connections with me. Then again, knowing myself, I would just break the rules repeatedly until the Elders punished me themselves. I would miss everything...the adrenaline rush of immortality, the ability to heal quicker…
But then I wouldn't have Alice and Sadie. They're my life. I've been so lonely and wanting a family, and I nearly had it in my fingertips. The loneliness made the immortality and Nightmare King charade a meaningless thing. Without sharing it with someone, it wasn't...it wasn't worth it. If I had a choice, and if Sadie and Alice would agree to it, I'd want them to be immortal along with me. But knowing that they couldn't move away from their way of life easily like that, I knew it wouldn't be right.
I guess I was silent for too long, because soon Destiny nodded and said, "We'll leave you to decide. You cannot leave this courtroom without your decision, but everyone else is dismissed," She turned to Emily Jane, "Mother Nature will safely bring Alice and Sadie home...and will be informed of your decision when it comes."
I could've blurted out a sudden answer in order for them to not leave, but I couldn't do that to them. Sadie gave me one last hug, a tight one of support, and quickly left alongside with Sandy at her left and North on her right. The Elders left right after Tooth, Jack and Bunny...leaving Alice and I alone.
She touched my shoulder, watching my face for any sign of a decision. When she was met with none, she kissed me and whispered, "Think of what you want, not what we want. The choice is yours, and I'll understand it. I love you, Pitch."
And she left.
Three hours. That's how long I was in there so far. I paced back and forth, meditated on the polished floor, even sat in the pews and high chairs to see what the others saw when they stared down at me during the trial. Nothing was helping me finalize a decision. It was an internal battle of either power or devotion to the people I've come to love. 
I know it should've been an easy guess, but even to the most simplest man it wasn't easy to pick. Just think about it for a minute. If someone came up to you and said that for a lifetime-or any period of time-you can rule your own country or be given a billion dollars, fame or even be blessed with awesome powers unlike any human...or live a life that you never got to experience, no matter what bumps in the road comes. 
See how hard it was to choose?
What was harder for me to decide was that if I did choose the life of being mortal, who would I be? I wouldn't be the Nightmare King, the Boogeyman, anymore. I'd be Pitch Black...or Kozmotis Pitchiner, I wasn't sure of which name to choose. Maybe a mix of both. 
How could I easily merge into the lifestyle of the humans? I don't know how to drive, vote, find a job, balance a checkbook or even properly use a computer. I'm like the medieval knight living in 2015 that has no clue what this thing called technology is. 
Not only that, but if people asked, what would my backstory be? Everyone has one. They know their parents, their place of birth, any siblings or family memories, their first home, their ancestry...I can't tell them I was from a distant galaxy in an entirely different age than them! Nor can I lie to everyone and make up a story. I'll most likely forget it anyway. Alice had newfound friends at her workplace that she cherished a lot, and it would be a disappointment if they found out I lied to them about my past or made it so blatantly obvious I wasn't one of them.
...But knowing Alice, she could teach me that. She could teach me everything. I may not have studied financial literacy in the world I used to be in, or learned how to drive a car or even inherited some knowledge from my father and mother that could aid me now. 
Hell, I bet I did and I just have forgotten it over the centuries. But Sadie can teach me what she's learned, as can Alice, and I know the Guardians will keep in touch to aid us as well...maybe even Alice's friends could become mine as well. It's okay to admit to them that I don't know much about the American ways...right? It wouldn't be exactly lying if I said I was a foreigner. Because I was, and that would immediately tell people that I'm still getting used to life that they know well.
I think I've made my decision.
"I'm giving up my immortality and title."
Right as I said that, I felt...lighter, so to say. Like what I said aloud was something I truly felt in my heart that I sincerely meant, no lies or tricks behind it. A pain started pulsing in my skin, literally right underneath it. Everywhere on my body, this throbbing of pain made itself noticeable, making me cringe and look down to see what was wrong with myself. 
I honestly was stunned into shock at seeing my skin prickle with goosebumps and slowly, the glowing ebbing through the pores of my skin turned from the dull grey I was so familiar with, to the olive toned skin I had long ago. A old battle scar on my left forearm appeared, one that I earned in the last battle against the fearlings before they consumed me...it'll be a last memory of who I once was. 
The pain slowly lessened to a dull throbbing, like the feeling when you press down on a bruise. I felt drained of energy, but rejuvenated in every single way possible.
When I stood up, my legs almost gave out. I wobbled like a newborn filly, trying to get used to the new yet old self I used to be and will be now. 
When I opened the door that led to the workshop, the Elders were gone. Only the Guardians stood there, and their heads turned in sync at the sound of the giant, wooden door creaking open. All of their eyes widened, and then broke into giant smiles.
"Pitch!" North opened his arms widely, as if awaiting a hug, "You chose to be mortal!"
I tried smiling and standing up, but I had to lean against the door since my right leg gave out again. Jack was immediately at my side and held my left arm as I stood upright, and I nodded at him that I would be okay. He grinned and flew into the air, full of energy, "This is amazing! You're going to be with Alice and Sadie?"
"Yes, I will," I smiled at them all, "I'm sorry it took a while. There's no turning back from a decision like that."
"We understand," Bunny nodded slowly, "We all would've taken a while if faced with something like that."
"So you're not really Pitch Black anymore, huh?" Tooth asked, genuinely curious.
I shook my head, my smile not faltering, "You can still call me that if you'd like. But...I think I'll only be keeping my last name as a memory. I'll be returning to good ol' Kozmotis for now."
Tooth cheered and did a flip in the air, and Jack somersaulted around her in circles in excitement. Sandy smiled and patted my shoulder, showing his bountiful pride in my decision.
You really changed, Pit-uh...Haha! Sandy laughed himself, Koz. This'll take some getting used to.
"Tell me about it," I rolled my eyes, "Now Alice will have the burden to teach me everything of human life-Oh no!" I gripped my hair in panic, "They don't know! They're home! How can I get home without the nightmares?! I'm no longer their master!"
North glanced at Bunny, and then flashed a wild smile back at me. A look of utter glee and mischievousness glinted in sky blue eyes. I raised a brow, wondering what he was thinking. Now all of the Guardians had that same look in their eyes as they grinned at me.
"Well, Koz," North winked, "I think it's time you try out the sleigh. But first, let's talk business. After everything you've proven to us, we'd like to offer you something."
I gulped.
The sun shone brightly in the center of the sky, just a few minutes after noon. There was no cloud in sight, and the wind was so gentle and calm, one would think it was spring and not the ending of summer. 
