zaevauhm · 2 years
Barcelona 1/4
this was actually the first thing I ever wrote` + english is not my first language + mentions of anxiety + 2.4k word count
it’s the first part to a 4 chapter story
‘’Do we have everything?’’ Anxiously, you looked up at your friend Layla. ‘’Yes, let’s go, we will be late, babe.’’ She replied, looking back at you from your bed. You could tell she was really trying to get through to you by the way her big blue eyes were staring you down. The two of you were sat in your bedroom, busy packing two small bags.
You were in desperate need of any sort of escape, the stress about more than one thing was really getting to you by now. Uni, work, not to mention your terrible mental health that seemed to even escape the notice of your closest friends. You were an absolute pro at hiding how you were actually feeling; it was getting scary by now. You were always the person that others leaned on, that others came to for help and support. Always the giver, never the taker. Just the fact that you had friends to begin with, was enough for you. Grateful nature is how you justified your actions to yourself.
It was a no brainer that when your mother, who you rarely saw, called for you to visit her and some other family members during a business trip in Barcelona, you didn’t spend much time thinking about it. It meant a drive of approximately 12 hours, and a week of being away. Good timing, you figured.
You made a call to one of your closer friends, asking her to go with you. Of course, as expected, she was beyond excited. You packed for your little getaway in under a couple of hours, and were ready to leave during the early morning hours. The trip would give you two some much needed time together to catch up and you’d be able to do some much needed stress relief.
Liege, Luxembourg, Lyon, Montpellier…
You’d spend a lot of time behind the wheel naturally, as a 2nd year motorsport engineering student, but for some reason this drive was different. You didn't want to slow down, and didn’t necessarily want to arrive quickly either. Your first long stop to eat wasn’t until you arrived at the very south of the somewhat cold country of France. Carefully you parked at a big gas station, letting out a yawn and grabbing your phone from the console to check some notifications, right before your breath got stuck in your throat.
‘’Are you okay?’’ Layla asked you as she noticed you started to look pale in the face.
You opened your work group chat after hours, or better said probably days of leaving it muted. Your eyes immediately fell on the PDF document that was sent by your boss not long ago.
F1 Winter test in Barcelona 23-25 February, 2022. It is February 22nd today.
‘’Uhm yes I’m fine, let’s go inside’’ you mumbled.
You ordered for both you and Layla. Somehow managing to speak a well-understandable French. The two of you ate, a pasta that felt like it was going to hurt your stomach later, but you two were never picky when it came to food, especially not during trips. Layla showing you the guy she was talking to this week, you laughed and finished up before you made your way down the stairs of the restaurant, walking back to the gas station.
Your car was filled up, your body stretched a little bit and your energy reloaded enough for the last push of the drive.
Before you got back into the car, you told Layla you’d go back inside the gas station to take an aspirin quickly. ‘’Just in case’’, you said.
Slightly worried, Layla nodded her head at you, while closing the passenger door of your car. She wasn’t stupid either. It was quite obvious something was going on in your head, even though you were laughing with her just a minute ago.
You left to the bathrooms that were located outside the building, opened WhatsApp again to be sure of what you just read. How could you be so stupid? You completely forgot about it. Was it a good or a bad thing, even?
It was only a while ago that you met the person who you’ve been trying to get out of your head ever since. You remember it so vividly, that one night.
You were sat inside of your car with your colleague and friend Alex. The drivers’ door open, looking down at your phone, waiting for the que that you two could go home. Meanwhile a lot of Marshalls were outside the gates of the Zandvoort circuit, waiting for everyone that was working on the track that day to exit safely.
Mechanics exited, team principals, trucks, engineers, marshalls, eventually drivers as well. A lot of men exiting would honk, wink, smile or try to get your attention in any other way. You remember how disgusting it made you feel. It was late, you were tired, most of the fans had already left. The cold Dutch air that kept flowing in your car was the only thing keeping you awake at that point. You saw fans screaming at Lando Norris, Carlos Sainz and Pierre Gasly. Some of them stopped to take pictures with them, you could see just outside the gates. Good for them, you thought.
