#love you marilyn
Okay but now I feel compelled to wonder, in that fun AU of CC and Marilyn being Captain and Mary Marvel, what their lives as heroes would be like
Like, villains are the same for the most part with probable lack of antagonism with Sivana, he’s the dude who hired them for the dog in the first place with the public intent of a historical attraction at a park and on the side of the bus he’s campaigning for mayor. Other than that, villains seem to be the same from the brief moments we see.
They stay out of the limelight, they prioritize keeping their identities hidden for the sake of Billy and Mary’s saftey and childhoods, and they take their duties seriously.
But what’s tingling at the brain right now is how they’d interact with the rest of the world of DC, heroes and teams and whatnot, outside of Fawcett and the menagerie of characters there. We know CC accidentally stumbled onto some daring scene with Spy Smasher and the bunch (no joke, time was funky in Fawcett and CC was alive at that time) but I’d love to see him with other heroes
Like, say he fills the normal roles in comics Billy would’ve, joins JLI and, like his son, tries calling the other heroes out for acting like bigger juveniles than his actual kids and ditches bc apparently the people who save the world on the regular cant not try and fist fight the other every few hours. He’s on and off some team, focusing on his city and his family more and more, pops in for bigger fights when they occur but is mostly hometown based and handles his own issues.
Of newer stuff, I turn to YJ’s tv show for another idea. Aka, CC also being a chaperone for the Team at the same time Billy comes in but with a twist, turns out his kids have a percolation for magic and have been getting the hang of some spells so they’re joining the Team too while CC is on chaperone duty. So leads Billy and Mary’s attempt at a slow entrance into heroism that immediately backfires when they get captured, cue heartwarming scene of dad hugging his kids after a dangerous situation that follows him tearing the base apart looking for them. True dad fashion and all that. What becomes complicated is the World Without Grown Ups plot, in which I say have Billy and his had pre-the plot agree that Billy can have Shazam powers for super big emergencies and Billy definitely counts all adults disappearing as an emergency. Cue once more the fun father son bonding of Billy looking just like his old man with Shazam powers.
Onto Marilyn, who unfortunately doesn’t seem to have more beyond “clever” and “good mom” from comics, but she’s got her hutzpah and would probably be as active a hero as CC while still prioritizing her life and family over heroism. The whole Shazam thing is definitely more a job than it is what kind of person she is, she’s an archeologist and likes that profession more than she likes worrying about everyone else. She’s definitely more no nonsense and, if there’s a difference, she’d probably prefer the more grounded crime fighting than the mystical shenanigans CC would do in her stead. Billy and Mary end up closer to her in quality time since that focus of crime fighting keeps her grounded.
Also, the general vibes of the Captain Marvel tropes. Such as the identity shenanigans.
It is a fun thing of fanfic that, since his civilian identity is very vulnerable and people like their identity plots, Billy has his questioned or revealed a lot. Add in CC as Marvel instead and it flips a bit to be a man who is well known in his home city whose entire family, non-powered children included, could easily become targets if anyone knew who he was. And he’s deliberately secretive about it for that purpose, he’s protecting his children with his wife. So, perspective, there’s a new hero who comes in with a hero partner who is also their life partner. They have the power of actual gods and titans, they don’t explain anything past some nebulous Wizard they can’t name as to how they got their powers, they are very hush-hush on their normal lives but everyone knows they have to have one. It’s hard to contact them, you don’t know they’re working or traveling or with their kids because you don’t know they do work or that they have kids, so you worry what they’re up to for what seems to be every hour they aren’t begrudgingly saving the world with the rest of the heroes. You catch them talking to the other but the minute they hear you they clam up and change everything about how they were just a second ago, you could swear they were talking about digs or gods or bringing someone home but you don’t know anything because you don’t know them.
Cue the mistrust, the reveals, how it all goes wrong and someone gets hurt, be it the other when they don’t have their powers or their kids and suddenly you’ve pissed off the man who loves his family so much he was tearing the multiverse open to try and keep the timeline going where they were all alive and happy together and the woman who loves those kids just as much. Or, say that reveal had villains get both of the Batsons, and now those heroes have to look those orphans in the eye and beg forgiveness, and when fate still demands its heroes out comes two new ones that make it seem like the whole Batson sham was fake and no way Marilyn and CC were the Marvels, the marvels are still flying around after they’ve gone and gotten dead and buried. Cue those heroes looking at the new Captain and Mary Marvel, knowing it’s the kids they accidentally made orphans wearing the faces of the friends they betrayed.