Sadie and Alice were outside, picking weeds out of the brick path leading to the front door or swinging lazily on the tire swing. Alice stood up, dirt and grass staining her jeans from her work. Sadie looked over at Alice from under the shade of the oak tree, watching her wipe sweat off her forehead and take off her dirt covered gardening gloves.
Alice surprisingly has taken things well once they left. Sadie, in most circumstances, would think her older sister would panic and think of the worst to happen to her love, worry and brood until she got some sort of consolation. But she had to give Alice credit, because now that she and Pitch have developed a strong bond, stronger than iron itself, she had a sense of newfound faith and trust in people, even Sadie, no matter what tricks she pulled around the house.
The sound of a car cruising down the street made them look up at the road. Their street was often quiet, a very family-friendly road that had less car activity than the other nearby streets and lanes. But as this smooth, black 2015 Avalon cruised into their driveway, Sadie and Alice both stood up from their places and watched the car both curiously and nervously. Sadie quickly dashed across the driveway before the Avalon with tinted windows parked closer to the garage door, and stood close to her sister.
"Who is that? Is it your friend Emma?" Sadie asked, poking her side.
"No...I don't think so? She and Tom don't own an Avalon."
Out stepped a man dressed in dark jeans, a white v-neck t-shirt and a red blazer, staring at Alice and Sadie with such a hopeful and loving smile, it made it seem like he was a long lost relative. His skin was of an almost Mediterranean shade, and his golden eyes had a sense of warmth and comfort to them.
Wait...I know those eyes, Alice paused, afraid if she moved the man would immediately leave.
Alice's feet started moving on their own, slowly inching closer to this man that looks so...familiar. 
It even bugged Sadie. He definitely wasn't someone from school, he's too old to be a student and none of the staff had a male teacher or janitor that looked like him. He definitely wasn't from her workplace, because she would've met him before. He wasn't from their family because he didn't look related at all. His skin was darker than theirs by a little and no one in their family had jet black hair and gold eyes-
Wait a minute.
Alice stared at him, unblinking. The man smiled, showing white teeth. I know that smile...that face...Alice's hand touched the man's cheekbone, and immediately widened her eyes, Oh my god…
"Pitch?" now both of Alice's hands were cupping his cheeks, not believing that this was him. His human form, "Is this...really you?"
"Yes," His hands touched her face as well, stepping closer, "It's really me."
"You're….you're human…" Alice looked him up and down, and then once her eyes met with his face again, she beamed brightly, "You're human!"
He laughed and enveloped her in a tight hug, and Alice hugged him back, trying to keep herself from jumping up and down in excitement. Sadie's shocked face turned into absolute glee, finally knowing that Pitch has made the choice to live the rest of his life with them. This was what she's always wanted for her sister, as well as herself. Her family finally felt complete. It had a future!
Alice pulled away from him, still smiling broadly but wiping away her tears stubbornly, "I c-can't believe you actually g-gave up-!"
"Shh, love," Pitch kissed her forehead, "I'd give up anything for you. I mean it."
"When did you learn how to drive a car?" Sadie called from the back.
Alice and Pitch laughed at that brightly, smiling at the young girl who smirked back. Pitch linked an arm around Alice's waist as they walked towards the house...their house.
"Are you still Pitch Black? Or are you Kozmotis Pitchiner again?" Alice asked, lingering behind so she and her love could talk privately for a minute, "I don't want to screw up names since I've known you for so long."
He smirked at that, making his eyes sparkle with amusement, "I'm a mix of the two. How does Kozmotis Black sound?"
Alice giggled and kissed him quickly, and then pulled away with a giant grin full of happiness, "Sounds like you."
She noticed his eyes glance down at her lips, lost in thought at the kiss she gave him. He looked surprised at something, causing her to raise a questioning brow and ask, "What?"
"Your lips...they're so warm…" he murmured, touching her chin.
Alice softly smiled, her head inching closer to his for another touch, "Yours too...warmer than before…"
"You like it?" he grinned, planting a kiss on her nose.
Alice sighed and eagerly nodded, her own way of saying Hell, yes, and met with his lips once more, embracing him on the front steps of her home.
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glapplebloom · 6 years
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An all text story of my 17th Anniversary...
The multiverse is wide and vast. Every choice no matter how insignificant leads to infinite variations of the same concept. Yet this one will soon effect numerous worlds. Normally, Starlight Glimmer would use a spell created by Starswirl the Bearded to send herself and Twilight back in time in an attempt to end her friendship before it began. But in this dimension, instead of waiting for Twilight to arrive to enact her plan, she decides to use the spell to go forward in time. She goes forward to the time of Cozy Glow's capture. Not wanting to reveal herself, she remained within the time portal as she sees that not only is she there, she is working alongside the very ponies that caused her to lose her village. As she begins to ponder how that could be, Cozy Glow tires to escape. When seemingly no exit remains, she spots the portal. Seeing a Pony not upset with her, Cozy makes a mad dash towards it. Before anyone else can react, Cozy tackles the Starlight within it as it closes behind it.
The tackle from Cozy to Starlight sent the two of them to a place that does not seem to be apart of any point of Equestrian history. Unknown to any of them. It was not a time traveling spell that Starswirl developed, but a spell that creates portals to another world. When Cozy Glow recovered, she then realized that her escape was thanks to Starlight, the same pony she captured to ensure her plans were to be successful. But a second look revealed that this Starlight is not that same person. She looked closer to how the story of Twilight told of her time at the village. She also overheard through Trixie and Starlight talking that she once traveled through time. With those two pieces of information, Cozy Glow realizes that this the Starlight that was traveling through time, before being corrupted by Twilight Sparkle. Seeing this new situation she is in, Cozy Glow came up with a new plan.
Cozy: Oh, I thank you Miss Starlight Glimmer for saving me back there.
Starlight: Can you explain to me why I was helping that... That Sparkle!?!
Cozy: Oh, Miss Twilight Sparkle defeated you soundly with your time travel spell. She gave you a choice between having to be subservient to her or be stuck in Tartarus like all the others.
Starlight hears this, seemingly defeated.
Starlight: How can that be? I planned everything so carefully. How in Equestria does she still beat me.
Starlight has her hooves to her face as Cozy Glow moves in closer.
Cozy: Its like she taught in the school: Friendship is Magic. The most powerful Magic in all of Equestria. So powerful it can conquer Princesses, Spirits and even the most gifted unicorn in history...