You honestly didn’t bat an eye, you were never the type to care for famous people, even if they were F1 drivers. Even if your life constantly revolved around racing and working on the tracks. You figured it's nothing more than a nice feature on your student curriculum. Was that really the reason you started working there, though?
Your thoughts were irrupted when Alex smirked and poked your arm with his elbow. ‘’What?’’ You replied dryly, without bothering to look up from your phone, looking at a story Lewis Hamilton had posted hours prior. You were a complete mess when it came to him, you’d never dare to go near him in fear of literally fainting. That’s how big of a crush you had on him, he was your only idol, the only person you were looking up to. It felt like something completely childish to you, and besides, this was real life. Not some fairy-tale where everything would somehow be possible. He was nothing but a far, far away dream.
’’I think someone fancies you’’, he chuckles.
You look up to Alex and notice him looking past you, to your left. You turn, only to directly meet the eyes of Lewis Hamilton. There he was, in the actual flesh. He drove past you, as anyone else, on his way to the exit. The only difference is that he stopped. For a few seconds you exchanged the most electrifying eye contact you’d ever had in your life. He smiled at you, obviously knowing what he was doing.
‘’Get out and talk to him, this is your chance!’’ Alex shouted. You felt like your stomach had just dropped out of your body. You were perplexed, you couldn’t even think straight. Your mind going blank, and the only thing you could do out of shame, is looking away, you couldn’t afford him to see you while you didn’t even know what kind of facial expression to make. From the side of your eye, you noticed his smile disappearing, waiting for a few more seconds before finally driving off, leaving you behind. You never saw him again.
Even though it was an excuse to get some fresh air and think about what you’re going to do in Barcelona, you got some aspirins from the gas station and a bottle of water. Popped two and swallowed them quickly. You figured that remembering that night would eventually give you a headache anyway. You couldn’t quite believe what happened, even though it might have seemed like nothing to anyone else. That was a one in a million, gazillion chance that he would have been able to talk to you. There was no one around, except your colleague.
No cameras, no interviewers, nothing. Before you go all emotional you stop yourself there and man up. You exited the building to walk back to the car, figuring that you would see what to do with the information of you two being in the same place during the same time again once you get there. Knowing your friend all too well, though, you knew that she was just the right person to tell this to. But how? You were honestly ashamed for not being the strong, confident person everyone thought you were when it came to guys, especially in the eyes of your friends.
You lower yourself into the big, black leather seats of your white Mercedes, wanting them to swallow you whole at this point. Layla obviously looked right through your facade. ‘’You know you can tell me anything, right?’’
‘’Yes, I know’’ you replied. ‘’It’s just stupid, you’ll probably think I’m an idiot for even thinking about this’’. You sighed.
‘’I can literally tell something is bothering you, do I need to beat someone up?’’
You couldn’t help but let out a small laugh. You loved your friends; they would go to the ends of the earth for you. Sometimes you wonder what you did to deserve them, being so introverted in contrast to them.
‘’I think I might be in love with someone who is going to be in Barcelona, just like us’’. You spilled.
Layla looked at you more shocked than you’ve ever seen her before. With wide eyes, she couldn’t help but yell. ‘’YOU?!’’
‘’You’re in WHAT? HOW? WHO? How the hell am I just hearing about this now, you little….’’
‘’Well, obviously, you know, not in actual love, just-’’
‘’Hold on now.’’ Layla stopped you. ‘’Start from the beginning. Details.’’
She had every right to react like that, you were probably the last person to let out these words. You never had many crushes, or even boyfriends, despite all of the attention. The last time you were happily dating someone or being intimate must have been years ago. You usually kept to yourself when it came to these things anyway, but there simply hasn’t been much to tell.
‘’It’s nothing, it’s not going anywhere, it’s impossible…’’ you started, tone directly much lower, stopping when you noticed the crack in your voice. You felt so small all of a sudden, trying to push yourself back more in the seats of your car, as if you could somehow hide. You really didn’t want to admit to these feelings, not even to yourself.