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j0celynh0rr0r · 8 months
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marilynmysweet · 9 months
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stephaniesblogxx · 3 months
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me and him again ౨ৎ
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My blog is for the girls with an unreasonable amount of hate and dark parts inside them that they could never explain to anyone else.
My blog is for the girls who's default is being hateful and rude to the people they love most, even when they don't want to.
My blog is for the girls who are deeply infatuated with their best friend in a way they could never rationalize to themselves or 'put lyrics to'.
My blog is for the girls who secretly have a heart of gold if your willing to stay long enough to find it.
My blog is for the girls who have terrifying and traumatizing dreams almost every night, so much so that their often terrified to go to sleep in fear of dreaming.
My blog is for the girls who curse too much and say whatever the fuck their thinking.
My blog is for the girls with deep rooted spiritual culture and traditions and are slightly traumatized about it.
My blog is for the girlies who are terrified of being vulnerable or emotional in fear of seeming weak.
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derangedrhythms · 2 years
I want our lives to touch / the way our minds do. 
Marilyn Hacker, Love, Death, and the Changing of the Seasons; from ‘Two nights without you is a little too much…’
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hawkeyeslaughter · 8 months
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m*a*s*h // “ the ballad of the kingsmen “ , todd snider
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astroa3h · 6 months
Marilyn Monroe: ✨ Venus Love Style Reading
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Marilyn with her Venus in Aries, expressed love fiercely, with a passion always reaching for something more. She loved as she lived: deeply, sometimes to the point of being erratic, and with an honesty that was as inviting as it was frightening. Venus in the 9th House tells me she didn’t just fall into love; she dove headfirst into it with such unbridled enthusiasm that it carried even the most unwilling along with her. To her, love was somewhat of an exotic adventure.
The 28th degree in astrology is seen as a critical point, in degree theory it’s not only a Cancer degree, it’s a fame degree. For Marilyn, Venus at this degree suggests her love life was at once a source of her greatest passion and a battlefield where her deepest sensitivities played out. This degree also signifies love that was not only personal but profoundly public, where her private desires and pains were magnified in the eyes of the world. 
Let’s deeper into her story by looking at how Venus is aspected. 
The sextile between Venus and Jupiter in her chart painted her relationships with a bright, optimistic brush, suggesting that she approached love with generosity and a belief in the good. But this expansive nature also meant she yearned for something beyond the every day, a desire for love to always be growing, always evolving. It was a beautiful, if sometimes challenging, quest for an ideal kind of love that could be as vast as the horizon.
Her Venus conjunct Chiron, on the other hand, brings us closer to Marilyn's vulnerabilities. It's like peering behind the curtain of her glamorous life and seeing the raw, tender heart of a woman who felt deeply and feared being unlovable or inadequate. This aspect hints at a love that was not only passionate but also healing, seeking someone who could understand her wounds and love her all the more for them. Yet, this vulnerability made her heart an easy target for pain, a reminder of the courage it takes to love when you've been hurt before.
The trine with Lilith in her chart added a layer of complexity to how Marilyn loved. It was fiercely independent, wildly attractive, and somewhat rebellious. Loving her was like holding a flame: mesmerizing, warm, but impossible to tame. This aspect of her love life suggests she craved a relationship where she could be entirely herself, unapologetic, and free, even if it meant clashing with traditional expectations of love and partnership.
Reflecting on Marilyn Monroe's approach to love, it's evident that her heart was a battlefield of passion, optimism, vulnerability, and independence. Her astrological placements tell us a story of a woman who loved deeply, sought meaning in her connections, and yearned for a love that was as extraordinary as her life. She reminds us that to love and be loved is to navigate a complex landscape of emotions and desires, a journey that requires both bravery and an open heart. 
xox astro ash ✨ Get your own "Venus Love Style Reading" @ astroash.net
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moontrinemars · 2 months
Tenth Lord in Jupiter Nakshatras
Thanks for your patience in waiting for the next part of the series - I’m glad you guys are interested. As always, recorded for my own benefit, published for yours. General disclaimer is in my bio. Credit to KRSchannel for inspiring this post.