Cozy lifts Starlight's face with her hoof.
Cozy: And its a power we can use.
Starlight: What?
Cozy Glow walks away from Starlight.
Cozy: Before you saved me, I had an elaborate plan to make more friends than even the Princess of Friendship. But I was foiled by her students. But that defeat made me realize something...
Cozy Glow turns her head towards Starlight.
Cozy: I shouldn't be after quantity, I should be after quality.
Cozy walks towards Starlight.
Cozy: With your power and my knowledge on the Princess' history, we could form an alliance with one goal: the complete erasure of Twilight throughout time!
Cozy brings up a hoof and develops a cute face.
Cozy: So what shall it be, friend?
Starlight thinks it over. It was indeed Twilight that ruined everything. And if getting rid of her friends didn't stop her, maybe this alliance will. She soon grabs Cozy's hoof and does a hoof shake with her.
Starlight: Alright. So what's the first move?
Cozy: We need to go back in my time and pick up my pen pal from Tartarus...
In Tartarus, a weakened Tirek recovered from being hit with his own magic. He so wanted to feast upon the magic that was floating around, but couldn't. But soon he sees a portal being opened in front of him. He suspects it is another prisoner being stuck in this prison like he was. But to his surprise, it is Cozy Glow and another pony he doesn't know. Cozy Glow acts cutely.
Cozy: Hello Pen Pal! How have you been doing?
Tirek: So you must be Cozy Glow. I take it your plan failed.
Cozy: It did, but I have came up with an even better plan.
Tirek: Why should I help you again? If your plan worked, I would have been stuck there with those accursed ponies. Especially that pink one.
Cozy: Well you won't have to worry about that. We're here to free you now.
Starlight used her magic to zap the cage into flowers. Tirek looks around him as the flowers fall.
Tirek: It is a start. But before we go...
Tirek begins to walk towards the other creatures.
Tirek: I want to grab a snack before we leave.
Sometime later, in a different dimension. During the final moments of “The Return to Harmony”, Discord finally realizes that the Elements of Harmony are working. By the time the Main Six were about to fire, a small portal opened beside Discord.
Starlight: Quickly! In here!
Seeing the Rainbow Beam heading towards him, Discord quickly teleports himself into the portal before it hits. On the other side, he sees a pony, a filly, and an angry red centaur.
Tirek: Discord! You want this pony loving creature on our side!?!
Discord: Pony loving?!?
Discord summons a hand mirror out of nowhere.
Discord: There's only room for one creature in my heart and I'm looking at him.
The reflection comes out of the mirror to stick his tongue at Tirek. Tirek was about to attack before Cozy Glow stopped him.
Cozy: We need his power to help make whatever time we're in more suitable for our needs.
Discord then sees this little filly bossing Tirek around and laughs.
Discord: Bwahaha! And why should I help any of you?
Starlight intervene.
Starlight: Well, we did save you from being turned to stone again.
Cozy: And as you see, Friendship was too powerful for even you.
Cozy then directs his attention to the group.
Cozy: So why not use Friendship against them?
Discord ponders for a bit.
Discord: Hmm, that does sound tempting. Alright, I'm in.
This continued with the others. With Sombra, they found his lone remain and brought them back to their dimension. With Discord's magic, King Sombra was once again restored. With the Storm King, the pieces that made him were gathered and using Discord's magic restored him once more. With Queen Chrysalis, they found her and her hive after their defeat during the Canterlot Wedding. Cozy felt they needed an army and neither Sombra or the Storm King provided. Chrysalis, on the other hand, had an entire army on her side. And finally, Nightmare Moon who was saved in the last minute like Discord was before her. Before they could set their plans in motion, Cozy Glow makes Starlight do one last portal. Unknown to Starlight, Cozy Glow went to get the Alicorn Amulet before Trixie could get her hooves on it. When Starlight asked what was that, Cozy ensured her that this was a just in case since she was the weakest among the group.
Now that this dimension was made to their liking, thanks to the combine efforts of Nightmare Moon, Discord and King Sombra, their plan for action began. They go to various dimensions, still under the mindset that these are different points of time, attack and kidnap a Twilight. Tirek drains them of their magic while the Changeling feast on their love. And finally the Storm King turns them into stone. They do this in order of the timeline. In the dimension that Nightmare Moon came from, they overwhelmed the inexperienced Main Six. In Discord's dimension, it was when Twilight was looking for a Friendship Problem. Cozy and Starlight pretended to need help when they ambushed her. In Chrysalis' dimension, they attacked during the train ride home. They continue to do this until all their dimensions were hit. Then they continued to do so throughout other worlds. Many moons has passed since then. Tirek has been enjoying himself since he has been getting a steady supply of powerful magic. Discord has been annoying Nightmare Moon by showing sunlight into her section. But Starlight, Sombra, Storm King and Chrysalis seem to be upset with Cozy Glow.
Starlight: This is so frustrating!  Every timeline we've been to ends up with Twilight still being there!
Chrysalis: That means at some point of time, she is going to defeat us.
Cozy: I don't get it either. We've defeated her at every turn. We've even defeated her when she's as old as Celestia! How could this be?
Discord then teleports himself into the conversation.
Discord: Well, if you ask me, it means that its not Twilight that defeats us.
Storm King: What are you getting at Discord?
Nightmare Moon enters the room, slamming the doors open.
Nightmare Moon: It means one of us are going to betray the others.
Nightmare Moon charges up her magic.
Nightmare Moon: It has to be Discord. He's always messing with us whenever we're not attacking Twilight.
Discord: Please, if I wanted to betray you all, I would have done so a long time from now.
Tirek: Its such a shame that if you had plan to do so, it is too late.
Tirek walks in. By this time, he has become as strong as he was when he fought Twilight.
Tirek: I have more than enough power to eat your magic Discord.
Discord: Please. I could change you into a balloon animal with a snap of my fingers.
It seems hot heads were going to begin brawling before Cozy screamed...
Cozy: STOP!!!
All of them turn to her.
Cozy: Remember every pony: Friendship is Power. Its this power that has let us defeat Twilight Sparkle time and time again! And if we have to do this forever than so be it!
Tirek: You know for a filly with no power you sure...
Before Tirek can continue, he smelled something. With his constant feeding off the same pony, he can detect that smell from anywhere.
Tirek: There is a Twilight nearby!
Sombra: WHAT?!?
They follow Tirek as he follows the smell. Outside the balcony, Tirek looks up in the sky.
Tirek: Up there!