‘’Who is it?’’
‘’Lewis Hamilton?’’ Layla replied, looking at you, furrowing her eyebrows.
‘’Yeah.’’ You dragged the word out, making it almost questionable, while looking down at your fingers that were resting on the bottom of your steering wheel.
‘’Why wouldn’t that work?’’ She surprised you. ‘’Have you seen yourself?’’  You knew she wasn’t lying to you, you were undeniably beautiful, if you had to believe others. Always being mistaken for some model or some instagram celebrity, especially at tracks. In all honesty, you could have easily passed for one, anyways. Your mental health and self-image would always be your biggest enemy, because even with the daily compliments you got, even from strangers, you would never see yourself like they do.
‘’Obvious reasons.’’
Everything spilled, you told her about your feelings, especially since Zandvoort last year. Layla was carefully listening to you. Nodding here and there, processing everything in her head. You could tell she was going to come up with some crazy solution that only she could think of, you truly loved her for this.
‘’But he noticed you in Zandvoort?’’
‘’Yeah, I guess. He saw me and stopped before I saw him’’.
‘’My god.’’
‘’Lay, what do you want me to do? DM him and say ‘’hey, I’m that blonde girl you’ve exchanged eye contact with somewhere a year ago, remember me?’’ It would sound ridiculous. He gets attention from girls on the daily, there is no way he would even remember me’’. You let out a deep sigh. ‘’But it’s just... I can’t shake him either.’’
‘’Look, it’s not going to be that hard. You’re going to that winter testing, and you’ll get to see him again. I’m sure of it.’’ Layla firmly spoke. ‘’We should go, I feel like we’ve been sitting here for hours, and you have someone to reunite you with,'' she says while squeezing your cheek softly with her fingers, earning a smile from you.
You noticed from that moment her whole focus shifted to you; she would be super selfless for the rest of the trip. You trusted her, and trusted that whatever was going to happen, it would somehow work out. All you really wanted was to get rid of the knot in your stomach, and the best person to help you achieve that goal was Layla. She is the type of person that doesn’t let anything she wanted slip away from her. A quality you appreciated more than ever before now.
It’s 8 PM, you’re still in the south of France, about 5 hours removed from Barcelona.
The rest of the drive was a complete blur, you were tired both mentally and physically, but the first sign that showed ‘’Barcelona’’ in big letters gave you a little bit of energy, as well as terrible nerves flushing through your body, keeping you awake.
You were happy to finally arrive to the hotel, calling a receptionist to send someone to take your bags, stepping out of the car in the middle of the somewhat warm night. You had missed this, the lit- up palm trees, the smell of the salty sea hitting you like you were tens of thousands of miles away from home.
‘’I’m so happy our hotel is right by the beach, bless the wallets of that family of yours’’ Layla joked at you laughing, as she also got out of the car to the sights of the Arts Hotel.
You giggled back at her. ‘’You’re welcome.’’ You didn’t come from a rich family, but certainly a wealthy one. Whatever you would have, you were more than happy to share with your friends. If you could take them with you, you would.
7 AM
Sunrays started to heat your face, as you turned around trying to desperately fall back into sleep. You felt fussy, drenched from the drive as nerves starting to hit you. You hated these types of mornings when the first thing you would feel was anxiety. Slowly moving your arm around to find your phone somewhere between the sheets, trying not to wake Layla. 7:01 AM. Already? Really? You thought. After closing the curtains when you got up to get some water, you slowly let yourself sink back into the big bed. Luckily, the next time you opened your eyes and check your phone 3 hours had passed, and you felt ready to actually start your day.
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kyurizeu · 1 year
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Also is it a coincidence that all if these r for jw🫢🫢
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
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allamericansbitch · 2 years
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happy new year everyone! last minute i decided i wanted to make this follow forever to show some appreciation for the blogs that i loved this past year and made my dash and experience on this site this year beautiful 💗. giving you all a big huge and forehead kiss. thank you all of you lovely people who made this year amazing and here’s to an amazing 2023!