Find your 10th lord here, and find your 10th lord’s nakshatra here.
The 10th house rules our life’s honor. It represents the services we perform for society as well as the reputation we earn as a result. It is associated with the father and the career because traditionally, this is where both our standing in society and the role we performed in society would come from - inherited through the father’s family line. However, in our contemporary world, this isn’t always the case, which is why it’s important to know the grander themes at play.
The three Jupiter-ruled nakshatras are Punarvasu, Vishakha, and Purva Bhadrapada.
Jupiter is a planetary object that represents ascension, expansion, and union. It is the aspiration that guides us to our greatest heights, and the intangible whole comprised of all pieces, parts, and individuals. Channeling Jupiter means to take the role of the collective in our capacity as an individual, such as sharing our experiences to better the understanding of others, or discovering, exploring, and sharing universal truths that connect everyone. This is why Jupiter is associated with the partner. Venus is like the practical partner, who represents our own earthly values, but Jupiter is the soulmate, who allows us to ascend beyond the self, uniting physical with spiritual. Jupiter obscures, elevates, and enlightens, offering both afterlife and a life purpose.
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Audrey Hepburn, Amelia Earhart, and Kendrick Lamar all have their tenth lords in Jupiter ruled nakshatras. Audrey’s is in Punarvasu, Anne’s is in Vishakha, and Kendrick’s is in Purva Bhadrapda.
This placement produces an individual who is not content to engage with either their vocation or their society as a means to an end. These natives rather prefer to approach their public life, and the concept of the public itself often enough, as deeply meaningful and containing a higher purpose. Here you find individuals who shake up their industry by introducing cultures of open-mindedness and experimentation, as often as you find those who pursue their far-flung, lofty legacies at the expense of their health, relationships, privacy, and even life.
Jupiter's fame is more particular to how its influence manifests than to the amount of or method by which it was accrued. Whether you're looking at canon-defining classics, the celebrity of subculture, or the first individual of a certain kind to succeed in this or that field, you're looking at a Jovian native whose legacy serves to teach the public, and expand how the public defines itself. Of course, anyone can push boundaries, but these natives are most likely to be remembered for the barriers they break, and the lessons they taught in the process.
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Sharon Tate, David Beckham, and Halle Berry all have their tenth lords in Punarvasu. Others with this placement are William Shakespeare, Aretha Franklin, Amy Adams, J. M. Barrie, Debbie Harry, Al Gore, Alannis Morisette, Naomi Judd, Stephen King, Tony Curtis, Eddie Murphy, Gisele Bündchen, Werner Herzog, and Courtney Love.
Take public responses to your behavior personally, even finding it difficult to separate your identity from your reputation at first.
Are likely to be known for your professional value on an individual level, as a matter of skill, rather than as a team member or leader.
May benefit from a mentor who takes you under their wing, or may play such a role to new incomers to your field or workplace.
Count on your inborn charm to buoy you through scandal.
Transform your persona with age to appeal to new expectations.
Travel is an expected part of your job, and public service you perform in foreign places seems to leave a greater impact.
Early on in life, key marriages and romantic partnerships can interfere with your career and social status, or vice versa.
Engaging in social service, partaking in cultural traditions, and organizing society-wide events, is spiritually cleansing, and allows you to reintegrate your public persona and personal identity.
Others imbue you with moral authority you are not prepared to shoulder, potentially leading to unearned imposter syndrome.
A pattern of being publicly linked to 'someone else': a role you have played, a title you've been given, a superior who enhances your image, a teammate who steals your valor, etc.
PUNARVASU is the Star of Renewal. Industries and career types favored are those involving archetypes, exploration, drama, history, innovation, education, spirituality, relationships, care-taking, healing, delivery, narrative, articulation, influence, and transportation.
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Anne Hathaway, Usher, and Billy Idol all have their tenth lords in Vishakha. Others with this placement are Dodi Al Fayed, Steven Spielberg, Susan Sarandon, Winston Churchill, Giorgio Armani, Martin Luther, Patti Page, H. G. Wells, Martin Scorsese, Analeigh Tipton, Joel Coen, Megan Mullaly, Richard Strauss, CM Punk, Georgia O'Keefe, John Cleese, Monica Vitti, Ashanti, and Mary, Queen of Scots.
