#love that this gif is dt and ms too
ingravinoveritas · 9 months
Hello, new followers!
Had a flurry of new folks start following in the last day or two, so welcome! I'm happy to have all of you here and I appreciate you following my blog. A few helpful things to know:
- Anons are temporarily turned off because I started getting flooded after GO 2 came out and became overwhelmed. Also dealing with some stressful RL stuff at the moment, so I've decided to keep Anons off a bit longer to preserve my sanity.
- A little bit about me: I first got into Good Omens/Michael/David in 2019 when season 1 was released, and have been immersed in all things GO ever since. I am a writer and have been writing fanfic for the better part of 25+ years. (Here is my AO3.) I can't draw to save my life, but writing and analysis is definitely a passion of mine (and you can find much of that in my #discourse tag).
- I use #ineffable husbands for all of my posts related to Aziraphale/Crowley, and #ineffable lovers for my posts related to Michael/David (specifically, shipping them).
- I sometimes address controversial topics on my blog, but I will never shy away from or refuse to publish Asks featuring opinions that are different from mine. I am happy to have folks disagree with me, so long as the discussion remains civil and free from personal attacks.
- You are welcome to send in Asks logged in, and/or my DMs are always open. I'm happy to chat with folks and answer any questions you have (time permitting, as I sometimes get busy with RL stuff/traveling for my work as a professional speaker).
...And I think that about covers it! Again, my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has sent me such lovely messages and Asks/Anons and said kind words about my blog. You have made continuing to run this worthwhile, and I'm so grateful. Looking forward to sharing fun posts and thoughts on all things GO/Michael/David with you in the coming year ahead!
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raz-writes-the-thing · 9 months
Razzle Dazzle you are a wonderful human bean. I love my scar tissue fic, I want to cry for hours it’s so fluffy and delicious. Made my little loaf toes curl.
*Hugs and sappy hisses*
- 🍞 (bit of a soggy loaf)
I'm so, so, so glad that it wound up being what you were looking for. I know it's short, but I'm not 100% better yet and that's what I could muster for you. But I promise I put love and effort into it!
Thank you for sharing that little piece of your life w me, by the way <3 I'm honoured by the trust and overjoyed that I can be seen as a safe space for at least one person out there <3 that's what it's all about
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hug hug
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tyrograph · 5 months
for the ask game! 1, 9, 11, 23, 24
1. when did you first watch/discover good omens, and how did you find out about it?
I read the book in paperback sometime in the 90s. And reread it nearly annually! but didn't know anyone else who liked it.
I've also written about my experience finding the gomens tv fandom
9. have you seen any other work by david tennant and/or michael sheen?
Before GO, I had seen DT in jessica jones and harry potter, and I was aware dr who existed. I vaguely recognized MS from twilight and master of sex despite not watching either. I've since seen some shakespeare (and staged) but i dont like scary things so ...
11. what is (if you read) your favorite type of human au for good omens? (ex. coffee shop au, surgeons au, plant store au)
This is a tough one. Any time I think I've found a trope or kink or plot element that I for-sure don't like, I'll run across a fic including it that knocks my socks off. My fave is when the miscommunications build up the narrative tension but are resolved before it gets too angsty. (I like well-written fics best i guess 😁)
23. what's a good omens headcanon that you considered canon?
24. what's a theory for season 3 that you NEED to be included?
I'm on Team Crowley-Was-Never-An-Archangel. But otherwise, I don't have a lot of headcanons or theories? Sorry that's a boring answer - but honestly I love that this fandom has room for as many possibilities as I want. Even mutually exclusive ones.
(And I don't mess with predicting what Neil might do!)
Thanks! This was fun!
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londonspirit · 1 year
Incoherent GO Rambles for prosperity
It's been two weeks and three days since Good Omens 2 dropped, and I'm still not over it.
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For not even having WANTED the show, back when they announced it, I haven't been this in love with anything since S1!