@1989worldtour, @afragileline, @alltoowsll, @andtosaturn, @anywherethesedays, @bleachellaz, @bollyswood, @boniver, @buffysummers​, @bybdolan, @calmfolklore​, @cametotheshowinsd​, @cardiigan​, @carlytayjepsen​, @carpenter-sabrina​, @cellphonehippie​, @chriswevans​, @colorsinautumn​, @cruellesummer​, @demoncity​, @demonzplay​, @easiersthanlying​, @eclipsedsuns​ , @emmaduerrewatson​, @felicitysmoak​, @ferrisbuellers​, @georgesezra​, @gfradio​, @h-f-k​, @heystephen​, @highinfidelity​, @hotgirlsrk​, @hozierswift​, @idsb​, @inmysdreams​, @itwasntasingle​, @jakeperalta​, @jakeyp​, @jaylor​, @jonismitchell​, @lesbianswift​, @likeadevils​, @loveisbraveandwild​, @lovestory​, @madeline-kahn​, @melodramas​, @michaelwheelers​, @midastouches​, @midsummerknife​, @misswicklowsometimes​, @naiey​, @nessa007​, @newrcmantlcs​, @nowimhaunted​, @paramores​, @perfectplaces​, @petersevan​, @phoebesbridgers​, @piecesintoplaces​, @purpleswift​, @reputation​, @sadgirlautumn​, @selenastaylors​, @sersh​, @seventeengoingunder-archive​, @sheiscoming​, @sparkisfly​, @sparksflys​, @superscut​, @taylorswift​, @tayloralison​, @taylorisapuppy​, @taylorswifh​, @thatwasthenightthingschanged​, @thefancyshit​, @thehoax​, @thelasttime​, @thisdress​, @tolerateit​, @treacherous​, @trueloveistreacherous​, @tswift​, @urgeforgoing​, @userparamore​, @william-byers​, @youareonyourownkid​, @youfitinmypoem​
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shehungthemoon · 8 months
Ty for the tag @vera-dauriac! 💗It's been weeks with this in the back of my mind and I'm finally getting around to it (also bugs have been going around like wild, i hope those fluids worked quickly!)
Tag Game: 9 People You'd Like to Get to Know Better
-`♡´- last song:
fingertips by lana del rey
-`♡´- currently watching:
Waiting on the third episode of True Detective season 4 to come out tonight! ❄
-`♡´- three ships:
Ahhhh I'm not really OBSESSED with a certain 3 right now, so I'll just list the last 3 ships I bookmarked for on ao3!
Sonny Corleone/Tom Hagen from The Godfather
Trapper/Hawkeye from M*A*S*H
Marcus Keane/Tomas Ortega from The Exorcist (TV)
So we've got 70s mafia power plays, weird dramedy angst, and religious horror soulmates. Quite the list haha
-`♡´- favorite color:
Cool shades. At the moment, powder blue! 🩵
-`♡´- currently consuming:
Water + orange 🍊
-`♡´- first ship:
Probably percabeth from the PJO books!
-`♡´- relationship status:
single (much needed!)
-`♡´- film:
A favorite film? That goes to Christopher Nolan's Inception without a doubt! A lot of his work is special to me, including Tenet (which completely pulled the wool over our eyes and gave us a River Song lovestory with NO warning, tears were welling) and Interstellar (which as an astrophysicist it was NOVEL to see so much sci-fi accuracy on screen, and of course my physics grandfather Dr. Kip Thorne was a big consultant so I'm proud by proxy.)
-`♡´- currently working on:
Fandom wise, I'm finishing up a Green Lantern/Flash secret santa from dc comics! 🎅
Life wise, working on applications to get another degree. Phew 🤓🤪💀
Tagging: @adizzyninja @mihrsuri @scare-ard--sleigh @midnightestsun @dantaliones @billowypantss @ellena-asg @mirabilefuturum @sjwromanroy
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afriendstolovers · 1 year
Can you help me?