The remaining creatures looked up to see a portal. It seems different from the time portals they used, but through it they spot a Twilight Sparkle. One with a darker coat than any they have met.
Storm King: Are you sure that's Twilight?
Tirek's mouth is drooling.
Tirek: I can taste her magic from here. It is Twilight.
Cozy: We'll figure out when she decided to dye her fur. We need to get her before she leaves!
Nightmare Moon: I'm on it.
Nightmare moon becomes smoke as she heads towards the portal. By the time she reached it, the Twilight was looking away. And using her magic, she grabs Twilight from the other side. Before anyone could react, she slashes at the portal, seemingly destroying it. The speed she snatched Twilight in knocked her out. Nightmare Moon returned to the others and dropped her onto the ground.
Cozy: Hmm, I don't recall any time she dyed her coat. Must have been a date at some point.
Sombra: Let's be done with her and move on.
Cozy: Wait, this could be the Twilight that ruined our plans.
Starlight: If that's true, then we have to get rid of her now!
Chrysalis: I get the feeling there is more to this one than we're assuming.
Cozy: My thoughts exactly. We have those Magic Inhibitors, right?
Discord: I can whip up a couple dozen at any time.
Cozy: We'll put it in her. Once she awakens, we'll find out everything we'll need...
To be continued in the 17th Anniversary.
((The 17th Anniversary will be seen in Twilight and the Ministry.  Follow that Tumblr or my Twitter to get those updates))
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Chapter 11 - Celestia’s Secrets, Part 1
Twilight has been finishing up any remaining royal paperwork before she set out to get her invitees. She did make a brief teleport visit to see Starlight, Trixie, and Sunburst to hand them a portal gum pack as well as (to her chagrin) give another to Pinkie after the pink pony wasted the majority of a pack looking for her sister in so many spots in Ponyville. But by now she was all done, and it was now time for her to get going. Her first stop? The Crystal Empire, to find her brother Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, and her little niece, Flurry Heart.
She blows another bubble and as it pops, the image of just outside the Crystal Empire castle entrance shows. Twilight walks through the portal and is now just steps away from the crystal castle. In a moment or two, she’s in the throne room. Cadence or Flurry Heart wasn’t there yet, but she can see her brother just looking out the windows. Shining turns around and sees her little sister who’s about to be the sole ruler of Equestria in about a year. But even if she’s a year away from outranking him in an even bigger way, he can’t help but still call her…
Shining Armor: Twily!
Twilight: Hello B.B.B.F.F!
Twilight flies up and hugs her older brother, and he returns the favor.
Shining: Good to see you, sis! You have no idea how much liquid pride I’ve shed since I learned you were becoming sole ruler of Equestria soon!
Twilight: Haha, I bet.
They let go of the hug and just stand in front of each other.
Twilight: Now, not that it isn’t great to see you on your own. But do you know where Cadence and Flurry Heart are, I’d actually like to tell what I came here for while the whole Crystal Empire royal family is here.
Shining: She should be here shortly, she was just feeding Flurry in the kitchen. So she’ll be here any second now. Though before she does, how has my little dragon nephew been?
Twilight: He’s been good, I imagine he’s either visiting the changeling hive or the dragon lands right now inviting friends to the very thing I’m telling you and Cadence about.
Shining: Is his scarred eye still ok? Any nightmares or any other kind of PTSD from what happened in that battle with Zathir?
Twilight: He’s… had nightmares from time to time for sure… but for the most time the fact things turned out fine in the end, has mostly made that fade away in time. And his eye’s fine, I’m starting to finally get used to one eye being permanently purple.
Shining: Well that’s good, as a former guard commander I just get concerned about such things especially for how young he is. From what you told me, he was the reason things turned around back in Saddle Arabia. But even the biggest heroes can have PTSD.
Twilight: And that’s very touching of you, Shining. I’m sure if he were having troubles facing what happened back there, I would be the first pony to be aware and comfort him.
Hoof steps are heard from just outside the room. Cadence and Flurry Heart are back in the room, they see Shining Armor isn’t alone.
Cadence: Twilight!
Flurry: Auntwi!
Cadence runs up in front of Twi, and even with Flurry on her back. They do a little dance that Twilight and Cadence has done since she was Twilight’s babysitter.
Twilight & Cadence: Sunshine, Sunshine, Ladybugs awake! Clap your hooves, and do a little shake!
The whole family giggles. Twilight then approaches to give her former babysitter a hug.
Cadence: Always a pleasure to see you in the Crystal Empire, Twilight!
Twilight: Alright, now I can tell you what I came here for. There will be a royal ball in Saddle Arabia as well as a wedding between Malakhar and Kubuya who live in Saddle Arabia days after, Spike as well as my other friends are using gum portals like these *floats her pack of gum* to go all over the world getting all the friends and family we want to bring. I thought I’d drop by here first.
Cadence: Well that sounds lovel-
Shining: Wait, Twilight. Did you say Saddle Arabia? Are you absolutely sure you should go, given what happened last time?
Twilight: I know, I know. I also got told concerns about it from Applejack and Rainbow Dash when I was inviting the other elements. But this time both me and the royal family are taking every precaution so something like Zathir can’t happen again. I promise it will be alright, but I understand your need to be protective. Heck, if you absolutely want to be sure you’re free to make another of those bubbles you made around Canterlot during you and Cadence’s wedding around the palace. But trust me in saying we’ll be fine this time. 
If an emergency happens, we’ll basically have much of the army we had against Cozy, Tirek, and Chrysalis too. And I will not be bottled up for even a second in Saddle Arabia. Even if there is another Zathir out there somehow, they’re going to have to find some way to get to Ponyville and Saddle Arabia and back. And the gum portals I’m using have magic authorization. No one without our permission will be able to use them.
Shining: Alright, if you’re sure it’s safe. then it should be a nice time. Heck, I’ll go just to make absolutely sure it’s safe. *winks*
Cadence: Yeah, should be a lovely time. Also congrats to your friends Malakhar and Kubuya on getting hitched soon! As the Princess of Love, this is certain to be an event where love is in the air!
Flurry: Aaraaybeeaa!
Cadence: Looks like Flurry’s interested too!
Twilight: Thanks for agreeing to go! It’ll be great to see you there, I need to head off to get off more I want to bring. I intend on getting my family and old friends in Canterlot as well as Celestia & Luna.
Shining: Alright, Twily. Tell our parents, I said hi!
Twilight: I will, Shining!