I mean, I love the book and I was all for it when they said they're going to make a show out of it. (Do NOT get me started on the awesomeness of the cast; those who had been around, KNOW - the rest doesn't need to know the extents of my unhingedness back then!!!) I mean, I have a GO banner in my kitchen, for crying out loud!
Anyhow, when they announced a second season, I was more or less meh! Yes, I didn't really want it, it felt like overstaying its welcome and making the best of something that was too damn epic to be replicated again!!! (Which is still true for many sequels these days - some things just do NOT need a continuation! Some things just are allowed to END permanently!!!)
Boy, was I wrong!!! On second thought, I should've known. Neil (and Rob) know what they're doing. If anyone could make a second season of something that only existed in Neil's and Terry's heads, it was them.
Of course I was happy to get DT and MS back - they're just fucking epic together! Of course I followed the filming of it - it's DT, I always do (casually). But I didn't really care as much for it as I did for S1. I did see the promos and everything, I watched the trailer but my heart wasn't really in it.
But of course I watched it when it dropped (I'm not nothing but loyal to something I love(d), and I will always give it the benefit of a doubt). Well, I watched the first episode at work (calm day, and boss doesn't really care much anymore) and then the second one and since a dear friend had a head-start on me, she made sure I watched the 3rd one as well - I have never ever laughed this much about a stupid zoom-out onto a CAR in fucking EVER!!!!
I mean, that was one of the few reasons I was actually excited about it - John freaking Finnemore - I've been watching and listening to him for over a decade now (Thanks BC) so I KNEW it would be good on the writing front (Yes, I know, Neil's also very good at it, I never questioned the writing or anything!! I love him dearly; just didn't feel we needed more, that's all!)
Anyhow, I had to stop watching and could only finish after work on Saturday. I'm still utterly amazed that I wasn't spoilered on it - and GOOD LORD, am I glad for that!!!! Even The Leak didn't make it on any of my sm's - well, it did but I had that much self control to NOT click any links... which I will never not be grateful for!!!!!
Because it surprised me, shocked me, blew my fucking mind!!!!! In the best possible way, mind you!!!
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I've NEVER really seen those two as lovers.
There, I said it. For me they had been best friends, platonic soulmates, whatever you wanna call two beings who hung around each other for over 6000 years and still wanna be around one another.
Of course I saw it all before: the art, the fics, the meta's and hey, good on you. Just wasn't how I saw it but hey, that's totally fine.
So The Kiss really caught me off guard. Like, staring at my screen with my mouth open and my heart pounding kind off guard.
I couldn't believe what I was seeing. I couldn't believe Neil went and did that. It was just too damn good to be true!!! (I mean, I've watched OFMD, I KNOW it's possible to do that but its soooo fucking rare these days, it's always better to expect disappointment than something some people have been waiting and wanting for over 30 years!!!!)
The rewind button got a workout, I was soo glad I wasn't at work watching that, so I could freak out properly, and I will be forever grateful that I had my friend who had watched it so I could scream and wail at her all I wanted and she was there for me, holding me virtually, screaming with me and just in general keeping me from losing my mind entirely.
It took me a while to wrap my head around it (still trying to catch up with all of Neil's asks (as I had been ignoring a lot beforehand as I didn't want to be spoilered too much)) and Im still sooo very much in love with it.
Yes, I am. It's maybe not the show I wanted but BY GOD, it's the show I needed. I loved S1, and I fucking ADORE S2 just as much. The whole damn thing is just perfect (as I should've known with Neil!) and I swear, Amazon better be renewing it, unless they want to deal with an angry mob of GO fans descending on their headquarters...
I ignore all the bigots and homophobes and in general people complaining about it because they're just wrong. If they still don't get it, yeah well... they never will.
I love how my very own perception of these two has shifted now. I mean, I knew they loved each other, just never really in THAT way (still understood why and how others may saw that differently, that's the beauty of fandom!). I still don't see it very sexual (right now at least), more like the kind of deep and endless love that comes after having spend sooo much time together, having avoided Armageddon and scheming against their bosses. It comes with trust and a feeling of 'he knows me better than I know myself'. It's a love humans probably never will have, and it's so fucking beautiful I wanna weep!!!