Hi! My name is Georgia, I'm from Brazil and I'm a huuuge swiftie. I'm usually quiet around here because I don't know anyone, but now I really need some help. Please read this.
As you probably know, just yesterday Taylor announced that she's bringing the Eras Tour to LATAM! Let me tell you: this was the best news ever!!! I can't believe it still. I don't think I'm going to move on from this anytime soon. I've been a fan of her since the 1989 era, when I was only 13, and ever since my affection and admiration for her has only grow and established itself in my heart forever. However, as much thrilled and excited as I am, I'm also distressed because I know that, for me, this is going to be hard financially speaking. That's why I need your help.
I'm 22 and I'm currently jobless. I live with my parents and my sister, and my dad is the only source of income we have. To be able to go see Taylor, I'm going to need to raise the equivalent of $500 and this is going to be very difficult since there's few to none people in my life that can help me. My entire family struggles with money and I even feel bad to ask for their help, but this is a dream. This is something I've been wanting for years. This is something that made me bawl my eyes out and that made it impossible for me to sleep properly these past days when everything was still just a rumor. My anxiety is hitting and I don't know what is going to be of me if I'm unable to go to one show.
I only have $20 saved and I'm willing to leave therapy so I can save some more money. I still have to talk to my father and see if he allows me to do this (and I need you to root for me on this!), which is going to be complicated. If he does not agree with my proposal, it's going to get even harder for me.
To make things clear, I need money so I can:
buy the concert ticket;
buy the airplane tickets.
I live in Rio Grande do Norte, a state that is far from São Paulo, and just the plain rides are going to cost something close to $260. There's also the in-betweens to worry about, but I'm focusing on what's more urgent right now.
I am willing to do anything to see Taylor because I know this is a once in a lifetime experience (especially for me, being Brazilian). I love her more than words will ever be able to explain. You guys know what I'm talking about, I'm sure you do. So if you can, please consider helping me with a donation. It will mean the world to me. And please reblog this so more people can see and maybe help too.
Thank you so so so much in advance. May the universe bless your souls!
Tagging my lovely mutuals: @kindofhaunted @iforgothatyouexisted @by-the-lakes @swifft @dancinginstarlights 💗 and some of my favorite blondie accounts: @coldasyou @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes @lovestory @calmfolklore @cruellesummer ✨ and these two: @taylornation @taylorswift 😘
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mikaelsrose · 8 months
The dramatic Lovestory of fae royalty, Niamh and werewolf, Cal Lowell will be remembered 😞 Never will they be forgotten ❤️🌹😘
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aww 💗 youre so sweet
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castiel-w1nchester · 2 years
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Our princess💗🥹 . . . . . . . . . Tags: #taylorswift #taylorswiftedit #memes #taylorswiftmemes #taylor #swifties #swiftie #fearless #taylorsversion #lovestory #midnights #swifteria #taylor #1989 #lover #reputation #speaknow #folklore #evermore #explorepage #edit #edits #jaylor #jayloredits #jaylormemes #jayloredit #taylena #selenagomez #selenators #selenagomezedits #theerastour (at The Eras Tour) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp9tfRqt2AL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yuujispinkhair · 2 years
I love the vampire Yuji x reader! but what if the roles were reversed👀 vampire reader x Hunter Yuji
Aww thank you!! I'm so glad you liked the fic!! 💗💗💗
Tbh I didn't consider a role reversal because I wanted to write vampire!Yuuji 😂😂 But I think he would be a regular hunter, not one who has that special way of hunting ;) He would hesitate to stake reader if she acted innocent and told him she doesn't drink human blood. After that it could either turn into a dark fic where she exploits the situation or it could become a lovestory about starcrossed lovers, the hunter and the vampire 😭
I’m not planning to write a version like that, though, I don't want to get your hopes up aaaahhh. I have another vampire story in the works with Sukuna, and after that my Halloween Special will be finished 😂
But maybe you will enjoy last year's Halloween fic with a rather twisted version of Yuuji: Sleeping Beauty
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taexual · 3 months
wrote a whole ass paragraph about sleepwalking, but then the app suddenly closed and it all went away ughhh fck my life 🫠
I'll try again, tho
sleepwalking has been my fav fav story ever since i found your blog on my tl, and this last chapter was no exception! the way you detailed their lovestory through the songs??? the way they were all laughing together, sharing those memories???? GOD it was sooo over for me... and then they confessed their feelings, and i swear i could feel my heart burning with love!!!