Cadence: We’ll see you at the ball, Twilight!
Flurry: Bye bye, Auntwi!
Twilight waves at the Crystal Empire royal family before making another portal off to the streets of Canterlot. While she’s walking around, she gets happy stares and cheers from the crowd. Given she’s the incoming Princess, that will be here much more often come a year’s time. They give Twilight her space, but she gets the occasional praise and bows from the populace as she walks through. While walking around, she suddenly finds two familiar ponies near each other. Starswirl the Bearded, and Tempest Shadow. 
The former being the leader of the pillars that were brought out of limbo, and the latter was a former commander of the Storm King’s army. When she started her invasion, she actually had learned beforehand Twilight was a genie, so she made sure she put her in stone first. However, despite also having gotten Cadence, and Celestia. The focus on making sure she got Twilight led into a successful escape for Luna. Luna and the rest of the elements then worked together to find allies from outside Equestria from Pirates, the Hippogriffs/seaponies, and more to defeat the Storm King and managed to bring Tempest to their side.
Twilight: Hi Starswirl! Hi Tempest!
Starswirl: Ah! Princess Twilight, pleasure to see you. And congratulations on your coming transition to the sole ruler here in Canterlot.
Twilight: Thank you, Starswirl.
Twilight turns towards Tempest
Twilight: How are you doing Tempest? Don’t worry, I don’t have any hard feelings about you turning me to stone.
Tempest: I’m alright, Princess. And yeah, a recon on Equestria before the Storm King’s invasion designated you as the biggest threat. Equestria is lucky the focus on you led to Luna’s escape. Though by now, I’m pretty thankful for that too.
Twilight: So what are you with Starswirl for?
Tempest: He was curious about my broken horn and how I’m able to have some decent control despite it.
Starswirl: Indeed, a broken horn should always result in some sort of random effect happening without any sort of control if the Unicorn is even powerful enough to still use it. But somehow, Tempest seems to have found a way thus far unique to her where she can.
Tempest: Well, my horn’s been broken since I was a filly, a part of it is I’ve gotten experience with it. It’s still hard to say, levitate things with it without sparking some magic electricity or something, but otherwise over the years having a hole instead of a full horn has actually somewhat been a boon for my firework-based magic.
Starswirl: Though you once said one reason you joined the Storm King is he promised to restore your horn if you did his bidding. Why haven’t you say, asked for Twilight to grant your horn back or at least tried something like crystal amputee horns?
Tempest: Being back in Equestria has made me found that my broken horn kinda helps a bit with my uniqueness. Like you said, I actually have an odd bit of control for some pony with a broken horn. Maybe I’ve just changed my mind, and decided it’d be my schtick.
Twilight: Well, if you ever change your mind again. I wouldn’t mind granting a wish to restore your horn. Though maybe at the very least I should make it so you can levitate easier.
Tempest: Hmm… yea. I suppose that’s fair enough. Twilight, I wish I could levitate better despite my broken horn.
Twilight closes her eyes and focuses her magic onto Tempest’s remaining part of her horn and her brain. In a few short seconds, she’s finished granting. Tempest’s head becomes a little light afterward but otherwise recovers quickly.
Twilight: There you go, test your levitation on that teacup nearby.
Tempest focuses on the teacup on the table. Her broken horn still brings out sparks but before this, her magic would be going off and on if she was levitating normally. Now it works just about as well as if she had her horn back
Tempest: Ah, thank you Princess. This will make things less of a hassle, and I can still keep something unique about me.
Twilight: You’re welcome Tempest. Now to both of you, would you possibly be interested in going to Saddle Arabia? A Royal Ball’s being hosted so just asking if you wanted to go. And Starswirl, if you go. Would you mind doing me a favor and bringing the rest of the pillars?
Tempest: Sure, why not.
Starswirl: Ah, Saddle Arabia. I don’t think I’ve been back there since before I was in Limbo. I might as well to see how that nation is doing, and meeting the current royal family. And sure, Princess Twilight, I will bring the rest of the pillars.
Twilight: Great! I’ll come by later when it’s time, but until then I have others here I want to invite. You two have a good day!
Starswirl: And you as well, Princess Twilight!
Twilight waves goodbye to Starswirl and Tempest as she walks in the direction towards where she knows her parents live. In just a few moments, she’s reached the house of which she and Shining Armor spent just about all of their childhood. Twilight herself feeling a sense of nostalgia as she stops to briefly look at her first home. She then approaches the front door, and knocks. Opening the door is her mother, Twilight Velvet
Twilight Velvet: TWILIGHT! How nice of you to come visit us!
Twilight Sparkle: Hi Mom and Dad!
Night Light: Come on in, Twily!
Twilight walks into the house and all three get seated in the living room
Night Light: To think, only a year from now you’ll be the sole ruler in Canterlot! Me and your mother are kinda excited that you’ll be back in Canterlot more often
Velvet: Though we are also aware that means you’ll be farther away from the friends you got to know in Ponyville. I hope you’re feeling ok considering that
Twilight: Oh that’ll be alright, I know Canterlot’s still the capital of Equestria and much of the business and politics requires for me to be there. Though I think I’ll have my ways of dropping by my Ponyville castle too. Perhaps it’d be a bit harder if I weren’t a genie also, but I’ll have ways to quickly get to Ponyville and back to Canterlot quickly I’m sure.
Night Light: Guess that’s true that you’re a genie that you get a few more advantages. Heck, you probably have a way of going to a meeting, saying you gotta use the bathroom, and check on your friends during a Pinkie Pie party in Ponyville real quick, before going back to the meeting like nothing happened, haha.
Twilight: Well, I’ll try not to abuse it to quite that level. But you’re right that I could technically do that. *giggles*
Velvet: Since the news that you were going to be taking over for Celestia and Luna, me and your father, have become sort of city-wide celebrities. We’re the parents of not just the Prince of the Crystal Empire, but also the incoming ruler of all of Equestria. I’ve gotten many news reporters asking how I got so lucky with both my children!
Twilight: Well you should tell them you’re not an average Unicorn yourself either, remember when you lifted yourself, Shining, and Flurry all at the same time on our Zeppelin ride? That seriously takes magic strength!
Velvet: Well yes, it’s true that I’m not bad at magic myself. I probably could of at least became a mage or something if I worked harder when I was younger. But I preferred wanting to take a normal life, you and Shining both get to do the important stuff now.
Twilight: Haha, I guess it’s thanks to your bloodline we even made it to where we are now. So I suppose a big thanks is owed to you.