It made me write my first GO fic (after having tried and failed back in the days), and I hope there will be more because I am fucking inspired right now!!!
It made me fall back in love with DT which I never say no to *hehe* I mean, he's always been there for the past decade or so, at the back of my fandom life, popping up every now and then when there's new things he's done but boy, did he stoke that simmering flame into a roaring fire with his beautifully nuanced and incredibly heartbreaking Crowley! It does help that he ages like the finest wine and has never looked better! (although im still sad that demons apparently don't have freckles... god, I love those freckles so much!)
I'm still a little taken aback at the INTENSITY of my own feelings for this season! Right now, there's nothing more pressing than having the confirmation for a third season and then getting that on its way. (Its DOES help to know that Neil would be writing a novel in the VERY UNLIKELY case of S3 NOT happening!) But hey, that's take time, so I'll do the one thing I am really really good at - waiting. Trusting that the strike will resolved in favour of the artists, knowing that as soon as that happens, Neil will get on it. Hoping DT and MS still wanna do a third act with those two idiots, and knowing I will be a lot more invested in everything again going forward!!!
Until then, I will be rewatching it over and over, look at all the beautiful art and read all the wonderful fics, maybe write some more myself and just revel in the unapologetic love Neil (and the fandom) has for these two (That man's a fucking SAINT - I've never seen anyone have this much patience with our fandom, yet he's not afraid to call people out on their assholery if needed and I will love him deeply and wholly for the rest of my life!)
So yeah, basically just wanna say how very much I love Good Omens S1 AND S2!!! And that I was wrong!
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NEVER doubt Neil Gaiman!
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taennants · 5 years
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Ineffable Husbands + Queen lyrics
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ingravinoveritas · 5 months
I'm not a hardcore MS/DT person, but I fear I must share the dream I had with you.
Both Michael and David were on the Graham Norton Show and Michael was telling a story. They were in the same outfits from the episode with Chris Hemsworth except Chris wasn't there. I remember WORD FOR WORD what Michael said..
"What I did was the human equivalent of knotting." KNOTTING..?? "David came into my house and because he was travelling, I always feel the need to take care of travellers and *stutters*, y'know, so I laid him down and gave him a cuddle. Then we watered my plants and I just sort of.. ah- remember taking care of David in a lot of different ways."
Cue laughing at the innuendo.
Then, David leans over to Michael and flat out licks behind his ear. Like as a joke at first, kind of going blelele, but then the last one was so *sexual,* like a clean stripe from his neck to his ear with his hand on Michael's neck. Mind you, this is ON TELEVISION.. I can't stop thinking about it.
Oh my sweet-and-sour Jesus on a toaster strudel...THANK YOU for telling me about this dream! Haha. I love it. This seems so perfect, too, given that tonight was the Olivier Awards and both Michael and David were in attendance (though oddly never seen together).
So for those who may not know what "knotting" is, the origin of the term actually refers to a biological process that occurs in canine reproduction. In the realm of fanfiction, however, "knotting" falls under the heading of what is known as the Omegaverse (which I admittedly do not know much about, but if I had to describe it, if fan fiction genres are The Avengers, then the Omegaverse is the Jeremy Renner of fanfic). In the Omegaverse, however, you have what are known as "Alphas" and "omegas," and knotting is one of the sexual acts that tends to take place between these characters. (This post here has a handy dandy full-on explanation, if you're looking for more information.)
But I am just dying at the thought of Michael a) Knowing what knotting is (because of course he does); and b) Making an innuendo on television about doing that to David (because of course he would). I also can't tell if the "we watered my plants" is a euphemism or a Good Omens/Crowley reference, but either one feels entirely within the realm of possibility for something Michael would say on a chat show (especially Graham Norton).
And then the last part?? My god, we should all be so lucky as to actually see that happen. And given that we had David leaning over and doing this to Michael last summer, I really can't rule out the possibility. They were leaning into each other so much on the Graham Norton appearance, too, so that makes it even easier to imagine:
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(I also love that we've seen that David is one of the very few people Michael has let touch his neck, so there is no question he would trust him enough to let David do that on television...)