I'm really glad, Ara, that you decided to share this beautiful masterpiece with us! I'm sure I'll remember the lines from your story even as i grow older and start my own love life with my very own sweet, heart-eyed boy!
thank you again! i hope you feel loved wherever you are!!! I'll surely miss my favorite rockstar and his dream girl 💗
please ignore the typos its really late here and i might as well be sleepwalking while writing this
ily ily bye
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my love, thank you so much for still sending me this despite tumblr trying very hard to get in between our love 🥹🥹
i'm so grateful for you and i can't wait for you to start your own love story!! always remember if they don't have complete heart eyes for you, they do not deserve you!!! 🤍🤍🤍
and really, thank you for letting sleepwalking be a part of your life, i love you 🥹🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍
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💞 The #mostamazing 🌟 true #lovestory is #myown 💗 #prisonlove #governornewsom 🐦 #freemyhusband ✨️ (at Central California) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnuzrAfSwHJ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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deepaknaddu-blog · 2 years
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BETTER TOGETHER !! 🙂😇🔅🌙😍🥰😍🤩🌕🌺❤🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎❣️💕💞💓💗💖💘💝💟💔❤‍🩹❤‍🩹 #romantic #love #couplegoals #romance #instagram #bettertogether #instagood #photography #lovequotes #selflove #selflovejourney #like #follow #trending #status #beautiful #music #hosana #cute #loveislove #explore #bollywood #lovequotes #lovestory #sorted #loveyou #happy #loveyourself #loveislove #lovestatus #affection #relationshipgoals #lovestory (at Mohali, Chandigarh) https://www.instagram.com/p/CljXNOaprTT/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bubududuanimation · 3 years
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Follow for more post 👉 #bubududuforever❣️ #bubuanddudu #bubududu💗 #cute #lovestory #couplegoals #couples https://www.instagram.com/p/CX0J1t_Bul0/?utm_medium=tumblr
0 notes
1-800-iluvhockey · 2 years
ignore this if you don’t feel comfortable with this: ig edit of hughes sister & taryn tkachuk dating and the boys being supportive 💙
okay anon!! <33 ( first, I’d never never ignore you 💗, second…. I’d love to try my best to do this correctly!)
thank you for submitting because I love taryn!!!
and I love the opportunity to promote the lgbtq+ community (if anyone has a problem with it and or my beliefs on supporting on this blog, please take your negativity elsewhere! this is a safe space <33 )
If you feel uncomfortable, please don’t hate, just ignore & move on! my nommie requested this, and as a writer I wrote this with their ask in mind. They also asked me to do it IF I was comfortable, which was very sweet (and I am comfortable with this!) again, if you are not comfortable, just scroll and move on! please do not bring hate to the blog or post!!
- A
(all photos and storylines are work of fiction!!)
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liked by @jackhughes86 , @bradytkachuk , @lhughes_06 & others
y/nhughes - got to surprise my bestie!!! also (we aren’t just besties) #mygfgottheOTGWG #soproudofmygirl
tagged @/ taryntkachuk
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elblue06 - my heart melted a little at you two!! 💖🥺
y/nhughes - mom❤️
bradytkachuk - guess I’m not lil hughes’ favorite tkachuk anymore ://
↳ matthew_tkachuk - I was her favorite…… not you dimwit but welcome to the fam!!! (again) @y/nhughes
↳ y/nhughes - you two crack me up & thank you, very proud to be dating your sister <3
taryntkachuk - my bros are the best ^^ & yes I am so glad you came (I love you so much babe💗)
jackhughes86 - my heart just stopped not because of the relationship but the fact that I MISSED THE EPIC LOVESTORY?!