Velvet: Oh no thanks are necessary, thanks for both being the best children I could ask for! Though speaking of children, how’s my grandson Spike doing?
Twilight: He’s good! He’s probably currently visiting Thorax in the changeling hive, or he’s in the dragon lands. Me and my friends are actually traveling all over because we’ve been inviting friends and family to something we’re going to soon. In fact, that’s actually what I came over here for. Cause I’m asking you two, if you’d be interested in going.
Velvet: Well, certainly if you, Spike, and many of your friends are going! Though just for clarification’s sake, what exactly is this?
Twilight: Saddle Arabia’s hosting a royal ball with Equestrian entertainment throughout as well as a wedding between my friends Malakhar and Kubuya there. How does that sound?
Velvet: That sounds wonderful! Of course I’ll go, how about you, honey? *She turns toward Night Light*
Night Light: Absolutely! Though Twilight, did you already get Shining, Cadence, and Flurry invited?
Twilight: Yep! They were my first stop actually.
Night Light: Great! I’ve been wanting to see my little alicorn granddaughter again for some time now! And of course me and your mother’s first born too!
Twilight: Alright, this means I got the whole family on board. I hope I’m not being too rude on cutting our reunion short but I must go and get everybody else here in Canterlot I want to invite. I still have some of my old Canterlot friends including Moondancer, and I also hope to get Celestia and Luna there as well.
Velvet: Oh it’s no problem at all, any time at all is good. Plus there will be both more time to see you at the ball itself, and when you’ll be in Canterlot a year from now! But perhaps, at least don’t leave until you’ve given me and your father a hug.
Twilight: Of course!
The three Sparkle family members move closer to each give each other a big, long hug. Once they let go. Twilight starts to walk out the door and waves to her loving parents.
Twilight: I’ll see you both there!
((Story continues after the break))
She then takes off to the air and flies around carefully watching the streets until she catches any glimpse of any of her ol’ Unicorn friends Minuette, Lemon Hearts, Twinkleshine, and especially Moondancer. She would also keep a look for Lyra if she still lived here, but she knows she lives in Ponyville and perhaps one of her friends picked her up at some point. 
In fact, she rolls her eyes thinking likely Pinkie may have gotten her amidst using her entire pack on Ponyville. Eventually, Twilight sees at least three of the four together eating lunch together. It’s Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine. And she proceeds to fly down towards their table. The first to catch site of Twilight of the three is Minuette.
Minuette: Twilight! What a surprise to see you in Canterlot so soon!
Twinkleshine: Yeah, I thought we weren’t going to see you here yet until you were officially inaugurated
Lemon Hearts: But nice to see you here, anyway!
Twilight: Well, I’m not going to be here for too long until then, so from that end you may still be right, Twinkleshine. But I’m going somewhere soon with my son Spike, the rest of my family, and my Ponyville friends. And I thought it’d be a good gesture to invite you all and Moondancer along for the ride as well.
Minuette: Ooooo, where are you going?
Twilight: Saddle Arabia for a Royal Ball and wedding for two friends who live there.
Twinkleshine: Well, I don’t think any of us have any big plans soon enough before whenever this starts. So sure, why not?
Lemon Hearts: I’ll go too
Minuette: Me three!
Twilight: Thanks, now do you three know where Moondancer is? I hope she hasn’t gone back into a shell in her home…
Twinkleshine: Oh no, Moondancer’s definitely been with us more often since that time you first came back to see us, some years back. Though she did sort of announce something to us just recently that you may want to know as well
Twilight: Oh? What’s that?
Lemon Hearts: I think it was only about a week ago, but she said she wants to move away from Canterlot.
Twilight: Wait, really?! That’s a surprise. I thought she’d never give up being here, always steps away from the Canterlot library she’s spent so much time in.
Twinkleshine: We were as surprised as you, but she said she wanted to get a chance to find a more exotic place to study or at the very least a different place in Equestria for a fresh, new experience.
Twilight: I see, that’s a little bit of a bummer for me since I was almost kind of looking forward to seeing Moondancer more often then I was, once I’m ruling in Canterlot within a year. But I’ll respect her decision, though I’d still like to talk to her first. She’s in her house, right?
Minuette: Yep! She should be home.
Twilight: Alright, thanks all of you. I’ll see you all at the ball, and hope you have a good time.
Twilight waves to her old friends as she goes back in the air to fly towards Moondancer’s house. She gets there in just a few minutes. She arrives at Moondancer’s front door and knocks. Moondancer’s voice is heard from inside
Moondancer: Who’s that at my door?
Twilight: It’s just me, Twilight!
Moondancer: Oh! Twilight! Feel free to come in, the door’s actually open.
Twilight opens the door herself and walks toward the room Moondancer is in. She’s simply been sitting in a recliner thinking by the fireplace on her lonesome.
Twilight: Hi Moondancer, it’s good to see you again.
Moondancer: You too, Twilight. Sole ruler of Equestria within a year from now, huh? You’ve gone a long way from the humble roots of the streets of Canterlot.
Twilight: Yeah, haha… I guess I have. But aside from that, I just got done talking with Minuette, Lemon Hearts, and Twinkleshine.
Moondancer: Did they tell you that…
Twilight: You’re moving from Canterlot soon? Yeah, they did. It surprised me for sure, and I admit a little bit of a bummer. I could of been able to drop by more often, even if course I’ll be busy with much of the politics that goes on here.
Moondancer: I hope you know I’m not moving, because you’re coming back. That wasn’t a factor at all, I was a little worried about the timing of this that maybe you’d think maybe I still held a little bit of a grudge, and decided to leave Canterlot just as you were about to be here a lot more often.
Twilight: I’ll admit a small part of me was concerned about that. But just know that I respect your decision regardless, it’s the least I can do for our friendship. Though if it’s ok, maybe I can personally ask you why you’re moving? I got the gist from our other friends here, but thought I’d hear it straight from you to be sure
Moondancer: Well, I’ll always appreciate Canterlot. I’ve lived here all my life after all. But I thought I’d go try living somewhere else to sort of expand my horizons. I’ve even thought of possibly going as far as moving to somewhere outside of Equestria in general, for a real new experience. 
The only problem with considering the entire world for places to move. Is I have so many choices, And I don’t exactly have the means to just try traveling the world and see which place feels right to me. 
I have to hope I find my next home within at least the first few tries… and like the look of the place, have a nice experience, and… maybe… juuuuuust maybe… findaspecialsomeponytoloveperhaps  *She whispers and speaks that last line fast in a way Twilight can barely hear*
Twilight: What was that last part?