Oh, yes. This was certainly quite delicious (and hilarious), and I am so glad you shared it with me. Let's just keep our fingers crossed and hope for a forthcoming Michael/David appearance where at least some of this could maybe happen. Fingers crossed...
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
The fact Michael put hands on David in the office writing scene and proceeded to say he would have 'torn David to shreds in seconds' whilst in feral Sheen mode *yer, I dont think anyone thought of them fighting when he said that*. I mean I know most of staged is scripted/directed by Simon but oh man, my brain stopped working for a bit. Also the Damsel in the tower (David forever the pretty princess) and the big spoon dialogue made me laugh so much.
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Hello, Anons! Thank you for writing in to share your favorite bits of Staged with me. I’ve had a few other Anons write in to share their opinion of the show overall, but I wanted to group these together since they’re referencing specific moments in the episodes.
Anon #1: I caught that moment in episode 4, too. Here’s the visual, for those who haven’t seen it yet:
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What was so interesting to me is that there were two specific instances in this season where Michael and David very deliberately enter into each other’s physical spaces/touch each other, seemingly without prompting. This was one, and then the scene where David touches Michael’s arm that Anon #3 mentioned is the other:
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We could sit here all day and discuss what was scripted vs. what wasn’t, and whether Simon wrote these little moments of contact into the script, but my immediate gut feeling is that he didn’t. It’s one thing to write the words on the page, but Michael and David are the ones who bring those words to life and imbue the situations in the show with their own chemistry and connection. And it seems to be their natural instinct to be in each other’s space and to touch.
I think we sometimes forget how important touch is to human beings. It can be a way of grounding someone, of saying, “It’s okay. You’re okay. I’m here for you” when a person is having a crisis or a difficult time in general. Depriving someone of touch who needs it can also be tremendously harmful, mentally and emotionally, so I found it very lovely to see Michael and David giving that to each other so freely. (We got a hint of that from the hug at the NTAs last year, but this seemed to be even greater confirmation.)
I also thought it was very interesting that, of everyone in the third season, Michael had the most on screen physical contact with David, and the married vibes between them were played up so strongly. David seemed to be physical in equal measure with Georgia and Michael, but for Michael, those intimate touches only came from David. And the “old married couple” line completely fits with Georgia repeatedly calling Michael David’s “other wife” in real life.
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...Which leads me to the moment you mentioned, Anon #2. I was entirely entertained by this scene at the beginning of episode 5, with Michael and David eviscerating each other’s careers, albeit quite playfully. It actually reminded me of a very similar scene in Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back, where Matt Damon and Ben Affleck do the same thing, re: each other’s careers. (If you haven’t seen it, you can watch that scene here starting at the 2:00 mark.)
The difference is that with Matt and Ben, it noticeably has the feeling of two best friends taking the piss out of each other, but with Michael and David, it very much comes across as that “old married couple” vibe instead. It’s playful teasing underpinned with so much love and affection and something...more than what we see with Ben and Matt, especially with how Michael laughs. Difficult to say whether it was improvised,  but I absolutely believe Michael’s laugh and David being pleased at making Michael laugh were both genuine. 
So many choices were made in this season (the “damsel in the tower” line gets me too, because I swear that is right out of an MS/DT fanfic I once read). The “big spoon” question nearly knocked me out of my seat, too, particularly because a) They answered it; and b) The response wasn’t something like, “Oh, I’d have to ask Georgia about that” but rather Michael and David answering without hesitation, thereby heavily implying that they have, in fact, spooned with each other. Amazing.
I appreciate you all sharing your favorite moments with me, and getting to talk about them definitely made me smile. (Also, Anon #3, if you need a link to watch Staged season 3, please DM me and I can help you out there.) Thanks for writing in! x
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
Happy solar return! Just wanna take a moment to say thanks—I just stumbled across your blog a few months ago and so enjoy it. You’ve written some really nice takes that, on top of (of course) lovely rumination on our favorites, include salient points about knowing yourself and identity that are really thoughtful. Hope you have a lovely day and wishing you wine, waistcoats, and wily Welshmen :D
Oh, Anon...thank you so much! This is so lovely and I genuinely got emotional reading your message.