Naturally come to occupy positions of authority in the industries of your mastery, if not through literal rank than socially/morally.
May find yourself successfully introducing a new movement, genre, belief, or idea before it's celebrated by the mainstream.
Are generous in the world of public service, and will leave a legacy of having cared for and striven for the betterment of your society.
Know how to communicate your ideals and philosophies to a wide audience in a professional setting effectively, even artistically.
May be accused of elitism, pretentiousness, or arrogance, even when you try to cultivate an attitude of humility and modesty.
Your early professional life is beset with competition, or your chosen industry is somehow affected by martial conflicts.
Members of the public will interpret you either as self-indulgent and petty, or as austere and enlightened, with no in-between.
Opportunities for romance are plentiful for you in social and legal settings, but resulting relationships must be extricated from those wider contexts to establish a happy and healthy marriage.
Your boss often partakes in social drinking with his subordinates.
Jealousy is a common theme, whether you have a reputation for being jealous, others are jealous of and threatened by you, etc.
VISHAKHA is the Star of Purpose. Industries and career types favored are those involving research, politics, competition, speech, ideology, agitation, immigration, criticism, trade, exchange, leisure, intoxicants, production, leadership, personal branding, and style.
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Marilyn Monroe, Grace Kelly, and Sidney Poitier all have their tenth lords in Purva Bhadrapada. Others with this placement are Kurt Cobain, Laurence Olivier, Michael Jordan, Charles Dickens, Vincent Price, Armie Hammer, Franz Schubert, Gerard Way, John Steinbeck, Kurt Russell, Maya Angelou, Conan O'Brien, Bobby Driscoll, David Tennant, Jay Leno, Rik Mayall, Keri Russell, and OP.
Tempt others into rule-breaking and are tempted in turn by communities and livelihoods that circumvent or defy the law.
Signify a movement or change in social norms within your field.
Use your work to provoke others into changing their core beliefs.
Bring elements of the metaphysical, spiritual, transcendental, and philosophical into a more social and/or practical public setting.
Naturally uncover and grapple with a fundamentally darker side of public life and of the public in general, with too much exposure or attention more likely to pose a real, material risk to your health, security, or even life.
Your look, attitude, and/or impulses are easily congealed into an image or symbol, one that is powerful but restrictive, and your depths may be shunned by the public or authorities as a result.
Anyone who tries to take a conflict with you public will suffer serious consequences as a result, from either your own ferocity when tested, or organized backlash from others on your behalf.
Introduction through the professional and public sphere makes others magnetically attracted to you; however, those who would already be attracted to you are at risk of becoming obsessive.
The pursuit of a specific career or end-goal, specifically through higher education or founding of a philosophy, actually puts you in contact with more opportunities and generates more success in a totally different field or toward a different goal than you plan for.
One of the most rewarding and effective means by which you can perform public service is through contributions to education and community outreach through mentorship.
PURVA BHADRAPADA is the Burning Pair. Industries and career types favored are those involving ideology, sensuality, speculative genres, music, investigation, nature, spirituality, research, administration, promotion, conflict, subcultures, rhetoric, death, and crime.
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merry-andrews · 11 months
But what if in another universe, Kenshi stays in Yakuza with Johnny being his not-so-secret-celebrity-lover?!❤
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so... meeks with make-up (plus black nails in the study group scene) anyone?
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1uc0z4dee · 1 year
your skin so golden brown
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be young, be dope, be proud
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hxhhasmysoul · 22 days
Tagged by @iris-nonsense thank you 💙
Rules: list your top 5 albums from your top 5 artists (can't have a repeat of the same artist) on a poll, so your followers can vote which album they think captures your vibe the best
Tagging but only if you feel like it: @subdee, @ishouldgetatumbler, @faceless-dude, @trashsketch, @noname-nonartist, @yuujispinkhair, @yukisdomain, @yuujiheart, @whats-wrong-aniki, @twila-star
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marilynmysweet · 1 month
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h-doodles · 1 year
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Connection // Consumption // Possession is my way of Love & you are mine as i am yours, various - a web weave for it's quicker & easier (to eat your young) by @pinkcannibal 💖
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derangedrhythms · 1 year
What our bodies do / together is unprecedented.
Marilyn Hacker, Love, Death, and the Changing of the Seasons; from ‘Two nights without you is a little too much…’
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