Moondancer: *blushes and looks side to side* Nothing, ahahaha…
Twilight: Well, I don’t know if you’ll end up picking it. But I do have somewhere I can invite you for free for you to at least give a good try.
Moondancer: What’s this place?
Twilight: How does Saddle Arabia sound to you?
Moondancer: Hmm… I admit Saddle Arabia I had high up as possibilities of my outside of Equestria spots. It couldn’t hurt to see how I feel about it. Though what is this event exactly?
Twilight: There will be a Royal Ball hosted by the royal family there, as well as a wedding between two of my friends who live there. My son Spike, and all my friends are also traveling across Equestria to gather friends and family to bring there. Equestrian Entertainment will be on stage, and lots of good food.
Moondancer: Wow, that sounds like the absolutely most grand way to experience Saddle Arabia. We’d all get to participate in what’s essentially a party,in what I hear is one of the most luxurious palaces in the world there? And maybe even meet the royal family?
Twilight: Mmhmm
Moondancer: Well then, of course I’ll go! Even if I’m not quite feeling it in the end, I will have given Saddle Arabia its best shot I could.
Twilight: Sweet, I’ll be happy to see you there. I have to start going now, as my last stop will be seeing if I can get Celestia and Luna there as well.
Moondancer: No problem, Twilight. Maybe I’ll re-read any books I have here about Saddle Arabia to refresh my mind about the place until then.
Twilight: Good idea! Seeya at the ball, Moondancer!
Twilight waves off to her old friend and closes Moondancer’s door. Once Twilight has left, Moondancer goes off her couch and looks at a newspaper she’s had back when the aftermath of the battle against Zathir was the headline of the Canterlot newspaper. Flipping to a page where a photo of all the designated heroes at the victory ceremony of most of the elements, Spike, the Sultana, and  Prince Theandri II. Moondancer in particular looks at the Prince in the photo. She blushes and thinks to herself
Moondancer: (Maybe... I’ll get to meet him...)
Twilight has taken off into the air once more and heads straight for the crown jewel of Canterlot: The royal castle, where at least for now Celestia and Luna still sit as dual leaders of Equestria. But come a year’s time will now be all her’s in a year. 
Coming to the front gates, she comes across Royal Guards, who all recognize her as Princess Twilight and bow before letting her in. Any other guards and staffers who see her as she walks through the halls all take a bow for the incoming Princess. Twilight finally reaches the throne room where both Celestia and Luna are seated. Both look at their successor, and for Celestia herself, the former student she has the most pride in.
Celestia: Welcome, Princess Twilight!
Twilight: Always a pleasure to see you, Princess Celestia. Though I’ll admit, it’ll probably be a while before I break the habit of calling you Princess once I’m sole ruler. Same with you, Princess Luna
Celestia: It’ll probably be weird to us, too. So you won’t be alone, I’m sure. But regardless, I hope you, your son Spike, and all your friends are doing well. 
I also want to say sorry that for now, that we can’t arrange easy plans to simply move the capital to Ponyville where your castle lies. But for now, we wanted a standard procedure that while the leaders are changing... The place is the same. 
But if you so wish, at some point in your reign you’re free to order a move of the capital on your own in the near future to Ponyville, if you find Canterlot is just too far away from your dear friends.
Twilight: That shouldn’t be necessary, a plus about being a genie should give me the ability to have ways of getting to Ponyville and Canterlot quickly. Heck, I created magic gum to get here to Canterlot fast earlier. I obviously won’t abuse it to duck any important matters, but I’ll have my ways of checking on my friends if need be.
Suddenly, a group of butlers, guards, and other kinds of Royal staff enter the throne room slowly. They’re here peacefully, as they just have some concerns about the coming transition
Butler: Princess Twilight, we all come in peace, don’t worry. But we just want to ask that when the transition comes to pass, what do you plan to do with many of us once you’ve been seated? 
Some of us are concerned about being removed from jobs that we don’t want to leave and would proudly continue on to serving you, others are concerned you’ll try to force them to stay despite them wishing to step down as soon as Celestia and Luna have stepped down as well. Those in the latter don’t mean any personal insult to you, Princess. But if they may be honest, they went to work for Celestia and/or Luna. And with a new leader coming in, they want to use their royal resume to find other jobs elsewhere.
Twilight just turns to the concerned staffers and guards, and gives them a gentle smile.
Twilight: Do not fear, regardless of your concerns. If you wish to stay and continue serving when I’m sole ruler, you will keep your position as if Celestia and/or Luna trusted you, then I trust you as well. 
And as for those who wish to step down once Celestia and Luna have, I understand you’re probably afraid I’ll think that you’ll be making the transition harder by making me have to find someone new to take the position... 
But I promise I will be understanding, in fact the sooner you tell me you want to step down, the easier it will be because as we get closer to the transition, I’ll start a process for vetting candidates for the job.
The group of staffers and guards all express relief, and all give genuine thankful bows to the new princess wisely taking a direction that benefits all the staffers individually, even at the potential cost of making the transition somewhat less smooth.
Butler: Thank you, Princess Twilight. Just this one answer, is proof you’ll be just as wise as Celestia has been for more then a thousand years, and that she chose the right successor. I was on the fence personally, on whether I’d stay or go. But what you said has personally gotten me on board of staying on for the foreseeable future. It’ll be an honor. *bows*
Twilight: You’re all very welcome!
The group of staffers and guards leave the throne room satisfied that their jobs are either secure, or they’ll have the freedom to leave for elsewhere. Celestia claps that Twilight handled the group quickly and tactfully.
Celestia: Well done, Princess Twilight. I’ve already known for a long time that you were the one to succeed me, but tiny moments like these help cement that I and Luna made the right decision leaving Equestria in your capable hooves.
Twilight: Thank you, Princess Celestia. Though uh… is it ok if we perhaps move to a comfier spot like the private chambers to talk?
Celestia: Of course, let’s go!
Celestia, Luna, and Twilight all walk to the private chamber where Celestia and Luna always went for alone time by the fireplace, when they could find time to relax. Each sitting or laying on cushions on the floor.
Celestia: By the way, Twilight. I have some things to tell you that I’m sure you’ll be interested in hearing, but first I have a strange feeling you didn’t come here to just visit us in the castle for a short while and talk.