↳ lhughes_06 - you owe me $100, @jackhughes86
↳ quinnhughes_ - me as well, $100 @jackhughes86 ! but congrats baby sis I love you and we love this oh so much!!!
lhughes_06 - congrats twin!! <33 you two are so so cute! welcome to the hughes family (again) TT !!
↳ taryntkachuk - @lhughes_06 thank you for the extended welcome & allowing me to date your sister ;)
↳ y/nhughes - ur so cute tarrrrrr 🥰🥰 and thank you bros @quinnhughes_ & @lhughes_06 for the support!! ur love means oh so much to me!! (and the tkachuk’s / my gf’s as well!!) also sorry @jackhughes86 but you’re so slow some times bro 🤨
jackhughes86 - I cannot believe that I’m out $200 bucks and not even a “hi jacky I’m in love with taryn!” text message for your big bro! but I love you and your relationship regardless lol
↳ y/nhughes - thank you, stinky or that would be a really awkward convo to have over insta comments 😭
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liked by @lhughes_06 , @chantal_tkachuk , @matthew_tkachuk & others
taryntkachuk - best birthday present of all !! <33 #notjustbestiesanymore #promotedtogf #19 #wlw
tagged @/ y/nhughes
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y/nhughes - happy birthday to my favorite 💘 (and pretty girl)
↳ taryntkachuk - I love you and your cheesy dance moves 😋
bradytkachuk - happy birthday tt !! I love you and miss you (congrats on your gf again💗)
matthew_tkachuk - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TAR 👹💖 sending you love all the way from flametown
↳ taryntkachuk - u 2 are handfulls, but thank you 🤩
quinnhughes_ - happy birthday taryn!! hope our gift came in on time
↳ lhughes_06 - mine shipped in today!! happy nasty 19 T!!
jackhughes86 - happy birthday taryn! hope my little terror of a sister is treating you like a queen (I know she gave you that crown!) #nasty19
↳ taryntkachuk - oh she so is!! and as much as I love all of the gifts, your sister is the best gift of all <3
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liked by @taryntkachuk , @jackhughes86 , @elblue6 & others
y/nhughes - f the haters and be who you are !! #tiredofpeople’sbullshit #ilovetaryntkachuk #wlw #i’mreadingoutourhatecommentstoT
tagged @/ taryntkachuk
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taryntkachuk - awe guys she loves me 😁💕
↳ y/nhughes - I don’t put up with your bad renditions of tswift for nothing 😉
↳ taryntkachuk - the cuddles make up for the bad singing, baby !!!!
jackhughes86 - you tell them sis ‼️‼️ #taryn&y/nfanclub
↳ y/nhughes - thank you JJ :,)
bradytkachuk - 💅🏼
↳ taryntkachuk - BRADY I CANT EVEN WITH YOU 😭
matthew_tkachuk - tell ‘em off, periodt
↳ taryntkachuk - omgggg‼️
y/nhughes - I quit right now LMAO
y/nhughes limited comments
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liked by @lhughes_06 , @y/nhughes , @quinnhughes_ & others
taryntkachuk - angel y/n finally did something “rebellious” and dyed her hair brown…….. I may or may not be very in love with this woman and the brown hair just added to it #ilovey/nhughes #sheisinabrunettephaseanditshot #wlw
tagged @/ y/nhughes
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no taglist on this one, I do not want to offend anyone by tagging them in this! <3333
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samuraispirit365 · 3 years
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"Engagement marks the End of a Whirlwind Romance and Beginning of an Eternal Lovestory."
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✨ ✨  Spoiler ALERT  ✨ ✨
After the U23 Olympics in Madrid - Spain...