I really do not always have a sense of awareness as to how far my blog reaches, or how the particular things I write resonate with people, so this is just incredibly meaningful and validating to me. It's especially a breath of fresh air compared to some of the hater Anons I occasionally get (such as the one calling me ugly a few months ago).
It's honestly such a joy to be part of the GO and the MS/DT fandom, and to have so many wonderful followers who have been so enthusiastic and kind. I am beyond delighted that you and so many folks are enjoying my analyses, my other silly posts, and my more personal, non-fandom related ruminations, too.
So from the deepest place in my heart, thank you, thank you for this lovely birthday message and for your continued support. (I also appreciate your use of alliteration at the end there, and will be sure to keep a lookout for waistcoats and wily Welshmen). Thank you, Anon! xx 💗
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
one thing i'd like to point out in response to the recent meta: the other thing that's different when it comes to michael being touchy with david is that he's pretty much always very aware of david's (actual or, when initiating, possible) reaction. from the moments i remember and the way i remember them. i am a little out of the loop, it's been way too long since they did press together. but he seems very considerate with it, if that makes sense? because i looked at your gifs and i know how a lot of co stars are/have been with david and when comparing that to michael it just seems obvious that he's not actually as handsy with david as loads of other people are. in my opinion, at least. i don't know if "more respectful" does his approach to touch justice, because it's not like david is ever bothered by it. he's all in favour of physical touch and naturally doesn't pay it a lot of mind, it seems. even returns it quite happily. but maybe it's because it's more meaningful to michael? either because he himself has a different relationship with touch, sees it as more of a love language and feels like it conveys more, so he's more careful with it? or because he's just that focused on not making david uncomfortable, though that makes less sense to me, since david clearly is a cuddler and clearly feels safe with michael. although that might actually be one of the reasons he does seem to feel so safe with him. i don't know. i suppose what i'm trying to get at is that when michael is being touchy, it feels more deliberate. take robbie as the most recent example. his knee stroking in the first gif seems to happen unconciously. whereas michael, the way i read him, would be hyperaware of doing it, i think. (or of it being done to david). and that, i think, is what makes david/michael moments feel more intimate, even from an outsider perspective. does that make sense?
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Hi, Anons! Wow, I am thrilled to see that my response to the Graham Norton anons yesterday inspired such responses and discourse. My thanks to you all for writing in to share your thoughts!
Anon #2, I had completely forgotten about Michael saying that to Gloria, but you are totally spot-on, and I also remember that interview where he said he’s watched everything David has ever been in (from when they were doing press for season one of Staged):
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Your comments also jogged my memory of a MS/DT fic I read on AO3 a while back in which Michael is described as watching an edit on Youtube of David kissing people in various roles, and you know what...I fully believe he would do that. Maybe he was even checking out those edits while they were filming the first season of GO, further augmenting his already unstoppable crush on David.
So like you said, Michael went down the rabbit hole just as the rest of us did...but it’s the fact that he watched everything of David’s during lockdown that makes my heart melt. Michael was stuck at home for months on end, and like many of us, sought refuge in various sources of comfort--and one big, specific source of comfort was David. If that doesn’t say that David is his “person,” his safe place, then I don’t know what does. So you are right, David would not have to prompt him to watch, because Michael will always seek out anything David is in.
And Anon #1, what you are saying 100% makes sense and is something I have actually written about previously on my blog, notably here and here. As you said, the way other co-stars or friends have touched David in the past is a bit careless, or perhaps “unconscious” is the better word. It’s not something that they put a great deal of thought into, is the basic gist. But I agree with you that when it comes to Michael, everything is deliberate.