Twilight: Your feeling is right, Princess. I actually came to invite you both to a Royal Ball and perhaps a wedding between Malakhar and Kubuya as well taking place in Saddle Arabia soon. I along with my son and my friends are currently going around the world to find family and friends they’ve met over the years. And you two are my last stop before I go on and submit the invitation list to the Royal Family there. 
I know you two are currently still technically ruling Equestria, so I imagine you two might be busy. But if there’s room, I’d like to see both of you there.
Celestia: I think we can make time, we may still be ruling. But knowing that we’re out soon has lessened our schedule, as many of our usual dignitaries we meet with have agreed to wait till’ you’re fully in office to get things busy again. I’d love to go.
Luna: I can attend as well, Twilight.
Twilight: Thank you, both of you. That means I’m all finished invite-wise. Though you said you have some things to tell me, Princess Celestia?
Celestia: Yes, there are two stories I want to tell you that I feel like was the right time to tell you at last. The first of which I’m sure you’ll definitely want to hear, would you like to know where I first found Spike’s egg?
Twilight goes wide eyed.
Twilight: Yes, yes, yes! Of course I want to hear that! Where was his egg originally?!
Celestia: Well, in a strange sense of things coming full circle. I came across Spike’s egg near Saddle Arabia after a small, teenage colt who was also there presented it to me
Twilight: Wait, what?! Spike is a dragon native to Saddle Arabia?!
Celestia: I wouldn’t exactly say native, you see his egg was in a cave by what seemed to have been a mother dragon that let go of her eggs there
Twilight: Oh no... Spike... wasn’t abandoned by his birth mother was he?
Celestia: No, not abandoned. However, it seems… laying Spike’s egg… might have been his birth mother’s last action while alive
Twilight: *gasp* Spike’s dragon mother is deceased?!
Celestia: Sadly, yes. It’s why I brought the egg to Equestria, even if say we could find who was the father. Father dragons do not take care of young, and Dragon mothers are almost never fond of adoption. So I had to take the egg with me to decide what exactly to do with it. It was thanks to a dream of all things, that I learned what exactly to do
Celestia is resting in her royal chambers, in the room is the purple egg she brought back from Saddle Arabia. She gets a few hours of sleep before a very vivid dream appears.
Celestia finds herself in a dream space, and she found she had a little more control and was able to be aware that she was dreaming while not waking up. The last time she was able to dream like this… her sister was not in the moon.
Celestia: Luna…? Is this your doing? I don’t know how you’re doing this from the moon if you are but…
Celestia then hears an unfamiliar voice
???: I’m afraid, I’m not who you hope I am
Celestia: Who are you? You’re not evil, are you?
???: Do not worry, I mean no harm. I don’t need to tell you who I am, however.
Celestia: That seems questionable, but what exactly am I in this lucid dream for?
???: I have a purpose for you, but first. I must read your mind
Celestia: Wait, I’m not sure I trust you yet…
???: You don’t necessarily have to, but I must trust you can help with my deepest desire. Perhaps my desire could connect to your own.
A small wave of white energy speeds toward Celestia, it freaks her out at first, but all it does is simply spin around her head, causing no harm.
???: I see, I can hear your desires… you wish to have your beloved sister back… you wish to have a new protege that could perhaps be your successor one day…
Celestia: What’s the point of you learning this about me?
???: Cause I need you to help fulfill a desire of mine as well… by finding the one who can hatch the egg you found in the cave… It’s under strong magic protection, the embryo will stay alive as long as it needs to… waiting for the right one to hatch it… If you find the one who can hatch it… you will also know your next protege… she will free your sister when the time comes… and perhaps she’ll be your successor in time…
Celestia: Find the one who can hatch the egg…? But… if a pony hatches it… Can they really be able to take care of a dragon?
???: Do not worry, one way or another… The one who hatches the egg, will develop a strong bond with the child… for my desire was for the child in the egg to have the perfect mother…
Celestia: Wait a moment… you’re the dragon who died in the cave aren’t you! How are you speaking to me? Do more spirits like you exist?!
???: I cannot maintain this dreamspace and answer your questions for much longer… just please do all you can to grant my desire… and in time, you’ll find your own granted as well…
The dreamscape world suddenly starts fading, and Celestia’s dream self starts falling until it jolts her awake, as if it was the end of a nightmare.
Celestia: (…What exactly was that, was that actually real?)
Celestia looks on over to the Dragon egg
Celestia: (If that wasn’t just a strange dream I just had… if I can find who can hatch this egg… I’ll know who my next protege will be… and quite possibly finally get Luna freed… and a potential successor… this sounds too good to be true… but I have to try to make sure it comes true… I’ll have to make hatching the egg an entrance exam at my magic school. If there’s anypony who’s going to be able to break that magical protection, it’ll be a unicorn with strong magic potential…)
*Flashback ends*
Twilight: *gasp* So that’s how you knew immediately I was the one… I remember you telling me you saw the moment Spike’s head popped out of the tower of the school. That’s when you knew the dragon had been hatched, and my immense magical power showed up for the first time… 
I always felt that you had a strange sense of omniscience at that moment. Though given you only had one dragon egg to use as an entrance exam. What happened to ponies who failed to hatch the egg?
Celestia: They were given a chance to still attend the school of course, it just simply showed they weren’t my next protege. So when you came in, hatched the egg, and had a huge magic outburst. I knew that you were the one who was going to grant both me and the voice in my dream’s wishes
Twilight: Dang, almost makes me feel like I was a genie long before I actually did become one, haha.
Celestia: Perhaps you becoming a genie was an unexpected twist that put this into full circle, as after all, if you were wished to be the perfect mother for the little dragon in the egg that would end up being Spike… You would agree to having an immortal life, to make sure you’re there for him when he’s older… Though I guess becoming my successor, would have fulfilled that as well… but I guess you can blame me for never really telling you that was my plan, until I truly felt you were ready to become a princess.
Twilight: Wow… I guess in hindsight now it all makes sense. I absolutely must tell Spike everything about this, especially the rather sad news that his birth mother has long been dead. 
Though there’s one detail, if I heard it correctly, about your story during your “dream” that has me wondering about something. The voice in your dream AKA Spike’s birth mother, said NEW protege. Doesn’t that imply you had one before me? Or was that just strange wording?
Celestia: That happens to be the main subject of the 2nd story I wanted to tell you about. Yes, I indeed had a protege before you… 
and her name… was Sunset Shimmer…
Twilight lets out a huge gasp hearing that name.
NEXT UP: Chapter 12: Celestia’s Secrets, Part 2
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