Jun Misugi x Yayoi Aoba ~A Long-Cherished Dream~
__ Background Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ILnc5xemY44
I want to be with you in the shining future,
In happy times,
and sad times too…
I'll stay by your side without hesitation
I want to hold onto you, to catch you,
and give you smiles…
Because you are here,
Today and tomorrow, I can keep on going……”  ℒℴѵℯ*¨*• ♡
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Jun & Yayoi starting a new life together in Hollands, with Jun playing pro soccer for AJAX AMSTERDAM while studying advanced medicine altogether. 👑✨
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It takes a REAL MAN to date n love a STRONG WOMAN and only her. Jun's scarred heart has belonged to Yayoi for 10 years. He is a man of very few words, but his Love for her is REAL and EVERLASTING. ♋️🦀💗🐠♓️ 
¨゚゚・*:..。o○☆*゚¨゚ HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY 2022 ¨゚゚・*:..。o○☆*゚¨゚
Special Tribute to the first and proven, most beautiful, intellectual power couple in Captain Tsubasa Universe, who have been through a lot of hardships together for 10 years (40 years in real life).
Thank you, Takahashi-sensei & KLAB.
**Anime Screenshot © Captain Tsubasa 1994.
**GIF from GIPHY.
**4th Fanart by a Japanese fan. Plz let me know his/her name in case you know.
**7th Fanart by OMI.
**8th Artwork © Milk & Mocha.
**Wallpapers Creator & Editor: ME - SamuraiSpirit365 a.k.a Indomitable Samurai Blue.
!!!!!! DISCLAIMER: I do not own the arts above, only the screenshots & wallpapers. Every single artwork belongs to their respective owner and this CT gallery of mine aims to be inclusive space to showcase some of the best works for completely NON-PROFIT and NON-COMMERCIAL purposes. Please do not hesitate to contact me shoud you have any questions or concerns. Thank you for your understanding.
^-^)/ !!!!!!
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3/ Serenity
4/ The TALE of Cedar Trees and Evergreen Leaves
6/ The Prince of Her Heart
8/ Because I LOVE YOU
9/ Autumn Heart
==>>> Click on the Images and Open them in New Tab for HD Quality. ;)
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dreamwritesimagines · 2 years
girl omg i just wanna say,,, no matter how much heartbreak both of them will get, i still believe that anthony and cherie will end up together like come on guys. hugh is a good man but i see anthony fitting for cherie since he's patient when with her but also adventurous and could teach her a lot of things. like you can see how different cherie is when he's with him and they're always challenging each other's minds and stuff.
and no, elias is not harsh for doing everything that he's doing right now. I'm the eldest sibling and the mom friend of any friend group that I'm in and people like us do not take hurtful events lightly so i do understand where he's coming from.
now for the million dollar question, how will they get back together? i think that a fling with hugh is nice but not endgame HAHAHA (im sorry). or maybe this is the time where Duke the father swoops in and tells her about their lovestory and how to cope with it.
but anyway, I'm still here for all the angst and everything in between!!!!! i really admire you as an author, dream!!! 😚💗
Omg awww this is so sweet darling! ❤❤
I think Anthony and Cherie have a dynamic that's much different than Hugh and Cherie and it's so interesting to me 😍❤
Elias is extremely overprotective when it comes to Cherie ❤
Anthony would have to go through hell and suffer for Cherie to even consider forgiving him 😈
Thank you so much for this! 😱😍❤
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castiel-w1nchester · 2 years
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Loverrrrrr💗 . . . . . . . . . Tags: #taylorswift #taylorswiftedit #memes #taylorswiftmemes #taylor #swifties #swiftie #fearless #taylorsversion #lovestory #midnights #swifteria #taylor #1989 #lover #reputation #speaknow #folklore #evermore #explorepage #edit #edits #jaylor #jayloredits #jaylormemes #jayloredit #taylena #selenagomez #selenators #selenagomezedits #theerastour (at The Eras Tour) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cp60yxQtDqH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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