One example that comes to mind is Michael having his arm around David’s shoulders for the duration of that one particular interview on the GO press tour. Another is when they posed for pictures in the press room following the NTAs and Michael’s arm was very specifically slung around David’s lower back/waist:
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It’s like he senses exactly what David needs in a given moment and gives it to him. Michael not only respects David’s boundaries, he makes David’s needs the center of his focus. 
I think, in the end, that Michael’s deliberateness with touch and the way David doesn’t respond to anyone else’s touch like he does Michael’s is because it’s meaningful to both of them. With Robbie Williams and Marc Wootton, there was a sense of “display”--that it was something impersonal, purely for public consumption. But with Michael, you get the sense that what is between them is intensely personal, which is precisely why it’s largely kept private, and not put on display for the rest of the world. And that certainly does contribute to that sense of intimacy that we are talking about.
(Also, I’m willing to bet that Michael doesn’t feel a need to be handsy with David in public because he gets to be plenty handsy with him in private...)
I am just glad that so many others have noticed the softness between David and Michael, too, and how it’s become more prominent in the last few years as they’ve grown even closer. It will truly be a sight to see on the GO 2 press tour. Thanks for writing in, Anons! xx
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ingravinoveritas · 2 years
yankeedoodle242 replied to your post “fuckyeahgoodomens: “How usual is it to discover,...”
I sometimes wonder if DT knows how much/what Georgia posts about him on IG & how comfortable he is about it. Think the New Years videos that are hysterical but he was clearly not thrilled she was filming him. I kinda feel bad for him.
But then we get this. And that dancing in the hall video. And the photo of David after Birdie dolled him up. And gorgeous candid David pics. And all the DT/MS stuff.
And then I feel much less bad. Sorry DT 😆
I have wondered this, too. There are times when David does seem exasperated by what some of Georgia posts, and as I mentioned in this post, I noticed Georgia only shared her Valentine’s card for David this year, instead of both cards like she did last year, so part of me wonders if that was at David’s request, to keep his card to her private.
But I also do love that we got this video of David playing the least heterosexual version of football known to mankind, and the “No reception in the basement?” post carrying on the Michael-bought-David-and-locked-him-in-his-basement thing from The Last Leg. And, of course, the dancing in the hall, as you said:
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...And I think that, as willing as I am to call Georgia out on her occasional bullshit, I also love that she is the reason we get to see this side of David. I think she knows that David loves the attention to a degree, and loves showing off and receiving so much praise. (Which is also why I think she plays up the the “other wife” vibes with Michael, because as we’ve seen, Michael loves gushing over David almost nonstop.)
So yes, I think she and David have found a balance--a sort of functionality within their dysfunctional relationship--that works for them. Very thankful indeed for the adorable/silly/slutty snippets of David that we get via Georgia’s social media...
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ingravinoveritas · 3 years
Don't you worry about answering late, I had already forgotten about sending this in and almost blushed just now at the reminder. 🙈 Let me tell you, when I finished typing I was so close to deleting half of it again, because I really had not meant to suddenly slip into ficlet mode, but ha, I'm glad I could be of service. I'm really, really looking forward to the M/D fic you're finishing, that's awesome news. Especially if it's going to be a little spicy, my finger's are crossed. Take care. xx
Hah. Oh, Anon...I cannot tell you how glad I am (and a bunch of my followers are, going by the notes that post has gotten!) that you didn’t delete any of that glorious piece of writing, and in my humble opinion you should totally develop that into a full-fledged fic and post it on AO3. (Seriously, there needs to be so much more MS/DT content in the world, and what you started is brilliant, so MORE PLZ.)
Thank you so much also, re: my fic! I’m so glad you are looking forward to it, and it is indeed a little spicy (as “spicy” is pretty much my bread-and-butter when it comes to fics). The only dilemma I’m facing right now is that I’m not sure how spicy to make it. You know? Like do I let them get some relief from all the tension I’m building, or do I leave it at the promise of what could be/what will be when circumstances are different? I suppose I should just let the boys “talk” and see what their voices have to say, but I’d love to hear input from my followers, too. If anybody has any thoughts, please feel free to leave them in the comments!
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